#marten has changed a lot
mavibonghostexpress · 11 months
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2023 redraw!
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bogkeep · 1 year
noooooooo lush norway is out of business 💔💔💔💔💔
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ldysmfrst · 6 months
American Mate - (3)
Following Instincts
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 3 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 3970
Work count for Story: 12111
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Injury, Anxiety, Panic attacks, comfort, and Cultural differences.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Outside the break room, Yoongi is in Alpha space, catching your scent of sweet peas as it changes into a moldy pea soup smell after the comment from the redheaded playmate. Turning with a low and threatening growl, Yoongi’s eyes have gone to his hybrid's bright golden-yellow cat eyes as he blocks you from their sight. Zeroing in on the playmates, tail raised and puffed out, tip twitching back and forth with a snap of irritation, making them all step back and quiet down. Hearing you murmur something in his native tongue and then the frantic footsteps, Yoongi snaps his head to watch your fleeing form disappear into a room down the hall. Taking a quick look back at the playmates, office staff, and then his pack, Yoongi huffs and quickly follows you, unable to fight his Alpha instincts.
The rest of the BTS packmates follow their bonded one closely behind as they feel his need to protect you from the others in the office. Namjoon catches Yoongi by the shoulder, stopping him from attempting to enter the room where you sought refuge. The rest of the pack forms a barricade around their Prime Alpha and packmate, who has entered Alpha space. They all are standing on guard, facing the rest of the people in the office, watching closely for any danger, and keeping the rude humans away. 
“Yoongi, you need to give her space. Remember, she is human and might get scared of your Alpha. What is happening? I need you to get enough control to explain what is happening?” Namjoon calmly speaks to his older packmate. Pushing out calming scents, trying to bring him out of his Alpha space with soothing strokes along his shoulder and back. “Can you come back and explain why you are protecting Miss Y/n?”
Barreling into the front of the group of observers with his tail bushed out and scent-smelling concerned, Derek comes up to the defensive line of BTS, “You have to let me get to her. You have to let me help calm down Y/n. Can’t you scent her distress? She is not doing okay by herself. You can even smell her over the scent-blockers!  I am the closest thing she has to a family. Please let me in to make sure she is okay. Please.”
 One of Yoongi’s black jaguar ears twitch back, hearing the urgency in Derek’s voice. He looks at Namjoon, takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes. After a few seconds, he turns to Derek with normal dark eyes, taking in his shifty behaviors and now partly distressed scent. 
Shaking his head slowly to Namjoon, Yoongi steps between his packmates and face-to-face Derek. “You are the closest thing to her family?”
“Yes, She and I were hired together when they decided to start this branch. We work together and spend time together at my den or her apartment. I do my best to protect her from situations like this because of her past. I normally try to keep her away from the playmates in general so things like this do not happen."
"She is only here today because we could not convince her otherwise since in the meeting yesterday with your Manager and what was said on the phone. She was bullied a lot before, and while it is not something that is okay, unfortunately, it still happens to this day. I really tried but I couldn’t do anything to keep her away. She had to be here even with little to no sleep and nightmares."
Bowing slightly but keeping an eye on the pack, Derek demandingly pleads, "Now, please, Mr. Min, please let me pass. Everyone can smell that something has happened. I think she is hurt in more ways than one.”  
The last comment got the attention of the whole pack on him, and everyone looked concerned. Several eyes flashed as their hybrid halves showed their displeasure with the news. Yoongi continued to fight his Alpha instincts with a deep growl and even breaths.
“How can you tell?” Namjoon asks from next to the door. He can smell something, but it tells him nothing since he has never smelt Y/n.
“That moldy smell. Like veggies gone bad?” The hybrids start sniffing, searching for the smell, and scrunching their noses once it hits. “That is why I know something is not right. Y/n, her scent turns like that when she is hurt. I am not sure if it is just emotional but it could be physical too. I can’t tell how bad it is because the scent-blocking measures she took for your arrival are still dulling it down.  Now again. Let me in to help my friend. I may be a Beta but she is like a pack member to me and I protect her like it.”
“Fine, but I am going in with you. I was the one who knocked into her and failed to keep her from falling. My Alpha instincts have gone haywire and I have the need to protect her,” his eyes glaring back at the playmates, “ from certain people here while ensuring she is okay and make amends for my mistake.” Yoongi states without room for argument, moving to the side, nodding to his packmates to make room for them. Once the two are through, the pack retakes their defensive stance, keeping everyone else out. 
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Knocking on the door, Derek calls out softly as he opens it, entering and looking around the room to spot your shaking frame in the farthest and darkest corner. Namjoon shuts the door for privacy and protection while he stands guard just outside, with one ear listening to what is happening inside the room and one ear on the rest of the office. His mind racing from the powerful wave of rotten scent that has built up in the room.
The scent is much more robust in this room. The scent-blocking measures no longer mask your distress and pain. This causes Derek and Yoongi to whine at the smell and quickly move to your side. Derek pulled you into a tight embrace, pushing his scent out and over you and scenting the top of your head while murmuring soft, reassuring words. Yoongi comforts you with his own calming scents, pushing down the desire to pry you out of Derek’s hold to take you into his own. Much to their relief, your tears slow, and your breathing calms after what feels like hours.
“Derek, my nightmares, they came true. I ruined everything. I should have stayed away. I should have been looking where I was going. Reina was right. The one with the black tail, did I hurt him? He... He tried catching me. Me! I weigh a ton.” 
At that last comment, a deep growl resounds from behind you. It takes half a second to realize it is not from the hybrid holding you. Catching your breath and snapping your mouth shut, you cautiously peek through your hair to look behind you to see none other than Mr. Min Yoongi, who turns out to be the owner of said black tail, now snapping to and fro with irritation. 
“Shit,” you mumble under your breath, your mind racing to figure out a way to get out of this situation without causing any further damage and how best to word your resignation letter.
“Miss Y/n, let us address a few things. Firstly, you do NOT weigh a ton, nor will you ever refer to yourself in that manner again. Secondly, I am not injured, nor could you injure me, as I AM an Alpha in my own right and am stronger than I look, even if I am not the Prime Alpha of the Bangtan Pack.” Yoongi’s eyes flashed a different color.
You shrink down to try to make yourself smaller. Seeing your reaction and realizing that his Alphal is trying to be in control again, he takes another deep breath to calm himself, looking between you and Derek.
 “Lastly, would you be so kind as to allow my Alpha to inspect you for injuries? I came out of the observation room door unannounced and ran into you. I tried to prevent you from falling, but we are close in height, and I could not do much other than take what I hoped was the brunt of the fall.”
Turning more towards him but still staying in the safety of Derek’s hold, you look at him with confusion. “Your Alpha? Like your hybrid-side is not yourself?” Looking over your shoulder at Derek, you see him with a smirk and a chuckle on his lips.
“Missy here,” Derek looks at Yoongi, “has never met an Alpha male before. I am a beta, and her best friend is an omega.” Turning his attention back to you, “Unlike Evie and I, an Alpha has an inner animal that they can change into fully at will and it allows them to go into Alpha space to assist in protecting, hunting, and mating.”
You look at Yoongi with wide eyes, “You turn into a black cat?” 
“I am not a black cat,” he huffs in annoyance, eyes flashing a different color briefly. “I am a Black Jaguar hybrid, and I am trying my best to keep him at bay because he can sense that your emotions have calmed down, but you are still in pain.” 
His eyes roam over your figure, stopping when he notices you are cradling your right wrist. Standing up and motioning to a nearby chair, he asks,  “Please, can I inspect you for injuries? I can see you are being careful with your right hand.”
With a gentle push from behind you, you move to the chair Yoongi gestured to. Derek also stands up but keeps his distance, watching how the two of you interact. Yoongi kneels before you, “I have to let my Alpha see for himself. I promise he will not harm you. Mr. Gulley can attest to that at this point, my Alpha would have much rather hurt himself than you.” 
Glancing at Derek, he nods with a knowing smile while taking a seat a few tables over. Taking a moment to collect yourself, running your good hand through your hair and fixing your shirt, you look down at the hybrid. With a slight smirk, he looks at you with kind eyes,  “Miss Y/n, please allow me to check for injuries. You have no reason to be nervous. You look perfect as you are.” 
Blushing slightly at his words, you nod and tuck your hair behind your ear. You watch him closely as his dark brown eyes slowly change into a stunning golden-yellow color, with the pupil elongating into a pointed oval. His ears and tail moved this way and that, never quite settling in one position for very long. Your scent turns slightly back to sweet peas as the sight makes you smile softly. 
Cautiously, Yoongi kneels closer to you to become within reaching distance. Taking your left ankle gently in his hand, he rotates it, bends your leg at the knee, and sniffs at each joint. He repeats the process with the other side as well. Finding that nothing in your legs seems to be hurting, he looks at your face again with a short, pleased chirping sound. 
Scooting a little closer, he reaches out to your left hand, bends your elbow, feels along your fingers one by one, then rotates your wrist and again seems to sniff along the joints. 
You fidget in your seat, knowing what comes next will hurt, but you don't know how the hybrid in front of you will react. Noticing your movements and the slight change in your scent, Yoongi wraps his tail around your ankle to offer support. A slight sense of pride fills him when your scent calms down at his gesture of comfort, even if you do not realize it. 
Taking your right hand, he follows the same steps, pausing slightly before he rotates your wrist. You let out a yelp of pain and bite your bottom lip as you try to pull your hand out of his grip, which only causes him to hold it just a little bit tighter with one hand while the other quickly reaches to the nape of your neck to bring you into an awkward hug. Your head is now resting on his shoulder with your nose breathing against his neck, your good hand going to his side and gripping his shirt. 
Once the pain has dulled, you realize you smell the rain, not like fresh rain but like petrichor or the earth after a good downpour. It is comforting and relaxes you even more until you hear a soft chuffing noise and remember who you are smelling. 
Pulling away, you shyly look back at Yoongi, still observing you with golden-yellow eyes and holding your wrist firm but gently. “Umm... I think I just landed on it wrong. Just some ice and pain meds should be okay. I will be good as new tomorrow,” you say with a false smile, trying to play it off as no big deal.
However, Yoongi’s ears flatten, and his feline eyes narrow at you while nodding down to your wrist. Following his line of sight, you now see that your wrist is slightly swollen and is covered with a lovely purple color. “Okay, maybe I won’t be as good as new tomorrow.”
Derek stands up and approaches the two of you to see the damage done. Taking a sharp breath, he looked at Yoongi and froze, noting that the Alpha was sternly watching his every move. 
“Mr. Min, please remember I am like family, a pack, as you could say, with Y/n. I am also not a mate, nor am I looking to make her one. Will you allow me to get your Prime Alpha and Manager so we can decide how to move forward?”
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Outside the breakroom, Mr. Johnson, the director of PMS USA, was informed there was an incident and is now standing with Manager Sejin outside the BTS barrier. He had ordered Reina and the other playmates to be escorted back into the conference room by some other staff. 
Mr. Johnson had hand-picked you to be the friendly first face of PMS because you light up any room you walk into and are always willing to put in the extra time to help make things perfect on or off the clock. 
“Hello, I am the director, I really should go in there and make sure my employee is okay, Manager Sejin,” Mr. Johnson states, glancing at the members of BTS as they continue to block the door and growl at anyone who walks near them. 
“Why are they not letting anyone near the door? I am sorry. I know about hybrids from the symposiums and conferences but rarely interact with many. I typically leave that up to my staff.” Glancing over at the hamster hybrid.
“Namjoon-ssi, do you want me to answer that, or would you like to?” Manager Sejin asks while watching Mr. Johnson. Namjoon redirects his attention from the breakroom to the seemingly incompetent human before him.
Taking a few slow steps forward, Hoseok takes over guarding the break room door. Namjoon comes to stand with his pack, but nearer to Mr. Johnson and Manager Sejin, he says, “Mr. Johnson, we are a pack. More so, we are a pack of Alpha hybrids. Ranging from prey to predator types. We are a bonded pack on top of that, which means it’s all or none. We all are protective of something or someone if one of us feels the need. When one of us is hurt, we are all hurting with them.”
Looking at each of his packmates, Namjoon is filled with a sense of pride. Though they don’t know the extent of what has happened, they still support their mate to the best of their ability in a foreign country without question.
“Yoongi is feeling protective of Miss Y/n because of a few things. Y/n is injured because of an accident caused by Yoongi. She is not in a good emotional state because of your Playmates’ behavior due to the same accident.” He looks back at the Director, trying to maintain a more neutral expression to hide his disdain for the women now in some office somewhere.
“As an Alpha, our animals require us to hold ourselves to a higher standard than others. We like to try and ensure those around us are happy. With a very select few, we want to make sure they are also healthy and protected, among other things. In Yoongi’s Alpha space, he has failed to meet these standards when it comes to Y/n. It is now beyond his control, so to speak, to do anything other than fix his mistakes and ensure Y/n’s safety, recovery, and happiness. This means the Bangtan Pack is now responsible for the same.”
“Oh well. Um. I see. I can reassure you that Playmate Services has a good doctor who can tend to her if she needs one, and of course, she can have the rest of today and even tomorrow off. No need to make a fuss.”
A deep growl rips from behind Namjoon, causing everyone to look and see that Taehyung's eyes have gone crystal blue. His scent of burning ebony wood crashed over the pack. “You seem to be in over your head, Mr. Johnson. You have more than one hybrid working for you, yet you know nothing. Your company's incompetence is allowing bullying. From what one of your staff says, it has been happening for quite some time and yet you do nothing about it. Did you not hear our Prime Alpha tell you that she is ours now. We will take her to get treated by our medical professionals. We will take care of her to ensure she heals properly and regains a better state of mind. Not you.”
“Hyung, it’s okay. Calm down, please. We don’t need two of you in Alpha space right now. It will not help Miss Y/n or Yoongi-hyung.” Jungkook steps up next to Taehyung, scenting his neck gently as his snickerdoodle scent pushes out, causing the blue to flicker back to his natural dark brown. 
With a last glare and a mumbled, “Pathetic, oblivious human.” He moves closer to Hoseok and, in turn, you. Jungkook quickly follows in an attempt to keep the high-tempered White Southwest African Tiger calm and get closer to you as well. 
“You may have misunderstood me, gentlemen. I have tried to deal with the playmates and their disrespectful actions towards Y/n and some of the other staff. Sadly, Reina is a top pick and brings in a lot of money. Since we are the newest and smallest branch, the corporate office wants to refrain from taking any disciplinary actions for fear that she will quit. They think that any of the office staff are replaceable, whereas reliable Playmates are harder to find.”
“Mr. Johnson, while that may be the case prior to today, their bullying has gone too far. Manager Sejin,” Namjoon says, “I believe it would be wise if the director took care of the bullying by the playmates and joined them for the time being. We need a few moments without interruptions to assess what is happening and how the Pack will move forward with this office, if at all.” 
Dismissing the director to be dealt with by Manager Sejin, Namjoon walks back to the door, which is now being guarded by Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook. The scent of snickerdoodle, ebony wood, and lilac mix together with the pack scent of vanilla underneath.
“... can’t tell?”
“Can’t tell what?” Namjoon asks the small group.
“Hobi can’t tell,” replies Jungkook while Taehyung nods in agreement. 
“The boys say that their Alphas are reacting to Y/n but I can’t tell if mine does or not. You spoke to her, stood right in front of her. Namjoon, can you tell?”
“Oh? Hmm, I guess I haven’t really paid attention. After what happened with… you know who… I guess I have been pushing my Alpha to the back as much as I could. I have been focusing on taking care of you guys, my mates, first and I couldn’t do that with him pacing in my head so much. She really tore Yoongi, Join, and Hobi apart inside with what she said. ” 
Namjoon started thinking back to hearing your voice, full of determination and strength, over the phone yesterday. Your care, intention, and respect for the pack that you have shown today. It would be simple to say that his Alpha was comfortable around you, and from how the pack’s scents have been, he wasn’t the only one who was.
“My Alpha is comfortable with y/n, but I wouldn’t say that he is reacting in any particular way.”
A soft whine leaves Jungkook. “Why do the older mates always walk with blinders on? Huh! You need to really let your Alpha look at her. My Alpha hasn’t wanted to look away from her since we walked into the office.”
“Joon, I am with Kookie on this one. While I wasn’t drawn in right away, I trust Yoongi's Alpha not to react this way with just anyone. So when he ran after her, I was the closest one to the door and before the pack’s scent took over, I could smell vanilla with something rotten. At first, I thought it was a candle or something, but I looked around. There are no candles.”
Taehyung’s comment on smelling vanilla caught the attention of Jimin and Seokjin. Turning to join the conversation while still trying to maintain the barrier, Jimin speaks up.
“So it wasn’t just me. When Yoongi and that man went in, I smelled vanilla with almost a compost-like smell. After that, my Alpha wanted nothing but to keep everyone, human or hybrid, away from this door. He is really fighting to be at the front.”
“I figured that our muscle bunny was just leaning into his instincts of being a bunny when he was speaking about Y/n in the conference room. Yet it didn’t explain to me why my Alpha felt awkward at her bowing to me when I spoke to her before going into the room.” Seokjin commented with a stern but thoughtful look. 
“Wait, wait, wait!” Hoseok moves away from the door slightly, his expression confused and frustrated. “Are you telling me that you have all had some kind of reaction from your Alphas for the human lady behind the door? Some of you smelled vanilla, too?”
They all look at Hoseok and then at Namjoon, waiting for them to come to the same conclusion. After a few tense moments had passed, it was like a lightbulb went off over Hoseok's head as his lilac scent burst with a bit more hints of rose and vanilla. Everyone now focuses on Namjoon.
Namjoon’s head is racing over every moment that has happened since walking in the door. As Prime Alpha, his responsibilities for the pack are more significant than others, and with what the boys are hinting at, the next few moments will change so much. 
“Her reactions were top-notch with our pack, and her showing an exceeding amount of respect to the packmates could be just her professionalism.” More whines and a few soft growls are heard. Looking up, Namjoon makes eye contact with each of his mates standing before him. 
“However, only the vanilla scent can mean one thing which won’t be easy for the human woman.” Taking a deep breath, the pack turned their attention to the door.
“We have an American Mate.”
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azure-cherie · 11 months
PAC : How are your guides / angels / God's / ancestors / working for you
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Hellooo , how have you guys been ❤️?? Please choose the picture / pictures that resonate with you , know that this is a general reading and everything might not resonate, i hope a lot of does for you ❤️
Paid services
Pile 1 :
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Dear pile 1 , what I receive is your guides/ spirits gods have been preparing you for a journey , they are throwing on opportunities for you to multitask , travel by air is significant for you guys for the coming months , things are going to spice up now , you will learn how to live , i believe lot of you here are young adults or just got into adulting , they are protecting and teaching you lovingly the ways of the world , they are teaching you how to handle responsibility in the real world .
They are taking in charge to work out some debatable situations so that you can practice your communication skills more , to argue with someone is a thing and to learn to keep your self respect and keep your point is another that's exactly what your guides have been planning on , they are making sure you can always find a common ground in a discussion always keeping your point with integrity
Practicality is something they are pushing you towards if you hear a voice while you study that you can do it it's them the lovely gods !!!! If you are motivated to plant seeds in your garden it's them the lovely gods!!!!! If you hear a voice while overspending that you are infact doing it's it's them the lovely gods !!!! They are keeping this check on you so that you can take valuable decisions in the future
They are lifting you of burdens and tell you to keep going in the journey, protecting you from a person who has been trying to lurk on your energy because they feel victimized from you but you aren't even doing anything to victimiz them , they just need to heal , you should keep going they are working really really hard to keep you on your toes , they are also motivating you to do more things that you love and are offering you a period of transformation, searching and rebirth with the death , fool and Ace of wands in order , it's such a time for you to grow and while the celestial beings give you infinite nourishment belive in yourself and that you are capable of big big thingssss
Ace of wands gives you a new life now it's the time to be courageous you know it all you just have to apply what you know already all the best to you love ;)
Charms : fish , bunny , tambourine, tree of life , sun , ice skater , heart , love letter , four leaved clover , cat , leaf ; letter - T , J ; number - 333 , 666 .
Songs : Brightside by The Lumineers, DNA by Kendrick Lamar , Vanilla Baby by Billie Marten , Fade into you by Mazzy star , Cold water by Justin Bieber .
Pile 2 :
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Dear pile 2 , your guides are literally creating space for you , now it's the time to evaluate that what you are doing is really something that you want are you really into it ?! Are your decisions something you will not regret in the future or are you just acting on the spite of the moment , is it worth it ??? I think you guys are choosing a new degree or a new college or a new job in life , a lot of stuff is ending and you are on a cliffhanger whether to take what you already have or aim for more , you know the thing about working for the things we want isn't an act of greed you literally are hustling for it , go on love aim soooo bigggggg
Alright so what I see from the cards is that you might be taking a very big decision in your life thinking about love or thinking about a lover of yours , they are holding you back , I'm sorry to say that but it's the truth , eventually the surroundings and the people have to change , believe in the power of changes and let go of the old stuff there's literally so much more to look forward to , they are teaching you to look for the right thing at the right time , it's hard but this is an essential lesson , be good to yourself
They are making sure that This new phase in your life will bring you new love and new friends that would feel like a family, you will get what you have been longing for . That's so beautiful I'm so happy for you , spirit still wants you to take in less responsibility, one thing about you is you get too much into the lives of people you love some people like it while others don't appreciate it so in the next phase of your life you are required to just focus on the fun and be great with 2-3 people don't get too much into fights, be the mediator take things from one ear and throw it off the other or i believe that you literally will be crying, it's better to be on your own and care about less people, that doesn't mean the love or care you find newly in your life is fake it just means they are very different people with hard exteriors so it will take time to get close to them , take this slow alright.
You have lost only to gain babyyyyyy , whatever has left you has only left you space for so much more , i see more spiritual growth for you , gifts , if you are a reader , more clients , jobs , offers coming your way , all of it is because of your mindset and how beautiful it is , you will be so blessed I can feel it , they made sure that for all the struggles you get a gift and they are creating pathways for you to be in a leadership position you will soon be taking the responsibility and you will take it so well , you know a lot about the world and life in itself and now you are going to use it in such an amazing way !!!!
Charms : pentagram, flower , tennis racket , hammer , pearl , Christian cross ; letters : D, Z , M , P , N ; numbers : 555
Songs : $$$ by Daniela Andrade , Dynamite by BTS , Talk by Khalid , In too deep by Jacob Collier , idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie , Royals by Lorde .
Pile 3
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Dear pile 3 , your guides are now teaching you the worth of emotional wealth , the financial wealth is something that you really value but there's some stuff that is literally not worth your time and energy, they are telling you to step in the aura of your authentic heart and how kind it is , how loving it is don't leave it behind , it could also mean that you are spending too much out of kindness , they are making sure you have enough for yourself, you earn to buy things to feel better , don't be guilty while you serve yourself, you truly ardently deserve all of this . They are making ways in which you can make more connections with people to do well in your professional life , if you're someone who's into a psychology profession , they are making ways for you to have more hold on your conversations while working with a client , your advice giving skills are improving so much.
I see them bringing in a new lover in your life , this person is very romantic and loving and caring and giving , i really wanna tell you that your prayers have been heard , if you have ever felt that you are not chosen first this is the time to be literally chosen , you are so so valued rn , this will get you out of sadness or depression, they could be the golden retriever type . I see that you are looking for something long term and they might be the right choice
If you have been looking to travel they are helping you in go for them , by creating pathways , they wanna tell you that a phase in your life has come to an end and how you are to go to a new one and this one will need a lot of courage because there will be malicious people but you will work so hard and take what is rightfully yours , your fire burns greater than their envy and you will rise win and conquer what is yours no matter how frustrating this might seem , you are meant for the greater things.
With the reading ending with the magician, you are gonna alchemise your life all over 360 and they are gonna support you so so so much , all the good things are for youuuu , if you're a tarot reader , you will gain more wisdom, intuition and the power to read others even better now , wish you the besttt !!!!!
Charms : key , stethoscope, leaf , sun , moon , love letter , witch , camel ; letters - S, Y , H , N , V ; numbers - 222, 666 , 555
Songs : Million dollar man by lana del rey, Whispers by Halsey , It's called freefall by Rainbow kitten surprise, Good looking by Suki Waterhouse, Through me by Hozier , Northern lights by Kennie .
Thank you so much for reading i hope you resonated, please let me know if you did it really helps me .
Have a great day/ night ❤️
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the baftas: my eyes need bleach after the livestream chat.
I SAID I WOULD COME TO TUMBLR AND SLUT-SHAME ALL OF YOU, AND YOU BET YOUR GODDAMN BILDADDY I'M HERE TO DO IT. First, a huge thank you to @good-usernames-were-taken, Valerie, for enabling this entire chaos and streaming it. And of course to Disappointment the Main Maggot.
Second, as per requests from you maggots, I have to give an honourary mention to the tragic lack of an emotional support gaseous orange, the late half-eaten packet of Lays on my desk, and my nearly empty can of Monster energy. Idk either, you asked for the mentions you got them.
Without further ado, presenting the BAFTA Awards 2024:
I am busy drawing out the neckline stitches of Crowley's wedding dress, when I am reminded of the stream and I crash into it midway. Little do I know what I am getting into.
Everyone is here for David Tennant. No one is here for the actual awards. This is made very clear very quickly.
For context, David is in a kilt for the first half. I finally see why my relatives disapprove of skirts above knee-length. I never knew humanity's unholy worship of knees till I came here.
We interrupt our regular scheduled program of David knees to have an intense discussion about British versus French humour, and the misgendering of croissants.
RDJ wins an award and calls his wife his Alpha and Omega.
We're back to the knees. I can't handle how slutty David's knees are, says a worthy maggot.
This goes into a discussion about tickets for David's Macbeth, because, you guessed it, the kilt and the knees.
A lot of gorgeous and talented women in the BAFTAs tonight. I am floored.
I am not allowed to dwell in my awe because the chat is not a place of the lord. Curtain calls of Macbeth are discussed with unnecessary lasciviousness.
Thankfully, in the midst of this, I get a great Zodiac pattern reference for Crowley's wedding dress cummerbund. I was going to have to research the night sky for star charts but this is better.
People show their beautiful brainrot-induced Doc Marten purchases.
The knee thirst has moved into X-rated territory. I am terrified.
A song is sung in memory of film industry people who passed away this year, and people are sad about Dumbledore but at the same time are imagining Aziraphale and Crowley dancing to the song. The brainrot is real.
I accidentally spoil Saltburn's freakshow for someone. When I ask how I can make up for it, they say something about GOAD. I'm alarmed. Is that an OnlyFans, I ask. It's Good Omens After Dark, the chat answers. Is THAT an OnlyFans, I ask. Close enough, the chat says.
David has now changed outfits to a suit, which finally makes people pay attention to the BAFTAs, if only to alternatively thirst over the suit and bemoan the loss of knees.
Things, uh, happen, which I will have to include as quotes in another post. Cheers, @thearoacemess and @vitrilol.
Barty Crouch Jr is debated about as the Wolfstar child. Bratty Crouch Jr is said to be Crowley.
I obtain a banana, which I associate with blowjobs.
@thearoacemess talks about someone deepthroating a seven-inch banana without a hitch.
The stream does a flashback to the kilt time. It is a mistake. @queermarzipan barrels in and is being too slutty about the knees.
I tell them they need jesus, and they yell about how they've gone to mass twice today and they're an atheist.
Thankfully, @vitrilol starts chanting about the glory of Ireland. The only thing that will distract Marzipan from David Tennant is Ireland.
He proceeds to start screech-singing in all caps.
The BAFTAs end. People are still thirsting over David Tennant.
Uh, more dubious things about David, suits and the absence of said suits are discussed. I'm trying my damndest not to notice.
There is accidental Mascot lore: I am apparently from a different timeline (I mixed up timeline and timezone) and that's how Apollo deposited me in an illegal sushi restaurant where I became Neil Gaiman and Michael Sheen's intellectual child.
I am compared to a cat.
OKAY so I will end the summary here and make a list of out of context quotes in a new post. Because. Boy oh boy. That deserves its own post.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Prey! Series - Part One: Trafficked - OA Zidan x Reader
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Tagging: @trublu2u @mrspeacem1nusone @greenies-green @rosaliedepp @whateversomethingbruh @anime-weeb-4-life @daydreaming-belle @burningpeachpuppy @scarlettsakura @divergent146 @upsteadlogic @malindacath @skyesthebomb @@kilikonakapamana @yezzyyae @redpool
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When Omar first meets you it’s because a young Ukrainian girl has been found bleeding out on someone’s lawn after being stabbed thirty times. She’s lucky to be alive, he’s told at the hospital while he waits for you to arrive. When he thinks of the nineteen bodies they’ve just found buried in the woods and the shallow grave Hailey had clawed her way out of he thinks luck had nothing to do with it. That girl is a fighter through and through.
When you appear, he isn’t prepared for just how pretty you are. You’ve tried to downplay it; no makeup, hair tied away from your face but you’re naturally striking. You’re wearing civvies, black jeans with battered Doc Martens, a light grey tunic top thrown over the top. You’re in the midst of clipping your badge to your hip when he approaches you.
“Sorry.” You greet him, raising your head to meet his eyes. “It was my day off.”
For a moment the entire world falls away and he’s completely captivated by you. This is what the Quran talks about, he thinks, when you meet your soulmate. There’s a sense of tranquillity, of peace. A familiarity that you can’t explain. That’s how he feels when he shakes your hand.
“Hanna Emery.” You introduce yourself. “Human Trafficking Division.”
In Hebrew it means compassion.
You certainly live up to your namesake.
He hangs back during the interview. He’s new to the bureau, still finding his feet and he’s experiencing a lot of firsts during this case. Human trafficking is your world, something you’re well versed in he comes to discover as you question Hailey. The technique is different, tailored towards different aspects of the victim’s experience. There’s an emotional intelligence in you that he can’t even begin to fathom.
Through the course of the interview, you learn that Hailey and her sister were trafficked from the Ukraine through an Eastern European employment agency. They were from a small farming community. They each completed a test before participating in a video interview. They’d been ecstatic when they’d discovered they’d been selected for jobs in New York City.
“It’s a scam we see often,” You tell Omar in the aftermath when you’re comparing notes. “They target girls in rural communities, the ones that don’t know any better.”
The girls had been picked up at the airport in a van by three men Snake, Spider and Hog. They’d been transported to a townhouse before descending into what Hailey described as the depths of hell. Your demeanour changes when Hailey mentions the name Snake, it’s a subtle shift, a tension in your shoulders, your eyes flicking upwards.
“Who is he to you?” He’d asked you as he swiped his card over the payment feature of the vending machine. “Snake?”
You’re already tearing open the wrapper of the candy bar he’s just bought you because you’d had to skip out on lunch with a friend to cover his case. Omar figures it’s the least he can do.
“A monster.” You tell him. “I’ve been cleaning up his mess for almost two years now. The shit he’s done to these girls…”
You shake your head as you throw the rest of your half-eaten candy bar into the trash.
It’s when Hailey describes the extent of her abuse that Omar finds himself at a loss. She and her sister Brook were taken to the basement of a townhouse, raped for three days straight. That’s incomprehensible to him, the terror of it, the violation. He has three sisters, the thought of something like that happening to one of them…
It makes him sick.
“It’s a way of breaking them down, keeping them compliant.” You explain to Omar afterwards. “It destroys their hope, erodes their sense of person. They become an object to be used, a vessel for someone else’s pleasure.”
You pause, your fingers toying with the bracelet on your wrist. It’s woven fabric, black, white and red threads all interlocked in an Aztec pattern and secured with a tight knot. It’s a couple of years old, he thinks. He doubts you’ve taken it off since it was given to you.
“They call rape murder of the soul, it’s worse than death. With death there’s peace, an ending. With rape, the person you are is completely obliterated, you can pick up the fragments, but they don’t fit the same way they used to.”
It’s harrowing, hearing it described like that. You must have done thousands of these interviews, heard so many variations of the same story. He wonders if it wears on you, if it takes a little piece of your soul everytime you endure their suffering along with them.
“I’m not sure how you recover from something like that.” Omar says, rubbing his hand over the nape of his neck.
“Some don’t.” You say sadly, your arms crossing over your chest as you look through the window into Hailey’s room. “Hailey though, she’s strong. I think she’s one of the ones that make it.”
“Is it true what you said?” He asks quietly, his shoulder coming to rest against the wall. “Is it really one in five women who get sexually assaulted?”
You sigh as you tilt your head to look at him. He sees the truth of it in your eyes and it devastates him because that means it’s happened to someone that he knows, someone he cares about, and he isn’t sure what to do with that knowledge.
“Yea.” You say softly. “I’m afraid it is.”
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noblehouseofgay · 21 days
HIHI HELLO i see u've asked for asks and so i shall ask :] (i wrote a lot so OBVIOUSLY u dont need to answer all of them if u dont want to)
i cannot think up proper fully fledged questions so
tea party with the marauders OR with the skittles OR with the valkyries (i think thats what they're called?)
take arithmancy OR ancient runes classes
take divination OR astronomy classes
beat up snape OR give a character of your choice a hug
sirius in moony's sweater OR remus in sirius' leather jacket
the rosier twins with dreadlocks OR without
jily/flowerpott OR jegulily OR marylily OR pandalily OR marypandalily (yes ik its a lot of options im sorry 😭 basically just which lily ship)
partyvan OR rosestarkiller OR jegulily (as crack treated seriously)
barty's patronus/animagus being a raccoon OR a hyena :0
sirus being genderfluid OR identifying as a guy but loving to express his femininity (especially thru his clothing and hair)
WHICH IS MORE CANON (not literally bc yk):
the fact that james wore red converse OR that moony wore doc martens OR that sirius wore leather jackets
the fact that sirius stole remus' sweaters or that reggie stole james' shirts
the fact that marlene thought effie was hot OR that reg thought monty was hot
autistic regulus OR adhd james OR bipolar sirius
lily only being friends with snape at the very beginning of first year before realising he's a bigot and ending their friendship OR lily being a snape apologist all the way up until year 5 (?) and trying to ignore the fact that he's racist until she can't anymore and becomes his Biggest Hater TM
Fuck yes this'll get me thinking
1 tea with the skittles for sure. I'm the most like them, plus tea with pandora sounds amazing
2 ancient runes
3 astronomy!!! I genuinely love astronomy, plus the astronomy tower is my favorite
4 hug!! I need a hug from james. So fufkign bad. We both need it anyway
1 siriis stealing moonys sweaters <33
2 I can go either way with the twins hair but I do love them with dreads. I think pandora is constantly changing her hair, you never see it the same way twice
3 pandalily!!! Ugh I'm obsessed with them rn. Genuinely they're so special to me. Etherreal gfs. I do enjoy marylily and marpanlily too tho
4 hehe I love his patronus being a raccoon. Tho hyena is such a fucking good one. But I love his being a raccoon and evans is a possum bc they kinda match
5 both! Genderfluid sirius my beloved, but in the way they he does not give a shit. Bitch wears whatever tf they want all the time. But if someone sees him just as a dude that's perfectly fine. I just think sirius would hate being restricted in how they express himself
1 obviously leather jackets but I looove the red converse
2 Reggie stealing james shirts. You give me anything jegulus and I'll pick it <333
3 HA ok marlene definitely wanted to fuck effie. All james friends had a crush on his parents you cant change my mind
4 autistic reg my beloved
5 I think she really really tried to see the good in him, but he just kept getting worse and worse ans she decided it was b3tter for herself to leave
TYSM FOR THIS genuinely making my time stuck in the airport better <333
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yamayuandadu · 1 month
do you have any sources on the worship of the goddess inanna/Ishtar during the Seleucid/Hellenistic period to the Parthian period? i dont recall stumbling upon anything talking about her.
even though from what I've been reading mesopotamian deities were still popular (like bel-marduk in Palmyra and nabu in Edessa or shamash in hatra and mardin or sin in harran etc etc.. ) i dont recall reading anything about her or anything mention her worship (other than theories of the alabaster reclining figurines being depictions of her)
A good start when it comes to late developments in Mesopotamian religion is Religious Continuity and Change in Parthian Mesopotamia. A Note on the survival of Babylonian Traditions by Lucinda Dirven.
Hellenistic Uruk, and by extension the cult of Ishtar, is incredibly well documented and the most extensive monograph on this topic, Julia Krul’s The Revival of the Anu Cult and the Nocturnal Fire Ceremony at Late Babylonian Uruk, is pretty much open access (and I link it regularly here, and it's one of my to-go wiki editing points of reference as well); it has an extensive bibliography and the author discusses the history of research of the development of specific cults in Uruk in detail. The gist of it is fairly straightforward: her status declined because with the fall of Babylon to the Persians the priestly elites of Uruk decided it’s time for a reform and for the first time in history Anu’s primacy moved past the nominal level, into the cultic sphere, at the expense of Ishtar and Nanaya. Even the Eanna declined, though a new temple, the Irigal, was built essentially as a replacement; we know relatively a lot about its day to day operations. An akitu festival of Ishtar is also well documented, and Krul goes into its details. All around, I don’t think the linked book will disappoint you.
An important earlier work about the changes in Uruk in Paul-Alain Beaulieu’s Antiquarian Theology in Seleucid Uruk. There’s also Of Priests and Kings: The Babylonian New Year Festival in the Last Age of Cuneiform Culture by Céline Debourse which covers Uruk and Babylon, but there is less material relevant to this ask there. Evidence from Upper Mesopotamia and beyond is more fragmented so I’ll discuss it in more detail under the cut. My criticism of this take on the reclining figures is there as well.
The matter is briefly discussed in Personal Names in the Aramaic Inscriptions of Hatra by Enrico Marcato (p. 168; search for “Iššar” within the file for theophoric name attestations). References to a deity named ʻIššarbēl might indicate Ishtar of Arbela fared relatively well (for her earlier history see here and here) in the first centuries CE. The evidence is not unambiguous, though. This issue is discussed in detail in Lutz Greisiger’s Šarbēl: Göttin, Priester, Märtyrer – einige Probleme der spätantiken Religionsgeschichte Nordmesopotamiens. Theophoric names and the dubious case of ʻIššarbēl aside, there are basically no meaningful attestations of Ishtar from Hatra, but curiously “Ishtar of Hatra” does appear in a Mandaic scroll known as the “Great Mandaic Demon Roll”. According to Marcato this evidence should not be taken out of context, and additionally it cannot be ruled that we’re dealing with a case of ishtar as a generic noun for a goddess (An Aramaic Incantation Bowl and the Fall of Hatra, pages 139-140; accessible via De Gruyter). If this is correct, most likely Marten (the enigmatic main female deity of the local pantheon), Nanaya or Allat (brought to Upper Mesopotamia by Arabs settling there in the first centuries CE) are actually meant as opposed to Ishtar. 
Joan Goodnick Westenholz suggested that Mandaic sources might also contain references to Ishtar of Babylon: the theonym Bablīta (“the Babylonian”) attested in them according to her might reflect the emergence of a new deity derived from Bēlet-Bābili (ie. Ishtar of Babylon) in late antiquity (Goddesses in Context, p. 133)
In addition to Marcato’s article listed above, another good starting point for looking into Mesopotamian religious “fossils” in Mandaic sources is Spätbabylonische Gottheiten in spätantiken mandäischen Texten by Christa Müller-Kessler and Karlheinz Kessler; Ishtar is covered on pages 72-73 and 83-84 though i’d recommend reading the full article for context. The topic is further explored here.
In his old-ish monograph The Pantheon of Palmyra, Javier Teixidor proposed that the sparsely attested local Palmyrene goddess Herta (I’ve also seen her name romanized as Ḥirta; it’s agreed that it’s derived from Akkadian ḫīrtu, “wife”) was a form of Ishtar, based on the fact she appears in multiple inscriptions alongside Nanaya (p. 111). She is best known from a dedication formula where she forms a triad with Nanaya and Resheph (Greek version replaces them with Hera and Artemis, but curiously keeps Resheph as himself). However, ultimately little can be said about her cult beyond the fact it existed, since a priest in her service is mentioned at least once.
I need to stress here that I didn’t find any other authors arguing in favor of the existence of a supposed Palmyrene Ishtar. Joan Goodnick Westenholz mentioned Herta in her seminal Nanaya: Lady of Mystery, but she only concluded that the name was an Akkadian loanword and that she, Resheph and Nanaya indeed formed a triad (p. 79; published in Sumerian Gods and their Representations, which as far as I know can only be accessed through certain totally legit means). Maciej M. Münnich in his monograph The God Resheph in the Ancient Near East doesn’t seem to be convinced by Teixidor’s arguments, and notes that it’s most sensible to assume Herta seems to be Nanaya’s mother in local tradition. He similarly criticizes Teixidor for asserting Resheph has to be identical with Nergal in Palmyrene context (pages 259-260); I’m inclined to agree with his reasoning, interchangeability of deities cannot be presumed without strong evidence and that is lacking here.
I’m not aware of any attestations from Dura Europos. Nanaya had that market cornered on her own. Last but not least: I'm pretty sure the number of authors identifying the statuettes you’ve mentioned this way is in the low single digits. The similar standing one from the Louvre is conventionally identified as Nanaya (see ex. Westenholz's Trading the Symbols of the Goddess Nanaya), who has a much stronger claim to crescent as an attribute (compare later Kushan and Sogdian depictions, plus note the official Seleucid interpretatio as Artemis for dynastic politics purposes), so I see little reason to doubt reclining figures so similar they even tend to have the same sort of gem navel decoration are also her, personally.
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A great example of the Nanaya-ish statuette from the Louvre (wikimedia commons). To sum everything up: while evidence is available from both the south and the north, the last centuries BCE and first centuries CE were generally a time of decline for Ishtar(s); for the first time Nanaya was a clear winner instead, but that's another story...
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drchenquill · 1 month
✨ Writerblr intro ✨
[Because my old one was crusty and in dire need of a revamp]
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Hello lovely person who stumbled upon this blog! I'm glad to have you and I welcome you to my writeblr! Let's start with a little writer introduction, shall we?
About me~
✨ 21+
✨ she/her
✨ You can call me anything you want! I don't have preferences in names!
✨ Animal lover! (proud owner of four dogs and four cats!)
✨ English is NOT my first language. Motherlanguages are Italian-German.
✨ I only write in German so everything you see here got translated.
✨ You can go check out my Pinterest where you can find boards of some of my OCs!
About my writing~
My favorite genres to write in are fantasy and romance (I dabble in other genres, but those are my main ones). I just love the fluff, the angst, the magic, everything to do with those genres.
I have a lot of WIPs, and I won't bore you by listing them all (because, let's be honest, the number can change at any moment.) But I do have some stories I've finished and translated that I can list!
Who's to judge?
"Humans, vampires. They always existed, they always fought for a place in this vast world. Some succeed, some lose themself in the journey to freedom. Thana was different. She never fought, she never stepped out of line. Thana gave up. She had nothing to fight for, nothing to hold onto.
But what would happen if one accident forces her out of her comfort zone? What would happen if she had to fight for something she had long forgotten? Fight for people she thought meant nothing to her?"
The Monster's Pearl
"There was once a castle. It was huge and dark, not a soul dared to go near it. It was called "The Gate of the Underworld" because a lonely man lived there. Rumor had it that he was a demon who had crawled out of hell.
There was once a simple family. They had a healthy boy. He had black curls. They were so dark that even the night was afraid to get lost in them. His eyes were so bright that even the sun had to look away to avoid being blinded. His voice silenced the birds so that they could listen to him.
The little boy grew up healthy, unaware of the background to his birth. On his eighteenth birthday, he received two suitcases and a letter that would change his whole life.
Will he be able to adjust to his new life, or will he throw it all away?"
The Shadow of Her Dreams
[currently being translated]
"Molly Potts is an ordinary young woman who lives with her family in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Despite her peaceful life, she feels a great need to leave, to go somewhere where she can experience something instead of dying of boredom. But her monotonous life is quickly thrown off course when she and her brother discover something that will shake up their entire lives. And who is this woman who keeps appearing in her dreams?"
Fantasy/Adventure/Romance/Greek Mythology insipired
Short Stories
"As the title already explains, this is a collection of short stories that are too short to become a book, but still wanted to be told."
a lot of different genres
There are some WIPs I mentioned here and there, so I will make a little introduction for those~
Him and Me - Bound by Fate
"Leon Martens. A young art teacher ready to start a new life. He has a new job, a new apartment and maybe a change for peace. Sure, he struggles with human interactions and he'd rather not meet any humans in general, but he's happy with what he has. But since fate was something Leon couldn't prevent, he was thrown into a whirlwind of situations that made him question reality and, more than once, his own mental stability."
"Daisy ran, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She fled from a fate that was being forced upon her. She fled from her pack, or rather, from her alpha. The young Daisy was an omega. Ever since she was born, she knew that being born an omega was a curse. Her alpha believed that she belonged to him, that he could mark her, but Daisy wouldn't let that happen. Daisy wanted freedom, but what if her freedom led her into another pack? Will they be the same? And who is this nameless alpha that is considered as monster but manages to make her forget her fear?"
The Memories of The Future
"Sophie is an easily excitable, cheerful young girl. She lives with her aunt after her parents tragically passed away. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember much about them since she was just a baby. Her aunt and her border collie, Pepper, are the only ones Sophie has in her heart, and she'll spend the rest of her life with them. The only problem with her idyllic life is that little old Sophie has the attention span of a squirrel and it's hyperactivity. She misplaces, forgets, runs around, misplaces again, and those silly dreams and sudden flashes don't help. Also, who is this tall man who suddenly appears and claims that Sophie has visions? No, those are not visions, she just has a very vivid imagination, right?"
"Adelaide Blackmore, the gossip of all Povington. Growing up as the youngest of four children, with three full-grown and well-behaved sons, she was the worst thing that could have happened to her parents. Wild red hair that the maid had to style every day in vain. Her chemise dresses always had to be dark in color, as she didn't feel the need to avoid puddles or stay out of mud. The look in her dark eyes was penetrating, never receding. She grew up with three brothers, her whole childhood was spent fighting with the boys, so her noble mother couldn't expect her to grow up as a lady, not when she had to assert herself on a daily basis.
But Adelaide must be married, or her poor mother may never rest in peace. Enter Mr. Duncan Gilingham. A young man in his early 30s, he has just moved to Povington with his dear mother to find peace in the country. How nice, he was not married yet! But… oh dear, no wonder he is not married, the poor man was blind. How will Adelaide deal with this? Will she have pity on him, or is not even his blindness safe from her sharp tongue? How will she react when she finds in him a match for her rude nature, a man she thought incapable of taking care of himself?"
You can read it directly here!
The latest chapter!
I am not a big rambler because I don't want to annoy anyone but I'm always open to questions or any sort of interactions. Also, i'm very tag game friendly!
Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate it! You are an amazing human being, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Season 2 Chapter 2: Meet my Menace, you old hag!
Summary: Katsuki brings Y/N over to meet his family. He also realizes that being in love comes with a lot of uncomfortable situations… like ending up on his knees, worshipping a scarred body for instance.
…Wait, what?
Warnings: suggestive, swear words, body worship? (no smut though, just a lot of kisses and dirty thoughts + mentions of problems in the lower region 😂)
Season 1 -> Season 2 -> Master List
It has been two weeks since the “accident” and to be honest, not a lot of things have changed between you and Katsuki; he really wasn’t joking when he said he wants to take it slow.
The only thing different from your usual behavior is the occasional, short cuddling sessions which Katsuki initiates in the most random of times, fleeting touches when no one’s around, hand on the shoulder, pinkies touching slightly on Katsuki’s desk when you come around to look at his screen. They are small and barely there but they mean the world to you; that doesn’t mean you don’t want to do more, to kiss him in the morning and in the afternoon when you both go home to your own places, to kiss him as a thank you when the blonde brings “too much lunch” and forces you to “help him”, and god forbid, follow him to his flat next door and throw him on his bed to show him how much you miss the burning touches he’s given you on the day you two started dating. It’s a lot and it’s burning your insides uncomfortably but you are way too scared to initiate anything; every time you come closer he moves further away, every time you touch him he frowns like a stray dog being caressed for the first time. It’s maddening but you did know what you’re getting into, so you take what you can get and move on. For now.
“Oi, woman.” Katsuki yaps from his desk after an eventful patrol day; he’s been out an about through his whole shift and just came back to finish the paperwork for the day. You missed him a lot today. Also, he calls you “woman” a lot these days and it’s probably his best try on giving you a pet name. It might sound rude for other people, but you know he means well. “How tired are you?” Hm. You really shouldn’t make a cheeky sexual comment, even though you really want to. “I know what you want to say and don’t.”
“I’ve been sitting at this fucking desk for eight hours.” You sigh. “My brain is fried but I’m okay, why?”
“Old hag wants me home for dinner.” He mumbles with a slight blush on his cheeks. He’s so cute. When did Dynamight get so cute?!
“Oh! Tell her I said hi!” You smile at the blonde who only scoffs at your answer.
“I want you to come, you fucking idiot. She invited you the last time, didn’t she?” He rolls his eyes scornfully. Your heart squeezes at the implications.
“Does she know…?”
“Fuck no.” Katsuki looks away, his blush intensified. “I want her to find it out for herself. I ain’t gonna do the whole awkward introduction thing. It’s stupid.”
“But I look like shit today!” You freak out, looking down at your attire; you’re wearing an old, oversized hoodie that’s coming apart at the seams, it’s black color faded to a dark grey from all the washing, basic black skinny trousers and your favorite doc martens which are also not in the best condition.
“You look fine. I can give you another hoodie. I also have dry shampoo.” He smirks while staring at your flat hair that clearly needs a wash. It’s your hair washing day, okay?!
“How chivalrous you are.” You roll your eyes but you both know you won’t say no. You just can’t say no to this madman.
It doesn’t mean you are not freaking out internally.
This was a mistake. Oh god, Katsuki is in pieces.
As Katsuki and Y/N shares an office, being alone with the Menace isn’t a problem, but seeing her sitting on his bed, waiting for him to give her a hoodie to wear… is a little bit much. His allergy is acting up again, his heart wants to burst out of his chest, his breathing is uneven and oh my god how much he wants to straddle the woman and throw her clothes on the floor one by one, until she’s stark naked…
“Did you just slap yourself in the face?”
Oh yes, he did. There was no other way to stop this nonsense.
“Shut up.” Katsuki mumbles with a red face, throwing his favorite hoodie towards her; it’s an old Dynamight merch designed by his mother; it’s black with orange and green lines in the shape of his hero costume. Y/N stares at it for a few seconds then stands up to get out of his old hoodie; her shirt underneath rides up, making the blonde salivate over the triangle of skin showing; she has a huge scar around her hips. It’s really fucking hot.
Katsuki doesn’t know when he came over and why but here he is, in front of the Menace, sliding his fingers over the scar to feel it while Y/N yelps, surprised, but she doesn’t move away.
“Ahh, that.” She sighs. “I have a few of those, you probably didn’t have time to look at them when we fought.” Y/N rides her shirt further up, showing off a few more scars along her belly and her back. There is a massive scar on the other side of her hips in a shape of an explosion; the scar itself is light, a bit more pink than the rest of her body but it takes up quite a lot of space. It must have hurt a lot. “It’s not too sexy, is it.”
Katsuki looks at Y/N incredulously, trying his best to hide his growing bulge from the sight, because fuck, Katsuki didn’t know he has a thing for battle scars, but apparently he does. The only thing stopping him from acting on his instincts is his allergy; his heart is having a really hard time coping with the sight. He feels a little bit light-headed. He doesn’t know why he kneels in front of Y/N to leave a kiss on the brightest scar, the first one he saw when Y/N’s shirt rode up. Y/N yelps but her hand ends up in Katsuki’s hair, tugging and if he haven’t had a problem until now, now he has. Apparently, hair tugging is also his thing. Maybe everything Y/N does is “his thing”. Oh man, he’s a goner.
He continues peppering kisses all over the scars, loving them the way no one ever did; every single scar makes Katsuki respect his significant other even more. He would also - respectfully - like to see the rest of her body so he can continue his shenanigans until every scar is loved and appreciated.
That was cheesy as fuck, what’s wrong with him?!
“I have a massive scar on the middle of my chest and smaller ones all over my torso and my back, you might have been too busy last time to realize.” He mumbles between two kisses. Y/N doesn’t answer just tugs on his hair once and Katsuki can’t help the animalistic grumble that comes out of his mouth, muffled by Y/N skin. Katsuki really wants to explode something right now. Or do other things to keep his mind off exploding things.
Katsuki has never had a problem with keeping it in his pants. Never. It has been quite the opposite, he usually had a hard time to… well… have the thing up. He certainly doesn’t have that problem with Y/N and he has no idea what to do about that right now.
“Katsuki, stop. I’m quite sure you don’t have a spare underwear in my size laying around…”
“What do you mean…?!” It takes him a few moments the understand and when he does, it goes right to his groin. “Fuck’s sake woman, you can’t just say things like that!” Katsuki moves away as quick as he can, hiding his impressive tent by sitting down on the bed with his back to his girlfriend.
Girlfriend. He could literally just continue and it wouldn’t be weird. He has all the rights to do so.
Oh fuck, he really-really wants to do that but he’s quite sure his heart wouldn’t be able to last for long and neither would he…. Wait, he did not just think that. Oh my god, Katsuki is absolutely done right now and they’ve barely done anything. He hates Y/N so much.
“Put your fucking hoodie on and let’s go.” He mumbles as he makes his way towards the bathroom to freshen up. He didn’t want to take a shower but if he doesn’t take an ice cold shower right now, they ain’t gonna make it to his mother’s house. Bakugou Katsuki isn’t a patient man and it’s certainly showing.
It’s hot in Katsuki’s flat and your skin is burning; you can still feel his lips on your sensitive scars, you can still feel his soft hair underneath your palm and you can’t even think about the way your body shook when he rumbled against your skin. One thing for sure, if you ever make it to the bed, that shit’s gonna be hot. Fuck the awkwardness of the first time with a new person, the careful touches and all that jazz. You can already see how that’s not going to be the case for you two especially if he riles you up a few more times just to leave you hanging afterwards.
You really need to stop thinking about this right now, but how are you supposed to function after being kissed in such a passionate way? How are you supposed to just move on when Katsuki managed to make you feel wanted while peppering kisses over the scars you are so self conscious about? You’ve never thought anyone would want you with a body like that. You were terrified for him to find out how ugly you are under your shirt yet here he was, only a few minutes prior, on his knees, loving you in a way you thought no one ever could. Katsuki might be harsh and abrasive with his words and deeds but deep inside he’s the purest, most understanding man you’ve ever met. You can’t believe how lucky you are to be the one he cares about. Your love for him just doubled, even though you were sure you can’t love this man more than you already do.
Katsuki comes out of the shower, shaking like a leaf and you wonder how cold his shower was for him to be reduced to a trembling mess like that. Maybe you weren’t the only one hot and bothered by those few minutes. You try not to think about it too much for the sake of your sanity. Katsuki looks at you with a new expression on his face; he takes you in, his eyes stopping when he gets to his hoodie and swallows.
“You look nice in my clothes.” He spurts out, his face red as a tomato. “I mean you look nice in that hoodie. Fuck. Let’s go.”
… and he’s gone. Thank fuck for that because you need a moment to take a few deep breaths after this conversation.
“Fancy riding a bike with me?” Katsuki smirks as he makes his way towards the parking lot; a beautiful black and orange motorbike stands on the side, shiny and freshly washed.
“Marry me.”
Well, you didn’t mean to say that out loud, but damn, that bike is hot. Just like his owner.
“Wow.” That’s all he says, a massive shit eating grin decorating his handsome face.
“Oh, shut up and let’s go!”
“I said nothin’.” He laughs and the happiness in his voice makes your heart swell two sizes; this all feels like a fever dream, clouded by pink, cotton candy clouds where nothing really matters, just Katsuki and you, alone in Candy land, enjoying your time together, basking in the pink sunlight. The feeling only gets stronger when you snake your arms around your boyfriend, pulling him close, the breeze caresses your cheeks as you two ride towards Katsuki’s family home so he can introduce you as his second half. This is probably the best dream you’ve ever had.
He stops at a beautiful, modern family home in the suburban area, it’s fancy and definitely way too big for a small family like theirs.
“Stop staring and move your ass! We have 2 minutes before they start stalking us from the window!” To make sure you understand, Katsuki slaps your bottom once to urge you to move towards the main entrance; you look at him with incredulous eyes and he smirks; you two must look like misbehaving children as you run towards the door, trying your best to make the other trip on the way there. Katsuki ends up succeeding right before the entrance but he grabs you so you don’t fall; you both laugh while enjoying the embrace, swaying left to right like two cheesy teenagers. When Katsuki looks deep into your eyes with a tiny smile on his lips you can’t help yourself; you close the distance between your mouths, leaving a careful kiss on the blonde’s lips. You can feel the tension in his shoulders so you decide to move away awkwardly; apparently this wasn’t the right time for this. Great.
“I’ll eventually get used to that.” He mumbles awkwardly, leaving a tiny kiss in the corner of your lips as a silent “sorry”.
“Sorry, I should be more patient. I just really wanted to kiss you. I always… want to kiss you.”
I love you - you want to say instead, but you don’t. It’s too soon.
“I… “ Katsuki is about to answer but the door opens up and you both jump away from each other.
Well, this is awkward.
Mitsuki didn’t expect Katsuki to actually bring Y/N over today. It’s not a problem, far from that; she always makes enough food to last for at least 3 days, she’s just… well… surprised.
She might have been the one to raise the explosive boy but this boy have never listened to her once; she could beg him to meet his friends or brush his teeth more gently, Katsuki always did what he wanted so seeing him actually listen for once calls for a celebration.
When she opens the door her eyes are met with two blushing people, one redder than the other; Mitsuki tries her best to not think too much about why the two look the way they do as she is known to make romantic assumptions about everything; she’s a middle aged woman who enjoys a good romantic movie after a hard day at work and it certainly does things to her mind. It also doesn’t help that she’s been obsessed with Katsuki’s secretary since she’s met her the other day; she’s fierce, caring and so-so perfect for her son! She still can’t believe Y/N managed to make Katsuki say sorry for something. What a legend she is.
“Welcome!” Mitsuki grins and lets the two in; her eyes stop at Y/N’s attire; it’s an old hoodie she designed for Katsuki. “Nice hoodie, Y/N! I designed that!” Mitsuki says proudly, and for some reason, that makes Y/N extremely uncomfortable. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, sorry! I’m just anxious, that’s all!”
“Ahh, don’t be! Being close to my son means you are automatically a part of this family! So make yourself at home! The dinner is ready, I’ll tell Masaru to come down!” She yells and leaves the two alone.
Mitsuki has a weird feeling in her stomach; she feels like there is something she’s missing, something obvious. Hm, maybe it’s just her romantic mind missing the spice… but she’s quite sure that hoodie was Katsuki’s and she’s also quite sure she accidentally interrupted something by opening the door on them before they knocked.
Mitsuki takes a deep breath and makes her way towards her husband. She really needs to went to someone before she can’t stop herself from coming out with her little secret notebook of wedding dress designs she’s made for Katsuki’s future wife.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Katsuki yells at you for apparently no reason in the middle of the family dinner.
“What have I done wrong? Am I using the fork the wrong way?”
“Don’t be sassy with me, princess.” Katsuki argues, and while the nickname wasn’t an actual nickname, it does make your heart stutter and by the look on Mitsuki’s face, she’s feeling the same. “Your fucking plate is EVEN.” He says, like that makes any kind of sense.
“Yes. It’s how it should be.” You mumble between two bites.
“No.” Katsuki retorts and steals a bunch of meat from your plate and gives you more veggies from his. “This is how it should be. You prefer veggies over meat. The hag just told you to make yourself at home, didn’t she? Don’t be an ass and eat what you like.” He grumbles and goes back to his own plate. The parents stare at their own son like they are seeing an alien and honestly, you can understand them.
You’ll never get used to Katsuki’s rough love.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Can I have your broccoli now?” You look straight at his secret stash of broccolis on the side of his plate. Katsuki looks at you with a shocked face.
“You ain’t getting my broccoli, woman. I’m saving those for last.”
“But Katsuki, you know it’s my favorite part!” You moan, just to rile the blonde up, because you are a little shit.
“No. Nope. Never. Fuck off.” Katsuki even goes as far as placing his plate further away from you so you can’t reach it. You do try though.
“You can have all my broccoli.” Mitsuki speaks up, fishing out the green vegetables from her dish. Apparently that only riles Katsuki up more.
“Tch, you know what? There you go. Have mine.”
“I was just teasing!” You whine after you look at your plate; the whole family decided to give you their sharing. Do these people not joke in this household?!
“With all due respect Mr.Bakugou, you gave me way too much broccoli.” You deadpan, and Masaru just smiles.
“I hate broccoli.”
For some weird reason that makes Mitsuki riled up as well. This family is mental.
“What did I tell you about eating your greens, fucker?! Do you want to die on me?! Do you think I’m gonna live in this massive fucking house alone with my 600 cats 50 dogs, smelling like cat piss and broken dreams?!” The woman yells and Masaru tries his best to become a turtle and push his head inside his body, but his plan fails really quickly.
“Okay, honey, let’s not freak out the guest…”
“What guest, she’s fucking family! Katsuki gave her his broccoli! Don’t you fucking dare call her a fucking guest!” Mama Bakugou yells, her aggressive breathing makes Masaru’s hair move, like it’s blown by the wind. For your surprise, Katsuki only smiles at the whole shenanigan and continues eating his dish.
Now you understand why is Katsuki such a tough cookie to crack if this is what he sees from his parents every day.
“Let me guess, this is the Bakugou version of PDA?” You smirk at the blonde. He rolls his eyes with a tiny smile on his pretty little face.
“Kinda.” He sighs then starts yelling.
“Get a room, fuckers!”
… and this is how the rest of the dinner goes. You are quite sure you lost most of your hearing during this evening.
The only time the room is silent is when the family decides to watch a movie before bed. There isn’t a single noise in the room as the movie starts rolling; everyone keeps their eyes peeled on the TV, snuggled up into fluffy blankets even though the movie was chosen by mama Bakugou and is definitely not the type of movie the two boys would watch on a normal day. The story is about a girl who’s never been in love before and as always, there is the perfect guy who randomly appears in her life and all the other typical bullshit. It’s not your first choice for a movie, but Katsuki is sharing a blanket with you, so you have no reason to complain.
Around the middle of the movie there’s a really heart-wrenching scene when the main character realizes her feelings and asks for help.
“Lilly, how do you know you are in love with someone?” The main character asks.
“They are the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last when you go to sleep.” Lilly says with a smile on her face. You look at Katsuki and for your surprise he’s looking right back you; his face looks surprised. Somehow, the whole room disappears and it feels like it’s just you two who did not stop moving while the whole world came to a halt.
“Just thinking about their smile can make the worst day a better one and they are the first person you think about when something good or bad happens.” Lilly continues and you are quite sure the main character is having a dramatic revelation on the screen but you can’t stop staring at the blonde man next to you.
“When they are in the same room, you can’t stop looking; their eyes, their lips, just everything about them calls your name.” Katsuki swallows hard at that and puts his arms around your shoulder so you can snuggle closer; and fuck, you didn’t even realize how much you wanted to do that until your heart started to go frantic from his touch.
“Kats…” You mumble into his neck and you look up just to be met with the most beautiful sight the world has ever seen; Katsuki looks at you with pure love and fondness and there is a tiny smile on his lips as he closes the distance between you two and gives you the softest kiss you’ve ever had. You have no idea what’s going on in the movie anymore and you certainly don’t care; you caress the man’s cheeks fondly as you continue to pepper small kisses on his lips.
A sudden noise ruins your moment though; something falls to the floor and it sounds like a mug so you look to your other side… and that’s when you realize you weren’t alone in the room.
Of course you weren’t, you started this movie together with Katsuki’s family!! Oh fuck.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Woah, Katsuki really went for it! :D btw that part wasn’t even in my plans it just happened while I was writing the chapter…
- For those who got confused in the last chapter about Steven: Steven is Katsuki’s pigeon who decided to live on his balcony in season 1! I forgot to mention that for those who started the series with S2, sorry!
- The broccoli thing is a reference to the first few chapters of season one! The story started with Katsuki sneaking broccoli pieces into Kirishima’s secret stash of unhealthy snacks. Y/N was the only one eating them. 😂
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! Tell me your thoughts and feel free to ask questions! 💥
Taglist: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat
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anoopsiedaisie · 1 year
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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i-luvsang · 2 years
⌗ , * as autumn things — seveteen
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¿ 。′ gn!reader , bf!svt , fluff , cw: several mentions of food / drinks , wc: 0.8K !!
seungcheol – warm and sturdy, he’s like a log cabin with a fire raging in its fireplace. maybe the two of you don’t always make it away to a vacation in a remote cabin, but when you can, you both love the change of scenery. wherever you are though, there’s always warm drinks prepared for each other and a solace from busy life within the other.
jeonghan – sweet with a bit (a lot) of a kick, he’s the classic pumpkin spice specials. he makes fun of you for playing into the capitalism of the fall flavored special drinks or whatever it may be … and then never fails to order a pumpkin spice latte behind your back. you found his lukewarm cup of coffee in the living room and rightfully so, you won’t let him live it down.
joshua – classic and cozy, he’s just like all the brown jackets you see people wearing outside. the two of you meet up at a cafe for a warm drink, and without even trying, you find him wearing nearly the same outfit as you; blue jeans and a brown jacket to keep warm. the following holidays, he buys truly matching jackets to brave the weather together.
junhui – lingering and a bit of an enigma, he’s all the rainstorms and fog that roll in during the fall. his presence is loud, like the crack of thunder, while his eyes are both piercing like the rain and soft like the fog. he loves to hold you close on foggy mornings and even closer on rainy nights, keeping you warm and laughing with his odd and silly jokes.
soonyoung – vibrant and never failing to stand out, he’s the fall leaves that give dull scenery a lovely pop of color. he loves to meet you outside during the fall, even if it’s just a short walk to a nearby cafe. he thinks you look adorable when you’re cold, but he even more so loves to smile brightly at you so he can see the way that your face lights up when you see him.
jihoon – soft and comforting at heart, he’s the neutral colored knit sweaters no one can get enough of as the air becomes cold. it’s the first time you wear any of his clothing; you show up at his door after getting caught in the autumn rain and he pulls you in to get you warm, wordlessly worrying that you’ll get sick and providing you with a soft wool sweater to change into.
wonwoo – reliable and timeless, he’s like doc marten shoes to match your fall outfit. wonwoo has never cared much what shoes you’re wearing, but for some reason, he’s extremely attracted to the doc marten oxfords you wear when the leaves start to change colors. he tells you that your shoes look nice before taking your hand and leading you down the street.
seokmin – warm and fuzzy, he’s like your favorite scarf to keep you warm. full of care and love, seokmin can’t stand to see you uncomfortable in any sense. that’s why he gently scolds you for not bringing a scarf on your date, because you just look so cold. of course, in the midst of his nagging, he pulls off his own scarf and carefully wraps it around your neck.
mingyu – fulfilling and homey, he reminds you of the hearty, warm meals that end your chilly day with a sense of satisfaction. mingyu has always loved to cook for you, but as the weather grows cold with the onset of autumn, he loves it even more. to him, the perfect way to spend a chilly night with you is full of aromatic foods and cozy cuddles.
minghao – distinct and calming at the same time, he’s your favorite autumn tea blend. after a long, cold day, he’s there to greet you at home with a hug as comforting and warm as the tea he brewed just before you came. quiet nights with subtly scented candles and fragrant mugs of tea are a must for the two of you when the sun starts to set earlier in the evening. 
seungkwan – bright and familiar, he’s like the little pumpkin decorations you see around every corner. the second late september rolls around, seungkwan drags you to the store to pick out a pumpkin for your doorstep. then he busts out his favorite fall themed decorations and dedicates a whole afternoon to spicing up your home’s appearance in the wake of fall.
vernon – chill and stylish, he’s the nuetral colored beanies you both wear to protect yourselves from the cold bite in the air. maybe the knit hats weren’t your go-to before, but ever since he handed you his beanie without a word that chilly october night, you’re always wearing them. fall is officially matching beanies season for the two of you!
chan – exciting and youthful, he reminds you of the corn mazes to be found at all the fall activities attractions. an adventure through a dark and complicated corn maze was one of your first dates with chan. back then, you were both a bit shy, but that night was the first time you held hands. you’ve been back each year since then, always entangling hands in the cold air.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
I think that the mauraders Fandom is annoying as hell sometimes. They act like the have a superiority over other hp fans cause they proudly state they throw cannon in the garbage. They flood every comment section that's not about them so they can talk about Mauraders which is weird considering that they have so much content they don't need more.
With remus it's crazy cause they treat fanon like its cannon and will talk about how he smokes cigarettes and wears doc martens as if he robbed sirius closet. They also refuse to admit remus does any wrong and treat it like a cardinal sin if you mention one of his cannon flaws.
we are annoying 😭 sometimes i get really bad secondhand embarrassment looking at comment sections of like a tiktok about fandom the marauders stans fill the damn thing up to the brim. the comments under a post being like, slightly critical of a characterisation are sometimes okay (provided it reaches the right audience) but if remus/sirius gets disliked? or james/regulus? the homophobia accusations are EVERYWHERE. then the tumblr complaints about “we don’t talk enough about this ship” or “we don’t talk enough about that character”, like they’ve never had the experience of enjoying a rarepair. i don’t frequent marauders twitter (if it all), but i know through the grapevine that it’s one of the worst.
the remus re-characterisation is so intriguing. a specific, really impressive fic that i have not read is partially “to blame” for this, though the author acknowledged that remus’ background was not canon compliant and the changes affected his character, but now it’s treated as canon and he’s snowballed into this cool, suave, snarky and disinterested ‘bad boy’-type who’s so tall he has to bend to fit through doorways and has lots of muscle under his temu t-shirt. i tend to make remus a smoker (mainly because smoking was common for many people in the 70s, 80s and 90s) but by god, that man is NOT cool.
he has many flaws in this characterisation (because he’s, simply put, a humongous and vile asshole to literally everybody, specifically his supposed soulmate sirius) but they’re not treated as flaws—just parts of his cool personality. they make him poc, partially for rep, but then they make him aggressive and harsh. i don’t see why he can’t be poc as well as a shy, fearful, tea-drinking and sweater-wearing dork whose flaws are mainly running away from “problems” and making up issues in his head that he’s terrified of coming true.
bringing up canon in anyway gets rebutted with a “we don’t care about canon because it’s sucks”. which is fine, really, but why are you in the fandom then? these characters (at least by name, and their parents, and their family background and their role in society and maybe their hogwarts house, house house, future deaths, which side of the war they were on, hints of their personality) were canonical. like, i can’t stress this enough—they’re part of canon. at least mentioned in them, sometimes only by last name but sometimes also by their entire name. hogwarts, the magic spells, diagon alley and knockturn alley and gringotts, the invisibility cloak, the families… voldemort and his death eaters, dumbledore and his order, the aurors, that’s ALL the potterverse. they think canon sucks but they still use it. please just… go to a different fandom, maybe? another one with a magic school and society?
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wolfie-d00dles · 20 hours
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My version of Monster High G3 (part 1)
These are a work in progress, and there are definitely more to come! It does take me several hours to complete one drawing simply because I want to put my love and dedication into my designs, and I want each character’s personality and story to be reflected in their look. Please enjoy ⚡️🧠🐾
More in-depth descriptions under the cut!
⚡️Frankie Stein (They/Them)⚡️
Frankie’s personality in G3 is very energetic and quite literally electric. They have dreams of becoming a monster surgeon, and they also enjoy STEM activities such as building gadgets and attachments to their body. In my design I wanted to give them a unique, almost neon-punk mad scientist, style. I feel like Frankie finds reflecting their unique identity in their self-expression to be very important. I kept their gender identity and sexuality pretty canon to the show because I think it’s amazing to see for a main character. Also as a neurodivergent person I see myself in Frankie and their personality a lot, which is why in my version they are absolutely neurodiverse in some way.
Flags/Symbols Included: Neurodivergent infinity symbol, non-binary flag, lesbian flag
🧠Ghoulia Yelps (She/They)🧠
I know there’s a lot of dislike for Ghoulia’s new character in G3, but honestly I really do like seeing her being portrayed as a gamer ghoul type nerd versus being a numbers and tech nerd like in G1. I think her character design needs a bit of work though. In my design she’s kind of a more realistic gamer in terms of dress I feel like, and also has a bit of edge as well. I headcanon them as being slightly emo and it shows in their style hence the classic beanie, plugs, converse, and hoodie/t-shirt combo. And I feel like she’s the type to wear strictly pajama pants and sweatpants due to sensory reasons (jeans are evil), but they usually have some kind of graphic patterns on them! I feel like a good aspiration for them would be learning how to code and create video games. I could also see them enjoying animation as well, potentially incorporating their own animations into games. Also, I’m taking away the skater ghoul aspect completely just because I think the animation and video game/coding hobby is a lot more interesting!
Flags/Symbols Included: Neurodivergent infinity symbol, bisexual flag, demisexual flag.
🐾Clawdeen Wolf (She/They)🐾
Clawdeen’s character revamp in G3 is another controversial one that I see the fandom divided on as well. A lot of people miss her glamorous and fierce style, while others embrace the change. I personally adore Clawdeen’s new look, and I definitely leaned into it in my version. I felt like I just had to make her a tumblr ghoul. Idk what the Monster High equivalent of Tumblr would be, but she’d definitely be on there with blogs about books, following fan fiction tags, and aesthetic mood boards and photos. I totally get those vibes from the OG design, but I needed to see them in a beanie, flannel, tattoo choker, distressed/cuffed skinny jeans, doc martens. I also just had to give her the galaxy wolf shirt her doll outfits always have a celestial theme and galaxy print was THE shit.
Flags/Symbols Included: Unlabeled flag, queer flag
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
3. “It’s always been you, and it will always be you. Please never forget that.” and 6. “You’re the reason why I believe in love, you know?” with Luke proposing 🥺🥺🥺
love of my life - l.r.h.
requested: yes! this is so freaking cute dude thank you for the request!!
a/n: i started writing this when i was in math class and then it didn’t save at all so i have to start from scratch 🤩 also, keep sending in requests!
cw: none. super fluffy :)
to say that luke was acting weird lately was an understatement. he had been hanging out with the boys a lot, especially michael. i had no issue with that, but he would stay there late into the night, and when he got home he would pull me close and whisper sweet nothings to me as i fell asleep.
he’d also been waking up to make me breakfast, and bring it to me in bed. it may seem like i’m complaining, but knowing who luke is, he never wakes up early. i’m always up before him, not the other way around.
luke has left the house today about an hour after i started working. i worked from home, and the lucky part about that is if i got done early, i could clock out. i had already known i was going to be done early, as i had worked extra yesterday.
this weekend was my first weekend off in a while, and i had gotten a schedule change so that i didn’t have to work weekends anymore. i had shut down my computer, stretching as i stood up. i walked to luke and i’s shared bedroom, finding a beautiful pale blue dress laying on the bed, with a note sat on top of it. i gasped at the sight, picking up the note.
i opened it to see luke’s handwriting scrawled on the page.
y/n, i knew you’d be getting off work early today. put on the dress and head to the bathroom to get ready, and where your next note will be.
love, luke
i smiled at his written words, quickly undressing before slipping on the dress. i took my hair down, walking into the bathroom. his next note was taped to the mirror. it read that once i’m done getting ready, grab my keys and head to michael’s home.
i grabbed my eyeliner and mascara, carefully doing my makeup, as to not mess it up. i brushed out my hair, curling it slightly. i slid on a pair of socks, slipping on my doc martens.
i grabbed my keys off the counter, locking the door as i left the house. once i got to my car, i started getting nervous. i didn’t know what luke had planned, and i didn’t know what to expect.
i arrived to michael’s house, not seeing a car in sight. i knit my eyebrows together in confusion, but brushed it off. i walked to the front door, knocking. no answer. i tried again, ultimately deciding to try and open the door. it swung open with easy, introducing me to the darkness in the house.
there were candles trailed across the floor, slightly illuminating the way. i admired the rose petals on the floor, giggling at the cheesiness. the trail ended at the glass sliding door, leading my back outside. i pulled it open, seeing a small table set up to my right side.
luke was stood there, waiting for me. i smiled at him, getting closer to him. he pulled me into a hug, giving me a soft kiss. “you look gorgeous, y/n.” he complimented.
i looked down, blushing. “thank you, lu. you look handsome yourself.” i giggled as he pulled my chair out for me. i sat down, watching him sit across from me.
suddenly calum and ash walked out from the house, carrying a plate and a bottle of wine. i laughed at them, seeing them dressed as waiters. they said hello, pouring both of us wine.
ashton set the plates down infront of us. i gasped to see my favorite food in front of me. the boys went back inside, leaving luke and i alone once more.
“is this why you’ve been at michael’s house so much?” i laughed at him. he nodded, smiling.
“d’you like it?” he asked, worried it was too much.
“it’s wonderful, luke.” i said, digging into my plate. we ate together, talking about what we’ve been up to. luke told me about new music him and the others have been writing and producing.
i went on about my work, glad i didn’t have to work weekends anymore. once we finished eating, calum returned to take our plates away.
“what’s all this for, luke?” i asked, still unsure of what he had planned. he just smiled, standing up and grabbing my hand. he walked me over to the small gazebo in michael’s backyard, holding me close. soft music started playing as he spun me around.
“can’t appreciate my beautiful girl?” he asked. i smiled up at him.
“i’m not complaining, just wondering.” i said, pressing my head to his chest. he placed his head atop mine, still swaying to the soft music.
he pulled back from me, holding onto my hands. “y/n, you’re the reason i believe in love, yknow?” he asked. i blushed, my heart fluttering.
“since i’ve met you, i always knew that you’re the one for me. it’s always been you, and it always will be you. the way your eyes light up when you’re excited, and your soft smile, it pulled me in, and i felt like i was intoxicated.
i’ve always held you close to my heart, and i always will. even when we’re a million miles apart, or when i’m on stage, you’re always on my mind. i’ve spent the last two weeks planning all of this, making sure it’s perfect. even now, i’m worried it’s not enough, or that it’s too much.
y/f/n, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. you’re the love of my life,” he spoke, getting down on his knee. i gasped, feeling my heart pounding. my eyes pricked with tears, not believing what i was seeing.
he shoved his hand in his pocket, pulling out a small black box, opening it.
“will you marry me?” he asked. i nodded my head aggressively. “yes, luke, god yes. you’re perfect.” i said. his smile widened, sliding the ring onto my finger. he stood up, pulling me in and kissing me. he held my face, stroking my cheek.
it felt like we were the only two people in the world, and that we were spinning around. as we pulled away, i came back to reality, hearing claps and cheering. i turned my head, laughing as i saw all our friends standing there.
luke spun me around, holding me close as we walked to our friends to celebrate.
today was the start of forever with the most perfect man ever. he was the love of my life.
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Fourteen
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: I Think I'd Like a Dance
Summary: (Y/N) and their friends head off to homecoming.
            “Why do humans nearly poke their eyes out for beauty?” asked Em.
            “If they don’t squirm, their eyes don’t get poked out,” said (Y/N), holding Em’s face still as they did her eyeliner.
            “I’m not squirming, you’re just bad at this,” said Em.
            “Take a look and tell me that again,” said (Y/N), letting go of Em.
            The demon opened their looked into the mirror. She blinked. She actually looked nice. “Wow. You’re actually good at makeup,” they said.
            “It helps when the other person already looks nice.” (Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t have to do much.”
            Em turned red at the compliment. “Right. Well, uh, I’m gonna go get changed. Lucifer’s taking us to homecoming, right?”
            “Yeah, no, I made sure Dad just hired a car. I don’t need him embarassing me in front of our friends,” said (Y/N).
            Em chuckled as she left the room.
            (Y/N) smiled at her laugh and turned to their closet. It was finally homecoming night, and they would be damned if they didn’t look fantastic.
            “Well, someone’s all dressed up,” said Lucifer, smiling at Em as they came out.
            She had on a simple emerald green dress and a simple smoky eye with winged eyeliner. Gold earrings hung from multiple piercings (they had let Noa practice piercing on them since she could heal if it really looked terrible).
            “Em definitely has good taste,” said (Y/N), appearing in the doorway of their room.
            “You’re just saying that since you helped me pick the dress out,” said Em, rolling her eyes. She paused when she saw (Y/N), though.
            They had on a dark red suit jacket with black, slightly sheer fabric sewn overtop half and a dramatic fabric belt. They had on simple black suit pants but paired it with a red painted design on shiny doc martens. (Y/N) still sported their red jasper and feather necklaces, but they had paired it with gold cuff earrings to offset the slightly gold shimmer of their eyeshadow their eyelids.
            “Wow, Birdie, you look—”
            “Fantastic!” said Lucifer, completely cutting off Em like the excited father his was. “Your taste is perfect.���
            “I think I got a lot of it from you,” said (Y/N) teasingly, but they were also pleased. Their biological parents would never allow them to dress so masc, so it was nice to have their parent approve and support them.
            “Of course, you did. I have a fantastic sense of style,” said Lucifer proudly.
            The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open to reveal the other four in (Y/N) and Em’s friend group.
            “Oh my god you guys look so cute!” said Olive excitedly. She had on a vintage white dress with purple flowers and green leaves printed across it. With a cinched waist, she had a classic silhuoette and was ready to dance. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a bun with curled strands framing her face, and she had a light dusting of natural makeup and pink lips.
            “So do you,” said (Y/N), smiling at her.
            “Of course she does,” said Nao, putting their hands in their pockets. Their hair was still in box braids, but now it had silver beads hanging at the ends to pair with the stripes of their suitpants and vest. They had the jacket through over their shoulder casually, but from the expertly tied tie, it was clear they had put effort in.
            (Y/N) smirked when they noticed Noa had silver earrings with purple jewels. Subconsciously matching a certain someone, they thought.
            Olive blushed and smiled. “Thanks, Nao!”
            “I love the additions to the suit, (Y/N),” said Marcel. He had been true to his word and redyed his hair to purple to work with his suit. Everything was crisp and perfect, and although the suit itself was simple, Marcel had done dramatic eyeshadow and makeup to really play with the drama he loved.
            “Very well done,” agreed Leon. He had on golden eyeliner that glimmered in the light and golden accents on his navy suit.
            “Thanks, guys,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Are you ready to go? We’ve got reservations for food.”
            “Ah-ah-ah!” Lucifer jumped in. “Before you go, it’s time for photos!”
            “Seriously, Dad?” said (Y/N), embarassed at how eager Lucifer was.
            “Absolutely! You’re finally going out on the town with friends. Everyone out onto the balcony for a photo!” said Lucifer.
            (Y/N)’s friends laughed. They liked their dad, and they followed him out. Lucifer carefully arranged them for photos.
            “This is so embarassing,” muttered (Y/N).
            Em chuckled and reached out for their hand. “Relax, Birdie. Everyone’s having fun.”
            (Y/N) rolled their eyes at her enjoyment of their discomfort but found themself smiling nonetheless when the camera took it’s photo.
            “You know, this party isn’t as lame as I thought it might be since our school is so boring,” said Nao as they sat down at the table the LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club had commandeered.
            “I can’t believe how long Marcel has kept Leon on that dancefloor,” snickered Olive. “Poor guy has no idea what they’re doing.”
            “Yeah, but he’s trying to impress Marcel, so they’re not leaving anytime soon,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “That’s adorable since I’m pretty sure Marcel put so much work into his outfit to really show that he cares about fashion like Leon does,” said Em.
            “That’s so cute, they’re both oblivious,” said Olive. She brightened. “Noa, we should go and get them to partner dance!”
            “Huh?” said Noa as Olive grabbed them and hauled them up.
            “We’ll request a song for slower dancing or something and dance beside them to make it feel just like normal or whatever, but really it’ll be forcing them to dance together and actually start to make moves! Come on!” Noa was not given another second to speak as Olive pulled them away.
            (Y/N) and Em watched in amusement.
            “You know, Olive is surprisingly crafty,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “What do you mean?” asked Em.
            “Well, Olive and Noa obviously like each other, right?” said (Y/N).
            “Oh, obviously,” agreed Em.
            “I think Olive’s plan to get Leon and Marcel to dance it to also get her a chance to dance with Noa,” said (Y/N).
            “She’s strategic,” said Em. “That was a very smooth operation.”
            “They say all’s fair in love and war, and I think Olive thinks of finding love as a strategic battle,” joked (Y/N).
            “What do you think of it as?” asked Em curiously.
            (Y/N) paused and considered. “I think love is finding that person you can just exist with. There’s no pressure to be anything around them other than yourself, and you two are happy to be together because it’s you two and you love each other.”
            Em smiled. “That’s sweet.”
            “I have my moments,” joked (Y/N), trying to brush off the seriousness of the topic.
            The music changed to a slower song, “Amado Mio” by Pink Martini, and Em grinned. “Olive’s plan is in motion.”
            “Evidently,” said (Y/N).
            Em cocked their head. “Want to dance?”
            “What?” (Y/N) was a bit taken aback by the stubborness.”
            “I mean, I asked you to homecoming. It would be rude of me not to dance with you,” said Em.
            “We have danced together. Did you forget Abba already?” said (Y/N).
            “That was with friends. I’m saying you and me,” said Em. They smiled. “So, what do you say?”
            (Y/N) decided to let their heart guide them. “I think I’d like a dance.”
            Em grinned, stood, and offered their hand. (Y/N) took it, and Em led them to the dancefloor. Hesitantly, (Y/N) put their hand on Em’s waist, and Em put hers on their shoulder. They took each others other hand and began to dance. It wasn’t great partner dancing since neither was very practiced, but it was fun (and while Leon had perfect control of himself and Marcel, Noa and Olive were just as bad, so it was fine).
            Em spun (Y/N), and they laughed at how out of sync it was with the music. “Damn, I really thought I had it,” said Em.
            “Well, you gave it a try,” teased (Y/N), moving closer to Em again as they moved to the rhythm.
            They were quiet for a little longer as they danced until Em swallowed and looked at (Y/N).
            “You know, I kept getting interrupted, but I wanted to tell you that you look really nice tonight,” said Em.
            (Y/N) turned red. “Thanks,” they said. “You look pretty, too.”
            Em and (Y/N) gripped each other’s hands tighter and smiled shyly. Neither was sure quite how to continue with that line of discussion, but it had felt nice to get this close and get to be soft with one another. In fact, (Y/N) rather enjoyed their usual banter with Em, but being vulnerable and sweet felt nice to. They wouldn’t mind doing it more. (Y/N) blinked, and the shadows around them quivered.
            Oh shit. They had a crush.
            Luckily for them (though they didn’t know it), Em had the same realization.
            Of course, like Olive said, they were all oblivious.
            Lucifer laid out the papers on his desk and stared at them. He had them. They were finally in his hands, and now all he had to do was take them to (Y/N). He gripped them tightly and smiled.
            (Y/N) would officially be his kid. Soon, they’d really be his.
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