#like i don't celebrate it personally but also?? c'mon i feel like you could at least just give me something like that
moogghost · 2 years
idk when it'll happen bc i don't have that much free time this winter break somehow but. remind me to draw something with my los celebrating kwanzaa because i. am tired of christmas getting shoved down my throat as someone who doesn't celebrate it sorry lmao
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Quarterfinals, Match 2
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expand to see all propaganda received! (wall of text warning oh my god this is a severe cautionary message)
Lauryn Hill:
"she paved the way and was hot as fuck the whole time"
"Girl c'mon. Look at her. You're gonna try and tell me that isn't the most beautiful and attractive person alive? Okay. You're lying but okay."
"if u freaks don't give ms. lauryn hill the respect she deserves..."
"actually one of the prettiest women ever I'm such a lesbian for her. like irl I'm already a lesbian but she is helping"
Damon Albarn:
"Don’t think Damon should be here? Why don’t you get your head checked by a jumbo jet? Maybe you’ll feel heavy metal and calm down."
"If Damon is in the “some guy” category, he’s the heavenly and heartbreaking version. Damon is the sort of significant stranger I’d see on the train out of Colchester but could never speak to, just a face seen in passing yet too radiant to be real. I’d fall in love for an hour and carry the ache for a month."
"Damon sets the standard for me. I think he’s the most fascinating man alive. What I find attractive in Damon is not just his gorgeous bone structure and boyish charm, but how wholly he’s committed himself to music. Damon is an artist who walked the walk: in one of his roughest years with some of his rawest songwriting, he said he was no longer excited by anything except the creative process. He was disillusioned with the celebrity of it all, with his relationships suffering for it, and only wanted to make art: nothing more, nothing less. He would go on to compose film scores, write operas and stage musicals, produce other artists’ records, form collectives to fulfill his passion for world music, and create some of the most globally successful music of his career in a completely innovative format that placed him as the phantom behind the characters. Whenever one band takes a break, he makes a solo record or puts together a supergroup to stay busy. He’s uniquely collaborative and still writes personal letters inviting artists to record with him, and yet can function as a one-man show, acting as a multi-instrumentalist, a singer-songwriter and a producer. He’s been a constant voice of bringing British music to the world *and* bringing world music into Britain. Sure, he’s won Brit Awards and a Grammy among others, but he also has a Guinness World Record and was named an Officer of the British Empire for his services to music; his long work with Africa Express earned him respect even from peers who’d previously dismissed him, and his commitment to support his Malian collaborators in the face of violence earned him the title of Local King in Mali. There is so much talent in the world, but there is truly no one else with a career that looks like Damon Albarn’s. Damon is far more than just a prettyboy to look nice on a magazine cover, but looks are the ultimate point of this tournament, so make no mistake: he was terribly, terribly pretty. You watch him performing in the 90s, you sift through photoshoots and interviews and documentaries, and it feels *cruel* how beautiful he was. If his talent was god-given, so was his face. To put a bow on this thesis: I don’t know if Gorillaz and Damon’s musical universe would be the experimental, globe-trotting, boundary-pushing community affair it is if Blur hadn’t become such a central figure in Britpop and if Damon had not been made such a media spectacle, and I don’t know if Damon would have been that spectacle if he wasn’t so ungodly pretty. The domino effect is that Damon’s cherubic face launched a thousand multimedia art school projects for decades to come."
"I wish I was basically any bloke in the 90s so I could tongue Damon Albarn down. Damon will see a man and ask “is anyone gonna kiss that?” and not wait for a response."
"I have a pillow with his face on it. I sleep with it every night 😊"
"“I’m more homosexual than Brett Anderson, always have been. As far as bisexuality goes, I’ve had a taste of that particular fruit, or have been tasted you might say…” is just the rawest most Shakespearean statement ever"
"he is the ultimate Pretty Boy ™. his glorious golden locks, his electric blue eyes. he is if Princess Diana was a Britpop Dude. he is the Regina George of Britpop. he is if Aphrodite took male form. Zeus would come down to earth to fuck him if he knew. he is a caffeinated orange cat let loose. he is deranged. he is unhinged. you never know what will come out of his mouth. he had sexual tension with every single man who knew him. he pulled justine fucking frischmann. his aura knows no bounds. he is a siren. he is a weird guy. but being so gorgeous stunning ethereal didn't stop him from also being one of the most prolific songwriters of his generation"
"literally where do i even begin. i could write entire essays on this man. a good place to start would be the beetlebum music video, i suppose. i'll never forget the first time i watched that music video. something in me changed, my brain chemistry was altered, my life was never the same, i view the world a lot differently now. and a lot of the viewing i'm doing is of pictures of damon albarn's face because of boy do i have a lot of those saved. every time i try to look for a photo of something on my phone i can't find it because there's so much damon. okay that's maybe an exaggeration but this man has the most unfathomable beauty ever. his eyes? HIS EYES. god dammit i love his eyes i want to stare at them until the end of time like nothing else exists. i'm so normal about this man (lying) and while i'm usually very shameless about my interests i'm actually incredibly glad this propaganda is anonymous because otherwise. yeah. but the world deserves to see damon albarn's beauty and also hear his fantastic voice because what the fuck. his voice is literally the most gorgeous sound ever produced like bro sounds like that and expects me not to fall in love? i want this man to sing his silly songs and talk absolute nonsense to me until the sun eventually blows out and the world ends. cmon damon girlies let's demolish this tournament i know there are a lot of you."
"He’s beautiful. He’s a little rat. He’s a sweetheart. He’s a dickhead. He’s a musical genius. He’s a dumb bitch. He’s a jock. He’s a weirdo. He’s real. He’s an illusion. He’s everything. He’s just Damon."
"DAMON DAMON DAMON where do I begin oh jeez I've hyperfixated on this man for a solid 4 years and still going strong. Damon makes me wish that British people are real. That says A LOT. This man created a whole ass ANIMATED BAND WITH A SHIT TON OF LORE as a SIDE HUSTLE??? Not to mention, what other man has collaborated with Stevie Nicks, MF DOOM, Del the Funky Homosapien, Snoop Dogg, AND Beck?! People, we're literally in the presence of a god. And he's STILL GOING. Anyways, TL;DR, damon is so so so neat and cool and he should definitely win this competition. Thank you."
"Okay 90s Damon is The Perfect Boy yes yes, but the people who parrot the Daily Mail and say "he's ugly now" will never understand. I would still suck every drop from him on his deathbed."
"Vote for whoever you want to. But Damon is so pretty."
"i did not spend hours admiring this beautiful man's face on pinterest just to see him lose."
"Damon Albarn just brings me joy. When I'm watching him perform, following along as the camera lingers on and adores his pretty face, I get butterflies like I'm 15 again. It's nice to still feel that totally unguarded giddiness sometimes."
"God let the intrusive thoughts win making Damon. What if he's a beautiful blond twink with eyes like saucers and dick to his knees, he reads Herman Hesse and plays footie and is insufferable about both, he'll be the most prolific musician of his generation and write operas and seminal albums in 5 different genres and also he's gonna be the dumbest bitch alive? He'll also be kinda bi, but only kinda. And send."
"when i found out about his existence, my life was changed forever. i wish i could use him like the hannah montana boot milk pillow and chuck him at the wall so he makes a loud thud"
"Think of the drama and anon fights it'll cause if Damon wins it all! And think of how quiet it'll get after Damon's out. You'll miss him when he's gone, like memories of a noisy house years after it's grown silent. Choose Damon, and keep the messy train chugging."
"Even the Gallagher brothers have the hots for him."
"Kiss kiss I love him also you can't vote for any of the Seattle men they're literally copy and paste it's not fair. We need Brit representation"
"I want to take care of him, I want to provide for him. I need to gauge his baby blue puppy dog orbs out to I can clean them with wood varnish, paint shades of Pantone 320 C in his eyes, spray eau de parfume by dior in them and sew it back into his eyes like that scene in Toy Story 2."
"Seeing as simply filling the page with ‘Damon’ written 10000000 times isn’t going to cut it 😅 may I admit/submit: I DO have him tattooed on my being (no descriptive, is this anon?); he’s inspired somewhat unhinged late night/early morning fandom conversations in which I’ve served as ‘parish’ priest hearing confessions from all manner of folk about what they’d like to do to him/receive from him; sadly I lost an essay where I detailed why the letters that make up his name suit him so well, and described him as the hot caramel sauce to Graham’s cool vanilla ice cream. He’s a faerie princess with a nose that makes people weep and a voice that feels like the warmest home and he gives amazing hugs. He loves trains and chickens and his tuxedo cat. He’s annoying and sweet and somewhat unhinged and his music saves people and all this is on top of that fantastic dick. He’s a dream yet very real and we’re fucking blessed to be on earth at the same time as him, amen"
"Damon Albarn was a beautiful, beautiful boy. The world saw that, regardless of if every individual reading this has the same taste in men; it felt like a truth of the universe at the time. They don't make celebrities that angelic in face and erratic in personality anymore."
"I need to touch his eyebrows, nose and prostate just one time JUST ONE TIME COME ON"
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 months
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Part II
Word count: 2700+
Warnings: panic attacks (reader is tormented soul🤷)
I'll just drop it here.
Also I felt really bad for saying no to so many nice persons (I really admire the inner power of people who can do that so easily and without regrets), so there's going to be a taglist 🫥
Lovely divider by tsunami-of-tears
Part I | Part III
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You were sitting at the table, eyes downcast, cheeks slightly pink. Everyone around you was celebrating your wedding, but you hardly paid attention to it. Your thoughts were swirling around the warm hand on your lap, holding yours so firmly it almost hurt, thumb drawing small circles on your skin. What could it mean? You'd never seen this kind of behaviour in Hewn city. Public, lewd touches maybe, but secret, intimate ones? Was it a good sign? Or bad one?
You were snapped out of your thoughts when his hand suddenly withdrew. You didn't dare to look at him though. In a second, air little bit cooled down and a silky night-kissed voice with a pinch of arrogance spoke from your left.
"Nice party, Eris."
You immediately recognized High Lord of Night. Feeling the urge to stand up and bow as you would do in Hewn city, you pushed against the chair, but it didn't move even an inch. Eris' hand was now on an armrest of your chair, holding it at place.
"What did you expect? It's my wedding day. I hoped to please my wife," he said, his voice dangerously low, balancing between politeness and sharpness of displeasure.
"Thank you, my lord," you whispered with bowed head. The pressure of powers of these two males was almost unbearable, suffocating you.
"Hmm," it seemed that High Lord of Night smirked. "I hoped that I could have a word with your wife, if it isn't too much to ask for."
"Whatever you want to tell her, you can do so here and now," Eris retorted, cold rage seeping from every word.
"C'mon," Rhysand laughed amusedly. "It only takes a minute and you'll have her back. I won't hurt her, you have my word."
Eris inhaled sharply, considering it. Then he just waved his hand and went back to watching the dancers.
"Here, let me help you," High Lord of Night offered you his arm, helping you to stand up. Then he silently led you to the ceiling-to-floor windows and out on the terrace. He let go of your hand and leaning against the railing looked up at the night sky.
"Stars are so different here, aren't they," he sighed softly.
You quickly took a look at twinkling lights that illuminated the terrace with a cool glow. It was the first time you'd ever seen the night sky and you'd like to keep watching that mesmerising beauty for the rest of your life, but.. your gaze sank down to the floor.
"I'm sorry, my lord. I'm afraid that I have nothing to compare it with."
You could feel his piercing gaze to move to you then and you shivered under its weight.
"Please, call me Rhysand," his voice was kind, nothing like the cold, merciless one he used to address crowd in your hometown.
You swallowed hard. "My lord, I couldn't-"
He softly interrupted you. "If it makes you feel better, you can call me by my name only when we are alone. Like now."
Who you were to oppose the High Lord. "As you wish, my l-.. Rhysand," you curtsied.
"Ah, and no bowing, dear. I don't need such formalities. After all you aren't my subject anymore. We're equal. That's why I want you to treat me like that. What's your name?"
You again swallowed, dread eating up on you. Equal to High Lords. What a crazy thing to think. You could never be more than a servant, a submissive mute wife who would speak up only with husband's approval.
"My name is Y/N."
"Y/N," he repeated, tasting it. "Lovely name. How old are you, Y/N?"
"I-I'm 19."
He was silent for a moment. Feeling uncomfortable with his eyes trained on you, you shifted weight slightly, your gaze still focused on the pattern of tiles at his feet.
"Tell me, my dear, how do you feel about this? About the marriage?"
"I-" You started to sweat. What should you say? What did he want to hear?
"Don't be scared. You can be honest with me. I won't hurt you no matter what you say," his voice was so soft that you believed him.
"I'm just doing as I was told.." you stuttered.
"I thought so," he said sadly. "I guess that you've never met him before, right? Now that you've seen him up close, do you at least like him?"
"Eris," he added when you didn't respond right away.
"l-I'm not sure, my l-" Your heart was beating in your ears so fast. "I mean, he's quite good looking, but I'm-.. I don't know him well."
You felt like fainting any minute now, your vision blurring. If your husband overheard this conversation, he would certainly get so angry. Under no circumstances should a wife speak ill of her husband. Not even slightly. That was the very first rule you were taught.
"It's okay, my dear," in a blink of eye High Lord of Night was at your side, one hand supporting you, the other one gently rubbing on your back. "Just breathe. Deep breaths, yeah? Nobody's going to find out about what you said here. Don't worry."
Slowly you calmed down. Only once your heart slowed down, his hands moved to your face, lifting it up so he could look into your eyes. You gaped at him in surprise. Remembering the manners, you tried to avert your eyes to the side just above his shoulder as it was expected. However, he wouldn't let you, forcing your gaze back to his face with sad smile.
"Now listen to me carefully, dear Y/N. This isn't Hewn city. Whatever you experienced there, it's over now. You certainly heard all kinds of rumours about Eris and I'm not going to lie to you and say that that isn't true because it is. However, it doesn't mean that he'll be cruel to you too. If he was after all, you don't have to put up with it. If he ever hurts you, just let me know and I'll sent someone to get you to safety. Will you remember that?"
Whole galaxies danced in those violet-blue eyes that searched yours, genuine care seeping from each of his words. You quietly nodded, unable to find your voice.
"Good girl," he really smiled then. That kind grin completely changed his expression. If he was handsome before, now he was breathtaking. "I really hope you'll find your happiness here."
With that he stepped back and his hands casually slipped into the pockets of trousers. He once again looked up at the night sky.
"Autumn is beautiful season. I'm sure that you'll like it once you settle down enough to start to explore your new home. Tonight it's quite cold. Let's get you back inside. Eris gets mad if you catch cold because of me."
Offering you his arm, he escorted you back and to your seat. As soon as he noticed you, Eris stood up to hold a chair for you, his eyes narrowed at Rhysand.
"Unharmed. Just as I promised," Rhysand winked at him. Then he took your hand and placed a kiss on its back. "Be happy, dear Y/N."
"Thank you, my lord," you whispered, bowed to him and sat down. With a one-sided grin Rhysand spun on his heel and headed to his mate who was currently talking with some beautiful lady near to the dance floor.
Your husband slid into his seat, his gaze burning holes into Rhysand's back. He was quite displeased. You felt it even without looking up at him. Once you were again alone his hand found yours under the table.
"You are freezing cold," he murmured and his skin heated with magic. The warmth seeped into your brittle hands. For a moment your tension melted like a snow with the touch of his long fingers.
In contrast to the warm touch, when he spoke again, his voice was so cold and angry that you shivered. "What did he want?"
Breath caught in your throat, heart skipped few beats as all blood left your face.
"My lord," you said in small trembling voice, trying to swallow the lump that rose in your throat.
Eris cast a sidelong glance at you, his eyes narrowing. He said nothing, waiting for your answer.
"He asked me," you stammered, "about the wedding. A-and offered me help.."
"Help?" His fingers drummed impatiently on the table and then clenched into fist.
"Yes, my lord."
"What kind of help?"
You slightly cringed in your seat.
"T-to run away a-and shelter."
His hand squeezed your fingers firmer and you prepared for pain. Then he suddenly let go and started to slowly retreat back to his personal space. All the warmth left with him.
"And," he spoke quietly and slowly, "do you want to go with him?"
You panicked, your breath becoming labored. When your father spoke like this, it always meant the worst punishment. You knew what to expect from him, what kind of torment, but this male? You had no idea what he would do to you. Would he just beat you up? Or would he even burn you? Dozens of possibilities flashed through your mind.
"Do you want to go with him?" he repeated his question when it took you too long to answer.
Your fingers gripped the fabric of your skirt, but even that couldn't stop the tremor.
"N-n-no, my lord, n-never."
The tears began gathering behind your closed eyelids. You waited for the punishment. His fingers lightly touched the back of your hand, hesitantly, slowly moving forward until both of your hands were once again in his warm grip. He lightly squeezed them.
You heaved shakily. Opening eyes, you blinked away tears and gazed at your connected hands on your lap. His thumb was gently rubbing your knuckles now. It was.. comforting.
It was unbelievable. He did nothing to you, only held your hand. In disbelieve you looked up at his profile. He was again watching the dancing couples, his expression unreadable. After a while he turned to you with a tight smile. His eyes were soft and somehow sad when they met yours.
"I'd let you go, if you said that you wanted to."
The tears were back, stinging your eyes, but for the different reason now. Would he really let you go? Just like that?
Something sparked in your chest and hope filled your heart. Rhysand's words echoed in your mind: 'it doesn't mean that he'll be cruel to you'. You prayed to the Mother that it was true.
You shook your head decisively. "I don't want to," you said.
The corners of his mouth turned up for a second in a hardly there smile. As if he just reminded himself where he was, your husband broke the gaze, turning back to dancers and the unreadable mask slid back to his face with almost audible click.
You were breathless. His amber eyes. They engraved straight into your soul. For that short moment you saw flames burning in them, wild and sensual, playful and lustful but never hurtful.
Without knowing what you were doing, you freed one hand and placed it on his. The movements of his thumb stilled, whole his body tensed. You turned your other hand in his grip palm up, your fingers timidly intertwined with his. Out of the corner of his eye, he quickly looked down on your hands and then up at your face. With a small smile he relaxed in his chair. His fingers clenched, holding you firmly while thumb danced over your skin in rhythmic motion that matched the music.
The party went on for another three hours, some of the guests were already so drunken that servants had to help them into their seats. No one could leave before the newly married couple. It was around the midnight and you were so tired. It was a long and tiring day for you and it was starting to take its toll. Enveloped in pleasant warmth, your eyelids grew too heavy and it was getting more and more harder to fight the sleep.
Suddenly Eris's hand slipped from between yours and he called for servant with a small gesture. The boy immediately ran to him and leaned closer. Your husband told him something and boy disappeared. Not even a minute after that two maids appeared and approached you. They stopped to bow and one of them stepped closer to whisper to your ear.
"Please, follow us, my lady."
Fully awake now, you looked at Eris in silent question, but he only nodded imperceptibly. Your eyes flew to your father who gave you a scary look. The message was clear: if you messed this up, you would regret it.
It was time for the last part to conclude and seal the deal for good.
The marriage consummation.
A lump rose in your throat, cold sweat running down your spine. Mother told you what to expect, they taught you what to do to please your husband, but it didn't mean you were ready for that or that you wanted it. Your husband was handsome and his behaviour toward you was nice and a complete surprise so far, but still he was a stranger.
Whether you wanted or not, you had to do this.
Quietly accepting your fate, you stood up and on unstable legs followed the maids. As you were getting away from the ballroom, the music gradually died down until you were walking through completely silent part of the castle. The winding hallways were dimly lit and empty, red carpet muffled the footsteps. Here and there you noticed a huge painting or some shiny exhibited armor or statue. It was hard to say how far it was to your destination, but your heart was beating harder and faster with every step you took nonetheless.
Maids finally stopped before a tall oak double doors, as far as you could see the only one in this hallway. One of them opened it, the other one waited until you went in and then closed the doors behind.
You found yourself in some private sitting room. Fae lights dimly illuminated the huge finely decorated space in warm light brown, gold and beige colours. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, small fire crackled in a hearth in the corner of the room. There was smaller dinning table near the windows and set of sofas and armchairs with small pillows in autumn colours around the hearth. Bookshelves were full of books, soft looking carpet on the floor. It was cozy.
On each side of the room, there were identical double doors. Maids headed to the one on the left and opened it widely. With heavy heart to followed them into the bedroom with a massive bed that dominated to the room. Except of the bed there were also two ottomans and coffee table, vanity, mirror, some drawers and another doors that probably led to walk-in closet and bathroom. You could love it if only it wasn't a place for certain act you weren't ready for.
You swallowed hard, your eyes glued to that monstrous bed. Maids disappeared behind one of the doors and soon you heard sounds of running water from there. They were running around, preparing everything necessary, giving you a moment to breathe through the panic creeping on you. Then they came back to you. Without a word they helped you to free yourself from the heavy dress and corset.
Once in the bathtub they conscientiously washed every part of your body, massaging some nice smelling bath oils into your skin. After that they wrapped you in a soft towel and ushered you back to the bedroom to the vanity where they took care of your hair and helped you into the nightgown. They worked carefully but fast.
When they left, you looked in the mirror. The nightgown was made of fine, almost transparent fabric that hugged your body, leaving just little to imagination. You were on the verge of crying.
Internally panicking you sat down on one of ottomans because good wife should never go to bed before her husband and repeating to yourself all you were taught about the act, you waited.
And you waited and waited until you fell asleep.
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Taglist: @nocasdatsgay @b0xerdancer @lilah-asteria @talesofadragon @marvelbros-oneshots @acourtofbatboydreams @li0nh34rt
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daisyblog · 10 months
I Won’t Give Up
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: Louis finds out YN is pregnant at his Mum's wedding.
It was the 20th of July, 2014. The day that YN had to see Louis for the first time, since their one night of passion. For the last fews weeks, YN had kept busy, uni assignments had helped with that but now that she had completed her second year she had time to think about the reality.
Louis' Mum was getting married today, and YN had been looking forward to the day. But since her and Louis steamy night and YN finding out she's pregnant, she was nervous to see him again.
YN arrived had the wedding venue with her Mum and Robin, and they were each handed a glass of champagne. YN looked at her Mum not knowing how to say no to the drink.
"Just hold it in your hand for now." Anne whispered discreetly in her ear. Her Mum and Robin were the only people to know that she was pregnant.
"C'mon...I can see Harry down there." Robin spoke to the two women, nodding his head in the direction where Harry was standing talking with Niall.
The three walked down to where there were groups of guests huddled together. Jay and Dan had got married a little earlier in the day, their ceremony was small and intimate with just their close family and friends. Therefore the other guests were invited to the afternoon and evening celebrations.
"Hey womb mate." Harry wrapped his arms around his sister after he had given his Mum and Robin a cuddle.
"Hi twin." YN gave Harry a slightly smile, one that didn't quite reach the top of her cheeks.
Harry knew his sister better than anyone. "You alright?".
YN nodded her head quickly, not wanting to make Harry any more suspicious. "Yeah..I'm fine.". YN heard Louis voice behind her, he was talking to one of the guests. "Niall...you can have my drink...I don't like it." YN lied and passed her drink to Niall before she excused herself to use the bathroom.
Once YN got to the bathroom, she touched up her make up, her way of procrastinating so she could hide away for longer. After she touched up her lipstick and fixed up her hair, YN took a deep breath and went back outside to find her family. As YN was walking towards them, she bumped into Jay and the one person she was avoiding.
"Aw YN, there you are." Jay greeted her with a warm hug. "I just asked your Mum where you were.".
YN avoided looking at Louis, who's eyes she could feel burning into the side of her head. "Toilet break." YN tried to joke. "Congratulations...you look beautiful.".
"Oh thank you my love." Jay smiled sweetly at the younger Styles. "But between us, I can't wait to get out of this dress.". Earning a giggle from YN. "Lottie is calling me over...I'll see you later sweetheart.".
On the inside YN panicked as Jay hurried off in the direction of her daughters because now she was alone with Louis.
"Not talking to me are you?" Louis wasted no time in calling YN out for giving him the silent treatment.
YN looked at the ground, not feeling confident to look at him. "I haven't seen you to talk to you."
"You won't look at me either." Louis continued to push for answers. "Look...if it's about what happened-".
"Just leave it Lou!" YN snapped, shocking Louis. "Like you said, no stings attached so stop talking about it.".
Louis wasn't expecting YN to be so defensive. "YN...what's wrong?".
"Nothing...just leave me alone!" YN huffed before she quickly went back to find Harry, leaving Louis stood in the same spot wondering what had just happened.
But little did the two know that Anne had been watching their interaction from a far, wondering why their conversation seemed so tense.
YN relaxed once they were all in the marquee and sat in their designated seats, her between Harry and her Mum. Niall, Liam and Sophia also sitting on their table too. YN had turned down many drink offers and continue to sip on her orange juice, she was glad that nobody had mentioned the fact that she was not drinking any alcohol. YN was talking across the table with Liam's girlfriend, when she saw Louis walking towards their table.
"Alright Tommo?" Niall asked as Louis stood next to his chair.
"I've got meself into a game of dare with me sisters." Louis began to explain, everyones eyes on him.
Liam's eyes scrunched up as he laughed. "What have they dared you to do?".
Louis eye's found YN's eyes. "Daisy dared me to dance with YN".
YN knew all eyes were on her now too. She wanted to say no but she didn't want any one to question why. So she put on her best fake smile and followed Louis to the dance floor.
Her hands rested on his shoulders, as his slipped around her waist. Goosebumps covered her arms from the touch, teasing her about what had happened the last time they were this close.
The song changed to I Won’t Give Up and YN tried her best to hold her tears back, trying to put on a good show.
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts We got yeah we got a lot at stake And in the end you're still my friend at least we did intend For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not And who I am
The lyrics were taunting her, her throat went dry and she was focusing on her breathing. “YN…you’re crying.”.
She shook her head slightly. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine.”
I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up I'm still looking up
Louis was filled with worry and guilt as he saw a tear threaten to fall from YN’s eye. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t tell you here.” YN looked at him directly in the eye, silently pleading with him.
He guided her off the dance floor and outside to where the was a small building where his Mum had gotten ready this morning. Once he checked that the room was empty, he led YN inside.
Even though they were alone, YN still couldn’t find the words to say.
“I’m sorry about what happened between us…it probably shouldn’t have happened…I mean I don’t regret it but you obviously-“.
YN interrupted Louis. “I’m pregnant.”.
YN’s heart was thumping against her chest now that she had said the words out loud to Louis. It was real now.
Louis was never speechless but his mind was completely blank as he stared at the girl in front of him. He didn’t really know what to expect YN to say, but her saying she was pregnant never crossed his mind.
“You’re pregnant?” Louis said out loud, looking to see if he had heard correctly.
YN sniffed from the tears running down both cheeks. “Yeah…about seven or eight weeks.”.
“Shit…fook…fookin’ shit.” Louis mumbled to himself. “Harry’s going to hate me.”.
“I won’t tell anyone you’re the dad, if you don’t want people to know.” YN offered to protect Louis.
“Hey…you’re not doing this alone.” Louis spoke. “I’m the dad and a dad to this baby I will be.”.
Hearing these words, YN pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his torso, Louis following and holding her close to his chest.
As the pair stood as one in the middle of the room, the sound of the bathroom door opening caused them both to freeze. As they turned to look at who had heard their conversation, Jay was standing in the door way.
“I think you two have some explaining to do.”
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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sunny-mercya · 2 months
Dressed in Red
Rogue Cheney x Male Reader
Fandom -> Fairy Tail
Requested by -> Anon
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The existence of a Blood Dragon, wasn't mentioned in any records or pre-existing documents and books of Fiore and its past history and neither was it mentioned in the index of Dragons—so therefore, such dragon was a false and doesn't exist.
Blood magic, on the other hand, does exist—although, since it's misuse throughout the decades, it had been set—although a long forgotten art now—on a Dark-Magic list and banned to be either learned or to perform.
So it had been a particularly surprise for not only the Fairy Tail guild—which had taken you in, when Natsu had found you during one of his Request missions, unconscious and covered in wounds in a destroyed shrine—but also for Rogue, when he had meet you during the Grand Magic Games, when they discovered your actuality.
At first they thought you only could do blood magic—which had been a hassle for the guild to get a permit of usage for you, from the government—but then, during a feisty moment of battle, you baffled them all when you used Dragon Slayer power.
During the after celebration of the won battle—which had interrupted the Games, those would be continued a few days later (although the Capital looked like a destroyed battlefield still)—Rogues second impression of you was pretty handsome.
Seeing you dressed in all red, probably because of your blood magic—the long traditional robes, which looked like river of blood, fitting your body nicely—was definitely a eyecatcher and Rogue, kinda wished, to have you for yourself.
»C'mon lover boy, just chat him up!« Sting throws his arm around Rogue shoulder, carrying two glasses and a bottle of champagne in his hand, saying such so easily.
Rogue scoffed, shrugging off his friends hold and looking at Sting with a grimace of irritation—easy to say for Sting, who not only has a boyfriend already—which he had to pay free—but also managed to befriend Fairy Tails Water Dragon Slayer as well, like the charming guy he is.
For Rogue it wasn't that easy, he wasn't a loud mouth like Sting nor had he a carefree personality like Natsu—Rogue's more on the silent nature of personality, someone who likes the solace of quiet and lonesome sometimes.
»Oh, please! Don't start with your brooding speech and how you're not easy to talk to! You can snag this dude just fine as well. You gotta be fast tho, because as far as I could tell, Laxus eyeing him too.«
»Would you shut up?!«
And then an argument had broke out between Rogue and Sting, getting slightly physically at one point, to which both Minerva and Yukino had to intervene and break it off.
And while the small Saber-Tooth group was busy with themselves, none of them takes notice how Frosch and Hector wanders off and through the crowd—having both formed a plan, how Rogue will be talking to this red dressing person he seemed to fancy.
»Excuse me, do these two Exceeds belong to you?« it was your voice—Rogue recognised it immediately, although only heard a few rare minimal times during the battles.
Gods, you're here! Standing behind him and asking a question—Rogue feels how his body locks up on itself, getting panicked sweaty.
»Frosch says, bawling their eyes out, how they and Lector had lost you two in the crowd and asked me to help them to find you, because I'm the pretty red from Fairy Tail.« you continued, elaborating why you're here in the first place.
Sting had to hold in his laughter, finding the situation funny—especially Rogues red beaten face and embarrassed expression, absolutely priceless to witness—but his amusement vanished just as quickly as it came, when he process what exactly you just had said.
Two Exceeds? Getting lost? Frosch and Lector? Sting had never moved so fast, standing next to the still back turned Rogue and looking from you to their shyly acting Exceeds.
Sly—Sting thought, real sly and clever of them to deceive you like this and bringing you here, without Rogue having to do the first move on his own.
»Why, thank you! We were just about to search for them, didn't we Rogue? Well, thanks for bringing Lector, I see you later!« with a pat to Rogue shoulder and flashing you a smile—Sting takes Lector and walks aways.
Rogue turns around, coming face to face with you and Froschs small teary eyed expression—and Rogue wanted to glare at his friend, for leading you here and telling the compliment he calls you in secret.
»Would it be okah for you, if I hold Frosch a bit longer? I don't have a Exceed on my own, so I'm a getting a bit attached to other Slayers Exceeds«
»Sure you can. Frosch looks content in your arms, so it's fine.«
A silence emits between the two off you and while you feed Frosch some cupcakes from the buffet—having walked with Rogue towards it, after Frosch cries out they're hungry—Rogue admits you even more.
Your (e/c) eyes and the (h/c) short cut hair was a stark contrast to your red coloured style of dressing—but it brought such intense colour even more out, making you up close even more gorgeous handsome, than Rogue had thought.
»You have pretty eyes. They're red, I like red.« the compliment you just told Rogue, came out of the blue—bringing a dark flush onto his face, the embarrassment returning.
From a distance, Rogue could hear Sting and Natsu laughing in amusement—definitely at him for being such a shy coward—the girls already reprimanded them for it.
Now or never—Rogue thought, having to say something as well or you would walk away soon and being swoon off by Laxus or whomever might fancy you as well.
»You're red handsome too!« Roguee had shouted it so loudly, that—despite it wasn't like this—everyone in the ballroom had stopped and looking at him—Sting and Natsu, followed by Gajeel now, laughed even harder.
You smiled at Rogue, it's by far the best and kindest compliment you have ever received—a honest one even, as most compliments were just a fake to begin with.
»I'm [Name], Blood Dragon of Fairy Tail. Nice to meet you.«
»I'm Rogue.« both of you officially exchanging a handshake now.
»Care to dance?« you asked right away and Rogue nodded, Frosch climbing onto his shoulder now.
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wandagcre · 5 months
Heya!!! If you were still doing the gif requests, may I ask for a fluffy top wanda one with this pleassee. Thank you
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it's date night but it wasn't the one where you two had reigns to decide—it lacked total freedom and privacy. it was a miracle enough that wanda let you accompany her as she meets her stylists for the night event; a fundraising gala held by the no-longer little morgan stark, now of age to handle the business. she reminded you of as a perfect mix of personality between tony and pepper. moreso, there was a definite surprise from wanda thinks she's no longer that hero. apparently, morgan insisted, and reassured that the world thinks otherwise as there had been cover-ups from some of her past wrong doings.
upon the invitation, you were ecstatic for your wife — how her journey has far come to this. how beneficial her presence would be at that event. you also knew how her mind is clouded with doubts, so you insisted that if you weren't to be her plus-one for safety purposes.
"c'mon, honey. i deserve to see you get dressed and glammed up, don't you think?" you give her best impression of your puppy eyes. wanda can feel the excitement coursing through you that it makes your smile so infectious.
you knew she had soften up. "fine. you can accompany me, detka."
"yes! i'm your unofficial plus-one," when you pump your fist in the air, celebrating, her giggling resonated beautifully in the room.
you were new to this world. still under the care of the starks, you were greeted by their warmth and their extravagant and lavish place. the glass that acted as top to bottom walls and viewpoint surrounded the place. you did the math and it could fit at least for you to throw a party from one room alone.
you held wanda's hand, squeezing it from time to time to reassure the woman somehow that you're there with her — for her. your wife looked small before you sat with her in the spacious bed. did you had the urge to tackle her? yes. did you succumb to that urge? also yes. it was a fit of laughter as you both enjoyed the comfortable silence.
"do you have any clue what you'll be wearing?" you ponder while your head was close to wanda, laying down.
"no, not really." wanda answers. "they only took my measurements and i reminded pepper to give me something of a natural look. nothing too over the top,"
you hold her by the wrist, your thumb soothing over it.
"whatever it is, i'm sure you'll look stunning. i won't be able to take your eyes off you." you admit honestly. wanda blushes beside you because she feels the truth behind your words.
"you're a real charmer,"
soon, you both hear the card tapping and doors sliding in. it was the makeup team, both of you greeted them and you sat patiently by the edge of the bed, how the team worked fast and efficiently.
it didn't take long for them and you saw how the sun was soon setting by the wide windows. wanda finally got into another room to put on the dress and you insisted on closing your eyes before seeing the final reveal.
"that's only for weddings you dummy."
you humurously scoffed. "i'm not taking my chances. besides, i want to be surprised."
when you two were left alone, wanda finally gave you the cue to look, per your instructions, and she was even more breathtaking than in the mirror reflection and the partial look you had beforehand.
she's right infront of you, giving you a shy twirl.
"wow. that's— okay. i have to process this beauty for at least three business days," your eyes fluttered, you feel heated up, and you had to tug on the collar of your shirt.
"don't be dramatic now, detka."
"i'm serious! i feel like a giggly teen over my crush right now. you don't understand... i hope you understand."
wanda rolled her eyes. your compliment was appreciated though, she held your words in high regard — always. wanda's back faced you again this time for her to do her last touch ups.
she turned around once again to your direction and you sauntered over your wife. you made her inch closer for you to inspect her pretty face.
your heartbeat picked up immensely.
"how do i look?" wanda whispers. she's hopeless as you were.
"gorgeous. the best among them all."
you're rewarded with her pearly teeth smile and beautiful green eyes gleaming at your response — contorting into ease and happiness. it didn't help your beating heart, but it was more than satisfying.
if she ever experienced teenage dating like in the movies filled of unstoppable fluttering of feelings, wanda is certain that it feels something as this — all with you, because of you.
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emeraldhaven · 1 year
Celebrating You and Only You
V hated birthdays.
Another tick of the clock towards inevitability, a step towards the end of a life she loved so very much. She didn't hate them purely because of this of course - she also didn't like the expectations that came on a day like today. Gifts, parties, celebrations of her life which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't all that important. She'd much rather head out on her bike, drive by some Tyger Claws or Maelstrom and fry their brains to a crisp using her cyberdeck than have to accept gifts from her friends that, bless their souls, would be trying to make this year a "year to remember".
"Jesus V - could you be any more depressin'? Cheer up, live a little!" Johnny whined, appearing on the sidewalk beside V. He was looking wistfully over the Watson community centre, leaning on the handrail exactly the same as she was.
"C'mon Johnny, you've been trawling through my memories, you know why I don't like today." V said, looking over to see whatever Johnny was also looking at. She didn't really see anything other than a few people drunk or high stumbling along the sidewalk. She breathed in deeply, held it and closed her eyes, the stale Night City air burning her lungs, then dropping her shoulders and breathing out slowly, her hand gripping tightly onto the railing.
Johnny shook his head and scoffed, pushing off of the railing and crossing his arms.
"Hey, I'm not sayin' you need to like today, just at least visit the people who care about you most. Quit bein' a little shit and make people feel like you appreciate their efforts."
V sighed. She really didn't want to go and see anybody today, but maybe Johnny was right - maybe she ought to go see some of her friends? Taking out her phone, she opened up the contacts menu and scrolled down, tapping on So Mi.
The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and rang.
"Huh. Why isn't So Mi picking up?" V wondered. It's quite unlike her little Songbird to not pick up the phone when she called, given everything that happened between the two. Granted, she'd just come back from her little trip up to Tycho, and any kind of operation is going to be taxing on somebody - maybe she wasn't feeling up to chatting?
V tried to contact her other friends: Kerry went straight to voicemail; Judy was on do-not-disturb; Panam was "out of cell range" - whatever that meant; River was "at work". Tapping her phone against her chin, V hummed out loud some familiar tune that was stuck in her head whilst she thought why every single person she could possibly want to hang out with was suddenly completely unavailable.
She hears a ping from her cellphone - it's a photo from So Mi and it's of the front door to her apartment. The caption reads:
"Come home."
V's heartrate shoots up - what does she mean, come home? Songbird has no idea where her apartment is, she'd never gone there during the whole Dogtown event, instead staying at the various safehouses that Reed and Alex had set up. It was a worrying thing for So Mi to know both where she lived and that she was there - it wasn't a particularly safe megabuilding.
Hopping on her Kusanagi, she turned the key and kicked off the pavement, pulling the throttle hard and speeding off to her home. After some incredibly reckless driving (Judy calls it "literally asking for trouble"), she arrives in quite possibly the shortest amount of time it's ever taken for her to drive across Night City. V practically jumps up the entire flight of stairs in front of her block, somehow leaping up 4 stairs at a time to reach the elevator, barely even registering the small red-electrical glitch on the TV screens, and once it arrives at the top sprints towards her apartment door and opens it.
The first thing V notices is that it's too quiet. Taking a quick scan around her apartment with her eyes, she can't see anyone and even her Kiroshi's aren't registering anything out of the ordinary. It takes one, two, three steps into her home before anything happens. A red glitch takes over her vision; quite similar to how the Relic would give her trouble, but she feels completely fine; until it all starts to clear and…
"SURPRISE!!" A loud cacophony of voices and cheers and party horns and poppers go off, showering her in a sea of noise, warmth and a shocking amount of confetti. V blinks away the odd bit of static to see all of her friends standing before her: Panam, Mitch, Judy, Rita, River, Kerry, Misty, Reed, Alex, Jackie, Viktor, Takemura and right in the middle as though she was illuminated by the stars themselves, So Mi holding a cake with the cutest little artistic (and quite edible) depiction of V at work, Mantis Blades in hand.
"Guys, you didn't have to do all this!" V exclaimed, shocked that they could have even set up something as elaborate as this without her really knowing.
"V, choom, we wouldn't have had it any other way." Jackie said softly, walking over and placing a hand around her shoulders. "Now kick back, relax and grab a cold one - it's time for celebrating you, and only you, today. None of this back and forth shit."
V looked up at Jackie and back towards her friends, her eyes starting to well up from all the emotions. She started to see all the little details - the cake, the small pieces of ribbon around the apartment, the bunting celebrating her 24th birthday, and all her friends dressed up and here for her. It wasn't something she was used to, but it was definitely something she could grow to enjoy.
As the party started, Jackie left V to go talk to Viktor and Takemura about some boxing thing that V didn't really know a whole lot about. She walked over and sat down next to So Mi, dressed in an immaculate jacket and jean combo that was quite similar to what her Relic-form had actually looked like. She was stunning, truly a beautiful woman in her own right, but since she got back from Luna she had this sparkle in her eyes that made V's heart flutter.
"Hey V - didn't see this one coming did you?" Songbird smirked, her soft lips accented in a beautifully red lipstick. V felt almost unable to take her eyes off of them, flicking down between her two newest vices: Songbird's eyes and lips.
"Uh, um, n-no no I didn't actually. How long have you known?" V stuttered.
"Ha! Well, it was a combination of everyone really. I got back from Tycho and, well, I got contacted by Panam - something about you not really having a lot of time celebrating your birthday in the past?" So Mi took a sip from her drink, lips wrapped around the straw in her cup.
"Ah I shouldn't have gotten drunk and chatted life with Panam - didn't realise that I'd have left something like that slip." V chuckled. "What was your little part to play in all this, Song?"
"The whole fact you couldn't see anything - hooked into the Relic and altered your visualware for the whole effect. Might have spruced other things up, as well, but y'know that's just for personal fun." Song couldn't have looked any more smug, nor more beautiful given that it seemed like, to V at least, that she was literally glowing.
"You're beautiful." V muttered, completely unaware that she'd said that out loud.
Songbird blushed a deep red. "Thanks V, that means a lot coming from you." She started to play with the top of the typical red cup she was holding.
V's eyes widened and her own scarlet blush creeped across her face, the tips of her eyes going ever so slightly pink. Taking a swig of her drink, she placed her hand on top of So Mi's, their pinkies ever so slightly hooking onto the other's.
"No, thank you Song - for all of this. I really, really appreciate you being here, and I'd want nothing else." V smiled softly at So Mi, flicking down to her lips again. She suddenly got quite aware of how close they were actually sitting on the couch.
"V… I-"
"Hey V! Come check out this sweet new gear that Judy's got!" Panam called over, rushing to grab V's arm and pull her away from Songbird. V looked back guiltily at Song, mouthing out "I'm sorry, talk later!" towards the redhead who smiled back and nodded in return.
The party would continue into the late night, and one-by-one people said their farewells and see-you-laters until everyone had left except for Jackie and Songbird.
"Alright V, I'd best be off - got a cute date with Misty in the morning, and I don't wanna miss it." Jackie said, slapping his legs and standing up. V walked him over to the door and hugged him.
"Thanks Jack - I had a preem time today." V said, choking on the last few words and giving Jackie another hug before he left.
"And then there were two." Songbird chuckled, lounging back on the couch, heels off and feet up on the couch, arms outstretched over the couch's spine.
"Well it was one at some point right, back when you were just a cute ghost in my head?" V chuckled, the room slightly swaying. V stumbles over and flops down onto the couch, falling right into the space between So Mi's side and her outstretched arm. V's back is suddenly warm, the machinery within So Mi's body heating up as the alcohol within their systems work independently, but seemingly together.
So Mi wraps her arm around V's chest, slowly stroking her abdomen, fingers raising and dropping at the curves of her abs. "Mmm - only a cute ghost? I seem to remember a certain someone thinking quite a lot about other things that involve the 'cute ghost in her head'." So Mi giggled, squeezing softly.
"Would be a gonk ass move to think too much nowadays though; pretty sure I was getting quite visceral feedback myself." V looked up at So Mi, gazing back into those captivating eyes. "Couldn't help it, Song, you had me when you invited back to that bench."
So Mi hummed, a multitude of thoughts, feelings and pure emotions coursing through her head. As her heartbeat ramped up, the whirring in the motors in her spine lowly increased, and V noticed.
"Not gettin' too mushy on me, are ya' Song?" V giggled back, placing her own hand on Songbird's, the dark glow of both her apartment and Night City from her window illuminating the two.
Songbird shook her head and then slowly, softly and with the most care anyone has ever given to V, leant down and kissed the top of her head. Burying her nose in the plushness of V's soft, delicate stained-red hair, she exhaled in complete comfort.
"No V, I'm just as mushy and as happy as I want to be right here, right now, with you. Spending as much time as I can while we still have it to spend in whatever ways we want. Happy birthday, V." Songbird murmured, closing her eyes.
Taking a minute, V calmed her screaming heart and said quietly: "It's, um, it's Valerie. My real name is Valerie."
"Then happy birthday Valerie - you deserve it." Songbird affirmed.
V hummed happily, sleepily planting an ever softer kiss on So Mi's hand, entwining their fingers and drifting off, her eyelids fluttering closed as the comforting embrace of Songbird enveloped her in her wings.
Maybe V didn't hate birthdays after all.
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okay okay okay so i’m thinking 236 with plug!eren. i feel like he’d love to see you wearing his things like wearing his hoodie after six could easily start up a round two.
and then that last chapter got me thinking abt 116 w/ him too, i can’t wait to see a more possessive/protective side to him in the future possibly 👀 that “my girl” had me feeling things lol
and then 8 for jean. i have no specific reason, he’s just sexy and i’m impulsive so i wanna fuck him there, but he’s also tall as hell so it would be a struggle for him LMAO
this was just an excuse to talk to you abt plug!eren and jean, please don’t think i’m expecting drabble from you i just wanna ramble 😭😭🥹
DLFADLFDA hi bestie!!!! you're so full of ideas i literally love it so much i just.....you're so right. ESP about plug!eren he's so possessive on the low and he tries to hold himself back but he can't always help himself. like, he def has you dressed up all in his little hoodies and t-shirts and you're always covered in little bites and bruises and hickeys and going through dozens of bottles of concealer and he absolutely gets you a little necklace with an E charm on it like that's not canon but it's canon <333 i LOVE him!!!!
but your idea with jean....i....i simply couldn't resist....
NSFW below the cut >:)
The first thing you learned about Jean Kirschstein was that his ego knows no bounds. He isn't a selfish person, quite the opposite, actually, but as the starting pitcher for Paradis University's top-ranking baseball team, he has a constant supply of ego-fueling screams from the stands to keep his self-image bloated and well-fed.
Hundreds of girls screaming their name would make any man unreasonably confident, but Jean has the gall to blame his borderline-conceit on you of all people. You expect me not to have a big head when I have a girlfriend this gorgeous? C'mon babe, be serious.
Jean's favorite way to feed his ego, by extension, is by taking you anywhere he wants, any time. Considering that he leaves your legs shaking and your voice raspy, you're not one to complain, but this tendency of his does force you into some rather suspect situations.
Take tonight, for example. The Paradis Devils pulled a 5-3 victory off over the Marley Warriors, their conference rival, and it was, frankly, mostly thanks to Jean's signature curveball pitch. When he eyed you in the stands from the pitch, a toothpick sticking out from his smirk and a dark glint to his smile that only you knew how to interpret, the deafening cheers in the stadium faded to a low hum in comparison to the rush of blood to your face.
"Jean, we're going to get caught-"
"Sh," Jean hushes you, shoving you none-too-gently against the door of his flashy pickup truck, "who cares?"
"Me," you whine pitifully into his mouth, already limp and malleable in his strong hands.
"Not going to help me celebrate my victory? You know you're the reason we won," Jean mouths his way down your neck, pulling a whimper from you, "do it all for you, baby."
"But there's people around Jean, the game just let out."
"Hop in, then," Jean smacks your ass playfully, "windows are tinted, remember?"
As if you don't know the windows are tinted, not after Jean's last game, the baseball banquet, your Honor's Society awards dinner...you acquiesce him with a roll of your eyes, clambering up into the backseat.
Jean follows you, hazel eyes hooded and hungry and hat backwards on his head, never letting his hands drift from you for long. He wrestles his jersey off before climbing in, tossing it carelessly into the passenger seat and laying his long body over yours. He reaches back and fumbles for the door handle, finally finding purchase and swinging it closed, only to accidentally thwack his leg, shooting his body forward and consequently knocking your head into the opposite door.
"Car sex always looks so much easier in the movies," Jean winces, shaking his head.
"Then why can't we just wait until we get home? Your apartment's only five minutes away," you giggle, only half-meaning your words when Jean's muscled torso is pressing into your heated skin.
Jean doesn't answer at first, instead dipping his hand down to rub insistently over your clothed, pulsing cunt. He chuckles darkly at your responding moan, the way your hips buck up desperately into his hand, betraying your words.
"If you think you're getting out of this car without my cum dripping down your legs, you've lost your goddamn mind."
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Lilia Vanrouge Halloween Personal Story: Part 1
"I shall scare the pants off of you"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Interior Hallway]
Ace: The Halloween Steering Committee members were meeting somewhere in one of these classrooms, right?
Ace: I got told to come submit an application for the magic we're planning on using for our effects, but…
Ace: Man, Riddle-ryōchō's so impatient, Cater-senpai woulda been back at the dorm soon enough if he had just waited a bit longer.
Ace: Hm? That loud voice is…
Ace: Yup, just like I thought, Sebek… Oh, and Silver-senpai. Heeey, what are you guys doing here?
Sebek: Hmph… Ace.
Sebek: There are some decorations we want the Young Master and Lilia-sama review, for their approval. We are waiting for the meeting to end.
Ace: Can't you just shoot them a text or something, askin' 'em to let you know when they're done with the meeting?
Ace: That way you don't have to be waiting around here for the meeting to end.
Sebek: How dare you suggest I would use a phone to contact either of them!? I would never be able to do something so impertinent!!!!!
Ace: Uh-huh. Well, don't know how impertinent it is, but I guess we're stuck waiting here together until the meeting is over.
[clamor, clamor]
Ace/Silver/Sebek: …
Silver: Zzz…
Silver: Ah! Apologies.
Ace: Sebek, dude, your voice is way too loud. They're having a meeting in there, so you gotta turn your volume down.
Sebek: Urgh… True, I certainly cannot bother the young master in the course of his duties.
Ace: And he's probably falling asleep 'cause you guys're just standing there, yeah?
Ace: If you're gonna shout at him every time to stay awake, then why don't you tell a cool story or two instead?
Sebek: A cool story, hm. Well, now that you mention it, last night, my liege…
Ace: There it is, "my liege." Yeah, no talking about a topic that's only exciting to you.
Sebek: Why?! He is a topic that should excite anyone!
Ace: Oh hey, here's an idea. Don't you have any interesting tidbits of Halloween in Briar Valley?
Sebek: Halloween doesn't differ much between countries, does it?
Silver: Actually… From what I've heard from my father, Halloween celebrations can differ greatly among countries and cultures.
Silver: The other day, Azul explained how Halloween was celebrated in the Coral Sea, and it is vastly different from both how Briar Valley and this school celebrates it.
Sebek: Wha― Is that true!? …A-Ahem! Then I suppose I can speak a little bit on the matter!
Sebek: In Briar Valley, we carve our lanterns out of wood. I don't believe the purpose changes much from the ones made from pumpkins…
Ace: Cool, what else?
Silver: Also… When the moon is directly overhead in the night sky, scarecrows are set alight in the castle square, and everyone dances around them in costume.
Ace: I see. Kinda feels like a midnight costume dance party.
Sebek: It is not that sort of frivolous affair. It is a festival for ghosts where evil spirits run rampant!
Sebek: …When I think back to that one Halloween 10 years ago, it sends shivers down my spine…
Ace: C'mon~ You're TOTALLY just exaggerating now.
Silver: He's right… It's just as Sebek says. Halloween in Briar Valley is… truly terrifying…
Ace: Eeh? If even Silver-senpai is saying that, then…
[door creaks open]
Lilia: Sebek, Silver, sorry to keep you waiting. We could hear your voice from inside.
Malleus: I do not mind you waiting for us, but be a little quieter while the meeting is in session.
Sebek: M-My apologies…
Cater: Oh? Hey, Ace-chan's here too. What's up?
Ace: Riddle-ryōchō told me to bring these docs to you, so I came. Here you go.
Ace: And then, I was bored while waiting around for ya, so I asked them about Halloween in Briar Valley…
Ace: But then Sebek got all emotional, and was like, "There is nothing more terrifying!" or whatever.
Cater: Oooh, so Briar Valley's Halloween's that scary?
Cater: I hear that life in Briar Valley basically revolves around magic… Does that mean you guys put up all your decorations with magic, too?
Malleus: Indeed. A majority of the decorations are made with magic, yes. As for how terrifying it is, well, I would say that may differ on the person.
Ace: Seeee, so you guys are just scaredy-cats, huh?
Sebek: No, that's not true…!
Lilia: Kufufu. Regardless of whether Sebek is a "scaredy-cat" or not…
Lilia: It certainly is true that Halloween celebrations in Briar Valley are very different from here on campus.
Cater: Oooh, really? You know, your boy Cay-kun here really likes scary stories! Tell me some, Lilia-chan ♪
Lilia: Right. Well, let me thoroughly regale you some tales, as a knowledgeable ambassador of Briar Valley!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 7
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"Are you sure they won't mind if I join you?"
"They won't, Roberta. They probably are celebrating that they made it to the next round, they won't mind having an extra visit."
"Welcome back, your Royal Highness" Kane says as we walk into the changing room.
"Thank you very much. And congratulations. I've brought a friend with me, I hope you don't mind."
"Of course not, ma'am."
"I was told there were naked men, tho" Roberta says. "Where are they?"
"Please excuse her. She's Italian and... you know them" I say, giving her a murderous look. 
"Oh, yes, you know us. It's the Mediterranean blood, we all are horny" she replies, giving me a similar look.
"I like Italy and Italian women" Grealish says, looking at Roberta from head to toe. 
"Good for you. What about you, Rashford?" she asks him, giving him her most charming smile.
"It is a beautiful country, and my girlfriend and I love the food" he replies.
"Ouch" Declan chuckles behind us. When I turn to look at him, his eyes are already fixed on me. "Hello."
"Hi" I say, smiling from ear to ear.
"Nice shirt."
"Thank you. I took your advice and gave red a go."
"You look beautiful, your Royal Highness. Though we aren't matching today" he says, pointing at my chest. "Where is your number four?"
"I bought this shirt the other day when I went shopping, and I didn’t have time to put a number on it. If only I knew England’s number four and he could get me one..."
“If only” Declan smirks. "TWas that the day you met my mum?"
"Yep. She was with this girl... I can't remember if she introduced herself or not."
"Yeah... Lilith."
"That's an interesting name" I chuckle. "Who is she?"
"You know who she is."
"I don’t" I shrug.
"C'mon, El... Ma'am. I'm sure you did a deep dive into my life after you met me."
"Maybe” I shrug. “But I still don't know who she is."
"Ma'am, Deccers, should we take the photo?" Kane asks us, Roberta already in deep conversation with some of the other players.
"Yes, of course”
"We'll continue this conversation later" Declan says to my ear, making me feel goosebumps down my spine. "I'll dm you.”
"You are crazy."
"No! I'm not going to help you with this" she says, crossing her arms over her chest.
"C'mon, it is just a little lie" I say, sitting next to her.
"A little lie? Little? You want me to tell David that you aren't feeling well so you can sneak out and go on a date with Declan, putting everyone at risk. What if someone recognizes you? Or him? What if you end up in the press? I'm not doing it, I'm sorry."
After our visit to the changing room, Declan did as he said and sent me a dm on Instagram. It is the only place safe enough to talk without my family somehow finding about him. 
He wanted to talk about Lilith, but he wanted to do it in person. He said it was too important to do it over text. So he suggested that we should meet on his free day, go for a walk around the park, maybe get some ice-cream. He didn't say it, but it totally felt like a date.
"But I need to speak with him. Please" I pout.
"Ok, fine" I say, getting up. "Then I'll run away."
"How?" Roberta chuckles. "David is at the door, there are security guards everywhere. They will see you."
"I'll manage." 
"You are the best friend in the world, you know?"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's hope that helps when your dad throws me in a cell at the dungeons."
"We don't have dungeons" I laugh.
"That you know of" Roberta says.
I somehow convinced her to help me meet Declan. The plan is to tell David that I'm not feeling well, that I must have eaten something, and as she leaves to go for a walk to buy me something, she also starts feeling sick, distracting him enough so I can leave the room and escape through the emergency stairs. She loved acting back at school, this should be easy peasy for her. 
"I can't believe it actually worked" Declan laughs.
"Neither do I" I say. 
Roberta's acting skills... Wow. That was better than some things I've seen on tv, and for a moment, I thought she was actually sick.
"Love the outfit, tho."
"We are matching again" I smile.
To kind of go unnoticed, we both chose to wear the most basic clothes ever, a hat and sunglasses, trying to look like two tourists and not like a princess and a football star.
"But you are looking way better than me, ma'am."
"You can call me Eleanor, no one is watching."
"Ok... Eleanor" he says with a cheeky smile.
"I love the way you say my name."
"You what?" he laughs. 
"I'm sorry, I just…" Why did I say that? Urgh. "I've never been a big fan of my name. But when you say it, it's different" I shrug.
"You don't like your name? Why?"
"I don't know. It just feels... Too serious. And I hate that my nickname is Ellie. Eveb though now I am used to it, I still don't like it. It sounds too childish."
"One is too serious, and the other too childish" he says, arching a brow and trying really hard not to laugh again.
"I know, I know. It's stupid, but..."
"No, it's ok. When I was a kid I didn't like Declan that much either, it was too different compared to what the other kids were called."
"Your best friend is called Mason" I chuckle.
"And that's something that made me feel less alone, that he also had a name that you don't hear that often. You should be grateful that you don't share your name with ten other girls."
"I kind of do now. I've been told that many girls are being called Eleanor because of me."
"Perks of being the best royal" he winks.
"Yeah, sure" I chuckle, feeling my cheeks get warm. "So, speaking of names. Lilith?"
"Yeah..." Declan sighs. "She is my ex-girlfriend."
"Then why is she here?"
"That's what I asked her when she showed up with my mum. She said that the other girls had invited her, that since they all were friends and this was a special occasion, they wanted to be all together even if we weren't together anymore. Which, ok, I get it. But when we met at the hotel on my first free day, she tried to kiss me."
"Oh" I say, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.
"She is here to try and win me back. After cheating on me, she wants me back" he chuckles.
"She cheated on you?"
"Yeah. And with a guy we went to school with."
"That's... I... I'm sorry."
"Nah, don't be. Things were already bad between us, so" he shrugs.
"You don't want her back, then?" 
"She's in the past. 100%."
"Good" I mutter. 
"Fancy an ice-cream?" Declan asks me after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence that seem to last an eternity.
"I would love that" I say with a shy smile. Though on the side, I’m grinning. He isn’t interested on Lilith. He doesn’t want her back.
"I think we may be in trouble" Declan says while we are queuing.
"Don't look, but there are two women behind us whispering and taking photos."
"Move to be in front of me. Let's try and act as if I am your bodyguard."
"My... my bodyguard?"
"Anything wrong with it?"
"No, I just... You..."
"Too sexy for a bodyguard, I know" he says, making me feel a bit less nervous about the fact that someone may have recognized us.
"Definitely. Imagine the headlines. The princess and the sexy bodyguard."
"Forbidden love" he chuckles. "And we should go."
"What? Why?"
"More people are staring, come on" Declan says, putting his hand on my back and making me walk. 
"How did they find me?" I say when we get into a taxi, trying to catch my breath.
"I don't know. Someone must have tipped them" Declan says, camera's flashing all around us.
"Do you think they recognized you?"
"I don't think so, they were too focused on you. Sir, can we please move?" he urges the taxi driver.
"I'm trying to" he says, cursing under his breath.
After our failed visit to the ice-cream ban, we noticed people following us. We tried to distract them, to lose them inside the park, but it was impossible. A few minutes later, we were running, paparazzi following us while trying to get a photo.
"Who is that?" Declan asks when my phone starts ringing, the taxi finally moving.
"Do you think..."
"Oh, he knows. He definitely knows" I sigh.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Are you serious?
-Jay x reader-
Warning:mentions of alcohol, but mostly fluffy
Requested: You know for the ‘confession on black day’ post could it be either Jay or Kamden? If you have someone else in mind that’s okay! (Anonymous)
Author's note: well it's techincally not a request but my anon here suggested who to make it with so this goes for you my lovely anon <3
On a day that you were supposed to go to the club and forget of your lonely life as a single person with your friends ends up with you receiving a love confession? How odd is that?
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Today you decided to forget about everything and just have a good time with your friends. And what was the occasion you may be asking yourselves. Well it was not like you needed an excuse to have a good time with your friend group, but today was special.
It was none other than black day, a day were all single people gathered and celebrated their solitude. You may think that everyone felt horrible being all alone, but it was not everyone's case, well it was yours tho, they just wanted to go out and drink.
Having said this, you were waiting outside your house for your friend jay to go together as you both lived almost next to each other. Now you would be lying if you said you hadn't the fattest crush on him. It has been there for a while, and it didn't seem to be disappearing any time soon.
He was just so mesmerising to you, his sense of humour always made you laugh uncontrollably and his pretty smile was enough to turn you into a hot mess, flustered by the effect this man had on you.
But today wasn't a day to be thinking about that, you would just stick to enjoy the night by his side, and although insufficient to you, you needed to accept that at least on that single would remain as your social status.
As you heard the bell ringing from the entrance you made your way to the door to open it, revealing jay's figure leaning on the door frame while checking his phone. The sound made him look up and smile at you ruffling your hair.
"Took you long enough"
"Don't do that, you'll ruin my hair!"
"Yeah whatever, not like that'll change much"
Yeah you just decided to ignore his comment and closed the door behind you to head to the bar you all had decided to go.
"So, shall we start going?"
When you got there you were welcomed by the smell of alcohol in the air and the sensation of pure heat as it was more crowded than usual.
You both quickly spotted your group on one of the furtherest tables from all the noise and people dancing. Well you didn't think this bar was also a disco kinda place, but all the contagious music made you forget about it making you actually feel grateful for it.
You started drinking and chatting for a whole hour when you decided to go to the dance floor and just let go of all your worries and problems. You were followed by some of your friends, except for jay that stayed there watching you all have fun. But specially focusing on you, on all your moves, how you swayed your hips from side to side in synch with the rhythm of the song.
As he turned to the table to pour some more soju on his little shot cup he noticed the smirks present in all of the present ones.
"What are you guys staring at, that's kinda creepy"he said
They all just simply laughed at him and his obliviousness.
"Says the one who practically has been eating their friend out from staring. You need to work on that dissimulation my bro"
He turned his head completely embarrassed denying everything.
"What are you guys talking about, I haven't done anything like tha-"
"Jay, you've been staring at them for approximately 30 minutes, just go and ask them out already"
"Yeah, we are getting tired from you both now, so you better go and dance with them right now"
And he didn't have much time to react as you approached the table and tried pulling jay up.
"C'mon jay, don't just seat down like a grandpa, dance with us"
And after an awful 3 seconds (yes that's how long it took to convince him lol) he accepted his fate and let you drag him to where the music was coming from.
You immediately started dancing with each other,moving your hips while he once in a while made you twirl.
There was a moment when your arms found their way to jay's shoulders to stabilise yourself from all drinks you had had that night.
His reflexes and the alcohol he had drunk throughout the night made him grab your hips and stare at your eyes with a look of complete love and admiration.
That made him snap and apologise for his behaviour, putting his hands on his pockets and returning to the table.
However, he noticed from afar how your cheeks got a little bit red. Besides, you hadn't asked him to put his hands away, so all his confidence increased as he decided to finally do what he had been thinking on doing for a long time (and maybe alcohol played an important role there too).
As you approached the table to look for him he stand up and grabbed your hand taking you outside of the place.
You decided to just let yourself be dragged by him. When he suddenly stopped you didn't even had the time to react when he suddenly blurted out.
"Look I know you might not remember by tomorrow but I like you y/n, I had for quite some time now"
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Ye-yeah, I don't think I would have been able to hide it any longer, but that's how I feel. It's a shame that you will forget it"
"Uhm you know I'm not drunk right?"
Turns out you handled pretty well alcohol, so yeah all his plan didn't come out as he expected.
He looked panicked and nervous as he looked down with a saddened expression,making you giggle at his cuteness when he was slightly sober.
"Why the long face? I haven't even replied to you yet"
His eyes suddenly lit up while he looked back at you raising his head up.
"So yeah, I like you too jay jay"you said while booping his nose.
A smile made its way into his features as his heart was filled with happiness and relief from the confession. His crush had accepted him? Yeah, it was a good enough reason to feel like that.
"But seriously, on black day?"
"Well what can I say, it's not like I could have kept on like this any longer"he said with a wide smile, a smile that could brighten up anybody's day.
"Stop smiling so much pretty boy, that smile of yours is gonna get out of your face".
And just like that you gave him a short but sweet kiss that he reciprocated almost immediately.
"Shall we get out of here?"he asked grabbing your hand.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
"I'll be home for Christmas" with KuroDai? Maybe some video call teases or something like that :D
[25 Christmas drabbles] - entries closed!
A/N: happy first day of Christmas! I'M SO EXCITED, I love Christmas sjsjsfn and I hope you all enjoy all the drabbles! ^^
KuroDai - 1. "I'll be home for Christmas!"
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"I'll be home for Christmas!"
"Yeah, you keep saying that," Daichi said to the phone laying on the pillow next to him in bed. "But you know Christmas is literally next week, right? I don't see your face around here."
Kuroo's laugh ringed through all the room from the other side of the line and Daichi's heart clenched, missing to hear that sound in person and see Kuroo's face lighting up with his bright smile.
He missed him so dearly. It was not the first time Kuroo had to leave in a business trip, but it was the first time he had to leave during Christmas time and Daichi couldn't help but feel sad and lonely.
It wasn't like they did a big celebration during Christmas day, they usually just enjoyed some nice food and cuddled in the living room watching some movies, but it was something they did yearly and if Kuroo wasn't going to be around... well, Daichi would feel just like he's not complete.
"I know, I know. I'm seriously going to be there, I promise! Do you miss me that much?" He teased and Daichi's cheeks blushed, but he was quick to answer back:
"Not as much as you miss me tickling you."
"W-What?!" Kuroo gasped and Daichi could hear him blush over the phone.
Ah, yes. Daichi probably also usually spent Christmas day wrecking Kuroo until he was begging for mercy. He wouldn't call it a tradition per se, after all, he used to tickle Kuroo in every little chance he got, but certainly always found the time to tickle him under the beautiful Christmas lights of their tree until there were happy tears of laughter rolling down the sides of Kuroo's face.
Daichi chuckled and a smirk took place on his lips. "What, 'what'? Are you going to deny you miss my tickling? Even though I know how much you love it?"
"D-Daichi! Are- Are you crazy? What are you-
"What do you miss more?" Daichi said, ignoring Kuroo's stuttering. "Me tickling your ribs or your armpits?"
Silence fell upon the other end of the line, except for an agitated breathing. Daichi smirked and he continued.
"Of course, it was silly of me to ask, after all, your armpits are your favorite spot, right?" He heard something like a groan and he chuckled. "You've been away from a few days now, but I haven't forgotten, don't worry. I know you really like it when I pin your arms above your head and just go crazy over your poor underarms."
"Daichi," Kuroo whined. "S-Stop."
"Well, I'm not doing anything, yet," Daichi said and Kuroo whined again. "Maybe when you come back we can try those handcuffs you got the other day. I know you want me to tickle you in those."
"Are you giggling already? C'mon, Tetsu. I'm not even touching you, am I?"
"Ugh, Daichi, you're the worst!"
Daichi chuckled. "I'm just saying you're missing some fun for working and- oh?"
"What's wrong?"
Daichi hummed, getting up from the bed and turning off the speaker of his phone to press it to his ear.
"Someone's knocking on the door... Weird, it's so late."
"Be careful, police officer~"
Daichi snorted and he did some small talk with Kuroo as he walked to the door. He could hear deep mumbling and his heart did a little jump. His footsteps quickened and he quickly opened the door.
"... And then- oh, finally!"
There he was. As handsome as ever. Smiling bashfully at Daichi, cheeks flushed pink and eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Tetsu," Daichi whispered, almost breathlessly, lowering his phone from his ear.
"I told you I would be back, didn't I?"
Daichi felt his eyes tearing up, but he tried to hold back. "You just wanted me to tickle you again!"
Kuroo gasped and he quickly entered the house, closing the door behind him and engulfing Daichi in a tight hug.
"You talk too loud!"
Daichi laughed, tightly hugging Kuroo back. "I missed you, silly!"
Kuroo chuckled, "I missed you too," he said, cupping Daichi's cheeks between his cold hands, rubbing Daichi's cheekbones tenderly before pressing his lips against Daichi's, kissing him lovingly.
Daichi felt his knees going a little weak, kissing Kuroo again after so many days of not doing it, but a sudden giggle bubbled past his lips and into Kuroo's when he felt a cold hand sneaking under his shirt to tickle his waist.
"As far as I know," Kuroo mumbled against Daichi's smiling lips. "I'm not the only one who loves it," he said, making Daichi turn bright pink as now both hands tickled his waist under his shirt.
As Daichi giggled and laughed and tried to escape from Kuroo's evil fingers looking for revenge after teasing him silly, he thought that, now that Kuroo was home, the void he felt in his heart was again filled with joy and love and his Christmas felt just as warmer as the ones before.
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A secret fwb situation between Thomas and Élodie!
Things already got out of hand cuz they both caught feelings, but didn't tell each other. She sees him too close to a girl at a party one day and drinks her jealousy away, their friends leave him to take care of her bc the Leclercs and the Gaslys always take care of each other. Thomas is freaking out, like "Dammit, Élodie! Why did you do this? If your brothers or your father found out you're this drunk they gonna kill us both!". He ends up sneaking her into his bedroom to take care of her.
idk if the ages align, but for what I understand he's a little older than her, right?
Tw: mentions drinking
"How do you tell your friend 'hey, this was supposed to be a no feelings thing, but I've fallen for you, harder than how my mother falls when we go on ski trips. how do we proceed?' without risking them never talking to you again?", Thomas exasperated, "I think your parents know a thing or two about that", one of his friends pointed out as they walked inside the the bar.
It wasn't the best way to deal with the situation, Thomas knew that much, but when a girl approached him, he kept talking to her, completely forgetting that Élodie was also I the same room.
Since the Gasly couple was going on a long weekend trip to celebrate their anniversary, Charles was the first to suggest that their kids could come down to their place and spend the weekend there, given that they were all around the same ages, so they'd have plans with eachother and their friends, so they had all gone to the same bar for the night.
"I wish I didn't feel for him like I do, I mean, look at him! He doesn't care one bit", Élodie said to her friend, "they're just talking, I'm sure it's just that", she attempted to comfort her as she saw her down two more shots, "it's my own fault for catching feelings", she hiccuped.
Things quickly got too much, whether it was the fact that the music had gotten louder and the drinks had become some weird mixture, but Élodie had had enough, and one thing her friend knew for sure is that Thomas would be the only person to deal with this the proper way and help her. Fortunately, their friends understood just how much the Leclercs and Gaslys looked out for eachother, helping Thomas bring Élodie home before heading to their own houses too.
Élodie was lying on his bed, looking significantly better now as Hervé, who had been in charge of making sure the younger ones got homm safe and sound, looked at them, "I don't need to tell you to be more responsible, right Élodie?", he asked, earning a nod, "I know, it was stupid. I'm sorry for doing it. But can you please not tell my parents?", she asked, "not my story to tell, I just need you to be okay, that's all", Hervé said, placing the pills and cup of water on the bedside table, "take these before you go to sleep, they'll help tomorrow. Try and keep quiet, okay? If you make any noise, you'll have Amélie on your door in no time, and I think it's safe to say our dear sister will have a much different reaction to mine", he smiled at his brother, highfiving Élodie quietly before leaving the room.
"I never took you for the drinker", Thomas said, "I'm not usually one", Élodie mumbled back, cursing herself for how much she was enjoying his touch as he rubbed her back, "what happened then? C'mon, El, you know you can tell me anything", he urged.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was just that she had enough of this situation, and for whatever it meant, her parents always told her to be honest, "seeing you with that girl made me jealous. Because she was talking to you and you're not with her just to fulfill a need and then be friends", she gulped, tears falling from her eyes, "I got jealous because we're not that, even though we said we'd never be that anyway. And it hurt", she tried her best to pull away from Thomas, feeling him pull her in.
"Can I have a go now? I was talking to her because I wanted to forget about the fact that I miss you in ways a friend doesn't miss another. I don't miss just being with you when we sneak away. I miss having you with me in mundane things like going to the shops, or at family gatherings, to be able to hold you longer before you have to leave. I don't want to keep this arrangement, I want more", Thomas said, "we'll talk tomorrow, yes? But for now, know that I'm in if you are", he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, allowing her to sleep for a little bit before they spoke about it with a clearer head.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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daisyblog · 1 year
When Three Becomes Four
Harry's House Masterlist Summary: Oliver becomes a big brother.
Oliver: Aged 3
2015. It was certainly a year to remember. From One Direction's stadium tours, touring with a two year old, Zayn leaving the band, Baby Styles number two on their way, One Direction deciding to take a break - a hiatus they said - to celebrating Oliver's third birthday.
As much as YN had enjoyed touring with the band, watching them grow bigger and bigger each time, and watching Oliver soak up every moment and watch his Daddy and uncles sing and dance each night. She was relieved when they had decided to take a break, because touring with a baby and toddler was just not ideal.
It had been two days since the boys performed their last performance on The X Factor. It was an emotional day - YN watched as each of the boys took in the bittersweet moment. They had been non-stop busy for five years. Flying from one country to the other. performing night after night. They loved it, but they deserved a break.
Like when they were expecting Oliver, YN and Harry had chosen not to find out the gender of the baby. They would often sit in the evenings when Oliver was sleeping and discuss what they thought their second born would be.
Cuddled up on the sofa, YN's leg covering Harry's - his hand placed on her growing bump. Taking them back a few years ago to when Oliver was in there. Except the few changes, Harry's hair was long, YN had also decided to dye her hair a lighter colour and Oliver was now here, sleeping soundly upstairs.
"I think we're having a girl" Harry spoke out loud, his hand moving in soft motions against YN's bump. A big grin covering his face, dimples popping out.
"Why?" YN asked, feeling calm as Harry's hand drew circles against her skin. She could feel herself slowly starting to be pulled into sleep at the relaxing motion.
"Dunno...just got the feeling ya know" Harry began to explain "And I think she's going to look like you..literally your double..but with my personality-"
"So she's going to be sassy and a diva" YN joked, a little giggle leaving her lips. Harry tried to act hurt but the laugh fell from his lips.
"Yeh..'cause Ollie's my double but he's got your calm and quieter ways"
Anne and Robin had come to stay, like they had when Oliver's due date was near. They had offered to take Oliver out for a little walk and play in the park to give YN some time to rest.
"Peas mummy..I go to ark with Gama and Gampa?" Oliver's little pleads could be heard as he stared up at her with his father's eyes. And the little mispronunciations were just so adorable. How could anyone say no?
YN chuckled as he bounced up and down in excitement, repeating "peas" over and over. "Of course you can Olls..go and get your shoes please".
"Oh Mum..watch him on the road, he's started running off..and don't push him too high on the swings, he doesn't like it..also there's a really big slide there that we don't let him go on 'cause he'll try and go on it-" Harry's rambling was interrupted by YN.
"Harry..babe..calm down, Olls will be fine with your Mum and Robin" YN reassured Harry as he ran his fingers through his long hair, giving it a little shake.
"Yeh..I know..sorry..I just worry" Oliver's loud footsteps were heard as he ran back into the room, now wearing his shoes. In the last few months, he has become really independent and wants to do a lot for himself.
"Harry..he'll be fine..I promise I'll keep you updated the whole time" Anne reassured her son, rubbing his arm slightly to comfort him. "C'mon then little man..let's go and have some fun" Anne spoke to Oliver as she helped him to put his coat and hat on.
"Gama?" Oliver's little voice spoke, as Anne kneeled down in front of him. Zipping up his coat, feeling a sense of deja vu as she remembers doing the exact same thing with Harry.
"Yes my darling" Anne looked up into the little green eyes staring back at her. Innocent, sweet and the image of his father.
She loves Gemma and Harry, they are her babies and always will be. She even loves YN like a daughter. But there was something about a grandchild. It was special and a feeling like no other, especially when Oliver spoke the next few words. "I wuv you".
Robin smiled at the scene in front of him, knowing how much those words would mean to his wife. Harry and YN looked at eachother with proud smiles, their eyes communicating for them. Being in the biggest boyband and becoming a young Dad, Harry received some negative comments, YN too. But looking at their little boy now, polite, kind and loving, they couldn't be any prouder of him or themselves for raising him into the sweet boy he is.
Anne rubs her finger across Oliver's little cheek "I love you too my sweet boy..more than all the stars in the sky", before pulling him into a tight cuddle.
Anne, Robin and Oliver had left about half hour ago. Anne had already sent a photo and a video of Oliver running around the park and laughing as he went down the slide with Robin catching him at the bottom.
After half hour of fixing things around the house, and making the most of a busy toddler being out of the house. The couple find themselves lounging on the sofa, a random film playing in the background.
YN wasn't sure if it was her hormones, the fact that being intimate was pretty much nonexistent whilst pregnant, touring the world and looking after a toddler or if it was the effect Harry had always had on her. But sneaking a look at Harry, especially with his hair tied back into a bun, she could feel her tummy start to flutter. She craved him.
Making a bold move, she moved so her knees were either side of his thighs and she carefully placed herself on his lap. Harry was taken by surprise but his hand naturally landed on her hips. "Uh..hi", a giggled escaped his lips, feelings a blush creep up onto his cheeks.
YN didn't reply, not with words anyway. She leaned down and captured his lips with his. It was urgent, rushed and messy. Their lips didn't break, both afraid to waste another moment. Harry hands wandered from her hips to her thighs to her bottom. YN's hands wandered from Harry's neck, to the back of his head, to trying to run them through his long locks.
As their actions become needier and they craved more form eachother, YN urged Harry to lie down. Not breaking apart. "Fuck, I've missed this" Harry spoke against her lips.
"Mhmm" YN agreed, lost for words as Harry left small kisses up her neck, knowing that was her weakness. Their hands still wandering around eachother's bodies, pulling and grabbing.
Just as Harry was going to make the next move, he felt a warm liquid between them, making him stop his movements. Snapping back into reality, as YN's bump sat between them, he'd realised what may have happened. But Harry being Harry, he couldn't resist making a joke. "Either you're very wet for me...you've pissed yourself...or your water's have gone".
YN took a frustrated sigh, slightly annoyed that of all the times her water's could have broken, it was when they were finally alone and trying to make the most of it. "I just wanted some sex..was that too much to ask?" a slight playfulness could be heard.
Harry threw his head back, feeling amused but aware of the large problem sat in his shorts. "Told ya..it's a little girl and she's gonna keep us busy, and clearly stop me from getting any".
"I guess it's time to have a baby" YN smiled down at Harry, him mimicking her grin.
It was like the minute YN's waters broke, the cramps and contraction came in full force. They had stayed at home for as long as possible. Harry had phoned his Mum to explain the situation and they agreed it may have been best for them to take Oliver to Gemma's to stay whilst they were still at home.
YN was holding onto the chair, in their kitchen. Swaying her hips back and forth, trying to ease the pain as she breathed through the contraction. Harry right behind her, a lot more relaxed this time around, knowing what to expect. He rubbed circles on her back, trying to provide some comfort.
"They're getting closer together..I think we should head to the hospital now" Harry suggested as he looked down at his phone, where he had been timing each contraction, noticing how sooner they were coming.
Harry gathered all their hospital bags, including the babies, and packed them into the car. When they arrived at the hospital, noticing how YN was hunched over in pain, trying her best to breathe through yet another contraction, she was wheeled into a private labour room by a midwife.
They had arrived an hour ago. YN was now wearing a hospital gown, whilst she laid on the bed. Harry sat to her side, holding her hand that wasn't clasping onto to the gas and air. She took in a large amount of gas and air as she felt another contraction hit.
"You're doing so well YN..keep going and you should have a baby by tonight" the midwife, Sophie spoke as she looked on at the scene in front of her.
Harry was taken back, when YN turned to him with a scowl, "You're not coming near me again...I can't do this fucking pain again", as she began to breathe in the gas and air. He was confused, only a few hours ago she was straddling him and wanting to be intimate.
Like the midwife read his mind, "Don't take it personally, we hear that quite a lot..she's in a lot of pain and doesn't mea-"
"I do mean it" YN managed to get out, as she went back to the gas and air, fighting the pain.
The next few hours involved, many more contractions, lots of gas and air, YN changing into different position, Harry rubbing her back and whispering words of encouragement each time as she worked through the pain.
It was around 10:32pm, when a stronger contraction hit, causing YN to cry out in pain. "I-I...I think I...I need to push". She had done it once before, she knew the feeling. Sophie, the midwife, lifted the hospital gown and could clearly see the babies head.
"You're doing amazing YN...keep listening to your body and soon you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms" Sophie encouraged as she began to gather the essential ready for the baby's arrival. Harry held onto YN's hand, and brushing the hair away from her face, leaving a small peck on her head.
At 11:10pm, YN pushed for the last time. A loud piercing cry filled the room. Tears flowed down YN and Harry's cheeks at the sound of their baby entering the world on the 15th of December 2015. Harry leaned down, leaving a kiss on YN's forhead.
"I love you so much...you're amazing" Harry spoke into YN's ear, still amazed at how women could do such a wonderful thing, as bring life into the world. "Thank you for the best gifts in life".
Interrupting their moment, Sophie spoke as she placed the newborn onto YN's bare chest, encouraging the skin to skin contact. "Congratulations Mummy and Daddy..meet your beautiful baby girl".
A baby girl. Proving Harry right, she had her mother's eyes, turned up nose and petite lips. The mini version of YN. It was in that moment as they both sat and stared at the little baby laying on YN's chest, that they knew their family was now complete.
It was the next afternoon, YN was resting in bed, a white blanket covering her body. Harry was sat on the chair next to the bed cuddling their daughter as she had just finished a bottle of milk. The door squeaked open, Anne peeping around as Oliver ran in straight toward his Mummy.
"Careful with Mummy Olls" Harry stepped in as he saw his son run and jump up on the bed, clearly he had missed her. He smiled as Oliver wrapped his arms around YN's neck and YN leaving small kisses to his cheek, before signalling his family to enter.
Anne took in the scene of her son holding his daughter in his arms. A rush of emotions hit her. Her second born, holding his second born. She quickly snapped a photo of the two, before going over and giving YN a quick cuddle and checking she was okay.
"Come and meet your sisters Ollie" Harry spoke. Oliver reluctantly moving from his mother side, and walking slowly towards them. He looked at the little baby in his father's arms, slowly bringing up his finger to touch his sister's hand.
"Baby?" His sweet voice spoke "My baby?". Making everyone chuckle at the innocence and the loving side of the little boy shining through.
"Yeh..she's your baby sister..do you want to know her name?" Harry asked, his mini him staring back with wide eyes, nodding eagerly. Anne, Robin and Gemma's ears listening intently, desperate to know the name of their new granddaughter and niece. "Emilie Lily Styles".
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 982,233 others
ynln Emilie Lily Styles 🧸💗 15/12/2015 View all 10,822 comments
gemmastyles Luckiest Auntie in the world 💙💗
annetwist My beautiful family is growing ❤️ I love you all very much xx
niallhoran Congratulations guys! My favourite little family xx
louteasdale Awwwwww 💜 A little girl!
ellaanneselley Aww congratulations! Can't wait to meet Emilie 💓
lottietomlinson Congratulations salts 💘 Beautiful name xx
louist91 Congrats! So happy for you both and Ollie x
deeselley Lovely news! Congratulations darlings ❤️
liampayne Amazing news! Congrats you guys!! xx
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liked by ynln, jamescorden and 2,723,065 others
harrystyles Four Hands. Four Hearts. One Home. View all 15,232 comments
ynln Love you all 💙💗💙💗
annetwist Beautiful ❤️
jamescorden Congratulations guys! Wonderful news x
nickgrimshaw Aw cute! Congratulations you guys!
mrbenwinston Amazing news H. A big congratulations to you, YN and Oliver.
zayn Congratulations to all of you x
ritaora Congratulations!! Love from Auntie Rita xxx
ollymurs Congratulations to your little family H. I'm slightly gutted my name wasn't used again 😂
onedirection Wishing your family all the best!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @harryssattelitestomper @haarrrys @hittiesontour @theekyliepage @itsmytimetoodream @harrys-flower
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
Mando Episode 4 Thoughts:
Well foundlings, we are 2 episodes away from the season being over and here we are. I truly don't know how to feel at this point. I mainly feel like I am still clinging to the vestiges of positivity and hopefulness that this season will turn out amazing, and BUILD upon what we have witnessed and learned in s1 and s2. I would however, be lying if I said I am losing hope and feeling frustrated/short changed at what we continue to receive for our Mandalorian and his little ward (also c'mon Din when are you going to just say that you are his father and he is your son???)
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Buckle up cause this is long and I have a lot of feelings, and also I am sorry lol. I still love this show with all my heart but seeing Din and Grogu not really in the spotlight has got my panties in a bunch.
The Mon Calmari and Quarren romance that was dismissed as a FLING, I COULD NOT WITH THAT (she really said boy this was a situationship, cuffing season is over goodbye)
Din is playing sidekick to Bo as she embarks on this journey of reuniting Mandalore and reclaiming her forces (now let me be specific here and say that there is literally nothing wrong with sidequests, much of Din's journey with Grogu throughout s1 and s2 after The Sin, was completing sidequests, whether it was helping Cobb Vanth, the frog lady, or Cara Dune and Greef Karga. And I appreciate the friendship he has somewhat inadvertently formed with Bo up to this point, but it truly feels like he is being sidelined and she has been the main character). While Pedro confirmed that this season will show many other Mandalorians, the premise of this show focuses primarily on one Mandalorian and his journey with his son does it not??!!
It was endearing to see how he remembered speaking to Kuuil, and was educating Bo on how to speak to Ugnaughts but that was about it
WHEN JACK BLACK AND LIZZO APPEARED ON MY SCREEN I FULL OUT CACKLED AND SCREAMED YALL (because as much as I appreciate both respectively as actors and artists, that was the point that hammered home the writers and casting directors are taking their liberties with this season, not really serious, like yeah lets throw Jack Black in SW because why not???) Again, let me preface by saying there is nothing wrong with incorporating well known actors and celebrities when their characters add value, and depth to the storyline of the season or episode, e.g. Bill Burr as Mayfeld who appears in s1 and s2. But at this point it felt like shits and giggles that these two individuals were added to the storyline
I understand that the episode was called Guns for Hire, but it gets a little tiring to see the characters get sidequested into other things before they can accomplish their main mission. It feels like a plot line that has been overplayed at this point. Perhaps it would feel different if the stakes were higher with said sidequest, but investigating malfunctioning droids??? It's not really doing it for me. Now again, when Din was quested into helping Bo take that weapons freighter in Trask, or when he was quested into helping Cobb Vanth kill the krayt dragon for Boba Fett's armour, those had substance to them, and were genuinely enjoyable to watch because of the relationships he had with those characters, but this sidequest seemed so futile and put Din two steps backwards in terms of personal growth
Bringing me to my next point of contention, which is that we all of a sudden reverted back to Din hating droids? He made such progress with IG-11, specifically wanting THAT droid to help him navigate the atmosphere of Mandalore, or what about when he was rebuilding the N-1 starfighter in BoBF and working with Peli Motto's droids, like did we forget all that and return Din to his base programming of hating droids? I got a chuckle out of watching him donkey kick the battle droids, don't get me wrong, but the persistent comments to Bo and how his demeanour quickly changed up when he was interrogating them in the droid bar (it was hot but also disheartening) made me sad :(. What happened to that character development??
And lastly but most certainly not least, the relinquishing of the darksaber. LORD HELP ME THIS WAS THE HARDEST PART TO WATCH AND I WAS SITTING ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT IN DISBELIEF THE WHOLE TIME
I genuinely could not fathom that the writers would disregard the lore of the darksaber and everything we had learnt about it up to this point, from what Moff Gideon said about having to win it in combat, to the armorer telling Din in the BoBF the tale of the darksaber, explaining to him how to wield it properly
SO much of the anticipation built up towards season 3 has been placed on this weapon (including it in all of the show promo and posters) and it was handled so carelessly imo, its importance in Dins character and story building, his journey, him learning to wield it properly (lets face it, even though he isn't perfect at it, every time that man pulls out the darksaber and uses it I get wet) it was flippantly pushed aside just so he could hand it over to Bo and be like 'this is yours, you are the ruler of Mandalore now'
I, as I am sure many others did, wanted a good chunk of this seasons storyline to be Din's redemption, and some introspection into his pov of being a ruler, being a leader, reuniting Mandalore, what the Creed means to him now, how to be free of conflict so he can properly wield the darksaber, and how to be a Mandalorian after all that he has seen and been through (*cough* AFTER HAVING WALKED BOTH WAYS *cough*)
It felt like they struggled to connect the dots so so soooo hard by having him be like ' Bo defeated the mechanical bug creature that defeated me so it belongs to her' LIKE SIR WHAT
EVEN AXE WOVES ACKNOWLEDGES THIS. He was like girl the man you need to defeat is standing right behind you like a damn sidekick, I am not the one. And while I appreciated Bo standing up for Din and validating his identity as a Mandalorian just as much as they are, it all was such a mess and made no sense???
There is so much internal conflict within me yall, I keep thinking about what Pedro said in that interview of how interesting it is to play and witness a character that is thrust into a leadership position reluctantly, who has no desire to lead, and watching them grow, but Din has not done much growing to me in this season, he has stayed to Bo's side, watching her journey
no other thoughts of substance, except that grogu continues to be a cutie pie (he's a KNIGHT NOW ASDAGSKDASDJ), Din continues to look like a shiny WHORE without even trying (I still swoon)
I am really, genuinely, worried for the next two episodes, there is a lot riding on them. I have a sneaking suspicion that they also will not confirm Moff Gideon's return until the season finale, and end on that cliff hanger
If you have read this far honestly you are wonderful and I appreciate you following me and listening to my nonsense rambling cause this show has ruined by life in the best way but it feels so UNTETHERED rn
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scheodingers-muppet · 2 years
okay it’s taylor time: evermore edition. some are shorter cause I kept hitting the character limit
willow: steddie, from eddie’s pov. "Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife" and how they both almost instantly got along. "The more that you say, the less I know" and realizing this idea of "King Steve" Eddie had was completely wrong. "Wherever you stray, I follow" "Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind" Steve "rich kid" Harrington. "Like you were a trophy or a champion ring" our favorite jock. "Show me the places where the others gave you scars" Imagine Steve and Eddie going on walks in the woods together after season 4 and Steve telling Eddie all the past stories. "Every bait-and-switch was a work of art" and Steve's way of flirting is to act uninterested.
champagne problems: Stancy, from Nancy's pov. I know I say every breakup song is Stancy, but c'mon. Let's be real here. Replace the proposal with the Halloween fight and champagne with punch and it's literally season 2. "I dropped your hand while dancing, left you out there standing crestfallen on the landing" "Your heart was glass, I dropped it" "You had a speech, you're speechless" "This dorm was once a madhouse. I made a joke 'Well, it's made for me'" paired with "She could have made such a lovely bride. What a shame she's fucked in the head" and the fact Nancy was dealing with her trauma during season 2 and was likely feeling very mentally unwell due to that. I also think Nancy feels a lot of anger and fears that she's "crazy" in the sense of what to do with said anger.
gold rush: Steve thinking about King Steve. Steve sees himself as separate to King Steve, I think. Like King Steve was a character that he was playing, feeling like a fraud. He hates it, but everyone loved him. "Everybody wants you, but I don't like a gold rush." "What was it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes?" "I call you out on your contrarian shit" and Steve actively showing he's no longer that person, showing he's changed. "Had never seen a love as pure as it, and then it fades into the gray of my day-old tea" and Steve blaming his King Steve side for what happened with Nancy.
'tis the damn season: Jancy, from Jonathan's pov. I want them to get in a huge fight in season 5. Imagine Jonathan comes home for the holidays and tries to win her back. "The road not taken looks real good now" "It always leads to you in my hometown" "I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave." "You could call me babe for the weekend" "Sleep in half the day, just for old times' sake" and them almost being late to work season 3 cause they would sleep in. "Wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm faking"
tolerate it: El and Mike. I'm ignoring the age gap part of this song because (luckily) it doesn't match anyone in the show, however, the rest DOES match this situation. "I sit and watch you" and El observing everything in season 1. "if it's all in my head, tell me now. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow. I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it." and the season 4 fight. "While you were out building worlds, where was I?" You can't convince me season 4 Mike wouldn't blow off El for Hellfire if she didn't move. "Where's the man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?" and how Mike was so insistent she wouldn't hurt them in season 1. "Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life." "Drawing hearts by the byline"
no body, no crime: Karen and Joyce. I think they were best friends before everything with the Upside Down happened, through Will and Mike. I could see this being about Lonnie or Ted. I'm choosing to pretend this song is just about cheating and not the husband murdering his wife here. But I think Karen is deeply unhinged and we just never get to see it. I need to see her go crazy. I also wouldn't put it past either of them to murder the others husband if he cheated.
happiness: Nancy about Barb. "They'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you." Honestly, this entire chorus. Even after the monsters and the terror and being haunted by what happened, Nancy has fought her way to some kind of happiness. "I hope she'll be a beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you" about saying goodbye to the girl she used to be and letting go of that version of her. "You haven't met the new me yet." "There is happiness in our history. Across our great divide, there is a glorious sunrise dappled with the flickers of light." Happiness in their memories and the divide being life and death. The lights being the Christmas lights.
dorothea: Robin and Steve!!! Platonic, of course. But like, if Robin goes out of town for college : ( "Making a lark of the misery" I just know they'd be so sad without each other. "This place is the same as it ever was, but you don't like it that way" "It's never too late to come back to my side...And if you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know you'll always know me" "Skipping the prom, just to piss off your mom" They definitely just had a movie night during Robin's prom.
coney island: Lumax. "If this is the long haul, how'd we get here so soon?" They both want it to last forever. "Did I close my wrist around something delicate? Did I shatter you?" Max worried about her trauma bringing down the group, Lucas worried to even tell Max about the Upside Down so she wouldn't get hurt, only to hold her as she was possibly dying. "Sorry for not making you my centerfold" They're both dealing with a lot; albeit, various degrees of seriousness. But they haven't gotten to be there for each other. "I pushed you to the edge but you were too polite to leave me" Max things she's too much for a relationship. "Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?" I see Max casted as a rogue if she ever played DnD. "Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring" "Did I paint you bluest skies the darkest grey?" "The sight that flashed before me was your face" and Max seeing the dance to help her break away from Vecna.
ivy: Jopper. "I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bone in a faith-forgotten land" reuniting due to the Upside Down. "I just sit here and wait, grieving for the living" Joyce immediately went for it, the moment she thought he could be alive. "My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand" Russia, also Joyce is definitely anemic. "I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland" Joyce has tried to move on from Hopper multiple times. "The fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed" and Hopper thinking he's the curse.
cowboy like me: Steddie. "Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear" "Hustling for the good life" Steve is the constant sports to get into a good school, Eddie is selling drugs to get some more money. "The ladies lunching have their stories about...before I locked it down" "Your boots beneath my bed"
long story short: Ronance. "I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me" and the Upside Down. Nancy picked school, Robin picked staying in the closet. "Clung to the nearest lips, long story short, it was the wrong guy" "I always felt I must look better in the rear view" I think Robin has lost a lot of close friends that was closer to situationships. "We live in peace, but if someone comes as us... I'm ready" Nancy. "No more keeping score" and Nancy being jealous in season 4.
marjorie: Dustin about Eddie. I'm sorry. "All your...backlogged dreams and how you left them all to me"
closure: Byler. "Staying friends would iron it out so nice" "The sea you put between you and me"
evermore: Max. "I've been down since July" "Writing letters addressed to the fire" "Can't remember what I used to fight for" "I rewind the tape, but all it does is pause"
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