#me and my family have lost so much because of it. i cant speak my own language. i cant live safely in my own home.
sneefsnorf · 8 months
i think i would like to make every genocidal imperialist state explode into one million dust particles
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berry-potchy · 11 months
I went through my drafts and found this. I typed this during a moment of weakness for cliche chick flicks and fuckboy Miguel:
This is not edited and messy but I just wanted to share that I'm thinking about a very typical and silly high school coming of age romance setting with the popular broody bad boy x wallflower good girl except that Miguel is already so down bad for (obsessed with) good girl who btw is chubby and cute.
What's on my mind rn is kid Miguel and kid reader were childhood best friends/sweethearts. You were neighbors and your families were close. One day, for some reason you had to move away. This was maybe when you and Miguel were like 7. You were inconsolable during moving day and Miguel's poor little heart broke at the sight. He confessed to you then and asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes and you kissed him on the cheek and you guys hugged until your parents had to pry you off each other so you can leave. Your parents felt really bad that they had to separate you from your best friend and what they thought was pretend boyfriend but the move was a canon event.
You weren't able to keep in touch, you weren't able to make many friends in your new place either. Like you had friends but they kinda have their own separate friend groups that you're not a part of. You were kinda just there, mourning your loneliness. Growing up you always had that ugly feeling of missing out and the "what if I didn't move back then?" in the back of your head. But one day, you're already like what? Last year in high school? You get a notif on your IG that a Miguel liked a photo you posted from a few months prior (it's a rare photo of you wearing something that shows off of your curves and feeling it). It's odd. You've posted a lot more photos since then. You check the profile and it's your Miguel... but he grew up HOT. Tall, wide, jacked, but it's the same Miguel with the pretty brown eyes and dark loose curls that he now styles slicked back. You follow him thinking he won't notice because of all the pretty girls who comment on his pics but never get replied to. But he followed you back immediately and sent you a 'hey' on DM. You didn't know what to say at all so you just stared at it until he replied ':/' followed by 'see you soon. you better have something to say to me by then.'
Later that day your parents drop the bomb that you're moving back to your childhood home. Next to Miguel.
Not to get into too much plot I just really wanna think about Miguel welcoming back his girlfriend and wanting to make up for lost time which gets you super flustered by his advances and shamelessness. You can't quite tell if he's just teasing you about the girlfriend part but the flirting definitely feels for real.
Your parents telling you to keep the door open when he goes up your room to hang out and you get embarrassed, stuttering that you're not planning on doing anything sexual. Miguel however shrugs and goes "I wouldn't trust me in a room with you either. I would eat you up"
And during lunch at school you cant find a seat, you try to look for Miguel but the scary popular kids are flocking around him. He looks like he's so bored but perks up when he sees you walk by and grabs your wrist to make you sit with them. Some random girl mockingly goes "oh sorry there's no space for you here" and you feel humiliated. Miguel shuts her up with a glare and makes you sit on his lap. No one dares to speak up as he tries to feed you with the snacks from his tray. He's squeezing your thighs enjoying the feel of you on his lap while he goes "I remember you liking this (insert snack or boxed drink here) so I got you an extra one, chula"
There's really nothing else to this I just thought it was cute and had to share.
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moonsaver · 4 months
Hi! It’s @pix3lplays! (On anon because I have another account and I can’t switch which account I’m asking from haha)
I wanted to say thanks for being so nice when I responded to your comment on one of my posts~I really appreciated what you said hehe, definitely made me feel bit more confident and inspired me to keep writing :)
So I thought I’d throw an ask out since requests are open~
If you’re not interested no problem but I’ve thought about it a little and I thought maybe you’d have some thoughts.
Yandere!Sunday when his darling somehow gets seriously hurt, how do you think he’d feel, what would he do?
Personally I think he’s a complete control freak already when it comes to reader, so it just gets WORSE…ANYWAYS I wanna hear YOUR thoughts if you’re interested in the prompt hehe~ also if you’ve already talked about this oops I must’ve missed it, sorry in advance-
But yeah thanks so much, it was really cool to talk to you, take care of yourself, please!!
Hello Pixel! Thank you for sending in this ask, you're very sweet haha <3 i like your writing and im glad i helped you become more confident in it. Also,same issue here, i cant send asks from this account specifically, so i use anon or just use my personal blog to send asks.
Anyways, onto the request,
Ooh, my Yan!Sunday brain is ticking.. he really is an absolute control freak, and is a bit of a mess when he sees you seriously injured. A miscalculation, ignorance, negligence, or perhaps just.. an oversight from his part? Whatever the reason is, he's in high-drive now, and absolutely stressed about it. He only has a worried and distant look on his face, and at this stage he's prone to easily snapping at anyone, but his mind would be on a completely different level of stress. How dare they? How dare anyone lay a filthy inch of a finger on you? To stain you with their sins, and to breach your skin in such a grotesque manner.. he's absolutely enraged.
He insists on tending to you himself personally, unless it's so serious paramedics have to be involved. Stays by your side until he cant, sitting on the egde of the bed, body turned halfway to face you, fingers ghosting the edge of your face with tenderness.
However, this tenderness is only limited to your recovery period.
After you wake up or recover a bit, practically any freedom you would have had is gone. Completely.
Scolds you, borderline yells at you, holds you still with a deathly tight grip on your arms, forcing you to look into his eyes. This happened because you left. This happened because you were out of his watch. This all happened because of your freedom. Don't you dare even bother mentioning going out anywhere. You will be surveillanced almost all the time. He spends a suffocating amount of time next to you, harshly spitting back whenever you try to protest or reason with him. His words aren't gentle at all, and you're getting on his nerves. Perhaps he should just look over you himself, force you into a borderline coma in the dream fluid, and deal swiftly with the perpetrators.
Robin catches wind of this at some point.. she tells you that he's just worried, and there's a lot of people that don't quite hold The Family in high regards. Just.. its okay. Let him do this.
Let him pick out your clothes, brush your hair, check your healing wounds, gently ebb the water over them as you bathe, and kiss the skin of your shoulder when both of you stay silent after another argument.
If you still continue arguing.. he doesn't have a choice. He slumps a bit, a hand coming up to massage his temple as he sighs, and tells you in a softer voice that he's terrified. The worst thing that could happen did happen. He almost lost you. Can't you just go with it and let him be assured? You're dragging it out much more than it needs to be. He's spent many sleepless nights, ideas of dreamscapes turning into nightmares as the image of your hurt face flashes in his mind. Just cooperate, for Aeons' sake.
And no one speaks after that. He emotionally blackmails and manipulates you as a sort of final resort. Surely, you'd understand. It's not like it's far from the truth anyway. He is scared. But more than that, he's enraged this happened in the first place.
Adding on more to it,
Once things calm down.. in a twisted sort of way, he realizes just how perfectly he can get you under his complete control from these events. He may even not so subtly orchestrate similar events to scare you, to keep you in check, forcing you to rely on him completely, as he swoops in at the right time, acting as some kind of a "savior". Its a sick mindset, and he's not ashamed of it. Oh dear, you were just so pleasantly compliant after that event. And it just solidifies his statement that you shouldn't be going outside anymore, or be constantly accompanied by the Bloodhound Family guards, after only a few incidents of various threat levels.
In the end, it's a cycle that repeats up until you finally give in and let him take any and all freedom you have. He sets down your hairbrush with a gentle 'clack', kisses the crown of your head, and tells you it's alright. He will take such good care of you. Just listen to him. Listen to his every word. He has your best intentions in mind. Don't think about anything, anyone. You're a smart girl, surely you understand?
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cathartic-crypt · 2 months
im continuing my benny posting by sharing my benny hcs. in no particular order. and very quickly typed up. enjoy ^_^
- tattooed. he has lots and lots and lots of tattoos from when he was a boot rider. all kinds of tattoos. some desert themed, some things based around him, some others depicting things he just likes. he doesnt mind them much nowadays, hes so used to them that he sees them as part of his skin. although hes a little bit iffy about showing others his old tattoos. hes got an image to upkeep after all - speaking of boot riders. he got a canine knocked out by bingo during their fight. so he got a gold one fitted shortly after he became the leader of the chairmen. and it glints like hell - he wears lots of gold jewellery. especially pre-war rings. he prefers engraved ones, ones with little images etched into the metal or ones with short messages rather than ones with gems. he also wears a cross necklace under his shirt - despite his gun and necklace...hes not christian. like at all. he doesnt care for religion and hasnt read anything about the engraving on his pistol or the meaning of necklace. he just likes how flashy and elaborate the imagery looks - by the time the courier rolls around hes 31. he's also 5'5". - he has a dad bod. i will personally fistfight anyone who draws him muscular and dehydrated. living the cushy and comfortable life of a casino boss means hes not some lean bodybuilder - however...thats not to say he ISNT strong or that hes unhealthy. he has a really high endurance, and can last for a long while out in the desert. also he doesnt like admitting it but hes probably a fraction better at straight up punching someone than shooting them at point blank range - since he was always outside and always doing something, he used to have super calloused hands. but again, casino life means theyre much more pampered and soft now - however hes still got one hell of a grip. he can very easily grab you by your shirt and throw you out of the front door without even breaking a sweat - hes Bi. theres literally no way he isnt, fuck you. BUT he really isnt one for meaningful romantic connections, he much prefers something quick with zero extra baggage (i.e. one night stands, friends with benefits) - hes super nosy. and almost terrifyingly good at recognising and remembering faces. he sees a new face in the tops that he doesnt instantly match to a regular? he needs to know their name. and then he promptly loses all interest because the mystery is lost and the people turn out to be, by all things considered, really fucking boring - even further...anyone who doesnt fall for his charismatic charm (or, even worse, doesnt care about his reputation) becomes a nuisance and he NEEDS to at least form some sort of impression on them, be it good or bad. like full on “if you dont form an opinion about me i will pull my own hair out” - he used to have an absolute love for geckos. he didnt tame them, he was more so inclined to hunt than to nurture, but he would feed scraps to the younger ones - which meant they began to follow him around from time to time... not anymore though. he thinks theyre dirty and brutish and a reflection of what it was like to be a boot rider - hes called Benny Boots (mockingly) by people around the strip. at least by those who knows about the three families past. other than that his last name is Gecko. he also personally calls himself Benny 'New Vegas' sometimes as a sort of boastful title because he thinks hes the shining face (not the heart, mind you - thats House) of the strip - hes a huge morning person. its something he picked up, and cant get rid of, from the boot rider days. he wakes up super early in the morning, rising with the sun - and hates sleeping in because he feels like hes wasting time. he goes to sleep pretty late, since new vegas is awake at night, but he doesnt feel tired. a couple hours of sleep is good enough for him.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
The Trouble With Love
Part two
Summary; Nancy and Steve's marriage is breaking apart, you decide to go on a date with a fellow teacher. Gossip rages in the playground which Steve overhears from Vickie.
He's not prepared for how that makes him feel.
Warnings; Major Angst, Sexual Tension, arguing, Jealous Steve
Taglist; @lou-la-lou @eddiesguitarskills @heyyimmisunderstood @alycunningham @mxcheese @micheledawn1975
Lmk if you would like to be added to the tag list 🌸❤️
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Eventual Steve Harrington x Reader.
Nancy came back the next day and the argument was worse than the first.
"Don't start with me Steve, just don't okay? I'm tired and I need some space to think" He shakes his head just pissed that they don't communicate now, there never seems to be communication anymore.
"We need to talk about this Nancy. I keep trying to talk to you but you keep deflecting and when we do talk its like you don't listen"
She rolls her eyes and grabs her jacket.
"And then you just walk away. I'm trying here Nance but we cant get past this if we don't talk" she sighs.
"Talk about what?" he stares at her stunned and feels his irratation growing.
"About kids Nance, you shut me down every time and I just want to know if it's even something you want?" Nancy turns away from him and there's silence for a moment.
"I don't know, she yells. I don't know if I even want kids!!" Steve swears he feels like his heart has been ripped out.
"You don't know for like now? Or forever?" she swallows and speaks softly.
"Ever. I've never wanted to be like my mother, the nuclear family. I love her but that's just not me" Steve sits down his head pounding, agony ripping through him.
"Why couldn't you tell me this before? You've known what this has meant to me for years, it's one of the first things we talked about after getting married" he asks Nancy and there are tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I have to get to work" He looked at her exasperated.
"Right. Fine". The door slams as she heads out and Steve puts his head in his hands, he just doesn't know what to do.
After getting lost in his thoughts too much Steve calls Robin and invites her over to have pizza here.
It will be a good distraction, take his mind of a few things.
The minute that Robin sees the expression on his face she pulls him into a hug and he explains what had happened.
"I don't know what to do Robin," he tells her feeling conflicted about what he should say to Nancy.
Anna and Vickie arrive and Anna beams.
"Hi Uncle Steve, Pizza time" she exclaims excitedly and Vickie ruffles her hair.
"Not yet. Soon baby" Anna pouts adorably so he distracts her by pulling out one of her favourite jigsaw puzzles.
Vickie gives Robin a quick kiss and looks excited about something.
"So I heard some interesting gossip on the playground today" Robin looks intrigued by this and he listens as well curious.
"Do tell" Robin urges Vickie who smirks and settles down on the couch.
"Well, a certain Hawkins preschool teacher and Hawkins elementary school teacher are going on a date" Steve's hands freeze on a piece of the jigsaw he was handing Anna.
"What? I mean she's a babe but Matt Daniels? He was such a... ( Robin chooses her words carefully because of little ears listening) meany in high school"
"He's a poo poo head" Anna giggles and Robin and Vickie exchange amused looks at Anna's very spot-on assessment.
Steve is half listening because there's a funny feeling in his stomach at the thought of you going out on a date.
He was concerned that's all. Robin is right Matt was a douche in high school, he was older than you and still a bit of a shithead if Steve was being honest.
There's no way that Steve is entertaining the intense flash of jealousy he just felt but he couldn't ignore it either when it makes him feel like there's a deep pit in his stomach.
He shouldn't be feeling this way and he immediately feels like shit but it doesn't help the burning feeling in his gut at all.
You had put a plan in action to bury your feelings for Steve and you hoped to god that it worked.
It involved you on a date with Matt Daniels who was Hawkins Elementary teacher.
Matt was nice, interested in you and available.
The two of you were planning to go out to a bar in Hawkins, just grab a quick drink and chat and see if the two of you could be compatible.
It was a little nerve-wracking because you hadn't been on a date for so long and you had dressed up for the occasion.
Matt was coming to your house to pick you up for the date and when he arrives your nerves reach a crescendo.
"Hey babe. So you ready?" you nod and take his arm as he leads you outside.
"Miss Smiley" you hear a tiny, happy voice shout and you smile as you turn around and Anna is waving at you.
She's playing in the front yard with Steve, she has tea cups out, her teddies and is having a tea party all for Uncle Steve.
It's so precious and Steve is the perfect guest, so sweet with her. It makes your heart flutter.
Then his gaze meets yours and his eyes widens.
"Jesus" he whispers under his breath and it makes your legs shake a little at the way he looks at you.
"Hi, Anna. Steve" You nod and give him a little wave. Matt comes over and his arm slips over your shoulder.
"Better get moving babe" he locks eyes with Steve and smirks.
"Oh hey, King Steve Harrington, princess tea and dollies, fun times huh?" there's a mocking way in which he says it and you frown as Steve's eyes flash.
"I think it's very sweet" you murmur and the angry look on Steve's face melts away. Matt snorts and tugs on your hand.
"Come on, I need a beer" you reluctantly follow and begin to have a bad feeling about tonight.
Hopefully, you were wrong.
Steve watches you and Matt go, that sick feeling in his stomach growing more and more intense.
What did you see in that jackass? You could do so much better than Matt Daniels.
"He's a big poo poo head" Anna announces suddenly and it breaks the tension that Steve is feeling and he chuckles.
"Yeah honey you're right, he is a big poo poo head"
Unfortunately, your bad feelings about the date were very much spot on and it's an hour before you've had enough.
It's a relief when he takes you back home but he's still being a dick, just drunk and handy and you're growing tired of it.
You push away from Matt disgusted at his attitude and tell him" Yeah, I think this date has ended"
His eyes flash and he moved to grab your arm but there's movement and then Steve is in front of you both and he pushes away Matt.
He must have saw you come back from his house.
"Take the hint dickhead and clear off yeah?" Matt sneers.
"Hero Steve Harrington huh? Hey, how's Nancy? Saw her with Jonathan earlier looking pretty cosy if you ask me?" Steve freezes, eyes flashing in pain.
"That's enough, you snap. Get out of here Matt" he sneers then storms off.
You turn to Steve and he swallows, running his hand through his hair. He looks so lost and you want to comfort him.
"Thanks for helping me, Steve" He comes out of his reverie and softens.
"Anytime. You okay? Jesus, you're shaking" He shrugs off his jacket and places it around your shoulders.
It takes all of your willpower not to snuggle into it... Yeah cause that wouldn't look weird at all.
"Thanks, I'm sorry what he said about Nancy" Steve shrugs and looks so sad that it makes your chest ache.
"It's fine, Nance and I... We'll be fine. I think" His face scrunches up in pain and he looks so helpless that your heart hurts for him.
"She'll come around. She's very lucky, and so are you. You'll work it out" you rush out hurriedly.
"I hope we can" his tone is unsure though and you wonder what is going on, was it about Steve wanting kids? Then you realise its none of your business and keep your mouth shut.
"You look beautiful by the way, Matt's a total butthead"
Beautiful. He said you were beautiful, a giddy feeling envelops you but you know you have to fight it off as nothing good can come from this.
Very gently you kiss Steve's cheek in thanks, the air crackles around you both and you meet Steve's gaze. His hazel eyes are intense and it makes your stomach fill with butterflies.
His eyes trail to your lips and it feels like your heart is beating out of your chest. Is he going to kiss you?
It feels like the two of you are magnets, you just draw closer together. His lips are inches away from yours then they brush across them so softly.
It's a feather-light touch but it ignites every bit of want and desire in you.
But it's still wrong, very wrong and you both step away in an instant.
"We, we can't. You're married. We shouldn't" he moves further away from you.
"I'm sorry, this was a mistake, I love Nancy. This is a mistake" Hurriedly you shrug out of his jacket and hand it to him before rushing inside.
Fuck! You were so stupid! Steve's words playback in your mind on a loop and you let out a groan of frustration as tears pool down your cheeks.
You were supposed to get over Steve. Not fall even more for him. What a mess.
Steve heads back into his house, his lips tingling.
When he kissed you it felt like...like fireworks, his mind is racing and Robin comes up to him she looks very distressed while holding an envelope.
"Steve, Nance must have dropped this off when we were out getting pizza" He takes it from her.
Inside is a note and Nancy's wedding ring and his stomach bottoms out as he reads the contents of the note.
Nancy told him she was going to live with her parents for a while, she needed space.
She had left him.
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herbologyprofessor · 27 days
my collected thoughts on the magic system of harry potter and what I would change to make it better.
i think that the harry potter magic system sucks!!
i mean, im sure this isnt a hot take but like...how is it that students at hogwarts school of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY graduate knowing how to use maybe a handfull of spells in combat? and they're the same spells that all the aurors and all the older members of the order and all the death eaters and even voldemort use?
and im especially talking about how weak it makes people who are supposed to be really powerful and dangerous seem. including the titular character Harry Potter himself. Harry uses spells in a unique way, dont get me wrong, but to me its all just so boring.
and im not saying it doesnt have to work like other fantasy stories, but if the main mechanism behind magic in harry potter is that you are either born with it or not, you dont need a wand but its exponentially more challenging without one (unless you have a unique skillset or education), intention matters, and there are spells that can grant magical abilities to objects. there is so much more possibility than just expelliarmus and expecto patronum. There has to be, or else why tf would hogwarts take 7 years of schooling to graduate from?
so here are some of my headcanons:
families have bloodline abilities
so, in the case of wizarding britan, there are families that want to stay pure such as the sacred 28 (or is it 27 i cant remember), and pure as in their blood and bloodline must stay pure (going so far as to marry your cousins, e.g. Orion and Walburga Black). If this is the case, and they wan't to preserve their magical bloodline so bad, they'd have to have something more than just "magic" to preserve.
I feel like its almost there in canon but falls short of being fully realized. I think of it kinda like how it works in naruto. Theres those who have a bloodline ability and then those that dont. You dont have to have one to be powerful, if you have one it dosent mean you will be powerful automatically.
The black family seems to carry the gene for metamorphmagus, but i wouldnt consder this a bloodline ability and think of it more like a random mutation passed on to teddy, which could occur in any magical person, (theres also the possibility that this was a more common ability in the black family but because of the lack of genetic diversity and inbreeding it was lost until Andromeda had Remadora with Ted, who was not pureblood. I think abilities have to do with the energy of magic that is either created or inherited, not so much genetics. Therefore, families dont pass on the same exact ability but something that is novel or slightly different from person to person.
The Lupins, for example, could be Beast Speakers. Maybe, a long time ago in the Lupin familiy, they kept wolves or something (explaining the surname which would have had something to do with occupation) and they learned from them how to speak with animals?Lyall, who canonically worked in the Department for the Control and Regulation of Dark Creatures, can speak to dark creatures, even werewolves who are transformed. Remus can speak to domesticated animals like cats and dogs, fancy mice, toads, etc. Remus is like Hogwarts' unofficial vet tech, and if you like atyd Remus, this fits in nicely as he specialized in Care of Magical Creatures.
The Potters, canonically, are linked to the Peverell family. The invisibility cloak has been passed down through generations and is still being passed down to Harry's children. I think a common headcanon, and one that i truly love, is that they use Death Magic. But, thats assuming the potters are the exact same family as the Peverells, which they are not. I think, in going along with the Peverell brothers creating the deathly hallows (using advanced death magic), the potters have a Sorcerer's Craft ability. What was the Potter family's source of new money? Fleamont's invention, Sleekeazey's. I know its a "potion", but what if its just like...coconut oil imbued with magical enchantments that make your hair perfect. James could have played a major hand in the creation of the Marauder's Map, an Extremely powerful magical object made to do the impossible task of mapping Hogwarts. And he did this in school. at like 14-15. Harry doesn't do anything that has to do with magic item creation, that I can remember (i haven't read the books in years), however he also had no connection to his family and likely wouldn't be able to learn without another Potter teaching him. BUT! Harry Potter is the master of death, meaning he can use all 3 of the deathly hallows without being corrupted, maybe this could be a side effect of how his Sorcerer's Craft manifests itself.
side tangent, but the reason I think this is an ability even though others have been known to make magical objects, is because the potters are able to do it very creatively, and early on in their lives. They are involved in every aspect of item creation, and they can enchant things in a way no other wizard could replicate, meaning their objects could not be mass produced without their explicit involvement. Maybe Sleekeasy's stops working so well once Fleamont dies, hence why Hermione says its too much hassle to use every day.
The Blacks, you might think, would be something to do with offensive, powerful, and deadly magic. While, yes, this is something that some members of the black family are gifted in, it is not their bloodline ability. I think that the Blacks are Seers. It's no coincidence their families long standing tradition of astrological names are prophetical for their lives. Walburga Black, for example, has the power of Augery. She asks the universe questions and receives omens as answers. She saw a black dog when asking the universe to tell her about her newborn son, hence the name Sirius. For Regulus, well, she saw water. Not knowing what to make of it, she refused to let Regulus near it for his entire childhood. Regulus, as an empath, has the ability of psychometry. The ability to gain information from an object by touching it, including humans ( he cant read minds, but can tell what someone has experienced in their life). This comes in great handiness when he goes to destroy the locket. Sirius, I believe, would have a mastery over tarot cards or oracle cards. He can glean deadly accurate readings, and has a keen ability to interpret meanings unknown to even the most practiced tarot readers. He has a special deck, one that his uncle Alphard gave to him when he found out Sirius could read tarot from Walburga (who, at the time, was very pleased with her Heir's ability). This comes with an emotional expense to Sirius, though, and at times, gives him answers he doesnt want to hear. The girls loved it though, and asked him to teach them. He tried but couldn't explain how he did it, since it's innate to his bloodline. Of course, you could obviously imagine this adding to the piles of angst surrounding the war, as Sirius had to have seen signs that his loved ones would die, making him think he could outsmart fate by changing the secret keeper...
I think this is getting too long, but I'm already thinking about part 2 because I have alot of thoughts about this...especially things that anyone could learn not just inheritied abilities.
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lunart-06 · 7 months
My Makoto Naegi angst analisis thing (Hc)
(PLEASE KEEP IN NOTE): That this is just my general idea of him, kinda scared to share this cause qjdnnejf I know everyone has different opinions on Makoto so I'm just posting this in my own prespective of him. (It's a little messy cause I am unstable and disorganized when I write this so beware ooo)
Here's the art I made for this
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So like, I believe Makoto has issues I think we all established that, and the moment when komaru mentioned of how he changes a lot in UDG (but still hold some same aspects of traits and habits that just makes him.... him) after managed to contact him the first time. It strucks me so bad that it gaves me a migrane /vpos
Like, Makoto earned his new title of the ultimate Hope (with the capital H and everything) just by defeating Junko the ultimate despair? By that point he was seen by the world as the savior and as the first and only hope they have thought lost for YEARS
Makoto's ability to move everyone by just words to which he probably didn't even realised the power he held over it. He's just incredibly passionate and its because his whole body speaks GENUINE emotions, his stubborn willpower and determination undeterred by despair and everything Junko herself has set up for.
It is something not everyone has the luxury to have. His optimism. But that's the thing.
Makoto was the ultimate Hope, only because he was just optimistic in nature. It was the flock of the moment during the last trial, his contagious optimism is what everyone, his friends, the world, preceives as Hope. The enlighting feeling of inspiration by just words of support and motivations for the first time since years after the tragedy started.
But again. Thats the thing. The "Hope" they admire, they clung onto, they worshipped, and they DIE for, was his mere optimistic nature. Just like he said himself "Optimism is all I'm best at".
Its cause well, it's true. (Kinda)
All he was ever good at in his view was just being that. When I rewatched future arc I sense how unBEARABLY useless he is without that title and usual positive nature, and his words don't reach the leaders of future foundation from attempting to kill one another (aside from certain ones, and at the very end ofc, but even then it was too late to prevent the deaths). His words doesnt even managed to reach Ryota from preventing him in using the Hope brainwash video.
It just further shows how.... normal he is
Despite the title, it just shows that he is nothing but a normal guy. He's not some god everyone preceives him to be, he's just some dude that was placed in a wrong time and place.
It's like all the good he is being- well, normal. Like typical "good kid". Somehow it kinda hurts to think about it, like you're obligated to see all positive in lives for it as everyone depends on you for such.
And now the whole world was in the palm of his hands.
I feel like he's scared, despite his strong stand and brave, determined face, he is a normal, ordinary guy that scared to lose what he was ever good and seen by everyone as. Being optimistic and hopeful.
Its like he's not allowed to even be sad for a moment to cry his hearts out. Because the world depends on him, his friends depends on him, he rely on them too much, he cant lose hope cause if he does, the world will fall apart AGAIN, and people will die AGAIN (just like his classmates, just like the people who died for him) he doesnt think he can handle that the second time.
Since that one thing Makoto despises the most is violence. Death to be exact.
He was probably exhausted but he cant yet, he has to keep moving forward, for the world's sake, his friends' sake, his only remaining family; his sister's sake, and for the sake of those who had died so he can carry out their hope that was left behind.
Theres also this quote that remind me of him:
"I'm scared that the moment I look like I'm suffering. Noone will believe me anymore"
Because like. He really cant do things as much without his friends. All he has was his hope; his positivity, determination, and optimistic nature. So he stood tall, facing despair, putting up a strong look just so people of the world, and his friends know, that they all can trust him. To have faith in him.
Because being optimistic is all he's best at.
That hope he has held dearly was destroying him internally. Scary thing is it? Despair isnt what was breaking him. It was the very thing that he was good at. And the very thing everyone thought of when they see him.
Just like junko when you think about it. She- ultimate despair, destroyed herself by the very thing she is (basically executed herself in the last trial) and now makoto was doing the same thing.
"The world's hope", "the strongest who never falters at the face of despair", "the savior", "their guiding light"
How much longer should he keep that up? Before everyone realised that he's nothing but just an ordinary, plain, boring guy?
How much longer should he fall before allowing himself to hit the ground?
A sprout who never truly managed to grow old, it's choose to shelter other by it's leaves, holding still, unmoving.
Yet its roots slowly rotten by parasites and disease, trying to keep the earth together. They can't die now, they're the protector, the hope of it all. <-(quote by one of my friend Ele, which I think is neat in itself, considering Naegi's name means sappling or seedling in general ajdhwjdj)
He may have survived the first killing game that birth his title as the Ultimate Hope,
He may have survived the second killing game in the Neo world program that shows us how devastated it must be for Makoto that Nagito would go that far for the sake of hope, how Makoto's words and hope does not reach the remaining survivor,
He may survived the third killing game in the Future Foundation where it must be devastating that he's unable to understand the victims fully from preventing them to try and kill eachother off ("don't try pretending you understand them, you don't understand them at all" kinda feel), where he watched as Kyoko died for his hope, not telling him THAT she will die, letting him live because not only that he was the closest friend she ever has, but knowing her; she thinks that the world still need the ultimate hope, and because of that, she was ready to accept her fate for it, because she was assured that Makoto is strong enough to move forward even when it's hard, because she has faith in him. Because she believes that Makoto will never give up Hope.
Eventhough he had survive countless scenarios where he could die anytime of those. I feel like eventhough he had survived multiple times.. he had died, multiple times as well, to become who he is now (multiple rebirth symbolism). To the point where he is unrecognizable in his own eyes, the feeling of the old him far out of reach, who is he now?
Things are so simple to him back then, why does things don't make sense to him about himself now?
He may never feel lonely outside, because he believes that his friends will always have his back, he believes that there will always be someone that could give him a hand.
But here, in his own mind, in his own exhaustion, in his own struggle, in his own confusion, he is completely all alone. This one is his alone to go through, his friends has too much on their plate already to handle this, he relied on them too much already.. (in a way, perhaps, he try to rely on others less).
Theres soooo many I wanna say about him but this is the general idea of my view on him, or er, version ig? His accidental savior complex that is.
And don't make me start of his self-sacrificial tendency. /lh
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 months
Do you have any songs you specifically associate with the Oshun Oxtra crew? Cosmo Sheldrake dropped "Old Ocean" and I cant help but think of Hodgkins when it plays. (P.S. hes like my favorite out of your depictions I'm a big fan of your Hodgkins!!)
It's so funny that you mention Cosmo Sheldrake because for the longest time I have imagined different songs by him as like, character trailers for each member.
Like Egg and Soldier would be Hodgkins' song because not only is he single-minded on his love of engineering to the point of being manipulative and uncaring to characters like Edward the Booble if it were a means to an end to help his project or unintentionally putting someone like Moominpappa at arm's length despite his clear admiration for him, I imagine that short-sightedness ran in the family so to say. I have this very vivid imagination for that song, like the intro, first verse and first chorus would be Hodgkins on his way to watch a stage performance by his lost brother, and then he recreates that when the lyrics repeat because he too, despite his terribly grandiose size compared to most people including his brother, is still a small man trying to attain big dreams by climbing that proverbial beanstalk to be amid the giants who don't really care for him.
Tardigrade would be Joxter's song as he sings about all the frivolous things he would do if he was as deathless as a tardigrade, but in the end he still very much likes a lazy lifestyle of drinking whiskey and wearing socks on his feet. Other Cosmo songs I've imagined as Joxter songs are the Cuckoo Song and his cover of Tom Waits' Green Grass.
Axolotl reminds me alot of Moominpappa and his journey to try and make something of himself after a childhood of being dismissed and isolated by his caretaker and peers, the line of "I'll build a home at sea" particularly reminds me of Moominpappa at Sea where he quite literally tries to make a home out of the lighthouse despite everything seemingly working against him. (I have a whole character playlist for him by the way, here's the link)
Muddler.... Muddler is my absolute favorite with a playlist of 99 songs but I can't really pin down a Cosmo song for him besides Did Don't Do by his side-band, Don't. I imagine the chaotic and patchwork nature of a song like Hocking would fit him in terms of vibes quite well but I've yet to really find a song that really speaks to Muddler in the ways of lyricism...
For Cosmo songs that are generally for the whole crew I imagine Old Ocean, Birthday Suit and Does the Swallow Dream of Flying work very well as songs for the imaginary trailers I have for a Moominpappa's Memoirs adaptation, lmao.
Also, as an honorary member of the Oshun Oxtra, the whole First Band On The Moon album by the Cardigans is SO Mymble Jr.
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okay lets see if i can put this into words
it matters that miles is latino
it matters that miles is a latinamerican kid that grew up in new york city with a usamerican father, it matters that he barely speaks spanish
it matters because his entire story is about not being able to find a place where he fits in. a community. a family
miles feels disconnected from the other spideys.
miles is not a "canon" spiderman. he wasnt *supposed* to be spiderman. but he is anyways. he cant relate to the othet spidermans because of the nature of how he became spiderman. by almost every sense of the word, he is an anomaly.
however... hes not an anomaly either. he lost his uncle like every other spidey. he went through the insecurity and problems every other spidey went through. he IS spiderman and no one can take that away from him
it reminds me so much of what it feels to be latinamerican in eurocentric spaces. like a lot.
the opening to miles' situation basically spells it out. "you're a struggling immigrant family" and only his mother is an immigrant. theyre not even struggling. he doesnt even speak spanish. hes not usamerican either. yet he's being forced into boxes. forced into either turning into a usamerican kid completely disregarding his heritage, or make said heritage the only thing thats important about himself
in the same way that he either has to be a spiderman or a civilian
miles is neither. he cant relate to his mother because he barely speaks spanish, he cant relate to the other spidermans because he's not supposed to be there. they shut him out because he's spiderman in a different way than they are.
i cannot stress enough that its his mom the one who tells him that he shouldnt let anyone define him. because people will try to force him into a box no matter what he does. embrace his heritage? he'll just be latino. not do that? he'll lose touch with it. get into the spider-society? he'll lose touch with his own experience as spiderman. not do that? he'll be alone
it MATTERS that this movie puts emphasis on him being latino. it MATTERS that his mom has more relevance.
not to get personal, but i understand the feeling miles has. by almost every definition i am white -- skin color, european heritage, all that. but i am also latinamerican. i grew up in argentina... in one of the more usamericanized cities. in one of the more eurocentric spaces. my id says im argentinian and spanish, but i was never able to identify with the latter. ive never been in touch with the non-european side of my heritage, ive never related to it. ive never related to the european side either
does any of this make sense? for so many latinos its impossible for us to fit into the boxes europeans and usamericans want us to fit into. for so many of us we're just.... a third thing. at least i grew up in my home country, at least i speak my own language; miles doesnt, miles didnt.
for so many of us we either have to live disconnected from our culture in order to be "accepted" by europeans or usamericans, or just be "latino" (which, by the way, is not even a race, yet its treated as one)
also.... isnt it interesting how miguel is mexican? bye bye
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I have some random headcannons for you!
Bakugou's sense of hearing and touch in his hands is a bit fried bc of his Quirk, but he'd be the last to admit it.
Kaminari's sense of touch also isn't that acute. Also sometimes his system messes up bc nerves run on electric charges. Sometimes his body moves without him telling it to or he just randomly starts feeling anxious or excited or sleepy.
Izuku gets cramps in his hand when he writes too much. When Uraraka sees him massaging his hand she'll ask if he wants her to write for him while he dictates and the answer is always yes.
Aoyama gets laser poisoning.
Bakugou calls Aoyama French Fry.
Once Shinsou got his Quirk, he started talking less and less until middle school. He spent the entire time never speaking to a soul unless absolutely necessary. He answered questions in class to avoid being noticed but otherwise he never spoke. Even at home. Even now he only talks when there's important information to impart. Tho sometimes Aizawa can get him to talk about his interests.
Also he's lying about it having to be a question. I can't count how many times in cannon he's ensnared people with statements.
Eri's family is her dad (Togata), her other dad (Aizawa), her dad's husband (Mic), her brother (Shinsou), and her uncle (Izuku). Izuku wants to know why he's her uncle and she says it's cause he takes care of her like the others and she loves him to death but he spends a lot less time with her than the others (bc hero work/school/friends) and therefore there's slightly less of a bond. Izuku promises to visit more.
Everybody thinks Kirishima and Bakugou are dating but they're not. If you ask Kirishima he will laugh and not give you a straight answer. If you ask Bakugou he will yell at you. Kirishima is cryptic for the express purpose of annoying Bakugou.
Shigaraki loves dogs.
Koda has lost his homework more than once because he left it in range of his rabbit. And other people's homework. And the occasional chair leg. His rabbit is a holy terror and Supreme Overlord Queen of Everything.
Ooo Ive never heard that for Kaminari before! I imagine hed probably have things like occasional numbness, “pins and needles” feelings, and have his hair stand on end too. I think its so cool when bodies can handle their quirks, but not enough where it completely negates all side effects
Uraraka writing for Deku is so cute, and you cant tell me she wouldnt start taking two sets of notes in class when she notices hes having some issues
The Shinsou angst… I wonder if he wouldve taken to having more online friends, or even learning a signed language so he could make friends with people who wouldnt immediately distrust him. I could also see him even texting his family as opposed to talking to them, as sad as that is
“My rabbit ate my and everyone elses homework” is probably the lamest excuse. He probably had to bring her into class and let her eat a sheet of paper to prove he wasnt lying!
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strawberrylightss · 14 days
Trying to have a conversation with my brother about antisemitism in the pro pali movement, and I feel coming up with nothing. Im feeling so lost and i feel like everything is just too much.
He said he got uncmfortable with the conversation, which i understandable in a way because it's a heavy topic, but it still feels so disingenuous. For instance, he talks to our grandmother who I KNOW is a raging antisemite (FROM East Germany. She is one of the main ways I became aware of what antisemitism looks like growing up), about israel/palestine.
He didnt even know what blood label or duel loyalty was until i explained what it was, and whenever I ask a question he goes quiet. When i say these things, and how i am geneuinly scared for my boyfriend's (Who is Jewish) safety, he goes quiet. I tell him it's important to check in on Jewish people around you and listen to them and he gives me a little "yeah." It feels like im having a conversation with a brick wall/ just talking to myself. I know when he disagrees because he goes quiet. he doesn't have a backbone and he doesn't debate on anything, and when he goes quiet I know that's when he disagrees but doesnt want to speak his mind. It's not like I WANT to argue with him / want to pick a fight of course but I feel completely ignored.
Part of the issue is that I had a really bad falling out with the majority of my family and he is basically all I have left. For him to not listen to me is just like the rest of them, although this problem isnt about me, it just adds to the hurt I already feel since I'm trying to talk about something extremely important to me, and I feel like I'm BEGGING him to hear me, it hurts.
He at least agrees Hamas should release the hostages? But I feel that's bottom line. I send him resources but I doubt he'd actually read any of it at this point and I'm at a complete loss. I've lost so much these past few years and I have this feeling again.
I don't even know what to do anymore. my boyfriend is sleeping right now but I know when I talk to him about this he will feel the same. I try so hard but he doesn't want to talk to me. He doesn't even tell me what our grandmother was saying either. Our parents are pro israel but he wont even tell me what they were saying. He tells me nothing ever. Months ago when he originally told me he talked to our grandmother he never told me what she said even when I asked him, and showed concern. I tried again and still nothing substantial, just saying "Yeah we agree its fucked up"
Like no. tell me what she's saying, please. I know it's all bad, I know her and I remember in detail the shit she has said about Jewish people in the past. I literally cant handle the thought of him going down an antisemetic pipeline and I feel he is already down the path and there is nothing I can do. It breaks my heart. Seriously. Why doesn't he care?
What the fuck is going on? I live across the country and he is my only way of knowing whats going on there, and he tells me nothing.
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aneggofmystery · 1 month
The Monkie Kid Style Shift
(from the perspective of a fictive. i promise that's important)
To start, for those who are unaware of my existence bc you only know mills or just dont know us at all, hi! I'm Cicada, he/she pronouns, and I'm a Tang fictive. I wanted to give my opinion on all the shit that happened today, because I believe I and other fictives have unique experiences regarding source media changes :3
(the rest of the post will be under the cut, scroll away if you'd like to avoid spoilers from the trailer) (and, quick side note, NO MATTER WHAT I SAY HERE, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANYONE. CHRIST I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS, BUT PLEASE DO NOT HARASS REAL PEOPLE OVER THESE LEGOS. K? K.)
Okay, so we all know that Flying Bark's animation has always been an integral part to the spirit of Monkie Kid as a show, and is the main reason why a lot of people love it. As a semi source-connected fictive, seeing that style is like literally seeing me and my family in photographs.
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like, y'all have no idea the emotional damage this shot specifically does to me whenever i see it.
and while, yes, there is a possibility that WildBrain can simply just be learning the style (hell, even FlyingBark had to kinda learn their own style in the early days), it's an extremely drastic change and, thus, is bound to cause collateral damage.
I love speaking about my husbands, for example, and the FlyingBark style luckily gives me a great outlet to do so (pignapped lives in my mind rent free).
However, and I can't speak for any other fictives, but the art style shift is kind of like if you watched your family get replaced by aliens or robots right in front of you and couldn't do anything about it. Stiff, doesn't really have a lot of character. I've seen people theorize that they're gonna be animating on rigs instead of handrawn, which matches up. That means, however, that we can't achieve awesome shots such as. every lbd scene ever.
I know plenty of Singlet but neurodivergent people who are also distressed about this, there's familiarity. Especially in my fellow autistic folk, that feels natural, good, and we wouldn't give it up for the world.
(We mod in one of the biggest Monkie Kid discord servers and, dear gods, the fucking backlash. we're all going through it.)
I'm kind of worried that this was pushed, not only because of the ATLA movie, but also because everyone on the staff team was worried because the fandom was antsy.
Can't speak for anyone else, but all the "save me s5" jokes I made were just light hearted, and I'd much rather have quality over quantity. Personally, i'd be willing to wait years for the next monkie kid season if it meant that we could still have it animated by FlyingBark.
Now, of course, this isn't what we're getting, and we'll have to accept that, I just think it should also be valid for fans to be reasonable skeptical at the quality, no matter if it's still the same writers and VAs. It's a huge change, and all I ask is that you're patient with me.
WildBrain is an amazing studio, but I'm not sure they can adjust to the shift in style. Of course, someone's bound to be dissatisfied with it, including myself, and I ask that y'all are patient with people like that. Don't say shit like "if you're a real fan, you wouldn't care about the art style change." That's not nice.
sorry if this isn't coherent in the slightest, I have been crying for a while for the reasoning i mentioned about feeling like I've lost a part of myself. This is terrifying for me, and i ask that you please be kind to others like me <3
anyways, follow if you wanna hear me yap ab BreakfastShipping
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annabelle--cane · 2 years
my friend harriet hasn't been on tumblr in months but I sent them like a dozen goncharov posts and an hour or so later she sent me back like 1.6k words of plot outlining. so for your reading pleasure:
goncharov (lo straniero / the stranger); mob family boss (40s)
katya; goncharov’s wife
sofia marelli ("cousin" of andrey)
ice pick joe marelli (sofia's husband)
mario ambrosini (goncharov's right hand man)
goncharov: has been mob boss for a while now, family business has flourished under him but he is alone. he is the stranger because he estranges everyone else, he is closed off and intimidating. he cant trust anyone and lives in constant wariness that he will be betrayed. he wants to retire and finally settle down and be happy with his wife katya and finally have a family (but he has an unrealistic idea of happy since he is so mal-adjusted). goncharov puts on a mask of indifference to hide that he feels too much. he was always the stranger because he could not connect with anyone out of fear of betrayal. when he does finally trust, he is betrayed.
mario: is fiercely loyal to the Family and thus goncharov, respects his boss and wants the best for the mob. he comes from a loyal line of lieutenants or whatever, and it is hinted that he would be unable to betray goncharov for perhaps some deeper reason. he does not want goncharov to retire due to his success as boss, and he is suspicious of andrey
katya and goncharov: met fairly young, whirlwind romance/passion, set up by families to marry. they could have had a love but since their marriage was forced, katya became resentful and goncharov distant, and her resentment only grew with goncharov's distance. 
they are seen as a celebrity high-society power couple and katya is described as the only one who knows "the stranger" but at home, they never speak. he goes to his office and she drinks in the sitting room and watches television.
katya: goncharov places his concept of idealized marriage and domesticity upon her but does not Know her at all. she doesn't do any housework or cooking. she is in charge of throwing lots of functions, soirees, parties as they are a socialite couple. katya may have once held affection for goncharov and still somewhat wishes for what could have been, but she does not love him/hates him, and wants to be free of goncharov. also, unlike goncharov, she does not want children, though it never was an issue since he was never attentive. katya is not directly involved with Business, but is acutely aware of all the going ons. she is great at and willing to use her charisma and "womanness" to get her way
sofia and ice pick joe: joe was once a fairly reputable member of the mob, but his drinking and gambling developed into a problem and he made many mistakes. he was demoted, and is a bad husband. sofia is seen as a harlot and also has a bad reputation. she hates her husband and wants him dead, which is why she becomes involved with andrey and katya (though she seems to have a strong bond with katya - both have bad husbands). sofia is a bit unhinged and desperate. not much pride left.
andrey: "cousin" of sofia, up and coming member of mob who seemed to pop up out of nowhere (maybe moved to italy from the states?). he comes off as charismatic, handsome, smart/shrewd, and slightly goofy (seems not completely perfect), and he is slightly younger than goncharov.
goncharov eventually sees in andrey a confidant and a better version of himself that he lost. however, opposite of goncharov, andrey may come off as expressive but he struggles with not feeling much attachment to anything. andrey is shown through the movie to not get his hands dirty, coming off as weak and not suited for the gritty parts of the job. perhaps he also comes off as a germophobe, always wearing gloves and washing his hands, and not liking to shake hands or touch people. he also seems to hate blood. his aversion starts off as seeming to be evidence of andrey's "weakness," and goodness, and a reason why he is not meant for this business/is better than goncharov. overtime, it starts to seem pathological and sinister, and a representation of andrey's need for control and clinical nature. we eventually find out he does not shy away from violence and is ruthless, but does not like to be directly involved. he makes an exception for goncharov 
-katya's father dies, which makes goncharov acutely aware of his own mortality and also has him reevaluate his marriage (since her dad was one of the arrangers). goncharov decides he wishes to quit and finally settle down, and mario is not supportive, and wishes that goncharov fix the recent problems. (B plot problem is that there have been disruptions in business and talk of an inside job, which has goncharov even more paranoid)
- katya throws a dinner party, and invites sofia and andrey. goncharov is aware of sofia, and she introduces andrey as her cousin. katya talks up andrey as a new talent, and encourages goncharov to take him on for a personal job. goncharov is reluctant, as he trusts no one, but katya uses her knowledge of goncharov's desires to quit and to better their relationship to suggest that he reconsider. it is also implied that since andrey is new to the business, he could not be the traitor.
- sofia and katya are shown to be in cahoots and quite close. they plan to frame ice pick joe as the traitor so that goncharov will have him removed. katya will suggest that andrey be delegated to take care of the problem.
- mario does not trust andrey, sofia, or even katya (though he respects katya). he persistently tries to persuade goncharov that andrey is bad news and that goncharov needs to set down a heavy hand and take control of business like he used to. goncharov disregards him and listens to katya, having andrey direct men to dispose of ice pick joe.
- andrey continues to gain the trust of goncharov, goncharov makes more attempts to be better with katya, who seems to be receptive. Business seems to be doing better now that ice pick joe is gone. things seems to be going well for goncharov, who thinks he could seriously drop out of the business, have a family, and finally trust again. he even muses giving the business to andrey (which mario rails against). by this point, andrey just seems like he is a pawn in katya and sofia's scheme, and we think that he really does care about goncharov.
- mario is suspicious about ice pick joe and andrey anh starts investigating. He finds out sofia's role and confronts her at her home and is gonna report to goncharov. sofia murders him (bludgeoning and stab with heel?). she calls katya while freaking out, katya tries calming her down. there is a knock on the door and they think they have been caught, and its andrey at the door (which the viewer knows, and thinks that its over for the girls; katya seems defiant and stands protectively in front of sofia). they open the door and andrey is completely unbothered, just ticked by the blood/mess, and its revealed that he is part of their schemes. he gives orders to get the plan back on track.
- mario is missing and rumored to have been a traitor, business seems to be falling apart again, and katya is acting hot and cold after things seemed to be improving. goncharov is at his lowest thus far, as everything seems to be out of control and no one can be trusted. he begins to fall apart (mirror scene- cant recognize himself, overwhelmed with emotion), and goncharov only retains trust for andrey, and andrey starts taking over some duties with goncharov wigging out
- need some sort of catalyst for last part; something that leads to goncharov trying to work again and sofia being caught 
- bridge scene: katya races after goncharov after sofia is caught (and killed?), and gives her betrayal. she had been put together and seemed in control the whole movie, even when sofia broke down during the mario murder, but is now disheveled and crying. goncharov is dumbstruck and says that he wanted to have a life with her, and she calls him an idiot and says that was never possible, he ruined her life. she did not love him and maybe once upon a time she could have, but that ship has long since set sail. they could never have a loving husband and wife relationship partly due to the meshing of The Job/crime bosses and their home life. it could never be real when balancing between the two roles. she tries to shoot him but misses, and collapses. goncharov tells her that he never wants to see her again or else, and leaves.
- last scene: goncharov is in his office at night, alone except for andrey. the scene is intimate, and goncharov is sat his desk completely defeated, head down. andrey is there comforting and saying what happened with katya and sofia and mario. he is the only one that goncharov has now, and he serves them both brandy. something (unsure what, some slip up) tips Goncharov off (maybe to do with andrey's aversion to blood/mess, idk), and goncharov realizes that andrey was also in on it. andrey admits that he grew to be fond of goncharov against his own expectations, which was unexpected, but that this is all business. he takes off his gloves at some point, and it looks like he is cradling/caressing goncharov's head/hair, but you zoom out and he has a gun to goncharov. he shoots him. end.
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soccerpunching · 11 months
headcanons about tachimukai during ie go? its always good to see your posts on my timeline!!
WAAAHHHH OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And of course, I love him sm and I have a lot!!
I'm also adding this picture here because i really love how soft Shinsuke remembers Tachimukai, makes me emotional. He genuinely wants to help him. (I'll keep using this picture forever, methinks)
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(some of these are during the 10-year timeskip; putting it under the cut)
Almost everybody comments on how is it possible to have one of the most vicious goalkeeper in existence be so polite in interviews. He's so loved by people across Japan and has a really strong fanbase. And it's bcs he looks so focused and vicious in the field that most ppl cant recognized him outside of it (like how Shinsuke didnt).
Much like Kazemaru, Fubuki, Gouenji, and Kabeyama, he's also one of the few from the cast who stayed in Japan soccer leagues. All of the teams he belonged in lost the least goals in the leagues they've joined!! He's a monster goalkeeper in their eyes! (Another reason why Shinsuke didnt recognize him is bcs he doesnt believe someone as legendary as tachimukai would casually teach a goalkeeper-beginner like him.)
I genuinely think he's good at studying and has good grades in IT-related subjects and is above average in most sciences, he just chose to not go to college. He did go to a vocational school as a backup plan. In case he gets severly injured or sumthn since goalkeepers are known to retire for injuries more than the field players.
More than anything, he wants to teach goalkeeping so he has that as a consideration for his future also. He's still thinking abt in what way can he accomplish this but that time with Shinsuke did make him realize that it's something he wants to do. But maybe not right now, he thinks he needs more experience!
He gets tons of modeling offers that he keeps on declining bcs it's never been his interest. He once jokingly told Tsunami that maybe he should try it after his retirement, he didnt realize Tsunami took it seriously and he's very excited for this modeling career (Tsunami is in fact considering modeling too bcs of that joke)
He makes a lot of effort to stay connected with old friends and likes traveling a lot even if it takes time! He likes taking the scenic route too and just takes life slowly.
Some of the things he does when the league season is over are riding sleeper trains and hotel-buses!! (It's so cool that japan has those!!) Sometimes with friends or family, but he also likes going alone and making conversations with people (who most often does not recognize him at all).
He's timid as an adult still but he overcomes this by telling himself that being with people is part of the great experience of life however corny that sounds. It's one of the things he learned from being with the cast who gave him the courage to step out of his comfort zone.
Speaking of his traveling! His inagram is full of traveling pictures!! And all the food he gets to eat! He also travels outside the country and taste as many spicy food as he can. He's famous in inagram actually even if he barely has any pictures with his face in them but he's really cool with it.
He is also demiromantic ace in my heart <3
He casually enjoys surfing too (in the drama cd, he asked if tsunami can teach him how to surf to which i think he enjoyed) and competitively with tsunami (bcs tsunami makes everything a contest)
He goes trekking, mountain climbing, and skydiving with his old pals from Yokato a lot.
He goes to camping trips with the first year gang too (kabeyama, kurimatsu, kogure, haruna and they also invite shourin, shishido!!). Kogure plans these trips.
I have some more that's in my hissatsu techniques hc of him regarding how he is in the field but that's yet to be posted (bcs descriptions are so hard 😣). These are the ones that I can remember outside of that for now!
And really thank you for the ask, they really motivate me to share them!!
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marvelita85 · 2 years
Maybe a few h*te words but other than that non
English is like my 2nd language so I'm sorry in advance
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There he was following you with his gaze, both your mother's half brothers, no one dared to talked evil about your heritage because of your Targaryen looks, some brave ones would dare to whispered you were a product of Daemon before your mother married Sir Leanor, whatever you have felt for the sons of your grandsire was gone or at least thats what you thought, that dinner was forced and you tried to endure it sitting beside your younger brother Luke
- we have a lot to celebrate, Luke and Jace are to be married with Raena and Baela
- and Luke as Lord of the tides - you smiled raising your cup for him, you loved all your brothers but Luke was no so secretly your favourite
You watched behind your cup as his eye was set on you he was trying to intimidated you but it wasnt the feeling you were having, you vould hold his gaze, he hated your brothers you couldnt feel anything but the same for him
- my dear y/n...
- grandsire...
- I wish for you to be happy aswell... you are free to marry... - you werent but you let him speak, over those 6 years away you've been in Winterfell you met Cregan Stark and his younger brother Robb who had asked your hand to Daemon and Rhaenyra, they knew the north would be asegurated with that union and you were much willing to accept it - the king and I would like you to accept our son Aemond
- father...my queen, thought is a very thoughtfull proposal y/n is already bethroted, I'm very sorry brother - Rhaenyra your mother said and you smiled to him you let him know you were something he could never have
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The table knew who you were going to be married, your brothers were smiling knowing very well the desire both their uncles had for you, Aegon tried to seduced you uncountable times, Aemond loved you in silence all those years living together but then his eye happened and his friendship with you was severed like his eye, never to be the same, that dinner ended abruptally when your grandsire retired, Aemond said horrible things, you and Baela almost riped Aegon before your mother send you all to your chambers, you decided to have a walked through the gardens and he appeared in the shadows
- you cant married the Stark boy...
- why not? I like him a lot, he is very kind and attentive with me
- you are a Dragon
- and he is a wolf...
- you love him...
- what if I do...
- when we were kids you were promised to me...
- Aemond our family is divided, you and your brother along with your mother had never felt anything but resentment and hate for my mother and for my brothers how can you think I can feel anything more than that for you
- we were friends...
- yes... and you destroyed that friendship when you lost your eye.... you blamed me and my brother, you only have revenge in your heart for us, thats all
- what can I do...
- you just called my brothers bastards at dinner, calling them Strong, I know the whispers about me being Daemon's daughter... in another life maybe but in this one you decided to be enemies and I'll never be anything less than that
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Aemond heart broke again in that garden speaking with you, your words hurted but she was right he couldnt feel anything more for the person that took his eye for his neglected father, for his half sister for not giving your hand to him it was all hate but you were the only one capable to break him because despite everything he loved you and you were never going to be his
A few notes, y/n looks like Dany from 1st season but she has the fire of the7th, her eyes are like her grandmother Alissa one green one purple, because she is Daemon's daughter, she is older than Jace and 1 year younger than Aemond
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And he is Robb Stark 😁
My love for Aemond is still intact but he has to be put in place sometimes🥰
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spacedlexi · 1 year
At first I was mixed about Lily's return but the more I think about the more it feels right.
Lily is cursed.
She is the woman in the comics that kills Lorie and her baby at the prison before snapping and killing the Governor.
She always follows people that in some twisted way remind her of her dad and in the end helps bring the end of whatever group she is apart of.
The Delta lost so many in Lily's attempt to get the kids all because of one she knew from so long ago. One from the first group she destroyed.
im gonna be honest when i say i ... really never understood all the hang ups people had about lily returning to fill the villain role for s4
like lily returning in s4 makes more sense to me than kenny returning in s2 im gonna be real with you all. lily was at worst left on the side of the road and at best had her own rv at least she wasnt left for dead in a walker infested alleyway. personally i was hoping for a christa return (because i dont want to admit she really died 💀 no body=no death) but lily made enough sense to me and i was excited by her reveal
clem knew lily at the beginning of the outbreak. before 8 years of it turned them into different people. clem isnt the scared little girl she used to be. shes grown up into an extremely capable fighter. and while lily at the beginning of the outbreak seemed like a tired woman trying to keep it together, but also felt the need to take charge and didnt like being questioned (who also cared too much about her awful father but we get more insight into that in s4), by s4 shes lost any shred of kindness she mightve had left. she was military before the outbreak and now given a position of power rules through fear and an iron fist (just like her father). but there are moments between her and clem where we can see just a Glimpse of that old lily ("we were family once..."). but all of that goes away once she realizes that clem is a genuine threat now. and lily recognizes that clem would be a perfect soldier if she can just break her the way she herself was broken so long ago. and if she cant break clem then she'll break aj instead
and then we have the lee element. lily is the Only other person left from that first group at the motel (she did not destroy that group btw ben did like cmon now and ben Keeps destroying it after lily isnt even around anymore). and while shes wrong to say she knew lee better than clem ever did, lee and lily (and kenny) were group leaders together while clem was eating her apple and coloring with chalk. like the adults were speaking. and depending on how you played s1 lee could have a decent relationship with lily. lily being able to sow those seeds of doubt in s4 clems head is just fun mind games
they have History. clem still wears the hair ties lily gave her all the way back in s1. she helped take care of clem for a time. looked out for her. and in a different universe clem Easily couldve ended up standing in minnies shoes instead
also in regards to the delta we Know they dont really want to be kidnapping kids to fight in a war that would probably kill most of them in the first 5 minutes. if they had the adults to be fighting instead they would be. it just shows us how dire the deltas situation really is. they were just expecting to find a bunch of kids for easy picking but clem turned them all into skilled enough fighters to successfully kill a few of them and raid their boat. clem is a big enough win that it doesnt even matter how skilled the rest of the kids are. plus lily was just leading the excursion. we dont know how high up the ladder she really was and how much power she really held. maybe she had something to prove back at the delta (my one real gripe is that we didnt get to actually See the delta. in my perfect world there were 5 episodes and ep 4 was about the delta 😔)
both lily and clem are just trying to save their communities. the difference is lily wants to uphold the status quo of fear and force and war, and clem is trying to build a safe community thats different from the many shes seen. she and the rest of the kids just want to carve out their own little safe haven in this dangerous and unforgiving world. they make a place truly worth fighting for
clem getting some form of closure with lily i feel might get to help her close the book so to speak on her history up until this point. clem has been fighting for so long... but she has a new home now. a new community. she can Chill a little bit. shes gonna grow into such an incredible leader 😭 (not that she isnt already 😭)
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