#korean school life
thelailasblog · 3 months
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save-the-data · 7 months
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Love for Love's Sake | S01E08
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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asyastudieskorean · 2 months
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07.25.2024 — Considering this as part 1 of my “back to school” haul, ㅋㅋㅋ. Been needing a new airpod and ipad case, so got these!  그리고 나는 맥북 에어를 샀어요! 난 너무 행복해요. 🥹👏🏻 뭐, 돈 없지만 아직 행복해요.
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survivalistghost · 1 year
i will never understand the korean magic of having their actors appear as high school students and then 30 yo people in the next frame what witchcraft sir
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stuff-diary · 2 months
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My obsession with After School Lessons for Unripe Apples has led me to finally read Cheese in the Trap. I enjoyed the drama back in the day, but not enough to bother reading the webtoon. And now I kind of regret it, cause it's so much better. I still dislike Jung and much rather prefer Inho, but at least now I understand him a lot better. Still, my favorite thing is certainly Seol. Few characters have been as relatable to me as her; I have gone through many similar experiences, and had the exact same thoughts as her very often. I also liked the ending way more than I expected, and the long ride leading to that was certainly worth it.
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baeshijima · 8 months
no one touch me
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im going insane over the s1 vs s2 load screens
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naksushadows · 8 months
“Every life is a work of art. And it becomes complete when all the pieces come together.” – Kim Jiung
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kawamagikr · 1 year
★ This is your sign to romanticize studying! make that pinterest board full of aesthetic pictures, buy all those cute washi tapes and decorate your notes. make studying fun ★
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mitsuyachi · 6 months
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yo, this is mitsu!
i am currently studying for uni ( a classic uni exam and an english exam for linguistic majors in my country) and also japanese
thinking it would be a cute way to track my studies and to get/give motivation as well!
to-do #mitsudays
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memento-mariii · 4 days
My pet peeve about Forgotten Realms' Drow lore is that despite being told that Drow Society is this super restrictive, matriarchal society with reversed gender roles, we are rarely shown Drow househusbands. In fact, most of the named male Drow characters are portrayed as either career soldiers or arcane spellcasters. This is explained by saying that drow society, as it revolves around the worship of Lolth, regards arcane spellcasting as far inferior to divine spellcasting of clerics, and that while only women are allowed to have high-ranking positions in their armies like the generals and the lieutenants, the grunts and the footsoldiers are mostly composed of men.
My problem with that is..... One, you can't claim that you're reversing the gender dynamic in your fantasy setting and have what's considered to be "a man's work (derogatory)" in said setting be wizardry and the military, two jobs whose real-world counterparts (academia and the military) are *also* considered "a man's job (complimentary)" and are highly male-dominated fields in the real world, come on.
And two, how has this supposedly super-strict matriarchy sustained itself for so long? We've got this class of abused, oppressed, and very rightfully disgruntled gender, many of whom are a. combat-trained and has to vastly outnumber their female superiors, due to how the whole "military hierarchy" thing works, or b. can shoot fireballs and blow up stuff with their minds. Meanwhile, the Drow women mostly stick to religion and politics and lounging about in boudoirs in fantasy dominatrix gear. So what's stopping the men from staging a rebellion? Not to belittle the power that religion and politics hold in a pseudo-feudalistic medieval pastiche society, but I always assumed the reason the church and the crown was so powerful in medieval Europe was because they controlled the military!*
(*don't quote me on this, I'm not a history major)
Look, I don't mind depictions of fantasy bigotry in fiction (I quite enjoy them actually!), and it's possible to reverse the oppressed and the privileged class in a fictional society so that's opposite from real life in a way that it still poses pertinent questions about real-world oppression in our real-world society (e.g. Egalia's Daughters) , but I don't think Forgotten Realms quite manages to do that. If anything, it's weirdly reminiscent of that "feminists don't *actually* want to work jobs, they just want the men to do all the work for them and for women to reap ALL the benefits" antifeminist rhetoric ☹️
(To be clear, I'm not saying that Ed Greenwood and R.A. Salvatorre are misogynists, just that they either were confused about how sexism actually operates in the real world, or that they had some unexamined biases and hangups surrounding feminism that they perhaps failed to address.)
I don't mind fantasy bigotry in my fiction, but I want my fantasy bigotry to be realistic or at least believable, y'know?
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soapver4 · 3 months
He, a Gangsta, Became a Productivity Cherub
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Merch idea: An app with which you boost your work or study productivity by boosting that of a college-aspiring dead 47-year-old gangster given a new lease on life in the body of a severely bullied high schooler he tried to save from suicide. By "you," this concept includes the underprivileged and misfits among us who particularly feel small in front of the chic spaces and perfectly manicured accoutrements prevalent in popular YouTube productivity livestreams.
Helping people by facilitating them to help others may well overcome the real or perceived dehumanizing and enfeebling aspects of helping that either cause resistance to aid or deskill aid recipients:
Dehumanizing: Some benefactors and aid recipients see or experience aid as a manifestation or shift in power. Such benefactors may relish in the subjugation of aid recipients to their benevolence and in the visible evidence of their comparative strengths, whereas certain recipients feel threats to their identity, personal agency and sense of dominance as the direction of aid confirms their own positions on the need hierarchy. Many aid recipients are actually used to being benefactors. And wouldn't you rather be a benefactor yourself? While insightful character education may attenuate the deep-seated, not-always-rational human thirst for power, aid mechanisms that boost the self-esteem and morale of recipients, whose unhelpful mindsets, if any, are not necessarily a matter of will or justification for drastic consequences, can enhance their cooperativeness in the aid effort in the meantime.
Enfeebling: Remember that repeated substitutions or diminishment of the recipients' potential effort can erode their capacity for independent problem-solving and rob them of opportunities for intellectual or character growth. Yet we sometimes look at people as they are today and fail to envision the people they can mature or shape themselves into tomorrow. We say, "It's pointless to teach you how to fish! How can you haul up fish when you can barely haul up yourself? Let us just give you the fish!" Such attitudes can destroy recipients' belief in themselves while trapping them in a dependent mentality. The convenience direct assistance offers benefactors in many cases and the immediate results come at the probable expense of aid recipients' long-term prospects. Not all needs for aid arise in emergency situations or in an excessively incapacitated person.
Besides, since individuals perhaps excel more at designing solutions for others' problems than at doing that for their own, placing aid recipients in the position of benefactor can endow them with fresh, unencumbered perspectives that point to a way out of their quagmires. If not, the exercise at least has the potential to enhance their empathy for seemingly stubborn, pessimistic real individuals they themselves still try to be benefactors to.
This app would thus be an addition to important experiments already out there on this kind of chain aid. But for all the lofty exposition of its purpose, how exactly do you administer self-aid through aiding gangster soul productivity? Here are the mechanics:
Every time you commence a sequence of Pomodoro sessions, you log on to a screen featuring Deuk-pal struggling to revise while old clutches and bandage rolls hang around, gang notifications pop up and menacing thugs taunt him from outside his windows. In the anti-bullying web series High School Return of a Gangster, Deuk-pal confronts problems head-on, but let us accept that there are battles not worth any minute of our time and battles that can wait. To motivate commencement of Pomodoro sequences, different Pomodoro sequences would display different notifications and taunts.
Only at the end of each 25-minute session would you see Deuk-pal's witty and funny responses to more and more of the lines. Picture as the responses a middle-aged soul's wild misinterpretations of neologisms, his antiquated, pompous idioms prone to young'uns' absurd misinterpretations, and dad jokes so cold they stupefy the thugs. Picture also a middle-ager's wisdom from the natural time travel we call the passing of ages, as well as a possessed person's paranormal references. Again, these may not exactly match viewers' image of Deuk-pal, but recall that Deuk-pal upgrades himself over time and navigates different phases of life and different generations of peers in the series, so it would be reasonable to see a Deuk-pal with humor and more verbal drama in his arsenal but not necessarily immune to psychological aging.
You may want to enable cross-app functions that track webpages and apps you visit during the sessions, and if you visit those irrelevant to your anticipated tasks, the app would get the high-schooler ghost (acting by Yoon Chan-young) who [spoiler caution] decided to leave the body to the gangster for good to sigh eerily at this waste of his own sacrifice whereas Deuk-pal's actors (Lee Seo-jin and Yoon Chan-young) yelp out aegyo / cute apologies. Now, we wouldn't want to waste the actors' voice sacrifices, would we?
Ideally, under consent, the app would tap into AI-enabled motion and voice detection technologies that trigger Deuk-pal to groan about his sleepiness or fears about his upcoming deadlines to get your help whenever you rest your head on a desk for too long or you, God forbid, snore.
Better still, cerebral oximeters and electroencephalography sensors you may like to wear would monitor (but hopefully not transmit to the app developer or other parties) your concentration level and brain health, triggering the groans when the concentration level falls below a threshold and transitioning the screen to a scene of emergency responders calling out to Deuk-pal when your brain health is sub-optimal. Provided the science behind the technologies is solid, that might strike a balance between the pros of hustle culture and the danger of over-exertion.
Each Pomodoro sequence ends with an upbeat song from the web series and Deuk-pal exercising by teaching his young new friends confidence-building self-defense moves.
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At the conclusion of the series, [spoiler caution] successful gangster-turned-college-student Deuk-pal may have realized that an upright life based on honest effort is forever a work in progress. We are all works in progress, wherever on a need hierarchy we find ourselves.
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save-the-data · 7 months
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Love for Love's Sake | S01E07
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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asyastudieskorean · 2 months
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08.10.2024 — 안녕하세요~ Tonight I’m organizing my Korean uni files and clearing some documents storage space, which actually will probably take me several days to really finish. Of course I need something in the background so I’ve returned to my trusty Kpop playlist.
And surprise, surprise, I’ve returned my MacBook Air 15” for something Windows-run. What can I say, I’m a Windows girly and I don’t know why I was trying to change what works for me. Let’s see if this one is okay, or if I return yet another laptop. All I know is I need this settled before classes start in September. 🥹💪🏻
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akkivee · 1 year
i follow a ton of korean fans of hypmic too and today i learned that saburo calls ichiro ‘ichi-hyung’ in korean and just about fell to the floor where i stood lol
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dontdisturbme8 · 2 years
Dreaming Freedom
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sir-klauz · 1 year
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Meet this sassy character Jun, Man Drowning in a Veil
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