#no Big Game Companies
cyanomys · 8 months
Hey TTRPG Nerds
I’m back on my bullshit again. What are some indie games with unique systems that aren’t D&D, PBTA/FitD, or Fate-based?
How do they use unique mechanics to accomplish cool stuff?
Story games, OSR, you name it — all welcome!
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shandzii · 9 months
The Lethal Company Experience with @sleepyeule
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theviolenttomboy · 1 year
I lost the page, but I saw a twitter post estimate that Pokemon Go alone would "owe" Unity potentially over eight million dollars a year under the new policy.
Yeah, no way Niantic and the Pokemon Company are going to quietly cough up that much fucking money.
Once you consider the other mobile games Nintendo has, it's not a question if the company can afford it. Nintendo would be flushing multiple entire game budgets down the drain. They have to protest.
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art-is-kayos · 1 month
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I am not immune to cute character with three lines
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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home-grown bracken
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 96: trapped in a timeloop all by yourself, handsome?
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ganondoodle · 5 months
it might seem like im just a totk hater, and to be fair, i AM, but its not bc i think its bad in every way- if it was all bad, ok, then its all bad and we can forget it happened and can all accept that-
but totk specifically hit the jackpot of -things that frustrate me so much i cannot let go and need to talk about it-
its part of my current hyperfixation (or whatever is the right word), botw is one of my all time favorite games, and that one had so many mysteries i was DEEPLY invested in, its got great music and some absolutely fanatstic moments, some ideas are great to fine, but it doesnt make sense, i hate time travel like little else in games, it constantly contradicts itself, the franchise, even its previous game its supposed to be a sequel to, i felt like i was made fun of by the game itself, for caring so much about what they had set up or done in botw, the moment i saw what they did to the shrine of life i felt so devasted i could hear people pointing and laughing at me for having cared about it, the writing treating me like i am so brainless i cannot connect dot one and two when there are only two dots in front of me labeld 1 and 2 that it then tells me to connect directly, to my face, multiple times, before showing me how to draw a line, its full, so SO FULL of missed opportunities, its got choices in there that are just nothing but frustrating bc there were a hundred other ones, i can see what you could do wit hthe basic ideas, theres people that worship it to a point you cant say anything even mildly critical, even about objectively bad things (there is no excuse for that godawful arrow menu) bc they will jump at you like a rabid animal-
i could go on but you get the point, never in my life has anything hit me like that
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pocasu · 1 year
IMPORTANT: Regarding the current PMoon/LCB situation, KJH's history of poor employee treatment
(Edit: Please check my reblog for more employee reviews that were posted to the forum within the past few days.)
As of July 27, 2023 (3 PM PDT), the official LCB Twitter account still hasn't posted English or Japanese translations of the message by Project Moon CEO (Kim Jihoon) announcing their decision to fire story CG artist Vellmori.
In the subsequent chaos following her unjust expulsion, I've seen a significant number of the global fanbase pity KJH/PM and assume that firing Vellmori was a poor but well-intentioned response to protect PM employees.
However, PMoon has long been a less than ideal place to work for both outside contractors (see testimonies from the WonderLab and Leviathan artists) as well as their full-time employees.
Below is a workplace review of Project Moon from September 2022 by a current employee, which talks in depth about KJH's regular temper tantrums in the office and subpar treatment of the PMoon team.
Translation by me, a native Korean speaker. (source here)
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This review was posted to a forum that can ONLY be accessed if you have a verified and active employee email address to a game company. While the forum is anonymous, it requires you to reveal your place of employment, which lends credence to its validity.
This, combined with other testimonies, has led people to believe that KJH will not recant his decision, as there's credible evidence that documents his temperamental outbursts, one-sided contract cancellations, and continued refusal to provide a healthy work environment.
TL;DR—Do not pity Kim Jihoon. This situation is shocking, yes—but it is no excuse to coddle a man who refused to protect an innocent employee of his company (knowing it could very well mean death of her future career) just to appease violent misogynists.
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outism-had-a-purpose · 9 months
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Her handsome hag swag has left all my clothes on the floor
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azzydoesstuff · 6 months
people on steam discussion forums when making the game takes time and the developer has a life instead of slaving away 23 hours a day for to make them free updates twice a week:
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 months
Brennan talking about how shocked he was that video rental stores still exist is so funny to me personally as someone who lives within driving distance of THREE different rental places that are actually doing pretty good.
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sh1-n0bu · 2 months
dark/grey skinned capitano save me,,,,, dark/grey skinned capitano,,,,,, if you hear us please save us dark/grey skinned capitano
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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The Undertaker and his Reaper
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monorailmoth · 27 days
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i made the icon for one of my friends upcoming lbp levels lol
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
First programmer anon that sent an ask here omg the cascade of people chiming in PLS DC WE HAVE A TEAMMMM my shy ass would even be willing to come off anon for it..... also I am an artist too I'm itching to make sprites for this game XD I might end up drawing fake screenshots of the game for fun sksjksn
For real we totally have a team already! And I’m sure if we got the green light we could find even more! I still can’t believe how many people have taken interest already in that little idea •.•
But the probability of it becoming reality is slim to none thanks to the legality issues 😔 so… totally joining you in making fake screenshots. I’ll need something to cheer myself up when that pipe dream inevitably goes up in flames 😭
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How successful would Ricardo…
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Propaganda for the mic skills:
Has a somewhat unique way of speaking and has a powerful voice. I think his voice could cut through the noise of a wrestling ring easily.
Propaganda for the wrestling skills:
Oh, this guy has such a powerful presence he makes your fighters fight worse just by applying a little bit of pressure. Everything about this guy is over the top, he even introduces himself in game on a red carpet rolled down from A PIRATE SHIP. The theme for his fight is pure powerful techno that never lets up as he runs totally roughshod over your team, even giving himself a debuff that represents how he's toying around with you. Just look at his outfit, it's purple leopard print with chains! He even has a canonical gimmick in the book around his waist, where he writes down how people have wronged him and reads it out to them before a beatdown. He would fit perfectly as an unbeatable heel type, throwing people around like styrofoam as his theme blares.
Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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