#maybe a ship post maybe not thats up to you to decide.
hecksupremechips · 6 months
Can we talk about mitsuham I think we should talk about mitsuham yes I’d like that very much
Imagine Mitsuru her life has been planned out for her by a bunch of men her choices are not hers to make every move is political she is nothing but a tool forced to fight as a child never allowed to burden anyone with her feelings. Her life isn’t hers, it’s never been hers for a second, she exists to further the careers of the men around her. The first two friends she makes are both boys and she was in charge of leading them, using them just to further the Kirijo agenda. Genuine friendship did blossom between them, but things fell apart pretty quickly. Shinjiro can’t control Castor, something is seriously wrong with him, he kills someone, then he leaves and the Kirijos cover it up. Was it to protect him, or to protect themselves? Mitsuru certainly doesn’t know anymore but she’s lost a friend and can’t reach him again, he’s too traumatized by personas and Akihiko is still there but he’s always so stuck on Shinjiro and Mitsuru feels like she failed both of them. Just more men for her to let down by not being good enough
Then there’s Kotone. Sweet, strong, clumsy, talented Kotone. She’s so bubbly and friendly, but behind those warm smiles is horrible loneliness. Pain. But she’s never ever gonna let anyone see that. She busies herself by taking care of everyone else, listening to their problems and never burdening them with her own feelings. She can just fix everything and make everyone happy if she works herself hard enough. She just has this way about her, so reliable and so kind
And Mitsuru watches Kotone from above. Trusts her to be the leader, or maybe she just wanted to push a burden onto someone else for a change. Someone who’s able to take on burdens with a smile for fucks sake. And Kotone leads, seemingly effortlessly, and is able to recruit several members in a short time and achieve just so much more than Mitsuru could in her entire lifetime. Just, perfectly. Without even possessing any prior knowledge of the dark hour or personas. And she does this while being so emotional, so social, so weird, so fucking cute, it’s absolutely nauseating. This should be fine, right? It’s what Mitsuru’s always wanted, for someone else to ease her burden. And hell, it’s a woman too, a woman who’s perfectly capable of doing it all without a bunch of men helping her. It’s inspiring, isn’t it?
But there’s the pain. The envy. Kotone is perfect and she doesn’t even have to try. Mitsuru on the other hand has been shaving herself down to nothing just to be allowed a place. She makes the perfect grades and wears the beautiful clothes and applies the fucking makeup and is mature for her age and never speaks out or feels anything that could possibly make her be seen as a human, a filthy fucking human. So why does a woman as unashamed as Kotone get to have it all? And why is Mitsuru still here, still acting as the Kirijo tool, still doing whatever she possibly can to hurt herself to make a man feel better? Why isn’t she useful anywhere? It’s not fair
And then when she actually spends the time with Kotone she’s trying so hard to be that wise and mature figure she’s always been, trying so hard to force herself to smile through the pain, but she’s talking to someone who can see right through that shit cuz Kotone Shiomi invented lying through her teeth to make others feel better. It’s annoying really, how Kotone is supposed to be the childish one, yet it’s Mitsuru who can’t get it together and can’t seem to look into those bright eyes without breaking. And Kotone isn’t disgusted by what she sees, even though Mitsuru is being unreasonable and emotional and talking about wanting to run away and how much she hates her life and how she’s not only eating fast food but enjoying it, letting herself enjoy an indulgence that won’t make her pretty anymore. No, Kotone sees this and listens and encourages it and celebrates it, celebrates how utterly human Mitsuru is. She holds her hand and says "let me take on your burden". And it’s horrible, this kindness, Mitsuru hasn’t even broken all her bones to make Kotone happy, so why is she being so fucking nice? And then something breaks, and Kotone defends her. Stands up for her against a man. Lets herself once again take a hit to protect someone else. And it’s just too familiar, too much to fucking bear, and it pisses Mitsuru the fuck off. And she is able to tell a man to go fuck himself, because no one gets to fucking talk to this girl like she isn’t the most amazing person ever to exist. Not after everything she’s done, everything she still does, not after giving her all and never once asking for anything in return. And in standing up for Kotone, Mitsuru is able to stand up for herself for the first time in her life. And she looks at Kotone and says "let’s take on each other’s burdens"
Oh and also they watch a scary movie together and hold hands and ride a motorcycle and Mitsuru calls Kotone adorable I mean that’s pretty gay man
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traffytaffy · 5 months
OP Men and proposing💍
Ft. Law, Kid, Sanji, Zoro.
Sorry i haven’t posted in a bit. I had like no ideas, but this was actually requested by my best friend who was going through “marriage fever” lmao.
Requests are open!
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
-Marriage isn’t something he’s concerned with but if it is something that you’ve shown interest too, then he’ll consider it. But expect a proposal after several years of being together.
-He would prefer something quiet.
-Somewhere that only you can hear the way he speaks to you in his gentle voice as he tells you everything he loves about you. 
-He wont get on one knee but he would be right next to you, thigh-to-thigh, hand-in hand… as the close contact of his warmth radiates off of him and onto you.
-He would probably pick the night time so it would be more peaceful as the moon and stars are out (also so you don’t see his deep blush)
-He looks embarrassed at first but decides to just be upfront and honest.
-He would pull out a diamond ring. It wouldn’t be too extravagant,something minimal but filled with love.
“Would you…accept this? And make me the happiest man…once more?”
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
-Marriage doesnt really pass his mind. If youre with him. You’re his, not a paper or a ring can tell him otherwise.
-I dont think he would care about the logistics of it, but he decides to take matters in his own hands once he sees someone flirting with you…
You nod to get the person flirting with you away…
“I don’t see a ring on ya finger”
-After…beating their ass. Kid would make you a custom ring with an engraving of you and his initials.
-Instead of getting on one knee. He just hands you the ring, his flustered face not able to meet your eyes and all he says is:
“Keep it on, you hear me?”
-And thats all you needed to hear to know you’re a married partner now…without even saying yes.
(You can not convince me he’s not a big softie)
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Do i even have to say it?
He has every…little..thing… planned..
-Its Sanji, you should know he would make a proposal the most romantic gesture he has ever done.
-He’d probably buy you bushes of flowers. Petals running up and down the beach where you find a candlelit dinner waiting for you. And of course… he cooked it all.
-French wine. The best of the best.
-His suit was fresh and crisp, not one single wrinkle in its fabric. You actually felt a bit under-dressed but he assured you that you were the most beautiful thing to him no matter what you wore.
-You felt like an idiot cause out of all the extravagant dates and romantic gestures hes done for you, it took him getting down on one knee for you to finally understand what was happening.
-He has a long speech. You probably have to shut him up by giving him a kiss midway through and saying “please shut up. Of course its a yes” in a sweet and playful way obviously.
-Cause he didnt need to say every great detail about you for you to know your answer was always going to be a yes.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Probably accidentally got lost and made it to an office where he can file for marriage.
(Kidding…well maybe..?)
-He probably would propose if its something you want. As for him, its not really a big deal.
-He actually does try to plan it out to the best of his ability, asking his crew members for help.
-He loves you so much and wants this to go as planned that he even asks Sanji of all people for help. Sanji takes care of cooking a special dinner for you two.
“Im only helping you cause its for y/n”
But secretly, he wants Zoro to be happy as well.
-When it happens, you two are alone on the deck of the ship, sharing a drink after the two of you ate the dinner Sanji had made for the two of you.
-When the time of the night came that he thought was right, he is sweating profusely.
“Can i talk to you?”
-You nod and listen as your beautiful eyes stare into his, causing him to stutter.
-He doesnt have a speech or anything, he believes the words should just come to him.
But they dont.
-He pulls out the ring and looks at everything else but you.
-He holds the ring out to you while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“Marry me?”
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red-elric · 1 year
i think what a lot of ppl miss about the nuance when it comes to the retcon is that the POINT of it is that its a bad ending. homestuck is designed to be a tragedy and it was never going to end well; its frankly ridiculous to try and shoehorn in a scenario where none of the current main characters are dead when the story is ABOUT death. its not narratively satisfying at all like this! but thats not what the kids wanted (and, more to the point, thats not what the FANS wanted. newer fans DEFINITELY miss the fact that homestuck was written as a conversation between hussie and the fans, a conversation that turned into an argument halfway through and led to a lot of things being taken in bad faith on both sides. but i digress; this is a watsonian post)
the retcon powers are very VERY explicitly described as the ability to change the alpha timeline. the 'whats supposed to happen' of it all, the premeditated narrative the story was written to fill. conversely, when aranea used the ring of life to come back and meddle, she is explicitly described as 'causing a doomed timeline.' and like, the thing about doomed timelines is that theyre meant to happen as much as theyre meant to be fixed. theyre how paradox space accounts for and incorporates time travel, and the existence of the doomed timeline is often NECESSARY for the alpha timeline to function. thats how you get davesprite, thats how the aradiabot that brought gamzee's honkHONK code back from his crazy murder timeline contributed to doc scratch's creation, thats why every dead dave helped the alpha timeline dave figure out what to do. if vriska was meant to have never died in the first place the timeline wouldve been doomed long before game over. the ring went to the wrong person, and thats the kind of simple fix sburb was expecting to solve with some time travel to get things back on track
the ring was supposed to go to someone else. probably vriska! from the alpha timelines perspective, it wasnt that long after her confrontation with john that she really changed and grew as a character. that she became someone who deserved a second chance. imagine: john uses his retcon as normal time travel, the way sburb comprehended it through the limitations of its code. he takes the ring before aranea can, goes to the dream bubbles, and has another conversation with vriska. maybe she doesnt even really want the ring anymore, and thats exactly the kind of thing that would convince john to give it to her. and she agrees, because he tells her terezi is waiting for her. they go back, they have the final fight, and people die. maybe they dont come back. but its the group of characters who earned the ending, who we watched grow up for three years
but thats not what happened, and it was never going to be what happened, because as narratively satisfying as it could have been? john and terezi wanted something different. john wanted everything to be OVER and terezi wanted the chance to make a different choice, even if it was wrong. theyre selfish; theyre kids. theyre tired of being characters in a story, of someone else pulling their strings. thats what typheus's choice was about, you know? and john made the wrong choice. some other version of john could have fixed things the "right" way, had our john decided to die instead. to accept the consequences of the doomed timeline and let pardox space fix it. hell, between roxys first instinct to just sit and let the void take her and terezis pointy horns offering a counterpoint we have some pretty blatant devil/angel on the shoulder imagery! and john making the same wrong choice he did when terezi first told him to fly to the seventh gate, except this time there was no davesprite on angel wings, no one left alive he cared about enough to listen to. because as much as john felt like he was SUPPOSED to fall for roxy, the girl version of his fathers lover, someone strongly associated with his half of karkat's shipping chart but without the complication of being a lesbian, someone HUMAN to repopulate the world with cut out of his apocalypse movie fantasies...... terezis way of thinking has always appealed to him more. because as much as he pretends its not true, john doesnt like to take things lying down, and he doesnt like when other people do either. he gets bored! hes attracted to the danger and morally grey self confidence terezi and vriska exude, so. he listened to terezi, and they brought vriska back.... without any of the character development she had gone through.
and its a bad ending, because of course it would be. and thats the point :) it was stupid to think two kids could meddle with the fate of the universe and it was stupid to think that these kids could have a happy ending so easily. but can you really blame them?
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bibewilderedandbuck · 3 months
So u know how in schitts creek patrick sees david has no plans for his bday and so he asks david to dinner?? And patrick wants it to be a date but then David BRINGS STEVIE. Who then convinces her queer best friend that the guy they thought was straight really wanted to date him??? AND THEN SHE WAS RIGHT
Its just giving bucktommy parallels and i can’t stop thinking about it
So anyway:
post the hurricane, maybe during the harbor tour, Tommy mentions hes turning 40 but he’s got no family left and his crew let him off for the day (which unfortunately means they DON’T have the day off- they have a surprise party planned later but he doesn’t know that yet).
And buck blinks at him like????? You’re spending your FORTIETH BIRTHDAY ALONE????
And Tommy laughs cause it’s not a big deal (even if he secretly wishes it was a big deal).
And buck does Not take no for answer. He WILL be cooking him a cake and a special made dinner “whats your favorite food? Name it? As long as it can bake in a pan and feeds a football team, I can probably put something together. Or i’ll take you out! Yes i’ll take u out, name the place.”
And maybe Buck presents him with a gift that is part of the capsized boat they rescued bobthena from. And its framed and its got a cute note thats like “the day we met and the mouth static that changed all of our lives”
Only TOMMY DOESN’T think it’s a date (yikes) so he invited Lucy (double yikes). And she ends up telling him that actually Buck is a romantic DUNCE and DOES want to date tommy but is bad at realizing how secretly bi he is (even tho she suspected it from the beginning (she did not)).
And the story only really diverges from canon there bc tommy comes to buck’s place to talk about Eddie and the Failed Date(TM). And kisses buck about it and then actually SAYS the word “date” when he asks buck out this time and its great and lovely and maybe the second date sucks
but tommy has that framed piece of metal from an up turned ship and he decides to accept Buck’s coffee date proposal.
And the rest is living in my head rent free :)
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averyangrypossum · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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gatitties · 8 months
HEY HEY HOW R U DOING. ITS FINALLY CHRISTMAS TIME SO MERRY CHRIMUH (2023 passed too fast…) im the one who asked for the strawhats x anxiety! Teen! Reader!!!! And im an angsty person so I just wanna ask…
Can you write Strawhats x struggling! Teen! Reader?? It’s the exact same reader btw, they’re strong and kind and helpful and so sweet, has a tough exterior even if they’re just a kid and the youngest on the ship. And when I mean struggling I mean that they deal with self h*te, their anxiety got worse and so on. They didn’t plan to tell the crew but the crew has noticed their behavior. How they go to their room instead of playing with them like they used to, how they just sit down and zone out, a habit of their’s being to put their hand up to their face and rub in annoyance and stress just like they do with the hand on the chest when they’re anxious. The crew sees them being gloomy when they’re alone or whenever the adults look away (putting on the facade) and the reader doesn’t look like they’re taking care of themselves and they’re looking tired and unmotivated.
(kinda describing me a lil bit I just wanna see my comfort characters react to this sorta thing-)
And they finally confront her about it and after some convincing they finally spill all thats inside and get the love that they don’t think they deserve!!! I love angst sorry…
(Before I wrote this I checked through your rules to see if this kinda thing wasn’t allowed. I didn’t see anything opposing my idea but just know that if you feel uncomfy with this sorta thing then thats ok and you can just ignore this ask.❤️ Or maybe you could reply with a little “no” just so me and others know that ur not ok with it. I wanna be respectful!)
─Strawhats x teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: You thought everything would be fine after your anxiety attacks subsided, but it was just the calm before your mind played with you.
─Warnings: none
(Related post)
ayy sorry I'm a little late with this one but here it is 😭, I hope you had a good Christmas, that you started the year on the right foot and may everything go well for now!! 😌
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─ You thought your anxiety attacks would end once you confessed how you felt to the crew, partially accepting their help, and while it worked for a while, you went back into your shell.
─ The mind of adolescents is incredibly moldable, and yours decided to take the most contemptuous path towards yourself, the attacks were controlled, but the self-hatred that you began to feel towards yourself made them return.
─ You felt guilty and your pride did not allow you to seek help a second time, feeling that you would be more of a nuisance to the rest.
─ Your appearance underwent changes as well as your behaviors, your energy was drained, you began to lock yourself in your room more, not be present at group celebrations…
─ Eventually they noticed your sudden change again, everything was fine and from one day to the next you become like a stranger with them again, Robin could notice it instantly.
─ All your actions gave you away, but Chopper recognized the signs of anxiety, your rapid breathing, your eyes moving uncontrollably, although he did not understand why you touched your face so much, he thought it was one of the causes of your anxiety.
─ They accepted that you were a stubborn teenager, but this had to be nipped in the bud just as Nami said once she found out that your anxiety attacks had gotten worse lately, since the indirect way of helping wasn't working now.
─ It was much more stressful for you that they decided to confront you directly, since you used to run away from conversations related to your well-being, being something that you feel insecure talking about, you preferred to avoid it.
─ You tried to escape from that talk with bad excuses, but Sanji's kindness made you sit in the chair like a scolded child.
─ Jinbe silenced Luffy because he knew that he was going to be too direct with you, and although they wanted to be, they needed a little tact to talk to you, Usopp took care of that.
─ You avoided eye contact for most of the talk, not wanting to confront them while you spoke.
─ Again, you ended up crying as you let your feelings come to light, you felt trapped enough to let it all out, much more sincerely than the previous time, feeling a little embarrassed by your cruel thoughts towards you.
─ Luffy scolded you again, but he gave you the best hug you could have received in years, everyone joined in afterwards, except Zoro, who watched from afar with a small smile.
─ You felt calmer after the talk, but it will still be difficult for you to express yourself about how you feel, they assured you that it was okay, that it was okay to want to have some time alone when you feel bad, but that they will always be there to help you with all your problems whatever they are.
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strangestofthings12 · 5 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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Mechs Ships Tournament Final Round
This is the final round. If any ties occur, there will not be a tiebreaker. Whichever ship(s) win this poll win the tournament. Propaganda is under the cut.
Polymechs And Lyf:
I like poly ship's and Lyf is my blorbo of the month. I also think they deserve all the love in the world and the mechs could provide it. Also have you SEEN the angst polymechs + Lyf fics?? Where no one knows they are immortal yet and they die??? Everyone's so heartbroken and then usually them coming back is fucked up n painful and gjrhfkdhkf its so good.
tbi that track with the mechs (expert testimony?)
#polymechs + lyf is the superior mechs ship#you can zoom in on any of your favorite mech ships or just everybody at once it's unlimited (tags via @rocksanddeadflowers)
Guys I have the perfect polymechs + lyf propaganda (via @moons-br)
that one post where its like theyre the us government but if it actually did whst it said it did. three different people of equal power keeping each other in check. also they aLMOST SAVED THE STATION WITH THE POWEROF LOVE [Pollrunner's note: post here]
I just love them a lot and blood and whiskey is so good and ”maybe just this once there could be a happy ending” makes me cry every time 
blood and whistey
the track where they decide
So perfect and immaculate that they’re **canon** and I love them so much <3333
them <3
lesbian machines. thats it.
They're girlfriends!!!!
Funniest line in OUAT(IS)
what if your girlfriend was the ship of theseus and you were a princess who got revolutioned and love just wasn't enough in the end. what then.
them <3
https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ (via @wormsontoast)
violinspector (the stars claim them)
The Stars Claim 'Em 
yoyr fanfic idk i thought this was funny [Poll runner's note: I'm the author of The Stars Claim Them.]
it slaps. that’s all
no thoughts. only them.
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okeiglxg · 4 months
Day 3 of recommending 5 fics about JLA meets batfam with a plus one! 🤍
On the First Day of Christmas the DCU Sent to Me … A Hijacked Space Station by aestorian
- 3,385 words, 1 chapter, completed
-no ships
Summary- "The candle will burn."
If the Justice League didn't want people coming to the Watchtower than they should have upped their security. It wouldn't have saved them from the batfamily on a kidnapping mission, but that's neither here nor there
Paranoia by BoredomBeckons
- 21,646 words, 14 chapters, completed
- no ships
Summary- Batman trusts the newest Justice League recruit almost instantly.
This is so out of character, it makes the rest of the team suspicious.
Who is this Nightwing, and what is he up to?
Illogically? By Kiwiles01
- 5,825 words, 1 chapter, completed
- dick grayson/ wally west, clark kent/ bruce wayne
Summary- The boy looked up and stopped writing instantly.
"Dad!" Exclaimed the boy, who seemed to be scared and pale. "Oh God"
"Dad?" Lantern gasped, staring at the Flash with his mouth open. “Did he call him dad?”
“Impossible,” Flash denied. “We imagine it”
Or when the Justice League meets the Batfamily and they think that Nightwing and Batman are a married couple with kids.
Gotham will survive by anonymous so no user
- 2,564 words, 1 chapter, completed
- no ships
Summary- The Metropolis was under attack. Clark was grateful that most of the hero community got together to help him. He just didn't except to learn that Gotham was being attacked too with almost double the forces and Batman left the city alone to fend for itself.
What's in the cape? By Peppermint_Tree_Prince
- 5,038 words, 1 chapter, completed
- no ships
Summary- Batman hides the secrets of the universe in his cape. Hals is sure of that. Now he just has to convince the rest of the League.
There really is something in Batman's cape this time, but he's determined to Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, his way out of answering questions.
Plus one!
Of Birds, Rich Boys & Superpowered Teens by cherryousama
- 63,128 words, 19 chapters, completed
- no ships
Summary- Dick Grayson, older brother to three insufferable younger brothers (who he loves very much) and Gotham City's most eligible bachelor (or was it second? He didn't really keep track). Of course he had plans for a fine Saturday night.
Getting called out by Gotham's own maniacal terrorist—The Joker; yes, the Joker—on national television, was not one of them.
If that wasn't bad enough, now the Joker had all of Gotham City's criminals—or more than half of the population—right under his thumb. And you guessed it; now all of them are out to get the Wayne brothers!
But the Wayne boys are more than just pretty faces and pockets overflowing with money; they are the Batman's protégés, the elusive elite band of vigilantes who fight crime and protect the city every night.
With all of Gotham's worst criminals after them though, protecting their secret identities will be a challenge. So Batman has decided to call in the Young Justice team to help protect his sons.
The Young Justice team came in expecting to be protecting some rich kids who had the misfortune to catch the eye of the Joker.
What they hadn't been expecting was the utter chaos that was the Wayne household.
-young justice protects the wayne boys
- no identity reveal
Thats all! I still have more to post so maybe it can go on till day 7 or 8. Like the post for more and dont forget to reblog🤍
Have a good day/night
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will80sbyers · 8 months
As an ex-Byler, I have to say that the majority of the Bylers are very toxic regarding the Bisexual fans and Bi!Mike headcanons and readings. I am not Bi, but I am queer and whenever I see all the takes and backlash regarding Bi!Mike, I feel a little bit sick tbh bc of insane biphobia this fandom holds deep down and how people normalize it. Thats one of the reasons why I became an ex byler. I just cannot enjoy the ship or the fandom anymore.
I would like to think it's not the majority, there are still lots of gay Mike truthers that are normal people and even if they think Mike is gay they don't act biphobic and support everyone expressing their own headcanon as they want!!
But I think there is a very loud minority acting like they are superior for having a different opinion (in maaaanyyyy different arguments) to the point of even harassing others every single time they see different takes or constantly feeling like they have to reply with a tone that's not about having a normal conversation about headcanons, but it's about devaluing that idea in any way- and even using biphobic arguments to justify their different opinion (which is the only time I responded pissed off to these posts simply because biphobia pisses me off lmao)
that's also why I ended up deciding to block these people when I see them act this way and have had to block A LOT of anon asks, every time I post about bi Mike I get hate asks of people triggered by those posts because they can't stand the idea that Mike could be anything other than the their own headcanon, sometimes I respond and other times I just block the anon and move on, but it's every single timeeee like clockwork lol I know that every time I feel like making a post about Mike being bisexual I will get hate 🌈
Idk they can't stop doing that for some reason even if they look extremely insecure, like the toxic people that have to attack others constantly about hating the idea of Mike being gay, I've been saying that they are doing the same thing that they say they hate about Milxvens but they don't get it apparently... maybe biphobia blinds you as much as homophobia does idk
Anyway, I'm so sorry that you felt like you had to leave the fandom behind because of this, I get it completely but it's still sad to have the joy of shipping a couple tarnished because of these people!
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tabbyrocks · 6 months
"deku is straight you can't ship monodeku" okay so what if i made Monoma a girl.
introducing transfem Monoma au because I've been thinking abt her so much!!!
pre realization ideas first!!!
Monoma's hair grows out a bit more then he's used to, and Pony has the brilliant idea to dress him up all girly for fun. she does his makeup, puts him in a pretty sun dress and just makes him look oh so fab
when Neito sees the final product, he thinks he looks AMAZING. he feels amazing. he feels like himself more than he ever has in his life.
ever since that day, he couldn't stop thinking about how it felt to see himself in the mirror all dressed up like that. he really, REALLY wanted to feel like that again, but asking Pony to dress him up again would be embarrassing. so reluctantly, he ordered some clothes and makeup online.
when they arrived, he got to work. the makeup was a lot more difficult than he anticipated, but after some struggling and a handful of tutorials, he was satisfied with the results. and once he put the outfit together, he looked in the mirror.
and he kept looking. he stared for a while, watching how the dress flowed when he moved, staring at his longer-than-usual hair. part of him knew this wasn't normal, and that scared him. but for now, he felt good. he felt comfortable.
despite the fear, monoma wanted to know WHY he felt like this in the first place. why he felt so comfortable looking like a girl. the more he thought about it, he realized he would really enjoy being a girl. so off to google he went.
the research wasn't very hard to do, it was accepting that maybe, after all, "he" was actually a "she".
acceptance and putting her identity together!!
eventually, after a few weeks, Monoma had come to accept that she was, in fact, a girl. she felt discomfort hearing masculine terms used on her ever since she realized she was trans, so she decided to change some things before telling her friends the news.
she decided she wanted to use she/her pronouns, and she wanted her new name to be Neoma, instead of Neito. it just sounded cute, and she didn't want to stray too far from her original name, after all she was still herself despite the transness.
Coming out!!!!
When Monoma decided to come out, she wanted it to be to her class first. so, to do that, she asked the class to meet her in the student lounge with the help of Vlad, who she had told first.
She dressed in her best outfit and nervously stepped out from behind the corner.
when she had told the class she was trans, as well as her new name and pronouns, the reactions were relatively positive. some were surprised, and even shocked, but there was also a buzzing excitement from the crowd, with a handful the people excitedly asking questions. the girls of the group began planning outings and giving Nene tips on being a girl as well.
OKAY THATS ALL I HAVE FOR RN. ill definitely be posting about some of Nene's trans experiences, but i would LLLOOOOOOVVVEEEE to hear your guy's ideas too!!!
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deadtism · 1 year
I have a very indulgent self ship au with Jingren, poly w reader :)
Btw this is rambling, and a wip
Maybe i'll make it a full post, but i'll plan some hcs here for now
Reader is GN.
It's kinda a modern au style but Jing Yuan is sort of a mafia boss. Blade was hired as a bodyguard from the Stellaron Hunters.
Reader is from the Astral Express. (The AE is a seperate party in this, they act similar as in the canon universe.)
JY and Blade's relationship is mostly sexual, not that they aren't in love. It's just that Blade isn't used to a lot of romantic affection yet. And he has so much trauma.
Jing Yuan is always busy but most of their time together ended up more,,,intimate. He's trying for more but Blade is too stubborn. They do have their moments however :)
But then reader comes and at first they dont really pay you any mind. But slowly you end up spending some time with them, due to your curious nature as a newly recruited Astral Express member.
You get interested in both of them as people and try to get to know them better. It takes time, but slowly you realize you are getting closer to the both of them than you had expected.
Eventually they decide to spend time with you, both of them together with you.
They were quite surprised when you had rejected the offer to "spend the night" since at that point they had decided they were both mutually interested in you .
And thats when the first "date" happens instead.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I hope you dont mins me asking
But how would you suggest the best way to not be so anxious in fandoms these days.
It just seems like im going to be bullied out of fandom for even wanting to be in fandom. Regardless of the kind of content i like or how i like it. Its just seems like people who are in fandom dont want to themselves and not really about older or newer fans not wanting more new fans... Just.. They dont want fandom to exist at all anymore. If thta makes sense
Ive been in fandom for years but only recently bacame an adukt and now i really wanna start getting more involved.. I recently started a series oneshot fic thats gonna take alot of time.. But i havent even posted an actual chaoter yet and i am so afraid of gettijg a bunch of shit for it.
Its not meant to be anything explicit infact i made it very sfw bexause thats what i wanted.
But what of someone decides hey fuck you this sucks and now im going to make up reasons that your fic is (ableist, racist, homophobic stuff like that). And i just... I want to write.
Years ago i was in a much older fandom(transformers g1 if you can believe it) and it was so nice there. Maybe its because i was young but theres wasnt nearly so much anti bullshit that there is now especially in newer fandoms.
I know theres like block and ignore and delete comments but... I dont want to deal with it. And i probably know there isnt realky anytjing i can actually do about it
Its just so bad. I want to participate in fandom, but fandom is so terrible these days. Ive seen so many of my favorite artists fucking dissapear over being bullied for something they said years ago thats now considered "worthy of being tortured alive" for saying.
I just want it all to stop. I thought fandom would get better as it became more popular. Artists would have more freedom and stuff.
Instead im afraid im going to get bullied for a fucking teen rated gen fic with zero shipping, zero dark theme, and zero sex on the off chance someone thinks its not good enough. Suddenly its not appropriate for teenagers for some dumb reason
When i fucking was one two years ago. (like mate i was reading robot porn at ELEVEN)
Im so tired. I think the only good thing about the fandom im in is the fact the creators of the media are actually super chill and even supportive about fans selling fanworks and comms of characters and stuff
This was supoosed to be a simple question but ig im just so sick of how fandom is that i ended up ranting about it.
Getting more popular makes things much worse, not better.
But overall, anxiety is about you and your internal emotional state.
There was always danger of being attacked. It looks different now, but fear isn't more or less justified in the present day. The actual level of danger isn't the issue here.
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blobbyboiblob · 9 months
Tw for very serious stuff! I can’t pit a finger on it just in case but also canon digging to create realistic touch to it
Dream: he went through several trauma
In the canon time line he experienced being used as a tool by villagers and wasn’t allowed to be negative
And he was forced to watch his brother clearly turn depressed and was unable to aid him(*He was 5-6 in that time frame I believe and already had enough on his plate*)
He was a people pleaser and was a child at that and was made to do things out of his abilities all because of the villagers
He than was left without senses for eons upon eons and was soon out of it and taught by, if I remember correctly, Lanny.
Lanny blamed him and Passive for the passing of Nim which was Nightmares-(*aka the corrupted guy, the negative parasite*) fault
And all Lanny did was teach Dream about his duties as a guardian and what has happened
Legit never thought “Hey Dream lost his ability to do practically everything for eons now! Maybe I should be considerate cuz his mental state may still be a 6-year-old!”
So meanwhile Dream is severally traumatized and still struggling to understand and live in this new world with all these beings and people and monsters
He’s also still mentally a child
So thats fun
He only starts to grow up and let go of Passive when he finds out Nightmare = Passive is incorrect, and Passive is a dead 6-year-old‼️ Which screws with him more along with clear trauma response to where he literally can’t see Nightmare as a not-brother figure so he wouldn’t actually *kill* the dude, he would need sever therapy yet everything still will go back to old ways because he’s a people pleaser
Corrupted & Passive: Now we need to remember, parasites need a body to secure their forms.. yes? Even a negative parasite! Now what if(Thank you Hobo my frien, ty ty sm) Corrupted was using Passives rag-doll body? Which would be bad wouldn’t it? Considering the pain and agony of his body being tore out and burned by the negative goop and the soon to start numbing pain of his eye-socket, which would ensure Passive was stuck along with Corrupted and forced to see *everything*. Along with the fact Corrupted is taller than Dream who is directly around Swaps height(*Swap father real 😨⁉️*) which means Passives small body would be tore into sections to fit the taller form and be a suitable vessel. So along with his agony and pain because of Corrupted he must suffer with being tore apart and semi strapped back together to be a good vessel.
So ultimately Passive regardless is a dead six year old and cannot date regardless. Would you truly ship a lil babay with grown adults?
Also another side note: going down this idea base that would mean if Passive somehow escaped the goop it is highly likely he wouldn’t survive long, as his bones would lack nutrients and strength along with having been destroyed and out together enough that it’s possible that one hug could dust him!
Normalize Dream being mentally around 6 still and being a people pleasing traumatized babay
Normalize Passive being a dead, traumatized 6-year-old that isn’t allowed to date- even in the “platonic kisses” way
Normalize Corrupted being an actual torture oriented bad guy cuz well- he was made that way 💀
Also this rant is cuz well
I read up on a small thing where someone took all of Jokus storyline and details and set them down in a Deviant art post! I decided to add headcanons me and my friends made and put a more realistic touch on it!
Tw for more serious based stuff due to well- Dreamtale lol
And of course, Dreamtale belings to @jokublog
Thanks for wonderful details to explore and joke bully people on 🙏
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bareee · 2 months
are you planning to ship your tav with any of the companions? youve mentioned that the main 6 he would considsr too young but halsin or someone along those lines? i think the mutual stability in their characters would soften each others edges in a very sweet way but if you plan to keep your tav single i think their friendship would be extremely interesting too! will minthara get killed or added to the party? im so excited to see how all the characters resolve their arcs and how the creche and moonrise and everything else goes :D your art is so gorgeous too!!! the way you draw all of the characters is just so good <333 you really catch all the aspects of them that make people adore this game and thats such an amazing skill to have!!! i hope you have a good whatever it is when you read this!!!!!
Imma try keepin this short…but I doubt it’s gonna be XD
1. ‘Ppreciate ya~ happy ya enjoy my mess XD even though Im always over in the corner muttering about my poor consistency that drives me crazy
2. I’ve said this many times I’m pretty sure as replies to comments lost in the void somewhere, Through the 2 full playthroughs I’ve done, I didnt care to romance cause I couldn’t help but cringe myself even at the gale and Astarion stuff I couldn’t get away from. Im not good at romancy stuff movin so quickly like the game puts ya through,so I was dyin. And ‘in game wise’ Mark is like how Jaheria is, I’ve found thats the best way to put it. He’s gone through enough for himself to handle already at this point in his background story, and the best way to describe it is he’s just tired. Maybe in post game he’ll warm up, I think Imma leave that up to all yal and yer votin’ honestly. I’ve thought about it for a bit now and yal’s choices in Mark’s story I give you directing who he grows close to works well for me as I warm up to these goofballs, course as I said It’d still be more post game when he relaxes with stuff like that depending on what path yal put him on.
3. Kinda related to #2, Half of the main six are too young, not all. Gale is i think literally Mark’s age if not close and if I ignore elves and their age weirdness, Astarion and Shadowheart are fine. If/when the vote options open Mark up more to someone, Wyll,Karlach, and Laezel will never be more than family/kids to him. Nu….
4.We’ll get to Halsin…. I know I say that a lot when he comes up, but ughhh…. I will say I agree him and Mark have a lot they share and can grow together, but the horny side of Halsin drove me insane in the game and really made it where it was hard to talk to him cause the niceness felt so….uggghhh…. I’ll get to it,I’ll get to it, I’m gettin around that part of Halsin that loves to be constantly shoved in front… but aghhhh. Jaheria’s my favorite outta the side peeps obviously XD and Minsc is fun
5. Spoiler, I’m letting yal decide on if Minthara stays around! Wooooo, we’ll get thereeee XD And if yal choose to keep her alive it wont mean other peeps leave like the game does, we’ll see how that goessss. Halsin and wyll and whoever else will stay around of course, Wyll’s adorable and yal ain’t takin em away from me. In my playthroughs I could never go her route officially, never will. Little baby tieflings too cute, I refuse…
Think that’s all of it, woooooo I did ittttt! Hope I make senseeeeee yaaaay
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rivalsforlife · 2 months
hello!!! sorry for the long text (and for possible mistakes in this) in advance!!
in december last year i stumbled upon your fic "the catch up game". i decided to read it and honestly that was the best decision of my LIFE. that is the best fanfic ive ever read. this changed my life actually. i remember being impressed at how amazing the characterization was and how everything felt so canon. i was awake until 4 am reading because i couldnt sleep without knowing what would happen next. i started to cry while reading, not because of sadness, but because EVERYTHING was SO GOOD that i wasnt able to express my emotions properly and all i was able to do was CRY.
recently, after months have passed, i've decided to read your fanfic again, and everything was even better than before. i felt all the emotions again, and i was awake until late to read again, and i cried because it was great AGAIN. after i finished reading, i decided to read your other works and EVERYTHING is so well written!!!!
i should say that i LOVE the way you interpret narumitsu as a ship but more importantly as individual characters. i love the way you interpret the other ace attorney characters as well, they all feel so,,, alive? idk how i should put this (im horrible with words, sorry sgdugshs).
all i wanted to do telling you all this is: thank you. thank you for sharing your writing with us. know that when you write again (if you want to, of course!) i will be there to support you!!! i deeply admire your work and you deserve ALL the kudos.
well. i think thats it. i hope you have a good day/night <3 <3 <3!!
🥺 this is such a sweet ask, thanks so much for reaching out!! I'm so glad to hear that my writing had such a strong effect on you and that you enjoyed my works!
ace attorney is always so much fun to write because they're all fantastic characters on their own, but the games have all these great relationships between the characters and such a strong emphasis on platonic relationships as well (which might not be the thing to bring up while talking about a narumitsu fic, but it's always something I want to pay special attention to). Especially with the catch-up game which I intended to be more of a Phoenix characterization study/exercise I wanted to pay at least a little bit of attention to all of his important relationships!
I remember hearing writing advice once that you should have a general idea of what every character in a scene has going on in their own life, like where they came from before this scene, what they're doing after, what's the pressing issues on their mind, etc, so it doesn't feel so much like "and Maya stands off screen until she comes back in to talk about Phoenix and Edgeworth's relationship". So I'm always super happy to hear when people notice things like that because it means I'm doing it at least a little bit correctly!!
Anyways all that is to say that I really appreciate this ask and it definitely brightened my day. I know I haven't posted anything in a while (school + unemployment hell year + more school and now work??? have done a number on me). I have been writing, but I always want to wait until things are done before I post, and I think I've officially hit the year and a half mark on this project as of today, but I have no idea how much longer I'll be able to stand it before I decide it's too much work to wrangle this thing into something I like - and it's not ace attorney anyways and writing characters for the first time and figuring out how they sound is always a bit terrifying. (There's like 2/3 longfics that are the first things I wrote for ace attorney that I've abandoned.)
Maybe replaying aai2 when the official version comes out will motivate me to write more AA, because I do have one good narumitsu idea in my head that I hope I'll be able to write? But either way I'm glad that even my work from four years ago (!!!) is still having an effect on people. Catch-Up Game is still my favorite thing that I've written and I'm always happy to hear people liked it!!
This got more rambly than I intended sorry about that. Thanks again for the very sweet ask. I hope you have a good day/night as well!!
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