#my dad works for the same company so my brother came up to him like 'ummh dad I found some grenades what do I do''
undead-potatoes · 5 months
The company my brother works for has some garage units they rent out for storage, and today he had to go clean out a unit after some guy who died, p standard stuff. When he got into it however it tuned out the guy in question was a full on nazi, like tons and tons of memorabilia and uniforms and printed nazi propaganda everywhere.
And then halfway through the clean up he found several hand grenades just laying about, which honestly might as well happen at that point. Luckily they turned out to be dummy grenades, but things were really tense there for a moment.
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frankcastleonlyfans · 3 months
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au
summary: your son maegon visits his sick old uncle, viserys, and end up learning the story of how you met your husband.
author's note: look who's back... this story was based off two asks, this one, and another one asking how daemon and mom!reader met. and now mom!reader is officially dornish!!!! i will not be making descriptions of her features in the future, but just know that mom!reader is poc. i hope you guys enjoy this story. it feels good to write again.
warnings: none ig
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
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gif by @gameofthronesdaily
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It is sad when a family member gets sick and you know there's nothing you can do about it. So when your brother-in-law fell ill, it came the time you had to explain to your children that King Viserys wouldn't be the same he once was. The hard part was trying not to scare them with the thought of losing their uncle.
The news brought sadness to Alyssa's and Rhaegon's hearts, but Maegon was the most affected one. He felt the necessity of doing something for his beloved uncle so that even though the King now lay indisposed, he could still feel loved. Your son was old enough to realize that besides Helaena, Viserys' kids did not care for him. That made him sad. Rhaenyra lived in Dragonstone, and for so she couldn't give the attention her father deserved.
The boy had the idea of asking Queen Alicent to let him pay some company for King, during the evenings where he would like someone to talk to. As she needed a break from the sick man herself, she would let Maegon take over her place wherever she felt like it. Which was, almost every evening.
During one of those evenings, Prince Daemon thought it would be nice to see what his brother and son talked about. Mostly, he just wanted to see his brother interacting with anyone, to have the certainty that Viserys would still be alive for a while. The King had little to no hair on his scalp. His body couldn't stand up without the supported of a cane. Daemon didn't know how much time his older brother had left.
When Daemon made entrance to the monarch's solar, he found his son and his brother giggling softly. It felt good to hear the laughing. It meant Viserys was in fact, still alive.
"May I know what is so funny?" The Rogue Prince asked, making his presence known.
Maegon was startled by his father's voice. He has been visiting his uncle for weeks now, but not once his father wanted to come with him.
"Oh, hello Daemon" Viserys grinned at the sight of his sibling, "what a coincidence to see you right now. I was just telling Maegon about that time when we were kids... Do you remember when we tried to find The Cannibal?"
Daemon chuckled, "I do. We searched around all Dragonstone until Father found us before we got inside a Volcano's cave."
"And we never found him!" Viserys laughed.
"Well, thank Gods! You two would probably be eaten or burned alive and I wouldn't be here today to hear the story if you did find him." Maegon reasoned, watching his father pacing around the King's solar.
Daemon's fingers danced around the huge model of Valyria that his brother had exposed in the middle of his room.
"I miss the good old days when I was brave. Once I was sword fighting, I was riding Balerion, I took my little brother to look for a cannibal wild dragon..." Viserys sighed softly.
"You are brave still, uncle" Maegon assures, "It takes bravery to rule. And it takes bravery to be kind. You are a good King."
Viserys nodded to his nephew's words, taking his hands across the table. Daemon felt warmth in his heart. He couldn't quite understand that sensation, but he sees that part of him feels glad that his son expressed words and emotions he could never say or show, because he didn't know how to.
"Did you know that I was the one who introduced your mother to Daemon?" Viserys asked, with fun in his tone, "Have I ever told you the story?"
"Oh, you haven't!" Maegon engaged, grinning excitedly, "Do tell me, uncle, please."
We were all at Driftmark to prestige Corlys and Rhaenys' wedding. Nobles from all across the Seven Kingdoms were there, and your mother was one of them. I remember she was wearing her house colors in her dress. She was a bit older than your sister is now, I think.
My late wife, Aemma, introduced me to her, I didn't know they were friends. I discovered that the lady whom I had just met, was not only a Princess but also played part as a knight at her father's guard. She wore that dress with such grace, that I thought my ears deceived me when I imagined her wearing armor and ringmail.
My thoughts were disturbed by Caraxes' whistling noises, when Daemon, who was very late for the ceremony, came flying upon our heads, rounding Corlys' castle. Everyone was watching the little show your father was giving, mouth-opened, shocked, scared. Y/N wasn't any of those things. She wasn't impressed at all. I remember asking her;
"Have you ever seen a dragon?"
and smirking, she replied, "Where I come from, we have scarier animals."
"Scarier?" Aemma questioned.
"More dangerous." Y/N reasoned.
"I suppose you're right, Princess Y/N," I said, "There are beings more lethal than a dragon, like the very man who rides it can be far more dangerous for his ideals, than the dragon under his command."
It felt like I summoned my brother once I said those words.
"Prince Daemon" Y/N made a short reverence to greet his presence.
"Brother, let me introduce you to Princess Y/N of Sunspear, she is a good friend of Aemma's."
Daemon kept his smugly signature grin on his lips, and took Y/N's hand in his, kissing the soft skin of her knuckles.
"I am deeply sorry for being late for the ceremony. I hope dear cousin Rhaenys can forgive my missing presence." Daemon changed the subject without paying any interest to the lady who made us company.
His rudeness made me uncomfortable, but it was so like my brother to behave like that.
"Y/N, you should come visit us. Viserys and I would love to welcome your family to Dragonstone." Aemma smiled and looked at me for reassurance.
I nodded, "Feel free to visit whenever you want. It is a very lonely place, and unfortunately, the only family we have there is my brother, as Aemma and I are still trying for a child."
Before Y/N could give us an answer, Daemon retorted, "My apologies if living with your younger brother is not what you expected of marriage."
"It certainly is not what I was expecting." Aemma playfully hit Daemon with her elbow.
Y/N giggled softly and the noise took Daemon's attention. He was quite curious why she was still there, in his presence. Most people who didn't know him are likely to feel uncomfortable with his intimidating presence, but not that girl.
"Are you here with your family?" He questioned. That was the first time he spoke directly to her.
Y/N shook her head, "My father sent me here in his name to prestige Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys, and give them our wedding gift."
"Oh. I see Dorne's economy must be great if its ruler has enough gold to spend on such superficial events." Like always, Daemon felt the need to say something directly rude.
Y/N frowned, "I thank the Gods our economy is doing well. It certainly is not because of your King." she replied. Her head remained raised, and her eyes stared at Daemon's on the same height.
Daemon felt strange. That woman wasn't offended by what he said, and even tried to get under his skin. One had to have such courage to talk to him like that.
"Uhm... Viserys, why don't you take Daemon to get that wine Corlys was talking to you about?" Aemma spoke trying to break the tension.
"When I took him away, he couldn't shut his mouth about Y/N. He was amazed a woman had the guts to talk to him like that, and even so about the King." Viserys finished the story, as Maegon quietly listened to every word he said.
"She never really had much filter, your mother." Daemon said, "Still doesn't."
Maegon frowned, "But... that's it? That's how you met mother? But, when did you start courting her, father?"
"She came to Viserys' coronation ceremony. Aemma was pregnant and couldn't make her company, so I offered myself for my sister-in-law to be the one hosting her friend in King's Landing." Daemon shrugged, "The rest... well, maybe you should ask your mother how it happened. I don't remember very well, but I know she quickly fell in love with me."
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eternally-racing · 7 months
superbowl sunday | logan sargeant
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pairing: logan x reader
genre: fluff
wk: 1k (short n sweet xoxo)
summary: you want to do something special for your homesick boyfriend when he misses one of america's favorite unofficial holidays.
With the new season just around the corner, the Williams team was in full force putting together their finishing touches on pre-season testing and meetings. Unfortunately for you, that meant that Logan was putting in long hours at the factory, with the most you’re seeing of him sometimes being just his imprint on the bedsheets in the morning since he leaves so early in the morning and comes back even long after you go to sleep. 
Moving to Oxfordshire was a big step for the both of you. For Logan it was a no-brainer, even choosing to buy a place instead of renting helped show his commitment to the team, and how could you have possibly said no to him when he asked for you to join him? After all, in his words you are is home, no matter where he is in the world. While Logan may be used to living the European life, moving away from your all-American home was definitely a big culture shock. There were of course fun new experiences - first time getting lost in a new city, trying new cafes that you knew you would subsequently come to every week, and seeing the beautiful sights. At the same time there were the moments that absolutely tore you up to be away from home - Logan cried as he held you on Thanksgiving when all you really wanted was to be able to eat your mom’s Turkey stuffing, but then he subsequently called your mom and got her to send you a frozen portion in the mail. It only arrived 2 weeks later and there was a definite chance that the stomachache you got afterwards may have been due to it being slightly spoiled by the time it made it to your dinner table, but the action itself definitely warmed your heart. Even though you were definitely the baby when it came to missing home, you knew that there were a couple of days that got to him and today was definitely one of them. 
Logan’s back ached as he finally got out of what felt like a 10 hour long meeting about company branding that he couldn’t care less about. The one thing he’s grateful for is the plethora of window panes at the factory - if he’s going to be stuck inside all day it’s at least nice to see the sun rise and set each day over the horizon. There are some days where Formula 1 doesn’t feel as worth it, where he wishes that he was in his backyard in Florida playing soccer with his brother, his dad on grill while his mom nags them about not wearing enough sunscreen, but on days like that he at least gets to see you, usually. If only he had time to see you right now. If he rushed back to your apartment right now he would probably at least catch you getting ready for bed, but it feels selfish to keep you up sometimes. He knows just how much you sacrificed to be here with him, including working a remote job in a timezone that meant that you were up at the worst of hours for team meetings.
He expects to walk into a dark apartment, just like he has for the last 3 weeks - but instead he’s met with a completely different sight. 
It’s you, which is a sight enough to bring a smile to his face. But it’s not just you, but you’re surrounded by a a scene that he can only describe in two words. While he’s rendered speechless, you’re happy to steal the words from his mouth. 
“Happy Superbowl Sunday, babe.” 
Your apartment has all the staples from back home; chicken wings, seven layer dip, beer. If Logan’s  nutritionist took a look at your dining table right now he would probably have a heart attack, but Logan could care less about that right now. 
“I really lucked out that both teams have the color red so I only had to buy one color of balloons to cover my bases.” you giggle as Logan picks you up and spins you around. There’s tears starting to pool at the corner of his eyes and you understand the emotion you see in them all too well.
"I -, wow - , how did you - , I can't believe -" the words keep stumbling out of Logan's mouth as he's just in complete awe of what you pulled off for him.
You both take a second to cherish the moment, that the two of you get to do this together after so many weeks of not seeing each other. But soon after that you both settle onto the couch with more snacks than you could possibly ever consume surrounding the two of you on all sides. 
You’re actually only watching a recording of the game with how the time differences worked out, and it’s actually Monday night, late enough to be almost Tuesday in England by the time you turn on the television - but Logan is far too sleep deprived and overworked to notice. There’s definitely a non-zero chance he falls asleep by the time the 3rd quarter even starts, but you’re happy to at least fall asleep together as you cuddle into his side.
“Also we are cheering for…” Your voice trails off as a question since you actually have no idea who Logan likes out of these two teams.
“The 49ers babe, you would love them too if you knew the backstory” 
His comment makes you curious and while you’re scared of the can of worms you may be opening of being mansplained the history of the entire NFL, you ask him to explain and luckily he keeps it short and sweet.
“You always love cheering for an underdog, Y/N,” Logan says with a smile.
author's note: my new roman empire is the fact that logan was cheering for brock purdy in the super bowl 🥲 hope you all enjoyed this lil bit of logan fluff, until next time! - Em 🩷
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vivwritesfics · 11 months
No Need To Ask - CS 55
Chapter Two - Late Night Rendezvous
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
1.5K words
Requests Open
Series Masterlist
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Y/N could barely remember her brothers friend, Carlos. She had been young when there wasn't tension with the Sainz family. Y/N remembered playing on the lawn when the Sainz family showed up. Carlos and Lando hit it off right away, becoming best friends.
But then things became tense. Y/N wasn't sure why, but things became tense between her family and the Sainz's. Lando knew, Y/N was sure of it.
Y/N still remembered the last time the Sainz were over for something business related. There had been a lot of shouting from inside of the house before they came out to their car, followed by Y/N's father.
"You fucking dare, Sainz!" He shouted.
Lando and Carlos were stood behind Norris, watching the scene unfolded.
Sainz muttered something in Spanish. "You have done this to yourself, Norris!" Sainz shouted. "Meet my demands and I will reopen our trading routes!"
Suddenly, Norris had pulled out his gun. "You're jeopardising things for several families. Do you really want to risk that?"
Fury was written on Sainz's face as he stared at Norris. "Put that gun away while you have my son behind you."
Norris didn't move.
Suddenly Sainz had his own gun out, pointing it at Y/N. Letting out a cry, Lando rushed over and picked up his sister, shielding her body with his own.
That was the last time Y/N had seen anything close to criminal work. She remembered the fear she felt, remembered crying into Lando's shoulder.
The day before Lando had set up the meeting with Carlos, Y/N felt that same level of fear. The only difference was now she was too old to cry into her brothers shoulder and he was too terrifying.
She didn't sleep well that night, laying awake and staring at her ceiling. She wanted to text her brother, to see if he was still up and wanted to keep her company. But Y/N knew exactly where Lando was. He was at the club, checking on the business before getting shitfaced.
That was how Lando dealt with his feelings. He'd call up Max, his best friend, and get too drunk to stand.
Tomorrow Y/N would begin the journey of fulfilling her mothers last wishes.
When she was a girl, she always dreamed that her mother and her father would be there. With her mother gone, she had to hope that she'd still have to dad to walk her down the Isle.
But now Y/N didn't even have that. She still had Lando, though. She still had her brother there on her wedding day.
Unable to sleep, Y/N got up from her bed, She walked through the halls of her home, walking down to the kitchen. The house had so many winding hallways and stairs; it was easy for anyone unfamiliar to get lost. But Y/N knew these hallways like the back of her hand. She could still remember a teenaged Lando holding her hand as he took her down to the kitchen for glass of milk when she couldn't sleep.
Y/N felt like that vulnerable, scared girl she once was. But she couldn't be scared little girl anymore. This was her duty.
When Y/N got down to the kitchen, the lights were on and somebody was sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh," Y/N said, startled slightly. "Can I help you?" She asked, staring at the man.
He was gorgeous, lovely, big hair, gorgeous tanned skin and the deepest brown eyes. "May I help you?" Asked Y/N as she stared at the man.
"I'm just waiting here for Lando," he answered in a thick, Spanish accent.
Y/N walked past him to get to the Fridge. "Do you work for Mr Sainz and his family?" She asked.
Carlos had a choice here, he realised. As soon as she walked into the room, Carlos knew exactly who she was. As soon as Lando had arranged the meeting, he took his time to study her. It was strange, the few memories he had of her flooding back.
Now Carlos looked at her, he couldn't take his eyes away. He knew this moment was coming, ever since the Norris family had first suggested it to his mother and father. He couldn't believe this moment had finally come.
"Yes," he answered. "Yes, I work for Mr Sainz," he said as she grabbed the milk jug from the fridge. "Are you with the Norris family?"
Y/N took a moment to nod her head. If she said she wasn't with the Norris family, how could she ever explain behind here? But she didn't elaborate beyond that. For her entire life she had been well, protected. People had asked before if she was a part of the Norris family, and her usual response was to shake her head no and quickly leave the premises.
The man nodded.
Carlos was having an internal fight with himself. Did he reveal what he knew, or did he continue to sit and wait for Lando? If she did tell her who he was, how would she respond?
As Y/N poured the milk into the glass, the front door open. She looked towards the hall as her brother came in and locked the door behind him. "Lan?" She called, only to receive a grunt in response.
Lando stumbled his way towards the kitchen. His hair was a mess, his tie loose and he stank of booze. "Hey," he said as he leaned against the kitchen door frame. "Carlos. You're not meant to be here."
It wasn't just the stink of booze. It was the stink of booze and sex. Lando reeked of it, making Y/N recoil away from him. He'd been at the club, something their father had let him buy on his eighteenth birthday.
With dim lighting, red velvet sofas and mirrors everywhere, Lando's strip club was every bit as sleazy as anybody expected. Most of the girls there Lando had gotten from the streets, giving them a better life than the one they were living.
Of course, with a boss as handsome as he, it was hard to resist sleeping with him. Lando had turned his back office into a romp room. He had condoms in every drawer and a booze cabinet. He had paperwork spread all over the floor, from where he'd pushed it off of his desk for a quick fuck.
Lando hiccupped and swayed as he made his way to the kitchen counter. He grabbed a hold of Y/N's shoulder and tried his best to push her behind him. "Stay away from my-" he hiccupped "-sister."
"Lando," said Y/N as she walked her brother over to the table. She sat him down and rushed to fetch him a glass of water.
"Get the fuck out of my kitchen," slurred Ladno as he stared across the table to Carlos.
Y/N let out a sigh as she put the water in front of her brother. "Lando, be nice," she mumbled and took a seat beside her brother.
"No, he's right," said the man in front of her. "I should not have come early. I apologise."
He went to stand, but Lando shook his head. "You stay. We're having words," he said and cracked his knuckles. "Y/N, go to bed," he commanded.
Leaving her glass of milk where it was, Y/N was quick to leave the room. She stopped down the hallway, took a moment to listen, but then the kitchen door slammed shut.
Who was he to make Lando so mad, she wondered as she made her way back up the stairs and to her bedroom.
Carlos stared at Lando across the table. "Why the fuck are you here?" Lando spat at him. He made a gesture with his arms as he spoke, one big enough to knock over his glass of water. "Why the fuck are you here with my sister?"
"You're drunk, Lando."
Lando knew he was drunk, but he didn't give a single shit. "You're not supposed to be here until tomorrow."
"My father had another business to attend to," Carlos answered quickly.
"Well, why did you come here?"
Carlos stared at him for a moment. This wasn't the Lando he once knew. "We were friends once upon a time," he answered. "Do you remember that, Lando? Do you remember when we were children?"
"Yes Carlos. I remember being a kid. I remember our fathers pointing guns at each other."
Carlos shook his head. "No, I'm talking about when we were boys and we'd spend all day playing together. We'd chase each other around the garden while our fathers did business."
"What's your point?"
"What happened to you, Lando?"
"I grew up."
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11
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ciderwitch · 2 years
So like I was wondering if youde be ok with writing a self insert of Standley Pines bc I am such a simp and am in need of fluff. Please please Id love you forever.
Surprisingly, I've only recently noticed that I apparently have a debilitating attraction to DILFS and GILFs... Love me some Grunkle Stan!
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You had just started working at Gravity Falls Town Hall and already it seemed like things in your life were taking a strange turn. I mean, yeah, the realtor had told you that it was a "vibrant and quirky" community, so you figured it would be a little odd. The rent was cheap and the apartment you were living in was better than anything you'd even heard of back in the city, so vibrant and quirky would have to do.
Still, it was the third time this month the Pines kids had been chased by unholy abominations, and the terror of seeing a not-deer get eaten by a werepanther was starting to become a little too familiar for your liking.
You needed to get out more, you decided. Thankfully, some of your coworkers had a monthly get together at one of the local diners to hang out and they were more than happy to invite you along. They told you new folks didn't come here often, but you found the community warm and welcoming all the same. Eldritch horrors aside, it was a great place to live.
Apparently you did not get the memo that it was cancelled tonight, so here you were pouring syrup over your solo lunch of pancakes and sausage when the door chimed.
It was Wendy Corduroy and she had a downright miserable expression on her face. You could see why. Robbie Valentino was hot on her heels, as usual. It didn't take a genius to see that he was head over heels for her — or that she was completely done with him. And, since nobody else seemed particularly interested in helping, you called out to her.
"Ms. Corduroy! Care to join me? I was just going over some paperwork your father submitted and I could use your help."
She gave you a soft smile and quickly slid into the booth across from you while Robbie grumbled to himself, shoved his hands in his pockets, and stormed away.
"He is persistent, isn't he?" You say with a roll of your eyes.
"I know!" She groaned miserably, slapping her face between her hands. "Thanks for the save, by the way. If he actually paid attention to me he'd know my dad doesn't do paperwork."
"Anytime, Wendy. That's what adults are for, you know?" you answered.
"Pfft, no way," she said, "You're the only cool adult in this town, man. I bet if you were mayor it wouldn't suck so bad around bere."
"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility," you laughed. "Besides, Mayor Cutebiker is still plenty popular. I don't think I'd have a chance."
"Whatever you say, Miss Y/N," she said with a shrug, "Mind if I eat with you? My dad and my brothers are meeting here in about 30, but I'm starving."
"Of course not, Wendy. I'd be happy for the company," you answered happily. You ate your pancakes in good company and waved her goodbye when her family arrived. You were polishing off the last of your drink and a slice of pie when the door chimed again and in came the Pines family.
You recognized the twins immediately. Where trouble brewed, the twins were at the source. Despite the threat of danger, you couldn't be angry at them. They were very kind and intelligent kids and had saved you from a gnome kidnapping earlier just this month, so you would say you were on good terms.
Then you looked up and saw the Stan brothers, Ford and Stanley. You hadn't actually met them personally yet, but you could tell by reputation alone who was who.
Ford was walking with his journal in hand, taking notes and examining the Medusa-dog's head mounted on the wall beside him while he mumbled to himself.
Stanley followed right after. Mister Mystery himself, with the usual suit and red fez you'd seem from afar and that half the town had warned you away from.
Both brothers were handsome, you realized, though Stanley was the one that stuck out to you. He had a great dad-bod, but you could tell there was some muscle under the poorly fitted suit jacket he always wore.
You blinked a few times to yourself. Man, you really had been single for too long. Your eyes met, and you offered a polite wave before looking at your mug and taking a sip. Staring probably wouldn't make a great first impression and you secretly hoped he couldn't read your thoughts.
Your reflection was interrupted the moment Mabel saw you, of course. The kid ran right over and dragged her brothers and uncles right along with her. She was sliding into the booth beside you before you even had a chance to scoot in.
"Hi, Ms. Y/n! It's me, Mabel!" she said excitedly. "Have you met my grunkles? This is Grunkle Stan, and this is Grunkle Ford!" she added, pointed to them accordingly.
"Nice to meet you both," you say, nodding at each of them. "My name is Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, Y/n. My name is Stanford Pines, and this is my brother Stanley," he added. "I don't believe I've seen you around before. Did you just move in recently?"
"Yes, a few months ago, but I've been so busy with my new job as Mayor Cutebiker's Chief Administrator that I haven't had much time to get out."
"Well, that's a shame, toots," Stan added with a sly smile and a performative wink. "You'll have to let old Stan-the-man show you the town sometime. I know this place like the back of my hand!"
"Grunkle Stan, you got lost in the mall two days ago and we had to have security come find you." Dipper added exasperatedly.
"Like the back of my hand!" Stan reiterated, using his hand to turn dip 180 degrees by his head.
"Ooh! ooh! We could give you the Pines Family Tour!" Mabel added excitedly. "We know everything, don't we Dipper."
"Well, maybe not everything, but I'm sure we could show her a couple of places," the boy added, running his nose at the praise.
"Children, Stanley, please. Let's give Ms. Y/n some peace. I believe she was finishing up as we came in, weren't you, Miss?"
"Yes, I had just finished the last of my coffee and alas, I have more work to do. But perhaps I will have to take you up on the Pines Family Tour, huh kids? And I'm sure you could show me a thing or two yourself, huh, Stan-the-man?" you laughed.
He laughed with you, but the blush burning up his cheeks as you left let you know he hadn't quite expected you to return his interest.
Man, you'd have to hang out at the diner more often.
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kingconia · 1 year
could i request Vil with gn!younger sibling that looks up to Neige?
A/N: That was actually kind of fun to write. Poor Vil, he just can't take a break from Neige's fans...
— Since Vil was always working, he was prepared to miss changes in your character and life. You were growing up, getting new hobbies, and... Oh? You wanted to became an actor as well? Really? What made you–
— ...What do you mean you want to become like Neige Le Blanche?!
— I don't think he would be mad, most like disappointed and genuinely betrayed by this statement of yours. Why of all celebrities that existed you chose Neige?
— He will be very insecure because of that. You are his sibling, his family—if he is not enough for you, then how can he be enough for auditory and other people?
— However, I don't think Vil try to show his feelings about this matter openly. He would never confront you, because he understands that it would look too petty;
— But his eyes will always lose a certain type of sparkle, when you start speaking of Neige;
— Little did he know the origins of your strange dedication to him, though...
When you shyly invited Vil to come along on your first big interview ever, just as a moral support, he was more than happy to accept.
You worked hard for a while, and Vil couldn't miss something like this—you finally got the recognition you deserved, and not because of the family name as you afraid it would happen.
And, even more he was happy to see, that even throughout all these years, you still counted in his company in moments like this. He couldn't let you down.
However, when the interviewer brought up the topic of Neige Le Blanche, Vil definitely wasn't happy...
”Y/n-san, as far as I remember, in the last year, on the premiere of your first movie, you had mentioned that your first inspiration ever was Neige Le Blanche,” the woman started, looking through her notes. ”And, oh, I think we all love Neige, that is undoubted, but... I can't help but wonder what was the exact moment, when you realised it? What he said—or did, perhaps—that changed your life so suddenly?”
Vil scrunched his nose.
Truth to be told, it was the question he didn't know the answer himself.
When it came to speaking of this little devil, Vil ignored whatever you said. And eventually, as you noticed this tendency of his, you stopped talking about him at all.
”Oh,” your face softened instantly, smile raising on your lips. ”When I was a little kid, I often was left all alone—my dad and my big brother were always working, that was why—and so, I spent most of my time, watching something on the TV. And that was when I stumbled across his interview. Yes, yes, I am going to be honest with you—before that, I had never seen him acting. It was after this interview, when I started to learn about him more.”
Vil raised his eyebrows in a slight surprise. He always assumed that much like others, you saw talent in his roles. And now, your obsession seemed even more strange.
”It was an interview for the Magicgue, where he told about his way in the industry. He spoke a lot about his motivation, and his family situation—how he came there only to earn more money for people, who took care of him so wholeheartedly,” you started to explain, hands playing with the ring on your index finger. ”Oh, it is an amazing interview, by the way. I watch it often, even now.”
”Ah, yes, I remember it, too.”
”This interview got me thinking about so many things at the same time, but... Let me share with the most important ones,” suddenly, Vil noticed a hint of embarrassment on your face. ”Back then, when I first saw it, I used to be mad at my brother a lot. He was always away, tending to forget about me. And only when Neige spoke of how hard it is, to be a young actor and celebrity in general, I came to realisation that... My brother forgets about me not intentionally. Filming is not a silly entertaining work. And that the fact he still manages to remember about me, through whole labour he goes through—that what should matter the most.”
He had never thought about that. He didn't even know that you used to resent him before. Vil could never guess that you cared that much about his absense.
”... Instantly, I wanted to understand how can I help him,” you continued. ”I wanted to support him. And that only meant that for that, I need to understand him. So he could share with me the weight from his shoulders. It was the first reason I decided to try myself as an actor. Of course, later I found out that there so much more interesting and thrilling, though, tiring things about acting, but...”
Vil didn't hear the rest of it.
You were right, he realised. He was distant from you, until you decided to became a celebrity yourself. And if not for that, Vil would never share his fears and insecurities, different kind of experience with you. Because, he did only to help you in the future—either way, Vil would keep it to himself until the very end. How could he burden his little one like that, after all?
Suddenly, Vil couldn't be bothered by your Neige's obsession anymore. Not when it was always about him, in the first place.
Not when you cared about him all this time.
”We have a footage after that,” Adele hissed in his ear suddenly, tugging him on the sleeve.
”Yeah,” Vil nodded automatically, a loving gaze directed fully on you. ”And?”
”Stop ruining your mascara, idiot.”
He blinked a few times, and only when his fingertips touched his cheeks, he realised that there were tears, running down his face.
Yet, it only made him smile.
Today was a good day.
”I am just very proud of them,” he muttered.
And that was, indeed, a truth.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 6 months
Gotta hand it to the drama and say I was genuinely shocked at the way things have turned out for everyone
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I mean, I was expecting the whole takeover to drag for at least 4-5 eps more, while Hyunwoo's status at Queens got progressively worse & HaeIn's disease advanced and just the Hong family being fools all around. I even thought they were gonna drag the divorce (they signed the papers but haven't submitted them or did I read that wrong?) But wow in one ep, things moved fast and I'm still recovering. At one point I was screaming at the screen "slow down!!! I can barely keep up!" So many things happening and then boom! It's all over and now move to the countryside lol
In a way, it makes sense because the Evil Team had been working overtime for God knows how long. They infiltrated the family, the company and even the house staff!q By the time Eunseong came into the picture, it was literally the last piece of the puzzle, a few words, good expensive looks, showing off his money and he had the idiot Hongs in the bag. Wow, so incredibly stupid. They really had moles all around them. My God, even HaeIn's driver was in on it!! That's a nightmare but the Hong are not blameless.
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I have an idea of why, but I feel like I gotta keep this PG-13 lmao
I kinda want to feel bad for the grandpa, but at the same time, he really showed just how despicable he was, especially with his children. He exiled one son and sent his own daughter to jail ffs! And the only reason he still had a son in all this, is because he needed to pass down his company, needed heirs and HaeIn's dad needed to survive and provide for his family. That was a lot less about loyalty and love and more about fear and need of survival/getting that inheritance.
And how deliciously ironic that after being left to the sidelines, mistreated and everything else, Hyunwoo ended up being the one to save them... And ok, ok... I forgive him. Damn, it did took a lot for me to do it, but he really proved himself in the last 2 eps. I stand by what I said, that he was a bad husband and in general a bad human, but a lot has happened since ep 1 and now I forgive him, just as HaeIn has done. There's no one she trusts more than him and that's pretty clear now. I hope they find their way back to each other in the countryside.
The Hong family didn't listen to Hyunwoo's warnings and when they did, it was too late. And still, the man brought them to his hometown, to his family house, because they had no place to go and I assume they also have no money at all, their bank accounts must be either empty or frozen (if EunSeong wants HaeIn to come begging at his side, I'm sure he's gonna do everything in his power take it all from them). They really have no one else to rely on but the Baeks. They've lost everything.
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Well, call me biased all you want, I don't care! But HaeIn is still my fave. Yes, her marriage crumbling down was also her fault, I don't mean she's innocent, but she doesn't deserve what has been happening to her. Who even knows, maybe her miscarriage was also something planned by grandpa's mistress. I'm sure she also had something to do with HaeIn's brother dying. That bitch must go down.
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fortloser · 1 month
Hello again! Sooo kinda a personal question but what was yalls childhoods like?
(Also, hope u feel better snipes!)
Hallo everyone! I finally got my hands on those portraits! Now most of the others became rather uncomfortable when I started questioning them about their youths. I got answers ranging from “why are you so bloody intrested in how im doing! There’s nothing special about me or my childhood, now bugger off.” to more reasonable explanations. I tried calling Scout on his cellular device but he seemed very preoccupied. Oh well, he’ll get back to you on that, onto the testimonies! Brace yourself friends this will be somewhat lengthy.
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I first approached herr Demo, and getting him to open up was fairly easy. His favorite alcoholic beverage and a snack did the trick!
“ It must be me birthday if yer spoiling me rotten doc, I guess I can share something about me youth if yer willing to lend an ear. I grew up in Glencoe Scotland, a great place if you like trails and hiking. Me mum and dad were professional monster hunters and me being the wee little lad that I was wanted to impress em with the greatest catch any child could give their parents, the Loch Ness monster! I did it all on me own but it came at a cost,,”
After that herr demo just stared off in the distance and I made a mental note to ask him more about that later, The Engineer was also very open about his youth! I came to him shortly after dinner knowing he would be busying himself with one of his long-term projects and would enjoy some company, his leg was still a little stiff from a rather nasty fall and so movement was difficult at times. He was more than happy to talk while I assisted.
“Luckenbach Texas, everybody is somebody there. It was recently bought by a goat farmer. Can you believe that? He called himself an Imagineer and after that, a bunch of hillbilly musicians started moving in. Can't complain though, It breathed new life into my home, I hated going back and seeing the state it was in. My mom and pop own a small pig farm there, and I still try to visit though unlike my good-for-nothing twin with his stupid fancy job at “NASA”,,
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I don't think I should share his personal frustration about his twin with the public so let's move on, yes? The next day I approached Heavy, he was last on my list and seemingly already aware of me interrogating the entire team, and as he was cleaning his minigun he told me to take a seat.
“You want to know about heavy, Da? Then I will tell you about heavy. Grew up in big town near mountain, you would not know it. Had big family, many sisters and brothers but Heavy was oldest. Family was poor but happy, loved summer, snow would melt and grass and flowers would show, heavy likes this. Went to good school had many friends, now heavy works to give family same life. Doctor is happy  with answer?”
I was surprised he was so willing to talk about his youth, I politely thanked him and left to prepare for that day's battle, I suppose that only leaves me left.
I was born in Germany, my mother was German and my father was Dutch and they both moved to Germany so my mother could be close to her family, he was a watchmaker and she was an artist, this relationship did not last and they got divorced. My motherstayed in germany allowing my father to raise me on his own back in the netherlands. I spent a lot of time in my father's workshop while he was trying to fix up old clocks. I didn't have many friends but who needs them when you have books and wildlife to observe? I excelled in all of my studies and pursued medicine, and eventually ended up here writing to you after I just finished up patching the last of my colleagues.
Stay healthy
With kind regards medic
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: angsty, angsty comfort tho, this is the saddest this series can get, FINALLY daemon reminded that he has sons, alyssa sucks in this one i'm sorry.
author's note: there's a lot of dad!daemon coming this week, i hope y'all are ready.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon au masterlist here
gif by @torahana
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"Did I do something wrong?"
That was Daemon's first thought once he noticed that his sons were treating him differently.
Last week, he asked Maegon to make him company as he needed to go to the dragonpit to visit Caraxes, and the boy surprisingly refused, saying he was "too busy."
But then, Daemon heard your youngest son agreeing to make you company to the Septum, like he didn't have any plans.
Three days later, The Rogue Prince said to Rhaegon to fly with him to the Vale, where he would be meeting the lovely lady Jeyne.
Rhaegon refused his father, saying "When you find someone younger, maybe it's worth my attention."
Rhaegon has never treated you like this when you mentioned his future arranged marriage, although the young prince felt like there was no need for him to marry at almost five-and-ten.
And during dinner, when you were the one who mentioned an arrangement with Lady Jeyne Arryn, Prince Rhaegon said he would give it a thought.
Today, Daemon came back early from dragon riding with Alyssa, and found you in the yard, embroidering under the tent like you seemed to be doing everyday since the start of this pregnancy.
"Where's Alyssa?" You frowned, noticing that your husband came alone.
"Went straight to the library. She said she needs some information on a dragon's life expectancy." Daemon said, taking a place beside you. "Where are the boys?"
"Rhaegon went to the Vale on dragonback, and he took his brother with him. Maegon can't say 'no' to dragon rides." You smiled.
Daemon scoffed, "Oh, he can. I can't believe Rhaegon went to the Vale. When I suggested that he should meet Jeyne, he practically told me to screw off."
You rolled your eyes, fully knowing that he was just being dramatic.
“And when I invited Maegon to visit Caraxes with me, perhaps we could ride afterwards. Apparently he was too busy to fly with me, but not busy at all to go pray with you in the Septum." Daemon grumbled, eating some grapes that resided on the table.
"My love..." You frowned, "How can you not realize they just want some quality time with you?"
"They refused everything I suggested!"
"You invited Maegon to visit Caraxes. You should know he doesn't like to go to the Dragonpit, he hates it there because he doesn't have a dragon. And Rhaegon... the only time you have a real conversation with him, in days, is to talk about an arranged marriage? Daemon, these are your sons! They're mad at you, they see how you treat Alyssa! Having a favorite child doesn't mean you can neglect the others. Are you going to do the same thing once this child is born?" You spat, placing a protective hand over your baby bump.
That got Daemon by surprise. He opened his mouth to say something, but he found no words.
"I did do something wrong." He thought.
The prince needed time to think about how to approach his boys about his absence. He knows he needed to apologize, even though deep down he was still wondering why they felt so neglected.
Daemon was the youngest son, the second one. He wasn't the special one.
He grew up with Viserys, the heir. He grew up beside the one who rode Balerion, the one who would sit on the Iron Throne, the one who the bards would sing about.
Even with all these privileges, his parents never made him feel like a lesser son. If anyone did that, it was himself. 
Daemon wasn't jealous of his brother, but he wanted to be as special as Viserys. As important as him. He thought he was the problem, and he hated that sort of feeling.
And Daemon realized that maybe he made his sons feel that way.
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Three days had passed, and Daemon still had no idea what to say to his sons.
He thought about asking you what to do, but he knew you'd probably just ignore him.
You're mad at him too. And he knew he needed to apologize to you, for letting things come to this point.
"Lady Jeyne was more interested in Maegon than me. You sure you cannot make this betrothal happen, mother?" Rhaegon smirked, teasing his brother. The younger boy tossed a piece of bread towards him.
“Quit pestering your brother, Rhaegon.” You chuckled.
"I had fun at The Eyrie. Maybe we should visit Lady Jeyne again." Maegon said excitedly.
"I could take you there." Daemon grinned, "I'm sure Caraxes misses you."
"There's no need." Maegon retorted with indifference.
"I would like to visit The Eyrie with you, father." Alyssa smiled, her voice sounding soft as silk in her father's ears.
Before Daemon could reply, his oldest son mumbled;
"I'm sure you would."
Alyssa frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you want to be with father, just say so. He wouldn't refuse you. He never does." Rhaegon spat.
You and Daemon crossed glances across the table. You knew the children would start arguing eventually, and you wanted to see how your husband would deal with this situation.
"Are you jealous, brother? I'm sorry if father enjoys my company better than yours." Alyssa argued. She had no reason to be this defensive, since the boys' complaints weren't about her actions, but their father's. She just chose to be rude.
"Alyssa, apologize to your brother!" Daemon demanded in a stern tone.
"Why? Am I wrong?" She asked, "You do enjoy my company better than theirs. I'm the one you take to dragon rides, horse rides, I'm the one who you read books to, who you sing in high-valyrian to, who you teach philosophy and history to. Am I wrong, father?"
Daemon clenched his jaw and swallowed hard. His throat burned like his saliva was made of fire.
"Is she wrong, father?" Maegon questioned in a whisper. His voice cracked and his little purple eyes were covered by a glossy barrier of tears.
You crossed your arms and silently watched that painful scene in front of you.
Daemon's eyes met yours, and you nodded encouraging him to say something. Anything.
"I'm sorry." The prince spoke, "I'm sorry I've been treating you both like anything but my children. I'm sorry I've put you sister above you many times. I'm sorry if– If I made you boys feel less loved. The problem, it’s me."
Daemon faced his children. Looking at Rhaegon, the prince saw his younger self. It was like facing a mirror from the past.
Maegon had his hair, and his eyes, but looking at his youngest child he saw the person he loved the most; you.
"I love you boys as much as I love your sister. You are all my children, and soon there's to be another one, who I'll love as much as you all." Daemon reached for both of the boys' hands across the table, "Can you forgive me? I promise you both that things will be different this time."
And things truly were different.
Although Alyssa remained in a place unreachable for others inside Daemon's heart, The Rogue Prince learned how to divide his free time between all his kids.
Maegon and his father went on a trip to Driftmark, where the little Targaryen boy left with a dragon; Seasmoke. He wouldn't have done it without Daemon’s help.
Now that he trusted Daemon, the young prince Rhaegon found it more comfortable to talk about women with his father than his mother.
Dragon rides with his boys became a thing, which they often did to escape from you.
And the boys never felt neglected again.
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I want to make a team fortress daycareau
I got this idea from- @kid-fortress / @crowliphale
(They are the same person)
A while back this person mean a tf2 au called teufort daycare
  at the moment they are no longer in the store- and at their last post about the daycare, they talked about multiple things and how they don’t mind other people using this idea,  they just wish that people would use #kidfortressfanart (at least I think so or that could be if you wanted to draw there au either way I’m going to use this If I make my own version just in case)
This is the original account where this AU came from
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And this is their other account. They are a amazing artist so give them a follow 
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I have an idea for this AU that is a little bit different-and they say you, the kids would be scout, Miss.Pauline, sniper, Pyro, demo and soldier
And the caregiver will be engineer, heavy and medic
Medical will be basically the nurse-helping the kids if they get hurt or anything like that
Heavy will be the ones in charge of the kids 
Engineer will be probably the gender/engineer or the person that works at the desk (you know the person who signs in the kids when they come and signs in and anyone who is new and stuff like that) but I could probably make him basically all three in someway
The Administrator will be the owner of the daycare
Saxon Hill will be the provider and the owner of the company the daycare is owned by
And spy will well scouts dad of course, but he actually lives with Scout and he’s the one who drop Scout off at the daycare as well
(at this time I feel like a lot of scouts brothers are in school or have jobs so spy and scout mom decided to drop scout off for daycare when they can have some alone time to their self here and there or if both of them are too busy because yes, they will have jobs. They drop him off if no one can babysit him) 
I’ve been kind of wanting to do this daycare thing for a little bit now and so I’ve been thinking how it would work if I ever do something like this-and I feel like a lot of this would make sense since heavy, medic and engineer are the oldest ones in the group, I feel like if they would be the adults, I would take care of the others since the other guys are the youngest, (especially scout in Miss Pauline and sniper since they’re in their 20s)
And I didn’t want spy to be a kid so I just made him just him, but…he didn’t leave Scout and his mom 
I already come up with some drawings for scout Miss Pauline and soldier
(Since scout and soldier has something on their head I drawled them twice soldier with his helmet and without his helmet and yes, it’s a fake helmet, one yet scout with his hat and without his hat)
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I’m not fully set on these designs, but I do kind of like how they do work in this design so I might keep some things in this 
If any of you have any questions about this, please tell me and if you like the idea, also please tell me I would love to hear your guys opinions, (positive or negative)
 if I do this, I will make another account that is based for the au so we can be somewhat easier to find 

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Sweet past - ch.2
Summary: You and Joel catch up, trying to avoid the crucial topic. It doesn't always work.
Pairing: dbf!Joel x reader
Warnings: mention of death, foul language, angst.
AN: This will be angsty for a while, so buckle up...
Masterlist Chapter 1
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He did indeed stock you up. He brought you some coffee, sugar, and milk. You smiled softly at the way he remembered how you drank it. There was some food and soda as well. Typical Joel. Always worrying about everyone he deemed close. And when you thanked him, he waved his hand at you, dismissing the nice gesture. 
“Here,” he nodded, thanking you for the coffee. You were both sitting at the table in the kitchen. A four-people, oval, little table that your mom has chosen for a morning coffee. You were happy to see it was still there. “How are you? How's Sarah?” Were you postponing the talk? Sure, but it wasn’t anything anyone would want to talk about. Ever. 
“Sarah is well. She's at Uni, doing her big girl things.” You chuckled softly at that. “She's fucking smart, you know? I don't know where she gets it from.” He jokes and you roll your eyes.
“You still don't give yourself enough credit.” He raised his brow, but you kept your ground. It was astonishing how someone like Joel fucking Miller was not able to see how incredible he was. 
A single father that has raised his daughter into not only an amazing, strong woman but a damn good human being. He was able to create his own company with his brother while being a single parent. And on top of that, he was such an amazing friend to your dad and a great supporting system for you. He was your biggest friend and you were never embarrassed to call him that. 
“And you are still as sweet as I remember” He winked at you, trying to switch the tone of the conversation a bit. He took a deep breath and you frowned seeing him getting nervous. “I kind of adopted a girl…” your eyes widened, almost spitting a coffee you just took a sip of. “Her name is Ellie and she's 15. It's a long story for another day, but yeah, at least I'm not alone since Sarah left.” You smiled at that, happy that he had it going on for him. 
“Maybe I should not have left him alone then…” you didn't know where that came from. It was you who started the topic of Joel's life not to talk about it and yet here you were. 
“Don't do that, kid,” Joel murmured, looking at you with the same softness you missed so much. “You left because you needed to. He made you leave. And if you want my opinion, it was a good thing you did. He was able to stand back on his own two feet. You, leaving? It gave him a boost to realize it was the time to stop being a jerk.”
“I hear ya, Joel.” You muttered, your voice shaky with emotions. “I know I had a reason for leaving, but I can't stop thinking if he would still be…” you choked on your words and closed your eyes to get back in control. “I sent him money every month. I told him I'll stop if he comes back to drinking… I didn't want him to think he was nothing but a bother to me. I thought I would be able to help him.”
“You did help him”
“He's fucking dead!” You shouted, standing up from the table, ignoring the chair falling. You knew you were being unfair toward the man in front of you, but the imaginary barrier that was blocking your feelings had finally slipped. “He's dead because I was too proud and left a man in need alone! What kind of a daughter does that? Tell me Joel!” Heavy, angry tears were running down your cheeks. “He hated me so much that he didn't even tell me he was sick!” Before you were able to do anything else, you were pulled into the strong and always protective arms of his best friend. His hand on the back of your back, softly patting it, kissing the side of your head. “I'm so fucking selfish!” You continued, so angry at yourself. Your fingers clenched into the fabric of his shirt. “You lost your best friend. And you have been nothing but supportive all my life and I'm such a bitch!” Joel chuckled softly and his hug tightened. 
“You're neither selfish nor a bitch!” He took a step back and looked into your eyes. His were so soft and supportive, it made you sob a bit more. “You're human and that is normal. But…” his voice got stern and you swallowed, thinking you had done something really bad. “Try not to use that language in front of Sarah and Ellie. Especially Ellie.” You raised your brow and for the first time since he called, you laughed. The way his expression changed, he looked like a typical tired single father of a teenage girl. 
“She's giving you trouble?” 
“Don't even get me started…” He pulled you towards the couch in the living room. Pushing the touchy subject just a little bit further away, he ordered some pizza and told you all about how Ellie became such a huge part of his and Sarah's life. 
“She seems delightful!” You chuckled at the story Joel told you. Ellie was most definitely a mischief. He found her running away from yet another temporary house. Something about the couple there being so boring. They bumped into each other while he was shopping. She made him a part of some monologue of her own, forcing him to listen and lose sense of reality. She talked that much and with no sense at all, that he didn't even notice when he paid for her stuff. Before he was able to say anything she was gone, only a booming laugh could be heard in the distance. 
The second time she bumped into him was near a playground. He was too tired to remember her, but apparently, she remembered him quite well. With no worry, she just once again started talking. She was quite witted and to Joel's surprise, she didn't annoy him that much. Sure she talked a lot but she had a weird sense of humor and he enjoyed her presence. She told him about a book she wanted but the new couple didn't want to buy her as they had a stick up their asses - her words not his. Joel forced himself not to laugh at the seriousness on an 11-year-old's face. 
“So you bought her the book?” You exclaimed, shaking your head in disbelief. 
“A part of me hoped that she would leave me the hell alone if I did, but yeah, she seemed to want it and it didn't seem like she would stay with that couple for a long time.” You rolled your eyes but smirked at him to continue. “I think she went through what was it like 8 couples?” He frowned and got serious for a minute, sipping his beer. He did buy you everything, even some beer for the evenings. “Ellie… she's kind of difficult, but she is a good kid. She's great, you know?” He chuckled nervously. “She just doesn't trust easily, you know ?” 
“Well, I know someone very similar.” You winked at him and he rolled his eyes at your suggestive tone. “She sounds lively. I'd love to meet her if you'll let me.” 
“Of course, you're family, I want you to meet her”, your eyes widened and tears appeared in your eyes again. Deep down you knew that what Joel said was true, but hearing it coming directly from him was something completely different. Especially now, when you are alone in this world. No family left, no real friends. You never really had time for that. Even when you moved you focused on working to be able to send your father some money. Sure, you had colleagues, but that was it. “Kid, you're OK?” You looked up, hearing concern in his voice. You raised your hand when he wanted to get up and walk towards you. 
“I think I'm a bit emotional lately. Sorry about that!” It was your turn now to chuckle nervously. You took a deep breath and smiled softly at him. “I'm just relieved that I have you in my life, Joel.” His eyes widened and he frowned. “When I left I was afraid you won't want to talk to me anymore. But here you are calling me a family when I abandoned you all…”
“You haven't…”
“I know” you interrupted him, swallowing harder, trying to control your beating heart. Your aching heart, thanks to this man hasn't broken into pieces yet. “All this is new and painful right now and what I want to say is that … I'm just happy you are by my side.” You both jumped when his phone rang. A frustrated sigh left his lip but he frowned and picked up. 
“Ellie?” You smiled at the way his tone changed dramatically after that annoyed look he had just seconds ago. You got up and collected the empty bottles from the beer. You wondered if Joel had cleaned the home before you came back. Everything looked too clean to have been kept that way by your father. 
Your heart beats faster, thinking about that man. You met him when you were almost 13 and you moved here with your parents. A house they always dreamed of and you couldn't be more happy moving from a one-bedroom flat to an actual home. 
You met Sarah before you were able to meet Joel. She was playing around in the garden, she was 4 and full of energy. Joel had bought her a little pool where she could splash during hot days. 
You are still unsure what possessed you to go there but after giving your mom some puppy eyes you went to the house where Sarah was playing happily in the water. It was 4 houses away from yours so it wasn't that far for your parents to worry. 
“I love your pool!” You exclaimed and apologized when she jumped hearing you out of nowhere. She frowned slightly, and now when you remembered, she looked just like her own father. You introduced yourself then, smiling brightly at a little girl. You always wanted a younger sibling. But your mother couldn't have any more kids and so you were raised by yourself. “I and my parents just moved in. Can I play with you?” And this was the beginning of your friendship either Sarah. Being 9 years older, you finally had a little sister and Sarah had a big sibling as she always wanted. 
You met Joel the same day, a couple of minutes after you started to play with Sarah. You still remember the softness in his eyes when he noticed you playing with his kid. The little, gentle “sweetheart” he called you then. The way he kneeled next to the two of you, splashing you both with water. He didn't mind you were a random kid from the neighborhood. All he cared about was that you played with his little girl. 
Later on, your parents met him, when they came to pick you up. He was invited to a dinner, after that, you were invited for Sarah's birthday and it went like that. Joel has become a huge part of your family's life and yours. When you turned to that awkward teenage years, before all went to shit, he was that cool family friend who you spoke to about all these awkward things. He was the one who picked you up from your first drunk night and listened to you crying about your first breakup. He was also the one who threw condoms into your bag one day when you started to date. Something you picked up on with Sarah, for which he was very thankful. It was one thing to be a cool friend to you, but he wasn't as OK with all these when it came to Sarah. 
There was a moment in your young life when Joel Miller was your best friend. Your parents used to laugh that you would spend more time at his place than yours. To your surprise, he didn't mind, when your dad asked him if you ain't a bother. 
“She's a cool kid. Don't worry about it.” Being called cool kid when you were 17 by someone like Joel, was the best fucking feeling in the entire world. Spending so much time with him of course led your stupid innocent heart to fall for him. You knew he was too old for you, after all, he was 30 while you were just a teenager. Despite the young age, you were smart enough to keep that attraction to yourself. His friendship and support were much more worth than your romantic feelings towards him. 
It all dramatically changed when your mother died. It was an accident. A drunk driver hit her car. Of course, nothing has happened to him, but your mother didn't survive. Here brain stopped working after a week in hospital. And just like that, all your life changed. 
Your father was in such despair that he completely forgot that he had a 21-year-old daughter. He would just sit in front of the TV and eat. Joel would come from time to time to take him out somewhere. You were thankful for that. Not only did it give you some time to yourself to mourn - after all you did lose your mother - but also cleaned up the house a bit. 
But the more time flew the less power even Joel had over your father. The old man got so depressed that he stopped working, losing the job altogether. He didn't leave the house and showered only when he got that extra energy. And he started drinking. 
In the beginning, it wasn’t much. Just a beer to the movie. Later it turned into 3 up to 5 beers a night. When these didn't help with the pain he changed into whiskey, but that was too expensive so he switched to vodka. Not only was it cheap but it was easiest to get drunk on. And when he was drunk, he just let himself forget. And when he forgot, well he forgot about everything. 
He forgot that he had a daughter who needed to quit college to find a full-time job. And after a while another one. A daughter that at the age of 22 was working two jobs around 70 hours a week. A daughter who was acting more like a nurse and a cleaning lady than his child. He forgot that he was once a stoic man, with a big heart and gentle voice. 
It started with an angry comment about something you didn't do. Then that comment turned into insults that became more and more painful to hear. After that came the shouting. He would shout at you for any minor inconvenience. Normally it was when there was not enough vodka in the fridge. 
You became a shell of a person. At the age of almost 25, you looked like you were close to 50. Bags under your eyes, skinny as a stick, white like a ghost. Joel would come to visit as much as he could. But Sarah was in high school when she was thinking of going to college. His own company had an extra job and he had to ask Tommy to become his partner. He still came to visit. He would try to talk to your dad, but the man was a shell, non-responsive.  
And it broke his heart completely seeing you. Well, at least when he got a chance to. You were never home. And even when you were, you were on your way out, or too busy cleaning and taking care of your drunk father. And yet, even then he remembered you would talk with Sarah when she needed it or help her with her applications. He wasn't sure how you were able to function and he was fearing the moment that it would all be too much for you. 
It was on your birthday, of all days. You were turning 26 and Joel wanted to make sure that it would be the best day of your life. You remembered how he would bring that cake, how he disappeared in your father's room and made him take a shower and look decent for once. You took a day off to sleep. Even Sarah came that day. They bought you a new phone, your last one broke a while ago and there was no way you would be able to afford a new one with how everything looked at home. You cried happy tears, finally smiling, hugging them both. 
But it all went to shit when you lost sight of your father. He used that moment to go to his love and get a bottle of vodka hidden under the bed. When he walked down the stairs he was already drunk. A bottle was almost empty. He looked at the phone in your hand and the hell broke. 
Thinking you spent the money by yourself he started shouting and swearing at you. Joel tried to calm him down, but you begged him not to interfere and leave. You would take care of your father. He was your problem,  and Joel and Sarah have seen enough. And as they were leaving, you walked them to the doors, a bottle was thrown right next to you, trashing into the wall. You still remember the silence after that and then, just like that, you felt a slap on your cheek. An angry move from your drunken father, who felt like he owned you. What he saw was his daughter being disrespectful for turning around while he was shouting at you. 
You have never seen Joel as angry. He ordered Sarah to go back home and he shoved the man you used to call dad away from you. You remember that as if it happened yesterday. You remember how you weren't even able to cry. You just stood there unable to comprehend what just happened. And then your brain caught up to what happened. And you have had enough. You went to your room. When Joel came to see you, you apologized that he had to see it. You do not remember much of what was said. But you remember you spent the night, after he left, writing letters. One to Sarah, one to Joel, and one to him. And you left. Packed the most important stuff and left. When you saw a bus ticket to Washington, you just bought it and went for it. 
Life wasn't easy, but at least you were free. Free from the man you hated, but caged by the past and the fact that you still loved him and couldn't just leave him. And so you sent him the money. What he did with them was up to him. He was an adult. You just wanted to shut that conscious up. 
“Ellie says hi!” You jumped and turned around. Joel hid his phone momentarily and jogged toward you, seeing tears in your eyes. How many times will you cry in front of him, before he gets tired of it? You were too afraid to even think that. You were sure that if you had lost Joel, you would have fallen apart. “It's late, sweetheart. How about we get you to bed and we will deal with whatever that is tomorrow?” You nodded and leaned into him, letting him take care of you. You trusted him and wanted nothing more than for this day to end. You have fallen asleep thankful for Joel to be a part of your life once again.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 year
You know, I’ve always thought of Michael Afton as the FNaF series’ anomaly. It’s why I refer to it so much in my fanfiction.
There’s the obvious bit, where he’s nothing like the rest. He’s no animatronic, obviously. He’s not like his dad or brother, who were crushed by spring locks and inhabited the suits they died in. He’s not a suit fueled by the agony of a child’s death.
But he’s not human either.
He’s somewhere in the middle. A combination of the agony of his death by scooper, of remnant powering dead children. And then there’s the obvious addition of, ya know, his insides being scooped out by an amalgamated system of robots.
Different from the rest. A man haunting his own body. Others are fueled by hate and a lust for revenge. But he’s alive just because of spite. Because he won’t die.
And when I tell you he was probably the most unexpected thing to happen…
He was some bratty kid, annoyed with his brother for always crying. Then the kid dies and he feels like the worst human being. Then he does whatever he can to set things right, like going down to find his sister. And then he gets scooped, and that just FEELS like the end, right? Like the last Afton is gone, like all that’s left is just William and the creatures he created. Animatronics possessed by dead kids versus a murderer in a rabbit suit. No one to stand in the middle and watch over all of it.
They needed a middle man, and they got one.
I remember when the story was first starting out, and everyone was wondering who the guard was. FNAF one, the last guard in FNAF 2(for some, not for others), and the guard in FNAF 3. I remember so clearly, we were wondering just why the hell this guy kept coming back, if he even was the same guy. Who would come back every night and come out the winner?
And then FNAF 4 came out, and we got our first look at who would grow up to be the protagonist of these games. It’s not clear though, we still don’t have the full picture.
And then SL releases, and FINALLY, we know. We have a name, a relation, and it blows the world of FNAF into a whirlwind, because the protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy’s, the thorn in the murderer’s side, someone who can take on so many animatronics and come out swinging, is the murderer’s own son! His first born child, back with a vengeance, and an inability to pass on.
He burned his own father, he took on the corrupt company he worked for and searched for the guard who left him tapes. He tampered with robots and burned places to the ground and did it all in a decaying body.
And it all comes to a head in FNAF 6, where we see all of his hard work come to fruition, and all of his skills are utilized to take on the monsters of his past. I’m sure no one in that town expected anything from a jealous, angry kid who “killed” his brother. I’m sure they hated him. I’m sure he was expected to die. But he still got back up. He became the anomaly, and he burned those mofos to the ground!
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Fanart by KTK on Pinterest
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Chapter 2: Party Crasher
SEVENTEEN S.coups Series
Series Masterlist
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Summary: Your parents set up your marriage with someone you’ve never met. How was this going to turn out? Word count: 791
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It’s been a week since you met Seungcheol & his parents at the restaurant. You both had decided to give this a chance & both your parents were overjoyed.
You were currently getting ready to go on a date with him. You both decided to date first for a while & get to know each other better before settling down. Your parents understood & respected your choice, which you were grateful for.
Right as you were finishing up, you heard the doorbell ring. You fixed your hair one last time & then grabbed your purse & headed downstairs.
Since this was your first date you guys thought to keep it casual & just get to know each other first.
When you came down you saw your mom had already opened the door for him. When he saw you, he smiled, and your heart melted cause of his adorable smile. You smiled back & asked, “Ready to go?” “Yea,” he said “these are for you by the way,” he stated handing you a bouquet. You slightly blushed & thanked him, it was the first time a guy had given you flowers so you were thankful.
You both went out to his car. Him being the gentleman he is, opened your door to which you smiled at him & thanked him. He just smiled back & waited for you to get in before shutting it lightly. He got in & began to drive to the café you decided to go to.
When you reached he helped you out of the car & you walked in. “Why don’t we sit outside?” he suggested, you looked at the sky, it was a pleasant morning, not too sunny with a light breeze but also with enough warmth. “Sure,” you replied smiling.
You placed your orders & made your way to the outdoor patio. After you both settled down, he asked “So Y/N what should I know about you?” you laughed “I don’t know, what do you want to know?” “everything” he replied. You started talking about your family, your pets, what school you went to, your hometown, your friends, what you did in college, your hobbies, anything & everything you talked about he listened to you attentively & replying to you here & there showing you he was paying attention. You liked that about him. It was always hard finding someone who would listen to you, so you were glad he was. “So, now that I’ve told you everything about my life, tell me about you,” you said. He chuckled, “Well I have an older brother, but he lives abroad, I have a dog, I work at my dad’s company, my hobbies are…..” he went on. You were genuinely interested in everything he was saying.
As time went on you both grew more comfortable & you also found out you have much in common. He was also just so funny & sweet.
After that, you both continued to go on dates. Each one became more exciting. Seungcheol had taken you to an aquarium for your third date after you told him you loved otters, penguins & dolphins.
The next time he took you to an amusement park. Where you both went on every single ride & stayed till closing time.
Then you guys went to a place where you could make cute keychains & other crafts. You both made an adorable matching keychain for each other.
After a while, you both started dating officially. Both your families posted to social media about the good news to share with all your relatives.
They planned a party to celebrate it since it was the start of your engagement.
You walked in arms linked with Seungcheol. He went around with you introducing you to everyone & you did the same. Everything was going well. You were having fun & you were happy. You started to develop feelings for Seungcheol. You had a hunch he felt the same so you had planned to tell him how you felt tonight.
Both of your parents came up to the front to make a toast, “TO Y/N & SEUNGCHEOL!! HOPE THEY HAVE LONG, HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL MARRIAGE” your parents shouted & everyone cheered.
Suddenly the door burst open & a girl came in. “EVERYONE STOP” she shouted looking around angrily. Everyone was confused about who this girl was & what she was doing here. “Excuse me but who are you?” his mother asked. Instead of replying to her she just marched toward you & ripped your arm from his. “Excuse me who even are you,” you asked angrily. The girl looked dead into your eyes & replied furiously, “I’M HIS GIRLFRIEND & HE’S THE FATHER OF MY CHILD” she said pointing at Seungcheol.
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 04 -> CH 05
"In my defense I thought you were commenting on my weight." "So you went with skinny 9th grade virgin?"
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp
Jack spent the entire day cleaning. Thankfully he was able to find a company that picked up all the donations and junk he had cleared out of his parents room but he didn't trust anyone to come in and clean. He never realized how much his family didn't need this much space until he had to be responsible for it.
The first time he was able to sit down and relax, it was late and he was surprised he hadn't passed out already. He lit a cigarette and sat on the window sill, letting the smoke flow out of the window as he took in the cool breeze. The sound of shuffling below caught his attention and he locked eyes with Y/n who was taking a night stroll wearing her scrubs.
"Hey Jack, how's your night going?" She asked with a smile.
"It's going about as well as expected when your days consist of gutting your childhood home." Jack mockingly held finger guns to his temple making Y/n laugh.
"Hopefully you've got friends to help you. That's a lot of house for one person to gut." Y/n took a long drag and Jack nodded.
"I'm not very social at the moment...or any moment really. I've been told I'm a particular taste." Jack thought about the last time he tried to go out with Shanda and her girlfriend. He had almost gotten into a bar fight and got two drinks thrown in his face. His personality was a bit abrasive but he couldn't it. His passive aggressive narcissism came across rude to most but to the mores sensitive crowd, he was just a prick.
"I'm pretty sure they have companies who work for assholes." Y/n teased.
"Hey I forgot to congratulate you the other day. You would never guess you had a baby." Y/n's face dropped.
"Excuse me?" She questioned.
"I've never known someone to lose the baby weight before the kids a year old. You look great." Jack didn't typically comment on a woman's appearance, especially to their face but he blamed the exhaustion of the day and him fighting sleep for his lack of self preservation. That and she was a beautiful woman.
"Coming from the guy who looks like a skinny 9th grade virgin." Jack's eyebrows went up. Y/n stood her ground. He was caught off guard by the insult but remembered how Cleo would get when someone commented on her weight when she was pregnant.
"Wow I think I may have fucked up, let me try this again. When I met your mom, she said she had just become a grandma. I assumed-" Jack watched Y/n gasp and cover her mouth.
"Fuck! You thought...I am so sorry. My brother's wife had the baby, not me." Y/n explained making Jack nod his head.
"Okay so then I didn't fuck up as much as you did. That makes me feel better, a little offended but better." Jack pulled a long drag from his cigarette and Y/n raked her hand through her hair embarrassed.
"I really am sorry. In my defense, I thought you were commenting on my weight." Y/n defended .
"So you went with skinny 9th grade virgin?" Jack laughed. No one had really called him anything other than the normal insults. Pretentious prick. Son of a bitch (which he couldn't deny). Fucking asshole. He admittedly lost more weight then he would have liked when he was in treatment. He was trying to find little things that would help get him back into better shape instead of just being skin and bones.
"I was going to go with school shooter but it's been a long day, felt too dark in today's climate." Y/n frowned but Jack took amusement in it. He actually enjoy conversing with her. She had a wit about her that made him want to hear her thoughts on random things.
"I got the same response when my parents were killed in a car crash and kept telling people how my dad was decapitated." Jack gestured to his neck and Y/n nodded.
"It's truly a shame you aren't more social in town. I think these oldies need to be shaken up a little more." Y/n and Jack were probably two of the only people under 40 in the neighborhood.
"I was going to offer my condolences but I admittedly didn't know your parents that well and I'm pretty sure a year post-death seems kind of disingenuous. Your parents seemed like decent people. I always enjoyed the sunflowers my mom would grow for your mom so she had good taste in flowers." Jack was pleasantly surprised that Y/n hadn't tried to console him or offer some fake sympathy for people she clearly didn't know well. She had become a breath of fresh air in this small town full of people acting as though they knew him personally.
"I appreciate your genuine solace." Jack finished his cigarette and considered lighting another but instead just took a deep breath.
"I'm sure the last year of your life has been a real dumpster fire taking over this monstrosity but I guess we're just those kind of children." Y/n pulled something from her pocket and put it to her lips, lighting it and taking a pull.
"Yeah I didn't think I would end up...taking a year off but I guess I needed the mental break from LA anyway. Trying to get this place in order is the current goal so if you're looking for someone else's shit, let me know." Jack caught a whiff of the smoke and his eyebrow cocked. She was clearly wearing scrubs but she was absolutely smoking a joint, which wasn't uncommon for Colorado but possibly taboo among the medical community.
"I feel your pain. When I first moved back I did at least 4 garage sales just to clear out some of my parents bullshit. How can old people have so much shit? Baby boomers completely missed the whole recycling trend." Jack hadn't considered doing a yard sale but his lack of social skills would probably just have him boxing it all up to donate anyway.
"Moving back into this house alone is slowly turning me into a minimalist. I don't know if their generation just thought they were going breed like rabbits or if they were just competing to see who would have the biggest house." Jack felt comfortable having such open conversation with her. He felt like he could actually keep a conversation without someone trying to offer sympathies or checking to see if he was on the verge of another psychotic break.
"It's tough being so young in a retirement community." Y/n joked with a smile. They shared a smile for a brief moment before Jack realized he was staring.
"I guess I will rephrase my previous statement, congratulations on becoming an aunt. That kid is going to have exemplary insults by the time they hit the school yard." Jack smirked earning a smile from Y/n.
"Thank you. I'll be sure to send him your way when he's old enough to start wearing trench coats." Y/n winked like she could go tit for tat with Jack and actually enjoy it. She had a feeling they had a similar sense of humor.
"I should get back. Ace waits by the door if no one takes him to bed." Y/n gestured towards the house and Jack sighed.
"Rub it in." Jack teased, fanning jealousy but truthfully he wouldn't mind that kind of comfort this evening.
"He misses you. It's weird, all he can talk about is the strange habits of the mysterious neighbor. Soon enough, he'll tell me all your secrets so hopefully you've never murdered anyone." Y/n wouldn't realize how that joke hit but Jack chuckled darkly.
"Just my dog." Y/n took it as a joke but Jack was grateful they shared a twisted sense of humor.
"Noted. Have a good night Jack." She gave him one last genuine smile and he gave her a wave.
"Good night." Jack watched her walk all the way to her house, walk up the porch and turn the outside light off. He felt a strange comfort knowing that she was so close by and didn't seem turned off by his dry wit and dark humor. He wouldn't call her a friend but she's a neighbor he doesn't mind having encounters with.
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graysonshmayson · 9 months
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AITA for “stealing” my dad’s son?
Ok, stealing is hyperbole, but that's just what my brother says. I also find your theories as to what the “family business” is hilarious (my favorite guess is mafia), but I really can’t tell y'all for privacy reasons! No, a child technically doesn’t have to fulfill the role in the company, it just makes sense for the role and also is sort of a habit now? It’d actually be kind of weird if it wasn’t a kid. But that’s all I’m saying on that. 
Ok so I’ve already made a few viral posts about my relationship with my dad about my brother in this post and then about him not taking care of himself in this post. I really recommend you read them for full context because there’s only so many times I can repeat the same backstory. Short version: my (M28) dad (M48), took me in after my parents were murdered and I then created and fulfilled a role in the family business until I moved out and started my own at 18 due to our tense relationship. A lot of stuff has happened since the last post: first of all, y’all remember T (M17) from the last post? He is now legally my brother! My dad adopted him a few months ago after his parents died which honestly was a crazy ordeal that could be its own post. Secondly, J (M19) is alive??? He legally died for a time, but it turns out he did not die like we thought and came back a few years ago. Anyway, he comes home, and is furious with my dad because the guy that killed him was still a free man and he thought our dad didn’t do enough to catch him. Honestly, he wanted our dad to kill him. Which my dad did not want to do because, like, murder is generally wrong. He was also super mad about my dad “replacing” him in the job like a) he didn’t replace me and b) T forcefully volunteered for the job. Like made my dad accept him. Anyway, J got super vengeful and started getting involved with crime, and literally drug trafficking and all sorts of shady things. The third and most pertinent update is that my dad had a surprise son! A couple years ago, an old fling came around with a kid and said that he needed to take care of him for the foreseeable future while she took care of things following her father’s death. The kid, D (M14), was super angry and violent, clearly raised in a tough situation and mourning his grandfather. 
Here's where my frustration with my dad begins: by the time D showed up, me and dad were like fully okay again. We talked, I visited and helped out, etc. but he didn’t want D at first. He didn’t trust him, and didn’t even want to give him a chance because he was raised by his mother and her father, which is a whole terrible mess of a situation that I can’t even get into. Don’t get me wrong, D was and is extremely difficult. When we first met, he tried to start a fight and told me to “remember who is the blood son”. But he’s just a kid . Yeah, his behavior was troubling at best, but it was because of his awful home situation and reconciling his idolization of his grandpa who was actually a terrible person. He’s as mouthy as he is precocious, but if you really spend time with him, you can see that he’s a good kid under it all. So D shows up, and pretty quickly wants to get involved with the family business. I could tell pretty quickly that even though he tried to act all nonchalant, he really wanted to prove himself to our dad. My dad flat out rejected him at first. He barely wanted D staying with him, let alone being involved in the work. I had to fight this man to give his own son a chance, just like he did for the rest of us. Do you know how hard it is to convince your adoptive father to not shun his own son? It’s kind of scary. 
To give him the benefit of the doubt I can understand his concern. He nurtured me to the best of his ability and I scorned him, and then J died and came back hating his guts and a criminal and T is becoming so much like him it scares him. I think he was scared that he would fuck up another kid (not that I think he really fucked us up. He did his best). I helped D pretty much every day, whether he liked it or not and he eventually formed a mutual trust and respect with our dad. I don’t doubt that my dad loved D, but it frustrated me that it took all of my weedling to get him there. I think that D deserves the unconditional love that he wasn’t given growing up, and having to earn it like that from your own dad? Cant have felt good. He eventually took my old role from T, and has been doing it ever since.
Flash forward to a point around a year ago, my dad goes missing. He frequently drops off the map for work or something, but never this long. He was literally presumed dead. As the oldest, I took control of the family business which I honestly did not want to do. After years of trying to be independent from him, I really can't stress how reluctant I was to take the job, even though both T and J were vying for it too. But I was the best suited for it, so I did it. Because of this, I was working very closely with D. If he had it his way, D would be in charge of the company and he was not happy with taking orders from anyone but his father, so it was really tough to just gain basic respect from him at first. Eventually, though, we made a really good team and even though I was in a position I didn’t want, I felt very fulfilled by our work. I was so proud of D and the progress he had made. I think that while he and dad had a good relationship, dad didn’t really help a lot when it came to expressing emotions or anything like that. And boy, I have been to enough therapy to help with that. So then, a while ago, dad shows up again from where he had been, let's say indisposed , and all the sudden I’m out of the business again, because obviously I gave him his old role back. 
But I don’t know, if I’m honest it feels wrong sometimes without D. Sometimes he’ll come to the city where I live and help me out instead and it makes me really happy. I’m so glad he feels like he can come to me to talk to, or get away, or whatever. He has like one friend besides me and dad so I worry about him a lot. And when we’re all together again, I feel sort of proud when he looks to me instead of dad. Like in my head I think my dad is on thin ice. I worry that if D fucks up bad enough, he will never forgive him. I’m not shy about sharing my opinions on situations involving D with my dad which I can tell he resents it and has led to several arguments. I really can’t tell if I’m overstepping here. On one hand: he’s not my kid and I should probably respect the boundaries set by his father. On the other, sometimes it feels like I’m the only one in this kid’s corner. And I always will be. I don’t know if I can say the same for my dad. So should I keep trying to assert myself as a mentor in D’s life? Or stay out of it? 
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queenshelby · 2 years
The Fourth Season (Part 12)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap (20 Years), Fluff, Angst, Sexual Tension
Words: 4,876
The next week in summary…
Being your first week apart from each other since commencing filming of Season Four, it felt strange to be on your own, day in and day out. Even your bed felt empty now especially since, right before your departure, you had secretly shared most nights with Cillian in his apartment.
Of course, Emma and your family were with you now but this was not the same nor was it enough for you as, for some reason, you missed Cillian’s company terribly and it was almost like you had suddenly become dependent upon him.
You were usually quite happy to be on your own and did not need a man to look after you. Even with James, throughout the years, you did not feel like this. You never really missed him, but with Cillian it was different. You missed his jokes, your conversations, listening to his voice, his scent, his kisses and his touch.
His touch though was certainly the one thing you missed the most. You loved being intimate with him and you were certainly ready to take your relationship to the next level.
Your POV
Your first day in Cork was also the day of your grandmother’s funeral and, not surprisingly, you were saddened and felt miserable that day.
Cillian had contacted you a few times throughout the day, seeing how you were feeling and telling you, during his breaks, that he was thinking about you.
He told you that he wished that he could be there for you, comfort you and, when you texted him back, telling him that you missed him, he told you that he missed you too. According to him, nothing felt the same without you and he could not wait to see you again in Dublin in seven days’ time.
Your parents, unfortunately, quickly caught wind of the text messages going back and forwards between you and the fact that notifications came up on your phone as “Cillian Murphy” made your father rather angry.
“Why does this man keep texting you?” he asked around midday just after you had arrived at the dining hall of the congregation. The funeral took place that same morning and it was now time to mourn and eat, which you always thought was some kind of awkward combination. Food and tears, sadness and appetite, and you were not even hungry.
“What are you talking about?” you asked your father while your brother and Emma were listening in. Of course, only Emma knew about your secret relationship with Cillian, but your brother certainly became suspicious now that Cillian had been texting you all day.
“I have seen at least six text message pop up on your phone. They were all from him. You are on holidays and he knows that, right? He should not keep bothering you with work” your father then exclaimed furiously, almost causing Emma to break out in laughter. If your father knew what she knew, he would probably explode right there in front of you.
“He is just being nice dad. He knows about granny’s passing and is sending his condolences” you told him, not yet knowing that your father knew Cillian from school. The way he reacted though made you wonder why he cared so much about the contact you kept with a fellow cast member and whether he knew something more than he let on.
“Well, you should put your phone away now Y/N. Be respectful” your father then lectured you and you rolled your eyes but complied with his request nonetheless.
You sent one final message to Cillian, telling him that you would be in touch later that night and wishing him a pleasant and easy day on set.
“Will do. I will call you tonight. Love you x” was what he then sent back and, just as you opened this final text message from him, your brother looked over your shoulder. He was intrigued but not really surprised.
“Fuck, Cillian Murphy loves you, eh?” he said almost immediately before breaking out in a childish giggle.
“Oh my god, please! Stop spying on me” you told him with blushing red cheeks.
“Dad will kill you if he finds out that you are seeing him. He is like twice your age” your brother then said without thinking to mention the fact that your father had a connection to Cillian. He simply assumed that you knew and were thus simply being rebellious and cheeky. Perhaps it was the forbidden that turned you on or perhaps it was just bad luck.
“You won’t tell him though, will you?” you asked nervously nonetheless and your brother shook his head.
“God no. You don’t tell him my secrets, so why would I tell him yours?” your brother then said before making you follow him to the buffet which is where, much to your surprise, you saw four familiar faces.
James, his sister (who had tried to hit on Cillian when visiting the set) and their parents were there as well and, despite your dislike for James’ parents, they greeted you with open arms.
They offered their condolences and congratulated you on your role in Peaky Blinders. According to them, you were doing well and this, for some reason, they did not expect. They had always expected you to marry their son and have children soon, thereby giving into their demands but none of this was ever on your agenda. You were too young to have children and wanted to focus on something you loved.
“Of course she is doing well. She is fucking talented” Emma then blurted out, causing them both to furrow their eyebrows and your brother to laugh.
“I am sure she is. Anthony Barnes seems to be rather impressed by her performance” James’s father then said before asking you whether you knew that, for Season Four, his company was a major financial sponsor.
Between the BBC, Caryn Mandabach’s company and Netflix, the show did not receive enough funding following an increase in spendings during Season Three, hence the reason his company invested $3,000,000 towards the production, in turn of which James was given a role in Season Four and the family business was given the merchandising rights.
“I am aware” you said before having been advised that, the fact that you were casted, was pure luck which, of course, was a comment that bothered you.
“Luck you say?” you asked before your brother interrupted.  
“I think my sister was casted on merit. She auditioned and got the role fair and square” your brother argued before, finally, your father stepped in and ended this conversation.
“I think we can agree to disagree. This is a funeral and we should be respectful to one another, yes?” he said before asking James’s father how he was. Your father had always pandered to James’s parents and the way your brother spoke to them so truthfully did not sit well with him.
In the end though, the conversation came to a natural end following your father’s interruption and you felt as though you needed some fresh air after all this awkwardness inside.
“Would you excuse me please” you thus told the group who was now talking about religious believes and even Emma knew to give you some space rather than to safe herself from this nonsense.
James, on the other hand, did not and followed you outside.
“James, please, I just need a moment to myself” you said as soon as you saw him behind you but he pulled you aside and smiled.
“I just wanted to tell you that I am really sorry Y/N” he told you while handing you his handkerchief.
“Please, I don’t want to talk about us today. If this is…” you began to say while wiping away your tears.
“No. Shit. This is not about us” James interrupted you. “I am sorry about your grandmother’s passing. I know how close you were to her and, if you need anything, even if it is just a shoulder to cry on, I will be here for you” James then offered before giving you a very gentle and tentative hug, which was a gesture you appreciated and did not think anything about.
“Thank you James. That’s good to know” you told him before smiling through your tears.
“You are most welcome Y/N” he then told you before, all so suddenly, pulling you in for a kiss.
Your lips touched for a split second and it took you at least three times as long to comprehend what was happening.
“Oh my god James. What the fuck” you spat after quickly pushing him away and wiping off his saliva.
“I thought that…” James began to say ignorantly before you interrupted him.
“You thought that you could kiss me? Right fucking now while I am grieving?” you asked, shaking your head, before telling him how appalled you were by him using your vulnerability like this.
“I still love you Y/N” he told you in response while trying to reach for your hands and you chuckled.
“We are done. I told you that many times” you reminded him and this was when he asked you whether you were seeing someone else which, of course, was an answer you should have declined to answer. But, you could not. You just wanted him to back off and leave you alone.
“Yes James. I am seeing someone else” you thus told him sternly.
“Who is he?” he asked almost angrily but you simply chuckled again and shook your head in disbelieve.
“That is none of your business” you told him before, finally, storming off and walking back inside.
Cillian’s POV
On the same day, which was also Cillian’s second last day on set before his scheduled return to Dublin for a one-week break with his kids, Cillian too had to deal with some unwanted and unsolicited attention from his assistant Lorraine who, clearly, had taken a liking in him ever since starting her role.
Unlike some other women on set, she was becoming rather difficult for Cillian to deal with and it was at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon that she took her liking for him to the next level.
As so often, she walked in on him as he was getting changed in his trailer and startled him.
“Please knock” Cillian reminded her before pulling a t-shirt over his head and Lorraine nodded reluctantly.
“I am sorry Cillian. I forgot” she told him before handing him a cup of coffee, which she had just fetched from the cafeteria.
“Thanks” Cillian said politely as he took the cup from her hands and, just as he did, she smiled.
“You are welcome. I thought you might need a pick-me-up” she said before, somewhat seductively, biting her lower lip.
“Right, yes” he chuckled, although, to him, these kinds of advances were becoming rather annoying and bothersome. Cillian knew that he needed to address it, but did not feel the need to have an argument about it.
“Lorraine, can we talk for a minute please” he said nonetheless, knowing that it would be for the better while, unbeknownst to him, Lorraine expected the conversation to go somewhere else entirely.
With that , she nodded and stepped closer towards Cillian who, by this point, was somewhat confused.
“I have the feeling that you like me a little more than you should, and…” Cillian began to say while backing away from her until his back hit the corner of the kitchenette bench.
“I do and I hope that you like me too” Lorraine interrupted before, all so suddenly, using the same move James had used on you just hours earlier.
She leaned in and kissed him for a split second before Cillian pushed her away gently.
“Lorraine, I don’t feel that way about you and perhaps we need to consider getting you to work for someone else as this has become rather uncomfortable for me” Cillian then told her honestly which, in the end, caused her to leave the trailer shortly thereafter.
It was later that day, when you were at home and were slightly tipsy following a little too much to drink at the wake. Cillian had just finished on set and you called him from your room after he had texted you, letting you know that he was available to talk. Emma was in the living room, giving you some privacy and your parents were busy preparing dinner.
“You won’t believe what happened today” was the first thing you mentioned to him before telling Cillian about the incident with James which, for some reason, distracted you from the fact that your grandmother had passed on. It was not a pleasant distraction but it was better than nothing and Cillian knew not to drill you with questions about the burial and the wake, which too was a fact you appreciated.
Thus, instead of talking about your grandmother’s passing, you spoke about James and, eventually, Cillian even told you about Lorraine.
“I actually had a very similar incident on set today” Cillian joked after you made fun of James and you knew that it must have been Lorraine who made an advance towards him.
It was an assumption you then voiced and which Cillian confirmed. It was a matter of time and, when Cillian informed you that she would be assigned to someone else after he got back from Dublin, you felt some relief.
“Oh god, I hope it isn’t me. I don’t want to work with her now that I know that she kissed you” you laughed, causing Cillian to chuckle before telling you that it would be funny if she was assigned to James instead as, in his mind, their attitudes were quite similar.
“Is she a good kisser at least?” you then teased Cillian after discussing the incident for a while, but he simply laughed it off.
“The kiss didn’t take long enough for me to find out but I doubt that she could compete with you babe” Cillian told you jokingly, following which you whispered something naughty in to the phone.
“Probably not. You said that I have an unusually skilled tongue and, surely, not everyone can have this kind of skill, right?” you teased just before you heard a knock on the door of your room.
“Dinner” your father informed you and, with that, you told Cillian that you had to go.
Over the next few days, you spent some more time with family and friends. You went to the movies twice, took some time going out with Emma and engaged in some retail therapy.
Shopping was not really your thing but Emma loved it and dragged you along.
You had shared a room with her for several days now and she knew that things were getting more serious between you and Cillian. You spoke to him every night and, every night, she needed to make an excuse to leave your room so that you would have some privacy.
“We have to get you some sexy lingerie before the weekend I think” she kept on reminding you and, in the end, you went to a large department store with her and bought exactly that.
Black lace lingerie was what you picked out and you were certain that Cillian would appreciate it. But, unfortunately for you, your parents did not.
As usual, your father was snooping around in your room when, on the day before you were due to leave Cork, he saw the lingerie hanging up over your armchair, which is where you had left it to dry.
“What is this? Is that yours?” your father asked as soon as you walked through the door but you quickly shook your head.
“No, it’s Emma’s. She left it here” you lied and, since you were good at your job, he bought it. Emma had already left two days ago and your father thought that you were catching up with her again soon.
“Why is it wet?” he wanted to know nonetheless and you laughed.
“Because I washed it for her. I assumed that it had been worn and I did not want to stuff her dirty underwear into my suitcase” you explained and your father responded with a quick “I see” before making an observation of his own.
“You know, this kind of underwear is terribly inappropriate and she should be ashamed for wearing it” he said and you had to supress a giggle.
“Uhm, dad, it’s just underwear” you argued but he did not see it this way.
“It sexualises women and sexualisation of a gender in today’s society is not good” he told you and, again, you chuckled quietly.
“Yeah, well, you can tell her that. But, trust me, I doubt that she will listen. Also, I doubt that she would show it off in public. Maybe it just makes her feel good about herself” you responded before your father asked you some questions about your impending stay in Dublin. You had told your parents that you were staying there for two nights to watch a theatre play with some friends and visit a brand-new art exhibition.
“So what time are you heading off tomorrow?” he wanted to know and you told him that your train was leaving Cork at noon.
“And who are you staying with again? I am just a little worried and, in case anything happens, I need to know who to contact” your father then explained, but you laughed it off.
“You worry too much” you told him before answering his question nonetheless. “I am staying with Emma at her cousin’s house” you said and he nodded with approval.
“Okay Sweetheart. Be good, alright?” he then told you and you chuckled once more. He always told you to be good and the fact that he spoke to you as if you were a child amused you.
“Yes dad. Now go to bed. You start work at 4 o’clock tomorrow” you lectured him in response, in turn of which he gave you a quick hug.
“Goodnight baby. Your mother will drive you to the train station at 11, but please text me when you get to Dublin safely, okay?” he asked before saying his goodbyes.
“Okay dad, goodnight” you said before pulling away from his embrace.
It was only 9 o’clock and, after your father had gone to bed, you decided to settle down on your bed with a novel in your hand until, eventually, you reached for your phone and texted Cillian.
Knowing that his children would have been in bed by now, you expected a response from him rather quickly and it was not really surprising to you when he tried to call you right away.
He hated texting but, when staying in a room right next to your parents, you much preferred it that way. You couldn’t talk freely to him without whispering quietly and, even when you where whispering, you worried that your father was listening in.
‘Can’t talk. Dad is in the room next to mine and the walls are thin’ you thus texted Cillian after declining his call and his response to your message was rather sweet.
‘That’s a shame, because I was looking forward to hearing your voice’ he said before texting you again, asking you what you were up to.
‘I am about to have a bath I think’ you told him before realising that this may spur him on and, when you did not hear from Cillian again for at least five minutes, you decided to make a point of it.
After all, you could not wait to see him again and the fact that he was looking forward to being with you after a week of being apart turned you on.
‘Do you want me to send you a picture of myself in the bathtub?’ you thus asked and, unsurprisingly, his response to this question was quick.
‘How could I possibly say no to an offer like this?’ he asked and you sent him an emoji in response, knowing very well that he hated to use them himself.
‘Okay, stay tuned…’ you then finally texted before running yourself a bath.
Running the bath took you about ten minutes and, after the tub was half full, you climbed in while placing your phone on the corner of it.
You took in and appreciated the warmth of the water for a while before picking up your phone again and texting Cillian.
‘I wish you could be here with me. I miss you’ you said before taking a quick selfie which showed your face and your wet breasts, but nothing else.
You then applied some wash to your skin and worked your hands up and down your body which is just when Cillian responded to your text.
‘You are beautiful. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow’ he simply said but you needed more from him so you rubbed the suds into your breasts and, by this point, your nipples had become visibly sensitive and erect. Your soapy hands roamed every inch as you gave yourself the most sensual of washes before taking yet another picture of yourself, this time of your breasts alone.
��I am looking forward to you touching these tomorrow. Would you like that?’ you asked before running your hand down your inner thighs before finally arriving at your lips and rubbing your clit up and down.
‘Of course, I would like that. I want to touch you everywhere, but you already know that’ Cillian responded and, again, you took a picture, this time of your wet mound as, slowly, you stoked your clit with the other hand. Your finger was sliding up and down the slit of your lips as your pussy grew wetter and wetter while you saw Cillian, in the back of your mind, wondering what he was doing right now. Was he masturbating too? Does he ever? Probably yes...
‘Do you want to touch me here?’ you then texted, attaching the latest picture you took for your boyfriend and, just seconds after you hit sent, he sent you a message containing just one word.
‘Fuck’ it said before you received another. ‘You are not being fair right now’ he then told you and you knew that you had to ask.
‘Are you hard?’ you wanted to know as your excitement grew.
‘Yes. I am now. Thanks to you’ Cillian responded quickly and this was not yet enough.
‘Good, then masturbate, and send me a picture’ you told him and he was surprised by how eager you were. You never texted him things like this but he sure was not going to complain.
‘Really? You want me to send you a picture of myself while I masturbate?’ he ought to clarify nonetheless and, after you sent him an eager but firm ‘yes’, he complied with your request.
Within seconds Cillian sent you a picture of himself, laying on his bed, completely naked, holding his hard length in one of his hands while taking the photo with the other.
‘Fuck that’s hot Cillian. I am just thinking about you stroking your cock now’ you simply sent back as you imagined Cillian masturbating to those pictures you have sent and, with those thoughts running through your head and while imagining Cillian stroking his hard cock, you slid a finger into your pussy whilst still slowly working at your clit.
‘Make yourself cum babe’ Cillian texted back while you tried to do exactly that. You imagined him, stroking himself and cumming over his hand, moaning and groaning. Filthy thoughts were overwhelming your senses and then, after getting faster and faster, an orgasm finally rippled through your body and you let out a stifled moan. You knew that you rushed it, but you also knew that you had to as, usually, after about ten minutes, someone would want to use the bathroom. There was only one in the house and it had to be shared by four adults.
“Damn” you thus gasped and, after finishing up in the bath, you soon found yourself standing in front of the mirror, staring at your phone. You were desperate for more than your own fingers inside you but you were full of hesitation. Should you text him and tell him what you had accomplished? Should you text him and tell him what you wanted him to do now?
“I did cum, thinking about you doing the same. I am aching for you so badly. All I could think of was you, stroking your cock” you texted him in the end and, as soon as you hit sent, you were overcome with regret as, again, there was no response until, minutes later, you received another text.
‘I am aching for you too and I can’t wait to taste you again and make you cum myself, using my tongue’ was what it said and this turned you on all over again.
"And I can’t wait to put your cock into my mouth and swallow all your cum” you told him while taking yet another picture of your pussy for him, which was evidently rather wet.
“You are so wet babe. Tell me everything you have been thinking about. Surely, it wasn’t just a thought about me stroking my cock” Cillian responded and this gave you a real boost. You knew that you had peaked Cillian's interest.
“I have been thinking about you doing a lot of naughty things to me” you replied almost shyly though but Cillian did not let it go now.
“Be specific” Cillian demanded and you figured that you might as well tell him the truth of what you have been fantasising about for the past six days or so. Of course, imagining him masturbating was one thing but there were things that you wanted him to do to you. These were the things that had been on your mind ever since you left Liverpool and most of these things were things you have not done before.
“I have been thinking about what you would feel like inside of me” you then told him and it took Cillian a while to respond.
“Now this is a picture I cannot get out of my head” Cillian told you reluctantly and you decided to take this further.
“I can just imagine how much your cock would be stretching my pussy” you said and this was almost too much for Cillian. He was lost for words until, suddenly, he received yet another text message from you.
“I want to sleep with you when I come to stay with you tomorrow. I want to feel you, all the way, inside of me” you then said and Cillian was somewhat surprised by your request.
“If this is what you want then I am more than happy to oblige, but there is no rush babe” he reassured you while still being turned on by the sheer prospect of it.
“I know, but it is what I want” you texted back before making another request. “Now send me some more photos of yourself. I want to see how hard you are…” you demanded and, within a few minutes, you received three of them.
“Sexy” you told him before, finally, taking up the courage to give him some more orders. “Now stroke yourself while imagining your cock pushing into my pussy and, when you are done, send me a picture of when you came. I want to see your cum, covering your stomach and cock” you told him and, ten minutes later this is exactly what you received. It must have been the hottest thing you had ever seen and you knew that this picture alone would get you off all over again.
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