#mexican students killed
elviramac22-blog · 10 months
Mexican Cartel Kills Mexican Students
Five students are the latest victims of the Mexican Cartel. They were lured by the Jalisco Nueva Generacion Cartel in a fake job offer. The young men went missing until they showed up on video. They were on their knees duck taped, beaten, stabbed, and then beheaded all on camera. One of them was forced to kill their friend and behead them. They were stabbed and beheaded also. This was done all on…
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
As Women History Month begins, listen to this powerful speech by Yesenia Zamudio, a Mexican mother who's daughter, María del Jesús, was murdered in her own apartment in 2016.
María was a 19 year-old engineering student in Mexico City's National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). After going out to party with classmates and a teacher, they claimed she "went crazy" and "committed suicide". A criminal investigation later reported that she was forcefully brought to her fifth floor apartment by her teacher and a classmate who after unsuccessfully trying to sexually abuse her, and as she struggled and screamed for help, threw her out of the window. María went into a coma and suffered head and leg fractures. She would die eight days later.
María's mother alleges that at least 7 people were involved in her daughter's murder. Despite this, following a 5 year investigation, in 2021 a warrant was put out for the arrests of María's teacher, Julio Iván Ruiz Guerrero, and her classmate, Gabriel Eduardo Galván Figueroa, for femicide. They have been fugitives since then. Mexico suffers one of the highest rates of femicide (the killing of women and girls because of their gender) in the world, with almost 1,000 cases every year. Greatly exacerbating the femicide epidemic in Mexico are the often U.S. owned "maquiladoras" or textile factories that operate along the U.S.-Mexico border. They prevail because of U.S. policies such as free trade agreements which encourage U.S. companies to exploit low labour costs in Mexico and in these factories women are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse, exploitation and forced labor.
It is for this reason that Yesenia's words keep having such a powerful impact: "I am a mother who had my daughter killed. And yes, I am an empowered mother and a feminist! And I'm in deep shit. I have every right to burn and to break. I'm not going to ask anyone's permission, because I'm breaking for my daughter. And whoever wants to break, let them break and whoever wants to burn, let them burn and whoever doesn't, don't get in our way!" (redstreamnet)
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
@eviethelesbian once again thank you for the Headcanon List. Also shoutout to @darthladyofillusions because I included ur OC :)
Harbor is a history professor dating Astra, the archeology professor.  Both of them met on a trip to a site in India
Both of them reached for the same the brush at one point and they laughed it off later
Both of them are excellent teachers in their own way.  Varun has a habit of going on tangents about stories and is super nerdy about his subject.  Efia’s classes are fun and her energy is infectious
Cypher has a family and does cyber security for the University.  Nobody knows his actual name.
Nobody knows him that well but when he comes out of his office he’ll say hello to anyone nearby.  He goes home quickly though and usually avoids working late.
Cypher’s office is full of pictures of his family, drawings from his daughter, screens, and the scent of imported Moroccan teas
He and his wife and kid see the students off when they graduate, and all of the students are amazed to realize that this guy has such a good family life.  (They thought he was a no-life kinda guy)
Liam ‘Brimstone’ Byrne is the university’s Dean and basically runs everything as much as possible for the good of the students.  Tariq and him are the brains and guiding hand of the university
He retired from the military after he was given an educator’s license and became a professor of tactics at a military academy.  He then took his skills elsewhere and turned the college into what it is now
Liam keeps the students at the forefront of any policy changes and takes an interest in professors that are considered brilliant but difficult to work with.  He’s an expert of recruitment and reining in the right people
Has snacks in his office for students but they can only get them if they complete a pull-up on an pull-up bar he has in his office.  One arm only.
Sabine worked at R&D at a pesticide company but is the only Organic Chem teacher that the Valorant U could get.  Somehow is a good professor despite hating students and no general teaching
She doesn’t really hate them but it isn’t a good idea to get on her bad side.  It’s rumored she poisons the students she hates.  
Stared daggers into the first person (Jamie), to make a Breaking Bad reference and since then nobody brings it up
Classes with her are pretty tense but if a student actually tries and gives their all, she’ll notice and be kinder to them.  Especially students who study chemistry.  Double for O-Chem.
Sabine’s style of teaching could use work, but when she tries to explain complex ideas she’s genuinely in her element.  She once explained how tetrodotoxin and nerve ion channels worked to Zyanya’s little sister 
Zyanya is a professor for sure, probably the best Spanish teacher ever.  Beyond terrifying to new students
She will not let students forget proper accents and grammar, and god help the people that do.  Somebody once forgot their homework and Zyanna was literally this close to killing them
Her Spanish is specifically Mexican, and that extends to the class through some of the words she teaches.  Especially bits in culture and authenticity
Zyanya’s idea of testing people is borderline an interrogation.  10 minutes of extensive and stern conversations and multiple pages of writing.  People say it feels like their souls have literally been drained
Students come out of the classes fluent or scarred for life
Ling is a professor of medicine and completed her PHD around the same time Viper completed hers.  They were amazed to see each other teaching
She does Tai Chi for relaxation but did at one point learn Kung Fu while living abroad in a monastery for a couple of years.  She once broke a board in front of her class just to prove it
Hosts meditation hours during finals week and her office hours are always super useful for all of the medical and nursing students.  Calming as hell to anxious people
Tala got a scholarship via cross country and another from basketball, and wants to major in physical therapy.  She also got a job doing late night shifts at the library as security.
Hazal is in a band called Nightmare.  Her and several other introverts got together and started one.  Only perform in the most obscure venue.  She can play bass REALLY WELL
Tala found out and now shows up to every performance the band has.  If it weren’t for the lights flashing red and blue, you could see Hazal blushing when she spots Tala in the crowd
That’s how she met Hazal.  Tala was approached by her because Hazal wanted to study late and the two became acquainted
Both of them love the late nights that they share and Hazal is always at one of Tala’s games.  Tala picks her out of the crowd every time, and at the end Hazal always kisses her 
Mateo is a veterinary student and is everyone’s friend.  Except Iselin because some of his patients got into her office once and trashed her latest project model
He keeps fish, dogs, lizards, cats, and nearly everything else.  At one point he was in charge of a project that kept some monkeys around at one point 
The animal counterparts are a chameleon (Dizzy), a Chinese High Banded Shark (Thrash), a bullfrog tadpole (Mosh), and an Axolotl named Wingman
He has a crochet version of his (radivore) crew, courtesy of Omen being bored one day
Mateo is a Gen Z kid, and his vocabulary beyond salvaging
Jamie is an English major, I mean, obviously
Everyone likes Jamie, he brings a certain energy to everything he does and it resonates well with people.  His writing has a level of power and rhythm that makes it both easy to listen and layered
He is a songwriter, and poet, and even has a collection of published short stories.  His mums are proud.  His scripts are also incredible and his goal is to get his own musical to Broadway 
When Jamie is in a play, it’s usually as the protagonist or the main antagonist.  It is wonderful to see him on stage, especially because he’s trained as a Shakespearean actor
Tayane is THE art student and the reason most of the faculty drinks.  And also the reason why most of the students drink too
Absolute ragers getting thrown anytime Tayane is involved.  This woman does not stop until the sun is up
Her graffiti portraits are inspired, colorful, and almost always on government property or university property.  Brim started commissioning her in order to stop her from painting everything
The commissioned murals are a lot better for her, and gave her legal access to make huge projects on some of the older buildings
One of the walls is a silhouette of a woman with big circular glasses, geometric pink and yellow patterns around her, and surrounded by flowers
Vincent Fabron is the art teacher and Viper HATES him.  He’s also that one teacher an unreasonable amount of people of have a crush on
He was a tattoo artist while taking art lessons in France, then moved into high class art.  His gallery pieces gained a lot of attention and he gained a lot of money from them.
Now he teaches art, and has done graphic design for many upscale companies.  His own business card has won awards from design and art societies though
Omen is a guy in a scarf and hoodie that is somehow in everyone’s classes.  He crochets in the back sometimes.
Texts notes at 4am to anyone who needs it and is incredibly nocturnal.  He doesn’t need sleep he needs friends
Students never remembered or learned his name, so they just started calling him Omen after the laptop brand he uses
Erik ‘Breach’ Torsten is a coach they brought in and actually manages a paralympic team.  May have criminal past according to some of the athletes he manages
He will scream at people in Swedish during games, practice, going over strategies, and if he sees them in public.  Friendly but so loud
His prosthetic arms were a courtesy of the university’s science program.  They were partially a gift and partially a test to see what they could do.  Erik made sure that he could flip people off with the arms
Iselin the professor of Industrial Design, and she is the most stern professor ever.  At times she works for a wilderness recreation company and does product design for them.  
She is very organized, and her lecture presentations are always available, she lists the pages to read, dates for every assignment are posted a month in advance
Iselin’s a professional and rarely eases up, but the few times she’s been out with the other faculty she’s been surprisingly fun.  Especially with Ling for some reason
Kirra is a Biology professor that has so many plants in her room.  Has a parakeet, dog, and fish tank at home too.  Does wildlife photography on the side.  
Kirra protested in college and was arrested once for sabotage.  So she is totally chill with people missing class for stuff, and gives extra credit for students involved in causes
Goes on wilderness expeditions with some students for a class and memorized several survival books worth of information and knows every plant, animal, and fungus she comes across
Klara is an engineering major and Tayane just comes to those classes because she can.  It usually results in the equipment being plastered in stickers and paint.
They met when Tayane decided to tag the garage that Klara was keeping her final project in.  Both of them sort of caught feelings as soon as they saw each other
Klara fell so damn hard, and realized this while Tayane was doing a kegstand.  Klara whispered ‘she’s perfect’ mindlessly and then realized Sunwoo was right next to her
Sunwoo finished what was in her cup, patted Klara on the back, and said ‘good luck’ before walking away and pretending she didn’t hear
Her final project has been her ‘Lockdown’ which is basically an EMP crossed with a massive DDOS hack.  It went off once and downed the college’s internet for a week.
She’s going to switch it to something a little less destructive at this point, and Tayane is helping her brainstorm.  Currently it’s a robot but she’s trying to figure out what to make it do
KAY/O is Tariq’s gamertag.  The man is a CS:GO fiend and has crazy flashes due to muscle memory
Liam and him are MARRIED.  I’m not budging on this one and you will find me dead in the ground before I let this go
Tariq’s good at a lot of random stuff and doesn’t help out too much at the college but is well-known as the ‘guy who Brim allows to help grill things’ because nobody else is allowed
Helps Liam plan out things for the students and assists in any sort of set up that he can do
Ryo is studying Japanese History and works as a mechanic at a chop shop.  It is shady as hell over there but Yoru will hook people up if needed.  They definitely steal parts though
He takes business classes and there’s a real chance he might double major.  His business acumen and aggressive nature would make him the ultimate CEO
Sasha is the professor that most students simp for, and he teaches Russian Language classes.  Throws things at students that don’t pay attention and rarely misses
He has an owl nesting outside of the window to his classroom, he named it Matrioshka after the nesting dolls.  It had owlets so it seemed fitting.
His babushka lives out of the country but gets a continuous stream of gifts from him
Sasha is that one professor that has a weird story for everything in his room.  The bow he has? killed a grizzly bear with it.  Glass eye on display?  It was a gift from a glassmaker that was caught with illegal firearms.  Weird rock?  It was at the sight of a historic battle and has a bootprint in it
Has SO MANY books from Russian writers he reads in his off time.  Also does archery at a cabin he has in the woods.
Nobody could handle Novikov at the cabin, the sheer hotness of him splitting firewood, bow hunting, and chopping trees would send people into a simp coma
At the end of the year, he writes each student a short note in Russian telling them something worthwhile.
Sunwoo is an amazing sprinter and also amazing at darts.  Loves adding photos to the corkboard she has in her dorm
She isn’t really sure what she wants to study at the moment or even if she wanted to go to college.  Gotta love families pressuring college on their kids right?
It isn’t as depressing though, she shows real talent and enjoyment in studying Business but surprisingly is leaning towards learning Journalism as well
She writes stuff for the school paper, a blog, and even has a (somewhat inspired by people around her) science fiction story.  She hasn’t thought of a name yet.
It’s about secret agents that fight against an alternate dimension that tries to steal a powerful crystal from them.  It’s quite popular with the people who she let read it and people are constantly asking for updates
Sunwoo is trying, and hopefully she’ll manage to find somewhere she can feel comfortable
Kayra is studying botany, and started a garden in one of the common areas.  At first it was small but cute, then after a few weeks the flowers and bushes spread outside of the garden and overtook the common area.
It's now her favorite place to get away from people because trellises were added in and nobody can see through the vines.  There’s a chance she keeps patio furniture in the garden too
Has been living in an apartment with Hazal.  Tala has been the only one in there and says its overrun with houseplants and hanging lamps.
(@darthladyofillusions I hope this is accurate to some extent)
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foxglovepng · 29 days
Race Headcannons 🥀🌼
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Requested: Nu uh I just felt like it
CW: Race, Rook Slander, Ortho spoiler Idia's part.
Characters: NRC students
These are my Race Headcannons for the NRC men. Some of these I just went by feeling a lot of these I did research about the movie setting although with the fishes + beast men I went by geography.
Some of these I'm unsure of (Heavy on Sebek) If anything is incorrect or you want to share your thoughts go ahead I'm always open to corrections and hearing others. (PROOFREAD FOR ONCE)
(Updated Epel on 5.12.24)
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Riddle (British)
I don't really have an explanation for this one other than the Red Queen in Tim Burton's version she was British and had a big goofy forehead (I have not seen the animated one help)
Trey (German)
Would you believe me if I told you I whipped out a map closed my eyes and threw a dart and it landed on Germany??
For this one I went with somewhere in Europe and I picked Germany because it just made sense to me I was gonna say Polish, but his Green hair was telling me German.
Cater (Scottish)
It's his ginger hair tbh.
Ace (Japanese)
A lot of people headcannon him as Filipino, but me personally I wanted to be quirky and different /j
This one doesn't really have any evidence I just went by feeling. I also headcannon it that he would love Jojo and Junji Ito.
Deuce (Mexican)
As a fellow Mexican I KNOW ONE OF US WHEN I SEE ONE OF US. He is Mexican and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL.
Leona (Kenya)
I actually googled it and Lion King takes place in Kenya which is a country in the eastern part of Africa. For obvious reasons since he is based off Scar it made sense to make him Kenyan.
Ruggie (Multiracial)
I may get a lot of heat for this one, but this man got blonde ass hair and blue eyes, HOWEVER for the geography of spotted Hyena's I feel he is light skinned. He's got some Kenya in him but he also got some white genes. Geography wise I believe he is also part Arab since there are Arab countries in Africa. So therefore I believe he is white, black, and Arab.
Jack (Bircial)
Another one I may get a lot of heat for.
From what I remember Jack is from the same country as Vil? So, I believe Jack is part black, but also part European. It also isn't explicitly stated what movie he is from we just know he is a wolf.
Pop off Jacob Black (not sorry)
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Azul (Cuban) + The Twins (Filipino)
I googled Coral Sea locations and I came to these conclusions.
There are different Coral reefs going from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Maldives. With the Twins I thought how funny would it be to make them Australian, but Filipino just kind of felt right like a gut feeling. The Carribean sea also has coral reefs so I made Azul Cuban. I was going to make him Venezuelan however I ended up going with Cuban, but I feel like both fit him in a way.
Jamil + Kalim (Arab)
I don't really think this one needs an explanation Aladdin quite literally takes place Agrabah which was based off of Baghdad, Iraq (source: Google)
There is an article that says the Architecture is based on the Taj Mahal which is Indian.
There is also a mention of Allah in the animated version BUT because I don't fully understand religion in general (And also Disney back then was kind of racist) I don't want to use religion as a justification to where specifically they are from. So I will simply just say they are Arab.
Vil (German)
Snow white was based in Germany. (I have nothing more to say :Skull:)
Rook (French)
Self explanatory
Epel (Sami)
The Sami People are people who are indigenous to Sapmi which is in Northern Europe. (Todays Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Norway).
From doing a bit of research the Sami people seem to be dying out and their language too. (If you want to feel free to Google the Sami people there's a lot to learn about them and it's really interesting. There was basically a bunch of policies put in place to kill them and mistreat them it's really sad)
So in short Epel is Sami Indigenous (If I'm correct he's the first Indigenous character we got so far which is nice representation) (I also hope my research was correct please correct me if not)
Idia (Greek)
Based on where Hercules takes place and because Hades is quite literally Greek Mythology he is Greek.
Ortho is just a robot, but when he didn't drop dead he was Greek.
Malleus (German/French)
I am not really getting a clear answer as to where Sleeping Beauty takes place so I made him a French German. He slayed tbh
Lilia (Romanian)
Dracula's castle is in Romania that is the only explanation you are getting
Silver (French/German)
I am being told he is based off Sleeping Beauty so I am making him the same race as Waka Sama.
Sebek (Biracial)
When I first was thinking of a race for him I was thinking Slavic kind of fits him (atleast to me) or possibly Asian. However I had a really hard time guessing so I made him SlavicAsian. Maybe possibly Slovakia and Vietnam?
If you enjoyed Likes and Reblogs are very much welcome. If you want to request something go ahead just read my rules first. <3
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xandertheundead · 2 months
How would you feel about a high school au with The Three Caballeros in it?
Sorry this took so long to answer! I had a work deadline that consumed me for a bit!
So, I already have way too many ideas about their college years so I never really gave a HS AU much thought. I think HS AU, if I was to ever write one, would have to be less about the actual going on in school and more about adventures they would go on mainly because it has been a long time since I’ve been in HS and there are so many things that have changed that I wouldn’t even know where to start 😂
I think Panchito and José would have to be exchange students because I can’t hand wave how a Mexican and Brazilian are somehow in a US high school. Also you can take the birds out of their countries but you can’t take the countries out of them so I can’t just go “Oh well! They just American!” So I would make them exchange students and since the Duck family is Aces about communicating and taking care of their own kids there could be hijinks or confusion where Hortense signs up to be a host family but at Scrooges residence because that’s where Della and Donald stay a lot of the time even during the school year. Since the manor is so large, it can house not only one exchange student, but TWO!
That’s how you would get the teenage crew of Della, Donald, José & Panchito under one roof.
And of course among death defying and amazing adventures around the world, you would have the teen birds learn their way around each other. Of course with all of that comes with feelings and confusion because they are just learning who they are. Becoming friends, having crushes, squabbling, sharing a love of music and just trying to figure out how to pass Algebra II.
Scrooge will probably want to kill either all of them or himself at least nine times a week and give his sister weekly rage calls about how if she wants extra kids she can come over here and take care of her own kids first.
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bastet-c-haddock · 9 months
Teca Institute's Exchange Group!
For the Lunaverse AU.
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As I said in the previous post of this AU. Teca would take Mexico City's Place in this AU's version of Earth. Given the city's structure in the show. (More details on that on my other Blog)
Long story short, how to adapt what happened in Maya And The Three into a modern setting? Well, politics.
LISTEN UP! Sounds weird but let me explain!
Basically, Mictlan is a God in human desguise, looking to reign over humanity by becoming president of the country and start a War. As part of his campaign, he uses Zatz as an Embassador of his values and goals, in the mean time, Camazotz is his hitman, who is slowly killing Mictlan's competition. All to keep his son out of the God of War's bad side, since he knows, as a demigod, Zatz could give Mictlan power, though not as much as Maya, the "daughter" of the last standing competitor for Mexico's Presidency.
Note: Yes, in this world, if you are mexican, you can Vote for Jorge for President. You're welcome.
Jorge, Maya's father, has hidden her divine heritage thinking it wasn't a fact she needed to know of. Of course, when she starts to notice little glimpses of her powers, things get out of hand and the truth is revealed. Luckily, Zatz, the local "bad boy" and top student is there to assist her in discovering her godly abilities.
Pichu, Chimi and Rico are Maya's best friends from school, so when Zatz reveals the whole situation to the group, they team up to stop Mictlan.
Micte is the School's principal, obviously a Goddess in Human Desguise who took the role to be closer to Maya. Mictlan thinks is for the sake of spying on her for his benefit, since she's the seed of his glory or his destruction.
Obviously, they don't die fighting Mictlan, but still get their roles as the Moon and Sun. Once they fall, in battle or by time, they'll take their place, protecting for ever more the world from darkness as celestials.
I...might have rewritten the story, but given I changed the time period, I thought it was neccessary.
What do you think?
Also, enjoy an official Height Scale!
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For more Lunaverse Goodness, click Here:
What started it all...
Excheangable Roles depending on the Song.
San Angel's Exchange Group.
Mystical Principals
How the story goes...
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llyxo · 1 month
Find out how our pain is intertwined and let that be the engine of our struggle and revolution -Vianney Harelly
I don’t say it lightly when I tell someone, “Palestine’s freedom is freedom for everyone”. If genocide isn’t enough to pay attention to what is happening, (idk why it wouldn’t), understand that Israel has their hand in so many atrocities happening around the world and they’re closer to us than we think.
In 2014, 43 students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College, were forcefully disappeared. Iguala Infantry Battalion and elements of the Mexican Navy participated in the surveillance, espionage, and follow-up persecution and attack of the students, journalists and other civilians.
Israel sold surveillance equipment to the Mexican Army, the National Intelligence Center and Federal Police of Mexico.It goes without saying that the Mexican government is complicit in disappearing these students but the methods used to do it are a direct reflection of Israel’s approach in persecuting, killing, and overall genocide of Palestinians.
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rotten666bones · 3 months
An very incomplete list of trans murder victims in 2024
(this list includes people that identify as non-binary and/or gender-nonconforming)
Samantha Gómez Fonseca: A 37 year old transgender activist and politician who was shot multiple times in a car in Mexico City on January 14. The murder was planned
Miriam Nohemi Ríos: Killed (shot) on January 11 in the central Mexican state of Michoacán. She was a trans human rights activist.
Nex Benedict: Beaten in an Owasso High School bathroom by three other students on February 7. He later died due to his injuries at just 16 YEARS OLD!
Gaby Ortiz: She was a renowned stylist and reported dead on January 6 in the state of Hidalgo. Her body was found on the road along with a cardboard written message next to her containing threats. Her body showed visible signs of violence.
Parsa: The the 17 YEAR OLD Iranian was stabbed to death on January 30 by their father for "not conforming to traditional gender norms".
Amanda Soares (Mandy Gin Drag): She was a trans singer known as Mandy Gin Drag and found dead February 1 in São Gonçalo. Witnesses reported stab wounds on her body.
Kitty Monroe: (because of conflicting information on their preferred pronouns I'm going to use they/them) On January 1 they were run over by a truck driven by a man who was chasing them (Phoenix/US) . It is assumed that they were targeted for being trans. After their death they were deadnamed and misgendered by the 'Republic'. In a YouTube video of the previous year Monroe said: “I’m not afraid to exist, but I’m afraid of what other people would see, I’m afraid of what their perception of me is.”
Bunitinha: A 57 year old trans woman beaten and suffocated to death by her partner on January 13 in São Paulo.
Its barely been two months.. jesus fucking christ
Sources: usatoday.com, amerika21.de, cbsnews.com, translivesmatter.info, article19.org, bnews.com.br, jornalfloripa.com.br, azcentral.com, advocate.com
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offender42085 · 4 months
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Post 1154
Jeffrey Conroy, New York inmate 10A2652, born 1991, incarceration intake May 2010 at age 19, scheduled for parole consideration April 2030, with full release November 2033
Manslaughter, Gang Assault, Conspiracy, Attempted Assault as a Hate Crime
In May 2010, the white Long Island teenager convicted of killing a Hispanic immigrant in a 2008 hate crime attack in Patchogue was sentenced to 25 years in prison in a hearing that ended with the teenager’s father leaving the courtroom in a tearful rage.
The teenager, Jeffrey Conroy, then 19, stood next to his lawyer in State Supreme Court as Justice Robert W. Doyle told a courtroom filled with relatives, friends and supporters of both Mr. Conroy and the immigrant, Marcelo Lucero, that the proof of Mr. Conroy’s guilt was “overwhelming” and that he was convicted of “senseless and brutal crimes.”
The 25-year sentence was the longest possible for first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime, the most serious charge Mr. Conroy faced. Moments after the judge spoke, Mr. Conroy’s father, Robert Conroy, 49, a quiet presence in the courtroom during the nearly seven-week trial, stood up and, cursing, shouted that his son was only 17 at the time.
“This is mercy, for crying out loud?” he yelled from the back of the courtroom as he made his way outside surrounded by court officers, who restrained him briefly after he punched the doors or a wall.
Mr. Conroy was found guilty on April 19, 2010 of attacking Mr. Lucero in a train station parking lot in November 2008, one of a series of assaults that prosecutors said Mr. Conroy and six friends carried out as part of an activity that the young men described as “beaner-hopping” or “Mexican-hopping.”
Shortly before the sentencing was announced, Jeffrey Conroy seemed to apologize as he faced the judge. “I’m really sorry for what happened to Mr. Lucero,” he said, adding that every day he wished it never happened.
The defense lawyer, William Keahon, read aloud several of the nearly 100 letters that had been sent to the court from Mr. Conroy’s supporters — coaches, neighbors, and adult and teenage friends who asked for leniency. The letters described Mr. Conroy not as hate filled, but as someone who served as a volunteer mentor and coach to football and lacrosse players.
The letters also noted how Mr. Conroy had numerous Hispanic friends, including the woman he has said he plans to marry, Pamela Suarez, who is Bolivian.
But those sentiments were countered by the emotional words of the victim’s brother and sister.
Mr. Lucero’s younger brother, Joselo Lucero, 35, said that his brother became his role model and father figure after their father died when Joselo was 6. His brother’s death left him distraught, with nightmares and even thoughts of suicide, he said.
He spoke of justice for “the invisibles,” whom he described as the legal and illegal immigrants who come to the United States seeking a better life. “I don’t want this hate to continue,” he said.
Mr. Lucero, 37, a worker at a dry cleaning shop who had come from Gualaceo, Ecuador, was walking with a friend to another friend’s house on the night of the attack. They were surrounded by the seven young men, all students at Patchogue-Medford High School at the time, the authorities said.
After deliberating for four days, a jury found Mr. Conroy guilty of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime and other charges, in connection with Mr. Lucero’s death. He was also found guilty of attempted assaults on three other Hispanic men. On the manslaughter charge, Mr. Conroy faced a minimum of 8 years and a maximum of 25 years.
Mr. Conroy received the maximum sentence on all the charges against him, but because the sentences are to run concurrently, and because he has already served nearly two years and will receive credit for good behavior, he could actually serve 18 years, his lawyer said.
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I went to my university's (early)Hanukkah party today and the event itself was lively and fun but something happened as I arrived that still bothers me.
The important thing to note is that I am Mexican American, and a student receptionist for the event space that knew I was Mexican American made an offhanded comment that just blows my mind. She had originally asked me if I was Jewish, than she mentioned "but I've seen you at Latine events/organizations on campus, I've never met any Mexican Jewish person before." That in itself isn't that bad in my own opinion, but I tried to politely explain the Jews did indeed end up in Mexico through the Diaspora and there are Mexican Jewish people. I made a comment specifically about how Sephardic Jews ended up in Spain after being in Israel and from there eventually ended up in Mexico, although the Spanish largely either forcefully converted or killed a lot of the Sephardic Jewish people. She proceeded to tell me "Well that means they're not Mexican because they're invaders and we(Mexicans) are indigenous. They can't be both."
This other student is a very vocal political/social justice activist and all I could think in that moment was how could she possibly deny one's ability to be both Mexican and Jewish at the same time? Why was she so quick to want to shut down the statement that Mexican Jewish people even exist? More comments were made and I just felt so uneasy trying to finish signing in for this Hanukkah party that I had really been looking forward to and I just can't really forget the way she could so easily deny my ability to have both identities at the same time.
I suppose I will always struggle with taking pride in both cultures, as time and time again it seems to be something that non-jews can't understand as they mostly view Jews as white Ashkenazism only as well as the Pro-Palestine movement has definitely been bringing some people to believe the idea that all Jews are white and are racist through social media. The only people I can really talk to are my family and other Jewish people but this just felt like such a huge slap in the face as a convert that also struggles with feeling white-washed in Hispanic spaces due to my family living in America for 5 generations and assimilating in a lot of ways. Just venting I guess.
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searihart · 7 months
I've seen other's and I wanted to share mine!
Milgramsona? Oc? Self insert? Well, I don't wanna say her full name, but let's call her her second name!
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This is Saori!
Her T1 voicelines
01 My name is --- Saori ---, 19 years old. Um... I like cute stuff and sweets, I dislike hot weather and mint flavor... And... Yeah, I think that's about it
02 Mur... derer?... Ah..... That's why we are here........ Yes... I killed someone....... Hahaha can we talk about something else now?
03 Guard-kun, you look really young, isn't running the prison too much responsibility for you? ... Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to offend! I just thought what if my younger brother was on your place. But you are probably more than capable! .... Still, if you need anything, let me know
04 So you are gonna be judging us... Well, I'm counting on you! 
05 We can't leave?... I mean, inside here it's not that much different than the outside for me *chuckles* at least here people are nice
And the glitched ones
T1 It's all your fault... This is all your fault...
(I was debating myself if including the T2 one, but I think I won't just yet)
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A couple more facts + T1 opinions on the cast
Her color is pale pink
She's half Mexican from her father
She grew up in Mexico, and originally went to Japan in a student exchange program, choosing to stay over there for a bit longer after finishing high school
Her T1 Deco cover song is Dilemma
She's friendly and energetic, always reading the room and the person she is interacting with's expressions and body language, if she thinks the person would prefer less energy, she behaves more calmly
Always wakes up late and sometimes misses the breakfast
She bleaches her hair (the white part)
Moles! Many more covered by her clothes!
Her opinions of everyone early into T1! - Template by @/clover0101
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bracketsoffear · 1 month
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Mexican Gothic (Silvia Moreno-Garcia) "In 1950s Mexico City, beautiful young socialite Noemí Taboada receives a letter from her cousin Catalina, begging for help. She firmly believes that her English husband, Virgil Doyle, intends to poison her. Suspecting that Virgil may be after Catalina's money, Noemí's father, Leocadio, sends her to the Doyle home, High Place, which is located in the mountains outside of a small town named El Triunfo. Once there, Noemí is struck by the strange and unwelcoming atmosphere of the Doyles' house and the controlling and patronising attitude of its inhabitants. Catalina is proclaimed to be suffering from consumption and Noemí is mostly kept away from her cousin. Noemí spends her time learning about the Doyle family, which also includes Florence Doyle and the frail family patriarch, Howard. The family has a history of incestuous marriages and deep intergenerational traumas, such as one of Howard's daughters, Ruth, killing several family members before shooting herself."
Rappaccini's Daughter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) "Giovanni Guasconti, a young student renting a room in Padua, has a view from his quarters of a beautiful garden. Here, he looks at Beatrice, the beautiful daughter of Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini, a botanist who works in isolation. Beatrice is confined to the lush and locked gardens, which are filled with exotic poisonous plants grown by her father. Having fallen in love, Giovanni enters the garden and secretly meets with Beatrice a number of times, while ignoring his mentor, Professor Pietro Baglioni. Professor Baglioni is a rival of Dr. Rappaccini and he warns Giovanni that Rappaccini is devious and that he and his work (which involves using poison as medicine) should be avoided.
Giovanni notices Beatrice's strangely intimate relationship with the plants as well as the withering of fresh regular flowers and the death of an insect when exposed to her skin or breath. On one occasion, Beatrice embraces a plant in a way that she seems part of the plant itself; then she talks to the plant, "Give me thy breath, my sister, for I am faint with common air."
Giovanni eventually realizes that Beatrice, having been raised in the presence of poison, has developed an immunity to it and has become poisonous herself. A gentle touch of her hand leaves a purple print on his wrist. Beatrice urges Giovanni to look past her poisonous exterior and see her pure and innocent essence, creating great feelings of doubt and confusion in Giovanni.
In the end, Giovanni becomes poisonous himself: insects die when they come into contact with his breath. Giovanni is troubled by this, which he sees as a curse, and he blames Beatrice. Professor Baglioni gives him an antidote to cure Beatrice and free her from her father's cruel experiment. However, when Beatrice drinks the antidote, she becomes sick and dies. Before realizing that Beatrice is dying, Dr. Rappaccini excitedly welcomes the love between his two creatures, his daughter and her suitor, Giovanni, who has been transformed so that he can now be a true and worthy companion to Beatrice.
While Beatrice is dying, Professor Baglioni looks down from a window into the garden and triumphantly shouts "Rappaccini! Rappaccini! and is THIS the upshot of your experiment!""
When she begins to sleepwalk and experience strange dreams and visions, Noemí decides that she must leave the Doyle household, only to be told that she cannot leave. They reveal that Howard discovered a strain of mushroom that has a symbiotic relationship with humans. The Doyles use this fungus and remain at High Place, the house infused with the spores of the mushrooms, which has grown inside its walls and all around it, in order to heal themselves and prolong their lives. As the fungus's potency is lessened depending on the individual's genetics, the Doyles have intermarried in order to ensure that their offspring can also receive these benefits. Because it is interlaced with mycelium and infested with the mushroom's spores, the house can hold memories, which the family refers to as the "gloom". The spores can also help the Doyles control people who have inhaled them, which frightens Noemí. She grows more horrified, however, when she learns that Howard's wife Agnes was used as a sacrifice to grow the spores - and that Howard can use the gloom to take over the bodies of family members, which he's used to further preserve his own life.
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 3 months
Getting tangled in a web. A Madame Web, you could say - An Anya Corazón centric Madame Web review (SPOILERS AHEAD)
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So, I originally did not planned to pay to watch MW (I did considered watching it later on for free if just to do a funny review), but my best friend wanted to watch it to roast it, so as meanwhile it was her I was like "I'm in".
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(Completely unrelated, but adding to the MW watching experience, the top of the projection was off-screen as you can see, and it was like that for 20 minutes, so that was a great sign)
This is going to be focused entirely on Anya, so to give some quick thoughts about the movie itself that you've probably heard from other reviews: yeah, it's bad. We were making fun of it at the beginning but by the last hour we were bored and wanted it to end. The damn stolen taxi got laughs from us, so there's that.
Now, Anya.
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Isabela Merced does a fine job with the material she's given. To the credit of the movie, she and Julia are the most likeable of the main protagonists, with Anya being the most sympathetic of the bunch. In what was the cringest secene in the film, were the girls dance to Toxic by Britney Spears on a restaurant's table (my friend was dying, since we're filmmaking students and she was lamenting that this was directed by a woman and she just keep saying that absolutely no girl would act like that and do that) she at least was the only who resisted the most from joining.
This version, as you could guess by her costume, is mostly based on the Marvel's Spider-Man 2017™ cartoon Anya.
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She's an academic genius who spits out sciency words and sentences. Even her bolas here seem to have some tech-integrated in them, makingh them more like drones than her traditional ones, at least that's what they look like for like the three seconds they appear on-screen. They still failed to give her a pony tail.
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Our first look of her is alongside the other Spider-Women in a future vision were they violently attack and murder in cold blood Ezekiel. They attack him at his apartment and throw him out of the building as they stare at him as he falls.
This is in contrast to her general depiction of her being in a constant struggle to give up to her vengeful tendencies.
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TO THE FILM'S CREDIT, it also heavily implies that they were never going to kill him, but that "vision" represented how the Spider-Women trio would lead to his downfall. So if he never chased them he would still be alive in the future.
Now, among other changes...
In a previous post, I reacted strongly about the movie changing her nationality to Peruvian. I got responses saying that the reviewer was wrong and she wasn't peruvian in the film. Having seen the film, yes, i can confirm that she's not peruvian.... they still changed her nationality, though.
In the comics Anya is mexican from her mother's side and puertorrican from her father's. In the movie it's stated that her mom died when she was a child, while his dad was deported. This means that they did changed her nationality, since puertorricans are considered US citizens and therefore can't be deported. It's never stated where exactly she comes from. she's just generic latina.
Althought a illegal immigrant approach could potentially work, the movie does nothing with that beyond having it being a excuse for Anya to be adopted by Cassandra by the end of the movie. Let alone, the fact that the story of the latina character being an ilegal immigrant feels cliche by this point. Even more egregious, to contrast with the comic, her dad is a puertorrican highly respected reporter who was even hired by the Fantastic Four, turning him into a illegal immigrant pretty much added nothing to the story beyond having a orphan Anya.
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Overall, in their attempt to make their own version of Anya, as well as shoehorn her into a movie that was not about her, we ended up losing one the most interesting and charming characters and origin stories that can hold a movie by her own.
At the end of it, this movie didn't improve Anya's perception to the general public, but it didn't hurt it either.
It tells you a lot that her cameo in Across the Spider-Verse got more people talking about her than this movie did.
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brunette-bitch77 · 1 day
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ᯓ★ If U couldn't tell from my bio, I'm primarily a writer for transfem readers. yes, we exist on here, and we deserve some attention!! (if they don't, then I'm writing this blog for me I guess)
ᡣ𐭩 readers of other gender identities are welcomed, just expect to see a lott of trans woman reader content. if I take requests in the future, then you can submit one. we all deserve some attention at the end of the day
𐙚 forgive me if my blog looks like shit at first, I decided to do this on a whim (•᷄- •᷅ ;) this about me post will probably be edited!
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𝐅𝐀𝐐 / Blog Info
╰┈➤ Blog info...
Who do you write for? As mentioned above, I write for transfem readers primarily. If my posts ever open up for requests, I will include other gender identities, but due to my current schedule & attention span issues, I won't be taking any. Additionally, a lot of the reader's personality is derived from my own, which includes habits and speaking mannerisms so some of my readers might not align with your own personality type.
Who do you write about? Characters that I'm obsessing over/am into at the moment. My two main characters will be Toji Fushiguro and Gojo Satoru with some Nanami Kento, Tengen Uzui, Yami Sukehiro and Kojiro Nanjo sprinkled into the mix. Basically anyone with biceps that can crush my head!! I’m also a Kunigami Rensuke fangirl on the side, but my obsession’s died down due to the lack of Blue Lock content I’ve been consuming.
What is the point of this blog? To write my own fanfiction and also hone my writing skills. I've scoured Tumblr, Wattpad and AO3, and have yet to find the fics that I feel represent me. Readers are almost always cis females, gender neutral, or trans men (and even those are hard to come by). I wanted to get my own ideas out there while also hopefully satisfying other trans women who like the stuff that I like and face the same problems that I have.
Types of fics: fluff, NSFW, angst, you name it, I'll probably write it eventually. I'll also include songfics since I'm a huge music lover. Please be aware that angst stories will exclusively include happy endings for the reader (I'm tired of the baby mama, side-hoe content... we need to stand up at some point or another).
Topics covered: anything to do with the transfem experience, as well as general relationship stuff that isn't exclusive to genders with my own twist added to them. I will not cover topics that I do not feel I have knowledge on or personal experience of such as periods, pregnancies, or certain mental disorders. I flat out will not write sexual assault, dub-con, stepcest, incest, or anything gross like scat, vomit, or any other kind of bodily fluids. I will write certain forms of age gaps, but I won't write blatantly depraved power dynamics such as teacher/student. The most you’ll see is 25 yo. reader with a 35-38 yo. character.
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╰┈➤ Personal info...
General about me's: I'm currently an 18 yr old, rising architectural engineering student (fall of 2024) | pisces sun, gemini moon, aries rising | ENTJ 8w7 | mother of 3 cats | uruguayan & mexican (some of my fics might feature some spanish!)
Music favs: Beyoncé (duh), Mariah Carey, Madonna, Shakira, and Ariana grande. You'll find a lot of my fics are based on songs 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
Favorite Media: B'day (the album), Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill (I adore Lucy Liu)
Fandoms/favorite anime: Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Black Lagoon, Love is War, Madoka Magica, Higurashi: When They Cry, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club; I primarily watch anime that feature a badass female character, violence, or really hot guys.
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╰┈➤ Rules...
No bigotry (duhh....)
No minors - literally go do your hw please 😭
No Beyoncé hate is allowed on my page!!! Don't get shot.
Don't bring your politics around me
Don't request stuff in my DMs until I decide to open requests or they'll end up in the void of Tumblr. I come and go as I please, meaning I might forget about this blog for weeks at a time and then come back and post 30 different things, so if I did requests then they'd probably never see the light of day (which hurts—I personally would know!!)
Don't go starting shit with other people on my page. DMS exist! And definitely don't start shit with ME or you'll earn yourself a block.
Have fun - this is literally a fanfiction page, this is meant to be fun and indulgent
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 4/26/2024
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richeeduvie · 27 days
I was rereading your blurbs about Walter, Jesse, and princesa and I was just thinking about what it would be like if Walter and Lalo interacted. So they’re like at eladio’s house for one of his cartel parties (because I love that scene) and we all know how Jesse and Lalo are when they’re in the same proximity, but Walter and Lalo? I’m thinking that Walter slips up and says something to Lalo about how reader had so much more potential other than just being pregnant with lalo’s babies, and well, lalo is just hearing kill bill sirens. And everyone around them is just like 😳🤦‍♂️🧍‍♂️, like even Jesse knows not to say that to the dangerous cartel member with a GUN. And princess is just in the background with her bebes playing with them in the pool.
You just know Walter was so happy to have a good student with so much potential. Constant classes of kids who didn't care or the obvious overachievers who only cared about the grade, not the science. He would always favor the latter - but a young Princesa, quiet and kind, sat right next to Jesse. It's just a shame to him. She was such a good student, and she's ended up here.
I feel like Lalo would never let his little ones around Eladio, especially during one of the parties, but her very pregnant and shyly showing Jesse photos of her kids? Yeah, that's happening. Lalo's watching them.
"Was she your favorite student?"
"I..." Walter's head is tilted slightly, curved in the neck. "I made sure to never pick favorites. I had the students that made days frustrating and she wasn't one of them. She had a lot of potential."
Walter takes a sip of his drink, lips curving down to say 'Well, so-so.'
"I actually remember trying to help with figure out what colleges she wanted to go to. She could've gotten into any of them. I never did that with Jesse. He knows."
Lalo stares, not one sip taken.
Meanwhile, Jesse's scratching his head at all these photos of all these...kids. Isn't she his age? They're not over thirty and fucking grey and there's like four of those fuckers. And another one on the way. They're cute, though.
"Yeah, man - I see your face in that one. Fucking genes, maybe if Mr. White taught biology instead cause yo...that's like a mini...Mexican you. I don't know why I'm saying if Mr. White taught it, I would've failed bio even harder."
"That's what Lalo says, but I think all of them look like him."
Lalo stares, not one blink taken.
"Had potential?"
Walter meets the man's eyes.
"I mean, she's made herself happy. I'm glad to see it. She was always quiet - and not that a quiet nature means a depressed one...but seeing her happy here. It's - it's nice."
"...But you don't think what's making her happy has brought her to her true potential."
Walter's mouth parts. "No, no. I didn't say that. I always did think she was going to do more, but it's the bare minimum that I never - never really thought about my students when it wasn't needed. I didn't-I never imagined what her life would be like."
Lalo keeps staring. It's not an invitation to keep talking, but it's Walter. He'll keep talking.
"I did think it would be more the a plethora of children. It's surprising to see that make her so happy...and at such a young age, but maybe I'm just projecting what it would be like if someone like...say - Jesse, if Jesse went ahead and had a kid right now, he has the potential to do more than have five and do nothing else."
And that's the mistake the turns on sirens in Lalo's head.
Princesa and Jesse has overheard, along with a few others. The few others may not understand the exact context of the situation, but it's making their blood cringe in the stream.
Princesa sniffles. Jesse closes his eyes. Lalo's staring at the glass in Walter's hand, he wants it to crack and come onto the old man's skin. Fucking gringo - telling him about his girl.
She doesn't need to be anything else, and he needs to bleed.
Not here, though. Not now. Princesa's so happy today. And Walter...Walter's just unwell.
Princesa doesn't need to be anything else, she could do anything, but no fucking bald punk in a khakis is gonna tell Lalo or her that she should be doing more. Walter shouldn't think he's smart to believe that.
But not here. Not now.
"Princesa, let's go. I bet they're missing you and I know you forgot to take your vitamins-"
"I didn't-"
"You can argue. Don't make you right."
Lalo holds her on the way out, he doesn't let her say goodbye to Walter or Jesse.
"...You wanna fucking kill us, man?"
Lalo has to hold her hand during the car ride home.
"Your old teacher is a fucking fool, Princesa. You don't need to be talking to him. I think he got the...the dementia. But you don't need to be talking to him."
He boldly sucks on Princesa's thumb before she can find anything to say.
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mariacallous · 7 months
On June 19, 2021, a convoy of armed men drove into the border city of Reynosa, Mexico, in the state of Tamaulipas, and opened fire on pedestrians. For more than eight hours, gunmen roamed four neighborhoods, kidnapping and killing 15 people, including two cab drivers, a nursing student, and a group of construction workers. After security forces were deployed throughout the city, four suspected gunmen were killed. In the days that followed, rumors spread on social media. People in Reynosa were afraid to go back out into the streets, factories shortened their night hours to protect their employees, and local businesses closed early.
Three days later, the attorney general of Tamaulipas, Irving Barrios Mojica, said the motive of the attack was to destabilize Mexican society. The attackers belonged to a cartel that was looking to gain control of the area surrounding the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge, which straddles the U.S.-Mexico border. The authorities seized a formidable amount of weaponry from the men: about 180 cartridge cases in total, as well as five long guns, and several .223-caliber magazines, which are commonly used in AR-style semi-automatic rifles. These weapons had one thing in common: They came from the United States.
The Reynosa massacre is just one recent entry in a long list of violent acts committed with U.S.-made weapons in Mexican territory. At least 70 percent of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico between 2014 and 2018 were trafficked into the country from the United States. Although the exact number of weapons smuggled across the border is uncertain, a study quoted by the Mexican government estimates that 2.2 percent of the nearly 40 million guns manufactured annually in the United States make their way into Mexico, amounting to more than half a million weapons a year. Hidden inside vehicles, appliances, and furniture or trafficked by sea in sealed shipping containers, U.S.-made weapons are bringing violence from north to south, according to the Mexican government.
In 2021, Mexico filed an unprecedented lawsuit against U.S. weapons manufacturers and a firearms distributor in the District Court in Boston, the first suit filed by a foreign government against the U.S. gun industry. The lawsuit names gun manufacturers such as Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Colt’s Manufacturing Company, Smith & Wesson Brands, Glock, Beretta, and Century International Arms and aims to hold them responsible for facilitating the flow of weapons across the border.
The complaint was dismissed by the District Court in September 2022, and Mexico filed an appeal in March. On July 24, the Mexican government urged the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston to revive the suit, arguing that a U.S. law does not protect U.S. gun manufacturers from being sued over gun trafficking that leads to violence in Mexico. A ruling is expected in the coming months, but this lawsuit could potentially set a precedent for cross-border litigation and strengthen the global fight against the illicit arms trade. The Mexican government is seeking at least $10 billion in damages for economic harm, yet the primary aim of the lawsuit is more ambitious: to curb gun trafficking by forcing changes to the business practices of U.S. gun companies and pushing for tighter controls on their distribution systems.
Mexico has strict national gun laws. There is only one store in the country where individuals can legally purchase a gun. The store is owned and operated by the military, and fewer than 50 gun permits are issued annually, mainly to prominent businesspeople, public figures, or individuals who have been the victim of a crime and need a firearm for protection, said Lt. Col. Israel Martínez Valdés from the Federal Registry of Firearms and Control of Explosives, responsible for gun permits.
After a U.S. ban on assault weapons expired in 2004, the Mexican government’s suit argues, U.S. gun manufacturers increased production, “particularly of the military-style assault weapons favored by the drug cartels.” The lawsuit alleges that this accompanied a dramatic increase in homicides across the border after 2004. One of the most common types of gun smuggling across the U.S.-Mexico border is the hormigas (“ants”) method, in which straw buyers—intermediaries with clean records who are sent to buy guns on behalf of third parties—pass weapons on to traffickers, who smuggle them in small quantities.
Zulia Orozco Reynoso and Gerardo Hernández, researchers at the Autonomous University of Baja California in northern Mexico, explained that local gun shows in the United States lack restrictions and controls, which makes it easier for weapons to cross the border undetected. Dealers purchase large quantities of guns from distributors and resell them at gun shows with no paperwork and no questions asked, the Mexican government’s suit states. Private or unlicensed sellers at gun shows in the United States are not required to conduct background checks or maintain records linking weapons to buyers, a fact known as the “gun show loophole” or “private sale exception.” Traffickers can buy several guns at once and smuggle them in private vehicles without being monitored by U.S. or Mexican authorities.
The California-Baja California border region, which stretches for 120 miles, is one of the busiest land border crossings in the world. Yet while an enormous law enforcement operation ensures that people do not travel from south to north unauthorized, movement from north to south is far less surveilled. The guns “come by land, by air, by sea, and through the tunnels along the border,” Hernández said.
Much of this trafficking is done by people with dual citizenship or Americans hired by drug cartels. Mexican citizens can face up to 10 years in prison for trafficking a gun and up to 30 years for trafficking weapons intended exclusively for military use. Yet foreigners introducing a single weapon to the country for the first time are merely fined, Orozco Reynoso said, and the weapon is returned to them when they leave the country.
“The risks for Mexicans are greater, or at least they are not given a second chance, unlike Americans,” Orozco Reynoso added.
Dangerous weapons don’t just end up in the hands of criminal cartels. Law enforcement and members of the Mexican defense ministry, the nation’s sole authorized importer of firearms, have also committed atrocities with U.S.-manufactured firearms. A 2018 report by the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights affirms that legally imported firearms have been used by police and military units in gross human rights abuses. The local police who attacked the 43 Ayotzinapa students who disappeared in September 2014 were armed with legally imported Colt AR-6530 rifles. In 2011, a man was arrested in Tamaulipas for allegedly belonging to a criminal organization; while he was in custody, a navy lieutenant killed him with a 5.56 mm Colt M16 rifle.
Legally acquired firearms from military and law enforcement stocks are also diverted with the cooperation of corrupt authorities. Between 2006 and 2017, more than 20,000 firearms were reported as lost or stolen, according to the Mexican defense ministry. Last year, a leak of more than 4 million confidential documents from the ministry by the hacker activist group Guacamaya revealed that high-level military members had sold guns, grenades, and tactical equipment to criminal organizations.
U.S. gun manufacturers know that their marketing and distribution practices have caused harm in Mexican territory, the Mexican government claims. According to its complaint, U.S. gun manufacturers have not implemented public safety measures in their distribution systems, such as comprehensive training for dealers and a code of conduct that requires distributors to keep better track of their inventories. Mexico contends that U.S. gun manufacturers design semi-automatic rifles that can be easily modified to fire automatically, a feature sought after among cartels. These practices “aid and abet the killing and maiming of children, judges, journalists, police, and ordinary citizens throughout Mexico,” the lawsuit says.
For Alejandro Celorio, Mexico’s lead attorney and spokesperson for the foreign ministry, this “lack of care” facilitates the illegal trade in their weapons. “It’s the number of guns but also the type of guns that are sold in the United States with total irresponsibility,” Celorio said. In the United States, “guns are sold to someone who wants to kill children in a kindergarten or to someone who works with organized crime.”
Mexico argues that these companies have access to firearms trace data that identifies specific networks of distributors and dealers that regularly supply drug cartels in Mexico. Based on reports from the U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the Mexican government revealed that over a four-year period in the mid-2000s, more than 500 Century Arms WASR-10 rifles originally purchased in the United States were seized at crime scenes in Mexico. Yet Century Arms, the lawsuit claims, continued to supply its rifles to the same distributors and dealers. (Century Arms did not respond to a request for comment.)
The U.S. gun-makers filed a joint motion in 2021 to dismiss Mexico’s claims, arguing that the injury is not traceable to the gun manufacturers but rather stems from violence committed by criminals in Mexico. They further argue that allowing foreign law to apply “would invite other nations to likewise invoke their own laws to attack the U.S. firearms industry.”
“The scope of liability the complaint suggests well exceeds what any U.S. court would permit at common law, even under strict product liability. And such a pervasive assault on the firearm industry would imperil civilian access to firearms—a right guaranteed by both the U.S. and Massachusetts constitutions,” the joint motion states.
On Sept. 30, 2022, when Judge F. Dennis Saylor dismissed Mexico’s lawsuit, he stated that “while the Court has considerable sympathy for the people of Mexico,” the Mexican government’s claims do not outweigh the protections provided to gun manufacturers by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a U.S. federal statute that bars lawsuits seeking to hold gun manufacturers liable when individuals use their guns illegally. Since 2005, the PLCAA has granted gun manufacturers and dealers broad immunity from lawsuits when deadly crimes are committed with their products. Saylor added that while the PLCAA contains several exceptions, such as claims for damage caused by a defective firearm or for entrusting a gun to someone the dealer knows is high risk, none apply in this case.
However, in its appeal, the Mexican government argues that because crimes were committed on Mexican territory, U.S. federal law does not apply; instead, Mexico should be allowed to sue the companies for breaches of Mexican law. When U.S.-based corporations cause injury abroad, the U.S. Constitution and statutes allow other nations to sue for violations of their own laws, the lawsuit states. It further argues that the defendants violated Connecticut and Massachusetts consumer protection laws by knowingly marketing their products to criminals and drug cartels.
Heidi Li Feldman, a law professor at Georgetown University and an expert on gun litigation, said the Sandy Hook settlement provides a road map for how to circumvent PLCAA protections with consumer protection laws. In that case, the families of nine victims of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School argued that Remington Arms, the manufacturer of the AR-style semi-automatic rifle used in the shooting, violated state laws by marketing its Bushmaster XM15-E2S to “at-risk” young men as a combat weapon and allowing the gun to be depicted in video games. They reached a $73 million settlement with Remington in 2022.
“The suit’s going to be fiercely fought on the grounds of whether PLCAA applies to it in the first instance,” Feldman said. The PLCAA was never meant to apply extraterritorially, she said, and it would be “politically unpopular” in the United States to allow foreign governments to sue.
Mexico filed a second lawsuit in a U.S. federal court in October 2022, this time against five gun dealers in Arizona. That lawsuit seeks to prove that the dealers knowingly sold weapons to straw purchasers.
The complex and extensive web of protections for U.S. gun manufacturers, mainly created by the PLCAA, makes it difficult for Mexico to beat the industry. But the lawsuits have received international support. Among those who submitted supporting amicus curiae briefs are U.S. prosecutors and district attorneys, activists, victims of armed violence from both sides of the border, and Latin American and Caribbean countries that argue that guns smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border do not end up only in Mexico—they continue to flow into other countries throughout the Western Hemisphere, while more weapons are transported from the United States directly to the rest of the region via shipping companies and commercial airlines.
“We have come a long way, and this conversation about the illicit arms trade is becoming more and more questioning about the irresponsibility of companies,” said Celorio, the lead attorney.
A new piece of legislation in the United States, the first major federal gun safety law passed in nearly 30 years, also may change smuggling patterns. Signed into law in June 2022, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act cracks down on straw purchasers, allowing them to be punished with up to 15 years in prison or 25 years if the firearms are linked to serious criminal activity such as drug trafficking. In September 2022, a 25-year-old U.S. citizen living in Mexico was driving south to the port in Laredo, Texas, with 17 handguns. He is the first person to be convicted under the new law. According to Justice Department officials, between Jan. 21, 2020, and July 11, 2022, the 25-year-old purchased 231 handguns.
The success of the Mexican lawsuits, however, depends largely on lifting the general immunity that the PLCAA grants to the powerful gun industry and lobby. A win for Mexico could open the door for other foreign governments to sue U.S. gun-makers for violence in their countries. Whatever the outcome, the litigation raises a question that the United States has not wanted to answer: Who will hold U.S. gun manufacturers responsible for the violence they cause abroad?
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