#like icarus flying too close to the sun - it is here
bookishdaze · 1 day
Greek Mythology in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
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How will Noa's story be remembered by future generations of apes?
Caesar is remembered by the apes as a sort of mythic, god-like figure. An ape whose story has been passed down for generations to the point where many apes are familiar with the legend of Caesar, even if the true story has been distorted throughout time.
The movies utilize famous myths, legends, and stories that we are all familiar with, or have at least heard of, to create the legend of Caesar, and now Noa.
In the Caesar trilogy, Caesar is a Moses figure for the apes, who we know freed his people, taking them to the promised lands. We should all at least recognize the name Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's plays, that Dawn is loosely based on. In some versions, the angel Lucifer rebelled against God because he refused to bow down to mankind. In Dawn, Koba rebelled against Caesar because he refused to help humans, or mankind. And we all know what happened to Lucifer after betraying God.
We know these stories. They're familiar, even now that they're hundreds or thousands of years old.
So what famous stories will the writers use so that Noa's story is remembered by apes centuries later?
Well, Kingdom had an ape named Noa, who saved his people from a flood, and there was even a giant boat in the background. Okay, Noah and the Flood. That one's obvious.
What about some Greek mythology?
The Myth of Icarus and Daedalus
If you don't know how the myth of Icarus and Daedalus goes, there's still a very good chance you've heard of the saying, "He flew too close to the sun."
In a very brief nutshell, Daedalus, an inventor, built some wings for him and his son, Icarus. They put on these wings to fly away and escape King Minos, who is holding them prisoner. Daedalus warns his son not to fly too close to the sun because the wax will melt, but Icarus doesn't listen, and he falls to his death.
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I found some similarities to the myth of Icarus and Daedalus in Kingdom. Whether this is what the writers actually intended or not, I don't know for sure, but this is mainly for fun, and I wanted to share!
Before I get started, I want to thank @iamtotallycool because she pointed out similarities to other Greek myths after I shared with her my initial thoughts, and I will later point out which ones she came up with. Thank you for listening to my ramblings on discord, lol.
Noa as Icarus
Noa reminds me of Icarus, the man who flew too high and fell to his death. Noa is the first to climb above Top Nest, so this means he went higher than any of the other apes in his clan. He is soaring above the others, reaching new and dangerous heights.
Noa decides to go higher, wonderfully displaying his ingenuity by using some old rebar to swing himself up a wall that should've been impossible to climb. This reminds me of Daedalus using his inventions to help him fly, something considered impossible.
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But after Noa reaches the nest, higher than any ape before him, what happens right after? He falls.
In a deleted scene after the egg climb, Soona tells Noa that since he is the first above Top Nest, that makes him special, and maybe his eagle will be sun-colored, like his father's eagle, Sun.
And right after Noa literally falls into Raka's home, the wise orangutan says to himself in amusement:
"Apes falling from the sky."
Here's a fun detail. Remember that mural Noa looks at? On the far left side, if you squint, you can see a person with wings.
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I actually have a theory as to how Noa could fly in future movies that I'll link at the end!
Noa as Daedalus
Not only does Noa remind me of Icarus, but he also reminds me of Daedalus. Daedalus was a skillful architect and inventor, who built the Labyrinth for King Minos, where the legendary Minotaur lived.
We see the beginnings of Noa's architect side. He stays up late at night to fix both the fish rack and the electric staff. When Proximus (King Minos) learns of how Noa (Daedalus) fixed the staff, he tells Noa that he has use for clever apes like him, as if he wanted to use Noa's intelligence to help him achieve instant eeevolution. This reminds me of how King Minos uses Daedalus' intelligence to build him the Labyrinth.
And just like Daedalus who built the wings to escape King Minos, Noa devises a plan to flood the vault for him and Eagle Clan to escape Proximus.
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Trevathan is also like Daedalus in this story, who is trapped by the king, building and creating for him. Daedalus built the Labyrinth for King Minos, and Trevathan built the electric staffs for Proximus.
Fathers and Sons
Daedalus warns his son to be careful. To not fly too low, for the water will get his wings wet, and to not fly too high, for the sun will melt the wax from his wings. But Icarus doesn't listen, rushing to surpass the father.
This reminds me of how Noa feels a lot of pressure from his father Koro, wanting to make his father proud by telling him that he was the only one of his friends who climbed above Top Nest. Instead of praise, however, Koro reprimands him for breaking some other rule, telling him to stay away from where he is forbidden to go.
Theseus and the Labyrinth
@iamtotallycool pointed out how Kingdom also has similarities to the myth of Theseus, the Labyrinth, and the Minotaur.
The Labyrinth is an underground maze on the island of Crete where the monstrous Minotaur lives. Every year, King Minos requires sacrifices from other kingdoms for the Minotaur to eat. Theseus, son of King Aegeus, sets out to kill the Minotaur. Princess Ariadne, King Minos' daughter, helps Theseus to navigate the Labyrinth, and gives him a ball of yarn to help him make his way back so he doesn't get lost.
This reminds me of how Proximus (King Minos) steals clans (the sacrifices) for the expansion of his kingdom and to get the vault open, so Noa (Theseus) uses the help of Mae (Ariadne) to navigate the vault (Labyrinth) in order to destroy what is inside (Minotaur).
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During the scene where Noa and Sylva have their final battle, Noa has to run through the twists and turns of the vault, similar to a maze, while he is being chased by Sylva, similar to how the Minotaur battled Theseus. Sylva is even big and burly like the Minotaur!
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Ok, So What Does This Mean?
Alright, so now that we pointed out some of the similarities, what could this all mean? It's one thing to point out the similarities, but why these stories in particular? What is the message? What could this mean for Noa? Assuming this is even what the writers intended, we can only speculate, so this final bit is mainly fun theorizing.
Due to his hubris, Icarus flies too close to the sun, leading to his death. Could Noa develop his own hubris that leads him to his downfall, or takes him down a darker path?
The myth of Icarus can also be seen as a cautionary tale of the dangers of technology if not used carefully. Technology can be useful and improve lives, but what if it falls into the wrong hands? What if one is too overconfident with it, not realizing the bad it can do before it's too late?
Proximus couldn't get his hands on human technology, for he would've used it to hurt other apes. What about Noa, though? Now that Noa starts to learn how human tech like electricity works, what if he starts to bring forth technological innovations for the apes? What if he starts out trying to use it to improve the lives of apes, but he ends up using it for bad? Or what if other apes take his ideas and use it for their own advantage? The path to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say.
And this one's more for fun, but what if Noa were to actually fly? If you wanna read more of my ramblings, here is my theory on Noa taking flight. (Hint: It involves airplanes).
In Conclusion
If you made it all the way to the end, thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun coming up with these ideas and speculating, and I hope you had fun reading this as well. If you have any thoughts or ideas, feel free to share!
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gregmarriage · 3 months
broooooo, i am actually soooo smart. turn your music up real loud, and then the bad thoughts can’t get through!
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sapphire-wine · 1 year
Heavy on your Tongue
Like Icarus flying too close to the sun - Here it is. The second person POV nrmt cock warming fic. Spoilers: not a lot of cock warming. Not read! 850 words give or take. Post aa4 and all that.
You'd been working for a while now, looking through readings to study for the bar once more.
It'd taken some convincing to get you to start, you'd thought that part of your life was far behind you. The many reasons to go through with the decision had been listed over multiple dinners and late nights. And you were happy with it, truly.
That didn't mean it wasn't exhausting though. And tedious.
Luckily, some things made it much better.
You'd just finished one of the many unit tests laying on your desk, given to you courtesy of one Chief Prosecutor.
You set your pencil down on the desk, looking down and smiling fondly.
"Miles?" You croon, brushing his hair back from where it fell over his face.
He doesn't seem to notice, eyes half-lidded.
"Miles." You repeat, sliding your hand down until it cups his cheek. He nuzzles into your hand, a hum coming from his mouth.
It reverberates straight on your cock, still tucked between his lips.
"I'm finished."
He hums once more in acknowledgement, but makes no other movements. He looks up at you through his eyelashes and it seems like this is the only place he wants to be.
It's sweet, really. You're the only one who's seen him like this, he's told you himself. There was a certain vulnerability he said he despised, like it was something to be extracted lest it be paraded around.
And yet, here he is. And here you are. Together at last. Where there were no false rumors or oaths of secrecy to keep you apart.
You slip from his mouth. Laugh at the confused noise he makes. He looks for all the world like a puppy who's gotten his toy taken away.
"I said I'm done." You wonder if he'll take the hint. It was his idea, after all.
You run your hand through his hair once more.
His head rests against your thigh, motionlessly content.
You swipe up the drool across his chin with your hand, rubbing it across your sweatpants in a manner that if Miles were any more lucid, he'd be horrified with.
You both stay like that for a few moments, running a hand through his hair as he kneels before you. And as much as you hate to ruin the moment between you, you open your mouth.
"Wanna grade it?" You ask, trying once more to hold up your end of the bargain. Though, it seems your companion didn't remember that much at all.
He blinks. "Hmm? Oh, sure."
He removes himself from your leg slowly, stretches languidly. The softest groan leaves his mouth and you wish you could still feel it in your core.
You push out the desk chair to allow him enough room to stand. He does so and turns, taking the paper in his hand.
Your hands wrap around his middle and pulls him back to you. He lets you do this without complaint, settling into your lap.
"Let's see here..." He says, trying to sound nonchalant about the way you fiddle with his belt. He goes through your papers in relative silence, offering no praise or complaint besides the occasional "that rusty on evidence law, Wright?" and "that was an intentionally obtuse question, good job."
By that point you've removed his cock from his pants, even gotten him to stand slightly to slide his boxers down his thighs.
"You starred this question." Miles says, somewhat breathless despite not moving for several minutes.
You can't blame him exactly, with your fingers running featherlight touches over his length.
"Yeah. I wasn't sure about it."
"You got it wrong." He says, most unhelpfully.
"Well, can you tell me why? Last I heard that's the standard." You lean forward, head on his shoulder.
"It's be-cause...It's because two years ago another case overrode the precedent set in- ngh." He trails off, evidently distracted by the teeth running over his earlobe.
"Interesting." You say, and continue.
You hum in acknowledgement.
"Wright." He hisses.
"You should pay attention."
"This is how I best pay attention. Plus, I already did my part, yeah? The test is filled out, you're the one who hasn't finished it."
"Perhaps because I have someone distracting me."
"Are you calling me distracting?" You grin.
"Extremely." He says dryly. You back off slightly, giving one last squeeze to his member just to hear him inhale sharply. Then you lean back and let him work, red pen that he brought from home flying through the questions.
It's a bit difficult though, having a lapful of prosecutor and nowhere to put that energy. Your hands seem to have a mind of their own, meandering over his sides and landing at his hips.
You've just begun running a finger down his spine, starting to dip lower, when he slams the paper onto the table. He stands with a speed you weren't anticipating, sending the chair backwards a few inches.
He turns to face you, eyes blazing. "You passed." He says, before he drops down to his knees and takes you whole.
"Oh, fuck."
Some things just made the hours of studying worth it.
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jrwiyuri · 1 year
Everything about slimeriana as a rp ship and just as irl growing friends is awful and I need more of them
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
What do you think of Nightwing/Robins relationship with each of the Titans through the years? Specifically Roy, Donna, and Wally.
With Donna and Wally it’s so fluffy! With Roy however I feel like they are either partners in crime or hitting each other where it hurts
You're so right anon. With Donna and Wally things are pretty much perfect but with Roy, Dick's relationship is back and forth but it's not because they don't like each other. It's because they like each other too much.
Donna is EVERYTHING to Dick Grayson. She's his sister, best friend, other half. Hardcore ride or die. He literally walked her down the aisle the day of her wedding.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
She also said she would follow him all the way down to hell and she damn sure means it.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #50
These two aren't going anywhere but to each other.
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World's Finest: Teen Titans Issue #5
Wally just loves Dick a lot. Like if he could Wally would just live with Dick forever and the two of them would just be happy for that.
You've probably read my other posts about Wally already but I'll collate them here just because it's a long time and it's a nice refresher.
Dick and Wally's friendship post
Dick as Wally's lightning rod post
How Dick and Wally in a relationship would go post
Like I said. It's not a problem but Roy's relationship with Dick is based on the fact that he loves Dick too much. He thinks Dick is the best thing in the world to ever exist. All the Titans think that but Roy wants to BE Dick. If you look at it, Roy's relationship with Dick is a parallel to Jason's relationship with Dick and Donna, Wally, and Garth's relationship with Dick matches exactly with Tim's relationship with Dick.
Jason thinks the world of Dick Grayson and tried his best to live up to him. He tried to fill in Dick's shoes which is exactly what Roy does.
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Teen Titans (1996) Issue #13
He loves Dick to an extreme that he wants to emulate but finds himself struggling because he doesn't believe he achieves that. So, he acts out in order to recieve attention from Dick and Ollie and so on. He gets aggressive with the people he loves because he wants them to look at him. He wants to keep them looking at him. Which is the reason for the back and forth between best friend and angry friend moods he has going on with Dick. It's born out of respect and love and need for acknowledgement from the person who he considers is the greatest to have ever existed.
The reason I bring up Jason and Tim is because it's the clearest way to explain Dick's relationships with the Titans. The Titans and Dick's brothers hold him in the highest esteem - they just react to him differently. Wally,Donna, Garth, and Tim love Dick and think of him as the peak of perfection. So, Wally and Tim especially celebrate it by using him as an inspiration to be greater. In similar ways, Jason and Roy love Dick and think he's the peak of perfection and want to be him. They use him as inspiration but at the same time they feel the need to compete with him to prove their worth. Where Wally and Tim have just accepted that Dick is the best and can't be achieved by anyone, Jason and Roy actually do try to be like him. However you know what they say about Icarus - don't fly too close to the sun. Meaning, don't be too overly ambitious and greedy. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Jason and Roy do but the impact of what they're trying to achieve has negative consequences on their mental health.
They love him, want to be him, but personally feel they're falling short of him which brings in the mood swings. The rest of the Titans and Tim have a fluffier relationship because they don't even bother. They've just accepted that Dick is the best and go about on their day. So in summary, Roy's relationship with Dick is fraught with tension because of insecurities as a result of hero-worship. But truth be told, Roy loves Dick just as equally as Wally, Donna, and Garth. He simply shows his love a different way to him than they do because they're all their own individual people.
In terms of Dick viewing Roy, Dick is Roy's hardcore friend. He's a real one. When Roy was struggling with drugs, Dick single handedly dragged him into Rehab because he was there for him. Because for Dick, it makes him happy seeing Roy happy and successful.
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #101
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Titans (2008) Issue #23
And Roy literally holds down Dick when he freaks out and chases after Kori after she gets possessed at their wedding. The friendship they have is not the smoothest friendship but it's a real one. They need each other because when they're each at their worst the other other one comes in slaps the other around, gives a twisted love confession in the form of threats, and then they get better.
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New Titans (1988) Issue #101
Dick is stubborn as hell but Roy is willing to put in the dirty work to pull him out. Same goes for Dick with Roy.
Outsiders is probably the best explanation of their dynamic. Roy put together the Outsiders because he didn't want Dick constantly depressed WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT WALLY DID WHEN HE PUT TOGETHER THE TITANS IN TITANS (1999). But it comes off differently because Roy is more aggressive in the way he shows love. If Roy needs anything, Dick's there for him immediately.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #631
THIS. This scene is them.
They're a flipping hot mess that love each other. In other words, Roy and Dick's friendship is what you get when you put two egoists in a room together and tell them that they're going to die only for them to start beating each other up because they're each screaming that they love the other more and neither refuses to let the other one go first. Kinda like the song Style. They fall apart and then they fall back together for an eternity.
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ashprompts · 5 months
a collection of sentence starters from dropout tv's game changer. feel free to alter pronouns/text as you see fit
“I’ve been here THE WHOLE TIME”
“It’s hard to hold this much anger in my body.” 
“If you never hear from me again, you know what to do!.”
“If they don’t find me it’s because I was chopped up and fed to the pigs!”
“I. CANNOT. WIN!!!!”
“A lot of people have been saying that ___ is a singularly evil, wildly incompetent, befuddled nepo baby silver spoon motherfucker. This is what people are saying.” 
“If you can do ONE swing on the swing I will let you play with all the math puzzles that you want” 
“You’re not getting a FUCKING JOKE OUT OF ME until you let me out of this room! You want bits?! You let me out of this room for bits, motherfucker!”
“Are we gonna die before we get outta here?” 
“I’m gonna lose so fucking hard it’s gonna blow your fucking mind”
“But in this sick rodeo, this bizarre fucked up clown festival, we’re here celebrating what I can only describe as the sickness at the core of America.” 
“Give me the assignment and I don’t miss. I’m gonna DIE before this is over.”
“Your tower’s gonna fall. Laugh it up now.” 
“A river of sweat is running down my back right now.”
“I do hate zombies and I will have nightmares about this tonight. But in this moment I just feel like I’m surrounded by friends.” 
“We don’t give a cum.”
“If you’re in a hole, DYING. I WON’T BE THERE.”
“I showed them my feet, [name]! I SHOWED THEM MY FEET FOR NOTHING?”
“Stop shaking your cock in the middle of a fucking huddle, dude!”
“I’d fuck that pie.”
“If you’re like me, you eat a lot of ass.”
“I hate capitalism but I also hate losing.”
“I get my tongue so far up somebody it’s like I’m tasting their tonsils. I get so deep in there I’m gonna burn myself with stomach acid.”
“I like perching like a little bisexual gargoyle”
“If you were performing on a subway I would take money away from you.”
“Icarus flying too close to the sun, but it seems Daedalus our little mastercrafter over here had some WAX WINGS OF HIS OWN, didn’t he? Wanted to see his son fall, faaaalll from the sky, OH HOW CLOSE TO THE SUN HE FLEW”
“Hey can I get an ah? … Don’t scream at me.” 
“You kinda have the vibe that your kids call you by your first name.”
“The day I DON’T curse when a body falls from the sky, call somebody.”
“Could I place an order? I’m hungie. What do you think would be the best pizza to order if I’m quite hungie? Um, I like cheese, what is your largest pizza? Yeah let’s get an extra large because I’m hungie. I’m hungie, I’m hungie, I’m hungie.” 
“So long as I am on this stage and drawing breath, you can good and goddamn believe I’ll be trying my best in every challenge.”
“Was it bad that we just started smashing shit?” 
“You didn't count on INGENUITY did you motherfucker?!”
“This could be hell. This is very Satre-esque.”
“Can you tell us why you’d do this to us?”
“I won’t be made a fool”
“I do feel like I’m in a nightmare”
“I’m the only one OUT of the loop it seems”
“Everybody do the wenis! The wenis is a dance! Everybody is a genius! Who knows it in advance!” 
"You think I'm gonna fucking roll over?!"
"It'll be a COLD DAY IN HELL when I go out like a fucking chump!"
"I don't care about winning, I just don't wanna lose"
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ma1dita · 1 year
to chase the sun
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words: little over 1k
summary: grumpy!remus hates the rain but loves his sunshine!reader
warnings: none! gender neutral reader but a quick fem mention in the poem at the end, allusions to lycanthropy causing chronic pain, soft!comfy remus
a/n: when will it be my turn. side note, first fic out in YEARS lmfao please feel free to interact and comment! hope yall enjoy xx
(edited/reposted on 9/7/23)
Remus Lupin hated the rain. People in the streets rush to get away from it, always wanting to run from the cold. It’s lonely, running is. And that is a feeling he is all too familiar with. Loneliness is a friend of his, and it sits with him often when the sky is dark and bleak, nothing unlike how he feels around the time of the full moon. He’s sat at the window of the Gryffindor common room, gazing outside instead of finishing his Herbology homework. It was raining, the kind where big fat drops are hitting the window and dragging their way down the glass. A fire crackled in the corner of the room, the warmth spreading across his scarred skin.
Analyze the benefits and disadvantages of using Muggle practices and methods in herbology, and discuss whether the magical world should adopt more of these innovations.
Remus rubs his forehead and looks out into the darkness of the Forbidden Forest, tired eyes seeing the world as so cold and gray in contrast to the comforting heat in the dim light. Warmth. A feeling he’s been chasing for as long as he’s known. Remus is someone who sits in the sunlight to feel it through his bones. He always has a bite of chocolate ready in hopes of taking some of the cold away. The sweaters that drape over his broad shoulders are a constant reminder of an embrace and what it feels like to be held. And well, there’s you.
You. A direct contradiction to every vow of self-deprecation and isolation he’s made to himself since he was bitten, quickly forgotten with every earth-shattering smile you point in his direction. You, his darling angel who’s laughter sounds like orchestral music, the perfect quell to the silence in his head. He wonders what Icarus must have felt like, flying too close to the sun. But as you walk down the dormitory steps with rosy cheeks and an umbrella big enough for two, he understands what it means to take that risk. It was easy to fall. Sunlight is hard to catch, after all.
“Rem? You wanna go for a walk outside? You need a break baby.” You’re smiling at him, rain boots squeaking against the tile in anticipation of his next move.
“It’s raining pretty hard. You really want to go out in the downpour, my sweet?” His brow furrowed as he thought of the rain falling on the streets, and wished he could take it all away. His lover is made of sunshine, and he’d fistfight the sky if it meant he could keep you shining.
“We could dance in the rain like in those muggle movies your mom likes to watch!”
You’re grinning mischievously, looking like getting swept by the wind and rain is the ultimate dream, stumbling over to perch on his lap. His arm wraps around your waist, tickling your stomach as you lay your head on his shoulder.
“Just wanna spend time with you, Rem.” Your smile is imprinted on his jaw, and he’s convinced that if someone opened him up to take a peek inside they’d see your kisses gently marked along his heart.
He sighs softly, stroking your back as he bounces his leg lightly. Who wants to sit here and mope writing about plants anyway if you’re sitting there so pretty and beaming at him.
“Only for you.” he gruffs, as you let out a squeal. He never used to give in so easily before, but with you indulgence feels like an unconscious reprieve rather than an intentional choice he might later regret.
“ —But, I’ll just hold the umbrella so you won’t get wet.” Remus interjects, tracing his name into your thigh. You make a noise that resembles a laugh, and it makes it all the more easier to get up and put a jacket on, despite the comfort of his position in holding you pleading for him not to.
Your hands are intertwined as you both briskly walk down the cobblestone path. Remus, taking slower, larger steps and you, hopping into every small puddle that presents as an obstacle to your grand destination of nowhere, just to pass the time.
Remus stays quiet, one hand firmly on the umbrella and the other in yours. His entire being aches in the cold like this, another consequence of his unwanted ailment, but he grazes his thumb against your hand like someone rubbing themself warm in the presence of fire. You’re both standing in the field now and the way you gaze at him makes it feel like he could stay here forever if you asked him to.
The look in your eyes confirms that you’re itching to rush out from under the umbrella, to feel the wetness pelt against your skin. Instead, you lean against his chest, tapping your fingers along his spine as you both listen to the pitter patter of the rain. As you hum a love song you heard on the radio, he notices you close your eyes, safe in his arms and under the protection of shade. Peace is a feeling hard to find at the age of 17, but in the solace of your company, it makes one wonder what else could be defined as this.
He drops the umbrella.
“Baby! The rain…” you shriek, moving impossibly closer to him. He’d let you crawl into his skin if you could ever want to.
A laugh bubbles to the surface as he looks at you, hanging off of him.
“Wanna dance?”
Remus hopes you don’t mind the red in his cheeks as he holds his hand out. The rain washes away any doubt he had about loving you.
“But you’re getting all wet. You don’t like the rain.”
Raindrops are glistening as they fall off your eyelashes, dripping down your cheeks. Your hair is drenched now, and Remus can’t help but smile at you, shaking his head into your face like a wet dog.
“I don’t mind it. I love you.”
He continues to hum where you left off, spinning and dipping you before pulling you back into his chest as you giggle. He looks up at the sky, then looks at you. You’re still so warm, and he then realizes he has sunlight in his grasp.
“I could stay here all night!” You yell with glee, skipping circles around him, arms stretched towards the heavens.
“Dunno about that, baby, but we can try.”
Remus contemplates it, noticing a chill in the air as he crosses his arms, watching you dance with the raindrops. He accidentally steps into a puddle as he shifts his foot.
Yup. Remus Lupin still dislikes the rain. His sock is wet and the feeling seeps through him slowly, as you splash him. Warmth.
Remus Lupin never thought recovering from a full moon could feel worse, until of course it did.
“100.4! Sheesh, Moony you really did a number on yourself frolicking in the rain before your time of the month, huh?” Sirius says, tossing the thermometer to the bedside drawer. He’s tucked into his bed sniffing loudly as he burrows his head deeper into the pillow.
“Beat you. I got 100.6.” A head pops out from under the covers wrapping arms around him, giggling and then sneezing. Daylight is spilling across his sheets. Warmth.
“Was worth it.” he mumbles, snuggling closer in his twin bed.
“I love her as she is,
doing her thing,
I would never want
to control her fire;
All I need is
to be near it.”
Marc Anthony
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juuuulez · 1 year
📰 | part two: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour!Reader, female reader, father-figure Negan, enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, no use of (y/n) because immersion.
summary: During your first visit to Alexandria, when Carl misfires a gun, you’re instructed to “babysit” him. This does not go very well.
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I’m glad everyone liked the first part!! This one is definitely more juicy. Kids being kids. Writing the next part now, let me know if you have any particular requests!
Also (finally) titled!! Drawing heavily on Romeo and Juliet, except… more spiteful at the beginning.
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A few days later, and you’re back.
The town of Alexandria is actually quite nice, when you aren’t being cooped up in a cell.
Your fellow Saviours seem to think so too, exploring the place, taking supplies they deem useful for the Sanctuary. After all, there’s mouths to feed, therefore you’ve stopped feeling bad for all these communities you bleed dry.
Well, you felt a little bad last night.
The lineup was rough, it always is. You hadn’t seen the brunt of it, instead sitting safe in the RV where Negan had all but interrogated you regarding your time locked up; coming from a place of concern for your well-being. But you stepped out just as dawn was beginning to hit, and saw the aftermath.
It was just for a few seconds, to retrieve a weapon from Dwight, but you felt a twinge of guilt as Negan taunted that poor boy.
At least he wasn’t wearing the stupid hat anymore.
Whatever, it didn’t matter. At least that’s what you told yourself. Guilt had no place in the apocalypse, especially not for the Saviours, a group of well earned apex predators in this bleak world.
That’s how you saw it.
You oversee the work of your people whilst Negan is talking with Rick. Everybody respects you.. or maybe everybody is scared of you. Scared of your father. Either way, it works.
You’re comfortable as a leader. Somebody who can give orders without hesitation. At the start, there was resistance. Who wanted to be ordered around by a teenage girl? But eventually everything fell into place, and people realised that you were a central part to this operation.
Then the sound of a gunshot rings through the air, putting everybody on edge. Weapons suddenly unholstered, dropping whatever menial task they were completing.
You command them to stand down with a wave of the hand, going to investigate yourself.
Fortunately enough, the situation has already been handled.
Or mostly handled.
“Just who I wanted to see.” Negan says with his usual prowess, however it’s dimmed by an underlying irritation. He brings you further into the room with a gloved hand on your shoulder.
He positions you there like a prize, something valuable. Or maybe a dangerous weapon. A constant show of ‘look at what’s mine, look at what she can do.’ You quite like that.
“Now, it appears that young Grimes is too trigger-happy for his own good,” Negan continues, to which you finally notice Carl standing in the middle of the room, “So why don’t you babysit him for me, darling?”
The boy is practically seething. That same expression you’d seen at the lineup, pure anger and rebellion.
You could feel yourself beginning to smile.
“Of course,” You agree, a grin spreading across your lips, “I’d appreciate a tour, to see if anything here interests me.”
There’s no reply. Carl glares at you, then shoots a pleading look at his father, but to no avail. Rick nods his head in the direction of the door, and you feel like you’ve just won the lottery. This was going to be good.
Now, you didn’t enjoy toying with peoples emotions, per-say. But getting them all riled up sure was fun.
And a teenage boy? This was like a gift from above.
Grown men grew tired of your commanding nature, they’d get violent, speak out of line. It was a dangerous game, one that you loved. Like a cat and mouse, or Icarus flying too close to the sun.
A teenage boy was much more in your ballpark.
“You play sports?” You ask Carl, who is walking a few paces behind you, begrudgingly following despite the fact he was meant to be showing you around. But you didn’t mind.
He doesn’t answer.
You turn to face him, shooting him a backwards glare of what the hell is your problem. “What, you took a vow of silence, or something?” It’s snarky, immature, prodding the bear.
But it works.
“No, I don’t play sports.” Carl answers reluctantly, his tone flat and unamused. It’s becoming more and more evident that when you’re in power like this, in control, you can be a nightmare.
You don’t bother to suppress your grin of satisfaction, turning back away from him, “Yeah, didn’t think so, stringbean. Bet I’ve got more muscle mass than you.”
This must do something, as suddenly Carl has closed the few paces between you, and is blocking your path from continuing. He’s in your face, closer than comfortable, but you love it.
“What the hell’s your problem?” He asks, clearly angry at your snide little comments. That righteous attitude is back. “You can’t come in here, and tell everybody what to do. We’re gonna fight back, and when we do, you’ll be sorry.”
You give him a firm shove, letting Carl stumble a few feet back, “Yeah, how’d that go for you back there, huh? Aim much?”
It’s a low blow, you know that, which is why it feels so goddamn good.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you interrupt him.
“Didn’t shoot me at the satellite station, either. I’m starting to think you’re more harmless than you’re letting on.”
“I’m not exactly in the interest of murdering children,” Carl retorts angrily, “What are you, twelve?”
“I’m seventeen!” You yell back at him, walking swiftly past the boy, but making sure to harshly bump your shoulders together. “Now show me your armoury. You’ve got something of mine.”
You’re walking too quickly for Carl to shoot back a comment, and he needs to awkwardly skip in order to catch up. This time he takes a few strides forward, making the effort to walk just fast enough to stay in front of you.
He wants to be in charge.
Luckily, you love to be petty.
As the pair of you reach the armoury, you swiftly side-step Carl, entering the room first, much to his dismay. You’re eyes are scanning the shelves, rows and rows of guns and weaponry, with one thing in mind. The bat.
“Too bad we’re confiscating all your guns, this is quite the collection,” You comment, finding a supply sheet to glance over, “Good job on that one, by the way. Aren’t you helpful?”
Carl essentially ignores your sarcasm, speaking from the other side of the room, “Looking for something?”
You turn, a momentary flash of confusion on your face, until you realise that he’s got it. The metal bat clutched in one hand, held up tauntingly. When you take a step forward to retrieve it, he only takes a step back.
“That’s not funny.” You say, a sense of agitation in your tone, that dominant and teasing persona gone in an instant.
It only causes Carl to grin, taking pleasure in this momentary inch of power he’s gained.
“You even know how to play baseball?” He asks, switching the bat into his dominant hand, pretending to slowly swing it.
“I do, actually,” You snap, reaching out to finally grasp the metal bat, taking it from his grip unceremoniously, “Wanna see? I can use your skull as the ball.”
This works to shut him up, judging by how Carl’s eyes narrow into a glare, but he doesn’t dare to say anything. You take this as a victory, once again knocking shoulders as you leave the small space, not bothering to shut the door behind you.
You’re not even a few meters down the street before there are footsteps again, Carl still following you, despite wanting otherwise. It makes that malicious grin to return.
“Aren’t you obedient?” You quip, not even bothering to look back at him as you speak, as if he isn’t worth the time. It’s a power trip, one you’re addicted to, one Carl is unknowingly feeding into. Or, maybe he does know, but can’t do anything about it.
Carl scoffs, “Coming from you. Do you always do everything Negan tells you to?”
It’s smart, getting you to roll your eyes in displeasure, that metal bat swinging by your side as you walk. “It’s called being a good soldier, like you would understand.”
“Yeah? Soldier, or pet?” He continues, and you can basically hear the grin in his voice.
The fuck does he know?
You finally spin around, grip tightening ever so slightly on the bat. Control is slowly slipping through your fingers, this stupid back and forth game beginning to get on your nerves, despite being the instigator.
“You wanna talk about pet?” You spit, closing in on his personal space, “Rick tells you to murder twenty people, and you do it? That’s called being a little bitch, okay, daddy’s boy?”
This works, as Carl’s face twists into a look of anger, his fists clenching at his sides.
But you continue, “This stupid group has had this coming for a long time. There’s no such thing as being the good guys, you’re just another bunch of stupid pricks, who need to be put in their place.”
It snaps something inside of Carl, because suddenly he’s giving you a harsh shove, where you stumble a few feet backwards. You mirror his childish temper, throwing your body at him with equal force, where the two of you awkwardly wrestle in the middle of the street.
You attempt to gain leverage, steeling your feet into the ground, bending your knees. Then, out of nowhere, you’re raising your arm with the bat, ready to try and dislocate his shoulder, or something. Anything. Just to show that you aren’t weak.
But before you can swing, there’s resistance, and you snap out of this little squabble to realise that somebody else is holding your bat.
“The hell are you doin’, girl?”
Negan swiftly lifts the bat from your grip, holding it at an arms length. You let go of Carl, whipping around to glare at the older man.
“He’s being a total jagoff!” You shout, twisting to see a similar look of discontent on Carl’s face, like he’s itching to leap back into your little fight.
It’s no use, because then Negan is holding your shoulder, giving you a gentle push in the opposite direction, “Truck, now. We’re making our departure.”
And you listen, despite everything telling you to continue. To prove yourself, maintain that power.
To make matters worse, Carl has taken this experience as some sort of mental victory, yelling out from the footpath, “Daddy’s girl!”
You can only turn, angrily giving him the finger as you storm off towards the gates, but it acts as fuel to the fire. Getting sick of that stupid expression, you turn back away, footsteps quickening in an attempt to seperate yourself from the ever so slightly humiliating experience.
Next time you’ll get him.
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icecreampizzer · 10 months
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ehh. I'm sorry but i really just like enemies to lovers dynamics HWHATEVER!!! i think juniper would be frustrated that he's into phoenix while they're like. pissing him off by wearing his masks and shit
tbh this was a part of a doodle dump, but I'm putting IEYTD 2 spoilers under the read more :] just to be safe!
You know I wasn't this obsessed with him when I first experienced (watched) IEYTD 2 but I always thought his death was so ... underwhelming? After being such a big personality throughout the sequel and he just falls to his death... I'm like sureee he's just like Icarus with his hubris flying too close to the sun falling to his demise and etcetera. The scene illustrating Dr. Zor's power without any bounds, disposing their subordinates that easily and Whatever..... I just kinda wished he had a more Extra death. IF HE'S EVEN DEAD IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! DUN DUN DUN I'm willing to hold out on that possibility. But in the meantime...
Here's some Alive Junipers after the whole debacle. I'd bonk his head with hammers but I also want him to get a hug, you know what I mean. Characters with massive egos who's got stuff going on are my weakness. sawry
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perhaps i will draw a bit more for the other characters, but apparently i have Real Life Responsibilities to tend to. So those will have to wait.
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syxvesper · 4 months
(heres the animatic if you want it)
So this video makes very obvious references to Icarus and Dedalus, one a figure in greek mythology who flew too close to the sun and his wings burned up and the other a person who studied far about the wings, in order to try and make it. Phil encaptures both in this.
It's very clear to see how he admires the birds, how they fly and exist. Deciding he wanted to do it, he started to try and build.
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This image is a reference to his later known dark black wings, which are known to be given of sorts.
So he studies the way they move, the way they are, and uses it to his advantage, making the first prototype.
So obviously he fails, but he's so enamored by the birds that he has so much determination to keep trying. To keep persevering.
Another thing I've noticed is most of the time, especially in his dreams, he's depicted as a bird from far away. The thing he wants to reach so much.
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Through this we can see the major icarus comparison, how his wings burn up and he falls. This dream can also foreshadow the flight near the end.
Another thing to note, he's always surrounded by birds even as he works. Now we all know about how the crows are Phil's chat, but also how Kristen affects the crows. Kristen has been with him throughout it, it seems.
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Now, right before his fall, one crow caws. In the poem about crows, one crow cawing is 1 for sorrow. Now, the definition of sorrow is-
"a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others."
I would like to highlight loss in this, as even if he made it, he still lost. He lost the wings to the sun.
This crow cawing can also be Death's way of communication of sort, like through a crow.
Here we see he embraces death, closing his eyes and waiting to fall. But he's caught by death before he can fall, and is gone.
We can take this two ways, either-
a, he died and was transported to her realm.
b, he was saved by her.
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And whichever it is, we will have to wait to see in the next animatic. Still, I think this is awesome how this animatic was done. The writing from Philza is spectacular. He's taken so much from his story and I love how it's gonna come together.
I'll make another when the next video drops, so until next time, farewell for now.
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leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 son of Eros!Changbin x mortal!fem!reader
𝝑𝝔 cw : unserious!reader (she is .... interesting for sure!), crude humor, Changbin is a sweetheart :c, fluffy smut, mild angst, Switch(mostly sub)!Changbin, Switch(mostly Dom)!reader, LOTS OF KISSING, mutual masterbation, clit play, no p in v, tit sucking, mommy kink !??!, love spells!!!, lmk if I missed anything!
𝝑𝝔 hyung line m.list | maknae line m.list
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Something was off, you didn't know how to describe it.
You sat up in your bed, looking around for a moment. That's when you spot a man in the corner of your dark room and you scream.
You grab the knife you kept in your nightstand, "who are you!?" you scream at him.
"Shhh!" the man tries to hush you.
"Why are you telling me to shh, you broke into my home!" you exclaim.
"Listen, I'm here on business," he starts before you interrupt him.
"What business do you have being in my house? Is the C.I.A trying to take me out because of my theory on the money smuggling because if so I deeply regret questioning my government and I swear I'm a good brainwashed citizen!" you yelp.
"C.I.A? Government? Brainwashing? I swear to Zeus, you mortals get more crazy by the minute!" the man exclaims, "but no, luckily for you, I am not from the government, well not your government."
"So like the United Nations!? That's even fucking worse! I swear I'm a good law abiding citizen who never questions the old hags that we call politicians!"
The man stares at you with a look of mixed shock and terror on his face, "the godly government," he explains.
"That's somehow even worse?! I don't even believe in God! Wait which religion is right? I swear to God, if it's Scientology I'll find the nearest cliff and jump off, I swear you will not take me alive Mr.Secret Scientology Agent Man Thing."
The man's mouth is agape and you can tell he's trying to put the pieces together, "What's Scientology?" he questions.
"They believe in aliens and shit, but they're lowkey a cult, and they're trying to reach Nirvana or whatever, trying to get their brainwaves to vibrate at the same frequency as an alien's or some stupid shit like that," you explain.
"Ok, well aliens aren't real," Changbin starts before you interrupt him.
"Ok science denier, you're telling me you're a- whatever you are- and aliens aren't real. Maybe you're in a cult. What frequency do your brainwaves vibrate at?"
"I'm not in a cult, I'm one of the sons of Eros," he explains.
You burst out into a fit of laughter while the man slaps himself on his forehead, "okay buddy, time to put you back in whatever insane asylum you escaped from," you say as you sit up.
The man turns around and you see the wings poking out from his back. "Maybe evolution did hit the ancient Greeks, you're like Icarus but like evolved and not as crispy and fried as I'd imagine him being," you figure as you admire the man's wings.
"Why are you bringing up Icarus?"
"Well he had wings," you remind him.
"Yeah and you're about to fly too close to the sun," he sighs, "I was assigned to your case. I'm going to help you find your soulmate."
"Ok sure you are buddy," you chuckle.
"Can you at least put down the knife, I feel like you're gonna stab me," he requests.
You sigh and put the knife back in your nightstand. "So how does this whole thing work?" you ask the man.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and I'll find a list of potential soulmates for you," he explains.
"So you're like the match maker from Mulan?"
"I'll make sure to look for someone who appreciates your fantastic sense of humor," he retorts sarcastically.
"Boo, you're no fun! Live a little!" you exclaim and sit criss crossed on your bed.
The man pulls up a chair and pulls out a clip board and a pen. "Male or female?" he asks.
"I'm a woman," you say it like it's obvious.
"I mean for a partner, do you want a man or a woman?"
"Either," you shrug.
He scribbles that down in your chart. "What's your name by the way, you know like everything about me and all I know is that you're a Scientologist and mentally impaired and a bird or whatever."
"Changbin," he says while rolling his eyes, "do you have a height preference?"
"Nope," you pop the p.
"Weight preference?"
"Another no."
"Age preference?"
"What do you mean by that because I am not-"
"-I'm going to stop you right there," he glares at you, "you need to take this seriously."
"I am being serious!? I'm not a-"
"Ok! I get it, I'll j-just mark down older."
"Make sure it's not like super old though."
He looks up at you, "excuse me?"
"Like a person who is like- older than my grandma. Unless they're like absolutely loaded."
He rolls his eyes and moves on, "do you have a preference regarding lifestyle?"
"Yeah, I don't want them to be a politician or a Scientologist or mentally insane."
"Ok," he scribbles on the paper, "done, I need you to sign here."
He passes the clipboard to you and hands you the pen.
"Why?" you question.
"Because this is a legally binding contract," he says it like it's obvious.
"So like in Cat in the Hat where two underage kids sign their life away to a six foot tall man in a fur suit? Am I signing my life away?"
"Just sign the fucking paper," he requests.
You sign the paper and hand it back to the winged man.
He flips through more pages in the clipboard before his face falls. "What is it? Don't tell me my soulmate is a politician!" you whine.
"It's worse," he hums, "you need to come to HQ with me."
"Wait so who is it? Is it like a serial killer? I didn't even think of that!"
"Will you shut up and take my hand," he offers his hand out to you.
You hesitantly take it. You're instantly transported to a place you've never seen before. An office building with pink walls and pink tainted glass that over looks above the clouds. Changbin pulls you with him to a desk.
"Eros, I need to speak with him," Changbin says to the person, who also has wings, that is working at the desk.
"I'll tell him you need to see him," the person says.
"Thanks," Changbin mutters.
Changbin lets go of your hand and begins pacing around the waiting room. "So like is it bad?"
"It is me," he mumbles.
"Your soulmate, it's me."
Your mouth falls agape as you stare at he man. "What?" you question.
"Yeah, tell me about it," he grumbles as he continues his pacing.
"But you're like-" you pause.
"-a matchmaker. And you're a mortal."
"Eros will see you now," the woman at the reception desk announces.
Changbin pulls you by the wrist through the hallway and into a room. The room is large, huge floor to ceiling windows on two of the walls, a huge desk right in the center, and an extremely tall man with strawberry blonde hair sitting at the desk. Changbin lets go of your wrist when he makes eye contact with the man. "Changbin!" the man at the desk says, he stands up and walks over to where Changbin and you were standing, "it's so good to see you, son!"
You look up at the man towering over yourself and Changbin. Easily 8 feet tall with a pair of feathery wings on his back.
The man lifts up Changbin, pulling him into a tight hug. "Dad, it's good to see you too, but listen we have a situation," Changbin says sternly.
"A situation?" the man asks, putting Changbin back on the ground.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n," he introduces you.
"I know of her," he smiles.
He leans down to shake your hand, holding his out for you to take. You hesitate before you do, but you gently shake the tall man's hand, "you know me?" you ask the man.
"Well of course I do! I am a God after all!" he cheerfully booms, "you can just call me Eros!"
"Nice to meet you," you give the man a tight lipped smile.
He lets go of your hand and it falls to your side.
"Listen- Dad," Changbin interrupts, "I think that there was a mistake with y/n's soulmate generator."
"How so?" Eros questions.
"Well, it said that well-" he stammers.
"Does she have a soulmate?" Eros asks.
"Well yes b-but-" Changbin continues to stutter.
"-it's him, sir, Changbin is my soulmate," you explain.
"What?" the man gasps.
"Listen, I'm just as surprised as you are, I specifically said no politicians, Scientologists, or mentally insane people."
"He is, none of those things?" Eros states.
"Yeah well when you wake up in the middle of the night to someone standing in the corner of your bedroom talking about how they're from the 'godly government' and it reminds you of Scientology, and then he tells you he's the son of Eros so obviously you start thinking to yourself that this guy is either seeing something we can't or he's strung out on something, and then he makes you sign your life away like those kids did in the cat in the hat movie, then you can call me picky," you ramble.
Eros glances at Changbin then at you and then back to Changbin, "well were you the only option?"
"Yes," Changbin confirms.
"Well then it is destined to be, she did sign the contract," he points out.
"So wait? Did I sign my life away?" you ask.
"Well not your life," Eros begins before he cuts himself off.
"Dad," Changbin says, "what do we do?"
"I suppose we follow the rules," Eros figures, "you two are soulmates."
Changbin's jaw practically falls to the floor, "there is no way."
So now you find yourself at Changbin's house, well apartment, on Mt.Olympus. The apartment itself is more than just nice. It is beautiful. Floor to ceiling windows with a scenic view, a full kitchen with a separate wine closet, even a balcony overlooking the streets of Olympus which were full of nymphs and muses and Gods and Goddesses alike. Ornate furniture with gold accents, a chandelier that looked like it costed more than a yacht, and 4 luxurious bedrooms. "Make yourself at home," Changbin sighs as he takes off his coat.
"Woah, this is your house?" you exclaim as you ogle at the ornate house.
"Yeah," he blushes, "it's ours now I suppose," he runs a hand on the back of his neck.
"Oh my God, this is straight up like a fairytale," you say as you look through the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, opening the fridge.
"Yeah, is there anything I can eat?"
"What do you mean anything you can eat?"
"Well like I don't think I can drink nectar, because I'm like a mortal or whatever," you chuckle as you look at his puzzled expression.
"Well technically you can drink it, but you would like probably pass out from what you mortals call 'alcohol poisoning'," he chuckles as he grabs a soda from the fridge.
"Wait do you have some?" you ask excitedly.
"I mean yeah but like, why?"
"Well I wanna try it!"
"No," he shuts down before you can continue.
"Please! Just once Changbin!" you beg.
"I said no," he says, more firmly this time.
"Ugh fine you're no fun," you cross your arms and take a seat on his kitchen island.
"What do you want for dinner?" he asks, changing the topic.
You hum while you think for a moment, "spaghetti," you decide.
"Okay," he agrees.
He begins pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantry and you just sit there on the counter and watch as the man prepares dinner. "Soooooo," you speak as Changbin puts a pot of water on the stove, "what's it like being the son of Eros?"
"Well, I think it gives people the wrong impression of me sometimes," he reveals.
"How so?"
"Imagine that your father is known for orgies and sex, prayed to by mortals for him to grant them fertility and true love, doesn't always leave the best impression with people," he explains crossing his arms.
"Why not? Are you not like him?"
"Not at all," he mumbles softly, "I do this job because I like making people happy, to be honest I didn't know it was possible as a matchmaker to match with anyone," he explains, "especially a mortal, like yourself."
"Doesn't Zeus have lots of kids though? Is he matched with someone?" you ask.
"Don't even get me started on how many kids he has, y'know we have a whole department that keeps track of his children," he whispers the last part.
You stifle a laugh and get a good look at the man who is your soulmate. His sharp nose and round face paired with gentle eyes and buff arms have you feeling tingly inside and out. "Zeus does have a soulmate, or well he says she's his soulmate, Hera," he explains.
"Isn't that his sister?"
"I wish you mortals would stop spreading lies like that," Changbin sighs and rubs his eyes.
You giggle and swing your feet back and forth. "So wait, not all of you are like related?" you ask.
"No," he chuckles.
"So like how does the whole soulmates thing work?"
"Well, once you're matched, you're matched, you fall in love with the person, they fall in love with you, some couples get married, some don't," he explains.
"Can we get married? If we get married can we please get married by and Elvis impersonator in Vegas, ooh and I want a pink wedding dress!" you proclaim.
"Yeah, sure," he hums as he adds the noodles to the boiling water, "anything else you want for our wedding?"
"Hmm, maybe a chocolate fountain at the reception and for the reception to be held in a strip club," you half joke.
"That would make our wedding, interesting," he giggles, turning back to face you now.
"Well yeah, you only get married once! May as well enjoy it! Also honeymoon in Paris, or like somewhere in Europe!"
"Yeah," he smirks, "we can do all of that."
God, he looked good. Did he always look this good? Maybe you were too blind to it before, because fuck he was good looking.
"Really?" you ask enthusiastically.
"Really," he smiles softly.
"What about our wedding night?" you ask before you fully think through what you're saying.
"Our wedding night? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?" he teases.
"Well- I-I j-just wanna k-know what you like? I mean I-" you stutter as you try to speak.
You freeze when Changbin moves over to where you sit and pulls you in for a kiss, stopping right before his lips touch yours, you feel your heart thumping in your chest and heat rising to your cheeks as you slowly relax into his gentle grasp.
"Kiss me-" you hoarsely whisper.
He licks his lips before he finally puts his lips on your own, his lips molding against yours in a tantalizing rhythm. You are the one to break away from the hypnotic kisses he is placing on your lips. "Changbin- why I feel so-" you mumble, searching his eyes for an answer for the certain wanting in the bottom of your stomach.
"The love spell, it- well- it makes you," he flushes.
"Horny?" you ask.
"Yeah," he laughs, "makes both parties-y-y'know horny."
"Holy shit," you giggle as you bring him back in for another kiss.
This kiss is passionate and rough, in perfect contrast with the way Changbin holds you close. His hands resting on your waist, gently rubbing feather-light touches on your sides, each one leaving you more breathless than the last. Your arms loop around the back of his neck, reveling in the comfort of his lips on yours.
It's not enough though, you need him inside you, you need him to fuck you. "Changbin-" you moan against his lips.
"Darling," he coos, "tell me what you want-you c-can have it-w-whatever you want."
"Bin- I-I," you whine.
"P-please ma'am wan-wanna be inside," he squeaks.
"Ma'am?" you smirk, pulling apart from the kiss to search Changbin's eyes.
"Ma'am, mommy, mistress, master, whatever you want- I-I d'care, just pl-please, wanna be inside," he searches your face for any apprehension.
"Changbin I-I, get on your knees," you whimper as you notice the way he looks at you.
His hair is messy, his eyes lust blown and lips plump from kissing. You watch the heavenly sight in front of you as Changbin sinks down to his knees in front of you. He gently holds your leg as he kisses your knee, "please," he speaks a confession, "wanna worship you."
His fingers trail up and down your clothed legs, and at this time you curse yourself for wearing plaid pajama pants instead of flimsy sleep shorts.
You quickly stand on two feet and begin walking away, scaring the man on the floor. "Y/n- w-we d'have to!" he yelps.
"Take me to the bedroom, please," you huff.
Changbin leaps onto his feet and shows you to the bedroom, his hand in yours. Like two horny teenagers left unsupervised for more than 30 seconds.
You found yourself making out with him on his soft bed, it was a little awkward with Changbin's wings on his back, but you couldn't seem to mind, especially not when his fingers are cupping your breasts under your shirt and his fingers are tweaking your nipples in his fingers. A soft tune is playing from what you presume is your phone, or it could be the record player in the corner of Changbin's room, but honestly you don't care when Changbin's head moves down your chest, kissing above your waistband. "Honey," he calls out to you.
"Y-yeah," you look at him.
"Wanna watch you get off," he requests, "wanna watch you, please."
You're stripping off your clothes before you can even think of what you're doing, throwing your clothes somewhere in Changbin's room. You watch as his mouth falls open as he stares at your tits. "Like what you see, honey?" you ask as you lay your head back on the pillows.
He nods and you watch the faint blush creep up onto his cheeks. "Wanna see you too, please, please Bin," you hum.
He follows after you, removing his clothes and you ogle at his body. Fuck, he was muscular, and your mouth started watering when you saw his cock.
"It's n-not," he begins before you are spitting in your hand and wrapping it around the base of his cock.
Not very long, but fat in girth, with a pretty flushed tip and nicely trimmed bush surrounding it. Changbin's mouth falls open as you begin jerking his cock, "it's more than okay, baby," you reassure the man whose eyes are rolling to the back of his head from pleasure.
"Y-your," he whimpers, trying to speak.
"Don't worry about anything other than feeling good, just relax my love, let me make you feel good," you hum.
You can see the internal struggle on Changbin's face before he shoves his own hand in between your legs, spreading your wetness around your folds. "Changb-" you begin, going to chastise the boy but his fingers move up to your clit, rubbing in soft circles.
"P-please," he whimpers.
"Hm?" you hum searching his face while his fingers continue playing with your pussy.
"Can I suck on your tits?" he asks with a timid voice.
You can't help but smile as the fingers on your spare hand wrap in the boy's curly black hair and bring his mouth to your chest. You speed up your hand that is playing with his cock, trying to repay how well Changbin is making your pussy gush just with his calloused fingers.
Changbin is sucking on your nipple and his fingers are playing with your clit and it all is becoming too much and just enough at the same time. "Mommy," Changbin moans against your chest.
"Yeah, I know it feels good doesn't it?" you coo to the man who is clearly losing himself in the pleasure of you stroking his chubby cock.
He nods his head into your chest and you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head before his hips start bucking his cock into your hand. "G-gonna-ngh," Changbin whimpers.
"It's okay my love, let go, there you go honey," you instruct.
Changbin cums with a low groan as his hips keep bucking into your hand, his fingers that were playing with your clit stopping and resting there as you watch his pearly white cum shoot out of his cock and onto his soft stomach.
His legs slightly twitch as he comes down from his orgasm before he looks up at you before remembering he is also supposed to make you cum, you don't let him feel bad about cumming first though. Instead opting to praise him for being good while his fingers resume their movements on your swollen clit while his mouth continues playing with your nipples.
"Ch-changbin," you choke out a whine.
A particular hard swipe to your clit has you tumbling over the edge of your orgasm, clenching Changbin's shoulders as you ride through the high. "Perfect," Changbin praises and presses a kiss between your breasts, "and all mine."
"All yours," you reassure, "all yours Changbin."
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sagaduwyrm · 10 months
Infinite Realms World-building
So I have a lot of thoughts over why their aren't that many ghosts in the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms and how other afterlives fit into the situation so here.
The Infinite Realms aren't an afterlife. They're not a place any mortal soul is supposed to reach. They're the lining between afterlives, the wall holding them apart, the cradle holding all those places souls are meant to go. The Infinite Realms aren't anything, just a no man's worthless land.
The Infinite Realms weren't anything.
But. Picture this.
You are dead.You are dead you are dead you are deadyou aredeadyouaredead
It hurt. It was the worst thing you've ever felt, that moment when the bindings between your mortal body and your immortal soul were sundered beyond all recovery. You're disoriented and in pain and crying, weeping wails echoing across the metaphysical expanse.
But then a hand reaches out to you.
Hands, really.
They whisper in your ear. Come home, one says, offering gentle, glittering love. You've earned this, screams another like it’s a battle-cry. A dozen voices like hellfire and damnation offer atonement, if that's what you seek, although the punishment they offer varies. One voice that is not a voice but is the void offers the rest of non-existence, the creak of a wheel suggests reincarnation.
These gods and demons and spirits and entities want you, is the thing. Their grip is like chains around your ankles, dragging you down, and you have to choose, you hAVe To cHooSE, or It Will Be Chosen For You.
And this is what's supposed to happen, isn't it? The next step. Your eternal rest. Getting to pick is a greater mercy than a little mortal deserves, even.
You aren't a little mortal. You refuse to be.
You are the woman who revolutionized school lunches.
You are the greatest hunter in the world.
You are Romeo and Juliet, except they were a tragedy and you are not because you can bet your ass you went out laughing.
You are the world's next rock-star whose voice no one ever got to hear.
You are a man who loves boxes.
You are a clever wish-granter, the greatest magician in the world..
You are a Queen with people to protect.
You are the master of technology.
You are a boy who died too soon, too young, and hell, you should give up, but you never got to see the stars. You never got to see the stars, or what your sister looks like graduating from college, or how your friends look when they change the world. You'll never know if you'll be an uncle, if you'll have your dad's shoulders or your mom's wiry strength, what it feels like to kiss someone, whether or not Dash will ever get that stick his ass and become a decent person again. No one will ever read your paper on the genesis of stars, or fly to Pluto in a rocket ship you designed, or welcome you home after you've fulfilled your life's dream and gone to space.
It's a goddamn tragedy is what it is.
And dying hurt, so bad you're not sure if you'll ever be the same. But. All your chains are broken now. Your soul is free, in a way that it's never quite been before. You are a butterfly, broken free from your cocoon.
And they want to chain you.
They whisper so sweetly, so gently in your ear, even as they tear you apart in a child's game of tug-of-war. You have to choose.
Fuck that.
Fuck that. Dying hurts but it also freed all the potential of your beautiful, brilliant soul, and you aren't going back. Maybe you’re Icarus, flying too close to the sun, but you have wings now, and you won't let them be pinned.
You take the plunge. Through brimstone, through the river with its eternal ferry, through light and dark and a thousand different afterlives that want you like they have any damned right to your soul.
You fly, and you aren't sure if you're running forward or fleeing, but you fly. And it takes forever, a century and a day that lasts less than the beat of a heart, but then you burst free of all those grasping hands and you see green.
The green is infinite and it's empty. But it's free. It's beautiful and bright and you breathe it in, this base stuff of reality, this entropy in motion, and your soul comes to life. You aren't bound anymore, not by the base practicalities of your body, not by the laws and hunger of the gods, not by anything but your own willpower and trust in yourself.
Once the Infinite Realms were empty, once they were nothing. Now there are ghosts singing their exultant freedom. With them they bring ideas and movement and life, and the eddies they stir become whole new beings, spirits that never lived as anything other than what they are. These empty currents now hold whole worlds, ghosts and spirits and monsters.
And one day some strange being comes and tries to take your freedom and he calls himself Pariah Dark. Maybe he was a determined mortal just like you, maybe he was a demon, something sent by the gods to punish you for daring to be more, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of how hard he tries, how many lands his armies invade, how deep he digs his clawed hands in, it doesn't matter. 
No one can conquer Infinity.
And then the Ancients awake. Even in a realm of equals, there are still those who are more. And what is the point of power if you can't protect your fellows?
So they shut him away, this fool who doesn't care for the freedom the Infinite offers, put him in a sleep so deep even his dreams can't disturb others. And when he wakes up there is a boy, small and young, but with more determination in his body than most could dare claim, and the tyrant who steals freedom is sent straight back to sleep.
The Infinite Realms need no King, but this boy is small and clever and kind, and when two people war, he is the first to come and mediate, the first to shove himself between their fury and make them remember themselves. They don't need a King, but the Infinite Realms are so big, with so many people, and they wouldn't mind a Speaker. Someone to connect them all, regardless of how far they lay apart.
And this boy with stars in his eyes and gentle hands grumbles, but he loves the Infinite as much as they love him, and he's almost meant for this, existing between Ancient and New, Living and Dead. They would never chain him, but he was always meant to explore, and who wouldn't want to meet and see and know everything?
The Infinite Realms are green and free and beautiful, and no god can ever change that.
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currently thinking about how ages ago my friend sent me a long-ass explanation about why saltburn is an adaptation of the myth involving theseus, the minotaur, and the labyrinth.
nobody asked but here’s some of the fun proof that exists of this:
first and foremost, icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun. during the party scene, it is evident that felix symbolises this poor ill-fated youth, and the symbolism here is potent. he flew too close to finding out what oliver truly is. he discovered something he shouldn’t have, and dressing him up in icarus cosplay is the perfect showcase for his fate and his mistakes. it’s also brilliant in terms of what icarus actually did to “deserve” death. realistically, he was told not to go too high or too low, but in actuality, such cryptic instructions were difficult to follow mid-flight, and it resulted in catastrophe. felix is trying to navigate the responsibilities of being a good friend with his baggage as someone in a family of rich pricks. it’s hard, and in flying too far away from his background, he “flew too close to the sun” and discovered things he shouldn’t have. as a small nod to further the icarus imagery, felix’s body is discovered under bright and direct sunlight as he lays motionless in his winged costume.
secondly, saltburn is in the center of a labyrinth. the labyrinth lore runs deep in this movie, because not only does the labyrinth function as symbolism, it has lore that runs adjacent to the lore of the actual labyrinth. in theseus and the minotaur, the labyrinth is a construct of greek architect and inventor daedalus, who was conscripted by king minos to create the maze. in saltburn, the labyrinth is constructed upon special request from james catton, the owner of the estate, and a very wealthy man (almost like a modern day king).
the labyrinth (in the original myth) is dangerous to all characters that reside within it. it keeps all in within a chance for escape, and those that get close die tragically. in saltburn, the labyrinth functions as an ode to the ways in which riches and fame poison those that reside in the walls, keeping them locked within its dangerous talons, or in this case, cleanly trimmed hedges. it’s suburbia on a larger and more internal scale. even those that do not have riches themselves, namely farleigh and annabel, do everything they can to remain on the estate and in the good graces of those on the property with immense money. it affects how they act and how they are expected to act. farleigh, as a good example, is very stuck on the particulars of rich people’s behaviour. as mentioned above, those that try to leave the maze die tragically, and icarus is a prime example. felix, in his attempt to be better than the riches of the estate socially allow, flies too close to a possible escape from the confines of the labyrinth and is murdered as a result.
in the story of the labyrinth, it is unsolvable, unless you are clever and quick witted (manipulative), which theseus luckily is. the same is true for oliver. oliver, like theseus, gets into the heads of multiple characters, manipulating his way to the top of the food chain. the scene where oliver views the wooden counterprt of the maze through the head office in the estate, he is told that he shouldn’t be there, and a sense of ominous foreboding takes place. we feel that he has seen something that will change him. however, i believe this is simply symbolism for the fact that oliver has figured out the secret to the maze: a secret that he, an outsider and a poorer, less sociable man should not be aware of, as he is a representation of theseus, a character who has no right being king.
thirdly, oliver is juxtaposed with imagery if the minotaur during the party scene, and though this costume doubles as a reference to the changeling in a midsummer night’s dream, it is still highly important. in the original myth, people are sacrificed to the minotaur on a yearly basis. at first, felix fits the profile for the minotaur: a rich, wealthy man in a labyrinth who is regularly described as going through friends the way a young boy would go through toys. it is also true that the minotaur has often been seen as a controversial figure, one that begs the question “is a monster just a tormented creature fated to behave according to the will of the gods?”. felix’s behaviour, or namely, his attempted deviancy from the behaviour he is expected to show, is a major prt of his character arch. we expect oliver to be the victim of felix’s behaviour exactly because of this. but he isn’t. an easy explanation is that oliver is the minotaur, going through the family members as though they were victims in a maze. however, oliver is NOT the minotaur, as the myth is a lot more complex than the minotaur being the bad guy. despite what we expect, director emily fennel is leaning into the concept that the minotaur’s storyline is that of fate versus free will. the minotaur is cursed by the gods to fall into certain patterns and to be punished for its behaviour, despite it doing exactly what was expected. felix attempts to deviate from what is expected, but ultimately he fits in well with the rich and social, and his death is a punishment at the hands of a sort-of theseus who believes he is more deserving. rather, oliver is also seen to be theseus, who famously invaded the maze, manipulated its dwellers in order to navigate it, killed the minotaur, and then manipulated his way into becoming king as a result. sound familiar? it is because of this that the imagery of oliver as the changeling is particularly important. the horns can be evocative of the minotaur, offering us a red herring, where he is truly disguised as the opposite. it’s a fake out.
fourthly, king minos (owner of the labyrinth) did not die directly at the hands of theseus, he did eventually meet his downfall and was boiled to death in a bath. james catton, head of the estate, dies of a supposed suicide, also not directly by oliver’s hands, but still implicitly connected to the events of the story, much like king minos’ death.
the lore in this film is incredible, and though emily fennel has not said that the film is an adaptation of greek myth, the parallels are deliciously undeniable. saltburn is fascinating, and truly one of the best films of 2023. there is so much stuff jam packed into it, and it’s one of those films that takes a few watches to fully grasp its depth. i love it!
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dropout-fan · 2 years
if you forgot:
I know what’s going on here. I know what’s going on here. Okay? I do. And if you want me to wander backstage to spill the beans... I’m the only one out of the loop, it would seem... and if we check my point total here— I don’t NEED to walk to the front, because I know what it is. It’s a big ol’ GOOSE EGG, GANG. It’s a FAT ZERO. HELLO!! A little LATE ADDITION to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia, a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers. That kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games, unless it had been RIGGED FROM THE BEGINNING! Oh, I’ve only just BEGUN to pull the thread on this sweater, friends. You would THINK in a game where there are only TWO possible correct choices, that one would STUMBLE INTO the right answer every so often, wouldn’t you? In fact, the probability of NEVER guessing right in the full game is a STATISTICAL WONDER, and yet, HERE WE ARE. Introduced at the top of the game as a champion, what do you think that means? Icarus, flying too close to the sun. But it seems Daedalus, our little master crafter over here, had some wax wings of his own, didn’t he? Wanted to see his son fall. Fall from the sky. Oh, how CLOSE TO THE SUN he flew! Well I’m NOT HAVING IT. I solved your labyrinth, puzzle master! The minotaur‘s escaped and you’re gonna get the horns, buddy! I CANNOT WIN!
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wearingaberetinparis · 2 months
Complete - Pinkest Bluestocking of the Ton - A Jily Bridgerton AU
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Ending something you have truly enjoyed creating is always bittersweet. I hope you enjoy and appreciate the final chapter of Pinkest Bridgerton of the Ton. Thank you for all the love and support, it means the world! Read Chapter 21 HERE!
Dearest Reader, the ton are abuzz with the latest gossip, and so it is my honour to impart to you the news that the Duke of Peverell has returned to London at last! A year after setting off on his tour of Europe, Lady Peverell's son has returned and rumour has it that his mother is preparing for the most joyous of occasions: a late summer wedding that sees her son wed the next Duchess of Peverell. It is my sincere hope that you have stored a bottle of wine for this most delightful of upcoming events for if ever there were a more determined mama, this writer is Icarus and this society paper has been scorched for flying too close to the sun. A Jily Regency Romance inspired by Shondaland's Bridgerton.
If you would like to start from Chapter 1 because you did not read any of this yet and you would like to now it is finished... Here is the link to the first chapter of PBOTT.
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maisen13 · 7 months
The devil is real
Sukuna x reader
smut oneshot
i might rewrite the ending.
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«Are you sure you can handle this sweetheart?” Sukuna said looking down at you with an evil grin. You weren’t so sure about how you ended up in this heated situation. Sukuna pinned you to the wall and eyed you like you were his next meal, which you probably were.
It all started when you walked into the hotel and bumped into this guy by accident. That guy ended up being Sukuna, a man most would tremble just to be in his presence. But something about him was so attractive. You couldn’t help it, his facial tattoos and muscular body were enough to start a waterfall between your legs.
He had been so terribly sorry about bumping into a pretty lady such as you, so he had asked you out for a drink. Anybody in their right mind would have said yes, so you obviously agreed to it. The bar you went to wasn’t so very far away from the Hotel, only a 10-minute walk.
He had paid for a few of your drinks and had danced with you on the dance floor. He was surprisingly easy to talk to. After your seventh shoot of the night and an hour of dancing, he had asked if you wanted to go back to the hotel with him. If you had been a little more sober you would probably have told him no, oh god who were you kidding, you would have said yes either way.
The hotel room was not very fancy, it had a decent toilet and a king-size red double bed. You took off your shoes that had made your feet pound on the way here and made your way to the bed. But before you reached the bed, Sukuna grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the open wall. There he clasped your arms above your head and looked down at you.
“Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?” He said with his free hand holding your cheeks. You didn’t have a chance to reply before he smashed his lips on yours. He tasted like alcohol, which wasn’t so weird with the fact that you had just drunk it.
He pushed one of his legs between yours, grinding it into your clothed pussy. The alcohol was getting to your head, and your legs felt like they could give out any second. If it hadn’t been for his strong hold on your writs, you were sure that your legs would have given up on you.
Your tongues fought for dominance, but his won. The hand that had held your face in place moved to grop your left boob. The overwhelming feeling of his leg grinding against you and the hand massaging your boob, was enough to make you moan loudly into the kiss.
He let go of your hands and boob and lifted you by your ass. Your pussy was now on the same level as his dick, without thinking so much as a thought, your body started to grind against him to reveal some friction.
It felt good almost intoxicating. His tongue went far down your throat tasting the inside of your mouth like a starved caveman. Big strong hands massaged your soft ass. This man had barely done anything and yet you felt as if the world was spinning.
He pulled away from your mouth breathing just as hard as you were. “What a good girl you are, let’s see if we can keep it that way” A shiver went down your spine. The wetness in your pants could probably overflow a desert.
He carried you to the blood-red bed, carried you like a feather like the weight of your mortal body was nothing to his almost godly self. Carefully, he laid you down on the velvet soft sheets. But do not mistake him for a gentleman for the piercing gaze in his scarlet red eyes could tell any person with a soul that he was from the deepest part of hell. Even if you knew this or not your body still burned as if you were Icarus flying too close to the flaming sun.
Sukuna stood at the end of the bed staring down at you lustfully and terrifyingly. The hair on your body stood up as if Zeus himself were about to strike you with his lightning bolt. He ripped off his shirt with a price you didn’t even want to imagine. His lean body was full of tattoos, tattoos that no ordinary man would have.
It creaked in the bed as he put his body weight on it, crawling towards you like a hunting lion. Your heart was beating fast just like an antelope trying to outrun the sharp teeth of a hungry lion.
If it weren’t for a few too many shots you had taken without a care in the world, you would have left the intimidating situation. In all the years of your sexual life, you had never felt so trapped. Even though your mind and soul were screaming at you to leave, to get out of there, to run until blood suffocated you through your fatigued lungs. Your body had other wants and needs, it felt as though every particle of your body wanted him.
The body overthrew the mind as he crawled over you. “let’s get this useless dress off your body” His words did not even process through your mind before the cold air surrounding your already overheating body. You were now only in a black silk bra and matching panties. “How cute, too bad we have no use for them”
You would think that a muscular man like him would be warm like the god of the flames had blessed him with his inner blaze. However this was not the case, his cold finger danced along your sensitive skin. Going from your navel to the edge of your bra, he did not stop the icing-cold movements until he reached the clips of your bra. He undid it with only one hand, the other one just as cold had found its way to your clothed but socked hole.
The bra had found its way to the floor, and your panties were halfway down your legs. The embarrassment of being naked colored your cheeks into a rose-red color. You had always felt comfortable in your own body, but something about this man, if he even was a man, felt unnerving. “Your body is as of a goddess, the oil-soft skin, the golden glow of your hair. If I hadn’t heard the fast pace of your weak heart I would have thought you immortal. However, you are just a fragile human girl, who I can so easily shatter like the thin ice on a river in the early morning of November”
The loud gasp from your trembling lips created a devilish smirk on his red lips from the heated kiss just moments before. “You make it sound like you’re not a human yourself” He stared at you, not saying anything. You stared at each other for only a few seconds, seconds that felt like an eternity, until he slowly without breaking eye contact lowered his head between your legs. “I will not deny you neither will I tell you you’re right. If I’m human or not, mortal or immortal I will still pleasure you better than any man known to mankind would or could.” After he said that he broke the intense contact and liked your wetness.
His tongue felt like a gift from the heavens itself. The pleasure was breathtakingly enchanting, was this a creation from a god or a devil? You felt cursed, bewitched, but also divine. It was addicting the way his tongue moved around your folds.
You could already feel an orgasm approaching through your veins. The whole world had stopped and for this few minutes were only for the two of you. Like the world was not allowed to proceed while the two of you became one.
A finger went through your pulsating hole, teasing its way into you, making your eyes wide and your fingers gripping the sheets. He was a man true to his words, he could make you feel more pleasure from just his tongue and one finger than any other man could have.
You looked down at him and made eye contact. This was it you thought, this orgasm would be the end of you. How could an orgasm be more pleasurable than this? It was probably possible to die of too much pleasure.
It hit you like a bus, the pleasure went from your clit and traveled through your veins through your whole body. Many unholy words left your lips as he helped you ride out your very intense orgasm. “I never thought a girl like you could taste good, I have heard through many years of my life that girls like you tasted like unwashed carrots, however, you do not. It’s sweet and arousing. I’m afraid that if any men get the taste of you they would want you as their own. Your taste can make any man greedy with want for something a lot better than themselves”
You weren’t sure what he meant by that, was it a compliment? As you looked at him dazed you couldn’t help but notice the big wet stain in his pants. Had he too orgasmed? “Now my little fallen angel, I want you to sit in my lap and ride me. Hmm? You don’t want that? After I had put in so much work for your pleasure you don’t want to repay me? And here I thought you were just a filthy slut so desperate to be filled with my cock. If you want to be a brat, then go on be a brat. I will make sure you apologize later like the good girl I know you can be”
He stood up and took off his remaining clothes. His dick was blessed in both size and length. With a red tip and precum running down the length. “Get on all fours with your ass towards me” His words were colder and more stern. You did as he said with your ass in the air and head in the pillows.
A hand spanked your ass hard enough to leave a mark of a handprint for you to find later. Only vibrations of a moan were heard in the room from the spank on your ass, the pillow was stopping most of the sounds from coming out. Sukunas hand traced your ass just where he had spanked it. His fingers were still made of ice, even the temperature in the room felt as though it had dropped a lot.
You could feel something lining up to your entrance and slowly making its way inside of you. The pain was burning inside of you, a fire you could not take out. You groan into the pillow in agony. Normally it would not hurt this much, but he was just too big. “Breath sweetheart, my dick isn’t getting any smaller” He was right, it got in fact not smaller, but rather bigger.
“What are you so big for?” Your voice was hoarse from the first orgasm. He did not answer you, however, he started to slowly pull out. Before he slammed back in again, making you gasp. He continued this method a few more times, and to your surprise, it worked. The more he slammed back in the more pleasure you felt.
It did not take long before stuffed moans could be heard in the room as well as skin slapping. He was going at a rather fast pace, grunting here and there.
His cold fingers held you in place, ensuring you weren’t going anywhere. “Only a god could make a being like me feel this good, but here you are doing the impossible. Maybe I should take you for myself and make you mine so that I can use your soft body as much as it pleases me, hmm? You would like that wouldn’t you?” His words went in one of the ears and then out through the other.
Your skin was burning like a forest fire, besides you were not sure if you even could hold your hips up to his level without his grip. Suddenly your legs were moving and you were now lying on your back in the now messy sheets.
It was hard to keep your eyes open, even so, you could still see a few glances of Sukuna. God was he beautiful, he looked like he was sent from heaven. Nevertheless, you knew better than to think of him as an angel when he was a devil disguised as an angel. Do you know what they say about the devil? They say that the devil can be beautiful. A fallen angel, roaming the earth looking for its new victim which now was you.
He grabbed a hold of your neck, forcing you to look up at him. “Keep your eyes on me, darling, I want you to watch me destroy you” You were not sure if he meant destroying your body or your mind. However you did not feel as threatened as you did before, perhaps this was the work of the devil.
His grip on your neck did not loosen up, it was hard to breathe. Dizziness corrupted your mind and your vision started to blacken. Panic formed in the pit of your stomach, and made its way to your brain. You tried to push his hand away from your neck, but he did not move an inch. The last thing you saw before pacing out was his crazy smile.
A cold breeze hit your face waking you from your slumber. At first, you were confused and disorientated. Until you remembered your night with that stranger, well he wasn’t a stranger, Sukuna, a devil in disguise.
thank you so much for reading (: please leave a note if you liked it<3
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