#lmao rant sorry
delta-orionis · 5 months
Honestly I would be perfectly happy if there are never any Tron movies ever again, but the mouse insists on continuing to beat the series’ long-dead corpse
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jellyaibo · 3 months
closed species are so funny like what if i just make a design . will you fucking stop me? ooooOOoooo ill make a primagen oooOOoO THE PENCIL IS ON MY PAAAAPER OOOOoooOoOOo
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fandomfan315 · 6 months
Hozier's new songs just dropped . Fun fact about me: I've never been normal about this man. Excuse me while I go absolutely insane.
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woof-verine · 20 days
I will say this over and over and over again until I pass out. I will put this on my headstone when I die —
wolverine’s muscle is, for lack of a better word, beef. it is weightlifter, heavyweight boxer, MMA fighter BEEF. it is construction worker lumber jack FUNCTIONAL MUSCLE.
it is NOT bodybuilder aesthetics-based muscle. it is not instagram model abs, nor does he have the body of a svelte gymnast. he’s not dehydrating himself to make his veins look bigger, and he’s not starving himself to cut down the amount of fat on his body.
the man is literally designed to fucking kill you and that’s it. not a single one of his muscles is intended to be looked at through the lens of aesthetic beauty, they are INTENDED to tear you apart.
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starry-teacup · 3 months
saw something about the damsel being fake and her love for you is entirely scripted and for some inexplicable reason this made me mad even though I am the firmest advocator of what said person said with a sea of friends who say she does love you. so.
Yes, the damsel was molded to love you. Yes, it was scripted. It wasn't actually real. And the Deconstructed Damsel is there to prove that. It's a commentary on the creator's part- they're pointing out the one dimensionality of your classic fairy tale princess, how she isn't a real person and we're romanticizing poorly sketched out plot devices.
While the Deconstructed Damsel is an illustration of how our actions shaping the princess can invalidate her traits and identity when viewed from the right angle, that doesn't only apply to the damsel. Sure, it was given to her to make a point about the kinds of stories they're drawing themes from, for contrast and stuff, but our actions mold every single princess, not just her.
We molded the Witch to hate us. We molded the Adversary to fight us. We molded the Prisoner to distrust us. And we molded the Damsel to love us. It's part of what makes chapter three so interesting- we let our creation out in the wild, and then the environment and the choices she makes helps us to fill in the finer details, as well. It's why I personally believe the Thorn is the only one capable of loving you- we didn't make her to love us. We just made her to experience complexity, like all the other chapter threes, except this one involved compassion.
Yeah. The Damsel is a computer program we encrypted with affection. But if we're gonna be real about that sort of thing, we also have to look into our beloved Tower's domination, our Stranger's mystery, our Spectre's grief.
None of it was ever real. Just a choice we made and a role she played.
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lotus-lamps · 2 months
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like father like son
hes just toji but smol
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hyperrealisticblood · 2 months
random thing i noticed while going through the character bios again: wally's bio now gives information about how his puppet was handled
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there isn't any kind of sneaky wording here that would imply he was operated different from the others either, as frank is described the exact same way in his bio.
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if it's true that wally WAS in fact puppeteered by someone and wasn't running around the studio by himself like some horrible gay homunculus, he was most likely puppeteered by ronald dorlaine, the creator of welcome home. wally is kind of the "kermit" of welcome home, and kermit was puppeteered by jim henson until his death in 1990. kermit was also referred to as henson's "alter ego" at times, his co-stars saying that it became hard to tell where kermit ended and henson started at times.
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i think clown's mentioned the relationship between a puppet and their puppeteers being a topic explored in welcome home at some point (one of these mentions was pre-overhaul, so i'm not sure if it's still true), and has stated that there are going to be more human characters introduced. and since welcome home takes a lot of inspiration from the history of the muppets (and is why we need more horror media written by people really autistic about the topic covered), and "dorlaine" sounds so similar to "darling", it's possible wally may have been ronald dorlaine's "alter ego" in the same way that kermit was for jim henson.
i don't what what any of this implies or if any of this makes sense. i went on this whole rant because of one line of text. is anyone reading this. did anyone see that gnome run by. its so dark in here
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finnlee-sliced-ham · 3 months
I absolutely love the emotional connection you get from tickling/being tickled by someone. You both trust eachother, there's no fear of boundaries being overstepped and it's pure emotions, no social barriers, just two people having fun and making sure they're ok.
Everything is ok because it's your ler/lee, you trust them and they trust you.
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hidingoutbackstage · 5 months
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maerhiya · 7 months
in regards to the constant dismissal of his aroace identity, i hate it when alastor 'fans' say and use the excuse: "he's fictional, he won't get offended."
like, you're right, but it can and will offend us.
when you see yourself being represented on screen, of course you'd feel enthusiastic about it — representation allows individuals to see themselves reflected in the media they consume, validating their identities and experiences. but when so many people take that representation and decide to disregard and discard it, it is so fucking frustrating. we finally have another character to be part of the tiny amount of representation we have, but then people don't even care about how much it means to us? like yeah, alastor won't get offended because he's not real, but it frustrates and annoys us. do you realize that it's also technically invalidating the aroace community? that you're invalidating our feelings? imagine feeling like you're finally being seen because your orientation is finally being represented in media, and people just decide to blatantly ignore, discard, and invalidate it.
media has such a powerful influence on real life, representation being a prevalent factor of it. there are numerous posts that dictate how people went to watch a movie/show or read a book just because a character depicts their identity in it — obviously, being represented is an incredibly uplifting and validating experience.
which is why seeing an aroace character in a popular show is so meaningful to us because we live in a world where romance and sex are literally everywhere and prioritized above all else. (and it's pretty obvious that alastor's on the repulsed end of the spectrum, but even if he wasn't, at least make an effort to acknowledge his sexuality instead of continuing to portray him as allo; aroace folks can be in relationships but it's not going to be the same thing with allos' experiences.)
any and every representation matters, but why does that seem to stop at people under the aroace spectrum? like y'all can't even let us appreciate the scraps of representation we have. we barely have any, so are we really that dramatic for being upset at how people easily disregard and dismiss our identities that are being depicted on screen just like that? is it truly wrong of us to want to defend and maintain the little representation we have?
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ASOIAF discourse would be a lot more fun if we all realized that every single person who has been put in a position of leadership/rulership fails in one way or another. Jon and Dany failing is not an indictment on their abilities to lead or rule. They’re kids, they still have shit to figure out. Given “what was Aragorn’s tax policy”, I doubt GRRM will write a story that will feature the appearance of a most perfect ruler ever who will be a total success instead Jon and Dany who were tOtAl FlOpS. Especially if this person has no previous experience that has been detailed within the text itself. That’s not only antithetical to the series, but also not how you write a narrative.
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assiraphales · 1 year
I think one of the reasons I’ve taken a more hands off approach to being in the good omens fandom is because I genuinely can’t stand a large majority of the discourse. and I love discourse! but so much of it is based on fanon evidence, not canon evidence, and some of it is so borderline entitled. ‘it’s not enough!!!! azira and crowley kissing isn’t enough!!!!’ sorry two canonically non-binary entities being in canonical love isn’t good enough? ‘aziraphale was acting ooc!!!! why did he choose heaven’ I am sorry u don’t have enough media literacy to see the provided evidence where he’s clearly weighed down by THOUSANDS of years of religious devotion and trauma. ‘crowley is a little meow meow who did nothing wrong’ babe look me in the eyes. he’s at fault too. azira and crowley have a messy relationship riddled with miscommunication. one attempt at sharing his feelings doesn’t fix that. ‘it’s to angsty!! they should have ended up together’ for the love of god it’s a three part arc. of course there’s going to be angst. this isn’t a fanfic. stop acting like it’s a fanfic!!
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poisonpercy · 9 months
“The changes are what Rick wanted so if you don’t like it, it’s on you.” This is literally a reply on a comment that I left on a tiktok that was explaining what someone did and didn’t like about the latest pjo episode 🙄 Rick can’t even remember what happens in his own books and has been butchering his own characters since the creation of heroes of olympus, that’s not the comeback you think it is. When a show is marketed as a faithful adaptation when it is more accurately a rewrite, people have a right to criticize the show. You aren’t getting a gold medal for liking the show in its entirety. Get off your high horse and let people discuss the show
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oceanwithouthermoon · 27 days
maybe its just me but i cant stand when people are like "it just doesn't sit right with me how teruhashi thought about aiura 🥺" like yes... its not supposed to ??? because her thinking badly of other girls and prioritizing male validation over everything is one of her main flaws ??? can we talk about that WITHOUT making it seem like shes not allowed to have a single actual flaw without suddenly becoming an awful person? nobody can handle complex female characters at all and its so fucking annoying
#you guys all missed the point of her development AND her and saiki's relationship development#like did you miss the parts where the only times he genuinely seems to not like something she does is when shes mean to other girls#and he still understands that she isnt a bad person for having bad thoughts in the private comfort of her mind#and besides... in this case she was literally just being a dramatic and insecure teenage girl LMAO#like dont fucking lie to me and tell me when you were her age you didnt have similar thoughts#youre worse than her if you lie about it while judging her for it#sorryyyy#she shouldve been MORE unhinged youre all just cowards#AND ALSO ? how can something even be 'mean' if its just a thought#thats like if u opened ur friends private diary without permission and then unfriended them over something they said in a random upset vent#and in this specific situation if u found out ur friend called someone a bitch because they liked the same person as her ??#LIKE THATS ?? its bad but its not as crazy as you guys make it out to be#shes allowed to be angry and insecure in the privacy of HER OWN MIND#idk if this makes sense but i just feel that her thoughts are more of a concern about her wellbeing than anything else#like she canonically is extremely kind to others even when she doesnt want to be so why are we worried about how she treats others.#theyre fine. im worried about HER.#and WHY her mindset is so negative... but u guys dont give a shit because u cant handle even a spec of complexity#sorry ive said all this before i just like to rant#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#teruhashi kokomi#meows post
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akiiame-blog · 8 months
Saw a post on here talking about how Mario shouldn't be a character, and shouldn't have any depth because "that isn't Mario." And how that's a major flaw of the movie.
Respectfully, I heavily disagree.
I want my favorite character of all time to go through character arcs. I want my favorite character to have more to him than just a simple, jolly man.
Not to say that being simple and jolly is a bad thing. I love Mario in the games as well. But there's always been a part of me that wanted more.
When I saw how the movie handled Mario's character, essentially adding a little bit more depth to him with quite a bit of struggling sprinkled in, it made me so happy.
It was a great surprise to me when I saw the movie, and I absolutely love everything they did with Mario's character.
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emthimofnight · 18 days
Does Polarity have any cosmic powers like how void can summon black holes? Asking for science!
Well, technically, Void doesn't have the ability to summon TRUE black holes. He (and the other kids) all have a version of dark chaos energy, a byproduct of trying to reach the Perfected Ultimate Lifeform through Project Stellar. The main concept was trying to build upon Gerald Robotnik's research, attempting to create a living soldier that could harness latent chaos energy on a whim in order to artificially go super.
Void, essentially, is capable of creating dark chaos energy with such incredible mass that it effectively acts like a black hole. He basically figured out how to use the power of chaos control (the thing that allows Shadow and all of his lab kids to teleport) in reverse, compounding upon matter instead of transferring it from place to place. It effectively allows him to rip stuff apart instead of just moving it around.
Anyway, Polarity DOES have his own chaos abilities, but they are far weaker than his siblings. He usually uses them for run and gun tactics, utilizing his super speed to get in, and then his chaos spears to do damage. He tends not to rely on the teleportation abilities that Void and Andromeda do, seeing as he's fast enough to not really need them. That, and he has a far smaller chaos energy reserve, and if he isn't careful he can burn himself out by using too much of it.
Despite his weakness, I would say Polarity is probably the most technically skilled out of his siblings. He has always known he was at a power disadvantage, so he trains far harder than anyone else. His skill in combat is undeniable, even if he is seen as a failure by both the researchers that created him and his older brother.
As an additional add-on, I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but Void doesn't have super speed at all. He entirely relies on his massive power and incredible physical strength. He also has the most Black Arms DNA, which is why he is larger than both Sonic and Shadow, along with his trio of siblings.
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