#many many people try to assassinate or kidnap her
brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
AU - Ra's al Ghul being a grandfather to all of the Wayne kids
During their ongoing petty battles, Tim makes the mistake of calling Ra's "grandpa" as an insult. He meant it as a term to call the man old.
Ra's did not take it this way.
After being called "grandpa" by his rival/desired heir (pt. 3), he starts to wonder if all of Bruce's kids consider him to be their grandfather (they do not).
Cue Ra's al Ghul picking up grandparent guidebooks and trying to implement the advice. Because he's so out of touch with reality and society (he's a 600 year old assassin cult leader), he doesn't implement them correctly.
His go to method for hangouts with any of the Wayne kids is kidnapping. They don't know he's just trying to spend time with them. There's a ton of miscommunication.
Ra's quickly learns that if he has grandfather-grandchild time with Damian by himself, the Waynes.... overreact (they're not overreacting. They think Ra's is kidnapping Damian for some nefarious plot). Ra's then starts kidnapping Damian with one of his siblings for group hangouts.
He also will have grandfather-grandchildren days when Talia visits Bruce. He wants them to be able to spend time without the kids interrupting (even if the kids are in another country from Bruce, Ra's still kidnap them. Talia is also going to Bruce to beat him up for Damian instead of a date. Ra's thinks it's just their relationship dynamic).
The old man also spends a lot of time debating what makes someone a Wayne kid. Bruce's adoption habit makes this needlessly more difficult. He eventually lands on only considering those Damian claims as his siblings as his grandchildren.
It gets to the point that Ra's al Ghul even starts lecturing Bruce when he's being an ass to the grandkids.
How Ra's spoils his grandkids:
Damian - Ra's sets up a bunch of animal sanctuaries around the world. He takes the kid to all of them and seriously implements all of his ideas. He also sends him expensive, rare art supplies that can double as weapons (Damian thought the paints doubling as poison were fun to use).
Jason - The Outlaws get access to a bunch of weapons and gear. He also occasionally provides assistance or information.
Tim - Ra's doesn't do anything different. They already "hang out" a ton when Tim is in a petty and vindictive mood (Tim tries to fuck up Ra's day and the ancient bastard sees it as a bonding activity).
Cass - Ra's, after seeing that Cass sometimes experiences issues communicating with civilians, starts funding organizations that increase accessibility. He also attends every single recital she has.
Duke - Ra's provides access to his research material so that Duke might be able to find a way to help his parents. He also buys him really expensive glasses and blackout curtains to help with his migraines
Steph - The old man will gift wrap people who were shitty to Steph so that she can beat them up or get revenge. Her many hobbies (gaming, gymnastics, music, etc.) get funded as well.
Dick - Ra's either kidnaps Dick with a sibling he hasn't seen for a bit (allowing Dick to have quality time), or he'll enforce self care days for the acrobat.
Barbara - She is helped by the same organizations that help Cass, but Ra's usually just provides her with information the Birds of Prey can use.
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notakugelblitz · 1 month
DELORES PART 1 • Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
something sweet to soothe your anger dearest brellies 🥰 takes place during season 4 episode 1, no warning all safe. enjoy !
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Y/N had worked with Five at the Commission. She was with him on the day of JFK's assassination, and when he mentioned the possibility of escaping the company, she thought, why not? The Handler still hadn't given her the promotion she'd been promised 15 years ago, and the health insurance was worthless by then ...
Y/N followed Five through three apocalypses, becoming a teenager again. At least she no longer had the beginnings of arthritis, which she was more grateful for than her colleague. The Hargreeves quickly took Y/N under their wing, appreciating her a lot, especially since she had the gift of shutting Five up.
Y/N and Five became very good friends. Once the umbrella Academy lost their powers in this new timeline, Y/N chose to open a bookstore, while Five became a CIA agent. They met from time to time, enjoying each other's company over a black coffee on a terrace. In six years, nothing ambiguous had happened between them. Y/N wasn't sure if she wanted it to or not—it was a strange feeling. But now, with her new life started, she had time. If Five was interested, he would make a move; if not, so be it. But this was the calm before the storm...
Five entered the secret meeting set in an apartment with a classy, dimly lit atmosphere. The place was spacious, hosting about thirty people. Five smoothed his mustache, grabbed a glass of champagne from the buffet, and scanned the room. Just as he thought he recognized Lila, another young woman caught his attention. She was leaning against the balcony, her face hidden as she stood with her back to him. She had long, straight auburn hair, styled with a yellow beret. She was wearing a white shirt with black polka dots, neatly tucked into her pencil skirt.
Five felt a drop of sweat trickle down his temple and took a deep breath before joining her. He also leaned on the balcony, just like she did, barely daring to look at her.
"Beautiful night, isn’t it?" Y/N murmured, a simple smile on her lips.
She didn’t meet his gaze either, which slightly irritated Five. He finally turned his head and recognized Y/N.
"What the hell are you doing ..."
The words escaped his mouth when he noticed the name on her nametag : Delores. Five almost choked on his champagne.
"Yeah, the champagne is disgusting, I agree. But the hors d'oeuvres are delicious though. You should try them!" "What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re part of this ridiculous support group ..."
Y/N burst into laughter, shaking her head.
"Oh no, no ... I came with "Nancy" so Diego wouldn’t ask too many questions. But this wig is seriously itching. It's awful." Y/N explained, amused, scratching her scalp.
She then turned her attention to Five and looked at his nametag.
"Jerome? That doesn’t suit you very well. I wonder where you got that name..." "It wasn’t my choice. And where did you get yours?" he retorted, frowning.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden cold and somewhat aggressive tone.
"I like that name." Y/N simply said. "And that shirt—do you like it too? It’s hideous." "I found it in a thrift shop—it seemed nice... hey! What’s gotten into you?" Y/N finally exclaimed. "Bullshit." "Five what the hell!"
Y/N seemed sincere. She had no idea what her cover name meant to him. After all these years, he had never told her about Delores. Instead of apologizing, he downed his glass of champagne.
"So, those hors d'oeuvres?" Five asked.
Y/N laughed lightly, understanding it was his awkward way of apologizing. Just as she was about to praise the treats, Jean and Gene appeared, announcing the start of the meeting.
What followed was a very eventful evening. The Umbrella Effect, interacting with Jean and Gene, dining with Lila and Five, Viktor's kidnapping... it felt like the old days! And throughout it all, Five kept giving Y/N odd looks. Why had fate embedded the love of his life so clearly in his friend and colleague? Five didn’t believe in coincidences; he never had.
Y/N had noticed those supposedly discreet glances, which intrigued her a lot. Especially since she could feel her cheeks flush like a 16-year-old girl.
Despite everything, the Hargreeves ended their evening at an Asian restaurant to debrief. Having retrieved the Marigold thanks to Sy, most of them decided not to take it. This surprised Y/N a lot. Powers... that was the dream, wasn’t it?
While Ben was in the bathroom, Y/N leaned toward Five.
"Imagine what you could do for the CIA with your teleportation..." she whispered. "Shut up, Y/N." Five murmured. "No, but seriously! I don’t know what I’d give to be special like you guys were! If it were up to me, I’d drink that jar dry!"
Five chuckled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"If you think this is one of those stupid Marvel movies, think again. Having powers comes with great responsibilities, sure—the responsibility to control them and not cause an apocalypse." "Killjoy..." Y/N sighed. "And for your information..." Five hesitated before continuing in a lower voice, leaning a bit closer to her. "You don’t need that to be... special."
Coming from his mouth, it sounded weird. Reaching her ears, it sounded weird. Y/N sat up straight and silently thanked some higher force when Ben arrived with a tray of eight shots. While everyone found an excuse to leave, Ben convinced them to drink. "For old time's sake," he said.
Everyone gave in, and when Y/N realized she didn’t have a glass, she felt disheartened.
"Can’t I celebrate our reunion?" she asked. "You're not part of the family." Ben snapped. "Wow, Ben, that’s rude!" Luther exclaimed. "Y/N is more family than you ever were." Five groaned, pointing a threatening finger at him. "No, it's fine, let it go, Five." Y/N sighed, though Five’s words had touched her.
She stepped aside, letting them toast. Just as everyone raised their glasses to their lips, Klaus nudged Y/N and handed her his glass.
"OnJanuary 15th, it'll be 3 years that I am sober. Tonight’s not the night I’ll mess that up, and certainly not for old time's sake." Klaus whispered. "I can’t accept that ..." Y/N politely refused. "Oh, come on, down it or I’ll tell everyone you slept with Five at Luther’s wedding."
Y/N gasped, grabbed the glass, drank it down in record time, and handed it back to Klaus. No one seemed to notice the trick, and that was just as well.
Y/N still had that awful taste in her mouth. Maybe she shouldn’t have drunk that glass. After all, Klaus was lying. Wasn’t he? It was true she had a total blackout that night, but... her and Five? No... right?
Once outside, everyone said their goodbyes. As Y/N tried to figure out where Klaus had gone so she could question him, a car pulled up next to her. The passenger window rolled down, and she bent down to see the driver. It was Five.
"I’ll give you a ride." "No, it’s okay, I’m not far..." "That wasn’t a question," Five said, leaning over to open the passenger door.
Y/N sighed but couldn’t help smiling. She got in, buckled up, and Five started the car.
"Be honest with me, Y/N." he said seriously, focusing on the road. "Mmh?" "Why Delores? And why that damn polka dot shirt?"
Y/N widened her eyes.
"You're still hung up on that!" she exclaimed. "I’ve changed since then..." "Stop it right now, Y/N. This isn’t funny," he growled. "Look, Five, I don’t understand! You’re completely crazy!" "Why Delores?" "I don’t know, okay?" she yelled back. "I don’t know."
She repeated the sentence silently to herself.
"The name just came to me, and the shirt was the cheapest... I swear, Five, I’ve never been more honest with you..."
Five finally looked at her and realized she was telling the truth. When they arrived at the bookstore, he parked on the side of the road.
"I’m sorry, Y/N... it’s just that... I knew a Delores a long time ago, and... she looked just like you."
Y/N, surprised, met his gaze and tilted her head to the side.
"I never thought the famous Five Hargreeves had a romance," she breathed.
Five nodded , locking eyes with her sparkling ones. He had always loved that color, though he would never admit it. He looked away, eyes fixed on the steering-wheel. Fortunately Y/N didn't know Delores was a mannequin. Five kept silent, thinking about this damn coincidence and its probable meaning.
Y/N didn’t know what to say so she got out of the car, feeling unsettled. As she headed towards the bookstore, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and walked back to the car, leaning against the window on Five’s side.
“Be honest with me, Five.” she said seriously.
Five chuckled softly, amused by this ongoing joke, and nodded, signaling her to continue.
“What happened at Luther’s wedding?” she asked suddenly.
Five frowned. Why was she asking about that now?
“They got married,” he said simply. “Haha, very funny. No, seriously, between us... did something happen?”
Five discreetly swallowed and started the car.
“You should go home, it’s getting late.”
Y/N groaned and walked around the front of the car again so that he couldn't leave, suddenly opening the passenger door and sitting down.
“What are you doing…?” “You agreed to be honest with me. And you’re not. So I won’t move until…” “Fine.” "Oh, that was quick."
Five immediately started driving and continued in silence.
“Aren’t you going to say something?” “No.” “So, is this a kidnapping?” “Call it whatever you want. You learned how to jump out of a moving car at the Commission, so if your ass is still in that seat, it means you don’t really want to leave.”
Point for him. The silence was fine at the beginning, but it grew heavier and heavier minutes after minutes. Y/N was relieved when she recognized the streets as they were arriving at the parking lot of Five's apartment. He turned off the car and slumped further into his seat. Y/N could tell he was hiding something.
“So. Did we sleep together that night?” she asked bluntly.
Five’s eyes widened.
“What! Who told you that nonsense?” he exclaimed with an amused tone. “Klaus… he…” “You know Klaus always exaggerates, Y/N…”
Y/N lowered her eyes, embarrassed for having believed it so easily. Five noticed her distress and sighed. He rummaged through an inner pocket of his jacket, hesitating before pulling out a Polaroid photo. He handed it to Y/N nonchalantly. She looked at him, then at the photo, which she took with apprehension. It was taken at Luther’s wedding. Y/N and Five were on stage. A microphone stand separated them, only a few centimeters from each other's face. They looked completely drunk, which explained why they were singing so close and why Y/N had no memory of it.
“Just imagine eyes like moon rise, a voice like music, lips like wine.” Five muttered, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
Y/N looked up at him. Those were the lyrics to a love song by Frank Sinatra, yet it sounded oddly different coming from his mouth.
“Please, tell me…” she whispered.
Five sighed, knowing full well he had reached a point of no return.
“We overdid it on the alcohol that night. And with the apocalypse looming... it makes you do things you wouldn’t normally be capable of.”
He paused, but Y/N smiled, encouraging him to continue.
“You seemed different that night. You had no filter. You never had one when it came to annoying me, but for saying nice things, well... and you were really beautiful. And without thinking, I grabbed that mic and sang that stupid Sinatra song. And you looked at me with those eyes. They sparkled like… like the Kugelblitz. Almost more. And you joined me, and we made quite the duo, I must say. I can't fucking remember the name of the song as we were only babbling incomprehensible lyrics.”
Y/N was speechless.
“So…” “No sex. Pure fluff, even though it’s a disgusting word to say.”
Y/N chuckled.
“And you kissed me,” Five finally said, emotionless.
Everything seemed so unreal, yet he looked sincere.
“Why didn’t you tell me for six years?” she asked, shocked. “I… I chickened out. You didn’t remember, so it gave you the chance to start fresh.”
Suddenly, Y/N slapped him across the face, the sound of the slap echoing through Dallas. Five didn't blink, feeling like it was deserved somehow.
“You’re such an idiot.” “I know.”
They remained silent for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. If any member of the Umbrella Academy had the power to read minds, they would’ve run away, given the turmoil that stirred within them.
Y/N thought back to all those moments spent with Five, and of course, they had a different flavor than those shared with an actual colleague. Despite their constant teasing, Five had always been there for Y/N, and vice versa. They understood each other, given their age and experience. Everything suddenly became clear.
And then, in perfect synchronization, they kissed passionately, Y/N placing her hands on Five’s cheeks while he firmly gripped her waist. It was a fiery kiss, making up for all the lost time due to misplaced pride. Out of breath, Y/N pulled back slightly to look at him, a smirk on her lips.
“What? Don’t make me regret what just happened…” Five chuckled. “Firsy things first, secretly keeping a picture of me is weird. Secondly, the song by Sinatra ... It is named Dolores. Just saying…” Y/N laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear that had fallen over his bright eyes.
"Shut it." he groaned, pecking your lips to make you silent. But then , he approaches his lips to your ear, whispering.
“It seems that no matter the timeline, I’m destined to have a Delores getting in my way.”
Y/N burst out laughing, and Five couldn’t help but smile sincerely. It felt good to come out of his shell, especially for Y/N. Five invited Y/N to spend the night at his place. This sudden happiness seemed surreal, yet it was very real. The idea of a normal life together seemed so pleasant. If only they knew ...
here it is, i really hope you liked it ! sorry if you spotted some mistakes, English isn’t my first language.
would you be interested in a part 2 now that Y/N swallowed up a shot of marigold ? just sayin’ … 😏
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seekinghelp-adhd · 10 months
Chance Encounters (Maribat idea I'm throwing around)
Marinette moves to Gotham to pursue fashion. She has to finish her last year of high school at Gotham Academy and do an internship over the summer, but if she does she gets a massive scholarship to Gotham University. They were more than happy to help out Jagged Stone's famously young personal designer. Obviously, this puts her in classes with Damien Wayne, who barely talks and only ever calls his brothers by their last names.
Jagged insists on setting her up in a penthouse for her stay in Gotham, but Marinette argues that being a single girl living in a fancy penthouse is like asking one of the Gotham rogues to kidnap or rob her. They compromise on a nice apartment with a state of the art security system, one owned by Wayne Enterprises. Another tenant on her same floor, Jason Todd, stops by to scope out the new neighbor. He seems nice enough, but he keeps calling his older brother "Dick" and Marinette can't tell if that's his name or just an insult. Apparently he does this whenever someone new moves in to see if he’ll have to move. Marinette tells him to let her know if he does, Because she says if he doesn’t feel safe living in this building anymore, she definitely wants to leave. Jason is amused by this and decides she can stay.
It doesn't take long for Marinette to encounter Gotham's bad side. After a few months of living there she's seen plenty of rogue attacks. She's been lucky enough to stay out of it. After all, if the villains aren't magical there's nothing her Miraculous Cure could do anyway. Her luck is apparently starting to run out though, because now she's being held up at knife point in an alley. She obviously takes the guy down after years of being Ladybug and calls the cops. Dick Greyson is the officer on scene. He's incredibly friendly and is super impressed that she managed to take the guy down, but Dick has seen corrupt cops take people in for self-defense if it means someone else owes them a favor. He gives her his personal cell in case anything like this ever happens again.
Through all of this, Marinette has been spending more and more time with Damien at school. Marinette is hesitant to trust all the smiles and niceties around her after Lila's manipulation and wants to truly get to know someone before she puts any trust in them. Damien is the only exception. She was warned of his reputation as the "Ice Prince" of GA before meeting him and found talking with him to be incredibly refreshing. There was absolutely nothing fake or over the top about him. He was straightforward and down to earth and Marinette found comfort in that. She decided that she trusted him on day one. Likewise, Damien finds her skeptical attitude toward the other students to be incredibly validating. Growing up in the League, everyone was always pretending, even to the other assassins. You had to act a certain way around the right people, and manipulation was the key to survival. Marinette seems to notice people trying to take advantage of her and recognize when someone just wants a favor, and he respects that. Regretfully, and to Jon's great joy, Damien finds that he thinks of her as a friend.
Word eventually gets out that Marinette is Jagged's designer. This is, of course, entirely Jagged's fault. Some good comes out of all the extra attention, though, when she learns that the co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises is a fan of hers. He makes a commission for a new suit and, upon learning of her situation, offers her a position as his families personal designer over the summer to meet her internship qualifications for GU. They set up a meeting in person for her to take measurements once her midterms are over.
When everything is going well though, something has to throw a wrench into things. The Batfamily raids one of Black Mask's warehouses late one night, and Red Hood takes a few too many bullets and a pretty big hit to the head. The kevlar took most of the hits for him, but he's badly bruised and nursing a concussion. It's the concussion that causes him to stumble into the wrong window of his apartment building and scare his new neighbor half to death. Marinette does what she always does and helps the vigilante without question. To do that though, she has to take off his helmet. She assumed he would have a mask underneath or something. He does not. Marinette is not as surprised as she probably should be, and Jason is pissed when he wakes up. He realizes after a while that this isn't her fault. She's been taking care of him since he was too stubborn to go to Bruce, and if she wanted him or his family dead she could have done something about it by now. He decides to put a little trust in her, but keeps an eye on her just in case. This is what clues him into the situation. In her time here in Gotham, she's managed to meet all of the Wayne brothers aside from Duke, and she has no idea they're even related.
Jason, of course, finds this absolutely hilarious and wants to see just how far this madness can go. He sends Duke to her favorite coffee shop. He refers Marinette to the same dance studio as Cass. Marinette, completely on her own to Jason's disbelief, enters the same Ultimate Mecha Strike tournament as Stephanie and absolutely destroys her. Jason lives for the chaos and Marinette is completely oblivious.
Eventually, after a few AO3 tags (slow burn, feelings realization) Marinette and Damien start dating. Damien feels guilty for hiding that he's Robin from Marinette, but he knows that he'd be sharing more than just his own secret and doesn't want to betray his family's trust. He realizes that if he wants to share everything with her, his family has to trust her as well. She'll have to meet them. He tells Marinette all of this, and she shares that she's been keeping her own secret as well. Marinette hasn't told him about Ladybug even after Tikki has given her blessing, and she's been feeling guilty about it as well. She encourages him to tell her whenever he feels ready and assures him that she can wait until then. She trusts him, and she asks for that same trust in return.
Damien trusts her of course, and everything goes back to normal for about 30 seconds. Then, Damien starts trying to prepare her for the chaos she's about to find in his dining room that night. Little by little, Marinette starts to realize that she already knows every single person he's talking about. Only, that means so much more than she could have realized, because if Jason is Red Hood and his brother "the Dick" is Nightwing, then that means Dick Greyson is Nightwing and Damien's older brother, which makes Damien Robin, and oh no she thinks she knows exactly what that secret is that he didn't want to share yet.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Rhaenyra vs Aegon from (ASOIAF) rivalry concept?? What better way to make the sibling's fight worse than to add a Darling into the mix, am I right?
Whole CIVIL WAR happens and these two are upset they like the same person-
Rhaenyra Concept
Aegon II Concept
❗️Potential Spoilers for Fire & Blood/HOTD Season 2❗️
Yandere! Rhaenyra vs Aegon II
(Team Black vs Team Green)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive/Protective behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Kidnapping, Death mention, Manipulation, Imprisonment, Stalking, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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There's so many different ways to tackle something like this.
You could really be anyone.
A sibling, a favorite servant, a knight, anyone.
No matter who you are, you're stuck in this realm-wide tug-of-war game.
These two are not only fighting for succession now... but you.
One's the queen of Dragonstone, the other the king of King's Landing.
Honestly... you are in such a bad position no matter where you go or who you are.
You're caught in the middle of a war where both sides have dragons.
I bet that if they both like someone, said person's going to have the entirety of Team Black/Green breathing down their neck.
After all Rhaenyra leads The Blacks, Aegon leads The Greens.
With one order, you could be abducted for either side.
That's probably the scariest part of their rivalry.
You have no power in this situation, they do.
Which means just about anything can happen.
That's also the reason there's just... so much potential for this idea that I'm not even sure if I can cover it all.
Considering what both royals go through, they can both get unhinged.
They have both lost children to each other and they're only going to stop fighting when one of them is dead.
When I think of the obsession for this idea, my mind goes to a sibling or knight.
That way you'd still have somewhat of a connection with both sides.
Perhaps you're a sibling of either Rhaenyra and Aegon that gets caught up in the civil war... only to realize both royals want you for one reason or another.
Or maybe you're a knight (regardless of gender, they had both) who served Viserys.
Then when the war begins, you're torn between Rhaenyra and Aegon, both royals offering you the position of their personal protector (Kingsguard/Queensguard).
You most likely knew them before the civil war happened.
Then it develops into some sort of custody battle for the rivalry.
The alternative is you go with one side willingly and the other takes you hostage.
Then during your time as a hostage, the leader of the side who took you becomes obsessive until your side takes you back.
That's another way you can get them both to like you.
Now, in terms of yandere behavior?
Aegon is naturally hedonistic and would lean more towards romantic tendencies.
He can be both intimidating yet also pathetic with his obsession, often clinging to them and not afraid of executing those who get too close.
You're never far from his sight as his obsession, the king thrives off your care.
As king, Aegon feels he should get what he wants and be smothered in affection, he should always get what he wants.
He's only vulnerable with you... he needs you.
He needs a connection with you.
Rhaenyra is protective and more calculating than her half-brother.
For the most part she can keep her cool and her obsession can go either platonic or romantic.
For the first portion of the war she's calm, yet would fear people are trying to steal or kill her beloved as the war goes on due to trust issues and assassination attempts.
Although they both deal with such a thing.
Rhaenyra's used to the world being against her since she was young.
With her obsession, she feels she can at least trust someone.
She values loyalty between her and her obsession, making them sacrifice everything to dedicate themselves to her in the end.
Both royals utilize psychological and emotional manipulation to try and garner your loyalty.
Aegon lays the charm on thick... Rhaenyra often promises protection for your dedication.
The two have loyal members on their side that would listen to their every order.
I can actually see them both imprisoning their obsession if you're already with a side.
Rhaenyra no doubt sends Daemon to recruit/take you in for The Blacks on top of Caraxes.
Aegon may be less willing if you were already a Green supporter, but if you're with The Blacks he'll order Aemond to hunt you down and imprison you.
You'll get a cozy chambers with both of them, even if it is your prison.
This is another rivalry where I feel one of them is going to die in the end.
Whoever wins this Civil War also gets to have you.
There's no running, after all, how can you?
There's nowhere to go.
You could probably even go to the North and still have someone rat you out.
The two sides brew in tension as they take each other out.
Many common folk whisper rumors about the fact both sides are fighting over one person.
They mutter about your importance, both out of pity and bitterness.
Meanwhile, as you watch the carnage play out and are often tossed from cell to cell, you want nothing to do with any Targaryen.
Get used to dragon back, you're going to be on dragon back a lot.
You know blood is being spilled primarily for control, that this is a battle about succession.
Yet you also fear lives are being lost because you're involved, even if you don't want to be.
When you're with The Greens, Aegon often is seen with an arm around your waist.
In private he wants to trust you, to get affection he couldn't get from even the brothels.
When you're with The Blacks, Rhaenyra keeps you close yet under watch.
She provides hospitality and her affection is welcoming with friendly touches.
She respects you as long as you respect her, similar to Aegon, yet she fears you'll turn on her the longer you're with The Greens.
Aemond and Daemon are definitely doing the dirty work for their king/queen respectively.
They're the ones primarily spilling blood and sending spies to keep an eye on you.
However... Aegon and Rhaenyra wouldn't mind personally dealing with threats, Aegon especially, despite Aemond's protests.
Would things get gorey? Yeah.
Both sides would mount heads on pikes just to get a message across.
Their fight over you and succession would continue until near the end of the war.
By this point, most of their relatives are gone.
Rhaenyra just has her son, and Aegon's nearly alone.
The conclusion of the war is (un)fortunately also the conclusion of your own fate.
With wounded dragons, the two are prepared to end things.
The amount of blood doesn't matter to them.
They don't even care if the blood of their enemy gets on you.
All that matters is you.
The end of the war may mean you're no longer tugged between two royals...
But it certainly does not grant you any sort of freedom either.
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chaliceofthescales-if · 3 months
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Sector 7, or Schai, depending on who you are. An otherwise barren dry desert on which nothing grows with a busy bustling tourist city as its main focus. A city of indulgence, excess, and sin, the shiny glittering lights hide the dark truth behind the City of Wonders. Many will do anything to get out of the gutter and different groups often take advantage of that. So when two strange people approach you, offering a lifetime's worth of payment for protecting someone and going to find a special cup that may or may not actually exist, who are you to say no?
Chalice of the Scales is the first book in the Turnwheel of the Twelve Saga. It will be a shorter smaller game with the total amount of words read during each play through being about 40k, which is about the size of a novella or 80 pages front and back in a real book. It's inspired by different sources including Dungeons and Dragons and JRPGs/RPGs. The focus will be mostly on storytelling and adventure, but romance will also play a rather big part. While it leans more towards storytelling, there will be a decent amount of stat-based gameplay/mechanics as well.
You play as a Sector 7 Bodyguard for Hire. That means you're poor as dirt. You're approached by two mysterious hooded figures who offer to pay you a lifetime's worth of money in exchange for you to protect your Charge and find the Chalice of the Scales. You, obviously, accept thinking it's an easy job. Turns out, it's anything but. Now you have to create a group to set out and the Scales' Relic, which hasn't been seen in over 1000 years, while also trying to make sure no one dies.
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic
Rating: 18+
Tracked Tag: #chalice of the scales
Status: In Development (Writing)
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Create and customize your bodyguard for hire. Choose their gender, pronouns, appearance, and personality and more.
Protect your Charge and make sure he isn't killed or kidnapped by the assassins after him while trying to find the lost Relic.
Explore Sector 7 of Astelle, also called Schai. Traverse dry barren deserts, smog filled cities, and the Great Divide on your quest.
Do research and follow leads to find out where the Chalice is located. Fight back against Relic Hunters and other groups to safely deliver the Chalice to its Warden.
Romance any of your 6 companions: Merlion - Your Charge, Astor - The Guardian, Elise - The Cleric, Bran - The Relic Hunter, Korone - The Navigator, or Starling - The Assassin.
Build your relationships with others in the group and find out their stories. A good relationship with someone may unlock different choices during gameplay.
One final question... Where is the Warden?
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Merlion Corwell (he/him) - Your Charge. Two mysterious hooded people paid you quite well in advance to protect him and find the Relic. A fairly easy job, in hindsight. Now if only he would stop wandering off and getting into trouble.
Astor Wryth (he/him) - The Guardian. A real-life Guardian, like from the legends. Structured and well-put together, he's very adept with his abilities as a Guardian, but is very out of touch with his Warden.
Elise Fairthing (she/her) - The Cleric. A sweet and energetic Cleric who decided to join you on your quest after you crash her trip. She possesses a decent amount of knowledge and history about the Twelve.
Bran Noire (they/them) - The Relic Hunter. A shoddy Relic Hunter who let themself get captured by you. Rather irksome and arrogant, they're bold, loud, brash, and are, unfortunately, a fantastic shot.
Korone Noire (they/them) - The Navigator. A stoic and Machiavellian Navigator who knows the land of Schai like the back of their hand. Despite being quiet and thoughtful, they are somehow related to Bran.
Starling Rhise (she/her) - The Assassin. A woman once your enemy, now your (reluctant) ally. Calm and intelligent, she possesses an adventurous spirit and a grudge that won't go away anytime soon.
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kobb4ni2 · 8 months
Honestly, would love to see One Piece characters simping for Serpent reader, bc I am too LMAOOO I love this character OR like, Serpent reader dropping some insane lore randomly and everyone's like "ayoo what the-"
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TW: Mild suggestiveness, kidnapping and blackmailing
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Since Sea Serpent! Reader is practically hundreds of even thousand of years old, she has a lot of information, but not a lot a lot (I want Sea Serpent! Reader not to be that powerful/knowledgeable) I mean Sea Serpent! Reader only traveled the whole world ONCE before she went to hibernation.
BUT Sea Serpent! Reader lived during the viod century with Joyboy so that alone makes her an enemy or a top secret to the World Government, that’s why she’s under deep surveillance at the Marine base, Imu-sama and the Gorosei would visit her at her costumized room, remember Shirahoshi’s room? Yea that but much more bigger.
The Gorosei knows that Sea Serpent! Reader has a chokehold on them and so with that the Gorosei managed to keep Sea Serpent! Reader on a leash by blackmailing her, they know how strong Sea Serpent! Reader is so the best they can struck upon is her heart for those she saved they will use anything especially a buster call.
With those scenario in hand, the higher Marines would be the only ones she could see, which makes the Marine have more obsessive levels because of how much time they spend with her.
Akainu always reminding Sea Serpent! Reader that she’s on a leash and if she ever tries to do something funny the buster call is ready to be rung. Akainu doesn’t even need to kidnap her, she’s already kidnapped because of the higher ups.
Aokiji before, would also visit you, he’d try his best to warm up on him, but underneath that calming attitude he has, a deep desire to keep you and make you ONLY dependent on him, can really escape with your tail is covered in ice, you’d be much more easier to freeze for how much water you need because of you natural habitat. But after he left the Marines, the whole world already knows about he which pisses him, and the way that the whole Blackbeard crew wants you on their crew in every drunken conversation makes him break the glass that he was holding, his captain is even worst Teach would ask details about you, and when he has to answer it, he would see the dark intent in Teach’s eyes.
Kizaru in the other hand, is somehow like Aokiji, he is very lax indeed but he also needs you to be his, he would visit you almost daily, if he’s in a mission he’d call you, that’s why he’s always late to meetings because of how much time passes when he’s with you, Kizaru too is ruthless he would try to see if you can also get hurt by his light. Kizaru is a complicated one to read so you would never see what he would say or do whenever he calls or visit you at your room aka prison cell.
Fujitora knows how he’s the only Marine you trust, he doesn’t care if it’s because of pity or what but he loves it, he knows how bad being greedy is and he knew first hand, he saw many people full of greed, those people are one of the many reason why he blinded himself, but he can’t help it, he can’t help but be infatuated by you, your voice, smell, touch alone makes him want to be with you even longer, if he can turn back to time, he would met you first then blind himself so the last thing he would ever see is you on your glory.
Lucci is very much like Akainu, he would remind you how much people they could end if you ever slip one unwanted information out your lips, the lips that Lucci desperate wants to be bruised by his rough lips, he want your hand to soft touch his whole his tattered one tremble with pleasure while he’s underneath you…
Kaku is the same coin with Lucci, he’s was not born like an assassin like Lucci but grew up to be like one, he always make bullshit excuse to visit you and he knows that you always have your guard up when it comes to CP0 and that’s where his sweet talking goes into play, he’s always play like he had no other choice but be an assassin and those cruel oh days when he had nothing to eat because of Lucci being better when it comes to a competition. Kaku just needs comfort from you so why not hug him? Just ignore that he’s in a complete love struck when he gets a sniff of your fair [colored] skin.
Oh how much you make the top dogs of the Marine putty and yearning for you…
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starlightsuffered · 2 months
Knives Out
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Info - cnc, knife play, knife kink, kidnapped reader, mention of torture, degrading, boot humping, oral (Fem receiving), bondage, blood licking, sub reader, switching between hard and soft, fucking someone with an object, double penetration, spit kink, cheating technically or cucking, trying to get information out of someone, lactating reader, wet nurse reader, messy sex, needy sex, squirting, begging, cutting off clothing, sub space
“She’s not cooperating,” said a guard. Hal punched a wall, knowing he’d have to bring out the Dark King. He had a way with female captures. He knew just how to push their buttons and make them release the information he needed.
“To my rooms with her then,” Hal sighed as he rubbed his bloody knuckles where they had hit the brick.
The girl, y/n she’d finally told us, looked horrified. She wasn’t a princess, not even a royal. The poor thing just so happened to be in the area when Hal’s own cousin had been assassinated. We believed the woman to be the killers lover.
Hal couldn’t have someone going around killing his family without retaliation. Truth be told he had never liked that particular cousin. It didn’t matter in the end. Hal had to do what he had to do to look strong.
Y/n was laid on the bed of the king. Tall, pale, and intimidating, King Henry walked into the room. His boots were heavy and his jewels clicked as he took slow steps.
Y/n squirmed against her restrains. They weren’t awful, it wasn’t torture, yet. Her wrists were just tied to the bedposts. She’d been dunked in water while interrogated. She’d been hit and thrown to the cold stone. This seemed lovely in comparison.
Something made y/n not afraid of King Henry. She knew he would probably do much worse. People feared this king. The man who had started a war over a ball. If a ball had caused all that strife, what would a murder do? Especially the murder of someone he was related to?
“Please, let me go. I truly don’t know anything. I don’t,” she told Henry. He chuckled.
He pulled out a roll of leather from a drawer. He spun it open and there laid a line of bejewelled knives. Some blunt, some rusted with blood, some sharp as the teeth of wild animals, some rounded.
“What are you going to do?” She shivered.
“You know, I don’t think you’ll mind this type of treatment,” Henry purred. “I’ve been told that these knives have been blessed by witches and fairies and many a deity and a king and a priest.”
“Excuse me?” She gulped.
“It doesn’t matter. Those are all stories from my fathers before me. I know they have been lavished with something precious, for I have seen it myself.”
“If you speak of the blood of the innocent!-“ y/n began with a bark.
“No, no, another liquid. A liquid much more precious,” Henry said with a feral grin.
“First things first, I must see that body,” Hal smirked. He picked up the sharpest of his knives. He sliced through her blue dress. The old fabrics fell away.
Her young body was on display. Plump breasts with swollen nipples were heaving. Her petite body was all gorgeous shades of colour. She was soft and looked so innocent, yet so fierce.
“Were you perhaps, a wet nurse?” Hal asked as he ran the flat of the cold blade over y/n’s puffy nipples.
“I-I- Oh!” She moaned as Hal nudged a nipple with the end of his knife.
“You like dangerous men don’t you y/n,” Hal cooed. “I imagine that’s why you were with a man bold enough to kill my cousin.”
“I won’t tell you anything.”
“Well, it’s a good thing,” Henry went on, as if he had not heard her. “I can do dangerous.”
The knife was dragged over her body slowly. Shallow scratches were barely made but the threat was there. She was heaving, her eyes trained on the knife.
“Such a pretty little pussy,” he commented, head tilted to the side.
“By the end of this, you’ll be so desperate, you will tell me the name of the man who killed my cousin,” Henry chuckled.
“I won’t-“
She was cut off as Hal dove into her pussy. The woman screamed. She was a reactive one. His tongue flattened and used perfect pressure. He massaged and flicked at her nipples in a way that made her squirm.
Milk was dripping from her nipples as she became wetter and wetter. She was no longer squirming away. She instead, was arching upwards and into the feeling of the king’s mouth.
Pathetic moans dribbled from her mouth as he sucked and lapped. He was sloppy and attentive. His large hands covered her thighs and she made the most delicious little sounds. The blade was in her reach but they both knew she was too far gone to make a try for freedom. Even if her hands weren’t bound, she was addicted.
“Please, oh for the love of god!” Y/n wailed. His mouth was covered in slick as he sucked her clit wildly. She let go of all inhibition as her legs wrapped around Hal’s head.
“Oh, oh, oh, c-close-“
Hal ripped his body away from her. He was smiling like a predator. His eyes gleamed. He was high on the power of this moment. He knew what he could do to an individual. This was better than a bow, better than winning a war, this was pure rule over someone.
“Wh-why?” She asked pitifully. Tears welled in her eyes. She looked needy in a way King Henry adored.
“How bad do you want it?” He whispered.
“So much, just need t’feel good,” she said submissively, demurely, like she she should.
Henry stuck out his boot. The ankle pressed against her folds and her eyes rolled back in her head. His saliva and her juice painted the leather with wet spots.
“Hump it,” he smirked.
“Your highness?”
“Hump my boot you traitor,” Hal growled back.
She began to grind her pussy against his leg. She whined and wiggled, trying to pleasure herself like he had. Y/n was clearly needy. She struggled in her ties to move further down and ride his leg. It wasn’t working and she was becoming impatient. Hal imagined how her swollen clit had been fat and throbbing in his mouth. He was thinking smugly of how it must be shrinking now, not receiving the pleasure only he could truly provide.
“Seems you still can’t listen to orders,” Henry tutted.
“Your majesty!” She actually wept now.
Henry looked at the puddle of a woman underneath him. She was crying. Her pussy was sopping from the mouth of the king and the need of the woman. Y/n’s nipples were puffy and leaking everywhere. Henry spat down on her pathetic form.
“Don’t worry little one, I’ll reach you how to obey. I know how badly you want it,” Henry whispered. He moved quickly, as if pity had overtaken him.
Y/n didn’t know if he’d treat her like an injured bird or like a captured rabbit. She didn’t know which she preferred. All she knew was he had provided a pleasure she’d never known, one she had never assumed she could feel.
Hal expertly flicked a knife from his pack. He grabbed another bottle of something y/n could not see. Suddenly, a different knife, one sharp and lethal was at her throat.
“Stay still,” he smirked. Something was pushed inside her pussy. It was thick and hard, but it was not a cock. She looked down to see a knife stuck out of her. The King was threatening her and pleasing her at the same time.
The long handle of a knife had been eased inside of her. Hal began to fuck her with the slick handle. At the same time, the sharp edge of another short sword was held to y/n’s throat.
“Come on girl, you know you deserve it. Such a naughty little slut. You took so much down there,” he cooed. He did not sound nice. He sounded cruel but oh so beautiful.
“I-I-“ she tried to speak. She choked on desperate whines. How did he make this all feel so good was something she would never know.
“I don’t want to hear a full word unless it’s an admission of the name I need,” he whispered to her and pecked her bottom lip.
Then things went wild. He fucked her hard with the handle. He went deeper and deeper still. She had to stay still and relaxed lest she be cut with the other blade. All the while he encouraged her. He told her to give herself over to him, to do what little sluts were supposed to do. She didn’t want to tell him, but every second she got closer to release. She knew this could all stop if she gave the name, but she didn’t know if she wanted this to stop.
“I see you need a little more, inspiration,” he purred. He stopped the fucking.
“Oh FUCK!” Y/n screamed as Hal shoved his cock in alongside the handle. She was whimpering and biting her lip. She looked completely overwhelmed. Her eyes were rolling back in her head as the knife and the dick were penetrating her soaked pussy.
“You said a word,” he growled at me. “Not good little one.”
Pain bloomed in y/n’s brain as Hal cut a small slit in her throat. Somehow, the pain only enhanced the pleasure. King Henry was now on her neck like a vampire. He licked up the blood and his tongue felt so good she could faint.
“You love the feeling of this don’t you?”
“No, nothing to say but a name,” he whispered.
He was like an angel of death as he kissed at the same time his thumb pressed against her clit. Y/n keened like a wild animal in heat. She undulated, jolted, and convulsed like she was hit by lightning. She got another few scratches from this. Her orgasm made her look like she was possessed and she was. She was completely overwhelmed and filled with bliss. Her pussy walls squeezed a knife and the King’s cock.
“Oh yes,” Hal grunted in satisfaction. He released inside her. Rope after rope of semen from the man who held her captive filled her. She shouldn’t love it, but she was utterly cum drunk.
Hal pulled away from her completely. She was a mess, a complete and utter shamble of fluids. A small amount of blood mixed with cum, juices, and saliva. She was quivering. She mumbled nonsense in a submissive prayer.
“Tell me his name,” crooned Hal in her ear.
“Mmmm, sssssvvvmmm,” she said dazedly.
“See, I told you that you’d anoint my knife,” King Henry said. He showed her the knife that had been in her cunt. The handle wet, and the blade covered in droplets. She had squirted on his weapon, and she had to wonder how many times he’d done this. How many women had this worked on? It wouldn’t, couldn’t work on her.
“I w-wont, t-tell-“
“Oh, but you haven’t heard the best part,” Hal said cruelly.
“Tell me the name or I’ll never touch you again.”
Her eyes went wide. She looked like an addict who had been torn away from their vice. She struggled like an animal against her bonds. She looked at him pleadingly. She looked even worse than when she’d been dragged in here from the dungeons.
“Never, ever again. You won’t feel me again. Unless, you give me the name,” Hal said simply.
“Gideon Elspeth,” she croaked.
“Good girl,” Hal swooned. He kissed her gently, and softly, like she was a deity. She smiled and completely relaxed as though she’d been drugged. She was asleep by the time Hal exited the room.
“Did you get the name?” Asked a guard.
“Of course,” smirked Hal. “Just like I always do.”
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cannedpickledpeaches · 5 months
Insert Your Name (10)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: You have a conversation with a "god." This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-enjoyer @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe @chikitasmol @night-shadowblood-writes2 @haveneulalie @owodi
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You thought as much for a while—that this world exists inside a story. This world is created for “(Y/N),” and you are Friend A, according to that manuscript. But after all this time, your own thoughts and Jade’s persistent questioning has led you to doubt it. Jade was the one who said you aren’t a character, that the two of you have “thoughts and feelings that go beyond ink on paper.”
But a god? It isn’t a common word in Twisted Wonderland. The Seven are legends, but they were real mages who lived millennia past. Some religions exist, but they’re mostly local. To see someone proclaim themself as a god before your eyes seems like a joke.
The man notes your skepticism and chuckles.
“I only mean it in relation to your abilities. It will become clear as I explain.” He takes another sip of tea. “Twisted Wonderland is a place made from stories, for stories. Broadly speaking, it is a ‘story setting.’ And my purpose is to make stories come to life.”
You try to make sense of his words. Referring to himself as a god, talking about what he does to stories . . . . “Are you the author of that manuscript?”
“No, I’m afraid you have come to the wrong conclusion. I make stories come to life, but it has been a long time since I’ve penned one onto paper. As for the matter of the identity of the author, you would not have to look very far, as she has spoken to you only moments prior.”
You inhale sharply. Your eyes drift to the window as your thoughts start to whirl. That can only be (Y/N). She was the author all along? It would make sense since she’s the main character. But nothing else adds up. Her odd behaviour, her breakdown, her supposedly lost memories of you. You’re also pretty sure she has never met Jade prior to the events of the manuscript playing out in real life. How could she have written it before that? Furthermore, you don’t believe (Y/N) could ever be the type of person to imagine harm coming to anyone, even in a fictional story, even if it’s to Jade’s parents whom she has also never met.
“To clarify, that person is not the one you’ve known for some time.” He chuckles at your bewilderment. “(Y/N) was a character created to be a placeholder. Tell me, do you recall her appearance?”
“Of course I—” You cut yourself off. The only things you can think of are adjectives. Pretty. Dainty. A messy bun. A slim waist. Gorgeous, sparkling eyes. You can’t even remember their colour.
“(Y/N), which stands for ‘Your Name,’ is a placeholder. A blank space where anyone can insert their name.” The teacup clinks against its saucer. “It is supposed to be a one-size-fit all. However, the (Y/N) you know was created for a specific person. The name that was intended to replace this placeholder is that of a girl who lives outside this story setting—a girl who did not exist in Twisted Wonderland. That is the true author of this story.”
You don’t understand what he means by “placeholder.” But you know what he means by people who live outside your world. You recall the twins and Azul mentioning something similar. Shrimpy. Prefect. That human from their high school days, someone who supposedly came from another world. Someone who did not exist in Twisted Wonderland before coming here.
“Were there other cases of . . . well, people from other worlds?”
“Certainly. Like I said, Twisted Wonderland is a place made from stories, for stories. Seeing as tales of strangers in strange lands are the foundation for many stories, from folklore to modern novels, it is not strange to believe someone could be the protagonist of a story where they are pulled from another world to this one.” He pauses when he sees your furrowed brows. “I must apologize again. I am often chastised for my long-winded deliveries.”
“Yeah, you talk too much. Cut the fluff and tell me.”
He chuckles. “Yes, of course. The most recent prior to this case was one named Yuu, although that character was not under my jurisdiction. Your author, however, is under my jurisdiction. She was a fan of Yuu’s story. Once it ended, she sought to extend the story. Essentially, she wrote a fanfiction, which is the very manuscript you stumbled upon. The setting is Twisted Wonderland years after Yuu's story, and the main character she created is an idealistic version of herself—the person she wished she could be.”
It makes sense why you could only think of positive adjectives when describing her. (Y/N) was indeed, like you’d thought from the start, created to be perfect.
“Day after day, she wished with all her soul to insert herself into that story, to live out that fantasy. Eventually, I heard her wishes and decided to grant them. I gave her the opportunity to enter (Y/N)’s body.”
“You can do that?”
“My dear,” he says pleasantly, “there was a reason why I likened myself to a god from your perspective.”
So they weren’t empty words or narcissism. This man has powers you have never even heard of.
The first thing you feel is a wave of relief. So the person who came screaming at you with the intent to kill was not (Y/N), after all. It was someone who took over her body. A stranger took over the body of your beloved friend, took over her life, her relationships, her autonomy . . . A stranger. The second thing you feel is anger. How dare they. How dare they waltz in and ruin everything? You keep quiet and listen to the man’s explanation, resentment bubbling in your gut.
“So the author abandoned her previous life to enter your world. It came with a few caveats: she must lose her name and run the course of the story as (Y/N). Only after the story’s conclusion would she regain her name. Another caveat was that she did not have access to (Y/N)’s memories. I imagine it was a point of curiosity for you—why she seemed to forget everything about who you are.”
You narrow your eyes. “It wasn’t Walrus?”
“I am afraid not. She has never encountered Walrus.”
Deductions and contemplations can be wrong. You know this better than anyone. Yet, you can’t help but feel cheated. With all the information you had, how could you possibly have known? It’s as though you were blindsided by a truck. Looking back, it makes sense. The elusive identity of the author. How the manuscript contains insider knowledge about events concerning the Leech family. Of course it does, the author was the one who wrote those details into existence. Even her reaction to seeing you on the beach, which must have been her first time meeting you. Of course she was confused when Jade mentioned you to her. You don’t have a name in the story. How could she possibly know the name of Friend A?
“Walrus is a character who ties up inconsistencies from the original plot. I had to work hard to ensure it all fell in line.”
“Aren’t you a ‘god?’ Can’t you just, I don’t know, make it happen?”
He laughs. “I am not omnipotent. I can only influence factors that make the story more likely to happen. As in, I can create ‘events,’ which influence ‘responses and actions.’ Characters are defined by their base character traits and then shaped through events; this is what is called character development. I design and set into motion events that will most likely produce the desired characterization. Notably, I cannot control characters or their emotions. I must say, that young lady did not understand this concept very well. Her events were heavily focused on what her favourite characters could do for (Y/N), as opposed to building a foundation so they would wish to do such things. It was rather difficult to make sure the pieces fell in place so those events could occur.”
Several things connect in your mind like a line of dominoes tipping each other over. The manual first appeared in that attic with no clear origin—he must have planted it there because you, Jade, and Floyd are the only people who enter that room. Jade fell asleep in (Y/N)’s apartment because he was busy to the point of exhaustion after taking up the mantle as the leader of the mafia. (Y/N) did not become Floyd’s mood stabilizer. Jade did not fall in love with her. When she—the author—confronted you on the beach, she blamed you as the reason why Jade would not love her. But that isn’t entirely true, is it? Her “events”—Jade cooking for her, sleeping in the same bed—relies on Jade already having feelings for her. But to Jade, she was a stranger he met in an alley. You understand a crucial fact: actions and emotions cannot be manipulated.
“I admit that I panicked and caused you alarm when I tried to send you and Jade away from that beach. That whole debacle was not an event in the story, so I caused some factors that led to Floyd accidentally breaking one of Jade’s terrariums. It was not a serious emergency.” He grows pensive. “But now that the story has gone completely off the rails, I must figure out how to proceed. The author is quite upset with me, especially since she thought with my help, the story was guaranteed to go exactly as written.”
“You were communicating with her?”
“Periodically, yes.” He sips his tea, looking directly at you. “But she was terribly hard-headed and refused to listen to my words.”
What a waste. She had a god on her side, yet she couldn’t use her brain to take advantage of it? Perhaps it’s your bias against her, but you can’t think well of the author.
“Why did you decide to grant her wish, anyway?”
The man lowers his gaze with a soft smile. “I am a storyteller at heart, and she had a story she desperately wanted to become her reality.”
You grit your teeth. “So what? It’s only made things difficult for everyone. Is that shitty story even worth telling?”
“What do you use to judge a story’s worth? The number of people who read it? The number of critics or fans? These are all irrelevant.” His eyes, though gentle in the warm light of the fireplace, hold silvery clarity and resolution from the moonlight. “All that matters is that one person found enjoyment in it. Even if the only person who loves a story is its author, that story has served its purpose. There is no such thing as a meaningless story. Every writer sets out to write a story for a reason, be it wealth, fame, personal satisfaction, a creative outlet . . . . Why do you think this author wrote hers?”
It doesn’t take a genius. Her obsessive, near delusional insistence that Jade loves her. Her breakdown from seeing the two of you together on that beach. Her malice towards you, perceived to be standing in the way of her love. Of her happiness.
“She wanted to be loved.”
She wrote a story where she could project herself onto a perfect, infallible main character. In this story, her favourite character would love and spoil her. They’d overcome trials and eventually live out their happily ever after, blissfully in love, even past the story she wrote. She wanted to be loved fully, completely, and unconditionally.
You feel a little sorry for her. But if you were to be honest . . .
“Why the fuck should I care?” You slam your hands on the coffee table, glaring at the man sitting across from you. Your hands curl into fists. “I don’t give a shit about her personal life. Jade and Floyd’s parents are in a coma. They’ve been worried sick. And that’s just fine? Because she wanted to live in her little fantasy of being loved? If I believe everything you say, then she’s the one who wrote that assassination into our lives. Without her, Mister and Missus Leech would be perfectly fine and running everything as usual. Jade and Floyd wouldn’t be missing sleep and meals. Jade could go study terrestrial plants and fungi like he’s always wanted instead of working himself to the bone for the mafia. You’re telling me I’m just supposed to accept it just because she’s got a sob story? And even worse, none of this would’ve happened without you.”
The assassination attempt is mentioned in the story as an offscreen event. In order for it to be true, the man across from you most likely manipulated events so that the attempt would be carried out. Just like he’s been doing for every event, all this time.
You want to lunge across the coffee table. You want to wrap your fingers around his thin throat, dig your thumbs into his carotid arteries, punch his nose in. But you don’t. You restrain yourself, your hands shaking on the table. With his abilities, he could easily make your life impossible.
“Fanfiction is fine. People can write what they want. But her fanfiction has very real consequences on my life and the people I care about. Why would you even help her knowing the harm she’s causing?”
Hypocrite, Floyd has once called you. That author is selfish in that she’s chasing her own happiness at the expense of what she considers minor characters. You’re selfish in that you’re ensuring happiness for yourself and your loved ones at the expense of the author, a stranger to you. You’d be a hypocrite for condemning her, but you don’t mind. You haven’t gotten this far by sacrificing yourself for strangers.
“Why, of course.” The man tilts his head as though it’s obvious. “No story can progress without conflict. You are a supporting character, as are the main male lead’s parents. Forgive me, but such characters are expendable for the purpose of the plot.”
It suddenly dawns on you. You should’ve realized sooner. This man doesn’t see you as a person. He only sees you as another character within a story, a particularly troublesome one who has messed up the plot beyond repair. You might wholeheartedly believe yourself to be a fleshed out human being with thoughts, feelings, and everything else, but he will always think of that as you being a character. His powers and knowledge of the world make him vastly different from you. He cannot talk to you on equal terms.
It’s like if an ant gained sentience and spoke to a human. Even with the ability to communicate perfectly, the ant would never be able to understand why humans enjoy roller coasters or haunted houses, no matter how much either side tries to explain. Similarly, you would never understand this man’s desire to turn stories that are destructive to “characters” into reality. So, you won’t try. You’ll work with his rules.
“I may have a solution to the derailed plot.” You look at him with determination quietly burning in your eyes. “It’s pretty simple if you can do it. Make me the main character.”
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nevertheless-moving · 7 months
List will be updated with links if/when AUs develop For my Star Wars AU Masterlist: Please See Here As always, people are more than welcome to play with any of these ideas! just please link back to me so I can see! Seriously if you want to write stuff in any form with ideas from any of these aus I will love you forever! 1 to 20: Words of Radiance AUS 21 to 30: Non Words of Radiance AUs (note: these might also be WOR AUs) 31 to 40: Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation (that may or may not also be a WOR AU)
1 to 20 Words of Radiance AUS
[EDIT, Previous #1 Now #28]
2. High oath Hesina willshaper aus. This is actually many many AUs because the "Mom??" Reveal is great in all contexts. Concept, WOK Era Outline, Brief Fanfic
3. Renarin asks Kaladin for help with radiant stuff during WOR. Secret training. Everyone thinks they're fucking. Chapter 1 and Outline/Meta
4. Elhokar drunk orders kaladin to bedchambers, begs for help keeping away nighmare creatures. Kaladin nearly kills him before scary spren realization, then goes into serious radiant mode when syl gets ambiguously concerned. Everyone thinks they're fucking.[Note: I might be too easily entertained by this trope]. Kaladin is deeply pained by this but also has  people saving thing and really doesnt want to reveal the radiant thing to the whole camp. Earlier third oath. Eventual fucking optional, see above au, except with a bit more pity than vibeing for option a.
5. Crack. AUs 3, 4, and 9 at same time so people just think Kaladin is the Kholin Rhysadium. Bridge 4 offers government overthrow if he's being pressured. kaladin assures them that's not it. Now people keep trying to high five him. Kaladin with head in hands while Moash snarks over his shoulder "you know when i said fuck the lighteyed i didn't -" Kaladin definitely asexual in this one.
6. Hesina and lirin come to shattered planes, shocked/thrilled/emotional to find kaladin. Bridge 4 desperately trying to get approval of [bugs bunny meme our] parents. Lirin reluctantly adopting renarin who wants to learn about healing now for some reason. Blackthorn surgeon mutual loathing/ jealousy son swap hilarity. Lirin is having a time. 
7. Kaladin wasn’t on guard duty the night of szeth arrival. Still warned by syl about assassin, but has to dead sprint while glowing to get across camp fast enough, soft reveal to anyone outside. Only barely figures out wall running on the way over to crash in window just in time. Szeth freaks out and runs away after very short, mildly anticlimatic interaction. And now Kaladin has to deal with Everyone.
8. Kaladin further along in powers during initial szeth fight. Battle of champions degrading to slap fight when they run out of stormlight and get stuck on the plains. Concept/ Ask, Funny Severed Leg
9. Manufactured rumors about adolin/ kaladin. Effective political mudslinging for most of WOR. Shallan plays up things about her relationship with Jasnah to be a more appealing beard. [Previous #9 Is Now #33]
10. Kaladin has a meltdown in prison, breaks out of his cell. Just a little bit more stormlight...Shouts of alarm. Aaah glowing Assassin in white! Kaladin panics more. Adolin handles the situation like a champ. Kaladin maybe briefly kidnaps him.
11. Nale goes after kaladin instead of lift. Ohhh so many thoughts for parallels.
12. Syl immediately dive bombs pattern when kaladin and shallan meet. Really early radiant reveal but just to each other. Kaladin does not trust her but doesn't want to reveal his own status so just watches her super intensely...since she's also constantly watching him too, yes, this gets misinterpreted. See au 3 through 5 but more discreet. Veil is the one draggng him from the barracks for late night 'training sessions' [these are actually training sessions but veil flirts outrageously with kaladin when anyones in earshot. So.] that distracts things a bit.
13. Adolin, suspicious after the Assassin in White fight, was secretly following kaladin at night. Sees him step off a ledge into a chasm (I just reread the section and was like?! You glanced over your shoulder once?!). Adolin spends the whole night stewing in regret, anger, grief, guilt (I was there. I could have yelled. Should have done something. I didn't realize...I didn't know. I didn't know anything). Next morning Kaladin is on guard duty and adolin flips his shit, suddenly remembering that the whole reason he was suspicious of this guy was because he inexplicably survived a several hundred foot drop.
14. Kaladin barely manages to hold it together just long enough to out himself as radiant right after prison. Part One, Part two
15. Kaladin does NOT hold it together after getting arrested.
16. Kaladin swears third oath early. Next few weeks involve a lot of hiding glowing bridgeman squire antics and gaslighting people about kaladin's intermittently light eyes.
17. In the initial confrontation with Szeth, Kaladin pushes a bit harder about the radiants being back, Szeth spirals a bit more, crashing realization that he isn't truthless...
17a.  Earlier radiant reveal: szeth surrenders the honor blade and then immediately collapses into the ground. Kaladin drags him and the blade upstairs. Has to reveal himself now because 1) kaladin what the fuck how and 2) the assassin is mumbling about radiants. 17b ANGST: szeth surrenders the honor blade and immediately kills himself with kaladin's weapons. Kaladin takes honorblade, collapses on way back because it's draining his stormlight, maybe messing with sylbond. When he wakes up hes injured, surrounded by lighteyes and a handful of his men...handles it badly because Very Specific Shardblade Winning Trauma. Crazy two nickles moment. Downside: cries a lot in front of people he'd rather not have cried in front of. Upside: dalinar believes him about amaram now. Public windrunner powers, but obscured Radiant reveal because glowing assassin sword is very clearly granting magic powers. Weird interactions of honorblade bond and nahel bond. Lot of interesting fallout from Dalinar having his very own Mystical Assassin now.
18. Kaladin sends Syl to spy on the 'horneater princess', one sided radiant discovery. When she sends pattern to spy on bridgeboy, he somehow notices. Shallan does not handle it well. 
19. Something something people put together all the impossible stuff Kaladin's done with all the impossible stuff the Blackthorn did as a youth, combined with one of bridge four drunkenly talking about their best theories for the Captains 'mysterious backstory,' combined with Dalinar literally calling Kaladin son and seemingly overnight the warcamps are convinced that Kaladin is Dalinar's bastard child.
20. (COLLABORATIVE with @gnecrognomicon) Instead of being thrown in prison, Elhokar orders Kaladin be strung up for the Stormfather's judgement. Part One, Part Two
21 to 30 Non Words of Radiance AUs
22. Way of kings au where the beggars of alethkar are rounded up for the war effort. Jezrian, of course, ends up on bridge four.
23. Kaladin time travel au to way of kings only the transition is a bit like a spren going through the cognitive to material realm transfer. Not all there. Heartwarming bridge four bonding slightly to the left - sure the mans crazy but he just looks so...disappointed when we dont help with the injured, and he shares his food like an idiot. How does someone seven foot tall and stronger than a chull make axehound pup eyes. We're not following him though. He's not our lead - holy heralds balls is he glowing??  Bit more of a symbol than a friend, but a symbol that you take turns holding at night because he has such bad nightmares and also hes clingy. 
24. COLLABORATIVE / stone soup with @sweetteaanddragons : adolin and kaladin time travel to way of kings. Kaldin brooding about how to escape AND save all his men AND the world until adolin barges in and buys everyone. 
'Thank the almighty,' Kaladin thought with almost painful relief, watching Adolin argue haughtily with a growing swarm of Thadeus's lighteyes. 'I never thought I'd actually appreciate having a rich friend.' He would, of course, rather die than admit this. "I had it handled," he growled, when the two finally managed to speak inconspicuously, each weaving amongst a thousand confused former bridgeman, speaking quietly with several, until they were able to meet in the middle with reasonable subtlety, all things considered. "That's great, Kal," Adolin said cheerfully, clearly not buying a word. "Say, how would you feel about doing some, you know..." He waved a hand, earning a raised eyebrow from Kaladin. "Glowy stuff for my Father," his voice dropped from a subtle hush to a slightly conspicuous whisper. "So he doesn't disinherit me. I did not have permission for this."  Both pairs of eyes flicked to the side, the Blackthorn's towering figure approaching like a Stormwall. "Uh. Sooner rather than later perhaps."
26. Oathbringer/row au. Adolin doesn’t kill sadeus. Mostly just excuse to dunk on Sadeus for trading one (1) shardblade for mythical warrior who can make his own shardblade. oh look more of your former slaves are glowing now. and THEY make shardblades too!
27. Elhokar and Kaladin time travel from Elhokar's death in oathbringer to way of kings. Part one, Part Two
27B. Elhokar solo time travels back from Oathbringer death to Way of Kings
28. Moash tells kaladin about beef with elokhar early. This derails the entire plot of the series. [EDIT, This au was previously #1, before I abruptly realized it was WOK, Not WOR]
31 to 40 Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation
31. Szeth kaladin pity fuck time travel au words of radiance. Bridge four roasts the shit out of kaladin. Kaladin is doing everything in his power to avoid implying "knowledge of future" which makes the timeline of their relationship deeply confusing.
32. Szeth kaladin time travel au post book 5, they get their memories back in the high storm right before canon first meeting. Szeth sort of stumbles in, halfheartedly attempting a confused assassination.
33. [EDIT: Previously AU Number 9] Kaladin time travel back to wor, book 5 gone wrong. Deeply terrifying from outsider pov. Captain of the Kholin guard, bridgefour leader, is suddenly Full fourth oath windrunner talking about how humans are the voidbringers, they actually need to support the parshendi in bringing one last controlled desolation, and then kill the heralds and also god. Don't worry not our god. Different god. Our god is already dead. If someone else travels back with him then it swings around to a lil bit funny.
34. Post winds and truth, pre sunlit man, crossover with the twilight of mistborn era 2 (i think the cosmere timeline could make sense but if not, oh well). Kaladin gets a boon from his god(s). Requests to learn more about mental health. Has to go to another planet to do so, because mental health research on Roshar sucks. Scadrial's god seems (relatively) friendly and their planet has developed antidepressants AND wellness seminars. Shenanigans with Very Old Wax and the gang.
35. Jasnah, Dalinar, and Renarin (surviving Kholin Radiants) travel from End of World to right after Gavilar's death. Crack. Outline
All of the above (plus other fandoms if you keep scrolling back) will be tagged with 'my au' The above, plus my canon stormlight and other cosmere meta, technically canon compliant fanfic drabbles, or other things that i've written but don't fit in an au will be tagged 'nevertheless cosmere'
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maxislvt · 1 year
Hi, I love your work!
Could I request a fic where Dark!Wanda asks reader to marry her and reader says no?
Thank you!
warnings: kidnapping, implied smut at the end
this is defo inspired by @natsarrownecklace and @mywitchy-assassin and their princess Wanda fics in a way so if you like this stuff please go check out what they have !!
When you were growing up, your parents made it very clear to you there was a target in your back.
You were the sole heir to one of the most powerful and richest kingdoms in the world. Anyone from your lady in waiting to other royals you danced and shared meals with could've been out for you. Even as a child, there were attempts on your life and king trying to trap you in loveless marriages to their children barely half a year old. Where your mother decided to coddle and protect you from your royal duties and, your father insisted you'd only be truly safe if you learned at an early age. The hot and cold mix made you rather good at keeping yourself safe. Your mother taught you to listen to your heart and saved you from numerous empty marriages and your father taught you to sniff out the liars and criminals trying to take advantage of you.
All that training seemed to have been for nothing considering the situation you found yourself in one busy Friday morning. Your schedule was packed full and you were needed in nearly a hundred different places by nightfall. During the carriage ride to a fitting appointment, your coachman took a rather long detour. You noticed almost immediately but the doors had magically closed shut and he wouldn't respond to a word you'd said. Though you had built up enough anger to behead the man driving with the dagger in your pocket alone — you suddenly fell asleep during the ride.
You awoke hours later in what you originally mistook for your own bedroom. However, the blanket of snow clinging to the ground outside told you otherwise. The door was locked and you were much too high to jump. You spent hours searching for some sign of where you were. Thankfully, someone came to your recuse — or so you thought.
The door opened to reveal a woman you'd never seen before. Her crown was strange. What seemed to be two parts. One traditional and gold decorated with local jewels but the other made of a material you couldn't quite identify. If you weren't trapped, you would've asked what it was.
"I believe you have mistaken me for someone else, I am not supposed to be here." You tried to remain calm. There was no telling what happened while you were passed out. Maybe this woman saved you. Maybe she was your capture.
For a moment, the woman just stared at you. Her expression was soft and curious as she took in your presence. "There was no mistake. I am Wanda Django Maximoff, queen of Sokovia , and you're going to be my consort." The smile on her face was cat-like. Cute, but not easy to decipher. "I know this isn't like what you're used to back home but-"
"My father and mother handle my suitors, I am in no place to accept a proposal without their permission," You said boldy cutting her off. You had lost count of how many times you said that. It technically wasn't a lie. The agreement between your parents was that they had to vet your suitors. Then, it was your choice to continue the relationship. "I don't want to speak on his behalf, but I assure you my father will not take too kindly to you kidnapping his only child." The words left your mouth filled with venom. "Where is my coach driver? If I return home unharmed, the consequences will be fair."
Wanda's smile fell. "I'm well aware. It was your mother who insisted that I was too old for you and didn't even bother giving me a chance." She signaled for the guards behind her to leave the room. She stepped closer to you. The corners of her mouth twitched when you stepped away from her. "Sokovia is the richest and strongest of your allies, isn't it only fair you give me a chance? Even if not for love, for your people?"
Wanda's proposal fell on deaf ears. All you could think about was escaping. Sokovia wasn't that far from your home country. The land in between was under the rule of King Anthony. Though you'd never hear the end of it, he was your safest bet as far as getting home.
"The stables are at the very back of the castle grounds. There's no way you'd reach them and even if you did my men would shoot down your horse in minutes. Then, you'd be right back here."
Your eyes widen. You'd heard gossip of the queen of Sokovia being a witch, but brushed it off as metaphorical. "For a woman that can read minds, you sure have a hard time telling when you're unwanted." You almost immediately regretted those words. Hot magical ropes wrapped around your body and forced you to the ground. A deep breath escaped through your nostrils. You weren't going to give her the satisfaction of getting under your skin.
Wanda cupped your chin and forced you to look up at her. "You have your father's sense of humor. I quite like it, but I'm sure we can find much better uses for your mouth than mocking your future wife." A sinister smirk took over her face as her thumb traced your lips. "We'll see how well you talk back with my cock shoved in you."
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threepandas · 3 months
The Vod's List: Part 1.5
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Fox sat in the medcenter staring blankly at the 'sensor's read out. They all were. A numb sort of horror silencing the normally busy room. The only real noise was the steady churning hum of the substance analyzer off on a table to the side, still busy churning away at what exact compound EXACTLY were in the liquid drying on his face. Running in random chaotic lines of slowly drying death, down his neck.
He really needed to change before he got reinfected.
But... but all he could do was stare.
There was a chip in his head.
WAS. It was half gone and disappearing even as they watched. Whatever let it hide itself the first thing destroyed, by what now flowed in his blood. His head felt like it was going to pop. Yet? As... WHATEVER those things were? Worked? Processed. Attacked. Did what ever it was they were designed to DO... the less his head hurt.
The medic said it looked like they went after the connection filaments first. Then traced them back to the chip itself. Because... because he had a CHIP in his brain.
He was compromised.
How long had he been compromised?
Were the others? Or was it just him? Was it because of his position of command? Should the other commanders get checked? What is he saying. Of course they should. They have too. He has no idea when this could even have OCCURRED. It could be a threat to the Republic. To the Vod.
The analyzer chimes. His vod numbly going through the motions to check the read out. Only to pause. Check again. Then again. Fixer calls over another medic. Well... that reassuring.
They have samples, scraped from his cheek and neck. He expect then to pop them into another machine, when they pick the vial up. But instead? The rest of them watch in confused horror as the two medics apply some two a swab, grab a vibroscalpel, and make cuts along their arms. Pressing the swabs to the fresh wounds.
Deliberately... infecting... themselves...
One set chrono and a vicious shouting match later? The truth reveals itself. Two more scans. Two matching chips, being eaten away. It's Kamino cure, they say. Half way across the known galaxy, probably has all sorts of side effects they'll have to look out for, but? Assuming they SURVIVE it?
This could fix every karked up thing the long necks ever put in them, known or unknown.
It's DESIGNED to "fix" it's host, no matter the cost. That is... assuming the host can endure the pain. Kriff. His mind can't help but shoot back. The civilian. An aid to an aid so many layers down in the senate, they're barely one step above the Vod themselves. Glorified furniture with a purpose.
She'd been...
The sheer HORROR in her eyes, when she realized she'd shared what was inside her. When they met, she was in a karking muzzle, too. Sure, it was designed to be "humane". But she couldn't even run in it. It suffocated her. Did she endure? Was that why she froze up? Every injury the threat of something so much WORSE?
He could see the same thought, spreading like everything always does with the Vod.
Fast and impossible to contain.
Kriff... he ran a hand down his face, exhausted. They hadn't even figured out who was behind THIS attack. Anti-war protesters, kidnapping attempt, assassination attempt. Some sleemo who wanted to watch the galaxy burn, maybe. It didn't matter. What DID was that they contain it.
....maybe get a gaurd or two on their new friend.
I mean... it wasn't UNREASONABLE, right? She... she COULD be a target. Natural bioweapon. People can be terrible. Wouldn't put it past somebody right? And they really SHOULD have complete coverage of the senate building. Even the lower levels. That's were trouble makers try to slip in.
It's reasonable.
It's not like she's THEIR Civilian. They don't HAVE an anything. The other Vod have their generals. Various officers, if their Generals aren't that great. The Gaurd doesn't... they don't NEED...
I mean... it would be NICE...
No. Focus.
Just because she helped you and yours... just because she's SOFT and CIVILIAN and VULNERABLE to threats-! Don't. Do not. Vod, I can FEEL you-
"Did you know most Technoganic never leave their planet?" Nose piped up from near the door, little shit could never leave anything alone if he TRIED. He had his datapad out. "Says here they are highly priority targets for slavers."
Every Vod in the room twitched.
Well... there went HIS calm. His hand went to his com-link, already fighting to keep from clenching his jaw. A.. FEW gaurds wouldn't hurt. For Senatorial safety. They aren't giving anyone preferential treatment! Just. Being cautious.
Doing their job.
They should check in.
Just in case.
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Shooting my shot asking for a Kaku x adult Lucky fic rather than headcannons this time (you don’t have to if you don’t want to)
Oh trust me, I want to!
I decided to make this a little what if scenario for if Kaku had been successful in running off with her after Enies Lobby
Not So Bad
3.4k words
warnings for yandere content and pregancy mentions (not for Lucky)
Life had taken many turns that you hadn’t been prepared for. 
It started with more tame things such as your parents throwing you out when you dropped out of college and the absolutely unhinged shit customers put you through at work. Then you went and got yourself sent to a whole different world, as one does, and after that your life appeared to be speedrunning batshit insane events.
This ultimately culminated in your current situation: Being abducted and forcibly married to one of the many people who had become obsessed with you since entering this bizarre world.
Waves crashed against the ship from outside, lightly jostling you and everyone else on board. Kaku’s arms instinctively tightened around you. The small bed you were both crammed into left no room for personal space, every inch of your body was squeezed against his so as to prevent either of you from falling off the bed at the slightest movement of the ship.
The soft fabric of his nightshirt pressed into your face, likely leaving an imprint in its wake. The steady rise and fall of his chest stuttered slightly from the disturbance of the particularly large wave hitting seconds before, but it evened out again. He’s such a light sleeper that you’re honestly surprised that wasn’t enough to wake him.
Quiet grumbling could be heard behind you as one of the other people you were bunking with complained about how rough the sea was. You could understand why she would be irritated by this. Her morning sickness had been bad enough already, the motion of the ship rocking as much as it was definitely didn’t help.
This particular situation was hardly anything new for you. Ever since Kaku had “eloped” with you after you failed to fight him off at Enies Lobby thanks to your clammy hands dropping your impact dial, you’d been on the run. It made sense, you suppose. You were a wanted pirate after taking part in the attack on Enies Lobby, and he was a former CP9 agent who not only ran but was also being blamed for the situation. It was rare for you two to stay on an island for more than a few weeks. If you stayed any longer you ran the risk of being tracked down by other assassins.
While Kaku’s distinct features made hiding a little more difficult than it needed to be, you lucked out by not having a photograph on your bounty poster. No one had been able to get a picture of you, so they had to settle for a drawing instead. It wasn’t very accurate, though you had to admit it looked much better than Sanji’s. You damn near pissed yourself from how hard you’d laughed after seeing his.
Kaku was outwardly optimistic about your circumstances, assuring you that the manhunt would calm down as the years went by. You’re not sure if he actually believed that or if he was just saying as much to try and comfort you. That was admittedly something he was good at. Lord knows he’d needed to do this more than a few times in your time together.
At first you had resented that tendency of his because he had been the primary cause of your stress. The audacity of him to try and get you to calm down after kidnapping you made you want to scream. Or when he would wildly misconstrue why you were upset. Like the time he thought you were having “pre-wedding jitters” because you’d been fighting him tooth and nail on the way to an extremely shady chapel, and didn’t ONCE consider that maybe you just didn’t want to marry him.
Your kicking and screaming had done nothing to stop it. The officiant didn’t care about your willingness, and Kaku was delusional enough to excuse your behavior as just being nerves or whatever. He’d gotten what he wanted, insisting that he wanted to “do this right”, and now he was your husband whether you liked it or not.
As time went on, your disdain for him was becoming less and less, and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Sure, at first it was easy to dig your heels in and resist. The Straw Hats would be here any second to save you, you were sure of it. But they never showed. You tried to rationalize it. They didn’t know where you were. With Robin they knew exactly where she went and how to get there, it was easy to chase after her. With you, you had up and vanished without a trace. You’re not even sure they had enough to go off of to know that you’re with Kaku.
Jealousy was an ugly emotion, but that didn’t keep it from brewing within you. You hadn’t seen so much as a hint of the Straw Hats, and that led to you questioning if they were even trying to find you. Were you just deadweight that they were glad to be rid of? You tried to tell yourself that wasn’t true, but it became harder to convince yourself of that as you saw reports of the Straw Hats gaining new members.
Had they replaced you? That easily?
Surprisingly, Kaku had been the one to assure you that likely wasn’t the case. He pointed out how hard they fought to get you back when you were still in Water 7. While he definitely wasn’t a fan of theirs by any means, even he could admit that they cared for you. It was… confusing to hear him of all people defend the Straw Hats. 
The real tipping point came after you saw the paper announcing Ace’s death. That broke you.
For a solid month after that, you were inconsolable. There was nothing that anyone could do or say to ease the pain. After the crying had gone from a constant to only happening in random bursts, you had fallen into a deep depression. You wondered if there was something that you could have done to prevent this. Would you have been able to save Ace if you’d been there? The idea that his death was avoidable made you feel sick to your stomach.
All throughout this depressive episode, Kaku had been nothing but kind and patient. He’d been a shoulder to cry on, someone to ramble to about your time spent with Ace in Alabasta and how he was like the brother you never had. Kaku didn’t once get irritated with you over being upset, and he never criticized you for being useless when you were too depressed to get out of bed in the morning. It made him very hard to hate.
Then one night he brought home a kitten he’d found at the construction site he was working on temporarily, one of his many odd jobs he’d picked up. The poor thing was underweight and so filthy that you couldn’t even tell what color it was supposed to be. A rather lengthy bath in the sink had revealed him to be orange, which reminded you of Ace and made you cry again.
Kaku had encouraged you to keep him saying that having the little guy around might help you to feel better, and you saw no reason to argue. You’d always wanted a cat. The kitten was a total sweetheart. Very mischievous and dumb as a brick in true orange cat fashion, but undeniably loving. The idea to name him Ace came to you easily.
Having cat Ace around did wind up being a turning point in your mood. You couldn’t sulk in bed all day when a tiny kitten was raising hell in your room and demanding attention. It was nice having something to take care of.
Ace was presently snuggled up in the crook of your neck, thoroughly worn out from Ellie playing with him for hours on end during the day. Ellie was the daughter of the couple you were sharing a cabin with. The six year old had been ecstatic to see she was rooming with a kitty and had all but begged you to play with him, which you were fine with. Her mother, Clara, had simply been grateful to have her daughter occupied while she struggled with a combination of morning and motion sickness.
Due to both you and Kaku having a wanted status, you typically chose to stay in the cabin of whatever passenger ship you happened to be traveling on so as to minimize the chances of being recognized. This led to you getting to know Clara and Ellie quite well. Not her husband though, who you’re not sure you ever caught the name of.
Kaku had butted heads with him a couple of times over his behavior, starting with when you were boarding the ship and saw that he’d left Clara to haul on all of the luggage herself despite being very noticeably pregnant. Both of you were quick to help her, while Kaku made a jab at him for being a “ninnyhammer”. Honestly you think he was more mad about not knowing what that meant than being insulted.
None of you saw much of him after that. He’d spent the day socializing and drinking, only coming back to the cabin after everyone else had already gone to bed.
You’ve been awake since he came back. Partially because you’ve had a lot on your mind as of late, but mostly because you really needed to pee. You thought that it could wait until morning at first, but it had become clear that wasn’t going to be the case.
There was no use in trying to sneak out of the bed without waking up Kaku. With how closely pressed you two were, even a heavy sleeper would be awoken from the movement. The second you shifted yourself up onto one elbow, his eyes shot open.
“Is something wrong?” His voice was thick with sleep, but his eyes were alert.
“I need to go to the bathroom. Hold Ace so he doesn’t run out after me,” you pulled the kitten away from your neck and handed him over. Ace mewled in protest.
“Alright, will do,” Kaku murmured while holding the feline gently.
After slipping on your shoes and a housecoat over your pajamas, you quietly snuck out of the room. 
One of the downsides to being sent to a world that was in a time period before your own was that things were less advanced than you were used to. Unfortunately that applied to the bathrooms. In the absence of plumbing, the “toilets” were in cramped rooms at the front of the ship that essentially just had a hole in the floor hanging over the ocean below.
Admittedly, this ship’s toilets were bougie in comparison to some of the others you’ve been on. At least these afforded you some privacy, unlike a few of the others that simply had you out in the elements for anyone and everyone to see your bare ass.
You’re not sure you made it ten feet from the room when you could hear the door open and close again. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Where could Kaku possibly think you would go while on a ship in the middle of the ocean? You hadn’t tried to run in months after learning quickly that you had no hope of being able to get away from him, not with how athletic he was.
With a huff, you stop and look over your shoulder. Instead of seeing your paranoid husband, your eyes fell upon Ellie. She jogged over, nightgown bouncing with each step, “Are you going to the toilets? Can I come with you?”
“Oh, yeah of course,” you waited for her to close the gap before continuing.
Ellie reached up to grab your hand as you made your way down the dimly lit hall, “Thank you! I really needed to go but was too scared to go by myself, it’s so spooky in here at night.” That it was. The sparsely placed oil lamps did little to illuminate the halls, the moonlight shining in through the windows was doing more than they were. “And I didn’t want to ask mama since she doesn’t feel so good.”
“Aww, that was very considerate of you,” sadly she appeared to be more concerned for her mother’s well being than the woman’s husband was. It wasn’t surprising that she hadn’t even considered asking her father to go with her, you don’t think you’ve seen them speak to each other once.
She tugged on your hand and looked up at you expectantly, “Hey, can I play with Ace again tomorrow?”
“I don’t see why not, he seems to be quite fond of you,” you couldn’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. Ellie squealed and walked with a skip in her step. 
Distantly, you wondered how Ace would feel about you naming a cat after him. He might be a little indignant about it at first, especially if you talked about how dumb the kitten was, but you think he would come around. Cat Ace is charming in his own right, he’d be able to win over human Ace. If… If he’d had the chance to. You shook your head. No, you weren’t going to let yourself spiral again tonight, and certainly not when you were escorting a child to the bathroom. 
After a somewhat long trek, the head finally came into view. Ellie let go of your hand and ran into one of the private rooms. She must have really had to go. You entered your room of choice with a decidedly calmer gait. It was very dark in there, with the only light coming from the slits in the wall letting in both fresh air and moonlight. 
Wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible, you got down to business. The choppy waters did not make balancing yourself particularly easy, but you managed. After washing your hands in a bowl of water that you were trying your hardest not to think too hard about the cleanliness of, you took a moment to look at yourself in the mirror.
Pushing back the partial bangs Kaku had given you to hide your scar- that he swore up and down he wasn’t bothered by, this was purely to hide your identity- you traced over the scar. It had long since healed over, but the memories associated with it felt fresh.
Again, your thoughts drifted to the Straw Hats. A few months ago, they had disappeared. No one knew where they were and there was talk of them having disbanded. You didn’t buy it, Luffy was far too determined to give up on his dream, and his crew was too loyal to leave him, but where did that leave you?
When they first left the public eye, you had thought it was done intentionally so they could come rescue you. It would be harder for Kaku to avoid them if he had no idea where they were. That never happened. It was really starting to feel like they had abandoned you. Makes sense, you suppose, you were quite the handful for them. What with all the people chasing after you and fighting them to get to you. It was probably nice to not have to worry about that anymore.
It hurt. A lot.
But not as much as you thought it would. Kaku has told you time and time again how much he loved you, and you did believe him. At first you thought he was just obsessed and nothing more, but as time went on and he went out of his way to try and make you happy, you found yourself doubting him less and less.
You wouldn’t say that you loved him, but you’re not sure how much longer that will be the case. He’d been successful in making you at least a little fond of him. You would willingly engage in conversations with him and honestly didn’t mind him holding you at night anymore. There have also been a few instances of you getting… carried away, but you didn’t want to think about that right now.
Were a few kind words and gentle touches really all it took to make you overlook the extremely dubious beginning of your relationship with him? Were you really that easy to win over? How pathetic.
Another rough jolt of the ship snapped you out of your thoughts. A dingy bathroom was hardly the kind of place you should be staying in any longer than necessary. The wooden door creaked loudly as you forced it open, making you wince. 
Ellie was standing on a bench beneath a large window, taking in the sight of the ocean at night. She flashed you a large grin and hopped down when you approached. The walk back to your shared room was filled with speculations about what the island you were heading to would be like. It was a welcomed distraction from your previous train of thought.
As you rounded the corner of the hallway your cabin resided in, you spotted a figure stationed outside of your room. Your pulse quickened, briefly panicking as you wondered who it was, but then he turned and his side profile gave away his identity immediately. Ah, it was just Kaku. Though you couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing out here.
He likely spotted both of you the second you entered the hall, and he spoke up once you got close enough to hear him. His eyes were focused on Ellie, “Your mother’s fretting over you, you should go in and let her know you’re alright.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you for walking with me, Lucky!” Ellie gave you a quick hug before scurrying into the room
It wasn’t until then that you noticed a disgruntled Ace in Kaku’s arms who was all but clawing at him to get to you. Naturally, you scooped him up and brought your dear pet to your chest, causing him to purr.
“Did something happen? Why was Clara so worked up?” You lightly stroked the kitten’s face, making him purr even harder.
“She didn’t realize her little ankle biter had slipped out of the room after you and got into a tizzy over where she had gone. She settled a bit after I said I saw her leave with you, but I figured she’d prefer to see Ellie in the room again.” Kaku sidled up to you, one of his hands found purchase on your shoulder and his head rested against your own. You allowed it, even leaning into him.
A comfortable silence blanketed you two as you lingered in the hall, swaying lightly with the current of the ocean.
“You do so well with children. Ellie adores you.” Was murmured into your ear.
Your breath hitched in your throat. You knew where he was going with that. Kaku had been open about his desire to have children since your encounter in Enies Lobby. Over the months that you’ve been together, he’d made several comments about it. From observations that you were good with kids when you did interact with them, to asking what kind of names you liked best. He wasn’t subtle, but he never pushed it when you changed the subject.
“I guess so? Ellie’s a good kid, it’s hard not to get along with her.” You honestly weren’t sure how you felt about the idea of having children of your own, you were hardly in the best state of mind to be thinking about such things.
Kaku hummed in agreement and held you to him just a little bit tighter. After a moment, he released you, “We should hit the hay, it’s late.” He didn’t wait for an answer before gently guiding you back to the room.
Slipping off your housecoat was slightly difficult to do while holding Ace, but he was too cute for you to want to put him down so you made it work. Kaku was already in the small bed and helped you climb in, keeping a firm grip on you so that you wouldn’t be thrown to the floor from a poorly timed wave. 
Yet again, you were squished against each other from the lack of space. A couple of months ago, you would have hated this. Now? It didn’t seem so awful.
Your face was buried in his chest as Ace squirmed around in an attempt to get himself comfortable. Kaku’s lips pressed against your forehead for a brief kiss and he mumbled out a quiet “sweet dreams” before fully settling into the bed.
Maybe loving him wouldn’t be so bad.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Six years ago, the Syrian regime conquered the southern province of Daraa, popularly known by millions of Syrians as the “cradle of the revolution.” That military victory represented a pivotal moment for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. After all, it was the last time the regime captured a sizable swath of opposition territory, and in doing so in July 2018, its impunity was laid bare for all the world to see. On paper, Daraa had been designated a “de-escalation zone” after months of intensive international diplomacy in which the United States had played a central role.
Despite that protected status, regime forces with heavy Russian military assistance proceeded to besiege Daraa; shell it to rubble; and after weeks of brutal violence, coerce it into surrendering. Washington’s most reliable umbrella of opposition allies, the Southern Front, was abandoned—advised to surrender by U.S. officials. Since then, the regime’s status has never been in question, as international actors have methodically backed away, fatigued and disinterested. Since that decisive moment, as far as many were concerned, Assad had won and Syria’s crisis was over, its effects contained.
In truth, Assad never “won,” —he merely survived, thanks to the consistently strong support of Russia and Iran, but also to that international disengagement. In the years since, the world’s interest in working to resolve Syria’s debilitating crisis has completely evaporated. In Washington today, the mere suggestion of doing anything more on Syria in policymaking circles draws exasperated gasps and sarcastic laughs, not attention.
And yet, in many ways, the situation in Syria is worse than it’s ever been. There are clear and sustained signs of an Islamic State recovery; a multibillion-dollar regime-linked international drugs trade; and ongoing geopolitical hostilities involving Israel, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and the United States. The regime’s grip over areas under its control has never looked more frail and unconvincing.
Southern Syria offers a notable example. Six years after bombing the cradle of the revolution into submission, Assad’s rule in the south is fraying at the seams.
While Assad and his Russian sponsor intended for the south to embody a stabilized Syria that was “cleansed” of opponents, the region has been the most consistently unstable anywhere in Syria since 2018. As documented by Syria Weekly, at least 47 people have been killed in Daraa and Suwayda provinces between mid-June and mid-July alone, in a torrent of daily assassinations, ambushes, raids, and kidnappings and hostage executions. Daraa in particular is the embodiment of lawlessness and chaos.
Beyond the crippling disorder, former opposition fighters and other local armed factions in the regime-held southern provinces of Daraa and Suwayda have grown increasingly bold in challenging the regime’s abuses in recent weeks. From mid-June to mid-July, armed fighters—most of them former opposition—have kidnapped at least 25 Syrian military officers in retaliation for the regime’s arbitrary arrest of civilians from their areas. The hostages have then been successfully used as leverage to force the regime into releasing the civilian detainees. Never before has the regime been so consistently challenged and forced to submit.
Local armed factions that on paper are considered “reconciled” have now also taken to launching direct attacks on the Assad regime’s military checkpoints and buildings in retaliation for abuses. For example, when a Syrian woman from the Daraa town of Inkhil was detained while trying to renew her passport in Damascus on July 10, former opposition fighters in Inkhil launched coordinated attacks on three regime checkpoints and the local intelligence headquarters. When regime forces fired back, including with mortars and artillery, local fighters ambushed a regime armored vehicle arriving as reinforcement, destroying it with rocket-propelled grenades. Later that day, the woman was released.
Next door in the province of Suwayda, where locals have now held more than 330 days of consecutive protests demanding Assad’s downfall, regime forces unexpectedly established a new security checkpoint at the main entrance to the provincial capital on June 23. Within hours, at least six local armed factions had mobilized and launched attacks on regime positions, engaging in 48 hours of heavy fighting that drew in regime reinforcements from Damascus.
By June 25, the regime had been forced to back down, reverting the heavily fortified checkpoint into a post with no local authority. Such a direct challenge to regime security policy was remarkable, particularly for a province that never fell under opposition control.
That incident generated considerable regional attention, highlighting the regime’s capitulation. This may explain why one of the most prominent anti-regime armed group leaders in Suwayda, who had commanded many of the above-mentioned attacks, was assassinated in his home at dawn on July 17. Murhaj Jarmani, who went popularly by Abu Ghaith, was shot in the head through his living room window by a hit man equipped with a silencer. His wife had been in their home, but never even heard the shot.
During the same month-long time period, local armed groups in southern Syria have also kidnapped four regime intelligence operatives accused of a variety of abuses, including murder, torture, and organized crime. All four were themselves tortured, forced to confess to their crimes on camera, and then executed—their confession videos then disseminated locally and on social media. On top of that, the right-hand man of Daraa’s infamous military intelligence chief Luay al-Ali was assassinated in the heart of the provincial capital on July 13. The target, known commonly as Abu Luqman, had reportedly overseen nearly a decade of torture in Daraa’s largest detainee holding and interrogation facility.
Insights like these offer a glimpse into the true reality of regime rule in the 14th year of Syria’s crisis. Far from consolidating control, Assad’s authority appears to be crumbling. Meanwhile, the regime continues to fail in its intermittent effort to challenge a resurgent Islamic State. In the past month alone, at least 69 regime security force personnel have been killed in near-daily Islamic State attacks across Syria’s central desert. And that’s amid a month-long regime “clearance operation” against the jihadi group. Meanwhile, Assad’s senior advisor Luna al-Shibl died on June 3 in a mysterious car crash that some believe was an inside job, while a core backbone of the regime economy, Mohammad Bara Qaterji, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on June 15. And so much more.
Despite facing a regime so notorious for stopping short of nothing to eradicate opposition, the people of southern Syria appear to have had enough. From Suwayda’s nearly year-long popular uprising to the recent trend for local fighters to directly challenge regime abuses and security policy, this does not look anything like a resolved crisis, but rather an evolving and potentially escalating one, once again.
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carpenoctem-if · 7 months
Carpe Noctem - Intro Post
DEMO - tba
You are a nobody. A supposedly ordinary human in a world full of powerful beings. Your life is all in all pretty average if not bordering on mind-numbing, like watching paint dry... That is until you were kidnapped and tossed into one especially small carriage to be delivered somewhere only the ancients knew of.
From now on nothing will ever be the same and you need to adapt to the ever-changing outside world as fast as possible. All the while trying to decipher your past and with that your part in an every-growing political conflict that borders to develop into an all out war the world has yet to see.
General content warnings: Bigotry & prejudice, horror elements, interspecies awkwardness, explicit language, depictions of violence, injuries, blood and death, explicit sexual content (if selected), flashbacks of a dark past to unveil, sprinkled with some homophobia here and there & general an unfair treatment of people with disabilities.
-> customizable MC (name, pronouns, appearance, identity)
-> semi-set personality due to evolve (MCs reclusive upbringing forces you to start as someone that's not entirely comfortable with other people and as such you'll be able to choose coping mechanisms your MC will use to compensate such a deficit)
-> 5 characters to romance (3 in book 1, not sure if the other two will follow, they'll probably be fully romanceable in book 2)
-> POVs of the ROs included
-> an open-minded author that is inclined to change some NPCs to fully fledged ROs depending on the general opinion/wishes of readers
-> an emotional roller coaster, all in all nothing for ppl that want a light-hearted theme
-> later on you'll be able to choose part of your race (vampyres, merpeople, demons, shapeshifters, phoenixes -and many more) & with that you can determine and further develop your special skillset. Your heritage will reward you with quite different flavour texts for every possible race there is, so yes. It will matter greatly what you chose. And each of the available races will have disadvantages that could prove quite...fatal in certain situations.
romanceable characters:
the master [Alois|Alice|Alix] (m|f|n) 24 winters
An aloof demeanor at the first glance, A has a cold, strangely shrouded gaze. They're reclusive as fuck, so there isn't much the general population knows about them. Oh. And A is your esteemed master -as if any of you actually want this dynamic... A seems to hate you and your position even more, especially the hidden context it supplies to everyone they meet...
A has almond-shaped silver eyes that always seem distant and unfocused. They have defined cheek bones with mostly soft facial features and quite long, silver hair that is often tied to a simple ponytail. A wears fine dark clothing without other prominent features to despict their wealth.
Content warnings for A's route: denial of feelings aka one of the slowest burns imaginable, domestic violence, implied/referenced rape/non-con, anxiety attacks, self-harm, angst & hurt/comfort
the protector [Leto] (m|f|n) too many to count
Leto is a raven-like creature most would describe as monstrous-looking. They are rarely seen and the few moments they are, death is certain. For many commoners it's enough to see one of Leto's black feathers to warrant a swift escape.
Their past eludes them and you have to wonder - why does some antics of them seem kinda...familiar?
Content warnings for Leto's route: survivor-guilt, body dysphoria, angst, captivity & enslavement, torture, ptsd
the assassin [Zane|Zoey] (m|f) 28 winters
Z is everything their mother wanted them to be. Her own personal weapon. One she is now inclined to use for her vendetta against you.
They have dark brown hair with intelligent hazel green eyes that seem to observe their surroundings constantly. Z was raised with stories about you, stories you know nothing about. How can it be that they seem to know more of you and your family than you yourself?
Should it worry you that they sound extremely resolute in stating their sole purpose is to rid the world of your existance?
Content warnings for Z's route: enemies to frenemies to lovers, eating disorder, alcohol-addiction, a tendency of morbid jealousy, past emotional abuse & manipulation
??? [redacted]
??? [also redacted]
more info tba
Small note of the author:
Everything is slow burn in this - even the character customization, cause I want to add those moments seamlessly into the story.
I tend to take my time. You can expect me to heavily focus on the characters and their feelings, with a slight disregard to describing the environment and such. I work with minimalistic efforts to still give a sense of what I imagine everything to be but with the intention to leave fine details to the reader's own imagination.
I'll try to be considerate of everyone's preferences, especially in the more kinky parts of the story. There'll be versions for more assertive characters as well as more passive one's. Though I should add that the ROs all have their own set of bias that they prefer. However there will be growth throughout the story, including that.
The gravity of your choices will intensify throughout book 1, especially as you get to know the Circle and the Court and every other political hive of intrigue.
And yes. You can die. The ROs can die. Almost everyone will be able to at some point, I guess. Though I don't like the idea of writing a total distopia, don't expect me to change my mind regarding that one that easily.
More infos will be added over time. I'll post lore snippets of my sketchbook soon, like the worldmap, the general outlines of the Circle & the Court, the different races and such.
Asks are welcomed.
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joneleslament · 6 months
I've recently been replaying V3 and writing down like every line of diolouge that I see through an important lens(Because I have an unhealthy obsession with this goddamn game and I know like everything about it)
And it really bothers me how like every line of diolouge outside of trials or just any line that isn't fully voiced gets forgotten, Because it leads to so many relationships between the characters being overlooked or mischaracterized to hell and back
The biggest example is Maki and Kokichi's dynamic
Everyone in the fandom says they hate each other without even bothering to listen to each other. That Maki would try to kill him the second he steps into her line of sight. That Maki was always looking for an excuse to kill him
When it's so aggravatingly wrong.
Maki was mad at him for revealing her talent and putting her in harms way(Keep in mind, Before this, Maki thought of him in the exact same light as everyone else) but this only lasts maybe a day or so in canon or just one chapter at most. Because in the post trial of chapter 3...
This scene happens. And you can perfectly see that Maki talks calmly to him and promises HIM to his FACE. That she's going to work till everyone(Which includes him) can trust her And she would NOT say any of that if she hated him You can also tell Kokichi was genuinely surprised by this, You can tell by the sprite he uses(He only ever stops like that when he's surprised or being honest) Because he's perceived Maki as a cold blooded killer who would snap on him(Trying to kill him) by the slightest teasing word.(Which, ironically, Is how a lot of the fandom perceives her) And he perceived her that way because of his belief that murder is the worst thing a person can do(And he automatically sees people who've committed it as heartless killers until proven wrong, Which surprises him because he obviously doesn't see it often) But this perception of her is false and he learns this first hand when she replies calmly to him, Making a promise, and I can't stress this enough, TO HIS FACE she's gonna fix things between them so he can trust her even if she's an assassin Right after this he makes a comment to cover up the fact he was surprised and keep up the mask he's been playing on the whole game, But honestly I feel like his view on Maki has shifted in some way. Because we already know he hates her JOB and maybe this just helped him separate the sin from the sinner(per say) I will not deny Maki hated him in chapter five though, But that's only because he 1. Kidnapped Kaito And 2. Said he was the mastermind(Which Maki believed) But she would've hated anyone if they did that(Even someone like Shuichi) so it really isn't singled out on him. And I will also admit before this, Still in chapter five, she was angry at him and suspicious of him(Because he was now making promises to kill people if stuff didn't get interesting), But, Again. It isn't singled out on him. TLDR: Maki didn't hate Kokichi until she thought he was the mastermind, And Kokichi hated her job but was able to separate her from it
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honeykaes · 1 year
—𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲
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✦ pairing: kaveh x reader
✦ w/c: 2.1k
✦ warning: dark content, yandere content, minors do not interact
✦ disclaimer: gender-neutral reader, gods/goddesses au, based on apollo myth, kidnapping, stalking, planned assassination, same universe as death's infatuation, gaslighting (alhaitham to kaveh), implied drugging, unedited
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Kaveh hated how much he wore his heart on his sleeve despite being a divine entity. He was the God of Creativity after all, and his kindness and diligence with his craft had granted him favor with the many Gods and Goddesses of the lands. He even had favor with the other two most powerful Gods in Sumeru. Alhaitham, who he hated to praise, was analytical, granting favor for all that asked for his knowledge and skill. Nahida, who he loved, was sweet and merciful, often blessing the unfortunate and giving them a chance in life. Still, between the two of them, his heart couldn’t help fluttering in envy at times—wishing he could have the respect they craftily created. 
It wasn’t until one day when he met with Alhaitham he saw another side of the usual stoic and cynical God. His typical eyes burned from their usually greenish hue to bright red, silently steaming. Kaveh resisted the urge to back up watching vines beginning to climb up and weave their way through the room. The God of Wisdom glared down at Kaveh before turning his body away from him. Kaveh only narrowed his eyes but could feel himself shrink, feeling Alhaitham’s anger. Kaveh swallowed, saliva coating his dry throat letting flowers begin to grow on the vines as a means to try to distract him and let the sweet aroma coax his anger.
“Alhaitham. It’s unlike you to be this bothered about anything. What happened to the perfect creation,” Kaveh attempted to greet in a sarcastic and light tone. Alhaitham’s body shook for a second before he sighed, as red began to dissipate from his form returning to its emerald green state. Alhaitham took a seat grabbing a large henna berry from a bowl beside him.
“One of the villages that pray to me has stopped because a lowly foreign mortal has convinced them the meritocracy, I so carefully created, should be crushed,” he sighed. Kaveh resisted the urge to sigh. He couldn’t help but agree with the mortal for once. He despised Alhaitham’s meritocracy style, seeing how many people fell through the cracks.
“...Diplomacy? Acceptance? As if these mortals can actually enact these laws without a coup or the knowledge to keep their civilization alive without the Gods,” Alhaitham sighed. Kaveh simply shrugged, a lazy smile on his thin pink lips.
“To think you’re bothered over something so trivial. You just said it yourself. They’re a mortal, Who cares? They’ll probably die before they can enact real change in your civilization, yknow?” Kaveh replied. Alhaitham’s eyes flickered up to Kaveh in annoyance.
“Sheesh, okay okay. I’m sorry!” Kaveh yelled out. Alhaitham sighed once more. His slim fingers tapping on a marble table..
“...I need you to do a favor for me. Get rid of them. Kill them. Make them disappear. Take them back to wherever they came from, I don’t care,” Alhaitham announced,” It’s too dangerous to let them continue doing as they please as the seeds of change have already been planted.” 
Kaveh ruby eyes widened. Kaveh typically didn’t do bounties anymore, especially after...he had to kill another God. Kaveh swore to himself he wouldn’t let himself go that far anymore.
“Alhaitham I can’t—”
“You don’t think you owe me after all the support and needs I gave to a dying God. Let’s be real, if you were on your own, you wouldn’t be able to talk to me right now, now would you Kaveh? I would do it myself, but I know Nahida would encourage me not to and I don’t feel like debating her right now,” Alhaitham muttered. Kaveh clenched his mouth tightly, flowers beginning to wilt at his frustrations. Alhaitham was right, he couldn’t protest. It was because of Alhaitham people began to pray to him again, raising him to popularity. If that last girl, Nilou, managed to perish, he would have disappeared with her.
“...Fine. Show me what they looks like.”
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Kaveh flew in the night, based by the dark the night graced him. Below, he saw your blurred form talking with someone in a temple. Trees were scattered around, as Kaveh descended. As his eyes adjusted and saw your sad form, his cold, guarded heart fluttered. He felt his cheeks heat up, he was sure he was blushing. Why was this happening at all times?
“We fall in love in one second as divine beings. It only takes one sight to know we want to be with that person for the rest of our existence.”
That comment from his late mother resonated with him. Was this a sign? You must be his love? His forever? Kaveh has been so jealous of the other deities having cute nymphs catering to them. He wanted that, to fill the void in his life. Kaveh wanted you to help fill the void in his life.
Kaveh could see the old tear stains on your face as you spoke with your friend. You had caused the wrath of Al-haitham? You seemed so gentle and sweet. 
“(Y/n), I promise it’ll be okay. I swore to you that I would protect you. I refuse for you to get hurt and I stand by any of my promises,” the man insisted. His dark-skinned hands wiped your cheek before gently caressing your cheek gently, the coolness giving you goosebumps. Kaveh resisted the urge to swoop in and take his hand from you. Kaveh didn’t expect you to be this close with Cyno, the God of Judgment. He was considered a lower god and mainly did dealings in the human world. 
“Cyno, I’ve angered the Gods and couldn’t even give you what you wanted. This is it for me. I’ve accepted my fate. The village was already planning on marrying me off to appease Alahitham’s other villages. You don’t have to protect me,” you insisted. Lightning begins to crackle from a distance causing your form to jump. Cyno narrowed his eyes towards the rest of the temple, gentle snow falling from it.  
Kaveh clicked his tongue understanding the situation now. Cyno had been the one to get you to advocate for diplomacy and crush the meritocracy in the village. He wondered if Alhaitham would retaliate against him if he knew.
“I’m going to make this up to you, I promise. I’m going to head off and ask my allies to protect you—this used to be Tighnari’s village after all. I’m sure...he has already requested for your head,” Cyno muttered. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“...You should be protecting yourself, Cyno. Now go, alright?” you insisted. With a sad nod, the God of Snow morphed into stormy purple clouds, as it drifted towards the sky to Mount Celestia. You sighed into the night once more before going to the plaza where the village was celebrating.
The men were conducting traditional dances of the forest, in an attempt to appease Alhaitham. The bright color of green, black and gold was worn all over—contradicting your soft red attire. You knew the village was filled with kind people, who feared what would happen if larger villages would come in and overrun the area. You were thankful they still treated you with the kindness you gave them. Your eyes wandered towards a boy who suddenly dropped his toy on the ground, eyes wide and looking at something else. Slowly, the other villagers followed. You narrowed your eyes, turning your head towards their direction—to see him.
Kaveh loomed in the sky as the mortals looked in awe. He continued to look at you, attempting to morph his face into that of anger—a complete contradiction to his internal feelings that wanted nothing to hold you in his arms. 
“Foreign mortal, you have angered a friend of mine and for that, I have been sent down to deal with you myself. How lucky,” Kaveh seethed. He quickly lunged forwards swooping you in his arms. He resisted the urge to moan from the smell of your body. You felt so soft under his tight grip, as you struggled in fear. Kaveh shifted his head causing his blonde hair to seem wilder than what it was, gripping you tighter, as he looked down to the village.
“Be sure to not piss him off again. Would hate to see him bury this place up like he did the last,” Kaveh stated, shooting up to the sky. He could hear the screams of the villagers dying out as he reached closer and closer to his home in the heavens. You had stopped struggling, your beautiful eyes shut closed. Kaveh assumed you had stressed yourself out so much, you passed out. It was no worry though.
He’d be sure to take good care of you.
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You fluttered your eyes open, looking at the large empty bed lifting your form up from the silky sheets of the bed. You’d been with the mysterious floating man for 3 months now. Life was relatively mundane for you. 
You couldn’t ask him questions, he’d ignore you insisting on talking about something else. You couldn’t leave wherever you were lodging at, he insisted it was for your protection. The only company you had were the books he had given you: stories of different deities in Mount Celestia. Out of all of them, you felt a connection with the newest spring god. You wonder how they were feeling, being with both the God of Death and God of Hurricane.
Life wasn’t all that bad though. You didn’t have to fear Alhaitham anymore. The blond man had given you everything you could have wanted, only wanting your touch and affection as payment. You weren’t really sure if you truly liked him though; he was just a question mark to you.
Tap. Tap. Tap. 
Your eyes wandered towards the window as you approached it. Your eyes widen seeing familiar stormy scarlet-slitted eyes look back at you. It was Cyno. You quickly opened it, feeling your skin shiver from the cool breeze outside. How you missed your close friend. 
“Cyno! I missed you so much! Are you alright?! How did you even get here?!” you began to ramble. Cyno looked around you, seemingly more serious than he usually was, most likely out of caution of being caught talking to you. You narrowed your eyes in confusion.
“(Y/n), I don’t have a lot of time, but you need to get out of here as soon as possible. The man you’re staying with is Kaveh, the God of Creativity, Flowers and Dreams. More importantly, he’s an ally to Alhaitham!” Cyno quickly murmured. The smile on your face fell in confusion, fear began to bubble in your stomach.
“W-What? If that was the case he would’ve killed me already right? I mean I’ve been here for 3 months—
“What are you talking about? You’ve been here for over a year!” Cyno shouted back. Your body began to shake. You had assumed every night you fell asleep, you’d wake up to the next day. Was that not the case? Has Kaveh tampered with your sense of time? Cyno lifted his hand up revealing a silver dagger, placing it gently in your hands. It felt so cold against your skin.
“...If you can manage to stab him with this, it’ll render him immobile for the time being. I can then take you away and up towards my Tighnari’s domain where he agreed to let you stay, alright? You have to do it tonight, do you understand?!” Cyno grunted. His body was becoming foggier and foggier. With a sad sigh, Cyno flashed a gentle smile.
“I promised I would’ve made it up to you, right?” With that, Cyno’s body faded, leaving the view of the blue sky you knew all so well. You held the silver dagger up, the metal shining in the sunlight. 
You trusted Cyno over Kaveh in a heartbeat.
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Night arrived rather quickly. You insisted on not eating, claiming you were feeling sick. Kaveh insisted you go to bed early claiming he would sleep with you too. His arms were wrapped around your frame. You could feel his breath evening out. Your frozen body could feel the blond man relax. You wiggled out of his grasp, grabbing the dagger you hit underneath your pillow.
Your hand shook, tears beginning to develop. Could you do this? Could you really stab someone? Surely Kaveh was still kind...right? Did he deserve this? You exhaled, lowering your body from him, dropping the knife away from your grasp. You couldn’t do it. You were too conflicted. 
“...Looks like I was right about you all this time—”
You froze, feeling his hands cup against your cheeks, leaning his face close to yours. Kaveh smiled gently, pale cheeks flushed in a rosy hue. The world around you seem to be slipping, the smell of sweet flowers overwhelming your senses.
“I just knew you were just meant to be mine”
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