#like honestly? this is the one thing i dislike about watching stuff in multiple languages
lowkeyrobin · 8 months
QSMP ; how much their eggs like you
includes ; tubbo & sunny, wilbur & tallulah, charlie & juanaflippa, quackity & tilin, jaiden & empanada and philza & chayanne
warnings ; language, mentions of parental neglect
genre ; fluff, little bit of angst if you squint
pronouns used ; they/them , partner
AN ; I'm not like super into qsmp yet, so bare with me, ik most of them have like multiple parents/caregivers but I picked the ones I know the most about and the qsmp wiki is currently my life saver. the eggs are so cute so I can't not wrkte a little something about them 💔💔💔💔 I apologize bc this is gonna be so ooc... also ik juanaflippa and tilin died but ignore that
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Sunny is very iffy about you at first
"pa, who is that?"
"uhhh... that's y/n" Tubbo answers, "my partner"
she stares at both of you for a second like 🤨😒
they think their dislike of themselves of others is totally unfair and only relies on a select few people so trying to get used to you in a whole story in itself
tubbo, charlie, lenay, and polispol do their best to try and tell her "Hey they're cool, sunny, it's okay, they love you!!" but she won't budge
takes her a long while to accept you into the lil family but she ends up loving you
money is the way to their heart
if only anyone had told you sooner...
tallulah instantly loves you
she's very quiet around you at first and hides behind will but quickly gets used to your presence
she's just a little anxious at first yk
"I love pa's new partner :3"
she loves playing the flute for you and talking about star wars with you it's the cutest thing
like you'll just be watching over her for Will or Phil and she's just so comfortable talking about her passions with you
Tallulah loves reassuring your builds and likes helping you as well, if you're unsure of how something looks, she's quick to reassure you that it looks good!
she gets you little gifts and shit it's the most adorable thing
her desire for validation mostly drives her kindness to you but she does actually appreciate you a lot
you seem to be there when no one else is and she frequently gives you 'I love you's and little flowers and stuff
she has abandonment issues so you make sure to always check behind yourself to make sure she's still following you
you refuse to leave her anywhere
always looks at you with a 😊 or 🤩 no explanation
she always refers to you as 'ma/pa' or a special nickname. like a syllable of your actual name or smthn, like something special for you two lol
you constantly tell and reassure each other that you're so awesome, great dynamic honestly
She's very quiet and reserved, but obedient
that automatic obediencey grew as a part of her and she just automatically accepted you into the family
although charlie and mariana were very negligent parents, she still trusted them and did as they said
you were the total opposite
it was what she wanted with you two, she has the freedom
you constantly argue w charlie over being a neglectful parent (character not irl)
she's very brave and courageous, and knows how to stay positive
you have personal beef w her parents bc they're such asses to her /hj
she loves guns.
she teaches you how to use guns as well
bonding time in the enclosure 🤞🤞🤞
she lived a short life but she's literally a part of you now
very sweet and caring but also chaotic and edgy
you showed her love and she CLUNG to you
"y/n is my favorite person, not you, pa"
they were always looking to give and receive love to/from everyone but quackity made it so hard for them
even after expressing being mad at quackity for not paying attention to them, they still loved him
shit broke your heart
he literally died bc of neglect from quackity bruh
constantly fighting w quackity over them being neglected :( (character not irl)
all they wanted was love man
you did your best to show her love and make memories with her since quackity clearly barely wanted to
quackity promised he'd be a better dad but uh...
towards the end of their life, they started getting depressed and stuff, you obviously noticed
you just laid on the floor with him, listening to all he had to say, just being there for him
anyways this is getting sad
they love you so much, tells you constantly that they love you and appreciate you
cutie patootie
em is very loving, instantly accepts you into the family, although a little cautious at first
you make her sweet foods all the time
absolutely loves you sm
always repays you with flowers or little treasures
"I got you flowers, ma/pa!"
she has a passion for baking with Niki, so sometimes you three (Niki and Em + you watching or burning the house down) have little baking days
jaiden just watching you guys be silly and do dumb shit like "I think I won with this one, guys"
you and jaiden spoiling the hell out of her LMAO
used to be more quiet but now talks a lot more
very energetic, your energies match perfectly
very responsible, looks over you if anything
he's always eager for adventure so you guys go explore often while phil and missa are busy
teaches you combat tricks and tips
literally a walking 'top 5 best combat tips and tricks' video I swear
he's very confident as well, likes to pvp with wooden swords with you
he always wins
you aren't even trying to let him win, he's just a god
I mean he's being raised by Phil and Missa so it makes sense LMAO
"I want pvp with y/n :("
"chayanne, they're not online, I'm sorry"
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okay so lately I have seen a lot of people claim they hate mammon bc he steals from mc, and like there's nothing wrong with disliking a character lol but I don't recall mammon ever stealing from mc?? like the only thing I can think of is that one time in season 1 I think where he was going through their stuff and said he was looking for something to sell (I think?? it's been a while) and beel straight up calling him a liar lmao l'm just wondered if I missed something? or if this is just newer players who maybe misunderstood that one scene? and I figured if anyone would know it would be you lmao
I got so fucking pissed about this (not at you anon <3) cos this is the third time I got an ask like this, that I scrolled all the way down my 'Obey Me Mammon' tag to June/July 2020 and then slowly scrolled my way up pulling all the receipts I could.....I saw this immediately after you sent it and I just finished now...... turns out it takes 5 straight hours to go through my Mammon tag😶
I have answered this exact same ask twice before and I can only assume it's new people? Like honestly you can't play the game for a long time and still think this (they prove this false within the game in LESSON FOUR)
Not only does Mammon NOT steal from MC, he also:
a.) Gets legitimate/legal jobs whenever he wants to buy MC something (which is pretty frequently)
b.) Shares the money with them when he comes into a large sum of money
But anyway here are the links to the posts talking about all this:
(everything is directly taken from canon or based off canon)
A.) No he doesn't steal from MC
• Full Summary of the Lesson 4 locked chapter where he goes through MC's stuff and a compare and contrast of what we know about Mammon from future lessons, events, devilgrams
• First post talking about this, goes more into detail about him not stealing from them
• Second shorter post about how he doesn't steal from them
• They're literally Partners in Crime
• He straight up refuses the Midas touch (multiple times I believe) after realising it means he won't be able to touch MC anymore
• HEADCANON that maybe he steals/borrows their clothes, with their knowledge, to wear
• In the small introductory manga page they say the thing he likes as much as money is MC
• In S3 he admits to loving MC more than he loves money
B.) He goes out of his way to get MC Presents (which we works actual jobs to earn money for)
• Mammon at the Office Devilgram, where he gets an actual office job so he can buy MC a watch he saw them looking at
• In the Movie Date Devilgram he rents out an entire theatre for the two of them because it was the anniversary of the day they first met
• In the You Always Ride Shotgun Devilgram he rents out a pool for the two of them
• He's always giving MC presents
• Usually he buys matching things for them
• He buys them shoes in their favourite colour
• Mammon's love language
• He wants to share his winnings from a lottery with MC
• He finds a secret second map in the pirate au event and tells only MC so they can share the treasure
C.) It's not just MC, he puts the others before Money too
• In the Presents From Mammon Devilgram he buys presents for everyone
• In The Guardian Demon Devilgram he saves a 9yr old orphaned homeless human girl from a mugger, fosters her and plans to pay for all her needs until she's an adult/can provide for herself - which is why he's always in debt to the three witches who look after her for him, there's also extortion going on from them towards him
• He'd rather lose the entire fortune he won than make Luke upset
• List of times he's put others before money
• He straight up tells Luke he doesn't mind missing out on a reward as long as it means Luke is alright
• Socks for Beel
• He gets a stone for his birthday which can give him whatever he wishes for, he wishes for fortune to come to whoever has the stone and then gives the stone to a student who tried to hurt him
D.) How Mammon works as a character
• Solmare makes you form certain expectations about him and then starts breaking them within the next few lessons and it's amazing to witness
• Friendship, Actions & Reality Vs Calling MC 'Servant'
• Mammon, MC and their Friendship
• Mammon being smart and why he comes off as an idiot
• His thoughts about himself vs MC
• He's actively changing and growing as a character and he knows it
• How Mammon actually views himself
• Why there's a difference in his level of affection in public vs privately
• Jerk with a heart of gold trope but better
• Mammon and how much he cares about consent
• How outsiders see Mammon vs how people from the city see Mammon vs how his close friends and family see him
• Chasing some creep away from MC
• How his relationship with MC changes and grows throughout the season
E.) Other reasons to love him
• Examples of how much he loves MC
• How supportive he & MC are of each other
• Some of his funniest moments
• He's objectively terrifying
• Mammon being a good brother
• He's extremely ride or die for MC
• He waits for MC when they've got to stay late at RAD for other work
• Despite being an ancient being all his best memories consist of the time he's spent with MC
• He created a whole line of toys based around missing MC
• Everything he says about loving MC in his 2022 birthday event
• List of things he's good at
• The amount he loves MC
And this is just a few of my posts about mammon, his character and what there's to love about him
And look it's MORE than okay for people to dislike a character but at least dislike them for something that actually happened?
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nowplayingblog · 3 years
Sweater Weather, by @lumosinlove
... and other related works.
Short(er) Remus Rights. One of the big things I dislike about a lot of people within any fandom is how much they can sometimes gatekeep different interpretations of characters. Remus and Sirius get a lot of this - there are interpretations of their characters that the majority of the fandom has decided to agree on, and anything outside of that is somehow wrong. For me, Remus is the hardest, because my interpretation is at times the exact opposite of what the fandom seems to have agreed on. I won't go into too much detail here, but one of my points is that I imagine Remus as shorter and smaller than Sirius. A lot of people will come for your next if you don't think that Remus is like seven feet tall or something ridiculous. Overall, Hazel's Remus has always lined up a lot with my interpretation of him. It's just nice to see Remus written and described in a way that I also imagine him in my head. (I may make another post explaining myself more in depth on this one...)
Use of French, and Hockey Accuracy. When reading Sweater Weather, I would be constantly translating the French that is used by multiple characters in the story, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the use of the language seemed to be a lot more accurate and genuine than a simple google translate plug (which... No hate, I've been there.) It made me wonder if Hazel actually knows French? At least a little? Also the descriptions of Hockey both on and off the ice feel really real and accurate, especially after I finished the story and started to look more into Hockey (because I'm probably on my way to becoming a Hockey fan now) and was ecstatic to find a lot of the things being discussed in the story also being discussed in real hockey clips and videos. This is most likely due to Hazel being a Hockey fan and actually understanding the sport instead of just fudging it. (Which again, I would be guilty of.)
Healthy Polyamorous Relationship(s). I have very rarely read anything with a polyamorous relationship. Period. But when I do I have that awful monogomous-normative voice in the back of my head that tells me which two are "actually in love" and which one is "the third wheel" and I definitely don't have that awful voice regarding the real life polyamorous relationships I've seen. Hazel does a wonderful job at developing every interpersonal relationship with O'Knutzy as well as how they all work together. (And O'Darwin is new to me, but I already love it so, so much)
Varying Relationship Lengths. There are relationships of varying shapes and sizes. Some take years to say "I love you" while others are engaged less than two years after getting together. I think it's easy to forget nowadays that you don't need to be dating for years before getting married and starting a family - and it doesn't need to be in that order.
That Hurt/Comfort tho. Hurt/Comfort is may favorite genre perhaps ever. And in Hockey there is a lot of hurt, so it makes sense to be followed up by a lot of comfort. It's perfect. *chef's kiss*
Feeling Things With The Characters. In almost every scene I could feel how each character felt and kind of get a sense of what's going on in their heads. There were times in these works where I could really feel that longing or loneliness or pain or sadness. I don't get to feel that intensely that often when reading fanfiction, and these fics make me feel all the things.
These are just a few of the broader themes I enjoyed while reading Sweater Weather.
The All Stars Game (AKA all of Chapter 15) I loved this chapter, because it captures the entire arc of the pain Remus and Sirius feel after being outed, the steps they take to actually talk about it and talk to eachother again and get through it together, to once again being on the same page, and rooting for and protecting eachother more fiercely than ever. I loved the team members coming over to be with Remus and watch the game, I loved Remus's past coming to light, I loved Sirius punching Greyback in the face, Regulus being rescued. I even loved hearing the terrible things the press had to say, because I love that kind of drama it gets me so worked up (... In works of fiction. In real life that stuff would make me very, very angry.)
Remus Talking to Logan (Chapter 13) I love this scene because it really shows basically every side of the O'Knutzy drama, and because I could really feel Logan's pain and panic in this scene. I loved how soft and kind Remus was in trying to talk to Logan about it, at the same time trying to keep him calm. I loved Finn walking in and seeing that Logan was hurting and immediately wanting to fix it, nearly ready to fight Remus, who was getting in his way. And I love the final part, where Remus suggests Logan tell 'them' he loves them, all the while promising himself he would tell Sirius the same thing. I think this scene is the perfect crossover point between Coast to Coast and Sweater Weather, and progresses both storylines flawlessly.
Family Skate (Chapter 12) I think it's hat I liked most about this scene was the Team learning not only that Remus used to play, but just how good he was, and still is. I loved how shocked they are, and the foreshadowing when Arthur asks Remus if he has any tapes. I really like the somber tone around Remus's injury, and how tragic it is, and the team can really understand that. It also sets the time for just how much this injury is affecting Remus even to this day. Aside from all that serious stuff, seeing the Team with little kids is also super cute. And James finding out about the necklace.
The Game Against Vegas (Chapter 16) I liked this scene a lot because you can really feel how much the team wants to avenge Remus. I liked the tense interactions between Remus and Greyback, especially the part where Remus said "you're not my teammate". One of my favorite moments is at the end of this chapter when Remus is spiraling in a gas station parking lot, and all of his old superstitions are coming back to him. The Angst Levels are astronomical.
Leo and Finn Like Eachother (Coast to Coast, Chapter 4) I honestly loved this scene so much, the emotional roller coaster Leo went through, the hesitance surrounding the whole "all three of us" question. The pain Leo feels when he thinks the kiss was only out of confusion, and that Finn only loved Logan. The relief he feels when Finn says he likes him. It's just a master piece. (Honorable mention for when all three of them get together in the next chapter: it was such a close tie.)
All in all, Sweater Weather is such a good read, and I love that I'm still immersed even after I've read the fic so many times. I'm going to keep following Vaincre, and I have a lot of ficlets planned out for this universe, coming soon.
Lots of love and praise to Hazel, who wrote not only such a good story, but wonderful characters (both Harry Potter, and original) as well.
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whorefordazai · 3 years
Hi! Could I get a matchup please?
- She/her
- Leo
- Playing multiple instruments (piano, ukulele, electric bass, and more), writing, reading (especially mystery/crime/horror/thriller), baking, and cooking.
- Likes: I LOVE reading, so I might frequent the library often just to read/check out books or study, doing any of my hobbies, watching anime, riding my bike, going to the museum, aquarium, or planetarium (gotta love stargazing), spending time with my S/O (duh🙄), and listening to music.
- Dislikes: Studying (but don't we all), bullies, being woken up while trying to sleep peacefully, waking up early.
- My love language is a mix of physical affection and words of affirmation.
- I can be kind and caring, but if I've had a bad day (which is almost all the time), things can turn sour very quickly, and I have a tendency to snap at anyone that approaches me. I also have trust issues and body insecurities (I'm on the chubbier side), I prefer a dark/light academia aesthetic. I'm also very much the mom friend in a friend group.
- I'm not really comfortable being matched with anyone in the Guild (I just really don't like them) and the Port Mafia (Chuuya and Tachihara are the ONLY exceptions).
- My favorite colors are blue and neutrals.
- Date ideas are like cafe dates, study dates, going to the library, museum, aquarium, planetarium, biking, laser tag (I've wanted to try this for a while), escape rooms (this one too), grocery shopping, breakfast/lunch/dinner dates and movie night.
I match you with...
Fyodor Dostoevsky! ´ˎ˗
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👾 he absolutely adores watching you play the piano 😳 he even has a room in his house where the two of you sit and play together :) just like how he plays the cello, he’ll probably ask you to teach him how to play the piano. there will be evenings where the both of you are sitting side by side, just playing keys (he’s a quick learner so he won’t be that bad) he’ll intentionally brush his fingers against yours, just to see your reaction (he’ll be satisfied with the reaction if you blush 😌)
👾 if he knows you like star gazing—this man will go all out 😏 he’ll definitely be planning it. he’ll take you out during sunset to see the stars outside. he’ll let you rest your head on his lap while the two of you look up at the sky. after he takes you home, he’ll watch horror/crime shows with you. not that it scares him 🙄 but he enjoys seeing your reactions and thinks it’s especially cute how you’re smart enough to figure stuff out.
👾 when it comes to waking up, no problemo cuz this man sleeps like the dead 😏 no like seriously, sometimes you have to check his pulse cuz he’s barely breathing 😭 he definitely won’t be waking up in the morning—and on the rare occasion he wakes up before you, he’ll just be like “oop 🤭” and fall back into bed, pretending his eyes never opened. once you wake him up though, he’ll lounge in bed before deciding “today is the day to carry out my master plan for mass murder ☺️”
👾 at first he was a little hesitant about doing cliche domestic things, but turns out he actually really enjoys doing them !! he even has a whole room in his house full of books that you can read ☺️ common dates for you guys are going to museums—but honestly he simply just goes to try to steal this one painting created by this Russian artist (spoiler alert, you’ve been banned from 10 museums). he’s surprisingly good at laser tag 😳 especially when you just threw him in a room—he’s the last one left standing 😌✨ claims he has no idea what he did to win (but really, nikolai gave him tips because he knew he would end up there)
- mind over matter | young giant
- I wanna be yours | arctic monkeys
- everybody talks | neon trees
- she | harry styles
- high enough | k.flay
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thedaddie · 3 years
Hey there! I would like to participate in the haikyuu matchup event.
female // hetero // 5'7 ft. // dark brown eyes // jet black hair
personality: I'm a quiet person who enjoys observing people and how they act in situations. If I find a person interesting or reversed, I initiate the conversation. I don't like small talk, but more than willing to find a topic we both enjoy. I love the arts (concerts, fine art, literature, philosophy) and science (animal bio, human bio, plant bio, multi universes). I get pretty passionate about certain topics I know. I love it when someone gets interested or wants to learn more.
love language: positive affirmations.
hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, and researching.
likes: owls (all kinds), night hours, rain showers.
dislikes: early mornings, compromised belief, excessive apologies.
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hi babe!! thanks for requesting!! i match you with…
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ok so you guys met completely on accident!
you were in a hurry leaving the school to get home and bumped into someone (can you guess who?) and your stuff went flying 😐
you’re not too keen on staying and talking to this person cause at this point you’re late to get home AND you’re irritated so you just scoop up whatever is on the floor and walk away
it’s not until you actually arrive home when you realize YOU PICKED UP THE STRANGERS PHONE
but then the phone rang :D
you answered it obviously and here’s a NOT EXACT summary of what happened:
you: hello? 😟
??: hi you took my phone haha
you: i’m so sorry it was an accident i was in a hurry-
??: it’s fine! my name’s kita, do you wanna meet up and exchange some stuff? i think there’s a few things i’m missing that you probably have and vice versa
at this point you’re so embarrassed cause YOU TOOK SO MUCH AND HE HAS YOUR STUFF AHHHH
but luckily kita is super nice about it! you guys agree to meet at this park near your school to exchange everything the next morning
and you arrive and see him and recognize him as the captain of your schools volleyball team!
you were initially planning on just giving him his stuff and taking yours back then leaving but something about him just made you want to stay
after some casual chatting for a few minutes, he convinces you to walk to school with him
the entire time he had you laughing and blushing, it ended up being the most pleasant part of your day!
when you got to school he asked if you wanted to hang out sometime and you’re like ☺️omg yes☺️
and he’s honestly the most clingy person ever
like you wouldn’t expect it from his stoic mature ass mostly just cause he doesn’t like pda outside of the occasional peck or hand holding
but this man LIVES for cuddling
and at school he’s always by your side
this dude is never more than 10 ft away from you at all times i stg
plus you guys just talk for HOURS
once y’all find a conversation topic you run with it
some of his favorites of yours are the ones you have regarding philosophy, multiple universes, and plant bio (his farmer ass 🙄)
he lets you go on about things for however long you want! hearing you talk about what you find interesting warms his heart 😊
kita is the type of person who feels a lot but he doesn’t outwardly express it as often
around you though? he’s free to do whatever he feels comfortable with and he’s incredibly grateful that you’ll never judge him for it :)
he secretly wishes that one day you guys can pull a Notebook and kiss in the rain 😭
(because ever since he got with you, he’s been watching a lot of romantic movies 🥰)
one time you drew him and i swear he almost cried HE LOVED IT SO MUCH
he asked you to design some flyers for the team and whenever someone asked who drew them he was like “my girlfriend ☺️”
kita was never really a huge fan of reading but you got him reading all your favorites!! now whenever he passes by a bookstore he goes in and buys one he thinks you’ll like 😫
he ALWAYS walks you home from school!!
sun, snow, wind, rain HES THERE
even if he has practice he always allots some time for the rest of the team to warmup while he makes sure you get home safe 🥲
if you’re the type to write stories or poetry, he’ll always read them if you are comfortable!! he even tries to write things about you, but he gets embarrassed to show them AWWW
i truly do see kita as a classic romantic
because he’s dedicated and caring and wants to make sure you’re happy no matter what
his ways of displaying his love are somewhat foreign to you, as he isn’t the type to tell you what feels but instead show it
his love language is definitely acts of service!
things like letting you sleep in late while he wakes up early, going out of his way to buy you your favorite snack or a cute little owl plushie, and making sure you’ve fallen asleep after staying up too late with him on the phone
even though he’s not the telling type, he loves that you are :) nothing brightens his day more when he wakes up to a good morning text, little love notes in his locker, and love affirmations when he’s nervous before games
you’ve brought him out of his comfort zone a lot!! he’d never thought he be the one excited to go to a concert or fascinated by biology but you’ve brought so much love into his life it’s amazing 🥰
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“and that’s why i think that we should go see it-“
“no babe, no-“
“but yes! it would be so fun!”
kita chuckles, angling his head down.
currently, you’re begging your boyfriend to take you to see a movie and he is almost certain it will make you cry. but, you’re relentless.
“i just think it would be a good watch,” you clutch his arm tightly, stepping up slightly to kiss his cheek.
“and i think it’ll make you burst into tears.” he says with adorable smug smile.
the autumn wind is cool, just enough for it to make goosebumps rise on your arms. kita pulls you closer to keep you warm for the rest of the walk back to your house.
it isn’t long before you two are at your front door and you’re about to invite him inside when his phone chimes. he takes a peek at the screen and groans.
“i’ve gotta get back. tsumu and samu are fighting again.”
“go set them straight, captain.” with one last kiss and a final wave, kita sets back the way you came. before he can completely disappear out of your view, though, he turns around.
“call you later!” he shouts.
“and the movie?” you yell back.
“we’ll be there,” he smiles. “bring your tissues.”
songs for your matchup :)
thank you for requesting!! have a lovely day 😊
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mccarricks · 4 years
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( brittany o’grady / demi woman ) WESLEY McCARRICK is 23 years old and is a SENIOR at thales university. SHE is majoring in FILM and is known for being THE MAVERICK as THEY can be HUMOROUS and OPEN-MINDED as well as DITZY and IMPULSIVE. every time i see HER/THEM, THEY remind me of PURPLE SKY IN THE DESERT, SKATING AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO FEEL THE WIND ON YOU, A JOKE TOLD WITH A TOOTHY GRIN.
hero’s back w character no. 2 and yet......
full name: wesley ‘wes’ elaine mccarrick
birthdate: february 2, 1997
age: 23
gender: demi woman
pronouns: she/her/they/them
zodiac: aquarius
nationality: american
ethnicity: black (louisiana creole) and white (irish)
hometown: santa fe, nm
languages: english, intermediate spanish
theodore mccarrick, father
elaine barlow, mother
ruby mccarrick, older brother
delphine mccarrick, older sister
sherri barlow, maternal grandmother
many cousins
orientation: bisexual biromantic, pref. towards women/nb people but will date men
religion: agnostic
height: 5 ft 4 in
distinguishing features: eyebrows, hair, lips
character inspo: ilana wexler (broad city), harley quinn (dc comics), phoebe buffay (friends), prob more
TRIGGERS: divorce, mentions of crime, drug and alcohol use
the youngest child of ted and elaine mccarrick, wes was a kid who is full of life. she’s the kind of kid who did things to make you smile, and it usually worked. she was warm and inviting, a little naive, but she had a strong support system.
her parents divorce when she’s six, she doesn’t quite understand it but her dad moves out, and her grandma and multiple cousins move in. it’s a lively household, between her mom, who works as a nurse, and her siblings, and her cousins, it was never really quiet and there was never a lot of room.
despite the split, her parents maintain that their children have a relationship with both of them, and truthfully, wes is a daddy’s girl. she and her dad were cut from the same cloth, happy go lucky, fun loving, a bit silly, he’s the one who introduces her to movies. it’s their thing, watching and critiquing them together, and it’s not whatever is in theatres either. they went for all times of filmmaking, new wave, surrealist, and more.
it really stuck with wes, who herself had begun making movies, mostly horror/fantasy/scifi stuff with her friends-- she writes and directs and occasionally, she’ll don a costume and star in them. they’re silly little things, but her family always sat down for her “premieres.”
her formative years are marked with plenty of things, sports, deaths of distant family members, a cousin or two who gets caught in the wrong crowd and ends up in jail, and throughout this, wes remains a rock for her family.
she’s in high school, and she gets into the eclectic crowd, the outcasts, the weirdos, the ones who smoked under the bridge, and partied out in an abandoned trailer near the desert. these freaks were her freaks. they accepted her with open arms, as she them.  
she chooses thales because she always wants to see the east coast, and frankly, as much as she loves her family, she wants to be free of them. and they have a fantastic film program. so!
she meets steven in their first film class together, and they’re fast friends, despite her usual weariness of YET another film bro, steven proves to be a good egg. so she thinks. she finds out through him talking that he might not be the most faithful to his girlfriend, and as much as she doesn’t like meddling, she thinks it’s only right to let clarissa, who she doesn’t really know well, know. however, before there’s a chance, everything happens-- now she’s stuck wondering if she should reveal the truth, or let sleeping dogs lie.
nana is different, nana and her dated her sophomore year, nana’s freshman year. it wasn’t serious. but they were fond of each other. they eventually break up, but they stay friendly, waving to each other in the halls, chatting at parties.
both the disappearance and the murder is weird for wes, who by all accounts, isn’t great at dealing with bad shit. she prefers to laugh about things. laugh about everything. because if she doesn’t laugh, she’ll cry.
wes is a mess, a free-spirit, a walking contradiction. she’s very independent minded, the kind of person who does things without thinking so much about the consequences, this leads her into trouble sometimes. like nicking something from a convenience store, or stealing a stop sign as a prank. she’s definitely the kind to goof off and not exactly dedicate her full attention to something. and while she’s in genuinely good spirits on most occasions, she has a staunch ‘no asshole’ policy. the type to defend the underdogs, and go after bullies. she’ll punch you with a smile on her face, and yet it ends up being more unnerving than you realize. she’s a bit of a ditz, as well, never the best at school, but can talk your ear off about the going ons of the world. she’s a lovable dumbass, for sure, and loyal to a tee once you get her as a friend.
horror movie fan! her favorites are some of the oldies, like dracula and  the bride of frankenstein! and some new ones! big fan of jordan peele’s work, as well as ari aster’s! but mostly really advocates for women directors and directors of color!
also does roller derby! she picked this up her first year at thales and fell in love with it, i can’t think of a name for her yet, but she’s a blocker, won’t hesitate to elbow some dick at the bar
kinda a tomboy? she’s always been! she’s rough and tumble and not afraid to get down and dirty with someone, i.e. will join those football games on the quad or crawl through the mud for a scene to shoot
doesn’t know if she wants to be a director/writer or a cinematographer honestly.... she loves the technical aspects of film as much as the making the stories
definition of a bruh girl, says it a whole lot, but also just if you tell her you love her, she’ll just roll her eyes and be like you’re an idiot (which means she loves you too) she’ll be affectionate if she’s close to you
kinda a wh*re oops....... texts multiple girls at a time and doesn’t want to hurt any of their feelings she doesn’t know how she keeps ending up in these situations... also a bisexual disaster
a stoner as well..... always has a massive jar of weed
unclear whether she lives on campus or off campus but if she does live off campus she has a pet turtle named elsa lanchester after the bride of frankenstein actress
a drummer! she’s in a band (name tbd) she started drumming at a young age and found it was a good way to manage her aggression
doesn’t really do well with emotions, so she’ll either be like there, there, or try to make jokes.... she really said kids can you lighten up
walking meme... such a walking meme... doesn’t know so many things she’s like a cute puppy with no thoughts head empty but she’s so fun to be around
life of the party.... nana she came fr ur spot and she took it and she’s not sorry but she does miss u a lot
doesn’t rly feel like she’s allowed to be upset anyways bc some people have it...... way worse.... can u say Imposter syndrome
kind of an enabler...... will be that person to push u to try things but not in a peer pressurey way, more like if u are unsure abt sending a text she says do it
wears fun earrings and socks! think lollipops or gummy bears or found objects like she collects that shit it’s her lifeline
boxes! she’s been boxing since she was abt 12, courtesy of her older brother (who is now a doctor thx ruby) and it’s a good way to exercise and release stress
best friend -- two of a feather, cut from the same cloth, or complete opposites it doesnt matter to her (the abbi to her ilana)
roller derby friends -- she’s p close to the team, margs on her
makeup artist pal -- i think it would be neat fr someone to try and teach her makeup whether its normal or sfx bc she wants to look like a monster or smthn
she’s gullible, u take advantage of that -- u just tell her lies p much and she’s like yeah ok that sounds right
party friends
fwbs (f/m/nb) -- tbh she might have one or two of these but they literally are the def of pals who bone sometimes... like v good abt being like you good? u dont want more? cool me too
exes (f/m/nb) -- mostly dated women or nb people but def cld have had a guy
she smokes you out -- p much the only reason u hang out w her is bc she has good weed
someone she’s fought -- like fully decked in the face, prob said something that rubbed her the wrong way and it just devolved from there
people who dislike her -- she could definitely be seen as annoying bc shes loud and dorky and funny so ??
breaks someone out of their shell -- p self explanatory, pushes them to have fun, w everything happening shes rly like lifes too short to not take the opportunities around u
cousins! probably on her dad’s side! i figure she has some east coast fam 
anything? truly?
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rosaguard · 4 years
summer waxes poetically about her favorite aeris gainsborough ships:
i never reblogged that five ships meme because...well i don’t have five aeris ships i care about lol. however, i was challenged(tm) so here is something close to it. i do feel like it is fitting to make this post on here since aeris was actually the first muse i truly started writing a ship on after asking someone first ( and i had been writing on tumblr for like...5 years on and off before that for context. anything before that was just..maybe flirting - nothing i felt invested in ).
aeris & happiness.
   the most important ship. the OTP. no other can compare. i think the biggest tragedy of aeris’ death is that so much was taken from her. she had so much to live for, so much to do, and her life was brutally and suddenly ripped away when she was finally getting the chance to figure herself out and rise to her full potential. i don’t want to aeris to die in the remake ( especially because everything about the whispers would’ve felt like a waste of time if nothing significant changes and aeris living is probably as significant as you can get ) but if it happens, it happens - i’ll just be really sad and disappointed by it lol. i’ve always been very clear that aeris’ death is not a bad one despite my blog canon essentially retconning it. there’s a reason she dies and it’s not to further cloud’s man pain ( he had enough of his own trauma already ); she dies because she’s a legitimate threat to sephiroth’s plans. she’s actually an example of a character death, especially a female one, done incredibly well, especially compared to SE’s recent output ( serah, luna, etc. ). also anyone who says she was created just to die is also wrong. barret was originally written to die first and they decided to change it.
    anyway, the point of me bringing all of this up is that i didn’t decide to do away with her death because i think SE sucks and they hate women. i did away with it because a lot of aeris’ character development ( her learning about the cetra at cosmo canyon, figuring out what the white materia does, etc ) is implied / off-screen since we never know her point of view and then well...she dies. i wanted to explore what her feelings would be if she woke up alive after being attacked while meteor is slowly drawing closer to the planet. how would she handle that? how would she feel? would she feel like a failure? would she be angry? what would she do after meteor is destroyed? would she travel the world? join the w.r.o? tell everyone to fuck off and then move to a cottage in the middle of nowhere and live the rest of her life in peace? these are the questions i wanted answered when i thought about aeris living. i don’t care if she ends up with cloud, or zack, or whoever because they don’t matter: aeris matters. she’s her own person with goals, desires, wishes, and more. no one talks about what she would want and do if she had lived. all people care about is what ‘man’ she belongs to as if she’s a prize to be exchanged between them.
   the second reason is simple that she fucking deserves it. she deserves it after living in a lab for 7 years and watching her mother die just trying to get her out. she deserves after having to deal with being stalked by the same company responsible for a lot of her suffering. she deserves to finally be around friends that make her feel loved, accepted, and cared for. she deserves to not feel alone, or like an outcast, or a freak because of her powers. she deserves to be able to go to icicle inn too and see footage of her father for the first time. she deserves to be able to go back to kalm and see her mom again. she deserves to live happily just like everyone else gets to do. her life has been filled with so much tragedy and pain yet she never lets it define her. she blooms in the face of adversity. she keeps smiling even up until the end of her life. she deserves happiness as her end-game and if i don’t get it in canon, i’m going to create it here myself.
aeris & cloud.
    i disliked this ship for a long time. it actually wasn’t because of the ship itself but due to some of my experiences with the shippers. i won’t go into my fandom experiences but i ran an account dedicated to ti.fa for almost six years so i’ve seen how...unpretty both sides of the 'ship war’ can get and it turned me off. a lot. when i decided to write aeris, i immediately started a replay of the the original game with an ‘aeris-lens’ ( analyzing her character, her relationships, making sure i got her date, etc. ). it made me look at her relationship with cloud in a different light since i had never really paid attention to it as heavily before since i avoided the ship tbh. i ended up enjoying their dynamic a lot. they have a natural chemistry with each other but there’s also this unspoken distance between them which is fully intentional - she has her own walls up and he has his. 
    they have a very ‘tragic love’ since well...she dies before anything can fully go to the next level. their relationship in canon is a very ‘what if’ and as a result, i often see people who don’t like the ship claim that they wouldn’t work because aeris wouldn’t be able to ‘deal’ with cloud and would’ve left. to be blunt, this a bad take considering supporting one another is prevalent throughout their relationship: 
aeris: i learned a lot. the elders taught me many things. about the cetra... and the promised land... i'm...... alone... i'm all alone now... cloud: but i'm...... we're here for you, right? aeris: i know. i know, but... i am the only...... cetra. cloud: does that mean we can't help?
cloud: ...i gave the black materia to sephiroth...? wha... what did I do... tell me, aeris. aeris: cloud... be strong, ok? He writhes and clutches his head. cloud urrrrrrgh... what have I done!? aeris: cloud... you haven't done anything. it's not your fault.
cloud: yeah, I hear you. sorry for what happened. aeris: don't worry about it. cloud: ...i can't help it... aeris: oh... then, why don't you REALLY worry about it? and let me handle sephiroth. and cloud, you take care of yourself. so you don't have a breakdown, okay?
    the remake only reinforces everything i like about their relationship: their banter is great, aeris gently takes his hand during one of his ‘moments’ and supports him, she confides in him about talking to her flowers, and he never treats her differently ( which is a big deal when just two nights before, he told someone to ‘get help’ when they claimed they could hear the planet lol ). they have so much in common as well: they both have struggled with loneliness, being an outcast, and not having a lot of friends. i’ll always find it incredibly interesting how cloud is repeatedly not invited to be apart of group functions in the remake ( he wasn’t allowed to celebrate with avalanche and had to sit outside jessie’s house as the others ate pizza ) until he met aeris and she invited him to have dinner with her and her mom. despite the ‘bodyguard’ dynamic to their relationship, they always feel like equals to me.
aeris: today’s special!!! cloud: why? aeris: because i met you, you dumb binch!!!
aeris: *says cryptic stuff and tells him that they can’t fall in love* ( i’m saying they because apparently in japanese / other languages she says ‘we can’t fall in love’, not just ‘you can’t fall in love with me’. ) cloud: uh....how about i do anyway??? also i’m saving you so...see you tomorrow at 11. bye.
me: their relationship never gets to a serious level because the opportunity was taken away from them de to unfortunate circumstances. 
also me: they’re just just...dumb and in love!!!! i’m sorry, that’s just the way it is!!!! she literally tells him that meeting him again was special to her and the silly boi doesn’t get it!!!! one of the composers of the game even said a tracks that plays with them is meant to have a romantic vibe!! when she pulls away from him, he reaches out for her because he doesn’t want her to let go!! the lyrics of hollow is literally ‘this time i’ll never LET YOU GO’ AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
    anyway, i’ve also noticed this weird trend in the fandom where it feels like cloud is never allowed to just has his own dedicated feelings about aeris - and i’m not even talking about romantic feelings. i feel like whenever there is talk about cloud’s relationship with za.ck or ti.fa, no one inserts aeris into it. they’re allowed to have their individual relationships with him yet with aeris it feels like you cannot talk about how much she meant to him and vice versa without other characters being thrown in. i don’t know if it’s because of shipping and people don’t want to acknowledge that like...characters can have feelings for multiple people or what but the reality is that cloud did feel something for her. she did mean a lot to him; so much so that he slept in her church two years after she was dead and went to her burial place alone. he missed her.  maybe it was just as a friend, maybe it was because of something more but i really dislike how their relationship and importance to each other, regardless of whether it’s platonic or romantic, is constantly invalidated.
aeris & gene.
     when kas / @castershot first created channels for gene and aeris in our rp server last year, i honestly did not think these two would have a serious relationship at all. i figured maybe they would have a fling or something at best / aeris would be the equivalent of a filler character in a few episodes of the show and then they would go their separate ways. ...that didn’t happen but i’m glad it didn’t! i didn’t know a gosh diddly darn thing about outlaw star but i’m very good at researching and aggressively reading wikis so i was able to whip up a verse ( and someone who watched the show thought i had actually watched it after reading my verse so i guess i did a darn good job! ). anyway, i feel like when writing aeris it’s very easy to...hmm...fall into very certain dynamics and considering gene’s line of work ( doing odd jobs, being a bodyguard for hire, a general jack of all trades ), i didn’t want it to be the ‘he’s a bodyguard, she gets protected, blah blah blah’ dynamic but in space. so their relationship ( at least in my head - there’s a lot going on in there tbh!!! ) basically became somewhat of a deconstruction of cl.erith + ( bad ) stereotypes about aeris in general:
      what if the helpless flower girl that needs saving from the big bad corporation is actually a liar who works for said corporation and was sent by them to retrieve something important(tm) and eliminate anyone that gets in her way? what if aeris, a secret member of the turks, has become so desensitized when interacting with other people since she is constantly wearing a mask and she can’t tell if she’s genuinely falling for someone or if her acting is just so good that even she can’t tell what’s real or fake anymore? what if i took all those bad takes about aeris knowing she would die, flip it, and actually make it so that she does know and still goes alone anyway because she wants to save lives for once instead of being the person who takes them away!!
me: imagine the drama!!! the angst!!! kas, casually: [redacted name b/c of spoilers] would just bring her back to life. me: WHAT?! >:(
apparently one character in the show is casually just GOD and can revive people so they can come back like:
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    my bubble was BURST. dreams DASHED. plans CRUSHED. dramatics aside, i still kept the idea of her dying because i do like the take of a more secretly jaded / not as ‘pure’ aeris that works for shinra and has to basically relearn how to trust / care about others again + i live to attack kas and all of her muses. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  anyway, the point is that i love them and they’re a dynamic i’m very invested in the more times passes. they’re both so stupid and passionate and loud ( the first in character thing i wrote when i remade this blog was them screaming at each other in an argument ) but they’re also sensitive, don’t open up to others easily, and have trauma!! oof x 100.
me: this ship won’t be serious lol the ship, months later: may or may not have a thread with them going on a date. may or may not have gone to ti.fa and cloud’s wedding together ( where kissafist’s tif.a may or may not threaten to smash his balls in if he doesn’t treat aeris right. *smash em, rip em plays in the distance as aeris aggressively laughs nervously* ), they may or may not get married and have twins that may or may not be named ren and rose. me: clown putting on make up.png
so yea, they’ve come a long way(tm).
the end.
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nyxxon · 5 years
Build-A-Bear (Bakugou Katsuki)
The ash blonde male's eye twitched as he watched you looking through the multiple bins of random unstuffed animals trying to figure out which one you'd want.
     How you had convinced him to come here to the damn 'Build-A-Bear' place was beyond him. You both didn't even have any fucking kids for crying out loud! Thank the Gods, he didn't want any at the moment, or that was what he'd tell himself anyway... Though back on topic... This was far from how he had wanted to spend his precious weekend that he could actually enjoy since he had it off.
     Honestly... It was embarrassing. Two adults, no kids, in a stuffed animal making place... Thankfully, Bakugou was wearing a 'disguise,' one that at least kept him from being recognized by the public since he was a pretty well-known hero (rank fifteen as for right now) so at least he had that going for him right now and could basically hide his identity a bit... And being found out in a place where kids were currently running rampant wasn't a scenario he'd like... So it saved him from some of the embarrassment he was feeling at the moment.
      You, on the other hand, weren't in one at all though you also weren't very well-known either, being more the underground hero so disguises weren't needed for you and you didn't have to ever worry about being recognized in public. Though you still walked in here with no shame whatsoever as you excitedly scavenged the stuffed animal making place showing excitement any child would entering. You were usually a very calm, collected, and serious person but sometimes you did get childish spouts here and there...
     Like now.
     However, they could be cute... But the ash blonde would never admit to such so openly to as it was his nature not to be very open about his thoughts, especially ones like that.
     "Hurry the fuck up so we can leave." Bakugou mumbled beside you.
     You looked up from your decision making of trying to figure if you wanted a dragon, tiger, bunny, or just a plain old regular bear and glared while he just did so back, "... Language. There are children here."
     "Tch. Just hurry the fu–" He paused for a second seeing the glare you were giving him causing him to reevaluate his sentence, "... Just hurry up already..."
     "Then help me choose!" Holding out all the ones you were trying to decide on, you looked up at him, "... The dragon, tiger, bunny, or the bear."
     "I don't see why it matters..." Bakugou grumbled as he looked at them all, honestly unable to decide himself since he didn't give two flying fucks of which one would be chosen in the end. After a few seconds, he finally spoke up, "... The shi..." Though he stopped himself before he let the word slip⁠—God, it was a struggle given most of everything that'd leave his mouth would be a cuss word and such⁠—so he wouldn't have to hear from you before letting out an annoyed sigh and rolling his eyes.
     "... The... Tiger... I... guess..." He mumbled while gritting his teeth together between every word.
     Humming, you looked down at the four animals in your hands while the ash blonde furrowed his brows waiting for you to finally get done choosing. You soon began to place the ones you weren't going to use, "... I'll go with the bear, it's easier to dress." You held the unstuffed brown bear up causing the male's eye to twitch.
     Of course, he hadn't expected any less. You usually never went with the option he chose anyway though it didn't make him any less annoyed, especially when it was for more important decisions that required both of your inputs on. However, he'd let this slide given this was not on a list of important things that needed to be decided on.
     "Now... Let's go stuff it!"
     You excitedly grabbed Bakugou's arm and began to drag the reluctant male along with you to the stuffing machine soon handing the person who looked just how Bakugou did⁠—unexcited to be here and only here for the pay that probably wasn't worth shit⁠—though they had also given you both weird looks upon not noticing a child in sight (which Bakugou couldn't even fucking blame the worker at this point) before beginning the stuffing process while you then watched excitedly as they stuffed the bear before boredly handing it back to you.
     "Great. Now let's... Go." The ash blonde insisted.
     "Have you forgotten, Katsuki?" He furrowed his brows urging you to go on, "... We have to get him clothes."
     Him? Joy. Before he knew it, you'd already be choosing a name for the shitty stuffed animal.
     You instantly made your way to the clothes area of the store with your newly acquired stuffed bear, the male soon following reluctantly behind you until he caught up to you as you were stopped in front of a little place with different styles of guy clothes that could only fit the stuffed animal.
     Bakugou began to mentally prepare himself for you to take your sweet ass time here as well, knowing it'd be a much longer time spent in this area than when you were choosing which animal you wanted to have...
     And he was right. He could positively say it took you almost an hour of looking through a bunch of shitty clothes to find one you preferred over the five hundred ones you had said you liked, asking him which ones he thought would look nice⁠—him choosing random ones knowing you probably weren't going to pick them anyway (which he was right)⁠—choosing (outfit choice).
     Thankfully, that was the last thing on the list to do and you both were now on your way to the counter to pay and leave this hell hole of a place and hopefully to never return to it.
     "That'll be seventy dollars and fifty-eight cents." The, also unamused, counter worker said.
     "You've gotta be..." Bakugou gritted his teeth, "... Kidding me."
     "No sir, I assure you... Seventy dollars and fifty-eight cents." The worker said with a drip of sarcasm, obviously not wanting to deal with a customer longer than he had to.
     The ash blonde's eye twitched as he reluctantly took out his wallet and swiped his card before putting it back in his wallet and placing, more so shoving, it back in his pants pocket. If it weren't for him being in public as well as trying to keep a low profile while in this God-forsaken place, he'd have had an outburst at this point.
     Though before the worker handed the receipt, he outcasted a piece of paper towards you (no doubt having already taken a dislike towards the ash blonde) as you just tilted your head but grabbed the paper anyways and looked over it, "... What's this?"
     "Your child gets to name their stuffed bear..."
     "What should I name you?" You held the bear up, ignoring the word 'child,' and looked at it for a moment while the worker soon put it together that you both didn't have a child in sight and seemed to not even have one at all having him talk before he could think.
     "Aren't you a bit too old for–" However, catching the male's beside you hard glare pierced into him, he gulped and stopped what he was going to say.
     You looked at him, "... Huh?"
     "N-Nothing... Nevermind." The worker gave you a strained smile while you just shrugged and went back to examining the bear in hopes to figure a name you'd like, not wanting to anger the ash blonde who was practically giving him the 'if you say one more damn word, I'll kill you right fucking here with no remorse' look.
     "I'll name it... Katsuki Jr!" Bakugou scrunched his nose up at this but didn't say anything as you handed the paper back to the worker who shakily grabbed it back with a nod, not bothering to question the name choice.
"Seriously... Katsuki Jr.?" Bakugou questioned in a disgusted manner as you both walked to the car.
     "I thought it was cute." You smiled as you held out the bear in front of you, the male beside you rolling his eyes.
     "Tch. I hope you know you fucking owe me for going along with you to that shitty place and wasting seventy fucking dollars on a shitty bear."
     "Oh?" You raised a brow before placing your arms down and leaning a bit into him though not too close as you looked up at him, "... And... What might that be?"
     Bakugou smirked as he placed his arm around your waist and pulled you a bit closer before lowering himself a bit so he could whisper in your ear, "... I think you know..."
     You rolled your eyes and shook your head in slight amusement as a smile played on your lips knowing exactly what he wanted in return for humoring you in today's trip though you didn't really have a problem with what he was requesting either since you did think he did deserve at least something for going along with you.
     With that answer, Bakugou loosened his grip on you but didn't fully let go as you both continued walking towards the car, the smirk not leaving his face... Perhaps this trip was worth it in the end...
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
Can I get a DIU matchup? I'm a cishet female with fluffy brown hair and dark brown-ish eyes. I'm an ambivert leaning towards extrovertedness. I enjoy research and I like new experiences. Sometimes I can be a bit of an ass and I swear like a drunk sailor but I'm a cool person. I'm a massive nerd. I love Star Wars, it's my favorite movie franchise! Speaking of the stars my sign is Gemini sun, Taurus Moon, and Aquarius Rising. I'm a pretty chaotic person to say the least. -🌹
"I'm double majoring in Sociology and Education because I want to be a world cultures teacher. For some reason. I enjoy learning new things and teaching others new things. I like teaching my foreign friends swear words. I speak multiple languages as well. Like... a lot. So I talk with them in English and their native tongue. I can't stand jackasses (*cough* Rohan *cough*) even though I can be one. I'm pretty good at engineering though... Like not bad but not amazing. -🌹
I'm not naive but if someone has the research and I dig a bit myself I can be swayed. It's just a matter of research. I like painting. I have a really... Hot Topic-y galaxy aesthetic. I like it when people tell me I'm wrong so I can debate them. I'm a debater. While I'm usually challenging and tough there are times when I can be gentle and soft. When I was a kid I wanted to discover a new planet so I could teach aliens cuss words. My8yroldassthoughtthatwashilarious. -🌹
God, I'm so emo with my Hot Topic clothes. I have three pets. A bird named Shanty who cusses when I give her the secret code, a rat named Remy, and a fatass orange cat named Garfield. I enjoy humming gently to my pets because they like my babies. I'm thinking of getting a snake but Idk yet. I like music too. Idk if I mentioned before but I believe in aliens due to actual research being found. But idk if they're like us. Someday we will tho. -🌹
I have a tendency to yell "thathurtlikeamotherfucker" all slurred together like that when I hurt myself. But other than that I can be pretty lax. I don't need people to always try to please me to like me. I actually like having people argue with me. I'm generally easygoing and calm. I have a tendency to befriend foreigners and the weirdest fuckers you can imagine. But that's fine. We quirky. So... who do you match me with? -🌹"
At first I would have said Josuke, but I match you with...
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I feel like your ambiverted nature would really compliment his introverted one, going as far as to even make him be more outgoing overtime! The fact that you're also a calm and collected person is something that would be appreciated by him. In fact, you'd even be able to calm him down and soothe him on many occasions. He too can sometimes swear like ALOT so there's that. He finds your nerdy side cute and surprise surprise deep down he's also a pretty fucking big nerd! He totally enjoyed the fuck out of the Star Wars franchise if you ask me.
Another thing that he likes at you is your thirst for knowledge and the fact that you also like teaching others stuff, he's all for learning new info and doing research (he likes intellectual activities in general.) I strongly believe that he too speaks many languages and finds it funny that you teach others literal swear words. If you could speak Japanese that would be amazing really, you two would basically be switching through different languages on a daily basis.
He also enjoys debates from time to time (just don't overdo it) and shares your dislike for jackasses even if he himself can be a big one sometimes. He totally has a soft spot for your pets and for watching you spend time with them because honestly he too loves animals alot. I have a strong feeling that he also believes in aliens but ONLY because there's actual research on the subject because he's a facts only man. 10/10 has intellectual pillow talk with you about aliens at 3 am. Overall he likes how creative and imaginative you are and also lowkey digs your emo-ish aesthetic!
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the-wlw-cafe · 6 years
Forget Me (Not)
Request: #62 Memory loss with Lena Luthor preferably the Reader losing their Memory? They were Dating for awhile but got hurt protecting Lena so now she doesn't remember Lena who decides it's best for her not to remember so that the Reader doesn't get hurt again so Reader goes About their normal life but with Lena basically suffering every time she sees them bc she's still in love with them idk Maybe a happy ending if you wanna
Fandom: Supergirl
Warnings: referenced injuries, some language, being Long as feck
Word Count: too many (3265)
You awoke to the sound of hushed voices. You couldn’t make out what they were saying, every noise seemed to drift towards you through a thick layer of jelly, muffled and warbling. You felt like you were floating. It was the smell that finally clued you in that something was off: It smelt sterile, like hand soap and disinfectant, not like the scent of lavender, coffee and freshly washed sheets that you associated with home. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking against the bright white lights that surrounded you. When you tried to move, you noticed an IV drip sticking out of your arm.
Ah. Hospital.
The voices became clearer, two women, arguing.
“Now you’re just being dramatic, Lena, this isn’t your fault!”
“If it weren’t for me, none of this would have happened. Getting close to me is a risk, you know that, and I’ve been selfish enough to ignore it, but I just can’t anymore. I’m making the right decision here.”
“The only thing you’re making is a big mistake Lena, I know how much – (Y/N)!”
It seems they have noticed that you are awake, and the taller of the two, a blond woman whose face splits into the most sunny smile you’ve ever seen once she makes eye contact with you, comes rushing to your bedside. The smaller one, pale, with dark hair framing an impossibly gorgeous face, stands in the back, clearly left distraught by the argument you’d interrupted. You immediately got the overwhelming urge to reach out and comfort her.
“(Y/N), we’ve been so worried about you, but I knew you were a trooper!”
She immediately goes in for a hug that leaves you stiff and awkward. You have no idea who this is, but they clearly know you very well, which can only mean one thing. But that couldn’t be, things like that were reserved for soap operas only, it didn’t happen in real life...right?
The tall blonde seemed to notice you not returning the embrace, pulling back with a frown.
“Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Oh Rao, did I hug you to hard?” she fretted, a worried crinkle appearing between her brows.
“Oh no, the hug was fine, I just...” you make a helpless flailing motion which leaves your IV drip swinging. “I’m sorry, I’m going to be frank, I have no idea who you are.”
The blonde lifted her hands to her mouth to cover a gasp. “But...but you must recognize Lena, right?” she exclaimed, gesturing towards the other woman. Oh this was bad. You hated to see these people hurt and worried.
“Nope, does not ring a bell.” You replied.
“But she’s-“ the blonde began, only to be cut off by the other, Lena.
“- the one whose building was trapped with the bomb that put you on a coma. I needed to make sure you’d recover, and seeing that you’re awake, I’ll go get a doctor for you”, she said curtly, and gave you a small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. She’d already turned away before she’d finished the sentence. You and the blonde watched her leave the room.
“Is she okay?” you asked.
“Honestly? I don’t know. She’s going through a lot of stuff at the moment.”
  Lena returned with a doctor not long after, and a series of exhausting questions later you were diagnosed with amnesia. When or whether your memory would return nobody could tell, but you were released two days later with the recommendation of trying to go through your day as it came naturally to you, visit familiar places and not stress yourself out too much over remembering. You felt lost and vulnerable in the apartment that was so unfamiliar to you, yet everyone seemed to recognize as yours. Kara, the blonde woman who had dropped by your bedside multiple times to bring you some fried sugary goodness to offset the horror that was the hospital food volunteered to sleep on your couch until you’d find some semblance of normalcy in her life (“No, really, it’s no problem, Alex – my sister – will look after my plants, and I think they’ll thank her for it, I keep drowning them for some reason...”).
  On your first evening at the place you didn’t remember as home, you went through Kara’s phone together, looking at pictures of her, her friends and you together in the hopes that it would stir something, anything inside you.
You scrolled through pictures of you and her friends at bars, at picnics, at game nights, always laughing and smiling, and still these peoples were strangers to you. All of them, except one.
“That’s Lena! From the hospital!”, you exclaimed, just glad that you had found one face that didn’t make you feel like looking through stock photos of a group of handpicked multiracial attractive models.
You furrowed your brow in thought. “That’s weird, though, she didn’t mention us being close.”
Kara smiled a slightly pained smile, said something along the lines of “well, you met her through me, I was interviewing her for CatCo and things just snowballed from there”, before quickly scrolling on. You see her face popping up in some pictures after that one, but you don’t bring it up again.
  In the following days, Kara took the time to re-introduce you to all of her friends, to her sister Alex, Alex’ girlfriend Maggie to Winn and James, she tried to get a hold of Lena but the CEO declined. It didn’t surprise you, being CEO of L-Corp probably didn’t leave her with much free time. The Superfriends did their best to make you feel welcome in their midst, but you still couldn’t quite shake the feeling that you were hanging out with a group of complete strangers, who somehow knew your favourite drinks, your Noonan’s order, and your preferred board games.
  Kara took you to L-Corp a week after you were released from hospital, since it was there you lost your memory, and per chance you ran into Lena. Kara invited her along to grab coffee together, but with one look at you she blanched, pressed out that she was urgently needed in a meeting from between clenched teeth, turned on her heel and walked right into the room she had left seconds before. It was completely empty.
  You started to get the feeling that Lena didn’t like you.
  The following Saturday, you were proven wrong, she didn’t just dislike you, Lena Luthor outright hated you. It was game night, and you had attended out of a sense of obligation and the fact that you started to grow close to the Superfriends – for the second time from their perspective. Lena arrived late, played one token round of Taboo, and then left immediately after, citing a work emergency. The phone she pretended to talk on was clearly switched off.
  Days turned into weeks, and this became a common occurrence, no matter how much Kara and the others conspired to get you two to talk to each other.
By far the worst thing about this situation was however the fact that you seemed to affect Lena’s friendship to Kara too. You caught them, once, arguing in the kitchen at game night after they had gone to get more wine.
  “Lena, she’s suffering, you’re suffering, and this has to stop. You can’t keep running away from this and honestly I’m not sure how much longer I’m willing to lie for you!”
“Kara Danvers, don’t you dare. Don’t you dare destroy everything I’ve done to-“
“-to make both of you miserable? Lena, open your eyes, this isn’t working! (Y/N) has a right to know –“
You couldn’t take it any longer and decided to announce yourself by clearing your throat. The two women whipped around to face you.
“Sorry”, you began, awkwardly scratching your neck as if you hadn’t just caused a rift between these two friends. “The guys are asking for more beer.”
“Oh, we were just...” Kara started, clearly in the early stages of a trademark ramble.
“...just leaving. I was just leaving.” Lena finished, her gaze fixed on some spot behind you. You didn’t manage to contain your scoff in time. “Another work emergency, I gather? Or what’s the excuse you have for us today?” you said. Lena stumbled backwards as if you had hit her, and immediately you regretted your cold words.
“I...good night, (Y/N).” Her voice broke on your name and you swore you could hear her sniffle as she rushed past you. You stared at Kara, unsure of what had just happened in this kitchen, when you felt a second wave of anger wash over you.
“No”, you growled. Kara looked at you, puzzled.
“No, she doesn’t get to do this. She doesn’t get to avoid me for weeks when I needed her the most, when she should have been there for me like all your other friends...my other friends were! She doesn’t get to make me feel bad about calling her out on her bullshit! I don’t know what I did to offend her, I literally can’t remember, but why can’t she just talk it out with me like a goddamn adult?!”
You braced yourself on the kitchen counter as you stared into the dark night outside. Voicing your anger had felt good, it had been a long time coming, but you’d still do anything to get some closure on this whole situation.
“Oh, (Y/N)”, Kara breathed, looking torn. “Lena doesn’t hate you. She...she’s in a difficult spot right now, and she thinks she’s doing the right thing but she’s really, really not...she’s a very headstrong woman.”
“Yes, feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready to stop talking in riddles and feel like making sense”, you snapped.
“Lena made me promise not to tell a word, and I can’t break her trust like that, but I also can’t stand to see you both so miserable.” Your friend heaved a great sigh, and at this moment she looked older than you had ever seen her. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and after some typing, she presented it to you. “Just...take a look.”
She had opened a folder named Top Secret L  and you actually let out a small giggle at that. Subtlety really didn’t seem to be her strongest suit.
The folder was empty except for a series of four photos, obviously taken in quick succession at a park. The first was Kara, taking a selfie, pointing excitedly at some kissing couple on a park bench. Half of you wanted to sit Kara down for a serious talk about privacy and personal space, the other half just smiles because that’s Kara, the same Kara that had called you one evening after having seen an elderly couple feeding ducks at a pond, squealing “true love exists!”. The second photo is another image of the couple, up close this time, and your heart drops into the general vicinity of your stomach when you recognize the lovebirds. That is, without a doubt, Lena Luthor, one hand in your (H/C) hair, the other at the small of your back. The third picture clearly showed your reaction to being busted, Lena hiding her face in your chest and you throwing your head back with laughter. You couldn’t tell whether the blushes on your faces stem from embarrassment at being caught or from the heated kiss you had been sharing. In the fourth and last picture, Alex was photobombing you, pretending to gouge her eyes out with a cocktail umbrella.
You put the phone down, staring blankly at nothing in particular. You hadn’t expected to be able to feel this photo so vividly, not to remember, but to know how Lena’s soft lips felt on yours, how her scent surrounded you, how you were able to feel her pulse racing out of control...
You were longing for something, for Lena, for a feeling you didn’t remember but missed anyway. You looked up at Kara helplessly, seeking guidance, advice, something.
“Were Lena and I...” you croaked, not trusting your voice to get the whole sentence out.
“An item? Yeah. You even tried to keep it secret from us for a time, but we saw right through you. And by ‘we’ I mean Maggie ‘detecting is my job’ Sawyer”, she added with a soft smile.
You leaned against the counter.
“I imagine you two have a lot to talk through”, Kara said gently.
You nodded absent-mindedly, already working through hundreds of reasons why Lena would not want you to find out you had been in a relationship before the bomb and the memory loss debacle.
Kara grabbed you by the shoulders, gently ushering you towards the door. “Come on, I’ll tell the others where you are. You go get your girl.”
  She texted you Lena’s private address as soon as you were out the door. In the lobby of her apartment building, you saw a security guard immediately lumbering towards you. You cursed inwardly. You had no idea what to say. “Yes, apparently I used to be Lena’s girlfriend until a few weeks ago, but don’t ask me anything personal about her or our relationship, as I have conveniently forgotten it all.”
Before you could even begin to delve into a shakily improvised excuse, he broke out into a wide grin.
“Miss (Y/L/N)! I was wondering when I’d see you again here! It’s been too long! You and Miss Luthor didn’t have a falling out, did you?”
“Something like that”, you murmured, still taken aback by his jovial greeting.
“Well, I know it’s none of my business, but Miss Luthor hasn’t been well in the last weeks. I do hope you’ve come to set her straight.”
“Well, that’s the plan, but we’ll see how it goes”, you reply, showing a shy smile.
“Then by all means, don’t let me keep you here any longer, I’ll let you right up!” he said with a goofy thumbs-up gesture.
Lena lived in the penthouse, so you had plenty of time to come up with something to say to her on the elevator ride. You left the elevator without any semblance of a plan. You took one last, deep breath, steeled yourself and knocked on her door.
There were a few seconds of tense silence, and then –
“Who’s there?”
Even through the door you could tell from her hoarse voice that she’d been crying.
“It’s me, (Y/N). We need to talk.”
“Lena Lutessa Luthor, you open that door right now or so help me I’ll get Kara to throw me in through the window!”
For a moment you thought Lena would refuse to let you in, but then you could hear the tell-tale click of the door as she let you step into her apartment. You tried not to let it take your breath away too much, but you still found yourself slightly distracted by the gorgeous view on the golden lights of National City by night.
“I assume Kara told you, then.”
Lena had her back turned to you, obviously trying to hide her tears from view.
“Kara didn’t technically break her promise to you, she just let me connect the dots”, you said.
“So she didn’t tell you that she thinks I’m a coward and a liar?” she snapped, but you could hear the fright in her voice. She was scared and hurt, and therefore lashing out. And again, something inside you ached to take her in your arms, comfort her, and never let her go.
“Lena, you know Kara would never say these things. She loves you.”
Lena made a strangled sound, somewhere between a scoff and a sob. You decided to press on.
“I just need to know why. Why did you try to hide this from me? Were we...were we unhappy? Did that bomb just come incredibly convenient to you, so you didn’t have to break up with me?”
You were getting worked up again, you couldn’t help it. You deserved better than 3 weeks of the silent treatment, especially when as vulnerable and confused as you had been.
“Did Kara tell you what happened the day you got injured?” Lena asked, her voice almost inaudible.
“Yes, there was a bomb at L-Corp and I got caught in the blast-“
“You shouldn’t even have been there! I received the bomb threat several minutes before the explosion. There was enough time to get every civilian out of the building and to safety. There was enough time for you to be far, far away from any danger. And yet you turned around, and you ran right up to my office, because you just had to make sure I was okay. And when there wasn’t any time left anymore, you tried to shield me from the blast. I saw you get thrown against a wall, (Y/N). I saw you lying there, with broken limbs, not moving, and I thought you were dead! I thought I had lost you!”
Lena whipped around to face you, her face red and tearstained, but there was a grim determination gleaming in her eye.
“I thought you had died because of me. Do you understand now, why I have to do this? I loved you, I still do, but I can’t allow you to throw your life away for me. You deserve more. You deserve someone who can love you without endangering you whenever you’re together.”
“I’m not stupid, Lena”, you reply, after a few seconds. “I knew that when I got into the relationship with you. And I still chose you. And I think...I think I would do it again. Kara showed me the pictures of you and me in the park, I’m not sure if you remember-“
“Of course I do”, she sighed. “It was our first official date. You were actually going for a kiss on the cheek, but, well, so was I, and our lips just awkwardly collided for a moment before things...escalated.”
“Yeah”, you chuckled. “I could see the escalation.”
You swore there was a small smile playing around the corners of Lena’s mouth.
“The thing is, Lena, I felt something when I saw us kissing. I might not remember what we had, and maybe I never will, but I still miss it. I miss us. And maybe, in time, we could rebuild all of this.”
Lena’s mouth dropped open.
“Really? Even after how I’ve treated you? Oh God, how I’ve treated you, I’m so sorry, (Y/N), but I was so scared...”
You interrupted her with a raised hand. “You can’t do this to me again, Lena. You can’t just leave me out of the loop. If we are to have a second chance for...well...us, we need you to be able to trust each other completely. I need you to tell me the truth, always, even if it hurts, even if you’re afraid, and you have to trust me when I say I know what I am getting into.”
Lena nodded frantically, under tears, but she was smiling as well. You weren’t surprised to feel your eyes burn as well. And suddenly, you didn’t know who initiated it, maybe it had been a shared impulse, the two of you closed the distance between each other and fell heavily into each others arms, sobbing tears of relief, joy, loss, fear, a bit of everything.
This would take time, you both knew it, and both of you still had wounds that were a long way from healing, but in this moment you refused to let each other go. This was a path you had to take together, after all.
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years
I just realized there are some asks left... The rest? 😉😄
Are you kidding me?!
Not what I meant when I said ‘ask me stuff I’m in the mood to answer questions’. 😂😂
1. The meaning behind my url:
I wanted S_Nebulosa or something but that was already taken… so I had to come up with something and somehow that’s how I came up with this. No deeper meaning.
3. How many tattoos I have and what they are:
One tattoo of 3 snowflakes.
5. Piercings I have:
I have pierced ears and that’s it.
7. Biggest turn offs:
When someone has a weird air/moves weird or something. Idk sometimes when I see someone I instantly know I dislike something about the way they move or hold themselves. It’s really vague and weird but it is what it is. Also being mean or rude. Cancelling stuff last minute for reasons like ‘also had plans with someone else’ because you could’ve just put stuff in your agenda and let me know before I was all hyped up and ready to meet… and chewing with an open mout.
9. Tattoos I want:
A star Katie drew but maybe with something else or made into a nice design or something.
11. Age:
13. Life goal:
Be happy, nice job, kid(s), spouse. Oh no! Have my parents come visit me instead of the other way around because I’m so independent and mature. That’s more attainable.
15. Relationship status:
17. A fact about my life:
You’re assuming I actually have a life?
I have too many hobbies and I’m too attached to them to quit anything but it’s also getting in the way of stuff like uni…
19. Middle name:
Don’t have one
21. Are you a virgin?
I’m a cancer
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
I’ve given up labelling myself. Or maybe accepted that I don’t want to label myself. I don’t know. I just use (umbrella term) gay. Also something on the asexual spectrum probably.
25. Someone you miss:
I honestly don’t really miss anyone.
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
First celebrity I think of when anyone says anything (positive) is Katie… what a surprise.
29. One insecurity:
Only one? I guess… my body
31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Like, quick peck on the lips? Or actual kiss kiss? The latter; no. The former; yes. In a play for a scene. And my sister, mom and grandma probably.
35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Maybe when I was little but not as a teen or adult.
37. Have you ever been dumped?
No, that’s the benefit of never having had a relationship.
39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
I don’t think I have.
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
No I didn’t really have anywhere to sneak off to and I wouldn’t dare anyway.
43. Have you ever been arrested?
No omg my mom would have me killed. (I know I’m an adult but my mom is still scary when she wants to.)
45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Well, I do occasionally manage to have friends. So, yes. If this question is meant as in, like, a booty call or something; then no.
47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbour?
No. I don’t really know my neighbours here and my parents’ neighbours are families with kids I used to babysit so that would’ve been very inappropriate and awkward. But thankfully I just didn’t seem to ‘do’ crushes until recently.
49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Yes. Is this supposed to be scandalous (for straight people)? I used to sleep in my mom’s bed with her when my dad was away for business (alternating nights with my sister and sometimes on the last night if it was an odd number of nights we both got to sleep there). And my sister has a double bed and sometimes I ‘sleep over’ with her in her bed. And I’ve shared double air mattresses with friends before for sleepovers and once on a school trip where the boat back had broken or something so we were sent to a hotel that only had double beds…
51. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yes, multiple times.
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
Probably not. That’s really late. Might’ve stayed in bed until 3 (or later) staring at the ceiling or spending time on my phone but I don’t think I ever managed to sleep until 3.
55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
I have.
57. Have you ever played dress up?
Yes, I used to love dressing up as a princess. We also have this (dumb, sorry, I’m opinionated) thing here where people dress up (not Halloween, we don’t celebrate that) in February or March. (It’s called carnaval.) In primary school we had to go dressed up on the Friday before.
59. Have you ever been lonely?
I’m a lot lonely and very often…
61. Have you ever been to a club?
Yes, I think so.
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
Maybe? Look at my memory failing me. Probably not because I think I’d have remembered and it would’ve freaked me out so much.
65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
No, goody two shoes, remember?
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Not a big one but on the way back from a holiday with friends some truck tried to merge into our lane by driving through our car. Didn’t work. Had some damage to the pain but mostly his own truck got damaged. Was a whole deal with the police and stuff and him not speaking any language any of us spoke… and I was a little shaken. But all ended well and insurance covered our damage. Or he did. I don’t know. It was my parents’ car. I handed them the papers we got from the police and they fixed it with insurance and stuff.
69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
Omg yes when I was like a super tiny kid. Maybe 3 or 4. (Wait, is a crime different than an offence or something? Idc. I want to tell this story now.) I vividly remember it because I was sitting in the car while my mom was packing the groceries in the trunk and a man took a woman’s bag/purse and ran away. She started yelling at him and chasing him and it spooked him so much he dropped it. It made a huge impression on me even though I probably made it bigger in my mind than it actually was.
71. Have you ever been lost?
Yes, at summer camp we were lost once during a night scavenger hunt/walk/quest thingy. I don’t know the translation. And because of my sublime sense of direction I get lost all the time and thanks to modern technology find my way again.
73. Have you ever felt like dying?
Like I was dying or like I wanted to die? Yes to one of those two.
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
I’ve played singstar or some equavalent before during birthday parties.
77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Damn no I’m glad I haven’t.
79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
81. Have you ever made out in a park?
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
I’m me so I must’ve. Definitely to paper but I don’t know if I glued it to something else ever.
85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
No, the least I’ve probably worn was shorts and a t-shirt (and underwear and socks and stuff).
87. Have you ever sat on a rooftop?
Yes, my internship had a rooftop terrace thingy.
89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Have I ever not been?? I’m usually too scared to even watch scary movies with other people…
91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
No and nowadays with phones and stuff, I would not appreciate it at all. That thing’s expensive and not water resistant.
93. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes, broke my thumb (not all the way through) and splintered off a tiny piece off bone in my pinky. Those are two separate occasions.
95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
I have
97. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Yes. In the second year of (Dutch) high school, my history teacher would not pay attention at all during tests and I didn’t like history tests because of all the dumb facts (that I now know can be really useful and give you an idea of when stuff happened in relation to other stuff). So, I had put my book on my lap. Also, during Spanish because we knew the test would be to write a letter so the entire class just pre-wrote it using google translate and printed it to tape it inside their dictionary. I did too.
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
No and this seems odd too because everyone is real… but maybe I just never feel like a person isn’t real but me meeting them isn’t real or something… idk
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Have you ever seen the movie Hard Day’s Night? nope. Are you a perfectionist? it depends what it is. usually i’m a perfectionist until i’m nearly done and leave it. Do you look like your mom? a little bit. you can definitely tell we’re related. When was the last time you overslept? the other day while i was sick in bed. Are you happy with your life at the moment? no.
If you could would you change something about yourself? i would change my lack of motivation. i wish i was more of a go getter. What would you do if you could do anything without failing? i’d reach for the damn stars and do so many projects. What time do you wake up in the morning? about 10am. Do you use your phone as an alarm? yes. Do you like to travel? i looooove travelling. What country do you live in? australia. What is your native language? english. When was the last time you got really angry? about a week ago. Do you have a younger brother or sister? yes. If so do/did they really get on your nerves? sometimes. moreso when we were younger. Have you ever felt like life was out of your control? not really. there’s no control but it’s not crazy. Does trusting others scare you? not really. i’m pretty closed off anyway. Name something that happened to you that was completely unexpected. eh, idk. that i got off work early tonight. If you could meet any famous person (dead or alive) who would you meet? beyonce. Do you have any piercings? ears and nose. Do you judge people that have multiple piercings? no. Do you dress up on Halloween? i have before but it’s not a big thing here. What is your favourite vegetable? broccoli. Do you like the snow? i’ve only seen it twice in life. Do you watch the Olympics? yes. What did you have for breakfast this morning? nothing. Do you like orange juice? yes, especially with pulp. Have you read the Bible? no. Do you think it’s cruel to keep an animal in a cage while you’re away? yeah. i’d never do it.  Is there anything you’re obsessed with? not really. Do you have a pet gecko? no. Are you scared of reptiles? i’m not really scared, just mindful. i think i’d be scared if i saw a snake in the wild though, no idea if they’re poisonous or not here. Is your car messy? yes. Do you think the world will end in 2012? 6 years later we’re still here. Have you ever seen the show 16 and Pregnant? maybe once or twice. Have you ever played a Nintendo Wii? yes. Do you buy expensive clothes? not usually. i have a couple expensive pieces but i’d rather buy more clothes that are cheaper. Do you play guitar? i used to. Does death scare you? not really. i’m more scared of a painful and long death rather than just dying in an instant. What are your current goals? get a new job, get my life on track, start a healthier lifestyle etc. Do you consider yourself a strong person? yes. a lot of it is because i tend to sweep my problems under a rug. Do you resent anyone? no. Do you drink alcohol often? not really. a couple times a month, if that. Do you have more girl or guy friends? a bit of both. What colour shirt are you wearing? black. Do you use your charm or intellect most? intellect. i feel like i lost my charm. Do you like cinnamon on your apple pie? sure. Do you clap or cheer when at a concert? both. i feel like no one claps anymore, everyone just screams. Do you ever make out shapes in the clouds? i have as a kid. What’s your favourite kind of cocktail? dark and stormy. Do you drink coffee? What brand? nope. Do you prefer coins or notes/bills? bills. Do you use a comb or brush? both. Cottage or Shepherd’s pie? shepherds. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches? yes. When you’re sick, do you actually still feel hungry or have an appetite? i can always eat. When you were younger, did you ever do that exclamation point that looked like an upside down triangle and had a really big dot? haha yes. You’re locked in a room with the person you last dated, any problems? nah. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? he’s my boyfriend. Could you see yourself marrying someone in your life right now? someday! Do you think things will change for you in the next few months? hopefully. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? yes. i hope so anyway. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? drugs lol. Do you prefer ily or i love you? i love you. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? irene. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? my boyfriend. Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over? ugh. i’d rather not get into it. Name one person you wish you could fix things with? no one. Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? nope. Did you go out or stay in last night? i stayed in. Have you ever fallen asleep while texting/replying to someone? yes. Where did your last hug take place? outside. Do you have any alcohol bottles in your room? i do. it’s full and sealed. i got it for my 19th bday lol. Have you ever turned to smoking or drinking to solve a problem? i smoke when i’m stressed. not drinking though. What’s bothering you right now? money. Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you? no. What are your plans for tomorrow? not sure yet. i think i’ll stay home so i don’t spend money lol. What are you listening to right now? i’m watching asia’s next top model while doing this. Was yesterday better than today? yes. Do you drink more apple or orange juice? neither. What time did you go to sleep last night? about 5am. Do you like waking up to new texts in the morning? yes. Are you nice to people you dislike? haha i just don’t talk to them. Was this summer a good one? i guess so. Do you have any plans for the weekend? kinda. How well do you know the last female you texted? (Who?) pretty well. she’s my sister. Have you had any beer this week? no. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? nah. i’m happy with my boyfriend. Do you want a girl or a boy as your first born? girl!! all girls lol. What’s something you need to get done? idk. a lot of stuff. What were you doing before this survey? doing another survey. Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? yeah but not badly. Do you wear your seat belt in the car? yes. What color are your sheets? green. How many kids do you plan on having? maybe two. Are you a patient person? not at all. Do you get mad when people smoke around you? nah. Is there someone you can talk to about anything? yes. Do you know anyone named Matt? yes. Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? haha duh. Have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? no. When will your next kiss be? tomorrow. Do you think relationships are hard? well they definitely aren’t easy. Do you think they are ever really worth it? yes. When were you last outside? about an hour ago.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Have you ever seen the movie Hard Day’s Night? No. Are you a perfectionist? Nope. Do you look like your mom? Yes. When was the last time you overslept? I don’t know. I haven’t had to get up at a certain time in a long time.
Are you happy with your life at the moment? Nopeee.
If you could would you change something about yourself? Oh yes. What would you do if you could do anything without failing? I’m not sure. I already feel like a failure because I’m not doing anything. What time do you wake up in the morning? Lately it’s been around 1. Sometimes later. Do you use your phone as an alarm? Yes.
Do you like to travel? I love it. What country do you live in? USA. What is your native language? English. When was the last time you got really angry? No idea. Do you have a younger brother or sister? Younger brother. If so do/did they really get on your nerves? He did sometimes when he was younger, as younger siblings tend to do. Have you ever felt like life was out of your control? That is how I feel. I don’t feel in control at all. Does trusting others scare you? Not really. Name something that happened to you that was completely unexpected. Hmm. I’m not sure. If you could meet any famous person (dead or alive) who would you meet? Alexander Skarsgård. Duh. Do you have any piercings? Yes, one in each earlobe. Do you judge people that have multiple piercings? No. Do you dress up on Halloween? Not anymore. What is your favourite vegetable? Broccoli. Do you like the snow? Yes. Do you watch the Olympics? Nope. What did you have for breakfast this morning? It’s only 1:51AM. I’m sure I won’t have breakfast, though. I always skip right to lunch since I sleep late. Sometimes I’ll still have breakfast even when I do sleep late, but generally I want lunch food. Do you like orange juice? Ew, no. Have you read the Bible? I do everyday. Do you think it’s cruel to keep an animal in a cage while you’re away? No. We had to with our dog for the first few months after we got her because she’d get into things if we weren’t here to keep an eye on her. It’s not cruel to do so. We didn’t leave her alone for a long time. Also, crates for dogs are like their own little area/den and some like it because It’s their own space. She slept in one, too, for the first few months. She no longer needs a crate, though. Is there anything you’re obsessed with? Yeah. Certain TV shows and movie franchises, giraffes, coffee... Do you have a pet gecko? No. Are you scared of reptiles? Yes. Is your car messy? I don’t have a car of my own since I don’t drive. Do you think the world will end in 2012? Apparently not. Have you ever seen the show 16 and Pregnant? Yeah. Have you ever played a Nintendo Wii? Yes. Do you buy expensive clothes? Not usually. Do you play guitar? Nope. Does death scare you? I’m just not ready to leave my loved ones. What are your current goals? I’m trying to do some things that I’m supposed to do and should have been doing for a long time and for the past few weeks I’ve actually been doing pretty good. I could still do better, but for me it’s a good start. I just want to continue doing that. That’s my main focus as of now. Do you consider yourself a strong person? No. Do you resent anyone? No. Do you drink alcohol often? I don’t drink at all. Do you have more girl or guy friends? I don’t have any friends anymore. I distanced myself and have been withdrawn for too long and messed all that up. What colour shirt are you wearing? Gray.
Do you use your charm or intellect most? Uhh. Do you like cinnamon on your apple pie? I don’t even like apple pie. I’m not a pie person. Do you clap or cheer when at a concert? Both. Do you ever make out shapes in the clouds? I have.
What’s your favourite kind of cocktail? None. Do you drink coffee? What brand? Duhhh. It’s a must. Do you prefer coins or notes/bills? Bills. Do you use a comb or brush? Brush. Cottage or Shepherd’s pie? Neither. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches? Nope. When you’re sick, do you actually still feel hungry or have an appetite? No. When you were younger, did you ever do that exclamation point that looked like an upside down triangle and had a really big dot? Nah. You’re locked in a room with the person you last dated, any problems? It would be super awkward. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? We don’t have any kind of relationship. It’s not on bad terms or anything it just doesn’t exist. Could you see yourself marrying someone in your life right now? There aren’t any guys in my life right now. Do you think things will change for you in the next few months? Not in the way I would like.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Ha, no. I don’t plan on ever getting married and I’m sure in 5 years I’ll still be single. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yes. Do you prefer ily or i love you? I love you.
Who was the FIRST person to text you today? No one has so far. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? You’ve asked about exes, so now I’ve thought about him. Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over? Yes. Name one person you wish you could fix things with? Ty. Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? No. Did you go out or stay in last night? Stayed in. Have you ever fallen asleep while texting/replying to someone? Yeah. Where did your last hug take place? In the kitchen, I think. Do you have any alcohol bottles in your room? No. Have you ever turned to smoking or drinking to solve a problem? When I used to drink I liked to forget about things for awhile even though I usually just ended up being even more sad. What’s bothering you right now? Nothing at this current moment. Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you? No. What are your plans for tomorrow? Rest and all the other stuff I always do. What are you listening to right now? KUWTK. Was yesterday better than today? It’s only 2:03AM so not much has happened yet today. Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Ew, I don’t like either one. What time did you go to sleep last night? Close to 5. Do you like waking up to new texts in the morning? I don’t care. Are you nice to people you dislike? Yes. Was this summer a good one? Nope. I mean, I enjoyed the few times I went to the beach and visiting with my grandparents but I just hate summer in general and I’m glad it’s almost over. We’re finally in September, ya’ll. We’re getting close. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Like I said, just rest and the same stuff I always do. How well do you know the last female you texted? (Who?) I know my mom quite well. Have you had any beer this week? Nope. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? No. Do you want a girl or a boy as your first born? I don’t even want kids. What’s something you need to get done? I need to drink this protein shake right now. What were you doing before this survey? Another one. Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? No.
Do you wear your seat belt in the car? Always. What color are your sheets? Like a light gray color. How many kids do you plan on having? Noneeeee. Are you a patient person? Not so much. I start to get really antsy and anxious pretty quickly. Do you get mad when people smoke around you? Yes. Is there someone you can talk to about anything? I could, yes. Do you know anyone named Matt? No. Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? Yep, when I was younger. Then I started hearing about the risk of salmonella and that stopped me from eating it. I haven’t had it in years. Have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? No. When will your next kiss be? I’m not psychic. No time soon. Do you think relationships are hard? They certainly can be. Do you think they are ever really worth it? Of course. When were you last outside? Tuesday evening.
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Captain America: Civil War
Time for a bunch of in-fighting!
Was there any significance to those code words?
Howard and Maria. :(
Freaking Runlow.
I read something about how they’re all being very bad at undercover, sitting around in sunglasses and hats. They’re being like actors undercover from paparazzi, not low-profile spies. Whoops.
Runlow’s team is kinda lucky the rubble from that crash didn’t block their entrance.
This is some top notch fighting from both Cap and Sam. Sam’s wings are super versatile.
Whee, Steve getting a telekinetic boost from Wanda!
Ohh, it’s Nat who used the motorcycle as a projectile in this one. Okay. I thought it happened at least twice.
Heeeey Cap’s shield is half covered in soot. Symbolism.
That blast was either going to kill everyone in the square or the people in that building. If it had been the former, it wouldn’t have been a big international crisis.
Aged-down Tony is easily the best of that kind of special effect we’ve ever seen. *suppresses memories of CG Leia*
I think that seminar was the first we've seen of the "philanthropist" part of billionaire genius playboy philanthropist. (Donating a collection of modern art to the Boy Scouts is too weird to count.)
Hi Dean Pelton.
Awkward actress recycling! But it was worth it. She’s so good as Mariah.
Vision’s social graces are so funny.
Uggggggh General Ross. Who is now Secretary of State.
Man that footage would’ve made Bruce so sad.
“For the last four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision.” Wait does that mean it’s been four years since Winter Soldier? This timeline is a freaking mess.
I know where Thor and Banner are!
Okay, Zimo talks about painstakingly decrypting the Hydra files Nat leaked on the internet, but did he start doing that before Ultron or after? How long has it been since Ultron?
Tony’s face.
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What makes this movie so good is that both Tony and Steve have very good points and multiple movies of backstory that brought them to those positions. The Tony of IM1 would’ve been anti-Accords, and the Steve from the ‘40s would’ve been pro-Accords, but here they are now. And the Accords were very inevitable after Ultron.
Noooo Peggy.
Headcanon: the non-Steve pall-bearers were Peggy’s son and grandsons.
“Plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say ‘No. You move.’”
I love that Nat’s priority is sticking together as a team, but she does get Steve’s position. (I mean obviously; she defects to his team halfway through.) Steve’s friendships with Nat and Sam are so wonderful.
Hey T’Challa!
Does the actor who plays T’Chaka have a glass eye? *internet research* Holy crap, he does. This is from John Kani’s IMDB page: Kani lost his left eye during a beating by South African police after returning home from a Broadway production of "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead", which was critical of Apartheid. He survived after being left for dead and subsequently won a 1975 Tony Award for his performance.
They did a really good job introducing T’Challa, and his arc in this movie is excellent.
Dangit Steve and Sharon would’ve kissed if Sam hadn’t interrupted.
More hats and sunglasses. You guys look real suspicious wearing hats and sunglasses INDOORS, especially when you start passing files around.
Man, Bucky just wants to buy some plums. Also, so cool that Seb got to go home to Romania and speak his native language for this bit.
Isn’t it easier to shoot out the lock than all three sets of hinges?
Bucky just came here to buy some plums and honestly he’s feeling so attacked right now.
So much multi-storey falling! I know these guys are all tougher than normal people but it’s still very stressful to watch!
These movies are always doing ridiculously cool things with motorcycles.
Rhodey makes a pretty good enforcer.
Vis and Wanda are adorable. But the conversation about the Mind Stone is really painful now.
The heck?! Tony thinks Wanda is unstable enough to cause another “incident” just by going to the store? Do Tony and Wanda still dislike each other or something? I guess they never reconciled over the whole thing where his tech killed her parents and she used her powers against him.
A fancy pen is not a convincing argument, Tony.
Steve was so ready to be thrilled for Tony if he and Pepper were gonna have a baby!
Tony just called Wanda a weapon of mass destruction. Either he’s playing devil’s advocate or he’s being really unsympathetic right now.
Bucky! Plug your ears and go LALALALALA!
I like how every time someone does the sleeper activation codes, he walks around Bucky in a circle. Is that part of it or just a cool filming thing?
Aaaaargh that elevator shaft fall.
Tony’s face when Bucky fires his gun into his glove.
Nat’s signature move is useless against Bucky.
RECOGNIZE YOU FROM WHEN?! The mission he foiled, or something else? I must know. Please answer this question, Black Widow movie.
Okay. The helicopter thing. It does not make sense. It should’ve just lifted Steve right off the ground. It is capable of carrying several passengers. One dude hanging onto it when there’s only a single occupant would not weigh it down. The part where he holds onto the railing and keeps it from flying away does work, though.
Heeeeey the scene with Bucky’s arm in the clamp is the exact midpoint of the movie. I don’t know why I find that interesting, but suddenly I very much want to analyze the significance of these moments. This one is a major turning point. The revelation of other Winter Soldiers. Team Cap now has an urgent mission.
Tony has an arc reactor scar!
HI PETER! *hug attacks him*
I love every single second of Peter’s intro scene.
“It’s a long story. I was—” “Lordy! Can you even see in these!” Bahaha, Tony cut off even a conversation of origin story.
Okay, the moment Tony leaned forward while Peter was talking obliquely about great power and responsibility. That was when he became emotionally invested in this kid. They’re both motivated by a sense of guilt and obligation.
Wanda and Clint’s methods for getting past Vision makes their team lose a bit of high ground.
Steve and Sharon’s kiss could’ve been handled less like an afterthought, but the reason I’m still cool with it is Sam and Bucky’s reactions.
How’d these three big dudes end up in a little VW Beetle anyway?
Hahaha, each team has a fanboy on it. Scott on Team Cap and Peter on Team Iron Man.
“Thinks for thanking of me!”
Yessss. Airport fight.
Um, why did Tony not even pause when Cap mentioned the other five Winter Soldiers?
Oh Peter I love you so much. And I love that Tom has this rivalry with Anthony and Seb in all the behind the scenes stuff.
“He also said I should go for your legs.” Man this is almost a vine reference.
Scott in Tony’s suit is hilarious.
Scott’s reaction to becoming Giant-Man is probably the single greatest two seconds in the movie.
Man, Clint just wants to make new friends, but T’Challa isn’t interested in this Avenger nonsense.
More tasing!
100%, Peter is trolling these geezers by pretending he’s not a gigantic Star Wars nerd.
It took me several watches to realize that when Scott says “Does anyone have any orange slices,” he’s making a reference to little league sports, and how the moms bring orange slices for after the games.
Tony went to check on Peter even though they hadn’t caught Steve and Bucky yet!
Rhodey’s fall is horrific. And the way they frame it so that you only see the ground when he hits it. Agonizing.
Part of me thinks Rhodey should’ve died right there, but there is rather a lot of precedent for falls not being fatal if you’re in an Iron Man suit. And if he’d died, I don’t think they ever would’ve been able to get past this split. Getting kinda paralyzed is an acceptable compromise.
“Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?” Okay that is a really interesting line. Tony is being pretty egotistical about the concept of surrendering accountability to the UN. He has been rather bad at considering alternatives. Admittedly, he’s on the clock, and then worse people will go after his friends, but he’s allowing for zero nuance here. He knows these people. He knows they don’t do things without good reasons. Steve was right that you can’t let accidents stop you from doing the right thing. Tony is letting it cripple him.
Tony is practically on Team Cap at this point, with the secretly flying after him and all.
Hahaha, Nat has a labeled gun rack. And Bucky is using her guns!
I’m freaking pissed at the trailer for this movie. It would have been a very good twist that instead of going to Siberia to fight five more Winter Soldiers, they were walking into a trap where the in-fighting was about to become far more personal. But I didn’t get to experience that twist, because the trailer includes shots of Tony fighting Bucky and Steve in this location. That trailer made me stop watching trailers entirely for over a year. I do think trailers can be good so you know at least the type of movie you’re about to see, but they should not give away stuff like this. I think Marvel has gotten better at that since then.
Okay, so it’s been over a year since Ultron.
Green is not a flaw in blue eyes, jerk. It’s cool.
Surveillance cameras don’t usually have sound. But oh boy this is devastating.
This moment. Tony coming apart and attacking Bucky. This is exactly the same thing that Peter Quill does to Thanos. This is the reason Tony figures out what Peter’s about to do before he does it and tries to get him to stop and think. But he knows pretty well that there’s no stopping and thinking in a situation like this.
Zimo is a lot like Frank Castle, except that his family died as accidental collateral damage, not a targeted setup.
“The living are not done with you yet.” Such a great line.
“I could do this all day.” Tony has taken the role of the bully from the first one now.
I think for a second, Tony was legit afraid Steve was going to kill him. But Steve was never the one driven to that point. This still does not count as Steve having a dark side.
Okay, Steve dropping the shield was pretty much a concession. You don’t want me using the shield your dad made if my best friend killed him? Fair enough.
Tony trolling Secretary Ross will never stop being funny.
Okay, on the whole, while I sympathize more with Cap, I think I’m actually on Team Iron Man when it comes to the Accords. The Accords are an overcorrection of long-running problem. There should have been oversight this entire time, and I think the idea is that SHIELD was that oversight until Winter Soldier. Steve didn’t want to be the dupe of a corrupt system again, so he no longer tolerated oversight, but that really can’t be his call. How transparent are the Avengers being about their missions? He doesn’t run around saving people from street thugs, he does military-style operations all around the world. That’s not the kind of thing anyone should be able to make unilateral decisions about. He’s doing what Tony used to do in his solo films. But now that the PR has gotten bad enough and the novelty of superheroes has worn off, suddenly everyone realizes it’s not a great plan to let them run around unsupervised.
But Cap’s side of the argument is valid too. Superheroes save the world. Collateral damage is a much better outcome than what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been there. Obadiah would’ve continued supplying both sides of conflicts in the Middle East, stoking the fires of war for his own gain. Red Skull would’ve blown up most of the major cities in the US and taken over. Killian would’ve had the world on its knees with his scam. Malekith would’ve destroyed all the nine realms. Loki would’ve taken Earth. Hydra would’ve wiped out anyone who could challenge their reign of terror with Project Insight. Etc. Some of the villains rose up as consequences of the heroes (Ivan, Ultron, and Zimo, for instance), but most of the threats exist independent of the heroes’ actions, which is why we need heroes.
After how much I’ve loved Tony in all the movies so far (though he was a bit iffy in Ultron), I was really surprised by how many moments he has of being kind of a jerk in Civil War. But it doesn’t make me dislike him. This is his guilt complex on overdrive. And losing it over finding out about how his parents died is heartbreaking. But the most redeeming thing for him in the movie is Peter Parker. He recognized a similar guilt-based motivation in Peter while they talked, and in that moment, he became extremely protective of this kid. He brings him in because he knows he’s got a really handy method of incapacitating people without harming them. He’s not recklessly endangering a child, because he knows none of the Avengers will use lethal force. And his concern for Peter’s well-being is actually what costs him victory in the airport fight. He could’ve apprehended Steve and Bucky, but instead he had to make sure Peter was okay.
So...if Thor and Bruce had been in this. Thor wouldn’t be cool with being beholden to Midgardian governments. He cooperates as a courtesy, but he doesn’t actually answer to Earth authority. And I’m pretty sure he’d be very sympathetic to Steve about Bucky, given that it’s a rather similar situation to him and Loki. Bruce, on the other hand, has never felt confident about his ability to stay in control, and he was a major source of collateral damage in multiple countries in Ultron, not to mention the extra footage Ross showed the team. He’d probably think Bucky needs to be under guard for the same reason. I think he’d not only side with Tony but be relieved that Tony was on the side of the Accords. However, you really can’t have two powerhouses like Thor and Hulk in this fight. On their own, they could demolish the entire opposing team. The only option would be to keep them fighting each other the whole time, which would be kind of lame. Much better for them to have a gladiator battle on trash planet where no on else can steal their thunder. (I am not sorry.)
My mind is pretty much blown by how well the MCU has traveled the path from the first few movies to here, and from here to Infinity War. The Avengers have pretty much been getting broken down since Ultron. This was where they fell apart. Infinity War is the consequences of falling apart.
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all-cursed · 4 years
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[    i.    STATS   ]
NAME.  bobo del rey , also known as robert svane . 
AGE. somewhere around 171; number provided via mathematics i did between a combination of the actors’ ages and doc’s mentions of his age/how long he was stuck in the well . the math may or may not be correct and i honestly don’t care enough to try and do it again .
DOB.  september 23, exact year unknown .
GENDER. cis male  :  prefers he/him or they/them pronouns .
PREF. pansexual
SPECIES.  human turned revenant .
RESIDENCE.  the  ghost  river  triangle  .
OCCUPATION. outside his stint as the owner of Shorty’s, his financial endeavours tend to be a little more under the table .
ETHNICITY.  swedish, danish, norwegian... most of his blood comes from that general area .
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[    ii.     INTROSPECTION    ]
POSITIVE TRAITS.   resolute ,  patient (how else would someone spend over fifteen years trying to find some lady’s dead children bones) ,  passionate ,   dedicated ,  perceptive ,   eloquent .
NEUTRAL TRAITS.  quick-witted ,  clever ,  irreverent , amoral .
NEGATIVE TRAITS.  hedonistic , short tempered , unforgiving , apathetic toward most things , self-interested (not quite the word i was looking for but when he sets his mind to a goal/decides that someone is in his inner circle, he’ll do anything to achieve/protect said things even to the detriment of others and this word is the closest i could find) .
DISLIKES. being rushed  &  law enforcement & comic books & ignorance/ignorant people & being under someone else’s authority  & having to repeat himself & hell flashbacks &  poker games &  cheap alcohol; he’ll drink it but he has a heavy preference toward the pricier stuff & interruptions of any sort & having to switch things up mid-plan & having to rely on others for anything & most sweets & neon colours &  thinking about his past & being cornered .
LIKES. expensive liquors &  lounging in the sun &  birds & organic materials for clothing; so furs, leathers, metals, etc. & accessorising (the amount of rings and bracelets alone that he has squirreled away is insane) &  neutral and earth tone colours & having all eyes on him/being able to give off a commanding presence &  at the same time he also values his privacy &  physical activities and how he feels after doing them & getting in the last word &  dawn or dusk walks & burning incense & avant garde jazz & 'experimental’ fashion (look at this man’s outfits in this show and tell me i’m wrong) & cigarettes and bourbon & flirting & the ocean .
HOBBIES. chess & puzzle boxes/rings &  origami & wood whittling & walks on the outskirts of town & he journals but it’s less for fun and more to keep track of everything he has going on & learning things .
WEAKNESSES. he has a hard time garnering any sort of sympathy for anyone/anything outside of his inner circles/soft spots & willa earp is one of his weaknesses because of how important she is to him and i will die on this hill & his short temper & his amorality means that his loyalties can and often do shift which leaves him with few he can steadily count on .
STRENGTHS. has a way about him that makes networking and forming connections extremely easy for him &  can be very persuasive when need be & once he sets his mind on a plan/task it takes a lot to get him to give up on it & has the ability to play the long game; isn’t impatient for results right away .
HABITS. he’s very expressive with his hands; like, very expressive &  will stroke his beard when he’s deep in thought (or pretending to be) & that thing he does where he kind of clacks his teeth together like he’s biting the air?? look he does it multiple times and i still don’t know how to describe it & has a habit of staring at people  &  leans back or lounges in chairs whenever possible & when nervous/thoughtful he’ll chew at the edges of his fingernails and/or spin the rings on his fingers .
EDUCATION. before he became a revenant, he was fairly well educated; about as well educated as anyone could be back then. he finished school and while he didn’t go to college, he did a lot of book reading before everything with wyatt began to get out of control. the fascination with/desire to learn about the world followed him even when he became a revenant - though often, his research now is done with an intention to learn information that might serve him well in the future.
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[  iii.     APPEARANCE     ]
FACECLAIM.  the beautiful michael eklund .
HEIGHT.  6 ‘ 0 ” .
EYES. a keen, watchful cobalt blue at most times - though when in use of his powers, or simply when he chooses to let them appear, his eyes will glow a fiery golden orange ringed with black . dark circles beneath them , long eyelashes, and generally a look that seems like it can pierce your soul .
EYEBROWS.   fairly average , again , there isn’t much to say about eyebrows . though small parts of his are white to match the partially white patch in his beard .
HAIR.  generally kept short in various mohawk styles ;  can be slightly wavy at times depending on the humidity in the air .  he keeps it short in such a manner that makes it easy to keep it styled , either smoothed back or shaped into a simple mohawk . there have been phases in his life where his hair grew out messy and long - dark brown streaked with white . if i recall, for a while after his return from Hell it was entirely white - whether from his own doing or from some effect of Hell I’m not sure yet.
SCARS.  a few long scars run down his back parallel to the curvature of his spine; they glow when in the presence of peacemaker or when he’s allowing his more demonic features to show . he has a variety of other scars; one faint one that slashes through one eye that is barely noticeable now; several across his abdomen and chest , some from bullets and some from sharper edges than those . he also sports scars from a knife that went through his hand and in certain verses , he has scars from the really nasty impaling he dealt with when fighting with jeremy and doc . 
DRESSING STYLE.  experimental . he tends to lean toward materials like leather or furs or metals (in the case of his jewelry anyway) . it’s not all he wears but it’s definitely the case with his favourite clothing items (the fur coat, leather pants, etc.) . tends to lean toward neutral or earthy tones and isn’t much for flashy , bright colours . wears lots of accessories as well , primarily rings and bracelets but also pendants on occasion .
LIPS.  i really don’t know how to describe lips, i’m sorry , lol . 
SKIN.  lightly tanned from time spent out in the sun ; he has an average but leanly muscled build , not overly hairy but not quite smooth either . pays careful attention to his facial hair and makes sure to take decent care of it . most of his body is covered in scars , some more noticeable than others , some verse dependent , but every version of him has quite a few regardless . 
CHEEKS. average cheekbones , doesn’t blush easily or often . 
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[    iv.     ABILITIES    ]
LANGUAGES SPOKEN. english  [ fluent ] ,  latin  [ a bit here and there ] , swedish [ a few phrases ] .
THREAT LEVEL.  moderate to high .
WEAPONS.  he can and does use anything around him as a weapon when needed . he isn’t afraid to get down and dirty - or play unfair .  that said , he is fond of simply using his own two hands to inflict the damage he needs to inflict . that or his magic powers . 
MAGIC. he has control over anything metal ; that means he can send anything metal coming at him - bullets , knifes, etc. - back at the other person or wherever he so wishes , amongst other things. generally speaking, if you’re on bobo’s bad side , you do not want to enter his presence with anything metallic on your person .
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[   v.   DETAILS   ]
➣➣ little is known about bobo’s younger years as robert svane - his family, etc. - and he sure as fuck isn’t going to tell anyone unless you’re very close . what is known is that he was a fairly quiet student and person in general, and got through school with little to no problems. chances were he had a fairly average childhood .  
➣➣ later on down the line, robert svane - as bobo was previously known - met wyatt earp and the two of them became fairly close friends. while he didn’t spend as much time actively in the field as wyatt or doc holliday did, he and wyatt stayed in close touch and spent time together in town often.  when wyatt left the area on one mission or another, the two would correspond via letters from wherever robert happened to be at the time. 
➣➣ then things began to go downhill. the nonstop snowballing of bad luck culminated in a battle between wyatt earp and the demon sheriff clootie - who took robert to use as a human shield. dedicated to the same cause and beliefs that wyatt held, robert told him to take the shot regardless, even though it would mean the bullet would go through him first. wyatt did. robert ended up in the local church nearby alone after that - perhaps on a search for help for his injuries - and bleeding out. 
➣➣ before dying, the demon clootie had cast a curse on the earp family - and on those killed by the earps, which meant that when he died, robert would be damned to hell along with the rest of the victims of peacemaker. one of the demon’s brides, constance, who told him such news, said that doc holliday - who was currently trapped in a well - had the third seal of bulshar’s entombment and that if robert went to the well, he could trick doc into giving him the ring. in the end, doc refused to give up the ring that gave him his own immortality and instead of rescuing him, robert, bitter of wyatt’s loyalty to doc first and foremost, left him in the well. as such, he eventually died (in wynonna’s arms.... yeah there’s a whole other flashback thing i’m not going into here), and was sent to hell.
➣➣ as foretold, he came back as a revenant. the years in hell had worn him down and down until very little of his former virtues remained above surface, all dormant and buried. somewhere along the line, ward earp became the heir. when waverly earp was born - to another father, but with the same mother - bobo came across them and, thinking waverly was the angel who had been with him when he died, kept his word to protect her, following her mother’s wishes and taking her to ward. he ordered ward to take care of waverly, and that if he ever harmed her, he would answer to bobo. 
➣➣ bobo kept watch on the earp family for some time afterward, eventually becoming waverly’s ‘imaginary friend’. around this time he decided to strike a deal with ward: bobo would make sure that the earp family remained safe but only if ward crossed the Ghost River Triangle border with him, effectively freeing bobo from the confinements of purgatory. ward agreed, but was accidentally shot during a raid on the homestead by the other revenants. the next heir was set to be willa, who was dragged away by revenants - revenants that bobo stopped in order to protect willa, who he hid away in a treehouse where the others wouldn’t find her. he watched over her as she grew, along with - unfortunately - constance clootie, whom he still needed to work with.
➣➣ unfortunately, clootie eventually erased all of willa’s memories and hid her away from bobo, in essence forcing him to work for her in order to ever see willa again, and, consequently, to be able to escape the Ghost River Triangle. it’s around this timeframe that the events of 1x01 begin to happen.
             [ MORE TO COME THROUGHOUT                                               CHARACTERIZATION DEVELOPMENT ]
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arlostrider-blog · 7 years
How would the Homestuck alpha trolls and kids respond to a thunderstorm?
Why the heck not? :)
Kankri: Kankri isn’t phased by thunderstorms at all unlike his descendant. He often cancels the sermons to avoid triggering people who are afraid of thunderstorms and finds himself ranting to Cronus about how cruel it is to tease people have Astraphobia, seeing as the sea dweller likes to make fun of Mituna for it.
Damara: Damara is another troll who doesn’t really care about thunderstorms, the only thing she dislikes about them is that she can’t go outside while smoking because the rain will put out her cigarette.
Rufioh: Rufioh comes off as strong, confident and honestly a little cocky. Unlike Dave who has a cool nature but is afraid of thunderstorms, Rufioh isn’t affected by them at all. The only downside to them for him is that he can’t fly in the rain and is forced to walk wherever he needs to go. It does give him an excuse to pick up chicks however if he brings along an umbrella. 
Mituna: Mituna being the innocent soul that he is (apart from the cursing and dirty jokes) is both curious about thunderstorms and afraid of them. Kurloz looks after him most of the time like a human baby sitter, but one time when he was hanging out with Latula he ran outside without his helmet on and tripped, skidding across the concrete and almost hurting himself as horribly as he did when he overworked his psiioniic abilities. He isn’t allowed to go outside in the rain anymore.
Meulin: Much like Nepeta, Meulin’s cat like behavior causes her to react badly to thunderstorms. She can’t hear the thunder outside, but she can definitely see the lightning. Kurloz will usually watch movies with her with the subtitles on to distract her from the lightning.  
Porrim: Porrim hates thunderstorms, but not because she is afraid of them, because it messes up her hair and forces her to walk with an umbrella to protect her perfectly brushed hair. She’s also been known to yell “SHUT UP I’M TRYING TO+ GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP” out of her window when she’s trying to sleep and it’s storming outside. 
Latula: Latula is another troll that dislikes thunderstorms, but isn’t afraid of them. She hates thunderstorms because Mituna is afraid of them and she wants to comfort him but she isn’t his moirail, and nothing really helps. She also hates it because she can’t skate in the rain.
Aranea: Aranea loves thunderstorms, they’re a perfect background noise when she’s reading a long book and hoping to drift off to sleep eventually. She also loves them because Meenah is a big goof and likes to do stupid stuff in the rain outside of Aranea’s window.
Horuss: Horuss isn’t really affected by thunderstorms, but likes to watch lightning strike and rain pour down outside to pass time when he has nothing better to do, sitting in a chair with a mug full of hot tea. 
Kurloz: Kurloz doesn’t mind thunderstorms personally, but hates how much they scare both Meulin and Mituna. He usually plays the human “Monopoly” with the both of them to distract them if he can and communicates using sign. He uses most of his time human babysitting Mituna trying to teach him the language. 
Cronus: Cronus tries to act like couldn’t give a damn about anything, especially not weather. The only things he worries about is his cigarette getting put out and his hair getting messed up. He’s pretty much just a combination of Damara and Porrim when it comes to thunderstorms. He teases a lot of the trolls about their fear of thunderstorms, but only because he himself is actually afraid of them. He tries really hard to hide it, but if you’ve known him for long enough you know he isn’t a fan. 
Meenah: Meenah loves thunderstorms and loves to go outside and goof around in the rain. You wouldn’t expect a bad beac)( like the sea princess Meenah to like stuff like this, but she enjoys it so much she can’t keep up her act. She’s been spotted by multiple trolls and humans just running around in the rain.
Dirk: Dirk thinks rain is awesome for dramatic affect in arguments and for making himself look hotter. He usually walks down the street during a thunderstorm and ends up with a see through shirt afterwards. The only thing he doesn’t like is that it rusts his swords and he has to collect all of the swords he’s left outside to make sure they don’t get all rusty. 
Roxy: Roxy doesn’t mind thunderstorms, but she always complains about having to keep a hissing Mutie inside all night. Even though she doesn’t drink as much nowadays, she definitely needs at least a glass of wine to deal with her cats whining.
Jane: Jane is easily startled, especially when it comes to loud noises. She isn’t necessarily afraid of thunderstorms, she’s just known to drop anything and everything she is holding if she hears thunder. Once she dropped a hot tray of muffins onto her foot and burnt it really badly because of the thunder storm going on outside. 
Jake: Jake is a lover of thunder storms and often goes on adventures in the rain like Aradia. Nothing is better than an English dude standing on a slippery rock with a see through shirt and two pistols in the middle of no where, am I right?
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