#lily evans centric fic
flowerpottlady · 23 days
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Lily after she bought James a blender.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Random Idea: would you write something about 5-6 year old Harry wandering off at a game against the snakes and playing with little Draco before anyone realizes then Lily finding them and not messing it up because just because their dads are huge rivals doesn’t mean the kids have to be??
Just an idea, if you can’t think of anything good no pressure at all!
This is such a lovely prompt, KJ <3 Character credit goes to @lumosinlove !
TW for temporarily lost child
Lily was calm. Lily was level-headed. Lily was not, under any circumstances, going to lose her shit.
“Harry? Harry, love, time’s up!”
Because losing her shit wouldn’t do any good. Losing one’s shit was reserved for people who could afford to do so, those who didn’t have a husband and brother-in-law that would tear the rink apart at the first sign of trouble for their five-year-old.
Oh, who was she kidding. The entire team would go ballistic.
Worst of all, Lily would have to admit she had lost her kid.
“I am a horrible mother,” she muttered, the clack of her boots in the empty hall speeding up to match her pulse. “I am a horrible, horrible mother and they never should have let me leave the hospital with that baby. Harry? Are you down here?”
Maybe it was her imagination, but she thought she heard giggling. Lily’s heart seized and she wrenched open the nearest door—nothing. And the next, and the next, and the next, until her whole body itched with anxiety.
“I know you’re having fun, baby,” she called around the growing lump in her throat. “But we’re all done playing right now. All done. You did such a good job finding your hiding place. Can you show me where you are?”
I look like an idiot right now, talking to myself in an empty hall. The next three rooms were empty as well, lined with folding chairs. A conference room, a ballroom, a kitchen; not a soul in any of them. Lily picked up the pace.
He couldn’t have gone far. She only gave him ten seconds—ten seconds, sweetheart, are you ready?—to find somewhere to hunker down. The sound of his little feet on the crisp linoleum had made her smile with one hand over her eyes, counting slow enough for him to hear each number. The door had been closed. It was just them in the break room.
The door had been closed, and then it wasn’t.
“Harry?” Panic turned her mouth bitter and she swallowed hard, forcing it back. None of that, Evans. Save it for later. “Harry James, it’s time to go home.”
Oh, fuck, James was going to lose his mind. She loved him for his rationality in the face of danger but god only knew what would happen when their fucking baby was the one missing. Taken—
No. Not taken. Lily couldn’t bear the thought.
Her breaths came faster. The corners of her vision blurred. “Harry?” she tried again, voice cracking. “We’re all done playing, baby, come see me.”
Even if James managed to keep his even keel, Sirius wouldn’t. Loyal as a dog and twice as protective. Lily loved him like a brother but he would never forgive her if she let Harry go.
“I didn’t.” The words stuck in her mouth and she sniffled. She paused, tucking her arms around herself like a hug, her lungs fucking burned oh god—“I didn’t let him go, I didn’t, I didn’t, I—Harry, love?”
And again, she was left with a silent hall.
Lily exhaled. Pressed the heels of her hands to her stinging eyes. Sniffled once, twice, three times, forced down a thick sob. “This is not the time,” she said firmly, bringing her arms back down. The bright lights made her grimace. Think. “Alright. Locker room.”
She sent a silent prayer of thanks to James for showing her all the secret nooks for sneaky kisses as she followed winding paths through the rink. The crowd above made the ceiling rumble; there had hardly been ten minutes left in the third when Lily left the break room. The game would be over all too soon. Her watch said only five minutes had passed, but she refused to believe it had been less than a lifetime since she saw Harry in front of her.
The locker room, one of Harry’s favorite haunts (much to James’ delight), was well and truly empty. The kitchen was still locked as she had left it. Momentary terror gripped her when she saw the open maw of the tunnel, but logic won out. Even if Harry had wandered toward it, he would have been swept up by one of the security guards and safely deposited with someone who would find her.
Lily nearly jumped out of her skin and whipped around with a half-gasped “fuck”.
Layla smiled, though she seemed confused. “You okay?”
“Mhmm.” Tears began crawling up her throat again and she forced a smile. “Just—yeah, just left my phone somewhere. Can’t find it.”
“Okay,” Layla said gently, though one look told Lily she didn’t buy a word of it. “Well, I’m here until the end of the game. Let’s look together.”
“That’s really nice of you,” Lily managed.
“Anytime. Let’s go get Harry and—”
Lily may as well have become a puddle on the skate-scuffed floor with how fast she dissolved into tears.
“Hey, hey, alright.” Layla caught her under the arms when her knees buckled, surprisingly strong for someone of her stature. “I’ve got you, it’s all going to be just fine. Is Harry not…with you?”
“We were p-playing hide and seek,” she sobbed. “ ‘s just hide ‘n seek, he didn’t like the crowd and I had to pee and we were in the break room and I closed the door I promise.”
“I know you did,” Layla soothed, squeezing her tight despite Lily’s trembling. “Let’s take some deep breaths together.”
Lily’s chest lurched on the first.
“That was a really good start. One more.”
It was easier to breathe when she wasn’t alone.
“Great job, Lily, that was perfect.”
Layla hugged a little like Remus, a little like James, and somehow better than both of them in that moment. She let Lily clutch the back of her zip-up sweater without protest, and when they finally parted (when Lily could fucking breathe again), she tucked the wild flyaways back with a reassuring smile.
“We’ve got this.”
Lily sniffed. “We’ve got this.”
“How long ago were you playing?”
“Seven minutes.”
Relief eased the faint tension around Layla’s eyes. “Then we’ve got nothing to worry about. I haven’t seen him go by my office, so he probably went the other way. Are you ready to start looking?”
Lily nodded, but went into one last hug like she hadn’t been held in weeks. It certainly felt like it.
“I didn’t know who to ask,” she admitted once they started walking, arm in arm, looking into every storage closet they passed. “It felt—god, I’m so stupid. I felt like I shouldn’t have to, y’know? He’s my kid. I should just…know.”
Layla tilted her head from side to side. “I’m glad you asked me, though.”
Lily squeezed her hand. “Me, too.”
“The good news is, he can’t have gone very far.”
“I dunno, he got James’ penchant for trouble.”
“Pots can’t make it past me on a good day,” Layla laughed. Her ease calmed the bubbling anxiety in Lily’s gut. “That kid might be quick, but he’s not making it past trained security. Where have you already looked?”
Lily gestured vaguely. “The other way, mostly. Just kind of…everything over there. He likes the locker room.”
“Does he?” Something thoughtful came over Layla’s face and she slowed for a moment. “Would he—and tell me to shut up if I’m wrong, here—do you think he’d try the other one?”
“The other—” Lily faltered. “Oh my god, you’re so right.”
“I don’t know if he’d know where it is,” Layla admitted as they hurried down the left fork. “But it can’t hurt to try, right?”
“No, he definitely knows,” Lily snorted humorlessly. “That kid’s had more rink tours than I have. The guys bring him everywhere. He’s started reading signs, if you can believe it.”
“For real?”
“If anyone asks, he got it from me.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second.”
Lily rounded the corner to the visitor’s locker room and slowed to a stop, her momentary second wind rushing out in one harsh burst. Gloves, helmets, emerald-and-silver jerseys…and no toddler. The only movement came from the screen in the far corner, showing the last minute of the game ticking down. Disappointment, worry, fear, guilt—it was all there, leaving her right back where she started. “I thought…”
Someone giggled down the hall and Lily was there in the blink of an eye, pushing an already-open door wide with her heart in her throat.
Narcissa Malfoy’s razor-sharp gaze softened with confusion. Her hands were on the shoulders of a little blond boy in a miniature Snakes jersey, holding him tight. “Mama,” he whined, wriggling free with a wary look at Lily. “I told you I wanna play.”
Lily didn’t register the scrape of carpet on her knees until Harry was already in her arms, still holding two fistfuls of LEGOs while a cheerful flood of a story spilled out of him. She didn’t hear a single word of it.
He was warm and squirmy as always, tall as her hip when they were standing but just big enough to fit in her arms like this. She pressed her face to his hair and inhaled; soap-clean and still a little damp from his pre-game bath. Faintly, she knew she was shaking. She knew Narcissa and Layla and the other kid were probably watching. Lily brought her face up to kiss Harry’s forehead and bundled him right back in her arms to be hugged some more.
“…mama?” Harry sounded hesitant. She hummed, rubbing his back. “Did you hear?”
“Say it again, lovey.”
“I said I like hugs but I’m playing LEGOs right now, please.”
Her lungs felt too small. “We’re all done playing for today.”
“But mama—”
“Harry.” It took everything in her to separate and sit up properly, holding Harry at arms’ length. “We were playing hide and seek, remember?”
“And remember how I asked you to stay in the break room while I counted?”
His guilty look told her everything. “Yeah.”
Lily raised a brow, brushing a gentle thumb over his cheek. “I didn’t know where you went, baby. You scared me. Why did you leave?”
Harry scuffed his shoe on the floor. “Got bored.”
“I wanted to see the other locker room ‘cause Daddy said it looked different than ours. Ms. Narcissa found me.”
“Thank you.” The worst part was, Lily could hardly blame him. If Harry got James’ general disregard for rules, he also got her own insatiable curiosity. Poor kid, she thought. Your teachers are going to have quite the time with you. “We’ll talk more when we get home. Can you introduce me to your friend?”
“I’m Draco,” the blond boy announced haughtily before Harry could answer, which seemed to take the wind out of his sails a bit. “I’ve been playing here all night. I built the volcano, see?”
“I do.” In truth, it was hard to tell one part of their LEGO mishmash from another, but it seemed to appease him. Narcissa was still watching her as if she thought Lily would start biting. With her hand resting protectively on Draco’s back and those careful, guarded eyes, it was only too easy to see the blood she shared with Sirius. They held themselves with the same straight-backed posture, a silent challenge to take another step closer to their ward.
Lily offered a small smile and inclined her head. Thank you for watching them both. Narcissa didn’t relax, but her pointed chin did dip for half a second.
Outside, the goal horn blared. Harry and Draco made identical faces of annoyance at the interruption, but Lily felt her stomach sink. She and Narcissa had a shared point of contact—the Snakes, on the other hand, did not. She didn’t care for them. She certainly didn’t want Harry around them. From the curl of Narcissa’s lip as the whoops of the Lions echoed down the far tunnel, the feeling was mirrored on her side.
Lily broke eye contact first and bent to Harry’s level. “Time to go, lovebug, Daddy misses you. Can you say bye to Draco?”
“Bye!” Harry chirped, pulling the other boy into a brief hug that seemed to surprise him before returning to Lily’s side. “See you next time!”
The look on Narcissa’s face told Lily a ‘next time’ was unlikely, but…but not impossible. Lily sent her a final nod as she ushered Harry into the hallway. Layla was already gone; she couldn’t help but be grateful for a brief moment of alone time with Harry.
“I like Ms. Narcissa,” Harry announced, hopscotching the gray and white tiles.
“Do you?”
“Yep. She was nice. She keeps LEGOs in her purse, didja know that?”
“I didn’t,” Lily admitted. “I’m not surprised, though.”
“How come you don’t keep LEGOs in your purse?”
“Because I don’t use purses. I lose them too fast.”
“Well, yeah, but what about your backpack?”
“I keep books, cards, snacks, and some other things in my backpack. I like feeling prepared.” And I’m thirty seconds from sticking a GPS on you.
Harry made a faint noise of agreement when they entered the main hall, pulling the sleeves of his too-big Potter jersey down over his hands. “D’you think Daddy will play LEGOs with me and Draco next time?”
Lily had to bite her lip to stifle a hoot of laughter at the thought of James Potter willingly sitting in a room with anyone even distantly related to the Snakes, let alone one of Sirius’ cousins, let alone a Malfoy. “He’s busy during the games,” she said instead. “But he would love to play with you at home.”
Where I can keep an eye on you, she added. They had already passed the labyrinth of halls she had wandered for the worst seven minutes of her life, but she kept close to Harry anyway. Seven minutes was too long to be away from him. Seven seconds was too long.
Harry stopped just outside the locker room, leaning against her legs to look up at her with big, pleading eyes. “Will you play LEGOs with us next time?”
There were a variety of reasons Lily could say no, could tell Harry to stay away from that team and everyone near it. Hell, she had a damn good reason to keep Harry away from anyone associated with Sirius’ parents. Narcissa’s guarded posture rose in her memory, unwarranted. Her crisp clothes, the abrupt black-and-white of her hair, the way her pale hand had been so gentle on Draco’s shoulder. The way Draco had held on to her coat the same way Harry hid behind her own around strangers.
“Sure, baby. We can do that.”
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seriousbrat · 8 months
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Falls the Shadow, chapter 8 Read on Ao3
THE DARKEST DAYS, a multi-part, canon-compliant series spanning from 1975-1981, covering the events of the First Wizarding War. Follows Lily, Sev, and the Marauders through their final years at Hogwarts to the end of the war, as friendships are put to the test and the Wizarding World crumbles around them... READ FROM THE BEGINNING
CHAPTER 8: For Better For Worse --------------------------------------------
Vernon stammers. “What— that— you— I mean to say—” Petunia shoots Lily a dirty look and then places a soothing hand on his arm. This seems to rally him. “So, you know a few magic tricks, do you? Am I supposed to be impressed?”
“Not especially,” James says, grinning. “That was a fairly bog-standard bit of Transfiguration. Of course, transfiguring inanimate objects into living thing’s always got its complications— it’s not really alive, you see, it’s just the illusion of life. The theory’s a bit murky, but there you are.”
From the looks on their faces he may as well be speaking Greek. Lily has to stifle a laugh.
At that moment the waitress returns bearing a tray loaded with their drinks; these she doles out, setting Petunia’s water on the beer mat that had recently been a butterfly. Petunia pushes it away from her with an expression of distaste.
“How’d you get here, anyway?” Petunia asks Lily. “Did you drive?”
“No,” Lily says, taking a sip of lager. “We Apparated. You know, when you—”
“Car at the mechanic’s, is it?” Vernon interrupts loudly, addressing James. “I suppose you drive some rusty, clapped-out old banger, don’t you?”
“Er,” James says, looking perplexedly at Lily. “What?”
“He’s asking what sort of car you’ve got,” Lily says heavily, sipping at her beer.
“Vernon’s got a Triumph Spitfire,” Petunia says glowingly, as if this is supposed to mean something to them.
“Oh, right— well, I haven’t got a car,” James says, shrugging. “I have got a fairly good racing broom, though, the Nimbus 1001— not the latest model anymore, but sound, wouldn’t change it for the world— does nought to seventy in under ten seconds.” He takes a swig of beer, oblivious to Vernon swelling with rage, a vein pulsing in his temple— from the look on his face Lily surmises that his Triumph Spitfire doesn’t do anything of the sort.
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heavywithhaving · 1 year
retreating from my private twitter reading account to say that the marauders is a huge fucking fandom now tell me why i cant find any filo socmed aus
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
just posted chapter 9 of we are the dead!! lily evan's birthday!!
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me: let's write a jegulus fanfic
also me: this is lily's world and we're all just living in it
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mischievousmoony · 3 months
𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚔, 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎!
⟢ lily evans x fem!reader
⟢ summary: lily evans is haunted by memories from years ago before she started dating james potter and before you left her life. amid feelings of guilt, regret, and a shocking discovery, she finds herself on your doorstep . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 5.1k
⟢ warnings/tags: reader has a bad relationship with family (implied homophobia), lily struggles with her sexuality, loosely based on the song it's named after, angsty but gets a little fluffy, second chance trope, will have another part, gave up on proofreading
⟢ masterlist
note: pls leave feedback if you have it regarding this fic being told mostly from lily's pov but awkwardly still in second person... since i was writing for fun for a while without the intention to post, i found myself focusing on the characters rather than the reader. do we like it or do we want more reader centric stuff? xo ty
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Lily Evans has grown accustomed to restless nights. It started when she moved in with her boyfriend. She likes to blame the insomnia on their new flat. Some days it's the whistling radiators or the bed being too hard or the noise of their upstairs neighbours staying up late. 
James, being a sweetheart who inherited a knack for potions from his father, brews his girlfriend a supply of Dreamless Sleep Potion every week. Lily takes three of the seven potions, the rest finding refuge down the drain. She feels terrible about the waste but she finds that coming in and out of dreams all night is better than a good nights rest without them. 
She could simply tell James that she likes to dream. But there was the problem of James absolutely brewing a different sleep potion for her that would likely require more work and less accessible ingredients. Plus, to announce her fondness of her dreams would mean facing why she adores them so much. Because when Lily finds herself naturally dozing off, memories of you come flooding in. 
It was the first warm day of the season. The snow had finally melted away and signs of life crept back into the earth. 
It was midday. Was it the weekend or was she skipping class? She couldn’t remember. All she knew is that she was laying in the grass, staring up at a dogwood tree that was starting to get some life back, with her head resting someplace soft. Your lap. 
Your hands were in her hair, braiding and unbraiding small strands over and over again. Lily closed her eyes. 
“What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours, Flower?” Your voice was treat for her ears, soft and gentle like your touch. 
Lily’s eyes fluttered open to meet yours. You looked radiant. Beams of sunlight filtered through the tree branches and traced your silhouette. The wind was tame, but it made your hair wisp off to the right, some stray strands dancing across your forehead and cheeks. 
“Nothing, nothing at all,” Lily replied, “Isn’t that beautiful?”
“Relaxed?” You mused.
“Very,” Lily said, leaning into your touch as you buried your hand in her red locks, your thumb tracing a braid you left there.
“This is nice.” she sighed happily.
“I told you so,” you teased, “This is much better than hiding in some dark corner.”
“I hate when you say that.” Lily groaned playfully. 
“And I love saying it.” You grinned as you poked Lily in her side where you knew she was ticklish. 
Lily yelped and writhed away as she laughed. You surrendered quickly, not wanting to be the cause of her leaving your lap. 
After you both settled down, Lily closed her eyes again and whispered, “I wish it could be like this forever.”
“It could,” you said softly. 
Suddenly, Lily felt very cold.
Lily stirs. A sliver of soft light is shining through a gap in the curtains, signaling the impending morning. She tosses and turns for a while, pleading with the universe to send her back. 
When she flops onto her right side she finds James facing her. Pretty eyelashes lay across his cheeks as he peacefully sleeps. Something about the sight makes Lily’s heart race. She wishes it meant what she told herself it did, but she couldn’t ignore the pit in her stomach that came along with it. 
Lily turns onto her back as she brings her hands over her eyes. The weight of anxiety and self-loathing begins to settle in. She wants to think of anything, anything at all please, that will distract her. Her mind drifts back to you.
At ease, she snoozes off again. But not all of Lily’s dreams are happy ones. 
Lily finds herself back under the same tree, which was now in full bloom. Birds were chirping on the branches above. 
“Lily, I just-,” your expression was one of pure desperation.
“Just what?” Lily snapped. She had never been so vicious in her life. “You embarrassed me.”
You shake your head helplessly, “Embarrassed you?”
“You can’t act like that in front of my friends! They’re going to get the wrong idea.” As angry as she was, she kept her callous voice hushed. 
“Remus and Sirius? Seriously? They’re dating, Lily. They’re not about to judge you for being-"
“Stop!” Lily shrieked, looking around ferociously as if someone might overhear, but you two were completely alone, “It’s not about that! I’m not… I am just not.”
“Then what do you call what’s happening between us?” you asked bitterly. 
Lily’s green eyes went wide. “What’s happening between us is nothing. We’re just- just friends.”
“No. Remus, Sirius. They’re your friends. James, Mary, and Marlene are your friends. You'd be seen in public with all of them! But me? I’m not your friend.” You swallowed hard, willing the tears to stay at bay, “I thought I was more than that to you. Turns out I’m nothing.”
Lily sucked her lower lip in between her teeth. “That’s not true,” she said. 
“You only ever see me by this stupid tree at the edge of Hogwarts’ property! Or in a deserted classroom. Or in the back of the library only at times no one else would ever be there.” You spat the words like they were poison and your trembling voice rose with every syllable. 
“Please lower your voice!” Lily pleaded. The castle was far away, but close enough to see students as tiny specks leaving its’ doors. For Lily, that was too close. 
You released a dry, bitter laugh, “You see? I’m nothing but your little secret.” 
Lily looked distraught trying to come up with the right thing to say. “Isn’t that what’s fun about us?” she asked. 
You sucked in a sharp breath. For a while you just stared at Lily. Each passing second, she became more unrecognizable. 
“No. Not for me. I know who I am Lily. I’m not going to keep pretending that I’m someone else.” You said it like an accusation. 
“I’m not pretending,” she said so genuinely you couldn’t help but feel sad for her. But that didn’t cancel out your anger. 
“You can’t run away from yourself forever, Lily. If you try, you’re going to wake up one day and hate the life you’ve built. Good luck with that.” 
Lily wakes up and the back of her neck is clammy. She remembers that day clearly. For a long time, she would only acknowledge it as the day she agreed to go on a date with James. 
Speaking of, James enters the bedroom with two freshly brewed cups of tea in hand. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” James’ beaming smile fades when he meets Lily’s eyes as he enters their shared bedroom, “The potion’s not working well?”
Lily reaches for a hand mirror that lays on her bedside table. When she sees herself, she’s met with puffy dark circles, bloodshot eyes, and sickly pale cheeks. 
Lily places the mirror down in her lap. When she meets James’ eyes again, she finds herself at a loss for words. 
The look on James face induces agony in Lily. James Potter is not meant to be sad—he’s probably the most cheerful person Lily has ever known. But today he stood before her with forlorn in his eyes. 
James approaches Lily’s bedside and after setting the tea down, he cups one side of her face with a warm hand. He lightly brushes her cheek with his thumb as he says, “Maybe I’m brewing the potion incorrectly. I should owl my dad and ask for advice.”
“No!” Lily blurts. 
Oh, Merlin, she thinks as guilt starts to chew away at her. James is absolutely devastated because he thinks he’s failed at helping her. Lily feels sick for doing this to him.
“It’s not your fault,” she insists, “It’s… surely a fluke. I slept rather well the night before, remember?”
James looks like he’s considering Lily’s words. “Yeah, yeah, alright. Maybe it went sour. When I’m off for a break at work, I’ll try to research proper storage methods for sleep potions.”
Lily wants to insist that he just enjoy his break, but she relents. She feels terrible about it, but if there's one thing about James Potter, it's that he will work endlessly to find a solution to his friends' problems. After all, he did become an unregistered animagus as a teen to ease Remus’ pain, and that was no small feat. 
Lily can’t help but think to herself that she doesn’t deserve his big heart. 
Throughout the day, she tries to keep her mind off of James and sleeping potions and dreams about her past. At work, she is able to keep herself fairly busy. But when she goes on her break, she sits miserably staring at the wall, thinking about James trying to solve a nonexistent problem through his own break. 
Lily decides to return to work ten minutes early and she is met with a stack of new tasks. At the moment, she's probably the only one in the office who's happy to be overworked.
Work is able to occupy her thoughts for the rest of the day. Even on her way home, she recounts the work that she was able to complete and considers plans for the work she has left. 
She barely even notices the emptiness of the flat when she arrives, drafting a letter she needs to send to her boss in her mind. She doesn’t come back to the present until she sees a note on James’ bedside table. 
She frowns slightly and brings the parchment close to read James’ scribble. 
Visiting the library to read up on sleep potions. Be back soon.
Love, James
Great. Instead of relaxing after a full day of work, he’s at the library doing research as if they’re back at school and a potions essay is due tomorrow. 
In a fit of despair, Lily crumples up the note and throws it aside. In the heat of the moment, she carelessly bumps her fist into James’ plant. 
It’s a wretched fake plant that Lily hates. She recalls asking James for days to buy a real plant, promising to take care of it for him. But James claimed the artificial monstrosity was his most prized possession and begged her to leave it, so eventually she did. 
She worries that she’s broken the awful thing, but as she moves to clean it up, something more pressing replaces that concern. 
The plant is fine, anyway. The ceramic vase survived the fall, but the plant had popped out. It seems that the fake dirt that the waxy leaves were glued to was only a thin disk. And when it came free of the vase, something else came tumbling out as well. A little wooden box, the sight of which made Lily’s stomach turn. 
Lily feels like she’s moving through gelatin as she bends down towards the box. With trembling fingers, she picks it up like it's a bomb that could go off if she makes any sudden moves.
Oh, so carefully, Lily fiddles with its latch and slowly flips it open. 
Lily’s world comes crashing down as she stands face to face with the most beautiful engagement ring she’s ever seen. 
The golden band has an intricate botanical design. Leafy vines interlace dazzling emeralds and every detail complements a striking diamond set in a beaded frame. 
James surely dipped into the Potters' fortune for this. Whilst he prefers to live by his own means where he can, he is also not one to spare any expenses for something so momentous.
Lily doesn’t know how long she stood frozen, staring at the ring resting on its velvet bed. This is everything she's always told herself she wants yet standing there with the ring in hand, she didn’t want it at all. The contradicting emotions have seemingly short circuited her. 
Eventually, she snaps out of her trance at the sound of a holler. 
“Lilypad! I’m home!” 
Panic sets in as Lily scrambles to hide her discovery. She snaps the box closed and nearly dives for the ceramic vase that still lies on the floor. 
The sound of James’ footsteps are like a threat as she plops the vase back on the table and sets the box inside. 
“Lily?” James calls as she is trying to force the plant back into the ceramic pot. 
With a final ‘pop’ the brown disk finds its home and Lily has just enough time to whip her body towards to door before James enters. 
James’ eyes dart around the room, looking for anything that could be astray. 
“Everything okay?” James asks when he doesn’t find anything obviously wrong. 
“Yeah!” Lily says despite feeling like she can’t breathe. 
James studies his girlfriend’s flushed face, “Are you sure? You look-“
“I have to go!” Lily blurts out. She’s suddenly racing around the room, collecting her keys and sliding her shoes back on. 
Confusion floods James’ expression, “What? Go where?”
Lily waves her hand in the air as if it doesn’t matter, collecting her purse and flying out the door. 
James calls after her, “Wait, Lil-"
Lily doesn't wait to hear what he has to say as she makes a rash decision to apparate away. Her destination? For reasons Lily cannot explain nor understand, your doorstep. It was the first place she thought of and she doesn't have the slightest clue as to why—she’d never even been here before. She only knows the address from the exchange of Christmas gifts between you two one winter.
As soon as you turned 17, you moved out of your parent’s house even though you were still at Hogwarts. You had told Lily that you couldn’t even bear one last holiday with them, so that winter you found this place. 
It was a charming little townhouse in London. Lily remembers that you disliked the plain exterior, but the vivid teal door made up for it. 
The place was considerably nicer than Lily’s flat. She always wondered how you were able to afford it, but she suspected that your parents might have ‘misplaced’ some money before you moved out. And from what Lily has heard, you had secured a job right out of school. 
Lily feels ridiculous. She doesn't even know if you still live here. She doesn't even know if she wants to see you. More importantly, she fears that you don’t want to see her. 
She thinks she should leave, but she feels glued in place as she takes in the exterior to the home and she realizes that it must still be yours. You have two giant potted plants on your doorstep that look well taken care of. They stand on either side of a doormat that has simple black writing reading "welcome". You still have Christmas lights up and a wreath hanging on your door despite the holiday being a few months ago.
Lily doesn't mean to look through your windows, but one of them has the curtains drawn. She can see a cozy looking room inside. Lily tries to decipher what the little trinkets on your windowsill are. Little crystal figurines, perhaps? A jade elephant, a rose quartz cat, a lapis hippogriff, and one more. The stone was orange, or maybe red, it's hard to tell. Lily wonders if it's red jasper. No, it's not that red. Maybe carnelian?
"Lily?" A voice interrupts her train of thought.
Lily tenses. She knows exactly who that gentle voice belongs to. She turns around like a machine that desperately needs oiling—stiffly and slowly.
You suck in a sharp breath when you see that it really is her. "What are you doing here?" you ask softly.
Lily is unable to speak when she sees you. After only seeing you in her dreams for so long, this moment feels surreal.
"Are you alright?" you question, getting more worried the longer she takes to respond. Lily is the last person you expected to see when you noticed someone standing in front of your house during your walk up the street.
"Yeah I- I'm sorry. I don't know why I-" Lily shakes her head, "I was apparating and it was the first address that came to mind for some reason. I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here."
You were a bit scared by the way she was acting. "Lily, it's freezing out here," you say, "Why don't you come inside?"
Lily's eyes widen and she opens her mouth to protest but you don't give her the chance.
"It's fine. I promise." Your keys jingle in your hand as you pass Lily to unlock your door.
Lily follows you inside timidly. You lead her to the drawing room that she had seen through the window. You insist that Lily takes a seat as you close the room's french doors, which seems like a difficult feat. You heave the doors and some dust floats into the air. It seems like they haven't been closed in a long time.
"Sorry," you strain as you finally get the doors moving, "I don't want to wake Cami. They work the night shift, so, y'know?"
"Cami..." Lily repeats. She doesn't know why it shocks her that you've met someone, and it makes her feel worse for being here.
"Yeah," you wave your hand around like the words are lost from your tongue, "my-"
"No, yeah, of course." Lily says quickly. She tries to change the subject. "This is a nice place."
"Oh yeah, and having someone to split the rent with was long overdue," you joke.
With the doors finally closed, you turn around with a huff and place your hands on your hips. You finally have a moment to look at Lily.
She looks almost the same, but she's missing a certain fire in her eyes that she always had back when you knew her. She still had that beautiful hair that you loved. It looked just as soft. And did she have less freckles somehow? No, must just be from the lack of sun in the winter months. The last time you saw her she was sun-kissed since it was nearly summertime.
You bite your lip, feeling stupid for just staring at her while she sits distraught on your sofa.
"I should've offered you tea by now," you blurt out. You look over your shoulders at the heavy doors and hold back a sigh.
"I'm alright, no worries, really," Lily assures you.
Your eyes dart down to her trembling hands. "At least let me start a fire, yeah?"
Lily sits as still a statue, her spine rigid like she's afraid to relax in your home. She's uncomfortably aware that she is here unexpectedly, extremely unexpectedly.
She watches as you get a fire going. You have to move some firewood into the fireplace before you can cast a spell to light it.
You look different from the person Lily sees in her memories. The way you carry yourself has a certain confidence that wasn't there before. There's also physical differences. You have a new piercing, you changed the way you dress, and most shockingly to Lily—
"You cut your hair." she says thoughtfully.
"What?" Your hand reaches up to touch your hair as you move to sit on an armchair near the couch, "Oh, I suppose so, yes. I started cutting it this way about a year and a half ago to be honest."
This serves as a reminder to Lily that it has been a very long time since you were in her life. It made her being here feel impossibly more uncomfortable. Any more discomfort and Lily would start choking on it.
"Stop worrying," you chastise, "I don't mind that you're here."
All these years later and you can still tell what she's thinking by her expression.
"It is odd, though, isn't it?" Lily keeps worrying anyway, but you really do mean it. Sure, maybe a couple years ago you would have told her to go away and never come back, but you were angrier at her and angrier at the world when you were young.
You sway your head side to side, acting like you're weighing out the answer. A small smile threatens to overtake Lily's lips.
Quite chuckles emit from your mouth as your head stills, "I'll admit it's unexpected."
You offer her a gentle smile as if to say it's okay. A moment passes while you gain the courage to ask her what's going on with her.
"Are you gonna tell me what brought you here?" you ask tentatively.
Images of the engagement ring flash in Lily's mind, but that's the last thing she wants to talk about.
"I've been thinking about you." Lily says. Stupid, she thinks. That topic isn't exactly much better for her. "Not like that! I mean I- I've just been feeling so... Well, I've been thinking about my past." Lily struggles to find the words to make her point, "And the mistakes I've made... one of them being you."
"Ouch." you say playfully.
"That is not what I mean!" Lily panics.
"Just joking, Lils, I get it." The nickname slips out, but seemingly goes unnoticed.
"You do?" she asks, sounding a little scared.
A sad expression overtakes your features and Lily slumps back into the sofa in response.
“You can say it.” she says shamefully.
“Say what?” you ask as you draw your eyebrows together.
“You told me so. I know how much you loved saying it. So go ahead, because I officially hate my life." Lily's head tips back and lands on the cushions behind her miserably.
"You don't mean that." You feel a piece of your heart break for her, along with a twinge of guilt.
"Why shouldn’t I? When I look at my boyfriend the only thing I feel is guilt." Lily's head tips back up to look at you again. "I can’t sleep, I can’t get a moment of peace unless I’m mind numbingly busy. I-” Lily trails off, exasperated. The only thing she leaves out of her rant is why she feels this way. She feels bitter about the fact that she still can’t even say it.
You see the turmoil in her stormy eyes and would give anything to make her feel better, even just for a moment.
“Everyone takes their own time, you know?” You tread lightly because she hasn’t technically confirmed the reason for her turmoil. “My sister, she- uh, she just came out to me,” you half expect Lily to turn on you like she did that day under the dogwood tree, but she doesn’t flinch, “and she’s almost forty.” You joke a little, lightening up the conversation. Your sister was actually in her mid thirties but sometimes even estrangement doesn’t seem to take away the instinctual need to poke fun at your siblings.
Lily remembers the way you talked about your sister. Your relationship was like her and Petunia’s, but it seemed to be worse. “Your sister?”
“Yeah, she sent an owl. Apologized for the way they all treated me. She was going through her own stuff and she was scared, I get it, but… still hurts, y’know?”
There was a lull in the conversation as Lily isn’t sure what to say.
“She asked to see me” you admit suddenly.
“Will you?”
“I don’t know.” you say wistfully, “It’s hard to forgive sometimes. Especially people who’ve said such cruel things.”
Lily sinks into the sofa even more, assuming your hinting to her, but then—
“I’m sorry.”
“What!?” Lily gapes, “What could you possibly be sorry for?”
You chew the inside of your cheek. “The last thing I ever said to you was too harsh. I never should’ve told you that you’d hate your life. Now here you are saying it’s true… I feel like I planted seeds in your mind-”
“No,” Lily interrupts, “You didn’t do anything wrong. If you must hear it, I accept your apology, but you were rightfully angry with me. And we were just kids!" A familiar fire flashes in Lily's eyes for just a second as she's consumed by an urgency to ease your feelings of remorse. "Please don’t feel guilty about that when what I did was so much worse. I was only thinking about my own feelings and I forgot about yours. I treated you like a dirty secret when you were probably the best person in my life back then. I’m the one who's sorry. I’m so sorry.” Lily sounds desperate for you to hear her apology by the time she finishes.
You didn’t know how much you needed to hear that. At some point you had decided not to let the situation with Lily hurt you anymore. You rationalized that it wasn’t about you—She was on her own path to discovery and you just happened to get wrapped up in it. So you let yourself heal, and you let yourself forgive Lily. But there was a small shrivel of anger still stowed away in your heart and you can finally feel it as it dissipates.
“I accept your apology too,” you rasp.
Lily lets the relief wash over her. She has been carrying the guilt for how she treated you for so long. And as the years went by and she reflected on her actions, it only grew worse. Finally being able to apologize and actually hearing that you accept it lifts a weight off of her shoulders that she’s forgotten what it feels like to live without. It’s almost disorienting.
“I think now’s a good time for that tea,” you say with a shaky breath and pad out of the room, closing the french doors behind you.
A sweet silence settles over the room as Lily sits alone. She takes the free time to absorb her surroundings. You’ve filled your drawing room with color and life. Artwork and portraits decorate the vibrant walls. And you have so many beautiful plants. Some hang by the windows and other small ones are scattered across the different surfaces in the room.
She wonders how much of this room is you, and how much of it is Cami. She tries to cast the stupid though aside, but she can't help noticing two stockings from Christmas still hanging on the fireplace's mantle. One has a glitter glue snowman on it, along with your sparkly initial. The other has candy canes and poorly drawn snowflakes under the letter ‘C’.
She thinks of you crafting the stockings and makes up the scene in her mind. You and Cami wrapped up in blankets on a snowy day, laughing at the juvenile designs as you eat Christmas cookies. The idea warms her heart and, for some reason, makes her sad at the same time.
Despite the weird mixed feelings, Lily feels at peace here. You seem to have built a happy life in this house and Lily finds herself wishing to be apart of it. She hopes today can be the door back into your life, but part of her fears it might be the conclusion to your story.
Eventually, you return with tea. Lily thanks you and takes a sip. It's perfect, and she realizes you remember the way she likes it.
The room remains silent even though you are back. Lily’s eyes drift around the room as she wracks her brain for something to say. With each passing second she gets more and more nervous that you’ll realize you don’t have anything more to talk about you’ll say goodbye forever.
Meanwhile, you’re watching her eyes move around the room and wonder what she’s thinking. You see her eyes falter on your record player. An idea suddenly emerges, and you get up to play a song.
It takes an awkward moment, but once it’s on you hear a small gasp.
“This was my favorite song.”
“Yeah, I know.” You bite your lip, “Was?”
Lily considers it for a moment, then corrects herself, “Is.”
“Yeah, it’s still mine too.” You begin to approach the sofa Lily is sitting on. “Do you remember when we charmed your cassette player to play this song?”
Lily starts laughing, “And we couldn’t get the bloody thing to shut up."
“And we tossed it in the Black Lake afterwards! That was our grand solution?”
Lily laughs harder, “My mum was so cross with me for that. ‘How do you misplace something like that!’ she asked me.”
“You told her you lost it? That thing was so clunky,” you snort.
“Why do you think she didn’t believe me?” Lily shook her head at her past self, “Oh! And do remember the time with the baby owl?”
The world disappears around you both as you reminisce on the good times. From rescuing wild baby owls that you wrongly assumed were of the magical sort to angering the house elves after sneaking into their kitchen, you two had gotten yourselves into a lot of sticky situations back at school.
Lily loses track of time as you recount story after story, scooting closer and closer to each other on the sofa as you do.
The chimes of your blue grandfather clock suddenly catches Lily’s attention.
“Is it that late already?” Guilt sets in for how she left James, who must be worried sick.
You’re also taken aback by how long you’d been talking. You’ve forgotten how easy it was with Lily.
“I have to go,” Lily sounds panicked as she stands up.
“Oh, of course,” you stand with her, “let me walk you out.”
You lead her the way you came hours ago and step outside with her.
“It was, uh, nice seeing you, Lily.” You rock back and forth on your heels nervously. When you realize what you’re doing, you still yourself, but now you can’t stop wondering if you’re too still.
Lily smiles warmly, “I’m glad I ended up on your doorstep, even if it was a bit impromptu,” Lily rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, “Thank you for inviting me in.”
You give her a final nod and she makes her way down your front steps. You watch as she pauses at the bottom. She turns back.
"Can I see you again?" Lily knows she's being bold but she just can't help herself. She's only had you in dreams for so long. She doesn't want to let go of you as easily this time.
Your lips part, and you find yourself saying, “Yeah. That’d be… that’d be nice.”
Lily smiles for a moment, then apparates away. For a minute you stand alone in the cold, staring at the space she just occupied. Then, you go back inside to wash the teacups. You hate washing dishes, but you can’t help but smile through it.
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fredtheemoplant · 4 months
A huge issue I have have with this fandom is the (Young) Peter Pettigrew slander. Everyone goes ballistic bc he betrays the Potters and yada yada even though Regulus, Barty, Evan and any other death eater did pretty much the exact same thing.
So, I want to write a fic. Peter centric all about Peter discovering himself and his sexuality / identity while his friends all fall in love around him. (+ a couple other things)
A list of stuff it would include:
Aromantic Asexual Peter
Non binary Peter (maybe, lmk)
Wolfstar, Jegulus, Dorlene, Panda/Marylily, Rosekiller
Childhood friends Peter James and Marls
Happy ending (bc I’m a sucker for a happy end)
Disabled Peter!!! (My love)
Sassy + Cunty Peter bc yes
I got the idea while listening to Little League by Conan Gray and it would be loosely based off that
There are a few things I haven’t decided yet so it’s not set in stone so ideas/suggestions/feedback/criticism let me know <33
I will put updates on this page for you all, should I decide to continue on with it, and it will be posted on my Ao3 (Fredtheemoplant)
Again, any suggestions or question can be said directly in my asks or in the comments :)
All that aside, the question isss:
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curtsycream · 8 months
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My Greatest Love, My Greater Enemy
James Potter x F!Reader
endgame is Remus x Reader but it’s still James centric for the angst. I love that trope where one falls first but the other falls harder yet it’s too late to do anything about it. Not proofread, oops
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No one tells you when it’s too late how much it hurts. No one warns you of the pain in your heart when it happens. No one tells you that you’ll spend many days and nights worrying about why it happened. No one does…
Her eyes followed his as he looked across the hall at her. The way his smile changed from being subtle to a full blown grin. Yet she didn’t falter remembering his mischievous nature.
But it didn’t stop her from comparing herself to Lily Evans. The redhead was an image that lingered in her mind at night. Sometimes she took up too much space and all she could think about was how much it would hurt if he loved her.
Though that thought was just an idea one that wasn’t true until it was. As she sat in the common room beside her friend she couldn’t think of anything to say. But he could, he always could when she was around.
It was a bittersweet feeling being happy for someone while also dreading that you weren’t the reason for it. Though it was her own fault she never had the right words to use. She never knew how to tell him just how much he meant to her.
Until it was too late.
Standing in front of James she looked anywhere but at him. The confession still fresh on her tongue as she waited for him to say something, anything really. But as her eyes found their way back up to his face he looked worried.
It took everything in her not to crack a smile and tell him it was just a joke. But she knew better than that, he would know better than that.
“I’m sorry dove, but I just don’t feel the same.”
Those words when he spoke them didn’t hurt as much as she thought. Maybe it was the way he looked at her as if she would break on the spot. Or the way he said those words as if she was fragile and needed to be held onto.
“It’s okay, Jamie.”
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He found it odd the way his heart sank when she didn’t hang off every word he said. How she no longer waited for him after quidditch practice to tell him he did well. Or even when she would offer him one of her many baked goods because she was curious of the taste.
But what he found the strangest is how his heart ached when she began to do those things with someone else. He wasn’t upset when she hung off of every word Remus said or how she would sit in the common room and read with him. Or even how she would go up to Remus and offer him those same baked goods.
What he felt for Lily was spurred on by his many years of playfulness. But what he felt for her was something much more what he felt for her made his heart pound in his chest.
It left him anticipating seeing the way she would laugh to herself when she read. How her eyes held a tiny hint of mischief when he would talk about pulling a prank with the other marauders. But most of all he just missed having her treat him the way she used to.
But he was too late as he watched Remus kiss her forehead as she handed him a cookie. The look in their eyes was mutual and it pained him even more. It continuously reminded him of how his eyes were filled with something different when she confessed to him.
‘If only’ rang deep in his mind as he finally looked away from them snuggled up together. In another universe he would probably be laughing and smiling and nothing bad would have happened to them. But in this universe he had no one but himself to blame for hesitating.
But oh how the universe will always be his greatest friend and his biggest enemy.
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Expect a Regulus, James, and Robin Buckley fix soon. I have three or four lined up. I also have a few requests to get to before I do a few more smut fics
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icarus-last-fall · 6 months
I wanna write a long fic
Warning : ! It's not instead of the fic ideas you gave me but in addition !
I want to write a long fic (like 30 chapters or more) but I have more than one idea so lemme know what you think :
Option 1 : Summer AU
(I call it an au but it can take place in canon)(it's after Sirius left square Grimmaurd)
Regulus convinces his parents to let him spend summer vacations at a secondary house of the Black family that is rarely used but Sirius had the idea to go (without being allowed) at the same place with his friends
Lots of chaos ensues, the two groups become one, light Black brothers angst with happy ending, mentioned Evans sisters angst, Wolfstar, Jegulus, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Marylily/Pandalily
Probably multi povs but can be done any way
Option 2 : One year at Hogwarts
Pandora and Lily start dating, so they want their friend groups to hang out.
Basically a look into everyone's mental state (spoiler warning: they're all f-ed up)
(again) lot of chaos, (again) the two groups become one, Black brothers angst, Evans sisters angst, Wolfstar, Jegulus, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Pandalily (wdym my ships are always the same)
Absolutely multi povs
Option 3 : Royalty AU
I have no plot for this one but it's Sirius and Regulus being princes and dealing with all this (and also meeting the loves of their lives)
Wolfstar, Jegulus, bg Rosekiller, bg Dorlene, bg Marlily/Pandalily
No idea what pov this should be but probably Sirius and Regulus povs switching? Or maybe third person idk yet
Option 4 : Highschool (muggle?) AU
Edit : I just realized that I call it an highschool AU but even if they are in highschool it doesn't really have anything to do with the story? Or not that much at least so now I feel like an impostor, it's probably more a muggle AU
Well an highschool au obviously, the start is that Regulus is trans ftm and he's at an all girl's school and when he comes out to his parents their reactions are... not good? So he goes to Sirius' house and he ends up living with him. And then Sirius' friend group and Regulus' friend group meet. (Sirius friends are James, Remus and Barty and Regulus friends are Lily, Mary, Marlene, Pandora and Evan)(Dorcas is Barty's roommate so she's not in any friend group yet)
To be original lots of chaos, the two groups become one, Wolfstar, jegulus, rosekiller, dorlene, (established) marylily
I planned on multi povs but it can change
Option 5 : Narcissa point of view on Black brothers angst
Narcissa watching Sirius and Regulus grow apart throughout the years
This is not Narcissa centric, just Sirius and Regulus relation in her eyes, so even if there will obviously be some of her thoughts, life, relationships and insecurities it stays focused on the black brothers
Black brothers angst, light black sisters angst, main character death, only one of my options that doesn't end well, canon-compliant
Narcissa's pov obvi
Option 6 : Full Hogwarts story
The whole seven years at Hogwarts of a marauders era character
Might not be Will probably not be canon-compliant cause I want a happy ending
I haven't decided on which character to write yet, if this idea is the one that wins the poll I'll make another one for you guys to tell me who you want this to be about
Only one pov, the one of the main character
Warning : ! The poll result isn't definitive, it just helps me decide I might do another one in the end !
Also feel free to dm me/send me an ask if you have any question/things you'd like me to add to a story <33
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flowerpottlady · 1 month
I will forever promote Guilty as Sin by OhEvans on ao3. Only 3 chapters in and this is PHENOMENAL.
Everybody please. If shameless (but super super sweet) smut is your thing, along with the sweet best friends to lovers trope and muggle aus featuring Dr. James Potter. Please go check this out and give OhEvans your love.
Here’s the link again just because this fic deserves it.
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˗ˏˋ✎ ´ˎ˗marauders masterlist
Friendly reminder: I take fic requests! (If you have a general idea, pop it in my ask box with a ship and I'll get around to it!) — I have very few marauders era ships I won't write, so even if you don't see them between the stuff I've already written, you're still very welcome to throw them at me!
currently updating
trempé de sueur || E | 27.8k | 3/15 | jegulus || After spending most of his summers reading and simply lounging around as a way to distract himself from the heat of France and the intensity of his family, Regulus finds a new distraction in the handsome stranger his brother brings along one particularly eventful summer. Even a summer that seems to last forever will eventually come to an end and what then, when Regulus no longer finds himself satisfied with the romances he's gotten so used to reading about but never quite experiencing?
less than ideal study techniques || E | 2.3k | oneshot || Worried about flunking his N.E.W.T's, Barty needs to study. Evan decides to wave a carrot in front of his boyfriend with the help of some cockwarming.
reverse dress up || E | 3.8k | oneshot || While Evan is determined to find a shirt for their upcoming night out, Barty is determined to be a menace after deciding the shopping was too boring. Luckily Barty was also quick to decide Evan needed a bit of help in the dressing room.
sharpshooter || E | 4.7k | oneshot || After spending far too long unable to, Barty gives Evan the sloppiest, messiest blowjob in the nearest bathroom.
my way or the highway || E | 6.1k | oneshot || Barty and Evan goes on a road trip to visit Pandora, only Evan is reminded just how much of a brat his boyfriend is when left unattended. Luckily there's an exit nearby and a gas station with a bathroom, allowing him to teach Barty a lesson.
A Very Merry Christmas Cliché || G | 70.6k | 10/10 || A Hallmark inspired Christmas fic featuring divorcé James trying to give his son Harry the best Christmas ever — with the help of event coordinator Regulus, who's newly arrived in Godric's Hollow after leaving many years prior.
a losing game || E | 3.6k | 1/3 oneshot || Regulus finds his hands wandering down south after he causes Slytherin to lose a match against Gryffindor, all due to the fact that he couldn't stop ogling their chaser. (Getting two sequels).
rabbit's foot || E | 4.1k | oneshot || After a long day of work, one only made longer by Regulus sending James nudes right before an important meeting, James returns home, mouth watering with eagerness to finally take care of his boyfriend.
attention whore || E | 6.6k | oneshot || After spending the night out with friends, the majority being James's, Regulus finds himself feeling jealous and needy for attention. He hardly cared about Sirius's excessive yapping, so why should James? Upon returning home, Regulus makes it clear just how much he needs James, except James now has to earn Regulus's attention in return. It's only fair, right?
routines || G | 1.4k | oneshot || Sirius during his time in Azkaban spends his time trying to remember his routines and most importantly, Remus.
addicting stage presence || E | 6.3k | oneshot || After going to a bar with Lily and a few other friends, Remus finds himself on his knees in a back alley after eyeing the bassist of the band that's been playing all night.
burnt toast || G | 2.4k | oneshot || Sirius wakes up just before five and decides to make breakfast for Remus, given it's his birthday. He takes the time to reminisce a bit on previous birthdays and their life together before getting dragged back to bed when Remus discovers him burning the toast.
laughter in the bedroom || E | 3k | oneshot || Lily brings up the idea of pegging to her boyfriend. (Possibly getting a sequel).
when the stars shined a little brighter || G | 1.8k | oneshot | no ship, Black brothers/Sirius centric || Sirius remembers his last birthday celebrated with his younger brother.
coming soon
stab/stalk au || rosekiller | After discovering the case of missing Judge Bartemius Crouch Senior, Evan Rosier finds himself intrigued by both the case and the family that surrounds it. Within just a few months he finds himself deeply curious in especially Crouch Senior's son, poor Bartemius Crouch Junior, a young boy around Evan's age, who was left to care for his sickly mother all on his own. Though the more Evan learns about Bartemius, or, as he likes to call him, Barty, the more he is forced to realise that perhaps tragedy doesn't just follow Barty on accident.
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redroses694 · 4 months
After years of reading Harry Potter fics, I have decided to finally start writing my own stories! My fics will be very Snily centric. If you are interested in reading, please check out my first fic on AO3. If you like the story so far, please leave kudos and a comment on AO3!
This fic has an explicit rating. Please read the tags and notes at the beginning.
Years after the incident at the Great Lake, Severus Snape and Lily Evans reconnect during a chance encounter in Diagon Alley. After gaining each other's trust again, Lily confides in Severus that her marriage to James is an unhappy one. Lily and Severus begin a years long love affair. Once Lily's marriage reaches a breaking point, she runs to the man she truly loves and finds the courage to leave James. James continues to be a pestering presence in Lily and Snape's lives for years to come. Will Snape, Lily, and James be able to navigate this contemptuous love triangle?
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aniwahstan · 1 year
All my Jegulus Fics (so far)! ✨
(Fun fact - all my fics are happy ending, it’s just what I do)
Wave from the shore under a golden moon (complete)
14 chapters, 32k words, E
Muggle AU, summer romance
Childhood friends to lovers
James returns to the neighboring lake house of the Black family after a 7 year absence, and drives Regulus crazy
Musician Regulus / Jock James
Lots of platonic moonwater
Meet on Telegraph Avenue (complete)
17 chapters, 35k words, E
Muggle AU, 1999 in California
British Black brothers, American James, Remus, and Peter
Music-centric, record store employees
Strangers to enemies to lovers
Sl*tty James and BBG Regulus
When Regulus moves to California to crash on his brother’s couch, he doesn’t understand why his roommate, who never brings the same guy home twice, is rude and ignores him. Until one night after work when James starts to open up and explain why he is the way he is. (Lots of queer history and banter)
A potion a day from The Black Apothecary (complete)
17 chapters, 36k words, M
Magical AU, no-Voldemort AU, ultimate HEA
Regulus owns an apothecary in Hogsmeade
James, Sirius and Remus as professors of Hogwarts
James Potter with anxiety and depression
James Potter comes to Regulus’ shop to strike a business deal - a potion to ease his growing anxiety. Through a slew of failed potion attempts, the two grow close (an absolute fluff fest).
Night and Day (wip)
92 chapters, trilogy, M
First Wizarding war AU
Marauders non-canon, Regulus Black is the key to defeating the Dark Lord
Fast burn, angst on angst, fluff, ultimate HEA
Wolfstar and Rosekiller
Lily Evans leads the Order
Black brother healing
Morally grey James Potter
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midnightpink · 5 months
show me all the scars you hide
read it here on ao3
“Your body without the scars would be like the sky without the stars.”
Everyone has scars in one way or another. And young Harry Potter finds scars to be fascinating things. He notices everybody’s scars and he thinks they’re very nice.
a little scar-centric fic featuring baby Harry
by: stardust_candy
Words: 2,535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Regulus Black, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Original Female Character(s), Luna Lovegood, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape
Relationship: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Scars, Fluff, I don’t support JK Rowling, Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter) - Freeform, Trans Regulus Black, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
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billi-mausi · 5 months
Hi!! ♡
Soo I want to write something so bad but I currently have 0 time for a full fledged fic (Even though i have sm already planned or half written)
Soo send ASKS for a ONESHOT for any of the following pairing OR AU OR friendship OR character
Character centric:
♡ James Potter
♡ Pandora Rosier
♡ Mary Macdonald
♡ Evan Rosier
♡ Jegulus
♡ Wolfstar
♡ Rosekiller
♡ Pandora Rosier/ Lily Evans
♡ Dorlene
♡ James & Remus
♡ James & Barty
♡ James & Marlene & Peter
♡ Pandora & Barty
♡ Hanahaki Disease
♡ Amortentia
♡ Quidditch Injury/ Professional quidditch player
♡ Soulmate mark
♡ Highschool
♡ Coffee shop
♡ Co-workers
♡ Fake Date
♡ Famous (Model/Actor/Singer)
♡ Domestic
♡ Desi
~ (desi) Wedding ~ Attending a (desi) wedding ~ Visiting India ~ etc. (literally anything desi is acceptable)
You can request Fluff, Angst whatever or you can not and leave it a surprise (no smut tho)
You can mention other pairing and specific scenarios too if you want! :)) only rule is, it should be from the marauders era!
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