#laurence please stop
rococospade · 1 year
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commission for @mrslittletall of her Laurence mourning his life and friends
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undefeatablesin · 4 months
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I have officially made 68 of these
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m0ose-idiot · 5 months
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The little ones were so excited to find another ghost living in the adjacent field! Unfortunately Maddocks just found them all profoundly, profoundly annoying, bless him 👻🤍🦡
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thiziri · 6 months
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Captain Tim Laurence at the Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge at Gleneagles, Scotland, on 01 July 1995.
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1dreamsareweird1 · 1 year
I'm a firm believer that Aphmau in MCD didn't have very healthy relationships with Garroth, Laurance, or Aaron (🤢🤮/hj)
Aphmau at the start of the original MCD series was someone completely different from the person she developed into by the end of it. She went from being this fun and curious person to someone way more mature and downcast. This is an understandable progression given the circumstances of her life. She shows up at a village with basically no knowledge of the world she's in and she decides to help the people of the village maintain it and make it flourish but as time goes on and she learns that the reality of the world she's in isn't kind to the majority of people and that if she wants to keep the people she knows and loves safe then she's going to have to do things that are dangerous and risk her life for that cause and she's willing to do so. And as time goes on and the people in the village gain sentience, especially Garroth because he's one of the only people she's actually able to depend on things get harder because they have their own personalities and lives that she has to learn about and take interest in.
Then she meets Laurance who isn't someone she's very fond of when she first meets him but when she needs help the most she knows that she can trust him to be there for her. When Laurance goes to the Nether she doesn't feel like she's failed a friend though. She actually doesn't care too much about it and all in all she doesn't exactly think about him a lot, of course she's concerned and thinks about going in the Nether to get him back she's passive in him being trapped there and trying to get him back. When it becomes a problem for her (When she saw him outside the old Lord's house with Levin) that's when she starts becoming more concerned because it could interfere with her life in a way she didn't expect. When Laurance escapes the Nether with the help of Ungurth and she sits with him I still don't see their relationship being friends exactly, it's more like she's talking to someone who's a subject of hers and who isn't really a person in the way that she perceives herself to be.
This continues until practically the end of season 1. Back to Garroth he's someone Aphmau can ally herself with but there's nothing in season 1 that really shows she thinks much of him even though he obviously has feelings for her. Then when he thinks he sees her and Laurance kissing in the woods, instead of supporting the fact that she might have found someone she loved (even though that was just an illusion) he goes ballistic. He stands with Zane during the war instead of the village he promised to protect with his life over petty jealousy, it takes Laurance to snap him out of it and by that time it's already too late and 15 years had already passed in the Overworld.
The village of Phoenix Drop had become a ruin and everyone was displaced as a result of Garroth not being able to face Aphmau and communicate with her. On the bright side this is now a time where Aphmau comes to see Laurance as a friend and someone she is able to find comfort in. But Aphmau is continuously screwed over in season 2, she's missed her children growing up and Phoenix Drop, a place that she put her life into is destroyed. Her life's work is gone and it was all for nothing, her old friends are scattered all over the region and she doesn't know what became of them. The worst part is she can't tell anybody about all of her worries. She has a whole group of people that have gone through the same thing as her but they have family and/or people who they can turn to.
Aphmau was someone in a place of power unlike most of the group that went to Irene's dimension and for her 15 years was only 15 minutes so she can't help but see them as people she needs to protect and help. This was not a natural sequence of events or her passing on her duties to Levin when he came of age this was something completely unexpected and world shattering for her. Nobody is able to sympathize with her except for Dante and Aaron. The problem with Dante is that he was going through his own problems shouldering protecting the entire village himself since the rest of the guards were basically young adults or teenagers and he needed someone to lean on. The person who became this was Aphmau because she was his old Lord and the person he knew and loved for over a decade despite her disappearance. Aaron was someone closed off but he knew exactly what he was feeling because he had felt the exact same way. That is ultimately why he was someone who could listen to her and help ease her fears. He wasn't a person who was great at comforting her but he could rationalize and offer suggestions based on his own experience of being a Lord.
Imo the relationship between the two of them should have stayed teacher and student but honestly even though they "got together" for a night in the woods that should've just been a one night stand I understand that there was a mutual respect between them but that wasn't love. They weren't a good pair at all because Aaron was someone with major problems and Aphmau kept crossing lines with him (I just really hate Aaron you guys 🗣️🔥🔥) . Back to their one night stand thing Laurance throws a tantrum when he finds out she's pregnant and releases TWO criminals that tried killing her and her sons and then he fled to the Nether to start a rebellion. The point is they might have worked out in early to mid season 2 but as time went on and Laurance was starting to feel the pull of a Shadow Knight and Aphmau needed stability and a partner she could rely on for that was when things started to go downhill (I actually really liked the tragic lover dynamic but I hated that pregnancy was the thing used to progress the story and make Laurance give in to the Shadow Knight pull. There were so many other ways to do it and it felt lazy because every single series is all Aaron, Aaron, Aaron give us a break from Jason's fursona for like 5 minutes please ☹️🔫)
Garroth stepped up and did what he should've done in the first place and took the time he needed but he didn't actively try and participate in Aphmau's murder which is a step up from last time. Then he took on the role of father figure for the two babies blah blah blah I'm getting bored. Anyways Aphmau should've stayed alone or found another dude to get with if all the boys stayed the same, Aaron sucked butt and MCD was ruined the second he was introduced and there was no hope for positive character growth when he came along because Jesson is notorious for making other love interests awful to make up for Aaron being dookie and to make him look better, that's all.
Also I loved Laurance so much in MCD, even though I said stuff about him he was a good character and I loved MCD mwah mwah
Also if there are any spelling errors I'm sorry lol
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mayra-quijotescx · 1 year
So I started making a "Eurovision and [national qualifier]' playlist for Finland just to see a little something (and to prepare for them winning in the future someday) and
even with only a fraction of songs to choose from compared to the Melodifestivalen slates (I'm using the en.wikipedia pages as guides), I'm having no trouble finding Bops In the Official Language. The Euroviisut ja UMK list is already ~50min long and I only just went back to 2017, and that's skipping all English-titled non-winners (and the 2022 entry perche sono un hater.) I should probably go back and listen to the English-titled entries too, to be fair.
Anyway, I continue to be frustrated that the Swedish music industry's response to the Eurovision juries' ongoing struggles with their own bad taste has been to lower their standards over and over instead of to let performers' creativity and style shine. You can't convince me that an entire country's worth of musicians is only capable of churning out weary ballads and songs that sound like they were written for commercials.
Finland playlist in the event of future Finland win
your neighborhood possum's ongoing battle to make a party-worthy Eurovision playlist for Sweden without going full retro
Throw it on shuffle for (hopefully) optimal results.
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grollow · 2 years
2, 7, 12, 28 / I am back again sorry <3 💀
homie pls
2. Do you have a favourite NPC?
Have a complicated answer. Dark Souls 1/3: Dark Sun Gwyndolin. Dark Souls 2: Raime, the Fume Knight. Elden Ring: Miquella the Unalloyed. Demon's Souls: Maiden Astraea. Bloodborne: The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst or Djura. Over-all: Raime, the Fume Knight.
7. Is there a boss you found strangely difficult?
s,jjkdsgjgsd okay. So. I started with Bloodborne, right? Then went to Elden Ring, then Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3. And of them all, only one boss has made me rage to the point of needing someone's help. Only one. And it's the FUCKING PURSUER. The first one. The boss form of it. Every other Pursuer is fine. But that first one's placement made me absolutely bonkers. Fuck Dark Souls II. Literally that boss is the reason I have hard feelings toward that game.
12. Are there any ships you enjoy? 
I am not a wildly big shipping person, but uh, I have one Dark Souls ship and it's highly cursed. I am a fan of Sulyvahn/Gwyndolin in a toxic, fucked up, horribly abusive relationship where one of them ends up getting fed to a sludge monster. Smile emoji. I'm brave enough to say this because the Souls community is less likely to cancel my ass over my problematic ships than some others. Ahahaha.
28. What’s your favourite variation of Patches?
I am convinced DS3 Patches is the same as DS1 Patches. Lapp's entire questline made me genuinely sad, though, so I'm gonna go with DS3 Patches for this reason. I'll always have a soft spot for Spideratches though, because he was my first encounter with the character. lol
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natailiatulls07 · 6 months
Can you do reader is Lando’s little sister and favourite but they barely see each other cause reader is at boarding school and she surprises him at the race. Also cameo of some other drivers too please.
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - Request above xo
Warning - Like one swear one
During her last year of primary education, Cisca and Adam both sat their youngest child down and discussed the possibility of boarding school. 
Both knew it would be hard for the whole family to separate. Yet they both also knew that it would make their lives a lot easier. 
With Landos up and coming career in motorsport racing and the rest of their children's careers also slowly building up, neither parent wanted to deprive or abandon Y/n. So with her agreement, they enrolled her into a well reviewed and well known boarding school a few miles out of Bristol. 
Laurence Crawford Boarding.
The first few days, of course she was homesick. Missing Lando more than anyone else in the family. Of course. But eventually Y/n made friends and was becoming more and more independent by the day.
“Hey Mum!” The young girl giggled down the phone. She was in her shared dorm with a few friends when Cisca called. “Annie! No stop! Ew!” 
Cisca took note of her daughter's divided attention, taking an easy guess that she was hanging out with a few friends. “Hi sweetheart, am I calling at a bad time?” Even though neither could see each other, she had a warm and proud smile on her face just thinking about how far Y/n has come.
The innocent giggle down the phone grew quieter and quieter. Y/n was walking away from her friends. “Sorry mum, yeah I can talk. We were just having a games night in my dorm…” Ciscas heart just warmed, happy that her youngest child was growing up and maturing.
“Oh no worries, go and hang out with your friends! Have fun!” And with a couple goodbyes and a ‘I love you’ between the two, Y/n was back hanging out with her friends. 
Unlike her younger years of boarding, Y/n hadn’t been home from school on the weekend in a long while. She couldn’t; especially with her exams quickly approaching, she was in her dorm studying and revising most  weekends.
This meant the youngest Norris hadn’t seen her family in a few weeks. Of course she had spoken to them but hadn’t been home since the end of January, and they all understood why. It was harder for some to swallow that pill - well harder for one person particularly e.g Lando.
The Silverstone grand-prix was just around the corner and all he wanted was for his youngest sister to be there. Yeah it was selfish but he missed her, to be far the last time the two saw each other was early January. He missed her so much.
“Are you sure you can’t just take the exam early and then come and support me?” His rough voice rang through Y/n's phone whilst she was highlighting her revision. Lando wasn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.
A gentle laugh followed by a sigh was heard from Y/ns side of the call. “I’m sorry Lan…I can’t ask them to move the exam, it’s against the rules of the exam board…”
She didn’t have an exam that week actually, she was lying. Y/n was going to be in Silverstone that sunday. It’s just that Lando didn’t know, oh no it was a surprise.
What he thought was happening was that everyone else from his immediate family would be there, except Y/n. 
Everyone was in on the surprise. All excited to see the pair reunited. Surprises were always one of the things the Norris family loved to do.
Y/n - Good luck today! I’ll be juggling revision and watching the race, I hope to hear our national anthem pleaseee  Lando - Thank you angel, don’t wear yourself out Y/n - I should tell you the same thing
Lando thought she’d be tucked away in her dorm room whilst they were texting back and forth. A vast contrast to her current location; in the passenger seat of Oliver's car. The sun was shining through the windshield and down over her bare knees.
Y/n was wearing a white summer dress, some comfortable trainers and her signed mclaren 4 cap. Looking ready to spend the day in the British summer sun supporting one of her older brothers. 
She was smirking. He really had no clue about this. “Okay so he thinks I’m still at school, oh my god I can’t wait!” 
With her gcses, Y/n hadn’t been to a race in a long time and she missed it; watching from her dorm was not the same. In her dorm, she didn’t get that real excitement that would course through her like it would in the McLaren garage.
Looking over to Oliver, he was also smirking. Just remembering how he had to deal with Landos sulking and the clear signs that Y/n was by far his favorite. “Yeah he’s gonna be so happy when he sees you!”
Once they arrived, Y/n was quietly escorted through the back way to the McLaren garage. They couldn’t have the press ruining the surprise. Luckily for Y/n, her spot in the garage couldn’t be seen from anywhere Lando would be.
She stood between her parents whilst her other three siblings stood on either side Cisca and Adam. “I’m so excited!” When she was handed her headset, the girl got even more excited because she could hear her brother's voice through the radio. 
He had yet to win his first grand prix and she hoped he would get to that top step of the podium, especially at his home race. And hopefully without him knowing she is here, he will focus on that exact outcome. 
It was a hard race, lots of action and stress. Something Y/n liked, she hated a boring race - this sport was about racing, not riding cars in the same positions in several circles. But the most important thing to note from this race was the number four McLaren parked in front of the number one place in Parc Ferme.
The papaya garage was very much in celebrations, including the Norris family. Turning to face her mother with tears in her eyes, she noticed how Cisca also had tears in her eyes. “He did! He did!”
Adam, who is also over the moon with the win, takes her hand and starts to lead her over to the Parc Ferme to surprise the driver. Reaching the Parc Ferme they stand waiting amongst the McLaren staff and up against the barriers.
Lando pulls himself out of the car and makes his way to celebrate with his team. It’s only when he moves to give Adam a hug that he notices his little sister and he gasps. 
“Y/n?” He can’t believe his eyes, he thought she was back in her boarding school revising. 
Immediately the driver breaks from his father's embrace and races to collect Y/n in his arms. The two siblings were laughing and crying together. Finally reunited after a long time, in their opinions. 
After a few seconds, Lando moves to collect her face in his hand gently - trying to see if his eyes are deceiving him, they weren’t. “I thought you had an exam!” He shouts over the cheers around the two of them. 
Y/n just smirks cheekily and shakes her head. “Nope! Surprise!” Soon her smirk turns into a groan when Landos hand moves to mess up her hair, laughing breaking out between them once again. 
Everyone saw. The cameras around Parc Ferme all broadcasting the reuniting of two siblings who just missed each other. “You’re such a little shit!”
Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n smiled. “Everyone was in on it! Our family loves a surprise!” So when Lando turned to look at his father, Adam just nodded - Happy to reunite two of his children.
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lixzey · 1 year
ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ, ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴍɪɴᴇ !
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hi, my name's ellie and welcome to my blog!
i just started writing on this platform last september 2023. i've been writing fics since i was twelve (yes, it was cringe) on wattpad. i would love to read your feedback, or be friends! my inbox is always open for anything 🫶🏻
anyway, here's some lil facts about me:
i'm 21 years old • she/her • filo-canadian • enfp • libra baby • mother of a four year old girl • a gryffindor child of aphrodite • has adhd and wears glasses • has photographic memory • loves writing (obvi), music, and reading
- i live in the philippines, so pls bear with me. i try to be awake the whole night so i can post when most of my followers are awake
- as i've mentioned, i am a mother to a four year old. so when i get delays in posting, blame her (lol pls don't blame my kid)
- pls don't be rude to me :( i cry at the simplest things :( so hate will definitely be deleted.
xoxo, el 💘
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ divider by @saradika-graphics
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‼️All of my works are purely fictional and are intended for entertainment only. I do have a wattpad account of the same username (lixzey_), but I haven't posted anything that I have written there aside from one. Please do not repost any of my works on any other site. ‼️
The Story of Us - In which you are Timothée Chalamet's high school sweetheart. After a messy break up ten years ago, Timothée is Hollywood's it boy, while you are a rising star. The two of you will star in a new movie, what could possibly go wrong?
Letters - One day Timothée receives a package from someone unknown: a basket of eighteen letters. Letters from a girl named y/n. A mysterious fan who poured her heart out in her letters and is trying to fix herself. As Timothée begins to read, and the letters begin to run out, he finds himself falling for this girl.
Until one day he stopped reading.
Because she stopped writing.
Can't Help Falling In Love - In which two strangers accidentally get married.
Forever Yours
Heart to Heart
My Girl
The Girl With Hair Longer Than Rapunzel
24 Hours
Bride for Rent
The Unknown Number
Bad idea, right?
Catching Feelings
Over and Over Again
Angel Eyes
Risk It All
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Foolish Ones - Theodore Laurence
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Wonka
Choices - Paul Atreides
Against All Odds - Hal [The King, 2019]
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STAND ALONE `✦ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹
• Rising Star
• Daddy's Angels
• More Than Words 🔥
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THE MARAUDERS `✦ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹
James Potter
• Almost A Love Story
• Must Be Love
• To All The Boys I've Loved Before
• Once Upon A December
• Me Before You
Regulus Black
• Monster Among Men
• To The Moon and Back
• Protego Maxima
• Forever and Always
Remus Lupin
• Professor, Professor
• Head Over Heels
• Seven Minutes to Forever
• Timeless
Sirius Black
• Golden
• The Name of The Game
• If Only
• Safe and Sound
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Luke Castellan
• Serendipity
• Sincerely, yours
• Lovelorn
• Late night cravings
• blood runs thicker than water
Leo Valdez
• leo valdez x dionysus!reader headcannons, friends to lovers
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redfoxwritesstuff · 25 days
Misdemeanor of the Heart (Chapter 12) Human Alastor x Married Reader
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Chapter Trigger Warnings: Domestic violence
AN: I'm sorry for the delay, I've been sick since Thursday and most of today. Please accept a 5k word chapter in exchange for being a day late.
(optional fucking off AN): I did try to quickly edit it quickly for posting today but alas, my illness quickly slipped out of control and I quickly slipped into a four hour nap and my condition quickly slipped worse. We must spare a moment of thanks to @redvexillum for quickly slipping in and quickly plunging her fingers into MisD's raw core. This is how I repay her.
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers!
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
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The couch was uncomfortable under you. Was it the couch or the way you sat with your back straight and teetering  on the edge of the seat? Emotions curdled in your stomach, settling in a ball you struggled to identify as anything more than an overwhelming feeling of dread as you watched Laurence slip on his coat. 
For the majority of the week, your husband had hardly been home. At first, it was a welcome reprieve. You took solace in the peace and safety of having the home to yourself in the evenings. You made simple, small dinners that you enjoyed and didn’t require much clean up. The radio kept you company, the rich tenor of Alastor’s voice carrying through the house as you cooked and cleaned.
When Laurance wasn’t home, he wasn’t hitting you. When he was away, he wasn’t desecrating your body for his own carnal pleasures, leaving you sore and broken from serving your wifely duties. When he was away, you could eat to your heart’s content without his biting remarks about how much you ate and didn’t eat. You could indulge without having to hear his cruel excuses about why he refused to let you update your wardrobe to stay on top of the latest fashion trends.
How nice it was to have the house to yourself did nothing to change the simple fact that him spending so much time away from your marital home didn’t sit right with you. It was a wife’s protection to have her husband present in the evening. His absence left you vulnerable, even though his presence had its own danger, at least it was familiar and predictable. 
“Where are you going?” The question was out before you could stop it. You feared you already knew the answer, but what harm was there in letting him lie to you?
“Got a business meeting,” Laurence said despite not being dressed for a business meeting.  He looked too casual for that, open collar and sweater vest clinging to him, highlighting the frame that had once been nothing but muscle but now held a layer of softness.
It reminded you of how he looked when he would take you out to dinner during the courting days For a business meeting, he would wear a meticulously pressed suit, his hair perfectly styled, and every detail about him polished to a shine. 
“Is that so?”  It wasn’t your intention to question him but the murmured words were out before you could stop them. It wasn’t a wife’s place to question her husband’s whereabouts or his business. Stay home. Take care of the home. Raise babies when they come along. Don’t ask questions. 
Long strides took him across the room before you had a chance to soften your words or make yourself scarce. He loomed in front of you, reaching out quickly and for a moment, a panic you had never felt before flooded your body as his hand wrapped around your neck and squeezed. 
Laurence inflicted countless horrors on you throughout your marriage. He’d violated you against your will, used your body while you slept. He’d taken you against your will, he’d taken your body in your sleep. He’d struck you and thrown you, filling your days with screams and pain. But through all that, one thing he had never done was make you truly fear for your life - until now. 
“It’s not your place to question me,” Laurence reminded you, squeezing. Your hands reached out, wrapping around his arm as your eyes widened. Gasping breaths struggled to push through the constriction of his hand. Your heartbeat drummed against your ears, beating rapidly from the adrenaline that flooded your body as Laurence ensured your eyes had nowhere to look but at him. “Unless you want to piss me off again. Is that what you want, sweet thing?” 
“No, Laurence.” Your voice trembled as his grip slowly loosened around your neck while his lips curled into a sadistic smirk.
His thumb caressed your jaw as his smile suddenly softened. Leaning in, he closed the final gap between you. He pressed a sickly sweet, mocking kiss to your lips, a cruel imitation of the stolen kisses lovestruck girls would dream about.You had never understood the desire to have the lips of another on you. You were thankful when he pulled away and his hand completely dropped from your neck.
Laurence reached into his pocket, pulling his wallet free. It was a crisp leather billfold. It was newer, a recent gift from his father before he had passed. His final gift to your budding family was leaving Laurence, his only son, the family business. The clinking of coins was loud, almost louder than the heartbeat still thundering in your ears as he moved coins around, hunting for a few quarters.
“Here,” he grabbed your hand, turning it palm up after slipping his wallet back into his pocket. The weight of the coins settled into your palm and he curled your fingers around them, touch soft. It was nothing like the harsh way he had been grabbing you just minutes prior. 
“Don’t lose them,” he teased you softly. The smile on his face and the tone of the teasing had reminded you of the hopes and dreams you held in the past, when you were little more than a girl dreaming about what married life would be like. You could see the young man, hardly more than a boy himself sitting between his parents on the other side of the table from you and yours, looking at you with curiosity and hope. Was this what that young man had thought married life would have been like?  “Buy yourself something nice. Treat yourself.” 
“Okay,” you said as you watched him turn, making his way out of your marital home. A small voice in the back of your mind screamed that he was going to the bed of another even though you dedicated your life to being a good wife for him, taking beatings and affection without complaint. You took everything he gave you without complaint in the name of being a good wife. You silenced that voice, strange and out of place though it was. It was just a business meeting. Nothing more. Just a casual business meeting. 
It was like you were frozen in place as you waited for the sound of the car leaving the driveway. The memory of the kind man with sweet words you had met a lifetime ago warred with the still too fresh feeling of his hand around your neck.
As the engine faded in the distance, you finally stood and made your way over to the small table that held your purse. There was nearly nothing in it at the moment, it was a few more days until he would give you the money for the week’s shopping. The quarters clinked together as you dropped them into the small coin purse, rattling against a few pennies.
It would be nice to go out, you told yourself as you absently rubbed your hand against your neck, trying to rub away the memory of Laurence’s hand constricting around it. It wasn’t like he had squeezed that hard, you told yourself as you walked through the house, shoes echoing with each step. It startled you, that was all. You overreacted, you told yourself as you stepped out of the back door and onto the porch.
The absence of sun didn’t mean you were taking the day off washing. The air was cool but the clothes would dry just the same, as long as the rain held off, that was. First you would finish scrubbing the smear of pink off Laurence’s collar, ink he assured you, and then you would head to the pharmacy.  
The pink smudge on his collar screamed liar. It screamed that he was lying to you. It screamed that you were lying to yourself. 
It was just ink, he told you. Paint. Don’t be daft. . 
Don’t be a silly woman. 
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Heavy clouds covered the sky for as far as you could see and the chill of early spring was biting in the air. If you were unlucky, they could mean rain for you but their light color told you it was doubtful, though not impossible. 
Excitement sparked in your chest, spreading through you as you saw a familiar mop of brown hair on an imposing figure. He looked tall and lean, even wrapped up in a long coat that would leave other men looking softer and wider.  
“Alastor!” You called out to him, waving your arm over your head to catch his attention. 
He turned toward you, his smile radiant and welcoming, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that way that made your breath catch. You hurried to his side, heart racing, though you had managed to maintain some semblance of composure despite the way you had called out to him on the street. It was something you’d normally never do, it drew attention. You had to remind yourself to walk, not run, no matter how much you longed to close the distance. 
What would people say?
“Darling! Lovely to see you.” Alastor greeted you, his warm smile making your pulse quicken, though you couldn’t understand why.  “What are you up to today?”
“Just finished at the pharmacy.” 
“And what’s next for your adventures of the day?” Alastor motioned for you to join him, walking down the sidewalk together. He kept himself between you and the street, ensuring you were shielded from traffic and the dangers that they could pose. There was nothing his presence could do to stop a car going off the road but he was far less likely to be overlooked than you. 
It was strange how the same action Laurance would do felt different coming from Alastor. Why was that? Was it the way he rested his hand on your back, ensuring you felt secure? When his hand would drop, he would take your hand and tuck it around his arm. Somehow, he was always connected to you, not just walking alongside you but walking with you. 
“Probably nothing,” you confessed before remembering, “Oh!”
“Oh?” Alastor mimicked the sound though it did not sound mocking coming from him as it would have if Laurance had done it. There was something about him that put you at ease. Perhaps it was his smile? 
You pulled your coin purse out and fished out two dimes. Again, propriety slipped your mind as you grabbed his hand, turning it palm up. His hand was warm in yours. The coins clinked against each other as you softly dropped them into his much larger palm.“I still owe you for how you took care of me.” 
“It’s unnecessary,” Alastor offered you the coins back, however you just pushed his hand back. “Helping pick the curtains was more than enough.” 
“Then to pay you back for the handkerchief,” Alastor could see that you were not going to let this go. The pace had slowed as you both gave each other near total attention.
“Please? I would feel better about it if you took it. I,” you hesitated, “I don’t want there to be any debt between us.” 
“If it’ll put your heart at ease,” Alastor smiled at you as he let the coins fall into his breast pocket. 
“It’ll put my mind at ease,” you corrected him, marveling at the fact that you felt safe enough with him to do so. If you had dared to do the same to Laurance you would have been swiftly reprimanded. It wasn’t a woman’s place to correct a man. If you were unlucky, it would be a painful lesson that would leave bruises healing over a few days. 
“That too,” Alastor’s smile twitched a bit higher. “I have a suggestion, rather than going straight home and wasting away as a lonely housewife, how about you and I pass some time? Or is he waiting for you?” There was a tone to the way he said ‘he’, refusing to say your husband’s name as if speaking of him more directly than necessary was poison or would ruin the day. 
“That wouldn’t be proper.” You pulled your lower lip between your teeth, feeling the twinge of pain as hard teeth grazed over a still healing split you hadn’t realized was still present. 
“So, he’s waiting for you?” Alastor looked at you, eyebrow raised. 
“No,” you admitted and his smile grew wider, beaming at you. 
“Wonderful, let’s get coffee.”
Your eyes grew wide as you looked around. It would be bad enough to be seen walking together so closely, you realized but to be overheard making plans? You couldn’t agree, this was already far too much risk. Temptation to agree wrapped around your heart. “Alastor, someone could see.” 
“Nonsense, the alley is just ahead. My car isn’t too far. You can wait for me, I’ll grab it, swing by for you and we’ll be off.” Alastor motioned toward an alleyway ahead.
“Just tuck yourself into the alleyway and you can jump in the car when I pull up.” He snapped his fingers, emphasizing his perfect plan, “I know a hole in the wall joint on the other side of the city. We can sit out of view, have a cup of coffee and pass some time. I can drop you off on my way to the station.” 
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You hesitated as Alastor held the car door open for you. This wasn’t the best part of the city. Trash gathered, swept into the corners and against the curb by wind. People wearing tattered clothes milled about, some clearly intoxicated. Poverty colored everything, from the people to the buildings and yet the sound of children’s laughter carried down the street, reminding you that there was joy everywhere if you were just willing to see it. 
That didn’t make you hesitate any less when it came time to step out of the car. Eyes flitted around, trying to reassure yourself that you would be safe. Would someone run up and snatch your coin purse? Could you blame them when it looked like many of the people were rubbing pennies together?
“It’s alright,” Alastor’s fingers wiggled as he held his hand out for you. “There’s no one around here who would tattle to him about where you are or who you’re with. They’ve all got bigger things to worry about.”
“Is it safe?” After a moment more of hesitation, you offered him your hand, letting him enclose it in his. He steadied you as you braved stepping out of the car. 
“Of course, my dear! I’d never take you somewhere I wouldn’t be able to assure your safety.” Alastor tucked your hand around his arm as he led you from the car. Your heart pounded in your chest, only speeding up when his arm would brush your shoulder as you walked closely together as your simple heels clicked along the sidewalk along with his polished shoes. 
Part of it was fear. Part of it was something you couldn’t name. Maybe you could, if you let yourself think on it for longer but you were not sure if you wanted to. You were married. This was improper, yes, but it was still just a coffee shared between friends. 
The hinges of the door squeaked loudly, screaming in pain from years of lackluster maintenance as Alastor opened it. He held the heavy door open and ushering you inside with a hand on your back, just a bit too low to be proper. Was it intentional or accidental? Did it matter? Why did you care?
His hand remained on your back as he guided you to the counter. It was a small, informal cafe with lively talking filling the air. Most of the small tables were filled with people, talking, reading newspapers but almost all with a cup in front of them. It had a neighborhood feel that transcended social and financial class lines but lacked the suffocating weight of eyes found in your local cafes. 
“What would you like?” Alastor leaned into you as he spoke, shoulder brushing against yours, breath washing over your cheek and down your neck. Closing your eyes, you tried to ignore the feelings that were trying to spark to life within you. “Are you hungry? The beignets here are wonderful.”
“Oh no, I’ll just get coffee.” There was a tremble to your voice that you couldn’t understand. You didn’t want it there. You wanted to sound cool, calm and confident. There was no reason for Alastor to get to you as much as he did and even less reason to let him find out that he was. 
Alastor stepped up to the counter, keeping his hand on your back. You could swear that you felt it run a little lower down the small of your back as his attention was focused forward. Or was that your imagination? 
“Alastor!” As Alastor reached for the bell, the door to the kitchen burst open in a flurry, a woman with a curly crop of graying hair and rich dark skin carrying a tray of confections. “It’s been a minute since you’ve been around these parts.”
“I drive through these parts every day, Delores.” His voice was different talking with the woman, you realized. The showy transatlantic accent was softer, just a smidge and his words were lighter.
“And now you bring a pretty little thing on your arm? Oh, and she is a darling, isn’t she?” The woman may have been around for a few years but she was as sharp as ever, Alastor was pleased to see. It had been a while since he had stopped in, though as a young man he had frequented this cafe. 
“Oh, thank you, ma’am but-” 
Alastor’s voice cut you off, “Two coffees, Dee?” He held up two fingers as if his order was confusing before pointing at the steaming pastries on the tray. “Those fresh?” 
You could have protested being spoken over but instead simply let his words wash over your ears. It was strange to hear him now, his voice warmer and richer. Whatever this place was to Alastor, it was a place he felt secure enough to just be in, even a little. 
“Of course they’re fresh, boy.” Delores laughed, swatting Alastor’s shoulder with a towel. “Ya want some too?” 
“Of course,” Alastor laughed and it was lighter, “Two?” 
“One for you and one for your lady.” Dolores made quick work of setting the tray down and putting pastries in baskets. 
Alastor pulled the coins you had given him from his pocket and set them on the counter as Dolores worked. His hand dropped from your back as he pulled the wallet from his pocket. From his wallet he added a few more pennies and you realized with a flash of annoyance that he was paying for you both and using the coins you had given him to even your debt to do so. 
“Hey, wait a minute,” you rushed to grab your own coin purse. He didn’t wait for you in the slightest as he pushed the coins across the counter, ignoring your attempts to cover your half. 
“That was supposed to pay you back.” You protested as Delores took the coins, eyebrow raised and a slight smile on her face. She told you both to go sit down and wait rather than do anything to allow you a moment to cover your share of the bill. “Now I owe you again.” 
Alastor guided you, soft pressure on your lower back constantly keeping you connected to him as he led you away from the counter. You wanted to argue, to continue to protest but what good would it do? All it would do is cause a scene.
“Oh, no.” Alastor pulled out a chair for you, finally letting his hand drop from your back. He grinned at you, eyes dancing with mirth as you sat in the chair. “Whatever will we do. I guess that just means you’ll have to see me again.” 
“Alastor?” You wanted to ask him what game it was that he was playing. You wanted to ask him if he knew how he was acting. Did he know the way it looked? Any of the people here could look at the two of you and see you as a couple. He made it so easy for anyone to assume you belonged to him. Did he care at all about that? Did he care how the idea tried to worm its way into your heart? 
“What’s on your mind, dear?” Alastor’s warm brown eyes looked into you from across the table. In another lifetime, maybe this could have been your life. In another lifetime, maybe what everyone saw looking at the two of you could be true. 
“You know, Al-” Delores came up to the table, drawing attention before you had a chance to make a fool of yourself in the moment. She carried two mugs, hanging off her fingers with practiced expertise, a pot of coffee and two plates with beignets covered in powdered sugar in her other hand. “You two make a handsome couple. She’s a bit bright, you know, and well dressed but she must not be too bad if you got her on your arm.”
“Oh,” a flush climbed up your neck and face as you realized the misunderstanding. 
“You know, your dear Ma would be proud to know you finally married.” Dolores was all but beaming with pride at Alastor as she filled the coffee mugs. 
Oh. It was worse than you thought. 
You blanched, looking to Alastor with panic in your eyes. This had to be explained, corrected, somehow but you were at a loss how. Anyone could overhear such a bold statement and it could get around town. If you told the truth, right here and now to this kind woman, wouldn’t that look too much like an affair? 
“We’re only friends, Dee.” Alastor said with ease, as if he wasn’t digging your grave. 
“That so?” The older woman looked pointedly at the ring on your hand. Her eyes on it made the band feel more and more like a shackle as you covered it with your other hand. “Well, we’re not ones to talk around here, missy. What you two get up to and your so called friendship is between you and the Good Lord Above.” She flicked her hand up, waving away some unseen force for emphasis. “We got bigger things to worry about ‘round this neighborhood so don’t you get to fretting.” 
“We’re not-” You tried to protest.
Delores cut you off with a warm smile of her own, “It don’t matter to me. I just want to see that boy not alone for once, even if it’s just for a while.”
“It’s fine,” Alastor said simply as Delores walked off. “She’ll think what she thinks but she’s not one to talk.”
“You know her well?” You refocused your attention on him, only to dart your eyes down. It was too much to meet his gaze. It was easier to take in the scuffed and scratched table top and the swirl of the cream you poured into your mug. 
“Grew up around here.” Alastor had his transatlantic accent once again perfectly in place as he watched you. You could feel the heat of his eyes on you, burning into you. “I know how these people are, no one will talk. Plus, we’re just getting coffee and Mrs. Dee does make the best beignets.” 
“She thinks we’re…” you were scared to even voice what the kindly woman thought. “And that doesn’t bother her? Or you?”
Alastor shrugged and pushed the small plate closer to you. “You should try it, it’s lovely with coffee.” He was silent for a moment, taking a long drink from his still very black mug of coffee before speaking again. “Dee would look the other way if it’s what I wanted. Maybe not approve but she’d look the other way.” 
You ripped off a piece of pastry and shoved it into your mouth. It was the only thing you could think to do to keep words you shouldn’t, couldn’t say from tumbling from your lips. Sweetness exploded on your tastebuds, washed away by bitter coffee as you forced down the question that almost rushed past your lips: did he want that?
It was silly. Pointless. Don’t be a silly woman. You were just getting swept up in a fantasy. He was a friend and that was enough. A friend was more than you could ever dare to have hoped for. There was nothing wrong with having a male friend, you were sure, beyond appearances so why did you feel your heart beating faster? Why did your face flush so easily?  
“Is she close to your mother?” You asked instead, stealing a glance at the woman behind the counter. You had so many questions about her and her connection to your new friend. “You were right, by the way, this is lovely indeed.” 
Alastor’s lips twitched up, mouth opening slightly before closing again as he hesitated. You could see the gears turning in his head as he weighed if he wanted to answer. There were things he held back from people, you could have guessed that. A man like him, walking the line of too dark to be a welcomed member of polite society would have things kept to himself. 
“They were close for as long as I can remember,” he finally said, “Right up until she passed. Dee’s been like an aunt to me, regardless of if I wanted it.” He chuckled though it sounded dry, forced.
“She’s passed?” Reaching out, you rested your hand over his. Though you didn’t know the pain of losing a parent, it was etched on his face. His smile fell for a moment, lips twitching down and his eyebrows furrowed and then the smile he seemed to always wear was back in place. “I’m so sorry.” 
He looked down and a single eyebrow rose as he looked at your much smaller hand atop his. Instantly you realized the move was too much. Reaching out to hold his hand was too forward. That was something limited to female friends, family or your husband. 
You pulled your hand away quickly, as if the touch burned you as you looked away from him. He caught your hand as your fingers dragged down his, preventing you from making any real distance. It was his turn to be forward, weaving his fingers between yours.
“I miss her dearly,” he admitted, “She never stopped pushing me to make something of myself, to not let my blood limit me.” 
“She’d be proud of you,” you had no doubt at all of your words. Alastor’s smile, soft but bright, told you how much such a thought meant to him. 
“For some things.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked as Alastor popped a chunk of sugary beignet into his mouth. You couldn’t help but watch as his mouth worked, sugar dusted on his lips. 
“Not everything I’ve done is things that would have made her proud.” Alastor finally said, washing the sugary treat down with a sip from his mug.
“I can’t imagine the great radio host doing anything that would make his mother feel anything less than pride.” 
Alastor only laughed, a knowing glint in his eye before changing the subject to you and your childhood. As you sat, talking in that dingy cafe one cup of coffee became two, though eventually he did allow you to take your fingers back. 
While he hadn’t been willing to offer much of his life  story, what he would share fascinated you. You couldn’t imagine being raised without both parents with the bayou stretching out behind your home. He had come so far and found himself an informal family to make up for the lack of family connections. 
All the while, he didn’t make you feel ashamed for your much more comfortable upbringing. He listened attentively as you spoke of lessons and expectations that all resulted in your arranged match with the much more well off Laurence.
“If you don’t love him, why did you marry him?” Alastor asked and you were struck by the thought. Never had you questioned if you loved Laurence or not, you just expected that you did because you should and if you didn’t, you would. 
“I- I do love him?” A snort of disapproval came from across the table. “Why wouldn’t I love him? He’s my husband.” 
“If you say so.” Alastor smiled at you like you were the only one not in on the joke. 
“I do say so,” You protested as Alastor stood from the table, offering his hand to assist you out of the chair. It wasn’t needed but you indulged in the chance to touch him again. 
“I’m not sure,” Alastor admitted as his hand took up its guiding presence on your lower back while you walked to the door. “But I’m told love is something magical that can solve the world’s ills and if you have it, even for a moment, you’d risk anything for it. I don’t recall anyone singing the praises of the beatings one delivers on those they love though.”
“Maybe we’ve been told different things” you said, a hollow laugh escaping your lips, the sound shattering like glass in your own ears. “Your idea of love sounds like a child’s story I’ll never get to experience because it’s not real.” 
“Who says you won’t?” Alastor smiled down at you before looking up, focusing on bringing you safely to his car. As promised, he needed to deliver you home before it was too late and he would, though he was far from eager to be rid of your company. 
Oh well, he thought as he settled you into the passenger seat. There would be other times. He would ensure that he got to spend more time with you later. It would just be a matter of time. 
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AN2: A note on word choice- I've spent way too much time on 1920's slang and phrases. Calling someone 'bright' in relation to another person was often how one would subtibly remark on differences of skin tone. While this is a Reader insert, by nature of social and class standing, it is needed that reader have some traits to be historically accurate. This is what Dee is remarking on, not Reader's brains.
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dazed--xx · 6 months
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Summary: I've spent all of the love I saved. We were always a losing game, Small town Girl(boy) in a big arcade, I got addicted to a losing game. Oh,Oh.All I know, all I know……Loving you is a losing game
Member: Felix x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, Bet Au!, depressing thoughts, lack of communication, childish behavior, Avoiding S/O, mentions of sex, bullying, denial
Word Count: 2.1K
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A broken heart is all that's left. I'm still fixing all the cracks. Lost a couple of pieces when I carried it, carried it, carried it home….I'm afraid of all I am; My mind feels like a foreign land. Silence ringing inside my head; Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home
The smell of coffee filled the air as you sat quietly in the cafe, waiting for your boyfriend with his friends. You listened as they teased each other back and forth as you pulled out your phone sending a quick text to Felix.
Hey, when are you getting here?
You place your phone on the table as a redheaded girl, whom you believe was your boyfriend’s friend Changbin’s girlfriend. Your eyes widen as she begins to take selfies on your phone as she speaks “You're so quiet, Do you talk at all?” She asks as you reach for your phone. “Y-yeah…can I have my phone back?” you ask nervously, the girl ignores you as you look at her in disbelief. “So…” She trails giving the brunette girl beside her a mischievous smirk “You and Felix have been dating for a while right?”
You nod, “Yeah? Almost a year.” your voice is shy and hesitant. Why is she asking? You thought to yourself. “Is he, you know…..as good as the rumors say?” the brunette girl asks with a glint in her eye you couldn't place. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion “What do you mean??” you ask innocently. The redhead snorts as she looks away from you covering her mouth as the brunette smacks her friend's arm playfully. “Is he like, good in bed?” The brunette asks suggestively, being sure to keep her voice lowered. You shake your head panickedly. “We-Weve never—I never—Im a…” you stammer nervously.
The two girls look at each other and begin to laugh hysterically; clutching each other's hands they continue to laugh and laugh. An overwhelming sense of embarrassment fills your gut. Why are they laughing? Was it embarrassing to still be a virgin at your age? “Felix is so losing this, I don't know why he was so confident” The redhead snickers to her friend. Losing? “Losing what?” you ask innocently. The girls' laughing stops, their eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “What do you mean?” She asks with a confused pout. You look at her bewildered. “What do you mean? What is Felix going to lose?”
“The bet of course?” The redhead states matter-of-factly. You laugh awkwardly as you scratch the nape of your neck. “What are you talking about? What bet?” your voice is just above a whisper as the brunette girl sighs “Felix made a bet with the guys that he could get you to go out with him and give him your virginity within a year” There was a hint of amusement in her tons as she spoke. You felt your heart shatter in your chest as you felt tears build in your eyes.
“T-That's not funny…”
“Who said I was joking?” The brunette responds harshly “Be in denial about it all you want but, once your delusion clears up you'll actually notice all the signs. Why else would Felix talk to someone like you? Let alone date them?” She crosses her arms over her chest “Don't feel bad about it, just make him lose the bet at one year then he'll dump you and you'll never have to talk to him again….and you can say you dated someone WAY out of your league so,” the redhead chimes coldly. You sat frozen in your seat for a moment as the redhead handed you back your phone. The two girls give you mischievous smirks as you lift yourself from your seat. You feel your phone buzz with a message from Felix.
So clingy😒…Ill be there soon
Your heart sinks into your stomach; not wanting to see him any longer you walk out of the cafe with your phone in one hand and bag in the other. Your mind raced as you rushed out of the door. Everything you thought you had known about your relationship was a lie.
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I've spent all of the love I've saved, We were always a losing game. Small-town girl (boy) in a big arcade I got addicted to a losing game……
It had been three weeks since that painful day in the cafe. Your heart had yet to recover. Felix had reached out a few times, completely and utterly confused by your grand disappearing act. The night you had learned the truth about your relationship with Felix. Puzzle pieces began to come together. You had never understood why Felix had treated you so differently than he did with his friends. While you were falling in love with Felix, he was counting down the days until his little game was over. You felt disgusting and nauseous knowing that not only were you used as a pawn in some sexist game but you weren't even seen as a person with feelings when it came to those who made the bet. The longer Felix pretended to love you the more anger boiled in your gut.
You had fled back home to Gimhae; deciding to take a few weeks to yourself to figure things out. As the time ticked on you felt more and more irritated as you found yourself doing exactly what the two girls who so rudely exposed the truth wanted. Your leg shook in frustration as you felt yourself growing more and more angry.
Angry at those two girls….
Angry at Felix…..
Angry at yourself….
How could you not be? It was obvious like the girls said. Every time you held his hand, he'd allow his to sit loosely in yours. His kisses were always hesitant and seemed forced. His smile never fully reached his eyes when you were alone.
How could you have been so stupid?
Felix stared at his phone with furrowed eyebrows as his friends Jisung and Minho played video games. His leg was shaking as he hoped to see the messages he'd sent you go from delivered to seen. He was so confused when he walked into the cafe 3 weeks ago and you were nowhere to be seen. He'd asked Changbin’s and Hyunjin’s girlfriends of your whereabouts but they shrugged him off explaining you said something came up and then left. He hasn't heard from you since. He knew you were still physically okay from your posts on social media but, he hadn't heard your voice or seen you for weeks.
Felix felt drained, wishing you'd breathe life into him as you once did. He didn't know what caused you to suddenly go AWOL but for some reason, he felt anxious. Why weren't you responding to him? Felix nibbled on his bottom lip in frustration as he lifted himself from the couch, walking into his bedroom he pressed the call button on the top right of the chat. His heart races as he hears the call trying to connect.
One ring… Felix paces around his room nervously as two, three, and four rings go by. He groans as he ends the call losing hope of you answering.
Why weren't you talking to him?
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Do you love me, or love me not? Peeling pieces from my heart And my rose-colored lens is gone Still I carry, I carry, I carry on
When you chose to return home you found yourself feeling lighter. While you've chosen to accept the truth, you also chose not to contact Felix right away. You had spent a little over a month in Gimhae, missing major lessons in your chosen field of study. Opting to prioritize catching up academically; once you arrived back in Seoul you quickly dropped off your bags and made your way to SNU for your 10 am lecture. What you hadn't anticipated was Felix showing up to his lecture for the first time in a while.
You quickly tried to avoid his gaze as you passed him on the quad. Your heart raced as you power-walked toward your building entrance. You were no more than two long strides from freedom when you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. “Y/N…” that familiar deep voice called “Where have you been?” Felix asked confusion lacing his tone. You pull your arm from his grip “I went to see my parents” you state offhandedly looking away from him. “You randomly disappeared for a month, because you wanted to see your parents? Without saying anything to me about it or contacting me during that whole time?” He grits trying to contain his anger.
“Yeah, so?”
Felix scoffs “So?! You're fucking kidding me right?” his eyebrows are scrunched together as he contorts his face into a scowl. His arms cross over his chest; you give him a bored expression. “No? I don't really see the problem” you run your fingers through your hair as you shift on your feet. “Don't act like an oblivious idiot, Y/N. Why wouldn't disappearing on your boyfriend for a month be a problem?” Felix growls and you scoff in return “Don't act like you're really my boyfriend, Lee Yongbok” Your tone is full of venom.
Felix gives you a look of confusion and bewilderment. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!” He exclaims as he clenches his fists at his sides. You shake your head “Nothing. Forget it.” you grit turning to walk toward the door. Felix holds you in place by your wrist as he steps in front of you. “No, you seem like you have a lot to say all of a sudden. Like you're not wrong for at least answering one of my calls!”
“Stop pretending to give a shit! I know! I know about your disgusting bet! I know about how you need to sleep with me before a year is up! I know that this is a game for you! So just stop!” you snap.
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I don't need your games, game over; Get me off this roller-coaster…..Ooh, ooh…..All I know, all I know…..
Felix felt all the blood drain from his face. His heart stopped as your words rang through his ears. No…No…That can't be true….please, don't let this be true.. Felix thought. His blood ran cold and it felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water over his head. “Y-Y/N, L-Let me explain….” He states, his voice almost inaudible he takes a step toward you. His heart cracks when you take a step back and look away from him. “N-No….Please, you weren't supposed to ever know about this. Please let me explain” He pleads.
You shake your head “Honestly, I don't care about an explanation from you. Nothing you say would matter to me at this point.”
Felix feels his resolve crumble at those words “Y-You don't mean that…” He states in disbelief “Y-you love me…you can't possibly mean that.” you scoff at his words “You really think I'm stupid enough to still love you after finding out the disgusting reason you asked me out in the first place?” Tears fill Felix's eyes as he stares at you with a pleasing expression. “It's not like that….please I-I know you still love me. I can make this right, I-I can fix this….” he caresses your cheek as he stares into your eyes. You look at him in disbelief “You can't ‘fix’ this. It's broken and done with.”
A devastating cry is released from Felix’s throat “Y/N….i-it can't be, please. I-I just need one chance, I love you I'm sorry; I shouldn't—I shouldn't have made the bet…but, it's how we got together s-so, please I-if you can overlook this one mistake…” he looks at you with hopeful eyes and you return his gaze with a glare. Some nerve…you think to yourself. “What? You want to keep playing this fucking game with me? I don't want to ‘overlook this one mistake’ because it's not a fucking mistake. You manipulative, gaslighting fuck. You have your head shoved so far up your own ass you don't hear how stupid you sound. I'm breaking up with you. The game’s over, I won't continue to lose because I love you. I'm done being your fucking puppet.” you growl before you walk around him, bumping into him with your shoulder as you pass him. Opening the door you enter the building heading to your lecture.
Felix stood there, tears streaming down his cheeks as you walked away. His chest clenched tightly as he cried to himself wishing to turn back time and never make that stupid ass bet.
Loving you is a losing game
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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anxiouswriter0 · 6 months
i don't care | Laurie Laurence
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Inside one of the rooms of the march residence lay the feverish body of one of the sisters, to be specific, (y/n) March.
the girl might have contracted an illness due to the strain she had been under in recent days. for a moment, her sisters and mother were terrified that perhaps (y/n) had contracted scarlet fever, but luckily that wasn't the case. although she was taken care of by everyone, (y/n) didn't agree with being looked after. it's not that she was stubborn (or maybe she was), she just didn't want her sisters to stop attending to their activities to take care of her.
lying on the bed with both arms behind her head, resting on the pillow, and with a thick blanket covering her from the waist down.
trying to rest for the umpteenth time. but this time (y/n) managed to close her eyes completely.
but suddenly, soft knocks sounded behind the door. (y/n) reluctantly turned her head towards the door. as no one entered or even asked, she rolled her eyes, closed them again, but... the knocks sounded again.
—Jo, if it's you, don't worry, I'm fine, okay? —(y/n) spoke hoarsely.
no one responded.
—Jo? —(y/n) asked without even looking, as she didn't even have her eyes open due to the exhaustion she was feeling.
the sound of the door being opened, along with the echo of boots resonating on the wooden floorboards, filled the room. the small "creak" of the door closing gently was all that could be heard, as if the person entering the room wanted to make as little noise as possible, but the sound of their boots on the wood gave them away. (y/n), who still had her eyes closed, could hear every step, softly echoing in the room, approaching. Until at one moment, they stopped, and (y/n) felt the weight of someone sitting down beside her bed.
opening her eyes slightly and trying to visualize who it was, although at first everything seemed blurry, (y/n) gradually began to recognize the facial features of that person.
—Laurie? —she asked, astonished, as the person smiled gently.
—What are you doing here? —she asked, confused, but with a noticeable discreet smile.
—Jo told me you were in bed, so since everyone had their turn to visit you, I felt like now it was my turn to do so, —Laurie joked, eliciting a small smile from (y/n).
—But putting that aside, how are you feeling? —he asked, changing the subject.
—Do you really want to know? —(y/n) asked, as Laurie nodded in response.
—Terribly indebted to them, —(y/n) blurted out, making Laurie laugh. —You should have seen them coming in and out of the room. I couldn't sleep with the sound of their shoes echoing on the floor, the door opening and closing, and please don't make me remember the sound of their desperate voices. for a moment, I felt like I was dying, —(h/c) laughed, while feeling Laurie rub her hand over the arm that was extended behind (y/n)'s head..
—But amidst all the chaos you're telling me, I see that you're doing well, —he said, rested her hand on the other end of the bed, beside the girl's body.
—Tell my sisters, —said (y/n), placing her arm over her eyes.
at that moment, a small silence filled the room, but oddly enough, it wasn't uncomfortable as some might have expected.
however, that silence and atmosphere were interrupted when (y/n) felt fingers glide over her cheek, the thumb tracing her cheekbone delicately. this caught (y/n)'s attention, causing her to remove her arm from her eyes.
—What are you doing?— she asked
—I'm looking at you, —Laurie joked.
—How silly, —(y/n) murmured, although she regretted it a bit when she noticed Laurie's sudden serious expression, with his head pointing towards the ground. With some effort, she managed to sit up at least, placing her hand on Laurie's shoulder to get his attention. —I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...—
—Don't worry, —Laurie interrupted, —it's not that —he murmured softly at the end.
—Then what is it? —(y/n) asked, confused.
with that, Laurie let out a long sigh that (y/n) could hear. she watched as he turned his gaze towards her. suddenly, Laurie shifted on the bed and slowly extended his hands, taking (y/n)'s hands in his. this gesture made (y/n) nervous due to Laurie's sudden actions.
—(y/n)...— he began, but the realization dawned on (y/n) about what Laurie might say.
—Laurie, no... don't do it, —interrupted with a disappointed voice, pulling her hands away from his.
—What? Why? —Laurie murmured, trying to take (y/n)'s hands again, but she kept them out of his reach.
—Because I know you love Jo, —(y/n) affirmed, noticing Laurie's surprised expression. —I know, —she murmured at the end.
(y/n) turned her gaze away, avoiding Laurie's eyes, while all he did was take the girl's hand again.
—Please, (y/n), please listen —Laurie murmured as he gently caressed her hand. —You're right, I love Jo... but the love I feel for you is different, —he affirmed with determination. With his other hand, he gently held (y/n)'s chin, turning it so their gazes met.
laurie noticed how tiny tears streamed down (y/n)'s cheek. tenderly, he slid his thumb over her eyes, wiping away every trace of sadness he found.
—I mean it, —he murmured. —Why don't you believe me?—
(y/n) shook her head.
—I don't know, —she said between sobs.
—then let me show you. Let me show you that I'm serious, —he murmured, moving closer to she, their faces just inches apart.
laurie, being so close, could feel the warmth emanating from her. he could have joked that perhaps was embarrassed by the moment, but he chose to remain silent, not wanting to ruin the moment.
laurie tenderly held (y/n)'s face in his hands and began to kiss her gently. he started on her cheek, then moved up to her temple and placed another kiss, moving on to her forehead and then to the other cheek. as he did so, he noticed (y/n) starting to giggle. emboldened by the joy of the moment, laurie ventured to give her a sudden kiss on the tip of her nose, eliciting even more laughter and a warm feeling in his heart.
however, at one point, laurie stopped, fixing his gaze on a place he hadn't kissed yet.
(y/n) noticed and warned him.
—If you get sick, Laurie, I'm not going to take care of you —she said, staying just inches away from him.
laurie could only smile as he let his lips meet hers. In that moment, it didn't matter if he couldn't get up tomorrow. All that mattered to him in that moment was what they were sharing.
they both pulled away in search of air, although they kept their foreheads together. In that small space between them, the rapid beating of their hearts resonate like a shared echo of intense emotions.
—i don't care —murmured laurie.
↳ Note: I made this little one-shot a long time ago and I never could finish it, I always had it as a draft. Also, I saw that the theme of the 'little women' had already gone out of style. So, I didn't want to upload it.now i want to cry ↳ p.s: I just noticed that this has a lot of (y/n) and a lot of Laurie. :D I'll try to improve and not to put so much (y/n).
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cypheroo · 6 months
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Differing Tastes | Zane Ro'Meave ~ ♧
no request this time! little gift for being gone for long
Word count : 2,226
Tw : heavy angst (reader has a crush on Laurence and it gets found out he's dating someone else), reader is extremely sad, can be seen as self deprecating, not fully cannon
AN : SO uh haven't seen a Zane fic out (if you have drop the link rn) but i wanted to write angst. Zane came to mind mid way through and made it a fic about him PLEASE DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA I DONT HATE LAURENCE PLEASE. i just needed good angst. ALSO THIS IS RUSHED, IDK IF ILL MAKE A PART TWO??? IF YOU WANT IT ILL FOR SURE WRITE IT BUT YEAH
You were supposed to be happy for him, glad he found someone he was able to really click with! But why did it hurt so bad when he smiled so much at her? When he laughed and cooed at her? You were his best friend for so long. Laurence was your friend. He was supposed to hug you like he did her! He was supposed to cup your face as he did hers. But here you were. At the other side of the table, both of them were unable to keep their hands nor eyes off each other. You were there with Katelyn, Garroth, and a few others you couldn't bring yourself to name. You tried your best to seem happy as the two finally exposed the relationship they had, you didn't know why they rounded everyone up for something so…sigh. But even with your own jealous thoughts clouding your mind you could find many reasons they would want to take everyone out to dinner. But the moment they brought it up you felt your heart smash into so many pieces, you wanted to cry and curl up. The man who had your heart, the man you wanted more than anything in this world, the man you…loved. It really was one sided. You couldn't believe how stupid you were, thinking someone like him would ever look at you as anything more than a friend.
You sat and smiled for the two in front of you, Laurence looked at everyone, you noticed how he stopped, showing a softer much warmer smile as his gaze as he looked at you. You hated it, you hated how you could really tell it was a truthful smile, how he genuinely was so happy with the woman who sat next to him. But the moment that thought raced through your head you became overwhelmed with guilt. Everyone was so happy for them, everyone was congratulating them and here you were, mad you didn't get what you wanted…gross. You felt so gross for even allowing your personal emotions to get in the way of such a good and happy occasion. You listened to everyone's conversations, just feeling too tired (or guilty) to really join in. you tried your best to be present, to smile and nod as much as you could…you really couldn't eat so you asked for a box to put your food in, so as to not waste it. And honestly the rest of the night was a blur…you remember Travis waving you off, Dante right next to him with a smile, getting into your car, driving home, going to your room, leaving the takeout in your car, now here you are…sitting on your bed, tears streaming down your eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You looked down at your hands, you didn't feel good…you didn't feel ok. But since you were alone you allowed yourself the time to cry, to sob, even though you didn't fully understand why you were sad.
The next morning was rough, you layed in bed, eyes staring blankly forward, you had cried most of the night. You pierced together a little bit why you felt like such a mess, the thought of losing your friend? Or maybe the idea that you wasted so much time yearning for his love and turning down even the idea of going on a date or just dating anyone else? Besides, it was on you, you didn't voice your wants to him…but it was clear now he didn't feel the way you did. His eyes and heart were for someone else. You turned the other way in your bed, eyes now dry and almost unable to cry now, you cried all the tears you could, and now you lay here motionless, feeling hopeless, sad, stupid… 
It was late into the evening when you sat up, finally. Slowly you unplugged your phone to check your messages, scrolling at the various group chat messages you had received. You let out a heavy sigh, knowing you'd get overwhelmed if you went through them all, you turned off your phone again and set it on your pillow and slowly got up dragging your feet to your kitchen, making yourself a small snack. You had been crying so much you didn't remember how long you were awake or when you had slept, so after this meal you needed rest, you needed to sleep and go to work tomorrow, life wouldn't wait for you to sob and mope in your own self pity. It wouldn't let you, life would never allow you such stupid things.
The next few days went by slowly, you were barely really on your phone, clearly tired and absolutely out of it, sure you read the messages sent in the group chat, laughed at a few of the messages, sure yeah. You’ve kind of been in a limbo sure it was just a petty crush and all but it really hurt for some reason, in one swoop you felt like you lost your best friend and your crush. And god it hurt. Today you woke up as normal, maybe a little more excited than usual as you were expecting a package. So after getting ready to head out to your mailbox, you slipped on your shoes and walked outside, the sun shining nicely this afternoon, yawning you walked outside to the mailbox, opening it and pulling out the usual mail, after digging into the mailbox again to see if maybe you had missed the small package you sighed, maybe you had expected it too early? Looking back down at the mail and looking through it again you didn't see the figure walking on the sidewalk behind you. You didn't pay much mind as you knew most of the people who lived on this street. It was when you heard a small hum before you looked back, your eyes met with that Icey blue one, “rare, haven't seen you out of the house in a moment” he chuckled. You and Zane had a very odd relationship, sure it was friendly and full of teasing, but it was only as acquaintances, hell you didn't even have his number. You huffed and crossed your arms, still careful with the mail in one of your hands, “what? You've been lookin for me?” you asked with a small smile. He rolled his eyes, before he shrugged, “just stating the fact that i haven't seen you in a second” he continued, sure trying to sound again like he was teasing you but it was laced with a bit of worry. You giggled and shook your head, “well i mean I have not much left the house, so you have a keen eye” you answered before you sighed. Zane caught onto this, “why is that?” he asked without putting much thought into it, almost immediately wishing he could take it back, “if you'd like to share that is” he hurriedly continued. Becoming slightly stiff. “Oh my heart was just broken is all” you huffed overdramatically, sure telling the truth but wanting to kinda lead it on as a joke, after all it was stupid to mourn over something as trivial as this. Zane seemed visibly confused as you seemed to joke about that, to which you shook your head, “don't worry it'll get over it soon enough” you assured with a smile. Zane seemed a little more taken aback, “oh you were serious? I didn't know you were dating anyone” he said as he tilted his head slightly, the hair covering his right eye ever so slightly moving. “Oh no! No no i just ... .uhm long story short my crush got into a relationship so I'm kind of dealing with that” you attempted to explain with as little detail. No one knew of your crush on Laurence, well maybe except your roommates. They both knew full well of your feelings for Laurence and nonstop teased you, until a few days ago when they caught wind of his new relationship, then suddenly the teasing stopped.
Zane nodded as if he understood, “I hope your able to work through it, although i need to go, i cant bother to hear your sob story much longer” he said before he chuckled near the end, it was clear it was a joke and it made you chuckle a bit yourself. “Well hope to never see you again you asshole” you teased back at him as you turned to walk inside again, him continuing to walk down the sidewalk after a small huff that covered his small laugh poorly. Slowly you stepped inside and were surprised to be faced with not only one of your roommates but both of them, Lucinda smirked, “so zane?” she asked as she covered her mouth with a laugh, you were taken aback, “what about him? We were just talking” you sighed, “no no you were laughing too” Emmalyn continued off lucinda, “I could see the appeal but really? Going from laurence to zane is like changing your favorite ice cream from chocolate to vanilla” lucinda continued, you felt your face flush and you sighed, “we barely know each other, i mean i don't even have his number” you set down the mail, avoiding the two, “oh so you want his number?” Lucinda teased as you looked back at her, “No! I'm just saying” you groaned, “i'm going upstairs” you pushed passed the two and walked upstairs. Emmalyn and Lucinda looked at each other, “you think she does actually like him?” Emmalyn asked. “Nope, but he definitely feels something for her,” Lucinda laughed softly as she shrugged, “either way, nice to see her smile after these past few days” Lucinda walked away to the kitchen, leaving Emmalyn looking through the mail.
The next week or so went a little different, you were kinda moving past the idea that Laurence was happily with someone else, or you thought you did, that was until you were at the mall with Katelyn and Nicole hanging around. You were doing fine until…you saw Laurence and his girlfriend walk past. You thought you were finally over it. And before you thought it was over Nicole called them over, she knew and was close with Laurence's girlfriend and just had to say hi. You didn't blame her but god seeing their fingers interlocked and the smile on his face made you feel sick all over again. Once they walked over you smiled at the two, Laurence noting how he hadn't seen you much anymore, “sorry! Been busy, we should hang. I feel like we have lots to catch up on” he smiled. It was so clear he didn't know the pain he had caused. You tried to be present in the conversation, but before you knew it you were thinking of a time to excuse yourself. You cleared your throat before you finally said you had to run to the bathroom. once you finally rushed away you let out a heavy sigh. Finally relaxing your shoulders you didn't know were tense.
The moment you thought you were alone you heard a small covered chuckle, you looked around and were once again met with that same Icey blue gaze, “lemme guess, Laurence broke your heart?” he asked, you groaned, “stalker” you hissed as he shrugged, “i mean i work here, of course I'm gonna be here 9/10 times” he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, it's Laurence” your throat tightens as you stated it out loud, “i just thought i was over him” you sighed. “I get it, seeing him again just reminded you of the pain?” His voice was gentle and softer, clearly understanding how embarrassed you were of it. “Yep” you sighed. “I mean” he sighed as he continued, “you'll find someone you're bound to” he hummed as he looked away. You shrugged, “I don't know,” you shrugged, “Well I do, just give it time, you'll find someone,” he said with a huff. “What makes you so sure? You know someone who has a little crush on me?” you smiled a little, joking of course as you looked back at him, he avoided your gaze and seemed a little panicked, “and if i did?” he asked, which surprised you, “really?” you asked as he sighed, “yeah, he just doesn't know how to approach you” he said still avoiding you gaze, you smiled a bit more, understanding what was happening. “Well next time you see him you should give him this, I'd like to ask him out for dinner sometime” you said as you pulled out a extra napkin from your pocket from the lunch you and the two girls shared, you pulled out an extra pen as well sloppily writing  your number down and handing him the napkin. He took it and seemed to relax a bit, making you giggle, “I'd like to get to know you better Zane. It'd be worth a shot.” you explained revealing the fact you knew he was only talking about himself” instead of continuing to avoid his gaze he looked back at you, “sure i guess dinner would be nice” he nodded as he pocketed the napkin. You nodded as you waved, walking away, “got to get back to Nicole and Katelyn, be safe” you turned on your heel and continued to smile at the thought of knowing more about that Zane.
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thegrimalldis · 6 months
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A Series of Random Moments - Ingrid's Blind Date [Part 1]
Transcript under the script
[Waiter]: Right this way.
[Matteo]: I hope you like Windasian cuisine.
[Ingrid]: I don't think I've ever tried it.
[Matteo]: Tamsin set up the reservation. I guess she thought we both might like it.
[Ingrid]: She uh...she sure planned this date well.
[Matteo, chuckling awkwardly]: Yeah...
[Laurence]: What?
[Ingrid]: I need you to do me the biggest favor.
[Laurence]: What favor?
[Ingrid]: I need you to call me back in ten minutes and say there's an emergency.
[Laurence]: Aren't you on a blind date?
[Ingrid]: It's going terrible, Laurie. Absolutely terrible.
[Laurence]: I mean how bad can it be?
[Ingrid]: I may have started crying when he mentioned Ziggy and now I'm just...
[Laurence]: Oh my god Ingrid! Stop. You're giving me a headache already.
[Ingrid]: Please just call me back in ten minutes and never mention this conversation ever again.
[Laurence]: Fine, I'll call you. Just so you can stop talking.
[Matteo]: There you are! I want you to meet someone. This is Jacob, he's the midfielder for the Monacan Wolves. Jacob, this is Her Highness...
[Jacob]: Ingrid.
[Ingrid]: Jacob.
[Matteo]: You know each other?
[Jacob]: Somewhat. It's good to see you again.
[Ingrid]: You too.
[Jacob]: Well, I have some friends waiting for me. I'll leave you both to your...dinner.
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vintagegirl01 · 6 months
Loving you is a losing game
Marc Spector x fem! reader (Steven and Jake are mentioned briefly)
Summary: Marc meeting you was one of the best things to have happen to him. However, the demons of his past make him feel otherwise. You help him see that the love you share is one that should be fought for.
A/N: This is what I thought while listening to the song Arcade by Duncan Laurence. Of course with a happier twist.
A/N 2: Purely for entertainment purposes, so please don’t come after me. As I said, I'm still getting used to writing pieces like this.
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Marc Spector’s life has never been easy. From the trauma of his young brother’s death to everything he’s during his time as Khonshu’s avatar, he’s felt like a ticking time bomb. Though he’s tried to use his time as Moon Knight to right his wrongs, it never feels like it’s enough.
When he meets you, he begins to see that there is more to life than vengeance. Marc begins to let himself enjoy your presence when he and you hit it off at the gym.
You weren’t a gym rat by any means but you had started a membership in the hopes of getting in shape and learning self-defense by using their punching bag. Seeing you hit the bag by yourself catches his attention and he begins to give you some pointers on how to improve your stance. Over time, this leads to you becoming sparring partners and eventually exchanging phone numbers. Although,this leads to you all regularly hanging out outside your sparring hours.
The day he asked you out was a shock for him because not only did he actually let himself be brave enough to ask the question but you eagerly accepted his invitation. It’s even more surprising to find out that one date led to another. Then another until you both have officially unofficially started dating.
Despite everything going well, he knew that there were things he needed to tell you. About his DID. His past. Being the avatar to an Egyptian deity in exchange to right the wrongs from his ugly past.
This then leads him to begin feeling self conscious about himself. His inner dialogue begins to consist of questions such as: What if he didn’t deserve this chance at happiness? What if she thinks I’m crazy or thinks I’m making this up?
Marc then begins to hear his mother’s voice. Telling him that he is unworthy of receiving love and will only continue to destroy all the lives that he surrounds himself with. Steven and Jake try to snap him out of this but Marc is paralyzed. At this moment, Marc only thinks one thing.
“I have to break up with her before I hurt her”, Marc thought.
“Marc, this isn’t funny. Stop joking, you say.
“I’m not joking. I think we should break up,” said Marc.
“But why, Marc? Did I do something wrong?”
“Of course, you didn’t. You’ve been the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
“Then why are you doing this?” You take your hand in his, looking at him sadly. “Please, tell me why you’re acting as if I’m a disease.”
“Imthedisease.” He says as if he’s trying to rip off a bandage.
“What, baby?”
“I said, I'm the disease. I seep into innocent lives and destroy them.” He looks at you tearfully.
“Marc, that’s silly. What are you talking about?”
Marc then begins to explain everything. From the death of his younger brother to the lives he took during his time as a mercenary. He also makes sure to mention that he is the vigilante, Moon Knight, and has two other individuals living within his head. He concludes all of this by saying, “Loving me is a losing game.”
Once he’s done explaining all of this, Marc is waiting to see your reaction to all this. Will you call him crazy? Run away from him? Scream?
Instead, you take his hands in your own.
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“Loving you isn’t a losing game, Marc,” you tell him. I love you and long as we have each other, we can face whatever life throws at us.”
At this, Marc pulls you into a big hug. He lets himself break down because he knows that you’re here to stay and love him. For his strengths and weaknesses, through good and bad times. He knows you will be there for him.
As you two are still embracing, he starts to believe that he is worth loving after all.
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