#less fancy but still a nice one that I'm proud of :3
bellasdragons · 1 year
Pumpkin Princess is in-stock for Aethers and Obbies!
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Currently there are 5 copies of Obelisk, and 1 left of Aether - but no worries, it will be available to order until October 31st! Copies are 500g until then, and since they've been printed treasure/mixed is accepted at 1:1000. :3
I also have a bunch of other things available, check them out below!
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i-am-beckyu · 9 months
One Small Gift
HELLO! I TOLD YOU I'D POST ONE MORE FIC THIS YEAR! And I am very proud of myself for making it a Christmas centered fic! I can't believe it's actually been a year since I last posted a Christmas fic. Like where did the time go and how did this thing spawn?
I'm gonna ramble a bit more at the bottom of this fic about me and the community but lets not hold you up any longer so I give you: The Christmas Fic- One Small Gift :3
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), lying, panic and anxiety, fluff- Like, ALOT of Fluff, hidden identity and of course happy endings. You know, the usual angst/fluffy Beckyu fic :3 word count: 8351
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Why did the walls always have to be so damn cold? 
Tommy’s mind couldn’t help but linger on the thought, as the Borrower shivered making his way through the maze that was the inside the house walls.
Human Beans invented heaters AGES ago for the insides of their houses to keep warm, so how was it that the inside of the walls were still always so flippen freezing? 
Would it kill them to think of the little guy freezing their butt off just once?
Well no, maybe not. But it certainly would Tommy. 
As much as the young blonde would love to cuss at the home owner for not giving him a proper source of heat, the Borrowers code quite literally FORBID them from ever telling a Human of their existence. Not to forget the fact that it would mean doom for a borrower if they ever did. All the horror stories of Borrowers being squished or experimented on from the elders to go off being proof enough.
Death by Human Beans?
HA! Absolutely NOT!
That’s exactly the reason why he is trying to get supplies for the Winter to warm himself up, before it gets even colder! 
Tommy grumbled to himself as he ducked and weaved past forgotten cobwebs about how it was such a pain to be in this position in the first place. He’d had a perfectly fine home in a tree nook in the forest that had always remained nice and cosy warm during the colder months. 
Even if that meant he’d been living on his own, Tommy had been happy living as an Outie borrower for as long as he could remember. Well at least he had, before some tall, pretentious brunette freak decided his home would be the perfect tree to cut down and drag all the way back to his stupid freezing cold house. 
But it gets better, because even though the main part of his home was actually still intact under the now stump, the Bean still took the top half of the tree- 
With Tommy still inside it! 
They flippen took HIS house and wrapped it in a net; effectively trapping the poor borrower and then strapped it to the top of their car and drove hours and hours to a Human Town with him hanging on for dear life.
And that’s not even the worst part because not only did the flippen Bean steal part of his house, but then they had the audacity to cover the tree's dying corpse in fancy decorations and shining lights. 
Like seriously WTF?!
A Bean kidnaps him from the only place he’s ever really known and covers his once thriving residence all merrily in ornaments, while he’s forced to flee his only real known place of safety with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the few supplies he did have stored in the upper levels of his now dying home. He hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was the only choice he really had. 
Stay in the tree and get caught, or try and survive in the Beans' walls until Winter passes.
He chose the latter of course- (It’s not like staying would have helped him anyways) 
Getting down from the top of the tree had been, well- less than a fun time for the Borrower. The big purple bruises across his back were a throbbing reminder from his impact on the floor at times, but he managed. 
Instead, Tommy had started to navigate his temporary ‘soon to be home’ in the walls getting an idea of the layout and where the best places were to borrow from. He just had to make it through the Winter and then he could go home. Trying to get back to his nook now would be impossible with all the snow cover on the ground, but he’d get back to the forest even if it killed him.
Which might be the case soon if he doesn’t get some new clothes and heat source quick.
That was the main issue with being kidnapped after all. You only have what’s on your back and well, Tommy hadn’t exactly been expecting to get yoinked away in his scrappy T-Shirt and shorts. He had proudly made them himself with the few scraps of fabric he’d managed to find from some Beans that had been passing through years ago on a camping trip, but the fabric was light, and not made to be worn in such cold conditions. 
He’d only meant to go up and check what the heck the loud thumping outside his tree was like any normal person. He was expecting a deer or maybe a bear using it as a scratching post, not a Bean cutting their house down and taking him along with it. You don’t exactly have time to think about putting on proper clothing when your everything is at stake.
So that was step one: Find some material and make some clothes- a jacket the top priority.
Tommy is very thankful that he had his borrowing bag on him, that he still has his self made needle and some old thread so he at least didn’t have to start from nothing. Finding the material hadn’t been too difficult to locate either. When he first scouted the place, he discovered pretty quickly that the Bean had a habit of leaving stuff all over the place, so borrowing supplies hadn’t been difficult to do without being noticed. It’s how he found the most perfect fluffy woollen red sock to make a coat and blanket from. He would already have it now though if the Bean hadn’t come back before he could swipe it.
The Borrower had tried to come back for it later, but the Bean had decided it was time to clean their room up because he had some guests coming for this thing called ‘Chris-mass’- whatever that was- and the sock was gone.
So instead he grabbed what he could and made his way back to the walls with just enough fabric to make a new pair of pants and some crackers for dinner.
But it still didn’t fix the whole freezing situation.
What Tommy really needed was a candle. 
To a Human Bean it may seem to be an insignificant source of light, but to a Borrower it could literally be the difference between a warm nights sleep and becoming a Borrower popsicle! But that was easier said then done because all the usual spots Beans would normally keep candles, were replaced with flippen electric ones!!!! 
What’s wrong with fire on candles!? Why would you want a fake candle that just flickers and produces less light than a real one?
That or something for a bed. At least that way he’d have a comfortable place to sleep and trap his own body heat.
He really wishes he could have taken those socks…
As if this Bean wasn’t bad enough, not only did they lack the materials Tommy so desperately needed, but they wouldn’t shut up talking into the black box (a fone he thinks it’s called from memory) to other Beans with how excited they were about them coming to stay for the Hole-lid-days and spend time huddled together by the fire or something dumb. 
“Come on Dad! Let me host. If you let me host, I’ve got the coolest surprise planned for you and Techno I swear!! Plus don’t you want to come and see me?” 
Lucky prick. Got a Dad and a brother…
Now don’t get him wrong, Tommy is a big man, if not the biggest man to ever exist and he doesn’t need anyone. But he also couldn’t help but long for someone to share the cold season with like the Beans did. It had been so long since he’d seen another Borrower like himself and though he’d never admit it, living alone did get a little bit lonely sometimes. It would be nice if just once he could share a night cuddled up close to a loved one, and just bask in each other’s company. 
But Tommy didn’t have time to be sentimental about things he’d likely never have.
He needed to find a way to stay warm and get warm now.
But the universe decidedly hated Tommy because, tonight was apparently December 24th-
Chrisymiss Eve.
Tommy had been here about a week or so and in his short stay still wasn’t 100% sure what this whole Khrislermas was, but it appeared to be a BIG deal to the Beans. 
Apparently, all the Beans get together whether it’s family or friends to spend time together and exchange gifts. It’s about being thankful for what you have or whatever and something about showing how much you love someone by giving and receiving presents. 
Tommy thought it was actually quite a nice thing the Beans did and wished that Borrowers had something similar themselves in their culture. However, there was one thing he still didn’t quite understand about this whole holiday thing.
Who the heck is Santa Claus?
He’d been taking some more crackers the Bean had left out from the kitchen while this ‘tv show’ played on the Bean's big Black box that was talking about this Santa guy. Apparently, he was some elusive, big fat man, dressed all in red with a big white bushy beard, who climbed down the Beans chimneys, and left gifts for all the little boys and girls of the world. He had this list too that knew if you’d been naughty or nice and would leave the good children gifts and the bad children coal in their stockings. 
Children could write letters to Santa or he’d visit and children could sit on his knee and ask him for a gift they would like and he would deliver the toys to children all over the world on Christmas eve when everyone was sleeping, only to have disappeared by daybreak.
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this Santa at first- not when it was just another Bean to avoid. That was until he learned two very important details.
1- Santa delivered presents to ALL children of the world. 
And 2- Santa wasn’t meant to be seen by Humans either.
So not only did this Santa guy literally just give out free gifts, but Tommy literally had a way to get exactly what he needed for the winter!
All he needed to do was talk to Santa and he’d be saved! 
Now you might be thinking: But Tommy, you said it yourself. Santa isn’t meant to be seen by anyone so what makes you the exception? 
Borrowers aren’t meant to be seen by Beans and neither is Santa.
Which means just like Borrowers, Santa must not want to be caught (which if he thinks too hard about it makes sense since he literally breaks into houses but anyways) and unlike with Beans, there is no rule that says Borrowers can’t see Santa!
All he has to do is wait for Santa to visit Crystamas eve, and then he can ask for his gift! Santa probably even knows what he wants, being made of magic and all! He just never knew Santa existed so he’s never asked for his gift before! 
If he were a more greedy Borrower, he could ask for so much more to make up for all the years he never got a gift, but that would probably put him on Santa’s naughty list. And while coal would be good, Tommy doesn’t exactly want to burn the house down with him inside it. So this was his best shot to get exactly what he needed. 
The hard bit though, was waiting for Santa to arrive. That meant not only having to be out in the living room where the fireplace was, but also meant he had to wait for the Bean to fall asleep. Which really meant that it would be AGES before Santa would come because the Bean of the house was terrible at sleeping at night. 
The man literally had no sleep schedule and would stay up till terrible times in the morning before drifting off. Normally that wasn’t much of an issue for the Borrower having observed this early on, but right now it was very much a hindrance because it could be hours before they went to bed. 
It also seemed that they wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, because the amount of energy and excitement the Bean had displayed the whole day about his family coming home was overwhelming. He’d come home at one stage with this big bag of stuff talking on the black box about how his super cool surprise was coming along and how it would be awesome since they let him host Chrimpmas- whatever that meant. 
Tommy had hoped with the excitement of the holiday they’d have been ready to pass out by now, but he couldn’t be more wrong with the amount of commotion he could hear from down the hall- and that’s through the walls. 
At least he could observe everything going on from his place on the bookshelf. It was right next to a small crack in the wall he could just squeeze through, but it gave him a good view of the living room but also enough cover from prying eyes unless he made his presence known. However, being out of the walls had one difference the blonde hadn’t accounted for.
The fire had been lit and was keeping the whole room nice and toasty warm compared to the harsh bite the walls somehow managed to keep. The whole atmosphere made him almost want to curl up and fall asleep. It had been so long since he’d been able to just enjoy the warmth in the air and not be shivering to keep alive.
Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if he had a nap before Santa arrived.
Just a quick one….
Tommy was awoken to a rather loud THUNK as the Borrower shot up from where he had fallen asleep atop the shelf. 
It took the blonde a moment to realise where he was and not panic about being out in the open before his eyes settled upon a figure. 
Sprawled out across the floor in a heap of red and white was the jolly big man himself.
Santa Claus.
The one and only.
“Santa!” Tommy yelled excitedly as he hurriedly manoeuvred to stand. “Santa you came!”
Santa’s head snapped up from the floor alarmed, as they pushed themselves to stand and take a defensive stance.
“Who said that?!” they shouted, looking around wildly panicked. “Show yourself!”
Tommy giggled to himself. Santa was so silly. 
“Up here Santa! I’ve been waiting for you.” The blonde waved as the man's head turned and their eyes fell onto his small form. 
Tommy grinned at the magical man taking him all in. 
Just like the figure on the big black box, Santa wore a big red coat with white fluff lining the ends of his sleeves. A big black belt was strapped around their waist, fastened with a fancy golden buckle and sturdy black boots on their feet to keep out the snow. Their head was adorned with an oversized big red hat, with a giant white fluffy pom pom on the end, and they had a long white beard that travelled down their chest. And last but not least was a pair of gold rimmed glasses perched on the tip of their rosy red nose which accentuated their big brown eyes that were staring at him in wonder. 
He could have sworn that Santa's eyes were blue.
“I can’t believe you came! I wasn’t sure if you would since I never sent a letter but you must have known anyway cause here you are!” The little borrower stated excitedly as Santa removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! I really need my Crimpmess present.” 
“I’m sorry you’re what?” the man’s eyes furrowed in confusion as they processed what the younger had said.
“My present!.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “You know, the whole reason why you’re here.”
Santa didn’t exactly seem like he knew what was going on. Right now all he was doing was staring and Tommy was getting a bit annoyed. 
Was that not why Santa was here? To deliver his present like the show had said?
Tommy huffed annoyed he had to explain all this. Wasn’t this like his job? He should know!
“I’m sorry,” Santa began slowly as if trying to process. “I didn’t actually know you were here.”
“Why else would you have come then?” Tommy crossed his arms unimpressed. “I’m the only kid here, but don’t tell anyone else I said that. I’m a big man! The biggest ever!”
This finally seemed to warrant a different reaction from the older, as they looked the boy up and down unimpressed by this so-called ‘fact’.
“A big man huh? You look more like a child. What are you- 12?”
Tommy feigned a gasp, grasping his chest offendedly. “I’ll have you know I’m 14 and the biggest man alive! I’m only a child for the purpose of getting my gift tonight and tonight only!”
Santa couldn’t stifle a laugh as he watched as the small child stomped his foot in a mini tantrum at being called 12. It was endearing in a way but he still wasn’t sure how to proceed with a tiny child standing on their bookshelf.
“Well whatever you say I guess, but I still I didn’t know you were here.”
The blonde shrugged before moving closer to the shelfs edge. “Ah well it doesn’t matter. You’re here now so I’d like my gift please! You have it right?” 
“If I didn’t know you were here, then how would I have your present with me?” Santa asked.
Well he did make a good point. It’s not like he sent Santa a letter and he hadn't met him to tell him like other human bean children had until now. 
“Oh right. Guess I better come sit on your knee and tell you what I’d like than.” Tommy stated matter of factly, as the small Borrower moved to the edge of the shelf and stabbed his hook into the wood, quickly jumping off to descend on his rope to the ground.
“Wait, DON’T DO THAT!” 
The blonde yelped in surprise, moving instinctually to protect his ears at the sheer volume the man shouted, in turn losing his grip on his rope, quickly plummeting down to the ground below. Santa lunged forward with an outstretched hand as the boy slipped down the rope at a rapid speed, catching him before any real harm could be done. He semi slammed into the wall, clutching his hand to his chest as they did so before quickly unfurling their hand.
“Oh my prime! Kid- kid are you alright?” Santa said frantically checking over the boy he now held in his palm. 
Tommy shook his head, dizzy from the sudden force that had rammed into him only moments ago. He tried to steady himself grabbing, onto the nearest thing his hand could find as he begun to regain his bearings.
Oh he was going to ache tomorrow…
“As soon as the world stops spinning, yeah.”
Santa sighed in relief as Tommy allowed himself to regain focus. It was then that he really took note of where he was. 
Normally, if a Borrower was sitting in the hand of someone almost 100x his size, he would be kicking and screeching to get away. But this was Santa Claus’s hand and Tommy felt only wonder. 
It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. The thing he had grabbed onto was apparently Santa’s thumb and it was almost as big as his head! Even if it was a bit weird sitting on the leathery texture of their skin, the warmth radiating beneath him was heavenly, and the way the man’s fingers curled slightly over him protectively felt nothing but comforting. 
Santa hadn’t moved since he caught Tommy mid air, and was staring at Tommy as if they would disappear. They seemed stuck on what to do next, but also amazed he was sitting there at all.
“You alright there big man?” Tommy raised a brow confused at why the man would act this way. Santa was literally made of magic and had flying reindeer for goodness sake! A borrower existing surely was no cause for such amazement? There were surely way more interesting magical things to see than a lowly Borrower like him. 
(But then again, he was a pretty poggers Borrower if he did so say that himself, so staring could be justified for that reason)
This finally snapped the old man out of their wondrous stupor, as they squinted their eyes open and shut with a quick shake of their head. 
“Uh yep. All good um. Let's- go sit down. Yeah- yeah, let's do that.” Santa said, confirming more to themself than Tommy.
Santa brought the boy protectively to their chest to brace them before they moved away from the book shelf, smoothly walking over to the couch where the old man sat down ever so slowly to not jostle their small passenger. The second they were bending down to sit though, Tommy was launching himself off Santa’s palm for his knee as the bearded man frantically tried to stop them in their escapade.
“Kid, would you stop doing that? You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“Pfft please. This is nothing compared to how I got down from that tree over there.” The boy grinned as they pointed to the far corner of the living room.
The man's head followed to where the boy was pointing, the Christmas tree displayed proudly in a large pot tied with a red bow, small lights flickering on and off in changing patterns.
“Tree? You mean the Christmas tree?”
“Yep!” Tommy stood proudly popping the p. “I had to get down somehow and my hook would have gotten stuck in amongst the branches if I had tried to abseil down. So I did what any logical Borrower would do and jumped.”
“You jumped?!” Santa’s eyes widened, as he looked back and forth between the boy and the top of the brightly decorated tree. He grimaced, imagining the boy throwing themselves from the upper branches like they had done only moments before onto his knee. 
What was with this kid and being so reckless?!
“You jumped from the top of the Christmas tree!? Why were you even there in the first place?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing their arms in front of their chest. 
“It’s all that stupid Beans fault.”He huffed annoyed. “He just came waltzing into MY forest, decided to be very rude and put their grubby hands all over MY house wrapping it up in some ugly net, only to cut it down with me still in it!”
Tommy didn’t notice the way Santa’s brows furrowed and their expression changed to one of horror as he continued to ramble on.
“They literally kidnapped me, Santa! They’re so lucky that the main part of my house is under the tree’s trunk and not the higher branches because I swear I would have murdered that Bean in their sleep by now if they had!”
Tommy was very pleased to have finally gotten to vent some of his frustrations to someone other than his internal self, but now he was finished he had a good chance to register the other’s reaction.
Santa looked horrified.
His eyes seemed glossed over as if he was holding back tears, and one hand slapped over their mouth, the other gripping their wrist tightly in an attempt to ground themselves. 
Uh shit. He hadn’t meant for that to happen…
“Uh but don’t worry Santa!” Tommy was quick to add. “ I wouldn’t actually do that. That would be a bad thing to do and put me on the Naughty list! I promise I won’t actually murder anyone!” 
Phew, that was a close one. He couldn’t jeopardise his only hope with a silly joke!
Santas’ face had yet to change and Tommy subconsciously started to fidget feeling nervous to how the older was reacting. Maybe he had blown it and now he was on the naughty list. Another glance at the old man's face seemed to confirm those fears.
He’d blown it.
His one shot at survival and he practically threw it all away with a vent. No wonder he ended up all alone.
“Please don’t put me on the Naughty list Santa. I need my gift.” Tommy spoke timidly. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I- no. No you’re not on the Naughty list.” Santa dragged his hands over his eyes a few times strained. “I'm just trying to process. It’s more of the whole kidnapping thing. ” 
If Tommy had been paying better attention, he may have noticed the few stray brown curls poking out from under the man's hat, but he was more thrown by their following question as the magical man continued on.
“If you were in the tree, why didn’t you say anything?”
Tommy drew a deep breath, before sighing as the boy shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Because Santa, Beans aren’t supposed to know that Borrowers like me even exist.”
“Human Beans Santa. You know, big people like you, but not magical and stuff.” The Borrower explained. “There’s no way I could tell the dumb Bean he was cutting my house down! Do you know what Beans do to Borrowers like me?” 
“Um no?” Santa fiddled with his hands as he looked away, eyes downcast to avoid the youngers gaze as they continued.
“They get rid of us. To them we’re just pests or things to be used.”
Tommy hugged himself tightly, anxiety pooling in his chest for the first time that night. He wished it wasn’t true, but Beans just held far too much power for their own good. Their greed often outweighing their need to do good without reward. 
“I’d rather risk jumping out of a tree than ever fall into the clutches of a Bean.” 
“But how do you know that?” Santa suddenly said, muscles tensing as they clenched their hand into fists. 
Tommy flinched at the sight of hands so close. Closed so tightly that he couldn’t help let slip the thought of himself in the mercy of their grasp, begging to be freed like all the stories had said of the Borrowers trapped in agonising pain. The man noticed his discomfort, and immediately loosened their fists, moving their hands away and under their thighs so as to not startle the boy any further than they already had.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Santa said with a sense of guilt.  “But I just- How do you know that though? Who says that they would have hurt you if you had just made your presence known? You wouldn’t have had to jump or gotten hurt.”
Santa turned away sheepishly, whispering sadly. “They could have helped you.” 
Tommy swallowed hard, his shoulders sagging as he observed the sad look Santa had as they stared at the Christmas tree. It was obvious they were blaming themself for what had happened. He was far too kind for that.
“Santa, it’s not your fault.” the boy sighed, “Every borrower is taught this from birth. It’s a known fact that Beans are all cruel, power hungry beings. They always want more and just take, take, take.”  
“But what if this ‘Bean’ didn’t know.” Santa shot back, causing the Borrower to falter. “What if you had said something? They would have stopped and left you and your house alone? How do you know they wouldn’t have helped you?”
“Because Santa,” Tommy turned and faced the man head on. “That’s just how Beans are. To them, we're just another thing to take and control.” 
Tommy wanted to believe Santa, he really did, but it was hard to just ignore years of being brought up to beware Human Beans and their cruelty. He’d seen it even from when Beans had once come into the forest with their fire sticks, and took down a friendly deer. It was unnecessarily cruel and was all the convincing Tommy needed to deem all Humans bad.
Santa nodded sadly in some kind of understanding, but Tommy couldn’t understand why Santa looked so hurt. It wasn’t his fault the Bean took him and his home, but he seemed so convinced that hiding and not asking for help had been the wrong thing to do. 
He thought they were the same, that if Beans caught him on Christmas Eve, then something bad would happen to him like it would for Borrowers. That’s why they had to stay a secret. Why no one could know they were here. 
But Santa wasn’t a Borrower who lived in hiding unknown. The Beans knew about the jolly, present giving man that only appeared in December. 
He could live among the Beans and it would be fine if he asked for help. Everyone liked Santa. He didn’t take things just to survive. He gave toys and gifts so he would have no worries about the repercussions of taking a paperclip just to get around. He wouldn’t have to worry about Beans hurting him if something went wrong. He would just use his magic and be fine.
It was Santa’s choice to stay hidden as an extra precaution to protect that same magic. 
“But you’re different from the Beans Santa.” The boy perked up instantly remembering why he was doing this in the first place. “You only come out of hiding at Christmas and everyone knows who you are! You only hide to keep your magic safe from Beans so they can’t have that too!” 
The man gave a small smile as the boy continued to ramble, pacing back and forth on his thigh as he did so.
“But I don’t understand why you give children presents when they already have so much!” Tommy stopped, his lips pursed together as his voice dropped to a whisper.
“Unlike me.” He confessed quietly, lifting his head to meet Santa’s sympathetic gaze. 
Santa was staring at the young boy again, leaned forward in concern listening as the blonde  continued to share his story.
“It's why I need my gift Santa.” Tommy wringed his hands together with a nervous glance to see Santa’s reaction who nodded in approval, gesturing for him to continue. 
Tommy steadied himself.
Now or never.
“I was brought here with basically nothing. Forced to move into the Beans walls or risk being seen. I’ve barely been able to get anything for basic survival and the walls are freezing!” 
Tommy shivered remembering the way the air had nipped at his nose as he struggled to keep warm. Clutching himself tightly in a poor attempt to retain any kind of body heat. The one time he went up stairs without his coat and of course he gets kidnapped.
He needed this. 
More than anything.
Wilbur had just wanted to have the perfect Christmas.
It was his first time hosting and had decided he HAD to go all out.
More decorations than his little house needed both inside and out, homemade hot chocolate from scratch and had promised his Father and brother a very special Christmas surprise if they let him host.
Their first ever living Christmas tree and a surprise visit from the Big man himself- Santa Claus.
He’d done a bunch or research into the best spots to go where he could get a tree and quickly had been recommended from several sites about the fir trees in Logstedshire, and quickly made the trip out to find a tree.
What the websites failed to mention, was that said fir trees might be inhabited and the home of tiny people that are terrified of Human Beings. 
So if you asked: No, Wilbur was not having a good night realising he had kidnapped a child that was deathly afraid of him and only okay right now because he thought he was the real Santa Claus. 
In a way, it was a good thing the kid hadn’t realised yet, because if Wilbur had never dressed up in this silly costume, he probably would have never known about the child freezing to death in his walls.
The child was so cold despite their lively spirit when he’d caught them after they launched themself off the top of the shelf. The fact it wasn’t the first time they’d thrown themself from such a height made Wilbur sick knowing had they not been lucky, could very well not have made the long fall. But the fact the kid had been struggling, terrified and afraid in his walls when he could have helped had the guilt eating him away as the boy rambled on.
They were so sure of themselves with the cruelty of humanity too that they had him so on edge. If the blonde knew he was really the guy that had cut his tree down, he very much doubted they would be this enthusiastic. He was talking about how much he needed his gift- the gift he still had no clue what it was, but just hearing the little blondes tale, and seeing how thin his clothes were had Wilbur making a very long list of things he needed to get to help the kid out. 
A kid which he still doesn’t know the name of.
The boy's eyes had brightened, as he bounded up and down on the balls of his feet eagerly, talking about what this gift would mean for him. He was actually quite endearing despite their seemingly dire situation.
“If I tell you my gift, then you can give it to me now and I’ll actually have a chance to survive the Winter!” He explained excitedly, grining.
Wilbur pushed down his anxiousness for the boys well-being. They had already suffered enough from his mistakes. He didn’t want them to suffer any longer than they had by them accidentally discovering the truth.
“What’s your name kid?” Wilbur mentally slapped himself  that he hadn’t asked sooner.
The tiny boy chuckled to himself as they crossed their arms. “Oh come on Santa, you know my name don’t you? You have a list with every child's name on it.”
Ah- right. Santa did have that Naughty and Nice list didn’t he? Curse Santa for having to live up to magical standards.
“Uh- I came here in such a rush, I um- ah must have left my list back at the North Pole.”
“So?” The boy argued, raising a brow. “You’re magic. Don’t you just know?”
Did he say endearing earlier? How about difficult for making him use his brain at 9pm at night. (Shut up. Don’t judge him for it)
“Well you know there’s like 2 Billion kids in this world and I see them all in one night. You don’t expect me to remember every name without my list do you?”
The kid hadn’t seemed to account for this, and thought it over before shrugging in agreement. 
Oh thank goodness for kids being young and naive. 
“I guess that’s fair. But you’ve got a s*** memory in that case Big Man. Getting old.” 
Actually, make that an annoying gremlin.
“I think if someone wants their present, they should be more careful about insulting their elders.” Wilbur teased with a chuckle. The boy rolled his eyes with a groan. 
Okay, an endearing gremlin then.
“Fiiiiiiiiine.” they drawled letting their arms drop to their sides before extending their hand up in greeting. “The name’s Tommy.”
Wilbur carefully lifted his arm up and slowly extended his pinky finger out for the boy to take in an oversized handshake. 
“Nice to meet you Tommy.” His finger dwarfed the boy entirely, his pinky finger only slightly shorter than the boy's total height, but nevertheless, Tommy took the tip and shook it lightly.
“Now, why don’t you sit down and tell me what it is you’d like for Christmas?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile at the little boy excitedly sharing in exact detail what he wanted. What the Borrower wanted wasn’t even that difficult to get, and he knew exactly where to find it. Tommy continued to ramble on for a bit longer about what he had been doing since coming here and Wilbur made mental notes of the few places where Tommy talked about entrances in out of the walls for future reference.
He was going to have to look out for Tommy from now on and if he wanted a shred of hope in getting him to trust him as Wilbur, he was going to need a plan.
“So could I have my gift now? I would really love it now and you still have a lot of other houses to visit tonight right?” Tommy asked innocently.
Wilbur really didn’t want to stop talking to Tommy. Tommy trusted the magical Santa Claus; not regular Human Being Wilbur Soot. He knew that if he let Tommy go now, it was unlikely he would see the kid again, but if he didn’t leave as Santa now, they would most likely get suspicious, realising he was a fake and panic. 
Wilbur sighed as he brushed a stray hair of fake beard from under his cheek.
“I- yeah I guess so. Best get you to bed then too.” 
“Awwww but I’m not sleepy yet!” The blonde pouted. “This is normally when I’m awake so it would be a crime to make me sleep now.”
“Well good little girls and boys go to bed when they’re told if they want to stay on the nice list.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Tommy stuck his tongue out in defiance and Wilbur had to bite his to stop himself from bursting out loud laughing. 
This kid was going to be the death of him he swears.
Wilbur extended his hand to the Borrower, keeping it steady as he waited for Tommy to climb on. He’s still a little huffy at first realising there was no room for argument, but climbs on anyway, sitting down in the middle of Wilbur’s palm bracing themself before he moves.
The brunette curls his fingers over the boy slightly, bringing his hand to his chest protectively. He tries not to linger too long at how it felt to hold an entire person in one hand for the second time tonight before moving to stand. 
Steadily, Wilbur makes his way over to the book shelf and cautiously raises his hand up for Tommy to climb off of. He sets his hand down on the wooden surface and Tommy takes no time in hoping off to stand, waiting expectantly for his promised present.  
“Okay I need you to close your eyes just for a second.” Wilbur asks the boy who quickly covers his eyes with his hands, only to peak out from behind his fingers seconds later.
“I mean it Tommy. Keep them closed.”
“Ugggghhhhh Fineee!” the boy said huffing, but relented nevertheless. 
Wilbur quickly whirled around and crouched down beneath the Christmas tree, snagging a gift from the floor and hastily tearing the gift tag labelled- Technoblade; from the gift before setting it next to the small borrower child. 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
Tommy removed his hands and squealed in delight, quickly reaching down to hug the gift. 
“Oh thank you Santa! You really are the most poggers man ever!!!” Tommy spoke rapidly, smiling so much his cheeks hurt. “Well after me of course, but only by a little bit!” 
Wilbur chuckled as he gazed affectionately at the blonde hunched over the brightly wrapped gift. “You’re welcome Tommy. I’m glad you like it.”
The boy quickly stood, and started hauling the gift to the crack in the wall, as they tried to shove the gift through. Unfortunately while the crack had been enough for Tommy to squeeze through, it wasn’t quite wide enough to let the present go in without getting a tad scrunched up and paper torn. 
“Um, Tommy? Is there perhaps a bigger entrance I could take this too?” Wilbur suggested, cringing slightly as the boy gave another hard shove on the gift, intent on getting it through no matter what.
“It’ll fit. Just gotta keep pushing it in.” 
After a few more attempts, the boy did in fact give up and relented their efforts allowing Wilbur to pull the now crumpled present back out from the crack, instructing him to take it to the kitchen and place it behind the toaster, assuring him he would get it before the Bean woke up explaining how the electrical socket actually came off as a secret entrance.
He offered to take Tommy over to it too, but the stubborn boy refused, insisting that he had done enough and needed to hurry up and deliver presents to the other children before the night was over.
Taking one more long look at the boy, Wilbur watched as Tommy disappeared through the crack into the walls, the sound of tiny footsteps pitter pattering away before Wilbur himself quietly crept back to his room before he removed the Santa costume and flopped down onto his bed. 
He’d just met a tiny child.
A tiny child trying to survive in his walls.
That was deathly afraid of him.
Quickly Wilbur shot up from his bed snatching his phone from the night stand; a plan forming in his mind. The screen read 9:31 pm before he hastily unlocked it and dove into his contacts, quickly stopping on a profile of a girl with light pink hair, dialling their number shortly after.
The phone rang twice before a woman answered on the other end.
“Niki? Hey! How’s the holidays going?” Wilbur asked as he grabbed his coat and gloves from the wardrobe.
“So I need a favour…”
Tommy awoke warm for the first time that week.
He opened his eyes blearily, almost willing himself to fall back into dream land before his eyes snapped fully open. Tommy rubbed his eyes a few times, eyes going wide trying to comprehend that this was real and not just a dream as the thoughts of the previous night played through his head.
He was in his Christmas present: A brand new pair of bright red, fluffy woollen socks- the most perfect bed ever and exactly what Tommy had asked for. He had basically run to get his gift as fast as possible, before hauling it back through the walls to a space close by the bookshelf; the space seemingly much more homely after last night's introductions. 
He hugged the woollen fabric tightly, smiling as he remembered the soft smile Santa had as he watched him go and how kind and gentle he had been with him the entire time.
The Borrower was so pleased and grateful that he had been able to meet the Santa Claus, and would cherish the magical night forever.
He stayed snuggled in his new bed for a little while longer before his stomach grumbled in protest that he should go and have something to eat. Albeit a little grumbly, his hunger eventually won out and Tommy made his way through the walls back to the kitchen so he could gather some food before the Bean woke up.
Stealthily, he removed the electrical socket, expecting to make it a quick supply run; stepping out into the open before freezing in surprise.
Laid out in a neat pile behind the toaster was a small stack of brightly wrapped gifts all wrapped in different coloured and patterned paper, and right in the middle, an envelope with his name written in gold cursive. Tommy smiled brightly, as he eagerly ran forward to the awaiting stack of gifts, quickly grabbing a gift reading the label. 
To: Tommy From: Santa
Tommy denies that he cried that day. 
That he took each gift home and opened each one oh so delicately, afraid if he didn’t they might just disappear, happy tears trailing down his cheek as he opened a gift revealing a beautiful, blue knitted sweater- and in just his size. 
His tears didn’t cease as he opened the other gifts revealing several new pairs of warm winter clothes, new rope and hooks for climbing, some tea candles with a tiny piece of flint and steel to light them, and the tiniest iced cookies he had ever seen. He could actually hold this in one hand like humans did and he had a whole bag of them!!! His prayers had been answered and he couldn’t be more thankful.
Soon, the only thing that remained was the envelope.
He dried his face as best he could, doing his best to not smear any tears or snot onto the pristine surface as he opened the envelope, revealing a card with a picture of glitter candy canes decorating the front. 
Settled back into his new bed, Tommy opened the card and read the message inside.
Dear Tommy, It was lovely meeting you and getting to know your story. I figured you might  like some extra gifts as well to help you be more comfortable in Wilbur’s walls. I think you should try talking to him.  You might be surprised. Sincerely, Santa Claus
P.S- He’s not as scary as you think.
Tommy’s smile became puzzled as he reread the last few lines.
Who the heck was Wilbur?
Was that the name of the Bean that lived here?
Oh come on, that's not fair! How come Santa knew Wilbur’s name but not his!
He grumbled a little bit at the thought, but his mind kept drawing back to the last line of the card.
‘He’s not as scary as you think.’
“Hmpf, you keep saying that.” Tommy grumbled. 
What was with Santa’s insistence on this?
As much as he wanted to be annoyed at Santa for putting forward such a ridiculous idea, Tommy decided to drag himself out of bed and to the book shelf crack. The Bean had gotten up not long after Tommy had made it back to his new home, but he’d been a tad too distracted to really care about how slow and heavy they had been trudging about this morning unlike their usually poised self.
Currently, said Bean was sitting on the couch, the exact same spot he and Santa had been last night, absentmindedly staring at his hand.
How could Santa think this guy was any good? They had kidnapped him unknowingly, almost let him die from hypothermia unknowingly, destroyed the top of his home unknowingly and Santa still thinks they won’t hurt him?
Okay so maybe it wasn’t their fault all those things happened just because they didn’t know he was there, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still very capable of hurting him for having to do all those things. But then again, Santa knew who was naughty or nice. And he wouldn’t ask him to do something that would endanger his safety if this ‘Wilbur’ guy wasn’t a good person right?
Tommy observed the Bean a little longer, as they ran their thumb over their palm. Their normally neat curly hair was all over the place and he could have sworn there were black bags under their eyes from lack of sleep. They suddenly turned their head and were staring straight at his crack by the book shelf. The Borrower was certain they couldn’t see him from the couch, but ducked back just slightly in case.
The Bean simply sighed as a small smile graced their features. Tommy was right about the black bags. Bean did not look like they had slept at all. 
He thought back to what Santa had said. 
I think you should try talking to him.
They certainly didn’t seem dangerous. Maybe they really weren’t bad like the Jolly man said?
But was it really worth taking the risk and talking to this guy?
Before he could dwell on it for much longer, the door bell sounded and Wilbur snapped his head to the sound before standing and stretching; their limbs popping and cracking slightly from their limited use. Before he left the living room, the man stopped and stared at his crack once more. Tommy didn’t dare breathe as they simply smiled and shook their head, before exiting and headed towards the front door.
Tommy allowed himself to exhale as the sound of footsteps got further away.
“Weirdo.” Tommy muttered to himself as he pushed himself back from the crack and began to head back to his bed for a well deserved rest.
He’d think about what Santa said, and just maybe he’d talk to this- Wilbur. If not, he hoped he'd meet Santa again so he could thank them in person.
Once he was back in his bed, Tommy quickly slipped in snuggling down, allowing himself to drift off to the chatter of beings much larger than himself from beyond the walls.
“Wil! So good to see you! It’s been ages!”
“Hi Dad, thanks for letting me host. I’m so glad you and Techno could make it!
“So are we, but you look like shit mate. Up late again? Wouldn't be related to that surprise you were telling us about?”
“You could say that…” 
Tommy never did meet Santa Claus again.
The card proudly on display in his new home, a secret hope he would one day and a constant reminder of what Santa had asked him to try.
And maybe one day, Tommy would finally take up the old man's advice and go and speak to Wilbur, and discover perhaps they may have been right.
Maybe then he’d finally have a friend to keep him warm during the holiday seasons and to rely on like he had wished. 
One that seemed to always know just what he needed despite never telling them, and was very insistent about never wearing Santa costumes.
No matter how many times a little boy begged….
 ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗   ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻  ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗  
That was a lot of words....
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING TO THE END! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it and it means a lot you read all the way through <3
Tag List: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10
And cue rant: Honestly you guys have no idea just how much you all mean to me an in this community and the impact you've had on me in the last year alone. I could not be more thankful for being apart of this and getting to know you guys. Getting so back into writing has been really good for me and rekindled something I love so I can't thank you enough.
And even though I know I've been a little quieter online, I'm still here lurking about and working on projects. A lot has happened in the last few months alone and I'm quite happy that I'm limiting myself to be a bit more healthier with my online habits.
Anyways thanks so much if you read this far!
Thanks to my Beta readers @a-xyz-s squishy and munchkin for reading this for me, and I wish you all a very safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Beckyu ❤️
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kinniie00 · 3 months
HEY BUDDY :D !!! lion, maine coon, american shorthair, tiger, cougar, and fishing cat !!
HIIII!!! 👾
This is so many omg
Lion - I'm probably most proud of how far I've come over the last few years, I went through a lot and am still learning to live with some of it. It's definitely shaped a bit of who I am now, but I'd like to think I have grown from it and carried it with me rather than living in that dump forever :) AND MY FRIENDS IM SO SO SO PROUD OF THEM AND HOW MUCH THEY'VE DONE AND I WISH THE BEST FOR ALL OF YOU :((
Maine Coon - Honestly I'm not too sure how others would describe me, or even how to encapsulate my personality into one word--I'd like to say I'm energetic but I also have my moments of not being as much, I'm nice but I know I can be a bitch, I'm a lot of things but I'm really unsure of what word could describe me, plus I don't remember any good descriptive words rn :') (I'm so tired)
American Shorthair - I have many things that comfort me, id say my friends are my biggest comfort, as cheesy as it is. My friends remind me I'm not alone and have reasons to keep going, even when it feels impossible. I also often tend to latch onto games and streamers/YouTubers for comfort (a big one is hermitcraft!! :D), many of the people I watch now are people who practically raised me and I love them dearly. Another few smaller things that I find help comfort me are things like music, tea, or small things like animals (my cat!!!) or stuffed animals :3
Tiger - Another one that I'm not entirely sure how to answer :( "Being cute and being mine" -☀️ I think I went through the 5 stages of grief trying to come up with something that's all you're getting, oh yeah and my worst is probably the fact that I'm indecisive or like impulsive idk
Cougar - Hehehe fandoms 😇 Definitely undertale, fnaf, and sanders sides in the later years. I was (unfortunately) an aphmau kid back in 2015 but that was more watching her content and less fandom stuff. The undertale and fnaf ones definitely didn't ever stop, I got really into sans aus back during covid and relied on all three of those fandoms for comfort during the quarantine too. Sanders sides definitely helped me over the years before and during covid, it was definitely a rough time in my life as I was learning new things about myself and others around me, and it helped me so much with learning how to be me and accept myself as I am. As for a fandom I'm really active in now, id say the one I'm most active in is Hermitcraft (so surprising!!! 🙀) I got super into it back in season 6 when grian joined because I watched his content before he joined, and now I watch most of the hermits, I do tend to focus on a few each season while watching the occasional stream/video from the others though! I also listen to the imp & skizz podcast, and I find it rather comforting when I'm stressed, I love the hermits so much and they've definitely helped me so much without even knowing :) (and the fandom is so silly I love everyone)
Fishing Cat - I have so many I'm definitely going to forget some, I love learning new things and it's led to many hobbies that I do and will probably get back into in the future! :) I do crochet, it's something I have been learning since I was really young but couldn't get the hang of it for the longest time because my mom had a hard time teaching me it since she's left handed, I love reading, I read all kinds of things from old novels & poetry, romance and mystery, to nonfiction and sci-fi, I enjoy reading anything as long as it can keep my interest, and I loveee getting reccomended books (even though my to-be-read list is SO long), I like small crafts like jewelry making but it hurts my hands (especially the more intricate ones like fancy necklaces, bracelets, earrings), i love gaming, its a big part of who I am seeing as I grew up doing it, and even though i dont it as much anymore I still enjoy it and love playing games with my friends!! I enjoy drawing, but it's stressful because I'm not great at it and am way too perfectionistic over it. I used to paint but I never got too good at it and never had proper supplies, it was very fun though and I'd definitely get back into it sometime down the line. I listen to a lot of music, and watch youtubers/streamers. I like to go on walks, but with some of my health issues I don't go on them as often (I definitely will do more this summer though!!) and hanging out with my friends and animals. I plan on getting into sewing and possibly cosplay sometime so that will be fun to learn! I love creative hobbies, despite how stressful they can be when they don't go how I wanted it to :) I love seeing things I'm able to make evolve and get better and I get better at doing it, and I love consuming information and seeing people be people!!
I'm so sorry this is a lot of yapping even for me 😭
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
yugioh anon here again for another imagine :3 saw the post where it turns out they’re only nice to us cuz chaos accidentally got em on a metaphorical leash but i have already gotten attached so face the wrath of blade angst comfort <3
You’d been here for about a month or so, sitting down on a very fancy gothic sofa. It was a contrast to the dull interior, so it must’ve been Chaos attempting to get Nightmare to show his interests more. You only figured out it was Nightmare’s because in bright red ink on the side it reads, “LMAOO NIGHT STOP BEIN AN EMO”. You have a hunch that Blade wrote it. Speaking of, scanning the room he is nowhere to be found. It IS late night but he’s normally still bouncing around. Ace has a book held in his hands as he eagerly tells Ted about a suspenseful plot point that adds onto his earlier theory. Ted seems vaguely interested, but the popcorn is a good motivator to keep him there. Nightmare and Chaos are chatting back in the kitchen. Chaos had been testing out a new recipe and while Nightmare vehemently denies supporting anyone in anything, you can see a smile twist onto his face when Chaos explains how proud he is of his new creation.
… You aren’t sure if they’d notice you leaving. As a new member, nobody had really taken the chance to get to know you. Sure, they are civil and conversate with you but there isn’t a real connection. Chaos is a lovely fellow, but he can’t force everyone to ask about you or how you feel. Crying here would be humiliating. You get up, footsteps thunking less on the carpet than they would on the floor. It doesn’t matter if you’re friends or not, you’re here for a job! You’re not there to make buddies with everyone, it doesn’t mat-
A sound snaps you out of your spiral. Muffled sounds, broken and purposefully hushed. When you do fully hear them, they remind you of how you sounded when you broke your leg. It was violent crying and whimpering coming through that door. What was strange is that the sign had read “Blade”. Blade. He was funny sometimes, a bit of an ass to you but he was an ass to everyone it seemed. Watching anime with him was a fun way to kill time. Thinking about it, you’d not seen many of the other residents chat with him. Chaos, sure, but Ted frowned when he came by and Ace would get up and leave the room sometimes! Nightmare criticizes everyone because cultivating a garden of negativity is all he seems to do. He was like you. He was new even if he’d been there for so long. You knock on his door gently, hoping he’d even listen.
“Blade? Hello?” You whisper, calling out with concern.
No response comes. You expected as much.
“Blade, please? I know we don’t talk all that much but I’m willing to reach out. It.. I know how it feels to be left out, likely not as deeply as any of you but I still understand.” An irritated groan is all you get in response. Acknowledging you is an upgrade from ignoring, probably!
“You don’t have to let me in. I just want you to know you’re not gonna be alone. Not anymore, okay? I think that you’re a fun and silly person but that isn’t all you are. You’re far more than the goofy one in the group. You’re skilled in many things. Battle, listening to others when you want to, dealing with Nightmare’s irritating ‘suggestions’ on what we can do better. I’m willing to bet you’re a bright individual too. That you can get lonely like anyone else. That you’re a complex person who isn’t just one thing. I’m not leaving you behind, okay? Not just because we’re technically a team, but because I care.”
No response. You quietly sigh, but hearing a sniffle and another start of a whisper back shuts you up.
“Alright.. You’re sappy as hell, you know that? Still, I’m up to talk.” He’s reaching back and extending his worries. You smile. Perhaps you’ll both have a friend.
I swear I'm in love with your imagines! ><
You're always on point with the characters personality, and always super creative! I love this! ^^
Keep blessing me with masterpieces like this, and I'll personally draw something special for you! :D
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notmoreflippingelves · 9 months
Gabe from EoA: 2, 3, 12 and 25 ; Esteban: 2, 7, 18, 19 and 21? :D
So, I really ended up rambling a lot on all the Esteban points (*you're shocked, I know*) so I decided to make that one its own post out of fairness to Gabe.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
My favorite Gabe moment is probably when he and Rico are competing to be Captain of the Guard (in the El Guapo episode), and Rico gets injured. Although Gabe has the opportunity to win the race and in doing so win the captaincy, he refuses to leave Rico behind and instead helps him up so they can cross the finish line together. That's in essence, who Gabe is. He's competitive and practical and ambitious, but far more than that, he's loyal and compassionate. He won't turn his back on someone who needs his help. Even someone like Rico, who up to that point, had been really unhelpful and condescending to him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He only has like 3-4 outfits over the course of the entire show (and one of them is in a dream sequence AU that didn't actually happen). He's a handsome dude. Where are his cute little fits? I know that the guys were always going to get fewer outfits compared to the girls, but Gabe gets especially few. Was it so much to ask for a cute little adventure outfit for him like Esteban and Mateo have? Or perhaps a nice fancy dress uniform for official functions?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
You know, I don't really think I've made any Gabe headcanons yet, so I'm just going to think one up real quick.
Even though his father still has mixed feelings about Gabe choosing the Royal Guard over the bakery, he is still incredibly proud of Gabe. And when Gabe was made captain, he made him a special "sword" shaped cake to celebrate his promotion to captain. Gabe, of course, brought the leftover cake to work with him the next day, which really did a lot for building team morale.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked Gabe from the start and I still really like him now. I would say he's probably in my top 5 characters (after Esteban, Elena, Naomi, and Valentina). What I like about Gabe is that he (and Naomi) is a much needed voice of reason for the team. It's not really all that surprising that he's canonically the oldest of the amigos, since he's certainly the most mature and responsible (even if he can get a bit competitive). He's such a good boy, and it makes me sad that he seems to get so much less love and attention from the fandom compared to Mateo.
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bluberimufim · 10 months
The Sheep
Wassup. I realized I can post snippets literally whenever I want without there being a tag game as an excuse. Soooooo I decided to share a snippet from "Devourer of Souls" that I just wrote and am pretty proud of. I even gave it a title for the purpose of this post bc I'm Fancy like that.
trigger warnings: horror, animal death, animal body horror, vomit, gore mention
This snippet is nothing like the rest of DoS in terms of vibes. Please don't be scared. I promise this story is (mildly) normal. This also technically has a lot of context behind it but I like this bit and it works somewhat independently so fuck it we ball!
Taglist: @wildswrites and @little-mouse-gardens
(I tried to post this multiple times but tumblr stopped me, so I's like to thank the nice people who helped me, @ellierenae and @owlsandwich, they were very lovely <3)
Some days later, at the market, the sister whose arm she'd healed approached Seth. She had a messy air about her, with bags under her eyes and thrown-on clothes. Her expression showed panic she seemed to be trying to hide, with little success.
"Seth..." she began, hesitantly.
"I have a... strange request for you."
Seth raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"What is it?"
The woman seemed to grow more nervous.
"Can you heal sheep?"
She stared at her for a moment, still processing the words.
Heal sheep?
"I must confess I've never attempted it, but I can try now."
The woman nodded.
"Thank you. Come with me, please."
Still a bit confused, Seth followed her, giving Theo a signal to do the same.
They already knew the path to that house. They'd traversed it less than a week ago. But now, the farm seemed to be steeped in silence. It took her a while to identify what was missing, but, when she did, she felt a chill creep up her back.
The sheep, she noticed, were quiet.
With grave steps, the sister guided them to the stable.
Was there a disease among livestock? She'd heard of them, but, in all of her time living there, she'd never been through one. She'd heard it said, from the oldest inhabitants of the town, that they were almost always devastating and that they could ruin the town for months – sometimes, years.
She took a deep breath. If she could heal people, she could heal animals. The life force that flowed through all living things was the same. Healing magic should work on them.
When she was about to enter the stable, she was pulled back. Theo held her wrist tightly, stopping her from going any further.
"Something's wrong with the sheep," she whispered. "Their bodies..."
"Can you see if it's a disease?" she asked, also in a low voice.
"They weren't sick when we came here. If it's a disease, it acts extremely fast. Their state... it's not natural...
"Not natural? How?"
"Their organs, Seth. They're all... I can't describe it... They're distorted. I can feel them. I can feel the shape they are inside, and that shape doesn't make sense."
Theo loosened her grip on Seth's wrist and she took the opportunity to hold her hand and squeeze it.
"I have to check. If it's a disease, I should eliminate it now. It could put the whole town in danger."
Theo nodded and let her go, but she seemed reluctant to do so.
As she grew closer, Seth noticed a stain on the floor, right in front of the divide where she knew the sheep slept. It was hard to discern from that distance, spread over the irregular straw. When she was close enough to tell what it was, she had to force herself not to trip.
Blood. In a trail leading to the sheep.
"I think it's an illness," said the woman, with her eyes trained on something inside the divide. "But it's much more horrible than any I've ever seen."
Seth reached out with her magic. She could feel the souls of the sheep, although weak. Something was interfering with them.
"Please be careful," the woman asked. "I don't think it's contagious for humans, but..."
Seth finally reached the other side of the divide. She had to swallow the scream that threatened to escape her throat.
The sheep were lying on the floor, some with their bellies up. Their paws were stretched before them, with some contorting in painful spasms. Their eyes were blown wide, but they were looking at nothing, as if they were blind. Their mouths were open, ready to scream, but they made no sound.
Through their sheared skins, she could see shapes trying to pierce them. Some were thin and sharp, like broken bones, but some were made of soft flesh and muscle, almost like bubbles. And some of their organs appeared to have changed places. One of the sheep, closest to the entrance, seemed to have a heart where its stomach should be, stretching the skin every time it beat. Another, in a corner, had its ribs turned upside down, jutting out of its back. Another still, clearly dead, had wool growing out of its mouth and nose and, by the shape of the bulges that filled its abdomen, on the inside of its body too.
The sheep spasmed in agony, turned into something that only vaguely looked like an animal. Their mouths remained open and their eyes wide.
Seth had seen many horrible things when she'd been at the hospital, near the front lines of the war. She'd seen men disfigured, burnt, missing limbs. But this was the first time one of those things had made her puke.
After she emptied her stomach onto the straw, still heaving and with her back turned to those horrifying sheep, she felt a hand on her back. When she straightened, she was hugged from behind and let herself slump onto Theo's chest, comforted by the presence of that soul with hints of divinity.
"You saw them too, right?" she asked.
Theo said nothing, but she felt her nod against her hair.
"How are you taking this so calmly?"
Theo still did not respond, pulling her closer.
"Um... Seth?" called the woman who'd taken them there, her voice shaking. "Can you heal them?"
She vehemently shook her head.
"No," she replied, breathless. "Each one of these sheep would need a huge amount of energy just to make them look close to normal again." She turned to the woman, who took a step back. "End their suffering. Buy new sheep."
Everything I touch turns to supernatural horror. Help.
Btw the sheep thing is 100% Theo's doing (but on accident). She just came back from the Plane of the Gods and has divine body horror powers. Not my fault where my ideas are taking me. B&W originally also wasn't horror but then it just happened, ok?
Please tell me if you feel the snippet is too long. It feels a bit big, but I wanted to include the whole scene. I've never posted a snippet like this before. Still a bit confused about what to do.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Can't wait to share more snippets!!
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
One Foot In Front of the Other
(what is the correct acronym for it?)
You wow me every time with each one. They are my favorites to go back and reread.
Poor Lucifer, being so stressed trying to find everyone
Proud of Mammon for keeping control of his greed and being able to help find his brothers!
With it being only the staff that they have seen so far, kinda scared to see what happens with it. Almost get the feeling like this kingdom will be against them if/when they go to war with the Celestial Realm. The king gives me weird vibes. *shivers*
Love Raphael's thought process of debating and leaning to be on the demon's side instead of the angels. Did the fact of family and his relationship come into play with that as well?
Also Raphael fidgeting with his top when his canon top is really short already, I find it funny.
Luke's "unholy conception" was brought up again, will we ever be getting kinda backstory on that like we did with Levi and Raphael back in the Celestial Realm?
Was Luke's outfit different because he is a child, or claimed to be Barbatos's son? Or both?
Luke to make it though the Celestial Realm this long without major trauma is so lucky. Assuming it is purely because of how protective Simeon is over him? Wanting to keep it from him. Really hope Luke knows how much Simeon loves him.
Is there actual reasoning behind Segreto's style of dress or just what they find looks best? I mean, with sea demons, I kinda understand wanting less clothing to slow you down in the water.
What would Solomon's outfit be like? Would it be like what the demons and angels have or something different because he is human?
Raphael is the last one Lucifer hadn't placed. Would he have been with Levi still or had he run off somewhere else?
Sorry that this is a lot (probably would be more if I wasn't trying to hide my phone from a teacher lol).
Cannot wait for your next installation of this series!! Keep up the good work!! 💜
My literal response to reading this:
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Thank you sm???? Like legit, this is one of the nicest reviews I have ever received. Now, onto your answers!
The acronym I have been using is OFIFotO, do feel free to use that.
Luci is just Tired tm and deserves a break, poor dude. Mammon is the goodest of good boys and I love him.
The King could just be busy doing his own preparations, but I suppose we won't truly know until what he was doing gets revealed later on.
Raphael is just a confused guy, and honestly he needs a break from the constant stress. He feels like he could make things better if he fights on the demon's side, considering the angel side is the one clambering for an unreasonable war. So to answer your question: yes.
He can't decide if he wants it shorter or longer, and I adore his fashion taste XD.
There will be a backstory for Simeon and Michael, don't worry. It won't be very pretty though...
Luke gets a different outfit because he is a child, and because he is "royalty". He's basically in a tunic with metallic thread, showcasing his status. So both!
Luke is one lucky bean, I'll give him that. Simeon really went all out with protecting him from the horrors of the realm they live in. Luke does know, but he does get frustrated with the constant protection.
The clothes that our boys are currently wearing get broken out for feast days, or celebrations. It's coated in jewels and heavy finery, making it difficult to swim in. Normally, lighter material is used, tight to the body, for ease of mobility in the water. The fancy gets brought out for parties, essentially.
Solomon has a similar outfit, but done with different embroidery patterns. Since he is the Grand Sorcerer, he gets some nice threads.
Raph is currently listening is slight horror as Levi happily explains sea monsters tearing human sea vessels apart for fun. He's fascinated and a bit scared.
Hiding your phone from a teacher??? Just to leave me a wonderful ask???? I'mma go sob with joy, brb.
I'm so glad you're enjoying my series, and I hope you continue to <3
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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I wish this trip never ends (sstbthw part 2) - h.h
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Word count: 3768
Warning: angst, swear, mention of smoking
Pairing : harry holland
Request: no.
N/A: okay, i took me almost a whole month to write this but i'm kinda need to work on school too. Remember, english is not my first language, so be kind if you spot mistakes, i really tried my best. I asked you who the reader was supposed to end up with ... I'll let you figure it out but ... don't hate me for the end ... because after all ... it might not be the end. Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the fic! Love you all! xx
taglist : @angeliquekalampoka , @harryhollandsgirlfriend (the one and only harry holland's girlfriend to me)
previously - and you can find part 3
Restoring a relationship of trust and regaining the bond that you both had was particularly difficult. You had to learn to find your place in Harrison's life, but also in his relationship with Grace. You were roommates and friends, but it was complicated to plan meetings with Harrison's busy schedule. Between his job search after the cancellation of his Netflix series, his photo shoots, his dates with Grace, those with his family. It was getting harder and harder to find a moment to reunite with the two of you. It was without counting your schedule.
You were supposed to meet at noon for lunch at that restaurant Harrison told you about where he took his mother earlier this year, for Mother's Day. You felt uncomfortable going to such a place. It was very fancy; you had taken a look at the menu and you knew in advance that you would not be able to afford to split the bill. That was sometimes one of the downsides of being friends with Tom and Harrison. They sometimes forgot that their salary was significantly higher than yours. After all, they were still simple, good-natured guys, never saying no to a quick takeout meal or ordering pizza, drinking a beer at the local pub. And sometimes, they offered to go to prestigious places, not paying attention to money, wanting to please their friends or family.
Currently you were in your room. You were throwing countless of clothes across the room, trying to choose what you could wear to this lunch. Harry stopped dead when one of your dresses flew out of your room, right in front of his nose, blocking his way. You had left your door open and your spontaneity got the better of your best friend.
“Easy, Tiger. I had no idea your clothes had the capacity of Dr. Strange's cape.” He joked before coming into your bedroom.
You turned to find Harry leaning against your doorframe, a smirk encrusted on his face. You gave him an unamused frown and his smile widened. This wasn’t funny at all; you were stressed as hell. It’s not like you still had feelings for Harrison and try to impress him – to be honest, you still had feeling for your friend, but not as intense as before, you had drawn a definitive line on the possibility of a romantic relationship with him, which had helped you a lot. – But you didn’t want to be dressed down and looked like a clown.
“Come on Munchkin, it’s just a lunch. At worst, Harrison can still make it looks like he invited you out for charity, sort of “Make a Wish” event” Harry joked, in his significant humor.
“Go to hell, Robert. Don’t you have a pack bag to make, mister “I’m going to Spain to help my superstar brother to hold his tea while he’s filming”?”
“Rude… I’m a film director, now”
Not for that, you thought to yourself, but don't have the balls to tell your best friend. You didn't want to take this joke too far. You smiled at his cute pretending offended face. You pouted mockingly before biting your lip. You loved the dynamics of your relationship so much. Your humor, sarcasm, your outspokenness, that's what brought you together. Harry pulled you lightly from your closet with a comforting wink. He chose Yves Saint Laurent poppy red wool jersey flared pants that Tom gave you on your birthday. You smiled at his choice. You liked these pair of pants because they were sparkling with vitality, the color was flamboyant. Harry then gave you a satin pearl-colored shirt from Zara and you laughed at the drastic brand difference.
“Oh I see. A classy look but no more than £ 1000 that's pretty smart,” you joked.
The choice of your outfit once again proved the reality of hanging out with wealthy people. You were not poor; you could even be grateful for the life you had had. But it would never occur to you to give your friends clothes that were going over the miles and cents. To be honest, you wanted it. You wanted to live up to the gifts your friends sometimes gave you. But the truth seemed quite different: you had cried over the price of a used Rolex you wanted to give Tom for his birthday. Even having saved for 6 months, you could not afford such a gift.
“Shut up, don’t be so dramatic. Wear that necklace Harrison gave you for Christmas. I’m sure you’ll look fine”
“Thank you,Baz…I guess. ”
You kissed his cheek and then invited him out of your room so you could get ready. It didn't take you more than thirty minutes, time to put on the outfit your best friend had chosen and to put on light makeup. When you were finally ready, you walked to Tom's room. He had offered to take you to the restaurant where you were to join Harrison. But when you got to his ajar door, you could hear the soft sound of a slight snoring. You let out a chuckle before ordering an Uber. You knew he had spent almost a full month in Los Angeles and hadn't returned until early last week. You wanted to leave him as much as possible alone so that he could rest before his trip to Spain for the reshoots of his film Uncharted. Tom was a boy who loved being in touch with those close to him, but you also felt his need to recharge his batteries. That's why you preferred to let him sleep.
You went down to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water before leaving. When your Uber arrived, you left a note on the refrigerator to let the boys know you were safely gone. It was little everyday things that made you look normal that you enjoy. A post-it on the fridge, a table organizing household chores had been drawn up. Note to yourself; It was Harrison's turn to take care of the laundry.
You had really hoped this was just a grotesque nightmare. That it wasn't real. He was going to arrive; he was just stuck into the traffic. Isn't it?
But you were there, waiting for over an hour and a half, without any news from your friend. Some people watched you with pity eyes, the others didn't give you any attention. You internally thank Harry for choosing your outfit. You didn't look like a lost kitten in this prestigious setting. It didn't prevent you from being ashamed right now. The waiter had urged you to order several times but you had told him that you were expecting someone, that he would arrive any minute. The last time, you didn't know if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
But it never happened. Harrison never came to your dinner. You were alone, sitting at a table, pathetically waiting for your friend to show up. It didn't look like him. He had never stand you up before. And not to improve this embarrassing moment, the waiter came to you again. This time, with a man in a suit. He was elegant, carried himself proud but diplomatic. They stopped at your table, a tight smile on their faces. No doubt the man in the suit was to be the manager.
"Miss, my employee told me that you seemed to have occupied this table for a while now. I am sorry to tell you that if you do not order a few things, you will have to leave the establishment"
You looked at him with misty eyes. You have never been so ashamed in your life. You just nod your head, not trusting your voice just yet. After taking a deep breath, you finally apologize to them before telling them that you are going to leave. The manager of the restaurant, out of politeness awkwardly apologizing for this uncomfortable situation.
You've finished the Dry Martini that you allowed yourself to, paying for it with whatever pride you have left. You pulled your cellphone out of your purse and decided to call one of the boys. After three rings, he picked up.
"Hey ... can you please pick me up?"
Your voice was shaky, you were so ashamed but it was less distressing than having to walk the Walk of Shame to your house or cry in an uber. You hung up and shared your location. You left the lobby, leaving the restaurant, standing in front of the entrance to the establishment. The air refreshed your cheeks burning with shame. Luckily it wasn't raining today. Which was pretty nice compared to that early summer you had had.
When you saw Harry's car pulled up in front of you, you slid into the passenger seat without a word. The curly redhead gave you a heartwarming smile but you definitely could see a spark of annoyance in his eyes. You sigh, resigned while shrugging your shoulders. It was obvious that your friendship with Harrison was still shaky.
"I'm sorry, love. He's a jerk about it."
Coincidentally, like a mitigating circumstance, your phone vibrated, receiving a notification from Harrison. You were chewing your lip with a sort of anguish and irritation, watching the message the blond had sent you.
"I'm sorry. So sorry. My agent called me for a pretty urgent casting briefing. She's detained me until now. Are you still okay for this dinner?"
You were angry. You were mature enough and had known the boys long enough to understand their obligations. The fact that Harrison had a lastminute meeting with his agent and missed your dinner wasn't a problem. The problem was, he made you wait for over an hour and a half before notifying you. You wanted him to call you to let you know, or a simple text just after he knew for the meeting. You typed a short answer, shorter than this was impossible. "No". You rested your head against the headrest, turning your gaze to your best friend.
"Hey, he's a Netflix star now" you replied to his last words.
Your voice cracked on the last syllables and your eyes filled with tears. You weren't usually that emotional but the anguish and shame really took over you. Harry noticed, unsure of how to instantly respond to your distress. He would have liked to stop on an emergency lane to take you in his arms but he already had 2 penalties to pay, respectively for speeding and prohibited parking ... a third fine would not be really welcome. He simply placed his hand on your thigh, drawing circles on your pants to comfort you. He simply moved his hand to shift gears and instantly rested it on your leg whenever he had the chance. This gesture soothed you, enjoying the touch, grateful to have someone as your best friend to mop up your pain.
Arriving at the apartment, no sign of Harrison. When you walked in the kitchen, you saw Tom sitting at the counter, scrolling his phone. He looked up at you, not directly noticing your annoyed expression.
"Wow..you're ... gorgeous. I love these pants on you"
You smiled, a little amused by the compliment. Of course he loved the pants, it was a gift from him. But your smile didn’t reach your eyes. With a look on your expression then on the clock, the actor understood that something went wrong. Harry was right behind and still no trace of Harrison. It was suspicious. Tom gave you a worried look.
"Do I have to ask…Never mind, I’m still going to ask. How was lunch with Harrison?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask him? Oh wait... right, he didn't show up" you said sarcastically although you could hear the hurt in your voice.
Tom frowned, biting the inside of his lower lip in annoyance. Harrison was his best mate since forever and he knew him so well. It seemed strange from Harrison to not show up. The blond has told him he was happy to see you again and walking through this whole awkward “feeling situation” because he didn’t want to lose you. In a quick movement, he rose from his stool to walk around the counter. The next second, he took you in his comforting arms and you finally let yourself go under the sight of the two Holland brothers.
“It seems like you need a break of all this shit” Tom said while he ran his fingers through your hair.
You let a little laugh escape through your tears. He wasn't wrong. You really needed to get away from this whole situation for a moment. But how? Harry watched the scene unsure of what to do. You were his best friend and it seemed like the solace you found was never in his arms. He had tried in the car, however, as best he could. He walked over to the counter to make you both a cup of tea. It seems that as cliché as it sounds, tea comforts you, as the English person you used to be. As the redhead waited patiently for the water to boil, a flash of genius - according to him - crossed the glare of his eyes.
“Why doen't she come with us to Spain?”
His brother's words seemed to suit Tom, who released his hold on you. You opened your eyes wide, not sure of what you had just heard. Go to Spain, with them? Once again, you knew you were going to argue on this proposition. The idea was not bad, Spain seemed a rather pleasant country. But you had just graduated and had a student job to save as much as possible. However, you could not afford to leave for several days in Spain, at the last minute. Plus, what were you going to do while Tom was filming and Harry was assisting him? He was sure the film's production crew wasn't going to give you a pass because Tom had decided.
“Yeah! That’s it, you’re coming with us”
“Tom, I have a student job. I can’t just…decide to go to Spain.”
“You never take a leave, come on. It’s not negotiable”
You were looking at Harry for help but he just shrugged. After all, he was the one who had initiated the idea of ​​including you on the trip. You were trying to find a valid excuse to stay home. You really didn't want to impose yourself.
“I can’t afford that” you said, trying your best to convince him to quit the idea.
“I don’t care, it’s not even a problem. You coming to Spain with us.”
"Omg, does Z dominate you in bed to make you so bossy in life?"
Harry almost spitted his tea and laughed out loud while Tom gave you shocked eyes with pinky cheeks. You had always been sassy but hanging out with the boys had made you even more sassy than ever. How many times haven't you heard Tuwaine or Harry make fun of Harrison or Tom on the sex subject? Being a girl seemed to make you an untouchable character. The boys had never teased you about your relationships or your sexual partners. And while you've always had feelings for Harrison, you've had your own experiences. Anyway, you had just gone with the flow and Tom's brand-new romantic relationship with his co-star gave you the perfect opportunity.
“That's not the point.” stammered the actor.
Your smile widened, proud of your joke and the way Tom reacted. You heard Harry clear his throat. He had his phone in his hand and his own smile didn't bode well for you.
"The production is okay but it's at Tom's expense."
“You got to be kidding me…”
You ended up in Spain with two of your best friends. You knew you had limited time before Tom had to fly back to Los Angeles for some Spider-man: No Way Home reshoots. So, you enjoyed as much as possible: accompanying the boys to the golf course - even though you weren't very involved in the sport -, spending time to visit touristic places when they were on set, talking with Rachael and other people from the set. You really enjoyed your trip.
On Wednesday evening you went out to a restaurant with Tom, Harry and two other friends/tom’s colleagues. You couldn't deny that it was fun. You had the opportunity to sunbathe a little while walking through the streets of Madrid. Spain was doing you good and not once did you think about your wobbly friendship with Harrison. You've just left the restaurant when a few fans politely show up to take pictures with Tom. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of how kind Tom had always taken in a few snaps when his fans approached him respectfully - and there weren't too many of them -. You sighed with pleasure before stepping away from the group. You leaned against a wall and took out the packet of cigarettes that Tom had asked you to keep in your clutch bag. Being an occasional smoker, he wouldn't blame you if you took one from him. You tilted your head back to admire the dark starry night when you felt a presence by your side. You narrowed your eyes in mischief as you looked sideways: Harry was there, his nose wrinkled from your cigarette. He didn't like it too much Silence filled your bubble despite the hubbub outside. You were in public and it was not surprising to meet travelers and Madrid residents mingling with the crowd to enjoy this pleasant evening.
"I wish this trip never ends." You finally said, breaking the silence.
Harry didn't know what to say to that. Instead, he was just looking at you. You were a little tanned, the Madrid sun had done wonders on you; your loose hair framed your face and the summer dress you had chosen for the restaurant looked great on you: It was a short red floral summer dress with a shingle collar. Light enough to keep you from suffocating but decent to wear on any casual occasion. You were beautiful, stunning. His heart exploded at the sight of you, so much that it hurt a few times.
"I wish I had been there for you more." he finally confessed
You finally turned your head towards him and shrug your shoulders, smiling shyly but sincerely.
“You were working, Baz”
“I meant…not only here in Spain. I’m sorry to have let you down recently”
You give him a confused look. He hadn't been a bad friend but he kept implying it. You just shook your head negatively to brush his words away. Harry had always been important to you. He had been the first to step towards you. It was him who introduced you to the rest of the gang. He had always been concerned about you.
The night you met, you immediately clicked up with him. And to be honest, for a moment, you thought he liked you that night. But he never took that step towards you and you never did either. You dreaded that if you kissed him, he would think you were interested in his notoriety by proxy. So you just acted like any reasonable person would - accept the status he gave you. And the second time he asked you to join him with his brother and his friends, you met Harrison and your heart exploded.
"I'm glad you brought me here"
“I'm happy you accepted to come.”
“I didn't really have the choice, Baz” you joked.
He laughed slightly. You weren't wrong, he and Tom had practically dragged you onto the plane, leaving you no choice to be by their side. But you could only thank them, especially Harry who had the idea. You took another hit on your cigarette before leaning back to check out where Tom was with his fans. He seemed to be talking with the girls and didn't seem overwhelmed. So, you didn't want to interrupt him and were just going to wait for him to finish. Harry played with his hands nervously, looking straight ahead and then at you. He seemed to be repeating this game for several seconds before finally asking the question that was in his mind.
“Have you heard from Harrison?” Harry asked quite casually
“He sent me several texts to apologize and wished me to have a good time in Madrid.”
“Do you still have feelings for him?”
You swallow hard before looking at him. There was an indecipherable glint in his eyes and you weren't sure what to make of it. You drew another puff from your cigarette, maybe that would save you from entering this conversation. But Harry's presence was all around you and you couldn't really escape. So you've decided to be honest.
“It’s complicated. I suppose so...”
“But my friendship with Haz is important, I don't want to lose him because of it.”
“Yeah, you can't imagine how well I understand you” he sighed
“What do you mean? Who’s the lucky girl..or guy ?”
Harry turned to you frankly and you did the same, stubbing out the half-smoked cigarette. You are well aware that the conversation was taking a more serious turn. He moistened his lips and walked over to you. Harry was full of things: he was full-loving, sarcastic, talented, daring, impertinent. But Harry was mostly awkward when it came to love. Not just an attraction, no, love with real feeling. Delicately, hesitantly, he reached out to your cheek, stroking it with the back of his fingers, cautiously. You were frozen, your eyes fixed on him admiring his audacity.
"She's the most beautiful girl I ever seen." he said with a small smile.
Harry walked over to you and your heart was pounding at breakneck speed. Harry had ... feelings for you? You were really confused. Since when had he developed his feelings? Why didn't he tell you about it? Why hadn't he tried anything so far? So, were you right from the start? Was there a tension between you since the beginning of your friendship, since your met? But above all, did you want him to take that step? Instinctively, your body responded. You parted your lips and closed your eyes. You enjoyed the warmth of his hand on your cheek and were waiting for the touch of his lips. But it never happened.
"Hey baz, y/n..we're going back to the hotel" Tom said, taking his eyes off his phone. "I…Mhmm sorry, did I interrupt something?"
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ff-imagines · 3 years
uhm this is embarrassing thing to request but,,,,,,, how bout u know,,,,,, nsfw alphabet/scenario/hcs with blobster. 👁️👄👁️. I'm sorry.
Boston lobster: nsfw alphabet
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Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
Admittedly kinda sloppy, it doesn’t occur to him that he should probably check up on you till he’s like “oh shit humans need water” and he suddenly shoots up to grab some and come back to you lmao
If you explicitly ask you get no back talk from him, he just carries you where you need to be and makes sure you’re feeling alright.
Will be endlessly prideful if u say you can’t walk, express your soreness at your sanities risk bc he’ll bring it up for ages
B- body parts
Oh he’s got no shame to tell you he loves your ass and thighs. The type to walk by you and give you a tap on the ass while smirking to himself. Doesn't matter how much or how little you've got he’ll still ask at least once if he can fuck your thighs lmao
Does his height count? He loves how he towers over most humans and food souls alike, chances are he’s probably taller than you, and he really likes that. Sulks a bit if you’re actually taller than him lmao.
They aren’t his favourite part of him but I gotta talk about the antennae. They’re weirdly sensitive, pulling him makes him squeak, which ends with him chasing you or with him chasing you, take your pick. When he catches you he makes it his goal to find a weirdly sensitive part of your body and to tease that spot endlessly. Tickle fight ensues but it’s more like you’re suffering while he’s maniacally laughing above you.
C - cum
It’s thick as fuck and very salty, rip lmao
He likes to cum inside or on your thighs, look they’re very squishy and nice ok he can’t help it </3
He’s also obsessed with not only making you cum, but just… your cum. Amab or afab readers, he will delight in making you watch him swallow. Would also bring his hand up to make you taste yourself, grinning the whole damn way.
D - dirty secret
He’s really affected by scents. If you have a signature perfume or cologne you wear all the time it can make him unbearably horny, since the smell lingers on his sheets and on his clothes long after you’re gone.
E - experience
A fair amount, out of curiosity. Not too many times as he’s spent a lot of years in total isolation. His curiosity is a more recent development, he finds he likes the feeling but something is just missing from his hookups. Then he meets you and is like “ohhhh a relationship is what it was, damn.” Once he realizes that, and even a little bit before when he first starts noticing his internal unease, the hookups stop so he can figure out how to swallow his pride and try and ask a human out lmao
F - favorite position
He loves doggy style because it’s just so so easy to control you that way. He loves to pull you back by your arms, spearing inside you at a punishing pace.
He also would love if you were flexible enough to push into a mating press, getting right next to your ear, whispering about how close he is.
G - goofy
Surprisingly, yea! He’s actually pretty good at making fun of himself, he just doesn’t do it often and doesn’t like it when someone he’s not close to does it. He gives little teases here and there, it eases tension quite a lot.
H- hair
He doesn’t shave for shit lmao. Intense happy trail, intense amount of body hair over all, he actually prefers it that way.
He keeps the same energy with your body hair and will come out and tell you he kinda likes it if you don’t shave. Ultimately he doesn’t think on it too hard, it doesn’t bother him in the end, whatever you want, he wants too!
I- intimacy
He’s not so good at being truly intimate, it’s just not something he’s used to being. If you ever, by some miracle, convince him to let you top him, he’s actually a lot softer and it’s easier to let his feelings speak for him. He also discovers he likes getting dommed a lot but he won’t tell you that lmao
J- jerk off
Not too often, he’s either super busy or he could just find you and solve the problem in an even more satisfying way.
If he ever can’t, expect him to grab one of your shirts to press to his nose as he fists his cock, the feeling of being surrounded by you is enough to help him finish when he desperately needs it.
K- Kinks
Well, the scent thing ofc.
He’s really into risky sex, a true exhibitionist. He’s hot, you’re hot, who wouldn’t want to see you both put on a show? If it gets it into their heads that no matter how bad they want you, you belong to him, your place is right here, getting split apart on his cock, he’ll make sure the message gets across.
Huge breeding kink. Hates the idea of kids but really likes the idea of claiming your insides. He’d love to push you into the mattress and release as deep as he can go.
He’s into humiliation as well, let him tease you while calling you his sweet little whore, he'll make it worth your while.
He’d love if you let him tie you up, he’d probably get into doing fancy designs that accentuates your body in the best way. A pretty rope to tie up and dick down a pretty s/o.
Also I can’t look at his skin where he’s got that suit on and not know he’s got a daddy kink, I just can’t. He doesn’t care for anything other than the title, it’s more about power than anything else. Call him daddy in public and watch how fast you get taken to a more private area. Or, maybe a less than private area, if you’d let him.
He’s got a thing for size difference as well, he loves to loom over you, even if he isn’t actually bigger than you.
L- location
Anywhere, anytime. He’s a prideful bastard, he’ll show off his ability to get you drunk off his cock any way he can. Not only isn’t there a spot in your house he hasn’t fucked you on, there probably isn’t a place on your street either.
M- motivation
What really gets him going is seeing you when you're at your most confident. If you come to him beaming about winning an award, wearing an outfit you feel great in, even if you just say something cocky, it just makes him so proud and eager to share that confidence with you. He doesn’t want to break you down, he wants to prop you up! Tell him about how good you feel, he’ll make you feel even better <3
N- no
As much as he likes to show you off, he doesn’t actually like the thought of a third party joining in. He might be swayed if it’s someone he really trusts. He also doesn't like receiving humiliation, he’s much too prideful lmao
O- oral
Please suck him off, he’ll be kinda rough with you but he’ll be nicer if you ask. He prefers to be mean though lmao. He likes ordering you around on what to do when you’ve got his dick in your mouth, his words get more incoherent the closer he is, though.
He’s just as eager to give you head too, he treats you like a whole 7 course meal. He loves biting around your thighs before ever touching where you're desperate for him to.
P- pace
Oh he’s punishingly hard. Loves to have a fast steady pace then stop as deep as he can and roll his hips a bit to make sure you feel just how deep his dick is inside you.
There are rare days when he’s feeling soft, those days he’s slow and methodical, gripping into your hips to make sure you can’t wiggle to increase your own pleasure, he wants you to savour the high he gives you.
Q- quickies
Well, why not! So what if you’re in an alleyway near a busy street, and anyone can walk by and see you getting pounded? You’re feeling heated aren’t you? Don't kid yourself, just turn around and let him take care of you.
R- risk
He lives for it. If you’d let him he’d bounce you on his cock in a plainly public place, like a subway car.
It’s a big fantasy of his for someone who absolutely pines for you to flirt just a little too hard, you coming to him and letting him fuck your right in front of them. It fuels his pride beyond belief to show you off.
S- stamina
His refractory time is fairly low. Even if he...can? doesn't really mean he wants to. He prefers either one drawn out, long round where you’ve both been edged to the point of desperation, or a few quick rounds throughout the day.
T- toys
At first they kinda hurt his pride but then he’s like “wait I can strap them on a vibrator and just sit back and watch” and then he’s totally on board lmao.
Forcing you to sit on a chair with a vibrator he had the remote to, keeping you on the edge and smirking while you beg and snivel, having no actual plans to give into your pleading.
U- unfair
Oh fuck yea, strap in babes.
He loves loves to edge the fuck out of you, he’d drag it out for hours if you’d let him. Even better if he can tie you down so you can’t squirm away from what he’s giving you.
Overstimulation is just as exciting to him, but he actually loves it more on himself. Sometimes he’ll overstimulate himself on purpose by still continuing to buck into you even after he’s already cum, determined to chase a second high no matter how painful it feels.
V- volume
Loud groans, and he won’t stop talking. Loves to ask you questions when you’re clearly way too blissed out to answer in any sort of coherent way.
He gets a lot louder near his release, he loves to bite into your shoulder to try and muffle himself. If he decides to be bold and let you hear him, he grabs your jaw and brings his face right next to your ear. What a show off.
W- wild card
He kidnaps small items that remind him of you, not just things that smell like you. That one earring you always wear, a glove, a necklace, picks flowers that remind him of you for whatever reason, he might even go out of his way to buy things that remind him of you, keep them to himself for a while, then give it to you when he’s sure it smells enough like him. He gives your stuff back… eventually.
X- X Ray
Oh please… he spits, sweats, and bleeds big dick energy. I refuse to believe his dick isn’t big enough to make you nervous. Would have you sit on his lap and track a finger up your stomach to measure how deep his cock can go.
Y- yearning
He’s pretty likely to mold to your sexual drive. However often you need him, he’s at your beck and call. He likes to keep it closer to 2-3 times a week if he can.
Z- zzz
He doesn’t sleep all that easily at all, but it gets a little easier when he’s got you in his arms. Prefers to be big spoon, and as much as he hates getting overheated, he just can’t will himself to let go of you. It’s ironically one of the most peaceful sleeps he’s ever had.
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marvelousbutterfly · 3 years
hey ur autistic peter parker series is one of my favourite things rn I'm having sm fun reading it. idk if ur taking prompts (it's okay if ur not) but I would love to see tony taking peter to a restaurant where he happy stims the whole time and its just soft <3 (keep up the good work)
Hello! Thank you so much!! <3
I'm sorry it took so long, but here is your request! I was going to write it as a small blurb but I got carried away haha I hope you enjoy it!
I feel happy (I can't keep it all inside)
Read on ao3
It has been a good week. Peter had managed to work on some assignments, and also to ask for due date extensions for those he had been having a hard time with. He had also mostly avoided meltdowns and shutdowns, only having a mild sensory overload at his apartment one day, which he had managed to calm down from with May's help without too much trouble. He even got to go out patrolling a few times, helping with a small deli robbery and giving directions to a few tourists.
He was feeling good about having an almost stress-free week, and both May and Tony felt the same, doing everything to show the boy how proud they were of him for asking for help when he felt he needed, which most definitely was a big factor in avoiding any kind of episode - it was relieving to avoid them, considering how much energy they took out of him. May showered him with hugs and kisses, and Tony - still being slightly emotionally constipated - showed his pride the best way he best knows how to, with something material.
And that's how May and Peter found themselves entering the man's car, a surprisingly discreet one, to go out for dinner. Although Tony told them not to worry too much about dress codes and such, Peter was still a bit nervous about the idea of going to a fancy restaurant, full of unwritten rules to be followed. Still, he was very excited.
But for Peter's surprise, when they finally got out of the parked car, that wasn't what he saw at all. Instead, it was a small and cozy place, not too full and with nice lighting, as opposed to those fancy restaurants with harsh lighting on the table in contrast with the dark environment, making his eyes hurt. Tony gave a quiet laugh at the look on the boy's face - he really should be used to the man being full of surprises by now.
They made their way inside, and Tony asked for a table with less visibility from the main area. As they studied the menu, Peter couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face as he noticed that there were quite a few options that were viable for him, considering his selectivity with food. Still, his mentor helped him choose something, as he was familiar with the place and knew which dishes would be more appealing to the boy.
As they waited for the food to arrive, the trio talked about their days while Peter swung his legs back and forth under the table, careful not to accidentally hit May or Tony, and vocal stimmed in between the conversation, making random noises from time to time. May retrieved the boy’s stimming kit from her purse, containing a variety of stim toys that he’d bring everywhere with him, and placed it on the table next to him so he could use them if needed.
Peter instantly took the toys from the small bag he carried them in, revealing a yellow and red tangle, a black and grey fidget cube, a blue pair of fidget rings connected by bike chains, a green tube of mesh with a marble inside, and a black infinity cube. He studied them while flapping his hands, trying to decide what he felt like stimming with, before finally picking up the tangle, shaking it in the air a few times with his hand before tangling his fingers with the plastic, still flapping his other hand by his side.
While they talked, May and Peter noticed, though they didn’t mention it, how Tony would casually pick up some of the stim toys from time to time, analyzing them and at some point quietly fidgeting with the rings connected by the bike chains.
“So, what type of lego did you and Ned build this week?” Tony asked the stimming boy, knowing he and his best friend had hung out the previous day after school, and knowing full well that they would have been playing with lego kits.
“Oh it was this really cool airplane model!” the boy answered excitedly, flapping both of his hands, stim toy still tangled in one of them, “It has a door that actually opens, little seats for the passengers and the pilot, there is even this cool controlling panel in the pilot’s cabin with actual levers and stuff! It’s so cool, so cool, so cool!” he completed, making wide hand gestures, his eyes widened as he echoed his last words in excitement.
Tony couldn’t help but laugh fondly at the boy’s passion towards the toy, though he couldn’t deny that at that age, he’d also been that excited about a small robot he had built, as simple as its function was - to pass him tools as he worked on other projects.
“That actually sounds really cool” the man admitted, “You gotta show me the next time I stop by your apartment, I promise I won’t break it this time” he said guiltily, though amused, referring to the time he accidentally ripped off the top of a lego building the boy had assembled.
“Who would’ve thought that a man who literally creates things for a living would mercilessly destroy others” said Peter dramatically, making exaggerated motions to wipe fake tears as he teased his father-figure.
“Ouch, you wound me, buddy” said the man in response, “Okay, then, guess I’ll ask Dum-E to help me finish the new adjustments to Karen’s code” he said jokingly, shrugging his shoulders.
The boy jumped at that, pointing at his mentor while squinting his eyes in a manner that would be almost threatening, if both adults didn’t find it so endearing. ”Don’t you dare” he said, making Tony reveal a smug smile, knowing he had won their fake argument.
May, still laughing in amusement at their banter, warned them both to retrieve their arms from over the table as the waiter arrived with their food, and they all thanked the man as he served their meals with a friendly smile.
During their meal, Peter kept bouncing in his chair, flapping the hand that was still holding the tangle while he ate his lasagna with the other. He’d shake his head, tilting it side to side while he chewed, humming a random tune contently.
From time to time, their conversation would be interrupted by one of the adults, advising the boy about a thing or another to avoid any issues, while still letting him stim happily.
“Honey, careful with your hands, you’re about to hit your glass” May said at some point, moving his glass more towards the middle of the table so that the boy’s stimming wouldn’t cause it to break or spill, making him smile gratefully.
In another moment, Tony said with a smile “Buddy, it might not be a good idea to put your tangle on your mouth right now” as the boy was about to bring the toy to his lips like he used to do subconsciously, “it’s gonna get the lasagna sauce in it and we all know it’s not gonna feel nice when it gets in your hands” he explained, making the boy cringe at the thought as he took the tangle away from his mouth with a grateful smile.
Towards the end of their meal, during yet another excited rant from the boy as he talked about a Star Wars theory, he ended up flapping both of his hands, accidentally sending his fork to the ground with a loud clunk that made him blush embarrassingly, along with a piece of lasagna.
“Oops, got your food flying a bit there, buddy” Tony said lightly as he retrieved the fork from the floor and then used a napkin to clean a speck of tomato sauce that had flown to the boy’s cheek. Then, he comforted the boy, “it’s okay, nothing to be embarrassed about”, he assured.
May soon called for a waiter and politely asked for another fork, which he brought to the boy with a smile, assuring that it was no trouble when the boy apologized once again.
After the pair comforted the boy, Tony decided to lift his mood once again. “Have I told you about the time where I cooked a homemade meal for Pepper when we started dating, and I ended up spilling alfredo sauce over her dress?” he started, making both May and Peter laugh, smiling proudly as he got the boy happy stimming once again while he told the anecdote.
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klm-zoflorr · 3 years
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So made some character sheets for my Yuko babies ocs! I love them, it was so much fun. I really like designing clothes... Plus it helped me flesh them out a little more. Long-deserved characterisation and versions of drawings under the cut because it got way too long :)
So, Yaosa (first pannel) is the one who is raised in the Fire Nation with Zuko. You can check a little bit of backstory there. Lueni (second pannel) is the one who grew up at the North Pole with Yue. You can check her orginal post there, an outfit variation there and a potential grown-up version of her there, or just scroll her tag on my blog.
I have decided/changed it so Yaosa is nonbinary! Idk I was getting those vibes. He uses all pronouns, but mostly he/they. Full disclaimer that I am not trans, and so might be insensitive with my headcanons. Don't hesitate to tell me if that's the case! But we should be fine.
Also I am still not gonna make transphobia a thing in the avatarverse because I just don't like that stuff.
He knows how to chi block, their fighting style is very fast and agile. Ty lee taught them, she is kind of a mother/aunt figure to them. Firelord (!!) Azula kinda is too tbh, Yaosa was sorta raised by a village ahah
I think he's a firebender? I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it canon or not. On one hand it would be fun to have a nonbending royal, on the other I want to show the differences between typical fire nation values and Yaosa's in other ways. And I'm not even sure they'd keep him if he was a nonbender? One thing that's certain is that he isn't a waterbender, or he would get his ass yeeted off the palace in less than 30 seconds
Lueni is a firebender for sure tho, which causes... Problems. If they were both firebenders, she would be the most powerful. She probably has some training in weapons, sword maybe? Knives at least. Idk her shoulder plate would make sense with a sword.
Lueni is definitely the more hotheaded of the two, and the most likely to get into a fight. Doesn't mean she fights everyone she sees, tho, she just has a more headstrong and willful persona, and wouldn't stay silent if you say something that bothers her. Words are her first weapon of choice, she can be pretty commanding (and sometimes acts too much like she's the boss of you and is always right, which can piss people off) and is good at convincing people, althought she hates lying and wouldn't consciously manipulate someone. On the other hand, Yaosa often prefers to watch from a distance and calculate things. He is honest too, but doesn't have as strong a sense of justice (which is only natural given where he was raised). He can use either words or strenght on people, depending which is more likely to work.
So, now that we're done with the headcanons let's talk about the drawings. You can see that I drew variations of clothing for both of them. They depend on their stories (which I haven't quite fleshed out yet) and personalities a little bit too. Like:
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Lueni's first two outfits is for when she's still at the North Pole with her mom. The first one is more of an outer wear, second one is a more relaxed/chill/inside kind of clothing. Yes, her arms are exposed! She doesn't get cold very easily, I wonder why...
Her last two outfits are for when she leaves the North Pole (it happens at some point in the story. Idk when and idk why). Since she is from the poles, she has trouble handling high temperatures, and if you add to that all the fire play going on... You can see I added a belt and knee + shoulder reinforcment. I just thought that was a realistic touch for someone travelling around and getting into fights.
You can see her style of clothing is a little bit fancy, but definitely not unpractical (especially the last one) She likes being able to move around, and wouldn't be able to do so as easily with clothes like Yue's princess outfit (and her big skirt). Add to that the fact while she is technically a princess, she's not that legitimate. So she is allowed to not be as proper as she should be, which she is very happy about.
She very rarely lets her hair down, prefering to keep it in a practical ponytail. Plus, she can keep her hair thingie/crown visible this way (she is proud of being apart of her family and royalty, even if there are some points she dislikes). I gave her a bone necklace bc i thought it looked cool.
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Yaosa doesn't have different weather outfits since their story happens mostly at the same place, aka in the fire nation/earth kingdom.
However, his style of clothing changed depending on whether he has to act like the Fire Nation prince or if they're left to chill on a boat. I imagined when the story takes place he is on their own Avatar search? Everyone in the family gets a part in this, ahah. Anyway, he doesn't like formality when he doesn't have to be formal, and so doesn't wear armor at all times (or... Ever, tbh. They're kind of a pacifist, fight avoidant too)
So, the first outfit is the typical fire nation armor, of course. Second one is a long, thin cotton coat that I thought fit them pretty well. The short sleeves are maybe more suited for hotter temperatures. He keeps the usual fire nation boots for this outfit. I also added some random bandages on his arm, it doesn't mean anything particular.
The last two are the same outfit, with different poses. I don't have anything particular to say about it, apart from the fact I fcking love it.
I think he has kind of a hermit/wise vibe to him. I really like it, think it fits his think-before-you-fight vibe. Think about a kind of Zuko but without the anger issues. Oh, and he usually braids his hair because this way they don't get hair in their face while fighting, but can also sport a top knot or just hair down (althought less often because he thinks the braid makes him look cool and nice). They have a blue decoration to tie at the end of the braid, it's from Yue, Zuko gave it to them. He always has it on him.
Well, I think we're done. I had a lot of things to say :3 If you ever redraw any of those (don't forget to give credit of course) don't hesitate about harrassing me on every social media so I'll see it xD (my instagram is @/he.artane). And as always, feel free to ask any questions!
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danked-piccolo-shit · 5 years
Yandere Bigby x Reader
Hello there ! Just some messed up thing I came up with but I'm too high to re-read this so sorry for the mistakes if you find any 👋
A blinding light drawed itself across the dark and terrifying sky of this stormy night. Despite the late hour, you were there, in the streets, your clothes soaked by the heavy rain that was falling, but, mainly, alone. A drop slipped on your cheek, and your wet hair wasn't even the reason of it. Alas, yes : all you can do was crying and run for your life, now, at this hour of the night, where no one can hear your voice break as you started to burst into tears again.
Slowly, memories flowed back in your head, only to make you panic more. He MAY already be after you... Unconsciously, you started to shiver, like the pitiful and helpless prey you must be to his eyes.
A cab, you absolutely needed to find a way to leave the town, even drop on the next continent if you could, actually. All you wanted to do was to be far, really far away from this nightmarish night.
You moved out in Fabletown 2 months ago. This was a strange yet lovely little town to live in, and despite your low socialization skills, you actually managed to meet some good people out there. Your neighbours was really nice, your new coworkers always helped you when you didn't understand something... Everything was great ! At least, that's what you thought when it all began...
Never judge a book by its cover, right ? That always was one of your favourite proverb, and you do your best to always apply it. So when a tall, tired-looking men came to talk to you one day after you finished your work, you didn't mind to give him a small chat as he finished asking for your lighter. He looked a bit intimidating, and was sometimes a little bit clumsy with his words, but that's it ! He was nice ! That's how you two started to be friends, before things escalated quite quickly.
Bigby always wanted to see you after work, like every.darn.day. But it was only to make you discover the town better ! This was great and helped you a lot, really, but... Were all the fancy restaurants and the littles " just to welcome you to Fabletown" gifts really that necessary ?
He often insisted to bring you back to your house after your long evenings together, but you always politely refused : Even if he was the Sheriff, you haven't know him enough yet.
Actually, your never really knew him...
Bigby liked to talk so much about you that you barely had the chance to discover the men himself. He was always waiting for you when you leaved your workplace, and the only thing you did when you go back home was to get the 2 or 3 hours of sleep you needed not to go too crazy, 'cause, after all, you'll deal with the same tomorrow... You rarely saw your new friends, cannot fund a time to call your family or simply have time for you. This was literally not your life anymore... You knew you had to stop this routine, but how could you have the power to say 'no' to such a nice men ?
One day, you actually managed to bring yourself together and told Bigby how tired you truly were, how uncomfortable all his gifts made you, and how despite his kindness you preferred to see him... Less often ?
You truly felt like trash when you told him that, after all the things he had done for you so far, but you just couldn't continue to let him treat you like a little princess ! You two were just mere friends ! And only since a couple of days, goddammit !
Of course you realised Bigby wanted more than just a simple friendship at this point. But all of this felt so... fast, for you.
The moment you finished talking, his tired face went from surprise to sadness :
" I didn't know you saw it that way, (Y/N), but... That's fine"
Bigby's tone was a bit cold by the end, but you clearly couldn't be mad at him for it : You really dropped him like trash, and you weren't proud of it. You went back home with the lowest self esteem you ever had, but, still, you felt relieved somewhere. And this feeling grew up bit by bit when you finally called your family after so long, that night.
You stopped running in the street as you were blinded by the tears that flows uncontrollably on your cheeks. You wanted to see them again so bad, now, even if you knew it'll probably never happen. You've been naive, way too naive to not see all the red flags that led to what Bigby likes to refer as "the incident".
Part 1 done !
Part 2 coming... soon, maybe.
Thanks for reading anyway, pal 😊
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littlewalken · 2 years
Ap 17
Had a fairly long dream with puppies and members of The Cure and what would make a decent horror plot about a modern cult holding people captive.
And an idea about The Dominion using Odo's genes when they made him human and mixing them with Vorta and I got to see Snide and Prejudice and some of the other things Remy Auberjonois did. Somewhere I saw an interview with Rene and Remy and watching them go from being on the same wavelength to worlds apart and back again made me so envious for that sort of relationship with anyone.
But yeah, Remy Auberjonois as a human Odo-Vorta hybrid. With a tail of course.
Got my tasks tasked yesterday, the return of a pair of unwanted items resulted in a pair of outfits, a pair of pillowcases, and four Wacky Packages series 3 thinggies. About 3/4 of the stuff was new to me and I've put the checklist in my purse so I will only buy a package if it has one of just a few things I want on top. DOn't need 'em all but I'd like to have certain ones.
Today's stay home and away from the spiritual peoples thing is to sort and photograph the different art supplies and brands I have. That way I can't forget to put it on a list.
Then I'm going to pair them with reference pictures and see if there's enough pages in the Moleskines, which I am suspecting less and less there are, and ponder if I should just do it all on Canson XL paper then remember I rid myself of sheet protectors for reasons and keeping track of two books is...
On one hand the Van Gogh watercolors are made by a fancy pants art company, on the other they're considered student grade like the Cotman. It's still a nice set, I have the shades of nature which doesn't have a blue, it has like a pthalo green so don't trust online pictures, but does have enough of a warm rainbow to work.
I just get the feeling that the sorting is going to make me want to get more, pans of Graphitint are tempting but I have 2 sets of pencils due to a transaction that made my Ferengi advisor very proud, and it's only half the colors.
It's a weird little thing like an Artgraf regular color graphite I don't have. Got to remember earth tones are separate in a way from the black and white when it comes to demos.
But Artgraf earth tones all the way for any people of color.
0 notes
janiedean · 7 years
Hi Lavi :) I need your help! cause I'm moving to Roma soon for 2 months and I don't really know anything about the city :/// First, I would need advice for the place I'll stay in, I have 3 options basically : Trastevere, Aventino, or near the basilica santa maria maggiore. Knowing that I would need to be in the city center (next to the palazzo colonna) every day?? And general advices about living in Roma would be awesome too! Grazie
okay so first thing I REALLY HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME HERE rn the administration is... terrible but hopefully it won’t deter you from enjoying it. in order:
palazzo colonna is right in the city center but in theory all three options are good because aventino is behind the coliseum which is within walking distance, santa maria maggiore is near the main station but it’s also within walking distance and trastevere is a bit farther but you can get to piazza venezia quickly with the tram which is like the one public transport that works. in theory aventino is more quiet and has a lot of green and it’s not that filled with tourists but it should be less cheap (if you’re renting) but like if you can afford it maybe it’s the best choice, but it also has the least choice of like, shops and restaurants and so on. trastevere has all the typical restaurants and is a lot more lively and is full of nice shops, but it’s also stock-full of tourists and unless you find a secluded place good luck sleeping during the weekends. santa maria maggiore depends on where you are because in between the church and the station it’s cheaper but it’s basically the multicultural area which is not as well kept as the others - sadly - and on the other side instead there’s monti which is a very nice and actually not too touristy neighborhood which has also good public transportation so it depends on what are your specific needs, but all three are good picks also because you can get to piazza venezia by foot anyway if everything else fails. I’d say weigh your specific needs (if you want to party in your free time trastevere or s. maria maggiore is better, if you want quiet and calm aventino would be better) and see but all those choices are good;
as far as general advice goes, in order, PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND SHIT and then WHAT YOU CAN DO:
know it from the get-go - public transport is shitty. if you can walk, WALK. if you can’t, get an app on your phone - the best are probus, citymapper and muoviroma - which tells you when the bus is coming if it’s coming - sometimes they fuck up but it’s better that you do. really, GET AN APP, because otherwise waiting for the bus will be hell. the metro is more reliable but taken in the morning or at 5-7 PM it’s hell - you’ll get people in your face and pressed up to you like sardines most of the time. the only good public transport is the tram and it’s not everywhere. do not expect it to work properly. there’s a strike about every other friday (I KNOW) so be prepared to walk. if you’re here for two months you can get the monthly card - at least it’s cheap, even if the service is shitty. 80% of the time the bus driver won’t speak very good english. anyway, do not expect good public transport. ever;
don't use taxis or try not to. the prices are some of the highest in the country and they'll rob you in any case. clearly if you need to get someplace at 3 AM then you don't have much choice, but the number for calling one is just in Italian I think, so you'd have to stop one unless you learn enough italian or you know it well enough to navigate it. especially, try don't take one from the airport because it'll cost you around 70 euros tops unless you want to spend them, of course. or you can try the private taxi companies - the one everyone recommends me is samarcanda, they also accept credit cards while regular taxis might not; (in case, go on ONLY THE WHITE ONES)
if you need directions, beware that a good 50% of the people here either speak English pretty badly. So in case you do need to ask, I'd suggest asking at a newsstand or bar or shop - at the center there's probably more of a chance that they actually do speak English. If you learn the basic Italian for directions it might help a lot, but if you ask random people they might be crap at communication;
if you need to buy food, we have a few supermarket chains. todis has the best price/quality ratio, conad is okay, carrefour is good but pricey, coop is good if you find one, the rest can be good or not but those are the most popular supermarket chains;
alf of the people who drive around here should have their license removed. (personal experience.) pay extra attention while crossing any road and try to mind noisy traffic. that might seem kind of stupid, but there's a bunch of people passing with red lights or starting the car as soon as it's green and stuff like that which never happens when I go outside Italy (most times). oh, and pay attention to motorcycles because 75% of people driving one should have their license removed instead of just half and they tend to break rules more than car drivers do;
if you want to rent a car or try to get one while you’re here you can but I would advise strongly against it because parking is a bitch and *I* hate driving in this city I can’t imagine someone not adjusted to it;
now, since it’s long, under the cut you get food/tourism advice/tourist traps and stuff. :)
Tourist traps and stuff that is advisable to avoid
There aren't many tourist traps in the strict sense since pretty much everything is worth visiting, but here are the ones I'm aware of, plus a few tips.
- Don't get on the top of St. Peter's. I don't know why it's apparently a great thing to do but it's totally not worth it. They charge you, there's always a line that can go from mid-long to long as fuck and the view isn't anything that special either. You can get a better one for free if you take a walk up the Gianicolo hill or the Pincio gardens just to say two. Or you can take the elevator on the Altare della patria.
When you go to the Coliseum/Roman forum, avoid fake gladiators before they throw an arm around your shoulder and take a picture with you because then they'll want to get paid for it even if you didn't ask. Unless you want one but it’s like ROBBERY. XD
When eating, avoid restaurants in the center offering you tourist menus or pasta/pizza menus. They'll tell you that you can have any pasta or pizza you want and stuff to drink for seven euros, but then looking at the menu since most pastas cost more than that, they'll mostly give you just one or two choices for either. Also 99% of the times it's frozen and re-heated, and at that point you can spend ten euros and go to a proper cheap pizza place. Also beware generally of places that offer pasta and pizza at the same time anyway - most proper pizza restaurants have a pasta/meat/vegetables/etc. choice anyway even if they don't advertise it, and whatever offers stuff like pasta/pizza/Italian typical food at once is usually not a good choice. If they sport an Italian flag or the Coliseum or St. Peter's on the menu outside then it's probably not a good place. XD
Generally eating cheap
Since I scared you off the cheap kind of restaurant, some eating cheaply advice. Now, unless you go to very fancy places and/or renomated restaurants and/or smack in the center, it's easy-ish enough to eat with no more than 12 euros per person in regular restaurants/pizza places. Also most Chinese restaurants are pretty cheap. But if you just want something quick for lunch or anything, there are a lot of places that sell pizza by the weight. You can just go in and say that you want three euros of that kind of pizza and that's all you'll pay, and they also sell appetizers to go with it (like, idk, arancini or supplìs, google them XD) and you'll get out of there having spent five euros at most. Most ice cream places are good by default so that's a good option as well. Or most bars have a kitchen and offer pasta/meat/vegetables at lunch and you pay less than what you'd get in a restaurant. Also if you want to try typical local stuff (though if you're vegetarian Roman food might not be your cup of tea) you can just go to Trastevere and there virtually each restaurant is good. Actually if you want to try pizza there, this is my favorite place; the pizza is excellent, everything else is, prices are reasonable and you don't pay for the service, just for the food. (Anyway, check for pizzas. There's Neapolitan and Roman - most places do it the Roman way but if you check they might do it the Roman way as well. The difference is that the former is the real pizza, the second is very thin rather than tall. They usually specify it, if it's Neapolitan. /end rant)
If you're into Jewish food then you could go to the ghetto, which is the second-oldest ghetto in the world (nothing to be proud but it's info) and where they have a bunch of great places to eat typical Jewish/Roman stuff, but I can't guarantee about the cheapness. TRY THE ARTICHOKES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD;
Other random tips before the to-see list
From what I gathered, if you need euros it's better to get them at a bank/ATM rather than at any change shop or at airports. They don't rob you that much on it, but it's still more convenient not to get money in there.
Use tap water. Rome is full of fountains and all the water is good to drink. It's actually very good water objectively XD and rather than getting charged two euros for half a liter you can just buy a bottle once and fill it in at your hotel or at the first random fountain you see in the street. It's all safe.
Any place that charges you more than one euro for one coffee that isn't strictly in the center or in Via Veneto (except for my favorite place in the center - Sant’Eustachio - which is totally worth every penny) is best left alone. Today a lot of places offer American coffee too but I’d advise trying the espresso ;)
- Don't try to rent a bicycle. High chance is that someone will hit you.
Or: come with jackets or a huge scarf with you even if it's nice hot weather because otherwise they won't let you inside churches. especially at St. Peter's they're strict like hell -- they won't let you in with one-quarter sleeves, you need to have at least half of your arms covered. And once I brought a friend to a crypt which I'll list in the to-see things which isn't inside the church, it's under it, and the guardian was looking in obvious disapproval at a bunch of Germans going inside in shorts and tank tops, so anyway if you want to get inside churches don't do it with your shoulders uncovered.
The shiny list of things you absolutely need to see, or try to if you don't have time
1. Coliseum + Roman Forum. Or, well, come on, we were awesome before popes re-built this city. Okay, with all seriousness, I'm not going to play tourist guide here because that'd be redundant, but you really should go see them.
Aaand advice in order to go quicker: usually lines at the Coliseum are huge. Depends on day/time, but unless you're going very early or very late it'll take you a while. So, either you can book your ticket (with at least one day of advance, they won't let you otherwise) or you go the sneaky way. Which is: you can get a ticket for Coliseum & Roman forum together as well, at both Coliseum and the forum. Since the forum usually has like 1/10 of the line, you go to the forum first, visit there and then go to the Coliseum, be like 'I HAVE MY TICKET ALREADY' and skip the line.
2. The center! Which means like twenty things together, but they're all close-ish to each other so in theory if you spend one day walking (or two half days walking) you can totes manage it. What you should go see in the center, not including the churches because I'll make a list out of those in another point:
a) The Pantheon;
b) Piazza di Spagna (where, if you're English lit nerds, you can go visit Keats' house - they say it's the Keats/Shelley museum but just Keats lived in there. Anyway, it's at the right of the stairs and apparently 90% of the visiting people are English and the people there go like 'OMGWHUT' when Italians go in, but however, it's a little cool museum and if you have some time it could be worth a visit);
c) Fontana di Trevi;
d) Via del Corso (where you go buy stuff if you're cool and have a lot of money);
e) Piazza Venezia ---> the Campidoglio hill (where there's a square and a palace by Michelangelo and the Capitolini museums - more on those later) --> the Trajan column;
f) Piazza Barberini (Bernini fountains!);
g) Piazza Navona (Bernini fountain + Borromini church + the square was actually a stadium in Roman times);
h) Campo dei fiori aka my favorite place and one of the best places to eat so YOU NEED TO GO SEE IT AND THAT'S THE END OF IT;
i) Piazza del popolo;
l) Porta Pia + imperial walls surrounding it;
m) all the roads in between that + the churches that I'll list in a short while.
n) ETA BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON I FORGOT: Piazza Argentina, where there's a colony of 300 cats in the Roman ruins there and you can pet them for free. Well obv not 300 at a time but yeah they totally want to be petted and there's a volunteer association taking care of them so they're clean and everything and so basically it's just a huge free petting zoo.
3. The churches!
Okay, telling you to go to all the churches in Rome would be insane as there's one every three buildings, so I'll give you a run down of the places that are worth checking out because of a) the architects, b) the paintings inside, c) other stuff of importance.
a) Basilicas first, obviously:
a1 -> St. Paul's. (No, I didn't list St. Peter's first. *cough*) it’s my favorite of the basilicas, especially because it's way older than St. Peter's and still has some Byzantine mosaics as well. Disadvantage: since it was built outside the Roman walls back then (VERY MUCH outside) it's smack down in the middle of suburbs, so you need to go there with the subway and there's nothing else around to see UNLESS YOU GO TO THE NOT-CATHOLIC CEMETERY to visit keats and shelley, it’s the previous metro stop;
a2 -> St. Peter's obviously. If only because Michelangelo's Pietà is in there and you -have- to see that, no discussions. XD No well obviously you have to go. I'm probably just sick of it because I've been there so many times that I barely notice anything else anymore
a3 -> St. John's, which is also quite worth visiting, and it's next to San Giovanni which is a pretty lively zone where you can totally go to have a drink or something to eat
a4 -> santa maria maggiore ;) 
There are three others as well but those four are the most important ones. Now, other churches:
b) San Luigi dei Francesi, Sant'Agostino and Santa Maria del popolo
have a considerable advantage that makes them VERY much worthy to be visited: all of them have Caravaggio paintings inside. Actually, the first has three, the second one, the third two, and they're all masterpieces, so those are totally worth visiting.
c) Sant'Andrea al Quirinale and San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane
are two churches near the Quirinale (where the President of the Republic lives -- NOT the PM, thanks XD), the first was designed by Bernini and the second by Borromini, which are both pretty much encompassing what you want to see about Baroque in Rome. They're both absolutely wonderful though I like Borromini's better. Regarding Borromini, it's his also the one in Piazza Navona.
d) Bernini speaking, in Santa Maria della Vittoria you will find the Ecstasy of St. Theresa sculpture - it's kind of fun that when I bring people there without telling them what's inside everyone is like 'OMG IS THAT IN HERE' because it's not the kind of church you notice.
e) Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata a Via Veneto  or where the crypt I was talking to you before is. Major point of interest: said crypt is made of human bones. Warning: since human bones/skeletons creep me out like nothing else I've never set foot inside or I'd have ended up with a major case of WANTING TO GET THE SHIT OUT OF THERE, but people with less problems with it assure me that it's amazing. Your pick. xD
f) San Clemente aka a minor basilica which is also one of our oldest churches and is definitely worth a visit, if only because you can sort of see how it's two churches one built over the other. It also has some catacombs (thankfully skeletons-free) which are pretty much worth a visit as I think they're the only ones that remained here in pretty good condition.
Obviously there's a bunch of other churches but those are the ones I wouldn't miss.
4. Museums:
4a: Vatican museums. Or, if you need to pick ONE then I'd go here even if clearly it's the most pricey and it'll take you half a day to see it. BUT, it has the Sistine Chapel and Raphael's chambers and pretty much some of the best things you can see here so yeah, totally recommending it. Other recommendation: either book tickets online (you'll pay like 3 euros more) or go there at lunch time around 12.30/1 PM because otherwise high chances are that you'll queue for hours. Also if you're a student and have a card or a document from your school bring it along because you can pay 8 euros instead of 14 to get in.
4b: Galleria Barberini: they have a lot of Reinassance/Baroque paintings, Caravaggio included, and they're much cheaper.
4c: Galleria Borghese: probably the besty out of said public museums. It has sculptures/paintings/everything from a lot of artists and also contains famous things as well but a) you have to book, b) they'll kick you out after two hours regardless of the point you reached, so while being there try to go as quick as possible. If you finish you can always go back.
4d: Musei Capitolini: or, the oldest public museums in the world! (Really.) They have a lot of ancient Roman statues/ruins/etc along with the Marcus Aurelius statue which is the only original Roman bronze around, so it's totally worth a visit. Their paintings are great as well.
4e: if you're into it, next to Galleria Borghese there's a pretty good modern art gallery, but I haven't been there in ages and I'm not that much into very modern art anyway so you should probably check before listening to me.
5. I’d also go to Trastevere/the isola tiberina if you don’t go LIVE there of course XD
6. Also if you have time take a train at ostiense and go to the ruins at Ostia Antica. then take a train from any regular station and go see Villa Adriana in Tivoli ;)
feel free to ask for any other advice!
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myheroimaginations · 7 years
Kyouka having a girlfriend head canons? (Like ideal dates, what the first kiss is like, and who asked who out first?) sorry if it's not too specific, I'm just mad gay for Jirou Kyouka lmfao. If you don't mind doing more how about Tsuyu, Izuku, and my man Shouji? If not, just Kyouka would be great!! Thank you :)
Dude I’m mad gay for Jirou too… I’m mad gay for all the girls in Class 1-A if I’m honest. But let’s go!
•  Who asked who out first? - She asked you out first. She’s known she’s into girls for a long time and isn’t really ashamed of it or anything, but she will wait until you’re close friends to ask you out. She likes to feel out a person before pursuing a possible relationship. Once she’s comfortable she’ll approach the subject really casually, she doesn’t want to make things tense with her confession. That way if you agree everything’s great, but if you don’t you can continue being friends without issue.
•  What was the first kiss like? - REALLY adorable. Jirou’s actually not that experienced in kissing, maybe one or two short flings that physically jumped the gun on her when she wasn’t ready to kiss them yet. She doesn’t kiss you or let you kiss her until you’re both feeling ready. And when you do, it’s tender and soft and loving. You first kiss is when you learn she wears cherry flavored lip balm, which you can’t help but laugh at since it seems to juxtapose her punk vibe. She’ll groan at you for ruining the moment, but give her another kiss and maybe you can save it.
•  Ideal Dates - She’s a fan of more casual dates. Yknow, like locking up in one of your rooms and eating 3 whole pizzas as you marathon 80s films. Those are the dates you’ll typically have. If she’s wanting to do something a little more special though, she’d prefer to do something fun and active. Her favorites are dates at amusement parks and bowling rinks, since you can still laugh and talk but you’re also up and having fun. She hates dates that are too formal though. Fancy restaurants make her uncomfortable, and while she likes movies, she hates that she can’t talk to you during one at a theater. Dates with her are closer to hanging out together than actual structured dates.
•  Who asked who out first? - You asked Tsuyu out first.  Not that she didn’t like you already or anything like that, she’s just a busy girl with a lot on her plate to handle, so she never even considered asking you on a date. In fact, she’d probably already stated she liked you by the time you asked her out. She’d instantly agree though, commenting on how she’s never been on a date before and asking you if it’s really like all the movies and stuff depict. She appears calm while responding to you, but that’s just her natural behavior, on the inside she’s very excited to experience her first real date.
•  What was the first kiss like? - STICKY. Frog saliva has a very different feel to it than human saliva. But seriously, it’s a little awkward for you because she clearly has no idea what she’s doing, but she’s doing it confidently and she seems so happy afterwards that you don’t have the heart to comment on it at that moment. It’s also a very early first kiss, like first date early. She just really wanted to experience what it was like and trusted you, so she simply told you what she wanted and went for it when you agreed. It’s not bad though. The kiss is very innocent and sweet, and it’s a good memory the two of you giggle at remembering later in the relationship.
•  Ideal Dates - Cafe dates are really popular with her. She doesn’t particularly love incredibly noisy or crowded places, so many common date places aren’t really her scene. She’d much prefer to curl up on a couch with you in a little ma and pop run cafe with some hot chocolate and just chat. Shopping dates can be fun for her depending on how crowded the center is. Her favorite kind of dates are swimming dates in the summer though! Once the warm weather rolls around she’s always asking you to go to the beach or pool with her. The water is a very comfortable place for her, and she does have a SMALL fantasy about watching the sunset on the beach with you.
•  Who asked who out first? - You ask Izuku out first. Good LORD have you met this boy? He’s much too much of a nervous nellie to ask a girl her likes on a date. You could probably tell him to his face that you want to date him and he’d still have fears of you saying no if he asked you out. Make it easier on the both of you and just do it for him. He’ll be much more relieved, your relationship can begin much sooner than it would if you waited, everyone is significantly happier this way.
•  What was the first kiss like? - You and Izuku have very different opinions on what your first kiss was. Izuku claims it to have happened on your third date when he was escorting you back to your home. The reality is Izuku shakily leaned in close enough to brush his bottom lip against your chin (which he didn’t notice was your chin because his eyes were closed so tight) and then bolted away faster than you could tell him your lips were up here. Your real first kiss happened on the date after that, when he moved to do the same thing and you just caught him by the tie and planted a good, soft kiss on him. He nearly fainted.
•  Ideal Dates - He looooves movie dates! Watching movies are one of Izuku’s favorite pastimes, and he has fun planning which films coming out the two of you are going to go see together. He also really likes cuddling with you in the theater, he was so IMMENSELY proud of himself when he finally gained the courage to do the “yawn and wrap the arm around the shoulder” trick. Picnics in the park are always nice as well. He always thinks you look absolutely radiant in the mid-afternoon sun! Other than that, Izuku is happy to do with at home dates of watching shows together on Netflix and such, it’s not hard to please this boy date-wise.
Shouji (NGL Anon, I found the phrase “My Man Shouji” really funny for some reason):
•  Who asked who out first? - You asked him out first. Shouji is a guy who never really focuses on material needs or wants, and he sort of places romantic relationships in this category (though he certainly does not view people as materials). More he just finds it unnecessary, so he doesn’t focus on it or seek it out. That doesn’t mean he’s averse to dating if you ask, though! He’s a very sweet boy, so even if he’s never considered whether or not his feelings for you were romantic, he’ll agree if just to make you happy since he definitely considers you a friend. You’ll have to ask him on multiple dates though for the gears to really turn in his head that you want a full on relationship, and it’ll take some time for him to warm up to the idea.
•  What was the first kiss like? - Girl, get ready to wait a LONG ASS TIME to have your first kiss with this boy. Step one, the dating period where he doesn’t even get you want to pursue a relationship. Step two, allow him to get used to the idea of a relationship. Step three, be in a relationship with him for a SOLID amount of time (like 6 months) and then MAYBE he’ll kiss you. With a mouth on his tentacle, only on his face mouth if everything so far has gone EXTREMELY well. And even then it is very short and to the point. Shouji is a boy that likes to move at his own pace…
•  Ideal Dates -  Shouji doesn’t fully “get” dating. He likes hanging out with you, but he doesn’t get what separates a date from simply chilling with you. What’s the difference? Because of this he doesn’t exactly have an “ideal date,” but like Tsuyu, he prefers to avoid largely crowded and loud places. He enjoys going on late night walks with you or just hanging out together and doing your own things as you chat. Very casual to the point where you sometimes ask if this is really a date. He always asks what makes this any less a date than going to a out somewhere. You’re together, enjoying each other’s company, and possibly learning more about each other. You never really have an answer to give, so you just shrug it off and enjoy being with him.
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