#just wanted to point that out incase anyone missed it
lovetei · 1 year
I saw your toxic things the demon bros will do to keep you with them and i absolutely fell in love with. More of, my mental health issues felll in love with- ANYGAYSzz
I was wondering if you could maybe do the same for the side characters¿¿¿¿
Also did you drink water today? Cuz if thats a no here you go 💧💧💧💧
And some cookies just incase 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Love anonymous 👑
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I'm not actually supposed to post anything for tonight, because I don't know? I didn't get to start anything this morning so I crammed this post T_T
But love lots! Hope you enjoy this piece ^^
But seriously, I was like "Oh shit, the algorithm I don't have!" And proceed to finish this.
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What are the most toxic thing they will do in a relationship just to make you stay with them?
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Manipulation, yandere themes, execution, mention of torture, psychological torture, love potions, Mentions of murder, framing, alcohol
Links: Masterlist
DIAVOLO will use his authority
He's already so happy to have you by his side
And by staying there you already secured the position of the next ruler that will stand beside him
So, why do you have to leave..?
And the reasons
"I'm not fit enough..."
"I don't deserve this much..!"
"There are more people out there that are more worthy than me..."
Won't cut it.
He knows your worth and he's sure you do too.
So why?
Perhaps you're just nervous that you won't be able to match his grace?
You don't need to.
His grace is unmatched among the demons and yours is too among the mortals.
You both are on the same chapter, just on different pages.
So why make things hard for yourself?!
All you need to do is say yes and everything will be taken care of.
Clothes, food, money, status, security and literally anything.
He loves you and you does too so it's not going to be a marriage with no love...
You're starting to drive him insane, MC.
And he might just do the same to you
So he'll invite you over for a fancy dinner and a few drinks
You accepted, despite knowing that Diavolo might try something after he got you drunk
Thinking that Diavolo forgot that you can't get drunk by just a basic demonus
That's what you are for thinking Diavolo actually misses something, anything about you
So he changed the bottle of demonus to an actual human liquor but neutralized it's taste by the help of his one, loyal servant
Not even two hour passed by and you're already putty in his hands
Dancing just like how he wants it on his palms
Then he'll slide a paper into the table to you, together with a beautiful pen
He then point at an empty line with his finger and said "Look at that MC, this line right here wants your signature."
"Hmm, why?~"
"Because it's such a huge fan of you and it needs you to become something, someone better, so why don't you give it a sign?" Is what he said while smirking.
And there you are, signing the papers while your mind is clouded with alcohol
Oh what is it?
Just a marriage contract
You don't want it?
Look into rules and regulations, Claus 5
It's against your human rights?
How foolish, you're not in the human world.
You will tell the whole Devildom about it?
Lèse majesté
And what's the punishment for committing that? Simple.
BARBATOS and his timeline power
He loves you
So much actually
At first, it was fun to be in a relationship with him
It's fun, slowly opening him up like a present and seeing the gift, a part of him that only you know.
He builds up trust for you and so do you for him
Then it started to get suffocating
He won't admit it openly but you know,
You know that the one who kills anyone who dared act close with you is him
And it terrifies you
You may allow it if it actually harms you, severely
But it's not for your protection anymore
He's doing it out of pure annoyance now
He doesn't like you around the brothers
The angels
Or even Lord Diavolo
In fact, he doesn't want you around anyone.
And it's making you feel more unsafe
He's starting to isolate you from everyone and everything
He's trying to isolate you from the world
So you decided to end things with him
And he doesn't seem to take it lightly like how you expected...
How did you know?
You woke up weeks before that break up happened
You know how it happened and you know who made it happen
It's none other than your boyfriend of course
You thought that maybe if you talk nicely with him he'll actually understand the problem
But he didn't
He started to get more and more aggressive with you
Then when the week end
It repeats
And repeats
And repeats
And repeats again
And again
But it will keep going on like that until you learn
Until you learn that there's no other option than him
No other ending than him
He doesn't mind driving you crazy if it means you'll continue to love him
So good luck, MC.
SIMEON might just ask Father for help
Ho doesn't understand!
Why would you want to break up with him?!
He did everything, MC!
It's not clear!
Nothing is clear!
You just belive that you two are not fit together..?
You don't want him to end up like Lilith..?
He doesn't care!
He'll burn these precious, white wings for you!
He'll kill for you!
He'd actually prefer to end up like Lilith rather than this!
Because, at least, Lilith managed to be with her love until her life ended...
He'd rather be a demon or a human rather then live like the adored angel he is without you...
You'll still leave huh?
Alright then.
I guess he has no choice but to ask Father for help
What do you mean it will cause him to fall? Oh dear, it won't.
It might actually even promote him into a higher rank.
Father wants you in his side.
In fact, the whole celestial realm want you on this side
So when he asked "Father, it seems that we need to take even larger measure to have MC side with us. What do you think we can do?"
What a brilliant plan.
Let's see if you can still leave knowing an innocent life, Luke, will be put under danger because of this tantrum,
Because of you.
SOLOMON and his hidden antics
Oh dear, angel
His little devil
His most prized possession
His favorite concubine,
You won't be leaving him anytime soon, dear.
When you told him that "I want to break up with you."
He kept himself quite for a while before answering "Let me give it some thought, MC. For now, stay with me."
And just as he expected you listened obediently.
But then, his grip around your waits became more rough
And the hand he used to playfully wrap around your neck became more tight
It's hard...
It's hard to feed you his love laced cooking
But he found out that you just loves, adored even, Luke's baked cookies...
And since you're a human, he knows that Luke creates special cookies just for you
One that don't contain exotic ingredients that will upset your stomach
And it just made the work of latching love potions easier for him
He'll just add a few drops and it will do the magic for him
So, all he has to do sit tight
And wait for you to crawl back to his lap yourself.
RAPHAEL will use spears for example
But he loves you, MC..?
He might just start crying if you say more
"Sure... But I'll make sure you'll come back to me..!"
At first, it sounded like a joke and it's funny enough to make you giggle
The beautiful memories of peaceful separation didn't last long after you saw a dead body pinned by spears though
His spears, to be specific
It doesn't even make sense
You don't even know this guy...
He hasn't talk to you and you don't even know him
Hell, you don't even recognize his face...
So what's the catch?
Why is he killing completely random people...
That's what have been running around your mind
You haven't seen him around RAD anymore
And if you do he refuse to answer your questions
Except his face will lightly flush and he'll even smile a little before sa say "Ah~ It's nice hearing your voice..."
His tone, the way he says it, none of theme are innocent
And he made it known that he knows what he's doing
The curiosity didn't last long
Until you found out that the corpses aren't for you from him as a threat
It was for the families of the victims
You found out that each of them have high power among the nobilities of Devildom
And he killed them to make the families think that you're telling him to do so
It's not to make you feel guilty, it for them to start attacking you
Until you're pushed back to a corner where no one else can save you
Except for him.
Man he loves you so much...
But all he do is stare at you blankly after you told him you ant to break up
Staring at you like you're just some kid throwing a tantrum
It's Mephistopheles in front of you, I mean, he's rich, handsome, tall, smart and has good family background
If he's a human everybody would have gone crazy over him already
Plus he wears heels and he has a sexy cane
What more could you ask for?
But yeah...
You don't want to be with him forever?
Sure, he'll talk to Diavolo.
"I'll buy MC's contract and I'll put them under my wing." Is all the reason he needs to say and a few more to have Diavolo selling you
What about your family?
This amount will do right?
I mean...
He paid for what your worth so don't expect it to be much.
Anyways, you're his now
By the eyes of the law, money and his
He'll never let you get away?
And if you did try to?
He'll simply frame you for treason and let's see if you won't come crawling back to him
After finding out that he can choose what type of punishment, torture method, to give you.
But don't worry.
He likes the game cat and mouse
He don't like playing it for a long time though
So be careful
His patience isn't as long as the line of money and connection ahead of him
THIRTEEN basically holds your life
Break up?
"You're not." Is all she said as she holds your candle
She's grinning widely as she let your candle melt, its 's wax falling directly in her hands
"Why would you even want to?" She asked even though she knows, no reason can separate the two of you
And if you did say "I don't care." as she holds you candle
She might just accidentally extinguish one of your loved ones candles
So be careful, MC.
Among everyone
She's the only one who won't joke around.
And just so you know
Her patience is shorter than the amount of time it requires to kill someone's fire off of their candle.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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you were headed to the control tower. it was the haven above the camp that saw everything, heard everything — and yet felt so out of reach and oddly peaceful. that’s where apocalypse!pope always resided, and today was like no other.
obviously, at the end of the world it’s not often you see anyone skipping around, singing and jumping for joy — but pope had been real moody. it was totally valid, since sarah died and all… but the group had finally been finding ways to cope. moments of solace. moments of laughter and joy where you could forget for a second what the world had become. but not pope, no — he’d lost so much. he was tense, you could see it in his body language from the way his shoulders were all tight and you could see the hunger for revenge in his eyes. there was nothing you could do or say to ease that, hell — you’d come to terms with the fact he’d probably drive himself straight into his death over it… but you could try and prolong it. take some weight off his shoulders even for a moment.
“knock knock!” you hum brightly, not wanting to startle him as you poke your head round the door, the sweet chime of your voice accompanied by two solid wraps at the tower door. you were still a little out of breath from climbing all the steps up when pope glances over his shoulder at you before promptly removing his headphones.
“oh, hey.”
as you step inside, you’re quick to gently close the door behind you. you got the sense that pope enjoyed being shut off from the outside. when he realises you’re here to stay, he swivels round in his chair to face you — slumped in his hoodie. “anything i can do for you?”
“no uh, thought i’d hang for a bit if that’s okay?”
his first instinct is to say no and busy himself with something else — but it was you, so his eyes soften and he shrugs.
“well, i’m not much fun right now. i’ve spent hours checking through the index of radio stations i can connect mine to. whoever we heard last week must’ve just been passing through.” he converses, wringing the wire of his headphones between his wrists. “or it’s rafe, just messing with us.” at the mention of the eldest cameron his nose curls and his eyes are cast down angrily — never missing an opportunity to spit venom at the killer.
you nod sensitively, shuffling a little closer. “right, yeah. could be.” you breathe — and let him cool off until he’s back with you, eyes flickering back up. “do i smell…”
that pretty smile reaches your lips and you dig into your pocket, pulling out the joint. “should’ve known you’d pick it up.”
some guy on your camp had been farming cannabis since you’d let him in. he offered a pretty sick trade, do his daily tasks and he’d hand you a generous lump— even roll it for you if you bat your lashes. pope grins too at first, and then it’s like he catches himself and he swallows it down, clearing his throat.
“yeah…uh, as much as i’d love that right now i should probably… keep the signal clear. you know, just incase.” you wanted to grip him by the shoulders and shake him. just let yourself have fun. stop punishing yourself.
“pope,” you deflate. “it’s been a week since you’ve come into contact with anyone through the radios. you’ve been sitting in here, cooped up, alone. just… a few hours of relaxation. that’s all i ask.” you pull out the doe eyes, and it’s like he’s the tiny insect in your venus fly trap because it works and he tips his head back sighing before nodding.
“fine. do you have a lighter or are we gonna have to do this the old fashioned way?”
an hour passes — and with the help of the stale doritos in your backpack, a joint, and some well deserved giggles, somehow you’ve relaxed pope to the point of having his pants around his ankles, ass scooched right to the edge of his seat where he slumps back, legs open with you between them.
you stare up at him sweetly through red iris as you pull off for a moment, savouring the moment and licking up his pearly precum. he lets out a sigh, squeezing his eyes shut as if momentarily regaining the consciousness.
“how did we… end up here?” he strains and you hum out a sound that resembles ‘i dunno…’ before pulling off with a wet pop.
“jus’ enjoy it… you taste good.”
“fuck.” he sighs, resting the crevice of his arm over his forehead as he leans back. you push him further into your mouth, and it’s like something snaps — the resistance he’d been putting up. momentarily, he’s limp — before suddenly he’s pushing his hips up, gagging you.
“shit, i’m sorry. i’m so… fucking sorry.” he moans, gentle hands contradicting his actions as he caresses your hair and rubs at your scalp with his thumbs all whilst using you as handlebars to fuck your throat. wet gags fill the room, and if you weren’t so hazy and out of it you might’ve needed a moment— but instead you let him, aroused and lazy as he manhandles your face. “feel so good— you— make— me— feel— better.” each word is punctuated with a thrust, before soon he’s throwing buckets of his warm seed down you.
there’s not a second of hesitation post orgasm before his guilt settles back in and he’s leaning forward, eyes wide and red as he holds your cheeks watching you sniffle and splutter.
“hey, hey— was i too rough? i’m sorry beautiful. god, i’m sorry.”
as soon as you can speak, you do. “pope, s’okay!” you squeak, letting out a giggle that relieves him enough to pause, catching his breath. “i liked it. i liked seeing you let go.”
“…probably let go a little too much.” he’s pulling his pants up and you shrink a little, watching him spin back round to the radios. “knowing my luck i missed something, missed a communication or—”
“you didn’t.” you interrupt, and he turns back round, analysing you. before he says a thing, your brows furrow. “nothing happened. you just relaxed. come down to the house pope. sleep.”
“i sleep in here—”
“not tonight.” you’re still on your knees, clammy hands clasped pathetically on your lap with his arousal actively drying into your skin. “please.”
pope blinks, melting just a little more once before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the centre of your forehead.
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 7 months
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“Give Me Space”
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Synopsis: Chris gets ‘too’ clingy when you’re having a bad week, and you snap at him. Things take a turn for the worst.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Chris X Fem!reader (she/her)
Warnings: Angst, arguing, cussing, ‘breakup’, anxiety.
A/N: please keep in mind that this is fanFICTION. It is NOT true whatsoever, I do not think Matt would speak to anyone in a manner like how he did in this story. Also, i’m not a huge fan of this one :((((
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Obviously you love Chris, that was clear for anyone to see. And he loved you just as much. However, you were having a bad week, and you couldn’t stand Chris’ clinginess.
Commonly, this wouldn’t bother you. You actually loved it when he was clingy, since it was how he usually was. He’d always want to be touching you in any way he could, even if he could just hold your hand, he’d be satisfied.
Sometimes, though, his clinginess was just too much for you. Especially if you were having a hard day and just needed space.
You lay on your bed in discomfort, reading through your emails, incase one of the hundreds were important. Chris opens the door and makes his way quietly into the room, so quiet to the point you didn’t notice he was there until he was latched onto you.
“Missed you,” He mumbles, his face tucked against you. You let out a frustrated groan.
Usually, you’d put your phone down and cuddle with him. You’d wrap your arm around his back and play with his fluffy hair, but not today. You just needed space.
“Chris, get off, please.” You asked in a firm tone, causing him to lift his head up. His eyebrows were furrowed in a confused manner, as he tilted his head and hummed. “Chris. Off.” You demanded more firmly, and he stood up slowly.
“I.. I’m sorry..? Did I do anything?” He asks confused. It broke your heart, but you just needed space.
“No, I just need space.” You replied sultry. He slowly stood up from the bed, and tilted his head again.
“Like.. space as in a break, or just.. space?” He asked, his eyes turning glossy.
“Goddamnit, Chris. Sometimes you’re just too fucking clingy. I need space.” You replied groaning, rubbing your eyes before looking back over to the now heartbroken boy. “You’re just too fucking annoying sometimes.”
“Oh.. I-I understand-“ He nodded as tears rolled down his red cheeks.
“Chris, no-“ You started feeling remorse, you didn’t mean to hurt him, you just needed him to leave you alone for a bit.
“No. I get it. It’s okay. I’m too fucking clingy, and annoying.” He shook his head, wiping his tears.
“Chris, stop, you know I-“ You began speaking again, but like before, you were cut off.
“You stop. I get it, i’m fucking annoying. You don’t have to worry about that anymore, though. I’m staying with Matt until you aren’t so adamant about needing your fucking space.” Chris snaps. You quickly stand up, making your way towards the frustrated and confused boy.
You went to go put your arms around him, to engulf him in a reassuring hug, but he quickly backed away. “Don’t touch me, you said you needed your fucking space.” He growls before turning back to the door, heading to Matts’ room.
He slammed the door behind him, not allowing you to follow him. You sat back down in your shared bed, immediately feeling horrible for what you said to him. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you tried to blink them away. It didn’t work, before long, tears were streaming effortlessly down your face.
Chris walked quietly down the hall, feeling ashamed of himself. He walked to Matt’s door, stopping at it before knocking. He heard his brother mumble a ‘come in’, so he did.
He closed the door behind him, before beginning to walk over to his brothers bed, tears still rolling down his now tear stained cheeks.
“Chris, whats the matter?” Matt asked, dropping his phone on the bed next to him.
“She said i’m..” He paused, and stopped moving. He was too clingy, this was proving her point. “Nevermind. Sorry.” Chris stated blankly before turning to head out of his worried older brothers bedroom.
“Chris, sit your ass down in my bed, right now.” Matt demanded. Chris stopped moving, and slowly turned around to make his way back to Matt’s bed. “What did she say?” He asked the other boy as he sat down.
“She said i’m too clingy.” Chris spoke softly, his voice cracking.
“Huh? You’re not though,” Matt scoffed. “She’s probably not having a good day. I’m sure she’ll be in here in a minute to apologize for the way she acted.” Matt suggested, and Chris shook his head.
“She said she needed space. She said i’m ‘too fucking annoying’, Matt. Do you know how much that fucking hurts?” Chris stated, his voice cracking as tears began to well up in his eyes again.
“Chris.. I’m sorry, buddy..” Matt cooed as he pulled Chris into a much needed hug. “I’m sorry,” Matt mumbled as Chris sobbed into Matt’s shirt.
Matt couldn’t see his own sibling this hurt. He had to say something.
“Water? Pepsi?” Matt offered, and Chris nodded his head at Pepsi.
Matt nodded as he stood up, heading to get Chris the drink.
“I’ll be right back.” Matt flashed Chris a false smile, as Chris laid down in the boy’s bed.
Matt made his way through the house, heading to Chris’ room, which was now basically a shared room between you and him. Matt knocked on the door, and you jumped off the bed, rushing to the door, thinking it was your boyfriend.
You threw the door open, immediately wrapping your arms around Matt’s torso, completely oblivious to the fact that it was in fact, not your boyfriend.
“Get the fuck off me.” Matt growled, pushing your shoulders away from him. You quickly let go of him, backing away, finally realizing it was Matt.
“Oh- fuck, i’m sorry. I thought you were-“ You started, but like you had been multiple other times today, you got cut off.
“Yeah, you thought I was Chris. Ya know, if I was Chris, things would’ve just got really fuckin’ awkward, considering you told him he was too clingy. You didn’t even give yourself time to process who I was before you were wrapping your fucking arms around me.” Matt stated blankly, causing your eyebrows to furrow. You and Matt had always gotten along, and you’ve never heard him speak to anyone this way.
“What..?” You ask confused.
“Don’t ‘what’ me, you know exactly what this is about. I swear to fucking god, if you ever call my little brother ‘annoying’ or ‘too clingy’ ever again, I will not hesitate to kick you the fuck out of my house. You better watch your fuckin’ mouth around him and apologize. Understand? If he ever comes in my room crying about something you did to him again, I don’t give a fuck if you have to walk home in negative twenty degree weather carrying all of your belongings at two in the goddamn morning, I will kick you the fuck out, and you will not be coming back. Yeah?” Matt demands, making his anger and frustration very clear.
“Yeah- I.. I understand.” You nod quickly.
“Good, ‘cause I do love you, and I wouldn’t wanna do that to you, but don’t ever say some wack ass shit like that to him ever again. Now go apologize while I get him a Pepsi.” Matt grabs your shoulder, shaking it gently, before walking off, leaving you confused and stunned.
You decided to take Matts suggestion to go apologize to your boyfriend. You walked down the hall to Matts room, and walked in without knocking.
You were met with Chris laying on Matts bed, wrapped in the older boys’ blankets, with tear stained cheeks.
“Oh, my baby..” You cooed, feeling your heart break. “I’m so so fucking sorry..” You walked slowly towards him, as you saw his glossy eyes meet yours.
The look on his face is something you will never forget. It’s a look you never expected nor wanted to see from him in the first place. A look of unworthiness, pain, and longing.
All the poor boy wanted from you was to hold him, yet instead, you shooed him off and called him annoying. How ungrateful. You felt your eyes begin to well with tears, not for the first time today.
“Come here.. I’m so so goddamn sorry. I promise you, you aren’t annoying at all. And never too clingy.” You scoffed. “I was so fucking stupid to say such a thing. I love you, you know that.” You reassured, and watched as Chris slowly stood up from Matt’s bed.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry i’m such a baby.” Chris blinked harshly, trying to keep the tears from spilling out. It didn’t work.
You pulled him into a hug, your arms over his shoulders, his head buried in the crook of your neck, as his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist.
“Hey, no. Don’t say that, you are not a baby. You are anything but that. I promise you, I didn’t mean anything I said, okay? I promise wholeheartedly.” You reassured the sniffling boy.
“Yeah.. I know.” He nodded. “I love you,” He mumbled softly, but just loud enough for you to hear.
“I love you too.” You replied, placing a gentle kiss on the boy’s lips. No amount of words would ever be enough to let him truly understand how sorry you are.
“Do you know where Matt went? He was supposed to get me a Pepsi. Like, twenty minutes ago..” Chris furrowed his eyebrows, and you let out a small giggle before ruffling the clueless boys’ hair.
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rhiafayee · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could write some form of our Captain coming home unannounced after a long stint in the field? (Take creative liberties). Reader doesn't know that he's coming back, but she's been on tenterhooks the entire time throughout, wondering when he will, so it's a massive surprise when he does (dare I say it's mostly horny Price?)
If this doesn't work for you, please let me know! Thank you :) 🧡
OMG my first ask 🥹 this literally means the world to me you don't understand, I appreciate you so much for being here 🫶
I know I've said i'm an NSFW blog, but just incase anybody here just wants to read good ol' fluff, I did label in this fic where it becomes NSFW! The last thing I want to do is make anyone uncomfortable or left out because they don't care to read smut! Reader has female anatomy but I did my best to not include pronouns just incase! I really hope you like it 🫶
Pairings: Husband!John Price x AFAB!Reader
Summary: After a long, dreadful period of time awaiting your husband's return from deployment, he shows up when you least expect it.
Warnings: Blood mentioned, non-severe injuries, afab, p in v, unprotected sex, just your casual smutty fic!
Thick, whitish-grayish clouds blanketed the sky, rain falling heavily from the base, an ombre effect forming as you viewed farther into the distance, watching the sky go from a shade of slate to a hue of black. The sound of the rain against the window caused you to curl up on the couch, a movie on in the background with the volume low enough to the point that you can hear the chatter of voices, but not enough to make out what is going on, and your favorite book seated comfortably in your hands. Next to you on the coffee table stands a hot mug, filled to the top, with only a quarter of an inch of space left to avoid any overflowing, of earl grey. A comforting blend that you find yourself pouring on rainy days like this. Adjacent to the mug was a picture frame, of you and your husband on your wedding day. Picking it up, you start to reminisce on the memories of your beloved, who is somewhere a thousand miles away right now.
He's been gone for what felt like years, but has really only been 4 months. The marriage was hard, to say the least. Drawn out periods of time where you aren't sure if he's even going to come home to you anymore, late nights arguing about how he's never here to spend time with you, thoughts of separation swarming your head at the lowest of points during your relationship. But every time he sees the doubt in your eyes, the realization that his work takes priority, he manages to ground you, tell you that one day he'll be home for good, and that he's never leaving again. The words start to feel empty after hearing them one too many times, now simply used as a way to comfort you; an empty promise. At least, that's what you've concluded as shortly after you make up from said arguments he's leaving you again. Missed birthdays, anniversaries, valentines day, Christmas, any calendar holiday you could think of, were rarely ever spent with your partner.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you put your book down, running your thumb across the glass of the picture frame where the polaroid of you in his arms, a white gown adorning your body, his ceremonial dress uniform on his, your lips attached together, just like your souls. A warmth overcomes you, a fuzzy feeling when you think of everything you've been through together. The late nights slow dancing in the kitchen, baking pastries together in the morning, attacking each other with the dry ingredients, making a mess of the floor and counters, as well as each other, everything now coated in flour. The small moments like this is what makes every argument and make-up worth it, knowing that the love you harbor for each other is inseparable, no matter the distance between you two.
Glancing at the clock, it reads 1406, 24-hour time becoming a usual part of your life, living with a military man. Taking out your grocery list, you figure now is a good time to knock out some errands to prepare for the upcoming week. After getting dressed and applying some of your make-up, you slip your shoes on and head out the door. The drive to the store is calm, the rain pattering against the roof of the car, the refraction caused by the rain water making the headlights in the distance slightly blurred.
Walking through the store, shopping cart in front of you, list in your left hand, your pen in the other, you slowly make your way through each aisle, scratching a line through each word in the list as the corresponding item makes its way into your cart. Strolling the cart to the front of the store and making your way through the checkout line, you grab your bags, pay the amount ringed out by the cashier, and make your way out. Upon placing all of your grocery bags in the car, you make your way towards the cart return. Glancing down to your phone to recheck the time, you feel a change in the texture of the ground below you, before you get the chance to process the difference, you feel a sharp pain in your ankle, jolting up your calf into your hip, and then a wave of agony hits you when your head eventually makes its way onto the pavement as well. Sitting up on your knees, you grab your nose. Blood. A lot of it. Pouring out as your eyes tear up and your ankle becomes numb.
Slowly making your way back into your car, you assess the damage. One, you're now soaking wet, and so is your car seat now, two, you seem to have sprained your ankle and broke your nose. Great. Right when you need your husband to take care of you, he's nowhere near to take action. Though your head feels dizzy, and you probably shouldn't be driving in your state, you realize that you need to get home to patch yourself up. As you start the ignition to your car, a check light comes up. Of course it does, you think. Low tire pressure. Just what you need right now on top of everything else. Taking a deep breath, you pull out of the parking lot and pray you make it home safe.
Limping your way into the house, not caring about the groceries now sitting in the car, an overwhelming feeling of dread and pain comes over you. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, everything hits you at once. The searing pain in your lower leg makes it hard to stand, and the dizziness in your head makes it hard to fight the pain off to at least limp your way to the couch. Letting your back hit the- now closed- front door, you sink to the ground, a fit of tears and sobs erupting from your body.
"Y/n?" A familiar gruff voice echos off the walls of the house. At first, you think it might just be your delusions from the injury and yearning, and then you feel a pair of warm hands on both sides of your face. Shooting your eyes open, you see the face of your husband, kneeling down to your level to look directly into your eyes. "Sweetheart, what happened?" John calmly spoke, wrapping his arms around you as to not panic you even more. A sentence of broken words and mumbles leaving your mouth, the struggle to breath growing. John doesn't speak, rather he comforts you by increasing the strength of the embrace, running his hands through your hair, soft "shhh's" leave his lips. Finally catching your breath, you feel your heart rate slowing down, but the pounding in your head getting more prominent. You look up to him, a defeated look in your eyes that breaks his heart into pieces, "I didn't think you were coming home." Your broken, hoarse voice breaks the silence. He feels his heart drop again at those words. "I'll always come home to you. You know that." He gives you a soft smile, kissing your forehead. "Now, why don't you explain to me what happened while I patch you up, yeah?" A soft smile forms on your lips, slowly nodding as to not aggravate your headache even more.
Picking you up, Price sets you down on the kitchen counter to grab some medical supplies, as well as pain medicine to soothe the pounding in your leg and your head. Filling up a small glass of water, he lifts you up once again and takes you to the bathroom to get some better lighting to patch you up.
-NSFW below-
Soft laughter fills the bathroom as Price listens to the day you've had. "So you're gonna tell me you let a puddle of mud ruin your day?" He chuckles lowly. You glare at him before sending him a cheeky smirk. Lifting you up carefully as to avoid hurting you, he lays you down on the bed. "You wait here while I go get everything from the car. Why don't you get yourself ready for me, love?" He finished his sentence with a wink that made your abdomen flutter. Months of being away from him, months without the ache in your nether regions being resolved, only relying on a couple videos shot by the two of you while you had the chance. Nothing you've tried could compare to him, though. Stripping down to nothing but your panties, you hear his loud, heavy footsteps booming through the hallway. Nervousness fills your body, the hairs on the nape of your neck standing at attention due to the anticipation of what was to come next.
You feel your clit throb, your subconscious becoming aware of the situation. His tall, broad figure enters through the doorway. Flicking the light switch down, the only light in the room coming from the storm still going outside, the gray tones flooding into the room and making your body look euphoric. The little light that is reflected into the room makes your eyes appear darker, the curves in your body more defined, the perkiness of your tits more delicious. Price feels his body relax at the site of you, his bright blue eyes turn into a shade of navy, making him appear more dominant and full of lust. Stripping his shirt off and disregarding it on the hardwood below him, you take in the sight of his hardened body, extra buff from the recent deployment, demanding strength for months on end. Stopping at the edge of the bed, above where you lay, you can make out the bulge in his jeans more clearly, your pussy throbbing with need as you realize just how long it's been since he's been inside of you.
"You're more gorgeous than the last time I saw you, you know that? You just keep getting prettier and prettier with time, darling." His voice laced with desire and need, thick like honey, his accent more prominent. You sit up, shifting your weight on your arm, as he leans down, meeting you in the middle to connect your lips together. The feeling of your tongues dancing together, the mixture of your saliva, his hand hard around your throat, it feels better than ever. Your sure your panties are soaked, you can feel your inner thighs get coated with your slick, your body preparing for him. Disconnecting your lips, you lean back down, mouthing his cock through his jeans, running your teeth across the outline. He groans, tangling his fingers through your hair with just enough pressure that you can feel it, but not enough to bring back any pain from earlier. After a long, hot make-out session, Price pulls away from you, a trail of saliva leaving the two of you connected.
Untangling his hand from your hair, he slowly repositions himself on top of you, kissing your neck, down your body until he reaches the elastic of your panties. He takes the band in his mouth, his teeth slowly taking them off of your body. You stare at him, your mouth agape in shock and need. After discarding your undergarments to somewhere on the floor, he spreads your legs, leaving a trail of kisses on your calf, up to your inner knee, when he reaches your inner thigh he becomes more rough, sucking and biting at the skin there, leaving purple bruises along your flesh. Keeping eye contact with you, he lays a light, feather-like kiss on your clit, making you gasp with pleasure, but not enough. Interlacing your fingers in his hair, you push his head down, an unspoken way of asking for more. "Greedy, are we love?" Price chuckles, now licking your clit. Rolling your eyes with a small giggle, "It's been 4 months, John, can you blame me?" Your voice is laced with desire and impatience as you speak. After what felt like an eternity of teasing, Price brings up two of his thick fingers, circling your entrance with them, his middle finger catching on your labia. Inserting them in, the stretch making you arch your back in pleasure and slight discomfort, "You're so tight baby, seems you haven't been takin' care of yourself down here." His fingers start moving in and out at a slightly faster pace, but not too much to make you fall apart already. He moves his mouth back to your clit, continuing his actions from earlier. With a loud moan and your back arching even more, you cover Price's fingers in your come, making him groan at the sight, his cock growing even harder.
Sitting up, the unbuckling of his jeans sparks a nervousness and excitement in your lower abdomen, a feeling you haven't felt in a long time. You stare as he unzips his jeans, taking them off along with his boxers. His thick cock bounces as it's freed from confinement, the heaviness of it making it droop down. You take it into your hand, slowly stroking him before taking it to your entrance. Price looks into your eyes as he slips it into your hole, making the both of you gasp at the intrusion. As he buries himself as deep as he can go, John waits for a moment to take in the feeling of you after such a long time, and to stop himself from coming too soon. The feeling of him stretching you open and the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix puts you in a state of nirvana. Circling your hips a little to create some sort of pleasure on your end, Price decides he won't make you wait any longer.
Slowly pulling his cock out until just the tip is inside, he smiles at you before slamming his length all the way back in. The feeling catching you off guard, you roll your eyes to the back of your head, letting out a loud moan "Oh my- fuckk." "You didn't think I was gonna be gentle did you?" Price lets out a low chuckle before repeating the same action. Lifting your legs up so your ankles are adjacent to his head, he goes faster, pounding into the back of your pussy like his life depends on it, hitting the same soft spot that you're convinced nobody else could reach. Reaching his hand down, John starts to rub your clit at the same pace as his hips, making you moan louder and louder. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, don't stop doing that" you whine out, making Price's lips curl up in a cheeky smile. "Yeah, you like that? Am I gonna make you come, baby?" He teases you, letting out a low groan. Nodding your head, Price feels your walls tighten around him, making his hips stutter and his moans slightly louder. "Oh shit baby, fuck you're so tight. You like coming 'round my cock, love?" You don't respond- you can't- not in the state you're in right now. You just hold eye contact with him while nodding your head.
Price's hips falter as you feel something warm inside of you all of a sudden. He stays there, his cock acting like a plug to keep his come pushed inside of you. Coming down towards you, Price leaves a kiss on your forehead before slowly pulling out, watching some of his come leak out of you. Looking up at your worn-out figure, he gets up to start a bath for you. Slowly unwrapping the bandage he skillfully placed on your ankle to prevent any unwanted movement, he places you in the warm body of water, making your eyes slowly close. The smell of lavender and vanilla fills your senses, the only light in the bathroom being from your favorite candle. Price cleans you up, making sure to be careful around your nose and your ankle, before picking you up gently to wrap your body in a towel.
He takes you back to the bed, which is now covered in a fresh pair of sheets, he lays you down gently before getting you dressed. Going to the bathroom to clean himself up, he decides now is a good time to tell you the news. Moments later he comes out, preparing himself for any reaction that may come out of you. Before he can speak, he hears your soft snores and sees your eyes glued shut, overtaken by a deep sleep. His lips form a soft smile, a feeling of warmth filling his body, feeling his heart skip a beat. He guesses he'll just have to tell you about his retirement in the morning.
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skullwillow155 · 8 months
Two years is a long time...
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Other chapters: should be the right link:
Chapter 3
Hi. Here is another chapter. The next one might have some fluff and more relationship stuff. Hope it's OK. I might reedit at some point as I feel I might need to add a few things.
Just for reference Shika = Jeshika it's Just easy to write
Sanji was grateful to finally see Shika; not just because it was her, but because he was also grateful to see an actual woman. The last few years had made him miss women; but most of all, he missed the touch and sight of women; more specifically, this one woman. His woman. Always his. As he remembered being on that godforsaken island, he clung to the smell and surroundings that he was currently. He couldn’t tell you how grateful he was to see all 3 ladies again, but the island did do one thing. It made him realise how much Shika meant to him. He knew they were something before they separated, but they were new and hadn’t put much thought into what they were. Over time, he came to realise he wanted; no needed more.
His thoughts kept coming back to that over the last few days, which prompted him to never leave her side, always within touching distance; almost always touching. Shika noticed the increased touching but didn’t say anything. She just enjoyed it for what it was almost afraid if she said anything it would stop. Sanji fawned over her, constantly making sure that she had everything she needed, even before she knew she needed it. Food parcels, clothes washed; anything. This made him happy, and it made her happy to be the centre of his attention. That’s all he needed for now.
Zoro was in a similar position; trying to sleep and drink and push away the feelings gnawing in his stomach; the more he felt the stirrings, the more he over drunk his Sake and slept. It was the only way to not think of her. Though sleep didn’t always stop that. He couldn’t say he hated it, but being as emotionally stunted as he was, he couldn’t place why. He just thought he hated seeing her with that stupid blonde haired moron but in reality, it was different. He couldn’t help but scowl every time Sanji touched Shika, and every time he saw he laugh at something. The feeling in his gut would not go away. It got to a point where Shika had noticed that she felt the swordsman’s eyes on her more than once.  Even Nami had felt the tension in the air, which made her curious.
During the next few days, none of them had moved off the ship; only to restock a few supplies here and there. That was until Luffy started getting bored. Once the festivities and reunions had worn off, Luffy was itching for adventure. One morning, they had been woken up to Luffy shouting and throwing himself off the ship in glee. There had been rumblings of marines in the area, and that there was something going down in Sabaody, and of course, Luffy was the first to throw himself into it.
Shika was woken with Luffy shouting and the whole crew running to see what their captain was shouting about. But they didn’t have much time to discuss. She had walked out hair a mess and her sleeping clothes hanging half off her body. Both the men stared at her. Sanji’s heart beating out of his chest, hearts already in his eyes. Of course, he had been up for hours, but to see her like this made him want to take her in his arms. Instead, he pressed a kiss to her hand and handed her a bite to eat. Zoro’s eye’s narrowing at the sight, and a sudden urge fluttered in his heart. He had never seen her so beautiful… he immediately pushed that thought out of his head and was pulled out of any further thoughts by his Captain’s shouting. He guessed their quiet was over for now… though a part of him was happy to be distracted for a while.
Luffy was already off the ship, no one really having a clue what he was shouting about bit knew something was going down. They all quickly ran to get dressed and get things ready before splitting up. One group was trying to find Luffy. The other heading into town to find out what the marines were doing back in Sabaody.
Of course, Zoro got put with the idiot cook, Chopper, and Shika. Whilst Nami, Franky, Robin and Brook went off to follow there captain. He let out an almost audible frustrated growl and being stuck with the love sick fool but he felt a small happiness at being with the other two, though he put that down to being with Chopper and not being alone with the chef.
Once they were all ready, they took a stroll onto the island. Sanji grabbed Shika’s hand while Chopper sat a top of Zoro’s head. Zoro narrowed his eyes at the sight but quickly looked away. His hand tightened over his katana.
The next few hours were pretty uneventful, they had found out that Sentomaru was around but they had yet to find out where he was and currently they wanted to stay low and find out what was going on. Obviously, Luffy was doing his own thing, but the rest had finally agreed to find out more information; much to Zoro’s annoyance. He wanted to beat the crap out of Sentomaru, but he was out voted and out voiced by everyone else he had no choice but to agree.
Though Zoro couldn’t quite be that annoyed now, they were in the bar. A sake in his hand, and Shika sat up close to him in the booth, which felt like a dream. He could feel his heart increase, and his body grew warm. He shouldn’t be feeling like this; he thought to himself, trying to ignore Shika and the blond idiot; instead focusing on chopper; who was currently sitting on Shika’s lap. Chopper was animated and drinking his milk, making an adorable picture. As time went on, they started to discuss what to do in regard to the marines and especially Sentomaru. But Zoro’s thoughts kept being distracted by the heat radiating from Shika.
As Sanji went to grab some more drinks for them all Shika shuffled a little to look at Zoro, slight concern showing on her face. Zoro was quieter than usual, and that didn’t sit right with her. Not one bit. She didn’t want to make a fuss in the presence of chopper, but she found his hand and squeezed it, raising her eyebrow to see if he was alright. What she didn’t realise was that touch made Zoro tense; though he tried not to show it… all his thoughts zeroing in on her hand in his and the heat coming from it. He cleared his throat and took his hand away, going to pick up his sake, but he could still feel the heat like it was seared into his palm. “Am fine…” he spoke in monotone, trying so hard to stay stoic and calm. Just as he was about to say something else, Sanji came back over with the drinks, while placing them down his gaze, looking to Shika, not noticing the tension.
“You never guess what…” his voice cutting through the silence. “When I was at the bar… I heard someone say something about us… well, not us… someone pretending to be us. They said the Strawhat’s had already been in here, causing trouble. Luckily, they didn’t recognise us, but i do think we should maybe leave and find out who these imposters are.” All three listened to Sanji’s words. Zoro still slightly zoned out, focusing on his hand; that was until he felt himself being pulled out of the booth.
As they were about to leave, 3 people walked into the bar.
“Hey old man, get us a drink and maybe some food too.” A loud voice boomed through the bar and whispers picked up. “Is that… yes that must be… the Strawhat crew…” whispers picked up and the 3 men walked into view.
Fake Luffy, Zoro, Sanji.
Luckily, the other 4 were still hiding near the booth. Once they heard the whispers, they turned around to see who was the subject of those whispers, and Shika couldn’t help but let out a snort, half expecting Luffy to walk in, but no. These 3? These 3 looked terrible.
Zoro let out a laugh as the slightly blonde one called himself Sanji. Sanji just had a scowl on his face. “How in the world would anyone think that’s me.” He said with disbelief. Zoro laughed harder. He couldn’t help it. “I don’t know. I can see the resemblance cook. ” he felt Sanji glare at him but quickly turned his gaze to the imposter, sorrow plastered on his face as he felt disrespected. “Shut it, mosshead, yours ain’t much better,” he smirked back. Zoro was going to retort when he heard another gunshot.
Zoro stared at Sanji, not uttering a word. Instead, Sanji nodded and grabbed Shika’s and pulled her to get out of the bar; hoping Zoro would keep his cool this once. Luckily for him, he did. They knew they had to keep their heads down if the marines were looking for them, and a small part of them thought this could be a good distraction. Zoro grabbed Chopper, and they slinked out the bar as they heard a gunshot and someone fell to the floor. “I am captain Luffy,” the voice shouts… “I get what i want. ”… and with the commotion picking up, they managed to sneak out. Zoro’s free hand resting on the hilt of his sword just in case. However, they were soon to realise that this would not be the distraction they needed. In fact, these groups of idiots would create more problems than they would solve.
The guy that looked a lot like Fake Luffy decided to shoot another innocent bystander. As her friend protests, he is shot as well. There were whispers circulating and panic settling in. The Fake looking Luffy orders his crew to do something. The words are being lost in the commotion, but they are suddenly knocked down by the figure. Shika and Sanji didn’t realise that Zoro had moved. Already in front of the other man. His eyes glaring at the figures in front.
The guy who looks like fake Luffy starts getting in Zoro’s face and trying to threaten Zoro. Zoro just stares at them unbothered. The rest of Fake Luffy’s crew join in to try and intimidate Zoro, but Zoro continues to stare; his hand resting on the hilt of his katana. The only thought in Zoro’s head was him hoping Sanji had got Shika out of there, which, luckily for him, Sanji was also leading her out of the bar quietly. Sneaking through the commotion with every intention of going back in when Shika was out of the way.
The crowd in the bar were terrified, hoping they would go along with their wishes and threats. However, Zoro simply walks up to them and gets right in his face. Fake Usopp goes to shoot him, but Zoro manages to dodge the bullet and pushes his katana to Fake Luffy’s neck. Not before using his Haki on the Fake Straw Hats, causing them to faint, which astonishes the crowd. Once satisfied, he downed his drink and left to meet up with Shika, Sanji, and Chopper. He took one look behind him with a satisfied smirk and left.
“Too late stupid cook…” he smirked as he saw Sanji start to walk back. His thoughts were going to Chopper and Shika, hoping they were out of the way. Sanji scowled, but deep down, he was glad that the problem was over; for now.
“I think we should head back before we encounter more trouble…” Chopper said as he walked out of the alley that they had been put in. As they walked back, all was quiet until they heard a loud bang, and a flash of light came from the sky. Before they knew it, they were flung back and separated over the field. Chopper landing in the forest behind them.
 When Shika finally opened her eyes, she could feel a presence and a tension in the air. She tried to sit up; seeing all three of them spread out on the field. It took a few minutes to realise something was wrong. Until her eyes landed on what appeared to be Bartholomew Kuma and another guy in the background.
Her gaze was shifted to Zoro’s shouts of what the hell was that. Both Zoro and Sanji got to their feet slowly; Chopper was still out cold.
The air crackled with tension as Zoro and Sanji stood up and looked around, both realising the situation they were all in. Sentomaru and the Pacifista; or was it Kuma. They weren’t entirely sure, and they didn’t really care. Both of them took a quick look around to check where Shika and Chopper were. They couldn’t see Chopper, but they both relaxed a little when Shika moved a little. The relaxed state was quickly pushed away as  “Kuma” started walking towards them.
The two Straw Hat crew members stood back to back, their eyes locked on their opponents. “Get out of her Shika Chan,” Sanji shouted in all seriousness, “Go find Chopper,” Zoro also shouted. They couldn’t keep the worry out of their voices, but they both had no time for that.
Shika did what she was told. Her head throbbed a little as she felt blood running down the side of her face, but she slowly got up and crawled towards the forest, hoping that the other two were distracted enough.
Sanji and Zoro made quick work of the Pacifista, showing how much they had learnt in the 2 years away. They both kicked and sliced as though it was paper. Sentomaru was a little taken back at the difference from last time, but he didn’t let it show. Instead, choosing to glare at the two pirates in front of him with a steely gaze. Zoro and Sanji exchanged a quick glance, communicating silently with each other. When they weren’t bickering, they made a good team; not that either would admit to that, but they knew.
They turned to look at Sentomaru and knew that this would be a tougher fight, especially without the rest of the crew, but they were determined to give it their all. After all, they had Shika to protect; and Chopper. They weren’t going to be separated again. Not when they had just reunited. Zoro gripped his swords tightly while Sanji cracked his knuckles in anticipation and readying his foot for the upcoming fight.
As the battle began, the two Straw Hats launched themselves at Sentomaru with unparalleled skill and determination. Unfortunately for them. The group that had turned up earlier were also on their way towards the commotion, not one to forget.
Zoro took out his sword and put it in his mouth, readying to attack the men in front. He threw himself towards the group. Three swords sliced through the air with deadly precision, just barely missing the guy in front, while Sanji’s powerful kicks didn’t go unnoticed. The fake Strawhat’s fighting back with some intensity, but they were no match for Zoro and Sanji. The group was disposed of quickly as the clash of metal and the sound of grunts filled the air. Zoro and Sanji took care of the imposters and were not daring to stop and refused to back down until all of them were down. Both of their main thoughts were to protect Shika.
Unknowingly to them, Sentomaru had disappeared towards the forest in the commotion, looking for the other Strawhat’s. In that moment, there was a piercing scream which echoed through the forest.
In a flurry of confusion as Shika was still a little out of it. She hadn’t noticed she had company. She finally found where Chopper was and was gently picking him up. As she did so, she felt someone grab her arm. She tried to struggle but only had one arm and was feeling a little woozy. Sentomaru quickly grabbed Shika and dragged her away. This was one sure fire way to get Monkey D Luffy Sentomaru thought to himself.
Shika was already weak as the hit to her head was affecting her, unable to put up much of a fight. She did try to push him away, but her attempts were futile. She shouted for Sanji and Zoro. Her piercing screams fell in the air as Sentomaru hit her with such force she began to black out.
The last thing she saw was Sanji running towards her at full speed, Zoro not far behind, but they were stopped by another of Sentomaru’s Pacifistas, who stood in their way as she was whisked off, barely clinging to life. Of course, they both made quick work of the Pacifista, but by the time they were done, Sentomaru had taken Shika with them. Chopper falls from the sky as she lets go of her grip in unconsciousness. Zoro caught Chopper but felt at a loss at what to do. Both Sanji and Zoro’s hearts slowed. Not again, they thought as she was whisked away. Blood and sweat pooled on and around their heads as they stood there seeing Sentomaru disappear with her. Zoro snapped at Sanji, Sanji was a wreck, but they knew they had to pull it together. To see her again. This wasn’t how today was supposed to go. They had to get back to the Sunny. As much as Sanji wanted to run after you, he had to be the semi rational one. Sentomaru was no joke, and they both had to get help from the crew.
Zoro wanted to rush head first and chase after him, but deep down, he knew Sanji was right. Even if that did make him want to throw up at admitting that. Anything to keep her safe, he thought to herself. His heart beating at the thought of not seeing her again. They weren’t at 100%, and they couldn’t risk messing this up. They both took deep breaths, getting lost in their own thought’s.
Sanji picked up Chopper, trying to squash his thoughts. He had only just got her back. He didn’t know how he could cope with her gone so soon. He had tears down his cheeks, but he forced himself to drag his ass back to Luffy.
Both of them were in some agreement. If Sentomaru even touched a hair on Shika’s head, they would be the ones to kill him; no matter what; not Luffy… them.
When Shika barely gained consciousness, she felt her hands heavy and cuffed. The room she was in was dark and damp. She tried to take in any information she could but felt herself slip back into unconsciousness. All she thought of was Zoro and Sanji, as she closed her eyes again and heard Sentomaru laugh in the distance.
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mxtantrights · 8 months
Bounded by shadow and blood (8)
Azriel x magic!fem!reader
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It had been two days of nothing. No information, no clues, you are starting to believe that your brother was never here. You even tried to use your blood to call to his hilt or any blood energy he might have spent here but nothing came up.
Amren had seen you grow more and more desperate with each passing hour. She offered, of course to go out and enjoy the town. You didn’t feel like drinking or talking with anyone but you figured for appearance sake you would do it.
She had brought you an all black ensemble to wear. It was a bit revealing but you didn’t mind. If you were going to stand anywhere near her, you’d have to keep up. 
You tucked your hilt into the side of your left boot. Just incase.
When you and Amren left the house it was only you too. But somehow, as the night grew, members of the inner circle wormed their way into your plans.
It wasn’t a coincidence that on your walk around the city, you ran into Cassian and Nesta who happened to be out on ‘date night’. But you let it slide, for Amren’s sake. But when you got to the famous place she was talking about, Rita’s, Azriel and Morrigan were tucked into a booth. 
Cassian had the fun idea to combine groups. Amren sent you a sympathetic look but you went along with it. Again.
You took the corner and Amren took your right side so that no one else could sit next to you. 
As if it weren’t enough about an hour into sitting in the booth, Rhysand and Feyre showed up. All but one person from the inner circle was missing at this point. You rolled your eyes and Amren laughed at your antics.
“How’s your visit so far?” Nesta asks from across the table.
You smile, “It’s been great. Wish I had more alone time with Amren though.” 
“It’s always good to make new friends.” Rhysand smirks.
“Do you baby-sit all of your new friends or is that just a special offer for me?” You quip.
Amren giggles into her drink. A few at the table seem to be thrown off at her laughing. You’re not. You’ve known her for a short amount of time but she obviously opened up more to you than she does them.
“We wouldn’t have to if you would just answer our questions.” Nesta says.
“I don’t owe you answers.” You state.
She raises her eyebrows. Cassian turns to her and speaks into her ear. Feyre clears her throat, and you take the chance to look at her. She is the cursebreaker. She has all the fire her sister has and more. And yet she can control herself and come off and cool headed and diplomatic. 
“My sister is just curious is all. Don’t mind her.” She says.
You feel the shadow at your ankle. Before you can reach down to swat it away, it grabs the hilt of your sword. It reappears in Azriel’s hand. He looks right at you.
“No weapons in this establishment. Those are the rules.” He says.
“As if all of you don’t have some variant of a blade on you, or that you all aren’t walking weapons yourselves.” You reply to him.
He smirks, “So it is a weapon.”
You look at him then. He had gotten to you admit it was a weapon. Even though you were sure he knew that already. You couldn’t tell what his game is here.
“Give it back.” Amren says.
“On one condition. Spar with me again.” He says.
You look at him bewildered. This male was too smug for his own good. It wasn’t enough that you beat him once. He wanted to best you. He no doubt told the inner circle how he had lost to you because of your abilities. 
His ego took a hit. He called you a good fighter. Yeah, right.
You actually don’t mind sparing with him again. You’d like to wipe the floor with him and give his friends a front row seat. You can’t help the Cheshire smile that grows on your face.
“I win, you give me my hilt back.” You state your terms.
He nods, “And if I win, you tell us what you’re really doing here.” 
“Azriel do you think—“ Cassian starts.
You hold out your hand, “it’s a deal.” 
His eyes seem to widen, but not even a second later he’s taking your hand in his and shaking it. The table goes quiet. All of them looking at your joined hands.
“You just made a bargain,” Amren says and she pulls your hand back, searching your skin for something, “Where is it?” 
You watch her in amusement. You know she was looking for, a mark or tattoo that came from the bargain you just made. But that rule really doesn’t apply to you, like most things pertaining to fae do. 
“I won’t have a tattoo, fae bargains don’t work on me.” You tell her.
“I wonder why not…” Nesta mumbles to no one in particular. 
"I heard of a story where one man's wonder sent him into a spiral od his own demise." you say to her.
Nesta cocks her head to the side with a smile.
You were up before dawn. Not like the sight would be as spectacular as the dawn court. But it was still a sight nonetheless. You watched the way the sky seemed to lighten as the sun started to peek out.
Azriel, ever the dramatic, told you to find him before dawn for the match. He told the group how you had seemed to find him in the house even though you didn’t know where you were going and he didn’t tell you where he’d be. All of this information seemed interesting to Rhysand and Nesta.
You know everyone is going to be there. They hadn’t said they would but you could tell that they wouldn’t miss it. The chance to see you in action, the chance to dissect your every move? Nesta wouldn’t miss it for the world.
You were treading up the hill where you tracked Azriel. The hardest part was tracking him. The easy part would be taking him down. You reach the top of the hill and see all of them standing there, waiting for you.
Azriel is the only one with his back turned to you. As Cassian and Rhysand look at you over his shoulder, he seems to get the hint and turn around.
When he catches your eyes he smirks. 
“You made it.” He says.
“The hill was a nice touch, very on par for your dramatics.” You say.
He shakes his head, “I hope I didn’t wear you down.”
“Not a chance. You ready to get this over with?” You ask.
Azriel juts his chin over to the empty training ring to his left. You notice he didn’t wrap his hands for this fight. You wonder why that is. It won’t affect the outcome of this match anyways.
You follow behind him as he gets into the ring, dipping below the ropes. You lift the top instead of ducking beneath it. Amren comes to your side.
“Are you sure about this?” She asks.
“I wouldn’t ask me that, ask your friend over there.” You answer her.
She smiles, “You get any better since I’ve seen you last?”
“I’ll show you.” You smile back.
Cassian whistles and gets everyone’s attention.
He goes over the rules. No dirty tricks. No leaving the ring unless for a forfeit. No use of abilities. He looked at you specifically for that one. Which you thought was weird. You thought all they had wanted was to see was you use your abilities.
No matter, you’d win this fight the hard way.
As soon as Cassian said Go, Azriel and you started circling each other. He raises his hands up to his face. You keep your arms at your sides. He reaches for one of your arms but you swing to the other side.
Amren cheers on your side maneuver. Nesta cheers on Azriel to try again.
You know which move to go for next. You fake a swing, knowing he’s going to grab your hand. And you use that to your advantage. You throw your weight down and wrap your legs around his waist. You grab onto the arm that is free and restrain him.
He’s out of it for a moment. Then he slowly raises to his feet. That takes you by surprise. He’s got a grip on your arm like a vice. But he’s holding you like it’s nothing.
You let go of his arm and throw him into a headlock. His wings don’t get in the way until he uses one of them to hit your side. You grunt at the impact and your arms loosen, and your legs buckle. 
He takes that opportunity to throw you down onto the mat. He pins your legs down with his and takes both your hands into one of his. His face mere inches away from yours. You struggle against him.
From this close you can focus only on his blood. How loud it is. How it is erratic, more than what you’re used to when someone is fighting. You look him in the eyes now and find he’s looking right back at you. Like he had been looking at you first.
He lets go of you all at once and leaps away from you. You prop yourself on your elbows and watch the scene in front of you. 
“Hey we said no magic!” Cassian shouts.
You didn’t use anything against him though. 
“She didn’t—it wasn’t her.” Azriel answers.
You pull yourself up and look at him. He looked frazzled. He looked like he saw a ghost. A tendril of his shadow juts out and grabs your ankle. It yanks you over to him, close enough that your feet touch. 
“You just used your powers.” You say in disbelief.
You can’t believe it because it doesn’t seem like he did it intentionally. It seemed like another instance where his shadows were doing their own bidding. 
“You won.” He says to you.
It happens all at once. The shadow that is wrapped around your ankle lets go of you. Azriel stands at lighting speed and leaves the ring all together. You watch as the hilt of your sword appears in front you.
You grab it and turn to look at the shadow singer who is gone. You try to think to yourself, what just happened?
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aphroditeslover11 · 8 months
The Flat Next Door
Fun to write and thank you for the ask! i swear to God I feel this gif somewhere deep inside of me!
Warnings: a bit of touchy feely, mentions of divorce, not proofread and fuelled by lingering red wine and exhaustion!
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Jim was fresh out of his divorce. He had lost his kids in a custody battle after getting into a fight with their step dad, along with the majority of his savings, his new girlfriend left him as soon as he wanted to get serious and he really was completely alone in the world. Bearing all of this in mind he moved across the Irish Sea and took up a new job in Liverpool. The pay wasn’t the best but he wasn’t responsible for anyone apart from himself now and the city itself made up for it. It did mean though, that aged 42, he was having to live in an absolute dive in a block of apartments he never though he would have to see the likes of again until now. The kinds of people living here were the ones that you didn’t want to bump into on a dark night or had just decided to give up on life and slowly rot into the decaying depths of society. He was pretty sure that the apartment to his left was being used as a weed farm from the smell and the weird times that people were walking in and out. The flat to his right was a bit different though, it belonged to a girl who simply didn’t fit in among this band of junkies and lowlifes. She couldn’t have been much older than 22 and always kept herself to herself. Everyday she would come home at around the same time, make dinner, work for a bit and fall asleep with the tv on in the background. It was hard not to notice these things with how thin the walls were. Who was she though? That was something he was curious to find out.
It was three months after you had moved into your apartment that the absolute unthinkable happened. Somebody had broken into your flat, not that you should have been surprised. The door had been kicked clean off the hinges and nobody had even thought anything of it. The place missing a door though meant that it was hardly safe to stay here and fixing it was not a job that you could do yourself. This was how you had come to meet Jim, the helpful man from the apartment next door who had spotted your distress and come over with a toolbox to help you fix it. You had invited him in for coffee and the pair of you had fallen asleep on the sofa, not that it meant anything of course, you were scared so he had stayed incase the burglars had made a return visit.
After that you had started meeting up for coffee periodically. He learnt that you were a student, having ended up here after fleeing from the house you had been sharing after discovering that your boyfriend was cheating on you with one of your housemates. Though you were at very different points in your lives there was some sense of empathy between the two of you. Perhaps a friendship based on a mutual sense of abandonment wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but it was certainly what you were both craving around this time. 
The other thing that Jim learnt about you was that you were a very tactile person. Whenever you walked past him in the kitchen whilst making a cup of coffee you would place a hand on his shoulder, as if to move him out of your way. If you were sat together on his shitty little sofa and he made a joke you would always place a hand on his thigh or his forearm, as if to keep you grounded as you laughed.
As of late he was starting to wonder whether there was more to these touches than he had originally thought. It was moments like these, when you watching television together with him sat at one end of the sofa with your feet in his lap, that he questioned what you really wanted out of him. He was caught off guard by you moving your feet in his lap.
“You know Jim, I’ve put them there for a reason. I missed the bus and my feet are killing me and I was hoping I might get a foot massage out of you?” You chuckled.
“You poor thing, I can’t promise I’ll be much good but I can certainly try.”
“You’re an angel, I promise I’ll make it up to you in time.” What the hell is that meant to mean?
Three weeks later and he still didn’t know what that comment had meant. Rents had been put up and he, remembering the financial struggles of being a student, had starting offering to cook for you more often. He wanted to make sure that you were eating something other than pot-noodles or HP Sauce on toast.  You’d started helping him cook as well, if he was honest the evenings were when he missed his kids the most, so the little arrangement worked out well in his favour. You were coming back from one of the cupboards with a tin of tomatoes, he was expecting your hand to find his shoulder, but it didn’t stay there like it normally did, instead trailing down his back until it came to briefly rest on his ass. Caught unawares he automatically reached for your arm, holding it in a gentle grip.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“You remember how a while ago you gave me that massage?”
“And I said I’d make up for it in time?”
“How would you feel about cashing in on that now…” 
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rae-raewrites · 10 months
Hi! I saw you did Riddler finding out he had a teenage daughter he never knew about and meeting her so can you do it with all the Scarecrow's too? I dunno the limit to how many charachters can be in a post so just take your time and thank you!
Hell ya Jon being a dad!
Scarecrows with a teenage daughter
Tw:death,fear toxin
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A man already dealing with quite the past Jonathan crane was of the opinion nothing could surprise him at this point
Oh boy how wrong he was
williamina was the result of a relationship long since dead that he never considered becoming a variable in the future
Mina only being 16 was told repeatedly to avoid any possible contact with her father after the Halloween incident.
Just like her dear old dad,she was quite the rebellious one
Jonathan can’t exactly ignore the resemblance especially the look from the eyes
Turns out with mom mostly being rather on the negligent side Mina needed someone to be there with her during the big years of her life
Jonathan starts finding out he has some rather ingrained parenting instincts
His old teaching habits really come back to him!
Teaching such a young mind his years of well earned knowledge really invigorates his spirit
He certainly doesn’t intend to turn the little prodigy into a lab rat. He’s the master of fear but he’s not a heartless monster
He’s definitely one of those dad’s who sits down and has heart to hearts with his kids over something like tea.
“Come have seat a young one,tell me what clings to your soul.”
He more than anyone knows the kind of someone so young around someone like him needs to be checked on here and there.
She’s definitely going to inherit her father’s more theatrical side let’s be honest with ourselves here.
She’s getting taught every little bit of chemistry he knows,both out of a way to expand his child’s intelligence but also to keep her safe.
Mina helps him when his leg acts up. According to her it’s the least she can do for him
He greatly appreciates it though he’s not always vocal about it
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Very similar to Arkham Jon btas jon is a man who is surprised by such a thing
He was never a ladies man, his previous partners be dammed but that certainly won’t stop him from being apart of Jenna’s life
Especially when Jenna reaches out actually wanting to meet her old man
15 and yet very clingy of her old man,understandable seeing as she doesn’t exactly have a lot of people to turn to
Is definitely the kinda dad who enacts curfew because he’s so damm worried about where his daughter is
Overprotective as hell
“No jenna I don’t want you on the streets after 8! I may be the master of feet but I know Gotham.”
Helping this girl with her homework constantly.
Doesn’t exactly want her involved with his criminal work directly,last thing he wants her is going to Arkham
Kids don’t belong in a place like that
Edward and jervis easily become her “uncles” Incase something happens to her hold man
Jenna has giggle at one of his master of fear rants
He was grumpy for hours after it
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Let’s be completely honest here,this man is the most likely to end up accidentally getting bun in the oven,risk is his territory.
The fact he’s even surprised when Lilith shows up to the office of one dr Jonathan crane is a joke in itself.
He doesn’t initially think she’s telling the truth.
Gets corrected almost immediately when he recognizes her mothers name and really takes a good look at the kid
A little apprehensive about even having a kid around.
His general customers are indeed kids around her age range
Lilith however for good or bad inherited daddy’s charisma and charm
He doesn’t immediately tell her about his……….culinary behaviors
Would probably never forgive himself if something happened to her
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t slowly put together whats going on
“You scare people……with drugs?” “I’m providing a service kiddo! Why I’m basically paying for your college education!”
Girl is gonna get spoiled with the amount of drug money he’s pulling in.
Miss autumn ATTEMPTS to help Jonathan navigate the turmoil that comes with one so young
Extremely “your parent is your best friend” relationship
Movie nights are a weekly tradition
Year one
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He certainly hasn’t had a lot if healthy relationships in his existence
It wasn’t long ago he went on that hunt to find his own father,Vera was just another who had too.
Genuinely a guilt ridden soul when he finds out.
He may not have known about her but that still doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel like a fool
It’s not out of obligation by blood he takes Vera in but more so because he understands what it’s like to be alone at such a young age .
Definitely a relationship based upon slowly warming up to one another
He’s definitely the over protective type always making sure she isn’t bullied
Lord forbid if they’re ever were they’d be dead within an hour of finding out
Absolutely fosters an adoration for reading
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wafflebroski · 11 months
Uzi x Reader Headcanons: Murder Drones
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Hi everyone! Anyone from my dead Wattpad account (WaffleXD3818 incase you were wondering) I hope you know I'm not dead. With that, Onto the Headcanons,
So, you two didn't exactly meet on the best terms (considering you bumped into her on accident) so the best way you figured you'd make it up is if you tried to appeal to her.
The way you went about that was usually interacting with her because nobody else did.
But don't be fooled. Just because you interact with her doesn't mean your friends with her all of a sudden.
So, naturally you try to be friends with her, because if you didn't; this headcanon thing wouldn't make sense.
Eventually, she did start going out of her way to interact with you. Even if she did kind of do it reluctantly. She convinced herself she was only talking to you because "You probably didn't have any other friends."
Whether this is true or not is up to you.
That being said, what you two talk about at first is depending on what she or you were feeling like that day.
If you were feeling kind of depressed, she'd drop all subjects relating to murder drones. If you were feeling happy, you'd take over the conversation because what else was she going to do?
She is sometimes openly vocal about your sudden attachment. Usually, she makes it subtle.
"So, uh, you really wanted to be my friend, huh?"
So, naturally, you started to interact with her more.
Up to that point, she never really considered you anything more that just friends at the bare minimum. It wasn't until you helped her get the part for her railgun and tried to help fend of the murder drone (which you later learned was N) that she started to get feelings for you.
She obviously didn't really know how to handle it at first, because up until she met you, the only interaction she had with people were her classmates, which barely gave her the time of day, or with her father, who also doesn't really give her the time of day.
She does try to subtilty try to let you know she has feelings for you, but sometimes just doesn't make it very obvious.
She'll stick to you like glue sometimes in hopes of getting you to see that she does care about her.
When that inevitably fails for obvious reasons, she will just outright say it when both of you are alone.
If you say yes, she will try to play it off cool, but is internally freaking out because she didn't really know what to do after you said yes.
If you say no (why would you?) then she'll play it off cool. No, it's not like she was emotionally attached to you because you were the only one who gave her the time of day. Shut up.
Since you obviously said yes, her interactions don't really change much. Except for the fact that she does get overprotective over you because she doesn't entirely trust the chains that she put the female disassembly drone in.
Speaking of; since you didn't really know how to fight when N and Uzi went to confront the other murder drones, she kind of told you to stay out of it.
Let's skip episode 2 because nothing really changes there.
When prom rolls around, Uzi originally intended not to go, because it's kinda cringy, but when you asked her to go with you, she couldn't say no!
You already know the drill from there, N and Uzi reconcile, V escapes and appears at prom, Doll tries to kill V, Fails, Then fucking dies, Oh, wait, turns out she didn't die and attempted to kill you, Fails again, and runs.
You were the only person in that room that was like; "Oh no! Anyway." because escaping death for the third time was starting to get tedious.
You helped her out with her newfound magic, which started to have some unexpected consequences.
She started to bite you randomly when you two were together, which was all the time. You could've sworn you saw oil on her mouth at some point in that month. And people started to go missing.
But it was probably nothing, right?
Ugh, this took longer than what I would've wanted.
So first post on this blog that relates to x Readers. Kinda fun.
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hellhound5925 · 11 months
One shot - Sargent Hunter
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“It’s better this way” Part Three
Incase you are new, Part one and Part two.
18+, heartbreak, smut, (I'm bad at warnings let me know if I missed anything) mentions of blood (unintentional self harm?). References to stars exploding. Female character/reader.
The smut chapter you’ve been waiting for…that is all 😂 Wait I lied, so the lyrics to Sleep Tokens, Blood Sport is in this as well (I’m trying something new so let me know what we think). Anything that is lyrics will be written as follows: ~ Sleep Token, Blood Sport ~
I stop just outside the doors that lead out onto the landing platform - what can I even say to make up for what I did? Will he forgive me? This is Hunter we are talking about, right? He'll understand. With a deep breath, I press the button, causing the doors to slide open. The modified Omicron-class attack shuttle rests tall and proud on the platform, while the rain gently hits the heavily armored hull.
~ Stuck in a quantum pattern,
Tangled in what I never said,
You say it doesn’t matter ~
At first, there's no sign that anyone's out here, but then I notice the stairs are down and the door is open. Stepping out into the rain, I head over to the steps. The amber glow of the lights inside is warm and inviting, which makes my heart sink - I'm an awful person... Maybe I don't deserve to be forgiven. I head up the steps, getting out of the rain. The cold dampness makes it way through my clothes to my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.
~ I want to be forgiven… ~
A noise comes from he cockpit drawing my attention. I quietly make my way to the doorway, leaning against it. Hunter is on his back under the controls, tinkering with something. He continues to work without acknowledging my presence, but there isn't a doubt in my mind he knew I was here the minute I walked up the stairs. I choose to stay silent for a moment hoping he would start the conversation.
After an alarming amount of time being shrouded in the cold silence, I decide to speak up. "I came to explain myself..." I trail off seeing if he will stop what he's doing but he doesn't. I've never seen him like this before and its actually scaring me a little.
~ I want to choke up chunks of my own sins ~
"Hunter please...I need you to understand...I never meant—" I'm cut off my a loud clanging noise. Hunter drops the tool he was working with and mutters a string of curses in Mando'a. Pushing himself out from under the controls, he's looking over his hand. Without a second thought, I rush over and grab it looking it over. He's moving it, so its likely not broke and theres no blood.
Neither of us move, his hand still in mine. I gently brush my fingers over his knuckles having almost forgotten what his touch was like. Without warning he pulls away, turning his back to me "I need to finish these repairs before we ship out."
~ Would you invite me in again? ~
At his words my stomach drops into my feet. "I'll be quick then, but I need you to hear me on this please."
~ Let me pay for my arrogance ~
He sighs and his shoulder drop. Without turning around, he turns his head to the side to show me he's listening. The fact that he can't even look at me is the final strike that breaks me completely. My legs become to weak to hold me up and I drop to my knees sobbing uncontrollably, "I was so worried about losing you out there....I had no idea what I would do without you....my best idea was to pull away....Tech...he made me realize—" at this point I can't think straight or get enough air into my lungs to continue.
~ Won’t you show me your weakness? ~
Burying my head in my hands, I didn't even hear anyone approach. A hand rests on each of my shoulders, I look up to see Hunter with a concerned look etched into his handsome features only inches from mine.
"I don't—deserve forgiveness" I blurt out.
~ I made loving you a blood sport ~
He reaches towards my face, placing a hand on my cheek. The rough pad of his thumb wipes away the waterfall of tears having made their way to my lips. The taste of their salt on my tongue.
"I wish you had come to me about how you were feeling." His voice is the calm at the center of the storm. It's warm and full of life, a life I crave. He pulls me in to his chest, where I lose control once again. Rubbing circles into my back with one hand in my hair, his hold on me tightens as if I'd slip through his fingers like the sands of Tatooine.
~ I’m still your favorite regret ~
"I forgive you" his chest vibrates with his words, "and I'm sorry you were in that much pain and didn't feel like you could come to me." In that moment, the black hole I created just a day ago was gone. The very star at the center of his universe, back where it belongs. Giving its life back to the planets, it watches over.
Returning his hands to my shoulders, he pushes me back to look me in the face. "Promise me from now on, you come to me whenever you feel that way." His beautiful brown eyes roam my face as I collect myself but all I can do is nod.
~ You’re still my weapon of choosing ~
My brain is so foggy from the overflow of emotions, "I don't understand how you don't hate me?"
"I could never hate you. You mean too much to me but I wanted to respect your decision."
"Tech said I'm one of the reasons you fight so hard to come home. Is that true? You fight for me?"
There's a long pause, Hunter places his forehead against mine "I will always fight for you."
~ And out there,
Stuck in a quantum pattern,
Tangled in what I never said… ~
I'm at a complete loss for words and even thought we're so close, a need to be closer claws at my insides. My hands find their way to his face and the stubble on his jaw tickles my palms, at this angle my hands look so small. Hunter likely feeling the same way, runs his hands down my sides resting them on my hips.
He pauses for a second before pulling me onto his lap. As if we've practiced this a thousand times, my legs wrap around his lean torso, while my hands make their way over his muscular shoulders and entangle themselves in his hair. Effortlessly, he lifts the two of us off the floor, carrying me over to his bunk and gently sets me on it. Its quite messy which means he didn't stay in the shared space with his brothers last night.
~ You say it doesn’t matter ~
Hunter hesitates, still hovering over me. “I promise that whatever happens out there…I will always find my way home to you.”
Grabbing the chest piece of his armor, I pull him so our lips crash together sloppily. After a few moments we break and all the only sounds that can be heard are the pitter patter of rain on the hull and our labored breathing. The space between us still nonexistent as his lips gently brush mine, I lean into him pressing our foreheads together. His nose is pressed into my cheek and yet it still feels like theres a galaxy between us.
“I need you” I whisper into his lips and arching my back ever so slightly, pressing myself further into him.
His lips dance gently across mine and it’s almost too much to bare. Hunter knows exactly what he’s doing and at this point I deserve to be tortured. Just as he leans in like he’s going to finally kiss me, he pulls away exposing my face to the cold air between us. A smug smile makes it away across his face but before I can react, he presses me into the mattress with his body. He kisses me so deeply, it makes the darkness of space seem shallow. My hands wander over his muscular back and through his hair causing a lusty hum to vibrate deep in his chest.
Muscle memory kicks in, and armor pieces start piling up on the floor followed by a pair of GAR issue blacks. My clothes are next to follow, the cold dampness of them feels like a distant memory as the warmth of his body radiates through mine. With one finger he slowly trails my jaw line, down my neck to my chest stopping briefly between my breasts. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, as he continues his painstakingly slow journey to my thighs. I’m too caught up in a storm of blissful anguish to make a sound.
Hunter forces his way through my throbbing core, falling in rhythm with the rain creating a beautiful symphony that overwhelms my senses. My desperation to be consumed with this feeling of him inside me. We've been together like this many times before but this....it's just different. Time suddenly seems to stand still as the two of us became whole once more. My back arches involuntarily at the electricity that shoots through my body. He's almost too much for me to handle, with fist full of the sheets and my toes curled to the soles of my feet, my body trembles with pleasure. My breathing hitches as a soft whimpering gasp falls from my lips.
"Easy Mesh'la...I've got you...I always will" he purrs in my ear before nipping and kissing my neck.
I cry out as his words are the final push over the edge, white hot pleasure corses through my core with the intent to keep him there. Hunter continues, not stopping until he knows our desire has been fulfilled.
As we come down from our high he surrounds me with his closeness, his embrace. His scent washes over me and becomes the air in my lungs, his touch makes my skin shiver with pleasure. In his strong arms I feel a safeness that I have never felt before. Burying his head my hair, he inhales deeply as if to soak me in. We lay there together in silence for a moment as the soft pitter patter of the rain slowly subsides.
"I know ‘s right for both of us…We’re always better together” his words slurred like a love drunken fool.
Taglist: @cloneloverrrrr @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @idoubleswearimawriter @maybethatfanfictionwriter @savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
Huge huge huge thank you to @cloneloverrrrr and @lune-de-miel-au-paradis you guys are the freaking best 🫡💖
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final-girl96 · 8 months
Broken World: Chapter Twenty-Two
The Farm
When we got back to the highway Dale had all kinds of questions. He asked Andrea if she was okay and she just walked right past him. After the CDC incident he took her gun and she still didn't forgive him for that or for forcing her to leave the CDC before it blew. Glenn tried to explain to him what had happened but couldn't tell him much seeing as we didn't know anything. After discussing everything it was decided that Glenn would take Carol's car and get T-Dog to the farm the women had mentioned before riding off with Lori.
Carol didn't want to leave incase Sophia found her way back, Dale didn't want to leave the RV, Andrea decided to stay with Carol, and Daryl decided he would stay too. That left me. “I'm gonna stay,” I said. We said goodbye to Glenn and T-Dog, telling them that we would see them tomorrow morning, and watched them turn around, and drive the opposite direction.
Once they were out of sight Carol went back to standing near the guardrail and looked into the woods. Andrea had stormed back into the RV and slammed the door shut when Dale asked her if she was alright after Glenn told him what happened. The sun was starting to go down and night would be coming in a couple of hours. “I'm just gonna look around to make sure there aren't any walkers stumbling around close by.” I turned from the group avoiding Carol's cold and heartbroken gaze.
I wish there was more I could do. And that is exactly why when I was far enough away from the others I slipped back into the woods. Should I be in the woods alone while it's nearing night? Probably not. But I was trying to put myself in the shoes of a mother whose child has gone missing. I would never know what exactly it feels like but I imagined that Carol was going through several emotions. She was scared, stressed, maybe even angry at herself for not being with her daughter when it happened.
I know if I were in her situation I would be full of anxiety and I would blame myself more than I would blame anyone else. I understand why she's putting blame on Rick. He was the one that went after her and he didn't come back with her. He left on her own. And I know Carol understands why he made the decisions he did. I understand why she turned to me. I'm a detective…was a detective. I used to hunt down people; it was my job to find the clues others missed.
I find myself back where Rick said he left Sophia while he led a couple walkers away. The tracks were faint but they were still there. I followed them where they split off in the opposite direction of the highway. “Why did you go the wrong way?” I knelt down to look closer at the tracks but I couldn't see any other sign of what might have happened. I didn't see any other footprints besides Sophia's and the ones from us. there wasn't any indication that there were any walkers that scared her in this direction.
I continued following the path Daryl, Rick, and I took until I came to the walker they had killed and gutted. “Sophia!” I walked past the walker and back onto a path, keeping an eye out for anything out of place. The forest was getting darker as the sky lost its light. I should have turned back and went back to the RV but I didn't…I kept going deeper into the woods.
Eventually night had completely settled over us, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, the moon shining through the treetops in spots gave some light but not much. I stood in the middle of the forest, spinning in a slow circle. At some point I had gone off the path without realizing. I had no sense of direction in the dark and in a place I wasn't familiar with. I was an okay track but I wasn't as good as Daryl, nowhere near as good as him. I was far away from the highway…nobody would hear me if I called out for them. I was lost and alone.
I watch yn go off on her own down the highway. Having her around again was awkward and brought feelings back to the surface that I would rather keep hidden. I turned away for a second to pull out a cigarette and light it when I looked back she was gone. I stay looking in that direction the whole time I smoke the cigarette and a good ten minutes after before going into the RV.
Dale was on top of the RV keeping watch, Andrea was sitting at the table reloading all the magazines for the guns, and Carol was in the back, laying down and crying softly. I let out a deep sigh and lay down on the floor between the kitchen and table. I used my pack wasẃèas a pillow and threw my arm over my eyes, closing them, and trying to get some shut eye. I laid there for twenty minutes trying and failing to go to sleep. I couldn't block out Carol's soft cries and I couldn't stop thinking about yn.
What was she doing? Did she come back yet? Was she up on the roof with Dale? What if something happened? I had this gut feeling she was in trouble. I sat up, looked at Carol for a brief second and stood up, took a full magazine from Andrea and went outside. “You see yn at all?” I asked Dale, looking up at him. He looked down at me and shook his head. “No, I've been keeping an eye out for her but I have seen her. As a matter-of-fact I don't even see her on the highway.”
I didn't want to give a shit. Why should I? She made Merle a suspect in some fucking murder he had no part in. Then had him arrested and put away for three years. She fucking left without saying goodbye. I hated the feelings she made me feel. Shouldn't be feeling shit for her. She's younger than me and deserved better than a piece of shit redneck. But my gut tightened at the thought of her out there alone in the dark. Dumb bitch probably went looking for that little girl and got herself lost. “Fuckin’ christ. I'll go find her. Last thing we need is for someone else gettin’ lost.”
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
omg can we talk about Bobby Bear for a minute bc that entire portion of the finale had me sobbing 😭
Like seeing as how Dot’s only 3 and blocks out most of the final ToE events as she gets older, I doubt that she really remembers Bob or the significance of Bobby Bear. Of course she’ll still have him as a teenager, but I’m just thinking of what it’s like after the events of “Dot visits Jaidyn in jail” where she learns that someone literally died to save her. I’m also thinking of how she might ask her parents to take her to visit Bob’s grave—his final resting place for the last decade at that point 🧸
{ Listen, I’m a firm believer in the ideology that kids see ghosts. My mum used to tell me that when I was a kid I’d sit on the pool step talking to myself for ages and one time when she was hanging out the washing she heard me talking and asked who I was talking to and I said Nana Leonie. Who’s my dads mum who died when he was 12 in a car accident. They had never told be about her because I was only like four/five at the time. }
And I think that’s what happens to little Dot. She’s sitting on her swing set just talking to herself. She’s got Bobby Bear sitting on the grass beside her. Minding her own business.
“Who you talkin to over there princess?” Bradley’s asking as he hangs out some of the washing that needed to be done in an emergency batch. Flightsuits and stuff.
“Bobby Bear got something to say does he?” And Dot has Bradley frozen in a flashback that he can’t get out of when she replies to him.
“He says mama has a baby on board.” And all Bradley can hear in his mind is Jake’s infectious laugh coming through the comms from when they all came back together for the uranium mission, where Jake had assumed Bob stood for baby on board.
“Did Bobby Bear say that?” He’s got a little layer of sweat across his forehead as he asks. There’s no way, right?
“No, Bob did.” Dots correcting her soon to be legal guardian. In a few short months that’s what Bradley would be. “He says hi Tooster.” And it’s just the most shocking moment for Rooster. Because he’s just standing there at the line hanging washing watching Dot talk to herself and is all of a sudden in the middle of an existential crisis about the possibility of ghosts being a legitimate thing.
“Hey Dotty.” Bradley knows it’s probably stupid to ask but if there was a chance, even just the slightest chance, he wanted Bob to know. “Can you tell Bob I’m sorry?” And Bradley watches as Dot converses with herself like she’s having a full on in-depth discussion with someone standing right next to her.
“He said he knows.” That’s when Bradley is scooping little miss Dot up and collecting Bobby Bear and barreling into the house. He’s looking for you in a panic. Anxiety attack approaching.
“Fe?” Bradley calls when you aren’t in the living room. Dots hanging upside down as Bradley holds her like a surfboard. She’s a giggling mess. “Honey you around?”
“What’s wrong?” You’re racing down the hall because the way Bradley sounded made you believe the house was on fire. “Roo—?” He looked pale, like he’d just seen a ghost. Or heard from one that was.
“You need to take a pregnancy test and Dot sees ghosts.”
“Did you hit your head on something?” It’s a genuine question to a very puzzling statement. “Bradley, hon, what happened why do you look ill?” It’s the palm against his forehead that calms Rooster down, your touch always brought him solace. He placed little Odette down who takes her Bobby Bear and makes her way into her room. She had better things to be doing than watching her dad have a full blown anxiety attack. “What happened?”
“Do you ever talk to her about Bob?” It’s a blunt question Bradley is sure he already knows the answer to. You don’t talk about Bob to anyone let alone Odette. But everyone had agreed to not bring Bob up around your little girl, incase it triggered an episode. She’d begun to block it out, her therapist had told you it was normal in childhood trauma. It was a coping mechanism.
“Not directly no.” You frowned curiously. “Why?”
“She said that Bob said that you have a baby on board and then I asked her to tell Bob I was sorry and she said he already knows!” Bradley knew he sounded crazy by the look on your face you gave him in reaction to his explanation. “I ain’t crazy baby don’t look at me like that.”
“Bradley, I love you—but there’s no such thing a ghosts.” You reply a little sharper than normal. Bradley knows why, the topic of Bob never left you feeling good. It was still a fresh wound. “I’ll take a pregnancy test in a few days if I’m late—“ You leave it at that. Rooster hangs around the threshold of Dots room just watching her play. He felt like he was going crazy.
But what made it even worse was when that pregnancy test came back positive.
“Holy shit you do have a baby on board—“ The whole experience kind of confirms that there’s some sort of life after death for Bradley, which gives him a lot of closer, brings him a lot of peace. You don’t buy into it. And Odette doesn’t seem to really stick with the whole kids see ghosts thing either because as she grows up, her imaginary friend Bob doesn’t seem to appear as much anymore. She just grows out of it much like you thought she would. Bobby Bear is just another one of her many toys and suddenly—she’s being told exactly what happened that night on Uncle Jakes front porch after going to see that monster she’d been calling her dad for months on end.
“Will you take me to see him?” Dot had spent the majority of the day with you in bed, talking about the things that you’d endured, talking about Bob and about how Bradley was just always there for the two of you. “Bob?” Odette had a new found appreciation for Bradley, her dad.
“Sure baby, you know—before Riley was born you kinda had Rooster in a frenzy thinking ghosts were real and that Bob wasn’t just some imaginary friend of yours.” You could remember it like it was yesterday, how pale and scared out of his fucking kind Bradley had really been that day. He was convinced Bob was about to have him staring in something right out of the conjuring.
“How?” Dots asking, she just wanted to keep the conversation going. She wanted to know everything, no detail left out or stone unturned. If she couldn’t get it from you she now knew who to go to. Uncle Jake.
“You used to say a lot of weird things, just things only Bob would know— Or you somehow knew things we’d never told you about.”
“You don’t believe in ghost mum?” You shook your head with a firm No and a tight smile.
“I don’t believe that a man who was ground in mathematics and science and probability theory would ever be a ghost, no.” You just didn’t believe it was in Bobs inherit nature.
So the next day, you and Bradley took Odette up to Bobs grave. She’d never been there before. You’d never taken her purely to keep the memories at bay for her. All you ever did say in and day out as a mother was protect your kids.
“How’s it hangin’ Floyd?” Bradley clapped as he picked up some of the dead flowers Natasha had last left. He knew it was her because there was a beer bottle sitting next to the bouquet. The beer Bob never got to give Rhett. It became a tradition every-time Rhett was in North Island, the two would go up and see Bob for a while. “Brought you a visitor man, little Dotty got big didn’t she?”
“Does he do this a lot?” Dots asking as she walks with you up to Bobs headstone. Her hand couldn’t have been tighter in yours if she wanted it to be. Bradley Bradshaw had lost a lot of good people in his life, the idea they weren’t inherently gone for good helped him process that loss.
“Yeah, you should see him at your grandparents graves—it’s heartbreaking.” It’s a little overwhelming for the teenager who was only just now learning about the events you’d kept a secret from her. The fact someone had died trying to protect you, protect her made her stomach churn.
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”
“That feeling never goes away.” You held your daughter close as she cried into your chest. “I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you everything sooner sweetheart.”
“Bobby Bear?” Dot sobbed as she pulled away and wiped her tears. “That was Bob wasn’t it?”
“Uncle Rhett has one too.” Bradley confirmed as if it had been a massive secret that no one ever spoke about. “He was the one who gave it to you.”
“And we all have the same pair of glasses tattooed.” You showed your daughter the faded outline of the pair of aviators you had on your finger. It really needed to be redone. “Your father has his on his wrist.” Dot already knew about the tattoos you both had, she just didn’t know the symbolism behind them.
“Jake has his on his ass—“ The three of you laugh just as the wind picks up around you, Bradley’s convinced it’s Bob laughing too. You just think it’s been windy all damn day.
It’s not till a few weeks later when Rhett’s in town for parent teacher interviews with Phoenix and the twins does he learn that Odette knows about Bob. She tells him point blank when he’s over for dinner catching up with Jake and Amilia.
“Where do you keep your bear Uncle Rhett?”
“What the hell do I keep my what now?” Rhett’s frowning curiously until Dot hands him the tattered old bear that had been threw her entire childhood. Her favourite teddy bear. Bobby Bear.
“Jake told me everything that happened—“ She didn’t have the heart to tell him why, she couldn’t tell her Uncle Rhett she went to see the man who killed his brother. “Mum told me all about him, Bob that is.” Rhett doesn’t know what to say, he knew this day would come. He just wasn’t expecting it to be today.
“C’mere kid.” Rhett’s heading back into the house, he makes his way to the spare room as Dot follows and opened his suitcase. Right at the top is the same identical bear. Just a little less beat up. “He comes everywhere with me.”
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Kinda funny how all those years Jikook dressed alike, matching almost head to toe or in exactly the same outfit, this whole fandom wrote it off, even after RM asked them point blank if they were a couple. Then to hear when JK was watching Suchwita, ask why YM were wearing similar clothes, even tho their clothes really were nothing alike, but triggered him enough for a response, really made me laugh. I saw YM & TK shippers saying its cause he knows about YM. LMAO idiots, their clothes weren't couple clothes or matching, they were just too similar for JK's liking. Hey Suga, go try to peel off JM's leaf for him, with JK watching. I just wanna see something for research purposes. We always tease JK & Minimoni, but he also gets high key annoyed with Yoonmin, too.
Anoooooooooon why do you think JK reacted to Suchwita in the first place?? Yes JK is a Minimoni anti. That's been established. But he is also a major Yoonmin anti. Like big time and it's been going on for a long ass time. He he hee. JK is not a fan of Yoonmin moments which is why we don't talk about Yoonmin so shh
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But also let's talk about Yoonmin shall we? Only because JK's dislike for their moments is underrated. No other reason 🤭🤭
Before we begin. Here is a compilation of Suga checking out the Jibooty. Tbf he does check out other members as well but....this is about Yoonmin. He hee
So! Off the top of my head exhibit A) this BBMA 2017 Live. JK did not take his eyes off Suga until he got off Jimin
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First of all, there is ALOT happening on this live. Like alot. Which is why I'm not clipping the exact moment because you should absolutely watch this entire live. JK has a stronger reaction to RM being on Jimin but he also kept an eye when Suga did it 👆🏽
Exhibit B) Is my own personal theory. Remember in winter package when JK went with Yoonmin for beer tasting and gave up zip lining?
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In what world would thrill seeker JK give up zip lining so he can go beer tasting? Now don't get me wrong, JK loves his liquor much like the rest of them. But still, it was kinda sus to me, alright? Could it have been satellite Jeon wanting to be with his man? Maybe. Still, knowing Jimin was gonna spend all day with Suga getting tipsy... idk. I can see JK wanting to be around for that 🤭🤭🤭
Exhibit C) incase someone missed Suga drooling during this
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(Put your phone on landscape and u can zoom in and take a closer look🤭)
Exhibit D) do we really need to talk about Suga Vs Blood sweat and tears Jimin?? I'm sure we've all seen this.
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Exhibit E) this segment. Jimin's letter said everyone should tell Suga they love him. Everyone did except one person..can u guess who? Even Hobi called him out. Asked JK "why didn't u say it?" 🤭🤭🤭
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Exhibit F) should I include this? Coz I'm not seeing the difference here. Btwn this
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And this
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Moving on.
Exhibit G) (watch Jimin) Suga touches Jimin's ear and what's the first thing Jimin's does?
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Also don't think JK and his grandpa clothes is not watching that through his periphery. Mans always aware of what Jimin is doing at all times.
Exhibit H) They're discussing Jimin's armpit. JK is smiling, quite big. Then Jimin asks Suga if his armpit is sexy. JK's smile is no longer anywhere to be seen 👀
Exhibit I) this was a favourite of mine. Ngl. Listen. People can deny till the cows come home. But JK reacted the way he did here for a reason. Memories 2021. JK looked away as soon as Suga touched Jimin's chin. Not before. Not after. As soon as Suga touched Jimin, JK looks away so fast I got worried about his neck there for a second. It happened. Anyone who said it didn't well... idk what to tell ya. JK has been looking away for years when something that he doesn't want to see, is happening. Especially after he got a hold of his possessiveness he started to just look away instead of acting on it. It is what it is 🤷🏽‍♀️
Last one but definitely not least is Exhibit J) this was a popular Jikook moment after this run episode aired. The thing is though... yes we gushed and we "awwed" because JK's ears moved as soon as Jimin started dancing. But you know who else's ear moved?? And he was the only one apart from JK that was affected by that 😏😏😏😏
I could do this all day guys. 😂😂
If JK is staring... so is Suga. If JK is checking out the Jibooty, so is Suga. And we have not even started on how Jimin is clearly Suga's favourite. Be it vocals, be it in general; always choosing him no matter what. And we haven't even talked about how Suga isn't big on skinship but with Jimin that doesn't seem to be a problem???
You guys think JK doesn't see what we see? Doesn't know what we know? Huh? How can he not? I mean, this was right infront of his salad 😂😂 kinda makes me wonder if he blocked Suga on purpose 🤭🤭
What I'm I saying? Even though we will never see Jimin reciprocate whatever this is, (Mans only has eyes for JK. Always has, always will) Yoonminers are the only shippers allowed to try to argue with Jikookers. Them and them only. And genuine Yoonminers. Not tkkrs who ship Yoonmin coz they wanna shove Jimin somewhere to keep him away from their ship.
Bonus: everyone is looking at Jin except Yoonkook. JK its okay, coz that's his man. But i'mma need Suga to get his shit together. Fr fr
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expiredgirlfriend · 1 year
Miguel O’hara
Miguel O'hara
18+ pls!
a mix of thoughts I have of Miguel. or headcanons?
mentions: sex, oral, claws, marking, kinks. (if i missed anything sorry let me know!) 
ps. i use you, and try to avoid anything gender specific :) there’s maybe two things targeted towards a specific gender… but it’s for all of you and i’d hate to leave anyone out.
I know this man goes feral during sex.
He leaves claw marks on the bed frames, even if its cloth it's been shredded, wooden frames just have thousands of claw marks. You can't own pillows with feathers anymore because of him.
Many many people have said this but this man is so touch starved, and he def got some kinks. Breeding is one for sure, and marking as well.
You're four poster bedframe, was suddenly turned into just a normal bedframe after you two, mostly him, broke the poles.
I imagine Twilight, the honey moon scene, where they wreck the shit out of the bed.  You two are always stuck buying new pillows, and trying to come up with crafty at home ways to fix the bed.
The legs on the couch are snapped off, and you've hidden the claw marks with pillows incase guests come over.
You guys cannot in any form have sex on an air mattress, Miguel digs his claws into it and you end up deflating it faster from his thrusts.
He definitely has a lot of stamina, and thanks to that, quickies don't exist. Quickies turn into hours of being railed up against the wall in the bathroom of someone else's house.
He doesn't care if his PDA is too much, if anyone points it out he gets hella annoyed. You're his and he wants everyone to know.
He loves to tease oh my god, you'll be out at dinner and sitting at a table and he will stick his hand in your pants, he does not care. But you do, he just lets his animalistic side take over, a lot.
The breeding kink?? This man will fill you, and pump it in with his dick or his thick fingers. This man is so obsessive. Seeing him bulge through your stomach sets him off!!!
He marks you hardcore, even if it's in view or not. Your chest will definitely be covered in puncture wounds from his fangs, and love bites all over. Which always results in you swimming with shorts and a tank top, because those love bites scatter your thighs. He has no shame!! And I know this man is PACKING.
He's thick and at most 10 inches, even you don't know how he hides it in his suit.
He's a whimperer, but only for you of course. When he's close and losing control he'll press your bodies together in a mating press, and  he'll whimper in your ears, and won't even pull out.
His back, oh his poor back is covered in scratches from you digging your nails into his back, which he doesn't mind letting it be revealed when he wears his tight tank tops, and swimming trunks.
Oh and he can eat. You don't give him enough attention, suddenly his head is in between your legs and your overstimulated but oh boy he loves to overstimulate you whew this man
i need put in a padded room for writing this me thinks
also me posting this on my alt tumblr bc i have too many close friends following me on my main im afraid they’ll question me
i've never written anything like this, Miguel has me down bad swear. I may post more things like this, I'm not sure but thanks for reading <3
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lemonisherelol · 5 months
Helloo, I’ve draw stuff so far so now I’ll be talking about what my thoughts are about Monsters at work which are the negative ones!
Ok so for the first starters, I’d love to say the plot twist of Rogers being Mr. Waternoose’s son was surprising, but however I do have one issue is that why haven’t Mike and Sulley told anyone else about it? Sure everyone will think it’s crazy and will think Rogers might be bad but however I feel like they could’ve informed everyone, I don’t know I might be slow but that’s all I can think of.
For Randall’s return, the only thing I have a huge issue is that the show wants us to think Johnny and Randall are working together despite the fact that Johnny kicked them off the team after the scare games..? It’s a strange thing how Disney would just call the two “besties” when they literally missed the point,,I know how Disney would change stories that aren’t canon. Johnny basically used Randall just to win the scare games, already knowing that Randall can go camouflage which is the only thing Randall is good at, hiding so no one can expect a thing. That’s basically what I think when I watched the movie few times before getting to the real point. And as for this, how did Johnny managed to find Randall? How did he just find Randall, did bro just teleported?? 😭😭
For Chet, I feel so lost…I don’t think that’ll actually be Chet because again, that isn’t him. I feel like Chet would be the funny type and Johnny’s best pal, so far I’ve seen the two’s bonding, Chet is the supporting friend and Johnny is the charmer friend. However I don’t know where they get this “bedwetter” from, unless I’m missing something, please make sure to tell me since I’m lost at some points. I also don’t feel for Randall and Johnny being friends since again, tf happened to that…I don’t know, I don’t like it when characters I find funny or interesting would immediately get mischaracterized.
For Pete Ward, I feel so lost like…why is he at Fear Co? Was it because he wasn’t too funny or something? Because I’m pretty sure in Monsters inc you can see him at the ending, and I feel like he’d make a funny monster imo. (He can just make a puppet show with socks as puppets, I’d find that funny!) I also feel confused about how Lanky’s voice changed since yk, bro went to male to female but oh well! They’ll be trans so that’s ok! :3 (I also added the last photo just incase people know or didn’t see Pete!!)
As for the baseball game, I feel like they should’ve added a bit more characters like Lanky, Jerry Josh, Stuart, other characters who were in Monsters inc, I like ‘em! I wouldn’t mind having Javier, Chip, and Reggie work for Fear Co, but however I saw Javier’s card and he’s with Monsters inc side now. (Which I saw in the ending of Monsters university)
I do have one theory I thought about, when I watched ep8 and I thought to myself, what if Rogers was calling Randall? Yes I know it’s impossible, but hear me out,,,what if Rogers had to cover this up by saying his father called him, but it was Randall. We basically know that Randall knows about Rogers so I think it’s interesting, it may be not canon but that’s all I can think of, or is it? >:3
That’s all I can say, sorry if I sound a bit slow or rude but I just wanted to get this out of my head.
Again I’ll rewatch monsters at work just so fanart can come out soon! Right now I can usually talk about my headcanons for the monsters Inc characters! And more lore for my ocs!
Bye bye <3
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could you do a continuation of that one au of where some nephilim are 70/30? like the one where they have to do rituals to grow, incase i wasn’t clear
yup that was super helpful ty! so this verse is called created for death
and the second piece that this follows soon after (though a part is missing cause i haven't written it yet) this
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
“Oh sayang.” Magnus murmurs and even kneeling, Alexander is a good foot taller in this form and he’s shuddering. As if containing himself enough to kneel is taking everything he has.
It probably is and Magnus marvels that of all the things that could stop a raging, True Nephilim, it was adoration and love for himself that brought Alexander to heel.
“Let me help you.” He asks and Alexander refuses to look anywhere from him and Magnus feels the weight of a thousand eyes and the devotion of a being not meant for this world.
Platinum, mithril and adamas tangle in the air as his fingers and magic weave a collar that he hopes will contain enough of himself to purge the fear that brought Alexander to this point. It’s not even arrogance that has Magnus attempting this.
It’s simply that there is no other way to bring his beloved back to him and Magnus slowly winds the metal collar linked and bound and storing his magic around the neck of his boy.
There’s a voiceless shriek as Alexander’s six wings shake and it feels as though every eye is screaming out without noise before
Magnus surveys the scene.
Alexander has perhaps a little more muscle, an inch or so than he had. But four wings are much better than the six he’d had and two eyes — the pupils now diamond shaped and silver with second pupils in the middle —
Jace steps out, relief in every line of his body and Izzy is next to him but Magnus shakes his head. This is not something Jace can help with. This isn’t something anyone else will be allowed to do or the clave will put Alexander down like a dog.
“By rite of conquest, I claim the True Nephilim known as Alexander Gideon Lightwood.” Magnus says, magic in his voice and it stops every shadowhunter in their tracks.
Jace looks ready to protest but then he just wraps his arm around Izzy and nods, something furious and betrayed in his gaze as he sees how every nephilim close to them has their hand on a weapon.
“As the new heir of the Lightwood house, I honor this claim. You have won a battle that would have cost us many, we surrender our former heir, Alexander Gideon Lightwood to Magnus Bane.” The oath hangs in the air and Magnus hopes he and Jace are the only one to hear her soft, harsh sob. “May the angel guide him, Alexander Gideon no longer our kin.”
Magnus can almost feel the breaking of the magic of names between Izzy and Alec and he hopes the ritual disownment of conquest won’t be enough to wake him. Magnus wants Alexander far, far away from any nephilim for a very long time after this.
Magnus lets the magic hang in the air and then he picks Alexander up, using magic to help him adjust to the unamiliar body of his boy. The portal takes them away and Magnus is sending fire messages to half a dozen people as he pushes magic into Alexander’s body.
The diamond of his eyes seem to spin and then he blinks, lashes fluttering and kissing his cheek and Magnus sighs in a relief, bending to press fervant kisses of relieved adoration to Alexander’s brow and cheeks.
“No, don’t try to open your eyes again.” Magnus shushes and he summons a soft silk blindfold that he’d hoped to use with Alexander for more interesting purposes. “Darling, I don’t know how your visions changed. You have to wait for Catarina, please sweetheart.”
Alexander softens, not relaxing but obeying and the minute twitches of his hand make it clear he wishes to reach out and touch Magnus. Magnus takes his hand immediately, marveling at how even a little bigger, it still feels the same.
“You ‘kay?” Alexander rasps out and Magnus shushes him with a kiss, transferring soothing magic to his abused throat.
“I’m fine, Alexander. Now please, sweetheart. Just rest. Don’t talk. Wait until Cat arrives.”
As if he can tell how rattled Magnus is — how afraid he was that he would lose Alexander — Alexander does his best to relax. He nuzzles into the hand on his face and twins his fingers with Magnus’ own and lets himself be taken care of.
Magnus strips him down and changes the temperature of the room and stares, a frown on his face as he sees the damage from this transformation. The stretch marks are almost silver against Alexander’s skin and they ripple when he breathes, muscles shifting involuntarily.
There’s a tragic beauty to them, especially since Magnus knows they were earned and bore out of a love for Magnus’ own self that he’s never experienced before.
“My heart, you musn’t hurt yourself to save me.” Magnus begs but he knows that his words will be ignored. Just as Alexander’s were when he asked the same thing of Magnus.
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