#love those little robotic dogs doing their dances
sa-heelies · 1 year
my fatal flaw is that i actually love when people refer to ai and computers with human terms. ok yeah it's irresponsible and sometimes fearmongering and we shouldn't be mistaking algorithms for human thought because they are fundamentally just numbers and can never be a true representation of emotional states of being. but yes girl the capital of ireland is not belfast you ARE hallucinating!! ai is not an enemy to me but instead she is a lover. i will plunge my hand into her heart of wires if it kills me.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
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Here are before/after pics of my two shorn llamas ✂ ✂ Pampoldine was the one with the most wool, which makes sense seeing as her father looks like a long-necked Komondor dog. I didn't shear Pampelune, she's my least woolly llama so I decided to leave her alone until next year, to her great satisfaction.
Shearing Poldine made me discover new aspects of her, like the fact that her tail is very impressive! It's not as striking when the rest of her is covered in equally thick hair but look at it now:
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I had tried to prepare Poldine in previous weeks by stroking her with a stick in increasingly annoying ways while going bzzzzzz (we had reached a point where her only reaction to being bothered in this way was glaring at me). I should have bzzz'ed louder, though. Or maybe bothered her with an electric toothbrush instead, or sat on the couch with her to watch youtube shearing tutorials together with the volume turned up—because when the moment came she was very alarmed by what an ugly noise the shears made. Every time I turned the thing off to reapply oil to the clippers then turned it on again she was like aaaahhh what's that noise all over again.
I bought cordless shears so I could shear her in the pasture, surrounded by the emotional support of her loving family, but as soon as they saw Poldine tied to a post and heard that ominous robotic wasp sound, Pampe & Pampy went okay Poldine it was nice knowing you! And left. Abandoning their daughter / granddaughter to her grim fate.
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(the very bad quality pics in this post are screenshots from bad quality videos) (oh and the grey fur you see at the bottom right is Pandolf's, my mum brushed him a few days ago. I promise I didn't shear Pandolf—although he would have probably volunteered, to share Poldine's suffering.)
Considering it was her first ever shearing, I think she was very brave and stoic! There was no spitting, no dramatic hyperventilating, no attempts to lie down on the ground and play dead as llamas sometimes do. (But wait for Part II.) She just danced around a lot to escape the shears, and made plaintive HMM sounds in a vain attempt to awaken some deeply-buried maternal instinct in Pampérigouste. Who never came.
The only (tiny) incident was when Poldine stepped towards me as I was shearing (surprising; she kept moving away before) so I took advantage of this spark of goodwill to lean over her back to shear on the other side, and then she abruptly stepped away and almost made me fall !
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This second pic is the most malevolent Poldine has ever looked. She looks just like her mother!
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But other than that, it went really well. The process was long and tiring (the shears get heavy after a while) and I kept discovering hidden unshorn spots when I thought I was almost done (look at these Niagara Falls of wool in the pic below!), but Poldine was very sweet. I didn't insist too much on her legs or under her belly as those were her least favourite parts, and I also left a little goatee at the top of her neck so she can stroke it pensively and look wise, and I gave her muesli afterwards and she gave me a kiss, no hard feelings. I couldn't have asked for a better llama partner for my first shearing.
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My second shearing, however.
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(Continued in Part II...)
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Hiii, Harpy anon again.
I have more thoughts. Instead of making Idia a dog boy, I say we make him an insect. Mostly because there are some insects out there that just make sense for him. (Also because he kinda look like bug to me tbh)
For example, spiders. (Yes I know they aren't insects but they look insects and that's all that matters) Spiders specifically have a lot of significance in Greek mythology, so it would make sense for Idia (who is based off a Greek god) to have some kind of connection there. But also spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together during mating. And a lot of the time, during mating the males are killed by their female mates. Which..I feel like is why Idia would avoid Yuu like the plague. Because all he can think about near them is "Mate.Mate.Mate.Mate.MATE-" and he's scared if he tries anything he'll get killed immediately.
Now I don't know if we've talked about Ortho yet but I feel like he's a little robot bee. I know it doesn't really go with spider Idia but Robot bee Ortho would be so gosh darn cute. There was a study done on bee's that came to the conclusion that when bee's bump into eachother they make a little "Whoop" noise. IMAGINE BUMPING INTO BEE ORTHO AND HE JUST GOES "Whoop!"
Ahem, sorry got carried away there for a sec. Bee's are also very protected of their hive and other bees in said hive, so I can't help but imagine if Yuu gets picked on Ortho immediately just pulls out the laser beams. Bee's can also smell fear. Giving bee Ortho this trait is like giving a toddler a glock and telling them to go do a crime. It is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Robot Bee Boy.
BeeBot that makes cute noises when bumping into things.
So very cute. I don't have much to add to that except look at this cute bee butt.
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Now...spooder Idia...
Did anyone else see Kar'niss from Baldr's Gate 3 and thought he was hella fine?
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What kind of spider would he be? If he's one of the fluffy kinds I love the idea of his floof matching his hair. Would he have multiple eyes? Fangs on top of having those already pointy teethies?
Did you know an interesting thing that bee's and some spiders have in common his helping with pollinating plants?
Hmm drider's are usually big and people in general already don't like regular spiders very much. Poor Idia is just going to keep getting more reasons to not leave his room. 😔Oh Jeez Jamil would prob freak out seeing him.
Man, Idia and Azul have it bad. For females of both of their kind if they don't kill you after sex cuz doing the diddly works up an appetite, they might kill males that they simply rejected...or just because they got too close.
Another thing that both male octopuses and spiders have been shown to do to lower the risk is present their possible mate with food. Azul's an amazing cook with his own restaurant and Idia has a surplus of every kind of snack/junk food you can think of so at least they have that going.
Still, I would like to think that even if that happens with their kind in that world it's not nearly as bad or quite as common. Funny though to think of Idia screeching when he sees you and tossing a few bags of gummies and chips at you.
Also....to avoid getting eaten after sex some male spiders will actually tie the female up in his web and set her free after. Do with that info what you will.
Some spiders also do a mating dance, but you have a snowball's chance in hell of seeing him do that.
Still, it's just more things that get these types of nonhuman boys thinking that you the little would be the best choice when it comes to finding a mate. AMAB? Cool. AFAB? Well, human ones don't cannibalize so it's all good....well once the guys learned that they don't.
Plus, once he gets to actually know you and see how you're the least threatening thing in the school things will be easier.
Once he's comfortable around you get to see something amazing...
That he's a snarky little shit with so much sass. He's a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having an ego.
One time you tried to bite him for mouthing off and he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn't even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he's even more of a shit when teasing you.
One of the cool things is that you can legit ride him places cuz he big spooder. It's too bad it rarely if ever happens with being a shut in.
He'll still let you sit on him like that when you guys are in his room.
A cool thing he can do is climb on walls and ceilings, does it often when trying to sneak to the vending machines on campus without being seen. He has unfortunately been seen once or twice though and it scared the hell out of the poor student to see a giant freaking spider on the ceiling and almost made Idia drop his snacks.
His webs are pretty and glowy, he kind of has them around his room set up like fairy light.
Weird fact, spiders can taste with their feet.
Cute fact, some spiders will keep a frog as a pet. Frog helps keep the spider's eggs from getting eaten and the spider protects the frog from other things.
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I'm kind of picturing Idia as the spider and you as the frog. You are his emotional support human that he keeps close when he has to leave his lair.
He unintentionally gives you scary dog privileges.
Imagine working your shift at Twisted McDonald and a little human comes up to you with this big-ass sharp-toothed spider dude behind them, you are scared out of your mind but then the human says "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
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rr311 · 8 months
·˚ ༘ 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 ➪ fluffy!, kissing (slightly explicit?), sorcerer!reader black!reader
₊˚ෆ 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 he ls definitely the type to get nervous around eye contact with someone he likes or gets memorized by their eyes. It's a balance between the two.
ミ★ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆. hello my lovely's, I can't believe I’m almost at 1k followers 😧. when I first started I didn’t think I would get this far Into the community, we are so close! only 95 to go 😔.
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₊˚ෆ 𝑵𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊 - her pretty brown eyes.
whenever he would stare Into them..he would easily get lost Into them. those dark/light brown eyes, whenever he tried to conversate with you he would always stumble across his words getting lost Into them..which Is why he can never hold eye contact. your glasses made your eyes look more bigger and doe giving them more flare to your eyes. he was never able to focus on what he's trying to say or do without you staring at him. his cheeks would end up betraying him as they ran hot and bright, clearing his throat trying to move on from the embarrassing situation but couldn't. your giggles will go through his ears feeling his heart swell from the sound, your soft spoken voice and wording made his body run hot. you were oblivious to It all but God he wishes you knew what you were doing to him.
he was yet again staring at you as you were focused on working on another robot for a 'project' you've been stressing out about. his hand on his palm as a gentle gaze was set your way, you were so cute when you got irritated. weird thing to say I know but It was the truth. your eyebrows furrowed, forehead with small wrinkles as you did so with a bitten lip and small curses escaping Into whispers as something wasn't done right. nanami was supposed to be finishing his work but he got caught up with being with you by your request. he couldn't say no when you were giving him though puppy dog eyes, he always wondered why you wanted him by your side? maybe because you're alone? maybe because you get lonely? maybe you want company? he didn't question It even though he wanted to but he stayed In silence watching you work. he was so lost In a memorizing daze he didn't hear you call for him, "nanami."
"huh? yes?." he snapped out of his daze, sitting up straight looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. you sighed. "did you not hear me?." you asked with a raised brow. nanami thought back to his head but nothing came to mind, It was all foggy. he cleared his throat shaking his head, "no, I didn't. what do you need?." you shook your head with a small laugh pointing at the wrench beside him, "can you hand me that?." he looked at the side of him to see the wrench laying on Its side, picking It up to hand It to you. you gave him a small "thank you." turning your attention back to the robot, moving It side to side before- WACK!. "hope that worked." you said, setting It on the table, pressing the small button on top hearing It power up. you smiled widely with big eyes as you stood up with excitement rushing through your veins, "It worked!" nanami looked at the little robot then at you with a small smile.
he doesn't know why. but seeing you excited made him happy, you were doing a little dance with small giggles. after trying to get It to work for so long It finally turned on. "yuji Is gonna be so happy." you said excitedly stopping your dance, taking off your glasses to set It down on the table leaning forward to look at your work. nanami cleared his throat holding his head up high looking at the robot. "do you mind explaining how It works?." nanami asked, looking his way noticing his pink cheeks with a smile, "for starters, I- or yuji got this little guy from a junkyard when we had a mission assigned. he found him really interesting and asked me If I could fix him. and I did, after a few difficulties of course." you giggled, "but after some time and work Into him I found out how to make It thing work." you poked at It, "I thought It was powered by regular bolts and wires by how formal the model Is, but It's powered by curse energy. cool right?." you looked up at him, nodding his head keeping his eyes on you. "It's not an ordinary robot you would see regularly, I bet this was used to catch curses or something and someone tossed him after he broke down." he's never seen something like this before. he didn't find hardly anything fascinating but seeing you put so much work Into this made him Impress.
you sat down In your chair again, facing him with a teasing look on your face noticing his facial expression. "Is the all mighty kento nanami impressed?." you teased, gaining his attention. he rolled his eyes, "surprisingly yes. actually any of your work Impresses me." all though he said this bluntly and calmly not thinking too much Into It, It made your heart speed up feeling warmness In your body. your eyes widened, "oh! really? I didn't think any of my work Impressed people." you chuckled nervously looking down In embarrassment, he hummed feeling flustered at your nervous reaction. did he say the wrong thing? you became nervous all of sudden. he cleared his throat, "It's good work, y/n. you should be proud of what you're doing." butterflies. you nodded your head with a small smile looking at him again, "I've never been told that before." you chuckled, "I was always told that since I'm a jujutsu sorcerer I can't be anything else because this Is my job but..thanks nanami." you gave him a short smile before looking away again, staring at the robot.
nanami doesn't know where or why he has this confidence all of sudden. should he? should he not? you're right sin front of him..lip bitten, hand on your lap- shit. screw It. he took his advantage of this confidence bringing his hand towards yours l holding It with his gaining your attention again. you looked down at the interlock hands then at him with a confused face, he looked calm but Inside his heart was beating against his chest. he held your hand as he lifted his free one to push some of your braids back placing his hand on your cheek. "It's a first for everything right?." huh?. "what do you me-!." you felt soft lips onto of yours as you looked with wide eyes, your body went tensed and stiff looking for what to do. but the more he kept his lips on yours, your eyes started to relax and close on their own leaning more Into the kiss deepening It. your body relaxed, tilting your head to the side kissing him back at the same pace.
deep and hard breathes were the only thing being heard In the room as you both made out. his hands slid down to your waist pulling you close to his body as your hands unknowingly twent up to his blonde hair, softly gripping It hearing him groan Into your mouth. the kiss lasted a few more seconds before you pulled back first leaning your head with his staring Into his eyes. you panted, trying to catch your breath with a airy chuckle, "didn't expect that." you laughed, nanami blushed nodding his head In agreement trying to hold eye contact with you. your brown eyes shot Into sparks, practically feeling your heart beat on his own chest holding you close.
you noticed how hard he was staring Into your eyes keeping eye contact with almost like..he's getting lost In them. you raised a brow, "Is there something on my face.." you mumbled, he shook his head . "no. It's just..your eyes, they're pretty- beautiful." memorizing. you chuckled again, "do my eyes also make you nervous?." even If he did want to deny It, It was the truth. your eyes made him nervous. they were gorgeous. he loved them. "yes..they do." he mumbled back looking away In embarrassment but you only brought his face back up to face yours, "you're so cute kento.." you closed your eyes leaning In once more connecting lips with his as he kissed back with a heavy sigh. the kiss was gentle and slo-
"hey y/n did yo- OH MY GOD." In an Instsnt you and nanami pulled away with fast heart rates, looking at your open door to reveal a red face yuji looking anywhere but at you two, "u-uhm..I was just wondering If the robot was done! I'm so sorry, I should've knocked!." he bowed feeling embarrassment rush through his body. I mean- he just walked In seeing his teachers making out with you practically on his lap, you sighed pulling back from nanami walking over to the embarrassed yuji to reassure him It was okay but he only kept apologizing.
nanami ran a hand through his hair, he couldn't help but grin to himself.
he had to say, today wasn't all so bad.
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missjukebox8bit · 3 months
GET EQUIPPED WITH: New Chapter of The Roboticist's Daughters
I finally did it! I finally made a second chapter of my Rollinka fanfic The Roboticists' Daughters before Pride Month ends! Four hours before AO3 goes down! Great timing!
Because AO3 is going down I will also be posting it under the cut!
The year was 20XX A.D.
Wasn’t it always?
It was two years before Dr. Albert Wily first waged war between man and machine. The world did not yet know the man made horrors and wonders that lifelike robots would bring, but it was not a time without hardship. They still had to worry about the natural horrors. Katyusha Cossack had been fighting a battle against one such powerful enemy for a long time, one that had taken many lives and split apart many families, and though she had many rematches that ended in victory… her game would eventually come to a premature end.
Leaving her family to find a way to continue.
Mikhail Cossack slowly walked into the doorway of his apartment. It wasn’t particularly big or fancy, but it was home. A home he shared with his daughter and… no, just her now. It was going to take a while for him to get used to that. He steadied himself on a counter. Without Katyusha, this place felt empty, hollow even. Everything he saw reminded him of her. The turquoise fur coat she loved so much was still hanging up by the door, and he knew the matching ear-rings were on the nightstand by the bed they used to share. Resting on the couch is the stuffed frog she had won for their daughter in a claw machine… Part of him wished he could just leave this all behind and start over-
Wait… where is his daughter anyway? He didn’t see her come in… His heart started racing and he looked around the room frantically, until he heard a voice. “Papa?” The scientist jumped and his head turned to the source of the sound. A little blonde girl in the middle of the apartment, wearing her papakha and clutching something to her chest.
He breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled. He walked up to his daughter and affectionately patted her hat. “You have a talent for slipping away when I’m not looking, little Linka. What do you have there?” But when she showed him what it was, his heart sank. It was an old DVD of Don Bluth’s Anastasia . It wasn’t a favorite of his. He hated the historical inaccuracy, the glorification of the Romanov family, and the blatant demonization of communists. But that was far from the main thing on his mind right now. Because to Kalinka, this film was significant because-
“Mama said she would watch this with me when she got all better.”
It was already hard for Mikhail to tell her no when she looked up at him with those adorable puppy-dog eyes of hers, but in his current emotional state there was no way he wasn’t immediately dropping everything to sit down on the couch and watch a princess movie with his daughter as she cuddled her little frog doll. 
The mood in the room was tense at first, but as the film went on, Kalinka was engrossed in its story. Mikhail was familiar with the history of the real Grand Duchess Anastasia, and it was not quite as wholesome and fantastical as this film portrayed, but… he saw how his daughter’s face lit up as she watched the screen, how wide she smiled seeing the beautiful palaces, the music, the dancing… and it was then he realized, he would do anything to see that smile on her face forever. And it made him smile too.
By the time the film was over, Kalinka was getting drowsier and drowsier. Mikhail gently scooped up his daughter and led her to her bed.
As he tucked her daughter into bed, wild fantasies filled her head.
“I want to be a princess, papa. Like Anastasia!”
The doctor felt weary. “Things didn’t end happily ever after for the real Anastasia, sweetheart.”
“But it would be really fun! We could live in a big pretty palace, and we could have a big ballroom, and we could have a lot of robots be our servants and I could be friends with them!”
“You want a robot to be your friend?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, I’ll make friends with all the robots!”
The doctor admired his daughter’s optimism. Robot AI at this point was only smart enough to just barely simulate human speech, let alone have real emotions. So a robot that could actually be your friend? Technology like that was surely at least a decade away. But given the circumstances, he thought he might as well indulge her science fiction fantasies. “What kind of robots would live in your palace?”
She thought about it. “One of them could be a vacuuming guy, who vacuums, and he’s called uh… Dust Man!” She said, very proud of herself. “And there could be another guy who like… makes it rain when you want it to rain, and his name is uh…” she held her frog plushie up. “Toad Man!”
“Do all their names end in ‘Man’?” he asked teasingly.
“Yeah!” She thought about this for a second. “But, it would be fun if there was a girl one… We’d be bestest friends.”
Mikhail was amused by Kalinka’s ideas… but he had to admit they didn’t all sound so bad. Maybe a new project would help him get his mind off things.
“Can you sing me that song, papa? The pretty one from the movie.”
Mikhail smiled. “Of course, my princess.” And started singing her what would become her favorite lullaby.
“ On the wind, 'cross the sea, sing this song and remember
Soon you'll be home with me, once upon a December… ”
Kalinka yawned and curled up nice and cozy in her bed.
“I’m gonna turn out the light now, princess. Maybe I can build a robot that can do that for us too.” Mikhail joked.
“You could call him Bright Man, and he’ll have a biiiiiiig lightbulb on his head…” 
Mikhail chuckled at his daughter’s wild imagination.
As the lights and her eyelids fell, Kalinka drifted off to sleep, and the last thing she heard was her father’s voice.
“You are the most precious thing in my life. I promise that I will do anything in my power to make you happy and keep you safe, my princess.”
Kalinka opened her eyes. She was still curled up, but not on the couch, or in her father’s arms, or on her bed. She was on a bed, but somebody else’s. And as she stared across the room at the owner of said bed rummaging through her closet, the reality of her situation came flooding back to her.
The year was 20XX A.D. It had been roughly five years since Mikhail Cossack made his promise, one week since he proved just how far he would go to keep his promise, and half an hour since the situation had been mostly resolved. But there was still the fallout to deal with.
“I know we have a first aid kit in here somewhere…” Kalinka was watching closely as she sat up on the edge of Roll’s bed, helping herself to some leftover soup and rice balls they set out on a tray. She thought it tasted a lot better than what she was given at Wily’s Castle. There was also an E-Tank on the tray. She picked it up hesitantly, she thought these were just for robots, but she took a tentative sip. She instantly perked up. It tasted like sparkling blue raspberry juice…
After the Cossacks were let into Light Labs, Dr. Light had taken Dr. Cossack to the living room to rest (and Proto Man went with them, Dr. Light seemed to have something he wanted to talk to him about), while Kalinka was set up in Roll’s room. She seemed to have dozed off.
“There it is!” The robot girl turned around with a first aid kit in hand and her eyes widened. “Oh, you’re awake! I hope I wasn’t too loud…”
“N- no, not at all! Don’t worry about it.” She felt a sharp pain in her arm.
Roll knelt down to Kalinka’s bedside. “Sorry, I’ve done a lot of repairs on broken robots, but it’s been a while since I’ve had a human patient…” She inspected the Russian girl’s arm. “Your wounds don’t seem that serious, just a couple bruises. Dr. Cossack seemed to absorb most of the damage.” She took an ice pack out of the kit and applied pressure to her arm. “You’re not feeling feverish at all, are you? I could get you some Coldkiller X…”
“N- no, I’m fine! This is really nice of you.”
“It’s no trouble at all! It’s the least I can do after… everything today.”
“Do you really need to do all this for me? Shouldn’t this be enough?” She swished the E-Tank around in her hand.
“Those only heal robots, unfortunately. For humans it’s basically just a tastier version of Monster Hunter Energy. No, we have to do things the old fashioned way.” She bandaged up the girl’s arm.
Kalinka shyly stared at her. “Umm… hi.” Kalinka waved at Roll with her other hand weakly. “I never really got to introduce myself. I’m Kalinka.”
“Oh. Oh! Right, sorry. Where are my manners?” the robot girl shook her head, then held out her hand to Kalinka. “My name is-”
“Roll, right?” The girl smiled as she held Roll’s hand. Roll looked at her, kind of stunned. “DLN. 002,” she continued. “The housekeeping robot. One of the first two of Dr. Light’s Robot Masters to be unveiled to the public.”
“You know about me?” She was… a little surprised. Sure when the Robot Masters were first introduced and she was one of a set of twins, she caught a lot of attention from the media. But after Mega Man put a stop to three different major attacks from Wily, she was increasingly sidelined in favor of her brother. Rock and Roll got stopped in the street a lot by Mega fans, but they rarely paid her any mind.
“Oh yeah, I’ve read a lot about you in Father’s scientific journals!” She blushed. “Sorry if that’s weird, I just… really like studying robots, and I thought you always seemed really cool… it’s nice to meet you.”
Roll smiled. “Nice to meet you too!”
Kalinka’s smile turned gloomier. “I just wish our first meeting could’ve been for some other reason than this… There was supposed to be a Robotics Convention this week, but we had to miss it because of…”
Roll looked at her sympathetically. “Look I’m… I’m really sorry about… all of this. If we had known what Wily was up to, we would’ve made sure you were safe way sooner.”
“No, it’s ok! It’s not your fault! It’s that jerk Wily’s fault.” Kalinka pouted and crossed her arms. “Making Proto Man take me away from school, using me to get Father to pretend to be evil, and make those two new robots to fight Mega Man…”
Roll’s eyes widened. “Woah woah, back up. Proto Man kidnapped you?!”
Kalinka nodded. “Yeah, but he told me he only did it because Wily said he'd explode if he didn’t.”
Roll scowled skeptically. “Yeah, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”
Kalinka waved her arm defensively. “You don’t get it. I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t fought off the robot guarding me.”
“Oh yeah, who was that? Quick Man? Snake Man? Don’t tell me it was freaking Bubble Man-“
Kalinka shook her head. “None of them. It was… someone else.” Kalinka thought back to the robot she had seen. She started to pout and curl up into the fetal position on the bed. “I thought I knew every robot that’s been released to the public, but that one… with her dark spiky helmet, the weird coily fingers, a stringy spark plug tail… I’ve never seen or heard of anything like her. She was scary.”
Roll searched all her memory databases for a robot that matched that description, but curiously found nothing. “Did she give you her name? A serial number?”
Kalinka shifted awkwardly in her seat. “She didn’t say. I tried to talk with her, but she didn’t seem to want to say anything about herself at all. I only know she was a she because that’s what Proto Man called her when he was rescuing me.” She brought a finger to her lips in thought. “But he could’ve been wrong, it’s 20XX, it’s not great to assume things like that just from looks...”
Roll was worried. Kalinka was clearly affected by this experience. “What did they do to you?”
She side eyed the robot girl. She was scared, but something made her feel like she could open up to Roll about all this. “She didn’t hurt me, if that’s what you mean. Not yet anyway. But Wily told Father and me that if I tried to escape, or if he let anyone know about his plan, if we didn’t do exactly what he said then… it would be game over for me.” The Russian girl started shaking. “You don’t think she’d follow us here, would she?”
Roll frantically waved her hands back and forth. “N- no, of course not! Mega Man will take care of it, just like he always does! He’ll save the day, and then we’ll get you home. I bet your mother will be excited to see you get home safe-”
“My mother passed away when I was four.” She looked like she was about to tear up.
Roll felt as if some obscure glass part inside her just shattered. Oh great going, Roll, your bedside manner is phenomenal today. “I am so… so sorry for your loss.”
“It’s okay. I was really little... It’s just been me and Father and my brothers as long as I can remember…”
Roll rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Yeah… same here. I mean it’s not really the same because I never had a mom to begin with but… It’s just always been me, Dr. Light, Mega Man, Cut Man and the others. It’s kind of lonely being the only girl in the family, you know?”
She smiled a little at this. “Yeah, I don’t really know any girls my age at all.”
“Me neither.” It felt nice to talk about this with Kalinka. Roll had never really been able to talk to anyone like this. “... Do you wanna-”
“Do you wanna be friends?!” Kalinka shouted a little too loud before she caught herself and started awkwardly twirling her hair. “I- I mean, if you want to…”
“Yes!” Roll agreed with no hesitation. “I would love to!”
Kalinka smiled widely at her. The two girls had only known each other for a short time, but something about them just seemed to click.
And it was at this moment that they were interrupted by a knock on Roll’s door. “Come in?” Roll said hesitantly. And when the door opened she frowned at the person she saw. Kalinka on the other hand seemed happy to see him. “Proto Man!” Even if Kalinka seemed to be on good terms with him, Roll still couldn’t get a read on this guy. What was his deal? Why did he act like an enemy sometimes and help them other times, but never stay long enough to explain what his problem is? To his credit, Proto Man seemed to sense the hostility. “Your uh… father wants to speak to you.”
“Mine or hers?” Roll asked, venom in her voice.
The roboticists’ and their daughters gathered in the living room. Proto Man walked in with them, but had since beamed away while nobody was looking. He felt awkward about the whole situation, and probably wanted to avoid confronting Roll about it. Kalinka wished he had at least waited long enough for her to say goodbye. Her injuries were minimal, but Mikhail was a lot worse for wear. His whole back was bandaged up and his arm was in a cast. Nonetheless, he looked a little happier seeing his daughter again. “Kalinka! Are you okay, my dear?”
Kalinka looked worried at her father’s appearance, but forced a smile. “I’m fine, Father. In fact, I should be good to go back to school really soon.”
Mikhail winced. “About that… I’m not letting you go back to that school. The faculty should be ashamed at what they let happen on their watch, I need to enroll you somewhere that I can be sure won’t let that happen ever again.
Kalinka looked surprised, but not necessarily disappointed. “Oh… okay, that’s fine. I didn’t really fit in at that school anyways…”
Mikhail gently rubbed his thumb on his daughter’s face. “Don’t worry, my princess. They didn’t appreciate you there, but I’m sure you’ll do great at Pajitnov Academy.”
Kalinka’s face lit up at this. Today has really been a rollercoaster of emotions for her. “Pajitnov Academy? The school with the best robotics program in all of Russia?!”
“And the lowest kidnapping rate! It’s difficult to get in, but I’m sure I could pull some strings after I explain our… situation.”
“Oh Father, you’re the best!” She went straight to hug her father, causing him to wince more. “Ow, ow, not so tight!” She released him and chuckled nervously. “Hehe, sorry…”
As she thought about this, Kalinka’s face fell for a second. “But if I go to that school, I’m gonna have to spend a lot less time at the Citadel…”
Mikhail sighed. “That’s fine, sweetie. I’ve had time to think about it, and I think it’s time we stopped shutting ourselves away from the world in that fortress. If I hadn’t been so reclusive, perhaps people would’ve figured out something was wrong much sooner… And besides, the Citadel is in a bit of… disarray lately. With Dust Man out of commission, it’s going to take months to clean out everything Wily did to it…”
And with that sentence it was like a switch had flipped in Roll’s head. Mostly because a switch did flip in Roll’s head: the switch that told her it’s time to fulfill her purpose. She raised her hand proudly and shouted out “I could help with that!”
Everyone turned to look at Roll, who had been silent this whole time. Dr. Light was the first to respond. “R- Roll? Are you sure…?”
“Dad, cleaning is literally my thing, I was built for this job! If I can’t keep a house tidy, then you might as well recycle me for scrap metal.”
That thought didn’t exactly make Thomas feel very good. “I- It’s a very big house, dear…”
But Roll was more determined than ever. “So we’ll get some of the mechaniloids to help, it’ll be fine! And…” She turned to the Cossacks, and made eye contact with Kalinka. She was making those puppy dog eyes. “... I want to help make up for all the trouble we caused. This is what friends do, right? Help each other.” Kalinka smiled at the word “friend”.
Dr. Light was still hesitant, but took a deep breath and smiled warmly. He laid a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “You’re right. You have a good heart, Roll. You and your brother are cut from the same cloth, after all. Would that be alright with you, Mikhail?”
Mikhail shared a look with his daughter, who nodded enthusiastically. “Of course, Thomas. Thank you for your kindness, Miss Light.”
Dr. Light laughed heartily. “Perfect! I’ll have some arrangements to make, but I’ll make sure you’re perfectly prepared for your first big mission.”
Roll was giddy with excitement that she was able to help out. “Thank you so much! I won’t let you all down!”
Technically speaking, the official name for Dr. Light’s breed of hyper intelligent robots was “Numbers”, but market research found that “Robot Master” ended up being much more appealing and cooler to the average consumer. The only issue with the title is most people weren’t quite sure what it meant.
Some say it’s because they were masters at their main skill. This certainly applied to Roll, if there was anyone on Earth who could clean a room better than her, she hadn’t met them yet. Some of the Wily bots would tell you that they’re called such because they will be the masters of the new world once humanity dies out. Roll didn’t like that one as much, she didn’t mind humanity and running the new world sounded exhausting. And some would say the name just sounds really freaking cool, which Roll could not deny.
But one other distinct possibility is it refers to their ability to take command of armies of lesser robots. This was not a feature Roll had used much before, it was mostly something Wily’s rogue robots did, but today was different. Today, a few weeks after the fourth Wily incident, there was a job that needed to be done. A job she couldn’t do alone.
Roll stood in front of a crowd of worker robots, putting on a stoic face and stomping around like a drill sergeant, holding her broom as seriously as a 9-year-old girl could.
“Alright, mechaniloids. We’ve got a job to do. Wily’s forces outfitted this citadel with lots of tricks and traps. But we’re not going to rest until this palace is safe and spotless , do you hear me?” She punctuated her last line by getting right in a Metool’s face. It nervously nodded.
“Good. Now you all have your tasks. The Foojeens are going to help me scrub all the floors. Pointans, plug up all the pitfalls. Bunby Catchers are in charge of spike disposal. And the Met Corps will do… whatever it is you do, construction or something?” A Pickelman shrugged at this.
“Now I don’t wanna see any funny business or loafing around, okay? The Cossacks are counting on us to fix up their home, and we are going to do it right! Let’s show them what Light robots can do!” Roll dramatically swung her broom and accidentally exploded a different Met, to which she backed away in shock. “Oh crap, I didn’t mean to… you guys don’t feel pain, right?” The crowd of robots shook their heads, or whatever they had that resembled heads. “Okay, that’s probably fine then. Now… Light bots, ROLL OUT!”
The robots got to work right away renovating this makeshift death trap into the home that it was meant to be. Roll was more focused than ever on making sure every inch of the floors were squeaky clean. To most people, this would be a daunting and boring task. But Roll was not most people. She was made for this, and she took it as seriously as Mega Man took fighting Wily’s forces, and enjoyed it a heck of a lot more. Her broom was her weapon, and the dust and grime in every crevice was her enemy. She was in her element, in the zone even, and nothing felt more exhilarating. And besides… she’s doing this for her friend. And that made her feel even happier.
“Alright, we’re almost here…” Roll led the Cossacks into their home with their eyes closed. Their injuries were healed by now, but Roll insisted they wait to see the results of her efforts. “Aaaaand open!”
They opened their eyes, and they almost couldn’t believe them. The old castle looked cleaner than it had in years. Kalinka looked on in awe, every hallway and corridor was shining like a diamond, the ballroom in particular looked gorgeous. “Wow! It’s beautiful!” Kalinka flapped her hands in excitement. “You did such a great job, Roll! Thank you so much!!!”
Roll wiped some coolant off of her forehead. “Eh, it was nothing.”
Mikhail’s reaction was more subdued, but he was similarly impressed. “Certainly not nothing. The old place looks good as new, you even took care of some of the mold we’ve been trying to scrub out for a long time.” He smirked. “I would expect nothing less from Thomas’s pride and joy.”
“Aw, shucks…” She didn’t feel like she fully deserved such praise. If anyone was her dad’s pride and joy, she knew who it was, and it wasn’t quite her… but she appreciated the compliment. “I’m just happy to help after everything.” She watched happily as Kalinka sprinted around the wide open space, gawking at every sparkling corner of the room. She had such a big smile on her face. Roll was glad she was able to make her smile. In that moment, she felt like she would do anything to see that smile on her face forever.
As she was lost in thought, Roll was taken by surprise when Kalinka ran up to her and grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s go see the roof!” Before her systems were able to process what was going on, Kalinka was pulling her along through the system of lifts and ladders that led to the upper level of their castle.
Eventually, the two girls had finally gotten to the upper level of the castle, and rested just on the edge of a floating platform, overlooking the snowy countryside below. Roll hadn’t paid close attention to it when she was working, but now it was her turn to be in awe. “Wow. It’s a really beautiful view up here. You’re lucky to live in a place like this.”
Kalinka grinned proudly. “I know, right? When I was really little, I told Father I wanted to live in a castle. So he made his robots build this for us. Just to make me feel like a princess.”
“He must really love you a lot.”
“He does! He’s always doing things to make me happy. Even… all of that from before.” She rubbed her arm nervously. “He did that to protect me… He wouldn’t have done all that if he didn’t love me a lot.”
Kalinka made a face, but Roll couldn’t tell what it meant exactly. “So, now that you have your home back, what are you going to do?”
Kalinka pushed some hair out of her eyes. “Well, I’m starting off at a new school really soon. You know how that is.”
“Psh, of course I do!” She did not. Roll had been homeschooled by Dr. Light her entire life, she had no experience whatsoever with real schools. But she had watched Rival School Musical and she was pretty sure that was about the same thing. “Are you nervous?”
“A little bit. But I have a good feeling about this. There will be a lot more kids that are into the same things I am. Robotics is just scratching the surface, I’m also gonna be taking some piano and dance classes, that’s going to be really cool!”
“Well that’s awesome! I hope you have a wonderful time.” Roll was happy for Kalinka, but it felt bittersweet. Kalinka was the first real friend she had ever made, and now it’s going to be a long time until they could see each other again.
Almost as if she read her mind, Kalinka continued on. “But don’t worry, we’ll still be able to talk and stuff! I’ve got a really good cell phone, I can give you my number, and my e-mail, and my dorm address when I figure that out! I’ll make sure you won’t forget about me!” She playfully elbowed the robot girl, which made her smile. “And I have summers off, I can come visit then!”
Roll liked the sound of that. “That sounds great-” Kalinka cut her off by pulling her new friend into a tight hug. “I’ll be back next year, okay?”
Roll was surprised, but hugged back. “Thanks, Kalinka. Don’t keep me waiting.”
Roll stayed for dinner that night, and they had a nice conversation, but before long, it was time for Roll to say goodbye to her new best friend. She felt a weird pain in her chest area, almost the same as whenever Mega Man leaves for a mission, but slightly different in a way she couldn’t place. But she knew it wouldn’t be long before she saw Kalinka again.
20XX will pass. But 20XX will be here before you know it.
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God, robot dreams was such a good movie. An absolutely beautiful film. God damn I fucking loved it.
I think it’s a metaphor for moving on from a relationship. Not necessarily romantic but the romance is also there.
The two main characters “break up” because of circumstance. One gets sick, and they are separated by time. They’re no longer able to spend time together.
But they keep thinking about each other. After their break up, dog goes a little wild and does something illegal. Robot lingers on the different scenarios that could happen. Maybe he (and I’m using male pronouns, though idk if the robot is actually male) gets ignored when he tries to visit, or he gets replaced by someone exactly like him. Your ex breaks up with you and then you seem him (once again, idk if dog is male) with someone exactly like you.
Though, robot moves on from those two. Moved onto a story about himself. And dog is still there. In the abstract. But he dances with flowers.
But they both move on and get changed. Dog starts trying to find other relationships. He does stuff he’s not good at, or find people to help with new things. Sure the people he met there move on, but so is he. And Robot gets hurt. Loses a part of himself. Is taken apart and destroyed. But then he meets someone new, who helps rebuild him. Who helps him turn into a version of himself he didn’t know he could be.
But dog hasn’t moved on. Not completely. He’s waited and now he’s ready to be in the relationship. And he expects that robot will be there, because dog was told that’s when robot would be available.
But Robot has moved on. Not by any choice of his own, but because life is like that sometimes.
And Dog keeps searching. Holding onto the photos. Holding onto the pieces of a person they leave behind being in your life. Until he realizes it’s a fool’s errand. He has no leads. He has no avenues to contact this person. It was time for him to find a new friend.
But they see each other. By complete coincidence, but they do. And Robot can’t help but dream of them being together. Of him rushing down to see his ex. But then what? They hug… but what comes after the big moment in a romance? What after that.
So instead, he play their song. And Dog hears it. And so they dance. They dance as if they are together. Because they are! For that one moment, they are connected by their past. Even though they have changed, they are still the same. And the pieces that meld together still meld, even if they aren’t together right now.
But Robot can’t fully commit. He won’t. He’s moved on, and he’s still afraid to see his ex. They didn’t end on bad terms. They ended because they couldn’t move together. Couldn’t move in the same direction. But it still hurts, and robot has someone else he holds hands with. So he hides. And lets dog wonder. Because that’s an ending he can be happy with.
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ro994art · 3 months
Minireviews of the Bluey Minisodes
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Hello everyone! Here's another one of those rare text posts from me.
As most of you may know, I'm a Bluey fan. And as all Bluey fans know, today a new batch of Bluey shorts premiered on Disney+, also known as Minisodes (or previously "Bonus Bits").
And while most fans had likely already watched these minisodes, given how they came out nearly a month before in Australia, I myself chose to wait until they were available on Disney+ to watch them, in order to save myself the hassle of looking for them online. Call me lazy if you want, but I often find it trickier than it sounds like. 😅 Especially considering how quickly those tend to get taken down.
But I digress. I was going to do this on Twitter originally, but I thought it'd be more fun and easier to express myself without a character limit here. So, since no one asked for my opinion, I'm going to give it anyways! xD
⚠️ Spoilers ahead, of course.
Here are my brief(-ish) thoughts on each of the new 7 shorts that were released.
🍔 Burger Dog
I have a soft spot for any Bluey short or episode that shows the characters dancing, particularly if they showcase new dancesteps that hadn't been shown before and that isn't flossing. I just find it really adorable and well-animated, so I enjoyed this one.
Maybe this is coming from the perspective of a non-parent, and if I ever have kids I'll have a totally different opinion, but I personally didn't find the song THAT annoying xD At least not for a first time listening to it. If it were the 15th time they'd had it on, I'd understand Bandit's position, but if it really was the first time he heard it, I would've at least let Bluey and Bingo finish the song if I were him. But again, that's just me, and it's not like what Bandit did was anything too terrible, nor am I mad at him for it. Just giving my opinion here. 😅
Oh, and the ending made me chuckle. Clever girl, Bingo. 😉😂
🤖 Bingo 3000
Not really much to say about this one, other than it was cute xD It reminded me a lot of "Daddy Robot", but with the roles reversed. Honestly, the final scene of Chili calling Bingo 3000 with her arriving super slowly because her legs are still stuck and Bandit's all "Don't get me started" was my favorite part. 😝 Overall, it was fine.
🚚 Muffin Unboxing
DEFINITELY my favorite out of this batch xD Muffin may not be my favorite character, but she is definitely the most entertaining one, and I always love seeing her show up because you just KNOW some hilarious chaos is about to ensue. 🤣
What can I say? This minisode was classic Muffin from beginning to end. Her having a toy review channel just makes too much sense and I never knew I needed it until now xD Something else I loved about this one was seeing Stripe's poor video editing skills once again, with him leaving in parts of the recording that were definitely meant to remain on the cutting floor. 😂 Very "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound," which is amongst my favorite episodes, so you know I loved seeing it.
And of course, I can't stop mentioning and appreciating Socks, my favorite, getting a cute little cameo at the end, and getting at least one line! AAAH! She's always so cute, I love Rock-Socks, you do you babygirl :'3 (And the ending was hilarious of course xD Again, classic Muffin)
I want to petition Ludo Studio to make a "Muffin's Toys" shorts series where we see Muffin parodying various types of YouTube Kids videos. Like, imagine Muffin doing challenges or a DIY? I feel like we need that. At least I do. 😜
📄 Letter
I liked this one quite a lot as well. Always love seeing tidbits of the parents' childhoods. And even though this wasn't on the same levels as "Fairytale" or "Dragon" when it comes to flashbacks or revelations, it was still pretty sweet to watch.
Little Bandit's spellings made me chuckle xD I also weirdly like how it was revealed that he used to have a bird, mostly because it reminded me of a few pet birds my grandma had when I was little. I got a bit worried that Chris was going to get sad or offended about Bandit's comment on her cooking, but glad she took it with humor. 😜
I know Bandit never really liked his artstyle, but honestly, I find it kind of charming and cute. And pretty good for a five-year-old. 😉
🍴 Hungry
Another one that was just okay for me, personally. I mean, Bandit playing like this with the girls and making them laugh is always adorable to watch. And the dad jokes were strong with this one. A lot of people are probably not going to like the gross humor, but eh, it honestly doesn't bother me.
So yeah, this was classic Bandit. I think that's all I have to say. 😅
🐷 Three Pigs
Since "Cinderella" was one of my favorites of the original batch of Bonus Bits, I had high hopes for this one. And well, I won't say that I was disappointed, because I wasn't really. I just didn't enjoy it as much as "Cinderella", mostly because this one felt a LOT more fast-paced, and I was having a hard time keeping up with Bandit's story at one point. Mmmh, is the duration of this shorter than "Cinderella"? I'll have to check it out, but I don't think it is, which makes the fact that it felt so much more fast-paced kind of interesting. 😅 Maybe he just spoke more, I guess.
It was still pretty fun. Bandit naming two pigs after the girls was cute, and sending the other one away to make things easier for himself was really funny. 😝 I wish I had his improv skills, not gonna lie. 😅 As a little side-note, I'm a bit surprised Disney didn't change or omit the "It's against my religion" line.
But yeah. Didn't like it as much as I would've liked, but still a good time.
🍃 Animals
I think this might be my second favorite out of these new shorts. Keep in mind that I was raised by a single mother, so as much as I love Bandit, I'm always going to have a soft spot for episodes that focus on Chilli hanging out with the girls in some way. 🥹
I don't know, I just found the game really cute for some reason. 🧡 It's so simple, and pretty much just an excuse to tickle Bingo in different ways, but I like how creative they got for each animal's walk. And from a character design standpoint, it made a lot of sense to make Bingo's back a "field". Like, for some reason, that made me chuckle, I don't know xD These dogs are so cubical, it felt logical, LOL.
Chilli's games have always been lot more, well, chill than Bandit's xD But I've always been a calm kid, and once again, they remind me of things my own mom and I used to play, so they resonate with me. Despite the surprising ending, this minisode was just very sweet. 😊
Final thoughts:
Even though there wasn't really anything that extraordinary about these minisodes, one must keep in mind that they're not really meant to be compared to the regular Bluey episodes, which themselves have set a pretty high standard. These are just bite-sized, mostly slice-of-life little adventures to keep us interested in these characters in-between seasons. I've always been a lover of simple slice-of-life stories when characters I love are involved, and I love these characters a great deal, so I'll always like seeing them in any capacity, especially in official productions.
I do wish we could get a few shorts of other secondary characters such as Bluey's school friends, Bingo's school friends, the neighbors, or even Rad and Frisky. But I do think more of these are coming, especially considering that some of the stills that have been released as promos (such as Chilli measuring the girls or them arriving at Nana's house and Grandpa Bob being there) didn't appear in any of these. So I have no doubt we'll be getting more minisode batches soon, and hopefully, other characters will make appearances similarly to how they did in the first Bonus Bits.
Any Bluey content is always a win for me, so I'm happy we got these. 💙
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hannahwatcheshorror · 18 days
M3GAN (2022)
😿Dog Dies 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️(💁‍♀️) Strong Female Lead(s)
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When this movie first came out I wasn’t very interested because “Annabelle” was lackluster, but then I heard “M3GAN” was good and by GOD I was not let down (Also this is not like “Annabelle,” it has a doll but that is about all the comparison that you can make). A thoughtful and thorough sci-fi robo-horror which is set in the not-so-distant future (if it isn’t already happening and I’m just not rich enough to know about it). Some good camp included with M3GAN herself galloping through the woods and dancing down the halls but also some good scares too. Well rounded film, would watch again and recommend.
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The only questionable thing happens right away and it’s that those little tinkering nerds were able to sneak making this high tech robot for thousands of dollars without their boss knowing. I absolutely call shenanigans. I'll believe that the boss wasn’t paying attention to them, sure, but I’ll bet he had his eyes on the money they were spending. That aside, M3GAN is made as a toy for children, which, I mean, an expensive robot doll like that is going to be made for adults for either two reasons, war or sex (or both!), but THAT aside... M3GAN is a toy just for kids and she is going to protect Cady, who is the niece of one of the nerds (Gemma).
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The tinkering nerds built M3GAN to learn and keep learning (apparently one of the things she learned is how to turn herself on again after being turned off, damn girl) so she can best care for Cady but this starts to take a dark turn when Gemma is a little to vague in her commands. It's almost like the doll was waiting for an opportunity to push the boundaries because it only takes a boy pressing a chestnut prickly casing into Cady's hand for M3GAN to go completely feral. I'm talking down on all fours, horse galloping sound effects (I chortled)... She might have overreacted by pulling his ear and showing him exactly how Cady’s parents died…
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It is important to note the neighbor and her dog that inexplicably went missing after the dog bit Cady. The neighbor reported that the doll would stare out the window at them at 3am but I’m sure M3GAN had nothing to do with it (she had something to do with it). Finally we get to the unveiling where everyone is totally on board with this doll and no one wants it for the other two things Americans love so it’s still going to be a toy for kids but M3GAN is feeling more like a WMD at the moment. She hacked the system and some people then escaped back to Cady but Cady didn’t want her murderer ass anymore.
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Now, when Cady turned on M3GAN, M3GAN snapped, ignored her programming, called Cady ungrateful, and was MAD. M3GAN tried to kill the one she had previously “loved” and was previously going to protect because Cady tried to kill HER. That felt so realistic, because M3GAN wouldn’t have human empathy in the end for Cady, she would just be looking out for herself, she is a robot. I really appreciated that they didn’t make her still love Cady.
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Finally we have their universe's smart home pod light up at the end and it feels right because M3GAN had already been messing with the smart house setup throughout the movie so of COURSE she is still in the Cloud! Really a great movie and a lot of fun to watch, hope 2.0 builds off of this momentum!
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blood-injections · 1 year
So I recently saw the fucking Robot dogs dancing video and. i hate them they kinda scare me but also I’m in love with them and I’ve once again formed an emotional attachment to them like I did a couple years ago. Anyway. The Fab Four would so get one of these. Like imagine them having some stray channels from bat city and they see that as like an ad for the robots or something to make the public like them more because in bat city they act as like security and surveillance and are actually scary. But they see that as like a commercial and Fun Ghoul immediately gasps and watches it through before turning to Jet with wide open eyes, pupils blown, and asks in a high pitched voice of awe, “can we get one?” And his puppy eyes sure are effective but not enough because none of the others want one. Poisons wary of them and doesn’t like them and Kobra absolutely despises the idea and hates them so much and Jet doesn’t have a particularly strong opinion like if Kobra and poison also wanted one she’d probably agree to get one but ghouls the only one so the Fab Four don’t get one. But one day there’s like one in the desert doing whatever idk creepy bli surveillance shit and it probably has like gun mounted on its back but maybe not maybe just a little laser idk. But the Fab Four spot it and ghoul of curse is like CAN I KEEP IT PLEAS PLEASE I CAN REPROGRAM IT WE CAN USE IT PLEASE na d poisons like well if you can reprogram it I gueeeeess it would be helpful and Jet agrees with that and Kobra is like absolutely the fuck not but ghouls already like running for it. And surprise they keep it ghoul reprograms it so its theirs and does tricks and shit and they totally mount like a machine gun on its back and Kobra hates it so much but after a week is like. Emotionally attached to it too he’s one of those dads you see in memes and stuff that’s like. “My dad said no to getting a cat/dog but now they’re inseparable” and it sleeps on their chest and stuff and they go everywhere together and Kobra’s one of them. He takes it everywhere with him and is always within like three feet of it in the diner playing with it and stuff. They name it something dumb too like they just call it dog or something. Or rob for robot.
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Dancing with Dieter at Dusk
With all the new videos of Pedro out, I thought to get this story out earlier than usual!
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 680
Summary: Dieter teaches you how to dance
Warnings: Dieter being adorable, a few saucy jokes
Check out masterlist here
The hum of music gently swaying into the room like a fog meant only one thing: Dieter was in a dancing mood. Normally you were happy to leave him to it while you occupied yourself with your own thing but tonight was different.
“Would you care to dance honey cakes?”
You looked up from your book, “No thanks, I don’t dance.”
“What d’ya mean you don’t dance?”
“I just don’t.”
“Don’t? Or can’t?”
“I’m a terrible dancer,” you wanted to curl back into the couch.
“Did someone once tell you that you are and now it put you off forever?”
That look came across your face, one that had all the dark shadows of your romantic past. Dieter recognised this. “Fuck that shithead. Is he a dancing expert?”
“Then his word means nothing but stupid.” He sat down on the couch next to you and put his head on your shoulder, “I could teach you?”
“I don’t know, I’m clumsy and uncoordinated.”
“Nonsense. I know how those hips can move and you have great rhythm with me.”
That got a playful smile from your face while he chuckled, “If you can teach me to cook, I can teach you how to dance.”
“You have that much faith in me?”
He looked at you with the sincerest puppy dog eyes he could muster and nodded.
“Fine,” you sighed.
He gleefully pulled your reluctant butt off the couch and stood you next to him.
“Now just follow what I do okay?” you nodded and followed his movements way to seriously.
“You put your right foot out like that, then put it back, put it out again. And now you shake your foot around. We turn around and we just did the Hokey Pokey!”
Giggles burst out of you and you almost fell into Dieter who was laughing just as hard.
“Okay, okay. I’ll be serious this time,” you both gave out one last snort of laughter before the serious lesson could continue.
“Follow me” he said, in his serious teacher mode, “Bring your right foot back a little, now step to the side with your left and then follow with your right foot. Now bring your left foot back a little, step to the side with your right and let your left foot follow.”
“Like this?”
“Yup, you’re doing good. Let’s try that a few more times.”
You copied his footwork very closely, looking too closely at your feet.
“Alright, time to mix it up,” Dieter stood in front of you, putting his arm around your waist and holding your right hand. “Just do what you’ve been doing, and I’ll follow.”
“What if I step on your feet?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Forget whatever that shithead told you. Also breathe.”
You didn’t realise you stopped. He nodded and you took a step back. It all seemed to be going well so far.
“You’re looking at your feet too much.”
“How am I supposed to know where they go?”
“You just do.”
“How do you get good at your makeup stuff?”
“So we just have to practice.”
He started moving away from the learned lesson which naturally sent you into a panic.
“What are you doing?”
“Waltzing around with a beautiful woman. Do you feel like a princess?”
“Not really-what are you doing now?”
“I’m going to twirl you,” it felt extremely awkward being twirled around.
“What are you doing now?”
“I’m going to dip you. You really need to relax a bit.”
You felt clumsy as he dipped you then slowly brought you back up to face him where he kissed you lovingly.
“How was that?”
“Honestly, I felt like a robot.”
“You were fine,” he rubbed your shoulders in comfort, “You were fine and you can take that from an expert.”
You rested your head on his chest, “I’m exhausted now.”
“I hope you don’t mind doing this every night until you’re not exhausted.”
“Won’t that cut into your other favourite activity?”
That gave him pause for thought, “Oh, I didn’t think about that. Can we alternate nights?”
Tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn
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djmossback · 1 year
Spacebar 17 June 2023
2100 hrs
Dazz Band, Let It Whip (7" Motown)
Patrice Rushen, Forget Me Nots (7" Elektra)
Naked Eyes, Promises Promises (7" Manhattan)
David Bowie, Let’s Dance (12” long mix)
Sylvester, Do You Wanna Funk (12" 45 rpm long cut)
Ace, How Long (7")
Queen, Crazy Little Thing Called Love (7" Elektra)
Wham, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (7" UK cut)
Go-Go’s, We Got The Beat (7" Stiff Records)
Wang Chung, Dance Hall Days (LP cut)
Link Wray, Rumble (LP cut, Rhino Instrumental Rock v/a)
Bush Tetras, Too Many Creeps (7" 99 records)
Dry Cleaning, Scratchcard Lanyard (7" 4AD)
Wire, Ahead (12" Enigma)
Heatwave, The Groove Line (7" Epic Records)
2200 hrs
Pet Shop Boys, West End Girls (12" extended mix, Manhattan Records)
Cheryl Lynn, Got To Be Real (7" Columbia)
Tears For Fears, Change (7" Polygram import)
DEVO, Whip It (7" Warners)
Amii Stewart, Knock On Wood (12" Ariola)
ZZ Top, Sleeping Bag (12" 45rpm extended mix)
Vince Staples, Big Fish (LP cut)
Abyssinians, Declaration Of Rights (LP cut)
Nazareth, Hair Of The Dog (LP cut)
Cramps, What’s Inside A Girl (12" 45rpm cut)
Nelly, Hott In Herre (12" cut)
Janet Jackson, What Have You Done For Me Lately (12" extended mix)
Kylie Minogue, Can’t Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head (12" promo)
Apollonia 6, Sex Shooter (12" 45 RPM cut Paisley Park/wea)
2300 hrs
Positive K, I Gotta Man (12" cut)
Taste Of Honey, Rescue Me (LP cut)
G.Q., Boogie Oogie Oogie (7" Arista)
Thundercat, Them Changes (LP cut, 45RPM 10")
Kendrick Lamar, YAH (LP cut, faded early, due to.....)
Treasure Valley Roller Derby interruption.
Herbie Hancock, Chameleon (LP cut)
Toto, Hold The Line (LP cut)
Thin Lizzy, Boys Are Back In Town (LP cut)
Michael Jackson, Workin’ Day and Night (7" Epic Records)
Confidence Man, First Class Bitch (12" mix)
TLC, No Scrubs (12" mix w/rap)
Mary Jane Girls, In My House (7" Motown)
Cyndi Lauper, Girls Just Want To Have Fun (7" mix)
Carla & Otis, Tramp (7" Stax)
S.O.S Band, Take Your Time (Do It Right) (7" mix)
Kim Wilde, Kids In America (7" )
Soho, Hippychick (12" extended mix, WEA/Sire)
Sleaford Mods, Nudge It (LP Cut)
Laid Back, White Horse (12" 45RPM extended cut)
Killing Joke, Follow The Leader (LP Cut)
Gap Band, You Dropped a Bomb On Me (LP Cut)
Wreckz-n-Effect, Rump Shaker (12" extended cut)
Cypress Hill, How I Could Just Kill A Man (12" mix, some German ep)
Nena, 99 Luftballoons (7" GMBH SCHALLPLATTEN)
Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark, Souvenir (7" Dindisc ep)
ESG, You’re No Good (7" Factory/99 Records FAC 34)
PJ Harvey, Down By The River (7" Island UK, 33rpm)
Junior Murvin, Police & Thief (7" Upsetter Records)
The Orb, Little Fluffy Clouds (12" extended mix)
Wire, Go Ahead (7" Harvest Records, B-side of Map Ref)
Sun Atoms, Half Robot, Half Butterfly
Finished about 0125
I was ridiculously uninspired going in. Did my best. Had the added wrinkle of the roller derby afterparty, so I played to them a bit.
My dreams of reordering my crates were wrecked by my surprise, early this week, that it was indeed Third Space Saturday week.
I had a chill set for 1-2am foundered by a drunk* that broke my concentration. Plus, I ran out of records. I don't have a problem with people coming up and saying something, like the person who came up during the ZZ Top record, and asked what mix it was! And having the Treasure Valley Roller Derby after season party in the Space was a blast! It would have been nice to know that beforehand, so I could have loaded up on some sassy and aggresive women for the mix! I apologize. They were a great crowd. They did their thing, had a good time, and I enjoyed playing to them.
Elusive Panda Buck Dave from the Dedicated Servers dropped by and said hello, so did the Real Rah-Keem.
Jules came up and requested "weird shit," like that Clipping jam that I throw in the regular set. So, I’m envisioning the 1-2 am bonus as a set for those of us who work there.
We turned the volume down, and I threw on some down tempo tracks. It's something I want to explore further.
*That drunk doesn’t know how close he came to getting destroyed by my brother in law Jeff. Seriously. He just kept pushing the nonsense, and it totally broke me. Asking me questions about the Mariners gear, and distracting me with questions about Seattle sports, and saying off the wall things like "93rd and Aurora." without elaborating on it. Jeff stepped in to wing man for me, and endured the nonsense. Like I have done many times for DJ IGA back when he occupied the booth. Jeff knows how to hang without demanding to be entertained by a person AT THEIR JOB WHO IS TRYING TO CONCENTRATE!! Well, whatever. I'm going to have to work hard to overcome things like that. Part of the gig.
Next Third Space is 15 July, 2023. I swear I will have some different jams next time.
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umjamlam · 2 years
since i cant shut up, here's some of my headcanons for my blorbos. also songs that remind me of them :3
abed: bisexual, he/they, dating troy. uses his lava lamp as a visual stim. owns so many tangles and picks each one depending on mood and vibes, likes to pick out a matching tangle for the movie they're watching. maybe might have a service kink 🧍
troy: gay, he/him, dating abed. has a kangaroo plushie named kickpuncher which he sleeps with every night. cries at the end of tangled because its just such a happy ending. used to play drums when he was younger.
annie: lesbian, she/her, dating claire. loves knitting and uses it as a way to relax, she gives away her finished products to the study group. also taught troy and abed to knit. her favorite animal is giant isopods.
britta: bisexual, she/they/he, dating frankie. has a small knitting group with annie, troy and abed where they get together and just knit while listening to music or watching some light hearted romcom. plays the bass in an all female punk band.
jeff: bisexual, he/him, dating craig. takes craig to ballroom dancing classes every other week and they always dress up so they're the fanciest bitches there. didn't realise he was in love with craig until season 6 (oblivious little guy). has bad days where he can barely get out of bed, before he and craig got together abed was usually the one to help him on those days.
craig: queer, any pronouns, dating jeff. worships the ground jeff walks on but is also there for him on his bad days.
frankie: queer, transfem, she/they, dating britta. they have 2 cats together. LOVES making lists and also excel sheets. makes lists of everything ranging from to-do lists to every single book she has ever read to all the lists she has ever written [she's just like me frfr]. usually reads at least 1 entire book every week, on top of the fact that they keep greendale alive. has all her books neatly organised in her bookshelf and finds it endearing whenever britta sneaks one of their own books in there. wanted to be an author when they grew up but preferred writing about mundane things instead of action and adventure so she realised they would never really be able to be one, still writes in her free time though.
ian duncan: bisexual, he/him, dating/hate-fucking/in love with chang. [thats all i got for him rn, he just like me tho]
mythic quest
brad: gay, he/him, dating and/or has a crush on david ♡ [i have so many hcs about brad but they're all so negative im so sorry but he's my broken little blorbo ok]. he owns a little huey plushie that he has on his nightstand so he doesn't need to sleep alone. pulls his hair when stressed or anxious. plays the sims and always try to manipulate the other sims to betray their loved ones. thinks david is cute when trying to be tough (wolf).
david: bisexual, he/they, dating and/or has a crush on brad. also has a huey plushie because it reminds them of brad, he might maybe be cuddling it in his sleep. gets really bad insomnia when stressed. plays the guitar and has tried on more than one occasion to serenade brad. has a tiktok where he does trends and they get a lot of views so they think they're popular but actually everyone's laughing at him :( (brad thinks the vids are cute though, but he'll never admit it)
poppy: aroace, she/they. autistic and has code (and video games) as her special interest. ice cream sandwiches are their safe food. came to america just to take ian's class.
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undercaine · 11 months
10 – Le Moulin Rouge
A bit of smoke evaporates in front of me. A gentle little spectre that wiggles a swift dance, in an attempt to clear the minds. Does it come from the coffee? Does it come from the cigarette? Both, most likely. People walk by, in front of us. Some are in a hurry, chasing time to never confront it. Some are slower than a snail, wondering if clouds stop or not. I do wonder as well, whether they really move or not, what do you think? The florist from across the street is arranging a bouquet of flowers, roses. She is young, probably not even an adult, but she is very diligently involved in her task, marrying colours subtly. An old lady, around the same age as us, with her little dog, surprisingly silent and well-behaved, stops to get a deep sniff out of her shop. It is not spring yet, but I guess she wanted to get ahead of us a bit. I have to admit it is a bit cold, as always, you took your coat and I should have done so too. “Do you want to go for a stroll?” I would love walk, finding every bit of intimacy in those narrow streets, like we used to. I am old now however, and it has become difficult to move those shaky legs. The sun is slowly setting and our cups are empty, it is in that right moment I turn my head to you. So many years have passed by now, I do not even know what year it is (my fatigued brain), and yet, oh yet, you still have that sparkle in your eyes. Something that echoes, that reverbs even the most hidden fishes in an infinite pond. While all those youngsters chase, endlessly, after all those things, that in turn, run away from them, it never interested me, you know? My own hourglass stopped when I found those petals in your soul. I have to admit, even if I am grumpy and stubborn, I did not really care about anything in my river of a life, as long as I could exist next to you. Foolish as the robots may find it, I found myself confided in you, through a flow of words that never ceased to find meaning, so, well, what more would I need? “You know, we should go for that Spaziergang, after all.” So, in the heaviest endeavour of two living artefacts, we raised our butts and went for what we want. Little distance is covered, of course, I am not yet a cyborg and you are not yet a hologram, but we do not care about that, don’t we? In neon lights, flashing faster than sound speed, it seems to me that time was put in a bottle, just for us. I grab your hand, because, well, that is what I always do. I can feel your heart pounding through the veins in your palm, so that is where I find my love. You suddenly stop and tell me: “Hey, look, that is where we met! How long has it been?” And I wonder, in my own selfishness the same way that blue swallow left the flock to be with her shy little blond angel, at heaven’s door, whether I can refuse the entrance. Yes, I’ll ask the gods what I need to do, so that I can spend all my lives with you instead. ‘seems fair, don’t you think?
“You mean, last Saturday, right?”
0 notes
ellowynthenotking · 1 year
Sep 13
Dear Dad,
We’re still in the valley but have met some exciting people!
It’s really cool here since it’s so warm and there’s food growing on everything, there’s not a lot of need for things to make food or more clothes or, understandably, anything. So most people here are covered in stuff that’s more art than clothes, and they eat when they want, sleep when they want, and create the rest of the time. There are beautiful houses, and we met Stranen, who makes nothing but windchimes that apparently only play different popular music. I don’t know any songs, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
It’s fantastic, Dad. I wish you could see how cool some of this stuff is. I guess with nothing to do, people make!
Fylin has a wall covered in terrible doodles of monsters and men in incredible feats of battle, or looked like they were awful, until the man pulled out a big handheld fan and gently shook it at the wall and all his art, and it all came to life! It was a giant sea of men and monsters to put like Lord of the Rings or other big movies to shame. It was amazing. Apparently, he’s been working on it for years, and I could have sworn that the little figures danced around on the page that he’d tacked up, but no! They were just still, but the illusion was there.
And then we met Jeron (Geron?), who's got a mad scientist thing going on and showed us some tiny robots he’s made. They’re like those dogs you can tell to bark and stuff, but they’re way more advanced and can do all kinds of things. Jeron had one of them clean our clothes while we talked about all of his “glorious inventions.”
Love, Jack.
I think that it would be cool to teach you new things. I also know it will probably be a while till I get home. I know I shouldn’t be so bent on trying to distract myself, but if nothing else helps, maybe I can distract my mind for a little bit and see if I can learn new things. Though the tiny robots are good, they're def not something I can see myself making use of in my everyday life. 
This one is def a long one, read the rest here:
0 notes
fide's fontaine experiences + opinions!
right so fontaine recently released and i figured i'd make a little compilation of all the stuff i've done!
This is a very long post, so i'll be adding a keep reading just so this isn't a massive block of text!
firstly, the actual region itself (not story related so no spoilers)
i immediately got hydro before i even started the quest bc i'm a little adventurer who doesn't do what the game tells me
i'm very excited and impressed with the region thus far, all of the areas look super pretty and i adore the underwater sections, though the combat did take me some time to get used to
i very much enjoy the fact that most of the underwater enemies require you to attack them first, really makes it fun to traverse underwater without being chased by some random hillichurl every five seconds
additionally, once again, the enemy desgin of this game is top tier, like i cannot stress this enough, genshin design is wonderful
from the land enemies, my favourite by far are the doggos, i love them so much. i was in vc with a few friends when i was exploring and we all starting gushing about the dogs. they are so cute
as someone who adores transformers, seeing such lovingly designed robots in my second favourite piece of media was such a treat, bit of a shame that i have to fight them though
i also love the environmental worldbuilding. the fact that the court of fontaine has several buildings and structures crumbling into the water really sells the idea that the water levels are rising and it is actively having an impact of the structural integrity of the city and its surrounding regions
i very much like the fact that the two robots bosses (i forgor their names), require you to ask an npc to fight them. and the fact that their fight is a dance just makes me so, apoirjapoghdpsfaog, like i love bosses like that, that have a story behind their fights, that aren't just throwing punches but fighting with such elegance. add that their robots and mwha! chefs kiss
i also find it interesting that part of the region has a massive dragon skeleton, similar to inazuma, i'm very excited to find out what happened to it
right so onto the actually story itself, i will be spoiling some majour parts of fontaine's main story quest so readers beware!
first furina. i'm iffy on her. on the one hand, the idea of an archon who is less of a god and more of a mascot for their respective ideal (in this case justice) is very interesting to me. on the other hand, god is she a little bitch. but that doesn't mean i hate her! i think her annoying personality and general lack of ability to read a room work towards establishing her as the face of fontaine, a country that defines itself by showy clothing and the performance of both the opera and the trial. i think it's very neat that hoyoverse is willing to make a character like this, particularly a female one considering many of the women in this game, as much as a i love them, have very similar personalities in terms of how they interact with both the traveller and other npcs in the game.
also i think that compared the other archons, furina seems... i don't know a bit absent. she's very showy and her people, while adoring her performances don't really hold that much respect for her. she's a performer, fitting in perfectly with the themes of her land and i find that fascinating but at the same time it makes me wish that there was more interactions between characters (and regions as a whole) between each other. none of the game's areas feel like they exist as an interconnected world. like, is fontaine's rising water levels affecting liyue and sumeru. i know that the sea is technically an inland lake so the surrounding cliffs would likely protect those regions but still, that would affect trade and business and a bunch of other stuff. just a thought
like i said earlier, i was in vc with a few friends while playing through the story quest and we were all so confused through the first act of the game. i definitely think that it's one of genshin's weaker opening story quests. i found it rather odd that we, the traveller, were selected to be lyney's lawyer. like??? the traveller does not have any qualifications to be doing this. just because they have saved several nations (mostly via combat) does not mean they have any qualifications to be defending someone in 1. a court of law, and 2. a court of law in a country we just arrived in. that was weird
i do not have much of an emotional attachment to lyney and lynette. i think they are very interesting characters but i do not care about them in the same way that i do, someone like, yanfei or venti, characters. i do find their story rather interesting though, being raised in the house of the hearth and thus being part of the fatui. i also think that the traveller has every right to be upset with them over that reveal though, especially since they are defending lyney in a court of law. that is key information that should have been provided at the beginning.
regarding childe though. i find it strange that people are saying that the traveller was being too harsh with lyney and lynette while being to peaceful with childe. from what i can recall, the traveller has somewhat reconciled with childe and has known him for quite some time in comparison to the twins, whom they met only a few days prior. personally childe is one of those characters that i think is overhyped by the fandom (like hutao) but i enjoy him quite a bit. he's a headstrong individual with a strong personality and a very loose set of morals. so i'm interested to see where his story will go in the following updates since he got put in jail lmao
also the fontainian legal system is a clown show. no not a clown show, it's an entire circus. it's so silly. the fact that so many people were clapping or shouting during the trials of lyney and marcel made my blood boil. like these are murder trials, show some goddamn respect for the victims you pricks, people have died. the blatant lack of respect from furina for both the victims and the accused, along with the fact that lyney had literally no reason to commit those murders, is one of the reasons why i tend towards disliking her more.
neuvillette. god neuvillette where do i start with you my dear. firstly, one of my friend's wants his coat so bad, she threatened to seduce him and then steal it from him so that was a joy to listen to whenever he showed up on screen. i also like his personality. he's so autistic, you can rip that headcanon out of my cold dead hands before i give it up. i actually really enjoy him, he serves as a nice character foil for furina, providing a calm to her otherwise bratty personality. very good narrative foil! i also like him just by himself. his lack of understanding towards humans and their emotions is something that i, an autistic with a trouble towards understanding their own emotions relates to heavily. also he just looks visually neat. even though he and furina are both very blue, he has a lot less stuff going on in his design. furina is very loud, lots of accessories and so much noise, but neuvillette is very quiet and sleek.
i didn't really find navia to be all that interesting to be honest. i like her story and that's nice and all but she feels forced. i do not enjoy the fact that she simply barged into the traveller's case. i would have enjoyed her simply offering to help and then have the traveller turn her down. then upon being shown the box by lyney, have navia tag along and offer some advice when paimon expressing being stuck. then let her become their partner. act II feels weird because this continues the trend of the traveller helping other people with their problems when they really shouldn't have to. i do like the idea of the traveller helping simply because they want to help, it's my personal interpretation of the game and why they help so damn much, but i do not like the fact that game basically gives you no options to say no.
if it were up to me, i would have the traveller and navia have their little lunch date and then they would go near the fountain. upon having the little hallucination the traveller would wake up and paimon and be really worried. then i think we should see navia emerge from the opera house and then the robots would have attacked. upon being caught up in the cross fire, only then would the traveller feel motivated enough to help, because now their life has been threatened and so has paimon's.
other than navia i really enjoyed all of the characters! even navia herself has a really unique design, though i do wish her upper body wasn't so cluttered design wise, her exposed shoulder's + collarbones would have worked better with a full lace shirt covering her skin rather than just bare skin. it breaks up her palette too much in my opinion.
i was a little surprised at how little a role arlecchino has played so far. like from the trailers it seemed as though she'd be front and center but i do enjoy the idea of her bailing childe out of prison and i do like the fact that she does not seem actively malevolent.
oh do i hate the legal system. like citizens of fontaine, please get a better system than an a.i. who gets to make all the decisions. you're archon is a fucking ipad baby with a god complex and should not be allowed within 20 yards of the building if her accusations thrown towards lyney having anything to say. part of me (the yanfei main part) really wants a dialogue line from by babygirl talking about how much a clown show fontaine's legal system is compared to liyue's.
the idea of the primordial sea is really neat, however, i do hope and beg and pray that we'll get an actual explanation as to why its effects only work on those born from fontaine.
i'm so happy marcel got dunked on. my friends and i were all rooting for his demise the entire time he was in the fountain
anyways i'm rambling so much rn! but i really do like fontaine so far despite my gripes with the legal system being absolute dogwater. i'm very excited for the rest of the region to be released and the continuation of the story. thank you for coming to my ted-talk!
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sea-slug-rave · 2 years
Cut lines/ scenes that I missed the most in the reboot:
“You took to long, now yo candy’s gone. BUCKOW!!”
“I liked your fairytale Puppycat. If you want we can try to figure out a nice ending.” Then the mysterious flash of the space outlaw in the window instead of just showing you earlier
Puppycat singing the birthday song “wow I didn’t think you’d actually do that 😳👀”
“It’s okay we can work with this!!”
“Your toilet’s leaking into my toilet.”
Scene where Cardemon hits Puppycat off the shelf with his hammer and while he’s falling he’s like “so.. this is how I die. What a sad life I lived. Whatever.”
The “I hate water” dance
Soon it will be cheese 😏
“If you didn’t have all these animals.. I’d murder you 😑”
Idk I liked the original scene of Puppycat walking in on Bee fixing her arm in her dad box better in the original it was more vulnerable and less “yeah you already knew I was a robot” LOVED that it showed that her box is a portal to her dad but didn’t like that that scene drowned out their conversation with the “what do you want to be when you grow up?” “I don’t know. Everything? Is that an answer? Everything.” The way she said it was just so comforting
Old man’s dog choking on Bee’s hair and her not even giving one fuck
In cardemon’s little baby 5 year old posh voice: “she’s been asleep for a long time. I read somewhere that only a prince can wake up a sleeping princess. I thought if I helped you fall in love with sticky, I’d be acting princely, and maybe my mom would wake up. *buries his wittle hair into sticky* have.. you ever been in love Puppycat?”
“The hell you say? Time to go.” Then Puppycat floating over to Pretty Patrick Lunchtime and kicking snow over those ladybugs
“My ass. My ASS! MY AAAAASSSS!!”
“Raicepe- reh- raicipee- recipe :)”
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