#mindset and lifestyle coaching
uppercut-athletics · 1 month
Train hard, fight easy - that’s the mindset. 💯
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Don't apologize for being yourself
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primestatecoaching · 2 months
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mentalresolve · 2 months
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Consistency is key to achieving success. Focus daily on what needs to be done. What habit will you commit to every day to reach your goals?
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thinkagain344 · 3 months
How to control your thoughts and emotions?????????
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
How to control your thoughts and emotions
Gauthaam Buddha once said,
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
This is a powerful reminder that we have the power to create our own reality.
By controlling our thoughts and emotions, we can create a life that is filled with happiness, peace, and abundance.
It is not always easy to control our thoughts and emotions, but it is possible with practice.
The more we practice, the easier it becomes to stay focused on the positive and to let go of the negative.
When we have control over our minds, we are able to achieve anything we set our minds to.
We are able to overcome obstacles, reach our goals, and create a life that we love.
So, if you are looking to improve your life, start by controlling your thoughts and emotions.
It is the key to a happy and successful life. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
1st one is Pay attention to your thoughts.
Notice what you are thinking about throughout the day. Are your thoughts positive or negative?
the second one is Challenge your negative thoughts.
When you have a negative thought, don't just accept it as true. Instead, challenge it. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support the thought. Often, you will find that there is no evidence to support the negative thought and that it is simply based on fear or insecurity.
the third one is Replace your negative thoughts
with positive thoughts. Once you have challenged your negative thoughts, replace them with positive thoughts. Focus on the things that you are grateful for, the things that you are good at, and the things that you want to achieve.
the last one is Practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment.
When you practice mindfulness, you are able to let go of your thoughts and emotions and simply be.
This can help you to reduce stress, improve your focus, and increase your happiness.
Remember, the mind is everything.
What you think you become.
So, if you want to create a better life, start by controlling your thoughts and emotions.
Be happy
Think again and win your life
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timikaschambers · 6 months
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Hi there!
It may seem easier to quit, not realizing you are so close to passing the finish line or one step closer to moving on to the next chapter in your life.
Students of life focus on learning and not blaming. Aim to see experiences as experiences instead of labeling them.
You are too powerful to limit yourself to labels.
As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!
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"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" (Zondervan NIV Study Bible, 2015 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8).
Timika Chambers, Author/Writer
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ashrafulislambabu · 10 months
The DotCom Secrets Summit is a virtual program organized by Russell Brunson. It features top entrepreneurs who share their ideas and methods for creating effective sales funnels. Russell Brunson, the author of the book "DotCom Secrets," arranged this summit for those who want to promote their products and increase their sales. During the summit, the entrepreneurs will teach the exact process for creating successful funnels. Stay tuned to learn more about this summit and how to join.
Read More: https://pagebuilderspro.com/dotcom-secrets-summit/
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satishsinnarkar500 · 2 years
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agathiyan · 1 year
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Everything will be done 👍✅ only your confidence level 🎚️👍
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ziafitlife · 2 years
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What a lovely, sunny day 🌞😎😍🤩 👉🏻 Being Active -whatever your age❗️- Lead a Happier & Healthier Life ❤️ 👉🏻 Physical Activity (PA) improve your Quality of Life ❗️Mood ❗️ 👉🏻 PA reduce the risk of developing some chronic diseases … 👉🏻 Move for your Mind & Body Health ❤️ I’m happy to help you to get fit, improving your lifestyle/wellbeing 👉🏻 Personal Training 👉🏻 Coaching ❗️ Never too late to change, You’re not alone! Feel free to message me 🙂 #wellbeing #lifestyle #mindset #coach #fitness #fitlifestyle #fitlife #hungariangirl #coastlife #sea #seaview #sunset #personaltrainer #health #over40 #fitover40 (at Hengistbury Head) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnsCe2xrkfG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vidaderesultados · 2 years
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Seria ótimo conseguir organizar todas as ideias que vem a cabeça, conquistar objetivos, sonhos aplicando a fórmula mágica da conquista. Ah, quem dera exeistisse uma fórmula magica assim. Infelizmente isso não existe, mas existe 1 Planejamento estratégico; 2 Organização e 3 Ação direcionada Acredite, esses 3 unidos criam uma Fórmula para a realização de tudo que você deseja. Na minha opinião observar e planejar são o ponto inicial de qualquer jornada de evolução pessoal e profissional. São pontos super importantes à serem realizados no início da jornada e mantidos até a conquista do objetivo. Seja no planner de papel, na agenda digital ou no guardanapo. O importante é começar a tirar suas ideias da cabeça, transformá-las em tarefas, metas e objetivos. Seus sonhos dentro da sua cabeça continuaram sendo só sonhos, eles se realizam a medida que você os tira da sua cabeça e comeca a fazer coisas e transformá-los em realidade. Escrever no papel ou no planner digital, vai te ajudar a ter mais clareza de por onde começar. #ficadica Além de te ajudar a acompanhar seu desenvolvimento na jornada, ajuda também perceber em qual etapa você se encontra. É muito importante, pois colabora nas descobertas de pontos cegos, como o da procrastinação, que às vezes fazemos sem nem perceber. Não sei se você já se pegou parando pra ver aquela pequena notificação, o celular toca mesmo e sabendo que não pode parar o que está fazendo, você não resiste e para. Afinal é algo que vai durar 1 minuto no máximo. Mas, quando você menos percebe durou mais de meia hora. O tempo passou e você não fez o que verdadeiramente tinha pra fazer. Planejar te auxilia a procrastinar menos! E realizar mais. Eai já sabe como Planejar a conquista do seus objetivos? Me conta nós comentários✌🏼🤩 #vidaderesultados #mentalidadeempreendedora #mulheresempreendedoras #produtividade #coachdeprodutividade #coachingdecarreira #career #fimdeano #lifestyle #metasdeanonovo #mulheresempreendedoras #coachinglevadoaseriotransforma #mindsetmotivacional #sucesso #carreira #coaching #familiapc #halloween #mindset #planejarépreciso #SejaVoceSuaMaiorMotivaçao #MinhaVidaMinhasRegras https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYs3SKrN-d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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home-girls-fitness · 14 days
✨2-day Low Gl Dinner Challenge: Quick Body Transformation In 1 Week
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onlinewealthcreater · 10 months
Keys for overcoming your stormy season
It is in the middle of the storm that we discover our inner strength
In the midst of a storm, we are often overwhelmed by the weight of our emotions. It is not necessarily the physical waves of the storm that overpower us, but rather the intensity of our emotions. The chaos, anger, helplessness, and bitterness we experience can consume us, leading us to believe that we are trapped and destined to drown in misfortune, condemned to a life of endless struggle.
Allowing these emotions to control our logical reasoning is dangerous, as it leads us to accept the lies that we are destined for a difficult existence filled with constant battles. However, the first step in surviving the storm is to recognize that our emotions do not represent the truth, but rather our subjective experience of the storm. While it is important to acknowledge and validate our feelings during these turbulent times, we must not accept them as absolute truths.
The reality is that everything in life is temporary, including the storm you are currently facing. Eventually, the storm will pass, and the sun will shine again. Through this challenging experience, you will emerge stronger than before. Take a moment to allow your emotions to wash over you, accepting and acknowledging them as part of your journey through this difficult situation. Then, with newfound strength, move forward.
Steps for Moving Forward:
Reflect on Past Experiences: Take a moment to look back on the challenging obstacles you have overcome throughout your life's journey. This brief reflection will serve as a reminder of your resilience and ability to conquer previous battles. It will reinforce the notion that you can weather the current storm, as it is merely a temporary season. Moreover, this reflection will highlight the potential for new opportunities to emerge from your difficulties. By staying focused during this rough patch, you will be better equipped to navigate through it.
Evaluate Your Current Situation: Every storm you encounter presents an opportunity to acquire valuable lessons and skills. Keep in mind that each challenge you face is preparing you for the next exciting chapter in your life's journey. Make it your mission to uncover the lessons that can be learned from your current situation. By doing so, you will be actively equipping yourself for a brighter future.
Remind yourself to stay in the present. 
One of the most challenging tasks during a storm is to prevent your thoughts from spiralling out of control. In times of crisis, it is all too easy to dwell on past mistakes or become overwhelmed with fear about the future. Take control of your thoughts and focus on what you can do today to improve your situation
Focus on the beauty in your life. 
Even when we find ourselves trapped in the midst of a storm, there is still beauty to be found. Make a deliberate choice to focus on the things that bring beauty into your life. Also, take a moment to appreciate one or two things that you are grateful for.
Take care of yourself.
In difficult times, it is common for us to neglect our own well-being. However, it is absolutely crucial and essential to be gentle with yourself when facing rough seas. Take care of your physical and mental health by prioritizing healthy eating, exercise, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. Avoid negative self-talk, as it will only hinder your ability to navigate through this challenging season. By practicing self-care, you will find that the testing times become more bearable, allowing you to maintain your sanity and a positive mind-set
Lastly, do not forget to trust in God with your situation. At the end of the day, He will transform your pain into purpose. Keep moving forward, as better days are on the horizon.
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primestatecoaching · 21 days
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The healthy way to handle this is talking to others ^-^
People love you and they will help but you have to make them aware of the hurt first 🫶
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mentalresolve · 2 months
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The hardest challenges come right before you achieve success. Endure them and push on.
How will you push through when things get tough?
#motivation #motivationalquotes #quotes #leadership #life #selflove #entrepreneurship #mindfulness #mindset #mentality #coaching #lifestyle
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daisys-notes · 30 days
Genialiteit tot Kneuzigheid Spectrum: Diesel Editie
Soms ben ik op het werk een geniale Sherlock, andere momenten een complete dwaas. Mijn manager noemt me een diesel: langzaam starten, maar dan vol gas gaan! 🚀 Herkenbaar? #Werkleven #Vergeetachtigheid #Balans #GeniaalKneus #DieselMentaliteit
Oké, stop: ik ben niet dom. Met een IQ (WAIS-IV) van 127 zit ik prima in de categorie “niet achterlijk.” Maar soms, hé, soms: “Error 404 Brain-File.zip not found.” Ik ben een diesel. Dat betekent dat ik langzaam op gang kom, maar als ik eenmaal warm ben, ben ik niet te stoppen. Het duurt even, maar dan ga ik als een malle. Totdat ik ineens stilsta als een complete dwaas, natuurlijk. Maar laten we…
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