#modern werewolves au
owlcomics101 · 5 months
Werewolf task force 141 x human!reader Head cannons
Warnings: Some gore, Reader’s gender is neutral, sfw (I am a minor), wolf cuddles, some language
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Context: You are the only human on the task force 141. Lasswell put you on the team to balance out with all the bitting and snarling. Your practically their ‘babysitter’
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Soap: Trying to relax? Get a good night’s sleep? NOPE! Not with Soap around! Soap will drag your ass out of bed either very early in the morning or late at night to get you to go running in the woods with him. He loves racing you, chasing after you, or you trying to chase after him. His werewolf form is very playful with you and sees you as his playmate and will not leave you alone for the WHOLE night. Hes always gentle with you when he plays with you and if he ever accidentally hurts you in anyway he will always lick you to death as his wolf’s way of apologizing. Though, this does leave you completely covered in wolf slobber by the end of the night. Gross. Enjoy having a clingy Scottish wolf slobbering all over ya
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Ghost: Despite’s Ghost’s cold and aggressive demeanor towards you in his human form, his wolf form acts other wise. He’s not as clingy as Soap but he does make a point to follow you around base. He lets you do whatever you want throughout the night as long as you’re under his cared supervision. He hunts for you and even looks very smug and proud of himself with blood dripping from his jaws. You never really eat what he hunts for you or you at least cook it. When he watches you eat what he hunts for you can see his tail wag in the corner of your eyes. Clearly, happy you appreciate what he does for you and he’s even more happy when you share with him, but he doesn’t let you share with anyone else. Especially Soap. He’ll kill him.
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Gaz loves to sing to you throughout the night in his werewolf form. Howling his lungs out and waking up the whole Damm barracks as he expresses his love and devotion to you. The only way to get him to shut up is to howl with him. Or at least try to. Sometimes the others might join in on the howl but Gaz always tries his hardest to be the loudest so you’ll only pay attention to his ‘beautiful’ singing. Other than that he is the most chill out of all of them. He’ll let you sleep during the night after you hear his lovely singing and won’t drag you out of bed unlike the others. Just dont mention the word ‘Treats’ or ‘walkies’. He’ll snuggle up next to you and fight Ghost and Soap for the spot next to you. He loves a nice ear scratch from you and chews on his hat which is alway torn in the morning and he has to buy a new one.
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Price: Price is a patient wolf, he lets the others have their fun with you and then it’s his turn. His wolf form sees you as his pup and his alone. He’ll carry you around base by the ‘scruff’ or the back of your uniform. He doesn’t let you walk on your own. Price also hunts for you as well but he does not let the others eat until you have eaten first. He makes a point to give you ‘baths’ and by bath it means getting covered in old dog slobber. Sorry, you ain’t escaping it no matter how many times your shower. When you go to sleep he sleeps on top or you to keep you hidden under his fur, even if it’s suffocating to you. If you try to leave he will snap and snarl at you. Yeah. Your not escaping Price when he’s in ‘daddy wolf’ mode.
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crimson-nail · 1 year
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meryl stryfe? oh fuck sorry i thought you said meryl shrike
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silent-shanin · 2 years
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When your werewolf girlfriends wanna cuddle on a hot summer morning
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pigeonstab · 4 days
I wasn't actually planning on drawing vampire Killer and werewolf Cross but it could be cool... actually..
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Summer Time!
I have said this once and I will say it again. ORC BBQ BLOCK PARTIES. Imagine all the food. Like seriously ALL of the food you could ever eat plus some really cool war stories from everyone who has them. Orcs trading recipes with other members of the family while they also share different smithing techniques.
Merfolk gathering at night at the beach when humans are our partying disguising themselves to look like humans to take food and drinks back down to their secret cove to have their own party that actually recycles all the excess wrappers that nonmerfolk don’t think about throwing away.
Werecreatures having close to turning bon-fire nights where they all commune with each other in their wildness. All were creatures are invited to be to feel as free as they are while in their shifted form.
Vampires who stay out of the sun already are used as cold-water-bottles since they’re naturally pretty cold due to being a vampire. So this makes them prime content for their non vampy friends hugging them with their warm bodies to try to cool down. Vampire emotion can range from okay to this practice or “I SWEAR IF YOU DO NOT GET YOUR SWEATY BODY OFF OF MEEEE!!!”
Demons that sneak into abandoned places to have wicked parties. Imagine a group of rambunctious demon teens sneaking into an amusement park after dark partying it up.
Merfolk using small kiddie pools as tanning beds to get a nice summer tan.
Witches that create mix potions with cool drinks for different effects. Mostly effects to cool the body…hopefully it won’t turn the person drinking the potion into a giant ice cube.
Dryads soaking In pools to keep their bodies from drying out due to the heat. Sometimes they have to stay inside due to hot wealthier advisories.
Dragons who sometimes stay out in the sun and let the sun shine on their scales to sunbath (like the big lizards they are lol) or they sit in a pool of water just to cool down from all the excess heat.
Giants that don’t mind their smaller friends using their arm and hands as a diving board. Though they are still careful that their friends are safe and won’t raise their arm too high for them to jump into the water.
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anticanonsposts · 9 months
Lunar Embrace Chapter 1
(ok obvi chapter one of the werewolf au)
cw: fem pronouns used, references to female body parts, slight reference to nsfw themes???
word count: 1,017
Glancing out one of the front windows of her cottage, while she packed her medicines and other apothecary paraphernalia, y/n noticed the snow that had fallen the previous night. It was only a couple of inches, but it had added onto the already nearly 4 feet of snow
It’s nearing the end of November and the weather has been unseasonably snowy and cold. Making y/n very thankful for the ample amount of fire wood she always had stocked.
Today just like any other Tuesday, she was gathering her items to be sold at the village market. She had learned how to make many from both her parents, but mostly her mother. Unfortunately she died of an illness, ironic enough, and her father died in a strange hunting accident. She never knew for sure since it happened around when she was 12 and her mother didn’t like to talk about it. All this to say, she is, was, the only child and left her parents’ skills and cottage. She lived a moderately uneventful life, selling her goods at market, buying what she needed, making a few friends in the village, etc. 
Now slipping her boots on she opens and locks the door behind her. As her boots crunch along the heightening snow she starts to notice a few other townspeople making their way to the center of the village. Then all of the sudden she hears a loud neighing, followed by the clomping of horse hooves behind her. 
‘Whoa!’ the driver says in a slightly accented voice. She wasn’t sure where the accent was from, but she knew it wasn’t from her village. She also knew exactly who that voice belonged to. 
His name was König, or at least that is what he wanted the townspeople to call him. He was a very large, burley man, who towered over his horses, that pulled his wagon every week into town. He was a lumberjack who would bring more firewood to market than anyone else could ever dream of. Each week he would bring a nearly overflowing wagon of chopped wood, buy a few necessities, speak to very few, and leave for another week. However every few weeks he would be gone for two. Maybe to remind the town of his necessity, she wasn’t sure.
Once she arrived at the town square she started to set up shop in her normal spot, which coincidentally was very close to where König parked his wagon. As the morning went on and she made sales, she made sure to keep a few ointments and tonics to the side for König. Admittedly he was one of her most consistent customers. Usually depending on the season some people would need different remedies more often than others. But König, every week would need burn ointment, tonic for head and body aches, and an ointment for large cuts and scrapes. She had to admit it was odd, she assumed that someone like him who had been working in his trade for years would be skilled enough to not get hurt. But she was not going to question a good customer. 
He eventually made his way over to her booth with four bundles of firewood, she thought three was a fair price but he insisted on four. Each week when she saw him she was reminded of how handsome she really thought he was. Despite his size he had a softer almost timid looking face. It may even look frightened if it weren’t for his very pigmented grey eyes. They really were blue, but appeared grey upon first glance. From his interactions with other townspeople he seemed to prefer y/n. She never let there be awkward silence for too long, and would often fill the space with quips or jokes that seemed to ease his tenseness. 
“Hello! How are you today, König?” she asked, raising her eyebrows slightly.
“I’m fine, it was colder this morning.” he responded shortly, not in an unfriendly way, more so just simple. 
“Would you like your usual?” she asked.
“Better put an extra bottle of the scratch salve please” he responds, wandering his eyes away from yours.
He truly was handsome, had a valuable skill set, and seemed moderately respectable. Her parents’ voices sounded in her head that she should be at least thinking about finding a partner. Then her eyes meandered down to his very large, and strong looking, hands, and she briefly wondered what they would look like spread over other, various surfaces. 
“Sorry, i-is four bundles alright still?” he asked her, bringing her back to the present moment. 
“Yes, I’m sorry I just…spaced out” she responds shaking her head and giving him his items while taking the bundles from him.
He gives her one last thank you before excusing himself back to his wagon. She curses herself for not speaking smoother or at least make an attempt to be alluring.  
The rest of the day goes by, very uneventfully. Everyone leaves the square, going back to their homes. König leaves about the same time as she does, giving her a small nod, and was that a smile??, as he leaves and she is heading home. 
Once home she collects her money and traded items, putting them in their respective places. Then she does a few household chores to occupy herself, not being able to get König out of her mind.  She feels a bit tired so she drinks some broth before lying down to go to bed. Once she’s lying down, she ponders, and asks herself why she did not try to have a longer conversation with him today. ‘You idiot, why do you think he gives you extra bundles? Why might he spend longer talking to you than others?’ But she didn’t entertain these thoughts for too long, she did not want to get ahead of herself. But she concluded that she would start taking her hunt for a partner more seriously, and would devise a plan to win more of his favor. For now she let her heavy eyelids flutter shut and fell fast asleep for the night. 
thank you so much for reading!! If there is anything you didn't like please lmk! Also chapter 2 is pending hehe <3
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http-paprika · 10 months
Bite the Hand / Phillip Graves
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part four - belonging ⋆★⋆ the masterlist ⋆★⋆ previous ⋆★⋆ next
summary preparing to deploy on her first mission with the shadow company, frost begins to grow overwhelmed by the shift in her feelings.
werewolf!au / pairing phillip graves x female!reader / callsign frost / wc 1715 / warnings mentions of past trauma, alcohol, and light swearing
notes well, after weeks of painful writer's block, here we are! this chapter is what really sets the gears in motion to fling together frost and graves along with diving a bit more into frost's past which will play a big part in her relationship with graves. also, i don't know anything about military planes and deployments, so, this is definitely inaccurate, but i tried. the taglist is still open, if you want to be added, let me know.
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The Shadow Company armory, as Frost had come to learn, was always uncomfortably warm. She stood, shifting her weight from one foot to another as Erikson dug around the boxes of unassigned tactical vests and gear to find something that would properly fit her. During her training, she’d been in ill-fitting gear that she had to suffer with, but now as Graves and Lerch had greenlit her for her first mission, Frost needed to be properly fitted. 
 “And you’re sure that last vest didn’t fit?” Erikson asked her again, Frost looked over at the growing pile of discards, shaking her head. 
 “It’s not my fault I’m not as beefy as the rest of you.” She shrugged, wiping some of the collected sweat off her brow. Even with how much she’d been shifting in the past months, Frost didn’t compare to them. 
 “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Finally, he stopped digging. “Here we go, this should do.” Erikson handed over a dark green vest, slightly worn on the edges but otherwise unused. Without even trying it on, Frost knew it would fit. “I’ll talk to Rodgers, and get a new set of gear ordered for you. But for now, that’ll do.” 
 As she pulled it on, Frost examined the blood-type patch that sat right over her heart, it would have to be replaced to fit her own. “So, who did this belong to?” 
 “Some corpse probably.” Erikson darkly joked, observing as she secured the vest and its various buckles and velcro before moving onto the gloves, and padding. “Very nice, one would think this was made just for you.” 
 She smirked, pulling the gear off and brushing off the dust. “Whatever you say, Erikson.” Surveying the vest fully, she spotted sloppy writing on the inside, indicating the soldier it belonged to, but the writing had mostly been smudged away, and she decided against asking and not wanting her curiosity to bring back grief. Whoever it had belonged to, as Erikson had said, was long gone.
 “How are you feeling, about finally being shipped out?” He asked, leading her to a free locker where she’d store the gear until the following morning when they would embark on the mission. 
 “Strange. Unsure. But, I’m ready to be back in combat. Even if things here aren’t the same as they were in the Marines. There’s a lot less of a moral code I’m being held to, less guilt if I fuck up.” Frost admitted, putting everything up and closing the locker. In some ways, that made her even more nauseous, she wondered how wild she could be before Graves stepped in and scolded her.
 “Just don’t plan on being reckless, and you’ll be fine,” Erikson assured her, patting her on the shoulder. “Now, let’s get out of here before I sweat my entire ass off.”
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Under the red lights in the plane, the only way Frost could describe how she felt was antsy. The mask secured over her face felt like a muzzle, like an attempt to keep her from snapping. It kept her canines, which grew sharper by the day from shifting and the new diet of fresh, hot game meat, from showing. There would be no barring of her teeth today, even if she wanted to. 
“You okay?” Graves asked, stopping in front of her. He’d been moving through the plane, making sure his soldiers were ready to deploy, that the radios were live, and everyone was in place for the hunt. 
 “Yeah, m’fine.” She promised him, but Graves shook his head with a displeased look. He’d become too familiar with her facial expressions and the way her voice strained when she tried to hide the truth. But Graves was too kind to Frost to push for the truth. 
 “You look good,” He commented, quickly finishing the sentence when she cocked an eyebrow up at him. “-In the Shadow Company uniform and wearing our insignia. Like it was made just for you.” She nodded in response, quieter than usual. It wasn’t the normal anxiety Frost had first felt when she entered combat years ago. No, it was something she couldn’t quite put words to, a fear that settled when she looked back up at her Commander or over at her packmates who chatted amongst themselves quietly.
“Frost, you’re gonna be just fine out there. I’ll be right there—“ He taps the radio strapped to her tactical vest. “If you need me. Just a call away.” 
 “Let’s hope I don’t.” Frost joked, trying to ease her unknown stress. At her feet, the case with her sniper sat, reminding her that she was the eyes for her teammates, they’d rely on her shots and calls to keep them guarded, and safe. A daunting task. She’d done it hundreds of times, but the edge of nerves would not cease.
 “What’s going on in that loud mind of yours?” Graves tilted his head slightly, a few locks of sandy hair obstructing his direct and piercing gaze. Frost quickly looked down at the gun lying across her lap, trying to find an answer that made sense of everything she felt. Loyalty, bonded, brothers, her borrowed vest, sisters, the feel of her gloves against her palms, the pack, the smell of pine needles, pale blue eyes, and Graves. 
  As she opened her mouth to speak, Frost quickly closed it, overwhelmed by the words and emotions that filled her. She’d never known how much she craved a place to call her own and surrounded by the Shadow Company pack, she had. A bundle of warmth settled in the pit of her stomach, filling the hole that she’d blinded herself to.
Graves didn’t speak, he just tilted his head again in a way that fully captured her attention. “Well, when the cat finally lets go of your tongue, you always know how to find me.” He told her, a quick pat on her shoulder before he stepped away to speak to Lerch. Her eyes followed his figure, it was the only thing she seemed to focus on, not the countdown to her deployment or the itch in her hands. Just Phillip Graves.
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Hidden in the thicket of the woods, her breathing was masked by the loud calling of crows. The pungent smell of whiskey and motor oil overpowered anything else. She didn’t know where he was, she couldn’t hear him through the trees, but she knew he was coming after her. 
“Don’t hide from me, girl. I am your father!” He barked loudly, the butcher knife in his hand still coated with sheep’s blood, his white apron stained red. The thirteen-year-old girl felt hysteric, on the verge of tears with the fear of what he’d do to her. She hadn’t meant to talk back to him, speaking before thinking. But her remark had invoked his wrath. “I can smell you, girl. A runt like you can’t hide from me, your stench is all over these woods.” 
The words hailed down on her like nails pounded into her bones, catching her off guard and unalert for when he finally found her and yanked her out of the indigo bush by her forearm. She screamed, the sound curdling into a howl. Her body convulsed, bones being broken and reformed, the skin stretched and hair grew, teeth gnashing as she tried to free herself from his grasp. 
That was the first time she ever shifted.
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Frost woke with a start, the sound of the landing gears and loss of altitude dragged her out of her slumber, ears popped in the descent. Stretching, she moved away from whoever’s shoulder it was she had fallen asleep on, her cheek indicted from the shoulder of the tactical vest, she tried to push back the memory that had invaded her mind. She didn’t like to remember how it all began, when she was younger she used to dream it had never happened, hating that she was her father’s daughter. In his eyes, she didn’t belong, even if she had the same noise and sharp tongue. 
But she was no longer seen as her father’s daughter. The Shadow Company had become the only pack she would align herself with. There, she belonged.
“Thought you would sleep the whole time.” Dipaolo chuckled across from her as Frost brushed the hair out of her face. She’d shed the mask and gloves before falling asleep, allowing herself to freely be. “Surprised Graves let you.” 
Almost launching herself out of her seat, Frost looked over at Graves who sat next to her. He didn’t give any indication that he cared, whether that was a good thing or not, Frost was unsure. “She did a hell of a good job out there, Dipaolo. Maybe next time if you do a fraction of the work Frost did, I’ll let you sleep on my shoulder.” 
“Favoritism! I’ve been here for three years and you already like Frost more!” Dipaolo gawked. “It’s because she’s a woman, isn’t it?” 
“Stop getting pissy, Dipaolo. She’s just better.” Vance tells him, cutting into the conversation. The attention was directed away from Frost as her teammates bickered back and forth, allowing her to bury her face in her hands with embarrassment, a groan escaping her lips. 
“Frost, there’s no need to act embarrassed. We’re a pack, we help each other out. Even if it means offering a shoulder to sleep on.” Graves said to her quietly as the plane jolted, touching the tarmac. “You are hardly the first person who’s accidentally fallen asleep on mine. And unlike Oz, you don’t talk in your sleep. So I don’t mind.” 
“Why does that not surprise me?” But even with his reassurance, her cheeks felt hot, a rosy shade that was hidden in the dim light of the plane. It was like an itch she couldn’t ignore. It was a feeling that Frost hadn’t felt in years, one that had once suffocated her and torn her to shreds. 
But everything was different this time, she wasn’t that same scared girl. And Phillip Graves was like nothing she had ever known.
taglist @iamcautiouslyoptimistic @delusionally-loveless-by-choice @bacon-sandwich-of-dionysus @anna-banana27 @unicorngirly1
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morpheus-somnium · 3 months
The Companions [modern au]
Location: Jorrvaskr, Whiterun
Leader: Kodlak Whitemane
Jorrvaskr is a two-three level house (the roof is still the shape of a ship, because that’s cool), and the ground level functions as a gym.
Kodlak is the manager of said gym
Although most people are insecure about going there to work out because most of the companions are so buff that it makes them flustered 😭 i mean c’mon, there is a member called Njada Stonearms, and I think that says a lot about her
The gym has one part where you can work out with modern equipment and one part where you can train yourself with weapons
The Skyforge is still there, untouched, and it’s a pretty famous tourist destination.
You can either buy really expensive weapons (expect maybe if you are a friend of him or if you’re a member of the Companions) or less expensive small merchandise, maybe a nice ring or a cute keychain
The Underforge is probably cleaner than most members’ rooms
Sometimes the Companions do demonstrations for the tourists (even if some of the members cough cough Vilkas cough cough are salty about it), or for the kids during different festivals, city days, etc
They show either cool fighting choreographies or cool tricks to the audience and sometimes ask kids to help them with their performance (mostly Lucia because she is an orphan)
The sewer system is crazy in Whiterun. It’s like New York’s, except here you don’t find ninja turtles, you find warrior werewolves
They are hairy
You can’t just ask them to shave because it would just regrow in like 5 hours
I think maybe their androgenic hair grows slower, so that’s why they can shave and maintain a stubble instead of a beard
Or they just shave every morning and night
And they don’t have nails; they have literal claws
Because lycanthropy causes keratin to grow faster? Or concentrate more? Like their hair is also very thick
So the members always carry a nail file with them
The Vigilants of Stendarr sometimes get canceled because a lot of members are close-minded and want to hunt them down? Okay, not every member; some of them let the werewolves go free if they saw them only hurting like bandits and such
The companions either wear gym clothes or armor. No inbetweens.
And Kodlak is like a very muscular grandpa.
Like when you see those old-lady thirst traps of Santa Claus? Yeah, that's him
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Illicit Affairs- John "soap" mactavish
F!reader!, werewolf au
This is based on a request I got
It has been a few weeks since you joined Task Force 141. Everyone has been nothing but kind, in their own ways of course. You befriend Gaz, he becomes your guide through the base. He always joked around with you. Soap wasn't so open with you, and neither was Ghost. But as the lieutenant started to get used to you, and as Gaz reassured you that now you were truly a part of the team, you couldn't help but wonder why Soap was so off. He always sat the furthest from you.
For days you thought maybe he disliked you. But that's how military men are, you said to yourself as he had yet again left the room the second you walked in.
One morning you noticed how tired he seemed. This was the best opportunity for you two to get close. "Hey Mactavish, are you alright?" you cautiously approached him. "M'fine lass, go back to sparring" his eyes never looking at yours. "No."
"nope. I'm staying until you look well..more alive?"
The next three days he actually talked to you. He wasn't so hesitant with his words anymore. He cracked jokes around you, and every time he made you smile it was a point on his books.
For him it was scary making friends with women, he was always afraid that if at any moment you got close and he revealed his secret, you'd leave. And for days since your little conversation, he watched from far at times. Other times he was close.
Tonight was no different, he was near, his arm around your shoulder. "Eyes too pretty." you drunkenly confessed, your eyes now on his. And for a brief moment, his world went silent. It was just you and him, his blue orbs staring at yours. A cheeky smile resting on your lips.
"What'd ya say?" Price interrupts. "What?" "you think we should get out and play a little game?"
"If Bonnie here says yes I'll join." The men looked for your answer, and you nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "Right, I'll take care 1," "Me and Gaz will join Price. Soap you and the miss go walking." Ghost stood up and exited the room with the other men. "was that a code for somethin' or?" "no, but we are both bladdered"
As you two walked back to base, his arm hung from your shoulder. "This was fun" you admit. "It was, we should do this again"
He noticed how cold your skin felt as his hand brushed your arm. "c'mere" he took his jacket off and put it on you. "better?" "yes." you smiled.
This feeling in his stomach was so different. As you looked forward, he never looked away from you.
"It is a small heartache, then you try to repress it, you might not want it but as your body tries to walk away from it, they like a magnet attract you. And when you get close to your mate, it all turns. Its adoration, devotion, your mind will start to worship them, and of course love. Those are the signs you have found them"
"nana? you think I'll ever meet them in this life?" a young Soap looks up at his grandmother, his eyes glistening with happiness and excitement. "We all meet one at least in this life. Now to bed y'go" She kissed his forehead and the child soon slept.
His eyes shot wide open. This was the moment, he thought. His heart rate is racing. Was it excitement or nerves? God does he hope it's just nerves. "Soap?" You turn to him, he looks down. "Hey talk to me what's wrong?" "Nothing, I think it's just a stomach ache."
Two days after that incident. He avoided you, he was ready but were you? The love of his life was finally present. You were the girl he could take home to his mother and present as his. His best gal. When he talked to his family about the experience he knew he had to make sure you were pleased with him. He knew it was meant to be, but not you. So ever since he has been redeeming his past actions.
-- "That training left me sore," you mentioned to Gaz, soon soap rushed to you. "Sit down while I rub your shoulders ye?" You obeyed.
-- "hungry" and wouldn't you know it, he was there, holding his meal.
-- one time some soldiers gave you trouble, and he stood next to you. "you don't speak to her like that, understood?" his voice raspy, almost as if it hinted at a growl.
-- One night he passed by your room, and he stood there, protecting you from anyone.
Tonight he brought you to his room. This is the night he would tell you what he was and who you had become in his life. But it was interrupted by Price. "Go home," he said as he stood on the doorframe, he had worked hard to give his team some weeks off. A better opportunity, his plan just got better. "Oh, alright. I guess I should go and pack." And once price left, soap stopped you. "I have an idea. I've been nothing but rude, why don't we spend this break together. As-" "Friends?" you finished his sentence.
Of course, you found him attractive. You had always been attracted to the odd things in life. And when a Scottish man in a mohawk appeared in front of you, you thought, "Wow, now this is a man"
You gushed to Gaz about him, every chance Gaz had, he made you and Soap stay behind. "Maybe it'll help if he gets to know you"
"Yes, as friends" he looked a bit disappointed, but hoped that soon, the name would change.
At around midnight, you reached his cabin. A recommendation from his friend Simon.
"This is my home, make yer'self at home." he got the luggage out of the back of his vehicle. You look around. It was either dead in the woods or go back home. Wise choice, you thought.
"Place is beautiful soap." you both stepped inside. "none of that, call me Johnny." "alright. well, Johnny what can I do to get a drink around here?"
He chuckled. "lots of things, but not tonight." he walked into his kitchen, and came back with two beers "Here y'go" he handed you one. "can we go outside?"
Once outside, he lit the fire pit and you two sat round it. "Can you tell me a legend about this place?"
"Sure, y'like hairy beasts?"
"Who doesn't!" you jokingly said.
"Well, the legend goes, werewolves roam 'round this place, but not to worry bonnie, I'll protect ya from 'em"
"Are they kind ones at least?" "yes, they aren't how movies depict them at all. Few of 'em are my friends" you thought he was joking. "being serious?" your smile wiped clean from your lips.
"would you be afraid if I said yes?" He got closer. "no" you lied.
"I'm one of the monsters r/n" he just blurted it out.
"Okay, jokes over" you chuckled but soon met with a serious soap. "Seriously?" your eyes never leaving his, hoping that somewhere in his eyes the lie would surrender.
"Would you be afraid of me? What if I told you I know deep inside we are meant to be, would'ya stay?"
"No and Maybe."
"If I kissed ya and you liked it, would you stick around?"
"If I turn right now, and it was a guarantee you would be safe, would you kiss me?"
"who knows"
"Kiss me bonnie."
"what does it mean?"
"yes, what does it mean?"
"Beautiful-" and soon your lips met his. Not sure if it was the alcohol or not that made you act this way, but he for sure liked your lips on his. "Not too fast" he warned, "Or what, you'll scratch me?" a giggle leaving your lips. "Maybe." he smiled against your lips.
The next day everything was a blur. But after a long breakfast talk, you had come to your senses. 1. this man was actually a werewolf. 2. You apparently hugged him and petted him(which he loved!). and 3. You cried because people made you believe people like him were monsters.
The entire morning you asked him smart yet stupid questions. And after much laughter and flirtatious comments, he was set in. You were his mate for life and he was yours.
You were puzzled, how could this be happening and was it weird you were into it all?
By week 2, he slowly introduced you to his basement, where he locks himself in during back full moons, the night he turned in front of you was the best he's had. He taught you how to chain him up, which you almost cried about. How can you do this to him? "it's ok r/n, this is for your own good."
"Good thing about this is you won't have to worry about shaving when I'm clearly no one to judge" he joked and you lightly pushed him. "s'not funny" your smile giving you away.
By the end of week 3, you were ovulating, something this man could sense. Unfortunately. This was something he warned you about. "It's difficult because, well I'll quite literally tell when and then I'll get all horny."
You two tried having sex. and for the better part, you both liked it. No, you weren't his first time, but man did this feel perfect. Your bodies match each other's rhythm.
By week 4 you were already used to him. His weird habits and his sense of humour.
Meanwhile, this man was already planning his life with you. He knew this change wasn't easy. God, it was very difficult. You went from living a somewhat normal life to his secret life. Over days he slowly taught you things to keep you safe from him. You hesitated at first, but for weeks you tried. You hoped somewhere sense would wait.
Was this all too fast? certainly, did you enjoy most of the ride, well that was debatable. He taught you everything about werewolves. The origin, the night terrors, and the cravings.
When you arrived at the base, nothing made sense. You never told anyone. You grew a little distant with Gaz, but he was more than okay when he saw you and Soap together.
You ate warm pizza, giving him some bites in between. Gaz just stood there, proud of his two friends.
"I love this. What we have is good," he confessed as he looked up from his meal.
For months, you and he had your little escapes. You'd run around with him at night, and you made sure no one saw you leave. At times Ghost or Price would ask where you were heading at night. "Midnight run, I still have too much energy."
You knew you were the one that could stop this relationship. That if you said the word, he'd leave whatever you two had a move on.
Your relations escalated fast, what began in a room ended in some street close to the base. The worst parts were during meetings when his stares would almost give your relationship away.
The sneaking around, the lies you'd tell, the stolen stares. The love that had to be suppressed leaked when contained; It had become a dangerous love.
The code words, the coded stares. He turned you into his perfect woman. And he is your perfect man.
1 year later
There you were, a now-retired (for now) member of the task force. Your belly is swollen and your husband standing tall next to you. After tough battles with the enemy and even tougher ones at home, you and him tested time. (family calendar: if you last 6 months it was mating time))
For you, he would lay his life on the line. For you, he would destroy himself if that meant you would be safe.
And for you, he would burn the world, if it meant you'd smile.
You made him a mess. Your soft touch, to his rough skin. Your creative and brave mind. Your courage, knowledge, loyalty. You made an idiotic fool of him, and he wore that with pride. What is a man without the woman who made him who he is today? Not a father, not a brave soldier, not a lover, not a fighter, but a coward. And before you, he was a coward.
And today you stand here, by his side, his many sides that is.
A/n: I loved writing this! never thought I could do this but hey.. it's done now!
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schwazombie · 3 months
I enjoy thinking about KidLaw in my ModAU where Kidd has absolutely no filter whatsoever in general but also around Law in particular and will say the most ??? things just in passing. They're lying in bed watching TV on a laptop and Kidd will out of nowhere be like, man I wish I had a knot :( and Law is just like ?????? but gets no further explanation on what the hell is going on in Kidd's head as they watch reruns of Hogan's Heroes.
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finchibe · 1 year
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Part 2 Octo2 brainrot from ideas @sidotherobot & I came up with during multiple drawpile sessions
Also ignore how I accidentally spelled Temenos “Tenemos” on one of my drawings
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butternuggets-blog · 7 months
Solar punk because the werewolves built vast swathes of national parks for their own personal use and the vampires want their main food source happy, healthy, and with the ability to afford children.
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silent-shanin · 2 years
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Werewolf Alisha and Rose shenanigans (and Clem screaming 'no!')
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/John "Soap" MacTavish, All implied lol Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price (Call of Duty) (mentioned), Original Characters, minor - Character Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolf, POV Outsider, Werewolf John "Soap" MacTavish, Werewolf Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Gunshot Wounds, Minor Injuries, Protective John "Soap" MacTavish, BAMF John "Soap" MacTavish, BAMF Simon "Ghost" Riley, BAMF Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, why isn’t that a tag wtf, Author Has Never Played Call Of Duty, Established Relationship, John "Soap" MacTavish Loves Simon "Ghost" Riley, Simon "Ghost" Riley Loves John "Soap" MacTavish Series: Part 1 of Pack Mates Summary:
Everyone knew about the wolves of 141, and The Ghost was the scariest of them all.
Or was he?
The original characters are just some throwaway privates observing everything lol please read this 🥺🥺
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Holiday themed
Take care of the small fae that live in your garden during the winter months by giving offerings of small fabrics that they can use for blankets or small warm drinks for them so they won't freeze.
Werewolf cuddle piles during the winter, just imagine in the middle of a pack of werewolves cuddling up together using their fur and body heat to keep warm. Werewolf children also get in the pile maybe kicking a parent or sibling in the face while sleeping.
Vampires who THRIVE in the winter months not having to hide in their house. Cold weather? Cloudy skies? No sun??? They are absolutely loving it.
Dragons who lend their cave to very close friends as warmth. They would "hoard" their friends into a huddle.
Centaurs who take jobs during the winter as carriage horses becoming sort of tour guides around the city.
Sirens who sing beautiful Christmas songs bringing everyone in the holiday spirit.
Special magical holiday food and drinks served at coffee shops. (i.e peppermint hot chocolate with winter sprite sparkles or snowman cookies made with edible sweet snow and enchanted icing)
Having a cozy night in with Hobbits/ Halflings serving a grand Christmas/Holiday meal. A party full of good food and friends all around enjoying each others company.
Happy Holidays Everyone!! The wizard loves you all and would like to thank you for all of your support! 🧙🏾
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anticanonsposts · 9 months
Lunar Embrace-Chapter 4
cw: fem pronouns used, allusions to nsfw themes, spooky?
word count: 1,130
As the howling continued she found herself feeling very thankful that she was on an upper floor of the cabin. As if that would really make a difference if someone or something got in. She didn’t even have a weapon. Now usually she was very kind to animals, prey and predators alike, but the howling this creature was producing wasn’t like anything she’d ever heard. Eventually the howling seemed to get farther and farther away from the cabin, and y/n drifted back to sleep. 
Almost comically, y/n’s eyes fluttered open in the morning, around 9am, to birds chirping and the sun beaming through the windows down onto her. After getting up, using the bathroom, and putting pants on, she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen/dining area. There she met with König, sitting at one end of the wooden table. He looked as though he had been awake all night.
König’s eyes wandered up toward what was making noise and they landed on y/n’s form. His shirt draped lazily over her shoulders, exposing the left one slightly due to its size. He had had one hell of a night, rougher than usual and he wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and tune everything out. But he gave her a small smile and mumbled good morning through his mouth full of eggs and ham he had made as soon as he got home. 
Y/n’s eyes narrowed onto him once more, really taking in everything. The bags under his eyes made it seem like he hadn’t seen sleep in a month, and it looked as though there were several bruises forming on his arms and chest…That’s when she realized that he was shirtless. She tried not to gawk too much, but she couldn’t help but notice his build. He looked incredibly strong, even for a lumberjack, but again she saw copious amounts of bruises, scars, and gashes across his chest and back. ‘So this is why he is such a good customer,’ she thinks quickly, before responding to his greeting.
“Good morning König! I hope last night wasn’t too difficult and that the horses are ok.”
“Oh yes, thank you they were fine. The storm was just tough to get through.” he responds, averting his gaze from hers.
It seems like he was neglecting to tell her some crucial event from last night, but she didn’t pressure him. “Well, I should get going, I don’t want to intrude any longer!” she says, turning to pack up her bags. 
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea” he says and continues when y/n gives him a prying look. “Oh umm, this morning before you woke up someone from a neighboring village to ours said that there was a lot of strange animal activity last night and that the authorities are advising people to stay inside for the next few days….Unless of course you have urgent business back home?” he finishes, feeling increasingly nervous. He didn’t want her to think he was lying, or that he was just trying to keep her captive. 
“I-I would offer to escort you back myself but….” he trails off before repositioning so his left leg is out from under the table, exposing a huge gash across his shin and a very swollen ankle. “I just don’t know if its a good idea for you to go out on your own..I’m not saying you couldn’t take care of yourself, please don’t think that, I just-” he starts to ramble thinking that the absolutely blue any chance he had with her. 
But she interrupts and says, “No, don’t worry, I don’t think that at all. I do think that that leg needs tending to, with gentler hands” she quips, trying to lighten up the mood slightly. 
“I would appreciate that,” he replies.
So y/n got to work gathering salves, tonics, and bandages to help him. He pulled out his chair from the table, and she situated herself near his feet to get a better look at his wounds. She racked her brain to try to figure out what could have possibly happened to cause these kinds of wounds. But she pushed those thoughts aside so she could focus entirely on making him feel better. She noticed that although the injuries were severe, he was not bleeding as much as she thought he would, and things that normally stung didn’t seem to faze him much.
While she was cleaning and wrapping the wounds, she told him that she had also noticed weird animal activity the previous night. She described the strange howls she heard and that she even considered looking around his house for a knife or gun just in case. At that he let out a hiss as she was pulling the gauze tightly around the gash on his shin. 
“I’m sorry,” she musters. And just replies with a small smile and shake of his head.
“Thank you very much, and I don’t want to ask you for anything else, but I am exhausted. Would you be able to help me up the stairs?” he asks, sounding even more kicked down, if that was possible, than before. 
“Well of course, especially if I am camping out in your house while the monsters of the world wreak havoc outside.” she replies giggling. But his eyes quickly leave hers at the word monsters and he responds with what sounds like a strange chuckle. 
Normally she would overanalyze his reaction and think herself sick. But her nurturing instincts kicked in and she acted as a human crutch getting up to his room. Finally more or less flopping him onto his bed she gets some pillows for under his ankle and makes sure he has water on one of his nightstands. 
“Thank you, again. I know I am not being the greatest host right now.” König says with a small smile, trying to prop himself up on an elbow. But y/n quickly hushes his worries and gently but firmly pushes his chest back down with one of her hands. A hand, that König noticed, was so much softer and warmer than his, so much gentler, so much kinder. 
Before he could make any further objections she scampered back downstairs, assuring him that she could entertain herself while he rested. And König’s heavy eyelids closed and he drifted into a heavy sleep. 
Y/n found a few books on König’s shelves to keep her occupied and even took a small nap herself, after fixing herself something small to eat and tidying up the kitchen. As she drifted into her nap she tried to push out the carnal thoughts flooding her mind now of his hands, chest, arms, and everything else about König, telling herself that she was getting far too ahead of herself. 
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