#league of liars
readingtimehehe · 2 years
book rec #1: League of Liars, by Astrid Scholte
league of liars is amazing for fantasy lovers who love when magic has a serious cost. the novel is heavily based in the laws and politics of the world, following a lawyer-to-be as he navigates a complex case. doing magic is illegal in this world, but magic exists anywhere there is a shadow.
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paperback-bitch · 26 days
League of Liars - Review
League of Liars #1 by Astrid Scholte Hardback: $18.99 – Paperback: $11.99 Approx. 360 pages – Audiobook: 11 hours YA Sci-Fi/Thriller/Fantasy
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Ever since his mother was killed, seventeen-year-old Cayder Broduck has had one goal—to see illegal users of magic brought to justice. People who carelessly use extradimensional magic for their own self-interest, without a care to the damage it does to society or those around them, deserve to be punished as far as Cayder is concerned. Because magic always has a price. So when Cayder lands a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to apprentice under a premier public defender, he takes it. If he can learn all the tricks of public defense, the better he’ll be able to dismantle defense arguments when he’s a prosecutor. Then he’ll finally be able to make sure justice is served.
But when he meets the three criminals he’s supposed to defend, it no longer seems so black and white. They’re teenagers, like him, and their stories are . . . complicated, like his. Vardean, the prison where Cayder’s new clients are incarcerated, also happens to be at the very heart of the horrible tear in the veil between their world and another dimension—where all magic comes from.
Themes: Science vs. Magic, Science IS Magic, Expanding Worldview, Biased Legal System
Tropes: Dead Parents, Shitty Parents, Magic is BAD, Corrupt Government, Conspiracy/Coverup
Warnings: Some semi-graphic depictions of violence, but overall not much.
Being totally honest, I didn’t like this book. I also didn’t dislike it. This book was almost a DNF (Did Not Finish, for those un-acronymous among you) and the only thing that kept me interested enough to keep reading (or rather, listening, since I went the audiobook route on this one) was the promising concept. Astrid Scholte absolutely brings fascinating concepts – I have two of her other books on my TBR (To Be Read) just based on their plot summaries. But this experience makes me hesitant to start them.
I struggled to get into this book. I didn’t like Cayder at the start of the book – although I feel that was intentional, it made it difficult for me to want to follow the story. I should note though, Cayder’s voice actor (VA) was my favorite of the four, with Leta’s being a close second. It was unusual having several people read me one audiobook, but it makes sense at the same time because the book is told in four perspectives. Cayder’s chapters are in his first person POV, but Leta, Jey and Eleanora were told in third person limited. It was an interesting choice, and I didn’t hate it, though it was unconventional for sure and jarring at times. Some of the VAs made some…interesting choices for how they voiced other characters, such as Eleanora’s VA who always had Cayder pronounce Princess as Prinsus.
Now, I have a “Three Chapters or 25%” rule, which is the earliest point I’ll allow myself to stop reading a book. Three decent-length chapters, or 25% of the book if the chapters are short. Fortunately for League of Liars, it hooked me juuuust enough that I wanted to keep reading, if only to get to the reveal. Because this book was very much a case of breadcrumbs leading to a big secret, and I wanted to know what it was. But god, the reveals were sloooow to come. I was tempted more than once to give up on this book, but then I was like “no, I invested too much time” and I had to finish.
As far as characters go, I didn’t connect with any of them. Cayder was rigid and blind to other perspectives. Leta was a reckless and impulsive idealist, and prone to fits of self-pity. Jey was somewhat endearing with his lasiez-faire demeanor, but it bordered on obnoxious and frankly, it’s becoming overdone. Eleanora was selfish and bratty at her worst, boring and bland at best. There was some insta-love with her and Cayder that I didn’t really enjoy and ended up feeling pointless. My favorite character was Kema the guard, who was a side character and mostly relegated to being their “inside man” as it were.
Looking for positives, I thought the depiction of the legal system was interesting and realistically frustrating haha. Scholte wove the legalese into the story in a way that was easy to digest and didn’t distract from the flow, so the courtroom scenes were actually a fun and engaging way to further the plot. Unfortunately, the only other positive was that the print and e-book had some cool illustrations in them – something I missed out on in the audiobook, and only got to see when I checked the e-book for some spellings for this review.
But the ending pissed me off enough that it overshadowed the high points. Not just because it felt unresolved, but because of how abrupt it was. The story wove in so many concepts, from the illegal shadow magic (Edem) to the Edem creatures known as the Hullen, to the way the Regency (founded by scientists and directed/monitored by the royal family) controls and enforces the law surrounding Edem usage. Without being spoilery, the ending vaguely addressed two of these points and then decided to ignore them. And the characters collectively made a decision that was super out of character for three of them and left us on what feels like a cliffhanger. And here’s a reveal that isn’t a spoiler: Astrid Scholte doesn’t write sequels. So I worry that we’re never getting answers to the list of questions left at the end of the novel. Fortunately, I have learned since I initially wrote this review back in 2022 that there is now a sequel, which I'm hoping will resolve some of the issues I had.
This is a three-star read for me, and barely. It bordered on the edge of two stars, but I was generous because I really loved the concept. In hindsight, the failure to deliver should probably have guaranteed it a two-star slot. But it had its interesting moments, so three stars it is.
I struggle to recommend this one, if only because I didn’t really enjoy it. I’d say if you like the angle of science meets magic, it might be worth a shot. Or if you’re particularly interested in legal systems set in a fantasy world and the gray areas there. Otherwise, I’d say maybe don’t waste your time.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 105
Danny and billy are homeless besties. Living their best life. Tricking the JL into thinking they are both the adultiest adults.
Danny is backed by having evidence of being alive in the past. He obviously just doesn’t age. Billy just looks like an adult as Shazam.
Now. Danny swears it’s not his fault they got caught. He wasn’t expecting to get turned human. Honestly after the nasty burger explosion he didn’t think he’d be reported missing. Plus how does Batman know Vlad has a missing persons report on him.
Batman: *batglare*
Danny: i never said i was an adult. You guys assumed. I just didn’t say otherwise. Thank you very much.
Shazam: *avoiding eye contact with danny*
Superman: *disappointed look*
Danny: *looking everywhere but at Shazam* ha… well. At least I’m the… only kid.. the single one masquerading as an adult. All by myself….
Shazam very much not looking at anyone. Turned away looking very guilty.
Superman: *arms crossed looking at Shazam* Shazam
Billy knows he’s not getting out of this. Goes to his normal form begrudgingly glaring at Danny.
Billy: it’s not like we’re homeless or anything.
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 2 years
Review: League of Liars by Astrid Scholte
Review: League of Liars by Astrid Scholte
Author: Astrid ScholtePublisher: PutnamReleased: February 22, 2022Received: Own I have loved Astrid Scholte’s previous works and thus knew that I had to give League of Liars a chance. One thing that did surprise me – I didn’t realize that League of Liars was the start of a new series. I wish I had known that going in. For the record, I consider this a positive, not a negative. Cayder Broduck…
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Y’know what is one of my favorite things with batman, base or crossover? The mans has no idea how a ‘normal’ child is and just. Thinks all kids are Like That.  You have to remember that he’s not actively going out and searching for these kids, like 90% of them were already out as vigilantes or in Dick’s case sneaking out to try and commit a murder.  Literally all of his kids are like that and he just, does Not know what a normal child is supposed to act like. Has absolutely no idea that most kids do not gleefully beat the stuffing out of criminals for fun.  Which means it’s hilarious when the rest of his friends try to tell him that kids Aren’t Supposed To Do That
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certifiablyinsanez · 1 year
One of my favorite things is that I’m Crowley and my partner is Aziraphale and they genuinely thought that Crowley was suave, cool, and mysteriously sexy until I was like; “babe no, he’s a dork” because Crowley kinnies see right through it. 😭❤️
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lolottes · 11 months
Nord Weston
Wes screwed up.
He had finally managed to convince that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom were one and the same person. Then he was congratulated and told what they were going to do to him....
This is not what he wanted!!!
He had to get to Dash as quickly as possible because he had Jazz's number (He couldn't contact the Fenton children directly after all, he would have been too visible)
But he had a plan! He was going to move again and… It was true that he and Fenton were A LOT alike....
Despite the (deserved) hostility from his friends, Danny followed his plan. They didn't really have anything better even if they had already made arrangements.
This is how a trio of brothers rushed to Gotham a new city as part of a JL witness protection program
I hesitated between twin brothers or whether they share the same identity, so if you want to play it like two West Westons, go for it, this time I'm not doing a second very similar prompt
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Twice: You know what they say: if the feather fits.
Mr. Compress: Twice, it’s the shoe, if the shoe fits.
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sikuena · 6 months
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im so happeh i love mid-lane
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Welcome to my blog!
I am glad to see you here! I don't think I'll post anything here often; most of the time I just follow the news and some blogs :)
Some information about me:
• You can call me Ash✨.
• I speak English/Russian, 🇺🇸/🇷🇺.
• He or they, 👦/🗣️.
• I like casual communication in the style of "hello, how are you". Such simple things make me happy, very much! ☺🙌🏼
• I have a lot of strange ships in stock: I ship everything that is possible and everything that is not. But please respect my opinion if you don't like my ships🙏🏻.
• I also write something like fanfiction, but it's in Russian. Maybe in the future I will upload excerpts/write stories in English and post them here 📔🖊.
• Some words from English slang/the abbreviations I may not understand, and also write the words wrong🗣️. I'm sorry in advance🙏🏻.
• I do not draw professionally and not in color. I just do it for fun, but I also try to make it come out more or less normally 🎨.
• I'M LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH! And I try playing on guitar, hehe 🎸🎼🎧.
• Support LGBTQ+ 🫶🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
That's all for now. Now my favorite fandoms that change at the speed of light:
• Yandere simulator🔪🩸.
• Brawl Stars (yeh, bruh)💣🔫.
• Gacha World/Gacha Resort (but not Gacha life and OC!) 🎀🪄.
• Talking Tom and Friends🏀📔🎤🍔🎉.
• The Amazing World of Gumball🫂🐱.
• Doki Doki Literature Club! 📕📗📘📙.
• Liar Liar! (Visual novel)🔪🫂.
• League of Legends💣⚔️.
(This list will probably be updated).
My favourite ships:
• Enpitsu x Gema; Shozo x Maka x Borupen; Mantaro x Budo (or any other guy; also Tsubaki); Otohiko/Riku x Kokona; Saki x Mai; Sakura x Unagi; Fureddo x Kaga; Kaga x Tsuruzo x Itachi; Kiba x Beshi, Rojasu x Sukubi, Rojasu x Fureddo — from Yandere Simulator!💔
• Stu x Surge; Edgar x Janet; Penny x Carl/Melodie; Fang x Buster — from Brawl Stars!💓
• Phantom x Cykopath; Gwen x Kilios x Inferno; Lyte x Vinyl (please don't hit me for this...); Luni x Lilith; Keito x Nyxeria Luiselle; Xavier x Phantom — from Gacha World/Resort!💖
• Tom x Ben; Ben x Angela — from TTaF!💘
• Gumball x Tobias; Darwin x Carrie; Rob x Penny; Ocho x Bobert; Gumball x Sarah x Darwin — from TAWoG!💞
• Natsuki x MC — from Doki Doki Literature Club!❤‍🔥
• Toru x Yukari; Minami x Tanaka — from Liar Liar!❤‍🩹
• Sett x Aphelios; Samira x Sett — from League of Legends!💓
I think that's exactly it! Thanks for reading, have a nice day!💗
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midbyte · 2 years
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finally finished her! Enkidu, Who Seeks the Sun, a thoroughly insane illusion wizard who has some real weird religious beliefs. she's a backup character in case ___ dies in the campaign they're in
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allycat75 · 3 months
Hey, remember those analogies on the SATs, Boston Dumb Fuck? I got one for you...
Republicans, who outwardly express their Christian values, while willing to vote for a vile, lying convicted felon and sexual predator, who on his first day in office vows to become a dictator, destroying democracy and seeking revenge on his enemies::: Makes them 💯 complicit in the destruction of our society, even if they say they had "no other choice"
Is to...
"Marrying" (fake, spiritually or real) an antisemetic, racist, fatshaming, arrogant, childish, vapid, vacuous, lazy, entitled clout chasing Lotlita::: ???
Do you get it? Answer is in the tag, you lying, untrustworthy hypocrite. This is your "brand" now. Have fun promoting those festering turds you have been making and hope they don't remind you too much of when you actually put in some effort, before you went full on CAA puppet, with their hand firmly up your keister (more Yiddish for the Nazi wifey to enjoy).
But as I always say, prove me wrong, you prick! Get some serious fucking help and do better. Find the last truffala tree seed and tend to your forest.
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beelzebuddy-catan · 1 year
Whenever I see this clip I think of them
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brasiliangp · 4 months
no amount of hate for a team could make me support city
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dc-megatournament · 1 year
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 2
Vote for who you think would win
Links: Liar Liar, Scarecrow
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louderfade · 10 months
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this is wild. they put topiramate in the phentermine and now they've approved its sale to kids. unnecessary express. and all the relevant studies are paywalled naturally. i swear all this street fentanyl was their plan to monopolize the market. they could turn off the fent factories tomorrow i bet, the way they did with quaaludes which don't exist today bc the labs don't make them. but they want fent out there. they want more ill, desperate people who are afraid to take any drugs but theirs. the goal is to get everyone hooked on pharmaceutical garbage that makes us halfsick and compliant. don't forget to take your daily brainfog & binge eat tablet to treat the depression you feel from being deeply unhealthy on every level. still not feeling unwell? don't worry we'll find a pill for you. everybody gets a pill. it's medicine! for your health! ask your doctor if workmoronal is right for you.
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