#luna petunia
Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 1 Poll LL
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(Petunias and periwinkle)
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angel-blitz · 6 months
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Prompt from Twitter "draw your comfort characters like this" (og under cut)
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about one of the questions a anon asked you about which one of Harry’s kids finding out about the Dursleys and you said it would be Lily. Would you kill me if I asked you for a one shot? I need to see what Lily is like when she loses her shit. Pleaseeeee 😬
i think this ended up much different than you expected 😅
under the cut for length
"Hey, Mum?"
Ginny didn't pause in her packing of the diaper bag. "Yeah, Lils?"
Lily sat on the edge of the rocking chair, and watched Ginny organize all James' nonsense with a thoughtful look on her face.
"Does Daddy have a family?"
Pausing with two different stuffies in her hands, Ginny glanced around at her daughter. "What do you mean, love? We're his family?"
"I know," she answered, her voice sounding impossibly small. "But we always go see Pop and Momo. How come we don't see Daddy's family?"
Ginny's sigh disguised the unease blooming to life in her stomach. Pushing up from the floor, she knelt in front of Lily so they were eye level.
"Lily..." Ginny said soft and firm. "Do you remember what Daddy told you?"
Her little brow furrowed in response. "His mum and dad died? When he was a baby?"
Ginny nodded. "So, we can't go see Daddy's family. They aren't here anymore."
Lily pinched her lips together like this answer was wholly unsatisfactory.
"Pop and Momo. Uncle Ron and Uncle George," Ginny continued. "They're Daddy's family now."
"No, they aren't." Lily asserted. "They're your family."
"They can be Daddy's family, too." Ginny explained patiently. "Uncle Ron was Daddy's family before me and you and Ruby and James."
"But--" Lily shoved a lock of hair out of her eyes impatiently. "Who was his family before Uncle Ron?"
Ginny tensed. She didn't exactly feel equipped for this conversation. That seemed to happen a lot with Lily, her asking questions, pushing for answers that Ginny and Harry weren't quite sure how to give.
But Ginny supposed she had to try. Fuck's sake, where was Harry when she needed him.
"Before Daddy met Uncle Ron," Ginny's voice rasped and she had to clear her throat. "He lived with some people who should've been his family, but they didn't love him like they should. So, Daddy doesn't consider them his family."
Lily's expression didn't change, and she blinked a few times in confusion. Ginny could tell her mind was whirring with this new information.
"You know how Daddy and I love you more than anything in the world?" Ginny concluded, giving Lily's forearms a gentle squeeze. "That's what it means to be family, okay?"
"But why didn't they love him like they should?"
Ginny had a few choice words laced with vitriol ready to go, but she held her tongue.
"I don't know," she murmured instead, and it was the truth.
Only the worst sort of people couldn't love a baby left in their care. Couldn't love the person Harry had been when he was a child. It was inexplicable. And unforgivable.
Lily searched Ginny's eyes for a long moment before leaping to her feet.
"Well, I'm going to love him!" she thundered.
Ginny felt a prickling behind her eyes and a burning inside her chest at her little girl's outrage.
"Love who?"
Lily and Ginny both whipped around to see Harry framed in the doorway with a squirming James in his arms.
Sprinting across the nursery, Lily barreled headfirst in Harry's stomach and threw her arms around his waist.
Completely bewildered, Harry gave Lily a few pats on the back.
Ginny snorted and wiped a stray bit of moisture from her lashes.
James made grabby hands, leaning away from Harry's chest and babbling 'MaMaMaMa'. Ginny took him at the same time Lily grabbed Harry's hand and began dragging him down the hall.
"Ruby loves you too, Daddy," Lily announced in explanation. "She's always going on about it. She'll tell you--"
Harry shot Ginny a dumbstruck expression over his shoulder. Ginny just grinned back at him.
He'd never not feel loved again, that was for sure.
Not with Lily on the case.
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royalthorned · 5 days
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
lily: thot daughter
albus: gay son
james: suicide
victoire: gay daughter
dominique: thot daughter
louis: thot son
bellatrix: thot and gay daughter
narcissa: daughter
andromeda: suicide
sirius: thot son
regulus: gay daughter
lily: …
petunia: ….
bill: thot son
charlie: gay son
percy: gay son
fred: thot son
george: thot son
ron: suicide
ginny: the daughter TM
jacob: thot son
mc: gay daughter
fleur: straight daughter
gabrielle: chaste daughter
anne: ….
sebastian: somehow all three
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Quick Start for the Ladies of HP Fest (2023 fest over, 2024 post coming soon)
Greetings and welcome to the page for the Ladies of HP Fest! This post is your quick start guide to the fest and how it works.
Writing/creating: Each week will have a different theme. You can check the themes on the schedule. If you're wondering what kinds of fics fit into the themes, check out the Fic Rec List. When you're done, post the work to the AO3 collection. It will be unrevealed until the mod reveals it. There is no set reveal schedule; it's a come as you are, come as you go sort of fest, and no set commitment to any week. You can post ahead of time, but the fic won't be revealed until the theme arrives. Please include the theme in your author notes.
Guidelines and rules: Minimum fic word count is 100; no artwork 'time' amount, but use your best judgment to show something that took effort. The full rule list can be found here, and the FAQ list can be found here.
If you have questions, ask. Happy creating!
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moonbeam-dragon · 3 months
Yer a Wizard Dudley
My incredible friend Bi_AyeAye wrote a Harry Potter fic and I want any HP fan to read it. Basically an AU where Dudley goes to Hogwarts and gets a character arc before the fifth year. Watch as Dudley stops being a little b@stard and learns what familial love is. Featuring Ronarry because I convinced AyeAye to ship it.
Please read it and leave comments she deserves the love <3
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part one
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morticianesbit · 19 days
Petunia Amelia Dursley
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Lily Evans and Petunia Evans were estranged as sisters, but their granddaughters Lily Luna Potter and Petunia Amelia Dursley (both named after their respective grandmothers) became the bestest of friends.
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hpshipbattles · 1 month
A main gen character: Luna Lovegood
A marauders gen character: Petunia Dursley
A next gen character: Yann Fredericks
A character from one of the games (HM, HL, MA): Sebastian Sallow
A death eater/order member/ministry official character: Elphias Doge
A miscellaneous character (creature, professor, founder etc.): Albus Dumbledore
Two other characters of your choosing: Hestia Jones, Rita Skeeter
These are some fun ones!
(rules and submitted characters)
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Luna and Harry as siblings.
Jegulus and Pandalily want kids so they’re like.. you know what?? Let’s share em!! James & Lily are Harry’s bio parents, Regulus & Pandora are Luna’s.
Harry and Luna already have a sibling dynamic (if you argue, you’re homophobic) so why not make them actual siblings??
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angel-blitz · 8 months
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He doesn't know either
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theydreamtheydream · 2 years
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This one is also locked, ie: available only to those who have an account, so I will give you the link for the author
"Some of Harry's memories end up in the past and he has to figure out 1. what to do about the shitty things he sees in his future, 2. how this happened in the first place, and 3. if he may just be making it all worse anyway. It doesn't help that his saviour complex apparently travelled back with him.
What he knows is that neither Voldemort nor Dumbledore have his best interest at heart, so he may as well be on his own side - and recruit as many people as possible to help/save.
That means making old and new friends as well as enemies, starting his political career early and messing with the timeline. A lot. After all, he will drag the wizarding world into the next century - kicking and screaming if he has to. And if that's not an excuse to be mayhem personified, Harry doesn't know what is."
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t1oui · 3 months
just had an idea for an addition to this au i made featuring petunia and dudley because i actually think about those two a lot
imagine lily, pandora, and mary’s wedding. barty is the officiant, 8-year-old harry is the ring-bearer, and 7-year-old luna the flower girl. her baby blue dress matches harry’s suit.
sirius, remus, james, marlene, and peter stand as part of mary and lily’s party while pandora’s consists of regulus, evan, dorcas, and xenophilius.
pandora is walked down the aisle by evan, mary by regulus, and lily by james. (mary and regulus are best friends and you cannot tell me otherwise).
when i say that petunia and dudley are featured, i just mean they’re there. lily invited petunia to the wedding and when vernon got pissy about it, petunia and dudley left him behind and went on their own.
for the dances, lily ofc dances with pandora and mary. james, harry, and regulus dance with each other. barty and evan dance with luna until she runs off to dance with xeno. marlene and dorcas dance together, same for sirius and remus. when remus, the old man he is, gets too sore to keep going, sirius dances with peter instead. petunia dances with dudley until lily shows up and asks to dance with her sister, and when that happens, it’s every man for himself.
james and regulus dance with mary. pandora dances with xeno. marlene somehow ends up on frank longbottom’s shoulders and alice has somehow convinced narcissa to give her a piggy-back ride.
it’s a good night, and it’s the mark of a new beginning for the evans family.
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ladiesofhpfest · 11 months
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Have you heard the saying 'friendship is the best kind of ship’?! Well, now you have! Let’s set romance aside for a week and celebrate the power and beauty of female friendships of all shapes and sizes.
Ginny and Luna! The girls who grew up in Ottery St. Catchpole - were they BFFs as kids?
Lavender and Parvati! Tell us all about their friendship! Give us the details on the girls in the Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw dormitories! How about the teachers? Did Minerva, Poppy, and Pomona spend hours gossiping about who'd be getting together by the next term? 
Hermione and Ginny - Hermione spent lots of time at the Burrow between summers. What was her friendship with Ginny like? 
Lack of female friendship: did Hermione, Ginny, Luna, or any other girl miss having friends? Did they wish they had more lady friends to do girly things with? 
What are the girls doing together as friends? Seances? Summoning the ghosts and spirits? Painting each others' nails? Tell us about it! 
2023 Fic Masterlist
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