#ma people are WRONG on the INTERNET
pertinax--loculos · 1 year
Every time I see that incorrect fucking post about the Voice to Parliament floating around it makes me FUCKING LIVID. Like I wanna wade in cuz it's PLAIN FUCKING WRONG but the sentiment is correct so I stop myself.
So yeah, VOTE YES but for fuck's sake PLEASE understand what you're fucking voting for. There is no reason Indigenous Australians shouldn't be allowed in Parliament which is why THEY ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED IN PARLIAMENT. There's also no reason not to have a Constitutionally entrenched Indigenous led advisory body WHICH IS WHAT THE FUCKING REFERENDUM IS ABOUT, jesus christ.
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useless-catalanfacts · 7 months
A day in the life of someone who posts on the internet in Catalan *cue dozens of Spanish people asking "what's wrong with your mouth", ordering him to speak in Spanish or "in Christian", saying he's rude for speaking in Catalan, calling him "polaco" (derogatory Spanish word to mean a Catalan person), calling the Catalan language a dialect, saying he is possessed because he's speaking Catalan, etc*
This is a video by Sergi Mas showing some of the comments he gets on YouTube. He makes videos about mountain biking that he posts on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. And the first comment he got on his first YouTube video was already someone telling him he should do it in Spanish.
Some days ago, another creator who posts his videos in Catalan (Joan Sendra, find him on Instagram and TikTok) answered to a Spanish person who was complaining that it's rude to speak Catalan/Valencian on the internet instead of Spanish because then there's people who don't understand you (as if everyone in the world spoke Spanish lmao). Joan, who is tired of getting this kind of comments so often, answered: there are already endless videos and things to watch on the internet in Spanish. In fact, if you look for [the topic he was talking about in the video that this guy commented] all the videos are in Spanish except for mine. And yet you had to come to me, the one in Valencian, and tell me that I can't make a video in my language and that I can only make it in yours. If you don't like it, it's so easy to find another one!
However, it's not a matter of actually being interested in what's being said in a language they don't speak. It's about the imposition of the language they consider superior (Spanish) and telling speakers of the languages whose land Spain had occupied that they are useless and should be ashamed of existing in public. Well, we aren't. Like Sergi's video, don't let the comments disturb your macarrons.
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Superpham AU (part 7)
A short one today, but I thought this section was funny (until it got sad again).
It’s a quiet evening in the Lane-Kent household: Lois is trying to turn her notes into an article, Clark is going over Jon’s math homework, and Jon is watching a show Lois is only half-following.  It features lots of gunfire and explosions, though Lois’s— unfortunately extensive— experience with witnessing real violence makes the version on TV look cartoonish.  She suspects that is part of the show’s appeal.
Danny is paying about as much attention to the TV as Lois is, engrossed in something on his phone.  At least he’s in the same room as the rest of them, instead of sequestering himself away.
“Hey Lois?” Danny suddenly asks.
Lois looks up from her work.  “What’s up?”
“Did you know the internet thinks you’re Superman’s girlfriend?”
Lois knows that if she looks at Clark, he’ll be turning red, the way he always does whenever this particular subject comes up.  Lois herself is barely holding back a laugh.  Jon’s wrinkling his nose, looking thoroughly embarrassed by his parents.
“Well, I am,” she says, barely keeping herself composed.
“No, I mean—” Danny begins.
“You mean people say that I’m dating Superman and married to Clark?”  Lois glances at Clark, who is now hiding his face in his hands.  “Someone forgot to check for cameras after rescuing me a few years back, and we got caught kissing on film.  It was let people think Superman is a homewrecker or let them think I’m in a polyamorous relationship with my husband and his alter ego.”  
“That’s… really weird.”  Danny is giving her the kind of judgmental look only teenagers can give.  
Lois does laugh at that.  “It is, a bit.  But it helps protect Clark’s secret identity, so I don’t mind.”
“Don’t listen to her,” Clark finally says.  “There were other ways to handle that situation; she just thinks this is funny.”
“Even your parents think it’s funny,” Lois says.  Clark just sighs, faux-aggrieved.  
“It’s not even the weirdest thing on the internet about Superman,” Danny says.  “It’s just the weirdest thing everyone agrees is true.”
“Please do not tell me what else you’ve found,” Clark says.  
“You can tell me,” Lois says.  “We can just make Clark leave for a bit.”  Reading conspiracy theories about Superman is her guilty pleasure, though if anyone asks, she does it to keep tabs on anyone who might have a viable way of hurting him.  
Danny just laughs, and something in Lois’s chest seizes up.  Is this the first time she’s heard him laugh since he came back?  She thinks it might be.
She doesn’t want to call attention to it; like as not, that would just make him pull away again.  Instead she says, “Superman doesn’t even get the best conspiracy theories.  Those are all Batman.”  That’s because Bruce purposefully cultivates them, of course, but that’s not important.
“Which one is he, again?” Danny asks.  
It’s not that Lois ever forgets that Danny has spent most of his life in another dimension.  But little offhand comments like that… they really drive it home.  There are plenty of superheroes, even Justice League members, that most of the general public has never heard of— but Batman is not one of them.
She's saved from answering by Clark.
"You'll meet him eventually," Clark says.  "He's a good friend of mine.  And Jon and Kon are close to his two youngest sons, Robin and Red Robin."
Danny nods thoughtfully.  "Right.  I think Red Robin's in the group chat Kon added me to."
Lois reminds herself to thank Kon next time she sees him.  He and Danny seem to have connected, and Kon seems to have made it his personal mission to keep Danny from slipping too far into one of his funks again.
"Speaking of Kon," Clark begins.  "Ma and Pa want to know when we'll be able to make it to Smallville to visit."
They've been trying not to overwhelm Danny by introducing him to too many new people at once, but maybe that was the wrong choice.  Maybe they should be pushing him to get out more, to connect with this dimension.  Besides, Kon spends most of his time in Smallville, and they already know that he and Danny get along.
Lois re-evaluates the article she’s been working on.  Perry would probably appreciate it sooner rather than later, but if she turns in a smaller article this week, she can probably swing a weekend off.  If not, she can always work on it from Kansas.
“This weekend should work,” Lois says.  “If that’s alright with you, Danny.”
Danny looks a little surprised to be consulted.  “I— yeah, that works.  Not like I have anywhere else to be.”  He laughs a little, but the joke falls flat, and Lois resolves to double down on helping Danny connect with more people here in this dimension.
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disregardcanon · 8 months
i'm thinking about a npmd the good place au and HOO BOY the ideas
it's a season 1 setup, with tinky as the architect of the neighborhood.
... good janets are petes and bad janets are teds. OUR pete is the neighborhood's pete and he's just kinda. trying to get by. shit's weird, guys. he doesn't remember how he got here and all his protocols have been messed up and the guy that took him isn't very nice. but this is- it's fine. it has to fine (there's no other choice.)
grace chastity is still adjusting to the idea that the christian god isn't real. she is not enjoying that very much, but she IS validated by the idea that her actions as a christian got her into The Place Where Good People Go. her actual exploits like mission trips and getting dances canceled and running abstinence camp are what are brought up during the Look How Cool We Are Welcome to the Neighborhood gala.
steph has been assigned to be her soulmate. she isn't supposed to be here. she's not like, an ABSURDLY bad person for anything, she just. was raised by solomon lauter. so she got the hell out of dodge after graduation and MAYBE she did some scams to get by after that. and like maybe she knows how to make a molotov cocktail and has used one once or twice. she certainly isn't The Best Person Who Did All These Things To Help the World and Support Great Liberal Causes that they keep saying she is. (she... wishes she was. though.) and these bible studies that her soulmate (soulmate???? THE FUCK) grace chastity keeps trying to force her to do so not to out her to the authorities as A Mistake Who Should Not Be Here. really aren't helping. (like come on. grace still insists that it's bad to be bisexual but look who her soulmate is? STEPH! so maybe steph knows more about how to adjust to this new world that little miss evangelist does)
ruth fleming is the first recorded case (according to tinky) of a Human Without a Soulmate in the history of humanity. just her fucking luck. she can't even get the robot guy to fuck her. ughgggghhh. you spend your life writing high quality erotic for lonely people and it gets you into heaven! but it doesn't even get you a partner. fuckin' rude
max jagerman doesn't think that he did anything wrong. he was the king of hatchetfield high, and then hatchetfield community college, and then he managed to fight his way to a backup quarterback spot on the jacksonville jaguars (this is the good place it will be the jaguars). and then! he's the REAL quarterback! if patrick ma-fucking-homes would just drop dead he'd be the most famous quarterback in the united states, thank you!
but when he dies... the guy doesn't tell him congrats on all the success. he doesn't even recognize that this is MAXWELL JAGERMAN! the quarterback who should be the most famous and well-respected in the united states. he makes some weird references to how... ambition... is... bad? and that those that hurt other people are... bad? says something about being a channel of peace or whatever? and that if this was a mix up then max is free to go to "drowsy town"? whatever the fuck that means.
so when he says "but you're not an ambitious bully that hurt others to get where you were! you're a super nice silent catholic monk who promoted peace on earth, right?" and max just.... stares.
"do you want to keep up your vow of silence? you can just nod." and max... does. because what the fuck do you say to that? shit shit shit shit shit shit FUCK
his "soulmate" is richie lipschitz, warrior for the sanctity of other people's art. why, if his youtube channel that makes fun of other people's bad art and takes and uses his fan base to come after much smaller creators isn't a net positive in the world, then what IS? some loser who doesn't understand anything complaining about the fascist implications of attack on titan on the internet? HA! (richie is disappointed that his soulmate isn't someone better, who likes him, but it was never going to live up to rei or asuka anyway. so he'll live)
he's the only one who knows max, and they went to high school together. max was the exact sort of bully that he was in canon. and it takes a LOT of sweet talk about how richie's the one who's actually supposed to be here to get him to stay quiet about the Max Actually Being an Awful Football Player and Not That Cool Silent Monk thing.
ruth and richie become friends through a series of sitcom tomfoolery. the sitcom tomfoolery is mainly Dragging The Poor Robot Into Playing Games and then Getting Mad That He's Better At The Games Than They Are. also ruth getting frustrated that the robot does not want to fuck her. (it's not because the robot does not want to fuck she's just not his type)
steph knows that she recognizes that silent monk guy from somewhere but can't quite put her finger on it, and she knows that something is VERY wrong here.
grace is developing a crush on her soulmate and does not know how to do that. (does being a soulmate count as marriage? is it actually bad to be gay when god doesn't even properly exist? did her actions matter since she wasn't serving a real god? what do you do with an EXISTENTIAL CRISIS IN THE AFTERLIFE?!?!?! ugh stomachache.)
max wants to figure out how to go back to being The Coolest Guy Ever, FUCK YEAH (he can't even shout go nighthawks or jacksonville jaguars, because he can't talk! it sucks!) but he knows that his soulmate Will Not Help. the guy, unreasonably, is still holding high school against him. and also everything else that max has legitimately messed up since then. (ha, it's almost like. consequences to your actions-) and then he meets grace chastity, biggest prude and most Sure of Herself in This Entire Place.
and he's in love <3 he prostrates himself in front of her and BEGS her to help him become "a good person" so that he can stay here. and grace is like i really don't have time for that i have to teach my own Secretly Shitty Soulmate the bible. and steph's like uh you can just. stop doing that. i'm really not interested-
and grace is like NO YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME YOU BEAUTIFUL CHARMING SEDUCTRESS! and steph's like ugh. did i finally cure this girl's internalized homophobia in time for her to just. not leave me the fuck alone? fuck
so a max who, in theory, wants to learn grace chastity's version of Good Personhood so that he can earn his spot here and become Coolest Guy in the Good Place, King of Good Place High, and mainly just wants to spend time with her and get her to like him, grace who is having a bisexual panic attack and also fighting off existential dread, and steph, who knows that there is something very very wrong here and that grace can't help her with morality but also. has not figured out what's wrong or who can. is just stuck here while the other two flirt and grace occassionally remembers to make googly eyes HER way instead of max jagerman's. who IS the famous football player. what a fuckin' world
steph starts trying to research What the Fuck Is Wrong Here, and realizes that max's soulmate, richie, and tragically unattached ruth are befriending the Robot with Godlike Knowledge. and she's like oh wow i could probably utilize that in my Research.
more sitcom shenanigans occur. grace and max stop noticing that their third wheel isn't attending bible studies and they become more and more them just dancing towards sexual encounters.
steph uses her con artist raised by a politician (other type of con artist) skills to notice more and more strange fuckery, as things with the world start spiraling further and further out of control.
"you're pretty funny. you know, for a robot."
"not a robot."
"then what are you, exactly?"
"... a spankoffski?" and steph feels really bad for laughing.
she gets figured out as Not Who She Appears to Be and has to go through this big long contrived process to get to stay in the good place instead of getting shipped off, and it just seems... like so much. they bring up reps from the bad place and the stakes seem so contrived.
ruth and richie shenanigan together by Trying to Find The Swinger Soulmate Pairs while steph tries to figure out why, exactly, nothing feels real. and it feels less real when the walls start to enclose and she might be getting removed from the good place entirely.
the bad place representatives show up: another weird guy with another weird name and his own robot.
the bad place even has their own version of pete- a weird, horny bastard who won't answer anyone's questions and just complains the whole time. but why would that demon that they brought up be... willing? to let them cut a deal? why does their architect seem... weirdly chummy with them? they act almost the same, treating their robot right hands with the same amount of... callous contempt. perhaps the Ted "deserves" it, but-
... why isn't tinky kind to pete? pete might not be HUMAN, but he's still... sentient. he has thoughts and feelings and he's her favorite company in this godforsaken place- and tinky is supposed to be the creator of a place that's good and just.
what exactly are their numbers indicating? why is everything so confusing and bullshit and-
she runs out to the lake, just to clear her head. sit by the water and watch. she pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them.
"hey pete?" she asks. the well-dressed robot materializes beside her. sitting cross-legged.
"everyone has... points, right? that's how they figure out if you go to the good place or the bad place?"
"that's correct."
"who has the most points here?"
steph chuckles. "good one, spankoffski. i didn't know you could joke on purpose"
he tilts his head in confusion. "it wasn't a joke."
"i- what?"
"there are only 5 sets of numbers here. yours is the highest. it's been going up steadily ever since you got here."
steph just stares. "pete, there can't- there's hundreds of people here. why would only 5 of us have numbers?"
"only humans have numbers," he says simply. and oh god, oh fuck, oh shit-
"how did you get here?" she asks softly.
he looks thoughtful for a moment. "i... don't remember."
so steph gathers up the five other humans and they break their way into tinky's office, pete in tow.
and he's like "huh. what are you all doing here together?"
the other four humans are still confused, but steph is a forceful personality and convinced them this was the only way to fix things.
"go ahead and send me to the bad place," steph says, "i thought about it, and i don't want to keep making things so HARD on all of you. i was soooo selfish in life, but i don't want to keep that up."
tinky looks anxious. "oh steph, you aren't a burden."
she smiles. "but i thought i wasn't even supposed to be here?"
"we've made it work," tinky promises.
steph laughs. "i don't think so. this show reminds me what my dad would do, when he wanted to seem like he was fighting for something politically that he already had set up. it's all a show, right?"
tinky grins tightly. "i don't know what you mean."
"you're not sending me to the bad place, because i'm ALREADY THERE!" she declares. the other humans gasp. pete looks unfazed.
tinky blinks. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"there are only 5 sets of numbers here," steph says, "and guess whose is the highest? MINE! and i'm not even supposed to be here."
"two clerical errors? really?" steph demands.
"things happen," tinky says.
"and the three that got here fair and square?" steph asks, "we have a self-righteous church girl, a bullied youtuber who started bullying people himself, and an erotic writer. of teacher/student!" steph laughs, "come on, you're telling me that THOSE are the best humanity has to offer? and that max and i both just so happpenneeddd to end up here? in error?"
tinky grits his teeth. "no one else here is even human. if they were, they'd act like it. and they'd have numbers. but they don't."
"this is our own little nightmare realm that you cooked up to torture us."
then tinky laughs, maniacal and goat-like.
"wait," grace whispers, "i'm not... a good person?"
"NO!" tinky cackles, "that was the fun! but now... someone's ruined it for all of us. we're going to have to reset everything now. are you happy, stephanie?"
she frowns. "reset?" tinky snaps his fingers, and the humans pass out on his floor.
"i'm not supposed to be here," pete says, looking with wide eyes over to the passed out humans.
"ugh," tinky says, "RESET!" and not-a-robot not-a-boy spankoffski resets too.
he has another chance at this. and another. and another. and another. and another- however many it takes to get this right. and he WILL get this right, after all. he has all the time in the world.
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
Hey!, I just finished rewatching moon knight and now scrolling through the moon knight tags when I came across a post about how Mr knight is actually Marc Spector and Steven Grant is a playboy billionaire in the comics and I was shook. Then I came across your post of you ranting about the differences from the show to the comics, which blew my mind!, and now I’m so intrigued and curious about the true lore of moon knight, every time I try to search about it on google I just get references from the shows (so frustrating) I can’t afford to buy the comics, so if you can/want could you please tell me all the important and interesting facts/lore that’s in the moon knight comics?
Sorry for the long message, just came across your page and pressed follow, love your content!. ❤️
in all seriousness, this made my day. I'm so glad you enjoy my content, and I will happily explain to you the MK lore!
I completely get you on the not wanting to but the comics thing. Comics are expensive. Honey, imma be real with you, readcomiconline.li is where it's at. It's where I read all of the comics I didn't have.
So before I go on a tangent and explain things, and this goes for anyone wanting to start reading the comics, heres a little list of all the comics I've read so far in what I understand to be chronological order.
It's a little bit cheesy and a VERY long run, but Marc Spector: Moon Knight from 1989-94 is maaayybbeee where you want to start off, but maybe not. I didn't start off with this run, but even as bad as the old comics are, they're a bit important.
But, I HIGHLY suggest you start out with the Lemire and Smallwood run from 2016. It was the first run I completed, and it's an amazing run and VERY important to read. Many people say it's the best run. It's certainly a run, I'll tell you that. ( Also I didn't read that one online, I received it last year as a Christmas gift. Also readcomic doesn't have all of the issues, so be warned on that. )
Next I read From The Dead. And I moved on to Vengeance of The Moon Knight from 2009. And after I'd suggest reading Age of Khonshu, Devils Reign and then The Midnight Mission. You can read all of these for free on readcomiconline.li ( don't type in comics plural because it will direct you to the wrong site ) be warned though because there are a lot of ads and you will get jumpscared by anime boobies.
Now moving onto what you asked me for. The important stuff, right.
I'm new to this whole comic reading stuff as well, and for anyone else reading this who knows more than I do, please add additional information I missed down in the reply section. It would mean a lot. So now I'm going to give a you a quick run down on Marc's origin story. ( And for a quick disclaimer, I will come off as not taking myself seriously in some parts of this post because I don't take myself seriously lol. )
Marc Spector was born on March 9th, 1987 in Chicago Illinois into a Jewish family. His father was Elias Spector and his mother was Wendy Spector ( his younger brother being Randall Spector )Elias was a rabbi who manged to escape Nazi prosecution during the days of Hitler and all that jazz. Because Elias was a rabbi, Randall would get picked on at school a lot, and Marc would be there to stand up for him. Even at a young age Marc was exposed to a lot of violence. That could come from growing up yk... Kinda poor and having to stand up for your lil bro.
Marc's violent nature was really born when a close family friend of his, Yitz Perlmen was discovered to be a secret serial killer who targeted Jews. From what I understand, Perlmen tried to Kill Marc ( mind you Marc was like 11 or 12 ) but Marc had escaped but his traumatic experiences led him to form D.I.D
As seen in the Lemire run, the first time Marc had encountered Khonshu was when he was 12 and was getting diagnosed for his D.I.D Marc wasn't told to his face from the doctor about his disorder and was told to step outside the office. Marc tried to evesdrop on the conversation, and from outside of the doctor's office, he meets Khonshu. Khonshu tells him, " That man in there is not your true father. I am. " Mind you, Marc is 12!!! 12!!!! Khonshu began manipulating Marc since he was twelve because he was, obviously really fucking young, and traumatized. Khonshus tactics were to strip Marc away from his religion and culture and make him submit to him.
So anyways, Marc was sent to Putnam Psychiatric Hospital and would stay there until he was 18 when his father funeral came along and he was let go for a week to go visit his family. This is where we learn Marc's relationship with his father was complex. Marc tells his mother, Wendy, that his father must have been happy to send him away because he was embarrassed by him. Wendy and Marc have an argument, which ends in Marc saying he's going to the bathroom, when he actually leaves to his childhood bedroom and escapes out the window when he hears Khonshus voice.
Marc later enlisted into the U.S marines Corps and served as a private for a couple years. But on Marc's second tour to Iraq, superiors started to report his odd behavior and they found out that Marc had lied about his disorder, leaving him to be discharged. Marc joined the CIA and served with his brother Randall. Randall was jealous of Marcs talents and killed Marc's girlfriend, Lisa, because she was going to expose a gun scheme. Marc then like... Threw bombs at Randall and shit and then assumed he was dead...but he wasn't.
Marc left the CIA after that and started doing illegal boxing, where he met his soon to be best friend, Jean-Paul Duchamp ( usually refered to as Frenchie ) and they became mercenaries together and started killing a bunch of people, in Marc's case, for mooonnneeyyy!!! Get that bag, girlie. And then Marc got put on trial for war crimes!! His crime being yk...assistanting the president of this south African country called Bosqueverde as one does.
And then he started to do missions under this group call the Karnak Cowboys and fell in love with one of his groupmates, Layla El-faouly, as seen in later issues of The Midnight Mission. Then she fucking died when an escape went wrong.
So anyways Marc meets this funny lil guy named Raoul Bushman ( he is not funny lil guy, he's killed hundred of people, probably) So Marc works for him with Frenchie and they, together, set to north Sudan to raid a dig site. ( This should start to sound familiar, as it was briefly touched on in the show when Arthur's guys captured Steven and put cuffs on him and slammed him in the back of their car ) Looks like raid shadow legends went down again, and things started to get not so epic when Raoul killed the lead Archeologist of the dig site, Peter Alraune in front of his daughter Marlene. This pissed the ever loving shit out of Marc because even though Marc likes violence, he doesn't enjoy violence against innocent people, and so he punches the fucker but uh oh! The Raoul Bushman Strikes Back, and he fucking KILLS MARC IN RETURN AND EVERYONE ELSE EXPECT FOR FRENCHIE AND MARLENE AND THIS ONE MF WHO TOLD HIM HE WOULD TELL HIM WHERE THE DIG SITE WAS. ( really Raoul left Marc mortally wounded, but he was on the brick of death, basically)
Marc was able to regain conscious and drag himself halfway to Khonshus tomb ( which is what Raoul was looking for ) Marlene and a bunch of other citizens find Marc and they carry him to Khonshus tomb. Marc hears Khonshus voice for yet another time, and Marc is revived and becomes the Moon Knight we all know and love. Then he basically killed Raoul's guys and then fell in love with Marlene.
So that's his origin story. Now onto the stuff I know as fact but it won't be explained in chronological order because I haven't read a ton of comics to explain it in chronological order.
He used Steven as a a way to handle money and build wealth so they could have recourses like vehicles, weapons and a ton of other random bullshit ( go!! ) that they don't need. Jake was used as a new York taxi driver so that he had his eye in the streets and knew when shit was goin down. They're both kind of horny. Jake literally spends some of his free time in a strip clubs drinking rum. ( As seen in the midnight mission and implied on in the Lemire run. )
His relationship with Marlene was long, but didn't last because, if I'm recalling correctly, Marc had a mental breakdown and decided to basically stop working for Khonshu so he could be with Marlene. But soon after he started hearing Khonshus voice again and Marlene couldn't take anymore of it, so she left him.
And then there's that bullshit with The Midnight Man. All I know is that he passed away from cancer and had a son named Jeff Wilde. Jeff aspired to Marc and wanted to be his sidekick, kind of like Robin and Batman in the Lego Batman movie with a little less adoption, but Marc kept on refusing as a way to protect Jeff. The Jeff had this whole thing where he turned evil or some shit idk and I guess Marc killed him? I'm not sure. Please, moon knight gang, let me know what happened in the reply section because I'm ignorant.
Marc had his independence from Khonshu after banishing Khonshu to Asgardian Prison ( seen in Age of Khonshu and discussed in The Midnight Mission) and decided " fuck you, I don't need need you anymore. Imma do my own thing and you can't do nothing about it " and then he became Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight is kind of a detective and he consults with policemen ( as seen in From The Dead ) Moon Knight is the one who does all the fighting.
From where Marc's development is at right now, Marc was running a thing called the Midnight Mission, which was a place where citizens would go to to report strange things happening in the city.
Additional, fun information:
Marc has a daughter named Diatrice. He only knows about it because Jake had a secret relationship with Marlene on the side after Marc and Marlene broke up.
He sleeps all day in the tomb of Khonshu and fights crime at night. He's like a bat!!
His ringtone ( as seen in the midnight mission) is The Killing Moon by Echo and The Bunnymen. ( Y'all should listen to it, if you haven't. it's really good. ).
He drives a red convertible car ( as seen in the Brain Micheal Bendis run, don't read it it's REALLY bad and insufficient. ) and also a motorcycle ( as see in Vengeance of The Moon Knight)
He was originally supposed to fight mainly just werewolf's and um... Writers at Marvel had different ideas.
His favorite drink is an ice cold vodka ( as seen in the Midnight Mission)
He had a mansion and then his money went bye bye and now he lives in a haunted house ( as seen, once again, in the Midnight Mission)
Frenchie is also gay! Hes married to a man named Rob! ( And this is only from what I've heard, by he apparently had a secret crush on Marc at some point.)
And yeah. That's all I have for ya today. Thank you if you made it this far, and I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity a little bit!
Goodknight everyone!!!
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struggling-jpg · 3 months
Some Things About Ma Feima (Yanqing) I Learned
And it matters to HSR Yanqing only because some people have had what they heard about Ma Feima affect their views of him even though it really SHOULDN'T imo.
The underlying point I'm trying to get at is that when we hear about parts of a story or characters we aren't familiar with, it'd be fairer to at least try to look into it more before making final judgments, especially if we only hear see memes and short summaries from a person over the internet.
If you're also interested in this topic then this will be very long, so thank you for bearing with me.
And if not, especially because you don't care or don't want to read about 7S/HI3 Yanqing then that's also fair, Ma Feima and Yanqing are different characters, and I hope you have a good day!
(NOTE: CW for the mention/discussion of a notable age gap between characters in the story. There are details surrounding that but I'd rather place this here for convenience. Look out for yourselves and stay safe!)
It's wild how many different versions of what happened in the Seven Swords visual novel, which is understandable due to its lack of official translation + not being complete (as far as I know? I am open to corrections overall). But the amount of details that go missing or are incorrect is notably large and I find this situation interesting. As mentioned, anyone who knows better (content, translation-wise, etc.), please correct me on anything if needed.
I will use some screenshots from the videos that translated the available chapters (1-2 and part of the beginning/prologue of 3, I believe). The translations are not entirely accurate so heck, I might be wrong on stuff too.
From personal experience, there were two things I heard about Ma Feima from HI3 players:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
He cheated on his wife.
Legit, the first time I encountered these points, it was as simple as that. And I took it at face value because it understandably takes effort to look into this stuff and a lot of players from HI3 were saying it. But over time, curiosity got to me and I wanted to see the context surrounding it, and here's what I found.
However, here are some things to know about Seven Swords and Fu Hua's disciples:
The Seven in order are: Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, Jiang Wanxi, Jiang Wanru, Cheng Lingshuang, Ma Feima, and Qin Suyi
The present of the VN is set in 1496 while the assassination of Fu Hua was twenty years prior in 1476.
Ma Feima, despite being the 6th disciple, is the youngest.
Ma Feima's original name was Yanqing but changed it to Feima when he got older.
Qin Suyi, the 7th disciple, is Sushang's mother in both HI3 and HSR.
Lin Zhaoyu, the 1st disciple, and Ma Feima are married.
Onto the points:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
Yes, he was involved but some attribute the plan to him. BUT he wasn't. The person who formed this plan was Su Mei, the 2nd disciple.
Supposedly, all seven disciples participated though most, if not all of them, were reluctant to do so.
They were all bothered by Fu Hua's, effective but cruel way of dealing with Honkai-infected people (She would wipe out whole villages if even ONE person was infected).
The last straw for the disciples was when Jiang Wanru, the 4th disciple, got infected.
It was in that battle that Ma Feima got the scar on his face.
Also to note, Cheng Lingshuang, the 5th disciple, was the one to get the last hit on Fu Hua.
This is a straightforward point, a lot of people know this stuff, and is probably the point that's more elaborated on. But I still wanted to mention it because, oftentimes, a lot of the credit for the plan, and sometimes the last hit is given to Ma Feima. It erases the actions of other pretty interesting characters and is simply incorrect.
Onto the second point, because this is where things get really interesting and a lot is going on.
2. Ma Feima cheated on his wife.
This has given the idea that he had an affair, cheating on his wife, Lin Zhaoyu
No, he didn't.
It is true that he was in love with Su Mei but she never loved him back and was very clear about it so in a literal-traditional sense, he didn't have an affair.
Emotionally, yeah.
It seems that he had been attached to her since he was a child.
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Lin Zhaoyu seems to have always been aware of that and still pursued to marry him.
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BIG NOTE: This is where I'm going to cover the age gap stuff.
One thing that I have rarely seen anyone mention is the large gap between Lin Zhaoyu and Ma Feima in age.
It's said that Lin Zhaoyu is 15 years older than Su Mei.
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Supposedly, Qin Suyi was around eight years old when Fu Hua found her.
Remember, Ma Feima is the youngest of the disciples.
I wouldn't have harped as hard about the age gap if they met/didn't know each other in Ma Feima's childhood, but the disciples technically grew up together so I found it to be questionable.
For reference:
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In order, that's Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, and Ma Feima when they were younger.
At minimum and based on all the searching and math, at minimum, Su Mei would be thirteen there, and by the 15-year age gap, Zhaoyu would have been 28 years old.
Now, based on the writing, Zhaoyu and Feima most likely got married in the twenty years between the assassination of Fu Hua and the present of Seven Swords.
The youngest Feima would've been at the assassination was seventeen years old at that point.
For the present of the story, Zhaoyu, and Su Mei are 56 years old and 41 years old respectively. Feima is likely in his thirties.
Like I said, I'm making a big point to this because, like, what the heck. That's MAJORLY concerning even if you tried to reason your way around it. Besides any potential "normal in the era" type stuff and that they got married when they were both adults, it's still a huge yikes, isn't it? Also, I've seen barely anyone mention that, and the ones I did see it from, it was when I was looking into the visual novel.
It's mostly because Yanqing is the one in HSR, he's the character that gets the most eyes. And when people only know him as a "master-killing wife cheater" without any of the context surrounding it, it's a huge shame, albeit fair if people don't want to actively look into it themselves. But because a notable chunk of players have let those perceptions have weight over an unrelated by anything but appearance, old name, and the parallel of (potentially) killing a master.
The circumstances surrounding the two are very different.
HSR Yanqing has Jing Yuan to raise and guide him safely through his early life. He's still very young and while stubborn, has a good head on his shoulders, and has a lot of potential to grow into someone strong and stable.
7S/HI3 Ma Feima on the other hand, is shown to have grown very differently from his younger self.
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He is far from enjoying life, and don't get me wrong, he isn't completely innocent.
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But he's completely aware and is miserable.
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There's a lot more I could cover in terms of Ma Feima, his circumstances, and the things about the characters around them, but my brain is so fried lol. All-in-all, his story alongside the seven, is very...complicated.
My main thing is that, hey, maybe we should be a bit more vigilant when we learn things about characters. Beyond fiction, misinformation spreads very easily because we, understandably, take things at face value. In terms of media literacy, we see it time and time again when characters get reduced to a singular trait or a ship or get heavily misunderstood by the audience because a simplified summary will never do the context justice.
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pushing500 · 1 month
I'm sure native folk of the far future will have plenty of landback and get to be connected with their homelands, but native folk spanned all the Americas. I'm sure Mechi speaks relatively regional to his tribe + how much time he spends connected to it, versus the rest of society (which, given his personality--). My mas from the south, so even though I was raised in the north, I still call her her ma (which is a bit more grown feelin than mama/momma), and slipping into her or my dads southern accents. It's especially pleasant in a long, 'But Mommaaaaaaa'. Hair style traditions also vary between tribes, but some embrace pan-indianism, meaning a lot of culture sharing in the modern era and likely future. I've taken to braiding my hair even though historically my people were more topknot oriented. | No shade on your presentation of native identity, its p tasteful, just infodump, because I didn't get to grow up In Touch with my tribe, so I've been doing studying. No need 2 post if it's hardly a question. I'll definitely send some questions.
I confess I was very nervous about trying to portray anybody who wasn't plain old caucasian white because I am very, very white, and I know that there are things I'll never understand about the experiences of being someone from another culture. I worried I'd do something wrong, but in the end, I thought it would be better to try and draw diverse people to the best of my ability and trust that if I did anything problematic or offensive, the internet would very quickly let me know in no uncertain terms.
I did a lot of research before I started drawing Mechi and planning his family and stuff. His name and all his family members' names are of Hopi origin, I believe. I saw a lot of traditional Hopi hairstyles while I was researching, and they were sooo gorgeous!! Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any RimWorld mods with traditional hairstyles, so the pawns wouldn't match any drawings I did if I used more traditional styles, which is why they all just have more generic long hair.
At the end of the day, though, RimWorld is set thousands of years in the future, and I'm pretty certain Mechi isn't even from Earth originally. He was likely born on some other urbworld. I just wanted to practice drawing people who weren't Caucasian, so I'm doing the best I can with what limited experience I have.
I do like the idea of Mechi calling Squashbug "Ma", though. Maybe he'll stick with that. It's very sweet, and easily solves my 'u' versus 'o' problem!
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For anybody curious, Mechi's family names and their meanings ❤️
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futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
Who is it?
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Player: Pedri Gonzalez x Fictional Female Word count: 6330+ Summary: Pedri and his girlfriend break up when she can't handle the downfalls of being with someone famous, as they try to navigate their post-breakup friendship Pedri is having a really hard time because he is not over her, at all. Themes/Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Love Smut, Alcohol A/N: This came out pretty quickly, in a week and a half, which is really rare for me. Got inspiration from Rauw Alejandro's Dime Quien?. The timeline goes back and forth a bit, so be mindful of that. First time doing a long sex scene with a real plot, hope it works.
Pedri couldn’t get Camila out of his head, it’s been four months since they broke up. She left even when he pleaded, and pleaded, crying his eyes out like a teenager being rejected for the first time. She assured him that they could stay friends, he hadn’t done anything wrong, she just wasn’t ready for all the attention and outside drama of being in a relationship with him. They dated in secret for six months and once they went public she couldn’t deal with it anymore, four months later they were done. She wanted to be his friend but she needed some time by herself before that could happen.  He accepted what little she had to offer. Two months ago Camila texted him late at night saying hi and asking how he was. Pedri was miserable, if he had been honest that’s what he would have said but he didn’t want to take a step back and lose contact with her because he was needy. He replied
<Hi Camila, doing good. How about you?>
<I’m good, just wanted to check on you>
<Thanks. How’s everything?>
< Not much. Lots of work. 
I’ve seen your games. Glad the team is doing so well>
< We appreciate the support from our fans 🙂>
<hahahaha. Let’s chat soon or whatever. Going to sleep. > < I’m down. Good night>
He just smiled, reading the conversation again. He still loved her, wanted her, missed her, loved her, loved her, loved her. He ran his hands through his hair and pulled it in desperation while letting out a small groan. The first time they kissed, they made out for an hour, he couldn’t get enough of her, and she of him. Now Pedri couldn’t get Camila out of his head, if he could, if someone showed him how he would but he couldn’t. He had a small dip in training the first few weeks after the breakup, causing him to get benched for two straight games, and then got subbed into the third game with a sketchy game at that. He just couldn’t get his head straight. His teammates were trying to be understanding but outside people started noticing and he was getting criticized heavily. He wasn’t his normal self, not smiling in team photos, and Camila was nowhere to be seen in games or his cars, although she was very private she would be seen with him in public once or twice a month. The last month? Nothing, plus all her socials were now private. It got so bad the rumors got to his mom’s circle and mom, who at times treated her son as a friend, called him “Mi amor, todo bien?” (My love, is everything all right?) “Si, mami todo bien” (Yes, mom, everything’s all right)
“¿Cómo esta Cami? No me has enviado fotos con ella hace semanas y están comentando en internet cosas sobre ustedes” (How’s Cami. You haven’t sent me a pic with her in weeks and their saying things on the internet about you two)
“Ma’ , Camila  y yo no estamos juntos ya” (Ma’, Camila and I aren’t together anymore)
“¡Cariño! ¡Que pena!, ¿pasó algo?”  (Honey! What a shame! Did something happen?)
“No, mami, lo de ser famoso es un puta hostia” (No, mom, just that being famous is shit)
“Lo puede ser, sí….de veras, que pena. ¿Quieres que te vayamos a visitar?” (It can be, yes…it’s a real shame, Do you want us to visit you?)
“No, no te preocupes, ya me voy sintiendo mejor. Estamos de amigos” (No, don’t worry, I’m starting to feel better. We’re just friends now)
“Vale, te quiero, mi niño. Sabes que estamos aquí para ti” (Okay, I love you, my boy. You know we’re here for you) “Lo se, mami, yo tambien te quiero, chau (I know, mom, I love you too, bye)
“Adios” (Good-bye)
And after that call he decided that everything else would have to suffer except his football career, he would have to get used to not thinking about her before or during games or training. He had a habit of going through the photos he had of Camila on his phone whenever he was missing her desperately. He would touch himself when he felt lonely looking at pictures of her modeling lingerie she had sent him for away games. Nobody could make him as hot and hard as she did, he missed being inside her while kissing her the most because at that moment he felt like they were one thing, she was his and he was hers. He felt so empty every time he came, hand full of cum, he hated not having her around. In private he could hate himself and his situation all he wanted but not in public, not in football. He didn’t want his family to worry anymore. He usually shut the world off from his brain when he was playing but this last month Camila was creeping into his mind but from then on, he shut her off from his safe space, the pitch. He started playing better at training. Next month, he tried his best, even Camila herself noticed he was doing better and she started thinking maybe enough time had passed by and they could actually start talking again soon. She missed him too, she missed his friendship the most.  Even though they had said they would talk soon, they didn’t but they did start subtly interacting with hearts and likes on their social media, and neither of them was really ready to talk for another month. Pedri went by himself to a restaurant they used to love to go and decided to take a picture of his food and send it to her <“Guess where I am at?” >. Camila didn’t answer right away, so he just ate the delicious food that was in front of him and enjoyed the view of the city even if he had a bit of a knot in his chest. After asking for the check his phone vibrated < Is that fucking Don Jordi?>
<Yep! You guessed right> 
<It’s sooo good! I love that place! What I wouldn’t give to eat their chocolate mousse cake>
<If you’re home I can bring one over>
<I’m home but you don’t need to do that! >
<Oh, don’t be silly. Don Jordi is not far from you>
<You don’t have to ! I was just wishing out loud>
<I’ll bring it over and be on my way, see you in 20>
<god, I shouldn’t have said anything but okay, I love chocolate too much> He just needed an excuse, anything to see her in person. It had been three months and a week since he last saw her, Camila leaving his house with the last box full of her things, never to return. He order the dessert to go and went to the bathroom to check how he looked. He looked fine, this new fine of having eyes of someone who never sleeps through the night, just needed to fix his hair. 
He knocked on her door and waited, small bag in hand with a small dessert inside. She knew it was him, she had buzzed him in. “That was fast! Hope you weren’t speeding” she said as she opened the door “Hi”
‘Hi, and don’t worry, I wasn’t ” he replied with a small smile She gave him a small hug and said “It’s good to see you”. He could barely move, his mouth was dry, and his nerves were on edge but that hug made him feel a tingling all over his body he hadn’t felt in months. He wrapped his free hand around her and gave her a small squeeze back. “You too”. He said
She stepped back and looked at the bag he was carrying
“This is for you,” he said as he gave her the bag “I hope it’s not ruined” “I’m sure it’s not,” she said with a smile “Thanks so much!” “No problem” he said as he took the opportunity to look at her for a second. Her hair was longer, but she looked the same. She was wearing a cropped sweater and tight-fitting joggers. He could see part of her belly and lips were shiny from wearing a bit of lipgloss. He could fight 10 men at a time just to get to kiss those lips again. 
“Well, thanks again” She interrupted his thoughts ”Maybe we can hang out soon and catch up?”
“Yes, lets. Now go inside and eat it” 
“Oh, I will!” she gave him a lil pat on his left arm “Bye” she turned towards the door and opened it, she turned around and said, “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
He smiled, nodded and turned around to go towards the stairs, down to his car. 
His heart was racing when he got into his car. Time had not changed anything at all, maybe his love-wounds hurt less but seeing her again in person made him want her back more than ever.
From that day on he would put his cell phone right next to him with the sound notifications on just in case she texted or called, even when he went to bed early because he had training the next day he placed his phone next to his pillow hoping she would. He would stare at it, trying to conjure her with his thoughts. A week and a half had passed since they saw each other when his phone vibrated and made a noise when he was putting on pajama pants to sleep, he took his shirt off and jumped into bed to check his phone. And there it was, a text from her, asking to meet up next Sunday, at the time of his choosing, whenever he could. He said that he could meet her after 3 PM, anywhere she liked. She decided that they would meet at The Café on Rosell Street at 4pm. He counted the days, every day waking up to check how many days were left. He got a haircut two days before. He had a game the day before their meeting, and he was sure he would be in the starting eleven, so it wouldn’t look like he was trying too hard since he usually got a haircut before big games. 
     Rosell Street, 4pm. The Cafe. Camila was there already. Pedri saw her right away because she was already looking and waving at him when he got in. She must have seen him coming from the street. Camila stood up “Hey, you” opening her arm as to welcome a hug. Pedri gave her a shy hug and quick kisses on her cheeks being afraid of himself and his reaction “Nice to see you” he said while pulling away from her “Is this table okay? She asked said nervously “What kind of question is that? Of course” he said, surprised. Something is off, she’s nervous, he thought. She asked about the game and training, she had seen the game and congratulated him on his goal. He was so concentrated on this day’s arrival that a goal seemed like something so stupid and unimportant, he never thought of bringing it up in their conversation or known she would bring it up “Yea, that was awesome. I got a good assist from Frenkie, so it was pretty easy” “You always make it seem easy, then I try to play and I feel embarrassed at how bad I am” she said laughing.
Pedri laughed with her, she’s right, she’s pretty bad. “You’re not that bad, Cami” he said
“Yea, THAT bad” she replied giggling Pedri drank water and the waiter came over. They both order drinks and a few small plates. “I’m so glad you came, it’s so good to finally be able to talk to you, I missed talking to you“ she said “Me too, a lot” he replied, feeling himself getting excited with hope “ Speaking of talking to you. I have something to tell you” she said
“Oh?” he said with curiosity
“I want to tell you before anyone else tells you. I’m seeing somebody. It’s been going on for a few weeks. It’s not super serious yet but, you know, I thought you would probably want to know”
He felt his chest burn and his stomach churn while she was speaking, every word that kept coming out of her mouth was worse than the one before, the more she talked, the worst it got. “Who is it? he said as he frowned
“It’s a friend of a friend from work. You know, Daniel?  We met a party at Daniel’s apartment, his name is Unai”
“Ugly fucking name”
“Hey, be nice!” He held his face in his hands and breathed, “Get it together” he thought
“I’m just kidding. I’m happy for you” taking his hands off his face “At least one of us is not a single idiot”
“You’re not an idiot, anything but”
“I am single though” “And I’m sure I won’t be won’t be for long" she said as she flicked her hand against his forearm “Oh, I don’t know about that” “I’m sure of it, you’re a great catch, you could have anyone you want”
“Not the one I want, though” he mumbled “What was that?” “I don’t want anyone, though,” he said, speaking up, “Does he treat you well?”
“Yes, very much”
“Good” he looked up and saw the waiter coming “Our drinks and food are here”. He really wanted to change the subject
They spent the rest of the time catching up on their every day, their families, talking about what movies or series they were watching, making jokes about each other. He paid their check even though she protested and they said their goodbyes, she said while nervously moving “Thanks for coming out, today was really important. You know I care about you a lot and I really hope we can keep being friends” 
“I care a lot about you too, honey, of course we can be friends. Even if you date guys with ugly names”’ he replied shrugging
She laughed and hugged him  “Chau, Pedri” “Bye, Cami” he said as she walked away and picked up her phone from her purse. 
He really just wanted to jump off a bridge, feeling the cold water hit him like a brick when landing would have hurt less than his whole being right now. She was moving on and he was not. Three weeks later, they had only texted twice. Once after a game. He had scored again and she had watched. She complimented him. And he sent her a picture of a meme he thought she would find funny, and he was right.  Almost every other day Pedri thought about her with her new guy. Who was that asshole? Why was he the one getting to kiss her? To be with her? To make her laugh in private? Why can’t it be him? Why were things outside of his control fucking up his happiness? It was Wednesday night and she texted him. <Hey Pedri! Are you going to Sira’s get-together? she invited me>
< Hey Cami. I’m planning to> <oh, cool! at least I’ll have more than just Ferran and Sira as people I know at the thing>
<It’s me, the dude you know. 😛 I’ll see you there. Should be fun>
< haha.for sure, and we get to hang out>
< looking forward to it>
< 🙂 bye> <later>
This interaction made his head spin. Was Cami going to be there with the dude with the ugly name? Or by herself? Why did she care if he was there? But the first thing he thought was “I need a new outfit for it”
     That Friday, he got to Sira’s place, new outfit on. She opened the door and he gave her a gift bag with booze as a thank-you gift for inviting him. They said hellos with the customary two kisses and he met Ferran right after. He didn’t see Camila right away when he scanned the room but he thought he would see her at any minute because he came fashionably late and she was always on time for everything. He sat down with Ferran and Eric, who was there too, and talked as they all had a beer. After talking and joking around for a bit, he noticed her. She was coming in from the kitchen by herself with a drink in hand. It had been over four months since they broke it off, and nothing had changed about the way he felt about her. He was still in love. He excused himself to go to the bathroom, he was freaking out. She came by herself. He splashed himself with cold water and fixed his hair, he didn’t know how else to make himself more comfortable and less pathetic. He came out of the bathroom to find her in the hall. 
“ Pedri!” she shouted “ I hadn’t seen you! When did you come in?” “A while ago”
“You can never come to parties on time, can you?” she said in slight slurred voice
He laughed “ I guess not” “Let me go to the bathroom, but wait for me here”
“Is anyone waiting for you?” she said frowning
“Besides Eric and Ferran? No” he replied raising his eyebrow
“They don’t count”
“Definitively not, then”
“Then stay here, don’t get lost”
He did not move, he didn’t know what to think, he was confused but his heart was racing from just getting this much attention from her.
She came out of the bathroom and said, “Let’s go get a beer and go out to the balcony. I have gossip to tell”
“What?” “You heard me, come on!” she said almost stumbling on her words They went to the kitchen to get some Estrella Damm beers. She pulled him by holding his hand to get to the balcony, it looked down at the patio at Sira’ house, which was lit and landscaped by a professional, no one else was hanging out there. Everything was getting more confusing for him. She let go of his hand and leaned into the edge. “It’s so pretty here, Sira’s lucky. My balcony just looks at the street” she said and had a good amount of beer from her bottle. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at her and realized she was trying to get drunk, fast, on purpose. “Don’t drink so fast, honey, unless you want to go home early”
“Oh, whatever. Don’t you want to know the gossip?”
“Let’s hear it”
“I broke up with Unai” 
“Oh, fuck. Are you okay?”
“I’m great, actually. I don’t think I was as into him as much as I thought. Or maybe I’m just a cold bitch”
“Or maybe he just sucked”
“And the sex wasn’t that good”
“No surprise with that ugly ass name”
She laughed and flicked his arm
He smiled. He was happy to hear the news. Best news since she decided to text him again. He hated the idea of someone else being with her. He didn’t own her or anybody else but he was happy there wasn’t going to be another guy kissing her and calling her at bedtime to say good night before she went to sleep.
“Have you been with anyone?” she asked looking towards the garden leaning towards the balcony again putting her beer on the ledge.
“Not really” he said as he leaned into the balcony looking at her; placing his beer on the ledge as well.
“Not even a one night stand?” she said now looking at him “No” “There’s no way, you were such a low-key fuck boy before we started dating, no te creo.”  ( I don’t believe you)
“No, de verdad que no”  (No, the truth is no)
“ 'Cause”
“ 'Cause of me?”
He sighed, “Yea”
Camila bit her lip and smiled, she got closer to where he was until she was in his space
“What would you say if I said I want you to fuck me?”
“I would say you’re drunk” he replied
“And you’re not?”
“No, and even if I were, I wouldn’t fuck you while you’re drunk”
“You don’t want to fuck me?” “You wouldn’t want me if you weren’t drunk” “I would” “I think you should stop drinking now and leave it that”
“I want you to kiss me, take my clothes off and fuck me, Pedri” she said in a low voice “Cami, I’m not going to. I’m going home. I can’t deal with this right now. I’ll come to your place tomorrow and we’ll talk about it. But not like this.” he insisted
“No, please, don't leave”  she said grabbing his hand “ Cami, I’m going, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow” he said caressing her free hand with his other hand, a bit of sadness peaking through his eyes. “Can you at least kiss me?” she begged He cupped her cheeks with his hands and gave her a small kiss. He left the balcony to excuse himself from leaving the party. Camila just looked at him leave, not knowing what to do next.
Pedri got into his car and just looked at the dashboard lights. “Joder!” he screamed. He tugged his hair and groaned “¡Que hostia, carajo!”. Everything he wanted just happened in the worst way possible. Did she really mean it? or was she just lonely? horny? Did she love him? a bit? or at all? Right now, he just wanted to get home and sleep it off. Tomorrow they had the last training before Sunday’s game.
          The next day after training he was driving towards her apartment, he had texted that he was on his way and she sent him a thumbs up in return. His hands on the steering wheel were sweating and fidgety. He was thinking of two possible scenarios;  she still feels the same or last night was a mistake. He was trying to prepare himself on how we would react to either of them because what he really wanted to do is say he loved her the same way he did before, the same as always, kiss her, make love to her, and be hers forever but wouldn’t dare, couldn’t. Not unless she showed interest. He played loud reggaeton to calm and distract himself.
           Camila buzzed him in. He went up the stairs and was met with an open door and her head and half her body sticking out waiting for him. “Hola” he said as he got closer to her door. “ Hola” she replied and stepped back to let him in. Pedri gave her one kiss on each cheek and asked her “ How’s the hangover?”
“It’s okay now. This morning? Not so much” Camila replied
“Lesson learned?” he said while he fidgeted with his fingers behind his back.
“Oh, please” she chuckled. “Should we sit down?”
He nodded
They sat down in her small couch in her studio apartment, small golden rays from the hour of late sunshine coming in between the white curtains from her balcony that faces the street
She sighed “Te pido perdón por lo de anoche” (I want to apologize for last night ) she stayed silent for a moment while looking at him looking for any reaction
“It’s okay” he said quietly after the awkward silence
 “I’m sure that made you uncomfortable, and if we’re to be friends, that’s not cool”
“We all have said and done things when we’re drunk that we don’t mean really mean”
“It’s not about meaning it or not, I shouldn’t have said that while I was drunk”
“Wait what?”
“I’m sorry, I've just missed you”
“ I miss you every day, Camila” “You never act like it, though” she said holding her own hands
“But I do, I just wanted to respect you and your wishes. I didn’t want to ruin the chance to be your friend. I care about you too much” “Fuck” She said as he pulled her knees toward her torso and wrapped her arms around them, she sighed “What did you mean when you said ‘it's not about meaning it or not?’” asked Pedri
“Um…” she lowered her legs and shifted her body towards him ” ‘cause I did mean it, I wanted to sleep with you”  she said “Oh…were you feeling lonely or something?” “No, I miss being with you, Pedri” That’s all he had been wanting to hear, just a hint of wanting, of interest, of love, just an excuse.
He acted almost on instinct, didn’t wait, didn’t ask;  his lips landed on hers, letting his lips feel her to remember what it was like to kiss her. The kiss from the night before was so fast and full of nerves that he didn’t get to feel the kiss, or how she reacted to it, that wasn’t happening now. She let out a lil' approving hum contrived in her mouth and she opened her mouth a bit so that she could feel her lips eat his. He pulled her in by wrapping his arms around her as he deepened the kiss with his tongue. He had been starved of her for all these months, he would be damned if he didn’t take this opportunity to have her, so show her his love. She tilted her head and let her tongue savor every inch of his mouth as she held onto the back of his neck. She felt him pulling her in even more, chest almost touching, her legs open to make room for him. He unwrapped himself to touch her hair, gave her one last small peck, and said “ We can sleep together tonight if you want”, giving her another kiss. 
“I want to, obviously” she said as she caressed his face with her finger and gave him another kiss.
“I don’t have condom, though” he said in between kisses
“I think I do. In my nightstand. You wanna come to bed?” she replied 
He nodded
The bed was hidden behind a vintage hand-painted divider between the couch and the bed, so they went around to the bed where he sat while she looked through her nightstand’s drawer
He looked around, she lives in a studio that somehow she managed to make cozy, styled in a sophisticated but simple manner. Kind of like her, an amazingly beautiful woman, who’s smart yet unassuming and was never full of herself,on the contrary, quite sensitive with a simple yet classy sense of style and self. He loved being around her and her things, her vibes again. 
“Found it,” she said, showing the wrapped product off like it was a golden ticket. “but, why are you still wearing all those clothes?” she said with a smirk plastered across her lips.
He chuckled, “I was waiting for you”
She put the condom on top the nightstand “No, sir, you take it off first. It’s not like you’re shy, you get naked in front of dozens of men all the time”
“god, okay” he said. He took his jacket and shirt off showing her his athletic physique. He looked up at her, looking to be desired. He hadn’t been with anyone in almost five months and he wanted to, needed to be desired.
She got close to him, still standing next to the bed, placed her hands on his shoulder and caressed them and his chest “You’re so hot, it’s unfair” she said as she sat down next to him, as he smiled. 
“You’re turn, bonita”. She was wearing a short skater dress with string sleeves and a cardigan. She took off the cardigan, slipped the sleeves off, and took the whole thing off while he looked on, staring at her while she was only wearing her tiny panties. 
“Eres hermosa, no me cansaría nunca de mirarte quitarte la ropa” (You’re beautiful, I would never get tired of looking at you take your clothes off)
She went over to hover over him, reaching for his belt and pants. She commanded him to take it all off and so he did. 
He went in for her mouth while his hand slipped in between her panties and her slit, feeling her wetness, he rubbed her up and down then went for her clit, drawing circles on it. She let a few small moans die in his mouth.
“I want you, now, please” she said
He reached over the condom, his cock was throbbing hard. He slid in the condom on saying “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. I might not last as much as we both want to”
“I don't care, I just want you inside, please” she said laying down, taking off her panties. 
He kissed her again, and got himself lined up in between her legs, he slid his member up and down her slit getting her juices all over his dick. She moaned and whined with “baby” when he did. He thrust himself inside her and then again slowly, to get adjusted and to not hurt her. She was so wet it went right in without any resistance. He was beside himself, she was the prettiest girl and she was under him taking him in. He kept his thrusting steady as he felt a warmness in his chest and cock at the same time, he never wanted and loved anyone so much in his young life. 
“ I love you” he said as he kept giving it to her and kissing her  “dios— so much” he said between breaths,
She opened her eyes, taken out from her pleasure trance, and said “Sit down”
He kissed her cheek, got off her, and followed her orders. She got on his lap, held his hard and wet member with her hand and put the tip inside herself, then slid into it, they both hissed at the overwhelming feeling. She started riding his dick with intent. In between moans, groans, and breaths she asked
“Do you still love me?”
“god, yes” he said looking up at her
“ Do you love being- joder, que rico- inside me?” (fuck, so good). She felt him getting even harder inside her
“It’s my favorite place to be” he answered pulling her closer to him 
Resting her forehead on his she asked  “Are you going to come for me?”
He helped her go faster with his hands on her hips as her juices flooded his cock and part of his inside thighs. “Do you love me?” he asked kissing her neck
“I love you so much” she let out a desperate little moan “ I want you to come for me”
 He couldn't hold it much longer, her words were putting him over the edge
“Me voy a correr” (I’m going to come) he said as her riding got faster and harder, feeling the friction of his cock riding up against her walls.
“Come for me, baby” she said, riding him until he was a mess of groans and whines feeling his cock twitch inside her. He let out a loud moan and let his body collapse against hers, his face landing on her chest, breathing like he just had sprinted across the pitch. “Joder, te amo tanto” (Fuck, I love you so much).
She hugged him and peppered his cheek with kisses.  “yo también, amor”. (me too, love)
“Lay down for me” he said as he tried to calm himself down from his high. He took his condom off, knotted it, and threw it on the floor while she moved to rest on her pillows. He told her to open her legs as he went in to eat her out, not wanting her to go unsatisfied. Pedri sucked, touched, licked and teased her clit and core until she was begging him to keep going, to not stop, she was so close. He looked up at her, while he kept fingering her hole and licking her clit, met her eyes staring down at him, mouth open only being able to make noises. Camila came on Pedri’s mouth just as he wanted, screaming “sí, Pedri, sí”,  his mouth and chin full of her. He wiped his face with his fingers, and while she looked at him unable to catch her breath yet, he licked his fingers clean and said “You always taste so good, Cami”. Camila let an embarrassed giggle out and said “Come here, Pedro Gonzalez!”  while signaling for him to come on top of her. She kissed him, tasting herself all over his mouth. He moved next to her, and laid there looking at her, the happiest he had been in months.
Camila ran her fingers through Pedri’s hair, styling his messy waves, “Can you stay the night?” she inquired.
“Only if I can stay over tomorrow night after the game and the day after that too” replied Pedri, caressing her naked hips.
“Only if I can stay at your place the rest of the week” she said 
“Deal” Pedri said and gave her a small and soft peck on the lips. 
       The last game of the season was coming up, and Pedri had asked Camila to come and sit with his family to see his game and join the La Liga trophy celebrations. They had guaranteed the league title win two matches before. Pedri and Cami had kept their reunion on the download, telling only friends and family. When he sat down to ask her, he gave her a mini-speech about how much he loved her and respected her wishes to be private but he really wanted to share this important moment with her at Camp Nou, his first league as champions. Camila didn’t need a lot of convincing, she had been thinking about it since they had the mathematical win of La Liga. “I’ll be there, next to Fer” she told Pedri, she was ready. He gave her a long hug, kissing her neck. He loved her and wanted everyone to know she was his girl, he wanted to share everything with her, including this very important but public moment in his life.
The whistle blew on their last game and all the players ran to the pitch, jumping and celebrating. The first league title for Fc Barcelona since Messi left, since the 2018-19 season. Camila sat next to Fer and Pedri’s parents. They all talked, laughed, and got excited during the game. Fer was making Cami laugh during the game trash-talking against the rival team, Celta Fc, and at one point said, “You wait, I’m going to tell Pedri he was shit for missing that goal opportunity”. Cami laughed and said, “Don’t you dare, Fernando!”. People had already seen Camila with Pedri’s family and fan pictures and videos were already being shared on social media, although she noticed some phones pointed at her, she decided that these things were not going to affect her today, today was Pedri’s day and she was focused on being happy.
There was Pedri trying to look up at where his family was, waving towards them. The trophy and celebration decor were being put up and the players went to change into the champion's shirts. “We’re going down after they present them with the trophy, going down to the pitch, ok?” said Fer 
“Okay” said Cami giving him a thumbs up and wink.
After the trophy was presented and Xavi, Busi, and Alba gave speeches, they played music on the speakers, and families were cued to come down. They went down along with Ferran Torres' family and Sira. Sira covered her mouth and whispered, “Pedri is really excited you're here, you can see it on his face”. Camila just smiled and looked up to see if she could also see him. She saw him jogging down to meet them. He first gave his mom and dad a big hug and then met Fer who also gave him a hug. Camila was just a few steps behind. Pedri pulled away and his eyes met with Camila's. He couldn’t believe how pretty she looked, wearing an Fc Barcelona jersey, her hair down, red lips, and a big smile on her face.
“Hola, mi amor” (Hello, my love) he said as he went to hug her
“Hola, bello”  (Hello, beautiful boy) she said as she embraced his hug
“Felicidades, campeón” (Congratulation, Champion) she said as she pulled back to look at him
“Thank you, honey” he said smiling and gave her a small kiss on her lips.
She gave him another hug. “Come on, let’s go take a picture with the trophy” said Pedri The whole family took a few pictures and he also asked for a picture just with Camila. She looked up at the stands and saw there were thousands of people still in there. The team, along with the families, went around the whole stadium waving and celebrating with the fans. After walking with his parents Pedri walked towards Camila again, who was goofing around with Sira, Ferran, Eric, and Gavi, and held her hand. 
“Thanks for coming, Cami” he said covering his mouth with his free hand “I love you”
She looked at him and smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy, without covering her mouth she said “ I love you too”. They finished doing the lap and they all went to the tunnel. He said bye to his family. “I’ll see you later at home, yea?” he said to Camila “Vale, nos vemos en casa.” (Okay, see you at home) she said, gave him a kiss and walked away with his family The video of Camila and Pedri's moment on the pitch went viral, people had figured out she had said “I love you too” by reading her lips. The reaction was positive, unlike last time. She wasn’t going to be negatively harassed en mass like before. Pedri was so happy while changing in the dressing room, he had a stupid grin on his face, it meant as much as the league trophy to have had her there that night. The boys celebrated even more in the dressing room and he just sat down on a bench, laughed, and sang, getting hugs and cheek kisses from his teammates, thinking how lucky he was. It had been 7 months since Camila had walked out of his house, to turn his happy life into a miserable one and now he was the happiest man in Barcelona. He had his Cami and her love. No one else to claim her, to kiss her, to call her, to hug her, to miss her, only him, to love her, love her, love her.
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shark-myths · 6 months
🍓 🥤 🌿 for the ask game!!!! <333
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
one of my favorite k facts tbh. i invented fanfiction at jesus camp with my new friend eden. we clutched each other on a hillside while a god rock band performed below, puffy with mosquito bites and illicit ideas, and whispered to one another of the members of our mutual favorite band, what if they kissed each other? we were 13 years old. camp was so in-the-middle-of-nowhere you could see the whole milky way at night, the thickness of it. the grass got wetter and wetter the longer you sat in the dark, hiding from the flashlights of your counselors. every few breaths you'd see a shooting star, til you were numb to marvel, til that was just what the night sky looked like and you expected it everywhere. it was magic and no one had ever thought of it before, boys in bands kissing. when we went home to our separate cities, i started handwriting fic (decorated with gel pen! this was the year 2003) and mailing it to her in hot pink envelopes. imagine my surprise when i discovered the internet.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
one of my favorite fics i ever read was a girl!one direction story about squirting. here it is: you change, water sea by got2ghost
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
love this question, as someone who has struggled in the workplace to maintain the same creative energy i had access to in school.
for creativity: read. read endlessly. try to understand on a granular, sentence-and-word-level, why you like the things you like; what makes a line funny, what makes a line scary, what draws you in to a writer's style vs pushes you out of it. what do the books you can't put down have in common? read things that challenge you--long-form novels, old novels, things way outside your preferred genres. and try to have lots of experiences in the time you aren't writing. try new things! paint something, walk down a block you've never been on, look in people's windows, cook a new meal, get coffee at a new place, go for a drive, listen to someone else's favorite record, listen to a record you hate actually, go to a new store and just look around, touch fabrics, dance, have conversations, travel for no reason, watch videos on youtube about new skills you don't intend to master. READ NONFICTION, especially essays. try to avoid doing the same things you're comfortable with or things that feel easy for a whole afternoon. bury yourself in sensation. chase pleasure. let yourself play.
for writer's block: write anyway--in a journal, in your fragmented notes file with ideas, edit or polish something that's already written, get one sentence out. i like to set a timer for 20 minutes and give it a proper try (this means staying off tumblr and my phone) and then, if it doesn't lead to anything, i'm off the hook guilt-free, because i made an effort. try writing in a different notebook, with a different pen, in a different place, even in a different font on your computer. set yourself challenges like, write a 100 word story. write a specific type of poem like a villanelle. respond to a prompt or create one for someone else. if there's a part of the story--or a different story--that feels more easeful to write and you're just trying to get there, skip to that part. to be quite honest, writing in a notebook away from technology is the #1 thing that helps me just keep moving. it breaks me out of distraction and perfectionism cycles. it feels good to fill pages, even if it's with words you don't even up using.
the other part is, accept that our brains won't do what they won't do. great writing is not created by use of force. the biggest thing i have learned about myself is that if i can't write, there's something wrong. maybe the characters in my story aren't making sense, maybe the plot is boring and readers will be just as bored as i am, maybe i need to go back and rewrite something to end up in a better place for the next scene, maybe i need a week off from a story because i'm burned out on it and i should write something else or nothing at all. but most often there's not something wrong with the story--there's something wrong with my life. i don't have the time or the energy; i'm giving too much of the best parts of myself to the wrong thing; i'm trying to write at the wrong time of day for my energy level; i checked my email first and now my concentration is entirely shot; i need to work fewer hours if i want to write more; i need more help around the house if i want to write more; i need to just let it be dirty for a while and skip my chores if i want to write more, etc. figuring out what you need to actually feel like writing--learn to feel that again!--and making it possible to set other things, even important things, aside in order to write when you feel it, is so huge for me. making a commitment to the practice of writing and not the product of it. if you're doing that, you can relax. take care of yourself and fix the imbalances in your life. the ideas will come. writing is organic and we are organisms. given space and time, things will always change from how they are right now. let yourself and your creative practice ebb and flow when it needs to instead of forcing it to be something it's not.
thank you for the ask darling sorry i ranted at you for twenty fucking minutes!!!
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kenzireal · 2 months
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Finally, a piece with some fucking meaning.  As a lot of people have kinda figured out: I’m really not super into the internet as of late. I’m really disheartened and hurt by how social groups, websites, applications, and the general climate has changed since ~2020. And I know I’m not alone in that, nowadays a lot of people clamor for what once was, people are buying dumb phones, going outside, and engaging in life as it was pre-pandemic.  In truth I think that’s what I need to do, but is it really so simple? Is it really so simple to just go “touch grass”? Consider this: growing up I genuinely never felt like I fit in. In school, extra curricular activities, at home, nowhere. The only place I found I “fit in” was online, in a space where people were actually like me. Other outcasts, I guess. Let’s be fr, no one “normal” was sitting up at midnight typing away about twilight princess on Nintendo’s official forums. Later in life I can recognize a LOT of this is due to the fact I was undiagnosed AuDHD.  But, I ask this: where does someone like me go? Where do I go when the place I considered home is no more? This isn’t like a town changing or people growing up, the places I once loved no longer exist on a fundamental level. Forums closed with no archive (thanks Nintendo!), websites shut down, and over saturation to an extreme degree in general “online spaces.” You can’t just “meet people” the same way before. These platforms aren’t for people, they’re for advertising. The answer I’ve found is a sort of mixed one. The one time I felt seen in person was in university, because I was once again surrounded by sickos like me. People who get off to writing long papers about what it means when people do things. I wrote a 64 page ethnography about VRChat in 2018 for my senior year thesis, and I had a chance to just geek out about it with other folklore nerds. I wrote papers about Slenderman, dude. I was finally seen and validated for all the information I had accumulated over the years. This stopped once I graduated with my MA in 2021, and I’ve felt a sort of lingering sense of longing since getting it. But, what if that sense of longing could be encouraged? What if my path does lead to academia, but not in the way I had initially expected? For those who know my personal life to a closer degree (or just watch my streams, lmao) know I’m engaged with my fiancé, Alber, and am gearing up to move countries (again). Finland is great, and what’s even greater is education is free. So, I’ve decided. I’ll be pursuing my doctorate by any means necessary and attempting to find a new home outside of the internet. I’ll be attempting to cement myself within academia, something I tried before but honestly went about so, so wrong. In truth I probably needed a few gap years, and I guess I got them, lmao Anyway, this piece is me trying to visualize the internal struggle going on right now. I feel like I know what has to be done to make myself feel better in life, but it’s hard to do it. How do I admit to myself that the places I once considered home are gone, never coming back in the way I’d want, and I need to focus on finding a new place where I’m comfortable? Well, I guess I just did. Thanks for reading, love y’all Kenzie
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gxilgramore · 15 days
Definetely one of the worst things about being autistic is having that weird difficulty in maing friends, there is so many cool people on the internet with weird tastes and personalities and i just wanna be friends with them but my brain is unable to talk because im always afraid ill say something wrong and they'll hate me as a result, i always feel so akward and weird, i already feel like my current friend group hates me beyond belief, and every day feels like groundhog day talking to them, feels the same every conversation, im just tired of the sameness, i want to know new people, discover new stuff, and circles, and im just here, feeling every day more isolated, alone, sad, i already cant do whatever i wanna do because adhd keeps kicking my ass and now that. I just want new friends
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thesoccerenthusiast · 10 months
All of the Things Wrong w/ The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (Movie)
OK, let me preface this by saying I adore Tom Blyth, Josh Andreas Rivera and Rachel Zegler. The acting in this movie was fantastic. But as someone who historically reads the book before seeing the movie and expects to see correlation... this movie left a lot out. I loved the movie for the content, the cinematography and the acting. But my word, they left out SO MUCH.
I probably missed some things, so please tell me if I did so — but only if you're nice because internet people can be mean!
Anyway, this is my angsty list as a book nerd.
That’s not how Reaper died. Reaper didn’t die of the snakes. It was him and Lucy Gray in the final two, not Lucy Gray and Coral. Reaper died because Lucy Gray basically ran circles around him and he was extremely fatigued.
They didn’t put in the parade for Arachane’s death. I think that was a super poignant scene in the book — the tributes chained to the float and the image of the Tribute from 10 and her body on the crane. I can understand *why* they didn’t show it, but I think it’s a big proponent to the movie.
The Jabberjay recording. The last time I checked, Sejanus didn’t hear the jabber jay recording, and neither did the crowd. It didn’t make sense to play that. It gave Lucy Gray the heads up that Coriolanus was bad — but she didn’t find that out until they headed out to the lake.
Clemensia’s snake PTSD. They didn’t show any of Clemensia after what happened with the snakes, and that made no sense. Reaper was still in the Games and there was a lot of key conversation around her snake attack and when she Coriolanus made up. 
The Sejanus-Billy Taupe meeting. In the book, they meet behind the house at the Covey’s residence. In the movie, they meet in the Hob for the first time. It makes no sense. We completely missed out on going to the Covey residence. 
They completely left out Pluribis. This movie should have been split in two for this reason alone. He was such a big help to the Snow family, and he literally got the guitar for Lucy Gray. In one scene, she goes, “A guitar may convince me,” and then just suddenly shows up at the interviews with a guitar. There’s no showing of how she got it. That goes to the next point…
Coriolanus wasn’t in the hospital during the interviews. In the interviews, it isn’t Lucky Flickerman — more on him in a moment — that conducts the interviews. It’s the mentors themselves. Coriolanus is with Lucy Gray during the interview in the book, but in the movie he’s in the hospital after the Arena attack, watching with Sejanus and Tigris. 
Lucky Flickerman’s way-too-early introduction. They had Lucky introduced from the start, and he was the one who did the interview with Lucy Gray and Coriolanus in the zoo, when that’s not what happened in the book. Lepidus is the one who does the interviews, way before Lucky even gets introduced.
The District Two Assignment. In the movie, Coriolanus finds out he is being moved to District Two for officer training after he passed the officer test. However, the movie got it totally wrong on the timing. He doesn’t find out he’s going to Two until the day before he’s supposed to run away with Lucy Gray. In the movie, he finds out 10 days before he’s supposed to go. That’s a big difference for how the next 10 days play out. He’s already dead-set on going to Two so he can get back to the Capitol. Also, he finds out, in the movie, before the shooting at the Hob happens, which isn’t the case in the book. 
The ‘Ma Plinth’ visit. OK, so they basically took the Grandmam and Tigris and made them no-shows in the movie. I’m fine with the first person, but Tigris had so many good lines that it’s a shame she was basically left out. But anyway, the Grandmam and Tigris are paid a visit by Ma Plinth, who tells them she can’t find Sejanus and he’s run off after the whole ‘you’re monsters, all of you’ tirade. When they find out, in the book, that Sejanus is in the Arena, she’s with the Snows and says, “That’s my boy.” They completely took that away and, in the movie, had Dr. Gaul tell Coriolanus that Sejanus was in the Arena and he needed to go get him. Ugh. 
The ‘Dad Plinth’ visit. There is a big scene in the book where Coriolanus goes to the Plinth residence to check on Sejanus. He is sleeping, but his father Strabo wants to see him. It’s not the most key conversation in the book, so I don’t mind that they didn’t add it, but I love Ma Plinth and she was a big part in that scene, giving background about their life in Two. 
The Plinth Prize. Speaking of the Plinths, they completely missed the mark with the Plinth Prize. In the movie, they have the Plinth Prize mentioned in the first five minutes. In the book, it’s not mentioned until way later. The Plinth Prize is a big motivating factor in the book for how Coriolanus wants to win and wants to help Lucy Gray — for his own benefit. 
Leaving District 12 Quote. Even Rachel Zegler said this was her favorite line. It was one of mine too. I’m so sad they left it off. “Goodbye District 12…” 
Corio and Sejanus’ bunkmates. Easily one of the best parts of the book. If they split the movie into two, they could have been added.  They were the whole reason they got to the Hob in the first place. They knew the way around District 12. 
Once again, let me just say I probably missed stuff and I really, really did enjoy the acting in this movie. I think the people who played the tributes deserve a lot more credit too. Just wonderful work.
Also, Rachel Zegler's voice is magical.
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faemth · 3 months
( ´・仝・`)
Bueno la verdad algunos hablaron al respecto de Salad cat, me encanta su estilo artistico aunque me asusta un poco su contenido y es una pena lo que hizo con uno de los oc de ranfren, no me gusta bloquear a la gente, me hace sentir culpable, pese que sea buena o mala persona, de igual forma me hace sentir de ese modo, igual manera gracias chicos por preocuparse por mi avisandome de "el/ ella?" aunque tampoco creo que hecharle tanta basura sea una manera para que deje su contenido, no se si es una niña o un troll, bueno, aveces nos toparemos con gente haciendo cosas que no nos gustan pero podemos evitarlas simplemente (bloqueandola) y seguir adelante, el internet hoy en dia para jovenes es muy abierto, hay cosas que simplemente no se podran evitar, es muy agradable la comunidad de oc de ranfren y espero que no se divida por alguien nomas... espero que cresca con el tiempo y tambien Sweetpotatoes se recupere.
Uno nunca sabe tambien como esta esa persona, mas alla de lo que vemos en pantalla, probablemente no este pasando un buen momento, no lo se.
no se si te lo tomes a mal mi pensamiento, pero disculpa si lo hice.
Well, honestly, some people have talked about Salad Cat. I love their artistic style, although their content scares me a bit, and it's a shame what they did with one of Ranfren's OCs. I don't like blocking people; it makes me feel guilty, whether they are good or bad. It makes me feel that way either way. Thank you for worrying about me and warning me about "him/her?" although I don't think throwing so much trash at them is a way to make them stop their content. I don't know if it's a kid or a troll. Well, sometimes we will come across people doing things we don't like, but we can simply avoid them (by blocking them) and move on. The internet today is very open for young people; there are things that simply cannot be avoided. The Ranfren OC community is very nice, and I hope it doesn't split because of just one person... I hope it grows over time and also that Sweetpotatoes recovers.
One never knows how that person is doing, beyond what we see on the screen; they might not be going through a good time. I don't know.
I hope you don't take my thoughts the wrong way, and I'm sorry if I did (chatgpt translation that google confuses me).
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sorry for so much text.
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subjectsmile · 10 months
This text is an outburst about the bullying that exists in the sonic fandom about a completely idiotic subject: SHIPS, SORRY TO SAY ABOUT THIS, but I need to vent..
Sorry, I came to talk about this here on a social network, but unfortunately I don't have anyone to vent to, but I really need to say this otherwise I'm not going to keep it to myself, and something small can become big after a while, I'm sorry to say this but.The Sonic fandom is really rotten when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, it's simply one of the worst fandoms I've ever been in when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, I think it's second only to Deltarune and Undertale, even the fandom League of Legends, which is known as one of the most toxic fandoms, manages to be less toxic when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, don't get me wrong, I'm making this criticism a bit harsh because I simply can't keep it to myself anymore, and I'm mentioning these fandons because I'm part of them, since I'm Multfandom, and in addition to this lack of respect between the purposes of the fandom as a whole, I see this a lot among ship fans, seriously! I'm tired of being disrespected in groups and on social media just because of my personal taste for a ship, for example: I'm an admitted Sonadow shipper, and I was very well accepted in the Sonadow bubble, I met cool people, others I confess were really good strange and radical, but you know, everything has a bad side, even the things you like, but I ignored that since most of them were really cool fans as people, but the problem started when I thought it was a good idea to express my love for a ship in Facebook groups, man.. that hurt me a lot of comments I received(And this kind of thing doesn't just hurt me, I've found reports from other people on Twitter and Facebook of people reporting being bullied in these places):
"I believe you are strange"
"you're going to be weird"
"everyone knows that the only acceptable ship is Sonamy"
"Get off the internet"
"These wokes ruin everything, everything is gay now"
"Kill yourself and be born again, and come with more sense next time"
Well, I won't remember everything they said to me, and I don't even have the prints unfortunately, but I've suffered a lot of bullying in these groups, even on Twitter I've suffered bullying, so much so that I blocked this type of person, I don't even waste my time trying to argue anymore (although I have the ability to rebut the argument) I simply don't have the emotions for it anymore, I know that ships are a silly thing, and I really agree with that, but the hostile treatment that this fandom has on this topic I believe is not healthy for no one, especially the way some of these people react to it, it's simply too toxic...
E o que finalmente me deu vontade de vir aqui desabafar sobre isso foi um grupo de fandublagem que eu participo, lá eu dublo o Tails, no começo eu gostava de dublar lá e participar, mas o líder da equipe começou a querer dublar coisas da Sonamy e da Amy a dubladora também era fã, nada contra quem é fã da Sonamy, mas eu pessoalmente não gosto do ship, mas não falo sobre isso se a pessoa gosta, porque não quero ser uma desmancha-prazeres chato, eles dublam o que querem e não é problema meu, eu só gosto de justiça, se um ship pode ser uma opção de dublagem, outros também podem ser, então quando fui me manifestar para propor uma dublagem sonadow no canal, eles simplesmente riram de mim e disseram "nós só dublamos navios aceitáveis, como Sonamy, Knuxouge e Silvaze, o que você tem contra navios de canhão?" Eu estava tipo, canhão? canhão onde?! Não existe canhão no Sonic em relação à nave, todo mundo sabe disso, e simplesmente me ignoraram, mas aí tive que engolir em seco a falta de respeito deles pelo meu gosto pessoal e eu ter que aguentar fazer algo que não faço' Não gosto por eles, simplesmente me sinto sufocado, acho que só estou lá até hoje por causa de amigos meus que ainda dublam lá, porque perdi muito a vontade de dublar lá depois desse desrespeito comigo, outras coisas que aconteceram com para mim também foi o fato de ter sido expulso de um grupo do Sonic no Facebook, só porque eu gostava de sonadow e gostava de postar artes fofas (não existia nem SFNW, eram artes inofensivas) o dono do grupo foi até minha conta privada para dizer que meu ship era uma "bobagem" e que o grupo dele era um lugar "sério" que não poderia ter essas coisas para "confundir" os fãs "e só coisas de canhão são permitidas no grupo dele como o Sonamy (sim mais um fã do Sonamy sendo tóxico comigo dizendo que o único navio dele é permitido porque é "canhão" embora isso não seja verdade e sim, eu tenho um screenshot desse evento (e depois disso fui banido do grupo dele E a palavra "esculhambação" no print significa "porcaria" ou "imbecilidade"And Google translate didn't translate it completely because my language has a lot of slang)):
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I know that not all Sonamy fans are like this, but if you are like this, please stop, this is an asshole attitude, And I don't say this to Sonamy fans, I say this to Sonadow fans too and to any fan of any ship, your ship is not better than the other and that doesn't give you the right to disrespect others and be a complete idiot!
To finish my rant about these toxic attitudes that I've seen as a fan, I close with a flourish with this nonsense I found on Twitter :
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I'll end here, and if you've been through something similar, be it anything (or ship in this case), avoid this as much as possible, it's really annoying to deal with.
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kerrikins · 1 year
About Build & Poi's statements
I have so many thoughts and I think it will take awhile for me to sort through them and be able to put them down coherently on paper. I've felt a lot of emotions since January, perhaps the most I've ever felt in any fandom, ever. Shock, doubt, frustration, grief, rage, confusion, relief.
The statements have been posted at both Build and Poi's IGs and Twitter accounts, though I kind of assume that everyone has seen them by now. I have thoughts on what was in them and what they mean but for now I'm waiting for everything to be completely finalized.
In the meantime, though..
This applies to all sides when I say that the lines cutting through this fandom may as well be chasms at this point and I think that's horrendous and horrible in a lot of ways for a show brought to us by a company/cast of people who care about each other deeply. It's at the point where even within the various ships there are deep fractures and the literal insanity going on within ALL of the ships etc is downright disturbing. MA fans hating on BBB fans. M fans hating A fans and vice versa, and the same thing going on for BBB and Jeff & Code. Ghost shippers going to war with fans of actual pairings. All of it is nuts.
It's become clear to me that so much of the hate that's surfaced during Biu's case has been driven by what is, at its roots, shipping culture and wars among stans for the individual cast members. So much of it hasn't really been about feminism or victims at all, and yet it seems like there's so much silence about it or 'oh that's just Twitter' - it's not. I've seen it pretty much everywhere I've gone in the fandom, from Twitter to Reddit to here. And even if it is 'just Twitter' - there are still people behind those keyboards and the 'support' that's really just weird projections and using these men who are mostly incredibly kind and talented as fodder for hate and constant toxicity is... sad.
The last few months has really shaken me in terms of making me take a second look at how society and the internet have started reacting to cases of this nature. I said this earlier on twitter but I really feel like 'trust, but verify' has become 'trust and vilify' - and that is not okay. First, because it's wrong, and second because it is so incredibly detrimental to future cases like this due to the inevitable backlash.
I'm so incredibly disappointed at the lack of discussion that has existed on here, elsewhere on social media, and in the news since the initial blow up. From the phone call to the apologies to the incredibly concerning actions she took last week, none of it got the same level of coverage that the initial posts in January did and in my opinion there's a huge problem with that. Supporting victims should NOT mean 'well, we're just not going to discuss anything else that comes out'. There should be room for us to look at an issue from all angles and consider everything. There should be room for us to be able to speak up and ask questions without it being shut down as a lack of support or victim blaming. It shouldn't be wrong to just have a genuine *conversation*, and by that I mean conversation and not just poorly disguised passive aggressive jabs (and that goes for everyone).
There needs to be a true middle ground and I feel like we haven't found a way to balance that, yet. Not just the fandom or people on tumblr, but society in general.
I have more thoughts about how this entire case has gone, but those will wait.
For now I'm just relieved that we at least have this out of the way and can keep moving forward.
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starsforhours · 9 months
more Saturday tiktok ideas bc these men ARE icons of the internet
a fan makes a tiktok to the 'the night we met' song and it goes from them laughing in interviews and on stage to them in the camp videos and talent show
my love mine all mine (or any love song) = Zuben edits. There are so many Zuben edits. you can't escape
EOE becomes THE Zuben song. It's played everytime the two of them are introduced, there are so many edits to it, and every year on the anniversary of The Coming Out, Saturdays try to get it to chart
birthday tiktoks. Every member's birthday has saturtok SWARMED with videos wishing them happy birthday (ik this is about tiktok but there are swarms of wishes on EVERY social)
they are meme lords, they have so many sounds from their tiktoks that go viral bc they're so funny
Angel posts the most, Ruben second, Jon either manically posts 20 tiktoks in one day or nothing for 4 months, and Zach has an account but he doesn't post unless he a, lonely, or b, has to. Zach just posts on Ruben's account; Saturdays joke it's less Ruben's account more Zuben's and they're not wrong
like half their discography has a trend to it on tiktok. People do tiktoks on trends that Saturday has and it takes like four parts just to get through them all
you can rely on Angel posting lots of behind the scenes stuff on tiktok (and his youtube channel), whether it's on the tour bus, behind the scenes stadium things, sound checks, or vlogs. He does content like day in my life-s where he's like 'day in my life but im famous and you're not mwah' and the internet loves him
Ruben either posts couples content or chaos with Angel, no in between. They once pranked Jon and Zach and they had a prank war that lasted a solid week.
Mama and Papa Phan, Mother Braxton, and Ma Knight are all popular on tiktok too. They don't have accounts, they post things to facebook, but still people on tiktok LOVE them and are always joking about 'i wish they could adopt me' and call them Mama, Papa, Mother and Ma. Mum Montez, not as popular. People don't hate her, but they just saw everyone else's reactions to her and came to their own (not wrong, not as bad) conclusions.
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