#no 'hey are you ok?? you seem really wound up :(' in front of EVERYBODY
daffythefox · 2 years
those small jokes and jabs some people will make at you when you’re friends with them like. they just wear me down so much. like I could have a face up for multiple hours and be relatively fine and then they could start doing that (like. I mess up slightly and they make a joke at my expense, or someone points out something I’m sensitive about for a joke, or someone makes a joke where the punchline is “hey you seem like you’re barely holding in your emotions) all of a sudden it’s nine times the work to be out and social without acting like a total dick (shooting back with something that plays on their insecurities as well so they sill stop pressing me) or having to leave because I’m about to break down, which is incredibly embarrassing and makes me feel like I’m just making a show so other people will feel guilty (not that I’m worried they will feel guilty, I’m worried they will think I will want them to feel guilty and that they will see me as lesser for that instead). “get something you’re fine with people joking about so they will make jokes about that and it won’t hit you as hard” why are you entitled to being able to make jokes at my expense? maybe I don’t want you to make fun of me at all!
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙚 | 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙
Chapter 12: Thanksgiving
Warnings: Discussion of Alzheimers
Word count: 2,652
Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
A few weeks had now passed since Peter Cox had been identified as their unsub. When SWAT had arrived at his apartment, they'd found it empty. Matt and Luke had said it looked like it had been ransacked, his belongings strewn around the floor, and he'd left in a hurry with just the clothes on his back, presumably soon after Emily and Becca had visited him.
Once he'd left Washington, the trail had gone cold. Becca had been helping with the teams other cases while they tried to find a lead on Cox.
November was drawing to a close now and by some miracle, Thanksgiving had rolled around without a case calling the team away. A lot of the team had taken the opportunity to spend the holidays with their families, including Spencer who was having lunch with his mom at her facility.
Becca pulled her coat tighter around her, trying to shield herself from the howling wind, smiling to herself as she saw Hotch's car pull up at the kerbside. Jumping in, she sighed dramatically.
"Feels like being back at home," she laughed, glancing across at Hotch. "Thanks for picking me up."
"No problem," he smiled. "Last thing you need on a rainy Thanksgiving is trying to find yourself a cab," he said as he pulled away from the kerb. "How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you, the guys are keeping me busy," she smiled. "How about you? It feels like forever since I saw you!"
"It does," he nodded. "I'm doing great though, thank you. It's been a strange few weeks. Good, but strange! Thank you, by the way. I understand you had a little something to do with pointing Emily in my direction," he smiled, glancing briefly at her.
"Oh, she didn't need pointing in any direction," Becca laughed. "She just needed a little push IN that direction. And you're welcome, I'm glad things are going well, you both deserve it."
"So, is Reid joining us later?" Hotch asked quietly, a small smirk creeping across his face. Becca looked at him, her jaw falling open in realisation.
"Wow, she really can't keep a secret, can she?" Hotch laughed, shaking his head. "Does everybody know?" She asked, her voice panicky.
"Not everybody," he chuckled. "You think Garcia would have kept her mouth shut if she had even an inkling?" Becca laughed loudly.
"Good point. In answer to your question, he's just going to see how the day goes. His mom's not doing great at the moment so it depends on how she is," she explained sadly. "Doesn't sound like it's going to be much of a Thanksgiving for him." Hotch nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.
"He'll be ok. He's tougher than he seems," he reassured her.
She sighed deeply and turned to gaze out of the window. The city sped by outside as they wound their way towards the outskirts, the sky growing darker as they went, a storm rolling in from the distance.
After a few minutes, Hotch pulled into the long driveway, the gravel crunching loudly beneath the car. He parked up, switching the engine off and turning to her.
"You ok?" She turned slowly, smiling as she nodded. "I hope you're ready for this," he laughed as he swung open his door.
She followed him from the car, walking quickly towards the front door of the house just as it swung open.
"Ciao bella," Dave grinned loudly, laying his hand on Hotch's shoulder as he passed.
"Hey," Becca smiled as she held her arms out to their host, pulling him into a tight hug. "Happy Thanksgiving, Dave."
"Happy first Thanksgiving," he smiled, pulling himself free of her hug and taking her face in his hands, placing a kiss on both of her cheeks.
"Thank you again for inviting me," she smiled as she walked past him. He followed her inside, closing the door quietly behind her.
"You're one of us now kid," he said cheerfully as they entered the large kitchen.
Hotch had already taken his seat beside Emily, who was deep in conversation with Penelope and Luke. Krystall was standing at the island in the kitchen, pouring champagne into delicate crystal flutes, her face breaking into a smile as she saw Becca making her way towards her.
"Becca! Happy Thanksgiving! Sit, I'll bring you a drink," Krystall chirped as Becca made her way to the table, sitting down between Emily and Penelope.
She turned to Emily, her face set in a stern glare.
"Me and you will be having words later, big mouth," she said seriously. Emily's face spread into a smile, feigning innocence.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Emily whispered innocently as Becca's resolve broke and she smiled back at her friend. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"Thanks, you too," she smiled, nudging Emily gently with her shoulder as Krystall placed a glass of champagne down on the table in front of her before taking her seat between Dave and Hotch.
"Before the wonderful Mrs Rossi provides us with our feast, let's take a moment to soak this in," Dave grinned. "The BAU home on Thanksgiving," he added, rewarded with laughs from around the table.
"Thank you all for coming today. This day is a day for family, so I'm glad that I can spend it with mine," he beamed, his smile warm and genuine. He raised his glass in front of him, joined by the rest of the team. "Salut," he said before taking a sip of his champagne. "Now let's eat!"
The night was drawing in now and the rain continued to pour outside. The team were snuggled down in Dave's lounge, and Becca pulled her feet up beneath her as she watched the fire raging in the fireplace across the room.
Her phone sat lifeless in her lap and she cursed herself as she pressed the power button again, checking that no messages had snuck in during the two seconds she'd looked away from it. She'd text Spencer a couple of hours earlier without response, and she was trying not to worry about him, hoping he was just having too much fun with his mom to think about her.
She was snapped from her thoughts as she felt somebody sit down beside her, and she turned to find Dave smiling at her.
"What's on your mind kid?" He asked kindly. She shook her head forcefully.
"Nothing, I'm fine," she smiled. Dave raised his eyebrows dramatically.
"You know how long I've been a profiler for, right?" He chuckled. "You expecting to hear from your partner-in-crime?" He said kindly, gesturing towards the phone sitting in her lap.
"Who, Spencer?" She giggled, shaking her head insistently. "No, why would he message me?" As soon as his name slipped past her lips, she knew she'd said too much. Dave's face broke into a smile.
"You and I both know why," he chuckled. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"Did Em tell you too?" She asked, exasperated.
"No," Dave said. "You just did. I've known since your welcome party that something was going to happen, but now I know for sure." Becca sighed deeply.
"Please don't tell anyone," she begged. "It's all still very complicated, I don't think even we know what 'this' is yet." Dave smiled kindly, holding his hand up as if to silence her.
"I'm not going to say a word to anyone," he assured her. "So tell me what you're worrying about right now?"
"I'm just overthinking Dave, don't worry," she smiled. "I do have a tendency to live too much in my own head."
"Sounds like someone else I know," he smiled sadly. "We all worry about him, you know. He's not always good at asking for help. Does he talk to you?" Becca nodded slowly. "Good. I'm glad he has someone he trusts."
Becca startled as she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. Picking it up quickly, she smiled.
Spencer - I'm outside Rossi's. Can you come outside? I need to see you.
"Told you I was overthinking it, that's him now," she grinned. "I'll go let him in," she told him as she jumped from her seat and made her way quickly to the front door. She ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her dress before pulling open the heavy door.
"What took you so long?" She smiled, but froze as she saw him.
The rain ran down his face, dripping from his sodden hair, his wet clothes clinging desperately to his body as he trembled.
"Spence, what's happened?" She asked him softly as she rushed out to him, pulling him underneath the porch and out of the torrential rain. "Spence?" She spoke his name desperately, her hands cupping his face, lifting it to look at her. He looked back at her, his eyes blank. "What's wrong?"
"She didn't know who I was," he whispered, his voice breaking as the tears started to fall from his eyes. Her heart seemed to stop in her chest, his pain overwhelming her as she pulled him into her arms, holding him tightly. Sobs wracked through his body as his arms tightened around her, squeezing her so hard that she struggled to catch her breath.
"I'm so sorry baby," she whispered softly, her hands running across his back as she tried to soothe him. "Come inside, we need to get you warm," she begged him.
His arms tightened further around her, his fingers dragging desperately across her back, fighting to keep her close as he shook his head. The movement was barely discernible against the quivering of his body.
"Please," he sobbed. "Please just take me home."
"Hey, what are you lovebirds do..." Dave's voice sounded from the door behind her, trailing off as he took in the sight before him. Becca pulled her head back gently, turning to look at him.
"Dave, could you grab my bag please?" Dave nodded, silently disappearing back into the house. "Spence, where's your car? How did you get here?" She asked. He loosened his grip around her waist just enough for her to look up into his face.
"It's at the care home," he muttered. "I just started walking and ended up here."
"Becca," she heard Dave behind her again and turned to him.
"Could you call us an Uber?" She asked.
"No need," Dave said softly. "Take my car, drop it back tomorrow. You're ok to drive?"
"Yeah, it's been a few hours since I switched to soft drinks," she said as she took her bag and his car keys. "Thank you," she added softly as she took Spencer's hand tightly in hers, leading him to Dave's car.
"Stay there, I'll be right back," Becca told Spencer gently as she closed his apartment door behind them.
She rushed to his bedroom, grabbing a pair of his jogging bottoms and a Caltech sweatshirt from his dresser before pulling a towel from the bathroom and hurrying back to him. He hadn't moved from where she'd left him, standing silently next to his desk.
"Let's get these wet clothes off you," she whispered, dropping the dry clothes onto the desk. He hadn't spoken a word on the journey back to his apartment and that continued, the silence deafening as she peeled him out of his soaking wet clothes, collecting them in her arms and carrying them to the kitchen, throwing them into the dryer.
By the time she made it back to the lounge, he was nowhere to be seen. She panicked momentarily until she heard movement in the next room.
Spencer had managed to pull on his jogging bottoms and he was curled up on his bed, his arms wrapped tightly around himself, his face glistening with freshly shed tears.
She paused for a few seconds, involuntarily holding her breath, trying desperately to think of the right thing to say. She realised eventually, there was nothing she could say to make this better.
She sighed quietly, slowly making her way to the bed and laying down slowly beside him, their bodies turned towards each other. Her heart shattered seeing the sadness in his eyes.
"Talk to me," she begged quietly. He took a deep breath, gently biting down on his lower lip.
"She's forgotten me before," he whispered, his eyes filling with tears again. "But never for more than a few minutes. It just feels different this time somehow, like she's not there anymore."
"What did the nurses say?"
"Not much, but I can see they're worried," he said, his voice hollow. "She's still losing weight despite the feeding tube. Am I too old to admit I'm scared to lose my mom?" She shook her head.
"You're never too old to be scared to lose your mom," she assured him.
"She's all I have," he muttered sadly. "Well, she was," he added, smiling sadly. She reached out, her fingers gently brushing his cheek as his eyes lifted to meet hers. "I'm sorry you're having to spend your first Thanksgiving looking after me," he apologised softly. She shook her head, putting her finger to his lips to quiet him.
"Don't do that," she whispered. "I'm not having to do anything." He smiled sadly, reaching out to her and pulling her in tight against him, his head burrowing into her neck. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She felt him shake his head slowly.
"This is all I need," he murmured tiredly.
"Are you warm enough?" She asked. "You must have been out in the rain for hours."
"I'm ok," he told her quietly. "Thank you. For everything. I don't know what I'd have done without you tonight," he said, lifting his head and gently kissing her, his lips lingering for a few seconds as he held her close. "I don't think you know how much you mean to me," he whispered. She smiled, slowly running her fingers through his damp hair.
"I think the exhaustion is going to your head," she laughed softly.
"I mean it," he said, swallowing hard. "Once before, I didn't say it when I felt it, and it's the biggest regret of my life. I know it's quick, and that it makes things more complicated, and I'm sorry for that, but I can't not tell you how I feel. This morning, when I felt like I'd lost everything, all I needed was you," he hesitated. "I love you Becks," he whispered softly.
She felt like the world had stopped around them, as if the universe was giving her time to absorb every bit of this moment.
"You don't have to say anything back, if you're not sure. I just know I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't tell you."
She nodded slowly, her heart racing so hard in her chest that she was sure he would be able to hear it.
"Spence, I..." she stumbled, taking a deep breath before she trusted her voice to speak. "I love you too," she smiled.
His lips were on hers before she even realised it, his kiss tender, intimate. She pulled her lips from his, his hazel eyes soft as they explored her face.
"You're right though, we just made this ten times more complicated," she giggled. "We have a lot to figure out. But not tonight. Tonight you need to get some sleep." He nodded slowly, placing one last kiss to her lips before he lay back against his pillow, his face snuggling back into her neck.
She smiled to herself, the butterflies in her chest fluttering happily, his breath warm against her skin. Her hands wound themselves softly into his hair, feeling the soft curls slipping between her fingers.
Eventually she felt his breathing evening out, his chest rising and falling slowly as he drifted into sleep.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
@lostaurorax​ said:
hii!! i love ur writing i was wondering if u could write a natasha x reader fic were reader is part of the guardians of the galaxy and they come to the compound and natasha is just starstruck but reader plays kinda hard to get and then just a bunch of fluff !
Word count: 1,388
A/n: sorry it took a while! I really hope this turned out ok I’m so nervous lmfaosdkdk
Warnings: none
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Natasha’s outside the compound by the landing zone, taking light sips on her beer occasionally. The Avengers are having some sort of gathering or low-key party inside to celebrate their victory against Thanos a while back.
They never really had time to gather everybody just after the battle, but Tony contacted everybody for this special night. Natasha just wants to take a break from the games and conversations for a minute.
Speaking of conversations, she rolls her eyes at the thought about something Steve said. Because the tables have turned; if she was the one bugging Steve to date a few years back, he's now bombarding her with names of single people they knew, one of them being Bucky.
“He wouldn’t mind going out to dinner with you sometime.” Steve suggested. But Natasha knows the Winter Soldier and herself are better off as friends.
Natasha gets up when after the guardian’s ship lands smoothly against the grass meters away from her. She moves a few strands of her hair from her face to get a clear view of Thor striding out of the ship as soon as the door opens, along with the other guardians.
“Ah, Romanoff!” The god of thunder grins, patting her on the back. She’s never seen him this happy. Probably because it's all thanks to him the whole universe was free from mad titans – at least for now. “How’s life? Oh, yes, I’d like to introduce you to my friends here… of course you already know rabbit, and tree…”
Greetings and hand shaking fills the friendly atmosphere for a moment. Then you finally catch up with them, nudging Thor’s side and thrusting the large barrel of Asgardian ale into his arms.
“You must be the Black Widow,” you breathe out and offer a warm smile to the redhead, your hand outstretches. “Thor’s told me awesome stories about you guys. Y/N, by the way.”
Natasha nods, slightly breathless like you are but because of... well, you. She returns a smile and introduces herself as well.
“Everything’s pretty tech-y now, s’mazing.” You muse, entering the compound side by side with Natasha. The rest are walking in front of you, chatting among themselves. “I missed this planet.”
She glances sideways at you, “when’s your last visit?”
You chuckle. “I honestly don’t remember when but, it was a brief visit to my hometown and everything looked old fashioned, I think these huge compact disks were all the rage that time, vines- no, not vines-“
“Vinyl records?” Natasha raises an eyebrow, smiling. You laugh, which she finds adorable, and nod. “You and Quill are related, then?” She proceeds to ask since you look like a normal human, no antennas or any odd space stuff you could’ve inherited.
“Oh, no, we’re both half human though,” you shrug. “What about you? Tell me about yourself.”
She hesitates to tell a bit of her story at first but you seem nice and - accepting, like you’d never judge her. But she does leave out a few parts for another conversation.
Natasha retreats over to Steve who is behind the bar counter when you receive a big hug from Peter and Tony greets you with a “How’s it going, fireball?” and a pat on the back. She figures you want to meet the others, so she sits down across the super soldier to steal glances at you from afar. 
“Finally, I was starting to think he wasn’t gonna show - hey!” Steve raises his champagne at Thor and he does the same gesture before hurrying after Bruce. “Is it just me or did Groot get taller?”
You're still joking around with Tony, pretending to hit the still-bandaged wound on his chest, Rhodey laughs along, then Wanda offers you a cocktail and you accept it, thanking her.
Steve’s now going on about Wakanda, also sharing the stories from T’Challa. Natasha’s barely listening but occasionally hum and nod.
“Nat, if you don’t close your mouth you’re going to drool.” He laughs lightheartedly, averting his gaze from her to you. “I guess we have a winner, then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Natasha gets up to grab another beer from the cooler. Steve continues to laugh, having a stupid grin on his face. “Oh c’mon, what’s her name?”
Even saying your name she feels out of breath. There's no point in pretending she isn’t into you now. “This isn’t normal. I just met her tonight and I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”
“You’re infatuated, it’s-”
“Hi,” you sit on a stool across from the two avengers, holding an open pack of marshmallows. Natasha lamely excuses herself to fetch a bottle opener. Steve straightens up and extends a hand which you take. “Nice to finally meet you, I’m-”
“Y/N.” Steve says. “Natasha’s been telling me about you.”
“I just thought you seemed nice,” she quickly recovers but her heart is still pounding.
You raise an eyebrow at her and giggle. “I’m flattered. You’re not so bad yourself, Natasha.” It’s true, you think she ‘seemed nice’ too. Sure she sounded so badass when Thor tells you stories but tonight she looks so cozy with her sweater and her hair braided to one side.
“Being surrounded with people like you guys is great but now I just feel like a party trick.” You take out a marshmallow while scanning the room (Steve is now playing pool with Sam, you notice, and you're alone with the redhead).
“What do you mean?”
You hold the marshmallow between your fingertips, igniting it out of nowhere for a second so it roasts just right, then pop it in your mouth. “Pretty useless, right?”
“Maybe if you only used it for something like that, but no,” Natasha smiles softly. “Fire conjuring, bit scary if you ask me. What if you randomly lit something up?”
“I was born with it. I remember having to wear gloves all the time as a child when I first set a houseplant to flames,” you both laugh. “I’m in full control of it now though.”
“S’that why Tony calls you ‘fireball’?”
You let out a laugh again. “Yeah. Or he might’ve forgot my actual name.”
“Y/N! I took the liberty of putting your stuff in the room you’ll be sleeping at.” Thor butts in, grinning from ear to ear, patting you on the head.
“Oh, right. Thanks buddy.”
“You’re welcome!”
Natasha turns to you, “you’re staying?” In her head she's coming up with ways on how to talk to you again once the party’s over and you return to space with the guardians. This just makes it a whole lot easier to get to know you even better.
“Yup, Thor is too. We both agreed on staying for a few weeks to catch up on stuff.” You reply. “I might actually turn in now, ‘think those cocktails are kicking in...”
“I’ll walk with you.” She says without giving it much thought but you nod and smile appreciatively.
“Perfect. It’s the guestroom beside your room.” Thor claps his hands together and walks away.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You zip your bag and hum before looking up at her.
Natasha's leaning on your doorframe, hesitating. Is she going to fast? Is it too soon to ask? She fiddles with her hands, “do you have any plans tomorrow?”
This is fine. If you say yes or say no then decline her next question, she’ll just forget any of this happened.
“I don’t - well, I think Thor wanted to go out for breakfast but that’s it. Why?”
“Do you... maybe wanna go out?” Natasha asks silently, looking at anywhere but you. “To, you know, catch you up on some of the things you missed. Only if you want to, no pressure.”
But your eyes light up at her words. You kind of expected it, she was showing signs that she likes you all night. And you actually made the Black Widow nervous. “Natasha, I’d love to.”
“Oh,” she sighs in relief, feeling the beat of her heart return to a normal pace. “Well I’ll - I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You walk over to her and place a hand on her arm, then lean over to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Good night.”
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tonnerredebrest · 2 years
Lando thinking that Carlos doesn’t want to be friends with him anymore now he has Charles as teammates?
Did I have to make it angsty? Yes. Did I have to give it a happy ending? Yes. But have I done it? Guess you’ll have to read to find out.
(Set in 2019. AO3 link at the end as always.)
Why do you need to leave? (I need you)
Carlos had been all Lando had ever known in Formula One. He was his first and only teammate, after all. They had become friends so fast, that sometimes Lando still couldn’t believe it. He had always been one to find it difficult to be friends with people, especially when he was in a brand-new environment. He had hoped with all his heart for his first teammate to be someone likeable and easy-going. IN the end, Lando got more than what he bargained for.
Yet, Carlos was now leaving the team, was leaving him. Lando hadn’t been surprised by the news. After what exceptional season his teammate had, it was only natural for him to go somewhere else. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt Lando, quite the contrary. His heart had bled at the news, an open wound right in the middle of it, where it hurt the most. Lando tried to be happy for him, who wouldn’t dream of driving for the Scuderia Ferrari?
The end of 2019 had come, and the Brit had to say his goodbyes to the Spaniard. Coming back to the factory, the party had been insane. Zak had really given carte blanche to the team. A DJ was there, alcohol and appetizers were present in enormous quantities, and the big conference room had been turned into a dance floor. It was a beautiful farewell party, very similar to the Spaniard’s image. Heartwarming, gutwrenching, and sweet.
Lando had done everything to avoid Carlos, until the very end. He hadn’t accepted it quite yet, he still believed it was all a dream. That he will wake up, with Sebastian still in Ferrari and Carlos still a papaya driver. One in the morning came, and the party was slowly shutting down. The DJ had gone, and the factory would be close at two. Everybody made a queue to say their last goodbyes to the Spanish driver.
From afar, the Brit looked at it, realising it was all true. Later that week, Carlos will be in Italy, in Maranello, far away from him. He had drunk a glass of champagne, just to get in the mood, but nothing more. Now he wished he had drunk more. He tried to keep his sadness inside him, but the sight of a happy Carlos in the McLaren factory was too painful for him.
Slowly, all the team got to say goodbye to Carlos, and he was the only one left. Lando had thought about just ditching him, going straight back home. However, he quickly realised it isn’t possible. Carlos had taken them here, Lando didn’t have a car, so he had to wait for him. Maybe if he walked, he could hope to be back in his flat by midday, or if he ordered an Uber…
The Brit was brought out from his thoughts by the person they were all about. Carlos was standing in front of him, looking like he had the party of his life. His pupils were dilated, his hair still miraculously intact, and his short was way too open. It showed his torso, and Lando couldn’t help but look. Oh yeah, he might have forgotten to mention that he had the biggest crush on his teammate.
“You OK?” The Spaniard asked, looking concerned. “I haven’t seen you this night.”
“Well, you see me now,” he replied, albeit a little too harshly than he wanted.
Carlos seemed taken aback.
“What is wrong, cariño?” The other driver approached him, and Lando took a step back. “Did I do something wrong?”
Yet again, he sounded harsh and hurt. It wasn’t far from the truth, but he didn't want Carlos to worry. After all, the Spaniard won’t be his teammate anymore, what was the point in telling him anything now?
“Lando,” Carlos’ tone was confused, “there is something wrong, clearly.”
The future Ferrari driver tried again to approach him, to touch him, but Lando got away again. That meant he was cornered between a table and a water dispenser, Carlos blocking any other escape. The Brit looked around, but they were alone, and there was no way he was getting out of there without passing by the Spaniard.
“Look,” he said, this time more sweetly. “There’s really nothing wrong here. You can go home and prepare for your new team.”
He wanted to sound confident, but his voice broke at the end. Immediately, Carlos came closer and took him in his arms.
“Landito, no, don’t be sad, cariño,” the other driver was shushing him as Lando tried his best to not break apart.
Yet, the sweet nothings and nicknames only made his mod worse. A single tear escaped his eye and fell on Carlos’ neck. The latter hugged him a little tighter when he felt the salt water drop.
“Don’t cry, no,” the Spaniard said again, but his voice seemed affected.
“I,” Lando tried to speak, his voice quivering. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“Oh, cariño, I’ll be there even if I leave the team,” his voice was sweeter than honey, it melted in Lando’s ears.
“I know, but you won’t be my friend anymore, ” his voice sounded strangled, he had a hard time pushing the words out of his lungs.
“Why would you say that?” Carlos went back on sounding concerned.
“Be-” Lando swallowed back a sob, “Because you’ll have a cooler teammate, and you won’t need to be my friend anymore.”
“Who said you aren’t cooler?”
“It’s Charles, Carlos, he’s everything I’ll never be! He’s got a beautiful face, and a beautiful body, and a beautiful girlfriend, and he’s actually winning, and-”
The Brit got interrupted in his tirade by a very serious Carlos.
“Lando, you are the coolest teammate I’ll never have.”
The Spaniard cupped Lando’s face between his hands and brought their foreheads together. The Brit couldn’t see clearly, his vision still filled with tears.
“Lando, I want you to listen to me very carefully, sí?”
Even though his deformed vision, he could see how serious Carlos looked.
“Lando, you are the best teammate I ever had, ever. But I am also your friend. Us not being teammates anymore won’t mean we will stop being friends. Nothing will make us stop being friends, entendido mi cariño?”
The Spaniard looked so convinced by his words that Lando was tempted into believing them. Yet, there still was that little voice inside his head telling how Charles was better in everything, how Carlos will stop finding him interesting and just move on.
“But, I don’t want to be friends,” the Brit sobbed, surprising himself and Carlos.
“What, what do you mean?”
“I-” Ther was no going back now, Lando knew he had to talk or shut up forever. “I love you, Carlos.”
The Spaniard looked at him bewildered, having stepped back as if he had announced to him he was a spy in disguise. It made Lando doubt his own words. That’s it, Carlos didn’t like him back, and he had fucked up their relationship.
“I, I understand if you don’t have the same feelings,” just at that thought, a tear fell from his eyes. “I won’t bother you anymore,” he whispered, trying to get pass the other driver.
Instead of letting him go, Carlos took the Brit in his arms again.
“Oh, mi corazón,” he mumbled, holding him tight against his chest. “Mi amor, mi vida, I didn’t knew.”
Lando just cried silently. He didn’t know what those words meant, he couldn’t understand what Carlos was trying to say.
“I don’t understand,” he managed to croak, hoping the message would get across.
He felt a chuckle in Carlos’ torso, and he squealed, fearing the latter was mocking him and his feelings.
“I love you, Lando, I love you, honey, my heart, my life, my darling,” the Spaniard enumerated, while turning his head back toward Lando’s.
Their eyes met. Teary against loving. Carlos didn’t seem to resist the sight and got even closer. Lando was even more confused.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered, so low Lando though he had hallucinated it.
The Brit didn’t even have the time to finish his sentence. Warm lips brushed his wet ones, and his brain short-circuited. All his senses were focused on Carlos, and Carlos only. Through the pain in his heart, he could feel the all-consummating love he always had towards Carlos. His lips moved on their own, bringing as much contact as possible.
His stomach turned in the best way possible, making him feel warm. Now he understood when people said you get butterflies. Yet, for Lando, it was a gigantic fireworks show. His hands moved to capture Carlos’ neck, to deepen the kiss.
The Spaniard groaned, and gently detached themselves, to get a little air. Yet, Lando immediately chased his lips again, and he gave in. All they could feel was love, surrounding them in a bubble of warmth and security.
“I love you, Carlos,” Lando said once they gasped for air again, to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“Te amo tambien, Landito,” Carlos replied, a wide smile on his lips.
“Will you come home with me?” the Brit asked, uncertainty staining his voice
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linorachas · 3 years
track 01. | bang chan
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⁍ pairing — bang chan x gn!reader ⁍ genre — fluff, hurt and comfort ⁍ word count — 2.6k words ⁍ details — established relationship, kisses!!!, self-doubt on reader's part ⁍ notes — this fic was supposed to be a drabble, but i may have gotten carried away because it hit close to home and maybe i need reassurance from chan Too ok damn. this one is for anon, and for every person out there who didn't get the results that they wanted, big or small. bear hugs from me and chan. you did well ♥️ ⁍ the mixtape series — this series will be for my fics that are heavily inspired by songs! i'm a very music-oriented person, so expect more of these in the future. ⁍ summary —  Chan was there for you. It was that simple.
♬ now playing:
when you love someone (day 6) ⤷ on queue: grow up (skz)
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Chan knew something was wrong the moment he stepped through the door.
He should have no reason to know, really. Your days started off on a good note, sweet kisses exchanged and promises made before he left for work. You texted him sporadically throughout the day, but the texts tapered off sometime after lunch.
He hadn’t thought anything of it then, but now that he’s seen you, it took every bit of his strength to not just shake your shoulders and ask you what was wrong so he could fix it and make it better and destroy whatever it is that upset you.
He knew you liked to play your problems off like they were nothing, brushing it off in fear that you would bother the people around you. You would ignore all your problems and let it boil over if you could. And he knew this was one of those times, because you hadn’t texted him about it. Greeted him at the front door like normal, distracted him with your bright smiles and kisses that leave him breathless.
But… he sees the way your smile tightened.
The way you blinked rapidly when you thought he wasn’t looking, staring up at the ceiling to try and alleviate the stinging in your eyes. He sees it in the way you wore your (his) comfiest sweater and turned on your comfort show at a loud volume, as if you were doing all your favorite things to convince both Chan and yourself that you were fine.
But he also saw how none of these things worked, and that you were hiding something, and it was hurting you.
“Minho called today,” you start talking as you both walk to the kitchen, and Chan finds you had already prepared dinner. You bustle around the kitchen, telling him about Minho’s trip to the vet with Dori, Jeongin’s new hobby, Hyunjin’s current drama obsession.
You talk and you talk, finding little things to do, like moving the cereal box and rearranging condiments. Chan moves to get the rice like he always does, but the ache in his heart slows his movements.
He didn’t like seeing you like this, putting up a front for him. He didn’t mind you hiding what was wrong. He understood that it was hard for you to talk about your problems, and he wasn’t going to push for you to do so. But it didn’t sit right with him that you had to put on a smile, when you were clearly struggling.
So he bites the bullet.
“Baby,” he calls, stopping you mid-rant. He knew eye contact made you nervous, especially with the question he’s about to ask, so Chan keeps his gaze trained on the rice cooker. He scoops out the rice methodically, keeping his voice light. “Did something happen today?”
You laugh, but even you can feel the nerves in it. “Nothing much, Channie. I’m fine! Anyway, I really thought they’d have it, you know. It was all over the internet. I’d have ordered it online, but shipping seemed too expensive. Some of the-“
“Stop it.”
You freeze at Chan’s tone, and you turn around slowly to see him frowning at the counter, bowl placed down. You meet eyes when he turns to look at you too, but he softens immediately when he sees how caught off guard you were, eyes still wide.
With a sad smile, he shuffles closer to you, reaching for your hand. But he stops before he actually gets to touch it, looking at you cautiously as if asking for permission to hold you.
Your heart throbbed.
As soon as you manage a shaky nod, Chan takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers together. He takes your other hand as well, but this one he brings up to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to it.
Heart stuttering, you croak, “Chan-“
“I’m here.” Chan reassures firmly, as if it was that simple. He tears through the walls you’ve built up the entire day, like they were made of cardboard instead of concrete. The stinging in your eyes worsens, because maybe it was that simple.
Chan was here. He was here, and maybe you were safe now, maybe you could let yourself cry for a bit, maybe you could let him hold you and you could forget, maybe-
He sighs, apologetic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh earlier. You can tell me to leave and I will, but I’ll be right outside that door until you allow me inside again. I’m right here, Y/N.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand, but this one is longer.
Lips brushing against your palm, he promises, “Whatever it is, I’m right here with you.”
And the dam breaks.
You don’t register the tears rapidly flowing down your cheeks until you see the way Chan panics, and the sight would have made you laugh any other time, but unfortunately you were too busy crying your heart out. Chan makes a wounded noise when he gathers you up in his arms, and your hands clutch at his shirt desperately, finding your safe space in the crook of his neck.
You hiccup and you sob and you shake, but all Chan does is hold you tighter and tighter, almost like he was holding together the pieces that were slowly breaking off you.
Like it was that simple.
He doesn’t say anything, except for the occasional hushing when you choke on a sob. One of his hands was wrapped snugly around your waist, keeping you close, while the other stayed at the back of your head. He was shielding you like this, hiding you away from the world that hurt you so much.
He starts swaying once your sobs die down. He rocks you back and forth slowly, humming under his breath just so you could have some music to sway to. It distracts you, and focusing on his humming eventually leads you to focus on your own breathing too.
You only pull away once his nails start gently scratching your scalp, afraid you would fall asleep on him if he continues any longer. You look up at him then, with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks, and Chan— who was never the one to resort to violence first— feels a lick of immediate anger deep in his soul for the person, or the thing, or whatever it was that made you like this.
Meanwhile, you look mournfully at the big wet patch on Chan’s shirt, berating yourself for being gross. Chan follows your gaze and laughs softly. He tears your gaze away from it by tilting your head up, two fingers under your chin. You meet his gaze and sniffle, apologetic.
“I’ll make you wash that later.” Chan’s nose scrunches, smiling at you playfully. Your lips quirk at that for a quick second, but the relief that washes over Chan at the miniscule expression was massive.
Brushing your hair away from your face, he sighs, “Now who made my baby cry, huh? I’ll beat them up for you. Really.”
You snort, about to tell him he couldn’t even hurt a fly, but then a fresh wave of tears well up in your eyes again just from the question alone and Chan coos as he brings you back in your arms.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. I’m not forcing you. We don’t have to talk about it, okay?”
You shake your head at that, face still buried in his chest. It’s not that you didn’t want to tell him, you were just…
You hiccup, furiously wiping at your tears as you pull away. Chan’s face was so open, so understanding and so ready to fight whatever upset you that the worlds bubble up in your throat before you could stop them.
Fuck it.
You face Chan again, steeling yourself as you whisper, brokenly;
“I didn’t get it.”
A look of realization and shock flickers on Chan’s face, but it’s gone as quickly as it came. It’s replaced with understanding, his gentle smile just coaxing more tears out of you. He cups your face between his two hands, shushing you.
“Oh, my baby.” He sighs, brushing your tears away with his thumb. He opens his mouth to ask how he can help, but surprisingly, you keep talking.
“It’s just so stupid.” You start, and then the words just don’t stop. “I feel so stupid. I know I shouldn’t be crying over this because I have other applications and- and-“
“Don’t say that,” Chan frowns, not wanting to interrupt you but also not wanting to hear you say you were stupid. “You’re allowed to cry over anything. No matter how big or small it is. There are no rules about what you should or shouldn’t cry to. I know how much you wanted that, Y/N.” He shakes his head, “You have every right to be upset.”
You swallow, letting Chan’s words sink into your bones. Exhaling shakily, your hands come up to grip his wrists.
“Everybody— my other friends, they kept telling me that I did my best, and I should just focus on the fact that I gave it my all, but if I— if I did my best, if I gave everything I had, why didn’t I…” you trail off, looking at Chan imploringly, as if he knew the answers to your question. “Chan, why didn’t they-“
You’re wrapped in another tight hug before you could finish your sentence, Chan pulling you so close that not even air could get between you two. His grip should be suffocating with how tight it was, but it just made you feel more safe. Secured. Protected.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” Chan asks when he pulls away, eyes searching your face desperately.
He hated seeing you like this, but most of all, he hated knowing he couldn’t do anything about it. This wasn’t something he could change with a snap of a finger, or something he could avenge you for. But hell would freeze over first before he’d let you deal with this alone.
“You,” you finally croak out, falling into the safety of his arms again. Here, nothing could hurt you. Here, you were safe. “Just you. Please.”
And his heart breaks.
Chan swallows, feeling that same lick of anger rise up again. But he pushes it down, because nothing else mattered in the world right now but you.
He coaxes you out of the kitchen, hands still intertwined as he leads you to your bedroom. He sits on the middle of the bed first, leaning back against the headboard. Then he opens his arms wide, and you crawl into his lap, your bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.
The hand he slips under your shirt makes you shudder, but there was nothing sexual about it. You’ve unknowingly been cold all day, the nerves from waiting for that damn email somehow lowering your body temperature and forcing you to bundle up. Just an hour ago, you had wanted nothing but to curl up under a blanket and hide from the world, shivering. But now, Chan felt like a furnace, and for every place that his hand touches, your skin warmed.
You didn’t need to hide now, because Chan was here.
It was that simple.
Chan takes your hand again, bringing it up to his lips. He presses a kiss to each of your fingernails, even tilting his head so he could kiss the thumb. He’s smiling as he does it, with that goofy little smile he does when he’s trying to act cute and make you smile. You’ve long stopped trying to discern if the smile you do end up making is because of his cuteness, or because he looked kind of hilarious.
Today, you realize it’s because you love him.
And another smile is tugged out of you again, because you’re reminded that he loves you.
It shows when he presses gentle kisses to the palm and the back of your hand too, down to your wrist. He shows it again when a cool draft of wind comes in through your open bedroom window, and Chan’s already throwing the covers over the both of you before you could even shiver.
He shows it once more when he captures your lips in a chaste kiss, and it’s still as sweet as the first one you ever shared, when you were both nervous but just as in love.
“You’re allowed to hurt.” Chan whispers after you guys spend a few minutes of silence just basking each other in, Chan rocking you side to side, his cheek pressed on top of your head. “You’re allowed to cry. I don’t want you to ever think that you can’t be upset about this. Yes, you did do your best, and that’s something to be proud of. But it still hurts here, doesn’t it?”
He touches your intertwined hands to your chest, right where your heart was located. You nod shakily. He smiles softly.
“So let it hurt. Let it hurt now, and when it passes- when, baby.” he looks you in the eye, determined and sure, “remember this: when. Not if. Never if. Because this will pass, and we’re going to get up tomorrow and find you other options. We’ll continue tomorrow and we’ll find another way like we always do. You’re doing well. You’re doing just fine, and I know you’re doing your best. But for now, you let it hurt so you can heal from it…”
Despite himself, Chan’s voice breaks. Because even though letting you hurt now was essential, that didn’t mean he liked it. He wished desperately for some kind of way to transfer your pain to him, just for a moment.
The stinging in your eyes comes back on full force again, but this time for an entirely different reason. Chan catches the teardrop by your lash line before it could even roll down your cheek.
“...and I will be right here with you.”
He promises, nose nudging against yours gently. Your eyes flutter close when Chan leans up to press his lips against your forehead, muttering even more promises. He intended to keep every single one of them.
It didn’t matter that it seemed unrealistic to promise so many things. Chan would fight tooth and nail to live up to those promises, if it meant putting a smile on your face. He’d do just about anything if it meant seeing your lips twitch or your eyes gleam or your cheeks flush over and over again.
Your gestures and expressions were things he learned to take note of early in your relationship, ever since he realized you liked putting up a front. Every day, he learns something new about what a certain gesture or expression meant, and every day he falls in love with each of them a little bit more.
So to see such a pained, guarded expression on your face; it drove him crazy. He wanted nothing more than to find the source of your pain and make them suffer too, no matter how illogical that sounded.
But then your hand twitches again his, your hair tickling him from where you’ve buried your face on his neck, and he remembers that you need him right now.
You needed him to stay, and he was more than willing to do so. He didn’t mind if his body ached in this position, or if he had to stay up all night to distract you from your thoughts. It didn’t matter if you wanted to go out in the middle of the night for a distraction, or if you wanted to stay and shut yourselves in. He’d do all of it in a heartbeat.
Just so he could ease the pain in your chest, even just for a little bit.
Because it was simple: he loves you, and whatever you wanted to do and wherever you wanted to go…
You will always, always have him.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sign From The Past
Andrew/Abraham (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Spoilers for Little Hope, Swearing, Blood and Injury, Bus Crash (Mentioned)
Genre: Romance, A bit of Angst
Summary: Following the bus crash and the group of students and their professor getting stranded in the eerie town of Little Hope, Y/N and Andrew come to find out a lot about and themselves as in their thoughts and feelings as well as about each other. It does take a little push from the past to pass the threshold though.
Requested by 💞 Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was a real joy to write. Also thank you so much for your patience - I know the wait has been really long and I’m extremely sorry for that but I still hope you come across the fic and read it. If so, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
Y/D/N - Your Double’s Name (Same first letter as your name)
Y/N stands behind John and observes as her professor is attempting to wake up the possibly concussed boy sitting on the ground with his back against the roof of the flipped bus they had all been safely seated in less than ten minutes ago. Her classmate and best friend Taylor’s struggling to fetch even the tiniest possible signal with her phone held up in the air, muttering curses under her breath. Two more classmates are unaccounted for at the moment but that’s not what’s bothering Y/N the most right now - maybe it’s messed up, but it’s true. 
The girls main attention and worry is focused on the boy who’s still unconscious. The boy she’s praying will wake up soon.
Being the only one with a med major, Y/N was quick to tend to any external wounds such as the cut on Andrew’s forehead which was rather deep but nothing to get too worked up about. There was not much she could do without a med-kit which made her feel utterly helpless and useless while John continuously reassured her Andrew and the rest of them would all be ok.
Come on, Andrew. Don’t scare us like this
As if overhearing her thoughts, Andrew’s eyes started fluttering open, causing Y/N’s heartbeat to pick up, her legs automatically carrying her closer to him, ducking down in front of him to get a good look at him.
She’s the first person his gaze lands upon before fluttering over to John. His eyebrow seems to raise ever so slightly before he looks at Y/N again, “Y/N, what happened? Who’s that?“
Her heart dropped and so did the smile that appeared on John’s face as a result of Andrew’s consciousness returning.
Overhearing Andrew’s question, Taylor quickly comes over as well, ducking down next to Y/N. “Rise and shine, Andy. We’re stuck in a ghost town, this is no time to be taking naps.”
Andrew scoffs, looking at Taylor, “Maybe you could run that back a bit cause I have no idea where I am or what on Earth happened.” His eyes shift back to you, “Any explanation would be nice, Y/N. Even a shitty one.”
Y/N sighs, “We were going on a fieldtrip and our bus crashed. This is our professor,” she points to John and then to Taylor, “And this is our classmate. Two others are with us but we don’t know where they are at the moment.”
The boy stays quiet for a moment, his gaze distancing and becoming unfocused to the point of scaring Y/N but then he starts talking, focusing again, “You’re a med major, so doc can you please tell me why the hell I remember none of what you just told me?“
Even though the girl is rather shocked by his memory of her and her major, she hurries to recompose herself and reply, “You’re just concussed, Andrew. Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly fine soon, nothing to panic over. I promise.”
Taylor snorts from next to her, cutting the tension, “Wow Andy, you know Y/N AND her major but you can’t even remember our names. Just wow!”
“Not everyone leaves the same impression on a person, Taylor.“ John says, looking between Y/N and Andrew knowingly.
“You got that one right professor.“ Taylor agrees, nudging Y/N’s shoulder with her own, sending a wink her best friend’s way despite the other girl desperately avoiding her gaze.
All she can really do is sit in the intense heat of her blush and hope it’s not as apparent as her crush on Andrew seems to be.
It’s gonna be one hell of a night, she thinks to herself.
If only she knew how right she was...
                                                            *  *  *
“Feeling any better? Any fatigue or nausea?“ Y/N asks Andrew as the two continue down the road, walking ahead of everybody else. This is a routinely question she’s been asking him every thirty or so minutes while hoping she wasn’t annoying him too much with it.
Luckily, he never made her feel like she was, always replying in a friendly, light-hearted manner and even with a hint of a smile, “No, I’m good, don’t worry.”
Right, as if Y/N had a switch to flip to turn her worry off. She’s always been the nurturing type. The one who always over-cares and is always over-kind. She’s been like that with everyone since forever. But with Andrew, though she refuses to admit it, it’s obviously a bit different and more intense.
Seeing as how she’s the only one he remembers, he’s been sticking by her side and gravitating towards her the whole night - much like she’s been doing as well. Little do they both know that even back on campus, in the gardens and the hallways of their college they’d somehow always end up finding one another and walking together to or from class. There are invisible magnetic forces between them, pulling them towards one another so subtly neither of them have noticed. Not yet, at least.
“Hey look! An old train station.“ Y/N points out, looking first to Andrew then turning around in search of the rest of their group members. Her heart drops when all her gaze lands upon is the thick fog that’s been following them everywhere they’ve gone so far and doesn’t seem to show any sign of thinning anytime soon.
Having noticed her mild distress at the absence of their professor and classmates, Andrew hurries to approach her, subconsciously resting a hand on her shoulder, “Hey, they’re probably right behind us, don’t freak out, ok?” His eyes stare into hers so convincingly that all she can do is nod. When she does so, he continues, “Ok, good. Let’s go into the station, see if we can find anything or anyone.” She nods again, praying the blush that’s appeared on her cheeks as a result of the physical contact isn’t visible in the faint light of the streetlight.
As the two turn to venture onward, Y/N nearly jumps out of her skin when she feels Andrew’s hand slide down her arm to take a hold of hers as if afraid he’d lose her in the dark. She tries not to pay too much mind to it and not read into it, biting her lip to suppress the involuntary smile that’s creeping up on her face.
Seeing this moment with the two so at peace and relaxed, the horrors felt mocked apparently and felt the need to intervene.
Just as the two students are about to pass the threshold into the station, a hand covered in cracked ashy skin takes hold of Andrew’s forearm, pulling him in the station.
And simultaneously into the past.
When him and Y/N come to they are shocked at the sight that greets them: themselves. The two of them are standing next to a horse carriage, wearing attire from centuries ago and speaking in hushed tones and whispers but loud enough to be understood at the distance they were at. Y/N and Andrew decide to stay quiet and avoid being spotted by them.
“Never have I thought I’d have to send you off such a way and for such a reason, Y/D/N.” The man who looks exactly like Andrew says, his head hanging low with disappointment, regret and sorrow.
“Abraham, listen to me, this is no fault of yours. You are doing what you think will keep me from harm and I’m grateful with all my heart. I just worry the Reverend will find out you had something to do with me...“
“I’d regret not a single thing even if he did find out.“ The man, Abraham apparently, cuts the girl - Y/D/N - off, his eyes coming up to meet hers again, his hand taking hold of hers. The girl looks around nervously as if to make sure she’s got permission to hold the hand of the man she clearly loves, but then just nods in gratitude.
“I’m forever in your debt, Abraham, thank you.“ She says, bowing her head now too.
“Do not thank me, Y/D/N, and do not speak such nonsense as debt. I would rather die seen as a betrayer of God than see you burnt at the steak or hanged. My lover is no witch and won’t be treated like one till the day I draw my last breath.“
With that Abraham and Y/D/N share one final hug before he helps her up on the carriage which takes off in a direction where Y/N and Andrew see nothing but darkness.
And just like that, the two present versions of those people, are put back where they belong - in the present, surrounded by fog and darkness as previously. The surroundings that previously gave them an uneasy feeling now make them feel comfort because of their familiarity.
“You ok?“ Y/N jumps when Andrew’s hand’s hold on her tightens ever so slightly as if to free her from the web of confusion and fear.
She nods then shakes her head but manages to let out an affirmative hum to reassure him. “You?”
Andrew repeats the same motion she did - a nod followed by a shake of the head, “Yes and no, if I’m being honest. And on the topic of honesty: I haven’t been at the peak of mine as of recent.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean?“
The boy lets out a heavy sigh that is meant to prepare him for what he’s about to say. What he’s about to confess to. “There’s plenty of things I haven’t told you. Things I refused to tell myself too...”
“Andrew, sorry but, I’ve had it with puzzles and riddles all night long. Can you please be straight-forward, I promise I won’t freak out or anything.“
Despite still being hesitant on the matter, Andrew decides to listen to Y/N’s advice - or rather request - and nods before continuing, “You’re one of my best friends, Y/N, I hope you know that and I trust you and I care for you and...and I just tonight came to understanding that it was always something...more than a friend. More than a best friend. I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird or awkward or if you don’t feel the same way please don’t cushion the rejection or pity me. I just...” As he’s talking he makes the mistake of looking her in the eyes which are giving him the most unimpressed look which gets him to shut up asap.
“If you didn’t already have a head injury I’d smack you.“ She says, eyes narrowed, “Andrew, I’m sorry, but you have to be one of the densest and most oblivious guys I’ve ever met. Like, you’re up there at Daniel’s level when he refused to believe Taylor liked him back. That’s how high up you’re on the scale.“
Her words confuse him, leaving him to process all that she’s said until some type of realization hit him. Only one is turning up and he refused to believe it cause it seems so impossible to him.
“I like you too, you dumbass.“ She says, a smile on her face hiding the tons of exhaustion he’d been seeing on it for the past few hours.
“FUCKING FINALLY!“ The familiar voice of no one but Taylor arises from somewhere behind the couple who have now found themselves at a closer proximity than before, arms automatically reaching for the other to take them in their embrace.
Fucking finally indeed, Taylor.
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carouselofrats · 3 years
All for the Best (No It Isn’t)
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him.
You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32061952
Pairing: Roceit
Word Count: 2017
CW: Janus has a panic attack but he gets comforted don’t worry :)
Janus wasn’t sure exactly when he’d fallen in love with Roman. All he knew was that at some point, over all of the theatre scenarios and courtroom flirting, he’d fallen head over heels in love with the wonderfully dramatic prince. It was terrifying, to suddenly care so much for another. Because of this, it was both a comforting and depressing fact that he could never act on his feelings. For one, Virgil would kill him. He was already suspicious and hateful enough of the snake, he didn’t even want to consider the backlash that would come if he tried to romance Virgil’s best friend. I used to be his best friend .
There were times, of course, where he did wish for more. When the light of the imagination’s stage caught Roman’s face at the perfect angle while they traded lines; When they accidentally brushed hands or shoulders while talking over one of Roman’s scripts and he had to force himself not to linger; When Roman had had a nightmare and chosen to come to his room for comfort.
He finally reached the other facet’s door and knocked politely, as he’d become delightfully accustomed to doing over the past few months. There was a shuffling on the other side before a visibly nervous Roman opened the door.
“Hey Jan! Come on in, sit wherever you’d like!” Okay, now he was nervous. Something was off, very off.
Janus sat down on the corner of Roman’s bed, glancing around the familiar brightness of his love’s friend’s room. Roman gently sat next to him, causing the deceitful Side’s gaze to snap to him. Roman sighed.
“I asked you here today to tell you something important.” Janus’ heart clenched. Please don’t be what I hope think it is.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while. We’ve had a rocky friendship, what with all of the stuff Thomas’s gone through, but I'm so happy that we got to the point we’re at now. You’ve become so incredibly important to me, Jan. It’s incredible how passionate you are about your role--and that’s coming from the literal embodiment of passion--and how much you care, even though you don’t like everybody to know it.” Roman chuckled a bit, Janus giving an exhale of amusement as well as the fear in his heart grew.
“I guess what im trying to say…” Please, god, yes no. “...is that I’m in love with you, Janus.” No. No, no, no.
Roman’s nervous yet earnest gaze travelled up from his lap, where it had drifted earlier, to Janus, searching for his reaction. Janus had short-circuited, his entire body frozen.
No no no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. How could he possibly love you? You can’t say you feel the same, no matter how much you want to, you know that. You’ve already hurt him before, if you tell him it’ll happen again and then you’ll really lose him and he’ll never look at you with his beautiful eyes or smile at you with his beautiful smile ever again. He can’t really love you. Just let him lose his infatuation. It can’t be real love. It might hurt him now but it will be way better than what you would inevitably end up doing to him.
No one could ever love you.
Janus forced his face into a smirk and his voice into something stable. He allowed the mask of the villain to slip over his face. You’ve always been the villain.
“Oh, Roman. You really have fallen, haven’t you?” he crooned. Hurt confusion slowly seeped into Romans face. He desperately pushed down the flash of guilt he felt.
“What are you talking about, Jan?” Roman spoke, his voice quiet and hurt.
“Did you really think that I could ever love you?” Janus hurt laughed. Roman’s eyes began to water, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. Janus stood up, forcing his hand not to shake as he patted Roman’s shoulder for the last time.
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him. You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
As soon as Roman’s door was safely shut behind him, Janus sank out to his room, collapsing on the bed as sobs overtook him. It’s better this way, he tried to tell himself, he can get over it quicker and you’ll save him the heartbreak. It’s fine. Everything is fine. His heart, which felt like it was physically burning, said otherwise. Janus could barely bring himself to move, weakly shoving his shoes off and wrapping himself in his blankets as he sat there, sobbing. At some point his hat had fallen off. He didn’t care. He lost track of time, trying to tell himself that it was all for the best, you’ll get over it, though he knew he wouldn’t.
Suddenly, Janus heard his door burst open. He was filled with the urge to make himself presentable or even look up but he only succeeded in reducing his sobbing into a gasping panic.
“Why the fuck would you do that to Roman you- Dec- Janus? What the-” the intruder spoke. Janus’ panic only increased and he couldn’t breathe he couldn’t breathe help
Of course, it had to be Virgil. Now he knows and he’s seen you vulnerable. You fuck everything up, don’t you? Can’t go one day without hurting somebody else you stupid, ugly snake.
“Oh shit.” He felt the bed dip.
“Can I touch you?” Janus breathed rapidly, flinching when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, okay, just calm down, Jay. Breathe in for four.” Janus tried, gasping, only succeeding after multiple attempts.
“You’re doing great. Now hold your breath for seven.” He did the same again.
“Okay, now out for eight.”
The process repeated until Janus could breathe somewhat normally again. He finally lifted his head up from his knees, feeling pitiful, to look at Virgil. After a few seconds of silence, the anxious trait spoke.
“What- What happened?” Silence.
“Did… did you reject Roman even though you like him back, Janus?”
His sniffling quickly turned to sobbing again as he threw himself into Virgil’s arms, the Side swiftly hugging him back once he got over the shock. Janus’ other arms came out too, gripping the other like a lifeline.
“I had to- he doesn’t- he doesn’t want me. I’ll h-hurt him. Just like in the courtroom. O-or when I c-called him the evil twin. Like- like I did with you,” his voice shrank to a whisper.
“It- it just hurts so bad. Make it go away, make it go away.” He gripped Virgil’s hoodie tightly, sobbing harshly once again. He felt Virgil’s chest rumbling but he heard no words. Suddenly, Virgil started to get up, detaching Janus’ hands from his hoodie. He curled back in on himself.
He’s probably gone to tell the others how pathetic you are.
A few minutes passed, Janus only calming himself slightly. He heard a few sets of footsteps enter his doorway. They’ve come to laugh at you. The bed abruptly dipped beside him and a new set of arms wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and saw a white and gold sleeve. He froze.
“Roman?” He spoke in a small voice.
“Shh, it’s okay, darling. You’re ok.” Roman spoke, rubbing circles into Janus’ back. His voice was thick with emotion, he’d obviously been crying and Janus’ heart crushed with guilt at the notion, more tears and gasps leaving him. He began rambling apologies, all six of his arms wrapping around Roman like they had Virgil.
“I’m so sorry- I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Roman shushed the snake as he spoke, holding him tighter. “I never thought you’d feel the same way so I just b-bottled it up and then when you t-told me I didn’t know what to- to do and I’m so sorry”
Roman suddenly stilled. “So you really do? Love me back?”
Janus had run out of tears, left occasionally gasping for air. He leaned back and sat up, looking Roman in the eye and nodding before sheepishly looking away. Roman put his hands on Janus’ shoulders, causing the Side to stare back at him.
“Why did you lie about it, my love?” he spoke, his eyes full of earnest concern and love.
“I- you don’t want me. I-I’ll hurt you again. I always hurt them. And then they leave. I c-can’t-” but Virgil, who had been awkwardly watching the emotional exchange from the doorway, spoke up.
“We both hurt each other, Jay. It wasn’t all your fault.”
“Oh.” Janus leaned back against Roman as his thoughts swirled rapidly in his head. “Does this mean… that I can love you? I promise I’ll never try to hurt you and-”
Roman cut off Janus’ rambling with a kiss. Oh. Oh. Maybe Roman really did love him after all.
“Okay! Um, everything seems under control here so I’m gonna go,” Virgil hastily exited, closing the door behind him.
They pulled away from each other, both smiling. Janus wiped some of the leftover tears from his eyes, frowning at the wet marks on his gloves.
“I guess I’ve really ruined my reputation in front of you, huh?” Janus gave a light chuckle.
“Your big, tough reputation was ruined for me the moment you showed me your Scooby-Doo collection, you big nerd.” Roman teased affectionately.
“Like your Disney movie collection is any better!” Janus quipped back, Roman batting at his arm in retaliation.
“At least I have a variety to pick from!”
“At least my room isn’t a shrine to a billion dollar corporation.”
“My room only has 101 Disney posters! That’s not that many!”
“Maybe in your opinion.”
“Well, at least I don’t walk around in Hufflepuff-colored garb everyday!”
“I’m severely wounded, you take that back right now Roman Romano Sanders.”
“I refuse!”
“I can feel the dishonor of your insult burning me. I’m dying.”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“I can see the light now.”
“Okay, fine! I'll take it back!”
“Nope, too late. I’m already in the afterlife. No, wait, I’m in Hell. It burns! It burns so much! But…”
“But what?”
“Nothing can ever burn me more than your insult! The shame! The shame…”
“Will you stop it if I finally agree to let you show me Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated?”
“Suddenly I’m alive! They sent me back.”
“They said that all of you were just so lost without me. Especially you, my dear Braveheart.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?”
Roman pulled Janus in for another kiss, both of them sighing contentedly. In that moment, everything was perfect. Neither could wait for the many more perfect moments sure to come.
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Can I request an imagine :3 where the joker has been coming in and out of readers apartment and he realizes how much he actually likes her or cares when he gets jealous?
Hey there, anon!! Your request has been a long time coming and I’m really sorry it took so long! 😭 I hope you see this and I really hope you enjoy!! I was feeling creative with this one 💖
Self-insert, Ledger Joker x fem reader, J is a bit of a bastard followed by some ✨fluff✨
Word count: 3,400
Warnings: theft, cursing, J being an ass (as per usual)
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With Him
How you’d even gotten yourself into all of this, you could barely remember by now. Gotham wasn’t a normal city. Whatever “normal” means. It was rough around more than just the edges, crowded, dirty, corrupt, and downright dangerous. But it was home. You did what you did to get by. And if that happened to be stealing and reselling whatever you could find, so be it. Life was kind to no one here. Except maybe Bruce Wayne. But you weren’t Bruce Wayne so here you were, working as a waitress at a late-night diner who happened to start stealing for the Joker on the side.
You’d gotten good at it, too. You started with wallets. They were so easily snatched from coat pockets at the diner, emptied of their cash, then slipped back in with none the wiser. It started out of necessity to pay your bills but the thrill of it only pushed you to keep going. Eventually you’d become fairly well known among the criminal community for your ability to get your hands on things. It’s been a few years now and you’ve since graduated to emptying trucks instead of emptying wallets. Why shouldn’t you? There’s no such thing as being “fair” in Gotham, you have to go out and get things yourself. And of course, you’d heard of him before he sought out your “services”.
You certainly didn’t expect how you’d reacted to meeting him. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him the entire time. Watching him talk, blink, move in that way he does, like he’s twitchy and erratic but in such a smooth and fluid way. It was confusing. Your belly felt warm and your cheeks flushed hot whenever he called you one of his nicknames. It was an unmistakable arousal. It was frustrating. You stuffed those feelings down deep in an effort to ignore them, but that was becoming more and more difficult. He started hiding at your apartment regularly. He said you owed him a favor even since you failed to get ahold of some C4 from a mining shipment, but he let you keep his payment anyway. Why he did that and didn’t just take his money back, you couldn’t guess. If you tried to guess, it only got your hopes up. Maybe he did it on purpose, just to stay closer to you.
Over and over, it would happen. Joker would knock on your window, you’d let him in, then you awkwardly tried to go on about your business while he either sewed up a hole in his clothes or in himself. The warmth in your belly only got worse. He often helped himself to whatever was in your kitchen, too. You’d eye his forearms when he rolled up his shirt sleeves, leaving his coat and jacket tossed onto your couch to rifle through your cabinets. As soon as his gaze came back in your direction, you’d avert your eyes and scurry out of the room, cursing yourself as soon as you were out of ear shot. Eventually, he’d leave, and the cycle started over. He was quiet at first. Then he must have started to enjoy how clearly flustered he made you just by simply being in the same room.
“AH! Jesus, fuck!!”
“Mmm color-ful language, doll,” he purred.
He’d been standing directly behind you while you washed your hands in the kitchen sink, lost in your thoughts, so you’d bump into him when you turned around, suddenly standing with your nose at his chin. Your face felt like it was on fire. You’d never stood this close to him before. Heat seemed to just radiate off of him, making your cheeks burn even hotter. He smelled like greasepaint and something a little sweet and sharp, like shaving cream.
“Well, ‘scuse me. Didn’t know you were so jumpy.”
Your hand was flat against your chest while you tried to catch your breath. He had to be doing this on purpose, just to get a rise out of you. Anger twinged in your stomach and you spoke before you could think better of what you were going to say.
“I’m not your plaything, you know!” you snapped back at him.
His eyebrows shot up and a little smirk gave way to a burst of giggles. “You’re not? Doll, I’m hurt! I thought we had somethin’, uh, special.”
His deep tone of voice at the end of his sentence sent a shiver down your spine. You knew he was toying with you, he had to be, but you couldn’t stop the inevitable tingle you felt whenever he spoke. That almost made you angrier. Why couldn’t you control yourself? You remained silent and tried to hide how rattled you were becoming by looking down at the floor. Avoiding eye contact was all you could do.
“I’ve got another job for ya. Another shipment of explosives to the mine,” he said, suddenly changing the subject. “A truck goin’ through Port Adams in three days. All I need is a, uh, few bags of ANFO. Name your price.”
He hadn’t moved, he was still standing so close to you, your back against the sink. Your eyes, apparently of their own volition, shifted to meet his. He was so close, you could see their color, the black paint usually makes it difficult to see. They’re brown. Sweat collected on your palms and your quickening pulse sent a rush of blood to your head. Through the fog collecting in your brain, you tried to think.
Taking a breath, you answered quietly, “Five hundred.”
Joker rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and pretended to consider your price. Now you couldn’t look away from his scars. Your fingers itched to know what they felt like. Are they rough or are they soft? Are they on the inside of his mouth too? Your heart jumped into your throat when you thought about what it would feel like to kiss him.
“A’right, deal,” he replied, breaking you out of your trance.
Then he stepped away, leaving the air around you feeling cold. Then he casually walked over to your couch and flopped down onto the cushions, lifting his feet to rest his heels on the coffee table, his ankles crossed. You blinked, expecting him to not be there, like none of that just happened. He laid his head back and laced his fingers together over his stomach, acting like it didn’t. You just stood in the kitchen and watched him close his eyes.
“Are… are you staying here tonight?” you asked.
His eyes still closed, he answered, “Mmm I think I will.”
“Um… ok.”
You couldn’t seem to leave the room. Your feet didn’t want to carry you back down the hall to your bedroom, so you continued to stand and watch him. Joker really didn’t seem to mind. His breathing soon became slower and steadier as he sank deeper into the couch. Then your feet started to sneak forward to tip toe toward your small living room in front of you.
“Joker?” you asked quietly.
He didn’t answer. All you could hear was the soft sound of his breath. He was asleep. Suddenly you felt nervous. What do you do now? Is he a light sleeper? What’ll happen if you wake him up?
You reached the end of the couch and stopped. It was strange, seeing him asleep. You knew he had to sleep sometimes but you’d never though about what he’d look like when he did. He looked kind of funny. The clothes and the paint, they made him look something like a statue. And this had to be the longest you’d ever seen him be still. His expression and his features were softened, so different from how he usually looked. Your eyes wandered his face until they reached his scars. Now you could really look at them.
The one in his left cheek was a bit straighter, making a line from the corner of his mouth, halfway up his cheek at a slight angle. It looked really deep and jagged, the skin dipping inward showing how violent the wound that created it was. The one on the right was cleaner, though. Like something much sharper left if behind. It formed a more precise curve, more like a smile. It was hard to imagine what his face looked like without them. You wondered how long ago he got them and if they’d happened at the same time or separately. That’s exactly what he wanted, though. He wanted people to guess, to wonder, so he could dangle that tantalizing mystery in front of their faces. He wanted to keep his secret. What good is a mystery if everyone knows the truth? Afterall, truth never really is stranger than fiction.
You fought your urge to get closer. It was like he let himself fall asleep there to tempt you on purpose. Maybe he was pretending. Maybe he was going to jump up and grab you when you got close. The thought jostled the butterflies in your stomach and you quickly turned to go down the hall. You told him you weren’t his plaything.
The next morning, he was gone, and you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. The question wouldn’t leave your head all night. Why did he get so close to you? He’d never done anything like that before. Was it to intimidate you? Or was it some sort of test? Just to see what you’d do. He left you wondering, just like everybody else.
After busying yourself with random tasks, glancing at where he’d been asleep on your couch more often than you wanted to admit, you decided to try to move on. You said you weren’t his plaything. Well, you were still letting him get to you like you were. You couldn’t let him have the satisfaction. Putting on your coat, you searched for you keys to go out for a walk. Maybe some fresh air would help.
Sometimes Gotham was pretty. Hard to believe but if you went to North City Park in November, the trees were bright orange and often you’d see ducks paddling peacefully on the pond. Today there were even other people out for a stroll. You walked in the same park, but you still felt disconnected from them. They looked different, dressed like they had somewhere important to be. They probably worked in the office building nearby. For a brief moment, you wished you weren’t some girl from Burnley. It was like your proximity to the Narrows kept you chained to it, cursed to be stuck in its shadows with no way to step into the light. You imagined yourself as some prestigious lawyer or CEO. Would you be happy? No. You wouldn’t. That didn’t sound like home. You always thought you were burdened by the place you were from, living among the dark alleys and neon signs. But you honestly didn’t want anything else. Maybe that’s what drew you to him. He was almost the embodiment of that life. You didn’t have to live by the same rules as them.
“Hey darlin’, can I walk ya home?”
On your way back from the subway station, you turned around to see your new neighbor from across the hall walking toward you, his hands in his pockets. What was his name again? Rob?
“Oh! Uh… sure,” you answered, still trying to remember his name. His familiarity with you was a bit off-putting but you weren’t really in a situation to say no. You’ve learned the pay attention to where people kept their hands. And it was getting dark.
He grinned and said, “Great!”
You forced an awkward smile back and turned to walk down the block toward your building. The thought of meeting other people hadn’t really occurred to you until now. You’d been too wrapped up in your own thoughts of having Joker around. You’d kind of forgotten how to act around other people. You subconsciously put your hands in your own pockets and tried to think of something to say.
“So, you work nights?” he suddenly asked.
You blinked at the sidewalk you’d been staring at and stumbled to answer, “Oh um, well, yeah most of the time.”
He nodded and replied, “Yeah I figured. I hear you getting home pretty late a lot.”
You felt a knot form in your stomach so fast it almost knocked the wind out of you. What were you supposed to say to that? You looked ahead to see your building just a half block away and felt some relief wash over you.
“Uh yeah… Sorry if I make too much noise.”
“It’s all good!”
Forced conversation was never something you were good at. Your mind just went blank and you could never think of anything to say. So, you walked in silence, keeping your gaze straight ahead.
“Hey, if you wanna get a drink sometime, let me know, eh?” he asked as you opened the lobby door.
Your stomach sank once again, and you quickly tried to come up with an excuse. “Well, I… I don’t, uh, I don’t drink.”
His smile fell a little and he nodded. Maybe he was finally getting the picture. You were far less interested in him than he was in you. But you couldn’t just say that, could you?
“A’right, well, good night! Let me know if you change your mind.”
You nodded back, putting your key in your door to turn the lock and answered, “Yeah… I, uh, I will.”
Shutting your door behind you, you sighed and leaned against it. Nope, meeting new people isn’t all its chalked up to be. Blinking away the tension in your brow, you stepped away from the door to shed your coat and hang it on the hook on the wall. As much as you hated to admit it, you wished he were here. Joker was far more interesting than anyone you’ve ever met, by far. He made you nervous. But not like your neighbor, this was different. You probably should be more afraid of him than you felt you were. But the way he pushes you, eggs you on, it chases away all of your instincts, all trepidation, and beckons you closer. You wanted him to do it again. The racing of your heart, the rising heat burning your skin while he stood over you like that. Your stomach fluttered just thinking about it.
After getting something to drink, you sat down on the couch. After a moment you realized you’d sat in the spot where he slept last night. You could swear it was still warm. Then your eyelids started to feel heavy. A prickle of drowsiness burned your eyelids and you rubbed them before laying back against the cushions, letting them drop closed. The dreamy embrace of sleep wrapped itself around you and you surrendered to it, letting it carry you away into the darkness behind your eyelids. It felt like all sound was blocked from your ears, silenced by the warm cloud surrounding you. But then you heard something. Something quiet, like a soft tapping. It was like it was real, but also not real. Was the sound actually there or were you just imagining it? The thought pulled you from sleep’s embrace and consciousness rushed over you, forcing your eyes open. And there he was, his painted face looking right at you. A startled gasp ripped your mouth open and your whole body flinched, practically jumping out of your skin.
“Really are a jump-y one aren’t ya?”
You panted and tried to slow your racing pulse, your heart thudding against your ribs while your mind processed what you were seeing. He was sitting on the coffee table, hunched forward to look at you. You wanted to yell, demand why did he did this to you again, but you stopped yourself. He’d never snuck in here like this before.
“How’d you get in here?” you asked breathlessly.
He smirked slightly and rolled his eyes toward the window before answering, “Y’know I’ve never, uh, needed to be let in, sweets.”
You blinked at him, not sure what to say, your brain was too saturated with adrenaline. Then you realized what he meant.
“Have you done this before? Sneaking in here and watching me?”
The question made your cheeks flush. You bit down hard on your lip, immediately regretting asking it.
“No. C’mon, doll. Who d’you think I am, hm?” he said, still looking right at your face.
“Ok… well… what are you doing here then?”
He didn’t answer for a moment. He just kept looking at you. Then he licked his lips and said plainly, “Guess.”
You were confused to say the least, but he seemed serious. “Um… you need a place to crash?”
“No-pe.” He made a circular motion with his finger, gesturing for you to guess again.
Your mouth was dry, but you managed to swallow and asked, “You’re… hungry?”
He looked up toward the ceiling and shrugged a little before shaking his head. “Mmm well, yeah, but that isn’t why I’m here.”
You tried not to crack a smile as you then shrugged your own shoulders and shook your head. You really had no idea. He was acting strange. Sort of… playful. He was quiet for a moment, licking at the inside of his scars as he took a breath.
“Don’t like that neigh-bor of yours, do ya?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
Your eyes widened and you blurted out, “You were watching me??”
He held his hands up and replied, “Relax, doll. I wasn’t watchin’ ya. I was watchin’ him.” When you only returned a confused stare he continued, “Rob over there works for Johnny law. Undercover. Well, not anymore, I guess.”
He giggled when your eyes got wider. “How d’you know that?” you asked quietly.
“I got a lead that mister, uh, Serpico fancied himself a mole for the Gotham PD. Took it upon himself to find the cops I had on the hook, mmm well un-der my employ, to turn ‘em in. He moved in across the hall from you, I figured he planned to use you to do it.”
By now you were staring back at him with your mouth open. His ability to get information and stay two steps ahead of everyone was never short of astonishing.
“Why tell me all of that?”
He paused again and tightened his lips before answering, “Didn’t like seein’ you with him.”
His words made your heart suddenly flutter. What does that mean? He didn’t like seeing you with another man? Like he’s… jealous? Your cheeks promptly grew hot and both of you just stared at each other in silence.
“D’you mean… around another man?” you finally uttered.
“Mmm, you could say that.”
You blinked at each other for a moment, then before you could say anything else, he pulled you up from the couch and onto his lap, bringing you nose to nose with him. He stopped and held you there by your upper arms, scanning your face with his eyes. You gasped but then your startled gaze softened, and you felt incredibly warm. You didn’t feel afraid, only a warmth spreading through your chest while he stared at you. Your hands slowly reached for his coat to take hold of the lapels while your breath became heavier, washing over his face. Then his eyes lowered to look at your lips.
After a moment, he leaned in even closer so that his lips brushed against yours. Your breath hitched and your fingers tightened their grip on his coat while your heart soared. You could feel his lips pull into a smile before they parted to take hold of yours. It was like a rush of excitement ran through every nerve as your mouth melded with his and you kissed him back. His hands slid behind your back to pull you closer, humming against your lips while he relished the way you taste. Your senses were immersed in him, his scent, his taste, his touch. His scars, they grazed your cheeks, enhancing the way his mouth felt pressed into yours. It was as if you were coming back down to earth when your lips separated. Your eyes slowly opened to see him silently staring at you with a smirk, licking his lips.
“Mmmhm. Perfect,” he purred before leaning in to capture your mouth again.
Taglist! @youmaycallmebrian @heavymetalnarwhal @neverputsaltinyoureyes @jokersqueenofchaos @into-crazy @killingjokee @astheworlddturns @jslittlebirdie @torixcarterr
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iwasabs · 3 years
first meeting - levi x reader
Hi everybody, this is my first post/fanfiction. I wanted to write down all the stories and scenarios that I set up in my mind, so I decided to download Tumblr since on of my closest friends suggested me to. I'm sorry for my bad English, but I'm Italian and I'm currently studying this language, so this is also a way to improve my vocabulary. if you spot any mistake, feel free to correct me.
Thanks for the attention and now let’s move on the fanfiction’s details.
𖥔 pairing: levi ackerman x fem!reader
𖥔 genres: fluff
𖥔 TW: references to abuse, wounds and blood
𖥔 word count: 1.6k
𖥔 summary: you’re found in the woods by the survey corps during an expedition. you passed out after hours and hours of running, trying to escape your abusive adoptive family who lived in the underground.
you’ve lost count of the hours you spent laying on the ground. after a couple of hours running aimlessly and insanely fast, you started to feel dizzy and numb. since the sun was about to rise, you decided to rest a little before you started running again. little did you know you were going to faint and be unconscious for at least ten hours. 
meanwhile the survey corps was returning to the walls after an unsuccessful expedition. they killed only a couple titans and they were disappointed in themselves. captain levi felt the worst since it was his bad if mikasa got injured. “don’t worry, captain. it’s just dislocated, I’ll be fine.” she said to comfort him.
the truth is that levi was sure mikasa would be fine but he was mad at himself for getting distracted. times were tough and he was feeling worse everyday that went by. he couldn't sleep more than half an hour a night. he wasn’t feeling tired physically, but he could easily get distracted. and that’s not good if you're humanity’s strongest soldier. 
he was riding his horse beside erwin and hange, when the woman gasped and screamed so loudly erwin jumped and stopped his horse. “you psycho four-eyes want to kill us all, don’t you?” a bothered levi whispered in a low voice. “dear god!” now erwin was talking. levi was surprised by his tone, so he looked up at him. erwin got off the horse, followed by hange and the cadets. levi took his time because he wasn’t really aware of what was happening. he got off the horse too and he leaned on the animal’s side.
“levi!” erwin screamed. levi rolled his eyes and proceeded walking towards his squad. when he saw what was happening, he opened his eyes wide and he followed erwin, who was sitting on his knees near your defenseless body.
“is she... dea-” eren tried to ask, but he was immediately stopped by levi.
“shut up, brat. she just passed out.”
“what in the hell happened to her...” jean was shocked and continued to stare at your body. you were covered in bad wounds and purplish bruises.
levi carefully looked at every part of your body. he stopped for a minute to think, then he turned around, facing the cadets. “does any of you guys recognize her?” he asked, but no one seemed to know you. and how could they? your body was full of blood and your face was swollen. it was clear that you had been beaten up. 
he sighed loudly and he leaned back over you. he wrapped a hand around your neck and he slightly lifted your head up, placing it between his lap and his stomach. he started to give small taps on your cheeks, trying to wake you up, while he was holding some strands of your hair in his other hand. 
“come on, brat” he whispered in his low but strong voice. he was afraid to hurt you, so his touch was soft and gentle. you moaned feebly because you started feeling an atrocious pain in your head and you placed a hand on your temple. on the other hand, levi gasped imperceptibly because of the sound you made. he cleared his throat and he continued tapping your cheek. 
“hey, can you hear me?” everyone was slightly surprised that he didn't address you with one of his usual nicknames. it must be said that levi’s temper is famous for being... particular. he’s never been friendly or kind with others, not even with people he cared of. mean nicknames and comments were commonplace. 
Levi tried to think about what to do to wake you up, when you started moving. you turned around on your right hip, you placed your right cheek on levi’s inner thigh and your left hand grabbed his lap. you started to sigh and pant because in your head you weren’t in the woods. you were back at your house and your adoptive father was punishing you for escaping. levi raised his brows embarrassed and all the cadets widened their eyes, not knowing what was really happening. hange giggled softly.
“she seems to like you, heichou”
“shut up hange” levi rolled his eyes. he decided to try something else, so he started shaking your body. you suddenly opened your eyes and lifted your body placing your hands on levi’s thighs. you gasped loudly searching for air and you started coughing violently. you were uncomfortable on the ground, so you unconsciously sat on Levi. you calmed down and placed your head in your hands. once you noticed you were sitting on something soft, you turned around and died inside. you jumped to your feet and you stared frightened at levi, to make sure he wouldn’t try to reach you. you looked around you and you noticed you were surrounded by guys staring at you. you tried to run away, but you stumbled in the grass and fell down. erwin tried to help you but you were terrified and didn’t let him touch you.
“don’t touch me!” you screamed loudly “don’t you try to touch me!”
erwin was shocked by your reaction. “i just want to help you, I don’t wanna hurt you.” he said gently, but as he started reaching you, you stepped back.
“please stay back, please.” you cried out as tears began to stream down your face. erwin didn’t know what to do. he was about to speak, when levi stopped him with his hand.
“look, I don’t wanna hurt you. I just wanna talk to you, I'm not even going to get close to you. my name is levi, I'm the Special Operations Squad captain. this is erwin, the commander of the Survey Corps and that is squad leader hange. what’s your name?”
you wanted to answer, but you were so afraid of him and the other people around you that you couldn't make any sound leave your lips. you opened your mouth a couple of times. levi noticed that your confused gaze moved from person to person.
“guys step back” he said in a strong and linear voice.
hange and erwin didn’t hesitate and took two steps back. since the cadets weren’t leaving their places, levi cleared his throat. they looked like they just got up from a trance state and they took a couple steps back too. 
“is it ok now?” he asked you. you nodded and started to talk.
“my-” your voice cracked so you stopped talking. you took a deep breath and closed your eyes for some seconds. when you opened them, you felt ready.
“my name is Y/N”
“ok Y/N, do you remember how did you get out here?” you slightly moved your head to deny. in fact, you didn't remember how you went past the wall.
“and do you remember where you live? we could bring you there” as soon as you heard his words, you started crying and screaming again. 
“please no, don't bring me back there. I don’t want to-”
“it’s ok, Y/N. don’t worry, we aren’t going to do something you don't want. I repeat, we want to help you. can I come closer?” levi asked in a soft voice that somehow made you trust him. you allowed him to get closer to you and he sat some inches in front of you. he brought his hand to yours and you grabbed it. 
“so, Y/N. do you know who did this to you?” you nodded vigorously.
“do you want to tell me?” you didn’t want to, so you haven’t agreed to tell him.
“that’s fine, don't worry. listen, we really need to go back to the headquarters, but you can stay with us, right erwin?” levi looked at him, waiting for an answer.
“sure...” he said still shocked by how levi could handle the situation that well.
“you see, we can solve this out. is it a problem for you to ride my horse with me?”
“i-i can't ride a horse...” you said awkwardly.
“oh, don't worry. I can do that for you” he smirked at you. then he got up and he held out his hand. you grabbed it and stood on your feet. your legs where shaky, so you struggled to walk. he noticed it, so he pointed your hip with his hand. “can I?” you nodded, so he placed his hand on your hip, making a shiver run down your spine and spreading goosebumps allover your body. 
he helped you reaching his horse and than he grabbed your hips and lifted you up so you could sit on its back. he easily jumped on the horse and made sure you were comfortable.
“are you cold? your dress is pretty thin. here, take this.” he placed his jacket on your shoulders, while everybody was staring in shock.
“tch. why are you brats standing there like statues? get on your fucking horses before it’s to late to go back home.” levi started riding his horse and you automatically wrapped your arms around his stomach. when you realize what you were doing, you instantly take them off, hearing levi giggle.
“it’s ok. you have to wrap your hand around my stomach if you don't want to fall off.”
you never trusted man, but he really looked like he didn't want to hurt you, so you slowly put your hands back where they were. you suddenly felt tired, so you placed your head on his back and you closed your eyes. 
“thank you mr.captain” you said before falling asleep.
“you can call me levi.” he giggled.
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ds0408 · 3 years
I will here you -(y/n) x wildcard
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(Y/n) Pov.
Beep. Beep. Beep. I heard the alarm ring. I woke up and got dressed. I am supposed to go to the heroics HQ. I wore <outfit^^> Yup, you guessed it I love the color Black. My mom Girlcode died during a mission, my dad left after I as born, I lost my best friend, my mom and dad both neglected me. Then the only person who did not neglect me was my grandma, abouelle. She died because of murder. I have been through a lot of pain that I am all cold hearted and some shit. I do not cry and you can not scare me.
I finally reached HQ. I go inside great miss Granada. I have always hated her I do not know why. I have been popular here since I saved the HQ with my hacking skills from getting hacked and all the information goes away.
So I reached the room where I am supposed to be in and I find them all 'studying', I raise an eyebrow at all of them before shutting the door and sitting net to Guppy, in front of slo-mo. It was Slo-mo's birthday yesterday, and I couldn't go so I got his gift with me. I waited for noodles to give the all ready and removed my laptop and started re-programming the bracelet I have. I made one for every Heroic so I can talk to them and have their gps ready on the bracelet.
Noodles gave the all clear then Guppy turned to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged back, Then I turned to Slo-mo and did a Slo handshake. I then greeted Wheels and Ojo. They all are the youngest in the group. Sometimes they need moral support. Anyways Wheels came over to us.
"Hey code! (code is my Heroic name) What are you making?" Wheels asks, soon everybody came to my table to see.
"I am reprogramming the bracelets so I can track them in space too." I reply with. Many people 'oooh' I then remembered the gift I got for Slo-mo. So I quickly turn around and and pick the gift package and give it to Guppy to see.
"You finished it!" she squeal's. I nod at her We turn around to tell Wheels I made it. Once he heard that he came to us and says "Let's give it to him"
We go to Slo-mo and say "I know your birthday was yesterday but we have a gift for you." Wheels says and Guppy hands it to him. He smiles at us. It is a smile I rarely see, like he really means it, like he is relieved.
"Did you really think we were going to forget your birthday now did you? Remember how much you loved F.R.I.D.A.Y. my AI so I decided to make a new one for you." I say. He got really excited.
Then I got a phone call from Miracle guy. I put him on speaker so everyone could hear. Once everyone was Quite I spoke  "Hey Miracle Guy!"
'Hey (y/n)! We just want to check on our kids. are they ok?'
"You wound me, you know. They are in my care and you ask if they are ok?" I say with fake hurt. Which makes everyone laugh.
'Sorry, just making sure'
"Don't worry, they are ok, oh! and did I tell you Wheels helped me reprogram your bracelet."
'Wow. Wheels that is amazing-Ow what is wrong with you blinding fast'
"Oh hey blinding fast, did you know Slo-mo did the handshake really fast."
'H-he did that?'
"Yes you can ask wheels here."
"Yeah I couldn't see it was so fast."
'I am so happ- AAAHHHHH' you can hear shark noises through the phone so everyone shuts their ears.
'Yeah it is(y/n)- ok ok here take the phone'
'Hey (y/n)'
"Hey Shark boy."
'How is my little shark doing?'
"She is doing amazing, she almost beat me in a spar match. soon enough she will be stronger than you." I joked
'That is so good to hear. When I come home we will play a spar match'
"Oh so you want your a-but handed to you again?"
'No that is not what I me- Guys we got to get ready' said another voice
I recognize that sound anywhere so remove it from the speaker and go to the back. to speak with him.
So (y/n) is a really caring person but will not hesitate to harm you if you put someone she loves in danger. That is what I really like about her. I think I am starting to fall for her. Anyway her phone rang and everyone as settled down she spoke to most of the Heroics about their kids until an odd voice came, she seems to recognize this voice so she goes to the corner to speak.  soon miss Granada comes with another girl.
Miss Granada said somethings I did not pay attention to. Then she looked around and did not see (y/n) so she asked "Where is code?"
I reply with "Talking with the Heroics" She nods knowing how often do they call.
Then the girl sits down. Miss Granada leaves  then Wheels starts Introducing us. He was Introducing Guppy when (y/n) came in and said "Guys get ready to pack up, my senses are on." Then she freezes and sees the other girl, she then whispers "Missy."
Then I think the girl who is Missy whisper "(y/n)"
Then (y/n) glares at her walking closer. She glares back and walks closer.
"What are you doing her?"
"What re you doing here?"
"My Dad told me I need to go to HQ."
"Who is your dad?"
"Marcus Moreno."
Then Guppy asks "How do you know each other?"
Then (y/n) looks at me and then to the back and I nod understanding she needs to talk.
"She was my friend." Says (y/n) and Missy together
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Four
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter
warnings: none
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The bell finally rang on a glorious Friday afternoon and Elide corralled all her students, herding them into the cubby room. 
Kohana, as always, was one of the first students ready, standing next to the door silently as his proclaimed ‘bestest friend ever’ stood next to him, excitedly chattering about her weekend plans. 
Esther Corsario-Beausoleil was an adorable little girl, with sea green eyes and a cloud of coily, flaming red locks, the child to Elide’s favourite parents - Ilias, Ansel, and Rolfe. Elide had known Ansel forever and knew that they proclaimed it to be a cruel and unjust punishment to stick their kid with three last names. Ilias had gotten the pick of her first name as a consolation. Unlike one of her fathers and Kohana, she hardly ever stopped talking, but it seemed as though Kohana’s presence had a calming effect on her. 
Esther was currently explaining to Kohana that her last name, translated into the common tongue, meant ‘pirate-beautiful sun’. Esther had the cutest accent, her pronunciation of her last names immaculate. 
That had him excited as he hurriedly told her that his last name meant ‘god of the sea-saviour of the earth’. They looked very pleased with themselves and Esther managed to stop hopping around to show him how her shoes lit up. 
“Ok, friends, is everybody ready?” Elide asked, standing at the front of the line. They all nodded and took each other’s hands like she’d taught them before she led them outside. It was beautiful again today and Elide couldn’t wait to go over to Nesryn and Lysandra’s place tonight, her week - while she loved it and it had gone as smoothly as possible - had been hectic and she was ready to relax with her closest friends. 
Elide said hello to the parents and nannies, pulling some of them to the side to discuss minor issues they’d had. Somehow, she’d managed to make it through the week without a single wet pants situation and Elide thanked whatever deity had ensured that small victory for her. 
“Elide! Elide!” Elide turned, to see Esther pointing across the asphalt area to her mother, who was climbing out of a sleek red Cadillac. “C’est Maman!” 
Elide chuckled as Ansel strolled up, wearing a pair of skin tight black jeans, a black top and a burgundy leather jacket, her eyes hidden behind a pair of cat-eye sunglasses. She tossed her glossy locks over her shoulder and opened her arms, letting her daughter race towards her and launch herself into her arms. “Bon après-midi, my petite. On fait bien, oui?” Esther nodded and began to babble as Ansel propped her up on her hip and walked to Elide. “Elide, my saviour!” Oh, how Elide loved that sultry accent.
“Hey, Ansel. Esther was a joy, yet again. We made some art today, but it won’t be dry until Monday.” 
Ansel nodded and turned to Kohana, who was now standing alone, the last kid, as he waited for his dad. There was a crease between his brows as he watched with those light eyes of his. “Hi, Ko-Ko. How we doing?” 
He turned to Ansel and waved, “Hi-hi. ‘m waiting for até.” He fell silent again, wringing his hands until something crossed over his face and he was off before Elide could stop him, running as fast as his little legs would take him. Kohana didn’t get too far before Lorcan was scooping him up. 
Lorcan was smiling widely as he easily put Kohana on his shoulders and walked over to Elide and Ansel. Kohana looked pleased, his little hands holding onto Lorcan’s hair as he sat on his perch. “Hey, Ansel, Esther.” Esther waved at him vigorously and swung her legs out, trying to get her shoes to light up again. “Elide.” 
“Lorcan.” Ansel looked back and forth between them with narrowed eyes after she pushed her sunglasses up into her wine-coloured hair. Elide still couldn’t tell if it was natural or not - even after all these years - but with Esther’s red strands, she couldn’t be sure. “Kohana was a perfect student this week. I’m very impressed with his ability to tie his own shoes. He’s got the best bunny ears in the game.” She winked at Kohana, who giggled and clapped his little hands before leaning over his father’s head. 
“I tied my shoes all the days, até.” 
“Good job, Ko. You ready to go?” 
“Yep! Got say bye-bye to Essie!” Kohana sat up straight and stretched out his arm, waving bye to Esther. “Bye-bye, Essie!” 
Esther beamed and waved goodbye to him as well, “Au revoir, Ko-Ko!” 
The adults chuckled at the cuteness and all said their farewells as Lorcan strolled off. Ansel swivelled to Elide, a brow raised, “What the fuck was that?” 
“Maman! Mauvais mot,” Esther chastised her mother, frowning as she crossed her arms. 
“Just like your Aba, huh? Always tell me what to do,” Ansel teased her daughter in reference to Ilias. Elide had known Ansel when they were both in university, around the time that she met her now husbands, and Elide knew that Rolfe and Ansel were the troublemakers of the relationship. “But seriously, what was that?” 
Elide rolled her eyes, “You’re still coming tonight, right? I’ll tell you then.” 
Ansel pouted and sighed dramatically, “Oh, I suppose I can wait that long.” They laughed and soon enough, were departing as Elide headed back to her classroom. 
She puttered around, tidying up and putting the little chairs up before gathering her things. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes and she was off, after closing the blinds and turning off the lights, heading home for the weekend. 
It was nice out again today, but Elide had still brought her car, a cute, vintage, baby-blue painted Volkswagen Bug. She rolled down the windows as she drove home, happy with the success of her first week. 
Granted, she could’ve done without the realization that she’d had a one-night stand with one of her student’s fathers, but she’d take what she could get. 
“Dad, where we going?” 
“We’re going to Ro’s house, kiddo.” 
“Can I bring Tigger?” 
Lorcan looked down at his son, his eyes wide as he pouted. “Sorry, Ko, you know Tigger stays at home.” 
Kohana sulked, crossing his arms tightly. “Wanna bring Tigger.” He frowned deeply, a fierce glare pointed at Lorcan as he picked the child up and locked their front door behind him, walking to the truck. Every first Friday of the month, the guys would all meet up and play poker somewhere. The level of the stakes varied, but never exceeded an ostentatious amount. 
As a bribe, Lorcan stopped at a fast food place and bought his son chicken nuggets on his way to Rowan’s, smiling in the rearview as Kohana happily munched on his dinner and kicked his legs out. Soon enough, they pulled up in front of Rowan’s townhouse and hopped out of the truck. 
Kohana raced to the door and pressed incessantly on Rowan’s doorbell until the silver-haired man yanked the door open, assuming it was Lorcan doing it to annoy him. Upon seeing Kohana, he grinned and picked the little one up, tickling his sides until he was squirming away. “No! No more!” 
“Boyo just devoured ten chicken nuggets, don’t blame me when he barfs on you,” Lorcan said dryly, laughing as Rowan made a nervous face and put Kohana down. He pushed past Rowan’s legs and raced into the house, roaring his arrival. 
“So how’s the teacher?” 
Lorcan groaned, “Fen told you?” 
“Literally the second after you told him.” 
“Fucking Marama,” Lorcan muttered, putting down Kohana’s backpack of toys and books. 
“Someone say my name?” Fenrys yelled as he popped out from behind the corner and Lorcan shouted. 
“Hellas below, man, can you not? I hate it when you do that.” Fenrys cackled and Lorcan wondered how on earth did he convince Nehemia to marry him. They all walked into the kitchen and sat at the table, with Kohana as their dealer. 
They didn’t fuck around after their greetings and got right into the game. At some point, Connall had fished out the old visor with DEALER stamped across it and plopped it on Kohana’s head. 
The five-year old took his job very seriously, his brows furrowed as he carefully passed out the correct amount of cards. “Juice, please.” 
After he’d gotten his juice box, the game was back on. Fenrys looked at Lorcan and wiggled his brows in a way that Lorcan did not like. “So, Man-Man,” Kohana looked up from the chips he was carefully stacking, sitting atop a pile of books so that he could see the entire table. “How’s school going? You like your teacher?” 
“Teacher is nice. Like her. She read stories and paint and draw and play outside with us. Did you know I gots a bestest friend, Fenny?” 
“What? I thought I was your bestest friend, Ko!” Fenrys exclaimed, holding a hand to his heart like he was wounded. “What’s your bestest friend like?” 
“Very loud. Essie talks a lot,” Kohana said, moving on to the blue chips. “She gots shoes that light up too.” 
“She seems like a nice friend,” Vaughan said, smiling fondly at his nephew. “Do you have light up shoes, Fenny?” Fenrys, mindful of the child sitting in full view, stuck his tongue out at Vaughan, making Kohana giggle. 
“Essie has two daddies and one mommy.” 
Lorcan elaborated, “She’s Corsario’s kid.” 
“Oh dang really?” Connall asked, his brows lifting. “Ay, didn’t he marry Ilias and Ansel?” 
“Yeah, they were in that prenatal class with us,” Lorcan said, focusing on his cards. 
“That is a brave man.” 
“What’dya mean?” 
“Marrying Rolfe and Ansel? I’m surprised he hasn’t had a heart attack yet.” 
They all chuckled and soon enough, the game recommenced, at the behest of the dealer. 
“I got to say, El, Esther’s so happy she gets to call you by your first name.” Ansel rolled her eyes, “She had the most ridiculous daycare leader ever who made the kids learn the ‘proper’ way to address adults.” 
“They’re kids! Some of them haven’t even turned five yet, for fuck’s sake. If all we’re doing is learning our numbers and ABCs, then they definitely do not have to ‘address’ me like that. Certainly not if I’m teaching them to treat others how they want to be treated,” Elide said, helping Lysandra in the kitchen by washing a head of lettuce.
Ansel nodded her agreement and a wicked gleam entered her eyes as Elide started tearing up the green leaves. “So… how much more drunk do you have to be to spill that hot drama you’ve been sitting pretty on, with your cute lil ass?”  
Elide groaned and flicked Ansel’s nose, “Dude… can you be chill? For once?” 
“Spill? Spill what?” Aelin asked, popping into the kitchen. 
“Oh, am I finally going to figure out why you were being so weird on Saturday?” That was Nehemia, walking into the kitchen with Nesryn. Lysandra was already there, cutting something up for whatever dinner they were having. 
Elide groaned in defeat and hit her head on the countertop. “I slept with my student’s dad.” 
She lifted her head and pinched the bridge of her nose, “The guy from Friday night is the father of one of my students.” 
They gawked at her, utterly silent until Ansel gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Mon dieu, it’s Lorcan, right? Am I right?” 
“Mm-hmm. Yup.” 
Aelin, Ansel, and Nehemia cackled as Lysandra gave her a sympathetic look and hugged her. “I’m sorry, honey. That doesn’t sound fun.” 
Elide pouted and whined, “It’s so bad! I thought he was stalking me or something when he showed up!” A thought crossed her mind and she swore, “Anneith below, it’s gonna be so awkward at parent-teacher conferences!” 
“Well, I think he’s divorced and they have joint custody? Anyway, we’ve barely said more than two sentences to each other and I can’t even look him in the eye. The mother is going to have to be brain-dead-” 
Ansel sucked in a breath, all the humour in her face disappearing. “El… can I talk to you quickly?” 
They all exchanged weird looks as Elide slipped off her stool and followed Ansel to the backyard. The red-haired woman was pacing, biting her thumbnail. “Ans, what is it?” 
“Kohana’s mom died four years ago. She got sick and they didn’t find anything wrong until it was too late.” 
“Oh my gods. Are you serious?” 
Ansel nodded, her eyes conflicted. “Yeah. I figured you knew already. She and Lorcan had been together for years, highschool sweethearts.” 
Elide felt her heart drop and she couldn’t find the words to process anything. She knew what it was like to lose her parents at a young age and suddenly it all made sense. Kohana’s wariness to make friends outside of Esther, waiting anxiously for his dad to show up at pickup, lingering by Lorcan at dropoff. “Poor Kohana. Poor Lorcan. Shit.” 
Ansel winced and nodded, “I wouldn’t mention it to him until he brings it up. Losing her like that… no one should have to live through that. Especially with a kid.” 
Elide nodded, her mind reeling. Somehow, this mess became even messier. She wasn’t sure how it had done that. 
Fenrys was having a no-blinking contest with Kohana when his phone buzzed. The five-year old smirked, the little shit had the audacity to smirk at him, his gaze piercing and wide open. “Do you needs a break?” 
Man, fuck him and his stupid grammar, Fenrys said to himself as he nodded and Kohana blinked, taking a bite of his mini Babybel. His hands were barely big enough to hold it in one. The golden-haired man had never wanted to throttle anyone more. 
He stepped away from the table and took out his phone, smiling at the image of his wife that lit up the screen. He accepted the call, “Hey, Mi. What’s up?” 
“Hi, babe, um… did Lorcan tell you that…?”
“Oh, Ko’s teacher? Yeah, he told me.” He paused, checking that everyone was busy doing something. “What about it?” 
Nehemia breathed out slowly, “She’s Aelin’s sister. Elide.” 
“Oh fuck.” 
A little voice gasped from behind him and Fenrys turned, seeing Kohana clap his hands over his ears. Bless that kid and his innocence. “Mi, I gotta go. Let’s talk more at home, ok?” 
“Ok. Love you, Fen.” 
“Love you too.” 
Kohana’s eyes were wide and he whispered, “You said a bad word, Fenny.” 
Fenrys stuffed his phone back into his pocket and quickly lifted Kohana up, carrying him to the kitchen. “I know, Man-Man. But guess what?” 
“If you keep it a secret and don’t tell your daddy, I’ll give you ice cream. Deal?” 
Kohana’s vehement nod was answer enough for Fenrys.
an: Até means father in Lakota :) and it’s gonna be a lil slow for now, ok? but don’t worry, the drama is coming 👀
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @city-of-fae @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival @empress-ofbloodshed @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books @beccasophia95 @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thewayshedreamed @hizqueen4life @ifinallygavein @bat-wing-rhys @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm​
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
Everything I didn’t ask for #3
Rating M
Warnings: slight violence (?) Mentions of blood.
After discovering Jude is one of the main fighters, Cardan tries to process what on earth is going on.
In the meantime, worrying about gettin out of that job alive.
Chapters: 1   2   3   4   5 [coming soon]
EIDAF Masterlist            General Masterlist             AO3
Tags: @dontfwithlibrarians @flowersinvegas @jurdanhell @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover @sensitivehighlord @judexcardanxgreenbriar @thesirenwashere @absolute-dissapointment​ 
[if i forgot to tag someone i’m sorry! and please let me know]
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Cardan remained kneeled next to the unconscious girl. His eyes wide and still locked to Jude’s. Around them the crowd still roared, but for him it was just blurred background noise.
He felt words trapped in his throat. The urge to tell her something. Anything. 
Jude. What the fuck is going on? What are you doing here? Are you ok? You need a doctor.
Nothing came out.
She didn’t say anything either. She kept looking down at him with that odd expression. It was as if the mischievous and teasing girl from before had vanished. In front of him was a fighter, with a look that promised pain for whoever stood in her way.
A hand on his back snapped his attention back. 
“Move, Cardan.” Locke reaching for the girl on the floor. “We need to get her out of here.”
He quickly helped his friend lifting the girl’s feet. Before leaving, he gazed back to Jude one more time, but she had already turned away as a tall man raised her hand above her head and paraded her in front of the audience. 
They kept screaming for The Queen as Cardan crossed the door to the room where he and Locke had left the other unfortunates.
After leaving the girl, Cardan leaned his back against a wall and once more tried to make sense of what he’d just saw.
“It seems like you go for the tough ones, don’t you?” Locke teased, a little hint of nervousness in his words.
“I didn’t know… I mean,” he said. “I thought she was only a guest here or something.”
His friend shrugged. “Maybe she is. People sometimes gets into this things for money or for sport.”
Suddenly, he remembered the exact point of what he’d wanted to say to Locke for the past hours. He straightened and pushed his friend’s shoulder. “What the fuck are we doing here anyway?? You said this was a good job dumbass!”
“Well it is!” He answered, crossing his arms. “If it was a safe or legal event, I didn’t ask. Bartenders who make a lot of questions are not usually hired. And here, my friend, we are making some good money.”
Cardan stared at him.  He was right, he knew that. But still, underground fighting events were deeply illegal. They were since pretty much always but about a decade ago, a similar event had ended up in chaos because rival gang members started a riot. Many people, involved or not, had died. The place was burned down in the process. And it had uncovered several cases of well positioned people involved in drug dealing, women trafficking, among other things. 
Since that day, police had fiercely hunted illegal fighting pits. There were some, of course. But it was rare for anyone to hear about them.
Then again, Cardan knew what it was to have family involved in illegal stuff. And thankfully he’d been able to leave Balekin before he’d messed up more. Or at least he tried. 
Even if he didn’t work with his brother anymore, he was forced to give a fee every month to repay him after one night when Cardan, highly intoxicated, left a warehouse unguarded and several merchandise was stolen. Expensive merchandise. He was going to spend his entire life repaying that mistake. But at least he was on his own, not having to answer any other of Balekin’s calls.
He took a deep breath. He needed to get his shit together. After all the events of the night his thoughts were running full speed, not to mention the headaches the sight of blood and beatings caused him. There was still a faint ringing noise at the back of his mind. 
The door opened and Madoc entered, eyeing all the unconscious bodies laying on the beds. “Good. Leave them there and go back to the bar. Someone will take care of this.”
As they walked back, Cardan eyed the remaining guests. Almost half of them had started to leave after the last encounter, but several other remain. Going back to the gambling tables and talking to each other. He wondered if Jude would still be there, maybe if he-
A hard bump on his shoulder stopped his trail of thoughts, followed by a growl and a hand grabbing his shirt roughly. “Watch it, idiot.” 
He frowned and look up, finding a pair of cruel defying eyes staring back. The same ones he saw when the guy was beating the other one near death. Valerian.
His face and hair were cleaner now, he’d probably washed away the blood after the fight. Still, his expression remained the same. 
Cardan said nothing, if the guy was waiting for an apology he wasn’t going to get it. He might not be a fighter but he was certainly sick of bullies like him. The grip on his shirt didn’t loosen. Grabbing Valerian’s hands he jerked himself off. “I could say the same thing.” Cardan snarled, walking away with Locke.
He only managed a couple of steps before he was pushed to the ground.
The roughness of the floor scratched his forearm. He turned just in time to see Valerian’s fist merely inches from his face.
The next thing Cardan knew, a sharp pain erupted on his jaw throwing him down completely. He could hear Locke yelling something, but before he could turn to face his friend, a heavy body settled on top of him.
People started gathering around them.
Valerian grabbed his shirt again and another blow connected near his eye, blinding him for a moment. Something warm slid down his face. He snarled and grabbed the man’s arm, pushing him away. His fist raised again and Cardan braised himself for the next blow.  
One that never came. 
From one moment to another, the weight over him disappeared with a grunt. He quickly got up, looking at his attacker, who now had a slender arm pulling against his neck. Hard. 
Valerian arched and coughed, rage dancing on his eyes. Behind him, Jude kept janking the man back until they were at safer distance. Then, she let him go and move to stand between him and Cardan. She’d cleaned up too, Cardan noticed. Though she was still wearing the clothes from the match, her hair was loose and the dirt and blood were gone. 
After spitting on the floor, Valerian turned to Jude with gritted teeth, raising up with closed fists as if he were to throw himself against her. Jude just glared at him, fists clenched too. A slight smirk tugging up the corner of her lip.
“Is there any problem here?” Madoc’s strong but calm voice startled him, pulling him out of the scene in front of them. 
The two fighters dropped their defensive pose, eyes still locked at each other’s. 
“There isn’t, General, my apologies.” Valerian muttered. “The barman and I had a little disagreement.” 
“You being a jerk is common knowledge, not a disagreement.” Jude snorted.
The venomous glare he gave her send a shiver through Cardan’s skin. 
“Enough. Everybody back to work now. And you two,” Madoc hissed, pointing at Jude and Valerian. “Drop it. I don’t have time for another of your quarrels today.”
That said, he left, dragging some of the curious spectators back to the gambling tables.
Cardan stood there, not sure if he should approach Jude. Yet.
“You heard your General,” She purred. “Walk.”
Valerian gave a step towards her, baring his teeth. “You won’t be the boss’ favorite forever, bitch.”
Then he was gone. 
Cardan let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Hey man, are you ok?” Locke asked, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, you know I suck at fights, I should’ve-”
“Yeah, it’s ok.” He touched his brow, were Valerian’s blow had opened his skin. His fingers came back bloodied. 
“You should get that checked.” Jude’s voice softer now, the fierce eyes she’d worn at the end of the fight had disappeared too. “I’ll send over a healer.”
She turned to leave, but Cardan reached for her arm, stopping her. “Hey.”
Pulling back her arm, she fixed him an alarmed look. Right, they weren’t supposed to be seen together. He hesitated. The bruise on her cheek looked less swollen now, but it had started to gain a slight purple stain on the center. “Are you alright?” He mumbled, as casually as he could. 
Jude tilted her head and smirked. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
She noticed his clenched teeth and rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, go.”
Cardan nodded and turned to Locke, walking back to their assigned spot. There, Roach ran back and forth, mixing drinks for the clients gathering there. He’d look funny if it wasn’t for his panicked eyes, searching for his partners among the crowd.  
“About damn time!” He growled. “I’ve been attending all of our side for ages! Come here and- shit, Cardan what happened? Did you-”
“We’ll tell you later, let’s get this place free first.” Locke interrupted him, taking his gaze back to his friend’s wound. “You should get that cleaned, I don’t think people will appreciate blood-flavored drinks.”
They both chuckled as Cardan pressed a wet cloth to his brow. 
With Locke’s help, the bar was empty again in a couple of minutes. All the remaining guests were now minding their own business elsewhere.  
Roach sighed, resting his elbows on the table. “This is why I prefer to collect the money, rather than preparing the drinks. All those people are impossible!”
“Well that’s the fun part too.” Cardan sat on the floor, the cloth now extended all over his whole forehead. The places where he’d been hit throbbed harder now than a couple of minutes ago. 
“Yeah, as fun as being beaten just for walking.” Roach laughed. “Man you really have some bad luck.”   
“Not as bad as you’d think! Otherwise he wouldn’t have left with that gir-”
“Shht!” Cardan silenced him, feeling his cheeks slightly warm. “Let’s not talk about that here, her request.”
Locke barked a laugh, throwing another cloth at him. “You’re scared of Madoc, aren’t you? Fuck, I don’t blame you. He seems just ready to shot anyone anytime. But is he scarier than your girl? I wouldn’t dare getting on her way either.” 
They were going to mock him till the end of times, Cardan was sure of that. 
“You must be Cardan.” An unknown voice said, startling the three of them.
He looked up, taking the cloth away. 
A short, slim woman stood behind the bar. Her short hair, frizzled and oddly white, framed her fine features. She wore a blue scrub, and carried a small first aid kit in her right hand.
The healer, he assumed. 
“That’s me.” 
She nodded and started taking things out of the briefcase, alcohol, cotton wool, antiseptic and god knows what else. “Sit here please.” She motioned at the stool in front of her.
Once he did, she started attending his wound. Fast, quiet, efficiently.
“Did Jude send you?” He whispered. 
The healer hummed and nodded in response. Not much of a talker it would seem.
“Is she coming too?” He tried again, feeling dumb. But he needed some answers. 
“Miss Jude has already left the building.” 
Oh. Something sinked inside him. He let her work in silence, wincing just a bit when she pressed some first aid tape over his eyebrow. Had Jude treated her injuries already? He should probably stop thinking about her. She’d left already. 
“I’m done.” The woman’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. All of her items already packed except for a little pill box. “It will probably sting a little, but it won’t leave any scar. If you experiment any headaches, take one of this pills.” 
Cardan nodded. “Thanks, I will. If you see Jude, tell her I say thank you... Please.”
The girl stared at him. Pondering. Her gaze felt like it could pierce his skull. At last, she sighed. “I will.”
She extended her hand to him, he frowned. An awkward hand-shake, considering she hadn’t gave him one when she arrived. Still, he answered back. 
Then he felt it. 
Something folded between her fingers. 
Trying to keep a steady face, he took it, immediately putting it away from curious eyes. She grabbed her bag, ready to leave when Roach appeared next to them. 
“Uh- excuse me miss, I don’t mean to bother but I cut my finger with a glass a moment ago. And I was wondering if you could- you know.” He babbled and raised his hand, a small gash running along his index.
The healer considered him for a moment, then pulled something from her bag and left it next to Cardan’s pills. “Sorry, I cannot stay.” 
She walked away stiffly, soon disappearing behind some doors. Cardan watched her go.
A muffled laugh sounded behind him. He turned to find Locke covering his mouth in order to avoid the cackle that threatened to come out of it. Roach’s face was the embodiment of embarrassment and failure. 
On the table was a little pink band-aid.
“Nailed it man, NAILED IT!” Locke mocked him. “Please tell me you didn’t actually cut your finger on purpose just to talk to her.” 
“Of course I didn’t you ass! But I might have cut myself because… I was looking at her and didn’t pay attention to the damn broken glass.”
Locke and Cardan looked at each other before both erupted with laughter. Roach’s red ears didn’t help much.
Their jokes continued for a couple of minutes before vanishing completely at the sight of Madoc walking towards them. 
“Well gentleman,” He greeted them. “Your work for today has come to an end. Clean everything and meet me in the kitchens.”
It didn’t take much since they were used to clean as they worked. But still paid a little extra attention into leaving everything impeccable. The last thing they wanted was to owe anything to those people. 
Back in the kitchens, Madoc stood at the center. Waiting. Both of his hands behind him.
“I trust,” He started, glaring deeply at them. “That no word about what happened here today will leave your mouths. Am I correct?”
Cardan didn’t need to be a psychic to know that one of the hands Madoc kept unseen held his gun. 
“You needn’t ask.” Locke answered. “When we accepted the job we knew our lips would be sealed about it, and they’ll remain like that.” 
Well that first part wasn’t entirely true. But his friend had a clever mouth, specially when he needed to save his ass.   
Roach and Cardan swore too they wouldn’t say anything. 
“And if I find out that any of you slipped even the tiniest detail about this, you agree that I’ll have to kill all three of you.” Madoc smiled. “Well not that I’m really asking, but you’re aware of it now.” 
The group remained silent, breaths caught in their throats. 
Once that was cleared, he put away his gun and gave each one a small yellow envelope. “As promised. With a little extra since I had no complains for your work, a difficult thing to accomplish here.” He turned to Cardan. “About the incident with Valerian, I know it wasn’t your fault so, don’t worry about it.” 
Inside the envelope was pure cash. Enough to make Roach whistle. They thanked him and put away their envelopes. 
“There are three steady spots available for our bar zone. The last group, well, liked to gossip a bit too much.” Madoc sneered, clearly enjoying their reactions. Cardan was certain he could notice his pulse under his neck. “Same rules apply. One night every one or two weeks. Same payment, in case you’re interested of course.”
“We are.” Roach and Locke turned to him, wide eyed. The steadiness of his voice surprised even himself. “Consider it done.”
“Good. Keep the uniform then. There is a cab for you outside. I’ll let you know when you’re needed.” 
Outside, they found out most of the cars were already gone. Small groups of people gathered around some of the remaining vehicles to smoke and talk. On the opposite corner, a lonely cab waited for them. 
As soon as they crossed the door, his friend bursted into questions. 
““We are”?? Cardan what the hell were you thinking?!!” Roach nearly shouted. “I won’t deny this is well paid but agreeing to this… I don’t know man-”
Locke didn’t say anything, but his frowned brow was enough.
Cardan stopped in front of them. “Do you really think he was asking? After what he said? We were in this since we arrived, and saying ‘no’ Madoc would’ve only gave him another reason to get rid of us. You can’t- just refuse here, not with this kind of people.”  
A kind that, to his misfortune, he knew quite well. He sighed and passed a hand through his hair.
“I get it, I guess I just need to get used to the idea.” Locke mumbled, looking back to the building.
Roach panicked gaze was still on Cardan. “So this means there’s no way out? Not even a-”
“Fuuuck!” Locke suddenly whispered. “Guys isn’t that Garrett? There, next to the white Audi”
They turned to said car, where a small group of young men shared a bottle of whiskey. Cardan narrowed his eyes a bit but indeed, there he was.
Garrett had worked with them at the bar a couple of years ago, and even though he was a little introverted, Cardan had been good friends with him. Still, he’d left to enter the police academy. At least that’s what Cardan last heard. His normally sandy-coloured hair was dyed black, but that irreverent smirk of his was recognizable anywhere.
“What is he doing here?” He asked, mostly to himself.
The cab driver honked, hurrying them.
Just before closing the door, Cardan glanced back to the group. Garrett stared directly at them, taking a long puff from his cigarette. Then the car started. 
Halfway back to the city, he remembered the paper the healer gave him. With a quick movement, he took it out of his pocket and unfolded it. I was a napkin. With a note. 
I wouldn’t normally offer two for one, but since I didn’t get to say goodbye the way I intended, hopefully this allows me to make up for it some other day.                                                       J.
Under it, a cell phone number. Her cell phone number. 
He grinned and without really thinking about it, he took out his phone and send her a short message. Fuck, would that make him seem desperate? Hopefully not. 
Roach and Locke were talking but he didn’t really paid attention. 
It was until he was folding back Jude’s note that he realized there was something printed on the opposite side of it. Something that made his stomach turned to a knot.
He’d memorice that form since he was a little kid. But the Greenbriar’s shield he’d grown to, had a small “B” at the center in honor to his brother Balekin. 
This one though, had a “D” at that same spot. 
It took me like forever to reorganize my ideas for this au but IT’S BACK BABY!
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nellaesarts · 3 years
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapter 2
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X795, the following day - General headquarters of the Fairy Tail Guild
When Gray Fullbuster crosses the Guild’s principal entrance, he expected everything except to see so many serious faces. All the guilds members seemed absorbed in their discussions, so much so that nobody had seemed to notice his arrival.
“Well… I was away for only a week, and everybody looks in distress or what ?” he thrown to the assembly with a compelled smile.
His own comment, which was a little bit acerbic considering his own mind state at this moment, totally failed. Nobody turned to look at him. The Ice mage, a little bit disappointed, shrugged his shoulders and moved forward into the restaurant’s room, looking for his friends. The memory which forced their way into his thoughts every place he looked at were still so painful… It was going to take a while before he could totally accept the disappearance of his loved one but… He couldn’t run away for more time. 
Gray move forward a little more in the principal room of the Guild Building but he doesn’t sees any of the Natsu’s team members. Pretty unsettling, as they were supposed to be back from their mission the night before. He then goes to Levy and Gajeel, who were sitting to a table with the Shadow Gears and Lily.
“Hey, what’s up, guys ? he says without belief. For God’s sake, he had the feeling to have been gone for months… Levy was the first one who turned to him.
– … Gray ! Oh my goodness ! How are you ?! she shouted, not without a bit of surprise in her voice. Oh, sorry ! I mean…
– That’s OK, that’s OK, said Gray to reassure her with a soothing gesture of his hand. There’s nothing wrong, don't worry Levy. 
– Ya look in a good shape, buddy, said Gajeel with just a kind smile, which was neither full of pity, nor excessively happy, a thing which Gray liked very much. 
– That could be better, we’ll say. Heh, did you know where are Natsu and the others ?
– Oh, right ! You wasn’t here yesterday evening ! said Jett, So you don’t know what happened !
– I don’t know about what ? Anyway, considering your faces, that wasn’t cool I guess… They bring a cursed thing or what ? asked the ice mage, very curious. 
– Ah… That’s a thing we’ll know when she’d wake up. commented Gajeel.
– She ? But who are you talking about ? 
Finally, that was Levy who gives him an answer.
–  Yesterday evening, Lucy, Natsu and the team showed up with a girl, who was entirely out of her magic energy, and a funny creature, a “Chosen’, a kind of magical fox. The girl was almost dead. She has been taken to the infirmary of the guild right away and the Master has called Porlyusica. She’s still on the girl’s side with Mirajane. I imagine that what happened to her is really serious. About the rest of the team, they returned home to rest after spending a lot of time in the Master’s office. They went out late at night, so I guess they will come back here in a few minutes. 
– I see… But why does everybody seem so concerned about this event ? 
– Because we don’t know who she is and according to Happy, the mage and the chosen are pursued by enemies. We are just asking ourselves what exactly going on here, Droy answered to him. Nobody dared to get to the infirmary to learn more about. Porlyusica is waaaay too scary.
– Bah, personally, I don’t worry, said Gajeel. The Master have say that he will make a speech about it this afternoon. It shouldn’t be too long now, by the way.
– Well, what a story. I’ll let you here, I climb to see if the old man is in his office to tell him that I’m back.” Delacred Gray before moving away from the group.
The mage headed for the stairs and climbed to the first floor. He passed the hallways, surprisingly quiet, to Makarov’s office. He traveled around ten meters before stopping in front of a slightly opened door. The infirmary… I looked in and saw Mirajane with a pretty worried look and the famous magic fox which Levy spoke about in her arms. Then, he saw Porlyusica, who was turning her back to him near a young unconscious woman in a bed. So, that was her, the famous mage bringed back by Natsu and the others… She seemed to suffer despite the fact that she was clearly in a deep coma. It was quite clear that Porlyusica and Mirajane where talking about her. The young man decided to stop for a few seconds to listen to their conversation. He knew that this wasn’t correct at all, but he wanted to know more about this girl. He just have the time to look a little more that Mirajane turned herself to him. She had felt his presence for sure… She smiled to him and invited him to enter in silence before turning back to the healing wizard, showing a worried look again. Gray leaned against the infirmary door frame, discreetly. 
“You says that she is out of danger, Porlyusica ? asked the sweet mage to the healer.
– Yes. She’ll stay unconscious for a long time, as she have to fully recharge her energy, but she will not die, answered Porlyusica with her usual strict voice. 
– Oh, you see, Pog ! No reasons to worry anymore !
– *Yes what a relief !*
Gray jumped when he heard the voice in his head. What was this little fox who had spoken ? He looked at him a little more. That was him, without any doubt. That noticing done, he shrugged his shoulders and lowered his eyes again, just to remain discreet. 
– With good reason, she was near to pass away. You have been lucky, Chosen, to found some mages of our guild, said the healer. 
Pog nodded his head.
– *Yes and I am more lucky about the fact that you are not harmful at all.*
– Indeed, but as I know, there is really a few harmful mages near Magnolia, thanks to us ! added Mirajane with a smooth laugh. And I’m pretty convinced that your instinct had a lot of influence in it, Pog. Didn’t we say that the kindness attracts kindness ? 
– *You are too sweet with me, Mira, you know nothing about me and you already categorize me as “kind”. Maybe I’m a horrible and evil person !*
– Let me have a serious doubt about it, Little Being. commented Porlyusica. By the way, Gray, can we do something for you ? Did you need another little bit of help ?
The ice mage jumped again and pick his eyes up. The wizard turned herself to him, with a welcoming smile on her lips - a thing rare enough to be highlighted.
– No, I… The thing you gave me the last time worked nicely, I feel better, he mumbled because of the surprise. A few weeks ago, she gave him a potion to help him to find sleep easily. Thing which he was missing… Since this day.
– Good. So, what are you doing here ? 
– Originally, I climbed to see the Master, but the colleagues told me about this young woman and her magical fox, and I admit that it piqued my curiosity. When I saw the door open, I wanted to know. That was rude, please accept my apologies. 
– That’s rude, indeed. But I accept your apologies for this intrusion. Porlyusica looked at the Chosen. Pog, let me introduce you to Gray Fullbuster. This is another mage of the team who saved you yesterday. 
The magical creature jumped off Mirajane’s arms to come closer to Gray. The mage looked at the small being with curiosity. It was so human and so animal at the same time, but in a totally different way than Exceed were.  
– *Nice to meet you, Gray. My name’s Pog, and the young woman over there is called Alexandria. We come from the Paragande Kingdom.*
– The Paragande Kingdom ? Never heard of it before… 
– *That’s normal, our country is located on the other side of the ocean, from several months of sailing, on a continent which is not know and with which there are not much contact because of the distance. So, that’s not astonishing that you never heard about this country before.*
– I see… answered the mage, But what are you doing here, so far from your country ?
– You will know why soon, Gray !
Gray looked at the door to see who was just talking. Makarov smiled to the ice mage and moved into the room near to the Chosen. 
– Pog, I think it’s time to go tell your story to our guild members as Alexandria is in a better condition, don’t you think ? 
– *Right, Master. Let’s go !* approved Pog, preceding the old man in the main room direction. 
– Let’s follow him, Mirajane, you’ll announce the ongoing speech like that, added Porlyusica.
The beautiful mage nodded in approbation and the both women goes out of the infirmary too. Just before joining them, Makarov turned himself to Gray for a last time.
– I’m glad to see you back, Gray. You know, that’s an unfair and difficult ordeal to cross. Only time will heal the wounds of your soul… Believe-me, I cross it too.
Gray nodded his head.
– I know. I am less negative than before, that’s a start.
The master smiled to him before following their partners. Before going out, Gray looked at Alex. She seemed to have fever, because she was sweated a lot… He approached her and with the help of his magic, put a little bit of ice on her forehead.
– Hey. We didn’t know each others, but come back hurry. Pog is worried about you.”
To these words, the woman seemed to be more peaceful. Gray smiled. This girl was a damned warrior, for sure ! With this thought in mind, he leaded himself to the central room of the guild. He was really impatient to learn more about this young woman and her story, now. 
Sooo, here’s the following of my Fairy Tail fiction ! :D
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it, as I have enjoyed writing this chapter. I like the vision of Gray I give here, more attentional and less rude than usual. 
 Please excuse my english, as this is not my native language, I have certainly do a lot of errors in the text. I just hope that will not ruin the reading ! :/
See you soon for the next chapter ! :D
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fantasykidofkpop · 4 years
My Super Girlfriend pt 1
Nct Taeil x reader (ft. Johnny)
Nerd! Artist!Taeil x Super!reader
Superhero au Strong Woman Do Bongsoon au
Description: Every superhero saves the day and rescues a girl. But what if a girl with super inhuman abilities, saves the day and rescues her nerdy lover.
Quote: With great power, comes great responsibility
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Taeil asks himself everyday whenever he comes home from his date
"How did I, a low life, an outcast, a nerd, get the most adorable and the most beautiful girl in all of Seoul."
Taeil and Y/N were together ever since senior year of High School
You been together for 3 years and Taeil could have been any happier with his lovely girl
But was he didn't know.... that his girlfriend has a secret
3 years ago, senior year, in high school
Taeil was always getting picked on and was always the bully's target
Especially, for Johnny Seo, the school's heartthrob, captain of the basket ball team
Johnny and some of his team members (Taeyong, Jaehyun and Ten) would always pick on Taeil and sometimes beat the crap out of him if he didn't or refuses to do their assignments
Taeil sometimes come home with bruises, a black eye and a busted lip
Whenever his parents ask about his wounds, he would lie by saying
"Oh, I bumped into a lamp post" "I tripped on the side walk" etc
Taeil knew if he told his parents, they would have move and transfer him to a different school
He wanted to stay, only to study Art
Sometimes, at night, he lays on his bed, stares at the ceiling, and wishes for tomorrow to be better day
"Please, let tomorrow be a brand new day"
The moment he fell into deep slumber
His wish came true
The next day, this morning was the same
Taeil walked to his locker, when he opened it, fake spiders came out of his locker
Even though they're fake, but he has a phobia of spiders
Taeil shrieks
Loud laughter came from behind
Johnny and friends were laughing really hard
Everyone laughed with them
"Same old scared little Taeil" Johnny says
"Oh wait, he's still little!" Ten shouts
Everyone laughs while Taeil looks at his feet in embarrasment
"See you later Short Stack!" Johnny yells and high fives his friends and leaves
I knew it, he thought
"Hey bro, you okay?" His bestfriend Mark asks while helping him
Him and Mark have been best friends since the were in middle school
"Yeah, I'm fine" he says
They both walk to their first period class
"Hey I heard there is a new student coming to our school" Mark points out
"Oh really?" Taeil asks
"Yeah, they say the new student is a girl, but I havent seen her yet"
"Oh okay" he says a little nervously
"I hope she'll treat you right" Mark reasures
They both entered the class and sat down in their assigned seats
While everyone was waiting for the teacher, Taeil kept thinking about what the new student would be like
His thoughts were interrupted by the teacher mr. Choi (SuJu Choi Siwon)
"Good morning class, before we begin our lesson, we have a new student joining us today, she new around her, make her feel welcome." He say while pointing at all of us
Mr.Choi gestures the new student to come in
The moment she walked in, Taeil's world stopped
His eyes widen and mouth parted in awe
Everything was in slow motion
Your hair flow a little behind and the sun reflected your soft hair
There stood before him, was a smiling beauty
You looked ethereal to him, like aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty
Taeil's heart beated fast like it was going to burst out of his chest by now
Mr.Choi gestures you to introduce herself
"Annyonghasaeyo, my name is Dong Y/n, im from Shanghai, China, please take care of me." You smile brightly showing your pearly whites
Your voice, was so beautiful, sounded like an angel's voice and it felt smooth like whipped cream
All of the guys were swoon by your smile
While some of the girls were jealous of your beauty and your figure
Taeil was lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed that he called by the teacher
He got startled by his yell
"I said, Taeil raise your hand" Mr.Choi says sternly
He shakely raise his hand
When your meet his, you gave him another beautiful smile
His heart was beating at a fast rate when you came towards him
When you sat down next to him, Taeil was freaking out on the inside
"Hello, Taeil" you smiled at him and took your hand for him to shake
He froze again and came back to reality when you greeted him
"H-h-hi" he says while timidly taking his hand out to shake your hand
"H-how do you know my name?" He says shyly and awkwardly
His heart flutterd when he heard your giggle
"The teacher called on you, silly" you said while giggling
His cheeks started to heat up and looked away in embarassment
Through out the class period, Taeil could hardly pay attention to the lesson
He couldn't help but stare at your face
You have flawless skin, cute button nose, soft rosy cheeks, pink plump lips
And MOST of all, your big bright blue eyes
Honestly for Taeil, he's never seen anyone with bright blue eyes before
Blue is actually his favorite color
He uses blue colors for when he's painting the ocean or a lake
Yours eyes were like the color of the ocean
They reminded him of his paintings of the ocean
He was so lost in your beauty, that the bell rang, ending first period
"Dude, class ended, didn't you hear the bell?" Mark calls out
Taeil came back to reality "h-huh what?"
"Are you okay, your face is really red and are you sweating?" Mark asks
He checks himself, and starts feeling embarased
"It's just so hot in this room" he lies
"You sure it was from Y/N?" Mark says with a smirk
"I don't know what you mean, lets go!" He says quickly
And speed walks out of the classroom
2nd period, Taeil's scariest period
Exercising is not the problem
His worst nightmare has the same class with him
Its scary when Mark doesn't have 2nd period with Taeil
Everyone was already dressed in their gym wear and so is Taeil
While everyone was stretching and waiting for the teacher
The girl's dressing room door opens
Taeil looks up and his eyes widens and his jaw drops in awe
You looked so stunning in your black sports bra and sweats
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You such an amazing hourglass body
All of the boys were drooling, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil couldn't look away, its like he was hypnotized by your body
When your eyes meet his, you smiled sweetly and started walking towards him
The way your ponytail bounced
The way your hips swayed
It was driving him crazy
Taeil suddenly felt himself being pushed to the ground
"Out of my way!" Johnny yells
Yup, he pushed him 😑
"Hey, beautiful, we haven't been properly introduced, the names Johnny" he says with a flirty smile and kisses your hand
Taeil felt anger and jealousy rushing through his body
"Nice to meet you too, Johnny" you said in a gentle voice ignoring his flirting
"What should I call you, Im guessing your name is gorgeous goddess?" He flirts again
"Thanks for the compliment, the names Y/N Dong Y/N"
"Wait, Dong Y/N, like as in, Dong Sicheng?" Johnny asks in a surprised voice
"Yes, he's my little brother" you said with a small smile
Everyone especially Taeil were shocked
Nobody knew that Dong Sicheng
A.K.A. Winwin, Student Council President
Has an older sister
"Anyway, there are a bunch of nut jobs in this school, especially him" he points at Taeil
"But don't worry, I'll always be there to protect you, sweet heart" he winks
He looks down and waits for you to laugh at Johnny's insult
"I don't think so, he seems sweet" you said the honest truth
That made Taeil go red as a tomato
Jaehyun, Taeyong and Ten snickered
Johnny scoffs
"Yeah, right. Well anyway, beautiful, if you want or need after school physical education, come to me. I promise to keep that gorgeous body in shape" he says by using his hands to motion your body
"Ok, I'll think about it" you said with a gentle smile
Before Johnny could speak, PE teacher mr.Lee (Lee Dong-hae SuJu) came in and blew his whistle
"Alright everyone, today is Friday, I have a surprise in store for you guys" he smirks
Taeil was not liking this feeling
"Today, were doing, drum roll please" he points at Ten
Ten pats the bleacher to resemble a drum
"Wrestling!" He shouts
Everybody were shouting in excitement, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil felt he's going to pee himself any second now
"Alright, who wants to go?" He's says in anticipation
"Me mr.Lee!" Johnny shouts
"Yes, my tall handsome star student, get up here!" He smiles
He runs up to the center onto the gymnastic matt
"Pick your opponent"
He playfully looks around and spots Taeil
Johnny evilly smirks and points at him
"Moon Taeil !"
Taeil was beyond mortified
Everyone ooohed and silently laughs, except you
He shakely stands up and walks to the center
"You can do this Taeil !" You shouted
Taeil felt his fear wash away from your cheers
Whistle blows
Taeil gets punched in the stomach
"One point to Johnny!" Mr.Lee shouts
Everyone except you claps
"Round 2!"
Taeil tries to push Johnny down, but he wasn't strong enough
Johnny and the students started laughing at his lack of strength
You, on the other hand, were cheering for Taeil
"Come on Taeil, you can do it!"
Taeil was suddenly punched in the face and got kneed in the stomach
He fell to the ground, breathing heavily
"Winner! Johnny" mr.Lee shouts and raises Johnny's arm
Everyone claps and chants out Johnny's name
You ran to Taeil and helped him up
"Are you okay?" You asked softly
He looks up and sees your beautiful face
"Am I in Heaven?" He asks almost in a conscious state
"No, your on the floor, lets get you back on the bleachers, silly" you said while giggling
You helped him back on the bleachers
"Who wants to go up against, Johnny?" Mr.Lee asks in anticipation
Nobody answers until...
"I will !" You shouted and raised your hand
Everyone, including the coach, Johnny and Taeil gasped
"W-w-well a-are you sure?" Coach asks
You nodded while gently smiling
You walk up to the center and stood 2 feet in front of Johnny
Taeil was really worried, if you get hurt, it felt like it be his fault for putting yourself on his spot
"Ready!" Blows the whistle
"I'll take it easy on you, beautiful" he says with a flirty smile and winks
Before he finish his sentence
In a blink of an eye
You got him in a choke hold and took him down with a loud thud
Everyone was shooked, including Taeil and coach
"How did she do that!" He thought
"Uh-uh one point to Y/N" coach stutters
Before Taeil could process anything, he saw something really strange
Your eyes
They were blue earlier, but when you took down Johnny, your eye color turned RED
And he had no idea that a sweet and innocent girl like you
Be that strong to take down a 6 foot tall basket ball player
"Final round!" Blows whistle
Johnny strikes a punch
But, you dodged his punch and swiftly flipped over Johnny
Everyone's jaws dropped and eyes widened
Nobody has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling
Not even his team mates
Nobody, except Taeil, notice your eyes change back to their original color
"What is she?!" He screams internally
You looked at everyone with an innocent look
"Um, did I go too far?" You asked in a small gentle voice
Everyone jumps out of there seats and claps while cheering you
Taeil, couldn't process what just happened and just stared at you in amazement
Johnny, on the other hand, couldn't believe what just happened
He sits up looks at you in shock
A girl, a beautiful, innocent girl, just took down a 9 time basket ball champion
His teams mates helped him up
"Bro, that was INSANE!" Ten exclaims
"She must've worked a lot" Jaehyun guesses
"Yeah, but I gotta admit, that's MY kind of woman" Johnny looks at you with a smirk while wipping the sweat off him
You thanked everyone for giving you compliments, then coach blew his and told everyone sit back down
Everyone had 10 minutes left of class, so coach Lee let everyone have free time
Taeil calms himself down and drinks his bottle of water
"Taeil !" You called him
He looks up and sees you jogging up to him with a gentle smile
He was infactuated by you
They way your hair moves when you jog
Sweat dripping
Then his eyes accidentally when down your chest
The way your breast bounce lightly
To be honest, for Taeil, you breast were like the perfect size
Like they were sculpted, like the greek goddesses
He hasn't realize that you're in front of him and he's beet red
"Hey Taeil, are you alright ?" You asked worriedly
"I think I'm in love" he says faintly
"What?" You asked
He broke out of his thoughts, and looks at you and starts stuttering
"Oh uh, I mean that, I think I'm in love with your fighting techniques?" He lies
You giggled
"Thank you," you said with a smile
"How did you do that, no one has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling" he asks in astonishment
"Oh, my father taught me some of his greatest martial art skills" you said
"That's amazing, I'd like to meet him one day" he says in excitement
Then, you looked down in sadness
"Actually, my father passed away when I was 8" you said sadly
Taeil felt guilty for asking that question
"Don't be, its alright" you said gently
"Oh oka-" before he finishes his sentence
How did you know he was feeling guilty
"How did you know that I felt guilty?" He asks supiciously To be continued
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doomstypewriter · 4 years
ok so this is kinda out there so i totally understand if you decline this short request but: angsty, hurt no comfort, major character death moceit where janus is like 5 minutes away from being executed (i was thinking by hanging) and this is their last goodbye. it probably wouldnt come into play at all but just to be thorough: in my mind its like a vaguely fantasy 18th century setting
Hello, Anon. Thanks for the request. 
I normally do not enjoy reading major character death fics, but I surely am most willing to write them. 
I was sold-out on the whole fantasy18th century setting. 
Did I get carried away? Well, yes. 
I hope you don’t mind the piece of subversion I decided to incorporate. Also, I did indeed get carried away and wrote 1808 words for this. I have no self-control.  
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it! 
AO3                               For other requests
TW: Major character death, swearing, HEAVY angst. Really, this will not end up nicely. 
Words: 1808 
It is one’s duty to abide by the laws
The tireless dripping of the filtrations in the stone cell did not stop, a repetition akin to a clock. It followed along the rhythm of the passage of each second he had left. 
As expected, the dungeons stunk of humidity and other things he did not wish to dwell on. They hadn’t even allowed him the comfort of a pile of hay to lay onto. All the dirt on his left cheek stuck to his skin disgustingly, god knows how scruffy his appearance would be after a week imprisoned.  
Far away, carried by the reverberation of the undergrounds, the sound of steps from upstairs reached his ears. There was a scuffle between who he deduced were four people. Two guards, and two...
“I said let me IN!” 
Two idiots. His two idiots.
“I needn’t remind you that challenging His Royal authority will wind you up where you are so adamant to give us pass to. I can begin reciting all set laws you’d be violating”. 
The loudness in Logan’s voice surprised him. It was almost as if he intended for him to listen too. 
A heavy door opened with a low creak. Then steps rushing down the irregular stone stairs. 
Oh. His heart jumped and wailed at the shadows turning the corridor. A sweetness missing from his cheery, silly, and endearing voice. His idiot. 
A cloaked figure fell on his knees in front of him, yet the bars rendered him so far away. He removed his hood, and, there he was. With his curly blond hair, the freckles he’d counted so many nights and the round wire glasses he only wore in private. Patton, his lover, but, most importantly, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Ulidorean. Right behind him, as always, the royal advisor, also, his very good friend Logan Abinie. 
“What are you doing here? Does His Highness fancy tainting his reputation even more? I did deny our relationship, and anything that may have involved you with this mess, dear. Skillfully so. Have you any understanding of how hard that was? Well, of course not, because here you are, definitely not ruining all of my very light efforts on keeping your reputation untarnished. Lovely”. 
A pained smile graced Patton’s face, cutting him in half. He reached for the inside of the cell through the bars, to at least be able to touch him. 
“I’m sure those pants are not expensive at all. Thank goodness the guards bother to keep the floors spotless” Janus said as he gave in and got closer. 
Patton cupped his cheek, brushing some of the dirt away in a caress. Just as he always did. 
Not this time though. 
There was so much shit on Janus that not even a thousand caresses could unbury him out of the schemes that had brought him where he was. And, where was he? Oh, right, in a filthy cell, a night away from being executed. By hanging no less, and, oh, what a shame, for his windpipe looked so lovely whenever Patton pressed kisses alongside its column; but would, regardless, end up broken. 
All honey in his glance dripped on Janus leaving him with a bitter aftertaste. The brightest light in the world could not afford to be drowned in such sadness. 
“I’m going to save you” the whisper was so tiny he’d barely heard it. 
It felt like a love confession. ‘I’ll save you, he says, when he should rather save himself from me’. 
The half-born reptile looked up at the other person witnessing the prince’s lunacy. 
“You, get him out of here”. 
His scales popped, disentangling themselves from the glamour he had cast with blood magic, costing him a cut on his fingertips. At this point, he should be able to control his emotions. But no, apparently, there was no chance that the kingdom would not see his true visage. Dignity and death did not fit in fate’s plans for him. 
“How are you planning to do that exactly? Getting out of tricky situations was never your strong suit, my dear. That’s my job. And just look where it has led me. Where it has led us! You cannot ruin your chances with the crown when Earl Heeldwing and his supporters are threatening your father’s authority like they are”. 
“Roman is searching for the Dragon witch” he tried to argue. 
“So what? He may be your best knight, but he’s not your brightest one. Virgil is still wounded, and, without his help, he may never find the Dragon witch”. 
“You are not the only draconid descendant within the kingdom, the council knows this. If we manage to apprehend the Dragon witch and get her testimony we may be able to persuade the Circle of Elders to reconsider the nature of your penalty and earn the time needed in order to prove your innocence, but first, you must--” 
“Logan, goodness, I was not aware of the fact that there are many draconids in Ulidorean. Well, not that you mention that I’m sure it changes the circumstances. The Elders could not have possibly considered that! You are truly the genius everyone pegs you as”. 
“Jan, trust me. Everything will be fine, just let me help you”. 
“No!” he pulled apart and stood up. “Do you think I have not considered this? I made my appeal to them! I did try to persuade them and show them that I was framed! But nobody in the council believes me anymore. If the Circle of Elders are set on having my head, me, their main consul, then whichever meager testimony you find, will not make it through to a hearing! I am to be hanged by tomorrow morning. So I advise you to leave me alone and save yourselves the heartbreak!” 
“I am doing my best!”
“Yes, because surely doing your best is all it takes to change the world! This ridiculous willingness to believe in the good in others. People will condemn an innocent and the world shall not move a finger to stop it. Patton, your naivety is what brought us into this situation!”
Patton struggled to keep his breath steady after that, managing only a nod in response. 
“I did not mean that” Janus said as he pushed his body against the bars. 
“You said it still” he stood up. “Believing that there is good in others is what brought me to believe in you”. 
His chest twisted in pain when Patton pressed a kiss on his forehead and made a move to leave. Janus caught the soft hand before he never had a chance to again. 
“Don’t be afraid, I will find a way to keep you safe, okay?”
The hand squeezed back and then let go. 
Seeing the dawn one last time. Maybe, if they moved him to the carriage early enough he could watch the sunrise before it got dark for good. 
The cell door opened.
A pair of handcuffs were quickly snapped closed on his wrists. 
Walking through the corridors he realised. ‘I don’t want to die’. 
He disentangled himself from the grip of the guards and he ran. Away, anywhere. 
‘I don’t want Patton to marry a noblewoman for heirs, I want him to marry me. I don’t care about what the court thinks anymore, I could not manipulate them. I want to wake up with him. I want to still be the Elders’ consul, I want to write law, I want my books, my house, my friends… I want to live’. 
One of the guards caught him. Janus was immobilised in the blink of an eye, the other guard hit him in the head and everything went black. 
Not for what seemed long enough. 
He woke up to the jolting of a carriage. Unexpectedly, a very nice looking carriage, rather than the disgusting ones which took the prisoners to the gallows. 
Impossible. Patton had made it. There was no other explanation. He… he did manage to save him! God. To hell with his views on the nonsense of the institution of marriage, he was going through that wedding Patton had always wished for. 
His vision finally focused. The concussion would not heal immediately, but he would have Patton by his side. 
By his side, he found Remus instead. 
“Hey, dragon penis. Long time no see. You got pretty roughed up in the dungeons”.
Remus by his side, and in front of him…
“Ah, you’re finally awake. You might be suffering from a concussion. It would be best if you rested for now. We will wake you once we get to the border”.  
“To the border?” Janus asked as he tried to sit up. 
A wave of nausea filled his esophagus. 
No. Not a good idea. 
“Rest. We will explain in time”. 
“What is going on?” 
“Logan, you never keep quiet when someone asks a question, what mess…” 
“I can hit him in the head again, if you want” offered Remus, not sounding as joyful as usual, 
“Where’s Patton?” 
With that question, the world for everybody withing the carriage suddenly stopped. Logan tensed within seconds, even Remus held his breath back. They looked at each other in a way that conveyed far too much sympathy, especially considering their personalities. An unspoken message went between the two. Janus could almost hear it. It was a ‘we have to tell him’ kind of look, was it not? 
“He pleaded the principle of exchange using his royal power”. 
The principle of exchange was one of the laws introduced during the reign of Patton’s grandfather, it allowed for a person to exchange the penalty of a crime with that of a relative’s. It was intended as a way to prevent the most vulnerable members of a family to endure the hardness of a punishment they might not be able to withstand, while ensuring they received the impact of said punishment through the bond with their family. 
But, for that to happen… Patton must have recognised him as his spouse. Members of the crown could not be executed for a crime, only exiled. 
Oh no. 
Patton walked up the wooden planks that made the stairs of the gallows. It was worth it, he told himself. He even kept on telling that to himself when the Circle of Elders encouraged him to reconsider. Janus was convicted before he had made him his husband, which means that the veto on punishment by execution on the royal family did not stand for him. His grandfather had not thought this far ahead when he wrote down the law. One may stand in the place of a relative for a crime. That applied to everybody.
Including him. 
Logan and Remus would watch over Janus. 
Patton smiled in spite of it all. 
He did keep him safe.
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Blood Moon
Chapter 5
You stretched and yawned, daylight was streaming in the crack in the curtains. You turned and snuggled into Kylo. You ran a hand over his chest, he was still asleep and you watched his chest rise and fall steadily. You kissed his cheek and he rumbled slightly, his arms came up around you and crushed you to him. His nose nuzzled at your cheek, his lips finding yours, you melted into his embrace. He slowly moved on top of you, his kissing become rougher. You groaned into his mouth as he settled between your legs. He growled and pressed into you, you reached down and tried to pull his joggers off but he grabbed your hand.
‘We can’t, not yet,’ his voice was heavy and gruff, his breathing ragged. You pushed against him, his hard on evident against your leg. You kissed him and he kissed you back, you wiggled beneath him and he took a sharp intake of breath. ‘You don’t know, how much,’ he closed his eyes, ‘how hard I am resisting you right now.’
‘Don’t resist me.’ You whispered. He shook his head and slipped out of the bed. You pouted as he stretched, his muscles straining. God you wanted this man why was he holding back so much?
‘Let’s get some breakfast.’ He sniffed. ‘I smell pancakes!’ He pulled you out of bed, suddenly you realised you were still in your dress from last night.
‘I have no clothes.’
‘Here.’ He reached into a cupboard and pulled out a top and some jeans. ‘Put these on, I’m gonna go get dressed.’ You changed and stood at the door looking down the hallway. Kylo’s door opened and you smiled at him. He reached for you and tucked you under his arm.
‘Let’s eat.’ He walked you downstairs, you could smell the food and hear what sounded like a full house. You walked into the kitchen and the table was full, there were people everywhere. Kylo pulled you into the kitchen and hush settled over the room as everybody stared at you both.
‘Come eat guys!’ Called Leia. The conversation restarted but slightly more muted than before.
‘Who are all these people?’ You whispered.
‘We have a big family.’ Said Kylo as you sat down, he loaded up a plate with pancakes and syrup for you and one for himself. You ate slowly, people watching. Han and Leia sat at the end of the table, there were more men than woman, one woman in particular caught your interest. She had long brown hair that she hid behind and her eyes were a grey, blue colour. She was hunched over her plate every now and again she would shoot daggers at you. You felt uncomfortable under her gaze and you shifted closer to Kylo. She noticed your movement and abruptly left the table. The guy sitting next to you leaned over.
‘Pay no mind to her. She’s just jealous.’
‘Hux.’ Kylo’s voice rolled over you and vibrated from his chest. It was deeper, and had a hint of command to it, something you hadn’t heard from him before. He bowed his head.
‘See you around Y/N.’ He patted Kylo on the back and left the kitchen. Slowly they all filtered out until you and Kylo were the only ones left.
‘What did he mean?’
‘Oh about Rose.’ He shrugged ‘she has a crush on me always has done. I’m sorry if you get caught in the crossfire.’ He kissed your forehead and took the plates to the dishwasher. You frowned trying to process this. He clearly assumed there would be a problem. You didn’t want to have issues with anyone, Christ you’d only just met these people. Kylo snaked his hands round your waist and took a deep breath with his face buried in your hair. ‘You smell divine.’ He whispered and nibbled on your ear. You swatted him playfully.
‘Come on let’s clear this up.’
‘We have people for that.’
‘I’m sorry? People?’
‘Yeah my mum has a cleaner, she’ll sort this she’s used to it.’ You shook your head.
‘How the other half live!’ You said. He chuckled.
‘Come on, let’s go explore the grounds.’ He grabbed your hand and tugged youout the back door. The garden was huge, it even had a woodland at the bottom. He took you to a secluded bit and you both sat on a stone bench.
‘This place is really beautiful.’ You said.
‘So, you haven’t told me much about yourself.’ You blushed and looked down at your hands. ‘You don’t have to, I don’t want to rush you.’ He said quietly.
‘No it’s ok. My parents weren’t very, loving. My so called Dad always favoured my brothers over me, he took them on camping trips and such leaving me and my mum back at the house. She generally got drunk and I was left to fend for myself. When they would come home depending on how well the trip went, or how he was feeling in general, would determine how he’d treat me.’
‘Treat you?’ You nodded. ‘You mean, he hit you?’
‘Few times.’
‘What the fuck?’ Anger clouded his face. You didn’t need his pity. It annoyed you when people felt sorry for you, for your shitty parents and your shitty upbringing.
‘Listen, I’ve made my peace with it, you wanted to know my back ground, soon as I could I stole his car and got myself out of there. Haven’t seen or heard from them since. That’s when I met Poe. He was also a kid on his own and we just went from there. Until, he left.’
‘Poe? Poe Dameron?’ You frowned as you turned to look at him. Your mind racing.
‘Yeah, you know him?’ He nodded slowly.
‘But I haven’t seen him in a really, really long time. Years in fact.’ You put your hands over your face as the sobs threatened to wrack your body. Kylo knelt down in front of you. ‘Don’t hide. Don’t hide from me.’ His hazel eyes spilled over with concern as you peaked at him through your fingers.
‘I’m sorry you’re probably wanting me to go home ASAP and forget any of this happened.’
‘Not in a million years.’ He tucked some hair behind your ear and you leant into his touch. ‘Since the moment I walked into that coffee shop and saw you for the first time, I knew I had to talk to you, meet you, get to know you and now, I couldn’t imagine being without you.’
‘The day we met, you were coming back to the coffee shop weren’t you?’ He nodded and smiled slightly.
‘I was yeah. It didn’t sit right with me leaving you at that table, but you found me anyway. Couldn’t believe it when I got that text message from you......’ his head tilted and he turned to look over his shoulder. ‘Stay here.’ He rose and disappeared round the corner.
‘Sure, just poured my heart out and you up and leave. What’s new?’ You sighed and kicked gently at the dirt under the bench. You heard a noise, you looked up and froze. A huge brown dog was staring at you, it’s lip began to lift in a snarl. ‘Oh shit.’ This didn’t look like a dog you could escape. Your palms began to sweat and you rose slowly off the bench, your hands out in a submissive pose. ‘I’m more scared of you than you are of me, trust me.’ You whispered. The dog growled loudly as you tried to back away. It advanced on you snarling more. You couldn’t take you eyes away from it’s face, you’d never seen a dog like it, the eyes just looked so, human. The dog lunged and gripped your hand with its teeth. You cried out in pain and tried to tug your hand out of its mouth.
‘Hey!’ Kylo’s voice rang out loudly. The dog released you instantly and cowered on the floor. Kylo stalked towards you both, his shoulders tense, his eyes flashed yellow and he glared at the dog. ‘Go and tell my father what you have done. RIGHT NOW!’ He bellowed. The dog slinked away and Kylo rushed to you. Blood was oozing out of the wound and you couldn’t feel your fingers. His hands were shaking as he tried to have a look. ‘We need to get you to my mother.’ Your legs shook and you dropped as shock took over. He picked you up like you weighed no more than a twig and rushed back to the house. He burst into a room where his mother and father we standing talking to Rose. She paled as Kylo walked in and Han grabbed her arm and marched her out of the room. You were shaking all over, you felt so unwell. Your stomach churned and the lights almost seemed brighter. You could hear them talking and you felt Leia inspect your hand. She put a cool hand on your forehead as your eyes rolled you closed them wishing this would stop, then everything went black.
Kylo stood helplessly looking at you shaking and twitching on the sofa as Leia inspected your wound. She placed a hand on your sweating forehead.
‘I’ve never seen it accelerate this quickly. Did you find out where she was from? Who her family are?’
‘Just a bunch of low life scum who she got away from as soon as she could.’ The rage rose in Kylo just at the thought of them. He growled deeply.
‘Calm yourself son. She might survive. I’ve only seen this once before, the girl had a dormant werewolf gene. Could explain why it’s accelerating this fast, without the help of the full moon.’ Kylo sunk down next your now still form.
‘I hope you’re right because I can’t live without her.’ His voice broke and he clenched his fists. She placed a hand on his shoulder.
‘Rose might have done you a favour.’ He snarled.
‘I will never forgive her for as long as I live.’ He spat.
‘Your father will deal with her accordingly. I suggest you prepare for a new member to the pack Kylo.’ Leia went to leave but she turned back to him. ‘If she had stayed human, your soulmate status would never have been recognised.’ She quietly shut the door behind her leaving Kylo by your side. He began to pace, every now and again checking on you. Suddenly he roared loudly and brought his fists crashing down on the desk in the room, it splintered under the force. The door flew open and Hux barged in.
‘What the hell.....?’ He saw Kylo standing over the broken desk. ‘You ok? You contained?’ Kylo nodded. Hux knelt down beside you, he rested his hand on your forehead and you murmured. ‘Did you do this?’ Kylo glared at him from beneath his black hair. ‘Who then?’
‘Rose.’ Kylo growled out her name.
‘Oh boy. She’s in for a world of trouble. You know if Y/N turns out to be your soulmate, she could be put on trial.’
‘I’ll make sure she will be.’
‘We should get her upstairs, she could start turning any minute.’ Hux went to slide his hands under your body but Kylo growled a warning. Hux raised his hands and backed away. ‘Sorry.’ Hux faithfully followed you both upstairs and Kylo laid you on his bed, you started murmuring and fidgeting.
‘If she dies.....I’m going to rip Rose’s throat out myself.’ Kylo said quietly as he brushed some strands of hair off your sweating forehead.
‘I don’t doubt that. But let’s not think the worst. Let’s just sit here and get her through her first change.’ They didn’t have long to wait.
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