#loving whispers doesnt work on corpses
gummarts · 11 months
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Samarinavember day 4: healing
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blegh-110 · 1 year
Omg also just imagine flightless bird Tan taking care of Y/n when she gets sick for the first time when living with him-
He’d be so soft taking care of her (and that’d definitely be another scenario where Y/n would be weak and want snuggles from him)
omg yesss!!!
you wake up and feel that small tickle in the back of your throat which get worse throughout the day. this make your progressively more grumpy as the day goes on, but you dont voice a word of this to tangerine. you didnt want to bother him because its just a sore throat, nothing but some water cant fix. but you were very wrong.
you wake up the next day feeling like a corpse. your throat is so much worse, your nose is all clogged up and runny, your body aches, and you just want to turn over and go right back to sleep. but its the clogged up nose that starts making you tear up in frustration. there is no way you are going back to sleep when you can hardly breathe. you sit up with a groan, your limbs cracking and your throat hurting after some bad coughing.
you get up from your bed with your blanket around your shoulders and trailing behind you, slowly making your way towards tangerines office. hes always up and dressed for the day by the time you wake up, usually in his office. but when you take a peak inside, hes not there.
then you walk to the room where he sleeps. not there either.
okay, maybe hes in the kitchen or in the living room, you think trying not to panic. but then you stop in your tracks, suddenly remembering that tangerine told you last night that he would be leaving early in the morning for work and would be back around five.
at the time when he told you this, you were happy to be away from him for basically the entire day. but now... theres nothing you want more than for his strong arms to be around you and his sweet whispers. also some medicine.
a sob escapes your mouth when you realize how alone you are. an achy feeling forms in your chest, but not from your sickness, from the fact that tangerine is somewhere very far you assume, and not here to take away your pain.
you dont even go downstairs to try and look for some cold medicine, the thought of the action exhausts you. so you make your way back to where tangerine sleeps and lay in his bed, you go in there because it was the closest room with a bed you think. and not because the smell of him is comforting as you bury yourself into the sheets he sleeps in.
it takes some time, but you fall asleep, wishing that wherever tangerine is and whatever he is doing, that he'll be done soon and come back to you.
tangerine sighs heavily as he walks into his home and stares at his watch. six o'clock. a little later than he said he would be back, but hes just happy to be home with you.
after checking all of the rooms downstairs with no sign of you, he begins going upstairs.
"love!" he calls out, beginning to worry that youve managed to escape when he doesnt here you.
tangerine checks your room first, only to find nothing and the panic is rising up. he starts to check every room, aggressively shoving the doors open and checking bathroom and closets and any spot where you may be hiding. just when he comes out of one room, he sees you from his door with a sleepy, confused expression and messy hair.
you look so fucking adorable he thinks as he lets out a sigh of relief and makes his way towards you. but as he gets closer, he sees your glossy, red eyes and lips quivering.
"tangerine." you whisper, your sore throat not letting your voice go any higher, and fall into his arms when they wrap around you. he hears your sniffling and small hiccups, hes heard you cry before, but this sounds completely different.
"whats wrong? look at me." he gently lifts your chin up to get a better look of your face, and he realizes that youre sick just from that tired look in your eyes.
"dont feel good, feel gross and-and-" you dont finish, it hurts to talk.
"oh, love. when did you start feeling this way, huh?" tangerine gently says into your hair as he starts walking you back into his room. thats when he sees his bed which obviously looks like someone has slept in. although he hates to hear your stuffy nose and crying, he cant push away the feeling of happiness of you sleeping in his bed. but then hes suddenly feeling very sad again at the thought of you being miserable all day, alone.
"this morning, woke up feeling yucky" you say, then shrink down when you see tangerines eyes widen and his body stiffen.
"why didnt you tell me? you couldve called me and i wouldve been here as soon as possible."
"i'm sorry," you cry into your hands, feeling like a small child being scolded, "didnt know i could."
tangerine sighs and shakes his head, feeling very emotional about you being sick all day and not being there for you.
"no, dont apologize. im the one thats sorry." then hes taking you in his arms and sitting on the bed with you in his lap,
"i didnt mean to get mad, just sad that i wasnt here for you when i shouldve been. and i shouldve told you that you can call me anytime when im working, i never told you that did i?" you shake your head against his chest with a sniffle and silent tears still running down your face.
"oh, im sorry, (y/n)." he says again, kissing the top of your head and holding you against him just a little but tighter. you calm down after a few minutes, but the silence is ruined when you sneeze, and tangerine is reminded that you are sick. too caught up with you on his lap laying against him.
"lets get you some medicine and food."
after having to coax you to drink some of the "yucky tasting" medicine, tangerine heats up some chicken noodle soup and feeds it to you.
"ate it all, good job, darling." making you smile gently.
you take a hot shower after, making you feel even more better when the steam unclogs your nose and relaxes your aching muscles.
after putting on some pajamas, you walk to tangerines room where he sees you shyly standing at his door.
"can i, um, sleep with you tonight, please?" you ask softly while tugging at your long sleeve.
"c'mere" is all tangerine says and lifts up the blanket for you. you make your way over to him and jump into his bed right into his arms where you quickly fall asleep when his fingers gently scratch your back.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
Bing bong, I got a question.
What is Dina like in your AU?
Also, Merry Christmas!
-Bing Bong Anon
i realized i have no good footing for what i want dina to do in my AU. and so i kept putting this off. but i decided if i just talk, something will get out. so i got this.. THIS COVERS MY REWRITE OF DINA AND LAZARI!! <33
tw for cult topics, suicide mention, death, etc etc
i know i want lazari and dina's stories to intertwine.
i want them to be born into the same cult
dina is born to the leader. her birth is ceremonial and important, immediately she is treated like the second coming of christ. as she gets older, they begin to view her like a prophet of some sort - she's often referred to as a guardian angel just by existing, like her being keeps the cult intact and safe. blessings are attributed to her presence, loss is attributed to her absence.
as a result, she was kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. she wasn't allowed friends, aside from some half-siblings who were still treated as below her. constantly being praised and treated like you are some sort of celestial being . . . really messes with someone.
in turn, lazari is in the same cult, but her mother was infertile, which the cult sees as a complete failure of a woman. so her mom sought out new forms of conception, and a demonic ritual involving zalgo took place. zalgo is lazari's "father", but she is raised by her mothers husband.
for opposite reasons, lazari is kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. her mother is constantly doing rituals on her, trying to 'beat the demon' out of her daughter, as she regretted her actions the second lazari was born. she felt no love for her child. around age 7, lazaris mother does kill herself in front of her daughter. demonic tendencies begin breaking out for lazari
when dina is about 13-15, she begins sneaking out more often. it's just things like sitting on fields and talking to some random boys in the cult, something she'd NEVER be allowed by her parents.
one day, when she's out doing things she shouldnt do, she bumps into lazari. lazari is completely out of it, red eyes and black bloody oozing out of her mouth, all her veins are pure black and it looks fucking scary. and she bites dina. the next day, lazari looks normal.
dina doesnt tell anyone. she wasnt supposed to be out, she'd be in more trouble than it was worth to snitch on lazari. but shes scared, and she begins noticing changes in her own biology
her own veins darken, at night she wakes up black liquid fogging up her vision (crying a bit will get it all out), she is constantly ill, convulsing, etc. her own parents begin getting scared, and the rest of the cult begins whispering
and dina is fucking pissed. shes been given the entire world on a silver platter her entire life(aside from freedom), and lazari took it away in one bite.
after a couple months of dina's health and image deteriorating, dina is overcome with anger. she stumbles her way to lazari's little home, convincing her to go on a walk. lazari is suspicious but was raised to never deny authority, so they do.
dina guides lazari to the forest, deciding it her divine right granted by god to take lazari's life. completely convinced she is allowed to cast judgement on this 11 year old girl as punishment.
it doesnt work, very quickly they get physical - this 17 year old is trying to kill this 11 year old, but lazari is literally half demon. the second blood spills and lazaris adrenaline spikes, dina is slaughtered in the middle of the forest.
lazari tries to run away. but she is a product of zalgo, and zalgo is trapped in the forest due to slender pages decorating the perimeter. she'll stand at the edge of the forest, trying to get out, but there's some barrier that wont let her escape
and all the while, dina's corpse is being overtaken by zalgo
now lazari and dina are stuck in the same forest.
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thedeafprophet · 5 months
what about....🔒👍🚩 for jamie and the princess? >:3
🔒- Something one hopes that the other never finds out about.
Answered this one here :3
👍- An argument for them staying/getting together.
I'm not entierly sure I can answer this one. this is the entire antithesis to the relationship.
What I mean is, thats the point. They're not supposed to stay together. The relationship is unhealthy, both emotionally and physically, and it is always meant to end with Jamie eventually getting away. The story doesnt end any other way.
So instead I will say this - the moments where the relationship just almost, not quite, works. Whispered moments of gossip that only the other would understand the meaning of; a shared glance between them as someone else speaks idiotic words; the turn of a page in a book thats thouroughly enjoyed; defensive words against an arrogant attack of pride; quiet, almost gentle, touches in the silence of the night; Both understadning what it means to be lonely.
There is no timeline where this relationship ship should stay - that doesnt mean there werent moments where it almost felt like it.
🚩- What is the worst thing they’ve ever done to each other?
Where do I even start with what The Princess has done to Jamie? I feel like the repeat instances of drugging are its whole own category. The emotional manipulation? Physical harm? The threats and the coercian....
well. I figure the worst still remains the actual murder, even if the slow build up of other things evening out. Killing them with her own hands and holding possession over their corpse until they return is a whole other level of messed up - and so very on brand for her.
The worst Jamie has ever done? Nothing that wasnt deserved, or true. Jamie can read her point blank, her tells and gives laid bare - and they dont always feel the need to hold that back. Pulling out their words in full force; she is nothing but an arrogant brat playing at relationships, that she has nothing and no one, disguising it behind her little goals and games. No matter how much she searches and tries she will never understand love.
And she certainly won't find it here. She doesn't take well to having that spelt out to her.
Ask Game From Here
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Cuddling With Them While They Game PT 2
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a/n: kasjsdhakdjs pls- when i got this req i sqealed srsly i love it ty for this :p
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, crack???
Warnings: none :)
i made a part one with bakugou, kirishima, and todoroki!
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he doesnt usually play games but when he does he tries his best and its so cute🥺
feel like he has game rage, but its like him trying to smile through the pain and act like he isnt mad💀
so imagine: you walking in his dorm room, expecting him to be studying or working on his technique, but instead you find him on the floor in front of his bed, a blanket covering his head as he presses the buttons ruthelessly while he whispers little curses at himself starting to get mad
you closing the door got his attention, so he invited you to sit next to him, so you do
at first it was a little awkward bc he wasnt sharing the blanket (you cant convince me he isnt a blanket hog you cant) and his eyes were glued to the tv screen like he forgot you were there
you started to get tired, your head drooping on his shoulder- his body goes absolutely stiff- like- midoryia.exe has stopped working youre gonna have to wait for him to windows 8 reboot
once he finally looks at you and youre like this close to falling asleep he turns your body away rq to move the blanket off his shoulder so your head can rest on his actual shoulder and the blanket is around you too
he usually doesnt have his mic on at all, and if it is he usually doesnt talk unless hes going along w a joke? iykwim?
i feel like he plays games like call of duty and halo (he loves animal crossing and sucks at among us) but he doesnt like when he sees them actually die? like the gore and stuff? idk he just gives those vibes yk? i feel like hed feel really bad kaskjdshad hed get over it tho
i cant really see him play minecraft, tho, i mean unless youre playing w him, i dont think he would play it by himself unless he was like building a fucking castle for you or sum-
but ya you start to go to his room more when he games to hang out and every. single. time. you. fall. asleep. he isnt complaining tho he loves your sleeping face :p
when you sleep on him he usually wrapss an arm around you and when he can presses little butterfly kisses on the top of your head and takes his hand to rub your arm up and down oml kdajsd pls-
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he plays both computer and console i just think he plays he console a bit more?
ok this is a lil soft and maybe a bit ooc but i like if you were to come in while hes playing games you would sit down between his legs, your back to his chest while he plays
he would either rest his head on whatever is behind him or he would rest it on your shoulder (if youre more on the taller side)
and okokok i feel like if you were curious ab how the game works he would def let you play for him for a sec, he would guide yu on what the buttons do and what your tasks are yk? (again w the soft shi im sorry kasjhsdfjf *cri*)
he would keep an arm around your waist while letting you play or he would rub your thigh (maybe both kasdjshd) while he watches you play
if you get a lil frustrated he would totally tease you ab it then tell you how to do it right oml
if you get tired he would take the controller from you and let you sit back on him chest, resting on him while he games
he might turn the volume down a lil, but i also think he doesnt care that much LMFAO
i feel like he would rub your side a lil its almost tickly but hes a lil more firm than that yk?
he would keep his curses at a minimum although he doesnt have that much game rage at all bc again, he doesnt care, but ppl are stupid so he might get frustrated sometimes
once you fall asleep and hes been playing for a while he might just leave the game hes in and carry you to bed and get in with you
i dont think hes much of a cuddler at all but a little bit of contact is ok w him
but then you start to shift and scoot towards him in your sleep
until you are either completely ontop of him or your head is in the crook of his neck and hes just sitting there like 😐😤😒
but he warms up to it bc he wuvs you (read: hes fucking whipped)
ao he lazily puts an arm around you and bears it for a couple more hours
but when yall wake up he finds himself literally clinging to you KASDJHSALKDJ
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he. plays. computer. end of conversation
he got the wasd game iykwim😩 (ill shut the door on my way out)
he absolutely loves it when you come to sit on his lap while he just- he loves it sm
he plays all types of games (except overwatch. you will not catch this man playing overwatch pls-)
i feel like you wouldnt run into him playing games he would always play them once youre with him in the room
he wants you to be w him while he games, he wants you to watch him or just be there
youd be laying on his bed, hust doing whatever, scrolling on your phone while you hear him set up
you love to cuddle him- i just KNOW hes amazing at it
so when you hear him clicking away and see him sit down you stand up and walk to him
he doesnt even have t look at you before he opens himself up to you to sit on his lap
you watch him play (and his hands kasjlsdh) and sometimes you ask him questions ab it- hed be happy to walk you through it and explain
if you wanna play he'll let you play, teaching you everything ab the character and shit
he is the most patient person on earth i KNOW
he doesnt get game rage
he is literally so stoic- so calm i swear
he doesnt use his mic like at all
teasing to the max th- its cute tho he isnt being a meanie
loves playing among us and animal crossing (he def plays)
yall usually go to your island bc he likes it more kasdslahd
and when hes the imposter? hes like fucking corpse i swear
if youre sleep he's literally a perfect pillow, plus the sound of him breathing while he rubs your back is-
momo.exe has stopped working
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he uses the mic constantly and is kinda loud- but you dont hate it
he laughs a lot, and gets some game rage but its pretty controlle, he just gets butthurt sometimes :/
when you walk into his room he is getting so into it like he doesnt even notice even notice you come in
he only notices your presence when when you put your hand on his shoulder- he literally jumps
when he plays console he's on his bed, just laying there chillin so when you walk in and say hi he is sooo happy youre there w him omg
he just loves you presence
i imagine you climbing into bed w him and he continues to play his game although he loves it when you touch him (not to sound sexual at all he genuienly loves your touch)
and you up to his side- he wraps an arm around you, telling you how he missed you how mych he loves you (ksadksjhaksd)
when you fall asleep he turns the volume down and probably tones down his voice, although sometimes he jolts bc of some kind of mess up
but he manages to keep you asleep on him until he gets tired too- turning everything off and just wrapping you in arms (he'd prolly end up on your chest ngl)
on the computer when he plays you hesitate o cuddle ONLY bc od how much he moves, like you arent gonna be there comfortable for a while but eventually he calms down
he just gets nervous- his heart starts to beat rapidly and his leg bounces (same kaskh) espECIALLY when you straddle him oml he BREAKS
but he eventually calms down so its more comfy
when you fall asleep he will constantly press kisses on your head omggg
so soft kasdjhksajf pls-
i feel like he plays longer when hes on the computer so he would prlly still be on there when you wake up- looking absolutely dead insode aksjdshadl but you convince him to go to bed, bribing him with a 'i'll go too'
hes literally whipped for you :)
hope yall enjoyed a part 2-
taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @zerohawks @hitosushi @katsuhera (sry my tags are being weird)
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AU where MXY is summoning WWX and? something goes batshit? he ends up blacking out and he finally wakes up and who the fuck is this pers-OH MY GOD IT'S THE YILING LAOZU I FUCKED UP I FUCKED UP. WWX has /no/ idea why he's alive but hes here? and apparently he has to kill some bitches because if he doesnt both MXY and WWX gonna die. WWX automatically adopts him and they awkwardly try to disguise WWX while MXY is trying to understand what's happening but it's better than dealing with the Mo's.
“Hmm, I’m gonna keep you” “w-what?” “Nothing, dont worry about it. I’m gonna need a way to disguise myself, any suggestions?”
To make things easy we’ll say mxy has a mask like in the untamed. It’s not much but it’s better than nothing.
Then mxy’s cousin busts in wwx just knows he’s one of the cuts on mxy’s arms. He humiliates him in front of his servant(s) then promptly knocks them out. “How many cuts?” “The same, Yiling Laozu.” “Oh no, no, that won’t do. Call me wei ying.” “I-I couldn’t possibly-“ “well then call me whatever you like, but not yiling laozu.” ”w-wei yi... teacher Wei!” ”...we’ll work on it”
wwx figures he's gonna have to kill them all not just humiliate them to get rid of the cuts. The Lan disciples visiting are going to make that difficult though. He and mxy are hiding in the crowd until mxy’s stinky cousin comes back and wwx is suddenly pulled forward, recognized as mxy by the mask. Things continue basically as regular (with mxy being mortified in the crown. ‘How could he say I’d do things to my own cousin!?; ‘Why is he bothering the lan disciples, does this man have no shame!?’)
Shortly after Lwj shows up he’s snapped out of his daze by wwx suddenly appearing next to him and they make a run for it.
They head back to mxy’s ‘home’ which confuses him at first “why have we come here teacher wei?” “So you can grab what you own and we can leave, now hurry” “oh... I-I dont really own anything worth bringing along. Sorry to make you waste your time like this teacher wei!” “No need to apologize, don’t bow! And I told you stop calling me teacher wei! What am I like that old man now? Huh? What is that a donkey?” “Ah yes, but he’s quite temperamental, I wouldn’t get close if I were you.” “Nonsense! I’m gonna call you little apple”
They head to dafan mountain, but not without difficulty. And some good ole road trip conversation. “this donkey is terrible!! Ayia, I miss traveling on my sword” “I saw your sword in Jin sect’s valt. I was even allowed to try and unsheathe it but it remained sealed of course” “sealed?”; “we don’t have any money how do you expect to get food?” “My dear boy I have been training to get free things all my life.”; “aren’t you disgusted by me?” “Disgusted about what?” “I’m a cut-sleeve...” “I see no reason to be disgusted at love. No matter what kind.” “...”
They arrive at dafan mountain and quickly run into jin ling who recognizes mxy, and who mxy recognizes in turn. “Young master Jin” ‘ah, so this is my nephew :)’ “so it’s you. What are you doing here still? Get off of my sight, damn cut-sleeve.” ‘oh so THIS is my nephew :T’
Wwx doesn’t comment about JL’s mother but they still fight “what an adittude! Is this any way a sect heir should act?” “... who the fuck are you?” And their fight still attracts jiang cheng, and lan zhan.
JC and JL leave and this time it’s wwx who is recognized as mxy “Master Mo we meet again, who is this?” “Ah this is my younger brother! You see I wasn’t telling the full truth before. I was also defending him when I knocked out my cousin. I’ve decided we’ve had enough of that place. We left while there was comotion so no one would try and stop us.” “I see, well it’s nice to meet you second master mo” “Ah yes you as well. Uh te- ahem g-gege we should let them get back to their night hunt, let’s go.”
But they run into them again and Wwx is forced to summon Wen Ning in order to defeat the goddess statute to protect his nephew and newly acquired little brother. And is then required to calm him down using a melody he can barely recall. Mxy is just as shocked as everyone else at the ghost general’s appearance. But he payed more attention to how wwx is able to control him even with such a bad flute. Truly amazing.
He also sees his and lwjs stare off and he’s not sure if it looks aggressive or longing?? It has to be the first right?? There’s no way-
His musings are disrupted by jc storming in and whipping out zidian. Wwx makes a break for it towards mxy and gets them both whipped. He immediately whispers and apology for getting them not whipped on purpose and checks where mxy was hit to make sure he isn’t too hurt. As the others discuss how this proves their innocence, a lan junior (coughjingyicough) opens his big mouth about how ‘master mo couldn’t be wei ying because-‘ which Jin ling chips in and interrupts because “Master mo? That’s not mo xuanyu, the other one is!” “No that is his brother!” “Mo xuanyu hasn’t got any brothers!”
There’s a moment of quiet as everyone looks at the two. Wwx finds himself being very greatful that with one wearing a mask they seem similar. He glares down Jin ling “Of course you wouldn’t know about me, I don’t share a father with mo xuanyu.” Then he turns to the lan disciples with a regretful smile “My cousin mistook us for each other constantly. I didn’t see the point in correcting him anymore. I should’ve clarified to you earlier today, I apologize.”
Everyone finds this explanation passable. It’s not like Jin ling knew enough about mo xuanyu’s past to disprove this anyways, and now that all the mo family have passed no one will be able to disprove it. Jiang cheng still of course is angered by the fact that they’re demonic cultivators. But then Lwj says he’s taking them back to cloud recess and who can dare argue with lwj.
Oof, I’ll stop there for now I think. I’m thinking maybe wwx leaves mxy in cloud recess while he goes out with lwj to piece back together nmj’s corpse.
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thedyingtimelady · 4 years
"His death was a terrible moment in my life. I couldnt save him. I couldnt stop and change everything.
But the worse moment in my life was, letting his dead body go, travelling back and seeing him smiling at me, while I was trying to pretend, not just having his corpse laying in my arms"
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Meeting James Robert McCrimmon, him being an old men, was to be honest the most surprised moment in Catherin White's Life. She never travelled very far in the future of her son. She was too afraid, to see things, that could scar her.
Jamie stared at her, letting go of the Doctor, who just calmed him down. An old men was standing Infront of her, with long grey hair and having a long, silver beard. His hands were shaking, his eyes wide open.
"Mother", his rough voice cracked, while he was stumbling towards her.
"Mother. Mother. Mother.", he repeat, grabbing her face and looking down at her. Tears running down his cheeks, his eyes, once dark, now were shimmering lightly.
"Its you. Its really you. How long didnt I saw you? It's been decades. Too many years. You are finally back", he whispers, holding her close to himself, sobbing and shaking.
"I'm sorry. I am not your little boy anymore. Being an old wreck."
"No", she said for the first time, as she arrived his home. "You will be always my little boy. My son, who I adore and cherish. Who I love with the bottom of my broken heart.", she whispers, stroking his head, whie he buried his face in her neck.
What a scene. An old Men calling a young woman "Mother"
But that doesnt matter right now. Catherin was just happy to see her beloved Jamie again.
It was an dangerous mission. But Jamie didnt want to leave the Doctor alone in it, so he followed them, being always close to Catherin.
She realize, that he never called her by her first name, since she was here with him. Catherin was really surprised by that. Jamie sometimes called her Mother, just to make her happy, but it was always embarrasing for him.
The older Jamie didnt seen to be bothered or embarassed by it. He cherished every time he called her. Like he wanted to call her for all this years, he didnt saw her.
Catherin hoped, she could have more time with her sweet son, but the destiny wasn't on her side.
Jamie sacrificed himself. Burned to his bones, to save the Doctor and her.
Catherin scream filled all the rooms, being highpitched, almost to be afraid, glass could break in million pieces.
"We have to go Catherin!", the Doctor shouted, trying to pull her from the ground. She holded the corpse of her son in her arms, staring in disbelieve.
"Go. Go and do what need to be done. GO!",she screamed at her husband, not giving him a chance to discuss with her.
After he left, she searched for Jamies sword. It was almost melted completely. She rammed the weapon in her chest, again and again, until she hadn't enough energy to hold it.
Blood was running down to the floor, while she was surrouned by green light. A part of the light, she transfer to the burned corpse, what start to heal by itself.
Catherin couldnt see, if her plan worked, because her pain and the regeneration ripped her mind out of her body. She couldnt think, only pain was in her mind, her body, torture her for being alive.
Catherin woke up, blinking. Everything was quiet. She saw Jamies body on the ground, completely healed. A second of hope was in her heart. Maybe he was alive? But it wasnt like that. Even through, she gave him a lot of her regeneration energy, she couldnt bring him back to life.
So she was holding the dead body of her son, sobbing and grieving his death. She couldnt save her little boy. It was like she had to see him die. This image will be burned in her head forever. She will never forget it.
The Doctor found her later, rocking fore and backward on the ground, mumbling something, while holding Jamies corpse in her arms.
He pulled her on her feet, but she was screaming. "NO, WE CANT LEAVE HIM HERE. LET ME GO! I WANT MY SON! I WANT MY BOY! DONT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!!!", she sobbed, struggling in The Doctors embrace, while some man carried Jamies body out of the machine room.
Both didnt stay for the funeral. "I need to go. I need to go", Catherin whispers, not looking back at the Doctor.
She jumped through the vortex, landing into the TARDIS. The Doctor was playing on his recorder, his black, short hair was plain on his head. He turned around, smiling, but his smile faded, as he saw his wife being disturbed. "What happened-?"
"I saw him dying!! And I couldnt save him! I saw my baby dying!", she cried, falling to her knees. The Doctor immediately walked to her and holded her tight in his arms.
Catherin was sitting on a chair as Jamie came out of his room
"Oh Hey Catherin.", he smiled at her. But then he saw her red eyes and holded her hands. "Why did you cry, hu? Did someone heard you?", he asked her serious.
Catherin watched him, smiled then and hugged him.
"Nothing. Its nothing", she buried her face in his neck. "I just love you so much", she whispers.
She felt Jamie blushing and he murbled an "love ya too, Mother".
But even she had Jamie in her eyes, the image of his dead body was still in her head.
Because she knew, she would lose him one day.
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Teddy Bear Blues
Ship: Parkner (Harley Keener/Peter Parker)
Summary: Harley is grieving on the one year anniversary of his mother's death. Peter makes him a gift to help him feel better.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 16, teddy bear, Grief/Mourning, Mourning, Loss, Mentions of violence/character death but it's pretty vague, Harleys mom died, And hes grieving, Harley Keener Needs a Hug, Sad Harley Keener, peter Parker is a good boyfriend, and tries his best to help, Tony is here too, but barely, Established Relationship, Love
Day 16 of Febufluff: "Teddy Bear"! (From the romantic/ original list)
Note: read the tags. This fic deals with grief, and the aftermath of the loss of a loved one. It isnt extremely detailed, but it's in the majority of this fic. If that's not your speed, or if that hits a little too close to home, then please don't read. Be safe, take care, I love you all ❤
It happens gradually, as grief usually does. It starts with Harley going out less, making more excuses as to why he has to stay home, whether it be homework or studying, or that he's "just tired" and needs to rest. Then, it's losing energy, losing interest in things he used to love, not getting as excited at the idea of a new game being announced, not enjoying the annual movie/board game nights with the Avengers as he used to, not making snarky responses and witty one liners, not seeming as upbeat, as happy as he used to.
And now, Peter notes as he watches Harley swirl around his cereal with his spoon, head bowed, bags under his eyes and an expressionless, tired look on his face, its lack of appetite, and lack of sleep. Of feeling hungry, but not being able to stomach more than a few bites. Of not having nightmares, of being tired, exhausted even, and still not being able to fall asleep.
He had been doing much better with the sadness, with the overwhelming grief these past few months, had almost gotten back to being himself again, before this new milestone had hit, sucking all of the life right back out of him and leaving him as a quiet, lifeless corpse. The first year. The first anniversary of his mother's death, of her being gone from his life. Peter remembers it well, remembers how he felt with his parents, with Uncle Ben, and feels a pang almost like a knife carve into his chest, into his heart, wonders what he can do to ease the terrible ache he knows Harley is feeling.
He knows there isnt much he can do, besides be there by his side and comfort him however he can, but that doesn't feel like enough. He can't just sit there and watch his boyfriend recluse into himself and be in all this pain without doing anything, without doing more.
So, once Harley finally gives up, pushing away his bowl and mumbling about getting ready for school, walking back to his room with his shoulders slumped, head down, looking so unbelievably sad that it makes Peter's heart break, he starts to think. Thinks back to the first year after Ben, what he felt, what he wanted. Remembers laying in bed all day, sobbing his eyes out, feeling so unbelievably guilting, just wanting him back. Wanting to smell his smell, feel his hugs, his kisses, wanting to hear his voice one last time...
Wait. Peter sits up straight, eyes widening as an idea sparks in his mind. Maybe, maybe he could work with that. He shoots out of the chair, heading straight to the lab. He remembers a while ago, when working in the lab, Harley randomly mentioned that he kept a few home videos in there, in the closet, and watched them occasionally on the good days, on reminiscence on the good times his family had before everything happened. And he remembers one day, a few months after him and Harley started dating, when he got the honor to watch one with Harley, remembers the stereotypical baby in the bathtub video, remembers Harleys adorably chubby cheeks, remembers what his mom said at the end of the video, right before it clicks off into black.
He searches in the closet, quickly finding the box of tapes before pulling out what he thinks is the right one, before putting into the player he digged out a few minutes earlier. He fast forward through the adorableness, a man on a mission, before playing it at normal speed right at the end, right as Harleys mothers voice, soft and warm and sweet, says the exact words he remembered. Perfect, its perfect. He takes the tape back out of the player, and brings it over to his workstation, already scribbling out a blue print for his idea.
Peter wakes up a few days later, feeling uneasy, a heaviness in the air as soon as he opens his eyes. He taps his phone to check the time, and sees the date, sighing long and low. November 16th. A whole year after the death of Macy Keener.
Peter and Harley werent really close when it happened, he had never even meet her, but he definitely remembers the day it happened. When Harley's phone rang out during their class, and he answered it with a grin, thinking nothing of it. When the grin fell off his face, slipping into shock, horrific shock and fear and agony, when tears filled and pooled over his eyes, ran down his cheeks. When he had placed a hand over his mouth and sobbed loudly, the horrible, awful, heartbreaking sound echoing in the classroom, the other students going silent as he ran out, Peter calling his name and running after him, worried sick. When Harley had babbled and cried and screeched into his shoulder, telling him that his mama had gotten into a bad car accident, that she had died, that "She's gone, Peter, she's gone, oh God-". When Tony had picked them both up, looking older than he had in a long, long time.
Peter shakes his thoughts away, trying to focus on the here and the now. He needs to be strong today, for Harley. He takes a deep breath, and forces himself out to bed, throwing on a random pair of pjs and a shirt, knowing that they arent going to be going anywhere today. He then makes his way to the kitchen, unsurprisingly seeing Mr. Stark making breakfast, flipping chocolate chip pancakes (Harley's favorite) before his gaze lands on the boy in question, his heart dropping when he does.
Harley is upright, sitting at one of the stoods at the island of the kitchen, but hes hunched over as if staying upright is just too much work, as if he has the world's weight on his shoulders, his hair a mess and his stormy sea eyes lined with red, blank, staring off into oblivion, cheeks already tear stained.
Peter let's out another soft sigh at the pitiful sight, sharing a sympathetic glance with Mr. Stark before walking quietly to his boyfriend, running a tender hand his tense back and shoulders, hugging him from behind and kissing the top of his bowed head, lingering, hopefully comforting. "Good morning, baby." He whispers into Harley's hair, rubbing his shoulders in firm, soothing circles, easing out the knots forming in his back.
"Morning." Is the soft, shaky response, Harley's voice drained of emotion, filled with exhaustion, with ache and loss. Tony looks surprised, like that's the first time Harley's spoken today. It probably was.
Peter places his chin on the top of his boyfriend's head, continuing his comforting motions as he murmurs gently "How are you feeling, love?"
He feels Harley swallow, before he's shaking his head and ducking out of Peter's grasp, putting his forehead against the granite and practically curling into a ball, looking smaller than he ever has as his entire body shutters with a silent sob. Peter blinks the tears out of his own eyes, before gently pulling the crumbling boy into his arms, placing his face into the crook of his neck and his arms around his waist, around his back. "Its okay, let it out, baby, its okay." He whispers over and over as he runs a hand up and down his back, as he feels a wet patch growing on his shirt collars, as Harley's sobs grow from silent to agonizingly loud, from sniffles and hicks, whimpers and wails, his body shuttering from the intensity of it all.
After a while, too long for Peter to keep count, the boy settles back down a bit, but doesnt let go, doesn't pull away, burying his face further into Peter's chest as he mumbles, voice thick with mucus, heavy with pain, "I miss her so much."
"I know, sweetheart, I know." Peter presses another light kiss to Harleys temple, squeezing his body as another shutter runs through him.
Harley's breath hicks, his eyes squeezing closed, another stray tear running down his face. "Does it ever get better? Does it ever- ever go away?"
Peter glances back up at Tony, who's dark brown eyes are sad, cloudy, full of empathy. "It does." The man says quietly, seriously. "The grief, the pain, it fades over time. You'll always feel it a bit, in your heart, but it does get better."
Peter nods to reaffirm his point, leaning the side of his head against Harleys. "The pain, the loss goes away, but the memories, the love, those don't. They always stay, right here," he presses a hand gently to Harleys chest, "and here." And then to his head, running his hand into the ryestalk strands, curling them around his fingers. "She'll always be with you, Harley. Always. And..." Peter swallows, suddenly feeling nervous, wondering if this was a good idea after all. "I got you something to help."
Harley pulls his head away and looks up at him, eyebrows furrowed slightly and blotchy face scrunched up in confusion. "You got me something?"
"Mhm," he nods again, easing Harley off of him and back into his chair as he stands, "wait here." He rushes back to his room, grabbing the gift he had finished last night. He runs a thumb over the soft brown plush of the teddy bear's belly, where the speaker was hidden, feeling nerves swirling up inside him. He just hopes that Harley likes it, and that it doesnt backfire, and make everything so much worse.
He carries it gently as he walks back to the kitchen, holding out to a now even more bewildered Harley. But theres a twitch of a smile on his lips, so he isn't against it yet, gazing at Peter curiously. "Squeeze it." Peter says simply, fidgeting with the stray strings on the ends of his shirt, praying this ends well.
Harley does as he's told, squeezing the bear in his hands, and immediately bursts into tears again when the soft voice of his mother comes through the speaker, full of an unspeakable, unbreakable love that only a mother could give, "I love you, sugarbear. I always will."
Peter panics, thinking the worst, starting to speak up with an "I'm- I'm sorry-" before he gets cut off by the boy rushing into his arms, hugging him tightly with a loud sob and a "thank you, thank you so much, I love you so- so much". Peter feels relief roll over him in waves, he didnt mess it up thank god, and hugs him back tightly, pressing another kiss to his boyfriend wet cheek and mumbling into his ear, soft and full of adoration, "I love you too. More than you'll ever know."
Things may not be truly okay, truly alright with Harley right now. They might not be for a long, long time, but that's fine. Because Peter will be here, by Harley's side, holding him close, kissing away his sorrow, for as long as he can. As long as Harley allows it, Peter will be by his side, no matter what.
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I saw your Dark/Actor posts and I just👀👀 do you have any headcanons about them to share? I'd love to see your view on them (✨anon)
Actor and Dark will 100% indulge in childhood fantasies with the story's Actor can create
Actor is very dramatic in his displays of affection and Dark is very casual, "Surprise I've decorated the whole house for a party of two, aka for me and you!" vs pet names, lingering touches, fond gazes, being protective, etc so they work to make sure they speak in eachothers love launguages. Actor will lean in and whisper soft "I love yous" or play with Darks hair when watching movies and Dark will surprise Actor with movie tickets and meals
They often have date vacations that are in remote locations. They're very used to isolation so sometimes they crave it, but still want to spend their silence with eachother.
Dark drinks but Actor does not so when they do bar crawls Actor is the designated driver and often enjoys Darks drunk rambling
They sleep in separate beds/in different rooms, they just like having their own space
Nudity is a casual thing for them and they will often lay in warm baths or cuddle nude bc their lack of warmpth doesnt bother them, etc
Actor also has Corpse Issues so when either of them is having a rough day if the other is feeling well they get pampered 💅
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bae-leth · 5 years
:3333 wrote some dimitri and byleth…not lovers but..parent and child..dimitri deserves it
his light
His icy blue eye narrowed in recognition, in hostility. His other was asleep behind a black patch, his once sleek, neatly-trimmed blonde hair a tangled mess. There was blood all over his armor, and Byleth did not need to think to know that none of it was his.
Byleth stared at him from under the skylight, and he stared back from where he sat, slumped in the shadows, the mossy stone his bed and throne. There was fear in his eye, and hatred. He gripped the handle of his lance tighter. Byleth took a step forward.
His kind, eager smile was lost to time, as were the soft, smooth curves of his youthful face. Everything was harsh now, jagged like broken shale.
Byleth stopped before him, then knelt down. He glared, leered. Dark blood splattered across his cheek, under his sleeping eye. 
Byleth blinked slowly.
He bared his teeth like a provoked beast; an angered lion, a frightened stray cat, left in the dust to fend for himself. Then, he lowered his head, his blood-slicked blonde hair shifting to cover his existing eye.
“I should’ve known…that one day, you would be haunting me as well.”
Byleth raised a hand and gently touched Dimitri’s cheek. Dimitri winced and pulled away, turning his head so he was blind to the light, the truth.
Even so, those fingers against his jaw, and then that warm palm pressed to his face, and Byleth’s cheek against the dried blood that adorned his skin.
“I’m glad you’re safe.”
Dimitri snarled and tried to pull away, but Byleth’s arms wrapped gently around his neck; his professor, his protector, his savior. His light. It blinded him. He hated the light.
“Am I?” he rasped through gritted teeth, and his hand trembled as he clutched his lance. The dried blood flaked off against Byleth’s skin as he pulled away from Dimitri, still thumbing his other cheek.
His smile was rare and hard to notice, but it was everything. Dimitri remembered it, barely; Byleth smiled now, and he nodded softly where they sat in the shade of the monastery’s ruins.
“You are now. I am here.”
Dimitri wanted to strike him. He wanted to plunge his lance up to the hilt into his professor’s chest, hear his innards spilling onto the stone floor, hear his pained screams, his pleas. It would have hurt him less; the way Byleth cared felt like a stab wound, a barbed, poisoned dagger, sinking deeper and deeper into his heart with every gesture. His old teacher took his sleeve and gently rubbed away the blood on Dimitri’s face. 
“Why…?” Dimitri’s vision started to blur, and he squeezed his eye shut. His voice shook. “Why do you bother with me…?”
Byleth’s teal eyes softened, and he brushed his other hand against Dimitri’s cheek still crusted with blood.
“Because you are my student, Dimitri. My child. And I was told on my very first day in the monastery never to let you out of my sight.”
Byleth lowered Dimitri’s head and gently parted his hair with his nose, then kissed his forehead.
“I have already failed, and look at what I have caused.”
Dimitri had never depended on someone in many, many years. Many breaths were taken in solitude, let out in solitude. On clear nights, the moon rose over him and him only, and the rotting corpses of the Imperial soldiers he tore down in his madness.
Byleth was here. He was here, here for him. 
“Why did you come for me?” Dimitri spat, Byleth’s lips still between his eyes, just over the strap of his black patch. He stroked Dimitri’s hair, then lowered his head to touch his forehead against his student’s.
“I have come to take you away from here. It is too cold and damp…let us find somewhere warm, and there we will catch up.” He got to his feet, but Dimitri pulled him down again, staring desperately into his professor’s soft eyes.
“That was not my question….”
Byleth watched him for a moment, then smiled again, returning his hand to Dimitri’s cheek. It was now wet with tears, and he brushed them away with the side of his thumb.
“I want to help you, Dimitri. I want to keep you safe.”
Dimitri narrowed his eye, his lip trembling as he pressed his mouth tightly shut. He wanted to hate. He wanted to feel nothing again.
His lance clattered to the ground, and he squeezed his eye shut, tears streaking down his cheek as he let out a faint sob. Byleth murmured soft reassurance and hugged him gently, and Dimitri grabbed handfuls of his teacher’s cape and buried his face into the warm shoulder he had cried into so often in his youth.
“I’m here,” Byleth whispered, smiling gently into Dimitri’s hair as he held him close. His arms were the only thing that ever made Dimitri feel small. “I’m here.”
 ((also..this will prolly be my parting gift..i am off to china and tumblr doesnt work there but hopefully i can still use ao3. if i can, i’ll keep writing shorts..bye bye thank you for actually kickstarting my fanfic career bhsdhs))
bae’s notes: AAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS..... THIS IS SO WARM......... byleth is a very good dad.... just like Jeralt....
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azem-ghale · 5 years
Kiyi Ghale (A slightly better one)
Tumblr media
The Basics
Character Name: Kiyi Ghale
Aliases: None though she doesn't mind them
Race: Kiyi Is both seeker and keeper due to a confident Kepper man managing to  to catch her interest
Gender: Female
Profession: none,she travels too much to stay stuck down so adventurer mayb courier sometimes if she is headed in that direction
Apparent age: 29
Hair/mane/leaves: Thick white and very long hair kep up in a a few plaits and ponytail
Skin/fur/bark: The best way she could describe her skin color is brown or almond
Appearance details:Most of the time her eyes are a l light piercing blue though in actual fact she has one red eye with a rounded pupil though she wear something to make them match.she adores Doman fashion and is seen often in a simple set of clothes including bandages? Covering her chest while a Fuga Haori is worn open she will usually wear a long Hakama with this unless events call for something more fitting.
If in armor while acting as A dark knight she wears darkish armor alongside a barbut of a departed friend .
She has also gained a liking for allagan clothing and armor
Personality: she is willing to give everybody a chance ,she finds is stupid to just assume somebody can't do something as it would be a waste to find out they could do it and were not given a chance.
She has a dislike for many of her own kind due to the struggles she saw of many female miqo’te to her so many miqo’te women choosing to be naught more than entertainment and decoration caused problems for those  who wished to work different jobs but were often shunned and expected to be something else.tis also the fact she grew tired of seeing miqo’te women having to either be shared or share regarding partners while most miqo’te men found love a lot easier and were taken more seriously .still this is all due to what she has seen
She does also has a kind of bad taste in men though she does understand they are bad and will not allow them to treat her bad(that or she will just leave)
If a wrongdoing is committed against her she will not completely believe whispers and rumours but instead look for actual evidence
Religious beliefs/philosophy: While she believes in gods she doesnt quite believe they care about mortals so she goes through life  as it is
Childhood: She was a fairly well behaved child and enjoyed hunting ,her clan/tribe pretty open so many could join and the nunh was strong and understanding
Recent history: her more recent residence is in kugane though if possible she will get a residence in ishgard aswell ,
Notable relationships: She doesnt really have anybody other than her tribe  who are far away most people have left her
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: she works well with swords both one handed and to handed though after training as a dark knight so long her first time wielding a katana resulted in her flingin it across the field
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: she isnt really that good at magicks
Favored alcoholic beverage: whisky and fruity alcoholic  beverages
Favored food: anything meaty or fruit
Favored weather or season: she loves autumn and rain.
Favored color: black and red if she had to pick
How does your character react when...
You find a powerful weapon: She has a liking for unique weapons so she would probably trip over herself trying to get it
You find a coin purse:shed pick it up and either keep it or use the coins inside to help those in the brums
You find food: she doesn't trust unattended food
You find a trap: depending on where and what it is shed either remove and keep it or leave it . if its a trap with people waiting she just looks fed up and feels stupid
You find a corpse: literally a :/ face
You find a suspicious scroll: shed open it,she's too nosey
Any roleplay preferences or limitations for this character? Not really
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suburban-satan · 6 years
shit my friends say
So I made a list of all the wild shit my friends say, started in January 2018 and still going. It's one year old I guess? Well, enjoy what I have so far!
2018 -d a d d y w i s e -well there’s chains on the ground so that must mean this was a kinky sex dungeon -GORSH MICKEY NOT MY G SPOT -I can wait until I turn 40 so I can troll Japanese Girls on roblox -what if we all looked like mike wizowski but our heads were the same size as they are now -I wanna give pot to a bird -I take pills without water -daddies cummie wummies are the best cummie wummies -enjoy your nonexistent stomach acid -cum glaze -I hope you choke on MY meat -who hasn’t been on pornhub -(wipes tears away and starts belting despacito) -MY GAY IS BEING TRIGGERED -that omelet looks delouse -is semen a liquid or solid -iTs nOt aQuaNauTs yOu uNculTurEd fOoK -vaginas are scary -what is menstruation -you should change your name to pussy something -my gay has been activated -“have you ever owned a vibrator?” “No” “would you like to rent one” -“do you like glazed or cream filled” -wHaT dOeS cUm sOuNd LiKe -he is on too much fertilizer -sometimes cum is hot I know from experience -if you jerked off at the speed of sound would your dick be on fire -I don’t have a sonic fetish -can your dick ignite because of the heat of your cock -aren’t dicks like cannons -who the fuck draws a glowing peepee on a skeleton -honey Freddy freaker is dancing in the living room -does penis smell like garlic -she don’t swallow in this household -*downloading garrison nudes* -don’t you realize that tentacle porn is just using octopus arms as a dildo -frickle my nipples -Minecraft porn consists of the male genitalia replaced with a stick -OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We make a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this! -“I’m big for an asian” -cockilicous -“His anal glands need milking” -fready flipper -FREADY FAPPER -daddy better make me choke -does Freddy freaker have a mutated alien dick -sonic breaks the sound barrier by beating his meat -the sun looks like it’s gon vore you -bootyhole exploration -is megalovania sex music -i like to drink cock -cum is just genital snot -penis musk -Shid piz and farbt -Bull + shit = sis it don’t add up -Hey don’t tell me at least once in your life you haven’t thought about being gently caressed across the genitalia by the kraken -I swallow boba like i swallow cum -I wuv fungus kun, the way he waps a awond my tosie wosies so tight! He’s gibing me a huggie!!!! Fungus kun gibes my tosies a new color too!!!! Wat a good fungus kun make my doki doki go “ UAU” heeheehee -eating banana with the banana peel -orang juce -father I want cheddar -don’t you just look at someone and think about how long their neck is -breathing is just boneless vaping -get outta here juuling criminal -yall ever succ a dick for juul pods -unironically drawing miss piggy -“Jack don’t let go 😱🤭🤭, jack sweetie 😐👀 if you let go 🙊🙈 you’re weave 🙀🙀 gone 😇😘💅” -I've been watching spooky movies for 5 hour -omg it’s daddy sans undertaker!!! -bröther -I ate my sister -are you'd's't've kidding me? -oh youtube please don't show me the shrek movies rn -My brother is calling me out on the family group chat for eating a bowl of peanut butter -Hamilton is best girl -get outta here you fuckin loyalist -what doesn’t cum have -drink flex seal and you won’t have to worry about a marriage -I feel water. -“Superfood or supergross? Is Sperm good?” -coochie hands gucci bands -just imagine trying to cast a spell and then you get disturbed by a banjo -toto africa is sex music now and everytime they say rain it’s just cum -y'all ever burp in your mouth and exhale it through your nose like a vaper -how dare them make my green senpai an honorable member of society -If you didn’t search big boobs video on google at least once are you really a Gen Z kid????? -laugh pussies -i’m watching the history of japan on pornhub -we have the same name because we are secretly the same person -what if you eat your phone and it’s all in your tummy -why would you ever think i’m not serious all the time you silly dragon but we’re both (my name) so we can be the silly dragon together -why would you wash your face before you go to bed when your tears wash it off for you *wooshing noises* -I want to drive a bus because I like busses -my shoe broke -why does everyone talk about the drugs i’m eating -i’m going to break her because she’s talking about smoking cocaine and I don’t like drugs -(stage whisper) metal heads live among us but we don’t know because they look like normal people -oh bye mr music teacher -the pussy? designer. cucci, if you will. -DID I HEAR S A N S P O R N -"i'm about to nay nay on your dead fucking corpse" -alert alert the toes are coming -you got a fucking problem with my 𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐬? -imagine using an oven for something designed for a microwave this post was made by the doesnt have much motivation gang -Please take my Minnesotan snow Wait that sounds like Minnesotan cocaine -when you funny scream -"dating the Bill of Rights for fun" is now exactly how I'm going to describe my hyperfixations -the penguin  from fruit loops is a twink (bitch its a toucan) -if white cheese exists is there black cheese -What’s rosum opossum -whale cum -dicko mode -(GETTIN SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT UP IN THAT PUSS) -pennies more like penis amirite -It’s Sunday don’t forget to squeeze cheese on the cat -the grinch is dr seuss’s fursona -everyone is gangster until the trees start speaking vietnamese -big chungus is my dad -“if the apocalypse happened what would you do” “eat bees” -I'm tired as fuck but I gotta wait until it's 4:20 to go to bed -mom: you need to be reasonable and wait two hours before having another brownie me, stuffing my mouth full of brownie: br o w n y s -This honey in whole foods is in fucking comic sans -it's more likely that I'll guess someone is gay before I remember the existence of women -im gonna say it again for the people in the back:
i eat bees -Thanos penis, it's actually called a thenis -yort -uwu its the mowst thorstiewst time of the yeaw uwu -It is I Teh gromc -The gronk is here to say eat all the dish soap in the house -the grinch but he's wearing crocs the entire time -answer my question or else i will establish sans porn -You make him doki doki uwaaaaa!!!! -birdbox but all the bird sounds are replaced by cardi b noises -THE GROMPK IS TOO POWERFUL -consume ocean sauce -square up in judge judys court -half consumes ocean sauce -ice juce -frick stick -you guys wanna read undertale fanfiction     -2019- -it might be 2019 but thats not gonna stop me from terrorizing my family's groupchat -(pineapple voice) first date idea: digest eachother -Wait dennys will arrest you for doing illegal things?? -pls purify me -my toes are very succulent today -two succs having flex two succs having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily checks -f u r r y , N a s h . -Perfect for all occasions! Spill something on your nice shirt, give a messy blowjob, and sphagetti!!! -Do you want cum on your nice shirt??? -it would be nice if i had cum on my shirt -cocc succ machine -I KNOW TONGUE JUTSU -I feel like i’m in a meat prison -hi you obese elephant -plant porn is just flowey porn -We all love the out of the box 4am messages we get -YOU LIKE SNAS PEEPEE
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scary-noodlesblog · 6 years
Hunters Guide To Love Chapter 3
Hollywood Babylon Part 2/?
Sam's POV:
      I lean back against the wall, watching Tara act along with my cousin and the other actors. McG telling them different commands and orders. Tara's character, Wendy, walks into the prop abandoned house.
   "Wendy?" Mitch calls out.
   "Oh Mitch!" Wendy exclaims feigning shock, "you're alive!"
   "Cant get rid of me that easily," Mitch smirks.
   McG called out to the FX guys, rumble rumble rumble.
    Wendy begins to pace a little, "salt. Okay we need salt. I read in that book that it keeps ghosts away!"
    Mitch nods and turns to Charley  and the other two actors, "Linda, Kendra, Logan, you guys go check the back."
    Next to me I can hear my "coworker" Marty whisper to the producer, Jay, "Jay, the poor bastard killed himself. Like, for real. Shouldn't we shut it down or something?" At least this guy has some common decency.
   Jay shrugs, "we had a moment of silence for him at breakfast, plus he's just a studio guy."
   I shift my weight and side glance Jay, "How charming" I mutter sarcastically.
   McG turns around, shushing us before I hear Wendy yell to Mitch, "I love you!"
   Mitch nods, "I know." Aaand they ripped off Star Wars. My critical thoughts were interrupted when I hear Tara break character and sigh, "can we- can we cut or something?"
  McG gives her a small look, "uh...yeah, cut. Cut!"
  I jump slightly as I hear Dean yell "cut!" from my right. I look over and he seems to be having the time of his life, eating his taquito. McG pouts, "only I can say cut!" Then he turns to approach Tara. I listen to the crew argue about if salt would make sense to use on a spirit, to which I smirk a little. If only they knew.
  I notice Sam heading over to talk to Dean. I move away but stay within earshot of the two. Dean speaks up, "Walters a little testy for a PA, huh?"
  "How is it going in here?" Sam asks.
  "It's going really good man. Tara's really stepped up on her performance. I think its probably from all the sense memory stuff she's drawing on."
  Sam looks at Dean confusedly, "sense memory?" Dean nods. "Dean, you, you know when I ask how it's going on in here, Im talking about the case right? We dont really work here. You know, I thought you hated being a P.A."
  Dean shuffles his feet, "I dont know. It's not so bad. I kind of feel like part of the team, you know? It's good," he holds his plate out to Sam, "oh, taquito? They're wonderful."
   His brother declines again, "ummm, I conned my way into the morgue."
  Dean raises his eyebrow, "and?"
  "News reports are right: Brads a doornail, no question."
   I smirk slightly, "perfect." I turn away and head off to find Maggie and Charley.
Maggie's POV:
      I take off my headphones and point it out to Charley and Sam. "See! Its a class A EVP right there!"
   "I took electromagnetic reading earlier, they were off the charts insane," Sam spoke up.
  "I also saw some of the tapes from when Brad was hung, I saw a woman with rope burn around her neck, she looked pretty young too. I did some research, her name was Elise Drummond, an actress from the 30's. She had an affair with a studio exec. and he used her, so she hung herself." Charley chimes.
   "Perfect, and her grave?"
   "The 'Hollywood Forever' Cemetery."
   "Alright girls, we're digging tonight."
Charley's POV:
   We enter the cemetery, shovels in hand. Maggie is holding the map while Sam keeps a lookout for any guards.
    "Where to?" I ask.
    "Just up ahead. Make sure--," Maggie's sentence is cut off by two male voices. All three of us hush each other and crouch slightly behind a bush.
    "Of course its the goddamn Winchesters," Maggie curses quietly.
    We see Dean gesture to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty, "this map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done."
     Sam gives him a skeptical look, "you wanna dig him up too?"
    "Bite your tongue heathen!"
    Maggie starts to snicker and we rush to silence her, but its too late, the boys had pointed their shotguns at us. They slowly move toward us and we ready our shovels, as that is the only form of weapon we have.
   As soon as they move the branches, Sam's face softens and Dean just looks even more pissed off.
   We all freeze, and try to come up with a clever explanation for why we're hiding behind a bush. I frantically glance at Maggie because she's usually the one with the plan.
"Why are you following us?" Dean asks us, fuming.
  "Wait, Dean I think I've seen them around the set a few times. She's a PA, she's an actress, and she's a technician." Sam says pointing at each of us.
  Dean sighs, "well, names?"
  Maggie stands up and extends her hand, "Maggie Davis, this is Sam and Charley"
  "Well Dean and Sam." Dean gestures and shakes her hand.
  "Thats gunna get confusing," our Sam says.
  "Youll just be Samantha," I giggle as she groans.
  I go and start digging up the grave, Maggie and Samantha following, the boys come soon after.
  Once we get to the coffin, Dean pulls up the lid to it, revealing the corpse of the dead actress.
  I cringe and Sam salts the bones before Dean tosses his lighter onto it.
Meanwhile.... 3rd Person POV:
  Jay tries to find his way around the dark set, when he sees the shadowy figure of a man walk by. "Hey! Hey, pal! Can you, uh, show me to the exit? I can't see a damn thing in here."
  The man turns away from him and doesnt respond. "Hey! Hey, putz! Im talking to you! Somebody could get hurt here!" Jay exclaims.
   Suddenly the man turns around, his face slashed open and grotesque, a section of his skull split open. Jay screams and falls back on the ground.
   "W-what the hell?" He stutters.
   The fans suddenly turn on by themselves. The man starts to flicker before he vanishes, Jay tries to crawl away but the fan starts to drag him backwards. He gets sucked into the fan and torn apart by the blades, his blood spraying everywhere.
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turntechhex · 7 years
all of them B)
Significant Other Asks.
okay its under the cut you shit
1. Tell the story about how you met.
the first time avi and i actually spoke was in a stream i was holding and i was just about to close it off because nobody popped in but then he did and then that lead to punk rock points 
2. Was it a gradual increase of trust and love, or was there a specific moment where you knew “I want to be with this person for a long time”?
it was gradual for me but it hit me that i wanted to love him
3. Describe their eyes. Describe their hands. Describe their laugh.
his eyes are really sensitive to the light so he wears his shades a lot but god when he takes them off i get to see his eyes
theyre red and kind of like mine but not in the freaky albino way like mine
his are a beautiful deep red and when i look close enough i can see the little flecks of whatever mixed in
his hands arent scarred and scabbed like mine theyre soft but with a slight toughness to them and when we intertwine our fingers i can really feel that and i love kissing his fingertips just to show him that
and his laugh
god his laugh
i never want to hear anything else
the way it bubbles up and his head falls and his smile is so wide its beautiful 
4. What’s your zodiac sign and mbti type? What about your partner’s? Do things like that reflect your actual compatibility or is it just bunch of bunk?
we are both the same sign and i dunno about that mbti stuff and i dont think any of it works for compatibility its kinda dumb
5. Are you long distance? Have you met in person before? When do you get to see them again?
we live together
6. Tell me a story about a happy experience you two shared. Something that makes your heart warm whenever you think about it.
i had lit a bunch of fancy rose candles and turned out the lights and we just showered each other with so many kisses and then fell asleep together smiling stupidly it was nice 
7. Tell me a funny story. Did they do something silly? Did you do something silly? Talk about your inside jokes.
he always does something silly
he has this silly smile when he falls asleep and apparently when i sleep i look “angry or apathetic as fuck”
sometimes he walks in when im shaving my legs early in the morning with my hair in a bunch of mini pony tails so i can see and he knows hes seen a demon
8. Are your families supportive? Does it matter if they’re not?
avi doesnt have much of a family other than his sister and i havent met her
and dirk and hal are all ive got and dirk is pretty supportive and i think hal is too 
if they werent it would hurt but i couldnt stop loving him yknow
9. Would you ever have a pet together? Do you already have one?
he has four cats and i have an owl
10. Do you have children together? If not, are you both interested in raising children some day?
we do not but maybe someday i havent really thought about it all too much
11. If they’re having a bad day, what do you do to help?
listen the best i can and do whatever i can
give him space if he needs it
hold him if he needs it
12. If you’re having a bad day, what do they do to help?
he listens 
fuck he listens
he lets me cry and yell or whatever i need to do and he helps me
he lets me talk to him
he is everything to me when im having a hard time 
he knows when to hold me and rub my back and hush me
he knows when to give me space and let me yell
he knows me so well
13. What’s something that your partner does that would be annoying if anyone else did it, but it’s cute when they do it?
he moves a lot in his sleep
he has grabbed my ass on more than one occasion
14. Have you ever went on a vacation or adventure together? Tell me about it. If not, do you have plans to do something fun in the future?
we drive out to the coast sometimes its fun just driving away so yes
15. What’s something that you learned about yourself because of being with your partner?
i learned that im allowed to be confident with my body and im beautiful and nothing anybody can say will crush that
i really started to stop wearing makeup to cover my spots because of him
16. What’s a piece of advice that your partner gave you that has resonated with you? 
“please dont ever talk about corpses in public again”
17. Which one of you kills the bugs (or captures the bugs and places them safely outside)?
18. Describe the perfect day with your partner. It can be something that’s already happened, or something that you plan to do.
like i mentioned before just driving out to the coast
both of us laughing the whole way there
his smile as he watches the road that reflects in his eyes
watching the sun set when we finally get there and we just leave the car by the road and nobodys on the beach anymore and i run out to the water with him and it was cold as fuck so we just sat in the sand and held each other and looked up at the moon and he was so beautiful like he is everyday
and then we reluctantly got into the car and drove home mostly in silence expect the whispers of i love you 
and we got back home and fell asleep with smiles on our faces it was perfect 
19. Do you prepare meals together? Does one person enjoy cooking more than the other?
i usually cook when we arent just having eggs
avi isnt the best cook >BP
20. What are the best restaurants to go to? Do you see movies at the theater? Do you do things like golf or bowling, just to bond more?
theres a really not too fancy nice one downtown that we like
we watch movies at home and dont do much of that stuff
21. Tell me about a time that you got into an argument over something silly. 
the ghost in the kitchen that insulted his butter spreading skills was being annoying 
22. Tell me about a time that you got into an argument over something serious. How did you compromise? What did you learn?
it was just about family shit it was dumb
we just ended talking
i learned that we both need to talk more and we do now
23. Is there a famous couple, fictional or otherwise, that reminds you (or other people) of you and your partner? 
not really
24. Do you have a shipname?
not that i know of
25. Do you two have a “song”? What is it and how did it become your song?
do we have a song 
26. Has your partner ever inspired something creative like your art, writing, etc?
ive painted him a few times and he helps me with colours and stuff when im stuck
27. Do you have extremely similar personalities and interests? Or extremely opposite? Or is it a balance that just makes sense? How do you try to better understand each other? Do you ever have to experience things you’re not interested in, or vice versa? 
we are pretty similar but other than that its just a good balance
we talk to each other
sometimes i suppose 
28. Has your partner ever changed one of your opinions on morals, politics, society, etc?
i dunno
29. Tell me about a time that you were really proud of them. 
his dance performance in january he worked so hard for that and i brought him roses afterwards and he did so good
30. Does physical affection and/or sexuality have a role in your relationship? Are both of your needs being respected and fulfilled? 
yes we both love physical shit and we make sure that its fulfilled and respected too
31. How often do you talk? On the phone, Skype, in person? Are you two the type that stays up too late because the conversation is too good to end?
we talk and text everyday
32. Talk about your sense of humor, and your partner’s. Do you laugh a lot together? Which one of you is funnier?
we laugh a lot of course
i dont know whos funnier
33. Is there anyone who doesn’t like the idea of your relationship? What’s the reason? How do you and your partner overcome disapproval from others?
not that i can think of
34. Have there been any hardships that have ultimately brought you closer than before?
there have
35. What’s their contact name in your phone?
my love 💕💕
36. Tell me about what your partner is good at. Are they an artist, are they good at math, do they play a sport, etc?
he is an amazing dancer
37. Get really sappy and gross for a moment. Be so gushy that your friends would groan in mock annoyance if you told them. What’s adorable about your partner? What makes your heart melt? What’s something cute that they did that you’ll always remember no matter what?
david rae strider
he is everything to me
he is my present and my future
he is the rest of my life
falling asleep next to him and waking up next to him is such a privilege and i feel like the luckiest goddamn man in the world to be able to love him
he makes me feel like the happiest man on earth to be able to love him
hes so understanding and patient and he listens to me
his movements are soft and not quick
he comforts me 
he cries and i feel like im bleeding from tha inside out and i want to make sure he never has any reason to sad cry
he cries with a smile and i know that i am so in love with him
he kisses my nose and holds me
he kisses every single one of my spots and tells me im beautiful
he traces my scars on my back my arms my face my legs everywhere and kisses my neck still
he holds my hand in public and does fake proposals for free dessert
he knows all the words to every single grease song and so do i
his voice is so nice to hear and his smile is all ive ever wanted to see
his hair is soft and i like to kiss his stubble cheeks when he doesnt shave for a while
hes cute
hes beautiful
he realizes his mistakes
he bought me roses once and put a note inside that he wanted to have roses like that at our wedding someday
he kisses me without regret
he says that he loves me and i believe him
when he got down on his knees and asked me to marry him with tears in his beautiful eyes and held out a shaky beautiful hand with an earring in it
i knew that i loved this man with my entire being
and i said yes
god i said yes
38. Let’s talk about life goals and hopes. Do you two have a similar idea for the future (regarding careers, getting a home, family, finding meaning)? Do you two make a good team? Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with them?
we are moving into his sisters old place once hes done with school and we are getting married in the summer
we just know we want the rest of our lives to be together
39. Reflecting on all of your experiences, what advice would you give to a young couple? 
talk to each other and dont try and hide important things and your feelings 
dont be stupid but also do stupid things
40. Is your partner on tumblr? Tag them here and write them a small message, it can be anything.
ur gross
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monbabi · 7 years
monsta x and sleeping
• just likes having u with him • adores the feeling of ur skin against his and the weight of u being next to him or even on top of him • even on hot summer nights he’ll drape an arm over u and kiss u on the forehead • he’d tap his chest and u would know instantly to jump on him and cuddle it up • hes like a human heater • great for the winter, get one for $39.99 • “hyunwoo its hot get off” • “but its gonna get cold later in the night” • “im sweating hyunwoo” • “so am i wow we’re such a good couple” • he enjoys the peacefulness of the evening when its just u two and the moon • if u fall asleep first, he’ll smile and stroke ur hair so gently bc he doesnt wanna wake u up • if the blanket slips off he’ll always make sure to tuck u back in • esp if he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees the blanket astray • if he falls asleep first well u might as well be sleeping next to a corpse • a very • cute • corpse
• LOVES and i mean LOVES to wrap his arms around u • will actually pout and whine if u push him off or finds u outside his grasp in the middle of the night • if ur laying next to him he turns his head and kisses u anywhere on the face at the randomest times • u jus burped? smooch on the temple • telling him abt the man who flicked a booger off the bus? smooches the top of ur head and a look of disgust • taps his fingers on ur waist • likes to sleep with u facing him and he cups ur face and with ur cheeks in his hands he smiles and wholeheartedly tells u he loves u • always without fail says good night to u before he falls asleep regardless whether u hear him or not • when u fall asleep first he stares at u lovingly w tht cute cat smile of his • hes so infactuated • “how did i get so lucky to be able to sleep next to this angel” • brushes ur hair out of ur face when it falls over eyes • probably takes pictures to treasure this time • ur forever gonna be his homescreen • he laughs to himself when u drool or let out a snore • “cute”
• okay listen to me • he wont leave u the fuck alone • even if u want him to he just. wont • will literally cling to u like wrap his arms and legs around u • likes to nuzzle his head in the crook of ur neck • indulges himself in little smirks when ur shirt collar slips a bit or ur shirt rides up exposing ur midriff • also a fan of kissing ur face often just because • likes to be big spoon bc he likes the thought of being the protector and guardian of ur sleeping frame • will rant to u abt everything while laying in bed and he expects u to do the same bc he wants u and him to be as open as possible to each other • “its jus so frustrating!!! why are there so many snubbulls in this neighborhood!!!” • “so u wanna get anything off ur chest (y/n)?” • a really good listener hes receptive and will always give u good advice • not a light sleeper but if u leave the bed he’ll definitely wake up and wait til u come back • talks a lot about the past while running his hands along ur arms and u can feel his breath tickle ur neck and eventually u both fall asleep
• he lays on his side, propping himself up on one arm and talks to u. about everything • u two have a lot of fun bc the conversation diverges a lot and the night is filled with high pitched giggles and playful tickles • really likes ur hands. is 100% for sleeping while holding hands • blows into ur ear just to mess with u and make u flustered • it works • hes so fuckin amused by ur reactions • u two sleep facing each other, with one of his hands holding urs and the other arm over ur torso, stroking ur back • he watches u while u sleep • okay that sounds creepy but he really does • hes mesmerized by the rise and fall of ur chest and how soft ur breaths come out and how ur mouth is left slightly agape and how ur eyelashes contrast against ur skin • he’s lulled to sleep, watching u relaxes him • sings u to sleep regardless whether u ask him or not • always takes requests tho • “kihyun can u sing me smth?” • “of course baby what would u like me to sing?” • “darude sandstorm” • “i fucking hate u” • “please” • kihyun: takes a deep breath “doodoodoodoo doo doodoo doo-”
• not super into skinship esp when sleeping • but not against a little snuggling every now and then • esp on cold nights he likes it when u cling to him like a koala • but most nights he’s content with simply sleeping next to u but not connected to the hip u know • endless giggling if u start sleeptalking • he finds it hilarious and so incredibly endearing u dont even know • sometimes gets so tired he doesnt even change out of the clothes he wore during the day • u come home late and u see hyungwon curled up on the bed in a hoodie and jeans and ur like ??? • sleeps with socks on • u think its weird but he gets cold easily so he’ll endure any teasing he gets from u • his voice gets really deep and husky when hes half asleep • and its cute when ur having late night talks and he’s just mumbling his responses and u run ur fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead • “hey hyungwon” • “mm?” • “do u remember how we met?” • “well it was sunny and mnndjsgkf….,.,,.,…i saw mmmnnjnc…,…and u were there,,..,,,,,,” • go to sleep babe"
• will snuggle u to death • u could be layin on the bed chilling and he would walk into the room, give u that beautiful dimply smile, and jump on u • he hugs u so tightly bc he just loves holding u • its comforting to him • after a rough day he just wants to curl up in bed and hold u in his arms • like minhyuk u guys talk about ur day and ur problems a lot late at night • “ive been composing all day and scrapped so many beats and in the end i dont even like the the beats i kept” • “its okay honey ur such a talented person u’ll create something ur satisfied with i’ll listen to it if u want opinions!!” • “thanks baby ur the best” • alternates between big spoon and little spoon • secretly likes being little spoon more bc he can hold ur hands as they wrap around his waist and he likes the feeling of ur head against his body • likes kissing u on the cheek and u kiss him back right on his dimple • will quietly sing u to sleep if u ask • keeps his hand on ur butt bc he just feels like its a nice place to settle • gives u a little squeeze once in a while to mess with u or wake u up if ur falling asleep • he thinks its the cutest thing when u babble in ur sleep and records u to watch another day
• likes to sleep facing u • strokes ur hair and kisses the top of ur head • if u have any moles on ur face he will definitely kiss each and every one of them • tries to do asmr for u • really just whispering “noot noot” in ur ear • gives a lot of little chuckles bc he’s so enamored with u • ur just this beautiful bundle of joy in his arms and ur all his he loves that • u guys talk about the future, all ur fears and excitement and hopes • whenever u talk he looks into ur eyes and nods intently, taking in every single breath u take and word u speak • he’ll probably gently bite u in the neck for fun when its quiet • “changkyun pls” • “its not my fault ur tasty” • “good night changkyun” • if u fall asleep first he’ll use it as an opportunity to gaze upon u and memorize ur facial features • as if u were going to go missing in the morning, he stores the image of ur face in his memory • he sighs, giving ur hair a light stroke • touching noses and sharing smiles • and slowly he falls asleep
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Never-Shifting Feelings
From this request: can you write a sam x reader where they go on a hunt together (without dean) and a shapeshifter kidnaps and takes sams place? and the reader doesnt notice at first and hes being weird until he tries to kill her, and she kicks his ass and saves sammy?? and they r dating or they confess in the end?
You stood under the hot spray of the shower, letting the water pound against your sore neck. You were so invested in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the bathroom door open.
“Jesus!” you screamed, turning when you felt a hand grab your arm.
“Easy, Y/N,” Sam said with a smile. “It’s just me.”
“Sorry,” you said, feeling your cheeks heat. “I just… I’m a little jumpy.”
“Why? Dean’s not on this hunt with us. Who else could be in here?”
You shook your head. “You know I’m always on edge on hunts until we kill the creature. And the fact that we’re hunting a shifter… it could be anyone.”
“It could be,” Sam said with a nod. “But I promise you’re safe here with me.”
He leaned down and kissed you, his lips and tongue urging yours open.
“Sam,” you whispered, your hands trailing up his dripping chest.
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Sam whispered, his lips dropping to your neck, his hands dropping to your hips. “Let me help you relax.”
You carefully stepped from your shower, your legs shaking slightly. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around yourself as you swiped a clear spot in the fog on the mirror.
Sam stepped up behind you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Feeling better?”
“Mmm,” you responded, looking at his reflection in the mirror. You loved this man with all your heart, but something… something wasn’t sitting right with you. Shower sex was nothing new to you—it happened almost weekly back at the bunker (much to Dean’s chagrin—he’d gotten a number of cold showers due to you and Sam using all the hot water). You liked to think you knew Sam inside and out, but there was something that was different today.
‘Calm down,’ you told yourself. ‘You’re just jumpy because of the case.’
“Don’t be long,” Sam said, his hand landing on your ass, giving a small squeeze. “I’m ready for round two.”
You smiled as Sam slipped from the bathroom, towel slung around his waist. You dried yourself off and slipped into your pjs before stepping out into the bedroom.
Sam was spread out on the bed, having traded his towel for boxer shorts. He smirked up at you, but the smirk dropped as he studied you. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re still upset about the case.”
You shrugged.
“Come here,” Sam said, holding a hand out. You slipped your hand into his and let him pull you down onto the mattress next to you. You snuggled into him, inhaling the scent that was inherently Sam—but something was different.
‘Must be the hotel soap,’ you thought to yourself.
“Everything’s going to be just fine,” Sam promised, holding you tight. “We’ll find the shifter. We’ll kill him. We’ll go home. Just like always.”
You nodded, hoping that if you believed those words enough, they would come true.
The next morning, you woke early. Your dreams had been infiltrated with visions of shifters.
Sam remained quiet, dozing easily. You found your shoes and jacket and slipped out of the room.
The whole reason you and Sam had picked this motel out of all of the ones in the area was because the shifter was taking visitors to the town, most having stayed in this motel. You were hoping to catch a glimpse at the security tapes, hoping to find that retinal flare and find the bastard who was wearing other people’s skin.
The clerk at the desk was a bored middle-aged woman, a burning cigarette dangling from her lips. “Help you?” she asked without looking up.
“Yeah, I was wondering if I could look at your security tapes from the past few weeks? I’m–”
“Help yourself,” the woman said with a nod behind her.
You paused. Surely she’d misheard you—perhaps she thought you’d asked for coffee or a phone book or something. You considered double-checking, asking again, but you thought better of it. You slipped behind the desk and into the office behind the woman who made no move but to flip the page of her tabloid (from 2001).
An old computer sat on a rickety desk, the monitor quartered, showing four different areas of the motel. You struck a few keys and watched as the frames began to rewind, slowly but surely.
‘This is going to take forever,’ you thought, knowing you had to go back two weeks when the first person had disappeared from the area.
But then, lo and behold, you saw it.
A retinal flare.
From tonight.
You stopped the footage, moving it forward ever so slightly.
You saw it again, even clearer this time.
Unfortunately, it didn’t quell your nerves from earlier.
The glowing eyes on the screen belonged to Sam.
You sank to the floor, hands covering your face. You knew it wasn’t really Sam’s chest you’d fired the bullet into, but it still looked like him.
After finding the footage, you quickly went to your car, popping the trunk and pulling out your case of silver bullets and slipped some into your revolver. Then you took a deep breath and made your way back into the room.
The shifter didn’t move as you slipped in. You let your eyes adjust to the dark as you quietly stepped over to him. You aimed the gun at his heart, cocking it.
At that moment, the shifter sat up. “Y/N?” he questioned groggily.
You shut your eyes and pulled the trigger.
You sat in the dark for a while, trying to work up the courage to get the work done that you knew you needed to do. Finally, you stood, flipping on the light. You packed up your things and took them to the car. Then you returned, rolling the shifter’s corpse in the comforter and dragging it to your car, shoving it in the trunk.
You disposed of the body in a dark alley a few miles away, watching the flames char the flesh that still looked like your boyfriend. Once the body was destroyed, you got back in your car, trying to figure out where the real Sam could be. You mentally retraced your steps, figuring out when there had been a moment when the two of you had separated, when he would’ve had the opportunity to run into the shifter.
The bar. When you two had stopped to get some dinner. He’d gone to the bathroom, leaving you alone for a few minutes.
You drove back to the bar, wondering where the shifter had stored Sam. (You hoped he was still alive… please, he had to still be alive.) The bar was, of course, closed. You decided to check the perimeter before breaking and entering.
Thank God you did.
You found Sam tied up and tossed in the dumpster behind the building, garbage partially burying him. You pulled him out and brushed him off, pulling the gag away from his mouth.
“Y/N,” Sam breathed. “Thank God. I was beginning to worry–”
“Shhh,” you said, pulling at the rope around his wrists. “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be just fine.”
You didn’t talk about your experience with the shifter. You weren’t sure you could admit to Sam that you’d actually slept with it. You thought (hoped) he would understand—after all, it had looked like him.
But every day, when you looked at Sam, you found your heart breaking. You felt like you’d cheated on him. You found yourself shunning any attempt at intimacy Sam tried to initiate.
And then came the day when Sam stepped into the shower with you.
“Jesus!” you said, covering yourself with your hands.
“Whoa,” he said. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t tell me you’re over one of your favorite weekly activities.”
“Today’s just… not a good day.”
“Sam, please. Just… let me finish in here.”
Sam’s eyes showed he was hurt but he nodded, carefully stepping from the shower. You swallowed the lump in your throat and quickly finished your shower.
When you stepped back into the bedroom, you saw Sam sitting on the bed, dressed in sweats.
“Sam, I’m sorry, I just…”
“Are you going to break up with me?”
“Is that why you’ve been distant recently? Nothing’s been the same since the shifter case.”
You swallowed again. “I… I know.”
You sighed, dropping down beside Sam. With a shaky voice, you told him the entire story, eyes trained on the ground the whole time. When you were done, the two of you sat in silence.
“I… I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Sam finally said. “I had no idea. I… God, and I’ve been trying to…”
“No, Sam, it’s not your fault.” You reached over and took Sam’s hand in yours. “And I’m not breaking up with you. I just… need some time.”
“I completely understand. I only hope you can forgive me for being such an asshole. Please, forgive me. You know I would never–”
“Shhh,” you said. “It’s okay, Sam. Really.”
Sam leaned over and pressed a kiss to your forehead before pressing his against yours. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you promised.
You still felt foolish for having fallen for the shifter’s trick, but you knew you could get through this so long as Sam, the real Sam, was with you.
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