#maybe angst ?
tofuingho · 1 year
Imagine Jazz is dating Dick and the Batfam knows. They probably haven't had a formal introduction, but they've done a bit of investigation. They know all about the Dr.s Fenton and their inventions. The know about Danny and Dani's different achievements.
The one weird thing is that they can't find any clear photos of Danny or Dani.
One day, one of them sees her out and about with an absolute mountain of a man. He's very attractive and has black hair and blue eyes.
They're obviously very close to each other. They're very comfortable in each other's space and often put a hand on the other's arm or shoulder.
Oh my god. She's cheating on Dick.
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archivomeow · 3 months
fight, flight, frezze
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worldwide issues || writing masterlist || read on ao3
description; during your fight with Spencer you tell his to shut up, so he does and it triggers you.
“Just- Just stop… Spencer just fucking shut up!” You yelled out, anger was burning inside of you and the more he spoke the more fuel he gave to it, your temper was always short, but today was really testing you.
His brown eyes were looking at you, shock and anger written out on his face, was he disappointed? Was he mad at you for yelling? Why was he so fucking hard to read…
“I-I’m sorry…” You yelped out in your defence, you weren’t sure what more to say, his silence was crushing you.
It felt awful, couples argue, yes, but the silent treatment you were receiving in the moment, it made your stomach turn, your anger vanished and turned into anxiety, making you fidget slightly with your own fingers. You felt so…small, so little, so fucking vulnerable. Spencer remained silent, he let out a small sigh, a sigh that made the knot in your stomach tighten, that made you speak again, hoping that he says something, anything, fucking anything back…
“Spence…” You said, now more gently, you were being careful, your body froze in the spot and you wanted to move closer to him, but you just couldn’t, you were stuck in place, it was either this or leaving, so you stayed there, too frightened and anxious to move forward.
Your ear rang as your heart sped up, making breathing harder, like there was a weight on your chest, where in reality there wasn’t, your lungs heavy, like someone poured sand in them.
He finally looked again at you, noticing your irregular and shallow breathing. His brown eyes scanned you up and down as he moved forward in your direction, making you take a step back. Spencer gently grabbed your shoulders as he sat you down at the couch, in his living room, after all you were in his apartment.
“Breathe… Just… Follow my lead.” He said gently as he breathed in and out, making it very dramatic so you know when he js breathing in and when out. He was counting in his head with each breath in and out.
“You’re okay…” He repeated over and over again while doing the breathing work with you.
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grimmbunniee · 8 months
Alucard turning the love of his life into a vampire because she’s on the verge of death and he doesn’t want her to leave him. Making him become desperate and causing him to turn her.
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4riadne · 1 year
Safe & Sound (j.m)
joel miller x fem! reader
word count: 1.3k
summary: settling into Jackson isn't as easy as one would think, Joel battles with finding peace within the safety of Jackson's walls.
warnings: angst and fluff
(a/n): for my little war criminal old man bbg xx -lana
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GIF by vera-kozhemiakina
Joel doesn’t like it here. He doesn’t like how easily you’ve settled into Jackson. It’s only been a six months since you all decided to stay in Jackson— and the way you, even Ellie, let your guards down so easily here unnerves him. He especially doesn’t like how he feels more on edge now than he’s ever been, a lot to say considering the things he’s been through. 
He stares as you dance with some guy who bothered to ask when Joel had made it clear that he wasn’t. He’s never seen you so at ease. Your hair is undone and wavy from its usual braid. Even your clothes, the dress you wear is so impractical. He knows he should take it as a sign that he can unwind as well, but he can’t. What if you needed him, what if something happened?
He feels like he’s stuck waiting for something to go wrong, for this play of domesticity you’ve settled into to end.  
After the song ends you drift back to his side, inserting yourself under his arm as you wrap around him. A content smile on your face as he asks if you had fun and as you whisper back, “I woulda had more if it was you spinning me around.” 
It feels like the calm before the storm. 
Every waking morning by your side, your form wrapped in one of his shirts.
He always wakes up earlier than you with a small start, but he stays in bed until your lashes flutter open. He likes that. When you’re near him and he can touch you. For however long he wants. 
That next morning starts the way he always likes it to, you roll over onto your back to look up at him with a groan. Like you’re mad at even the idea of not being asleep right now. He adjusts his hold on you to make you feel more comfortable as you place a hand on the nape of his neck, fingers clawing through his hair. “You need a haircut soon, Miller.” 
But it’s something about this morning that’s different, he doesn’t feel that racing in his veins anymore and it’s replaced by something else hollow. He shakes his head dismissively at your comment as he presses a kiss to your forehead. A smile graces your lips as you pull up the blanket before pulling him into a kiss. It’s messy and heated, your leg pressing into his side to bring him in even closer. When he pulls away strings of saliva form to your dismay as you scrunch your nose. Joel hasn’t said anything yet, eyes crinkling at the sides in a smile as you grimace in disgust. 
“Okay what’s with the staring, huh?” You return his gaze with narrowed eyes as you press your forehead to his. 
“Nothin’” He mumbles, brushing your nose with his before slanting his mouth against yours. You protest despite your eager return, pulling away with a sniff. You look at him tenderly, brushing back unruly strands from his hairline before resting your hand on his cheek. He presses a kiss to your palm instead of answering as you roll your eyes. 
“You’re being so weird,” You widen your eyes playfully as you smile. “Are you gonna say why?”
Joel sits up on the edge of the bed as you watch on your propped up elbow. He is being weird, but you don’t press on the topic anymore. It’s only until he turns back to you that he sees your mind racing, the gears turning behind your eyes. He wonders what you’re thinking, he always is. There’s always something you want to say, and on the rare times you don’t blurt it out, he’s left wondering. 
You're still this enigma to him. And he supposes the same applies for him to you. Even though sometimes he feels like you’re the only person who really understands him. The only one who can. You know just when to push and pull with him, a special power of yours as Ellie calls it. 
Sometimes he wonders what life would’ve been like if you’d come into his life in a world where all of this hadn’t happened. Even though, past Joel isn’t who he is now. He sometimes thinks you deserve that version of him, the softer, unhardened, and unburdened Joel. The one who would’ve bought you flowers on your first date and introduced you to Sarah while being a nervous wreck. Instead you’re stuck with this version of himself, the one whose stuck in survival mode even in the safety of Jackson.
Just as you look like you’re about to say something, you stop yourself with a shake of your head and get up. Joel still sits on the edge of the bed as you return from the bathroom and start changing, wordlessly watching you. When you finally approach him, you stand between his legs and cradle his head between your hands. He rests his hands on your hips, hooking his thumb into one of the belt loops of the jeans you put on. 
“I love you, you know.” He nods between your grip. And he does, he knows. He does too, but you like to say it. He’s only said it a few times, before you slip into sleep or when you really need him to but you’re not saying it and he can tell. For a split second he thinks it’s one of those times but from the way you look at him, it isn’t. 
Finally, you lick your lips, “Whatever’s been on your mind lately, you can tell me.” 
He opens his mouth to dismiss it, but you’re too quick and too familiar with him to even let him get it out. “And there is something, spare me that bullshit. You’re always staring at me or at Ellie like you- You can trust me, y’know.” 
“I know.”
You nod once before pressing a kiss to his hairline. You’re out the door before he even realises it, like you’ve given up your resolve in finding out what he’s thinking. Usually you fight him back more, and he doesn’t like how things have changed. He almost wants you to tear it out of him, to have you dig your heels into the ground. Usually it’s him walking away to escape your conviction, but it’s not. It’s uncharted territory and now he doesn’t know what to do. The carpet’s been pulled out from under him. 
Joel’s scared. He can admit it. At least to himself.  Of losing you, losing Ellie. He’s always struggled with the idea of failing the two of you, but now that the ways you could leave him have narrowed, he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to do with how overwhelming his feelings are. He was needed before, even if you two were capable on your own, he was.  He’s not anymore. 
He should be happy about that, that you’re all safe, that he doesn’t always need to be on guard now. But he isn’t, and he hates that.  
You’re back in the room for some reason, and your eyes soften when you realise he’s still in the same position. His eyes glance down at the woven tray of food you’re carrying. You set it aside as you take a seat next to him. “Ellie’s awake if you want to eat all together.” Your touch is gentle as you tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear. 
“I’m scared, baby,” He says finally. 
It’s clear it takes you by surprise from the way you halt before nodding, your eyes all soft and warm on him. Just full of understanding and love, it gives him the strength to try and speak. Even if he’s never been good at words. Or emotions. Something about the way you look at him makes him feel at ease, even if he couldn’t ever fully let go. Even if he spends the rest of your lives waiting for something to happen, for the other shoe to drop. He’d be happy to, so long as you kept looking at him like that, so long as you kept trying to understand. 
So long as you were by his side.
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sleepy0s · 2 months
one more bite..
(Some cannibal stuff from that ‘cannibal murder’ series that Taurtis posted. This is rlly short, and weird.)
Oh..how hungry he had been. The young boy’s mother had starved him for weeks, allowing him to only look and watch as his family feasted on meals. The smell of freshly cooked meats, steamed vegetables… everything they allowed him to look at, but he could never have. 
He hadn’t meant to do it. He swears this wasn’t meant to happen. He was just so hungry.. 
The man had just been unfortunate enough to be walking past the wrong alleyway. He had seen the poor boy crying and wanted to console him, to find out what was wrong. But he was a very …wealthy person. He had a lot of meat on him.. Surely he could spare some.?
Grian sobbed. Salty tears mixing in with the blood covering everything. He should spit it out, he knows he should spit it out. The chewy substance in his mouth, the soft meat.. His stomach churned with self-disgust as he swallowed, but he couldn’t deny the warmth he felt at being fed. Not full, no he wasn’t full, but he shouldn’t take another bite.. What if someone saw? 
He glanced down at the wound in the man’s shoulder. It was a messy bite, veins visible, bone sticking out from the corner.. Blood everywhere. 
Ooh… but he couldn’t just leave the body here.. 
He took a breath before using his hands, grabbing at the muscle’s and meat showing. His nails dug in, gripping to help him pull out a handful. He closed his eyes, stuffing the food into his mouth. And god was it tasty. 
Well.. it would be a waste to leave it to rot..  Perhaps just.. One more bite..
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creamymilkk · 2 years
📞♡ “Vance Hopper x Reader” ♡📞
༉‧₊˚ #Vance x F!reader 
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
██████████ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
. ˚₊ ꒱ Pairing/Pairings: Vance Hopper
and Reader.
༉‧₊˚ -Format: sneak peek;3
× &﹕Summary: just a little short peek on what I’m working on!
×﹕♺ AUTHOR’S NOTE(S): requests: OPEN
Read the full version.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
Vance always thought there was something very interesting with that one girl. Sure many girls always had fall in love with him because of his lovely blonde curly hair, his beautiful blue ocean eyes that were always hard to read. Then of course, the way he will always pick a fight with anyone. No matter where or who they are. The way he truly never cared who he was fighting. Everyone knew him. With all that, surely he could talk to a girl? Nope. he could never talk to you. Sure he will stare at you and maybe… stare at you whenever you are near him. In class, in the hallways, in the lunch area, even when walking home. He was just… like loves you. I mean could you really blame him? It’s you. He loved everything about you. The way you’re beautiful and silky smooth hair shines underneath the sun, that beautiful smile you have god… that smile can always make his somewhat cold heart just warm up, the way your hips always swing right and left when you walk, not to mention how sweet and kind you were. You were perfect in his eyes. Vance isn’t the type to think about all that “cheesy” stuff. He just couldn’t help it, you were truly his dream girl… but he always thought a girl like you. Will NEVER like a guy like him. Though… there’s always a small part of him that maybe you two had a future together…
You on the other hand, you always see Vance. I mean everyone in town knew who he was, he always gets into a fight. You already knew how he had girls drooling all over him. Oddly enough, you never saw him go out with a girl. Which just seemed weird to you.. I mean he does look like the type that will know.. just go out with girls every. Single. Day. Just like the other girls, you also had a tiny huge crush on Vance. I mean could you really not find him somewhat attractive? You loved everything about him. Though luckliy, Vance and you do live pretty close so you will always see him outside of school. Which for you is such an amazing opportunity to see how handsome he was. If he ever found out that you always look forward to seeing him. You think he would find you weird. Probably he already thinks that you’re a weirdo. I mean you already knew that there’s no way that Vance is the type of guy that will like a girl like you. But a girl can dream…
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pairing-prompts · 2 years
Person A is incredibly clingy and Person B is unused to the casual affection.
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jinxthebinxyy · 9 months
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behind these shades are tears in my eyes
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dawnthefox24 · 2 months
*Sojiro is leaning against Rumiko enjoying the moment with her but feels like that she would hate him for ruining her life* Sojiro:...My love... Rumiko:*not even looking at him as she reads* Yes I love you and- Sojiro:..N-Not that...I shouldn't you hate me? Rumiko:*finally sets her book down and stares at him* Sojiro wh-Hun I could never hate you? Sojiro:...I think you should... Rumiko: Why? Sojiro: I forced you into marrying me with no context, I was a stranger to you...Then you find out I'm Sojiro Shimada I...weren't you scared!? Rumiko: *looks at Sojro and remembers how terrified she was during the an arrange marriage with Sojiro and was scared now that her life is on the line, but that all changed when she saw his goofy personality, his determination to win her heart, saving her from her parents * Sojiro: love? Rumiko: *sighs softly* I was scared of you, terrified actually. Sojiro: I-I see so you do- Rumiko: shush let me finish, I was till you saved me. Sojiro:...How did I save you when I run a clan and kill others... Rumiko:*cups his face and kisses him softly * Let me continue Sojiro:*melts into the kiss as he nods* Rumiko: you saved me from my abusive family, I was basically under there thumb for a long time then all of a sudden I get picked into marrying you. I was scared, but instead you showed me how funny you are,caring, risking your life for me, showing me how much you love me. My parents told me all my parents mainly you once they found I was marrying you would be abusive, once they found out that wasn't the case they wanted to make amends for hurting me once they realised you were in their words"the one" and they were right. Sojiro:*is listening calmly* Rumiko:*smiles softly at him* When I told you I was struggling with a friendship problem I had who was toxic, you told me it can be hard to walk away from it but you made sure that I was okay, you gave me courage to face them and cut all ties with them. So to answer you question I don't hate you and I love you too much. Sojiro:*stares at her and smiles softly wrapping his arms around her* I love you Rumiko Rumiko: *smiles* I love you too
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deadbaguette · 1 year
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Oh boy who’s long gone, I’m sorry we couldn’t save your smile
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wikluk · 2 years
FANFICTION IDEA: pre-canon (though post-canon might work as well, alternatively); there’s some party or conversation going on between Pepa, Julieta and some adults from their village. The topic focuses on their kids and Pepa and Julieta - the proud mamas that they are - share how amazing their babies are. And when Julieta starts talking about Mirabel... Someone says “poor baby, she has no gift, there’s nothing special about her” and it pisses Julieta off because how dare this person say her daughter is worse than any other member of their family? (Bonus points for Mirabel hearing that person saying this about her–).
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[words i haven’t even said]
((im so good at naming things ik))
in shadows of doubt fear takes its flight, a worry that lingers, a constant fight. what if I push, go a step too far. and friendships fade like a distant star?
i can’t start over, can’t erase words. words that flow like free birds. in social currents i'm adrift, unaware of the rifts I unwittingly lift.
a canvas of uncertainties my words paint, in hues of regret a relentless constraint. longing for a rewind but my soul is bind by words i can never rewind.
but yet, i regret words not at all that bad, but also thoughts that were never said.
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m0thisonfire · 2 years
When your Autobot crush needs your help with a case but you really don’t want to backtrack your Decepticon past and just want to shelve your silly fantasy comics.
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“Starscream, I need your help.”
“… Normally I would say yes to you without hesitation, but I don’t like where this could be going.”
“Look, I know it’s very sudden, but-”
‘Please just be a coffee date, please please plea-’
“I need your help tracking down the Decepticon.”
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waytoobsessed · 1 year
In the mood to art
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creamymilkk · 2 years
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⋆·˚ ༘ * ♡. 📞 Do it for me. 📞 .♡
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༉‧₊˚ #Finney Blake x reader
. ˚₊ ꒱ Pairing/Pairings: Finney Blake and GN! Reader.
༉‧₊˚ -Format: Blurb/Head-canons.
× &﹕Summary: “I have a request! Can you maybe do a Finney Blake x reader where his S/O ( The reader ) went missing and now once he gets kidnapped, he gets a call from the reader? How would he react? You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!!”
×﹕♺ AUTHOR’S NOTE(S): a other Finney Blake fanfic!! I’m doing all my requests then I will post chapter 3!!
masterlist | Requests: OPEN | tags: @graciegizmo3184
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- You were kidnapped right after Vance Hopper so you guys don’t get confused.
- You were walking home and told Finney that he doesn’t have to walk to your home since your house and Finneys are very far away.
- He agreed even though he did want to walk with you and you got kidnapped the same way Finney did.
- So right after Finney got a call from Vance about how to escape.
- You called him right after Vance.
- Which lead to a phone call:,)
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Finney's ears still were hurting after Vance Hopper screamed at him saying ‘THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU.’ He still helped him to escape The Grabber.
He was still waiting for another phone call. So someone else can help me out of here, the grabber was taking his time to kill him.
‘There’s another phone call.’ He thought, he slowly walked to the phone and answered it. “Hello?” He was waiting for the other person to answer.
“It’s been too long, Fin..” the soft voice spoke out. Finney was confused about who this was, the voice was a bit too quiet to even know who this was...
“What’s your name?” “You don’t remember me..?” The voice was much clearer and that’s what hit him.
It was y/n. “Y-y/n?” “You do remember me,” Y/n said. Finney's thoughts were all over the place. He couldn’t believe you were here, talking to you. Wherever you were he couldn’t believe how long it was since the last time he talked to you.
That day he really wished he didn’t listen to you and walked you home or even let you sleep over in his house. Or somewhere so you wouldn’t die…
He missed you a lot and didn’t know how to explain it in words, he missed you so much it hurts. “I-... I’m sorry I wasn’t there... I'm sorry I DIDN'T help you.” Finney cried out.
“Don’t be... either way I would end up here.” You mumbled back, Finney wished you were here. Just to see you one last time. But that was just a wish, an impossible wish.
“I miss you, Finney. I don’t want you to end up like me, I want you to live out your dreams.” “I-It won’t be the same without y-you,” Finney said, still crying. He wanted to hug you, to speak face to face.
One thing he didn’t know was that you were right next to him. Looking at him, you were about to cry but you didn’t. You had no more tears to cry. All you wanted was Finney to escape from this shit hole.
To make the grabber suffer. For doing this to you and for kidnapping Finney. You wanted to kiss him or even just hug him.
“Come on Fin, I want you to escape. If you won’t do it for yourself then.. do it for me.” You said your voice is still kinda shaky. Finney thought he would do it for you. He will never forget you. He promised.
“Okay.” “I don’t have enough time. I need to go, I love you fin.” You said to him. With hope in your eyes and pretty sure you saw his eyes shine a bit more.
“I love you too.”
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laurasimonsdaughter · 11 months
Came back wrong this, came back monstrous that
What if they came back loving? What if they came back in love. What if the necromancy worked and you cheated death and it's everything you've ever wanted, but now they love you in a way they never did before and you cannot know if that is because they finally know the lengths you are willing to go for them, or because something in this deathless magic bound their soul to yours to guide them home and it left them no. choice.
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