#latino masc names
namesetc · 2 years
Could you possibly do latino/hispanic masc names? \(^ヮ^)/
plenty more here
if none of these work youre welcome to request again
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Identifying furries by their fursonas
Fox- this is the default fursona for the default furry, namely a twink with a blown out fucked to death asshole
Vixen- Girl fox referred to as a vixen is an egg, girl fox just referred to as a fox is an out trans woman
Kistune - the same as above but weeb flavor
he-wolf - a greasy guy who weighs 12 pounds soaking wet and wears a fedora. republican.
she-wolf - the butchest bull dyke you ever saw
coyote - manic depressive. always on something. the drug connection at any furry party
Cat- always a woman
black cat - could be any gender but always goth
kitten/kitty - a trans sex worker, has an only fans they really want you to know about.
bobcat - older dude. wants people to think he's ex-military
Jaguar - an older black guy. will probably have the word "black" in his fursona's name
lion - just a huge asshole
tiger - another asshole. old. wants you to believe he's ex military or ex-police, probably a member of the dorsai irregulars. major grill dad vibes
jackal - a huge asshole and a slut. white gay racist, probably transphobic
cougar - either a trans woman or a terf. there's no in between
Horse - white woman who identifies as 2 Spirit or a guy who wants to be stomped on
Pony - gay nazi
unicorn - either the absolute gayest dude you can be or a 9 year old girl. sometimes a late in life transition
Tanuki - latino
badger - either a huge lesbian or an old avuncular straight guy. possible sex pest
Raccoon - nature's greatest mistake. too normie to be furry, too furry to be normie. dilf.
bat - either a goth or a real annoying shit (some overlap). invader zim fanboy. doesn't drink alcohol but claims to act crazy on "sugar highs." definitely has dabbled in webcomics
cow - a woman. maternal. mom friend or mommy dom. milf. possibly trans femme
steer - a big strong fat rough trade gay guy
sheep - mom vibes
pretty much any farm animal - mom vibes
domestic pig - wild card. might be a wet and messy fetish thing tho or a trash eating thing. loves to be stinky. loves to talk about being stinky.
wild pig - trans masc
skunk - either a fat beardy guy who has a tumblr blog about animation squash & stretch or a stoner gal. very straight. the straightest. a kinsey 0. has strong feelings about what the fandom used to be like before there were all these kids in it.
rat - is a huge asshole as a front, probably likes talking cigars
lemur - autistic
sloth - 420 blaze it. will never finish any commissions
chakat - an older cishet man who thinks the fandom is too political & refers to "anime" as "japanimation"
sergel - nazi
citra - the biggest dipshit you've ever met
procyon - furry equivalent of the thomas jefferson miku binder pic. you should not be talking to this person, this is a literal child
weasel - a girl with cluster b personality disorders
ferret - a person who has at least one pet ferret, but probably many
mole - this person thinks they're in a beatrix potter story
guinea pig/chinchilla/jerboa/gerbil/any kind of fat rodent you can keep as a pet - the sweetest person you will ever meet
armadillo/pangolin/anteater/aardvark - smug, contrarian. "i just wanna be different"
mouse - vore fetishist, prey. sub.
hyena - vore fetishist, pred. probably trans masc
otter - a dommy twink, possible enby
bear - gay
panda - absolutely a white person pretending to be asian. probably running a gofund me scam with a suspicious story about how they're a professional nintendo gamer who injured their hand or something
bullfrog - a huge fat hairy straight guy
any other frog - inflation or rubber fetishist
axolotl/newt/salamander - genderfluid enby
rabbit - trad wife trans woman
squirrel - autistic and gay
deer - gay
gazelle - zootopia megafan
monkey - punk DIY artist type, definitely loves weed
ape - absolutely baffling. nothing this person does or says makes any sense. you will be left wondering whether you're speaking to a child, a person with severe mental issues, or someone who doesn't have english as a first language
elephant - mom friend
hippo - a fat fetishist or a transformation fetishist
rhino - an older cishet dude who wants to project a curmudgeonly yet approachable aura
kangaroo - definitely not an australian person. extremely focused kinkster, usually feet or inflation. more STDs than should be possible to carry
koala - an asian woman
virginia opossum - anarchist/communist punk trans man who makes zines and/or comics
australian possum - just here to have fun. wants everyone else to be having fun too. wacky funster. (sugar gliders and flying squirrels fall under this category)
any other marsupial - poser
monotremes - extreme poser, don't even bother
doberman- gay dude who tops from the bottom or a cop (there is some overlap)
german shepherd - a nazi or a cop (there is substantial overlap). definitely a furry raider. he will wear his cop uniform to con and after con will post videos pretending that someone was rude to him
afghan - arch femme
basset hound - racist
puppy - sub, probably an egg. extremely draining. cries a lot
all other dogs - just dudes being bros (gender neutral)
dragon - the furries of furries. like to talk about eating "sammiches" and "chocklit." probably an adult baby lifestyler. they will send DMs that just say "hi." they like to RP and when they contact you about a potential commission they are actually just trying to trick you into RP
griffin - the same as above but also a brony
snake - sissy hypno fetishist
turtle - an old man, probably southern. an ironic grandpa.
other scalies - furry in denial. either a child or an old person from CYD. the world's last something awful goons
any fursona with latino vibes - white
any fursona with asian vibes - latino
any fursona with native american vibes - eastern european
avian - girl who's not like other girls. hippie. vegan.
raven/crow - agender voidgoth
chicken - mom vibes
dinosaur - the absolute biggest nerd. probably has an actual degree in paleontology. definitely dresses like miss frizzle.
any invertebrate - not a real furry, their girlfriend just made them get a furaffinity account before they could get ass. either that or they've never even heard of furry, they just came up with the idea of anthropomorphics from first principles. a biology teacher or weirdo (there is some overlap)
amoeba - this is a troll
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luvrpuppie2 · 3 months
haii! re-doing my intro since i had to move accounts <//3
names don't really matter to me, you can just call me puppy, but if we're close you might get my name :p i use exclusively he/him pronouns only! i'm ftm pre everything and somewhere around 5'5/5'4 :3 you can use both masc and fem terms for my puppyparts idm !! i'm latino and can very much pass as white although i'm part native too. some less horny stuff about me is that my fave color is pink, i'm neurodivergent, and i love art :p
do: flirt with me, send me nudes (esp dick pics hehe i love seeing how hard i get y'all), interact, send dirty asks, send naughty post submissions, praise me, use tone tags with me (optional), etc.
don't: send me threats of any kind (esp kidnapping and rape since i am a victim), ask for free content unless we're already close, misgender me under any context unless i have given specific and explicit consent, claim me even if roleplaying (i have an owner)
DNI: maps, zoos, zionists, actual abusers, minors (you will be blocked ! i don't consent to interacting with you!!), terfs, transphobes, feederism, ed/sh blogs, weight gain/loss kinks, incest, fauxcest, homophobes, racists, mysogynists, feet, scat, "men dni" blogs, knife and gunplay can follow but i likely won't follow back, gore, vomit, dd/lg, detrans, ageplay, raceplay, intense violence (kink or not), overall assholes !!
taken anons: 🌸
kinks, menu, ko-fi and more under the cut <33
likes: petlay, breeding (no pregnancy), light cnc, cumplay, mommy/daddy as a title only, somno, praise, degradation (not of looks), corruption, dumbification, objectification, service topping !! (i'm pretty new so i'll probably be adding more)
pet names: pup, puppy, good boy, pretty boy, doll, (fuck) toy, cum dump, baby, slut, whore, cock sleeve, breeding puppy/pet, and most things in that realm ~
tipping and buying: i sell content! this includes nudes, videos, sexting, etc... you can see my menu below:
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if buying is too expensive for you or simply not your thing you can still tip me! any amount is very much appreciated <33
i also make custom content (dm to discuss prices) and don't mind getting spoiled hehe :3 for example, if you help me buy a toy i'll make sure you get to see how i use it <33 i'm currently working on a lil wishlist :p
buy or tip here!
if you've read this far thank youu! have this as a lil treat !
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hope to see you around <33
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vacantvisage · 7 months
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My portrait at Mi Vida Trans
A project featuring portraits of Chicano trans mascs put on doors with our stories taped to the side, red carnations left at our doorsteps
I did my story as a poem:
I had thought about my gender at an early age. About 5 or 6. Kindergarten.
I wasn’t like the girls.
I wanted to be like the boys, but they told me I was gross, that boys don’t play with girls.
I never really felt “like a girl” even when I knew a “girl” could be a lot of things.
I didn’t feel at home in my body.
When I told myself I was going to be a boy, I was 10 years old.
In the small, rural towns full of white folks, I was the Weird Kid and the Mexican.
Eventually I became the Queer Kid, too.
I told my friends I wanted to be a boy.
They told a teacher. That teacher told the principal.
The principal called me. He said “we don’t talk about that here.”
I was given detention.
I looked up “girl becomes boy” and “how to become a boy” and so much more until I found a website with a big, ugly gray background and giant red letters that said “ TRANSEXUAL”
It talked about people who had surgery and lived lives as a different sex.
Girls that became boys. Boys that became girls. Neutrois who did what they wanted.
I printed it, 25 pages, front and back, a hundred times until the library ran out of ink.
I passed out the packets.
I was given detention.
I was called a tranny-fag-dyke. I was 15.
Girls were afraid of me in the locker room, boys spat on me, my teachers gave me failing grades.
Everyone and everything was trying to confine me, trap me, I wasn’t allowed to explore my identity without being pushed from all directions. It made me realize I will always be a pariah to my peers. I had to own it or die trying.
I came out to everyone, everywhere, all the time. I was given detention, kept after school, my parents yelled and screamed at me when they found out. It was a monsoon of rage and sorrow, I was trapped trying to be free.  
Alternative subculture became a new home to me. I could find peace exploring different standards of beauty, masculinity, and femininity. Goth and metal subculturas helped me stealth both as a trans man and a Latino, where white people think celebrating the dead is evil, morbid, and grotesque.
My mother said if I was “really” a boy I should get rid of all my clothes and makeup and live like one for a year. I put everything in boxes. She called me a rat.
My father said if I was “really” a boy I should cut my hair. I cried, but I did. I cut all my hair, 5ft of it. And I cried. And cried. Our hair means so much, it carries our soul. And he called me a cunt.
I told my best friend. She said she could never see me as a man. We’re no longer friends.
I told my teacher. She told me to tell another teacher. They both told me to tell the nurse.
The nurse told me I was brave and if I ever needed help I could ask her.
They fired her.
I heard all the words for what I was, good and bad and everything between. Transexual, Transgender, Tranny, Fag, Dyke — Patlache.
I hunted for more, more knowledge of these secret lives that people lived, and even more of the open lives that people lived – people like me who found peace in their souls and friends among peers.
I started college.
Without my parents looking over my shoulder I could finally play with the names I wanted. 
I made friends with a trans girl who showed me how to be a boy, and I showed her how to be a girl.
I did her makeup, she tied my tie.
I gave her my dresses, she gave me her vests.
And I finally started to feel at home in my body.
I have long hair again.
I say “dear” and “darling” and all the things I heard from gay men growing up.
As a girl I was taught to be loud, to have my voice heard.
As a girl, it’s encouraged, to fight against oppression.
As a new-man I’m told to shut up and sit down.
No one wants to hear more men speak up, even when we’re drowning.
But I’m feminine for a man, so people call me a girl.
And I’m masculine for a girl, so people call me disgusting.
It doesn’t matter anymore.
I will never win this silly game of life. I can only live it the best I can.
And I’m so close to feeling at home in my body.
But still — not yet.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
My Toh self-insert lore masterpost
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His name is Verano Azul and he's black/white mixed dominican-Not the Demon Realm equivalent like Willow being korean but as in one of his parent's is from Earth and dominican.The parent in question is named Esta and is something of a dark parallel to Luz,a human who ended up on the Boiling Isles and is instead a magic hater who sides with Belos because she grew up catholic with 'fairy tales' about him.His other parent is named Invierno and he has an older brother named Otoño who goes by Oto
Esta and Invierno are abusive to him because of intergenerational trauma from their latino heritage and encourage Oto to bully him and uphold him as 'the sibling they raised right'.Verano had severe self-eestem issues because of this and it was only added on to by being bullied at Hexside for his shyness and obvious hybrid status(having non-pointed ears,which this amazing picrew sadly dosen't provide)
He's the same age as Luz and was a trio with Willow and Gus until she came along and made them a quartet.He met his first ever two friends the same day they met eachother when they saw him getting bullied by Boscha and Gus caused a distraction with his illusions so Willow could sneak him away to a hiding spot and Gus hid too to avoid Boscha's wrath.Once school let out,Verano nervously approached them to thank them and hung out with them the next day which turned into every day after that
He's in the healing track/coven and got shit from his family for it because they wanted him to 'take a more useful one' and his palisman is a pink strawberryonic dragon named Fresa
Los Padres Azules also never truly let him be feminine as a kid and called him an ungrateful brat for asking for things like children's makeup kits and dolls so as part of her redemption arc,Amity teaches him how to be femme and buys him the stuff they refused to and a particularly special item he's always wearing because it was the first one she bought him is his plain pink choker
His fashion sense is pastel and mostly girly but with some masc hints here and there since he's bigender and it makes him happy with himself.He's short and scrawny and has naturally 4b hair he was forced to relax by his racist mom growing up and he dyes a baby pink streak in it in season 3 as a bonding activity with Amity and Willow until the epilogue where we see he's switched to twists and several streaks and gone from regular pastel to pastel punk
He also invented video games in Demon Realm since Luz introduced him to them and he learned how to make them as he loved them enough for it to become a special interest.He started with an unused pink Tamagotchi gift from Luz and worked his way up to a whole technological revolution he used purely for good(I.e entertainment,education,comfort and so forth games only)
Has a genderfluid pride pin on his dress in Thanks To Them and in the time he spent on earth is when he discovered punk culture and got radicalized and learned he was actually a social butterfly who just hadn't found the right people-The 'right people' being the rest of the Hexside Squad,Vee and Masha.Him and Masha are pastel/goth besties and they get in on the Residencia Noceda secret thanks to it because in this verse we got the full season we deserved and Veesha gets to unfold onscreen like Lumity did and there's also extra Grimwalker lore bits and backstory on Luz's earth life and Camila is a major mc
Eda becomes a mother figure to him throught his frequent visits to The Owl House to see Luz and adopts him mid-season 1 after finding out he's being abused thanks to him accidentally revealing it during one of their conversation's.She went to the Azul residence and tricked his parents into giving her custody via adoption papers and easily beat them when they tried to fight her.Oto wasn't around to witness it but is still scared shitless of her and avoids Verano from then on(He does apologize in For The Future and Verano says he accepts but dosen't wanna be around him anymore and he respects that).Raine is also his parent due to their's and Eda's marriage and there's not a day without both chaos and wholesomeness with them
Considers Camila his official parent too(and she sees him as her son and daughter)and is eternally grateful to her for teaching him about blackness unlike Invierno.Perry,who was never told about Verano's abuse until after Eda came along,did teach him a few things but sadly couldn't get many because of him still living with his racist parents
And his final parent is Darius.This one has funny reasons because the context is that the two of them got so close thanks to Verano being best friends with Hunter that Darius kept dropping hints to Eda he wanted shared custody and she teased him into admitting outright and laughed at his embarrased anger before agreeing to it.Verano was overjoyed when they told him and told them into a group hug after them each a platonic cheek kiss,squealing about how much he loves them and what they were going to do as a family.He also ends up being All Tracks due to his mixed home life making him learn so many magic types
His Bad Girls coven shirt is all shades of pink and he adores King and Darius' abominations so much and technically lives with both Raeda and him due to how often he stays over at his.Verano got a taste of the fine life starting in 'Abnomination and Son and Daughter' when it started and he learned to employ a couple of his daily routines and mannerisms into his own.He calls Darius 'Daddy' instead of Dad and the man started sobbing on the spot the first it happened
His full name is technically Verano Azul Clawthorne Noceda Whispers Deamonne but for the sake of shortness he just uses his first name when introducing himself
When he started unmasking,he turned into a very bubbly and optimistic weirdgirl who slowly became a Team Mom as his friend circle grew.His favorite stims are chewy necklaces,flappy hands,running around and echolalia,he's good ar handling meltdowns,his special interests are dragons,cats,ghosts,video games,pink and anarchy/chaos,his safe foods are booding and Dairy Queen(post/during season 3)and he has a whole diy'd backpack of safe items he carries around
Like the rest of the Hexside Squad,he had an episode dedicated to his first meeting with Hunter and their's was called 'Little Pink Flying Hood and The Hunter'.It took place post Eclipse Lake but pre Hollow Mind and had them bumping forehead first into eachother due to his broom going out of control and getting lost in woods and trying to find their way back home.They became friends at the end as they bonded deeply,including Verano telling him he dosen't have to be perfect and Hunter responding that they don't need to feel like a freak either.They don't reveal his secret identity in ASIAS but there's a running gag that he thinks they will and at one point they snark that if he keeps at it they'll spill the beans
Verano,Willow,Gus and Hunter are called 'The Four Emeralds' and their group chat they created after Darius gave Hunter his phone is titled that and it's extremely chaotic but sweet
His Flapjack tatto is on his right palm
He's Gus and Mat's wingmanwoman and finds Mat's cringe to be super cool.They're something of a subtrio as they get their own episode with Steve too that's about brotherhood shenanigans(The Tholomule bros with Verano + Verano and Gus),gay anticts(Gustholomule)and trans femme swag(Verano)and it's called 'Oh brother,where art tholomule?'.This trinity's name is 'The Creation Counts'(yeah,like the vampire joke.They are dorks SUPREME)
His halloween costume was a pink and white dragoncat onesie with blue catdragon face paint and strawberry scented paws
He's a Penstagram influencer technically but the influence is just him being witch Megan Thee Stallion where he just posts positivity,humor,him having fun and activism related things.Also as an adult he posts 'thirst traps' that're just him having that drip but the Healer Girl Summer Nation go wild
He also appears in Chibi Tales and was redrawn as Tiana in her blue dress fit for Black History Month by an artist on the crew.His character is meant to be representation for black femmes like how Luz is for black baby butches
The second design is from a swap au created by @theautisticcentre where he's the grimwalker instead of Hunter so rather than Philip,Belos had a sickening obsession with a mulatta from his time period and Verano's name is instead 'Victoria Wittebane' as a result.Belos holds no attraction to 'her',an egg he forces not to crack out of being a puritan,but he's a very awful 'father' to Victoria and she's known as 'The Golden Maiden'.If you want more lore,go ahead and ask Mathew about,he is a fantastic content creator and takes requests for headcanons and fics as well♡
And the 3rd design is canon complaint,as Belos gets his hands on Verano to torment Hunter and Luz in Watching and Dreaming by 'dehumanizing' him to show Verano's 'true self' by making him half Dragon,dragons being on par with Titans in godhood status but considered lesser than them and having been at war as a result like they were with Collectors,but this backfired on him because Verano is dragonkin/a dragon therian and Titan Luz and 'Dragono' defeated him at last together in a show of sisterhood,holding hands when they finished and going back to their loved ones while leaning on eachother for support.Like i headcanon Titan!Luz,Dragono still lingers in Verano
And also like his hermana,he regularly travels between worlds and it turns out there's a place called Dragonland that's kept secret to avoid new conflict and he becomes an ambassador for them!!!
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i-love-cats-04 · 11 days
Happy pride month
happy pride month gay men
happy pride month to gay men with religious parents/family
happy pride month lesbians
happy pride month to leabians with religious parents/family
happy pride month masc lesbians
happy pride month fem lesbians
happy pride month bisexuals
happy pride month non binary bisexuals
happy pride month trans men
happy pride month trans men with religious parents/family
happy pride month to trans men with big boobs
happy pride month to trans men who have 'tr@nny voice'
(yes i get the slur pass i'm non binary)
happy pride month to trans men who can't get top surgery
happy pride month to trans men who can't get bottom surgery
happy pride month to trans men who are scared of taking T
happy pride month to chubby/fat trans men
happy pride month to neurodivergent trans men
happy pride month to trans men of colour
happy pride month to black trans men
happy pride month asian trans men
happy pride month hispanic/latino trans men
happy pride month arab trans men
happy pride month indigenous/first nations trans men
happy pride month trans women
happy pride month to trans women with religious parents/family
happy pride month to trans women with deep voices
happy pride month to trans women that can't make their voice sound feminine
happy pride month trans women who haven't had top surgery
happy pride month to trans women who haven't had bottom surgery
happy pride month to trans women who aren't on HRT
happy pride month to trans women who are scared to take HRT
happy pride month chubby/fat trans women
happy pride month neurodivergent trans women
happy pride month trans women of colour
happy pride month black trans women
happy pride month hispanic/latina trans women
happy pride month arab trans women
happy pride month indigenous/first nations trans women
happy pride month enbies
happy pride month afab enbies
happy pride month amab enbies
happy pride month afab enbies that still like stereotypical feminine things
happy pride month to afab enbies that still go by a feminine name
happy amab enbies that still like stereotypical masculine things
happy pride month to amab enbies that still go by a stereotypical masculine name
and happy pride month to all other genders/sexualities not mentioned🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
All the lore for my Toh self-insert so far
Tagged canon characters for my own personal organization so i can come back and read this post later,sorry if that causes annoyance!! /gen
@leo-thecactus @peachyblkdemonslayer @user1046 @moonage-gaydream @cottoncandyteeth @cottoncandyspikes @insomniac-jay @julieemarine @theultimatesagavan @catboymoments @rosy-tickles
His name is Verano Azul and he's black/white mixed dominican-Not the Demon Realm equivalent like Willow being korean but as in one of his parent's is from Earth and dominican.The parent in question is named Esta and is something of a dark parallel to Luz,a human who ended up on The Boiling Isles and is instead a magic hater who sides with Belos in that way.His other parent is named Invierno and he has an older brother named Otoño who goes by Oto
Esta and Invierno are abusive to him because of generational trauma from their latino heritage and encourage Oto to bully him and uphold him as the 'sibling they raised right'.Verano had severe self-eestem issues because of this and it was only added on to by being bullied at Hexside for his shyness and obvious hybrid status(see him having non-pointed ears)
He's the same age as Luz and was a trio with Gus and Willow until she came along and made them a quartet.He met his first ever two friends the same day they met eachother when they saw him getting bullied by Boscha and Gus caused a distraction with his illusions so Willow could sneak him away to a hiding spot and Gus hid too to avoid Boscha's wrath.Once school let out,Verano nervously approached them to thank them and hung out with them the next day which turned into every day after that
He's in the healing track/coven and got shit from his family for it because they wanted him to take a 'more useful' one and his palisman is a pink dragon named Fresa
His parents also never truly let him be feminine as a kid and called him an ungrateful brat for asking for things like children's makeup kits and dolls so as part of her redemption arc,Amity teaches him how to be femme and buys him the stuff they refused to and a particularly special item that he's always wearing because it was the first one she bought him is a plain pink choker
His fashion sense is pastel and mostly girly but has some masc hints here and there since he's bigender and it makes him happy with himself.He's short with light brown skin,full lips,a big nose and waist length black hair that's natural thick and curly but he relaxes it and dyes a baby pink streak in it in season 3 as a bonding activity with Willow and Amity until the epilogue where we see he's switched to twists and several streaks and gone from regular pastel to pastel punk
He also has a job making video games since Luz introduced him to them and he learned how to make them as he loved them enough for it to become a special interest
Has a genderfluid pride pin on his dress in Thanks to them
Eda becomes a mother figure to him through his frequent visits to The Owl House to see Luz and adopts him mid-season 1 after finding out he's being abused thanks to him accidentally revealing it during one of their conversations.She went to the Azul house and tricked his parents into giving her custody via adoption papers and easily beat them when they tried to fight her.Oto wasn't around to witness it but is still scared shitless of her and avoids Verano from then on(He does apologize in For the future and Verano says he accepts but dosen't wanna be around him anymore and he respects that).Raine is also his parent due to his and Eda's marriage and there's not a day without both chaos and wholesomeness with them
Considers Camila his official parent too(and she sees him as her son and daughter)and is eternally grateful to her for teaching him about blackness unlike Invierno.Perry,who was never told about Verano's abuse until after Eda came along,did teach him a few things but sadly couldn't get to many because of him still living with his racist parents
And his final parent is Darius.This one has funny reasons because the context is that the two of them got so close thanks to Verano being best friends with Hunter that Darius kept dropping hints to Eda that he wanted shared custody and she teased him into admitting it outright and laughed at his embarrased anger before agreeing to it.Verano was overjoyed when they told him and pulled them into a group hug after giving each of them a platonic cheek kiss,squealing about how much he loves them and what they were going to do as a family
His full name is technically Verano Azul Clawthorne Whispers Noceda Deammone but for the sake of shortness he just uses his first name when introducing himself
When he started unmasking,he turned into a very bubbly and optimistic weirdgirl who slowly became a Team Mom as his friend circle grew.His favorite stims are repeating words and running around,he's good at handling meltdowns,his special interests are dragons cats video games and pink and his safe foods are booding and McDonalds(post/during season 3)
Like the rest of the Hexside Squad,he had an episode dedicated their first meeting with Hunter and his was called 'Little Pink Flying Hood and the Hunter'.It took place post Eclipse Lake but pre Hollow mind and had them bumping forehead first into eachother due to his broom going out of control and getting lost in the forest and trying to find their way back home.They became friends by the end as they bonded deeply,including Verano telling him he dosen't have to be perfect and Hunter responding that they don't need to feel like a freak either.They don't reveal his secret identity in ASIAS but there's a running gag that he thinks they will and at one point they snark that if he keeps at it they'll spill the beans
Verano,Willow,Gus and Hunter are called 'The Four Emeralds' and their group chat that that they created after Darius gave Hunter his phone is titled that and it's extremely chaotic but sweet
His Flapjack tatto is on his right palm
He's Gus and Mat's wingman and finds Mat's cringe to be super cool
Edit:I came up with one more point!!His halloween costume was a pink and white catdragon onesie with blue cat face paint :]
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sunsettia3 · 18 days
Hi guys! I got deleted, although I didn’t post anything except my casual wlw nsft reposts 😭
I had about 300 followers andddd some of the ppl I’m looking for are
A really nice latino masc girl who’s name starts with M
A girl with dark short hair who had “full time femcel” written on her blog
A girl with an orange pfp (previously pink) with a name like bi-princess or smth
And a couple others
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merrhea39 · 3 months
Trans masc Dom Dom ch 3-2
Dominik had a week to ponder what Rhea had said to him. Did everyone see Dominik as a nepotism hire? Did everyone think he was bad? He couldn’t get these thoughts out of his head and before he knew it it was raw again. Before the show started Rey noticed that something was wrong with Dominik. “Mij-o what’s wrong man?” Dom was deep in thought so his father approaching him with a question startled him a bit. “Oh uh nothing I’ll be fine papa.” Rey frowned with a bit of concern on his face before leaving. His fathers 20th anniversary in the wwe was today and there was a party. The family even found one of Rey’s old outfits his father thought went missing and giving back to Rey as a gift.. He was happy for his father but still had Rhea on the mind. Dominik got his gear on to have a tag match against the Judgment Day but the nerves this time were different. Before the match could start Rey grabbed the microphone to give a thank you speech. The crowd was chanting “Thank you Rey!” over and over again Dominik was proud even though he could only wish to get this. “20 years this is special man, really special. Now lemme give you a backstory, I was 14 years old when I had my first match in Tijuana, and I never imagined then in a million years that one day, I would perform inside in a WWE ring.” Rey started off his promo strong and emotional trying to get the fans into what he was saying. “Travel the world, make money and create legendary rivalries for all-, each and everyone of you could enjoy.” Rey slipped up a bit but it was ok he was never the best at talking on the mic. “Now the truth, the truth is guys my size back then weren’t part of the business, but I was able to break that stereotypes. I broke that so-called blueprint of what a superstar should look like.” Dom started to look jealously at his father also realizing how he’s been talking about himself highly. “Now as… as a smaller guy, and as a damn proud latino, I became world champion at Wrestlemania 22!” Dom absent-mindedly nodded along with a desire growing in him to become a champion like his father… better than his father. “And I made a lot of friends along the way, friends that I wanna thank for helping pave the road for me in my career. You might know some of these names, Dean Malenko, K Dog orale arriba mi raza! Batista, Kurt Angle, how about Edge? We can not forget the great Eddie Guerrero!” This made the entire arena chant ‘Eddie’, the same man who claimed that Dominik was actually his kid, but Rey continued. “Eddie I love you man and I miss you every damn day. I wouldn’t be here without you, and I know you’re always watching over me, thank you Eddie!” Rey got more and more emotional throughout his speech. “So the truth is tonight I stand before you and feel truly humbled and appreciative for all the love and support you guys have given me for the past 20 years.” The crowd liked Rey appeasing them and chanted ‘Thank you Rey!’ again. “You know this is special, to be able to, to be able to live all that with my family it just means much more.” Then the people in the crowd chant ‘you deserve it’, even though Rey’s first thing was to gloat, thank his friends, thank the fans and then thank his family. “Angie, Aaliyah I know you’re watching backstage. I just wanna say thank you for always being there. I love you both. Dom I’m proud of you son, I am proud of the man you have become, and I know one day when I’m no longer here, you’ll be representing the Mysterio legacy to the fullest.”
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tiedupcowb0y · 4 months
/e﹒tiedupcowboy intro ︵★☆
「★」⸝⸝➜﹒19 years old
「☆」⸝⸝➜﹒nb transmasc butch (he/it/she) [I use "she" in a masc way]
「★」⸝⸝➜ . nblw / nblm / nblnb [t4t]
「☆」⸝⸝➜ latino
༉‧₊˚ ✩ ♡︎ ୧ ˖⁺ . ⩩ WHAT I'M INTO
「★」⸝⸝ TRIVIA ➜﹒I enjoy playing with femininity and reclaiming it as a transexual and a sex worker, but I AM A MAN (in the not binary way), but in my day to day I am masculine, and chivalrous first and foremost and I will not be called woman or girl without consent first. I'm a butch and being a sub-bottom doesn't mean I'm "the girl" of the relationship. DO NOT CALL ME A TWINK OR A FEMBOY, I'm an otter.
I love femmes/fem/women(not cis) but I also have relations with other butches/masc/men(not cis) so sometimes my posts will be directed to masc aligned folks
Also, I already have an owner and partner (masc), I'm happy to fool around, but I won't commit .
༉‧₊˚ ✩ ♡︎ ୧ ˖⁺ . ⩩ BOUNDARIES
「★」⸝⸝ DNI ➜﹒CISMEN, CHASERS (yall can only interact if you pay my rent), DETRANS BLOGS, IF YOU THINK BISEXUALS CANT USE THE TERM BUTCH
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porcelaincvnt · 1 year
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 ♡
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🛁 i’m antonio, but everyone calls me toni (short version of my name) capricorn. 15. he/they. infp. aspiring artist and writer.
🏳️‍⚧️ trans masc. bi (heavy male lean)
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writing, literature, anything involving books and storytelling really. coffee and anything caffeinated. art, but mostly painting and watercolors. sketching. the color white, blue, black, and red. white is my current fav tho. wintertime. snow. cloudy and rainy days. cyberpunk, especially mecha. watching anime and reading manga ofc. cinema, sci-fi and horror especially. jfashion, fashion in general tbh. video games, my favs are nier automata and final fantasy.
hot and humid weather. socializing. writer’s and art block. narcissists. entitled people. math. mornings. loud noises and weird textures (sensory issues). when there’s not enough milk and sugar in my coffee.
julie. lamp. ichiko aoba. perfume. radiohead. deftones. grimes. beabadoobe. babymetal. paramore. ghost. mazzy star. the neighborhood. arctic monkeys. duster. cigarettes after sex. mitski. the marias. dir en grey. buck tick. $uicideboy$. blank banshee. løren. my bloody valentine.
tokyo revengers. naruto. neon genesis evangillion. ajin: demi human. nana. ghost in the shell. alice in borderland. berserk. tokyo ghoul. death note. serial lain experiment. ergo proxy. alita: battle angel. csm. angel’s egg. demon slayer.
my favorite dish is arepas and teqüeños.
im latino (full venezuelan 🇻🇪)
i can speak fluent spanish, and im learning japanese as of now.
although i write for everyone, i mostly will write male reader.
current favorite charecters are: baji keisuke. kazutora hanemiya. chifuyu matsuno. souya kawata. senju karawagi (tokyo revengers) pain. shikamaru nara. shikaku nara. shisui uchiha. konan. (naruto) aki hayakawa. asa makita. reze. (csm)
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thank you for reading. ♡
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georgiaandfriends · 3 days
Voice claims, Updated!
I just realized how inaccurate the old voice claims are, but we need to fix it. Be warned, many of these names have changed and characters have been updated sooo yah.
Kairos(Formerly Isa): Haruhi's English dub. This is still accurate. Kairos genuinely hates everyone, and haruhi is almost there as well.
Dallas(still the same, but I made him a skater boy): Georgie from young Sheldon. This guy has gone through so many nationalities but I finally decided he's Texan. Totally not a skater boy will solace rip off. Totallyy. The two of them have the same vibes, though I admit he's smarter than Georgie I promise.
Carmen(Formerly Kizuka): Also an absolute fuck ton of ethnicity changes. But they're afro-Latina/latino now. Ehehe. I'm actually gonna steal Double Trouble from another one of my Ocs cause it makes so much sense for Carmen. They're genderfluid, and have that singsongy voice like double trouble does. I'm not sure if there's a spainish dub of Shera, but If there is than that's even more accurate.
Mai(Formerly Skylar):Mai has had the least changes out of everyone, I basically just changed her name and that's it. For her I think Zooble, from TADC. It makes so much sense in my brain since her and Kairos both are haters, but Mai is far worse. And so is Zooble.
Beatriz(Formerly Yuri): Oh wow. She's changed so much since you guys have last seen her. I'll need to post everyone's updated designs at some point. Her personality hasn't changed much, but now she's Brazlian, so This was a hard one to find. Hers was really hard to find but I've come to a conclusion. It's weirdly specific, but I've come to a conclusion. Audrey ramirez from Altantis. I love audrey, and she matches Beatriz's snark perfectly.
Akida: We love our girl Akida. I made her southern, cause I thought it'd be cute. Her voice claim was genuinely so easy, it didn't make me wanna cry trying to find it. Akida's is honey swamp from Monster high. I love honey swamp, and a few elements from Akida's design are actually borrowed from her.
Kit(Formerly Kit): I'm starting to see a pattern with my Ocs. Erm we'll fix that issue later. Now, kit is kinda hard to tackle, cause they lean more towards masc despite being non binary, so I wanted to do them justice. I almost ended up going with stone from Ramshackle, but he sounds too masculine. So, I decided to go with Raine whispers. I love Raine so much, and they honestly fit kit very well. They combine the perfect amount of sass and shyness, just like Kit's introverted self.
Jupiter: I kinda already had a vision for Jupiter in my head, and her voice sort of appeared when I drew her for the first time. Clawdeen wolf, from monster high. Both of them scream icon, so I just had to do it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Nah cause why does the Batfam have a member who's name is "-ie Brown" and is a punk Team Parent,goofy as fuck,resorts to direct action as the first option,does activism seperate from hero work too,a rocker and metalhead,is seen as super weird but equally cool by other superheroes,femme in a way that comes across as masc to normies and was a troubled kid yet all i hear when it comes to hero comparisons and fusions is Jason Todd and every white guy in existense y'all would know he'd hate if you bothered reading his comics instead of Stephanie Brown and Hobie Brown����Don't @ me with your dumbass 'Well Stephanie's white!' argument,you guys make Jason latino to fetishize him because you can't read info articles on latino cultures to make him accurate either so i can make Stephanie black in general like i have for years and so her and Hobie can bond in addition to everything else they already have in common.The Brown Siblings will be real NOW!!!!!!!
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thinehitmanagency · 2 months
Briar Z. ▇▇▇▇▇▇
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Briar ▇▇▇▇▇▇, middle name theorized to be "Zachary," in one of the defining pillars of Silver & Co. His job as a serial stalker is to get information on targets and report it back to his boss. When the job is done, he comes back to an empty house, usually carrying a bag of flower seeds with him. There is nothing else.
He used to have a dream of having a big family like his parents did, but his lifestyle would likely never be sustainable enough for children, much less a spouse or partner. Perhaps it is better to be alone than to share a burden that is not meant to be shared.
General Info
Name: Briar Z. ▇▇▇▇▇▇
Sex: Masc
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Pansexual
D.O.B: May 22nd, 1996
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 7’4’’
Weight: 243 lbs
Race: Latino
Ethnicity: Slavic
Languages spoken: Spanish, Czech, English
Likes: flowers, tea, purple, staying home, old vhs tapes, rock n' roll, spring, starfish
Dislikes: everybody at the agency, failure, abandonment, emotional connection, weeds
Extra: diagnosed dyslexic; has a thick Spanish accent; fantastic at sewing
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universalsatan · 2 years
i think having the same username since the same year i got tumblr… 8 years ago? (oh my fucking god). has cursed me to become too attached to it. is it cringe? a little. do i ever entertain the idea of changing it? briefly. but could i ever actually do it in practice? i do not have the strength. i think it’s easier to actually change my deadname than it is my tumblr url
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andyinmiddleearth · 3 years
Not to be cisphobic but like... you know what screw it, I hate cis people. And by that I don’t mean that I hate every single individual cis person that exists, I actually have several cis friends and family members that I am close to and love. I mean that I hate cis people as my oppressors, that I hate cis people as a class that oppresses gender-non-conforming, intersex, trans, and non-binary people. Here’s some examples of the systems of oppression cis people as a class have placed that still hurt us to this day:
I hate gender-reveals parties. I hate the fact that a baby’s interests, decorations, hell even their entire personality, is determined just by simply looking at the fetus’ outward genitalia. Not to mention how inaccurate it can be cause sex is a spectrum (meaning it’s much more than just genitalia, it includes hormones, chromosomes, etc, and these can be super diverse and I myself, an AFAB person, don’t naturally produce estrogen) which is why some intersex people don’t even know they’re intersex until they get checked out by a specialist in their late teens or twenties.
I hate cis people assuming pronouns, ESPECIALLY when it comes to people like me that are visibly queer. I hate going to a doctor’s office and having to listen to nurses and even doctors call me sis, girl, ma’am, lady, she, her, when over here I’m standing with a ‘men’s’ haircut and wearing entirely ‘men’s’ clothes. But as a whole, I just hate assuming people’s pronouns in general because gender is so much more than gender expression. Men can be feminine, women can be masculine, non-binary people can be as femme or masc as they want. Our bodies and our clothes don’t determine our gender. We do.
I also hate cis people not respecting pronouns on purpose, like that time at Einstein Bagels where I was wearing my he/him pin and the cashier kept repeatedly calling me ‘ma’am’ despite me wearing this 2.25 inch long button WITH MY PRONOUNS ON IT. I hate how I have family members that purposefully misgender me every single fucking day despite me being out as trans to them for YEARS because they just think ‘being transgender is a choice, like being vegan.’ I hate how one of these said family members does everything they fucking can to trigger my dysphoria and constant remind me that they see me as a woman.
I hate cissexism. I hate words like ‘lady parts’ and ‘boy parts’ and ‘girl parts.’ Boys and girls (and all genders) can have whatever private parts they have and still be their gender AND IT’S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, and frankly very creepy to want to know what’s in someone’s pants. I hate how instead of using terms like afab or amab it’s just ‘male parts’ and ‘female parts,’ ‘male body,’ ‘female body,’ which also blatantly erases intersex people that may have both, or something else entirely different.
I hate how cis people have made this concept about the ‘the perfect trans person’ that people in the trans community (yes, I’m talking about transmeds) will shit on our non-binary and non-dysphoric trans siblings because ‘they make us look like a joke.’ Spoiler alert, cis people as a class hate trans people because they’re transphobic, period, not because some random non-binary sixteen year old uses ze/hir pronouns and is non-dysphoric. I hate how I was harassed on this platform FOR YEARS and sent hate on and off anon by transmeds simply because I, a dysphoric trans guy, think you don’t need dysphoria to be trans. Because I think being trans is so much more about being uncomfortable in your body, because I think you can have gender euphoria and not gender dysphoria. And I hate how the transmeds that bullied me also called me all kinds of slurs (both referring to my ethnicity as a Latino and also just homophobic ones like the f-slur) and perpetuated exactly the behavior they see white cishet men perform because they think that way maybe they will accept them. Spoiler alert; they won’t.
I hate how intersex babies are mutilated every day around the world simply because of how they are born while trans children and young adults are still being denied access to LIFE-SAVING resources like hormone blockers, HRT, surgery, etc. I hate how long the waitlists are for trans people in places like the UK and Canada are to transition, and I hate how monetarily expensive it can be even with insurance in the USA, since this is the main reason why I can’t start T right now (that and the fact that I live with family members that wouldn’t support me transitioning).
I hate how anything can be a ‘girl’ or ‘boy’ thing. Things as simple as drinks for fuck’s sake. Why is a beer a ‘man’s drink’ and a fruity cocktail a ‘lady’s drink?’ Same goes for everything... clothing, movies, certain games, even basic chores like cooking and cleaning. Hell, even interests can be a ‘girl or boy’ thing. One time I was reading a thick book and this cis man (he knew I’m AFAB cause my parents misgendered me to him obviously) went ‘oh yeah us guys don’t read that much.’ EXCUSE ME SIR BUT I AM A GUY, AND I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH YOU!
I hate how when a trans person comes out as a child they are ‘too young to know,’ and when a trans person comes out as a teen they are ‘just going through a phase/copying trends,’ and when a trans person comes out as an adult then ‘they can’t really be trans because they never shoWeD thE siGns.’ There’s no age to realize you’re trans, everyone accepts their identity at different rates and that’s valid. And there’s no age to transition either.
I hate how when you come out as trans cis people magically expect you to suddenly not look trans anymore. How they expect trans men after coming out to have perfectly flat chests and no curves, how they expect trans women to suddenly grow boobs and look feminine af, and how they expect non-binary people to look as androgynous as possible. All kinds of bodies are trans, and you don’t need to medically transition to be trans. Some trans folks don’t have surgery or HRT or anything at all for whatever reason, and they’re still valid.
I hate how some cis people will misgender us trans people no matter how well we pass the minute they find out we’re trans. A trans man can have a flat chest, a full grown beard and a deep voice and the minute someone finds out he’s trans he’s suddenly ‘really a woman.’ I hate how this misgendering of trans people is one of the reasons why so many of us (41%) have attempted suicide, myself included. And I hate how badly cis people deteriorate our mental health just by refusing to use our pronouns and real name instead of our deadnames.
I hate all of these things, and there are so many more... but yeah, that’s what I mean when I say I hate cis people. I don’t hate cis people individually, I hate cis people because as a class they are complicit in my oppression and the way they keep upholding society contributes to our extremely high rates of mental illness, depression, and suicide. I’ve tried to kill myself too many times to count exactly because of all of these things. So yeah, call me a cisphobe if you want. I’m just a trans person that’s fed up with the transphobia, cisnormativity and cissexism that is shoved down my throat every day.
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