#my poor phone's storage rip
005mins · 1 year
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (179)
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noxtivagus · 2 years
🫣 hopefully gna have a lot more free time this week so i'm gna play so so much games
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r0-boat · 7 months
taps empty gift card against table
So werewolf!Red, huh?
∾ 【 Rouge Anon 】
Big Red Wolfie boy! Give him head pats and scratches
Werewolf!RedxGn!reader hcs
Life on Mount silver
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You live secludedly at the Foothills of Mount Silver. Not all of the mountain is covered in snow. There are beautiful fields of green where the snow melts, giving the plants water and nutrients to thrive. Fertile soil falling from the mountaintop's water eroding the ragged rock into soft, leveled soil perfect for your little cottage and the food you grow to sustain you and your Little livestock animals. You make the wheat and veggies and too delicious bread and home-cooked meals, and the leftover seeds go to your hungry chickens. Your compost bin is filled with nutritious rotting food for the worms you use as bait for to catch fish in the rivers nearby.
Discussing and screams of your chickens had an alarmed you. Abandoning your breakfast you had been cooking on the stove You rush outside your cabin. With a shovel in hand you were prepared for the last time that pesky fox will try to sneak into your chicken pen! When as you get closer do your coop you've noticed the chicken wire you place to keep the natural predators out we're torn and ripped open and your poor little sweet chickens home giant hole in it One thing was for certain. A fox did not do this. Gripping your shovel and standing your ground you sneak around to get a better look at the hole. The creature who made the damage was still there!
A big beast the size of a man perhaps even bigger black fur large ears a snout with razor knife like fangs. Has your chickens seemingly unharmed coward in the corner The beast in front of them laid motionless it's breathing shallow as it laid unconscious. It's black fur soaked in a red as it pooled onto the wooden floor it's formatted with scratches all over its body as if getting out of a huge fight.
Now, seeing as this thing was damaged and beat up. It broke into your chicken coop, yes, but it did not do any harm. You were fair but not a monster. Even so, you couldn't kill the thing even if you tried. You hated to do this, but your last resort was calling animal control or some kind of service that takes care of these kinds of giant beasts. You rush inside to grab your phone, and when you return, the beast is no more, something that puzzles you more. A half-naked man now lay where the beast was.
Confused and rightfully kind of scared, You still helped the man over your shoulders, blood staining your clothes as you carried the man into your house. Now, you were no doctor, but you knew how to do basic first aid, wrapping up his wounds and soaking the bandages in rubbing alcohol before laying him down in your bedroom; your guest room has been occupied with storage at the moment since you were not expecting a visitor. With your breakfast now ruined... You start to work making soup packed full of soft vegetables and nutrients. He woke up upon smelling the delicious dish you were making.
You didn't hear him You didn't see him when you turned around you jumped the man you helped was right there brown eyes staring down at you never realized how tall he was standing there silently. You held a bowl of soup in your hand wanting to give it to him in bed but.... "I-i found you laying in my chicken coop You were hurt but... I see your better now? I made this for you?"You held the ball of soup up to him You heard him hum as he takes it wincing in pain as he holds the bull gently in his hands He forgotes the spoon drinking it straight from the bowl He lets out a growl shaking his head. "It's hot it's, be careful" You speak softly. The Man let's add a home in return blowing on the soup before drinking again.
He was too hurt to go back to where he once was, wherever he was from, so he stayed with you for a while. He did not talk much, really at all. He only told you his name every now and then, making sounds. You've learned very quickly to know what he meant. You've learned that the giant beast you saw in your chicken coop was him when you finally cleared out to the guest room for him to use somehow; when you woke up, you noticed a giant beast wrapping its arms around you, holding you close. When Red tried to call you down as you were yelling and freaking out, he changed into his human form... Realizing that Werecreatures are real was a hard pill to swallow.
Even when you said goodbye to him, Red was a frequent visitor. You don't even know how to get in. You don't remember giving him a key. You would come back from hiking or guarding in your backyard to see a giant wolf sprawled on your carpet, his tail swishing from side to side beside your fireplace, cold to the touch, and his fur dotted with snow.
Red wasn't very affectionate. He would always be in the same room very close to you, but physical affection was foreign to him. All he would do was lean against you or touch you in some way, and that was enough for him. But you did notice that even when his face would stay blank, his tail would make slight movements. He was a dog, after all, less of a wolf and more of a golden retriever, even with his scary face. And Red happily lets you play with his ears, tail, and fur.
Red came over a lot, It was nice to have a visitor. And red light that he could sleep in an actual bed instead of wherever he could find on Mount silver. Every time he would come over unannounced or announced by a knock on the door It was almost as if you read his mind having extra dinner prepared or the guest room prepared for his stay. And when he would come over with cuts and scratches from tussling with a big animal you would be there to patch his wounds.
It was obvious that Red was protective over you Even when you're out hiking around Mount silver or trying to find natural herbs spices Red watched you from afar. But he didn't notice that other eyes were on you a mountain lion it's claws gripping The Rock it was hiding behind it's paws and thumbs flexing its claws aching to feel flesh around them. The big creature leaped tackling you to the ground. It's tail whipping around You were terrified too terrified to scream You only saw a blur of black and red tackling the mountain lion off you. The two of them tumbled it looked less like a fight to the death and more of play fighting. Red quickly overpowered the lion has it laid out of breath and exhausted on the ground You saw it change its shape to a more human form "so this is what you've been hiding from me?" The human panted giving red a smirk "Buddy how could ya? thought I was closer to you than that!" You flinched one the man stepped closer to you. "Names Blue. Sorry about all that, just felt like play'n. Cuz I'm a big cat and all."He seemed so nonchalant giving you a cheeky smile. "Seems like you already met Red. He don't talk a lot so he doesn't make friends easily so how the hell did he get a pretty human like you huh?" Red still in his wolf form slapped Blue across the head when he called you pretty. "What I can't call your little secret pretty?"
You are patching up blue is wounds later glaring at Red for biting him.
Now you have two giant were animals showing up on announced You didn't know taking in a man would lead to you waking up with a giant were cat pawing at you for food in the middle of the night or him on top of your roof laying in the sun. And Red inside your house laying as usual spot near the fire or in your garden watching your chickens.
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spotaus · 26 days
please know whenever you give any ichor lore in either tags or a post, i am going
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i love love love lore drops.
Wooo!!!! It is so freeing to hear that, thank you haha!!! Everytime you rb or ask or smth I always kinda just go
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AND. Y'know- ya know what this gives me the chance to do??? LORE DUMP (putting it under the cut because it might get long lmao-)
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I went back on my old phone (basically my art storage system) to find some old art of Ichor!! Like, the four pieces above are not completely Canon anymore, (I couldn't draw Paps to save my life 😭) but this was from before I had decided how Ichor and Reward were created!
The first one labeled 'Judgement' is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of New God aged Ichor! This was when I had it planned that Ichir was the God of judgement abd he made some poor choices so Balance chipped a piece of his power into Reward and Ichor had to raise him. That's no longer the case, but the design transfers over! In the second one 'Punishment and Reward' you can see that Balance's Halo was going to be on Ichor too! This is technically something he *could* manifest still but he deeply chooses not to. The design from 'Eclipse Era' for Ichor is 100% accurate. This was the Era when Ichor ran away from the god's to go stop a prophecy + ended up falling in love and having a full mortal family. (They- they're dead as hell but uhhh-) Then the training fits were scrapped, but the concept continues. Ichor has to train to keep himself healthy since his godly magic is weakened, abd Reward drags him out to do little exercises once they're trapped in the Catacombs!
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Another thing is this one specific tree? (Looks goofy af, ignore that- it's meant to be a weeping willow but fluffier lmao-) It's on a ridge a few mountains away from Mt. Ebbot, overlooking a mountain village that Ichor always went back to. It's their sacred tree, but Ichor was the one who made it so different. Smth smth his blood got to the roots once. But basically if he's mourning, if he's celebrating, if he has any big occassion he goes to this tree. It would break his heart if this Tree was ever cut down or severely damaged by anything that wasn't Weather related.
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And (old art again, rip my skills-) once upon a time, Ichor could manifest Dragon Features from his magic! Now this translates into a Canon ability to turn into a dragon-ish beast form, but that's more his bones reshaping and less Gold Magic Manifestations lol. He's always had a connection to dragon-vibes, and because he doesn't use gaster-blasters, he *is* the blaster. Only when he needs it though. (And with the chains he can't change shape at all, so that's only a post-story kinda thing or pre-chains thing lol-)
I also have another scheme cooking (two, actually?) One with his Sons (the immortal ones that exist in Catacombtale and escape into the Omega Timeline if that happens-) and the other is Regarding the first drawing I ever made of him and doing a comparison lol- Hoping this was fun lore in the meantime!!
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now i haven't finished the dream thieves yet (i'm like,,, 7 chapters away from finishing) and i think this may contain spoilers???? but i'm not too sure yet. i'm basically gonna word vomit. i'm sorry for not using any quotes, i wish i could but i only have the ebook version and a very limited storage space on my phone where i can only have ~two books downloaded
like a normal person, i enjoy listening to video essays, see what creators want to explain to their audience and leave with a certain view, try to come to my own arguments about certain points in the videos, see if i can apply some points to other aspects of my life etc etc. (this was the type of shi that helped me with my eng lit essays rip i miss alevels) and like a normal british citizen i looked up stuff about classism in the uk. in the end, i found a video essay about classism in general and how the ultra rich try to mimic being poor to get away from their hard issues that comes with being rich (which, frankly, is probably a lot less compared to someone who is working class).
recently, i was talking to my friend about specifics in the book about certain characters and i remember we went onto the convo of making music playlists for the characters. they said "it's gonna be hard for adam [...] cuz his whole thing is about being unknowable" and it always struck me with how unknowable he truly is when reading his character because his character is intrinsically linked to his working class background. (context: i'm a middle class child of immigrants who built themselves in the uk)
it's very clear the kind of social commentary stiefvater wanted to make using adam's character with how isolating and alienating it can be coming from a working class background trying to assimilate yourself into a society of those protected and privileged enough to not have any problems with accessing opportunities. how class is a huge obstacle between interpersonal relationships and feeling safe enough to be vulnerable with your issues with being working class. how difference in class can cause one-sided shame because of the meritocratic society we're living in. how, no matter how much money you earn or how many connections you can make, your attachment to your working class identity can be enough reason to aim for something supernaturally larger than yourself.
it's evident that other characters overlook adam's social class because he's a "self-made man" (or smth) and mainly because he's their friend: adam. however, when we get a chapter in his pov, class is a driving factor in how he interacts and views everyone. we can see the privilege gansey and ronan have for being able to not even consider class as an intimidating aspect about themselves to a normal person, but it's everything to adam in the sense that he feels like his earned money doesn't give him access to a similar respect.
now that i truly think about it, it was a good idea for adam not to join them in monmouth manufacturing because it just feels like they're... mocking him in an indirect way? they have the ability to choose to live in a nice place and instead chose to live in a random, run-down building because it seemed aesthetic. adam was forced to live in a rundown trailer because that's all they could have afforded. i know gansey had good intentions for wanting adam to join them, but everything that he likes as an aesthetic (monmouth manufacturing, the run-down camaro, eating mint leaves instead of gum) can seem like he's flaunting the fact he can choose that lifestyle without any consequences.
back to the point of the meritocratic society (which we usually assume in books that take place in a similar world as our own) creating shame because of their class: the assumption that because someone has worked hard to earn what they have gives them a right to be proud. but this is the opposite for adam as he fights with the fact that he could have maybe be seen as even more equal to gansey if he had just been born with wealth.
we can frame it as, maybe, despite gansey's desire to appear working class, it only broadens the distance between him and adam. it only worsens adam's difficult relationship with his class shame despite probably wanting to be more relatable or even laid-back.
when reading the second book after his sacrifice, i was confused as to why adam was so un-adam-like. i mean, in the first book i didn't really understand him because of his huge insistance that his class makes him inherently inferior to everyone he surrounds himself with and i don't see class as an issue myself.
however, his sacrifice basically was watering the seed of ambition that was planted when he decided to aim for aglionby. it becamse clearer to me how much this opportunity to be superior, even if it's supernatural and terrifying, is important for him understanding in what he thinks he lacks. by those thoughts of what he lacks, he thought that this chance to be cabeswater's channel could be a way to compensate for his inferior social class. or something.
anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk. this is not proofread, and my sister keeps nagging at me to shower. also i simp for gansey do not think this is me trying mischaracterising him i'm just trying to understand the theme of class in this series and having gansey as a figure to compare to is literally integral.
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just-jessie0 · 1 year
Pip of a Raptor - The Death of the American Dream (Chapter 2)
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“Alfred don’t forget your helmet,” Linda called out to the chubby-faced fourteen-year-old who darted around the compact living room, gathering various supplies, and stuffing them into his backpack. He twisted and turned to avoid the worn corners of the coffee table, scraping its edge, and displacing the crocheted runner his mom had made to conceal the stains and warping from nearly a century of use.
“I know, Mom,” Alfie replied absentmindedly, his mind focused on ensuring he packed all the necessary gear for the bike ride to Jon’s house. After rummaging through his younger brother’s scattered toys on the floor in the corner of the room, he located his mask and neck protector, adding them to his backpack.
The past week had been agonizing for the poor boy. Upon returning home and explaining his report card, Alfie had been placed under house arrest for the first week of summer. As soon as Jon left after dinner, Linda confiscated Alfie’s cell phone and threatened to confine him indoors for the entire break. After Alfie complained, whined, pleaded, and finally groveled, Linda decided that a week without his cell phone, along with some manual labor and Monday night math study sessions throughout the summer would teach him to try harder in his studies next year. Alfie reluctantly agreed, knowing he wouldn’t receive a better deal.
During the past week, he mowed, weeded, vacuumed, dusted, did laundry, and organized closets. His already rosy cheeks had turned scarlet due to all the sun, and tan lines from his socks and shorts had begun to appear on his legs from all the outdoor work. His sandy hair, closely buzzed, did little to shield his head from the strong rays, which even stung his scalp.
After a long seven days and some persuasion from Alfie’s grandfather, Linda acknowledged that the Alfie had learned his lesson. If he vowed to maintain his Monday studies, he was free to enjoy the rest of his summer days.
“… and don’t forget to ask Mrs. Breyer if she needs any help with the preparations for the baseball fundraiser,” his mom continued from the kitchen, “Mrs. Breyer has been such an angel helping Grace and I with all the scheduling for the league, and I know how stressful all that planning can be without the proper…” Alfie’s eyes shifted back to the issue at hand.
Where was his camouflage jacket? He could have sworn he left it by the old fireplace. Maybe Austin had moved it again; he always touched his things without asking.
“Mom, did Austin take my jacket?”
Without waiting for a response, he headed into the small dining room, which was rarely used for anything other than storage. He sifted through some cardboard boxes that were lined up against the wall until he found his jersey and his brand-new red dot sight which he received for his birthday, still wrapped in its packaging.
He was so excited to show the sight to Jon. Jon always had the coolest toys, like the Rival Range Nerf Guns with the mount or the Lego Star Wars Super Star Destroyer, but he didn’t have a red dot sight for his paintball gun, and that was their plan for the day.
He quickly ripped the packaging off the scope, crumpling it up and shoving it back into the box before placing the scope in his pack. Slinging the backpack over his shoulder, he made his way back into the living room and started the frantic hunt for his sneakers, once again weaving around the cramped room. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t notice the looming figure limping his way into the room until Alfie ended up running straight into the man’s hip.
The round-faced child met the gaze of an equally round-faced senior. Despite the years slightly curving his spine, Alfred Sr. still stood half a foot taller than most other adult men. He wore a simple white T-shirt tucked into worn jeans, held up with blue suspenders. His hair had thinned and fallen out decades before Alfie was born, and the kitchen’s light reflected off his smooth head.
“Where’s the fire, kid?” Alfred Sr. said, giving Alfie’s head a grind with his knuckles before shuffling past him and settling into his old leather chair in the corner of the room, directly across from their ancient box TV.
Alfie turned to his grandfather smiling.
“Me and Jon are going to bike down to Mr. Brown’s house and hang out by the pond,” Alfie said with a pitch in his voice which hinted at the child’s excitement at the prospect of adventure. He momentarily abandoned the search for his sneakers, fully focusing on the imposing figure in the chair. “We’re having a paintball match!”
“Jon and I,” Alfred Sr. corrected, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
“He will also be asking Mrs. Breyer if she needs help organizing the baseball fundraiser,” Linda said, entering the room and approaching the pair. She gave Alfie a knowing look before crouching down to hand her father a steaming mug and a multivitamin.
“Coffee, Dad?”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he leaned forward and kissed his daughter’s cheek before falling back into the chair with a gruff sigh. “And he’ll remember, won’t you, kid?”
“Yeah, I will,” Alfie said, beaming up at his granddad. Alfred Sr. leaned down to whisper in the boy’s ear as his mother walked back into the kitchen.
“You’ll also remember to watch your six,” the man said, winking as he took a sip of his coffee. Alfie furrowed his brow and nodded seriously, determined not to forget the sage advice.
“I won’t,” the child responded with determination. “I’ve also been working on my situational awareness, just like you told me.” He stumbled over the phrase, as if his ears had heard the term but his tongue still found it unfamiliar. The young boy straightened his back. “Jon couldn’t even sneak up on me last time,” he added smugly.
“I’ll be damned, kid,” the grandfather said, clapping the young boy on his shoulder. The force of the push combined with the weight of his backpack was almost enough to topple Alfie over, but he managed to regain his balance with a giggle. “One day you’re going to be the best marksman in the military. I know it. Commies won’t stand a chance with you on the force.”
Alfie puffed up his chest with pride.
“Go have fun, kid.”
“Bye, Pop-pop.”
He turned away from his grandfather and entered the adjacent kitchen, where his mother handed him his long-forgotten shoes, along with his cameo jacket.
“Mrs. Breyer?” Linda raised an eyebrow.
Alfie fought an eye roll. “I know, Mom.”
Quickly lacing up his weathered sneakers, Alfie snatched his helmet from on top of the washing machine and bolted out the open door at the back of the house, the outside screen door clattering against the door frame with each swing.
It was mid-morning, and the day was already humid. June was still too early for the worst of the mosquitoes, but the onion grass grew tall and honeysuckle bushes were in full bloom and Alfie could already feel the slimy sensation of nasal drip in the back of his throat. He rubbed at his itchy eyes and sniffled. No one else in his family had allergies, and he knew he would have to ask his mom to pick up some Benadryl from the grocery store the next time she went.
Alfie stepped onto the driveway and made his way to the small shack on the other side of the pavement. The door’s hinges had long rusted away, requiring some persistent tugging from the child before it finally yielded. As he peered into the dimly lit shack at the jumbled heap of handles, tires, pedals, and brakes strewn across the floor, a wave of annoyance washed over him.
He placed his helmet on the pavement behind him before stepping into the shack to begin untangling the four bikes that were laying on top of each other. His little brother, Austin, had to be the one responsible for this mess.
He managed to extract Austin’s stupid baby bike from the conjoined bike mutation, carefully setting it on its stand on the driveway pavement. Next, he started pulling on the back tire of his mom’s bike. Or maybe it was his dad’s; he couldn’t really tell.
He knew he could tell that Austin wasn’t listening when their dad had shown them how to put the bikes on the bike rack last summer. Alfie had told him to listen, but Austin insisted on practicing his ninja moves instead of paying attention. Alfie couldn’t deny that his little brothers spin kick did dramatically improve within that 15-minute time frame, but he still didn’t understand why his dad never yelled at him.
Austin got away with everything. He never paid attention and he never said his ‘please’ and ‘thank yous’. When he refused to eat his dinner last night, Mom got up and cooked him hot dogs.
She never did anything like that for him. When Alfie refused to eat his Brussel sprouts, his father gave him a sermon about starving children far less fortunate than himself, insisting that he remain at the table until he finished everything on his plate. Alfie sat at that table long into the evening with his plate from dinner still in from of him. In that moment, frustration had welled up at the injustice of Austin and his special hot dogs, while his own Brussel sprouts had grown cold, taunting him from his plate. Eventually, his frustration had given way to boredom, and he reluctantly picked up his fork, skewering a mushy sprout and jamming it into his mouth.
Alfie huffed, wheeling his parent’s bike out and placing it on its stand next to his brother’s.
He was still surprised that he managed to get all nine of the Brussel sprouts down and he only almost threw up twice.
He went back inside and repeated the process with the other parent’s bike before bending down to inspect his own, the unfortunate victim at the bottom of the bike pile. The chains and gears seemed to be in good shape, and there wasn’t any chipping of the paint. He gently ran his finger along the frame, checking for any minor scuffs.
Pop-Pop had helped him paint it. For his twelfth birthday, he had asked for a motorcycle. Not a real motorcycle, he was quick to clarify, just a kids’ one, which had to be less expensive than a real one. He knew they existed because Jace Kechel had bragged about receiving one for Christmas that year.
“Please,” he had pleaded with his parents, “I’m going to get all A’s this year, and I promise I won’t ask for anything else ever again!”
“Sweetheart, motorbikes are dangerous. You’re too young, and even if you were older, I wouldn’t want you to have something like that,” his mother had replied.
Alfie remembered the sinking feeling in his chest. In his twelve years of life, he had already learned that he couldn’t change his mom’s mind when she believed his safety was at risk. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but continue his plea.
“What if I help pay for it? I can start a dog-walking business in the summer,” he had suggested, his voice rising as he grasped for hope. “And what if Jon and I start a lemonade stand?”
“Where will you get the money for the lemons?” His father had chuckled.
“Please, Mom!”
“Darling, the answer is no. Besides, those types of toys are very expensive, and I doubt we’d find any stores selling them unless we drove all the way to King of Prussia.”
“Motorcycles for kids,” his dad said with a smile, shaking his head. “We were just grateful to have marbles, remember, Lin?”
“Didn’t even need those; all I wanted was to jump rope with my girlfriends.”
Alfie had wanted to be just like Jason Lee Scott from the Power Rangers, a heroic teenager riding his red motorcycle, fighting evil aliens with the power bestowed upon him and his superhuman team by the mighty Zordon. But he knew he’d never be as cool as Jason Lee Scott without the motorcycle.
The following day, his grandfather took him to Walmart to buy aerosol cans of red and gold paint. Alfie wasn’t entirely sure what his Pop-pop had in mind until they laid out a paint-splattered blue tarp on the driveway pavement and brought Alfie’s bike out from the shed, removing the wheels from the frame, and placing them aside. Using painter’s tape, he began to tape off certain sections of the frame.
“You don’t need any of that expensive crap,” Alfred Sr. said, giving the red paint can a vigorous shake, the little ball inside clacking from side to side. “All you need is a little imagination and some elbow grease.”
Soon, the once black frame had transformed into a deep blood-red, with metallic gold wheels, resembling Jason Lee Scott’s iconic motorcycle. Once the bike and wheels were complete, Alfred Sr. taught his young apprentice how to create spray-painting templates from cardboard. Together, they traced the visor shape of the Rangers’ motorcycle helmets, creating separate sections for each part of the helmet, which they’d used to painstakingly paint Alfie’s bike helmet to match the headgear worn by the superheroes on the show.
Jon had teased him about the helmet, likening it to something his younger brother might wear, but Alfie didn’t care. He loved it and wore it proudly.
After conducting his thorough inspection, he returned the rest of his family’s bikes to the shed. He grabbed his dad’s paintball gun, which was propped against the wall, closed the door, and then placed his helmet on his head, securing the neck strap. Swinging his leg over the bike, he kicked up the stand and pushed off the pedal, propelling the bike down the driveway, carefully avoiding the cracks and potholes that had accumulated over the years and ventured onto the rural Pennsylvanian street.
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siconetribal · 2 years
You're My Everything
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10
Warning: Verbal Abuse, undiagnosed mental illness, and mild mentioning of childhood trauma
Author Note:
And here is another attempt at my portraying a supportive relationship with Jason Todd. Please let me know what you think.
“What the hell do you even know? What good are you if you don’t know anything, huh? Why are you even there?” He shouted at the top of his lungs from the balcony that overlooked the double ceiling family room. “I don’t know, I don’t know!” His voice boomed overhead, sarcasm pouring from every syllable as he mockingly repeated her simple answer. It was a surprise there was no vein protruding from his neck from how angry he looked, his eyes bulging from their sockets as he glared down at her. “What good are you? All you do is sit on your cellphone anyway! Wasting my time! They told you they didn’t get the files, that means they didn’t get the files! You’re a liar! A good for nothing! What do I even pay you for, goddammit! You can’t even do a simple task of transferring files to the cloud storage at the end of the day?”
“We were out of town for uncle’s funeral.” She reminded her father, her voice nearly quivered, but she held her ground. This was nothing new, and it was certainly not the last of his explosive outbursts. Ignore it, don’t argue back. It’s the same stupid thing and he’s not going to listen. Why waste your breath? What more am I supposed to do when all of them use me as a means to get away with everything? I’m supposed to do the files, confirm the appointments, deal with the billers, do medical records, answer the phone calls, make sure they all come in on time, make sure they all message him when they aren’t coming into the office but don’t use the phone too much so he isn’t bothered, coordinate with the adult daycare facility, work on the RPM, work on the CCM, make sure the telehealths are done, make sure the copay is collected, make sure the MAs are in the rooms with him when he’s with patients, make his tea, make sure he has his lunch, and do the scanning! I’m on the stupid phone because I’m sending messages to the NP and the other RPM staff! They complain about the scanning being done only by her but when I try to take it she says it’s fine and that she’ll do it! Am I supposed to snatch it from her?! What the hell do you even want from me? I don’t know why they didn’t get anything, I made sure to send every stupid file again the day we came back! The corners of her eyes stung as her father continues to berate her in English and Urdu.
Her mother silently sat with her, unable to assist her in any way. What could she do? He would just tell her to shut up and start the blame game of how she and her siblings were all corrupted by their mother, who intentionally poisoned their minds against him. It would only prolong this situation and she wanted nothing more to do with it. Was it a continuous toxic cycle? Yes. Was there a potential to fix it? Yes. Would it ever be fixed? No, because he failed to see his own shortcomings. Though a dedicated and loving father at heart, he was a man with many ignored childhood traumas and a very likely case of undiagnosed bipolarity. They held countless family meetings trying to change and better the dynamics, but in the end his issues would be triggered, and his poor defense mechanisms would kick in with guilting, emotional blackmailing, and self-victimization. 
This is nothing new. Just sit quietly and listen. Let him say wherever he wants to say and it’ll be over. He’ll forget about it and act like he didn’t just start world war fifty. She refrained from rolling her eyes as she took the rapid fire insults came ripping through her mentally and emotionally like cannonballs ripping through an enemy ship. She glanced at her smartwatch at the nudge of a vibration.
<Hey, is everything ok? Do I need to come over there?> The text appeared under a name: Jay Jay the Jet Bird.
Shiitake mushrooms, I forgot I was texting him! Her heart dropped to her gut. Him coming will definitely make all hell break loose! She gritted her teeth and quickly replied from the circular screen; <one sec, busy.>
<Let me know when you’re free.> The reply quickly came back. The small distraction was more than enough to help keep her quiet long enough for her father to return to his home office. As he walked away, he continued to loudly complain about her as if she were not there, but he knew his words were heard by her. She glanced at her mother who looked hurt and lost, just like she always did in these situations. What could she do? Any attempt of her trying to push back was met with greater aggression, and her mother was not the fighting type.  Not wanting to talk about it, she shook her head and pointed to the basement door.
“I’m gonna head down to my room and just stay there, the longer I’m out of sight, the faster this will blow over like usual.” 
“You can’t just stay in the basement, there are household chores to do.” Her mother frowned, ready to reprimand her for shirking her eldest daughter duties.
Are you kidding me? The last thing I wanna do is even breathe in his general direction, you want to just stay here and do dishes that aren’t even done yet? A bunch of us haven’t even eaten dinner yet, if I do them now, I’ll need to come back again. “I’ll do them later. Plus, what are your other kids for?” Gosh darnit Napa, I shouldn’t have said that!
“So, just because they don’t do it, you won’t? I’m the only one who’s supposed to do the work around here? What am I, everyone’s maid? What are you going to do when I’m dead?”
And round 500 with the maternal unit! She internally groaned. “Mom, mom, I’ll do it! Ok, I’ll do it! Just wait until all the dishes are in the sink!” She quickly cut in, looking at the balcony to make sure he had not heard them.
“Finish them before 10. We need to clean the kitchen before 10. I don’t want to go upstairs with a dirty kitchen and I don’t want to come back down eleven or twelve o’clock just to clean! I can’t go to sleep with a messy house.”
“I know, I know! Mom, I know!” She insisted. “Now, I’m going down!” She quickly went through the doorway and shut the door as she took the flight of steps down to the spacious basement and plopped onto one of the menu plush sofas with a heavy sigh. Her head was pounding and her chest was throbbing but she pushed through, pulling her phone out of her pocket. <Sorry, I’m free now.> She lay back across the love seat, her legs dangling over one of the arms when her phone and smartwatch both begin to light up and buzz continuously.  She glanced at the screen to see the handsome face of her secret boyfriend and sat up, swiping the green phone button after slipping in her earbuds.
“Hey,” she managed the simple greeting, but sounded utterly exhausted. She hated how she sounded, knowing he went through so much worse and was always risking his life. He was fond of the tone. He preferred her happy and upbeat, or going off on some tangent about something she was really into at the moment.
“Damn, you sound horrible. What happened this time?”
“It’s nothing,” she insisted. He was silent and she knew it meant he was not budging. “Really, Jason, it’s nothing new. I’ve been through this sorta thing hundreds of times already, there’s no point talking about it.” She flopped back onto the sofa.
“That doesn’t make it “nothing”. Aren’t you the one who’s always on my ass about how, regardless of how many times, you’re always going to listen and be there? Let me be there for you, too. I’ll listen,” his promise made her smile.
“No rushing over and causing a scene?” He fell silent again. “Jason, you have to promise you are going to just listen.”
“Fine, fine! I’ll just listen! I’m not going to threaten, maim, or harass anyone!” 
“Nor are you allowed to tell anyone else to do it.” She added, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.
“Goddammit, fine! You win, just listening!” He begrudgingly agreed. “But that means you’re not glazing over anything! I get to know everything.” It was her turn to fall silent, debating if this was a good idea.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll tell you everything.” Her voice came out a lot softer, weaker, than he anticipated. He definitely was not a fan of this. 
What the fuck happened? He didn’t hit or something, right? He frowned as he moved further away from his friends. They had just finished a mission and were passing the time doing their own things, so he thought about texting her to let her know he would be back home soon. The delays in her responses was not out of the ordinary, it was not always easy for her to text him back when her family was around. It was the short responses that quickly became no response for a lengthy time that clues him in that she was not in a good situation. “Hey, pumpkin butt, is everything ok? You don’t,” he stopped speaking the moment she began telling him about her day.
It started out just like any other day, in fact it was one of the better ones, with praised from patients and sincere gratitude from her father for all the help she was giving him at his private practice. It confused him a bit on how things could have taken such a drastic turn, but he was not surprised since it happened so suddenly more often than not with her father. And just like always, nothing parked a raging fire of vitriol and insults. What threw him was the quiet sobs he heard from the other side. They have talked about her home life many times, and she has cried about it before, but never has she ever just broke down crying so quickly and painfully like this. He gripped his chest at the heart-wrenching sound of her tears.
“Why aren’t I good enough? Why would I lie to him? Why can’t he just believe me? I’m always trying so hard! I do everything he asks as best I can, I even gave up my own career to come back and help out! He was just going on about how grateful he was this afternoon, and now suddenly I’m even worse than Satan! What did I do? Why am I always such a failure? How much more can I do when I’m already doing so much? Am I ever going to be good enough? Maybe if I wasn’t born, he’d be happier.” 
“No,” he snapped. She instantly went silent. Crap, calm down! He took a few deep breaths, running a hand through his hair, when he felt a few pairs of eyes on him. He turned and shook his head, waving them off as he moved further away. “Baby, you aren’t a failure. You’re one of the brightest, dorkiest, and greatest people I know. And I know some pretty badass people. Actually, scratch that, you are the best person I know. Never say you shouldn’t have been born. If it weren’t for you, I’d be lost doing even dumber, more reckless shit than usual. I’d never met my book-nerd buddy and best friend. I’d be living off of microwaved pop-tarts and takeout. If we never met, I wouldn’t have known what love is. You are my everything, so please, don’t every say things like you shouldn’t have been born.”
“Really?” Her voice was a little hoarse from the sobs. She knew he would never just say things like that, but she felt so vulnerable and fragile right now that it was too good to be true.
“Of course, really. You’re the girl that’s made my bad days better. I can say without a doubt that my life has changed since I met you. You gave me a gift I never thought possible, you loved me when I couldn’t love myself. I wish I could find the words to describe your eyes that share your warmth, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smiles makes my heart skip a beat, I just, fuck! I wanna just hug you right now!” He grumbled, wishing he was somewhere nearby to take her back to his place.
“Thank you, Jay Jay, I love you too.” She smiled, rubbing at her sore eyes. “Gosh, I feel like such a big baby! You’re out there risking your life, and I’m here having a breakdown over words.”
“Not all of us can be superheroes.” He chuckled. “Getting beat up physically is way easier than mentally. Speaking of my line of work, we actually ended up finishing a little early and will be heading out early tomorrow.”
“Wait, really?!” She sat up at this exciting news.
“Yeah, I should be back in like two or three days. Think you can pencil me in between dealing with billers and scanning a bajillion documents?”
“Well, if it was a bajillion plus one, there would be no way. Since it’s just a bajillion, I can work something out.”
“Dork,” he snorted.
“Excuse you, I am not a whale’s penis!”
“What the fuck?!”
“You heard me! If you don’t believe me, look it up!” Hearing her laugh was music to his ears, regardless of how utterly strange the conversation was right now. 
“Yeah, yeah, hold on.” He pulled his phone away from his ear and tapped on the search bar. “You’re totally making this up thou-what the fuck?! Why do you know this!?”
“Cause I do? And that note, sweet dreams pop-tart! I’ll see you when you get back.”
“How the hell am I supposed to have any sweet dreams when you’ve ruined my innocence like that?! I’m not going to get a wink of sleep!”
“Oh, you’ll be fine! I’ll make it up to you when you get back, ok? Also, thanks for listening.”
“Anytime, baby doll, anytime. Good night, I’ll see you soon.” He ended the call just as he heard someone walking over, turning and walking back to the group with a slight pep in his step at the promise of holding his lady love once again.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
First of all, congratulations to 3k once again 💜🥳
Second of all, I may have teared up a little when I saw you tagged me 🥺🥺🥺💗 ily
And finally, my spin results:
Kink: bondage and edging
Character: Ransom Drysdale
Prompts: "I don’t want to be able to walk tomorrow so fuck me harder." and "If you interrupt me one more time."
I feel like this would be perfect for our two favorite assholes 👀😂 But do with this what you want, it's gonna be awesome either way 🥳
This is so good for the OTP babe!!! Thought about putting this on in the sex dungeon but decided to make it a little softer.
Smut (cockwarming, use of sex toys, anal play, reader ismore of a soft dom in this one (but that’s actually worse for Ransom), little bit of fluff) no minors!!!
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“Baby, please. I can’t take any more.” Ransom let out a tortured sigh when you turned the intensity on the vibrator down again, his orgasm receding as you nibbled on his collarbone. 
“Aww, poor puppy.” You slowly kissed your way up his neck until you could suck a bruise against his jaw. “You know what to say if you really want it.”
Tears started leaking down his cheeks when you clenched around him, but he still had that set to his jaw that made you think he was gonna keep being a brat. Even with the vibrator buzzing against his prostate and your his cock buried in your pussy, he still wouldn’t cave and give you what you wanted. 
Unfortunately for him, you were absolutely fine torturing him for hours on end. Not like when he edged you and brought you to the precipice of your pleasure as fast as he could over and over so you would give in to him as soon as possible. 
But you could actually control yourself. It had been almost three hours since you’d tied him to your massive bed, the silk ropes around his wrists and ankles stretching him wide across the mattress, just enough slack in them so he could relax against the pillows. All the comfort in the world couldn’t help his escape from the torment you were inflicting on him, though.
The toy started buzzing faster inside him at the same time you started rolling your hips and he let out a pitiful whimper, sweat covering his entire body in a thin sheen as you started slowly drawing him towards his peak again. You felt him squirm underneath you and grinned against his throat before licking your way up to slot your mouth over his, your movements growing more deliberate as you did your best to get him worked up.
There was a buzzing from the nightstand and Ransom groaned when you sat up to grab your phone, your cunt flexing around him as you stretched to reach it while still keeping him fully sheathed in you.
“Oh my god, it’s Anne!” Your face spread in a wide grin as you texted back, starting to bounce yourself on Ransom’s cock without actually acknowledging him.
“Who?” Maybe if he kept you distracted with conversation, you’d finally let him come. He couldn’t remember you ever mentioning an “Anne”.
“My best friend? We’ve know each other since college.” You frowned at him before turning back to your screen. “I know I’ve talked about her before, Hugh.”
“Well, you talk about a lot of stuff, baby.” He was trying not to writhe underneath you, he was almost there, he needed to keep distracting you. “Why haven’t I met her if she’s your best friend?”
“She was helping with the opening of her company’s new offices in Amsterdam for the past year.” You slowed your movements down as you continued talking, trying not to look too happy when you heard him whine. “Apparently, data management and storage is a lot more involved than you would think.”
“Ah, shit, I don’t fucking care!” He was done, wrenching against his restraints wretchedly as he sought any form of friction. “Just make me come, you bitch.”
A desperate sob ripped from his chest when you went completely still, his body sagging against the bed in defeat when you shut off the vibrator, too. You just gave him an impassive stare as you watched him cry, crossing your arms over your chest while you waited for him to wear himself out.
“Now, that was pretty fucking stupid.” You reached up and dragged a finger through the tears that were staining his cheeks, bringing it up to your mouth and sucking the salty liquid between your lips as you glared at him. “I hope you feel better after that little outburst, because now you’re gonna have to stay quiet and still while I call my best friend.”
He just stared at the ceiling while you dialed the phone, panting with exhaustion as he tried to regain some control over himself. This was the longest you’d ever drawn him out, and he was cursing himself for being such a stubborn asshole.
“Anne? How the fuck are you, you bitch?” You ignored his sad little huffs as you chatted with your friend, winking at him and stroking his chest when he finally brought his eyes back to yours. “Why are you texting me so early? Isn’t it, like, 6 AM there?”
Forty-five minutes, that’s how long he had to listen to you chatting with that bitch he’d never even met like he wasn’t in the room. He’d only tried to get your attention once, moaning your name and trying to roll his hips underneath you until you gripped his jaw and muted your phone as you scowled at him.
“If you interrupt me one more time, I’ll leave you tied up here, frustrated, for the rest of the night after making myself come all over your chest. Close enough for you to smell and think about how fucking good my pussy tastes until whenever I decide to let you go in the morning. Now be good.”
He didn’t move a muscle for the rest of your conversation, knowing that you never made empty threats. It was surreal laying there, listening to you tell your friend about your relationship while your pussy was wrapped around his cock like it was the most mundane thing in the world. He wondered if this friend of yours knew how big of a freak you were.
“Alright, babe, let me know when your flight gets in and I’ll pick you up. Love you!” You looked positively giddy when you tossed your phone on the nightstand, curling over and pressing your lips to his until he started struggling against his bonds again. “Puppy, you did so good. And now I’m in such a good fucking mood with Anne moving back to the States. I’m gonna ride this big dick until you fill me up.”
“Ah, fuck.” His eyes rolled back in his head when you turned the vibrator on again, losing himself in the mixture of sensations as you sat up over him again and started to drive your hips against his. “Baby, shit, you feel so fucking good.”
“I know, puppy.” You reached behind you and placed your hands on his knees, leaning back and arching your spine as you continued grinding against him. “Ngh, love this big cock so much, hits me so fucking deep. You know how hard it is for me to just sit there with you inside me and not fuck the brains out of you? Why you gotta be such a damn brat?”
“Can’t help it, you’re too fucking cute when I piss you off.” He grinned when you rewarded him with a dark chuckle, the rhythm of your hips and the speed of the vibrator holding him right at the edge. “Baby, c’mon. I don’t want to be able to walk tomorrow, so fuck me harder.”
“Aww, you want me to break you, puppy?” You turned up the intensity before pulling off him almost completely, then dropping back down to meet his hips and moaning when he screamed for you. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Fuck, he wished you’d untied him, he just wanted to hold your tits in his palms when he watched them bounce like that. A frantic chant of “yes” and “fuck” and “ungh” started falling from his lips as you basically drove him right to his peak then shoved him over the edge. The choked cry he let out when he started shooting his thick load into you had you coming right behind him, his body jerking wildly underneath you as he did his best to break out of his restraints. You let him ride it out as you creamed all over him, moaning low in your chest until his movements finally stilled.
“Jesus fuck, puppy.” You ran your fingers through his chest hair as you beamed down at him. “Now, say it so I can untie you and we can take a bath.”
“What?!” He looked at you incredulously as you cocked an eyebrow at him, huffing out a frustrated breath. “I thought we were finished.”
“Not until you say it, Hugh.” You shook your head at him. “I have no problem spending a night in the guest room if you insist on being a brat.”
“Fine.” God, he was fucking adorable when he pouted. “I’m sorry I watched Mindhunter without you. You were just at work so long, and it’s so good!”
“No excuses.” You bent to give him a peck on the lips and work at undoing his bindings. “I accept your apology, but it better not happen again, Hugh.”
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stormvanari · 2 years
Darius: Demoman
Raine: Sniper
Eber is Eber (Themselves)
Healing CH: Medic
Potions CH: Pyro
-TF2: Your Team Lost
-This amazing rock remix of TF2-Intruder Alert
Unfortunately, due to nealry busting my phone’s storage when I was working on this, not all mercenaries are present in this dub. So, rip to the following content that did not make it into this dub:
-Adrian, Terra, and the Construction and Oracle Coven Heads were supposed to be dubbed over by other mercenary voices not present in the dub.
-The clip was supposed to be extended, hence the above feature. Similarly, this dub was supposed to be saved by itself like the other TF2 x Coven Head dubs I have done, but I am forced to show my work here to save this dub.
-And I am too poor to buy new storage for my phone.
....But I like the end result, nonetheless: the second half of this clip was fun to do. Now to take a break from video editing, and actually get back to studying for exams.
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takemealivelh · 3 years
midnight city || gang!luke
gang!luke, rival gangs, mentions of drugs, alcohol and violence. smut. 2k. part 1.
feedback is appreciated
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he wiped the blood off his knuckles. the feeling of beating the shit out of someone is a rush of adrenaline. it’s like getting high on coke, but he doesn’t deal with that shit. he’s known many people who do hard drugs and then end up in trouble, or dead. he appreciates his life so much. luke likes being the leader of the diamond forsaken. a mafia that dedicates its time to drug transactions and occasionally prostitution. luke doesn’t fuck with that either, at least not recently. he met this girl in a bar and he’s been thinking about her for over a month. they’ve been on a few dates, and the sex has been great. she has a great sense of humor and he can tell she’s got street smarts, which he likes. he couldn’t fathom the idea of being with someone who gets scared about his job.
“you good, bro?” ashton, luke’s right-hand man, looks over at the bruises and leans against the sink of the bathroom, lighting a joint. their day is done and it’s time to go party. luke beat the shit out of a dude who didn’t give them their money and he threatened to go to the police. there was no way they would let him leave the storage unit without a warning. luke choked the man and broke a few ribs. he’s used to the job. it’s not like he was always like this. he used to have big dreams about forming a band and become a good musician. but he fell into the wrong crowds, and now here he is. dealing drugs and other sketchy businesses. everyone in la who knows about their mafia, knows not to fuck with them. they would end up dead. the police don’t do anything, they know how dangerous they are.
luke dries his hands with a paper towel and runs his fingers through his golden locks. “yeah,” he says. he’s never walked out of a fight with anything more than a few bruises. he does boxing on his free time, so he knows how to throw a lethal punch, and knows how to avoid poor kicks.
“i heard the grey lilies will be there tonight. i swear to fucking god those girls... i would bang every single one of them, but... you know...”
the grey lilies were a girl gang. they dealt drugs, too. that’s why they were a rival to the diamond forsaken. they never got into a physical fight, but there were many times they were about to. having the best clients was a problem for the male gang, but at least they had more people wanting their goods. but still, luke was pissed that they had a quality over quantity problem. he’d grown accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle. a good place to live, the most delicious takeout, and fancy cars. 
“for real?” luke looks over at his friend. he hides his excitement. sure, the grey lilies were trouble. but their top dealer, jackie, was the most fascinating creature he’d ever seen. their dates had been fun, exciting, thrilling. the idea of a secret hookup with their enemy was another rush of adrenaline. one that he actually preferred, if he was being honest.
it’d all started at one of the parties. luke knew jackie, or at least he knew her face and what she did for a living. he was jealous she did so good with clients. she was charming as fuck. they didn’t mean to show up at the same place at the same time, but sometimes the gangs coincided. “did you get the dresnners?” she’d asked him as she took a seat on the stool next to him. her caramel-colored hair was in a ponytail and her eyeshadow was pastel blue. she wore ripped jeans, an oversized white t shirt, and high-heeled boots. the look suited her. she looked like the vocalist of an 80s inspired punk band.
luke scoffed. he knew what she meant. they had been fighting over the dressners for weeks and they decided to go with the grey lilies. that night, the diamond forsaken got blackout drunk. “no, but you did.” he finally said, looking down at the glass of vodka in his hand. 
“yeah,” she chuckled and ordered a beer. luke had always thought jackie was pretty interesting, but they’d never talked. not much, at least. just a few words here and there, mostly passive-aggressive shit. but the bickering was also part of the job. that night, though, that night neither felt like fighting. they were already buzzed. jackie took a swig of her beer and looked at him. “you wanna go outside? i got a joint. it’s legit shit, this.” she smiled.
it’s not like he frowned, but something among those lines happened. but fuck it, he thought. “sure. lead the way.”
they went to the terrace of the bar and lit up the joint. luke coughed a little and she laughed.  “i told you it was legit.”
luke and ashton walk into the club like the kings they are. everyone stops to look at them. but shortly, they resume their activities. which mostly consists of getting drunk and high. the two men make their way towards their usual booth. michael and calum are already there. calum’s with his girl. a black beauty who gives incredible head, his words. luke takes a seat and drinks the beer in front of him, swiftly drifting off the conversation to look around. he hasn’t seen the grey lilies, but he hopes they get here soon. bathroom sex sounds good right now.
“how was the guy?” michael asks as he throws a couple of fries into his mouth. ashton tells him that luke did a good job in silencing the motherfucker. “three ribs? man, that’s dark. but cool.” he laughs.
everyone seems to stop talking again, and luke shifts his gaze towards the door. the grey lilies have arrived. they look like a grunge band. their leader, lea, wears combat boots and net tights. but his eyes are focused on the girl whose moans keeps him up at night.  she looks gorgeous in that oversized that jacket that seems to swallow her whole, but still barely covers her ass. he wonders if he looks okay, sexy. he didn’t have time to change, and he hasn’t shaved in a few days. his motorcycle jacket has a few stains, but at least they’re not blood.
jackie finds him staring and she puts on a smirk. she pats the pocket of her jacket to let him know that she’s got weed on her. they rarely ever not get high together. that makes her wonder if this, this between luke and her, is just a side effect of the drug. but she doubts it. she actually likes him, even if she despises his friends. they all seem idiotic to her. luke notices the action of her hand and he immediately looks down at his drink. “imma go to the bathroom.” he announces, even though no one is hearing. they’re too into the story about the miami trip calum and his girl took last weekend.
luke stands up from the booth and snakes through the crowd. he catches a glimpse of jackie, who’s making her way towards her regular booth. “meet me outside in five,” he texts her. he watches her check her phone and smile down at the screen. 
“they’re gonna kill us if they see us together,” jackie says as she pulls out the joint from her pocket. she knows the grey lilies hate the diamond forsaken. they think the other gang are all egocentric assholes. she used to think that, too. but she met luke. and he’s actually a sweet guy. he’s really smart, too. the strategy they use to get more clients astounds her. but it’s nice to know that the grey lilies have the better clients.
luke watches her light up the joint and he leans against the wall outside of the club. it’s dark outside and the air is cold. there aren’t many people in the terrace, but he doubts anyone will say anything about them being together. getting high together. “then we’re just gonna have to keep it a secret.” his smile is shy, and jackie thinks he’s the most adorable man. even if he has bruises on his knuckles from probably beating up some shady guy. she passes the joint and luke takes a drag. “you wanna come to my place later? i got some cds i wanna show you.” they’re both big music nerds, and he loves that. they sit on the floor of his room, high out of their minds, and they listen to oasis, jane’s addiction and red hot chili peppers. 
“i don’t know. lea wants to do some kind of after party tonight. and i kinda want to be there.”
luke nods his head, he’s sort of disappointed, but it is what it is. he knows the gangs come first. it’s all about loyalty. that’s why he’d be fucked if anyone of the diamond forsaken members came out right now. but he knows they don’t smoke, except for calum occasionally -rarely, actually. so he’s not worried. 
“come here,” jackie smiles as she plays with the zipper of his jacket. they’re incredibly close and she can feel the smoke coming out from luke’s mouth. she kisses him softly, licking his bottom lip. with eyes closed, luke feels stars bursting inside his lungs. he really likes her. “give me that,” she orders and he hands her the joint.
they keep smoking until there’s nothing left and they stare into each other’s eyes. jackie isn’t one to maintain eye contact, but she feels safe with luke. even if he’s forbidden fruit.
the men's bathroom is empty. they had to sneak in so the others couldn’t see them. luke made an excuse about going to the bar to get more drinks even if the counter was crammed. jackie said she was going out for a smoke. it’s all hands and sloppy kisses as they lock the door of one of the stalls. luke bites his lower lip as his back is pressed to the white door and jackie drops to her knees. “you gonna make me feel good?”
“imma make you feel so good, baby,” she grins and unzips his pants. he’s already hard from all the making out in the terrace. so it’s not surprise that his cock springs up as soon as his briefs are pulled down to his thighs. jackie licks the tip and he shudders. he’s gotten a fair amount of blowjobs in his life. the first one from one girl that attended his school and she thought he was going to be a musician one day. but nothing compares to jackie’s mouth. her tongue slides down his length and he closes his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. she’s ecstatic that she can make him squirm in front of her. she likes being in control, even if it doesn’t always happen. luke can be pretty dominant in the bedroom. taking her from behind roughly and choking her. jackie puts his cock in her mouth and she starts bobbing her head to the rhythm of the loud bass coming from the other side of the bathroom door. luke appreciates the little detail. his senses are heightened and it feels like she’s one more instrument adding to the song.
“fuck,” he curses under his breath as he feels the tip of his dick hit her throat. she takes him in so good. she’s an angel. luke looks down and he sees her eyes staring up at him, a subtle smirk on her lips. “you’re- you’re-” he’s trying to say something but his brain doesn’t work. the pleasure is too intense. he hits his head against the door and closes his eyes once again. he’s about to cum. exactly at the same time he hears someone come into the bathroom. fuck. “stop, stop,” he whispers to jackie and cups her face to get her off his dick. she looks through the slit of the door and sees someone she recognizes washing their hands.
“shit,” she mouths. “michael.”
if you wanna be added to my tag list pls let me know!
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1@rip-lukes-balsamic @angelbabylu @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove  @problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @bloodmoonashton @lilacsos @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls @dweebluke @rosecoloredash @@hotmessmichael @calumspeachy@ashtonsunshine @wonderland-irwin @ashtonandcalslefthand @post-traumatic-mess @damselindistressanu @c-dizzle-swizzlex @mycollectionofnuts @calteahood @rainingcal @o0idk0o @cals-eyebrows​ @kingxnichole @placeoftime @tirednotflirting​ @stylesofhemmings​ @sunshinelukee​
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20moonchild21 · 4 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 6
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JK x female!oc, bunny!Hybrid!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, leopard!Hybrid!Jin x human!female!oc, JK x female!oc x Jin
Describing of injuries, mentions of suffering, mentions of former abuse, traumatized Jin, angst, crying
I hope you all have an amazing Sunday today! I am still stuck in my exam period, but fortunately it will be over soon🙏🏼
If you are interested in a Jimin!Hybrid Story, I can highly recommend you to read Inferiority complex written by the cutest author ever @starlightauroras-main! Please, check out her profile and leave her a lot of likes and motivating comments. She deserves it so much!
Also, check out the the other profiles that inspired me to write my own story. You will find the links to their profiles below this chapter.
If you have an other recommendations or criticism for me, I am always open for it!
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 5 ||| chapter 7]
“Now, if you press this button the camera will snap a photo.” She explained to Jungkook, who was staring at the smart phone in her hand.
“A photo.” He just whispered to himself, before he carefully took the small piece of metal out of the girl’s hand.
He turned the phone in all direction, slide his fingers over it and even lifted it up towards his nose to sniff it. His eyebrows cocked up, before he let it sink down again. Carefully, he tipped his finger right in the middle of the touchscreen. When nothing happened, he looked confused and turned it again, before he suddenly began to shake it up and down wildly in his hands.
“Hey, hey, hey!” The girl laughed, as she tried to stop his moving arm. “Be careful, Jungkook. It’s really breakable. If you want to take a picture, you have to press here. Look.”
The girl took the phone back and stood up from the couch. She kneeled herself in front of the bunny Hybrid, who was once again looking at her with wide eyes.
“Say cheeeessseeee.” She said in hight voice, hoping that he would smile for her.
Of course he didn’t smile. In fact, his confused eyes flickered to his right side, trying to get an answer from his brother, who was sitting at the very end of the couch to Jungkook’s right side. He was looking up from the book he had asked for permission to read earlier, his face showed the same confusedness as Jungkook’s face.
When Jungkook had showed him the girl’s book shelf earlier, his eyes had caught the colourful cover of the big cookbook which she got from her mom when she moved into her very first apartment. He hadn’t exactly asked her to read it, but the girl had seen the way his eyes had moved over towards the bookshelf from time to time, like he was bursting with curiousness.
When she had told him, that he was free to read the book whenever he would like to, he first had shaken his head, but eventually he had shyly asked her again while the three of them were sitting on the couch. Since then, he had been sitting accurately at the end of the sofa, completely absorbed in the pages of the book.
“Jungkook!” She tried to get the boy’s attention back. “Just smile at the camera.”
Jungkook ripped his eyes away from his brother. When his eyes met with the girl’s phone, he didn’t smile, though. He just kept looking confused, but really adorable at the camera.
When she was done taking some more pictures, she quickly saved it to her album, before she sat back next to the bunny, showing him the photo she had taken.
“And where do they come out?” He asked curiously, as he tried to look for something on the phone that would print out the taken picture.
The girl just laughed again. He was so innocent and adorable when he tried to understand the world around him. His curious personality seemed to suck up as much information as it could get, like he was a toddler that just needed to explore the world around him.
“My phone can’t print the picture.” She smiled at him, keeping her secret that she would give him his own picture on the wall. “But it is safe and sound on my phone, and every time you want to see it, I can show it to you.”
Jungkook didn’t look convinced at all, but after a few seconds of just staring at the girl, he shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to his note book that was still laying in his lap.
Hope shook her head. The whole day he had clued to his note book, sketching and scribbling wildly over the white pages until they were filled with thousands of lines. He didn’t even tried to play the guitar or read in his favourite book, which he did every day.
She sighed. Maybe he just had to process the previous days and that’s why he tried to organize his thought in his very own special way. She would let him.
“I will prepare dinner for us.” She said and stood, smoothing her leggings. “But first I would like to take a look at you injures, Jin. I think it is time to change the bandages. O – Of course only if you let me.”
The leopard was once again looking up from his book. The girl could see the discomfort in his eyes, as his eyes flicked to Jungkook for a moment and then back at her, before he nodded almost unnoticed.
“Okay, I will just get the first aid kit.” She turned around and got the kit from the storage, before returning at the couch.
Jungkook had laid his note book aside and was now sitting next to his brother, who had already removed his shirt. Both of them were holding hands with each other the whole time while she felt over his body.
The smaller scratches at his front were still swollen, but at least they had stopped bleeding over the day, so she could remove the bandage completely. She tossed the used bandages aside, before she carefully applied a healing salve his injures. Jin hissed in pain, as the cold gel touched his sore and sensitive skin.
“I am sorry.” The girl whispered when she saw Jin squeezing Jungkook’s hand harder. “But it will help your injures healing faster.”
After another few minutes, she was done with his front side and slowly moved towards his back, that looked much worse. Though the big scratch on his back was still covered by the bandage, the girl could make out the red stain of blood that had soaked the white material. She carefully removed it, trying hard to not hurt the poor boy more.
“This looks bad.” She whispered to herself, as she looked at his back.
“Will he be okay?” Jungkook was looking worried between his brother and the girl.
“Don’t worry, Kookie. It looks bad, but nothing we can’t fix.” She tried to give him a bit of optimism, as she weakly smile at the bunny. “It will be better from now on.”
This scratch there was the worst of all. Even if she wasn’t a doctor, she could clearly see that it was infected from all the dirt and dust that had come in contact with the open wound. Hope took the wet clothe that she had placed next to her and began to whip of the dry blood, before she applied a small amount of salve as well and wrapped it up with a new, clean bandage.
“All done.” She pulled of the used hand clothes and tossed them into the bin as well.
Jungkook helped Jin to put on a new shirt, while the girl cleaned up all the supplies she had used. When she was done, she made her way over into the kitchen, starting to prepare dinner for the three of them.
While she waited for the water to boil, her gaze fell once again onto the two Hybrids cuddling at the couch. When she had found Jungkook, she had thought that his injured wrists and knees were bad, but it was nothing in comparison to Jin’s.
She wanted so bad to believe that it was okay now, because both Hybrids were safe here, with her, but she knew that such a kind if misuse was not a single case. There were thousands of Hybrids, that weren’t as lucky as Jin and Jungkook. Hybrids, that suffered every day and absolutely no one cared about them, until it was too late.
How could she ever change something in such a cruel world?
The dinner went over the same way as the breakfast. Jin hesitated at first to eat his food, always looking at the girl to ask for permission, but eventually Jungkook managed to convince him, so he ate least at half of his plate. Afterwards, both Hybrids helped her to washed the dishes, before she announced that she would take a shower.
When she was done, she quickly brushed her hair and changed into her pyjama, before returning back into the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she stepped around the corner, while her heart swelled at the scene on the sofa.
Both boys sat on the sofa. Jungkook had laid his head onto his brothers shoulder, cuddling up close to his, while both of their bodies were half covered by the big, fluffy blanket. They had their head turned towards the TV on the wall, watching with wide eyes and open mouths how the yellow figures were running around the screen. They were so fixed on the flickering screen, that they didn’t even noticed how the girl had pulled out her phone, taking the most adorable picture of the two brothers.
She saved the photo into her special album. This would definitely be the picture that will end up at the wall.
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“….And then she found me sitting in that alley.” Jin listened to every word Jungkook told him. “She took me in and gave me food and something to drink, like she gave you.”
Night had already taken over the day, and both boys were lying in the double bed in Jungkook’s room. The day had stresses Jin out more than he had ever thought.
Everything about the girl and her life overwhelmed so much, making it really hard for him to process the smallest things. In addition to that, he still felt weak and vulnerable with all the injures covering his body.
He didn’t know what the girl was planning to do with them, and it was hard for him to believe that she acted out of kindness. Humans weren’t nice. They had proven it to him more than enough times. He tried so hard to believe her act, trying to believe it for Jungkook, but he just couldn’t.
This girl…Hope…had bought him from those evil people. She had taken him and Jungkook in, given them some food and a bed to sleep, but when would they have to pay the price?
He sighed lightly and looked over at the bunny, who was still talking like a waterfall. Jungkook looked much better than the last time Jin had seen him. He wasn’t just a pale, skinny boy anymore. His cheeks were plump and full, covered by a natural shade of slight red, the fur on his ear wasn’t greasy and messy, no, it was literally shining and smooth. And when did had he gained those muscles?
He closed his eyes. All those days sitting in this cage in the basement, hoping and praying for Jungkook to be somewhere save had been a torturing for him. His owners adopted him a few years before Jungkook from Korea. They kept in locked in there, alone and scared, only getting him out when they needed him to fight some other Hybrids. But the day they brought Jungkook home, the scared looking, skinny bunny, he knew that he wanted him to have a better life.
Jungkook had been the only reason he kept fighting all those nights. If it wasn’t for him, he would had given up a long time ago.
After Jungkook had escaped that night, the punishments had been worse than before. They looked him up, kicked him or slapped him with that heavy belt. Luckily for him, the inspectors had found the doping liquid in his blood, so they blamed that on his behaviour. If they had found out the real reason he had put up that show, he would be dead by now.
“Jungkook, you know we can’t stay forever, don’t you?” He eventually whispered when the room felt silence.
It broke his heart to see Jungkook’s ears dropping, as he mentioned their parting, but he would never allowed someone to hurt his younger brother again. They had to leave before the situation would turn into a bad one, and they once again would be caught into a nightmare.
“B – But Hyung.” The bunny’s voice cracked, and Jin saw a tear forming in the corner of his eyes. “I don’t want to leave. I like it here and – “
“Jungkook.” Jin’s voice wasn’t angry or loud, as he interrupted him. “You know we can’t. She did more than enough for us. She saved you, and that’s more than I could ever ask for. But she won’t let us stay forever. Why would she? We’re nothing but a burden to her live.”
Jungkook thought for a moment. He fiddled his fingers over the soft duvet, wiggling himself deeper into the soft fabric and next to his brother.
“But she said that – that she liked having me around.” He whispered again, still staring at his fiddling fingers. “And she saved you, too. Maybe if we would ask nicely, she would allow us to stay.”
“I don’t think so, Kook.” The older one sighed slightly, pulling his brother closer into his arms, burring his nose in his hair. “She will soon start to work. She will find herself a boyfriend and then there won’t be enough space for us anymore. I am so sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes went even wider when he mentioned the word ‘boyfriend’. Jin hadn’t missed the way the younger one talked about the girl. Jungkook saw her as his saviour.
“But – But I thought that maybe – “ He tried again, but Jin knew what he wanted to say.
“Forget it, Kook.” He stopped him in his mid-sentence. “It’s impossible. You will never be more to her than a Hybrid. And even if, what would the people think of her? They will laugh about her. Do you want the people to laugh about her?”
“No! But she wants to defend Hybrids in front of the judge.” Jungkook was desperately trying to make up a reason to not leave the girl. “She likes Hybrids.”
“But she also said that she will not earn much money.” She whispered into Jungkook’s hair. “She will struggle to have enough money for herself, how should she provide us? She will give us away at some point, Kook. It will happen, sooner or later.”
He lifted his and whipped the tear away, that had slide down the bunny’s cheek.
“But Hyung.” Jungkook seemed to accept the fact that they had to leave soon. “Can I take my book with me? It is my favourite and I want to read it again.”
“You can’t, Kook.” Jin whispered back. “There is no room for us to carry a book all the time, beside, it is her book. She will not give it away like that.”
“O – Okay Hyung.” He sniffed and buried his head into the blanket. “But when will we leave?”
“We will wait until my injures are not infected anymore. So I guess a few more days are left.” A gasp left Jungkook’s mouth, but Jin kept talking. “I met a fox Hybrid at the last fight. He told me about the circus a little bit outside the city. He is staying there, too. They are getting foot and a place to sleep. We will try to get a place to stay there.”
“But I don’t want to leave, Jin-Hyung.” Jungkook cried harder, breaking Jin’s heart with every word.
“It will be better like this.”
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Jin had stayed with her and Jungkook for a few days now. He and Jungkook seemed to get closer and closer with every hour they would spend together, which is actually a good sign to see, but something has been going on with Jungkook since the day Jin had arrived.
He wasn’t the bubbly, happy boy anymore, who would be lying on the couch upside down, reading his book, or helping her preparing dinner for the three of them, like he did before. He even barely spoke to her at the dining table, which got her worried the most, because usually, he could talk like a waterfall. She barely ever say him again, because he stayed in his room with Jin, and if he was out, he sketched in his note book like crazy.
Hope didn’t say something though. Maybe he had just a bad phase right now, or it was still strange to him that he has his brother around, who also had a difficult past. She had told him several time before, that he could came to her whenever he had problem, so she hoped that he would really come to her when something bad was bothering him.
Jin was another case. He was very polite when she saw him. He would answer her questions with few words, or help her to set and reset the table, before he and Jungkook would disappear in their room. But nothing more.
She sighed. She really missed the times she and Jungkook sat on the couch together, watching the Simpsons all night long, of how they played the guitar together. She had hoped so hard the she would find such a good connection with Jin as well, but with every passing day, this wish seemed to fade away.
It was almost 5 pm, when she decided to stop working. She closed her laptop and leaned herself back in the chair she sat in. Normally, Jungkook and her would be sitting on the couch, talking about random things. She smiled at the memory, when both of them had debated for hours who the best Simpsons character was. She didn’t know that the boy could be so stubborn.
The appointment at the authority was also coming closer and closer, and she still hadn’t talked to the boys about the adoption. Maybe it would cheer Jungkook when he would hear that she wanted to adopt him and his brother. After all, he felt comfortable in her apartment.
She stood up from her chair, bundling all her braveness to talk to the boy, when she heard a door opening.
“Oh, perfect timing you both.” She said happily, as she saw Jin walking out of the room, followed by Jungkook. “I wanted to talk to you. Can you take a – Jungkook? Are you crying?”
The bunny didn’t reply. He just kept his head down and tried to hide behind his older brother. The sound of his whimpers filled the room. What was going on here? First, he started behaving strangely, and now he was crying heavily, something bad was going on here, and she didn’t like the way it went.
“Jungkook, what happened?” Are you okay?” She tried to take a step forward, wanting to comfort the boy, but Jin stopped her.
“We are very thankful for everything you did for me and my brother, Ms. Hope.” He politely bowed his head, before he turned around, nudging Jungkook’s arm slightly. “Come on.”
Jungkook hesitated for a moment, before he dropped his ears. Her heart broke when his swollen eyes looked up at hers. He had clutched his favourite book tightly to his chest, before he turned his head around, looking at Jin. Jin just nodded sadly.
“What is going on? You are scaring me guys.” She tried to make a joke, hoping that this situation wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
Jungkook, however, sniffed again, before he stretched his arms out, holding the book out towards her. He didn’t looked into her eyes.
“Oh Kookie.” She sighed. “If it’s about the book, you can keep it. I don’t want it back.”
The bunny just shook his hand and pushed the book more forward, until she finally took it from.
“Okay, we will leave now. Thank you again for anything.” Jin suddenly said, laying a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder and pushing him towards the front door.
It took the girl a while to finally process the situation. This situation wasn’t just bad, this was a farewell. The two Hybrids wanted to leave her…forever. Her mind was racing with questions. Why would they want to leave all the sudden? Did she make them feel uncomfortable in some way?
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” She pushed her feet into the ground, running over to the door and blocking it, before Jin could grab the handle. “You can’t just leave. Why would you leave all the sudden? Did I make you feel uncomfortable? Where you want to go? It’s not safe for you to be out there alone.”
Panic filled her voice and her heart began to beat faster. This was not liked she had planned to the day to end. She felt her eyes swelling up with tears, as she realized that they were serious.
“We don’t want to pull you down, that’s why we are leaving.” Jin said calmly, before he bowed gain. “We are very thankful for all your efforts, though.”
“Okay guys, let’s not rush this, okay?” Her eyes flicked between Jungkook, who was still sniffing and not looking up at her, and Jin, who locked at the girl confused. “First of all, you have never been a burden to me in any kind. Neither you Jin, nor Jungkook. I know that you are scared that I will hurt you at some point, and I know that those people threatened you badly, but I am not like this. How could I ever hurt you? I know that haven’t known each other for long, especially not the both of us, Jin. But I want you to know that those 4 week were one of the most happiest weeks I have had in a very long time. Since I can think, all the people I care about left me. My father, my mother, my friends. They all left me without a reason, not even saying goodbye. I thought that I was meant to be alone, but since I took Jungkook in that night, my live became happy again. He made me happy. And I didn’t save you, Jin, because I had to, I saved you because I care about you and Jungkook. I just – I can’t force you to stay with me, and – and if you really want to leave I won’t be the one to stop you, but I am begging you to think about it again. Please.”
The room was left in silence after she had stopped speaking. No on, especially not the two Hybrids knew what to say or what to do.
“I don’t want to leave.” Jungkook suddenly cried.
He made a few steps forward and just threw himself into the girl’s arms. He buried his face into her neck, with his arms wrapped tightly around her slim waist. The girl wrapped her arms around the bunny, softly driving her hands through his deep brown hair, whispering sweet words into his ear.
They stayed like this for several minutes, until Jungkook pulled away from the girl. She took his face in her hands and softly whipped the tears away from his wet cheeks, before pressing a short kiss onto the top of his nose.
“Do you really care for us?” She moved her eyes away from Jungkook in front of her. “You really care for us enough that you let us stay with you without any conditions? What will the people think about you when – “
“I never cared about other people’s opinion about me.” She quickly interrupted him. “They can think about me whatever they want to think. Only I know what is true and what is false about my life, and only I decide who I want to have in my life or not. You and Jungkook, you deserve so much more than to be treatened like animals. I know that I can’t offer you much, but I want to try to give you the life you deserve, a life love and safety. I am begging you to give me another chance. Give me a chance, and if you want to leave after that again, I won’t stop you.”
Jin’s gaze dropped to the ground, his ears sinking down. Hope knew what for a hard decision he had to make, and she knew that he didn’t decide whether it was good for him or not, but if it was good for Jungkook or not.
“I – “ She coughed, not knowing if her idea would make the situation better or worse. “I actually wanted to ask you something earlier. When I bought you, Jin, from those people, I had to sign some adoption papers, so I can legally take you with me, but I still haven’t changed your owner status at the authority, wanting to let the choice to you, whether you want to stay or not. I also wanted to ask Jungkook, if he would be okay with me adopting him, once I am at the authority.”
Both Hybrids were staring at the small girl with their eyes open.
“Are you really serious?” Jungkook eye’s seemed to pop out of his head, sparkling brightly.
He hugged the girl again, while Jin just looked with wide and teary eyes at the girl.
“Can you promise us, that you will never hurt us in any way?” Jin had the tears standing in his eyes.
“I – no I can’t.” She whispered, knowing that any other answer would be a lie. “I can’t promise you that everything is going to be perfect, and I can’t promise you that I will always make the right decision. But I can promise you that I will never leave you, and that you will always find a friend in me, don’t matter what will happen in the future.”
Jin kept looking at the girl, not saying anything.
“Hyung.” Jungkook turned back towards his brother, taking his hand in his. “Please, let us stay with Hope. Please. I don’t want to live on the streets again, not knowing what will happen next. I am so scared.”
Jin’s eyes flicked between the girl and his brother. Anything he ever wanted was for his brother to be safe. The girl made him happy, he saw it too. But the fear, that at some point she will change her mind and break his heart was still sitting in his bones. Never again, he would let anyone hurt Jungkook again.
But then, she had never showed any hints that she wanted to hurt them. Should they really take the risk and stay with this human for the rest of their lives? He had no clue.
“We will – “ He looked into the begging eyes of his brother. “Okay. We will stay.”
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[Inspirations | Recommendations]
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x20: Carry On
Warning: Boris is a salty, sad fangirl right now so the first part of this recap might be more bitter, reductive venting than is necessary. Please skip ahead to enjoy Natasha’s far more nuanced and enjoyable second half of the recap.
The Road So Far: Cue Carry On Wayward Son
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Salmondean Winchester, the boy with the demon blood and daddy’s blunt little instrument, finally defeats Chuck and gets a taste of true free will
*Fun domestic montage*
Sam Dean gets a dog! (Okay, fine, Miracle is super cute, and a complete stand-in for Cas --but that thought just sends me on another anger spiral.) 
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Dean squeezes the shit out of that dog, and I hurt for that touch-starved man. 
Sam goes for a run, so like, I guess his life is the same. (thanks to Dean always protecting him and allowing him some normalcy in life) (I’m bitter, remember?) 
Dean Sam makes breakfast! Dean brushes his teeth! Sam is SHIRTLESS one last time! 
*Shirtless Sammy Alert*
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Dean’s room is INEXPLICABLY messy! I do get what this whole montage is doing, and it’s nice, but I’m pretty sure when Becky said the fans like the domestic stuff, it was supposed to include CAS AND OTHER FAMILY. Basically, overlay the Where’s the Angel? gif all over this sequence for me. 
And finally, we find the boys are still hunting. Because freedom is just a length of rope. 
Dean finds a case, but first they have to stop and get pie! Yay! Dean loves pie, and women, and fast cars. Grumpy-faced Sam humors his big, dumb brother. Yay! 
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Dean Sam thinks about Cas and Jack. Dean brushes off the thought with a Wherps, gotta keep moving attitude, and I already WANT TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE. Sam then pies Dean in the face, so we have that. 
In suburban America, a mother starts to ready her children for bed. There’s a knock at their door and the father answers it. There’s nobody there, and as he turns around, he’s knifed in the back, his wife looking on in horror.
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Skull masked killers enter the home. The mother and children run upstairs. The mother is quickly dispatched, and the kids soon follow. 
Agents Singer and Kripke check out the crime scene.
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They learn more about the parents: exsanguinated and throat ripped out father, tongue ripped out mother. The children are missing. The cop shows a drawing of the killers. Dean (in a wildly out of character move!) uses his photographic memory to remember a case his fucking father botched back in the day. Dean pulls out the journal (MY GOD THERE’S BEEN NO GROWTH) 
For TFW Science (because Cas is the tree):
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They determine they’re dealing with a roaming band of vampires. 
At night, a couple of vampmimes arrive at a house. Dean beheads one right away. Sam shoots the other with dead man’s blood. Dean removes the mask to reveal a normal looking vampmime. Why the masks?? Dean wants answers, and Dean “I’m not a killer” Winchester threatens the vamp with a quick death or slow death (with a spoon). The vamp spills the kids’ whereabouts. 
*Much Anticipated Barn Scene Alert* 
(Psych! Don’t get your hopes up, what lies ahead is bullshit.) 
The masked vamps are crawling all over the joint, but Dean and Sam Winchester can handle it! This is a milk run! They get the kids free and face the big bads. 
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Fight! Chop! Slice! The boys are overwhelmed. Sam gets knocked out one last time. Dean’s held down to the ground so OMG GUYS!!! JENNY IS BACK!??!?!!? I CAN’T FUCKING BELIEVE THEY GOT HER BACK!! (This joke is so old by now and it’s only been 3 days, sigh.) I did not remember her at all (but then I’m a TFW purest and tend to not watch the early seasons ---and I NEVER HAVE TO AGAIN!) (Natasha: coughs and points at our recap list.) (Boris: shit.) Dean remembers though, and talks just long enough for Sam to wake and chop her head off. See ya, Jenny! 
More fighting! 
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Sam takes out another vamp and Dean tussles with the last one ---and is pushed backwards right into the rebar hook in the wall. So that happened. (I’m trying to stay calm, but I’m a ROILING CESSPOOL OF ANGER AND CONFUSION AND BITTER RIGHT NOW.) 
Sam kills the vamp. He’s ready to find the kids and leave. “Sam, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.” 
Dean pulls Sam close. HE’S BEEN IMPALED! Poor little snowman. Dean makes Sam promise not to try to resurrect him. He tells Sam that he’s proud of him and that he’s always looked up to him. That he was scared to be rejected by Sam in that very first episode when he went to get him from college. “I must’ve stood outside your door for hours. Because I didn’t know what you would say. Tell me to get lost or to get dead.” JESUS SHOW JUST LET DEAN LIVE AND BE LOVED. (Boris: In the alt version where Cas is there too, he’s instead telling Cas about watching him outside the Gas ‘n Sip. why do I do this to myself?) 
Sam cries, afraid to go through the world alone. Dean tells Sam to always keep fighting, tells him he loves him, and DIES. He dies clutching his chest and the whole season we think we’ve been getting heart and chest imagery as a symbol of love but instead it was just? Foreshadowing? Of getting impaled through the chest cavity and dying? 
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Dean dies, and Sam is wrecked, and I call up 911 to inform them that I have been ROBBED of one Dean Winchester finally getting to live his life. (This is indeed, a beautifully acted scene. I just...wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing about it.)
Sam burns Dean on a lonely pyre, with nobody else around but the dog.
For Sam Gets a Dog but at What Cost Science:
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Sam wakes alone, in mourning. There’s no dialogue - only a Sad!Sam montage of remembering the people he’d lost in the bunker. (Was this script only like 5 pages?) One of Dean’s cell phones rings. It’s a sheriff who’d been referred to Dean by Donna. (DONNA DOESN’T KNOW FML) There’s a case, so Sam takes off. He shuts down the bunker and it goes dark.
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We cut to Dean in Heaven. It’s beautiful - a wilderness of mountains. Dean’s greeted by Bobby sitting at the quiet Roadhouse. Bobby tells Dean that he’s free - and Heaven’s free. Jack opened Heaven and tore down the walls before he took off for places unknown. I am GLAD ABOUT THIS. It’s about time for Heaven to be a true reward, but this show took Dean TOO SOON. “It ain’t just Heaven, Dean. It’s the Heaven you deserve.” Bobby drops one last reveal: “Cas helped.” 
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They drink together. “it’s almost perfect,” Dean says. 
“He’ll be along,” is Bobby’s quiet response. (Our hearts rise thinking about Cas.) Time’s different in Heaven, Bobby explains. (Boris: Jeremy Bearimy, baby!) “What are you gonna do now, Dean?” Dean decides to go for a drive. He gets into Baby and drives away to the tune of “Carry on my wayward son.”
Cut to a montage showing Sam raising a child with “Dean” on the coveralls. (To quote a friend of mine: That goes against basic child safety, Sam!) While Dean drives, Sam raises a son.
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In Sam’s house, the portraits only show pictures of the original Winchesters: Sam, Dean, Mary, John. Me to set dressers: EXTREME SIDE EYE - way to show Sam’s “full life.” Sam kept the Impala in storage, and possibly sits in it and weeps from time to time, as one does.
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Much later, Sam dies in his home of “old age disease,” as someone on Tumblr put it. “It’s okay, you can go now,” baby Dean tells Sam, mirroring Sam’s words to his brother. AAAAAND Sam out. Remember, words can kill, kids!
Dean stops on a beautiful bridge and gets out to survey the world.
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Dean smiles and the camera pans out. “Hey, Sammy,” he says. The boys are wearing the same outfits as the first episode because SYMBOLISM. (Boris: Symbolism? Like there was no growth or change or...Boris will stay out of your mentions.) (Natasha: Exactly.) They hug, and I do get emotional, because I’m not the burnt and broken shell of a fan that I may appear to be.
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We get a “thank you” from Jared and Jensen on the bridge, and then the camera pans away to show the crew. We send them a giant box of MASKS FOR FUCK’S SAKE. And then we set this episode aside as unfulfilling fan fiction and move on with our lives.
Am I sad to see this show end? Yes, I am! Were there things I liked about this episode? Sure! Were there things I so viscerally disliked that I’m still sleeping poorly? Absolutely. That’s love, right? We’re still raw, but we WILL BE BACK on Monday with a new recap of an old episode. See you all then!
Quote on My Wayward Son:
I don’t have a choice. This is my destiny
It’s like running into somebody from high school, you know? Somebody you don’t want to see
Stay with me, please
I’m not leaving you. I’m gonna be with you right here, every day
Cas helped
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Scarlet Moon
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Genre: Scarlet Heart Ryeo!AU, Time Travel!AU, Alternate History, Royalty!AU
Pairing: OC x EXO OT9
Summary:  This isn’t Gwen’s time. She was from the modern era, with technology and electricity. But during a solar eclipse, she’s transported back into a previous life in a time and place she does not know. Now, as the foreign daughter of a merchant living in a prince’s household, she must tread carefully, watch her back, and guard her heart. But with the princes locked in a battle over the throne, the chances of her making it out alive might disappear.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3
The paper sliced across the skin before any action could be taken to avoid it. A high pitched hiss followed by a short whine. The flap of skin that had been separated was being dyed red. 
Gwen stuck her index finger in her mouth to sooth the stinging. It helped a little bit. Still sucking on the appendage, Gwen stumbled over to the supply closet and opened the thin metal doors with the other hand. She kept this feat up as she opened the first aid kit and pushed around the different types of bandages, trying to decide which one to use. The cut was right on the tip, right where you never want it to be. It was hard to get a band aid on that kind of cut. Eventually, she found a smaller version of a standard design and ripped the paper covering opening. She wrapped the band aid around her index finger before heading for her desk. It was back to the files that had injured her in the first place. 
The pile was tall; by her standards, at least. Gwen had been dealing with it for the past hour. The dates on the files needed sorting, separating the ones could be sent to long-term storage. She almost gave out another whine, but she didn’t want the others to hear and start the relentless teasing. Her coworkers were quick and very witty. 
It was a friendly floor. Everyone joked and played around without the fear of feelings being hurt. If Gwen didn’t have to do the actual work that came with the office space, she wouldn’t mind staying here forever. But dealing with these files and demanding customers and meeting quotas was not what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Not that Gwen knew exactly what it was that she did want to do. She’d tried a lot of things over the last few years in her slow going college years. Marketing, history, education - hell, she even took several makeup courses and skincare lessons that focused on natural resources. None of it stuck, none of it held her interest, though the information could be recalled if needed. 
“You alright there, Gwen?”
Drudging up from the bowels of her thoughts, Gwen looked up at Kimberly, who had stopped at her desk on the way back from the printer. 
“Yeah,” Gwen nodded with a sigh. “Just… ready for the week to be over.”
“Ain’t that the consensus,” Kimberly laughed. 
“How are the dogs?” Gwen was seizing the opportunity to distract herself from work. Kimberly owned two dogs with opposite personalities. One was the well-mannered older brother, the other was the skittish, hyper younger brother. She loved to talk about them and there was never a shortage of entertaining stories. 
Kimberly rolled her eyes. “Kurt is back to back to demanding his breakfast at five a.m. Oh, but Kent now does this thing where he walks backwards. Whenever he starts doing that, we’ll beep at him. You know, like the garbage trucks? Then he gets all shy and hides his head.”
Gwen couldn’t stop giggling at the thought. “Oh, the poor thing!”
“You’ll have to see it next time you come over.”
“I can’t wait.”
As Kimberly walked away, Gwen sighed. She didn’t get out too much and the humor that most of her socializing outside of work was with one of her coworkers wasn’t lost on her. Just another dart to throw at the board that was Gwen Sinclair. 
It wasn’t like her life was a complete disaster. Really, it could have been worse. She could imagine a thousand different scenarios that she could be living right now that were worse off then her current situation. Truthfully, if glanced at from the outside, Gwen’s life was simply... mediocre. She was blessed with tolerable roommates, an okay job that provided a nice paycheck for a twenty-three-year-old who had yet to finish college. But… the loneliness was killing her and overall, she was craving for something more. 
She was exhausted from obligation and responsibility. She wished to go back to the days where she read about adventure and intrigue and imagined some day living that out herself. After having those words in her hands, she felt empty in her reality. Somehow, each day felt even more draining. 
With the end of another workday, Gwen packed up the files that still needed to be sorted, locked up her cabinets and tugged on her coat as she waved goodbye to Kimberly and the others. A few other coworkers were chatting excitedly about the solar eclipse happening in a few minutes. Gwen, however, was annoyed. Annoyed at the fact that all anyone - online or in person - could talk about was the solar eclipse, as if it was the only one that had ever been seen in this generation. When one person mentioned the eclipse, it was fine. When it was every post and every comment and every conversation, it felt a little ridiculous. Gwen couldn’t care less about the event. Getting home was her current priority. But escaping wasn’t that easy. 
For the millionth time, Gwen rolled her eyes as she scrolled through the newsfeed, waiting for her car to warm up in the parking garage. The weather was cold and dreary, slowing down her progress on getting home. Puffs of steam escaped her lips in the below freezing temperature. Other employees hurried past the back of her car to get to their own tiny sanctuaries. An alert for a new email popped up at the top of the phone screen. From the quick scan of the notification, she saw that it was from her eastern history professor. He wanted to go over the latest paper from class. Oh, no. That was never a good sign. 
Gwen huffed, threw her car into reverse, and pulled out of the parking space. First the papercut, now this. 
Since all her classes were online, Gwen had the minor luxury to not be forced to talk to her professor face to face, which surely would have been humiliating. But it couldn’t be avoided completely. She’d email him back once she arrived home. Or maybe she’d put it off until tomorrow. Dealing with this was the last thing she wanted to do. Stress was already causing her skin to revert back to puberty, she didn’t need this as well. 
Her phone rang and she struggled to answer it while carefully winding down the levels of the garage. It was Jaynie, the favorite of the roommates.
“Hey, Janie, what’s up?”
“Oh, nothing, I was just wondering if you were coming straight home today.”
Gwen smirked, knowing exactly where this was going. 
Over the past several months, a bit of an obsession had developed with Korean dramas. The shows the two of them consumed were different from the same old, boring American television and there were years worth of stories to choose from. Currently, they were in the middle of another romantic comedy. While Gwen loved the storyline and was in a constant state of swoon, as soon as the credits started rolling, she was reminded how pathetically uninteresting her life was. But those sixty plus minutes of pure escapism made it all worth the crash that came afterwards. 
Gwen tried to wait patiently in the line to leave the parking garage, but her frustration was getting the better of her. It was stop and go, stop and go, stop and go.
“I’m planning on it. That is, if people decide any day now to not drive idiotically.”
“Ugh, I had the same problem on my way home.” 
Curious. Both of them worked in the downtown area. “How did you get home so fast?” Gwen asked.
“I got off a little early today.”
“Lucky.” Her accounting job often led to flexible hours. Gwen was jealous of that level of freedom. 
The road was slick from the freezing rain. Weather like this brought out all the stupid drivers as if this wasn’t a yearly occurrence. She was careful to look both ways before exiting the garage and inching into the street. What she didn’t account for was the other emptying lot across the street. A large black SUV pulled out right at the same time, but went too fast, hitting the water that was slowly turning to ice on the asphalt. 
With no time to react, the SUV slammed into the side of Gwen’s compact car. Glass from the driver’s side window shattered and sprayed her face. Her phone flew out of her hand. The crunch of metal hit her ears before she could fully process what had happened. With the force of the collision, her forehead slammed against the steering wheel before the airbag deployed. The sound of screams echoed around her, but the words were unintelligible. Slumped over in her seat, a shadow creeped over the scene. Through the slits of her barely open eyes, Gwen watched as the sun disappeared behind the moon. Then all went black. 
The water was what brought her back. It filled her lungs and surrounded her on all sides. She flailed her limbs, desperate for traction that couldn’t be found. Her clothing weighed her down, the hems being pulled as if hands had gripped tight on them. She needed a miracle. And a miracle she got. Two hands held onto one of her wrists and pulled her to the surface. 
She gasped for air as her rescuer struggled to bring her to shore. The cloth that covered her felt as if it weighed a hundred pounds, making it nearly impossible to move. Water made its way up her throat, spilling over her lips. Her lungs were finally clear. They took in as much oxygen as they were allowed, burning with each brath. 
“Lady Gwen! Lady Gwen!”
A young girl blocked out the bright sun. She shook Gwen’s shoulders desperately. 
Gwen’s brain processed that the girl was not speaking English, but… she could understand her. The girl’s damp, dark hair was pulled into halves on either side of her face held in place by wide red straps. She looked at Gwen with deep concern, like a lifelong friend. But Gwen was sure she had never seen this girl before in her life. 
“My Lady, can you hear me?” she asked frantically.
“Who are you?” Gwen finally choked out. 
That made the girl pause in her panic. “What?”
Slowly regaining her strength, Gwen pushed herself up to her knees. As her eyesight cleared, she took in her surroundings. Gone were the tall metal and glass buildings, traffic lights, and speeding cars of her modern home. Now all that surrounded her were trees and a sandy beach of a large, calm lake. In the distance, wooden houses with curved rooftops, painted in bright reds and greens dotted the horizon. The heaviness that weighed her down was a dress made of too many layers and of no western fashion that she’d ever experienced before. 
Whispers bounced around the rocky shore. All the faces that were looking on with concern around were unfamiliar. Gwen grabbed the hair cascading down her back, but it was still the red she knew, darker from the dampness of being pulled out of the water but still her hair. 
“Where am I?” she asked in a quiet, gasping voice.
“My Lady, don’t you remember?” The girl panicked. “You’re in Songak. Goryeo.”
“Goryeo?” Gwen screeched. All the minor details she could summon up of the country came rushing to the forefront of her mind. It was information overload and her brain couldn’t handle it. Her lungs tried desperately to keep up, breathing in as much air as they could, but her throat was closing up from the panic. The landscape blurred and she fell to the ground.
She was in a bed this time when she regained consciousness. The room was cold and dimly lit with soft, orange candlelight. A man, Caucasian unlike the others, sat beside the bed on a stool, worry etched into every facet of his face.
“Gwen, sweet, are you all right?”
English. He was speaking English. But that was a footnote of comfort to the bigger problem. She still didn’t know what had happened to her or how she got here or who these people were that seemed to know her. The man, who was about in his mid-forties with salt and pepper hair, smiled down at her, though his eyes were confused. “Gwen, does it hurt anywhere? Can you tell me if you hit your head?”
Gwen took a moment, to calm down and to evaluate what she was feeling physically. Her head didn’t hurt, nor did any other part of her body. Wordlessly, she shook her head. The man seemed relieved. 
“Are you all right?” He asked again, a different meaning under the question this time. “Chae Ryung said you couldn’t remember her or that we were in Goryeo? Do you at least remember your papa?”
Gwen weighed the choices in her mind. There wasn’t a mirror around, but she started to wonder if she had taken the place of someone else. Someone who knew these strangers. She could say that she didn’t know any of them - the truth - but would they think her mad if she spilled too much? Perhaps she could say she remembered a few things. Like him, if he is this poor girl’s father. Why am I here? In this time? 
Choosing to comprise with herself, she gave the smallest of nods. “Papa.” Sitting up, she pulled him into a hug and there was something comforting about his embrace. This body remembered him, at least. 
“What happened?” she asked after she let go. 
“Chae Ryung said that you’d wandered off again and she found you, you’d been the water a long time.” The man, Papa, sucked in a breath, his eyes beginning to water. His genuine concern over her wellbeing made Gwen choke up as well. “The doctor said you stopped breathing. That could explain your lost memories.”
Good. The excuse was already in her hands. That should make it easy enough to play along while being forgiven for any missteps. But they shouldn’t be in Goryeo. That didn’t make any sense, historically. If anything, they might have been in Joseon – late Joseon. Was this some sort of alternate timeline? Or maybe she hit her head really hard in the car crash and this is really all a dream from the stress of her paper and too much K-drama. 
Yes. Too much K-drama.
That had to be the explanation. This was all a strange dream. Which meant, she could play along and not be afraid. She could ask questions and live out the day until she woke back up in her own time, most likely in a hospital with a bandage on her head and her mother fretting over her. 
She glanced around the room, taking in the architecture that she had only ever seen in pictures. In person, it was even more stunning and intricate. This wasn’t an ordinary citizen’s home. Interesting. What else could her brain come up with? “Why are we in Goryeo?”
“Your father’s a merchant, remember?” He spoke slowly. Each word was deliberate, giving Gwen time to process. Good filler for her mind. “I made a large fortune here and planned on taking you back home, but… your mother is buried here. We couldn’t leave her behind.”
A wave of emotion hit out of nowhere. Though her mother was alive and well, it didn’t stop a tear from escaping. “Mama.”
Papa wiped it away with a coarse finger. Gwen gasped back, surprised by the realness of the touch. Her dreams were never this intricate. The blanket strone across her lap scrunched in her fingers. It was cold and soft… and very real. 
She wasn't dreaming, was she?
Confused by her reaction, Papa paused for a moment before continuing his explanation. “The eighth prince is graciously letting us stay with him while we wait on the construction of our home to be complete.”
The eighth prince?
Panic grew tenfold. If this wasn’t a dream, then she was in very big trouble. If history told her one thing, it was that proximity to royalty was the most dangerous place to be. Gwen might possibly have been able to skate by if they were simply staying in some unknown village far from the capital, but they were in a prince’s home. Which meant they were in… Songak, the capital city, just like that girl – Chae Ryung – had said. Right under the King’s nose. Breathing became difficult again. Each one was shallow, barely letting in any oxygen. Gwen could feel her chest tighten and her vision blurred. 
“Gwen!” Papa jumped up and tried to keep her straight to give her lungs as much room as possible. He switched to Korean as he called out over his shoulder, “Someone, get the doctor! Now!” Shuffling sounds echoed off the floor on the other side of the sliding door and then faded away.
A minute later, breathing no better, two men and a woman rushed inside along with Chae Ryung. The older man stepped in front of Papa and took his place. He pushed Gwen’s shoulders gently until she was lying down. Two cold fingers against her wrist checked her pulse. The other, much younger man stepped up to Papa.
“What happened?”
Papa frowned. “It seems she’s lost some of her memories. I was explaining why we were here when suddenly she had trouble breathing.” He stopped, struggling with his own breath. “I’m sorry we’ve become a burden to you, Your Highness.” 
Gwen’s breathing was regaining strength and she was able to concentrate on the conversation. So that was the eighth prince. He was younger than she would have guessed, handsome even, if she had to focus on something other than her lack of breath. 
“Do not think such a thing,” the Eighth Prince replied. “Your presence has greatly improved the household. Lady Gwen will get better with time.”
Papa bowed, obviously grateful at the response. He turned to the woman. “Lady Hae, may I enquire after your own health?”
“Today is a better day,” she smiled, though her pale, drained complexion said otherwise. “Please, don’t worry about me. Keep your thoughts for your daughter.”
The doctor released Gwen’s wrist, satisfied with the improvement of her pulse and breathing. He stood up.
“It was a mild panic attack,” the doctor said calmly to Papa. “If it happens again, she should lie down and focus on her breathing. The incident at the lake seems to have taken a toll on her body. She simply needs rest. In time, her memories and her body will recover.”
Gwen didn’t agree with that statement fully. This body might get better in time, but there was no way memories that didn’t exist would ever return. One by one, the occupants left the room until it was only Gwen and Papa remaining behind. Silence hung in the air. After a moment, Papa sat down on the stool and took Gwen’s hand. 
“I was worried I had lost you,” he whispered. 
Gwen’s eyes fell down to the blanket covering her legs. Things were becoming clearer to her now. This was not a dream and she was no longer Gwen Sinclair from the twenty-first century. Something must have happened. She didn’t know what exactly had occurred or what would happen now, but she was here. And little did this man – known only to her as “Papa” – know that he had indeed lost his daughter. The face may be the same, but the Gwen inside was different. She would try her best to be good to him, at least until she found a way to get back to her own family. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
The next morning, the doctor, along with the Eighth Prince, came back to check on Gwen. The doctor commented that her pulse was stronger and that she seemed well on the road to full health. However, he still insisted on keeping her on bedrest.
Bored with these same walls and too curious about her temporary home, Gwen sat up. If she was going to be here for a while, she might as well get to know it. “I’m fine. Please, don’t make me stay in here all day. The sun and air is good for you, isn’t it?”
The sudden rebelliousness against the doctor’s suggestion did not seem to sit well with any of them. Gwen gave Papa a pleading look. A father couldn’t resist those eyes. He sighed, turning to the doctor. “Perhaps, a little exercise in walking around the grounds would be all right?”
The doctor looked reluctant, but he agreed. “But she shouldn’t overexert herself.”
“Chae Ryung will stay with her,” the Eighth prince ordered. “If you’ll please excuse me, I must meet with my brothers.” He bowed and left, followed by the doctor.
Having heard her name from the hallway, Chae Ryung shuffled quickly inside and over to Gwen, holding out her arms for the latter to balance on as she slid off of the bed. “Are you sure you want to go outside?”
Gwen nodded. “Yes. Perhaps seeing more of this place will help jog my memory.”
Chae Ryung tilted her head. “How can your memory jog?”
Gwen snorted, both at Chae Ryung’s confusion and at herself for the slip of the modern phrase. “Sorry, I just meant, maybe my memories will come back.”
“Oh.” The look on her face was enough to make Gwen laugh again. 
Gwen scolded herself internally. She had to be more careful with her words. Every step was one on thin ice. She couldn’t change who she was, not completely, but she would have to pull back. Chae Ryung, however, felt safe, like a shelter from the rain. With her, Gwen could find answers that might be dangerous to seek elsewhere. Straightening her shoulders, Gwen smiled broadly and took her newest friend’s hand. Chase Ryung grinned brightly at her and guided her out of the room.
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spookywitch13 · 4 years
I am here for you
Secret Santa gift for @jellyfishdodraw! Also for the Duskwood Secret Santa page @christmaswithduskwood
It's based on the AU of MC being strong in front of others until Jake asks. This is placed somewhere in episode 5 partly 6. It is based on the aftermath of the video that Lilly uploaded. This is Fem!MC x Jake. It's not canon compliant since this definitely didn’t happen. Also I will fully admit I am not the best writer but I hope you enjoy it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Hate comment
Hate comment
Death threat
Hate comment
Death threat
Death threat
The comments and responses to the video that Lilly posted just keep coming in. Even after the video is removed they keep coming in on text messages, facebook posts, instagram messages, etc. I can’t seem to escape them. But I can’t let the others know about this because Jessy and possibly Jake would definitely try to kick Lilly’s ass. I scrub my hands against my face and get back to decoding the cloud storage.
*Jessy is Online*
Jessy: Hey MC!
MC: Hey
Jessy: How are you doing?
MC: I’m doing pretty well just looking for more clues. :)
Jessy: That’s good just try to take care of yourself as well and ignore that stupid video. Lilly is just trying to stir up trouble.
MC: Way ahead of you. 
Jessy: Ok that’s good just try to keep a positive mindset! You can always talk to me if you need to. <3 :)
Jessy: Oops got to get back to work we’ll talk later.
*Jessy is Offline*
I set my phone down as more notifications of comments and threats keep pouring in. Sighing I stare out my window dejected as my phone keeps pinging. Getting up and stretching my back I trudge into the kitchen intent on making myself some tea or other hot beverage. Something to comfort me as the messages keep piling in. 
*Jake’s Pov
“Ok I seem to be getting on the right track now, all I can do for now is let the program run and see what it finds.” I mutter to myself as I lean back from my computer. Running my hands through my hair I stare tiredly at the computer screen. “I wonder if MC is still up.”
Grabbing my phone I look to see if I have any new messages from her. Spotting a new message from a number that I don’t recognize I open it up.
Unknown: You two are absolutely SCUM of the Earth. HOW COULD YOU HURT THAT WOMAN!! I hope you both ROT in HELL for what you did!! Do you have no compassion for anyone?? What you two did was DEPLORABLE AND I HOPE YOU BOTH GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!
“Awesome, gotta love the people I get messages from,” I mutter, “Lilly why on earth did you think that video was a good idea.”
A sudden thought comes to my mind. Lilly didn’t just post my number she also posted MC’s number. Worry grabs at me as I glance at MC’s contact information. I don’t want to break her trust by looking at her messages without her permission but I also want to make sure that she isn’t getting messages like this. I’ll talk to her first.
*Jake is Online*
Jake: Hey, how are you?
*MC is Online*
MC: I’m good, how about you?
Ok maybe she isn’t getting the same messages as me. That’s good, I’ll gladly take the brunt of this to keep her safe and happy. Some people can get really aggressive with this kind of accusation flying around. The worry starts to ebb out of my body.
Jake: I’m alright, I just wanted to check in with you while I have some time. :)
MC: Can’t keep me off your mind? ;) 
MC: I’ve been just working on the cloud
Jake: Haha you can always make me smile. :)
I glance away from the chat to see that I’m getting notified about a private conversation between MC and an unknown person. I freeze as part of the unknown sender’s message flashes across my phone screen. It’s a death threat. Fury and worry race through me as I click on the messages. 
*Spymode: MC and Unknown*
Unknown: I’ll find you and rip your head off if you don’t let that woman go back to her family!! How could you as a HUMAN BEING do this to another human being!! 
Unknown: We should just kidnap you to make you fear for your life like you are making this poor woman feel. You better watch yourself.
I watch as the messages just keep coming not just from this person but others. Hate comments and death threats from random strangers on the internet who have no idea what is actually going on. Concern fills my chest as I quickly realise that MC has been getting way more than me. Going back to my conversation with MC I realise that she’s been dealing with this without mentioning it to anyone.
MC: I’m feeling pretty drained today but I’m hoping to get a new file from Hannah’s cloud soon.
Jake: Ok just don’t overwork yourself, afterall where would I be without my partner in crime. ;)
MC: Haha good thing we’ll never know the answer to that.
MC: I’m gonna head to bed, have a goodnight Jake I hope you have a good night’s sleep.
Jake: Goodnight MC. Sweet dreams. :)
*MC is Offline*
*Jake is Offline*
“Time to get another pot of coffee going, I’ve got some work to do regarding these messages.” I mutter darkly as I glare at the unknown senders. No one is going to hurt MC and get away with it, not with me here. Time to put my skills to good use.
Grabbing a new cup of coffee I get to work on making sure that these people can’t reach her anymore on any platform that she’s a part of.
*MC’s Pov-The next day
Sun shines through my window waking me up. Ignoring my phone for a little bit I work on getting myself a cup of coffee. New day hopefully with no new messages. I gingerly grab my phone and take a deep breath.
“Ok time to face the music.” I mutter, turning it on and quickly glancing at the screen. 
“Oh thank goodness I get to have a little bit of good morning,” I say as I sip my coffee. Scrolling through my messages I quickly notice that all the hate messages and death threats are gone. 
My phone suddenly rings causing me to almost throw it in surprise. I really need to turn that ringer down. Glancing at the screen I notice Jake’s icon pop up as an incoming call. I quickly press answer and move to sit down on my couch.
“Hey Jake.” I say as the call connects through.
“Why didn’t you mention it? Why didn’t you say that you were getting hate and death threats from Lilly’s video?” His voice filters through still distorted through whatever audio thing he uses.
“I didn’t want to worry you guys and I didn’t think it was that important.” I comment quietly as I begin putting the pieces together.
“It’s important to me!” He doesn’t quite yell it but it’s almost a yell. “I could’ve set the software up earlier and you wouldn’t have had to go through all that.”
“I didn’t want to add more to your plate, you are already really busy plus it wasn’t that big of a deal.” I say tightly trying to hold back the overwhelming flow of emotions as the last couple of days begin to catch up to me.
“MC, I don’t care if I’m busy. Yes I want to find Hannah as quickly as possible but I also want to make sure that you are safe as well. I care about you and your wellbeing more than I could ever care about the amount of work I’m going through,” He says gently.
Hearing him say that is the final straw, all the stress and fear from the last couple of days breaks free and I just start crying on the phone. It’s definitely not a pretty cry I can barely speak as Jake tries to console me over the phone. I hear a knock on my front door as I try to get my crying under control.
“MC please open the door,” He says.
I get to my feet and stumble to the front door opening it with my phone still against my ear. Standing in front of my door is a man with a black hoodie, who's holding his phone to his ear.
“Hey MC.” He says gently and ends the phone call. “I can’t stay too long but I wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”
I move aside to let him in and close my door. Putting my phone down I turn to him. He kinda blushes and scratches the back of his neck.
“Sorry I know I should have messaged you ahead of time to let you know that I was coming but I didn’t want to risk it with everything going on.” He says averting his eyes in embarrassment. “Do you want a hug?”
Nodding I wrap my arms around his midsection pressing my face into his shoulder as I sob letting out all the turmoil within me. He gently rubs my back comfortingly.
“It’ll be ok, don’t worry MC. I’ve got you let it all out.” He whispers into my hair as he continues to hold me. We stay like this for a little bit before I finally start to calm down. 
Even though I stopped crying Jake hasn’t let go of me, in fact he's holding me tighter. I clear my throat and step back a little bit. Now that I’ve let everything out I’m just feeling drained. He gently guides me to the couch and we sit together on it.
“How long are you going to be able to stay?” I ask quietly, my throat still raw from crying.
“A couple of hours at most but I don’t want to risk it too much.” He says as he wraps his arms around me again pulling me towards him. I’m positioned in a way that makes it so that I am leaning against him with my head over his heart. “No matter what happens I want you to know that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
I nod tiredly as the emotional release drains me of all the energy I had. I close my eyes and listen to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat in my ear. His hand is still rubbing my back gently. Even though I’ve never met this guy in person before with all the texting we’ve been doing I still feel comfortable around him.
Even though I know he’ll be gone soon I’m gonna enjoy this moment for as long as I can. I start to drift off slightly when I feel him press a gentle kiss to my head. I know that we still have a lot of things to do but this moment will be forever imprinted in my memories.
The End
Again I really hope you like your gift! Happy Holidays!!
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
잧선 사람하고는 항상 그렇게 유쾌하세요? Are you always that cheerful with strangers?
Description: A late night conversation with your coworker who doesn't ever seem to want to talk. Yet tonight, he talks with you and seems to enjoy it. Warnings: None Genre: Fluff-ish, Coworker!Woozi Word Count: 1.3k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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I slide over the plastic bag of this customer's purchased goods. "Have a nice night with your granddaughter." I offer a smile to which they replicate with a word of thanks before leaving the store.
I watch as the door fully closes behind them before continuing my task of wiping down the counters. The small convenience store is about an hour from closing and there's a lot the two of us have to do. I say two of us because there's another employee here. He's somewhere stocking and organizing shelves.
He's name is Woozi. He started here a few months ago and I've worked with him like once a week ever since but he doesn't really talk... Like I try, trust me I try but he just doesn't talk. He's very quiet and always seems to be brooding over something in his head.
The door dings, announcing the arrival of another customer.
"Hello!" I greet him and take in his appearance. After a while in the customer service industry, you learn how to read what kind of shopper each customer is after only a few seconds.
This male just gives me a quick nod and goes straight for the back isle full of energy drinks and quick bites to eat. Student or company employee. But from his sweat pants and baggy t-shirt look, I'm guessing student taking a break for a late night snack.
I put the rag off to the side and wait as he grabs 3 energy drinks and 2 sandwiches then makes his way over to me at the register.
"Long night?" I ask referring to the energy drinks.
"Long night." He confirms with a nod as his phone beeps with a text. "Aish. I need to grab one more thing."
I nod and start to scan his items, placing them in a bag because there's no way he's gonna be able to carry them all on his own.
He sets down one more sandwich, "Last minute mind changes." He comments with a half laugh.
"Studying?" I ask, taking a guess since this store is located near a sizable university.
"Trying to finish a project on time." He informs me, "It'll be the last time I procrastinate."
"Oh, I was the queen of procrastinating when I was in school." I tell him as he slides his card into the card reader to pay.
"You should meet my friends. They seem to be the worst ones I know." He laughs and pulls out his card then shakes his head with a sigh, "And I'm the one who ends up stressing the most."
Reaching up to rip the receipt out, I shrug. "Maybe one of these times, they'll understand the joys of doing work ahead of time." I place the receipt inside the bag and hand it over to him. "Good luck."
He smiles, "Thanks." And walks out the door without another word.
"Poor dude." I mumble to myself, remembering the late nights I spent at the library finishing assignments at the very last minute.
"Can I ask you something?" Woozi suddenly asks from the isle across from the register.
I whip my head towards him, not realizing that he had materialized there.
"Uh, yeah. What's up?" I agree.
Woozi turns his body towards me in his crouched position, "Are you always that cheerful with strangers?"
"Cheerful?" I repeat his word choice.
"Cheerful might not be the best word. But like chatty?" He rephrases.
I shrug, "Not with all strangers but with customers, I guess I am."
"Why?" He looks at me with confusion.
"Why not?" I question back. "It's not like I have to be Mr. Grumpy all the time." I joke.
"But they're strangers." Woozi reasons, ignoring my attempted joke. He stands and walks over towards me as I answer.
"But I don't know what they're going through." I counter. "I guess, I know what it's like to have the small task of getting some food be something that seems impossible. I also know that when I do end up doing said small task, I want the people I meet to be uplifting so the weight of the task isn't as heavy."
"Interesting." Woozi comments but waits for me to continue.
"Like the student who was just here." I nod towards the door, "He said he was stressed and what if this trip to the store was his way to take a mental break from the project and maybe his friends even. Now, if I were all grumpy with him then it would've ruined his break and he might be even more stressed when he left here. All it takes is for me to be a little happy and cheerful and poof, maybe I helped him a little."
"Isn't that exhausting?" He asks, leaning his forearms on the counter.
"Sometimes." I answer honestly, "But most of the time it's not. I don't ever have to go deep into things but just grazing the surface is sometimes all it takes for that person to start down a more positive path."
"You're like my friend. Seokmin." Woozi tells me. "Always happy and cheerful. Sometimes, annoyingly so."
I scrunch my eyebrows together and let out a half laugh. "Thanks?"
"It's not a bad thing." Woozi quickly corrects himself, "But I don't understand how you guys can be like that all the time."
"It's a special skill." I joke with him and he smiles.
"It must be." He nods.
He walks back to his previous place and I start wiping again.
"What other things do you like?" He asks, glancing back at me.
"Me?" I ask, shocked that he's still talking to me. He's already said more words to me in the past few minutes than in the past 6 weeks.
"No, the ghost standing next to you." He playfully rolls his eyes at me.
"Ha. Ha." I scrunch my nose at him, "Let's see. Outdoors stuff like hiking and biking. Oh, I love shopping, especially for vintage items. Those are the best."
Woozi shakes his head and I spot a small smile on his face, as if he's laughing at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing, you're just odd." Woozi responds.
"Odd how?" I question, curious.
"Most girls when they say they like shopping, their favorite style isn't usually vintage." He explains, "But vintage is cool."
I chuckle, "Alright, then what about you? What things do you like? Besides stocking shelves in silence."
"Nice alliteration." Woozi points out, "I like my bed. My bed is a good place to lay around all day. I also enjoy food."
"What kind of food?" I ask, hoping to carry out this conversation for as long as possible.
"Korean mostly, but Mexican food has been climbing the ranks recently." Woozi informs me.
"Oh, have you tried the Mexican place down the street." I point in its direction, "It's called... oh, uhm, Papusa House?"
Woozi's eyes light up at the name, "I've heard of it but haven't had the chance to go there. Is it any good?"
I nod quickly, "It's so good. Some of the best papusas I've ever eaten."
His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open slightly, reminding me of that surprised Pikachu face. "I'll have to try it." Woozi says half-mindedly as if he's already thinking about what the food would taste like.
"Well, if we don't finish up duties and close up soon, you may not have the money to try it." I glance at the clock noticing the minute hand has inched its way closer to the hour.
Woozi glance at the clock as well, "Shit. Do you think you could go to the back and grab the box of cheese crackers and stock them?"
"You betcha, I can." I smile and move from behind the counter towards the back storage room.
"Thanks, (y/n)." Woozi smiles at me quick before stocking items on the shelves again.
As I walk, I take in the fact that Woozi and I just had a sizable conversation with each other and knows my name AND he smiled multiple times.
When I find the box of cheese crackers, I just have to laugh to myself.
"What a day."
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