pseudowho · 2 months
"Good girl-- good girl, that's it! Listen to your body."
A bag full of snacks, and books, and massage oils, all woefully surplus to requirements, flung to the side of the room. The dappled reflection of under-lit water on the dark ceiling. A stack of warm towels. A tiny woollen hat. A little trolley of equipment; a calm attendant wearing smiles and blue.
Kento, knelt at the edge of the pool, his shirtsleeves soaked to the shoulder. One thick arm looped around your neck and chest as if he meant to throttle you, when really, he just needed to be held. Or, did you need to be held? The paired clinging comfort to be found in the gloom of fear, was not mutually exclusive, it seemed.
"Amazing work...you're doing so well, sweetheart...just going to listen to the baby's heart..."
Your heart and Kento's pounded in tandem, almost as fast as the little pwssh-pwssh-pwssh-pwssh of your baby's heart, tinny on the Doppler, as the midwife's hand swished through the water. Kento whispered to you, his cheek clasped to your temple, sweatslick hair sticking you together.
"Our baby-- that's our baby-- god I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I wish I could do this for you--"
You gasped, splashing legs clamouring for resistance against the edge of the pool, writhing back against Kento. Kento's face crumpled, his teeth gritting so hard against your agony, they crunched.
You bellowed, another contraction roaring through you like wildfire, and you gripped Kento's arm. Your scream became a roar as you pushed, absurdly, overwhelmingly dragged from your body by a brutal force of nature. You barely heard Kento's hushed rumble, through the haze of blinding pain.
"...can do it, you can do it, you're so strong-- not long now-- nearly here, they're nearly here, our baby--"
You gasped again, seeing stars for a moment, surely being cleaved in half and you panicked, crying out and digging your nails in. Kento didn't care, surely deserving this, certain your nails didn't sting as much as the stretch you felt stung. You babbled at Kento and the midwife, pleading, bargaining.
"I can't do it anymore-- please don't make me, please please--"
"You're doing it, sweetheart. The biggest part of the head is coming with the next push-- with the next one, just listen to me, and breathe. No pushing. Just little breaths."
You looked up at Kento, your eyes feverish with the love that ripped you asunder. Kento nodded, trusting you, trying to hide the fear and miserable male helplessness and uselessness that threatened to fill him with violence, if he did not cling so desperately to being gentle instead.
Kento felt you tense; another pain peaking as you shook your head, sobbing so briefly, only to be replaced by gritted resolution. Kento saw the fire in your eyes as you began to roar, and thought his heart may break with the weight of his adoration.
Kento grasped you close, your fingers plaited together. He whispered to you as you trembled, fighting against nature as your body pushed for you.
"...that's it-- that's it-- just breathe, little breaths, little breaths-- I know it stings, good girl, good girl-- and the head's out!"
Kento's heart stopped, to see the crest of a little head, its soft waves of hair swishing in the birthing pool. Invigorated by thrill, almost weeping with excitement, he whispered to you, heated and trembling.
"--oh god-- right there, they're right there-- nearly got them, we'll know what we've got--"
"Just one more big push, sweetheart-- one big push with the next contraction, and your baby's here--"
Almost ten months of blooming and worry and scans and building and laughing and crying and aching and fearing, all ended in one enormous push, and a whoosh, and a cry...
...and a cry, wet and sweet and crumpled and on your chest, mother and child still bound together by the string of life.
Kento buckled against the side of the pool. Still he held you, looking down at you, looking down at your baby, blue and angry and baleful at having been shoved into the world from their warm dark kingdom.
Arms replaced the womb, and Kento huffed a couple of great sobs to hear you babble love at your scrumply flailing babe.
"--oh my god-- oh you're so beautiful-- oh, mummy loves you-- daddy loves you--"
Daddy. Kento almost buckled again, nuzzling his tears away into your hair, smothering your sweaty cheeks with kisses and relief. His voice was thick with joy, the fever of pain in your eyes replaced with elation, clasping the boon of a champion within your arms.
"Thank you. I can't...I can't thank you-- I-- love you, love you both so much--"
You gazed up at Kento, basking, your eyes glazed. "Kento...Ken...what have we got? Tell me-- tell me what we've got."
Kento sniffled, looking at the midwife as if for permission. She looked on, an enamoured, privileged bystander, and nodded encouragingly to Kento. Kento leaned over you, gently lifting his baby's legs apart, peering under the cord.
He huffed a single wet laugh, and looked at you, honey-brown eyes rimmed red. Kento's voice was gravelly as he stroked your hair back, to your wondrous grin.
"You were right, lover...as always."
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theveryworstthing · 1 month
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two midwives show off their searchlight tattoos.
searchlight designs vary between families, communities, and specialties but always incorporate sky themes like suns, moon, clouds, stars, flying insects, ect. thinking about the context of a design can tell you a lot about the rabbit it's on.
tattoos and dyework, especially if they're ritualistic or emotionally significant, are usually touched up every 5 years or so if they're the kind that are meant to last. the pigments used for these tattoos not only color the skin but bleach and/or color the fur for years afterwards so everything shows up nicely. midwives and doctors keep the fur on their arms very short for hygiene purposes so any designs there are especially clear on them.
dirt and blood don't stain this treated skin/fur easily, so it's common to see pale rabbits with the tell tale signs of being up to their elbows in viscera often decorated with markings so bright white that they almost seem to glow. it's either very cool or very unsettling depending on who you are.
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feminist-furby-freak · 10 months
There is something particularly offensive about TIMs calling their surgical fuckhole ("""neov*gina""") a vagina.
Vaginas are amazing! Not only do they stretch to allow for childbirth and generally return back to their pre-pregnancy state (incredible!!!) but they are self-lubricating, they expand and dilate during sexual arousal, they are self-cleaning, they have their own unique ecosystem, they change based off of a woman's menstrual cycle.
There is no organ like it. The vagina is truly "the stuff of life." To compare a wound made out of the rectum or a mutilated inverted penis to the miraculous vagina is so sexist and insulting. Your """v*gina""" is a numb, infected, receptacle for a penis. Mine is one of the most intricate and versatile human organs. Stay jealous. They are totally incomparable. To say that they are similar is to reduce the vagina to fuck hole. It is so much more!!!
Anyway I love vaginas and hate TIMs <3
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voparwave69 · 2 months
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I'll admit, when I first started drawing this, it scared the crup out of me. I think it was because the green skin in juxtaposition with the piercing yellow eyes made me think of the grinch, who I fear. Her flipping me off didn't help either but I strongly felt Vriska 2 would want to be drawn this way.
But as I kept going, I felt a warmth deep within me, radiating. She has Kermits felt green skin his fins, his frog mouth...he lives on through her,
Vriska 2, the Golden Child.
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fission-mailure · 2 years
The other thing about Anakin and the Jedi is that I’m pretty sure he could’ve gone to Yoda and been like “Look, I’ve been having a secret affair with Senator Amidala, she’s pregnant with twins, I’ve been having visions of her dying. Previously, my visions of loved ones dying have proved to be accurate, please can you spare some of the Order’s literally magical healers to assist her.”
And Yoda would probably be like “Hm. Grant healers, I can, but make promises, I cannot.  Matter of your departure from the Order, discuss at a later date, we will.”
Like, yeah, Anakin would have to stop being a Jedi, but if he truly loves Padme, that’s a no-brainer. 
But he doesn’t do that. What he does instead is ... *checks notes* ... murder children because an evil wizard told him a fairytale and then telekinetically strangle his heavily pregnant wife. 
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frownyalfred · 7 months
OMG I love your Bruce comes to support Lois in labor hc!
Counterpoint - Lois does a homebirth and Bruce still comes to act as her support! And the NDAs he has the midwives sign are iron clad 😂 ... so what if Clark accidentally crushes the countertop with how much stress he's experiencing, us midwives see weird shit all the time. Father of the baby is always just Like That
As long as he's not getting in the way or putting mom/baby at risk, I imagine any midwife would probably push aside their concern until after the birth.
Unless Bruce somehow brought some midwives from Gotham. In which case, Superman snapping a granite counter in half when his wife screams isn't even the weirdest thing they'd seen that day.
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Ontario midwives can now prescribe more drugs and administer routine vaccinations, which the provincial government says will reduce the need for additional medical appointments for patients. Health Minister Sylvia Jones announced the expanded scope for midwives, saying it will connect more people to convenient care and reduce the need for referrals to other professionals. Midwives can now administer routine vaccinations including flu shots, COVID-19 vaccines and the Tdap shot, which protects against tetanus, diptheria and whooping cough, and has been recommended in the third trimester of pregnancy for about five years. Midwives will also be able to prescribe more medications than they previously could for nausea and managing miscarriages, as well as birth control for postpartum patients and administering treatment for managing labour pain in a hospital setting.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I just thought about the fact that Alicent had a hard labor with Aemond and how she was still so young and how she probably thought Viserys would do to her like he did to Aemma and that she was going to die and how she had to be so scared and she had no one by her side... it's ok, it's so ok, I'm so ok with this
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alvsanne · 2 months
thinking about hotd making my girl elinda massey go on errands and do seemingly the same job as talya like a lady in waiting isn’t a maid? and ofc that brings me to WHY don’t rhaenyra, alicent, helaena, baela and rhaena (or jeyne arryn, or rhaenys in her scenes on driftmark, or aemma in the two gd scenes we get with her) have friends? actual lady companions from the nobility. grrm is so bad at this in the books but it’s even worse in got and hotd
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cyberphuck · 2 months
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"You come down from there right now, young lady, or it'll be a clap on the ear and no mistake!" I had been looking up Madoka witch designs for a different project and reading Discworld Witches books at the same time (Tiffany Aching books actually, but I wouldn't make Tiffany face any of the M-Witches and I don't think Esme Weatherwax would make her do it either). I have never drawn Granny Weatherwax before, or even thought about what she looked like really aside from the Paul Kidby illustrations, but the first thing I drew for this was her face and it took about two minutes because it was like I knew where all the lines were supposed to go already. I hesitated more over the ribbon on her hat because I know she w'ain't* be havin' with any of that sort o' frippery, but if she can put up with Paul Kidby drawing one on her then I can draw one too.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
I'm not exactly up to speed in the legal status of the Cthulhu Mythos stuff in regards to Pathfinder and Starfinder. Having read through Cosmic Birthday and looked at the 2nd Edition playtest, Nyarlathotep isn't so much as named despite having so much to do with the plot; he's generically referred to as "an old god" in Cosmic Birthday and, unless I skipped over him by accident, doesn't appear at all in the playtest manual.
I also don't recall seeing any mentions of the Mythos in any of the new material since the full ORC launch/the remaster. Is all of it tied to the old license and thus can't be used with the ORC? Because if so, man. :( that sucks
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the-cal-zone · 2 months
muppet joker midwives, and the holy body of croaker
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@voparwave69 @walternitram
(original under cut)
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lloydfrontera · 7 days
when theo and sylvia have their first child rakiel spends the entire pregnancy suggesting silly names, getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on and as he tries to take their minds off any complications that could come up from a child being born from two different species that aren't always biologically compatible. he's pretty sure he loses any naming rights he ever had for the rest of his life some time around the sixth or seventh month but it's worth it when he gets a soft snort from his brother or an amused eye roll from sylvia.
he is not prepared when theo carefully puts into his arms a tiny bundle of blankets wrapped around an even tinier baby and tells him his name is Adrian.
he will spent the next couple decades holding a grudge over the fact no one warned him beforehand and he therefore spent his first ever meeting with his nephew ugly crying the entire time. there went his chance of being the cool uncle >:c
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artinandwritin · 6 months
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I forgot to post this haha (that's what being too busy with animation brings you oops) but anyway!! Older gussiri designs bc I think they deserved that (they did have designs in my mind but I had never made a reference for them haha)
Plus some notes on what they're up to at that age! They're so silly <333
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voparwave69 · 2 months
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⁉️⁉️ whats this ⁉️ an
@the-cal-zone what is your observation? 🚨
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feminist-furby-freak · 8 months
about this post of yours:
why are TIMs not advocating for "people w prostates" and "ppl w testicles" language too? cuz isn't that also "misgendering"? (maybe im misunderstanding the point of ur post though. like I get that they call "ppl w cervixes" inclusivity, and by them not doing it w men too, it's a double standard. is it abt controlling women, and how we identify ourselves as a group? I don't fully understand what their goal is for this "inclusivity" to be one way?
again, maybe im j misunderstanding the point of your post but I don't get -- if its abt being inclusive of misgendering -- it doesn't apply to both?
or is it not directly TIMs and instead like cis-identified males only caring abt using "inclusive" language when it doesn't interfere w what they want to do (call themselves men too and not "ppl w prostates")?
it j feels weird being yelled at all day (I'm exaggerating ofc) abt girldick, so why would TIM be okay w other stuff being j called men? (I'm assuming they are not okay w it, but I see it doesn't matter practically as people are still saying men and then "ppl w cervixes")
sorry for the long ask!! thanks for your help!
Ding ding ding. Yes this is a lesser discussed point. The double standard is proof that it is not about being invalidated or inclusivity. TIMs know that they are men and know that “men should be screened for prostrate cancer” applies to them. They whine about everything from not being included in period campaigns to individual lesbians not letting them rape her. They don’t complain about being included in men’s health because they don’t actually care abt inclusivity they just want to insert themelsves into women’s spaces. Not to mention, they have never had barriers to healthcare because of their sex so they don’t care. Removing the word women from medical language is about further breaking down the category and meaning of “women” and making it harder for us to organize and talk about our issues. That’s it.
TIMs hate the idea that there are some (now, very few) spaces and resources that are not and will never be accessible to them. The last remaining one is gynecology and obstetrics. That is why they have this campaign against “Women’s Health” as a field. As someone pursuing graduate education in the field yeah my degree is still called Women’s Health and Midwifery but in most academic spaces we do this stupid dance around language. My undergraduate women’s health journal changed to “gender minority to health” and said I couldn’t use a picture of a uterus with my article about childbirth because it’s exclusive. This is actually why I left. In a country where more women die every year from complications of birth, “activists” are campaigning to make it harder to discuss and research women’s healthcare. Soon it will be practically impossible to talk about women’s health at all. A few years ago when the gender movement had a shred of common sense the rhetoric was include trans women in everything except for women’s health because obviously that doesn’t apply to them. Unless people start speaking up in a few years they will probably rename the discipline entirely. TIMs are now showing up to OBGYN offices/clinics expecting to have their “neos” treated because “it’s practically the same.” I can assure you they are not and regular women’s health providers do not have training to provide care for those surgical creations. Anyway that’s my rant.
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