#like i absolutely adore my players and i love the story I'm telling
lesbedilfvriska · 2 years
Ugh. Brain get better at DMing challenge.
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galedekarios · 10 months
gale & his mother, morena dekarios
i thought it'd be nice to have a place to compile everything i could find about gale's mother, morena dekarios.
the first time you as the player get a vague mention about gale's parents is after saving mirkon, when gale brings up a story about his parents denying him a kitten when he was still a child:
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Gale: One time my parents denied me akitten, so I summoned myself a tressym.
if you play a gale origin playthrough, you get a mention of her much earlier from tara, after she joins the camp.
this is a camp dialogue with its variants from act i:
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Tara the Tressym: Well, if it isn't my favourite fellow himself. Player: How are things back in Waterdeep? Tara the Tressym: More or less the same - though news of some mad faction calling themselves 'Absolutists' is starting to trickle in. Tara the Tressym: I told your mother not to worry. That if they were anything to worry about, Baldur's Gate would handle things quick-sharp. Keep them from spreading their tendrils north. She still wants to know when she'll see you again, sir. I avoid giving any answers. But she misses you. Player: I miss her too. Tara the Tressym: I'll tell her. With my Cat Flap of Displacement, I can afford the occasional visit. I'd bring you along, if I could. Perhaps some day. - Player: I can't risk putting her in danger. Tara the Tressym: I know that, but she doesn't. She'd keel over if she knew just how you'd tried to manipulate the Weave. Or maybe she'd just say something like, 'My Gale always was one to make the impossible possible.' Oh, but she adores you. - Player: No more guilt trips, Tara. Please. Tara the Tressym: But then whatever will we talk about? Anyhow - I'm keeping my senses pricked for any sign of another item that might be of use to you. Hopefully something will turn up soon.
it's clear from the dialogue that gale's mother worries about him and loves him - adores him, really.
it also becomes clear that she doesn't know what happened to gale and that he nor tara has not told her.
another mention from act i, again from tara:
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Tara the Tressym: Please tell me you've at least made inroads when it comes to finding someone to settle down with. Myself and Mrs Dekarios are starting to think you intend to die alone. Player: You've been visiting my mother? Tara the Tressym: Naturally. After you abandoned her, there was only me left to keep her company. She's very good company, though. Ah, the stories we've traded over toast and tea. You're a highly entertaining source of speculation. But speculation only goes so far! Tell me, Mr Dekarios - how have you been?
tara and morena are implied to have tea together regularly enough to trade stories about gale. tara is implied to be a sort of messenger between the two of them, likely after gale's isolation and subsequent abduction by the nautiloid, keeping morena informed, yet without revealing gale's secret and shame.
the devnotes also state that tara loves morena - high praise since other devnotes states that tara hates everyone except gale - and that she talks of her in an affectionate tone.
this is a dialogue in act ii after mystra has tasked gale to use the orb the moment he finds the heart of the absolute:
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Tara the Tressym: Promise me, Gale. Promise me you'll find another way. Promise me you'll return home, when this is all over. Player: I can't make that promise, Tara. Tara the Tressym: You're going to kill me. And your mother. And then there'll be no one to mourn you when you've wasted yourself for no good reason at all.
i find it very interesting here in terms of other relationships that tara explicitly says that there will be no one to mourn gale except morena and her should he heed mystra's instructions and sacrifice himself. it speaks of the bond between tara, morena and gale - but also even more of gale's isolation and loneliness. we know from tara that she considers herself to be gale's only old friend and gale echoes as much. we also know that gale describes the dekarios family as the dekarios clan, that is "scattered" far and wide.
at the same time, the loud silence about gale's father becomes really apparent again. a while ago, i speculated about gale's father and i truly do still think that he abandoned morena and gale.
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another snippet from an act ii convo, before gale reveals the details of elminster's letter to tara (or chosing to keep it to himself):
Tara the Tressym: I'm not one to pry. I'd rather make up all the juicy details myself over tea with your mother.
which again ties in with a similar line from act i, further cementing the fact that this is a regular thing between tara and morena.
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still in act ii, tara says this if gale asks her if she'll still love him if he is a mindflayer:
Player: Will you love me when I'm a mind flayer? Tara the Tressym: Depends. Are mind flayers warm-blooded? If so, my prize napping spot on your lap won't be compromised. In which case, I suppose we could find an accord. And, of course, your mother would still think you a prince, no matter how many tentacles you had. And with a nautiloid, you may even manage to visit her more often.
again, gale's mother truly adores him. tara is utterly convinced she'd love him even if he'd turn into a mind flayer. at the same time, the dialogue again hammers home the fact that gale's been keeping his distance from his mother after he has acquired the orb.
the following lines are a compilation of some of tara's lines from act iii, all once again stating that she is a messenger between gale and morena, keeping morena informed about gale's well-being, while also looking after morena in gale's absence from waterdeep:
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Tara the Tressym: You're almost at the end of this, Gale. You're nearly there. And not a moment too soon. Myself, I must away to Waterdeep. Your mother will be worried silly not to have heard from either of us - and now I can bring her the good news. When this is all over I'll be waiting for you, with a crackling fire and good book at the ready. Good luck, darling. - Tara the Tressym: I'm well past due to return to Waterdeep. I'm going to tell your mother that you'll be home soon. Don't make a liar of me, darling. - Tara the Tressym: I'll have to make up some good news for your dear mother, then. I'm going home, Gale. To look after Mrs Dekarios, and to remind you that there are people waiting for you in Waterdeep.
going back to companion gale, the next mention of gale's mother after saving mirkon, is from gale in an ambient with karlach:
Gale: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep? Karlach: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say... a long way away.devnote Gale: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. No matter - what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway.
it echoes the lines of dialogue that origin gale has, believing he endangers his mother with his condition and thus keeping his distance.
gale mentions his mother in an act iii dialogue after meeting tara on the rooftop of the open hand temple:
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Gale: My tower in Waterdeep boasts an excellent kitchen and a wine cellar to rival Ondal himself. Not to mention a larder stocked with my homemade hundur sauce. Player: Hundur sauce? Gale: A Waterdhavian delicacy, spiced to leave exactly the right amount of heat lingering on the tongue, and served with that most sharp-toothed of aquarian residents, the quipper fish. I make it to my mother's recipe. It packs quite a wallop. As does she.
we know that gale's the designated camp cook from a conversation with wyll, and i think the conversation makes it fair to assume that gale's mother taught him how to cook.
still, maybe it's because i'm not a native english speaker and i might be missing some cultural context here, but the line "it packs quite a wallop. as does she." stuck out to me:
wallop. to hit something / someone hard.
this could mean that gale's seen her hit someone and packing quite a punch behind it. with what's been described of morena so far, i doubt it's because gale's ever been on the receiving end of that.
or perhaps it's less literal and more in relation to her seemingly larger than life personality that gale also hints at later, describing his mother as "intimitable" and "sometimes unavoidable". this description is from the following conversation that is currently sadly still bugged:
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Player: So your last name is Dekarios? Gale: It is. Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios. It's been so long since I've used it. 'Gale Dekarios' cut a poor figure next to the wizard prowess of 'Gale of Waterdeep'. Player: Gale Dekarios... I think I like him more. Gale: You like to many things about me I'd have sooner discarded... Your generosity is quite wonderful. Gale Dekarios likes you too. Very, very much. Though let's keep his exitence between ourselves for now. - Player: Doesn't your matter mind? Gale: Oh, she's happy if I'm happy. Morena couldn't care one jot what I call myself. Tara's the real stickler for using it. Has done since I summoned her. I'd prefer you not follow her exmaple, if that's all the same to you. 'Gale' is more than sufficient. - Player: You're right. Just 'Gale is better. Gale: I agree. And on the plus side, if I get myself into any truly cataclystic straits during the remainder of our journey, my family name will go untarnished.
i love this banter so much and it makes me very sad that larian still hasn't fixed the issue of it not triggering. there's so much lore to explore here:
from gale dropping 'dekarios' in favour of 'of waterdeep', at first, to appear perhaps more grandiose, more suited to the ambitions he held when he was younger, to morena, apparently, not minding it, yet tara clinging to 'dekarios' (perhaps to keep gale's feet on solid ground as much as she could), to finally finding out that the reason that the gale we meet now is not using 'dekarios' still is because he doesn't wish to tarnish his family name should he indeed fall victim to the orb.
the last mention gale makes of his mother is during his act iii post final battle dialogue, in which he proposes to the player:
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Gale: That being said, I wondered if you might consider accompanying me back to Waterdeep as a new member of the Dekarios clan? Player: Are you asking me to marry you? Gale: I suppose I am. Tara would be delighted. Not to mention my mother. But I'd be just as happy without such ceremony, so long as we're together.
this again mirrors what tara has been saying in her dialogue with an origin gale in act i: that morena and her were hoping he would find someone to find happiness with.
i think overall, even with only the very few bits and pieces we learn of morena, it's easy to tell that she truly loves and adores and cares her son, and that that love and care is clearly echoed back from gale to morena.
still, or perhaps more likely because of that love, gale keeps his secrets and his distance to morena because of the orb and the shame he feels he brought to his family.
it's all too easy to imagine that he wishes her to be proud of him and that he feels he has disappointed her and given her little reason to be proud of him in the same vein that he feels he has done with tara:
Gale: She'd [Tara] be most impressed by our efforts saving these tieflings. Proud, even. And I've given her little to be proud of recently.
anyhow, i hope i caught all mentions and that this was helpful to someone. 🖤
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gavisfanta · 5 months
hii i love ur story's sm☺️☺️
but i was wondering if you can do a instagram with gavi? with the story!!☺️☺️
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summary: you tried your hardest to hide it, but your dog gave it away
warnings: noneee
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Finally back in Barcelona 🫶🏻🫶🏻 missed my home
liked by random and 829,829 others.
random: i hope you enjoyed your spain roadtrip❤️❤️
random: youre so pretttyyyy
random: girly i love you but Colleen Hoover is not it.
random: i think it ends with us is good
random: i hope ill see you
random: where is that?
random: she said it in the caption, barcelona
random: no but where in barcelona
random: barceloneta i think
yourbestie: I MISS YOU
yourinsta: I MISS YOU TOO
random: so cuteee
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feliz dia de Saint Jordi!!!!! 💞💞
liked by yourbestie and 299,619 others.
random: that bear is so adorable😍
yourbestie: who's that hot chick in that first pic??? 😍😍😍
yourinsta: awww❤️
random: can we switch bodies?
random: frr
random: ouuu who are those gifts from...
random: 😍😍
random: youre so prettyyyy
random: her and gavi would actually fit together as a couple
random: I SEE IT I SEE IT
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do you guys think he will be mad at me??? 🫠
liked by random 508,729 and others.
yourbestie: yeah honey i dont know but that perfume costs 200 euros....
yourinsta: its okay... ill just tell him that it was an accident...😬😬😬
random: WHO IS HE?!??!?!?!
random: okay but her pics>>>
random: i wish i was you
random: im atill not giving up about my theory with her and Gavi
random: im with you
random: YOU. ARE. SO. PRETTY.
random: 😍😍😍
random: can you check the dm i sent you??
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< BCN 3
liked by pablogavi and 999,629 others.
random: love the fit girly
random: i was there yesterday
random: where is your jacket from??
random: girl i get that you post gavi cause.....
random: im tired of hiding how fine he is
random: dont hide it. 🤷‍♀️
ferrantorres: 🤣
random: lmaoo what ferran??
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i love acting like a tourist and going into all the souvenir shops
liked by pablogavi and 729,829 others.
random: GAVI LIKED AGAIN!??!?!?!
random: you are so prettyy 😍😍
random: the tourist shops are the best lmao
ferrantorres: he said he likes the third pic 🤣🤣
random: who is he...?
random: HE?
random: The fact that I miss her being somewhere else cause her party posts were always so fun
pablogavi: 😍😍
random: AAAA
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night time in bcn >
liked by pedri, pablogavi and 829,729 others.
random: camp nou at night tho>>
random: how did she even get in there at night?
random: maybe it was a matchday
random: but there was no game yesterday
random: its older then
random: i love living in barcelona
random: i was there in that pool it was so cool
random: the third pic is so quiet...
random: where did you get the hoodie from??
random: youre so pretty in the first pic
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this past week was an absolute dream, now I'm back to studying 😖
liked by pablogavi, ferrantorres and 739,729 others.
random: i can imagine that the past week was a dream. the barca players also like my posts in my dreams.
random: LMAOOO
random: I'd die to have your hair
random: whats the dogs name??
random: love how she represents the girl aesthetic of studying while having starbucks
random: frrrr
random: i absolutely live for the makeup in the first pic
random: hair tutorial when??
random: orange is so your color
random: nahh its still red
random: i still remember when she was in portugal... that felt like yesterday but ut was like 6 weeks ago
random: can we swap lifes? just for one day? pls
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photo dump 🎀
liked by pablogavi, pedri and 1,012,829 others.
random: prettyyyy
pablogavi: buen coche 🤔 (nice car)
random: AAA
random: whats with the emoji tho...
random: how is she so lucky that barca players keep liking her posts???
random: first
random: shut up do you know how many people drive cupras?
random: yeah shes right
random: youre gorgeous. im serious.
random: hala madrid
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day at home 💞
liked by pablogavi, pedri and 1,082,992 others.
random: okay i love that dog, its official.
random: youre giving golden retriver
random: i adore your aesthetic fr
random: how do you manage to stay so organized
random: when is your next trip?
random: youre so prettyy
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what am i without watching sports??
liked by pablogavi and 992,829 others.
random: F1 ON TOP
pablogavi: 😍
random: hey gavi
yourbestie: What are you without sports in general???
random: frr football and f1>>>
random: oh how i wish to be a wag
random: idk how people can be bored of watching sports
random: i love camp nou its so pretty
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liked by yourinsta, pedri and 2,829,729 others
yourinsta: ayy guapo *liked by creator
random: wait hear me out. isnt that yns dog?
random: Omg youre right
random: since when does he have a dog???
random: cant wait for the game against Cádiz!!!!
random: maybe theyre just friends...?
ferrantorres: 🤣🤣
random: OMG HIII
random: you focus on scoring goal first
random: 😍😍😍
random: THATS YNS DOG???
random: YESS AAAAA
random: oh my god theyre just hanging out, chill that doesnt mean that theyre dating...
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fine... yall little detectives figured it out...
liked by pablogavi and 2,018,662 others.
pablogavi: ❤️
pedri: finally!!! took long enough
ferrantorres: yall were so bad at hiding it from public
ferminlopez: they grow up so fast 😭😭
random: AAAAA
mikkykiemeney: welcome to the public wags 🫶🏻❤️
yourinsta: aaaa ❤️
hectorforr_: desearía serlo Y/n 😍😍 joder hermano te ves bien ( i wish i was yn, fuck brother you look good)
random: WHA
random: fort bro crazyyy
pablogavi: 💀
llamineyamal: mis padres 😍😍 (my parents)
random: lmaooo
random: THEYRE DATING???
jpcancelo: Por fin ya no nos molestará más jajaja 🤣🤣🤣 (finally he won't annoy us anymore)
pablogavi: 💀
aurorapaezg: 😍😍
random: aurora tell me is she good to gavi?
random: IM. DYING.
joaofelix14: @yourinsta tenemos que compartir ahora (we gotta share now)
yourinsta: PFFFF
random: HAHAHA
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The love letter
So recently I found these love letters I've written from each brother towards MC and they are absolutely adorable! I completely forgot about them tbh. Turns out I've written them about a year ago but here they are.. Enjoy!
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
Hello, MC. It's me, Lucifer. And before you start wondering why I've written to you and begin questioning your past mischiefs, know that I'm not writing to you to scold you. This isn't an official written demand either. Though think about it? What if it was a demand? An official written demand for you to come to my office and sit beside me while I work when I'm covered in endless piles of paperwork. Or and official written demand for you to spend more time with me because the time apart has been getting to me and I feel anxious without you. It's needless to say that I need you. So take this as an official written demand for you to love me more. Me and me alone. Love me the way I love you. I want to occupy your heart just like you've been occupying mine. When did you even put this spell upon me I wonder? Nevertheless, come to my room. I want to show you the love I'm capable of, darling.
-Your dear Avatar of Pride, Lucifer.
Hey there, MC it's me The Great Mammon! Of course you know it's me duh! So there has been somethin' I've been meanin' to tell ya ...How do people say this damn? So as ya might have already noticed I've been actin' little weird and been blushing quite more frequently (< I searched that word up to be sure) around you . I don't even know if I'm myself anymore. And the worst thing is that I'm thinking about you more than makin' money! But it's not like I'm in love with you nah deffo not! ... Ok fine! I-I am in l-love with ya! Ya happy? Guess I do love you more than money huh? I'm crazy 'bout ya, MC. Head over heels in love. More than I've been with anyone else. ... Well yeah that's it. All right that's done, time to get some money! Ya know me! See ya, baby!
-your Great Mammon <3
Hi, MC it's me Levi. How are you doing? Wanna play something? Or even maybe hang out for a bit? We could talk or s-snuggle up together while watching your favourite anime. Anything you would like it would be my pleasure to do! ... Uhh it's like recently I've been craving to hang out with you and get to know you as well as constantly play games with you. It's like a certain urge of doing so. Could it be something similar to the connection between Henry and the lord of Shadow in The Tale of the Seven Lords? But they are just close friends. Something like ... I believe they call it "partners in crime". But what I feel for you is quite different. Maybe something like the relationship between Ruri-chan and her lover. Yes differently something like that. But that puts it as if I've fallen for you. Could it be? C-Could I b-be in l-l-love with you? And if I am, does that still make me an otaku? Answer this for me Ok? See you... Love?
-Your player number 1, Levi <3
Hi, MC. You know... it's been quite some time since we last hung out together. Wanna come read with me in the library or stop at this new cat café? I could pet your head and stroke your hair like the little kitten you are to me. I could read you endless stories of fortune and love as well as spoil you until every single desire of yours is fulfilled. Let me help you indulge in a world of fantasy and passion, showing you every side of myself that you haven't seen. Every emotion I feel when I am lost in your eyes or hidden within your embrace. A world of true ecstasy and love I know you've been craving to see. Let me take you to the unbelievable debts of my heart which is spoiled from the love that's been sitting there long enough. And now that love has a name. "MC". I love you, kitten.
-your wrath-cat, Satan
Hey hey heyyyyy, MC!!! Yesterday I bought a new nail polish and I'm sure it will look absolutelyyyy adorableee on you!!! Let's try it out together, m'kay? We can match! Oh just imagine the look on Mammon's face when he sees us matching! He will pull up that pouty face that I so love! Anywayyyssss.. afterwards we can take a bath together with your favourite bath salts! Let's look fabulous together, MC! Though you may not manage to look more beautiful than me but you can always be second! Actually... MC, in my heart you are the first. People may be all over me and I do show love to each of them but the most sincere love I feel is for you. I love you, my adorable, fluffy, little sheep! And this love is a lot different than the love for my followers. I love you as my partner. So what do you say to the offer? You become my partner and I become only yours? Sufficient enough? Bye bye, hon!
-Yours truly, Asmo <3
Hello, MC. Are you hungry? Let's go to Hell's kitchen. Me and Belphie were planning on going to eat Devil sandwiches there but he fell asleep. Though I was going to invite you to come with us anyway I'd love to go with you alone. We could make it a lunch date at Hell's kitchen. But MC, you need to know that as hungry as I have been recently food has not been enough. Well it has never been enough but I feel even more hungry. Hungry... Hmm though am I hungry for food? Or maybe I'm hungry for your love and affection. And this hunger is stronger than the regular one, MC. Sometimes I wonder if it's even a hunger or a need for you. And it never goes away. The only time it subsides is when I'm with you. Which indicates that we have to spend more time together to fulfil my hunger. Will you stay with me, MC? Let's meet up in the kitchen so I could show you the depths of my hunger. I love you, muffin.
-Your cinnamon roll glutton, Beel
MC, hi. How have you been doing? Beel mentioned that when he was going to the kitchen yesterday for his midnight snack he heard you, Mammon and Levi playing games together. My point is... MC do you sleep enough? I can't imagine a world without sleep. If it was forbidden to sleep I would gladly go and die. But... That was before. Now.. I feel like if sleep was really forbidden I could manage with you around. You've made a change in me, MC. I can't say I don't like it though. I feel more productive even if I take constant naps. You make me feel this way. It's like.. I feel loved. Though it's a different kind of love than what my brothers and I share. It's more.. passionate. It's more deep. It's constantly making me tired but when I go to bed I can't fall asleep if I don't hear your voice or feel you cuddled up against me. So let me say this: I love you. Will you be my body pillow next time, my cuddle bug-... Zzz..
-Your sleepy boy, Belphie. Zzz
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quimichi · 1 year
Pspspsp could I request self-aware Kaeya and Rook (separately) finding out it's the players birthday?
(I think my type in men is a peacock, but a sneaky one)
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. . . . . . . ╰──╮HAPPY BIRTHDAY╭──╯ . . . . . . .
Rook x Reader Kaeya x Reader
A/n: I also love myself a cute pot haircut guy ♡ I didn't know if you wanted the player in the game or not, but I put our MC in the game :) I can do it out of the game too no biggie just ask ♡
ROOK - Let the hunt begin
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rook Hunt is the kinda person who knows everything, he's a hunter after all. He watches his prey and that is currently you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ nothing goes by him without him noticing. So, when he found out that today is your birthday, he was more than thrilled
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he's so ready to give you the best presents of them all. Not even Vil could compare with the designer skin care set. Rook had a watchful eye all year over you and memorized everything you enjoy and take a liking too
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you will, no, you must notice him now. He isn't hiding, heis on full display for the day, ready to sweep you off your feet and have the attention of the MC on him for the day. Only on him, he is begging for it with what he does.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rook made so sure you will notice he ADORES you more than anyone else. Because the truth is, nobody adores you more than him. You are the MC, the player and the main character of the story, if you ask him to warship you, he will. Without any questions he would kneel in front of you and warship you the rest of his days, because you are true beauty and perfection.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ and your birthday is giving him the best opportunity for this. You're thirsty? Have this water. Hungry? Take his lunch. Your legs are tired even while sitting down? Use him as a foot rest
KAEYA - Life's greatest illusions are the ones we believe in ourselves
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ oh~? So it's your birthday huh? What a pleasant surprise!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he does care a lot about you, but at the same time showing it makes it difficult. Just letting anyone near him is difficult. He loves you, adores you, is obsessed with you. And he for sure is smooth about them feelings for ya.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he refuses to let you play with his feelings for much longer. How dare you milk him dry with that smile of yours, your kind words and generous actions towards him that he just wants to return especially on your birthday, ugh f you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ those negative feelings are long gone because of you. He is still this closed off Worshipper of you, but accepted the feelings he has for his creator.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ and since it's your birthday he will have an opportunity to ket those feelings slip out without being to weird about them. Yes, all the others are also giving you the best absolut presents but somehow his felt special to you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ there was a thought behind the present, something you truly needed, not wanted, but needed. You can tell he spend his sweet time and money getting that and although for others it might not be special, it truly is. No diamond ring or ancient parfume could ever compare to what he gave you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he literally said, "Fuck ya'll, I'm their fav now" cause yes, he is. Oh btw, he just found out on your birthday, that it's your birthday---
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ because you never told anyone really so everything was kinda chaotic and people were going crazy over the fact. So did Kaeya-he usually always keeps his cool but you make him lose his shit
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
take 2
nico hischier x actress!f!reader
fc: sophie turner
warnings: swearing
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liked by treaclychild, landonorris and 840,971 others
ynofficial: i heart nj
view all comments
claudiasulewski: first
maya_henry: mother is mothering
ynofficial: you mean you haven't heard 'cowboy like me'?
user2: what of nico?????
taylorswift: i heart u
liked by ynofficial
user4: POV you came from deuxmoi's blind item 👀
user5: oui
ayoedebiri: ur pretty
jackhughes: yo
user6: no
user7: this is the wrong nj player commenting, i forbit it
user8: jack baby snap out of it
user9: only y/n could get the captain to wink at her and the social media heartthrob to comment on her ig
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liked by user11 and 78,186 others
deuxmoi: there were a few blind items submitted relating to the same A lister and athlete, and others also hinted at said sports star's respected status in the city, and his private nature, thus the lack of photos from the night
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user12: no bc i ship it so hard
user13: there's absolutely zero way that they're not talking about y/n and nico 😭
user14: in y/n's recent post she was wearing a sparkly star dress too
user15: me bc nico won't be protected from all the y/n girlies anymore: 😢😢
user17: okay but my thinking is that they knew each other prior to the hockey game???
user18: RIGHT???
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nicohischier posted to their story...
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liked by nicohischier, joejonas and 1,004,013 others
ynofficial: because the first launch failed ☺️
📸: nicohischier ❤️
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user22: [tyres screech] [distant crash] [sirens] [crying] [heartbeat monitor]
user23: AHHHAH AHHAA HAHA *faints*
user24: he's taking a photo of her 😭
user25: the way she's looking at him and his concentration 😭
user26: your honour they're in love
ynofficial: ...yes
jackhughes: this is cute
nicohischier: can i get your number?
ynofficial: sure, it's #13
nicohischier: 😲😲
user29: you know it's SERIOUS bc she's never been ig official before
user30: fr she didn't even post callum mf turner, if i was her i'd have been yelling from the rooftops
user33: 'he's patient, kind, intelligent, calm, and just a really beautiful soul' I BELIEVED IN YOU NICO ALL THIS TIME
user34: nico fans are really winning here
user36: but that pap photo from instagram? the way they were looking at each other has me in my own puddle of tears in a nest of already used tissues bc they're adorable
user37: that photo single-handedly instilled in me the belief that love does exist
user38: they're my 'don't take risks on dangerous roads' couple now
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liked by ynofficial, jesperbratt and 519,195 others
nicohischier: it's come to my attention that there's been a lot of talk about my relationship lately, and i just wanted to come on here and confirm that i am batshit crazy for this woman, and pathetically in love with her. so, yes, the rumours are true 😊
ps i have the dad seal of approval
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jackhughes: first
john.marino97: whipped
nicohischier: yep 💪
jackhughes: why are you ignoring me
nicohischier: because you haven't said anything worth commenting on
ynofficial: i'm a sports watcher for you
nicohischier: appreciate it, thanks
ynofficial: you're welcome
user39: i think i love this awkward conversing
user40: it's my aspiration in life to have that
lhughes_06: happy for you, cap 😁
jackhughes: *cough* suck up *cough*
tmeier96: ABOUT DAMN TIME 👏👏
ynofficial: you can rip that NDA up now
tmeier96: i might frame it for sentimental purposes
ynofficial: really?
nicohischier: that's suspicious
siegenthaler34: in my defence i did try my best with the jumbotron incident
nicohischier: and we're very thankful for that
ynofficial: if anything it helped thicken the plot 😂
siegenthaler34: it was pretty funny
user41: THE y/n l/n being the captain's wag wasn't on my bingo card for this year
nicohischier: you and me both
ynofficial: please, i was a goner from the very SECOND you smiled
nicohischier: the very second? 😏
ynofficial: stfu and bring the coffee
nicohischier: as you wish
+ BONUS: Spittin Chiclets Podcast
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youunravelme · 7 months
Who are some other writers we should check out?
Love your fic recs 😁
omg i LOVE this ask! (and i love that you trust me to rec things/blogs/fics! it's a huge honor)
i'm gonna put this under a read more because there's a lot of people i think are worth following (and if i rec'ed you and got your pronouns wrong, please tell me and i'll fix it!)
so i'm gonna attempt to organize this list by player. disclaimer: i don't read for every hockey player in existence.
mat barzal (obvi number one bc he's the loml)
@barzysunflower - lolo (she/her) is the first mat barzal writer i actually read and when i tell you i binged her masterlist???? it's so good, my favs are the you are in love series and the unexpected series!
@thewintersoldierdisaster - literally anything she writes is great, i go feral for it tbh. she writes for a few canes players as well, but my favs are the mat fics (for obvious reasons being that i'm in love with him). especially the fics with the baby (whose name i cannot remember) and when mat calls reader squeaks???? i'm in love.
@islesnucks - clara (she/her) has so many good mat fics and headcanons (seriously, headcanons are underrated and need more love in general). i think she was also a writer that made me fall in love with mat because she just writes him as the dream romantic hero every single time.
@hockeywhy - i am almost positive that they are tired of me tagging them, but the truth is, they are the writer of my all time fav mat series caught in the middle! but they also have other great mat fics and matthew tkachuk fics that i've enjoyed almost as much! i don't think they're as active anymore writing wise BUT if you want amazing writing and haven't checked them out, you should!
auston matthews
@bagopucks - ella (she/her) hands down my fav auston series is her single mom!reader series. it's the perfect balance of angst and found family and it's just flat out wonderful. she also has a masterlist full of other fics too, that series just happens to be my favorite. but if you wanted another fav of mine, read the jack hughes fic "a little funky," it's about a reader with ocd and as someone with ocd, it was really impactful!
jack hughes
@chewingcyanide - emme (she/they) literally writes the most poetic fics i think i've ever read. everytime she publishes something new, i am stunned. seriously, i honestly take notes from her writing style. stories aside, if you wanted to become a better writer, check out her stuff, it'll really inspire you to use more descriptive words! her breakable heaven series is what introduced me to her writing and it's phenomenal!
@babydollmarauders - faithlynn (she/her) i'm almost positive that faithlynn was the first hockey writer i really followed because jack hughes was my gateway drug into the hockey world. she has so many fun series and aus going on not only for jack but for other devils players, so if you love the devils, definitely check her out!
@jackhues - naqia (she/her) also has a really fun series called mockingbird and it's technically more focused on the friendship/brother-sister relationship jack's gf (reader) and quinn have but it's really sweet. she also has a great auston au as well!
@ladylooch - b (she/her) is great! i put her in this category because i feel like she writes a lot for a lot of different players. i've loved her stuff with nico and mat alike. she also has a pretty consistent schedule as well from what i've gathered (which, girl, share your secrets please)
@troubatrain - kim (she/her) wrote my fav beau fic (set it up) and has written some really good fics for matthew tkachuk too! i absolutely adore the soccer player!reader fic and the blurbs that go along with it!
@comphersjost - m (she/they) again, i've said it once, i'll say it again SHE WROTE MY FAV MATT SERIES OF ALL TIME (all for you). I GO BACK AND READ IT OFTEN. literally had me weeping at times. she also wrote some other fics for auston that i've really enjoyed as well!
@sydnikov - sydney (she/her) has written some realyl great fics for andrei and some for nico hischier and jack hughes (and a few others i think, but those are the ones i've read) and they're just fantastic! she's also a canes fan if you want more canes content!
feel free to reblog this with your own author recommendations (in fact i highly encourage it! there are so many good writers on this godforsaken site and these are just the authors i find myself reblogging every time they post!
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tiredtxmblrvet · 7 months
Fic rec friday!
Got this idea from @mediumgayitalian (thank you!)
Below are 5 fics I've enjoyed this past week/recently. (They're all solangelo)
FAR GALAXIES by @rosyredlipstick
She didn’t answer. Instead, she pulled out her PADD from her coat, slow enough that Nico only slightly twitched. Jason’s transmission was loaded up on the screen—at the bottom, their signature tag was spelled out. “Guardians of the Galaxy. That supposed to be a joke?” “More like an aspiration,” Jason said. - Space, the final frontier. Or whatever.
Rosy is still working on it, but when I tell you this is absolutely worth it. Nico is 1 part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and him, along with Piper, Jason and Leo get into many shenanigans in their journey across the stars. I'm just obsessed with Will and Nico's dynamic in this. Rosy is just such an incredible writer, her fics will probably pop up in more of these if I'm being honest.
Solace by @solisaureus
solace (n.) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
solis (n.) the Latin word for "sun."
I am an absolute sucker for fics that are "rewrites" of canon but that are Will Solace-centric, and when I tell you this absolutely delivers. I loved reading about Will's journey as a healer, how he deals with love and loss, it's just a beautiful fic!
i'm put in awe (of something so flawed and free) by CordeliaRose
Right. Well. Nico squares his shoulders, reminds himself that nobody’s perfect and this guy has to be ugly, and knocks on the door.
He is met with a Greek God, and forgets how to function.
AKA: the archaeologist!Nico & trauma surgeon!Will AU.
If you're not familiar with Cordelia, they wrote the solangelo bible (AKA August) and are currently writing August(Will's version). However, they decided to bless us with this absolutely adorable Trauma Surgeon! Will and Archaeologist! Nico AU, and it's such a pleasant read. Will and Nico's dynamic is flirty and adorable, and the rest of the seven are such sweet friends to Nico. Plus Nico is autistic coded in this and I'm a sucker for that.
my lover's the sunlight by demigodbeauties
It’s his Olympic debut. In a few short hours, he’ll be the only man skating on the ice sitting before him. He’ll be skating in the Men’s Singles Short Programme and representing all of the United States. He’s in a city he hasn’t seen in years, skating a brand new set of routines, and he wants so desperately to win. 
Figure Skater Nico di Angelo has a run in with Ice Hockey Player Will Solace. It doesn't go too smoothly, but then again - when does it ever?
Olympic Skater!Nico and Olympic Hockey player!Will. This story is warm and heartfelt, and the "enemies" part of the "enemies to lovers" tag is more misunderstanding than anything else. I felt myself wanting to cheer for Nico as he performed right there along Will, and #Solangelo even trends on twitter in this LOL.
Got a Pretty Face (Pretty Boyfriend, Too) by @buoyantsaturn
Was Will flirting with him? Or was this just his attempt at being a friendly neighbor? Either way, just to be safe, Nico should probably make it known that he’s off the market. Right? A casual mention of a boyfriend would work - he’d never had to let anybody down easy like that before, but he’d seen it in, like, movies. Thanks, I’ll see if my boyfriend is interested. Perfect. Now, he just had to say it.
Will moves from Austin to a small town in Texas, where he immediately takes up three jobs, and does not have the time to be flirting this much.
CJ never ceases to amaze and impress with their work, and this fic is no exception. I'm not normally one to read Leo/Nico, but I found I really enjoyed their dynamic in this fic, and the use of "sunshine" and "freckles" as nicknames for Will absolutely made me smile. Basically Nico and Leo live in Texas and Will works two jobs, and meets both Nico and Leo separately, and the two both start crushing on him. Shenanigans ensue. I adore this fic.
Okay that's all! I'll probably keep doing this until I run out of fics to recommend. Have a good friday lovelies!
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three-headed-monster · 2 months
brandt/luke: a primer
i'm gonna be super honest, there's nothing that's prompting this. it's quite literally self-indulgent for me to archive their interactions before i forget them all!
so hello ! welcome ! if you're here, i presume you're clicking because you're like 'what the fuck is this, luke hughes and who now?' and yeah that would be me too if i didn't know the background information
but it exists!!! and it has spiralled far beyond my wildest dreams and become an actual Thing that i would consider one of the ships i ride the HARDEST for!!!!!! that i have somehow convinced my closest friends to also ride for, which is the biggest accomplishment for a ship, as we all know
here's who the ship consists of:
luke hughes!
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(sorry he looks cursed but this is not a post about how attractive he is)
he was the 4th overall pick in the 2021 draft or smth, no big deal, just comes from an extremely talented hockey family and plays with his brother in new jersey now. used to play at the university of michigan, which unfortunately is an important setting for many, many rarepair ships. don't know if there are really any fun facts about him but he used to model for american eagle and got made fun of for that
anyways here's the second person in the ship, brandt clarke !
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(did i choose a significantly better looking photo of him for this than with luke? yes, absolutely, because it's important that you think he's attractive)
8th overall pick to the la kings, former don mills flyer with shane wright and brennan othmann, former barrie colts captain, friends with jack quinn, etc etc. you may actually know him from that time he tried to jump the glass and fight a fan in the stands, i think that video went p viral on hockey twitter. the most important thing you know though is that he has more attitude and swagger in his pinky finger than the majority of people have in their whole BODY
so let's venture back to 2022, and how this all started, with a conversation between me and @fifthovertime about the greater toronto area and its hockey connections
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toronto, as many might know, is considered a hockey hotbed, due to its abundance of minor hockey teams. it's where a lot of nhl players come from, and where a lot of players call home and return to in the summers.
luke, prior to moving to michigan with his parents and brothers so quinn could play with the ntdp, used to live in toronto while his dad worked for the leafs. at this time, there were a lot of other young budding stars in the area, brandt clarke included. he'd moved down from ottawa to play on a minor midget team in toronto, the don mills flyers, which was rival minor hockey team to luke's. however, since the toronto hockey scene was so tight (and because brandt's older brother was playing with luke's on the same team), they would periodically see each other and play pond hockey together. as kids do.
don't believe me? hear it from brandt himself. timestamp from about 2:55 of the video to about 3:55.
this is what i like to call interaction #1. of course, it's really just brandt retelling a story, but it's the first time i heard about any sort of friendship between the hughes brothers and the clarkes. very wholesome, you can tell brandt really has a hero complex for luke and jack, it's frankly adorable.
and if you go back, you can even see that brandt was a really supportive friend! he commented on luke’s commitment post to umich and luke liked the comment, at the time
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but they’re not friends. no, i’d call them far from that. because slowly....you can start to see that hatred is building........because brandt starts to know he's good enough to go fourth overall. and he would love to go to a team with his brother on it.....but there's another brother standing in the way of that.
he doesn't speak about luke in particular in this interview, but he definitely talks about njd as if he doesn't think it's a realistic option for him
at this point then, the narrative is pretty clear. it was once a friendship, that slipped away from both of them because of distance, and although brandt once had reverence for it, he’s soured on the idea. he wishes he could be good enough to play with his brother too. he hates that luke hughes is good enough at hockey to do it. luke to him is less so an extension of his brothers, but an obstacle for brandt to overcome, an obstacle that stands in the way of everything he wants.
but so far it’s been pretty one sided…right? it’s all kind of just been brandt’s feelings toward luke, right?
behold, the glorious moment that lives entirely rent free in my mind, every. single. day.
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i soooo wish i had the video for this (screw tsn for wiping their archives so often) BUT TRUST WHEN I WATCHED IT FOR THE FIRST TIME I AUDIBLY GASPED.
he said it with so much fucking snark, and an EYE ROLL. the inflappable luke hughes, who has seemingly never let an opponent get in the way of him and his friends having fun and kicking ass at the same time, is bothered by a dig from brandt clarke. that didn't even mention him directly! that was more about techniques of the game than it was about the usa players! "he can say what he wants", but he didn't even say anything about YOU
genuinely, i will thank mark masters for bringing this up with luke forever, he's so valid for that, he knew we needed this narrative.
what's even better is that THE NEXT DAY during the semi-final? guess who scores the game-winning goal. and guess who just happens to be flopping like a fish on the ice during it, trying to prevent it from going in.
and thus brandt/luke is born! as taylor describes it as, it is bitch ass cunt (luke) for cunt ass bitch (brandt). they are each other's equals and opposites. they're both cocky and sure of themselves and can give it as good as it gets, and what they like about each other is what happens when that is stripped away. they are undoubtedly MY favourite luke hughes narrative, and the only one i feel truly captures his narrative essence, away from his brothers. sure, others are cute and i can see where people are coming from, but nothing gets luke as much as this gets luke.
this is luke, unfiltered, and it's only brandt that can bring it out of him.
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ratsummer · 2 months
Something true about Terzo in my heart is that he is an absolute fiend for a size difference. And here’s the thing - sure, he loves to be a participant. Loves to flirt with the tinier ghouls and siblings throughout the abbey, all but throws himself on the larger ones. But more than participating, Terzo loves to watch. This man swoons to see big hands wrapped around small waists… Short legs stretching to wrap around wide hips… Straining up on tiptoes to catch a kiss… You get the picture. 
Now, perhaps the most accessible and indulgent party to Terzo’s fancies is Omega. Yes, they’ve spent countless hours wrapped up in one another, playing and exploring all the ways they can exploit and enjoy the size difference between them. But Omega is also happy to put on a show for Terzo anytime he can find a willing participant. And what’s more fun for Terzo than stealing his brothers’ toys to play with them himself? After all, some of them are hand-me-downs anyway…
(Below the cut, about 1,300 words of me getting carried away... Keep reading for size difference, forced fem, abuse of power/power dynamics, shame/embarrassment... All very consensual! And truly, not very intense, I'm just being careful for ya! No smut, but certainly implied - and who am I to stop anyone from writing what happens next!?? And PLEASE I am just a simple summer rat if I've missed a warning for a trigger/squick tell me immediately!!)
Many of the smaller ghouls are enthusiastic players in Terzo’s little games. He loves to collect them one by one, dressing up little dolls for Omega to play with… Gently or otherwise. Mist, Pebble, Rain, Cumulus, Aurora, Phantom - each brings their own imagination and creativity to a scene. Terzo adores each of them, takes his time getting to know his dolls and how to fit them in their own little stories with Omega. Far and away, though, his very favorite toy is none other than his darling Dewdrop.
Dew has always fascinated Terzo. There are so many delicious layers to explore. He’s a deeply pious ghoul, eager to serve and please through his role in the ministry. Though reticent at first, he melts into love and affection from anyone who gets past his contradictory fiery and aloof exterior. He’s deeply in control of himself, and loathe to relinquish it… Or, at least, loathe to admit that he wants to relinquish control.
Very, very fun to play with.
Now, imagine a chilly, stormy autumn evening at the abbey. Most of its residents are winding down for the day, sharing dinner with loved ones or settling down for quiet companionship under cozy blankets. Everyone is wrapped up in themselves and each other, unlikely to notice if anything is running amiss in dark, empty hallways.
Perhaps Dew has just finished boiling himself in a bath with Cumulus, or maybe he’s grabbing blankets to burrow down with Aurora and Phantom and show them his favorite scary movies. Whatever he’s doing, it doesn’t matter, because his phone lights up with an ominous notification from Terzo. 
I’m disappointed in you, ghoul. Come straight to my quarters, immediately. We have much to discuss. 
Dew of course might gripe and grumble, nose wrinkled up in a snarl. Anyone who sees him stalking away will assume he’s pissed off and going to settle a score. On a lazy night like this one, no one will be looking closely enough to see the tremor in his fingertips, the tense set to the base of his tail. Dew alone is privy to the cold, sinking pit in his stomach.
✩✩✩ ✩✩✩ ✩✩✩ ✩✩✩ ✩✩✩
He’s embarrassed. He’s pissed. He thought he was here to be good for his Papa, to atone for his wrongdoings… Not for Terzo to order him into this… outfit, only to throw him out in the hall like this for any old brother or sister walking by to see. He wants to launch himself through the door and claw Terzo’s eyes out. In fact, he’s turning to do just that when a scraping at the end of the hallway catches his attention. 
He turns his head slowly, just enough to glance over his shoulder, out of the very corner of his eye. 
He’s a glass chalice dropped on a marble floor, his rage flung away in the span of a breath. He’s frozen, limbs locked, breath caught in his chest. 
For it’s none other than Omega, lurking at the end of the hall. 
“Ah…My, what’s this?”
His deep, rumbling voice shouldn’t carry so clearly from this distance. Thrice-damned quintessence ghouls and their strange magics. 
Omega perhaps had been on his way to another section of the abbey entirely. Now though, he’s stalking with clear intention toward Dew, indigo eyes like cold, unforgiving stone.
Dew steels himself to flee. He’s light, fast. He could make it back to his den, make it to his own pack. Omega might give chase, but he’d never catch him, and certainly never steal him away once he’s safe in Aether’s arms. Once the rest of his pack is snarling and hissing and protecting him. 
But he can’t fucking move. 
“A pretty little lost lamb, wandering the dark halls of the abbey on this cold, stormy night?”
Alright, that’s laying it on a little thick. If Dew weren’t trying to keep from pissing himself he’d be rolling his eyes. 
“Well, is it true?” Omega asks, curling a finger under Dew’s chin to catch his gaze. “Are you lost, sister?”
Dew winces, recoiling from Omega’s touch and breath hissing through clenched teeth as shame runs like ice water down his spine. 
Omega lets him sit with his shame. Lets him hide his shaking hands behind a tight bodice. Lets him thrash his tail in agitated flicks, rustling the heavy wool of the habit’s floor-length skirt. Lets him accept his fate.
“I’m not lost,” he says, hating the uncertain quiver in his voice.
“Hmm, that’s good,” Omega practically purrs. He rests an arm on the doorframe over Dew, leaning down a bit and unsubtly taking a deep breath to catch Dew’s scent. “A pretty little thing like you might run into some trouble if you let yourself be caught unaware in unfamiliar corridors. You should know, some rather unsavory characters roam these halls.” 
“Is that so?” Dew hisses, slapping his hand over the peephole in Terzo’s door. Of course, Omega is making sure Terzo can hear every little thing that’s happening in the hall, but that doesn’t mean Dew can’t at least try to prevent the indignity of him watching it happen, too.
In a flash of movement, Omega’s hand is wrapped tight around Dew’s wrist, pinning it in place where he’d covered the peephole over his head. Dew can’t hide the shudder in his breath, fights back a whimper as his stomach drops. 
Omega only hums, letting Dew’s question hang unanswered in the otherwise silent hall. Dew chokes back the terror clawing its way up his throat as Omega draws himself up to his full height, squaring his massive shoulders before bringing his other hand up toward Dew’s face. 
Dew flinches, but Omega only straightens the veil covering his hair, claws held carefully to keep from catching in the fabric. He trails his hand gently down over Dew’s cheek, knuckles brushing his throat as he slips his thick fingers under the delicate chain around Dew’s neck. Omega admires the Petrine cross for a moment before settling it slowly, gently against Dew’s chest, tugging a bit to ensure it lays flat and centered. Dew is desperately trying to hold himself in check, but his breath comes in ever shorter, sharper pants. Fear slips expertly between his ribs, ripping into his lungs and working his heart into a frenzy. 
Omega makes a low, soothing noise. It resonates from deep in his chest, the same gentle coo used to calm a fussing kit. 
“Now, lamb, you’re alright. You’re safe with me.” 
Dew gasps as Omega finally wraps a hand around his waist. His fingers are splayed along Dew’s back, somehow reaching from his shoulder blade to his hip. He can feel where each of his ribs presses against Omega’s warm hand, almost as though they’re surging up to lean into his touch. 
Suddenly, the door falls away from behind Dew as it’s flung inward. Only Omega’s strong hand across his back and tight grip on his wrist, still held over his head, keep him from falling flat on his ass.
“Omega,” Terzo says, a faint shake around the formal tone Dew’s heard him use countless times in mass. “I see you’ve brought one of our lost lambs to me. I’m concerned she’s turning from Satan’s guiding light, drawn to dangerous shadows. Might you be willing to help me remind our dear sister why we take pleasure from following the ways of Satan?” 
Heat pools low in Dew’s belly, even as a hot, shameful tear spills over and sears down his cheek.
“Why, Papa,” Omega chuckles, “You know I’d love nothing more.”       
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bobbinrobins · 6 days
Is Stephanie going to show up grounded bird's nest? And we'll she be a human or borrower? If she a human can we get some head cannons on her, Cass, and Tim's friendship? :D
I'm going to start answering this question by explaining my general plans for Ground-Bird's Nest! (Putting under the cut in case people don't want to look for minor spoiler reasons)
I have fully outlined the rest of it, and at this time I do not plan for Stephanie to show up. I love Stephanie dearly (and Barbara, and other associated Batfamily members), but this is my first time writing a long-form fic like this and I'm already struggling a little bit with scope as it is. For this particular story, I've decided to focus most directly on the current cast as it stands, as they are characters who have a direct parent-child relationship with Bruce in the comics!
However, I have several ideas for stories within that universe that involve characters who probably won't make an appearance in the main story, and it's likely that Stephanie will appear :] I haven't honestly decided if she'll be a human or borrower but now that I'm thinking about human Stephanie with a bunch of borrower bats I kind of love it. So have some headcanons:
Tim is already kind of a minor agent of chaos in this universe. Stephanie absolutely enables and encourages this, and more often than not their antics drive Bruce up a wall. Cass is more or less happy to be along for the ride.
She definitely gets a toy remote-control Batmobile and takes them for a joyride. Tim is absolutely thrilled by this. Bruce is not so pleased, but he can't help but melt a little bit at seeing how eager Tim is to ride in an imitation Batmobile. (Still, he puts his foot down after one too many close calls.)
Considering Stephanie handmade her first Spoiler costumes, no one can convince me that she's not great at sewing, and she absolutely uses this skill to make gifts for her tiny pals. It's a challenge making outfits that are comfortable and durable while also being very tiny, but after some trial-and-error (and some advice from a pleased Alfred) she ends up making some fabulous ensembles for them. (She also occasionally makes them sillier outfits, like fluffy onesies, as jokes. Cass, however, adores hers and wears it frequently, much to Stephanie's delight.)
Stephanie loves to rope Tim and Cass into regular movie/TV nights. Neither of them have gotten the opportunity to watch many movies or series thus far, so Stephanie delights in getting to show them some of her favorites, and eventually, they rotate who picks what they watch.
Stephanie also gets both Tim and Cass into both board and video games. Tim latches onto chess, and he and Steph engage in many fierce matches from that point on. Cass enjoys card games, particularly poker (they bet things like Goldfish and candies), which might be because she can always tell when Steph and Tim are bluffing and nearly always cleans them out. (They came up with some sort of system for the borrowers to handle the playing cards, which are probably about as tall as them. :D) Stephanie's favorite to play with them, however, is probably traditional board games, because she thinks it's extra fun when Tim and Cass get to stand in as their own pieces. (Tim and Cass don't fully get it, but Stephanie always gets remarkably excited at the prospect, so they roll with it.)
And, building off of that, I can't help but think about all of them playing D&D together. (Tim was canonically a TTRPG player in his Robin run, so I imagine he catches wind of it from Stephanie and ropes everyone else into it). Stephanie volunteers to DM and takes great joy in painting and customizing minis for their combat encounters. If one of the borrowers get the final blow on one of the enemies, they get the honor of physically pushing the mini over to mark it as deceased. 😌
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chilchucks-timbs · 5 months
What do you think of the sequel of twewy then? You talk a lot about the original but I'm interested in your opinion of the second part because I saw a few fans disappointed :o
OKAY. Omg.
So first of all? Soundtrack? SLAPS. We won. We won with the sequel soundtrack. I actually prefer some of the new remixes to the original!
The artwork? Stuck to the original style. Can’t complain at all. The new designs? PEAK. They’re so cool. There’s new shopkeepers- who look AWESOME- who have LORE. We can access NPC LORE. I read about one who is married to one of the players? Catch me eating popcorn at that story.
Shout out to the sprites you get when you’re feeding your party members? They’re so cute. In original TWEWY we just had a voice telling us if they liked it after I’ve fed them. NOW we get to know via their face going 🤢 or 🥺 BEFORE they eat so I can give them something they definelty like! and I think that’s fun and funky fresh.
Gameplay? Fantastic. Absolutely brilliant. - the original game had a switch port and honestly? I really think they should’ve done better with the controls. What worked and was beautiful for the ds- felt very clunky on the switch. Especially when playing console? I mean what in the Wii controller buLLSHIT. I need my attacks ACCURATE and on tv that’s very very hard. My friend managed it but? Maybe I just need to get good LSLGFSPALDL. But NEO twewy? beautiful. Perfect. Great for the switch. no complaints on the new battle system.
The story:
edit: THE HUMOUR IS THERE. I FORGOR. I forgot how fucking funny it is. The amount of screenshots I have? Hilarious. Not any like quotable moments like there is in the original game. But there’s so much silly billy shit going on. Bunch of CLOWNS I swear.
Its messaging is not driven home as much as the original twewy is. Like my friend had to explain to me what they were doing because it’s very very subtle. The characters are changing but only just a little. -unlike the first game which, like? At the end of the game? These guys are CLEARLY not the same people who entered the game!! These are Zuko ATLA level transformations!!!: whereas Neo twewy game says? Hey. Your actions are kinda sucky bro. Ever thought about changing up your style? Like it’s THERE. But it’s clearly not the CORE of the game like the first one. And that’s where it falls flat FOR ME. I LOVE and ADORE character development and it’s just not the focus of NEO twewy. But that doesn’t mean I hated the game. I just don’t prefer it over the original.
What NEO twewy DOES focus on is world building which. I think they’ve made some super cool and interesting choices. Even if I, and many Joshua kiryu fans don’t agree with them. 💛 we just straight up ignore the new lore because we don’t like it- the one around Joshua anyway. They bring in some new reapers and some new plot line surrounding shinjuku. That’s fine. That’s fun. But. Joshua? MY MAN? No square enix, you don’t know my blorbo of 10 years better than me :))
So. In conclusion. I was not DISAPPOINTED. I just think they lost the core of what twewy meant to people for the sake of focusing on the new details theyve added. I think rindo and fret and nagi deserved better development.
Okokok real conclusion is that I was not disappointed. I had fun. I loved a lot about this game. But the original hit home so hard, and the sequel was just a good game.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Do me on favor. Don't open reddit. I did it. It was a mistake. I regret being born. And I hate my life.
Spoiler? Maybe?
People are defending AI even though they are artists themselves. People still believe that Jake is the reason that we can read secret chats. People praise the diamond system. People shit on Everbyte. It's chaos. WHY
You're seriously my hero! Like, really. You absolutely can't imagine how much I adore this warning and how kind this is to. I don't want to make it a big story and I don't know how long you're following me. But actually, it's easy to trigger me and I'm avoiding Reddit like hell. Before and especially after Moonvale and I would never have looked there. But getting this warning, it's insanely lovely to me. And I really appreciate it.
Reddit has always been a very weird place to me and even though I know some people there are absolutely normal etc. But on Reddit people tend to forget their manners even faster.
I absolutely don't want to know what is going on there.
Actually, don't call me crazy, I know it doesn't make much sense for all player who did not play Duskwood before, but I also imagine that we're able to read chats because it's somehow a leftover from Jake, haha. As I said, I know it's unlikely but somehow, I don’t know. I don't have an explanation for it, why we can read chats, I mean, but I will definitely keep it as headcanon.
But I believe I know what you're meaning and I can imagine the real hate towards Everbyte there has absolutely insane dimensions.
In general I would give everyone the advice to always stay out of internet scandals. It's not worth it. It's not worth your energy. And I can tell you this as person that used to use these hate waves and scandals etc. on the internet as a form of self harm. (Yes, that's a real thing)
Don't spend your energy for such kind of things. You will never win. In any way. The possibility to changes someone's mind is less than 5%. And even if, fighting with some strangers.. I know why some think that's not a big thing but in the end it always affects your mood. Otherwise you would not have started it. So please, just don't do it to yourself.
And as I said before, critism is okay, but when you start hating someone... The possibility that someone will change their options or their behaviour is almost not there. You're worth more. Your time is worth more.
I mean, if they like the system, that's okay. But defending AI art... Yes, no. xD I don't know what you can defend there.
Anyway, as I said, I really appreciate your warning and I pass this on to everyone else in the fandom.
Stay safe. Also mentally. 💚
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shmowder · 4 months
Whoa, you did amazing on your first run of P2! I made it through but like half the town died so I definitely enjoyed getting all the dialogue I missed the first time around. And just being able to spend a little more time appreciating the environment was nice, too.
You definitely make the first game sound interesting! And I would finally find out what everyone sees in Daniil 🤔
I also wanted to ask, do you have a favorite kid character? Sticky is mine.
Daniil, in the first game is... absolutely something. I love him, but god, I'm just in the first day of his route, and I can't stand his dialogue choices. He just keeps talking! he never stops. He has so much to say about everything and everyone at all times. He will fluff up the sentences with filler words and pleasantries.
Interacting with him as Artemy was fun because he was that silly dramatic guy from the Capital and you're only subjected to his theatrics once every two to four business days, plus the occasional letter he loves sending at the stroke of midnight, making you wonder if this is the time he inevitably went mad and is sharing the news with you as you open it.
I keep mansplaining everything to anyone who shows the slightest interest in me. Eva is flirting with me, and all I can do is abruptly change the conversation topic to be about death, very smooth Danill, I'm sure imagining her invetiable demise reeled her in.
...Am I describing myself? Is this what I'm doing right now?
Anyway, my favourite kid! My favourite child! this is gonna be a very long essay because I adore all the little rascals in Pathologic.
We're starting with Sticky <3
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When I was playing P2, it was definitely Sticky. You mentioned him being your favourite!
With sticky, he is the first kid to actually give you a chance as Artemy. Sometimes, it feels like he adopted himself into your life and not the other way around. He just shows up and is immediately ride or die with you for life.
He steals for us! Breaks the law just to help us because he knows we are short on money! He doesn't have any medical knowledge but he tries his best to learn from watching you and the occasional questions.
He is endlessly curious and thirsty for knowledge. You can witness it each time you mention a medical term he doesn't know like serum or panacea, and he tries his best to understand what you're saying. Even if it doesn't make sense, he takes your words with blind trust. He wants to be just like you and it's so endearing.
I also adore how they gave him a personality that isn't just a docile student who agrees with everything you say.
No, Sticky will argue with you at times, insult you at others even. Especially his idle spoken dialogue where he keeps saying "How can people protect themselves from the infection? You're a doctor, you should know!"
It's the "You should know!" part that always gets me. He is upset that you don't know something! That's how much he secretly looks up to you and puts you on a pedestal. That when faced with the reality that you're not all-knowing and struggling to invent a cure, he's hurt and angry. Like you betrayed him by not being his superhero.
His other idle spoken dialogue lines are also priceless. They tell a complete story on their own.
"I'll learn how to cure this plague myself. I'm a master of many skills!"
"I know the Lines, too. How else could I find my way around all the attics, and the cellars, and those twisty yards?"
He's trying to copy Artemy, to copy you the player and your effort to cure the plague. He's so small in this big world and can only effect so little in the grand scheme of the universe but he refuses to acknowledge that! He refuses that fate of being a helpless kid for you to save, he wants to be more and goddammit he will be more.
But he can't. He won't. At the end of the day, he is just a kid not matter how many tantrums he throws. He wants you to take him seriously and treat him with the same familiarity as other adults which is why insults you and jokes with you.
He wants Artemy to joke insult him too like he does with Stakh, he wants Artemy to confide in him and share theories like he does with Daniil.
"You don't look so happy. Musta come from the hospital"
He notices your mood, he studied your reaction and knows your routine by heart. He can tell the difference between Artemy's upset face and his normal resting scary ripper face.
Sticky tries to sympathise. But he has never seen a hospital before in his life, all he knew about them was what he read in picture books as a toddler while learning the alphabet and someone put Hospital under the letter H.
The makeshift Theatre-turned-hosptial could never compare to a real one. I've spent time in hospital and my doctor brother told me about the absolute horrors of the emergency care and surgery sections. The many peoples of which will die in front of your own eyes and there is nothing you can do to save them.
All of his world view is extremely limited. Artemy is the lense in which he views the world with, in an attempt to decipher and understand it. You've became his teacher since the moment the first ever question slipped from his mouth and you answered it with sincerity.
"My path was called In Defiance. I almost tracked down that weird creature, but then I found a better goal. I'm going to become a real doctor. "
In the marble nest, when Artemy's dead, Sticky attempts to still follow his fate and seeks the Bachelor. He confesses his dream of still wanting to be a doctor but Daniil is dismissive and only directs him towards the academic path.
It's clearly not the same, it clearly eats up at Sticky to have his old mentor die in order, a second time, to invent a cure and now he can't mourn because he has to convince the only other doctor in town to take him under his wing.
Artemy allowed him a chance, took him seriously, looked past his lack of education and taught him the same way his own father used to teach him. Because Artemy genuinely relates and understands Sticky's situation, he grew up in this town.
Daniil who lives in the capital where every child is handed a bright future and guaranteed education could never relate to the kids of the town who grew up without a single school. He feels bad for them yes but he can't see Sticky as capable of anything besides staying out of trouble and letting the real doctors do their job.
Daniil lives in his concept of a utopia where children are always protected and never put in dangerous situations while capable adults handle everything. A world where he closes a grocery to not spread infection because that's what's right and necessary, without caring about how the families will feed themselves now.
Artemy lives in the grim reality of orphans trading bullets and razors just to get enough food to stay alive, of them risking getting infected just to acquire plague maps for him to purchase, in the world where he helped a kid steal from a store for his own sake because he knew he couldn't afford saying no in these dire circumstances.
Sticky does a lot of work behind the curtains. He keeps the lair clean and takes care of Murky. It's a shame we don't get to see him doing these things in-game, besides his model changing spots depending on the time of day.
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This interaction happens on the third (or second?) day! The kid barely knows us, and he is already looking for our approval and doing chores around the house. I mentioned before how the Haruspex's lair floors are constantly wet-looking in a different post, and that detail is probably due to Sticky constantly moping the floors and keeping things tidy.
I wish Artemy was more gentle with him, I wish he spoke softer to him like he does with Murky. I know he treats her like that because she is younger and more gaurded but god Sticky deserves to be told good job too!
Sticky absolutely adores Murky. He makes her candy with melted sugar and tries to cheer her up. But he also tends to idolise Isidor a little too much. They end up in fights a lot because he always defends Isidor and his actions no matter what anyone says.
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In p1, Sticky absolutely did not get along with any of the kids. Notkin invited him to join his gang, and Sticky refused, Khan wanted him to do a favour too, and Sticky declined. He doesn't play with other kids, he doesn't engage with them, and he is mostly alone.
It doesn't seem like that changed much in P2, sure the others don't mention him by name but also you don't ever see him wandering to the hubs the other kids are so fond of.
So for him to be kind and befriend Murky despite all the alienation he has suffered all his life from other kids, it really must have been a challenging step for him to take. He immediately accepts her as his sister and doesn't ask any questions.
In his free time, before becoming a student, he used to uncover mysteries and perform experiments detective conan style. Camping at the steppe at night to witness one of those clay vampire creatures despite no one believing him, attempting to get to the bottom of remours.
He's clearly very fascinated by the kin folktales and mystical creatures beyond just fantasy. What others dismissed as childish beliefs, he looked at with rationality and attempted to make sense of. The same burning curiosity reared its head when Artemy shared stories about the kin with him.
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Even his idle dialogue shows his lingering fascination with the supernatural world, with the miracles of the kin. He doesn't fear them, he wants to witness them despite the consequences.
"The murderer is a steppe demon! A shabnak-adyg! I just know it!"
"A long neck and a fat body. And hooves for feet—so it's an Albino. And people say it wasn't the earth that made it!"
"Have you seen a pale, glimmering man walking around at night?"
Just imagine Artemy passing down all of the kin tales to Sticky, the ones his father used to tell him, the ones he learned from the herb brides, the ones Oyun used to whisper to him, the ones Aspity shared during their brief interactions.
Isidor's death greatly affected him. He never speaks about him or shows it, but the fear of abandonment has already taken root. It's apparent in the endgame dialogue when he's refusing any idea of you leaving, even ten years from now, when he is a full 20-something adult.
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Just the mention of leaving has him terrfied and panicking, he doesn't want to experience the loss of another father so soon. He clings to you like gum throughout all of the game and doesn't leave your lair out of fear you won't be there when he comes back.
He sits in that broken chair and watches over Artemy as he sleeps, that kid needs a hug and reassurance so badly.
Suddenly, he has a sister to take care of, a father who loves him and is willing to teach him, a house with his own room, a future ahead as a Menkhu doctor. He has his dream coming true, and he won't survive having it taken from him.
The devs leave a lot of room for you to influence Artemy's choices and reactions throughout the game, even when it's just flavour plot texts and I love that. In my version of events, Artemy rejected all the proposals and job offers from Young Vlad, General Block, Yulia and the rest to be their assistants or travel with them.
Instead he remains home to be a Menkhu, watching over his town and helping whatever remains of the kin to survive. He accepts Lara's offer to help him take care of Sticky and Murky as co-parenting and friends. He raises both of them to be wonderful amazing adults who listen to their hearts and follow their own dreams.
Maybe add Aglaya survives and they have a long distance romance and the kids are intrigued by her terrifying aura-
Honourable mentions, Murky, Taya and Notkin.
Murky because of EVERYTHING SHE IS. I will surrender my own life to see her happy.
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Do you remember her words to us? to Artemy?
"What is there about you to love? Nothing. So I don't."
"I don't need you. Nuh-uh. Things were great without you. Great."
"Why did you come here? I don't need you. Nobody here needs you. We're not friends with her anymore, anyway."
"Why should I love you? I don't need to love you at all. I can stop loving you whenever I want."
She keeps repeating how she doesn't love us, how there is nothing to love, how she doesn't need you, she doesn't need anyone....She can stop loving us whenever she wants, she can stop if she wants to she is so sure of it...
And she knows she is lying the whole time.
She loved Artemy since the first moment she saw him.
Which was when he murdered those three people after getting off of the train. She saw a murderer, a ripper, and loved him as daughter loves her father.
Covered in blood in our worst, Murky looked at us and saw a gentle heart and a nurturing soul.
Sticky is scared of being abandoned again so he clings to us, Murky is scared of loving us so she clings to a lie. She wants a dad, she wants a brother, she only has her doll and a broken train car to call her own.
The only thing left from her parents, her lonely doll. And it was your father whom caused their death and orphaned her, what cruel fate to make her love you as a father.
The son of her parents killer.
Not a gradual love that we work for, No. She loved is since the single moment she saw us. How terrifying is that for a kid who has known no love or warmth in this life.
For Notkin, he always seemed like the most willing out of the bound kids to be your friend, not counting your own two adopted kids. By the end of the game, he asks to join the kin and says you're already one of his guys, you have a half soul too and it's massive and so cool.
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He blatantly states how much he likes you, how much you've grown on him and stood by his gang's side through the game. He shares with you his dream of opening a warehouse in the future, describing something very similar to what Grief currently has minus the crime.
How poetic it is! Grief and Artemy being childhood friends only for Notkin aka mini-Grief version to end up liking grown Artemy too and wanting to be his friend.
Murky does remind of Lara now that we mention it. In one of the items descriptions, Artemy mentions how Lara knitted him the blue sweater that he's wearing ingame under the surgical grab and when he asked her why blue, she said because it's the colour of idiots and never knitted him anything again.
Murky and her are absolutely kind and selfless to a fault, both treating Artemy with apparent hostility and sharp words when in reality they care for him more than anything.
Notkin and Grief putting an air of being dangerous so Artemy wouldn't get any ideas, but eventually warming up to him and entrusting him with their sincere emotions in rare moments of vulnerability. Both are trying to be good leaders for people under their care, both appreciate his help in dire situations and give him back when they can. Grief is the first to hand you items to get you started ingame, and in Notkins warehouse, a kid gives you bread and milk, later they give you the first plague map for free.
In a way, it feels like Sticky adores Artemy in the same way Rubin must have idolised Isidor.
Jfwifjwkd Artemy straight up adopted the kids equivalent of his childhood friends that is so peotic.
Finally, there is Taya!
For her, I feel more of a personal connection rather than any bond she may have with Artemy. She reminds me of myself as a kid in a way. She looks spoiled but in reality she is very isolated and only have interacted with adults all her life who keep reminding her of her responsibility.
She wants to be a kid so desperately but she is forced to play the mother superior role. And despite all her lack of emotional development at that age, she does her best to sincerely play that role. To be wise and study the responsibility handed to her.
In P1, she mentions nonchalantly how her father, the previous leader of the kin, was killed by the kin in her place, he died to protect her from being killed. She mentions that if you choose to sacrifice big vlad in place of young vlad.
Saying how the father should always pay for the sins of his children.
Isidor died so Artemy may live
Her father died so she may be spared
Big Vlad died in place of his son getting killed.
Taya is very childish at times in a way that I wish she was allowed to express more. Just look at these scenes.
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God it's like she's holding the weight of the world on her shoulders but laughing and smiling despite of it as she dreams of strawberries.
Ugh she is so tiny too! LOOK AT HER. You can put her in you pocket but she might get lost between the loose change!!
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The remaining kids, Capella, Khan, Grace and even Taya herself, don't seem that fond or attached to Artemy. Their fates cross a lot and some of them clearly saw Isidor as a father figure but it's never the same with Artemy.
Taya only cares for him as Menkhu, she is mother superior and he is one of her "children" like any other person from the kin.
Capella sees him as a business partner in a way, she asks for favours and promises to repay tenfolds when she becomes a mistress. Her goals and Artemy's allign so they are partners in planning.
Sometimes, I wonder if Artemy was supposed to be born much later. Because Capella describes a future where he is included with these kids when it comes to rebuilding the town. The fact his own mother died during childbirth makes me consider that theory a bit more, maybe his parents rushed into having a second kid when his older brother passed away which caused health problems to his mother.
So Artemy was supposed to be born much later alongside these kids and play his role in rebuilding the town. But it's just a theory.
Thank you so much for the praise about finishing the game! I want to lie and say it was effortless. But.It.Was.Not. 500 reloads. But I loved every minute, I would hate going to sleep because it meant I had to stop play and would open the game first thing after waking up. It was literally and addiction and I couldn't remember my own name and life event but I for sure had the list of items best to trade to which town npcs memorised.
I want to replay it after finishing it P1. It is fun but it can be boring at times which is why I'm moving at a slugs pace in Daniil's route. Part of me is also dreading finishing it since I will only have Clara's route to play by then....and its over like that.
Maybe by stalling, I'm hoping that P2 Bachelor's route will come out sooner.
I definitely enjoyed this conversation <3 I love talking and talking loves me, I have a million opinions on everything and so much to say about pathologic. If you ever get curious about a certain subject, character or concept, shoot me an ask since I will have so much fun writing out the essay.
I hope you had fun reading this! I try to sprinkle in jokes so it's not just a big dump of information but eh, I love mansplaining guilty as charged.
Take care anon! I hope your day is wonderful. Also wanna be called Sticky anon if you're going to be a frequent quest on here?
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Vex's big fat SV fic recommendation list
Being stressed while waiting for reviews and thesis feedback had me tearing through the SV AO3 tags like a rabid animal. Bright side to this is that I've been through basically the entire tag for a few characters so you don't have to. Below the cut is all the fics that really stuck with me
Invasive Species by hiratake Hassel/Brassius oneshot. You know that popular post that says the holy grail of AO3 is a 10k oneshot that changes your life when you binge it at 3am? yeah that's this one they meant this fic. It's a look at their younger years and the falling in love stuff these two go through and it's fantastic. There's cute cameos, excellent prose and really fun themes throughout
Team Building (and other remedies for loneliness) by viodef Arven Gen multichap. By the time I finished this fic I was convinced it's canon. It fills in the unseen parts of the game absolutely expertly, telling the story of how Arven caught and raised his team, and balances emotional angst and cute moments within his team flawlessly. It actually got me to care immensely about Arven's Toedschol. btw, this fic is part of a series-- and every fic in it is just as excellent as this one. They're some of the best Arven fics I've ever seen and I cannot recommend them highly enough
I Love You (just in case you didn't know) by WizardGlick Hassel/Brassius oneshot collection. "Where are all the incredible writers for SV?" making old man yaoi content. The Hassel/Brassius scene on AO3 is killing it. This fic has been on my mind since I first read it, it's so GOOD. It's tender it's emotional it's cute it has it all. Even if you don't care for this ship you will by the end of it. Read it
normal people by golden_blue Larry gen oneshot. I'm actually astounded at the charm people are putting into fics about Larry, a character designed to be as basic as possible. This is a fic that really just brings the pokemon world to life, giving so much depth to characters and making everything feel so grounded and lived in. If you like Larry, or even if you don't, read this fic, it'll leave you loving Medali and everyone in it
Kitchen Confidential by aclockworklemon Zerotrio Gen Twoshot (for now). People who characterize the player's mom are the most powerful among us and this is as good as it gets. There's a lot of subtlety in how the characters emotions are explored through the perspective of the character's own mom, and honestly I just love a fic that feels so grounded and sweet. Everyone is characterized so well, and the conflicts feel so real and personal. Good times all around
lost in translation by fivveweeks E4 gen oneshot. This fic is fucking hilarious I am actually begging you to read this one. One of the few times a fic actually got me to belly-laugh. Every work in this author's series about the E4 is equally as funny and equally as good so just do yourself a favor and read them all
holding onto the past (just like her) by centispores Arven oneshot, focused on grief. This one absolutely destroyed me. It has a real mastery of prose, a slowly building sense of dread and confusion that really hammers in the emotional core, and a really good understanding of flow. Setting the fic to a flu delerium backdrop lets the author's talents really shine and also gut punch you right at the end! It hurts, highly recommend
Tenderhearted Trust by infaredlove Jacq focused oneshot. SV introduced the best cast of side characters (the teachers) in the history of this franchise and some valiant authors took it upon themselves to just make banger after banger all about them. This is honestly a recommendation for this author's entire catalogue of work because I adore how they characterize the academy staff, Jacq especially. The prose is great, the feelings are tender, and who doesn't love seeing some nice stories about the adults in the room?
kids and their newfangled lingo by rentaldragon Rika/Geeta oneshot. This one is less than 1k words and as cute as it is funny. It needs no introduction, it's got silly lesbians in it!!
Up the Creek by neutralize Arven oneshot, focused on his failed attempts to heal Mabosstiff. Another ouchie of a fic. This one stings real bad, and the depth of emotion in this one is an absolute killer. The ever increasing desperation here and the ways that Arven's own trauma prevent him from reaching out or getting help for his own mental state are absolutely brutal and an incredible way of illustrating the pre-canon events. This one is rough but it's a very worthwhile read
YOUR _____ APPEARS ABNORMAL. by johnchurch Larry oneshot, Geeta POV. This fic is absolutely genius and even if you don't like either character you have got to give it a shot. It's such a fun and clever way to integrate in-game glitches to an in-universe headcanon. Genuinely delightful. Also watching Geeta slowly lose her mind is more fun than I initially expected
Cool, Cool, Cool by Chumpy Arven/Giacomo oneshot. Really and truly who is doing it like rarepair shippers. They are the backbone of fanfic society and I mean this. This fic is pretty lowstakes in comparison to the others on this list, but man is it cute. I love the characterization, the realism of teenage dialogue and all its awkwardness, and just the way the relationship progresses during the story. Sooo cute, give it a read!
Perennial by Seasonal Penny twoshot. Fics that are canon to me. I'm not even sure how to properly articulate how much this just feels like a legitimate explanation of canon events that happened offscreen. This fic is perfect and also canon. Real to me.
The Fellowship of Glimmora by dragons_tree Geeta multichap, unfinished. This is THE Geeta fic to me. The prose is incredible, the characterization is incredible, the worldbuilding is incredible. If you read one SV fic today make it this one, it will leave you with so many new thoughts on Geeta and her relationships with the gym leaders. Genuinely so so so good I think I would kill to get this fic to update again
Ortega's Drag Race by MimeOfATime Team Star oneshot. This fic is canon in my brain. This is so real to me. The characterization is perfect, the worldbuilding is perfect, begging you to read this fic Right Now. Pls. For me.
Push by agendergrim Professor-focused oneshot. This one is short and also just cracked my brain wide open. SUCH an interesting take on what happened to the other professor and well-written to boot. Do yourself a favor and read this one when you have a few minutes
Historical Perspective by n7punk Sada/Raifort exes oneshot. No one understands Raifort like this author I stg. The characterization of everyone here is absolutely fantastic and is filled with concepts and ideas that feel so authentic to the story of the game. I too love disaster lesbians so this fic was an absolute delight
regret, reflected in crystal by Emolga Turo and Arven focused oneshot. This one is INSANELY rough, big tw for child abuse and an absolutely gut-wrenching internal monologue about it. This fic is really heavy but insanely good, I had to sit down for a while to process it all when I was done. I highly recommend this to anyone who's looking for a fic to blow them away, the author is insanely talented and a master of their craft, but also OOF.
oh, just one more question… by pistachiosoda Penny focused oneshot. Such a sweet Team Star character study, it's really neat to see the unique ways that each character speaks and reflects about the boss and how it serves not only to characterize Penny, but them in turn. This genuinely feels like it could be dialogue ripped from some DLC of the game. If you like Team Star def give this one a look
irony by mousewritings Penny and Arven oneshot. This author REALLY understands teenage dialogue. It feels so real it's almost painful, so if you want something that's really gonna captivate you, give this a read. There's something about the way the characters fumble that feels really natural, and this author is extremely talented when it comes to dialogue and attitude. I adore this fic
Endearment by Sarajaye Penny focused oneshot. Centers around Penny's feelings about her dad-- it's like 400 words and super sweet, just do yourself a favor and read it right now. Click on the link and go for it it'll take like two minutes. You'll thank me later.
Glimmer by WolvZephyr Geeta focused oneshot. Good Geeta focused fics are few and far between, so it was fantastic to see one that really delved into her philosophy and attitudes and personality. This is one of those fics that really puts so much depth into a character that it feels like a natural extension of everything in game. Whether or not u think ur a Geeta fan, read this, because it'll absolutely give you a fresh perspective on her
Patch Up by ColourfulVoid Nemona and Miriam focused oneshot. This might actually be one of, if not my absolutely, favorite fic I've read about Nemona. It so perfectly captures the masking she does and the ways that the adults in her life WANT to help but can't because of all the fronts she puts up. This is filed under lists of fics that changed my brain chemistry. Read it
hues by aukai Nemona and Jacq focused oneshot. Similar to the above, this focuses on Nemona's unhealthy habits and masking and I just absolutely adore it. It's a brief glimpse into her pre-story school life and really adds depth to everything happening offscreen. Nemona my beloved
If you don't wanna use a tumblr post for the links, I have all these bookmarked on my AO3 Vex_ation, which is linked here
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (5-11 May 2024)
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another absolutely unhinged episode from this crew. i love them all so much.
🙂 Lessons in Exposing a Deadly Alias (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries) (Charlie Cochrane) - this series is now the equivalent of watching criminal minds or some other long-running procedural: it's certainly not for the plot/mystery but for the characters who are family. I do love that as the series has gone on their friends & family have taken on a more active role in the investigations. that said, I think I might be done with this series; it took me forever to get thru this bc I wasn't remotely motivated to get back to it.
🥰 No One Likes Us But We Don't Care (Rainne) - 45K, modern Steve/prewar Bucky - an accidental interdimensional swap drops a 1940s Bucky into the present - he & Steve figure out what that means for them (3rd in a series)
😍 Spectred Isle (Green Men #1) (KJ Charles, author; Ruairi Carter, narrator) - [reread] very old world supernatural shenanigans in 1920s England - truly sad that there won't be any more in this universe because it's sooooo good and so rich but forever grateful we at least got this marvelous (and complete) story
🥰 it's good to see you back in a bar band, baby (LiarsandThieves22) - 139K, Steddie modern musician AU - absolutely adored this! enemies-to-friends-to lovers speedrun, understandable & character appropriate mutual pining, fantastic supporting characterizations - it had it all!
😍 You Should Be So Lucky (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - baseball player Eddie & newspaper writer Mark are both dealing with some devastating life events. They find each other and some solace and healing. This book, like We Could Be So Good, is absolutely incredible. It knocked my socks off and healed my heart. It almost made me like baseball! I'm just going to quote from a review written by kiki124 in the Romance Salon server because she is great with words and captured it exactly: "I was just blown away by the writing and the ways Sebastian drew these two utterly believable and interesting characters, plus all the side characters, plus the literary notes, plus the queer history plus the New York history. I think that what I love the best about these books is that the story doesn't end when the characters fall in love--there's a whole second half of the book to come as the relationship has room to breathe and grow and work out kinks. Literally everyone who has a heart and a brain should read these books."
💖💖 +115K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the Steve Rogers problem (relenafanel) - MCU: stucky AU, 36K - "Bucky doesn't consider his Steve Rogers problem as a problem so much as the solution he hadn't realized he was hoping for to help him through the transition from the Bucky Barnes he'd been before his accident to the new, shiny version of himself. No, the problem isn't with Captain America and The Howling Commandos fandom. The problem is the amount of porn Bucky managed to write and draw about Captain America before finding out that he's less than one degree of separation away from Steve Rogers. 'Less than' as in he's sitting across the table from him."
Is It Cake? - s2, e4-5
Girls5eva - s1, e1
QI - series U, e4-8
Beyond Paradise - s2, e4-6
Game Changer - s6, e8
Strange Way of Life (2023)
Um, Actually - s6, e6
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e2
Smartypants - s1, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Rock The Boat" (s21, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Blimey" (s16, e18)
Doctor Who - series 14, e1-2
Re: Dracula - May 5: The Dead Travel Fast
Wiser Than Me - Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Sans-Souci Palace
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! BONUS - The animal that terrifies Peter, and other 'Wild Card' topics
Re: Dracula - May 7: Stranger in a Strange Land
Short Wave - 'Stealing The Past': A Spat Between Twins Leads To A Theory Of Disputed Memories
Re: Dracula - May 8: Foul Bauble of Man's Vanity
Vibe Check - Oh, How We Have Fallen From Taste
Re: Dracula - May 9: Castles in the Air
Today, Explained - Israel, Gaza, and Eurovision
Consider This from NPR - From utility man to one of California's foremost journalists
It's Been a Minute - A 'Wild Card' game with Rachel Martin
Wild Card with Rachel Martin - Issa Rae thinks a little delusion goes a long way
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Drake and Kendrick are beefing, but who pays? Plus, moms as our social safety net
Today, Explained - The real victims of Baby Reindeer
Re: Dracula - May 11: Pray for my Happiness
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - TikTok’s Boom-Bling
⭐ Lost Notes - Go with the Flow: Community, Virality, and the Politics of Dancing
Why Won't You Date Me? - Love in Theater (w/ Jesse Tyler Ferguson)
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Chappell Roan
⭐ Big Gay Fiction Podcast - Baseball, 1960 New York, and Bad Dogs with Cat Sebastian
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Beauly Priory Wych Elm
'60s Sunshine Pop
'60s Folk Rock
Dance Party Hits
Carly Rae Jepsen
Presenting Charli XCX
Presenting Dua Lipa
Energy Supermix
Women of Electronic
Essential Proto-Metal
Rock Radio • 1980s • Popular • High variety
Presenting The Beach Boys
Classical Workout
Instrumental Hard Rock
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