#like i'm sure he'll be kinda sad and maybe a bit mad but i'm out there with the level of guilt i'd have if i left him after 20 years
thesmokinpossum · 1 month
also tomorrow i need to tell some really nice dude i went on a couple of date with that it's just not gonna work out and not trying to be dramatic or anything but the stress of it kinda makes me feel like a piece of charcoal in a burning bbq
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cheeseceli · 5 months
When your parents don't like them
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: reverse hurt/comfort? Angst? A little bit of fluff perhaps; reaction
Description: their reaction to not having the approval of your parents in their first meeting (established relationship)
Warnings: not proofread; a lot of overthinking and self doubt in most of the scenarios; the length of each story is not favouritsm!! It's just that some scenarios required more details than others
A/n: I should have posted this one a long time ago... Oh well. And I am literally the mix of Han and Lee Know, this would 100% happen to me if I were in their shoes
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Bang Chan
‌Parents always love him, so why didn't yours?
‌He believes he took it for granted
‌But he was so sure your family would love him
‌Rethinks everything he said and did
‌And thinks about what he could've done
‌He'll be up all night because of it, you better believe me
"Maybe it's the outfit I was wearing?"
"Chan, for God's sake, go to sleep."
"Seriously though, do you think my clothes weren't appropriate?"
"There was nothing wrong with how you looked baby."
"... So maybe I didn't introduce myself properly?"
Lee Know
‌ He knew he had to talk
‌ But it turns out he was too scared
‌And your parents just aggravated his problem
‌ He'd give only short answers and would only speak when spoken with
‌ Because of that your parents didn't see him as a really charismatic guy
‌ But I swear he was trying his best
"I swear it wasn't as bad as it seemed."
"It was horrible. I doubt any of your parents even know what my voice sounds like."
"You were nervous. I'm sure they'll understand. If you'd like I can talk to them about it."
"Please, don't. The last thing I want is for your parents to think that besides being awkward I'm a coward as well."
"They don't think either of those things. You'll see, you guys just need to know each other a little bit more. They'll love you."
Even with his worried expression, he gave you a small smile "I hope so".
‌ You warned him he was getting too close
‌ He was holding your hand, caressing your thigh, hugging you too tight, kissing you a lot...
‌ All the time
‌ And yes, you both were dating for a while now
‌ But your parents didn't really appreciate the attitude
‌ And truly, he thought that by doing that he was showing how much he treasured and loved you
‌ Sadly your parents didn't understand his actions like he planned
"But what was I supposed to do? Stay away from you?"
"Ideally, yes"
Changbin pouted, not even realising it "but I'm your boyfriend"
"They are not used to this fact just yet. Don't worry though, they still have a lot of time to like you. Just wait and see"
‌ Similar to Chan, Hyunjin didn't expect to be rejected by your parents
‌of course, he wasn't expecting to make the fall in love immediately, but he knew he had some charms
‌and he actually put a lot of effort into impressing them so when it doesn't work he's like
‌genuinely sad
‌And he's scared your relationship might change now that he doesn't have your family approval right away.
"So... About the dinner"
"They are always like this, don't worry"
"How come?"
"I knew they were gonna play hard to get. But don't you stress over it, sooner or later they will realise there is no need to act like it"
"So I can still convince them into not hating me?"
"Why would they hate you? You were really boyfriend material if you ask me"
He laughed, a little bit more relieved "They were kinda... aggressive back there, y'know?"
"Ugh, sorry about that. I swear things will get better"
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not. Why would I be?"
"I thought you'd get sad or something like that since the meeting didn't go that well"
"I'm a bit sad, yeah. But it's not your fault. You did your best. Besides, it won't last that long. It's kinda hard to hate on the Hwang Hyunjin for too long"
He laughed again, openly this time as he replied "I hope you are right"
‌The problem wasn't exactly what he did
‌The problem was that he didn't do anything
‌Literally anything
‌ He'd excuse himself to go to the bathroom to avoid any questions
‌He barely moved besides that
‌After a while your dad even forgot he was there
‌And Han wished he could disappear
"I'm so, so sorry"
"Ji, it's okay"
"I was gonna answer your mother, I swear. But she was looking at me with daggers in her eyes"
"You were just fine"
"Fine? Y/n, your dad sighed in relief after I left the room. They must see me as a loser"
"I'm sure they don't. Besides, you still have a lot of time left to win them over. I know they'll love you"
‌Your parents loved him actually
‌They just don't think he is fit to be your boyfriend
‌They think that his angel face and sweet personality wouldn't give you enough security throughout your life
‌And Felix wants to prove himself to your parents so badly now
‌He will use his deep voice privilege to try to prove his point
‌He will go to the gym with Changbin until he's "intimidating" enough
‌And he won't fail on reminding them how he has over 60 medals on taekwondo
"How do I look?"
"Great, as always"
"But do I look intimidating? Scary?"
"But not too scary. I need to look threatening to others but reliable to you"
"You look like someone my parents will like"
"They already like me, but not enough to like our relationship"
"They will though. Soon enough they will appreciate everything that comes along with you, trust me."
Felix smiled and nodded, feeling a certain comfort into your words as you headed to the door
"Just for the record, you do look threatening but reliable"
"Oh thank you. I was going crazy over this"
‌If your parents don't like Seungmin then the problem is on them
‌just kidding
‌Seriously though, I can't imagine why they wouldn't like him
‌And neither can Seungmin himself
‌So he truly thinks that everything was a misunderstanding and that it's only a matter of time until your whole family falls in love with him
‌He will face it like a challenge
"What about we invite your parents to our apartment this weekend?"
"We just saw them less than an hour ago"
"I think we should see them again"
"Did you like them that much?"
"They seem cool. But they also seem to hate me. I need to change their minds"
"What? They didn't hate you at all"
"Your father's glare would disagree. But that doesn't matter that much because by the end of this week they will love me"
"You seem certain"
"Of course I am. I can't have them hating me for the rest of our lives, can I?"
"They don't hate you. They are just... hard to please"
"I'll change this" he faced you with a confident smile "I give you my word"
‌Kinda clueless
‌Totally clueless actually
‌He can't understand what he did wrong but apparently he did something awful considering your parents disliked him that much
‌Will try to find ways to apologise
‌Will gift them and try to keep a conversation even when you're not around
"Does your mother like flowers? She does, right? Every mother does"
"What are you doing?"
"You said that she invited us to lunch this Friday. I don't want to go see her with empty hands again. Maybe that's what made her hate me so much the first time"
"She doesn't care about those things, Innie"
"No? Then why doesn't she like me?"
"She's just hard to satisfy, you know. But I bet she'll like you in no time. She just needs to get to know you better"
"You keep saying that but I don't know, I feel like that won't happen any time soon. I really want her to approve me"
He had that hopeless expression again, that one that really wanted to change the situation but didn't know how to. You really hated seeing him disappointed on himself.
"Lilies" you said
"Those are my mother's favourites. Lilies"
"Oh my God, thank you" he got up and kissed the top of your head lightly, before going to the door of your shared apartment "I'll be right back"
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Ace, Deuce, Sebek, and Riddle (separate pls) with a f!Reader that keeps getting shy and flustered around them because of her crush on them?
Have a wonderful day!! <3333
Hehe ofc ofc!!
I suck ass at writing Sebek tho cuz...like....idk so i hope it's to your expectations :')
Hope you like it anon!!
Content Warnings: None
Their s/o keeps getting shy and flustered around them.
Riddle x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Deuce x F!Reader, Sebek x F!Reader
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Ok he's not as shy as you but he gets really....like REALLY flustered. He covers it up by pretending to be annoyed or mad.
He might be a bit oblivious at first.
Say he's walking in the hallways and he bumps into you by accident.
"Ah I'm very sorry Y/N....are you alright?" He looks at you, flushed.
You just tried to avoid his gaze and looked away, fidgety.
"Y-yeah!! Totally! Are you though?"
He thought the way you spoke was absolutely adorable. Great now he's shy too.
"Yes! I am fine."
Both of you scurried away.
He's kinda giddy the whole day. So are you :D
Seeing how sweetly you treat him...who knows, maybe he may invite you to a tea party of some sort :)
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Finds it cute. Teases you.
Ace is internally a HUGE simp for you....but hey....s-shut up....he's badass(words by ace himself XD)
He does not shut up if you're flustered though.
How did he find out about your behaviour? One faithful day, he grabbed your wrist to pull you back from bumping into some buff students.
And you just •\\\\\\•
Ace is observant af. He noticed you shaken.
"Hey...uh...earth to y/n??"
"Ah, yeah, s-sorry- You grabbed my hand out of nowhere."
His grin stretched.
"I was expecting a 'thanks man' or 'ah thx' but I guess this reaction is better~"
He looked good in that smirk. You wanna hide away. Now he suspects you like him.
That's alright though. He likes you back. Maybe one day he'll drop his stubbornness and you'll be confident enough to confess.
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Oh you're just like him.
You two are flustered messes around each other that Ace has to do all the talking.
If you two do end up alone....my god it's gonna be so awkward...but so fluffy 😭
You're both walking with Ace and everything's going well...until Ace runs off to see some of his friends.
It's so....like.....SO quiet.
"S-So....you needed help in Magic History right?" You asked.
He makes eye contact with you then looks away, blushing.
"Y-yes...If you d-don't mind..."
Bonus points if his hand accidentally meets yours during the awkward walk.
Ace comes back to see you both crimson.
"Did y'all kiss while I was away or...?"
Yeah...idk if Ace survived the punch Deuce might've thrown at him after he said that.
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He's confused.
Why do you act so fidgety?
He's on a speech about Malleus, and you're just twirling your hair, shaking your legs a bit, what not.
"Why are you moving so much? Are you not comfortable with the fact that I have a few of Young Master's hair under my pillowcase?"
"I'm sorry what?? And no! Not at all!!"
He goes to Lilia and Malleus for help on why you're acting like this.
Truth is....he thinks you don't like him and that you're uncomfortable around him. It makes him sad :(
Lilia tells him that you may have a crush on him and he's in utmost denial. Now everytime you walk by, he's also a bit flustered.
I'm sure Sebek is in huge denial of everything...but hey... that's Sebek for you :)
Hope you enjoyed!!
Sorry it wasn't the best of my pieces...I don't really know how to write a really shy reader 😭
Have a nice day💖
-Madeline 🐧
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moa-broke-me · 2 years
Y'know, I gotta say, it's been really weird having a fanfiction going for so long.
I mostly say this because I tend to abandon projects kinda quickly, but also because I'm making a lot of revelations about minor characters that I didn't usually give a second thought. Octavian and Drew, specifically.
Like, I mostly just thought of them as generically insufferable people at first, and while they certainly aren't pleasant... Well, I can't really speak for Octavian, sure his mom may have abandoned him (I'm not sure if that's canon I just read that somewhere) and sure that's sad, but he's also a power-hungry, manipulative, pretentious bully. I do feel sorry for the guy, especially since he's just a kid, but so is practically every other character in the series, and for the most part, they all seem to know better. So I'm kind of ambivalent about the character. I'm not entirely sure he deserved to DIE, especially at such a young age, but I'd rather that over a rushed, forced, and unearned forgiveness and subsequent acceptance by the group, which is probably what Rick would've done with him had he lived all the way to the end.
If I were to give him an arc, let's say Nico does intervene when he sees Octavian's cape caught in the trebuchet, not because he's forgiven him or to prove that he's a better person than Octavian or any of that junk, but because if he dies, he escapes the consequences of his actions. Sure, maybe he'll go to punishment, but that won't teach him anything, it'll just make him miserable, and the people he's hurt won't be able to truly hold him accountable in a way that matters.
Once the dust settles, he's exiled from New Rome for his failed coup, understandably, but CHB lets him crash in the Apollo cabin, mostly through Mr. D's suggestion. He's gone mad with power, Dionysus can sense it, and he knows what happens when you turn people like that loose to roam the streets.
He hates it there, he hates the greeks, and he hates Will especially, calling himself his 'kin'. He has no kinship with this hick, aside from perhaps a drop or two of ichor in his veins.
I also think he should get bullied after the camp learns about what he's done. It's realistic, I think, and he deserves a taste of his own medicine.
The funny thing is, Will actually sticks up for him. What a fool he is, so devoted to him even when he's given him nothing but snide remarks and stabbing glares.
Maybe it's the guilt of being treated so well when he's treated others so poorly, maybe it's the realization that this is what it feels like to be freely, unconditionally loved, or maybe it's both... But he's willing to give the greeks another shot.
To be clear, not all the characters forgive him in the end. Less consider themselves on good terms with him, and even less accept him wholeheartedly into their circle of friends. And that's totally within their right. Like I said, I'm very ambivalent about the character, I don't think he deserves the perfect happy ending that most of these characters do, at least not without some major fucking development that would have to take an entire solo book AT LEAST. Even that ambivalence is a more favorable opinion of him than I used to have, which is just 'irredeemable asshole'.
Drew, though, is a lot more sympathetic than that. A lot more sympathetic than Rick seemed to realize. Like, she felt betrayed, it only makes sense that she'd put her guard up, that she'd develop a hard edge, a shell if you will. Granted, a shiny pretty pink shell, but just as hard and stubborn as any other. And yes, I'm referencing Botticelli's Venus just a little bit, y'know the one where Venus emerges out of the clam shell? I'm not sure what I'd do with her, all I know is that she deserved better. She deserved more development, she deserved an arc, and Rick, to the best of my memory, never gave her one. And that sucks.
What makes my fanfiction weird specifically is that both of these characters, in the beginning, were written just to be one dimensional high school bullies, because that's essentially how I saw them. And once I started seeing other people posting about them in a positive way, at first I thought it was weird and just kinda ignored it, but then I was like... Hey wait a second, this makes sense, weirdly enough. I never thought about it like that before but... You're right!
So now, I have to find a way to integrate that into my fanfiction. The only problem?
A lot of the shit that makes these characters so interesting didn't happen in this fanfic. There was no war, no death (ok a little death), no world-shattering consequences or magical powers. It's a mortal high school AU. So I have to find some other way to make these characters be just a smidge more sympathetic, while also staying true to the original characterization. Like ok, they're bullies, but bullies bully for a reason. I also don't wanna uwu-ify them too much and make them into sad wet blorbos (we have enough of those). They're still unapologetically mean and selfish, but they have reasons behind that now.
Anyway all this to say, read my fanfiction if you want to I'm really proud of it.
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bemylord · 3 years
ꜱ/ᴏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄʟɪɴɢʏ
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characters: satoru, itadori, megumi, toji, nanamin, sukuna.
warnings: it's not an angst, but it has triggers because they screamed at you :( [toji and sukuna parts bc yall know those man] + grammar issues. [aged up?]
butler's remark: it was hard to write yuuji, megumi and gojou parts bc they are good and sweet boys and i practically cry. i also had decided to do as a hdc not in the fake text. i did a reader with a strong character.
apologies part.
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
pls no. i can't even imagine that yuuji would scream to you or say you're bothering him.
but, okay, that's why you're reading this.
you just wanted a piece, a little bit, some, of yuuji's attention while he was training.
you came to him from behind, wrapping hands around his neck.
you were happy to finally see and hug your boyfriend, planning to spend an evening watching some tv-shows.
suddenly, yuuji turned to you, and instead of the usual: 'sweetie, i'm so happy to see you let's watch the tv or eat ramen!'
he answered: 'i'm busy, y/n, let's talk later.'
being busy by doing something is totally normal.
but he could at least said you not cold as that. he turned around his body, continuing to do the same thing.
'but i missed you, yuuujiii~' you stretched out [?] his name in a smile, clinging to his shoulders again.
'can you not being clingy y/n, i'm trying to train. give me some space, you're starting to annoy me!'
you were standing there with doe eyes - he had never screamed at you.
'yeah? whatever, itadori. i'm gonna cuddle with megumi-kun, good training.'
you left the room with tears in the corner of your eyes. you'll give the space that yuuji had mentioned - you won't be talking with him for some days or weeks, therefore he'll know he should watch his mouth. [to follow what he says]
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
he came back to the dorm late after training with satoru.
you, being the lovely girlfriend ever, wanted to help megumi: you filled the bathtub with water, made delicious dinner, and find a good movie to watch after bath. maybe, it isn't a romantic thing, but it'll help him to release the tension in the muscle.
'megumi, you finally here!' you had green your boyfriend with a warm hug, as you always do, cupped his face to kiss him.
you were about to give a kiss, when 'gumi intercepted your hands, looking at you tiredly.
'how was the train? you must be tired, that's why i made for you bath and dinner.'
you walked into the living room as you heard him muttering.
'you always being so annoying and so mommy [i mean, hyper custody], i am not a child, y/n, i can help myself.'
'gomen-gomen, megumi, i just wanted to help you relax.'
'stop being like that! that's annoying, i'll take a bath alone, without you.'
you saw bruises and abrasions on his face - he must be angry about that. you have known how megumi hates to be beaten gojou or todou.
you decided not to answer, only waiting till his fury will calm down and he will apologize.
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
i want to confess right away - i'm already afraid of him.
toji should be about to return home from a mission any minute now.
you had baked apple pie and made dinner, anticipating for your husband to arrive.
you only overheard heavy footsteps in the living room, immediately run to see him.
'my love, you back home.' you were about to kiss him, when he turned his head, pronouncing:
'don't touch me.'
his obnoxious nature. over the years of living with him you have taught him to be more gentle with you.
'use better words, toji.'
'i will talk to you as i want, woman. the fact you are my wife doesn't mean i'll be docile.'
'don't talk to me like that, i'm yo-'
'shut up, you're just a wife who comes when i need her. don't exalt yourself. don't be clingy.'
notwithstanding your strong character, tears start to roll down on cheeks.
'i have no intention of being your servant, toji. find another 'wife', i'm leaving.'
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
as you know, gojou satoru is a playful guy, who wants to tease you like 24/7.
you never thought that gojou would scream at you due to you being clingy. it happened, tho.
you are basically just like him, naughty and agile, waiting for him after work so you could take gojou in your arms and kiss him.
when you heard as the door opened, you ran to hug him. however, when you were anticipating to him to do the same, he uttered: 'let go of me.'
you thought he wanted to hug you first, so you've wrapped your arms around your neck tighter.
'did i not make myself clear? get off me. you being so clingy and intrusive.'
'i missed you, 'toru.'
'we see each other every single day, let me spend a few days alone, don't act like a child, stop being sticky'
when you heard the last word, you get off your boyfriend, watching as he slowly walking into the living room, not look at you.
'a few days alone? fine, gojo, whatever. all you want, i'm leaving.'
you grabbed your phone, leaving the house.
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
you had mentioned that you might be clingy or sticky, demanding a lot of attention, when you on the period.
he agreed, laughed at your words. 'i always be with you anywhen, angel.'
as silly as it may sound, you wrapped your arms on a pillow, which was smelling like him, imagining it was kento.
you heard as a door opened, cheerfully coming down to greet your boyfriend.
'welcome home, darling, i was waiting for you to have some.. cuddles!' you straighten arms on him, expecting kento hugs you.
'it seems as you need me only for that, y/n.'
'no, darling, of course not. how was your day? tell me while we're gonna have a bath.'
'that's what i'm talking about. can it be only one day when you stop being sticky like that? i'm tired from work i want to be alone.'
you were speechless. you mumbled something illegible, step backward.
'y-yeah, s-sure..'
you walk in the bathroom, hiding your tears from him. as soon as you found yourself in the room, you sob.
'he just tired. i-i won't cry.'
you let your boyfriend spend an evening on his own, trying not to cry.
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
disclaimer: the king was really mad today, exactly today when you wanted to cuddle him.
you came to his domain, happy and shine like the sun - you've moved up in the ranks, isn't that a success?
you baked muffins, the kind that the king likes - with chocolate, and garnished with nuts on top. [it's only my opinion]
so, when you stood in front of a pile of skulls, sukuna unexpectedly said: 'you should leave. now.'
'huh?' you turned your head on the left, in a curious gesture, waiting for him to explain.
you did a step forward, thought you misunderstood him.
he didn't even look at you, sitting on the throne like you ain't here like you're sort of a slave, not a girlfriend.
'i've got so good news, sukuna. the first i had baked muff-'
before you could've finished the sentence, he used cursed energy to stop you, knocking the treats out of your hands.
'i fucking said you to leave my domain, woman. are you that stupid? and stop being clingy, it's irritating me.'
you knew his nature, you knew he might indicate something offensive, but, that one - above hurtful.
'what's wrong, the king?' you said his position mockingly, going down the skulls, looking at his back. 'go to hell, i'll tell it itadori. be here alone, sukuna.'
well, shall i do a part two with apologies? also sorry for kinda sad post.
[?] - pls corrent me if i used the wrong word.
↳ back to the main master list.
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tinisprout · 3 years
Serendipity on a lonely night
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Pairing: Jacob x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
Word count: 3,547
Warnings: mention of blood (once), some cursing, lmk if I missed something
Summary: After a bad breakup, two sad souls decided to go to a park to cry alone. Neither of them expects someone to intrude on their moment. Although they are strangers, they might make this depressing night just a little less lonely for each other.
Being cheated on sucks, but it hurt him a little bit more to find out on his birthday of all days. Jacob thought they were just going through a rough patch in their relationship, he truly thought they would make it out ok. Never did he expect to see his now ex making out with someone else. Angry and hurt, he didn't bother saying much to them and left. Going back to his apartment, he changes into his workout clothes and stuffs a handful of tissues into his jacket pocket as he leaves his house to go for a night run.
He ran as fast as he could, with abandon, looking like a mad man. He was so frustrated he just wanted to forget it all and move on. He knew he didn't need to keep a person like that in his life, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He went to the one place he thought no one would be at, the park. The man tried to slow his pace as his body came barreling at the bench, he threw his hands out to brace himself.
The impact hurt, but this new pain was a welcomed distraction. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. He felt the need to vomit and so he crawled to the bush to do just that. He regrets not eating earlier as he retched up bile, burning his throat an egregious amount. Then came the booming sound of footsteps slamming on the ground from behind. Jacob hoped no one would come here he wanted to be a mess in peace, but to hell with it, he'll just leave after he finishes dry heaving, he thought.
Being cheated on fucking sucks, period. You didn't expect anyone to here and to your surprise there seemed to be a drunk man throwing up in the bushes. Maybe going out at night wasn't the best choice, but in the heat of the moment you wanted to cry alone, but it seems that wasn't in the cards. As your attention was diverted you tripped on absolutely nothing and your knees were the first to hit the ground, skidding on the pavement. Regretting wearing shorts, you propped your arms out ready to catch the rest of your body.
On your hands and knees, you were winded from running, your shoulders rose and fell rapidly. "Son of a bitch, that hurt." You bit your lip trying to hold it in this was not the place to cry, someone was here. You sat on the ground sick of it all, to hell with it, you were tired of holding back and used the pain in your knees as an excuse to cry your eyes out. Like a stream they came pouring out your eyes, changing the color of the ground.
"Um, are you okay?" 'Huh, is the drunk man trying to talk to me? He doesn't sound drunk,' you thought to yourself. Looking up at him without wiping your still falling tears.
"No," you continued to cry and you hoped that would be the end of the conversation. To your shock he offered you a tissue from his pocket and sat down, it seems he also started crying. Well, at least this man wasn't a threat. And so, you both cried not caring about the presence of the other. Both cries coming to a still as time passed, you both just sat there in silence for some time.
'This is embarrassing,' Jacob thought. When he saw the person in front of him crying, he didn't expect them to give a blunt answer when he asked if they were okay. Crying without a care, he wanted to do that, he was so tired of holding it in. Well, it happened already, there is nothing he can do about it. It seems the person in front of him was also thinking about how to get out of this awkward situation. "Why were you crying?" Yes, break the awkward atmosphere with an awkward question.
"I feel like that should be my question," you state, making a face.
"Oh well, I already wanted to cry and see you cry it kinda just happened."
"Well, I just got dumped after finding out I was cheated on, all on call. I didn’t believe them, thinking it was some cruel joke. So they send me a picture of them kissing someone else. I came here to cry my guts out, I didn't expect anyone else here."
"What a coincidence, me too. I caught my partner making out with someone else, told me they didn't love me anymore, on my birthday of all days. I ran here to get some fresh air and cry, but I guess I pushed myself too hard and ended up throwing up." He laughs at how pathetic he sounds. He notices you check your phone. 'I guess they want to leave,' he thinks while sighing to himself.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Um, sorry if this is weird since it not happy anymore, but, happy birthday." The unexpected response made Jacob look at you, mouth slightly agape in surprise. Then he laughed, the look you made wondering if you might have said something wrong. His smile was captivating, the kind that most would do anything to see again. Who in their right mind would cheat on this man?!
Birthday wishes from a stranger at this moment felt nice. Jacob got up from the ground dusting himself off. He offered you a hand, "Thank you, I feel a little better now." You weren't sure why he laughed, but if he was feeling better that was good, he seemed to be having a shitty day. You take his hand as he pulls you up, as your knees bend you groan in pain.
"Crap, my knees." You looked down addressing the pain, there was dust mixed in with the blood. Judging on how you hit the floor, your knees we definitely bruised or at least were going to be later.
"Oh no, are you okay?"
"No," you chuckled at him asking the same question and you giving the same answer. The corner of his lips tugged up when he realized the same thing, he wanted to laugh, but his concern for the stranger took greater priority. Getting a closer look at it, it looked pretty bad.
"Can you walk?"
"Of course,... I just need to push myself." Jacob looked up and searched for the convenience store he knew was around here.
"Hey, you should get this cleaned up soon. There is a convenience store right over there, I can help you if you're ok with that."
"You know what, that would be greatly appreciated, thank you." He bent down a little so you could easily put your arm around his neck. The man supporting you relieved some of the pressure. With his help, you hobbled your way to the convenience store. Finally arriving he tells you to wait at the front of the store while he gets everything, saying it was on him as a thank you. It didn't make too much sense, but you weren't about to argue, so you took a seat at one of the free tables.
He quickly rushed through the store to get big bandages, two water bottles, Neosporin, and a small bottle of mouthwash. He wanted to talk to them earlier, but they were a lot closer and he knew his breath must have smelt rancid after throwing up. After paying, he quickly went to the bathroom and washed his mouth out with the water and mouthwash. Throwing away the evidence as he did a breath check, grabbing a few paper towels before he ran back to you.
"Okay, I'm done, sorry for the wait." You see him carrying a bag with a few things inside.
"You're good, a break from walking is fine with me," you offer up a smile and he smiles back.
"This is probably gonna hurt some, but I'll try to be as gentle as possible." Your smile fades as he gets down on his knees to meet your legs and you clench your jaw. He wet two paper towels and left two dry ones asking you to hold both sets. "Stick one of your legs out, please." Doing as you're told, he takes this opportunity to lift your leg till it's about parallel to your seat. He pours water on the wound and you jolt at the sensation as it stings your knees. Some water slides down your leg and he wipes it back up with his hand and flicks the water off his hand. "Wet paper towel please."
"Huh," you were absorbed by the movement of his hands on your leg, weird. "Oh yeah, here." He glanced at you for a moment, but he didn't question it. Setting your leg down he takes the wet paper towel and gently wipes away at the remaining grime on your knee.
"Dry one, please." 'So polite,' you thought, handing him the paper towel. He dries your wound and leg off, tossing the waste into the bag and he takes out the Neosporin and bandages. He smears the ointment on the cotton pad of the bandage, then smooths the bandage onto your leg. You two repeat the process on your other leg. "All done."
"Thank you." You slowly stand up, it still hurts for sure, you wanted to do something. "Alright, your turn buddy. You stay here I'm going to get something real quick."
"Huh, you don't need help?" He sees you struggling to walk and has his hands up ready to catch you if you fall.
"I'll be fine, just give me a minute." He doesn't push it and takes the seat next to your now empty one. He wonders what you could be doing. A few minutes pass and he hears your familiar voice. Turning to you he sees you now carry a bag. You see his eyes linger around the bag. You clear your throat, "I need you to close your eyes, you can't open them until I say." Jacob is a simple man and does not question them and follows through with the orders. He covers his eyes with his hands. "Oh yeah, I didn't get your name yet. I'm, y/n." He smiles at your statement.
"I'm, Jacob."
"Alright, you can open your eyes now." He puts his hands down opening his eyes and to his bewilderment there are two cupcakes each with a lit candle. His lips form a little pout and his eye go wide as he looks at you. "Happy Birthday, Jacob. This might be the crappiest birthday you've ever had, but I hope this makes it a little bit better."
"Wow, thank you…" Jacob was at a loss for words. There were a lot of emotions coming up again, he felt his throat go a little tight.
"Ah sorry, I shouldn't have brought up the bad things."
"No it's not that...well it partly is that, but I'm also happy. Why are you so kind to me?" That seemed like a weird question, is this not the golden rule?
"Well as thanks, of course. And I think you are being nicer to me than I am to you. Anyways, before your candles completely melt, make a wish!"
"Ah let me think," A wish, there wasn't any particular thing he wished for. His eyes wandered around trying to think of something and his eyes find their way back to you. The soft glow of the candlelight illuminating your face. A smile gracing your face as you wait for him to make his wish. He looks back to the candles and closes his eyes, 'I wish for something wonderful.' opening his eyes he gently blows out the candles. You found yourself hoping Jacob’s wish would come true.
“Perfect, now I didn’t know what flavor you liked, so I just got the standard vanilla and chocolate. Hope that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” he says taking one of the cupcakes and pushing the other towards you.
“I can’t they’re yours.”
“It’s fine I shouldn’t eat two cupcakes this late at night anyway. Unless you don’t like that flavor?”
“Oh, it’s good. Uh, thank you then.” You both take your time eating your cupcakes while continuing to converse with each other. Taking his last bite he licks his fingers clean and you hand him a napkin from your bag.
“Thanks,” After he wipes his hands he stood up. “Can you walk okay, now?” You stood up carefully. It still hurts, but you felt like walking wouldn’t be too terrible, maybe.
“Yeah, I think I will be good, thank you.” You stagger your way back to the sidewalk and Jacob matches his pace with yours.
“Well, I go this way.”
“Oh, me too.” A smile alights both your faces, happy to stay with the kind soul next to you for a little longer before the loneliness grabs hold of you again.
“In that case do you still want my help walking?”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jacob sets out in front with his back facing you, he kneels on the ground, turning his head to you.
“Won’t that be too tiring for you?
“My endurance is pretty good, besides we can get home faster this way, it’s pretty late already. It will only be till we part ways.” Maybe you would have been more hesitant if he didn’t always make sure you were comfortable when talking and interacting with him, keeping a respectable distance that strangers should have.
“Excuse me then.” As you climb on his back he links his arms under your legs as you wrap your arms around his neck and he slowly rises.
“Up we go.” he adjusts, bouncing you up higher on his back. He started walking, and like a gentleman, making sure you weren’t suspicious of him, he tells you which path he takes first before continuing to walk. To both your surprise, your time together lasted longer than imagined. You thought how he might live past you as you got closer to your home.
“Hey, I know we are still kinda strangers, but if it means anything, I think you are really kind. I was treated nicer by you in this short hour or so that we have known each other than I was ever by my ex. I won’t judge your relationship because I don’t know anything, but I think you deserve better. I hope you can move on soon and when your ready, find someone that values you properly.” Jacob lets out a titter at your words.
“Man, I feel like crying again.”
“No, it’s fine. I hope the same for you, don’t feel down over someone that left you like that.”
“Ugh, of course! I’m not that sad to lose them, we weren’t dating for that long. I know that kind of person doesn’t deserve to be in my life… I’m sadder at the fact that it happened, it makes me feel inadequate.”
“Hey, don’t say that. Just like you said to me, I think you deserve a person that values you better.”
“Thanks.” He stops in his tracks again.
“I go straight.” To your disappointment, this is where your journey together ends.
“Ah, I go right.”
“Oh,” is all he gives as a reply. Jacob lowers himself letting go of his grip on your legs. Your hands move from around his neck to hold his shoulders as you steady yourself. When you let go of his shoulders he turns around to meet your eyes. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Neither of you wanted to part ways yet, but what could you do? You both thought, this person would be a good friend to have, would it be too much to ask for their number?
“I’ll go first. Please be careful on your way home,” Jacob says, cutting off the awkward silence.
“You too. Thank you, for making this night a little less lonely,” you give him a sorrowful smile and he returns a look just the same.
“Thank you.” And so you both go your separate ways. He finds himself regretting not asking for your number, but it would be weird to go back now, if only he had a second chance. If he had another wish right now, he would have wished to see them again, not that it would have actually helped him anyway.
Finally making it to your apartment building you call the elevator sighing. You find yourself thinking about Jacob as you look at your knees, ‘I should have gotten his number.’ The elevator dings and the doors open up. Someone leaves the elevator and you take their place.
Jacob walks into his apartment building, and sees a person leaving then sees the foot of a person entering the elevator. He calls out to them.
“Please hold the door!” He starts jogging to the elevator. Hearing that familiar voice seems unbelievable. So you move to stick your head out to check to make sure you weren’t mistaken.
“Jac-” you didn’t expect a body to round the corner so fast and you reacted as best you could and tried stepping back, but their body still hit you, though it was with less force than you expected. Cool you thought, you were gonna fall for the second time tonight. The man that bumped into you didn’t think the person inside would try to come out so he had little time to try and stop his momentum and despite his efforts, he collided with the other. Not wanting to fall you reach your arms up and out to the person getting a death grip on their shoulders. The man lunges forward reaching out to catch the falling body, wrapping his arms around the person’s waist. There is a pause as Jacob gets a good look at the person in his arms. When he rounded the corner it was fast, but for a hot second, he thought that person looked like, y/n. He was right, they were staring at each other, hearts pounding in fright. Jacob was the first to open his mouth.
“Hey,” he offers up an awkward smile. You bite your top lip to keep from laughing. The elevator door closes.
“You live here? You ask at the same time. This brought genuine smiles to your faces.
“Yeah, uh how did you get here before me?” He asks, stepping back to give you room to stand straight again. You loosen your grip on his shoulders letting your arms fall back to your sides. He lets go of you as well taking a step back.
“I took a shortcut. Do you not know about it?”
“No? Im new here, still getting used to this area, so I haven’t really explored around,” you hum in response. He goes to press his floor number and steps aside so you can do the same. You look at the panel of buttons and see your floor number is pressed. The elevator starts rising.
“I think we are neighbors.”
“Yup, same floor.”
“Huh, small world.”
“Guess it is.” Ah, it was awkward again. Maybe you both felt that way cause you were just thinking about each other, not like the other person knew that though. The elevator came to a stop opening to your floor. You stepped out first and Jacob followed. Pointing one way you give him a questioning look and he nods. You walk together in silence thinking how now would be the perfect time to ask for their number, but they’ve been silent this whole time maybe they don’t want to talk right now? Both of your minds hesitant to speak first. Jacob stops first.
“This is my door.” You look at the number on the door that is two off from your door number. Then that means.
“I’m the next door down. I didn’t know I had a new neighbor.” That wasn’t something you bothered paying attention to.
“From strangers to neighbors. Nice to meet you,” he jokes, smiling. You smile back.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“y/n, you seem like a really great person. If it’s ok with you, can I get your number? I think we would be good friends.” That should have been your line, you step closer to him, confessing.
“I actually wanted to ask you the same thing.” The two of you pull out your phones opening up contacts and exchanging phones, putting your info into the other’s phone. Taking back your phones, you take a step back. “Until next time.”
“Until then.” You turn around and start walking to your door. Jacob happily punches in his pin code. And steps into the door, but there was something else he wanted to say, so he poked his head out and saw you opening your door. “y/n,” you turn your head to look at the voice calling you. “Thank you, for making this night less lonely.” You smiled at the familiar words. “That’s it, good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Jacob.” The two of you heading into your respective homes with a tender smile. Hoping to see the other more often.
taglist: @taegurl-ne
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i need ... i need you to do this please ... i'm dying ... could i please write headcanons for this scenario, a friend who is comforting the twins (maybe for a breakup) and out of nowherehugs them and says "I love you" *-magically disappears-*
omg this man died while writing this-
Hm… Well, he isn’t one for affection. So hugging him wouldn’t be the brightest option. But saying “I love you” as some form of confession is definitely not the best thing to do.
Like, let’s say his ex either used his status or money for their own gain. Confessing your feelings now would make him think that you only waited for this long to get with him; to use his money and status.
Which might make him do or say something that he’ll regret. But maybe he’ll stop himself from being reckless, just maybe. So it’s either that he’ll ask you to elaborate or to leave him be.
I mean, even if you were to elaborate and flat-out admit that it was you confessing your feelings to him. There’s a chance that he’ll just tell you to get out. Don’t worry, he’s not mad at you, he’s just… tired and confused.
I mean… he doesn’t hate you. Sure, you literally just did the worst thing imaginable. But you didn’t know. He’ll just think about it on his own time. You seem like a nice person... so maybe he'll give you a chance.
Well, he isn’t sure how to react. Like, he just broke up with his first ever partner. And now this. He can understand that hugging is a form of comfort, but the “I love you” thing caught him off guard.
So yeah, he clearly didn’t expect it and he doesn’t really know what to do. You can tell by his facial expression and body language. His older brother is probably busy setting his ex house on fire for some reason.
But whatever, it’s not like his older brother can help him here. So he’ll probably just stand there in silence for a bit, just thinking about what to say since he doesn’t want to do or say anything bad.
I mean, yeah, he likes you. But maybe it’s best to just… put this off for another time. He’s willing to be your partner. But now he just prefers to be alone after everything he went through.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t help him, you can if you want. Maybe don’t try anything funny since his older brother will be PISSED. But once he deems himself to be ready, you can be with him.
Honestly, it’s hard to tell what he’d do. He tends to use the words “I love you” pretty loosely. So you say that as some kind of love confession might not work since it’ll just slip over his head.
… Or it would make him sad if this reminds him of his ex. Like, if his ex used to hug him and say “I love you”, it wouldn’t make him happy. But eh, whatever.
So yeah, this probably slipped over his head. But if you like, kiss his cheek or flat-out admit that it was a love confession, that you “love” him that way. Then oof. That’s something.
I mean, he’s not sure what to say. He doesn’t hate you. But… he supposes that immediately going out with a friend wouldn’t be the brightest thing. Basically, he needs some time.
So yes, he returns your feelings and he's happy. But he prefers to heal first before going out with you. If that’s okay with you, of course. Don’t get me wrong, you can be there for him. But maybe just… wait or something.
… This is probably the worst thing you can ever do if you’re trying to “confess your feelings” at that moment. Slapping and spitting on his face would be less offensive than this.
Like, this is for a breakup, right? If that’s the case, it’s really not a good idea to try to get with him at the lowest point in his life. He just… kinda wants to be left alone, if anything.
So he might just flinch away and ask you to elaborate on what you were trying to say. He just wants to make sure that it was just a friendly gesture before coming to some kind of conclusion.
… And it was a friendly gesture, that’s kinda obvious. But whether it was a love confession is a question to him. And funny enough, it was. He isn’t known for “love confession” shit, but here we are.
I mean, it’s not like he hates you. But… maybe you could’ve done this at a better time. So he might ask if you can give him some space regarding this whole thing. He just needs to think straight. He’ll be back with you whenever he can.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
[Deja Vu]
Arisu Ryohei × Reader
Is it angst? Kind of, but not really. I heard this song, and this was the first thought that came to mind. So... yeah-
Warnings: swearing, needles, blood, does anger need one? Because there's a lot of that here, alcohol, implied sexual content, but it's not explicit? Like... it's implied what happened, but I didn't write it, you know?
It was a harsh breakup, you'd say. Of course you'd say that, you were the one who's heart got broken. Arisu had met Usagi, and you could feel him drifting away. So, when you broke up, you expected it, but it still hurt.
And now, you watched them across the pool while they sat eating strawberry ice cream together. You smiled sadly. You two used to do that. She was wearing his jacket, and it hurt you. You used to wear that exact same one.  You felt someone sit besides you. "Watching them again, huh?" They said. "Yep. Is it weird?" You asked.  You looked besides you seeing him look up with a questioning look. "Yes, but no? What do you want me to say?'' He joked. You shoved his shoulder. "You're so mean Niragi. I'll push you into the pool!" you pouted, ending in a laugh. He chuckled, "Yeah yeah. Let's go, that isn't good for you."
"So when's he gonna tell her?" You asked, laying on his bed. "Tell her what?" Niragi asked. "That we did that too... She thinks it's special, but it's all reused," you responded. You could hear him sigh. "Look, I want to be nice, because I- we're... acquaintances... or whatever you want to call us. So, here's how you're going to get over him."
You laughed, taking another sip of the beer bottle. There were bottles littered around the room, and the blasting music from the party could be heard in his room. The vibrations from the bass could be felt, making you sigh. "Ok, I'm ready!" You shouted eagerly. "I don't even know why the hell you grabbed these in our last supply run," he laughed, holding the small package. You shrugged, "Thought I'd get the courage to do it." You two were very much drunk, and you were about to do mental breakdown things(TM). "Just do it before I regret my decision!" You scolded, with a playful glare. He laughed, "Ok ok, stick out your tongue, I think you've had the ice in there long enough." You did as he told you. He held your tongue still with his fingers, and he grabbed a needle with his other hand, looking at you to make sure. You tried not to laugh, and nodded. He stuck the needle through quickly. The metallic taste of blood filled your mouth, but somehow no pain. Maybe it was because you numbed it with ice, or the fact that your broken heart hurt more. You waited for him to stick the piercing through, and take his hands away from your mouth. "And we are done!" He shouted with a laugh, wiping off the blood that had gotten on his hands. You stumbled off the bed, sticking out your tongue in the mirror. "Oh I'm fucking hot," you said. You could heat him laugh. Blood dripped from your mouth onto the drawers beneath. He didn't seem to care about the mess. "Am I supposed to bleed that much?" You asked. He shrugged. You turned with a mildly shocked expression, and hit him. You both started laughing. "I'm going to regret this aren't I?" You asked. "It's better than cutting your hair, trust me. Best impulse mental breakdown things I've ever done are tattoos and piercings," he responded. You laughed, rolling your eyes. "What else should we do?"
"Alright, now, just scream into the open," he instructed. "Won't anyone hear?" You asked. You two had somehow managed to stumbled up the stairs, and were now on the roof. A danger hazard, seeing as you two almost didn't make it up the stairs. But in that moment, neither of you cared. "Eh, they're to drunk to care," he said. You nodded, before adding, "But you're doing it with me." "No, I'm just going to let you have all the fun- duh, I'm going to do it," he said. You took a deep breath, getting your anger and pent up rage towards Arisu and Usagi.
This was therapeutic to both of you. He didn't want to reveal how he was really feeling, but alcohol does something to people. So, if he said something a bit personal, hopefully you wouldn't remember. Hopefully you were to drunk to remember. And although he knows he'll remember because he's not as drunk as you, he hopes he doesn't remember either. Just so he doesn't hate himself for saying something.
"I'M MAD AT THE FACT CHISHIYA SAW ME FALL INTO THE POOL AND NOW USES IT AS LEVERAGE!" (trying to make you laugh? Kinda. Trying to make myself laugh? Definitely.)
You panted from screaming so much, and looked at him shocked. "Shit, I didn't meant to-" he started. Maybe it was the alcohol, the sadness you felt, but you pulled him in for a kiss. It was sloppy and all over the place, but in your intoxicated state, it felt like heaven on earth. You could care less about it, because a part of you had always wanted to do this. With Niragi. The feelings for him were always there, you just felt stronger ones for Arisu. And over the past few days, your feelings had grown. Maybe it was the fact that he was the one helping you through the breakup. He was there, and he seemed to care. And moreover, Arisu wasn't a thought in your mind in this moment. The hurt had gone away in that minute. Would you regret this in the morning? Maybe, maybe not.
You woke up due to the throbbing headache you had. You grabbed your head, sitting up. The blankets fell of your body, and you looked down. "Oh fuck... what happened last night?" You questioned, seeing as your clothes were nowhere to be found. You looked besides you, seeing Niragi on the other side of the bed. Your jaw dropped. "I- ma'am, did I-? Oh no. Oh nonononono, what the fuck-" you panicked. Not because you didn't like him, but more because you were drunk, he was your friend, and you were trying to get over a breakup. Which, in drunk (Y/N)'s defense, you did seem pretty over it when you were with Niragi.  You heard a groan, and looked besides you. "Good... morning?" He muttered sleepily. 'Hot-' 'Shut up you horny bitch' You ran your hands through your hair. "I- what did we do?" You asked, even though it was obvious, and the fact that you could remember certain events from last night made you blush. "Well, first you were watching those two being couple-y, then we got drunk, you more than me though, you pierced your tongue, we screamed off the roof, and things escalated from a kiss, and now we're here," he explained. How the hell did he remember so much? Wasn't he just as drunk as you? "And before you ask, I may get drunk, but my memory will not falter. I've tried. Doesn't work," he said. Could he read your mind? You sighed, falling back. He looked away, trying to sort out his own feelings. A part of him was happy, seeing the hickeys and marks over your body. He had wanted to do that forever. Another part felt regret because you two were drunk. It didn't matter what had happened, neither of you were in the right state of mind. He knew whatever had happened was merely the alcohol messing with your brains, and the hurt from your broken heart. It wasn't real feeling. And the last part was sad. Although, it was a small part of him, it was there. Sad because you would most likely want to not talk to him. Or, at least that was the worst case scenario in his mind.
"Do you... do you regret it? Be honest," you said. Your voice was so quiet, he could've missed it.  He looked down at you, seeing you stare blankly up at the ceiling. He scoffed. "Hell no. And I don't care if you do, because I don't. I won't either. I've wanted to do that for so long, but you were with him," Niragi answer bitterly. You looked over, surprised. "You don't regret it?" You asked again. He shook his head. You sat up, crawling on the bed over to his side. "I don't... I don't know how to feel. I remember... its and bits of it... I just don't want you to think I did it to get over Arisu," you explained. "I wouldn't think that. See, the thing about alcohol is it can make people act how they want to act and see what they want to see. And the fact you were screaming my name and not his even as drunk as we were tells me something," he said, a teasing tone so very present. . You could hear the smirk in his voice. You blushed, and leaned your head on his shoulder. Had you really? "Then... what are we?" You asked. "Ah, the age old question. This is cliche, no?" He joked. You hit him softly muttering, "Take this seriously please." He sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know. Friends with benefits, fuck buddies. Whatever you want," he said. You pulled away with a smirk. "See, you left out 'a committed relationship'. That means you don't want that," you pointed out. He scoffed, fake hurt written on his face. "I just didn't know if that was too much for you. But I'd enjoy it."
You finally felt... complete. For the first time after the breakup, you didn't look to see where they were to avoid them. You didn't feel jealous or sad over the fact that they were talking about what used to be your song. Because now, it wasn't your guy's song. It was theirs. And that was OK now. Because you could see the hurt that his eyes held when Niragi's arm was around your waist. The shock on his face when you talked to them, and his eyes moved over the hickeys and marks littering your skin.
Slowly over the next few weeks, you heard Arisu accidently call Usagi your name, the same way he'd called you her name. It made you laugh. Because now, you were happy, and he was the one in pain. He was the one who would regret everything. Not you.
"(Y/N), can we talk?" Arisu asked. You pouted, but got off of Niragi's lap. He pecked your lips, glaring at Arisu. You could hear Arisu gulp, and you snickered. You two walked away.
"What did you want to talk about?" You asked. "I-... I'm sorry for how I ended things," he apologized. You nodded with a smile. "I accept your apology," you said. You could feel where this conversation was going, and it made you giddy with excitement. "I miss you, you know. I wish I hadn't done that, I was stupid," he said. You smirked. Exactly what you thought he'd say. "Look, I wish you and Usagi the best. I've moved on. I'm finally happy without you, and it's the best feeling in the world. You breaking up with me hurt so much at first, I thought I was going to die. But it ended up being the best gift you ever gave me. You do all the things you used to do with me with her. And I hope it gives you deja vu, so you can remember that I'm better. Sure, she's amazing, but she's basically me. I'm finally feeling confident, and not like I have to compete with another girl who's everything I want to be. Around him, I don't have to act like someone else because I want to make him happy. I act like me, and he actually likes the real me. I always told you to not worry about him because we were just best friends, but now that I'm here... you really were right to worry about him. I was always the better choice, and I'm glad you're realizing it when I don't need you to anymore. I'm with Niragi now, and I'm sure he's waiting, so... goodbye. Good luck with Usagi though, Arisu. Treat her well, and... as I said earlier, I hope you get deja vu when you see her and you're doing the things we used to do."
I still can't write angst for shit, oh my gods-
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danieyells · 3 years
Messy mutterings about Chapter 55 spoilers with a small angst warning, copypasted from discord with little cleaning and edits lol
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I'm imagining Raphael sent Luke away so he wouldn't interfere with him killing/fighting Michael and Simeon went along with the idea and is in the human world too so Luke's not, y'know, on his own in a strange new world and to reduce Luke's suspicion and all. But as Michael and Raphael are fighting or whatever Luke somehow learns what's going on/realizes why things are off and rushes home to try and stop it.
He tries to get between Raphael and Michael(perhaps his back, Raph perhaps striking while Michael is lost in thought missing the brothers, spaced out, staring at the wall where their portraits were) and is struck violently by Raphael's spear instead. Simeon, ofc, followed him home to try and protect him but is too late because of Luke's own determination to protect Michael bonus if he grows a little in this scene--just magically, because his current smol form is too weak to help surely but if he were a little bigger, a little stronger, maybe he could make it in time--!! and Luke is impaled.
He doesn't die but none of the three wanted Luke hurt in this confrontation--Michael is angry at Raph for attacking/being violent in the first place, Raph is mad at Simeon for failing to restrain Luke, and Simeon is like is now really the time for this because hello Luke is hurt.
Angels are made of strong stuff, he's not gonna die but he'll be in a bad spot if they don't get him to an angel who specializes in healing. I've elected this to be Uriel for now although I've been told that Raphael is generally percieved as the angel of healing--but with OM canon his reputation sonfar is so hostile I'm gonna say that may not be the case. Michael (or Raph) can stave things off for a bit but he's not healing specialized either--they're all Archangels and Seraphs but their fields are elsewhere, mostly combat.
(Luke tries to assure that he's fine and attempts to remove the spear. They don't allow this because the spear is, of course, keeping most of his blood in at the moment.)
They can't fly him to someone because it'd be bumpier so they have to carry him or call/run/send for help--so other angels do learn what's going on and speculation begins. Luke is hospitalized and Raph and Michael and Simeon stay with him while he sleeps, kinda tensely, not really ready to talk out whatever happened. But before he passed out Luke tried to tell Raphael not to fight/kill Michael, to talk to him instead. He wanted to tell him to talk to the demons/humans too, they're not as bad as they think(he and Raph are very likeminded so he thinks 'maybe Raphael will listen to me since I'm starting to see that I was a little wrong maybe') but he couldn't get it out.
Simeon messages the demons, Solomon, and MC and says he won't be returning to the human world/devildom for a bit because Luke was hurt in the CR. Mammon, having had recently gotten attached to Luke, is stunned and angry and anxious and wants to know what happened. Simeon isn't ready to tell them yet, and Mammon demands Barb make a portal to the CR for him to check on Luke--surely Barb is also worried because he cares for Luke too!
Diavolo says they're not allowed to go and Barb agrees(he felt as much before Diavolo said anything too.) Simeon agrees because there's some unrest now and speculation and with an exchange student angel having had been injured by a notoriously demon-skeptical Archangel some angels are worried the demons may be involved in this somehow and if demons suddenly showed up it'd make things worse. Mammon curses his helplessness because his new little brother minion is hurt and he can't even check on him. Simeon feels helpless too--he's an archangel, a Seraph, but he can't help Luke either.
I imagine MC then offers to visit instead--they may be a powerful sorcerer now but they're still just a sheep human with an inhuman aura right? They wouldn't be as concerning for the general populace. After some consideration the demons and Solomon agree this would be okay, as does Michael and Simeon [and Raph maybe] but they say to wait a few hours/a day or two before doing so, just to allow some cooldown/recovery in the CR.
(In the meantime Mammon reviews one of Luke's recent text chains to him where he's baking something. He tries to copy all the steps and instructions and clumsily makes some cupcakes. They're ugly and Mammon isn't known for his stellar cooking, but they kinda relieve him a bit and Beel says they taste alright, so Mammon asks MC to bring them to the CR for Luke for him--there's enough for Michael too since he's probably going through a hard time. It's not like he cares or anything!! He's just building up credit! They'll owe him with interest when this is all said and done!!!)
Idk what'd happen afterwards--it's probably the first time MC meets Raph so it's not under the best circumstances and he definitely wouldn't trust sweets from a demon. And even if he was gonna fight/kill Michael he doesn't trust that Mammon would give him anything safe and instinctively would tell Michael not to touch them, let alone Luke if he's awake to do so. So it's not like he hates Michael, he just. Things need to change and he tried to incite it the only way he knows how--or, rather, the most effective way, given how quickly things changed after the Rebellion. A spear to the throat makes anyone listen. A rebellion is what made Michael change, so maybe it will help him go back to normal too.
(Maybe Luke is awake enough to hear them talking about these things and weakly asks if Raph is going to be exciled over this--the first thing he says since passing out. They're surprised because. He got injured trying to protect Michael but he's still trying to protect Raphael, Michael's assailant? But Luke understands how Raphael feels because he feels the exact same way--or he used to. He didn't trust demons or humans or sorcerers or the exchange program, he didn't think they should get along at all. And he saw how sad Michael was without the brothers and hated them for that too--and Raph feels the same way, right?
Angels are all family. Raphael, Michael, Luke, Simeon, even when they disagree, when their views don't align due to time and perspectives and experiences and ages and positions, they're all brothers. And Lucifer and them were their family too. Even if they disliked them or how they behaved, even if they resent their rebellion and its effects they were still family and they loved and cared about them.
And Raphael doesn't want to see Michael hurting anymore either--certainly not over people who don't care anymore, certainly not over people who turned on them and Father, who must hate them as well. . .but he's been with the brothers for over a year now. Maybe two or three at this point. And he may have only learned it recently but. . .they haven't forgotten. They probably don't hate them. And the demons, the humans, even those unfaithful and the practitioners of dark magic, the fallen, they're not as bad as they thought. They're not necessarily their enemies. Raphael doesn't know it like Luke does because he's never left the CR aside for war and maybe visiting the human world briefly too, right? But if he'd consider things differently, if he's allowed a chance to learn, Luke himself promises Michael, promises Father who's surely watching as he always is, that he'll understand. Raph made a rash decision albeit after many many years of consideration-- but it was out of ignorance, so please forgive him and give him another chance and don't excile him? On top of that he needs a chance to learn and do better--imagine how he'd feel, being turned into something he hates or fears? It will help him learn, sure, but it also may only make him feel worse or make him do something more rash or result in another Fall if he has supporters.
Raphael doesn't hate Michael--he just wants things to be different. Perhaps to go back to normal. And he doesn't want Michael to mope over the loss of the seven brothers and Lilith anymore either.
And maybe in this time, since they'd have to decide what to do about Raph, Michael requested Diavolo come over too--y'know, in case Raph is exciled, they'd want Diavolo's approval and reassurance to keep an eye on him too. So maybe he or Barb, as they arrive in the room, would approve of Luke's appeal--ask what Michael and Simeon And Raph and MC think. They could always bring him in as an exchange student too! 😘 That worked for Luke!
Ultimately Raph probably wouldn't be exciled/become a Fallen but be given another chance. Maybe he's stripped of his title temporarily, until he's sufficiently deemed to learn about demons, angels, their history together, culture, whether or not they can get along, etc--so he's bitter, but thankful. And Michael understands that perhaps he's been allowing how much he misses the brothers and Lilith to cloud him and maybe it's time to move on and make changes to the Celestial Realm again after all this time. Bonus points if the bros came along and he was too distracted to sense them--someone's like "oh you're moving on? So we came here for no reason after all?" and ofc he's happy to see them again and gets to hang out with them again for a while before getting to say a goodbye with more closure. And he hangs off of Lucifer's neck the whole time they're there lol he and Dia bond over being Lucifer fanboys too.
Luke's okay in the end--a little worse for wear because being stabbed by Raphael is Not A Small Ordeal but he's okay and he shows a little more maturity. But he's also still same old Luke who will happily point out how awful demons are and use it as an excuse for distrust/fear--but he's more mindful of it now because he feels like he needs to set a good example for Raph lmao.)
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mother-snake · 4 years
More letters? More letters.
I'm going to break a few hearts....
The pain of losing your child was an agonizing one. You could never stop thinking that you should have been in their stead, that you should have protected them, that you failed as a parent because..... Because your baby is dead and you couldn't stop it.
Virgil didn't know someone could get that pale. Or that they could have black vains. Or that they could cry black inky tears until their face was sticky and it was impossible to wash off.
It was a very sad day.
They just came home from a very sad event, that no one wanted to name because they couldn't accept that he was gone.
Virgil went to his room almost immediately after they got home.
Tears still streaming, he hadn't stopped crying since they found his baby
He walked over to his desk, where four letters sat. Each envelope was a different colour with a different wax seal to match it. He picked up the white envelope with a deep wine red seal, the only thing that was marking it as his was the dark purple ink used to mark his name and the #1
He tore it open carefully.
Hey Vee Anxiety
I guess if you have these letters I'm gone now. I also suppose that you know what happened to the dark side. If you don't, well its gone now. I'm sorry it had to be this way. But I had too.
You and Remus are the only sides with black hair now. How does that feel? I know your hair is dead straight, does it fall into your eyes? Do the others treat you differently because of your hair colour? Speaking of that.
I know I was a horrible child Anxiety, you loved me from the very moment you met me and all I did in favour was tell you I hate you. I don't hate you. I could never hate you.
I hope you gave me a nice send off. Was there daffodils? You know, daffodils were originally called Narcissus. They symbolize self love. I'm sure you know the myth, but it also ended rather tragically. I'm no expert but I think my life also counts as a tragedy. At least it feels like it.
It feels like no matter what I do, I get punished. Society says that you get punished for your wrong doings but what have I done wrong? I wish I had black hair like you. Things might have ended better.
I'm going to be writing a series of letters. Simply because I can't bear to say goodbye to all five of you at the same time. I'll write to you tomorrow Vee.
~Janus Sanders
The sobs only got deeper as Virgil read on. Memories rapidly repeating in his mind. Over and over. The sight of his child dead on the ground. Crumpled suit and knocked over goblet, his eyes were like glass and any pigment in his skin rotted away.
"DAD! Dad!!" the 17 year old looked down at the much younger side. Just passed 7. "Yes my little baby snake?" the child bounced up and down "I'm hungry!!" Virgil's smile creeped onto his face "Hi Hungry! I'm Dad!" the look on the seven year olds face was something he could never forget. Virgil let out a loud laugh, "Fine! Fine! Come on little snake, lets go get you some food" the child's face lit up. "STRAWBERRIES?!?" Virgil grabbed the childs hand. "We can have strawberries, little snake."
Virgil went downstairs and dug out the box of strawberries form the fridge. He ate the entire box.
The next day was just as horrible.
No one wanted to leave their rooms and deep sobs were coming from many doors.
Everywhere Virgil looked, he was reminded of his baby snake.
When he ran out of oxygen for the louder sobs, Virgil grabbed the second letter. A lilac purple envelope with a yellow seal.
Hey Vee,
The others are getting particularly violent recently. Often getting aggressive for no reason. Well unless you call me standing in my bedroom a reason. Well, reason or not. I have a new bruse or five.
How are the others holding up? I'm guessing not well. But maybe I'm just over estimating how much all of you care. After all. Why would anyone care for a side that has only made their lives harder? I personally don't see the logic in that.
But I don't know that much.
I'm going to be completely honest with you Vee. You are absolute shit at taking care of yourself when you are upset. Did you even eat dinner the night before? Wow. Look at me. I'm lecturing my father to take better care of himself while I'm dead.
I should get an award for biggest hypocrite. I haven't properly taken care of myself in years.
I'm serious about this though, don't isolate your self and spend time with the others. They'll be your biggest help in accepting..... In accepting that I'm not there anymore.
Sucking in a shaky breath, Virgil stood and went to ask the others for their company. Because Janus was right, its easy to spiral by yourself. Then there was a knock on the door.
Logan wanted to watch some of Janus' favourite movies.
Virgil couldn't say no. Even if he wanted too.
~~~time skip~~~
Everyone was passed out except for him and Logan.
Logan had been very quiet lately, then again. He did barely leave his room for days
The end of Over the Garden Wall was playing. The characters were talking about something when Virgil spiralled back into the memories.
"DAD!" Virgil burst into the room, running to cradle his child in his arms, "Baby, what happend? Are you hurt?" small sniffles left the eight year olds lips "I dr- dreamt th-that you left m-me!" Virgil felt his heart clench. "I will never ever leave you, my little one" Crystal coated over the childs eyes, "Promise?" "I promise with all my heart"-
Virgil fell asleep with a heavy heart, knowing that he broke his promise to his baby.
The next morning was slightly better, not by much though. They ate breakfast together. Then, they returned to their rooms.
Virgil grabbed the third letter as soon as he walked into the room. The pale yellow cover wrinkling in his tight hold. He carefully broke the purple wax.
Hey Vee,
I'm scared. Wrath keeps banging on doors and I think I heard a window break. Apathy keeps trying to calm him down but it isn't working. Depression just left. I honestly don't know where he went.
This is why I need to get rid of the darks. I heard them talking about taking over the mind and I just can't let that happen Vee. What kind of self preservation would I be if I just let them destroy Thomas? A shitty one.
Thats why I made a poison. Its made from my own venom and it is lethal with less then a drop. I'm going to put the whole vial inside of the wine at the party in a few days. I don't know why I'm telling you this. I don't really plan what I write here. I kinda just write.
I really want a hug right now. I think I'll vist today or tomorrow. If I can get passed the others that is. If they find out where I'm going I might not get the chance to poison the wine.
Virgil could tell that the writing was frantic. Some words slurrrd and squished together. Janus did come over to the mind that day.
A small hesitant knock hit Virgil's door. When he opened it, there standing was Janus, he looked up at him, "Can... can I have a hug Vee?" Virgil felt a small blossom of hope in his chest, "Of course, my little baby snake."
That blossom of hope died when he found his child's body. Cold and pale. He cried over the memory and over the letter.
The soft sound of jazz coming from Logan's room.
The next day, he grabbed the last letter. Hands shaking heavily, he broke the white seal holding the black envelope closed. When opened, a picture fell out.
Hi Dad,
I'm almost out of purple ink. Most of it got dried out after I forgot to out the cap back on. I'm sorry dad.
I'm sorry that I took your love for granted. I never accepted it as enough. Even when you did your damnedest to protect me and anyway you could. I used to be mad and upset and wanting to cry at every memory but now I wish I enjoyed those moments longer.
Thank you for indulging my strawberry habit. Thank you for holding me late at night. Thank you for introducing me to reading. Thank you for all the memories and hugs. Thank you for everything Dad.
None of this is your fault. You were the best father I could've asked for.
I love you
~Your Baby Snake
The picture was of him and Janus when the yellow side was nothing but a toddler. Bright golden ringlets sticking out in every direction. On the back was written
"To the best Father, Thank you"
Virgil's tears were interrupted by loud screams from Logans room.
They all bolted to comfort the blue side. Virgil's eyes drifted down to the his letter.
I love you
Virgil couldn't help the thought of his baby in a suit. Attempting to tame his blond curls while walking down the isle. His baby fell in love.
And he'll never get to experience the rest of it.
His tears only fell faster.
i almost cried tears, i held them in barely. fam were in the room. how dare you stab my heart like this?? i am wounded. (tho seriously, this is absoulutely amazing and i friggin love it to bits!)
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x-useobwa-x · 5 years
༄ are you mad? | 너 화났어?
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Jungkook x Reader
➺ Word count: + 1k
╰Due to his PC being broken, Jungkook finds himself visiting the internet cafe daily for hours to play Overwatch. He's an outstanding player, by far better than many of his teammates and he carries his games, but there's one player he always encounters over and over again.
a/n: yooo! I've been itching to write this short thing for a while already! It's nothing special or anything, but I really enjoyed it! It was a nice change from my usual stuff! 🤧👌🏼
Start reading!
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Jesus fucking christ.
„Fuck!“ he curses under his breath.
This is the seventh time he got sniped down out of the blue and everytime he peeks at the kill-feed, he's burning with rage.
It's the same name. All over again, he's getting killed by the same goddamn player. This has been going on since the day his PC broke.
How it broke in the first place? Well, in his opinion it was because of said player. Even while he was playing at home, he already got hunted down by that one person behind the screen somewhere in the world, making him question all the talent he actually has. At some point he got so angry that he lost his control and kept kicking his computer, loaded with rage.
This is now two weeks ago, and he can't get over the fact that this guy is better than him. Usually he would look up to these better than him, but with this goddamn little shit he just can't get any clear thoughts.
He's so fixated on finding the enemies' Widowmaker that he got too careless and- shoot.
„What the FUCK,“ he yells into his headset, having the majority of the internet cafe turning around and giving him looks.
This damn guy.
Venom. Once again, it was Venom that shot him down.
‚I'm so sick and tired of this dude. Jesus fucking christ.‘
Jungkook is far beyond reaching his limit. This has to be settled, once and for good. He's furiously typing something down in the game-chat.
[Seagull: yo venom, after this game, let's go 1vs1 and lets put an end to this. Its been weeks and you can't seem to fucking stop.]
[Venom: lol what you so triggered for. its just a game bro.]
‚It's just a game? Jesus christ. This... this dude really is something.‘
[Seagull: are you scared?]
[Venom: nope. just not serious about this game. but if you insist, lol sure.]
Jungkook is evily grinning to himself.
This will be the last time he'll get his ass whooped by Venom. That dude might be good with 5 other players on his team that distract Jungkook, but on a 1vs1 battle he definitely will have the upper hand.
„Kook are you sure you want to do that?“ Seokjin calls out to him through the voice chat.
„Yeah I am. I am so sick of getting my ass beaten by that kid, I have to.“
„Well, good luck, because the game's ending now.“
Jungkook doesn't fucking care. He just wants to settle this. He has to show off that he's better, he has to-
‚What the actual fuck?‘
Now he's really pissed. As soon as the game finishes and the ‚Play of the game‘ comes up, he has to fight the urge to throw away the keyboard.
The recap shows one of the many times Venom has shot him down, and it wasn't even a good one in Jungkooks opinion.
[Seagull: wow kinda sad that you got the POTG with that.]
[Venom: you butthurt or smth?]
„B-butthurt??“ he scoffs. „This little...“
„Well. See you, Kook. Good luck with Venom.“ Seokjin says and leaves the group.
He's waiting. He's waiting for Venom to invite him into a private game so he can restore his pride. He is butthurt, but that doesn't mean that he has to admit that to everyone.
,Finally. Took him long enough.‘ is all he thinks as he clicks ,accept‘.
[Venom: widowmaker 1vs1?]
[Seagull: yes ofc]
[Venom: lol aight]
As both of them enter the game, Jungkooks fingers are itching to turn this around.
‚5...4...3...2...1...go!‘ the game counts down and both of them rush out of their bases to hide.
Jungkook is concentrating with all he has while he zooms into his scope as he tries to track down Venom.
„There you are,“ he whispers as he finds the hated enemy and slowly moves his cursor to steady his aim on Venoms head.
Jungkook immediately takes the lead. He's feeling so content right now- they're roughly 20 seconds in and he already shot him down. Using the time until Venom respawns, he repositions himself and hides, scope fixated in the direction of the enemy's base.
‚Come out, come on, show yourself.‘
Just as he finished his thought, he gets shot, and Jungkook can‘t help but stare in disbelief. Where the fuck did he hide? Why didn't he see him? He hates to admit it, but that was a very good play.
[Seagull: yo wtf. that was actually sick,,,]
[Venom: thx broski]
[Seagull: nah we aint bros man. but still, that was dope as fuck.]
The game keeps going like this; both are pretty much equally good, and Jungkook hates that he realizes that. Well, at least he isn't worse. But what actually is worse, is that he starts enjoying playing with Venom. It has been ages that Jungkook met someone that could keep up with his skill.
It stands 29-29 right now, the game limit being 30 kills. This is now going to decide things.
[Venom: this is actually pretty fun. i mean, i have my cursor on your head for the past 2 minutes but i don't want to shoot, i'on want this to be over yet]
[Seagull: ikr, tbh i even feel bad for all the hate and the tons of reports i sent in because of you lmao]
[Seagull: ,,,sOrry??? idk man you really pissed me off ajfksk i hated that you were better its not even that you were better its just that you were always so cOckY OOF i hated it but ur actually?? pretty fun??]
[Venom: lol i'm sorry but your reactions always were gold kfkdls]
[Seagull: yea i,,, i can see that LOL i got pretty worked up. I even crushed my computer in anger oops]
[Venom: you did wHat]
Jungkook is smiling to himself. This guy isn't all too bad after all. Not even half as cocky as he thought. Maybe he'd even end up teaming up with him some time. That thought is immediately cancelled again, though.
Suddenly, his character falls, shot down by the person he just praised for not being as bad as he initially thought. Fuck that.
[Venom: lol i thought i'm not your bro]
[Seagull: yEah NOT ANYMORE NOW,,,]
[Venom: are you mad?]
[Seagull: uhh y e s ?? I thought we didn't want to finish this fkdkls]
Jungkook sighs. He wants to be pissed, but he can't really. He knows it was just meant as a joke, but still, that means the game is over now, and he's kind of feeling sad.
[Seagull: yo... you maybe wanna stay in the group and keep talking a bit? y'know, just being on the title screen and ,,, t a l k]
[Venom: u mean voice chat?]
[Seagull: yea i mean if you want to,,,]
[Venom: uhh sure why not]
Jungkook enables the voice chat and waits for Venom to do the same.
As soon as he gets the notification that his new mate joined the voice chat, there's some sort of awkward silence; it seems like neither of them wants to go first, but then they happen to start talking at the same time.
„Uhh hello?“
„Uhm, hi?“
Silence. Jungkooks eyes widen an unreal amount and his mouth slightly falls open.
There are two things that he would like to point out. First, the voice belongs to a girl, which he didn't expect at all. But the second thing is, that the voice came from nowhere else than the booth right next to him.
He jumps out of his chair and watches as you do the exact same- and there you both are, looking at each other like two idiots.
„You- you're Venom??“
„You are Seagull? Dude we've been both coming here everyday sitting in the same damn places??“
„As if I didn't figure that yet. What the- so you are the person that keeps hunting me down?“ he says as if he's just figured out all the mysteries of the world.
„What do you mean ‚hunting you down‘? YOU are hunting me down!“
The both of you stare at each other, pouts on your faces before you burst into laughter.
What the actual fuck is happening right now? An hour ago he wished to rip the gamer that goes by the name Venom into pieces, and now he's standing infront of you and your smile and the melody of your laughter is sending his stomach tingling. Is this what people call ‚love at the first sight‘? Because if so, that's definitely what's happening right now. A girl? Not to mention a very beautiful one? Playing his favorite game almost better than he himself does? And on top of that she's funny and seems nice so far? He'd be damned if he'd let this opportunity slide. He could be living the dream of many, many men and he's not one to pass a chance he'd like to take.
„You know, what do you think about us just logging out for now and grab a coffee together? Getting to know each other and continuing our talk offline?“ he smirks, eyes big and full of hope.
„Hmm, I guess that does sound fair, I mean, I owe you one for all the teasing and for your broken computer, huh?“
„You totally do,“ he says as a wide smile starts spreading across his lips.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Lost hope
Summary: Y/N experienced something awful. Can Dean and she find a way back into a normal life?
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Michael!Dean x Reader (mentioned), Jack Kline, Sam, Castiel
Warnings: angst, sad reader, scared reader, pregnant reader, non-con (mentioned/nothing explicit), fluff (comforting), PTSD (kinda)
 "Sam, how could she do something like that? Letting Michael use my body to pleasure her.” Dean snaps at his brother.
Shaking your head in disbelief you start crying, after all you've been through how can he believe you… Running back into the hallways you slip on the floor. Shaking and crying you’re not able to get up. Laying on the floor you let the pain wash over you.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Jack asks panicked. Not able to hear his words you remain silent.
Panicked Jack runs to Sam to drag him to your position. "Sam, Y/N doesn’t answer, she’s crying and lies on the floor.
Running toward you Sam’s stomach drops. You’re still laying on the floor curled into a ball you won’t stop crying.
“Y/N? What happened?”
“How can Dean believe I wanted Michael to do this…to touch me…” You whisper.
“What do you mean? What happened?”
Trying to calm you Sam gently strokes your back. Flinching away you shake your head.
“… that day I needed ‘fresh air’. All those foreign people in our home. Dean missing and you so worried. I just jumped in my car, drove around for a while. When I stopped my car I got out to calm myself down. Looking around I saw a small church. I don’t know why, but I entered it, I sat down and started praying to Chuck, hell even Amara to help us getting Dean back or help us to ban Michael out of him. After a while I lit a candle for Dean and prayed one last time. When I turned around he stood in the hallway."
“I don’t know why…I guess he heard my prayers…I wanted to run away but my legs didn’t follow my brains order. I felt like my whole body was frozen to the spot. I wanted to say something but my voice ... I couldn't speak.
Crying even harder you can’t form another word. Trying to calm you down Sam holds you tight.
“It’s okay tell me what happened.”
“Before I could run away he grabbed my arm, one second I was in the church and he grabbed me and the other second he was…inside of me…I tried to push him off me, but my body, I couldn’t move a muscle. I wanted to scream but my voice didn’t work either. I silently begged him to stop, prayed that he’s hurting me but he just gave me a cold glare. The last thing I tried was to close my eyes to pretend its Dean but he didn’t let me, he forced me to look into his cold blue eyes while he…” Crying even harder you swallow hard. ”raped me…” You end the sentence.
“Oh my god, Y/N," Sam says shocked.
“After he was finished he tapped my forehead. I woke up in my car, believing it was just a bad dream, a nightmare, but I still could feel him pinning me down…feel him inside of me…his cum was still between my thighs…”
“But why didn’t you say a thing?”
“Castiel, he was the first person I saw after I came back…he knew right away…after reading my mind. He healed me and I told him he needs to hide it from you. You were so worried about Dean, it was my fault. I left the bunker. I wanted Cas to remove the memories but Michael he kinda burned them into my mind…Castiel couldn’t remove them…”
"I'm so sorry," Sam whispers holding you tight against his chest while you can't stop crying.
“…should’ve never left the bunker.”
“Everything is going to be okay.” Sam tries to sooth you.
“No, the worst is I’m pregnant. I’m going to die…just like Kelly.” You whisper.
“We find a way to get that thing out of you.”
“This won’t work and you know it Sam. I’m going to go to my room.”
Slowly getting up you move into your room, laying on the bed you curl into a ball again. Sobbing you try to calm yourself down…but you fail.
“Y/N?” Dean whispers softly and you flinch away. Hearing his voice makes a cold shiver run down your spine. Sitting next to you he tries to touch you but you flinch away, shaking in fear.
“Please don’t touch me.” You plea.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t know … I thought after I said we should end our relationship before I said ‘yes’ you wanted to punish me.”
“By letting Michael rape me?” You say barely audible.
“I…” Failing to find the right words Dean looks at your broken form. He’ll never be able to fix this. Michael was searching his mind and he couldn’t hide his feelings for you.
“My fault he read my memories…he did this to punish me.” He whispers. “Maybe Cas can remove the baby?”
“Wait, I can ask him," Dean whispers.
“Y/N?” Castiel asks sensing your pain he dares not to say more. Cursing himself for not being able to remove those painful memories he sits down next to you.
“I lost all hope, so just say it Cas.” You whisper.
“Your and Dean's baby is healthy and grows fast," Castiel says stroking your back gently.
"You mean Michaels," Dean says.
"No, yours, Dean. The baby was conceived before you said ‘yes’ to Michael.”
“It’s not Michael’s?” You ask.
"No, I can assure you, its Dean’s baby.”
“Cas can you leave us alone?” Dean asks.
After Castiel left the room Dean sits down next to you. Holding your hand he gently strokes your cheek.
“Remember the night before I said ‘yes’ we fought and then we made love.” He whispers.
“I…oh…” Remaining silent you close your eyes. At least you won’t have Michael’s baby, but after what happened there’s no way to be with Dean again.
“Don’t think we can’t make it. Please, Y/N, we can make it.” Dean begs.
“You don’t want damaged goods…just leave me alone.” You whisper.
“Please, if you leave me I’m going to lose all hope.” He whispers squeezing your hand tight. “We can’t let him win, please.”
“I don’t know how we…where do we go from here?” You ask.
“We don’t lose our hope.”
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2 months later...
Cold blue eyes, they are haunting you again. Screaming you sit upright in your bed while Dean tries to calm you down. Worried he strokes your back while you try to find a way to breathe again
“You’re safe. He can’t get in here. Please. You’re safe.” Dean almost chants like a prayer.
“I know…” You stammer not able to form a coherent sentence.
Giving you a cracked smile Dean holds you tight. At least you’re able to let him hold you again. Two months ago you screamed in terror when he tried to get close to you.
“I know…” You say a bit calmer. “You’re here…”
“I’m here. I won’t leave you, you’re safe.” Dean whispers gently stroking your back. Holding tight onto him you finally can breathe again. Calming down you kiss his cheek.
“Can you stay?” You ask and Dean’s eyes widen. You always wanted him to leave.
“Sure. I do anything to make you feel safe." He says excitedly.
Laying back down you feel him spooning you. Daring not to get too close. You know it hurts him too, not being able to touch you like he used to do.
“Can you hold me a bit longer?” You ask, keeping all your strength together to let him hold you.
“Yeah, sure. Wait.” Moving closer he holds you tight and you need to take a deep breath to convince yourself it’s Dean, not the archangel.
Feeling you shaking Dean holds you even tighter. Whispering soothing words in your ear he prays he'll be able to help you get out of this nightmare, a nightmare he caused by saying ‘yes'. The guilt is eating him alive; he barely sleeps, not just as he hears you screaming every night.
Seeing you so scared, not yourself anymore destroys him day by day a bit more.
“Not your fault Dean.” You whisper as if you could read his mind.
“It is my fault. I was not able to stop him; I didn’t even realize what he was doing to you.”
“You said yes to save Sam and Jack. I know I was mad as I was afraid that Michael would do what he did, but it was the only way to save them.”
“But I brought that monster into our world, into your world. He was able to hurt you due to my fault. I’ll never forgive myself for letting this happen.”
"Do you still love me, Dean?" You ask shyly.
“Always. I love you so much it hurts.”
“Then there is still hope.”
“Do you still love me?”
"Yes, of course, I love you. It's just not easy to see your face and…" Sobbing you squeeze his hand.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know Dean, please don’t torture yourself. It was my fault too. Sam warned me to leave the bunker without Castiel or him by my side. I was just so desperate…”
“To find me?”
“I was so sorry I yelled at you instead of telling you I love you and then it was too late, Michael already took over and I couldn’t say I’m sorry.”
“Shhh…you don’t have to be sorry for anything. You were right. Michael ain’t better than Lucifer, maybe even worse.”
Sniffing you turn around to face the man you love with all your heart. Stroking his cheek you lock eyes with him. Warm green orbs look at you. Kissing his lips softly you hit Dean by surprise, sighing he kisses you back.
After breaking the short kiss you move your arms around him to press your body closer to his.
“We can make it Dean. I know we can, we’ve been through so much together, we can make it Dean. We will defeat Michael and those nightmares. We will have a family.”
"I know we can Y/N, I'll do anything you want me to," Dean whispers.
“Just hold me tight. Please just hold me tight.”
“I will always hold you, Y/N...”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl , @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters, @love-my-not-natural-babies, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @mirandaaustin93, @hawaiianohana15, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen
354 notes · View notes
sanfl0werrr · 5 years
the meaning of love
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x | part two | part three | part four |
it's not the end, you told yourself. you've been through this so many times, but somehow, it managed to hurt you even more after countless experiences.
suck it up, you told yourself again, he's not worth the tears, but somehow, you found yourself crying endlessly in the music room at the end of the hall.
you weren't sure if he felt the same way you did, or maybe he didn't even know and he was free to chase after anyone he preferred, but regardless of the circumstances, your heart was definitely broken into pieces that day.
you closed your eyes and sighed, trying to calm yourself down. it's gonna be okay, you repeat to yourself like a chant, hoping that everything will be okay.
there was still time before the next period, so you decided to stay in the music room to distract your thoughts. at least you tried to, until a bunch of boys appeared in the doorway.
"there's someone here," one of them announced.
you immediately turned around, hoping that they didn't notice you crying in there. without exchanging any words, you literally ran out the door, wanting to find refuge elsewhere.
in the end, you saunter back into class because there were no other hidden rooms you could find. at least you were little bit distracted about finding another hidden gem in school and you can't wait till class was over.
the moment the clock strikes 4.30pm, you rushed out to get to your locker, stuffing all the unnecessary books inside so that you could get away fast.
unfortunately for you, your fast wasn't fast enough. the boy you liked for years came jogging to you, with a huge smile on his face. the moment your eyes met his, the resolve you made during break cracked a little. his smile was insanely contagious and you couldn't help but smile back.
"hey you," he chuckled, "didn't see you the whole day. been missing my girl."
your smiled faltered a little bit. he had this much of an effect towards you, and you hated it. you hated that you loved it so much.
"i'm sorry, i've been busy," you showed a sad smile.
"i thought your workload is gonna be lesser now that you've stepped down. how come you're even more busier?" he pouted.
"i think you're the busy one," you teased.
you could see him blushing, scratching the back of his neck. he looked so in love and all you've ever wanted was to be loved by him in that way.
this is it, you thought, the moment of truth.
"y-yeah, about that. i was wondering-"
"y/n! there you are," someone shouted, "i've been looking all over for you."
you turned behind to see mark waving over at you. you raised your brows a little. mark was waving and calling out to you? what for?
mark lee was the president of the club both of you were in, but you've never really spoken outside of the club so you were really confused at the moment. confused might even be an understatement.
"um, yes mark lee? do you need something?" you looked at him in confusion.
"uh, y-yes. sort of? i need your help and opinion on something. could you probably come to the club room in 10 minutes?" he asked.
"yeah, sure. i'll see you there," you nodded and turned to face wonwoo.
"duty calls," he gave a slight smile.
"duty calls," you repeated, feeling slightly relieved.
the moment you stepped into the club room, your eyes was met with 6 figures, and all of them were staring back at you.
"yikes, did i enter the wrong room?" you whispered to yourself, and went out again just to double confirm you're in the right place.
"come in!" a cheerful voice was heard.
you opened the door again, and slowly walked in, scrutinizing each and every one of them. the figures who stood before you all felt suspicious to you, and you didn't know why.
"i'm here for mark, where is he?" you squinted your eyes at them, being cautious.
"he'll be here soon. why don't you take a seat?" the tallest once offered.
you chose a seat furthest from them all, not wanting to get close. it was awkward when the person you're supposed to meet wasn't there, and instead, it was this bunch instead.
"mark told us about you," the smallest boy tried to break the awkward silence.
you looked at each one of them in suspicion, "and what did he say about me?"
"come on, y/n. stop looking at us that way. we're pretty harmless," another one voiced out.
"but all men do is lie," you raised your brows.
before anyone could say anything, the door opened and mark came into view.
he immediately looked at you, "you're here fast."
"didn't you say you needed my help on something?" you sighed.
"y-yes, that i did," he stuttered, while the rest laughed at him.
"why didn't you ask your other vice-presidents though? i mean, i'm part of the committee too, but they're literally the next in command," you questioned mark.
"well," he started off, but seeing how he couldn't answer you, this might mean one thing.
"did you lie to me?" you cut him off.
"n-no, i wasn't!" mark tried to defend himself.
you sighed. you knew he was though.
"last chance to redeem yourself. did you lie?" you emphasised once again.
1.. 2.. 3..
"okay, fine! i did! oh god, y/n. you're pretty scary when you're mad," mark huffed.
you stared at all of them, and they were all staring back at you. they were probably frightened though. you couldn't help but suddenly laughed at the image of them before you.
"and all of you here looked like a bunch of frightened kitties!" you hysterically laughed.
"y/n!" all of them shouted in unison.
once things settled down, and you were laughing no more, the bunch of them signalled you to join and sit with them.
"let me introduce them to you, y/n."
"don't have to. i know all of their names. renjun, jeno, haechan a.k.a donghyuck, jaemin, chenle and jisung, right?" you pointed at each one of them.
all of them nodded in unison.
"cool. so, why did you really call me out for, president lee?" you nudged him.
"um, well.. we kinda saw you crying earlier and just wanted to know if you were okay?" he answered carefully.
you stared at him, continued eating the rice cakes he bought earlier, and stared at him again. you sighed.
"uh oh, was that a bad sign?" donghyuck held his breath.
"wow, i must have looked like an idiot, running away like that!" you faked sobbed, "if i knew it was the bunch of you, i wouldn't have ran away."
"so, you're okay?" jeno peered into your face.
"back off, sunshine. you're blinding my view," you covered your eyes and laughed.
all of them laughed at the joke you've made, except jaemin. you immediately looked down and fiddled with your fingers. you technically didn't lie anyways, because you didn't really answer his question. you didn't know what to say to a bunch of acquaintances whom you've just met.
you stood up and packed your bags, "i should probably go now. thank you for asking and making sure i was okay."
"no problem! you can always hang with us," chenle offered.
"thanks cutie," you winked, "i'll think about it. i feel pressured, hanging out with the president."
"hey!" mark exclaimed.
"i feel you, y/n. i feel you," renjun fake cries.
"where do you live, anyways?" donghyuck asked.
"do you know where's the dream book cafe? i live near the housing estate there," you described the place.
"what a coincidence!" jisung exclaimed, "jaemin lives near the cafe too."
"really?" you turned to look at him.
"yeah," jeno nodded for him, "jaemin, you should take her home."
"it's not safe for a girl to go home alone," chenle whined as the rest nodded.
"no, it's okay! i feel like i'm an inconvenience," you shooked your head vigorously.
jaemin grabbed his bag and nudged you, "let's go."
"that's your cue, y/n!" renjun gave you a little push.
"well, i shall take my leave, then," you waved them goodbye.
just as you were about to leave, you could hear the rest of them mumbling and whispering.
you were busy catching up to jaemin to hear any of the tea that was being spilled in the club room.
"why was jaemin so quiet?"
"wasn't he the one who asked mark to bring her here?"
"he's usually very talkative though! i'm surprised."
"well, whatever! we've done our best here."
"i feel bad, though. he lives in the opposite direction of y/n!"
"i'm sure the boy will thank us, believe me."
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: I heard from Edie, so you can pass that good news on, like Rio: Yeah? Rio: Did she say where she was or anything? Nancy: Obviously not Nancy: Why talk about herself when she can have more fun being a bitch about everyone else, right? Rio: At least you heard from her, something to tell the 'rents anyway, better than radio silence Rio: that's about how it usually goes, yeah Nancy: Yeah Rio: Cheers for letting us know Rio: how's everything? Nancy: The baby's fine. Ro's Ro Rio: Yeah Rio: She been to sleep yet? Nancy: Of course not Rio: Didn't think so Rio: She'll crash eventually Nancy: She should be medicated Nancy: But you know Rio: Not if she's gonna breastfeed Rio: if she can produce milk Nancy: She blatantly won't Nancy: Jesus, if she doesn't want drugs I'll take them Nancy: Fight my mum for them, like Rio: Shame Daddy hasn't put in an appearance yet, could really come through for you all by the sounds Nancy: I'm not that desperate Nancy: Not yet Rio: He'll be gutted Nancy: I'd like to think he'd be a bit too preoccupied to notice me Rio: Unlikely Rio: newborns are time consuming for the Ma sure, but boring lbr, not gonna pique his interest Nancy: I'm unlikely to either though Nancy: This is hardly a club atmosphere Nancy: Shame, like Rio: He's willing to liven up a baby shower Rio: can't be tamed, truly Nancy: Don't Nancy: I can only repress so much and I'm at my limit here Rio: Weren't that bad, like Nancy: Still Nancy: Thanks to your sister I'm in no mood Rio: Whaddya gonna do Nancy: How or what do I know Rio: Well it's over now Nancy: If only we could say that about the rest of this mess Nancy: Did Buster send you his flight details yet? Rio: Can't cry about it forever Rio: she'll get on with it Rio: Drew'll do whatever he does, life goes on Rio: Yeah, did he you Nancy: None of that is good enough, but yeah sure Nancy: Of course he didn't Nancy: He doesn't need me to pick him up from the airport, like Nancy: Priorities Rio: Maybe not Rio: but that's how it is regardless Rio: True enough Nancy: The defeatist attitude is catching, yeah? Okay Rio: What? Nancy: None of us are gonna care about how much of a mess this is anymore then? It's run its course Rio: She's a grown woman Rio: and it's her life Rio: What do you expect me to do Rio: or you Nancy: I don't expect you to do anything Nancy: Just be happy that my brother is coming back for this Nancy: That's what matters, obviously Rio: Why have you got a problem with me suddenly? Nancy: I don't Nancy: You know that's what important Rio: Well I'm not allowed to see the baby so yeah, to me it is Rio: if you want me to rock up and make Ro worse, like, I still won't so sorry to disappoint Nancy: How do you think that's what I want? Nancy: Oh my god Rio: Well you're pissed off at someone, babe and you're directing it at me Rio: and I haven't done anything else wrong, unless I have so Nancy: How are you not pissed off at everyone? That's my point Rio: Because it's exhausting Rio: and I don't care to change her mind of me, she can think what she likes Nancy: It's exhausting trying to hold everything together too Nancy: It's exhausting every way Rio: I know Rio: that's why I've stopped Rio: call it defeatist but it wasn't working anyway Nancy: I don't want to do this anymore Nancy: Maybe Edie's right Nancy: Or you are with using my brother as your escape hatch Rio: Fuck you Rio: that's not what I'm doing Nancy: No? Rio: No Nancy: Well then maybe you should Nancy: He does with you, to deal with being there Rio: Grow up Rio: She's 15 Rio: What's your excuse? Nancy: What's your problem? Nancy: You love him, you lean on him, that's how it works Rio: You have no idea Nancy: I know how relationships work I'm not a total idiot Rio: if you think it's using each other for a means to an end then no Rio: you really don't Nancy: What so you're mad 'cause I put the word use in there? Nancy: Okay its the wrong word Nancy: I'm sorry Rio: Whatever, forget about it Nancy: No Rio: Then what Rio: say what you wanna say Nancy: I don't want to fall out with you Nancy: I need you, okay? Nancy: So let me fix it Rio: We're not gonna fall out Rio: it's alright Nancy: It's not Nancy: Nothing is Nancy: I'm as much of a mess as everything else Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Rio: but I really don't have any solutions, I'm sorry, like Rio: I really am Nancy: It's not your job Rio: Nope Rio: it's no one's but we can still try Rio: or not Rio: either way is fine Nancy: I don't know what to do Nancy: Nothing I've tried works Nancy: I can't even talk to Edie, I'm out of my depth with everything Nancy: Jesus Rio: Well, no one can talk to Edie Rio: It's always on her terms, she's just good at that, it keeps everyone at a distance she's happy with Rio: but Rio: what else do you need to deal with, right now, like? Nancy: It was like I was back on the playground, like oh she's horrible to me I gotta be horrible back Nancy: Am I a child? No Nancy: And you were there the other night too so Rio: You can't beat yourself up about it Rio: It's what she wanted Rio: and you still tried, so it's something, though it doesn't feel worth it, I'm sure Nancy: Yeah, I guess Rio: It is Rio: My Ma will appreciate it if literally nothing else Nancy: It's fucked 'cause so much of what she said about me is true Rio: Don't mean she had to say it the way she did Rio: if at all Rio: 'cos I've been there, I know how it goes Nancy: What does it say about me though that I'm such a mess she doesn't even know me and she knows it Rio: She pays more attention than you'd reckon she could Rio: being gone and that Nancy: Clearly Nancy: What a headfuck Rio: Yeah Rio: I ain't gonna apologize on her behalf, you know but Rio: sorry it's got you this way now Nancy: It's not just her Nancy: I wish I could handle her all the blame but Nancy: hand* Nancy: I've made plenty of my own mistakes on top Rio: Yeah Rio: I know you're struggling right now Rio: and I know the club only ever seems like the answer once you're drunk enough, if that Rio: but I'm fucked if I have any better ideas, you know Nancy: I don't think I can ever go back there Nancy: It's so embarrassing Nancy: Thank god this town has plenty of others Rio: You know Rio: they see it every night too, babe Nancy: Okay, I'll take that but if I see that girl again I will die Rio: Not to be that bitch but do you even remember her face Rio: the snaps already dead, like Nancy: Ouch Nancy: I can't forget 'cause she's texted me since Nancy: I'm such a mess even strangers have to check in and check up Rio: Oh dear Rio: at least she's being Rio: nice? Rio: Yeah, that is shaming, no way 'round it Nancy: You don't even know Nancy: But don't worry I won't give you details Rio: You can if you wanna vent but yeah, also feel free to take it to your grave Rio: again, been there, most of us have Nancy: I don't think you have though Nancy: That's what I'm saying Nancy: We were having fun, I thought, but then she rejected me 'cause I was too drunk Nancy: I can't do anything right, literally Rio: Ahh Rio: awkward but at least she did the decent thing, like Rio: it's rare people do, sadly Nancy: Buster has slept with how many girls on nights out, like Nancy: I can't even get one Nancy: It's depressing Rio: Probably don't make it a competition, like Rio: if the vibe ain't good, people are gonna pick up on it Nancy: I know you're right Nancy: But god Rio: I know Rio: it's frustrating then it's like, kill me Rio: I have been there, just the once like but Rio: I know how it is Nancy: Give me a war story I need to be cheered Nancy: Thanks Rio: I don't think it will 'cos literally your brother only lad decent enough and you get enough of his heroics Rio: hmm Rio: oh, I can tell you about the time I rode his friend James because that's enough to make anyone feel better about their life Nancy: OH MY GOD Nancy: James as in the boy Chloe is with? Rio: Mhmm Nancy: GROSS Nancy: I can't believe they are having a baby together Rio: I know Rio: Wanna feel sorry for a kid Rio: That's the one, like Nancy: Honestly Nancy: That has actually made me feel less sad Nancy: Thanks, Ri Nancy: Sorry I was such a bitch Rio: Don't mention it Rio: Nothing laughing at the misfortune of others can't fix Rio: Kinda Nancy: Can we mention why the hell you let James near you though? Nancy: That needs to be addressed Rio: 😒 that makes it so much worse Rio: lord Rio: cut a long story short, boyf of the time left me stranded and i needed a bed for the night Rio: bad as it sounds, so you are free to judge Nancy: Oh Nancy: Why didn't you go to ours if you were in London? Rio: Well, I was trying to avoid your brother so yeah Rio: fail all 'round Nancy: It's my house too Nancy: You can always go there even if he's being a prick Rio: Thanks for the retroactive offer, babe Rio: appreciate it Rio: as much as it'd be a laugh to come for her mans, not gonna repeat Nancy: I don't even like boys but even I can tell he wouldn't be good in bed Rio: 😬 Rio: oh god don't remind me Rio: the flashbacks 😂 Nancy: Sorry babe Nancy: He always used to flirt with me Nancy: So I'll join you in the gross flashbacks, like Rio: yeah buster said Rio: actual deviant, like Nancy: The threesome jokes, oh lord Nancy: Why James Rio: He's tragic Rio: Can't even wish Chloe on him though Nancy: I bet she'll agree to get another girl in Nancy: As long as she doesn't call me, like Rio: Ew God Rio: the phonecall no one needs Nancy: She's so bi curious we all know it Rio: 😂 you reckon Nancy: That homophobia is coming from somewhere, and in this century, come on Rio: You right Rio: gonna come out on James in like 10 years time Nancy: At least her kid might end up with one decent mum Nancy: I'm still not volunteering though Nancy: Sorry Chlo Rio: Oh snap Rio: sure one of her friends will be down Rio: cute accessory if nowt else Nancy: They've all kissed each other at enough parties Nancy: Don't start me on that Rio: I mean Rio: guilty Rio: at least I backed it up? 😬 Nancy: You need to explain yourself before I fight you Rio: 😂 but we just made up Nancy: And you weren't bullying me for liking girls then kissing them to attract boys, but Nancy: Still side eyeing you Nancy: I was gonna ask what you were doing tonight but now we have drama so, like Rio: Damn, it be like that Rio: I won't even tell you I'm free then Nancy: Invite me somewhere and I'll forgive you Nancy: Maybe Nancy: 'Cause my mum and yours are swapping babysitting duties for my aunt and I don't wanna be home for her return really Rio: Alright Rio: see what I can do Rio: you can crash at ours if nothing else, what's another head Nancy: No drinking and no clubs, yeah? Nancy: There's my only rules Rio: Got you Nancy: I need a girlfriend so you can stop taking me on dates Rio: Oh Rio: Charming Nancy: You know me and my brother don't like sharing Rio: 😏 Yeah okay Rio: nothing personal, is it? Nancy: You know I love you, babe Nancy: Not gonna say more than him but Rio: If you not willing to put up the fight, fine Rio: so defeatist, god 😉 Nancy: I deserve that okay, bitch Rio: Yeah, now we're even Nancy: I'm so sad, be nice to me Rio: I see where you're going wrong, babe Rio: that's no chat up line is it Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: Are you really hate criming me again? Nancy: Girl stop Rio: I'm giving you advice to get bitches Rio: literally could not be more of an ally thanks Nancy: I'm yet to see any actual advice Nancy: Fake fan Rio: Only 'cos you won't let me Rio: call me out for queerbaiting Nancy: When have I stopped you? Rio: It's in your eyes, babe Rio: 👀 Nancy: You know I'm shy Nancy: The eye contact is very intense, babe Rio: 😏 Tips Nancy: If you were that committed to helping me you wouldn't have taught my brother to kiss Nancy: I had to learn on my own, outrageous Rio: Like you would ever Rio: do you remember that kid who used to hang around us Rio: we couldn't think of his name Nancy: The one who dared you? Nancy: Sure Nancy: Sully Nancy: I don't know why I can remember that and not what I did earlier Rio: Omg Rio: that's it! Rio: Nice one, babe Nancy: He was so Nancy: Well, weird Rio: You know Rio: was dubious how often he was in the pub, tbf Rio: not your grandad Rio: idek what punter was his old man Nancy: I feel like it was that man who always left his teeth behind Nancy: Creeped me out Nancy: Not saying it's why I'm gay but sir, please don't Rio: 😂 Rio: ew Rio: root of all your trauma Rio: you have a good memory, I'd forgot so much of this Nancy: What I literally don't have in short term I make up for in recall, apparently Nancy: Men are so gross Rio: Committing that to memory, gotcha Rio: the talent was not all that Rio: probably didn't think they were being judged by children tho Nancy: Do you remember that barmaid? She could be why you're straight by the same logic Rio: Oh my God, I do remember her Rio: literally reminds me of that bitch from the angel Rio: sue, sharon, whatever Rio: if she wouldn't be well past it by now i'd reckon it was her, telling me off still Nancy: Right?! Nancy: Buster never got in trouble, the prick Nancy: Which still hasn't changed Rio: 🙄 such a jammy lil lickarse Rio: bless Nancy: Golden boy forever Nancy: It's not my fault I was clumsy as hell Nancy: I hadn't grown into my tallness yet okay sorry Rio: aw Rio: like bambi on ice Rio: it's so sharon, woman hater forreal Rio: soz we were cute babe Nancy: Especially me, call me hun 💋 Nancy: 😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: i know u did not want her to lips you over me Rio: that's just a barefaced lie Nancy: True Nancy: But we aren't playing truth or dare now Rio: Guess that isn't tempting enough plans then? Rio: back to the drawing board Nancy: It'd be fun Nancy: Until you got too honest about my brother Nancy: Gross Rio: You control what you ask, so don't be nosy and we'll be fine 😜 Rio: Just come over then, I'll find a shitty chickflick on netflix, get some popcorn Nancy: Okay Nancy: Are you there now? Rio: Yep, I don't know who else is exactly but it's chill Rio: no doubt gracie and bills will clamour to go with mum Rio: but can maybe tempt 'em if we got some ice cream in Nancy: I'll let Grace do my nails Nancy: They are so chipped right now Rio: Now that's an offer Nancy: She can straighten my hair too if she wants Nancy: Not gonna resist Rio: Seriously, how could she Rio: like she working on commission with them things, I swear 😏 Nancy: I'll pay her in not loudly booing every time the man is on screen Rio: 😂 that's the spirit Nancy: I can't promise I won't make it gay whenever the 'best friend' appears but you know Nancy: What can you do when its not even subtext? Rio: Idk, go storyboard some fanfiction about it probably Rio: is that not how tween you would do Nancy: I don't even wanna write when school makes me, thank you Rio: You mean you had to whack it to porn like the rest of us heathens Rio: that's so sad Nancy: Yeah Nancy: No wonder I'm such a mess, like Rio: I hope you watched gay porn 'cos lesbian is bad Rio: like bad bad Nancy: Tell me something I don't know Nancy: But there are some lesbians making it these days Nancy: Taking the fanfiction up a notch, if you like Rio: that's something Rio: but we aren't watching porn with my little sisters, sorry Nancy: Good Nancy: If you wanna come on to me I know you can be more creative than that Rio: Throwing down the gauntlet like that alright Rio: I see you 😂 Nancy: Like I said, I need a girlfriend Rio: Yeah Rio: I'll get on Tinder for you, get the ball rollin' Nancy: Don't Nancy: That's not the kind of dares we're doing Rio: Fine Rio: but I'm taken n off limits, remember Nancy: 💔 Nancy: But sure Rio: 😘 heartbreaker forever Nancy: I'll text Sully about it Rio: 100% will dare you to like hey remember me Nancy: If we can find him Nancy: How many Sullivans are there? 1000s Rio: Banking on your encyclopedic memory and my sleuthing skillz, of course Nancy: I wish I knew his actual name like Nancy: Where are you? Was that teeth man your dad? Rio: So many questions left unanswered Rio: are you fit now Rio: should i have hit that Nancy: You should've kissed him instead Nancy: Maybe he'd still be part of the gang Rio: he should've tried harder Rio: wimp, like Nancy: He was trying pretty hard you were just paying more attention to Buster Rio: Shh Nancy: 🙄 Nancy: And I didn't see this coming Nancy: Okay then Rio: I mean Rio: If anyone should've Nancy: I'm an idiot Nancy: Moving on Rio: It's alright, it's not like I kept showing him how to kiss and you were like Rio: this game has been going on too long lads Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: Don't put mental images in my head, like Rio: you know we were avoiding each other Nancy: I know that's what you said Rio: You don't trust me? 😲 Rio: Rude Nancy: I'm just saying Nancy: I've said lots of things and not said even more Rio: Mysterious Rio: Imma get the truth Rio: Sleuthing Nancy: Not if that's literally the game, babe Nancy: You won't have to work very hard Rio: Gotta ask the right questions still Rio: don't downplay my hardwork Nancy: Yeah yeah Nancy: I'm doing my own making myself look presentable so Rio: aw for me? Rio: you didn't need to do that Nancy: More 'cause I don't need Gracie asking me why I've been crying Nancy: But you can still enjoy the view Rio: Oh babe Rio: dry your eyes Nancy: They are, but the mascara ain't letting me forget Nancy: Waterproof is such a lie Rio: Preach Nancy: I've spent so much money on so many different brands Nancy: Rude, like Rio: Practically funded the research, babe Rio: do they care, no Nancy: Seriously Nancy: Let me cry I'm stressed Rio: but well-dressed Rio: what really matters Nancy: Not right now, but you're easily impressed so Rio: 😱 Rio: Literally the rudest thing you've said to me Rio: get out Nancy: Sorry but you're dating Buster Rio: 😒 Rio: square up Nancy: No Nancy: You're small but fierce Rio: Yeah and we're brawling now Rio: 🥊 Nancy: Stop trying to gay bash me Rio: Stop thinking gay and mean are personality traits, bitch 😜 Nancy: Ouch Nancy: Now that was mean Rio: Got too real Rio: you did come for my mans Nancy: He's my twin, I have to Rio: 😂 Rio: Fair, just keep it behind my back too, like Nancy: Fine Nancy: Am I actually a bitch? Rio: No Nancy: You can tell me if I am, like Nancy: I won't start a real fight over it Rio: You aren't Rio: no more than you've got right to be Nancy: That just means I am but you like it 😏 okay Rio: Steady on Rio: it means you're fine Nancy: Alright Rio: Trust Nancy: I'm raiding our fridge for snacks to bring, anything you want? Nancy: Cupboards after Rio: hmm is there anything that contains carbs/sugar in your house Rio: 'cos that's all I'm feeling Nancy: I'm the one who shops for this house so yeah Rio: 🙌 Nancy: I'm literally looting before mum returns I feel like I'm about 10 years old Rio: That's the plan, baby Nancy: Take me back Nancy: I peaked too young clearly Nancy: All been going wrong since Rio: Oh hush Rio: you the same bad bitch you was then Nancy: 😂 Rio: i'm fr hoe Nancy: You're ridiculous Rio: 😑 Nancy: I've never been a bad bitch and you can't be mad about it Rio: Disagree Nancy: How and why? Rio: I'm not gonna be gay about it Rio: but you're funny and not afraid to be yourself with it, what's not bad about that Nancy: There'd be nothing bad about it if everyone else also thought it Rio: Who cares what they think Nancy: Um...me Nancy: Obviously Rio: Why Rio: like genuine Nancy: 'Cause I had so many girls telling me negatives so many years and I don't wanna believe that they are right Nancy: Other options would be nice Nancy: Other opinions too, like Rio: Fair enough Rio: but who do you reckon doesn't think that Nancy: Nobody's changed my mind that they got anything wrong about me yet Nancy: Homophobia aside Nancy: Quinn's the only one who liked me and I proved her wrong fast enough Rio: Plenty of people like you, Nance Rio: and more would if you were more open, that's the only reason you don't feel it Rio: but that don't mean it's bad, it's just statistics Nancy: Whatever, it is what it is Rio: Not whatever Rio: people like you Rio: you should like you Nancy: This family doesn't count Nancy: No offense Rio: why not Rio: they're who you spend most your time with Rio: only makes sense to care about their opinion, like Nancy: 'Cause other than Edie none of them are gonna come for me Nancy: Granddad isn't gonna turn me away from his birthday for being a state, like Rio: you don't reckon Rio: everyone in this fam has a loud mouth Rio: if you were doing something wrong, you'd know about it, yeah? Rio: just because we can't fix everything don't mean there's no accountability, like Nancy: Just 'cause they like me doesn't make me a decent person either Nancy: So like I said, whatever Rio: 'cos we're all cunts, yeah Nancy: No, you're all biased Nancy: I'm one of you Rio: everyone's biased, anyone that likes you that'll just be 'cos they're your friend or your girlfriend whatever Rio: you never gonna get the general approval of the town like, it's a myth babe Nancy: I'll get therapy and I'll get over it Nancy: Moving on Rio: 😒 Nancy: There's too much to unpack never mind for you to fix Rio: Yeah but are you actually going to go therapy Nancy: What else am I gonna do? Rio: Good Rio: the therapist'll tell you Rio: I ain't qualified, like Nancy: Here's hoping I get a man so I don't fall in love, like Rio: Oh God Rio: Don't even play Nancy: I'm not Nancy: You know I probably would Nancy: And I want that even less than I want to tell any man my problems Rio: You would not, you know now Rio: the illusion was shattered very publicly, like Nancy: It happens to loads of people Nancy: Literally a trope, babe Nancy: We can't give me that much credit Rio: Yeah but they know how to swerve that shit better than a clueless straight teacher Rio: shut you right down Nancy: I guess we'll see Nancy: Or not Rio: Keep me posted Rio: but hurry up with them snacks rn Nancy: I'm literally telling you nothing about my confidential sessions Nancy: But yeah Nancy: On my way Rio: 🙄 Spoilsport Rio: I mean how it goes, you div Rio: 👍 Nancy: Keeping secrets is kind of my thing, sorry, babe Rio: Not tonight bitch Rio: 'less you feeling that daring Nancy: Please, your dares aren't gonna be that scary Rio: 😏 Rio: Challenge accepted Nancy: Okay
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