#just doing that to torture you ❤
luveline · 1 year
𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
When Eddie asks you on a date, you don’t believe it. He probably meant as friends, right? Spoiler alert — Eddie wants to be more than friends, and he’s willing to prove it. [4k]
fluff, slight hurt/comfort, fem!reader, plus-sized!reader, reader feels undesirable, kissing, obligatory ‘don’t be cruel’ scene, eddie calls you pretty like ten times, requested here
Eddie has one of those smiles that screams trouble. Every time he looks at you with that smile he might as well have "I'm gonna break your heart," written across his forehead in tandem. 
You sneak a glance at him across the atrium. Eddie’s paused bussing tables to talk to a patron, his customer service voice in play with a matching smile. It isn't the one you mean, but it's bad enough to make you flush red-hot. You cross your arms over the bar, regret it for its stickiness, and let your head rest against the crook of your elbow. 
You've been working together for a long time now, almost six months, and he's your favourite coworker hands down. He cleans up after himself, he brings snacks that you never accept (lest you look like the greedy chubby girl you worry everyone expects you to be), and he talks to you like a real person.
It's horrifying and it's not fair, but being fat means that sometimes guys don’t want to look at you. They don't want to be in the same room with you, and you can tell; they avert their eyes, or simply don't talk to you directly.
You've never had that feeling with Eddie. He meets your eyes, unflinching, and he sends you one of those pretty smiles and you think Fuck, because he should've been a movie star, he has the cheekbones for it, or a rockstar like that band he's always raving about. He'd have a slim LA girl on both arms, no doubt about it. 
He likely wouldn't waste his time with you. 
Not someone pretty as he is. Sometimes he'll lean over and expose the flat stretch of his stomach, his v-lines and the dark trail of hair peeking above his jeans, and you feel acutely miserable 'cause you know you'll never get to touch him. Workplace crushes suck. 
"Hey, are you okay?" a voice asks, a hand dropping against your shoulder. 
You pull yourself up quickly. Speak of the devil, Eddie stands beside you with his hair tied away from his face. He looks more entertained than concerned, his smile unfortunately genuine. 
"I'm fine," you say, stepping back. His hand falls away from your shoulder. "Sorry, just tired." 
Eddie leans into your space, squinting. You freeze up, but he's only checking the time on the clock behind you. "Gotta tough it out. Still an hour and a half 'til closing." 
Which means there's more than two hours of your shift left. Your face must show how unexciting that is —Eddie laughs, warm and quiet, and gives your hand a squeeze. 
"You'll live," he promises. "Are you busy tonight? Maybe we could go get pizza or something." 
"What, nobody else is available?" you ask. 
His head juts back a touch, put upon shock. "And why can't I ask you? I like you and I like pizza, that's a good combination. And even if you don't like me that much, you like pizza, right?" 
You know —you know, you do— that Eddie doesn't mean it as a slight. This isn't some thinly veiled insult on how you look. Why wouldn't you like pizza? Most people do, but his comment twists itself into an evil inky ball in your chest anyways, thick and hot as tar. 
You shake it off. 
"Who says I don't like you?" you ask, steering the conversation away from food altogether. 
His smile gets somehow better, which is to say worse. You're being punished for something, a childhood wrongdoing or a future crime, perhaps. Nothing else could warrant the mental torture that is being so close to him while he looks the way he does. 
"Good. Good, then we should get pizza. It's a date," he says, nodding. 
Morgan the shift manager calls for him to stop distracting you, though the Hideout is abandoned tonight, and there's nothing to distract you from. Eddie stands at full height, with a soldier's salute. "Yes, sir. No more lollygagging." He turns to you when you laugh, and you share a secret smile. 
He and Morgan disappear into the back of house. If you strain your ears, you can hear Eddie complaining about having to keep his hair in a bun, as it's totally against what he stands for, dude, it's stifling his self expression. 
"Count yourself lucky I don't make you wear a hair net, kid," Morgan says.
You turn back to your sticky bar, numb. It's a date? Did he mean, like, an actual date? A romantic date? 
Not a chance in hell. It's a colloquialism. Nothing more. 
Despite yourself, you stare into the silver reflection of a beer tap and try to liven up. You fix your hair, check your teeth, dig a lip balm out of your apron pocket and scratch the corners of your mouth just in case. The entire time you're heckling yourself about delusions. Eddie Munson doesn't like you. He's had a girl come around once or twice, and she'd been everything you're not: slender, confident. You'd wanted to dislike her, but she hadn't done anything wrong. There's no crime in being desirable. 
For the remainder of the night, you man the bar and serve the occasional patron. It's a Sunday night, so most stick to light beer or soft drinks. The live entertainment says goodnight and the Hideout empties like an opened floodgate. You clean the bar, Eddie buses the tables, and the kitchen staff turn on the radio and get to work cleaning. Soon, you can smell cigarette smoke and reheated mozzarella sticks. 
You wander into the kitchen to help. 
"Hi beautiful," Leon says, one of the cooks, "you want something to eat?" 
"No she does not!" Eddie says, helping the dishwasher Marcie with her last round of plates. Suds drip down to his rolled sleeves as he waves his hands around. "We're going to get pizza." 
"Yes!" Marcie says, delighted. 
"Where are we going?" Paul asks, another cook. 
"We," Eddie says, pointing at you and then himself, "are going to Marletto's. Yeah?" 
You startle when you realise he's asking you. "Oh, sure. Anywhere you want." 
His head bobs up and down, pleased. He goes back to his dishes. "Anywhere I want," he murmurs to Marcie, though he's saying it for everybody to hear, "hear that, Marc? I'm spoiled." 
You wipe down a few counters, label some leftover iceberg lettuce and put it back in the fridge. It's easy work, made better by the camaraderie of your coworkers, but you can't settle down. Your heart races at what's to come. "It's a date," is starting to feel less colloquial now Eddie's dissuading the other from joining you. That's how that works, right? He wants to be alone with you.
It might not mean anything. Maybe Eddie needs something from you he doesn't want the others to know about, like money. Maybe he wants girl advice, finally chasing that pretty girl who drops by sometimes. Or boy advice —there's a guy who comes around too, tall and blond and handsome. 
There's a logical solution. Any other girl would hear the word date and take it at face value, but you aren't them. You're you. You can't remember the last time somebody looked at you with desire in their eyes, if they ever have. High school was a shit show and work isn't exactly a hub for romance. Eddie joining the team here is the most excitement you've ever had in your life, for all his gentle squeezes and teasing elbows, his inside jokes and his tendency to burst into an air guitar solo at any given moment. He's a cheeseball, and you like him. It sucks. 
"Hi, are you ready?" he asks, coming out of nowhere. You're kneeling down near the lockers tying your shoelaces. 
It is a horrible position for him to see you in. You can't imagine what you look like, but you know it won't be pretty. You spring up with your shoelace untied still and smile weakly. "Yeah, I'm ready." 
"You need help with that?" he asks, eyes on your shoe. 
You burn with embarrassment. "I– no, I–" 
Eddie kneels down on the floor and reaches for your shoe. He ties it quickly in a double-knotted bunny-loop and pats the side of your ankle when he's done. When he looks up at you, you're in the middle of hoping a natural disaster will occur and put you out of your misery. 
He smiles at you from his position. Does he ever stop? 
"Cool," he says, standing up. He grabs his coat from his locker and doesn't bother closing it. "Let's go! I'm starving, man, Leon needs to mess up more often so I can steal the rejects." 
You follow him in a daze. Through the lockers and out of the kitchen, waving goodbye to the lingering closers and a grimacing Morgan. You aren't looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow. You're more than sure he'll have something to say about workplace fraternising and general dawdling. 
"You okay for us to take the van?" he asks. 
Eddie's given you rides home before, and what felt awkward before has lended itself to a familiarity. You nod your agreement and cross the small parking lot out back, your breath rising in the cold night air. 
Eddie pulls open the passenger door of his van with a strong-armed tug. 
"Been meaning to get the latch looked at. I'd rather it have trouble opening than trouble closing, though, so that's a plus." 
He waits for you to climb the short step and sit before he closes the door. 
“All limbs inside the ride?" he asks. 
You laugh. It comes out weird. You kind of sound like you're being held at gunpoint. 
Eddie gets in the van and makes small talk as he starts the engine and pulls her out of the lot. Your mind isn't there, exactly, or rather it's too close. You want to think about your answers but instead you're worrying about how you look while you say them. You're worried about the seat belt around your stomach, and the way you look from the side. Being around Eddie makes you more self-conscious than usual. 
Marletto's isn't the best pizza place in Hawkins but it's open until three AM. You and Eddie take the first empty booth you come across, and the agony of ordering in front of someone else begins. 
"Meat feast for me, obviously," he says, pulling off his jacket. 
The cracked vinyl seat beneath him crunches with his movement. You dedicate yourself to staying still. 
"I'll get a margarita," you say, glancing between him and the menu for his reaction.  
"Didn't take you for such a bore," he teases. "Drinks? Sides?" 
"Just water will be fine." 
"Are you sure? I'm paying. If you wanna take advantage of me, now's the time."
You shake your head, pushing your cold hands under your thighs. 
Eddie frowns. "If you're sure…" 
He gets up to track down the register. You sit there, wondering why you agreed to this, what possessed you, why you could ever think this was a good idea. You don't wanna eat in front of him, you don't know what to say, he's looking at you like everything's normal but this is so not normal, this is the opposite side of the spectrum. 
Eddie returns with your water and a coke, all smiles despite your clear nerves. 
He puts the drinks down and clambers into the seat with a leg folded underneath himself, his elbows halfway across the table. He looks you straight in the face. 
"That guy just looked at me like I was crazy. I'm hungry, sue me. Three orders of mozzarella sticks is a normal human thing to get, right?" 
"Three?" you ask. 
His hand reaches toward you. If your hand were there, he'd likely squeeze it roughly as he sometimes does, like a playful scolding. "I'm hungry," he repeats. "I didn't get any lunch on my lunch break. What's the point in that? Just sat down in the locker room thinking about it. It was actually worse than working." 
"You should've had Leon make you a burger. He's always offering." 
"Always offering you, maybe. The rest of us gotta fend for ourselves." 
"That's not true. He asks Marcie, too." 
"Yeah, well, Leon's a sucker for pretty girls." 
You look down at the table. 
"I got enough fries for both of us, I know you didn't want any sides but everyone wants fries. I won't be sharing the mozzarella sticks, so if you want some you better speak now." He raps the table with his knuckles. When you look up, his face softens. "Well, alright. Maybe I'll share them with you. I'm a sucker, too." 
"What's that mean?" 
"You know what," you say. 
Eddie crosses his arms across the table. His hands and arms are pale, the ink of his black tattoos stark. You could draw them without prompting, that's how often you've fallen into his trap. When he crosses his arms like this, his biceps bulge up a little bit, emphasising the pretty curves and ridges of his arms and the hints of greeny-blue veins hiding under his skin. He tilts his head toward his shoulder, his limp curls dragging against the table. 
"It means…" he says, holding your eyes, a gentle smile playing on his lips, "that you're pretty. You're so pretty, I'd do anything you asked me to." 
You flinch. You pull your numb hands from under your thighs and cover your stomach with your forearms, glaring at the table between you thoughtlessly. 
"That's cruel." 
"That's cruel, Eddie. You're being mean," you mutter.
"I–" Eddie stammers. "What? I'm just trying to tell you how I think about you– how I feel. I'm sorry if you don't wanna hear it, I'm not trying to be mean." 
Hurt creeps into the lines of your face, your eyebrows pulled down and the starts pulled up, your lips pursed. Heat bursts in your throat as a molten lump takes shape there. You don't trust yourself to speak, but you have to. 
"I thought you were my friend," you say quietly. 
"I want to be more than that." 
"You're making fun of me." 
Eddie reaches across the table again. There's nothing for him to grab so he spreads his fingers and presses his palm flat. He ducks his head to meet your gaze. His eyes are ridiculously big, the black of his pupils blown and leaching into his dark irises until they're almost indistinguishable in the fuzzy lighting of the restaurant. 
"Come on," he says quietly, "when have I ever done that to you? I mess around, but I wouldn't say shit like that unless I meant it." His fingers lift off of the table. "I mean it. I think you're beautiful." His voice takes on a raw quality. 
You bite the tip of your tongue, fully frowning now. "I don't believe you," you say. 
"Why not?" he asks, frowning back. 
"Because I'm– I'm– I'm fat." You hate yourself for saying it out loud. 
People hate that word. Usually, if you admit to it, there's a rushed response. No, you're not. Pretty friends talk you down, loved ones wrap an arm around your shoulder and harp about puppy fat or big bones. 
Eddie doesn't do either. He sits back in his seat and smiles hesitantly. 
"Why's that a bad thing?" he asks. He shakes his head at himself. "I mean– I'm sorry, I should've said you aren't, you aren't–" 
"No, I am," you say. 
"You're so pretty," he says again, in a rush. "I don't care what size you are, I really don't. I just think you're beautiful and I wanted to ask you on a real date but I saw you and I couldn't wait anymore." He wraps his hand around the neck of his coke bottles and pulls it towards his chest. "Shit, I've made a huge fucking mess of it." 
You lean forward. Your body doesn't know what to do, the whiplash of hurt smothered by his enthusiastic, sincere compliments.
Why's that a bad thing? means more than anything else he said to you. 
"You really think I'm pretty?" you ask timidly. 
"Drop dead," he says. Hope flickers behind his eyes. "Morgan pulled me aside on my second week, you know that? Said if I didn't stop staring at you he'd put me in the back for the week." 
"He did put you in the back," you say, confused. 
Oh. You raise your head properly. Eddie's watching you, just you, obviously waiting for you to speak. The hope on his face is clear as day now, his lips parted, the tiniest peek of his tongue on display. 
"You promise you aren't messing with me?" you ask finally. 
"I promise." He holds his hand out, palm up. "I swear." 
Your heart a hummingbird, you take your hand from your waist and put it carefully in his. His fingers curl around yours like a prince, the tip of his thumb rubbing over your knuckles slowly, half an inch at a time. You exhale out of your nose as goosebumps race up your arm. 
He looks like he has more to say, but the pizza and all his sides arrive. You spring apart like teenagers, blood rushing in your ears. The server unloads his tray.
"Alright guys," he says, looking down at you both with a knowing smile. "Anything else I can get you while I'm here?" 
Eddie sneaks a look at you that holds way too much meaning. "No, I think we're alright." 
There's a tiny, awkward silence. You busy yourself with unfolding a napkin over your lap, not sure what to say to bridge the gap. 
Eddie takes the plunge. 
He slides a basket of mozzarella sticks at you. "Pretty girl privileges," he says.
You feel insecure eating in front of him, but the sheer ferocity of his compliments discourages any shame. He thinks you're pretty. He held your hand like it was made of glass and he got put in Hideout jail for staring. 
"I think you're handsome, too," you say. 
Eddie almost chokes on a handful of fries. "Shit," he says, swallowing roughly, hand thumping at his chest. "Thank god for that. I mean, of course you do. My devilish good looks are hard to resist." 
He's not wrong. 
Getting put on kitchen duty isn't half as bad as Morgan seems to think it is. Eddie kind of likes it, the noise, the chaos, the heat. Plus, he can steal fries hot and fresh out of the basket. He's only burned himself once. 
"What're you in for?" Leon asks him.
"You're a freak, Munson, you know that?" 
Eddie shrugs. "If your girlfriend looked like mine, you'd stare too." 
"Uh-huh." Leon grabs up a spatula to flip a burger, pink meat down and brown side up. Fat sizzles dangerously. Neither man flinches. "She ain't going nowhere." 
"You don't know that. Some rockstar might blaze through here and snap her up. Who would I be to stop her? She should be a trophy wife, she's a stunner." 
"Christ," Marcie says from across the room. 
"How the fuck can you hear us?" Eddie asks. Over the sound of the overhead spray and the sizzle of the burners, Marcie must have superpowers or something. 
"Uh, 'cause you're fucking yelling," she says. 
Eddie looks to Leon for some defence, but Leon agrees. "You are super loud." 
"You would be too–"
"If I had a girlfriend as pretty as yours," Leon says, audibly grouchy. "I know." 
"Don't be jealous that I got there first." 
"How is this fair? You get in trouble and I'm the one punished." 
Eddie blows a big breath out of the corner of his mouth, one of his shorter curls dancing away from his warm face. Ridiculous. They're all awful, and jealous, and nobody wants him to be happy. "Losers," he mumbles. 
He's kidding, mostly. He knows that everyone is actually very happy for the both of you. How could they not be? Eddie's happier than ever and you've turned to mush. It's his favourite thing in the world. 
He thought you were pretty before. These days, you're gold dust incarnate. You see him and smile like you've been waiting for him, no more nervousness (which, he found out, was down to a raging crush on him) (he walked on air for days), no more shying away from his touch. Eddie puts a hand on your shoulder and you don't tense; you melt. Butter in the sun. 
It's glorious. 
And sure, Eddie ends up in the brig a lot. He 'hovers' apparently. So what? He'll say it again, if any of these guys were in his shoes, they'd fall victim to the same compulsion. 
He waits for an opportunity to arise, four dinner tickets and a dishwasher disaster, and sneaks away as silently as he can manage, creeping out of the kitchen and to the bar. You're busy pouring a beer and don't notice him until the customer's left and he's wrapping an arm around your waist. 
"Eddie," you scold lightly, leaning forward to accommodate his weight against your back, "come on. You might actually lose your job." 
"They can't fire me. I'm the best bus boy ever." 
You turn your face to look at him. Eddie wants to put you on TV, you look that sweet. 
"No, you're awful, you," —Eddie interrupts you, leaning down for a quick chaste kiss— "distract me, and you," —he steals a second— "don't actually bus tables when you should," you finish, disjointed. 
He brings his hand to your soft cheek, stroking a badly behaved baby hair back into place. You go lax like he's some kind of quick fix drug, and your eyes contain a tenderness that makes his chest ache. He covers his heart with his hand. 
"You're awful," you murmur. 
He takes your face into both hands slowly. One cups your cheek, and the other slides behind your ear. He pulls your face forward and down toward his chin, his lips by your ear. You smell amazing. His eyes close on instinct.
"A little. It's not my fault. You're just–" 
"So pretty?" you ask. "Yeah, you've told me." 
"I have, have I? Have to let me tell you again." He kisses the skin before your ear, more a press of his lips than anything. "You're beautiful," he mouths. 
You shiver, but ultimately end up planting your hands against his chest and ushering him away from you. 
"Stop it. I mean it! We're in public, at work, and you're gonna mess me up." 
"I want to mess you up," he says easily. 
"I know you do." 
Eddie sighs, agonised, but heeds your warning. "Alright," he says, squeezing your shoulder in goodbye. You smile and squeeze his elbow in return. It's your new thing, silent conversation in fond touches. 
He's a couple of feet away when the urge to turn back is too much. He jogs back to your side, gets his hand behind your neck, and kisses you with enough pressure that your lips part underneath his in shock. He adores the side of your neck with his thumb one sweeping stroke at a time, his nose digging sliding against yours as he inches in further, and further. The dizzy pleasure of your lips can't be understated. Eddie fights back a kiss-ruining smile with all he's worth. 
"Sorry," he says, pulling back. Your lips shine and you blink, dazed. "Sorry," he says again, leaning in to kiss them dry. 
You laugh quietly, a breath against his cheek, and he's a goner, dropping pecks all over your pretty face until you're giggling and sinking into his arms. 
"I really am sorry." He punctuates with a kiss under your jaw. 
"No," you say breathlessly. Your hand twines loosely in his hair. "You're not." 
No, he isn't. He's never felt less sorry for anything in his life. 
thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please consider reblogging, it helps more than you know!! <3 
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vanilladove · 10 months
❤︎ ₊ ⊹ get free (2/3)
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pic creds luvpngs | gif creds akashi-tetsuki
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: asylum patient!nikolai x asylum attendant!fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: smut w/ plot + some dark elements; 18+ only pls!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: smut/nsfw, slight mentions of torture + drugging, manipulation, violence/abuse, unhealthy relationships, infidelity (mutual😋), slightly yandere!delulu!mean! :( nikolai, dubious consent
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: your asylum patient has been taken in for questioning, and you learn a shocking fact. however, after an emergency call, you're left alone with nikolai again. dangerous? yes. but even more, tempting... ˚₊‧꒰ა read pt 1 & pt 3 & bonus (bad ending) ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ word count: 7.1k
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His heterochromatic eyes were boring into your soul.
Well, not really. It wasn't like he could see you through the one-way privacy glass of the interrogation room, even though you could still see every expression on your patient's face.
Still clutching his book, you sat next to the security guard on a bench outside the room. You could feel the pit in your stomach get deeper with each minute, anxiously waiting for the boss to arrive.
We were definitely caught. What's going to happen now? To me? To Niko--
"Sorry for the wait. I hope it wasn't too long, dear." You looked up shakily as you heard a familiar sigh from your husband.
You were just about to confess everything then and there until you looked up at his face, which was surprisingly calm and almost...concerned? Your husband reached down to hold your hand, "He didn't hurt you, did he? I can't believe you had to watch over a monster like that. Seriously, who would've known Gogol would put on a whole act. I--" You tuned out his words after that, completely confused. What was he rambling on about? Was Nikolai actually right about the camera blind spot?
Calm down. Just act oblivious.
"Wha-what are you talking about? What's going on?" You questioned, trying not to sound suspicious. Your partner stopped his rant, shooting a quick look at the guard, who raised his eyebrows and got up to leave the leather bench. Your husband took a seat next to you, clasping his hands together and looking down at the floor.
"For five weeks, we've been finding pills randomly in different trash cans throughout the facility. I thought it was an accident at first, but then I remembered that Gogol was admitted five weeks ago, and the pills that were thrown away were the same ones being administered to him."
"So? Was it really necessary to do all this? We've dealt with uncooperative patients before." You glanced back at the glass screen, jumping a bit when you saw Nikolai up against the glass, his hands pressed on the surface and gazing at you intensely. He had an unnerving smile on his face and was waving at you like a child. You shivered lightly, trying not to scream out in shock, causing your husband to look up in your direction.
"Tch. That wasn't all; there was this letter, too." He said, unfolding a piece of paper and handing it to you, roughly turning your head around--away from Nikolai--and hitting the glass with a glare.
You stared at the letter confusedly, looking at the mix of Russian, Ukrainian, and some sort of secret code. "What's this supposed to mean?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Translators couldn't decode it at all. All they made out was that it was addressed to a 'Dos' and mentioned the facility, someone named 'Dove', and 'escaping'". Your eyes widened at that. Nikolai wrote a letter to someone? But when? Who were "Dos" and "Dove"? Wait, was that supposed to be...
Your husband standing up interrupted your thoughts. "Anyways, I'm going to get him to fess up. He's clearly plotting something. Can't trust a global terrorist." He gripped your hand tightly, unlocking the door and dragging you into the interrogation room, several guards trailing in behind you.
Nikolai gazed up excitedly at you once you walked in, only to be held back by several guards and restrained by a strap harness. Upon noticing that, your husband stepped in front of you--a measly attempt at covering you from Nikolai's gaze--and spoke sternly. The jester frowned in response.
"Gogol, do you want to explain why you've been throwing away your prescriptions across the facility?" Nikolai only tilted his head cutely to the side, trying to move to see you.
"My meds? Well, it's quite obvious, actually," he smiled tauntingly, "I don't need them. I'm perfectly sane. Ask your wife if you don't believe me." The boss clenched his fists at that and signaled for the guards to point their guns at Nikolai's head, making him laugh mockingly.
"Fucking freak. You're far from it..." Your husband muttered under his breath, reaching for the letter in his lab coat and unrolling it in front of Nikolai, whose eyes lit up upon seeing it. "We found this in the mailing room. Care to translate it? Who're 'Dos' and 'Dove'? Two of your criminal accomplices? And you mentioned 'escaping'? Hah. You don't really think you could leave one of the world's most secured facilities, do you?"
You cringed at that. You could tell he was trying to intimidate Nikolai, but it clearly wasn't working; the jester only yawned boredly in response.
Sighing, Nikolai answered, "Dos is a dear friend of mine--no, maybe my only one--and Dove..." he paused to stare intensely into your fleeting eyes, "Dove is my lover. I want to escape with her." His eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled at you.
You felt your heart skip a beat at his comment, putting together that "Dove" was you. Making you Kolya's...lover? You blushed at that, not hearing your husband's angry scream or seeing him stomp up to Nikolai and grab his shirt roughly, shaking him and demanding to know the content of the letter.
"Hmmmm....what my letter says? Who knows? I guess I must have wrote it in a frenzy, y'know, because I'm crazy and deranged." Nikolai said, the old dark, unreadable look in his eyes. "Say, can I have lunch first? I'm hungry and can't think straight."
Your husband lost it at that, winding up and punching Nikolai across the face, shocking the guards. Now back to the present, you ran to Nikolai, pulling your spouse back and yelling at him.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing? Losing your cool and punching a patient? Just let it g--"
A sharp pain hit your stomach and lower back as you felt a blow to your front, causing you to collide with a chair behind you. You wheezed from the impact, looking up to see your husband breathing raggedly, his hands coiled into fists, and Nikolai with widened eyes full of concern.
"Dove!" Nikolai yelled out, regretting it instantly when your husband glared at him; the pieces clicking in his head. The security guard from the library rushed to your side, helping you up and guiding you out of the room. You tried to resist, but it was hard with your head throbbing from banging against the chair. All you could hear faintly before being dragged out was your husband threatening Nikolai more for answers.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You sat with an ice pack on the bench outside, head still spinning. Struggling to keep your eyes open, you peaked into the glass window. However, before you could look in, a bright, blinding light flashed, followed by a maniacal laugh from…Nikolai?
Electroshock treatment. Were they trying to get a confession out of him?
You could only cover your ears as the laughter got louder, mixed in with his occasional tortuous screams and angry shouts from your husband. Pressing yourself further into the bench and wall, the strong scent of artificial peony attacked your senses, forcing you to look up and meet Lacey's eyes. What was she doing here? Did she just come out of the interrogation room?
"Miss, I have some news for you," You peaked your head out of your arm enclosure, uncovering your ears and looking at her, "You're off for tomorrow. Gogol's been declared a dangerous threat, so he's going to be handed off to the boss and security. You'll be seeing your normal patients again, so please take the time in between off. I'm sure today was traumatizing for you." Lacey held your hand, stroking it like she was trying to console you. You could see the forced pity in her eyes; she was just one of your husband's loyal subordinates, after all. Knowing it was fake, you stood up and slapped her hand away, wobbling from your balance being thrown off.
"Thanks, Lacey. I'll try to relax a little." You turned away before pausing, feeling lightheaded, “You wouldn’t mind walking me to my office, would you? I need to grab my stuff first.” Lacey nodded, throwing your arm around her shoulder and helping you walk unsteadily towards your office. Even though the noises of torture and occasional bright flashes in the background made your stomach churn, and you really just wanted to run back and save Nikolai, you could barely stand up straight in your current state. You were going to process your thoughts, get an ice pack and some painkillers, and wait it out away from the scene.
You couldn’t leave yet. You had to see Nikolai one more time before you left.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It had been eight hours since the interrogation room incident. Luckily the painkillers had knocked you out, so you'd just woken up from a peaceful nap on your office couch. Fixing up your hair and appearance, you picked up your phone and squinted from the lighting.
11:47 PM.
Everyone except for security had gone home for the night. You checked your notifications but saw nothing from your husband. No sort of apology, check-in, or questioning to ask you why you weren't home yet. What could you really expect, though? This was the man who'd just hit you at work in front of others. Feeling sick from remembering the day's events, you forced your phone back into your dress pocket and walked out of your office. Moving cautiously to not get caught, you headed towards the white ward.
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Scanning your key slowly, you walked into Nikolai's room. There weren't any guards present, likely since they assumed he'd been immobilized from the electroshock treatment--there was no doubt the boss had gone overboard with his torture.
After you quietly shut the door behind you, you made your way to the bed carefully, reaching around in the dark room. Your hand finally found the night lamp on the dresser, reaching around to find the switch. Chills ran down your spine as you felt cold fingers brush against your hand and lead you to it. The dim light turned on and illuminated the figure next to you.
"Dove? You came back for me?"
You almost jumped back after hearing Nikolai's hoarse voice. The warm light enveloped him, the shadows reflecting off the curves of his face and intensifying his gaze. He was sitting up properly, almost like he hadn't been tortured a few hours ago and this was some regular midnight visit. Like he'd been expecting you.
"N-Nikolai...Wha--I--I came to check on you." Nikolai's eyes widened at that, and he blushed with a small smile on his face.
"Ahhhh, that so? Well, I still feel like shit." Nikolai winced in pain as he slowly sank back down into the bed, laying down and turning to the side to face you. The light was fully on him now, and you could see some light bruises on his face from where he'd been punched and roughly handled. The sight made you frown. What a shame his pretty face had been wounded, by your coworkers nonetheless. You knew it wasn't your fault, but you felt like you had to apologize.
You pulled up a stool next to the bed and sat down awkwardly. Nikolai cut you off as you were about to open your mouth, reading your intentions. "Don't say sorry, myla. Besides, this was probably divine punishment for my past actions. Sadists get punished by sadists, I guess? Not that I care much about or regret what I've done". His green eye glowed after he said that, but he quickly perked up after seeing your semi-horrified, semi-concerned face. "It was fun though, really. Nothing I haven't gone through before..." He tried to laugh a bit but quickly cringed again from the soreness.
Instinctively, you reached out but quickly pulled your hand away after remembering why you came in the first place. Reaching into your coat pocket, you pulled out The Overcoat, "I brought your book. So you don't get too bored." You smiled sadly to yourself, "I don't know if we can be seen together much anymore. I though this would help."
Nikolai bitterly laughed at that, the situation sinking in. "You came all this way to give me my book...You're silly, ptashka. I can't even read it." One glance at him confirmed his statement: he could barely keep his eyes open.
"Read it to me," he said huskily, reaching one of his hands out and stroking your cheek, "Stay here and read to me until I fall asleep. Unless you'd rather sleep next to me, hehe~" Nikolai teased, outlining your lips with his thumb. The action caused you to blush.
"N-no--I'll read to you..." you stammered, bringing his hand down to your lap and opening the book. He giggled seeing your flustered reaction and with some of the little strength he had left, he laced his fingers with yours and gazed at you lovingly.
You smiled warmly at him, opening the book and starting, "In the department of -- but it is better not to mention the department. There is nothing more irritable than departs, regiments, courts of justice, and, in a world, every branch of public service. Each individual attached to them nowadays thinks all society insulted in his person..."
You'd gotten twenty pages in before Nikolai finally dozed off; you could tell by the way his grip on your hand slacked up. You closed the book and moved his hand back to the bed slowly, careful not to awaken him. The lamp rays cast a warm glow on Nikolai, softening up his tense features. His fluffy bangs fell across his face, almost making you laugh because of how perfect and prince-like he looked--just like the first time you saw him.
You pulled the covers over him, brushing away his bangs. You remembered the library suddenly and how you owed him a kiss. Now wouldn't be a bad time, would it? Leaning into him, you planted a soft kiss on his forehead, moving down to the bruises on his cheeks and lower jaw. He was still resting peacefully by the time you were close to his lips. You blushed suddenly, feeling nervous. All you could muster was a small, quick peck on his lips before pulling away.
"Goodnight, Kolya." You whispered before getting up from the stool, feeling your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It was almost 2:00 AM by the time you got home. The day had truly worn you out, both physically and mentally. You were surprised that you and your husband's shared car was still in the parking lot by the time you left. To be honest, you were too tired to be concerned with who he'd gotten a ride with or if he'd actually meant to leave; you were also secretly grateful to not spot his shoes or coat anywhere, meaning he wasn't home and you had the bedroom to yourself.
Groggily making your way to the bathroom, you took a warm shower to clean yourself off, changed into a satin pajama set, and tucked yourself into bed. Your head was still spinning and the pain in the lower half of your body had resumed, making you need painkillers again. You recalled your husband telling you that he kept some in the nightstand dressers. Opening the lower drawer and reaching in, you were hit with the familiar nauseating smell of peony perfume and felt something...thin and silky?
In a confused daze, you peaked over and found a neon green G-string along with a small envelope with red hearts drawn all over it. You dropped the underwear in disgust and felt a pit in your stomach. Already having a strong hunch of what was going on, you opened the note, cringing when you saw a lipstick mark on it:
Same time, same place next week? Never took you for the type of man who could be adventurous and cheat;) Can't blame you, though. Your wife is booooringggggg. ~L ♡
Tears fell down your face as you threw the note back into the drawer and slammed it shut, eliminating the scent of Lacey's perfume. Even though you couldn't be surprised about your husband cheating, it felt like the final blow to a series of disastrous events.
Fatigue creeping up on you, all you could do was pass out from the mix of emotions.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You had just finished brunch in the morning when you'd received a call from the asylum. Wanting nothing more than to ignore it and try to enjoy your day off, you waited until the last ring to pick up. After all, it could be an---
"Miss? Please, I know it's your day off, but---I don't know what's going on--please, we need you now...this is the worst--" you recognized the security guard's voice on the other line frantically speaking among shuffling and siren noises in the background.
Concerned, you spoke, "Hello? What's going on over there? Explain it me calmly."
The guard on the line sighed deeply, probably as a way to steady himself, "R-Right. It's Gogol," your eyes perked up at that, "He--God--He's out of control. He's been injuring staff left and right." He paused again, "That psycho has taken out half the squad of armed guards and put ten attendants on stretchers in an hour. That blonde girl got it pretty bad...she's knocked out with a black eye and a concussion."
"What? No way" You said in complete disbelief, trying to process everything.
"Yeah. Anyways, we have him temporarily detained until we can get special forces to come in. If you could get here ASAP to calm him down, we'd need that. Of course, we'd pay you extra, and--" The guard was practically yelling at this point, rambling on as you heard the commotion in the back getting louder. Reality hit you again, forcing you to realize the gravity of the situation. Not to mention, what was up with Nikolai? You couldn't believe he'd dwindled down the asylum's forces right after being tortured, or that he'd suddenly gone on a rampage after being relatively well-behaved and compliant. Even though the last place you wanted to be was work, you obliged.
"I'll be in soon, give me fifteen minutes."
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
"Where is he?" You asked, panting since you were out of breath from running alongside the security guard that called you.
"The bath house. Everything was normal until he was in for his scheduled bath and an attendant was helping him. It was the new girl with blonde hair," He looked back at you to make sure you were still behind him, "She tried to help him undress since he was injured, but he reacted badly and started full on beating her up. She already had a black eye and a concussion by the time the guards got to her."
That was definitely Lacey. You weren't sure how to feel about her situation with the new information that's just come to light, but you quickly shook off the smug grin that you could feel forming on your face and kept running behind the guard.
"After that, some other attendants rushed to help her out, but they weren't spared either. When the guards came in to detain him, he went on a total rampage, even stealing a baton and taser off of a guard and clearing the response team."
You were shocked at that. Of course he was a notoriously cruel and sly criminal, but to think he'd made light work of so many people that easily...
"What's the situation now?"
"Well, several ambulances later, we finally got him under control by tranquilizing him and restraining him with handcuffs, so he should be incapacitated for now. What a monster, doing all that like he wasn't electrocuted yesterday." The guard stopped suddenly, making you almost bump into him. He took his access card out and scanned it. "We're here, miss," he started to open the door before facing you, "I'll be in there with you in case anything bad happens, but just try to keep him under control until backup comes in. Apparently, they're experiencing delays, now of all times..."
You nodded and followed the guard in, looking around the bathing room. Rather than the usual communal showers, a special isolated bath house was reserved for high threat patients. The space itself wasn't too extravagant, with white and black tiled floors and a singular bath tub in the middle of the otherwise large, light-filled room. You walked towards the center and spotted Nikolai inside of the tub, his tall figure peaking out from the edge. His hands were cuffed to the faucet, and he appeared disheveled: hair messy, shirt unbuttoned and in boxers, and knuckles discolored, likely from fighting. His previous bruises did look like they'd lightened up a bit, though.
"Nikolai, it's me." You started, sitting down a few feet away from the tub. You heard a faint groan come from him in response, meaning he was still conscious. The guard stood ten feet away from you, trying to gauge the situation in case your ex-patient tried to attack you. You took a deep breath, "I heard about what you did. I can't--I don't understand it or the meaning of this at all. Why can't you just behave for once? Why do you always have to be so unpredictable and difficult?"
Squinting, he looked up at you sadly, nearly making you blurt out an apology. "Dove...can't hear...close--come closer..." Nikolai muttered weakly, resisting slightly against the cuffs to try and reach out to you. You looked at the guard who gave you a reassuring nod and stepped closer to the tub. You took off your lab coat, suddenly feeling conscious of what you were wearing underneath. You didn't have any time to change before rushing in, so you were just wearing a short pair of biker shorts and a matching tank top--the set you were planning to wear to the workout class you were going to attend on your day off. You felt exposed as you hesitantly made your way into the tub, sitting closer to Nikolai. "Bathe me." He teased, his eyes crinkling up a bit when he felt your presence next to him.
You opened your mouth to respond but got cut off by the beeping of the guard's radio followed by frantic noises. His eyes widened and he looked back at you, “Miss, I’m sorry but there’s been a situation,” you shot him a concerned look, “A mass fight has broken out in the cafeteria…Half of the patients are beating each other and staff up, and the other half are throwing their guts up. We think someone might’ve poisoned or drugged the food.” The guard exhaled frustratedly and was anxiously tapping his foot on the ground, “I hate to say it, but I need to go help suppress the whole commotion. Will you be alright?”
You looked down at Nikolai, who still appeared to be weak and under the tranquilizer’s effects. There was also another shot of tranquilizer on the floor next to the tub—in case of an emergency. You nodded affirmatively, and the guard slowly walked out, the pang of the closed door echoing off the walls. The bath house went silent as you two were left all alone.
The next thing you heard was the sound of breaking metal as a strong--too strong for just being tranquilized--pair of arms wrapped around you. You yelped as Nikolai pulled you into his lap, arms encasing your waist--effectively trapping you--and nuzzled into your chest, the handcuffs landing away on the tiled floor. He muttered something about how you smelled like coffee and vanilla.
"Kol!--" You protested, struggling against Nikolai's strong arms to break free. You couldn't though, slightly scaring you and adding to your overall confusion. Where was this sudden strength coming from? Should you even be surprised?
Nikolai only cruelly laughed at your attempts to escape his hold, pressing you harder against his body until you finally went limp and gave in. "What's wrong, dove? Aren't you happy to see me? You're wearing less clothes this time, too~" He cooed playfully, loosening his grip on you enough to get his face out of your breasts; all of his nuzzling had pulled down your tank top to expose your cleavage.
You blushed and put your hands on his shoulders to gain some distance. "That's not--I--" you couldn't speak straight, not sure where to start and how or if you should even explain the events of last night to Nikolai. "My husband--he--"
"Cheated on you? With the blonde bob girl? Yeah, I know. They always do it in the storage closet." The bluntness in Nikolai's voice shocked you. Had everyone literally known about this but you? Did he and Lacey have to be that obvious? Nikolai started playing with the ends of your tank top, "That's why I beat that annoying harlot up. She was faking nice all day and kept touching me all seductively," he ran his hands up and down your waist, using his fingers to slowly pull up your top and drag down your shorts like he was trying to reenact the scenario.
"H-Hey..." You stammered, blushing at his advances. Nikolai only giggled as he brought your hands up to his face and kissed them.
"I hate girls like that, you know? I only have eyes for you, myla." He stared into your eyes for a minute--unbeknownst to you, waiting for a reciprocated response--before letting go of your hands and sighing disappointedly.
"Quiz time!", Nikolai started, lightly slapping your hips and sitting up straight, startling you, "Will Dove entertain me or stay here while I beat up the boss then escape?"
"What?" You looked confusedly at Nikolai, "Entertain you? What are you talking about?" A pit formed in your stomach; you had a bad feeling about this.
A smirk appeared on Nikolai's face, "Well, you are just here to keep me occupied until backup arrives, aren't you?" He waved his hands at you, "I broke free from my handcuffs, so technically I can leave whenever I want. I know you won't stop me."
His taunt made you sneer, but you knew deep down he was right. It wasn't even about strength, you didn't want to stop him either. "I can't let you leave, though. What do you want?"
"You're really bad at quizzes, ptashka. You're supposed to guess, not ask me." Nikolai leaned back into your chest. "Hmmm...bathe me." He suggested, causing your face to heat up.
"But--" You objected, getting cut off by Nikolai looking towards the exit door and starting to get up. "Wait!" You pushed him back down and glared into his mocking eyes, "I'll do it. Just--just stay here...with me." The last part piqued Nikolai's interest as his attention went back to you and his smug look returned.
You shakily reached for the faucet to turn the water on before Nikolai pulled your hand back. "Not yet, dove. We can't bathe with clothes on. Remove them all first." His warned, dark eyes and an unreadable expression back on his face.
You gulped, "R-right..." His white button-up was already open, so sliding it off Nikolai's broad shoulders was easy. You couldn't peel your eyes off of his toned chest. You couldn't believe that loose uniform and his lanky frame were hiding a perfectly chiseled six pack all this time.
Nikolai laughed seeing you admire him, "Like what you see, pryntsesa? Keep going down, it gets better~" He teased, moving your hands down to the waistband of his boxers. Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears as you pulled them down. Vision flashing, you grabbed a soap bar from the ledge of the tub and turned the faucet on, burying your face into Nikolai's neck and closing your eyes, eliciting a subtle whine from him.
"What's wrong, dove? Too embarrassed to look?" Embarrassed was an understatement. You hadn't been intimate in so long, and now you were getting naked with your ex-patient that you'd been in charge of detaining. You were blushing like it was your first time. Nikolai giggled at your reaction; he was annoyed at first that you'd stopped but was pleased by your flustered state. "Cute. Now look up." He brought your face up to his, but you put your hands on his chest to stop him, hesitating to continue.
"Come on, now. Where's the confidence from when you kissed me? Y'know, while I was sleeping." You froze in place from that, allowing Nikolai to move your hands away and bring you close again. You were still stunned, so he continued, "You didn't know I was awake, did you? If I wasn't under all those drugs, I would've--"
"I'll do it, Nikolai. So please, stop talking..." You whispered out, silencing him with a kiss. Nikolai obliged, kissing you back obsessively and pulling you deeper. You flinched a bit when you felt him tugging off your biker shorts, pressing you near his exposed length. He broke away from the kiss, cheeks lightly pink as he feverishly pulled your tank top off and you complied.
Intimate silence between you, you picked up the soap bar and slowly started lathering up his upper body, sensually gliding your hands over his firm abs. He panted lightly from your touch, still taken aback by your sudden forward gesture. You weren't unscathed either, eyes averted to the bubbly translucent water and a rose hue across your face. "Dove," he started needily, "Wash lower". He took a hold of your hand, letting the soap sink, and moved it down under the sudsy bathwater to his hardened member.
You looked away ashamedly as your fingers slid down and rested at the base. He was big. Were you really going to--
"Dove", his voice was slightly threatening as he grabbed your face with one hand, "Look at me and do it properly." He cupped his other hand over yours and starting lightly stroking up and down, making you even more aware of his length.
"I-I'm embarrassed..." You said, trailing off and struggling to look into his hazy eyes as your movements got weaker. Nikolai's smile turned down after that, and his glare burned into you.
"Why, you've never done this with your husband?" He sheepishly grinned as his hands crept down your sides before stopping, "The one who loves you so much and gave you these love marks?" His face went dark again before squeezing the bruises along your waist, hard enough to make you wince in pain. He only smiled happily from your reaction, kneading into your skin more as he continued, "I would never hurt you like that, dove...Not unless you wanted me to." He moved closer to you and whispered in your ear, "You don't want me to hurt you now, do you? That's why you'll listen to me, right?"
Your eyes burned a bit, tears almost forming as you realized how powerless you were in this situation; he could always kill you. "No..." You quickly shook your head as your hand went under the water again to pump his dick. Nikolai heaved upon feeling your fingers wrapped around him again and pulled you in again for a softer kiss, hands now affectionately caressing your body, trying to comfort you for being a bit too cruel.
He groaned into your mouth after you started stroking at a faster pace, bringing your fingers up to play with his tip as you squeezed tighter on the way down. Your kisses became weaker as you could feel his pre-cum making his shaft more slippery. Nikolai broke away from the kiss, breath hitching as you squeezed his sensitive parts tighter. "S-Shit, dove..." He muttered out, momentarily relaxing his head and shutting his eyes, making you could feel his cock get warmer as more of his arousal came out.
He didn't miss the way your nipples hardened from his desperate panting and was quick to trail kisses from your neck down to below your collarbone while undoing your bra. He got harder seeing your perfect, round tits and took one in his mouth, sucking sweetly while palming the other. His quick action drew a sudden moan from you, and you brought a hand up to run your fingers through his layered hair, latching on for support.
"A-Ahhh~" You were still focused on pleasuring Nikolai and kept massaging his dick as he lapped up your breast, digging his nose into your skin, getting drunk off of your vanilla scent. He opened his glossy eyes to see your rosy, lewd expression.
"So pretty, myla," He released your breast with a 'pop' and groaned under your touch, "Mmmm...there...K-keep stroking there, dove. I'll make you feel good, too." His face was flushed now, light pink dusting his cheeks. He didn't expect his pristine dove to be so...forward and lascivious. Certainly not so skilled with your delicate fingers, either. He felt like rewarding you and used his free hand to bring your body down, so your cunt was aligned with his thigh. He grunted feeling your wetness immediately against his skin.
You hissed after feeling the back and forth friction on your slit, insides clenching around nothing. The heat in your core was only getting more intense, making you only want Nikolai and ignoring all morality. You could tell he was feeling it too by the way he started breathing heavily and leaving hickeys on your neck, panting out your name. The kisses trailed down your collarbone to your tits again as Nikolai drew circles around your nipple with his hot tongue.
Needing more, he pushed you down further onto his thigh and suddenly bit your sensitive bud, causing you to jerk up and tug his hair roughly "K-Kolya! Mmmmm...t-too rough!" His name leaving your pretty lips was enough to send him over the edge as he came into your hand and whimpered loudly.
"F-fuck, fuck, fuck..." He hugged you tightly and kissed your skin as he came down from his high, hot breath on your chest. His eyes were shut tightly. You blushed seeing him all vulnerable like this and kissed them softly, gently brushing the hair sticking to his forehead to the side. When he finally opened them again, you were reminded of your own unfinished arousal.
"A-another round, please, Kolya," You begged him with lust-filled eyes, grinding yourself into his thigh more, "Want you to make me--"
Your needy pleas were cut off by Nikolai's amused giggles as he gazed at you mockingly, "Hmmmm...so my dove needs me now, does she?" He tilted his head innocently, his signature twisted smile gracing his face, "I don't know, though, ptashka. I'm a bit tired and injured, so I can't move much."
You hated it--how he was getting off seeing your pathetic expressions. Even if he was telling the truth, it felt like he was degrading you, like he wasn't the one utterly obsessed with and love-sick over you in the first place. You were still just playing his little game, but it didn't matter. All you needed was him now--inside of you.
You exhaled shakily and moved up again, reluctantly holding onto his shoulders and starting to lower yourself, "You're the worst...teasing me like this..."
"Only because you tempt me too much, myla." Nikolai's hands caressed your face and traced over your pouting lips. His eyes remained dark and daunting; he was testing your limits, testing you. You both gasped as you felt him directly on your pussy, brushing past your clit and threatening to slip in between your folds.
Low moans left your mouth as you took him inside of you. His cock was stretching you out, forcing you to close your eyes to avoid looking down. Inch by inch, you went lower--moving at an agonizingly slow pace, whimpering from the uncomfortable feeling of being slowly filled. You stopped after the stretch started to borderline sting. It was too big--He was definitely way too--
His laughs interrupted you again, "Come on, dove. You're only half way down. Try a little harder, won't you?" Only half way? He had to be jokin--
You choked on your moans as Nikolai forcibly grabbed your hips and pulled you down to the base of his cock, submerging your lower half into the milky warm water. He smirked shamelessly upon feeling your perfectly manicured nails dig into his shoulder blades and kissed along your neck to soothe some of the pain.
"A-Ahh...you're tight, love. I'm bigger than your husband, aren't I?" You mumbled something quietly, too focused on trying to adjust. Nikolai kept going, though, "Yeahhhh, I definitely am. I can tell by how--fuck--good you're s-squeezing me~" His facade started disappearing when he felt the sensation of your pussy's contractions mixed with the scratches on his back . He held his breath as you unclasped the gold necklace--now no more than a satirical collar--and let it fall into the bathwater below you.
"S-Stop talking about him. I don't want to think about that cheater anymore. Just focus on me, p-please, Kolya." Your weak yet assertive pleas made his heart melt a bit as you rode him slowly. The unfamiliar stretch each time you rowed your hips back and forth made you bite your lip slightly. Nikolai only threw his head back and placed his hands lightly on your sides--still insistent on not doing any of the work--greedily enjoying the ride and moaning praise out of his mouth. He looked so pretty like this--like he did in the library: flushed face, disheveled hair, and lust-blown eyes.
Both of your moans got louder and you sped up your pace, grinding your pussy down on his cock harder each time and leaving passionate hickeys on his neck and chest. He ran his fingers through your hair and groaned into your ear, the sight of your plush ass and tits bouncing up and down turning him on even more.
"So perfect for me, angel..." Nikolai pulled your neck in and crashed his lips messily onto yours, muffling your moans with his tongue. You were so cute, thighs trembling from trying to take all of him with no help but desperate to chase your own release. He brought his fingers down to your puffy clit and rubbed small circles around it, occasionally pinching and making you buck your hips momentarily. His satisfied groan quickly turned into another whimper as you squeezed harder around him in response to his teasing. Your movements and kisses got sloppier as the two of you got closer to finishing, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap once you felt every vein on his cock throb inside of you.
Your thoughts were becoming clouded as you chased your own pleasure--something you hadn't prioritized in years. You didn't care anymore about your husband, who was just a good-for-nothing adulterer and abuser, your coworkers who'd stayed silent about his cheating, or your parents who only cared about what they could get out of you. All of them kept you in a cage, their cage that separated you from love, truth, and happiness. But Nikolai was different: he lived his life freely and wanted the same for you; he cared for you like no other--actually desiring you and staying loyal, making you laugh, and knowing how to touch you. Even if he hurt you, the pain always went away shortly. After all, even though he'd caused the commotion at the asylum, he'd protected you by keeping you in the bath house with him. He was doing all of this because he cared about you, right?
Nikolai pulled away from the kiss, leaving a string of saliva between you. He was panting hard and out of breath but gazed adoringly into your eyes again. The circles on your clit got faster, drawing broken moans from you as you started to become numb to all the previous pain. Now that you'd adjusted fully and angled yourself better, you could feel Nikolai in the depths of your pussy hitting your sensitive spot. "Mmmmm--Kolya...you feel...'s good--Ahhh~"
"Y-yeah, pryntsesa? You're close, right?" You nodded vaguely, drunk off of the hedonism you'd been denied for so long. "I love you, dove. So much." Your hazy eyes widened after hearing that, tears of ecstasy prickling your vision. "Come for me, please, pretty girl. Let's do it together."
You came undone from that, your orgasm washing over you and putting you in a state of pure bliss. Nikolai groaned as he felt your warm pussy clench around him, following you and releasing his cum inside. You shuddered from the warmth that contrasted the now cold water you were half-submersed in. Feeling tired and cold, you hugged Nikolai's firm body.
"Love you too, Kolya. I wanna be free with you, forever. Let's run away." You looked up into his eyes, almost shocked to see the dark, unreadable expression and a wicked smile on his face.
"Yeah? That's good to hear~" He captured your lips again, a bit more harshly this time, and kissed you hungrily. You gasped into the kiss as you felt him grab and squeeze your ass and thrust up into your overstimulated sore cunt, going at an unrelenting pace you couldn't handle.
You tried to push him away, but you were too weak and fucked-out, only crying out as you felt him balls-deep inside of you. "Sorry, dove, I want to finish one more time. Will you help me?" He was laughing in between as you moaned incoherently, too spent to keep your eyes open or respond properly.
"I love you...I love you, Kolya..." You could only repeat that as you started to feel the sensation building in your core again, feeling Nikolai's rough thrusts more intensely. You felt some shifting and were about to open your eyes when you felt a sharp prick at the left side of your waist.
"Ah--Ow!" Your eyes flew open from the pain, and you gasped in shock as you saw Nikolai's hand closed around your side, holding the rest of your body still as he injected the spare shot of tranquilizer into you.
Nikolai only looked down regrettably at you as he stroked your hair and kissed your face gently. Your head was spinning and your vision slowly faded to black as the effects kicked in, unable to even process what was going on. The last thing you heard was Nikolai's distorted voice.
"Don't worry, dove, we'll be in a better place soon. Somewhere we'll be free..." You made out a warped giggle, "Dos and Sigma are going to be so jealous of me."
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₊‧꒰ა read part 3 here ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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hazbinshusk · 4 months
husk x afab/fem!reader. inspired by this conversation with the lovely @irkimatsu and an ask from @marcieadoresu. husk finds you laying on his bed and wearing his boxers. and so ensues 1.3k words of a scent-obsessed dirty old man ❤
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Husk sighs heavily as he finally reaches the door to his room in the hotel, tucked away at the far end of an out of the way hall on the second floor. He runs a hand over his face, but a ghost of a smile overtakes his exhaustion as he notices the soft glow emanating from beneath the door. He opens it quietly, that soft smile staying in place as he removes his hat and enters the room.
“I’m sorry I’m so late, doll, new residents got no sense of—” he stops, his ears flicking forward in interest. “What’re you wearin’?”
You’re sprawled out in the middle of his bed, laying on your stomach with a book open in front of you. The welcoming smile on your face morphs into something more sheepish as he takes in the sight of you dressed in a tank top and a pair of his boxers. You shrug a shoulder, closing the book. “Sorry; all my pajamas are in the wash, and I… you’ve got plenty of these, so I didn’t think… you don’t mind, do you?”
Husk shakes his head slowly, untying his bowtie and pulling it off of his neck. He drops it on top of the bureau as he passes, his eyes never leaving your body as he rounds to stand behind you. There’s something almost predatory in the way he walks even while that curiosity and surprise still register on his features, and the first tendrils of excitement curl inside you.
“They look good on you,” he tells you, and you squeak in surprise as you feel him take hold of your hips and tug you back towards the edge of the bed. You feel him run his claws over the silky fabric, the diamonds and hearts patterned across your backside. He leans down as he pulls you up onto your knees, and you tense as you feel him, hear him take a long, savoring inhale, his nose pressed right below the waistband. “Fuck…”
Your fingers curl in the sheets beneath you, your face flushing crimson as Husk breathes in and relishes the way your scent has mingled with his, the lingering musk of his own body mixing with the warmer, headier scent of yours… it’s intoxicating, addictive, and Husk can feel himself harden as his hands smooth up and down your thighs.
“Husk, baby, are you—OH—!” your head falls forward, eyes widening in surprise as Husk suddenly buries his face between your thighs, running his tongue over the fabric covering your cunt. Even with the silk in the way the texture of his tongue is torture against your clit, and you squeeze your eyes closed, your breathing suddenly heavy. Husk groans deeply as he steadily soaks the shorts with his saliva and your arousal, claws flexing on your thighs as he continues lapping at your clothed sex with fervor. When he begins to purr, your eyes roll back. “Jesus Christ, Husk…”
Usually, this kind of reaction from you would earn a self-satisfied chuckle from him but he just moans quietly, forcing your legs further apart as he presses his face as close as possible to your scent, to your taste. The position he has you in has drawn the silk tight across your ass, and you feel the fabric tear as Husk clutches at your ass, splitting down the seam.
Husk barely registers the tear other than to move his attention higher with an almost feverish growl, and you jerk forward as his tongue meets your asshole.
“No, no, no, no, baby…” he mutters against your skin, tugging you back against his mouth by wrapping his arms around your thighs. One hand reaches around to your cunt, one claw expertly tearing the shorts open further for better access to your clit. “Don’t go…”
“Goddamn it, Husk,” you reply and this time he does chuckle, drunk on the taste of you, on the scent. And as far as he’s concerned it’s better than any of the booze he’s ever forced down his throat. You shudder under his ministrations, bracing yourself on your elbows, one hand clutching at your hair as you exhale a moan.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” he rumbles, dipping back down to taste your clit once more before pulling away, replacing his tongue with his hand. You grind your hips down against his palm as you hear the sound of his pants being unfastened, and your eyes widen as you feel him slowly press the head of his cock into your pussy. “Just gorgeous…”
The two of you moan the word in a whispered tandem as Husk slides his cock slowly into you, his hands once more on your hips. He rocks you back into him as he thrusts forward in a gentle rhythm, savoring the way every inch of him feels as it glides into the warm wetness of you, of the brief tickle of torn silk against his shaft as he slides himself in and out of you.
You arch your back as Husk angles his hips and you keen as the head of his cock brushes against that spot inside you that brings stars into your vision. His claws slip under your tank top and they make you shiver, and when you cum you feel him press lips against your spine, his breath fanning over your back.
“Don’t stop, darlin’,” he says roughly, groaning deeply as you push yourself back to meet his hips, fucking yourself onto his cock steadily. He curses, purrs and murmurs your name with what you could swear is reverence. You can tell from the way his hips move to meet yours more sharply that he’s closer, teetering on the precipice of release. “Fuck, you’re a good girl…”
“Thank you, baby,” you breathe and Husk’s moan catches in his throat. His claws dig into your hip, your thigh.
“Say it again.” he orders gruffly and in your haze it takes you a moment to register what he wants from you. What he needs. “Say it, doll.”
“Thank you,” you whimper, grinding back against his cock just as he thrusts particularly deep into you. He chokes on a groan, letting out a drawn out, heavy breath that rolls through him and makes you quiver. “Thank you, Husk.”
“Again.” he urges, and you’re both so close your bodies are quaking against each other, yours threatening to collapse on the bed. “Again, baby, please…”
You smile dazedly, fingers tightening white-knuckled on the sheets. “Thank you for— fuck— fucking me so good, Husk…”
Your partner moans your name as he cums, bottomed out inside you. You do collapse now, your face meeting the sheets as Husk folds himself over you with a sigh, chuckling drunkenly against your back as he feels you clench around him. You cum in shuddering, overwhelming waves, trapped by his body on top of yours and the hand he snakes around you to torture your clit.
He doesn’t stop until you beg for it, withdrawing from your dripping pussy and rolling off of you. His back meets the mattress and he huffs out a breathless, delirious laugh, smoothing his hand over your back until his claws are lingering on the waistband of the now-ruined boxers. He leans over to capture your mouth in a kiss and you hum happily into it. The purr rumbling through him has softened but still fills you with a light-headed warmth.
“I think…” you murmur against his lips with a smile. “You’ve ruined your boxers.”
Husk chuckles again, letting his head fall back against the sheets. “I’ve got more. And for the record, darlin’, you can borrow them any damn time you want.”
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luv-gukkie · 8 months
★ 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 ★
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pairing: yandere! yoongi x f. reader
genre: smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: yoongi just can’t seem to get enough at the way you look at him; he really loves it, even if it’s a mix of fear and hatred.
word count: +4.5k
tags/warnings: ᑲᥙᥣᥣᥡіᥒg, non-con, ᥡ᥆ᥙᥒg ⍴rᥱgᥒᥲᥒᥴᥡ, sᥕᥱᥲrіᥒg, ᥲᑲ᥆r𝗍і᥆ᥒ mᥱᥒ𝗍і᥆ᥒᥱძ, reader is scared to disappoint parents, wealthy!yoongi, he’s brutally mean (which is not cool), sub! reader, dom! yoongi, blackmail, mentions of bribing/corruption in a school & police, he lowkey sadistic
notes: another little story is on the works for jungkook and yoongi, unfortunately, i don’t know when i’ll finish though :’)
༻❤︎︎ ★ ★ ❤︎︎༺
Min Yoongi was exploring his ideas, much into thought about what else he could to make you notice him even more. Every time he would torment you, he would be captured by how stunning you looked, and that was just on you wearing one of the uniforms that was required by the school.
Yoongi knew it was something that he shouldn't do to someone he loved. Despite that, he knew it was his only way to place your attention on him. He didn't really mind doing what he did, he had nothing against you. Yoongi just had a huge crush on you. And you would learn in the future of how a 'huge crush' was a complete understatement. Yet, he found it lovely when you would look around the room to see if he was there. He adored that.
You knew about him, as your bully. The guy who over the year spent his time making fun of you, and the worst thing was no one ever stopped him. His actions repeated daily. Maybe because Yoongi was the happiest person alive when you would only place the spotlight on him. Dared the others to say anything. He knew your main focus was on him as soon as you entered the school building until the moment you left. But you weren't! Not one bit of glee in your body when you knew you had five days ahead of you that would make you want to stay home because of a certain boy.
You hated him, you didn't even know what you did wrong to make him center you and torture you throughout your highschool year. But whatever you could have done, you surely regretted it.
He would constantly threaten you. Telling you threats after threats: "listen or else..." However, you began to notice that Yoongi would always repeat the same threat over and over. That if you told anyone about what he was doing, he would treat you more worse. Of course you had been petrified of asking for help from your peers or professors. You didn't want to get on his bad side even more.
But you started believing that he wouldn't even be able to stand close to you after telling an adult, that a restraining order would do the trick. So you were going to tell an adult, the adult that was responsible of the school, and you did. You had informed the principle on your situation with Yoongi and what did they do, nothing. You waited for them to assure you he wouldn't try anything. But they didn't care, and didn't even attempt to do something about the situation. You recalled calling them useless hags the next day, when you had been spotted again by Yoongi. And yet again, at his reach.
There was other options...
You were too afraid to tell your parents. You didn't know why you would be, your parents would assist you, help you overcome the obstacle of Yoongi bullying you. They would take into consideration that you could not be bullied anymore, you had finally build up the courage you needed in order for you to tell them, today. However, at the end of the day your teacher assigned you to clean the classroom after school. Just the day you really needed to go home, to prepare and relax yourself before breaking the news to your parents.
But it didn't go as plan. The teacher had to leave the classroom and told you to do some cleaning, if you wanted extra credit. And who wouldn't want extra credit, you could still have enough time to prepare yourself, plus your parents wouldn't be home until later.
What you didn't know was that Yoongi had been planning to see you after school and to surprise his lovely kitten.
Yoongi took it far, very far.
You had been cleaning up the classroom muttering some curses to your teacher when you heard the door 'bang' as it shut close. You slightly jumped at the sudden unexpected noise. Quickly turning around, you saw Yoongi, in a harsh tone you told him that the teacher was around, and if he did anything they would definitely find out. You began to pour out profanities at him, making sure to make him understand how much hate you had for him. Shouting across the room that the outcome of anything he did, would surely result in punishment.
Yoongi couldn't hold back, a smile became visible on his lips. He spoke calmly, "I have enough money from my parents to keep the school quiet. Nobody cares of your well being, the staff was easily bribed, they even accepted the first offer I had given."
You cursed at him: "fuck you." Adding that you would tell your parents and that they would take it to the police, he grinned. Your mind was racing with thoughts of how to get out of the situation, out of the classroom.
Yoongi slowly made his way to you, hoping that you would just accept the fact that you were stuck with him. But you sure were stubborn. He had been so close to having you, to only to have you run towards the other side.
You were trying your best not to get stuck between him and the walls. To approach the door.
It was a game of cat and mouse between the both of you. You were the little mouse struggling to free yourself from the claws of the wicked cat.
Finally, Yoongi gave up on being so gentle on you. He had to admit, it was cute: how you tried your very best to avoid him, at all cost. It left him with one choice, his only decision was to tackle you, so he did.
Yoongi did what he had to do.
And so did you. You definitely weren't going to let him take advantage of you. You punched him, managing to get out of his aggressive grip, only for him to yell at you with a harsh tone to come back.
Yoongi and you both knew the truth, you weren't considering to ever come back to him. You were choosing your freedom, still, even if it came with the slight prospect of getting caught by him.
Running out the door with all the desperation you had; the desire to get the hell out of the school, more importantly away from any place that Yoongi was. You raced to find anyone, your mind and heart racing: Where are all the clubs today? They were always here or the staff? Anyone?
There was still that expectation in you, that you were going to get away Yoongi. "There!" You happily annoyed, you had spotted the teacher that told you to clean the classroom, you told her everything about Yoongi in a nutshell, explaining that Yoongi was still trying to do something to you.
Something that you didn't want at all, anticipating for her to hold you and to never let go, until you were safe and sound. And at the end of the day, Yoongi would be expelled from the school, the only way to make him disappear from your life.
To never see or hear about him again.
"Found you!" a voice said from behind. You recognized it right away, of course you did, the only male that called you by that nickname. The same male that had just attacked you.
You quickly stared at the teacher, assuming she would pull you behind her and shield you from Yoongi. You indicated her to do something, gesturing your hands to her.
The tears of anxiety started rolling down your checks, you held back the choked sobs that were daring to come out any second.
She just gazed at you. You waited for her to say something. Anything. You just wanted her to aid you by fleeing you from your situation. Despite what you saw in her eyes: the condolence and remorse. What she said was unexpected, her intense gaze fell to the floor, she whispered to him, "Take her quickly because it's making me feel pity."
That was it, that was enough to break you into pieces.
Your heart ached, your emotions mixed together. You felt completely confused and fearful, the realization had hit you with an unpleasant brunt.
It was always about the money. The wealth.
The teachers followed what the student said, in this case, Yoongi was the student with money all around him, the heir to his family's businesses. Everyone listened to the commands of the rich kid—- the spoiled brat.
They were willing to turn a blind eye for Yoongi's 'ugly' demands.
You were lost in everything, mind racing with assumptions. Your eyes no longer had that gleam of hope in them, that optimism. It was long gone, no one is ever going to help you, neither are they going punish Yoongi for his actions.
It was you against Yoongi's power, and that easily managed to get people on his side. You were certain that bribes were flooding the school, the lies that were kept in the dirt for specific reasons. Teachers ignoring stunts, like the ones Yoongi pulled on you, for their very own convenience.
You had completely forgotten of what he had told you earlier, how he had manage to keep the whole staff silent because of how he contributed to the school daily, with of course, the power and wealth he had from his family. You wished that you could've remembered, you would have made no excuse to stop running for the support from a teacher that was on his side, helping him. You should've just ran until you were out of the school, and out of his sight.
That would have definitely guaranteed your safety. Now it was just dissolved. Yoongi grabbed your sides, motioning that he was going to pick you up.
One more. Once more. One chance.
You fought against him, using all the strength that you had left. Begging the teacher to assist you, but you heard her heels click farther and farther away. Till there was nothing to hear, just his footsteps as he carried you away, back into the same direction.
Yoongi brought you to the same classroom that you had just been in. Where it all started. It was ironic that the classroom you were in had been the only class you didn't have Yoongi in. The class that made you feel secure and so sure of yourself.
Now, all you felt was horrified of what was going to become of you.
The room diffused with cries and yearns for someone to get Yoongi off you. You attempted pushing him off, but you were weak, you had used all your stability earlier. You just had to accept it. Yoongi spent that time responding back by muttering that you should 'shut the fuck up' or  'stop moving around'. It was getting on his nerves, he was an impatient man. Especially when it came to you, and dealing with your tantrum, when all he wanted was to fill you with cum.
And with his offspring.
That single thought had fractured any patience he had left. Yoongi couldn't hold it in; his hand straightened in the air as it fell down on your check with a great force. A red-hand mark was in-printed on your face. He slapped you, the action left you trembling. You were breaking down, bawling out completely, you closed your eyes lids shut.
Yoongi felt guilty, he didn't want to take these measures, like hurting you into giving him what he wanted. Exactly to how he just had. But he wanted and needed you at that moment. It was time that you learn his true intentions towards you.
Yoongi grabbed his belt and wrapped it around your hands. He sat on your legs, stopping any movement that you were doing that meant you could have a chance of escaping.
Yoongi saw his reflection on your eyes that were gleaming because of the tears that were pouring out. He had you in his arms. After every "little" debate you two had throughout the year, there you were, under him and ready for him to fuck with. Without no regrets of what he was doing. He giggled, "I've finally got you!"
In an instant your shirt was being unbuttoned by Yoongi, you wished you could swipe his disgusting smirk off his face. Was he really going to do it?
"Stay quiet, it'll be over soon." 
Your shirt was grabbed roughly and thrown at a desk, it was exactly your desk. You could see your backpack, it was neatly placed on the corner of the desk, the complete opposite of how you were.
Your hair was messy, your tear-streaked face was slightly red as the batches of tears poured out, the room was overflowing with yelps that emerged from you and constant snickers from Yoongi.
Your legs were on either side of Yoongi, his body separated them so that you couldn't close them shut at all. Then you felt the slight tug at your bra, he unclasped it, and your breasts were let loose for his eyes to devour.
And soon his mouth did too.
His thumbs played with one nipple by pulling it and flicking it, while his tongue licked the other. Yoongi had managed to make you let out a slight whine, it was something you weren't used to at all therefore feeling it for the first time had made it difficult to hold back sounds.
You paid attention to the undergarment that laid on the floor as Yoongi's shirt landed right on top of your bra. His hand snuck into your skirt, "I love your little skirt", his fingers raced against the hem of skirt and soon enough his fingers were rubbing your inner thighs.
His hands were cold and it made you shiver, especially when he was taking your panties off, sliding the material off you on to your ankles and then it was finally off. Yoongi gawked at they thing he desired for a long time, there it was, right in front of him, your pussy.
Yoongi's nose came into contact with your slit, giving it a long lick as he felt the sticky essence from your pussy get on his tongue. One of his hand squished your left breast, his other hand's digits caressed your cunt. In one motion your cunt sucked his fingers in, "Look at you sucking in my fingers", you squeaked at the sudden entrance. Repeated moans left your lips as Yoongi continued ramming his digits into you, he was enjoying every second of the view.
Your head was thrown back, eyes rolled back, your mouth wide opened to release your delightful moans of his fingers plunging themselves into you, your hands gripping onto the belt he trapped your hands in, and the sounds that came where his fingers met your pussy.
And before you could cum, his digits stopped moving and removed themselves. You were groaning at the fact that you felt a tense pain that wouldn't be let loose. You had been too into focus on the release that you failed to notice Yoongi pulling off his uniform, his fingers still wet because of your cunt, leaving marks on his clothes but he didn't mind. All he cared and was anticipating to do was plunge himself deep into your cunt.
To see you moaning, whining, and panting under him, and because of him and his cock. Yoongi would love to see what his mind was visualizing, and he was going to have it. Yoongi sure was spoiled, to have you laid on the floor, your pussy practically begging him to fuck you even though you didn't dare to utter a word.
Yoongi's cock was free as his last pair of clothing was out of the way. His hands spread your legs wider to see your little pussy sulking for his cock to enter you. His hands lifted themselves off yours inner thighs and onto your bosoms. Yoongi pressed them together and held them as he lowered his head to spectate where the two of you would connect.
Yoongi's flushed tip pressing against your folds, he moved his warm head up and down, spreading your wetness on your cunt, he hoped that it would assist in pushing himself in. "I'm bigger than average s-so", he mentioned, wedging his head into your cunt. A low moan slipped out of his mouth, his eyes rested on your expression, which was a painful one. Yoongi felt more blood rush to his cock, he pushed himself forcefully into your crimson walls, "Gosh you're such a turn on!" He groaned out.
A scream ran out of your parted lips and a following cry as well. You were in discomfort, afflicted by the feeling of something inside you, parting your walls apart. All Yoongi could do was be patient and hold back until you got used to his cock filling you up.
Yoongi stayed still, glancing at your stomach which you made you curiosity spark to see what he was so focused on. It was a bulge that showed that his cock was inside of you, it could be seen easily spotted. Yoongi hand reached out, patted the spot, and then pressed down on it. You felt an ache, and shows it by the wailing and the shedding of tears, you had started to get used to it but it still distressed your walls.
A few groans or 'fucks' escaped as he started jamming his cock harder, you still weeped. However, Yoongi had hit a perfect area that resulted in you letting out a loud whimper in return. He pounded into you with his all his force, your back arched in response. The sounds and smell had pervaded the room, your moans and whines or Yoongi's grunts and low whimpers could be heard.
The pace had gotten sloppier as Yoongi was close, you on the other hand, had already cummed on his cock. All you were waiting for now was for him to finish. His cock twitching before your walls were tainted with his cum, and you milked his dick again.
Yoongi thrusted a few more times, he made sure that you weren't on anything and that his sperm was spread throughout your insides enough for it to flourish into something.
He pulled out and pumped his cock a few times before slipping his fingers in your cunt, making sure his cum wouldn't be wasted and would be well kept in your pussy. He chose to ignore the small puddle of blood on the floor, grabbing a tissue in his backpack and cleaning it up, making sure you couldn't catch the crimson red that stained the white tissue. Hiding it in his pocket.
Yoongi was your first. You didn't want to, now here he was fixing you up while you processed everything that rushed throughout your mind. Your cheeks had dried tears on them. The scenes playing over and over in your head. Yoongi had taken your virginity, the boy you hated with your guts.
It wasn't exactly him taking it that frightened you, but the fact that you didn't want it.
"I'll drop you off at your parents, okay." He gripped your hand tightly, trying to gain your attention. You were too silent for his liking, it made him upset. Were you mad at him?
He planned on dropping you off, you had no ride and probably, didn't have the ability to walk home either. And it wasn't something Yoongi would let you do anyways. Yoongi didn't say anything and didn't do anything to you in the car ride. Nonetheless, he gazed from time to time, and if you would have turned to face him, you would have seen the concern in his eyes.
Yoongi was worried for you, he knew it must have been painful for you. He just kept manipulating his mind to believe that he had to do it or he would never be with you. You would never choose to be with him, and he couldn't let that happen.
You didn't tell them, your parents, they weren't even home the moment you arrived. Your mom worked late and your father did too, they tried making so much money, in order for you to live your life and study. Something they couldn't do. So you studied and did your best in everything. From completing every assignment, getting the best grades, and having over 90s in every class. And if you failed, even in the smallest way, you felt like a burden and you were scared of failing them.
So you stayed quiet. However, you forgot to buy something very important, and that mistake would cost you: your future.
You had told the school, they did nothing. So now you felt like no one was going to believe you. Especially since Yoongi had well explained to you that he had plenty of money to keep the whole staff silent, meaning that he had all the money to bribe the police as well.
So the only thing you had left was to keep silent and live on, maybe he won't bother you anymore. He won't follow you, or touch you either. Maybe all along, that's what he wanted. Something to stick his dick in.
Yoongi stayed by your side even more and instead of bullying you, he would only degrade you when didn't listen to him, he wanted you to skip classes to be with him and to keep you away from your classmates. Yoongi switched his seats, he sat next to you in all the classes, whispering to you about gross things, describing things that he wanted to do to you.
A complete nightmare.
On the other hand, you had been sick for days already, throwing up contents from last nights' dinner almost every morning. The only reason that came to mind was the stomach virus that was going around school, thinking that you probably had a weaker defense from sicknesses, so you caught it longer. It was awful.
You noticed that Yoongi had been acting weird around you lately, bringing you stuff, and to proof, bears or little love notes overcrowded your locker, leaving you with predictions that something bad was going to happen.
Soon enough it did.
You were pregnant. With his child.
It didn't make sense to you why you were throwing a whole tantrum, meanwhile he was all cheerful and relaxed, happy to know about this upcoming child. You found out after he specifically told you to take the test in the middle of the night. Yoongi had sneaked into your house, by your room window, after you mentioned you're sickness during the day. Knowing that your parents were a room away, he kept silent, and the first thing you noticed was the pharmacy bag. "You didn't use birth control...did you?" Was the first thing he whispered when both of your eyes met.
A severe panic inflicted inside you, worry that piled onto you: this couldn't be happening. You couldn't be pregnant with Yoongi's child. There was still a slight possibility that it was false.
You believed you weren't, you weren't suppose to get your period until a couple more days. Therefore, you were confident about the negative sign you would face and took the test, now here you are facing the consequences. The two red visible lines showing off the truth, after eight test and multiple pair of dark red lines, it was the same reason you were throwing up in the mornings.
The worst thing was when he told you that the both of you could raise the baby together. However, what angered you the most about his behavior was how calm he was. Especially when he mentioned that you should stop your education, that he could maintain both of you with his money, to become his wife and take care of his children.
What kind of life was that? No, you couldn't, and you wouldn't. You looked for something in your life, a profession that you would love. And that your parents would too. A career that made your parents proud, finishing highschool, heading to college, and later in life, obtaining a great job!
And this child wasn't going to help. Neither was Yoongi.
There was only one solution that came to your mind. You quickly proclaimed 'an abortion', it was the only way that you could actually live the life you wanted. Even as conflicted and horrible you felt for speaking briefly about it, you couldn't help it, you didn't want to have a child at your age.
You were still so young, had so many things left to experience, to do! A life you wanted to take slow and take your time with, every single moment of it, savoring it.
Yoongi observed you at the comment you spurred out. "Tsk- you've got to be kidding me", he studied you, to see if you would apologize, and you didn't. "You're a bitch." Yoongi couldn't believe that you didn't want to carry his child, he would give his everything to have you, but you couldn't do one thing in return for him. It destructed him. "Don't lie."
His words were the usual, and yet it was enough to know that he knew you, probably even better than you knew yourself. Of course you weren't able to do the abortion, but think about it, your future would go down the drain for the life inside of you. There would be not a lot of opportunities, Yoongi had made it clear and set on you being the house wife, no more.
However, the guilt accumulated, now you couldn't even think about the decision. Killing an innocent child, was it something you could do?
Yoongi held your hands as he blurted out the same word that was in your mind, and if you couldn't do an abortion. The rest of troubles would tumble down on you, like explaining to your parents on how you were gonna give birth to a child in the span of nine months.
The small display of affection dispersed, Yoongi's grip compressed on your wrist, forcing your teary red eyes to look at him, meanwhile his own eyes have a glint of amusement in them.
That night was left with you cuddled in Yoongi's embrace, as he whispered 'things' that would make you have brand new batches of tear coat the dried ones on your cheeks, you just wanted to sleep.
In the end, his hand reached to your stomach, patting it carefully, a small peck landed on your forehead. "I love you", he continued telling you how much he loved you and the baby, "and always will." He deliberately tried to manipulate you.
But you knew better, his words were venom to someone's ears. Now you knew better than to fall for his devious schemes.
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milkyst4rs · 2 months
I'd like to make a request! Where yn has a migraine and asks sukuna to massage her head.
I love sukuna fluff 🤭❤❤❤
Modern!Sukuna x Fem!Reader
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A sharp hiss draws from your mouth when you feel a sudden pain in your temple.
Ah, the migraines are back. Ever since you've started doing office work, your head has been eating you alive.
Nothing could help the searing pain drilling into your head - it felt like you were being tortured.
You've tried everything. Over-the-counter medication, visited doctors (all of them said the same thing, stress.) and meditated.
But nothing seemed to work.
"Migraines again?"
A gruff voice says from behind you.
You turned around squinting from the sharpness of the pain.
There he was, in all his glory, the only thing that could ease the pain.
You nodded quickly which made the migraine worse and you wince.
A sigh comes from the buff man.
"Alright, let me take care of this, yeah? Just close your eyes and sit back"
And you do - when you feel warm fingers slowly massage your temples.
You can feel the pain slowly ease as Sukuna twists his fingers with precision, making sure he gets rid of any tension.
"You feelin' better, woman?"
You smile and open your eyes to look up at your boyfriend.
"Much better, thank you so much love. You really give great massages!"
He leans down a leaves pecks on your forehead, temples, nose and lips. A soft smile present on his face as you giggle.
Your migraines will be back again but you know you can always count on Sukuna and his magic fingers!
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a/n • i hope you liked this anon !! I get migraines too so this was interesting to write hehe
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reveluving · 10 months
OMG!Graves and shy wife are the definition of Gomez and Morticia Addams!!!PLEASE AND THANK YOU ❤❤❤
THIS THIS THIS!!! Swooning because one; Gomez & Moticia and two; Graves and his eternal love for you 💗 >>>
Includes: mentions of s~mut (minors DNI!) & tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
Even though I, myself mentioned the Gomez-style arm kisses bit, I actually see it now.
You; a soft-spoken respectful, possibly even an iconic sweetheart who looks at no one but her husband with sparkles in her eyes?
Graves; a proud, brazen and successful rich man who adores his wife like no other? 
Maybe even Kai as Thing? 
I see the vision.
Always making a habit out of kissing your hands, one or both, just the back of it or up your arms like his life depends on it. Or twirling you around before trapping you against his chest or any surface with a cocky smile, feeling your body up shameless as he not whispers, but downright speaks the naughty things he wishes to do with you like he’s reading off a poem book.
Feeling your body heat up against his the more he speaks.
Always having a gift ready for you, whether in a box or a simple bow. Doesn’t matter if there’s an occasion, nor does he only spoil you when he leaves or returns from his work. Deliveries aren’t uncommon, though he prefers actually giving you the surprise himself. To see the corners of your lips twitch as your eyes twinkle at his thoughtfulness. He’s gifted you plenty of things, spoiled you on numerous occasions, but he’ll never grow tired of your reactions. 
He supports your work or interests like no other, because who doesn’t love seeing their beloved happily living their life? 
If you think he doesn’t talk (read: brag) about you to his friends or better, the people he knows who are jealous of him to have you as his dearest wife, then you couldn’t be any more wrong!
One can only imagine how many times he’s woken up before you, complimenting your features, your loyalty, your nature, and just you being his in general. 
Like bro.
He’s undoubtedly blinded by your beauty, indeed!
And your touches.
Ah, your touches.
Your gentle touches contrast with his—not exactly rough (unless you ask for it), but more so experienced, confident, unafraid. A constant reminder of his unabashed character, the lack of suppression or patience he has when it comes to showering you with his love. Something he didn’t know he had in him, nor did he ever have the chance to give it. 
Your touches either make him melt like a hot knife through butter or really, just get a rise out of him, even from anything as little as your fingers caressing his stubble, trailing your nails along his chest in the morning or even a little boop on the nose. 
Now, you don’t need to hear it from me that Mr Graves is also… experimental. 
Positions that’ll have you scream out his name like a prayer, or sex toys to elevate your already extreme level of pleasure. He’s always ready to offer it all, to be at your service, whether to have you squirm and writhe under him on the finest sheets, or tell you how much an angel you are, how the world has gifted him the greatest treasure of all. 
And God knows how different his life may be, how he may be without you by his side.
In the words of Mr Addams himself; “To live without you, only that would be torture.”
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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bomber-grl · 11 months
Hiro Hamada dating hc ❤︎₊ ⊹
~ Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!reader (no pronouns used)
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Hiro is most definitely full of nerves and awkwardness when the relationship first starts
I mean you can’t rlly blame him considering it’s super awkward when you start dating your friend 🫠🫠
He obvs eases up eventually and it becomes more casual between the two of you .
He pretty much stays the same but the way he tries to sneakily hold your hand doesn’t go unnoticed
He’s still the stupid and cringe prick he always was
Except 100x worse
You thought it couldn’t get worse than this? Well you were wrong 🦍
He’s alwayyyysssss bothering you
Sure he loves you and everything but bro
You can only handle so much
Bro is obsessed with so many things and is in a bunch of fandoms
So best believe you’re gonna have to sit and listen to him talk about the lore about random ass shit you’ve never heard about
How lovely ☺️
He seems to be on crack all the freaking time
Freaking demon child
You’ll especially love when you get comfortable enough to cuddle and he decides to trap you under the blanket with his farts while he runs away
And they say romance is dead 😍
And then he goes and acts like he’s an angel in front of cass
☺️ beautiful
Just smile for the time being, dw you can imagine the torture you’ll put him through to get you through the week
Also, you can’t not tell me this boy is a gamer or anime watcher
He’ll definitely watch shonen anime’s like Naruto or bleach but secretly watch them romance animes
Hell probably watch kdramas too, initially because cass would and it kinda stuck with hiro
Now going back
Hiro is super clingy
He tries denying it but he’s Fr super fucking clingy
It’s not a bad thing iggggg
He’s super cuddly and affectionate but not like in a super lovey way but more like a cat just doing whatever
Likes having his hair played with too
Will throw a whole ass tantrum if you don’t
Not rlly but still)
It’s pretty fun hanging around him especially when you’re not with him
When you’re not together you use social media to interact
Over TikTok, discord and just regular ol messages
Usually over TikTok since you guys be having TikTok wars
Whenever you open the app hiro always sends you 99+ TikTok’s and you do the same just to be an ass
He also uses those wack ass TikTok emojis 😭
Imagine going home after a long day at school and just seeing-
“Fnafl0v3r_66 tagged you “hehe [cute]”
If you don’t know that emoji go ahead and search it on TikTok)
Following that message is a video of sukuna x Cinderella w bakugo as their son
Like wtf
And then there’s the other end of the spectrum with hiro tagging you in those cute couple TikTok’s like bro pick a sideeeee
Ugly ass
Calling him that as if you guys don’t cuddle all the time
Well yea he’s pretty cool to have as a boyfriend when he’s not being a pain in the ass 😍
Extra - I just think of that one audio “I love you mr beast, I’ll love you forever and ever”
Best believe he says that on repeat
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mistyresolve · 1 year
Request for Reader asking to wrestle ghost and then he does that one move he does when he goes under someone’s legs and flips them on their back
Please if you want to 🫶
| Takedown
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Word Count - 1.5k
Summary - Y/N is regularly called upon by Ghost to help out as a fake assailant. Today's close combat lesson is on disarming and takedowns.
Tags/Warnings - Depictions of combat, slight sexual tension,
A/N - i think i know exactly what you're talking about! i believe it's a finisher from MW2019 called "Fangs Out".
I also found this TikTok by cctvsoap that shows the actual finisher.
Masterlist  ❤︎  Tag List Form 
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There was truly nothing worse than when Ghost roped you into agreeing to be his pretend enemy when he did his hand-to-hand combat training with his troops. Ghost preferred to demonstrate his lethality on someone who was resilient enough to take the blows and was trained enough to know how to safely take them. Why you agreed to it every time was a mystery, because you would go home at the end of the day and count all your new bruises. Last time, it was seven. 
At the very least you weren’t alone. Soap has also fallen prey to this scheme more than his fair share. You and Soap had created a “Victims of Ghost” Club. It mostly consisted of you two texting each other to run and hide when Ghost began his training doll recruitment. 
You could hold your own in a fight. Even against Ghost himself. However, this situation was different. You would be subjected to taking all the hits and tackles he needed to do for demonstration.
Today he was going over disarming and disorienting. His forte. Which meant a lot of being thrown on the ground and having your ass handed to you. 
Ghost was explaining the purpose and importance of close combat when he signalled for you to join him on the mat. You positioned yourself at the front of the mat, with a plastic gun in hand. Standing as if you were on a watch. Feet slightly apart and gun poised. 
He always started off by letting you know what moves to expect from him so you could prepare for it. The best you could. Then he would do a full run-through of the move, followed by a slowed down set-by-step explanation.
He began the training session with simple disarms. His motions were snappy and well-practiced, the gun was knocked to the floor and a hand was pinned behind your back. He moved like it was second nature to him. 
“Sorry,” he said lowly, dipping down to your ear. Your heart dropped down to pulse between your legs. 
This was why you kept saying yes.
You nodded, rubbing at your wrist where he had grabbed it and offered him a thumbs up. He returned the nod, eyes watchful. Once he was satisfied that you were truly fine, he proceeded to the step-by-step. He was extremely gentle when he did this, his hands ghosting across your body. A complete paradox from just moments before. Like when his fingers linger a second too long sometimes. Or when his thumb drew little circles on the bare skin of your wrist when he pinned it behind you once more. 
Near the end of the session, you felt like you were going to burst into flames. The man radiated heat like he was a furnace and his proximity throughout the last hour has been torturous. That and every time he whispered apologies to you, you felt yourself melt a little more.
Only to be brought back to the cold earth when he announced the next disarming tactic and takedown. You had yet to decide if you hated or loved this next one. 
Ghost turned back to you, “I’ll be going between your legs. Try and break your fall this time, would you?” he teased you about the last he taught this one in class he had moved in on you so fast you hardly had time to catch your fall. Your face had made friends with the floor that day. 
If the situation was different the words “I’ll be going between your legs,” would have made you weak in the knees. 
You glared over at him, “Go easy on me,” you had to force yourself to relax your muscles. It would make the fall hurt a little less. Once again you positioned yourself at the front of the mat, allowing a little extra space in the front of you this time. Since you’d be falling forward. You made sure you bent your knees and your grip on the gun lose. 
Ghost tapped your left leg as he passed you, letting you know which leg he’d be attacking. It helped with knowing which direction you’d need to twist towards when falling. 
He didn’t give any cues when he moved in. Aside from the quiet swish of fabric, he was nearly silent. 
A foreign leg hooked around the lower half of yours, and a well-placed hand pushing at your back forced you to lose balance and teeter forward. It was instinct to toss the gun and bring your hands up in front of you. You were still free-falling when a large hand wrapped around the ankle of your right leg, redirecting your momentum to the side so you landed on your shoulder. By the time you were on the ground, you were facing him with your back to the floor. You struggled to catch your breath for a moment. The force of the fall had stolen the air straight out of your lungs. Ghost was kneeling over you, a hand placed into your chest to keep you to the ground. There was no pressure to the contact thought.
He kept his attention on you until you gave a reassuring tap to the arm pinning you down. He remained as he was to allow you extra time to regain composure. His eyes flicked between the group of soldiers and you as he decoded his motions for them. There was no anxiety behind his eyes, just a hushed concern. He knew you weren’t injured, but the fall was never pleasant and he was well aware of that. 
He helped you back to your feet, squeezing your shoulder lightly before walking everyone through the action. This time when he hooked his leg around you there was no push or pulling. You still followed through with how it would have gone if it were happening at full speed. When he brought your right leg across his body so you were lying facing him once again, his watchful eyes were on you. Before he had to drag them away from you. 
He allowed for the remaining time for the troops to use as practice. You made your way to your water bottle, needing the ice cold water to chill the heat in your core. Ghost trailed after you as he watched the soldiers try out all the different moves and techniques he showed them today. 
“You’re going to have to go track down Soap for the next class,” You were half kidding.  
“If you stop giving him a head start every time I try, I just might do that,” he fixed you with a bored look. 
Of course, he knew. 
You faked a shocked expression, “My loyalties lay with McTavish.” 
“Then I’ll see you on friday,” he stated. He could pull rank on you, but you knew if you said “no”, he wouldn’t. He very very rarely pulled rank on you.  
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Bonus of Ghost taking the legs off Soap 
If there was one thing in this world that Simon had no issues throwing class and grace to the wind for, it was when someone challenged him. He also had no qualms about besting Soap in a fight. So when Soap told Ghost that he could take him down in a fight, Ghost rose to the occasion. A few members of the 141, including yourself, were in the training room when Soap contested that he could take on Ghost in a duel. To which he immediately denied the thesis. Much to no one’s surprise, Soap didn’t back down. Claiming that his agility was superior to Ghost’s resilience and power. 
You and Gaz set up camp on the benches. Placing bets on how long Soap would last.  
“No holding back on me,” Soap pointed a finger at the Brit before taking a ready position. 
As soon as Ghost tapped at his chest, a silent sign to begin, Soap was moving. It looked promising for the first few punches. Ghost on heavy defence.  
...It ended quickly. 
He blocked one of Soap’s punches, deflecting the momentum to create an opening for himself. With a quick jab to the abdomen to disorientate, then a sweep of his foot, and a body check, Soap’s feet were above his head.
You sighed, hanging your head as you dug into your pocket to retrieve a few bills, “I thought he’d last a little longer,” you mopped as Gaz took the money from you. 
“You gotta stop betting on the dofus.”   
Across the room, Soap rolled over to his side, “That hurt.”
Ghost was already walking to the bench, “It’s supposed to. It’s an ass kicking,” he turned and pointed a finger at Soap in the same manner he had done to him just moments ago.
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Close Quarters
A/N - everytime i see ghost in hand to hand he goes for their legs... everytime
Taglist - @thychuvaluswife ❤︎ @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎ @lostinsideourminds ❤︎ @v1naco ❤︎  @konig-breedme ❤︎ @wolfyland07 ❤︎ @cumbersome-robes ❤︎ @adelaidai ❤︎ @ddioriez ❤︎ @johfaam0 ❤︎ @ryethebrokengae ❤︎ @mychrysanthemums ❤︎  @purplefishingline ❤︎ @dog55teeth​ ❤︎ @mymommmy ❤︎ @lockleywife
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unnerving-presence · 8 months
So uh, I heard u got relationship headcanons for the knight *slides my love and appreciation towards u* pretty please uwu
i love tarhos i think he should be kissed on his silly little head
not the best and i love this guy but my writing brain so bad lately i’m sorry :[
not proofread
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If you thought he was loyal toward his followers, you won’t believe how far he’d go for you. He would endlessly maim, torture and mutilate anyone who would dare touch a hair on your head. If you are loyal to him, he will repay that loyalty by tenfold.
Doesn’t mind if you like admiring him or his armor. He always liked standing out and would not complain if you complimented him or his armor. He sort of prefers the blood but won’t say anything if you decide to clean it off his armor. He appreciates the gesture, as it makes both him and his armor look that much more stunning.
Finds it slightly amusing if you worry over his wounds, bruises, and rashes across his body. He’s grown a tolerance to pain and while he does feel it, he tends to block that out for the most part. He understands why you would want to help him like you would want to help your fellow survivors but he often declines the offer and insists he is fine.
He is very open about the conversation of trials and how you should be treated. He lets you know that while he won’t treat you differently it will never mean that he or his guards hate you. He’s simply doing his job. For him, he knows you will come back and doesn’t have much of a problem sacrificing you. Though sometimes your screaming irks him a bit. He gets used to everybody else’s cries of pain, but never yours.
He always liked standing out, and he damn well will make sure he does to you. Oh, did you say something about his armor earlier? Well he just polished it, so compliment him again! You impressed by his size? You should be. He’s a damn giant compared to most killers. He’s not really subtle about wanting those aspects about him to be recognized.
Surprisingly a very passionate kisser. He’s likely never kissed anyone romantically in his life, so having the opportunity to learn and do so is a big thing for him. He has someone he cares for now. He can finally do all the things he’s secretly been wanting deep down and he won’t let it build up any longer. He’s no lovebird by any means but he’ll close to never pass up the chance to show you how much he loves you.
Quite passionate in everything he does, actually. He’ll possessively hold you close to him like a dragon protecting its treasures if you ever want to sleep on him. Again with the kissing, you can tell how badly he’s needed the feeling of someone’s lips on his. Even speaking to you about your value to him is full of every word in the book to describe you in a positive light. He uses all the horrible things he’s most known for and completely turns it around for you. He’s not the most vulnerable nor will he always be impressionable with his seemingly positive actions, but even the little ones have thought put into it, like he really wants to try for you. He’s never going to change his ways nor does he want to. But you won’t ever be treated like the other common scum in the realm. You aren’t like them, despite being in the same position as them. To him, you’re higher than that and you deserve to be treated as such.
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newtabfics · 6 months
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Title: Puppy
Summary: Tieflings have heats, or maybe Rolan just has a really low resistance to a certain adventurer that has plagued his mind since they've met. So when the city celebrates victory over the Mind Flayers, Rolan joins her for a drink.
Heads up: Bottom!Rolan, "Puppy", Breeding kink, Oral (MR), Cowgirl, Creampie, PWP
The request that helped inspire this: Can I get a Rolan x sorcerer tiefling reader please? Wizard x sorcerer is a funny pairing since they have so much beef with one another and man do I love tieflings, they can hold tails❤🥺 But anyway it can be either nsfw or not...or both 👀 no complaints about that.
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The roar of the tavern rumbled around him as he sipped his ale. He smirked as he watched the twins dancing with the warlock. They were teasing the poor man until he was practically dizzy.
"Seems they like torturing Wyll," A new voice purred behind him. Glancing over, he almost sneered out of reflex. Tav smiled at him. "Mind if I join ya, Puppy?"
"Sure," He said after a moment's hesitation. The nickname again. He was unsure what it was but every time she teased him with that nickname, it sent a jolt through him.
His tail flicked as hers twitched. He couldn't help but admire her form, frowning as he saw the bandages on her. "You look like a wrapped corpse," He muttered.
"Charmer," She snorted. Her smile made his chest warm as he eyed her. "You doing alright?"
"Yes. Just…prefer a bit of quiet drinking myself."
"Is that your way of saying to fuck off?" 
Rolan's heart sank as he realized the implications of his words and quickly declined the thought. "I mean…Ah…" He cleared his throat.
Through the corner of his eye, he saw the twins grinning beside Wyll. The three were watching him. Even Wyll joined in giving him an encouraging thumbs up.
Tav's laugh filled his ears. "Relax. I'm only jesting, Rolan. Wanna drink on the balcony?" She offered.
His shoulders untensed as he smiled softly. "I'll get us another round then. Go on ahead?"
She nodded as she turned. His eyes trailed down her body as he watched her walk away. His breath hitched as he caught sight of her tail. It was raised and twitching, practically inviting him in.
Rolan gulped thickly as his face turned hot. He ordered the next round and prepared himself to meet her out on the balcony.
Tav took a steadying breath as she leaned against the railing. The ruined city was laid out before her. In the river, she could vaguely see lights. Likely scavengers attempting to salvage what they could from the remains of the Elder Brain and the bodies of Mind Flayers being thrown in carelessly.
A part of her wondered if those that were turned were ever saved. She barely remembered the truth from Withers as the wizard appeared at her side with a frothing glass of ale.
"Thank you," She chuckled.
Rolan nodded to her politely as he stood with her. Silence filled the air as he studied the area with her. He smiled softly. "Maybe…sorcerors aren't all bad."
"Oh?" She snickered. "What makes you think that?"
"Well, you managed this, didn't you?" He gestured to the city around him. "Saved it. Not bad for someone who can barely hold a flaming sneeze."
"It was one time!" She groaned, blushing as she laughed.
It was when they'd first met. Dirt had shifted from the cave ceiling and landed on her nose while talking to him. Rolan went to help dust away the debris, feeling pity for her, until she sneezed and flames came pouring out, burning his robe.
"You apologized about…a hundred times?"
"More like five hundred," She corrected as he grinned at her. Tav smiled as she felt his tail brush against hers as she moved closer. "You never did forgive me."
Rolan blinked. "I didn't?" He asked, heart jumping.
His tail twitched against hers. Slowly, they intertwined until they were wrapped around one another intimately. Her shoulder pressed against his as they stood closer.
"Yeah. You called me…ah, what was it?" Tav hummed, tapping her finger to her chin. "A hellspawn of blackened magic?"
Rolan groaned, laughing at himself in embarrassment. "It was rather…harsh," He confessed.
"Harsh?" She laughed. "It was the cutest thing ever said!"
He groaned as the woman teased and laughed, tightening her tail around his. He looked at her when he felt the weight of her head on his shoulder. A warmth spread through him as he took in her scent.
A smirk played over his lips. "You thought that was cute?" He leaned closer to her, eyes flicking to her lips. "I was trying to insult you."
"Keyword being trying," she chuckled, meeting his gaze.
She smiled nervously as she studied him. His eyes turned almost a molten gold as he watched her. A shiver ran up her spine when his tail rubbed and nervously squeezed hers.
Her heart jumped as she realized they both leaned in. "Rolan."
He gulped thickly at her breathy voice. "Yes?" On the railing, his fingers threaded with hers as their mugs of ale were forgotten.
Her words were lost as they stared at one another. Like a unified mind, their lips connected. The kiss was gentle and careful. 
His mind felt like a magic buzz as their tails tightened and lips locked. The taste of ale on her lips was enough to make him move closer.
Before he was fully aware of his actions, he had her against the balcony railing, kissing her deeply and cradling her face.
Her breath quickened as his scent filled her nose. His musk made her head spin with desire. Tav wrapped her arms tightly around him as they kissed, their bodies pressing against each other. 
She felt the heat from him radiate through her as they held each other in the darkness. His tail snaked its way around hers as his hands gripped her suddenly.
The kiss intensified until she was writhing against him. Finally, she broke the kiss and whispered, "We need a room. Now."
Rolan nodded eagerly. "Y-Yes. Yeah." His eyes darted everywhere, trying to think of the quickest route.
There was a blur of passing people, laughter, and drinks before he finally found himself pushed against the door of the room she was renting at the inn. His hands scrambled to touch her, gripping her rear as he pulled her up his body for a deep kiss.
His mind grew hazy as his tail twitched. He grunted and pressed himself against her. She could feel his hardness against her stomach through the robes and layers of clothing.
"Use your words, Rolan," She ordered, nipping and biting at his neck. "What d'ya want, Wizard?"
"You," He breathed against her horns. His lips brushed and scraped gently as he pressed against her again.
She watched his tongue dart over his lips before cupping his face and pulling him close. Her tongue licked gently at his. She swallowed his moan as his hands tightened on her hips.
Tav hummed and gripped his horn gently. His vision blurred as the drink made it hard to steady himself. She had moved so quickly. He blamed that she was likely using a spell to overpower him as she pinned him onto her bed.
She straddled his waist and tore off her shirt. His eyes widened as he took her in.
She was covered in scars from battles long past and bruises from her recent. She was still wrapped up in bandages. His hands hesitated as he made to touch her.
What if I hurt her? He wondered briefly as he traced the curve of her body with his eyes.
"If it's not attractive…"
His eyes widened. She was scared. Her body trembled as he hesitated and he let out a breath that sounded like the word "Beautiful."
Tav's cheeks heated when his lips found the scar over her chest. A slash from a goblin when they'd first met. She was lucky to survive. His tongue over the long mark made her shiver against him.
"Scared I'll hurt you," He admitted, kissing up her collar.
She smirked and nipped his ear gently. Her fingers gripped at the tie in his hair and pulled it out. "Trust me. You can't hurt me," She muttered, rolling her hips to grind down on his hardening cock.
Her eyes were focused on him as she toyed with him. She studied the way he whimpered and breathed shakily against her neck. His hands kept flinching and grabbing. Unsure.
"Rolan," She whispered. "Do you need me to take control?"
"Fuck, please," He begged. "Please, Tav. I…"
His face felt hot as she cupped his cheeks. Her thumbs rubbed soothingly as he trembled. He was unsure of how to voice his inexperience but he knew he wanted this. He had been wanting it since he met her.
"Fuck. Too hot," He muttered, sitting up. With her help, his robes were tossed away and she tore off his shirt. 
Her chest pressed against his as she kissed him. He whined as he gripped her waist.
Tav nuzzled him. "Let me take care of you, Puppy," She teased gently.
He shuddered as his cock twitched in his pants. He bit his lip when she kissed down his body. With wide eyes, he watched Tav's tongue dart out to his stomach.
She hummed at the taste of him, watching the way he panted and shuddered. Her sharp teeth gently pressed against his hip as she tugged his pants down. Her fiery eyes found his as she pulled slowly.
His heart hammered at the slow drag as he was finally stripped down. His cock ached as she eyed him hungrily. She groaned at the ridges along his length and licked slowly from his base to tip. Her eyes locked onto his as she shuddered and settled between his thighs.
Tav smirked as her tail flicked behind her as she continued to lick and tease the wizard's cock carefully. She studied his reactions, pressing and stroking her tongue carefully. Finally, she caved and took him into his mouth.
The taste of his salty tip against her tongue had her moaning softly around him. She loved the weight of him on her tongue. She relished in it even. 
"So thick," She murmured as she pulled back so only the tip was in her mouth. "Rolan, you taste so good."
He whined and whimpered as he watched her bob her head slowly along him. He whimpered and shuddered. "Fu…Never thought…this would ever happen. Gods," He whispered.
Tav's tail twitched as her hand gripped at the tip of his tail. Her eyes widened when he bucked his hips up, slipping quickly into her throat.
At her choke, he pulled back, apologizing until her nails dug into his hips. With a dark look in her eyes, she sucked him down.
His mouth hung open when her lips suctioned around his base, tongue rubbing along his ribbed shaft. He let out a breath and whimpered as his back arched up.
Her tail began to slide along his again, rubbing and teasing gently as she held his hips in place. His eyes darted to watch her pull back just enough to allow him to move. At her twitching hands, he bit his lip as he gripped her horns.
Tav gave him an encouraging hum and he began to thrust slowly. Her eyes watched as the wizard shuddered and thrust into her mouth. He was near babbling as he began to grow more intense.
She rubbed his thighs, encouraging him as she let her mouth hang open. She could feel his tip bumping against the back of her throat as he gripped her horns harder.
He blinked as he heard her moan and looked down. Sure enough, her hand had slid down the front of her trousers. He moaned as he watched her touching herself with his cock in her throat.
"Mmffuck," He stuttered, twitching in her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Tav grunted when he shoved himself fully into her throat. She felt him pulsing and pumping his load into her throat. She choked and coughed a bit, blushing when she felt it leaking from her lips.
"Oh gods," He whispered at the sight as she pulled back slowly. "I'm so–"
He froze as her fingertips pressed to her lips. She gulped twice before licking her lips clean with a pant. With a lovely twist of her lips, she stood and stripped down. His eyes fell over her frame again and he bit his lips.
"I'm dreaming," He finally breathed as he looked at the ceiling.
That had to be it. She was an illusion of his mind. He was delirious from the alcohol. He was moaning her name as she rubbed her folds along his length.
"Not dreaming. Rolan, I'm gonna fuck you until you're howling like the adorable puppy you are," Tav groaned as she slid her tail around his.
The gesture was intimate and made Rolan whimper softly. He still couldn't help but think he was dreaming. A dream he never wanted to wake from as Tav slid down his cock.
Their moans melded together, tails tightening around one another carefully. Tav's claws dug into his chest as she rocked her hips quickly. It was like she was manic and desperate to feel him.
Rolan's mouth opened in a pitiful moan as she kissed his neck and licked his ear. "Tav!" He grunted, biting his lip as he gripped her waist.
"Go on, Sweetie," She moaned. "Touch me where you like. It's okay."
With her permission, he began to let his hands wander. His thumbs grazed over the ridges on her ribs. Her body rolled under his hands, dragging herself along his length.
"Gods above," He whined. "I–Fuck…"
"That's a good boy," She moaned, tail tightening around his as her clawed hands gripped his hair. She was thrusting herself harder now, making him choke and moan. "Like that? Like being fucked like this?"
"Yes, oh fuck yes!" He sobbed, hands tightening around her waist. He bit his lip and dove his head down.
Tav moaned softly as he bit her shoulder and neck as his hips pulsed upward. "That's it, puppy," She whined. "Just feel good f'me. Just want you to come in me already. Fill me with your cute pups."
Rolan's brain shut off with those words as he gripped her hips tight. His hips jutted up into her as he growled and moaned.
Vaguely, he felt something in the back of his mind screaming at him to pull her off him. But as she slammed down with finality, he was lost.
Her sweet moan of his name, hips rocking still, sent him over the edge. His claws dug into her ass as he pumped up into her, panting and whining.
"Fuck, Tav," He whispered before she fluttered his neck and jaw with kisses. His eyes fluttered as he panted and held her to him.
Tav kissed his ear. "Mine," She whimpered.
A small smile spread over his lips. "Yours…all yours."
He settled slowly, shaking still as she adjusted. Tav smirked down at him and he blinked. "What–Ah~" He moaned as she rocked her hips.
"Rolan," She hummed softly. "You're still hard. Makes me wanna see what you look like when you're too lost. Too into it. Too desperate for me."
The wizard bit his lip as he watched her and nodded. "Please. Please keep riding me."
"Make me."
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berrystrawbs · 2 months
not currently being updated -- still accepting/replying to asks, but they won't be added to this list. percentages will not change.
list updated: 23/07/24, 19:28 EST / percentages updated: 23/07/24, 19:28 EST
all from my asks | if you have information that i've missed (goal/vetting/scam updates, etc) use my askbox or dms | organized by order received
🍉 please continue to donate, reblog, and share! 🍉
@mohammed-atallah | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost
€5,229 raised of €82,000 goal (6.4%)
"🛑 don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔The campaign has been documented @/90-ghost Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏"
@emanzaqout | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost
$6,731 CAD raised of $40,000 goal (17%)
"I know for sure that you can't help all families from Gaza that want to be evacuated from here but at least you can help those who come across your life. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. Asking for help is not easy. But when thinking that the price is my family's life and getting out of here safely, it just pushes me more and more to do this until i reach my goal, be able to attend my university abroad and achieve my doctoral degree dream after awarding prestigious PhD fellowship. Please donate and share to support us standing at this hard time."
@wafaaresh | donate (gfm) | vetted by ana-bananya
€3,903 raised of €100,000 goal (3.9%)
"Heloo Im wafaa from Gaza ..i need your help if you can Please donate to save my life and my family 🍉🇵🇸 Asking for help is not easy, I ask for a small donation of only 20€ from each person, 20€ will save my family from death in Gaza 💔 Donate through the link in bio (gofundme) Together, we can achieve our goal within a day and provide crucial support to me and my family in Gaza. Your contribution means everything to us and in these difficult times your kindness is our greatest hope. We are very grateful for any assistance you can provide and thank you for your kindness and generosity in our time of need"
@aymanayyad82 | donate (gfm) | vetted by nabulsi
$27,885 raised of $35,000 goal (80%)
"Hello dear friends ! ❤🤍💚🖤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 All positive words can't show how generous you are, especially on the side of sharing my posts to let other donors know about the people of Gaza who are still suffering the horrible circumstances resulting from the injust war on Gaza! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤🤍💚🖤 Thank you from the deepest bottom of my heart for the support you are showing to help Palestinian families stay safe and alive.🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Despite the various colours of sufferings and tortures we are undergoing at the moment, your brave stances and support greatly ease and relieve us . Your loud voices and your heroic acts make a great difference to our Palestinian cause. 🖤💚🤍❤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 We are fundraising such donations to have the least basic needs of life and to help find safety and peace for the little kids who don't deserve to lead such horrific situations. Thanks to your contribution, my family is on its halfway to reach the goal. All forms of your help make a difference to free the people who have been struggling and paying much for almost 300 hard days. ✌✌✌🖤💚🤍❤🇵🇸🇵🇸 Please keep supporting the fairest cause of the world either by directly donating or sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in tough and dire times till the black days end. https://gofund.me/4eee3d76" NOTE: nabulsi's post vetting this fundraiser tags @/aymanayyad81, which has since been terminated. explanation: "Hello my friend ! Sorry for interrupting but I want to let you know I changed my blog into aymanayyad82 instead of aymanayyad81 because it has been unfairly terminated. Such unjust action affects my campaign badly whole I am in bad need to have a larger audience. Thank you so much for your brave stand with the people of Gaza." (via an ask from their reblogs)
@alhabil | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost , el-shab-hussein
€15,316 raised of €50,000 goal (31%)
"Hello My Freind 🌹 I want your support My house was destroyed and I am currently living in a tent with my children 😞 My Mom and Dad who suffer from chronic diseases, They need urgent medical care and medications that are not available 💔 Please help my family by donating or reblog my campaign is going very slowly 🙏🍉 ."
@tameraldeeb | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost , nabulsi , ibtisams , el-shab-hussein , fairuzfan
€22,213 raised of €40,000 goal (56%)
"Hello there, 👋 I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza. We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own... We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death. I hope you can take a look at our campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹 Our campaign is verified by @/90-ghost , @/ibtisams , @/el-shab-hussein , @/nabulsi and @/fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️"
@islamgazaaccount2 | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost and riding-with-the-wild-hunt
€420 raised of €30,000 goal (1.4%)
"Hello there 👋 Islam, a 27-year-old from Gaza, is currently sleeping on the streets without any form of shelter or safety for himself and his family. Their home was demolished by a bombing from the Israeli occupation. While shelter is crucial, they also urgently need food and water. All of their necessities were taken away. Islam tried sharing a donation link, but with limited followers, it wasn't reaching enough people. Thankfully, he created a GoFundMe account, making it easier for those who want to help. Please consider sharing Islam's story and donating to his GoFundMe. Even a small contribution can make a big difference in their time of need. 🙏❤️ https://gofund.me/08ed0b8c This fundraiser is on the following list of vetted ones and has been verified by @/90-ghost and @/riding-with-the-wild-hunt"
@ahmed4palestine | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost
$12,140 raised of $20,000 goal (61%)
"Hello, I am Ahmed. The war destroyed my life. Can you help me? I need 3 things from you: Share, repost, and donate if you are able to donate. Thank you for listening to me My post link 👇💕 https://www.tumblr.com/ahmed4palestine/756439898525974528/urgent My GFM link 👇🔗 https://gofund.me/1d8bb3df" NOTE: his fundraiser was vetted under his previous account (ahmedtaban22), which has now been terminated. the gfm is the same.
@save-hijazi-family | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost
€3,484 raised of €20,000 goal (17%)
"URGENT CALL FOR HELP 🍉🚨🚨🚨 Hi everyone I'm Mohammed Hijazi from Gaza 🍉 and I'm displaced from home with my sick father and with my family. I'm verified by 90ghost and northgazaupdate My father needs an urgent surgery and urgent help. And we live in a very hard life conditions in a tent. Please 🥺 stand with us and support us as much as you can Donate 🙏 🙏 Share , reblog my pined post, Do as much as you can to save our life. My family Depends on you 😞🙏" NOTE: mohammed's fundraiser was vetted under the account @/savemohammedfamily. i'm unsure why the accounts are different, but the gfm links direct to the same fundraiser.
@684599 | donate (gfm) | verified by 90-ghost
€975 raised of €100,000 goal (0.9%)
"welcome everybody I am Muhammad Imad Abdel Latif Sharab First, after an aggressive war on Gaza City and its revival, we were displaced from our 3-storey house in which I and my family of 3 members live. My father's family consists of 8 members My grandfather, may God have mercy on him, was martyred by occupation aircraft on 12/14/2023. The one who was martyred while he was leaving the house to check on our house next to him, which could not be reached due to a brutal enemy who does not differentiate between anyone in death, went out to check on our house, which we were not in because of my displacement to Rafah, me, my father, and our families due to the intensity of the fighting in Khan Yunis, and after that A few days ago, our store in which my father and brothers work was bombed by occupation aircraft. He was working to gather his strength from it and meet the needs of our house, which no longer exists due to the bombing. We ask you to help and contribute, even if just a little, by donating to us so that we can compensate for a little of what we lost. Many thanks to you 😢 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 If you do not understand the words well, because I am not very good at English, but I ask you to help me with money so that I can compensate for even a little of what I lost, and I am very grateful to you, my dears😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺🥺😢" NOTE: this fundraiser has been verified by 90-ghost but not yet vetted.
@siiraj2024 | donate (gfm) | vetted by nabulsi
$10,856 CAD raised of $82,000 goal (13%)
"My dear friend, Welcome, I hope you are well *Subject/Invitation to support me in rebuilding the house* When the hope of returning home evaporates, and you become displaced and homeless without housing, for an open period, you feel that all your energy has been exhausted, and terrifying nightmares begin to dominate your mind. I worked long hours and borrowed a lot to complete the house, and I am not happy with it yet. Now all I have is the tent, in which I will stay until an unknown date. My children are living in a state of despair and loss, and how difficult it is to stand in front of them when you are unable to provide them with food, drink, and housing. My goal now is to rebuild the house, and I am very far from the goal that is a dream for us, so how difficult it is to become homeless indefinitely. You can help in the following ways: 1. Provide support and share the last 5 posts on my page. 2. Writing a post about my campaign. 3. Send the campaign link to your friends and family via mail or other social networking sites. 4. Post the question on your page as it is. The campaign is documented by Nabulsi✅ Accept my greetings🌹 Note: Please contact me via messages if necessary https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-sirajs-family-in-rebuilding-their-home"
@momen-alostaz | donate (gfm) | vetted by el-shab-hussein (#125)
€14,408 raised of €70,000 goal (21%)
"momen alostaz, my old account (@/momenalostaz) has been blocked because I am from the Gaza Strip. I hope that this post will spread to the largest number of friends and that the new account will be published to you, with many thanks and gratitude." (from a different ask)
@abdelmutei | donate (gfm) | vetted by 90-ghost
€1,152 raised of €50,000 goal (2.3%)
"Hello, I am Abdel Muti, I am 27 years old. I live in Palestine, Gaza, and I am displaced in southern Gaza. I am married. My wife is 23 years old, and my daughter, Juri, is 2 years old. We are displaced in southern Gaza, and our situation is very, very difficult, and we wish death from the few, because there is nothing for the necessities of life, especially hygiene, and the spread of dangerous diseases, and I am afraid. To my family, and I hope you will help us collect donations so that we can go out of Gazahttps://gofund.me/f285fe86"
100 notes · View notes
mothwingwritings · 8 months
F!Reader X Ren Hana
Hello everyone!!! Back at it again with a new Boyfriend To Death fic ❤
I know what you might be saying. “Wow another BTD fic based around a collar, real original Moth” BUT in my defense I actually wrote this one before the story I wrote for Strade. My brain barfed this out a few months ago (when I finished playing through Ren’s route for the first time) but I wanted to make something Christmas-esque because it was December, so Strade’s story came out first.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun writing both, so I hope you enjoy them too! ❤
Though there is nothing overtly sexual in this, due to the subject nature of this fic this story is 18+ ONLY please!!!
Warnings: imprisonment, abuse (physical and mental), reader has some extreme Stockholm syndrome going on, incredibly unhealthy relationship, biting, blood, reader gets hurt, mentions of sex, I guess maybe petplay potentially??? (what with the collar and all).
Thank you for reading!
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“Okay… You promise you’ll be a good girl, right? No funny business?”
Despite being perched on soft carpet, your legs ached from kneeling on them for the past half hour. You kept your back pin straight and your shoulders even, your hands neatly folded in your lap. His voice was cheery as he spoke down to you, playful even, but you knew Ren well enough to know that these next moments were crucial. With him, even the most benign moments could turn at the drop of a hat.
“I promise Ren. I’ll be good.”
Your voice was soft as you responded to him, big doe eyes looking up at the beastkin in expectation. Your promise wasn’t a lie- you always intended to be good for him, striving to do so even when the situation made that nearly impossible. You bit your bottom lip apprehensively, a slight shiver wracking Ren’s body when you did so. He was watching you just as closely as you were him, drinking in your form, honing in on each and every move of your body and change of expression. 
He smiled at you, that sad half smile he always got when he was grappling with his inner emotions. “I know you will. You are always good for me… To me…” He hesitated for a moment, staring with trepidation at the key that lay in his hand. It was no bigger than his pinky, but seemed to weigh him down regardless.
“I’m just, um, nervous I guess. But I’m not sure why? It’s not like taking it off is gonna change anything,” Though he laughed to dispel the tension, it had the opposite effect, his nerves palpable as he fidgeted where he stood.
For a moment you thought he was going to go back on his word. Tell you to forget about it and toss the shock collar’s key aside, leaving you stuck in it for another day. Part of you wondered if that would even matter. Ren was right, nothing truly would change, collar or not.
… But still, you couldn’t help but hope. That cruel, nagging feeling swelled up in your heart, making your breath hitch in anticipation. Your heart beat like a drum in your chest and sweat slicked your brow as you watched him nervously turn the key around in his palm, your fate in his hands as he mulled the decision over.
It had been months now that the collar had been around your neck, heavy and overbearing, a constant, torturous reminder of your new life. He had only allowed it to come off in brief intervals when you showered or when you slept so that you could find some comfort as you laid next to him, caged in by his embrace. Otherwise it wrapped around your neck like a noose, and even though these days its intended purpose was hardly necessary, Ren kept it firmly in place. He was too afraid to keep it off you for long, worried that given the choice you would abandon him too.
But you wouldn’t. For better or worse, whatever twisted feelings Ren had harbored for you, you now shared for him-all of his ardent affections reciprocated. Deep inside you knew this all was wrong, and it would be a blatant lie if you said you no longer felt any fear or sadness over all that had transpired (all that continues to transpire) while he held you in captivity. Even so, none of that dulled the fact that at this point you craved his touch, yearned for his smile, and wanted nothing more than his companionship and love to get you through the lonely struggle life had become.
After spending months with him as your only companion, you had grown to care deeply for Ren. Though the experience was often terrifying and confusing, you had learned to place your trust in him as he watched over you the past half year, relying on him for all your needs and necessities. The more time you spent together, the more you learned about him. And the more you learned, the more you began to open up to him. 
After a certain point, love began to blossom.
That feeling flourished within, growing so unruly that even his moments of torment and cruelty were accepted with open arms. It took you awhile to realize it, but you now understand that everything Ren does he does for your benefit. Whether he was treating you like a princess or teaching you a harsh lesson, Ren did everything in his power to make sure you were cared for, protected, and aware. Life wasn’t always fair and kind, it was better to be taught that at the hands of someone who loved you then to experience it unexpectedly out in the wild.
Looking back on it now, you were a fool not to appreciate him sooner. All the fussing and fighting you did when he first brought you home seemed completely ridiculous now. He took you in, let you live in a nice home, prepared you home cooked meals every day, and lavished you in affection even when you were being stubborn and didn’t deserve it.
For all that he is and all that he has done for you- the good and bad alike- he deserved nothing but your wholehearted devotion in return. Thinking about the past made you cringe but you refused to let yourself get caught up in it, doing your best every day to be good for him and make up for your prior indiscretions. He loved you with all that he is, poured his soul into caring for you and keeping you content. No past lover had ever treated you with the loyalty or attention that Ren had, and you were thankful for that.
 His happiness had become your happiness. To risk the life you had built together by taking advantage of his kindness was unthinkable.
But even with your steadfast dedication to him, he still continued to mull over this decision with a deep scowl plastered on his face. An ache blossomed in your chest. Surely he had to realize by now that he was just as precious to you as you were to him? You pouted a bit as you watched him agonize over the situation, your heart hurting to see him have such a lack of faith in your bond.
“… Ren?”                                                                                    
Your questioning voice caught his attention, dragging his focus away from the key he was clutching in his sweaty grip. The moment you had grabbed his attention, you slowly began scooting closer to him, your knees itching as they scratched against the fibers of the fancy carpet. Once you neared him, you raised your hands till they cupped his, gently enveloping his shaky fist in your warm hold. You pulled his hand towards your mouth, delicately kissing each of his fingers as you stared up into his eyes.
“If you don’t want to take it off, you don’t have to,” you smiled at him genuinely, your lips lingering on his thumb before you pulled away. You felt a shiver pass through him as his eyes grew hazy, boring into yours with growing intensity, “I can tell it’s making you uncomfortable, so it’s OK. I am not upset, we can keep it on another day-“
Your eyes widened at the assuredness in his voice, all previous concern nonexistent. “No… It’s time to take it off. It’s only getting in the way at this point. Just… Gimme a second, OK?”
He positioned himself behind you, nervous hands fumbling as he worked to remove the collar. After several seconds of poking and prodding, a loud ‘click’ came from the back of your neck followed by a small thud as the heavy collar fell from your body, colliding with the carpeted floor.
Your hand’s shot up to touch your exposed skin, a shiver coursing through you as the cold air hit your sweaty flesh. Tears began to well in your eyes as the realization donned on you. You were free. You had been a good girl for Ren and he rewarded you for it, just like you knew he would.
“W-well,” you heard Ren stutter above you, clearly a bit nervous about what may happen next, “What do you think? How does it feel?”
“It feels amazing,” your voice warbled as you still got used to the sensation. Its absence was foreign and exciting and you couldn’t help but break out in a huge, elated grin. “Thank you Ren. Thank you so much.”
He lowered himself in front of you, crouching on his knees. “Can I see?” A hint of worry still remained in his timid voice, fearful that you may still end up rejecting him.
You looked to him with a smile and nodded, baring your neck for him to witness. “Of course! I probably look a little bit different without it on, huh?”
“Pretty…” His voice was breathless as he dragged his fingers gingerly across the freed skin of your neck. His pupils dilating slightly as he felt you shudder under his touch. “So, so pretty… But also, a little barren, don’t you think?”
Your breath caught at the insinuation, a small wave of panic causing your body to tense. Did he regret his decision after all? Was he going to put the collar back on? You had told him it was fine if he decided that, and you weren’t someone who went back on their word, but at the same time… that was before you experienced it. Now that you realized how good it felt without that horrible, weighty reminder clinging to your skin, you dreaded the thought of it attached to your body once more.
An airy chuckle fell from his lips as he noted your reaction. He leaned in closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
“Don’t worry pumpkin, I’m not going to put it back on. But I do hate the idea of you walking around without something on your body to signify that you’re mine, you know?” His caress traveled from your cheek, his right hand snaking around your head to cradle it, pulling you closer to him. His free hand wrapped around your waist, which kept you flush against him.
“I want to give you something better than that collar,” his voice had become strained, lithe fingers curling up to entangle in your hair, tugging roughly on the strands at the base of your neck. “I want you to have something personal, something that will look perfect on you.”
Without another word, he latched himself to your neck. Not in a kiss, but a harsh, powerful bite.
You gasped as his sharp incisors dug themselves into your flesh, a wave of pain causing tears to flood your eyes. You pressed your fists against his chest, biting down on your trembling bottom lip in an effort to hold back your cries.
Warm blood trickled from the wound as he detached himself, a vibrant trail snaking from the puncture wound to slither down your neck. His tongue stopped it before it hit your collar bone, leaving a wet, sloppy streak across your neck as he licked up the mess.
“This is much better, right?” He asked tentatively, his fingers traveling down to trace the wound he had inflicted. Blood coated his fingertips as he ran them over the injury, his breath hitching as he smeared you with crimson, “prettier… you are so pretty, (name)…”
“T-thank you Ren,” you flinched at the movement of his fingers, shuddering as he pressed down on the open wound, “It’s much better.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed, pivoting your head slightly so that he could nuzzle into the unmarred side, “but it’s not perfect yet, there needs to be more.”
Another abrupt bite sunk into your flesh. This time you couldn’t help but cry out, blubbery whimpers tumbling from your quivering lips. You felt Ren shiver against you, your reactions eliciting an excited moan from him that was muffled by your flesh in his jaw. The hold his teeth had on you eventually yielded, but the assault of his mouth did not. Feverish kisses pressed against the new wound, his tongue lapping at the blood as it muscled its way across the puncture. You whined at the sensation, waves of pain emanating from the weeping, gory wounds as he continued to aggravate them.
When he finally pulled away tears had already begun to fall freely down your cheeks. Though he had given your neck a much needed break, you were given no time to collect yourself as he proceeded in pressing his lips firmly to yours. The taste of copper flooded your tongue as he deepened the kiss, forcibly pushing himself against you until you had no choice but to lean backwards, your back falling flat against the floor as he crawled overtop you.
He placed his hands on either side of you, his legs straddling your hips as he sat himself atop you. You were effectively caged in when his lips parted from your own, and though his face was obscured in shadows, you could clearly see a swath of your blood spread across his mouth. It perfectly complimented the animalistic hunger in his eyes, his mischievous fox like features seeming far more sinister than normal as he leered down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you would fear he was going to eat you alive.
“I want to mark you in all kinds of ways, (Name),” His tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, a sliver of pink peeking through the red, “I want to mark you to show you how much I love you. I want you to be able to look at every inch of your body and be reminded of me. That way even if we get separated, you won’t be lonely. You’ll have a constant reminder of how much I love you.”
A serene smile spread across his face as he looked at you, the vibrancy of his blush nearly matching the blood that coated his mouth and chin. He shifted a bit above you, the feel of his hardening cock unmistakable as it pressed against your pelvis.
“I love you,” his voice wavered as he leaned closer towards you, unsteady breaths fanning your face as his lovesick eyes drank you in. His lips were teasingly close to yours as he continued to smile down at you, a small, happy laugh tumbling from his lips as his tail began to swish behind him in excitement.
“I’m so glad I made you mine.”
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xstarsdiary · 7 months
𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 - 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖱𝖣𝖠 𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗒- 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗄𝗂𝖽𝗇𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖾𝖽 𝖺 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍 ’𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉’. 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍.
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𝜗𝜚 miles quaritch x female sully reader (22)
warnings - 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗱𝗻𝗶!! choking, degradation, hair pulling, slight kuru play, degradation, praise, begging, orgasm denial, unwanted creampie, I didn’t know how else to end it 😭
word count - 2.2k 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
vocabulary - vrrtep: demon/s, uniltìrantokx: dreamwalker/s, tawtute: human, skxawng: moron / idiot, thanator: (palulukan) creature on pandora.
tagging - @neteyamsoare ❤︎︎ ( 𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆 𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍! )
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Getting kidnapped by Colonel Miles Quaritch - the man who was presumed dead, murdered by your mother herself - was one thing. But the things the two of you did behind closed doors was another thing. Another very, very bad thing.
The RDA had taken you after holding you and your younger siblings hostage, spider as well. You had been moved from room to room over the few weeks you stayed there. Or maybe it was months? You had no idea.
Just the other week you had been moved to a different room, a much smaller room. And the very first thing you noticed was that all the walls were a clean white colour, not a single wall held your reflection in it like the large one in your past room.
The vrrteps must’ve thought you were stupid, you thought. You always knew that they were watching you from the other side of the reflective wall as well as the small contraption in the corner of your old cell, which would have a small dot that flashed red whenever they were watching you.
Not only did they watch you. The vrrteps in lab coats would often strut into your room, running all kinds of tests as at least a few uniltìrantokx stood around, their big guns firmly held in their grasp. You couldn’t do anything but sit or lay there helplessly, occasionally hissing to show your displeasure as your hands stayed bound in orange cuffs.
Other than that, you were pretty much left alone. Sometimes you wondered how spider, the human boy who often hung out with your younger siblings was. He had been taken by the RDA too, but you still haven’t seen him since the first day, when you watched with worried eyes as the sky people used their awful machines against him.
It was a horror sight to see a kid be tortured like that, to be in that much pain just because a woman in military clothing wanted answers from him. You were grateful for whoever stopped the machine before your eyes landed on the culprit, the person just happening to be Quaritch.
That was the first time you got a good look at the man. You studied him from your place on a bench in the lab, where the scientists poked and prodded at you with their sharp needles and gloved hands.
His muscles flexed as he tensed up, quietly speaking to the tawtute woman who looked up at him with a frustrated expression. Only the most unholy thoughts filled your mind as you watched his outstretched arm flex, his biceps hardening and fingers slightly twitching.
Your mouth went dry and you internally scolded yourself as you remembered who this man was, disgusted at yourself for even allowing those thoughts- those images to come to mind.
You didn’t know what came over you the first night he came to your cell, predatory eyes scanning over your slim figure as his hands tightly held onto his vest. Hell- he didn’t even know what he was doing.
He felt like he had already failed his mission the second he realized that he- no, his body was attracted to you. Your figure was slim and lean with just the right amount of muscle and the perfect amount of fat in all the right places.
He couldn’t help it. I mean, he gets bought back in a whole new much younger body, of course his hormones are everywhere. He felt like a horny teenager all over again.
He knew it was so wrong being in your room for this reason. You’re his targets oldest kid for fucks sake. But the second he had you on your knees, the side of your face pushed into the soft mattress beneath you and your hands held tightly behind your back while one of his it all felt so right.
You were the perfect stress relief. The perfect distraction. He guessed that's why he would find himself walking towards your cell almost every night, his cock throbbing painfully hard inside of his pants.
The events from earlier today had him especially stressed. Him and his team had gone out into the forest, this time without Spider. Big Mistake. They had almost gotten lost a countless amount of times and had a bad run in with a Thanator.
One of his soldiers was injured, not too severely but enough to be put in the hospital wing for a decent amount of time, definitely putting him at least a couple days behind on his mission.
However, all of that stress seemingly disappeared as soon as he rubbed his pink tip against your wet cunt before pushing inside of your tight hole, relishing in the way you suck him in so perfectly. You were always so good for him on nights like these, so obedient.
You didn't know why you would succumb to him every time. Maybe it was the fact that you were equally as horny, desperate for release. Or maybe it was the fact that you were slightly attracted to the man.
Whatever the reason was, you didn't really care. Especially when he’s pumping in and out of you this fast, his cock filling you up so perfectly that you’re starting to think it was made just for you.
Your heels dug into his shoulder blades as his hand found its placement on your knees, helping to hold our legs up. You didn't even know what to do with your own hands as they gripped the bed sheets above your head, your moans getting choked up in your throat with each rough thrust he gives you.
There was no denying that Miles was rough and relentless when endorsed in intercourse, well at least with you he was. You weren't complaining though, no. You secretly loved the way he would tug on your hair, the way he would switch up between praising and degrading you, a perfect mix of both.
His voice was always rough and demanding, authoritative would be the best way to describe it. And excitement filled your body every time he would speak, making your pussy clench harder around his thick cock. “Such a good girl, hm? Sweet girl.” He would murmur, one of his hands moving to wrap around your throat.
Your hands instinctively move to wrap around his wrist, but still not making any effort to tug his hand away as your nails now dig into his skin instead of the soft bedding beneath you.
“Fff-uck!” You curse, struggling to get any words or noises out as his hand wraps harder around your throat, almost restricting any air from entering as you lightly gasp. With your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head and every now and then fluttering closed you mewl, hips bucking upwards to match his merciless thrusts.
There's a low growl that emits from his throat, his hand unwrapping from your throat before he grabs your waist with both hands, lifting you up off his cock as you unhook your legs from over his shoulders.
You let out a pathetic whine at the feeling of being so empty, the pressure that had just started building up in your abdomen already lost. Miles lifts you upright as if you're some ragdoll. Some toy just for him to play with when he's bored. And maybe that's really just what you are to him, a dumb slutty toy.
Now straddling his lap as the both of you sit on your knees, you grind against him, your wet cunt gliding smoothly against his cock. Your hands wrap around his neck, dainty fingers running through his buzzed hair before finding the base of his queue and wrapping around it.
“So needy aren't you, doll? Always being such a little fuckin’ whore.” And with his harsh words he lifts you up by your hips, roughly slamming you back down on his cock.
You cry out, nails scratching and clawing at his back, surely leaving stinging red marks. The sudden penetration was painful, taking you by surprise as your body stiffened.
Miles let out a quiet hiss, one of his hands tightening its grip on your hip as the other grabs a fustful of your braids and roughly tugs. Tears cloud your vision as the stinging pain in your scalp replaces the throbbing pain in your pussy, your teeth biting down hard on your bottom lip.
Suppressing a moan, you bite down on your plump lip harder, eyes staring up at him. You didn't want to admit it but you didn't mind the pain, it was pleasurable even.
A guilty feeling brews in your stomach as you’re reminded of all the pain that this man has bought your family, your people. However, that feeling is forgotten almost as soon as his hips bucked upwards, cock burying impossibly deep inside of you before he lifts you up to pull out again, continuously slamming you down on him.
Your mind was numb. Silent. You couldn't think of anything except for the way his length slid in and out of you so deliciously, a wet clapping noise echoing around the room every time you bounced back down on his dick.
His grip on your hair loosened, allowing you to tilt your head back down and face him. Your mouth is hung wide open, breathy moans and whines escaping, worming their way out of your sore throat.
That familiar pressure in your lower stomach begins to build up, encouraging you to bounce harder, Miles’ hand still holding your plush hip as he guides you up and down. A series of moans leaves your mouth, followed by a few curses here and there.
Miles can tell you're getting close by the way your cunt is clenching around him. He lets out a groan of his own, watching your flushed face as he fucks you. “You close, girl?” He questions almost pridefully.
With another whine you shake your head, denying what's true as to save yourself from the humiliation that's soon to come.
He lets out a gruff chuckle, grip tightening on your hip. “Yeah you are. I know you are.” I can tell by the way your pretty pussy is gripping me even tighter. Miles thinks to himself, smirking slightly as his eyes drift down to where his cock is ruthlessly fucking you.
“Please- please just let me come!” You plead, speaking with a heavy accent in English in hopes that that will help convince him to let you have your release. Miles always liked when you spoke in his mother tongue.
“Please what?” His words are harsher than intended, sharp and demanding.
Sucking up your pride you answer. “Please sir.. I need to come!” You sucked in a breath of air, on the verge of snapping and finally feeling your blissful climax.
“Fuckin’ wait. You’re so fuckin’ impatient.” And as his hand tugs your hair once again and his cock begins to twitch inside of you, you can tell that he's close as well. Miles isn't one to give. You know that for a fact. He just takes and takes, not leaving anything else for others.
And that's exactly what he does to you. With a long strangled groan he stills inside of you, tip pushing against your cervix as he spills his hot load inside of you.
“Nooo-” You pathetically whine out, tears finally leaving your eyes and sliding down your cheeks as you lose your upcoming orgasm completely. Trying desperately to move off of his cock you choke out a sob, hair now freed from his grasp as both of his hands are now gripping your waist, sure to leave marks.
Eventually you give up, falling forwards to rest your head on his shoulder, getting over the fact that he just came inside of you. There's nothing you can do about it now other than pray to Eywa that his seed doesn't take.
“Fuckin’ shit-” Finally Miles lifts you up and pulls out of you, coming down from his high as you weakly sit on the bed infront of him with a pout. “Why didn’t you let me come?” Your eyes look up into his as your brows furrow in frustration.
Your stare follows him as he stands, watching as his back muscles flex before the red scratch marks on his back momentarily catch your attention. You can feel his come slowly ooze out of your hole as you continue to wait for his reply, still kneeling on the soft bed.
“Next time.” He nods, pulling his pants up and not even bothering to put his shirt back on as he holds it in his hand, hurriedly leaving your cell.
Your anger grows at that, brows furrowing even further as the crease between them deepens. He said that same exact thing last time, yet he still didn't let you come. What a skxawng. Getting up with trembling legs you grab your loincloth and beaded top, the same clothes you've been wearing for the time you've been here.
With a sigh you finish dressing yourself, fixing up your bedding before plopping down on your back, hands resting on the top of your head as you wait for the other uniltìrantokx to come and pleasure you in ways that Miles Quaritch never could.
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r3linx · 9 months
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⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸
╰┈➤ characters...•`S. MANJIRO [MIKEY], R. KEN [DRAKEN], M. TAKASHI, M CHIFUYU´•.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 1; ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 2
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... no one's perfect, neither them, so here's their issues in your loving relationship. ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,9k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... tw! disturbing content, gender neutral reader, obsession, manipulation, emotional dependence, overprotection, toxic relationship ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇲​​🇦​​🇳​​🇯​​🇮​​🇷​​🇴​. [​🇲​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​​🇾​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'loneliness induction '
‘they induce mental trauma into their love interest’s head in order to push them away from others. they make themselves out to be their love interest’s best option, making the love interest believe that all the others will betray them and that the yandere is the only one who can be trusted, but they actually just want to isolate their love interest. they destroy relationships and ruin families to get their love interest as isolated and vulnerable as possible.’
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“trust in me… you trust in me, y/n… right?” mikey’s dark orb fixated on your face, seeking out your reply. little nod. he smiled. “that’s my girl.. i just want what’s best for you..” you push your face in his firm chest, the cloth of his shirt sticking to your face thanks to your fresh tears, smudged across your face.
“the word’s cruel, darlin’… and i’m the only one, who wants your well-being..” mikey cooed, his palm glided across your -compared to his- small back over and over again.
in his point of view, he had to cut you away from everything that isn’t him and everything that could make you leave him. to accomplish this nothing was too much, no money and no time mattered. only you. he would rather die, than paint his hands with the crimson fluid and you knew about this. we all know how much power and influence he held at his service, and so it was piece of cake to get done easily anything, without him getting involved. minions were perfect to do the work for him. take someone’s life and then have your dear father take the case? crashing down your family into pieces? they did it for mikey within a whistle. you’ve drifted away from one friend after another. they were bad people, the news and rumors about them was unstoppable. it left you shocked, they would never do this.. right?
it felt like he was all you had, no family, no friend.. you changed they changed for the bad. and mikey was the one who brought spotlight to it. his being was better than anything, the way he cared about you… made you forget about his manipulation.
but mikey never failed you, he was the one. always. just stay still and look as pretty and vulnerable as you can so he can save you from those filthy people you call your ‘relatives’, it would be such a damn shame you getting involved with them.
‘he’s bad’ they say. ‘he’s manipulating you’. liars. mikey wouldn’t do that. you are so grateful for him in your life. he’s like a guiding light, day after day, he’s the only person in your life you trust to the end and back.
as you hug your one, face buried in the crook of his neck seeking out safety, his lips slightly curve into smile. he holds your body against his. “i’ll always be here.. pretty girl...”
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇰​​🇪​​🇳​. [​🇩​​🇷​​🇦​​🇰​​🇪​​🇳​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'training '
‘they will punish and torture their love interest if they think they did something they shouldn’t or when they don’t act like wanted to give them a lesson. these yanderes use methods that are usually pretty morbid and painful, some could even leave permanent damage to the love interest. they will then “reward” the love interest when they finally do something wanted of them.’
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he takes ahold of your chin, pressing a quick smooch on your skin.
“i’m so, so, so proud of you, love..” he leaves those soothing words hanging in the air. draken took special care to praise you for every little gesture that brought him joy in your behavior. it filled his heart with pure loving, knowing you were so obedient and faithful. it took him so damned long time and so much effort to form you this way. dealing with you was hard at first, the way you would make the typical teenager and draken would be the worrying mom.
he wasn't afraid to punish. punishment meant new lesson for you and like that, slowly and steadily you grew into what you are now. a dog. a respectful and respected human being. they looked at you, they thought you are weird. they thought he's weird. oh how much they were wrong, he did everything for your sake. it was painful, but it served your progression. bruises covered your neck, down to your ankles. others weren't allowed to see it. those bruises were only for his eyes, it was like trophies. he knew he had forged you into what you are now, and it made him proud.
even so, he wasn't cruel. rewards was also something he loved giving to you and did with so much happiness. you meant the literal word for him, he would do everything that he's capable of, now listen to him and everything will be so happy around you and not a single problem in your life will be left. the fantasy of leaving him got pushed out of your mind at the very beginning. it's a topic you don't want to bring up again, for your sake. blaming others for laying a hand on you? the best solution would be to train you to avoid contact with everyone but him. this way, he doesn't have to hurt them and the 'losing you' thought would be solved too. everyone's happy!
draken kisses your lips softly. you loved this side, when all he did was praising you for your good work. you learned with time that obeying is so much effective, than resisting. resting in his strong embrace, forgetting everything and everyone that isn't him was the best decision.
​⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇹​​🇦​​🇰​​🇦​​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'protective '
‘they see everything and everyone as a threat for the love interest. they will use extreme methods to get rid of other “dangerous” people permanently, and even punish and torture them for the harm they did to the love interest, even if they didn’t really do all that much. feeling that the love interest is fragile, pure or vulnerable, and that everyone else can taint or hurt them, the yanderes finally decide to take care of it themselves and protect the love interest, getting rid of all “bad people” near them for the sake of their love interest and at any cost.’
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the doors clicking sound could be heard only in the night’s darkness. it was 2:05am, -you glanced at the clock- blankets were all over your body, that was the only thing keeping you warm by the lack of his body next to yours. small steps echoed in the house, it was him. he finally arrived home. you exhaled a long breath of relief.
while you tried to find peace in your mind to get at least a blink of sleep, takashi furiously and hastily dragged out the contents of the black bag, dropped over his shoulder. drenched white shirt landed on the bathroom floor along with a few metal stool. how he had to take matters into his own hand, made him go nuts, what a nuisance to take care of, instead of being next to you on the soft sheets, having heartfelt conversations and talking all night long, his body perfectly fitting with yours in his arms. his lavender locks tangling into yours, his chest softly rising up and down under you head.
you just waited patiently for takashi all day and night, to return back from his work and finally be with you. and so you did now too, eyes now got used to the dark, staring at the door, counting the seconds and minutes till he steps inside.
hand stinging through the gloves from the bleach, slowly burning holes in the fabric and scratching the very skin. eyebrows furrowed at first in concentration, now from pain. he squeezed the remaining water out of the cloth. hopeless. better get rid of it all tomorrow morning, before you get any hint of what could have happened. the lilac tip of his hair now red, rosy cheeks now bloodstained. dragging his tired legs over to a quick shower. the dried fluid now snaking its way down the drain, a grunt falls from his chapped lips. a few minutes after, stopping the tap, he steps out of the shower. he feels new and fresh, the metallic smell now completely gone.
by 2:54am he happily climbs beside you in gray sweatpants, the hem of it sitting lowly at his waist, shoving his v-line. you immediately rolled over to face him, steam still covering his whole, without a thought of where had he been, with a delighted smile, you place your head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. strong fingers curling the strands of your hair, drifting off to sleep. he humms deeply. this was what he wanted to protect at all cost.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇨​​🇭​​🇮​​🇫​​🇺​​🇾​​🇺​.​ 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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' dependence'
‘wishing for their love interest to be able to know that they make a difference in the lives of their dependence yandere partner/spouse, they seek to be vulnerable around their love interest by depending on them. this can range from stupidly simple things, like constantly dropping or forgetting something, behaving like an idiot — often times subconsciously so, to claiming that they’d die without their love interest (although that’s obviously false)..’
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‘she won’t leave me… she won’t leave me.. she won’t leave me.. she won’t-’ the words echoed in chifuyu’s head, like a broken record. his orbs staring into the void,- sitting on the edge of the bed, knuckles white from the way he gripped the sheets next to him.
“chifuyu!” you exclaimed, entering the room. as if all the life came back to his soul, he shot up his head to turn his attention towards you.
"my sunshine..” the boy muttered. he didn’t realize the moment he felt your presence next to his body. warm fingers grazed the line of his face. somehow he seemed ever so sad, just like on other days, when you weren’t in his company. those moments were suffocating for chifuyu. without your loving and caring soul, heart and body, his life felt empty and pointless. it was a hassle to get you in his possession, now he has to make sure to keep you. he can’t lose you. he has to keep you beside him. the constant fear of losing you would never leave his mind free, the uncontrollable clinging to you has turned into madness and so the self-pitying had started.
his voice dropped to a raspy tone. “i…” breathing out, chifuyu intentionally turns his head away from your gaze. with your palm, you made him facing you. “i.. don’t want to lose you..” green eyes filled with forged sorrow, you wrap your gentle arms around his neck, pulling him closer to your chest in a comforting manner. in his sitting position and how you stand in front of him, between his legs, he closes them, trapping you in. you ignore it, placing your chin on top of his head. now his lips has curled into a grin from ear to ear. he runs his arms around your waist, you don’t struggle in his clasp. it seems so welcoming to you, as if he’s manipulating your mind and body, you feel attached to him-but not as much as he is to you.- you have to take care of him, not in a child-like way. he craved your love, he was so sweet, you just couldn't deny it from him.
you never saw harm in him, he wouldn’t be able to hurt anybody, and especially not you. he makes the perfect boyfriend and significant other in your eyes. -and that’s exactly he want you to think.- chifuyu is fragile without you, do NOT even think about leaving or breaking up. and if you do, to your regret the anguish, bitterness and agony will swallow you up whole. he will make sure it does.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!
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nateezfics · 10 months
Hello~ 138 + 102 + Seonghwa?
Thank you so much! And thank you for your amazing writing, always. You are brilliant ❤
102 — “fuck, you’re so hot when you’re bossy.”
138 — “i want you in the most sinful ways possible.”
smut/nsfw; mdni
“i want you in the most sinful ways possible,” seonghwa whispered, voice breathy from desire. his hands gripped your waist as you straddled his lap. it was taking everything in him not to buck his hips upwards and fuck you senseless.
you giggled as you broke away from his lips, pulling back to admire how pink and swollen they were. you moved your hips marginally, just enough to make his eyes flutter. “oh yeah?”
“mhm.” seonghwa’s eyes traveled all over your frame until meeting your own. they were dark with arousal, and you could tell he was withholding himself. it was absolute torture for him, not being able to have you exactly the way he wanted.
you had to admit, with his cock sheathed completely inside you it was hard to stay still. you craved to fall apart around him, but you were savoring this rare moment of control. you wanted to make it last, just a bit longer. “how badly do you want to fuck me right now?”
seonghwa groaned. his cock throbbed in your tight heat. you noticed. “so fucking bad, baby.”
“not yet,” you said, enjoying the pitiful look on his face. “i’m calling the shots right now, and you’re not going to move until i say so.”
“fuck, you’re so hot when you’re bossy,” he admitted through a sigh. he let you have your fun for a few more moments, enduring your teasing until he had his fill.
you yelped when he suddenly bucked his hips into you. he was quick to set up a fast pace, and in your shock all you could do was sit there and take it, his hands on your hips keeping you rooted in place. while his cock drilled into you, your eyes found his, and the smirk that broke across his face was nothing short of triumphant.
seonghwa chuckled as he watched you struggle to keep your composure, your eyes already threatening to roll backwards. “now, let me remind you who really calls the shots.”
ahhh thank you sm <3
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Hello! I saw your request was open and I wasn’t sure what to really think of
So maybe a general or simple nsfw hc of Yandere Chuuya?
My first ask! Of course! ❤ I added more characters for the sake of making a well-rounded post, but I gave chuuya a bonus scenario :) Enjoy!
Yan!Bsd Men in Bed
(Short post, feel free to request more characters)
Pairings: Chuuya Nakahara, H.P. Lovecraft, Mushitaro Oguri, Jouno Saigiku
Chuuya Nakahara
Warnings: punishment, manipulation, yandere, kinks mention, violence mentioned/implied
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Chuuya is nice in bed, mostly.
He's powerful, and not afraid to be the dominant one, but he is still very respectful of your boundaries. He feels very guilty for the way he's treated you, so protectively, in his eyes. But you've grown tired of it, and he knows; so, as not to anger you further, he tries to make you as in control as possible.
Chuuya will do whatever you'd like, so long as he still gets to be the one in charge. He'll indulge your kinks or let you explore with him, permitting it doesn't cross his own boundaries (but considering the fact that you're willing to be intimate with him at all, he isn't too picky).
Definitely into degradation and BDSM, but he's fine if you're uncomfortable with that. Only occasionally will he ask you to do something that steps outside of your comfort zone, and it's usually for special occasions, like his birthday or holidays. I feel like mirror sex would be a special anniversary treat with him.
He's only rough with you if you ask or more like plead, or if you need punishment .
Chuuya doesn't take sexual punishment (or any punishment) lightly, but if you've pushed him far enough.... He may torture you in very unexpected ways.
You think, for a moment, that you're in trouble. You fucked up, you fucked up so bad. Chuuya slammed the front door behind you, with a blatant fury that made you jump.
"Please, Chuuie, I'm sorry-- don't- don't do anything rash now-"
"Don't tell me what the FUCK to do in my own home."
He cornered you into the kitchen, snatching your arm and bending you over the center counter.
"Tell me how sorry you are.' His voice was soft, quiet. Testing.
"I'm sorry--I'm- really s-sorry" You choked out from between sobs. You had never seen it coming, the violence, the anger, the sheer reaction, to your misdeed.
The cold granite countertops cut into your stomach with the chill and pressure. You squeezed your eyes shut as he reached for his back pocket, the one with his knife.
You gasped when a small, shockingly fast-paced vibrator was placed on your thigh. Out of all the things you thought he could and would do to you, this was not one.
He put his hand on your other thigh, making you involuntarily moan.
"I'm going to show you the true meaning of punishment tonight."
H.P. Lovecraft
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Lovecraft essentially has no idea what he's doing in bed; he understands the concept in theory, but he really still feels lost. His sense of clinginess and protectiveness doesnt carry over into the bedroom, and is lost on everyone but you, so you're the only one who can guide him in this matter.
He gives you the most doe-eyed look if you ask if he ever considered sexual punishments. He doesn't really understand why sex is used for pleasure or pain; he finds procreation to be the only benefit to him.
Overall, getting him into bed with you is the biggest challenge, but once you've got him there, you can change his life; and you certainly will.
He's not a man to make much noise or fuss, but he's absolutely blissed out, and wonders how he has not understood this aspect of life before.
By the time you're done, he's more attached to you than ever, curling you into his arms and refusing to let go. You've shown him just one more reason to love you as much as he does, and keep you from showing anyone else the same kindness.
Mushitaro Oguri
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Mushitaro finds sex in general an indecent act for most anything. That isn't to say he doesn't have urges like everyone else, but for the sake of his meticulous regimen, he will squish them down until he absolutely cannot control himself anymore.
You're both the source of his frustrations and the perfect release. Mushitaro is completely in control in bed, just like he is in every aspect of your life together.
Mushitaro can be kinkier than most men; casual choking, roleplay, and some hardcore BDSM can be in the cards for you depending on how far he's gone to deny himself previously.
That being said, your needs also often don't get met. You don't like to ignore yourself the way he does, but he forces you to. You're not allowed any toys, he has SafeSearch on for google, and you are routinely scolded on the indecency of self-pleasure, regardless of whether he's caught you or not.
Mushitaro's demanding and high maitenence personality makes him one of the worst in the sexual part of your relationship.
He rarely considers sexual punishment, unless the circumstances are juussst right. I.e, if you've been caught touching yourself in any way, shape or form, and Mushitaro's already been hot around the collar, he may be rougher and more cruel in bed than normal just to teach you a lesson.
Jouno Saigiku
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Joun-bug's high sex drive makes him a worthwhile adversary in the bedroom. Much like Chuuya, he wants to be in control; but more than wanting to, he will be in control.
He'll push you to the brink of absolute pleasure and then throw you down and tell you how worthless you are until you beg and plead and go through whatever torture he has planned to get him to finish you off.
Jouno is always going to be... well, Jouno. He'll sadistically torture you in every way he can possibly exploit in bed for his own pleasure, and he doesn't give a damn whether you're comfortable with it or not. Remember, his composure and sweet smile is a farce he hides behind; and he'll show you his true self when he feels it's appropriate and necessary.
Maybe he'll be gentle with you, if you've been put through enough and he feels you deserve it. He does love you, but his desires take priority. If you've gone through whatever he had planned for his own pleasure, he may indulge in yours.
Sexual punishment is the worst with him; he takes absolutely no mercy on you, and punishes you often, for the smallest of things.
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