#many things happened and one of them is me losing my apple pencil ;(
icyevergreen5 · 2 years
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Three
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None
Notes: So sorry last weekend’s chapter was late this week, I’m back to my regularly scheduled posting! I’m so excited so many of you like this series so far!!
Word Count: 1131
Series Masterlist
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• January 25, 2005 • Forks High School •
My second day at Forks high school started much smoother than the first. It was pretty much uneventful until I decided to eat lunch alone outside on the picnic tables in the quad. It was an overcast day much like all the others and maybe a little chilly, but still decent enough since it wasn’t currently raining. It made for the perfect condition being that no one else really wanted to eat outside.
That is, until I spotted none other than Jasper Hale headed in my direction.
“Mind if I join you?” He asks, pointing to the opposite end of the table I’m currently occupying.
“Not at all.” I respond, idly tidying my area self consciously.
“Sorry, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming inside and I come out here to get away.” He says by way of explanation, laying down the sketch pad he carried with him along with a few pencils and a smudge stick. “Mostly I just come out here to draw uninterrupted.” He sits and flips to an empty page, tilting it a little away from my view.
“I get it, large crowds aren’t my thing either. Plus in the two days I’ve known Emmett I can already tell that he probably creates a hostile drawing environment.” I finish with a light chuckle, turning my attention toward the unfinished apple in my hand.
“You draw too?” He asks, eyebrows lifting as he begins a rough sketch on the blank paper.
“Oh heck no, I don’t have any artistic abilities like that, as much as I wish I did.” I frown, taking a bite of my apple.
“I didn’t think I had it in me either, but I took some classes, watched some videos online, and doodled around a lot. Finally got the hang of it although I still don’t really think I’m that good.” He trails off, concentrating on his pencil strokes. “It helps with the stress though, especially when there’s a lot going on.”
“That is… actually kind of neat. Having an outlet that’s also inspiring, creating art and it centering you in the process.” I muse out loud, watching a face beginning to take shape on his paper.
I’m about to ask who he’s drawing when the bell signaling the end of lunch rings out in the empty air surrounding us. I gather my trash and stand while he tucks his supplies away.
“Thanks for keeping me company today.” I tell him as I gaze into his beautifully golden eyes, not quite ready to part ways with him.
“Thanks for allowing me to disturb your peace and quiet.” And as if reading my mind, “Mind if I walk you to your next class?”
“Oh um, sure.” Trying not to seem too excited by the proposition of spending more time in this gorgeous boy’s presence. I tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear and walk towards him.
“Lead the way, darlin’.” He announces, sweeping his arm in the direction of the main school building, a smirk on his lips.
I laugh and shake my head at his antics, a blush creeping up my cheeks as I walk past him in the direction of my economics class.
Ditching my trash in the trash can as we leave the quad, I miss the way he grins at the accomplishment of making me giggle. I also fail to notice the astounded looks of his adopted siblings as we pass them unaware of their presence through the windows of the cafeteria. Faces reflecting their shocked thoughts at seeing their brother openly flirting with a female compared to his normal stoic facade.
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“How did you do it?” Emmett asks, leaning against the locker next to mine.
“Could you be a little more specific?” I ask, a little confused by his blunt question.
“You’ve been here less than a week and my brother is wrapped around your little finger.” He says, holding up his pinky to wiggle in my face.
I laugh and shut my locker, “Emmett, I’ve had all of like two interactions with Jasper, you’re looking into this a little too much.”
“He usually keeps to himself, this isn't the normal Jasper we’re talking about.” He falls into step slightly behind me on my way to the last class of the day, his large build not moving through the throng of students as quickly as I am.
I turn to look at my new friend, “I literally have no clue, it’s probably nothing Em!” My heart picking up speed at just the thought of Jasper. Is he actually interested in me? Is that what Emmett is getting at?
There’s no way, beautiful people like him don’t go for people like me.
I turn and leave Emmett behind in the hallway as students finish rushing through the halls, the tardy bell ringing.
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American History, the class I share with Jasper Hale and it also happens to be the last class of the day. Unfortunately though, his assigned seat is on the other side of the room. At least it’s more forward than mine, leaving me to observe him for most of the class period without him seeing.
History is also my worst subject; whether it’s world or US history, I hate it all the same. So many mistakes and atrocities, I wish I could let it flow in one ear and out the other without having to remember it for tests.
Today though, I get the sense our teacher has had a difficult day since he’s decided to let us work together freely. Seeing as I don’t really know anyone yet, I’m forced to work alone.
As if he could feel my discomfort and irritation with the assignment, Jasper Hale appears at the edge of my peripheral vision, claiming the abandoned desk next to mine and turning a few heads of our classmates.
“You’re thinking so loud I could practically hear it from across the room.” He mutters lowly without looking up from his worksheet.
“I’m thinking too loud?” I respond defensively as I cut him a look that would normally skin boys alive.
“Would you like some help or not, doll?” He asks, a grin sliding across his lips as his eyes meet mine in challenge.
“I-uh, I hate history.” I manage to blurt out, a little flustered that he so easily bypassed my frustrated facade without a blink.
“I do want that explanation eventually, but we have work to finish and only,” He breaks eye contact to glance at the clock above the board, “thirty seven minutes left before you’re on your own.”
“Alright Hale, what did you get for number four?” I deflate and accept his offer to save me from the misery of suffering through this stupid assignment alone.
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inknopewetrust · 4 years
smallest joys (Henry!Sherlock Holmes x Fem!Reader)
Summary: the tree in the Holmes’ backyard as a place of great peace and laughter of all, and a moment arises for it to be a place of forgiveness and love as well.
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none.
A/N: thanks so much for reading and always remember that authors love to hear any feedback on stories, so don’t be shy to share your opinions. Requests are still closed, but I’m working on getting them up and running hopefully soon! xoxo (gif not mine)
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Enola was perched high above the ground in the great gray tree that sat far from the house she had grown to resent without her mother there. It was difficult, the constant want of adventure and thrill that was often smothered because of Mycroft’s inability to have a semblance of joy in his life.
Throwing the shading pencil in her sketchbook and closing it with a huff, Enola heard a set of angered footsteps make their way towards the tree in which she inhabited and she balled her fists against a branch. Half expecting it to be Mycroft yelling at her for leaving the study and half expecting it to be Sherlock doing their eldest brother’s bidding in a kinder manner, one they always hoped she’d fall for.
But it wasn’t. Y/n L/n, Sherlock’s feisty assistant from London was irate with her cheeks as red as apples storming toward the tree. Without noticing Enola above, Y/n leaned against its trunk and her head fell into her hands in embarrassment.
“Did you do something stupid?” Enola inquired and you jumped ever so slightly, looking up with great haste at Enola above. The young girl was smiling down on you kindly but also with such an inquisitive mind, you weren’t sure if she truly cared or just wanted manor gossip to share with the housemaid.
“And why would you ask such a thing, young lady?” You shoved your hands on your hips and narrowed fine eyes at Enola, trying to forget why you stormed out in the first place, though that was practically impossible because you knew he would follow after an argument.
“I asked you first, Y/n. And I’m not a young lady, you sound like Mycroft.” Enola swung her feet off a branch and rested her head in her intertwined hands that laid on top of another arm of the great tree.
“What happened? Did Sherlock finally recognize your talents for discovery or did you say something stupid that angered him?” Enola asked again, more in depth than before and her eyes narrowed now at the woman she had grown to admire very much.
Y/n was always someone who Enola could depend upon. Whether it be for new books from London or a simple lesson on dust particles, she knew Y/n had many of the answers. But as of late, with her mother gone and the tension in the home only growing, Sherlock appeared to be easily angered or upset by small comments, jokes or jabs at him that were not unusual from his assistant and Enola took notice. She saw the way Y/n’s eyes fell or how she would storm out of the room, angered at either herself or his reaction to her little joys and she couldn’t quite figure out why it was always her he was getting angry at. It had never happened before they had come to stay at his childhood home to help with Enola.
“Enola, I do not want to burden you with the petty arguments of adults. It is no concern of yours.”
“If it is my brother’s fault I consider it my concern.”
You pursed her lips at the girl before indulging in your frustrations.
“Every little comment I make he gets angry at. I am not use to being yelled at by him and I certainly do not understand why he is so uptight ever since we arrived. I try to help with his inquiries about your mother but even then, my input seems to go in one ear and sails out the other! Enola, I mean nothing by this, truly, I am simply frustrated by always being second fiddle to a man who appears to need no help at all.” You managed to mutter out in a moments time and Enola understood. Mycroft was the one treating Enola the same way at the moment and she wanted nothing more than to place a metal helmet on his head and bang a stick against it to set his mind straight. The men just do not appear to respect the intelligence of the women in the house.
“I am not meant for a life of domesticity, Enola. I am sure you can tell by the way I stir a pot or fold the laundry, I like adventure and I enjoy mystery very much. I simply want Sherlock to see that too. I don’t want to lose my dearest friend over one little spat.”
Enola smiled down at you and jumped down, meeting the grass with a thud and wiped off the shards that managed to catch themselves on her stockings.
“And that is why I admire you, very much, if I may add. And are you sure you don’t love him? If friends act the way you two do, I would have to choose my friends wisely.” You chuckled, reassured her you were simply just friends and embraced Enola in a some-what motherly manner, though Enola saw it as what she’d imagined would be a best friend, or sister.
“I would tell him how you feel. Make him understand you better and believe me when I say he will listen.” Enola retracted from the embrace and shot off towards the house, leaving you in state of bewilderment and confusion but when you turned around yourself intending to watch Enola run toward the house, you were met with the man you had no more than ten minutes ago stormed away from.
Sherlock stood with one hand in a pocket and the other clutching a book to his chest and a small pout on his face. The pout wasn’t one of sadness or disappointment, but of wonder and curiosity, already trying to decipher the situation before him.
“She was quick to run away.” Sherlock observed and moved toward the tree, leaning his back against it and looking over to you, just slightly to the side of him but facing him, not the land surrounding the tree.
“Well if she knew your temper as well as I do, I would run away too but obviously that has proven to not be an option.”
“I came here to apologize.” Your eyes, ears, and heart managed to perk up at the sound of Sherlock saying the word “apologize” because it wasn’t one he had ever said before, certainly not to you or anyone else he interacted with.
“An apology? From the great Sherlock Holmes? What ever shall I do with this honor?” You faked a gasp and held a hand to your forehead in a manner that only suggested a maiden swooning. Sherlock enrolled his eyes at the joke, seeming to understand that it was simply that, and as your hand made its way down from your forehead, he captured it softly in his empty one and held it gently, yet firm and your eyes flicked up to meet his.
“I would like to be serious about this, Y/n. My actions towards you the last few days have been unlike me and I am sorry for making you feel as if your opinion doesn’t matter, because it most certainly does.”
So he had heard you short conversation with Enola.
“Your opinion I value more than anyone in this world and I am frustrated I have gotten nowhere with my mother’s case in several days. I want her to return safely and with every passing day that outcome becomes less likely.”
“If you spoke to me about your concerns earlier we may have found a middle ground Sherlock. I accept your apology but I will not forgo my jokes in any situation so enjoy the humor while I still walk this earth.”
Sherlock couldn’t help but let the smallest smirk grace his face at the comment. He knew you always took your work seriously, but humor helped with the difficulties some cases can bring and he often failed to recognize the importance of laughter and enjoyment even in the darkest times. He still held your hand in his, in which he then brought it up to his lips and kissed the inside of your palm. It was personal, intimate, and apologetic.
“I am sorry you have to put up with me. I shouldn’t be so harsh when you’re trying to brighten the darkest days.”
“If I want to leave I can, but I seek thrill too much to let you or these cases disappear from my life.”
Sherlock actually smiled and sat down against the trunk, leading you to sit beside him and wrapped his free hand around your shoulders pulling you close. Ever since you arrived at his home, intimate interactions were seldom as Mycroft would have a million harsh words about how you were not a “proper lady to Sherlock”, but it wasn’t like Sherlock would have cared anyway.
“Shall we return to this story?” Sherlock said in a low, “fancy” voice in your ear and you couldn’t help but let out a snort at his attempt to be regal.
“I sincerely hope Elizabeth slaps Mr. Darcy across the face after what he said about her family. If that does not happen, the story dies there.”
“Would you slap every man who offends you? Because if so I’ll brace for one now.” Sherlock was actually joking for once but you slapped his chest lightly with your hand and let it fall, playing with a button on his waist coat. He looked down at you, a curl from the top of his head falling onto his forehead with a spring and you smiled at the handsome man you curled up against. 
Sherlock laid a lingering kiss on your forehead and opened the book, removing the leaf that served at the bookmark and began reading in total comfort with you beside him. It was perfect until a rumble came from the bush and Enola shot up with sticks in her hair.
“So you ARE together!?”
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
We say we're friends, we play pretend (1/2)
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem reader
Summary: Charlie and Y/N were best friends and a couple as teens, after their breakup they meet again 4 years later on the bootcamp of JATP and have to work together. Will something else happen or they are just friends?
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Charlie must have imagined something like this could happen. Since Kenny discovered her 5 years ago, she has been a really close friend to the director, participating in some way or another in almost all his projects.
In front of him after years, Y/N Y/L, his childhood best friend and ex-girlfriend. The young actor is not going to admit that he saw every single one of her projects or how moved he was by her in each one of them, many times even thinking of maybe sending her a little message saying the incredible job she did.
But he never found the courage.
It’s weird to remember how he spent most of his life next to the woman, now one of the top youth artists with multiple musicals and movies on her hits list. They always had a strong bond, every single day together. Sleepovers, music classes, dancing classes, homework, parties, movie nights, hockey, illness days, pretty much everything. At the age of 15 they began a very sweet and innocent relationship that ended at 18 when Y/N moved to New York to work in her first leading role.
The break up was on good terms but painful, so painful that both preferred to lose contact completely than to have the other from time to time opening the wound again and again.
And there she was. As beautifil as ever, speaking happily with Kenny while Madison and Owen jump up and down, Jeremy smiles and Charlie looks like he wants to throw up.
“Y/N Y/L, my golden star. She is the official composer of the soundtrack, and she will be supporting you throughout the album process as well as helping Paul and me in other creative aspects, I know she is the same age as some of you but she has a lot of experience in this and all the necessary preparation so don't hesitate to get all the knowledge you can out of her."
Everyone introduces themselves until the guitarist is the only one left, luckily for him, he’s in voice rest these two weeks so he literally cannot speak.
They both look nervous but the moment their eyes meet their complicity comes out and both smile slightly.
“He’s Charlie, he is in voice rest but we are fans of yours. We cried yesterday watching your last musical, it was just brilliant." Owen lets out hardly breathing, Y/N turns with a smile to see the Canadian boy who wants to kill his friend and then commit suicide.
“Thank you! This is going to be such an interesting experience.” The singer murmurs as she winks at Charlie.
2 hours later they had both been avoiding each other, Y/N writing in a corner while the band and Kenny discuss costumes with Soyon, in which at least half an hour has been wasted trying to understand what Charlie is trying to say with the few words he writes with an apple pencil on his ipad in his horrible handwritting.
Y/N gets frustrated and goes to where they are, approaching behind Charlie's shoulder to see the iPad. She quickly identifies the two words, one so crossed out that it looks like a doodle, but years copying each other's homework pays off.
"He's trying to say that if Luke isn't going to wear bandanas, at least consider wearing beanies." The young woman says as she leans on the shoulder of who was her first love.
Charlie freezes at their proximity, blushing a little at the feeling of being close after so long. Luckily his castmates don't realize it because all their attention is on her.
“You are just good for everything huh? Even deciphering hieroglyphs." Owen comments, smiling at her and winking exaggeratedly to make her laugh.
Charlie can't help but feel insecure with the situation. It could be a friendly thing but If Owen really tries to flirt with her, he doesn't know how he would react. Is sad enough not having her in his life anymore, having her as his best friend's girlfriend would just be too painful.
Now, he knows he’s exaggerating, and a lot. But he has to do something about it. Better safe than sorry.
He stretches his neck to meet the eyes of his ex-girlfriend, who is now only inches away. She quickly gets flustered, but hides it pretty well. The problem is that he knows every gesture perfectly and sees through her mask.
“Wh- What, Gillespie?” She manages to say, Charlie can’t help a smile seeing the way she still reacts towards him.
When you know a person completely, every facet, every gesture, every peculiarity, speaking without words is as natural as breathing. And they had both forgotten how amazing it feels to have someone in your life who is this compatible and magnetic.
They start a conversation, she answers to who secretly still believes as her person while he continues making gestures and mimics that no one else understands, writing a word from time to time to make the talk flow better.
"I know. Hey, it's not my fault! So you excuse yourself with the ‘can't talk’ thing huh? how convenient. Yeah, Ok, I will. I said I will!" Her words are the only thing that they manage to get out of the conversation that the secret ex-couple is having, since no matter how much attention they pay to him, they have no idea how Y/N manages to decipher it.
"I have no idea what's going on but I'll take it as a miracle, I was just going to suggest ignoring Charlie these 2 weeks." Jeremy jokes, everyone nods their heads.
“I mean, it’s still a good option.” Madison replies.
The 14 days go by quickly, and with the former couple spending time together daily, rehearsing Charlie's guitar solos together, with Y/N translating his horrible scribbles, or sometimes simply being close to each other enjoying the company, absentmindedly placing their hand on the other's leg or their forehead on their shoulder for a few seconds during the breaks.
Basically the whole team has noticed the flirtatious smiles and the looks, but Charlie was the weakest rival of both and the one who could release some information about it, and without being able to speak they basically ran out of an informant, since the young singer didn’t let go a word about her unexpected chemistry with the guitarist except the typical ‘we are just good friends’.
But without a doubt the energies began to multiply on Monday when Charlie arrived with the green light to be able to speak and start singing in rehearsals. Madison couldn't attend the first few hours because she was at school, so Y/N was going to cover her so the boys could practice.
“The first on the list is Finally Free, the place where we are going to record it only gave us two weeks from now so it will have to be one of the priorities. For the first rehearsal just vibe with the song and we’ll discover where to go from there. Oh, and good luck keeping up with my golden star, you’ll need it."
Y/N starts the first verse on the keyboard, and gets up to sing the chorus in the center, trying to ignore Charlie and looking up at Jeremy. She hadn’t heard him sing for a couple of years, but the same butterflies appear in her stomach and she knows that she will melt if she looks into his eyes.
Unfortunately for her, Kenny doesn't have the same plan, and just before the second verse ends he tells her to walk over to Charlie, who immediately smiles and sings the pre-chorus with much more enthusiasm. The energy they radiate floods the place, both getting closer and closer. By the time the bridge arrives, their foreheads are practically against each other, their lips only an inch apart, and with a confidence and comfort while singing to each other that makes all those who suspected that there was something between them now practically sure.
Luckily there are only Jeremy, Kenny, Owen and Paul in the room, who decide to play a game of divide and conquer now that the snitch part of the equation can speak.
“Y/N, can you come with me for a moment? I have a new idea for ‘Wow’ and a fresh pair of eyes is just what I need.” Paul says, sacrificing himself for the greater good.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll be right back.” The singer takes the opportunity to leave this staring game with Charlie and quickly walks away from the guitarist, who winks at her in a flirting way in response.
The moment they walk out the door, everyone turns to see Charlie, who has no idea what they're up to.
"After what just happened you just can't keep pretending nothing's happening. Man, that was more intense than the whole Troyella moments during all three movies." Kenny pretends to be offended for a second and then nods.
"I have never seen anything like this in all my years of career."
“Yeah dude it was electric.” Owen replies, smirking.
“She’s my person.” Charlie mumbles.
If he’s being honest with himself, deep down he always knew she was the only one for him. But that realization was freaking scary. What's next if the only person for you has already turned the page? gave up without a fight? what's left?
"What?" The three ask in unison, and Charles begins to sing like a bird.
“We grew up together and then we lost the way. Like in those romantic movies where just everyone knows they belong together except the childhood best friends and then they end up ruining their lives by being in denial.”
“From what I saw getting back on track shouldn't be too difficult, Charlie. I assure you that whatever you feel she feels it too. Her eyes don’t lie." Jeremy tries to reason with him.
“Leave your teen problems behind. You are old enough to decide what you want and find a way to make it work. But you have to stop pretending that nothing is happening first." Owen scolds his friend.
“Do you love her?” Jer asks.
“That answer is always going to be yes, I just could never stop loving her even If I tried. And I did.” He really did. The surprise he got when the second he had her close to him his heart began to beat like crazy and all he wanted was to hug her and fix everything. It was as if when seeing her eyes time hadn’t passed, as if only the day before they’d been goofing around together. That bond is so big that he doesn’t believe it’s possible to break.
“Then do something about it, bro! Go get your girl back!” Jeremy advises while Kenny smiles.
“Yeah man, it’s ‘Now or never’ like her song, and I guess ours too now? Since she wrote it for Sunset Curve? Well, anyway, it’s like our song says.” Owen exclaims excitedly.
“Ohhh, musical inspiration, let me try. ‘Get up, get out, relight that spark’.” Jeremy sings to Charlie.
“Jer, you are a genius. If you think about it wake up is actually a pretty good soundtrack song for this situation. ‘It's not what you lost, It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain’.”
They both keep singing the song until they reach the bridge, Charlie tries to look frustrated but a slight smile escapes his face.
They are right, he still hasn't lost this fight.
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Paper Rings
It wasn’t like he didn’t know who James Barnes was, he just had no reason to become friends with the boy. He didn’t think they’d be very good friends anyway; James was always with the stronger kids, the ones that would beat Steve up at the end of the day, and that’s where he belonged. James was strong and sturdy, both reasons that half the girls in their class swooned over the boy. But despite all this, James never picked on Steve for being as thin as a stick or beat him up for fun. And Steve swears that one time, during art class when Steve was being praised for his work, James smiled at him.
It was probably nothing.
It wasn’t nothing.
The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed
Steve didn’t know what happened, one second he was walking home so he could clean before his ma got home, the next he was pulled into a familiar ‘ally.
“Hey there Rogers” Robert, a boy a few years older than Steve who looked 10 years older, “how’s old dad?” Steve glared and squared his shoulders, Robert laughed, “‘think if I were married to your ma with you as a kid, I would want to die too” Steve growled and clenched his fists, ready to hit the boy in front of him, but before he could try, James-fucking-Barnes strolled into the ally.
James was smiling brightly like the best thing in the world just happened to him, which, from what Steve could tell, was probably true, “hey Rob what-” James’ face fell as he saw the scene before him, “what are you doing?” Robert turned and looked at James, “just talking to Rogers. I think we’re gonna be best friends!” Robert and his goons laughed loudly, but James didn’t.
“Right well… why don’t we go get some pie down at Anne’s, hear she’s got a new apple pie out” Robert smiled, “sure James, but first, wanna ‘talk’ too little Stevie here?” 
“No, now can we go?” Robert rolled his eyes, “fine, let me just finish up our chat, then we can go,” Robert kicked Steve in the leg, sending him toppling to the ground, Steve groaned as his head hit the trash can behind him, but he always got up. 
Steve opened his eyes and pushed himself into a crouching position and looked up just in time to see James punch Robert in the face.
“What the hell!” Robert yelled as blood poured from his nose, “pick on someone your own size!” James yelled, crossing his arms and standing protectively in front of Steve, “you’re crazy Barnes!” Robert said, turning away and running back to whatever hellhole he came from, his goons followed.
When they were all gone, James turned to look at Steve, his gaze was piercing and comforting, like the look, his Ma gave him when he came home with bruises. “Are you okay?” Steve glared and pushed himself fully up, “I’m fine,” James looked instantly relieved, but Steve continued, “but you don’t have to stand up for me, I can take care of my self” James scrunched his eyebrows like this was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard, “you call getting your ass kicked ‘taking care of it’?” Steve rolled his eyes, “yes, because if you would’ve given me a few more minutes I would’ve had them right where I wanted them” James laughed-and for a moment Steve’s heart stopped-but then it was over and he was talking, “right, see ya later Stevie” Steve sputtered in protest, because the only person who could call him Stevie was his Ma, but James was already gone, possibly taking Steves heart with him.
That night Steve made it his life goal to become friends with James Barnes.
The wine is cold
Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
Bucky was an idiot. He’d been working up the courage to talk to Steve Rogers since he first saw him, but he could never muster the strength. But of course, his stupid brain chooses to introduce himself to Steve at the worst possible time.
And now, he lost half his friends.
Was it worth it? Probably. His ‘friends’ shouldn’t have picked on Steve. Steve who weighed less than his book bag, who was always sick and bruised, who only had a mom, Steve who was perfect in every way.
The next day, a Saturday, Robert and his goons showed up at his door. “Barnes. Can we talk” Bucky nodded and stepped out of his house, closing the door behind him slightly. 
“Is this about yesterday? Cause if you think I’m gonna apologize-” Robert rolled his eyes “yeah we figured you wouldn’t apologize. But we still want to be friends” Bucky smiled, these guys weren’t as bad as he thought, “but we don’t want you to talk to Rogers anymore” Bucky’s smiled faltered, he didn’t want to stop talking to Steve after he just got up the nerve to speak to him, but he also didn’t want to lose all his friends in one swoop. He could go back to just admiring from afar, like before, “alright, but only if you stop picking on other kids, especially Steve” Robert nodded and held out his hand, ignoring the rock at the bottom of his stomach, Bucky took Roberts hand and they shook. 
Bucky was the worst person ever. After he defended Steve, the younger boy had tried to approach him several times, always nervous-and as time went on-expecting the worst. Bucky wanted to be friends with Steve, but Robert was somehow always around, and so Bucky always shut poor Steve down. 
Eventually, Steve stopped asking. 
Bucky was walking home again, he could already smell the dinner his Mama was making back home, and his stomach growled in anticipation. “Wow your little crush on Barnes must be huge, no other reason you would keep talking to him even when you know what we’re gonna do to you” Bucky stopped dead in his tracks, Robert had promised, he wasn’t going to hurt Steve-or anyone else, but baby steps-Robert may be many things but a promise-breaker wasn’t- ”I can do this all day!” He heard Steve’s voice call out, surprisingly confident considering his situation.
“Hey!” Bucky yelled, stepping into the now-familiar ally behind the movie theater, “thought we promised?” Robert sighed, clearly exasperated, “c’mon James, have you not seen how this fairy has acted around you? He’s in love with you! Wouldn’t you beat him up if he was in love with us?” Bucky glared, “no” and then he punched Robert for the second time.
It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Kiss me once 'cause I know you had a long night
(Oh!) Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright
Three times 'cause you waited your whole life
(One, two, one two three four!)
Years later they had graduated high school. Bucky was working at the docs and Steve was taking art classes. 
One night Bucky came home completely exhausted. He sloppily untied his shoes and undid his shirt buttons. Once he was done he wobbly walked over to the couch where Steve was sitting, a drawing pad on his lap and a pencil in hand. 
Steve looked up at Bucky’s disheveled self and blushed, but didn’t comment. Bucky flopped down on the old couch and sighed at the comfort that enveloped him. 
“Buck?” Bucky hummed, acknowledging he heard Steve but not opening his eyes, “could I kiss you?” Bucky’s eyes shot open, staring up into Steve’s own eyes, which were full of fear, before his mind could even process what his body was doing, he was nodding excitedly. 
And then, for the briefest of seconds, Steve’s lips were on Buckys, and then they were gone. 
But Bucky wasn’t done. He sat up quickly and looked at Steve, “Steve?” the younger boy nodded, “could I kiss you?” he nodded again, and that night was filled with small kisses and happy feelings. 
I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings
Uh-huh, that’s right
Darling, you’re the one I want and
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Uh-huh, that’s right
Darling, you’re the one I want and
Paper rings and picture frames and dirty dreams
Oh, you’re the one I want
“Marry me?”
It was a question both had thought about before, but neither brought up, too afraid to scare the other. 
But on a particularly rainy afternoon, it was blurted in the middle of the kitchen.
“What?” Steve asked half in shock. 
“Marry me” Bucky stared at Steve, love, and devotion clear in his eyes. 
“We-I” Steve took a second to control his thoughts, “we can’t get rings,” he said simply. “Steven Grant Rogers I would marry you with paper rings,” Steve’s heart melted, but quickly broke when he thought of all the terrible things getting married would do.
“Steve? It’s okay love we don’t have to I was just thinking…” Steve looked up at Bucky with tears in his eyes, “I can’t do that to you! You have your entire life ahead of you, I could die any second! You deserve someone better, someone, who could take care of you and love you till you grow old! I can’t do that Buck!” Steve cried out, all his insecurities leaking out.
It was silent for a full minute before Bucky stood up and walked toward Steve, for a second he thought Bucky would slap him, but instead, Bucky grabbed his face and kissed him harshly.
“Stevie, you’re the one I want. No one else, just you” Steve looked at Bucky’s face and knew it was true, “yes.”
Bucky froze, “what?” Steve took a deep breath, “yes, I’ll marry you” Bucky’s face broke out into a beautiful grin as he laughed, Bucky picked Steve up and spun him around, making the blond laugh giddily. 
A day later, in their small apartment, they were married.
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby boy
The Grand Canyon was going to be their honeymoon. They had been saving up all year to go anyway, but since their wedding, they had decided to make it an unofficial honeymoon. 
A week before they were going to leave, Bucky received a letter telling him he was drafted.
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starstruckmyths · 4 years
Steve and Bucky being stress bakers. Some bad shit happens in the world and they punch at too much dough ending up with a bakery worth bread.
Stressssssss bakkerrssssssssss
I’ve probably said it already, but I’ll say it again: Steve admitted to being a shitty cook in Endgame, but every part in me knows that he’d make a brilliant baker. Steve is a super-soldier, so he would be really precise. 
My mom once told me, "Cooking is about feeling. Baking is about getting everything exactly right". 
Cooking is about trying out, it’s about what you like, adding more or less spices, sweet or sour or salty. Steve probably doesn't really have the cooking-gut-feeling, so he wouldn't be good at it. On the other hand, Steve is amazing at being precise. He would follow the recipes to the letter. Bucky would as well. They’re both soldiers, both have wielded weapons, and both have been in situations where they cannot lose any focus or everyone dies. So they’re really good at estimating how much sugar a “spoonful” is ;)
And then now, I will write you a little piece. 
The Avengers weren’t home, and Steve was sitting around in the comfy armchair, staring at his drawing pad but nothing came out of his pencil. It just... refused to let him draw anything. 
Bucky was still asleep, bundled up in the bedroom after one of the worst missions Steve had ever been on. It had not been particularly gruesome or nasty, but the bad guy had gotten away, he had fallen into a muddy ditch, Tony had crashed into a tree, Sam nearly got caught in some power lines, Clint had gotten his foot stuck in a hole in the ground, and Bucky had been hit by a car. 
All in all, a pretty laugh-worthy mission. 
And now here he was, his head still not entirely right and Bucky sleeping off the pain of his cracked ribs. He was frustrated. And hungry. He did not really feel up to anything, or rather he did, but he was not sure what that was. He wanted to eat something, a snack of some sort. Perhaps a cookie. Something sweet. Were their any cookies left or had the rest of the team gotten them all?
Steve pushed himself up out of the armchair and left his drawing pad on the coffee table, strolling over towards the kitchen where he pulled open some cabinets and looked for the cookie tin. Ah, there it was. As soon as he opened it, he scrunched his nose. Three tiny biscuits and a bunch of crumbs. Sighing loudly, he ate the last three cookies and thumbed the crumbs from the tin. Now it was really empty, and boy did that suck. 
“That’s not nearly enough,” he mumbled to himself, and he turned around to the counter. 
He looked in a few more cabinets, trying to lower his standards to what he was willing to eat, until he found a book. A cookbook. Steve made a curious noise, and pulled the thing out. Cooking was not really his thing, but he had often helped his mom bake, so perhaps he could make something out of that. It really was two birds with one stone: with the book, he could distract himself and get himself some more snacks. Win-win. 
It couldn’t go wrong, he just had to do what the book said and he would be fine. The book seemed to be more focused on baking than cooking anyway, so he was golden. There was a whole list of things to make, a bunch of cakes and other sweet snacks, but mostly cookies. Cookies with apple, chocolate, jam, nuts, honey, cinnamon, and more. 
This wasn’t a cookbook, this was a cookie-book.  
He had most of the ingredients, so that was a plus. Now, he only had to pick one kind of cookie from the list, and he was good! Only, they all looked so good. The one with apples, and with honey, and nuts... he picked the one with chocolate. He was feeling something for chocolate at the moment. 
And so he grabbed himself the flour, eggs, milk, oil, chocolate, and baking powder. He put the book against the backsplash of the kitchen, so he could read along as he went. He put the ingredients together and mixed it all with a spoon to get rid of at least some of his pent-up energy. 
“Let the dough rest for half an hour,” Steve read from the book. He scrunched up his nose again, deeper this time, and read the sentence another time. Half an hour. Half an hour? What was he supposed to do in the meantime?! Wait around? 
Stuffing the dough into the oven, he huffed in annoyance, lying his head in his neck as he tried to think of something he could do while waiting a whole half hour. 
But wait!
Instead of waiting around, he could bake the other cookies! Cookies with apple, with cinnamon, with peanut butter, jam, and all the others! That way, he could keep baking even when he had to wait for the dough! They had ovens and space to spare, so no one would mind, really. Steve pulled his stuff together and went to work straight away. 
Half an hour passed. 
Dough went in and out of the oven. 
The pile of flour and eggs became smaller and smaller, but Steve barely noticed as his stack of cookies only grew. 
He baked, and he baked, and he baked, without even looking at the clock. 
The whole kitchen smelled of fresh cookies, molten chocolate, and more. It had drawn Bucky to the kitchen, bandages wrapped around his chest, and he joined in. With the combined power of two super soldiers kneading and stirring the dough, cutting apples and chocolate, piling cookie after cookie after cookie onto the oven racks, they worked down the list cookie by cookie.
The entire counter was filled with all kinds of delicious things, crumbs and nuts and chocolate and honey and peanut butter and more. Another half an hour went passed, and then an hour, and then double that! There was flour on their faces, stains on their aprons, the cookbook was sticky, peanut butter in their hair, but neither Steve or Bucky paid it any mind as they baked as if their life depended on it. 
It turned dark outside, the sun dipping behind the horizon, but neither of them noticed, too caught up in their baking spell to stop. 
Then, late in the evening, the Avengers returned home, tired and worn out from their duty, some of them (Clint and Tony) were a little grumpy. There was light still coming from the kitchen, and as soon as the doors of the elevator opened the team was hit in the face by the taunting smell of cookies, cinnamon and honey. 
“Great,” Clint grumbled, “Now I’m hungry.”
“You think they left some for us?” Sam asked, standing on his near tiptoes as he took another deep breath, closing his eyes as he did so. 
Natasha was the first to step forward and out of the elevator. “Let’s hope they did.”
The very moment they stepped foot into the kitchen they were met with a sight that was both many’s personal wonderland, but also an almost terrifying one. 
Somehow, the entire kitchen was filled with stacks, heaps and piles of cookies. The entire counter save for a few tiny gaps was filled with cookies. Big cookies, small cookies, cookies with apple and honey and peanut butter, pale cookies, dark cookies. There were cookies on the cupboards, on top of the fridge, there were even cookies laid out on newspapers on the floor. And in the middle, Bucky and Steve were moving around, seemingly still baking. 
They thought they had to be dreaming. 
“Wha- wha-” Tony stumbled, “What have you done?”
Steve lifted his head from the book, his eyes slightly wider than could be normal, and he stared with the gaze of a man who had seen terrible things. In his arm, he clutched a bowl, holding it tightly as his other hand moved around a large spoon. “We baked some cookies.”
Bucky turned around, a fresh batch in his hands, holding it out towards the others. “Want one?”
Please forgive me, Nonnie. 
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
Wanna Be Bad
I’ll be honest, the idea for this fic came when I was listening to early 2000′s music from my childhood. This was inspired by the song I Wanna Be Bad by Willa Ford (hence why I titled it after the song). If you want to check out the song or listen to it while you read this (which I recommend) you can do so here. Gotta admit though that little 8 year old me had no idea what the ACTUAL meaning of the song was until much, much later.  Anyway, this is a different format than I have written so far, cause I’ve included the lyrics in the story since different parts seem to actually describe what’s going on. The lyrics will be in italics between parts of the story. Hope you all enjoy!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: Mature (smut)
Word Count: 3,524
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Do you understand
What I need, need from you?
Just let me be the girl 
To show you, you
Everything that she can be
Is everything that I can be
Fucking Spencer Reid.
Spencer Reid; aka your FBI partner and the one man that you can’t get out of your mind. 
He’d been your partner for over 3 years and extremely welcoming when you joined the Behavioral Analyst Unit of the FBI. At first, he wasn’t a problem and you were friendly.
Until it slowly dawned on you just how attracted you are to him. It had hit you like a bucket of ice water had been poured over your head. That shock was bad enough.
What was worse was the no fraternization between team members rule that came from the unit chief. She was friendly and a team player but it was something that she was strict about. It had never been a problem before, since the rest of the team’s significant others were not a part of the BAU, let alone worked in the FBI. 
But here you were, with a growing attraction to him. It was a crappy situation knowing that your one sided sexual tension with him could never be acted upon simply because you knew Spencer was one to follow the rules. 
My turn
Let me let you know that 
I can’t promise that I won’t do that
So, boy say the time and place
Cause you make me want to misbehave
The things you would do the man.
The things you wish you could do to him.
Your eyes follow him, along with the other teammates. He’s currently explaining a geographical profile he’d worked on for a current case. You’re thankful that all eyes are on him because it disguises your own staring.
You can’t lie, your partner is drop dead gorgeous. Over 6 feet tall—coming in at approximately 6’1, he’s long and lean but with some definite muscle to him. He’s not scrawny like he once was, something the team likes to playfully tease him about, once showing you pictures of the decade younger Reid.
He’s also gotten even more attractive as he aged. Not that he wasn’t cute when he was younger, but he’s aging like a fine wine. At 38, he’s even better looking than you could fathom. 
His brown locks that he always changes up is now on the longer side, his curls sometimes more wild, sometimes more tamed. You’ve imagined many times running your fingers through them.
His dark eyes are as much of a wild card as he is. At times appearing green, others looking like a rich brown. You’d guess they’re hazel but you’re not exactly sure. It’s not like you can bring that up into a random conversation without sounding totally crazy. 
He sported more of an unshaven look these days. After many years of being clean shaven as a young FBI profiler—again, you’d seen plenty of pictures—he had quite the scruffy look going on. Needless to say, you were a big fan.
Now, his lips, something you’d fantasized about a lot. He had lips most women would envy, plump and quite the pale shade of pink. Sometimes they’d darken a shade when he bit down on them while he was thinking.
Speaking of, he had one of the best smiles you had probably ever seen on a man. One that was sure to get any woman’s lady bits roaring.
He kinda also had this habit of licking his lips. It was definitely something he wasn’t conscious of as he did it quite often. Whether it was while he was working, when he was thinking, before saying something, everytime it happened you could feel a desire form deep within you.
Oh, the things that tongue could potentially do.
But it didn’t stop with just looks with the good doctor.
His mind was probably the sexiest thing about him. 
His brain was filled with an immense amount of knowledge. At first it had surprised you at just how attractive you found it, but you quickly learned that you loved to hear him share his facts and statistics. He truly was like no other.
Sometimes you purposely mixed up your facts just so he’d correct you.
And he would. Every single time.
It’s a shame he couldn’t talk smart between your legs.
Spencer Reid was definitely a wild card alright. 
To be so smart, he was hard to figure out. He always seemed to be more reserved with you than the rest of the team members. You knew it could possibly be the case that he’d known them longer, but it always felt like he held himself back.
Your eyes followed his movements, his hands gesturing wildly at his display as he talked. 
His hands were large, with long slender fingers, often used to mess with a pen or pencil absently, or to push his hair back out of his eyes. You didn’t have to explain the kinds of things you’d imagined regarding them.
Today, he was in a navy blue suit, a purple button down and a matching navy tie. He looked good. Not saying there wasn’t a time that he wasn’t, but there was something about today’s attire that was better than usual. 
Purple really suited him, you thought.
It’s a shame (really, a damn shame) that you knew he would never break the rules because if he ever named the time and place...well let’s just say you wouldn’t turn him down in the least.
Maybe it was time to up your game a little.
I wanna be bad
You make bad look so good
I got things on my mind
I never thought I would 
In any other situation you would’ve never thought about tempting fate and ignoring a rule made by your boss. You had sense enough to know it was a bad idea, but something about Spencer was so intoxicating, it was like you could never get enough. The desire burned through you constantly like a paper set aflame.
You told yourself it wasn’t a crime to look nice for work. You had a job where it was reasonable to be a bit more dressy and make yourself look nice. But deep down, you knew you wanted to test the limits.
You went to work one day dressed in a tight black fitting skirt, one that hugged your ass perfectly along with a turquoise button down, some cleavage purposely on show. Paired with a pair of your strappy black work heels, you were prepared to face the day.
Never in a million years did you imagine doing something like this, but here you were. Wild thoughts of Spencer ran rampant in your mind, even in the middle of cases to the point you had to try twice as hard to focus. Maybe it was time for him to have a taste of his own medicine.
It puzzled you for most of the day when he seemed to ignore you more than usual. You’d figured your attraction to him was one sided, but the change in his behavior hurt a bit, knowing he was only interacting with you when he absolutely had to. At the end of the day, he was still your partner.
It was only during a briefing later on, when you were actually entirely focused on work that you felt eyes on you. Your gaze cut across the table just in time to see Spencer’s eyes rake across you, licking his lips in the process. His eyes cut away quickly when his met yours and he grabbed for his cup of coffee taking a drink, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. 
He was definitely trying to appear as if he wasn’t just staring at you moments before.
A heat stirred within you as you’d realized what had just happened. 
Something was brewing.
I, I wanna be bad
You make bad feel so good
I’m losing all my cool
I’m about to break the rules
I, I wanna be bad 
The tension had begun, ironically, during a raid on a case you were working on. 
After working surveillance with Spencer alone, you’d caught the perp in the act and called for backup immediately. SWAT was already ahead of you, waiting for instructions.
In efforts of a surprise takeover, you both were hidden in a cramped space to try and locate his current location before you sent SWAT inside.
His breath was hot on your neck and you were pressed against him, his chest flesh with your back, all while your ass was pressed against his crotch.
You didn’t miss his sharp intake of breath even though you pretended not to hear it.
Attempting to free yourself of the small space, you happened to brush across him, more specifically his crotch. His hand immediately flew to your hip, grabbing you a little harder than necessary. Your mind was whirling enough as it was at the close proximity.
“Not yet,” he whispered, low enough for you to hear, “SWAT’s about to go in.”
A moment later you both were on the move behind them, announcing that you were FBI. But you didn’t forget the moment that was now seared into your mind.
Spencer was definitely the only one you’d break the rules for.
I want to be bad with you, baby
What’s up?
Tell me what to do, how to be
Teach me
All your rules from A to Z
But I don’t want your other girl to see
That you’re messing ‘round with me
You and Spencer didn’t speak about the incident.
But suddenly, his rules had seemed to change.
When it was just the two of you, he actually seemed to flirt with you.
“You not tired yet?” he’d grinned, seeing you pick up more paperwork you’d need to complete before next week.
“Oh, but what if I said that this stack was all yours Spence?”
“Oof,” he mock grimaced, putting a hand dramatically over his heart, “Why do you wound me so?”
You chuckled, plopping it down on your desk, before sitting in your chair.
“Unfortunately, that pile is all mine.”
“Well maybe I can stay late to keep you company and watch you in your misery.” A smirk ghosted over his lips.
You bit your lip, watching him.
He was definitely flirting. Wasn’t he? But you could admit you were bantering more with him, returning his own flirty comments. 
Only, that is, when no one else was around.
It wasn’t a secret that things like this had to be hidden from your unit chief. If she had caught wind or even a tiny bit of suspicion what was simmering between you both, you could possibly be in trouble.
“Oh please, don’t go out of your way to ruin your evening plans with my misery,” you deadpanned, even though he knew you were kidding.
“Let me know if you need anything. A pen, food, a shoulder to cry on.”
You peer sideways at him, half grinning.
“What was that last one?”
He points to his shoulder, a faux frown on his face before chuckling.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Should I boy?
Tell me what I got is what you want
Tell, tell me do I, I turn you on?
I don’t want no one judging me
You cannot believe that the team suggested you and Spencer being the ones to go undercover to catch your current unsub. Of all the places.
You were tracking an unsub that was currently killing exotic dancers; his hunting ground being a certain strip club which is where you were currently undercover as, you guessed it, one of the dancers.
Spencer, on the other hand, was dressed as one of the many rich gentleman in the audience, playing the part of another regular man come to see the show. You both had your eyes out on the floor in search of our current unsub.
“Y/N,” came from the hidden earpiece was your boss.
“Be as coy as possible, but refuse any activities with any of the other men. We want to see if that brings our unsub out. You tell them your client is Reid, got it?”
You groan inwardly. This was your worst nightmare due to the fact that your sexual tension was at an all time high with him. You’d rather not jump him with the whole team just outside.
As part of your undercover identity, Candi, you were dressed in a tasseled, silver one piece, cut all the way down your torso to show off your stomach, your boobs practically spilling out of the small swath of fabric covering them. There was just enough fabric to cover your nether regions and it all tied in the back with two thin strings. Basically, it left little to the imagination.
“Sweetheart, how about a little dance?” came from your left.
A distinguished looking gentleman, with white hair held out a twenty in your direction, a grin on his face.
“Sorry, already promised one to that gentleman,” you motioned to Spencer, who was in character, watching some of the other dancers, his eyes roaming the room before they landed on you.
“Gotta go,” you said, with a flirtatious smile. 
The man shrugged and turned his attention to another girl.
You approached Spencer, trying to calm your nerves and keep in character. You put a hand on his shoulder flirtatiously and greet him.
“Hi there, big boy.”
You walk around to face him, hands resting on the back of his chair as you lean into him, pushing your ass outwards while pressing your breasts against his chest.
“How’s it going?” you mumble lowly in his ear. 
Your hands trail over his shoulders as your hips sway back and forth in front of him.
“Nothing yet. I, um, I’ve been keeping an eye out.”
You nod, continuing on. You flip your hair as you turn, your ass grazing his crotch. Your hands glide up your legs as you turn to face him again, your touch moving up your stomach reaching your boobs, beginning to rub them sensually as you bite your lip. Your eyes lock on his as your hands slide up his thighs before you settle in his lap, his hands resting on your bare sides.
His eyes haven’t left you since you began and you see his teeth scrape his bottom lip momentarily. 
“Anyone look suspicious?” you whisper, leaning forward as your hips grind slowly.
His breathing sounds heavier than before and he struggles to answer your question.
“One guy in the corner hasn’t taken his eyes off you.”
Your fingertips trail down his chest. Holding on to the edge of the chair, you lean backwards slowly, in an attempt to be tantalizing and sexy like you’ve seen the other girls do, but also to see the guy Spencer was referring to. You peer to the corner towards your left quickly and see what he’s talking about. 
You hum your agreement and move upright, one arm raised above your head, your fingertips trailing down the opposite arm. His fingers dig into your hips as your hips circle above his crotch.
“Y/N,” he rasped.
It’s then that your thigh brushes his crotch that you can feel he’s hard. You inhale, your eyes widening the slightest as you look at him; his eyes haven’t left you.
Suddenly a voice fills your ear and you know Spencer heard it too.
“We got him!”
I wanna be bad
You make bad look so good 
I got things on my mind
I never thought I would 
After a clothes change, you were back in your normal clothes post undercover job. The heat still burned inside of you hours after what happened at the club. 
You all, indeed, captured the right unsub. Apparently you had caught his eye since you were “new”. Looked like Spencer had been right.
Speaking of, he had practically disappeared after the team bust in to arrest him. You hadn’t seen him until you had gotten back to the BAU and even then he was across the room discussing a closing report with one of the other agents.
You bit your thumbnail as you paced the room. You couldn’t hold out any longer and you knew you had to do something. You were in an empty office down the hall from the BAU unit, knowing he’d be down the hall at any moment. 
Mere minutes later you heard footsteps and you opened the door just enough to see him coming down the hall, looking at a file as he walked. You grabbed his arm and pulled him into the room, closing the door behind him.
His back was against the door and he looked down at you, a slight squint to his eyes, his tongue moving over his lips as he—as usual—licked his lips.
“I had to do something,” you said by way of explanation before grabbing him by his tie and pulling him down towards you.
I, I wanna be bad
You make bad feel so good
I’m losing all my cool
I’m about to break the rules 
I, I wanna be bad 
Your lips met his in a burning kiss. You heard a plop of the file as he tosses it carelessly on the floor before pulling you closer, his lips moving quickly with yours. His hands hooked behind your thighs and he hoisted you up, carrying you towards the empty desk in the room.
“Fuck, earlier,” he breathed, kissing down your jaw, “You drove me crazy.”
“I kinda sensed that,” you chuckled, “Sorry about that.”
He nips your jaw, bending lower to kiss your neck as he sets you on the desk.
“All it took was one look at you in that outfit and I was already hard,” he groaned into your neck, sucking on a spot before flicking his tongue over the bruised skin.
“Why Spencer Reid, do I turn you on?” you smirked, pulling at his tie to undo it.
“Fuck yes. Probably as much as I turn you on, sweetheart.”
Your teeth raked over your bottom lip as the heat roils inside of you. You’re throbbing with want and need; you have an itch only he can possibly scratch.
He has your shirt over your head before you can even get his tie off. He lowers you back against the top of the desk, kissing down your torso, his hands working to remove.
“This is an unfair advantage here,” you moaned, “You’re way overdressed.”
He tosses his tie before pulling off your pants and underwear and you sit up on your elbows, watching him.
With one lick up your slit, you’re a moaning mess.
“I always imagined you talking smart between my legs,” you mumbled, anticipating his next move.
“Mm, that’s something to try another day,” Spencer smirks, unfastening his pants.
He leans over you, kissing you roughly as he slides inside you. He moans against your mouth, his teeth gently tugging your bottom lip as he pulls away and thrusts slow and deep within you.
“Damnit, Spencer you are not going to tease me now like you have for the last 3 years.”
He chuckles, standing upright again, pulling you to the edge and as closely as possible to him as his hips move faster and harder.
It’s rough and fast as if you can’t get enough of each other and he’s quickly got you writhing on the desktop.
“Fucking shit, Y/N,” your name drags from his lips in a low grown. 
This was so much better than you’d even imagined, the lighting fire of ecstasy in your veins being caused by no one but him. Your hands grip the edge of the desk so hard your knuckles turn white.
“Spence!” you shrieked loudly as he hits a particular sensitive spot.
You’re so glad there’s no one else around down the hall.
“Oh my god,” he moans, his own release falling over him.
Your gaze takes in his slackened jaw and thrown back head, his throat vibrating with his groans. It’s so incredibly sexy, you almost go over the edge yourself at the sight.
His thumb circles your clit, insistent on getting you off as well. The pressure builds inside you until you can’t contain it anymore and you let go, ecstasy flowing through your veins, his name falling from your lips repeatedly.
When you finally feel like you can breathe again, you struggle to sit up, already missing the feeling of him inside of you.
“Good God, if only I knew you were as good at that as you are at profiling,” you said, half dazed, reaching for your clothes as he hands them to you.
He snickered as he pulls himself together, bending down to pick up the file on the floor and heads to the door. He stops with one hand on the doorknob and looks at you.
“You know, I kinda hope this isn’t a one time thing,” he said, almost meekly.
Your answer puts a smile on his face.
“Believe me. Next time, I’m having my way with you.”
I, I wanna be bad.
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Papa the falcon
A Genshin Impact parody of Pokemon 3: The movie
Starring (loosely equivalent to):
Diluc as Molly
Master Crepus as Papa
Falcon as Entei
Kaeya as Delia
Disclaimer: This storyline was curated and fanfic made based on my understanding and own headcannons of things from both the Pokemon movie and Genshin Impact that were never confirmed in canon. 
The main character is also Kaeya, though it had quite a bit of emphasis on Diluc, this is a Kaeya-fic and a lot of it is in his point of view.
Diluc lay in bed as he and his father looked through an expansive picture book. This book was about the divine beings of the world, immortal creatures who watched over Teyvat. 
“This section shows the archons. Of course, it is a bit old so the ones we see are the original Seven from all those years ago.”
“Woah!” Diluc cried, “Murata looks scary.” 
Crepus laughed, “Indeed she does. But this is a Monstadt book so maybe the illustrator was biased.”
They flipped through the pages, where flashes of sea serpents and old gods, befallen in the archon wars went by, DIluc being more and more interested. 
“What’s this one called?” Diluc asked, pointing to one that sprouted pristine but deadly crystals all over the battlefield. 
“I don’t know, son. There are many things we don’t know about the archon wars, this book is only speculation.”
As the page flipped to Diluc’s favourite section, on the four winds and most importantly, Lady Vanessa, the Falcon of the West. Diluc’s eyes lit up.
“Lady Vanessa!” Diluc ecstatically pointed to the drawing, as though his papa didn’t already have a knowing smile and gazed down at him with utter fondness. “You know papa, you’re a lot like Lady Vanessa.”
“Oh am I?” Crepus asked with a chuckle, “That is praise of the highest order.” Diluc giggled as Crepus picked him up, “Well, the best part of being a falcon, is that you can fly!” With the small child on his back, Crepus stuck him arms out both sides and ‘flew’ his son around the room, throwing him into the air and catching him with utmost dramaticsm. 
A knock came at the door. 
The two paused, Master Crepus went over to answer it, while Diluc had depressed into himself.
“Master Crepus, Elliot is here to see you.” With a bow, their butler stood aside and another man came into view.
“We have a lead, we found an entrance into the Thousand Winds Temple.” Crepus looked back at his son with a pained look in his eyes, Diluc already knew what was about to happen.
“I have to go, son.”
“But when will you get back, papa?” Diluc asked, as Master Crepus picked up the child and placed him in bed, tucking him in as apple-tucked as he could.
“As soon as I can. Be good for me okay?”
Diluc watched as his papa kissed him goodnight, walked towards the doorway, turned off the lights and closed the door. 
Chapter 1 - Papa
Diluc watched from his window out of the Dawn Winery, as a carriage pulled up into the driveway. As his small legs pitter-pattered down the steps he raced out into the doorway.
“Papa!” He yelled, coming to a stop when the carriage door opened and Elliot gave him a sympathetic look. “Where’s Papa?” Diluc demanded, a bit desperately.
“I’m sorry Diluc.”
Diluc sat with his back on the railing, listening to the adults talk downstairs. They talked about how sad it was that they couldn’t even retrieve the body and that poor Master Diluc was now completely alone.
Diluc heard everything. He had a handle on some of the things his papa was researching, ancient gods in ruins with mechanisms too complicated to understand, except Papa was able to understand it. 
As night fell and Diluc found himself unable to sleep, he found himself going over to his dad’s notebook and flipping through the pages.
“Where are you papa?” Diluc muttered to himself, determined not to cry. “What happened?”
Scanning through the scribbled handwriting, he stumbled upon a page with copied texts, ancient ones. He had learned some ancient writing out of curiosity, which his dad was more than happy to teach, and when turning to the next page a green slip of paper with a curious shape slipped out. The paper also had ancient words on it, and Diluc supposed it was a sigil of sorts. 
Diluc took out a pencil and paper out of the notebook, he began copying the sigil. 
“I want papa back. And mama. I want my family back.” Diluc felt tears roll down his cheek, plopping onto the pages with his own little writing. 
The sigil started glowing, with its strokes lighting in a gold light and basking the room in a bright white. 
Suddenly, there was a strange creature that poured out of the sigil, rising above the small child who was looking up in wonder. 
“I know you! You’re a god, aren’t you?” Diluc watched as the large, golden entity swirled around him, assessing the small child. “You resided over geo, and can make entire crystalline structures right?”
The creature continued assessing the child, seeming to fill to occupy the large space that was the main hall of the winery with a dark, golden fog that seemed to get heavier and thicker by the second.
Diluc considered something, then asked in a more ‘dominant’ voice, “You’re powerful right? I want my papa. Can you do that?”
The entity grumbled. Diluc was unsure of whether it had a face, but amidst the now darkening room, Diluc saw a flash of light, and a large falcon swooped through the room, landing on his waiting arm. 
“Papa?” Diluc had shiny eyes and a hopeful face. “Papa! It’s really you!”
“Papa?” Asked the falcon in a low, grumbling voice.
“Yeah, you’re my papa!”
The falcon looked down at the red-haired boy, whose long hair currently fell down freely around his shoulders and whose eyes looked at him with the happiest expression a few-second old falcon had seen.
“If that is what you wish.”
The floor then gilded with a crystal lacquer, spreading out from where Diluc was at an alarming pace to reach the walls and crystallising in large, translucent chunks as they grew upwards. 
Diluc heard a thump, then another, then another as his butler and other staff burst through the door, shocked by seeing their young master sitting on the ground with a large, hostile ancient being swirling around.
“Everything’s fine Butler, I have papa with me. You can go.”
The butler was highly concerned by this point, “Master Diluc, your father is dead.”
Diluc’s eyes filled with tears, “I have papa with me, you can leave.”
“Master Diluc-” “LEAVE!” Diluc shrieked, and as if the entity was attached to him, the thing howled in the faces of the staff, blowing them right out the door then crystalling the door shut. 
The maids tripped over their nightgowns and the winery staff stumbled as they hurried out of the mansion as fast as they could, with the crystals nipping at their feet. Once outside in the open air, they still could not stop as the crystalline structure seemed to engulf the building’s outside as well, covering the windwheel asters and eternalising them, freezing their movement making them look like carved, delicate figurines. The expansion did not stop there, covering the grapes that decorated the outside and creating such a bubble around the place that one could only imagine how much space the actual mansion occupied.
Diluc, in the meantime, had brought his papa to his room, where he laughed and giggled at the falcon’s swoops and swirls in the skies. 
“It’s a shame you’re so small. I’d love to ride on your back as you fly.”
The falcon flapped in mid-air, staring down at Diluc’s face. “If that is what you wish.”
The falcon then started growing in size, until it became big enough for Diluc to happily jump onto its back and fly around his large room, with squeals of glee and happiness. 
Diluc leaned his head onto the falcon’s feathered back, “I love you papa, I want this to last forever.”
Chapter 2 - What do we do?
“You said what was surrounding the child?” Elliot was a bit stressed. Afterall, if his thoughts were correct then the young boy might have just summoned one of the most destructive gods of the archon wars.
“Calm, Elliot, what is that being?” Asked the Grand Master in his low voice. 
“Well, it is a divine being whose wrath the ancient god of Sumeru had incurred. It had power over the element geo, as obvious from the crystals growing around the winery. Though not much info remains on them, the god is said to grow powerful on the imagination, and used the fears of the people to create their greatest nightmares.”
“Imagination? That is concerning.” The others looked over at the Grand Master, not understanding his statement.
“What do you mean, Grand Master?”
“Well, whose imagination is stronger or more powerful than that of a child?” The room went quiet, as this revelation settled.
“What are we to do?”
With shovels and visions in hand they smashed through the crystals, destroying the pristine flowers and making a pathway towards the winery.
“What are they doing?” Asked young Diluc, watching from his window. They crushed the pretty space that the mysterious god had made for him, and he felt tears bubble up into his eyes. “Leave us alone!” He yelled.
Just the wish was the command of the entity, for the shovels were snatched up by the crystals, as though conscious, and the tendrils of geo grew more and more hostile, making the people fear for their lives, running in the opposite direction. The geo crystals grew to cover the damage but not quite replacing it, for, to repair required much more precise power.
The Favonius knights huffed, scared from nearly losing their lives, reporting to the Grand Master immediately.
“This is bad, this is oh so very bad. I believe that young Master Diluc had only awakened but a part of the being, for it was destroyed many millenia back, but it seems that even the mere fragment is powerful yet.” Elliot fretted.
“Could we ask Sumeru for help?” Asked another high-ranking officer. “Sumeru’s god is the youngest out of everyone, the war we are referencing is not one that the country would be able to help us with. No. If I am to understand correctly,” the Grand Master had stood up and walked towards the window, where the crystals looked far away but painfully visible. “The entity seems to follow the will of young Master Diluc, in which case the solution is clear, though we only have one chance.” The Grand Master looked up, eyes dark, “We must convince the young master himself.”
Chapter 3 - Endless crystal
Kaeya felt his heart thumping in his chest, he never liked tight spaces and yet, here he was. The Ragnvindr butler was leading him through a secret passage, a well of sorts into the manor. The running water seemed to be untouched by the crystals, and with some effort, the door to the cellar burst open. 
“Now Kaeya, you know what you have to do?” The butler asked, glancing at the open door as if it would screw shut instantly, which it could. 
Kaeya nodded his head, his face trying not to betray his nervousness. He had memorised the floor plan and knew how to get to the hall and to Diluc’s room, whichever he might be in. 
“Good.” The butler hesitated slightly as Kaeya stepped through into the cellar, this child was the same age as Master Diluc, it was hard not to feel sympathy, “Good luck.” He said eventually. 
Kaeya heard the door close behind him, and the dreaded feeling of being alone hit him. The room was almost pitch black, which made Kaeya feel as uneasy as possible. The floor felt hard and smooth, undoubtedly lined with crystal. His slow and careful steps trod across to where he was told the door was.
He hit something. 
Kaeya carefully put his arms over and around where the object was, it was also crystal covered so it could range from a bottle with a lot of crystal surrounding it to a wooden box to a wine barrel. Stepping around it as carefully as he could, a thought crossed his mind that his direction might have gotten mixed up and he could not be going in the direction of the door anymore, and might be stuck here forever. Gulping an anxious lump down his throat he kept moving slowly and steadily.
Kaeya slowly felt along this object. It was taller than him, and very wide. Could it be the door? Kaeya slowly took the knife out of his pocket and tried to find a crystal that was more doorknob-like than the rest. 
Chink. Chink. Chink. 
Kaeya worked away at the crystal, hating how the echoes carried in the small, shrinking room that seemed to close in on him the longer he tried to sense it. 
Kaeya was getting desperate, he could feel the engraved metal of the door handle, but the majority was sewn shut. He was now not so worried about the noise he was making, slamming his tiny body into the door. The crystal cracked, worn by his chinks from his knife, and slowly, it was budging. 
When the first crack of light shone through, Kaeya felt as though he could keep going. Not like he had a choice. He continued slamming his body into the door, his left side now, he was sure his right side was completely bruised. When it got to a state that the door was open just enough for Kaeya to just squeeze through, Kaeya collapsed onto the floor and breathed heavily. 
His heart felt like they were going to pound out of his chest, closing his eye as he tried to regain composure and his bearings. He looked around. He seemed to be in the main hallway, and if that was so, then those stairs led to Diluc’s bedroom. Kaeya froze, the hallway seemed to host a swirling vortex, a large whirl of some muttering entity. With his eye widening, he realised that this must be the powerful being that the adults warned him about. Though he knew nothing about the being, he understood that it could kill him easily, though that held true for most people and things he met.
After calming down again, Kaeya made his way up, carefully walking up the slippery stairs to where Diluc’s bedroom was, the entity seemed not to notice him at all. When he made it, Kaeya felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he realised that Diluc’s bedroom door too, had crystals gluing it shut. 
Kaeya straightened up, if he had not been picked up by the Grand Master, then he would have died. With that logic, he was already living on borrowed time. Kaeya brought one hand up to the crystal and knocked.
Chapter 4 - Brother
Diluc looked up. There was someone knocking on the door. He slipped off of papa and walked over to it.
“Do you wish to get rid of him?” Asked the falcon.
Diluc stormed angrily towards the door.
“Who is it?” He asked angrily.
Kaeya, nursing his bruised knuckles, bit his lip.
“It’s Kaeya.” A small voice came. Diluc’s forehead scrunched in confusion. 
“I don’t know a Kaeya.” Diluc replied.
“How do you know? You’ve not seen me yet.” Diluc considered this, then turned to ‘Papa’.
“Papa, I wish to let him in.”
Kaeya felt confusion, who was this ‘Papa’? Wasn’t Diluc’s dad dead? And who was this strange man inside that he was talking to? Before he could address any of these questions, the crystals at the door melted away and the door swung open, 
Diluc and Kaeya locked eyes. Being about the same height, the two boys stared at each other with the same wonder and curiosity.
Diluc gave Kaeya a once-over. “Hello Kaeya.”
“Hi.” Replied Kaeya, with a small smile. “I heard you got your dad back.”
“Yeah!” Diluc ran over to the alarmingly large falcon sitting in the middle of the room. “This is my papa.”
Kaeya cautiously took a step inside the room. “He’s a really cool papa.”
“Isn’t he?” Diluc looked up at the falcon with bright eyes, Kaeya watched very closely.
“If he’s your papa, then I’m your brother.” Kaeya said, wondering if he was too bold.
Diluc paused, scrutinising him. “But you don’t look anything like me.”
Kaeya gestured to the falcon, “And papa is a falcon.”
Diluc considered this, then beamed. “Yes! You are my brother.” Diluc came over to Kaeya and took him by the hands, dragging him over to the bed. “There is soooooo much you need to learn, afterall, the Ragnvindr name is an important one.” Kaeya smiled in relief.
The two boys sat on Diluc’s bed, leaning on the falcon as though it was a pillow. As Diluc flipped through the picture book with Kaeya staring in awe, Diluc explained all about the legendary divinity shown in it. 
“The anemo archon, lord Barbatos, who presides over Monstadt, with his trusted four winds who together, ensures the country is safe and happy.” Read Diluc. Kaeya stared at the pictures, with characters of nobility and power. 
“This one’s papa.” Kaeya said, pointing at the falcon. 
“No, it says here that this is Lady Vanessa, who led the rebellion against the aristocracy and was the hero of Monstadt. Papa is just another falcon.”
Kaeya ‘oohed’ and pointed at the words next to the wolf, “What does this say?”
“This says ‘Wolf of the North, otherwise known as Boreas or Andrius’. Do you not know how to read?” Suddenly, Kaeya became very self-conscious. 
“No. Most children our age don’t know how to read. You’re special because you got to learn so young.” Diluc stared at him, Kaeya gave a look of sincerity.
“Well you should learn how to read. Afterall, you’re my brother. So learning these things are important. Right papa?” The falcon gave a sagely look and nodded.
“Papa doesn’t speak very much, does he.”
“Falcon’s don’t speak very much, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t saying anything.” Diluc leaned over to hug the falcon, “Right now he’s saying, ‘I’m not going anywhere. I love you two.’” Kaeya felt a lump in his throat.
“Really?” Kaeya asked, looking towards the falcon with unease. Diluc pulled Kaeya into the hug and Kaeya felt the warm body of the falcon press into his.
“Of course!”
Kaeya closed his eye as he sank into the hug. He could see why Diluc would want this. He really did.
Chapter 5 - The eye of the storm
An entire day had passed, the crystals were growing to cover an even larger portion of Monstadt and the Grand Master was concerned. There were several things that could have happened: Kaeya could have been rejected by Diluc, Kaeya could have not managed to get to Diluc to begin with, Kaeya could have offended Diluc, or Kaeya was still working on it. He sighed, for the fate of the country to ride on the back of such a young child was a huge risk, but one that they had to take.
Kaeya, who was teaching Diluc how to braid hair, was considering what his next step should be. He had succeeded in bonding with Diluc and establishing his place in this ‘family’ and next he should work on removing that entity. So far, a few things seemed clear:
Diluc knew that Kaeya wasn’t actually his brother and the falcon wasn’t actually his papa. But considering the fact that there have been people who could turn into falcons that is taken as truth in Monstadtian folklore, Diluc might consider it a possibility that this is actually his papa.
“Do you miss papa Diluc?” Kaeya asked, as the two were half-asleep in the bed.
“So much.” Diluc replied. 
‘Papa’ has a warm body uses the term ‘if that is what you wish’ several times. Diluc is then able to order him around and even the crystals around based on that.
“What’s a windblume?” Kaeya asked, after Diluc had mentioned it several times.
“That’s the fun of it, no one knows what a windblume is. It is a mystical flower that thrives in the harshest of weather and in the strongest of winds. Some people say it’s a dandelion or windwheel aster, but I think it’s small lamp grass.”
Kaeya cocked his head, “Lamp grass?”
Diluc studied him, “Papa, could you get us some lamp grass?”
The falcon nodded, “If that is what you wish.”
Just a bit later, Diluc had gotten the falcon to collect a variety of flowers, from dandelions to calla lilies, where Diluc was explaining all about them.
Diluc can create “dream-worlds” that Kaeya is very unsure about.
As Diluc fell asleep to Kaeya softly stroking his head, Diluc muttered, “I gotta teach you sword fighting.” As Diluc’s consciousness drifted away, a new Diluc manifested.
“Who are you?” Asked Kaeya, a bit unsure.
“I’m your brother, silly. Now come on.” Dream Diluc (at least, that’s what Kaeya thought he was) pulled on his arm and Kaeya ended up being dragged onto the Falcon. 
The Falcon leaped up and flew, with Kaeya bracing for an impact that never came as it sped down through the floor and into an entirely new landscape. 
There was a floating island that was decked out with bright green grass and a bright blue sky that looked like it came out of a picture book. They alighted on the island where Diluc turned to face Kaeya. 
“Today, we learn sword fighting.” Kaeya was confused but then quickly put a confident smile on his face. 
“Okay brother. But one problem, we have no swords.”
Diluc smiled, “Well that’s not a problem at all.” Diluc stretched his arm out and with a glow, a long, pretty sword manifested in his hand. He stretched the other one out to achieve a similar effect and tossed it over to Kaeya. 
Kaeya caught it easily with a laugh. “I forgot, this is your world and you can do anything you want. Where do we start?”
Chapter 6 - The hard truth
Kaeya sparred with Diluc for a while, finding the sword to be light and easy in his hand. He found he could manipulate it quite well, actually, and quickly got the hang of these techniques that Diluc was teaching him. Just then, the falcon came over, in small form now, like an actual falcon.
“I have spotted intruders trying to get in.” 
Diluc wrinkled his nose. “Those guys are so annoying. Make them leave.” The falcon nodded.
“Wait,” Kaeya grabbed Diluc’s arm. Diluc looked at him, “What did the intruders look like? Do they have swords? And spears?” The falcon paused and turned to him. 
“They might be Knights of Favonius!”
Diluc’s eyes lit up. “That’s perfect! Let’s go meet them and we can spar with them!”
Diluc grabbed Kaeya’s arm and the two got onto the expanding falcon, sitting on its now giant form comfortably. 
The three bounded down from the floating island, which Kaeya noted is actually a collection of floating islands with golden bridges connecting them. As they bounded downwards, Kaeya looked up and noticed that the island they were on before also had a golden bridge that seemed to connect to higher in the sky. Perhaps to the bedroom, Kaeya considered, curious. 
As they alighted onto the lowermost island, Kaeya could see that there were indeed four Knights of Favonius soldiers who were here. 
Kaeya felt uncomfortable, he only recognised one person, that one being the ‘Grand Master’. 
“Master Diluc!” One of the soldiers cried, as the two got down from the falcon.
“That’s me. Who here can sword fight?” Diluc and Kaeya’s sword’s re-manifested in their hands. Kaeya was unsure of when the swords had disappeared to begin with but wasn’t about to question it. Instead, he stood tall and confident with a smirk to match Diluc. 
Kaeya watched as the knights whispered amongst themselves and one of them stepped forward. 
“I can. Are you sure you want to duel me Master Diluc? I wield a greatsword and it deals much more damage.” Diluc’s eyes twinkled.
“A greatsword! Well then, I’ll use a greatsword too.”
Diluc’s sword disappeared in favor of a majestic greatsword, which Diluc wielded easily as if it weighed no more than his last one. 
“Understood. It will be one on one, when one is disarmed or held at vulnerable swordpoint, the duel ends.” 
Kaeya watched as the grass ground hardened into a duel ground, with markings on the ground to establish a sense of space. He also noted that the other three knights were sneaking off to hurry their way up the golden bridge up the islands. He didn’t say anything.
Diluc and the knight’s match was interesting. Diluc wielded his sword with much skill and power, with every blow being so overpowered that Kaeya abruptly was reminded that this was ‘dream’ Diluc. Just then, the knight’s sword came down with a crackle of electricity.
Diluc startled. “You have a vision!” Looking over at the falcon, he then declared. “I wish to have a vision too!” Just then, a shiny red glass orb descended into his hands, with gold metal work already welded onto it.
From that point on, the fight was practically over. Kaeya was surprised by how easily Diluc used his vision, as if he had worked with it for years.
“You’re pretty good, your father taught you well.” Said the knight, whom Kaeya admired for being able to stay composed despite his panting.
“He did. Come on Kaeya, we have more matches to get through.” Kaeya didn’t spare a glance at the knight, lest it give him away, and joined Diluc on the falcon.
“That was so cool!” Kaeya exclaimed, with them reaching the next island by the time he was done uttering just that sentence. 
“Wasn’t it?” Diluc grinned. They got off of the falcon to intercept the next batch of knights. “I hope you guys are more challenging than that guy, he was pretty easy.”
The knight’s seemed to come to another agreement. 
“I will duel you next, for I am the captain of the 4th order.”
“A captain?” Diluc asked excitedly, clearly hooked. “Well captain, we’re not duelling. It’s going to be two on two!”
Kaeya felt a cold, glass orb appear in his hand. Giving it a closer look, this vision had a light frost with the cryo symbol and the metalwork had cute little wings on them, which he supposed was the Monstadt style. 
The second knight stepped up, Kaeya noted that the Grand Master was conveniently slipping past. 
Kaeya readied his sword as they began the battle.
The battle was fairly easy, Diluc and Kaeya’s visions being opposite accounted for any weak spots there could be, with Diluc burning through the dendro of one knight and Kaeya freezing the hydro of the other. Kaeya noted that he was having a harder time than Diluc was, who was clearly finding this too easy and only taking this long to test out his pyro moves. The knight Kaeya was fighting then tried to talk to him. 
“Any progress?” 
Kaeya felt his head swirl, yes he was having progress but, did that really count as progress? Kaeya felt his balance get shifted off and a small ‘ah’ was let out as he fell backwards onto his bum with a small thump.
“Kaeya!” Diluc was right next to him in a heartbeat, though Kaeya was completely unhurt, Diluc seemed furious. 
Without any words being spoken Kaeya was picked up by the falcon gently and lifted up, the falcon’s wings beating as it carried him higher. Kaeya just managed to find the time to look down at the battle happening where he just managed to see a flaming falcon and Diluc’s bright red hair before he was carried through the floor of the bedroom. 
Kaeya felt a strange anti-climax, as the noise and liveliness of before became the peace and quiet of the bedroom. The falcon gently lay him onto the bed where Diluc was still sleeping.
“Are you okay?” Asked the falcon, staring into him with black beady eyes. Kaeya gave a big, childish smile.
“I am. Thank you, papa.” Then he threw his arms around the falcon. 
Was Kaeya okay? His head was spinning with trying to grasp how this world worked. More than that, which Kaeya was unsure whether to admit, he felt so conflicted about being loved. He had never been loved before and to have two  people  (well the falcon was iffy) that cared about him was very overwhelming.
Kaeya stared at the cool, cryo vision in his hand. Was it real? His sword was gone. Kaeya placed the vision on the bedside table and looked over at Diluc, who seemed to not be having a very good dream. Was that because of him?
“Diluc, Diluc wake up.” Diluc’s red eyes blinked slowly.
“Kaeya?” He asked. “Good morning.” Diluc yawned. Kaeya felt a pang of fondness go through him. If he was born in this family, well, Diluc had many troubles as well, but maybe he might not be as broken as he already was.
Just then, the Grand Master came into the room, ascending from a hole in the floor that Kaeya was sure wasn’t there the first time he had come in. Kaeya peered over and saw the tint of gold that probably came from the golden bridges over those floating islands. 
Diluc looked over at the Grand Master. 
“Hello Diluc,” He said, kneeling down to match the height that Diluc was, sitting at the side of the bed. “How are you feeling?”
Diluc shifted uncomfortably, Kaeya scooted slightly closer to Diluc, which seemed to make him feel more at ease.
“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
The Grand Master laughed easily, with a warm smile. “I’m fine, thank you. You don’t have to be that formal Master Diluc. I’m here to help you after all.”
Diluc, whose arm seemed to be twisting its way around Kaeya protectively, replied with “We’re happy here. We don’t need your help.”
“Is that so?” Asked the Grand Master, a twinkle in his eye. “What about the big, scary, entity in your hallway? Do you know about that?”
“Yea! They gave me my papa and my brother.”
“Hmm. And do you know what it is?”
Diluc narrowed his eyes. “It’s an ancient god that was present in the archon wars. Papa was researching it. We don’t even know its name.”
“Very good! Your papa taught you very well.” The Grand Master gave a sad smile, “I miss him very much.”
Diluc seemed to respond to that, Kaeya got the sense that he might have been trying to hold back tears. 
“What do you want?” Diluc asked in a smaller voice.
“Well,” the Grand Master started, “Let’s start with removing that entity from your house.”
“NO!” Diluc yelled, in a hostile voice. He now had a vice-grip on Kaeya. “You just want to take my family away!”
“I don’t want to take your family away.” The Grand Master soothed in a calm but slightly rushed voice. “It’s just harder for people to take care of you while it’s here.”
The falcon had now come over and put itself between the Grand Master and them.
“You are making Diluc upset. Leave.”
The Grand Master had stood up now, trying his best to stand his ground. 
“Diluc, that thing is dangerous. You must know about how it almost destroyed Sumeru. We need to deal with it before it destroys all of Monstadt too.”
Diluc quieted.
“That thing, will destroy all of Monstadt?” Asked Kaeya in a small voice, making sure to inject some fear into his tone.
The Grand Master turned to him, “Yes. But not if we fight and subdue it now.”
Diluc turned to look at Kaeya. “I don’t want you to go.”
Kaeya clasped Diluc’s hands. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Kaeya bit his lip. “Diluc, think about your real papa.”
As Diluc’s face softened and sniffles started, a BANG made everyone in the room flinch, as Diluc’s bedroom door crashed open, revealing a dark, brown vortex of what used to be the hallway with some wisps of smoke starting to pour in.
The Grand Master did not hesitate in pulling out his bow and arrow, letting one fly resulting in a low rumble that Kaeya likened to a cry.
The two kids were scared now, as the Grand Master ran toward the thing, arrows flying. 
The falcon took one look at the two boys and also set off, engaging in the battle as well. 
The bedroom was huge, so the ancient god would take awhile at this speed to reach the far end of the bed that the boys were sitting on, but the fear that paralysed them was petrifying nonetheless. 
Kaeya broke out of it first. “Diluc, Diluc look at me.”
Diluc looked at Kaeya, which was hard to do as sounds of bloody murder kept enticing the two to look at the battle. 
“You’re going to be the one to win this battle.”
Kaeya nodded. “That thing needs you to wish. It needs your imagination and your wishes to win. So the more you think that it’s scary the more it is.”
Diluc nodded slowly. “What should I do?”
“You need to wish that it will go away. You need to believe that papa is strong.”
“But isn’t that counterintuitive?”
Kaeya shook his head. “Papa is made from that thing right? But papa is on our side. So if you think that papa is super strong and that god is super weak, then that is what will happen.”
They two locked eyes, and Diluc stared at the determined look in Kaeya’s eye and nodded. 
“Yeah! Papa is super strong! You know once, he managed to defeat five ruin guards allll by himself.”
Kaeya nodded fervently. “And he’s really fast too!”
“Yeah! He always races me, and let’s me win, but he can run at super speed. He knows everything too! He can beat archons as easily as-” Diluc snapped his fingers, “That!”
Kaeya forced himself not to look at the fight, doing that will only tempt Diluc and may break this streak of belief and hope.
Kaeya and Diluc flinched, though neither of them got hurt. The two looked up to see the entity hissing and recoiling as the swirling dust seemed to just instantaneously clear. Diluc’s toys and books which were previously strewn across the floor were blown haphazardly to the far ends of the room.
“Are you two okay?” Asked the Grand Master, rushing over to them.
“Yeah.” Diluc said, with a shuddering breath.
Then there was a light.
“Diluc, Kaeya.” It was the falcon. In its huge, glowing form.
“Papa.” Diluc whispered, staring up at the bird. “Are you going now?”
The falcon nodded its head. “That will be what is best for you two. But don’t worry, I will always be watching over you.”
The light that made up the falcon seemed to disperse, with the crystals fading along with it. The crystals seemed to retreat from the room, with the entire house being more or less unscathed except for where the last battle took place. Kaeya breathed a sigh of relief. 
He turned to Diluc, “Diluc-”
“Kaeya!” Kaeya found himself in a tight hug.
“It’s okay! Everything’s fine now.”
Diluc sniffed, “I’m so glad you’re not gone too. You didn’t leave me.” 
It hit Kaeya that Diluc might have thought that he was a ‘dream’ or ‘made up’ brother similar to his ‘papa’. Kaeya wrapped his arms around Diluc.
“I’m not going anywhere. If-if you’ll have me that is.” Diluc pulled away from him. “I mean, I’m not your real brother I’m just,” Kaeya took a breath, “I’m just some orphan off the street.”
Diluc shook his head. “You’re my real brother. Some people have different versions of what family is, but if you’re not my family, no one is.” Kaeya felt his heart throb. Maybe they could get through this together. 
“Also, to make everything absolutely clear, I was well alive and existed looong before that god came in. So yeah.”
Chapter 7 - Things get better
Kaeya was at first unsure of whether he was accepted here. Afterall, he had only been Diluc’s brother for a total of two days technically, and now that everything was ‘over’ he was scared that he’d have to leave. It seemed that Diluc too, had that exact fear, and was very defensive and protective of Kaeya when the adults talked to them. 
The two became inseparable, and though Kaeya got his ‘own room’ he continued to sleep in Diluc’s bed. 
They enjoyed playing around the winery where Diluc continued his quest to integrate Kaeya and get him up to speed with the ways of the Ragnvindr. He taught him how the wine is made and brought him all around the house. Kaeya felt pretty happy. Afterall, this felt like a sweet, peaceful life. Could he have this?
A week on, and the two are sparring with practice swords near the lake, when Diluc freezes (not literally) and Kaeya easily disarms him. 
“Is something wrong?” Asks Kaeya, looking back.
There are two adults, walking towards them. A lady with flaming red hair and a man with a warm smile. Kaeya sees Diluc, with teary eyes, run towards them, it was Kaeya’s turn to freeze up now. 
Kaeya broke through the shock and started walking towards them, dropping his shoulders and arranging himself to look as childlike and small as possible.
“I can’t believe you’re back!” Diluc beamed at them, then grabbed Kaeya who was standing at the side, looking awkward. “Also, mama, papa, here’s your new son.”
Kaeya stared up at the parents with a sheepish smile. Was he out of place? He had somewhat bonded with falcon-papa, not actual-papa! 
Diluc narrowed his eyes, “When everyone left me, Kaeya was the only one who was here for me. So he’s my new brother.”
“Hi~” Kaeya greeted, his face betraying his nervousness.
“Hi Kaeya. Now child, where did you come from? Is Diluc holding you hostage? Where are your parents?”
Kaeya shifted uncomfortably, “It’s a long story.”
“He’s an orphan.” Diluc supplied helpfully.
The parents gave each other a look that clearly said: “We should talk to the Grand Master.”
As the family made their way back inside, Diluc grabbed Kaeya’s arm and beamed at him. Maybe everything does get better, eventually.
AN: I recently watched the Pokemon Movie after becoming addicted to Genshin, and this setup fit Kaeya and Diluc far too well to not be written down. They cured my writer’s block (for this fic anyways) and I had a lot of fun with adapting the world to fit. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
(Also the chapter’s are unneccessary but make me feel like I’ve written a lot so let me get away with it please)
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rueloffandon · 4 years
surrender // ruel van dijk fanfic
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friends to lovers fic, mostly fluff but gets more heated towards the end.
this is my first fic!!! so please feel free to tell me about anything that needs correcting because i didn’t go through this lmao. please enjoy :)))
"you're going down van dijk, and there's nothing you can do about it" you sneer as you and ruel circle each other in his room, ready to attack at any moment
"i'm not too sure about that midget, i have more range" ruel shoots back.
"i'm fast though, and i have more skill"
"who lied to you??? you're clumsy as fuck!" he said while smirking
"shut the hell up before i make you" you retorted, already riled up.
this whole affair happens more often than expected between you two, as you both hate studying, yet still decide to try to study together in a vain attempt to be productive on saturdays when you two hang out. most of the time it ends up with you two watching netflix or play fighting, based off of how much energy you two have on any given saturday.
it's been a best friend tradition ever since you were in elementary, hanging out on saturdays to keep your friendship strong. ruels mom suggested it as you both were always free on saturdays, the one day your schedules didn't conflict.
this play fight was created by you two poking each other with your pencils when you got bored of reading the textbook required to complete your notes, to the point you got enraged and threw your textbook across the room, declaring war.
you can't be blamed, after all, with ruels 6'5 body, it gave him an unfair advantage in pencil poking. every time you tried to retaliate, he would simply move out of reach to get you again.
"yo stop being such a pussy and attack me already, we haven't got all day" you taunted, still circling ruel. this fight was less about winning and more about making him mad, as they always are.
considering he had already succeeded at irritating you, he was winning.
"look, you already know you're going to lose, so why don't you just give up already? save you the trouble of an inevitable defeat" he said in a mocking tone, the stupid smirk on his face still going strong.
apparently, that was the last straw for you, as you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms and legs around his torso and sending him tumbling onto his back with a grunt.
you were now straddling him, putting all your effort into tickling his stomach before he gained his senses and flipped you over, pinning you below him and tickling your sides
"ruel,, please,,,, stop,,, ah!" you managed to say between laughs and gasps for air
in the meantime ruel was having a blast tormenting you, laughing as he saw you struggling in vain to escape from his hands. "sorry sweetheart, but you asked for it!" he said, giggling, as he continued digging his fingers into your sides
you were managing to wriggle out from underneath him when he noticed, and took both of your hands and pinned them above your head with one of his own, preventing your escape.
"no way out now" he said with a smile, leaning towards your face to gloat about his victory
any smart remark you would've had ready died when you saw how close his face was to yours. you could feel his breath on your face, his front hairs almost brushing your cheeks as your eyes met. you glanced down to his lips briefly before looking up at his eyes again out of instinct, making you blush out of embarrassment.
this wasn't the first time that it hit you that ruel was attractive. after all, it was kind of just a fact of life. however, this close up, has been the first time you've been prompted to do something about it.
weirdly, it seems like he had the same idea, as he glanced down to your lips as well, bringing the hand that wasn't pinning yours down to smooth over your bottom lip.
at this point, your heart was beating out of your chest out of anticipation. you weren't even sure what you wanted him to do. i mean, you knew what your heart wanted, but what if this kiss ruined your friendship? you didn't want years of your childhood gone to waste because of a spur of the moment thing.
you had made up your mind to stop him, and opened your mouth to do so, but never got the chance as he smashed his lips against yours before you could respond. he released your hands from a over your head to cup your face as he kissed you.
fuck it, it's too late anyway
you closed your eyes and returned the kiss, running your hands through the hair at the back of his head.
when he ran his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for entrance, you opened up to taste him, tasting apples and grapes from the snacks you brought up to study.
eventually, you two had to break apart for air, but ruel didn't stop kissing you. instead he began to leave kisses down your neck, making you gasp and tug at his hair. he seemed hell bent on leaving as many hickeys as he could, tugging the collar of your t-shirt down to leave hickeys on your collarbones and chest as well.
when he started travelling back up he sucked on your pulse point at the base of your neck, making you moan involuntarily.
he looked back at you, again, with that smirk on his face, seeing your face bright red from making such a sound. you could barely meet his eyes yet you knew he had something to say just by that dammed smile.
"shut up-" you said, pointedly avoiding his gaze.
"make me" he said, voice raspy and deep from arousal, the tone making you shiver.
you pulled him down for another kiss, which was getting more and more heated by the second. as your arms slipped down to grab at his shoulders, he slipped his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground.
he picked you up, while you wrapped your legs around his waist for support, and manoeuvred you around to lay you on the bed, only breaking the kiss for air.
he lifted himself up off you, breaking the kiss and moved to take off his shirt when his phone started ringing. you, wide eyed and stunned, took a deep breath as you finally started to process what had happened.
he sighed and ran a hand through his hair before taking his phone out of his pocket and answering "hello" in a raspy just-got-kissed that made your heart go into overdrive
"hey ruel, are you in the house? i forgot my keys" you heard coco's (ruel's sisters) voice speak through the phone
as soon as he realized who was calling, he cleared his throat, a little blush of his own spreading across his cheeks.
"umm.. yea coco, i'll... be right there man" he answered before he hung up. he glanced back down at you with a soft look, disheveled from his kisses, and he leaned down to fix you with another kiss before he ran downstairs to open the door for coco.
once he left the room, the high of the kiss left your body, leaving you with huge doubts. what did this mean? does he like you or does he just want your body? what will this do to our friendship?? can we ever go back to how it was before??? why is my heart still beating this fast even though the kiss is over????
these thoughts swirled around in your head and sent you into a panic. by the time ruel came back to the room, you had managed to fix yourself up, found a bandanna to wear around your neck to cover most of the love bites, and packed up your things to leave his house, post-kiss glow gone from your face. it was almost as if you had just walked in. as if nothing happened here in this room.
the smile ruel had been wearing since he left the room after kissing you vanished after seeing you all packed up and ready to leave. he was hoping you two could talk about what happened but when you muttered a small "bye" when brushing past him through the doorway and downstairs to the front door it was clear to him that you regretted it.
in truth, he had been wanting to do that for a long while. you were the only girl in his life he would trust with his heart and soul, and the only girl he found beautiful. to him, you were the only option, and he would go any length to make you his.
he had wanted to take a different, slower approach, maybe try to make you fall in love with him before he started making moves that bold, but the opportunity presented himself, so he took it, following his impulses. 
he's cursing himself out now because of them, with his head in his hands, wondering if he really screwed over his relationship with you for good.
your eyes watered as you walked out the door, heart breaking a little as you had come to a terrifying conclusion. ruel didn't really want you. he wanted your body. of course he saw you as a friend, but you assumed to him, sex was sex and it didn't matter who it was with.
yet you still liked ruel. you really liked him. and it only took a kiss to realize it.
i'm so fucked aren't i.
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vanchlo · 5 years
The Assistant / Chapter Twenty-Three, “Bleeding Heart”
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hello hello. i’m so sorry that i’m an awful person and i haven’t written in a bahillion years. life has been wack and i fell out of writing for awhile. instead of doing homework like a good human being - yay! - i found this chapter i had started and i finished it. it’s not as long as usual, i know, but i did that on purpose and you’ll see why ;) ;) ;) ;) i hope i can write some more soon and stick with this. i’m unreliable i know and i’m terribly sorry. college and work are crazy and my mom was just diagnosed with 2 kinds of cancers soooo oooo life truly is crazy and overwhelming rn. i hope to maybe set aside some time each night to write, but it’s hard to stop when it’s getting fun haha. i enjoyed writing this chapter and delving more into this story, like idek where it’s gonna go haha.
anyways lemme know what you think of this chapter. i wanna hear your predictions and thoughts!!!!!!!!! reblog, like, share with friends, say hi to me :) 
one last thing. we should decide a ship name for harry and becks, i mean it’s been coming. here are my ideas and feel free to send me others :D 
a) hecks (my personal fav) 
b) barry (i just think of rachel’s barry from FRIENDS but it’s ok) 
c) hebecca????
d) ??????
e) hecky?
“No. No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO.
I try to breathe in, but I can’t.
And suddenly the switch inside of me changes. Instead of pushing him away for the last few weeks, I want him. I want him to come and save me. 
The laugh that falls from my lips surprises the both of us. “You can’t hurt me anymore.” 
The swarm of voices that crowded my ears from before is now gone. A soft chatter of voices occupies the conference room now, around an hour after the festivities had begun. Now the fun is over and the last few of us clean up the forgotten plates, take down the streamers donning the walls, push in the chairs, vacuum up the crumbs, and everything else required to return the room to its former glory. 
“Hey, you stop that,” somebody says from behind me. “This was yer party, yer not s’posed to be cleaning it up,” they finish as I turn around to find Harry pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes as he grasps a wet rag in the other hand. 
“No, I want to help. Please,” I reply, turning back to the table and picking up the spray bottle. I spritz the plastic top and run the wet rag over the spot, repeating in sections until I finish the table. 
“Fine, I guess you can help,” Harry huffs and I smile to myself in triumph as I return to my cleaning. “So, what did ya think?” 
“It was a lot of fun and very nice of all of you, thank you so much again,” I tell him trying to circumvent having a conversation. I move to the other end of the table as he begins on the next one over. 
A few male coworkers fold up the table to my left and carry it out the door, probably to place back in storage. My eyes life to find Harry leaning over the table he scrubs and he must notice my pause because he meets my eyes. But I can’t look at him, not today. 
“I’m glad ya had such a good time, ‘m sure everybody else did too . . Everybody’s going t’ miss ya, ya know,” he comments, and I nod with a small smile. I don’t know how much more of this awkward small talk I can put up with, especially as the domino that caused all of this is gnawing at my insides. Particularly the part where he could have stopped it coming to this. 
But he didn’t.  
The rest of the clean up consists of few words between Harry and I, or anybody else for that matter. We cleaned tables, folded them and carried them away, stacked chairs, vacuumed, packed things away, and carried more things away. The room was now bleak with its new emptiness and quiet, all of the people previously filling it returning to their lives. Luckily I found my escape shortly after the room was all squared away. 
“All done?” a voice asks me. I look over my shoulder and find Asher tying up a bloated garbage bag. My stomach drops all of a sudden with disappointment at who it is, and who it’s not. 
“Yep.” I nod. Then I feel bad for being disappointed. Oh it’s just a never-ending rollercoaster, isn’t it?
“I can’t believe you helped clean up. The whole point was having other people do stuff for you, and then you helped them?!” Asher laughs with a disbelieving shake of his head. He happens to pull a giggle from my unsure lips. I sheepishly nod at his words, and I give him another laugh when he almost trips over the garbage bag. 
“Are you on your way out now?”
“Yeah, I think so. I just have to drop off some last-minute things - keys and keycards, that sorta thing. But now I can’t find the person to give them to . . ,” I confess, losing my words as I scan the room for those green eyes and that mustard top. 
“Hmmmph, well it’s getting late. Maybe he left or had something. You could leave them with Myles or Jennings, I’m sure if you wanna get outta here. I know you’re just dying to get those drinks with me tomorrow,” Asher quips, turning my lips up with his words. 
I leave him with a few words, telling him I’ll see him later. I say goodbyes to a few people as I leave the conference room and begin my hunt to find Harry. One I’m not sure how I want to end. 
I find my desk empty and many others as well. Glancing at my watch, I find that the hours have flown by. Many people jetted out of here as it’s five o'clock on a Friday afternoon. The cushion welcomes me as I sit down in my chair for the last time, but I don’t miss its welcoming squeak. The squeaking continues as I spin my last spin in the chair, feeling hot tears at the back of my eyes at the finality of my actions. My mug of pencils- no, it’s not my mug anymore. It never was mine. 
A polar bear post-it note holder invades my -not my desk - along with framed pictures of strangers, a bright pink day planner, candy apple lotion, and other foreign objects belonging to the new owner of this desk. Who isn’t me. A long sigh leaves my lips as I release my hands I didn’t know I was clenching. 
“It’s now or never,” I say aloud, willing myself to stand. 
Okay, Becky, we can do this. This isn’t even the hard part. 
But it is, I think to myself as my eyes glance up and memories that took place at this desk spin through my head. Making Harry laugh for the first time. Silly arguments with him about which was the better movie. How easily he made me smile by bringing me coffee out of nowhere and- Stop, Becky, you can’t do this now, I tell myself as I swipe a hot tear away from under my eye. I exhale as I get to my feet and feel for the ring of keys in my pocket. Good, they’re still there. 
The hallway is dim, but the light from the London evening comes in through the many windows around the office. His hallway. A hallway I will never walk again. Fuck, am I really sure I want to do this? How can I not see him again? You can and you will. You have to, Becky. It was too hard sitting there day after day wanting him. And him not wanting you back. I nod to myself, trying to affirm those words to myself. They don’t do that good of a job, because of the person I see around the corner. 
“Oh hey, bug. A-are ya leavin’?” Harry stutters, his furrowed emerald eyes falling on me. He comes to a stop in front of me, running a hand through his mop of curls. 
“U-uh yeah. I was just going to drop off the keys with you and go over a few things.” 
“Yeah yeah, sounds good. I jus’ really gotta take a leak, so ‘ll be back in a minute, ‘kay?” He asks with a pat on my arm. I nod with a soft ‘okay,’ as I turn to watch him walk away. Nodding with a thumbs up, he gives me a small sad smile before turning around and walking down the hallway. I watch until he’s gone. 
Almost done. But now for the hard part. Leaving him for the last time, I contemplate with a pout. I shuffle my feet to his door and twist the knob. Immediately, his familiar woodsy scent hits me. Suddenly, all of my senses are inundated with him. His messy desk. His blazer draped over his chair. Bookmarked biographies dotting his desk. Empty mugs of tea taking up empty spots. The essential oil diffuser in the corner humming as it mists Sandalwood. Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 trickling from a Bluetooth speaker in the corner. Harry. It’s all him. And my reserves begin to fall. Can I really do this? No, there’s no way I can. Even if I have to sit at that desk day after day trying to love him, it’s better than leaving him. 
Yeah, and then what about when he marries Amber or somebody else that’s not you? 
I gulp, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat and at the same time pressing my fingers against my eyes, willing them to dry. 
“Wow, are we getting a little teary-eyed on our last day?” a voice snarks from behind me. 
No. No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. 
I try to breathe in, but I can’t. 
And suddenly the switch inside of me changes. Instead of pushing him away for the last few weeks, I want him. I want him to come and save me. To save me from her. And to see her for the monster that she is. 
The laugh that falls from my lips surprises the both of us. “You can’t hurt me anymore, Amber,” I snap, turning around to face her with a wry smile coating my lips. 
“Oh I don’t know about that, I still can. But hey, I won, and don’t you forget that,” she retorts. Amber’s blonde curls shake as she stomps her foot and points a tanned manicured finger at me. How can he even comfortably hold hands with those daggers?
Her blow hits me, and she knows it. I can’t hide it, because I’ve lost it. The last few weeks or even months have taken everything from me. My grandpa dying, my mom’s abusive treatment towards me, Harry’s bipolarness, and Amber’s physical and mental attacks. I lost.
“I don’t care,” I croak, throwing up my hands in defeat. The keys on the ring twinkle with movement in my hand. 
“But you do! I know you do!” she cackles, excitement twisting her plastic face into a Cheshire grin. “You wanted him, but you couldn’t have him and so you gave up! I won!” Amber continues, stepping towards me in her flowy scarlet blouse and skin-tight black jeans. 
I instinctively step back and away from her, but I stop when I think I hear a noise. It’s a loud squeak on the floor that makes me stop, but it doesn’t stop right away. 
“I don’t care, Amber, you can have him! I told him what you did to me and he didn’t believe me because of whatever spell you put on him. So you can keep him and live a wonderful, happy life together. I don’t care anymore, and I hate that I ever did,” I announce with weight to my words, willing my feet to lift from the carpet, but they won’t. 
Amber chuckles, crossing her arms with a pleased smile of satisfaction painting her face. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to tell him what I did to you,” she mutters in disbelief, shaking her head. “As if Harry would believe that I’d do such a thing. He probably thinks you made it up. Hell, for all I know I never laid a finger on you and you just imagined the whole thing.” 
“You left marks on me, Amber,” I spit out through gritted teeth. 
“Yeah, and apparently that wasn’t even enough to convince Harry. God, I really do have him wrapped around my finger,” Amber sighs happily. “I can’t do anything wrong in his eyes. He hasn’t even noticed how much I’ve been gone lately, or how often I’ve been texting this new bloke I’m fucking on the side.” 
“You slut!” I exclaim, not being able to hold it in. “Harry loves you and would do anything for you! He built this firm from the ground up! He’s sweet, he’s kind, he’s giving, he’s funny- he’s amazing and that’s how you treat him?!” 
“Excuse me?! Who here was throwing themselves at my boyfriend right in front of me?!” Amber argues, taking another frightening step toward me. She’s no longer laughing, but instead, her drawn-on eyebrows have fallen into a point above her glassy stare. 
“How dense are you?!” I laugh, feeling the anger rise warmly in my chest. I really don’t care anymore. “You have such a huge problem with that - which never happened, thank you - but you think it’s okay to cheat on your boyfriend?! My god, you really are fucking dumb!” 
“You just had your last laugh, bitch, because I’m going to slap that smug smile right off your face,” she snarls, taking several steps before I can almost see the flames rising in her eyes. 
“No, you won’t!” a voice announces. 
I take my eyes off of Amber to see who said that, but it’s a second too long that lets her clawed hand accost my face. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a computer virus before? Not with any of my Apple laptops, which I’ve been getting for over 10 years now. Prior to that, I did have a few issues with viruses. Not fun.
Are you dependent upon anyone? >> Of course. Everyone’s dependent on someone, even if only indirectly. <<< True. I’m also very dependent upon my family, especially my mom.
Are there any book characters you’d like to portray? Uh, I don’t want to portray any character. I’m definitely no actor.
Who did you last text? My dad.
Is there anything on your bed right now? Yeah, several pillows, my bedsheets, my throw blanket, a few stuffed animals, a coloring book, a couple sets of colored pencils, two little pencil sharpeners, a little notebook, a book, an Nintendo Switch, my laptop, my phone, the chargers for aforementioned electronics... lol my bed is also my desk since I spend majority of my time in bed.
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? Back in early March. Prior to this quarantine/lockdown, I went with my mom twice a month. Since all that began, she’s just been going. We’ve been using the online order thing. What way would you like to die when it’s your time? Peacefully.
What are you most afraid of in the world? Death, diseases, violence, losing loved ones... Have you ever been caving? No.
Do you do well in math related things? Noooo. Me and math never got along.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas. 
If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? My younger brother and I already live in the same house.
Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
Are you planning on getting any in the near future? No.
When was your last date? Four years ago.
When did you get Facebook? Sometime in 2008.
What was your first pet’s name? Buster.
Are you good when it comes to computer issues? Uhh, depends what the issue is. If it involves the hardware itself then no.
Are there any people at your job who absolutely hates you? No job.
What was the last book you read? Don’t Tell by Willow Rose. I’m just starting, The Girl and the Hunt by AJ Rivers, which is the 6th book in a series.
Have you ever read any books in one day? Yeah, several.
What was the last thing you bought? A couple shirts and masks from Young and Reckless. The masks are black and say, “Keep your distance.” The shirts are black and say that as well in tiny font on the upper right side and on the back it says, “Thank you for staying away” in big font. I got one for my mom as well because it seemed like the perfect shirt for her to wear to work lol.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Nothing out of the ordinary.
Is there any jewelry you wear constantly? Nope. 
Are your fingernails painted at the moment? Nope.
Do you prefer cool, warm or neutral colors? >> I like a variety of colours for different reasons. <<<
Have you ever taken art classes? Just an art history class in college.
What’s the most boring movie you’ve ever seen? Hmm. I’m blanking.  Do you know how to work a cash register? I’ve never used one.
Fact or fiction novels? I’m more of a fiction gal.
Have you ever suffered from depression? Yeah, it’s been an ongoing battle for as long as I can remember, but these past few years have most definitely been the worst. Depression won.
Do you think you’re a clingy person? I can be when it comes to my mom. 
Do you enjoy kisses on the cheek? Uhh depending on who it’s from.
Have you ever been in a physical fight before? No.
How often would you say you disagree with your parents? We definitely have our disagreements, but I don’t know how often I’d say they are. A lot of them are about the same things.
What color shirt did you wear yesterday? >> Black.
Do you have a job? If so, do you like it? Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut before? I’ve had friends say it as a joke.
What’s something you’ve been craving? A day at the beach. D:
Have you ever slept with your window open? Yeah.
Can you play violin? I took lessons in 4th grade, but I didn’t enjoy it. Just wasn’t my thing. I stuck it out for the whole year, though.
What was the last desert you had? Brownies.
Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet? No.
Do you know anyone you talk to on Facebook but won’t talk to in person? No.
What color are your mother’s eyes? Brown.
Do you have a best friend? If so, how long have you been best friends? All 30 years of my life.
Do you cry easily? Yeah. Somedays I’m just on the verge of tears all day and anything can set it off. 
Have you ever been into a court room? I think during a field trip in elementary school.
How many necklaces would you say you own? Hmm. Maybe five.
Do you plan on being strict towards your children? I plan on not having children. I’m going to be 31 soon and feel strongly about not having children and I just don’t see something super drastic happening that makes me change my mind. But I’d be even older if something drastic did happen, so probably not even then. I’m meant to have doggos. (:
Do you own any tie-dye shirts? Yeah, a few.
What would you say is your favorite day of the week? They’re all the same for me, really.
Do you ever wear lipstick? I haven’t in a long time.
Do you own a pool? Nope.
Do you have a Tumblr account? Never heard of it.
Would you say you’re overweight? No. I’m actually too underweight.
How many colors are in your hair? Well, it’s mostly red, but my roots are starting to grow out. It’s not too bad, yet.
Do you flirt with a lot of people? I’m not a flirtatious person in general. If I flirt, it’s with someone I’m interested in and have been talking to. I don’t flirt with everyone or with people I don’t know.
How many bank accounts do you have? Just one.
Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? Yes.
How old are you? 30.
Do you attend church regularly? Not physically, but a local church uploads their service every Sunday to watch or listen to and I’ve been watching that even before the lockdown/quarantine. Since then, they’ve been live streaming since they can’t meet in person.
Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? There’s a lot of songs where the lyrics just speak to me as they say and I really relate to them.
What time did you wake up this morning? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I assume I’ll get up sometime between 1 and 3 since that’s how it’s been the past few months.
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? ^^^
What kind of car do you drive? I don’t drive.
What kind of car would you like to have? Not something I’ve given much thought.
Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? If so, what’s your favorite thing to eat from there? Not since I was a kid. I remember liking the blizzard things.
How old did you turn on your last birthday? This is just another way of asking how old I am, which you already asked me.
Ever felt like falling apart? Oh yes. I’ve felt like I’ve fallen apart and like I’m going to fall apart, just barely hanging on. I’m always just trying to keep it together. I’m like Humpty Dumpty who couldn’t quite be put back together again.
Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yes.
Do you tend to worry a lot? Yepppp.
How old were you when you lost your first tooth? Like 6, I think.
Do you remember your first time on the internet? It was when I was 9 or 10.
Which website do you email from? Yahoo.
Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? Sure. I love getting them myself when on vacation and I’d certainly appreciate if someone brought me something from theirs.
Do you get angry with people easily? Not angry, but irritated and frustrated. 
Do a lot of people dislike you or is it the other way around? I feel like I’m just not even on the radar for most people.
Have you ever had the flu? Yes.
What about strep throat? Yes. It’s been a longggg time, though.
Have you ever been to a psychologist? No, but I need to.
What’s the worst part about school? For me it was that I just got so overwhelmed and stressed out so easily.
Do you normally have a lot of homework, if you’re still in school?
When was your last vacation? Back in early February. I can’t believe that even happened this year because quarantine/lockdown has felt like 84 years.
Would you ever consider going on a cruise? I’ve thought about it and they do sound fun, but... I don’t think I could.
What did you last buy from the store? A few Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks.
Would you say you enjoy being single or in a relationship more? All I really know is being single, so I can’t really say for sure. I do miss being interested in someone and talking to someone in that way, though, and the very little experience I do have with dating. It’s best for me to be single, though.
Do you try to stay busy a lot? I spend my days with my usual go-to distractions. I wouldn’t call that keeping busy, though. I don’t feel like spending all day on various social media platforms, watching YouTube and TV, reading, playing Animal Crossing, and lounging is “busy” if that makes sense. I think of productivity when I think about keeping busy. To me the things I do are just distractions and things to pass the time. Just something to do, ya know? *shrug*
What’s your favorite quote? “Blah.” ha.
Do you lie a lot? I’d be lying if I said I never lie, but I’m not a pathological liar. 
Do you still act childish most of the time? I sure can be stubborn, moody, and whiny like one.
Did you ever enjoy gym class? Nope.
What is your biggest insecurity? I have a lot of insecurities. 
Have you ever painted a room alone? Nope. Or at all.
Speaking of which, when did you last paint your room? Never.
What’s for dinner tonight? I don’t know, it’s only 3 in the morning.
Do you ever drink alcohol? Nope.
Have you ever had a terrible hangover? Ugh, yes.
Do you ever get migraines? No, but I get terrible tension headaches.
Do you know how to garden? I don’t do any gardening. Not my thing.
What was the last thing you plugged into an outlet? The egg cooker thing to make hard boiled eggs.
Do people consider you to be a funny person? I have my moments.
Do you have any bad habits? Oh do I ever.
Do you like children? If not, why is this? Sure, in small doses. haha.
What is your favorite snack? Deviled eggs. Super random, but they make a delicious snack.
Do you own any gaming systems? I have a Nintendo Switch. I use my brother’s PS4 to access stuff like Netflix or watch DVDs in the living room.
How old were your parents when they had you? Early and mid 20s.
Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? There’s no such person, currently.
Do you trashtalk people a lot? Nah, just myself.
What is the most amusing thing on the internet, in your opinion? TikTok has been pretty amusing.
Does the future excite you or scare you? It terrifies me.
Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, how many times have you been? No.
Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? I spend a lot of time with my immediate family. We’re very close, but we also live together so we’re able to do so. I don’t see my extended family very often, and not at all since the quarantine/lockdown.
How often do you shower? Every couple of days.
What would you say is your favorite genre of music? I like a variety of music.
Do you need to clean your bedroom? It could use a little straightening up.
What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I don’t know. I don’t want to keep going on like I have been the past few years... 
Do you enjoy Chinese food? I like some. I haven’t had any in quite awhile, though. I’ve actually been really wanting potstickers.
Do you smile a lot? *shrug* I give a lot of half smiles.
What is your favorite movie from the nineties? That’s tough. I love a lot about the 90s.
Which decade were you born in? The 80s, albeit halfway through the last year of the decade. 
Are you good at giving advice to people? I think I used to be. Not now.
How many huge secrets do you have? Wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe I have a lot. Maybe I have none. Like the Tootsie Pop owl says, “the world may never know.” Oooh, I’m so ~mysterious.
How many people know these secrets?
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once.
Do you ever floss? Once in awhile, but no not usually. 
Have you ever been in a long-term relationship? No.
Ever considered suicide? If so, did you try to commit suicide? Yes. No. Is there anyone out there who makes you feel completely useless? No, I do that to myself.
Do you like texting or calling people more? Text. I don’t like talking on the phone. I don’t a lot of texting either, though.
What’s your favorite band? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Do you have a lot of friends? I don’t have any friends.
Have you ever painted something and been impressed by it? I don’t paint.
Would you rather go out to eat or stay in? Oh, I’m not going out to eat anywhere anytime soon. I don’t care if dine in is slowly becoming an option again. Things are starting to open up again in phases, but please don’t mistake that to mean we’re in the clear and it’s perfectly safe to do so. We’re still very much in the midst of this pandemic. Please don’t be lax about your outings or start going all over the place. 
When did you last babysit, if ever? Not since my brother and a couple of my cousins were kids. They’re all adults now. 
Do you have any younger siblings? Yep, just mentioned my younger brother.
Have you ever thought of someone as useless? I don’t think of others that way, just myself.
Have you ever considered bleaching your hair? Yes and I do.
Do you drink vitamin water? I was super into Vitamin Water back when I was in high school. I haven’t had any in quite a long time.
Do you ever straighten your hair? It’s been a few years since I’ve straightened it myself, but when I go to get my hair done the lady who does my hair straightens it.
What’s the best way to end a conversation? Uhhh it depends? 
Are there any old movies you absolutely love? Yeah, there’s several.
Have you ever had a Big Mac before? Many times. I’ll get a craving for one every now and then.
Do you think you attract the opposite sex at a reasonable rate? Haaaaa no, not at all.
Where is your favorite place to travel? Beachy places.
What is your goal for the next few months? Getting through the summer somehow. Next week we’re having a few triple digit weather days.... it’s not even summer, yet. I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I can’t even escape to the beach this summer. D:
Can you count to ten in another language other than your own? Sí, en Español.
Do you own a lot of shoes? A few pairs.
What is your favorite season and why? Fall and winter. I just love everything about it--the cold weather, the holidays, the smells, the decor, and just the coziness of it.
Does photography interest you at all? >> Not really. I like looking at photographs other people have taken, though. <<< Yeah, it interests me in that way but I don’t have any interest in taking up photography myself.
Have you ever played on a sports team before? If you have, what was that sport and when? Nope.
Have you ever filed a lawsuit on someone? No.
Do you think you’re a good singer? Nope, I know I’m not. Doesn’t mean I don’t do it anyway at home to myself, though. 
Would you rather wear jeans or sweatpants? I’ve only been wearing leggings the past few years.
Do you think you have a good sense of style? I like what I wear, which is all that matters.
Do you enjoy reading often? Yes, I love reading.
Ever had food-poisoning before? Yes. Not fun.
Where did you last eat dinner at? We got Wingstop takeout last night if that counts. I haven’t physically been out to eat in months, though.
Have you ever shot a gun before? Yes, once. I went to a shooting range with friends and learned how to hold and shoot one. I don’t know what type it was exactly, but it was a small handheld. It actually made me quite anxious doing so and even just being in that environment, so yeah it was just that one time. 
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Breakfast Club
Chapter Six-Library Day
Summary-The gang finally meet and this chapter will go right along with the movie. 90% of the dialogue and plot are from it. This is nothing like the previous gloomy chapters; I actually laughed several times while writing this (hint: Drake).
Hope you enjoy!
Warning: profanity
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Let me know if you want removed from the tag list...I wont take it personal.
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Dear Father...I accept the fact that I had to sacrifice a whole Saturday to think about who I am. Truth is...You see me and everyone else as you want to see us...in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions.  You see us as an heir, a bitch, a commoner, a failure and trash... Correct?  That's the way we saw it at ten o'clock this morning. We were brainwashed......
Olivia enters through the double doors of the old palace library. The room is large, brightly lit by small circular windows on the upper tier. Old books surround the outter walls and several shelves throughout the room. There are six wooden tables in the middle, two rows of three each, that include two chairs. A more modern library is on the first floor and replaced the old one several years ago, so there are no computers or technology present.
Olivia scrunches her face up and brushes imaginary dust from her arm. She takes a seat at one of the tables in the front row and inpatiently waits for an explanation of why she has to be there.
Maxwell and Riley enter a few moments later, a little nervous. They wondered if Constantine was planning to cause more trouble for Riley.
Maxwell walks up to Olivia's table, who is sitting with her arms crossed, eyeing the pair. "Why on earth are you here?" she asked with annoyance.
Maxwell pulls his letter out and starts to show her, when Liam walks in, surprised to find others there, as well. Riley immediately recognizes him and Olivia and becomes star struck again. She contemplates whether they are assholes like the King; she is already getting that vibe from Olivia, but, Liam appears dark and sullen. He walks past them and takes the seat next to Olivia.
Riley steps behind Maxwell to avoid any further confrontations from anyone else today, she did not want to be noticed. Maxwell lays the letter on their desk and asks if they got the same message.
Olivia slides it in front of her, taking a moment to glance, before pushing it back to him, "What is your father up to Liam?" she asks contemplatively.
Liam leans over and places both elbows on the table before rubbing his hands over his face several times, "Who knows".
Maxwell places his hand on Riley's back and they take their seats behind Olivia and Liam.
The door slams open as a drunken Drake strolls in. He begins tipping books off a shelf as he continues his way further inside. He notices the four, sitting quietly, taking in his excitable entrance. He has a pair of black shades, that he slowly takes off to get a better look at their faces, then grimaces. He's slightly tipsy, but, manages to walk up to Maxwell and Riley's table. He motions for them to get up. In an effort to avoid drama with him, they both get up and move to the table on the opposite side.
Drake falls back into the chair Riley just left and props his feet up on the table.
Liam and Olivia turn around briefly to peak at him, then look to each other snickering over his theatrics.
A tall, muscular guard enters the library, with a look that suggests he hates his job. He stands before the five, studying them for a moment with squinting eyes, "well...well...well...let me be the first to congratulate you for making it on time."
Olivia speaks up with a snarky tone, "what are we doing here, I've got better things to do on a Saturday than sit here with these clowns?" She gazes over briefly at Maxwell and Riley.
The guard rests his hands on his hips with both thumbs tucked into his waistband. "I have been ordered to keep the five of you in here while their majesties are in Krona today." He walks over to an empty shelf and grabs a small stack of blank paper and pencils then begins to pass one to each, "you are to write an essay, in no less than a thousand words, who you think you are."
Drake leans back in his chair and spits up in the air, catching it with his mouth. Olivia looks like she's going to gag.
"My name is Vernon, I was asked to keep you in here until the King and Queen return...you will not be disruptive and you will not be treated like a prince, a duchess, a lord, or... a common street criminal", he says while knocking Drake's feet off the table.
Drake then lays his head down and closes his eyes, Vernon slaps the top of the table, "...and you will not sleep."
Olivia raises her hand, "um sir, I believe there has been a mistake...I'm not a defective and don't belong in here with them", she motions behind her.
Vernon ignores her and walks back to face the group again. " breakfast will brought in since many of you missed it", he eyes Drake.
"Also, this essay, should not be the same word written over and over again, am I clear Mr. Walker?"
Drake smirks, "crystal".
"Good, maybe you all will learn a little about yourselves today....anyone have any questions?"
Maxwell raises his hand and stands, "will there be more pancakes for breakfast, because I will need extra syrup and maybe some wet towelettes."
"Sit down Beaumont."
"Yes sir", Maxwell slinks back down into his chair.
"Any more questions?"
Drake sits up in his chair, "yeah, does Donald Trump know you raid his wardrobe?"
Vernon gets a smug look on his face, "I'll give you the answer to that question Mr. Walker, next Saturday when you're pulling guard duty with me......don't mess with the bull young man or you'll get the horns." Vernon turns around and makes his leave.
Drake raises an eyebrow, "that man....is a twat waffle."
Maxwell glances over at Drake confused, "What's a twat waffle, are they good?"
Drake scoffs, "Don't worry about it Beaumont."
Riley's nerves have gotten to her again, not sure why she is even there. She begins chewing loudly on her fingernails, drawing the attention of the entire group who turn to her. She looks up, embarrassed by the stares.
"You keep eating your hand, you won't be hungry for breakfast" Drake says dryly.
Riley annoyed with his comment and his behavior thus far, spits the nail out at him.
Drake glares at her, "I've seen you before."
Riley swallows hard and turns away from him.
"Well I haven't....are you another one of Maxwell's drunken floozies?", Olivia says with disdain.
"No!" she replies offended.
Liam looks over at her, "then who are you?, he asks sincerely.
Maxwell answers before she can speak, "This is Riley and we're just friends...and no benefits have been involved in anyway."
Olivia rolls her eyes and mumbles, "sure Maxwell".
A maid enters the library with a cart full of pastries, fruit and orange juice. 
Maxwell jumps up first and runs to get his plate. He is disppointed that there is no pancakes, but, loads up his plate with danishes and blueberry muffins. He sits back and Riley oogles his plate, surprised he's still hungry from his pancake extravaganza at breakfast earlier. He offer her an apple, but, she declines. Liam and Olivia peruse the selection and make their way back to the table.
Maxwell looks up briefly to observe his surroundings and the people he is spending his Saturday with. While chewing a mouthful of food, "Hey guys, I guess you could consider this the breakfast club."
Drake leans back in his chair and sighs, "Breakfast club?.....this is going to be a long day."
As the three eat, Maxwell starts playing with his spoon and fork. He sticks them both in his mouth pretending he has tusks. He turns and looks at Drake who is staring at him.
Maxwell lets out a small laugh, "It's the shits huh?"
Drake continues to glare at him and Maxwell takes the utensils out of his mouth.
Drake turns and crumples up the blank paper on his desk and throws it between Olivia and Liam, sitting in front of him.
They both acknowledge it, but, continue to ignore him.
Drake not happy by Olivia's unresponsiveness, starts singing loudly, "nah nah nah nah nah nah nah...."
Olivia places the tips of her fingers on both sides of her head, "I can't believe this is happening to me."
Drake abruptly stops singing. "Oh shit! What're we supposed to do if we hafta take a piss?"
Olivia disgusted, "please".
"If ya gotta go..." Drake unzips his pants, "ya gotta go."
Everyone turns to Drake.
Olivia is beyond shocked at this point, "Oh my God!"
Liam gives him a stern look, "Hey Drake, you're not pissing on the floor!"
Drake waves him away, "Don't talk, don't talk...it makes it crawl back up."
Riley is astounded by the way Drake is acting, "Is he always like this?"
Olivia still repulsed, "No......he's worse!"
Liam interjects, "he must have been drinking, usually he's brooding around the palace, but, get's a little more wild when he's drunk."
Drake pulls it out of his zipper preparing to pee. Olivia stands up, seething, "you start pissing and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor."
Drake gasps mockingly at her and blows a kiss, "you're pretty sexy when you're angry..grrr."
Drake turns to Maxwell, "Hey Beaumont, why don't you go shut the door and we'll get the Duchess here... inpregnated."
Olivia drops her jaw and glares at him.
Liam turns around now, not amused by Drake's comment, "knock it off Drake."
Olivia, still standing, places both palms on Drake's table and leans over, "If I lose my temper, you're totalled."
Unfazed, Drake questions her, "totally?"
Olivia nods, "totally."
Riley looks around Maxwell at Drake, "Why don't you just shut up, nobody here is interested."
Liam agrees with her, "yeah, just because you're drunk doesn't give you the right to be an ass to everyone...just cool it."
Drake scoff at him, "it's a free country your highness."
Olivia sits back in her chair and tells Liam to just ignore him rather than allow him to get a rise out of them.
Drake chuckles, "sweets...you couldn't ignore me if you tried.
Olivia rolls her eyes.
Speaking to Liam and Olivia still, "So..So! Are you two like boyfriend and girlfriend.....steady dates....lo-vers....come on your highness...level with me...do you slip her the hot...beef...injection?"
Both turn around furious at him, when Olivia screams, "Go to hell!"
Liam tells him, that's enough.
Vernon yells from the hallway, "Hey, what's going on in there?" He mumbles to himself, "smug little pricks."
_______Continue to Chapter 7_________
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
H2O Vanoss: Merman
Final one! Okay, so this is my OTP and this idea actually was my LEAST favorite at first, but now? Now I love it. ugh, I’m a mess. Please enjoy this monster of a HeadCanon! ^.^
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H2OVanoss Merman
Basis: Evan is a merman prince of an undersea kingdom, Del is a struggling artist who is in desperate need of a beach vacation according to his friend Luke.
IDEAS (...Basically just a story)
The story starts when Evan is about to assume the reign of his kingdom, as a sign of his coming of age on his 25th birthday. During the banquet just before the coronation, one of his advisors gives him a drink poisoned with human blood, known to mermaid’s as “The Loner’s Curse.” 
The poison weakens him to be stronger than humans but weaker than mermaids, and also turns him human. The advisor and some of his henchman subdue him and end up stranding Evan on shore, tying him to a post so he’ll drown when the tide comes in.
Instead, Delirious finds him while finding a morning surf shore that he and Luke had taken for the summer while Luke took over his uncle’s beach house and surf shop (with Delirious assisting him.) Evan is almost drowning when Delirious spots him, so once Delirious unties him he’s stuck dragging an unconscious Evan back to the beach house, where Luke and Del get him cleaned up. 
Luke berates Del about not dragging dead people into the house again as they’re doing this.
When Evan wakes up, he’s stuck as a human and has to find a way to reverse the poison that’s still in his system and get back to his kingdom and save it. He keeps track of the poison by looking at his veins in the moonlight, and where his veins glow is where the poison has reached. 
If the poison reaches his heart, he’ll literally drown in human blood and die. Thankfully, he has Delirious to help him, and Luke when he’s not managing the shop.
Not that any of them have ANY idea what they’re doing.
In the process of searching for a cure, there’s really cute moments! Evan hates being human (walking, the increased metabolism/need for sleep, basically everything to do with a human body) until he eats pizza for the first time. He’s literally addicted to the pizza from Panda’s Pizza Parlor, which has the best pizza on the coast. 
He also likes Panda, who can always tell exactly what kind of pizza he wants with a single glance (he does this with all his customers, and gives Evan an anchovy special each time he walks in, heavy on the fish.) 
Delirious absolutely refuses to try it, no matter how much Evan tries to get him to eat it (“They’ve still got their eyes, Evan! I can’t eat no fish eyes, they’re still looking at me an- and making me feel bad!”)
Evan is NOT used to wearing clothes and keeps “losing” them. The number of times that Delirious has turned around to/walking in on/returned to a shirtless or entirely naked Evan most definitely contributes to his attraction to the merman prince and his extreme embarrassment. 
Evan only really likes this one shark tooth necklace that Delirious bought for Evan, as it helps him to comfort him when there are too many people around.
Evan can’t be left alone in the house because he breaks SO MUCH STUFF. Luke has had to replace most minor appliances and is very tempted to “take a gutting knife to the damn fish already and have some peace again.”
Fire at the beach: Del teaches Vanoss how to dance for the first time, super intimate and romantic. 
Girls flirting with Evan at the surf shop annoys Delirious to the point of “accidentally” knocking a soda onto the girls and making them leave.
Luke is torn between snickering and groaning at the loss of profit
Del comes into Evan’s room in the middle of night because he’s crying in pain from the poison
This starts the tradition of then sleeping next to each other every night (despite Luke teasing Del every morning)
Del asks Evan about merepeople’s sexuality and kinda discovers Evan’s into men over women
Del teaches Evan how to surf (and fails miserably). 
They almost kiss for the first time before a wave pushes them away from each other and ruins the moment
Evan stumbles in on Delirious trying to draw in the window seat of the beach house, but from the crumpled up drawings and broken pencils, it’s obvious he’s not having any luck. Evan doesn’t know the first thing about art, but he likes to watch Delirious draw, and is genuinely interested in how he makes drawings and why he chooses certain styles or lines for parts of the picture. 
Del is a bit nervous talking about it at first, but as he answers Evan’s questions, he relaxes. By the time the questions are done, Del’s drawn a picture without even really realizing what he was doing. 
It ends up being a picture of Evan from the waist up, and Delirious ends up asking about what Evan looks like as a mermaid (the color of his scales, his tail length, etc). He draws Evan’s full form from the answers, and Evan is bittersweet looking at the picture of what he may never be again. But he asks if he can keep the picture, which Del lets him, worried when Evan leaves the room that he’s made a mistake drawing it.
One day when Evan is suuuuper stressed after a lead on the cure goes bust (their informant cancels on them), Delirious takes him to a carnival to cheer up. Evan’s instantly taken in by the sounds and colors, which nearly overwhelm him until Delirious grabs his hand and shows him how fun everything can be. 
Evan decides that cotton candy is the absolute best, candy apples are from hell (“Delirious, get this stupid thing off my face!” as the caramel adheres to his cheek), and he’s NOT a fan of heights. But he’s watched a lot of romantic movies with Luke over the past two weeks, and he knows that Ferris wheels are a romantic thing that people do. And he’s… kinda into Delirious, so he wants to go on it despite his fear of heights, insisting that his shaking knees and sweaty palms are from the poison (“Evan, that doesn’t make me feel better!”) 
Delirious pretends that he’s scared of heights to keep Evan from going on it, and they end up going on one of those little helicopter rides instead that go up and down in a circle, and Evan absolutely loves it.
When they get back home, Evan is left alone with Luke while Delirious grabs all the prizes they won from Evan being OP at carnival games. Luke asks if Delirious “made a move on you” on the Ferris wheel, as it’s his favorite ride. This leaves Evan confused, telling Luke that he was scared of it, but the Southerner is stubborn in his insistence that the wheel is his favorite “fucking stupid ride.” 
When Delirious comes back, he confesses that he does love the Ferris wheel, but also says that the carnival was supposed to be for Evan, to make him feel better, and Delirious would rather have fun with Evan than make him go on a ride he’s terrified of.
Essentially, it’s their first date, and it goes very, very well.
Luke: “Man, if all I had to do was convince you it was a date to stay off that ride, we’d be on our tenth anniversary by now!” and that’s what makes them realize it’s a date
However, there’s still angst… because now they realize that even if they can cure Evan, he’ll turn back into a mermaid and have to choose between his kingdom and Delirious. 
Evan starts to pull away from Delirious as a result of this realization, not wanting to hurt him with his eventual departure. He can feel his soul missing Delirious, though. 
He ends up in this mental limbo over the choice between Delirious and his duty to his kingdom, and ends up stumbling across this tiny aquarium on the edge of town.
Evan finds comfort in the small aquarium’s ocean window, and he ends up going there often when he’s overwhelmed or down on himself over the course of the summer.
And eventually, it’s his last night alive, as he hasn’t found a cure.
Evan goes there on his last night alive, as he doesn’t want to die in front of Delirious or the ocean. 
He leaves a note explaining that he’s grateful to Delirious for everything he did. It’s a sweet goodbye, ending it with a wish that he could have told Delirious “how he felt.” He doesn’t think he’s ever going to have a chance to explain it.
He writes this note on the back of the drawing Del did for him, adding his own little mess of a doodle of Del swimming next to him as a merman.
It’s dark in the aquarium, as it’s closing time, and moonlight is streaming through the window where he’s sitting and his whole body save his upper chest lights up. The owner ends up sitting next to him, a man named Brian.
“I should have known you’re just like me. Focking’ Christ.” And then Brian leans over the table and kisses Evan.
Delirious runs in screaming for Evan, panicking over the note he found, to the sight of a very panicked and breathless Evan yanking free of Brian’s kiss, and he’s rightfully infuriated and confused at the both of them for everything that’s happening.
Brian reveals that he used to be a merman, but was poisoned on accident while trying to save a “kid” who fell over the edge of his father’s fishing boat and scratched up his hands trying to climb up. 
Brian ended up swallowing some of his blood and was turned into a human, but was saved by the guy’s father. 
Brian knows enough about mermaids to know that the cure to The Loner’s Curse is to “share air” with either a human or a mermaid, turning the afflicted into whichever species kisses them until they go into/leave the water. And the stronger the bond of affection between the two, the longer the curse will be gone for- but only true love’s kiss can truly “cure” it. So Brian bought Evan time, but can’t cure him.
Cue a frantic Delirious begging Evan to not die and not accept this. In his panic, Delirious asks Evan to kiss him, recounting their dates and intimate moments as reasons why it would work. Evan is scared to die, but is more terrified of kissing Delirious- because it’s a double-edged sword. 
If he kisses Delirious and goes to the water and becomes a merman, then he’ll have to leave Delirious behind forever. But if he doesn’t turn into a merman, it’ll mean Delirious doesn’t love him, and he’ll lose him anyways when he dies of the uncured curse. 
So Evan, almost-coronated prince of the undersea kingdom, does the mature thing and runs away. Again.
Delirious follows him to the beach, tackling him to the sand before he can reach the water. He’s crying, upset and in love with this stupid dying mer-prince, and when Evan tries to get away Delirious screams that he’s “in love with you, and I have to do this even though it’s gonna kill me to let you go. Cuz it’ll make you happy, and all I’ve ever wanted is that you’re happy!” 
And when Evan is too stunned to reply, Delirious kisses him.
As they kiss, Evan’s whole body glows in the moonlight, the poisonous curse fading from his body. They break apart to breathe, but just as they go to kiss again the first wave washes over Evan’s body as the tide rises, and he starts to turn back into a merman in Delirious’s arms. 
Evan starts to tell Delirious he loves him as well, but Delirious cuts him off, inconsolable as he realizes he can’t love Evan and have him. As he starts to walk away, Evan realizes Delirious looks like how he did when he first tried walking (wobbly and shaken), and also that this is the first time Delirious has ever really broken down in front of him.
Evan tries to call him back, but Delirious says that he’s got a kingdom to save, “and I’ve got another purpose to find.” 
And then Delirious is running away down the beach, along the shoreline towards his house, and Evan is frantically swimming after him through the shallows trying to get him to come back. 
The jetty wall stops him from following, and Delirious gives him one last look of love and pain before running back into his house and leaving Evan alone in the water.
Realizing that there’s nothing he can do, Evan goes back and saves his kingdom. It’s the least he owes Delirious and their lost love. He wins, but he’s still heartbroken.
Every day for a month, he goes to the beach to see if Delirious is there, but the man never appears. 
Luke does show up, though, and absolutely rips into Evan for hurting Delirious and breaking his heart. He tells Evan how Delirious won’t surf, won’t go out, won’t even draw anything, and that “I hope your goddamn kingdom was worth it.” He tells Evan to never come back so Delirious will “find someone who can stand on his own two fucking legs and who won’t run away.”
Evan decides he’s gonna break into Brian’s aquarium, following the half-wild fish in through the pipes and scaring the absolute fuck out of Brian one night. He begs Brian to tell him how he’s still alive, as he’s seen Brian go in deep water and not turn back into a mermaid. 
Brian tells him that the secret is to kiss the person whose blood he accidentally consumed (Evan yells at him for kissing a kid, but really the kid was a young adult whose father called him “kid” as long as Brian knew him. Brian and Brock are now happily married and Brian still teasingly calls him “kid” because his dad joked at their wedding that “the kid fell head over heels” for Brian.)
Which means that he has to drink Delirious’s blood and then kiss him and they can be happy! 
The only problem is convincing Delirious to do that, which is where Brian, always a sucker for a happy ending and NOT having mermaids in his aquarium, offers his services of sticking Evan into a tank with a tarp on top and driving over to Delirious’s house.
Brock walks in on Brian putting the tarp over the tank, takes two seconds to look at Brian’s guilty face and Evan’s panicked eyes, and just takes a sip of his coffee before saying “Babe, I’m not gonna ask any questions so long as you buy me clams tonight” and walking away. 
Brian mumbles “jokes on him, clams always makes the sex better later” and Evan’s like “please just drive me to Delirious and never talk to me about your sex life again.”
They drive to the house, and while Brian’s trying to pull Evan into the pool Luke walks out and gets suuuuuuuuper pissed at Evan for coming back. 
Brian’s like “you like him?” and Evan’s all “no no I like the guy who showed up last time!” (“Who’s this, then, his new boyfriend?” “I’m his best friend, you dipshit!”) and it’s all a mess that ends up waking Delirious up.
When he comes outside and sees Evan and is absolutely flabbergasted and excited and very, very cautious. Evan, being the great person he is with words, asks Delirious if he can have some blood and then kiss him (“What the fuck, Evan?” “So I can live with you!”) And Luke is like, super done and tells him to fuck off and not to use “my best friend- whose heart you broke by the way- as a fucking sacrifice for your bullshit mermaid things!” 
But when he tries to drag Delirious inside after telling Brian to go give him to Panda so he can be on one of those pizzas he liked so much, Delirious blurts out “why are you still wearing my necklace?”
Everything sort of pauses around the two of them as Evan tells him he’s still in love with him, that he hated every day he was gone but he had shit to take care of before he came back, and that even though he tried every day to find Delirious and say he was coming back he was never able to. And he ends his speech with 
“Delirious, if I was gonna break your heart, it was gonna be for a damn good reason, and I wasn’t gonna leave it broken if I could come back.”
At this point Delirious goes quiet, and then looks to Brian and asks if the same rules apply about the kiss and going back in the water. Brian tells him the truth, which is that Evan would be with him forever, as a human, unless they weren’t in love anymore in which case he’d stay a mermaid. 
Delirious then bites his own lip with enough force to make it bleed, which makes Evan panic a bit from the sight. But Delirious says he needs to do it to start the first part of the ceremony, because he’s still in love with Evan, and Luke is like “are you serious” and Brian’s like “are you sure? You can’t go back from this” and both Evan and Delirious are like “absolutely, yes.”
So they kiss, and Evan is getting poisoned by Delirious’s blood as he kisses him, and the whole thing is over in a literal flash as his body glows from the poison and is instantly cured.
Has legs! It worked! And now Delirious, who is laughing and crying in happiness, is hauling him out of the pool and it’s happy all around (except for Luke, who warns him to not touch a single goddamn thing in the house without someone watching him.)
And they lived happily ever after.
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scribble-skull-rat · 4 years
literally all of the make the admit questions you are comfortable answering
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
I talk to them on a daily basis
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
Sort of
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I haven't hung out with anyone, social distancing my duce
6. What are you excited for?
Seeing my boyfriend
7. What happened tonight?
I watched revolting rhymes with my mom
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Eh idc
9. Is confidence cute?
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
2, 3 if you count you
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I did
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Stay in and cry because i havent gotten over losing my cats and grandpa
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Nothing, im broke
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Not anymore
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Probably not but ill try
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Ehh no one
18. The last time you felt broken?
Litteraly 10 minutes ago
19. Have you had sex today?
I wish
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Yeah, im a piece of shit
21. Are you in a good mood?
Im never in a good mood to be fair
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
His are black and mine are blue so, no
24. What do you want right this second?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Platonicly? Nothing idgaf. Romantically? Id cry
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
A stupid thing in a discord chat
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Nah, hes really nice. I think I've told you about him, his names noah
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Yeah it'd be a bit hard for us to be dating if he didn't
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
I rarely do
34. Listening to?
A mix of lofi and depressed music along with the song my boyfriend sent me
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Usually i do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yeah, Oregon
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sort of?
38. Who did you last call?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I dont dance unless you count tiktok dances
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Peer pressure
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
I hugged my mom so yeah
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I dont tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Yeah, it was awkward and we both hated it
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
Not really since we dont have a car
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yeah, my sister used to teach me
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Ive never had my portrait taken
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Eh idc
53. Is Christmas stressful?
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
A w h a t
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, still do
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
Dont have one
62. What do you wear to bed?
A t-shirt and pj pants, or shorts
63. First concert?
Never been to one
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Im poor so neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Uhh calm down i guess
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I dont really care what job my spouse has
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Ive never done a spelling bee
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I dont think so
74. What is your favorite book?
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
79. What was the last concert you saw?
I've never been to a concert
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Warm tea
81. Tea or coffee?
Red tea
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
Eh yeah
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yeah? Do people do that?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
87. Ever won a contest?
Once and i fucked up by not responding in time
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Have fun and use protection
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room
92. Do you want to get married
Ehh sort of
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sweethazzababy · 6 years
Not So Professional- Chapter 1
Plot: Y/N gets the job as Harry Styles’s personal assistant. Working for him, she deals with the ups and downs of his career ranging from difficult breakups to music celebrations and everything in between. How will her and Harry’s relationship develop?
A/N: Ahh oh my goodness hello my beautiful friends!! it’s been so so long since i updated my writing, and i apologize for that. i just havent had the inspiration to write, but tonight something sparked in me and i am so happy about it. i’ve decided to start a “book” and update with chapters. i actually started this a while ago, but i went back to writing it again and i want to share it with you all. i cant promise that i’ll update regularly but i will try my hardest. i hope you enjoy it!! :)
Chapter 1.
       One. Two. Three. Four. I’m counting my steps in my head as I walk down the busy street, pandemonium disrupting my ears. Peace is nothing but a fantasy in the place I live in. There is never any quiet noise. So many mornings I wake up hopeful to hear some birds chirping, some wind rustling through the delicate leaves of the limited trees we have in this city. But no. It’s always the bothersome noise of multiple taxi horns, or people yelling down streets. My earbuds try their best to block out any sort of something that isn’t music. Tides-Swimming Tapesmy lock screen reads. The beachy guitar riff pleasantly floods my ears as I try my best to imagine the sand and the sea. Ever since moving to the city, the beach is something I long for every day. The fresh salty aroma, the warmth of the sun beating down on bronzed skin and the sand beneath the pads of your feet. The calming and relaxing sound of waves crashing quietly onto shore. The kind of quiet noise I wish I could experience on a day to day basis.
        You must be thinking, why would you move to the city if you hate it so fucking much? Because at my age of 22, money is a little bit more important than happiness. Supporting myself is a lot harder than I ever imagined. When I moved out at 18, I was so eager to finally be on my own, making my own decisions without anyone holding me back from what I wanted in my life. No judgements on the way I chose to live. No doubt, I love being on my own, but money has become a bit of an issue. Here in the Big Apple, good jobs are much more accessible rather than some no-named beach town in New Jersey with a population of a measly 5,000.
       Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three… my brain can’t help but continue to count my steps, a habit I’ve grown to develop. I lift my head to look at the street ahead of me, making sure I don’t walk past my work place. Shuffling around the crowds of people making their way to work as well, I zig zag through seamlessly. Living in New York City is a bit of a learning experience. You learn the detours and shortcuts of walking through Manhattan to get to places, almost like a daily routine of successfully walking through a maze. I always make sure to have my earbuds everywhere I go, to help make the journeys at least a little bit enjoyable. The delightful sound of my playlist can distract me from almost anything around me. Getting lost in music is one of the not so many things I adore.
       Once I get to the building, I tilt my head as far back as I need to in order to see the towering skyscraper before me. The height is so surreal that when I look up to the top from the ground, it almost seems as if it’s falling and tilting in the sky. After all these years, I still can’t help but gaze in wonder at how one can build such a thing. Shaking my head from my pointless thoughts, I sigh in annoyance as I gather my shaky breaths to control them and take my first steps forward to open the big glass door. As usual, I am greeted by Nina as she sits behind the main desk typing away and taking dozens of calls. She lends me a warm smile, her eyes crinkling a bit at the corners. I’ve always liked her, even though sometimes she can be a bit too cheery. No one likes their job that much, especially a desk secretary. I set my eyes on the nearest elevator, seeing it is about to close. My feet start to pick up the pace as I walk faster to catch the elevator before it takes another 10 minutes for it to come back down. With a building that contains 53 floors, you never know how long the elevator will take to come back to ground level. A middle-aged woman sees me making a beeline towards the elevator and stops the doors from closing while kindly giving me a welcoming smile. I nod my head in appreciation as I settle into the back-right corner of the elevator, my usual spot. As the elevator starts to make its way up the building I keep my attention on the numbers as we pass each floor. 53reads on the small screen as the ding signals the door to open. Yes, the top floor. It’s always a pain to work on the top floor, knowing I have to give myself a 5-10-minute window before I actually clock in. My flats make a faint tapping sound as I walk down the marble floor to my boss’ office. I take the stainless-steel handle in my hand and twist to open the door.
       “Good morning Y/N! A beautiful day it is isn’t it?” I look up from the floor for my eyes to meet with an elegant but sophisticated office. The glossy marble floors continue to flood into the room. On top of the floors lies a large black desk with a black swivel chair, big enough for two people to sit comfortably. The desk sits atop a black rug to compliment the marble theme. Behind the desk, my eyes set on the beautifully breathtaking view of the city skyline. Mr. Garrett Rowland. CEO of the Sony Music Headquarters. I give a polite smile as I greet back.
       “Indeed, it is! Happy to feel the warm weather again.” I say with a sigh of relief. The month of April is finally settled in, which makes me a little bit cheerier. The past winter felt like a lifetime with multiple unwanted snow storms. I’ve never been a huge fan of the snow. He gives a nod of agreement towards me and takes a seat in his throne of a chair. His salt and pepper hair is styled nicely, as always. Never have I seen a day where he looked less than perfectly put together. I sit in the chair opposite of him and wait for my duties to be listed today. As his personal assistant, I’ve gotten used to the fact that my job here is to be as helpful as I can no matter the number of tasks he asks of me all at once. I like to keep myself busy which is why I guess this job is suited for me.
      “What can I do for you today Sir?” I question with a smile, portraying eager and slight enthusiasm. I need to at least show I enjoy my job. He folds his fingers together on the desk as he is probably preparing his list of tasks. I tuck a loose strand of blonde hair behind my ear that happened to fall out of my loose, but sophisticated, pony tail. My fingers tug down my pencil skirt a bit as I sit with my legs crossed.
         “Well Ms. Y/L/N, I actually have a bit of news to inform you of.” He says. His face is stern but soft eyes contradict the boss persona he’s trying to front. I raise my eyebrows, eyes widening, not expecting that response opposed to my usual orders. “I got a call from Syco and Columbia Records earlier this morning before you came in.” Confusion sets on my face as my eyebrows furrow, not really sure what they would be calling for, and why it concerns me. Confusion soon turns to curiosity as Garrett continues on.
         “You have quite a reputation as my personal assistant and it seems that one of their recording artists is in need of one. The last one got fired for having an affair. They called asking about you.” He finishes, leaving the floor to me. My jaw drops a bit, not really knowing how to respond. Me? A personal assistant to a famous artist? My mind is racing, occupied with questions and thoughts that I completely forgot I was sitting in front of my boss who is awaiting some sort of answer.
         “Uh…u-um, wow. I, uh, don’t know what to say.” I stumble over my words twiddling my thumbs, unsure of what to do with my hands. I clear my throat as I try to piece together somewhat of a valuable response. “Are you saying I have the choice to take the job?” My eyebrows raise once again, as I try to process this situation.
         “Y/N, you have worked extremely hard to get to the place you are in right now. Over the past 3 and a half years you have been nothing but helpful, and always such a joy to work with. You have earned every raise and promotion you received, and I feel this opportunity is one that won’t come again. Although it will be bittersweet to lose such a valuable employee, and friend, I believe you deserve this job. You will be getting paid twice as much with the bonus of traveling the world. I advise you to take this opportunity.” Garrett finishes with nothing, but complete truth and sincerity shown through his eyes. He gives me a kind smile, the aged wrinkles forming by the corners of his lips. His dark brown eyes are gleaming as he tells me the news. I have developed a bit of a relationship with Garrett, almost like an uncle type of figure. I was so young when I started, I matured and grew up working for him.
          I can’t help but smile myself, the corners of my lips slowly curving up to form a shy grin. My heart pounds inside my chest at the amazing news, something I thought would never happen. Rarely do lucky opportunities come along for me. I may be the CEO’s personal assistant but as he said, I worked hard to get to this position. I know I have to take this job, I mean I really do need the money after all. As I think of a way to respond, I realize I don’t even know who this artist is. What if it’s someone I hate? Like Chris Brown or something? God no I can’t be his assistant
          “Are you sure? It sounds like an amazing opportunity I just don’t really know any details. Who would I be working for?” A tinge of uncertainty is hinted through my tone, not really knowing what to expect. I bite my bottom lip, feeling the blood rush to the surface… another nervous habit. Garrett takes a bit of a deep breath before answering the burning question. He looks down at his hands still clasped together, his thousand-dollar watch shining as the sunlight hits it creating a glimmer.
          “Harry Styles.”
           After hearing the name that slipped from Garrett’s lips, I held my breath for a few seconds. Trying to process the new information, I glance down at my hands. My dainty fingers rubbing the clammy sweat perspiring on my palms off onto my skirt. My manicured nails give my outfit a pop of color, a bright yellow to celebrate the spring time. Harry Styles. The boyband guy? What’s the name of that group…One Direction? I have never really paid much attention to the teen pop culture anymore considering my age now, but I do keep up watching E! News or reading a few magazines. Apparently, this boyband is on hiatus-which sounds to me a lot like a break up. But Harry Styles I do know is seen not only as the front man, but as a huge flirt. A womanizer, if you will.
          “Oh wow…” I trail off, unsure if I should pretend to fangirl or show a little bit of excitement. I bite my bottom lip again, the news sparking my nerves.
          “I have a picture of him, in case you weren’t really sure who he is.” He picks up on my surprised but uncertain tone of voice, and I roll my eyes with a smirk at his comment. I may not be a screaming One Direction fan but of course I know who Harry Styles is. I chuckle to myself at the thought of him thinking I live under a rock. I nod in agreement, taking the picture from his hand.
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          The first thing I notice, immediately after receiving the photo, are his emerald green eyes. Those eyes are mesmerizing to look at, as if they are piercing right through me. I can’t help but stay speechless in awe at his beauty. I’ve always known he’s attractive, but I’ve never really taken a good look at him before. I’m almost regretting not paying careful attention before. After looking into his gorgeous irises, my eyes set on his hair. A beautiful shade of brunette, styled to lay up and off of his forehead, only it looks effortless. Small, loose curls peek out behind his ears and by the back of his neck. His hair is short, but full and voluminous. How is it possible for a man to have such great hair? I next lay my eyes on his lips. A natural, but pretty shade of a dark pink with dimples peeking through near the corners of his mouth. Absolutely charming. My heart begins to flutter looking at him, and my stomach feels like it’s doing cartwheels. His face structure is strong, but cheeky with a jawline that is insanely chiseled. The smirk on his lips finishes it off, making my heart jump even more. There is something a bit mysterious and dark about him, but I just can’t put my finger on it. I also can’t take my eyes off of him, taking in his handsome features. His attractiveness is already overwhelming, I can’t imagine him in person.
           The sound of someone clearing their throat takes me out of my little fantasized world, my head immediately leveling out and swerving my attention back to Garrett, snapping myself back into reality.
           “Well, well, someone finds this man quite the dime…” Garrett jokes with a playful smile. I immediately feel my face flush, probably a nice shade of pink. I chuckle along with him and cover my face with my hands embarrassed.
           “Oh my gosh stop it!” I giggle trying to keep my cool in attempt to prevent my cheeks from turning to a brighter red. “I’m just observing the person who will be ordering me around the next few years.” I try to give a logical reason as to why I was staring for so long. Little does he know I might have developed a bit of a crush just by looking at the one picture. Garrett rolls his eyes jokingly but accepting of my excuse.
           “His management team already gave me an address and a date for you to start. They are really interested in having you.” He explains, trying to refocus our conversation to more important things. I nod along to his talking, but all the while can’t help but think of Harry. I really need to snap out of this if I’m going to be working with him every day.
           “When and where do they want me to start?” I ask.
           “In three days, in London.” Garret says. My eyes widen with shock. This is absolutely crazy. I feel like so many things are happening at once, that I can’t really comprehend it. In three days…three days, I will be moving to London. Nerves start to set in, in place of my original excitement. I have never traveled outside of the country, hell I’ve never left the East Coast.
           Garrett proceeds to tell me the rest of the information. When our meeting is finished, I shake his hand and give him a hug realizing I no longer work for him anymore.
           “Don’t be a stranger.” Garrett tells me with his hands on my shoulders. I nod and smile, then continue on out of his office. On my way down to the first floor, my mind runs wild. I can’t believe this is happening to me. Never do I get opportunities like this, and I can’t help but feel excited awaiting my future in London. Once I get to the first floor, I walk out and take a deep breath. My last time leaving this building as an employee. I pass the main desk on my way out, saying a goodbye to Nina who looks shocked and a bit teary-eyed. I’ll miss her. Walking out of the building, I take a breath of the fresh New York City air. If I’m going to be honest, this place will be missed. I’ve grown to love the rush and the pace. The smells, the noise. Walking back to my apartment, I make sure to pay deep attention to everything surrounding me rather than ignore it. The bright sun is beating down on me and the rest of the city giving it a glow. The buzz of the streets never fades, and the traffic on the streets never clears. There is always something exciting and new to look forward to living here.
           My mind starts to wander off into thoughts of London. I wonder what the weather would be like, how the people interact. I’ve heard through talk that it’s always raining and cloudy. I feel a bit of annoyance at the thought but sometimes a good rain shower is calming. I walk up to my apartment building and start making my way up the stairs to the second floor. I shuffle through my purse to find my key and when I finally see it peeking through at the very bottom, I retrieve it and push it into the lock. Opening the door, I am greeted by Luna, her little paws scratching at my legs. I bend down and run my fingers through her fur with a smile. Living in a big city by myself can feel a little lonely sometimes. Ever since I got Luna though I have company to look forward to when I come home which is nice. Although she is just a small little Yorkie, I feel like the two of us are companions. I never had a dog growing up, my mom never liked them. It’s a shame because I longed to grow up with a family dog, to always have someone to cuddle with.
           I stand up from a bent position and make my way towards my kitchen, the size of a decently large walk-in closet. I toss my bag on the island, kick my shoes off and let out a relieved sigh at the feeling of my feet no longer compressed by the narrow shape of my flats. Feeling a sting I arch my back and turn my head to my backside in attempt to see my feet where the sting is coming from. The back of my right heel has turned red with a fresh tiny cut forming from the harsh leather of my flats. I scoff at the sight and roughly search through my vitamin cabinet for a Band-Aid, hoping it would make it feel a little bit better. As I am peeling the Band-Aid from the thin paper I hear a buzz coming from my purse. Reaching my hand in my bag I grab my phone which is reading an unrecognizable number on the lock screen. Reluctant, I answer.
           “Hello?” I politely answer.
           “Y/N Y/L/N?” A man’s voice responds.
           “This is she. Who am I speaking to?” I cautiously ask. The number that called wasn’t a familiar area code.
           “My name is Jeff Azoff. I’m Harry Styles’ manager and I was just informed that you will be joining our team as Harry’s personal assistant.” The man on the other end has a youthful tone, making me wonder how old this guy is. 
           “Oh hi! Yes, I am coming to London in about three days to start.” I say.
           “About that…” Jeff chuckles through the phone as he trails off. “There has been a change of plans. We are going to need you to start tomorrow.” Jeff finishes his sentence and my heart drops. I start to quietly panic knowing I only have today and possibly tomorrow morning to pack and leave.
           “Wow okay…um sounds good!” I let out a little laugh in response to the situation. Jeff lets me know that the plane ticket is already paid for I just have to pick it up and let the officials at the airport know.
           “Your plane leaves at 1 PM your time and it’s about a 7-hour flight, but when you get here it will be about 1-2 in the morning because of the time difference.” He explains. Shit. The jetlag is going to be terrible. We finish up the conversation and say our goodbyes. After hanging up I immediately run to my room and take out the biggest luggage I can find in my closet. I am not actually moving out of my apartment, so I am going to try and pack as much as I think I’ll need. Who knows how long I’ll be gone. 
A/N- I’m not sure where I’m taking it, so I’m open to suggestions to help thicken the plot once the story starts to advance…thank you for reading! I’ll let you guys know when I’m updating :)
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blkmxrvel · 6 years
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home [3] - (CONVERTED)
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Midvale House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Y/L/N, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
A/N: This is really one of my favorite stories. I’ve it so many different times in so many different fandoms and wanted to put it in another one! In this, Kara and Alex are not sisters, Kara isn’t an alien which means she isn’t supergirl. Just wanna give another note that this story is NOT mine. I did not come with the plot, I just switched out the names of characters and places, that is all. Credit goes to itsfaberrytaboo on Ao3!
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Kara practically bounced into the House the next day, only to have her hopes completely dashed with one glance into the corner.
“We tried,” Director Nal said, coming to stand at her elbow. “We put her at the game table with the paper and colored pencils, like you asked. She didn’t even make a move. Some of the other residents drew, tried to get her to, but nothing. Just sat there and stared.”
Kara sighed.
“Eventually the other residents got uncomfortable, so we took away the paper and pencils, and just… brought her to her usual spot. I’m sorry, Ma’am.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Kara said, even though she knew it did. She’d seen it, she knew she had. A flicker of recognition, of… something. She didn’t know what it was and with Y/N Y/L/N sat back in her corner Kara doubted herself once again.
But she knew it’d happened. Y/N had responded.
Which is why she kept coming back to the House, for the next week. It didn’t matter that Alex kept telling her that she was fighting a losing battle, or that the director at one point said she felt like Kara was disturbing the other residents by her show of favoritism for Y/N. It didn’t matter what questions she asked Y/N, or that they all went unanswered. She still came, bringing a book or her lunch. An iPod with music that she tried to get Y/N to listen to. Apple slices that she tried to get Y/N to eat.
Y/N never responded, but Kara still came. Every day, for a week.
Friday afternoon, she was as discouraged as she’d ever felt. Once again she’d tried to get Y/N involved in a board game, but once again the young woman hadn’t responded. Maybe Alex was right, Kara thought. Maybe Y/N was too damaged; maybe whatever James Olsen had put her through had left her beyond repair. It might be easier, for both of them, just to let Y/N… be alone. Barely existing, but at least alive. Maybe by pushing her it would make things worse. Though really, she didn’t know how rambling on about her house and her dog and her school years and her parents and how she never could find good shoes in her size unless she went to the children’s section would count as making it worse.
But it was a risk Kara was increasingly not willing to take.
“So, no board games?” she tried again.
No response.
Kara flexed her fingers, and then put her palms on her thighs, pushing up until she was in a standing position.
“I can’t do this anymore, Y/N,” she said gently. “I really would like you to talk to me, but as I said to you last week, no one is going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I really wish I could hear your voice; I’m sure it’s lovely, but if you don’t want to speak, then I’m not going to make you.”
It was breaking her heart, but as she stared at Y/N and the emotionless expression still on her face, Kara knew it’d be for the best, for both of them. Maybe, eventually, Alex would come around and live happier than what she was. Kara hoped so.
“I’m going to go, and I won’t bother you again. I’m sorry, Y/N. Please take care of yourself.”
Kara waited, but when there was no answer, she nodded once, and turned to go. She made it three steps before she heard it.
“P-please don’t l-leave me.”
It was low and raspy, in a voice that hadn’t been used in months, but Kara knew that this, this wasn’t her imagination.
She whirled around, her eyes wide, to find Y/N staring directly back at her. The girl opened her mouth to speak again, but what came out was only a rough squeak. Kara moved back to stand in front of her and waited while Y/N licked her lips.
“I-I like board games,” she whispered. “I l-like Monopoly…”
Kara was sure the smile that broke over her face could’ve lit up the entirety of National City for a year. “You like board games,” she repeated. “You like Monopoly.  I can work with that. May I wheel you over to the table?”
Kara caught the glimmer of confusion in Y/N's eyes before the girl nodded; she tucked that back in her mental Y/N Y/L/N file and stepped behind the girl. Her hands secure on the chair, Kara pushed Y/N over to the table. It was later in the day and most of the other residents had either gone back to their rooms or were watching television, so the area was empty save for the two of them. Kara took a seat next to Y/N and emptied the contents of the Monopoly box.
Kara pushed the twelve game pieces off to the side as she began to set up the board. From the corner of her eye she saw Y/N reach towards them, but then, seeing Kara watching her, Y/N drew her hand back as if she’d been slapped, clutching it in her other tightly.
Kara furrowed her brow and sat down the stack of paper money she’d been counting out. “Y/N?” she queried softly.
“S-sorry,” Y/N mumbled. “I’m sorry, you ch-choose first, you choose, I can wait, you choose, you choose first, I’m s-sorry, s-so sorry, Miss Kara.”
Kara took a deep breath and contemplated her next move, ignoring the slight thrill that had coursed through her at being called “Miss Kara.” This whole situation wasn’t unlike the game she was currently trying to set up, but clearly Y/N had learned the wrong rules and now she was terrified at the consequences. But Kara wasn’t about to send her to jail without passing go, not like someone else would have. She wondered just how many decisions Y/N had been allowed to make for herself, choices she was allowed to have.
She doubted there’d been many.
Kara took her concentration away from setting up the board, and gathered up the game pieces in her hand. Keeping her eyes trained on Y/N, one by one she set them in front of the girl in a straight line: wheelbarrow; battleship; moneybag; man on horseback; racecar; locomotive; thimble; cannon; boot; dog; iron; top hat. For her part, Y/N's eyes darted back and forth from Kara's hand to her face.
The last piece laid out in front of Y/N, Kara smiled at her gently. “Which piece would you like to have?”
Y/N blinked, and then looked away. “Whichever piece you want me to have.”
Kara nodded, she’d expected that. “Which piece would you like to have, Y/N?”
“I-it doesn’t matter; I’ll take any of them, Miss Kara.”
Right. So apparently, that was one of Y/N's rules of her former life.
Take what you get and be grateful for it.
She’d kill James Olsen if she had the chance. But that wasn’t what they were there for, that wasn’t what Y/N needed. So when Kara spoke, her voice was the quietest it had ever been. Alex probably would have been shocked; one, because her voice was quiet, and two, it was quiet while she gave Y/N a direct order.
“Choose which piece you’d like to have, Y/N.”
Y/N stared at her but didn’t move; Kara simply sat and patiently waited, watching her. After nearly a minute, Y/N tentatively reached out, her hand hovering over the pieces, wavering from one to the other. Finally her fingers closed over the dog, and she pulled it from the others, looking at it a little as if she expected it to bite her. She turned her eyes back to Kara.
“Good girl,” Kara said before she could stop herself, and inwardly she groaned. That was something a mistress said to her sub, not… not something she should be saying to Y/N. But it was rule number 1 in Punishment and Praise: When a submissive does as they are told, quickly and without protest, the Dominant’s next step is to praise them for a job well done.
It didn’t matter that Y/N hadn’t exactly done it quickly. She’d still done as she was told. Kara just didn’t know how she’d react to the praise.
Y/N wouldn’t look at Kara, again, just sat staring at the game piece in her hand. “You have a dog?” she asked, her voice a little stronger now.
“I do.” Kara went back to setting up the board, organizing the cards and the play money. “He’s a big lug, a husky. His name is Theo, after Theo Huxatable in The Cosby Show. That's one of my favorite sit-coms. Would you like to be the banker, Y/N?”
Y/N seemed a little startled, whether it was by the question or the information Kara was rattling off, she wasn’t sure. But the girl shook her head, slowly. “I don’t… really like math.”
“But you like to draw.”
Ah-ha! Kara smiled triumphantly. She’d gotten something right, after all. “Well, maybe when Director Nal gives you the paper and pencils again you can make good use of them.”
“I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to be ungrateful, thank you for giving them to me, I r-really am sorry, please don’t-“ Y/N used her hands to push the chair back from the table, looking terrified.
“Y/N,” Kara interrupted, rubbing her hand over her forehead. This was going to be a hell of a lot more difficult than she expected. She met the girl’s gaze with her own.
“Y/N, I am not your Dominant, and you are not my submissive. Even if you were, I wouldn’t punish you for something like that. I only meant that if you want to, I can have the director give the paper and pencils back to you, if you’d like to draw. You don’t need to apologize, and you don’t…” Kara swallowed hard.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you.”
That perhaps wasn’t the right thing to say. Kara knew there was always the potential to inadvertently hurt anyone, whether submissive or Dominant. But seeing the way Y/N was hunched in the chair, as if she was trying to curl up to protect herself, was tearing at Kara's heart. She’d fight with all she had not to break the girl anymore than she’d already been broken.
“Now,” Kara said, patting the game board with her hand. “Ready for Kara Zor-El to completely decimate you?” She smiled reassuringly.
Y/N hesitated, and then nodded, rolling her chair back to the table.
Two hours later, Kara stared dumbfounded as Y/N collected the last of her money, thus ending the game. “Well,” Kara said with a sniff, trying not to appear too much of a sore loser, “You’re apparently a lot better at this than we knew.”
There was the faintest hint of a smile on Y/N's face as she regarded Kara. “I used to play a lot when I was younger, too,” she said. “My granddad taught me. But after he died, Sir-“
She stopped abruptly; it was as if a storm cloud had come over them and darkened her face. Y/N's hands trembled; she dropped the little dog she’d been holding once more, and it clattered against the tile floor at her feet. The sound pulled her out of wherever she’d went, and Y/N paled slightly. “Oh, I-I’m sorry,” she stuttered, and reached down. But the chair made it too difficult for her to retrieve it, and Kara jumped when the girl grunted in frustration, striking the arm of the chair with her fist.
“I’ve got it,” Kara said, leaning down until her fingers brushed the little game piece; she scooped it into her hand and sat it back on the table in front of Y/N.
They were quiet then, the fingers of Kara's hand drumming soundlessly on the table. She stared at the game board, not wanting to box it up, because who knew if their tentative connection would be shattered once she put it away.
Suddenly, she pointed to one of the spots on the board, North Carolina Avenue. “Green,” she said carefully. “Go.”
Moving around the board, she tapped another spot, Atlantic Avenue. “Yellow, slow down.”
She looked at Y/N, gauging her reaction. The girl’s eyes were trained on her hand, watching the motion as she traveled around the game board.
Indiana Avenue.
“Red,” Kara said. Her eyes met Y/N's. “Stop.” She held Y/N's gaze for a few seconds, before her finger moved back to North Carolina Avenue.
“Green?” Kara asked.
Atlantic Avenue. “Yellow?”
“Slow down.”
Indiana Avenue.
No response.
“Red.” Kara tapped the game block insistently.
“… s-stop.”
“Red,” Kara said again, with another tap.
 Clear guidelines must be established in any Domination and submission relationship, whether it is one of friendship, romantic, or contractual. One of the easiest guidelines is that of safe words. A Dominant and his or her submissive may find other words that suit them, but for beginners, the simplest to remember is that of traffic signals. Green, yellow, red. Go, slow down, stop. The most important color, in any Domination and submission relationship, is red.
It was one of the first chapters in Dominance for Beginners. Apparently Y/N's Dom had missed that reading assignment. Or all of them, really.
“Good girl,” Kara said again. This time, Y/N didn’t look away. “Good girl, Y/N.” She thought she saw a light blush rise up on the girl’s cheeks, but Kara was getting quite used to second-guessing herself, and she didn’t want to make assumptions. That was the last thing Y/N needed.
“Do you want me to keep visiting?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want.”
“Yes.” Her voice came out sharp, and she winced when she saw Y/N flinch. “I’m sorry,” Kara said immediately, her tone softening. “But yes, Y/N, it does matter what you want. Do you want me to visit again?”
“I… yes please, Miss Kara?”
“Then I will,” Kara said with a smile, and then turned serious. “But I want you to remember those words. Green, yellow, red. And anytime you want to stop, even if you just want to stop talking, you say Red. All right?”
“But I-“
“Y/N, this is non-negotiable.”
“… yes, Miss Kara. Miss Kara?”
“Yes, Y/N?”
Y/N looked down at her hands shyly. “D-do you have… any apple slices?”
Kara beamed, and pulled two packets out of her coat pocket.
She stayed with Y/N for another couple of hours, and eventually Director Nal came to remind her that the residents had a strict curfew, and Y/N needed to be in bed. Kara fought down the disappointment and the urge to tell the director that she could visit with Y/N whenever she wanted, for as long as she wanted.
Because, as much as she wanted to, it wasn’t the truth. She had no claim to Y/N, and she needed to remember that. She also needed to remember that Y/N was at the House for rehabilitation and treatment, and that the therapists knew better than Kara did about trying to help her.
“I know that,” Kara said, after Nia finished with her speech. “I know all of it, Director. But the therapists didn’t get her to talk, I did.”
“And we appreciate that,” Director Nal said. “Now that she’s talking, perhaps we can move forward with her treatment, and enable her to start walking again. But you’re just a government employee, you—“
“Director Nal,” Kara said, her tone sharp. “You are coming dangerously close to the edge of propriety. You are not permitted to tell me what I am.”
“I apologize, Ma’am,” the director said with a shake of her head. “But I also know I’m not saying anything wrong. You are not her Domme, and she is nowhere near ready to be a submissive again. You must be careful, that is all I am trying to help you understand.”
“I do,” Kara said. Y/N had already been wheeled away to her bed, and now there was nothing more to say to the director but “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
The next day, Y/N waited at the game table, Monopoly set up and organized, the cards in the right place, the money all counted and sorted for two players. At her place rested the little dog. At Kara's, the other 11 pieces so that she could choose the one she wanted.
Y/N sat at the table waiting for Kara, all day. She refused breakfast, lunch, and dinner so she wouldn’t have to leave her spot. At precisely 10 p.m., an orderly came and wheeled her back to her room.
There had been no sign of Kara Zor-El.
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