#maybe he's problematic but he's my problem to deal with so you don't have to
arttrampbelle · 8 months
Controversial and cringe as it is.
Imma do it.
I'm gonna f/o a disney villain.
But not just any Disney villain.
No imma f/o arguably the darkest,and most greatest Disney villain in the history of Disney villains (again this is entirely based upon preferences and personal opinions. So don't come at me)
Jean-claude frollo.
Yeah you heard me.
This guy
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Maybe if he got laid,had a wife,he'd stfu and leave my girl esmeralda alone. Maybe he wouldn't be an insufferable prick. Maybe if he got pegged,he'd behave his fuckin self
Oh sorry. I went off. My apologizes.
So yeah i have a Disney villain f/o officially and yeah....so new f/o and self ship to play around with the narrative.
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
You are on a roll with posting XD
Love how koba is his own greatest problem. Can't even get his shit together to realize he likes this human, and it's not his stomach rejecting food. That's called ✨️love✨️, my boy, the butterflys are out for youuuu koba. I just adore how you wrote him watching the reader sleep because he thinks we are being stupid being out in the open and vulnerable.
Ceaser probably apologizes to Wills Ghost daily because damn dealing with koba and kobas feelings must wear him down. Someone get this ape king a herbal drink or smoke, and a nap before he just throws both of them into a hut to face their fears of feelings
Also, i can not wait for anaya to get some personal lovin too, he deserves it after proximus problematic self 🥲😭
Please take solace in my guilty pleasure idea thank u i love you
Like, maybe one day when you're out with Ceasar's closest council on a hunting endeavor ( You requested to go, knowing they often stumbled upon human buildings and remnants and you wanted to see what you could salvage as far as clothing, toiletries, etc ). Instead, you find your self face to face with a gun. A human stood on the other end, obviously not impressed that you had drifted onto what they deemed to be their territory. You tried to back off, holding your hands up defensively and muttering under your breath, "I just want to leave. Can-can you not point that thing at me?" You're bargaining with them that you're not a threat and you don't want to steal anything but man - Did the Simian Flu take away humanity's ability to be empathetic because despite your words, despite how frail they were coming out of your mind, the ricochetting of the gun-cocking encapsulated your entire being. You were going to die. Any no one else was around to witness other than the maniac human in front of you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you prepared for the worst knowing they'd just shoot you if you took off running.
Instead? In a rather large blur of events, the human in front of you were grasped by a dark figure, a few shoots were taken but the gun was yanked out of their grasp and thrown overboard, deep into the woods to be forgotten, their arm literally breaking to the point where the forearm bone was protruding from the muscles and skin before the sounds of fists hitting flesh rounded into your ears. Blinking, you were frantic to get yourself back on your feet and scrambled rather pathetically until the Ape responsible for the carnage dropped right in front of you. Eyes widening at the Bonobo in front of you, he just gives you a twisted smile.
He definitely had you convinced he just did what he did because he liked it and thought all humans deserved that. He did it to scare you, to show you that he was more than capable of taking your frail little life into his hand and crushing it into oblivion.
You're left mildly shell-shocked as Caesar and company came into view, looking at Koba standing over you menacingly, the human who had threatened you - beaten to an unrecognizable heap behind him.
Caesar asks if you're alright, but your eyes are so transfixed on Koba. The realization dawning on you that he could have very well killed you, but only killed what he deemed a necessary threat in the moment.
Surely, given the chance he would kill you. Right?
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
I'm so sorry for all the notifications lmao I'm going around liking every ask because i haven't been on the page for a bit. And why the fuck is all the asks making me like Lars. I don't want to like Lara because Lara doesn't want to like my MC.. i already have enough problems with Rook 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I need to stay away from these problematic ROs. 😭
Oh quessssstiiioooon someone's probably asked this before but I've seen it on a few blogs. But since magic is obvs a thing. If someone cursed MC or gave them something that could only be broken by true love's kiss (especially since mc doesn't really have the healthiest relationship with those they are close to so who would think they could break a spell like that)
and it's after they've confessed to the ROs. How would they react to MC not waking up at first after they kissed them... but waking up after they've started having a major meltdown after all?
If you have gotten this ask could i please have a link because finding anything on tumblr is... 😒
And i literally fall in love with this goddamn IF every time i read anything on this page. It's a curse in itself... I hope you have a lovely weekend 🤣😇💜
Omg never apologize for mass liking, that's literally anyone on Tumblr's lifeblood lol
Also you know, I feel like Lars, despite being the biggest asshole of the ROs, is still less of a handful then Rook lmfaO good luck with dealing with them!
Also I have not been asked this one before! Felt very inspired it with, so I turned it into a prompt!
            You’re so still against the touch of his lips. You’re still even after he pulls away. His chest buzzes so loud it echoes in his ears. You don’t move, not even the flutter of your lashes and he should have known. How can he be your true love, when he spent so many years running away?
            Whoever it is, would look you in the eyes when you said you loved them. They’re someone who would have taken you in their arms instead of turning away again and again. He sinks to his knees, hands clutching at the side of the bed where you lay. Tears burn at his eyes, but not a single one falls.
            Even before he made this foolish decision, he knew. All that’s left is to find the one could wake up. If you’re life lays in the hands of someone else, a fact he always knew, then so be it.
            He’ll let you go, like he should have so long ago. He will. He just needs another moment here with you before he turns away. He needs to hear your heartbeat and the cadence of your breathing for one last time.
            Time passes as slow as honey, thick and opaque. His body is listless. In the silence, your breath catches and he blinks. Turns. You take another shaky breath, and when your eyes open, he’s on his feet.
            “MC!” He gathers you in his arms, holding on tight. “Oh, thank god. I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
            His forehead falls against your shoulder, and the tears finally fall. Your awake, your body is warm. And maybe, just maybe, he really does have a chance to make things right.
            When you don’t move after he pulls away, he doesn’t waver. Magic is strange, it can effect everyone differently, and with how much magic has affected you, he isn’t concerned that there isn’t an immediate response.
            Instead, he takes a seat next to where you lay. He brings his knees up to his chest and tells you about all the things you’ve missed. The first flowers of spring, the new used bookstore that opened up on the corner, school events, and class drama.
            The time ticks down, and it pricks at his heart. He keeps talking. About himself, about his life, about how he first fell for you, about how you are the warmth of the fire on a winter day, and if even if he isn’t your true love, then that’s ok. He’s just so glad he was able to have any time with you at all.
            At some point, his throat is dry and he’s run out of words. What can he say, as the sky turns a dusty orange. He swallows, eyes fluttering closed and feel the first of the tears fall. If it isn’t him to wake you up, then who will it be? And how long will you be cursed to sleep until they find you?
            A world without your laugh is far worse than a world where the two of you aren’t meant to be.
            You shift beside him, and he goes still. When he looks, he sees your eyes flutter open, eyebrows furrowing as you look at him.
            “…You’re awake.” He says, voice barely above a whisper. He brushes his fingers against your cheek, so impossibly gently. “You’re awake.”
            He laughs, a watery, trembly sort of laugh, as he runs a thumb against your cheek. You’ll still be with him.
            “Please wake up.” She whispers, kneeling next to you. There is no sign the kiss did anything. It’s fine, this isn’t the end of the world. She has had the logic of magic seared into her brain, and she knows how it works. She’ll wait. She can wait.
            But still, you remain still. She gets up and moves around, to give her body something to do as she waits. She’s not good at that, waiting. She always needs to be in the midst of doing something. Making progress. When something’s out of her hands like this, she feels like she’s in freefall.
            There might be a chance, she thinks as time ticks by, that you and her aren’t the ones for each other. Somehow, it makes the anxious energy in her gut easier to deal with. As long as she doesn’t think of the heartbreak that will hit the moment she leaves your side, it gives her a plan. Something to work towards. Steps to map out to figure out where to go from here and how to wake you up. The process of even finding the one who could do so.
            She’s on step four when your fingers twitch. She goes still in response. All her thoughts scatter. Like a deer in headlights she watches you, wondering if it was just her imagination. But then your body shifts and she’s next to you again, softly calling your name.
            “MC? Can you…can you hear me darling?” When you blink away, she feels a smile bloom despite herself. You’re awake and well and still hers.
            There’s doubt in their chest even before they press a kiss against your lips. For it to be them? They’re not the kind of person who makes it into fairytales. They know this. Stories are the sort of thing they’ve studied their entire life. They exist on the other side of the glass, able to peer in but never able to be.
            As you remain still, they stand and lean back on their heel. Whoever your true love is, it isn’t them. It isn’t that they doubt your love, but it’s hard to imagine that kind of forever for them. If this was the fate they were dealt, then so be it. And even so, you were their first love, and that’s a kind of special whatever comes next can’t take away. Even on different paths, even living different lives, you can both still be a fond memory for the other.
            But god, they’ve never experience heartbreak either or the way it collides into their body and leaves them breathless. They wanted this. Every moment with you was a dream they never thought they’d get a chance to see. They were awkward and clumsy, and they were the luckiest person alive to have been able to met you.
            They press a hand against their mouth, to stop the sob that’s trying to break through them. The image of you blurs as tears collect in their eyes and stream down their cheeks. They squeeze their eyes shut, trying to collect themselves.
            It’s why it startles them, when they feel a hand reaching out, “…Zoe?”
            They choke on a gasp, eyes flying open to see you awake. You’ve pulled yourself up, and your eyes are open. It strikes them so suddenly, they all but throw themselves against you. Any embarrassment they used to feel is gone. They’ll never let themselves hesitate again.
            “You would get yourself cursed.” He whispered against your lips as he pulls away. He doesn’t believe in true love or soulmates. For a curse to be based on the concept, it must make it the flimsiest curse to have been made. All it really needs is love and faith and stubbornness. Maybe his faith is lacking, but he sure as hell can make up for it with stubbornness.
            So he waits. He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and wonders how long it will take. His hand toys with your fingers absently. With you asleep, you won’t be able to comment on the display. He still remembers when you said you loved him, the look in your eyes that left no room for doubt. He thought you were making a terrible decision, but he wasn’t one to complain. Your terrible decision, just lead to his great decision to go along with it.
            The time passes slow, but the anxiety never comes. That isn’t who he is. Not when he’s sure about this, or at least more sure about it then whatever magic was used on you. And even if the kiss doesn’t wake you up, he’ll just find whoever cursed you in the first place and make them reap the consequences.
            When he feels your hand move, slipping your fingers between his, he sighs, “About time you got up.”
            “Lars? My hand—”
            “Don’t get used to it.” You laugh, the sound scratchy from sleep, and he feels his body relax. It was nice to have you back.
            They know your souls are too entwined to have a doubt. That doesn’t not mean there won’t be blood on their hands for what was done to you. How dare someone curse the one they love. How dare someone put their hands on you.
            They’re kiss is so painfully soft despite the violent rage in their chest. It’s been so long since they’ve felt this burning under their skin. Did the Curse Giver think you were alone and unloved? Did they not realize you had someone who was entwined with you in every way, down to the way you take a breath.
            The wraiths flicker around them, agitated by the tremble in their body. They keep close to you, body curved as a way to shield you from the rest of the earth. If you don’t wake soon, they’re hands will find a blade, and that blade will find a body. The wraiths whisper amongst each other, as though capable of soothing them.
            “But you were cursed even before this, weren’t you?” They breathe, pressing another kiss to your forehead. You shift beneath them, and when they pull away you open your eyes.
            You say their name, and the sound of it wraps around them. They have a Curse Giver to kill, but for now, they only lay down beside you, and ask if you’re ok. You’ve been asleep for so long, and it took too long to get to you. They’ll never be late again.
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animatorweirdo · 6 months
Imagine needing to do something and leaving your younger sibling with Maedhros
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Something came up, so you leave your younger sibling temporarily under Maedhros's care.
Warnings: Maedhros has a pretty neat time with a baby, the orcs, however, have to deal with you.
*Maedhros arriving at the tavern*
Maedhros: Hey, (Name). Sorry, I'm late.
*He sees you bouncing a baby on your knee*
You: Hey, Maedhros.
Maedhros: Why do you have a baby here?
You: This is Anna. She's my younger sister from my father's second relationship. Me and my siblings agreed upon a babysitting routine ever since the incident, and today ended up being my turn.
Maedhros: *Sitting beside you* Oh.
You: So, I hope you do not mind her being here.
Anna: *Giggles at the sight of him*
Maedhros: Not at all.
*Your friend comes up to you*
Your friend: (Name), we have a problem. We have an orc in captivity but he refuses to tell the location of the camp, and we are suspecting that they are holding prisoners. We need your help with the interrogation.
You: *Groans' Motherfuck----!
You: *Look toward Maedhros* Maedhros. Can you watch Anna while I'll go deal with that? I promise I will be quick.
Maedhros: Of course…
You: *Hands him the baby* Thank you. I already fed her and cleaned her from the last potty break, so just keep her entertained. It shouldn't be a challenge.
*You hand him Anna and then leave the tavern with your friend*
Maedhros: *Looks down on the baby on his lap* I guess it's just you and me now.
Anna: *Giggles*
*With you*
You: *Stands in front of the orc* Alright, you deformed pig of satan. You better start talking or it will be ugly for you.
The orc: Piss off, you human scum.
You: *sigh* Well--- you can only blame yourself for what happens next.
The orc: *Gulps in fear when you grab a hammer*
*With Maedhros*
Maedhros: You know, you're lucky. You have a good family to look after you and all you can do is just be a baby and do adorable things. Me on the other hand have to deal with six problematic adults with attidute of ill tempered toddlers.
Anna: Bah~
Maedhros: *Nods in agreement* Exactly.
*With you*
The orc: *Screaming in pain while you crush his fingers with a hammer*
You: Ready to talk now?
The orc: I will gut you once I'm free!
You: *Strikes his fingers with a hammer*
The orc: *Screams*
*With Maedhros*
Maedhros: *Bounces Anna on his knee*
Anna: *Laughts in joy*
*With you*
*You beat the orc with bare hands*
The orc: Stop! Stop! Stop! I'll tell you!
You: *Stop* I'm listening.
The orc: The camp is at the edge of the forest, hidden within a cave. The prisoners are locked in these wooden cages.
You: Now was that so hard?
*With Maedhros*
Maedhros: *Lets Anna play with his hair* I know, red is a fascinating color, isn't it?
Anna: *Puts his hair in her mouth*
Maedhros: *Chuckles* Don't eat it. It's not good for you.
Anna: *Pouts at him*
*With you*
You: Alright there's the camp.
*You and a group of rangers spy on the orcs that were guarding the entrance to the cave*
You: Just fuck them up and free the prisoners.
*With Maedhros*
Maedhros: *Holding Anna as she sleeps on his chest*
Celegorm: *Appears in the tavern* Hey, Maedhros. I thought I could find you here.
Maedhros: *Sends him a death glare* Wake her up and I will kill you.
*With you*
*You and your friends raid the orc camp*
An orc: Intruders! Run away!
You: Oh, you are not going anywhere.
*With Maedhros*
Maedhros: *Feeds Anna food after she woke up hungry*
*You return to the tavern*
You: Hey, was she any trouble to you?
Maedhros: *Hands her back to you* Not at all. She behaved very well. She was easily entertained by the few stories I told her.
You: Lovely.
Maedhros: Did you manage to handle the problem with the orcs?
You: Yes. It took longer than expected, but they're now gone and the prisoners are safe.
Maedhros: Impressive. If you can handle something like that in a few hours, then maybe I should hire you to handle my problems.
You: Only if you're willing to babysit more. I already have enough trauma with you and your family sharing your problems with me.
*Maedhros chuckles as you two then spend the night peacefully with Anna*
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animentality · 1 month
I was wondering if maybe you had some advice for me. I've been dealing with some really weird stuff here on Tumblr and I don't want to say I'm being harassed, but this is starting to get creepy.
I saw this funny meme about how Metal Gear Solid was a twerking simulator. At least I really thought it was a meme, because obviously anyone who knows what that is would know it's not about twerking, right? So I followed the blog which posted it. r4cs0. The blog description brags about being "Tumblr famous" which I also assumed was a joke.
Well the guy must watch his activity feed very closely, because within 2 minutes of following him, he had followed me back and was starting to send me private messages very insistently. It was a little off putting, but nothing that made me block him right away. And apparently the "famous" thing was partly true because he does have a lot of mutuals who seem to think he's the most awesome dude ever or something.
The problem started when he was apparently combing through ALL my past posts and actively looking for "problematic" issues. He found a post I made on St. Patrick's Day about a green shirt I wore and he asked if I was Catholic. When I said no, he insisted that I never wear green again and that I had to wear orange so people would know "which side" I'm on…? Then he found a post where I complained my blender broke and called it "useless." r4cs0 claims that word is the "U-slur" and that I was being "ableist" by using it! And so much other crazy shit I just can't even tell you everything.
But then the most disturbing thing was a message he sent just a few minutes ago. I don't know what the hell his problem is now and I'm honestly afraid to ask. "Still forced to ignore Christian Terrorism, I see?"
I have advice, anon!
Block that fucking weirdo.
Claiming you're "Tumblr famous" as if it's some fabulous title... this is the WORST place to have followers EVER.
I also doubt he's famous anyway.
Never heard of this guy. Been hear for fifty years.
Also, that weird microaggression fake ass SJWing is soooo dumb.
I would just ignore his ass.
Block it, and move on.
Not worth your time or effort.
I honestly hate people who send me insistent whiny messages anyway.
This place is for your interests, and your interests alone.
No one else can ruin it for you.
Always block.
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ananke-xiii · 6 days
More on the power of resurrection as the "apple of discord": Chuck vs Billie.
In Chuck's mind Death is not a problem because he controls space and time... he's actually right. I mean, he's definitely shitting his pants at this point but he has never respected Death enough to be worried about her (and his narrative shows just that since Death dies four times in SPN lol).
Chuck manipulates space and time and he's clearly pro resurrection. In his world people can resurrect either through demon deals or magic. Or if he says so, obvs. There always seems to be a price to pay for this, though, because Chuck is obviously the type of god that likes human suffering "for the plot".
Amara in all her "evillness" has a different point of view on the matter, for her resurrection is a gift. Which is still problematic ("what you are regarding as a gift is a problem for you to solve") but offers a new perspective: no deal, no magic, you need it? You get it.
Then there's Jack whose command of the power is still wobbly but shows all the potential to disrupt Chuck's narrative. His take on resurrection is closer to Amara: he doesn't know it but it's his desire to see Dean getting what he wants that sparkled life back into Castiel. You want it? You get it. Dangerous.
Billie, on the other hand, is NOT part of Chuck's family, so to speak. She's very ambivalent about rules: she doesn't like it when others bend them but she really enjoys being the one who bends them. Her initial affiliation and perhaps romantic connection with Crowley while many reapers "sided" with Castiel in s9 tells us that she has her own specific ideas about basically everything.
When she becomes Death, she doesn't want humans performing resurrection spells because she wants to be the one who decides who lives and who dies, thus taking on a role that is not hers to take.
S14 shows us her hypocrisy brillantly: Dean wants to die but she says that he will live; Rowena wants Crowley back (to which she should have, perhaps, been amenable as per above) but she says NO. She drapes herself behind the "death books" or whatever they're called and the "natural order" for whatever it means in SPN but Rowena calls her out: it isn't fair.
And she's right. Billie ignores Rowena, doesn't care about reapers dying (she even kills one herself) and only shows up because Rowena held Sam hostage and planned on killing him.
What Billie wants, though, is very much in tune with her role as Death: she wants things "as they were", heaven and hell, humans back on the "normal" timeline, "everything in its place and a place for everything" type of mentality. She wants something she can't have in a world where God, who controls time and space, keeps changing the plot.
A mentality that clearly contrasts with her s11 rebellious streak where she would have loved to toss a Winchester into the Empty, reap God and ultimately fucking harvest the Veil for souls! THAT girl had 99 problems but being conservative was not one of them.
So why does she change? Well, becoming Death would do that to a girl but I don't think that's it. I think she kinda likes it, to be honest.
No, my conclusion is based on what she can't stop repeating at least once per season: Castiel stabbed her in the back. Billie is holding a massive grudge that she very wrongly takes on Dean. Well, maybe not so "wrongly" per se since we know why Cas acts like he does, but when she blames Dean for being chaos incarnate and a disruptor of order she's sooo off target.
If there is one character who wants order and "everything in its place and a place for everything" is Dean Winchester.
No, there is one disruptor in SPN and it's Castiel. And HE stabbed her in the back.
And his resurrection (via Jack) is what should have tipped Chuck off (as I've been trying to demonstrate with all these yappings about cas and resurrection).
Basically Chuck's mortal enemy is Jack who bestows or revokes resurrections as he pleases. But he doesn't see him. Billie's mortal enemy is Castiel, creator of cosmic consequences that dismantle the coveted "balance". And she doesn't see him. Like snakes in the grass.
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I know it maybe hard to answer which snake is the best. So I am going to ask, what is the worst snake that you know?
The single worst snake I know is a rinkhals cobra that we have at my venom lab. His name is Trench and he is my nemesis (affectionate).
Trench is the worst (read with a sort of befuddled but nevertheless fond exasperation). Literally no one at the lab likes working with Trench to the point that people draw straws to decide who has to hook him out and clean his enclosure and stuff. He started out named Trent, but he got the nickname Trench because the director of the venom lab said that the name Trent was "too pleasant" for him.
Trench is actually captive-bred and is in perfect health, so no one knows what the deal with his attitude problem is. He just really, really hates being hooked out of his enclosure, and being tubed, and being put into The Bucket, and basically everything else. He's a sneaky little bastard who loves to try to bite you just when you think he's calmed down, tries to lunge out of his enclosure while you're closing the door, and loves to shoot venom all over the place. Rinkhals cobras aren't true cobras, but they can still spit venom, and Trench has terrible aim but is so enthusiastic about it that it still gets pretty far. If someone in the lab has to ask "how did this venom get all the way over here??" we know that Trench is the one responsible.
Now, I don't want to give him too hard a time - he's actually a great sport for venom extractions, and it's important to remember that he's not trying to misbehave, he's just easily stressed. But most venom lab snakes do have favorite people that they behave at least marginally for. Not Trench! He is equally problematic for everyone.
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namelnom · 2 months
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«Blog Intro»
Hi there random on the internet, or maybe someone that I know that it's seeing my blog because for a strange fucking reason they like me??
Though I'm the one who post more in the main blog @persmo I feel like I needed and I wanted my own blog, mostly to not flood that blog with my shit lol
I love to curse and as I say in my blog description I'm considered a hypocrite semi-problematic questionable alter and this is my semi-problematic hypocrite questionable blog... You wanna know more about me and the blog? Sure, let's dive into it
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About the blog
Probably gonna do a tags masterlist for you to not what to filter tag, the reason? Well let me give you a little list of what kind of content I might post here
Jokes about my trauma and problems
Mention or talking about serious and/or triggering topics
My opinions, might be problematic or seems as hypocrite
My thoughts, the same thing as above
Discourse posts but not being open to have a discourse chat about it (Only if I said so)
(If I do I'm gonna update this)
I don't filter myself most of the time when doing posts, but I do take accountability if I did wrong and hurt people
I'm 100% open minded so don't assume things about me and I'm conscious I can be wrong, just my actitud reads "I do not give a shit anymore" and that's right, I don't most of the time lol
I'm just a chaotic little persecutor who wants to have fun and has a very strange mind, deal with it or block me, I don't want fucking problems, and if you do tell me shit I'm gonna answer it laughing about it, no one can hate me more than I do LMAO
I fluent in spanish and english so expect some random posts to be in spanish (They're gonna be the minority, I don't like spanish at all but because it's my native language I have to stick with it ugh /neg)
Sometimes I'll post art that I did, drawings and narrative so beware
I might have some NSFW posts, but they're obviously gonna be tagged correspondingly, so please filter your tags when being in this blog, interact at your own responsibility, I do tag, I'm not responsible for you not filter tagging or ignoring the posts
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About me
My name's Namelnom but you can call me Namel for short (NEVER EVER CALL ME NAME OK???) or you can give me a nickname. Some friends call me the fucking traumatized gay and tbh that's me fr, I do not mind that kind of names xD
Do not call me human, I'm aware the body's human but I'm not, I'm a non human alter who their identity also falls into the therian and otherkin ID, I'm so far away from being human that I'm a-ok with some dehumanizing jokes
Besides from host I'm also: Problematic alter, multolder, janusian, subsys-admin... And I won't be giving out more details lol
My basic list of pronouns from what I use/like most to the less used is: He/It/They/Xem/Persm/Coffeself/Purpleself/Robotself/Wolfself But you can use any pronouns that's not feminine, feminine aligned or feminine related... And pink, this includes she/her and neo/xeno pronouns that fall into that category
My queer labels are plenty so... Gender ID: Transmasc, GNC, Dya Man, Concefaun, Void Gender, Implagender Orientations: Oriented AroAce, AegoAroAce, Apothiosexual, Cupioromantic, Devoromantic, Fidesqueerplatonic, Panqueerplatonic, Demi-Sensual, Omniaesthetic Others: Polyqueerplatonic, Ambiamorous, Hyperased, T4T, ND4ND, AroAce4AroAce Probably gonna make a more in depth post about this, if I do I'm gonna link it here for you to see easily
Because they're here and probably gonna be the only ones to see my blog /hj I'm giving a honor mention to my son and my platonic husband!! I love them so much 💜 My platonic husband: @dpdazai ✨✨✨ My awesome son: @jesuswasacreature ✨✨✨
Also some other misc info about me is:
As I previously said I'm otherkin, therian and otherlink, I have my suspicions about other things but, hey, I don't have the energy to read about them
I'm atheist satanist meaning I follow the satanist philosophy and commandments but I don't believe in satan nor worship him
I'm anti-genderist tho I might do some jokes about gender and that kind of shit lmao
Not in a religious way but I'm animistic (Hope I'm writing it correctly lol) meaning I have the strong and firm believe that everything is alive, have emotions and a soul, yes, objects and inanimate things too
Anarcho queer, deal with it or fuck it, I do not care anymore for activism nor I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community
I have A LOT of shipping and shipper labels, I'm not gonna say a lot about this in this blog but have that in mind
I have ginofobia, no, I'm not sexis or misoginist, I'm just a traumatized fucker who developed a phobia because of trauma, deal with it or block me
I'm pro-abortion, you don't like that? Cry about it
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I'm 100% ok with answering asks of almost all kind, just nothing that's too explicit because I don't want that in my blog, tho I normally can stand that lol
Go ahead and interact all you want, juts have in mind that if you want to have a talk or a debate or something similar around some topic I mentioned in some post or you want me to give out an opinion of something sure you can, just respect that sometimes I won't be entering and having those talks because I simply don't want to
Do not assume we're friends if I haven't tell you we are, I tend to act like I'm friends with everyone when that's not true at all
OTI (Ok to interact)
A-normative people (Neurodivergent, queer, POC, etc.)
People with CDD (I know they're a-normative but still lol)
Open minded people
People who are "cringe" and just have fun
Likes dark humor
Artists and writers
Thin Ice
Neurotypicals (Like, don't having any disorder or neurodivergence)
Straight & cis people
Anime fans, otakus or any kind of people who it's like asian multimedia obsessed (Trauma goes brr)
Women (Trauma goes brr x2)
Darkshippers who don't put TW and censor to access the content
DNI (Do not interact)
Basic DNI (homophobics, transphobics, racist, classist, ableists, etc.)
Pro-life people
TERFS & radqueers (Yeah I'm putting them together because for me they're like equal shit)... Also, any kind of extremists
Fakes mental disorders for x or y reason
Stigmatize disorders
People with a savior complex and/or who feel morally superior
Closed mind people
Darkshippers who romanticize that shit
Fugoshis and fundashis (Any kind of people who fetichies/sexualizes gay/lesbian relationships)
People who think because they're part of a minority they can't discriminate ("I'm trans I can't be homophobic" " I'm POC I can't be racist", etc.)
Anti-shippers, like in general
Anti therian, otherkin and alterhuman
Anti any kind of content that's sen "cringe"
Doesn't take accountability and/or makes up excuses
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When I finish the rest I'm gonna add the rest of my userboxes, at least the rest that are important to have here (I only like using my own made userboxes sorry not sorry ig?)
Probably I'm gonna make a post just to hoard all my userboxes lmao
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orionsgirdle · 2 years
read some (what I consider to be) bad takes about the laudna/imogen conversation and now I have to get into it.
here's the thing: laudna has on several occasions shown a callous disregard for the life and well-being of people she's not close to. does that disregard stem from the lack of value she places on her own life? yeah maybe probably. what's the big deal about death? she's died before and it was fine. everyone she knew from her youth is dead. it happens. she's never expressed the need to save people or to be good. it's a moral ambiguity that she shares with imogen and fearne. i think (setting aside the merchandizing potential of three witches) imogen, laudna, and fearne are connected by the shared knowledge that this is who they are. they care about protecting their own...and that's it.
it's so fundamentally different from how ashton and orym view the world and their place in it. ashton, having experienced death and abandonment, is invested in making sure that no one else has to feel that kind of pain. they will ignore their own physical pain and carry laudna's dead body on their back from city to city because she will not be left behind like he was. orym grew up in zephrah under keyleth's leadership so of course he cares about being a force for good in the world. i could go on about these two because there's so much good shit here, but i guess in a simplistic way on an alignment chart ashton and orym would fall on the good side of the spectrum while imogen, laudna and fearne are more chaotic (i'm leaving chetney out of this cuz i just can't get a solid beat on him).
all of this to say that when laudna says her and imogen's relationship "transcends words", and she'll support her no matter what, i don't see that as just a desperate bid to hold onto to someone because you are afraid of being alone. she understands the impulse to make a pact with less than savory individuals if it means safety or a chance to have a peaceful life. did one of these crazy cultists murder her? yeah, but she's voluntarily made a pact with her own murderer before.
for laudna, who had her agency taken away so violently, the ability to choose your life's path is sacred. it's the best she can come up with in the pro column for keeping the gods around. that they give mortals the ability to choose when they could so easily exert more control. so of course she will give imogen the chance to choose her own path, even if it means the rest of the world will burn.
and finally, that conversation was not just about do we think this cult has a point? they all know they're going on a suicide mission, with less than half a hope of succeeding. with the plan to drop a skyship (the only substantial thing they own) on the malleus key and hope that that works. when imogen asks, "we want this, right?" she's asking whether they are prepared to die to save the gods. and my girl imogen is problematic as fuck but i get the urge to run away and hide from her problems with her best-friend-life-partner-wife.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
S1E19: Shapes
Case: In what will unfortunately become a recurring theme of the X-Files writers creating plotlines that make sweeping generalizations about Native American cultures and traditions, Shapes takes us to -quickly looks it up- Montana, where a Native American man—I am reasonably sure they don't actually ever say what tribe he's from, bc again, sweeping generalizations—has been killed, ostensibly by his white neighbor over a land dispute. But! Said neighbor swears he was shooting a monstrous beast and not a man. Mulder, as is his wont, is inclined to believe the more paranormal edge to the story, this time citing the Very First X-File that tells of a similar monstrous beast attack that has a very werewolfy vibe to it. The Natives fucking hate the FBI and want them off their land (that part, at least, was believable and understandable); Mulder believes in lycanthropy; Scully does not believe in lycanthropy; and I only partially watch the episode bc I'm too busy cringing and reluctantly picking my battles to pay attention. [Edited to add after having already written this, but I did actually go back and fact check myself, and they DID specify a tribe. The problem is... the tribe does not exist. Nor does the legend they reference lmfao.]
(The only saving grace here is that this is the episode that has one of my favorite interactions (that I'm sure most of y'all have seen in gif form a million times) which is, "Charlie, do you believe in shapeshifting?" "This is a funeral."
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So that's something at least.)
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, which is surprising given that Mulder has that first X-File to reference, but I guess he didn't have any good visuals. 
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Not really
Whodunit: A werewolf thing with a fun, vaguely racist flair 
Convictions: None
Did they solve it: Maybe. Mulder is pretty certain it was the werewolf thing, while Scully has gaslit herself into thinking it was a mountain lion or something, and it's ambiguous about whether or not they actually stopped the crime. 
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Cringing and reluctantly picking your battles. From the makers of "anxiously clenching your butthole while crossing your fingers and praying that your faves don't say anything TOO problematic" comes this new and exciting way to deal with your 90s show doing an episode that involves literally anything having to do with minorities. While clenching your butthole and praying is great, sometimes we know in our hearts that things are probably gonna get... lightly to moderately racist, and when those incidents happen, it's good to have cringing and reluctantly picking your battles on hand. * *Cringing and reluctantly picking your battles is a multi-use product, and can be employed in many situations, including, but not limited to -- Seeing your great-aunt's conspiracy theory Facebook post, hearing a white person with dreads describe themselves as a "g*psy" at your local co-op grocery store, or during almost any online discourse argument.
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 9 (streak ended whomp)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me" Phone Calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 5
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 7
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 10
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 2
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 10 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 1
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 2
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 7½ (in my defense, i wasn't paying attention)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5 (had to look up some clarifying details bc i was. not paying attention, lol)
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golddumbass · 1 month
You did end up threatening to harass jamm regardless if you meant to or not. For your information, “once this situation is resolved, I won’t talk to you about Salt anymore” Is saying "once you do this thing that I have no business in, I won't bother you." That's pretty cut and dry. And yeah, I get being tired but maybe you could've said can we talk about this tomorrow? Foresight is 20/20 but you've been in multiple controversies. You were banned for more than just this incident. Have you stopped to think that you're the problem? Also, absolutely nobody is accusing you of harassment. We're saying that you very clearly tried to threaten someone to do what you wanted them to do. "I don't want to harass anyone I think it's wrong" isn't enough, you need to show though actions. Like not sending more middle men for something that jamm obviously didn't want to discuss at that time. This isn't accusing you of anything, by the way. This is stating fact that you obviously haven't taken the time to realize. I have a lot to say on this matter, but I won't because it's none of my business beyond telling you to act like you have some sense. It's over now, anyway.
I was saying that once its properly resolved, I’ll respect Jamm’s wishes and not bother him about Salt anymore. And yes, I am aware that not respecting his wishes does seem bad, but people will treat you the way you treat others.
And yeah, like I said, that could’ve came off overbearing, but I confirmed within literal minutes of that message that I did not plan to harass Jamm.
As for being tired, I’ve handled dramas up much later with little to no slip ups. I thought I could handle this one too.
And controversies within Jamm’s server, let’s see…
-Jamm letting his boyfriend’s rudeness and debatably ableism and me simply just telling a few close friends of mine, causing him to be blocked by Salt (really not a big deal)- then pressuring me to DM him.
-Me being mistakenly mean to someone because I thought they were joking, but they were serious. I apologized for what happened and owned up to my mistakes, and while I am aware that doesn’t undo everything, I didn’t have ill or problematic intent
-Someone in your server spreading a rumor about Salt saying that she doesn’t want suicidal people to reach out, a rumor that was PROVEN FALSE, and then throwing a hissy fit when all I asked from them was an apology
-Your server shit talking mine
Oh, and about middle men- I don’t know how new you are to discord culture, as well as admins and mods, but it’s an extremely common scenario for someone to reach out to a server mod after being banned. That’s, like, part of their job. It’s not just lolling around my guy. You have to do shit as a mod and handle situations.
And if Jamm didn’t want to discuss it at the time, why would he mass announce it…? I’ve heard he made, like, an entire channel for discussion too…
As for showing through actions, did I contact anyone else after that mod?? Did I interact with anyone in Jamm server at all?? Did I attempt to reach to him through tumblr/twitter/etc? I did not dude.
Yeah, I’m willing to debate with you guys (as long as this stays civil), though I may be busy. I’m going on a trip and my break in two days, and I’ll be gone for a while, so if your ask goes unanswered, just wait a few weeks.
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darklinaforever · 7 months
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No because once again, you are just repeating like parrots the same arguments over and over again that have already been dismantled and I don't care. As one of these anonymous messages says, it must be tiring and boring to post the same thing 24/7...
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I know the definition of grooming as well as the true meaning of what is implied in a historical context. And obviously not you. I already did an entire post explaining this book and show grooming bullshit :
But all you care about is appearing morally superior and you look like a bunch of ridiculous fanatics. Or some ridiculous bigot, because I'm pretty sure it's the same person sending these stupid messages over and over again.
What is your problem ? You're bored ? Why are you spying on my accounts like that ? Seriously, why are you so obsessed with me ? I imagine him on the lookout for the slightest post on Daemyra that I make ready to pounce like a predator on its prey. My god, this person(s) must not have a life. It's sad. 😂
What do you expect ? That between the insults and the repetitions of the same stupid arguments over and over again for a long time I actually delete my account to please you ? Or that I suddenly say : Oh but my god you are right ! You delivered me from evil ! Daemyra is such a groomer ! Daemon is a monster who doesn't love anyone ! 😱😂
By the way, here is again the little free quote from GRRM Martin's book on Daemon, his favorite character whom he considers to be a gray and complex character. So your Daemon is BAD BAD BAD, well the author himself tells you no :
Over the centuries, House Targaryen has produced both great men & monsters. Prince Daemon was both. In his day there was not a man so admired, so beloved, & so reviled in all Westeros. He was made of light & darkness. To some he was a hero, to others the blackest of villains.
You really look like a bunch of disillusioned idiots. It must be hard when the true creator himself doesn't agree with you on what the character is.
It must also piss you off that these interviews for the series exist, right ?
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There's no point in booing me because I say something that has already been said by the directors and screenwriters themselves. I don't agree with everything they say or do in this stupid adaptation, but at least we can agree on some points.
Oh, and I have already said I don't know how many times that I recognized that Daemyra had toxic aspects in the series version, except that, so what ? This will prevent me from shipping the Daemyra version of the series maybe ?! No. Love is not necessarily something pure, we have to stop the bullshit, especially in fiction. On the other hand, I maintain that there is nothing toxic in the book version. There is no such thing as a brothel. It's an invention of Mushroom. There is no voluntary abandonment of Daemon for 10 years. In reality he was banished under penalty of death. There is no Daemon leaving Rhaenyra to deal with childbirth alone. He was by his side in the books. There is no strangulation either. And once again, the age difference and the incest aspect are not real arguments as to a possible toxicity in their relationship, due to placing the relationship in its fictional and historical context from which GRRM draws inspiration, namely the feudal era, where age differences and incest were included in the customs of the time for specific reasons. Especially if we are in a family where incest has no impact due to their MAGIC BLOOD ! These elements are not evidence of toxicity. Open a history book. An age difference and incestuous marriage in a historical context does not necessarily result in toxic abusive relationships. This is bullshit.
Also, I don't have the impression that you will understand that the show is not the book. I always distinguish between the two and obviously you don't. Because what exactly do you believe ? That if Daemon cheats on Rhaenyra in the series, my world will fall apart ? No. My posts on Daemyra will continue because the book will always exist. You know, the book that has a different canon from the show, therefore implying that the canon of the series cannot interfere with that of the book. But you didn't remember the difference between the two. You prefer to mix it up to fix your pathetic vision.
The series is already shit. Even for the Daemyra relationship they messed up on a lot of points. And I'm not even going to start with the greens, Alicent etc. It is a disaster. The series itself is full of inconsistencies.
I will add that in reality you do not care about the so-called abuse that Rhaenyra suffered from Daemon. Otherwise you would care what Alicent and the greens team did to her. But you don't care. You even expect the show to write scenes of stupid abuse between Daemyra over and over again. Because you don't actually care about Rhaenyra. The proof tells you that no one can love the whore of Dragonstone, a nickname literally coming from the greens team. Bunch of hypocrites.
Once again I recommend going to the tumblr of @la-pheacienne and of @horizon-verizon to educate you on what the character of Daemon and the Daemyra relationship really is. The posts of @stromuprisahat are also pretty good in general on Fire and Blood.
The antis are really crazy. The bitch who should close her account apparently well she tells you to go fuck yourself and buy a life.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
Thank you for saying what you said. Sometimes I wish the writers hadn't made Carlos a flawed character because of how some people have leapt on it to paint him as the bad guy in every situation, even ones from previous seasons. And that makes me sad because Carlos as a character makes me feel seen. But it's nice to not feel alone in seeing some of the discourse and feeling upset.
Of course! I don't know if this is in reference to this post or this one; but the sentiment remains the same: let Carlos mess up!
I can understand where you're coming from about wanting him not to be flawed; because character development like that can be polarizing and not always fair to the character.
It's why I hate it when a black or brown queen on RuPaul's Drag Race is given the "villain" edit because it just opens the doors for microagressions, coded remarks or blatant racism from the fandom.
I remember when the first couple of episodes of season four aired, and while I didn't necessarily love the marriage storyline, I did think it was weird to see some people just suddenly "turn" on Carlos.
Rafael had said something to the extent of like, "I hope you learn to love Carlos again" or "fall back in love with Carlos" and I was like...again? What happened? It's only been like three episodes lmao. I definitely think there are things Carlos has done that aren't perfect (when will we be free of cop era Carlos, I beg) but I think some people have gotten so used to seeing Carlos as the "perfect" solution to TK's problems and the moment he was shown not to be that, it kind of opened a floodgate.
All that said, I like that's he's shown to be flawed because that's what makes fictional characters that much more human!
Maybe it's because I'm BIPOC and most of my friends are too, but it's been really cool to see a queer man of color confront things like his internalized homophobia, his strained relationship with his father, and hell, just his emotions in general.
That said, when dealing with all of that, people aren't always going to make the "right" decisions or respond "correctly" but I think they deserve grace at the end of the day.
Obviously, it's a nothing more than a television show at the end of the day, and Carlos is just a character; but I really hope that the idea that men of color, especially queer men of color, aren't allowed to also mess up doesn't transfer to the real world, that's all I really care about at the end of the day.
Call out problematic behavior when you see it, but realize everyone's human, we're all going to mess up because we're human, but we still deserve grace to grow and change (to an extent) because we're human.
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alligatorjesie · 4 months
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Only three replies today, but starting with important news!
Anonymous asked:
Vil’s daddy :( he really looks like him… I am so happy…
Anonymous asked:
Hello, I mean no offense but regarding your lsst post, please don't call what Jade's doing gaslighting. Jade's an asshole for sure but he isn't a gaslighter. Rook is tho, he gaslit Vil on multiple occasions in canon and it was very different from what Jade does.
You are so right, Anon. Jade isn’t a gaslighter. He would never lie or gaslight, in fact, he is the most honest boy of the cast. Just look at his genuine face. Such a smoochable face of a nice guy…
In all seriousness, I am not really sure how to respond to be honest… unless I am missing some very crucial character information? And even if I did, this is a hc post about how bad these boys get, why is it a bad thing that I called him a gaslighter? No offence, Anon; our interpretation of a character could be very much different, and I know that we are more into the “worst” side of both of the tweels that some other people, but those are our headcanons and you don’t have to agree with them. We all have our own reasons for feeling a certain way and interacting with characters a certain way, so I can only speak for ourselves. 🤷
But… what does Rook have to do with any of it? He is problematic in his own way, and we talk about it constantly: this is one of the reasons we love him so much. Just like how we love Jade for being a menace.
Anonymous asked:
I feel bad for fem!Vargas. I have G(?)-cup breasts, and I find sports bras to be super hard to find. In a normal bra, I need to use my arm for support if going up and down the stairs or I jiggle, and even with a sports bra, jumping isn't a great idea. Additionally, the sports bras tend to chafe, and when you take them off it is noticeably easier to breathe. I thankfully don't get back pains, but I still feel like I would be better off with smaller breasts. TBF, I don't get why so many people want large breasts: they are a huge pain.
That being said, you do a great job drawing them!
Thank you so much, Anon! ❤️ I am very happy to hear that you like the drawing.
Yeah, the more I try to figure out how bras work, the more I realise that there are a lot of factors that make them suitable/unsuitable depending on a person... and that big breasts lead to a lot of problems and uncomfortable aspects, so I'm sorry that you have to go through all that, Anon :(
Ironically, maybe having to deal with such a pain would make fem!Vargas' perspective on life a bit different from the original Vargas.
Who am I kidding, this is very unlikely lol
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cerisia76 · 1 year
the character everyone gets wrong
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Okay a character everyone gets wrong in winx club would definitly be... well it's a group of people but I really think people don't really give Wizards of the black circle the credit and recognition they deserve. Maybe it's because they come from season 4 that today more people like to bash but they actually were so interesting as villains. Like to me what makes them stand out is how they don't give a f^ck about the Winx. in the episode where the girls get their believix (still one of my favs) there is a moment where they have total control over the girls and Ogron basically says "don't be afraid they won't do anything to you, all that we want is Roxy". And actually they already told the girls they had nothing against them and well it is actually true. Like Valtor told Bloom he just wanted her to stay out of the way two seconds before making Aisha/Layla blind. Wizards started being really dangerous to the girls when they became an obstacle for them. They don't care about the Winx because they don't care about the Magical Dimension. They have something to do, a mission to complete and it's their goal. They also have one of the most interesting dynamic as a group and I feel people should talk about it more instead of... fangirling over Duman for the part that cares about the wizards. Nothing against him it's just that I feel like he's the least interesting in the group sorry not sorry.
Also Riven and Roy. Really should explain more about Roy. But I think your other questions can help me.
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(tumblr had nothing better and as I'm on my computer I don't have my collection of gifs of them)
Which ship fans are the most annoying? Oh a though one because I don't really interact with fans of ships I don't like. However I will have to give the palm to some representative of the Rivusa fanbase and I'm sorry for you all Rivusa non-toxic fans who have to deal with such problematic people who think that defending a ship is insulting people. Also sorry to those who are good but I had many problems with some Bloom x put the name of the villain you prefer fans. Like sometimes I just want to talk but they take everything as an insult like when I ask "how did you come to ship Bloom with Valtor?" they see it has "lol how on earth can you be stupid enough to ship her with the guy responsible for her parents' fate". Once again not everyone but these fanbase were my worst experiences.
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Bloom is basically me dealing with toxic fans
A character that the fandom made me hate: This time I have to go with Mirta. I never was a fan of Mirta but the way the fandom praises her made me feel so out of it that everytime I rewatched season one, I was trying to understand why fans loved her so much and the more I was rewatching, the more I hated this poor Mirta. Today i won't say I hate her because I feel like she had a pretty decent arc and a character that is good for a supportive character (not for a permanent member PLEASE DON'T) and she's cute but for a time I really couldn't stand her face because I felt like she was so overrated by the fandom it made her dislikable.
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Worst part of canon: I would say the fact that instead of being very clear when they decided to do their soft reboot in season 5n they chose to do things without being clear enough. Plus they kept things from past seasons but with the new timeline it makes no sense and gives so many plot holes. Even if I kinda like season 5, this soft reboot is still the worst part of canon for me. Plus and this is unpopular as hell, Nabu and Layla's love story. I'm sorry to you fans of this ship who love to say it's the best love story of the franchise but I never was able to buy it. It came definitly out of nowhere, still is a part that annoys me in season 3 and was forced and way too fast. If they had introduced Nabu sooner in season 3 or made them meet the group sooner maybe that impression I had of being forced something in my throat wouldn't have been there but it's here.
Obviously I also have to give Rivusa a palm but I would say the worst part of their story is THE FACT THAT THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER IN SEASON 4. They both finally had grow up and were mature enough to realise that they weren't good for each other. But instead of accepting it... well they got back together.
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Look how babyboy is adorable here holding this thing (don't really know what it is supposed to be like it's a wall but not a wall) like it's his teddy bear... Adorable.
Worst part of fanon: The way some people can't stop fighting for their headcanons against other people. Like we all have the right to have our headcanons it doesn't mean we should fight. For example I have the headcanon that Timmy and Tecna are an asexual couple and it goes against many of my friends headcanon that Tecna is aroace. I will never fight with them about it because it's an headcanon. Just respect your neighbour and let him ship Driven without pissing him off for no reason.
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It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on Roy. This guy isn't bland and without a personality like some of his haters may say. He's a sweet guy who never liked a girl before and falls in love with his princess who is also dealing with grief and he's respectful enough to not want to piss her off or be too much. If he got along with the girls and the guys even if this season and season 6 criminally lack of Specialist's friendship moments, it's because he's a sunny guy with a great humor and a personality that goes along with people. He's an extrovert who loves to go and talk with people discovering what interests them and who loves to try new things. And this is absolutely not in my headcanons that are really numerous for him, all of this is shown in the show when he's here and people should stop hating on him just because he appeared after Nabu's death. Plus this reason to hate him is also unfair considering he has nothing to do with the writers decision to kill Nabu in season 4 (unpopular opinion: they were right to do this).
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He has so few gifs it hurts me.
Part of canon you think is overhyped: Season 3 and Enchantix. Don't get me wrong, the concept and execution of Enchantix was great and I loved it, it's definitly one of the best transformations in Winx Club. But it also has problematic parts that are for me the way Tecna, Stella, Musa and Layla have clothes that are way too over-sexualising them.And I say that with Stella's enchantix being my favourite transformation for her. An yes I know every transformation has this problem at least once but the thing is that here, it's on almost everyone and it's so obvious. People keep saying it's the most incredible transformation and the "only one where they look like fairies" as if weknew what fairies look like. My fairies are Tinkerbell and her friends and Enchantix doesn't look like them. But WHATEVER. It's a good transformation, definitly has the best way to be earned but is that a crime when someone says it's not their favourite? No and we shouldn't see so many comments saying "if his/her favourite transformation isn't Enchantix...." on youtube rankings of the transformations.
But it's also relevant for season 3. The thing is that season 3 is good but wants to do too much at the same time and loses its own timeline. The first part of the season varies from episodes were everything happens at the same time and others where the plot installs itself. Which leads to the second part of the season where everything goes downhill with many boring episodes and a rushed and deceiving ending. I don't get why people praise it so much because objectively it's not better than seasons 1 and 2 and subjectively not than season 4 in my opinion. It looks like the season was being written episode by episode and suddenly they realised they had ten episodes to conclude the season and started doing WTF and rushed endings of arcs. Plus I don't like the Water Stars scenaristic facility. Sorry not sorry.
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Let's be honest, if she had the choice, Tecna wouldn't wear it because it's absolutely not practical. And I also dislike how they decided her hair was too short. Magix Winx, Believix and later seasons transformations except Harmonix showed you could do a transformation with her hair not changing from the rest of the season.
Your favourite part of canon that everybody else ignores: For once I'm not gonna go with easy choices like season 4, Wizards of the Black circle or Roy. I'm gonna go with a plot point everybody keep forgetting and that is: Darcy is a fucking romantic girl. Did she chose power over her boyfriend? Yes but it doesn't mean she's not a romantic person. In season 1, the way she falls for Riven everytime she sees him shows how she wants to build something with him. In season 2 she mentions at the start of the first or second episode that she sometimes thinks of a simple life when she was watching that in love couple (it was a movie I think) and her sisters KNOW she is romantic because they keep laughing at her about it. I'm really sad they decided to forget about that later because it made her character more complete. She's kind of a bitch who dreams of power but she also has a soft heart beating for romantic comedies and who sometimes allows itself (the heart) to dream of a romance. With Riven of course.
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Ship you'v unwillingly come around to: There are many but I would still say that the one I wish I never saw is Faragonda x Bloom. How gross it is to imagine the influence this woman has on Bloom since she's sixteen turning into a gross love story? I want to forget it. I do ship Bloom with people and considering the only canon Winx pairings I like in the original group are Brandon/Stella and Tecna/Timmy (Flora/Helia is fine but I prefer her with someone who wakes her baddie and flirty side like Anagan for example or Layla). Bloom to me would fit SO WELL with Nabu. Like he is the soft guy who understands her but also the one who's not afraid to tell her she fucked up and who would treat her right and not let her insecurities win because that's what Sky does by NEVER putting a term to Diaspro's fantasy. But this is mostly linked to the writers loving to torture Bloom and Diaspro.
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And this is both Bloom after she finally found peace in a relationship and me after finishing to answer these questions by talking WAY too much!
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