#my headcanons don't need to be canon compliant anyway
drawnecromancy · 2 years
Still on my Pokemon thoughts - I definitely think that, besides the fact that it's a video game and they needed to choose an appropriate number of moves for Pokemon to have, the "4-move" rule could be explained away in universe by the "Pokemon Trainer fights are a sport, with actual rules in place to make things as fair as possible considering we're dealing with magically overpowered creatures".
So, like, in the wild, Pokemon *might* know more than four moves. Hell, I think the gods legendaries probably have a lot more abilities than just The Four Moves they have in-game - the fact that they only use 4 before you catch them is only incidental to the fact that you're playing a video game, in real life they'd probably throw a bigger more destructive fuss - and I do wholeheartedly imagine a 10 to 14 year old protagonist just, sitting down with a legendary after catching them, explaining the rules of Pokemon Trainer Fights and if they want to join in on the fun, and also that they can only use Four Moves in actual Pokemon Trainer Fights.
Imagine being the 13 year old with the balls to tell, idk, Kyogre, a god who could flood the entire planet, that since Kyogre is caught now they're going to be besties and also can it please choose four moves to battle with ? Just the four. And as it gets stronger they can forget one to use a better move. And like. This is just hilarious to me okay, a very serious young teen explaining their hobby to a very powerful ancient being, and said being going 'this sounds like fun, sure'.
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
Okay so not an ask more of a Headcanon based on observation and the character he is based on, but I see Honest Fellow as someone who would both idolize/emulate and resent the rich. By his design his clothes, while they pay homage to Honest John with the patchwork pantleg and the misding pinky tip on his one glove seem very well-kempt, on top of that his hat and cane are practically emaculate that cane alone couldn't have been cheap though I wouldn't put it passed the sly fox man to have either swindled someone out of it or stole it from them outright. Point is I'm getting wants to be a rich man but hates the rich people vibes.
All of that is set-up for my headcanon that if he ever had a S/O you can bet he would get them jewelry and expensive clothes. Basically just adorn them in finery he had acquired through whatever means (cough, likely stolen or purchased with dirty money, cough) and proudly have them stand by his side. The thought to use them as a pretty little lure to catch even bigger fish might cross his mind, but I doubt he'd ever use them like that. Personally, I feel like he'd be to possessive to do that even if his darling wanted to help like that, after all what if he let's them go off alone and someone tries to take advantage of his poor darling? He doesn't think they're weak or foolish per say but who could protect them better than him? I think he'd have a difficult time even leaving them alone with Gidelle (only 90 percent sure I got that right), of course he trusts Gidelle, well as much as he can truly trust anyone anyway, but he's the brains of the outfit and unless he's personally by his darlings side he won't ever be truly assured something won't go wrong.
Let's say that darling isn't quite so understanding or compliant, his possessive side would certainly get worse. He can't leave them alone for one second qhat if they try and sneak off. Perhaps to save his pride he'd be a bit delusional, they're just a sweet little naive skittish thing that doesn't know any better, possibly they've never known a love as deep and unshakable as his, it's only natural there would be a learning curve for them and who better than he to teach them? I highly doubt he'd ever use physical punishments on his darling, probably doesnt like punishing them as he thinks they are just still learning, but that doesn't mean he won't find other ways to punish them if necessary. I do think if they actively tried to run he wouldn't waste a minute getting something along the lines of a necklace with a chain, something fashionable but functional as a reminder while they're learning, if that reminder isn't enough though he might go for a bejeweled pet collar and leash. If all else fails isolation in a secure location with him as their only source of human, or well beastman, contact would certainly allow them to see how much they needed each other. Whatever he has to do to make them understand it'll all be worth it later once they're settled and he can spoil them like they deserve.
TLDR: Honest Fellow would love to lavish his S/O in (possibly ill-gotten) finery and would actively and proudly show them off on his arm. Everyone can look and admire, but only he is allowed to touch.
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This has got to be the most effort anyone has ever put into something they sent in my ask box!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Okay so right off the bat let me say that YES!! This is canon I don't care what anyone says.
I can see him as "wanting what they have" but "not wanting to be them". Essentially he wants the ability to give his darling the best of everything. Yet still ultimately preserving his own "personality". Like you said Fellow hates the rich. They're insufferable, self-absorbed and loathsome, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't crave the glitz and glammer.
Now I can kinda see Fellow only really interacting with his darling at first to use her as bait. Winning her over with expensive gifts and pretty cloths (all from dirty money ofc) and sure darling does start to fall for his tricks. But here's the thing, the moment his darling begins to show the tinest interest in him Fellow FALLS HARDER!! All of a sudden he doesn't want ANYONE near his darling! Just him only him. Sooner or later his darling will start to feel suffocated, she'll be desperate to get away from him. Forsaking the pretty presents and charming "boyfriend" for just a moment of freedom. But Fellow's a sly fox, always one step ahead. He knows how to ensnare his darling before she's even run away.
Overall Fellow will lavish you, treat you like a queen, getting you anything you desire (through underhanded means) but you'll never be allowed to leave him. Forever trapped by his side on the island of pleasure…
Quick question is Fellow meant to be the same age as the third years or is he older??
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goldstargloww · 10 months
i really need to talk about my watcher/listener alignment headcanon system don't i? well here we go
so, within eyesandears, we all know grian's a watcher, yeah? and canonically, none of the other players in the life series are watchers or listeners—grian's a special case here.
but there's also pretty popular headcanons, where people like martyn and jimmy are listeners, pearl and bigb are watchers, stuff like that. different people headcanon different things for different characters—those're just the most common ones i've seen
now, i like this idea,, kinda. i like my headcanons to be compatible with canon (and here i'm treating eyesandears as canon). it throws me off when the headcanons contradict canon, so i don't like my headcanons to do that
so, i've come up with a system that's a compromise between those headcanons and canon, which is that players can be watcher/listener aligned, and there's subcategories within those as well :>
first thing i want to note is that just because grian is a watcher doesn't mean he has to be watcher aligned or that he can't be listener aligned. the divide between watchers and listeners is more of a behavior/identity thing afaik, and grian isn't all that watchery socially.
so, i think that, generally speaking, players can be watcher/listener aligned, and then within those, compliant/noncompliant. compliant watcher aligned, noncompliant watcher aligned, compliant listener aligned, noncompliant listener aligned.
watcher aligned
i don't have as much notes on watcher aligned players as i do listener aligned ones and i don't really know why lol, i guess they're just a bit simpler than listener aligned players?
compliant watcher aligned players tend to play the games most closely to intended. they give the watchers what they want, however unknowingly, and they enjoy it. they enjoy the chaos, they enjoy the destruction, and it's not surprising if they're the catalyst.
noncompliant watcher aligned players more or less play by the rules, but they'll bend them a bit for fun. they'll make illegal kills for the chaos and entertainment, and often go further than they intend to, but they do so anyway because the fun outweighs the guilt.
listener aligned
i like to think that the compliant versus noncompliant categories resemble the listeners' journey as a separate entity from the watchers.
the listeners used to be watchers themselves, and later split off of them, working against them. compliant listener aligned players are most like the listeners at the start of that journey, and noncompliant listener aligned players are more like the listeners today.
compliant listener aligned players tend to function almost like a tool for the watchers—they listen, they do as they're told, they obey, they comply. they have a hard time disobeying the rules, disobeying the watchers, even if they want to, and this also tends to be out of fear of consequence.
martyn would be a compliant listener aligned player, for example—he's told by the watchers to kill, to betray, to set up things with the intention of destruction. and he follows through, or tries to, because he's scared (at least definitely scared in last life) of the consequences if he doesn't. even when he wasn't consciously aware of the watchers in any capacity interacting with him in limited life, he still did as they wanted.
these players tend to be more of a threat to the server, as they tend to be fairly destructive. so as a result, they're also threatened more themselves as other players know they're a threat and do what they can to protect themselves, so compliant listener aligned players often end up being targeted or considered dangerous.
noncompliant listener aligned players function more like the listeners themselves do in relation to the watchers, i'd say. they only loosely play within the rules, but play along enough to stay alive and enough so that they aren't harshly punished (some comply with them more than others tho)
some play the games out of spite, some play for fun. either way, they don't give the watchers what they want without tainting it in some way is my thought
these players tend to not kill without sufficient reason, and many don't kill much at all. when they kill, it's usually out of necessity, survival, or it's justified—they don't kill for the thrill, they don't kill for the fun of it. they aren't as affected by bloodlust as others either
they have a tendency to not take the games seriously, instead focusing on fun and enjoyment, creating things they enjoy and the like - scott and jimmy, for example, in third life, built cute houses in a flower valley, whereas everyone else built and lived in castles and fortresses lol. scott in particular's priorities always include his base looking nice
the watchers tend to dislike these players, especially the more defiant they are. scott, for example, the watchers hate scott and have since last life
if anyone has anything to add or say please do so i'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this stuff :D
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
(technically canon-compliant, but heavily headcanon/borderline au)
AITA for causing my host to lose an eye?
SOME PEOPLE are making a big deal out of this but it's REALLY not that bad! I don't technically exist in any dimension so my only way of interacting with the real world is through a host body, and it's not like I'm just STEALING people. This one guy, he got what he asked for! But no, he figures out my plans and starts whining about how I was "dishonest with my intentions" and "planning to destroy reality" and all of a sudden our deal is no longer what he wants. I mean obviously he can't go back on it, so I just keep possessing his body while he's sleeping like we agreed and kept trying to finish the project we were making together. And he had the guts to try and stop me!
Then he starts getting all fussed because humans are so easily-damaged! That part wasn't even my fault! Ok maybe it was a little bit on purpose. But it wasn't THAT bad! And HE was the one who stopped sleeping and eating and doing all the human maintenance things that they need to keep their useless flesh sacks going. I didn't want that either! Do you KNOW how hard it is to pilot a body running on so little!?
Where was I? Oh, yeah. The eye thing wasn't even my fault okay? No one can blame me for that! Not all of us get two eyes, alright? Hardly my fault I kept forgetting to use one of them! Anyway the guy starts freaking out because apparently human eyes aren't supposed to bleed like that! So a few days after he starts gallivanting off in the multiverse with no way home, which was ALSO not my fault, I finally manage to find an opportunity to possess him again and I managed to stay in control a lot longer than usual, and wouldn't you know that REALLY messed with that eye of his! It's not even a big deal, he got a glass one in some high-tech reality, you barely even notice! Besides, totally wasn't my fault, honest accident. I'm not some kinda monster for being forgetful!
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sotwk · 11 months
Hi! What character do you think most people get wrong? Or what’s a character that you see differently than most other fans?
Hi Elleth! What a great question--and the kind of topic I'm amazed anyone wants to hear my opinion on!
I'm of the belief that there is no wrong way to write fanfiction or headcanons. I support creative freedom in all fandoms, even in one so "classic" and "high literature" as Tolkien's work. We all have a right to our own takes, interpretations, and AUs, as long as it's all done for fun and love of the original content!
Some takes on characters are more popular, some are less popular, and that's all there is.
I'm one of those writers who tend to be more canon-compliant and less "out-of-the-box" creative, whether in Tolkien or any other fandom. I guess my Type-A mind likes having a structure and "rules" to work with! I like to tweak things here and there to please myself, usually by "saving" doomed characters, but for the most part, I tend to run with what Professor Tolkien wrote and fill in the blanks as best as I could.
What do I see differently from most other fans?
I'm probably in the minority regarding Thranduil's "once in an immortal lifetime" love for his wife, his Elvenqueen, the mother of his children.
The "Eldar marry only once" custom, as described in the "Laws and Customs of the Eldar", is one that I personally subscribe to for my Elven characters, but perhaps even the most for Thranduil.
Not only does Thranduil have zero desire to marry again after the death of his wife, but he never takes interest in anyone else romantically, passionately, or sexually, ever again. Most writers enjoy giving him a second chance at love by having him fall for and/or marry someone else, and that's totally valid, but I personally don't envision that for his character.
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In my mind, Thranduil in his youth was disinterested in romance, and perfectly content with staying unmarried for his immortal life. But then he met Maereth, who changed almost everything he believed about his own purpose and destiny. He saw her as his life partner, someone meant to exist alongside him and he beside her, forever, whether on Middle-earth or Aman. That's how he explained the deep affinity and immutable love he felt for this lady, anyway. She was simply irreplaceable.
Thranduil is arrogant, self-assured, and supremely confident in his attractiveness, and combining this with this extroverted, mischievous nature means he tends to be a playful flirt. But he views love as the most serious of matters, and the giving of one's heart as nothing to be trifled with.
Another unpopular take of mine is that Thranduil is not lustful or easily sexually attracted to others. He did not even feel that desire for Maereth until he had already known her for a few centuries. While their marriage included a healthy sex life that begot many children by Elven standards, without Maereth, Thranduil's interest in sex disappears entirely (again aligning with what was written in LACE).
Although I wholeheartedly agree that Thranduil is a sexy character, I suppose I just don't view his character as actually being very sexual. (Hopefully that makes sense?) There is more than enough to preoccupy him with his many duties: standing guard against The Enemy, serving his people as a good king, caring for his wife, and raising his children and grandchildren well.
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SotWK Fancast: Jennifer Connelly as Elvenqueen Maereth
I could certainly write countless essays about how much Thranduil loved Maereth, but goodness, I really need to actually write STORIES about it! Part of my writer's block is probably intimidation, since I feel I have to justify Thranduil's eternal devotion to this one special person. What a lady she must be! He certainly must have had many good reasons to love her so dearly!
Receiving Asks certainly helps motivate me, so thank you again for this great question and giving me a chance to share my thoughts!
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souji-upseta · 8 months
yo my name is nyx, it's my birthday today (2/3). my birthdays have sucked SHIT the past few years for reasons that are depressing—
—cringe is also dead, i killed her myself, and i'm still grieving her loss. its been very hard for me—
—since i am the protagonist of Me and can do st abt this, this year i turn 31, and i will at some point turn 31.4, with all of this in mind, what do i want for my birthday? i'll tell you:
to talk about homestuck.
i'll do that, anyways, but you'd be doing me a gift by giving me a prompt to follow, and to feel slightly more validated in my inability to shut up about my hyperfixation.
so i'm asking YOU to talk about homestuck with me.
talk to me abt homestuck? ask me my headcanons. my thoughts. my relationship to the work. tell me yours. expect nothing that's profound, and plenty that's stupid.
i'm even turning anon on, for the first time in 6 fucking years. where making this happen.
this never expires btw. today is my birthday, but, for story purposes, let's say that it's still my birthday after it isn't, bc i will still want and, if i am honest, NEED you to talk to me about homestuck for years onward. i'm very metatextual like that.
i get the feeling it's going to be a long day.
>Nyx: Be the other guy.
You are now the other guy! What will you do?
>Web Tumblr User: Inbox Tumblr user souji-upseta?
>Mobile App Tumblr User: Do that, but hyperlink is unavailable?
you are now nyx again, and i am now me, and i need to exposit some lore.
as in, some starting points to get u going, since "homestuck" is a very broad subject:
•i'm a massive massive slut for the epilogues and post canon content/hsbc. pesterquest is too good for this gay earth.
•dirk is my fav, ALL of the dirks, all of them, and it isn't even close. my fav relationship is the canon platonic/familial one between dirk and dave. i fucking love the striders. dave is my 1.5th fav.
•im more invested in dave's relationship to corndogs (and corn dogs) than you even know.
•mspa reader is my second fav after the striders, bc they are a good thembo friendsimp and also bc they are me and they are You. i might be biased. i love You. i love me. i love us. we're fucking gr8.
•im pretty canon-compliant, so my fav ship is dirkjake as exes (for now), and my fav ship as not-exes is panquadrant (canon) davekat.
i'm also really fascinated by rosemary and would welcome more opportunities to learn abt and talk about them but if homestuck makes a statement about anything it's to let the women and the sapphic characters tell their story (thats a joke, talk to me abt them too)
•june eg(g)bert real.
•i'm fascinated by classpects and the applications of paradox space's classpecting and extended zodiac system when applied to real life, since our only experience of those fictional systems is in linear dimensions of spacetime, and our only experience of astrology is as a species that in-universe cannot experience the sign caste system the same way the fictional aliens that created our species in their own image do. skaia knows, but we sure as fuck don't.
•i'm a former prince of heart (2012-2020) and a current knight of space, and my aspect is light. that is a thing that actually makes perfect sense for the reasons i just said.
don't ask me about vriska serket or (vriska) serket. not bc i'm not willing to discuss dark or problematic characters (hello, lanque bombyx) but bc:
for one, she can speak for her damn self, and has, tyvm.
for two, talking at length about a problematic character in any positive capacity marks you as an enemy of the state if that character is a woman, and being an enemy of the state is way too much fucking pressure for me for reasons i already explained as soon as i told you i'm a knignt of space. i wouldnt make a very good enemy of the state. it'd be an unhealthy blackrom relationship to the detriment of us all.
for three, i can just give you all my opinions/headcanons on vriska that matter:
•she's greasy and gross and unkept af but not unclean or unsanitary, like, she bathes, she smells fine, she changes her clothes, but she's got the troll crust punk aesthetic absolutely on LOCK. she doesn't comb her hair.
•it would have been funny if she did even more bad things
•aradia did nothing wrong. vriska did but the meme is funny even if someone needs to take that meme out back and shoot it for the good of humanity.
•she should beat up ultimate dirk, and my reasoning for that is bc that would, also, be really fucking funny if she did
•john has both punched her in the face and hugged her, and now that john has punched aranea in the face, all that's left is for june—i assume she will have come out of her egg(bert) by then—to hug aranea and complete the circle of stupidity.
•she is trans yeah but she doesn't wanna get into it, she doesn't have to, and neither do i.
•vrisrezi most important relationship in homestuck.
there. you already got me to talk about vriska at length, and you didn't have to try. moot issue.
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concept: severus snape with a child
i had a thought, what if severus snape had a child.
i can't really picture snape ever settling down with someone and starting a family in a war/canon-compliant timeline. but if he did have a child, i would imagine it being the result of a drunken one-night stand with a muggle woman. i think he would also have had to have some personal development away from the wizarding world for that event to occur.
imagine after the war, severus has sort of let himself go in a lot of aspects, it's hard to get a job and his group of friends (pureblood slytherins) have all sort of distanced themselves from severus. or are sort of leading him on that they'll get him in touch with someone to get a job or join the dark lord, as many of them have joined or allied themselves with. but they never really get back to him, and snape sort of gets the hint and distances himself too and realizes that maybe this is for the better. this isolation may lead to deeper self-reflection and getting some muggle job and getting himself by.
around this same time, i like to think that his mother, eileen, is struggling with dementia in a nursing home. his father would have already passed away during snape's school years. eileen is constantly seeing either snapes father, tobias, when he was young in snape or is in shock that her little sev is so grown up due to her strained memory which is only getting worse. i think this also would lead to a change in severus and sort of a maturing and realizing that he needs to get his life together because he's getting older and his parents are dying off.
so about for a year (he would be about 18 years old now), he works really hard, changes a lot as a person in terms of his views and values. he starts trying to find potential for life outside of the muggle world. and then one day he finally decides to go to a bar and have a good time with a few work buddies, and after a few nights out like this, one day he meets someone. he sees a pretty woman, who in my mind looks significantly different from lily (because this is my headcanon and in this his mind diverts from a lot of things associated with his school years, and lily is one of them. he also matures in the sense that he realises he has zero chance with lily and comes to terms with the fact she has married james, and perhaps with time he also lets go of his hate for james but i think that would take longer). anyways, back to the woman that snape finds really beautiful. in my mind she is a pretty korean woman names young-hee and she is a few years older than snape. snape is usually pretty introverted by this point but he is a bit drunk and with hype from his buddies he decides to approach her and asks to buy her a drink. despite expecting rejection, she allows him to and they immediately hit it off.
the two talk all night and then head to snapes apartment where they do hanky panky. and in the morning they have a pretty intimate moment and then young-hee leaves. only issue is that snape doesn't hear from her for about two months until one day he gets a knock at the door pretty early in the morning and it's young-hee. she tells him she's pregnant and that she's keeping it (mostly due to pressure from family), snape is very conflicted but almost leaves young-hee to raise the child on her own but as part of his character growth he decides he will stay and be a better father than his own (because his not very good relationship with his father). he does his best to help support young-hee and their child, with help from her side of the family as well, and it is very clear they don't approve of snape. but snape still wants to be there for them. snape is just 19 when this child is born and after a few months of raising this child, young-hee decides to talk with snape.
minor detail: child is a girl (though i do have a timeline for if it a boy, slightly different but might make a post about that too) and her name is eileen after snape's mother
in this talk she basically tells him that she has no interest in raising the child and asks his thoughts on putting the child for adoption. snape is very against it even if admits raising the child has been hard, and then young-hee drops the bomb that she wants to give up her parental rights and leave the child to him. she later moves to america with a different boyfriend.
snape is now a single father of his daughter and raising her has become very difficult. this is when a lot of his character development happens, he has to deal with things like changing diapers, making meals, cleaning, learning to have patience, taking care of a little girl in general. he has to grow because now he is responsible for a life other than his own. and when he is about 21, snapes mother dies. despite his grief, he still has to persevere and keep going and this makes him stronger than he was before. this is also right about the time the war ends and the potters die but in this special timeline i would rather have the potters alive so by some miracle they are alive but harry is still the chosen one. (i am aware that this isn't really possible but too bad it's my headcanon) and right as the war ends, jobs are easier to get in the wizarding world, so snape, seeking a better life for himself and his daughter, applies to hogwarts for it's defense against the dark arts post and a couple other places which won't really be relevant. he gets a job at hogwarts but as the potions professorr.
snape is a smart man and picks up the job pretty quickly and is a pretty good professor, still strict but not plain cruel as he is in the books. also less creepy vibes and a bit more understanding. he would still be pretty stern though. no more drawling voice and talking with his mouth half closed though, when he talks he talks like a regular person. his clothing also changes a bit and he tends to wear a wider variety of robes instead of just the dramatic billowing black robes. he instead opts for just regular suits like the other professors but in colors like black, grey, and other darker grey-tone colors. his hair would also be a bit more well-maintained, not as greasy and rough. probably cut shorter as well.
this job pretty much turns snape's life around, and now he has a stable source of income, can provide more for his daughter and can ensure her a better life. they no longer live on rent in the apartment and can instead buy a small house for the two of them. i can imagine this home because a comfortable size, about three bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a nice living room with a good amount of windows, all one story, and just generally nice and cozy. i also think snape would send eileen to muggle school till she is old enough to go to hogwarts because he values her education. life becomes very stable for the two od them.
then eileen turns 11 and she will attend hogwarts. i think that even though snape was in slytherin and his head of slytherin house, she would be a ravenclaw. i can see the sorting hat considering putting her in slytherin but she is generally a pretty creative and curious person and that outweighs any slytherin traits she has. her curious and creative nature is definitely embedded into her by snape, making her also prioritize her education and learning, and since she was raised by a professor, it's not shocking to think that she might have a thirst for knowledge. also to give an idea of her age, she is about two years older than harry potter, and the same age as the weasley twins.
she wouldnt be very close with harry during her school years either, and would know each other through quidditch. in this timeline, eileen plays quidditch. at first i think she would have just tried out because her friend, roger davies, did too. but they both ended up getting on the team and she realized how much she genuinely enjoyed the sport. in her second year she gets placed as a seeker but is replaced by cho chang the year after (cho is a year younger than her) and is then a beater. this is also how think she would become friends with cho chang, but this is my headcanon so cho chang is going be katherine chang because i like that for her and think the name katherine suits her.
snape would definitely support her in quidditch, even though it's funny that he's supporting a ravenclaw despite being head of slytherin house. his support wouldn't really be wearing ravenclaw colors or anything but more wishing her good luck, giving her feedback after games, and just other gestures like that. this is also something i want to emphasize, how snape shows his care as a father and just how different he is from canon because of all these events and how they've developed his character.
he would still be a pretty quiet at home with just eileen but not awkwardly or in a way that makes him seem cold. just more of in a calm way, they can still have conversations where they laugh and talk but they're just more calm and very understanding. they can be loud, usually more from eileen's side because she is def more extroverted than snape. snape would still listen and smile. he would definitely smile more in this timeline and even laugh. he would just generally be more happy and open because of eileen. he would also be a bit more okay with physical affection like hugs and kisses (on the cheek and forehead wtv) because of eileen (he raised a child ofc he's more open ab things). i also like to think of little cute things that probably happened when eileen was younger, like snape trying to tie eileen's hair and wtv.
also romance-wise wise i want to pair her with fred weasley because i love the "professor's daughter x the kid the professor hates" trope. and think it could be very cute and funny since i think snape would be a very protective of eileen and fred just tripping on his feet around snape after he starts dating eileen is just hilarious to me. also in this timeline, george is the one who asked angelina to the yule ball not fred, which also works better with their canonical marriage. i also have a very nice ending planned for fred and eileen heehee.
another detail: eileen is infertile and suffers with endometriosis. she has very painful periods and they've only gotten worse as she got older. (even if she got her period kind of late at like 15) sometimes it's so bad she has a hard time getting up, and literally just cries. and she also struggles with the fact she is infertile. and in my mind there are a lot of scenarios where snape really supports eileen through these things and takes care of her
and then now we can get to her meeting the potters (and remus and sirius, peter has still betrayed them) at an order meeting. this is the order meeting from the beginning of the order of the phoenix. eileen isn't allowed to be inside and hence sort of sticks with the other kids. this is where the potters will briefly meet eileen. snape wants to leave shortly after the meeting ends but gets caught up talking to some other members and eileen wants to talk to people from her school a bit and gets caught up talking to tonks. and then eileen finishes up her conversation with tonks and starts talking to harry a bit, until both harry's parents and eileen's dad, snape come over to tell them it's time to leave. snape has to talk to james a bit and they talk to eileen a bit too, just small talk. by this point though, james and severus are civil with each other, both being adults who've matured and changed. and are able to be polite and have a small chat.
minor detail: the marauders (except peter) have bumped into snape before when they were in their early 20s and have seen snape struggle with raising eileen in public and so they've all gained some sense of empathy for him, especially james since he also had harry pretty young and in that he gains some kind of respect for severus since he raised a child by himself earlier than him. and meeting eileen just multiplies that respect seeing that he's raised a good kid and has progressed in life greatly. so that at least lessens the hate from james' end.
anyways fast forward a bit, this is eileens 7th year and umbridge is around and war 2 tensions are back. when harry starts dumbledore's army i can imagine him approaching eileen due to their now established "friendship" from meeting at the order meeting. and he talks to her about this dumbledore's army idea and asks for some help with content to learn since she's very smart and tutors people, and is older so she of course knows a good deal more than him. and she is very open to this idea and agrees to help him. this is her last peaceful year though btw.
in this timeline i dont think snape would be a double agent or kill dumbledore, mostly because it wouldn't really add up with his character now. and also because of his daughter's blood status being like 75% muggle. dumbledore would just end up being killed by a different death eater (draco or a different one). snape would also leave his job and start working as just an order member due to his and eileen's being threatened multiple times while he was a professor due to his old ties from school and death eaters trying to recruit.
somewhere after eileen has graduated and become an order member and before the battle of hogwarts, eileen has to go on a mission where she loses her eye and snape almost dies but is saved by eileen. this is a big change in their character due to eileen's now realization of how real this war is and snape's new perception of eileen and her strength. there are other missions as well of course but this is just one i wanted to mention.
so now we're at the battle of hogwarts. just to make it clear, the marauders are all still alive by this point, other than peter. during the battle most of the regular casualties still happen, remus does die. fred dies. but since snape is no longer a double agent, he does not die. however, eileen does die.
post-war, snape eventually retires from teaching and lets go of his heath due to his grief and eventually dies about fifteen years later at the age of about sixty five.
anyways so that's just a whole storyline I've made up, this gives snape a redemption arc and I've added an oc.
also dni if youre going to leave hate, I'm open to discussion though.
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herofics · 2 years
Hii! I hope you're having a nice day. If it's okay, I'd like to request headcanons for Tomura, Dabi, and Hawks with a submissive s/o. But, like, not sexually or anything. Just a s/o who was raised to be submissive-- the s/o was told to not talk back to anyone, keep their voice small and soft, following what other people tell them to, and... yeah. Even though sometimes they want to voice their disaagrement about something, they don't do it because they think they're not supposed to do it. Mm, I'm sorry if it is too long. It's okay if you don't want to write this. Thank you so much 💖
I think in canon, Dabi and Shiggy would definitely prefer someone submissive like this, since they don’t really like people talking back to them and they like when they can control people. So the Dabi and Shiggy ones are pretty toxic, because I think that’s how they would be in my opinion. My usual stuff with them is somewhat canon compliant but I think this is closer to canon. This is probably not quite what you wanted, but this is what I came up with
~Hawks/Takami Keigo~
•Hawks doesn’t really notice it at first, he just pretty much thinks you’re on the same wavelength and you agree with him on everything
•But when he does notice eventually though and he starts paying more attention to how you behave to get to know more
•He’s pretty nosey, and likes to know everything possible
•He kind of tries to make you express your own opinions more, but he’s really subtle about it
•When that doesn’t really work, he just straight up tells you “You know I love you, but you don’t always have to agree with me on everything. You having your own opinions doesn’t change how I feel about you and I would love to know what you think”
•With Hawks you don’t need to keep your opinions to yourself or speak softly or anything like that, but old habits die hard and they’re not easy to change
•But Hawks encourages you to tell him what you think, he always wants to know your opinion
•He knows what it’s like when you don’t really have a right to choose on your own, because you know, the crap with the Hero Safety Commission
~Shigaraki Tomura~
•Shigaraki is pretty happy about it to be honest
•He loves that you do what he wants and that you don’t talk back
•He basically treats you more like a servant, rather than someone he sees as en equal
•Because why wouldn’t he, if you do it willingly, he’s got no problem with it
•He doesn’t want to change you or make you more opinionated or give you more confidence in yourself so you would be able to express yourself more freely
•He likes you just the way you are, but I’m not saying that as a good thing
•A good partner should see you as an equal, and Shigaraki definitely does not
•He would use you as a human shield if he needed to, because why wouldn’t he
•Dabi makes use of your submissive nature
•He makes you run all the errands he doesn’t want to do himself, something simple like getting him a drink is pretty damn usual
•He basically treats you like his personal assistant, more than a partner
•Dabi also doesn’t really give a damn about what you say to him, and since you extremely rarely disagree with him anyway he doesn’t really think you can offer a perspective he would care about
•He can shut you up with just a glare, but he can do that with pretty much anyone who finds him the least bit intimidating
•Dabi takes as much advantage of the situation as he can
•He’s also very manipulative with people he knows he can easily influence, so he can tell you he loves you one day, just to keep you close and then berate you about the smallest mistakes the next moment
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caitlynskitten · 11 months
Hey, thought I'd take a little break from writing cause I've seen it mentioned twice by anons (I'm assuming they're separate anons but obvi I can't tell for sure) so I just want to explain a little.
So, when I first joined in on this little ship, it was before VampRavenWolf was actually being shipped here, just that Yoko was watching while Enid and Wednesday were... *ahem* having fun. So, it wasn't really my original idea for Wednesday to be using those titles for EnidYoko. I actually got the idea from a few posts talking about names the trio would use for each other, posted by Cait. So, I just used them for one idea and it grew from there!
For the record, I don't think a canon-compliant Wednesday would use those titles for anyone, whatever ship it is. But, we're not really talking about canon-compliant Wednesday, are we? We have a version of Wednesday affected by a very long series of events that would very clearly never happen in the show. Now, we have a Wednesday who is super emotionally open and isn't averse to showing affection in many different ways, she actually enjoys it and at times needs that affection.
So, if you all don't think Wednesday would use Mommy and Daddy to refer to Enid & Yoko then cool. I agree with you to an extent. But it's a little weird to think about this version of Wednesday with the same lens as the Wednesday series. I think that we can think of this Wednesday more closely relating to Gomez. Someone who is endlessly affectionate with their partner(s) and is interested in things that society usually deems wrong or taboo, LIKE Mommy and Daddy kink.
(Note: I said this originally in another of my asks, but I'll say it for anyone new. For most of the time, I don't believe that VampRavenWolf use these titles in a sexual environment. Instead, it's something that EnidYoko refer to themselves as so that Wednesday knows that she's safe and can let go of her mask. It's a lot more exhausting for this Wednesday to be aggressive and hostile to everyone. She really just wants to be Mommy and Daddy's good girl.)
Anyway, that's just my thoughts. You're all allowed your own headcanons and all that. Alright, BACK TO WRITING!!
Completely 100% agree what they say! VampRavenWolf is just simply canon to that headcanon lmaoo if you’re not into it that’s completely fine. We’re essentially creating our own versions of these characters.
I know there are some that aren’t really into this ship and you probably didn’t follow me because of this but that’s okay. Just like plenty of other blogs have their own hc and versions of these characters in their fics.
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felixcosm · 3 months
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? and maybe somewhat relatedly 😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
a) Putting my "x is FLINCH" headcanons aside, I do believe that Eagle and the Michaels in his army fucked. Especially Lieutenant and Eagle. Not out of love or similar tastes, just because I think the loneliness + inherent intimacy of learning how to torture each others bodies + the fuck-it-im-dead-anyway-mentality.
It's not THAT wild but it's the only headcanon I could think of that wasn't just straight up a joke
b) I like fics that are somewhat in the middle! I don't need them to follow canon step-by-step but I do also enjoy fics that are reimaginings of events that really happened. Doubled and IRP are good examples ("what if THIS is going on") or a lot of the Mike4Mike month fics that were often retellings of episodes (but making it smutty)
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experthiese · 5 months
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Much like how I started writing my others: I was talking with some friends on discord, expressed an interest in possibly-maybe-perhaps writing him, and was encouraged to do so. That aside, I've been a fan of Lupin III for years, and find Lupin himself to be a fascinating character. It helps that there's a lot of backlog to draw from, each part and movie with its own spin on his Core Characteristics, and as it's constantly retconning and contradicting itself, there's no pressure to be "canon compliant" and up to date on every tiny bit of lore ever introduced.
Do you follow TWCFM? Do you follow Lupin Zero? Do you gloss over it like the main parts do? Do you have your own, headcanon-based idea of how the group all came together?
There's a lot of freedom there. I like that :)
I struggle with one-liners, at least if we actually intend on continuing the interaction. My replies only tend to grow over time, and I need at least a couple sentences to get all of my dialogue out (Lupin likes to yap).
Developing relationships is sooooooo fun. Literally nothing like it.
I love love LOVE working with my partners to decide how we're going to take our barbie dolls from their initial vibe to whatever dynamic we've got planned. Sometimes things go even further than we were expecting! Sometimes a whole new direction comes hurtling out of left field and we find a way to work with that. It works with everyone, too-- crossovers, canons, OCs, AUs, even duplicates.
Depends. The big ones are usually because I was rewatching something and found a Fun Little Detail I can expand on and flesh out. Things like the Lupin Empire, for example -- if his father was so clearly en route to building it, why is it absent from Lupin III's life? Outside of two Part 1 references, he's never even mentioned it, much less played any significant role in its development or function. Why is that?
I mean, realistically it's because Lupin Zero was made in 2022 and the show debuted in 1971, and they weren't planning a canon for 51 years into the future. Of course there's going to be inconsistencies.
But in-universe, from the perspective of Lupin III being an individual that exists within his setting... What could explain this? How can I take this inconsistency and use it to add some dimension and depth to his world?
That's usually how it happens, anyway. Other times I just get brain blasts, thoughts beamed into my head direct from god themselves, and I type them up in three sentences or less and press post.
Music all the way! I have a Lupin playlist I listen to a lot of the time.
I usually plan out Lupin's vague response, how he's feeling and what options he's likely to weigh up before actually deciding what direction to take my writing. Specific descriptions and things like dialogue are all improvised in the moment, and only really revisited if I'm not feeling the vibe or need to reshuffle the reply about.
Dialogue is always written first.
Yes, and having a muse like Lupin makes shipping pretty important. Sex and romance are a big part of his character and behaviours, and so it follows that ships are likely going to come as a result of that. He's quite the Casanova!
However, platonic shipping is also incredibly fun to explore. Rivals, enemies, "friends of the family", actual friends, coworkers, etc. etc. etc. are all things I'm happy to develop and write more of. I encourage people to come to me with dynamic ideas if they've got something specific in mind.
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kapustainu · 7 months
Lore of my FmAB ocs (part one):
DISCLAIMER!! These ocs and story began being created on my huge fma phase during 2019-2020 and have been evolving until I established a somehow (official) canon. They begun as a shared roleplay like story made between me and an old friend, and they kind of begun as self insert oc. That's why some of the info about my ocs will resemble aspects of me (like their nationalities or personality).
This, is Val Skłodowska (They/Her, non-binary sapphic)
(Sorry for the bad quality image btw it was in the middle of the page)
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And this is their sister, Mari (Marisol) Pérez (She/Her, cisgender, bi + aroace spectrum)
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These are my two main FMA oc. Initially, their lore was created between me and another friend. Unfortunately we fell out and I had to rebuild the lore adaptating it and creating characters based off my friend's (I don't want to use her characters without her consent).
Anyways, to set up the ground of the lore, first we need to look at their family history.
Though both Val and Mari have the Amestrian nationality, both their parents are immigrants from different countries: Their father, Manuel Marià Pérez Ferrer is an alchemy student/miner from the country of Creta; and their mother, Nadzieja Skłodowska is a tailor from Drachma.
Here I have to admit that my headcanons played a huge role. Creta is canonically based off spanish culture yes, but I like to imagine it is somehow distributed like actual spain, implying there are certain nations inside the country that are culturally different (invaded). Manuel comes from a southern cretan family (what would be like Andalucía) whom moved and married a family from the north-east (equivalent of Catalonia).
Nadzieja comes from a region of Drachma that would resemble Poland (Drachma is shown to be similar to Russia, and since Fullmetal Alchemist is set up on the 1910's it's not weird to assume an equivalent to Poland is still colonized within the equivalent of Russia). Probably on the southern part of the country.
Their parents emigrated and started working and met in Central, later moving to Youswell, where they would start living together and where they later had their two children and married.
Val was born first, before their parents got married. They were initially named "Valeria Skłodowska-Pérez" though they don't like that name at all and would rather be called just Val, or Val Skłodowska. A year and a half later, their parents decided to marry after Nadzieja got pregnant with Mari. Mari is actually a nickname, their full name is "Marisol Pérez", since Nadzieja already lost her single surname.
Their first years of life were quite caothic. Manuel wasn't a good parent at all, he was almost never at home due to working on the mine. Nadzieja had to raise the kids by herself, and also with the help of other women of the town, also while working on a convenience store. Val and Mari grew up together, and also took care of eachother as well.
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These are little Val and Mari btw
Since they were little, Val was more rebellious towards their parents but very compliant with other children. However, Mari was the complete opposite to that. That because Manuel actually tried to form a stronger bond between him and Mari after his wife told him to care about his children a bit more (at that time, he was too focused on work). Manuel quickly realized his younger's child potential with alchemy, and decided to enroll Mari in alchemy studies since she was 7.
Due to the kids being so close, Mari told Val about it (9 at that time), and they begun to practice it together. Manuel saw this as a great opportunity to set a good future for his family, and decided to basically coerce his two kids into joining the army, after seeing how much money a state alchemist would get. And so, he started to manipulate the kids into studying alchemy.
At the beggining, he offered small rewards in exchange of the kids studying for certain hours. Which quickly became forcing his kids to compete with eachother to "improve" their motivation. Luckyly, Val was able to see through this scheme, since they weren't manipulated by their dad that much and also had a stronger relationship with other people outside Mari and Manuel. However, Mari fell even deeper into her father's manipulation, and so the siblings started to have a difficult relationship.
The events within the family worsened an already cold relationship between the parents which resulted on Nadzieja and Manuel arguing constantly. Val, then only 12, got the habit to eat outside and run away from home during family reunions; while Mari chose to endure them, usually taking sides with her dad.
At that point, Val had completely lost interest in alchemy. They loved alchemy, but they saw it as the thing that broke the relationships with their most beloved family members. That until they found a person whom they would refer to as their teacher, an ex state alchemist who deserted due to the Ishvalan genocide and left the army, who eventually made them love the art of alchemy again. As this happened, Mari was working on polishing her alchemy more and more to reach the expectations of her father.
At age 14, Val basically couldn't stand staying in the town anymore and after hearing the inspiring story of a kid named Edward Elric who became a state alchemist, they decided to give it a shot. Though the army was never of their liking, they thought by joining it they could prevent things like what happened with their sister to happen. And then, at age 14 and after a lot of practice, Val obtained their title as The Carbon Alchemist, specialized in carbon derivates (from pencils to diamonds).
Regarding Mari, she disappeard a few months later after her sibling became an state alchemist.
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ohmeadows · 1 year
Personally would love to read whatever you have to say about how top/bottom dynamics are rotting people’s brains because this is something that’s been annoying the shit out of me for forever now. Like I like to think people are dynamic and aren’t just born into predetermined roles based on how they act during sex but idk that might just be me
i think people assign far too much to top and bottom and treat it as if it were personality traits. it's not. it's a positional placement indicator and it doesn't mean you are forever one or the other. it also extends the thought of "if i act like this, i will be a true bottom/top", because we have conflated top and bottom with dom and sub, when those are not the same. not that even acting like an anxious loser or decisive bitch determines that!!! people are complex!!! it does not equal anything!!!
worse is the projection of it onto fictional characters and acting like making the wrong choice on the matter is a crime.
can i also... so i've been in fandom spaces since 2001, easily. i have been consuming and writing femslash since 2008. i don't think i saw people be this invested in top/bottom dichotomies for f/f couples until like. 2018 maybe. 2020. either way i cannot stress enough that this was not something people actually cared about in femslash for a very long time. i am still quite adverse to tagging it because i think it really shouldn't matter. (if i write dom/sub where the submission of someone to another is important, i'll tag, but again, not going to conflate dom/sub with top/bottom. not the same not the sameee)
this is to me a very new trend in sapphic fandom spaces and one i really do not enjoy. it's also a massive indicator of who has or hasn't had sex with other actual living breathing women irl.
i really, really struggle with seeing how personality influences what position you like to be in. i know we as fandom construct headcanons about how characters have sex from the scraps of information we have, but i've seen people get piled on for drawing or discussing something that contradicts fanon. (i have such massive bones to pick with fanon in general but that's another story.)
circling back to himeko and kafka especially: i'd prefer it people just said out loud the reason they see kafka as a top is because she has domination abilities and they want to be dommed. that's fine and whatever to me. relatable, even. but that doesn't automatically make himeko a bottom. you don't need a couple to be top and bottom to have sex, first of all. second of all. top himeko isn't real. she can't hurt you. she's a fictional character. arguably the moment we write fanfiction it stops being canon compliant. there is no canon sex discourse about weeb game characters like this.
anyway, that's my quick two cents. i need coffee and to do some writing.
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teddybasmanov · 9 months
Sometimes I feel the need to confess my cringeness to the world so I hope you know that my unwritten canon-non-compliant fic about Commissar Elrick ends with a scene in which he and the listener argue about politics and accidentally wake their child up.
If you want to know how I - a person deathly allergic to baby fics - ended up thinking that, there are details (headcanons?) under the cut.
It's a bit more than a thousand (1000! That's not the fic, that's me saying what I would write, if I could) words long and there's also one pregnancy mention in passing.
Anyway canon non-compliance is mostly in the listener's backstory, because I'm stupid and I found out that the elven playlist is a continuos story with one listener and not two separate ones, so I kind of assumed that This listener's story starts with the inquisitor's interrogation and whatever was before is up to me. Well, what was before? Let's see.
This is going to be unrealistic and purely for the convenience of the furtherer story (when will I stop trying to make excuses for myself and actually write what I want? probably never). The listener was a servant/slave of an eccentric elven noble - they thought it would be amusing to keep a human around teach them things, maybe make them sort of a secretary but also most probably 'fool around' with them. The rest of the stuff doesn't like them, because they think the listener is 'master's favourite' and get preferences without working hard, so while they're not working they're probably hiding in the library and read whatever they can get their hands on (cue: a lot of political theory, including, probably, books banned by the elven imperium).
They get taken in for questioning with the inquisitor because they're in the wrong place at the wrong time (if I recall correctly they're accused of blowing something up) and/or because their master is out of governmental favour. Then three interrogations happen - inquisitor, copper (whom they didn't believe, by the way, and when he tried to play them the whole 'I'm letting you go, be my friend' thing - they totally shot him the moment he handed them the gun - it was just unloaded), commissar - and the commissar offers to actually let them go wherever they want. Well, they drop to their knees at his feet and beg him not to make them go, tell him they can do anything - cook, clean, do the paperwork he hates so much - anything, just don't make them go, because they have nowhere to go and they want to be useful. Here comes one of my favourite tropes - "has been used their whole life" person meets "I just to be nice and help you" person.
So Elrick and his 'boys' take care of their new human friend as best they can (I like to think that Elrick and the listener share the inquisitor's bedroom - not out of romance but out of utility) and the listener in turn takes care of them - and takes on most of paperwork and when the superiors start receiving those papers they notice that the reports suddenly become more orthographically and grammatically correct, more eloquent - hell, the handwriting changes. So, when Elrick's unit (? whatever sized part of the military he's working with) is back with the main forces, those superiors inquire what happened and after some awkward questions they're met with a human with serious eyes and a uniform greatcoat way too big for them. This is when they get noticed and start slowly moving up the ranks, so to speak.
They probably start working with some higher officials, start speaking their mind (remember - they're somewhat educated), probably as a human they might get assigned to the People's Commissariat of Nationalities (the thing Elrick mentions, even he calls it the wrong word), productively work there, move to the capital (or at least a big city). Elrick, considering he's also not the last person gets transferred there too and they don't lose contact. Considering the story is set in a mix of The Great October Socialistic Revolution and the ending of World War II people are getting married fast - because they don't know what's going to happen next and there's that wave of altogether change (and dare I say happiness, if we take the Victory), people in the military especially, so they do too.
When they settle down in the city considering they're a decently ranked officer and a government worker they have comparatively good living arrangements - again considering the timing a separate apartment is unlikely - I'd bet two good rooms in a communal apartment (which for two and even three people is still a lot). The child happens naturally and I don't care if it's fpreg, mpreg or adoption (considering the amount of orphans after the revolution and the war) it doesn't really matter, but I like to think it's half-elven, half-human.
Considering the listener's background they take their work really seriously and probably stay at work late often and don't have much free time, so they and Elrick rely a lot of social services for taking care of the child (like child care), which Elrick is not too happy about, so one late evening when they're having supper he tries to talk to them about it and maybe even slightly guilt them for not spending enough time with their baby, so they whisper argue in one room, while the subject of their disagreement sleeps in the other:
Elrick: Do you care more for your work or your own child? The listener: I care more for our new developing state. Elrick, almost furiously: What? Is the state going to care for them?! The listener, calmly and seriously: Yes, for them and for many other children who are much less lucky. Elrick: *angrily drops his spoon on the plate*
The sudden loud clink wakes up the baby and it starts crying in the other room, the listener shoots Elrick an unreadable glare, while getting up from the table and leaves the room, closing the door behind them. Elrick drops his head on hands and tiredly rubs his eyes, hearing his partner's shushes in their human tongue he doesn't understand. Soon the crying stops but they don't return, so he goes to check on them and faces a heart-squeezing scene - his spouse, still in their work clothes, sitting on the floor by the crib with the baby on their chest, both of them asleep. He has half the heart to just join them there, but the voice of reason wins and he very carefully picks up them both to put them in the bed together, where after dealing with the dishes and ditching everyone's shoes he does join them after all. He's going to get a tongue lashing from his partner for not waking them up, but that's tomorrow.
Flashback to the first few days they spent together when he would find them asleep at the desk and carry them to the bed and they would wake up huddling for warmth because the electricity has been long gone and they don't have enough firewood.
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all-seeing-ifer · 11 months
hehe thank u milessss I will try to answer these about ok19 for you <3
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
oh no contest it's that Ali Hakim has a wife and kid that he left some nebulous period of time before the musical (crucially this marriage happened under exactly the same circumstances as his marriage to gertie). based on absolute jack shit in terms of evidence but man it works so well. it just fits his vibe
if we're talking specifically about headcanons I've actually written or at least intend to write though.... I mean I feel like most of our playing with oklahoma characters like dolls counts. The curlygertie insanity based on one second long interaction... the two billion hypothetical laurey and ali post canon convos extrapolating from the one scene they have together in canon..... anyway I truly don't know why I'm telling you any of this like you're not always the first person to hear it but we move
oh yeah I guess I also did write a 9k word fic about cordy and angel getting platonic married for child custody. which by my personal overton window is perfectly normal but I will admit that if you're not in the qpr-ifying m/f couples lifestyle it is a bit out there
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I love writing Laurey she's so complex and tragic I rlly need to do it more tbh. When I finally get to the laurey chapter of tbak it's gonna be all over for everyone lemme tell you. Also Jud if I'm being completely honest with myself, he just. he has so many problems. it's very fun to write about
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Depends a lot on the source material! With ok19 I'm a lot happier playing in the sandbox so to speak, possibly because there's just a lot less canon material there. With something like the buffyverse I'm a loooooot pickier - there's certainly some canon deviations I don't mind or even approve of (love women. love when they're alive) but there's also a lot of bits of canon that fic just doesn't work for me if it doesn't have them
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misdre · 2 years
(more headcanon meme) (skipped aging headcanons because i want my fictional guys fresh and beautiful and then i kill them off)
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❤️ Romance headcanon:
to copypaste from the previous one: max is a disaster bi(/pan) and flirts left and right with anything and anyone, could probably romance a tree if he tried hard enough, and touching is his love language. he shows very openly when he likes someone, but on the other hand it can be hard to tell when he's actually romantically into someone because he's like this all the time anyway. and he flirts jokingly as well. it gets confusing to people at the receiving end sometimes. once in a relationship though, he'll smother his partner with so much attention there's no doubt to anyone that they're together. even if he still does a bit of playful flirt with other people as well. i feel like max probably wouldn't mind being in an open relationship or polyamorous
rei is a dense idiot, he doesn't get the hint when someone likes him. [looks canon in the eye] he's a very traditionally romantic guy and likes roses and candlelit dinners and that kind of stuff. he gets flustered easily and tends to be a bit of a drama queen because his feelings are always so Big and Intense. he becomes very troubled when he really likes someone because it's such a big deal to him. his love language is doing favours to the other, maybe also giving gifts. he's pretty cheesy in a relationship because of his ideals of romance.
for them romancing each other, i basically have two base ideas of how they get together. either it's mutual pining with zero brain cells for a really long time because rei doesn't realise max is serious with him and max has no idea rei likes him back and probably thinks he's straight (and someone else maybe needs to bring them together), or it's a smooth friends-to-lovers sailing where they just kind of. are together all the time, and it comes so naturally to them, they don't even need to question the other's feelings. this latter is actually my canon compliant version but it doesn't make a very exciting story arc for writing purposes, so most of my fics are the former. if i wrote something that featured other characters as the main and rei and max would just be in the background as a couple, it'd be the latter. well maybe 15 fragments of summer is a bit like that though idk
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