#like he’s being a condescending prick and he knows it
lanzhans · 2 years
it’s actually insane to me the lengths people will go to defend logan huntzberger when he clearly doesn’t deserve it…saw a tiktok abt how logan treated jess horribly when he first met him by being a classist ass and just overall ridiculing him for absolutely no reason and half the comments were abt how. jess treated dean “the same way” when they were 17 like….first of all logan is like 22-23 here and he KNOWS better btw!! and jess and dean’s rivalry wasn’t one-sided btw. and i would say dean did much more antagonizing than jess did on that end as well. also they were literal teenagers lmfao that’s what teenagers do
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jurijyuu · 2 months
Breakfast (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
AlastorxReader Smut
Summary: When his patience finally reached his limit, he decided to finally have a taste of the little human he'd pulled into their little hotel.
Tags: Female Reader, Non-con/Dub-con, Bondage, Kidnapping, Cunnilingus, PIV sex
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One morning in the Hazbin Hotel…
“What the fuck is going on with the fourth floor!?” Vaggie watched in awe and dread from outside the building. Everything seemed okay, no fallen debris and even the weather was a clear cloudless day, except for the fourth level of the hotel. It spun and glitched, warping this way and that. Its edges stretched and contracted as if it couldn’t decide which state of matter to be in any given second.
“I don’t know. We tried the stairs and the elevator but it just skips over that floor.” Charlie stared at the sight in bafflement. It wasn’t even that the bizarre phenomenon was hindering them, it just made that floor unavailable. It wouldn’t have been an emergency had they not had one guest staying on that floor in particular.
“And where’s Alastor? Isn’t this supposed to be his job?” Vaggie’s frown deepened as she looked around for any signs of the Radio Demon and found none. The hotel’s facility manager was nowhere to be seen that morning despite the big hubbub everyone was making. Instinctively, Charlie looked at her wristwatch. Ah. That would answer that question.
“It’s only 7:22. You know he doesn’t leave his room until 9.”
“Well, we have a situation and he needs to fix it.” Vaggie stormed up to Alastor’s suite, feeling for herself the weird but subtle distortion of space when the elevator passed the fourth floor. It was a ticklish sensation, like being thrown into a cold pool. Shocking but not harmful. Charlie elected to stay behind to organize and try to contact their guest’s phone to see if they were okay. From their previous attempts, it looked like the calls were going to voicemail after a few rings.
The elevator dinged onto the floor occupied by only the Radio Demon. It was eerily quiet, an attribute that she blamed on the creepy demon who had insisted that he own a whole fucking floor to himself when he’d moved in. It was probably how he’d managed to magick a swamp into his room, by sacrificing that other space with his weird spells.
Coming up to the lone door, she took a second to prepare herself for whatever she’d end up seeing in there this time. For all his gentlemanly facade, the Radio Demon enjoyed some grotesque things…like eating raw deer, straight from the carcass. She shook that mental image off and knocked. Within a few seconds, the door opened, the Radio Demon’s tall lanky frame taking up most of the opening.
“Vaggie. To what do I owe the displeasure of this early morning disturbance?” If not for the man’s word choice, she wouldn’t have known how annoyed the man was. He sounded jovial, almost welcoming. Prick.
“There’s some weird magical distortion thing happening on the fourth floor that’s not letting us access it.” Vaggie explained as best she could. It wasn’t like she was familiar with magick so she could only describe it as she saw it and hoped the man could fill in the rest.
“Oh that thing? I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Though it didn’t look like he’d need to look into it. The man absently waved it off, tone unworried and still light.
“Fine? Wait, you already know about it?”
“Of course. It’s nothing but a few mischievous strands of soul energy congregating in a specific area. Nothing to worry about.” He wiggled his fingers as he explained, as if the movement would help his audience understand the intricacies of soul magick and world energy. It really didn’t. He just looked condescending as he stood there, smiling.
“N-nothing to worry about? Did you forget who’s on that floor? What if they’re hurt or can’t get out?” To Vaggie’s surprise, the demon didn’t seem concerned at all about the only resident on the fourth floor, you. While she wouldn’t say the two of you were close, she did know that after Charlie, you were the next one he seemed the least annoyed with in the hotel. In Vaggie’s book, that had to count for something, even if it was only the man’s minute interest in keeping the hotel running and its guests happy.
“Did you not hear me, dear? I said it’s nothing to worry about. The distortion will fade away once the energies have flowed their way and since they aren’t malicious in nature, our dear guest should be just fine. It’s not like they’re an early bird anyway. I’m sure they’re still fast asleep while all of this is happening.” A clawed hand rolled at the wrist like he’d served her the most obvious answer on a silver platter. His eyes looked bored as he explained and she could feel the man’s patience waning even as his smile and tone remained the same, haughty and carefree.  
“How can you be so sure?” Still, she persisted. It was her job to make sure everything was okay.
“I’d already be working on fixing something this interesting if I didn’t already know its nature. Now, do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast.”
“Fine. But if it’s not done by business hours, you have to go fix it.”
“Of course.” The slam of the door in her face made Vaggie want to spear the man but Charlie wouldn’t want that. She had no choice but to walk away and wait.
“Sorry about that, darling. We were having such a lovely time before the meal was disturbed. Now, where was I?”
On the round metal garden table, his dear guest laid naked and bound. Your ankles were tied to your thighs, legs kept obscenely spread wide by tentacles. Any passerby would see your glistening apex, flushed and presented on his dining table. Your arms laid bound together behind the beautiful arch of your back. 
He took a moment to admire how lovely the red rope he’d selected looked as it dug into your skin. He released some of the tentacles he’d summoned to keep you still while he conversed with the intruder, except for the one around your mouth. The sound of your muffled squeaking was delightful.
You panted heavily from exhaustion, having been in this pose for over half an hour now. Little red dots traced a trail up from your navel to your sweat soaked chest, courtesy of him and his busy mouth. Sweat and tears glistened on your face, at least, on the half that wasn’t covered by one of his summoned tentacles. You looked ready to pass out and he hadn't even started on the main course.
Feebly, you tried to close your legs with a groan but the ropes kept you deliciously spread for his eyes to feast upon. It must’ve hurt to even move after being held in that position for a long time. He tutted as he approached. Poor darling. 
Your eyes followed his movement, noting the layer of amusement in his expression thinly veiled over a perverted look of adoration. Each clack of his red-tipped leather shoes sent dread through your system causing your muscles to tense. You renewed your struggle.
At some point in the early morning, something stirred you awake, an instinct that told you danger was close. When you’d opened your eyes, you found red ones cutting through the darkness, staring straight at you. It didn’t even give you time to scream before radio static filled your ears and ravenous darkness took hold of your limbs.
Strong eldritch arms had held you down, twisting your arms and legs into position while keeping you in the dark. The only sign that your captor was who you thought it was was the crackling of static and the chillingly familiar caress of leather gloves. 
You’d felt those gloves touching you too closely a few too many times from the tall facility manager of this hotel you’d landed in after a drunk college party turned a bogus demon summoning ritual into a real one. Except instead of summoning a demon, the demon pulled the closest one to the circle in. That had been you, a few weeks ago.
Alastor stopped his approach, slotting himself comfortably between your splayed thighs. His half lidded eyes watched you, the rapid rise and fall of your chest hypnotic in the hazy glow of the border between the hotel and his swamp. With perverted curiosity, he reached for your breast, the large expanse of his palm comfortably holding your flesh. He played with the lovely weight, watching how your skin cushioned his fingers with every light squeeze. With playful curiosity, his fingers tweaked your nipple and the cries you were suppressing spilled out, struggling to break through your gagged mouth.
It was lovely and he could feel his blood pump throughout his body, a rush that urged him to touch more now that he had you. You sweet stupid little thing. With no respect for supernatural rituals, your friends had tried to forcefully bring him to the human world. What better way to teach those brats a lesson than to bring one of them down here, he had thought. It was the best decision he had ever made.
Pinching the leather of his glove between his teeth, he freed his hand. The glove dropped to the floor as he now touched you with his bare palm. Rough calluses smoothed over the skin of your thighs reverently. You tried to shake them off, bucking your hips and arching your back as best you could. It was a waste of energy. The ropes biting into your skin held fast under your struggle and only served to further entice the demon holding you captive. Still, you refused to just lay there as your assailant had his way with your body.
Alastor’s smile widened at your endeavor. Oh, how he loved to see it. Your gaze blazed with hate as you thrashed on his table, the fight in you so alive yet so very futile. He found it so alluring. So incredibly despicable. How dare a weak little human look at him with such open contempt? How dare you make him throb with your seering show of anger?
Taking his other glove off, he whipped the leather onto the delicate skin of your inner thigh. A light punishment. You yelped and his ears tingled at the sound. So he did it again, the sharp slap of leather against skin against your squeals and squeaks fueling the fire burning in his chest. Each strike flushed the attacked skin and your face grew ever more teary under the assault. 
“Does that hurt, my darling?” He struck a stinging whip onto your breast, the impact causing your back to arch as you struggled to take in air. Still, your eyes darted to meet his own dominating gaze defiantly. “I guess not enough.” 
He continued, striking the flesh of your breast, each hardened nipple, making target of the red love bites he’d trailed on your body. With each contact, you twisted, stuck somewhere between hurt and unwanted pleasure. He brought himself closer to your core until your bare cunt wet the tight front of his trousers. A whispered growl left his throat, covered by another whip.
He was devious, never hitting the same place twice in a row and letting each patch of skin recover before he struck them again. It stung and your body contorted around each strike, your pelvis inevitably rubbing against the obvious tent he pressed against you. It rubbed against your nether lips, sometimes in just the right angle that brushed against your clit. That was the worst as those strikes came with a shot of pleasure that you really didn’t want to associate with the man and what he was doing to you. And it didn’t escape his watchful eyes as he angled himself to drive you to madness.
He struck your breast again, digging his hard on into you as he did and sending the biggest bolt of pleasure into you thus far. A cocky grin stretched his face as you moaned loudly, frustrated tears leaking from your eyes as your insides clenched in want.
“Now, let me ask again, my darling. Does that hurt?” He leaned forward until his long body hovered closely over your own. The heat of his massive body radiated both intimidation and invitation just short of blanketing you completely. The teasing lilt in his tone touched a nerve in you but unlike earlier, you had enough. Anymore and you weren’t sure what your body would do to you. It was too hot. It hurt. It ached. You ached, for all that you were against all of this. The glare you sent him was the weakest yet, more begging for mercy than spewing hatred that you couldn’t utter with your mouth forced shut.
He waited patiently, watching each slight chip and crack on your resolve. You knew he would drag this on as long as possible. With the magick he wielded, and loved to show off, it would be a simple party trick to hide you away for hours, for days…maybe even forever. Your heart shook. He could endure far more than your human body could, keep himself on edge until he got what he wanted or got bored. The manic gleam in his eyes screamed obsession, one that wouldn’t go away for a long time, and it outshone your resolve. So you nodded, playing along with him. Static crackled in the air, nipping at the tips of your hair. You shivered involuntarily against it. He reveled in it. 
“Oh my poor darling. Do you want me to make it feel better?” At the end of his question, he snaked his long tongue over your breast, lathing the area he last struck with attention. You sucked in a breath, this contact feeling incredibly gentle as the hot flesh soothed the sensitive skin. 
“So responsive.” He liked your reaction, licking that area again until he had you mewling and rubbing against him as you chased your body’s pain away with the pleasure he provided. 
Your head felt fuzzy as it processed the tingling sensations coming from your body. The ropes bit into your limbs, each whipped patch of skin throbbed in the cool air, a girthy length nestled itself in the bed of your labia, his hands left feather-light touches on your hips and waist and his tongue soothed and teased your breast with ridiculous skill. It was all too much to process and you walked closer to the edge of orgasm with each ghost of his breath on your skin. 
Until he stopped. 
An almost feral sound escaped your throat as all contact ceased. Even his hands that wouldn’t stop caressing you instead positioned themselves on either side of your head, caging you and keeping that fantastically cursed contact just an inch from your body. The tentacle keeping your mouth shut retracted and you were able to breath full gulps of air. He watched as you floundered, recovering from his delectable assault. His heart thudded with each desperate gasp for air and he ground himself against your core for a bit of relief.
“Let’s try that again, my darling. Do you want me to make you feel so much better? To take all your little aches and turn them into pleasure?” He looked down at you, his delicious prey, and you looked up at him, tugging between wanting that pleasure and reminding yourself that he’d abducted you. He’d taken you before dawn could light your windows just so he could play with your body. He’d taken you from your world when it wasn’t even you that tried to summon him. He still wanted to take more from you.
All of this was his fault. His fault. You shouldn’t enjoy this one bit.
Something in the way you looked at him must’ve let him know of your train of thought and he leaned in, hovering closer but never touching. “If you don’t want me to, I’ll be happy to leave you here until you change your mind.” Thin lips placed a slow light kiss on your lips as he whispered. “Just don’t have any silly little ideas about escape. You won’t be leaving here until I’m done with you.”
The room darkened around you until all you could see was him and the power he wielded to keep you here. The others in the hotel wouldn’t find you. They thought you were trapped in whatever distraction Alastor conjured up. They wouldn’t think to look for you in his room. You would be stuck here, going through pain and pleasure until he got bored of you or you gave in to him. The choice was made. You couldn’t hope to outlast a man who had eternity to wait.
Your head bobbed a nod that his piercing eyes hungrily followed but his insufferable mouth only grinned wider. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch that. Would you mind saying it out loud for me, my darling.”
Your lips trembled as you caught the ravenous hitch as he proclaimed possession of you. Asshole. Git. Son of a bitch. He would look so pretty with a bullet through his goddamned head. Still, you swallowed your hate and made yourself the calmest you’d been since finding yourself in this situation. No trembling in your voice. Only cool hatred as you did as asked.
“Alastor, make me feel good.” In a deadpan tone, you commanded him. If he pressed you more, you might end up begging him but until then, you kept as much dignity as you could against his assault.
You stared coolly at him, traces of delirium vanishing from your face as you told him to pleasure you in the most uninterested tone you could muster. Hah! Defiant little thing. But he so loved that about you. All those days wandering around each other, your resentment at him pulling your down to Hell hidden behind courtesy. No display of raw power or tales of his sadism put fear back into those eyes. Just hate. Because the princess of Hell couldn’t figure out a way to send you back. Because your silly friends used a ritual that traps the crossing entity in the summoned world until the summoner’s wish was granted. And who knows who’s wish you had to fulfill when you ended up passing through?
“I’m so glad you asked, my darling.” Pointed sarcasm and mocking painted his tone as he moved away from you. Your eyes followed him, a curious furrow in your brows. He would have taken the time to admire the work he’d drawn on your body but he was impatient, finally getting as close to an approval as he was going to receive from you.
Kneeling on the floor, he pulled your body until your hips almost dangled off the table. Finally, he could feast on you as he’d been craving all this time. He licked his teeth as he stared at your soaked opening. Your slick glistened, reflecting the red that glowed from his eyes. It was almost too much to bear. Like a man starved, he covered your sensitive genitalia with his mouth, eyes rolling back at the first taste of you. You were better than he could have dreamed. A delicacy laid out on his table so that he could quench the thirst he’d developed since he’d first laid eyes on you.
His hot mouth wasted no time, sucking on your clit, the delicate bud screaming bolts into your body at the attention. It felt like you’d been punched in the gut with how quickly your breath left your body. And he didn’t stop even when you flinched away.
“Ah—Wait! Too much! It’s too—!” Your pleading only encouraged him more. Giving one more vigorous suck before moving away so he could speak.
“Little liar. You’re enjoying this too much. Why can’t you be more honest with me? Come on. Tell me how much you’re enjoying this.” The lower half of his face shined with your juices as he watched your flushed expressions with glee. All you wanted to do was smack his smug mug on the metal table. Crush his stupid head between your thighs. He could drown in your pussy if that’s what he really wanted just as long as this sadistic fucker died.
“Fuck you!”
“Oh, you will but let me have my appetizer first.” He slid his long tongue into the fluttering opening before him without having to move his head one inch. He got to watch you convulse at the intrusion, that venomous glare you threw him smoothing out into one of forcefully taken bliss. He summoned a few of the radios in his room and let his voice be heard while his mouth was preoccupied. “Come on, my darling. Tell me.”
“No—! Ah!” He descended back onto your clit, his pointy nose teasing at it as the full length of his tongue drove into you. It slipped right in, teasing the deepest part of you in strokes you’d never reached with your own fingers and toys. Tears brimmed anew from your eyes, this time in frustrated pleasure.
His breath fanned against you and you clenched around his tongue so tightly. He shuddered. Absolutely divine. Your pleasure was blatant as the scowl on your face melted away into mewing gasps. A tight ring of muscles halted the end of his tongue and you jolted violently off the table as he teased at it. He had to hold you back down so he could abuse that little spot at the tip of his tongue.
���That’s it, darling. Did I find the right spot?” You tightened around him harder, pulling at him as the sensations started to mount as you squealed the highest pitch he’d ever heard from you. He groaned at the sight of your arched back, arms bound and helpless against the pleasure he delivered, giving up your fight to chase the highs he was providing. The desperation in each unconscious buck of your hips, the wetness that dribbled down his neck, the way your toes curled in the corners of his vision. 
“Am I not doing a good job, sweetness? Do you want me to stop?” He wanted to hear you want him.
“NoooOooo.” He curled his tongue in just the right way that had you seeing stars. Did he say stop? No! Not when you were so close. The coil in your belly burned so tight as he kept teasing your cervix. It was regretfully sinful how good he was at fucking you with his demonic tongue. Asshole! You still wanted to smash his face in but if you couldn’t get away from him anyway, you would at least get off.
“No! Please! Alastor! I’m so close. Make me cum.” You stared into the ceiling, the tree canopy crossing into the more familiar hotel structures were dotted with stars as he kept going. A scratch of static crackled through the air and you heard a throat chuckle come from your assailant. 
“Good girl.” His hands pulled your cunt closer to his face as he ate you out with more gusto. His finger joined in on the fray, teasing your clit.
“Yes! It feels good! Feels so fucking good-ahhh!” Your heat was all he could feel, the taste of your cunt all he could swallow as your scent surrounded him and now you pretty little pleas were all he could hear above the salacious sounds of his slurping. Something primal in him groaned in appreciation knowing that you writhed and begged for each stroke of his tongue, each brush on his fingers.
And to think you were ready to spit on his face earlier. He took his tongue out and immediately replaced it with his fingers as he put his attention back onto your wanting clit. The reaction was immediate. You seized and came with a cry, clenching so tightly onto his fingers as your slick gushed around them. He pumped his fingers in and out of your lovely cunt through your orgasm, lapping up what he could of your spend with relish.
“You taste divine, darling. I’ll have to compliment your mama for cooking something so good.” With a dramatic slurp, he licked you one final time, letting you catch your breath as you came down from the high. Every inch of your body tingled, your insides still singing from the rush of orgasm. 
The sight of you so bare, your scent mixing in the cool mist, your bliss coating his tongue. It filled him with a hunger he’d never had until he’d plucked you from your mortal realm. Trembling in the grasp of his tentacle, lightly drunk off of cheap booze. A messy young woman with her hair frazzled and mascara running. Cupid’s arrow finally struck him after a century of misses. Seeing you walk around the hotel so wary of him despite his efforts to treat you with congeniality, the cold shoulder you presented him when even that grump Husker could get you to smile. You’d driven him insane. So very insane.
To have you in his bed. To hear your voice calling his name sweetly. To hear your passion. To taste just a fraction of the attention you easily gave the other demons. 
The ropes keeping you spread open for him were cut, your limbs too exhausted to do more than flop down in their freedom. The high left you paralyzed in dull exhaustion. That was admittedly the best orgasm you’d ever had in your life. You just wished it could have been with anyone else but him.
The sound of a zipper stirred you back into focus, seizing your attention as it dawned on you what it meant. A panicked exhale left your lungs as you turned to find Alastor with his cock out. It stood tall, red as the rest of him and weeping pre-cum over black and beige fur. As if the sight wasn’t enough to spear dread back into your veins, he eyed you with a half lidded gaze, his red scleras black as pitch leaving only the blaring reds of his dial pupils.
“N-n-no. Please. Alastor. Don’t.”
“Hushhhhhh. There there. Don’t cry my little doe.” He loomed down to cover your body with his again. The oppressive size of him meant to intimidate you back into submission. While your tears were beautiful, he didn’t like seeing them as he prepared for the main course. His tongue went to lick a salty rivulet, savoring the taste as he cooed. “You enjoyed my tongue didn’t you? I promise you, my cock is even better.”
The fat tip of him brushed against your tingling labia, his boney hips twisting until it caught onto you opening. Both of you hissed at the feeling, you in fear and him in awe.
“No. Please don’t.” 
“But I don’t want to stop, my darling.” He moved his hips, the tips of his engorged cock kissing your entrance but not penetrating. It glided and teased, poking at you and brushing against your clit. Each touch had him groaning silently above you, his pleasured voice right in your ear.
Unwilling sparks traveled up your legs. Gods. You were still so wet from his mouth and you could feel your body get wetter at the sounds he was making. Fuck. Now was not the time to find out you had a voice kink. You had to stop him. Beg him to stop.
But what would be the use? He outclassed you in size, strength and power. He would just keep you here until he got what he wanted, which you were starting to understand as he kept on with his teasing, promising to make you feel good the whole while with that sultry voice of his. Why wasn’t he just going for it? He’d forced you to go through everything this morning so why not go ahead?
He wanted to hear you give in to him, not just to let him have his way. He would keep torturing you like this until you told him to put it in, gave him permission no matter how forcefully he acquired it. Sicko. Bastard. Why did he need to humiliate you further by having you beg? It wasn’t even that he wanted you to beg, he just wanted your consent. Hypocrite!
Your tears didn’t cease and so did his ministrations. He lovingly drank your tears and whispered promises in your ear. You were a smart girl. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of this. But maybe you needed a bit more convincing. His hand moved down, trailing caresses down your body until it reached your mound. At the lightest brush of his fingers against your clit, you seized.
He bit his lip as your legs unconsciously latched onto his hips, drawing him in until your opening left fluttering kisses on his tip. Ahh. He groaned. You little minx. Any more of your temptation and he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back any longer. He did it again.
“Come on, darling. Are you still sure you don’t want me to put it in? Say the word and ahhh I can feed that hungry mouth of yours.” You squirmed and tried to get away but he kept you in place as another rush of liquid started to coat his member. “Look. You’re starting to drool down there. So just say it. Say that you want this. Say that you want me.”
A pressure was building in your gut as he rubbed your sexes together in delicious slick friction. Fuck. Why did it have to feel so good? From the kisses to your cheeks to the hand religiously working your button, this monster knew how to play your body so well. Seeing no other end to this than when he was finally satisfied, you nodded, watery eyes meeting his manic ones.
“Fine! Go ahead. Put it in and fuck me already you asshole!”
Electricity shot between you both as his grin widened. With one last brush against your entrance, his cock inched in. Both of you gasped. Even after you came on his tongue, you were still so tight. Though he didn’t have that much girth, his cock still stretched you out. 
Both of his hands caught him as he leant on them for support. So good. The pressure around his cock head felt enthrallin. It was all he could do to ease into you slowly. Sweat dripped down his face onto yours as he concentrated. “Fuck.”
You don’t think you’d ever heard him curse before. The foreign sound of it blindsided you enough to distract from the almost uncomfortable intrusion. He stared at your face, bottom lip caught in his teeth, eyes wide. You almost hated the slight whisper of smugness in your brain as it registered the pleasure so apparent on his face. It gave you something to feel good about given how powerless you felt.
With a burst of spite-inspired smugness, you rolled your hips, taking him all in until your pelvises met. One of his hands buckled as he fell into his elbow. You could have laughed if his cock didn’t stuff you so full it was almost painful. “What’s the matter Alastor? I thought you were going to make me feel good?”
After a moment or two, he seemed to gain control, rising back up so he could look at you, his face bright with predatory victory. “Just…making sure you can take me, my darling.”
He thrust his hips forward a few times, softening you up against his cock before leaning down so his lips brushed your ear. “And you do, my darling. You take me..so..well.”
With that, he started thrusting in earnest, one hand on your hip as the other guided you into a demanding kiss. Your angry tears were forgotten in place of painful pleasure as each time he entered you, he rammed against your cervix only easing the pain when the curve of his cock stroked your inner walls as he pulled out.
Again and again. In and out and his teeth nibbled on your lips, inhuman tongue mapping every corner of your mouth. It hurt! It felt great! Static nicked at your skin, moving from him to you and back. Each kiss and thrust with his energy that was starting to fry your mind into an object of only pleasure.
Your discomfort turned into putty moans that he devoured, laying toothy kisses on your mouth, your neck, your collarbone. Your breathless wanton cries filled his ears as your warm heat squeezed his cock for all he was worth. This was better than he’d imagined, hotter, sweatier, messier. Absolutely filthy as his claws dragged down your arms, leaving bleeding marks in their wake. He licked those ruby lines even as you cried in pain.
In retaliation, your hands wove into his hair, pulling with the intention to cause only pain. It was like lightning hit his spine, causing his hips to jerk and find home in your cunt. 
“Keep doing that.” He groaned into your breast before sinking his teeth into the tender flesh. You yelled as he broke skin, not thinking twice about pulling even harder and clawing your blunt nails against his scalp and neck. 
“Ah! Alastor! Fuck! That hurts!”
Yet your complaint didn’t come without a whorish moan as he ground his hips into your more and his hand found bud to play with. “Yet look how you’re about to come for me. Why don’t you do that, my darling? Come undone on my cock.”
“Say how much you love this.” He could feel the signs of your oncoming orgasm, your cunt sucking on him, daring him to go deeper. Your nails raked coals along his back, popping buttons from his shirt and coat as you tried to inflict as much pleasured pain upon him as you could. He could barely keep himself together, wanting to push you over the edge before he found his release.
“No. No! Alastor! Alas—“ you seized and spasmed, feet digging into his back you clung to him in abandon.
“Do it, darling. Let yourself go.” With little space to move, he could only grind against you, stirring your insides as he groaned at your fluttering warmth. He whispered in your ear and that was all it took to get you off. With a squeal, your body tightened, limbs pulling him into you, grabbing at him with greedy hand fulls.
He groaned, losing track of himself as he thrust one last time and poured his seed into your milking channel.
Both of you collapsed onto the metal table as you came down from your peak. You vaguely observed how sticky and suffocating his sweaty hair was as it rested on your neck and collar. His uneven breath fanned hot air onto your shoulder as the rest of him weighed down on you. He was heavy for someone so thin.
Eventually, the demon recovered, a winning smile on his face as he peered down at you, completely marked in his kisses and scratches. Eyes still defiant but too tired to do anything but look at him.
You expected him to pull away and leave you there in your post-coital misery. Instead, hands went around your waist and back, lifting you up without taking himself out of you. 
“What are you doing?” Your legs immediately wrapped around his waist in fear of falling as he stood to his full height with you still wrapped around his dick. 
“Taking you to bed, darling. We still have a few hours before you’re expected to show up. Why don’t we take a break, hm?” Each step towards his bed made it clear to you that he was slowly hardening again. No way. That was too quick. Before you could protest, he already sat down on the velvety mattress. 
Maneuvering until you both lay beneath the covers, he somehow managed to keep you connected the whole time. You lay on his chest, painfully aware of each little adjustment he made as he tried to get comfortable.
“Alastor, I don’t think I can do another round.”
“Of course not. You’re only human, my darling. Go sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time to get up and start the day.” His hand threaded through your hair, watching the perplexed and mildly uncomfortable expression on your face as he moved his hips again. He’d waited so long for this. Of course he would enjoy every second of being inside you that he could. With time, he hoped you would enjoy it as well.
Slowly, you forced yourself to relax, taking the reprieve he offered before he took it away. As your breathing evened and your weight pressed heavier into him, he wondered if it was possible for you to get pregnant since you were still alive.
He’ll just have to find out, now, won’t he?
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jeongin-lvr · 2 months
💭 ׄ ︵͡ speak up, c. yeonjun
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꒰ 🗯️ ꒱ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀!𝗅𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗇𝗈 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝗅,𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗒 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄,𝗒𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗃𝗎𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇,𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗎𝗌𝖾𝖽,𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗎𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇,𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖽𝖺𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗉𝗁𝗂𝗅𝗂𝖺,𝗌𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀,unedited.
[ 𝟫𝟤𝟪 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 ] ☆ [ 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 ] ☆ [ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ]
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"𝗗𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗬- 𝗗-" Your voice was melodic; simply hypnotizing. It had Yeonjun biting his lip and itching to hear more, dick pressing deep into you, his hands on your thighs to keep them well spread so he could reach as deep into your sopping pussy as he could. You whimpered into his broad chest, tears smeared down your face while the once gorgeous makeup you wore diluted into a smudged mess.
"You're alright, you're alright," Yeonjun comforted in a soft coo. When you arched your back like that he had to stare— and he stared hard. Watching how your tits jutted out so prettily, how the dip of your back came off the mattress in a bridge shape. Especially how your thighs shook from the pleasure he was providing you; dragging his cock in and out of you quickly, hard too just so he could watch how you gasped.
"You're doing so good," Yeonjun chuckled, "Dick that good, baby? Daddy's dick make you feel good?"
You desperately nodded yet at the same time tears pricked down the side of your face.
Yeonjun smirked, arms on either side of your head as he rammed his hips into you at a pace you couldn't understand how he was maintaining. He was relentless; you'd think after three orgasms he'd be done. But he just wanted to see how far he could push you before you were shaking and prying him off with big, pretty, fat tears spilling down your face by the bucket-load.
"Mmh! Full— it's so full!" You gasped out when his tip breached a new spot inside of you. Your breath catching your throat, choking as you cling onto his back with your digits digging into his pale, heated skin. Yeonjun winced, addicted to the way you moaned, the random filthy words leaving your pretty, innocent jaws. How your tongue would swirl out the corners, how your drool spilled past your chin.
"I know, I know," Yeonjun let you babble. All he needed was to feel you. He knew he had it in him to last as long as he needed; his stamina relentless as he pounded into you with sharp, hard smacks, "Pussy so good for me, baby, so, so good. Practically made for my dick. Fuck, so warm and wet... so good f'me."
His hot breath pooled at the base your neck, making you shiver at his words. It was beginning to grow overwhelming. All your prior orgasms were clouding your mind and it was like the ceiling was dropping over you. It was like your brain was fuzzy and every word he whispered nastily into your ear was 10 times louder than it actually was.
"Daddy! W-wait— no, no!" Yeonjun was spitting directly onto your cunt now, though it really didn't need the extra lubrication. He was simply just addicted to the squelch of your bodies meeting from the slick. Yeonjun tilted his head back with a long groan as he felt the hot slick fall down your pussy in a thick glob, making the pleasure of being connected to you all the more intense. He let his thumb rest in your clit, making you jerk and scream, "Can't! No! Too much! S' too— nghh!"
Yeonjun shook his head, letting his thick black hair coat the vision of his eyes. He listened to you ramble, hips shaky and voice twisting around every syllable.
"No, no! Please no more, daddy," You pleaded as sobs left your throat, "Too much— it hurts!"
Yeonjun didn't stop though; hips slapping harder at the sound of your pretty cries. They blessed his ears, tender words desperate and lost. Your big Bambi eyes bearing up at him, blotched with tears in your eyelashes and at the corners of your irises. He wasn't going to stop; besides, that wasn't the safe-word, was it?
"That didn't sound like the safe word, Angel," Yeonjun sounded so condescending, tucking hair behind your ears as he cooed at you, "Besides I know you can take it. Just relax. See? You're doing so good, pretty little thing."
You whimpered into his shoulder, his arms wrapping around your torso, holding you still and squished against his chest. You could hear the rapid beat of his heart into your ear, how his breath caught in his throat each time you whimpered his name.
"Feels weird— m' gonna— daddy, please, please, plea—" You entire body shook, head harshly dipping back into the pillow, hands clasping around his bicep in an attempt to ground yourself. You were floating as your entire body quaked. Yeonjun felt your cunt clench harshly around him, making him suddenly moan out in a shaky tone. Yeonjun watched your cunt spasm around him; this time, instead of seeing your pretty cum gush in gorgeous globs of pearl, your pussy squirted thick ropes of clear liquid along his tummy. He gawked at you, staring between your twisted face and your messy cunt.
You whimpered, limp like a doll as he slowed his hips, enamored by the mess you made.
"Oh, that was so fucking good, sweetheart," Yeonjun praised immediately, pulling out as he felt his orgasm tip over, jerking himself off until he finished all over your abused tummy, letting it drip onto your pussy in intricate rivers through your folds, "See that, baby? Took me so good you made a mess," Yeonjun was so giddy with himself, pecking your fucked out lips. You couldn't even kiss back, twisting in his arms and clinging to him like a koala, "Daddy knows your body better than you do."
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mattyriddlesbitch · 4 months
Please please please please please do a Tom Riddle Smut, I’m thinking maybe Sweet/Innocent Reader that’s just so polite in front of others but in actuality is almost always needy, like she’s constantly trying to drag Tom away to his dorm because she’s just so desperate for him
I am so sorry this took so long! Pls forgive me! I hope this works!
Innocent and Filthy
Tom Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: choking, cussing, unprotected sex, oral(male receiving), cream pie, dacryphilia.
18+ Minors DNI!
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You were sitting with Tom and his friends in the common room. You sat on the couch next to Tom, getting as close as you could without being on top of him, holding onto his arm as he had his hand on your thigh. You were always pretty quiet around his friends, never saying anything foul or dirty. His friends all found it funny how Tom found someone so innocent and sweet when he could be pretty blunt and rude. 
What they didn't know was how filthy and horny you always were. Always begging Tom to help take care of you. Always dragging him off somewhere to help. 
Even right now, he could see the way you clenched your thighs, trying to get a little relief from how needy you were. You gave a little tug on his sleeve and gave him a sweet, pleading look when he turned his head to look at you. He sighed softly but stood up and you quickly followed as he walked to his dorm.
“Where are you going?” Blaise called after you two.
“My dorm.” Tom answered, but didn't give any other information as you grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him along.
Once inside his dorm, he closed the door. “You're always so needy, doll. Couldn't even wait until I was done out there.”
“I'm sorry, Tommy, I just really need you.” You said, a small pout on your lips.
“Is that how you address me?” He asked, wrapping a hand around your throat as he guided you backwards to the bed.
“No, sir.” You shook your head.
“That’s right. Show me how desperate you are, doll.” He said as he let go of you and sat on the bed.
You followed his order and striped your clothes off, kneeling in front of him as a small ‘please’ escaped your lips.
“Use your words.” He said.
“Please, let me suck your cock, sir.” You pleaded, giving him pleading eyes.
“Always such a slut for my cock, huh?” He said, undoing his belt and pants, letting his erection free. “Go on then. Put your mouth to use.”
You eagerly obliged, wrapping a hand around the base before leaning forward and teasing the tip. He sighed before pushing your head down to take his cock in your mouth. He guided your movements as tears pricked your eyes, feeling his dick hit the back of your throat over and over again.
“Crying already, doll?” His voice was teasing and condescending as he pulled you off by gripping your hair, a string of spit connecting your mouth to his cock. Before you could even reply, he pushed you back down. “Do you want me to fuck you now?” He asked and you moaned around him in reply. “Beg me then. Use your words.” You pleaded around his cock as he kept guiding your head up and down it before he pulled your mouth off of him again.
“Please, sir, need you so bad. Please fuck me, sir.” You begged, tears in your eyes as you caught your breath.
“So pathetic.” He said before standing up and pulling you to stand by your hair and pushing you towards the bed, making your front fall onto it as he stood behind you. “Always so fucking desperate.” He started pushing his cock into you, grabbing your hips to meet his. “Look at how filthy you are, begging for me to fuck you, begging for my cock inside you.” He moved a hand to wrap around your throat as he started thrusting, your moans coming out all choked and broken.
“So-good-sir!” You said between thrusts.
“Is this what you wanted? To be fucked like a whore?” He asked in your ear as he leaned down closer to you.
“You such a desperate, pathetic whore, aren’t you?” He bit at the side of your neck.
“Only for you, sir!” You cried, gripping onto the sheets below you.
“You always know the right answers, doll. Be good for me and cum.” He said, squeezing your neck a little tighter.
You got lightheaded from the choking, intensifying the pleasure you felt. Your orgasm hit you, making your legs shake and broken sobs of his name leave your mouth.
“Good fucking slut. Is that what you’ve been needing all day?” He asked as he rode out your orgasm. “Just needed to cum on my cock?” His hips stilled as he came inside you, muttering ‘fuck’ under his breath before catching his breath.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
@soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem @motherfing-stargirl @brittney-121
@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @mattheoriddlesbitch @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
@demieyesore @akira1246 @queenshu
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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rae-writes · 5 months
N.M || 0.8k || some romcom for a man I don't even have any solid thoughts/feelings on but the inspo slapped me in the face. violently.
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You would think that after attending Yuuei for three years now and being classmates for said three years with dumbasses like Denki Kaminari, Kirishima Eijiro, and Izuku Midoriya (yes, class 3-A’s golden boy. You just have to catch his dumbassery at the perfect time) that you would learn to…not engage in their ideas that lack common sense. 
But either you haven’t learned or you just don’t have any self preservation, because that’s exactly how you got here:
Pulling open the door to the infirmary, mumbling curses under your breath (still grinning, might you add— it had been funny as shit, even if you got a sprained arm for the trouble). Though, as you looked around, Recovery Girl didn’t seem to be around. 
But Neito Monoma was. 
“Oh, fuck no.” 
Listen, you honestly didn’t have a real problem with Monoma. He was just…
A prick. All because your class starts with an ‘A’ and had its fair share of spotlight encounters (mainly with villains— all of which were highly unwanted, thank you very much). 
“It’s so good to see you, too, Y/n.” Monoma’s annoyingly condescending voice managed to come out sickly sweet, immediately making you turn around and start to go right back out the door. 
But unfortunately, he’d caught sight of your swelled arm- which had started to bruise pretty badly- and stopped you from relieving yourself of his presence. 
“Now, now. I am here assisting our lovely Recovery Girl and I can’t just have you leaving while still injured, that would make me look like I’m not doing my job.” 
You deadpanned, reluctantly sitting on the edge of one of the beds. “No offense, and by that I mean full offense, but I’d rather just walk it off than let your lips come anywhere near me.” 
His copy quirk is what allowed him to help out as a healer in the first place— and Recovery Girl’s quirk healed by kisses. You’d be damned if you were letting him have the privilege of kissing even a sliver of your skin. 
“Oh my, so rude. You’re breaking my heart.” His grin was a little too smug, but Monoma couldn’t help it. He’s had a stupid crush on you since year one: this opportunity was just too perfect. 
Not that he would ever admit it. Especially the part where his heart was fucking racing faster than Iida could run right now. 
“Good. Perish.” you groaned, looking away with an apprehensive frown. Your arm was starting to hurt as the adrenaline slowly wore off and…you did come all the way to the infirmary to get healed…
Was it weird that your heart was thudding in your chest? You barely even knew Monoma, for fucks sake, he was just…an academic rival at best. 
‘And pretty.’ Your brain supplied. To which you promptly told it to shut up…which it didn’t, because Monoma’s pretty face was currently all up in your business. 
“That arm of yours looks painful. Are you really too prideful to be healed by me? That’s not a good heroic quality, you know.” 
He sincerely hoped you would cave before he just started begging— and the embarrassing part is, Monoma wouldn’t have to even think twice about it. That’s how..tightly you have him wrapped around your finger. 
“Shut up. You’re one to talk about pride, smug bastard.” Your words didn’t really have the bite that you intended- and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn- so with another colorful curse, you relented. 
Except no kiss came after your agreement. You’d even tensed up your arm in preparation for his touch but there was nothing. That was funny— he was so smug just a second ago and now he’s all quiet. 
“Monoma, are you gonna heal me or not-“ 
As soon as your head turned towards him, his lips pressed against yours. It was as shocking as seeing Bakugo Katsuki be nice, which was pretty damn high up on the ‘what the fuck is happening’ list. 
But it felt…good. 
Monoma himself was surprised, not at his actions, but at your own: the reciprocation of his kiss (when he was so sure you’d pull away and knock his block off), the way your hands- both of them now that your arm was healing- had cupped his jaw, pulling him closer. 
It was like the room was spinning, but..softly. With warmth being woven in, making you feel fuzzy starting from the tips of your toes and moving all the way to your fingertips. 
When the kiss finally broke, it was quiet, only unsure breaths filling the air. Oddly enough, he felt nervous and had to fight the urge to apologize. 
“Well? How was that for healing?” Is what came out of his mouth instead. 
And you didn’t even have a witty response to give back, too dazed and flustered to even care at that second. 
“Do it again…still hurts.” 
‘Academic rivals’ be damned.
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inspo credits:
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(I found the text post on Pinterest so I just screenshotted it because who knows how old it may be oasjihrugoajfk but their user is still the same: @energon-with-a-curly-straw)
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scoobysnakz · 8 months
1940’s hubby miguel who is confused when you start complaining about being bored. he offers different things for you to bake him, different colours of jumpers he wouldn’t mind you knitting but you ignore them all. you just mope around the house now. not in the sense that you’re upset, just fed up. he does like how clingy it’s made you, though.
you don’t leave him alone now, arm constantly linked with his as you trace his knuckles with his thumb. he practically has to peel you off when the two of you go to work.
1940’s hubby miguel who suddenly realises what’s wrong when he offers to turn the tv on one evening when the two of you are snuggling on the sofa and you just push him back into his seat.
“nothing good on,” you mumble into his arm as you pull yourself closer to him again.
“haven’t even turned it on yet, doll,” he points out.
“i just know, migs.”
he smiles at that, finding amusement in your aloof attitude. his thick arm scoops you in close to him and nuzzles his head into your hair, breathing in the sweet scent of you.
“it’s got that nasty man all over it,” you whine, clearly annoyed that this prick is everywhere that you look.
1940’s hubby miguel who feels so guilty that his plan backfired. he never once thought that you would suddenly hate the news or even throw away the little badge from the spider-man fan club you so proudly founded.
he just wanted to have some innocent fun with his special girl, give her the best present ever and no it’s all ruined.
1940’s hubby miguel who decides to make it up to you. he goes out as spider-man again, coincidentally bumping into the stubborn mrs ohara.
“fancy seeing you again,” he grins down at you, hands proudly holding the car door open for you.
your nose crinkles in disgust at the site of him, distaste colouring your expression as you push him out of the way. try to anyway.
the absolute unit of a man stays put, feet firmly grounded on the grey pavement.
“what is it?” you huff, not even bothering to look his way.
“want to apologise,” he coos, voice irritatingly sweet, you only like it when miguel uses that voice with you, otherwise it just sounds condescending, “that was no way to treat a lady as wonderful as yourself.”
one of your eyebrows quirks at his bold statement. “i know.”
“can i make it up to you?” he presses on, “take you out to dinner? write your name in webbing from the empire state?”
you scoff at him, clearly unamused by his antics. “i don’t care if you stop the entire planet spinning, the only man i care for is my migs.”
1940’s hubby miguel who wants to smash everything in site. once again, his plan went shit side up and his wife hates spider-man even more.
it’s his fault for being so cocky and acting the way he normally would around her, not the way a distinguished hero should.
how badly he wants to make it right, make you love spider-man again, get all excited when he comes in tv, get to see that adorable scowl when he teases you about having a little crush.
1940’s hubby miguel who realises the only way to fix this is to reveal his biggest secret.
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danistartt · 1 year
Gentleman- Jamie Tartt
pairings: jamie tartt x reader, richmond team warnings: language. i think i read this one too many times. about: request! secret dating because reader works for Richmond (as like pr or physio or something) but when they win a match one day Jamie is so overcome with joy he just has to kiss her
“Don’t you think someone is bound to get worried you’re coming in here every day?” you wonder, pinching away individual blades of grass stuck among the fuzzy dandelions of Jamie’s socks.
“Nah,” he says, watching your careful attention from his place on the pillow. He’s feeling bad about putting his muddy shoes over your clean lap, but you haven’t complained once, only appreciating the easy access to touch him. “They don’t know I come up here.”
You look perplexed. “Where do they think you go?”
Jamie shrugs. “The loo?”
“The one not in the locker room? Six times a day for ten minutes?”
“I keep myself hydrated,” he tells you, lifting up his water bottle to wag it at you. “Y’know, to keep up appearances.”
You chuckle, pushing the web of your thumb around his ankle and trying to touch your pointer. Your phone blinks up at you, the time precarious. Your hand slackens. “You need to get back soon.”
Jamie gets that sticky feeling he does whenever he has to leave something, gross and pleading at the pit of his stomach, his every cell calling out for him to use his time better. He wants to touch you like you’re touching him. He shifts onto his elbows and stares at you. “I can be a little late.”
You frown at the idea, your hands still and warm on his calves. “No, Jamie.”
“Yes, Jamie,” he murmurs, his arms making quick succession in tugging you to him. He’s strong, he’s always been strong, but you don’t tend to notice until he’s pulling you out from beneath his legs and hugging you in a single movement.
You don’t want to encourage him but you want even less to not make your delight shown at being pressed against his chest.
The minute changes. Your care for it begins to dwindle.
“Jamie!” you squeal, not moving. 
He says your name in the same tone, as condescending as he used to be but sweetened by the kiss he presses against your hair. “C’mon, love,” he encourages, a horrid influence working.
“No,” you insist weakly. “Ted’s waiting for you. The team’s waiting for you.”
“But I’ve been waitin’ for this all day,” he complains pointedly. “Maybe I should trip o’er the ball or somethin’. Make a nice excuse to spend hours here with ya.”
“Jamie Tartt? Not believable.”
He makes a pleased noise, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “You’re right.”
Another minute. Ted’s brown eyes bore into your subconscious.
Painfully, you peel yourself off of Jamie, slotting his thighs between your own. You watch his pupils dilate from above him.
“No,” you start, gently holding his face in your hands in a plea and causing the opposite effect you’d meant to. “No time. Later.”
He grasps your coat tightly.
“I promise. Just go to practice.” You spy the time and scramble off of him. “Now.”
He groans, catching your wrist when you hurry to collect the loose strands of his hair. He holds up a hand, pinky finger outstretched, and stares in question.
You roll your eyes but hook your own through his, a grin making its way to his face. “Y’know these’re binding, right?” he asks pragmatically.
You’d taught him that. The prick. “Yes,” you say exasperatedly, trying to pull him off the couch.
“‘M goin’,” he mutters, letting you. “I’ll see you in half an hour.”
“No you will not,” you gasp. “They’re going to think you have a bladder infection.”
“I’ll make somethin’ up,” he shrugs, looking around. He picks up your keys off your desk and wags them. “Maybe you dropped your keys when you were headin’ in.”
“Jamie,” you warn. “You can’t leave the team so much because, beside the fact that they’ll notice something is up, you actually like being with them and—”
“I like you better. A lot prettier.” He closes his fingers around the keys.
You inch closer slowly,  but he’s undeterred and blows you a kiss, leaving your office with only muddy tracks left in his place before you can catch up. “Do not come by in half an hour!”
He listens to you. Kind of.
You see him a few hours later, a cocky glaze on his features, keys clicking against one another. “Hey, doc, I think ya dropped somethin’.”
You snatch them from him. “What a gentleman.”
“Right? Had to fight for it, too. Coach must really like returning keys.”
“How’d you get him to give them up?”
“I jus’ left,” he shrugs.
You gape at him. “What?”
“I told ‘im I found your keys, he said he’d give ‘em to you after practice. I said you might need ‘em now and then I just went inside ‘fore he could call Will over. I should actually be gettin’ back now, our screaming break’s probably over.” He slinks over to you and kisses your forehead, smelling like grass and sweat and lavender detergent.
“What?” you echo.
“I’ll see you later. Can you pick up some food before you get home? Kent don’t really like it when I leave the screamin’. Says it’s most effective on me.”
He smiles at you, waves, and leaves you perplexed.
You put down what he stole from you and notice vibrant pink peeking beneath metal, a green stem’s end through the ring. When you pull it out, you recognize it as one of the flowers that keep growing at the far right edge of the field. You melt into your seat, pouting at the crumpled petals.
“So, what’s the verdict, Doc?” Ted asks when you come out of your room, dipping a finger behind your right glove.
“He’ll be okay. He can play this week’s game as long as he doesn’t put too much pressure on his foot. I told him to ice it periodically for two days and then just make sure it isn’t swelling.”
“No permanent damage, then?”
You laugh. “No permanent damage.”
Sam pushes your door open, leaning on a crutch.
“How you feelin’, champ?” Ted asks.
Sam shrugs. “I’ve been better. At least Doctor Y/n gave me the all clear for this week.” He looks pointedly at you, as if Ted might need confirmation from you.
“Under what conditions?” you pry.
“Rest, ice, compress, and elevate,” he lists off his fingers.
“The most important for you, Mr. Obisanya, being…”
“Not being on it for two days,” he answers, ever the great student.
“I wish all my patients listened as well as you do,” you commend, letting him go with a smile.
Ted watches him go, turning back to you with a cheery expression. “Well, thank you, Doc.”
“It’s what I’m here for.” You toy with your gloves, listening to the team erupt in noise once Sam assumedly gets back.
“And also to bring a smile to all our faces. Not to say that’s a purpose. Just a nice bonus.”
You laugh. “Thank you, Ted. Is there anything else you need from me?”
He shakes his head. “Oh, no, no. Just wanted to ask if you were interested in goin’ out with the team and I tonight.”
“Where are you going?”
“Oh, just the Crown and Anchor. We haven’t officially asked ‘em yet, but one thing that doesn’t change no matter where we are is that athletes always appreciate a good drink with good company.”
“Very true,” you murmur, contemplating. You hadn’t gone out with the boys in a while and you were beginning to miss their antics. You could sit around the house for the evening, or you could spend that same evening a little drunk with your friends. “You know what? Sure. I’d love to.”
“Alrighty then!” Ted cheers, pleasantly genuine in the way no one else is. “I’ll let ‘em know. We’ll see ya later, Doc!” 
“You too, Ted!” you call after him, slumping into your chair once you’re alone. Your phone vibrates from the table, lighting up with a picture of Jamie that he’d insisted you set as his profile picture. “Hello?”
“Coach says yer coming with us tonight?”
You stare at your door. “He just left. How could he have possibly already told you that?”
“Team groupchat. He was very insistent about it an' m'honestly not that upset about it anymore.”
You laugh. “I am going. Are you?”
“Course. D’you want me to pick you up?”
“How do we explain that?”
“I’m a gentleman?”
“To this degree? Do you think they’d believe that?”
“I’ll go before. Help ya pick out your clothes, put ‘em on?”
“You’ll see me when I get there.”
“C’mon, love. I want to be the first.”
“You always are!”
“Do you really wanna risk that streak?”
“Yes.” Other voices begin to filter in, still far away but getting closer. “I’ll see you there, Jamie. I love you.”
Jamie pauses, a soft shuffling noise preceding what is clearly Jamie’s palm curving around his phone’s speaker. “I love ya, too,” he whispers. You hang up, leaning into your seat. Your phone zzpts in your hand.
send a picture. Three dots, blinking in and out. please.
Humming, you debate it before: i’ll think about it. 
Jamie, of course, is the first to see you.
He looks for you in every creak of the pub door, slyly craning his neck to check for the color of your hair or the burgundy coat you tend to wear on these outings. When he finally catches sight of you, he looks away, satisfied to have been the owner of the first glance.
The others spot you quickly, raising their beers in your direction. Zoereaux puts your drink in your hand, cold bubbles splashing the curve of your thumb.
You thank him, kissing his cheek in greeting as the others crowd you. “Maybe I should be worried you all know my order.”
“Absolutely not,” Ted chimes in from your other side. “Knowledge is love.” He hugs you too. “Glad you could make it, Doc.”
You push yourself onto a seat next to Jan Maas, tipping your glass at him. “You look nice,” he says.
“Thank you,” you respond. “You too.”
“Doc?” Isaac asks.
“You can call me by my name, Isaac.”
He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Nah. Feels weird now.”
“Alright. What’s up?”
“My sister says thank you for the advice. Her leg’s all better now and she told me to invite you over for dinner.”
“She doesn’t have to do that.”
“She insists.”
“You should just accept,” Colin says. “She makes a good Shepherd’s pie and won’t give up.”
Isaac nods, jutting a finger in his direction.
“Of course, then. Can’t wait.”
The conversation continues, and you indulge a glance at Jamie to find him looking back at you, an inquisitive pull to his brows. Your eyebrows jump, trying to ask a question with only your features.
You pull your phone from your pocket and begin typing out a message for him when the topic somehow heads back to you.
“Hey, d’you end up going on that date?” Bumberbatch asks suddenly.
You blink. Jamie turns to him curiously. “What?”
“With the prick. You know. Coiffed hair, All puffed up.”
“Um.” You try very hard to not look at Jamie, who’s surely staring at you with wide, amused eyes. “Yes. Yes I did.”
“How’d it go?” Isaac urges. Your mouth is open with no certain words to comfort.
“Yeah. How’d the date with the prick go?” Jamie pipes up, sliced brow up. He’s awful. Truly, truly awful and he knows it.
You force a smile at him. “Not as bad as I thought.” The team mumbles in satisfaction but Jamie doesn’t give.
“Not as bad, huh?” Jamie repeats, lips thinning in thought. “I dunno.” He does a little shake of his head and licks his lips, meeting your eyes again. “Maybe it went a little better than that?”
You clear your throat, heat rising to your face though you try desperately to keep it down. 
Colin raises a brow. “Why would you say that?”
Jamie shrugs, unfairly unphased. “Just askin’.”
The attention moves off of you. You glare at him.
He smiles and, in the wake of a controversial argument between cartoons, winks at you. Your legs go weak.
You’re supposed to sit with the coaches during matches. Keeley had been upset at first and Rebecca sorry, offering a replacement medical professional for a game if you were so inclined to observe a game from the box seats, but you’d refused. Your place, although precarious with flying balls and the grandest source of stress, is kind to you. 
You sit behind Ted during matches. The back of his head is surprisingly comforting in the tensest points of a match, and you find you can catch the preliminary movements of his fingers when you’re nearby.
There isn’t much contorting you have to do to sprint into the field if you’re needed, and the seat itself isn’t too bad when you’re not. Also, you have a great view.
You’re close enough to feel the strength with which the players kick the ball, you’re part of the very exclusive audience to the coaches’ hope, and when he gets close enough, Jamie can hear your cheers for him very clearly.
You’re completely sure he can hear you now, shouting at the top of your lungs up front with the coaches, fists tight enough to shake. He speeds up with renewed energy, the ball a blur between fast legs and fake passes. You grasp Roy’s arm with everything in you and let your eyes move to the timer. Less than fifteen seconds to go and a tie glares in blocky red numbers.
Your fingers spark with something hot, curling tighter around Roy’s wrist when the ball is passed to Jamie.
The time goes by too slowly and the ball flies too fast, a defender slamming to the ground with his hands up as Jamie’s kick sends the ball into the net. The clock ticks for the last time. The arena erupts in sound and a combination of red and blue.
You scream, finally letting go of Roy to drag your hands to your face. Isaac and Dani embrace on the field, most of the others running toward Jamie but Jamie is sprinting toward you.
You realize too late what’s going on, too proud of Jamie, too dizzy on adrenaline and excitement to realize what’s about to happen and why it shouldn’t.
He comes up to you beaming, picking you up easily and spinning you around. You respond immediately, palms against his warm cheeks, lips pressing repeatedly against his forehead and then finally his lips. “You did so good,” you praise, hoping he can hear you even through the overwhelming noise. “I’m so proud of you.”
He grins, finally catching your lips and lowering you to the floor. It takes only two seconds for what happened to settle in. You can see it on his face, the exhilaration contorting into recognition. He finally looks away from you and gulps.
The stadium is still loud, but most of the team is looking at you, caught in differing positions of celebration. Ted stares at the both of you, jaw dropped.
“What do we do?” he whispers to you. “Do you think they’ll believe it if we say it was an accident?”
“No,” you respond just as quietly. “No, I don’t think so.”
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lizziesfirstwife · 2 years
✿ neteyam x fem!reader ✿
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➳ summary: neteyam and you have been crushing on each other for the longest time, with a lot of built-up tension. However, neither of you expected his parents to get in the way of your love.
➳ warnings: him and reader aged up, tiny bit of angst, mention of readers parents being dead, neteyam and you pining over eachother, slight talks about arranged marriage/ mates if you squint, fluff at the end
➳ note: this is my first avatar work, so please be nice! Reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated <3
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You were fed up. Fed up with his longing stares, and especially with the looks the other villagers gave you. Like you couldn't hear the whispers. As if you couldn't feel their condescending looks. Him staring at you only made matters worse for the fact.
Neteyam couldn't care less about the villagers. Hell, he didn't even know what exactly they were whispering about. Their disparaging looks didn't make it too difficult to figure out, though. You were perfect in his eyes. You had never judged him when he cried in your arms at night, while he let down the long-since-built walls, constructed as a consequence of his father's harsh words.
Neytiri could only shake her head, amazed at the similarities between her firstborn and her husband. They were both lovable, but when it came to showing that love outwardly to those they loved, embarrassment appeared quicker than she could shoot an arrow. Too many times she's had to wake you up late at night and send you home when you and Neteyam have been fooling around late into the night about some topic she thought was silly, and ended up falling asleep half on top of one another. A true masterpiece, as she would call it. And not infrequently, an unmissable blush would appear on Neteyam's cheeks as soon as she would mention it. With the number of times this already has happened, Jake was more than confused about the sudden change of color on his son's face, only for Neytiri to displeasingly shake her head. Sully boys and love, like she said.
For the two of you, there was only one thing: you would make fun of his little brother for the rest of your days. As friends. What else?
Your parents died in an attack by the sky people just before the Sullys decided to seek out another clan for the safety of their people. You didn't let go of Neteyam's arms for nights on end, and even though your nails were digging into his back, almost painfully, and his chest was smooth with tears, he never sent you away. It wasn't a difficult decision to go with him. Who else did you have?
You walked arm in arm along the beach. The sun shone down on you relentlessly, pleasantly beating down your hair, and warming your skin. You could still feel the freezing wind that blew over the sea, grateful more than ever for the weather Eywa blessed you with after your long journey. Thanks to Neteyam, you had a not-too-hard time arriving, Tuk however took it the hardest. The eight-year-old still refused to make friends her age, instead clinging to her siblings whenever possible. Jake and Neytiri were usually too busy with clan affairs, which hit the youngest harder than she admitted. Lo'ak, however, preferred to spend his time with a certain curly-haired Na'vi. Surely it wasn't on purpose, but an eight-year-old would hardly understand that. Kiri was mostly out in the ocean anyway and didn't come back until late in the evening with a handful of accessories. No way you had a problem taking care of her! But in moments like these, when you were just a girl and Neteyam just a boy with no responsibilities, you were grateful more than ever for Eywa's blessing.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt a prick in your upper left arm. A grin crossed Neteyam's face as you darted around to him, eyes narrowed and mouth wide open. He just shrugged his shoulders. "You could have just said no instead of scaring the hell out of me...looked like your mind left your body." You rolled your eyes. Neteyam has always been the more dramatic of the two of you, which has often shown to not be helpful in the most harmless situations. Neither of you would ever forget the incident with the pa'li, nor Neytiri's 3-hour-long debark. Since then you have never dared to ride one of these creatures again, which couldn't be said of Neteyam. Of course not. He needed adventure like air to breathe, and adventure needed him just as equally.
His long fingers wandered from your shoulder to your waist, where they lingered comfortably. You couldn't help but feel how your breath quickened and your body tingled where it touched Neteyam's. You prayed to Eywa that he couldn't feel how fast your heart was beating. More and more often lately, the eldest Sully boy didn't even have to touch you to get that kind of reaction out of you. But when he touched you... Suddenly you were very aware of his big hand on your waist, the way his fingers dug into the flesh...
"Y/N? Y/N! Wiya, you did it again! Seems like you don't even want to listen to me anymore..."
Pushing the inappropriate thoughts out of your head, you shook your head violently. "Teyam, no! It's just... I don't know. Everything feels so different lately. As if this peace were just a cruel dream, and we could wake up to reality at any moment."
His gaze softened, gently pulling you towards him so that your entire left half was now pressed against his right. "If this was a dream, I'd be glad you were in it. Maybe this is just a dream, so what? Then this would be the best dream ever." He playfully pinched your waist, which elicited an angry squeak. Quickly he averted his eyes and cleared his throat, missing the way your entire face was blushing. Eywa, this must certainly be a dream, he thought. He swallowed hard, looked up at the sky, and then back into your eyes. "My mom keeps asking about you. I think if you don't come to dinner tonight she'll wring my neck herself."
You grinned. "That would be too bad..." He looked at you in mock indignation but couldn't help the laughter that escaped his throat. "So, you'll come? For my mom?", he asked, looking at you with his puppy eyes. Your knees almost buckled at the sight, but you managed to look at him with a pursed mouth. "For your mom? Neteyam, if that's just another excuse to put those nasty leaves in my food that give me a rash-" "It was one time! Lo'ak threatened to push me off my ikran the next time we would have a mission again!", he interrupted you, but quickly closed his mouth when he saw the look in your eyes. Sometimes you were more like his mother than he would have liked. He had apologized to you for hours at the time and sat in front of your tent for 2 days because you had given him the cold shoulder. He could take it that you were mad at him, but it felt as if some part of him was missing when you weren't with him. There was a heavy storm at the time, and he would probably have frozen to death from all the rain and wind if you hadn't dragged him into your tent with your own hands and forced him to eat. He refused to even touch the food until you accepted his apology. Eywa, could he be stubborn...
Slowly you started to walk on, dragging Neteyam with you. You couldn't stay mad at him for long. Not your Neteyam. You breathed in slowly and audibly, a smile again creeping its way onto your face. "How could I ever turn down your mother's food..."
"And then Neteyam here said that he didn't have to bathe for 2 weeks as a protest, just because I pointed out to him that he would scare away the whole prey with such a stench," Neytiri said with a full mouth, a handful of bladder polyps on her plate. The plant's salty taste was delicious, leaving a tingling sensation on your tongue after you chew and swallow it. Jake once compared its taste to the one of a pickle, whatever that was.
Neteyam's face flushed, his eyes grazing yours to see if you even caught his mother's words. He was suddenly very aware of your proximity. How your thigh grazed his, or the sweet smell of the perfume that Tsireya must have given you. He would always prefer your natural scent but still could only pray that his body wouldn't betray him during the duration of this meal. He prayed.
Jake cleared his throat and almost all conversation ceased except for Kiri's soft chatter with Tuk. He admonished the two with a quick look but didn't bother any further with their talk. "This wonderful dinner, prepared by my wonderful mate", he said with a loving gaze toward Neytiri, "finally gives us a chance to get together again. There is much that needs to be talked about, some urgent matters that take priority." Neteyam looked at him warily, not quite taking his gaze off of you yet. Jake was now facing Neteyam, who was switching from looking at you and his father. "As you surely know, the time has come in your life when you have to make certain decisions. Coupled with the rumors going around... Neteyam, you need a mate."
He could have also set fire to the tent, and thrown the entirety of you into the ocean. The sound that escaped from your throat sounded almost outraged. Neteyam swallowed hard, trying to hide the sweat from his hands. There was no way his father chose to have this conversation the one time you agreed on having dinner with him.
"Do we have to have this conversation when Y/N's over?"
"Don't worry, Y/N was expected to have this conversation in a few days as well. Having her eat here with us today only avoids unnecessary complications," Jake dismissed. Neytiri had a look in her eyes that you couldn't read, looking down at her plate vehemently. Tuk's and Kiri's conversation had also fallen silent in the meantime, the two girls now doing the same as their mother, although you could see Tuk sneakily glancing up at what her father was saying.
Neteyam shook his head, but Jake warned him with a look you've seen all too often on the father's face. "Rumors are floating around Neteyam... rumors that you've already chosen someone. Do you know how much concern these rumors are causing? And guess who the number 1 guess is." You knew he meant you. And from the way Neteyams ears twitched, you knew that he was aware of that too.
Neteyam hoped that if everyone saw him with you, they would finally understand that he wasn't interested in anyone else, and certainly never would be. But it rather seemed like it had the opposite effect.
Jake's gaze softened a bit after looking at his wife's reaction. It seemed like she wasn't particularly excited to have this conversation, particularly not with you there to witness it. "I don't want to deprive you of your freedom of choice by any means son, but since you refuse to take Y/N as your-", he started, but Neteyam interrupted him with a snarl. "How many times do I have to tell you that we're friends? Friends! You act like the clan will throw us out if I don't choose a woman tomorrow." But the head of the family did not put up with any arguments. He raised his hand to signal Neteyam to be quiet. "We're lucky the clan took us so well. And surely no one cares that you're still unmated, but do you really want people to start talking? Especially about Y/N, who certainly has nothing to do with your situation."
Neteyam said nothing. He just looked down at his plate, defeated, all appetite driven away. It shouldn't bother you that much. You guys were friends after all, best friends if you can put it that way. But that he preferred to be the number one topic of conversation, instead of even considering mating with you...
No. No. No. You couldn't think like that. It was Neteyam after all! Your accommodating, incredibly considerate Neteyam, whom you would like to wring his neck for all the feelings he aroused in you. You didn't even notice your feet carrying you out of the tent, nor Neytiri's worried look, or Tuk's plaintive call of your name.
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe it wasn't just Neteyam who needed adventure in his life to survive. And perhaps it was Neteyam who was the real adventure in your life. Who was your adventure...
The waves were unusually calm as you were sitting on the sand with Tsireya by your side as if Eywa sensed how shaken you were. It has been a week since the incident at the Sullys. You were thankful more than ever to have your own tent, as you didn't want any confrontation with Neteyam or his parents yet. You weren't sure if you would ever want that. Tsireya must have noticed your sudden change in mood because she said nothing, instead sitting next to you while the two of you worked on a necklace. She firmly believed that being creative and doing something was a great help against bad moods. And truly, you haven't felt at peace like that since before the dinner a week ago.
Your fingers almost hurt from the repeating motion you had to do to create the certain pearl pattern you wanted in your necklace, when you suddenly heard voices behind you. No no no. Your field of vision was suddenly blocked from the sun, and you had to tilt your neck uncomfortably to face the source of your problems. Of course, your moment of peace had to be interrupted by him. Neteyam Sully had his hands clasped behind his back and his expression seemed blank, were it not for the small smile that had long been reserved just for you. Tsireya looked back and forth between you, asking you with a silent look if this was okay with you. You just nodded slightly, never taking your eyes off Neteyam. Taking the hint, she took her unfinished necklace and quietly snuck away.
Neteyam looked after her until she disappeared from his sight, and then took the spot next to you where Tsireya just sat. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes until he finally spoke. "You know, my mom almost killed me when I didn't run after you." You didn't say anything, which he took with a nod and the sign to continue. "I never really paid attention to girls when I grew up. Why should I when I grew up with the best of them?" You slowly turned to him and realized that his eyes were on you. You almost stood up, if his eyes didn't have that pleading look in them. So you just continued to listen.
"I've never questioned my disinterest in girls growing up, thinking that the right one just hadn't walked into my life yet. But I was stupid, so stupid. Eywa, I probably still am." You couldn't help but grin at his words, and he laughed at how easily he could coax a reaction out of you. Slowly, not wanting to scare you away, he slipped his hands into yours so that you were now facing him. "Y/N... I never saw it. I never understood why my parents never wanted to stop teasing me about you. But I guess I didn't want to see it. Didn't want to realize that there was a possibility, a big one at that, that you might not feel the same as I do." Your heart was beating wildly, and you thought for a moment that he could hear how wildly it was beating, how wildly it was beating for him, when his gaze slid to your chest and then up again. He gently squeezed your hand, unconsciously stroking the back of your hand with his thumb soothingly.
You knew what he was getting at, the look in his eyes almost unbearable. You didn't know what you were supposed to say, your throat feeling tight all of a sudden, unable to get any sound out of it. So you just scooted closer to him, your chest now barely touching his. "I always thought there was something wrong with me. That I wasn't in a position to like the chief's son even a little bit more than his best friend should. But..." You looked up at him desperate, gazing at his lips for a short second. His pupils dilated with something indescribable at seeing your flushed cheeks and blown eyes. You could have sworn that the air around you was buzzing. No words needed to be said as you two stared at each other, no words to express the magnitude of feelings that existed between you.
"Neteyam, I-"
"I see you Y/N."
You sat there with a dumbfounded look on your face, mouth wide open at the fact that he shamelessly interrupted your confession. Part of you wanted to smack him in the chest for that, but you were sure that any more physical contact would make your heart actually fail. He saw you. He is seeing you.
Neteyam didn't know how you managed to smile that hard, or how his heart could beat as hard as it was right now, but Eywa would he put up with it a thousand times more if it meant he would be able to see that look on your face again.
"I see you too, skxawng."
You didn't want to think of all the consequences that this moment would bring, or how tomorrow would be after you woke up and the situation would sink in your head.
You were right. He was your adventure, but you were also his. He needed adventure like he needed air to breathe, and for the first time in ages, it felt like he was finally able to again.
With you.
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sodaabaa · 4 months
reunited a court of thorns and roses
rhysand x reader after reader is taken by tamlin, she yearns for the day she can be reunited with her mate.
tw: none
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Five months. That’s how long I’d been trapped with Tamlin and his court of thorns. Once upon a time I was happy here, happy with him. Now, it took everything I had to control myself from scratching his eyes out every time he looked at me. Every word he said, every condescending explanation he gave me as to why he thought, why he believed that Rhys had manipulated my mind, drove me insane. Leaving this godforsaken place with Rhys all those months ago was the best decision I’d ever made. Now I was stuck here all over again. Caged in a rose covered prison, suffocated by piles of tulle and chiffon and silk.  
I hadn’t shown Tamlin, or anyone, any of the powers I had. I didn’t tell him what I was. Rhys and Amren had figured out that I was an angel. Centuries before the fae emerged, angels ruled the heavens and the Earth. Once the fae were created after years of evolution, the angels died out. But while the physical form of these beings may cease to exist, their souls don’t. Their souls are still here, roaming through the heavens. I guess the angels knew war was imminent in my lifetime so they breathed an angel’s soul into me when I was born and I’d gone all those years unknowing of what I was, what I was capable of. Until I had found out what Amarantha had done to Rhys. 
As if one cue, a piece of paper appeared on my nightstand with a coal black pen. 
“You’re thinking about me aren’t you” I could hear his arrogant smirk in those words.
I smiled, that bastard always knew, even if we were thousands of miles apart. I picked up the pen to write back but as I was doing so, the door opened and I quickly hid it under my pillow. My smile fell.
“I brought you some paints.” Tamlin paused, unsure of what to say next.
I merely looked out the window and said, “I have no inspiration.”
He frowned, “you’re in the Court of Spring, what more inspiration do you need?” 
The swirling night sky. The shimmering golden lights of the City of Starlight. His black, satin wings that carried the midnight sky with him. 
Oh, how sweet, your description of my city and my wings flatters me darling. 
I had to dig my nails into my palms to keep from smiling like a fool. 
Tamlin must have taken great offense to my comment, he left without giving me a chance to respond. Good. 
I anxiously pulled out the pen and paper. 
“He could have seen the note, be careful next time you prick.” 
I set the items on the desk and within seconds it vanished, and reappeared just as fast.
“I miss bickering with you. I miss you.” Such simple words yet my heart ached with longing.
I wrote back, “I miss you too. Just a few more days, I need to convince him to side with us.”
The paper vanished and never returned. 
I shifted in the bed I’d been in for hours, refusing to socialize with anyone at the manor. Everyone was blindly loyal to Tamlin and I knew if I left the manor grounds, they’d instantly report to him so I had no reason to even bother faking a smile towards those vipers. I looked out to the night sky, it wasn’t nearly as beautiful as the velvety blue skies of the Night Court but it was still a reminder of who ruled those skies and it comforted me regardless. With that thought, I fell into a deep sleep.
The voices of Tamlin and Lucien could be heard from a mile away. They were arguing over my freedom. I paused on the stairs, my blush pink dress swaying with the movement.
“How long are you going to keep her locked up hm? You can’t keep her here forever.” Lucien spat.
“Until Rhysand isn’t a problem anymore. Until I know he won’t come to take her again.” 
I rolled my eyes. Imagine being deluded enough to think you could beat Rhys, the most powerful High Lord in history. I scoffed. Their heads turned in my direction. I covered it by clearing my throat and smiling, resuming my path down the stairs.
“Good morning my love.” I held back a gag. 
Tamlin smiled, the fool really thought I was in love with him. “Good morning, we were just finishing up our conversation.” He shot a pointed look at Lucien. 
I smiled, lips in a thin line. He wanted to keep me locked up like a prisoner, still. 
I took a seat between Tamlin and Lucien. “Can we speak in private please Tamlin.” 
He gave me an exhausted look, he knew what I was going to ask. Despite that, he sent Lucien away with a wave of his hand. 
“I know what you want to say and you already know my answer.” He said.
I stood up and slammed my hands on the table, rattling the silverware.
“It’s been three months since I saw something outside these walls. Send an escort of guards with me if you want but let me go somewhere, anywhere.” I shouted.
He looked at me through his brows. “You know better than me, I could send an army of guards with you and Rhysand would slice through the brigade like butter to take you away. I won’t risk it.”
He was standing now, trying to intimidate me into compliance. 
“And I won’t be kept here like a prisoner! In what world is this love?”
“I’m protecting you!” He growled
“You’re suffocating me!” I yelled.
“Enough. There will be no further conversation about this matter.” 
I stilled. And then I felt it. I could sense him before he’d even arrived. I looked past Tamlin and to the doorway. 
He was standing tall, his hands in his pockets, ever the nonchalant High Lord. His violet eyes looked over me head to toe, scanning for any signs of injuries. 
Tamlin must have noticed I was looking past him and turned. He moved to shield me, beginning to shift into a beast. I didn’t pay any attention to it. Every bone, every nerve, every cell in my body was shouting for me to run to him. So I did.
Tamlin shouted after me and guards ran in but they froze as soon as they ran into the room. It felt as if I’d been running for miles before I crashed into his chest, he stumbled back but his arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. My entire being relaxed into the embrace as I held him tight. 
“Miss me?” He breathed into my ear. 
Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded into his neck. He let me down just as Tamlin was approaching, rage burning in his eyes.
I stood in front of Rhys as Tamlin began charging. I crossed my arms and Tamlin met with a wall of light. He bounced back but got up instantly. Like twin flames, Rhys and I let out our wings, his midnight black wings contrasting with my soft white.
Tamlin froze, he hadn’t known about my abilities.
“What are you doing? He’s manipulating you, turning you against me.”
I scoffed. “You turned me against you.” 
“I love you.” He said in a not so loving tone. 
“Rhys loves me. And I him.” 
Unexpectedly, he shoved me away and lunged for Rhys who easily dodged his advances.
“You’ve gone soft Tamlin.” Rhys taunted. 
Tamlin lunged again, this time he managed to grab Rhys, who was unimpressed. 
“I’m going to skin you alive.” He said through his teeth.
Rhys merely rolled his eyes and looked at me as if to say, ‘look at this guy.’ 
Rhys grabbed Tamlins arms and twisted them, kneeing him in the gut and throwing him onto the floor all in one swift motion.
“You’re gonna have to try a lot harder to even land a punch, dear Tamlin.”
This time, Tamlin didn’t get back up. Rhys was holding him down with his mind. 
“We’ll spare your life on one condition.” I spoke to him. 
His nose flared, he’d rather die than submit to Rhys.
“You ally yourself and your army with us for the war. Hybern will slaughter your people and take your court as soon as the war is over and you know it. Don’t lead hundreds of innocent lives towards their death because of a grudge you hold towards Rhys.” I continued.
“I’d sooner die than work with him. And you. After all I did for you, traitor.” He spat.
I could feel the anger roll off Rhys. He stepped in front of me but I grabbed his arm.
“After all you did? After Amarantha, I was wasting away. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t breathe. And all you did was lock me up like a caged animal. You couldn’t even look at me longer than a second.” My voice rose.
“Do you know what the first thing Rhys did to me when he took me away on our wedding day?” I didn’t give him the time to respond.
“He looked at me, listened to me, he made me feel alive again. It’s ironic isn’t it? Living in the Spring Court where all bloom to life. Except me. I withered away like a dead rose. But I blossomed with Rhys at the Night Court, the realm of death so many call it, but it breathed life into me again.” 
Tamlin stared, blank. “Go to hell.” 
With that, I left the Manor and let Rhys have his fun. 
We landed in Velaris, my beloved City of Starlight. I was ecstatic and Rhys felt it as we walked up the steps to the town house. Home. The word kept repeating in my head, I still couldn’t believe it. 
When we walked in, we were greeted by Cassian, Mor, Azriel, and Amren. They kneeled as we stood in the doorway. 
My hand slipped from Rhys’ and I ran towards them, dropping to my knees. 
“Please don’t kneel. I just want a hug from each of you.” Tears fell from my eyes. I missed these four with my whole heart. Last I’d seen them, Cassian’s wings had been shattered, Azriel and Mor were bloody and bruised. I was worried sick. 
They all hugged me at once, I was squished in between the four of them. I let out a laugh as we withdrew from the group hug and Rhys chuckled behind me. 
“You bastards never react that way when I come home.” He walked towards us. 
Amren sent daggers at him with her eyes.
“Maybe we don’t like you as much Rhys.” Cassian said. 
“Then maybe you can find a place at the Court of Nightmares instead of Velaris, Cas. They’d be happy to take in an invalid such as yourself.” He threw. 
Cassian shook his head laughing. “You’d miss me too much.” 
The five of them began to bicker, their voices booming throughout the house. My eyes fleeted between them, trying to keep track of who was saying what. 
I smiled, It felt like I never left. 
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artiststarme · 5 months
Officer Phil Callahan wasn’t often seen in a positive light. Most people viewed him as immature, impulsive, condescending, and a poor excuse for a poor excuse of a police officer. However, no one could accuse him of being a bad brother. He prided himself on always being there for his little bro and his brother knew he could count on him too for anything. As such, Phil was the first person he went to after receiving the beating of all beatings.
So, when Phil opened his front door to see his baby bro leaning against the doorframe for support with his bruised face bearing more resemblance to a blueberry, he dropped everything to help him.
“Holy goddamn shit, Steve! What the hell happened to your face?!” He ushered Steve inside and settled him on the well-worn couch adorning his small living room.
Phil didn’t know what had happened to his brother and he didn’t know who had tried to pulverize his face but he did know whomever had committed this atrocity would pay. He didn’t care if he had to arrest Jonathan Byers again or face off against the powerful Hagan parents to cuff Tommy H in public, he was going to make someone suffer.
His rage only grew as he watched Steve dry heave and vomit for hours on end. Phil aspired to return the beating to the perpetrator that gave Steve the headache of all headaches and physical damage to boot. He took care of Steve through the night by waking him up every four hours, rubbing his back through the dry heaves, and giving him water to keep him hydrated. As soon as he seemed stable enough to be left alone though, Phil was badgering him for the name of the attacker.
He waited just long enough to hear, “Billy Hargrove, but don’t-“ before he was off.
Dressed in his Sheriff’s Deputy uniform with his gun on his hip, he set off to find the sack of shit that hurt his brother. Would this look bad in front of the townspeople? Definitely. Could it hurt his job and his position in the department? Most probably. But he would do what he had to do and probably beat the shit out of that dirtbag in revenge.
As expected, the Californian hippie delinquent was standing by his Camaro in front of the school with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Phil pulled the patrol care right up to his bumper before storming up to him and shoving him against his own drivers side door. Billy’s cigarette dropped ashes against Phil’s forearm but the rage inside of him burned even more than the fluttering ash. The eyes of nearly the entire student body rested on him but he didn’t let it phase him.
“You roughed up Steve yesterday,” Phil growled.
“You’re crazy. Who the fuck-“
“You’re gonna shut up and listen, buttercup. If you even think about touching Steve again, you kinky shit, I will make your life a living hell. Stay away from my brother.”
“Whatever, man. Did Steve go running home to mommy-“
He didn’t even register his just flying until Billy’s head whipped to the side followed by a pain in his hand. Shit, he just hit a kid. A bitchy one, but a kid nonetheless. “I’m sorr-“
“Is that all you got? I guess you and Stevie-boy both hit like the pansies you are.” Billy sneered at him with blood coating his teeth.
This little prick. Phil wasn’t going to let some high school bully get away with this. First he tries to kill his brother and then he starts talking shit about the both of them? Nope, no siree. Phil pauses but a minute before pulling a pair of handcuffs from his belt and latching them around a struggling Hargove’s wrists. “Okay, you little shit. You’re under arrest for felony assault, attempted murder, and anything else I can throw at you. No school for you today, now get in my car.”
“Are you fucking serious?!” He yelled, bloody spittle spitting from his lips.
“Yep, just like that concussion you gave my brother. Now shut up and stop resisting before I have to shoot you.” He wouldn’t actually shoot this kid but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Phil knew the charges probably wouldn’t stick but he still felt lighter, relieved, that he had gotten at least a little bit of justice for Steve. And if the increasingly panicked murmurings in the backseat brought a smile to his face? Well, no one was any the wiser.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
private study session
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i have a shit ton of uni work but is writing smut of this man more important i think so
i live and breathe for asshole malleus y’all don’t even understand that man is a smug bastard
synopsis: your grades have been plummeting. bad. so much so that if you don’t improve, you might have to end up retaking the yearーwhich you definitely don’t want. no matter how hard you study and revise by yourself, nothing seems to stick. that was until you built up the courage to ask your close friend, malleus, if he could tutor you.
warnings: smut/nsfw, degrading, choking, lowkey hate sex, overstimulation, unprotected sex, mating press, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
word count: 2.8k
“oh-ho? and what makes you believe that my time will not be wasted?"
“it won’t, i swear! …please, malleus, just this once. i might have to retake the year if i don’t improve.” you shifted your feet nervously, continuing your embarrassing attempt at trying to convince the dragon fae to lend you just a slither of his intelligence. you weren’t one to beg, but at this pointーyou had to. of course, being the only non-magic student to have miraculously enrolled into NRC, it was a given your grades would be subparーbut not to this extent.
"and we certainly don't want that, do we?"
malleus's tone was condescending, apparently relishing the sight of you pleading for his help in front of him. his lips curved into a grin, and he cocked his head to one side. “i mean… that would be unfortunate if you needed to repeat the year. i do enjoy the lessons i have with you, child of man.”
your eyes widened as if he were finally giving in to your wish, like a puppy seeing a treat for the first time. “then? then…!? will you help me, malleus?”
malleus seemed thoughtfully contemplative for a few seconds. you were sure you saw a glimpse of something in his eyes for a single second. something menacing.
“fine. i’ll accept your request, child of man. you’re quite the lucky one, you know? not everyone can say that they’ve had me as their personal tutor.”
personal tutor, huh? it didn’t sound bad when he put it like that.
it was 6 p.m. malleus agreed to assist you back at your own dormーwhich surprised you slightly, but you didn’t mind. if anything, it only meant that evening was about to be spent without any disturbances.
it became clear that malleus was going to spend hours tutoring you like he stated he would. you sat pitifully looking at the pages in front of you as he poured information into your ears that amounted to little more than background noise. he was in the seat next to you. his body, though, was stiff. with one leg over the other and his arms crossed, it felt like being lectured about how dumb you are. 
maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
but it was probably too late to back out of it now.
“are you ignoring me, child of man?”
as you heard his fingers snap at you, you quickly brought your eyes back into focus to see a face brimming with frustration and irritation.
“were you even paying attention to a single word i said?”
malleus was furious. with a tone laced with something much more than frustration, you knew you messed up big. the words that came out of his mouth only made the hairs on your arms prick up, feeling your mouth get dry as he leaned in close to your face, seeing the rage in his expression ever more clearly.
he was close. too close. you were so uneasy that you were certain he would smite you on the spot if you said something stupid.
“yes..! i swear i was malleus!”
you felt his stare burn right through you, feeling as though he’d bite off your head any second. all that you could hope was that if you said “yes” enough, maybe he’d let you off easier.
that wasn’t the case.
“am i boring you? is a human’s time for daydreaming more important than mine?”
you started to shake in your seat, your heart in your throat.
“you have a lot of nerve, child of man. taking my generosity for granted, really, you are bold.”
he drew even nearer until his face was almost brushing yours. all you could do was tremble and pray that he wouldn't actually murder you at this very moment. suddenly feeling paralysed, you couldn't even gather the energy to defend yourself.
he pressed a finger on your foreheadーhardーwatching you practically unravel in front of him.
“what will it take, child of manーfor you to listen? how can we make the time left today not utterly pointless?”
he remained far too close to your face for your liking. whilst your body was about to give way any second, you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up for some strange reason. you’ve never seen malleus so close up before, it was almost an honour. you wanted to shake these stupid, borderline dangerous thoughts away, but you almost felt in awe at the anger he was expressing to youーas bad as that was.
“hoh? got nothing to say? heh, it’s almost as if you’re trying to anger me. you’re certainly the first to do such a thing, child of man.”
he moved his finger from off your forehead to your jaw, resting it under your chin as he slowly tilted your head up to look at him. you gave him a glazed-over look. it was as if every single thought in your head suddenly turned off, rendering you speechless and still. feeling his finger touch underneath your chin, you couldn’t help but sweat, your face becoming more flushed by the second.
“hmm, your face is heating up. am i embarrassing you, child of man?”
malleus was. 
but even with all that embarrassment that was thoroughly washing through your entire body, you could sense a faint sensation of excitement starting to bubble. were you the masochistic type? did you actually enjoy getting humiliated by him? perhaps not, but seeing him get so riled up over youーhis face inches away from your ownーhey, maybe dying at the hands of someone like him wouldn’t be…too bad.
though, in the end, you could never hide things from malleus. if he couldn't detect your excitement from your face, something else revealed it for you. the slits in his eyes thinned, he glared at you. he could smell, ever so slightly, a hint of your arousal.
“...my. do you have a death wish?”
as soon as those words left his lipsーyou blinkedーsuddenly finding yourself having been thrown onto your desk, your back slamming onto the hardwood.
you gasped as you abruptly came out of your trance and felt him securely hold your legs as he towered over you. malleus wasted no time in entertaining those lewd thoughts your body was so clearly showingーwith a simple snap of his fingers, your clothes vanished and fell beside you. to say you were shocked to see this sudden change in him would be an understatement. you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, with how fast everything was moving, you could say he was eager butーwith that expression…
it looked as if your mere presence disgusted him.
malleus slid his hand up over your neck, wrapping his long fingers around it before slowly squeezing as he spoke.
“heh. child of man, give me one good reason why i shouldn’t kill you right here.”
your body was shaken to its core. that voiceーthat sentence alone made you feel faint. you pathetically flailed your arms around, weakly trying to release the grip he was slowly tightening on your neck. the pressure around your throat distracted you from how vulnerable you looked under him right now. naked and shiveringーmalleus started to grin and leaned close to you, gently planting a kiss on your forehead. it was strange. the kiss felt so soft on you, yet the pain you felt merely inches away couldn’t have been more different.
he laid tiny wet kisses down your forehead and jaw before snatching his other hand and slipping it between your legs, gently teasing your wet folds. something about the contrast between his touch and his kisses made you melt; you felt yourself slump lower and lower onto the desk as you embarrassedly leaked all over it. “...malleus- i’m- i’m sorry-” you wheeze, still trying to release the vicious hold he had on your neck.
his face stayed close to you, and he suddenly licked a long stripe up your neck and jaw. the sudden sensation made you twitch, moaning slightly at how warm and wet his forked tongue felt against your bare flesh.
“it’s all too late to apologise now.”
“tutoring you was an utter waste of time. now, i’d much rather try something else.”
before you could even attempt to reply, he let his hand from your neck free. you gaspedーsuddenly feeling your naked, trembling body be dragged to the edge of the desk. your mind was racing so much that you failed to hear the sound of his belt suddenly slamming against the ground. you stared off at the ceiling, your lip quivering. the whole thing seemed like a dream, albeit a strange one. your rational mind refused to accept the reality of the situationーbut your body...had never felt so hot before. it felt unbearable; you needed to be relieved. and luckily, malleus was there, leaning over with his gaze searing through you evermore.
he forcefully propped your shaking legs up against his waist with one hand, immediately snatching your face to make you look at him. however, for a moment, it looked as if he had forgotten what had led you two to be in such a predicament and simply loomed over you, staring at you. his gaze almost switched to a softer one, feeling the urge to gently caress your cheek. though that was quickly discarded, and immediately that familiar look of disgust soon reappeared on his face.
malleus moved his hips closer to yoursーfinally feeling his hard erection brush against your twitching core; you wincedーwishing you could throw your arms around him and bring him even closer to you.
malleus, however, was not in the mood to be so courteous to you and certainly didn't want to take up any more time than had already been lost.
without any preparation, you suddenly felt malleus drive one of his cocks into you. you screamed out, feeling him sliding and bottoming out of you with just one thrust. swiftly, with three of his fingers then violently thrust into your mouth, you gagged and choked, tears beginning to spill down your cheeks, 
“bite down. good students know not to be noisy.”
you tried to pathetically choke out to malleus that it was too muchーyour body shook and convulsed from the agonising splitting pain of his long, hard cock bullying its way into you, poking and prodding at your cervix. you sank your nails into the desk, biting down hard on his fingers as he pushed and slammed his hips into you, your cries for help becoming louder by the second. within minutes of him thrusting into you, you felt pressure rapidly build in your stomach, causing you to clench and squeeze against him. 
“oh? what’s this? don’t tell me you’re going to cum already?”
you wailed, but his insulting remarks just made you feel worse about your own increasing arousal. still choking on his fingers, you nodded frantically when you then felt sharp cramping throughout your body as if you were about to cum. he swiftly slipped his fingers out while he was still thrusting into you just so he could hear your pitiful cries. 
you felt your body shudder against the desk as a wave of scorching hot pleasure swept over you, pouring and seeping down onto the hardwood under you. you tried to catch your breath, gagging and choking as you already felt so sore and painful from just one orgasm. but it was obvious that malleus wasn't through with you just yet. it was, if anything, just the start.
he gave you time to calm down, your breath slowly easing as you shut your eyes, thinking this torture had reached its end. 
of course, malleus would not let you off that lightly. his rage persisted and seeing you believe that this punishment was over just made him more spiteful.
he leaned in, his breath hot, “i’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself. now put your arms around me.” his tone was once again mocking, but this time it felt more serious, like everything you did would simply enrage him more.
he suddenly forced you into a mating press, your legs wedged up against your chest as you struggled to wrap your trembling arms around his head. you cried out and started to think that your body wouldn’t be able to handle thisーthat he might actually break you.
as he started to softly drive into you, drawing more weak and muffled groans from your lips, your hands connected to the base of his horns, clutching and scraping your nails across them. he started off slow, almost giving a relaxing quality to his thrusts as he softly kissed your forehead and smiled sweetly against your face, much to your surprise. your body relaxed as a result of his sudden shift in attitude, enjoying the fleeting moments of him lovingly moving his hips against yours, which were only going to abruptly come to an end.
your eyes were closed, not being able to see the horrific smile malleus suddenly had across his face. you assumed that the strange sadistic side of him had long since vanished, as evident by your voice becoming moans of pure pleasure rather than of pain. regardless of his disposition, he enjoyed seeing you this way. seeing how you moaned so quietly and softly only made the urge to completely ruin you that much stronger.
“are you enjoying this?”
you slowly opened your eyes, malleus still gently pushing into you as you lazily nodded, whimpering as the pleasure inside you continued to become greater. “mmm…malleus. it feels so good…don’t stop.” 
“heh. so you think you can tell me what to do? your disrespect truly knows no bounds.”
your growing sense of pleasure abruptly gave way to a dreadful fear as he pushed your legs higher onto your chest and over his shoulders, making it clear that he was absolutely certain you couldn't get away. not understanding what he meant, your lip began to quiver, only for him to rid you of your confusion by suddenly thrusting into you aggressively. you screamed out, tears soon welling in your eyes again as he gave you no time to acclimate to the sudden pace. he licked his lips, savouring the view of you struggling and wailing underneath him as he gradually began to envelop your neck with his fingers. he hovered his face close to yours, sticking his long, forked tongue out before sloppily kissing your lips, still continuing his ruthless pace. you groaned under him, feeling yourself beginning to choke from both his tongue and his fingers, which were slowly beginning to squeeze your throat once again.
it was all far too muchーyour vision starting to blur, and all of your senses drowning and bleeding into one another as he kept pounding his thick cock into you, causing you to harshly grip and pull his hair. 
he immediately drew his face back and tutted at you, but seeing the way your eyes began to roll into the back of your head only made him want to quicken his paceーif it was even possible. 
“haha…perfect. so perfect…”
the words coming out of his mouth didn’t make sense. he was praising you yet abusing you with every thrust and squeeze of your body, not even giving you a chance to cry out as your head slowly began to feel faint. all of the pain and pleasure made you lose your mind, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly as he started to lick and nip at your ears. 
he throbbed and twitched inside of you and felt his own climax begin to rise, eventually making the decision to be generous enough and remove his vice-like grasp from around your neck. you gasped and cried out, finally able to breathe and mewling as a result of his cruel touch. 
“malleus...ーpleaseーit’s too…ーmuch... ’m gonna-” he smiled at your pleas, pressing your legs harder against your chest, allowing him to thrust even deeper into you.
“heh, are you going to cum? haha…then do it. cum for me.”
it seemed as if he had put you under a spell with how immediate and intense your orgasm was, your walls clenching down on his throbbing cock with tears dripping down your chin. you felt the sensation of hot, burning pleasure wrack through your body once again, not even hearing your own screams from how strong it was.
malleus didn't even allow you to come down from your high. instead, he kept pushing to reach his own climax, feeling his body start to shudder and throb as he kissed you. “i’m…close…you’ll allow me to cum inside of you, won’t you? i know you will.” 
you didn’t even care anymoreーyour legs continued to shake and tremble as you feebly nodded with your eyelids flickering. it seemed like malleus would fulfil his word, for a few seconds later, he let out a moan as he unleashed and pumped copious loads of white cum into you, causing you to whimper as you felt him completely fill you up.
his breathing evened almost immediately. wiping the sweat from off your face, he delicately slid his cock out from inside of you to admire his work, gazing at the way your body jerked with his cum spilling and gushing out of your abused hole.
“heh. maybe tutoring you every week won’t be so bad after all.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
Wassssup okay, if you want for something to write you could do Mattheo with the quote “a special place in hell for me? For me personally? Aw wow that is so sweet” like him being sarcastic. Lmao I saw this on a TikTok once anyway ilyyyy have fun writing bub 💛✨
Brewing Tension
pairing - mattheo riddle x fem!reader
warnings - bickering and teasing, use of petnames
a/n - greggy my favourite little flower I love this and I had so much fun writing it
wordcount - 838
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You couldn't deny the rush of excitement every time Mattheo Riddle walked into the classroom. His smug demeanor, coupled with his sharp wit and undeniable charm, drew you in like a moth to a flame. But as attractive as he may be, he was also a huge pain in the ass. Especially if he was your assigned potions partner and seemingly couldn’t care any less about the subject.
It was a typical day in class, the air thick with the scent of potions and brewing ingredients. As Professor Snape droned on about the properties of Wolfsbane potion, you couldn't help but steal glances at Mattheo. His focused expression, the way his brow furrowed in concentration—it was mesmerizing.
But when he caught your eye, his lips curled into a smirk, you quickly averted your gaze, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up your neck. You hated how easily he could get under your skin, how effortlessly he could turn you into a blushing mess.
As the lesson progressed, tension simmered between you, fueled by a series of snide remarks and sarcastic jabs. You couldn't understand why the curly headed boy insisted on pushing your buttons, why he seemed determined to antagonize you at every turn.
Finally, unable to contain your frustration any longer when he blatantly ignored your instructions to slice the flubberworms instead of crushing them, you spoke up, your voice laced with annoyance. "Do you have to be so insufferable all the time, Riddle?"
Mattheo raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening into a full-fledged grin. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your delicate feelings, sweetheart?"
Your jaw clenched at the condescending tone in his voice. "You know what? Forget it. I don't know why I bother."
The tension in the air crackled between you like static electricity, each word adding fuel to the fire of your growing frustration. Mattheo's grin seemed to widen at your irritation, his eyes gleaming dangerously.
"Oh, come on," he taunted, leaning back in his chair with an infuriating nonchalance. "You know you love it when I rile you up."
You scoffed, unable to resist the urge to roll your eyes. "Yeah, because nothing gets me going like your insufferable attitude."
Mattheo's grin only widened more at your retort, his gaze locking with yours in a challenge. "Is that so? Well, forgive me for trying to make class a little more entertaining."
Your frustration boiled over at his flippant response, and before you could stop yourself, the words tumbled out in a rush of anger. "There's a special place in hell reserved for you, Riddle."
For a moment, there was silence, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air between you. But then, to your surprise, Mattheo's laughter rang out, filling the classroom with its infectious warmth.
"A special place in hell for me?" he repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "For me personally? Aw wow, that is so sweet."
You blinked in confusion, taken aback by his unexpected reaction. "I-I didn't mean..."
But Mattheo waved off your apology with a dismissive gesture, his grin never faltering. "Don't worry about it, pretty girl. I'll be sure to save you a seat right next to me."
You grumbled in embarrassment, cheeks burning at the pet name and the attention of the entire class now directed towards you. But as you turned your attention back to the potion instructions in front of you, you made up your mind to just ignore him being a prick and get your work done.
With a deep breath, you focused on the task at hand. As you carefully sliced the flubberworms according to the instructions, you could feel his eyes on you, watching your every move with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.
And when you finally finished the task, you held up the neatly sliced flubberworms mockingly, meeting Mattheo's gaze with a defiant glare.
"There," you said, your voice tinged with satisfaction. "Done correctly."
Mattheo's smirk faltered for just a moment, surprise flickering in his eyes before he recovered, his grin returning in full force.
"Congratulations," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You managed to follow basic instructions. Color me impressed."
You scowled at his dismissive tone, mumbling more to yourself than to him. “Something you’re unable to do, apparently.”
As the class continued, you focused on your work, stealing glances at Mattheo when you thought he wasn't looking. Each time, you found him doing the same, his expression unreadable but his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.
It was a strange dance you and Mattheo were engaged in—bickering one moment, stealing glances the next. But beneath the facade of sarcasm and pride, there was something else brewing between you.
And as the class came to an end and you gathered your belongings, making your way out of the classroom, you couldn't resist one last glance at him. And to your surprise, you found him already looking back at you, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for the two of you yet.
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
Riled up. remus lupin x reader
I got it, Remus and reader fighting because she’s complaining about something and he’s in a mood because the full moon is soon and he’s all riled up about it, end it with either smut or fluff I don’t mind either ;)
AN - no this is the smuttiest thing I've ever written so I hope this is okay and not too filthy jsjjfjs. If there's one thing about me.. if ur gonna give me the option to end it with fluff or smut - im gonna end it with smut every time.
Warnings: kinda toxic!remus like hes just a bit of a prick in this, n this is not a good example of a good relationship. a whole load of sex, daddy kink, choking, smoking and the like. as always minors dni and wrap it before you tap it. Enjoy!
“Remus, you know I hate it when you smoke like that.” Y/N said, looking over to her boyfriend that was chain smoking cigarettes on the balcony of their apartment. 
“And I hate it when you nag at me about it, love.” he replied, tapping ash into the ashtray next to him, “yet, you continue to do it.” 
“I’m just worried about you. There’s no need to jump down my throat about it.” she scowled, turning around and taking a large sip from her coffee. 
“God forbid I want to do something that calms me down when the full moon is soon,” he stubbed his cigarette out harshly, as if to make a point, the glass ashtray rattling against the table with the sheer force of it.  
“Oh, grow up, Remus,” Y/N spat, the grip on her mug tightening as she spoke, “You act like you’re still a fucking teenager sometimes.” She walked over to the kitchen and slammed her mug down on the counter. She hated it when he got like this. The days leading up to the full moon made Remus impossible. He was constantly tired and grumpy. He didn’t have a great temper at the best of times but the full moon only heightened it. It also didn’t help that Remus not sleeping meant that Y/N hadn’t been sleeping, resulting in them both being extremely irritable.  
She heard his footsteps approaching the kitchen and swiftly made an exit, shutting herself in their bedroom.  
“You can’t avoid me all day, darling.” he called out. Even though she couldn’t see him, she just knew that he had that cocky grin on his face. The one that made her feel weak at the knees. The same grin that Remus knew could get him out of anything. They could be arguing and he would flash her that smile and it was as if she couldn’t be mad at him anymore. It infuriated her that he knew exactly how to get her. Y/N sighed, knowing that he was right and opened the door. 
Remus was stood on the other side, leaning against the doorframe, cigarette hanging from his mouth.  
“See? I knew it wouldn’t take you long to come around,” he grinned.  
“It’s like you’re purposefully trying to wind me up today. I fucking hate it when you smoke inside,” she sneered, “and you can wipe that fucking grin off your face as well.”  
“Aw, don’t be like that, baby.” he smirked, leaning back against the wall and taking a drag of his cigarette. “You’re getting all upset over nothin-.”  
He didn’t even have chance to finish his sentence before Y/N had stormed off. She made it all of five steps before Remus swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. 
“Don’t fucking walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” 
“Talking?” she let out a laugh, “You’re such a condescending prick sometimes, you know that?”  
“And you’re a whiny, little, brat sometimes.” he barked, his voice significantly louder now. 
“Fuck you.” 
As fast as lightning Remus had flipped them round so that Y/N’s back was pressed against the wall. Remus had one had above her head, bracing himself on the wall as he towered over her. The grin that was plastered on his face had disappeared. His jaw was clenched and his lips were pressed into a line.  
“You need to watch your fucking mouth before I have to do something about it,” he said roughly, his fingers tangling in her hair.  
“Oh, really?” she retorted, “what are you gonna do about it?” 
 Just as quickly as he did before, he flipped them back around and roughly shoved her down on to her knees. Y/N let out a gasp as her knees hit the floor and she looked up at her boyfriend. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Remus goaded, the infamous smirk back on his face. 
“Not at all,” Y/N smirked back at him, reaching up to unzip his jeans. Remus smiled down at her as he leaned against the wall. Y/N took his dick out and eagerly put it in her mouth. 
“Atta girl,” Remus grumbled, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, “Look so pretty down there with my cock in your mouth.”  
He took a drag of his cigarette while she sucked him off, lazily grabbing a handful of her hair to keep her in place. Letting out a groan, he leaned his head back against the wall, cigarette hanging from his lips as her began fucking her mouth. 
“That’s it, baby. Can’t whine with my cock in your mouth, can you?” he chuckled darkly, “Jus’ what little brats like you need, isn’t it?” 
Y/N looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. Remus pulled himself out of her mouth. Her lips were swollen and drool was running down her chin. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” Remus whined, “Gonna be a good girl and let me fuck that pretty pussy of yours, yeah?” 
“Remus, pleas-” 
“S’not my name, baby.” 
“Please, daddy.” she whined 
He smiled down at her smugly and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her into the bedroom. He threw her roughly on the bed, and she scrambled to remove her clothes, throwing them in a heap on the floor. Remus followed suit, his belt dropping to the floor with a clatter as he threw his jeans down. Y/N was spread out on the bed, looking at him needily as he stood over her. Remus dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed, grabbing her ankles and dragging her down the bed roughly so that her core was level with his face.  
“Dripping already, baby?” he mused, “Haven’t even touched you yet. If I knew you’d get this turned on just from sucking my cock, I’d have you do it more often.” 
“Can you stop being a cocky little shit and just fuck me already,” Y/N moaned. 
Remus looked at her, grin instantly disappearing from his face.  
“You just don’t learn, do you?” he snapped, “always have to be such a brat.” 
Pulling her underwear to the side, he plunged two fingers inside of her, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. If there was one thing about Remus, it was that he knew exactly what to do to get his girlfriend going. He knew exactly how to make her tick and he prided himself on the fact that he could bring her to the edge in a matter of minutes. He licked at her clit as he pumped his fingers inside of her, smirking against her as he listened to her moans. 
“Please, daddy, I’m close, I’m-” 
He withdrew his fingers abruptly, wiping them on her thigh. Y/N let out a loud gasp. 
“You fucking dick.” she groaned. 
“Watch your fucking mouth. I won’t tell you again.”  
“I just need yo-”  
He cut her off, quickly removing her panties and shoving them in her mouth. Y/N whined in protest, her eyes widening in shock. 
“I won’t tell you again. You better keep those in that pretty mouth until I tell you to take them out, understand?” she nodded in response.  
“Good girl.” 
Remus positioned himself between her legs, looking down at her as he lined himself up. With one fluid motion he was inside her, letting out a deep groan as he felt her clench around him.  
“Feel so fucking good baby. Take my cock so well.”  
He wasted no time and began fucking into her roughly. His hips snapping against her at a quickening pace. Y/N’s moaned were like a drug to him and he couldn’t get enough. He thought that she sounded so pretty when she was whimpering underneath him, the panties in her mouth feebly trying to stifle her moans. She reached up to wrap her arms around him, legs trembling as she chased her high. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand. He smirked as she clenched around him, her moans getting louder and louder. 
“You close, baby?” he asked, looking down at the girl laying beneath him. Y/N nodded frantically and moaned through the makeshift gag. He thrust into her roughly a few more times before pulling out of her again. “Didn’t think I’d let you cum that easy, did you?”  
He reached down pulling the panties from her mouth and tossing them on the floor. He manoeuvred her roughly so that she was on her knees with her face pressed against the mattress. Once again, he entered her, grabbing handfuls of her arse as he fucked her. He smacked his hand against the flesh sharply, earning a loud moan from Y/N, and leaving a large hand print on her skin. Remus’ thrusts became more sloppy as he reached his own climax, reaching round to pull Y/N up so her back was flush against his chest.  
“Want you to look at me when you cum, baby. Gonna come on my cock, yeah?” he said gruffly. 
“Y-yes, daddy.” she let out a strained moan, “so close.”  
Her eyes all but glazed over as she reached her peak, seeing stars as she clenched around him. Remus wrapped a hand around her throat, holding her in place as he fucked into her. Letting a strangled moan, came inside her, her body going limp against him. 
“Fuck.” she gasped. 
“You okay?” he asked, collapsing on the bed and pulling her towards him. 
“More than okay.” she smiled, her eyes fluttering shut as she snuggled into him. 
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irkimatsu · 1 month
How about this: Reader has big breasts (not in an exaggerated way but they are big) and Husk loves to have his face between them or suck on them when he's stressed... Mhmh, I just imagine this man between my breasts~
Husk deserves some big fat tits to worship~
Husk/Reader featuring Husk sucking on some breasts while he's drunk as shit. Gonna say NSFW, there may be no genitalia mentions but titty sucking is still the whole point. About 2k words!
Husk enters the room in the hotel you’ve been sharing with him for the past few months, clearly in a rotten mood. He’s swaying slightly as he clutches a bright green bottle, and the instant he opens the door, the reek of booze assaults your senses. To be fair, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him completely sober, but he’s even further gone than you’re used to.
“Fuckin’ Al… fuckin’ heaven…fuckin’ hotel…” He slams the door behind him as he takes a swig from his bottle. He coughs after his gulp, but it doesn’t stop him from taking another sip. You recognize the label on the bottle; it’s one of those strong drinks that are meant for intoxication rather than taste, the kind Husk often likens to shoe polish even as he keeps gulping it down.
A lot has happened around the hotel in the past few weeks, so you’re not surprised that he’s finally snapped; you’re only surprised that it took him this long. You know he loves the hotel and doesn’t truly regret sticking around, but no amount of love for the project and its residents can erase just how damn stressful his situation is, especially recently.
“Are you okay, Husk?” you ask as you lower the book you were reading. “Come on, come to bed.”
He looks at you as you lower the book and let the blanket slip off your chest, and his pupils widen as he makes a feline noise of interest. You’ve chosen quite the revealing nightgown to sleep in tonight. It’s hard to find sleepwear that isn’t revealing given how well-endowed you are, but this one is particularly low-cut, exposing your cleavage and the tops of your breasts to the drunken Sinner’s intrigued eyes.
“Gladly,” he says, his words underlaid with a purr. He takes a moment to finish the bottle of swill he brought with him, then carelessly drops the empty bottle to the carpet before climbing onto the bed from the foot. He crawls toward you like a man on a mission, refusing to let his swaying and blurred vision stop him from getting where he wants. With a satisfied sigh, he drops his chin on top of your breasts and closes his eyes.
“Feeling better?” you ask with a laugh as you gently scratch behind both of his ears.
He purrs in response; whether it’s to your petting or to his current position, you’re not sure. “Much better…” he mumbles. He wraps his arms around you, paws flat on your upper back, and pulls you closer as he nuzzles his face into your cleavage. His tail is waving like an excited kitten’s, and it’s taking you so much not to laugh at his excitement. You know he hates being condescended to, especially about his feline traits, but god his enthusiasm is adorable.
“Mmm… fuckin’ soft…” he says, voice mostly muffled by your chest. His fur tickles your sensitive skin as he nuzzles, as if determined to let every inch of his face feel your divine flesh.
“Do you want more, kitty?” you ask, a playful smirk crawling onto your lips.
“More?” he asks, confusion apparent even though you can’t hear him very well. You’re not sure if the alcohol is the only thing impacting his ability to think right now.
“More…” you repeat seductively as you take the front of your nightgown in one hand and pull it down, letting one breast tumble out of the fabric.
“Mmmn…” He doesn’t move, but you can feel his hot breath quickening against your skin as your breast slips away from his face. He lifts it up with one paw and brings it back into nuzzling range, claws lightly pricking your skin as he does so. Your own breath quickens as the side of his thumb claw rubs back and forth over your exposed nipple, easily bringing it to a hardened peak. He’s quick to determine that one exposed breast isn’t enough. He takes the front of your nightgown and pulls down on it with more force than you gave, tearing it from one of the spaghetti straps in the process. As soon as both of your breasts are exposed, he’s gripping them both firmly, nuzzling in between them as he flexes his claws against them.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he loses himself in your body. You lightly tilt your head back against the headboard as his rough tongue peeks out from his lips and gives the side of your breast a few gentle laps.
“More,” you urge quietly as you push on the back of his head. He’s happy to comply, face still firmly settled between your breasts as his tongue seeks out every sweet inch of skin that it can. He keeps nuzzling himself even closer, as if that were somehow possible, and his silky fur against your skin is igniting something in you. You don’t want to ask too much of him when he’s in such a foul mood, but on the other hand, if what you have to offer can make him feel better…
“Do you want to kiss me somewhere else?” you ask, still keeping the seduction in your tone.
“I like your tits,” he answers gruffly, tail lashing as he refuses to move from his position.
“I know, I know,” you assure him while petting the back of his head. “Maybe somewhere else on my tits, though…?” You rest your hands over his paws and lightly push his thumb claws back and forth against your peaked nipples, sighing with each pass.
“Ohhh…” He chuckles from his spot buried in your chest, and nuzzles his face into you one more time. “I’ve got ya, baby…” He lifts his head, and wastes no time before he’s suckling one of your breasts. You shudder at his barbed tongue on your nipple, his fangs and claws grazing your skin; being with him is always inevitably a little rough. You know he can’t help it, with the way his body is now. And yet, mixed with the tenderness he always shows you, that incidental roughness just makes you feel even more at ease.
He could hurt you, could do it so easily. But he won’t. He would never.
“So fuckin’ nice…” he groans after he finally comes up for air. He softly chuckles to himself as he jiggles them in his paws, making you laugh in response from the sensation. “Been a long time since I’ve gotten my claws on a pair this fuckin’ nice…”
Maybe now isn’t the time to be talking about his past lovers, but he’s drunk, so you’ll take the compliment as it was intended.
He seems to be stuck in a trance, dilated pupils fixated on your breasts as he weighs them up and down in his paws, velvety pads pressing into the undersides to contrast with the grip of his claws.
“Husk…?” you ask, but he doesn’t seem to hear you; he’s too infatuated with the sight and feel of your chest. You give him a minute, and you’re about to call his name again; but before you can, he growls hungrily and abruptly latches his mouth onto the breast he had neglected earlier.
“So sweet…” he groans as best as he can with his mouth open around your breast. He parts his lips further to get more and more into his mouth, grunting as he strains his jaw. His fangs prick your skin with every suckling motion, stopping him from filling his mouth even further with you, but by god is he going to try. He’s rumbling like a motor, his tail swishing playfully behind him.
You’ve never seen him this blissed out.
“Husk,” you murmur, not expecting any sort of response this time, though his ear does flick in the direction of your voice. You thread your fingers through the thick fur on his cheeks, rest them on the back of his head, and push, pressing him further into your flesh. This only gets him purring louder and swishing faster as he nuzzles into you once more. Not even the fangs bumping into your skin as he clumsily moves his head can ruin how doted on you feel beneath his affection.
Perhaps you should return the favor? You run your hands down the back of his head, down to his neck, and start squeezing where his neck and shoulders meet. He wraps one arm around you and hugs you tight in response, his other paw still tending to the breast that he isn’t currently tasting. He moans into you as you run your hands lower, heading for the sensitive nerves around his wing joints. He may be wasted, but maybe he can pull himself together enough for the two of you to-
A loud snoring sound informs you that tonight won’t be going any further.
You can’t help but laugh at the sight of him. You know the stress response of drinking himself to unconsciousness is horrible, and you have no desire to encourage any more of it… but god, looking at him passed out against your chest, slightly drooling against the breast that hasn’t quite slipped out of his mouth…
He doesn’t react as you giggle and lightly scratch the back of his ear. He’s cute, relaxed like this.
“I’ll let you sleep,” you assure him as you stroke the back of his head. You lightly push on his forehead, and it takes a bit of pressure to release the seal he’s left around your breast. He’s left a pale red ring behind, punctuated with a dark bruise above your nipple and a few shallow fang marks.
You can’t wait to see his reaction to that after he’s sobered up. Maybe he’ll offer to do the other one, too…
He whines in his sleep as you move him slightly, allowing his head to drop into your lap. You wish you had a way of letting him know it’s only temporary; you just want to get out of your now-ruined nightgown. After you’ve stripped down to nothing but your panties and you’ve flung your damaged clothing in the vague direction of your trash can, you roll Husk off of you so you can slide down under the covers.
It takes you a few tries; in the time it took you to undress, he’s snaked his arms around your waist, and even in his drunken slumber he has no intention of letting go. You finally manage to dislodge him, and once you’re in a comfortable position, you guide his head back onto your chest.
His purring immediately returns when he realizes where he is. He tucks his wings against his back and nestles his head between your breasts, lets one of his paws find a breast and hold onto it like a comforting sleep toy, and within seconds, he’s dead to the world.
It’ll be a problem if you have to get up for the night, but for now, you’re comfortable like this, his weight securing you to the mattress, his fur tickling your skin in tandem with his breathing.
Maybe you’ll return the favor for him in the morning, if his hangover isn’t too bad. Or maybe some special attention would help distract him from the inevitable hangover? You’ll figure it out in the morning; until then, you’re in no rush to leave this position as you drift off to sleep.
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cringe-but-proud · 7 months
"Shitty Free Pizza"
Hobie Brown x reader
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Warnings: Reader gets broken up with, swearing, crying
A/n: ALRIGHT, FREAKS. I WROTE THE PART 2. Requests are open 😗✌️
"I'm going on break."
That was all you said to your four coworkers before grabbing your jacket and walking outside. You walked to the side of the building and sat on the curb.
Your boyfriend had just broken up with you. Over text. While you were at work. You didn't know what to do, how to react.
You pulled out your phone and read over the message he'd sent you. And then you read it again, and again, and again.
He'd made two typos. The asshole breaks up with you over text and he can't even be bothered to read over the message before sending it.
You didn't know what to do. You didn't want to cry over this asshole, you really didn't want to. But, despite what you wanted, tears began to roll down your cheeks; and once you started, you couldn't stop.
You put your head in your hands and sobbed. You probably looked pathetic. A Domino's employee, still in uniform, sitting in the parking lot and crying. How embarrassing.
"Oi!" You lifted and turned your head. A tall man dressed in clothes that were way cooler than yours was looking at you. "You alright?" He asked.
"Obviously not." The reply came out sounding a bit more condescending than you'd intended.
The man didn't seem to mind. He chuckled. "Guess I probably could've figured that one out on my own, huh?" The man stepped closer. "What's bothering you?"
You briefly considered calling the dude nosy and telling him to fuck off, but something made you stop.
He didn't seem ill intentioned...
You looked down at the concrete. "My boyfriend just broke up with me over text."
You nodded.
"What a prick. Y'mind if I sit down?" He gestured to the slab of concrete next to where you were sitting. You shrugged and he took that as a yes.
He sat with his elbows resting on his knees. "And he did this while you were at work too?" He asked.
You nodded again.
"That's fucked."
"I just..." You didn't know why you were talking to this guy you didn't even know. But, then again, you didn't really care at this point. "I feel stupid for crying over it."
"Because you're right!" You said exasperatedly. "He's a prick and what he did was fucked. And here I am, crying over this asshole. It's pathetic."
He hummed. "I get that." He tilted his head toward you. "But, once you're done crying, are you gonna try to get him back?"
You furrowed your brows in confusion. You weren't even gonna consider that. "No."
Are you gonna be sad about this for years to come?"
"Y'gonna give up dating altogether and insist that he left an unfillable hole in your heart?"
"Why are you asking me this shit?"
"Because if you were really pathetic, you probably would've said something other than no to those questions."
You paused, letting his words marinate. And then you chuckled. "Yeah. Sure."
"I'm serious!" He laughed. "There's a lot worse things to do in this situation than just crying."
"I guess you're right." You sighed. "But, still. I don't think venting to a stranger is one of the better things to do."
He chuckled. "I'm Hobie."
"I'm Y/n." You were surprised that this random guy was actually making you feel better. But, you weren't gonna complain.
"Now we're not strangers. Which hopefully means you'll tell me a little more about yourself and about this whole breakup."
You, once again, considered calling him nosey. But, for some reason, you weren't opposed to the idea of telling him more.
"Well," You began. "He and I had been dating for 5 months, for the first three or four months, he was really sweet. But... I don't know. This last month he was being really distant and he was always seeming kind of disinterested in me."
"So, was there any real reason for the breakup?" He asked.
"It was sort of out of nowhere. We didn't have a big argument or anything."
"This guy really does sound like a prick." Hobie scoffed. "I've only just met you, but you seem pretty cool."
"Yeah. Besides who'd ever wanna break up with someone who could get them free pizza?" He smirked playfully.
You couldn't help but laugh. "Shitty free pizza." You corrected him.
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter if the food's shitty, long as it's free."
You opened your mouth to reply to him when someone called your name, one of your coworkers.
"It's been 20 minutes." Your coworker said, peeking their head around the corner of the building.
You sighed and got up. "I've gotta go." You told Hobie as you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jacket. "Thanks for keeping me company."
"It's no problem. I enjoyed it." He said, smiling up at you.
You wanted to ask for his number, or his socials, whatever. But, you'd just gotten out of a breakup. It felt wrong asking for someone's number so soon, even if it wasn't really with romantic intentions. So instead, you just said goodbye and went back to work.
You got inside and were taking your jacket off.
"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Your coworker asked.
You glanced over at them and shrugged. "A stranger."
"He was really hot."
You paused before signing. "Yeah, he was."
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Stolas' Inability To Realize He Wronged Blitzo Is The Same Thing As His Inability To Realize His Infidelity Was Wrong
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I know people justified him cheating on Stella because of the fact that it was a loveless marriage with the forced abuse in the background to justify him being a selfish prick that hurt his family as a result. They say he should do it regardless of the fact that his daughter is distraught at the brokenness of the family and that she's so naive she never picked up on her mom's abusiveness. Because of the fact that the narrative is doing everything to make Stolas be absolved of any wrongdoing.
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Now currently the narrative is doing the same thing with Blitzo where he's supposed to be the bad guy like Stella just because Stolas' feelings got hurt when he was called out for his condescending bigotry against imps and using his power to coerce Blitzo then thinking he's some humanitarian and is entitled to Blitzo's love and forgiveness. Despite claiming how he loves Blitzo, he is treating him like Stella just because he's rightfully being called out for his bs. He needs to stop crying victim when he's hurt people. The narrative needs to stop coddling him and act like he's a grown man that needs to understand that actions have consequences and stop making excuses.
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Apology tour was meant to show how Blitzo needed to be sincere in his apologies and to realize the people he has hurt are people with their own feelings. However, the biggest thing is that the narrative doesn't apply it to their creator's pet bird who gets to have everything handwaved as not being that bad, his marriage wasn't based on love (and was "abusive"), and that he was trying to make amends out sincerity. No, the bird still doesn't fully realize the extent of his actions and why he's not the victim. I think the minute the show pushed the narrative of Stolas not having to fully own up to cheating on Stella it would also push the idea he doesn't have to own being predatory pos to Blitzo and coercing him into sex against his will. At it's core, it just shows how Stolas comes off as a pandered narcissistic pos who can't handle the idea anything is his fault and he pushes it on other people to have a good conscious of himself.
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