#maybe there’s a common phrase that could be used to say that even
eternalglitch · 2 years
Okay so I've been keeping up to date with your fic LFLS and obviously it is amazing, I usually stick with completed fanfics simply because I'm always afraid they would be abandoned, which of course I don't blame people for it: life happens and a fanfic isn't always the priority and such! Any how, your fanfic literally was everywhere (TikTok, Tumblr, Instagram) for me so I decided to check it out and it has to be the most engaging, angst fanfic I've ever read!
Anyway before I keep rambling on about how great your writing and story telling skills are, I did want to mention that in the recent chapter where Green is ripping up Lou Jitsu's Posters (oof!) and Splinter walks in, obviously upset that his son is kind of tearing his father apart. It did make me wonder about Green finding out that the person Draxam wanted him to be, the person Green couldn't live up to, is the same person who is currently trying to raise Leo from the dead, who is trying to get Green to heal as best as he can. Also, the fact that Big Mama is coming back made me think about if Green did find out about the fact that Splinter = Lou Jitsu, would that confusing him more, making him feel more untrustworthy towards his family? Or would it help Splinter creep in through the cracks of Green, since Splinter had gone through so much during the Battle Nexus, and when he came out of it he also had lost everything (his family, his humanity, even his alter ego) to the point where he was no longer Hamato Yoshi nor was he Lou Jitsu, he became known as Splinter, similar to how Green now refers to himself as so. I'm pretty sure if you answer, I probably won't get to know, you know because spoilers and such, but now that I've written this I did realise that Splinter and Green have a lot more in common now simply because Splinter can no longer *be* Hamato Yoshi nor Lou Jitsu, because of everything he's been through, and even becoming a dad, he is now Splinter, who was once those people, and now a different person (not the greatest person, or dad, but he tries). Was it a coincidence that Green is so similar to Splinter? Or perhaps planned? Or am I looking a little too deep within the lines because that is another thing I tend to do instead of taking things at face value, aha!
Sorry for the short story 😅 it wasn't supposed to be this long but I tend to ramble and I'm not one for slimming text down to the point, oops!
I think the title of the fanfic could help answer this one for me…
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Could you maybe do Siri speaking to the reader in French and they don’t understand french maybe they think it’s dirty or something. But he’s being incredibly sweet and talking about how much he loves them but he won’t tell them what it means ahh
Thanks for requesting!
cw: Sirius is unbearably cheesy (I'm unbearably cheesy about him)
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 408 words
Your face is so red it’s a wonder you’re not sweating, but unfortunately for you, your misery isn’t enough to dissuade Sirius. Actually, it’s half the fun. 
“You’re so cute when you get like this,” he says to you in French, letting the light syllables flow from his lips as they curve into a devious smile. “My poor baby, so afraid of hearing me say how lovely you are.” 
“Sirius, please, what’re you saying?” you ask in English, looking pained. When Sirius shows no inclination to answer, you turn to James. “All I got from that was ‘baby.’” 
James eyebrows are knit together in concentration. “I’ve only picked up on a few words over the years, but I think I heard ‘ass’ in there.” 
You squirm uneasily, and Remus scoffs. “Stop talking about your girlfriend’s ass in public. I don’t care what language you use, it’s still weird.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Sirius says, and you visibly relax at his use of your common language. “It’s no bother to you if you can’t understand, is it?” He fixes his gaze back on you. “If they knew how crazy I am for you,” he goes on in French, “they’d never let me hear the end of it. So I’m sorry, but some secrecy is necessary.” Your eyebrows pinch in distressed confusion, and Sirius leans forward, kissing between them. “I’m not going to pretend your ass isn’t lovely—”
“There!” James exclaims. “I definitely heard it there.” 
“—but that’s hardly the best thing about you, angel. You make me so, so happy.” 
You’re gnawing at your bottom lip, and Sirius takes your face in his hand, pulling it free with his thumb. “Someday, I’ll tell you how much you mean to me, when we can both handle it better.” Your blush worsens at his saccharine tone, and he grins. “Though I’m not sure if I can afford to wait until you stop being embarrassed by compliments, my sweet girl.” Sirius cuts a look to the side, James staring him down as he tries feebly to catch a word or phrase he might know. “It’ll have to be when we’re away from these idiots, too.” 
James’ eyebrows fly up, and Remus chuckles. “Okay, even I got that one. You talking shit about us, Pads?” 
“Always,” Sirius says in English. He moves to your side, tucking you under his arm and pressing a kiss to your overwarm cheek. “Not you, though, mon coeur.”
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adhbabey · 1 year
Let's talk about some lesser known symptoms of autism! Maybe this will help some of you get a broader perspective on what this can be like. There is a whole grab bag of symptoms of autism, but here are some ones you may not know that you have.
Focus on truth
What does this mean? Well glad you asked. This is the focus on facts and logic rather than anything else. People have shown this as autistic people may refusing to lie because it goes against what they find as true. But that's not always the case.
Have you ever used logic to try and figure out your emotions?
Are you someone who doesn't understand why others may speculate when the current knowledge is right there? (such as subtext versus canon knowledge or theoretical arguments)
Do you find it frustrating when others avoid their problems as a way to avoid figuring out negative things? (such as avoiding conflict in a friend group)
Is it easy for you to talk about your strengths and flaws? Do you know your likes, dislikes and limits pretty well?
High context communication
This is preference on details and the full context of any situation. Often going into great detail and backstory to anything.
Do you feel as though you need to overexplain to give the person everything they need to know?
Have you ever apologized to someone by explaining the deep and meaningful reasons of why you did it, before you said you were sorry? And maybe even felt upset or confused why they reacted badly?
Have you ever felt stressed out because you wanted to give others full detail but they either interrupted you or cut you off?
Are you stressed out by people who tell you what to do and not why they want you to do it?
Are you ever told that you talk back a lot?
Do you prefer recipes versus verbal/vague instructions? (All the things that you need such as ingredients, measurements, prep time, etc.)
Do you really like watching deep dives and knowing about the whole history of something you're even vaguely interested in?
Identity diffusion
This is not everyone's experience, and it is common in a variety of other disorders such as DID and BPD. However, it is when you do not know who you are in regards to others. This is also known as identity disturbance.
Have you ever felt like an outsider without knowing why?
Are you deeply interested on what other people think of you? Especially if it's all the time?
Do you really like taking personality tests and quizzes? Are you interested in horoscopes?
Do you feel like you don't fit in any one specific group? Either being a loner, or hopping in between many different groups?
Do you ever feel weirder than the "weird kids" group? Do you not really get along or feel like you belong with them?
Do you have low self esteem when it comes to comparing yourself to your friends? Do you feel like they're better or more capable than you?
Do you feel drastically unimportant and not as interesting or cool as everyone else?
Have you ever related to narratives surrounding a character that is the last of their kind?
Do you feel like your identity is a vast and gaping void, that even if you learn a little bit, that you'll never know everything?
Internalized repetition
This is one of those traits that not every autistic person experiences, but that some might. You could say that for all autistic traits, but hey, good to know regardless. Because of internalized repetition, you may not do many external stims, besides vocal.
Do you listen to a song over and over again? Perhaps having a playlist on repeat?
When stressed out, do you type the same word or phrase over and over again?
Do you like looking at the same things, such as the same color or the same artist's works?
Do you really like certain patterns, crystals or aesthetics?
Do you enjoy games with recognizable fighting patterns? (Such as character rotation, boss battle rotation, etc.)
Struggling to connect to others *
This is something that's been characterized by struggling to connect to others through their emotions, but the opposite is actually true for many autistic people. *I will be talking about those who struggle to connect to others who are emotionally distant or unavailable. Being emotionally distant or not showing emotions externally is a trait that many autistic people share, but for those without alexithymia, they may struggle to understand why anyone wouldn't like to talk about their emotions. I don't know the specific symptom term for this, so please bare with me. If anyone would like to inform me about what this is called, please tell me.
Do you struggle to talk with dry texters, or tend to over-examine people's tone through text?
Do you have anxious attachment?
Do you feel disconnected with many other autistic people and struggle to make friends or talk to them?
Do you feel embarrassment or shame with being emotionally sensitive?
Have you fallen down the rabbit hole of things like starseeds, star children or empaths?
Do you want to talk about serious emotions a lot, even when its not appropriate?
Do you trauma dump or wish people would become more emotionally intimate with you? Do you enjoy it when people share their deep traumas with you, even if it's triggering?
Are you constantly reassurance seeking?
There is plenty more symptoms out there, and these are just a few that stood out to me, because I think I may be autistic. I've always related somewhat, but never connected the dots. But there are reasons for that, such as identity diffusion and thinking I'm different from everyone else no matter what. I struggled because I didn't seem to have a lot of the outward and visible symptoms that were often talked about. I thought every autistic person had alexithymia, when that's just not true. My best friend, who has similar symptoms to me, along with another close friend of mine, have a similar presentation of autism. And it's taken quite a bit for me to accept or process. I feel like I'm faking my experiences just because I've self diagnosed before. And I'm angry that ADHD isn't given enough significance.
But I think I might be autistic, and this article that I based this post off of, confirmed it. So here's my post informing and coming out on that. You can be autistic and highly masking without actually knowing what's going on is masking. You can be autistic and have a spectrum of verbality, you can be autistic and struggle to connect to anyone who isn't immediately emotionally intimate with you. You can be autistic and not relate at all to other autistic people.
You're not alone.
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chipedusk · 2 years
Hey Deltarune Fandom
I know its 3am as I wright this but I think I found something online that might be important- or at least, be something to consider- food for thought and all that jazz-
you see, I was scrolling thought reddit when I came upon a particular post...
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it starts of seeming very normal, right? I mean, it's just your average detarune fan asking about equipment advice, right?
but.. somethings... off, to say the least......
Not only is the wording weird when talking about Spamton, (with the phrasing of "Spamton dude" being particularly odd, as to get to Spamton's shop, you need to get fairly familiar with him and his character, but this user seems to be acting like this is their first time meeting him.) But Spamton HIMSELF seems to look... Different than usual. Or, at lease, different than his usual shop sprite that is...
and I was not alone on this sentiment, as the comments noticed too!
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which leads to wonder....
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... yeah, that...
To which OP provided an... Interesting answer....
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D-.... Didn't have the money? But, deltarune is free game? Or, at least, Chapter's 1 and 2 are...
you see, a while back, Toby mention online that Chapters 3, 4, and 5 would all be released together, and, unlike the first two, cost money. (or as a certain salesman would phrase it, cost some [[Sweet, Sweet KROMER]]!!!)
Not only that, but its kinda ironic that this user pirated a copy of a free game, and have the one character who has a history with shady links (or in other words, [[Hyperlink Blocked]]) be the one who's changed... Almost as if this bootleg game has its own bootleg of Spamton... The one character who literally tries to be a bootleg of ANOTHER character in-universe. *Cough cough* Swatch- *Cough cough*
But this also leads to question... are there any other differences in the game? I mean, it is a pirated game, surely there has to be some other differences from the original game other than some seemingly random shop sprite of spamton, right?
luckily, I was not the only one who was curious about this and a user by the name of kuro50 ask OP to quote:
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To which OP responded:
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how... convenient.....
I mean- don't get me wrong- I get that feeling not having any program to record with (though than again OBS Studio exist)- but even still, all of this seems a little bit too, odd to just let off as something "normal"...
but, than again, its not like there's anything necessary wrong about it either, right? I mean, sure, it weird that someone pirated a free game, but, maybe they're just some gullible kid online?
...Except, a user by the name of ThePotatoPerson510 pointed out a few striking things...
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And then... it all stared to click...
I went to check the profile and, just as ThePotatoPerson510 had said,
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"u/ThatDudeTobias, Cake day December 27, 2022, made 12 hours ago..." the same hour as the spamton post was made... almost as if the account was made just so they could post this.... (Note: the previous image in this post of the spamton post says it was made 10 hours ago. This time gap is because I have been writing this post for 2 hours straight now- coming onto 3 hours- as such, I give you this screenshot showing both the post and the profile, and thus, showing they were in fact made in the same hour-)
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MID WRIGHTING UPDATE: It seems as if there WAS a time gap between the two post, as its 5:24am and I just took THIS screenshot showing the time gap. Take this how you will I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Now, about the name... It seem kinda... on the nose, to say the least. I mean, Toby, Tobias, seems a little to similar, right? But, at the same time, knowing Toby, he would be the type to use a seemingly obvious while still not TOO obvious name to fuck with us (he DOSE have a history with being a troll when it comes to his games ¬_¬||)
Also, looking back at the spamton image and comparing it to the name "Tobias", they both share one thing in common... They're both SIMILAR to their originals, to the point where you can tell what they're based off of, but, somewhat off...
As for the one other post on the account, well...
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... A comment on MeIRL?
Well, what's the original post?
A..... Video of some guy walking up the stairs, only to keep looping up the same steps, unable to get to the end?
Well, that's... anticlimactic..... Sooo.... Is this just some random account then? Was all of this just for nothing? Was it all red hearings in the end? Well, that's what I thought..
For you see, I realized something....
Toby Fox is a well-known fan of anime, but, not just any anime.... specifically, JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. How do we know this? Well, in undertale, there is an item in the game called a Punch Card
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When this card is used in battle, it says, "OOOORAAAAA!!! You rip up the punch card! Your hands are burning!" This increases your attack. "ORA" Is a common phrase screamed in JOJO' when one of the Jostar's are attacking.
Not only that, but in deltarune, main antagonist of chapter 2 is Queen.
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her battle theme? Attack of the Killer Queen
Killer Queen is the stand of Yoshikage Kira. The main antagonist of JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Diamond is Unbreakable. Which is the 4th Chapter of the series.
So, what dose ALL of this have to do with the video "Tobias" commented on? Well, you see, in JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Stardust Crusaders, when Polnareff, one of the main protagonist, tries to walk up the stairs to face DIO, the main antagonist, he finds himself in the same loop as the man in the video. Continuously walking up the same set of stares, unable to reach the end.
Meaning, the video that "Tobias", or, as we presume, Toby commented on was in fact...
...... And so with that last tidbit out of the way, we are left with 3 conclusions that we can come to... 1. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox teasing us about Chapter 3 and or some other upcoming scheme of his he has up his sleaves.
2. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox just fucking with us
and 3. This is some third party not affiliated with Toby but still making something and teasing it (possibly and ARG or something of sorts) .... That or I've just spent over 3 hours of my life typing this up only for it to be a shitpost by Temmie or something :/
either way its 6:41am as I type this and I have not slept all night so I hope you liked this deep dive analysis into this possibly important reddit account that could hold significant lore for the upcoming chapters of deltarune and if you'll excuse me I'm going to go collapse on my couch for the rest of the day :) have a wonderful time zone <3
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dearchloe · 6 days
little learning time: homophones
All characters are 18+
Today, let's talk about homophones!
That's a big scary word, isn't it? But it's nothing to worry about! A homophone is just a word that sounds the same as another word, even though it looks different and has a different meaning. Can you think of any examples?
Here's one! We and wee are homophones!
We is a word that's used to talk about yourself and other people together! For example:
"We need to talk about your potty habits," Mummy told Lily.
You see how here, Mummy is talking about herself and Lily?
Wee is different! It's what makes your nappies all warm and soggy sometimes! Or if you're super big and your mummy trusts you not to make a mess, maybe you do your wees in the potty. For example:
"I didn't wee on the floor!" Lily argued.
You see how here, Lily is talking about wee as an action she 'didn't' do? That means it's a verb, but we haven't learnt about those yet, so don't worry! Wee can also be a noun. We did learn about those. Do you remember what they are?
That's right! They're words that name a certain thing. For example:
"Did you do a wee in the potty, Lily?" Mummy asked.
Can you remember how to pick all the nouns out of this sentence?
It's important to know about some common homophones because if you don't, you might use the wrong word, and then your sentences won't make sense! Your mummy might even think it's just baby babble!
"Wee need to talk about your potty habits," Mummy told Lily.
That doesn't make much sense, does it now?
There are some super important homophones that are really easy to get wrong! Shall we learn them?
The first set of homophones come as a three! Can you count that high?
The words are to, too, and two. Let's take them one by one.
To is a word we use to show direction and movement. We could say that Mummy went to the nursery, or Mummy gave the bottle to Lily. Can you tell what's moving in each sentence?
Too is a word that means 'more than the right amount'. We could say that Lily was too little to use the potty, or Lily's nappy was too wet to last the night. You could remember this one by thinking that it has too many Os — more than both the other homophones in the set!
Two is a number! How are your maths classes going? We could say that Mummy has two little girls, or that Lily did a number two in her Pull-Up. Pee-yew! You could remember this one by thinking that the W in the middle is like two Vs stuck together. Or is that too complicated for little brains?
You should also know the difference between there, their, and they're!
There is a word we use to talk about places! It means 'in that place', or 'at that point'. It can also be used to say that something is present. We could say that the potty is over there, or that there were lots of nappies for Lily in Mummy's bag. You can remember this because the word there contains another word that we use to talk about places. Can you spy it? The word is 'here'! Why not write out the phrase here and there a few times? I'm sure that will help you remember!
Their is a word that we use to talk about things belonging to other people! Remember when we talked about nouns? Their is a word that describes who a noun belongs to, and that means it's a type of word called an adjective! But don't worry about that too much, we'll learn about adjectives another day. We could say that Lily and Katie loved their Mummy, or that when Lily tried to be big, Mummy and Katie rolled their eyes. How do you think we can remember this one? Would you like to come up with your own rule?
A rule that helps us remember something is called a mnemonic! Can you say that word? That's ok, it's a very tricky word for little mouths! Maybe it would help if you took your dummy out?
Remember, their is a word that you use to talk about things belonging to more than one other person! You can also use it to talk about things belonging to your nonbinary friends or caretakers, if they use they/them pronouns! It's super important to be respectful of other people's identities when you talk about them.
Now let's talk about they're! See how it has an apostrophe in the middle? An apostrophe is a special mark that does lots of different jobs, but in this word, it's telling us about something called a contraction. That means that this word should have extra letters in it! Can you guess what letters?
They're is a contraction of they are! See how the a of are has been taken out, and the two words have been joined together? Because this is a phrase that gets used lots and lots, people have come up with this shorter form to make it quicker to say and write. We could say they're both getting their nappies changed, or they're going to bed early.
This one is super easy to remember! You just need to look at your sentence and decide if it would make sense to replace they're with the words they are.
Do you want to try it?
Let's take this sentence from earlier, Lily and Katie loved their Mummy. If you got a little bit confused and wrote Lily and Katie loved they're Mummy, you could use this trick! So the sentence would say Lily and Katie loved they are Mummy.
Does that make sense? No, I don't think so either! So now you know that they're isn't the homophone in this sentence!
They're is used to talk about what two or more people are, or what a nonbinary person using they/them pronouns is! If you're talking about a single person who uses he/him, she/her, or other pronouns, you have to use a different contraction. Some examples are he's and she's.
Do you know about homophones now? Are you sure? Let's find out!
Can you choose the right homophone in the following sentences?
Lily and Katie are to/too/two confident about there/their/they're potty training.
The to/too/two of them decide they don't need there/their/they're nappies any more.
They think they can make it to/too/two the potty every single time.
There/their/they're not right about that, are they?
They take there/their/they're nappies off when Mummy isn't there/their/they're.
Lily and Katie are really to/too/two little to do this, though!
There/their/they're are lots of puddles on the floor when Mummy gets home, and she's cross.
Her to/too/two little girls have pottied everywhere without there/their/they're nappies on!
She smacks there/their/they're bottoms and puts them to/too/two bed early.
It's lucky Mummy has to/too/two boobies to/too/two give her to/too/two babies there/their/they're nighttime feed faster.
How are you feeling? Do you think you picked all the right homophones? Let's see!
The first homophone here is too! Remember, it means 'more than the right amount'! How much confidence do you think is the right amount for Katie and Lily to have in their potty training?
The other homophone in this sentence is their, because it's the potty training belonging to Katie and Lily — it's theirs, even if there isn't very much of it!
The first homophone here is two. Why's that? Remember, two is a number! Can you count that high? One little girl and another little girl make two little girls! The next answer is their. The nappies definitely belong to Katie and Lily! They're not Mummy's, she's far too big! What kind of nappies do you have? Are they as adorable as you are?
There's only one answer here, and it's to! Remember, we use this one when we're talking about movement. Katie and Lily are moving to the potty — or at least, they should be. Do you go to the potty, or does the potty come to you? Or are you too little for that, and you still potty in your pants?
The answer in this sentence is they're. Look at the sentence! You could use they are instead, right?
Do you think you're right about how good your potty training is? Does your mummy agree with you? You should listen to her! Lots of little ones get overconfident if they sometimes manage to get their wees and poos in the potty, but good mummies know that potty training is a long process and little ones can't always be trusted!
This sentence is especially tricky, because it has two homophones in it that sound the same as each other! The first one is their. That's because the nappies still belong to Katie and Lily even after they take them off. When your mummy takes your soggy nappies off, they're still yours! And no one else wants them, do they? That would be yucky!
The second one is there. How do we remember this one? That's right! It has the word 'here' in it, so it talks about places! This sentence is about where Mummy is. What does your mummy do when she's not there? Does she leave you all by yourself, or do you get to play with a babysitter?
The answer here is too! That's a tricky one, because of course, Katie and Lily aren't too little — they're just the right amount of little! But they're too little for the specific situation we're talking about, aren't they? Only very big girls get to go without their nappies, and it's always up to their mummies to decide when that happens!
Did you get this answer? That's right, it's there! Remember, we can use this one to talk about things that are present. That's not like a Christmas present, though. It's a word that just means the thing exists in a certain place, like these puddles exist on Mummy's floor. But of course a present could be present! I'm not sure Mummy wants any soggy yellow presents, though — and it's not even Christmas!
There are two homophones to decide on here, but we've seen both of them before! Do you remember? The first one is two, the number of little troublemakers that Mummy has. Do you have a sister, brother, or sibling? If you do, you have to be super grown up and good at sharing your mummy!
The second one is their. We talked about how the nappies still belong to Lily and Katie even though they took them off, didn't we? That's a very naughty thing to do, remember!
This answer is their again! That's because the smacked bottoms belong to the little girls, even though they probably wish they didn't! Do you get your bottom smacked sometimes? That's ok! Learning to be good is super hard sometimes, but it's just as important as learning all about homophones, and a smacked bottom is a really good reminder, isn't it?
The second answer is to. It's a direction of travel, isn't it? Mummy is taking her little cuties upstairs and tucking them into their cot! When's your bedtime? Is it nice and early so you're wide awake for school?
This is the last question, and there are lots of homophones to find! Did you get them all? Let's see!
The first one is two again! It's another number! Mummy has one boobie for each of her two babies — isn't that lucky? Do you have to share your mummy's boobies, or do you get them all to yourself?
The second answer is to. This is a little bit different, isn't it? It's not about movement, but you can also use to to mean something like 'so that'. Do you see how that works? Here, it's lucky Mummy has two boobies, so that she can feed both her babies at once!
The third homophone is another two. Did you know that? It's easy to work out! This sentence is telling you that Mummy has the same number of boobies as babies, so it uses the same word to describe each of those things!
And finally, the last homophone is their! Did you get it? The nighttime feed is a special time that belongs to Lily and Katie, when they can cuddle up together and spend time with their Mummy as a family. Doesn't that sound nice?
Did Katie, Lily, and Mummy work together to help you learn all about homophones? Do you think you know them super well?
Why not write a little list of all the homophones you can think of, and then try writing some sentences using them? Make sure to get them the right way round!
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Chapter One - We Were Just Kids
♡ Mick Schumacher x Reader, Best friend!Danny Ricc x reader (I mean, come on, how could I not?)
♡ TW: Swearing, inaccurate timeline of F1/F2/F3, badly translated German using Google, blood/injuries (not graphic, but there is are mentions of it!), mentions of being on a diet, not proofread, angst, young love, unrequited at some point, smut at some point, but ya know. but let me know if I missed any!
♡ She/Her pronouns are used, nothing descriptive about reader except that her hair is long enough to pull back into a ponytail or braid, no reader insert, timeline skips. ALSO: WARNING!!!! I will barely be mentioning Michael Schumacher. I do not presume to know what he is thinking, or would say in these fictional scenarios. I am trying to be respectful of their privacy and not make any assumptions!!!!!! He will be mentioned here and there, but I do not believe any dialogue will be associated with him. If you do not like that, then do not read it. :)
♡ 3.9k words
Age 7
Everything was changing. Your mind, your friends, your school, your family, your home. And not for lack of trying, but you had already had been at three different schools and you were only seven years old. (Almost eight, you would remind your parents and your older brother incessantly.) Yet, here you were, a stranger to anyone and everyone. And to make matters worse, you were also in a completely different country… on a completely different continent. At least when you’d have to move again in the states, you’d have something in common even if insignificant, with whatever person you were sat next to in your class. This time around your father was moved to Germany of all places. You had heard about the country and the pretty castles that they had there, but you couldn’t feel more out of place here.   So there you were, standing in the cafeteria of your new school, surveying the new land like a lion looking for its new prey. It seemed like all the seats were taken, and that all the schoolchildren already had friends of their own. This was your first luncheon at the new school. For the past year, your mother made sure you and your brother learned a few German words and phrases; enough to get around and make sure you didn’t get lost. She promised she would teach you more once you arrived in Germany. To say it was a difficult language to learn would be an understatement, but you tried your best and actually caught on fairly quickly. Sure, you weren’t fluent, and you probably still would get lost in the supermarket… But you knew enough to get you to point B at school. You took a deep breath with a scrunched up nose, and finally your eye-line landed on an empty spot. All the way in the far left corner which seemed miles away, was an empty seat at the end of a lunch table.
Begrudgingly, you stomped your way over there with your sack lunch and peered at the table. The other children were laughing with one another, sharing their cookies or juice boxes. Your heart ached for the friends you had made in your home country, and while they knew it was temporary, it still had such a lasting impression on you. You pulled your lips into a tight line and hoped that you’d at least be in this country, at this school, long enough to make one friend. A lasting one at that. 
You cleared your throat, trying to get the attention of the boy at the end of the bench. He didn’t move or flinch. Maybe he was stupid? With another huff, you cleared your throat louder and squinted your eyes in his direction. 
Suddenly, the boy’s head whipped in your direction. He had bleach blond hair, and bright blue eyes. Frankly, his eyes seemed too big for his face. His facial expression was easy to read, too. Unblinking, he glanced down at your paper bag filled with whatever your mother packed for you, and then back up at you. 
“Do you mind moving over just a smidgen? There’s nowhere else to sit, and I’m hungry.” 
The doe-eyed boy remained silent. His cheeks were chubby and his blond hair had wisps that had fallen on his forehead. He finally blinked a few times. 
“Hello? Are you deaf? Can you move over just a smidge?” 
You repeated your question with more emphasis. A part of you felt badly for yelling at the poor boy, but one - you were hungry, and two - well, maybe he just didn’t speak English. His eyes fell to the partially empty seat beside him. Shaking his head, he looked up at you again with the same dumbfounded face he had originally greeted you with when you first tried to communicate with him. Rolling your eyes and sighing so loudly you were sure your friends in America could hear you, you exhaled all the air in your lungs and looked up at the cafeteria ceiling. 
“Kannst du… rüberrutschen… damit ich sitzen… und essen… kann? (Can you slide over so i can sit and eat?)”
Your German was horrendous. It was broken and filled with nerves. Yet, you tried your best and after that horrific attempt at trying to speak to the clueless boy in front of you, you made eye contact again. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, before covering his mouth. He immediately felt guilt wash over him and looked up at you again. 
“Sorry. I did not mean to laugh.” 
Your eyes widened and your stance hardened. 
“You speak English?! All this time?!” 
“Ja. (Yes.)”
“Then why didn’t you scoot over when I asked you?!”   You slammed your lunch bag down on the table and sloughed off your backpack. With a full on glare now, you crossed your arms over your chest and began tapping your foot impatiently. You hated this school and all the kids that came with it. And clearly, the boy could practically see the steam emanating from your ears because he quickly surrendered, scooting over and moving his own lunch tray out of the way.   “I am sorry. I didn’t understand the word… Uh… Smidgen?” 
You took a seat next to the boy and unpacked your lunch. It was nothing glorious, but it would satiate your hunger. The boy gulped and took a bite of his apple. Chewing and then swallowing, you could feel his big blue eyes scanning you as if you were a foreign object awaiting your turn at customs. 
“What is smidge?” The boy croaked at you. “Smidgen?”
Taking a bite of your sandwich and a sip of your water, you looked at him with a raised brow. 
“It kind of means… Like… A small amount? Just a smidge.” 
You shrugged your shoulders and continued eating. Moments later, the boy returned to eating his lunch and reading his book. You couldn’t help but see the tiny smile that emerged on his face as he peered down at his textbook. His cheeks were a faint blush. From then on, you knew that this boy was either going to be your best friend or your worst enemy. 
“Smidge. Okay.” 
Age 10 
There was something peaceful about your father being gone for work and it just being your mother and brother home. Okay, maybe it wasn’t something, and more like someone… But, you enjoyed the weeks as they came and were saddened when they left. Regardless, this was the longest you had ever been in one place and you were absolutely loving it. You actually made friends at your school that you could see on weekends and didn’t have to tell them you were moving away again. It seemed like this was going to be your life for the time being and you loved it. Your brother was thriving at his school and your mother seemed to be in a good routine of her own. Everything was going fairly well. 
“Smidge! Come on, I don’t want to miss the movie!” 
Suddenly, your best friend’s voice snapped you out of your content little thought bubble. His hair was longer now, but his eyes just as blue. He was wearing a simple red shirt with FERRARI printed on the front, with blue jeans and white Converse. It was your typical 11 year old boy’s outfit, yet it looked humongous on him. Maybe he’ll hit a growth spurt or something, but maybe not. You shrugged off the thought and got up off the sidewalk. Grabbing your scooter and your helmet, you began making your way to the boy who was halfway down the street already. 
“Wait for me, Mick!” 
You always tried to get him to wear a helmet, yet there he rode without one. You made a mental note to make sure and tell his mom later. 
“Come on, Smidge! You gotta scooter faster than that!” 
“Stop going so fast, Mick! I’m scared!” 
Your voice was shaking as you tried your best to catch up to your friend. And while his clothes were huge on him, he was still bigger and taller than you. It seemed like he was miles ahead of you. Your legs could only scooter so fast. Mick was on a bicycle too, which didn’t make catching up to him any easier. Why does he always have to go so fast? 
You also could hear him laughing. And knowing him, he loved the feeling of the wind in his face as he biked harder and faster with each pedal. It was a surprise that his tires could catch up to the speed he was going. Soon enough though, everything came to a screeching halt. 
The scooter you were riding on had hit a piece of loose gravel and had sent you flying. Luckily, you were wearing a helmet when you collided with the sidewalk. But your elbows and knees were not so fortunate. Damn you, for forgetting your protective gear this time. Nursing your elbow and trying not to think of the inevitable amount of blood that was going to come out of your knee, you took in some very short breaths to try and keep yourself from crying. It seemed like years had gone by before Mick noticed you were no longer behind him. Soon enough, you looked up through tear filled eyes and saw his bike rushing towards you. Mick did a tiny burnout as he braked hard and hopped off his bicycle. He rushed by your side and was trying to take in all of your injuries. 
“Scheiße! (Shit!)” The boy exclaimed as he gently took your helmet off of your head. 
“Language, Mick!” You scolded.  Tears were falling down your cheeks as he propped you up to the fire hydrant that was luckily there. Taking his shirt, he lifted it and began wiping your face with it. Then, he took his shirt and with all the force his 11 year old body could muster, ripped a part of the bottom so he could press it to your knee. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. He could hear his father’s voice in the back of his head while he pressed the fabric to your knee. 
“You’ll get blood on your shirt!” 
“It’s already colored red, Smidge. It won’t hurt it.” 
If there was one thing you’ve learned about Mick Schumacher it was that his smile could make anyone feel better. His eyebrows were pulled together and his mouth in a tight line as he concentrated his energy on making sure your knee stopped bleeding. You couldn’t help but feel a weird feeling in your stomach as you looked at your best friend tending so carefully to your wounds. And truth be told, you had suffered a lot worse wounds - but with every time you got hurt he would always be there to make sure you were alright. 
“I need to get home, so I can get my mum here to help.” 
“Wait… You’re leaving me here?” 
You almost wanted to begin crying again. Mick looked up at you from where he sitting in front of you and shrugged. 
“Do you think you can make it back to my house with this knee?” 
You nodded fervently, taking him by surprise. He smiled, his lips still touching each other as he glanced around the sidewalk. You would say anything at this point just to make sure you weren’t left here alone. 
“Okay, leibling (darling). I don’t think anyone will steal my bike. How about I scooter back with you?” 
Mick had called you that before, but you never questioned what it meant. You assumed it was a nickname that he made up that had to do with your clumsiness. Because this was definitely not the first time your knee has bled. 
“How will both of us scooter?” 
Mick’s smile turned into a toothy grin as he grabbed your helmet from beside him. Taking one last look at your knee, he nodded to himself and grabbed the scooter. Propping it up against the hydrant, he helped you to your feet. Mick placed your helmet on your head, clipping it under your chin with the most gentle touch. You never knew an 11 year old boy could be this gentle… Considering you remember when your own brother was eleven, and he treated everything like a WWE wrestling match. Smiling at your best friend, he grabbed the scooter and motioned for you to get on it. 
“You just stand on it - if you can, and I’ll walk beside you, and push it - So you don’t have to.” 
Nodding his head again in a matter of fact way, you got on the scooter, wobbly as ever and held onto the handles with dear life. His right arm reached around your waist and his hand fell onto the right handle. His left arm crossed his body and he grabbed the other handle with the other hand. As he slowly guided you on the scooter, you couldn’t help but notice how quiet it had suddenly become. Neither of you were uttering a single word to each other, and neither of you really wanted to. This was hands down one of your best memories of you both that was in the making. 
“You think you can move over just a smidge so I can get a ride too?” 
Age 16 
The air was crisp and cool as you headed to the cool down room.  You were currently in Formula 3 alongside your best friend Mick. After having a great race and placing second, you knew you were too excited to sit down. You were just waiting for Mick to come in and join you. 
“Smidge! We did it!” 
Mick engulfed you in a big sweaty hug, spinning you around the cool down room like no one was watching. He had placed first and knowing that he was under more pressure and scrutiny than you ever were/and would be, you couldn’t have been more ecstatic for him. 
“We? No, YOU did it!” 
Pulling the ponytail holder out of your hair to try and get some relief to your scalp, Mick handed you an already half open water bottle as he took a towel and a water for himself. He always would open up y your drinks for you. Sitting down in the chair, he leaned back and sighed happily. His smile was practically bigger than his entire face. And it seemed as though he finally grew into those blue eyes of his. Mick shut his eyes and took in the serenity. He knew that the press would be all over him as soon as cool down was over, and you knew that this was his time to reflect and relax. 
“You’re going to be in Formula Two next year, you know.” 
Mick just hummed, his eyes still shut. 
“You won’t forget me, right?” You awkwardly laughed.  Opening one eye and turning to you, his smile was imminent and his cheeks pink with hard work. 
“We’re meant to be together forever, Smidge. Ich könnte dich nie vergessen. (I could never forget you.)” 
“Versprichst du mir das? (Promise me that?)” 
Quickly, Mick’s head shot up and excitement washed over his face. Grabbing your hand in his, he fully turned his body towards yours and scrunched up his face. And there was that fluttering feeling again in the pit of your stomach. 
“Somebody’s been practicing their German!” 
And with a smirk, you mimicked his scrunched up nose and smiled softly. This boy was going to be the death of you. 
“Just a smidge.” 
Age 21 
The news was everywhere. You couldn’t catch a break from it… And not that you didn’t want to, you just would’ve preferred it to be more personal than it was. 
In all truthfulness, you and Mick had drifted apart. Maybe it was inevitable, or maybe it was just a phase you two were in - but it didn’t hurt any less. Once Mick had gotten through F2, you struggled in the sport. Soon enough, it was all about gender politics and how your gender played a role in motorsports… Or didn’t. And you were proud of Mick, oh god, you were so proud of him. But deep down inside you knew that your lives were now separate, and his was progressing exponentially faster than yours. 
You were currently trying to hardest to get into Formula One. After being in Formula Two for much longer than you would’ve liked, it seemed like an impossible task. You knew you had friends in this sport, and you knew you were an inspiration to other women who wanted to be in motorsports, but you couldn’t help but feel unsupported in other ways. Mick was off doing whatever he was doing… Your brother followed suit and was stationed somewhere overseas. And your mother… Well, she had passed and you barely interacted with your father. Mick and his family were really all you had in terms of a close relationship. 
Retiring to your apartment for the night, which was a rare occasion to be in your own home, you quickly discarded your clothes and went into the bathroom. It was a hard day of practice, hot too. You just wanted to shower, crawl into bed and watch something trashy on the tv. Turning on the shower, you hopped in, washed yourself and hopped out. You were never one for long and unnecessary showers. You changed into whatever clothes you could find that could be considered pajamas and made your way into the kitchen. You were hungry, yet you were supposed to be on a diet… So you weren’t actually allowed to eat at this hour. Sighing longingly, you shut the refrigerator and sat on your couch. You stretched your neck and had a pretty good circular motion going on before your phone dinged and so rudely interrupted you. 
MICKEY🐭: Schätzen! I miss you. 
You peered down at your phone and tapped the message. The last time Mick had texted you was three weeks ago, and he was even then too tired to talk on the phone. 
YOU: I miss you too, Mick. 
MICKEY🐭: Ouch. Just Mick? 
YOU: Sorry, just had a long day of practice. How are you? Enjoying the view from up there? 
MICKEY🐭: I’ve barely started here, but it’s definitely different. When can you come visit? 
YOU: Unsure, but I’ll let you know when I have some free time. Ya know, if you’re not in Baku or something. 
MICKEY🐭: I’d always make time for you, even if I were to be in Baku or something. 
YOU: I’m going to hold you to that, Schumie. 
MICKEY🐭: I would not expect anything less from you, Smidge. 
Suddenly, you were pulled from the conversation at hand and trying to decide if the knock on your front door would be worth answering or not. You hung your head for a few seconds and groaned. You let out an audibly sigh as you headed to the door. You looked through your peephole and there was nobody standing there. You shrugged your shoulders and thought maybe someone knocked on the wrong door and realized it before you could answer it. Trudging your way back to the couch, your phone began to ring. It better not be- 
“Did you get my delivery?” 
You swore you were just thwarted into an alternate universe where the language of the region was like, Swahili, because you could not comprehend what was just said on the phone - audibly, mentally, emotionally… Nope. Nothing. 
The all too familiar voice repeated the question as you pulled the phone away from your ear. You looked at the phone screen and squinted. Sure enough, the name on the phone matched the voice repeating your nickname through the speaker. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m here. What did you say, Mickey?” 
“I said, ‘Did you get my delivery?’” You could hear Mick’s soft laughter in the background. He always had a great laugh. 
“No? Also, why are you having things delivered to my apartment? Don’t you have multiple addresses?” 
“Ja, das tue ich. (Yes I do.) But that is not the point!” 
“Oh for fuck’s sake, just go open your door already!” 
And if it weren’t for his goddamn giggling, you would’ve hung up the phone right then and there. You took a deep breath and exhaled before making your way to the door again. 
“I don’t hear you opening the door, Leibling!” Mick shouted through the phone. Frankly, he could hear your eyes roll on his side of the conversation. Soon enough though, you opened your front door and looked down. 
Sitting right outside of your door was a takeout order from your favorite local restaurant and a bouquet of your favorite flowers too. Picking up the items, you made your way back inside and placed them on the counter. 
You couldn’t help the blush that flooded your cheeks, and you were so glad this conversation was over the phone, but you swore up and down a long time ago you would not get feelings for him. He was making that quite difficult. 
“Gefällt es dir? Sind Sie überrascht? (Do you like it? Are you surprised?)” 
“Natürlich gefällt es mir. Dies ist jedoch unnötig. (Of course I like it. This is unnecessary, though.)” 
“Ich würde alles für dich tun. (I would do anything for you.)” 
A deep and profound silence loomed over the conversation now. The only things that you could hear was whatever was going on outside on the street. For the first time in awhile too, Mick was completely silent. It was just now a matter of who was going to break the silence first. 
“I’m sorry you’re having a tough time.”  Mick’s voice was quiet, reserved. His tone was sincere and you knew he wished he was there to keep you company.  “Thanks, Mickey. I am proud of you, you know. I’m really, so very proud of you.” 
Mick again just bummed in response. You glanced down at the flowers and did your best not to cry. It was as though he could sense it from all the way… Well whatever he was. 
“One day, you’ll come and join me, and we’ll be the best damn team the world has ever seen.” 
“One day.” 
You repeated as you put the phone down on the counter and on speaker. Truly, you both could just sit on the phone for hours in silence. But you knew that he was busier than he was before, and you were more tired than you had ever been. It was nice to feel like you still both could just enjoy each other’s presence. 
“Are you going to eat any of that Thai food?” 
“I wish. I’m on a diet.” You scoffed. 
Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you tried your best to savor the sound of his voice and the memories you held so dearly to you. You truly didn’t know when the next time was going to be that you’d see him, or even speak to him on the phone like this… But you’d be fooling yourself if you weren’t taking in every second of this interaction, and putting it in your pocket - saving it for a rainy day. Closing your eyes, you smiled slightly to yourself and breathed deeply one last time. 
“Just eat a little bit of it.” 
“Just a smidgen, then?” 
Your small smile had turned into a grin as you finally decided to open up the takeout bag. Mick chuckled and you could practically hear his own smile through the phone. God, did you miss your best friend. But god, did that takeout smell so heavenly. Pulling out the plastic cutlery that came with it, you opened up the first box and sighed happily to yourself. Yeah. You owed him one.
“Fine. Just a smidge.” 
And so much more. 
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yuurei20 · 6 months
How do you think Idia got his unique magic? Does it say if he was born with it or something, or was it inevitable he would get that specific unique magic? Is it possible to be born with a unique magic in the first place?
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
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Idia says that people born into the Shroud family all have the same unique magic!
A part of Idia's issues is how so much of his life has been decided on his behalf and there is nothing he can do to change his fate no matter what he does, so I think you are right and it was inevitable that one day "Gate to Underworld" would manifest! (Does this mean that every member of the Shroud family is guaranteed to be a mage? Interesting~)
I like your phrasing very much! Does "this unique magic was inevitable" equate to being born with a unique magic?
From what we have seen in the game and the second novel: I think so!
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Both game-Leona and novel-Leona comment on how he was born with a unique magic that he never actually wanted.
Novel-Leona goes into more detail with the scorn he received back home due to the misconception that you have to desire and work towards a specific form of unique magic if it is to manifest, which isn't true at all:
"Unique magic that is inherited at birth has nothing to do with the person’s will, but humans wrapped up in their own superstitions are ignorant to common sense. Or maybe they think this is a power that I desired, and fought to obtain." - Leona in Twst the Second Novel
To answer the questions: Idia's unique magic passes down through the Shroud bloodline, so I believe it is safe to say that he was born with Gate to Underworld!
And it does seem possible to be born with a unique magic, as Leona explains, directly. (It is intersting that both characters also have parallel family issues: both of them born into elite families and trapped in roles they want to move beyond, but can't. In addition to their other various similarities)
But this might not mean that baby-Idia was opening and closing the door to the underworld while baby-Leona was turning people to sand!
It is possible that their respective unique magics manifested at whatever age they were when their magic itself made itself known.
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As for what age that might have been: I think it has yet to be confirmed how old mages generally are when their magic starts to appear!
Riddle says that he was receiving special training in magic from the age of three, but Riddle is a special case and probably not a good frame of reference for what is "normal" in this universe.
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Deuce mentions using magic in middle school, but in Azul's flashback we learn that he was experimenting with magic and spells from an even younger age: while removed from EN, the passage of time between Azul studying spells and sigils and getting control of "It's a Deal" are denoted via the labels "Child Azul" and "Middle School Azul."
The age at which your magic appears might just vary by person! If earlier manifestation = stronger magic, it might actually be possible that Idia and Leona were using magic as children. But one thing seems consistent: whether Riddle or Deuce, it seems that there are generally several years in between a mage coming into their magic and their unique magic manifesting. (But does this also apply to mages who are born with their unique magics, or do they have theirs from the start? Uncertain!)
What might be still vague is how this applies to faeries!
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Malleus says that he lives and breathes magic, but according to Lilia Sebek's magic manifested late, with even Silver becoming capable of using magic before Sebek could.
This might mean that faeries, too, have a period of their lives before they become capable of using magic, but it also might just be an effect of Sebek being half human--I am not sure it has been confirmed as of this post!
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Lilia mentions Malleus emitting puffs of flame as a baby, but this may be less a "magical infant" situation and more a "that is a dragon" situation.
Malleus himself explains that he once froze nearly the entire castle in which he lived, "back when (he'd) finally started walking on two legs," so it seems that he was wielding magic from very early on!
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italoniponic · 9 months
Bat-Hunter | Rook Hunt & Lilia Vanrouge
Synopsis: In which Rook and Lilia found themselves at the start of a legendary battle for the Prefect of Ramshackle's heart. The world of love triangles is awfully quiet after this exchange. Dedicated to @pandoa. You wish and you shall receive &lt;3
Lilia Vanrouge, Rook Hunt x gender neutral reader / small scenario / fluff but mostly crack / reference to a specific Phillipines dish / 1525 words / use of “you” pronouns / Masterlist
Bat-Hunter: The Magnificent Showdown!
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Few people throughout history — between humans and faes — could say that they had the audacity to directly antagonize the Great General Vanrouge in any sort of battle. And getting out of this sort of risk alive was a bit of luck granted to very few people, almost to none.
“But a coward hunter is not worthy to receive the title, nor to wear a hat.”
That was the Hunt family motto that Rook was so proud to carry in his heart. Such was his respect for his family tradition that this phrase was embroidered on the inside of all his hats so as to never forget his origins.
Well, maybe I’m starting a little too fast and you’re still worrying — from the comfort of Ramshackle’s upstairs window — what the hell the two guys you liked were doing on the ground floor balcony, dressed like that.
Despite everything, you suddenly shrugged to yourself and headed to the kitchen where a more urgent task needed to be fulfilled. When everything was ready, hopefully you could invite the guys in. That is, if you found one or the other intact in the end.
Because that was the feeling that their exchange of glances passed.
Lilia was dressed in his Light Music club “uniform,” as punk rock as your father had been in the eighties when he was young and phones were wired. He held his guitar close to him, as if it were the weapon of his days in the Army of Thorns. He was “total rad” — as the youngsters would say.
His friendly smile only masked the irritation of finding Rook in that place, decked out from head to toe. Usually, his presence was easy to ignore and his curiosity could be quite amusing from time to time.
But he knew the real situation they were in: they were equals in rivalry for the heart of Ramshackle’s Prefect.
Knights in a duel for love!
Rook, in his own instance, wore a pair of belted trousers and a loose white blouse — located in the common vocabulary as a “pirate blouse” — with the strange addition of a large pink coat over his shoulders, sewn by hand and with some patterns of blue rhombuses. With his hat in hand, he looked like a book character.
His expression was equally gentle but it carried a certain pang of defiance, like a hunter who meets another while hunting.
“You look very beauté this afternoon, Monsieur Curiosité!,” Rook praised.
“How did you actually say that time? That my beauty is ‘mysterious’?,” Lilia chuckled, squinting his eyes.
“Oui, oui! But do not fret, Monsieur, today my attention is on someone else.”
“Another one? You can’t get enough of it, can you, Hunt?”
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, yes. I’m tired. Tired because I’m wandering for days and nights thinking about the smile of that kind person and how I would like to cheer them up in these times of crisis!”
Crisis? Lilia didn’t quite understand. You seemed to be doing very well during all the times you met. Had he let any detail slip through the cracks?
“What kind of crisis? That is,” he bit his tongue, embarrassed that he had to ask for help from his literal rival. “If I may intrude.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. These are ear crisis! Dear Trickster has been hearing a lot of guitars being scratched lately,” the young huntsman replied, boldly.
Lilia barely broke his guitar cable — or the entire instrument at once in Rook’s head.
It was a mere provocation, no big deal. And Pomefiore’s vice, the way he was, probably appreciated each style of music in its own artistic way. But they were dealing with a battle of epic proportions and every blow counted.
Even if he were to call Lilia’s love-hard-heavy-metal demo “instrument-scratching”. But it was worth it and it showed in the way Rook’s eyes squinted in amusement.
Dealing with Diasomnia’s vice has always been an adventure in itself. That was the best part about being Lilia’s romantic rival.
Regardless of the ending, moments like this would always have a special place in Rook’s heart and he would remember it all with emotion when he went to tell your children — “the Hunt Jrs.” — the trajectory of your love.
“Why are you crying?,” suddenly Lilia inquired, confused.
“You will not be forgotten, Monsieur Curiosité! Forever and ever!,” Rook declared, wiping a tear with the sleeve of his coat. “Your memory will be carried forever in our family!”
At this the fae pulled the hunter by the collar of his shirt, staring directly into his green eyes. It was not necessary to float to come face to face with Rook, Lilia had enough dignity to impose himself the way he wanted.
And, let’s face it, making the boy — a “child” in his eyes — literally reach his level was more convenient too.
“Your particular persona has not yet turned gray to be Malleus’ breakfast because I dare, to the best of my mental faculties, find your audacity mildly amusing,” Lilia said with a grim smile cutting across his face.
“I thank you, monsieur. And I, if I may say so, find the bloody-pink in your eyes extremely beautiful,” Rook retorted, torn between fascination and a certain fear instinct that only made him feel more confident in his goals.
“Who do you think you are, hunter?”
“And who do you think I am, bat?”
That said, the two of them started laughing. Maniacally. They walked away but kept laughing, releasing all the anger and tension that could be felt in the form of simple fun between two colleagues.
Oh, they wanted to duel until death ripped them from each others hands.
Fortunately, you opened the door in time to prevent a bloodbath in your yard — after all, it would be difficult to clean it up.
“Hey, boys!,” you greeted, happy. “Wanna come in? I made pancit canton!”
Then you showed them a plate of fresh noodles, straight out of the pan, in a colorful combination of sliced pork, sausage and shrimp along with chopped carrots, cabbage, peas, onions and garlic. It smelled wonderfully good and matched your good mood. No wonder, it was your favorite food from the Philippines.
The sun was setting and it was close to dinner time. In fact, you were so excited about the process of cooking everything — from blanching vegetables to cutting meats — that the serving size tripled. Maybe being busy tidying the house didn’t help your distraction.
But with Lilia and Rook there — and Grim would be happy with extra food — you felt that little slip was worth doing it.
The smile that opened on your face descended on them like a ray of light in the midst of darkness, poetic as a fairy tale.
The animosity in the air was still palpable, however you were simply happy to have the company of your two crushes at the same time and there are times you need to take advantage of some situations.
“Prefect! I composed a song and I would like you to hear it,” Lilia stepped forward, putting the guitar in position and pulling a bombastic sound from the strings.
Your eyes widened and you couldn’t stop an admiring smile from appearing. Outside that your heart was racing just like the Light Music club speakers after a performance by Lilia. He was so cool!
“And I brought the best collection of poems on my bookshelf to recite, sweet Trickster!,” Rook didn’t lag behind and with one movement of his arm, the coat danced beautifully under his shoulders.
Another shot to the heart! As if that were not enough, the shades of the afternoon horizon harmonized perfectly with Rook’s clothes and made him an otherworldly vision, having escaped from a bedside book just to meet with you.
“You two are going to drive me crazy like this…,” you grumbled to yourself. But you did your best to stay intact.
“I just want you to bear with me 'cause I am only one,” you said. “Let’s have dinner first, okay?”
“All for you, sweet Trickster!,” Rook declared, taking your free hand and kissing it.
“A-ah! Okay?”
“What matters is your wish, Prefect,” Lilia skillfully took the plate of pancit from your other hand and also kissed it.
“B-but your guitar...!” He literally had put the instrument between his legs.
“There’s no time for questioning, magnefique apple of my eyes. Forward, my brave rival!”
“Said and done, hunter!”
You were still confused when they managed to find a way to literally drag you into the house, each holding your arms as if your weight was negligible and the situation completely normal.
It was obvious how Rook and Lilia, even if in different ways, could make you go “head over heels.” 
Well, you avoided reaching that angle when they deposited you on the couch and sat each by your sides. At least the animosity was gone and Lilia’s guitar was more securely propped up on the coffee table.
“Dinner, mes ami?,” Rook suggested. “Then a lyrical duel to the death?”
“A what...?”
“That’s fine for me,” Lilia accepted.
And so they lived happily ever after. At least until after dinner.
Special Notes: It’s funny or maybe not how I can get drowned in my own work and never make any progress in months but the moment the inspiration for something strikes me as a lighting, suddenly I can pull off an entire 1525 thing in two nights straight. It’s quite simple and it goes more into comedy territory but it’s a homage for your underrated comedy skills, Pando! I still tried my best to make sure both Rook and Lilia could have their times to shine. I based most of the exchange in Lilia’s R Sports Card personal story with Rook (and just got off from that feeling). Have to say, I love a good unilateral passive-aggressive convo and they delivered <3
Now… any similarities of scenes from certain movies are completely my fault. I’m currently having a Die Hard and Kung Fu Panda brainrot, which is weird but it happened.
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
How about Vox trying to befriend one of Alastor’s close friends, to know Alastor’s secrets and weaknesses. Months later Vox falls in love and forgets about the plan. Then Alastor reveals the secret plan to make Vox look bad. Your choice if you want it to be a sad or happy ending.
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Vox was tired of losing. He was done. That is when the brilliant idea came to him. Find Alastor’s weakness but how?
He saw Alastor enter a tailor’s shop, right in front of one of his store displays and he saw you.
He recognized you from his casual spying on Alastor. The two of you were together more than Alastor was around most people.
Vox tore his claw down one of his suit jackets and brought it to you.
He wasn’t shocked your recognized him.
“Get out.” “What a show of hospitality! But regardless, I don’t think I will. I require some assistance.” “Isn’t one of you Vs a fashion designer? Ask them for help.”
Vox had to squash down the offense at the phrase “one of you Vs” and even more so that you didn’t know Velvette’s name.
It took a lot of convincing and you only did it to get him out of your store.
You returned the wrong suit. You did it on purpose. It was bright red instead of his cool blue.
He returned again and again and you continued to give him the wrong jacket suit.
Over time the hostility turned to playful teasing.
“Oh, back so soon? It’s only been a week? Did you miss me that much?” “Oh, but of course.” “Predictable, men as self absorbed as you are so easy to rope in. Make them feel special and then they just won’t leave you alone.” “Maybe I’d leave you alone if you’d give me my jacket.” “What jacket?”
One day Vox walks in and sees you bent down at the skirt of some demon’s dress, with a needle between your lips.
The demon saw him and called your name several times but you were too absorbed in your work. A trait he found admirable. It wasn’t until they hit your shoulder and you stabbed yourself that your focus was broken.
“Ow! Shit! Mare, what the fuck?!” “The TV demon.”
You looked over your shoulder. He quickly replaced his soft(-ish) expression with a smirk and a wave.
“You can wait,” and he did.
It wasn’t long after that day he asked you out for dinner.
The dinner was a lot more upscale than you were used to and he could tell you felt out of place. With a seat in the back and some carefully placed words he got you to relax.
Afterwards, he walked you back to your shop because you refused to let him walk you home. He placed a kiss to your hand and didn’t walk away until you were inside.
Dates became somewhat common between the two of you. Both of you only able to clear your schedules once or twice a month for it to happen but it was something to expect.
He learned from his mistake the first time and made sure to make things more mundane.
On the second date, he brought you flowers.
On the third date, he insisted you try some of his food and brought the fork to your lips, only letting it down when you took the bite.
On the fourth date, he took you dancing and managed a kiss at the end.
On the sixth date, he tripped into a pile of blood so you took his suit to properly wash it. He had it back the next day.
On the seventh, he walked you home.
On the eighth, he told you he loved you.
Alastor came to you to commission a suit for an upcoming event.
The two of you were talking about everything and nothing as you were prone to do when he casually mentioned:
“I’ve heard rumors about you, my dear. They’ve got me worried.” “Oh? And what is the rumor mill saying about me that’s so worrisome, hm?”
You were sure it was going to be something silly. Alastor had pulled this number before because yes, he was one to follow the gossip train but he never got aboard. He never believed something until he had reason to.
“They’ve been saying you’ve been getting close to a certain picture box.”
You felt your heart stop. “Oh, really?”
���Yes, quite the rumor, indeed! Now, I know you’d never be so thoughtless as to do such a thing but still, one worries nonetheless.” “Oh, you don’t need to worry about me, Alastor.” “Ah, but I do. Especially since it reminded me of something I overheard some months ago, why— No! It’d have been over a year ago actually. To think, the gall of the man to say his plans right in front of the radio.” “What?” “Let me see, I do believe I have it stored somewhere, just for my own amusement.”
A moment later Vox’s voice sounded through Alastor’s microphone, “It’s easy. Just go in and try to get some information out of them. That’s it. You’re a master manipulator. It’ll be easy and if they put up a fight? Well, you’re an overlord. It’ll be fine. Okay? Okay. Let’s get this over with.”
A few days passed since then when Vox came back to the tailor shop. He was befuddled to see a sign.
Closed Until Further Notice
He came back several days later to a new sign.
For Sale
He got worried. He started looking for you but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn’t find you.
Four and a half months passed until he got an answer. There was an overlord meeting after the extermination.
Alastor strolled out of it with Rosie beside him.
Vox didn’t pay much attention to Rosie. He paid as much attention to her as he did other overlords with the occasional sight of her when he was spying on Alastor but he noticed Rosie’s smile seemed tense. He caught her glares at him.
“Ah, Vox, my dear man! What a stunning suit you’ve got on today. No match for my own but I had a very good friend make it for me. Wonderful craftsmanship, don’t you think?” “What did you do?” “What did I do? Oh, no, no, no. What did you do?”
The knowing smile and glimmer in Alastor’s eye made it clear he knew something, something that Vox should know too.
It took a minute for Vox to remember, to remember the day he met you and all the things he’d said as well as the fact that your shop wasn’t just in front of a television but a radio too.
A fight broke out. It was big and catastrophic and took hours to finish. But in the end, Vox won or Alastor decided that he was bored. It was always hard to tell.
Rosie came up to Vox at the end of it.
He’d never spoken to her outside of a business setting but that strained smile and those looks were well deserved, he realized.
“I try to keep out of yours and Alastor’s feud but you just had to go too far, didn’t you? You know, they never told Alastor about ya but they did tell me. I feel so foolish to have told ‘em to go after you.”
She shook her head and reached into her bag. She pulled out a folded blue suit jacket and handed it to him.
“Where are—“ “You don’t get to ask that, Vox.”
He unfolded the jacket, uncaring that his blood covered hands stained it. It was mended so why did he wish it was torn?
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
If you don't mind me can I request male reader who like Akaza from Demon slayer with the Hazbin Hotel.
Bonus: respect woman.
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Hello! Normally i would Say no bc My Requests are Closed but you're lucky that i'm in a good mood to write and also i am a fan of this Man✨ 😭
Thanks for the Request ❤️
(to the other Readers, don't take this as something usual, the Requests are still Closed, i'm just in the mood to write THIS for now)
Akaza! Reader in Hazbin Hotel
Genre: headcanons
Reader: male
Warnings: Reader is a fighter, violence(?), hell, slight change in Akaza story so its not a Copy-paste and make "more sense",idk, I MAKE THIS IN A RUSH OF ✨INSPIRATION✨SO ITS NOT PROFFHEAD!!
You were born and raised in the Edo era, in Japan. and it was a nightmare.
You lived in poverty all your life, practically alone with your sick father who could barely take care of himself, but he always tried to take care of you above all else.
You spent a lot of your life trying to take care of him back, but it was difficult because of money, you couldn't afford it. so you did the only thing you could think of: steal medicine.
Obviously many times this didn't turn out well, and they ended up catching you and taking you to be beaten and tattooed like a criminal, but it was the kind of life you led until your father died.
That was when you hit rock bottom, but you met certain people who helped you move forward. a martial arts master and his sick daughter (who reminded you a lot of your father).
And it was the time when you lived better, you took care of your teacher's daughter and you learned from him, you had a good life.
you and his daughter even fell in love!
everything had fallen into place in your life...
until conflicts broke out again.
You don't remember much about your last days of life, it was a cycle of going, killing whoever got in your way, returning with whatever you wanted from your group, and whatever followed...
You just wanted to go home.
but you died before that.
and just as you expected, after everything you had done wrong in your life, you ended up in hell.
It wasn't exactly like the hell you had imagined growing up, but it was definitely difficult to adjust, knowing that you were dead, in this hole of misery, far from them...
but you didn't waste your time. You discovered quite quickly that several of your physical abilities had stayed with you, so you took advantage of them and became a quite formidable demon.
You wouldn't say you were an Overlord, but you were definitely an anomaly to Hell's QUO status, a demon who had become powerful without the need for owning souls.
something very strange.
so many Overlords, feeling threatened, tried to go after you, only to never be seen again...
As for the Hotel issue, I think that Akaza! reader would be skeptical, I don't think he would have a problem offering himself as a test subject for the hotel because 1- there is Alastor, someone very strong, and 2- he has a small hope that the hotel will work and maybe, just maybe he can redeem himself and go. to heaven with his love and his teacher, what he loves most. although he wouldn't say the last thing out loud.
Speaking of relationships, Alastor and him can actually get along in a very ambiguous way, Alastor is not happy with someone who is so strong without even having souls of their own, so he is cautious, but not in a threatening way.
Although there is something these two have in common, THEY RESPECT WOMEN.
Alastor can definitely introduce him to Akaza! read several of his female friends to be more "social" and get possible blackmail material.
Alastor secretly knows of the possible motives behind why Akaza! Reader would like the hotel to work, he thinks he is naive, but he doesn't make fun, Alastor partly understands why he feels that way. leaves him alone in that sense.
...but it bothers him in every other way! using it as an armrest, innocuous phrases, crushing it with things out of nowhere, etc. He always has something up his sleeve to piss him off.
but they can ally if women get involved ;)
Charlie is so so so so so happy to have Akaza! reader as another participant alongside Angel and Sir Pentious! She constantly thanks him for his collaboration and tells him how much it means to her.
Lots of encouragement during the trust exercises! she realizes that Akaza! Reader is not very talkative, and although she does not force him to change, she "subtly" encourages him to be more open with the exercises.
Although that does not mean that she admits the fights, she tries to encourage Akaza! reader to find another way to get out his anger and energy in less destructive ways.
I think she would be the only one who knows through Akaza! reader why he wants the hotel to work, and she is SO MOVED by him because Reader wants to redeem himself and that gives him a lot of motivation to do more exercises.
Even if is sometimes a double-edged sword because she feels pressured not only by wanting to help her friends, but also by Akaza's cute motive! reader.
Akaza! reader is very protective of Charlie even if she is the princess of hell, he is like a bodyguard! or a very loyal pitbull. Charlie finds it endearing (but please don't rip that demon's head off please---)
Vaggie is scared of Akaza at first! reader for his aggressive nature.
She is afraid that he will end up directing that destructive energy towards them if he is very angry, so she is very cautious at first.
but eventually she can relax more and more with him as she realizes that (at least with women) he's not going to explode on anyone who doesn't deserve it. and that in fact he is a good man.
sparring together! Vaggie feels kind of bad that he doesn't have a gun, but is surprised at how tough he is.
If she finds out his reason behind going to the hotel, she supports him a lot in his journey of redemption, more than before, she empathizes with him.
They both have similar motives.
Vaggie really appreciates when Akaza! reader defends the female staff against Angel's out-of-place comments. she may even allow him to hit him.
You two are the main people in charge of protecting the hotel.
Let's be honest, Angel dust at first was just "flirting"/sexually harassing Akaza! reader until he beat him up and never did it again.
He thought he was simply bitter about life until he remembered that on one occasion he told him that "he was taken" and he didn't take it so personally.
After the duet with Husk, he went directly to apologize to him and they were on bad terms.
Angel occasionally likes to prank him like everyone else in the hotel, but he's considerably less annoying with Akaza! reader because he knows what he is capable of.
When he eventually finds out why he is "taken" and why someone like him is in the hotel, he can't help but empathize with him a lot (from his sister in heaven), and tries to be his "Husk" at his lowest moment. .
Even if technically Akaza!reader is stronger than him in every way, he takes care of him in his own way, watching his drink, not being robbed, etc.
Angel is definitely not used to so much respect when it comes to his gender identity, which is why he respects Akaza a lot! reader.
They generally start off on the wrong foot but manage to be friends.
Husk likes Akaza! reader, simply because it gets on Alastor's nerves and because he knows that he won't kick the ass of someone who doesn't deserve it. He knows everyone is safe with him.
He definitely knows about his reason for being in the hotel and pities him, respects his privacy a lot after that and doesn't let him talk drunk.
Husk may get to have his "loser baby" moment with Akaza! reader but in a platonic way, helping him when it is especially difficult to stay away from violence.
They can even have a father-son relationship, Husk is very similar to Akaza's teacher! reader in many ways EMOTIONALLY SPEAKING so Akaza! reader feels comfortable with him.
she definitely tells him things about her past as Overlord to entertain him.
Sir Pentious at first was TERRIFIED of Akaza!reader, his reputation was as a tough guy who went after evil people and Pentious (having his poor self-image) thought he would kill him as soon as he saw him.
but fortunately it was not like that!
but he was definitely avoiding it for DAYS before he heard from the others that Akaza!reader wasn't that bad and was actually quite nice. to give him a chance.
and Pentious did just that. and he was VERY surprised.
Akaza! reader has had to dismantle several of Sir Pentious's evil machines using his enormous strength, and although Pentious was heartbroken to see his machines destroyed, he was also VERY surprised by Akaza!reader's capabilities, even giving me more things to do. break and test their strength (imagine this pair getting to know the Rage Rooms).
Pentious Minnions occasionally go to Akaza! reader when P. is not there, which is fun to see because Akaza!reader would try to get away from the Minions that come after him like ducks.
Akaza! reader clearly notices Pentious's crush on Cherri, and encourages him to do something now that he has time.
(Can you imagine Akaza! reader's Koyuki becoming friends with Pentious in heaven? It would be Epico).
Mononeuronal pair.
Niffty is strange.
but I can definitely see Akaza! reader protecting it constantly. so Niffty likes him. But I wouldn't really say they are friends.
In general, everyone has some kind of respect for Akaza! reader. They hope you can reach your goal.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Again, this DOES NOT MEAN that orders are open again! I'm just taking a break and deciding what things to write and what not to. thanks for the request ✨❤️
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professional-yapper · 7 months
Maybe you could do an Neteyam imagine where another male challenges for you and neteyam almost kills him and then you give him a blowjob in appreciation that he’s finally yours
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Neteyam x Omaticaya! Reader
Warnings: cheating kind of, neglect (open to interpretation), blood, gore, someone's head gets literally smashed in, blowjob, face fucking, possibly probably dubcon, mean Neteyam
Neteyam is 20/21 and reader is pretty much the same age
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It was no secret that you were one of the more... desirable members of the Omaticaya. Even warriors twice your age would find their eyes tracking your body as you went about your daily duties, blissfully oblivious to their stares.
But it was also no secret that you preferred, out of all the available young men who would die to spend a night between your thighs, Neteyam. Son of the olo'eyktan, and future olo'eyktan himself.
Whispers went around that his future position was why you liked him so much.
The common response to that was that, even if it was true, why shouldn't you want to better your status in the tribe? After all, everyone knew Neteyam only wanted you for your looks and sexual gifts.
Both equally nasty rumours. You paid them no mind, most days. Neither did Neteyam.
You were, for the most part, a happy couple, spending as much time together as you could, often with him lounging between those heavenly thighs, golden eyes half-lidded like a sleepy thanator, and you running your hands through his beautiful braids, delighting in the rasp of the beads against your fingers.
He was the love of your life. You were sure of that. You just... hadn't yet gained the courage to voice these intense feelings that had been blooming as of late.
Of course, people knew he was courting you.How could they not, when Neteyam dedicated every hunt to you, and in return his groans of pleasure could be heard from the depths of the forest? (Though those who claimed to have heard this were largely frowned upon, for even when a union is disliked, there are some lines that were not to be crossed.)
But that didn't mean you two were 'locked in', to use a ridiculous phrase of Lo'ak's.
You just wished you were.
Every day that went by without Neteyam asking you to be his mate, or even hinting at something more than sweet courtship, you grew more frustrated.
Of course, you could ask outright. Neteyam, why haven't you asked me to be your mate? I'd say yes, you know I would.
But then there was the niggling, incessant thought that often kept you awake at night. That Neteyam really was only with you for your body.
The months of nothing beyond courtship only cemented that fear, and so naturally you withdrew, fearing for yourself and your dignity.
You faked sickness the morning of dates, ran and hid when Neteyam returned from a hunt, pretending you couldn't hear him looking for you and waiting for him to give up before you went out, pretending you'd been working, no longer spending nights with him...
And the other things, things that you were deeply ashamed of.
Because even when you felt you knew in your heart that Neteyam only intended to use you, you hated to hurt him.
And you knew what you were doing would hurt him.
It started small. Neteyam had let another day pass without even hinting at wanting to bond with you, and so, fuming and hurt, you stormed off and found another young warrior, and flirted with him until the sting of what felt like rejection was a bitter memory.
Then word got out that you were giving Neteyam the cold shoulder. Young warriors heard this and vied for your attention, hopes renewed, visions of your body naked and writhing no doubt dancing through their heads.
You only hoped Neteyam hadn't heard the rumours. It was unlikely he had. As olo'eyktan's son, people were hesitant to gossip in his presence, knowing one wrong word and the olo'eyktan would hear all.
Which wasn't true. You knew that. Neteyam never told his father anything. But you hoped he didn't hear anyway. Because it would hurt him even more.
The warriors fought for your attention, and you began to respond, guilty and filthy though you felt every time you let one near, let them smile and caress and hold, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear and inching ever closer, a hand creeping up your thigh, flashing eyes creasing in a smile, a dirty smile, with only one thought behind those eyes. Dirty eyes, dirty smiles, dirty hands. All of them.
But you let it happen, because you'd been dumb enough and angry enough to let it happen once, and once their hands were on you, they never left.
You still felt them when you were with Neteyam. His arms held no sanctuary for you anymore.
It was a normal day, as normal as you could hope for.
You were in the groves, stripping fruit from vines with a few others, filling the pouch at your hip slowly, more focused on the slow, lazy hum of the bugs around you, the long grasses brushing against your legs, and the warm wind running along your skin than anything else.
That is, before you felt a hand curl around your arm, turning you to face the owner of the hand. It was the kind of grip that left no room for question, more forceful than it should've been.
You looked up into Tola's face, which bore the same hungry look it did every time he approached you.
His finger came up and curled under your chin, tilting your head up. You tightened your hands into fists at your sides.
"I was thinking of courting you properly," Tola mused, grinning like it was some kind of joke, and your chest tightened, breathing growing shallow.
"Neteyam is already courting me," you said tightly, pulling your chin away. "I have no need for any more suitors."
The shame of cowering behind the protection of Neteyam's name after everything made you sick to your stomach, but you stood firm, determined not to let Tola see you falter.
"Aw, come on," Tola rolled his eyes, taking ahold of your chin once more, grip painful, his other hand coming up to lean against the tree trunk behind you. "When was the last time you even spoke to him? You're bored of him. I can tell."
"My relationship with Neteyam is no concern of yours," you replied primly.
"Let me court you," he insisted.
"And why would they do that?" a low, familiar voice said from behind Tola, and the tightness in your chest loosened briefly with relief, before the shame and guilt intensified.
Tola turned, expression of lust cracking cleanly, revealing what you hoped was fear as he released you, turning to face Neteyam.
Neteyam stood tall, hands hanging loosely at his sides, but his chin was angled downwards in that way he had when angered, eyes dark as he looked between you and Tola.
"Neteyam-" you managed, voice wobbling a little as you stepped around Tola and towards your lover- though you suppose you couldn't call him that anymore, in lieu of recent events.
Neteyam held up a hand, making you stop in your tracks, but he didn't say anything to you. Like you weren't even there.
"If you seriously intend to court them, you'll have to kill me first. I'd die before letting you touch them," Neteyam hissed, the first bits of emotion beginning to spark in his voice.
Tola grinned at that, raising his eyebrows at you in a playful, we-have-a-secret manner.
You cringed and looked down, not daring to meet Neteyam's eyes and see the betrayal there.
Then you heard what was undoubtedly fist colliding with face, and looked up in shock to see Neteyam withdrawing, shaking his hand out, and Tola reeling back, blood spraying in a sickeningly graceful arc from his nose.
The sound was punctuated by cries from the other Na'vi in the groves, a few scattering to alert the rest of the tribe that, once again, you had found yourself in a whole shitload of trouble.
Tola and Neteyam stared at each other for a moment, both already panting, furious, like young male thanators. Then they both looked at you, and you froze, taking a step back, more than ready to flee given the chance.
Tola's eyes roamed over your body, and he seemed to be doing some mental calculations, longing once again flickering in his expression.
Neteyam, on the other hand, kept his blazing eyes on your face, his own face twisted with rage and hurt. You couldn't hold his gaze, dropping your eyes to his bloody knuckles, rapidly purpling.
"Neteyam-" you tried again, but Tola cut you off.
"You say I gotta kill you to get them," he panted, pulling his knife from his sheath.
Neteyam's ears flicked back, but he drew his own knife and readied it, beckoning Tola forward. "You can try."
The fight was brutal. Bloody. Both of them rolling around on the floor, trying to pin one another, to shear skin from bone. Neteyam drew first blood, and one wound led to another.
Tola was bigger, but he was no match for Neteyam. No one was.
And all you could do was watch, sick to your stomach and hating every second of it, hands covering your mouth, Na'vi crowding around you with gleeful, morbid interest in the death-match at hand.
You only hoped Neteyam would show some kind of mercy, but the red light flashing in his golden eyes as he tried to cut Tola's throat told you there was no chance in hell of that happening.
Screams of terrified delight rippled through the crowd as Neteyam finally got the upper hand, sitting on Tola's back, smashing the other man's head into the ground.
But you couldn't deny the heat beginning to unfurl in your belly at the sight of Neteyam covered in blood, sweating and breathing hard, eyes like burning embers as he smashed Tola's head on the ground one final time.
Neteyam stopped, blinking at the blood on his hands, then looked around at the crowd like he was seeing them for the first time, expression softening, looking vaguely lost and confused.
Until his eyes found you. He rose unsteadily, jaw setting in a hard line, mouth thinning as he stepped off Tola and towards you, grabbing your arm and dragging you through the crowd deeper into the forest.
You couldn't summon the words to protest, blindly following him, too scared of his bloodlust to even think about pulling free.
Once he deemed you had gone far enough, he turned, pressing his bloody forearm against you chest and backing you up against a tree so roughly the air was forced from your lungs.
"You're a fucking slut," Neteyam hissed, eyes glowering down at you in the cool dimness of the forest, his equally blood-slick thick thigh nudging between yours. "You know that?"
Tears began to well. Shame, humiliation, guilt... Desire. "Teyam," you croaked, but he brought his knee up so quickly it cut you off as you whined at the contact.
"A fucking slut," he repeated harshly. "Maybe I should've just let Tola have you. God knows how many times he has already, hmm?" he hissed, nose pressing into your cheek, fangs running along your jaw. "Whore," he breathed, moving his thigh up even more so your feet were barely touching the ground. "Making me look bad in front of everyone.
"You think I didn't notice, baby? When you started drifting away, acting like you didn't know me? What, was I not good enough for you all of a sudden?"
"No, Teyam, no-" you whimpered, tears bubbling in the corners of your eyes and threatening to spill. The heady mixture of fear and desire shook you badly, but you couldn't help loving the high of it all, grinding down on his thigh instinctively.
He tutted at you, using his free hand to wipe your tears away, no doubt leaving a streak of Tola's blood on your cheek. "You made me look bad, baby. Had everyone thinking I couldn't control my fucking lover. That's what I am, right, baby? Still your lover, even though you're fucking other guys?
"You know, if you weren't satisfied with me, honey, you should've said. I'm more than happy to fuck you till you remember who really loves you. I'll do it right now. Watch me," he cooed, stepping back, planting a hand on the back of your neck and forcing you to your knees.
He groaned at the sight of you, already teary and flushed, on your knees for him, cock hardening beneath his loincloth, mere inches from your face. "Missed seeing you like this, baby. Did you let other guys fuck your pretty mouth?" he said, voice deceptively sweet as he shed his loincloth, hooking a thumb into your mouth and prying it open. "Let them see you all blissed out? I bet Tola did, huh?"
You choked back a sob around the intruding digit, so overwhelmed you didn't know whether to moan or cry.
Neteyam made a soft, sympathetic noise, sliding his cockhead against your lips until they were shining with precum. "Aw, sweet thing. You've been so mixed up lately, huh? Need me to make it all better?"
His tone was mocking, words filthy, and your hole twitched plaintively, practically begging to be filled even as Neteyam humiliated you.
Neteyam pressed forward, cock sliding between your lips and nestling deep in your throat as you forced down your gag reflex and blinked back painful tears, breathing through your nose and gripping his thighs.
"That's it," he moaned, taking ahold of your braids and guiding your head up and down, the wet noises only making you clench your thighs together. "That's it, that's my good baby. Missed this, honey. Missed you," he added in a brief moment of genuine affection, before beginning to fuck your face in earnest.
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So that's not really what was asked for in case y'all didn't notice 😭 it ran away from me so fast but I enjoyed writing this thoroughly
Let me know what y'all think tho cus this took me like hours
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simplydozing · 3 months
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𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Nameless Ghoulette Cumulus x Ghoul!Reader Shedding season always comes early for you. You don’t know why, but it’s the most painful thing you ever go through. Luckily for you, you have a whole squad that takes care of you during this time, one putting in extra effort than the rest. Word Count: 2253 || Ao3 Gender Neutral Pronouns for Reader Author's Interpretations Of Nameless Ghouls
 It was that time of the year again, for you at least.
 It was that time where you succumbed to pure agony. You would be put through the most excruciating pain just to shed the outer lining of your horns.
 You never understood why. Why it hurts so bad, and why your shed time came a full season before the others.
Your horns are smaller than the others. They were the most common shape, jutting out from your hairline and curving upward to a small point. Could it be that the size affects your shedding?
 Age didn't play an issue, you were as old as the others. You think there's something wrong with you, but they say it's natural and that you were fine. Maybe they're right, but it was something you couldn't shake off.
There was this one time where you collapsed on stage and you were sure to be sent back to hell for ruining the scene. But you woke up in the infirmary with the other ghouls surrounding you, one in particular holding your hand.
Cumulus was always the one to take extra care of you. She had this nurturing spirit about her. She was the first to get to know you upon your summoning, and you both grew close pretty quickly. She was the one to introduce you to the rest of your team.
It was definitely an interesting sight for the frontman, who you came to know as Papa Emeritus IV. All he saw was a pack circulating around you, taking in your scent and checking out the features you have. He was quite the character himself. She told you everything you needed to know about him and what to do.
She was the one who helped you find your talent for singing. Finding your “human” voice is a big deal for your kind. Ghouls don't talk like one could imagine, they use a sort of telepathy. It sounds like indistinct whispering, and they use small words and phrases. So when you heard her “voice”, it almost brought you to your knees.
Since then, you both have been inseparable.
Today, you're all practicing for the new songs the Emeritus wrote.
Or, you all were supposed to be. You didn't show up, and the rest were still waiting on you.
“What is taking so long?” The Emeritus broke the silence.
“Did I not say this was urgent?” He turned to the rest, throwing his arms up in an over exaggerated shrug.
They look around and stare at each other.
“ {y/n} unwell?”  
“ where {y/n}?”
“is late, is never late.”
There were chirps and purrs coming from each of them while they questioned your whereabouts.
 Cumulus was deep in thought about it. But then it hits after remembering what day it is.
She grabs her companion, Cirrus, by the sleeve. Cirrus tilts her head and twitches her nose.
“ know of {y/n}?” She asks.
“ {y/n} shed today,” Cumulus answers, distressed.
The others pick up on this, and immediately put their instruments down and go look for you.
The Emeritus jogs after them.
“Wait! What's going on?”
It's Dewdrop that stops in his tracks.
“ shedding,” he makes a pulling motion from his head where his own horns are positioned.
“Oh.” He raises his eyebrows, coming to the realization that you could literally be anywhere, and that brings a chill down his spine.
 You once freaked him out when you were in the middle of this process. It was a late night, and he was just finishing up some paperwork when he decided to take a break and wander around to stretch everything out. He was not expecting any other person to be up, much less you. So when he sees you at the end of a darkened hallway covered in blood and the only source of light coming from your dimly glowing eyes, he books it right back to his office and slammed the door. He even blocked it off with a chair.
“Yes. Yes, okay. Go,” Emeritus pats the ghoul on the shoulder. Dewdrop nods, and flees to catch up with the others.
“And find them before they find me!” He calls out, shuddering when he thinks back to that one night.
Everyone splits up, covering more ground around the abbey. One checks the kitchen, another inspects the reading room. Mountain scours the cemetery, and Dewdrop searches the meeting room.
But you're nowhere to be found.
Cumulus is out in the garden area, chittering and clicking, making the sounds you can recognize her by. She was hoping to be the one to find you, knowing what to do with you and how to do it.
 She looks under the benches. She rattles bushes. She pads around the various delicate flowers.
 She can't find you, though.
 The sound of dry leaves crunching under her feet grows more frantic. She's in a panic. You couldn't have gone far in your state.
 All hope begins to fade as she comes to a halt, catching her breath while trying to think rationally.
 You have these “go-to” spots, but all reported you weren't in any of them. Sometimes, you would get so overstimulated that you would find a new hiding area. But at the same time, you have a tendency to go astray. The pain would be so mind-numbing that you'd aimlessly drag yourself anywhere.
 Sleepwalking, in a way.
Feeling defeated, Cumulus decides that the others have probably found you by now.
 She surveys the area one last time. 
 She knows you haven't gone that far out, but she still squints at the treeline of the woods that hid the church. She sees the old conservatory.
 Perhaps you found sanctuary there.
 She hurries to the abandoned building, brushing away the stray brush and tall grass.
 Your scent is getting strong. Thank Satan she chose to look around again.
 On arrival, the first thing she noticed is the door that's slightly ajar.
 The building itself is gorgeous. There's an entryway that's framed with stained glass windows telling the story of Lucifer's Great Fall. It leads to an even larger glass dome. Some of the glass is broken, and the whole thing is held together by rusted beams.
 How could they let this breathtaking edifice go in such a vanquished state?
 No matter, she could sit and gawk at it another time. Her top priority was you.
 She shuffles through, and what she sees inside is incomparable to what is on the outside.
 The dusking light passes through each panel. Each color seeps in, reds and oranges paint the cobblestone pathway. Dead rose bushes fill the stone troughs that lined the hall. There's a lot of weeds and shriveled leaves.
 It was the definition of “hauntingly beautiful.”
 She ambled through, taking in the sights.
 It quite literally resembled hell.
 She was so lost in this place that she didn't pay attention to the scuffling that was coming in close behind her.
 Your vision is blurred. You are quite literally burning up, smoke evaporating off of you. Your lungs feel as if they've been strangled, leaving you to wheeze in what little air you can breathe.
 Your head is killing you.
 Emeritus scheduled one of the worst days for practice. You don't blame him, he just didn't know.
 You came here to be alone. You didn't even know this place existed, but it was perfect.
 The interior reminded you of home.
 You could writhe up here the same way you would writhe down there.
 It was isolated enough so you couldn't venture out around the abbey, and so that no one could easily find you.
 No one was supposed to anyway.
 You were jostled from your withering when you heard the door creak open. You lifted your head from your hands when you heard footsteps.
 They were sparse, and some even dragged.
 They were unrecognizable.
You struggled to pull yourself to your feet, rolling over and clawing your way up.
 You had a hand in front of you to guide yourself.
There was another set of heavy wood doors connecting the actual greenhouse to the hall.
 You braced yourself, and weakly heaved them open.
 Through your heavy vision, you saw her .
 Cumulus had her back turned to you. Her eyes were glued to the ceiling. You didn't dare follow her gaze, seeing as she was truly the most beguiling thing here.
 You lurch forward, reaching for her.
 She whirls around.
 And her eyes widen at the sight of you.
 The lining of your horns are peeling, exposing chunks of the tender flesh that was protected by it. Blood poured down your face in dark red rivulets. Smoke flows around you, and your clothes are torn to shreds.
 The worst part is how tired your eyes are.
 You try to walk to her, but you're so fatigued that your eyelids droop and you start to fall.
 You were prepared to hit the ground, but you were met with a warm softness.
 She caught you, and was now holding you under your arms. Her hands clutched what fabric was left of your uniform.
 She rubbed your back and eased you down so your head rested on her lap. You convulsed at her touch, hissing when she came too close to the base of your horns.
“ are hurt, why so far?”
 You didn’t have the strength to answer her. Right now, all you wanted to do was sit in silence. “ can walk? ”
 You shook your head. You’re too exhausted to move.
She lifts your head and spreads her legs out to get in a comfier position. Once settled, her claws itch at your scalp. She massages your head with slight pressure, which honestly feels so good given the circumstance.
 You whimper and tiredly bring a hand up to her knee.
 “ shh, are almost done ”
 She rubs your temples, seeing as how the enamel continues to peel. You start shaking.
 Cumulus is here for you. She doesn’t mind waiting for you . You’ve done the same for her a few times. She remembers being so embarrassed for you to see her in the same position you are, but you stayed by her side regardless.
She would take all this away from you if she could. Every ghoul has to go through this, sadly. It breaks her heart seeing anyone go through this. But it shatters seeing you go through it.
You white-knuckle the hem of her suit as your horns are at their final stage.
Your mouth is agape, but no sound comes out.
All you can do is hold onto your dear friend.
 And she lets you.
 She lets you dig your claws in her leg. She lets you scream and cry as loud as you need to. She lets you wipe the blood off on her clothes.
 She lets you be vulnerable.
You're so tired, and you're in so much pain.
 You pass out when the tips of them come undone.
 “ rest easy, {y/n}, ” she strokes the side of your face.
 She wishes she had more time with you like this, but you're both found by Mountain and Swiss.
 You're both a bloody mess.
 They don't question anything, they just help her carry you back to the church.
 You wake up in the infirmary yet again, but this time, no one is around you. Although, you do feel a weight on your torso.
You look down to see none other than Cumulus resting her head on folded arms, fast asleep.
 You smile and place a hand on her back.
 Her eyes flutter open.
 Seeing you're awake makes her sit upright.
“ are awake! how feeling? ” She clasps your hand in both of hers.
 You reach up to touch your horns and find that they're wrapped in bandages. There's a slight buzz in your head.
“sorry for not remember .”
 She looks away in shame.
You scoot up to her.
“no need,” you reply, taking her by the sides of her face to return her gaze to you.
“thanks for help. glad it was you.”
 Her eyes sparkled, the reddish-brown hues paling as she leaned into your touch.
“ as well as i,” she brings a hand up to rest on yours, further pressing flush against her.
 You kept this position for what felt like ages. You looked at her lovingly, and you want to say she reflected it.
 “ are… are feeling same? ”
 She finally put it into words.
 There’s a theory that ghouls can feel emotions on a much deeper level than the average mortal, that they can feel it through a simple touch.
 And with your hand on her cheek, it exclusively validates it into fact.
 Your thumb grazes her soft lips.
And you then pull her in by the chin, taking one last glimpse in those hellish eyes of hers.
And you kiss her.
She squeaks happily. Her stomach flips and her heart skips a beat. You’re so warm, not overheating like you were. And you’re so unexpectedly tender, gentle even.
 If she had a tail, it’d be wagging.
 You recede from her, leaving her mouth partially gaping open.
 “answer question?” You let out a breathless laugh.
 She giggles and nods, bringing one of your hands up to plant a kiss in the palm of it.
“ not know half of it! ”
 There’s a new scent to you, to both of you when you were given the ‘okay’ and discharged. No one questions either of you, but you best believe there was some gossip among the rest.
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the biggest, most copium agent 4 theory from this clown of an agent four enjoyer
apologies for the wait on this! i wanted to unlock all of the dev diaries to make sure i could squeeze out every last bit of lore...
so let's start with the common knowledge. most people know by this point that agent 4 has a palette. it's one of the first you get in the game, after pearl and marina's. to the surprise of nobody, it is a splattershot...
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according to what marina says about the memverse, palettes are a portion of a person's soul dragged into the memverse. so agent 4's soul got dragged in here somehow. how did this happen, and why? there are a few possibilities...
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marina mentions in her eighth dev diary that she needs someone to handle system security. she writes: "maybe i can ask that person cuttlefish introduced me to for help there." this is still pretty vague, but we know from smollusk's note on agent 4's palette that it is definitely agent 4. quote:
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"THIS is who mawina wanted in charge of memverse security? this unfwappable, free-spirited so-and-so? i would never abide it!"
the question is: if agent 4 was intended to be security for the memverse, then where are they? this leads us to the parallel canon boss!
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note that figure in the center. even though all descriptions for this boss describe it as "a lot like eight", it is clearly an inkling with its pointed ears and hair.
the hairstyle is significant, too. all art of this boss, including its icon, display it with the "haircut" style. why does this matter? because official art of agent 4 also uses this style:
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on top of that, people have reported that if you have splatoon 2 save data on your switch, the boss will use whatever hairstyle your inkling uses in that game (with that inkling, of course, being agent 4). unfortunately, i forgot to take a screenshot of my save, but maybe someone could reblog this and confirm?
another thing to note about that agent 4-looking robot in the center is that they're wielding the order shot, which is the same weapon you get from agent 4's palette.
so what exactly am i getting at with all this? let's read a little more of smollusk's notes on agent 4...
"buut...no weason such stwength shouldn't be used to pwotect a world of order. an order defense force is MUCH cooler than a new squidbeak splatoon anyway!"
this phrasing is particularly interesting to me because it implies smollusk wants to, or already has utilized agent 4's strength in some way. additionally, smollusk regards fans of chaos in a very similar way. for almost all of them, he argues they must be "punished". examples:
"she must be PUNISHED!" - callie's palette
"her chaotic lies must be PUNISHED!" - shiver's palette
"for the sake of order, they all must be PUNISHED!" - frye's palette
"it annoys me, so he must be PUNISHED!" - big man's palette
"he must be PUNISHED!" - sheldon's palette
"i sentence him to PUNISHMENT!" - dj octavio's palette
almost all of these characters are on the side of "chaos". callie and dj octavio were on the chaos side of the final fest, while shiver, frye, and big man rep the splatlands, basically the land of chaos. no idea what smollusk's beef is with sheldon though that guy was neutral LOL
on the other hand, smollusk is notably softer with characters on the side of "order", like marie, murch, and marina (obviously). he still critiques them, but he doesn't sentence them to "punishment".
agent 4 was on the side of chaos in the final fest. so why didn't smollusk sentence them to "punishment"?
perhaps it's because smollusk is already making use of them...by using their soul to control the parallel canon boss!
think about it! the bosses of the tower are basically security, right? they keep you from reaching the top! since smollusk knows from marina that agent 4 was meant to be security, it could have pulled in their soul to fulfill that job. that's why agent 4's palette is there, and that's why we don't physically see them in the dlc! because they're grayscaled in the outside world!
…it is also definitely possible that the boss is just INSPIRED by agent 4, taken from marina's memories, or something like that. but i like this theory because it explains why agent 4's soul ended up in the memverse.
one other thing - i think the popular opinion is that the parallel canon boss are "robots", due to the way they move, their eyes glowing, the filter on their voice, etc...this is probably true, but have you ever wondered if the boss is actually a real inkling (a digital…real…inkling? you get the idea) if it was just a robot like the others, why would it specifically have ears and hair? not only that, but you can get the parallel mask from the priz shop:
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which you wear on your face. what if this is the real agent four, wearing this parallel mask? their gray coloring could be because they're grayscaled! after all, we never actually see a representation of grayscaling in-game. the name implies that they'd actually turn gray in some way, maybe in the color of their tentacles. but this could be the most dramatic extent of it!
this is definitely a stretch, but you can consider it food for the die-hard agent 4 angsters out there. love you guys <3
feel free to reblog if you have thoughts, add-ons or even counterpoints! i find this all really interesting
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cripplecharacters · 25 days
oh yeah another question abt intellectual disability: what do people with moderate id speak like? i assume they wouldnt be perfectly articulate but i know making them talk like cavemen would be bad too. i do want it to be clear that they have language difficulties, but im not sure how to do that realistically. so what kinds of grammar errors are actually common? would it make sense to have them mix up words with similar pronunciation, or have difficulty discerning the differences in implications between words with similar meanings (like "pretty" vs "attractive")? do people with id ever 'imagine context' the way people(well, me) do when half-asleep where the brain mishears a statement as something completely unrelated? would spatial and situational awareness be impaired? also this is kind of a different question but if you can give advice on what to do with game mechanics for an id character in an rpg, that would be nice! i already have the stats figured out for every character and theres no stat that i think would be strongly affected by id but in terms of depicted fighting style and other mechanics maybe thered be some stuff informed by it (i cant do anything too complex though, im using rpg maker vx ace). idk! im spitballing here. main thing i need to know is how to write dialogue for a character with id ^_^
Hi! We have a post somewhat about this that you might find useful, I'll try to go over the other questions below!
Keep in mind my ID is mild (and on the milder side of that) so my answer will be all second-hand knowledge from talking to people with moderate ID in my SPED years.
A lot of it will depend on what condition causes they have. People with Williams syndrome have very “normal” verbal skills majority of the time and you can't really tell in my experience. On the other hand if they're autistic you can potentially guess from the tone of the voice e.g. they speak in a very loud and monotone way. People with Down syndrome are very likely to have a speech disorder, someone with cerebral palsy might slur their words, etc.
A lot of people with ID might be less talkative than your average person (there's definitely exceptions). So your character could use shorter sentences, simple sentences (in the grammar sense), prefer to use other forms of communication for things that don't require speech (e.g., nodding instead of saying “Yes, I agree”, or doing a thumbs up, etc.), or have to be prompted to actually answer/take part in the conversation.
I personally don't recall ever hearing the “mixing words with similar pronunciation” in someone's actual speech, maybe unless they learned the language from reading rather than hearing it? If that's the case, then ID could affect their speech more than if they didn't have it, otherwise I'd assume that the character might have brain damage or is maybe hard of hearing and simply mixes them up because they can't recognize/hear the difference between them.
Mixing words based on specific meaning makes much more sense in my opinion (probably because I do that myself lol). Synonyms or words that might make sense in one context but not the other are the worst. Your example here is great! When someone has ID they might take away the wrong meaning out of a word and use it incorrectly because of that. E.g., their parents used to take them camping to a forest with lots of bugs, they don't like bugs, they can later call something “foresty” to mean “with lots of bugs” even if it doesn't have much to do with an actual forest. This might make more sense for a character with more severe ID (or if they're just young) but using “attractive” when you'd normally say “pretty” makes sense for someone with moderate ID in my opinion.
Something that can also affect speech of someone with ID is word repetition. Not really in the echolalia sense (though it can be that too) but just using stock phrases that get repetitive over time. I try to edit it out from my posts but you can still kinda see it. For some people it will be ending most sentences with the same word, for someone else it will be starting two paragraphs with the same three words without realizing even though they're right next to each other or overusing “maybe” and “if” to start sentences.
As for the “imagining context” while mishearing something, I'm not sure if I know what you mean by it so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't do it lol
Situational awareness is definitely impacted for all people with ID but to different degrees. I don't know if it's part of the diagnostic criteria but it might as well be. When the person's ID is mild it might look like someone who's just kinda unaware of what goes around them, maybe don't recognize that they're doing something that could end up badly. The more severe the intellectual disability the more obvious it is, the person might elope (wander off) and not be able to find their way back, not be able to use cooking utensils safely because they don't recognize the risks in real time (not really in the “not realizing that the knife is sharp” way if they have moderate ID, more like “not realizing that you need to be careful when putting things on hot oil or you can get burned”), assuming that people are automatically safe to be around, things like that.
Spatial awareness doesn't affect everyone, but one of the biggest comorbidities of ID is dyspraxia, which does affect it a lot. There are people with mild ID with severe dyspraxia, and severely ID people with no dyspraxia. It varies.
Unfortunately I have never played any RPGS and I'm not really familiar with the mechanics. Here's an old ask about intellectually disabled characters engaged in combat, hopefully it's useful?
If you want some real-life resources for hearing how intellectually disabled people talk, I really recommend this playlist. It's a bunch of interviews with people with Down syndrome and you can see that they're all very different from each other despite having the same disability.
I hope this helps! mod Sasza
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I'm actually very proud of this theory rn and feel like a hawthorne for thinking of this, like I might actually be on to something here
Ok so I had a thought and its stuck in my mind
So we all know that Odette said some vague and confusing thing about “ There are always three”
And I think I have a good theory as to what it means
That being, I think that this phrase is a play on or nod to some of these other common sayings about threes
“Everything comes in threes”
“Bad things come in three” /“Good things come in threes”
“Death comes in threes”
Or “Omne trium perfectum” which means “everything that comes in threes is perfect” in Latin
These are all common saying about things happening in threes or what threes means
And I specifically think that Odette meant something about good/bad or life/death events happening in 3s
Or even about beginning/ending events happening (bc we all know she knows about Alphas and Omegas beginning and end)
I think this BECAUSE if you look back at where Odette says this you'll see that she says this in RESPONSE to grayson saying “she DIED before I was BORN”
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Grayson says his grandmother DIED BEFORE he was BORN and demands she EXPLAIN
He obv meant explain how is it possible for Alice to be the “A hawthorne did this” culprit but he doesnt specify explain what he just says explain and Odette probably choose to interpret that vaguely and gave an answer that “explains” or simplifies the reasons why Alice “died” and Graysons was “born” and says “there are always three”
Like she's saying “well everything comes in threes”/ “life and death happen in threes” that's the karmic reasoning why she “died” and you were born
And so obv Alices death and Grays birth are 2 life/death events and the third (or really FIRST) event would have been Tobys “death”
Which his death would also be the catalyst for both Alice’s death and Graysons birth
Bc Grayson would have never been born is Skye wasn't grieving her brother and although now we know Alice didnt die of grief id still say its safe to assume whatever happened was triggered by the loss of her son.
So the “thee” that Odette is referring to is Toby “died”, Alice “died”, Grayson is born
Everything comes in threes
But while I think this is what Odette meant when she choose to say this in response to Graysons demands for her to explain things I don't think that this is all that this phrase “There is always three” means, it has broader implications and could probably mean a lot of things
Its a vague and versatile phrase that Odette has heard many times, maybe as a warning. But there is definitely more to it, if I am right or heading in the right direction with my theory, then it could mean a lot of things and be important later on.
Also one last thing
I find it interesting how one of the common phrases “Omne trium perfectum” means everything that comes in threes is perfect and if my theory is correct then this would make GRAYSON one of the “things that comes in threes” and how in this phrase that would make him “perfect”
And we all know that he was the grandson who was GROOMED to be “perfect”
Could this be the reason that HE was “the chosen one”?
Was he the one Tobias choose bc he was part of the things that came in threes and has that karmical connection to Alice?
Idk but, its all very intriguing to me, and I can see so much potential and foreshadowing withing this little phrase that JLB very specifically used
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angy-grrr · 2 months
btw, im not waiting a whole week just to see izu///ocha confession, and tbh I dont think hori would spend that energy in it -he didnt before after all. I just think a platonic interpretation opens up the possibilities for closing more arcs -for example, the whole control your heart, the future of heroes and villains, etc.
Doing a confession would actually be too abrupt in my opinion, considering she is here crying over Himiko, this isnt about him and loving him.
btw this doesnt mean im dropping bnha. Im just saying I dont think it makes sense to wait two weeks for a confession of a ship that has not that much development in the first place -and this isnt about time spent with them. Its about emotional investment. Ochako and Himiko dont have the spotlight that much when thinking about all the manga chapters and arcs, however it got a loyal fanbase because the times they are together they are impactful. We didnt even know she was this invested in Toga in those ways, like the lovely smile and liking it ever since she saw it for the first time, until she said it. After only two chapters, they felt like a very beautiful and tragic ship because they care for the other in ways incomparable with others, and their dynamic feels extremely romantic. In another hand, izu//ocha doesnt have that feeling at all even if they have more panels together -there were many ways to connect them in a relevant way, but their moments arent as emotionally charged.
When Ochako jumped to defend Izuku for example; it could have been like that but instead we have her thinking about who saves heroes when focusing on him -this isnt emotional for them together-, and when she talks about smiles, her mind jumps to Himiko crying -this is personal and emotional at the same time. If we had her thinking "who will save villains" for Himiko, it would come out as way less romantic for canon; and if we had her thinking randomly about Izuku like she did at the beginning, with drawings of her face with an embarrassing expression or starting accepting it, it would be more romantic*
Its not that they have nothing in common, or dont care about each other in a meaningful way, its just that Hori decided to focus on other relationships instead of them together. The togachako confrontation in comparison shows us how he can focus on mainly the pair without forgetting about other important characters or feelings -she thought about him, and confessed she fell in love with him, yet it hit me way harder when she remembered her sad smile.
They just are... casual? It doesnt get me invested in them because none of their moments are intimate, I think (I mean Himiko and Ochako feel way closer than Izuku and Ochako even when they share goals and have cute moments, maybe bc some of the themes that hori seemed to introduce in the beginning for them got dropped after Katsuki was chosen to remain as a supportive pillar for Izuku. I hope the phrasing comes out as I intended!)
*I guess the closer to this would be her wishing him to give his best when she was at the helicopter, but personally I dont count it as random because everyone was feeling the same -and Iida is the link to this, narratively speaking. It wasn't her in the helicopter in a different scene with nobody else discussing these topics, neither it was Izuku thinking of this aspect of her on his own. So it doesnt come off as impactful.
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