#new years fandom meme
anonymouscatt · 5 months
For posterity, my annual New Years meme:
1. Your main fandom of the year: Baldur’s Gate 3! It’s funny, the last two years in a row I listed it as something I was interested in getting into but I wanted to wait until it left early access. And I am so glad I waited! I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy this game so it was a nice little surprise, plus I’m glad I got to experience the story in its entirety rather than waiting for content to be slowly added to the beta version. This game was a master example of my favorite type of game to play- namely, an RPG that allows you to develop a custom character’s appearance, attitude, and relationships with other well defined and interesting characters. This is something that, up until now, I’ve only ever gotten from BioWare, and recent developments from that studio have been disappointing, to say the least. I’m really glad to see there are other studios out there who can create this kind of experience, and craft it with such obvious love and care. I fell in love with all the characters and their stories! I also had a lot of fun watching the actors who brought them to life stream the game and experience how all their work came together. A truly well deserved Game of the Year.
2. Your favorite film this year: This is the year of DnD I guess because my favorite movie was Honor Among Thieves! Another very fun romp in the Forgotten Realms, this fantasy heist movie was a joy to watch. The unconventional family relationship beteen Edgin, Holga, and Kira was especially sweet and I nearly cried at the end when they had to choose how to use the resurrection spell. I also really enjoyed the Hunger Games prequel ; I thought the music and the sets were especially well done. I really enjoyed the art in Across the Spiderverse but I didn’t like that they ended it on a cliffhanger, especially when it could take quite a while for the next film to come out. Not a fan of splitting one story into two movies; I didn’t like it when the original Hunger Games trilogy did that either.
3. Your favorite book this year: The fact that I initially couldn’t remember what I read this year and had to go look it up in my Libby account probably says something about the state of my reading this year, hah. I remember checking out and starting several books from the library that did not grab my interest, and which I then returned without finishing. Unfortunate. Of the books I did finish, I enjoyed Martha Wells’ Witch King and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Witch King had a really interesting mythology and setting, and I’d be interested in reading more stories in that setting. Project Hail Mary is another of Weir’s stories that grounds itself in a modicum of science but makes it fun, and had several twists that kept me turning the pages. I also listened to Martha Wells’ latest Murderbot novel; however I was sick and slightly delirious at the time so it didn’t really stick with me in the way that I would like, lol. Hope to get a physical copy to read soon so I can properly appreciate it.
4. Your favorite album or song this year: Machine Learning by J. Maya.
5. Your favorite TV show this year: Probably the Last of Us! I think they did a really good job at adapting a video game story to television, and at bringing new elements to a story I already loved. Pedro Pascal probably wouldn’t have been my first idea for someone to play Joel, but he absolutely killed it, as did Bella. Could have used a few more zombies, though. ;) Also really enjoyed season 2 of Good Omens! It was a delightful romp until suddenly it wasn’t.  I was a bit peeved at the end because I didn’t know this story wasn’t going to be self contained either, and therefore relied on Amazon renewing the show for it to be completed. Bleh. But! Now that we know it has been renewed and we will absolutely see the finale on screen, I can be more forgiving of that absolutely gut wrenching ending. Oh! Also enjoyed Silo, an adaptation of the Wool trilogy of books I really enjoyed. The sets in this show were fantastic and looked exactly like I had imagined the silo to look while I was reading; I’m very excited to see how they deal with later developments in the story. And shoutout to Resident Alien, which I watched for the first time this year. Alan Tudyk is absolutely delightful and believably alien.
6. Your favorite tumblr moment this year: just the fact that we continue to exist as every other social media website sinks to previously unfathomable lows I guess.
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year: I mean I guess it’s Baldur’s Gate 3? Something new I started doing this year that ties into that is watching other people play video games, which. Is kind of a weird way to spend your time but I’m still having fun. I’ve watched each of the cast members of BG3 stream their own playthroughs of the game and I’ve enjoyed that. I’ve also been watching Friends at the Table stream games, which they’ve been doing more often this year. It’s kind of nice to just have a bunch of friendly voices on in the background and to see how they problem solve together.  
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year: I guess I can talk about my disappointment with BioWare here. They haven’t released any new information on a game that has been in development for uh. A decade? They’ve also, according to reports, treated their staff absolutely horrendously and laid off a bunch of key developers in a game series I used to love. I know they are quite literally not the same studio that made the games I love because those people are gone and because they’ve been bought out by a larger, solely profit-driven company. Still sucks tho.  Friendship ended with BioWare now Larian is my Best Friend etc. etc.
9. Your favorite male character of the year: …It’s going to be Astarion, isn’t it. I didn’t even like him when I first started playing BG3, because I like to make kind choices and he constantly disapproves of that lol. And then I got to the end of his questline and just had this like. “Oh.” moment.  And then in my next playthrough I abandoned my original plans in order to romance him instead and I have been captivated ever since.
10. Your favorite female character of the year: Shadowheart! My first romance in BG3 and another companion with an absolute banger of a questline.
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year: Getting the epilogue for BG3 to finally play! It was a bit dicey with mods but I managed it, and it was so sweet to feel like I was meeting back up with these characters again after being away.
12. Your most missed old fandom: I haven’t talked about Doctor Who yet! So this year had the three specials with David Tennant and Catherine Tate back, and the nostalgia was just. Overwhelming. The chemistry between these two is impeccable, and I knew it was just going to be those three episodes but wow. I could have watched another full season of their hijinks together. Also just missed good old RTD and the little touches that defined his era. The specials were a real treat. Looking forward to the new adventures with Ruby and 15 but the tone did feel somewhat different, the sort of fantasy element that they are bringing in is new and fresh which is good but will take some getting used to on my part. Still very glad to have RTD back at the helm!
13. Your fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to: Once I finish this current playthrough of BG3, I’m going to try another one of Larian’s games, Divinity Original Sin 2. It looks kind of similar in terms of gameplay, if a bit dated, but I’m curious about what else Larian has done and this seemed like a good fit. I also did plan on playing Starfield at some point, but… reading reviews and watching some Let’s Plays makes it pretty clear the game is not what I expected. Might wait for an even bigger sale before I drop money on it. Which is funny, because I upgraded my computer this summer in order to play it… and then BG3 came along and reset my expectations, lol.
14. Your biggest anticipation of the New Year: New Doctor Who! Definitive edition of BG3! (DLC perhaps???) And I guess DA4 if it doesn’t crash and burn… I am skeptical…
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hogwartscastle · 5 months
December 2023-Me: "That's a problem for 2024."
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feedingthesimps · 5 months
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Hannibal memes
Happy New Year’s Eve fannibals
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markagranat · 6 months
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vintagechild · 5 months
'Choice' meme ft. TADC
This is a repost from my youtube channel. (disclaimer - the song belongs to Jack Stauber and the characters belong rightfully to @gooseworx)
Happy New Year's Everyone! 🥳
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cobaltfluff · 1 year
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"Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling. I like it."
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scrambleddd-eggs · 5 months
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Here is a quick john and paul new year sketch! I wanted to draw george and ringo too, but after drawing 24/7 for my portfolio, my hand started hurting sryyy. Here is to another year full of beatles fanart :))
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2024 is a sign to turn your blorbo gay. make them more gay. let them have angry hot gay sex with their archenemy
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yj-98 · 1 year
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jay in C4 from this outfit meme ♡ ! suggested by my friends ♡
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its-anime-zing · 1 month
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sugaroto · 2 years
Ok but think about Neil never getting rid of the things he owns
For all his life everything he needed could fit in a duffel bag, then, after everything, he has a whole closet with things that are his
For example at some point in the book, I think when he was going to the nest, he was surprised to see that not all his possessions could fit in the bag because the Foxes had gifted him things
So, imagine when he moves in with Andrew, and at some point they're like, let's go for a vacation, and neil tries to fit everything into the bag, and Andrew is like, Neil we're going to be away for 2 days, your hoodie won't miss you if you leave it behind
Or, we know that his clothes looked like shit, because he kept wearing them again and again and again
He has an emotional bond with these clothes ok? He can't just throw them away in the trash
Neil you can buy a new t-shirt, this one has holes in it
But you gifted it to me
Yeah, 5 years ago. You're allowed to stop wearing it
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anonymouscatt · 1 year
Find my annual New Years Meme and Excellent Opinions under the cut!
1. Your main fandom of the year: Probably still Friends at the Table, in terms of how much content I listened to? I’ve finally caught up with everything on both their Patreon and main feed, and am eagerly waiting their new season. I’ve managed to catch some of their livestreams and it’s always a good time, like hanging out with friends! In terms of fanfic read it was probably Moon Knight! My absolute fav Marvel show so far; I love how unique and self-contained the story is and the characters are fascinating. Desperately hoping we get a season 2.
2. Your favorite film this year: My favorite movies I watched this year were the two Tom Hardy Venom flicks. No, they did not come out this year but I watched them for the first time last spring and highly enjoyed them, more than I expected to especially considering the absence of Spider-Man. It’s a different story from the comics but it works, and I’m a sucker for a story about two outcasts becoming unlikely friends (closer-than-friends, really, heh). As for flicks that were actually released this year, none of 2022’s big screen Marvel movies really made an impression on me, and I can’t think of many other ones that stood out. Glass Onion was another solid murder mystery from Rian Johnson (still haven’t forgiven him for his take on Star Wars tho).
3. Your favorite book this year: I checked out Diane Duane’s Venom trilogy after enjoying the films so much- I had read one of the books quite awhile ago but this was the first time I read all three in order. I really liked reading about early married life for Peter and MJ, which isn’t a dynamic that’s been explored in any of the movies or the select comics I’ve gotten my hands on. It’s also a series of books in which Spider-Man and Venom are forced to team up repeatedly, much to both of their distaste, which is quite fun.
4. Your favorite album or song this year: Finally received a Spotify account thanks to my dad signing the family up for it. According to the algorithm my most listened to song was Beautiful Remains by Beth Crowley. The band O.A.R. also released a new album this year and Spotify was how I was notified, so… thanks? Wouldn’t subscribe to it on my own but it’s nice to have.
5. Your favorite TV show this year: This was a fantastic year for TV for me! I already mentioned loving Moon Knight, best MCU show by far. Even before that though I was hooked on Severance, the sci-fi-ish thriller about people whose work and home lives are split to an extreme. It was sooo well done, and creepy, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The finale was amazing, especially the revelations of who Helly really is and Mark finding out about his wife (sort of). This is also the year that I discovered The Orville, the Star Trek parody with a heart of gold. It took a while to find its footing in the first season, but even then it was telling surprisingly deep stories for a comedy show. There were definitely several moments of tonal whiplash for me while watching it, but it’s worth it in the end and I am obsessed with this crew. Fingers crossed for a season 4 but even if they don’t get one, they ended on a really sweet  moment that could stand as a series finale. Shoutout to The Peripheral, Andor, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, other series I really enjoyed watching this year. Oh, and there was a Quantum Leap sequel, as well!
6. Your favorite tumblr moment this year: This is the only website that would ever invent an entire movie from nothing but a pair of shoes. I’m never leaving.
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year: I’ve already talked about how much I enjoyed Moon Knight, the Orville, Severance, etc. so maybe I’ll go with Not Another DnD Podcast! I wound up looking for more actual play podcasts to listen to once I caught up with FatT, and after trying a couple NADDPOD hit the spot. With irreverent humor, memorable characters, and fight scenes that are actually engaging to listen to, it definitely helped fill the actual-play-podcast-hole in my heart!
8. Your biggest fandom NON disappointment of the year: Modifying this question because not much was disappointing this year? (I mean DW could have been better but I already talked about it at the time and didn’t have high hopes anyway). Instead I’ll talk about a game I’ve been waiting for for years since seeing some videos of it in progress- Stray! A cute slightly cyberpunk indie game where you play as a cat with a little backpack??? It was everything it promised it would be, especially once I switched to playing with the PS4 controller- it was so smooth! So fun to play as a cat! You can meow and scratch and knock things off ledges and its part of the gameplay??? Awesome unique robot buddies??? Back to the Future reference???? This game was made for me and I’ve been waiting for it for years and I was not disappointed, thank you everyone.
9. Your favorite male character of the year: Steven Grant of Moon Knight, an absolute sweetheart who’s just immediately out of his depth- but is so much stronger than he thought.
10. Your favorite female character of the year: Layla El-Faouly, also of MK fame- newly-minted Egyptian superhero who, all things considered, is super-humanly understanding about her husband’s many secrets.
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year: It’s a tie between when the Innies got Out in Severance, and when Marc and Steven began working together seamlessly in the Moon Knight finale.
12. Your most missed old fandom: Probably Quantum Leap! I’m nearly finished with a rewatch of all five seasons of the original show, which I own on DVD. SUCH a good and unique time-travel concept, a classic. Also enjoying its sequel series on NBC, although it’s nowhere near as good as the OG yet. (And they totally ignored the chance to have Ziggy as an actual character. Tragic.)
13. Your fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to: Still waiting on Balder’s Gate to have its full release before trying it. Can’t think of anything else currently??
14. Your biggest anticipation of the New Year: David Tennant and Catherine Tate back onscreen together as the Doctor and Donna with RTD at the helm- literally cannot wait! Also- Dragon Age 4? Good Omens season 2? Hope springs eternal.
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forgottensoul793 · 2 months
I hope someone leaks the movie or script
I know it's near high impossible with how guarded Mappa is with everything involving yoi, but it would be nice getting at least a synopsis of the story they worked on, so we could know at least some of Victor's lore. Maybe some sketches or storyboards. Skaters worked on it, didn't they? Maybe choreography. The movie was so close to being finished and we get nothing except a few empty words? Is the movie forever going to be lost in Mappa's server or some producer's USB? All that work and passion that went into it for years?
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cuppertys · 9 months
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I'm afraid I've travelled back in time about 10 years (ish)
The only thing that can make this narative complete now is if we get supernatural trending
I mean like we don't have to but It would be kinda cool
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rainbowpopeworld · 10 months
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scribespirare · 6 months
got to infodump to a friend the other night cause she knew nothing about black butler and now I've gotta sebaciel brainrot
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