#me: uuuhhhhh hey?
slender-hero · 3 months
Hey hero, for no reason at all, can you recall what has happened the past month
Uuuhhhhh.. My memory has always been foggy. I don't remember much.. I saw this glowing lady and she said she would save me and that's about it!
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batfam-rewrites · 2 years
Duke: *working on a school project* Hey Dick, can you grab me a cardboard box? I need it for a project.
Dick: Sure thing Duke. *gets up and moves around the mansion looking for a cardboard box*
15 Minutes Later
Dick: *spots a cardboard box on top of a dusty old shelf* Oh, uuuhhhhh. Are there spiders? I don’t want to touch that if it has spiders on there. *reaches up and slowly pulls out the box, inspecting it as he grabs it, then once he has it in his hands he drops the box a few times* Okay, this should be good. *runs back towards Duke and extends his arms out* Here you go Duke, one spider-free box.
Duke: *looks at Dick with a perplexed look* Okay. Did you check the box or something?
Dick: Yes I did!
Duke: Cool, by the way, there’s a spider on your shirt.
Dick: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *rips his shirt off on stomps on his shirt*
Kate: Jason, why is your nose bruised.
Jason: Okay, so, Kate, I had a moment this morning where I woke up, and do you ever wake up and your arm is just asleep?
Kate: Um, sure.
Jason: Okay, so I wake up, and I try to wake my arm up and it feels like really heavy, so I shake it around and I whack my nose really hard! Then I start to feel blood starting to make it's way down my nostrils so I lay back down and tilt my head over my pillow and I start talking to my body, saying "Not another nose bleed, not another nose bleed, no you will dry up before I even stand up,” and that’s why my nose looks like a plum!
Kate: What the fuck did I just hear?
Stephanie: How do some people not think before they speak? Like how do they not over-analyze what they are about to say to the point where it takes too long to respond back?
Barbara: Oh, sweetie, you’re so cute for thinking that you think before you speak!
Stephanie: Yes I do!
Tim: No, you really don’t.
Stephanie: *gasp and punches Tim’s arm* 
Tim: *reaches to where Stephanie punched at* Ow!
Stephanie: How could you?
Barbara: Steph, you really don’t, at least not all the time.
Tim: If I could think of an example off the top of my head I would bring it up but I really can’t.
Stephanie: Cass, back me up, please.
Cassandra: *trying not to laugh*
Stephanie: Cassie?
Cassandra: *starts to slightly laugh* I’m trying to think how to politely disagree with you without you over-reacting.
Stephanie: O-M-G, Cass! Why? I totally think before I speak!
Tim: [posting to his instagram story] Just a reminder to all my friends and my LGBTQ+ followers that phobia means fear. So the next time you run into a homophobe feel free to ask why are they scared of gay people?
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cheeriofluff · 2 years
You know what? Screw it lmao
MOTHER 3 X OMORI Crossover because they're rotting my brain right now.
Ok ok so, of course both MOTHER 3 Spoilers as well as OMORI so watch out besties. And i apologize for any possible spelling mistakes.
Mari Claus and Hinawa are brought back to life because i said so. And months past after the events of both games, everyone is cool and happy.
Kumatora Is still the big sister between everyone and She joins kel in causing Chaos among the group, her and Aubrey fight the most and Hero and Duster always have to separate them or better yet, put them in "the shirt" (our get along shirt) whenever Duster or Hero says "don't make me get the shirt" they immediately apologize to each other
"Hahaaa, you know i didn't meeaann that right aubble gum????" - Kumatora Smugly smiling at Aubrey.
"Call me that again and i'll break your legs." - Aubrey holding a Bat.
(The fights are usually caused by Kumatora's chaotic pranks or her Doing big sister teasing on Aubrey.)
Aubrey can't exactly hate her however because she reminds her of Mari in a weird way, She doesn't understand why but she just can't hate her
The people who have to work hard at keeping the group intact is Duster and Hero and sometimes mari (we'll get to her in a second hehe) Hero and duster End up being close bros, sharing stories from college or Childhood memories. Duster has also taught Kel some theif tips and hero's like "UUUHHHHH...NO????"
"Kel, as long as you give it back it's not stealing." - Duster saying sarcastically hoping kel would sense the joke. (Spoiler alert he doesn't.)
"Ok." - Kel :)
Mari Secretly is another cause for the Chaos by telling Kumatora funny pranks to pull on hero.
"Hey hero!! How about a kuma hug?" - Kumatora, Covered in plastic spiders.
Hero Slightly dislikes kumatora because of this (he gets over it don't worry)
Mari also hangs with Hinawa And polly, she helps with dinner and Talks about some thoughts of her becoming a mother herself, she sometimes plays the piano to the two when they're working on something. (To calm their nerves)
Sunny and claus Are chill at times, Claus Being a lot more energetic tries taking the 3 Sunny kel and Basil out on an adventure, these adventures are just going in abandoned buildings and finding ghosts or something.
Lucas tags along to make sure no one gets hurt And sticks close to the gang. (Most likely up front)
"Wow lil bro! You're acting more of a big bro than i am haha" - Claus
Sunny Always keeps his Well known Straight face but always thinks that it's nice to be out sometimes. Especially when he sees basil and lucas freak out over the tiniest of noise in the building. (He almost cracks a smile)
Speaking of them, Basil and lucas Get along really well, they're both quiet, Both shy, Both love Flowers/Nature, Both are extremely depressed. (Ignore that last one) Basil and Lucas always exchange Flower crowns and give each other fun Tips on taking care of them.
Once they get really close they share each other personal traumas and stuff they regret heavily, Basil's are sometimes a bit more Questionable for Lucas but he can sense he really does regret his actions so Lucas just puts it aside and comforts him.
They tell flower jokes 24/7 and the puns absolutely annoy Kuma and Aubrey. They always go "AAAAUUGHH" as they laugh like idiots.
Kel gets hector to play with boney Whenever he hangs with lucas and basil, Boney being pretty chill around hector but hector absolutely fears boney.
"Awwww they like each other!" Is kel's reply most of the time.
Kumatora "Steals" hector from time to time because she loves animals and she always spoils both hector and boney.
Later on hector warms up to boney and they become dog besties.
Sunny And Claus share what happened to their eyes to each other.
Sunny always goes wide eyed as he hears The story about porky and what he has done to the people of tazmily and Claus.
Claus Doesn't know how to feel about Basil after learning about the incident, tho sunny always reassures him that it was an Accident and it happened a while ago. Sunny has said multiple times he can't bring himself to hate basil over the accident.
Claus still not fully convinced takes it and just Shrugs
"Alright, whatever you say dude."
Porky rolls into the area in the absolutely safe capsule and Bullies everyone in the Area while screaming his famous line "SPANKETY SPANKETY" Pestering both lucas Claus and pretty much everyone in the area. Aubrey and kumatora take turns Rolling it off a local cliff and hear the screaming and loud metal bonking noises coming from inside the capsule (and out, but porky is just being flung around in it and it's hilarious)
"Not cool brahs" - Porky. (I like to pretend he sounds and talks like cartman)
That is all i got lmao, feel free to add some ideas! I'd add more but im not sure what else to add other than everyone gets along well (some more than others)
I love these characters so much. (Especially basil kuma and Lucas, I want to possibly write stories for them hanging out or something lol)
I tried doing everyone justice, hope i did well lol
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polyamoryprincess · 1 year
“Hey I can still enjoy Harry Potter!! I just won’t buy stuff from the company, that doesn’t make me transphobic” *clicks HP fandom blog*
*radfem safe, Terf shit, garbage opinions not about harry potter*
“uuuhhhhh I gotta go”
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Hey is the anon who recommended Icicles for the Hunter playlist all the way back then, I am using you as my mouth piece for the fandom now so here are some more character song connections
Dopamine by With Confidence for Amity
She would absolutely have this on max volume with thinking about Luz no questions asked
All Dolled Up by The Orion Experience for Raine and Eda
It contains both the lines “I don’t wanna be a boy I don’t wanna be a girl” and “let’s be gay let’s do crimes” one of them would hear like the first 10 seconds of it pause it and find the other to listen to it with
Word Disassociation by Lemon Demon for Gus
It doesn’t connect to his character in any big way I just think he’d love it
Uuuhhhhh yeah speak for me so the masses may hear!!!
On it, boss, I trust your judgement
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
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I was holding off on reading this one because it’s about getting the news that the world is ending and apocalypse narratives make me sad especially when I don’t know how they end but I got bored/curious enough to read it but because I was still scared I started at chapter 4 when it was released which was interesting so I read chapter 3 and then forgot about it but ch 5 came out so I remembered to read it. then I read chapter 1 and 2. anyway it’s pretty funny. this next part is going to sound terrible out of context and I suppose it’s just as terrible in context. so the love interest was at a party and some guy was like ‘hey do you want euthanasia pills some random guy gave them to me’ and the love interest was like ‘sure. well there are two of them so I should test them on someone.’ so he uuuhhhhh looks up people who are suicidal and then goes like ‘hey take this pill and you’ll die’ and someone did (this is all before the news of the apocalypse actually hit btw) so when he meets mc he’s like ‘can you help me get rid of a body. I don’t want it decomposing in my house while we’re waiting for a meteor to destroy the earth.’ and they go to the house and it turns out 1) the person li gave the death pills to was a high schooler, 2) the high schooler’s alive. because mc isn’t a rancid human being, he gives the high schooler the whole ‘hey come on kid you have so much to live for’ speech and then
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not completely scanned yet but the offputting vibes and characters are strong enough that I’ve enjoyed it despite having to brace myself for the terror of an unknown narrative. anyway it’s the end of the world, with you
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l1ghtbvlb-p4ws · 8 months
erm hey guysss so uh..if u ship knife x fan or paintbrush x fan it kinda makes me uncomfortable bc im a fan fickin but if u ship it thats fine with me!!!!!!1111 also with poob from regretavator, pest x poob its fine if u also ship that. but js dont be weird pls lmao-
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soloragoldsun · 1 year
So, since AO3 is down, I’ll post the next (late) part of the Coffee Talk Fanweek here until it’s fixed. Prompt is Bedchamber/Hive Mind.
Sol often talked about how drinks could connect people. They had been speaking figuratively in most cases, like when Lua ordered a matcha latte not long after Baileys ordered one after their temporary breakup. In the case of Sol specifically, things were a bit more literal.
One prime example was when they found themself feeling a pang of exhaustion followed by a desperate, ill-advised craving for espresso as they closed up for the night. They took out their phone as they started back toward their apartment. There was only one ring before Freya answered.
“Wha- I mean hey!” There was a noticeable tremor in her voice. “Damn, you never actually call, I just realized. What’s up? Did Coffee Talk explode?” There was a pause. “W-Wait, it didn’t actually, right?”
“If you drink that espresso, I’m marching down there right now and dragging you back to Seattle by your ear,” Sol replied in a flat, unamused voice.
“Uuuhhhhh…” Freya’s voice trailed off before turning into a weak chuckle. “Is that a threat or a promise…?” A pause. “Jeez, I can feel you glaring at me through the phone. How do you even do that?!”
“Don’t change the subject,” Sol said firmly. “You sound terrible and you’re about to drink espresso when you should be sleeping.”
“How do you even-?!”
“Hive mind.”
There was a sharp inhale, and Sol wondered if they had revealed too much. While Freya was aware of their parentage and some of their powers, the fact that they had been developing more hive-based abilities had not been mentioned until now.
“You aren’t…reading my mind right now, right?” Freya’s voice came through a bit more high-pitched than usual, and much shakier than before.
“It doesn’t work like that,” Sol assured her. “I was born away from our species’ hive, so I don’t have the same ability to connect. The connections I do have naturally develop when I become close to people, and even then, it isn’t all-encompassing. It manifests differently in each hybrid, but for me the connection takes the form of the drinks I serve.”
“…Are you saying you psychically know what drinks your regulars want? That makes so much freaking sense!” Freya gasped.
“Want and need,” Sol said pointedly. “Remember when you were cramming your first book and I had to basically force a Bedchamber into your hand?”
“Yeah.” Freya’s voice became softer then, with a smile Sol could hear. “Okay, you win. The espresso shots are dead by now anyway.” A mournful sigh. “Waste of good coffee.”
“Tell you what,” Sol continued as they entered their apartment. “I’ve got a craving for a Bedchamber right now. Let’s both make one and drink it while we talk. Then you are to go to bed once your mug is empty!”
Another soft laugh that made Sol’s stomach flip. “Sounds good.”
Sol put their phone on speaker and all was peaceful as the two prepared their drinks. The good thing about the Bedchamber was that a milk frother, while nice, was entirely optional. All one needed was a saucepan, milk, honey, and a cinnamon stick.
“So, was it really your hive mind that told you I was having espresso,” Freya asked. “Or did you just come back from a timeline where I drank those shots and my head exploded?”
Sol chuckled. “I can’t rewind time at will. When I’m in a significant event that will require precise actions on my part to produce necessary results, I feel a change, like the tingling in a limb that has fallen asleep and is just waking up. Nothing like that has happened lately.”
“Interesting,” Freya murmured. There was a sound of a pencil scratching.
“Put that down! You’re supposed to be drinking your milk, not taking notes!”
“Ugh, okay, Mom!” Freya groaned, taking an exaggeratedly-loud slurp of her drink. After a moment, she spoke again. “Thanks for looking out for me. I try not to fall back into those old habits, but sometimes…”
“It happens,” Sol finished, taking a drink of their own Bedchamber, enjoying the soothing taste of honey and cinnamon. “Was it writer’s block, or were you on a roll before crashing?”
“On a roll, which is definitely not a bad thing,” Freya said. “But the rest of the idea will hold till morning.”
“Exactly.” Sol smiled, relieved that they had managed to help keep their friend safe and healthy, even in a small way. “I can’t wait to read the new stuff when you get back.”
“Can’t wait to show you!” A pause. “I really miss you. I…I keep wanting to show you what I wrote or talk to you about something that happened, only to remember that you’re not here. I mean, I know I can call or text, but it’s not the same as talking over the bar with one of your espressos in front of me, you know?”
Sol’s chest felt warm and they weren’t sure if it was because of the Bedchamber or not. They closed their eyes, schooling their emotions before they responded in what they thought was a calm voice. “I know what you mean. I may be connected to my chosen hive, but I still like it best when they’re close to me physically.”
“Glad to be part of the hive,” Freya replied, her voice taking on an oddly-forced brightness that Sol tried to understand. “Speaking of hives and honey and stuff, I finished my drink. Already feel my eyes drooping.” A yawn emphasized her point. “Night!”
Sol blinked at how quickly the conversation was ending. “Y-Yeah. Night. Sleep well, okay?”
“Yeah… Well, goodnight!”
Sol frowned, staring at the phone as the call ended. “You just said that,” they murmured. When they focused, they felt a hint of disappointment smothered by tiredness, but nothing else. Those feelings easily transferred over to them as they fell into a restless sleep.
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oleasters · 4 years
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when you want to go to Pasio to study Sync Moves but there are no Power Spots there so you can’t use Dynamax and DeNA won’t let you in the twink president or whatever doesn’t think you’re cool enough to let in
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memecatwings · 4 years
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carnilia · 5 years
Finally got around to watching Bad Times at the El Royale. My summary & review is: what if Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood was a much better movie?
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myrskytuuli · 3 years
Few days ago I finally finished Interview with the Vampire, a book I’ve meant to read a long while as an important part of foundational vampire novel canon.
I really liked it, it was a very pleasant surpirse from the vague sense of Anne Rice literature I had built up in my head. A genuine, gripping and moving Gothic. There were a lot of things that I found myself thinking “Hey, that’s what I’v been thinking about vampires for a long time!” The patheticness of their lives, the self-pitying pathos wrapped in confusion and genuine fear of being found out, mobbed by humans. At no point did the vampires feel like wish-fulfilling powerhouses, as is the pitfall of many writer who decides to write from the vampire pov. The gradual degration of Louis’ morals, but also the fact that he was a vampire to begin with, a slaver in antebellum america, who was chosen to become a vampire because he was rich, and the hypcricy of feeling that feasting on your slaves is a sin but owning slaves isn’t. The fact that all vampires were beautiful rich caucasians, because (as one can easily posit from the give facts) beautiful, rich, vampires choose other beautiful, rich people to turn into vampires. That none of them in the end live more than couple centuries before going mad, because the human mind simply cannot withstand the weight of too many memories, of the world around you changing too fast.
Which is why I think that I won’t open the rest of Rice’s books. I know the vague summaries of TVL and TQOTD and from those summaries it seems like they retcon all that I loved in IWTV.
I loved the fact that there genuinely was no answer to the question where do vampires come from. The vampires were left with the unsettling fact that they know no more about the early history of their race as any other human does. Are they a natural phenomenon, an offshoot of the evolutional mystery, or a cursed creature of devilish origin? Who knows, no one. Expect that apparently in the Queen of the Damned they extensively and detailetdly do explain the origins of the vampire race. And uuuhhh...not a fan of the idea.
And my favourite part of the book was the fate of Lestat, hiding away in a deprecit house, starving and half-mad, the proud mind finally cracked under the pressure of inevitability of time snatching away the world he had once known and been comfrotable with. Terrified with the sound of cars passing, starving because he is tto afraid to go outside where electric lights and traffic dominates. The distainful, sadistic Lestat who scorned all weakness succumbing into vampiric alzheimer was a perfect wrap for his character, neatly summing up the true curse and futility of immortality. Expect that in TVL he’s suddenly a rockstar in the 80s and uuuhhhhh...once again, not a big fan of the idea.
I’m scared of the tonal dissonance of going from IWTV which is a book about immortal rich leeches trying to come to grips with the fact that they are not special, their lives have no more meaning than anyone else’s, that nothing makes them truly happy and that they only have each other while they low-key all despise each other.
To the next books which apparently are about Lestat saving the world from girlboss first vampire trying to make evil, murderous, feminism happen and unlocks all the answers to the vampire loreTM and also plays a guitar on the side. No part of this sounds like the logical follow up the the book I read.
If someone has read the vampire chronicels, feel free to tell me your opinion about the books, and if they are actually very different to what their summaries make them sound like.
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
hey there, friend. thanks for playing! <3
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
uuuhhhhh... glances around the blog. um... k-kakashi?? sdfl;kajsdfl
kakashi is my fave by a mile, but i also very much love writing gai. he's such a well-meaning goof who is also a total badass, it's hard not to enjoy enjoy him.
the second one i've answered already, but here's a copy/past of it:
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
we all know i am a big sucker for platonic bed sharing. but i think probably what gets me deepest in my feels is that moment when a character who has stayed emotionally distant for Reasons™ realizes they are about to actually lose the person most precious to them & they just break down because “please, please, you can’t leave me. i don’t know what i’d do without you.” that there is the good shit for sure.
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darkland-blood · 3 years
Before the Challenge:
(Blaze and Crusher are paired together)
Pickle: Sooooo.... Since Blaze and Crusher are going to race with each other rather than against each other, why don't we make a deal?
Watts: Hmmm? What's that?
Pickle: for every time Crusher and Blaze will get along you will give me 25$.
Watts: hmmmm, fine, but for everytime they will not get along you will give me 10$.
Pickle: 10$? Why so little?
Watts: If i set it any higher, i will literally dry you out of money.
Pickle: Well see about that!
Stripes: i know this ain't my business but what will you do If they become friends? Or enemies?
Pickle: uuuhhhhh... g-guess we'll add a zero at the end?
Watts: ehh fair enough.
After the Challenge:
Watts: alright, so i counted the times they got along and the times they didn't get along, and....
Watts: it says that you owe me like 70$. And I owe you... 125$?! Damn didn't expect that.
Pickle: Believe me i didn't expect it either, espacially at the end.
Sparkle: yeah, i was quite surprised that Crusher would jump after Blaze to save his life, no one had expected that.
Pickle: yeah. Oh! Look there's Blaze! Hi Blaze! How's it been?
Blaze: quite nice! And- wait, why do you have so much money?
Watts: we made a bet before the challenge.
Blaze: what bet?
Pickle: isn't really important now. By the way have you seen Crusher?
Blaze: O-Oh! He went to his dad's, he said that he wanted to spent some father-son time with him, to catch up a bit, you know? (looks onto the ground trying to hide his blushing cheeks) It's really nice to see him happy like that. (gently smiles)
Watts: Blaze... Do you... Do you Like Crusher?
Blaze: (His face intensely blushing) W-WHAT?! N-N-NO! He's just become an amazing friend! Besides why would he be interrested in me?
Pickle: ...
Watts: ...
Pickle: (Looks at Watts, revieling an evil grin)
Watts: why are you doing this to me?
Pickle: hey, it's not my fault they like each other~
Watts: ...
Watts: 2500$ and we are never talking about this again.
Pickle: why not 3000$?
Watts: 2500$, Take it or leave it.
Pickle: fine, fine i'll take it
Blaze: (visible confusion)
And that's how pickle was able to afford 475 jars of pickle juice.
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mandilflorian · 4 years
Laws of Motion
Marcus Moreno x Reader (fem)
Rating: +18 (minors do NOT interact)
warnings: light smut, dry humping/making out, egregious physics jokes, if i’m missing anything i’m sorry!
word count: 1.8k
A/N: Happy New Year, everyone! My resolution is to write more and I’m happy to kick off the new year with a smutty little marcus one shot! I haven’t posted fic in a long time and I apologize if my grammar is off. I have a basic understanding of physics lol so if it’s not accurate then I also apologize for that. I hope you all had a happy holidays. Enjoy!
• • •
Marcus Moreno had been on you all day. A lingering touch as you exchange files and cups of coffee to each other at the office. A hand on the small of your back as he passes you by in a hallway with more than enough space for two people to walk. It’s deliberate. You’ve been craving his touch for a few weeks now. Both too busy with work to truly feel each other. The want has been building and you might just combust if you wait another moment to have him.
He stops by your office during your lunch break, sitting on the edge and playing with the Newton’s Cradle on your desk. Stopping the motion of the cradle in it tracks before gently lifting a finger of one side and allowing it to fall, continuing its demonstration. You watch his ministration while sipping on your coffee, lost in the thought of his hands working you in similar ways. He can read you very well, and he takes note of your distracted state.
“Did you know,” he interrupts your thought and you look to find him staring into your eyes with a glare you can’t quite read. “By lifting one side, you are creating potential energy. And when you release it-“ He releases the ball and the cradle begins its demonstration again, all while keeping his eyes locked on you. “It converts to kinetic energy and transfers that energy to each ball until it gains the momentum to propel the last one forward. And the cycle repeats. Creating a seemingly infinite motion.”
You hide your smile behind your hand, trying to hold your giggling from him. He is prone to scientific tangents and you are in constant fascination with the Heroic, but the simplicity of this is just too cute. “Marcus, I am well aware of the mechanisms of a Newton’s Cradle.”
He drops his hand into his lap and fiddles with a loose thread from his jeans as you set your coffee mug down next to him. Before you’re able to move your hand away he quickly takes it into his and intertwines them.
You look back into his eyes to find them dark and serious. What you couldn’t read before, becomes abundantly clear. He wants you. While the direction of the conversation only serves to confuse you, Marcus continues.
“Maybe we should turn our potential energy,” he lifts your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “into something kinetic.”
The contact sends a jolt to your hand and up your arm. Your chest tightens until you realize what he just said. It’s a moment of silence before it’s filled with your laughter. Loud and booming through your office as you try and fail to contain yourself. Marcus drops your hand and stands next to you. “Alright, Geez. It was corny, I get it.” He pats your back as you wipe the tears pricking your sight.
“I’m- I- Oh my god, Marcus, I’m so sorry- I can’t- I- Did you just u-use a physics pick-up line on me?” You hold your palm to your chest, taking a deep breath and letting a few giggles escape.
“Yeah, Yeah I get it. I was trying to be romantic.” He shakes his head and adjusts his glasses. You stand and wrap your arms around his waist. “Baby, I love you, but that was a little too cheesy to be sexy.” You tell him as you rub between the planes of his shoulders.
“Hmm.” He grunts and pushes his tongue against his cheek. “Guess it just needs a little momentum.” He smiles down at you and you raise your brow.
“Was that another pick-up line?” You grin up at him and he meets you with a kiss, pulling away reluctantly and walking toward your office door.
“I’ll see you after work, baby.”
• • •
Finally, you’ve found yourselves back at Marcus’s house. Your relationship wasn’t new by any means. It wasn’t a secret, but you were still being slowly introduced to The Moreno’s family dynamic. You didn’t want to freak Missy out, so you both kept any and all public displays of affection to a minimum. This, mixed with your busy schedules, has left you both high and dry. Tonight, however, Missy was attending a sleepover with her new friends, which gave you the perfect opportunity to be intimate.
You’re barely through the door before Marcus has you pressed against it, pulling you against his chest and pushing against your hips with his own. You wrap your arms around his neck and card your hands through his hair as his tongue glides along your lower lip. He sucks on it and releases it with a graze of his teeth, drawing a moan from you. He grins, knowing he has you in the palm of his hands. Growing impatient with his teasing, you grip the curls by the nape of his neck, dragging him back to your lips. Your faces meeting in a clash of lips and teeth, and your noses pressed to the other’s cheek. His glasses push at an odd angle against his forehead and you take a moment to lift them and set them aside, safely.
“Fuck, yeah.”
He turns you around and guides you backwards, his lips attached to your neck as your knees meet the cushions and you fall into a tangle of limbs, only separating long enough for you to kick your heels off, pull your pants down and toss them over the side of the couch while he shucks off his leather jacket.
Marcus grips your thighs and pulls you so you fall, unceremoniously, straddling his lap. The zipper of his jeans rubbing deliciously against your clit through your panties. You move at a steady rhythm against each other for a few minutes and he groans beneath you, feeling his cock harden through his jeans.
One particular thrust catches on your sensitive nub and you throw your head back. Marcus takes you in with lust-blown, nearly black eyes. He clenches his jaw, baring his teeth. He wraps his leg around the back of one of your knees and pulls on your hips, flipping you over and onto your back. He then pins you hands above your head and pauses to study you.
His show of strength has you clenching your thighs to ease the loss of pressure from changing positions. “Baby? Why’d you stop?” You try to grind against him, but he takes one of his hands from above your head to pin your waist to the couch.
“Have you heard of Newton’s Laws of Motion?”
You give him a curious look. What is going on with him today? “Marcus, we are in the middle of something a little more important, so it’s kind of hard to remember-“
Marcus moves a strand of your hair behind your ear and leans in to whisper. “Sweetheart, when i’m done, you’ll be reciting them.” The feel of his lips along your neck is the olive branch he extends from your brief disruption.
He grinds against you with a slow and steady pace. Not quite enough pressure, but at least you’re moving. “The first law states that a body in motion stays in motion, and a body at rest-‘ he stills your hips and you whine at the loss of friction. “will stay at rest unless a force acts upon it.” He releases your hands and you tug on his belt loops in protest as he begins to move again to your relief. He grabs your hips and holds your center against his thigh, applying a little more pressure, but still keeping that slow rhythm.
“This brings us to our second law. The acceleration of an object is dependent on force and mass. Try to move against me.” You rid yourself of your lustful daze long enough to listen. You try to grind up into him. You’re barely able to move him, much less yourself. “Not quite.” He tuts. “I am the mass. You have to generate enough force to move me. Try again.” he says in a raspy voice that drives you to do as he says. This time you grind against his thigh with enough force to move him and pick up the pace. “There it is, baby.” You nearly fall apart at his words. This is so much hotter than you imagined and you are quickly reaching your peak just from rubbing against him.
“Now for the third law.” He grasps your thighs and holds you to him as he starts to move in tandem with you. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” With every push of your hips, he returns in kind. dragging his restrained cock against your clothed center. Your vision is blurring and you’re not sure you’ll last much longer, surprised that Marcus has managed as long as he has.
A husky moan escapes Marcus’s lips as he stills your movements to control his own strokes. “I-I’m close, baby. uuuhhhhh F-fuck.” He pushes your shirt over your chest to reveal your pebbled nipples. He kisses up your sternum and nips under your breast. Your breath hitches as he takes a nipple into his mouth and pulls it taut between his teeth.
“Oh, Fuck! Marcus!” His thrusts, just the right speed and pressure, paired with his mouth on your tits. It has you seeing stars. Your pussy constricts with blinding pleasure as you cum. Marcus is not far behind as his steady stride becomes erratic. He grunts and his hips stutter against yours, gripping your biceps while he rides the high of his orgasm.“Fuck.” he collapses on top of you, knocking the wind out of you.
“Ugh! Marcus, baby…” You push him into a more comfortable position for the both of you, his torso between your legs and head resting on your chest. “Sorry, we didn’t make it past the living room this time, honey…” He huffs, rubbing next to your panty line over the dips of your hips.
“Hey, you won’t see me complaining.” You pull his shirt over his head to get you both more comfortable. “Hey, Marcus?”
“Yeah, baby?” He tilts his head to look up to you with those beautiful brown eyes that you’ve fallen for countless times.
“That…. was sexy as hell.” you bite your lip. His smirk grows to a toothy grin.
“Yeah? You think so?”
You nod your head, mirroring his expression. “Yeah, you were really cute at work with those pick-up lines, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t into any of it. But this was something else entirely.”
He chuckles and starts to stand. You groan at the loss of him, not wanting to part just yet. But he has other ideas. He leans over you and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You squeal in protest and he smacks your ass. You realize he’s leading you to the bedroom.
“Don’t worry, baby, we still have plenty of energy to transfer, tonight.”
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iniquity-fr · 3 years
hey hi heehee. question... how on earth do u enjoy this game? maybe its just Not for me. i start projects but then they look ugly as hell to me after 3 months. ive tried lore writing, pretty dragon collecting, working with g1's. i love the dragons & concept of this site but i never look back @ my lair and go "yep. it was all worth it". it's miserable to get the stuff u need! ur ideas and outfits are very inspiring so i wanted to hear from u specifically how u make ur own fun bc DAMN is it hard!
HI SORRY for taking so long to answer this it’s been. a weird weekend. also srry for the long + public answer lmk if you want this taken down and i’ll DM screens or smth i just figured it might be helpful to other ppl too or at least maybe others can provide feedback!!! anyway uuuhhhhh the trouble w fr is you do have to Find and Make your own fun yea, and it is cool to me that there is different stuff that different ppl like to really focus on! but i imagine it can be frustrating when none of those different things quite feel like Your Thing
i think above all what has kept my FR enjoyment up the most over the years has been running this blog and being in a couple (small, not super public lol) discord servers and generally just being able to actually talk to people about FR! i hate using the forums and don’t chat people up onsite via PM or whatever, but i do have this blog to share my art and projects and characters and stuff as well as discord w some pals where we can hype each others stuff up and generally enjoy pixel dragons Together. finding a way to share what yr doing helps to enjoy doing it if that makes sense??? crafting lore and art and ocs and stuff around my dragons got a lot more fun (and i was inspired to do it more and keep doing it!) once i was actually sharing any of it (not that i still dont just keep a lot of lore locked in my head lol)
but sharing the fun still requires finding the fun aka what really feels like yr Favorite thing to do on fr itself? character creation & design is my favorite thing to do like, in general, and to make a neat character i need the dragon to be really cool and customized in such a way that inspires me and informs what kind of character they’re gonna be and where they fit into within my lore….. thus dragon dressup is my favorite part of the site, i spend a LOT of time fiddling around in the dressing room making outfits, i usually won’t even buy a dragon until i’ve at least got the beginnings of a good outfit started. i didn’t get into g1s at all until we could start dressing scries and now coming up w the perfect scry+outfit is SO satisfying to me, even if i take literal years to complete projects lol, knowing what the goal is is good enough for me to pull character and lore ideas from (and i always stick the outfit plan image+scry img in the bio so i can still always visualize it) helps also to find a couple niches or smth that you REALLY like and want to have groups of dragons w this specific kind of look or lore going on so you’re less likely to find the project ugly or boring later if that makes sense? ie i have my plague church and weird ocean cult and eldritch space monster tabs, being able to know where ur dragon fits in with your other dragons keeps ‘em interesting i think! having a loose handful of random guys w no connections can make it hard to feel like holding onto ‘em :(
so then i think it’s about making these end results (be it breeding projects or g1s or a mixed lair of whatever) feel, yknow, worth it! for me its worth it and i love to look at the finished stuff in my lair bc i then have these characters attached to them—not everyone is fully fleshed out with a gijinka design and everything yet, but i generally have an idea of their personalities and they’re always sorted into a lore faction where i know they’ll be participating in xyz activities/behaviors/etc. a lot of them do have this kind of background character syndrome atm bc of that but i still care about the end result dragon in my lair bc i CAN develop them into a character and base a design off of their genes/apparel/etc that i put all that effort into matching up perfectly. so having and completing these dragons and their outfits and gazing upon my own lair feels satisfying and Worth It to me because i like creating and this way i’ve created something / given myself this lovingly customized bunch of pixels to create with, yknow? they’re not JUST pretty dragons sitting there doing nothing, they have purpose and space in my head.
ofc that’s all just What I Like about the game personally and what’s Fun For Me and for you and other people that can or will be different !!! my hope is just that hearing What i like and How and Why helps u and anyone else to figure the same for yrself… tldr it’s about finding what you like and why and what your real end goal that keeps you feeling attached to your dragons is, and being able to actually share these things with other people somehow can be a big help! playing all by yrself with no real goals is definitely a rough experience for FR and i wish u the best of luck finding what sparks pixel dragon joy for you 🙏🙏🙏
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