deadchaoticcosmos · 3 months
Walburga Black micro-fic I guess in a way
Why can't I make you love me?! Walburga screamed
All sirius did was stare at her and then leave the room limping,After all she had just punished him.
Walburga realised then that she became what she always promised herself she wouldn't as a young child,
She became just like her father .
She calapsed onto the floor of the study.Her breathing uneven.
She could hear her children whispering .
She could hear regulus comforting sirius and cleaning up his wounds.She could her the rattling breath of her son as he tried to hold back his sobs.He always tried to be strong for regulus .
Kretcher was there to giving them bandages to place of the nastiest of wounds.
What has she become?
She could feel the black family mania finally setting in fully.
What has been happening for years,Finally took over her.She knew it was happening, she knew there was no retreat, that this was it.But she couldn't bring herself to care.If she was going to be like her father, she was going to be much, much worse.She will be your worst nightmare .
Inspired by that line from the anne Frank BBC show in 2009
My first micro fic, that wasn't in my head and I actually wrote down
I could probably make this in to a really short fic like one or two chapters to go more in depth but I probably won't
I will leave writing actual fics to better write
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sauraunderscore · 1 year
I wrote...
A (very) little something from another fandom! *gasp*
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frownyalfred · 4 months
Jason and Bruce are out late one night in Gotham as civilians. They get cornered by a mugger and Jason nearly pisses himself, he’s so amused. He teases the would-be mugger about their hand placement, even tries to goad the mugger into a fight because he’s Red Hood. He can disarm anyone in seconds. It doesn’t matter if you have a gun — he has two.
He’s Red Hood, and he has the literal Bat of Gotham standing behind him like a wall of muscle. They’re as close to invincible as humans get, in this town. And that kind of confidence scares off their would-be mugger.
But then Jason turns around, a smile stretching across his face, and Bruce is white. Bone white and so so quiet, eyes wide and trained on where the mugger had been standing.
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hellfireloserclub · 7 months
For @steddiemicrofic March prompt Pin
388 words | rated g | no cw | tags: fluff.
“Hold on, put a pin in that.” Eddie paused, eyes blown wide. “Be kind, rewind Stevie… Tommy did what?”
Steve rolled his eyes, the same way he did when Robin latched on to his and Tommy's past. 
“We kissed. Once. It was just a normal friend kiss...” Steve huffed, turning his attention back to the stack of videos, they weren't going to shelf themselves. Eddie followed him down the aisle.
“Nope, I'm with Buckley on this one, definitely not normal behaviour. Never once have I kissed Jeff. Maybe the rules are different for pretty boys like you, but that's definitely punch to the face territory for us balrogs.” Eddie glanced around him, checking he wouldn't be overheard- not that there had been anyone in the store all night. 
“You sure Hagan wasn’t trying to hit on you? I mean, did you like it?” 
Had he liked it? At the time it had felt nice.
He gave a non committal shrug.  
“I'm not hearing you say you hated it princess.”  Eddie was up in his space again, always was. He had the look of a man who had found a thread to pull at and wouldn't be happy till the whole thing unravelled, mess be damned. 
“I didn't hate it.” 
Eddie stepped back, turning his gaze away and randomly pulling cases off the shelf. Had Steve said something he shouldn't? It was hard to know where you stood with Eddie, how much of the Munson show was part of his defence mechanism.
“So you kissed Tommy, as a friend?” Eddie asked eventually, as Steve retrieved the copy of scanners that Eddie had tucked into the documentary section. 
“Yes. That's what I said, isn't it ?” Eddie crowded behind him as he put it back in the right place.
When Steve turned, Eddie was so close they nearly bumped noses, then he was closer, lips pressing against Steve's, and Steve was helpless to do anything but kiss him back. 
Then, just like that. Eddie pulled away, Steve gawped after him as Eddie headed for the exit, grinning over his shoulder.
“I think Hagen was on to something.” He 
winked as got to the door.
"But me? That was a move, Harrington. you coming? "
In hindsight, maybe Tommy was hitting on him. But it was Eddie that sealed the deal.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
I once had to pose in a ton of photos for a friend's AP photography final back in high school so may I present to you:
Steve Harrington, who gave in to Robin's begging that he act as her weird art model for her senior year portfolio (the same one her teacher is encouraging her to bat out of the ballpark and enter into contests.) 
She's doing a whole thing on fashion, subcultures and sexuality using photos and collaged poetry, a project that has Steve trying on different outfits and posing in different places. 
"This might help me land a scholarship, Dingus." She hisses while she's got him bent over her bathtub, spraying parts of his hair blue with wash-out dye.
Steve, soulmate and best friend extraordinaire, goes through it all with minimal (for him) bitching, even if the goth outfit feels absolutely ridiculous, and the 'geek' photoshoot downright laughable.
He starts to have fun when she has him mimic Nancy's straight laced, all A's good girl aura, and equally has a blast with the country look (he has no idea where Robin got a miniature horse but it conned him for every piece of food he had on him and then some.) 
The final piece is the one they're struggling with, the one Robin's now (fake) dying his hair partially blue for. 
A few hours later and he's dressed up once again in a studded leather jacket, the tightest jeans he owns ringed with belts, and combat boots.
 Robin had even talked him into letting her use eyelash glue to attach a few metal studs on his face--two acting as an eyebrow piercing and one on his nose. 
The looks he drew took a minute to get used too when all was said and done, Robin dragging him around Hawkins while she tried to find the 'perfect backdrop' but he's not gonna lie. 
He kinda enjoys being punk Steve.
That is, until Robin has him posing in an alleyway and Eddie Munson comes around the corner, jaw right about falling to the floor.
Even better? 
Eddie doesn't recognize him. 
Not at first, when he siddles up to Steve, nodding to the handkerchief in Steve's back pocket and then flicking the pink triangle pin on his jacket with a finger. 
Steve owes Jonathan a bottle of his father's best alcohol for giving him enough knowledge to get through the music razing Eddie subjects him too, and Steve's all too happy to play the part of punk asshole to Munson's music-snob metalhead.
It's not until Eddies playing with his hair and Robin gives in to letting him have a quick break from the shoot that he gives up the ghost, leaning in to whisper in Eddie's ear. 
"Gotta say, Munson," Steve all but purrs."I wasn't expecting you to fall for the Harrington Charm that fast."
"What?" Eddie asks, jerking his head back to look at him with wide eyes. 
Maybe it's the outfit giving him the extra ounce of courage, but Steve likes to think more that it gives him the freedom to lean forward and brush their lips together. 
Eddie doesn't return it, but that's alright. 
Steve's played this game enough to know that it was merely a hook for a real kiss. 
"Okay." Robin says, annoyed, camera at her side. "Steve, I'm happy that you're finally exploring that repressed as fuck homosexuality we keep arguing about, I really am, but I have to get this last photo!" 
He ignores her, instead nudging Eddie's shoulders.
"Care to pose with me?" Steve asks, grinning. He can tell Eddie still isn't sure if this is a joke, that he's seconds from running, and reaches out to tug on his black handkerchief. "Get Robin her photo, and then talk about this after, Mr. S&M."
Eddie flushes scarlet, but after some reassurance (and wheelding) from Robin, finally agrees. 
(Later, he agrees to a date, which Steve also credits the outfit for.
Even if Robin demands half the credit.) 
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tealeavesandtrash · 6 months
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Dogwalker - 421 words
[unknown number] Hi. Sorry to bother you, Pete gave me your number. I’m looking for a dog walker, he said you might know someone?  Thanks, Remus
hi remus i’ll ask around, what are the dates? sirius
This Thursday? Hopefully for 2 weeks but I’m having an op so might change I know it’s short notice but everything fell through and I'm running out ideas
sorry, just talking to pete  i’ll do it
You will? 
yeah  i work round the corner, i can take him out at lunch
Thank you so much you're a lifesaver
no probs
Thanks for today I think Padfoot likes you
good bc I like him too also no offence, when pete said knee replacement i was expecting a grandpa
None taken  And no offence, when Pete said dog groomer, I wasn’t expecting so much leather and tattoos
no offence taken ;)
[attached photo] stick maybe coming home with us
[attached photo] You've knackered him out
I have phsyio this morning Key is in flowerpot if I'm not back 
no worries
how was it?
An hour of them teaching me how to bend my knee Like I haven’t been doing that my whole life??
well… you werent doing a great job of it if they had to replace it
[attached photo] He’s waiting for you He knows your late
sorry padfoot :(( tell him ill be 5 mins x
okay so slight incident
What happened??
[attached photo] big fan of muddy puddles
Oh jesus
ill take him back to work and clean him up
You really don't have to  I can bath him
no offence ive seen you hobbling about you cant  wrangle him into a bath and kneel down to wash him 
I can handle it You’ve done enough already
its fine i had a cancellation won’t be a full pamper but youll have a squeaky clean pup back at 2
I dont think Padfoot's ever smelt so good
thats the blueberry pawfume 
The what
pawfume dog perfume blueberry scented
didn't know that was a thing 
next opening  i have hes getting the spa treatment
PT's cleared me for low-impact exercise  Aka get off my arse and start walking more
Oh congrats! I mean I’ll miss padfoot But glad ur healing good :)
Well You can still come with? Padfoot really likes you And I like talking to you
I like talking to you too
Or I coud take you out to dinner? As a thank you for everything I couldn't have coped without you
It’s a date x
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scriveyner · 5 months
For the third time in as many days, Atsushi caught sight of Akutagawa just as he turned and fled. This had become a pattern of sorts, and the previous occasions Atsushi had been far too preoccupied to bother with whatever bullshit the other man was cooking.
Today, however, he’d barely even picked up the grocery basket when Akutagawa entered the store behind him, immediately spotted Atsushi, and turned in a smooth motion to exit the building. Atsushi dropped the basket back into the stack and followed him, curious.
Akutagawa hadn’t expected to be followed. This was very clearly the case as when he realized Atsushi was right behind him, he picked up his pace as casually as he could. Atsushi matched his stride.
Frustrated, Akutagawa jerked off the main sidewalk down a side street and veered again into an alley—except when Atsushi reached said alley Akutagawa was staring in unconcealed frustration at the awnings that blocked him in. “What’s the matter,” Atsushi said, heartbeat pounding in his ears as Akutagawa spun angrily to face him. “Why didn’t you destroy them so you could go up the side of the building?”
“Weretiger, can you not take a fucking HINT?”
“No,” Atsushi said plainly, hands on his hips and trying not to huff and puff at the annoying exertion of chasing down a criminal in broad daylight.
Akutagawa snarled at the response, arms crossed as a defiant barrier between them. “Well let me be absolutely clear,” he growled. “Go. Away.”
“Nope,” Atsushi said, mock-cheerfully. “Not until you tell me why you’re bolting like a scared rabbit at the sight of me.”
Akutagawa stared at him, and Atsushi tilted his chin defiantly, daring him into a fight over this. “Is it about the kiss?”
The color that filled Akutagawa’s cheeks answered for him.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 8 months
The Language of Wolves, a Fairy Tale
There is a wolf with the voice of a person up on the hill. Travelers were sent there, both the lucky and unlucky sorts, if they could not speak the common tongue. The wolf had mastered any language he had ever heard and the people of the valley were both reasonable and warry. Send the travelers to the wolf, they said, bound by hospitality, and ask him who taught him how to speak or else whose witches throat he tore out and stitched into his own.
Many unsuspecting pilgrims, soldiers, merchants, and wayward souls, found themselves on the doorstep of a creature wearing silks and smiling in fangs. He knew their local songs though, every bit of story, and they woke in the morning with their lives intact and bags un-stolen. So the wolf remained even as borders shifted and languages died, even as scholars arrived and the wolf refused all questions on the nature of its knowledge. A humble beast it said, wearing coats of finest red only as the lords allow it.
Monks whispered of a miracle, nuns gave a pilgrimage of fresh goats and blood to the wolf at his doorstep, holy wanderers said perhaps even wolves had souls–even wolves could be saved. Others, of course, only asked more questions. 
Finally, there came a tricky man. Aged and silver, unwed, a scholar and a soldier both, coming from afar and very close all at once. The Scholar Soldier came in the downpour and the night, shed his muddy boots on the poor beast’s rug, and spoke in guttural tongues. The wolf’s eyes narrowed, and he used the voice of every person to ask where the Scholar Soldier came from. And the man spoke in tongues until the wolf’s ears laid flat against his head.
Do you not recognize it? said the Scholar Soldier, how can you not? The Scholar Soldier threw back his head and let out a howl–for he had fought in fairy wars, on the side of beasts, and knew the language of the wolves from the very first. The wolf tore off his fine red coat, tore at his beautiful cravat, and wept upon his floor. Can you take it back? he cried, can you make me whole?
Not a gift, of course, but a curse. As a mother turns away from her cub, placing a thorn in his throat that made him able to practice every language in the world but his own. Thrown out. The Scholar Soldier took pity on the old wolf and took him as a groom. They could be happy, he said, even if they were speaking with words never their own.
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room-surprise · 5 months
Kabumisu vampire AU
Tumblr media
(Art by my spouse)
Vampire hunter Kabru, whose village was destroyed when a vampire warlord razed it to the ground, meets vampire Mithrun, who lost everything when he was turned into a vampire by the same warlord. They both want revenge. Mithrun is an outcast for wanting to kill his maker, and he's barely alive when Kabru finds him. Kabru sees the potential in him, and suggests that they work together.
Mithrun becomes Kabru's partner, his weapon that he uses against other vampires and monsters. Other vampires look down on Mithrun, they call him a pet, a tool, a race traitor. Other hunters think Kabru is crazy to trust Mithrun, but he does trust him. They have an understanding. They work well together, and become famous as an unstoppable team.
At first, it's cold and pragmatic, but Kabru is incapable of being unkind to someone, and Mithrun slowly learns to feel something other than rage and pain under Kabru's care. He finds himself looking forward to every day because Kabru is by his side.
Mithrun mostly feeds on animal blood, but once in awhile, to keep his strength up, Kabru lets him drink his blood. Mithrun doesn't eat regular food anymore, but he makes sure that Kabru eats regularly, because Kabru is very prone to forgetting. They take care of each other.
They make love tenderly by candlelight and cuddle afterwards. Kabru tells Mithrun that when they've gotten their revenge, they can find someplace quiet to live together, where nobody will bother them, and nobody has to know Mithrun is a vampire. Mithrun hasn't wanted anything since he was turned, but slowly, he starts to want that future that Kabru keeps promising him.
Mithrun cries for the first time in hundreds of years when he thinks Kabru has died. He thinks about having to go on without Kabru, and the tears start flowing uncontrollably.
Mithrun's senses are enhanced as a vampire, and so he loves Kabru's scent and taste. He's constantly stealing and wearing his clothing at every opportunity, because it makes him feel good to be surrounded by the familiar scent. It feels like home.
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jamesunderwater · 7 days
Sept. 19th - Promise
@jilymicrofics - sept 19th: promise - word count: 330 - read on ao3!
“Do you promise?” There’s water in her eyes as she asks him. 
He’s seen Lily Evans with water in her eyes exactly three times before this moment. 
Once when she was bitten by her mandrake root in Herbology. She’d jumped and opened her mouth as though to scream, but instead pulled her hand into her chest, bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut. He’d stared from across the table as tears streaked down her cheeks and still, she didn’t make a sound. 
Once on a bright, crisp Saturday in late fall, hidden against a column in the courtyard. He’d watched from beneath the cloak as she stared down at a letter, lips pressed in a tight line. She’d gripped the pages so hard he could hear the paper shuddering in her grasp, and when it finally tore, she let out a soft sob beneath the sound of shredding.
And once while sitting with a second year, after she’d sent away the crowds and their whispers, after she’d checked the girl over for injury, and repaired the necklace that had been crushed in the fight. She’d held the girl’s face in her hands and said words he couldn’t hear at such a distance, and when the girl hugged her hard around the waist, she’d rested her chin on the child’s head. Her glassy eyes shone in the light of the sconces and she took in a large breath that he never saw her let go again. 
He hadn’t known, in any of those moments, how bright the green of her eyes becomes, how red the tip of her nose, how her eyebrows sink low as though too heavy to hold, and he would laugh and talk about puppies if it weren’t for her hand hovering over his arm, if he didn’t think this might be one of the few times Lily Evans has let someone witness her tears.
“Yes.” He holds her gaze as he tells her, “I promise.”
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ablogcalledrevenge · 6 months
Breakfast Surprise
@steddiemicrofic prompt: birthday // WC: 529 // Rated G
For the amazing @steddieas-shegoes! Happy Birthday! This is only my second fic in the fandom but the prompt inspired me and I was bored at work, so here you go! I hope you like it!
He wakes up to the sound of Britney Spears, which all things considered, is not how he wants to wake up on his birthday. But then again, there was a time when Eddie didn’t think he’d reach his 21st birthday, let alone his 33rd. So he can deal with the Princess of Pop.
But that does raise the question; who is playing music this morning? The obvious answer is Steve, because duh, who else? But since it is Eddie’s birthday and since Steve did say he had a surprise, Eddie is inclined to act like a detective and give in to the silliness. He gets up out of bed, his hip twinging a little like it does on colder mornings, and makes his way towards the kitchen. The sound of Britney gets a little louder, as does the sound of talking and laughing. The visual he gets when he finally reaches the doorway of the kitchen makes him wish for a camera.
Steve is pouring pancake batter onto the griddle, glasses on and yellow pajama pants low on his hips. Livy is standing on a stepstool, dropping chocolate chips onto each pancake, her small hands dropping each one with intense concentration. She’s got her Cookie Monster nightgown on, the little ruffles swaying as she dances to the song playing. The morning sun is coming in through the window, bringing out the blonde in their hair, and the rays of light draw Eddie’s eyes towards an empty coffee mug on the table, with Robin’s usual lipstick stain. While he’d love her to be here too, Eddie knows she had to go in early for work.
Steve and Livy still haven’t noticed him, content to sing slightly off key and flip pancakes. He’s about to say something, maybe ask where-
“You’re supposed to be in bed.” A little voice pipes up behind him, causing Eddie to jump.
“Holy shi-sh-shhh! You scared me.” He flounders, looking down at Ellie who looks far too exasperated for her tender age of 4. It’s frankly adorable and the way Eddie’s heart expands at the sight of her scrunched up face honestly makes him worry a little. His heart’s been through a lot, could it handle the stress? Ellie reaches for his hand and pulls him fully into the kitchen.
“Daddy spoiled his surprise. He got out of bed.” She announces to the room. Livy jumps down from her stool and runs towards Eddie, extending her arms up. He gladly grabs her and spins them around, peppering her face with kisses.
“I couldn’t help it! I smelled breakfast cooking and knew I had to investigate!” He laughs as Steve sets the table with breakfast. Ellie pulls out a chair, standing on the seat to raise herself higher. Steve picks her up to make it even. The girls are very concerned with things being even right now, so both men would rather go along with it than cause a fight.
“Happy Birthday Eddie.” Steve says quietly, leaning over to give him a soft kiss. The girls in turn each kiss Eddie’s cheeks and Eddie can’t think of a better breakfast, a better morning, a better birthday.
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deadchaoticcosmos · 3 months
Starchaser sunseeker jegulus micro-fic
Nobody noticed. Well to be fair they weren't acting much differently. They were just happier than ever. Also more clingy. Whenever one of them entered the room they would automatically just seek eachother out. To touch, to talk or just looking. To everyone else it didnt look romantic in any way, shape or form. To everyone else people thought they were insulting eachother ( they were all to far to hear what was actually said) and were just 'accidently' bumping into eachother, all the time. They are on cloud 9 or how ever the muggle saying went. When James proposed it was one of the best days of his life. It was magical, more than any wand or spell could produce. He knows they are still in school but that doesn't matter, so they decided to elope. It was perfect. It would have been nice if their friends were there but it was even more special this way.
They did it on the weekend, spesificky saturday so they could just be alone together on sunday.
They wore their rings on necklesses around their necks so no one would know but them.
They didnt really plan on not telling anyone, it just kinda happened. Well they kind of did but that is besides the point. They didnt want anyone giving them their opinions, also sirius may not have known they were together in the first place. No one new. Only his friends know they are together. Oh shit, they are going to hex him for not inviting or telling them. It will be worth it, and james would never let them hurt him. It is kinda funny that they don't know they are married. They still think they are just dating. He wonders how long it will take for them to figure it out. They say they are all so smart, this will but it to the test.
His so called friends were making that little amount of time to see him even shorter by distracting him. Barty and Evan were fighting about something, they were on the edge of getting us all kicked out of the libary. Dorcas was having some sort of girl issues and complaing rather loud about it. Apperently she has a crush on one of james's friends but doesnt know if she likes her back and is to scared to find out.
He was trying to study in the libary. Keyword being trying. His friends were all here with him. They said they just wanted to study with him and that they would be quiet, obviously they weren't. Why did he let them come. He guesses he was just distracted because of the amount of homework he had recieved today. Honestly why cant teachers just let him have little amounts of work so he can spend his evenings with his husband instead of being in the libary for most of it and only being able to see him for a little while.
My 2 written micro-fic
And pandora is pandora. Keeps asking him questions about things and his input on others. Eventrually she stopped that to help dorcas out. Both of these 'convasations' seemed endless.
When he was about to just give up and pack it all up and just leave it for tommorow, he heard them. The gryiffendors. Which included his love and his idiotic brother. Also dorcas's crush and the rest of them.
They were all whispering furiously. It seemed like all these whispers were directed at james. James looked about ready to breakdown. No one makes james cry.
He stopped packing his stuff away and got up. He thinks he supprised his friends because they all shut up and stilled. Finally that stupid argument and dating talk stoped. He knows he will probally hear more of that fight later in the dorms but not the dating or crush talk, ugh whatever it was maybe never or atleast until tommorow. They looked up confused until they spotted the gryiffendors. They seemed to understand and let him leave without a word, getting back to what they were originally doing. Out if the corner of his eye he saw dorcas blush.
By the time he got up, they had already found a table and sat down. They were a couple of rows ahead of them but still far enough in the back that no one else was there to see or hear them. Well except for his group. They didnt see him coming up to them. They had stopped whispering now and were just talking a bit lower than normal, all still furious, all still directed at james.
By now he can hear what they are saying clearly.' James just tell us, you're are friend you tell us everything!' Peter whispered. He guesses he was the only one trying to keep their conversation quiet. 'James I can't believe you right now, you're acting like a child, god you are so immature,' one of the girls said. He can't tell who but they sound annoyed. They are all speaking at once he can barely make out what the others are saying. James looks so miserable. He can see that his eyes are watering up.
He moves around the bookshelves fully. He is overflowing with anger, he's furious with all of them. James is their friend, best friend for some of them and they're treating him like this?! Whatever James did, doesn't deserve this reaction.
James doesn't see him. Regulus guesses he is in his own world just taking in what they are saying to him and trying not to cry. He hates crying infront of people. No one sees Regulus, good.
Once he reaches the table he slams his hands down onto it. That got everyone's attention, James looks up a little dazed and manages a little smile when he spots him. No one is talking, all focused on Regulus. They are all probably wondering why he's here,confused about why he's here and why he looks so furious. Confusion over taking their anger. Some of them look a little scared. Regulus wonders briefly how he looks, after all that's probably what's scaring them.
'How fucking dare you speak to him this way, treat him this way. Whatever he has done definitely does not deserve this reaction. What gives you all the right to do this to my husband?!' His voice is low and threatening.
The girl's mouths are practically on the floor. The guys look shocked and sirius looks like he is malfunctioning, short-ciruiting.
Why do they look like this? What had he said, he should just hex them all and leave with.....
Oh, oh fuck. He called James his husband. That's why they all look like this. He chances a look at James to see his reaction. Of course he has the happiest, doppiest, lopsided grin ever. Tears forgotten, what they were saying to him forgotten. All because he slipped up and outed them, their entire relationship to all of his gryiffendor friends. Oh and his brother of all people.
It seems remus is the first to snap out of whatever transe they were all in and mummers 'what?'
James , after hearing that, leaps out of his seat so suddenly that he snaps everyone out of the transe, even sirius, and runs over to regulus in two quick strides. Before he knows it james is hugging him and lifting him to spin him around. Than he's kissing regulus like his life depends on it, like no one's watching, like regulus is the only thing in the world, the only thing that matters.
'Ewww! Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck!? Ewewewewewewewewewew!' Sirius scretched. He was so loud that barty,evan,dorcas and panda came over to see what happened.
After awhile regulus and James broke apart.
Now instead of whatever the gryiffendors were mad at before they all started yelling for an explanation. Regulus and James ignored them, they were now in their own world again like what happens everytime they're together, and both unclasp their necklaces and slip on their wedding rings. Now that they revealed not only are they dating to regulus's friends but are also married, they also join in on the furiously demanding answers.
But James and regulus could care less because they no longer had to hid it, they could now show their love for eachother for eternity without holding back.
Later own they both had hell to pay with their friends for not telling them nor inviting them.
Barty was especially mad because he really wanted to be their flower girl.
My first starchasersunseeker jegulus micro-fic that didn't stay in my head but I actually wrote down
Inspired/based off of one of @ducky-sav posts I saw months ago
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frownyalfred · 3 months
okay but I actually do really wanna read about a situation where Bruce calls Aquaman in to the Cave to interrogate a fish from Gotham Harbor who was a possible witness in one of his investigations.
Arthur rocks up, squints at the fish, and then says “You know I can’t talk to fish, right? I just made that shit up when Barry asked me.”
Arthur: “Okay you got me, I’m just fucking with you, man. He said he saw your perp going north in a speedboat, twin engines, didn’t stop for a while.”
Arthur: “And also he likes your filtration system a lot.”
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hellfireloserclub · 9 months
for @steddiemicrofic's prompt "pine"
Forest fire
508/M/content warning drug use. 
“Dude, you're pining so much it's like staring at a forest.” Eddie turned his attention to the joint he was rolling, trying his hardest not to get distracted by his own hopeless one sided attraction. 
Steve lolled his head, snaking his mop of hair into the side of Eddie's neck, tickling at the spot right under his chin. 
“I don't get it?” he blinked up at Eddie, eyes hazy with the last round of weed.
“It's a pun. Pine tree, forest, your pining. Obviously moping over some unrequited love. Did Wheeler turn you down again?” Talk about self sabotage. Eddie wouldn't ever have Steve. He knew that,  but he wanted him to be happy. So he would support him in his romantic endeavours. Cheer him along every step of the way.  Even if it did feel like throwing himself on his own sword. 
“What are you on about Eds?” 
“You've been distant all night, practically tripping over that bottom lip of yours.” 
Steve shuffled his head deeper into his shoulder, it wasn't snuggling.
Eddie had to keep telling himself that.
It was just cold, and Steve didn’t like to smoke joints in the house. The pool house, however, was very much in limits. It had become a regular thing for them both to curl up in the wicker chair and share space, air, breath…
Bad Eddie no, stop it. 
Steve just craved touch when he was stoned, that was all. 
He always seeks you out though. The traitorous part of his mind provided. It didn't help that Steve's breath was ghosting his cheek now as Steve tried to read his expression and understand his words.
The lip reading was also high on the list of things that were out to kill him. 
Steve staring at his lips was sending all the wrong messages to his fragile brain. And Steve would stare all the time even when he was wearing the government issue hearing aids. 
“I don't know why you keep bringing her up?” Steve whispered, eyes narrowing as Eddie lifted the joint to his own lips, lighting it and taking a hit. Without thinking he lowered the blunt to Steve to take a drag. He expected Steve to take it from his hand, but the younger man lent in taking a draw straight from Eddie's fingers, never once breaking eye contact, blowing the smoke back into Eddie's face on the exhale. 
Fuck that was hot. 
Eddie's brain really needed to fuck off. 
“I know. That's why I did it.” Steve was staring straight at him when the smoke cleared, a mischievous grin on his face. 
Brain to mouth filter? Not on Eddie's watch. Apparently.
He quickly pulled another hit trying to hide his flush, but Steve was watching every move. 
“You should try that move on Nance.” Eddie coughed out. 
Steve reached out gently, pulling them together until Eddie could feel Steve's lips ghosting his own.
“I tried it on you.” Steve rolled his eyes. “But apparently you can't see the wood for the pine trees.” 
Oh… oh.. 
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3473-warrior · 16 days
Frozen - September 9 - Jegulus dads - @stag-microfic - word count: 626
“James! Harry! I’m home!” Regulus called entering their small home. The quiet of the house confused him. “Chéri? Petit soleil?” Regulus furrowed his eyebrows and entered the kitchen. Flipping the tea kettle on, he saw a note sitting on the island.
Went to the park, we’ll be back by 4:45
Love James + Harry
Regulus smiled at the little note and pulled out three mugs. Knowing James and Harry they would probably be back in about 5 minutes with the cold outside. Shuffling through the small pile of mail, Regulus glanced up when the sound of laughter rang through the opening front door. Heading into the living room, Regulus laughed when Harry came running around the corner bundled in snow clothes.
“Papa!” Regulus grunted when Harry jumped into his arms.
“Did you have fun at the park, beau soleil?”
“Yup! Daddy took me to the one with all the big slides, and I made a new friend!”
“Did you?”
“Yup, his name is Ron, and we played monsters!”
“Oh! That’s always a fun game. Now, why don’t you change into some warm pajamas, and then, we can sit down and watch a movie with some dinner and hot cocoa?”
“Yay! Hot cocoa!” Regulus set Harry down, and he took off towards his room. Rounding the corner into the entrance hallway, James is flushed and rubbing his hands together.
“So, did you bundle up just as much as your son, or should I expect for you to push your freezing hands up my shirt if I come to hug you?” James chuckles as he looks up.
“I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes, and I most definitely will shove my hands up your shirt if you decide to hug me.” Regulus hums but walks forward anyway.
“Merlin,” Regulus exclaims after he grabs James’ hands, “You’re practically frozen to death!”
“Yeah, I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes this time.”
“Come on, you big oaf. Let’s get you warm.”
“Yeah, okay.” James shrugged out of his shoes and jacket before following Regulus to the living room. “I’m sorry for not dressing warmer.” Regulus huffed a laugh while re-entering the room.
“I’m not mad at you, chéri.”
“But we’ve talked about this before. I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
“James, love, I know. You don’t think about this kind of thing until you’re already cold or hungry or something along those lines. I’ll still love you through it. Every time. I promise.”
“Until this kind of thing gets me hurt.”
“Then we’ll deal with it, together, like we always do.” Regulus grasps James’ hands. “What’s really bugging you about this? You know that I don’t mind the ADHD. I never have.”
“What if I hurt Harry because of it?”
“Oh, James,” Regulus breathes, “you wouldn’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because your paternal instinct is stronger than anything else in your brain. It’s normal to feel like this. You have before and you will again. That’s a part of life.”
“I just don’t want to hurt him because of it.”
“You won’t.”
“Papa, Daddy! Did you start on hot cocoa without me?” Harry’s aghast question breaks the slightly solemn atmosphere in the living room. Regulus and James chuckle before pulling Harry up onto the couch with them.
“Never, petit soleil. That would be a great dishonor.”
“Good. Now, I want to watch Zootopia. Can we watch Zootopia?”
“Of course, we can, calabaza.”
“I’m going to get started on dinner.” Regulus dropped a kiss to Harry’s forehead before standing. “Are you okay with that, chéri?”
“Mmm, oh, yeah,” James hums hesitantly. Regulus gently cups his face and examines him softly. “You’re only a few feet away. I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Regulus gently kisses James’ forehead before going to start on dinner.
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solarspringg · 1 month
I Love You — Starchaser minific — 936 words
James said “I love you” first.
It was a few weeks into Regulus and his relationship. They were laying together on James’ couch, James on one side, Regulus on the other, their legs intertwined. Regulus was reading while James was just sitting there, listening to the soft music playing in James’ flat that they had put on earlier.
Then, James said it. “I love you, Reg.”
Regulus quickly looked up from his book. His eyes were wide as he stared at James, who was lovingly looking back at him, softly smiling.
“I—” Regulus began, trying to form some kind of answer. He suddenly felt on the spot.
“You don’t have to say it back now,” James told Regulus. “I just wanted to let you know that I love you.”
The younger boy didn’t know what to do next. He sat there for a few moments, his eyes still wide, then soon nodded. “Thank you, Jamie,” he whispered, a bit relieved.
James continued to smile at his boyfriend. “You’re welcome.”
After that, James just kept on saying it. He told Regulus he loved him. That he was so in love with him. That he’ll love him forever. Every day James said some kind of variation of the word.
And each time, Regulus didn’t say it back.
It’s not like he didn’t love James. On the contrary, Regulus loved him deeply. He loved him so much it hurt. There was nothing he wanted more than to tell James he loved him, but Regulus just couldn’t say the those three words no matter how hard he tried.
Growing up, Regulus’ family wasn’t the affectionate type. The Blacks didn’t cuddle their children nor did they verbalize their love. He knew growing up and now that his parents cared for him and Sirius; they just wanted their children to be strong and successful. However, their ways parenting left more harm than good.
Regulus didn’t want end up the same way; cold and distant when it came to the people close to him.
A year went by, and then another, and Regulus still hadn’t said it.
James didn’t seem to mind at all. Regulus was worried that the longer it went on, the less James would love him, but that wasn’t the case. Each day that went by, each week, each month, each year, James just became more and more obsessed with Regulus. His love growing stronger.
Regulus finally decided that enough was enough. Their three year anniversary was coming up, and Regulus wasn’t going to let this go on. He was going to tell James he loved him.
On their anniversary, Regulus put effort into every single detail. He deep cleaned the flat they shared, he cooked James’ favorite meal, and he got James a gift that was the pièce de résistance: a watch. He had needed a new one, as James broke his old one. But, it was way more than just a watch.
After dinner, they exchanged gifts. James had gotten Regulus a book, a special edition of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, a book he’s been trying to find for years. “Oh my God,” Regulus gasped when he unwrapped the gift. “James— How did you even find this?!”
James grinned. “I have my ways.”
After profusely thanking his boyfriend for the book, it was now Regulus’ turn to give James his gift. He grabbed the wrapped box and slid it across the table. Regulus tapped his fingers on the table, anxiously watching James open the gift.
“Oh, a watch!” James exclaimed, holding up the watch. “Baby, this is incredible. Thank you.”
Okay, this is happening. “Look on the inside. It’s engraved,” said Regulus softly.
James quirked an eyebrow, but grinned and turned his attention to the inside of the watch. As he read, his face morphed from all-smiley to stunned.
Inside the watch, it read: I love you. Forever yours, Regulus.
“I know I haven’t said it before, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel it,” Regulus began, his heart racing so fast he felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. “I’ve loved you this entire time, and I’ll love you forever. I love you, James. I love you so much—”
Regulus didn’t get to finish because suddenly James cupped his face and kissed him. He didn’t even see his boyfriend stand up from his seat. Regulus’ eyes went large, but he wrapped his arms around James’ neck and kissed him back.
“This is the best day of my life,” James laughed breathlessly as soon as he and Regulus broke apart. “I’m never taking that watch off.”
“You’re going to have to take it off at some point.”
“Nope. Never coming off. I’ll have it welded to my wrist if I have to.”
“That is a very expensive watch. If you ruin it, I’m going to kill you.”
“No you won’t. You love me. You said so yourself.”
Smiling and shaking his head, Regulus looked up into James’ eyes. “That I did, yes,” he said. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
James quickly shook his head. “No, no, don’t apologise. I know you love me. You just showed it in your own, little special way,” he said, his hands still on Regulus’ face. “Although, three years is quite a while, love.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Oh, just shut up and kiss me.”
“You got it,” James grinned, inching his face closer to Regulus’. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Regulus smiled. He then tugged on James’ collar and pulled him into a kiss, to which James happily obliged.
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