#like super extra nice and friendly for some reason
deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny Pt.6
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
Danny slumped over the table at the library. He’d feel embarrassed about it if it weren’t for the rest of the floor’s occupants. Around him, students were speed running through the five stages of grief like it was going out of style.
“Same.” Danny replied, rolling his head to look at Tim. “I’m feeling like an academic victim instead of an academic weapon right now.”
“I should have stayed dropped out of school,” Tim grumbled.
Danny gasped theatrically. “And deprive the world of your awe-inspiring genius on…” Danny peered at Tim’s books and grinned. “On… the Krebs cycle? Seriously? They’re teaching that again?”
“I know! This is like, the third time.” Tim whined.
“At least you’ll be good at it, right?”
Tim scoffed. “I’m gonna drop out of college and become a stripper.”
“They do make bank,” Danny nodded. “But aren’t you like a millionaire or something?”
Tim brightened. “Oh, you’re right. I don’t need education! I’m filthy rich!”
Danny whacked Tim on the back of the head, laughing quietly.
“Whatever. Let’s go take a break. Snacks?”
“I literally don’t know how you eat so much.”
“Snacks have a separate stomach pouch. Normal food goes one place, junk food and desserts in another.” Danny retorted, quickly packing up his stuff. In reality, he didn’t need that much food. He’s half dead, after all. But food also converts to ectoplasm in his body, and ancients knows Danny needs all the energy he could get.
They made their way out of the campus library, passing stressed out looking students on their way to a taco truck.
“Does this even count as a snack?” Tim asked, amused. He tugged on his book bag, readjusting the vigilante pins on them.
“Is the sky even blue?” Danny snarked back, forking over the cash needed for the best fucking tacos on this side of Gotham. They sat on the benches, asking for an obscene amount of extra lime and cilantro before going to town.
“Holy shit, how many of those can you eat?”
“Dunno,” Danny mumbled though a mouthful or carne asada and pico de gallo. “Hungry.”
Tim snorted, pulling out his phone to scroll as he ate. A moment later, Tim showed Danny his screen.
“Hey, you live near here, right?”
Danny, cheeks bulging with food, peered at Tim’s phone and nodded.
“Oh, cool! Have you seen the green guy around?”
Danny squinted at Tim, tilting his head as he chewed.
“You know, the glowing green guy that’s been blowing up the Gotham Bay tag.”
Oh. Tim was talking about him, Danny!
Danny nodded. He quickly ate his food and wiped his mouth before replying. “Yeah, why?”
“Does he seriously just clean up the bay? Nothing else?”
Mildly offended for some reason, Danny shrugged. “I mean yeah? He doesn’t seem to pop up near any of the shady spots- oh, I saw him save someone from a mugging in front of my apartment once! But like, I think all he does is clean the bay. Which is good, because holy heck, that place is nastyyy.”
“Seriously?” Tim leaned in, looking super interested. “So he’s friendly?”
Danny raised a brow. “Yeah, he seemed pretty nice, I guess. Though, that’s not saying much considering your Rogues tend to be pretty chill when they’re not in the middle of a scheme.”
Tim snorted. “True that. You talked to him? When? Outside of his bay cleanings, right? I’ve noticed that he only talks to the Bats during those.”
Danny stared at Tim. “Tim… are you… stalking the guy?”
What Danny really wanted to say was: “Tim, are you stalking me?”
“I’m not stalking him!” At Danny’s suspicious glare, belied by his sauce stained mouth, Tim sighed. “Okay, maybe I am. But only some minor stalking!”
“But if you have, you think you could introduce us? Maybe he’d want to be friends?”
Was Tim asking Danny to introduce him to… Danny himself?
“Uh. Why do you even want to meet him?”
“Danny, he’s a glowing green guy that does community service for funsies. And he knows the Bats. That’s cool.”
“And here I thought you wouldn’t know cool if it smacked you in the face.” Danny teased. Well, whatever. He might as well do something nice for Tim. “Sure. I’ll text you when he pops up and see if he’s okay with meeting you.”
Tim grinned at him, a piece of cilantro stuck in his teeth. “Thanks!”
Danny made a duplicate of himself and went ghost. Danny and his duplicate looked at each other and sighed.
“We’ve done stupider things.”
“But we’re still not telling Jazz.”
Danny paused. Did he just make a deal with himself? No, he’s busy.
Doppelgänger Danny went invisible and left the apartment by going through a wall. Danny followed in a sedate pace, the normal way.
Outside, he pretended to catch sight of a suddenly visible Phantom. He’d heard the heartbeats outside his apartment ever since he got home all those days ago, and he’s pretty sure the vigilantes were watching his place ever since. Luckily, he made sure there weren’t any bugs or hidden cameras- Sam beat cautiousness into his head a while ago- before starting the plan.
One of those heartbeats sounded like Tim’s which left some… interesting connotations.
Danny sighed. Who was he kidding? Of course he’d be friends with a vigilante.
“Hey, Phantom!” Danny shouted, waving. Phantom floated over.
“Danny. Hi. Did you need something?”
“Oh, not really. My friend wanted to meet you, he’s a huuuuge fan. Think you’ve got time today?” Danny held up his phone.
Phantom hummed. “I can stay for a bit. Thirty minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll call him. His name is Tim, by the way. Thanks for taking the time to meet him!”
“No problem.”
Danny texted Tim, and minutely frowned as he picked up the sound of Tim’s ringtone. Shit, that pretty much confirmed his suspicions. He got a text back from Tim.
[5 nin]
Danny huffed an amused breath. “He’ll be here in five minutes.”
Danny texted back an okay.
Five minutes later, a flushed and disheveled Tim peeled onto the street and right to the curb.
“Here!” He said as he tumbled out of the car.
“Damn, bro. You good?”
“Fine- oh my god, you’re the green guy!” Danny had to hand it to Tim. If he didn’t already figure out he was Red Robin, Danny would’ve believed the act. Holy shit, wait, he called his friend broke. Hah!
“It’s Phantom. Nice to meet you, Tom.”
A quick sliver of sullenness flashed over Tim’s face. “It- it’s Tim.”
“Oh, right. Sorry, human names sound so similar.” Danny leaned back and hid a grin as his doppelgänger messed with his friend.
“Oh, wow, you’re not human? What are you then?”
“Oh my god, Tim, you can’t just ask him what he is!” Danny scolded. These vigilantes were really similar.
“Sorry…” Tim apologized.
“It’s fine. To answer your question, I’m dead. Ghost.”
“Do you really pay taxes?”
Phantom tilted his head. “Yes, of course.” By the, Danny meant that he paid both human taxes and oversaw the Zone’s taxes. “You know that saying, something about never escaping from two things and that’s taxes and death? You can escape death- might come back a little wrong- but taxes are in the afterlife too.”
“Come back a little wrong?” Tim asked, eyes suddenly sharp.
“Come back a little,” Phantom gestured to himself. “Green. More emotive and prone to irritation.”
Tim stared.
“Jason, are you a ghost?” Dick, crouched on the top of Danny’s apartment building whispered.
Red Hood, crouched in the same area, stayed silent.
“How did you die?”
Phantom snarled and disappeared.
Tim whirled around, looking bewildered. Behind him, Danny struggled to stay calm.
“Where’d he go?”
“He probably didn’t want to hurt you.” Danny sighed.
“What? What did I do?”
“You asked him how he died. That’s like, the ultimate social taboo.”
“I didn’t know that!”
“It’s common sense, dude. Trauma like that has to be shared instead of asked about. Generally.” Danny sighed. “Come on, let’s get off the street and I’ll give you a crash course in manners.”
Bruce, upon hearing about the conversation, dove headfirst into researching the after life.
“No, go suck a goat’s genitals, Batsy, I am not helping you adopt a being of the infinite realms!” Constantine hung up on him.
“Hn.” Bruce will adopt the child and give him a home. It’s only a matter of when… and what inter-dimensional loopholes he could find and use in the relevant laws.
Jason was right behind him, because he was going to get answers, dammit.
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dicejpg · 1 year
I've got a sinking feeling - {Five Hargreeves x GN!Reader}
Synopsis: You are very flirty with Five, and he's tricked himself into believing he hates it. He tells you to stop. Then he learns the hard way how much he took you for granted when you meet someone else.
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Note: Five requests would be very appreciated! Thank you to those who sent requests on my last one shot.
(Not Edited)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1.5k
Extra Information: Viisi means Five in Finnish. Five and Y/n were partners in the commission. They look seventeen or eighteen instead of thirteen. This one-shot takes place on the last episode of season one, and the entirety of season two.
The Academy, Five's home, has just collapsed--courtesy of Vanya's new powers--and Five ordered his family to meet at Super Star Lanes bowling alley to come up with a new plan of action.
He grabs your wrist, blinking you with him. You're both in front of the bowling alley in a flash of blue.
Five takes a moment to pace around, not entering the building. The crisp, spring air bites at your earlobes as you hug your sides for warmth
"Hey, Viisi, can we go inside?" You look at him with a grimace and a pleading smile. He whips his head in your direction to glare at you, then strolls inside with a roll of his eyes. You follow in his stead.
The interior is heated, thankfully. Five informs the underpaid worker that his "parents" will be arriving shortly to pay for his bowling shoes. He takes a seat adjacent to Lane 6 and you sit next to him.
"So, how was the farewell with Delores? I know you two were close." You lean back in your seat, getting more comfortable while waiting for Five's siblings to arrive.
He does not look at you. His jaw ticks in annoyance, mistaking your genuine curiosity for mockery.
"Come onnn, I know you're stressed, but this is your sister. I'm sure she's reasonable enough not to end the world." You turn towards him, leaning your elbows on your thighs and admiring his pretty face.
"No, it's not that." He scoffs, looking at you with a sneer.
You notice that his tie is crooked so you reach out to fix it, like you often do. It's sort of your thing.
He smacks your hand away and you raise an eyebrow.
"You okay Viisi?" You rub your hand a little, surprised. Normally, he lets you fix his tie with no problem. Although, he would grumble about it a little.
"God- No. I'm not okay." He puts his hands in his hair, gripping it slightly with an exasperated expression. "And stop calling me that."
"What?" You breathe with a smile of disbelief. "What's going on? Did something happen- Did I do something?" You lean away from him a little to give him more space.
"Stop, just stop it with the touching and the nicknames. I'm sick of it!" He looks at you with cold eyes. This is very unusual of him.
You cock your head to the side, trying to understand. "Five, I thought- I thought that was our thing! Y'know, the friendly banter and-"
"I know you're desperate for some sort of relationship with me, but I'm here to tell you that it's not going to happen. We were only ever co-workers." He says through gritted teeth, avoiding your eyes. "I'm telling you to stop pursuing me." 'Pursuing' him?
Usually you would brush this sort of behavior off, ignore it. Tell yourself that it's only because he's stressed. He's always stressed! Thinking back, he was never all that nice to you. Even in your Commission days.
You'd tricked yourself into thinking that maybe he thought you were special, or that you were at least his friend. His confidant.
You look at him with eyes full of hurt, which Five has never seen from you. He almost feels something bubbling up his throat, but the feeling dissipates quickly. "Have I made myself clear?" He says evenly.
You only nod, turning away so he doesn't see the tears prick at your eyes.
Five's siblings come inside and you two don't speak to each other again.
A year and seven months later (for you, at least.)
1963, Dallas Texas:
Five anxiously pulls at his tie after narrowly escaping three armed Swedish men. He had just watched his siblings, along with you, blow up in yet another nuclear explosion. It's left him oddly shaken up about how he treated you back in 2019.
He's pacing down the alley-way between the Commerse and Knox when he notices a flash atop the roof. A large camera of some sort.
A brown haired man closes his window briskly. That's strange.
Five teleports inside, scaling up a flight of stairs with cat-like agility. When he knocks on a door, the one beside him answers, revealing a mouse-y looking man in his early thirties. He looks at him with big, expectant eyes.
"What do you want." His tone is dripping with suspicion.
"Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was curious if-" Five gets a door to the face. He huffs, blinking inside after him.
The man, Elliot, jumps, yelping in fear and pulling out a butter-knife from his drawer of kitchen utensils. "H-how did you do that?" He hesitates, astonished.
Five looks at him with amusement. "Don't really have time to explain."
Elliot runs a hand through his unkempt brown hair, gripping the butter-knife in a feeble attempt to protect himself. "You from the Pentagon? Huh?"
"Definitely not."
Five eyes up the kitchen, noticing a coffee pot on the other side of the room. "Is that fresh?" He uses his powers again, blinking himself right in front of the coffee pot.
Elliot screams, whipping his head back and forth between the place Five just was and the place he appeared. "What..." He pants, eyes wide.
"Elliot? You okay?" Five hears a faraway voice from another room. A familiar voice. "Who's with you?" It asks.
You appear from around the corner, presumably from Elliot's bedroom, looking almost two years older.
Five furrows his eyebrows and so do you. He breathes out your name is what you almost register as relief. But, you know better then to think that.
"Oh, Five. You're back." You say casually, nodding and crossing your arms. Five sets the coffee down, unwillingly noticing how you didn't call him by his nickname.
"How long have you been here?" He walks towards you, looking at your slightly different features. You changed your hair, he observes. He says nothing about it.
"A year and a half, I believe." You tap your chin in thought. Elliot glances between you two with interest or surprise.
"You two know each-other?" He puts the butter-knife back onto the counter with a small clatter.
You nod, shrugging. "We were co-workers." You send Elliot a reassuring, genuine smile.
Co-workers. Five doesn't like how the word rolled off your tongue.
He licks his lips, looking away. "You live here?" He asks you, although it was a silly question considering its obvious answer.
You nod with tight lipped smile, approaching Elliot. You fix his hair with your fingers and flip the collar of his flannel back down. "Did he scare you? I told you he could be a bit much."
Elliot exhales a shaky laugh at your words and actions as Five begins to feel a hot, frothy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He changes the subject. "Are my siblings here too?"
Elliot answers for you, looking back towards the teen again. "The other six anomalys- The power surges." He begins to look excited at this new discovery. "They're your siblings?"
Five ticks his jaw, ignoring him. "So they're alive..." He begins to pace around. "I think I stranded them here. Now listen to me..."
"Elliot." You tell him his name.
"Whatever, alright? I got ten days to find them and save the world." He points to you and Elliot. "Now, I need your help to do that."
Elliot is just so happy to be involved, his three year long project finally achieving some major development. He scrambles to find a certain newspaper scrap from his desk drawer. "You know what? I, uh..." He fumbles with it, handing it to Five.
"I always thought that this, uh, mugshot looked like arrival number four."
"Diego." Five reads softly, then he twists around to face you. "You're coming with me." He states.
You hiss awkwardly through your teeth, avoiding his eyes. "Ohh, about that... Actually, Elliot and I were about to play Scrabble. It's Scrabble night."
Five narrows his eyes at you, barking your name. "The world is ending and you're just gonna play Scrabble with this homebody?"
Elliot looks at his dusty wooden floors with a look of dejection.
"Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I'm gonna do." You lean against the door-frame with a bored expression. "I thought you wanted me to stop following you around like a lost puppy."
Five feels strange. "You know what? I don't need this." He blinks away to search for Diego.
When Five returns from the strip club, after a failed attempt of recruiting both Luther and Diego, he decides to test something. His fingers reach for his tie, pulling at it and skewing it. Perfectly crooked.
You couldn't resist fixing his tie, he knew this.
So why didn't you? He finds himself uncharacteristically frustrated about your unresponsiveness.
As he demands that Elliot develop his Frankel Footage, his eyes trail to you occasionally, silently tempting you to straighten his tie.
Your eyes flicked to it once. However, you made no move to adjust it.
Five heaves a dramatic sigh, angrily fixes it, and leaves to look for Vanya.
He messed up before, he realizes. He feels like shit.
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clairdelunelove · 3 months
it's the way that having itadori yuuji as your best friend would be disastrous if you ever dated someone else. it's not glaringly obvious the first couple of times your significant other spots you with the blushy haired male; waiting for you outside the shop's fitting room, surprising you with a freshly baked dessert from the local bakery, or ruffling your hair when you announce some positive news. but it's the tiny details that are automatically picked at and asked about first.
'we're just super close, that's all,' you once confessed to them when they confronted you about it.
and sure, the word close was an understatement when (on more than one occasion) your partner caught yuuji's gleaming eyes fixated on your glossy lips. or how, when the three of you are eating out at a restaurant, yuuji intentionally reaches over the table to swipe at the corner of your mouth due to your messy eating. only to bring his thumb back to his lips to lick it off with a light-hearted hum. it certainly doesn't sit too well with the new boyfriend you managed to woo. thus, questions are raised, arguments get heated, and you've given the exact same reasoning every time they interrogate you.
'he's naturally friendly to everyone.'
'he's just a nice guy!'
because who was your new partner to say that you couldn't spend time with yuuji? what would that make them? the villain, obviously. because yuuji's extremely likable. he laughs at cliche jokes, only makes promises he can keep, and goes the extra mile to include everyone in conversation. his character is unmatched. there are many that aim to be a fraction of the man that yuuji is. he even goes out of his way to guide the elderly across the street or helps carry the grocery bags for single mothers. and the notion that all your exes can agree on is that, it's crazy, but yuuji's almost too perfect. equipped with a beaming grin and boyish charm that captivates the hearts of others. not to mention the ripples of raw muscle that he conceals beneath layers of clothes; don't even get your previous boyfriends started on that.
because, for some odd reason, there’s always a scenario that comes up where yuuji has to strip in front of you. he spills water on his hoodie or you’re cold so he gives you his jacket; whatever happens and suddenly your gaze shifts greedily to the expanse of skin that’s unveiled to you. the golden, veiny physique that he rarely flaunts despite how much you unknowingly hint towards appreciating. 
and they just can’t fathom how to compete. this guy is the epitome of the trope ‘the boy next door.’ yet, there are some that set out to outdo yuuji. the ones that refuse to give up due to pride and jealousy. they tell themselves that they won’t lose to some wide-eyed, blushy haired friend. and it’s that hot, boiling pride that later comes back to bite them. 
because like the descent of quicksand, once it starts– it doesn’t stop. as in, yuuji completely outshines them in every way. 
like the time where your boyfriend invited you out to the newest bar that just opened up in town. it’s preppy with their illuminated, colorful ceiling lights and booming music– the perfect place for sprightly young adults to relax and enjoy the evening. and perhaps it would’ve been enjoyable if you were in the right mood to revel in the electric energy. but you weren’t. 
“I’m just not feeling up for it,” you explain while sheepishly biting your lip, “kinda just wanted to stay in tonight. can we do that instead?” 
yet your boyfriend dismisses your suggestion with a wave of his hand and reassures you that you’ll love it. this place had an incredible rating, after all. you’ll enjoy it and it’ll be better if the two of you leave early to get decent parking. plus it was in the busiest part of town so it was bound to be popular. ‘they have a lot of new drinks you can try,’ he spurs, ‘just suck it up this time and we can do something at my place next weekend.’ 
so like the people pleaser you are, you agree. perhaps you’d find it in you to live it up. bask in the thrill of a long night. but you find out rather quickly that you’re on the verge of being blinded by the flashing lights and decor. you can’t move without bumping shoulders with a stranger. you can’t think without your thoughts being rudely interrupted by drunk individuals that hiccup through an apology. you can’t even spot where your boyfriend went in this mess. and you’re just so overstimulated; head ringing with the promise of an oncoming migraine. cupping your hands over your ears, you attempt to block out the deafening music in order to actually formulate some logic on what you should do in this situation. how could he just leave you alone in this crowd? you weren’t expecting to be separated from him, let alone be left in the corner of the room. you didn’t even want to come. all your effort was for nothing. your chest feels heavy and your heart drops at the realization that you wouldn’t even be in this turmoil if he’d just listened to your unease. to put aside his own personal pleasure and attend to yours instead. your fingers are shaking. and in situations like these, where you’re on the verge of breaking down, you pull out your phone and dial the first contact that pops up. 
“comin’ through!” 
you hear his voice before you spot him. a crisp, clear tone that causes you to lift your gaze in desperation. and he’s on the move. wide shoulders pushing through the crowd of scantily dressed bar-goers, he curses beneath his breath and bulldozes his way to you. his soft, pink hair bobs at the rate he’s moving and the revelation that he genuinely came hits you like a freight train. because he’s here— here to rescue you from this overpriced, overcrowded bar. still, he looks out of place. clad in a loose jacket and loungewear, he certainly doesn’t fit the criteria of coming to an expensive bar. in fact, his outfit gives the impression that he haphazardly threw on whatever he could get his hands on before sprinting out the door. and little do you know, that’s exactly what he did. though, his sharp features and built physique don’t go unnoticed. there are a couple teasing remarks that leave the painted lips of women occupying the dance floor. their gaze dips to survey the bar’s newcomer. your ears burn at their advances as you shift on your feet. their words are flirtatious, frisky, and bold– saying the right compliments that’d charm typical men so they could have their way with them. 
yet he treads through, undeterred, his tender gaze never leaving yours as he passes by them. 
“you okay?” 
it’s the first inquiry that leaves yuuji upon making his way to you. always the type to ask about someone else’s well-being before assessing his own. his brows are knitted in a frown as his soft whisper almost causes your composure to crack. and even through the bar’s blaring music you can pick up his voice from anywhere because you search for him in everything. he scours your face, shiny eyes pinballing across your soft features to check in on you. 
“you actually came here for me?” 
the observation leaves your lips in a breath of disbelief. on a weekend, a time where many were called into the promises of a long slumber, your best friend shows up in accordance with your plea for help. like how a superhero rescues the vulnerable civilian in those comic books that yuuji adored reading when he was younger. the tears that welled up in your reddened eyes have dried due to his arrival and your fingers itch to reach out in a need to hold him. 
he blinks owlishly and scratches the back of his head, “‘course I did! you called.” 
and he says it so simply; like his life’s purpose was to fulfill your happiness and beckon to your every word. crossing your arms over your chest, you’re abruptly reminded of the outfit you’re wearing. while he’s clad in clothes that are so inherently yuuji, you’re dressed in an overly extravagant getup that drapes along your curves. it’s different from the typical wardrobe that’s in your closet that he’d recognized. he steps closer to you, his comfort automatically enveloping you in warmth, and instantly starts to unzip his jacket. 
“yuu,” you begin to say while glancing around, “what are you–”
“you look good.” 
you freeze. it’s not the first time yuuji’s given you a compliment before, of course not. he’s an affectionate person by nature. but it’s always been said in passing— the occasional murmur before you walk out of the door or a hushed whisper as he’s leaving. the words are uttered in secrecy. he respects you and is aware that the flattering remarks are too intimate to verbalize when you’re with someone else. 
doesn’t mean what he says is any less true, though. 
“too much? sorry but,” he lightheartedly chuckles as he fiddles with the jacket around your shoulders, “jus’ don't like the idea of everyone seeing you like this.” 
and you’re stumped, burning to the tips of your ears due to his rather endearing words. feels like fuzz is sticking to your tongue because he’s so honest. and you know he is, that’s why you adore spending time with him– you admire him for it. yuuji wouldn’t mention something so significant if it wasn’t true. and the gaze that he’s fixed upon you is like there’s nothing in the world that he finds more beautiful than you. not the sun that hangs in the morning to brighten the day. not the moon that’s barely visible from outside the building’s windows. not even the entirety of the galaxy can compare to the light that you radiate tonight. so perhaps your effort to show up wasn’t entirely in vain.
“let’s go.” 
lifting his hand, he rests it against the back of your neck and starts to part the crowd for you. he’s made up his mind. enough of this stuffy, raucous club. once you called him, he already knew that this wasn’t the type of activity you wished to spend your money and time on. but don’t worry, he’ll make it all better. leave it to him. and there’s a glimmer of determination in his honeyed eyes. his fingers graze the strip of your soft skin, a sort of gentle protectiveness conveyed in his touch. 
and naturally you follow him. how could you not when his grip on you is comforting yet exhilarating? enraptured by his sweet words and warmth, you erupt in goosebumps whenever he’s around. yet he’s completely unaware. instead, he cutely mumbles to himself on where the exit is, glancing at the neon illuminated signs for a clue. he was comfort, security, and need– all in one. 
you let him guide you closer. 
on your way out, however, the two of you end up crossing paths with your boyfriend. busy chatting up a group of distinguished, young partygoers with an amber drink in his hand. his face is flushed bright red, most likely from the alcohol and perspiration from the humidity within the room. yet, there’s a carefree grin on his face as he gossips with a girl that’s hanging by his side. the whole night you were frantically waiting for him and he was here– cozying up with people you’ve never seen. and at first, it’s anger that courses through your veins. until it morphs into confused regret. a part of you thought it was strange to spot him just as you were leaving.
yuuji notices where your dazed stare drifted off to and he carefully treads over to your boyfriend with you following his trail. 
“I’m taking her home,” yuuji says. 
it’s a declaration. a statement. yuuji won’t listen to any half-baked excuse or alibi that your partner might come up with. 
your partner’s eyes widen at your unexpected arrival and he immediately stands up from his chair. his eyes bounce from yuuji to you, disbelief written on his face. can feel the beginnings of embarrassment lashing at him. he knows he’s messed up and gotten caught. so he does what he does best. glancing at the way yuuji’s hand is splayed on the back of your neck and the dark jacket draped on your shoulders, his brow knowingly raises towards you. 
“uh, I’m surprised you’re here,” your partner acknowledges yuuji’s presence with a quick once over, “did she call you?” 
and there’s no remorse in his voice. not an ounce of concern for your well-being despite the way you stand in front of him. he’s just worried about his own wounded pride due to the fact that yuuji’s upstaging him in every way. there isn’t any time to cry a river though because your brain suddenly short-circuits when yuuji’s thumb starts to absentmindedly stroke at the sensitive part of your neck. an act of comfort that causes warmth to spread throughout your body. using his grasp as leverage, he tugs you closer to him until you’re desperately gripping onto the front of his shirt and you let out a yelp of revelation. because from this angle, there’s a sharp glint in yuuji’s eyes that you've never seen before. a huff bordering a chuckle escapes from his lips. 
“are you surprised? really?” yuuji asks rather rhetorically before smoothly shrugging, “I’m not surprised.” 
and yuuji’s hand falls to wrap around the curve of your waist to prove his point. a knowing grin twists on his face when you instinctively curl yourself against him, a blush dusting your cheeks. your partner or rather, ex-partner, clicks his tongue while turning away. the exchange was over. and just like that, it’s obvious that yuuji’s dedication towards you has won again. he’s rescued, comforted, and bandaged up all your troubles tonight. shown you the image of reliability and trust. you’re familiar with the nature of his devotion for you is always growing and never-ending. and you might’ve made a new realization.
you’re in love with your best friend. 
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gcslingss · 3 months
this is my first time sending a request but could you do inspection prompt from the non verbal list? maybe something to do with a stunt driver!reader and colt? like the reader gets hurt doing some kind of driving stunt?
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prompt: [ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got -prompt list
summary: because of reasons like a tight schedule and an asshole director, when your stunt goes slightly askew, colt's the only one who comes to your rescue.
pairing: colt seavers x fem!stuntdriver!reader
warnings/content: fluff, angst, blood mentions, hurt/comfort, kissing, barely any swearing but some is there
word count: 1.73k
notes: thank you to kira for requesting, and thank you to her and shannon @bisexualcoltseavers for beta-reading this!! had a lot of fun writing it, hope you guys enjoy <3
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Being a stunt driver had its pros and cons.
Pros being you got to ride cool-ass cars, trucks, motorcycles, and motorized couches, you had an overall aura of daring and bravery, and you got to make friends with a lot of really nice people.
Cons being you could lose a limb or your life while doing the stunts, and could be pressured into doing things you didn’t want to do, but that was part of the job, and besides, it rarely ever happened.
Today’s schedule for had you involved with the filmBright Days dir. by Charles Levine.
He sounded like quite the gentleman, but dear god, his sexist ideals and extra tight schedules were hard to work with.
You were supposed to do a scene where the lead crashed into the goon’s car because of a slippery road in the middle of the night during her escape mission.
The goon was Colt Seavers, a skilled co-stuntie, and someone you’d had a crush on for over 2 years.
It was super confusing, and so was he, because you could never tell if he was just being friendly or aiming a bit higher. 
“We really need to go now,” Colt said to you, taking your half-eaten spinach corn sandwich from your hand and keeping it on its paper plate, before nudging you. “Levine’s heading for us.”
You made a sound like a deflating balloon, with Colt appropriately responding by encouragingly rubbing your back. You couldn’t help but ease into his touch, something you were certainly embarrassed by, cheeks heating up.
“You’re gonna be great, alright?” he said, and his tone made you blush and smile, which was not an appropriate reaction at all.
“And I promise not to crush you.” 
“Shut up,” you quipped at the grinning man, slapping his shoulder.
When Levine came and stood by the break table, he looked quite unhappy.
“We’re on a schedule, stunties. Get moving.”
You glanced at Colt, giving him a ‘who gave him permission to say stuntie?’ look to which Colt just responded with an exasperated nod, making you sigh.
“Coming,” you muttered, before heading to the set with Colt. He had an arm around your shoulder, a fact you actively tried to ignore.
Five minutes later, you were in the stunt car, strapped down, helmet clipped on, mouthguard on, neck restraints snug, gloved hands tight on the steering wheel.
The helmet was unusually loose, but with the way Levine was rushing the shot, you knew nothing would be done about it. Colt was on the other end of the road, speaking to you through the walkie talkie.
“Good luck,” his voice said, and you smiled to yourself. 
“You too.”
“Alright, no wasting time, c’mon, I want to see action!” Levine yelled into the talkie and to everyone else.
The cameramen and crew moved away, the stunt coordinator got in his buggy, and you double checked everything before taking a deep breath. 
This was going to be great. You were going to be great. You were a stunt driver! You’d done this millions of times.
No, the helmet wasn’t an issue. It was probably fine.
“…And action, action!”
You slammed the accelerator and the car zoomed forward, racing through the road.
Colt’s car was heading towards you, on the other lane — In another 5 seconds, you were supposed to skid and crash into him, successfully taking the brunt. 
You swerved the car, hard, and it turned 180 degrees, when your helmet fell off your head.
What the f-
Instinct took over and you sped backwards, crashing into the other car with a boom, the bonnet almost floating for a split second. The vehicle shook thunderously. Your ears began to ring. 
Glass shattered and all you could do was brace your head with your arms, helplessly watching the helmet roll around the groaning car, eyes tightly shut to protect them from the splintering metal and nails and screws and shards.
You sat there in the same position for what felt like ages, until the walkie talkie came to life with the coordinator's voice.
“Are you both alright?”
You heaved deep breaths, a tad shocked to realize that your face was bleeding into your sleeves. You shakily pulled your sleeves away and were a bit taken aback at all the blood staining it.
Your shaky hand grabbed the walkie talkie and you gasped an” alright” into it. 
After a few moments, you put the helmet on and stepped out of the car— two stuntmen helped you to your unsteady feet, and behind them was…
He rushed past them, tripping on the pebbles, before scooping you up in his arms, almost lifting you off the ground.
“You okay?” he asked. You could only nod, which was already hard with the flimsy helmet, never mind with the cuts on your face. 
“You?” you returned the question.
“I’m good,” he said, grinning through his visor.
The right thing to do now was to tell someone about the accident and see the set’s medic, but last time a stuntie got hurt, Levine got extremely upset about the wasted time and resources and lectured the crew for a solid twenty minutes. Ironic.
So you decided to stay silent instead.
Colt seemed to notice your silence and stumbling steps.
“Are you alright?” he asked again, tone laced with concern this time, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders. He tried to take the helmet off your head but you pushed his hand away, shaking your head.
“I’m fine, I’m just-“
Colt took off your helmet before you could react, but you smacked his head, taking advantage of his shock and quickly sliding it back on.
Colt had a ghastly expression on his face at the momentary sight of your cuts, some deep, some faint, and it made you feel warm that he cared, yet upset, that you had upset him.
“You need to get that taken care of,” he whispered. “Now.”
“Levine wouldn’t like that,” you said, but he ignored you and grabbed you by the arm, taking you to one of the tents, hurriedly sitting you down and taking a first aid kit under the table.
“Take it off,” he instructed seriously, and you almost giggled. Colt caught on and gave you a serious glare that made you shut up, stifling your laughs.
You did as he said, and when his eyes landed on you once more, he seemed to be genuinely shaken. 
“I’m fine,” you said, trying to make him relax, but his expression didn’t falter.
“What happened?”
“The helmet clasp was loose - came off when I did the 180 swerve.”
“Motherfucker,” he grumbled to himself, and you knew he was talking about Levine. You nodded in agreement.
Colt knelt on the sandy floor and took your face in his hands, his hold gentle and cautious. He turned your head to see how bad the injuries were, eyebrows arched and eyes perturbed.
“This might sting a little,” he said softly.
“I’ll manage,” giving him a smile.
Colt let his gaze linger on you for a second, before reaching for the first aid and taking out bandages, tincture— everything he needed to tend to you.
There was a cut on your forehead, under your eye (Colt looked visibly distressed by this), a deeper one on your left cheekbone, a slit on your lower lip, and a few shallow scratches everywhere else.
He soaked a cotton pad in tincture and brought it to your face, first gently dabbing at the cut on your forehead. The stench of alcohol was strong, but to you, it was mellow in comparison to Colt’s cologne.
His deep concern gave you time to observe every bit of his beautiful face in much detail, and it brought you great joy.
He had a pretty nose, you observed, and pretty, pretty, deep, warm blue eyes that looked even prettier when he was worried. That word seemed to be the only one capable of perfectly describing him. 
“Does it hurt?” he asked. 
“No. Not at all.”
You didn’t even feel the stinging of the disinfectant, too busy appreciating him, too giddy with the feeling of his calloused fingers on your skin. You couldn’t tell if he knew.
Your attention drifted lower to his mouth, his lips barely parted in focus, not too far from your own. 
So pretty.
The cotton pad came down, and Colt started to clean your split lip. His fingertips brushed over it as he did, causing goosebumps to rise on your arm.
Whether it was on purpose, you weren’t sure. There were so many things you could never clearly interpret when it came to this man.
“My eyes are up here, hey.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up, gaze connecting to Colt’s. He had the smallest, teasing smile.
“I’m aware of that,” you replied, blushing a little.
“If I kissed you right now, would you taste like disinfectant?”
At that precise moment, it dawned on you that this man knew what he was doing after all, and you only flushed harder, blinking rapidly, heart speeding up.
“Probably,” you managed to say. You could barely speak.
Colt picked up very quickly on how flustered you were, and it seemed to give him so much joy, much to your annoyance. 
He was definitely much less worried, now that you’d been tended to. That was good, but at the cost of your dignity? Not at all.
But then, he whispered, “I wanna find out,” with so many emotions packed in those four words, and you gave in entirely.
“Please do.”
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a second, as if he didn’t expect you to agree, but you pleaded again, and that was all he needed to bring your face close and press his lips to yours.
He kissed you like he hadn’t consumed anything for weeks. He kissed desperately, lovingly, his fingers stroking your skin and scalp, pulling you in closer so he could taste you better.
You were lost in the feeling, and you were willing to get lost in it for the rest of your life. You let your hands rest on his neck, thumbs grazing over his skin. He seemed to love it with the way he sharply inhaled.
You had to pull away to catch your breath, and when you saw Colt’s dreamy, amused gaze, you questioned, “What?”
“You do taste like disinfectant.”
You laughed, sincerely, and he did too.
“Idiot,” you mumbled, giggling. “Of course I do.”
“But it, like— it tastes pretty alright, you know?”
And you started laughing even harder.
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taglist: @hollandstrophyhusband @bisexualcoltseavers @zsuo @flowersomgravee @asyrafey @officer-kd6 @chihuahuamations @superprofesh @dontglimpse
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello, i have a request for phantom troop(you dont have to do them all) finding out that one of the only reasons the reader joined was because they have a younger sibling to look after, and needed the money. This can be platonic or romantic (i leave this in your hands) feel free to ignore me. Have a nice day/night.
Ooh, this is interesting, thank you for the ask! I think I'll just pick and choose the characters, I'll go with Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan for this one! Also the relationship will be romantic for this too ^^
Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan with an s/o that joined the troupe to support their younger sibling
At first she was a little surprised since it wasn't like most of the troupe cared about money. However, I feel like out of the troupe she's the one that will understand you the most because she also tends to be someone that cares for others almost like a mother
She won't judge you at all, and if other members of the troupe have something to say about your situation she won't hesitate to talk back to them. She won't throw insults, but she'll definitely give them a stern reminder that the troupe is meant to be open to anyone and everyone that can make it
If you ever happen to show her your younger sibling, Pakunoda will probably be your sibling's favorite person in no time. She tends to be super caring and chill at the same time, so I doubt kids will hate her haha
Overall she doesn't mind your reason for joining since joining the troupe alone makes you above average in skills and it means you were more or less accepted by Chrollo's standards. If you happen to be looking for a place to stay however, she'll definitely say you should move to Meteor City where she's from
He won't judge you, he's extremely open-minded and has no issue with you wanting to look after your younger sibling. He might have some questions as to why exactly the troupe was your choice though since it's such a dangerous team
I doubt other members of the troupe will talk badly about you in front of him, but in the rare case it happens he doesn't stop them with words but rather gives them a cold stare. It's enough to shut them up before Chrollo talks to them about it in private
If you need a helping hand, I feel like he would be super happy to help! Though they don't look like it, I feel like all members of the troupe have a soft spot for kids. Chrollo's super chill around your sibling too, they might ask when you two are getting married haha
Similar to Pakunoda, he may offer you and your sibling to come back to Meteor City if you two aren't already living there.
He might ask you why you then decided the troupe would be where you wanted to stay when you could've been doing something else like a job in regular society or a hunter, since you clearly have the skills to become one. However, after you give your explanation, he'll be like "yeah I'm actually really happy you're part of the team, means I get to see you more often!"
He's the type to throw fists when other members of the troupe look at you disapprovingly. Most troupe members won't care tbh, but in the case that they say anything he'll have no trouble jumping on them :/
The cool uncle that your younger sibling always wanted! He was probably the one that asked if you wanted him to help you out at home. If you really need any extra help outside of troupe antics, he'll be there!
He doesn't really care about money but at the same time he does understand that you need to help out your sibling. He'll do what he can to support you, but most importantly he won't judge you for your reasons of joining the troupe
She honestly didn't really mind when you revealed your reason for joining the troupe. "As long as you aren't some crazy clown trying to fight Chrollo you're good," she might say, giving you a friendly punch on the shoulder
She isn't really like a mom-friend, but there have been times where she felt like an elder sister to some of the troupe. Because of this, she's actually just as protective of you and of your sibling as well. She's super caring, it's honestly really nice!
Machi won't fight against other troupe members calling you out or looking at you disapprovingly, but she will definitely give them a stare and maybe throw a mean insult in their direction. The only person she won't do that to would be Chrollo, but honestly the leader probably doesn't mind your situation at all
She asked if you wanted to move to Meteor City if you weren't already there right after you said you needed to take care of your younger sibling. I feel like she thinks it's the safest place since she grew up there, but in the end she's open to anything that you want and will be there to help you out
Out of these troupe members he was probably the only one that thought it was a little weird at first. You were scared he would tell you it wasn't right for you to join the troupe, but he was more confused rather than upset at your situation.
However, he hides that he thinks it's admirable you're throwing your life at risk for family. It's sort of like what he saw in Meteor City, and perhaps what the troupe is doing to support the children back where he's from. He has a soft spot for kids, he won't show it though
He probably said he didn't want to help you out when you were with your younger sibling, but when he showed up at your door you knew he was probably lying about hating kids. He turns out to be really chill, sometimes even cute in your eyes. If you tease him about it he might get a little upset though haha
He stands up for you in the case any troupe member thinks what you're doing is wrong. They likely won't, but if it happens he has no issue pulling out a weapon and throwing it in their direction. He cares a lot about you, and now that he knows there's someone you want to protect, he'll do his best to help you out
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siconetribal · 1 month
Beyond the Bookshelves (8)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Friendly banter, overworking
Summary: You’re a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You’ve been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! (If I missed any tags, please let me know, I’ll add you right away!) I’d also greatly appreciate it if rebloggers remember to add the tags (or some at least).
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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“You have it?” Loki raised a brow at this, pulling out his phone to see her full name and some extra information about her that Steve had stored on his phone. The sight of it only made his mood even more sour as he shoved the device back into the pocket it came from after saving it. “Quite a bit of information you have saved on here.”
“Yeah? It’s stuff I picked up on overtime.” The innocent, casual shrug of his shoulders held arrogance in the eyes of the God of Mischief. A smug punctuation of how the star-studded super soldier was able to freely come and go from the library and he was not.
“Oh? ‘Just stuff’ that you picked, huh? ‘Overtime’ you say? What kind of ‘just stuff’ did you save overtime?” Tony leaned in closer, a smug little smirk on his face with a twinkle of interest in his eyes.
“It’s not what you’re thinking, Tony. Y/N and I are just friends. Don’t go spreading unnecessary rumors. It’s nice to just have someone to talk to and not have to worry too much.” The stern tone in his voice earned a groaning sigh and eye roll from the impulsive scientist. “Also, dating in the workplace is unprofessional and would inevitably lead to complications.” 
Romantic involvements are always troublesome. Loki silently agreed, the tension in his shoulders slipping away as Steve made it clear that there was nothing going on between the two of them. The last thing I need is her feeding him misinformation or him spying for her to see what I’m saying or doing. I require access to the library, not an extended sentence. He reasoned with himself.
“Mr. Rules strikes again, don’t you know any other tricks? Or is justice and teacher’s pet your only ones? I don’t even know why I bother talking to you, give me her number. There’s something there, I know there is!” Loki sat up straight at the words that came out of the short Midgardian. His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Share her contact with me.” The prince’s eye twitched at the demand. He could not fathom why all of them wanted her number now that it was clear that none of them actually had it. What good was there in having contact information for someone that would never be contacted.
Especially when his interests were more fickle than the tide, ever-changing from one stupid notion to the next.
“I’ll pass on that,” Steve rolled his eyes at the petulant child look that Tony gave him. Loki silently agreed with this decision. “But you’re more than welcomed to get it from yourself.”
No, he is not! What sort of denial is that?! You may as well have given him the damned number if you’re giving permission to get it! His jaw ached from how tightly it was clenched, his leg rapidly bouncing under the table. Thor noticed the changes in his younger brother’s demeanor, but said nothing. He figured the company of the others was the cause, and as the elder of the two, he thought it best that Loki grew accustomed to the presence of the other Avengers.
“Are you gatekeeping her number? Why not just give it to me?”
“Because, I want you to actually work for something. Plus, this is just you trying to get under my skin, and you’re not actually going to go after her to get her number, Tony, I know you. This is a shiny new toy that you’re going to forget about the moment something else comes along.”
“You do like to play with things and toss ‘em aside when you’re bored.” Clint agreed, sipping his drink as he nudged the empty tray forward. “You’re not actually going to call her anyway.”
“Et tu, Robin Hood?” Tony gasped in horror. “Is that what all of you think of me? That I’m someone so callous to just use a poor innocent maiden like Y/N and just throw her away like yesterday’s newspaper the next day? I am offended. I’ll show you, me and her, we’re going to be like this.” He entwined his index and middle finger of one hand before standing up from the table. “You’ll see, and you’ll all regret it!” He threw his nose into the air and left, the others amused by his dramatics as they continued to not take him seriously. The only person not amused was Loki. They all goaded the chatty Tin-Man into actually getting her number instead of leaving her alone, the exact opposite of what should have been done.
It’s horrible enough that Major Constellations over here frequents the place, and he’s friendly with her, now I’ll have to share my sanctuary with that aluminum can? I refuse to accept this! There has to be some logic I’m missing, unless this is all some ploy to ruin my peace and quiet. No, I can’t be, can it? They’re all trying to ruin what little solace I have here? He eyed the remainder of the group suspiciously. Thor is working with me on that infernal project that started this mess, I doubt he is tied to it. The straight-laced sergeant only comes when he needs to for missions. I don’t think I’ve seen the bird-man there. That leaves just that nuisance of an existence, but his focus is currently on troubling their leader. Perhaps that is all there is to it? If it truly is, then I have nothing to worry about, so long as I get to her first and convince her to not share her contact information. To do that, I need her to first lift this Stygian banishment!
“Well, I thank you for her number, you proved most helpful in this matter of miscommunication. I should start putting my efforts towards composing a proper response, so I take my leave.” Loki stood from the table and left without giving anyone a chance to pry anymore than they already had.
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“Director Y/LN, looks like everything checks out here. The programs are all running and there hasn’t been any repetition of the errors we first faced.” The weary voice of her subordinate pulled Y/N’s attention from her laptop screen.
“About time,” Y/N pushed a chipper tone into her voice to mask the true exhaustion that had taken lodging inside her. Lacing her fingers together, she turned her palms outwards and stretched as she sighed. “I swear, technology isn’t as amazing as it’s cracked up to be…especially when it flops like this first thing.” She grumbled as she logged the successful trial and cleared this site as operational.
“When it acts up, I can’t agree more. When it’s working, I have no complaints.” Her subordinate’s soft chuckle could not mask the fatigue. “C’mon, it’s late, but we still have time to grab dinner. The rest of us are heading out to celebrate that we’re finally online!” The eager twinkle in those brown eyes made the offer more tempting, but Y/N had to decline. 
“You gotta join us, Chief!” Another chimed in, hearing her answer.
“Pretty please?” Came another plea.
“I really wish I could, but I’ve got a red-eye to catch. I need to finalize and submit the report before I’m off.” Y/N closed her laptop and pointed to the large clock on the wall.
“Damn, they’re really not giving you any wiggle room, huh?”
“That’s not fair at all! Other directors don’t go running around like they’re making you. This is abuse!”
“Let’s not get too hasty, I choose to handle certain things personally to make sure it’s done properly. It reduces the chances of unnecessary back-and-forth. Next time we can celebrate, I promise. Thanks for all your hard work, everyone. Let’s keep it up and get this project completed as soon as possible.” With a chorus of confirmations and cheers. Y/N packed her things and gave one last wave before leaving back to her hotel. 
She dropped back onto the awaiting mattress, heaving a heavy sigh as she finally let the fatigue show itself. For the last five weeks, Y/N flew between all the S.H.I.E.L.D. locations that had a library department to manage the setup and checks of the new system that was provided per location as promised. She had been formally trained on the software, but sat through the boring session with the staff each and every time it was given. There was no doubt in her mind that if she were to die now, her last words would probably be incoherent ramblings from the lecture. The only good news in all this was that she was finally done. This flight would bring her one step closer to her much-needed comfy bed in her small, cozy apartment.
Forcing herself up, she pulled out her laptop to edit her report one last time before sending it off and logging out for the remainder of the evening. She changed to something comfortable and made sure everything was packed away and ready to go before ordering room service.
At least they don’t cheap out on where I stay and pick up the tab entirely. She leaned back into the padded headboard that was attached to the wall. “Did I check in to my flight? Crap, I don’t think I did.” She muttered, feelings round the covers until she found her phone hidden away under a pillow. A good hour and a half was burned away through all her editing and rechecking the report. Her stomach growled in protest. Gently patting the disgruntled creature, she quickly checked in through the app and sighed with relief at the boarding pass notification on her status bar. It was then that she noticed the message notification that was sitting there unread, still. 
The corners of her lips tugged downwards into a frown. Y/N could have sworn that she read all of her messages. Opening the texting application, she noticed the unknown number had sent about 3 messages to her, the latest being from a couple of days ago. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the glowing screen, trying to recall anything. When nothing came to her, she gave in and opened the chat. Her jaw dropped as it all cam rushing back to her.
Oh shit, I’m in trouble now! She lightly and rapidly hit the heel of her left hand into her forehead several times. Way to go, Y/N, you completely ignored someone for almost three weeks now! “What do I do, what do I do?! Obviously, I need to reply, but how?!” She bit her lower lip, typing, reading, erasing, and retyping too many times to count before giving up at the knock at her door. Paying the server a tip, she sat at the table and began to eat. Clearly she needed food to get her brain in some semblance of working order as she reread the messages.
<Librarian, this is Loki, the second prince of Asgard. It has come to my attention that you have been working under a misunderstanding. Remove the banishment order.> It was the first text that came roughly three weeks ago.
<Librarian, this is not amusing. You placed a banishment order with no means for me to rectifying your misunderstanding by leaving the facility. Remove it at once.> This second text came four days after the first.
<Why do you not answer me, woman? I have repeatedly asked you to remove your misguided decision, and it has yet to be fixed.>  This text, which made her snort, came almost two weeks ago. <I know you have read my texts.> 
None of this is asking me anything, you’re demanding. She rolled her eyes.
<Perhaps my prior texts were not properly worded. As per the insistent pestering of my brother and the others, I am messaging you again. I did not intentionally ignore you the day you banished me from the library. I had just come from a lengthy training session and review/strategy meeting afterwards. The only thing I had done between then and arriving at the library was to refresh myself in my quarters to be more presentable in public. The ‘promise’ I made slipped my mind completely, but I had no control over that matter due to how long it took. You make ask your precious admiral if you wish to confirm my story, or you can request the data of that session to prove the time. With all that being said, I understand why you would be upset. I would greatly appreciate it if you would remove the order given to the system so that I may read peacefully in the library once more.> She was surprised to see such a lengthy text coming after all the short, demanding ones that came before it. What surprised her even more was the last text sent earlier today when she was fighting with the program errors. <Are you alright? You have not read my last text.><Sorry for replying so late, I was tied up with my work. Also, I accept your ‘apology’. By ‘admiral’, do you mean CAPTAIN America, Steve?> It took her a minute to realize who he was referring to, and she nearly fell out of her seat laughing at the mistake no one has ever made. At least not to her. <Why would I go ask him or check the records? I doubt you’re lying about a long session, I trust you. Sadly, you’ll have to wait until I’m back on site to cancel the order. I can only do those type of changes while on S.H.I.E.L.D. grounds and on their network. Good news is I’ll be back Monday, so just two more days!> She confidently sent her reply and finished the rest of her meal. Glancing at the clock, she sighed and called for the driver to come as she made her way to the lobby and checked out. Soon you’ll be home, Y/N, soon.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @jainaeatsstars @msdjsg7 @tom-hlover @kneelingformyloki @gruftiela @gigglingtiggerv2 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @evalynanne
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
So between these two posts taking me out at the knees for different reasons, I now have Corset Thoughts:
Dream is corsetiere and he vends at his local Renaissance Faire. His corsets are all handmade, high quality and absolutely beautiful. He's very popular and his stall is always full of customers, especially because he accommodates so many different body types.
Hob is at the Renaissance Faire with his girlfriend, and it is her goal to get one of Dream's corsets. She's saved up her money, brought her measurements, etc. Hob decides to indulge her and try on one of the men's corsets Dream has available, and he has a million realizations at once about his body and how good it can look in a well fitting corset.
Ultimately, Hob doesn't buy his own corset even though his girlfriend agrees he looks amazing and absolutely deserves to have a nice quality corset of his own. But Hob is saving up money to propose, and he just doesn't have the extra cash to spend it on an impulse. His girlfriend leaves happily with her purchase though and swears they'll be back next year to get her a second one AND Hob's first corset.
One year later, Hob is back but he's alone this time. Turns out they wanted different things in life so they broke up and it's fine. They're still friendly. But Hob hasn't stopped thinking about that corset. Or the gorgeous coset maker at the Faire. And now that he no longer has a girlfriend to buy an engagement ring for, he now has a lot of extra cash to buy himself a corset... or three.
Hi this is so good!!!! I’m super obsessed with corsets in general and I am constantly in awe of corsetieres, their craftsmanship, and their dedication to making things that are size inclusive. The fact that we’re all acknowledging now that men in corsets are fucking incredible is a very good thing indeed.
I’m just imagining Dream’s face lighting up because he remembers Hob from the previous year and was hoping he’d come back. If he’s honest with himself he’s VERY attracted to Hob but he disguises his interest by asking if he can take a few pictures while Hob tries on the various available styles. He’s trying to get as many pictures as possible for his website so he can show that corsets are perfect for everyone! And Hob looks so good, he clearly belongs front and centre in Dream’s new marketing strategy…
So Hob hands over his measurements, and Dream brings out a selection of different designs for him to try. Most are the traditional laced up variety, but he’s also been experimenting with Velcro as some people can’t manage the laces so easy. Hob gushes on about how talented and thoughtful Dream is, and he seems to be completely in his element as he tries each one on and poses for photos. Dream blushes and stammers and asks if Hob’s girlfriend liked her corset? Which leads to Hob explaining about the breakup.
Dream feels a huge sense of relief, and doesn’t feel quite so terrible about the fact that he can’t keep his eyes off Hob’s fantastic tits. The way the corset compresses the fabric of his shirt and makes absolutely sure that his chest hair is visible is driving Dream wild. His hands are shaking so much, he’s not even sure if the pictures he’s taking will be in focus.
Hob finally decides which corsets he’ll be taking home, and he can’t resist kissing the back of Dream’s hand in thanks. And when he cautiously asks if Dream would care to meet him at the mead tent when he’s due for a break, Dream nearly abandons his stall altogether just at the mere offer. Luckily, one of the other vendors offers to watch his stall for a bit, so Hob is able to spirit Dream away just for a little while. Yes, they do spend the whole time making out in a quiet corner, and yes, Dream does finally cop a feel of the Hoboobies.
Hob is about to have sooooo many pretty outfits designed just for him, the lucky bastard. In all fairness, he was absolutely made to wear corsets. Dream definitely isn’t letting him go!
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splendidnothings · 2 years
Is it in your opinion that Peter would be able to manage suddenly coming into tens of millions of dollars?
We've actually seen exactly what happens when he comes into tens of millions of dollars (and his own company) post-Superior Spider-Man. And let’s just say it did not end well--
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("Now, let's tear it down!" Amazing Spider-Man #31 (2015))
Truly, the man did not last more than a couple months, in-universe, before force-ejecting from the entire enterprise, super-villain plot notwithstanding. Even without Otto forcing his hand Peter was routinely giving his money away or using exorbitant amounts for the benefit of his family and friends. His philanthropic work with the Uncle Ben Foundation. Helping out May, Flash, and Carlie. Generally, giving his money away at any opportunity. He bought the Baxter Building for Johnny!
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("Everyone was trying to buy this place...and I outbid 'em all..." Amazing Spider-Man #3 (2015))
Peter during Parker Industries didn’t “manage” this money at all. He spent and spent and the only reason he didn’t eventually run out was because his corporation imploded first.
So, I think the easiest answer is if he suddenly came into a lot of money, like for example, if he won the lottery, he would not so much manage the money but just use it until it ran dry and then find a gig to pay next month’s rent. 
Now, Parker Industries is a pretty on the nose example so if we disregard that run I still think it's clear that Peter would manage a million dollars just as well as he would ten dollars and that is to say quickly and/or probably for the benefit of someone else. Peter genuinely just does not care about having money just to acquire wealth. 
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(“I don’t value it.” Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10 (2019) I personally think this is a clunky panel because it’s telling us instead of actually showing us he doesn’t value money but alas it suits my purposes for this post.)
This is obviously not to say he doesn't know the value of money or that he is oblivious to the fact that he needs money for rent or that having money makes life easier. Most of his struggles come from a lack of money. But he doesn’t view money in the long term, he’s not thinking of it as a potential investment but merely a tool to solve immediate problems. Even when he comes into a bit of surprise money he needs it all just to cover bills (Thanks Robbie!)--
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(“I have [a savings plan]?! You mean when Robbie made me sign all those forms last year?... That’s just enough for my back rent and a pizza!” Spectacular Spider-Man #126) 
Peter and his relationship with money is established early as core to his character and in connection with his economic status. When you are poor any money you earn is for immediate necessities, not something to be saved and managed. 
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("Without Uncle Ben, we've no money to pay our bills." Amazing Spider-Man #1) 
He just needs to make enough to pay rent, for May's medical bills, for food. Maybe he wants to get something nice for May or Betty, Gwen, or MJ. Later on, his money worries are in relation to being able to support a wife (this occurs with both Gwen and MJ). But it's all short-term and a means to an end. Past the immediate obstacle where the money is needed, he doesn't care about money at all.
His very first superhero team-up was less of a team-up and more of Peter thinking he could make money by joining the Fantastic Four!
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("There's the way I can make some money--by joining the Fantastic Four!" Amazing Spider-Man #1) 
I’ve been using multiple panels from Amazing Spider-Man #1 so far because I think it’s important in showing how ingrained Peter’s overall views on money are to the character. This is his second appearance ever (after Amazing Fantasy #15) and not only is his socio-economic class crystal clear but so is how he handles and thinks about money. 
Canonically, almost every time Peter does come into a little extra money he gives it away. This is also a pretty consistent trait of his. He's just not one to keep extra cash around unless he's specifically saving for something. Why would he hoard money when he can help someone he loves or give it to a New Yorker who needs it more than him at that moment. 
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(...other people need it more than me, right?) 
Further, he doesn’t view Spider-Man as something that holds monetary value. 
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(Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1(2019))
And he knows how important money is for the average person-- 
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(“If that money isn’t recovered, what happens to relief payments this month?”)
And--let’s be clear here--Peter could very easily make all the money he wants. He could easily make loads of money. Whether it be because he is a certified genius. Or because he has superpowers and could employ them in a variety of different ways to get money...and he knows this.
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("If money's a problem, then I'll just get money." Amazing Spider-Man #542)
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(“I can go anywhere! No one, nothing can stop me! Any amount of money could be mine...” Amazing Spider-Man #1 (ASM #1 really doing the most work in hammering home so many core character traits huh!)) 
But, Peter is just not a character who aspires to be wealthy. He wants to be comfortable. He wants an apartment with a tiny skylight so he can easily sneak out and be Spider-Man. He wants enough money to take care of the people he loves. But that's it.
In fact, the jobs that have made him money usually become a problem because they get in the way of him being Spider-Man. He values being Spider-Man over making a name for himself, finishing grad school, making big science lab money, etc., etc. or he wouldn’t be dropping these pathways to a better economic status. He's had many well-paying science jobs throughout canon and he doesn't keep them because he eventually stops showing up. He's a flake who at the end of the day doesn't value that work or that money more than being Spider-Man and helping people Grad school meant so little to him at one point that he full-on dropped out, in part, because he thought he needed to make money to pay for Felicia's medical bills--
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(“I might not have quit school to devote more time to making a living...OH WELL...”)
Pulling back a bit we also have to look at Peter and his purpose as a fictional character that requires thought and consistent theme-work. A Peter who acquires wealth. Who hoards such a valuable resource is kind of antithetical to his whole deal. Arguably, his most well-known villain is Norman Osborn the literal embodiment of what an evil man with lots of money and no responsibility can do. So, it really doesn’t make for a character like Peter so rooted in the lower class, so known for helping the ones who truly need him for him in his civilian life to be a well-off guy. Spider-Man is THE street-level hero dealing with street-level crime. At his best he is stopping muggings, beating up unfair landlords, or wealthy people taking advantage of the unfortunate. He's a man of the people and doesn't like when people misuse power and what gives people power more than money?
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("...I had the most money!" "Oh, give it a rest." Spectacular Spider-Man #145) 
Wrapping this up, I also think a big reason Peter never feels so beholden to money is because he knows how self-sufficient he is. He invents his own webbing, web-shooters, is shown to be extremely handy, and is a genius. Why should he care about money beyond his basic needs? He can figure things out as the situation calls for it even if all he has is $23.50 in his bank account :p 
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possamble · 6 months
whats your take on marcille and pattadols post canon friendship? they seem to hang out occasionally in a couple of post canon shorts and i was wondering if your beautiful mind has anything more to add? youre amazing 💖
☺️ aha thank you so much!!! Pattadol and Marcille are sooo interesting to me because like. I think Pattadol is who Marcille would have become if her parents had both been long-lived, and she never had a reason to question elven authority. The hardworking attitude, insistence on sticking to a very rigid set of principles, a little bit of vanity in wanting to be recognized for her efforts... the slightly ridiculous uptightness and neurotic attitude at times, though at heart they're both kind people who want the best for everyone in their own ways.
In the post-canon, I'm assuming that Pattadol has her own ambassador's quarters in either the castle or the inner city, and the two of them grab tea at the castle drawing room/garden/whatever. I think they talk shop, soundboard ideas off each other, and gossip/complain a little about incompetent colleagues/problems... I think they're each others' dream work friends, honestly. Polite, competent, friendly but never getting overly personal, fun and pleasant to talk to. The fact that Pattadol's 82 and a fairly young woman by elven standards also plays into it, I think -- Marcille hasn't had another elf friend along the same maturity range and professional level of experience, so this is probably nice for her!
What I would like to see is them eventually developing a closer relationship. I think a lot about the way Pattadol reassured Marcille that, because of her accomplishments, she'd have a pretty comfortable sentence as a Canary. About the way, while there was tension because of what was happening at the time, they were both immediately very polite to each other upon meeting and kind of?? got along/clicked immediately in some ways?? It feels like they have the same kind of standards for themselves and others (as well as general inexperience and slight insecurity about their own competency, which probably makes them feel at more or less an equal level with each other).
And I think that'd be good for both of them -- having someone else that they admire, who also admires them in return and recognizes their talents and hard work. There's a very unique kind of rapport you build with someone that you hold as an intellectual peer and can trust to give you feedback that's actually reliable and up to par. While they might both be too professional to really become super close friends who can always be open with each other, there's a very real and deep kind of companionship that forms from this kind of trust, and I hope that's the direction they're heading in.
It's also extra delicious if you add in the tension of Pattadol inherently being a foreign agent from a country that isn't necessarily friendly, but they end up with that strange trust anyway... not to mention the thought that she might find herself actually admiring how Melini is growing and trying to defend it when reporting back to the queen.
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turbulentscrawl · 10 months
I just read the luca with a modern reader and it was so nice! Could we get a modern reader with Andrew?
heck yeah you can!
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-Andrew is a tougher cookie to crack on this one because he acts like he super does not give a fuck. But, er, he acts like he doesn’t give a fuck about a lot of things. That’s kind of his go-to for new arrivals. He’ll do a bit of mocking maybe, but otherwise he just observes them, scowling, trying to judge their character from a distance.
-Your saving grace is how the other people in the manor will react to your arrival. Because, while there are some good eggs like Luca, there’s obviously going to be some extra distrust and apprehension around someone from a whole different era. You have very different educations, mindsets, opinions…things like that would get people labeled as a heretic or witch in most of these peoples’ times. If Andrew sees you being treated like you’ve already done something wrong just by existing, it endears him to you just a tiny bit. Just enough to give you an opening.
-Maybe someone says something to you at dinner—we all know Andrew’s sensitive to the word “monster”—or heaven forbid even breaks something that got brought along from home. Well, obviously you’d be upset. And Andrew can’t resist taking offense on your behalf. He’s not likely to do anything for you in the moment, but he makes a mental note. And the next time you see Andrew alone, even just passing each other in the hall, he’s…nice? Nice for Andrew’s standards, anyway.
-And after that he seems to curb with attitude with you more. It’s still a bit of a stretch to call him friendly, but it’s clear he’s making some effort towards correcting that. He stands by you more, sits near you at meals, close enough that he can hear you whenever you talk even if you’re quiet. He doesn’t say much himself, but the eye contact has to count for something! He’s listening, even if no one else is.
-After a bit, he takes some interest in your phone. It’s a really big leap in technology for him, so don’t expect much in the way of understanding from him. Teaching Andrew cellphone terminology is ten times worse than teaching your grandma how to send an email. But, uh, he thinks your magic rectangle is…nifty? Definitely not monster-ish at all.
-If you have media saved to your phone, 85% of the time he’s not a fan. He doesn’t understand modern humor at all, thinks animated shows look weird, and so much of our culture in general is overstimulating to him. Some of the music is alright, though. The calming stuff. Low-Fay? Is that it?? He thinks texting seems very handy, too, and would nose through old conversations with your friends and family if you gave him half a chance. Yes, it’s kind of an invasion of privacy, but it helps him feel a little more connected to you, to the life you had. If you ever express sadness at not being able to text anymore, he’ll take a page from Victor (baddumtss) and start slipping you written notes more often. That’s a little like texting, isn’t it? Wick is pretty fast on the delivery, too.
-He likes to use the flashlight on your phone and call Kreacher “obsolete” because fuck that guy.
-If you, for some reason, have light-up shoes…he’s lowkey enamored. Andrew is so used to getting around at night, digging those stupid tunnels despite being claustrophobic, and it’s such a hassle to have to carry a lantern and try to dig at the same time! …but your shoes have lights on them? Ingenious. Just, uh, maybe Luca can make them a little brighter?
-Yoga pants and skin-tight muscle shirts are the bane of his existence. It leaves nothing to the imagination. Are you doing this to him on purpose? Teasing him?? What do you mean that’s normal casual wear??? Put on a cloak!
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rileys-battlecats · 4 months
I really like your work! I discovered it a while ago but recently found it again and explored your tumblr finally. I'm not sure if me deciding to spend a couple hours going through your entire posting history over curiosity about Mica clan is a compliment to you or says something about me but I did it.
It was really neat seeing your Shut Eye video. Also, just to satisfy my own curiosity: it looks like of the thirteen you have Heroncall, Oriolewing, Addereye, Larksong/star, Foxjaw, Owlpounce, Buckfoot, Snaptail and her two kits, another queen and her kit, and a random cat. Are you willing to share any information about the other queen and the random cat. But it was nice to see a bit about where the clan came from, and if your ever decide to make a video about the clan's founding know I will eagerly await it.
Also, thanks so much for the family tree. Part of the reason I went through your entire tumblr was because I was curious about the details behind the clan so it's nice to have that, if a tad too late for me to save a couple hours. Also, is Heroncall mates with Buckfoot? And it looks like Robinsong may have mated with the kit in the Shut Eye video that belongs to the other queen, am I right? Also, it's really neat to sea Owlpounce and Foxjaw being siblings. It makes sense with how fluffy they are, and Embertooth is too. Also, it's really funny comparing Owlpounce and Foxjaw with their social skills and steady personality to Embertooth, who is somewhat prickly. I can also see Puddlepaw being related to the three, maybe as a cousin to Embertooth? They're very fluffy and I can see their personality as less social but just as steady as Owlpounce and Foxjaw. Is Orchidstar related to Owlpounce? When I saw her she reminded me of Owlpounce and she's also fairly fluffy.
Side not: With how depleted the clan first was after the disaster, and with how they picked up Birchspeckle just for her abilities, was there a time where the clan was friendly to outsiders just afterwards? Before the illness and attacks I can see them almost needing the extra cats. It would make it horribly ironic how they isolate Mudpaw for all that several of them would also be only half-clan, and explain all the question marks you have in the family tree. They're cats that were encountered and helped create kittens but weren't necessarily interested in joining.
Sorry for the length of this by the way.
ok first of all I love super long asks so no need to apologize HAHA
The unnamed background cats haven't really been thought through at this point, but the random cat (not the queen or kit) is Addereye's apprentice at the time of the disaster! Not sure what happens to him, but it can be assumed he lives with the clan and probably dies before the events of Mudpaw's story.
Good eye spotting Buckfoot on the family tree! I had the idea in the back of my mind of them being one of Mudpaw's ancestors ever since I designed them. I've said before on here but Micaclan doesn't really endorse the whole "healers can't have families" rule, and they especially didn't care for it after the disaster, when their numbers were so low. Plus, I like the idea of Mudpaw reminding Owlpounce of her old mentor :') I also like the idea of Puddlepaw and Orchidstar being related to Owl, Fox, and Ember! having all the fluffy cats related to each other is so funny to me ^^
Directly after the disaster, I imagine the clan sort of relied upon the help of strangers in order to survive. Maybe they even took some into the clan at first, like Birchspeckle. But I think the thing that really started their sort of isolationist-tendencies was the slow loss of their culture. I think it's entirely probable that, in taking outsiders into their group, they began losing some of the traditions and beliefs that made them Micaclan. If the outsiders they allowed to join didn't care for the idea of Starclan, or for the idea of caring for the weakest among them before themselves, or for following the warrior code... would they even be Micaclan anymore? After losing their home, their families, their ancestral territory, their very connection to Starclan... would they, the last survivors of Micaclan, maybe even the last survivors of any clan, be the ones to allow their traditions and way of life to be lost forever?
It's this fear, I think, that caused Micaclan to veer so sharply into isolation. Larkstar has many flaws, and even if it stemmed from a desire to see her and her clan's way of life preserved, she still encouraged an unhealthy distrust of outsiders in the clan. By doing what she thought best at the time, doing what she thought would keep them and their way of life safe, she ended up creating a culture of isolationism, and this very isolationism harms the clan and its members. Birchspeckle was made to feel unwanted by the clan that raised her, Possum was fully disowned for wanting to leave the clan and explore, and Mudpaw was treated badly because of the clan's subconscious dislike for anyone they consider to be other. The changes the clan underwent did preserve most of their culture, it's true, but it also meant that they lost one of the core ideals that Micaclan was built on; Micaclan was formed by non-clan cats who decided they wanted to come together and embody a code of ethics that they found admirable. Micaclan was never formed on the basis of blood!
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poliel · 4 months
Bugsnax Drabbles: Filbo/Buddy & Beffica - Trust Me
Summary: Hey, could you write Filbo asking buddy out (or the other way around)
How was one meant to ask their housemate out on a date? Normally living together was a step taken sometime after a romantic relationship became serious. What was one meant to do when they’d moved in with a friend before later realizing there were more than solely friendly feelings there? If they didn’t live together, the fear of making things awkward would’ve been less intense… probably anyway. But as it was, if their friendship grew awkward as a result of Buddy’s confession so would their living situation.
Buddy could just let it go and was tempted to. Romance was nice but not strictly needed. They were happy to just be friends. But… what if Filbo reciprocated? Then Buddy would just be sitting on their feelings for no reason the way Snorpy had been. Which would be lame and so…Buddy eventually found themself talking to Beffica about it over text.
‘Don’t be weird about it and just tell him you like him.’ she sent in reply to their long thought out paragraph explaining their problem.
‘Duh.’ That’s the exact thing they were trying to avoid. ‘How do I not make it weird?’
‘Say you like him romantically and/or ask him out on a date. Make extra super sure he knows it a date though. Don’t wanna pull another Snorpy.’
‘If he doesn’t feel the same, it’ll awkward living with him after.’
This time her reply took a while before coming in. ‘Maybe, idk. I think he likes you though. So don’t worry about it.’
‘Why do you think he likes me?’
‘What does that mean?’
‘Just talk to him, tell him how you feel. Trust me.’
Buddy would trust her with their life so it should be easy to trust her here too but… what if she was wrong? She was smart sure and good at figuring out people’s secrets. But she could easily be misreading whatever it was that had made her think Filbo might reciprocate Buddy’s feelings. Or maybe she was just trying to mess with them by pretending she knew something when she didn’t. Perhaps a method to get them to just confess as that was likely the smartest thing to do. And so they probably should just confess, huh?
At the same time, elsewhere in the house
Filbo’s hope that his crush on Buddy would fade grew more and more fragile every day they lived together. It was supposed to have been just a stress thing from Snaxtooth but they lived together now and Filbo was basically in love.
Maybe ‘love’ was a bit of a strong word. But the evenings spent hanging out casually with Buddy, sometimes doing something together, other times just existing in the same space doing their own things, were warm and comfy in a way Filbo had never experience before. It was different than hanging out with the rest of the group. Not necessarily more special or fun just different in a way that he couldn’t explain to save his life. He wanted to do it more and he wanted to touch Buddy, cuddle, maybe even kiss or maybe, in his dreams, a bit more than just kissing.
They were housemates though. Meaning if Flibo confessed any of these thoughts of feelings and Buddy didn’t return them, their friendship and living situation would be awkward. The absolute last thing Filbo wanted. But he wanted more so bad.
Normally his go to person for advice was Buddy, who obviously couldn’t be consulted on this, leaving him bereft of ideas. He couldn’t just continue to ignore it though… could he? Ultimately he ended up pulling out his personal phone and scrolling through his contacts. … Beffica naturally was at the top of the list. They got along much better these days – even if she still wasn’t Filbo’s favorite of the friend group – and she was good with people, right? She wrote about them all the time. Thus she’d at least have some idea what he should do, right?
‘i think im in love with buddy what do i do?’ he sent.
The reply took long enough to make him almost regret this decision. ‘OMG! Really?’
‘yes please help your good with people right?’
‘Have you tried talking?’
‘no should i?’
‘Yeah, dumdum. Don’t be like Snorpy and Chandlo. Or do be like them. It would be funny if it happened twice in the same friend group.’
‘what if they don’t like me back though?’
‘Don’t worry about that. Talk to them.’
‘how can i not worry?’ Worrying was like Filbo’s thing.
‘Trust me. Just talk to them.’
Well the other option was to continue to ignore it, right? So maybe Filbo should take the risk. Especially since he did indeed not want to potentially end up like Snorpy and Chandlo, dancing around feelings and not quite dating for who even knows how long. ‘ok i guess thanks’
‘No prob. Let me know how it goes. :)’
[A/N] The idea here is that Beffica is texting with both of them at the same time. I don't know how well that comes off since it's not written from her POV, hence this note to make it more clear.
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i-luvsang · 2 years
+.. ", mailman!au — jeon wonwoo
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¿ 。′ gn!reader , fluff , inspired by this ask , cw: reader’s cat gets lost (then found) , wc: 1.1K !!
✧ listen please just imagine him in that blue outfit that only he manages to make look adorable
✧ and his specs are always on so he can read the addresses on the packages
✧ tbh sometimes he looks a little intimidating as he does his rounds dropping off mail around his section but it’s just because he’s got stronger (extremely handsome) features and his resting face can be a bit scary
✧ so when he became the new mailman for your neighborhood, everyone was talking about him because
✧ have you seen him he’s stunning people are like why is he a mailman (nothing wrong with being a mailman just. wow)
✧ but some people were also wary of him because the last mailman was always smiling and super duper friendly, while wonwoo is a lot more reserved
✧ you don’t really have much of an opinion on him tbh except that you think he’s incredibly attractive obviously
✧ you’ve never talked to him cuz like uH there’s no reason to, ofc you’re grateful to him for dropping off all your mail but like yknow talking to strangers is scary
✧ but bro one time you were on your way to work and you see him crouched down on the sidewalk and you’re all
✧ ?? is he okay ??
✧ you get closer and it turns out, yes he’s okay, but your heart is not because omg
✧ he’s taking pictures of one of the neighborhood cats and that’s freaking adorable
✧ but still it’s weird to say anything to him so you just pass him by and you don’t want to embarrass him by letting him know that you can hear him affectionately cooing at the cute little tabby cat
✧ but in your mind you’re screaming and crying because again, that’s so cute and also mood you would be doing the same thing if you saw the cat
✧ so now he’s not just the attractive mailman, he’s the adorable and attractive mailman that likes cats
✧ suddenly you’re hoping that someday you’ll run into him as he drops off your mail and see your own cat in the window and thus strike up a conversation with you
✧ unfortunately, your meeting is not the result of something as simple or nice as you wished
✧ just a few days later, you return home from work looking forward to some cuddles with your cat, sparkle
✧ but you can’t find her :( so you look around your small home several times over before running outside to check around the neighborhood for her despite the sun starting to set
✧ you realize that she’s lost after looking around even after is grows dark, and no matter how worried you are, you have to return home
✧ the next morning you print out and hang up posters all over the neighborhood
✧ you don’t notice, but wonwoo sees you, all teary-eyed while hanging them up
✧ and he feels so horrible because he really wants to comfort you and promise that he’ll look for your cat very carefully every day as he goes around his route
✧ but he feels too awkward to do it, so instead he snaps a picture of the poster for reference after you leave
✧ true to his word (that he never said outloud but yk), he looks very intently for sparkle each day, checking in every spot he knows other cats like to hide in
✧ honestly he’d look hard for any cat, but he’s extra worried for sparkle (and for you) 
✧ because he’s come to love waving at your cat in the window when you’re not around and he’ll probably never admit it but he’s very attracted you because you just seem like such a lovely person from all he’s seen
✧ not that he’s been paying attention to you or anything haha (he has)
✧ of course, you continue to look for sparkle every day, each moment that you can
✧ but a few days later, you’re sitting inside after dinner, unable to go out because of the work you need to get done before tomorrow
✧ you hear your doorbell ring, so of course, you approach the front door to see who could be visiting you without prior notice
✧ you open the door and are greeted with a sight that doesn’t allow you to process just who is actually standing on your porch
✧ because your eyes immediately land on your cat, curled up in the person’s arms
✧ without missing a beat, you take sparkle into your own arms, holding her close and carefully looking her over to check if she’s alright
✧ once you’ve concluded that, despite a little dirty, she’s just fine, you finally look up to profusely thank the person in your doorway for bringing her back to you
✧ the words almost die in your throat when you make eye contact with the cute mailman
✧ you still stutter out a long thread of thank you’s because you really are beyond grateful
✧ but his appearance is still quite distracting, because one, it’s past eight in the evening and he drops the mail off in the morning
✧ and two, he’s dressed in casual clothing, looking incredibly handsome in jeans and a sweatshirt
✧ he tells you that he’s just glad he could find your cat, even starting to say that he was really worried
✧ and you’re like …huh?
✧ he totally trips over his words, trying to explain that he just really likes cats and that he saw your poster and always looks for lost cats on his rounds
✧ you’re all “…but your rounds are in the morning??”
✧ and he’s like “i– uh i was just passing through this neighborhood and saw her and i know where you live– sorry that sounds weird but you know what i mean, so i brought her over. i hope that’s okay, i know the poster had your phone number, but–”
✧ at this point he’s kinda rambling and you swear that his face is starting to get red
✧ but you brush it off and tell him that you’re just very grateful to him for finding her
✧ you stand there awkwardly for a second before he’s like “well, have a good night then! i hope that sparkle is okay.”
✧ you thank him and wish him a good night too, but you trail off when you realize that you have no idea what his name is
✧ so he says, “i’m wonwoo, by the way.”
✧ “nice to meet you, wonwoo,” you say, then introduce yourself because you’re sure that the chance he somehow remembers your name out of all the mail he delivers is very small
✧ he definitely knew your name already, but of course he doesn’t say so and instead echoes the sentiment that it was nice meeting you, then bids you goodnight once again before retreating back from your doorstep
✧ “thank you again, wonwoo! see you around!” you call softly after him
✧ “of course! see you around,” he says, turning his body to catch another glimpse of you and sparkle in the doorway and smiling softly to himself at your words
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pinkpastels113 · 10 months
How about bechloe meet cute
Ugh. Another day, another coffee run.
Beca clutches her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she pushes open the cafe door. "Uh huh, and he wants that foam thing on top too right?"
Theo on the other line sighs. He at least sounds just as tired. "Yep. And I think that's about it. Don't forget to get something for yourself too!"
"Duh," Beca responds, getting in line. It's surprisingly short on a Tuesday morning. "Already planning to." She tucks away her pen, staring down at the notebook in her hand with all the coffee drink orders from just about everyone in the office. That's what you do as a newly hire, she supposes, starting your day off with a coffee run. It doesn't matter if she doesn't like it; she's just grateful she got the job.
Theo says goodbye. Beca shoves her phone in her pocket, moving further up the line. She's so distracted with the music playing constantly in her mind and the thought of the people that she has to meet that day at work that she doesn't even notice when it is her turn at the counter.
"Ahem. Excuse me." Beca looks up, right into the eyes of the barista. "What can I get for you today?"
"Oh, right." Beca is already fumbling. She hates it when she runs into awkward situations like this. "Here." She pushes the notebook at (the name on the barista's apron says Aubrey) Aubrey, smiling nervously when Aubrey lets out a small breath through her nose. "Sorry, it's kind of a long list."
"It's fine," Aubrey says, short and clipped. She gives a tight smile. Beca watches her tap on her ordering screen. "Is this all?"
"Almost. Can I also get an Americano? For me." Beca fishes out the company card, slipping it onto the counter. "And charge everything on this, please."
When everything was said and done and placed into their drink carriers- and Beca finished with her two sugars in her black as her soul Americano- Beca reaches a new predicament. There is not enough space.
Apparently, there were some extra staff in the office that morning who collectively decided to come in early. That would be the only reason why Beca is currently playing Tetris at the moment with the three carriers, her bag, and her own drink, with her uncoordinated hands. She was just about to walk out the door praying that she doesn't drop everything on her feet when she very nearly bumps into someone rushing the other way.
"Oh shit," she says, swerving just out of reach. "My bad."
"Here," that person replies, voice warm and friendly, "Let me help you." They pick up the drink carrier balancing half on Beca's arm, lifting off the dangerous weight on her in such a way that finally allows the chance for Beca to look up.
And there's tumbling red hair. Bright blue eyes. A welcoming face and long elegant cream coat that screams a career as a teacher or something equally as professional.
"Do you need me to call an Uber or are you driving?"
Whoa. Super nice too. Beca blinks, mentally shaking her head. "Driving." This is not the right time for girlie attraction, damn it.
"Great!" She is already leading the way out. "I'll walk to you to your car."
Beca's still in a daze when she unlocks her car door and situates everything in their manageable spots. She's throwing her bag in the passenger seat and taking the last carrier from the redhead when she realizes she doesn't even know her name.
"Thanks for that, by the way. I'm Beca." She then shifts on her feet, hoping the redhead would get the hint. There's also a tiny bit of hoping that she would get to see her again. It is a small world after all.
"Chloe." She then gives Beca a hug, close enough to be thoughtful, but quick enough to not be creepy. "And no problem! Don't want you to put all of that to waste should it become pigeon food." Chloe winks at that last part. "Now off you go, and be careful with the red lights!"
"Yes ma'am." Beca salutes, rather gayly. She gets in the driver's seat, slams the car door, makes sure Chloe is safely in the coffee shop, yells for a solid thirty seconds, and then proceeds to get on her way to the production studio, radio blasting sappy pop songs the entire road there.
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
Hi! Not sure if you’re taking asks about this but if you are - you’ve mentioned how important it is for you to know/keep in mind what non-POV characters are thinking. I’m an absolute sucker for an outsider POV view of things. If you’re willing to share, I’d love to know some of McDavid and Zach Hyman’s thoughts in HAW — Leon says that McDavid’s known for a while, so how did that conversation go? Had Zach Hyman started to put things together before Leon told him directly, and how much did Leon actually say? Thanks!!
hi anon! for the record, as long as people are asking politely i'm generally always taking asks about anything! i might not always answer right away but i always try to answer reasonably quickly 💕
the short half of this answer is that poor zach hyman had no idea what was going on until matthew showed up on leon's doorstep. honestly tragic imo that he only gets that one scene because he was so fun to write in it 😂
as for connor,
he doesn't know all the sordid details about what's been going on, but he does know something's been going on, and by that last game in the fic he knows matthew has done something to make leon upset/unhappy, and he is extremely team leon. in general connor has always thought matthew was a decent guy off the ice and enjoys being friendly with him, but leon's his best friend on his team! they're close pals! obviously if he thinks matthew fucked up then he's gonna be team leon.
there was passing mention in HAW and more stuff in the first pov swap scene (leon's pov from boots & hearts) about how connor knows leon has been interested in matthew for quite a while — connor would characterize this as a crush, mostly just to tease because of how leon insists it's not a crush, it's just an interest, because matthew is attractive and potentially available to hook up. (ftr, leon's version really is closer to his real feelings leading up to the events of HAW, although there is more crush-potential there than he is willing to admit, and once they have that first hookup at boots his interest and attachment start ratcheting up real fast) (connor is still so valid to tease him about a crush though)
anway, leon shows up after a long absence at boots wearing matthew's t-shirt, and connor bugs him for details, which leon withholds mostly because he feels weird about how the blowjob went down, but connor isn't an idiot and can tell the leon/matthew landscape has shifted in some way — once the season starts, leon gets extra fidgety before their games against the flames, and then there's that whole chirping/flirting incident during warm-ups, and once leon and matthew start texting regularly, leon doesn't hide that from connor — if connor asks who he's texting and the answer is matthew, he tells connor that! connor's his best friend on the team, and leon doesn't really see a reason to keep this developing relationship totally under wraps, although if connor asks like "what's going on there" leon will mostly kind of shrug about it and be like, idk we're just talking (but usually with a stupid sheepish little grin, which does not help his case, lol).
the thing is, while matthew is over there going through five stages of self-loathing or whatever, leon's view of the relationship is more like... well, he can tell matthew has some issues and that it's mostly just about the sex at first, but leon really thinks they're making progress toward something more than that. he clocks that he's growing feelings sooner than matthew but does not clock how fucked up matthew is about his own feelings, so he just doesn't feel the need to be super secretive about it, and it's nice to be able to not hide it from connor. like i said, he doesn't give him the nitty gritty details (matthew's issues aren't connor's business, even if leon's love life is a little bit connor's business) but he is somewhat open about the fact that they're talking, and that he thinks there's something there and he's happy/hopeful about that. he tells connor that they made plans to hang out after the game right after new year's, and when he's big fucked up smad afterward, connor knows it didn't go well; he doesn't tell connor what went down in florida during the asg, but connor can tell that being around matthew for the events and isn't easy for him — connor doesn't get much more explanation from leon other than "turns out we weren't really on the same page about things" but it's really obvious that leon's fucked up about it. and that's about where things stand before leon and matthew fix things at the end of the fic.
leon and connor do have a longer and better conversation about all of it after that last game, after matthew leaves — once again without all the details, but more details than before, enough that connor can get that it wasn't just matthew being a bad guy, there were points where leon didn't really handle things great either. because leon doesn't want connor to think badly of matthew if they're gonna really do the relationship thing! connor does continue to side-eye matthew for a bit afterward, because he thinks leon is too in his feelings to be objective enough about everything, which is probably too, but once it's clear that matthew is making leon happy then connor is happy to be, like, one of the few people they can hang out with as a couple for that first stretch before they really start telling people.
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bihanspookies · 2 months
I’ll probably never do anything for them since I don’t really have them fleshed out but I wanted to post my 2 demon slayer oc’s since I caught up with the latest season and I’m living in fear for the movies
Making two sep posts since there’s minor spoilers for Infinity Castle in Azusa’s ⬇️
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Name: Azusa
Age: 22
Height: 5’8
Breathing Technique: I originally had her as the Lotus Hashira but then I read the manga and found out about Kanae and went OOP gotta change it lmao. I thought about her being a Crystal Hashira, derived/trained from Gyomei but I never fully decided.
Personality: She’s very calm, cool and collected, kinda like the mediator and has a “mom” presence about her. Whenever inosuke was being Chaotic, she’d walk over, place her hand on his head and go “Now, now, let’s calm down a little hm?”
And as much as inosuke wants to be like 🤬🤬🤬, she has this calming presence around so he grumbles and is like “I’ll try my best I GUESS.”
History: im 100% Just copying and pasting with minor edits what i sent to my friend bc i don’t want to write it properly lmao.
So her family and the Wisteria estate were close friends. When she was 10 her family was killed by demons but she survived and the Wisteria family took her in bc: Friendship™️ and they had a son who she was really close to and they were best friends and whatnot.
Growing up he always said he wanted to become a Hashira bc that’s who his family protects and he wants to honor them, so it was his ultimate dream. And when she was 16 the son admitted to being in love with her but she didn’t reciprocate. So even though he was hurt, he accepted her decision and went off by himself at night to have some alone time.
W E L L He dies By demons And Azusa blames herself bc she tells herself that if she just told him she loved him back then he wouldn’t have gone off on his own and gotten killed. Which is one of the reasons she went off to become a Hashira so she could protect her loved ones and also fulfill the son’s dream . So she goes off, joins demon corps And it’s all good and dandy.
She’s super focused on achieving Hashira status And then she meets: Rengoku And at first she was friendly with him, ya know being civil but then he kept being extra nice to her and just treating her so sweet etc etc etc that she could not help but fall in love with him even tho she was scared bc she’s just reminded of The Son.
They eventually start “dating” but in secret and the only person who’s aware of it is Ubuyashiki.
First Kiss: Their whole relationship, they’re basically dating without actually saying it. One night they’re alone and Rengoku just suddenly asks “my love, will you do me the honor of being mine?”
And Azusa just looks at him and goes “if you’re calling me “my love” then you already know the answer. I’m already yours.”
And then she gently grabs his face and gives him a Kiss™️
Mugen Train Arc: I decided that Azusa is not there on the train but back at home. I also decided that they were engaged and her ring is on her finger while Rengoku’s is a necklace. Rengoku tells Tanjiro to tell his wife that even though they weren’t officially married, it felt like they were every second they spent together. Tanjiro doesn’t understand at first but then Rengoku pulls out his necklace and he recognizes it as the same ring on Azusa’s hand.
Very much movie scene in my head when I pictured this but when the other Hashira find out about Rengoku’s death, Azusa’s crow is the one to come tell her. You never fully see her face, just her walking with the camera stopping right under her eyes or an aerial view from behind as her crow flies next to her head. She gets the news and clutches her ring to her chest.
Infinity Castle Arc: Tanjiro and Giyu are the ones that go and fight Akaza and Azusa is there too. So when Akaza sees her he’s like “and who might you be?”. And she’s staring at him and says “my name is Azusa Rengoku, you killed my husband”
She’s about to just go straight in and murk but then this other demon shows up like “no no sister, you gotta go through me first”. So Azusa ends up fighting that demon while tanjiro and giyu fight Akaza.
But long story short the demon incapacitates her and is all “I think you’d make a good edition to the team, let’s see how you handle killing your teammates” and then forces her to drink muzans blood, turning her into a demon. She’s struggling to not fight tanjiro and the others but either he or someone else has to kill her bc it's too much to fight her/keep her away while also fighting Akaza.
They successfully kill her but right before she dies she sees Rengoku above her and holding his hand out for her to take.
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