#latenight writing
tiredwithlifesbs · 2 years
This is a one shot about Steve Harrington's younger sister X Eddie. This is separate from the timeline in season 4.
"Crushing on the DnD King"
I was standing in front of my mirror. I was just about to go to Eddie's house to watch a movie. I was looking into the mirror, staring so hard it I was like looking through myself. I heard the footsteps of my brother coming into the room. My eyes bolted to look into his as I was shocked he had come in without knocking. Usually the famous Harrington was quite respectful to his younger sister... she guessed not today.
He was stunned by his sister in a red dress matched with black stockings and black combat boots.
"..Going on a date? With who?"
He seemed very serious with his question. She didn't blame her anxious brother for wanting to see who she was going out with. He did know more about the students at Hawkins High School.
"Eddie Munson. We're gonna watch a movie together.. at his house..er well trailer."
She nervously played with her scrunchie that was on her right wrist as she looked into the mirror at herself again. Her brown hair was put into two braids as to hopefully keep the fluffiness tamed. She heard her brother step closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Be careful with him.. I don't know much about him but I know he's too suspicious to be perfect."
Steve sounded quite skeptical of Eddie.
She retaliated in a playful tone.
"..You're just jealous of him."
She looked to him with a smirk as he rolled his eyes. He gave her a side hug.
"Just promise you won't do anything too crazy. Please Peanut."
"I promise Stevie. I'll keep out of trouble. It's not like we're gonna fuck."
Steve held her a bit tighter at that statement as he met her eyes with a serious look.
"Well I hope not for the first date. I don't want my sister to give me a nephew or niece that quick... use a condom."
"Of course."
She finally wiggled herself out of his grip and to her purse which she had some lipstick and her wallet in.
"I gotta go Stevie but I'll see you later tonight."
She made her way out of her door and down the stairs to the front door. She heard Steve call out after her.
She called back before walking out.
●●○○●○●○●○●○●○AT EDDIES○●●○○●○○●●○
Danielle was stood outside Eddie's door gaining the courage to knock. After a minute the door opened and there was Eddie with a smile on his face.
"Hey Harrington. What a special surprise. Come on in Beautiful."
A blush came to her cheeks at the compliment as she walked into his trailer. She looked around. It was quite nice and roomie for a trailer. She hadn't been in one before so this was new to her. She smiled at Eddie as he began to show her around the trailer.
"..that's why you always have to wear your trusty jacket."
She gave a small chuckle as Eddie was telling me about how his jacket saved his life from bullies in middle school. We had been talking for 3 hours now and completely forgotten about our movie. She had always felt like her and Eddie were meant to be something even though they had only been talking for 5 months. He seemed to know just how to make her happy.
"So Dani.. uh.."
Eddie was nervously looking down at his hands for a second before looking back up at her. There was a loving look in his eyes.
".. Well.. Shit.. I might as well just fucking say it.."
"Eddie.. what's up?"
She questioned sweetly as she had a feeling she knew what was happening.
".. Can.. Can I kiss you..?"
He nervously pushed out of his mouth with a nervous grin. She smiled widely at him with a look of admiration.
They both leaned in for the kiss. Their lips connecting with a warmth neither of them had felt before. Eddie's hands were around her waist as hers were around his neck. The kiss lasted for a couple minutes. Their lips moving in sink as the feeling was mesmerizing.
She pulled away from him looking in his eyes.
"Eddie.. I think I'm falling in love."
He chuckled.
"Me too."
Let me know if you want anymore. I could make it not just a one shot. :3
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favarion · 10 months
Slow progress is still progress :)
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-> After she returned to the salesroom with her old clothes over her right arm, the Drairi tailor approached her with one hand closed. Only when the young woman looked at him in irritation did he open it with a smile, revealing a purple hair ribbon woven with silver draves circling each other.
"This ribbon I would like to leave to you for the courage you have paid and the ability to reason, [Acolyte]-Tiana."
With a gentle smile that reminded Tiana of her - already deceased many winters ago - Uncle Haskil, he held the ribbon out to her promptly, and the young woman, barely able to put into words her emotion at the precious gift. For a long time she had not thought about the always cheerful man who had often enough told her bedtime stories in her childhood days when her mother sailed around the world. Since he had died, it seemed to Tiana, he had been banished from her memory, though this was possibly also because he had gone with the times when she had been just five winters as. <- The Flight of the Owl, Chapter 8: The Smuggler's Son and His Bride (WIP)
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sayhotcheese · 5 months
I don’t understand how I still feel you in the silence. How certain smells still make the room spin, and how small phrases bring me back in time. How my heart aches even when I’m surrounded by things that make me happy and I wonder if in those moment you’re thinking of me too.
I always say “I don’t believe in soulmates” but I think I believe in connected souls. I believe our souls may still be connected somehow, or am I just dreaming? No, I can’t be because this isn’t a dream— it’s a nightmare.
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waddei · 1 year
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latenight phonecalls Chapter 8
after odd calls from 'Wilbur' become part of his daily routine tommy begins to notice a decline in his Energy and memory, chalking it up to an illness he hadn't heard off he tries to go on with his day to day battling the exhaustion that washed over him for seemingly no reason.
when bodies start being found In his area the near supernatural lack of clues surrounding the murders has the city throwing into a paranoid state.still,he doesn't turn on the tv to find out more, the news making his stomach twist.
even after and he finds himself waking up with dirt on his shoes he doesnt think much of it
meanwhile Wilbur realizes that there might be more to tommys break than what he's advertising
TLDR: tommys been getting strange calls lately and has been struggling to remember why he seems to wake up every day super tired. meanwhile mysterious murders start to pop up all around Brighton
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seriouslysarahsstuff · 11 months
If I ever fall in love with you
You will feel like the universe is in love with you
Because I will make the universe love you
No matter what.
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oddmawd · 11 months
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MAWD || they/them || 30s
[n]sfw fanfic writer || multifandom (YYH, OP, MHA)
LINKS — fic masterlist || about mawd || ao3 || moodboards
RECENT — Chapter 6 - Beyond the Fracture (My Hero Academia ABO AU, Villain All Might/OC)
Chapter 2 - The HΩuse on Rumbar Boulevard (EldritchHorror!Brook/reader)
Chapter 14 - The Grasp of Gilded Strings (Doflamingo/OC)
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inbox: open
requests: closed to drabbles/imagines
#mawd's masterlist for fics & drabbles
best viewed in dark mode, probably
i prefer /OC or /reader fics & ignore shipping discourse
i save proper GSP for my stories; my tumblr is a lawless grammatical wasteland
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I read a quote today that said: "my love for you will never change."
It sent me through a spiral of emotions.
I get exactly why that is a thing but it has become something far beyond my beliefs.
Have you ever felt love before?
Have you ever just looked at someone while they were talking and then stop them mid-sentence, just to tell them that you love them?
Love is not a finished product. Love is a work of art.
Love is not something that is stagnant but forever progressing as you get to know the other person.
Love is a reflection of yourself that is expansive beyond the concept of time and space.
My love for you WILL change and it WILL constantly change.
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deepvibe · 1 year
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theysayimtoomuch · 2 years
night’s darkness
so comforting yet lonely
a quiet beautiful stillness that seeps
deep into our souls
maybe from those same stars
alone lost in cold space
that we’d admired and wish on
since childhood
a nostalgic and familiar feeling
that hugs like an old friend
a reminder of past memories
past versions of ourselves
so safe, yet dangerous
for minds like ours
a secret place where
peace and chaos can meet
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bludazey · 1 year
This song will heavily impact my next chapter. You know it. I know it. We all know it.
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sirenjones · 1 year
The Night Owl's Lament
It is easier to dream.
Easier to imagine, to escape and deal with the problems of another world, than to stay and deal with the troubles of this one.
I should sleep.
But when I sleep, I cannot dream.
I should really sleep.
But when I dream, I am not alone.
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city sounds
pov; first person
gender; not specified
prompt; what does the city sound like at night? 
I lay awake, as the moon shines in between my curtains, which I failed to close entirely. I stare at the ceiling and exhale as I find my case of insomnia not getting any better. I glance at the clock sitting on my night table and sigh as it reads 12:03am. 
Deciding to make my energy useful I sit up, rubbing my eyes with hope of the tiredness rubbing off. It doesn't. I stand up and breathe in as the cold wooden floors make contact with my feet. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen, not failing to notice the low music coming from the apartment below me. 
The kitchen sensors turn on the lights turn as I walk in, I close my eyes for a second as my eyes adjust to the brightness. I open the fridge and take out some lemonade, opening a cabinet I pull out a cup and fill it up with my drink, then place it back in the fridge. I gulp some and savor the light sourness running through my mouth, walking to my living room another light turns on as I do so. 
The leather couch squeaks lightly as I sit on it, pulling my laptop from my coffee table as I place my cup on it. I spend the next couple of minutes struggling to type my thoughts out, I sigh out of frustration as so many ideas and feelings rush through me, but I find myself unable to formulate or type any of them. After changing my sitting position multiple times, finishing my lemonade, and sigh for more times than I'd like I stand up, bringing my laptop with me. I walk through my hallway, my feet sliding through the freezing floors, the music downstairs still present. I walk through my room and into my balcony, where I take a sit in my glass chairs. 
Looking over the city I take a deep breath in, I place my laptop on the glass coffee table as I stand up and walk up to the railing. My hand grips the metal bars as my legs lightly touch the glass wall, I scan the street, which despite the late hour is still full of people walking around and multiple cars coming and going. I breathe in, the scent of food coming from a street away, mixed with the light car smoke smell. I close my eyes and tune in my ears, hearing the light chattering along the street, which also comes with a couple of honks from the cars in the traffic lights. 
The silence from my apartment is a little lost as I hear the white noise that encapsulates the upper levels, some kind of silence filled with conversations. Conversations so loud from so far I can kind of make out as they mix up with the music coming from what I assume is the bar some streets away from me. I open my eyes and look up at the sky as the stars are barely visible, as mostly black revolves around them. I walk back to my chair and start typing, the background noise helping me focus. Somehow the noise becomes white noise and my words start flowing into a document. I stand up a couple of times, to use the bathroom and to make myself some coffee.
 A couple of hours later I stand up and close my laptop, walking back to the railing with my coffee cup in hand I look down and the activity has been reduced significantly. I close my eyes once again, and this time I can only hear the low noise of distant cars, along with a very low, almost nonexistent chatter. 
I sigh, content with progress I made, looking down as the lights are turning off. Looking up I chuckle lightly as the sun is coming up, I stare at the beautiful sunset and smile. As I feel my brain relax, the exhaustion slowly creeps back in. Yawning I walk back inside, place my laptop on the couch, leaving my cup in the sink then walking back to my room. I lay back into bed and look to the side, I furrow my eyebrows and stand up, closing the curtains properly this time then throwing myself back in bed. I lay under the covers and smile, thanking the city sounds for their inspiration as I fall into deep sleep.
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theskyweshare · 1 year
Memories of you are enough to last me a        Lifetime. I say as I work for a life with you anyway.
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waddei · 9 months
(for the drawing I'd have to wait till I get home and finish it, give it till tomorrow)
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They say they are here to listen
But the deepest of desires you bury deep inside your chest
And having someone for opinion is much needed
But you are afraid of them judging
So look in the mirror,it never lies
You might look unreasonable today
But who are they to judge when you've got your own company
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savsters · 2 years
Haiku #17
Haiku Late night thoughts roamin’ Because my mind is stormin’ I’ll keep on goin’ Xoxo, Savvysaav ❤
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