#knowing what I know now
divinationdrawings · 10 months
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My favorite character is Queen Amaya hands down
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sanddollarpoems · 1 year
Looking into her eyes
Knowing she was about to cry
But still, she held a smile
All the pain she hides
Pretending like she's fine
I wish I could tell her that in time
She'll get to the other side
She'll be glad she fought the fight
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i-am-trans-gwender · 27 days
Knowing the titular character of Young Sheldon will grow up to be the same Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory is the same as knowing that kid Anakin in The Phantom Menace will grow up to be Darth Vader.
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matt0044 · 10 months
So… Magnifico was Disney, right?
I mean, you got his dabbling in dark magic corrupting him from a ruler who makes selfish decisions behind his benevolence. One could liken him to how Walt Disney likely started out with decent intentions for art on top of money.
However, those calling out his unfair working conditions as has been historically documented show that he became a lot more about business than about letting artists flourish. A baton that has clearly been passed from each CEO to the next.
I mean, Asha's posse and their song would totally be what would've been sung during the Hollywood Strike. The big bad is even defeated not by one lone hero rising against the odds but the whole kingdom coming together in solidarity. In a union, you might say.
It's honestly a good take on acknowledging that Disney's founder wasn't exactly squeaky (wink, wink) clean the more he ran the show.
Furthermore, the Wishes here feel like IPs here. Some are granted and allowed to flourish. Many others are rejected and hoarded even. Why hoard when you could keep back? Well, the king though Saba's wish to inspire with music could spark a rebellion against him.
A real life analogue could be that of the Disney Vault where certain stories aren't sold anymore because of taxes they can totally afford to pay but don't want to because that's... beneath them.
Even more pointly are other companies creating their own vaults for shows that don't even get the dignity of going out and getting cancelled for their own shortcomings. Returning certain IPs, ones not born from studio heads first, back to the original creators would also increase competition that a megacorporation would fear.
I mean, we rave about The Amazing Digital Circus now but it's only one in a long line of small studios and small creators working not within a studio system that's liable to screw them over. Rather they take their Wishes and work their own magic.
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dxitydoo · 1 year
A (final?) update on my crochet Golden Deer banner
Hello and welcome back to my now-almost year old crochet project
And I have finally finished it (the crochet part of it anyway)
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There he is
He’s definitely not perfect. A little rough the edges in some places and not quite as rectangular as intended
I also still need to sew in the ends (the back is Very Messy rn) or back the whole thing with fabric so I don’t have to do that (which I might do anyway to give it some additional support)
I also want to try and block it out a little bit so it’s vaguely more square than it currently is.
But for now.
It’s done!
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doctor-who-war-doctor · 2 months
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Knowing What I Know Now
Wish (2023)
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anythingamarantha · 4 months
So inevitably, I have a few more thoughts on Wish. This is going to focus primarily on the song "Knowing What I Know Now". It's a banger of a song, but it kinda doesn't make sense.
It's a rallying cry, but I can't figure out why the hell Asha's friends go along with it. She doesn't actually tell them why or how Magnifico is bad or evil, she mentions that they've been deceived, he's not the man he claims to be and is "more vicious than [she] could have ever comprehended", but she gives literally no reasoning for it. I don't entirely remember what leads up to the song, but Asha's friends really have no reason to doubt the king as of yet. At least I think.
Like, okay, they've been deceived and Magnifico is not who he claims to be; which is a benevolent ruler and a great king. Okay. Uh... but exactly how have they been deceived? Instead of being benevolent, he's vicious. But are those two things really... what's the word... can't a person be both benevolent and vicious? They might not seem like they go together, but humans are ridiculously complicated.
In the beginning of the song, she talks about seeing his true colors in shades of green and that Magnifico will go to any length... I think. "The lengths he'll go, there's no amount~ I won't sit back, watch this play out~ not allowed🎵~ Knowing what I know now~". Uh.... I'm assuming Asha means there's no limit as to how far Magnifico will go to... do something. She's honestly not very clear on this.
Like,- actually, why the hell are Asha's friends following her on this? Are they really that loyal to her? Do they really put so much faith in her? Why are they trusting her like this? Is it because they know how much Asha looks up to Magnifico (or well, did) and seeing her now warning them about him... so that tells them something really bad must have happened to shake Asha's faith in Magnifico.
Then Dahlia's part comes up. "I'm not the only one that's fed up~". But girl, what are you fed up with? With waiting? For him to grant your wish? It's honestly rather unclear.
And then there's the next bit of the song. "I don't think he's prepared for what's coming! A revolution that hit the ground running!" Okay, sounds cool as hell, but what actually happens does not live up to the hype in the song.
Now Amaya's part is like- woah. Powerful. But I've got some questions. "I've seen so many bad things I can't keep count." ... The movie takes place over like three days max. Day 1: Saba's 100th birthday and the Wish ceremony + new people joining the kingdom. That night: Asha wishes on a star and it comes down. She... has no idea what's going on. Day 2: Magnifico saw the light show and now feels threatened. He calls for the villagers/citizens to alert him to anything suspicious. At this point Asha's friends already know about Star and Dahlia stalls Magnifico while Asha recovers her grandfather's wish. That night Magnifico goes to Asha's house and crushes Asha's mother's wish. This is where he learns he can gain power from destroying wishes. (Or am I backward somewhere here where Magnifico destroys Asha's mother's wish *before* she wishes on a Star and one comes down? But I'm pretty sure it's only after Magnifico destroys Asha's mother's wish that he then sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" and ends up falling to the forbidden magic book's temptation and evil). But further on that night Asha and her family flee. Day 3: Asha returns to the kingdom and rallies her friends, this song takes place.
But what I want to know is, what bad things has Queen Amaya seen that she can't keep count of? Does she mean generally, as her tenure of being Queen? Then she talks/sings about how "the good in him (Magnifico), [she's] watched it melt" and that she was "fooled by the love [she] felt, so profound~". But I gotta ask again, the movie takes place over like three days. So... how has she really watched the good in Magnifico melt? Like- the biggest thing she's really seen is Magnifico appear to turn on her when she's confused about his anger towards Asha and how he (Magnifico) thinks/feels/believes that Asha has turned on him.
Has stuff happened off-screen where Amaya has seen Magnifico go off the rails and do bad things? Or is it limited to him losing his temper at his citizens asking him questions and then storming off to sing "This is the Thanks I Get?!". *confused look*. Though if that's when he sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" it means I don't have the timeline right.
... Let me think for a second. ...
... I think I've got the timeline somewhat wrong. But like- marginally.
Day 1: Asha's interview with Magnifico ends with a flop and she wishes on a star that evening and Star comes down. There is a light show accompanying this.
Day 2: Magnifico summons the citizens to try and determine who the traitor is, sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" and falls to the forbidden book's temptation and goes evil. That night he goes to Asha's house and destroys Sakina's wish. Asha and her family then flee.
Day 3: Asha returns and "Knowing What I Know Now" is sung and she rallies her friends. Also, somewhere between this, Amaya ends up witnessing Magnifico creating his new scepter of power, which he calls his new toy, and then proceeds to threaten her when she kinda questions him or is at the very least confused about his issue with Asha. Also, it's revealed that Simon is the one who told on Asha sometime during day 2 and it's during day 3 that Magnifico grants Simon's wish and manipulates Simon's head. I think. Magnifico probably does this in the morning of Day 3, which may help explain why Asha's friends believe her so easily. Simon outed them as co-conspirators to Asha and as traitors to Rosas/the kingdom. So now they're all in hiding anyways. That evening Magnifico is defeated.
... so after typing this out, some of it becomes more clear. At least assuming my timeline is correct. Mostly in why Asha's friends go along with her so easily during the song. They've already witnessed some of Magnifico being... off.
But while the song is totally banger, it's still lacking as any kind of exposition tool for why Asha's friends are going along with this and Amaya's lines, as powerful as they are, don't make much sense given the overall context. The other thing is the whole thing they're doing throughout the song once Asha has apparently convinced them makes no sense. It appears they're making a replica of the castle and... planning the revolution? But honestly, uh... I'm not really sure how much planning actually occurred. They were kinda busy just... jamming out.
Overall, I really like the song, but the lyrics aren't great at making sense given the context I think. The lyrics don't entirely fit with what's going on, talks a lot bigger about what's going on than what actually will happen, it paints a far more dramatic picture than actually exists, and just generally... kind of doesn't explain how this rally call is effective at all.
Asha sings about them being deceived, Magnifico not being the man he claims to be, what happened (her making a wish and a Star coming down), but only that and not that her mother's wish was destroyed simply to make an example out of it, to hurt Asha; that Magnifico is "more vicious than [she] could have ever comprehended", and that he's a liar because he said "your wishes aren't safe because of [her] and that's a lie, lie, lie".
And that Magnifico showed his true colors in "shades of green". Like, okay, but does anyone wanna tell me why the color green is bad??? I know Disney likes to highlight its villains in green/lime green (Maleficent, Scar, Dr. Facilier), but what exactly is evil about the color green??
Like, I associate the color green with envy, greed, and jealousy, but green is also associated with happiness (along with the color yellow) and calm (when mixed with the color blue). Similarly yellow can be associated with the concept of "warning" and/or "caution" (hi traffic lights) and blue can also be associated with sorrow, depression, melancholy. So??? Why exactly are Magnifico's true colors being shown in "shades of green" proclaim he's evil?? Or you know. Not the good guy at least. Is someone "bad" or "evil".
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kiirostarz · 9 months
Star Darlings & Wish
Okay listen…
'A Wish Worth Making' is the equivalent of 'Starlight', Yes, probably because they both make me feel sad every time I listen to them. But also, I think it's because they both have the message of continuing for a dream that almost seems impossible. The Star Darlings help a girl, and in Wish they talk about all those wishes in general.
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And… 'Knowing What I Know Now' is the equivalent of 'Up', In Wish, Asha begins to gather the courage to tell her friends the harsh truth about Magnifico. And how she's not going to stop them from doing the right thing because she's "bigger" than them. I feel that it is almost the same as the feelings of the protagonist in the Up video.
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and last but not least 'This Wish' is the equivalent of 'Wish Now', Especially since Asha asks for something better for people of Rosas and cares about them. And I feel like it's almost the same with Sage, when at the beginning she worriedly sees Starland in the dark.
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hah-studios · 5 months
New video for my Wish Rewrite
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I know that the songs are generally considered bad, but Amayas lines in “Knowing What We Know Now” are so freaking good??? Like- if only we could’ve gotten a crueler or darker Magnifico, and more building in their relationship, it would hit so fucking hard bro
Literally it’s one of my favorite parts of any song ever
Lyrics for reference:
I’ve seen too many-
-bad things that I can’t keep count
He loves-
-one thing more than himself
~His crown~ (crown)
Knowing what I know now
(Knowing what I know now)
The good-
-in him, I’ve watched it melt
I was-
-fooled by the love I felt
So profound~! (ahhh~!)
Like- Yes girl, be apart of the revolution! Revel in it!!
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elijones94 · 9 months
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🌟 Out of all the characters in Disney’s “Wish”, Queen Amaya is among my favorites, next to Star. About two weeks ago, me and a friend of my mom’s saw the new Disney movie on an early Thursday afternoon. It was during a day-off from work. On social media, I saw many, many mixed to negative reactions about “Wish”, but thought that maybe I ought to see it in the theater or when it’s available for streaming on Disney+. I really enjoyed Queen Amaya’s dynamic with Asha, the lead character. As well as her verse in the song “Knowing What We Know Now”. Anyway, me and my mom’s friend saw the movie and liked it.
Thinking of it now, I give the movie 7 out of 10 stars. My main criticisms are how too quirky Asha is, though she does follow in the footsteps of quirky female characters like Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel. King Magnifico is another weak villain , motivated by greed. Yet, I really enjoyed the visual and verbal Easter eggs and anecdotes throughout the movie to commemorate Disney’s 100th anniversary. 👑
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synergysilhouette · 9 months
Rewriting "Knowing What I Know Now"
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I'm on a roll. Make sure to check out my rewrites for "I'm a Star" and "This is the Thanks I Get?" Just like IAS, this takes place in my "Wish" AU. By this point, Asha, Bazeema, Safi, and Dahlia have been thrown in the dungeons, since Bazeema and Safi were threatened to betray Asha or else their families would be hurt, and Dahlia tried to protect her. Asha is essentially depressed after seeing how there ARE such a thing as "bad wishes" (who'd have thought?), and her granting wishes haphazardly have led to unintended consequences, and Manifico is SPIRALING. By this point, Simon is too much under Magnifico and Amaya's control, so Star decides to only recruit Hal, Gabo, and Dario to help him defeat the royals. Plus I imagine a magical "suitup" sequence where Star gives them new clothes--mainly for aesthetics, but they do have added benefits, ie protecting them from minor magic and physical attacks, as well as making their footsteps quieter. I didn't wanna give them a whole slew of magic powers since it kinda proves Magnifico's point if Star helps them too much without their own work. I imagine the new looks are inspired by Rapunzel's "Sunshine" Lorcana card and Raya's "Leader of Heart" card (Dario and Dahlia), Aladdin and Jasmine's Mirrorverse designs (Safi and Bazeema), Hercules (Simon), Yzma (Hal), and the Queen of Hearts (Gabo). The song ends up starting off slow and solemn before becoming angry and upbeat, and this is largely thanks to Magnifico finding out Amaya has been using his ungranted wishes to give herself more power. Honestly, "No Good Deed" from "Wicked" was my inspiration here. My link for the AU will be at the bottom. Lemme know what you think!
I was deceived It's not Magnifico's fault; it's because of me His warnings were more apt than I expected Was I trying to help or trying to show off? I proved him right; now everyone's affected His pain is contagious, now we're infected. And now I've seen What granting everyone's wishes really means When they say it's my fault, I wanna say "That's a lie, lie, lie, lie" But I now know that I made this mess on my own.
(Safi) If we give up, then how's this end? The king won't stop until he wins. We'll get out But we'll be filled with doubt.
(Bazeema) He cried for help like a tortured soul. Rosas denied him self-control The chaos is too loud. Knowing what we know now
(Dahlia) Don't give up yet! Know he's not the only one who's gotta pay a debt Failure is an option that we can't accept! So let's start a jailbreak, c'mon, break a sweat!
(Bazeema) I don't think we're prepared for what's coming
(Bazeema and Safi) But let's think fast and hit the ground running
(Star via nature) Magic's a slave to their hearts and minds
(Hal and Dario) Uh-huh
(Star via nature) His grief and her greed have made them blind Turned them around ('round) Knowing what we know now (knowing what we know now)
(Gabo) But these risks taken have not paid off
(Dario) But we-
(Gabo) "We" what?
(Hal) No time to glare and scoff Not allowed ('lowed) Knowing what we know now Knowing what we know now
(Intense argument, followed by Gabo giving in and Star giving them new transformations while Dahlia and co. work on breaking out, though Asha hasn't come around)
(Chorus) Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Hoo-ha-hoo-ha-hoo-ha Hoo-hoo-hoo
(Gabo) Can you see what we're becomin'? I'm not looking for a run-in.
(Hal) Selfish choices broke our kingdom once Yah, yah, yah, yah!
(Safi) Toe-to-toe with corporal magic Can we stop an ending that's tragic?
(Bazeema) If we do nothing
(Dahlia) It wouldn't be as fun Yah!
(The Teens in the dungeon break out, but they're caught by Simon. They try one last time to appeal to him, and...)
(Simon) I will not abide this disrespect For Rosas I will break my neck But I'm not proud (proud) Knowing what I know now Knowing what I know now They were like gods, or so I thought But they're like us, gave in to their flaws So I vow To act on what I know
(Dahlia, Safi, and Bazeema) I know
(Dario and Hal) I know
(Star via nature) You know now
(All--except Asha and Gabo) Knowing what we know now
Once more, putting this in bold is not my friend, so I tried italics. Hope you like it! Make sure to check out my rewrite so it all makes sense. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do "At All Costs" or "This Wish (reprise)" next, but lemme know if you have a preference.
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cjbolan · 10 months
“🎼Knowing What I Know Now….🎶” The best part of the best song in Wish. Quick tribute to both Wish and the 10th anniversary of Frozen. Enjoy! Video by me. Music by Angelique Cabral
See more on my Instagram.
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owlstar97 · 10 months
Welcome to Rosas✨
✨At All Costs
This 🌟 Wish
I’m a Star✨
✨This is the Thanks I Get?
Knowing What I Know Now✨
✨This🌟Wish (Reprise)✨
✨A Wish Worth Making
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helenadurazzo · 10 months
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punster-2319 · 10 months
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