#look who's finally written the pt2
abouttofillhisshoes · 1 month
If you're too shy // pt.2 - Matty Healy
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A/N: shit banner because i've fallen off xx. Anyway this was written whilst listening to the arctic monkeys debut which is absolute SHIT by the way 0/10 i'd rather listen to margaret thatcher's sex tape thanks.
wc: 4k
content warnings: literally nothing happens its a bit said, body writing, teasing, begging, sub!Matty being pathetic as per use, cliffhanger because the google doc told me to
They say feeling diminishes over time, sensations are lost to memories, forgotten. What Matty was experiencing couldn’t be further from the truth. Hazy daydreams inhabit his every waking thought, dreams only more and more vivid as time passed. Time didn't diminish the feeling of your hands on him, hot skin against his. It only intensified it, a certain sense of longing plaguing him. Longing for you. 
It’s an out of body experience, being in your presence. Your knowing glances when your eyes meet, an expression on your face only he can truly decipher. Matty dreams of you, so graphically that it leaves him panting in his bed, shaking hands running through unbrushed curls as he tries to collect himself, tries to push it down. 
But his hands cant help but wander, tracing over where you had touched him, goosebumps spreading onto his skin as the scene plays back in his mind. You, above him, forcing him down onto the floor. The way his knees ached at the harsh pressure of the linoleum floor. Your fingers dragging past his parted lips, pressing down onto his tongue, relishing in the sounds that escaped him. The small glimpse of your skin, the dark lace against your thigh a constant reminder of what could've been. What could still be. 
He doesn't know what you’re thinking, even if he yearns for your thoughts. You won't speak to him, you haven't since that day. It's painful, watching you live on like nothing had passed between the two of you, the only communication being a small, unassuming look, a brush of the hand. Nothing more, nothing less. 
This lesson is no different, loud chatter filling the space as the class gets into groups, working on some assignment. Matty sits on his desk, feet scuffing the seat of his chair as Ross gestures at his latest hookup, staring at him from across the room. You vaguely recognise her from a few of your other classes. She’s meek and quiet, bordering on pushover with the way she lets her friends walk all over her, but quite kind overall. 
His voice is loud, booming through the classroom as he laughs and jokes, refusing to pay any attention to the assignment despite the teacher's numerous attempts to get him to focus. His presence is altered in your eyes, different. The thing that had passed between the two of you can't be ignored just so, and you know he feels it too, his eyes boring a hole into the back of your head. It's when you unexpectedly turn around that his breath hitches, stuttering over a simple sentence. His little mistake going seemingly unnoticed, Ross keeps speaking, leaving Matty to stare at you, eyes darting all over your face, trying to read your expression. 
You remain neutral, raising your eyebrows at him in a sort of silent question. Matty cocks his head in turn, almost like a challenge, deep brown eyes narrowing slightly. The scrape of that chair against the floor is piercing, though no one around you pays it any mind. Bending over the desk, back facing him, a piece of paper is ripped out of your fairly expensive notebook, the scratch of pen against it oddly satisfying, your handwriting forming loopy, inky blue letters. Your fingers feel over the writing, the dips where your pen indented that simple message feel rough against your skin. 
People crowd the room, making it difficult to maneuver through it, bags hitting against your feet wherever you stepped. Muttering quiet excuses, your hand clutches the piece of paper, almost like it would disappear if it wasn't for your grip. Matty’s eyes follow you, intrigued, raking up your bare legs as you walk in his direction, staring him down.
To anyone else, nothing seems out of the ordinary in the way that you accidentally bump against the edge of the desk he’s sitting on, your right hand grabbing on to it for stability as you apologize to no one in particular. Only Matty sees the white, neatly folded note you had left right next to his hip, tucking it under a book you knew he never used. He shivers as your fingers make contact with his belt, something he wouldn't have even noticed if it wasn't your touch. 
The whole world slows down as he snatches it from under the textbook, unengaged enough in the conversation at this point that he could turn his body away from the group unnoticed, unfolding the note. His heart speeds up as he immediately recognises your handwriting, eyes over scanning the words. 
His body moves instinctively, getting up from his spot on the wooden desk, creaking slightly as a girl's voice asks where he’s going. 
“Bathroom.” he mutters under his breath, his vague answer raising a few suspicions. The group's attention is quickly turned to the teacher standing a few feet away, sternly telling them off. Matty manages to slip away. You disappear out the door just as he looks up from the note, his feet carrying him after you. 
6th period is always quiet, an atmosphere of calm falling over the school building as the light streamed in from the high windows, still  most of the corridor fairly dark. Blue lockers adorned the walls, dented and damaged from decades of use by previous generations of students. The echo of your shoes against the floor fill Mattys ears, the sound only adding to the anticipation already coursing through his veins. 
His mind races with jumbled thoughts, questions upon questions being asked. Where were you going? What were you going to do? 
No, what were you going to do to him? A shaky exhale from Matty is loud in the silence of the hall, his fists clenching and unclenching at his ideas as he walks after you, keeping a few paces behind. You don't even stop to glance over your shoulder, almost like you knew he would follow you, not a single doubt in your mind. Matty realizes this, and it only makes him even more desperate for you to just acknowledge him, a slight turn, a look, anything. 
The few moments you lead him feel like hours, your eyes darting past doors and full classrooms until you stop in your tracks, hearing the scuffle of Matty’s trainers as he stops behind you, unmoving. The door creaks as you twist the doorknob, an empty, darkened room greeting you. The air is cold, dust particles fly through it as you step inside, letting the door start to fall shut behind you. Matty runs in just as it's about to close, holding his palm flat against the wood, lips parting when his eyes finally land on you. 
The note is warm in his hand as he recalls what he had read on the page, three simple words sending him into a spiral of all-consuming emotions.
‘Don’t be obvious.’
No context was given, none was needed. Matty knew exactly what you meant.
“Why are you here?” his voice comes out shaky and unsteady, meek. Unlike him. He knows the question sounds stupid, evident in the smug grin that spreads onto your face as the door falls shut behind him. Finally facing him, you lean against a desk, arms reached behind you, holding you up. 
“Could ask the same for you.” you speak slowly, your inflection almost making you seem bored. Your hair occupies you as you twirl it around, eventually brushing it out of your face entirely. Matty takes a timid step forward, holding the now unfolded piece of paper up between two fingers, the ink now slightly smudged. 
“You left me a note.” “I know.” Your response is quick, direct. Matty’s eyes are glazed over, the sight oh-so familiar. 
Memories from that day rush through you, your body responding involuntarily. You can still feel his hands caressing your things, hiking your skirt up further, further, until he finally saw what he wanted. His mouth around your fingers, tongue lapping at your fingertips, eye contact remaining unbroken. The thought makes your head spin, a barely there blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“Why?” you tut at him, getting up and standing straight as he continues slowly walking over to you, his hair falling over his face in the same way it did when he was knelt in front of you, looking up with those adoring eyes of his.
“You didn't really listen to me, hm?” Matty perks up at your statement, slightly confused. You run a finger up his arm, feeling goosebumps erupt on his skin. He twitches, his whole body reacting to your touch. 
“I mean you weren't, were you? Not-obvious, I mean.” You watch as it finally clicks in his head. The note. 
‘Don't be obvious.’ 
He had tried to not be, his half-hearted attempts at keeping his distance proving rather difficult as instinct took over him, not caring what he was ‘supposed’ to do. 
You huff at his lack of response as he just stands there, looming above you. You aren't tall, not by a long shot, but somehow your difference in height doesn't play a role in the way he molds to your words, like putty in your hands. 
“What do you want?” you scoff in his face, rolling your eyes. Your nails graze against his upper arm before pulling away completely. Matty watches as you circle around him slowly, like a predator watching prey, your gaze making every survival instinct dissipate. 
“That's quite the loaded question, don't you think?” Matty nods in response, automatically. You watch him for a few moments as he lets the note drop to the floor. His breathing is unsteady as you get closer with every step, his body moving to keep facing you until his back hits the same wooden desk you had been leaning on. 
“Are you nervous?” Matty clears his throat before answering, caught off-guard by your sudden question. 
“What gives you that impression?”
You gesture downwards with your eyes, and he follows, growing red as he realizes what you meant. His untucked shirt is crumpled in his hands, fingers toying with the buttons as he mindlessly twists them around and ‘round, pulling at the fabric. 
Matty ceases his movements, his hands now glued to his side as you eye him up and down. The top three buttons on his shirt are undone, revealing his collarbones and neck, skin smooth and milky as your first instinct is to reach out and touch him. 
“Do I make you nervous?” your voice cracks a bit towards the end, the illusion of calmness, of indifference, faltering. Matty just stares at you, his heart beating at a thousand miles an hour as you take a step closer, effectively pinning him against the desk. Now, he could easily push you away, putting distance between your bodies. But he doesn't. He doesn't want to. 
“Answer me.”
A beat of silence.  
“No, you don’t.”
You tut again, shaking your head in disappointment. Matty squirms under your touch as you trail your hand up his chest, popping a four button as you speak.  
“I never took you for a liar, Matthew.” The condescension coating your words makes his eyes widen, looking down at you with a wanton look on his face, silently begging. 
You reach down with your free hand, looping your fingers through his belt loops. Rather violently, you pull him towards you, pressing your bodies flush against each other. Matty’s reaction is delicious, a whimper spilling from his lips, the proximity making him hazy, wanting only one, single thing. 
“D’you want me to kiss you?” you coo, your faces dangerously close as you tease him, his curls threading through your fingers as he nods vigorously, absolutely shameless. 
“Please.” it’s high pitched, the word, only adding to the growing heat between your legs. Your knees feel weak as he reacts to you, eyes wide and rapidly blinking, darting from your lips back up to meet yours. 
“How do I know you’re not lying to me again?” it’s mean, you know it is, but you cant help yourself. His horrified expression only feeds into your taunts, a grin tugging at the corners of your mouth. You read him well, perfectly predicting the way you knew he was going to try to bring your lips together, impatient as ever. 
His attempt is futile, your tight grip in his hair pulling him back, the sharp pain making him cry out. 
“Ah, not so fast sweetheart.” his tongue darts out to wet his lips, not daring to move further. His breath hitches audibly as you skifully unbutton the rest of his shirt, his eyes never leaving your face even as you look down. 
“I thought you were going to be good for me, what happened?” you say, the dissatisfaction evident in your voice. Matty stutters out an apology, tripping over his words as the sensation of your hand against his chest becomes too much at once, too hot. 
He shudders as you feel him up, hand running through his hair to ground himself, hyper aware of the unlocked door of the classroom you’re currently in. His shirt fully unbuttoned, you take a small step back, eyes raking over his body, taking in the sight before you. 
“Don’t stop– please– I want you.”
“Then be still.” Matty nods in response, shifting around until he finally sits on top of the desk, feet dangling slightly off the edge. 
“So obedient now, what changed?” Your hands feeling around the pockets of your skirt, smiling when they come upon exactly what you were hoping to find. 
“I-” Matty cuts himself off, words getting caught in the base of his throat. His voice is low, raspy as he tries to answer, but your fluid movements distract him too much. 
“Go on, speak.” your tone is assertive, commanding even, only disorienting him more. Matty doesn't know what to feel, how to react. But what he does know is how to keep this from stopping. He doesn't ever want it to stop. 
“You’re so pretty.”
He knows he sounds pathetic, but it's all he can muster, every fiber of his being telling him to lunge forward, smash his lips against yours, feel you against him. 
“Well, sweetheart.” you giggle, pulling out a small object from the depths of your pockets, running your fingers over the cool metal. “Flattery gets you everywhere.” 
A sigh of relief leaves Matty as your hands make contact with his neck, the feeling of your touch driving him insane. He arches into you, his chest pressing against yours as you linger, a thousand fantasies rushing through both your minds. 
A high-pitched whine rips itself from Matty as your lips press against the hollow of his throat, biting into the skin harshly. Nipping at his neck, you relish in the noises he makes, his eyes screwing shut as you run your tongue over his collarbones, coating the skin in your spit. 
The small click of a lipstick tube uncapping is deafening, his eyes immediately snapping the source of the noise. You grin at his reaction, hands gripping the edge of the desk he was sitting on so hard, you could see his knuckles turning white. 
“What are you–” Matty starts, his body flushed the same shade of red as the product in your hand, complimenting it perfectly. 
You shush him quickly as he looks at you and then the lipstick, his bottom lip bitten raw. 
“I didn’t really know what this was at first, you know.” you speak, twisting the base of the lipstick, slowly revealing more and more of the ruby red. Matty’s full attention is on you, his chest moving up and down rapidly, trying to calm himself down. His watery eyes only spur you on, small pants leaving his lips as you resume your feather light touches, never giving him exactly what he wanted. 
“You’re so responsive, I barely have to touch you.” you watch as he writhes under you, still taller despite being sat down. It didn't make a difference, the power he so willingly handed over to you making it all disappear. 
“You’d let me do anything to you.” 
It isn't even a question but a statement, because you know, and so does Matty. Sweat glistens on his bare chest, reflecting the little light in the room, making him appear to be glowing. You don't know how long you’ve been in that classroom, and frankly, you couldn’t care less. 
“Please, I can't do this anymore. Fuckk– just touch me, properly, please.” 
His words lick pleasure up your spine and you let him beg more, a small, cruel part of you wanting to prolong this even further. Knowing you couldn't, and that your teacher was most definitely noticing your prolonged absence, you sigh loudly, cupping his face with one hand, a sickly sweet smile making Matty’s head spin. 
“If you even try moving, I’ll stop.” 
Matty expects you to put your hands on him, run them over his body, maybe make him kneel again. He expects you to finally kiss him, feel your tongue against his as you take over him completely, barely letting him breathe.
What he doesn't expect is for you to drop to your knees in front of him. 
The tip of the lipstick against his skin is cool, the product smearing over his stomach. Matty doesn't know how to react, his eyes peering down to get a clear glimpse of what you’re doing, not daring to move. He sees the distinct pattern of letters, the word you’re writing indiscernible from his angle. 
You mutter as you watch the color glide over his skin, the contrast of red against it making your heart beat faster, hand shaking slightly. He can't control the small twitches of his body as you hold onto his thigh for stability, adding a small heart at the end of your little masterpiece. A single word. 
Pushing yourself off the floor, Matty tried to make out the writing on his body, failing miserably. Your phone is heavy in your hand as you swipe right, opening your camera app. He isn't paying attention to you at all, watching in awe how the red on his stomach beautifully stands out, running a finger over it lightly. 
“Smile.” you grin, his eyes snapping up to meet yours just in time for the camera to flash. 
He looks breathtaking, shirt unbuttoned, his hair messily falling into his face. The flash darkens the background behind him, making him the sole focus of the picture. You admire him for a few moments, a fond smile spreading onto your face. He looks utterly fucked out, despite your touches being barely-therea at best, it was enough.
It’s only then that you finally kiss him, hand wrapping around the base of his neck as you lick into his mouth, greedily drinking in his soft moans of surprise. Matty’s hands find your lower back, moving up and down your sides before finally settling onto your waist, gripping it tightly. 
The kiss is hot, desperate as Matty’s back arches, your other hand finding its place on his shoulder. The feeling of his hands on your waist shoots straight to your core, your thighs pressing together in an attempt to relieve some of that aching pressure. 
You’re first to pull away, lungs burning for air. Fingers raking through his hair, you take your phone back out, flashing the screen at him. His eyes widen at the image of him, the word you had painted onto him clearly visible. 
‘Sweetheart’ adorned the tensed muscles of his stomach, a small heart placed right after the word, your handwriting easily recognisable. Your fingers ghost over the writing, smudging the heart slightly, bringing it up to his lips. 
Matty parts them instinctively, letting you brush the color onto his bitten and bruised lips, faintly red. The sight makes you stop dead in your tracks, and you suck in a deep breath.
“I think you look gorgeous, don't you think?” you whisper into his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth as you lightly bite down, greatly enjoying the choked gasp that leaves him. Matty is speechless, eyes glued to the screen now in his hands. 
“We’ve been gone an awfully long time,” you breathe, gesturing at the clock that hung above the rusty chalkboard at the front of the classroom. “Better get back.”
Matty grabs onto you in protest, almost letting your phone drop onto the floor. 
“Please, I can't–” you cut him off again, pressing a finger to his lips in a condescending manner, watching the look of hope vanish from his face. 
“School is actually rather important to me, I can't have my grades dropping.” your words sound oddly sincere as you toy with the bottom of Matty’s shirt, slowly doing up the buttons again. The red disappears behind the crisp black fabric, completely unnoticeable to anyone else but the two of you. Your little secret. 
Matty wants to argue, but he knows better than to contradict you, instead letting you fix him up. Your hands brush his hair out of his face, flushed an adorable shade of pink, making you smile. You even fix his collar for him, making sure it wasn't flipped up or open, your lingering fingers tracing his jawline tenderly.
“How else am I meant to tutor you if I don't know the material?”
Your words pierce through Matty’s thoughts, bringing him back down to earth. It wasn't just a statement, but a promise. Promise of more of whatever this was, a glimmer of hope returning to him. He wanted this more than fucking anything, even if your constant, deliberate, teasing drove him mad.
“Come to mine on Wednesday, i’ll show you how to do the assignment.” The way you speak is so casual, so normal, like nothing had just happened. Matty wonders if it had all been a weird, messed up daydream, but the phone in his hand proved him wrong. He hands the phone to you timidly, not wanting to let go of that moment. 
Straightening out your own clothes, you take it from him, tucking it away in your pocket. Matty wants to reach out, touch you, feel you again. He stops himself, your back now turned as you walk away, hand resting on the doorknob.
You glance over your shoulder before you open the door, shooting him a tantalizing grin.
“Don’t miss me too much, sweetheart.'' 
The pet name does something to him he can't describe, a floaty, disorienting cloud falling over his thoughts. Matty’s blush returns, his face hot. 
Wednesday. He keeps repeating the sentence in his mind.
‘Don't miss me too much, sweetheart’ 
How cant, not when you leave him like this, desperate and wanting nothing more than any little bit you’d give him, every touch like pure ecstasy. 
Five days. 
Five incredibly long days. 
One hundred and twenty hours until he finally sees the inside of your bedroom, until youre finally, finally alone. 
Matty lets his fingers trace the word over the material of his shirt, heart pounding in his chest. The shrill ring of the bell is muted as he replays the scene in his mind, over and over again. Your hand on his thigh, kneeling in front of him. The lipstick against his skin, the bright flash of your phone. 
Wednesday can't come any faster, but he still wishes it would.   
39 notes · View notes
nats--sw · 10 days
Gold chain (pt1) | Leah Williamson
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Leah Williamson x tennis player!reader For the past year, Leah had been a big fan of yours, and now her mother wasn't missing any opportunity to tease her during Roland Garros. warnings: none, just fluff and slow burn note: this one is long (maybe?), sorry about that. The next part has more Leah and reader interactions, I promise. This was written with an oc, i changed everything at the last minute so sorry if there are any mistakes there,, pt2 my masterlist
Leah Williamson, England captain, European champion, Miss Arsenal.
That was how she was publicly recognised within the world of football, a sport that had always been her passion, but lately, or rather, since she had been invited to Wimbledon in 2023, she had begun to share some of that passion with tennis. 
She explained to everyone that she fell in love with tennis during a deep conversation with the legendary Billie Jean King. While there was truth to that, tennis didn't captivate her so much because of the sport itself, but rather because of a certain player, who since that Wimbledon semifinal, Leah had watched almost all of her matches. 
“Believe me, that girl Y/N is great, don't let this match fool you” Billie had muttered to her after witnessing your unfortunate loss in the last set.
And who was Leah to doubt the words of the greatest tennis player in history?
Since then, Leah has managed to watch as many of your matches as possible. And yes, you were undeniably beautiful, but what truly captivated Leah was the elegance with which you played. Each swing of your racket held a mesmerizing grace that left Leah spellbound every time.
And now, with a break after the final game of the European qualifiers, it was the opportunity for a holiday.
"Hey, Leah!" Georgia barged into her room on the last day of camp, now that they were back in England. "Got any plans for this week?"
"Yeah," Leah replied, without giving any details, more focused on packing her suitcase than engaging in conversation with her friend.
"Where? With who?" Georgia asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. She knew Leah tended to keep her romantic interactions with girls in private, not just from the public but even from her own friends.
"With my mom, you idiot," Leah replied, rolling her eyes. "We're headed to France."
"Now? What's so interesting about France?" she asked, with a look of disgust on her face. Sure, there were plenty of interesting things to do in France, but Georgia didn't want to hear anything related to that country for a couple of days.
"Roland Garros? Does that ring a bell for you?" Leah retorted, her tone laced with sarcasm.
"Huh? Since when do you go to another country for a tennis match?"
"My mom likes it" Leah lied smoothly, without any hint of shame. If only Georgia knew that Leah had sweetened the deal for her mother with promises of fine wines and breathtaking views post-match.
"Well, that's too bad... but text me if your plans change,"
Leah nodded, though it was in vain because she wouldn't change going to France to see her favorite tennis player.
"Who are we rooting for?" Amanda said, taking a sip of her drink, not really interested in what was happening on the clay.
"Uh, we're impartial," Leah said, settling back in her seat.
Four games had already been played, each player winning their respective games. 
"I have a feeling we're rooting for the girl in the white visor," her mother said. 
Leah looked at her, pulling her sunglasses down a little. "What?"
"Well, you make a face every time the other player makes a point."
Leah said nothing to that comment, her attention had returned to you, now one point away from managing to break your opponent's serve. It was an important match, a semifinal, so every point would be valuable to put you in the final of the tournament.
Still not saying anything back to her mother, Leah held her breath for a few seconds. The ball was going back and forth across the court, but you, with impressive precision, hit the ball with a spin that made it graze the top of the net. For a moment, it seemed like it might fall short, but the ball dropped just over, catching your opponent off guard.
"Wonderful" muttered Leah, crossing her arms with a smile, ready to enjoy the rest of the match. 
There were times when tennis was mentally overwhelming. You felt this every time you played, and it had cost you a lot of matches in the past. A whole court filled with hundreds of people, all watching you, many anxiously waiting for you to make a mistake that could cost you the match. It was more than overwhelming.
That's why, at times, you had to pause your mind and take a deep breath, despite how difficult that was for you.
You only needed one more game to win the set and secure a place in the Roland Garros final. No pressure, of course.
The advantage was that you were serving in this game, but ironically, this often made you even more nervous. The pressure of delivering a strong serve was immense. 
The crowd was overwhelming, so many eyes watching you, so many unfamiliar faces focused on you, watching every move, your family and team sitting behind you. In this position you couldn’t look at them to calm down. 
You needed to focus your eyes on something, to steady your nerves. As you walked towards your position, after drying your face with the towel, you looked in a diagonal direction, right towards the area where you were supposed to put the ball. 
As you raised your gaze slightly, something caught your eye. In the stands, amid a sea of blonde and brown heads, was a woman with striking red hair. The woman stood out, not only because of her hair, but also because she was the only person not looking at you, instead, her attention was elsewhere.
You stole a glance at the red-haired woman as you inhaled deeply, preparing for your serve. With a fluid motion, you raised her arm, tossed the ball into the air and delivered a powerful strike.
The ball zipped across the court with velocity, catching your opponent off guard. Convinced it would fly out, your opponent made no attempt to chase after it.
A satisfied smile tugged at your lips.
Once more, your gaze flickered toward the red-haired woman in the stands. Drawing another deep breath, you focused intensely as you prepared to serve again. With a determined flick of your wrist, you sent the ball hurtling across the court, this time, your aim wasn’t for an ace, but rather to set up a play that would complicate the things for your opponent.
Within minutes the score stood at 40-15. Just one more point. 
You didn't want to take any unnecessary risks, but you craved to close the match with a decisive point, one point to make it clear why you were here.  
So, you adjusted your visor, brushed your fingers over the gold chain hanging from your neck and looked up, for the first time looking directly at the woman, not even getting a good look at her, because the woman was quite far away, but the woman's disinterest helped you to clear your head and focus your mind, ignoring the bunch of other faces watching you. 
Just one more point.
You lifted the ball, the familiar weight of your racket in your hand, a quiet groan escaping your lips before you swung. Then, the sound of the impact echoed through the entire court and as the ball bounced on the clay.
Leah was up from her seat at the same time as you fell backwards onto the clay. 
"That was incredible," Leah exclaimed, joining the chorus of applause. 
"Incredible?" Amanda asked without understanding that much. However, what truly caught her off guard was the sight of her daughter like that, grinning from ear to ear. It was common to see her like that when it came to football matches, but not usually during tennis.
"Are you kidding? It was phenomenal! If you hadn't been glued to your phone, you’d have felt the same as the rest of us!" Leah retorted.
"So, did we win?" Amanda inquired.
"Well, you have won a few more days in France," Leah replied, attempting to temper her excitement. "The final is in two days."
"Do we have tickets?”
"Of course, I purchased them in advance. I already knew Y/N would make it to the finals."
Amanda regarded her daughter suspiciously. "You're not into gambling, are you?"
"Of course not," Leah replied with a grin. "But if I were to bet on her I'd do pretty well”
As they made their way toward the exit, following the crowd, Amanda broke the silence. "Do you know that player?"
"No… not personally" Leah replied "But I watched her play at Wimbledon last year."
"Did she win?"
"No" Leah shook her head, a hint of disappointment in her expression. "She lost"
"So, she's not that good?" 
"Actually, she's quite impressive," Leah defended you. "She went up against the number two player in the world."
"What rank is she?" Amanda inquired.
"Four," Leah answered.
"Then she's not the best," Amanda said confidently.
"Mom!" Leah nudged her playfully while Amanda held back her laughter. "You couldn't even hit the ball."
"Neither could you, I remember your attempts at tennis when you were little," Amanda chuckled. "But what I don't get is why you're defending her so much"
"Because she's great, she’s talented! Look over there!" Leah pointed behind her, where a large screen displayed the game's results alongside your photo.
Amanda's eyes immediately gravitated toward the image, ignoring the points table. "And she's quite pretty," she remarked, studying your face for the first time.
"And she's talented," Leah emphasized, feeling a blush creeping up her ears. Thankfully, her hair concealed it from her mother's curious gaze.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart," Amanda replied with a smile.
It was a tough match, quite a tough match, but that's what you would expect in a Roland Garros final. 
The first set ended 6-4 in favor of Iga Swiatek.
You had faced her numerous times throughout your professional career, but had never managed to defeat her in an official match. Despite your old friendship with Iga, there was an undeniable intensity when you two met on the court, and you were determined to shine this time.
As the first set concluded, you sank into your chair, you had to use the break to ease the tension in your legs. Uncapping your water bottle, your fingers instinctively found the gold chain around your neck, adorned with your initials. It may have seemed superstitious, but wearing it had always brought you luck on the court.
Suddenly, your coach's voice pierced the distance, signaling for you to relax and loosen up your play. You brushed off the advice, as if you hadn't already realized that. Ignoring your coach's guidance was risky, but you already had your own voice in your mind against you. 
Taking a long sip of water, you refocused your gaze forward. Then, something caught your attention.
The same woman from the previous match was in the stands again. You hadn't noticed her before, too engrossed in your opponent. Again, that was the key to your game, you needed to block out distractions and focus on yourself and the ball. Just like you had done during the semifinal match, you needed to tune out everything else.
"How many points before your girl loses?" Amanda said, glancing sideways at Leah, who was leaning forward, her elbows on her knees and a faint blush on her cheeks. According to Leah it was from the sun hitting her face, but Amanda knew her daughter well enough.
"Don't pester me, now's not the time," Leah replied, sitting up straight in her seat and adjusting her sunglasses.
"I'm not pestering you, but you claimed that girl was fantastic. Yet, from what I've seen today, the other player seems better to me."
"Well, she's number one after all"
"So, you admit she's the best."
Leah rolled her eyes. "Y/N just needs to take a breath. After this break she'll bounce back, you'll see. She'll shut your mouth"
"If you say so."
And so it happened. You had won the second set 4-6, breaking Iga's serve at the crucial moment. The victory was almost surreal, even Leah found it hard to believe.
"Stop biting your nails," her mother said, giving Leah's leg a slap as she saw her nervous habit.
"She's going to win," Leah said without looking at her mother, her gaze fixed on you, as you refreshed yourself by wetting your hair before the final set.
"Leah, you've been saying that since yesterday," Amanda remarked, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in her tone.
"I’m excited," Leah defended.
Amanda shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "If she wins, will you approach her?"
"Are you being serious?" she said, shaking her head "What would I even say?" Leah replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
"You've been crushing over her for days. I've never seen you like this with someone you don't even know," Amanda teased.
"It's not a crush. I just admire her athletic ability and determination, that's all," Leah insisted.
"Well, then you two have something in common. I don’t see why you don’t talk to her" 
"Because... I just don't," Leah stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"What a coward," Amanda teased.
The set stood at 4-5 in your favor, but now it was Iga's turn to serve, and she was already in position. You shifted your weight from side to side, preparing for the shot, a smile gracing your lips as you caught sight of the red-haired woman just above Iga’s head. The woman had become your anchor, helping you refocus on your game. 
It was almost amusing, thinking that no one else existed in the crowd, just you and the woman. You could tell the woman wasn’t at all interested in what was going on in the clay. You often caught the woman glancing at her phone during the set. Yet, you found solace in playing as if you were solely performing for the woman.
However, you didn’t forget the game at hand, swiftly responding to each shot with your racket, rallying back and forth several times before you had a moment of brilliance that allowed you to execute a breathtaking drop shot in the opposite direction of Iga's sprint.
It was the highlight of the tournament, perhaps even of your career, your best point. Yet, when you glanced up and noticed the red-haired woman looking away, you couldn't help but chuckle.
With the score now at 40-AD, you needed just one more point to clinch your first grand slam title. As Iga's shot came straight towards your body, you managed to get your racket in position to return the ball. The exchange of the ball was intense, this time you had to sprint to reach a ball you never thought you could. You struck it with the edge of your racket, hoping for the best as the ball sailed toward the line.
As you watched the ball clear the net, you felt the light weight of your gold chain around your neck and remembered that luck was on your side this time.
Everything happened in slow motion as Iga dropped her racket to the ground, and moments later, you found yourself on your knees on the clay court, the crowd erupting into cheers around you.
You didn't know how, but now you were already in the stands, being hugged by your family and your team, with your coach by your side, trying to shake some of the clay off your clothes. 
"I need you to do me a favor" you said to him before the tournament staff took you away for the trophy presentation.
As Leah and her mother descended the stairs toward the exit, Leah couldn't contain her excitement. "I told you Y/N would win," she exclaimed, her hand firmly grasping her mother's arm. The trophy presentation had concluded, and the crowd was beginning to disperse. 
"It was luck," Amanda teased her daughter, though she couldn't deny her surprise at your remarkable turnaround.
"We should have placed a bet. We would have won"
"At least I won't have to endure your grumpy face during dinner," Amanda said with a playful smirk.
Leah rolled her eyes as they walked through the crowd.
"Excuse me!" A man's voice behind them interrupted their conversation. Leah's eyes widened as she recognized him. "This might sound strange… but Y/N wants to see you," the man explained to Amanda, who didn't understand the situation at all, her daughter didn’t either.
Leah felt a tug on the arm her mother was holding on.
"It's Y/N's coach," Leah clarified to her mother.
"And she wants to see me?" Amanda asked.
The man nodded awkwardly. "I wish I could offer more explanation, but Y/N is sometimes unpredictable."
After a moment of contemplation, Amanda flashed a mischievous smile and nodded, gripping her daughter's arm even tighter. "Sure, take us to her."
Leah's heart raced. How was it possible that she was going to meet her crush the athlete she admired thanks to her mother? 
Your coach, after a few minutes of walking in silence, led them through a door into a room where you were lying on a couch, eyes closed.
"Hey, Y/N. Your guests are here," your coach announced, giving your shoulder a squeeze.
You quickly opened your eyes and stood up, ignoring the fact that you had just played a two-hour match less than half an hour ago. 
You were no longer wearing your visor and your shoes, but you were still in your white uniform with lilac accents. Leah couldn't help but notice that your socks were now stained with clay.
"Y/N L/N" you introduced yourself, extending your hand toward Amanda. Your attention seemed focused on Amanda, oblivious to Leah standing behind her. "I'm introducing myself because I have a slight feeling you don't know me," you said with a smile.
"Amanda," she said, shaking your hand. "Don't worry, I know who you are. A little voice hasn't stopped repeating your name since we arrived in France."
Leah blushed and glanced away.
"Oh," you released Amanda's hand and turned to the blonde, whom you hadn't noticed during either match. "Shouldn't I introduce myself then?" you asked, extending your hand toward Leah.
"No need," Leah said, feeling her mother's not-so-subtle nudge as you extended your hand. "My name is Leah, and I'm a big fan of yours."
"Your number one fan," Amanda chimed in with a smile.
"Mom!" Leah protested, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
You released Leah's hand and turned to Amanda.
"She brought me all the way from England just to see you," Amanda explained, noticing the way you were looking at her daughter. 
"England?" you asked, curious about the mention of England.
"Yes, we're from England," Leah confirmed.
"And my daughter is the captain of—"
"Mom, no!" Leah interjected, her cheeks turning pink as she attempted to silence her mother's impending revelation.
You couldn't help but laugh at Leah's embarrassment, finding the exchange amusing.
"Why are we here?" Leah asked before her mother could continue.
"Oh, right," you replied, regaining your composure. "I wanted to thank you," you said, turning to Amanda and clasping your hands behind your back.
"Me?" "Her?" Amanda and Leah exclaimed simultaneously, surprised by your words.
"Yes," You said softly, your gaze shifting to Leah, a smile returning to your face. "Since the semifinal match, I noticed your mother in the stands. Although, it's hard not to see her," you added, gesturing towards Amanda's red hair. "She was the only person in the whole court who wasn't looking at me. Thanks to her, I was able to concentrate and win. It may sound silly but—"
"Oh, don't worry honey," Amanda interjected. "They usually tell me that I bring good luck in big games," she said, nodding towards Leah with her thumb.
"You're an athlete? Sorry, what was your name again? I don't have a good memory with names," you said, this time blushing slightly.
"Honey, Leah is the captain of the England team," Amanda clarified, speaking on behalf of her daughter.
"Oh... Football? Volleyball?" You inquired.
"Yes, football," Leah replied, feeling a flush of embarrassment. She had never felt so embarrassed in her life, not even as a child.
You glanced Leah up and down once more. You had never imagined a football player could dress so stylishly. You found yourself so engrossed in observing Leah's attire that you only snapped back to reality when your coach cleared his throat.
"Well, I just wanted to make sure to thank you for your help, even if you didn't realize it," you said, pulling an autographed tennis ball out of your pocket. "I'm not sure how valuable this is to you, but perhaps your daughter will appreciate it," you added with a laugh, glancing sideways at Leah. "Well, I must be off now, interviews and all that," you explained, walking away to grab your bag. "Hope to see you two at Wimbledon," you said, winking at Amanda before leaving.
The next day, Leah found herself at the airport, keeping an eye on their suitcases while her mother went to grab something to eat. Suddenly, a notification on her phone caught her off guard.
Y/N_kz started following you
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Royal Rivalries !! ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Zeus!Reader Synopsis: home alone with your prince Luke, but you needed to shower.. Tag(s): Royal AU, suggestive ASF, possibly most devious thing ive written and its not even crazy bai Word Count: 2248
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A sunny day when your father isn't home is always bound to be a good day. Normally when he's home, he prefers when everyone was always dressed nicely, always in dresses or button ups. So when he leaves to visit the other kingdoms of Olympia, you take advantage walking around in sweats and shirts with no bras.
Zeus was currently in the Aphrodite kingdom, talking love and weddings and whatnot, you didn't really know, nor did you really care. It's been about two weeks of wedding talk, or two weeks since the day you got engaged. It's been sickening, you've had to sit through three dinners with Luke, trying your best not to throw something across the table every time he makes an 'assface' type of comment. Anyways, Zeus finally letting you out of sight may have been a blessing.
After snaking through your closet, you pulled some little shorts and a bikini. By the garden out behind your castle, there's a gazebo with a glass roof and lawn chairs, perfect for sunbathing.
As you skipped down the hallways, you waved off all your maids, and butlers and servants. Finally you pushed through the doors to the garden that looked straight from a painting. While walking down, you were brushing your hand along the bushes and hedges, occasionally picking and plucking some flowers and putting one in your hair.
Making it to the gazebo, you took off your shorts and laid down. The sound of the leaves and frogs could've made you fall asleep. Except, you were interrupted.
"Excuse me? Princess Y/N," it was your favorite maid, Margaret.
"Yes Margaret, is something wrong," you asked without opening your eyes.
"You have a visitor," her voice sounded somewhat nervous, and you could only guess who it was.
"If its my father, please tell him what I do in my free time is my business and my business alone."
"You gotta stop thinking I'm your dad," your eyes shot open. "It's getting a little concerning."
You looked at him, standing in front of you with the sun coating his skin in a nice golden light. He gave you a smug look, with that jagged scar stretched out on his face.
"What're you doing here," you asked as you leaned up in your seat. "Go home."
"That's no way to speak to your future husband, now is it?"
You sat fully up, crossing your arms and throwing one leg over the other, while looking up at him with an unpleasant expression. "I asked you a question."
"When did you grow to be so feisty?"
"When did you grow up to be such an ass-"
"I'm going back now," Margaret said nervously. "Bye princess."
She quickly scurried off back from where she came from. You scowled, "your scaring the help away Castellan."
"Me? You're the one with a foul mouth. What was it you said, 'that it was unbecoming of a princess?' Or is that only when daddy dearest is around?"
"Gods forbid I do something alone."
"You know, sooner than you think I'll be here for you more," you raised your brow. "One week."
You stood up, "What does 'one week' mean?"
"It means in one week I'll see you in your long white dress walking down the aisle, all for me."
Your eyes widened, "One week? Why is he rushing things??"
"Who cares," he laughed. "Personally, I can not wait."
You weren't ready for marriage. Not only were you too young, but too sober to get through a wedding with Luke. You yelled in frustration while holding your head in your hands. When you looked back up, you saw Luke's hair standing up on its self. Before freaking out, you quickly grabbed onto Luke and pulled him behind you, under the roof of the gazebo. Then a giant bolt of lightning, with a width twice the size of a telephone pole, zapped the ground where he was just standing.
"Holy.." he whispered.
"I meant full offense by the way," you panted, despite it being accidental, it took more out of you then you thought.
"Wow, almost worked yourself to death trying to kill me?"
You rolled your eyes and pushed him off as he tried catching you. When you did so, you wobbled a little. "I'm fine."
You stumbled back to your chair to grab your shorts and head back home, nearly tripping over yourself. "Lemme help you."
"I told you, I'm-" you started coughing. "I'm fine."
"Clearly," you were struggling to stay on your feet. "C'mon."
You didn't have the energy to protest as he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the house. You tried to push him away with no luck, he really was as strong as he looked. He kept walking till he made it to the kitchen, sitting you down on top of a counter.
"S'cold in here," you shivered, rubbing your hands on whatever they could reach to create whatever warmth possible. Luke was looking inside a fridge for a bottle of water, tossing it to you.
You barely caught it and took a sip, "course your cold, you got almost nothing on."
You paid no attention to him looking you up and down as you chugged the water, some dripping from the sides of your mouth and sliding down your body. You tossed the now empty bottle aside and hopped off the counter, grabbing your shorts and walking out.
"Stop following me."
"I'm not following you, I'm just walking in the same direction," he mused.
"Find another direction, I'm going to take a shower."
"Come on wifey, let's keep the same direction," you glared at him, trying not to react at the ridiculous nickname. "You thought it was funny you can admit it."
You smacked him on the arm with your shorts, "As if."
"You know, I remember when we were younger, and your dad forced you to wear those god awful swimsuits, the long sleeves and shorts. Remember those days?"
"Gods, how could I forget," you grumbled. "The tan lines those suits would give me were outrageous."
You both chuckled before you remembered something, "hey. Let's not forget you also had a swim shirt. And a bucket hat, with the white strips on sun screen on your face."
"Okay okay we can calm down now."
"Hey, you started it, I just finished it," you threw your hands up, and Luke just rolled his eyes. You guys continued walked as you made it to your bedroom. "I was serious, I do need to take a shower now."
"Hey, we used to take baths together when we were kids, and we were engaged then too, whats so different now?"
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask that," you said as you went through your drawers looking for some clean clothes.
"Nothings different, now we're just taller," he shrugged.
"You want to see me naked so bad it's sickening," you joked as you turned back around and looked at Luke. He was laid back on your bed with his arms behind his head as he just stared at you. When his short sleeves are moving up and struggling to fit against his biceps, it makes you forget what a villainous 15 year old he was. "Not even gonna deny it?"
"Nope" he cheered. "And don't act so innocent, like I didn't just catch you checking me out, princess."
"I don't know what your talking about."
"I can see it in your eyes, what you want."
"What're you talking about," you walked up, standing in front of him.
"You act like you hate me, but I don't think you really do," he said as he sat up on your bed.
"And what makes you say that," you asked as you leaned down, hands on his knees while your cleavage was popping out of your bathing suit into his face.
You gave a close-eyed smile as you smacked him upside the head, "Your intuition can eat my ass, get your head out of the gutter."
You laughed as you walked off toward your bathroom. "Your such a tease, aren't you princess?"
"Remember," you started as you leaned against the bathroom doorframe, "As I am royalty, its disrespectful to oh so brazenly stay in my bedroom, out of wedlock no less, with no supervision. What would the people say?"
"The people? Or your father, who isn't even here," he questioned. "How would he feel if he saw the clothes you hide away in your closet? Is there anything else you'd be willing to show?"
"I have my secrets," you said as you started untie your top as you shut the door before anything was revealed. You pressed your ear against the door and rustling from the other side. After a moment of rapid knocking while tying your top back, you opened the door. "Need something?"
"To shower, I'm filthy," Luke said as he walked passed you into the bathroom.
"Only thing filthy is your brain if you think I'm getting in that shower with you," you watched as he turned the shower on and take his shirt off.
"I think the filthiest thing in this room is the way you can't keep your eyes of me."
"I'm not checking you out, I'm just shocked by your sheer audacity."
"Princess, what are you, scared? Scared to shower with your fiancé?"
"Scared? Excuse me," you raised your eyebrow. "What makes you think I would ever be scared right now?"
"I think you won't be able to resist me and that aggravates you."
"Screw you," you started undoing your bathing suit and walking into the shower. Luke stood there with both eyebrows raised. "You coming in? Or are you the one with no self-control?"
"Yeah we'll see about that," he finished undressing and hopped into the shower behind you. You did your best to pay him little to no attention, but it was difficult. You kept yourself faced away, though either side of you, Luke didn't mind.
To be fair, you did want to turn around, but you stayed strong. Hard, I know. You minded your business as you shampooed your hair. "You missed a spot."
"No I didn't."
"Yeah you did," he ran his hand through your hair, softly massaging your scalp. "Right there."
It felt nice, though you weren't gonna say that. "What're you doing?"
"Washing your hair," he tightened his grip on your hair, slowly pulling your head back to look at him. "What're you thinking? Something dirty?"
"You speak to me much too freely, have you no respect," you turned completely as you pointed your finger into his chest, making sure you keep eye contact.
"Of course I do, I plan to treat you with nothing but the upmost respect," he grabbed your finger, interlocking his hand in yours, while his words were laced with arrogance.
"You drown in your over-confidence, I hope you know. And we both know you came in here thinking you were going to get lucky, didn't you?"
"Ah so you see, I'm already lucky to be in here," he smiled.
"Oh Luke, flattery gets you no where."
"You could always let it get me somewhere."
"Why should I, did your little Aphrodite princess let you get lucky?"
"Wouldn't you like to know what we've done," he leaned down into your face.
"As you're your future wife, don't you think I'm entitled to know your past," you raised your brow at him. "Why, do you think she'd be better than anything I'd be able to do?"
"What makes you think I slept with her?"
"Well.. did you," you quickly asked, upset with how interested you sounded.
"Your cute when your jealous," he moved his hand that was still in your hair down to your jaw, making sure you were looking up at him.
"I'm not jealous, what is there to be jealous of?"
"So you wouldn't care if I had sex with her? You wouldn't care about being not being my first?"
You stayed silent. "Though of course, as my future wife, you are entitled to all that information. All the details." He kept talking and you started getting upset. "What was it you wanted to know? How long it lasted, how many times we had sex, how many different positions we did?"
"Shut. up," you stared into his chest, but he just pulled your face back up to look at him.
"What was that?"
"I told you to shut up," you moved his hands and let go of him as you walked out the shower, grabbing a towel and covering yourself. You hated the way that crush from when you were 14 still lingered, even more when he talks about the girl he cheated with. It could've been you who... yeah. You moved so you were no longer in his sight as you dried off.
"I never did," he called out. You contemplated ignoring him.
"Did what."
"Her," he paused. "I never did her."
That made you weirdly happy, but you didn't let it show. "That's all I wanted to know."
"You coming back in?"
"No I don't think so, I'm feeling squeaky clean," you walked past the shower with your towel wrapped around your body as you made your way to the door. "But if you still feeling filthy, stay as long as you need."
You laughed and shut the door behind you, Lukes eyes lingering as you did so. This was going to be fun.
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simp4wom3n · 5 months
The Quiet One Pt V
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Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Fem!reader
Summary:With Ghostface closing in on them, Act 3 finally begins as everyone teams up to hopefully once and for all take them down. ~ Word Count: 9.8k ~ Warnings: descriptions of gory injuries, blood, and anything that comes with Scream, Scream VI spoliers!!, hella swearing
A/N: OMG HEY!!!! IM BACK!!! It has been such a ridiculously long time since I have written, and I'M SO SORRY. Life really got in the way for a while, but I am back. This fic is so damn long it took me ages, but I hope it's everything you guys wanted. I love you all! COME ON MOTHERF*CKER!!
Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5
Stepping onto the brisk streets of New York, a cool breeze brushed against your skin, painting a rosy hue on your nose and cheeks. The gentle breeze caressed your scar, providing needed relief to its subtle throbbing as you walked hand-in-hand with Tara, who was engrossed in conversation with her sister, while the rest of the group led the way to the station. Eyes scanning your surroundings hastily, your brain attempted to adjust to your new vision as you watched people walk past, utterly oblivious to the psycho that was tormenting their city.
You had never been more jealous.
While meeting Tara was undoubtedly the best part of your life, walking nonchalantly down a busy street at night without checking your shoulder regularly sounded pretty nice. Was it worth throwing your love for Tara away for? Absolutely not, yet you would be lying if you said there wasn't a little voice in the back of your mind that liked to remind you how every day your life could've been - especially after everything you've suffered, as if Woodsboro wasn't enough.
As if sensing your discomfort, Tara paused her conversation with her sister to glance at you worriedly, her eyes scanning your rigid posture and distant eyes moving too fast for her to track. She squeezes your hand to grab your attention as your eyes finally meet hers, your lone e/c eye standing out against its pale white counterpart. "You okay?" she whispers softly, her eyebrows creasing slightly. "Yeah," you sighed dejectedly, "just kinda wishing I had a normal life... you know, without all this Ghostface shit".
You watched as Tara's face fell slightly at your words, causing you to panic, "It's not your fault! I love you and everyone here. I just hate worrying about who will be alive in the morning." Her expression was slightly lifted as a small smile formed on her lips, but guilt continued to gnaw at her eyes. You could hear her whisper, "Yeah, I get it", as she briefly looked away to look at others a few metres ahead of you. She lets go of your hand with a comforting squeeze as she quickens with each step. "I'll be right back."
Watching as she walked off, a gentle hand on your shoulder pulled your attention from the small girl now talking to Mindy. "Did I say something?" you ask, knowing it was Sam standing next to you. "No, she just likes to run off sometimes," she jokes lightheartedly, a slight chuckle falling from your lips. "Tell me about it.". Mindy glances back at you as Tara approaches Chad and Danny. "She's a difficult girl to understand, but if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that she loves you. It's a little obsessive, honestly." Your cheeks flush as you look at Sam questionably, "Sam being sentimental? Never thought I'd live to see that." "Oh shut up" she shoves your shoulder playfully as a comfortable silence falls between the two of you.
Curious, you gaze at Tara as she returns to her position beside you, intertwining your hands without hesitation. You enquire softly, "What was that all about?" while she keeps her gaze fixed on the approaching station stairs. "Nothing. I just needed to talk to them about something.". Despite feeling it was about you, as said friends kept looking over their shoulders at you, you stopped yourself from pushing it.
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As soon as you stepped foot in the station, you were greeted by an overwhelming influx of people, many of whom were dressed in Halloween costumes. Mindy steps back from the group in front to stand by your side as you take in your surroundings for the first time. Like you, she looks through the crowds, her expression more serious than you're used to on her. You excused her unusual behaviour until you both walked into someone who stared at you wide-eyed, horrified by your scar.
"What the fuck are you looking at?! Fuck off! Jeez... some people."
Now, you were the one who had to look at Mindy with wide eyes. This type of aggression was uncommon for the typically gentle and humorous girl, so the fact that she even displayed it, especially to defend you, it shocked you, to say the least. "Damn, Mindy… thanks," you muttered under your breath as Mindy returned your timid smile, "They deserved it."
Walking further onto the platform, the group waited momentarily whilst the train came to a stop and the doors opened. With tons of people trying to squeeze through the small doors to fit in the tiny space left on the packed train, it became a free-for-all. It happened in a blur; your hand separated from Tara's as Danny dragged her onto the train, leaving you and Mindy amongst the wave of people.
Amidst the chaos of people jostling your shoulders, your attention shifted away from Mindy's presence and focused solely on reaching a concerned Tara. Mindy's frustration became evident through the curse words she hurled at those around you. As you pushed your way towards your girlfriend, an obnoxious person dressed as Ghostface forcefully pushed you from behind, causing you to stumble onto the train and into Tara's embrace, the girl grunting softly at the impact. The echo of Mindy's furious tirade filled the air as you finally turned to witness her forcefully pulling off their mask.
Tucked in Tara's embrace, a soft chuckle escaped your lips at the scene before you. That was until the doors of the train started to close. "Shit… Mindy!" you exclaim, feeling a surge of guilt wash over you as you desperately try to reach the door, only to be held back by Tara. You watch Mindy's sudden realisation of the closing doors, a loud 'fuck' escapes her lips as she tries to navigate through the remaining crowd in her path.
The doors shut just as she's about to reach them.
You pound your fist against the door in frustration, mirroring the same exasperated look on Mindy's face. Grabbing your phone, you motioned for her to do the same through the glass as you texted her. The whine of the train starting to move fills your ears as Tara pulls you closer, her body wrapped around your free arm.
In the midst of all the chaos, it escaped your attention that Ethan had also managed to miss the train, although you couldn't quite fathom how. Your phone dings with a text from Mindy. "She's taking the train right after us with Ethan," you inform the group, slipping your phone into your back pocket and releasing a quiet sigh.
"She'll be okay. She's Mindy." Tara comforts you softly, gently stroking your arm as you gaze down at her, nodding in response. You embraced your girlfriend in a tender and heartfelt hug. You were burdened with guilt. You're not sure where this sudden protective nature had come from, and although your heart felt some relief knowing that she cared, you couldn't help but feel responsible for it.
She was protecting you, and look where that got her.
Letting go of Tara, you gently kissed her forehead and intertwined your hand with hers. Until now, you were completely absorbed in your thoughts, oblivious to the tension brewing within the group. Taking your gaze off your girlfriend, the source of said discomfort became obvious.
"Oh, what the fuck" you cursed as Tara's grip on your hand tightened. Everywhere you looked, there were individuals wearing the costume that perpetually plagued your nightmares, and their unwavering gazes seemed to be fixated on you. "Why are there so many of them?" Chad asked, his frustration evident in his voice as he, too, grew tired of encountering the same pale mask wherever he went.
Everyone's faces are ridden with anxiety. "How many stops do we have?" Tara inquired with a heightened sense of urgency, eager to get off the train just like the rest of you. Sam gazes at the map, undoubtedly internally pleading that it's not too many. Looking back at the group, she hesitates slightly, revealing the news couldn't be good. "Ten", she speaks solemnly. Tara's eyes are filled with concern as you exchange worried glances, causing your heart to race at an abnormal speed.
The subway lights start flickering, intensifying the eerie atmosphere inside the train. Your vision, already impaired, struggled to follow every Ghostface amidst the flickering lights. It became nearly impossible for you to keep track of them, adding to the waves of anxiety that were rushing over you.
As the train came to a halt, the lights flickered into a steady glow, and a voice over the intercom announced your arrival at 79th Street. In a matter of seconds, as you glanced down the carriage, your gaze met that of one of the masked individuals. Your face fell. A sense of fear filled the air, your breath catching in your throat as both of you remained motionless, captivated by the piercing gaze of those intense black eyes.
As if they had never been there, your intense gaze was interrupted when they vanished behind someone getting on the train. You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach as you scanned the area, desperately searching for any sign of them, but your efforts proved futile. The others remained clueless about what you just saw as the train started to move again, the lights resuming their irritating flickering.
You pulled Tara closer to you as the carriage grew dim, the silhouettes of your friends becoming the only discernible shapes in the darkness. With a tender embrace, she places her hand on your back, tracing soothing circles that bring you a sense of calm. You locked your gaze on the floor as the cabin continued to flicker around you.
"This is 72nd Street", the announcer speaks monotonously, the train coming to a stop as you look up from the floor, noticing your girlfriend's concerned gaze directed towards you. Attempting to avoid her gaze, your sight lands back on the Ghostface from before, again staring daggers at you. You try to maintain an equally stern gaze, which you manage until they start moving towards you at pace.
"Guys", you quickly inform the others about the imminent danger. The atmosphere instantly tense up as all eyes fixate on the approaching figure. Tara and Chad both step forward to protect you. The Ghostface suddenly stops right in front of you, causing your friends to freeze in an effort to avoid giving away any reaction, just in case it's not the real killer.
Attacking a perfectly innocent person on a New York subway was the last thing you needed, especially with the rumours surrounding Sam.
With a sudden and effortless motion, the person in front of you removes their mask, making Chad flinch. Instead of those frightening black eyes, a teenage girl's soft brown eyes fixated on you, brimming with a curious intensity that seemed almost unhinged.
"Holy shit, your makeup is so good! I saw it from across the train, but, oh my god, it looks so much better up close. How did you do it?" she chirps out in excitement. You freeze, immediately recognising she is talking about your scar.
Your perfectly real scar.
You find yourself speechless, unable to form a response as the unexpected question catches you off guard. Without hesitation, the girl extends her hand towards your face, her fingers inching closer to your scarred face. Taken aback, you witness Chad's hand swiftly grasping the girl's wrist with a firm grip. The expression on the girl's face is filled with surprise, whilst Chad displays determination.
"Get away from her before I make you." Your eyebrows raise slightly at his words, your lips quirked into a small smile as you revelled in your friends' newfound sense of protectiveness.
It made you feel human again.
You softly thank Chad, who gives you a curt nod and a smile as your face lights up with a smile that hadn't adorned your lips for many days. Since Ghostface's return, your life has been completely turned upside down. Your friends began to turn against you as the blame game singled you out as its victim, tearing apart the very essence of your being.
However, at this moment, as you bear the marks of your past and the lasting impact it has had on you, a newfound determination surges through your veins as you observe the individuals surrounding you.
These were your people. Your family.
You were determined to go to any lengths to protect them, even if it meant sacrificing yourself for their sake.
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With your hands still interlocked, you finally emerge from the sweaty train and lead the way up the stairs, closely followed by Tara and the others. You quicken your pace up the weathered stairs, your gaze searching for a blonde who had agreed to meet you here. A voice you recognise calls to you as you reach the peak of the staircase. "Hey," you hear her say, your eyes meeting Kirby's as you shift your gaze towards the woman.
As she approaches, she effortlessly inserts herself into the group, seamlessly blending in as you all make your way towards the theatre. "I've talked to Bailey. I've got everything set up," she explains before noticing the lack of numbers in the group. "Where are Mindy and Ethan?" she asks, her voice tinged with a mixture of worry and suspicion. Clenching your jaw slightly at the reminder of the people you left behind, Tara jumps in to respond, "They're five minutes behind us."
"Let's get you all inside.", Kirby speaks, nodding in response before she redirects her attention to the theatre, which is now just a few steps in front of you. As the dilapidated structure looms before you, its imposing presence casts a shadow over the group. Everyone's steps come to a halt as Sam directs her attention towards Danny. "Not you."
Turning towards them, you watch as shock comes over Danny's face, "What?" he says, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Don't trust anyone, remember?" Sam speaks softly yet assertively. "We don't know you. Not really.". His face contorted with hurt as he leaned towards Sam. "You know me," he said, trying to convince her to let him protect her.
"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry." Whilst you felt bad for Danny, despite knowing that Sam would never willingly let anyone protect her, the revelation that being part of Woodsboro meant you were trusted filled a small part in your heart that you weren't aware was missing.
Releasing Tara's hand, you gently wrap your arm around her shoulder, pulling her close as you watch the interaction. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile graces Tara's lips, a sign that she's starting to see the return of the girl she loves after the emotional and physical turmoil you've both endured over the past few days.
"It's okay. It's okay, I get it." Danny finally speaks up. "Be safe, okay?" he pleads Sam, leaning in and kissing her cheek tenderly while delicately caressing her arms. Sam's face reveals a hint of guilt as she replies, "You too." before swiftly turning around and continuing walking. The rest of you cast sympathetic glances at Danny before joining the girl on the way to the theatre.
"Good call."
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As Kirby unlocks the doors with a reverberating clank, a surge of nervousness courses through you as the doors swing open, revealing the dimly lit theatre. With Tara clinging tightly to your side, a sense of unease washes over you as you cautiously enter the room, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. "I cleared the whole place before you got here. This is the only way in or out." Despite your best efforts to pay attention, Kirby's words seemed to go unnoticed as you surveyed the familiar surroundings, a sense of unease growing within you.
"So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box." Kirby continues to explain enthusiastically, clearly entertained by the fact that this is finally her chance to bring one of these psychos to justice. "Weapons?" Sam questions. "One gun and I hold onto it." Sam gives Kirby a disapproving look, but before she can say anything, Kirby interrupts her, "I'm the only one with a badge here. That's the way it's going to be. We're safe here."
As much as you want to believe what she says, this was Ghostface you were dealing with. Despite the lingering uncertainty, you made an honest attempt to maintain trust in the plan's success, not only for your own sake but also for the sake of the others, particularly Tara.
"I'm gonna check in with Mindy. See if they're close." Sam interrupts, breaking the suspenseful silence that had fallen amongst the group. As Sam walks away and Chad follows, Tara squeezes your hand for your attention. "Come with me?" "Of course", you reply softly. She guided you to the old confectionary stand, a room that had unexpectedly become an escape for the two of you, as it felt like the only safe spot in the entire building.
Besides, it was Tara. You would follow her wherever she went.
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"When was the last time anybody used this place? It's so old," Tara comments as you walk through the door. Although not well-maintained, the room decor still manages to evoke a strange sense of comfort as you softly chuckle at her words. "Yeah," you respond softly as you both make your way to the counter, gently letting go of Tara's hand and resting your elbows on it.
As you spot an old box of Milk Duds across the counter, your hand instinctively reaches out to grab them, only for your hands to collide with the girls next to you. A faint blush tinges on your cheeks as her hand pulls back, causing a soft chuckle to escape your lips, "I-I'm sorry, you can have them". You apologise, holding the box towards her, a hint of nervousness evident as you gently bite your lower lip. She pushes your hand back towards you with a slight smirk. "Take them."
"No, I mean…" you stuttered, her touch sending a shiver down your spine as you savoured the rare moment alone you'd shared with her for a while. "If you want them, you have them," you eventually finish. "You think I want these?" she chuckles, prompting a shared embarrassed laughter between the two of you. Your eyes lock, smiles forming on your faces, entirely captivated by each other. "Kind of", you joke, raising your eyebrows at her. "They're like a hundred years old. Maybe that's your thing."
Your soft laughter trails off into a comfortable silence as you look down at your hands, your heart racing, but this time from a much more pleasant catalyst. "I really missed you. I don't know why I told you to back off." You smiled gently at her, tears starting to well in your eyes. "I was so stupid. This whole time, all I really needed was you."
The more she spoke, the more flustered you got. Instead of enjoying the sentiment, you couldn't help but let your mind destroy it.
You're different from the person she is talking about.
She fell in love with the girl whose face wasn't mutilated and would probably scare off young kids. Whilst Tara and your friends could look past it, understanding the trauma you had gone through, you would never be able to walk down the Street without being met with horrified gazes from every direction. And even though Tara would undoubtedly try to protect you from it, you were convinced that her efforts would be futile.
"I'm not the same anymore," you said dimly. Tara frowned at you, gently taking hold of your trembling hand. "What do you mean?" "I just... someone mistook me for a Halloween costume for fucks sake... I'm not the same, and I never will be." You speak, deliberately avoiding eye contact with your girlfriend, as if her reaction would confirm the truth behind your words.
She could never see you the same.
Instead, her delicate touch caressed your cheeks, mindful of your scar, as she tenderly lifted your gaze towards her. Your teary eyes met hers as she looked at you with a tender smile. "Y/n... scar or no scar, you are still the same girl I fell in love with. Nothing will ever take you away from me, especially a scar that makes you look pretty badass if you ask me." you chuckle at her words, a few stray tears escaping, which she gently wipes away.
"I love you," she says, her gaze locked with yours, ensuring her words reach you. "I love you too," you speak with a chuckle, leaning closer to her as she wraps her hands around your neck and draws you in. The moment your lips connect, it feels like heaven. The taste of her lips is a sweet revelation, and you plan to savour every moment. The room seems to blur as the outside world dissolves, leaving only the two of you. The warmth between you intensifies, and a current of desire courses through your veins. Sinking deeper into the kiss, you wrap your arms around her waist, squeezing her tightly as your lips begin to move.
As you tried to deepen the kiss, a sudden jolt of pain shot through your scar, causing you to pull back. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath to suppress the pain, you eventually look towards your girlfriend apologetically as she looks at you worried. "Sorry," you chuckle lightly, "It's... still a little tender." You offer the girl a gentle smile as her hands glide down to your hips. "Don't say sorry. We'll just take it slow." Her seductive gaze locks with yours, setting your senses ablaze and causing a familiar blush to creep onto your cheeks. Briefly taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you lean in again. Nothing else mattered at this moment.
Or so you thought.
As your lips are seconds away from colliding, Tara's body is slammed into you as a scream erupts from her throat. Your eyes go wide in panic as you scream her name, only to see Ghostface standing behind her with a knife in her back. She is ripped from your grip as she is thrown to the ground. Although your instincts told you to help her, the masked individual who was now staring straight at you told you otherwise.
Without warning, their knife comes swinging towards you. Taking a swift step back, you barely dodge the blade as they go to swing again, their arm colliding with you. With a grunt, you harshly grip their arm before pulling them around you and throwing them into the wall. The shattering of glass from the poster frame intensifies the chilling encounter as another swing of the knife inches dangerously close to your face. Dodging the swing, you swiftly regained your footing and delivered a powerful punch to the psycho's face. As your fist made contact with their chin, they crumpled to the ground. As the cries of Tara echo in your ear, in a fit of anger, you direct your attention towards their fallen form and deliver a forceful kick to their stomach.
Frantically realising that there was little time they would be on the ground, you swiftly pivoted and rushed to your girlfriend's side, urgently helping her to her feet and guiding her towards the door. With a sudden burst, the door swings open, startling you as Sam and Chad's faces, filled with terror, appear on the other side, their expressions clearly reflecting the echoes of Tara's bone-chilling scream. They quickly notice your dire situation and urgently drag you from the room.
"Come on, go, go, go!" Sam screams as you run out of the room, and Chad slams the door behind you. "It's Kirby! She's the killer!" Sam yells at you, "No shit!" you scream back, desperate to get out of this place. Running towards the caged exit, you grip its rusted bars and pull at it desperately. "That's locked. Come on". Your face falls further, "Are we trapped?" you yell in disbelief. "She made the whole theatre the kill box. For us."
"Hey, what about that? There's an exit door." Tara directs everyone's attention to an opening on the roof, positioned just above a set of scaffolding. "Maybe it leads to the roof or something," you suggest, looking at your girlfriend, who nods in agreement. "There's only one way to find out. Let's go." Chad quickly takes the lead, leading the group towards your potential escape route.
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"Bailey's on the way, but-" Sam's words are abruptly interrupted as Ghostface unexpectedly pounces on you from the shadows of the stage. Tara frantically tries to evade the swinging knife, ending up on the floor in an attempt to do so. Unfortunately, you are unable to do the same as the blade slices the side of your arm. You firmly grasp the wound on your arm as you clench your jaw in pain. You watch as the Ghostface continues to swing at Chad and Sam before Chad manages to tackle them onto the floor.
"Y/n! Come on." you hear your girlfriend exclaim, her voice filled with urgency, as you catch sight of her and Sam moving towards the stage. You swiftly move as Chad forcefully slams an old movie camera into their masked face, causing their head to snap back and hit the ground with a resounding thud.
Chad follows you with the camera in hand as you join the girls backstage, both of them looking around frantically for an exit. "This way! Come on!" Tara's voice echoes through the air as she swiftly dashes towards a small tunnel backstage. You eagerly trail behind her along the narrow path, acutely aware of the ominous footsteps of Ghostface closing in from behind. Until now, your lack of vision in one eye hadn't posed much of a problem. Yet, as you sprinted through the narrow pathway, you kept crashing into the walls while Chad struggled to guide you in the right direction.
As you cast a quick glance over your shoulder, a chilling realisation washes over you - Ghostface is steadily closing in. "Fuck, they're fast," you exclaimed, as Chad also realised their proximity. "Get fucked", he shouted as he made the quick decision to hurl the bulky camera at them, immediately slowing them down.
With the additional advantage, you all made it back into the confectionary area as Chad threw the popcorn machine behind you. They quickly push it out of the way as you all turn around to face them. With a slight tilt of their head, they launch a series of aggressive swings towards you and Chad.
The knife narrowly misses both of you as you attempt to position yourselves for some kind of counterattack. Swinging down at Chad, he manages to grab their arm as you grab their shoulders, throwing them back onto the counter. Sam and Tara swiftly seize their arms, desperately trying to subdue them, while you deliver a decisive blow to their face, sending them crashing to the ground once more. As they fall to the ground, Tara quickly runs up to them and boots them in the face.
You couldn't help but think how hot it was.
"Go! Go!" Chad exclaims, swiftly grabbing the old bubblegum dispenser from the counter. With a determined gaze, he raises it above his head, preparing to deliver a decisive blow to Ghostface. Tara and Sam guide you away from him, leading you towards the door, expecting him to join you momentarily.
His piercing screams quickly disrupt the plan, causing everyone to turn their heads in disbelief. Your jaws hang open in shock as you see another Ghostface standing beside him, clutching a knife pierced in his side. "No! Chad!" Tara screams, sending a shiver down your spine. With Sam holding her back, you watch in suspense as the two masked figures surround Chad and lift him up to his knees.
They absolutely butchered him.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you witnessed the relentless onslaught. You watched him get stabbed over and over and over again as if it was never going to end. You were frozen to your spot. He somehow mustered up the strength to tell you to run, but no one could move. "Go," he sputters out, his determination to save the rest of you clear. In a swift and chilling motion, the Ghostfaces allow his lifeless form to crumple to the ground. With synchronised precision, they wipe their blades clean, sending a shiver down your spine.
Finally getting over your shock, you immediately grabbed the two sisters and dragged them out of the door. "This way. Up here. Come on." Sam directs your pointless running as she tries to get you both backstage. Before you can make it, one of the Ghostfaces pounces from behind the screen. Instinctively turning around, you are stopped immediately as the second Ghostface traps you, waving their knife mockingly.
You're surrounded. Whipping your head back and forth, you watch as they both close in on you, the tension in the air palpable. Thinking quickly, Sam assesses the situation with a determined glint in her eyes. Without hesitation, she swiftly grabs some bricks from the debris-laden floor, handing one to you and another to Tara. In that instant, a silent understanding passes between you - do anything to survive.
As Sam moves the two of you so that you find yourselves back to back, forming an impromptu defensive triangle, the weight of the brick in your hand provides an unexpected but reassuring comfort. The cold surface of the brick grounds you, grounding your resolve as you prepare to face whatever unfolds.
"Ready?" Sam asks, and you swiftly reply, although Tara's distressed cries hinder her ability to respond, overwhelmed by panic and fear. "I need you to be ready. Ready?" With your free hand, you firmly grasp Tara's, offering a comforting squeeze while she inhales deeply. Her hesitation overwhelms Sam, prompting her to urge Tara to look at her. As Tara meets her gaze, a newfound determination fills her voice as she declares, "I'm ready."
"Come on motherfucker!"
Just as the fight was about to begin, the deafening echoes of gunshots reverberated through the vast theatre, prompting an instinctive duck for cover. The ominous figures of the two Ghostfaces hastily retreat into the shadows, leaving an unsettling silence shattered only by your heavy breathing. In the dimly lit ambience, a figure emerges from the stage, and a collective gasp escapes the group as the familiar face of Kirby comes into focus, blood streaming down from a fresh wound on her temple.
"It's okay!" Kirby's voice rings out, a desperate attempt to reassure, though her pained expression reveals the gravity of the situation. The vivid red streams on her face contrast with her pale complexion, creating a chilling scene that leaves everyone motionless.
"Stay the fuck back!" Sam's voice pierces the tension, laced with a mix of fear and anger, earning a confused glance from Kirby, disoriented yet resolute. "We know it's you, Kirby," Tara adds, her tone unwavering as Kirby hesitantly approaches the group. "One of them knocked me out," Kirby pleads, her expression changing to one of desperation. Her eyes are genuine, making you want to trust her more, but your trust issues weren't easy to overcome.
"Kirby, stop!" A deep voice slices through the air, redirecting attention to Bailey, who strides into the theatre with a drawn gun, his gaze fixed on Kirby. "Get away from the girls!". The urgency in Bailey's command prompts an instinctive protective response as you push Tara behind you, eyes fixed on the unfolding standoff.
"What are you doing?" Kirby pleads desperately, the air thick with accusation and uncertainty. "Did you kill Quinn!? Did you kill my daughter!?" Bailey's vengeful glare intensifies, scaring the shit out of you.
He clearly wasn't afraid to kill for his kids.
"Jesus Christ!" Kirby exclaims, her eyes darting between you and the detective in disbelief. With her focus back on you, she pleads again, "Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him." The desperation in her gaze transforms into one of resolve as she turns back to the man threatening her. "He's probably the killer," she speaks assertively.
Your gaze remains fixed on Bailey, his expression unwavering even as the damning accusation hangs in the air. Suddenly, the figure of Ghostface appears behind Bailey, and Kirby's frantic scream fills the space, warning him of the imminent threat, "Behind you!" she screams. Disregarding her desperate plea, Bailey swiftly pivots and unleashes three deafening gunshots that pierce through the air, each shot finding its mark, striking Kirby in the chest, and causing her to crumple to the ground.
The aftermath is a haunting symphony of laboured breaths and the lingering echoes of her cries. As your focus shifts back to the killers, you watch in horror as two Ghostfaces stand alongside Bailey, their presence casting a sinister pall over the unfolding chaos. The dim lighting accentuates their ominous figures, while Bailey, wearing a sadistic smirk, reveals himself as an orchestrator of this grim spectacle.
"Great job. Both of you."
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A palpable tension filled the air in the dimly lit theatre, engulfing you as the truth unravelled right before your eyes. "Yeah, of course me." Bailey teases with a smirk growing on his lips, "Frankly, I expected more from you two after what you did to us."
"What do you mean 'us'?" Tara questioned hesitantly. Bailey's smirk grew into an insufferable smile as he looked to his left, where one of his accomplices was moving to remove the mask. Your heart pounds inside your chest as the white face and black fabric are torn away, revealing your friend's face.
The seemingly unassuming roommate revealed himself with a sinister grin. "Ta-da!" Bailey laughs, finding the shock on all of your faces amusing. The sick look on Ethan's face made you want to puke, the revelation that someone you considered a friend had been out to kill you all along.
The feeling made Woodsboro feel like nothing. The two killers were Sam's boyfriend, whom you had hardly met and someone who you hated from the beginning.
It was nothing compared to seeing the real side of your friend.
With a smirk plastered on his lips, he begins to taunt you about how unsafe you were the whole time, "Mindy was right; it was easy to juke the roommate lottery. All I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck it felt good to kill him.". You felt a surge of anger coursing through you as he spoke, causing your jaw to clench and your grip to tighten around the brick in your hand.
The idea of Ethan pretending to be his friend for months, only to have been plotting his demise the whole time without any hint of remorse, ignited an unbearable anger inside you.
"This one was your grandmother's Sam. Nancy Loomis?" Ethan smiles at Sam, pointing to his mask with his bloodied knife. "Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? And speaking of family, my name isn't Ethan Landry, is it, Dad?"
"Dad?" Tara speaks for the rest of you, your faces growing more shocked. As the shock washes over you, your focus shifts to the second masked figure who still stands menacingly staring directly at you.
"But, if you're Ethan, that just leaves… Mindy?" Sam breathes out in disbelief. Your expression twisted in confusion as you looked back at the memories of how much Mindy had loved Anika. It seemed impossible, yet who else could it be?
Shock filled the room as Quinn removed her mask, leaving you all in stunned silence. "Hey, Roomies. Didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"But you died?" Tara spoke, a hint of anger behind her voice. "Yeah, kinda didn't, though." Quinn quipped mockingly, "It was a good way to get off the suspect list, stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train, that sort of thing."
Bailey's proud smile made you feel sick as his proud eyes bore into yours, "I made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one. You'd be surprised with what a grieving father can get away with."
Your anger was starting to burst at your seams, being played for fools and having someone come back from the dead to kill your friends, pulling very tight on your last nerve.
"I got Stu Macher's mask. He was my favourite.". You rolled your eyes at her giddy proclamation. Of course, he was.
Bailey, clearly the leader of this psychotic trio, took slow and calculated steps towards Sam. "Number three and number two. Which just leaves…" Pulling out the most weathered mask from his jacket, he holds it out towards Sam, his eyes menacing. "I'm gonna need you to put it on."
Sam stands tall and looks back at the man with a matching expression, slapping the mask out of his hand as you watch his jaw clench in anger. Ethan is quick to react and slashes his knife towards the girl, slicing through her upper arm with a hiss.
You are quick to catch Sam as she falls back into you. She quickly recovers as she grasps her arm, now dripping with a familiar crimson liquid. Bailey's two minions begin to move around you, circling you as your anger finally comes spewing out of you; you step in front of Sam with rage filling your eyes. "You did all this as a family?" you yell at them incredulously. "Hell yeah, bitch! Sam should know why better than anyone!"
You immediately knew they were talking about Billy, yet the true origin of their motive still escaped you. What family had Sam ever hurt for them to hate her so much to go on a murderous rampage?
"They still haven't figured it out. Maybe we overestimated them." Ethan mocked as the confusion was clearly evident on your faces. Sam was the most confused of all, knowing that she had never done anything wrong. "I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit the murders in Woodsboro…"
Bailey's laugh fills the theatre, slightly offended that Sam would think that they would believe some stupid internet rumour. Instead, he reveals that it was, in fact, Quinn who had started the malicious rumours, making life in New York for Sam absolute hell.
Each time you think the betrayal couldn't run any deeper, they manage to beat themselves yet again.
"You're a killer, just like your father was.". "I'm not…". "Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother!". The gears could finally tick inside your heads as you looked between each other in an attempt to connect the dots. As far as you were aware, the only person Sam had ever 'killed' was… Richie.
Oh shit.
"You're Richie's family?" The realisation also struck Sam as her face sank. "Ding-ding-ding, now she's finally getting it." You shook your head in disbelief. A family seeking revenge for their dead son, okay, sure. Seeking revenge for a murderous psycho by killing his victims who had killed him out of self-defence? Too far.
Yet clearly, nothing was too far for this family, as Ethan revealed the sickening detail that they had killed their own mother because she had refused to avenge Richie. You knew all Ghostfaces were, on some level, psychotic, but this was getting insane.
"Great job with the parenting…" Tara quipped at Bailey, her words bringing the tiniest of smiles to your lips, her sarcasm never failing to entertain you, even if it's whilst you are surrounded by killers.
"You shut your whore mouth!" Quinn screamed at the girl, your jaw clenching at the insult as you looked at her, infuriated. The temptation to throw the brick in your hand at her face almost overcame you until you felt a gentle hand on your wrist.
"I loved my son. So I helped him build this collection." You shifted your gaze towards the older man as he looked amongst the exhibitions with a reminiscent smile. "All of this is Richies?"
The more you seemingly find out about Richie, the more Sam's expression seems to fall. The guilt she had felt after Woodsboro was reborn as her ignorance about her then-boyfriend increased tenfold.
Knowing that this was all Richie's made the space somehow more bone-chilling than before. As your eyes scanned the numerous exhibits, filled with items that belonged in an evidence box somewhere, a part of you pangs with guilt for the other siblings who were clearly the least favourite.
"This is where you have to die." Your attention is brought back to him as he redraws his gun and points it directly at Sam. Instinctively grabbing for Tara's hand, you spare Sam a quick glance, noticing her expression shift as she tilted her head at the man.
Oh, he was fucked.
"He was pathetic, you know?". You watched the deadpan expression on Bailey's face break. "That's not true…" he shook his head. "He was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do almost all the killing." You had to hold back your smile as you watched his facade breakdown. "He was a strong, virile young man!" "He was a weak little bitch who cried before I cut his fucking throat."
As the words leave Sam's mouth, Quinn lunges towards the three of you with a bloodcurdling scream. She is quickly and effortlessly stopped as Tara clocks her in the face with her brick. With teeth and blood flying out of her mouth, she falls to the floor.
A sign that their moment is finally over, your senses are heightened as Act 3 appears to finally kick off. Before you can make any moves, gunshots ring out from behind you as you turn to see Kirby apparently coming back from the dead.
Her resurgence doesn't last long as Ethan quickly rushes towards her with his knife ready in his hand. You're quick to follow the boy as he reaches Kirby and stabs her in the stomach. Finally reaching them as Kirby falls to the ground in pain, you run straight into Ethan, throwing him into the ground. He quickly gets back up and runs away with a maniacal laugh as you shift your focus back to Kirby.
Noticing the knife still sticking out of her stomach, you look at her with a grimace as you realise it's the only way you're gonna get a weapon anytime soon. "Sorry, but I need this." She gives you a small nod as she squeezes her eyes shut.
Gripping onto the handle, you pull the knife out swiftly in an attempt to minimise her pain. She howls in pain, and her hand grips on your arm, her nails digging into your skin as the wave of pain washes over her. Finally relaxing, she opens her eyes back up and looks at you with a tiny smile.
"Fuck 'em up."
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As you stand up, you see Ethan reappear from behind a wall, his eyes set on you. Turning towards him, he begins to charge towards you with a sick grin still plastered on his face. "What are you gonna do, scar-face…" he calls out mockingly as he closes in.
That made you snap.
With a new vigour burning inside of you, you lunge towards him as you pull the knife above your head. With a loud grunt, you drive the knife down into his chest. His smile finally washes over his face as he looks at you surprised. Ignoring it, you continue to pump your knife in and out of his chest as if he were a piece of meat, his blood splattering all over you, but you couldn't care less.
Out of breath, you push his limp body off of you as he keels down with blood sputtering out of his mouth. Standing still, you look at his blood-covered body with laboured breathing. Noticing he is still alive, you move to stab him again until you hear your girlfriend's voice from behind you.
"Y/n!" she calls, your head instantly turning in her direction as you notice her beginning to climb the scaffolding behind her sister. Taking your chance, you quickly run towards them, weaving in and out of the display cases before you reach the base of the scaffolding.
Looking for a place to hold your knife, you settle on wiping it off on your shirt, adding to the mural of crimson colours, before placing the knife between your teeth.
As you begin climbing, the gash in your arm aches as new blood begins to flow from the wound. Biting painfully onto the knife, you continue your ascent as you see Tara at the top, reaching her hand down to you. Hearing noise behind you, you turn your head as you watch Bailey and Ethan begin to circle you like sharks, smelling your blood.
With a final grunt, you reach the top and grab Tara's hand as she helps pull you towards the balcony. Watching the two sisters scale across it in front of you, you take the time to try and settle your breathing, which is easier said than done when you're clutching a knife between your teeth.
Moving to follow them, you take the knife out of your mouth and carefully hand it to Tara. Climbing carefully along the railing, you are seconds from making it to safety with the others before another shot rings through the air.
A burning sensation instantly erupts in your leg as you lose your balance and fall backwards. Screaming your name, Sam and Tara barely manage to catch you as your hands barely grip the slippery railing.
Peering over your shoulder, you watch as Bailey moves towards a set of stairs and Ethan moves to stand directly underneath you. "Shit. Not good," you whisper to yourself as your gaze returns to the sisters' terrified looks.
With your injured arm weakening by the second, a noise from the balcony catches your attention as Quinn appears behind Sam, brandishing a bloodied knife in her hand. As Quinn moves towards her, she is forced to let go of your arm, and she turns to face her.
With Ethan taunting you from below and Quinn and Bailey closing in on the girls, you overcome your panic and realise it's your life or theirs.
"Tara, let me go". Your words cause the girl to look at you in shock. “No, I-” “Tara! Let me go.”. Your grip continues to slip as she looks at you as if you have lost your mind.
"Tara… Please." you give her a small smile as she looks at you with tears in her eyes. You watch as her lips begin to quiver, and you feel her grip loosen. Giving her a nod, she finally lets go of your wrists, causing you to plummet down from the balcony.
Turning your attention to the killer below you, you land with a loud bang, and your injured leg collapses beneath you. In an instant, Ethan is plunging his knife into your stomach, a meek whine escaping your lips as you bend over his arm. Twisting his knife inside of you, your loud cru echoes through the theatre as tears threaten your eyes.
Finally, bringing your head up to look at the boy, his smile sent a shiver down your spine as your breathing became more and more laboured. Just as you thought your time was coming to an end, another figure comes falling down from above you.
It was Tara.
Before you can say anything, she lands on her feet with a knife in her hand. Catching Ethan off-guard, she grips his hair and rips his head back. Looking at her with his mouth open, she lifts up her knife and plunges it into the back of his throat. You can hear him gargling on his own blood as she twists the knife, blood splattering on her face.
"Now die a fucking virgin."
Pushing him so that he falls to the ground with a thud, Tara quickly averts her attention back to you, who, to her surprise, was wearing a smirk on her lips. "That was really hot." you chuckled in pain as she kneeled down next to you, noticing the knife was still in your abdomen.
"Shut up," she said before moving to lie you down. Knowing she was about to pull it out, you exhaled shakily before nodding at her, and just like you did Kirby, she pulled the knife out quickly, earning a pained groan from you, before immediately applying pressure to your wound.
Gently removing her hand from your stomach, you move to sit up and attempt to ignore how her hand is now stained with your blood. Making into an upright position, you look at Tara, who is scanning you for any other wounds, whilst you watch her face with a tender gaze.
The bang of a gunshot, followed by the thud of a body that vibrated the creaky floors above your head, brought you both back to the situation you were in. "Help me up," you say quickly, urgently trying to get up and help Sam, presuming it wasn't her body that you heard fall.
As Tara wrapped her arm around your waist gently, she pulled you to your feet; the faint sound of Sam's voice talking to someone calms your nerves. The throbbing from your bullet and stab wound was a rude awakening as to the shape you were in, not to mention the blood that covered almost every inch of your body.
Before the two of you could move towards the stairs, the sound of screaming rang through the theatre as you both looked up. Your jaw dropped. Bailey and Sam came flying over the railing before plummeting into the displays beneath them. As the glass shattered beneath them, you were quick to notice their lack of movement.
Pulling Tara off of you, you pushed her towards her sister. Running to her side, you hobbled as fast as you could towards them. Thankfully, Tara had managed to shake her awake by the time you got there. As she helped Sam to her feet, you sighed in relief as you looked over at a still motionless Bailey.
As the sisters check over each other, your sights remain on the unconscious killer in front of you. "What are we gonna do about him?" you ask, nodding your head in his direction.
You watch as the gears turn in Sam's head, weighing the options between ending it now and letting him die somewhat peacefully or giving him a taste of his own medicine.
She chose the latter.
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Hidden behind the curtains on the side of the stage, you watched Bailey through a small slit, waiting for him to move in order to signal Sam that your plan was in action.
It was simple, really. Make him go crazy, and then you kill him.
After a few minutes, Bailey finally began to stir as he moved to sit up. You quickly poked your head around the corner into the hidden hallway, where Sam was standing in her father's costume; you gave her a nod before she pulled a phone out of her pocket and pulled it to her ear.
The sound of Bailey's phone ringing echoed through the now disturbingly quiet theatre. Repositioning yourself so that you can see him, you watch as he rapidly looks around him before standing and bringing his phone to his ear.
You can't hear what Sam is saying to him, but you watch him make his way to the stage as planned. "Oh yeah, what's that?" his voice grows louder as he finally appears on the stage.
Now, the fun part.
As planned, from your place on the ground, you reached your uninjured leg out and kicked a floorboard. Before you could even retract your leg, Bailey snapped towards the noise and fired two precise shots into the heads of the mannequins that lined the stage.
"You put on your true face, huh? Your birthright. Poetic that you're going to die in it…" Exhaling quietly as he spoke, you moved to a spot against a wall where you could relax your weakening body for a minute as Tara played her part.
A noise sounded from the other side of the stage. Closing your eyes as you leaned your head back onto the wall, you listened as Bailey once again flinched and fired his gun, this time the sound of shattering glass filling the stage.
"You know the truth now. Murder's in your blood."
It was your turn again. As quietly as you could in your state, you reached your arm over to the brick that Sam had given you. Picking it up, with the strength left in your arms, you threw it into the back corner of the stage, away from you.
The sound of Bailey's gun firing once again filled the air as he screamed frustratedly, "Stop fucking around and show yourself!". Knowing that it was Sam's turn, you quietly crawled towards the curtain, pulling it aside slightly so that you could peer through.
"I'm a fucking police officer! What are you gonna do, huh? Who do you think they're gonna believe?" he screams once again. A faint smile lands on your lips as you watch Sam appears behind him, wearing the mask and all. Before he even notices her presence, she quickly spins him around before, as you would put it, stabbing the shit out of him.
As crazy as it sounded to say, the sound of his screams was like music to your ears. His family had singlehandedly taken everything from you, so watching him suffer was like heaven to you.
Spotting Tara appear from behind her hiding spot and walking towards Sam, you decided to do the same. With a groan and the help of a wall, you pulled yourself to your feet before weakly hobbling out from your place behind the curtains.
As Sam finally stops stabbing him, and he pleads for his life, you watch with a mixture of admiration and concern, confused as to why she is giving him any chance to live.
She didn't entertain it for long.
"But you did fuck with my family, so…". You watch with wide eyes as Sam gruesomely stabs him straight in his eye, the blade clearly reaching his brain as he falls to the ground, twitching.
"Aw, now we're matching." you joke, earning a laugh from the girls as you look at the mutilated body of the once detective who now also had only one functional eye - had he been alive, that is.
"Let's get out of here," Tara says softly as she grasps your hand with hers. Her touch never fails to make you giddy, but something was off this time. As she tried to pull you towards the stairs off the stage, your head began to spin uncontrollably as a wave of nausea hit you like a truck.
Your legs collapse underneath you as Tara catches you, her face ridden with worry. "Y/n?!? Hey, you're okay, just breathe.". Your vision was fading in and out of a blur as the feeling of your limbs began to escape you. Sam kneels down on the other side of you, matching Tara's expression, as you try to nod to Tara's words.
"Yeah… I just… need a little break." Your eyes begin to flutter shut as you try your best to keep them open. "Keep your eyes open for me, okay," Tara speaks as calmly as she can as she notices the blood beginning to spill from your wounds again.
“Yeah… of course…”
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Opening your eyes slowly, you groan softly as the bright light hanging above you stings your eyes. Carefully rubbing your eyes, still careful of your scar, you move to sit up slightly, noticing you are in an empty hospital room. Confusion washes over you, as last you remember, you were on a bloodied stage, and yet here you were.
Doing your best with your aching limbs, you move a pillow behind your back in order to give you a better view of your new environment, admittedly much nicer than your previous one.
Scanning the room, you notice the small TV in the corner of the room is playing The Babadook. You know you didn't put it on, so someone must be here, and it's not particularly hard to figure out who it must be.
With your attention focused on the screen, you fail to notice when Tara walks in the door with a bag of chips in her hand. As she notices your moving figure, a loud gasp escapes her lips. She drops everything in her hands to cover her mouth, her eyes immediately watering.
The sound makes you immediately turn to her, a smile growing on your lips as your eyes meet hers. As the fact that you are awake and alive sinks in, she runs over to the side of your bed and brings her hands up to your face.
Gently cupping your cheeks, her teary eyes look into yours as your hands gently grip her wrists. "Hi," you chuckle softly, the wave of relief finally hitting you. "Hi," she chuckles back even softer, her eyes scanning every detail of your face.
"Is everyone okay?" you ask with furrowed brows as she nods enthusiastically in response. "Yeah, yeah, we're all fine.". The sigh that escapes your lips rids your mending body stress, all of it melting away as soon as you know you have all made it.
Your eyes return to Tara's as she whispers softly, "I can't believe you're alive.". You smile sincerely at her words. "I'm not going anywhere." At your words, she lets go of your face and climbs onto your bed. Your eyes were filled with curiosity. You watch as she wraps her arms around your neck and buries her head in your shoulder.
Instantly reciprocating, you wrap your arms around her waist and hug her with all the strength you can muster. You can feel her tears falling onto your bare shoulder, entangling one of your hands in her hair as you gently play with her hair.
"We made it, Tara. We made it."
Tag-list:@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams @alexkolax @ssinfulprayers @wifeyjennaortega@thenextdawn @zhasmindoesntknow @faunusrubyrose @harleyspunchingbag @yourmamacom@rockwyn @androgynouscloudenemy@padf00ts-l0ver @wol-fica @captainbeat @sophiexoxo-lol@perfectartisanwerewolf @pedrosprincess @dark-hunter16 @daenerys713 @dksjskx @blazemaster4014 @l4venderia @marsyay78 @edearx0 @randomnessbecausewhynot @pixielovers2account @buba424 @niqmandu @karsonromanoff @spidey-beans 
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Do you have a master list of the translated novel chapters so far? Or someplace to read all of them at once? If not, thanks anyways!
Hello hello! A compilation thread of translations from the first novel can be found here! It is not a complete translation of the entire novel, just a few blurbs that I found interesting for being different from the game, if that is okay :>
I hadn't put together a compilation of second-novel translations because it is still ongoing, but I can list them now!
(Disclaimer: I am very, very much not a writer, I promise that the actual book is much more well written than this, and I encourage everyone to read the official translation when it is released! The first novel is coming in August, 2024, from Viz Media!)
Introduction "In a corner of the prestigious magic school, Night Raven College, there stands an old, unused dormitory."
Yuuya and the Rumors “'What's the matter? You look a bit down,’ says the ghost."
The Classroom “'There's no way that Ramshackle can compete on the same level as our dorm—that’s a crowning moment. Us, being mocked like that? We wouldn’t stand for it.’"
Bakery Day "Yuuya hands over the money he had promised to Ace and Deuce, then lines up for his usual lunch set, alone."
Ruggie in the Cafeteria (pt1) "Yuuya looks over his shoulder to the sight of a skinny boy standing behind him."
Ruggie in the Cafeteria (pt2) "Thinking about it, Yuuya realizes that he can’t recall seeing Japanese food or sweets since coming here."
Ruggie in the Cafeteria (pt3) "Each dorm at Night Raven College has its own distinguishing characteristics."
Ruggie in the Cafeteria (pt4) "‘You mean they have good teamwork?’ Yuuya recalls an earlier conversation with Ace."
The Botanical Garden Scene "Ruggie and Leona are both from Sunset Savanna, with Ruggie coming from a humble upbringing in the slums as a hyaena beastperson, who are generally regarded with contempt."
Riddle and the consequences of overblot "When Riddle enters the Mirror Chamber, the other dorm leaders cast open and obvious glances his way. It has been like this ever since that day."
Leona and the Housewarden Meeting "‘Remember. What was it like two years ago? Last year? How did it feel to be used as a stepping stone to showcase the power of Lord Malleus Draconia?"
Riddle on Leona: The Housewarden Meeting "'I don’t really mind putting him in the Hall of Fame,’ says the Ignihyde Housewarden in an unenthusiastic tone over his speaker."
Yuuya and Grim's Club Yuuya and Grim were told by the headmage that they would both have to choose the same club.
Meeting Pomefiore (pt1) "Having reached the Hall of Mirrors, Yuuya faces the mirror that, according to Deuce, will lead him to Pomefiore. It is splendid, adorned with a large peacock and framed in its feathers."
Meeting Pomefiore (pt2) "‘You came to see the student of ours who was hurt, did you not? Here he is.’ With a gesture from Rook, a second-year student steps forward."
Trey's Room (pt1) "They knock on the black door, and there is an immediate answer from within."
Trey's Room (pt2) "It seems that, in each dorm, 1st-year students are four to a room with 2nd-year students two to a room and, as a 3rd-year student, you finally get a room to yourself."
Trey's Room (pt3) "‘It looks really painful…’"
Trey's Room (pt4) "‘Things seem a little rough, but it’s good he’s okay,’ Yuuya murmurs to Ace and Deuce, but they do not reply."
Trey's Room (pt5) "‘It was because of Housewarden Rosehearts? What do you mean?’ Deuce asks."
Yuuya in Class "‘We’ve got that strategy meeting at lunch today—Yuu, Grim, you two gotta come, all right? No running off. The Housewarden isn’t mad anymore, so don’t be so freaked out.’"
The accidents befalling Spelldrive players "‘Yuu will come with me.’ ‘Eh? 'Yuu will come with me?’’ Yuuya echoes Riddle’s words back at him with a puzzled look."
Meeting Jade and Floyd (pt1) "'Jade Leech and Floyd Leech, twin second-year students. Jade is vice-housewarden of Octavinelle—he is also in my class.'"
Meeting Jade and Floyd (pt2) "‘Ah!’ A loud call echoes out over the grounds. 'Over there—isn’t that Lil' Goldfish?’"
Meeting Jade and Floyd (pt3) "‘Ah, nice to meet you. I’m…’ ‘Yuu-san, I believe. I have heard of you. It is an honor to meet the new student of the rumors.’"
Meeting Jade and Floyd (pt4) "Yuuya finally understands why Riddle looked so displeased when they first arrived."
Meeting Silver and Lilia (pt1) "Silver is often doing physical training, even on days when he has no club activities."
Meeting Silver and Lilia (pt2) "Silver accepts the towel with a casual ‘thank you,’ and wipes the sweat from his forehead. The birds chirp back, as though in response."
Meeting Silver and Lilia (pt3) "Lilia is as cheerful as he is lively. His sweeping gestures are so mismatched with his small stature that Yuuya cannot help but smile."
Riddle on Malleus "‘Someday, I'd like to ask Malleus-senpai what he thinks makes a good Housewarden.’"
Pre-Practice Match (pt1) “Perhaps it is because they are all so focused, but no one seems to have noticed them yet."
Pre-Practice Match (pt2) "The students who surround Yuuya's group are a mix of beast-people and others, each with impressive physiques and vibrant yellow shirts—the dorm color—stretched tight over their muscles."
Pre-Practice Match (pt3) "Only Ruggie makes a chuckle of sound, jogging to Leona’s side."
Pre-Practice Match (pt4) "Yuuya gives Cater a hopeful glance, but Cater’s expression is surprisingly stern."
Pre-Practice Match (pt5) "‘Shi-shi-shi!’ Ruggie laughs like air is escaping from him—a unique sound."
Spelldrive Practice Match (pt1) "Deuce is about to respond when suddenly both he and Ace are enveloped in light, their school uniforms transforming into their gym clothes."
Spelldrive Practice Match (pt2) "Colliding with another player Deuce tumbles onto the ground, but quickly regains his feet. Yuuya breathes a sigh of relief."
Spelldrive Practice Match (pt3) "'This has got to be a joke. You mocking me?’ Leona asks, lifting one hand and forming it into a fist."
Spelldrive Practice Match (pt4) "As Cater says, the unity of the Savanaclaw students—led by Leona—is overwhelming."
Spelldrive Practice Match (pt5) "Spelldrive is a timed sport, and a considerable amount of time still remains."
Leona and Jack (pt1) "It was three years ago, when Jack was still in middle school."
Leona and Jack (pt2) "‘The important thing isn’t how hard you try. It’s the result. Results are everything.’"
Leona and Jack (pt3) "Filled with frustration and sorrow, Jack clenches his hands into fists and leaves to return to the dorm, in silence."
Meeting Malleus (pt1) "‘Who's there?’ ‘Ah—' Suddenly, a voice from the darkness."
Meeting Malleus (pt2) "Yuuya quickly drops his eyes. Regardless of what those horns might be, it must be uncomfortable for one to have their physical attributes stared at in such a manner. Perhaps he has been rude."
Naming Malleus (pt1) "‘—and I guess it’s because I was so surprised, but I didn’t get any sleep at all last night.’"
Naming Malleus (pt2) "'The only reason you can say that is because you’ve never met Hornton.’"
Meeting Jamil and Kalim (pt1) "‘Why Jamil, Kalim. I did not expect to see you in the cafeteria.’"
Meeting Jamil and Kalim (pt2) "‘Information gets around quickly.’ ‘We just so happened to hear about it. May we bother you for the details?’ In response to Riddle’s inquiry, Jamil narrows his eyes."
Meeting Jamil and Kalim (pt3) "Jamil waits in silence for the conversation to pause, and then continues once more."
Riddle and Unique Magics "‘It's not something that just anyone can do. But the foundation for unique magic often lies in common, basic spells. A mage takes those spells and combines or improves upon them as needed.'"
Cafeteria Meeting "Cater is seated next to Riddle. Deuce sits beside him and asks, 'Clover-senpai isn’t with you?'"
Jack and Yuuya "First-year student, Jack, has been selected to play for Savanaclaw."
Meeting Azul (pt1) “'Oh my, is that Jack Howl of Savanaclaw?’"
Meeting Azul (pt2) "‘My name is Azul Ashengrotto, and I am honored to be the housewarden of Octavinelle. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.’"
Leona Collared "Leona fights to remove the collar by force, his hair whipping about his face in his violent struggle."
Facing down an overblotting Leona, Riddle has a confession to make "Riddle confronts the glowering Leona with determination. ‘I am not mocking you. Leona-senpai. I respected you.’"
Leona and Lilia "Riddle is already looking ahead. He has his regrets and his turmoil, but he still continues on the path of becoming a good housewarden."
Leona's Unique Magic (pt1) "From somewhere comes a low voice. At first Yuuya cannot tell who it is, but looking around him he notices Ruggie, his eyes dark and shimmering."
Leona's Unique Magic (pt2) "Yuuya looks up at the sky in a daze, and then feels something tickle at his ankle. Gently moving sand is pricking at his skin."
Leona and Ruggie, to overblot (pt1) "‘Leona-san, what are you thinking!?’ Ruggie steps in front of Leona. ‘Why would you use your unique magic like this…if you keep going—‘ ‘Why?’ Leona interrupts. 'Obviously, it’s to shut you all up.’"
Leona and Ruggie, to overblot (pt2) "‘Right, Ruggie? I really can't stand people who don't listen. I thought you would've figured that out by now. You're skilled at reading people's moods and selling them flattery, after all.’"
The Transformation "‘It is you who should be silent!’ Lilia shouts."
Cater and Yuuya "'Ruggie is lying nearby. Yuuya wraps one of Ruggie’s arms around his shoulders and Grim attempts to take a share of Ruggie’s weight by grabbing onto his thin waist, but the limp body weighs them down."
Ruggie Wakes Up "Jack's agile wolf body slides across the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust and dirtying his fur. Leona gives him a cold, piercing glance."
The Overblot Battle "Columns of sand rise up and advance towards Ruggie and the others, engulfing everything in their path."
Leona and Falena "From the moment I was born, there’s been a boulder on top of me that’s too heavy to move."
Post-Overblot Leona (the flashback monologue) "I grew tired of thinking, so I decided to enroll at Night Raven College, though I had no interest in it. I knew I was just running away from the pain, but my heart felt lighter, nonetheless."
Jack and Leona (pt4) "‘All this messing around. We don’t have time for this!’ Released from Ruggie’s unique magic, Leona rubs against his reddened cheeks and raises his eyes."
Trusting Riddle "In the very front row, Riddle puts a hand to his mouth as he shouts, ‘What are you getting despondent over? Defeat Leona-senpai, beat the crap out of him!’ The normally refined Riddle swings his fist around."
The Exhibition Match (pt1) "The disc passes to Deuce as he races down the side of the field. Deuce is not as skilled as Ace, but he has stamina, and he is fast on his feet. He effortlessly overtakes the grouped players of Yuuya and the others, steadily advancing towards the goal."
The Exhibition Match (pt2) "With a glance for the ghosts who come for him, Leona sharply calls out, ‘Jack!’"
The Exhibition Match (pt3) "Ruggie and Jack rush to Leona, who has fallen to his knees, his hands flat on the ground."
Cheka (pt1) "‘Unca, I finally found you!’ Something bounces like a ball into the infirmary."
Cheka (pt2) "Cheka looks to Jack with his large, round eyes, only to turn abruptly about and go to hug Leona again."
Cheka (pt3) "'Perhaps realizing that he is being laughed at, Cheka looks around the room with a curious look."
(While these translations are still ongoing, a summary/comparison of the the second novel and the game has completed! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8)
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multi-fxndom446 · 7 months
You came? You called. Pt2
Scenario: Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, Rodolfo Parra and Philip Graves
I definitely think I should’ve made myself a little clearer that is on me😭 but these are all one small scenario for each character. So if you would like a part two to get closure or a single one shot for a specific character please let me know.
All of these are written in mind of different tropes but pretty much boil down to you love each other.
I left some of these pretty open ended but they were written with the intention that you have not yet confessed to each other but feel free to take it however you would like.
Again I’m sorry if some of these are a little ooc
Part one Part Three
Alejandro Vargas
Warning: blood and injury, MIA-missing in action. KIA-Killed in action
You had been MIA for weeks since your last mission. The last Alejandro heard from you was you radioing in telling the team it all went to shit.
“The entire teams down.” You had told Rudy who was later going to pass off the information to his Colonel. “I gotta get low. Tell Ale-“ then the line went dead
Alejandro just barely made it in time to hear the tale end of your sentence. It drove him crazy. What did you need to tell him? Your whereabouts would have been most helpful but hell never know.
It was he who wouldn’t let anyone else even think of the possibility of you being KIA. He tore down every building that was on your last mission, interrogated anyone who’d talk and killed anyone who wouldn’t.
But nobody had information on you.
It wasn’t until weeks later when one of his men came running to him, bent over and out of breathe that he felt his hope dwindle some. That is until the man spoke. “Colonel, come quick. There’s someone asking for you on the comms.”
Alejandro never ran faster in his life. Coming to a halt next to Rudy who quickly handed over the radio. “..y/n?” He asked hesitantly. He hoped to god it was you.
“Ale-“ he heard you sigh in relief when you heard his voice but he could also hear your labored breathing. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get ahold of you sooner. My radio was broken and I was off the grid for a few weeks.”
“Yeah I noticed.” He heard you scoff out a small laugh. “Tell me where you are we’re coming to get you.”
“It’s dangerous ale. I had to leave my safe house to find a radio but I think they’re still looking for me.” You groaned.
“Y/n tell me. Please.” He begged and motioned to his men the moment you finally gave up your location. “We’re coming Y/n. Stay low-stay hidden.”
Before you could respond the radio went silent and all that was left was the sound of static like the comms were disconnected. “Y/n? Come in!” He was met with only silence. “Fuck! Everyone gear up we’re leaving right now!”
It took what only felt like a few hours to get to your location. Alejandro was sure it was longer but the only thing on his mind was getting you out.
With his team they completely overwhelmed the men that had you and he had them tearing apart each and every room until they finally came to a stop at one.
Alejandro opened it slowly and felt his vision go red when he saw you laying on a dirty mattress, holding onto your side.
Rudy shot the only man in there when he saw that all Alejandro could focus on was you. You blinked up at him—he could tell your vision must’ve been hazy because you looked confused.
“Ale?” your voice broke him out of whatever trance he was in and in a second he was at your side assessing the wound while his men made sure there was no one left. “You came?”
Alejandro looked up at you like you were crazy to think he wouldn’t. “You called.” You smiled weakly but it immediately fell when he went to pick you up. “I know I know.” He whispered when you groaned in pain.
“Let’s go!” He called for his men, a few of them surrounded him as he carried you to the vehicles they were using for evac. “You’re safe now.”
Valeria Garza
Warning: kidnapping, injury/blood. Very much touch her you die
You were taken from her. Taken right from under her nose. You were in the room right next to where she was. It was her own personal bedroom where she was letting you sleep while she continued with her meetings.
It was late in the night and the compound was quieter then usual so she could hear clear as day when your voice broke through, “Valeria!” Her blood ran cold when she heard the desperate scream of her name followed by multiple things crashing to the ground.
The door way was jammed and she signaled her men to ram it until they broke through but they were too late. You were taken from the very room she thought you would be safest.
It’s all she could think about while she geared up to go after you. The men who took you were sloppy and obviously didn’t think you were important enough for her to go after but how wrong they were.
She was out for blood.
You were one of the last few people she would risk everything for, wether you knew that or not didn’t matter.
It only took a few hours for her men to track down the location of where you were being held and they were there ready to ambush soon after.
She was quiet when they took out the guards on the outside but the moment the doors opened all hell broke loose. Her men shot at anyone nearby as she stalked her way through the safe house, killing anyone that crossed her path. She didn’t even blink an eye.
She finally reached the room you were being held in and when she saw the split lip you now adorned her vision went hazy.
She didn’t care to use her gun on the last two guards, she needed to feel the life drain from them with her own two hands so she stabbed them.
It wasn’t until she was standing in front of you—chest heaving, bloody knife dripping in one hand along with the blood she could feel sliding down her cheek that she realized how she must look to you right now.
“Valeria.” You whispered, on the verge of feeling like you just may cry out of sheer relief. It was enough to bring her back down to earth where she immediately got to work cutting the ropes loose.
The second your hands were free you wrapped your arms around her, not caring in the slightest about the blood that would surely stain your clothes. She guessed it didn’t matter, she would buy you a whole new wardrobe if you asked.
“You came.” You chocked, arms wrapping tighter around her.
She clutched onto you like a lifeline as well muttering a soft, “you called.” Into the crook of your neck.
She wouldn’t let herself think about how you screamed for her over anyone else. How you trusted her to come after you, to save you. Not until later that night anyways.
“Let’s get you home, you’re staying by my side at all times. Bueno?” You hummed a soft agreement before she pulled away and her men barged into the room ready to escort you both out and back to the compound.
Rodolfo Parra
Warning: unrequited/not really unrequited, reader being drunk, hurt
(Someone please request a part two if not for anyone else for him please idk why I did my man’s like this😭)
Rudy considered you to be one of his best friends. he’d considered you his best friend since around the time the two of you joined the military about the same time.
He’d considered you one of his best friends the moment you laughed at one of his stupid jokes and almost instantly clicked.
The only problem was you considered both he and Alejandro as your best friends and no matter how hard he tried he never felt like he could live up to Alejandro.
You seemed to click better with Ale than you did with him and he could admit that it did hurt. You and Ale were a lot closer, regularly hanging out or going to bars together and it broke his heart as he was forced to sit on the sidelines to drown in his ever growing feelings for you.
You always chose Alejandro first whenever you needed help. And it was this reason alone he was almost shocked when your name lit up his phone in the middle of the night.
“Y/n?” He answered it immediately.
“Rudy!” You were drunk. He could tell from how slurred just the one word was. He almost forgot that you went out to the bar to celebrate another end to a long mission. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Anything Princesa.” You giggled at the nickname like it was the first time he’d ever said it to you.
“Could you pick me up?” Suddenly you were a little more serious. “I don’t want to be here anymore there’s a lot of guys and I’m uncomfortable.”
He was already getting his shoes on the moment you asked him for a ride before he remembered who went with you to the bar. “Where’s Alejandro? He can’t take you home?”
You were silent for a moment, “no he can’t. He’s off with some girl.” Now it made sense he was your second option. The silence was your being upset over ale leaving with someone else, or so Rudy thought.
While you were upset he left you, you were more upset that Rudy wanted Alejandro to take you home. “I’m on my way stay there.” Then he hung up and you were already turning back to the bar to get another drink to calm down the growing nerves.
He showed up only ten minutes later, scanning the bar for you when he found you at a table taking a shot. Though the moment your eyes landed on him, your lips spread into a wide smile and you shoved away the man that was next to you to get to Rudy faster.
“Rudy!” You called, throwing your arms around him. “You came!”
“You called.” He said, wrapping his arms tighter around you before he helped you outside to his car. “How much have you had?”
“Enough.” He had one hand wrapped around your waist the moment the two of you were outside and he was glad he did because the second you stepped outside you almost tripped and he was able to catch you.
“To drown out my heartbreak Rodolfo.” You smirked, patting him on the chest as you finally got to his car and you climbed into the passenger seat unsteadily.
Rudy frowned as he made his way around to the front seat. “Why didn’t you call Ale?”
The car fell into an uncomfortable silence that he tried to ignore while he started driving. He glanced at you every now and then but you were frowning out the window and refusing to talk.
Well up until the moment your voice broke through. “Why do you do that?” You practically whispered and Rudy gripped his wheel tighter at the sadness in your tone. “Why do you always say things like that?”
“Things Like what?”
“Things like you think I’m in love with Alejandro and not you.” He felt his heart stop and his head turned to you quickly but your refused to meet his gaze. “Like you assume he’s always the first one I go to.”
“I assumed he was?” You spared him a single glance. “I assumed I was your second choice?”
The words hung heavy in the air but so did your next words. “You are always my first choice Rudy.” He really couldn’t grip his steering wheel any tighter. “It’s like you don’t believe I could be in love with you.”
“Y/n, you-?”
“Just forget it Rudy.” You silenced him.
He wanted to speak up again to ask what you meant but when he looked over you were snuggling further into the seat, body faced away from him as you fell asleep.
The only thing racing through his mind was how long had you been in love with him?
Phillip Graves
Warning: General Shepherd deserves a warning, forbidden romance, idk much about call signs so don’t look to hard into the one I gave here.
“We are getting slaughtered out here sir!” Graves heard you yell from over the comms followed by a multitude of gun shots. “Is there any assist?!”
He waited with bated breathe for the general to respond to give him some kind of order to go assist but nothing came.
“Negative alpha-1. We have nobody near by ready for an assist.” He heard Laswell say next but Phil was already set and ready to go at a moments notice.
All he needed was-
“What about shadow company?! Commander graves!” Was that apparently. All he needed was to hear you call for him to get him into action.
“Sir,” Graves taped into the comms directly to the general himself so this way you and Laswell couldn’t hear him. “The Shadows are locked and loaded to go. We can be there in 5 minutes tops.”
He waited desperately for the General to give him the go ahead as he listened to you scream at them from the other end, gunshots soon becoming a gut wrenching sound.
“Graves.” The tone of voice the General used was very clearly a warning. One which the commander has heard one to many times regarding you.
Memories of ‘you’re getting too close.’ Or ‘you shouldn’t concern yourself with her so much’. Floated through his head but he didn’t care not when he could hear the gunfire picking up on your end. “General please, I can help them.” He didn’t care if he got reprimanded for this, for listening into your comms. He needed to make sure you got out alive.
“Alright go ahead Graves.” He sighed in relief before turning to address his men and soon after the plane was turning course and headed for you. “Alpha-1 just sit tight for now.”
“We can’t ‘sit tight’ for much longer general. We are taking effective fire!” He could hear the desperation starting to seep into your words as they neared and his men finally saw where you and your team were holed up in a building, multiple enemy soldier’s surrounding you.
“This is Shadow-1 to alpha-1 come in.” Graves called as he leaned over his men to get sight on you on his screens.
“Graves!” He heard you call in relief, “this is alpha-1 and I am damn glad to hear your voice.”
“Glad you’re still alive alpha-1.” He said almost softly before patting his soldier on the back. “Steer clear darlin’ we are sending in the cavalry. Danger close.” He heard you call a small affirmative before they launched whatever missiles they had at the men below.
In no time you and what was left of your team was able to get out of there alive.
It wouldn’t be until later that night when you would find Graves leaving the hanger to where his plane was.
He would hear your steps and just barely have time to turn around before you were already right in front of him. To close to what some would deem appropriate but you didn’t care. No one was here beside you two.
“You came.” You said softly gesturing to his plane. “Laswell said no one was coming. How?”
“Well, you called.” He said it like it was the only explanation needed and in a way it was. Or at least the only one he could give you. If he said anything else he’d be risking crossing that boundary the General so generously laid out for him.
“You heard me?”
“Of course I did.” He resisted the urge to reach out and brush a strand of hair that had fallen out of place. “I wasn’t about to leave you stranded.”
You opened your mouth to say something the voices of some soldiers got closer and immediately you both stepped apart. You turned to look at who it was and when you realized it was no one important you went to speak again but when you turned forward again Graves back was to you as he made his way back to his plane.
Next part to include
Konig, Keegan and Alex
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seafumes · 2 months
the pink bows you wore. . . (WIP)
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a/n: this is a work in progress.. it's been a lil bit since i posted smt, and i can't really figure out an ending yet soooo lmk what u think.😭🙈
synopsis: after a fatal accident, the memories of your lover seemed to have faded.
cw: character-color-trope, angst/hurt w barely any comfort, fem reader, tighnari x readerrr, i've never written for him before so bare with me please🙏🏾
a/n pt2: TY TO MY MUTUALS WHO HELPED ME CHOOSE!! @mwahkazu & @sl-vega 🫶🏾
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TIGHNARI had never been so distraught as he sat at your hospital-bed side. His ears were dropped, his eyes a little puffy and red, it seemed like he'd just finished crying for the nth time this week.
as you laid there, all he was left with was his thoughts, and the occasional beep of the heart monitor; which seemed to ease his worries a tiny bit. at least he knows you're alive.
if someone were to ask him what happened, all he could say was "an accident."
"an accident?" he'd say to no one in particular when the interaction was done, and he was once again alone.
more like tragedy, he thought, face palming himself. even though it had been a week, he could remember the incident like it was yesterday.
"'nari!!" you exclaimed, waving at him from the top of the akademiya stairs. you were visiting because of an event for former students, and you decided to bring him as you plus one.
he greeted you with his usual smile, waving right back at you.
as you ran down the stairs to greet him officially, all you could hear was a "watch out!" before you were falling.
falling. it was all you could register before the world went black.
he couldn't stop thinking about it. you falling, and him not being able to run fast enough to catch you.
the wounds on your head were fatal, was one of the only things he remembered from the doctor's report about your condition.
he couldn't help but blame himself for them, even though it was his fault.
if i was faster, maybe i could've caught her, he thinks, feeling like he was going to cry again.
he then sighed, shaking his head. he knows you wouldn't want him thinking like that but he can't help it.
you looked so pretty up there with your sun-dress and pink bows tangled in your hair and around your outfit.
your smile was bright like the sun, you looked so happy till it happened.
the bows nestled ever-so-gently in his hand were the only things that gave him an ounce of hope.
hope that you'd wake up, and that you'd forget this thing even happened.
and he'd happily place them back in your hair.
but it seems that fate had other plans for him.
you groaned, opening your eyes, and slowly blinking to adjust to the dim hospital light.
you felt a slight pain in your head as you lifted your head up to see something—or rather someone on your bed.
who is this?, you thought, and decided to speak up. you coughed to get his attention.
"um, who are you?" your voice was hoarse, and some parts of the sentence came out a bit higher in tone than you liked it.
when the stranger looked up at you, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
to your dismay, he didn't answer you question, and immediately rushed out the room.
you sat there and blinked, until the door opened again, and a person who you presumed was a doctor, and the stranger walked in again.
in the course of a few minutes you were bombarded with questions from the doctor, which you tried to answer to the best of your ability.
the stranger seemed to know most of the answers better than you. like "what's your name," birthday, etc.
it didn't bother you that much though, since your were supposedly waking up from a coma, and you didn't really feel like going the extra mile to recall details.
when the doctor finally finished their verbal analysis, they left the two of you alone.
"[name]! i can't believe you're-!" you cut him off as he engulfed you into a hug.
"uh," you started, stiffening at the sudden contact.
"i don't think you heard me but, who are you?" you finally asked, pulling away from the hug.
"what.." his voice barely above a whisper.
remember this is a WIP,, so abrupt ending for now🙈
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local-crying-boy · 14 days
ℂ 𝕆 𝔻 𝕞 𝕖 𝕟 𝕙 𝕖 𝕒 𝕕 𝕔 𝕒 𝕟 𝕟 𝕠 𝕟 𝕤
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How they are like in a relationship pt2
Characters included: Alex Keller, Philip Graves, Nikolai, Hadir Karim
A/n: I don’t know a lot about other CoD characters that I have not written this headcannon for, so I apologise for my lack of knowledge and that the others are missing <3
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Alex Keller
Our little American is the sweetest man here.
He’s one respectful, kind and loving man (not like the others aren’t) but he’s the type who just knows what’s going on with you by a simple look
He calls you names like ‘baby’ ‘sweetheart’
He’s got a list of jokes he wants to tell you, and has told you the CIA one a few times in hopes that it does soon become funny
Loves it when you tell him stupid jokes as well
Phillip Graves
Pet names like ‘sweetheart’ ‘honey’ ‘doll’ ‘baby’. Stupid little ones you expect southern Americans to use (for obvious reasons)
He doesn’t like leaving for missions when you and him got together, he wanted to be with you and give you all the love you deserve
So, since he can’t always be there, he would drown you in gifts and affection the minute he got home.
He usually tries to show this all the time, but you know that sometimes he just simply comes back completely and utterly mentally and physically exhausted.
He can’t say much about what he does, but he can still somewhat confine in you (as much as he insists he’s okay)
King of forehead kisses. You cannot tell me otherwise.
He’s talk asf (well, he’s taller than me and I’m short asf), so he can just tower over you and plant soft kisses over your head.
He’s older too, so he’s screaming major respect and being a decent man that you might not find in younger lads (for example the boys my age -.-)
He was also reluctant at first to be with you, his age was one thing as the age gap between you and him was a little too large for his liking.
However, you heavily grew on this man and he couldn’t help but FINALLY admit his feelings.
Most of the time you don’t know what he’s called you, but, hey-ho, at least it’s something.
Has, at least once, insulted you in Russian without you knowing and covered it up as a pet name (you never heard him call you it more than once)
Hadir Karim
Hadir knows how it feels to loose those who are close to him, he’s practically lost his entire family due to the war going on in Urzikstan.
When he first met you, he wasn’t planning on falling in love with you, let alone date you.
However, one things leads to another and the two of you ended up getting together (yipeee)
His worst fear is losing you, after everyone he’s lost, he doesn’t want to lose another.
If you’re a solider, he’s mostly watching out for you when you’re fighting, waiting for the moment that he might have to jump in and make sure you don’t die.
It’s an extreme, of course, he knows you are completely capable of taking care of yourself, but caution didn’t kill the cat, curiosity did, and he’s happy to admit he’s not curious to see if you could survive the worse of the worst.
Speaks little sentences to you in Arabic, he doesn’t care if you understand or not (he hopes that, one day, you’ll be able to catch onto certain phrases and words)
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waitingforteyam · 1 year
𔘓 ⚖️ . ִ ֗ age is just a number
≡ ⌂ ⌕ ❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ♡゙written by muse
ˑ 𐇛̲﹗hcs of 31! neteyam sully × 23! na'vi reader, dilf! neteyam × milf! reader, moon! neteyam × sunshine! reader, established relationship, mates, fluff, mentions of childbirth, mentions of pregnancy, children... if u hate them pls dont read the second part, age gap couple
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his infatuation with you began at the age of 30.
you were laughter bottled up in a jar. if you were the sun, neteyam was but a sunflower at your mercy. but he wasn't the only na'vi who worshipped the ground you tread on and the obvious age gap debilitated his resolve to court you.
by no means was he an insecure man. he merely assumed your preference included men of your age, given you were at the prime of your beauty and career as a huntress. eywa, did he mention he never saw a huntress with that much precision?
while neteyam was the best warrior of his clan, you were the best huntress, exceeding both men and women twice your age.
many一neytiri included一saw you as someone who could stand alongside neteyam as an equal. since kiri was to succeed as tsahik, all neteyam must find was a worthy mate who could lead the people. someone the people respected and someone who would be an amazing mother figure to the clan.
of course, neteyam being neteyam, cared little about paying attention to romance until one night.
one night, a wild beast managed to infiltrate the village and ravished all the food.
neteyam had killed it, albeit it was too late. the forest whispered the tune of danger as the eclipse descended onto pandora. the people would starve for a night before the foragers and hunters could go back to work in the morning.
that was the initial plan until you sought permission to leave the village. that wasn't the first time you both spoke. no, affairs regarding the clan were a popular topic for stellar talents like you, and he appreciated your dedication to the people.
neteyam finally allowed it when you set an ultimatum: if you didn't return in half an hour, the rest would search for you and bring you back for punishment. reluctantly, he agreed. after all, you were the finest hunter with wits. you wouldn’t be killed so easily, not with that stubborn will to live. he was mostly worried you would suffer an injury under his command. that would neither do good for his name nor uphold your reputation as a fearless huntress.
in half an hour, you returned to the feast with bloodstained hands and two large deers to feed the clan.
that was the first time neteyam truly noticed you outside the tip of your arrow, the legends of your reputation and the shape of your silhouette.
for the first time ever, neteyam saw you. he saw your eyes twinkle with glee as the children cheered for you. he saw the robotic pace in your gait despite the affirmations you told your parents. he saw your pride and happiness overcoming the pain in your ankle. pride wasn't something that lifted your chin and made you look down upon the rest. on the contrary, the pride you owned was a pride that made you collapse into your friends' embraces and watch the elderly eat their warm dinner with a content sigh, hiding your twisted ankle.
everyone was so hungry they barely noticed your injury but neteyam did and he asked his grandmother to treat you.
day after day, neteyam started to bump into you everywhere. on the training grounds, near the waterfall, around the bonfire at dinner. it was given you were always around him ( you were one of his people after all ), but he never noticed in the past. yes, he may acknowledge you as the best huntress, but you both never exchanged a personal word.
that didn't sit right with him.
so neteyam approached you. the first time, it was during a hunt. simple conversation about your family as you two waited for prey. the second time, it was near the stable where he introduced you to his direhorse. the third time, he invited you for a flight with your ikrans.
little by little, the both of you grew closer. slowly but surely, you consumed neteyam's thoughts and heart.
neteyam was over the moon when he realised you began to seek him out! it wasn't one-sided anymore. he would bend down to pat your head and you would stomp on his foot in response. neteyam loved every minute he spent with you.
for nine months, he focused on getting to know your soul. for someone the age of twenty-two, your emotions were levelled and mature. your visions and thoughts? absolutely wise and forearmed. your humour and jokes? oh, great mother, it was like you possessed the ability to bring the child in him back to life. you knew your goal, and you spared nothing to achieve it. you wanted to find a true love who accepted you as you were, scarred and stained, but beautiful nevertheless.
to say neteyam was mesmerised was an understatement.
in the tenth month, neteyam concluded an end to his pathetic pining. from then onwards, he would confidently court you. you did not deserve clandestine meetings and concealed affections. you deserved the best and that was what he would give you一the best.
for three months, he courted you. he hunted, he weaved, he sang, he carved, and he met your parents. all of this to show that he chose you.
you, who couldn't stop smiling when he first gave you a dagger he made himself. you, who jumped into his big arms the second he popped the question. you, who kissed the damn idiot because he was whispering sweet promises into your ear.
in december, both of you mated before eywa and conceived a child.
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neteyam was destined for fatherhood, it seemed. he knew when exactly to feed your son, when to change his diaper, how to burp him, how to entertain him and ease his tantrums. this soothed your anxiety as a first-time mom.
he was afraid you would be too stressed with a baby at such a young age, hence he would take the baby with him most of the time. crying at midnight? no worries when he was at your baby's beck and call. need to prepare for a celebration? go ahead, neteyam loved having his baby all for himself. want some alone time? do as you please, he could bring the baby to the tree of souls to visit their ancestors. leading a large hunting party? as you should, neteyam and your son would await the seven-course dinner.
sometimes you felt left out because your baby spent so much time with him. perhaps your absence didn't affect them. however, that was nonsense. as soon you entered your home, your two boys would light up in smiles after missing you a whole day.
throughout your pregnancy, he was protective. now that the baby was out of your womb, neteyam toned down his instincts to tail you wherever you went because he trusted you and he could protect his baby.
jake introduced him to a baby carrier and dear eywa, neteyam couldn't love anything more. he would wrap his baby in a piece of fabric with your scent on it and carry him everywhere. you found it endearing whenever he held meetings with the elders and warriors, all while a baby drooled on his chest.
whenever neytiri and jake missed the baby, he would hand your son over and relish in the rare alone time with you. just like his father, he would plan date nights. he was the heir and head warrior, but he was yours first and foremost. this gesture would remind you why he's the father of your child in the first place.
as your son grew into a toddler, neteyam would scheme games that encouraged your child to walk. he made it his number one priority to witness his first footsteps. you would join in of course and at the end of the day, both of you would be exhausted from coaxing your toddler. the three of you would fall asleep within a blink on the bed, limbs entangled and jaws agape.
when your son did take his first steps, neteyam cried. he cried like the day you gave birth.
it crashed down on him, the fact that happiness was so simple. it was so simple to achieve because of the family you gave him.
once your firstborn reached the age of three, neteyam would ask for another one. a daughter who was the spitting image of you, if he was lucky. you would oblige and soon the family of three became a family of four.
with two children, it meant twice the chaos.
he would nurture your daughter whereas you would match your son's lively spirit. one would be fed all day, and another would be bouncing up and down, running back and forth. frankly? it was a little tiring, but nothing you two couldn't handle.
for your daughter, he would carve the lortsyal out of crystals and weave bracelets for her chubby hands. he sang praises about his daughter's calmness, never waking in the middle of the night and always cooing whenever he kissed her. he would let her play with his tail, smiling even when she bit it out of curiosity.
in the middle of training, you'd drop by with your children in tow. neteyam would train the warriors from sunrise and return at sunset, but the children lacked patience. upon your son and daughter’s whines, you'd bring them to visit neteyam and leave them there for a couple of hours.
when neteyam caught a glimpse of your soft smile as you carried both your children in your arms, he swore he wanted another one.
and another one you both had. actually, two. twins. two daughters. one with your features and one with his smile.
quickly, your home would brim with toys and children's laughter. neteyam often boasted about his family: his mate being the best huntress, his son being an inheritor of both their talents, his eldest daughter being the sweetest girl with the sweetest voice ( almost overthrowing ninat ) and his two baby twins who were by far, the most mischievous and noisy children in the entire forest. he dared comment that their wails would drive away the toruk.
if there was one thing he would complain about, that would be that all of the kids were born with your indestructible optimism and contagious laughter. that meant neteyam was utterly weak to all of you. the wrinkles he was bound to receive after worrying for all five of you.
just when the mighty warrior was about to surrender, you announced your pregnancy with your fifth child.
neteyam crumbled from the overflowing bliss.
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based off this request!
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
( no beta, we die like tsutey )
written by muse 2023
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orangepeetals · 7 months
YOU BELONG WITH ME ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ (pt2)
(playlist for a star series)
peeta mellark x f.reader !!
pt1. / next part
Summary: Peeta and Katniss have kept their history of lovers during the games, your heart has been going through constant suffering when seeing them together but you are more worried about Peeta’s survival.
a/n: i speak Spanish so the story was originally written in Spanish and then I translated it into English, plz don’t be rude if there is a mistake !! 😞
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The following days were torture, you didn’t take off the TV and you couldn’t close an eye, you were alert at all times, you were a total disaster every time Peeta was on the screen, you were scared. You were grateful that Haymitch in his drunkenness was the most sane at the time, you couldn’t think correctly. The girl who was with Katniss had died, it had been so sad that for a few seconds you forgot about Peeta, you admired how noble ‘the girl on fire’ could be, you didn’t think she had such a kind heart.
“Everything is solved, y/n” Haymitch’s voice took you out of your thoughts, feeling the anxiety eat you again, you didn’t understand anything he was talking about.
“What do you mean?” You watched him with confusion, he simply raised his glass of alcohol in the direction of the TV and you just watched, a few minutes later the change of rules was reported, there could be two winners if they were from the same district, you couldn’t explain how happy you were, you knew that Katniss Everdeen wouldn’t be so bad to just do nothing, you weren’t wrong, because when Katniss finally found him, she helped him with his wounds and they found a shelter. You and Haymitch were in charge of sending them things so that they could be cured, although they could not send enough, Katniss risked her life to get the medicine and now you were indebted to her. You tried to ignore the kisses and the displays of affection that they had to show on camera because thanks to that they could both be winners. The rest of the games were still just as bad but you were calmer now that Peeta was not alone, your heart stopped when they wanted to eat the berries, you knew they wouldn’t take this well.
Time passed quickly, all that experience had left you in shock, you were able to return to reality when you felt Peeta’s arms enveloping you tightly, you looked at him as if you were afraid that he was going to break and you overflowed in tears again, he was there, with you, hugging you with love, it was incredible, the warmth of his body against yours made you feel hopeful, his arms were a perfect place to live forever.
“It’s good that you’re alive, Peeta, I was scared” Your voice was weak and choppy, you saw him eyes full of tears and filled him face with kisses, caressed him hair and listened to him heartbeat, as strong as whenever he was near you, you let out a sigh and separated from him. You saw Katniss talking to Haymitch and you just hugged her, you took her off guard but she reciprocated your hug, maybe she didn’t hate you so much, it was a silent hug until you decided to talk. “Thank you Katniss, I will really be indebted to you forever, thank you for taking care of him, you are a good girl, I am happy to know that you will return home”
The return to district 12 was quiet, you could talk more with Katniss and know a little more about her, even though it was closed, at least you were sure that everything about the romance with Peeta was only for the cameras, it’s not that you doubted him love for you but naturally felt insecurities to see your boyfriend swearing love for another girl in front of all Panem.
You hated having to relive what it meant to win some games, being one of the mentors you had to accompany the winners in various public activities, although as always, you did your best to avoid being exposed, you hated participating in anything that had to do with the capitol.
You were at the party for the winners, you were uncomfortable having to socialize and act as if you were happy to be there, the only thing that gave you joy was to see him, to see his charm every time he talked to someone, the outfit he had made him look a thousand times more handsome than he was, you were holding back by throwing yourself on him. You drank from your glass and your eyes met his while he danced next to Katniss, they just smiled and you felt like vomiting, you didn’t know if it was because of alcohol, stress or jealousy, you tried to act calmly and got out of there quickly, going to a balcony that was somewhat away from the people. The moon kept you company in your anguish, you watched the starry sky as you thought, you thought what a life would be like far from all this, you thought about what it would have been like if you had died in that arena, maybe it would not have changed Peeta’s destiny and he would still be with Katniss Everdeen now, he looked happy next to her, even if you knew that it was all a farce, you couldn’t help but feel bad, you wanted to be in Peeta’s arms all the time as it was before, before everything was ruined by the hunger games. She was a thousand times better than you, you were just smart but too cowardly, she is too brave, skillful and determined, you were nothing next to her.
Thoughts were driving you crazy, you wanted to cry now, you felt bad about yourself, you wished you had died in the hunger games, maybe now you would be free, free from Snow’s hands, free of everything that could harm you. Some hands hugging your waist brought you back, you could recognize its smell from miles, you smiled slightly and turned around, finding a rather worried Peeta, you were not good at hiding this kind of thing, at least never with him.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere, are you okay, beautiful?” His voice was a caress to your sad heart, you nodded and hugged him, hiding your face in his neck and leaving some soft kiss in the area, you felt how his grip became stronger, he caressed your waist and you wanted to freeze that moment, finally it was you and him under the moon, even if it was for an ephemeral time. “You look so beautiful that I could tear off your dress right now, if you allow it” You let out a laugh at the bottom when you heard his words, you messed up her hair a little and kissed her lips repeatedly, you knew that they didn’t have long before they had to come back with the crowd, so you appreciated every second by their side, since Peeta had left the arena they had not had so much time to be together, they were too exposed to the public eye, so they had to take care of their actions at all times and everywhere, anywhere outside their Intimacy, you and he were nothing, that broke your heart but there was no turning back.
The uprisings were getting worse and worse, the act of the berries had really left more consequences than you imagined, Snow had them in his sights, he did not believe the facade of the lovers and you knew that very bad things could happen if the situation in the districts did not improve, there were strikes, riots and destruction, people were revealing themselves, they were opening their eyes.
“They should get married” You muttered between your teeth but loud enough for them to hear you, your eyes were glued to the ground while you thought about your words, if they publicly sealed their eternal love, perhaps they could divert attention from the rebellion.
“What?” You found Peeta’s look confused, you could see the sadness in his eyes when he said those words, you loved him with every part of your being but you need him to be safe.
“She’s right, maybe with that Snow will stay calm for a while” Haymitch’s voice confirmed your idea, you felt your heart beating hard, everything wasn’t supposed to go on like this. Peeta nodded and got up, heading to another lane, your eyes filled with tears.
“I understand that this is painful for you, I want you to know that we will do everything possible to take care of Peeta, he has protected me too” Katniss took your hand and stroked your back, you knew that this was also painful for her, she had to marry someone she did not love even having a person who was waiting for her at home, Peeta had the purest soul, he was always going to do him best to take care of him environment, even if he had to do things that would harm him.
“Thank you Katniss, I know it’s difficult for you but you count on us” You hugged her for a few seconds before you got up, you had to talk to Peeta. “I’ll go talk to him, I’ll be back in a while.”
You knocked on the door of his room, you didn’t want to have this conversation, after a few seconds that seemed to be hours, he opened his door, his eyes were red and crystallized, you could notice that he had cried, his face looked sad and tired, you pushed him into the room and closed the door behind you. You hugged him tightly and in a matter of seconds he collapsed in your arms, he was as vulnerable as that time you had to say goodbye to him and enter the arena by yourself, you wanted to end the world and that it was just you and him forever. “I’m so sorry, Peeta, my love, I just want you to be fine, we’ll be fine”
“I will do it, I will marry Katniss, we will do it as public as possible, we will smile at the cameras and when everything calms down, you and I will return to our normal lives, anyway, I don’t care what I have to do, I will not be a piece of his game” Although the blond made efforts to talk without the tears beating him, you knew that he was serious, you knew that he was clever and that he knew that he would always manage to cause some impact on the masses, as you were also clear that there would never be a normality again and that anyone could ever Respect their relationship. “Let’s enjoy this moment, now you are the only thing that belongs to me, you are the only thing I can keep secret without anyone wanting to take it and expose it to the world, my little star, you are mine and I will always be yours.”
His words were so soft and promising, you were his and he was yours, you were willing to leave everything behind to achieve the life you both needed.
Here is the part 2!! i really want to keep writting this fic so if u like it, i’ll give u more parts!! :D
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etheries1015 · 5 months
Hii I’m so sorry but I’m the anon that asked for the s/o who gives generous compliments and poetic words and I just wanted to say what you wrote was very adorable and made me smile but due to my dyslexia I thought I had already written Jack’s name on the request 😭 I’m so sorry I didn’t write his name in the ask that was so embarrassing! 😭😭😭
SESDLKFj THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHA I was staring at it and thinking to myself the most popular tsundere characters and made a guess....i'm so sad I got it wrong 😭 It's okay I gotchu don't even worry about it I do stuff like that all the time EOIFJSLDKJ
The prefects muse...pt2!
Featuring: Jack!
General warnings: Gender-neutral reader, not proof read (very well, that is heuheu.) I hope you like it! I feel I'm not the best at writing Jack, but I hope it was still enjoyable nonetheless <3 thank you for the ask!
Tw: none!
Jack was always strong in his resolve about finishing school with ease and without distractions of love and affection...until you came and wreaked havoc. When you had asked Jack if he would be interested in studying with you, he was not aware that included hour-long sessions of him trying to revert your attention to textbooks while you seem to be indulging in some sort of poetry. While staring at him.
"Didn't you say you were failing this class?" He groaned with a pink face after you went on a tirade about how beautiful his hair looked, "Stop getting so distracted. School is important, you know! It'll be the foundation of your future-"
"Oh, I'm not failing."
....What did you just say? You giggled at his reaction which included staring at you with his jaw open ever so slightly in surprise at your sudden confession of academic skill. He was ready to throw in the rag seeing as you were "wasting his time," but you knew the right words to make him stay.
"But Jack," You gave him your best puppy eyes, "You're always so busy...you never hangout with poor, lonely, woeful me. Time is but limited, why not spend what I can with my dear beloved Jack?" You went into the entire theatric display - on hand in the air and the other over your heart, as if you were the prince declaring love to the damsel.
And it was working.
Jack has a very strong sense of loyalty, and to see how valiant and generous you were in dishing out compliments always seemed to give him a run for his sense of self-preservation when it came to school. He found himself eager to hear your words of honey and perhaps even finding ways to seek it out, craving those compliments and reveling in every single praise you threw the beastmans way. He took your declaration as you reciprocated his enjoyment of your company, face red and hand rubbing the back of his neck in contemplation of his next course of action.
"W-well..." he said, before faltering down into a mutter, "You don't need an excuse to hang out, you know..." You almost didn't catch what he had said, leaning in with a bright smile his face turned an even deeper shade of scarlet.
"N-not so close!" He stumbled over his words, "Jeez, just...just ask me next time! We can find other things to do together, I like your company, too!" He finally let out in a burst of confidence.
His mistake.
You were swooning! Giggling and teasing Jack at his cute reactions and seeing how your words affected him so. His face ended up buried in his hands, groaning at your brazen display of affection.
This was only one of many examples, though. You had a habit of throwing out random compliments passing the halls or in class, as well as in front of other people. No matter how many times he told you to stop in a whiney voice or claimed he disliked such attention, Jack is a fiercely loyal man, and never truly wanted you to stop. He was snagged in your charming word, and convinced himself perhaps one day he would get used to your teasing remarks and flamboyant scripts of poetry.
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mikanotes · 9 months
denji x gn!reader — 1.7k words
genre: angst comfort, platonic (probably)
warnings: csm pt1 spoilers, mentions of death, grief, anxiety, not really canon compliant (written before pt2 came out), talks of marriage, suicidal ideation and depression.
synopsis: the aftermaths of denji’s time as a public safety devil hunter, and the pain that comes with.
author’s note: edited repost from an old sideblog of mine because it was too good. i wrote it before part two came out so obviously a lot might seem ooc bare with me please and thank you… that’s all actually. yay!
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Denji steps out of his apartment, sighing and shaking his backpack on his back a little. He sighs and huffs and does all sorts of disgruntled expressions as he walks down the stairs.
“Nayuta, hurry up already.” he yells, jogging down. The girl sighs in annoyance as she closes the door to their apartment.
You laugh as you watch them bickering while they walk down. Once they reach the streetwalk, Denji’s face lights up.
“Finally!” he exclaims, smiling widely. He runs up to you with an exaggerated crying expression and open arms, before engulfing you into a suffocating hug. “I missed you!”
“It’s been two days.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
He pulls away and smiles still. You chuckle and shake your head, before turning to his little sister. “Hi, Nayuta.”
“School.” she says, before walking away. You stare at her with furrowed eyebrows before turning to Denji.
“Kobeni takes her to school now.” he says, blankly, “She needed a job. She’s still broke.”
“And you’re not?”
Denji makes an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders and begins walking away in the direction of the path to your high school. You shake your head to ignore the hundred questions you have to ask and run up to catch up to him.
For over five months now, Denji has been silent.
Sometimes, he’s overbearingly loud and present— Makes a show out of reminding everyone around him that he exists. He’s joyful, and acts like his stupid, idiot teenager boy self. It’s Denji. It’s him. But it’s different. He’s craving attention; he’s craving comfort, company. He was alone before and he was used to it, but then he got a family, love and company, and it was all ripped away from him— his life— so fast and easily, like it meant nothing. He needed someone. Something. To hold onto.
And so sometimes he’s dreadfully quiet. He doesn’t say a word and practically only replies to questions with nods, shakes of his head or hums. He mumbles his way through his sentences and walks to school like heavy chains are on his feet. He’s visibly unwell. He doesn’t really sleep. It shows on his face— and Nayuta told you.
He misses Aki and Power.
Makima, almost. In spite of everything.
He misses the daydream that his reality had become, for a while.
And he’s quiet when you walk to school. You know he’s glad to have you with him because you were part of the Public Safety Devil Hunters, but you attended high-school at the same time. That meant once he finally enrolled, he wasn’t alone. Yoshida Hirofumi was there, too, but he wasn’t in the same grade and he was also deemed “creepy” by Denji, which earned him a lighthearted hit to the back of his head. The point is that Denji is glad he isn’t alone, and that someone from what one could call his previous life is still there. Alive. Standing. Doing well. Someone who knows about everything, and who won’t ask about anything. Someone who understands him without needing him to talk.
“You’re crying.” you say after a good fifteen minutes of silence and walking to school. Denji is looking ahead and only wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
“Sure are.”
“Shut up.”
You don’t mention it again. Not even when you hear him try to stifle his sobs during fifth period at school. Not when he spaces out and doesn’t eat his lunch to stare out the window without moving. You figure he needs time, still.
When the school day ends, he walks slowly as he exits the gates. You look at him from a few meters back and think for a moment, before jogging up to him.
“I’m staying over at your apartment today.” you say, walking ahead of him and skipping through your steps. You hear a familiar scoff and then him running up to catch up to you.
“No, you’re not.” he scoffs, walking next to you with his arms crossed. You look at him with raised eyebrows and he side-eyes you. He sighs quietly, pursing his lips. “… Will you help me cook? Nayuta keeps complaining.”
You scoff in victory and hold up your fist. He bumps his own into it.
“Deal.” “Deal.”
So you stay there the whole night.
You cook some instant ramen Denji has because you’re actually not much of a better cook than him, but it seems Nayuta prefers it when you’re the one who makes it. He sits on a chair next to you and dully watches you cook. You turn to look at him, “What’s up?” you ask, and he shrugs.
“Can we, like, get married, or something?“
“The hell?”
He shrugs again and closes his eyes, sinking down on his chair. “I dunno. I’m like, alone, y’know. I don’t know, I just think it’d be nice having you over more often. And the kid likes you. I just thought about it.”
You laugh because marriage is so far-fetched when he could just ask you to be roommates. You know marriage’s an oath— You’re supposed to be together forever, or something. Denji probably thinks it means security. To stay with you. To not be alone ever again, even if it wouldn’t change much from what you already have and you both know that. You know that what he’s trying to say is that it’s harder than he pretends to live alone. To live alone again. Nayuta isn’t enough to complete the hole that Aki and Power’s death left in his chest. And as innocent as she is, she reminds him of the nightmare that destroyed all of it. Makima. Sometimes, he purposefully takes too long to come back home after class so Kobeni takes care of her longer and he can spend longer without seeing those damned eyes, even if it means paying Kobeni double. You know because when he isn’t staying alone in some street, he’s with you in a park or at your place.
“We’re not getting married, you fucking idiot.” you mumble, laughing still as you pour the ramen into three bowls. You exhale and focus your gaze on the food, “I’ll just come over more often.”
“I don’t want you coming over more oftennnnn.” he damn-near whines, “You piss me off.”
“You said you wanna get married.”
“Yeah, but still.”
You scoff and bring the food on the counter. “Nayuta. The food’s ready.” you say, and the girl looks from her spot on the floor, where she lies down on her stomach while reading a manga magazine. The dogs seem to all wake up at the same time as she gets up. There’s sliced bread on the side of her bowl and she takes it with her teeth before walking off with the bowl in hands. The dogs follow her.
Denji turns on his chair and leans his arms on the counter before putting his head on them. He stares at the side of his bowl and you lean against the counter, taking your own. You mix the ramen with your chopsticks a bit and sigh.
“You should eat.” you say.
“I will.” he says.
“Before it gets cold. Or else you’ll complain.” you add. He sighs and gets up enough to spin his chair so it faces the counter and sits back down, before eating. He finishes the bowl pretty fast and then he’s back to leaning on the surface of the counter. You tilt your head. “The…” you hesitate, “The dogs should probably go out for a bit, right? Wanna go walk them together?”
He nods a bit.
Nayuta falls asleep. You head out with the dogs. Denji holds half of them, you the other. The night is cold. Denji doesn’t seem to mind, or to realize. You’re not sure.
You walk to a small bench next to a vending machine. You sit down and Denji buys drinks. He hands you your favorite and keeps his own in hand. The dogs are seemingly enjoying the night breeze much more than you are. You’re cold.
“You know.” Denji begins, “I came here after Aki died. This exact fuckin’ place. I ate ice cream. And Makima found me, somehow. And she brought me to her place. That’s where I met those dogs for the first time, too.”
You hum.
“Then she killed Power.” he says.
You nod slowly.
There’s silence and it isn’t uncomfortable but it’s heavy. If you couldn’t feel Denji’s grief before it was all you could feel now. Like it hung in the air, suffocating. You knew Aki, and you were acquainted with Power. But you didn’t know either of them half as much as Denji did.
It hurt when they died, but not half as much as it did for Denji.
You could feel his hurt now. It made you wonder how he kept living. It was grief so terribly painful and overwhelming that anyone would rather kill themselves than keep enduring it. But Denji was… Denji. You figured he was just different. Nothing really new.
“I thought to myself, I killed Aki.” he says, then sighs like it was hard to breathe properly, “So it was easy for me to think the same for Power, y’know? ‘It’s my fault. I killed them’.”
“I understand.”
He uncaps his can of soda and drinks around half of it in one go.
You two go back home.
The dogs went to sleep fast, Nayuta was still asleep, and Denji was worn out. So you cleaned up the place, put his coat on the coat hanger for him, and put his shoes properly at the entrance where he’d taken them off messily. You put a blanket on him and readjust the one on Nayuta. Then you lay down next to Denji.
He opens his eyes a bit and just looks at you. There’s silence. He hugs you and hides his face in the crook of your neck.
“We should really get married.”
“Man. Fuck you.”
He holds you, still, and you hold him. He fell asleep before you did. You spent a while carding your fingers through his hair and rubbing his back, making sure he was really asleep. Making sure he wouldn’t suddenly jump because of a nightmare (it had happened before). And then you allowed yourself to fall asleep.
When the sun was up and you were all awake, Denji was back to being loud. You figured he was okay. It was enough for now. He was alright.
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longnightswriting · 1 year
promise me you’ll stay pt2 | ellie x reader
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summary: after a long, stressful night, ellie and an ex love spend the morning in bed reconciling and making up for lost time
content warning: fluff, crude language, smut, oral(giving and receiving), fingering, dirty talk, lack of aftercare, dom ellie, f!reader
a/n: decided to make a pt2 and may continue on with it. i’m open to suggestions if you have any elliexreader ideas you’re wanting to see written
word count: 3.3k
My eyes blinked open slowly, but just barely— not enough to be awake, but enough to be aware. I snuggled deeper into Ellie’s embrace, my fingertips slowly finding their way up her body until reaching her chest where my palm flattened against her heart, waiting for its rhythm. A small, peaceful smile grew upon my face at the familiarity— finally having my comfort back within reach.
Ellie began to stir at my touch, grumbles and sharp breaths coming from her lips as she turned her body towards me. I became enveloped in her arms as I nuzzled even deeper into her chest. In this moment, I don’t think I could ask for anything more. But there was always something in the back of my mind, there always would be, something that was always telling me to brace for the inevitable.
“I think I almost forgot how nice this was.” She spoke, her voice raspy and low.
My lips trailed gently against the fabric that covered her chest, inhaling deeply between each kiss. Looking up, our eyes met and we exchanged bashful grins. Ellie was the first person I ever truly dated— yeah, there were some flings here and there, but nothing like this— nothing that even neared this level. I remember meeting Ellie for the first time, but not as vividly as I’d like, probably because I turned into an absolute puddle of nerves. I’m still embarrassed by it.
“You know what I didn’t forget, though?” She questioned, peaking my interest as she looked down at me, “How much I loved seeing you between my legs.”
My mouth fell agape, slightly pushing away from her, “Is that the joke you were saving from last night?”
She shrugged, stifling a laugh as I rolled over onto her, careful of the still fresh wounds that painted her body.
“I was-“ I paused, truly unable to pick my jaw up off the floor, “Ellie!”
“What— it’s been awhile!” She playfully fought back as I hid my face in her chest, embarrassment over taking me.
Ellie always had a way of making me like this— bashful over comments, usually sexual. I never knew if it was because being with her was my first sexual relationship, or just because any comment she made to me like that made me feel like a giddy little girl whose crush just noticed them.
“Hey, I’m kidding.” She hummed, her fingertips slowly running the length of my back— up and down, “I was really just glad that I was with you.” She spoke honestly as I lifted my head, staring up at her, “I knew you’d take care of me.”
I rolled my eyes, “It’s not like you gave me much of a choice, Els.”
“You could’ve turned me away-“
I shook my head, cutting her off, “I wouldn’t.”But then I understood what she was getting at.
She gave me a tight smile, readjusting herself under my weight before letting out a long sigh.
“I took an extra run— a side thing that Maria and Tommy didn’t know about, but the guy I was supposed to go with backed out last minute-“
“Who?” I stopped her, eyebrows furrowing.
“Just some shithead kid who’s only ever worked patrol, but I went anyway, I know I shouldn’t have, it’s just…” she shifted again, her eyes avoiding mine, “It’s been different recently.”
I sighed, my eyes leaving hers as I got lost in my own mind. I knew what she meant, and I knew she wasn’t trying to place blame, but I couldn’t help but feel it. Even if only partly. Before all of this, Ellie and I had been joined at the hip for so long that when we did finally split from each other, it threw off our lives drastically. We didn’t know what to do without the other— without having any knowledge of what the other was doing or how they were. Going from being connected to someone for so long to having zero contact with them, seemingly overnight was… different.
She shrugged, “I ran into some assholes and they got the jump on me.”
I didn’t have anything to say to her, or at least I couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t emotion driven. I hated her being outside the walls, which was part of the main argument that separated us, and this was just cementing how I felt about it. But I’d put up with fight after fight and years of the silent treatment if it meant I could be sure that she was always safe, I knew it wasn’t realistic though.
My fingertips played under the neckline of her shirt, running along her collarbone, “How are we going to make this work?”
“We could just fight like an old married couple the rest of our lives.” She hummed, pushing loose strands of hair behind my ears, “Threaten to kill each other every couple weeks followed by the best damn hate sex anyone could dream of.”
I blushed at her offer, a grin pulling at my lips before slowly diminishing, “Can we talk about going outside the walls?” I asked, my eyes finally shifting to hers, “Without fighting— like just neutral?”
“Neutral?” She mocked, furrowing her brows.
“You know what I mean.” I rolled my eyes, “I just want to talk about things without it ending in one of us storming off.”
Ellie agreed, only nodding, but I could tell she was weary.
“Ellie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I spoke honestly, fingers reaching up to play with the necklace I had gotten her so long ago, something it seems that she had never taken off, “I can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“I can handle assholes-“
“And you did… this time.” I stopped her, “What about next time? Or the time after that?”
Ellie was hard to reason with— she was so hardheaded and stubborn, but that was one of the things that first attracted me to her. It was hard to believe now that it was the catalyst in tearing us apart. It wasn’t always like this though, when we first met, but as time went on we seemed to force ourselves further apart in fear of losing the other. From sneaking outside the walls together, to shorter and shorter trips, to leaving without me with the only excuse being that she feared something would happen that she wasn’t able to stop. But when that was my excuse for not wanting her outside the walls, it fell on deaf ears.
I pushed myself up, carefully straddling her lap as she groaned under my weight, “I just…” I breathed, placing her hands onto my waist as she instinctively drug them up and down my thighs, “I don’t know what I would do with myself if I lost you.”
And I was being honest, I don’t know what I’d do without Ellie. Being away from her, not only physically but emotionally, had taken its toll on both of us it seemed.
“It’s already been so hard not having you here every night— holding me… touching me.” I hummed, “It’s not the same without you.”
“What?” She breathed, already in a trance as her fingertips lightly dug into my skin, “You been having fun without me?”
“Only when I couldn’t get you off of my mind.” My answer made her smirk, fueling an ego that was already on fire. “Ellie-“ I whimpered under her touch, her thumb running over the thin fabric covering my lower half. Her name hitched in my throat, coming out needier than I’d like to admit, and I could tell she was getting off on it.
Running her bottom lip between her teeth, I watched as her light eyes began to darken, filling with lust. But as soon as it started, she stopped herself, and her touch disappeared from my skin. My mouth fell agape slightly, feeling abandoned and needy as I watched her roughly rub at her eyes, grumbling to herself.
“Els?” My voice barely let out, watching her intently with my heart in my throat.
“Hold on.” She mumbled, slowly pushing herself up off the mattress through sharp breaths and swears, “This shit is so embarrassing.”
My eyes frantically searched her face for answers, fearing I had done something wrong— that I had misread all the signs.
But I hadn’t.
Ellie’s lips found mine and together they worked in unison while I melted within her grasp.
“Can’t even fuck you how I want.” She huffed, her voice throaty, “If I flip you over and tear out my stitches, I know you’ll make me pay for it.”
“Guess that just means I get to fuck you how I want.” I breathed between kisses, a smirk pulling on her lips as she tilted her head back, giving me perfect access to her neck.
I trailed kisses down her throat to her collar bone before we both fought over the fabric covering our torsos, practically tearing the clothing off between laughter stifled with more kisses.
My eyes rolled back, a soft moan leaving my lips as Ellie returned the treatment, leaving marks along my neck and chest. Her finger tips dug into my skin, eyes hungry as she leaned back admiring the art she had left. Carefully, I removed myself from her lap, leaving kisses on any exposed skin I was given the chance to show my love to, because it had been so long since I could.
“Fuck.” She breathed, repositioning herself as we both worked together carefully slipping the shorts over her bandaged stitching. I paused momentarily, seeing the dark bruising that now painted her thigh, like blood from the night before.
“I’m ok.” She reassured, eyes getting lost within each others as her hands cupped either side of my face, “I am.”
I knew it was a lie, but there was no use fighting her— not right now. I had different things on my mind anyway. I continued to trail kisses down her body, over her toned stomach and thighs. I craved her so desperately that I wasted no times attaching my lips to her pussy, quickly earning her satisfaction.
“Oh fuck, that’s my good girl.” She muttered, her head falling back as her hand became entangled within my hair, “God, I missed you.”
Getting lost within Ellie was so easy and something I craved constantly, almost like an addict. The time we spent apart and the times we spent not talking? I have never experienced an actual withdrawal, but I would imagine that’s about as close as I’ll ever come to it.
I couldn’t stifle the giggle that escaped my lips at Ellie’s satisfied, throaty moans. I loved making her feel good but seeing her become such a vulnerable mess was so enjoyable to watch.
Her grip lightly tightened, pulling my head back, “What’s so funny, huh?”
“I just love seeing you whine with my tongue in your pussy.” I grinned, seeing her drunk with pleasure.
She bit at the inside of her lip, fighting a smirk, “I will get you back for that.”
I rushed back to her pussy, going in for seconds and lapping up juices like it was the answer to all of my problems. And in this moment, it really felt like it. I don’t think I can live without Ellie, and being with her right now was really cementing that. Through the fights, the staying up late because she hadn’t shown back up at the gates on time, and the fear of what our future would hold— I’d do it everyday for the rest of my life if it meant I got to spend it with her.
Her grip left my hair as she propped herself up on her elbows, her breathing getting faster, pausing only for the swears that left her lips.
I pulled away slightly, my fingers taking place of my tongue on her clit, taking pride in my work as I watched Ellie— her jaw slack and eyebrows lightly furrowed.
“Are you gonna cum on my tongue for me?” I teased, my mouth returning to its rightful place.
Her head tipped back, fighting a smirk, “I’m so gonna get you back.”
But within seconds she was doing just what I asked of her, and the sounds that filled the room was music to my ears.
“Ok— ok.” She breathed, squirming under my touch, desperately grabbing at my face to pull me up, “Shit.”
“What?” I hummed softly, kissing up her chest, “You aren’t going to let me go back for more?”
“I’ve lost too much blood to keep cumming like that.” She joked, our lips meeting again, “I think you’d kill me.”
“And whose fault is that?” I cocked my head at her, biting lightly at my still wet lips.
She playfully rolled her eyes, annoyed and impatient, “Just get on my face.”
It had been too long— something I now knew I couldn’t let happen again, but eagerly, I obeyed her demand. Truthfully, I’d do anything she asked of me, and I think that was blaringly apparent just by looking at the events of the last 12 hours.
I quickly slipped out of the small bit of fabric that was still on my body but before I could even get situated, her arms wrapped around my thighs, holding me in place as I was instantly filled with mind numbing pleasure.
“Els- I, Ellie-“ I barely got out, easily becoming overstimulated and trying to pull away, “Please-“ My weak voice continued, but I couldn’t get a coherent sentence out with the pleasure that was drenching my body.
It felt so good— so good that I wanted to pull away, fighting against her grip, but I knew the second I lost that contact, I’d crave it again.
She made it hard to sit still— her tongue working circles into sensitive, needy flesh. Ellie ate pussy like her life depended on it— like she had something to prove.
My hips bucked against her tongue, desperately gripping at the old wooden headboard that had seen numerous scenes just like this one.
My jaw fell slack as blissful moans tumbled from my lips, Ellie’s fingertips gripping my thighs hard enough to leave bruises. And it wasn’t long before my high was pulsing through my body and leaving me an absolute mess.
I collapsed off of her as she released her grip on my thighs, falling to the side and allowing the residual jolts of electricity to dissipate from my body. My eyes fluttered closed through long, shaky breathes that preceded euphoric giggles.
I was in such a blissful state, I hadn’t even noticed Ellie’s struggle to reposition herself until she was already in between my legs once again. I gasped at the contact, instantly trying to pull away while whimpers flooded my vocabulary.
“What was that?” She teased, her fingers replacing her tongue before she slowly slipped them in, “Something about… whining with your tongue in my pussy?”
A moan left my lips as her fingers curled, knowing exactly how to work my body.
I reached down, gripping her wrist in an attempt to halt the actions that were sending my brain and body over the edge.
“Hey.” She corrected, her stern voice causing me to freeze as our eyes locked, “You don’t talk to me like that, understand?”
My mouth fell agape ever so slightly, feeling caught off guard and vulnerable, “I just miss you-“
“Understand?” She repeated, never breaking eye contact as she slowly lowered herself once again, her lips wrapping around my sensitive clit.
I took a sharp breath in, my head falling back, “Yes, I- I understand, yes-“
The overstimulation quickly turned to pleasure once again and I was fully in heaven with Ellie between my legs. But she loved to tease, her lips trailing kisses along my thighs and driving me insane.
“So, you wanna talk about going outside the walls?” She hummed, her fingers pumping delectably slowly.
“I- Ellie…” I rolled my eyes, letting out a small laugh at her bringing up the subject, my voice breathy and desperate.
“What, baby?” She teased, “What do you want? Come on now.”
I propped myself up, reaching for Ellie’s wrist again in an attempt to allow myself to think straight, but she immediately pushed it aside, leaving me a desperate whimpering mess.
“Nuh-uh, use your words.”
“Ellie, please, I-“ I begged, my mind running blank as I watched her fingers working masterfully, “I need you h-here, please-“ I struggled to get out, our eyes meeting, “I wanna be with you.”
A smirk grew on Ellie’s face, one of satisfaction, “Good girl.” She hummed, her mouth returning to my pussy as a reward and causing me to squirm under her touch.
Ellie had me wrapped around her finger, quite literally in the moment, but just in general. And no matter how much I wanted to deny it in times of stress, I’d do anything she told me to and she knew that.
“Ellie…” I whined, prodding her for an answer
She left kisses covering my thighs, her eyes gazing up at me, “What? You want me to take you out with me?”
I nodded eagerly, eyes flickering between hers and her fingers as they worked over my sensitive clit.
I could see her really begin to think about it, for real this time, her tongue dragging her bottom lip between her teeth. She wasn’t here in the moment anymore, she was elsewhere in her mind.
“Yeah, ok.” She eventually nodded, but there was hesitance to it, and I could tell it’d be something we’d have to talk about in detail later. Now wasn’t the time.
Again my head fell back in ecstasy as she returned, but something was different now— she still wasn’t here. Instead she was overthinking things while her body was on autopilot.
“Oh my god- fuck, Ellie!” I swore, her movements speeding up and bringing me to my climax once again.
She left a final quick kiss on the inside of my knee, before her touch disappeared.
Breathless, I stared up at the ceiling as my head spun, only being pulled out of my high by Ellie’s painful hisses.
Pushing myself up, I watched as she attempted to get herself out of bed, quiet grumbles and swears leaving her lips.
Her absence— the lack of touch, it felt isolating. But I know she didn’t mean it.
“Ellie?” I cooed, crawling up behind her as she sighed at my touch.
I kissed at her neck, her cheek, her forehead, before moving loose hairs behind her ear, “We don’t have to worry about it right now.” I spoke softly, desperate to not lose her again.
Our foreheads touched, a quiet moment between the two of us after just having the room filled with the most heavenly of sounds.
“I love you— you know that, right?” She asked, our eyes meeting.
I nodded, studying her face, every freckle and scar that told a story.
And she stared back. The two of us in completely and total awe at the beings before us— as if our hearts had manifested all of our desires into beautiful souls, perfect for one another.
“God, I’d really do anything for you, huh?”
“Anything but keep yourself out of harms way, apparently.” I teased, kissing at her face once again, “Come shower with me.” My offer coming off as more of a demand, “I’ll clean up your stitches, wash your hair…” I trailed off, lovingly playing with the loose pieces that framed her cheekbones, “And then maybe I’ll ride your face again if you’re good.”
“Yeah?” She hummed through a smirk, our lips connecting again.
I nodded, “If you’re good.”
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bluefrogbubbles · 5 months
I had an idea for a Vigcup fic and started writing it. I want to thank @evilwriter37 for helping me gain the courage I needed to write it. I decided I would share what I have written so far. First I'm going to give a brief explanation on it. So, its and AU where the riders know Viggo survived the volcano in Shell Shocked Pt2 because Hiccup managed to grab him in time and decided to help with burns Viggo gets. After a few weeks Viggo knows he has to leave because he clearly wasn't wanted by the other riders. However, after seeing how upset Hiccup was over the 2-3 months after Viggo leaves. They decide to bring him back. Hiccups and Viggos relationship grows over time, becoming partners. It goes sexual closer to the end of the fic. So far there is 1,682 words.
Hiccup's heart is pounding, his grip on Viggo's hand tight. Both their breaths ragged as Hiccup tries pulling Viggo up. The lava is bubbling below, ready to spit. As Hiccup begins to pull Viggo up, the lava spews up, landing on the left side of Viggo's face, as well as his left hand. Hiccup winces and almost drops Viggo, he calls out to Toothless to get his help in pulling them up. Toothless grabs onto Hiccup's right foot and pulls, dragging both men with him. Hiccup is quick to act as he finds something to try and wipe any lava off of Viggo. He winces as he does, the thick fabric almost burning through to Hiccup's hand. Once he is done, Hiccup gets Viggo on Toothless and they fly down to the clubhouse, Astrid and Stormfly following. There they meet the rest of the riders.
"Fishlegs, go get your burn creams or whatever!" Hiccup yells out in a panic as he and Astrid set Viggo down on the floor, leaning him against the wall. Viggo had passed out on the way to the clubhouse.
Fishlegs returns not too long after with bandages and creams ready to help. He kneels next to Hiccup and places everything down. All the other riders just watching, unsure of what to do and uneasy about an enemy being near. Hiccup takes one of the creams and gently applies it to Viggo's face, Fishlegs doing the same to the man's hand. Fishlegs gets the cream done first then wraps Viggo's hand while Hiccup continues to put the cream on Viggo's face. Fishlegs finishes bandaging Viggo's hand and goes to his arm, rubbing cream over it while Hiccup starts to wrap Viggo's face.
Sitting back and breathing, finally finished treating Viggo's burns, Hiccup winces and avoids using his right hand. Fishlegs is the only one to notice.
"Hiccup. Can I see your hand?" Fishlegs asks, not having a very good view of Hiccup's hand. Hiccup is confused at first, Then realizes why Fishlegs wants to look at it.
"Oh no it's fine. Really."
"Hiccup. Hand." Fishlegs speaks, his tone serious. Hiccup had never heard it like that before. None of the riders had. The others were confused as to why Fishlegs wanted to see Hiccup's hand. Hiccup just sighs and gives his right hand to Fishlegs. The other looks it over with a concerned look.
"You used this hand to pull Viggo up. Didn't you?" Fishlegs asks, not taking his eyes off Hiccup's hand. He gathers some cream and rubs it onto Hiccup's hand. Gently going over small burns he had gotten when the lava landed on Viggo.
"Yea... But it's fine. It doesn't hurt. Plus, Viggo's burns are more serious." Hiccup tries to reason.
Astrid yells out, "Hiccup! You can't just say it's fine. You are clearly in pain!" The other riders nod in agreement as Fishlegs starts to wrap Hiccup's hand. Hiccup just looks away, Toothless walking over and rubbing his head against Hiccup's, a concerned noise coming from him. Hiccup uses his good hand to rub Toothless on the head, smiling at him.
Fishlegs finishes wrapping Hiccup's hand, Snotlout being the first to speak again.
"So, why are we helping the enemy? I mean, he has tried to kill us. Multiple times." Astrid, Fishlegs and the twins all nod in agreement. Hiccup sighs before answering.
"Because that's who I am. I couldn't just let him fall to his death." Hiccup just continues to look at Viggo as he speaks. His friends all knew how he was, but they still had to question it. Considering they could have just left it at pulling Viggo up and away from the edge of the volcano.
"Yeah well. You didn't HAVE to tend to his wounds. Though, had you not tried to pull him up, you wouldn't have gotten burnt either." Snotlout once again speaks. Even though he knew his cousin didn't care about himself getting burnt. Hiccup ignored him and got up, he looked to Fishlegs asking him to help carry Viggo back to his hut. Hiccup didn't want to leave Viggo on the floor. Fishlegs helps Hiccup carry Viggo to Hiccup's hut and up to his bed.
"Are you sure you want him in your bed? I mean, what about you? Where are you going to sleep?" Fishlegs asks once Viggo is on the bed. The rest of the riders had stayed at the clubhouse, not wanting to be around Viggo. Fishlegs is apprehensive, but since he's the best at first aid he is telling himself it will be ok and that Viggo won't do anything. Hopefully.
"Oh yeah no it's fine. I have spare furs I can lay out on the floor downstairs. That and Toothless likes cuddles so I can always just sleep with him." Hiccup responds, Toothless coming over and rubbing up against him, a purring noise being made. Fishlegs just nods and goes to leave. He stops and turns back to Hiccup and hands him the creams and bandages.
"You can always come and share my hut if you need. And, if you need any help with your burns, or Viggo's. Just come get me." Fishlegs offers a small smile and nods, taking the creams and bandages and placing them on a table near the bed. He watches Fishlegs leave the hut and then turns to look at Viggo.
"Why did I go so far as to tend to his wounds? He IS an enemy after all. Gods I don't know. I need some sleep." Hiccup speaks aloud, not to anyone in particular. He goes and grabs his spare furs and takes them downstairs to set them up. The sun had started to go down by the time he had gotten Viggo to the clubhouse, now it's fully set and the moon has risen. Hiccup usually takes Toothless out for a ride at this time. But he doesn't want to leave Viggo alone, or in the care of one of the other riders. Astrid would likely kill him, the twins are, well, the twins, Snotlout would probably just fall asleep, and Fishlegs had already done enough to help. So it was just Hiccup and Toothless.
Toothless had followed Hiccup down and curled up next to him once he set the furs up and laid in them. Hiccup closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep. Avoiding laying on his right hand as much as he could.
The sun had barely started to rise when Hiccup woke, no surprise to him or Toothless as they both usually got up this early. Neither of them liked being up so early, but it was the quietest time of the day on the Edge. And they were so used to waking up so early back on Berk because everyone was always awake at this time, that they couldn't get themselves to stay asleep any longer like the rest of the riders.
As Hiccup was sitting up and stretching, trying to wake himself up some more, he heard a groan coming from where he had left Viggo. Hiccup quickly gets up, realizing he had forgotten to take off his prosthetic the night before and goes up the stairs, Viggo had managed to sit up, he was looking down at his left arm as best he could with half his face covered with bandages. He hears the footsteps and looks up to see Hiccup.
"You're up. That's good. Do you... need anything? Water? Food? Something for the pain?" Hiccup asks as he stands by the stairs awkwardly. His left hand unconsciously rubbing over his bandaged right one. Viggo takes note of this, as well as the bandages before he answers.
"Some water is all." His voice is raspy, being more of an indication he needs some water. Hiccup just nods and goes downstairs. He heads out of the hut, leaving Toothless to watch Viggo. A few minutes later Hiccup returns with a jug of water and a couple of cups. He walks back upstairs and places the jug on the table next to his bed. Placing both cups down and picking up the jug again, he pours water into both of them, handing one to Viggo and taking the other for himself. The two of them sit in an awkward silence as they drink some water.
"Thank you. For saving me." Viggo breaks the silence after some time to thank Hiccup.
"Hm? Oh, um. Yeah. The burns would have been worse had we not gotten to them as quickly as we did. But that doesn't mean they won't be bad. Your left arm and hand have burns, and so does the left side of your face. Most of your eyebrow is now... Uh... Gone." Hiccup explains Viggo's injuries. Still a little awkward.
"I see... And... Your hand?" Viggo responds, then questions Hiccup about his hand. Hiccup looks up at Viggo, then down at his bandaged hand. Staying silent for a few minutes.
"It uh. It's fine." He lied, not wanting the focus to be on him.
"Well, clearly it's not. Did the lava land on you as well?" Viggo questions, having the same mindset as the riders on how Hiccup's hand is not fine. Hiccup just shrugs, refusing to look at Viggo. Then he seemed to realize something.
He doesn't know how often the bandages need to be changed, or how long the cream needs to be applied for. He would have to ask Fishlegs about it later.
"I have no idea how often you have to rebandage burns. Or how long it takes for them to heal." Sure Hiccup had a few burn scars on his back from falling into the flames of the Red Death, but he had been out for about a week, and by the time he woke, they were mostly healed. So he couldn't use that as an indicator.
"Yeah. I have no idea either." Viggo responds. He was up to his second cup of water, voice still slightly raspy.
"I'll just ask Fishlegs later." Hiccup mumbles, finishing his water before getting up.
I hope people enjoy this. Its my first time writing something, and I'm not to confident in my abilities. Criticism is allowed.
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sukiwrites · 1 year
Healing Love
Sequel to Broken Trust
Jason Todd x gn reader
Tags: Angst (dw I ended with fluff ;)
The fight with Jason had been intense and it had left you feeling raw and emotional. You had been so hurt by his lack of honesty and the feeling that he was hiding something from you.
But when he finally sat down with you and explained that he had been spending his nights fighting crime as Redhood, everything fell into place. You realized that he had been keeping it from you because he didn't want to worry you.
The fact that he trusted you enough to share this secret with you meant the world to you. You felt a sense of comfort wash over you as you listened to him explain his motivations and the risks, he had been taking to protect the city.
You wrapped your arms around him, tears streaming down your face as you apologized for not trusting him. He held you tightly and assured you that everything was going to be okay.
At that moment, all of the hurt and anger melted away. You knew that you could work through anything as long as you had each other. And with Jason by your side, you felt stronger and more capable of facing any challenges that might come your way.
Bonus: A Kiss and A Bandage.
It had been a long night for both of you. You had been worried sick about Jason, who had gone out to fight crime as Redhood. When he finally stumbled through the door, bruised and battered, you knew you had to take care of him.
You gently led him to the couch and sat him down, fetching a first aid kit and some ice packs. As you tend his wounds, you couldn't help but tease him a little.
"Come on, Redhood, tell me the truth. Did you lose the fight?" you asked with a smile.
He chuckled and shook his head. "I didn't lose, I promise. It was a tough fight, but I came out on top. I just took a few hits along the way."
You rolled your eyes playfully, but inside you were filled with pride and admiration for the man you loved. As you continued to patch him up, you couldn't help but confess your feelings for him.
"You know, Jason, I love you," you said softly. "I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You're strong, brave, and selfless, and I admire you more than words can say."
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with love and tenderness. "I love you too y/n. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin. I don't know what I'd do without you."
As you leaned down to kiss him, you knew that no matter what challenges you faced, you would always have each other. And at that moment, everything felt right in the world.
Tag list: @tild3ath @zadri (Thanks for asking for a pt2, probably wouldn't have written this if you hadn't.)
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elliezlils11utt · 7 months
🏐 SWEETHEART pt2!! 🩹
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Warnings: cussing, mean!ellie,
An: this part is basically all Angst..? Kinda. It’s mostly volleyball but it will make a LOT more sense when i put out the other parts. 🤞🏽
Summery: Ellie causes you to lose the finals, with her cheats. And Dina forces her to apologize, which turns into something else…
Coach had you out the first game. Watching & cheering on your team as they painfully lost. They scored a few points, but the majority of them came from the other team's fault. Fuck, if you lost this next game it would be over. Everything you and your team had worked for would be for nothing if you went home with a second place trophy. When the final buzzer went off indicating that the first game was finished and you had lost, your team huddled into a semi circle. Solemn looks on all of their faces as you try to cheer them up. You give high fives and ‘good jobs’ to everyone who played that game as the players were switched out. Abby with the starting serve, and you being front middle. Number 14, or Ellie Williams stands directly in front of you, across the net. She winks at you again with that same slick ass smile on her face. The same smug look that makes you want to slap it right off her. You roll your eyes. Looks like what the girl said was going to become true if you couldn't turn the game completely around. Gotta stay focused.
“Common Abby, you can do this!” you shout back to her. The buzzer goes off and the ball shoots over your head.
The game was in full swing. 10 | 14. With the wolves winning. It was your turn to serve. You can hear Dina cheering you on in the crowd, which gives you a little more confidence. The room falls silent, letting you focus on the ball. Just as the whistle goes off someone calls from the other side of the net.
“You got this, sweetheart.” The ball slips right from your hands and falls to the floor. The whistle blows again and you look up at the ref who’s hand is pointed at the other side.
“What the fuck Ellie!” you shout back. Your temper, finally getting the best of you. She purposely fucked you up. Abby grabs you and pulls you back from completely going off on her.
You flail your arms in the air at the ref and return back to your position. You look at the smug smile on her face and narrow your eyes at her.
It was Ellie's turn to serve. You had heard rumors about her serves before. That they were powerful and fast. Really fucking fast. She definitely lived up to the storys. She single handedly brought her team back into their original winning position with her serves alone. They were too fast for anyone to recover. 16 | 24. If she kept this up there's no way your team would win. But surely enough she got into her same overhand position and began to throw the ball in front of her. With a loud “smack” the stress settled in. You rushed to the ball in an empty attempt to recover it. The ball slammed to the floor yet again.
Your ears began to ring. You shut your eyes tightly and swiped the sweat from your forehead. You can see Dina rushing over to Ellie congratulating her. While you laid slumped on the floor. Utter disappointment washed over you as the second place title hung above your head. Tears swell up in your eyes and you try to not let them spill out, but sadness overpowers your pride and you break down in the middle of the court. Abby rushes over to you and helps you up. You can't help but glance at the other team, who's showering Ellie with complements. You pick yourself up and drag your feet to your team's huddle. Not that you were listening. All you could think about was the smug look on Ellies face when she basically cheated to get on your nerves. You hadn't done anything to her yet she proceeded to make your life literal hell. When you were packing up with ‘loss’ written all over your face, Dina pops up in front of you like she does every game.
“Hey y/n..” she says with pity.
“Hey dee.”
“Im sorry about el’s”
“It's cool.”
“No, it isn't. I told her to apologize.”
“Dina, I don't want to talk to her. She obviously doesn't like me for whatever reason.”
“Too bad, here she comes.” Dina says pointing behind her to Ellie who's walking up to you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” you mumble to yourself and try to wipe your puffy eyes. She approaches you with long strides, of course her iconic smirk plastered onto her face.
“Hey. good game.” She said quickly. Really? That's her apology…?
“Good game? Good game..?! Ellie you purposely fucked me up?”
“No. I was cheering you on, sweetheart.”
“You know full well what you were doing. And stop calling me that.”
You storm off, absolutely pissed about the game. Her tight grasp clings to your arm pulling you back to face her.
“Look, I'm sorry… Can we start over? Maybe, head back to my place?”
Your jaw flies open. This was all an attempt to sleep with you..?
“What the fuck is wrong with you ellie. Get a life.” you mumble, pulling away from her grasp. You leave her there, standing in the middle of the court, clueless.
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