#man i really should write something about puppet reader
that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
Pls tell me you plan to continue with the puppet in shnez because the reactions of dotorre and scara would be priceless
"What about my puppet? Ain't they cute? Too bad, mine, hands off"
Ahh, fluffy monthman soothes my heart everytime
well if you insist ;) (honestly i really should make a fully written piece for puppet reader)
i feel like Childe would take you everywhere, even though you're nowhere near as high ranked as he is. it's pretty cute to see one of the Harbingers running around with his favorite agent, tugging you along by the hand so you don't get lost, and it's even better when the agents catch a glimpse of the soft smile he always sends your way a glint of light in his normally deadened eyes. you often overwork yourself despite Childe's insistence that you shouldn't, but you're a simple puppet, and it's worth it if you get to relax in the arms of Foul Legacy after all of your tasks are done
Foul Legacy is quite protective, but he has to be, since you're the type to go right up to Il Dottore and stick your hand out to shake- which you HAVE done, by the way, like you were meeting a new friend. Dottore thinks you're hilarious and wants to study you, while Childe is desperately trying to keep you safe from both him and Scaramouche, since the shorter Harbinger seems to hate your very existence. a bit of Foul Legacy always slips out whenever Childe pulls you away from either of them, a low, nearly inaudible hiss slipping from his lips before he ushers you into his room for snuggles. you're not really sure why he's so grumpy whenever he sees Scaramouche or Dottore, but hey, grumpy Childe means he lets Foul Legacy out for consoling pets!! and after years of traveling with him you give the BEST pets, and soon enough Foul Legacy flops into your lap with a purr, content at last
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uplatterme · 1 year
Hidden Urges
cw: pre-memories!wanderer, sub!wanderer, dom!reader, gender-neutral terms and pronouns but reader has a cock, jacking off, hurt/comfort (my bad), overstimulation, crying, REALLY SOFT
a/n: probably one of the best fics ive ever written ngl. might write a part two with post-memories!wanderer if y’all want it.
You thought you had been daydreaming at first.
You stood outside the porch of your house and were met with a man who stood in the rain looking unbothered by the whole thing. He was just there, staring into nothingness despite some parts of his clothes getting wet by the second.
You bit your cheek, walking up to him and taking his wrist with your hand.
“Come in? I have supper ready.”
It took him a while to register but he eventually agreed with your persistence.
He introduced himself as a wanderer, he said, “I’ll be out when the rain stops.”
To which you replied, “Take as long as you need.”
You gave him some spare clothes which fit on him loosely as you hung the kimono to dry inside the house. 
He was…a very pretty man. 
You served him a bowl of porridge that he refused multiple times, saying that you should just eat it instead, that you need it more than him. 
It sounded silly seeing as how thin the wanderer was.
“So, who are you really? Besides being a wanderer, I mean.”
Your question seemed to be something that he even himself couldn’t answer. He made that same face that he wore when he was in the rain, deep in thought, possibly contemplating everything that he had gone through.
After a few minutes, he opened his mouth to finally say something, only to be shut up with a spoonful of warm porridge inside his mouth.
You smiled, seeing him swallow the food even if you had to do it forcefully.
“How is it?” You asked.
“It’s good.” He answered, still stunned at how you had just spoonfed him.
“Yeah? Well, there’s more. Dig in.” 
He reluctantly took the bowl in his hands, eating the food that you had generously given to him. You were so persuasive. He wondered if you realized that you had that effect on people.
You ate with him, telling stories of your own as you worried that you had scared him off from asking too much about himself.
A thought lingered in your head as you led him to a spare room before going back to your bedroom alone.
Why was it that he never shivered under the rain?
The rain didn’t let up for days. A storm had manifested instead, meaning any kind of travel would have to be suspended.
Wanderer felt that he was intruding so much already, he could go anytime he wanted to but leaving you alone didn’t seem right.
“Are you alright?” Your hand was on his forehead, checking his temperature.
You had somehow managed to sneak up on him again, he marveled at that fact, questioning whether if you purposely did it when he was busy thinking about something.
He tensed up when you removed your hand from his skin, eager to have more of your touch.
He cursed himself in his head. That had been happening a lot lately, a growing urge inside of him that didn’t want to leave and let go of you once the rain ended.
But that’s exactly why he needed to leave, he couldn’t get too attached.
He stayed in the spare room you had given him and each time he was alone, all these questions kept attacking his head.
Was he supposed to feel this way? Should a puppet such as him have these kinds of emotions?
The longer he stayed here, the longer he felt that he wished the rain wouldn’t stop.
Everything smelt like you. The blankets, the clothes, and eventually, even him.
He stared at the problem at the center of his legs. This too, had been bothering him.
It often happened when he thought about you, or whenever you touched him for too long.
He bit his lip, careful to not let any sound slip. Although these days, he wanted you to hear. To find him like this, all sensitive and spread out just to see your reaction.
Would you have shamed him and kicked him out of the house for this? Or, would you have praised him, telling him how much of a good job he was making?
His hand gripped his cock, imagining that it was you doing this to him. He sang your name softly, fingers now traveling to his tip, using the white liquid that had oozed out as a lubricant.
He continued pumping himself underneath the blankets, smelling your scent and bringing him into a high. His legs trembled with each stroke, knowing that he’ll make a mess once again on the bed that you’d kindly given to him.
“S-Sorry… I can’t help it—” He chanted apologies and came into his hand, his cum splattering to his thighs. 
He needed to leave as soon as possible.
Unbeknownst to your guest, you too, were having a problem.
Your lip has been bruising with how many times you’ve been biting it.
You’re appreciative that you have a pretty temporary roommate like him, but he’d been driving you insane.
Like right now.
He’d been helping you out with dinners lately but with him being inexperienced, he tended to do things in a very questionable way. 
For example, having cream splatter directly on his cheek while he whipped a batch. Or, bending his body against the counter to reach the spatula that’s on the other side instead of just asking for it.
It had your mind going through things that it shouldn’t. Such as imagining the said guest on top of you, taking you in as he tries his best to please you, asking you whether he’s doing it right. And worse, that’s probably the tamest thing you could think of right now, the others you’ve daydreamed about are ten times worse.
Has his shorts ever been that short?
You didn’t want to take advantage of him, seeing as he would do whatever you asked no matter how weird they may be. 
You tried it once, asking him to fetch three blades of grass from the backyard and what do you know, he actually did it.
He seemed to think that he owed you, which isn’t really the case since you just wanted to help out.
What you wouldn’t give to see him gasping your name though.
“Hey, I never really asked this but would you like me to call you something?” You asked.
“Ah, well. I understand not telling me your real name but uh, I’d like to call you something like a nickname.”
“It’s up to you. I’d be fine with anything you give.”
You bit your lip again. He’s so sweet!
That being said, you didn’t know what you should call him. Wanderer, huh? Honey is a bit too much, Darling is too domestic, Sweetie seemed like you were pampering him…
Why were these nicknames all sounding like pet names for a lover?
“You said anything, right?” You reconfirmed.
He nodded.
“How about Doll, then?”
He stilled, a deep breath leaving his mouth. He seemed agitated. 
Did he not like it?
“I–Yes. That’s fine. Excuse me, I just have to get something in my room.”
He left before you could even apologize (for what?) or say a word.
That day, the rain stopped and you stopped seeing the wanderer ever since.
You tried to get it off your mind, spending time on your work or reading. 
It didn’t help. He’d disappeared and if it weren’t for your bruised lips, you’d think the whole thing was a long dream that you’d just woken out of.
You laid your back on the doorframe of his room. It wasn’t a guest room anymore, it was his now. Even if he’d never come back.
Wanderer walked and walked, trying to distract himself from you. 
The nickname hurt him and he didn’t know why. Was it because he was a puppet? He’d always been content with being one and if you had asked, he’d trusted you enough to the point that he’d tell you the truth.
Was there something he was forgetting? Something that he forgot which made him feel this hurt?
He stood outside of your house, his head leaning on the door, hand on the doorknob, when he heard a sultry voice talking.
Next, came the moaning and gasping. You were with someone else.
Get rid of them, they don’t deserve your touches. That should be for him, for his only.
His head ached.
He turned the knob slowly, walking towards your bedroom but stopped halfway through when he realized that you weren’t there.
You were in his room.
He sank to the floor, sitting there while he listened in.
“You seem aggressive.” The other voice said.
“Stop. Stop talking. Just lay there.” You replied.
“Really? How long is this going to last? All you’ve done is mark my neck and chest.”
Jealousy was all through his veins. Perhaps if he had never left, that could have been him in that bed instead of some random person.
He could hear you sigh disappointedly. 
“You won’t even kiss me on the lips. You haven’t stripped out of your clothes and it’s been an hour! I know I shouldn’t complain since I’m getting paid here but come on.”
“God, could you shut up?!” You yelled angrily.
Your voice brought shivers to the puppet. You had never gotten mad at him no matter what. Not when he broke the dishes while washing them, not when he accidentally messed up a recipe, not when he spaced out and stopped listening to your stories.
“I didn’t mean it. Doll, I—”
Silence filled the entire house. Not a word from you or the other person. Not a single breath out of the wanderer.
“Shit, I keep—” You stuttered with your words. 
“Can you just get out? Take the money with you.”
The person left without even noticing him to their left, in a hurry and understandably annoyed.
You didn’t think you’d get so desperate, hiring a person who could play his part. 
You thought you could get through it, maybe a fuck was something you needed to get it out of your system. You knew it wouldn’t work but you eventually gave in to your desires.
A shadowy figure loomed into your vision.
“I told you to get out.” 
“Are you alright?”
You brought your head up to see the wanderer looking at you with worry. Were you dreaming?
You stood up with shaking legs, running towards him to envelop him in a hug.
“You’re back.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
You frowned at him, why was he apologizing?
“What? I should be the one saying sorry, I brought someone else home and called you something you didn’t like.”
“Yes, but I overreacted.” He replied.
“It did trigger you, didn’t it?”
He nodded, overwhelmed with your warmth due to being out for so long.
“Yes. But I… don’t know why.” He said with his eyes on the ground, troubled.
“I see. We’ll figure it out.” You reassured him.
“We?” He said, surprised.
You crashed your lips onto his, something that you’d thought of more than you should. Your hands were on his back while you pressed his body against yours tightly.
The sudden act brought the puppet flustered to a whole new level. 
“Can I ask something?” He said, gasping for air as he separated from you.
“Can you mark me like what you did with that person earlier?”
“Anything for you, love.”
The wanderer felt as if there were tons of butterflies fluttering away in his stomach. Love? 
Him? Really?
His face is pressed onto the pillows, his ass up for you, as your finger slips inside of his hole so smoothly that you’d think this isn’t the first time that he’s doing it with someone else.
He moaned loudly, fingers gripping the sheets and cum dripping onto them.
He still could feel the bruising on his chest all the way to his neck, there was more and deeper than what you did to your invited guest earlier, obviously wanting to prove to him that it’d never happen again, that it would only be him.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. Each day with you drove me positively insane.” You told him.
He cried your name, feeling another finger penetrating his walls.
“M-Me too. I’ve thought about it a bunch of times.”
You hummed pleased, removing the fingers that let out a whine from his throat. 
You flipped him over, wanting to see his perfect face, and spread his thighs away from each other.
“Can you show me? Can you show me what you do while you think about it?”
He nodded, red coloring his cheeks.
He took his right hand and started from the base of his cock, stroking it but not all the way through, leaving his own tip unsatisfied. The whole scene already had him trembling, he wanted to look away from your eyes but at the same time, he was relishing from the attention.
“Hnn—Ah~” He breathed out your name, continuing to fuck himself with his hand.
“How many times have you done this?” You questioned.
It took him a while to answer, his head mostly focusing on only the pleasure and ignoring everything else.
“A-A lot. I clean the sheets before you wake up so you don’t notice.”
“Ah, such a good boy, aren’t you?”
He whimpered from the praise, a spray of his cum coming out hastily.
“That won’t do, though. I’m kicking you out of this room.” You said, giving his thigh a pinch, his cock twitching for release.
“You’re staying in my room now. If you want to jack off, you’ll be doing it in front of me just like this…Or, there’s always the other option.” 
“You could always ask me to help you out.”
He sobbed out a pathetic noise as he finally reached his orgasm. The bed sheets were already ruined and you haven’t even taken your clothes off yet.
His attention is brought back once he heard you unbuckle his belt.
“I’m gonna make you cum with my cock, the same number of times you orgasmed in here alone.”
“Okay.” He answered, awaiting what it would be like to finally have you inside of him.
Wanderer choked on his own breath when you first penetrated him, it was much different from your fingers. He felt so full of you, each time you thrust in and out of him had his toes curling from pleasure.
He continued whimpering, tears dripping down his cheeks while you held onto his slim waist, pumping him of your length.
His first orgasm from your cock is abrupt, too quick for even him to register it as you didn’t even stop, continuing to pound even deeper and rougher. His cock limped as it juiced out his cum.
It didn’t last long as with one specific hit to his prostate, Wanderer squeaked out an embarrassing noise, his cock hard once again.
“I’m going to ruin you, love.”
“Please do—Hah~”
His body felt lifeless, thighs too tired to even shake even if they wanted to. Your hands doing all the work, whether to switch his position, or make him face you as you fucked him just to see the faces that he would make, high on the pleasure.
Perhaps it was due to his anatomy that it wasn’t hurting, though he supposed that didn’t sound too bad either.
He blushed from his own thoughts, they had been bothering him since earlier. Where were these coming from?
“Do you need me to stop?” You asked him.
“No, keep going.”
His legs were in the air, carried by you, pushing even deeper into him despite that sounding impossible. 
Wanderer teared up again feeling his next orgasm coming, he didn’t even know if he’d be able to cum, already milked out dry.
“Hnghh!” He whined out, proven wrong when you used your other hand, palming his tip.
He came for the last time, exhausted and empty as you pulled out. 
“Should we take a bath together?”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to go there.” He panted, laughing at his situation.
He was covered with his own excretions and yet he looked just as lovely.
“Nonsense! I’ll carry you!”
“Alright then, love.” He returned the nickname, tugging at your heart and bringing you to a smile.
You two did spend more time in the bath than you expected though.
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
hi! first i love your writing. it’s so amazing
since it’s getting into the christmas season, i was wondering if you’d want to do something with choso experiencing christmas season things with a partner for the first time. like decorating a tree, kissing under mistletoe and all that kinda stuff?
thank you so much for all your insanely amazing writing!
Aww this was absolutely fun and cute to write, I really hope you like it! Thank you for your request and kind words love 🤍
Teaching Choso about Christmas and kissing underneath the mistletoe
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Pairing: Choso x reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: Even though Choso thinks he's seen it all by now, the idea of Christmas just doesn't reach him until you show him the tradition of kissing underneath a mistletoe...
Warnings: Christmas fluff coming your way! This was such a fun request and I really hope it gets you into Christmas mood! Would you like to read more Christmas special content? Let me know in the comments or get in my inbox <3
„And…why exactly are you putting those strange balls onto that tree?” Choso questions while eyeing you up and down critically.
Within the last few months, you were able to teach your precious boyfriend a lot of things he missed as a cursed womb. Everything was new to him: having feelings, getting close to each other, ordering ice cream. But somehow, you actually managed to make a decent human being out of him.
Well, at least until now.
“That is called a Christmas tree and those ‘strange balls’ are called ornaments. We do that every year around that time. Look at how stunning it is”, you explain with excitement glowing in your eyes.
Choso truly loves seeing you like that, wearing that strange sweater and a gorgeous smile on your face. But somehow, this whole concept of Christmas doesn’t make any sense to him. Why would you celebrate the birth of a single child for more than 2000 years? And why do you have to decorate a tree to do so?
He watches as you carefully place another ornament on the tree, clapping your hands in joy. Oh, you look so lovely in the dim candle light with your slightly redden cheeks. His heart begins to jump up and down his chest all over again, eyes not able to tear away from your beautiful sight. If it makes you happy, he’ll celebrate Christmas every day.
“Stop looking at me like that”, you mutter all of the sudden, hiding your face behind your hands.
“Why would I ever stop looking at you?” he remarks along with tilting his head.
He crosses the room in an instant, his hands gently removing yours from your delicate face.
“You told me to tell you about my feelings. And right now, I feel captivated by your sight.”
Your heart skips a beat, shy eyes staring up at the man you learned to love after Shibuya, the man who stood out to you the second you met him. Choso Kamo is way more than a reincarnated curse, way more than a puppet of someone random. No, he is your boyfriend, the love of your life. Never in a million years you would have thought that you’ll stand here like this, him staring deeply into the ocean of your eyes while you can’t help but hold onto his strong arms for support.
God, how much you love that man. And how much you adore to teach him every little thing about Christmas.
“You know what that is?”, you question innocently.
Your fingers hold onto what looks like a branch.
“I now know what a branch looks like”, he remarks dryly.
“This isn’t just any branch.”
Carefully, you tie it to a hook above the both of you, your hands wrapping themselves around his. You smell so lovely, like vanilla and dough from the cookies you baked earlier. The room suddenly feels so warm and welcoming, making his heart feel as light as a feather. Seeing you like this truly makes him melt away in an instant.
“This is called a mistletoe. It’s not entirely clear why, but this branch is a symbol of love. It is tradition to kiss underneath a mistletoe whenever you have the chance to do so. Especially men should steal a kiss from a woman when standing under it. Otherwise it brings you bad luck”, you explain gently.
“I am allowed to kiss you wherever and whenever I want. But since I wanted to do it anyway, I’m more than glad to follow this tradition.”
You hold your breath, his lips pressing themselves onto yours. Sparks fly, it seems like the world around you fades away. It’s only you and him underneath the mistletoe. You, him and his mouth brushing against yours. Instinctively you wrap your arms around his neck, caress his back gently, get lost in the feeling of his body against yours. God, his smell is so intoxicating, the way he holds you by your waist sends shivers down your spine. Never in your life would you have imagined to love anyone as dearly as you love Choso Kamo. It’s almost a miracle, you and him standing here together. An incarnated cursed womb and a jujutsu sorcerer. But somehow, you made it. And oh does it feel right.
“Is there anything else you want to show me? Maybe another tradition that includes stealing a kiss from you?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Actually…There’s something I want to show you. Just stay here, okay?”
He stares at you in confusion as you run up the stairs into the bedroom, your giggling filling the air with nothing but happiness. What are you up do? Choso shakes his head to himself with a small smile forcing itself onto his otherwise cold features. It doesn’t matter what makes you this happy. The only thing that counts for him is your breath-taking smile.
“Turn off the lights!”, you shout towards him, only your head sticking out of the door.
“Turning of the lights…But why?”, he replies with a frown.
Even though it makes you this light-hearted, Christmas seems to be a mystery for him still. What is up with all those lights, the different smells, all the things you hung up in the entirety of the house before? And why would he turn of the lights now?
“You’ll see, just do it!”
He signs to himself before doing as told. Maybe one tradition includes you getting naked after all…
You storm out of the room, holding what looks like a blinking sweater over your head in pure delight. Oh no, what is this about again? He still has to get used to the knitted sweater you’re wearing right now, but this thing? It literally glows in the dark, blinking so hard that he has to squint his eyes in order to see it clearly. Please, let it be another decoration, a strange tradition maybe-
“This one’s for you”, you announce proudly.
Choso isn’t even able to protest since you’re already pushing his head into the tiny hole, pressing his dark hair roughly into his face.
There he stands, blinking like the Christmas tree in front of him in this scratchy thing.
“The mistletoe was definitely more my taste”, he comments dryly.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it! Are you in the mood for learning some more about Christmas?”
He takes a step back while scratching his back.
“No, I think that’s enough for today…”, he mutters.  
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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inklore · 1 year
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premise: being in an arranged marriage was complicated enough, but catching feelings for your betrothed? now that was just ridiculous.
pairing: royal!namor x (f)reader
word count: 1.9k
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warnings: reader comes from royalty as well, therefore this is an au, arranged marriage, light angst as well as very light fluff, mutual pining, alcohol mention.
note: shoutout to @rae-gar-targaryen for sending in this little mistletoe request!! i may or may not write for these two again since i think their relationship would be hella angsty and interesting. but ya girl already has too many wips so lmaooo who knows.
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You have lost track of how many minutes—possibly hours—have ticked by since you departed from the lavish holiday party your parents had thrown in honor of your new engagement. The clinks of glasses, orchestrated music, and laughter hitting nerve endings you didn’t think were possible to reach in such a manner that would cause you to bolt down the halls of your childhood mansion.
You had loved parties growing up. Had adored being the center of the ball room's attention. But sometimes you think you had no choice but to adore and love the two. After all, you were your parents' only child. Only heir. Their pride and joy to the point of suffocation.
If the circumstances were different would you be out enjoying yourself? Taking part in the festivities like everyone else? Eating your weight in macaroons and dancing.
Perhaps if you were given a choice in any of this you would be.
Wouldn’t find yourself with a death grip on your third glass of champagne and pacing in your fathers library.
If you had gotten a say in who you were to marry—or given the choice of at least picking someone less…cold, intimidating. Maybe then you’d be just as happy as everyone else at this god forsaking party.
Namor—or K’uk’ulkan, he had emphasized you call him, insisting on it by your tenth meeting. “We are to be married” he had said, giving you a gentle expression that showed neither disappointment or joy in the fact. But still made you feel woozy all the same.
He wasn’t a bad man. Reserved. Cruel to some. Cold to most.
Your first meeting had done little to dampen down your anxiety over the whole arrangement. He hadn’t shown disinterest, or anger. In fact you could barely read his expression at all. The only show of emotion was in the tick of his jaw, the slight crease in his forehead when you spoke about yourself—whether it was from surprise of the many facts you were forced to spew out, sounding almost robotic—or if he just didn’t care. You didn’t know.
But a week later when the two of you had met outside of your home and went on, what could be considered, your first date: he had acted differently.
“Now that your puppeteer strings have been severed,” his tone filled with amusement. “Tell me your actual hobbies. What you like to do, not what you’ve been taught to like.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that had spread across your mouth. You should have felt insulted or scolded him on the insinuation on your parents behalf. But you were not that far up their asses, and as much as it had seemed face-value to people who were only spectators, your parents had left you to your own devices years ago. Your life was your own.
Until this.
Until being their only child came in handy for a business deal.
And when you had shared your love for the opera, classic books, writing poetry, finding yourself lost in your own joy of talking about the things you actually loved: that’s when you saw real emotion on his face. When you say a glint of something in his eyes. A cough in his hand covering up the traces of a smile.
A smile that made him look even more regal and beautiful, if that were possible.
It didn’t take the two of you long to warm up. For you to see that smile un-hidden, to learn more of his homeland and people.
That should have eased your nerves and mind on this marriage arrangement. Should have made you happy to know that you weren’t really marrying the coldest-man-alive like you had thought that first day.
K’uk’ulkan was a man with many layers, layers that you would have years to pull back. You had no choice in the matter.
But even now, after growing to like his company, to think of him as a great man—your dress already bought, venue booked, flowers picked—your nerves refused to settle. Stomach refused to let you rest, to enjoy all of this as much as the rest of your family was.
You just…couldn’t.
Not even with the beautiful golden ring on your finger. Or a lavish party. Or reassuring words from your betrothed. Or the many more glasses of champagne you could see yourself downing in the very near future as you take the last gulp of the one in your hand.
Already turning on your heels to poke your head out of the library to see if a waiter was passing—hoping, praying, for this one miracle tonight.
But your movements halt when you start for the door and the door is blocked by your betrothed himself. The breath caught in the back of your throat almost making you choke, your heart finding itself in your stomach.
“K’uk’ulkan,” you attempt at a smile. Don’t know why you feel the inclination in you to run a hand along your black gown, making sure every crease is straight—every curve accentuated. His eyes following the motion of your hands, and then trailing back up your frame to your eyes; your nerves could not catch a break tonight could they?!
“I see we both had the same idea,” his hands are in his front pockets, the corner of his mouth pulling up slightly.
“You’re telling me outlandish parties are not your thing? I don’t think I would have ever guessed that.” You distract your anxious thoughts with a joke. A joke that lands and has him chuckling under his breath. A sound you’re growing to enjoy..too much.
“The celebrations we throw in Talokan are quite different. Less…flashy,” he waves a hand in front of his velvet emerald suit. A suit that fits him so well you don’t think any other man living—or dead—could wear it better.
The mention of his country makes you smile. The country that was soon to become your home. The country you had only visited a handful of times over these past eight months, but had quickly grown to love nonetheless.
“Oh gosh, yes.” You groan dramatically, “I’m counting down the hours until I can rid my feet of these death traps.” You point a manicured, stiletto adorned, foot out from beneath your dress for emphasis.
He chuckles again, “you look beautiful.” He says it so casually, so simply and with adoration that it almost knocks you on your backside. It hadn’t been the first time he had complimented you. Had said how nice you looked in something, had spent too long focusing on your face, looking in your eyes, or having things sent to your house with a note attached “Thought of you - K”—before this.
And yet your nerves still had you ready to run.
If you took a second—a single damn minute—to let yourself dive into those nerves. To stop looking at it at surface level. Coming up with excuses; you only see K’uk’ulkan and that half-smile he was currently giving you. The way it made you feel. The fondness that had grown between the two of you, that left room for more to grow—more feelings, more…other things one felt for their husband. Normal. Feelings.
What they lacked was ease. Feelings were not easy. Love was not easy. And while you had been so hung up on not marrying a stranger another fear had set in, knocked you off your feet and made you want to run from it.
Arrangements were easy.
Love wasn’t.
And that scared you more than the arrangement itself.
“I can have Namora send for-”
“No.” You blurt out. Harsh, fast, and surprising him. The expression on his face grew into something stone-like and worrisome. Making an embarrassed flush burn in your cheeks. You try to recover with a pressed smile, “sorry. Just need some air. This is all just…a lot.” Your eyes downcast to the floor.
You needed that drink. Needed to escape once again. Maybe this time outside in the gardens where no one could find you.
Where the party goers couldn’t be heard.
Where your soon to be husband couldn’t make your blood heat from his beautiful stare.
“I’m going to get another drink,” you state as you try to push past him in the doorway—try to ignore the heat you feel from his body as your body brushes against his.
But then he’s stopping you again.
His fingers curling around your bicep, your side now pressed to his chest. The fabric of his suit making your body feel close to sweating. The heat from everything bound to crack, break, tear at something that would have you perspire through the silk of your dress, leaving your knees even more wobbly.
You don’t try and free yourself though. Don’t even attempt at disingaging the situation, removing his searing palm from your bare arm. Because it’s the first time he’s touched you. Really touched you.
It was laughable.
The first touch from your soon to be husband happening in what seems to be—when you finally look up at him—in frustration, if the lowering of his brows is anything to go by. His dark eyes become so onyx you’re almost frightened of what they are holding back, what he’s holding back from the already tight grip he has on you.
The words are simple and not at all what you expect from him.
He doesn’t say anything for a beat. The silence growing so deafening you feel yourself tremble when his thumb presses into your skin and starts a light back and forth motion—soft, soothing. “You know why,” and you think—know—those three words alone hold more meaning than any others could. In this situation. With this man; a chunk of ice melted somewhere deep in his chest. For you. From you.
Your lips shake when you part them to say something, what you don’t know. Anything. Everything. Whatever you have to make this moment drag on for centuries. To keep his hand on your body. To finally let yourself breathe for him, because of him.
But then an “ooh” is breaking the spell.
Both of your attentions turn to see two older women in the hall grinning widely at the two of you. Feeble fingers pointed to the ceiling, your brows coming together in confusion until your eyes follow theirs and you see it. Your heart no longer hammering in the pits of your abdomen, but leaving your body all together you’re convinced.
The look of worry fades quickly from your face when you see the amused heat that’s on K’uk’ulkan’s.
And while you’re still spiraling from his first touch, you feel completely floored by his next. With the hand at your bicep keeping you glued to him, his other cups your cheek. The pad of his thumb pressed just below your bottom lip. His eyes flashing from your mouth to your eyes, your brain going cloudy—legs barely keeping you stationary.
“May I kiss my wife?” There’s a ghost of a smile at the corners of his mouth.
A puff of air filled with something saccharine, heedy, and something on the cusps of insanity that makes your body turn into a forest fire—leaves you before you’re giving a slow nod and murmuring “yes.”
And when he leans in, excruciatingly slow. When his lips press to yours; full, warm, soft, breathtaking in the way they move against yours. Like he was made to kiss; to kiss you.
You know you’re absolutely screwed.
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
what if y/n or reader was the villain in the show welcome home puppet show and had a crush on one of the character
There was only one person who did this so far and i loved it
would the reader go easy on them or harder so no one would know
would they show concern when there crush is crying
would they stop there plans all together if they were asked by that person (only for a day maybe)
Tysm for the request and love the idea! And I’m doing this with 2 of the members in cast if that is ok because no on was specified on here and I just really want to write about Julie! Also this is fan content of welcome home that has nothing to do with the lore!
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Oh to be the antagonist of this story is very “interesting”. You’re always the cause of the moral of the story on why doing whatever it was is bad. Or you just sabotage them throughout the show.
But mostly sabotaging the main character Wally Darling. Always messing up his paintings by adding yourself to the picture. Literally you just crudely draw yourself right beside him. Even going as far as to cross a few of his friends out or replace their heads with yours. While always leaving a signature evil as yours right next to his with a little heart. All over yours and his neat signature. Sometimes putting a heart around both your signatures as a way to circle them. You thought it was cute and a sweet sorry. While Wally was sometimes annoyed by this you would always cut him off before he could say anything.
Most of the time apologizing with “ I’m so so very very sor-sore- sarh- sarh-I think I’m gonna puke! SORY! I said it now you can’t be mad at me…oh geepers my tummy is all topsy turvery now I hope your happy!”
Yes for comedic purposes you could never say sorry without almost puking it was a curse and a gift.
You would always go the hardest on him. No matter where or who he was with Wally would always be your main target. He was just so much fun to mess with. Such as putting the blame on him in Howdy Pillar’s shop by stealing an apple from its once neat stand. Leaving a mess for the yellow man to have to clean up himself. As they all fall you disappear with a clever disguise. Glasses and a mustache. The perfect disguise no one can recognize you! Well kinda? Howdy and Frank always know it’s you and you have no idea how. You fooled Julie and Barnaby with it. Even Wally you think? So how are they exposing you like that!?
For anyone else maybe a few pranks here and there but Wally oh dear sweet Wally will always be victim to your harshest pranks.
But Wally was also the only person you ever listened to that made you stop your devious plans all together. One little “ No, not today Neighbor.” And you’re done for. Fully defeated, and devastated that your plans were cancelled. Not really to be honest you could always do them next time.
Crying. Is something you’d never really try to make anyone do. Really it’s all harmless fun until someone gets hurt. And if Wally do happened to get hurt or start crying your the one who is literally comforting him. Pulling out tons of tissues from your pocket. Panicking over the fact that you made him cry. So you’ll disappear for a few days and go very and almost too easy in everyone especially Wally for once.
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You were once again in your unnoticeable disguise. The same one you always wore as you walked around the colorful road of the neighborhood to find Wally. You the came upon the man asking what to paint. Excitedly rushing over onto his shoulder.
“ I think you should paint me~!” you announced dramatically catching the blue haired man off guard.
“ Sure neighbor.” He said gaining his composure now catching you off guard.
Now this was a surprise as you blushed. You quirked your eyebrow at his calmness and to the fact that he willingly without hesitation said he would paint you.
“ Fine then…stranger! Paint me as if I’m the most amazing person in the world! Because I am!” You proclaimed in a dramatic pose.
“ Whatever you say ___.” He said with a sigh as he started to paint catching you fully off guard.
You panicked declaring an answer on how he knew it was you.
“ You use the same disguise and put a different mustache on every time you’re doing something no good.” He said as you huffed.
You thought no one would notice especially with the purple mustache. Come on it was purple and very long and pointy too. And you even got different shoes. This is so unbelievable the nerve of that pretty man!
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To be the antagonist of the story and have Julie as your main “victim” is the hardest thing ever. She always laughs and says “ Oh neighbor you’re so silly!” or “ Can you teach me how to do that!?” and even “ Hear let me help you I know an easier way to do that.”
She is too nice to you. She even laughs when you’re doing your evil laugh too! It throws your whole vibe off! You’re supposed to be the evil villain that strikes fear and misery. Not the joke of a villian with some stupidly adorable blonde who always helps and complements you! No she’s supposed to fear you not hug you right after you just tripped over falling face first from your epic exit!
With Julie you go harder on her than anyone else! Not because you like her no it’s because you hate that she is supper nice and supportive; She’s always trying to help you become a better person and…she needs to be stopped. Julie is always thought rushed away from you when Frank is near. The man pulls her away as she tells you “ Bye ___! Hope you have a good day!”
“ Guys I think they just need a chance!” She’ll say while being told “ THEY JUST TRIED TO TRICK HOWDY INTO GIVING THEM OWNER SHIP OF HIS OWN SHOP!”
Making Julie cry is the worst thing you could ever do. Literally if you’re the reason she cried or because you ran into the always happy blonde crying you better give her a hug. It’s technically illegal not to. She is just a ball of pure sunshine that is too nice. If you don’t hug or try to comfort her you’re a heartless monster at that point. But if you are the reason she cried because of you. Do not show your face for a few days. Never show your face again you monster!
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“ Hey Julie….Um so I’m sorry about what happened yesterday… I brought you flowers.” You sighed as you handed her the huge bouquet of all her favorite flowers.
“Listen I swear I didn’t mean to ruin that feild of flowers…my Poison-inator3000 somehow malfunction and-“ “ Oh Neighbor! You’re the best!” She gasped hugging you around the neck with a loving squeeze.
She happily smiled at you as you just stood in show with the bouquet still in your hands. You slowly hugged her unsure how to huge her in your akward position and mental state. The sweet blonde is hugging you. Repeat the sweet adorable blonde is hugging you.
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Sorry for the wait I’ve been busy recently. So expect me to post more often! Hope you’re all doing well or things are getting better!
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I really love how you write Wally :)
Can you do one with the reader try’s to play video games with him? You can write about video game you want btw
Wally playing video games is something that increases my serotonin. It is time to make the ultimate semi crossover of funny, silly puppet man and the serious and (at points) sad Persona 5 Royal because I want to see Wally's reaction to those topics. Especially since he probably doesn't even know like... Half of what is going on.
So I guess spoilers for Persona 5 Royal. The game is explained so poorly in this that people will probably not understand anything (much like Wally), but there are still some spoilers.
Reader Playing Videogames with Wally Darling (mainly Persona 5 Royal, but others are mentioned):
🎮 So, it turns out Wally has a bit of trouble holding controllers. He only has three fingers and a thumb on both hands, as well as felt for skin. Most controllers just fall out of his hands, so he mostly just watches you play.
🎮 Wally CAN play games on a DS, Wii U, or other consoles that can be laid flat and controlled using a screen and stylist. Some of his favorite are any Pokemon games that let you play with the Pokemon (he hates making them fight, so he makes you go out and catch them for him. Also, he'll have you play through the story because of the fighting), Nintendogs (he always names his dogs Barnaby. He has Barnaby, Barnaby 2 and Barnaby 3...), and Super Mario 3D Land.
🎮 Mist of the times, he just watches you play the games. Ever since you got Persona 5 Royal, though, he has been on an emotional rollercoaster. He doesn't understand even HALF of what is happening. Like... WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO MEAN? He doesn't know what they are doing, but they know they are being mean because people in the game are reacting with like... Horror once they find out. At least you fix them in the end? And the art is good!
🎮 Your character is also cool! He doesn't understand why people don't like you? What is a "probation"? Wait, you committed a crime?! No, people just think you did? HUH? A politician accused you of it? What's a politician?
🎮 You make a lot of friends, though, and fight the bad guys! Even one of the people you fight becomes a friend! Her name is... Futaba Sakura? Her name sounds cool! Along with all the characters' names! She didn't seem so mean, though, so he doesn't understand why you fought her or why she wanted you to. She kinda reminds Wally of himself in a few ways, to be honest.
🎮 Then the ending and the second ending after that is really cool! When he saw that like... one bad guy you fought that was like... keeping the weird second versions of people in prison? He was kinda like "Woah! He looks so big and scary! Wow! I don't even know what is happening, still! Yippee! 😁" Then there was the guy who was your... uhh... counselor! Yeah, counselor! He seemed more like Futaba in that he didn't seem so bad. He still doesn't understand why making a world where everybody is happy forever is bad. Even if it is fake, everybody is happy! That's how all stories should end! Right? At least that counselor guy had a slightly happy ending, though!
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sawyerconfort · 2 years
Take My Breath Away | Chucky!Nica Pierce x Reader
Ok, I’m assuming that spooky season is already over, but since my obsession with Fiona Dourif and Chucky movies is growing faster this week, I thought it was a good idea to do an imagine with her (please guys write more of herrrrrr I’m in need!)
Idk if I’ll really post this one, to be sure. I have a lot of requests from you guys (promise they’re coming soon, just let me finish school work and then I’ll answer all of them)
And turns out it’s a smut. So... It’s on your choice. I’m not good at writing smuts, especially when it contains a lot of NSFW but I hope this is good. (MINORS PLEASE DNI I DON’T KNOW IF IT’S SAFE!)
Got any requests? Send me an ask!
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Prompt: Inside four walls, Nica and Chucky are completely different from each other... But turns out you ended up liking one more than the other.
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, murder, violence, swearing, dom!chucky!nica, sub!fem!reader (change pronoums if you feel free to do so), soft!dom!nica, sex.
* * *
You didn't mind being held hostage at Tiffany Valentine's house at all. In fact, you weren't afraid of her, not like everyone else was, let alone intimidated by the weird aura of the star who looked too much like Jennifer Tilly.
But your biggest motivation was definitely the woman beside her.
The two of you have felt an immediate connection since you met, ever since Tiffany slapped you handsomely on the head and brought you passed out to her house just for the fun of it.
As the days went by at Tiffany's, you were getting comfortable (as far as possible), and she and the brunette girl were treating you better than you could have imagined. Tiffany would always remind  - you knew with little effort - to bring you food in your room and leave you free to move around with the other locked hostages. And their visits were frequent (when you couldn't hear them having sex and had to force yourself to see the scenes).
Also, you ended up discovering some more information about the brunette girl, something that helped you from the start. In Tiffany's carelessness, she ended up waking up from a kind of coma and told you that she was Nica Pierce, and that she had a murder doll possessing her body transiting and dominating being hers for two weeks. When the sane man gave her a good smack on the head, Nica ended up switching bodies with the doll, Chucky, and her domineering personality revealed itself again.
But it all happened in a way you didn't plan for it to happen. You ended up liking kind and suffering Nica more than her Chucky personality. In fact, you realized you were falling in love with Nica, and you were terrified of what it would do to you.
It wouldn't be a good thing, you were sure.
Nica managed, after a while, to have almost complete control over her body and soul, and now she moved less between the two personalities, especially when she was around you. She pretty much only took on Chucky's soul around Tiffany, for the sake of appearances, and you helped her, always with the same bloodstained knife in your hand, when she came into the room looking for something too trivial.
It turned out that you were more involved than you should have been, and of course you let desire and feeling speak louder in those new days. Nica kissed you, Nica took care of you, and Nica fucked you so many times when Tiffany couldn't hear her that it was impossible not to fall in love even more. She was always very careful with you, making sure the Chucky personality didn't come out at the wrong times.
Then, when you were done, when you finally cum and snuggled into her arms, Nica would regain the puppet's soul and keep tricking Tiffany as much as she wanted, always telling you you'd keep the knife close.
It was a dangerous game, but you loved playing with that sort of thing.
* * *
“Oh Nica... please!” you whispered, holding back your urge to explode, but she smiled slightly as she carefully removed her fingers from your pussy and looked at you with those clear eyes and a crooked smile. “I'm coming! I'm coming!”
“Shhhh, love, you're going to wake up Tiff,” she whispered, chuckling in your ear as a tease — once in a while that happened — and you couldn't hold back any longer.
Nica sucked her fingers much more calmly and stood up, snuggling into your bare chest as she touched your cheeks lightly. Your breathing was uneven, but after hugging her, it always got better. The problem was that it was always short-lived when that happened.
"Tiff must be calling me," she said, looking up at the sky. It was morning, the two of you had slept cuddled in bed and didn't even realize that time had passed. You tried to pull her, but she resisted and smiled, coming to kiss you one last time. “I promise I'll be right back, babygirl, don't worry. Keep the knife close, please..."
You nodded, covering your naked body and looking at her, when Nica turned and rolled her eyes. “I always forget! (Y\NN), give me a nice slap on the head, let's go”, she asked, this time in a not-so-gentle voice. “It won't hurt, don't worry. Slap me on the head so I can go back to being Chucky!”
She came closer to you, and bringing your lips closer to her in a kiss, a peck, Nica watched as your closed hand hit her temple with a well-aimed punch. Chucky screamed and fell off the bed, apparently unharmed.
“Holy shit… how I hate all this shit… Hiya, hottie,” he whispered as he got up off the floor, brand new. He still had Nica's face, and that turned you on more than usual. “See ya in a minute!”
Saying that, Nica/Chucky closed the door in front of you and let you breathe, although you no longer remember how to do it.
* * *
It was already dark, you were sincerely waiting for her to come back, but Nica hadn't gone upstairs yet, and you were tired of waiting for that door to open. Alone, you stripped off your clothes and lay down on your bed, thanking heaven Tiffany had been too good to let you live.
Of course, you suspected that there was a hidden interest in that good deed, but at the same time, this was not the time to think about it.
The door opened and Nica walked in, being Chucky, practically half-naked in front of you. You were staggering in your bed and could barely see her properly.
"Look, if you're not the hottest hostage in this room...", he smirked. “I give every reason Nica likes you so much, you know? You're a hottie, I'd fuck with you if it were still me..."
You ran your hands over the bed and found the knife easily, even dizzy. Handing it over to her with a wide smile, you saw Nica change her expression and fall onto the bed, her legs still.
She lifted her head and smiled, being her again, and kissed you more tenderly.
“The thing I hate most in the world is having sex with Tiffany,” she grumbled, as she kissed you with all the desire inside her. “I mean, she's beautiful and she has an amazing body, but I'm not Chucky. I don't really like her, I just pretend I do..."
Nica moved closer to her ear, taking advantage. "She doesn't taste like you do... My favorite taste, definitely not."
And then, you took her lips in a kiss again. It was a needy kiss, mostly because of the delay, but it was getting slow and lukewarm because of your tiredness from having to wait for her. Nica noticed this and opened her mouth several times to apologize, but you never let go.
"We don't need to have sex today if you don't want to...", she smiled, worried about you. "I know you're tired, my love, you can sleep with me until I need to go back downstairs, okay?"
She hugged you and you helped her move her legs up to snuggle you closer this time. However, far from her knowledge, Nica's eyes turned distant and stared at the  Good Guy miniature doll on the dressing table. Her smile turned into a cruel, sneering smile. And her eyes sparkled the still eyes of the doll again.
The knife, you needed to find the knife now...
But apparently, with Nica/Chucky holding you, you couldn't find her anywhere. You felt like that was the end of you when you heard his laugh echoing in your ear in the sexiest way possible.
"Ah...sweet good smell of feminine perfume...", she whispered, as he did. Her hair and her body suddenly stood on end. “Guess Nica won't mind if I fuck you now, will she? Neither she, nor Tiff, that daughter of a...”
“That's not your body, Chucky!” you yelled. “Bring Nica back!”
“Where's your knife, babygirl? Hm?” she whispered, still like him, and gave another evil laugh. "Well, then we'll have to go on without her anyway, what a pity..."
Nica's lips, like Chucky, brushed against yours with enormous violence, and suddenly she was no longer the sweet dominatrix she used to lie beside her in bed every day. You didn't know the taste of her lips, you didn't know her kisses, but you were aware that her body would react in a less rational way than this.
Fatigue seized her deeply as Nica/Chucky threw herself on top of you and ruffled your hair, tugging at it with need as she kissed you. Nica/Chucky was ripping all of your clothes off and throwing them on the floor, just like he did with the few he/Nica wore afterwards.
But of course the best - or worst - part was yet to come.
And when he thrust his fingers inside your pussy again, your eyes dilated and glowed to an extreme level. You wanted to scream, you wanted to beg Nica to come back, but at the same time, you were so overwhelmed by that feeling of confusion that you didn't even care anymore.
“Tell me what you want, hottie,” Nica/Chucky whispered in your ear, acting less calmly. “Just fucking tell me.”
“I want…you,” you whispered, still confused and lost.
Nica/Chucky smiled and introduced her fingers again, not before taking the opportunity to kiss you, scratching your exposed back and kissing your neck leaving you with long marks.
“You don't want Nica back, do you?” he whispered, teasing again.
"No...", you confessed, caught off guard. "No, I do not want."
His laugh echoed in your ear and as he lessened the scratching, realizing you were coming, he smiled cruelly and at the same time divine, the eyes that were Nica's practically possessing your body without asking and without even entering it. .
“Fine, now come to me babygirl…be a good girl,” he whispered, and you didn't hesitate. "Let me taste you soon, let's go."
“With pleasure, m-mommy...”
The word simply slipped from your lips, and he laughed once more, letting you come, completely mad. Touching Nica/Chucky's naked body once more, you felt the knife stuck in her panties and pulled up as she hugged you and breathed in your scent.
Nica passed out for a few seconds and looked at you curiously.
“God…” you whispered, hoping she didn't find out.
"What was that? How long have I…”
"Don't worry, love, you've been gone for a few minutes..." You lifted your arm, breathing unevenly, to check your watch. “Almost an hour.”
Nica looked at you again. "Oh no, don't tell me he..."
"I think you should really be more careful when you take your feelings to your soul, Nica...", you smiled teasingly. "It was kind of weird, despite your voice and sexy face you have, having sex with him... like... fuck, he's a beast."
She widened her eyes. "Oh no. Don't tell me you liked it?"
You didn't know what to tell her, so you shrugged.
“Please, anything but this, fuck…” she whispered. “I can't bear to lose my girl to this doll trapped inside me. I fucking can’t bear."
“Am I your girl?”, you whispered too, in her ear.
And Nica kissed you, a remnant of Chucky's laugh escaping her lips right in your ear. “You will always be my girl, babygirl… Always. Even though I'm possessed by a perverted doll..."
You guys laughed together, ready for a second round. Only this time without the adrenaline rush of angry fingers and Chucky's laughter inside you. Unless of course, when it ended up turning into a kink between you.
Within four walls, maybe that would be worth it, if that would take your breath away.
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sainotavailable · 1 year
pairings — Venti, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Kaeya, and Al-Haitham x gn!Reader
summary — You checked your pantry and wow! You don't have shit besides spiders chillin' in the corner of the cabinet. It's time to shop, and your s/o wants to go with you (or in Al-Haitham's case, you drag him along). Would he behave himself and is he OK to bring to society?
tags / warnings — crack / fluff / HCs, almost all of them are insane. kazuha is HIGH ASF, wanderer is an asshole (canon), venti and kaeya have crippling alcoholism, PDA, established relationship, please stop taking these men outside.
A/N — this is my first post. i'm sorry you had to read it but i just write stupid crack hc's or weird shit. also i'm crying because tumblr deleted the first draft i was gonna post. absolutely in tears rn.
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Venti “Huh, you’re going to the market? Can I come, can I come!?”
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As soon as you step foot into the market, expect him to dash in front of you in search for wine. If you’re in another nation or they’re sold out of his favorite booze, he will drop to his knees and BAWL (but it sounds rly pretty cuz he’s a good bard yk like a disney princess)
you urge him to stand up because he’s being embarrassing and that just makes him roll around on the dirty ass floor because he’s a fucking drama king. legit doing it to spite you even tho you didn’t do shit. however once he recovers he’ll…
put random shit into the basket (no he doesn’t need it he just thinks maybe in the future one of u might. please take it out)
will buy plastic bendy straws so he can drink his alcohol in a silly goofy way
will find a way to eat more than 1 free sample at the food stalls (has a fake mustache for this occasion)
if he finds wine that’s rly expensive he will attempt to seduce you into purchasing it for him (dont feed into his alcoholism)
will try to go into the basket (even if its handheld)
expect him to serenade you the entire time you're shopping, too
also he will hold ur hand and just be all over u. he loves u sm <3
will complain once he gets tired (its only been 10 minutes)
overall, terrible to bring. leave him at home
Kazuha “Oh, have we run out of goods? May I accompany you?”
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As you shop, you kind of forget he’s even there until he picks something up to take a closer look and makes a comment. He mostly just chills and follows you around. But…
he actually might be high
how many nakuweeds did u have before you two left? did u count???
all of a sudden he’s adding random snaccs to the basket. when did he ever eat this shit?
as you watch him stuff a dozen doughnuts into ur basket that’s when u realize he might have some crazy munchies. maybe u should ask??
actually maybe not he looks really out of it. he ated all the weeds
as you try and put away some of the shit he put in you see him staring at the local cats
he doesn't know wtf is going on
you should probably go back home now
overall, probably fine to bring with you when he’s not high as a kite
Wanderer “Where are you going? To the market? . . . I better go with you—no, not because I want to, but because you’ll get that generic store brand shit.”
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He’s mad and he doesn’t wanna be there, but bc you’re such an asshole who buys generic great value tea. anyways even tho he looks really mad, he doesn’t mind being with you (what a shit) will wander (heh) away from you and look at other stuff. if u try and contain him he’ll get pissy about it and insist he’s an independent puppet-man and he’s not gonna commit tomfoolery anymore. anyways so…
he doesn’t care if ur trying to save mora, he WILL have his namebrand inazuman tea!!!
maybe he won’t… because he understands prices are very tough right now. BUT its not because you told him to, you fucking box
gets PISSED and will become a karen if the cashier doesn’t say hi to him
our boy is toxic and i will not fluff him down this is just him and u like it
will slap your hand if you try and hold his hand. like, not hard. but like, the way a cat slaps your hand when its tired of you petting it.
will hold ur hand if u try a second time but his grip is rly tight cause bro is always tense asf
overall, don’t bring him if you like the store/market you’re going to. you might get banned
Xiao “You’re going to the market? I see . . . It’s getting dark out, so I’ll come with you.”
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You know he’s anxious about being around so many people, but he wants to protect you <3<3 so he’ll overcome this obstacle and follow you around like a lost puppy…
actually he’s really close
like holy shit back up xiao, he’s right against ur back
you dont bother to say anything bc yk he’ll say some shit like “YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE ADEPTI”
actually maybe you should grab his hand because he legit looks like a deer in headlights
will hold ur groceries for you bc he’s so strong <3
u can't hold his hand because he's holding his giant fucking polearm "just in case" and holding your bags in the other, so maybe hold his arm??
he loves that shit even if he doesnt admit it
might suddenly leave with ur groceries if he’s called or some shit, will return with torn bags but its ok he did everything he could to fix it!
by fix it i mean now he’s just holding everything and pierced it into his spear
you should just be happy he has everything. don’t comment on it
overall, 10/10. besides the anxiety, he likes being near you even if he doesnt admit it. ur groceries are safe with him just like you are <3<3
Kaeya “Groceries? Oho, well. I have some time, why don’t I go with you? You’ll need a big strong captain to carry all your bags, after all.”
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Even if you didn’t want to bring him, he’s coming with you anyways. I think the best part about Kaeya is he’ll stick by your side throughout the trip to the market and follow you around wherever you go.
Honestly, out of everyone else, it feels like he might be the best one to bring with you…
plez expect him to have an arm slung over your shoulders or snaked around your waist. he loves pda!
EXCEPT! he is the KING OF CONSENT(tm) he will only do it if you say its ok! what a sigma chad wtf
i hope you like talking because kaeya fucking loves chatting while shopping. he will not be quiet for long even if you tell him to stfu
even if you’re not the chatty type and you’re pretty quiet, he’ll talk for you. about his day, what he did that morning (even if u already know), what he’s gonna do later, he will not leave a single detail out.
hey btw remember when i said he won’t leave ur side? i lied. don’t trust anyone on the internet.
he will 100% leave your side for the booze market. he is more interested in imported wine that he can get his hands on
will return to you with 6 bottles and insist they’re for you both to share. please stop feeding into his alcoholism
he will carry your bags btw. all of them. he will have both arms packed with bags and won’t complain, might just tease you a little tho.
overall, a fantastic man to bring with you to grocery shop. can protect u cuz he’s a strong cavalry captain who will hold ur belongings without complaint. just feed him booze <3<3
Al-Haitham “. . . Fine, I’ll go with you to pick up some things. I need to pick up a new book to take to work, anyway.”
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The moment you enter the marketplace, you most likely will never find your partner again. At least, not until later in your shopping trip. He literally disappeared, where the fuck did he go?
Its only half way through that you find him and see him sitting on one of the benches, flipping through the new book he purchased. You call for him, but his soundproof earpieces are in effect. You snatch the book out of his hands to get his attention and bother him enough to follow you. He lets out a sigh, but gets up anyway…
u rly should’ve left him there cuz he’s so quiet. he might still have his earpieces on.
he’ll follow you around by your side and he’ll hold your bags, too. he’s got big strong arms for a fuckin reason!!
half way through he’ll start reading his book again, sorry but shopping is rly boring to him ok
al-haitham isn’t a pda person btw don’t touch him
might hold ur hand.
will hold ur hand if the cashier is too sus for his liking
if you run into kaveh while shopping he will leave. if ur holding hands he will leave with u even if u didnt pay for ur shit yet.
overall, um. he’s definitely an option. he’ll hold ur bags??? he just wants to go back home
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buginateacup · 1 year
9, 14, 18, 37 for the ask meme!
ooh Dal I hope you're ready for this...
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Tea with Topsy. Hands down. I have others I struggled with for longer, but Topsy had a schedule and I would spend hours just trying to think through the hows and whys and who's doing whats of that fic so I could keep it straight in my head (unlike Megamind and Roxanne, wahey!) while trying to post regularly and not fuck myself by having something happen and accidentally cut a chunk of story because of it.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Cut everything that doesn't advance the plot.
Seriously WHY would you say that? Maybe this is because I'm primarily a fanfic writer but what the fuck? Half the time the plot is the LEAST interesting thing about a story! Because here's the secret. Unless your characters are on a QUEST, they don't know there is a plot. They are just trying to live their lives and thinking about what comes in two days, two weeks, two months. When the plot arrives it is a Disruption! And if you don't let your characters react or crash and burn or give them enough time to actually show WHY they are people who make bad or selfish or pointless decisions, you wind up with a very boring story or characters acting OOC just to move the plot along and I swear this is where half the "If I was X character I would simply not make X decision" comments. You need to give your story time to BREATHE.
Your characters do not know they are in a story. They are not going to think like a reader and as a writer you need to give them follow through so they are not little puppets getting pushed around a stage. It's like punching someone, you don't aim for their nose, you aim two inches past it.
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I use dot points. Usually when I realise I've written myself into a corner and have to figure out how to get out again. I have also been known to rough draft plot points a la gossip style story telling (hi Rings!) but that happens less than you'd think. I am not good at planning, but I like making sure I set something up before I knock it down so my brain and I mostly agree to disagree.
Talk about your current wips.
I...all of them? Ohhkay oh fuck alright I can do this. There are six open on my laptop right now. I'm gonna start with them.
Lindworm: You know the story of the lindworm? Woman wants a baby, fucks up the instructions, has a perfect child and also a dragon. And oops they're all grown up now and dragon wants a bride? (Or possibly a snack. He's kind of into eating people). But the bride wears numerous dresses and convinces the lindworm he can eat her if he takes off a skin for each dress she removes and by the time they're down to the last she washes him with milk and lye and wraps him in her arms and breaks the curse and he becomes a man again?
Yeah we're doing that with Megamind. Also there may be an AU I'm leaving a trapdoor for myself with where Roxanne fucks Dragon!mind after a few sheds. Haven't decided yet. Should I?
Consolation prize: I don't remember why I called it tha- oh wait yes I do. This is a gift fic I've been poking away at with a prompt for really inhuman Megamind being the one to rescue Roxanne and show why he's the big boss in town and he's ashamed he's not human enough but she embraces him anyway and they're incredibly tender with one another.
And...look. You know me. I don't really do easy comfort. There's something about trauma that makes me go "You cannot pivot straight into comforting someone while you're in the middle of a perfectly reasonable panic attack of your own. You gotta let your characters breathe and cry for a bit before they can have emotionally healthy conversations. But I'm trying! And everyone's probably going to be in shock anyway so we'll let that carry the emotional baggage. Also it is very tender in a let me wash the blood off your face kind of way. I should actually have it finished soon which is exciting.
Tea with Topsy (part 2): Not actually part 2 I just got sick of scrolling every time I opened it so I put all the published stuff into another document. It's technically on hiatus still but I'm finding it a lot more pleasant to work on when I'm not trying to keep to a schedule. There's lots of smut coming, some Megamind being threatening, and some Roxanne being sneaky (if we're lucky they might even say "I love you" this year) and Minion being best henchfish to ever hench. Plus plot! And emotional breakdowns! And more strawberry icecream!
Oil and Water: Okay that one's just smut. I'm aiming for 1000 words per chapter for the next couple of chapters and its really just Megamind and Roxanne exhibition hours and an idea I've had FOREVER about them getting busted. But they're having fun and that's what's important. (poor Warden better hope he never finds out what happened in his office).
Party Dress: Okay so! Did you know whatever Megamind fic goes up next on AO3 is going to be my 50th? Because that was a shock! And what is being human for except to ascribe random numbers pointless meaning, so I had to make it something special. I toyed with the idea of getting Paperwork Polycule or Blue Ruin started but they still need more work than I have the brain for so instead I decided it was time I actually finished the very first piece of Megamind fanfic I started!
It's a cute oneshot fairly early on where Megamind and Minion run into Roxanne who is avoiding the crowds at the Mayor's annual Christmas Party and they offer her a ride home. It was the first place I came up with a lot of fun/silly ideas that I'm sure people will be able to draw comparisons to other fics I've written when I post it.
Kittens: Roxanne discovers a box of abandoned kittens on her way to work and takes them home. Megamind appears, very annoyed she missed their appointment ("What appointment?" "The one where I kidnap you of course!" "Oh that. Pass" "Pass? What you can't just pass! This is a kidnapping!" "Sh! I'm busy.") And she shanghais him into watching them while she goes to get pet supplies.
There is purring.
As for the rest!
*deep breath* this part comes with musical accompaniment to set the mood
Blue Ruin - The 1920's Megamind is a mobster, Roxanne is a club singer AU.
A Cunning Disguise - Spy AU, Megamind and Roxanne are undercover as newlyweds trying to put a stop to...something (look its about the TENSION alright? What's important is how many times they have to kiss to throw someone off their trail)
Barley - aka 5 times Roxanne and Megamind wound up playing schoolyard games as he tried to kidnap her (chasey, hide and seek, dodgeball, nerf wars, the floor is lava etc)
Birthday Cakes - An Umbrella Academy fic where they find The Women's Weekly book of birthday cakes and insist they each finally deserve a proper one
Bluestocking - Working title, Regency AU where Roxanne is trying to keep her family estate and winds up married to Megamind for half historical scandal half revange reasons. They fall in love.
Catherine Wheel - Angst. Something goes wrong, Megamind gets injured, Roxanne yells her feelings, possibly everyone dies?
Chains - Megamind and Roxanne escape the Doom Syndicate and wind up in a safehouse that's really more of an abandoned garage for the night. Oh and they're handcuffed together.
Chicken - Megamind and Wayne team up to invite Roxanne to a threesome
Chunk! - Wayne punches Megamind and bends his ventral piercings. Roxanne has to but them out with a boltcutter. Edging for everyone!
Noone calls you Honey - TECHNICALLY complete but I have an idea for a later scene that involves Wayne fighting a speedster supervillain and Roxanne rescuing other damsels so its staying in the WIPs until I decide what to do with it.
Con Crunch - Roxanne sneaks into a Villain con, Megamind catches her and passes her off as his protege.
Dear Diary - The WIP title for Wait a Minute! Where Roxanne and Megamind are trapped in a time bubble for 30 days. Actual future chapters are drafted because I finally got the angsty one finished!
Dinner and Goodnight kisses - Actually cut from Topsy due to emotional damages. Roxanne asks Megamind to be her fake date for dinner, which he accepts. But she accidentally mistakes someone else for him instead. Cue betrayal, misery, and an apology dinner of takeaway thai food on her couch. And kisses.
Falling - Roxanne and Megamind have a ”one time thing” out of curisoity/boredom/horny. But it keeps happening. And so do feelings
Family dinner - Roxanne asks Megamind to be her date to her monthly family dinner with the horrible side of the family in the hopes she'll be banished.
Free on saturday? - 5 times Roxanne made Megamind be her fake date (and one time it wasn't fake at all) This one I borrowed some of my own family traditions and I will probably be a blubbery mess when I actually write the rest of it but its still tender right now since my Opa passed away.
Fly me to the moon - Once upon a time Nickel and I agreed to an exchange where she asked for Megamind and Roxanne meeting as adults. I had two ideas, one was Back of Beyond (which I'm delighted you enjoyed) and the other is this, Roxanne is a junior reporter kidnapped by a couple of of aliens and is being kept in their spaceship on the other side of the moon while they try to figure out how to ransom her for the fuel they need to get back to the rest of the galaxy. Also Wayne is a space cop. Mostly made of teeth. And Minion's robot body turns into a motorcycle.
Formal Wear - The continuation and the prequel of A Formal Affair, where Megamind and Roxanne start their little getaways and also Wayne finally gets the courage up to ask to be the wall they fuck against.
Gloves are off - There is a trend for hero and villain themed onlyfans. Roxanne gets asked to do a story on some of them and finds one account that does a really good Megamind impression. Like REALLY good.
Hadestown - A 13/Dhawan!Master Dr Who Hadestown AU where the Doctor is Persephone and the Master is Hades
Into Temptation - The next installment of the Crowded House collective. Its the night before a very big event and Roxanne asks Megamind to visit...(soft angst, smut and feels)
Intruder Window (my working titles are so I can save the doc, not because I know what I'm doing) - The Tapetum Lucidum series. I hope you're ready to get laid
Mentality Machine Misfire - Prequel to Rings. What did happen when Megamind and Roxanne wound up as Brain-bots?
Mer couture - The sequel to Haute Water. (I blame @kizzyanel) I'm waiting on the next Met Gala for more inspiration because at the moment its just Megamind and Minion pleasing Roxanne in the bath.
Mistress Roxanne - Megamind runs into Roxanne in a dungeon and finds out he has a hitherto undiscovered sub streak a mile wide. Sexy shenanigans ensue.
Nails - A Nails AU based on the short story from Round the Twist. There are mermaids.
Never drink alone - Wayne Megamind and Minion all get absolutely trashed on a particular cocktail at a Scott Family party (so much for that evil plan) a none to sober herself Roxanne has to wrangle them back to Wayne's room and keep them there till they all sober up. No one has a filter. Also truth or dare.
Noticeable - Pride and Prejudice AU - Mary asks Kitty for help to make her beautiful enough Mr Collins will ask her to marry him. Mostly about sisterly bonding.
Nowhere to run - Roxanne stumbles on Megamind right after he accidentally kills someone in self defense. She takes him home and cleans him up and keeps his secrets.
Operation Seduction - Wayne and Roxanne are fuckbuddies who team up to seduce Megamind.
Paperwork Polycule - Roxanne marries all her aliens to make sure they don't get deported. of course this means they have to live together for a year and oh dear what feelings are these? (Wayne and Minion have the most helpless crushes on each other).
Penelope - A Penelope/Colin Bridgerton story about Penelope writing a vicious takedown of herself as Whistledown and the fallout as the Bridgerton family comes to her defence.
Prime numbers - It's not even a real kiss! Just a kiss on the cheek because they were both laughing at the brainbot tangled in mistletoe. So why is Megamind running in a panic and who is Roxanne going to have to kill for making him feel like he's not even allowed such a small gesture of affection?
Roxanne is dead - (thrilling title I know) Except she's not, she's hiding in the Lair from everyone while the rest of the world THINKS she's dead. Megamind included. A lot of angst and slow feels
Same time next week - Megabyte and Dot don't intentionally make a habit of running into one another at Al's diner. But it keeps happening (will end in alley sex)
Selkie - Roxanne's greatest secret is her pelt. When her house is robbed and Megamind returns it to her, any number of strange things about her suddenly start to make sense. (Also there are whiskery seal kisses)
Six of Crows Bar and Restaurant - A slice of life AUabout the Six of crows but as restaurant workers
Speed Chess - A Queens Gambit oneshot about playing speedchess in the park
Table for Two - Sarcasm serves Megamind and Roxanne well when instead of the evil plan that was supposed to be happening, Minion has arranged...dinner?
Tattoo Roses - The flowershop/Tattoo parlour AU that I will have more than just slice of life scenes if I ever figure out how
The inherent evil of turtlenecks - Bernard is back and he is out for revange! Unfortunately Megamind has found his greatest weakness, advice on how to be a better supervillain. Homoeroticism and evil plans abound.
The Morning after - Roxanne and Megamind run into each other out of town and wind up spending the night together. What's going to come of this neither of them know.
Please Break Me Gently - Megamind collapses four steps into Roxanne's apartment after the Black Mamba fight. An adult retelling of what happens next with all the bruises left in.
The Vast of what comes after - A Vast of Night continuation of how and where Faye and Everett and Maddy come back.
Tofu - Megamind steals Roxanne's lunch one day and discovers tofu is an aphrodisiac to his species. Roxanne offers to help out
Toy Room - Megamind has a sex room built during his villainous days. Roxanne finds it. Fun times ensue.
Tryst in me - Sequel to "She's all out to get you" Wayne Megamind and roxanne have got a pretty good handle on how to run her city. But Roxanne really can't stop thinking about Megamind's hands. She decides to do something about it. (the something is Megamind)
Up n at em - Also technically finished but I have a sequel chapter about how they fell in love and how it was Roxanne and Minion first.
Voyager - Yes the one you used to write Embers to Ashes. the line "These are supposed to be gills!" still lives rent free in my head so its becoming a post movie angstfest at some point.
Waltz - Megamind finds Roxanne sneaking around at a party. The price for his silence? A dance.
Who bit my familiar? - A WWDITS story about Guillermo waking up a vampire.
You must be this tall to fire the giant laser - Megamind accidentally shrinks Roxanne down to 5 years old. Chaos ensues.
*falls over gasping* And there you have it! That music was in my head the ENTIRE time I was writing this out. (sometimes I really do have to wonder if I don't have some kind of ADHD)
Also thank you for making me tidy up my WIP folder, it actually shrank because I stuffed all the random bits and pieces and all those "An Idea" minifics the server pulls out of me into one document so yay! (I did not do those, that would have been another 20 odd)
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ladyhindsight · 2 years
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Chapter three, Simon is having hard time being a vampire, and I’m having hard time with the writing.
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The writing flows better without “This was true.” No need to affirm what we are being told the very next sentence. I also don’t understand why Simon needed to tell his band mates at all?
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In the previous chapter, Simon asks Clary whether she thinks this whole triangle with Maia and Isabelle is that big of a deal while here the writing admitting to the fact that he is purposefully deceitful towards the girls.
If you can’t be honest about something and go such lengths to hide your doings, yeah, it’s probably not that big of a deal. Right.
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The band constantly changing their name isn’t a funny running gag Clare thinks it is.
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Kyle’s further description is interrupting no matter where it is placed, though it could be also be in the first paragraph here. Simon only registers his height only once he shrugs, not when he straightens up which would be more logical, so somewhere around at that point?
→ ““I’m Kyle,” said the boy, ducking under the garage door. He was very tall, though not at all gangly. He flipped back the brown hair that fell into his eyes...”
Though seems still a bit awkward so maybe just:
→ “Kyle shrugged. He was very tall, though not at all gangly. ”Not really,...””
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Why does anyone need to know? Why would you need to tell someone totally random, complete stranger that at all?
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Then I got to this part and wondered what the effing point there was in the previous descriptions when I was going to be served this.
I don’t really know or remember what Kirk or Eric even look like because they aren’t described at all. Or that Matt guy who is apparently also part of the band. But at least you know someone is hot when other characters can tell that for you.
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Still don’t get how this factors into anything.
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→ “...with the vampire and her offer. She would probably be terrified. The fact that...”
Why is it that even though at this point they are well aware how destructive secrets can be, they still refuse to talk about this stuff with one another. It’s really not as altruistic as it seems when your problems do tend to become your friends’ problems when you end up in trouble. But ahoy.
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Oh, action? Que filtering and telling, not showing.
→ “Tires squealed on the road behind him...”
→ “It was a tall man dressed in a gray hooded tracksuit...” (Everyone is so tall)
→ “He leaped down from the driver’s seat with a long, shimmering knife in his hand.”
→ “He should have run. He was a vampire, faster than anyone. He could outrun anyone. He should have run, but his body froze.” (independent body, hehe)
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Simon has various different looks in his eyes. A lot of similes and unnecessities.
→ “The point of the knife was near his chest, the tip denting the leather of his jacket. Then it sheared to the side...”
→ “The man screamed as he was jerked up into the air like a puppet being hauled up by its strings. His shirt began to tear open down the front as if ripped apart by an invisible hand.” (because everything in-between just stays what is happening in quick succession before Simon)
→ “His screams were then cut short, and he fell as if the invisible hand had released him.”
Or something.
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All the rest would be more powerful without the highlighted sentence. It’s like explaining that Simon knows before showing Simon knows. Just don’t, your readers can keep up.
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There’s a lot of stuff just strung up together here. Why is there a semicolon? No semicolon. Simon’s mom has always been skinny and she looks bony now because she has always looked bony? Doesn’t give the contrast the writing is going for. And just break it up a bit, sheesh.
→ “I know you do.” His mother got to her feet. She had always been a skinny woman, but she looked bony now. Her dark hair, the same color as his, were streaked with more gray than he had remembered...”
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In City of Ashes Simon’s tone was rather sarcastic. When Clary looks at him after Simon goes through the pamphlet, she sees “the cracks in his armor of bitter humor, and the fear that was underneath.“
So, sounds more like the writer thought it was funny.
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There’s also a tonality issue here. The last sentence neutralizes the true quality of Elaine’s scream. Simon having never heard a such noise coming out of his mom and never wanting to hear it again already delivers how terrible it was.
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→ “Simon jolted; she was praying. She was so terrified of him that she was praying he would go away, be banished. And he could feel it—the name of God tightening his stomach and making his throat ache.”
Or something.
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I don’t recall if Simon realized that he was enchanting his mom, but WHY would you leave any trace of memory of vampires? Simon could’ve said just a bad dream and never specified, and his mother wouldn’t have remembered what the Bad Dream was about.
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A person who was raised and “loved” by the other and who was the only father he ever knew. Stephen is a nobody to Jace, probably for which he is capable of having more an objective view on him and his choices in life. This not a cause for an identity crisis, don’t try to sound more reflective than this in reality is.
Also when Simon’s PoV switched to Jace’s, I though does this chapter never fucking end
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Like this whole series.
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And then Valentine had told them they were brother and sister, and I had realized there were worse things, infinitely worse things, like me having to read this blurb right here. I also fell in anguish, because I read this, and now I never will again.
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thehomebodydiaries · 28 days
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i’m exhausted. i feel like i haven’t really had any alone time for like a month, but i’ve also been having increasingly disturbing thoughts when i am left to ponder alone. and people wonder why i need to be stoned all the time.
retail therapy is scary, though. i’ve recently recalled how much i love to read (escapism is a hell of a mistress), so i’ve spent way more money than i should’ve this past week. quite a stress point, tbh, but i’m justifying it because i was out celebrating my third year anniversary with my boyfriend. we happened to celebrate on free comic book day, so we went to acme comics and i was expecting, like, two free comics. but when we walked through the door, there was a girl to the right with a table holding stacks of plastic bags all filled with like sixteen comics, and she just held out a bag and said, “free comic books?” to which i responded, “yes please!” and then i proceeded to spend $80 on more comics, one of which is old man logan. for those of you who don’t know, it’s a comic that was actually intended to be a standalone, but there have since been additions, and this is the comic that inspired the movie logan. it depicts wolverine as an old man with his healing capabilities slowing down tremendously; the world’s supervillains have banded together like the heroes do, but because there are more villains than heroes, they’ve killed the vast majority of heroes: captain america, iron man, thor, daredevil… it’s a really depressing comic book, honestly, but it’s amazing all the same.
this is random and irrelevant but my favorite fnaf character has changed from fun time foxy to puppet - i adore her and want a life sized version of her to put on my couch. she reminds me of a d&d character that i created in my homebrew world; his name is face and he’s a sentient wooden puppet that’s like five feet tall and has no facial features so he wears a mask and speaks telepathically to people, but is entirely silent until he trusts someone enough to know his secret.
i also got a cute new cup and an all black sanrio cinnabon stuffie that looks perfect on my bed, plus several books that i should not have bought because they’re expensive. i’ve been writing a lot this week too! my ability to get everything i write at work is hindered though because i can’t access certain things from home or my phone because my phone is way too old and won’t updated to the necessary versions to download certain apps. so i’m trying to brainstorm while i’m at work and actually write while i’m at home… but with two or three hours in between breaks, i have a lot of ideas, and remembering all of them is difficult. i might have to convince my boss to send them to me somehow… although i have to admit i’d be a little shy about him potentially reading it. i don’t think he’s much of a reader, and i think he’s kind enough to not read it if i asked him not to. idk, we’ll see.
holy shit palworld is way harder than any pokemon game i have ever played, but it is so addicting. speaking of video games, i’ve been really wanting to make a save file for the sims 4, so that might be something i do during a stream. i think i might try to stream on the weekends, but i’ve gotta redo quite a few things and make sure everything is good to go. i know exactly who i’d want as moderators for when they are necessary, but i would be lying if i said i wasn’t really nervous about streaming. i know i don’t want to use my camera just yet, and i don’t exactly have money for a v-tube artist right now, but i have been meaning to look at artists i would like to hire when i do have more disposable income. this imposter syndrome is just… a huge obstacle. if i can learn to cope with it or overcome it, i’ll be unstoppable. but it’s so much deeper than my meds can reach, and it’s so difficult to find the energy to fight something so rooted in my being.
alright, i didn’t mean for it to get that dark, but… i did say i’ve been having increasingly darker thoughts lately. and rants like that are exactly why i started this blog to begin with. i am learning how to love myself and give myself the life i deserve.
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cosmic-glow · 2 years
I love your blog so much! I just wanted to let you know how much I adore your writing! And would ot be alright if I request akatsuki x reader headcannons for a reader who has a lot of tattoos?
Notes: Thank you so much!! God, someone praised my writing and my hands started to shake with happiness, I need to learn to control myself. I want to apologize for taking so long to do this, I hope you like it, good reading ;)
・*☆¸ Akatsuki with a reader who has a lot of tattoos
Warnings: Bad language, provocations, is SFW.
Pronouns: None.
Anime: Naruto.
[♥] Itachi Uchiha
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It didn't take long for you to notice him in the distance looking at it.
The kind that likes to imagine the meaning instead of asking.
He thinks this detail of your body so beautiful, he could spend hours admiring it.
Isn't so comfortable with the idea of ​​getting a tattoo too, but think about it.
He once do a drawing and imagined what it would look like as a tattoo of yours, but he didn't have the courage to show you.
Itachi don't mind with other people admiring your tattoos as long as they don't bore you.
[♦] Kisame Hoshigaki
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God, he finds you >>so<< attractive.
Because of the cloak it was not possible to see your tattoos, the first time he saw was during a fight when you got rid of the cloak to act better, and by God, you were so badass.
"Why were you hiding that beautiful detail of your body from me, dear?"
Whenever this is shown, it hits him hard.
He likes to run his finger along the outline of the drawings when you are cuddled before going to sleep.
Just mention it and soon this man will be excited to get a tattoo with you.
[♣] Deidara
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He doesn't like the idea of ​​permanent art... But yours tattoos are an exception.
Would like to get a tattoo on you, he would learn and practice before doing it if you let him.
Staring at a mark he's made on your body leaves him with a silly smile.
Got random tattoo ideas in the middle of the night now.
Keep trying to guess the meaning of each one and it never makes much sense.
Stares back when someone stares too hard at yours tattoos.
[♠] Sasori
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God, your body is pure art.
Every detail, every curve, is so unique and beautiful, if you say that any one has a meaning it only makes him love it even more.
Honestly, he never cared much for tattoos, after all, he didn't know many people who had it, until he met you and that hit him hard.
He thought seriously and tried to do this on some of his puppets because he actually found a very interesting detail.
While he likes the idea of ​​getting a tattoo too, he is very indecisive because he thinks it should have some meaning.
He doesn't really like other people staring, to him you're like a work of art that only he can admire.
[♥] Kakuzu
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Kakuzu has tattoos so he likes it, but he finds yours much more interesting.
He likes the contrast it gives to your body.
Would point to some very detailed one that him like and ask how much you paid, and regardless of the price he would find it expensive.
He knows that tattoos are expensive, so he likes when it has some meaning.
If you think of doing some and ask his opinion, he will say something like, "that's a nice idea, I think it would look good, and even better if I don't have to pay for it".
Kakuzu really likes yours tattoos, much more than he shows, believe me ^^"
[♦] Hidan
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He admires them when he's bored, getting caught up in every detail.
"There's a free space here, let's fill it"-he jokes sometimes before depositing a kiss on some part of your body.
For Hidan it make you so >>hot!<< , so if you are thinking of doing any more he will be supporting you without a doubt!
"Look! Now I have tattoos too, honey!"- he jokes when he uses his jutsu and the skeleton design appears on his body.
He doesn't really care if it has a meaning or not.
Getting tattoos hurts, doesn't it?... Hidan is almost getting into the idea of ​​filling his body with several.
[♣] Zetsu
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He didn't know you had paid to have these details on your body, he thought it was something like a jutsu.
"I wish I had these drawings too :(", "but you can", "can I ?! :O" - was your dialogue when he found out.
White Zetsu is more than ready and excited to get a tattoo, Black Zetsu refuses.
But when he finds out that it hurts his spirits fade a little.
Please make some drawings on him skin, it will already make him happy.
They really love that unique detail of yours and like to keep admiring and contouring the stroke.
[♠] Tobi/Obito Uchiha
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Get ready to have Tobi coloring and drawing more around yours tattoos when he gets bored.
Tobi kisses the ones he likes the most before going to sleep.
Obito thinks it makes you >>so<< badass, omg he loves it!
Maybe - maybe! - he's more inclined to make one with you now.
When you wear something that covers it, he feels so special because he knows exactly everything that is hidden.
Having meaning, not having meaning, he loves how the drawings contrast so well with your body.
[♥] Pein
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Think it's beautiful, it's a detail that suits you well.
If you wear something that shows it off, he'll think you look so attractive.
Are not the best person to give an opinion about a new tattoo. (If you're going to like it... then it's a good idea, no?)
You trying to convince him to get a tattoo and he trying to convince you to get a piercing, all perfectly balanced.
The moment he most admires this detail is when you fall asleep in his arms, and you would never know it.
He likes the idea of ​​kissing the little spaces between drawings.
[♦] Konan
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Think it's such a beautiful detail! Loves each one very much.
Sometimes you catch her bored drawing one of yours tattoos on some paper, distracted.
All it takes is a little push for you to convince her to get a tattoo too, she's always thought about it actually.
Tells you which tattoo of yours she likes the most.
But this girl is so shy, she can't go on praising yours tattoos without blushing for long.
If any have meaning, she'll love to hear you talk about it.
Sorry for any typos;
Drabbles Game
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geminixevans-stan · 3 years
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader
Words: 2.8k+
Summary: Each want out… but at what cost?
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit language, Explicit sexual language, angst, Oral f receiving, cheating, mentions of vasectomy, mentions of pregnancy, mushy sex really, slight choking, crying during sex.
A/N: Whatttt a second fic back to back?! Blasphemy! But I’m definitely gonna ride this wave. Been in a funk and this idea came to me. I hope you all love it as much as I loved writing it! Like, comment, & reblog ♥
I do not consent to my work being copied, plagiarized, or translated in any way >:P
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He wants you to stay
You want to stay in the cocoon that you both built, dreading the time that you both have to go back to being normal… It makes you both sick to even think about it. The way his head is nestled between the soft pillows of your chest, your fingers running through his brownish-red locks. Both tired from showing each other declarations of love.
Or some weird type of love that only you both know about. It was hard… Hard to let this man leave your arms and fall back into the rightful ones that he vowed to. Something he’s been regretting ever since he fell in between your soft thighs months ago. She isn’t like you and never will be. You are the sun, the moon, and the stars. His Mecca. In this space he is yours and you are his.
No matter if you vowed your loyalty to another just like he did. Those vows were strong on your end and weak on the man you were supposed to be with right now. Except he wanted anything with legs and you were left to the ashes until he was ready to pretty you up and show you off as a trophy in front of all his friends.
That’s how he saw you, beautiful for the masses but he knew under all that you were gorgeous without all of it. Your smile never met your eyes that entire night and he knew that look all too well. The same look he would have to give when he was with her, to keep up appearances would be what she would say. But he was tired, so tired. He no longer wanted to be a show puppet for anyone.
Little did he know, you were just as tired as he was. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you the entire night. Of course not wanting to be obvious while she was there. But you caught him, his face soft and you couldn’t help but stare back. Feeling the electricity all the way from where you both were standing. His crystal blues left a lasting mark on your mind the entire night and all the way home…
The minute you two started this thing, it was just a distraction for you both. Nothing more and nothing less. You both knew the other was married and that nothing could come from it. Both trying to keep up a broken image to the public. But meaningless nights turn into something more and it was hard to lie that you two weren’t in love with each other. His late nights at the office were just a cover-up to be deep between your legs until you were dead tired.
It was easy to have him in your bed when your husband had long nights at the office too. You knowing better what that meant. At first, it felt like a stake in your heart with the many nights he was gone. But when you laid your sight on Andrew Stephen Barber, the stake in your heart got replaced with the warmth that was once only meant for his wife. Now that he got to taste every part of you, he did everything to make sure you felt him.
Andy should have cared about his wife. Should have cared how much being with another woman would hurt her. Yet, his feelings for her had dwindled every year, and when her obsession with being the perfect family came into play. To the outside world, she was the perfect wife who loved her perfect son and husband. But on the inside, she could have cared less about keeping him happy.
To Laurie, there was no way Andy would leave her. She had the notion that he cared about the image of himself as well. Yet every night, she doesn’t even notice that his late nights at the office last all the way until three in the morning or even later. Just as long as she woke up to him in the morning, nothing else mattered.
The fact that you were already married, took the target off of your back if Laurie ever suspected that Andy was cheating on her. You, like her, kept up the image, much to your dismay. It was your meal ticket, even though you had degrees upon degrees that you could put to good use. It didn’t matter to your husband. He wanted a doting trophy wife who did any and everything he said.
And children? Forget about it. He made sure that he never made the mistake of procreating when he got a vasectomy at the age of twenty-one. A secret that he kept from you for years and to this day, he makes you think that the reason you don’t have children is that you’re broken. That’s how he keeps you under his wing, telling you that no one would want someone as broken as you.
You believed it. Every. Single. Word. Never leaving him because, in your mind, his words were law and the truth. But when Andy spoke to you, he spoke life, love, and affirmations as no other man did. He gave you hope that everything about you was beautiful and if your husband ever paid an ounce of attention to you, he would have seen the glow that only Andy could give you.
Yet he had too many women that were fine with being something to waste his time on while he thought you were at home being the faithful wife that he berated into submission. What a sight it would be to know that you had changed in over a few months. But now you were keeping up two images. One for the public and the other for home.
This thing with Andy was something that you didn’t want to end. He didn’t either and that was why you both played a part at home, it dissolving the moment you were back tangled with each other with only a thin sheet to cover you both. That was all you both needed and your wants were becoming more than just flings. Words like “love” were thrown around, both knowing how deep you were in.
But how could this even work? That was your current thought as you laid on his chest, looking out at the shining moon. It was a comfortable silence that you both were familiar with, but Andy took his time to know you and right now he knew you were in your head again.
With a shift of his body, he brought your chin up making you look up at him, “What is it, honey?”
“Ever get tired?”
“Tired of what?”
“This… Us”
“Never in a million years sweetheart,” his brow furrows a bit, “Are you? Cause I don’t know if I can let you go just yet,” that was the truth and he knew a lot about that.
As much as you both knew this was wrong, nights like this were something that you both looked forward to. Peace is what you both wanted. To just be and not care who was looking at you. That was the life and you two were secretly living it over and over again.
It pained Andy that he couldn’t take you out or even enjoy a quiet dinner with you. He wanted to dote on you, hand and foot. He wanted you on his arm and to dance the entire night away with you. The way your eyes glistened whenever you saw him, that’s what made his heart leap.
You were happy to see him, no matter how he looked. Unlike Laurie, her eyes were cold and her smile never met her eyes. Andy doesn’t even understand why she still wanted in this marriage. They both knew the love and spark were gone and he tried. Oh, how he tried to save his own marriage. The bill to the marriage counselor was proof of that. But Laurie just wanted the power of knowing that she was with the most popular ADA.
The night was winding down for the both of them and they would have to leave their peace to go back to hell. But did they have to? There had to be some way that they could finally and publicly be together and they knew they would have to break two homes. Something that Andy was willing to do to wake up to you every morning.
Here was a man that was afraid to lose you and would move the entire world. Yet, you were afraid that if he finally had you all to himself, that he would see the broken person you really were. You didn’t even want to put him through that, knowing he wanted more children and Laurie was nowhere near wanting to.
That part was something that you fear and you were ready to voice it. “I can’t give you what you want Andy, you know that..”
“That’s not all I want honey and if we go down this road there are other ways.”
“I’m broken”
Andy shifted you both so you were sitting up. Turning your face to him, his face filled with concern, “Baby you’re not broken. Everything about you is beautiful. You think I care about something like that?”
This was nothing new that he’s told you but it was still in the back of your head, “You’ll get tired of me, and then you’ll find someone else,” you muttered while dropping your gaze from him.
But that wasn’t gonna fly with him, with ease he picked your chin back up with the crook of his finger, “He told you that you were broken. Did you ever find out if that was true my love?” you shake your head at the question, “You took his word and while that may be admirable, he should have never said that to the woman he loves.”
You weren’t used to this, not until Andy came into your life and it was making you more vulnerable than you ever been. The tears were begging to leak from your eyes and he could see it.
“Andy…” you say with a trembling voice.
His peace needed him. No hesitation was needed as he cupped your face and dipped down to capture your lips with his. Bringing you closer to him with his large arms, deepening the kiss as you laced your hand in his hair, pulling him closer as you let him lead. Your back met the plush mattress, seeing his tall figure towering over you, his crystal blues piercing into yours.
Andy’s head drops to the crook of your neck, littering kisses against your exposed skin, nipping at your flesh as you arch softly into him, “Never be broken to me,” he whispers, “Let me show you, my love,” bringing his face up to look at your one last time before pulling the sheets down and lowering himself between your legs.
He places both legs on each side of his wide shoulders, looking up at your, “Eyes on me honey. Want you to see how much you complete me,” he says, lowering his head to kiss softly at your puffy wet folds, sending soft shocks to your core. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him if you tried. You watch his tongue slither out licking a solid stripe up your slit, sucking your clit in his mouth.
You let out a strained moan as the man below you sucks on your bundle of nerves gingerly, letting go to give a few kitten licks before sucking it back into his mouth.
Your hands find their way back in his hair as he takes you apart with his mouth, “Andy… baby…” you say breathlessly as you feel the unbearable coil turning tighter. His tongue adding on to his sucks, swirling over your pulsing clit over and over. Your back arching off the bed, keeping your eyes on him. Andy knowing what you need brings you back down with his arm on your lower tummy.
With one flick of his tongue over your swollen bud, you crash into him, Andy not letting you go as he doubles down on your clit bringing you to nothing but pure nirvana. You gush, soaking his face, him letting your bud go with a pop, drinking every drop of you. He growls licking up every drop of your essence. He will never get tired of looking at the way your face contorted the minute you gave him everything. The most beautiful piece of art and he wishes he could have it framed.
Your legs fall limp over his shoulders, hands falling from his hair as he pushes himself back up. He hooks your legs in the crook of his arms, leaning down to plant kisses up and down your neck bringing you back to his world. “I’ll do everything to piece you back together my love,” he whispers against your lips, pushing his way in, stretching in the most delicious way.
Shaky moans escaped your lips as Andy sank slowly into, making you feel every ridge and vein. He lowers his lips to yours licking into your mouth, withdrawing and snapping his hips, swallowing your gasps, repeating the same movement until your arms wrap around his neck.
Andy digs into your body passionately making you feel every part of him, slow dangerous strokes inside your wet channel.
“Andy, please,” you moan out to him
“Tell me what you need honey,” you whine making him catch your face with one hand, “Words baby. Say it..”
You loved how he always made you say what you wanted, even when he knew your body better than you. “Wanna feel you for days love,” you say while reaching up to crash your lips against his. He pulled from you making you whine from the loss, quickly flipping you over to lay flat on your stomach. Andy parted your legs with his knee, gliding his hand up to your neck to bring your face back to his.
Lining himself up, he thrusts inside your making you let out a strained scream as he adds pressure to your throat, snapping his hips against your plush cheeks.
The squelching of your wet heat and skin slapping filled the room, your moans bouncing off the walls as he showed your body just what you asked for, “See what you do to me, my love?” he grunts out feeling your body clench around him, “Gorgeous you complete me you know that?”
You slammed your hand against the headboard, gasping out with every word Andy speaks into you, “Andy… fuck baby,” the tears slip down your cheeks, him catching them with his thick digits, keeping his steady pace.
“Does he make you feel the way I do, hmm?”
“Only you baby! Always you,” you choke out, pressing your hand harder into the hard surface, feeling the same coil about to snap. Andy feels your fluttering walls pulling him in, wrapping his hand around your lower half to slide his fingers over your clit, drawing quick circles.
Andy feels himself nearing too feeling his milky sack draw up, panting into your thick curls, “Fall apart for me, let me see all of you,” hearing his words, your hand flies to his hair pulling his strands as you cry out his name over and over, soaking his cock and the sheets from under you.
Screams escaped your throat the minute your second orgasm crashes into the first one, Andy not letting go of swirling his fingers over your clit.
“Andy…. Andy… Andy” singing his name like your favorite song makes him lose it, slamming into one last time before spilling his seed into your quivering hole, sinking his teeth into your should. He comes with a shout, thrusts sloppily still painting your walls with his seed.
You are the first to fall into the comforts of the bed, Andy right behind you. He moves your hair to one side giving you slow soft kisses, trailing his lips down your spine and back up your body.
He tries to get up but you say, “Stay… please?”
And who was he to deny you?
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You look over at the gynecologist as if she had grown two heads. She couldn’t have said what you think she just said. Looking at her in shock you wanted her to repeat herself, “I’m sorry it must be some mistake. I’m what?”
“The blood test came back and you are indeed pregnant,” she looks at you with a furrowed brow, “Is there something wrong? I can do an ultrasound for you just to make sure.”
Nodding you lay back, pulling your shirt up, and letting her squeeze the cold liquid on your belly. She spreads the jelly over your tummy with the transducer and in an instant, you hear the heartbeat that you knew only belonged to one person…
You weren’t broken after all.
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sassyabbs · 3 years
hi bestie, feel like writing a Fred hc? maybe how he would react to his sub trying to dom him?
Smut headcanons: Fred Weasley's sub tries to dominate him.
[Notes: oh Lord, you made my imagination fly so fast that I-
Btw, stimulating lubricant is inspired by stimulating gels, try them.
So let me know if you liked and it's what you have been thinking ;) that's for you all, and also tell me if there something wrong with the grammar, English isn't my first language and if forgot some tw ]
TW: NSFW CONTENT!, dom! Fred, sub! reader dirty talk, bondage, waxplay, overstimulation, denied orgasm, cumplay, crying, use of stimulating products, mentions of the war and accidents, subs training, oral sex (female receiving) and someone grabs the other by the neck but it's not suffocation (I think that's it).
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Fred Weasley was a simple man, he knew what he liked and was attached to it. There were limits that weren't written, but that he had clear in his mind. Things that he for practicality he didn't bother to try, knowing himself as he knows himself, he knew he wouldn't like them.
As well the things that he loved were his safe place, like the joke shop he built with his brother, his mother's food and intimacy with you.
Your relationship was everything that Fred needed after the war. After the accident he had in the battle of Hogwarts when a wall almost crushed him, but luckily he only hurt his foot, he had a long time recovering. And having you by his side, following his orders as if you were the goodest girl in the world was comforting to him.
Your sex life took a deeper direction 3 months after you two became official. Everything was playful and passionate but then, one day you were telling him that you were just about to come and he demanded "Hold it up, babe, you don't have my permission" while keeping you all over the edge.
It was certainly unexpected, but you both had time to explore each other, build trust and try all the things that now were part of your daily sex life.
However switch your roles was never one of the things that you both have tried. It was always him with his hoarse voice ordering and demanding as he pleased and you following his wishes.
So it was a surprise to him when you interrupted his order to undress to tell him that this time you were the one in charge.
At first he laughed, incredulity palpable in his tone and the tautness of his shoulders.
"Good joke, puppet, do you want a kiss as a reward for thinking something so funny? Is this your way of trying to impress me?"
Of course, he started to get angry when you say that you weren´t joking.
He was the dom and you were the sub, why that would change?
He licked his lips and crossed his arms, rubbing himself a little when you didn´t stop.
"Stop this tantrum now, only brats do things like this and I have trained you well."
Part of him was wondering if you really wanted to switch roles, but you would have said your safe word if that was the case, or it had been spoken before. But it wasn't like that, so you were just being a brat, which infuriated him.
Of course, you didn´t stop provoking him.
That´s when he couldn´t control himself anymore. He walked to you, tall and intimidating thanks to his angry face, and grabed your neck to put your face in front of his.
"You want a punishiment? all right, that´s what you´re gonna get."
He led you by his grip on your neck to the bed, it didn't take much for him to bend you over the edge and give you the first slap on your butt.
"You know, you don´t expect this attitude from the pup that you´ve been taking care of all this time, but I guess I can remind you your place."
He spanked your ass some more with your clothes on, until he got tired of the fabric cushioning his hand and made it disappear with his wand.
He also took advantage of the moment and cast a spell to tie you up, so you had no escape and the hand on your neck disappeared.
"There and just like this is were you belong."
He stared at your red cheeks, his erection pulse in his pants at the sight, his anger lowering just enough for him to think what would be the next step.
The answer came from his pocket, he had designed lubricants and this one in particular was finished. He had brought it to talk about it, but now it seemed like a good time to use it wih you.
"Brats like you don´t deserve my time but I´ve got this lube that I´ve designed for you. It will make you feel warm and it will stimulate you almost to your orgasm, do you wanna use it in your punishment? Yes or no, are the only good answers."
You said yes, and with your consent he lubricated your entire area, without bothering to give you pleasure, and then put two digits in your entrance. The teasing about how wet you were beforehand was not long in coming.
Fred was starting to enjoy the punishment, now that he had calmed down, but there was one thing that he knew and it was that you were not cumming tonigh.
You ruined the scene tonight, disrespected him and continued to give him a bad attitude despite his warnings, this had to be something you regretted.
When you started to feel the stimulation from the lube, Fred laughed and spread your legs and ordered to keep them open "just as they should always be for him."
He stared at your pussy with a devil grint, knowing that it wouldn't take to much for you to start crying and moaning for his permission to cum. It would be great when he denied you.
He also decided that he could add something else to it, to make the matter more interesting. He fetched one of the red candles that you kept on the nightstand, lit it, and prepared to stain your entire back with it.
Meanwhile you were suffering the lube a little too much more than you expected. It was warm and it made you try to touch yourself to ease some of the pain. You even thought you could just come from that, but it always left you there, on the edge.
He warned you from the wax, and when you didn't say your safe word, instead you moaned loudly, he let a couple hot drops on your ass. Now you felt a little overwhelmed, but it was so good that it almost put you in sub space.
He unbuttoned his pants and released his erection, sat next to your body on the bed and jerked into a tight fist while painting your back.
When you couldn't keep you legs open from the overstimulation, he summoned two soft ropes and tied your legs to the bedposts, keeping them separate.
Now a couple of tears were gathering in your eyes and Fred held back his words of comfort, but he put down the candle and stroked your hair until the last stains of wax dried. It was a punishment, he could 't spoil you more than he already did, he couldn't stop punishing you for a few tears, damn you had not even said your word to stop, you were clearly handling it well.
"You look beautiful like this, too bad you made me so mad just to get this, puppet."
He positioned himself behind you and entered you with a long, deep thrust. He kept pushing, slowly so that you couldn't come and the excitement only accumulated in your belly.
"I took care of you so well, puppet, I tied you with precious knots, I ripped you orgasms one after the other, I devoured your little pussy everytime but you were a brat today, so this is your punishment. I decided that you can't come tonight, after what you did I want you to regret it and remember it and not try again. Now say you understand it."
After you could match the words in your mouth between moans, Fred accelerated his thrusts but he came out of you and let his climax paint on the wax of your ass before you could even think of cumming without his permission.
"Well that's a really good view isn't it?"
And it was, your skin was red from the spanks, then the wax of the same color dripped from your cheeks to the beginning of your thighs and Fred's white stripes on top of it all made a memorable image.
After that, he untied your bindings and wiped the wax off your back, but let the remnant of the lube stay inside you.
"You better not cum while you're sleeping, pup." He said before hugging you and start the aftercare.
"That was amazing babe, I'm sorry that you have to feel like that now, but is part of your punishment."
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
Hello! It's nice to see a new genshin impact writer! I saw requests are open, and there's two I have in mind (if it's ok with you): One is for Razor, Albedo, Xiao, and ganyu (possibly Aether if you can) wherein Reader is scared of love. Like, they're scared of opening up and love someone in fear of rejection or being tossed away. But yet they still daydream having someone who'd love them making it more obvious how much they want to love despite their fears anyway--
With this information, how will they confess to Reader about their feelings? Or comfort/console them?
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: albedo, xiao, ganyu, (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: reader has a pyro vision, albedo and xiao story spoilers in their parts
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: srry for cutting some characters off!! the character limit is 3! (but personally i would write for aether hehe hes so cute i love him)
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you just so happened to have a quest in dragonspine
you did not expect to see fatui—especially not fight them
and... you did not expect to get ganged up on! what is this? a bully session? what the heck?
Among the brawn and burly figures of the Fatui members, you didn’t fail to notice a streak of blonde and dazzling blue from a distance—your eyes widening as you prayed to whatever archon would dare to listen...
Please, please don’t be another stupid enemy. You thought with a grimace, your heart pounding in your chest as you could hear a voice—it was calm yet strong, like a endless waterfall or a river creek.
“Burst forth!” 
In a matter of seconds, a geo flower emerged from the earth, your form being lifted up on the tiny platform as shards of crystallized rock formed under you, nearly stabbing you in the gut.
Who? What? How? Who was this stranger? This vision-wielder?
Wasting no time, you plummeted down on a nearby Fatui—deeming this geo-user as ‘safe’, you summoned your own flames, charring the crystal snow black as you wrapped your arm around the blonde, barely taking any time to observe his features.
from then on, you never expected to grow close to this mystery man
turns out he was the chief alchemist of the knights! you weren’t personally associated with the knights... but being chief alchemist certainly was a grand title, right?
with the use of your pyro vision, you helped accompany—albedo—you learned his name was
at first, the two of you were just exploration buddies. but as time went on, butterflies began to form in your stomach, nervousness seemed to peak when he was around
love was like a poison—you knew it’d hurt, you knew it’d kill you to have a drop—
but you wanted it. you wanted love, you wanted to be held by albedo and to twirl his silky hair around your fingers...
but—would he want you?
You wanted to love Albedo so badly.
Yet you knew, you couldn’t. The alchemist just wasn’t the type for love, he was not the type to give kisses or reassurances, nor was he the type to confess with a rose in his hands.
It wouldn’t hurt to dream, though. 
The thoughts you had before you slept were of him, of how pretty his eyes were—you couldn’t even pinpoint a color for it. Sometimes, they were blue, sometimes, they were teal. 
With every shooting star that’d zip past the sky, every eyelash that’d fall and every fire that’d be lit with the palm of your hands... you hoped for a love. A love so grand it’d outshine the sun, a love so grand it could make you forget the past and undo the pain of before.
But, in the depths of your mind, in the wings of the butterflies that’d flutter in your stomach... you knew—
Albedo did not love you. 
albedo initially thought of you as a torch lighter.
LOOK, HE IS A LOGICAL AND RESOURCEFUL MAN. he does not see the world with a rosie-colored-lens like how many others do—he sees it as the facts
and with your pyro vision? combined with dragonspine, ooh, please... ain’t that a match lighter?
but as time went on, he started to see you in a new light
you were knowledgeable, you respected his views and even contributed sometimes! you were no prodigy of alchemy, of course, but you were well-versed in combat and oftentimes knew how to navigate dragonspine
(he asked you how you knew dragonspine so well. all you told him was “Pain”)
but... albedo is observant. he’s definitely aware of your feelings and nervousness, how you get overly sweaty near him and fumble on your words
it’s then he realizes—he likes you too
love is a foreign concept to him, uncharted territory and an unexplored region. of course, as an alchemist, it is up to him to discover the unknown
and love—love is unknown
how could one possibly dedicate their entire life to another? albedo always questioned this notion, for humans were free beings that wanted nothing more than to break free of their shackles
and yet—the moment the alchemist met you? all of those questions flew out of the window
he wished... he wished to love you. but to him, it looks as if you do not want to love him
It’s frustrating, really.
How Albedo would brush over your hand mindlessly, how he’d hand you an object and let your fingertips meet for two seconds too many, how his cold yet soft lips would curve into a smile upon seeing you return from your endeavors.
Why? Why? Why? Why did he do this? Was he aware of the way he made you go crazy? 
You wanted to love him, so so bad—but—
“[Y/N],” Albedo’s voice seemed to pierce through your thoughts as if he had heard them.
“Y-Yes?” You turned immediately, the rush of your heart not calming a bit, the nervousness of your leg that bounced up and down as a remedy that you wish didn’t have to be so obvious.
Averting his eyes from yours, you missed the pixie blush that dusted the tip of his ears. He was not aware of your insecurities—but he was aware of one thing.
That—that he liked you... a lot, in fact.
“Recently...” Albedo started, clearing his throat anxiously before continuing, “I have started to develop some... feelings, for you. It is okay if you do not reciprocate, but it feels wrong to think about you in such a light when you are not awa—“
You winced.
And then, everything seemed to crumble. Was he talking about someone else? Was there someone behind you? Was this a mindless prank? As it had been all those years ag—
A hand rested on your cheek, bringing you back to reality with the mere touch of his fingers.
albedo... in all of his intelligent prowess... was not expecting for you to say yes
in the public, he is a genius— a prince, a prodigy, even. but to him, he is but a failed student who is trying his best in completing his master’s final orders:
find the meaning of life
what is life? life is broad, life is different, life is... well, life.
at first, albedo had assumed that his master was talking about living life, as in plants or animals.
but now—with you, with klee, with mondstadt, with everyone. 
the chief alchemist seemed to realize:
life, life was in you.
life brought joy, laughter, pain, excitement, happiness—
and sometimes, even love
“But Albedo I—“
“It’s okay, [Y/N]. Though I am not personally aware of what seems to be troubling you, I will do everything in my power to assure that you feel comfortable with me.”
Life was short, Albedo noted. 
So—he wants to enjoy it.
—With you.
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xiao does not fear rejection, but he does fear love
how pitiful... for a guardian yaksha such as him to fear such a trivial matter
love—love was scary. love could take control of him like how he was manipulated in the archon war, love could tug his arms and move him around like a puppet
he, adeptus xiao, did not want to love
but then, you came in. and it frustrated him tremendously. you were but a mere mortal, a fleeting life that came into his eternal one. you were someone who he did not deserve
and yet, he loved you
so much, so so so much, he can’t bear it. he can take on all those karmic binds, all those whispers and hatred—yet he cannot bear the love he feels for you. he cannot bear the way his heart races or leaps whenever he sees you, he cannot bear you
but—his heart does not like the fact that you feel the same
you had told him before, one night, a few months ago... you told him how you were afraid of love
you were afraid of getting tossed away, of being forgotten like the fallen archons in war, like a side character in a play of fontaine
and all xiao could do was scoff. whoever dared to throw you away would meet his spear, his rage. he could not fathom a world where you were hated, where anyone would dare to reject you—because, because—
you were his world, regrettably
Pacing up the stairs of Wangshu Inn, you ignored the gross feeling of your clothes sticking to your skin.
Jolting up, your eyes met with that of the Guardian Yaksha—his piercing gaze and unwavering strength eyeing you down as if you were a pest.
“You’re going to get sick. Your mortal body cannot withstand such weather,” Xiao scolded, and on cue, a flash of light zipped through the air, the deep rumble of thunder following soon after.
Observing the way you flinched at the noise, Xiao merely wrapped an arm around your waist, teleporting you to the top of the inn and into your room.
“Dry up. I will return with soup,” The adeptus waved off your nervous gaze. He was not stupid, he has seen mortals succumb to sickness, and he hopes that you will not be one of them.
but as he heads to the kitchen, he cannot help but notice—notice the fact that you seemed to be... uneasy around him
was it something he said? was he perhaps too harsh with you? you of all people should know his words mean well, though...
and ugh, here it is again. the feeling of love that made even him overthink the smallest of things
yet after he brought you some soup and got you into bed, the question still ran around his mind like a halo. did you hate him? was this sickness bringing out your true thoughts?
well, yes and no
“Xiao...” You quietly murmured, wincing as the winds picked up inside your room, materializing a certain Yaksha out of thin air.
“I’m sorry...”
Rushing up to you, Xiao immediately placed a hand on your forehead, worried that you were on the brink of death.
“I’m sorry for liking you.”
“... What?” His eyes widened in disbelief, in shock. Sorry? Why were you sorry? Did you regret liking him? Was that why—
“I know...” You trailed off, in a drunken state of sickness, “That you don’t love me. But that’s okay. I just... wanted to let you know... because I’m afraid you’ll say no... but if you say no, I can at least move on...”
Staring at you fiercely, his breath hitched in his throat. No? No? He would never say no to you, ever, ever.
“Don’t move on,” Was all he could muster. 
Don’t. He wasn’t ready for love, no, he never was—but—
He did not want you to leave. 
This action of sickness was finally a catalyst, a catalyst for Xiao to confess to you properly when you were in the right state of mind.
And hopefully—when he does, you will say yes. 
xiao only confesses because he does not want to lose you
his karmic binds, the whispers, the screams. he does not want you to get tainted by them—so he is selfish, he is selfish for loving you and confessing to you... but he, he cannot bear to see you go
a double-edged sword, love is. it stabs his heart, skewering it as if it were nothing. it plunges his mind, clouding his thoughts as they fill with you and only you
can’t he just indulge in this fluffy feeling, once?
no—he doesn’t deserve it, he doesn’t deserve you.
Under the rising stars and floating lanterns, the two of you sit. It is an unspoken love, you both share, it is an unwritten rule that paints the back of your minds like a canvas of colors. 
But love—is love. Love is the rainbow that forms in the sky when the rain is over, love is the sun that shines, washing away all of the coldness of the world.
Love is you.
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ganyu feels... alone
so when you come into her life like a prospering glaze lily, she wants nothing more than to love you!
but you, confuse her. she is 100% sure you return her feelings, so why do you not seem to be... excited, about it?
To an immortal like Ganyu—love changes. At first, love was for the world, but then it shifted for mankind, and then it moved to... you.
She was no strange to love, in fact, she welcomed it! Ganyu wants to feel as mortal as possible, so when you stumble in and make her fumble for words—she knows she has fallen.
Like a meteor or a person—she falls for you. Everything reminds her of you, every flower and every bird makes her want to talk to you and spend her time with you.
But lately—you have been quite... reserved.
at first, ganyu thinks she is the problem. that she has done something wrong and she is a terrible crush
but then, she hears rumors. rumors about your past loves and how they rejected you mercilessly, how they played you like a marinette doll and caused you pain
to ganyu—that is the lowest any mortal could ever go. but for now, that is not her problem. she wants to help you, to make you realize that you are deserving of love and that you—you make her feel love
she—of course, does not confront you about this directly. ganyu is far too experienced to bring up past conflicts
but, she will subtly make you realize her feelings. with morning and night walks around liyue harbor, with hangouts and ‘dates’ at liuli pavilion...
love... it’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?
“Ah, the food here is certainly marvelous,” Ganyu gushed, enjoying a nice plate of jade parcels as you spared a smile.
“Yes, thank you for this, Ganyu. I know you work a lot and—“
“Of course, [Y/N]. Everyone needs breaks,” The woman returned your kind gesture, eyes crinkling in amusement as your heart pounded so loudly in your chest.
“In all honesty, [Y/N]. I feel quite a connection to you, and though I am aware you are hesitant— I just wanted to let you know that you are loved... by many people, not only me,” Ganyu rested her chopsticks down, making complete eye contact with you as her blue hair framed her face. The black and red horns that adorned her head glimmered—the kindness and delicate features of her nose and lips, her eyes and smile—
Your breath hitched.
ganyu—of course— does not expect an answer right away!
in fact, she thinks it’s quite unorthodox to confess to someone who is afraid of love—but her instincts told her it was right
it was abrupt, she knows. you don’t have to say yes, she knows.
but still, love was a game of chance—just as gambling, betting, anything. love was a game for two
so she took it. she took the chance, hoping that maybe you, you’d say yes.
“I...” You trailed off. You didn’t know Ganyu returned your feelings, neither did you ever imagine she could... Ganyu was half-adeptus, a caliber above you and your mortal-ness! Why would she ever think of you as anything more tha—
“Do not be afraid, [Y/N],” Ganyu’s voice was gentle as she soothed you. She had been here before, she had seen you cry out of a yearning for something you couldn’t have, she had seen your heart shatter and your mindset retract.
“I... like you too,” You responded, you felt light-headed, like you were soaring in the clouds that not even Celestia could bring you down.
Love, love was a gamble. And sometimes, you’d get your heart broken, your soul broken...
But love—it wasn’t so bad after all.
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― constellations!
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narutogwriting · 3 years
If requests are open, then: Gaara has chosen a bride, but during their engagement she refuses to capitulate to Suna’s council and their desires to have her on their side instead of Gaara’s. So, in order to break trust/break them apart (the details are obvs your choice), a councilman or two sends a shinobi to sexually assault her.
Fortunately, Gaara discovers the man in time to save you.
With this prompt, could you write something for it? Hurt/confort, lemons (jfc tumblr just knock it off with the gag order already), dark/horror, your choice!
Pairing: Gaara x Reader
CW: Attempted sexual assault, light NSFW
Length:  4.6k+
A/N: I absolutely hate how this came out, but I hope it works for you and is what you were expecting!
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You know that feeling you have when you’re younger? You have the adults in your life. They always seem to know exactly what to say, what to do. And you never truly have to worry, because if you don’t have the answer, there’s always someone that does.
Right and wrong. It’s all so black and white, and you’re lucky because the adults in your life always make the upstanding choices.
At least, that’s what you think. 
And then you grow up. Little by little, you become older and wise enough to realize the more you think you know, the less you do.
And maybe it’s something big or something small when you first start to lose your faith in those in authority. But there’s always a moment when it clicks; the people in authority know no more than you do, they’re not morally honorable at all. They just have the power.
You’d been a ninja your whole life, but as you got older, you opted to step into a more political role for your village. You’d been around long enough to see how corrupt the ninja system was as a whole, and you had wanted to change it from the inside out.
You thought you’d already had your moment, multiple moments, even, that showed you just how amoral and deceitful the powers that be were.
You had no idea how bad they truly could get.
“So, I hope you understand what we’re asking. Your compliance is… let’s just say, in your best interest.”
Silence ensued. Sunagakure, like the other villages, had a system of checks and balances. Gaara was the Kazekage, leader of the village, but that didn’t mean he had this all consuming power. The Suna Council consisted of twelve members, all in place to make sure the Kazekage is doing what they should and that all decisions were made in the villages best interest.
The council and the Kazekage were supposed to be working together for the village, to make things, better, to help the people. The council was supposed to be supporting the Kazekage as the leader.
So, in a way, you almost couldn’t believe they would ask you this. Only almost. . The Sand Village had never had a reputation of being above reproach. Why, it was just a few years ago when they had partnered with the Sound Village to overthrow the Leaf Village, killing the Hokage in the process. Gaara had only been a child then, but the Suna Council that had agreed with the plot then was the same council that now demanded you betray your husband to be.
They wanted you in their ranks. The direction that Gaara was ready to lead Suna in wasn’t a direction the elders were ready for it to go.
It was new and completely different from anything they’d seen before. But Gaara was insistent that Suna was going to enter an era of peace and perseverance. They would be a village that would fight for the good of the world, not solely their own interests. Suna as a village would no longer be number one. People would be.
And so they expected you to play a secret agent for them. They would give you orders, and then, as Gaara’s wife to be, you would manipulate him into their desires, make him think they were his own. You would play him as if he were a puppet on your strings.
Maybe it was because you had been a diplomat before moving to the Sand for Gaara. They thought because you were a politician, that you would understand their requests and be bought off so easily. It was the very reason you’d taken the position; the way village politics worked needed to change.
The twelve council members stared at you steadily and expectantly. They expected your concurrence, couldn’t imagine that there would be any thought of going against their wishes. They’d gone so long getting exactly what they wanted.
All good things must come to an end. 
There were a couple ways you could have played this. Agreed and then told Gaara what they’d asked. That they were demanding for you to work Gaara behind the scenes and manipulate him to their will. You could have agreed, even. Accepted their offers of power and betrayed your betrothed.
You had endless options, but you would take none of them.
Gaara was the love of your life, going to be your husband, and you would present as a strong front. You would let there be no question of where your loyalty was.
Pushing back your chair, you stood, smacking your hands down on the tables, a sudden, loud move that made the old hags jolt. You bit back a satisfied smirk; good. You wanted to scare them, let them know *exactly where they stood with you.
“How dare you?” You demanded from them, meeting each member’s eye slowly and purposefully, wanting them to understand just how badly they had screwed up by trying to turn you against Gaara.
“I don’t know how things worked back in your days, but Gaara becoming Kazekage has reigned in a new era of peace and restitution for the Sand. Things will no longer be the way you allowed it to for so long, full of evil and sneakiness and cowardice. You’re going to learn soon enough; Suna has no more need for the ways of the old world.” You pushed off the table, scowling in disgust.
“How dare you call yourselves leaders while you attempt to turn the Kazekage’s betrothed into a traitor.” Lips pursed, you looked over them all one more time, doing nothing to hide the contempt in your gaze. “The Kazekage is not going to be pleased when he hears about this.”
With that, you turned on your heel, stomping out of the room, letting the door slam closed behind you.
Out of the room now, away from their gaze, you leaned against the other side of the door, feeling the way your heart raced erratically. You couldn’t believe you’d talked like that to the Suna Council. 
You’d never been meek, really. Confrontation just wasn’t your favorite thing, and besides this, you respected your elders and village leaders greatly, not discounting their wisdom or experience just because of different times. You’d even admired the council up until this moment. 
But no amount of reverence or admiration would ever surpass what you felt for Gaara. You loved him more than anything or anyone, and you would always be on his side no matter what. There was nothing and no one that could make you falter or second guess being by his side.
Heading back to your apartment, you wished not for the first time you shared it with Gaara. You and Gaara didn’t live together yet; he wasn’t exactly traditional, but he wanted to keep up the appearance of it. He didn’t want to move in together until the two of you were officially married, and that day was coming up soon. You could wait just a little longer until you got to wake up to his face every morning.
Nothing sounded more blissful.
It had been a diplomacy mission that had brought you from your home in Iwagakure to Suna for the very first time. 
Love at first sight wasn’t necessarily something you believed in, but the first time you laid eyes on Gaara, you knew there was something special in him. You’d heard the stories and the rumors your whole life, the demonic reincarnation of the one tailed beast that killed everything in his path to the reformed and revered youngest Kage in history.
Gaara had been nothing like you expected.
He had the kindest eyes you’d ever seen. At a young seventeen years old, his eyes held stories of a hundred lifetimes. He was quiet, observant. He took in everything and everyone around him, considering their every move and word before responding himself. When he spoke, it was with a shared respect and understanding of those who he was addressing.
You’d bowed respectfully when you met, addressing him, of course, as Kazekage. When you’d straightened, his eyes on you had you blushing; you felt bare under his gaze.
A week. You were only in Suna one week, and that was all it took for you to fall for Gaara. From the first late night the two of you spent negotiating and discussing the particulars of the alliance between your villages, you got to know Gaara more than you’d ever imagined you would.
And Gaara was just as sprung. From your easy smile to the quickness of your thoughts to the passion in which you spoke, he’d never met anyone like you.
You were a marvel to Gaara, and he didn’t let you leave without letting you know.
You were surprised in all honesty. You hadn’t been able to read whether or not he was as interested in you as you were in him, but either way, you wouldn’t have expected a person like Gaara to be so forward.
He was modest and reverent the night before you were to go back to your village when he told you he’d like you to return soon. He left no room for you to wonder what he meant, instantly letting you know that it was because he was enamoured with you, and he had every intention in pursuing you romantically if you would let him. 
Of course you would.
It was one and a half years of dating before you’d opted to give up your position in your village to move to the Sand. Gaara didn’t ask you to, never would have dreamed of making you choose between him and your job, but it was the obvious choice to you.
You loved Gaara irrevocably, and he was Kazekage. He couldn’t leave his village, so you would go to him.
It was only a year after that when Gaara asked you to marry him in a way that was so him. It was quiet and private and romantic as hell.
He’d asked you to go with him for a quiet walk to the green house, just about the only place in Suna that had any plants. It was both of your favorite places, so of course you agreed.
When you’d arrived, the green house was alight with fairy lights strung from every corner. Petals from various flowers littered the floor walkway down to an arc of ivy that definitely hadn’t been there before.
Looking at Gaara, your mouth hung agape in disbelief and confusion. He gave you a soft smile, taking your hand and leading you down the walkway. By the time you got to the ivory arc, you had tears overflowing. 
“Yes!” You were crying before he even got down on one knee.
Gaara had tried to shoosh you with a small laugh, but you weren’t having it, throwing your arms around him and peppering him with kisses before he could get a word in.
“You have to let me ask you. I have a speech.” He tried to tell you, but gave up as you continued to kiss him, laughing and kissing you back. He pulled a rock carved in the shape of a heart. Lifting the lid, it revealed the beautiful ring he had made for you.
He had to hold you still so he could slip the ring on your finger before kissing your hand.
“I love you,” He told you, those intense green eyes gazing into yours.
Your wedding was still a ways away, but you and Gaara were clearly in love. Why the council genuinely thought you would go along with their demands were beyond you. You’d given up politics for love without a second thought.
Shaking your head, you were relieved when your front door came into view. The first thing you wanted to do leaving your meeting was to go straight to Gaara, but he was gone for the next week on his own diplomacy meeting.
You sighed as you got into bed. Whenever he was home, the council was going to be in for a world of hurt. You could only imagine how livid and betrayed Gaara would geel.
The next few days went by without incident, though that did make you feel just a bit nervous. You expected to be called in for some sort of meeting again, to be talked to, at least sent a message. 
But there was nothing. All was peaceful and quiet.
The time passes slowly and uneventfully. You did paperwork and spent time with some friends. That night, you settled into bed with a cup of tea and a book, wishing Gaara was beside you. He’d be gone for a few more days still. 
So you opted for just a relaxing night in by yourself. You usually went to sleep early-ish, but that night, you were up well past your usual bedtime, emerged in the fantasy world in between the pages you were reading.
It was because you were awake that you heard a noise from your living room. It was small, barely there, but you’d heard it. It sounded like someone had bumped into something, maybe your living room table, and had been quick to steady it.
You froze, listening carefully for any more sound, but nothing came. You had almost convinced yourself that you imagined the whole thing, but every one of your senses was on high alert. Carefully, slowly, you crept out of your bed, grabbing the kunai you kept under your pillow just in case.
You held your breath, not wanting to risk even making a sound, as you tiptoed towards your bedroom door. Ear pressed to the cool wood, you listened.
Silence met you, but you weren’t convinced. Years as a Shinobi had taught you to trust your gut. Something was off; you could feel it.
Decided to go on the offensive, you turned the door handle and threw open the door, quickly barreling through the opening. You caught the intruder dead in their tracks. He was dressed in all black, everything covered besides his dark eyes.
You were in such shock at there actually being someone there, you froze for a split second. The intruder took that second to attack, lunging at you.
He smashed into you, knocking both of you to the floor, and that’s when your instincts kicked in. As soon as your back hit the floor, you were rolling, throwing your legs over your head and then you were on your feet, sending a kick into the man’s abdomen.
The man let out a gasp as the air was knocked from him. Wasting no time, you sprinted to your front door, ready to flee and call for help.
You weren’t prepared for another intruder waiting at the otherside of the door. The second you opened it, locking eyes with him, his fist lashed out before you could even react.
Pain was all you felt before the world went black. 
The world came into view slowly. As your vision cleared, you realized you were in your own bedroom. When you tried to move, you were alarmed to find that your arms and legs were both bound. Your attempt at a scream was muffled by the gag in your mouth. 
“Heh, we’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” Your head jerked to see the intruder that you had kicked looming over you. “You’re lucky you got that kick in when you did, but I’m gonna have to pay you back for that one.”
He drew his hand back before smacking it across your face. You gave a muffled cry as the left side of your face stung in pain. 
“Stop fucking around,” hissed the other man. “We have orders. Get to it.”
You looked up between the two, scared and confused. What kind of orders? 
The first man chuckled with a smirk that looked more like a sneer. “Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this…” He mused as he pulled out a kunai. He moved toward you slowly, deliberately, letting the fear creep from your neck down your spine.
You shook your head, jerking this way and that, but the second intruder pinned you to the bed by your shoulders. “Better stay still, bitch.” He hissed at her. “We got a job to do here. This’ll teach you to defy the village council. By the time we’re done with you, you won’t think twice about doing what they say.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, your night shirt was fisted by the first man before he ripped the kunai through it. 
Your face burned hot with embarrassment and shame as the remains of your top were shredded, leaving you bare. You could feel their eyes looming over you, taking in every part of your skin.
“Even your fiancé ain’t gonna want you when we’re done.” You heard snickered, but by this point you’d screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to see them looking at you like you were a piece of meat.
Shuffling made your eyes peak back open to see the first man fumbling with the buttons of his pants. 
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna enjoy this.”
He shoved his boxers down, revealing himself as he palmed his length to hardness.
You began thrashing again with renewed vigor despite the hands still pinning your shoulders down. Somehow, you managed to free yourself from the second man's grasp, rolling off the bed and attempting clumsily to push yourself to your feet.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Your ankles were grabbed and unceremoniously, you were dragged kicking back to the man. In moments he had your own pants discarded before he was looming over you.
Everything about him was revolting you. His smell, his heavy body to those cold dead eyes. In one last desperate attempt, you headbutted him as hard as you could, feeling your forehead smash into his nose.
Warm blood spurted out, splashing over you as he let out a mangled scream. “You bitch! I’ll kill you!”
Spots flashed before your vision as his fist connected with your cheek, leaving you disoriented and drowning in pain.
“I’ve had enough of this,” the second man hissed, shoving the first one off of you. “I’ll take care of this.”
He pinned you with his entire body as you felt him shuffling for his pants once more.
You weren’t sure when you’d started crying, but the tears were flowing, drenching your cheeks as your stomach turned sickly. You screwed your eyes shut, willing your mind to go anywhere else but here.
There was nothing else to do but resign yourself to your fate. You couldn’t fight back or scream for help. All you could do was pray it would be over quickly. 
You were still waiting when the weight of his body suddenly lifted off of yours, and you heard the most horrifying scream. Your blood went cold at the sound, causing your eyes to shoot open.
Sobs began to wrack your body as it shook with relief so great it overwhelmed you. Gaara! He was here!
And you’d never seen him look so angry before. 
His eyes were wide and crazed, the vessels looking like they would pop at any second. The men were screaming, pleading, but Gaara couldn’t hear them pass the blood rushing in his ears. Teeth bared, he was growling, the sound menacing and maniacal.
In this moment you understood something in a way you never had before: Gaara was a force to be feared.
“Please! Please, we’re sorry!” “No! Don’t!”
“Sand Coffin.” 
The men let out one last strangled scream before they were silenced permanently. Blood splattered everywhere, pouring down like rain. It streamed down over you and everything else in your room. 
Gaara was panting hard, still looking more wild than you’d ever seen him. His eyes were locked on the sand that was seeping red with blood. 
A small whimper from you brought him back. His eyes quickly flickered to you, and it was like you could see his soul returning to his body.
He was by your side in a second, kneeling next to you and pulling you to him. He gently removed the gag from your mouth and removed the bind from your wrists and ankles.
He didn’t know what to say, didn’t have the words. He just held you while you weeped into his chest, wrapped in a blanket and finally feeling safe in his arms. 
It took you a while to calm down. The adrenaline had left your body, leaving you only with the weight of what had almost happened. The fear and shock left you trembling, ripping sobs from your throat.
“I’m here…” He kept repeating. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Once you were able to finally relax, Gaara packed you a bag and took you to his home. You would never need to go back to your home with those traumatic memories, he decided. To hell with tradition or social conventions. He would move you into his home first thing the next morning.
At Gaara’s home, he ran a bath for the two of you filled with bubbles. He took a warm wash cloth, gently wiping the blood from your body. He massaged the blood back to the areas you’d been binded and iced the bruises on your face, any traces of the manic man from earlier gone. All that was left was the serene Gaara you knew and loved.
Gaara didn’t press you to talk or tell him anything the whole while, only made sure you were attended to and cared for.
It was later on once the two of you were in bed with Gaara holding you close to him that you filled him in on what had happened: the Suna Council attempts to get you to turn against Gaara and manipulate him to their purpose. What those men had said before they’d attempted to… you couldn’t even say the word.
Gaara took it all in silently, but you could feel his grip on you tighten just slightly as you spoke. He was livid; you could see it in his eyes, though it was much more subdued than before. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he finally spoke, his words heavy and choked.
“If you weren’t marrying me…” He stopped, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I’m sending out word first thing to the four other villages. We’ll have the members disbanded and imprisoned before the week ends.” He assured you with a conviction and sternness you’d only seen in meetings before. 
Nodding, you pulled him closer to you. “I never thought I’d see you again…” You told him. “I was so scared… I thought…” You shook your head. “You saved me. You’re always there.”
“Always,” Gaara said, kissing your head. 
He didn’t know whether to chalk it all up to luck or intuition that he’d come home early. He had just missed you so terribly, it was like he suddenly couldn’t stand to be away from you for another moment. He’d cut his diplomacy trip early and hurried back, getting to you in just the nick of time.
“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore…” You murmured, looking up at him. “I just wanna forget about it, just for tonight…” With that, you reached up to press your lips to his.
Gaara hesitated only for a moment before kissing you back. He’d missed you so much, and if this was what was going to make you feel better, well, who was he to deny you? In a moment, you were up on top of him, straddling his lap as you kissed him more forcefully, almost desperately.
Gaara’s arms went around you, fingers digging into your hips as he held you against him. He let one hand slide up your back into your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands. Slowly, your lips slid down, moving over his jaw down to his neck, peppering every area you could reach with kisses.
Your name left Gaara’s mouth, a low, needy whine. It sent a jolt through your body, and you began to grind yourself into his lap. You could feel Gaara’s grip tighten in your hair even more as he slowly began to harden underneath you.
Your fingers began to pull at the hem of his shirt desperately. You needed something to ground you. You needed Gaara.
He let you pull the shirt off of him, discarding it to the side before he was on you again.
He flipped you over so you were on your back as he attached his own lips to your neck, attacking the skin, marking you as his. You were moaning and trembling under his touch, begging him for more as his hands wandered your body.
“Gaara,” You groaned out as his fingers fumbled with the waistband of your pants. “No foreplay. I want you now.”
You could hear Gaara stifle his groan at your words before your pants were unceremoniously yanked down. His lips pressed harshly back to yours, all tongue and teeth. Gaara had put aside his own feelings earlier for yours, but now they were pouring out of him.
His anger at the council. His bloodthirst for those men. His fear for what almost had happened to you; you could taste it all in the kiss. Gaara needed you to ground him just as much as you needed him to ground you.
One moment you were kissing and the next your clothes were in a pile, and he was inside of you, hands pinning down your hips as he rutted into you desperately. Your nails scratched down his back, you tried to moan or cry out, but all your sounds were swallowed by his lips.
You were breathless, dizzy as his hips pounded into yours, never breaking the kiss. His pelvic bone caught your clit with every movement and it wasn’t long before you were gushing around him, but he didn’t slow his moments. He pulled your legs up, locking them around his waist. “More,” He was mumbling against your lips. “More.” When it was over, you cumming around his cock countless times before he finally found his own release, spilling inside of you endlessly, he pulled you into his side, holding you closer than he had in some time.
“I’ve never seen you like that before.” The image played in your mind, Gaara’s eyes wild and burning, the flames of anger behind them.
Gaara tensed slightly, but you placed your hand on his chest, calming him as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of him. You were only… intrigued by this side of him you’d never experienced.
“I use to crave blood.” He told you. “I know you have heard the stories. My whole life, I was told I was a monster. I thought I was one. My sole purpose was to kill everyone around me so I could survive.”
His hand was rigid on your shoulder as he spoke, but you held his gaze unwavering. You accepted Gaara. Every part of him. 
“But now, I know my true purpose.” His stare was steady, sure. “Ever since I’ve become Kazekage. My purpose has been to protect those precious to me, those who need someone to protect them. I no longer crave violence or blood. But I will not let anyone, no matter who they are, hurt someone I love…” He pulled you even closer, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I never would have dreamed I would have someone precious to me, or someone who I am precious to. But now that I have you, I’m never going to let you go.”
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