#nah. box with sticks.’
Deep Water Prompt #2904
Angels don’t always fall so dramatically. Most of the time it’s on accident, a failure of fledgling wings. We are not supposed to touch them, or feed them cup ramen.
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bonniebird · 1 year
Why do cats that break into your house always look at you like it's your fault for scaring them?
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whimsycore · 1 year
Guess who just told their mom they were moving out?
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steveseddie · 4 months
hot stuff
@steddiemicrofic prompt: stuff, 483 words rated: t | cw: none | tags: pre-relationship, steve has a crush, he blurts it out while helping eddie pack to move to his new trailer
Steve shoves another DnD handbook into one of the boxes scattered around Eddie’s room. “Dude, why do you have so much stuff?”
Across the room, Eddie snorts. “Excuse me for wanting my bedroom to have some personality, Mr. Plaid-Wallpaper.”
Steve rolls his eyes, putting away some sketchbooks next. His eyes catch something else on Eddie’s desk. “This doesn’t match your personality. You hate sports,” Steve bitches, one hand on his hip, the other holding the basketball.
“Oh, that’s not mine.” Eddie smirks. “I stole it from some jocks.”
“You stole- a basketball?”
The smirk turns into a grin. “Assholes thought it’d be funny to hit the freak, so when they did, I grabbed it and ran like hell.”
A startled laugh leaves Steve’s lips when he pictures Eddie fleeing with a basketball in his arms, flipping off the assholes that he stole it from.
Then he frowns.
“I wasn’t one of them, right?” He doesn’t remember it, but he tries not to think about that time too much.
Eddie’s eyes soften. “No, Stevie. You were never a dick to me, we never really crossed paths.”
“I wish we had,” Steve says. It’s not the first time he’s thought about it. Since meeting Eddie, he often wishes it happened sooner.
“You really think we would’ve been friends? The King and the Freak?”
“We’re friends now,” Steve shrugs.
“After a damn apocalypse! Besides, you’re different now. King Steve wouldn’t be caught dead with me. I was a loser.”
Steve sniggers. “Was?”
“Fuck you,” Eddie squawks, throwing some socks at Steve’s head- and missing.
Steve throws them back, hitting him on the forehead. “You’re supposed to be packing those!”
Eddie sticks his tongue out. “What I meant is- I looked like a loser.”
Steve thinks of the photo he packed earlier while helping pack Wayne’s things- the one of Eddie with a buzz cut, drowning in Wayne’s hand-me-downs, no tattoos or rings. So different from the guy in front of him.
“Now though, I look cool,” Eddie waggles his eyebrows.
“Nah, man. Now you look hot,” Steve blurts out.
He panics when Eddie’s jaw drops and he gapes at Steve, but he doesn’t look upset, just shocked- and a little hopeful.
The door opens then and Robin pops her head in, glaring at the empty boxes. “You dinguses aren’t done yet? We finished packing all of Wayne’s mugs and there’s dozens of them! I’m getting Nance!” She huffs and leaves.
Steve grimaces. “We should get to work before Nancy comes. But, um, wanna ditch the girls after and hang out?”
When Eddie shakes his head, Steve backtracks. “Unless you don’t want-”
Eddie shakes his head even harder at that. “Like fuck if I don’t.” He grins. “Get to work, big boy, then you can tell me how hot you find me and we can kiss about it.”
They finish packing everything in record time after that.
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cloudcountry · 2 months
OH MY GOD. THE MIX UP VALENTINE POST. YOU ATE!!!! could i rq a version with riddle, ace, deuce, octavinelle, and lillia? 🫶🫶
SUMMARY: you get a gift that was meant for the student you like, and the contents spur you to action.
COMMENTS: this is a spin off post of this post!! IM GLAD U LIKED IT ANON i was proud of that one myself ehehe
also the character limit is five so i picked azul from octavinelle
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You stare blankly at the box of chocolate in your hands, the gift crammed into your desk haphazardly. At first, you thought it was for you—that’s what anyone would assume, right? Except...the note on top of it is not addressed to you, but rather, the guy you like. It makes you wonder if this is some joke, or if one of his friends wanted you to deliver it for him. You pick at the heart sticker sealing the note shut and peel it open, taking a peak of the contents.
Your eyes wide and your heart lurches in your chest, panic and annoyance roaring like red hot flames as you read what sounds like a genuine confession of love. Someone had their eyes on him? How did you never notice?
Was it weird to get jealous? I mean, he’s not even dating you yet...you don’t even know if he feels the same way. You can’t deny it doesn’t feel good that there’s another student trying to woo him, though. You’ve been so scared up until this point, so nervous about what he might think, but the clock is ticking. You’ve got to tell him before it’s too late.
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Riddle sits up even straighter when he sees you approaching him with a heart shaped box and an envelope, his cheeks flushing pink. He clears his throat when you arrive, expression all twisted up as if you’re unhappy about something. Riddle turns to look at you, holding his chin high as he addresses you by name.
“Do you have something to tell me?” he asks, arms crossed over his chest.
“This is a pathetic gift for the Queen of Hearts.” you reply dryly, throwing the gifts on the ground and stomping on them, “Someone thought that would be enough for you, but I won’t stand for it.”
Riddle stares open mouthed at the torn envelope and crushed box of chocolates, but a giant bundle of roses blocks his line of sight.
“This.” you say, a bouquet of roses in one hand and an entire strawberry tart in the other, with the truffles from the box placed in a circle around it in your hands, “Is a far more fitting gift for courting the queen.”
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Deuce freezes after he reads the note you gave him with a sour face, cheeks turning pink. He wonders why you look so upset when you just confessed how much you like him—even though the words seem a bit off...
“See, Deuce? I told you you were popular.” you scoff, wrinkling your nose in disgust.
You glare so intensely at the envelope that Deuce feels your anger and jealousy.
“Is this...not from you?” he asks softly, his heart plummeting out of his body. And here he was, getting all delighted and cheesy about it—
“Nah. It’s not.” you say flippantly, “I’m confessing my feelings in a much better way.”
Deuce gasps when you pull out a bouquet of dark blue roses, kneeling at his feet as you take his hand. He swears you see hearts in his eyes as he stares at the flowers and your face, which look up at him with determination he knows all too well.
“Deuce Spade, I want you to be mine.” you declare, and his legs turn to jelly as he babbles out an enthusiastic yes.
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“I can’t believe someone who isn't me likes your dumbass.” you smack Ace’s arm as he snickers over the note, an immature gesture if there ever was one.
“Well, if you like this dumbass what does that make you, huh? A stupidass?” he quips, knocking his whole body against you.
You squeal and shove him back, sticking your tongue out at his shocked face as he falls off the bed.
“Really!? This is how you’re confessing your love to me?” Ace huffs, playful as always, “I want a divorce.”
“You idiot, I’m just speaking your language!” you snap back, throwing a pillow at his head, “All you do is tease and yap and jab so I’m giving you a taste of your own medicine!”
“Oh you’re on!” Ace jumps to his feet, pillow in hand.
It’s obvious he likes you back. It always has been. And even if that person hadn’t sent that note, you two still would have known just how much you care for each other, even if it remains (mostly) unsaid.
(You still trampled that note at least ten times during your pillow fight though.)
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“Is this some kind of joke?” Azul says blandly, placing the letter down on his desk of his VIP Room, “This obviously isn’t your handwriting, nor is it your style of writing.”
“That’s because it’s not mine.” you say just as blandly, raising an eyebrow as Azul looks over his spectacles at you, “Were you hoping it was?”
“What is the purpose of this visit then? You bring me some random letter with a confession of love...don’t tell me you’re hoping to butter me up.” Azul chuckles, standing up as gracefully as ever, “You should know better than anyone that those tricks do not work on me.”
You stand up as well, arms crossed over your chest as you meet his stare with your own.
“Because, Azul, someone left that note in my desk. It was addressed to you, as you can see, so I bought it for you. What you just read is what encouraged me to take action.” you take a deep breath and summon all of your courage, there truly is no turning back now, “Azul, I am interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. I can assure you I’ve thought this over many times before coming to you with this proposal. If you’re willing, I would love to sit down and have a talk about the terms and conditions of this deal.”
You hold out your hand for a handshake.
Azul’s mouth forms an o shape, and for a second you’d say he looks shocked, but he composes himself quickly as is all too inclined to place his hand in yours.
“Well, well, well!” he beams, voice light and airy with what you can only assume is joy, “Let’s get negotiations underway, shall we?”
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“Aww, you shouldn’t have.” Lilia coos, bringing a hand up to his mouth, “Why do you look so sour, sweets?”
“Because it’s not from me. It was stuffed in my desk and addressed to you.” you wrinkle your nose, the envelope clenched in your fist, “I don’t like the idea of someone confessing to you before I could.”
Lilia giggles, still hiding his mouth behind his hand. You stare blankly at him, tapping your foot so hard your ankle starts to cramp up.
“Oh, no need to look so anxious, dear. I’m sure you’re well aware of where my affections lie, yes?” Lilia approaches you, his fingers intertwining with yours as the envelope flutters to the floor, unnoticed and uncared for.
He doesn’t have much time left. He’s loved and he’s lost, he may as well go for what he wants while it’s still here, in front of him.
“That is such an indirect way of confessing.” you groan, squeezing his hand, “I even got you a whole bag of mystery flavored red lollipops...”
“Gifts are best shared, my dear!” Lilia laughs, pulling you over to his bed, “Now, hurry up! I want to see which flavor I get first!”
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noosayog · 8 months
001 an innocent valentine ft. kita shinsuke
wc: 500
valentine's masterlist, regular masterlist
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“Who do you think it’s for?” 
“Definitely not Atsumu.” 
“Hey! I’m a great catch, for your information-” 
“Yeah, right.” 
“Shh! They’re coming back!” 
“Put it away-”
“Zip it up-”
“What do you think you’re all doing?” 
The voice of the Inarizaki manager rings from above the second-year trio, Atsumu, Osamu, and Rintaro, caught red-handed rifling through your bag, a neatly wrapped box of chocolates pinched between their trespassing fingers. 
“Nothing!” they all say at once, dropping the box and standing at attention. 
You smack each of the three upside the head with the notebook you have in your hand. “Go back to practicing.” 
“Awwww, c’mon manager. At least give us something. Who’re those for?” Atsumu asks. 
You give him a look before fishing the box out of your bag and calling for Aran. 
“Aran! Here!” you call, chucking the box at him. “Happy Valentine’s.” 
Aran catches it easily, stuffing it in the pocket of his volleyball sweater. “Thank you.” 
“It was for Aran-kun?!” 
“Since when did you two start dating?” 
“Did ya see the way he was so nonchalant about it?!” 
“Big words for ya, ‘Tsumu.”
“Huh?! Ya picking a fight?!” 
“Hey!” you yell. “Shut up and hold out your hands.” 
They obediently stick their hands out. You drop 3 boxes, identical to the one thrown at Aran moments ago, into their waiting palms. 
With one last smack to each of their shoulders, they scurry off back to their drills, satisfied now that they’ve each received their own little prizes. They make it back onto the court just in time for Kita to return from speaking to the club advisor. 
“Hope they didn’t give ya too much trouble today.” 
“Nah,” you say. “They’re troublesome and a bit stupid, but it’s alright.” You look up at your boyfriend, swinging your joined hands and appreciating his thumb rubbing calm patterns along your cold fingers. 
“Yer hands are cold,” he says simply, stopping to wrap his scarf around your neck before joining your hands together again. 
“Thanks,” you breathe, inhaling deeply. 
The rest of the walk home flies by in comfortable silence, the hand held in his staying pleasantly warm even in the late-winter chill. At the entrance of your house, he lets go of your hands, smiling and nodding for you to go in. He stays to watch, making sure you’re in safely before leaving, as he does every day. 
When you stare at him, he tilts his head. “What’s wrong?” 
You laugh quietly. “You didn’t think I made chocolate for all those chuckleheads and not you, did you?” 
He rubs the back of his neck, blushing lightly. “I was looking forward to it, " he admits sheepishly. “But I don’t mind if ya don’t have anything for me. Just being able to be with ya like this makes me plenty happy.” 
You dig into your pockets to pull out a box just for him. It’s wrapped much more elaborately than the others are, with his name in curly, hand-written calligraphy. Instead of tossing it to him, as you did for the others, you hold the box out with two hands. 
“Will you accept my chocolate, Shin?” 
Kita smiles. The warmth rushes all the way through your body. 
“Of course. I’d be happy to.” 
He takes the box, undoing the ribbon and pops one into his mouth. “It’s good,” he says. 
“I’m glad,” you respond. You reach up on your tiptoes to press a lingering kiss into his cheek. 
“See you tomorrow, Shin.” 
“Tomorrow,” he nods.
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joemama-2 · 5 days
this is not how you imagined your friday night would go.
you thought you’d be watching the stars by now after a nice dinner. maybe some compliments, maybe even a small kiss shared. or some held hands.
but no. because currently you’re seated on the expensive couch, eyes fixated on some random nature documentary because you don’t have the courage to face the six year old boy to your left and demand him to stop staring.
you like kids, but this one oddly makes you nervous, scared almost.
your date is in the bathroom taking way too long and you’re half tempted to up and leave. your posture is stiff, forcing yourself to find the screen interesting.
our of your peripheral, you can see the boy raise his spoonful of ice cream to his mouth, head tilting like you’re one of the animals being observed on the TV.
“are you the one he keeps talking about?”
confusion strikes you as you finally turn your head to face him. your titled head mirroring his own. “um…..i’m not sure.”
a part of you feels flattered by the sudden fact. is satoru really talking about you? but then an unsettling feeling takes place, one of hesitation and jealously. or is he talking about someone else?
“you have the black Cane Corso, right?”
ah, so it’s the former. you smile. “oh, yeah. that’s me.”
“what’s his name?” the little boy asks you, shifting his small body as the talk of dogs gains his attention by the second.
his brows pinch together. “why sunny?”
“because he was a stray, i found him a box on a very hot day.”
he hums and nods before asking yet another question. you forget how curious children can be. “is he nice?”
you chuckle. sunny has the stereotype of being aggressive due to his breed and size, but he’s anything but. he’s your gentle giant who gets scared of butterflies and plastic water bottles. “he’s really nice, he loves meeting new people and licking.”
you playfully stick your tongue out with a look of a faux grimace. this gets the small boy to crack a hint of a smile. it warms your heart almost instantly. “you like dogs?” you ask him, voice softening.
he nods automatically. “i really like dogs, i have two dogs. one is white and the other is black.”
“oh wow,” your eyebrows raise. “that’s so cool, are they big too?”
“mhm.” he nods.
you do a small look around. “where are they?”
he simply shrugs and answers, “they only come out sometimes.”
you want to ask what he means by that, but you figure satoru would best know. speaking of, he must be shitting a big one or he’s trying to calm his nerves inside that bathroom down the hall.
the little boy hesitates, like he wants to ask another question but isn’t sure if he should. you give him an encouraging nod and he sighs. “can you bring sunny next time?”
“when you said you were fostering, i assumed a pet or something. not an actual child.” you tell Satoru as he’s walking you to your apartment door.
the two of you stop in front and he takes this time to grin. “do i not look like a boy dad?”
your eyebrow raises with an unamused expression. “no, first off, you look like a girl dad. and second off, does he consider you his dad?”
“nah, not at all. more like an older brother if anything. or maybe that annoying uncle everyone hates.” he reaches forward to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “did he like you?”
“i hope so.” your lips purse. “i wasn’t exactly ready to pitch myself as a good person tonight to some kid.”
satoru chuckles, thumb lingering on your cheek. “don’t need to pitch yourself, just be you and he’ll like you just as much as i do. well—actually—hopefully not as much. i’d hate to have competition.”
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “he did mention a next time, though. wants me to bring my dog.”
“you mean that oversized human on all fours?”
your hand collides with his shoulder. he laughs and intertwines your fingers with his. “kidding, kidding. don’t get violent, at least not now.”
leaning down, his lips kiss your forehead smoothly, they linger for a few seconds before he mutters against your skin. “his names megumi, i hope you’ll get along.”
your stomach flutters during this moment, relishing in the easy and comfortable intimacy. you nod and murmur back. “of course.”
he pulls back and smiles down at you. just as he’s about to speak another cheesy line, you beat him to it.
“so….you talk about me a lot?”
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🧠🪱Wiggly Wednesday🧠🪱
Happy hump day, let's unleash those brainworms!
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Recent high school graduate Steve, freshly disowned, moving into his first very own apartment. The place is dark and smells funny, the wallpaper is peeling off in places, and the property management firm has a shitty reputation, but beggars can’t be choosers. Anything’s preferable to sticking his feet under his dad’s stupid mahogany table and listening to his bigoted bullshit for another day, right? 
After a long and tiresome moving day involving a broken elevator and lugging all of his boxes up three flights of stairs, Steve has just hit the shower to wash off the sweat when a pipe bursts, cutting off his hot water supply and flooding his ugly, puke-colored floor tiles. Cursing, naked and soapy-haired, Steve slips his way over to the telephone to call the landlord's office. A bored-sounding lady tells him that they’ll send someone over, then hangs up without waiting for a reply. 
Steve has barely even slipped a pair of boxers over his wet ass when the doorbell rings. He opens, only find himself face to face with a long-haired, tattooed guy about his own age. He's clad in a tank top and overalls, carrying a toolbox in one hand and holding a burning cigarette in the other. 
“Hi,” says the guy, dark eyes raking up and down Steve's bare chest. ‘I'm here about the leaky pipe?” 
“Oh,” Steve says, surprised, because damn, that's a swift response time. “Sure, come on in.” 
The guy does, shuffling into the apartment and on to the bathroom without waiting for directions. Steve is left loitering uncertainly in his own hallway. He doesn't need to loiter long, fortunately, because not five minutes later, the guy shuffles back out, drying his hands on one of Steve’s towels, cigarette now dangling from the corner of his mouth. 
“There you go,” he grins, tossing the towel at Steve. “Enjoy your shower.” 
“Thanks,” says Steve, patting his back pocket for his wallet until he remembers that, one, he's not wearing pants, and two, he spent the last of his cash on a vending machine drink earlier because he was fucking parched from carrying all those boxes. “Erm, I'd tip you, but-” 
“Nah, leave it,” says the guy, and wiggles his eyebrows. “The view is more than enough for compensation.” 
Several hours later, Steve is just on his way to bed, the door rings again. It's a grumpy older dude who says he's come to fix the shower. 
“No, it's okay,” Steve says. “Your colleague was here earlier and took care of it.” 
The man laughs. “Colleague? Ha, I wish. There's just me, why d’you think it took me so long?” 
He trudges off, grumbling something under his breath about wasted time, leaving behind a dumbstruck Steve. 
If that was the repair guy … who fixed his shower?
(His name is Eddie. He's a mechanic and lives in the apartment under Steve’s. He's well familiar with the leaky pipes, and when he saw the water running down from his own bathroom ceiling, he immediately knew what the problem was. He also now knows what Steve looks like half naked. They're off to a great start.) 
Tagging some friends to share their own:
@postmodernau @steddie-island @sparkle-fiend @sidekick-hero @slippy-slip
@xgumiho @stevesbipanic @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @pearynice @thefreakandthehair
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
Steve knows the kids don't mean it when they make him feel stupid. Mostly because they're just as dumb as they are smart. If they were curious enough, they'd stick a fork in an outlet. That's what Steve was for, and he's okay with looking out for them until they realize they can start doing it for themselves. They're learning. . .slowly.
Of course, Eddie doesn't realize this until after Vecna, and he's running around like a chicken with his head cut off and he's trying to stop Max from smothering Mike with a pillow in his sleep. Suddenly, he's a stressed-out dad smoking on the back porch at the homecoming party they've thrown at the Munson's new home. He's watching them run around the backyard, looking tired, and Wayne is laughing at him.
"It's not funny," Eddie muttered. "I love those kids but they're going to make me go gray."
"Or lose your hair," Wayne said in amusement.
"Don't even joke about that," Eddie said.
"Got you something, boy," Wayne said and handed him a small box.
Eddie opened it up to reveal a world's greatest dad mug. He looked up to find Wayne drinking out of a world's greatest grandpa mug.
"Seriously? Did you buy that for yourself?" Eddie asked.
Steve came out on the porch, drinking out of a world's greatest mom mug.
"Not you too," Eddie said.
"I think it's funny," Joyce said from beside Hopper.
"Even if it's about one of your kids?" Eddie asked, and she just grinned.
"You know, I think Will and El are the only ones we don't have to worry about," Steve grinned, sitting next to Eddie. "They're angels."
"That's true. . .wait, what's Max doing to Mike?" Eddie asked.
"Well, it looks like Mike has fallen asleep in the grass, and Max is. . .Max is giving Mike a free haircut," Steve said as he sipped his coffee.
"Yeah, I figured that was coming when Mike said skateboarding is stupid," Hopper said.
"You knew Max would cut his hair?" Eddie asked.
"You gave her the scissors, didn't you?" Steve asked.
Hopper stared off in the distance as he sipped his own cup of coffee. Joyce looked at her husband in horror.
"Should we stop him?" Eddie asked.
"Nah," Steve said.
"What did he say to you?" Eddie asked.
"Well, Dustin joked about us acting like a married couple, and Mike said that I would never marry you in a million years," Steve scoffed and looked at Eddie seriously. "I would marry you in a heartbeat, baby."
Mike yawned and stretched, his brows furrowing.
"Does anyone else feel a breeze?" Mike asked.
"He's looking this way," Eddie said with a grin. "May I kiss you in front of everyone?"
"Absolutely," Steve said with a grin.
Eddie leaned forward and captured Steve’s lips with his.
"Finally," Robin said, coming out of the house.
She was sipping on a mug filled with tea. On the mug, it said: world's worst godmother. Dustin came out a moment later wearing a hat that said: world's loudest child. Eddie glanced at Wayne with an amused look.
"You really went all out, huh?" Eddie asked.
"We had plenty of hush money," Wayne shrugged.
As Max wondered inside, she handed Dustin a pair of scissors.
"What am I supposed to do with these?" He asked.
"Oh my God! My hair!" Mike shrieked. "Henderson! You're dead!"
"It wasn't me, I swear!" Dustin exclaimed and ran off when Mike started chasing him.
"Dustin! You butthead!" Eddie exclaimed. "No running with scissors!"
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
last part of bakugou x support course reader
it’s routine at this point, having the spikey haired boy sitting down and occasionally talking with you as you worked on your craft after school. it became something that he’d come to enjoy. and after class, despite your constantly nagging that you were safe by yourself, he walks you back to the support course dorms, claiming that you have to pass 2b’s dorm and monoma gives him weird vibes.
but bakugou arriving late to his own dorm doesn’t go unnoticed by his classmates, they watch as he walks in about three hours later than everybody else, and they also notice that kirishima is already back, so he couldn’t have been with him.
he’s also become easier to be around, hagakure stated that she was glad to not have to walk on eggshells around him anymore.
“i think he’s just trying to get in some extra training. he’s super manly.” kirishima started the conversation as they watched the blonde haired boy retreat to his room.
“i think he’s got a girlfriend!” mina exclaims with excitement, happy that someone finally got bakugou to take the stick out of his ass.
“nah, he’s way too harsh for a girl to like him. they tend to go for the sweeter dudes.” kaminari was hunched over the couch, finally putting in some input.
almost on cue, the boy walked out in a pair of sweatpants and house slippers, a calm look on his face as he sat down on the couch next to kirishima.
“bakugou?! you feeling alright?” mina spoke as she reached a hand over to feel his forehead before he swatted it away, curling up into a ball simultaneously.
“i’m fine! stop touching me.” he was like a little kid who had just been told no for the very first time.
“where’ve you been man? you always get back here super late.” kirishima turned to bakugou, who gave the man a side eye.
“none of your damn business.” he spat, although his friends knew his intentions weren’t malicious, they actually snickered at the boys defensiveness.
“if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’ve been spending a lot of time with the support course. you always got some new gear on everytime we have to spar.” kaminari interjected.
bakugou looked away.
“you have been with the support course! is it l/n? tell me it’s l/n, she’s like you as a girl!” mina gushed, happy for her friend.
again he didn’t meet their gaze as they watched his every action intently.
“oh my god. he’s got a crush!” kaminari begun to gush with mina, jumping up and down like schoolgirls once they uncovered their friends secret.
once bakugou whipped his head back around, the slight pink tint was evident on his cheeks.
“s’not that. she’s just not that bad to be around. s’all.” he spoke lowly.
“oh my goshhh! bakugou’s in love! someone finally matched his freak.” mina was over the moon when she uncovered this newfound information.
“when are you gonna ask her out man?” kaminari gave him a hard pat on his back, causing the unprepared boy to move forward slightly.
“i dunno. nothing. first time i’ve ever actually tolerated someone this much.” nonchalant king enery!! go and give us nothing!
“you gotta go big! she’ll love that.”
and so he spent the rest of the night listening to his friends suggestions, he really had gotten nicer since meeting you.
the support course had a mailbox for every student located in the faculty office just in case someone needed their gear tweaked and couldn’t get in contact with whoever made it.
when you checked your box, you saw only one note sitting there, so you quickly grabbed it and walked away, reading it in your head.
would you ever wanna grab some food with me? not a date. don’t think that. but i want to get to know you better.
- Great Explosion Murder God : Dynamight
you snickered at his name, in disbelief that he’d actually chosen that to be his alias for the rest of his career.
you looked up, the boy peering at you from a corner, watching your reaction.
you smiled at him.
“yes.” and he felt his breath return to his body.
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floralcyanide · 6 months
ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴏɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴏʀ ᴅʀᴏᴡɴ — ᴄᴀʟʟᴜᴍ ᴛᴜʀɴᴇʀ
callum turner x afab!reader (nsfw)
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You and Callum are camp counselors. Both of you are up to no good one night and share an intimate moment.
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✣ warnings: smut, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, sex in a lake, cigarette smoking, female anatomy described, nipple play, semi-public sex, fingering
✣ word count: 1.7k (idk how it came out so short)
✣ author’s note: thanks to a friend for the camp counselor idea and making me feel things lol and thanks for all the votes for this fic! I enjoyed writing it.
masterlist | divider credit: @cafekitsune
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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“Have you ever smoked a cigarette before?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Want one?”
You stare at the cigarette in Callum’s outstretched hand, hesitant to take it. Your legs stop swinging on the dock where you’re perched next to the tall boy, your hand reaching out to take the cigarette from his fingers. You stick it between your lips, silently asking with your eyes, “Is this how I do it?” He nods encouragingly, sliding a match across its box and cupping the end of the cigarette with his hand before lighting it. The action alone sends butterflies raging in your stomach. You puff the cigarette, inhaling slowly so you don’t cough. Exhaling, tendrils of smoke leave your lips, and Callum watches in awe.
“You hit that like you’ve been smoking all your life,” Callum chuckles as you pull the cigarette from your mouth and offer it to him.
“Nah,” he says, “it’s all yours.”
The two of you are counselors at the summer camp outside your city and definitely were not allowed to smoke while on the campgrounds. You also weren’t supposed to be out past curfew. But the thrill of being caught is what gets to you. Callum just does it because his pretty face can get him out of any trouble. You stare out at the lake that seems to go on forever in a black abyss to the horizon. Callum bumps his knee into yours as you finish the cigarette, somehow managing not to cough too terribly much.
“Wanna skinny dip?” Callum suddenly asks, a giddy smile on his face.
“What? Are you delusional?” you laugh, putting out the cigarette on the wooden dock.
“Maybe,” he shrugs.
You search his eyes for any signs of him joking but see none.
“You’re serious?” you ask, looking around to ensure no one is listening.
You stare at each other momentarily before bursting into a quiet fit of giggles. 
“Fine, but we gotta be quiet.”
You’re glad it’s dark so Callum can’t see the full extent of your body. But also disappointed that it’s dark because you can’t see Callum without his clothes, as much as you’d like to. Ever since the first day of orientation for counseling, you’ve been unable to keep your eyes off him. He seems to feel the same as you but less subtle. Callum has done nothing but flirt with you during the first two weeks of camp. Not that you mind, of course. But skinny dipping in the lake past curfew seems like a full-fledged affair. 
Callum rips his shirt over his head, tossing it where his shoes sit neatly by the dock entrance. He then stands to discard his pants, and you watch in silence, unable to move as you drink in what you can see of Callum in the moonlight. You realize you’re staring and hurry to remove your own clothes, but you're hesitant to take off your underwear until Callum does. You avert your eyes quickly as he does so. You aren’t that experienced in seeing the male physique naked, given you’ve not had much experience with sex in general. Sure, you’ve given a blowjob here and there, but nothing past that. Maybe Callum's flirting is just for fun, and he isn’t expecting anything. Not that you’d say no to him starting something, though. After all, why not? He’s cute, polite, great with the kids, and isn’t bad to look at.
Your thoughts are interrupted when Callum slides off the dock and smoothly into the water. He surfaces after submerging himself fully, swiping his hair from his forehead.
“Coming?” Callum grins, wriggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah, but don’t look,” you say shyly, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra.
Callum closes his eyes but, unbeknownst to you, peeks through one of his eyes to watch you shimmy out of your underwear. He hurries to close it back when he sees you slip into the lake. The water is comfortable as the sun had warmed it earlier in the day. You swim over to where Callum is, stifling a laugh as he pumps his fist in the air at you, joining him.
“Never would’ve thought that little ol’ you would be skinny dipping,” Callum shakes his head, tutting at you.
“Well, I definitely wouldn’t do it with anyone else,” you say honestly, and Callum smiles softly at you.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Callum sinks lower into the water until his chin is just above the surface.
You copy him, your eyes locked on his. Callum reaches out and tucks some hair behind your ear, the gesture sending chills through you despite the warmth of the lake. He swims closer to you, his legs nearly kicking against yours.
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure,” you say.
“Would it make things weird if I kissed you?” Callum asks, his eyes flickering to your lips.
“No,” you shake your head, “I don’t think it would.”
Callum lifts a hand from the water to cup your cheek, the moonlight shining in his eyes as he leans in to kiss you. You let your eyes flutter shut as his lips press to yours, those butterflies from earlier returning. Both of you aren’t too far out in the water, so you can easily plant your feet on the bottom to anchor yourselves. Callum snakes a hand to your waist, his fingers gripping your skin slightly. He takes advantage of being near the shallows so he can pull you close to him without worrying about sinking. Callum deepens the kiss by catching you off guard and letting his tongue sneak into your mouth. One of your hands finds the back of his hair, water dripping onto his neck and your fingers. His hand slides up your side, his thumb brushing over your breast, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
“Is this okay?” Callum asks, pulling away but barely parted from your lips. 
“Yeah, I just,” you bite your bottom lip, “I’ve never…” you trail off nervously.
“Never?” Callum raises his eyebrows, “A pretty thing like you?”
Your ears burn as you glance down awkwardly, “Never.”
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I wouldn’t want to take your virginity in a murky lake,” Callum snorts.
“Even if you did, I wouldn’t care where it was. I like you, Cal.”
Callum flashes a smile at you, “I like you too.”
“You can do as you please. I don’t mind,” you say, “It’s about time, anyway. I’m not getting any younger.”
Callum chuckles at your last comment before grasping your breast under the water, letting his thumb wander over your nipple again, “Don’t worry, I’ll be slow with it.”
You shudder as Callum does it again, leaning in to kiss you once more as he teases you. He moves from your lips to your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses there as he plays with your breasts, eliciting soft moans from you. You hope you don’t get caught. You brush that out of your mind as you let your hand move to Callum’s length, slowly pumping it until it hardens. He groans into your skin, kissing your shoulder gently. He lets his focus move from your upper body to your lower body, his fingers tracing your clit with softness. You move close to Callum until you’re against his chest for leverage, letting him play with you. He slips a finger inside you, your eagerness allowing it to go in without much struggle. Callum uses his thumb to swipe your clit as he adds another finger, curling them inside you and stretching you out deliciously. You bury your face in his neck, whimpering at the warmth spreading in your belly. Callum can feel you clenching around his fingers, noting you’re ready for him.
“Let me know if I need to stop,” Callum whispers in your ear, nipping the skin of your lobe as he lines himself up with your entrance.
You wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms are around his shoulders as he slowly pushes himself into you. It comes with some resistance as you’ve never had anything inside of you before, so Callum allows you to take deep breaths and relax before pushing anymore. He cards his fingers through your hair, encouraging and telling you how good you’re doing. It makes you take him easier, your cunt swallowing him nearly whole. Callum finally bottoms out, letting himself feel you around him for a second before pulling out slightly. He thrusts back in steadily, careful not to be too rough. After adjusting, you allow Callum to start fucking you properly, and you’re honestly shocked you didn’t do this sooner.
“Fuck,” you screw your eyes shut, gasping as Callum hits your g spot with a particularly harsh thrust.
“Just like that,” Callum says as your walls suck him in, “Doing so good, love.”
Your fingernails dig into his back as you bounce on Callum’s cock, him bucking his hips into you simultaneously. Callum takes advantage of your breasts being near his face as he clasps onto one of your hardened nipples, flicking it with his tongue and sending waves of electricity through you. Everything is clouding your head with pleasure as you feel yourself growing close. Callum grips your hips, his fingertips boring into your skin as he feels himself growing close, too.
“You can cum inside me,” you say in Callum’s ear, and he curses under his breath at that.
“Are you sure?”
Callum plummets his hips against your thighs as you move yours in fluid motions, feeling him at every angle. He nudges your clit with his thumb again, and you tumble over the edge, clenching harshly around Callum’s length. The feeling of your cunt squeezing him and the filthy sounds you’re making in his ear make him cum without warning. You feel his warmth inside you as he shudders against your neck, leaving soft kisses along it.
“You did great,” Callum says, slowly pulling out of you.
You catch your breath, glancing around to see if anyone is nearby. Thankfully, you’re still alone, “That was amazing.”
“I’m glad,” Callum says.
“Let’s get out, I’m getting all pruney,” you cringe.
Callum laughs and agrees before realizing something. 
“Didn’t think to bring towels,” he sighs.
“Race you to the showers, then?” you grin as the two of you climb back onto the dock.
“Get ready to be beaten.”
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candyquokka · 3 months
: ̗̀➛together | poly! minho x reader x hyunjin
pairing: lee minho x reader x hwang hyunjin
word count: 1.2k
genre: college au, humor, eventual smut, slight angst, best friend!lee know and hyunjin, best friends to lovers, first time writing a poly but lets see how this goes lol
Series summary:
Y/n, Minho and Hyunjin have been best friends for most of their life. But throw in college, complex and new emotions and a rowdy friendgroup- things are bound to take a turn.
(this is going to be a series, and I'll try to update frequently if i have motivation haha. Please give me feedback and comment on the post to be added to a taglist!)
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chapter summary: just a view of their life before college
warnings: none
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It had always been Hyunjin, Y/n, and Minho. The holy trio, never separated. They had been neighbors since birth, so it was only natural they would run into each other. Y/n had been playing in the sandpit when she was five, and a bully had come over and kicked her. Minho and Hyunjin, playing somewhere else, had seen this happen, and rushed to protect Y/n from the bully. And so developed the beautiful happening we call friendship.
Middle school was the generic nightmare: awkward phases, new complex feelings, bitchy teachers. High school wasn't better, but they could manage. Currently the three of them were hanging out at a cafe afterschool.
"Gosh, Hyunjin, you didn't have to be so harsh with her. Its the last day of the school year for goodness sake, you could've politely declined."
"She shoved a chocolate box in my face! What was I supposed to do, not smack a foreign object that could possibly poke my eye out?"
Minho grinned as he watched the banter between them, too entertained to intervene.
"Uh, yeah? Poor girl was shaking, you dumbass."
"What the- I'm the dumbass? I- yah, you're the one who almost fell on your ass when you backed away like an animal from that one guy who confessed to you like a week ag-mmmf-" Hyunjin was interrupted by a bundle of tissues in his mouth, fighting against Y/n.
"Someone confessed to your sorry ass?" Minho flat out shrieked, and Y/n lunged across the table to possibly shove tissues into his mouth too and-
"Welcome to cafe Miroh, what can I get for you guys today?"
A disgruntled Y/n sat back in her seat as Minho and Hyunjin both snickered. Minho ordered everything for them, and they settled back in their seats.
"So are you guys ready to get your summer glow ups?" Y/n said after taking a sip of her milkshake. "Nah, I'm already pretty. You two definitely need one though." Hyunjin mumbles, wincing as Y/n slaps his head and Minho kicks his leg from under the table. 
Minho chuckles. "Not gonna lie, Y/n, you're gonna need to ditch the whole nerd look and try something called 'being a little more social and having more than two friends'. Next years our last year, you can't be a loser."
Y/n gasps. "Why are the two of you attacking me, huh? You guys are just salty. I'm going to Paris for like the whole 2 months of summer holidays and you're not." She sticks out her tongue, and Minho takes this as an opportunity to steal a fry off her plate.
"Yeah, but that means we can't have our annual sleepover on the night before school!" Hyunjin whines and flops on his seat dramatically.
"Oh hush you dramatic baby." Y/n flicks his forehead before patting his head, and Hyunjin nuzzles into Y/n's neck, and earns judgemental stares from Minho.
"You two are disgusting, you know that?" Minho scrunches his face in disgust.
Y/n flips him off and throws a fry at him while Hyunjin blows him a kiss before leaning over the table to hold his hands. "We both know you secretly enjoy cuddles too, Minnie."
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Breathless. That was one word to describe what Minho and Hyunjin were feeling as they waited outside her house, watching her wave at them before walking and hugging both of them. The strong grip around their necks broke them out of their stupor, and she pulled away. 
“Oh my god, I missed you guys so much! How have you both been?” Y/n giggled. Minho shook his head before flicking her forehead. “Y/nnie, did you shapeshift or something? You look even uglier!” Y/n’s face dropped as she shoved Minho away, locking arms with Hyunjin and speed walking. “Fine, I’ll just stay with Jinnie here and you can be a loner the whole year.” 
Hyunjin places a hand over his chest. “Woah, Y/nnie, how could I imagine being graced with such beauty!” Y/n smiles and rolls her eyes, Minho ruffling her hair as she mutters. “Gosh, did you two take supplements or something? Why are you two suddenly so much taller?”
Y/n’s apparently late ‘face and body developments’ did not go ignored in the school. Walking in the hallways, Y/n was oblivious to the many double takes people were doing to her. As the three entered their classroom, they saw two empty desks, one behind the other near the back. “Dibs the back desk!” Minho and Hyunjin both shouted, rushing to the back and leaving a surprised Y/n near the entrance. She sent them an annoyed glare before sitting on the desk in front of them. 
Minho leans forward and taps her shoulder. “Guess you’re the loner again, Y/n.” He dodges the flick aimed for his forehead and leans back in his seat, Hyunjin giggling at the exchange. But his face slowly turns into a look of confusion as another guy with dark-blue dyed hair enters the room, his unfamiliar face turning heads as he slowly makes his way to the only empty seat in the classroom: next to Y/n.
“H-hey, could I um- could i sit here? It's the only empty seat-” Y/n smiles and nods, turning around to meet Minho’s eyes and flick her long black hair in a victorious gesture over her shoulder. “Are you new? I’m Y/n.”
The boy stammers, clearly being anxious. “Uh, I-I’m Jisung, H-Han Jisung. Yeah, I’m uh, I’m new. It's nice to meet you, umm, Y/n.” He cautiously smiles. Y/n grins and turns around. “This is Hyunjin, he’s a drama queen and you don’t need to bother with him. This is Minho. He acts like he’s got a stick up his ass half the time. You don’t need to bother with him either. Do you wanna sit with us for lunch?” 
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Halfway into the year and Y/n had already rejected a dozen confessions. “These boys may not be it, but damn these chocolates taste fucking delicious.” Hyunjin groans as he bites into one, falling back against his bed as the four of them hung out at Hyunjin’s house. Han Jisung was someone who warmed up quite quickly to the three of them, and constantly broke into their personal space, even Minhos. Currently he was clinging onto Minho like a kuala, whose legs were sprawled over Y/n's lap on the bed.
“S’not my fault I don’t like them. Ugh, I feel so bad rejecting them. Should I just accept one and see where it goes?”
“NO!” The three boys cry out, shocking Y/n. “I need to get new friends, you’re all gonna keep me bitchless.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Better bitchless than a broken heart.” Hyunjin voice is muffled from chocolate.
“Shut up you fatass”
“I’m not a fatass Dicksung”
 Jisung’s outburst shocks everyone as he lunges at Hyunjin, Y/n and Minho grabbing each other from laughing so much. Suddenly the door slams open as Yeji, Hyunjin’s scary younger sister, stands in the doorway, breathing heavily. Y/n has the shame to smile apologetically as Minho is still wheezing on the bed, and Jisung slowly looks up at Yeji, before quietly getting off Hyunjin and cautiously hides behind Minho. Yeji smiles at Y/n before leaving the room.
“Your sister is so scary, Jinnie. Shes way cooler than you”
“Shut the fuck up Minho.”
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ba9go · 2 months
thinking about watching horror movies with itadori yuuji
itadori yuuji x gn!reader, fluff (sfw), implied established rs
if you're scared of horror movies...
yuuji is so excited when you finally agree to watching a horror movie with him!! he is so so proud of you for mustering the courage to confront your fears
yuuji is so excited but he knows you're terrified of horror movies so he keeps asking to make sure you're really okay with this
"you'd seriously do this for me?! you're the best, thank you!! it's not that scary, i promise! okay, maybe just a little... but it's fine! i'm with you, 'kay?"
yuuji holds your hand throughout the entire movie and does not let go (he will literally only grab his soda and popcorn with his other hand)
yuuji cusses out anything and everything that scares you.
the ghost is about to appear but the door swings open so freaking slowly, creaking ominously, and you're hiding your face behind yuuji's arm from all the suspense
"man, this ghost is weak as hell! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR ALREADY!"
yuuji feels kinda bad for this but he thinks you look so cute, all scared because of the movie. you're gripping his hand so tightly and the way you bury your face in the sleeve of his hoodie has him cooing at you
"hey, hey, you're okay! i'll tell you when the bad guy's gone, okay?"
and if either one of you need a toilet break, the two of you are going together. yuuji is not leaving your side 🫡
if you love watching horror movies...
yuuji is PUMPED. movie date nights? nah, HORROR MOVIE DATE NIGHTS
at first megumi and nobara are a little concerned for your mental well-being, thinking that yuuji's somehow coerced/brainwashed you into watching horror movies with him every week. they soon realise that you two are truly a match made in heaven.
"yuuji!! can we watch The Rope Curse 2 next week?"
"hell yeah we can!! let's do it!!!"
yuuji is so excited to finally have someone to yap with about horror movies. the two of you have the time of your lives geeking out about all the underlying themes and the visual effects and the cgi and all that shmazz
yuuji has boxes and boxes full of old horror movie cds and blurays and it has become your shared mission to clear out these boxes.
you guys stick little sticky notes on the cover of each cd/bluray with little ratings ("Mother!" - 6/10, not the greatest but hey there's jennifer lawrence!)
"babe, what would you do if you saw the nun in real life?"
yuuji sucks in a deep breath before slowly exhaling
"maybe take a picture and show you?"
"i'm not sure valak would appreciate that, yuu."
"you're probably right. can we cosplay lorraine and ed warren for halloween this year?"
"hmm how about i be the nun and you be the crooked man? nobara and megumi can be lorraine and ed!"
"let's do it!!"
this was so self-indulgent sorry 😮‍💨
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Creepypast & Marble Hornets headcannons:
Jeff the Killer:
100% sneaks into your house/ room just to wake you up randomly to spook you
If he ever took you on a date it would 100% be to the cheapest cinema in town cause my man's is broke
Your the breadwinner, you can make $2 a month and still be the breadwinner
He buys axe body spray and sags his jeans like a middle school boy and you can't convince me otherwise
Opened a nesquick Powdered milk tub with a table saw cause he couldn't get him open
Doesn't know how to undo child proof locks on meds no matter how many times you explain it to him
"No Jeff your not listening. Press down and then turn it," your voice scolded
"I'm trying! Damn you woman!!" Jeff yelled back
Yea, he never opened the jar right
It started with you and Tim dating and then when you met masky you trying getting to know him
He ignores you at first, more focused on doing his job then dealing with his other half's lover
He's smart, he'll pick locks open jars and complete puzzles in no time flat
He doesn't make money but Tim does so indirectly he's the breadwinner
He'll start hanging out with you after getting tired of sleeping on the downstairs couch
He's not nice, like at all, he's very blunt and when it comes to any type of criticism, constructive or not, he's pointing out every miniscule flaw
Don't bother lying to him, he can see right through it and it pisses him off
It doesn't matter your gender or your sex. He's turning around when you change any form of your clothes. He's big on privacy
"Masky? C'mon masky, it's just a sweater you don't have to turn. I'm wearing a shirt underneath, " you sighed, pulling your sweater off
Masky shook his head. "I don't care sometimes you don't wear a shirt under them, and i don't wanna see your nipples," masky spoke bluntly
Yeaaaa, if you can't tell your sex life is totally (not) amazing with man
As I said before Tim has a job, he Linda needs it to pay for his smoking habits
Speaking of smoking, he hates when you do any kind of drugs, he doesn't want you to end up like he did
He's surprising clingy behind closed doors and really likes being your little spoon
He constantly takes showers and cleans your shared home, even if no one except for you, him and masky will see it.
He has this bad habit of just buying whatever he craves, so when he goes to the store, expect the bill to be rather high
As I said before he's clingy behind closed doors but when it comes to pda the most he'll do is lock your pinkies together
"Tim, pleaseeeee I just wanna hold your hand! Just five minutes, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep holding my hand. " You tried to bargain
Tim sighed "fine fine but you're giving me your box of cigarettes. Don't think I didn't smell them on you"
He has a sharp nose, so there's no point in trying to hide things from him
Hoodie was beyond confused when he first met you, he had a whole "who what when where why?" Moment
You and brain both pay for everything so there's not really a breadwinner
Hoodie is rather quiet, it's not because he's awkward or shy, he just has nothing to say
Hoodie Hates coffee, he's more of a tea or energy drink guy
I hate to say this(no I dont), but he's a stoner, he hates all vape or smoking products except for weed
He usually sticks to weed vapes since it's less work and he can be a bit lazy when it comes to that
I mean his hygiene is ok he doesn't really shave or trim any thing but his beard but yknow he do him
Speaking of , he leaves his beard shavings all over the sink and leaves the toilet seat up
"HOODIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW" You shouted to get the man's attention
Hoodie walked in. "What?" He said monotonely
You pointed at the sink and then the toilet "pick up your fucking mess!!"
Hoodie shook his head "Nah I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though. "
You would probably try and beat him up if he couldn't just wollop our ass
He's such a sweet boy,it like he's made out of cotton candy
He's mostly did cleaning and cooking on top of his job but after switching back from hoodie, he's out of commission for like a week
He picks up after himself, and does his own laundry and there's never beard trimmings in the sink
He occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat down but it's rather rare
He's not too clingy but he does cuddle up sometimes
"Brian pleaseee get off!! It's the middle of summer! It's too hot to be cuddling" you huffed sleepily
"Shhh just let me hold you.." Brian muttered
Ticci Toby:
Your the breadwinner. Period
You think this man has a job? Hah funny
He hates when he tics especially when you are trying to have intimate moments together
You guys have to be silly during sex especially when he has a verbal tic and just yells bird
"Fuck toby right there~" you moaned out holding onto his shoulders tightly
"I'm so c-*whistles* shit sorry~" toby moaned out a bit embarrassed
"Toby it's ok it's normal~.." you muttered a bit trying to keep your voice even
Toby nodded "fuck I lov-Birds!" Toby shouted
You both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing just holding eachother close
Overall aside from Toby's horrible moodswings at times and his "work" you guys have a pretty helpful relationship
No, Just no
This man is toxic asf when you guys first meet, definitely a manipulator
He tones it down after a bit but still gaslights you into getting what he wants
When he gets angry, please down run from him- he will track you down and may or may not resort to physical violence to get you to learn your lesson
If you ask about the missing children he WILL gaslight you into thinking that's he's told you before and it hurts that you forgot and won't tell you again
Sex? What sex? You think he would let you even get close enought to see that shit happen hah very funny
"Slenderman? Cmon I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to hurt you.." you muttered softly
"No. I already told you, and you forgot.. it is insensitive of you and unwise of me to tell you again, " he responded through your mind. And though he doesn't have eyes, you could only assume he was glaring
He's not healthy for you, but you've got yourself into this for life and there's only 1 way to get out
Eyeless jack:
Just like Jeff he'll sneak into your room
You literally can't get rid of him
He won't talk or anything, just stand and stares
He doesn't cuddle and he barely touches you
He definitely tried to offer you a kidney as a way of telling you he appreciates you
No hygiene whatsoever, he doesn't shave and it takes a month before you even get him to shower
He mostly just grumbles and groans to let you know he understands what your saying
He's really smart, puzzles, locks ,and riddles are no match for him
He's blunt, when he does talk it's rare, bit it's honest and unfiltered
You guys barely have sex and honestly you've probably never seen his face
"Jack, please!! I just wanna see your face, " you whined, laying yourself over his lap
"I said no, and if you keep asking, I'll eat you. Literally, " Jack retorted
Yeaaaa he meant it literally and you could tell
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crowpickingss · 1 month
Tick Tock
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hook x gn! reader
summary: the reader and hooks son (not Harry) travels back in time to break up hook and the reader
warnings: crying, breakup, breakdown
a/n: part one of a two part series, the son is the younger sibling to harry. part 2 is written and will be released tmr
ps. please overlook the fact that the sons wouldn’t exist if hook and the reader broke up
credits to @w4w4lycsss for the idea (fic listed here: annoying children)
part 2 | prequal
You relished the time you spent with your boyfriend. James Hook was the one you wanted to spend your life with the one for you. You two were Merlin Academy favourite couple, and you wore that title with pride.
Hook was a romantic he would always do small gestures like giving you expensive jewels that he defiantly didn’t steal or taking you on dates to his favourite places. The love he had for you was infinite.You had the perfect storybook love as many dubbed it a happy ever after.
Right now you were sitting on hooks lap as he told a story to his friends you were picking at the grass when one of the new people came up to you. He was wearing a leather jacket and black combat boots accompanied by black cargo shorts. His style reminded you of hook.
The new kid sat down on the grass next to hook and you “Hey would you happen to know we’re James and y/n would be?” You lifted yourself off of hooks lap and seated yourself between hook and the new kid “You’re in luck, I am y/n” He smirked sinisterly “Great, you wouldn’t mind showing me around the school would you” You stood up and brushed off your outfit “I’m free, how about we start over there”
It took hook a while to notice you were gone he went to pull you back onto his lap when he realised you were missing. He frowned but turned back to his friends “Why did y/n leave? Did I say something wrong” Morgie shook his head and moved next to hook to comfort him “Nah, he went off with the new kid” A small wave of jealously hit hook he didn’t know why but he didn’t like the new kid.
For the days following you found the new kid would stick to you like glue, every time he would steal you away hook would get more jealous and lest trustworthy of you. One day when you had avoided him completely he hit his breaking point, he broke down in Morgie’s arms confessing everything.
The next day when you approached him the VK’s shooed you away. You were confused and hurt that your friends had pushed you away. Soon you found yourself spending more time with the new kid, he seemed happier now that hook had stopped seeing you.
One day you found hook at his locker and confronted him “Hook, why are you avoiding me?” He looked over to you and a tear formed in his eye “I can’t believe you, we’ve been dating for a year and you go and cheat” You frown “I’m not cheating, I don’t know why you would think that” He slammed his locker door “Stop lying, we’re over” He stormed off most likely into his friends arms.
That night you cried yourself to sleep in your dorm. The next day everything in your dorm that belonged to hook was boxed up and sent to his dorm. You sent back every piece of jewellery expect for one pearl necklace the first one he had given you.
You had tried to find comfort in the new kids arms but he had left weeks after he had arrived. You felt alone and cold distant.
Now in present day you were cold and distant. Even when the isle opened up you found to sickening. You had left Auradon to build new lands elsewhere. You were controlling and ruthless many people were too afraid to even speak to you. The only person you cared about was your son. The same son that had traveled back in time and had broken you and hook up
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gumycandyyy · 1 year
୨♡ Winter King x Hero reader ♡୧
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Some more headcanons for your soul! Trying to fill up this tag with quality writing <3
Request: Nah fam, nobody's submitted one yet.
GN reader
Please I need more content of this zest fest. Headcanons under the cut!
︵‿︵‿୨♡ Winter King ♡୧‿︵‿︵
-So, going under the assumption that since you're a hero (kinda like Fionna or Finn)
-you're buff.
-He fanboys about it.
-He LOVES doing the 'damsel in distress' bit.
-He's the damsel.
-He's in distress.
-I'm serious, he was just kidnapped.
-Go help him now.
-Candy Queen sees your existence like a challenge.
-Putting the stakes higher,
-actually trying to kill the Winter King, (or do the cake batter thing, idk.)
-and waiting to see if you do anything about it.
-You do.
-You kick Candy's butt.
-You sometimes team up with the ice scouts on rescue missions, or just for training in general.
-Winter is just...
-Fawning over you constantly.
-If you'll allow it, he'll follow you like a lost puppy, or ask you to carry him around.
-He loves feeling small and dainty in your arms.
-Even if he's taller than you.
-Let him have this.
-He loves how caring you are.
-He just wants to crumple you up and stick you in his pocket (affectionate)
-He's a silly little guy that thinks you're strong and cool.
-Every once in a while, after rescuing him from the obnoxious clutches of the Candy Queen, he wants you to do the dip-kiss thing.
-you know the one
-He's so in love with you it's unreal.
-While he's perfectly capable of defending himself, he's a king! He has a certain image he needs to uphold!
-So he just likes it when you get to show off how strong you are, while also protecting him.
︵‿︵‿୨♡ WAHH ♡୧‿︵‿︵
thank you for reading! Here's another complimentary piece of artwork!
reblog for a beginner writer?
Requests are open! Send them to my ask box! Be shameless!
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