#more headcannons
starrclown · 1 month
Very specific LMK headcannons that is basically me projecting onto legos but the personal ones are saved for the characters I like and the average ones are for the ones I don't know much about, I don't really care about, or just straight up don't like (Part 1)
I made this because a comic I wanna make is gonna take a minute and I like the headcannon posts I make.
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Didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up for years. He has a bunch of interests and talents so that confused him on what he should pressue. Eventually when he got to be a senior in high-school he bit the bullet and just decided to work for Pigsy.
Wasn't directly bullied in high-school but people made jokes about him being on the poorer side. He understands that their just joking but sometimes it genuinely bothers him.
Has a hard time focusing especially when it comes to educational subjects. He tries his hardest but he gets distracted. This heavily impacted his grades but he was to scared to ask help from Pigsy or Tang so he struggled in silence.
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Struggled with her femininity for years. Her mother forced her to wear makeup, do her hair, and dress extremely feminine. Eventually she resented it and hated having to get dressed in a extremely feminine style. When she got older she started bracing makeup and dresses on her own terms. She will wear a dress but she goes for a more masculine style.
Hates people thinking that she never had to work for anything just because her parents are rich.
Sometimes gets to rough when she messing around and ends up hurting Mk. She feels extremely bad about it and apologizes about 50 times.
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Is really insecure about his appearance because his parents used to point out what the deemed unattractive. They weren't trying to be intentionally mean but they continued to do it.
Has a weird relationship with his mom. He loves her and would love to have a stronger relationship with her. They can get along and have a atcual child and mother relationship. Redson feels like she doesn't love him because of the outbursts Princess Iron Fan had had at him. She has said some genuinely damaging things that he still thinks about.
The idea of marrying someone terrifies him because he's afraid his quirks and flaws will cause someone to become sick of him and then leave him.
Has very low empathy for people he doesn't know. He tries to show he understands and feels for their situation but he just can't.
I was gonna add Macaque and Wukong but I atcually do wanna work on my comic. I'm gonna try and get it out before my birthday (it's my birthday tomorrow :D!! I'm turning 15!! I'm ancient now 😔) but I make no promises.
I got this idea from 2 of my mutals so thank them 🫶 (also I have 159 followers and that's WILD. It's not alot but it's still weird!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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The Best and Worst Patients on the Nemesis
Ratchet believes he has it rough with team Prime. Knockout begs to differ.
The easiest patients for Knockout to deal with are undeniably the Vehicons. They are respectful in and out of the medical bay, pleasant to be around, and generally lovely (except for when they pull pranks). They come to Knockout immediately when injured and actually take care to listen to his instructions. All in all, they are the perfect patients. To Knockout they are almost akin to younger siblings or energetic younglings, and while he will die before admitting it, he cares a great deal about them and frets when one of his regulars fails to show up. He will often go wandering the ship to check up on the Vehicons under the guise of some other meaningless activity. Not only that but he takes extra care to not scare the Vehicons when they are in the medical bay. He even goes to far as to offer them small energon goodies or to buff out their paint. In return the Vehicons will bring him shiny things and make him little trinkets which they will leave on his workstation. They will also cover for him when he angers Megatron, helping him vacate the area until it is safe again. Knockout greatly appreciates it and keeps every single thing his Vehicon patients give him in a box secretly stored away in his berthroom.
The next easiest bot to handle is Breakdown. The mech is an absolute angel when in the medical bay, always complimenting Knockout and offering assistance. However the issue with him arises the moment he leaves the medical bay. It is as if all caution towards his freshly welded wounds goes flying out the window as soon as he steps pede out the door. It does not even take ten minutes before Breakdown is off to break up a fight, get in a tussle with the Autobots, or do something that is bound to reopen his wounds. More often than not Knockout spends more time closing up old wounds instead of new ones. It drives him crazy having to constantly remind his bulky friend not to do anything to stress his injuries, however he does it fondly all the same. If nothing else it means he can spend more time with his friend, and so Knockout doesn't mind Breakdown's behavior as much as he probably should.
Breakdown may be somewhat troublesome, but compared to Soundwave, his carelessness is nothing. The difficulty with the Decepticon spymaster does not come from his behavior while being treated, but instead in his natural tendency to disappear. Usually Soundwave will only come to Knockout if it is something he was ordered to do by Megatron, as such when it comes time for annual checkups it can be a pain to hunt the spymaster down. It can take days or even weeks of snooping around the command center to catch even a glimpse of Soundwave. And when Knockout finally gets a hold of him he knows it is only because Soundwave allowed him to (nothing escapes Soundwave's notice aboard the nemesis). He usually tries, and fails, to maintain some form of confidence when he informs Soundwave of his scheduled checkup. After that it can takes anywhere from and few hours to a few days for Soundwave to stride silently into the medical bay. Neither share a word while they are together unless necessary. Both walk away content with not having to be around one another until work requires it again.
Starscream is certainly one of the worst patients Knockout has ever had. The seeker is irritating, acting like a sparkling over the smallest of things. He complains, makes a fuss, and causes disturbances wherever he goes, including the medical bay. Whenever Knockout is required to fix up whatever injury Starscream has gathered on his frame he often tries to do it as quickly as possible just to get the seeker to shut up. Some days he just can't handle all the flailing and moping about that Starscream forces him to endure and so goes out of his way to make the seeker's visits as miserable as possible. A pinch here, an uncomfortably tight weld over there, and and unfortunate scratch on the paint to really tie it all together. Its all Knockout can do as he can't get away with much else (thankfully Starscream just thinks Knockout is bad at his job) Of course sometimes Knockout doesn't have the patience for Starscream's ridiculousness and so shoves an energon goodie at him and kicks him out the medical bay as quickly as he can. Still, Starscream's complaints have nothing on two of Knockout's least favorite patients.
Arachnid and Shockwave as a general rule don't come to Knockout at all. Each being busy with exile and research respectively. However when they do drop by, usually on Megatron's orders, they are just the worst. Shockwave spends every visit nitpicking at everything from the tools, to the efficiently of the medical procedures, to Knockout himself. For a mech as prideful as Knockout it bothers him a great deal having to listen to the monotone voice of Shockwave comment on his every action critically. Arachnid is arguably worse in that she is far more snarky in her remarks. Going out of her way to poke fun at everything and harassing poor Knockout and even damaging his paint on occasion. He came very close to buzz sawing her in half several times, but thankfully for her, she was exiled before he finally snapped.
Lastly, the worst patient Knockout has ever had the displeasure of dealing with is the mighty Megatron himself. The mech is paranoid as pit and constantly glares at and threatens Knockout whenever he has to fix him up. The dark energon didn't help in that regard, causing Megatron to become violent on top of his harsh threats. Knockout has barely walked away with his armor intact on some bad days for the warlord. Sometimes leaving with his protoform bruised and his neck cabling leaking energon from cuts made by the Decepticon warlord's blade. Megatron's moods are too unstable for him to even consider hanging around him casually, especially not when he is on dark energon. (He is honestly terrified of Megatron and has had to console himself by Breakdown's side after particularly bad days serving the mad mech)
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
As for the question. Favorite personal headcanon not currently canon and you wish it could be.
✨ Oh! This is interesting, I've honestly have no idea. I suppose (As much as courage would be cool) wisdom feels more correct? Much prefer to be inside chilling then out on adventures.
👍I love the angst potential of the prophetic Sky headcannon. It's super fun to play with and I love writing it. Not that anyone has seen much of that yet :)
❓ Oh, I've got one that I've not spoken about yet.
Giving Warriors a loftwing, because of the war of eras. :)
(Which I will happily speak more about if people are interested)
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fortyyefritz · 5 months
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A friend wanted me to draw this
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bklily · 7 months
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Inside Out but its all the multiple variations of Adrichat
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What a weird guy, huh!
Part Two Here!!
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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He's a little silly but we support him all the same <3
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ineffablelunatics · 4 months
You ever think that Crowley isn’t a bookseller and refuses to even act like one because Aziraphale doesn’t like to sell books? He won’t act like a “bookseller”, because Aziraphale doesn’t like selling books. That’s Aziraphale’s safe place and he doesn’t want to somehow mess it up.
“Are you a bookseller?” “Not even at gunpoint.”
Sitting right across from Aziraphale, he says that he wouldn’t sell books even when he was being threatened. Yes, it’s Crowley being over dramatic, but it’s also a reassurance. He doesn’t even let the books burn in 1941. He didn’t have a choice in 2019. Crowley might not run a bookshop, but he’ll keep it safe. Even if keeping it safe just means not letting anyone buy books from a bookshop
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stankworth · 8 months
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after many years of being strong // may you have the chance to be gentle again
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kraenny · 2 months
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The gang is here
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
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I got these little guys before your Pokémon posts, but now I can’t think of them as anyone but Grim and Sylvester!!
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"Look Grim!! Its us!! :0000"
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sikuena · 3 months
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what song are they listening to? (wip).
note - feeling a little burnt out so i probably wont be finishing any pieces within the next two weeks. will still be uploading sketches on instagram though
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etheries1015 · 2 months
Falling deeply in love with Lilia, despite its one sided nature. It was in the way he stared longingly at old photos and spoke with hearts in his eyes as he talked about Meleanor, your chest tightening the longer he spoke in the ramshackle dorm of his past.
Then, at a moment of silence and when the mood seemed right, you foolishly tried to kiss him. Taken aback, Lilia pulled away and tilted his head with pitty furrowing his eyebrows.
"I..."he started, "I am sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I simply...cannot fall in love again."
Those words stuck in your side like a knife, and after he took his leave the tears that poured down your cheek stung like no other. As much as you could try and convince yourself perhaps if you had met sooner, he would have looked at you the same way he did as he spoke of the fae he loved. You still felt strongly of the fae, wondering if only with time...
Who were you kidding? You could never compare to a being such as Meleanor, and to believe that your love could ever be returned...
Utterly delusional.
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kelsh · 1 year
Super late post before For the Future airs but goddamn I am so exited!!!! Despite the leaks I have held out until the 21st and the feeling of getting to watch on the premiere day is *cehfs kiss*
Anyways, Willow and Evelyn potential parallels are always on my mind rent free
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
enjoy this compilation I made of Chris succumbing to the instincts of the creature power suit
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bunnysnared · 10 days
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uhmm here are some unmasked boyfriendly ghost sketches +bonus headcanons i have 🫶🏻💌
[pls dont reupload bcos i didnt watermark them but i wanted to share;;] +ALT TEXT on my headcanon sheet in case u can't read my handwriting ♡
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
Imagine if you ask the magic mirror again and it gives you a dorm this time. How the dorm leaders + the poor unfortunate souls underneath them react
Magic Mirror: This soul now has a place within this world. Your dorm is..
*happy sobbing from some, unhappy from others* *COUGH, riddle*
*unhappy sobbing in, will never be sleeping again*
*unhappy sobbing, wiping away tears with money*
*Vil is throwing up* *Rook is about to faint*
*mute button is off* NO GOD PLEASE NO OH PLEASE GOD NO
*INHUMAN SCREECHES OF JOY* CHILD OF MAN------ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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