#like. do I need to whip the sugar and butter or sugar and eggs or not? who knows not the recipe!!!
damnprecious · 8 months
I love how some of my most used recipes are super vague and then every time I try to bake them I despair over simple things such as 'why hasn't anyone written down a baking time'
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Actual Crumbl Sugar Cookie Recipe from a former employee who is no longer bound by their NDA:
makes approximately 55 cookies (or 200 minis!):
For Cookie:
2 pounds SALTED butter
1.9 pounds white sugar
1.2 pounds powdered sugar
8 eggs
4 cups of canola oil
4 tsps of ALMOND EMULSION. can substitute for extract, but use half the amount. can also swap for other flavored extracts like vanilla!
6 pounds of flour
*half ingredient packet* Crumbl uses ingredient packets to make sure that only corporate knows the recipes, but based on what’s missing from a standard cookie recipe and what happens if you forget a packet these are the approximate substitutions
5 tablespoons baking soda
5 tablespoons baking powder
For the Frosting:
1/2 a pound of SALTED butter
6 cups of heavy whipping cream (40% milk fat)
7.5 pounds powdered sugar
2 teaspoons ALMOND EMULSION *same as before can be substituted with half amount of almond extract or vanilla if you choose*
any food coloring of your choice but Crumbl uses RED. you only need *drops*
baking directions:
preheat oven to 290 degrees F or 143 C
soften your butters in your microwave, this step is crucial. you want them NOT at all melted, but soft enough to mold with your hands easily
put your butters and sugars into a large bowl, it’s easiest if this is a stand mixer, but if not an electric hand mixer is fine. you *may* attempt this by hand but i would recommend you don’t.
if you have levels choose your most medium level and beat your butter and sugar for 10 minutes. seriously. and it’s probably not done. scrape the sides, if there is any resistance it’s not done. the texture you’re going for is like passing your spatula through a cloud. you should feel no resistance, the mixture will be light, fluffy and if you feel it between your fingers it will be silky with *slight* sugary texture. imagine applying it to your face, it’s a daily cleanser not a weekly exfoliant.
when you think you’re done put it on for another 2 minutes to be safe.
turn down to level one and add your eggs, oil and flavoring. mix until it creates a creamy soup mixture.
add all of your flour and baking soda and powder.
mix until a homogeneous dough forms.
Sugar cookies at Crumbl are weighed at 4 ounces and scooped using a portion scoop to get their standard shape, then flattened to about 3/4 of an inch thick.
or if you don’t have access to a scale this recipe makes approximately 55 cookies so do your best with that.
*if you want to make minis like Crumbl does for catering the weight is 1 ounce & the baking time is 8 minutes!*
place on a parchment lined baking sheet 2 inches apart from both the other cookies and the sides of the baking sheet. This will be about 9 cookies.
bake for 14 minutes flipping half way.
if you are planning to frost these cookies here are the mandatory next steps to ensure you don’t end up with soggy cookies.
let cookies cool on either baking sheet or on a cooling rack for 20 minutes.
put as many as you can in a single flat line onto a baking tray or something that will fit in your fridge and put in the fridge for another 20 minutes.
now they will be ready to frost with the frosting in the next steps of this recipe.
frosting directions:
soften butter like above
add butter, 2 cups of heavy cream, 2.5 pounds of powdered sugar, food dye, and flavoring to your mixer.
mix on low for one minute or until mostly combined
mix on medium until smooth
mix on high for 3 minutes
turn back to low and add the rest of the cream and powdered sugar.
mix on low until mostly combined
mix on medium until smooth
mix on high for 3 more minutes.
viola! you have Crumbl Sugar Frosting.
now to frost your cookies like they do at Crumbl….
fucking good luck! — I mean…
If enough people request it I’ll do a little video.
you want a smooth flat top with a little flat swirl.
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basuralindo · 1 month
Hey I'm dropping a crepe recipe because there's still people around who think they're hard to make and I'm sick of french food being romanticized to the point of inaccessibility.
I call this a 3-2-1 method to make it easy to remember; 3 eggs, 2 cups water/fluid of choice, 1 cup flour.
I'm sparing you the obligatory backstory on my path to cooking extremely flat pancakes because we both know that neither of us care. If you want to hear me overshare check my blog between 1-4am pacific time.
•Anyway, start with three eggs and beat with a fork until they're all one color (you can use a whisk or an egg beater but I hate the extra steps. Fork it):
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•Add 1 cup flour:
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•Add whatever dry flavoring you want (I usually go with cinnamon and cardamom, today we're doing matcha cause that happens to be what I'm cooking. Some mornings caffeine is meant to be eaten):
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•Add sugar to taste if desired. It's not necessary for the recipe, and if you've managed to add enough to throw off the consistency you've got other shit to worry about, so follow your heart. I usually use like two tablespoons or so (I prefer brown, but white tastes better with matcha):
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•Decide on your fluid of choice. Water and/or milk is the usual, but you can do literally whatever you want; hot cocoa, coffee, tea, soda -whatever you want them to taste like. Go nuts with it. Use soup if you want idgaf it's between you and your chosen god at this point. I recommend starting with 2 cups for simplicity, but you can add more if needed for the right consistency. At this point I just eyeball it tbh.
•Add a little at a time and start mixing until it's as smooth as you can get (this is also where you'd add wet flavorings, like vanilla extract):
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•Add the rest until the batter is roughly the consistency of heavy whipping cream, or like thin tomato soup (if you actually ran with the soup joke, add a little water to thin it out). Just get it to where it's still a little viscous but will run if you pour it on the pan:
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•For best results cover and let it sit in the fridge overnight or for a few hours (it will separate a little, just mix it again). For last minute "I forgot to prep this last night but I really want crepes" results, we're putting it aside while I wash dishes and heat up the pan.
•Ladle out like ¼ cups worth onto a hot lubricated pan (butter or cooking oil, medium heat) and swirl it until it coats the bottom. Don't stress if it looks like shit the first few times, that's what practice is for, add a little more fluid if it's not spreading well:
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•cook until the top is no longer wet and edges start to lighten:
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•Flip it with either a very flat spatula or sheer hubris (spatula recommended for beginners), and cook for like 45 seconds (I have no sense of time), then slide it onto a plate:
•Top with whatever you want and try whatever folds/rolls you saw in that one show that made you think these were cool.
Go forth, have fun, eat well.
(if you want an even easier method with only mild sacrifice to quality: mix a couple eggs and some extra fluid into your leftover pancake batter and leave it in the fridge for the next morning)
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dduane · 6 months
Okay, time to get on with this Nutella and crushed-hazelnut roll cake I've been plotting for the last couple of weeks. (One of our neighbors did us a favor just now and I want to bring them some of this to say Thank You.)
The recipe looks quite sound—no surprise, as this lady's website is full of great stuff. But I'm going to have to spoof it somewhat, as it's predicated on the use of a sheet pan size that wouldn't fit into our oven (the usual US-size-vs-European-size hardware- and appliance-size issue). Probably I'll wind up baking about 75% of the batter in the 10x15-inch pan I've got and the rest in a smaller 9x7-inch, so that the sheet cake doesn't come out so thick that it refuses to roll correctly.
...Got to toast the hazelnuts first, anyway. I'll add pics to this post as I go along.
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ETA 1: The hazelnuts, just out of the oven. The aroma in the kitchen is fabulous. :) (We've got a tabletop microwave-cum-fan oven that has about a hundred custom cooking/baking programs built into it, and one of them is for toasting nuts.) (Oh look, @petermorwood got a shot of one of the special menus from the manual when he was posting about the microwave sponge cake.)
...Had I not had the fancy gadget, I'd have just put the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toasted them at 180C/375ish F for ten or fifteen minutes, stirring the nuts around every five minutes or so until the outsides went nice and brown. The skins rub right off when the nuts cool down, if you don't want them. But I left some in so they'd keep their toastier flavor. These are a soft nut after toasting/roasting, so they crush really easily.
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Meanwhile, while sitting still a moment before getting the mise en place together for the cake, and idly scrolling down through the menu on Sky Movies: wow, I really do need new glasses in a hurry. Saw the movie title "Fred Claus" and read it as "Fried Clams." (sigh) After the holidays, for sure. (It's the usual problem. These glasses are trifocals, you have to point-and-steer them to get the right results depending on what you're looking at, and sometimes you're distracted or in a hurry and can not be bothered to do the hunting-for-focus thing, and as a result you get comical results.) (sigh)
Now the mise en place:
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...So typical. You're trying to have it be pretty for the photo and one of the egg yolks breaks. (eyeroll)
Anyway. Not shown here: running off to give the stand mixer's bowl an extra wash to make sure it's absolutely clean, because any grease getting into egg whites being beaten will inhibit how well they fluff up.
So, time to get on with that.
First thing, though: the baking pans need to be prepared while the egg whites and so forth are beating.
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So the recipe suggests that you should butter both the pans and the parchment paper used to line them. And speaking as one who's writing this after rolling the cakes up, I can speak directly to its effectiveness. The cake sheets pretty much leapt out of the pans. As I can imagine all too clearly what having to convince them out would be like, better to go overboard with the butter at this stage. I buttered the pans with solid butter and then melted a couple of tablespoonsful and brushed the baking-parchment liners with them.
Lining the pans with the paper, btw, is much assisted by having buttered them first. You just press the paper down and it sticks. Then you go get the scissors and cut off whatever's hanging out.
And now comes the part where you make the cake batter.
First you beat the egg whites and half the granulated sugar to the stiff-peak stage. (Took my mixer about five minutes.)
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Then in a different bowl you beat the egg yolks and the rest of that sugar together. Somehow I missed getting a pic of this: apologies. It's the usual "beat together until pale, light, and fluffy." Took about seven minutes for that.
Then: sift together the flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder, The logistics of the original recipe get a little complicated at this point—it sounds like a third bowl is being called for. But at that point I'd decided that I already had more than the usual number of bowls to deal with, not to mention the one I'd just sifted the dry ingredients into. And we don't have a dishwasher. So I just said "The hell with that", added the coffee and vanilla to the egg yolk mixture, and mixed it a bit more: then spooned about half the sifted dry ingredients in, and pulsed the mixer a few times: then added the rest of the dry stuff and mixed again, very slow, just wanting to make sure that everything was completely combined. (As usual with cakes at this point, the idea is to get everything well mixed without doing anything to develop the gluten in the flour. I never let the mixer go very fast.)
...Then comes the "folding in the egg whites" part of the operation. Always use the biggest spatula you've got for this.
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Then, when you finish this stage (again, sorry, no pic, I was busy racking my brains over what tool would be best for this job) you spread the batter in the pans.
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When I finished with this task I was very glad that I had an offset spatula, because if I'd attempted this with a regular mixing spatula, I don't think the result would have been anything like this even. This batter is light but it's also moderately firm... and with the best will in the world, no amount of shimmying the pans around on the work surface is ever going to even that batter out. As for its thickness in the pans: we're talking about a centimeter at the most.
And then: into the oven for ten minutes, while setting up the pieces of cocoa-powder-dusted baking parchment meant to receive them. I don't have pics of them in the pans when they came out, because the get-them-out-of-the-pans stage is kind of a time-sensitive thing (like immediately). So I got on with it.
They fell straight out onto the prepared sheets with no trouble at all. The small one fell out by itself: the large one fell out with the baking parchment still clinging to it, but not so desperately that it took more than gently lifting it away between finger and thumb to get rid of it.
And then came the rolling. I did the little one by myself, to get a sense of the technique: then asked @petermorwood to video the rolling of the larger one.
...So now they get left to their own devices until, oh, tomorrow morning, I guess. That's when I'll move on to the next stages.
My plan is to unroll the little cake as a test: brush it inside with warmed/semi-liquid Nutella: sprinkle the Nutella with crushed hazelnuts, which theoretically/please gods will stick to it if gently assisted; and then contrive a filling that will taste at least somewhat of Nutella but not be too sweet to bear. Then the ganache will be made using that fabulous Belgian chocolate that came in a couple of weeks back, and when the whole cake's put together and has had a little time to rest, Peter and I will test it and see if it's something we feel confident enough to offer to other people.
So we'll see how it all goes. Tune in again tomorrow for more hijinks... :)
ETA 2, December 23: When we last saw our cake rolls, the two of them (the one baked in the Euro-size pan, and the smaller one where the spare batter went) were sitting innocently on the counter, waiting to settle enough to be unrolled.
Now's the time. And guess what?
DIsaster! (-Ish. As you'll see.)
The first small sheet of cake was just too small to deal with this treatment without immediately cracking into one-inch slices upon unrolling. I therefore won't waste your time with that video. Instead, you should have a look at the video of the bigger-baked sheet as it gets unrolled, and watch it crack in pieces! (This was either due to the baked sheet being too thick, or too thin. More diagnostics are needed before we come to a verdict.)
But first: the buttercream filling, which worked just fine.
This is the recipe I used:
This recipe worked perfectly. There's zero reason to inflict a long video about this on you, as I was working in a cold kitchen (with three stone walls, two external...) and the butter and sugar took something like half an hour to get friendly enough so that the Nutella could finally be added.
One thing I will show you, though. It's been a long time since I bothered buying confectioners' sugar / icing sugar, because when I need it, I make it myself... in the (very old and beat up-looking) coffee grinder. The sugar's grind comes up finer than that of a lot of commercially made icing sugars... and unlike too many confectioners' sugars in North America, there's no cornstarch in it (which they put in to keep it from caking with storage).
If you try this, make sure not to forget to brush the grinder out well afterwards, and wipe it clean with a damp paper towel. Otherwise the sugar, which is very hygroscopic, will go solid, glue the blade to its spindle, and be a real nuisance to clean out after the fact.
Meanwhile, here's the Nutella buttercream frosting after it's done. Just a very quick clip here, so you can see what the texture should be like when you pull the beater out of the mixture. (Volume down on this, please: it's really noisy.) If it's not soft enough, do as the recipe recommends: add a tablespoonful of milk or so and beat well until things soften up a bit. Add another, and do the same again, if you need to.
So now we come to the baked-cake unrolling. (Apologies for the black bars at the top and bottom of the video. For reasons best known to itself the phone insisted on recording in 9:16/portrait format, and the bars are an artifact of flipping it back into landscape...)
...So after all that, both cakes, the big and the small, are in the fridge now, stabilizing. And there we'll leave matters until tomorrow.
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anonymousewrites · 25 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twenty
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twenty: Crepes and Breaks
Summary: Saiki gets to make sweets, and his luck turns as his receiver breaks.
            “Are you ready to make crepes, Kusuo?” asked (Y/N), tying their cherry and strawberry themes bandana and apron on.
            “In today’s training, we will be making crepes,” said Coach Niwayama. “I don’t know how to cook, but I have the recipe!”
            “I like his apron,” said (Y/N), chuckling at the teddy bears on his.
            “Better than Kaidou’s,” said Saiki, looking dubiously at the skulls across Kaidou’s grey apron.
            “So, what are we looking to put together today?” said (Y/N).
            “Crepes are good on their own, but they go well with whipped cream, chocolate, and fruit. Can we add those to it?” said Saiki, much more energetic than he ever was in school (which meant that he was willing to be involved in activities. His face didn’t show anything).
            “Alright!” Nawayama passed out the recipe cards. “Let’s get cooking!”
            Saiki looked at Kaidou and Hairo arguing across from him. He was grateful to have (Y/N) in his group because they understood sweets better than anyone else he knew, so hopefully that would balance out whatever Kaidou and Hairo inevitably messed up.
            “Let’s do our best together,” said Hairo excitedly.
            “Right,” said Kaidou.
            “First we need to break two eggs,” said (Y/N). “Make sure to keep the shell from falling in.”
            “Got it,” said Saiki, lifting up two eggs.
            “Wait, Saiki, let me crack them!” said Kaidou. He took the eggs eagerly. “I can crack them with one hand.”
            “Kaidou, don’t—”
            Egg shell fell into the bowl, and (Y/N) slapped a hand over their face.
            “Shoot! The shell fell in!” cried Kaidou.
            “You should have used two hands!” said Hairo, pulling another egg apart. Yolk and shell fell out.
            (Y/N) sighed. Apparently, Hairo and Kaidou weren’t good at cooking. Saiki almost glowered at them as they began to ruin his chance to eat crepes (especially since Kuboyasu and Nendou were doing so well).
            While Kaidou and Hairo began to look in confusion at the next instruction (and poor Saiki watched), (Y/N) picked out a bowl and cracked two eggs perfectly.
            “Next, pour in some flower. How much is ‘some?’ ” asked Kaidou.
            “I don’t know,” said Hairo.
            “For now, let’s add three pinches,” said Kaidou.
            “Flour’s not seasoning,” said Saiki, trying to stop them.
            (Y/N) shook their head in amusement and poured flour into their own bowl.
            “Let’s see…What’s next,” said Kaidou.
            “Kaidou is being too cautious,” said Saiki, pouring more flour into their bowl.
            “Add some sugar,” murmured Hairo. “What’s ‘some?’ ”
            “These aren’t very clear instructions,” said (Y/N). “Desserts need exact measurements.” They measured the amount they needed and poured it into their bowl.
            “What are you doing?” said Saiki, glancing at them.
            “Don’t you worry, Kusuo. Just keep an eye on them so they don’t poison themselves,” chirped (Y/N).
            Indeed, there was a worry of that as Hairo and Kaidou poured an extravagant amount of sugar into the bowl. Who knew what else they’d add too much or too little of next.
            “This is bad,” said Saiki, trying to fish out some of the sugar. Unfortunately a whole stick of butter was thrown in, next, ruining his attempt to fix things.
            “Since it says ‘some,’ that should be enough, right?” said Kaidou.
            Oh, dear, this really could’ve been avoided with measurements, thought (Y/N), cutting and setting the butter to melt.
            “Oh, no, we didn’t melt it!” said Hairo.
            “Can we just microwave it?” said Kaidou, already setting the metal bowl into the microwave.
            “Good idea!” said Hairo.
            “I’m not going to bother to try to stop this.”
            There was a flash, and the microwave sparked itself to death. As Nawayama began to yell at Kaidou and Hairo, Saiki tried to remake the crepes they were currently failing at ((Y/N) continued with their work so that they’d have something to fall back on).
            “I didn’t know that we couldn’t put metal in the microwave,” said Kaidou as he slouched back to the table.
            “What should we do?” said Hairo, looking at their disgusting bowl of…something.
            (Y/N) looked in. “Maybe exorcise it?”
            “It looks like a breakfast from Hell,” agreed Saiki.
            “I hate to waste it, but we should probably throw it away,” said Hairo.
            “I guess we have to,” said Kaidou, sadly gazing at his monstrous creation.
            “Give it to me.” Mera held out a hand towards the food (if it could still be called that). “If you’re going to throw it away, give it to me.”
            “Mera, if you get possessed, it’s on you,” said (Y/N), looking concernedly at the contents of the bowl.
            “Okay!” Mera was fine with that if she could get food, and she grabbed the bowl and ran away.
            “Okay, let’s pull ourselves together and start over,” said Hairo.
            “It will go perfectly this time!” said Kaidou.
            Just as long as they don’t try to grab my bowl, thought (Y/N), happily mixing. They were fine with getting involved with their friends’ mishaps in any other situation, but cooking was the one thing (Y/N) really loved, so if someone messed up their work, they would be very disappointed.
            “Here.” Saiki had already remixed the ingredients, knowing Hairo and Kaidou were so behind in their group.
            “Wow!” said Hairo.
            “Did you make this, Saiki? Not bad,” said Kaidou.
            “ ‘Not bad?’ ” Saiki had done way more than “not bad.”
            “Not bad at all,” agreed Nendou, looking over.
            “Of course it is, we’re the ones who made it,” said Kaidou.
            “It was me who made it,” corrected Saiki.
            “We put our blood, sweat, and tears into it!” cried Hairo.
            “That wouldn’t taste good,” chirped (Y/N).
            “You haven’t even gotten to the hard part yet,” said Nendou.
            “What? One of the microwaves has already been destroyed,” said Kaidou incredulously.
            “If it becomes harder, the whole classroom will explode,” said Hairo.
            “Watch and learn,” said Nendou. He held up a pan. “First, lightly coat the pan with oil.”
            “When do you pour the batter in?” asked Kaidou.
            “Pour it in the center, like this,” said Nendou, showing them.
            “Won’t it be too thick?” asked Kaidou.
            “That’s why you spread it evenly,” said Nendou, demonstrating.
            “Wow, Nendou really does know how to make crepes,” said (Y/N), a bit surprised but pleased. Their own crepes were going well, too.
            “The one time I avoided having him in my group was the time I needed him,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) laughed, and Saiki’s annoyance subsided a bit as their joy. That made the situation better, even if it was still exhausting to see Kaidou and Hairo so obviously clueless as they kept asking Nendou for clarification.
            “Amazing!” cried Kaidou as Nendou flipped the crepes effortlessly.
            “Well, good luck, guys!” said Nendou, returning to his group.
            “Shut up, we don’t need your help,” lied Kaidou even after he asked so many questions.
            “The flipping part seems hard,” observed Hairo.
            “Use a spatula to flip them,” said (Y/N). They smiled. “Flipping in the air is more advanced.”
            “Let’s be safe and do that,” said Hairo.
            “If we do that, Nendou wins,” said Kaidou. He spread the batter, waited a moment, and threw it in the air.
            “No, Kaidou!” cried Hairo dramatically.
            It flopped onto Nawayama’s head, and Kaido fell to his knees as the teacher began chewing him out. Kaidou slouched back with his head hung low while Hairo organized another crepe.
            “I’ll try it with the chopsticks,” said Hairo.
            “That will go better,” said (Y/N), fiddling in the stores of the room to try to find some fruit.
            Hairo and Kaidou looked at the browning crepe.
            “Isn’t that enough?” asked Kaidou.
            “No,” said Hairo.
            “Are you sure?” said Kaidou as it turned dark brown.
            “Not yet,” said Hairo.
            “It’s burning.” Saiki had lost another chance at crepes.
            “It needs to get hotter!” cried Hairo.
            Finally, he flipped it. Again, it looked like a monster with a skull face burned in. Hairo hung his head, and while he looked down sadly, Mera sidled up and stole the pan. (Y/N) let her go since she had handled the last batch well enough.
            “We have no choice but to leave it to Saiki and (L/N),” said Kaidou.
            “No, Mera!” cried Hairo, running towards their remaining batter as Mera downed it in a moment.
            Saiki went blank with Kaidou. Their batter was all gone because they’d been too lenient with letting Mera enjoy what they made before they had a chance.
            “You’re out of batter?” said Nendou, turning around. “Well, I guess I can share some of my crepes.”
            Saiki turned around with a true smile. “Nendou, I knew you could do it when all else fails.”
            “Did you?” laughed (Y/N) as they finished cutting strawberries.
            “Take a look at the Nendous’ special tuna salad crepes!” said Nendou.
            Saiki, Kaidou, and Hairo made disgusted faces. That…did not sound like a good combination with the sweetness of crepes.
            “No need, Nendou,” said (Y/N), smiling. “You can enjoy yours.” They held out the plate they had finished putting together. “We’ve got our own.”
            Hairo, Kaidou, and even Saiki’s eyes sparkled as they gazed at the crepes with chocolate and strawberries.
            “You made these for us?” said Kaidou, eyes wide.
            “Even as we messed up…” Tears came to Hairo’s eyes.
            (Y/N) smiled and waved a hand. “Of course. You guys worked hard. Enjoy.”
            Kaidou and Hairo excitedly took a crepe each and began to eat. Saiki stepped up and took his own.
            “You saved the day,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed. “I like crepes, too, so it was a little self-serving.”
            “Maybe, but you’re always too selfless anyways,” said Saiki.
            “You think so?” said (Y/N).
            “You watch out for everyone else,” said Saiki. They looked out for him most of all, always ready to help. “You should take care of yourself.”
            “I’ll try,” said (Y/N). They gazed at him warmly. “But who else is going to look after the people I care about if not me?”
            Saiki’s heart stuttered. He was someone they cared about. He found himself smiling as he took a bite of his crepe.
            “Still. Let us look out for you.”
            “Don’t worry, Kusuo. I know you have my back.” (Y/N) spoke with complete confidence even though Saiki regularly disliked having to help his friends (acquaintances and nuisances, he would argue).
            But they were right. Saiki would always look out for (Y/N). Always.
            Saiki looked at his hand, pleased with himself for having gotten so far with controlling his abilities. Now he had more control and returning a baseball to someone wouldn’t present a problem (and he wouldn’t accidentally take anyone’s head off). Still, he couldn’t remove either of his receivers, otherwise he would lose control again. The dampeners made sure his powers were manageable.
            A baseball slammed into the side of his head.
            Seriously. Again?
            He picked it up and threw it down. Instead, the baseball went flying into the stratosphere. Saiki stared at his hand in alarm.
            What just happened? I used the same amount of strength as before!
            He reached up and felt one of his receivers. The ball on top was gone. He looked down and saw it at his feet.
            I need to repair this.
            He took a step forward, but the force of it sent him flying forward, and he accidentally kicked the pink ball. It disappeared into the horizon.
            This is bad. This is really bad.
            Anything he did would result in destruction and danger. He was stuck.
            It’s too dangerous for me to return home like this. Saiki took of the remaining bit of the receiver. I will use my ability to reset objects to repair it. He focused and let the ability work. Turn back time! This should solve the issue.
            It didn’t. Saiki stared at the pieces of the receiver, restored to when they hadn’t been put together as a machine. He had reverted time too much because of his abilities being out of control.
            I can’t use this! I will have to use my telepathy to tell my parents to pick me up.
            Unfortunately for Saiki, his telepathic ability was also off the charts. He couldn’t distinguish anyone’s voice from the other. Foreign languages had joined the mess of thoughts in Saiki’s head.
            He groaned, holding his head, and leaned against a wall. It crumbled, and he fell through. Lying on the ground, he stared up at the sky. He needed to get somewhere safe. But where? He didn’t know if his parents were home, and he had nowhere else to go.
            Saiki sighed. If only (Y/N) was here, they’d have a solution—
            His teleportation reacted instantly to the thought, and he disappeared from the lawn.
            Saiki groaned as he collapsed in a new room. Looking around, he found himself in a kitchen he’d been in a few times but remembered by heart.
            “Kusuo?!” cried a worried voice, and (Y/N)’s face came into his sight as they crouched beside him.
            His teleportation had brought him right to them. Oh, dear, even his abilities were influenced by his crush on them.
            “What happened to you?” asked (Y/N), looking at him with pure concern.
            If Saiki wasn’t in distress, he’d be flattered and a bit flustered by the way they were gazing at him, but as it was, he really needed help.
            “My receiver broke,” said Saiki.
            “Your—oh, your bobble?” said (Y/N), noticing the pieces in his hand.
            “Yes. I can’t control my powers.”
            (Y/N)’s forehead creased in worry. “How can I help?”
            “I need my parents,” said Saiki.
            “Alright. Don’t worry, Kusuo. I’ll get them,” said (Y/N), smiling at them.
            Saiki had no doubt; (Y/N) was the kindest and most loyal person he knew.
            He watched from the ground as (Y/N) headed to the phone and checked the phonebook for his house number.
            “Hello?” said (Y/N). “Mrs. Saiki? Hi, yes, it’s (Y/N). Kusuo’s here. His, uh, receiver, I think, the thing on his head, it broke.”
            Saiki faintly heard his mom yelling in panic.
            “He’s alright.” (Y/N) glanced at Saiki. “He’s just lying on my floor. Yeah, my address is…”
            Saiki closed his eyes as (Y/N) told his parents. They were coming. They’d have a solution to this.
            I just hope it doesn’t involve him.
            After school the next day, (Y/N) sighed and set their bag down on a chair before going to get a snack. They didn’t bother saying they were home—their parents were still out on another business trip—so they quietly went about their business. They wished Saiki was feeling better so they could’ve grabbed a snack with him, but he had been out sick from school that day, so his receiver obviously wasn’t fixed yet.
            Maybe I should go over to his house and check on him, thought (Y/N).
            The phone rang, and (Y/N) walked over to answer it. They furrowed their brow as they saw a foreign number. That was unusual. Still, (Y/N) didn’t hesitate to answer it (look, it’s the Saiki K universe. What harm could come to them?)
            “Hello?” said (Y/N).
            “Hello, is this (Y/N) (L/N)?” said an unfamiliar voice.
            “Uh-huh, who is this?” said (Y/N).
            “This is Kusuke Saiki,” said the voice. “I’m Saiki’s brother.”
            “…Kusuo has a brother?” (Y/N) blinked. They had no idea he had a brother; he’d never mentioned it. Not that he would. This is Kusuo.
            Little did they know, Kusuke was carefully storing the fact that they used Saiki’s first name away.
            “Yes, he does. Of course he doesn’t talk about me. I’m nothing special. But if you don’t believe me, you can look me up,” said Kusuke.
            “No, I believe you.” Really, (Y/N) did. “Is Kusuo alright? Is his receiver fixed?”
            Kusuke stored their knowledge of his powers away. “Almost! He’s coming to London to visit me. I was thinking of surprising him with some of his friends. Would you be to coming?”
            “Coming to London?” said (Y/N) incredulously.
            “It’s the weekend,” said Kusuke.
            “…I don’t know you,” pointed out (Y/N).
            “Nendou and Kaidou agreed to go,” said Kusuke.
            Well, someone should look out for them. “…Alright.” Hey, as long as this wasn’t a giant scam, (Y/N) would get to check on Saiki and make sure he was doing well.
            “Perfect,” said Kusuke. All the pieces of his plan had fallen into place
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I really like your works! What about self-aware Kyuusaku, or maybe Francis? You can do whichever you want!
Baking pancakes (Fitzgerald and Kyuusaku)
Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Kyuusaku Yumeno x GN! Reader
Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald x GN! Reader
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Description: You spend time with Q and Fitzgerald. You three are baking pancakes.
Warning: OOC. Q's gender isn't specified. Fluff. English is my second language
You looked around the kitchen.
You close your eyes and shake your head.
Then, you open your eyes and looked around again.
The kitchen table with eight bags of flour, seven sticks of butter, nine big containers of milk, five bottles of syrup, five bottles of whipped cream, a few dozen eggs, and four bags of brown sugar had not disappeared.
You gaze at Fitzgerald and Q. Tycoon and kid looked a little bit ashamed.
"Francis, Q, do you realize, what is the main reason for dairy to be put on sale?"
Francis cleared his throat and answered.
"Well, [Y/N], do you think I have visited supermarkets every day? Or at all?"
Kyuusaku hugged their doll closer and utter:
"And I was..."
You raised your hand.
"Okay, let me rephrase my question. Why no one of you checked the expiration date?"
Fitzgerald and Q try their best not to look at you.
You sigh. These two
Who knew, that Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Leader of The Guild and Kyuusaku Yumeno, also known as Q, would become shopping buddies?
Francis, despite getting his fortune back, still enjoyed sales in shops. And Q liked chaos during sales.
You can't blame Francis. There was something special in Sales, and weren't thinking only about lower prices. Sometimes, you could find something interesting in during Sales, be it a good bag, nice clothes, interesting book, tasty food or so many others important or good things.
Today, Francis and Q have stumbled on a sale in your local supermarket. They returned home with bags full of products from sale. They got home. You helped them unpack. Only for you three to saw, that almost all products (except brown sugar, eggs and flour) will soon expire. And, by soon, you mean tomorrow.
That's how you three got in that situation.
Well, no use to just stand there.
"We three are transforming breakfast into dinner"
"Francis, please, break eggs in a separate bowl. Pancakes with eggshells taste terrible. But have a nice crunch."
"Did eggshell got into your pancake on incident or Tetchou tried to cook again?"
"First, Tetchou not that bad of a cook. Second, it was a bet."
"How it ended?"
"With a lecture from Akiko and half-eaten pancakes in the garbage bin."
"Kyuusaku, please, don't add too much sugar."
"Can I make a few pancakes that sweeter than others?"
"Made them on bunny-shaped pan."
"Careful with flour, [Y/N]. You almost covered the whole table and my doll in it."
"Sorry... Achoo!"
"Bless you, [Y/N]"
"Thanks you two."
"And Miss Louisa was wondering why we need four pancake pens. I was sure that they will be useful."
"Francis, in a house full of people there is no such thing as useless tableware, pan, clothes, shampoo and so on, and so forth.
"Fitzgerald, are pancakes doing good?"
"Everything is great, [Y/N]. How's the last bowl of pancake butter?"
"Almost finished. Kyuusaku?"
"I am adding jam and whipped cream. No problems from my part."
It took time. But, at the end, you three manage to bake enough pancakes to feed a small army.
You feel proud. You noticed, that two other 'cooks' also looked pleased.
Kyuusaku turned to you and Fitzgerald. They were wearing matching aprons with their doll.
"What we are going to cook next time? When we will cook together?"
You and Fitzgerald exchanged glances.
"Maybe, when we will be on a cooking duty next time. As for the food... I am not sure, my young friend. What do you think, [Y/N]?"
You shrug.
"Will see. Just, please, don't buy almost expired food on purpose. If you want to spend time together, just ask."
Fitzgerald's quiet laugh and Q's giggles were their only answer.
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tastesoftamriel · 7 months
You know those cheesy pasta dishes with all the fancy add-ins like heavy cream and garlic so we can all pretend to ourselves that we aren't just eating mac and cheese like overgrown children? What sort of equivalent dishes do the people of Tamriel enjoy, that are basically just dressed-up "kid food" dishes?
Who doesn't love a cheeky meal that brings back memories of childhood? Across Tamriel, you'll find all manner of simple, hearty foods that will make you feel like a kid again!
In Summerset, young and old alike enjoy mochi, a tasty sweet snack made from chewy glutinous rice flour. Mochi comes in many varieties, with fillings like sweet peanut or black sesame paste. However, almost everyone's favourite is a cold mochi filled with soft gelato of various flavours. My favourite combination is matcha mochi wrapped around a moreish azuki bean ice cream centre.
Is there anything that makes you feel more like a kid than some snacking? Argonians are huge fans of anything that packs a crunch, both sweet and savoury. Whether it's spicy and sweet crickets, dark saltrice sauce-coated mealworms, or just good old prawn crackers with some dipping sambal, be prepared to snack your way all day long in Black Marsh.
If you're one of those people who stands in the kitchen gnawing a block of cheese at midnight, you're in good company in Valenwood. A popular late-night treat served at street food vendors across the Province is a simple cup of grilled witchetty grubs slathered in timber mammoth cheese sauce and topped with pulled pork. The grubs are meaty in flavour, and the pungent timber mammoth cheese complements the pulled pork when mixed all together, as the locals enjoy it.
Pain au chocolat? Yes please! These deliciously buttery puffed pastries are essentially rectangular croissants enveloping delicious dark chocolate. Served warm, they're sure to make any breakfast or teatime a happy one! To really satisfy those chocolate cravings, pair with a classic Breton hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream.
Marshmerrow cake is the ubiquitous Dunmeri dessert that has gained popularity far beyond the borders of Morrowind due to its mild flavour and unique candy aroma. A soft sponge cake, which is sometimes soaked in comberry brandy, is layered with sweet marshmerrow crème patissiere, caramelised marshmerrow crumble, and maraschino comberries. Sure to knock some years off your age and put a couple more holes in your belt (it's impossible to stop at one slice. Source: me).
There's nothing quite like homemade gnocchi with ragout for Imperials when it comes to comfort food. While this homey dish is prevalent across Cyrodiil, every household cooks the dish differently. In mine, my mother pan-fries the gnocchi in an obnoxious amount of butter, and tops it with her top-secret slow-cooked lamb and red wine ragout. While I cannot give away the secrets to her ragout, I highly recommend trying this delicious dish a try when you need to warm yourself, body and soul.
If you think you can turn away cinnamon and cardamom churros with a cup of moon sugar caramel dip, you're deluding yourself. This delicious treat can be found across Elsweyr and is considered one of the Province's most famous foods. Khajiiti churros, which are made from a mix of rice and tapioca flour, have a moist and chewy texture beneath a crisp, golden brown outer layer. They're served hot from the wok, with a cup of moon sugar caramel syrup. A truly divine pairing!
Spätzle is something I've written about in the past, and it's one of the best things I know (ask any resident of Skyrim and they'd tell you the same). These chunky egg noodles may look unrefined compared to Khajiiti vermicelli, but make up for it when liberally doused in a creamy cheese sauce and topped with fried onions. I like spicing mine up, quite literally, with some chili powder I purchased at a Sentinel bazaar.
Nothing screams comfort food (and mess) quite like a good old echatere sausage hot dog. The echatere sausage, rather akin to Blackwood chorizo in flavour, is grilled over hot coals and served in a sourdough bun, served Wrothgar style with a good amount of horseradish mayo, fried radish chips, caramelised onions, pickles, and crispy dried baby shrimp topping. I'd say you can't stop at just one, but it's a hefty meal you can eat with one hand!
I have probably written about gulab jamun in the past, a delicious, albeit cloying dessert popular throughout Hammerfell. An iconic dish at festivals and parties, gulab jamun is prized by dessert-lovers for its velvety, syrupy texture. These fluffy balls of cardamom-scented cottage cheese are fried and soaked in a fragrant saffron and rose water syrup, and topped with crushed pistachios. So simple, so good, and so moreish. Just be sure to stop at three, because any more and the sugar rush will send you to Aetherius!
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1800classiccherries · 11 months
Cake! ♡‧₊˚
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⚘ Earth42!Miles Morales x black!fem!reader
⚘ Fluff! use of knives for baking, kissing
⚘ summary: Miles and reader bake a cake together.
⚘ wc: 763
⚘ this is my first time writing 42!miles so bare with me 😁☝🏾 (also sorry for the lack of picture, I'm on the fence about changing the way I format these.)
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"How hard can it be?" you shrug feeling confident, as Miles reads the strawberry shortcake recipe you handed him.
“mm.. Ion know, this looks kinda difficult, ma…” he flips the paper and reads the rest of the instructions with a squint, “But, hey, if you got experience in this sorta thing…”
“I’m basically a pro, I’ve baked plenty of cakes.” As in plenty, you’ve bakes two and they both turned out less than great, but you chose to leave that part out.
“If you say so…”, he squints at you, “Are these all the ingredients we need?” he asks referring all the stuff on the counter you had set before he arrived.
“Mhm! That should be all of it…” you open a drawer that has a few aprons inside, “Want an apron?”
“you got one of them kiss the chef aprons?” you nod, “then I’ll take that one."
You hand him the apron and then grab one for yourself, yours just being a simple green with faint floral patterns. Once the two of you have tied them on Miles looks at you with an expecting look ok his face.
“What?” you ask already knowing what he wanted.
“Read the apron. I think the chef needs a kiss, don’t you?”
You tilt your head at him with an eyebrow raised, “I think the chef needs to focus on this cake we’re boutta attempt.”
“Aww, don’t be like that, y/n” He pleads, taking a hold of your waist.
With the way he was looking at you, you gave in giving him a short kiss knowing that if you kept going the cake would be forgotten. 
Turning your attention back to the cake it was time to begin, you pick up the paper with the instructions on it and begin reading aloud the first few steps. Whipping the eggs, sifting the flower then combining the two. Miles took care of the eggs and you happily sifted the flour having found it very satisfying.
“Y/n, could you pre-heat the oven? I’m almost done with this part,” Miles requests as he adds the milk and butter into the mixture. 
Once the oven was heated to the right temperature, you place the cake pan inside and set a timer for 30 minutes.
“What should we do for the next 30 minutes?” you ask staring the the cake in the oven.
Pulling away from Miles as you sit straddled on his lap, breathing slightly heavy, “Do you hear that?”
“Ion hear anything,” he brushes off pulling you back in by your hips.
You give up on trying to make out the sound and go to back making out with Miles, but you hear the sound again.
“Don’t tell me you can’t hear that?” the sound was driving you crazy and you had a nagging feeling that it was important but you  couldn’t place it.
“Y/n-“ he starts before you cut him off putting a finger to his lips.
“Shh, it sounds like it’s in the kitchen… Did we- Oh! The cake!” you promptly climb off of him and dash to the kitchen.
You grab the oven mitts on the counter and carefully take the cake out dumping it onto the drying rack.
“This actually looks good!” you cheer hopping a bit.
Miles finally makes it into the kitchen, “Of course it does, we made it.”
“I’ll cut this into three, and while it cools we can make the icing. Get the cream and sugar out.” Miles follows your instructions grabbing the necessary ingredients.
You pull a knife out of the drawer and cut the cake horizontally into three shorter cakes. Miles whips together the cream and sugar being sure to not make a mess. 
After the icing is made and the cake is cooled, it’s now time to assemble. You got the strawberries out of the fridge, washing and cutting them in half. Miles spreads and even layer of icing between each layer, pausing each time so you can add the strawberries.
Coating the cake with a layer of icing along the outside and adorning the cake with the last finishing touches, the two of you take a step back to admire your work.
“I won’t lie, it looks great.” Miles admits surprised at how well it turned out.
You grin hearing the compliment “See? And to think that you doubted us.”
“Not too much, for all we know it could be nasty.”
It was very much the opposite and y’all couldn’t help but eat most of it. Being sure to save a piece for your families to try.
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Thanks for reading!
I didnt edit much and wrote pretty quick this so if sumn doesnt makes sense, oopsie 😋
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i was just reading a fic where someone said they needed to set aside their pasta dough "to rise", and that made my eye twitch badly enough that i would like to give you all a quick lesson about dough for all your writing needs.
without getting into fussy details, there are four basic types of dough/batter. yeasted doughs, quick breads, laminated/pastry doughs, and unleavened doughs.
the only one of those that ever needs to rise is yeasted dough.
yeasted doughs are, as the name suggests, leavened with yeast. yeast is a microorganism that, when activated in water, feeds on sugars to produce gas. that gas, when trapped in dough, creates bubbles. most breads are yeasted, as are things like bagels, rolls, pizza crust, soft pretzels, english muffins, etc. yeasted doughs are also typically made by kneading, a process that develops the sticky gluten in wheat and makes the dough strong enough to hold onto itself and gives a pleasantly chewy result. (sourdough is also yeasted, but it's made by capturing wild yeast from the air rather than using prepackaged yeast.)
quick breads are leavened with baking soda and/or baking powder. these agents do not need rise time, as the chemical reaction happens when they are introduced to water/acid and heat. muffins, pancakes, cake, and sweet breads like banana, pumpkin, and zucchini are quick breads, and not only are they not kneaded, they shouldn't be overworked. overworking activates the gluten in the wheat, which isn't desired in these soft, tender breads. cookies and brownies would go under this umbrella as well.
laminated/pastry dough is leavened by thin layers of cold butter reaching a quick boiling point and releasing a steam that separates the layers of dough. this effect can be most clearly seen in something like a croissant, though croissants are also yeasted. pie crusts, most biscuits (the american kind), scones, and many other types of pastries are made this way. any time a recipes instructs you to "cut" butter into flour, this is what you're doing. phyllo, the type of dough used to make baklava, uses a similar process where oil or melted butter is brushed between paper-thin sheets of dough.
unleavened dough is exactly that, unleavened. there is nothing in this dough that makes it rise. pasta, many crackers, some flatbreads like tortillas - they don't rise at all. you do, on the other hand, typically have to let it rest for at least fifteen minutes, as the mixing of the dough creates elastic gluten strands that will resist attempts to roll it out.
special mention: whipped egg whites. when eggs are whipped into stiff peaks, they become filled with air, and some recipes use whipped egg whites folded carefully into batter as a leavener. angel food cake, for example, is leavened with nothing but egg whites. many cake recipes use this technique, as it creates a very light and delicate result.
SO. please take this knowledge and incorporate it in your writing as you will. thank you. <3
ps: things that are gluten free never require kneading, as there is no gluten to develop. gluten free baking is an alchemy which i do not pretend to understand.
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Cake For Breakfast
Orange Layer Cake, with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting, that is!
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I've been wanting to do an absolutely orange cake for awhile.
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I ended up improvising (as usual) on the recipe (which I will type up and post with a reblog) and it came out exactly like I like cake: dense, moist, and packed with flavor.
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This is one that should be refrigerated, definitely. We're working with fresh orange juice and zest, so fridging is necessary. It doesn't really matter as far as the immense flavor goes!
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The crumb is nigh what I call perfect for a scratch cake. Super-dense, moist, and flecked with orange zest. The orange cream cheese frosting is also flecked with zest and packed with the flavor of fresh orange juice. No artificial orange flavoring or extract needed!
Both the cake and frosting are lightly colored with a few drops of high-quality gel "Sunset Orange" food coloring.
Also made a home-made Orange Sherbert to go with. I will post all the recipe and more pics later today.
What started all this off was the idea of making a cake that tasted like the old Dreamsicles of the '60s-'70s. The ones made now don't compare...the solution, I figured, had to be the perfect combo of orange and vanilla, so this is what I aimed for.
3 cups flour
2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup butter (1 1/2 sticks)
2 tspn baking powder
1/2 tspn baking soda
1/2 tspn salt
4 eggs
2 tspns vanilla extract
3/4 cup whole milk
1/3 can of frozen pure orange juice concentrate
The zest of half of a large orange.
6-7 drops Sunset Orange gel food coloring
Procedurally, it's like any other scratch cake: begin by creaming butter/sugar/vanilla together, add eggs one at a time, alternate between adding your liquids and the flour/solids.
Note on creaming the first ingredients: use this time to add the food coloring and freshly grated zest from half of a large navel orange. Set the orange and grater aside to use when making the frosting.
Note on the liquids: take a 2-cup pyrex measuring cup, and pour 3/4 cup whole milk in. Now open the can of frozen orange juice and spoon in enough to bring the level up to 1 and 1/3 cups. Stir/mix the orange juice concentrate into the milk until it is smooth. Alternate adding THAT mix with the dry ingredients until all is used.
Bake at 350 for about 25-30 mins, use toothpick test. Rack in pans for about 15 mins and turn out onto wire racks. Let cool completely before frosting.
Makes 2 9" round layers.
2 8oz bricks cream cheese
3/4 cup butter (stick and a half)
2 lb bag powdered sugar
2 tspn vanilla extract
grated zest of the other half of the large orange, plus the juice from one of the cut halves.
6-7 drops gel Sunset Orange food coloring
Cream together the cream cheese and butter until they are fluffy. Add the vanilla and food coloring, orange zest and keep the mixer going while slowly adding the powdered sugar until it is all in. Add your juice from half of the orange as needed to thin it down to proper consistency/sheen.
I refrigerated the frosting for a few hours while the cake cooled, and then put the entire cake in the fridge, frosted, uncut, overnight, to set the outside of the frosting and make for easy cutting.
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1 2/3 cans frozen pure pulp-free orange juice concentrate
1 can sweetened condensed milk (Eagle Brand, etc)
1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
2 tspns vanilla extract
1 quart heavy whipping cream
5-6 drops of Sunset Orange food coloring.
Use the whip attachment of the mixer and mix the orange juice concentrate with the sweetened canned milk, food coloring and vanilla. Slowly ramp up the speed until it is beginning to whip. slowly pour in the quart of whipping cream, and then add the sugar as the mixture whips on the highest speed. Give it about 5-6 minutes or longer, and you will have stiff peaks (or close too), and a near soft-serve consistency. Pour immediately into two loaf pans and cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 24 hours before serving.
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skaiwrites · 2 months
Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream; No Ice Cream Machine Required. A Recipe*:
Total Time:
Like two days; this is not a short process
Ingredients: Total (Ice Cream Amount; Cookie Dough Amount [recommended adjustment due to weirdly specific measurements])
Butter, Unsalted**: 1 Stick (1/16 Stick***; 15/16 Stick****)
Light Brown Sugar, Packed: 15 1/2 Tablespoons (1/2 Cups; 7 1/2 Tablespoons)
Granulated Sugar: ~6 3/4 Tablespoons (1/4 Cups; 2 13/16 Tablespoons [measure 2 3/4 tbsp, add just a tiny bit more, whatever you believe in your heart to be an extra 1/16 tablespoon. Alternatively: 2 tbsp + 1/2 tbsp + ever so slightly less than 1 tsp])
Salt: ~1/4 Teaspoons (just a Dash, whatever you define that as; 15/64 Teaspoons [just do 1/4 Teaspoons]
Vanilla Extract: ~3 Teaspoons (2 Teaspoons; 15/16 Teaspoons [basically just 1 Teaspoon. measure a little light if you feel like it])
Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour: 15 Tablespoons (0; 15 Tablespoons)
Pasteurized***** Liquid Egg Substitute: ~2 3/4 Tablespoons (0; 2 13/16 Tablespoons [see note for Granulated Sugar])
Chocolate Chips: 7 1/2 Tablespoons (0; 7 1/2 Tablespoons)
Milk: 2 1/4 Cups (2 1/4 Cups; 0)
Heavy Whipping Cream: 1 Cup (1 Cup; 0)
Chocolate Syrup: 1 Teaspoon (1 Teaspoon; 0)
Required Non-measurement Tools:
5 Bowls, preferably metal. 2 should be the same, roughly medium capacity size. A third should be large enough to fit one of the other two inside of it with room to spare. The fourth needs to be large enough to mix a very small amount of cookie dough inside of. The fifth just needs to be big enough to hold a cup of flour.
A lid to cover one of your medium bowls (it does not have to be a perfect fit).
Either plastic wrap or another lid to cover the other of your medium bowls (does need to be a perfect fit)
Some sort of mixing instrument. I recommend you use something electric.
Something to stir with, a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, for example.
Baking Sheet.
Night before starting, get out one of your 2 smaller bowls, whichever is best suited for mixing. Place it in the freezer to chill (we will call this our "freezer bowl")
At some point before making the cookie dough, you will want to Pasteurize your flour. This is the shortest part of the process and keeps you safe from deadly diseases, so it's not really worth skipping: Preheat your oven to 375°F (191°C). Spread your flour evenly on your baking sheet. Place in oven at 375° for 10 minutes. Take out of oven and allow to cool.
Immediately before making the ice cream, take your other two bowls. Fill the larger one partway with ice and water. Place the smaller one inside the larger one so that the ice water will keep it cold (we will call the smaller bowl our "chilling bowl").
Making the Cookie Dough:
(i recommend you wait until after you've already started making the ice cream since this takes not nearly as long)
Add 15 tablespoons Pasteurized Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour to a small bowl.
Add 15/64 (~1/4) teaspoons Salt to your flour bowl.
In a different mixing bowl, add 2 13/16 (~2 3/4) tablespoons granulated sugar.
Add 7 1/2 tablespoons packed Light Brown Sugar.
Add 15/16 (~1) teaspoon Vanilla Extract.
Add 15/16 stick of room temperature Butter.
Beat mixture until creamy/thoroughly mixed.
Add 2 13/16 (~2 3/4) tablespoons Pasteurized Liquid Egg Substitute, mixing thoroughly as you add.
Gradually add flour/salt mixture into mixing bowl, mixing thoroughly as you go.
Add 7 1/2 tablespoons chocolate chips. (you may choose to break some [doing all will be very tedious] of your chocolate ships into smaller pieces to make them roll into small balls easier. if you choose to do this, i recommend saving the chocolate chip crumbs and instead of adding them to your cookie dough, adding them directly to the ice cream to give it an extra chocolate chip taste even when you aren't biting into a cookie dough ball)
Mix until chocolate chips are evenly distributed.
Roll mixture into small balls of cookie dough (i would recommend placing them in your now empty flour bowl as you go). Balls should be about 1/4 teaspoon or a little smaller than half the tip of your pinky finger. For reference, each ball should be big enough to contain exactly one chocolate chip and still have a little doughy padding on the side.
Place dough balls into freezer to chill so that when you mix them into your ice cream later, they don't break apart.
Making the Ice Cream:
Pour 2 1/4 cups Milk into a saucepan.
Add 1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream to the saucepan.
Add 1/4 cups Granulated Sugar. Stir lightly to avoid clumps.
Place saucepan on stove burner on low heat.
Take 1/2 cups of packed Light Brown Sugar, and sprinkle it into the saucepan (you don't want clumps of brown sugar in your ice cream. so, since you packed it to measure it, you need to de-pack/re-fluff it as you add it to the cream).
Stir until you can't feel any clumps (a little graininess is fine for the time being).
Add 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup. Stir briefly.
Add 1/16 stick of butter.
Sprinkle in a little bit of salt (measure with your heart. i think i shook a salt shaker like 3 or 4 times)
Stir until all ingredients are fully melted/dissolved, no grains of sugar can be felt, and the mixture is hot. A thin film of foam should have begun to form at the top of the cream and be sticking to edge of the saucepan a bit (little tiny bubbles, almost too small to instantly recognize them as bubbles. they'll make the top of the cream look a few shades lighter in color than the part underneath them)
Pour Cream Mixture into Chilling Bowl. (we are done with the saucepan forever)
Add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Stir until the vanilla extract does not separate from the cream.
Cover Chilling Bowl and let sit in its ice bath for 20 minutes.
Transfer cream mixture into Freezer Bowl.
a) Place Freezer Bowl back into the freezer.
b) Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour, or until edges just begin to solidify. (this may take many hours depending on the temperature of your freezer) (the amount of time you let it sit in the freezer between mixings will determine how creamy it is when you're done. The longer you leave it in the freezer without mixing it, the more ice crystals will form, and the less creamy it will be.)
c) Take the Freezing Bowl out of the freezer.
d) Beat the mixture thoroughly, until any frozen bits are well mixed into the cream. Your goal is to break apart any ice crystals that have formed and to whip extra air into the cream so it remains soft and easy to scoop when it becomes fully frozen later.
Repeat steps (a) through (d) until mixture has reached your desired level of creaminess. (i recommend making the cookie dough during the first or second (b) interval since you're going to be waiting a while anyways)
Beat the mixture one more time.
Slowly mix your ice cream as you add your chocolate chip cookie dough balls to the mixture. (the cookie dough recipe makes a little bit more cookie dough than you probably want [you would be disappointed if it made less than you want, and there's no way for me to predict exactly how much you want, hence overestimating], so you may not necessarily want to put all the cookie dough in the ice cream. you can use the rest to make 2 or 3 cookies if you want; just make the dough balls cookie sized and place in the oven at 375°F for about 9 minutes)
Mix until the cookie dough balls are evenly distributed to your liking.
Place bowl back in the freezer.
Once it freezes again, you will have chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. do whatever you want with it.
*i made the recipe myself, based on a lot of different recipes for cookie dough and ice cream, separately. The measurements are a little bit weird in some places because of conversions required to not have to get out a whole extra stick of butter just to use half a tablespoon from it.
**i used unsalted butter because it's what i had in the house. if you want to use salted butter, just do your best to adjust the rest of the salt in the recipe accordingly
***1/2 tablespoons
****the rest of the stick (7 1/2 tablespoons)
*****please don't get people sick by feeding them uncooked and unpasteurized eggs
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utilitycaster · 10 months
@wanderingbasilisk replied to your post “my totally biased opinion is that the black moss...”:
...do you perchance have that recipe, and would be willing to share it? 👀
​I do (thanks past me for never deleting my texts), and have asked permission to share, and it has been granted.
2 c flour (all purpose)
1 c sugar (white granulated)
1 stick (8 tbsp) butter
3 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1/2 c cocoa powder
1 tbsp heavy cream
1 c beet juice
matcha powder (straight matcha powder - not sweetened matcha latte powder) and turmeric to taste; I believe the recommendations were 1 tbsp matcha and 2 tbsp turmeric.
The recommendation was to do a matcha creme patissiere for frosting but for some reason creme patissiere consistently eludes me so I'd do a matcha-flavored, light on the sweetening version of your go-to cupcake frosting. I think I did a not-very-sweet whipped cream, honestly. The recipe he recommended, if you are a better pastry chef than I and wish to try, is this one (matcha pastry cream only although if you feel like making pate a choux as well, I support this endeavor)
Edited: realized I did uh. not provide any details on the making thereof bc they were not in the screenshots. basically, standard cupcake rules:
Cream together butter and sugar
Beat in eggs
Add the dry ingredients, mixed together, a little at a time; alternate with the remaining wet ingredients (ie, the beet juice and cream). Essentially, find and follow a normal butter-based chocolate cupcake recipe except put matcha and turmeric in with the flour and sub in beet juice and cream for the milk/buttermilk.
Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 20-ish minutes, do the toothpick test as needed.
You do want straight up beet juice that isn't mixed with various other fruits, and this can be a pain in the ass to find. I don't have a solution here, just a heads up.
Once you have used a cup of beet juice, you will have a bunch of beet juice left over. You can either use this to make even more cupcakes, or you can make a very lazy borscht (which is what I did) or you can just drink it. I don't know your life.
You can leave out the heavy cream and swap butter for margarine if you are dairy free, which my brother and his friend did test, but egg-free versions were not tested so if you are vegan/have an egg allergy you'll need to play around with your go-to substitutes.
Similarly, should play well with your go to gluten-free all purpose baking flour.
Recipe was developed prior to Jester's Isharnai cupcake scene (hilariously, in looking back through my texts, I received the recipe the Friday after that episode aired) so no guarantees on efficacy re: hag distraction
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jess-the-reckless · 5 days
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Funny thing about baking, is that I still bake some recipes in Imperial, despite being mostly metric. This is because my basic sponge cake recipe comes down from my grandmother, who was born in 1916 and never had any truck with any of that grams nonsense.
Basic sponge cake recipe is always super easy to remember in Imperial, anyway - 666, the number of the beast. 6oz self raising flour, 6oz butter, 6oz caster sugar, and three medium sized eggs. This one is a gluten-free take on the classic Victoria sponge, but with some fresh raspberries, because summer berries demand cake, and cream.
So, for the cake...
6oz/170g butter
6oz/170g caster sugar
6oz/170g self raising gluten-free flour
1tsp xanthan gum
Three eggs
Zest of a lemon
Splash of amaretto (optional)
Now, here's the bit where the metric system comes in handy, because even my dyscalculic brain can handle this in metric. If your gluten-free flour is not self raising, there's a simple percentage you can do to make it so. To make self raising flour you just need 5% of the total flour weight.
170g ÷ 100 = 1.7
1.7 x 5 = 8.5
So you need 8.5g (or thereabouts) of baking powder, in a bowl, on a scale, and then you top up that bowl with flour until it reaches your required 170g. To that I then add a teaspoon of xanthan gum, a game-changing stabilizer in all gluten-free baking. This shit will not only give you a beautiful fluffy crumb structure, but will also render your gluten-free shortcrust pastry smooth and manageable. I've even pulled off pate sucree with its assistance.
After that, you just cake away as usual - cream together the butter and sugar until fluffy, slowly add the eggs while mixing, then flavour with the zest of a lemon, and a splash of amaretto if you are, like me, an incorrigible girl-drink drunk. Sift and fold in your dry ingredients, then divide the mixture between two well greased and lined 9 inch cake pans. Bake at 180C (and I'm sorry, but I have no idea how Fahrenheit works) for about 15 minutes, or until a skewer poked into the middle of each cake comes clean. Leave to cool for a while in the tin, then turn out onto a rack to cool completely, and I do mean completely.
For the filling you simply need double cream and icing sugar. Again, I'm going metric, and Nan will have to churn in her urn once more about it. You calculate 16% of your cream volume in ml, then convert that to grams of sugar. This ratio should give you perfectly stabilized whipped cream every time, and it's easily flavoured with lemon zest, cocoa powder, coffee essence, or whatever else you fancy.
So - take 150mls of double cream, whisk it up until just starting to thicken, then add 24g of icing sugar according to my (probably shonky) mathematics. Whisk again until nicely fluffy, then slap it all over the lower layer cake as filling. I then pressed a bunch of fresh raspberries into the filling before putting on the top layer, and dusting with icing sugar. You can also level your cakes if you need to, although mine took the opportunity to rise perfectly and uniformly, which almost never happens to me.
This one is best kept in the fridge on account of the whipped cream, where it will last for a couple of days, in theory. In practice it usually gets et. Fast.
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xxscrabiesxx · 7 months
When I was a kid, Thanksgivings were a haze of color, people, and foods I didn't really like. The textures were unpredictable, the flavor only more so depending on who made the food that year, and things came in weird chunks that fell off your fork. It was loud, my extended family stayed in my house, and as a general rule was quite overwhelming.
As an adult, I don't particularly participate in the holiday. It has become an excuse to visit family, rather than a grand day of celebration. Last year, I hosted my siblings and their partners. We had pizza.
This year, my estranged oldest brother- having recently returned contact with us after 5 years of silence (his silence largely influenced by the fact that he needed space to recover from the cult) is hosting. Having divvied up the task of feeding a monumental amount of people (~18), my brother assigned me the task of 'Dessert'.
Now, I could have just made regular ol' pum'kin pie. Opened a can of the stuff, thrown it into a premade crust, and tossed it into the oven. Which is what I will be doing with the chocolate pudding pie this year. But as previously mentioned, many traditional Thanksgiving foods are just.... Not tasty, to me.
Especially, the pumpkin pie. Thin. Flavorless. Lacking any sort of redeeming qualities, it mocked me. Each year I would try a slice. Maybe, just maybe, THIS year it would be the creamy goodness it always masqueraded as. And it never was. It drove me to create the following recipe from scratch.
Recently I became gluten free (as best I can manage), so this recipe follows that rule. However, I'm sure substitutions of the wheaty nature will not overly change the resulting pie.
It is spongey, creamy, and tastes like pumpkin pie ought to- pumpkin and spices. The pretzel crust adds a layer of salty that enhances the sweetness and balances the creamy texture with a nice crisp.
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Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie
2 eggs
1/ 3 cup baking rice flour
1 tsp baking powder
~1/4 cup cream cheese
1/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup pumpkin
~2tsp ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg (to taste)
1tsp almond extract
1 cup crushed gluten free pretzels
2 tbsp unsalted butter
Prep time: ~15 minutes.
Cook time: ~20 minutes.
Yield: 1 pie, 8 servings.
Prep: Set cream cheese out to settle into room temperature beforehand, or microwave it in small increments to soften it.
In a bowl, mix eggs, sugar, pumpkin, and cream cheese. Slowly add seasonings, baking powder, and rice flour.
In a separate bowl, crush pretzels into little bits. Then, use a blender to chop them up into a fine powder. Add butter.
Assembly: Set oven to 350°. Place pretzel mix into pie tin and spread into crust shape. Prebake in oven until brown or crisped.
When the oven is preheated fully, settle the pumpkin mixture into the tin and set in oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
The pie is done when the pumpkin is spongey and comes clean from a toothpick test, no major color change.
Optional whipped cream: add 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream and 2 tbsp white sugar to a bowl and whip until peaked.
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cafe-sketchbook · 3 months
It's time for the first edition of Syrup's Syrup Corner! In these little posts, I'll be going through my favorite ways to make a food or drink!
Today, we're making Blueberry Waffles!
First, your dry ingredients! Sadly, I am Unovan born, so I will be using the Standard measuring system instead of the Metric system! For your dry ingredients, you can put them all into one large bowl! You'll need:
2 cups of all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 a teaspoon of salt
and 1/4 a cup of sugar. I personally prefer the taste of cane sugar, but white sugar is also usable!
Sift all those together in your large bowl!
Next, I like to set aside my blueberries. I source mine locally, and I like to use more tart blueberries rather than sweeter ones! The waffles themselves are already sweet enough. I like to use:
1 to 2 generous handfuls of tart blueberries.
Set those aside in another bowl, then we can move onto our wet ingredients! You're going to need two separate bowls for these! You'll need:
Two eggs
1/2 a cup of vegetable oil
2 cups of milk
and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
First, separate your egg yolks from your egg whites. You can do this by carefully cracking your egg in half, then carefully passing the yolk between the eggshells, allowing the egg whites to fall down into your bowl! Of course, there are other ways of separating the egg, but this is the one I personally use. Just make sure you pick out any pieces of eggshell that my fall with your egg whites! Nobody wants those in their food!
Now you can add the rest of your wet ingredients to your egg YOLKS and mix lightly. Make sure you're NOT adding them to the whites!
Now you can start beating your egg whites with a whisk until stiff peaks form, a.k.a. when they start looking pointy! I like to do this by hand, but using a machine does the same thing!
Now you can slowly add your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients! I like to use the whisk for this, but anything works well! Make sure you don't add your egg whites yet!
Once your wets are thoroughly incorporated, throw your blueberries right on top of it, then scoop your egg whites and place those on top! Now you can gently fold in those ingredients! To fold it in, use a large spoon and stir it lightly, until fully incorporated. Try to not pop open any of those blueberries right now!
Once you've done that, you can oil up your waffle maker! You can use cooking spray, but I always think it tastes better if you use butter.
Add as much of your batter to the waffle maker as you want, and cook that thing on medium-high heat for about five to ten minutes, or until golden brown!
Remember, your first waffle will almost never turn out perfect! It's your practice waffle, afterall! Your next ones will come out better!
Once you've plated your waffle, you can top that thing with whatever you'd like! Whipped cream, whipped butter, fruits, and obviously syrup are toppings I love on these things!
Thank you for reading, and happy cooking!
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blogger-yura · 10 months
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Entry #50 Aug 25th '23
#YurasLife #FoodFriday #Food #Cooking #Recipes
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𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 - 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐬 (lava cake)
*contact Yura for removal of any food related posts taglist
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Hello, hello, my sweet darlings! Happy Friday to all of you! How has the week treated y'all? Are we excited for the weekend? Any fun plans ahead? If not, then I have the perfect recipe for you to try~. (・ω・)
It's been a while since I've last shared a recipe, hasn't it? I just haven't had time to actually be in the kitchen and try new stuff. But! I made myself time. I missed baking, making treats for my friends and myself, too! And so I dug on the internet until I found the perfect dessert.
Don't you hate it when you go to your favorite restaurant, that hasn't changed their menu in forever, and suddenly, your favorite choco treat isn't there anymore?
This recipe, while not entirely mine, is a mix of a few different ones I found and liked. Each had their own characteristic little thing, and so I mixed it all up to put together the Ultimate Lava Cake ! \(^_^)/
Mind you, the recipe is not exact as it is a mix of many– just make sure to use cups the same size for measurements, and you'll be fine!
If you like cooking, and chocolate, and are a lava cake enthusiast– believe me, you'll love this.
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Prep: 15min - Cook: 12-15, check your oven! - Level: Medium, but very simple! - Makes: 4 servings!
▪︎170gr semi-sweet chocolate ▪︎1/2 cup unsalted butter
▪︎2 full eggs + 2 egg yolks ▪︎Tea spoon of vanilla extract
▪︎1/4 cup confectioners' sugar (can also use granulated sugar- but confectioners gives it a special touch)
▪︎3 table spoon all-purpose flour ▪︎Pinch of salt ▪︎Cocoa powder
▪︎For toppings, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or whipped cream, or both!
1- As always, we'll start preparing our ramekins and preheating the oven. Set your oven to 425F or medium heat, let it heat up steadily. Grease four 6-oz (or, 9cm diameter) ramekins with non-stick cooking spray and dust with cocoa powder! Tap out the excess so the cake bakes properly. This will help the lava cakes come out easily when inverted and prevent them from breaking!
2- Next up, melt the chocolate with the butter, chop and slice for faster melting! Can do it at the stove, medium heat on boiling water, or microwave it carefully, stopping every 15 to 20 seconds to prevent the chocolate from burning. Set aside to allow it to slightly cool.
3- We will then combine all the ingredients. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and egg yolks first, add then the sugar, vanilla extract, and salt until combined. Pour in the melted chocolate into the egg mixture, along with the flour– sieve if posible! Then, with a rubber spatula, fold it in until fully combined. Important, DO NOT whisk or mix on this step! The batter will be thick but should NOT be lumpy, that is because we are not using any liquid ingredients. It will be similar to brownie batter!
4- Finally, we'll bake it. Place the prepared ramekins on a baking pan and divide the batter between them. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until the edges look solid and firm. The tops will STILL be soft with a slight jiggle in the center.
Tip: When in doubt, it's always best to UNDER-BAKE. Worst case scenario, the lava cake will break when you take it out. Over-baking will just leave you with a solid choco cake.
5- Lasty, serve. You need to allow the lava cakes to cool in the ramekins for about 1 minute, then cover each with an inverted plate and use an oven mitt to flip them over and release the cakes onto the plate. If you try and flip them too hot, they WILL break. Add toppings and serve!
It's important to notice that lava cakes are really delicate and time sensitive. Test your oven heat and your patience with the first batch! Once you've gotten ahold of it, you'll see it's the easiest dessert ever~.
Now now, do you think you're up for the challenge? (⌒‐⌒) I'd love to see you all try and share your experience! Also, if there's any different way you do it and works, let me know!
I'll go now, need to prepare batter for tonight! I'll see you all around~.
Keep healthy and hydrated! All the love, my dears! -Yura ♡
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