#no alec benjamin either what is going on..
Receiptify: Top Tracks, Last Month
Got tagged by @thequeerlibrarian <3 Thank you :)
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No pressure tags: @all-chickens-are-trans , @rovermcfly , @chaotic-gay-is-my-alignment , @atkeks :)
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
TOMMYINNIT ; dating shenanigans
summary ; dating stuff w tommy
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader is also a streamer, y/u/n = your username
word count ; 424
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you guys are so cute together it's heartbreaking /pos
soooo many edits of you guys
you always like, repost and favorite (and comment on some) while he uses a burner acc to favorite most of them 💀
lots of fun dates and experiencing new things together
like going to a new sushi spot, going out on a boat, hide n seek in a closed school etc
you both love indulging in each other's interests / getting into the others show/movie interests
just a lot of thrill and laughter in general w him
you actually met him on stream through a multi-player game (roblox)
you were both live and your chat was like "wait omg that's tommyinnit???"
a few ppl in his chat were like "HELP THATS Y/U/N"
you jumped on each other's streams and he gave you his discord user & you gave him yours so he could add you back
you then roleplay and fuck around on Royale High for an hour or two before ending your streams and calling it a night
after that you literally couldn't stop talking to each other
you streamed again some more before eventually meeting up
and you were both so much better in real life than what you both thought
like hey bitch 😍😍
you were the first to confess
you took him out to dinner while visiting brighton for a bit
he'd never tried a certain food you absolutely loved so you needed him to try it
once there and after you ate, you asked if he wanted to name this a date and waited for him to get the memo
his SMILE ☹️🫶 he was grinning ear to ear
"yeah! yeah, sure"
"cool" you smiled "wanna play bedwars later?"
true romancer
he's pretty in the middle with pda, about a 6/10
he'll hold your hand, give you little kisses, rest an arm around your waist/back/shoulders etc
he's not really jealous either, he's really laid back and chill so he trusts you / doesn't worry about other people much
when it's friends, he'll joke around and yell at them for "flirting with you" but it's all jokes
you're not super jealous over him either
songs that kinda match the vibe of the relationship and stuff ;
somewhere in my heart ; aztec camera
different kind of beautiful ; alec benjamin
12 notes ; alec benjamin
wildflower and barely ; hozier & allison russell
where the lines overlap ; paramore
the only exception ; paramore
give u the moon ; lil peep
still a friend ; the backseat lovers
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mirage-aera · 5 months
can we please get more angst? 🙏
like what if reader decides to unalive herself? cant take the grief anymore and knowing that drinking and binge eating will not do anything but just burn money and delay the inevitable. and simon is too late to save her. cue simon grieving in return and drowning in guilt and self hatred for putting her in that situation.
•°. *࿐ Drowned
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ᴺ���ᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
pt. 1 - pt. 2
Synopsis: By the time Simon returns to your shared home, it's already too late for you. You've hit rock bottom in the rabbit hole, and Simon is ready to jump into that same hole.
Word count: 2.606
First of all I’d like to apologise for my two month(?) absence. I got overwhelmed with school work that I needed to focus on and some personal problems happened. For anyone who has stuck around, this is the long waited part 2 that I promised a while ago. I haven’t written anything in my long break so bear with me. Second of all you guys really want more angst from me. I was planning on doing a happy ending but this will do.
TW!! Suicide, alcoholism
For the people that wanted to be tagged: @somehopeatlast @yyiikes
It’s too much. Everything is too much. Everyone has been telling you that healing takes time. When in reality, all that you feel is despair. Instead of the wound gradually closing, all that’s really happening is your heart getting ripped out day by day. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this charade up. You’re throwing people fake smiles left and right, and ‘I’m fine’ has left your mouth more times than you could actually care for. It’s as if you’re living life as a mindless zombie. Barely doing the bare minimum to sustain yourself. Every time someone checks up on you, you tell them you’re doing okay, could be better but you’re fine. At least, that’s what you want them to think. You’re just a shell of the person you were when Simon was still here and alive. You’re blowing through your money like no tomorrow. But can you get yourself to care enough to do anything about it? No, and not for the foreseeable future. You spend your days drinking away, either at home or in bars. You’ve tried moving on, but the only thing you’re able to see in them is Simon. You chicken out before anything can get serious. Your bingeing habits haven't changed a bit, you’re on the same routine.
It's been months and you can’t get out of this rabbit hole you’ve dug yourself. Months.
It’s crazy to think about the chokehold Simon has on you, even when he isn’t physically here himself.
You’ve had enough. You’re not living life as is. You’re practically a dead person walking, a mindless being. All you’re doing is blowing money when you could be doing anything else but that. You’ve contemplated long and hard about this decision, and to be frank. You see no negatives to this option. Taking the way out seems like a way better alternative for you than continuing to waste the air around you with useless breaths.
The hooded figure that you sometimes see outside your window has started showing up less and less. You’ve made eye contact before, but before you can even mutter a word out the shadow has vanished. As if he never existed and is a figment of your imagination. You could’ve sworn that those were the eyes of Simon. His sharp brown eyes are unmistakable. You can recognize them from anywhere. But, he is dead. The possibility of it being him is simply impossible. You stare solemnly out the window. You want to see whether the shadow really is a figment of your imagination, or if it’s actually a person. But they never show up. If the shadow had shown up, would you have gone through with your plan? Probably not. As insane as it might sound, you feel a sort of pull for the shadow. As if it’s calling out for you.
When all you can see is the dark starry night. You sigh and shut the blinds. No one needs to see what you’re going to commit. You head upstairs to your once-shared bedroom. You walk absentmindedly to Simon’s bedside drawer. Revealing a small handgun. He always keeps weapons on him, or around him. To keep both you and him safe in case anyone ever dares to try anything in your own home. You pick up the piece of iron. Simon has taught you how to use it, in case there’s an emergency and he isn’t there to protect you. Back then it felt like a light piece of metal. Now, it sits heavy in the palm of your hand.
You slowly sit on the floor. Your back against the side of the bed. You expected to feel afraid. But to your surprise, you don’t feel anything at all. As if everything is numb. For that part you are a little thankful for, it’ll make this so much easier for you to do. You turn the gun in your hands. Inspecting your executioner. Minutes pass, and you’re still sitting idly on the floor. You’re waiting for the right moment. Deep down, you’re hoping that Simon will walk through the door. Wrap you up in his arms and tell you how everything is okay now. That it was simply a mission gone wrong, which made it so he couldn’t come home at the promised time frame. But as the silence of the house engulfs the house in an eerie peace. You close your eyes. This is the right moment. Simon won’t show, and he won’t show. You need to get that in your thick skull.
You look around your shared bedroom for the last time. Picture frames litter your dressers. His clothes are still hanging in his section of your closet. You put the gun away and back into his nightstand. You can’t do this, not here at least. Not at the serenity that belongs in your bedroom.
You scramble up from the floor. You pick up the crinkled piece of paper sitting on Simon’s desk. You go downstairs and pin it on the fridge with a magnet. Visible for anyone who comes looking for you. You rush outside, not bothering to bring a jacket with you. You’re not going to need it anyway. You run outside, not noticing the shadow blending in the night watching you. He wants to follow you, like he usually does, wanting to make sure you don’t do anything stupid or that you’ll regret. But this time, he can’t bring his feet to move. He simply watches you run off to whatever destination you have in mind.
You run off to the bridge you frequent with Simon. Not a lot of people go across it during the day. No one ever comes through at midnight. Giving you time alone to think and reminisce. You lean on the metal railing. Images of the various late-night dates Simon would take you on during his off days flash through your mind. You crack a small smile at that, embracing the pleasant memories once again. Your smile drops. Memories, that’s all they’ll ever be. You won’t be able to recreate them or make new ones anymore, not with Simon or anyone else. You brush away stray tears and let out a soft sniffle. You climb over the railing. You stand on the other side, peering down at the frigid cold water below. You look behind you, making sure no one is there. You suck in a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself slowly tip over the edge. One to two seconds feel like minutes. You feel the wind rushing past your face. Soon the cold water greets you. Despite the freezing temperature, it feels like a warm embrace. As if it’s welcoming you. You let yourself sink, letting more memories of you and Simon flash through your mind. Soon enough, everything goes black. You’ve lost this battle. Was it worth it? Some would say not, but to you? It was. You were miserable day after day. This was a peaceful alternative.
The shadow gets worried when hours pass by and you don’t return home yet. A bad feeling settles in the depths of his stomach. A nauseating feeling overwhelms him. He emerges from the shadows of the night. His mask was illuminated by the moonlight. He wants to know where you’ve gone. He shoves a flowerpot on your front porch aside with his foot, revealing a spare key. He grabs it and unlocks the door. It opens slowly. He steps inside, he takes off his worn boots. Not wanting to have anything traced back to him, anything that’ll show someone has been in the comfort of your own home. He looks around with confusion. He spots your phone and keys on the dining table. That’s weird. You never leave without those items, something Simon has drilled into your mind. He frowns behind his mask. He looks around everywhere. Eventually, he finds himself in the kitchen. At first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He squints his eyes at the fridge. A note is pinned on the piece of metal. He takes big strides towards the fridge and reads the note. His heart sinks to his stomach. The urge to throw up is getting to him.
To anyone who finds this note. It’ll most likely be you, Price. I’m sorry. I know I’ve said that I’m fine, that I’m getting better. But I think you know this as well, that I’m not. If anything, I’m getting worse by the day. I’ll keep it short. I have nothing much to say anyway. Not that anyone would care. Don’t come looking for me. I’ll be long dead by the time you find this note. I don’t even know where I am. I might be in my bedroom, bathroom, in a ditch somewhere, or even floating in a river. On the bright side, I’m happy. Happier than ever. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I have Simon to keep me company.
I love you Simon, I’ll see you soon.
He rips the note off the fridge. He rereads it over and over. Hoping, no, praying that his eyes are deceiving him. That this is just some sick joke being played on him. You’ve done your fair share of pranks on him, but they’ve never been this extreme. He crumples up the note and shoves it in his pocket. He rips his mask off and throws it on the table near your phone and keys. He lets out a snarl. He slams his palms on the wooden table. “Fuck!” He exclaims. He pulls out his burner phone. He dials a number. They immediately pick up on the third ring. “Simon.” A low voice comes through. “Price.” He replies. He clearly doesn’t sound happy. He can’t let out tears, not now. He doesn’t deserve to. “Did you find something?” This sets something ablaze in Simon. He lets out a dry chuckle. “I’ve found something alright.” He sneers. He can’t help but convert the feeling of anguish to anger, and frustration. Anything but sadness. A low hum follows. “What did you find?” He takes a deep breath in. “I’ve found a suicide note in my own home.” He spits out. A painful silence ensues. “What?” He glares at the wall, lined with your pictures together. “You’ve fucking heard me. Want to explain that to me? You said she was doing fine!” A sorrowful sigh could be heard through the fun. “That’s what she said. I-” Simon interrupts him. “And you believed her?! How didn’t you see what was going on?! I told you, I fucking told you to keep an eye on her while I am gone!” He snaps. Something he probably shouldn’t do to Price, but he can’t bring himself to care right now. Another sigh could be heard. “Simon, listen. The mission-” He scoffs. “I don’t give a damn about the mission right now. My girl is dead for fucks sake!” He shouts. He continues. “I wasn’t happy with this mission. I already told you, I’d only agree to do this if you keep a close eye on her. I trusted you, Price. Now look at what happens. I faked my death, and now she’s dead!” He takes another deep breath to calm himself. “After this mission, I’m done. I’m pulling out. It’s about time I retire from this shithole anyway.” He sneers and hangs up. He throws the phone down on the table as well. He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.
He takes a seat at the table. He runs his hands down his face. A million thoughts run through his head. How did it end up like this? Multiple what-ifs pop up in his mind. What if he showed himself to you on the first day he came back to see you, would you still be alive? He lets out a low growl and slams his fist down on the table. Silent tears stream down his face. How does he always fuck up whatever good comes in his life? At this point, he’s just cursed. He can’t have happiness without something ruining it.
After he collects himself he gets up, but he still has work to do. And as much as he wants to drown himself in guilt and self-hatred. He understands that he still needs to finish his mission. He narrows his eyes as he walks out of your house. The people at the other end of his wrath need to watch their backs. Simon will make anything and anyone suffer, to make them feel the same pain he’s feeling. Deep down, he knows nothing will compare to it.
A fucked mission later, a hell of debriefing, he comes back home as a retired soldier. A home that has turned into a cold, haunting, and uninviting. Everything that made this house a home was you, you were his home. You aren’t here anymore. And it’s all his fault. If only he went against orders, let you know what was happening. You would still be here. If only he came to check on you more often, he could’ve seen the signs and stopped you. If only he could’ve shown any sign he’s still alive, you would probably still be here. Alive, breathing, at home, doing whatever you love to keep yourself busy while he’s gone. But no. He fucked up, and he’s paying the price for it.
For days on end, he will feel the remorse, the regret, the guilt. He would fall into the same rabbit hole you dug. Instead of you going down it. You’re already rock bottom, he’s simply joining you. He spends his time drinking. That’s what he knows helps best in this situation. Whenever he’s not drinking he’s spending time in his home gym.
A thought crosses his mind. The same one that has yours at one point. He lays in bed, your pillow still has your smell and it haunts him. He reaches over to his nightstand and opens his drawer. What he sees breaks his heart all over again. His gun. It has been moved. He’s certain this wasn’t how he left his gun before he left. He always made sure that the grip was facing him so he could grab it quickly in a time of emergency. It isn’t lying in that position anymore. He sits up with the gun in his hand. He plays around with the piece of iron in his hand. Unloads and loads the bullets over and over. Pushing the safety back and forth. Anything to distract him from the void he’s feeling in the pit of his stomach. Your note that you’ve left on the fridge rests on his nightstand. You said you were going to be okay. That you’ll have Simon to keep you company. Well, he isn’t fucking there, is he? He wants to join you so desperately. But he’s afraid, not of death. But even if there is an afterlife, would you accept him? He lied to you. A lie that cost you your life. He doesn’t know if he could endure that on top of the grief he’s feeling. But even seeing you one last time would be better than this.
So he sits there, in the darkness of your shared bedroom. Contemplating if he should join you. Something you were doing a few nights prior. If only he didn't accept the damn mission. He wouldn’t be drowning in his grief and self-hatred if he let the mission go. You would be here, in his arms. And that thought would forever haunt him until he does opt for the other route.
I’m sorry lovie, for everything.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years
Water Fountain Kisses
pairing: sirius black x female reader
warnings: smoking, drinking, fluff, kissing
summary: you and sirius were at another one of his family's pureblood balls, you never spoke much to one another, but that doesn't mean you both weren't attracted to each other
a/n: ah i love ben barnes so much
song: water fountain - alec benjamin
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"Not enjoying the party either, love?" Sirius Blacks voice comes on your left. He drops himself on the couch next to you, whom was looking boredom.
"Nope," you sigh, turning yourself to look at him. "You clean up well," you compliment.
"I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me," he grins as he takes another sip of his alcohol.
"Yeah, well, don't get cocky about it, Black," you bump shoulders with him playfully.
"I find the way you reject all of them men that come up to you amusing," he grins, trying to push the annoyance that he feels from other guys talking to you down.
His eyes have been on you all night, as he tuned out other girls who were trying to throw themselves at him. The way the corset under your dress you had to wear hugged your waist, pushing your breasts up as they sit perfectly. Your silk black gown with a v-neck that leaves little to the imagination, shows off your figure in ways that have people on their knees for you.
Your hair was neatly pulled into a slick ponytail that showed off your smooth neck - skin Sirius longs to have his lips on - and shoulders.
You had your makeup done in a way that makes your beautiful face features stand out.
Sirius believed you were a goddess. He was glad you hadn't noticed him drooling over you throughout the ball.
"They are all too boring," you breathe out. "They all either want me for my looks, my family's wealth, or both," you roll your eyes. "My parents intended for me to find someone I'd be willing to marry, tonight," you drop your head.
"That's ridiculous!"
"That's what I said. Tip, don't say that to your parents, you won't get a good response in return," you wince. Sirius understands what it's like, he was glad that the few times you've talked, you were able to relate to him.
"How about we get away from here and get some fresh air outside?"
You nod your head and he stands up and holds out his hand. You grin, shaking your head as you place your soft hand in his.
Then a nice summer night breeze sweeps over the two of you as you go and sit on a pretty water fountain that had recently been put there.
You both take a seat and look up, it was a clear sky tonight and you had a good view of stars and constellations.
"That star over there is the Sirius star," he mentions as he holds is arm up to point at it. "It's the brightest star," he grins.
"I know," you smile softly at him.
You go into a comfortable silence and he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Did I mention how perfect you are, love?" Sirius asks quietly, turning to look at you. You turn your face towards his and just realize the small proximity between you both.
"Nope. Did I mention how pretty you are?"
He lightly laughs and smiles at you while leaning closer to you.
His lips brush against yours and you suck in a breath. His eyes are glued to your lips and he quickly glances up at your eyes, asking for permission.
You give a quick small nod, and that's all it takes for him to bring his mouth to yours. He's sure his knees would have given out if he wasn't sitting down.
He could have died on the spot. He has had many different scenarios on how you two would have your first kiss together. But none of them compared to how he was feeling now.
Your lips molded against his as you leaned into him with your hands combing through his hair. His hands were tight on your waist, as if you were going to disappear if he let go, and he pulled you closer to him if that was even possible.
His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, pleading for you to open your mouth. You did and his tongue explored your mouth, you tasted like strawberries and vanilla.
He wished he could kiss you forever. This kiss has ruined every other girl for him, nothing would be better than you and he was sure of that.
You heard a door open not too far, so you pulled back, your breaths still mixing at the closeness of your faces.
He gazes at your eyes, they sparkle from the moonlight and seem to be full of joy.
"I think we should go back inside, someone could see us," you whisper, wishing your lips could be on his again.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right"
You go to stand up but he gently grabs your wrist. "Would you go out with me, darling?"
"It would be my pleasure," you smile and peck his lips. His face lights up and a grin comes onto his face. He can't wait to tell his friends about this, they're the only ones who've known how long he had a crush on you.
"I'll take you for dinner next Friday, if you're available," he says.
"I'd go any day you asked," you reply. You grab his hand and pull him back to the party, where the two of you dance and enjoy each other's presence for the rest of the night.
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flying-pierog-art · 4 months
📓 all I love songs n lyrics associated w ocs !!
The questions
OK SO- >:D
I tried to find songs that are only related to one of the characters but that would be boring and what you did, describing what you see when listening to the songs was way more fun to look through so here we go!
Saint Bernard by Lincoln - The Dragon Revived going on about his death and the owner~
Спова by Ferry - Skyler and Henryk's dynamic
KT's official Guide to Coolness by Ferry - Skyler who just like KT (the brown haired girl in the MV) is trying really hard to fit in this whole new world (The Advena City) that unravels before him ✨️
Angel with a shotgun by The Cab - Violet Sky (as in, Tom X Skyler) either of them could be the one singing but it matches the plot more when it's Sky!
Rät by Penelope Scott - Henryk, about Advena's higher ups, mostly about Matylda
Freaks by Surf Curse - Tom being sick of his exile out of The Advena City
Like A Dog by Ferry - The reason for the mains' (especially Skyler's) fear of Snails (spoilers :) )
Ain't it fun by Paramore - Camille finding the outside of Advena's walls, where they're out of their siblings guard, more fun than the Advena City itself
Faulty Feline Philosophy by Ferry (again) - The Cat Revived (aka Karo's Revived). Just in general, throughout their life after death. (Ik I don't usually talk much about her-)
Blood // Water by grandson - The Dragon Revived to Weronika Strzelec (Matylda's mother) (and in case ur asking, yes, I'm litterally Polishing the entire Strzelec family-)
Skrzydlate Ręce by Enej - Tom wishing he had a revived or basically any kind of power and then him actually getting it by the end
Summer nights by SIAMES - Karo and Charlotte making the best they can out of their time in Advena
Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin - Raphael in S3 accidentally going against his morals :) (spoilers)
Open up your eyes by Emily Blunt and Daniel Ingram (I think?) - Matylda as she visits Karo at the beginning of S4 when Advenians finally get a reason to imprison her. She comes to offer a deal to break her out... and some life lessons.
Aaand those are the most accurate ones where I don't have to pretend like half of the lyrics are something else to fit the story 🙃👍
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Edward Cullen x reader
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes
Request: @jamiebarnesws
Your new life as a vampire started shortly after turning eighteen years old, knowing you’d be stuck on that number forever, you wanted to make the best of it and bring good into this world.
However, because of the age you were at the time you had changed, it had you developing a mental trauma. A little while later, you started hunting down newborns, mostly teenager ones who couldn’t control themselves as you brutally kill them. It didn’t feel right in the beginning, but than you started seeing this more of a calling and what you were meant to do for the world. You believed you were doing a good deed for the world by making the streets a little safer to walk on day or night.
As you would hunt them down, you would turn it into a little game as a source of entertainment. At first, you start out by chasing them mockingly as you knew they were very much aware of your presence, which is followed by a hysteric and manic like laughter sprouting from your dead lungs. When it finally leads to the deadly encounter with you in dark alleyways, you take that opportunity to sneak up behind them and rip their heads from the rest of them before starting the fires. This activity unexpectedly begins to scare you a little, but fighting against the urge for a kill is stronger than your resistance as you continue doing so. You kept this up until after meeting your mate, Edward Cullen. Even the first little while of your relationship with Edward started off a bit rocky, as you both realize how mentally unstable you are and soon enough, the rest of the family had become aware before they had started to do whatever to help you overcome these urges.
Instead of giving up on killing completely, you had switched from killing newborns to killing the criminals that walked the streets, some even involved the most dangerous street gangs. You kept this hidden, or at least you tried to as you keep forgetting Edward can read minds. After finding out this side of you, he confronts you and you admit it with such shame you never felt before. Once the dark secret was out, Edward had come up with a solution that could either work in your favor or do the complete opposite. The idea was to attend Forks High School together as new students, and that’s where you meet best friend, Bella Swan.
You shared more classes with Bella than you did with Edward. How you meet is quite amusing, it was during gym class and you were playing volleyball. When she smacked the ball over the net, it hit you and she immediately comes to you with rushed, yet sincere apologies.
“I’m sorry! I told them not to let me play.” Bella says.
“It’s fine, really. No harm done.” you promise, smiling reassuringly at her.
From them on, you both become about as much inseparable as you and Edward were, loving the fact you studied at the same school together.
Not long after Bella learns of the vampire world, you trusted her enough to tell her of your past while expecting harsh judgment. But you were pleasantly surprised when she sat there with you, listening to you with any judgments whatsoever. Bella was your next go to for a shoulder to cry on, she was a good listener, best friend. In return, you offer her your ears as well and little advice.
Edward was pleased with the fact the solution was solved, and so it was.
Requests: open
• Edward Cullen
• Carlisle Cullen
• Emmett
• Jasper
• Alice
• Rosalie
• Bella
• Benjamin
• Vladimir
• Stefan
• Jacob
• Victoria
• Riley
• Aro
• Marcus
• Caius
• Alec
• Jane
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morebedsidebooks · 6 months
Poison Ivy #19-21
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Checking in with the Poison Ivy comic series again, we’ve reached a set of trio issues #19-21 forming “Origin of Species”. This writer G. Willow Wilson’s efforts in marrying together the contributions by many creatives over decades who have taken on the matter of Poison Ivy’s origins. Which if that sounds ambitious, you’d be right.
In media Ivy’s origins have often been recounted either by others or herself. However, because of the developments that led here in previous issues, this secret origin is too for all ones knows a last testament. With that frame dare readers hope for a more sapient, innermost version?
To begin issue #19 sees Pamela Isley off to a Seattle university as an undergraduate in a plant biochemistry program fatefully headed by Dr. Jason Woodrue. Wanting to best her peers (leading botanists Alec and Linda Holland plus Philip Sylvain), entranced both by the work and Woodrue, falling for a sexual relationship with him among other manipulations. When the next round of funding for the experiments runs out, Pam makes her first foray into crime.
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Next for issue #20, as things with Pam and Woodrue continue to escalate, Wilson once more does not forget a relatively recent character in the schemes of things… Bella Garten.
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Her last appearance to this in a flashback in #2, it’s been several issues. So, let’s take a minute to discuss Bella.
As a fellow student and love interest, specializing in botany and genetics going on to earn a doctorate, Bella Garten or the The Gardener as she would become first appeared in Batman #107 in 2021 creation of writer James Tynion IV. Plus, part of the thread of story involving Poison Ivy during the Fear State event and into the past. The one-shot Batman Secret Files: The Gardener (written by Tynion and art by Christian Ward) was also included in the first collected edition of Poison Ivy. However, the file, another secret origin comic is less about Bella Garten and more an attempt to appeal to Batman to help Ivy (around the Tom King Everyone Loves Ivy period) running through decades of Ivy’s character (with adjustments). Part of the history there exposed, particularly certain actions of Gardener, is uncomfortably weird.
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Yet again an example of major violation done to Ivy by someone she trusted. The revelation resulting in a short confrontation between the two in Fear State Omega. (The issue also marking the end of Tynion’s Batman run with Art: Riccardo Federici, Christian Duce, Ryan Benjamin, Guillem March & Trevor Hairsine, Colorist: Chris Sotomayor and Letterer: Clayton Cowles). Where Ivy is having none of the presented defense.
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In sum a character that functions more as a plot point, another retcon while trying to put it all (back) together. Yet, coherency that has been needed. Despite the American superhero genre (in)famously being one where seemingly everything and nothing is canon, something still important. So too, the first ongoing series for Poison Ivy not just ought to but, does endeavor to plumb over 50 years of a character’s existence. While bringing what each creative uniquely can. It’s worth asking then if Bella is made more too under Willow’s writing.
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Wrapping up casting Ivy’s mind back, issue #21 arrives at the full Poison Ivy. Once again, becoming a human experiment (volunteering!) and transformation. An old life lost, the new leading to Gotham— yet for a unique green reason.
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As a woman with growing abilities, confidence in using them, the law is just an obstacle to justice. But of course, conflict and differences plus mistrust with Batman result with Ivy in and out of the terrible Arkham Asylum. This would be the early pre-Harley days too, even though the Ivy costume calls back to the influential BTAS.
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Then what can I say about the art I’ve haven’t already in other reviews. Jessica Fong continues to deliver pretty and pretty gross (body) horror main covers. (On the latter it took a while to prepare myself to read the previous issue #18. Though it’s not shocking that bodily autonomy, something Ivy’s origins raise too, makes the list of also current matters the series depicts.)
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Marcio Takara definitely has set a bar as the main artist for the series. I wish he was drawing every issue. Though nothing against the other artists who have so far done so. It’s just that I generally wish for a creative team to be able to remain consistent through a run. I’ve praised colorist Arif Prianto consistently too. On the other hand, since these installments are Ivy believing she’s dying and mired in her distant past, I’m surprised there isn’t more of a difference exhibited of that. Why not really experiment with the paneling, designs, and color palette. Just as key the letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou can switch things up to good effect. Actually, if part of the team working on Poison Ivy had to change briefly maybe here was where to do that instead.
In the end these issues of the comic series offer an origin stressing the choices and chances. A Poison Ivy that refutes being pathologized, focuses less on victimization, and more of her own creation and missteps along the way. It’s interesting too, if not still poignant, to look back to the first few issues of Poison Ivy. In soon coming up on two years, the series has issue by issue after issue grown and been recognized as an Outstanding Comic Book by GLAAD. After reflecting on a new(ish) past it continues forward.
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
honest with myself | i'm not a cynic - alec benjamin | 18
"not every sunday is a picnic 'cause the sky ain't always blue."
knowing she’ll be there and seeing her there are very different feelings.
knowing she’ll be there tells him to avoid her. it tells him that linda is not allowed to touch her. knowing she’s there is enough to bring them to a better plan, a smoother plan.
seeing her there is like.. she would call it a shot to the heart- a hit to the weakest part of herself. he thinks that must be the best way to describe it.
she fails the first time. she’s scared. she doesn’t know what’s going on. he makes silent contact with his sister, and agrees to a do-over. if kai dies, everything he’s done til now has been pointless. so she wont, and for that, neither will hannah foster.
the second time, somehow, hurts more. they don’t know it’s his fault– not really. hannah knows it’s one of them, kai knows it’s something larger than her, but they don’t know his name. kai doesn’t know the dolls are anything more than coincidentally similar to him.
or, maybe she does. maybe she’s noticed, and it’s making her hate him more than she must have already. 
but either way, he has a job to do, a child to cast aside, and a prophet to guide. linda doesn’t know what she’s doing, and wiley barely knows she exists at this point.
he needs to ignore kai. ignore hannah foster, their plan, their faces, their souls. he just has to push past their existence and their role in today and finish his work.
finish the day. get into the town. win.
he doesn’t win. neither child seems to know it for sure, but he does. he feels it before it happens. he can feel his grip on the dolls, on linda, on victory, slip away by the second.
he watches them leave the mall, pressed shoulder to shoulder and arm-in-arm. they don't know they’ve won. 
they don’t know that their one little change catapulted into two less nukes being dropped on the world, and millions less people dead.
kai and hannah are smart, but they aren’t smart enough to understand the impact they’ve just made. no humans ever could, really. stupid creatures.
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jiabeewrites · 2 years
The Devil Doesn't Settle (1/?)
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(aesthetic by @aesthetics-and-fuckery, yeah, that's me. do NOT steal this!)
Harry Potter/Wizarding World x DC
Pairing: Klarion Bleak x Fem!Reader, Lilith Bleak (OC) x Fem!Reader
CW: romance, past breakups, use of she/her, language, shitty attempt at angst, author attempted to not use y/n and i think i succeeded but who knows, klarion & lilith are being lil bitches who doesn't know how to romance, playing with feelings, wizarding relations are really weird, toxic relationships probably, pining, i think that's it but if there's more tell me!
Summary: Reader is an exchange student. She's a witch, but not the kind that hogwarts is used to. She uses pentagrams and incantations instead of wands and spells. She uses poisons and candles rather than potions and charms. She practices moonlit summonings instead of defense against the dark arts. So what happens when not one, but two lords of chaos appear in the middle of the great hall, both claiming to be her lover? (this is part one of a multi-part series, so look out for a pt 2!)
SONG: Devil Doesn't Bargain by Alec Benjamin
A/N: The formatting refused to work ;-; I'm sorry if I offended anyone! I just tried to portray traditional-ish(?) witchcraft in the way that I've kinda seen it portrayed in fiction. Please don't take this seriously, this is a work of fiction and isn't meant to portray witchcraft seriously.
HOW TO READ: Each set of lyrics is kinda like a divider! each section of words/blurb between the lyrics are their own moment, and this particular piece has multiple little moments. Definitely timeskips. You can find more stories like this one by looking under the tag #ryn writes songfics
<Prev ~ Next >
It's useless, don't do this It's hubris to try He's ruthless, you knew this I told you, didn't I?
"Godrick, why is she even here?"
"I heard they let her in only because she threatened them."
"Her snake is so creepy!"
The whispers shrouded her like the mists of her home. But instead of bringing her comfort, these were laced with poison, bringing her pain.
They practiced magic, same as her, so what was the problem?
Her familiar, Noodle, curled tighter around her shoulders, seeking comfort. He didn't like it here, either.
"I know, guksu, I know."
"Why are you talking to your snake?"
A ginger-haired boy with a trillion freckles was staring at her.
"His name is Noodle. Guksu means noodles," she said, frowning. "I just call him that sometimes to calm him down."
"Weird." One of his friends, a girl with bushy brown hair, smacked him.
"Ron! Be nice," she scolded. He just raised an eyebrow.
"Why? Isn't she the one who summons demons?"
Ron. So that was his name.
She tucked that away for future reference.
He's abusive, elusive The truth is, he lies I know you don't want to let go
The caws of ravens and the croaks of bullfrogs echoed throughout the classroom.
"Silencio! SILENCIO!" That boy from earlier, Ron, was trying to silence his raven to no avail.
"It’s the way you’re moving your wand,” the girl next to him said, watching Ron critically. "You don’t want to wave it, it’s more a sharp jab."
"Ravens are harder than frogs," he said, frowning.
"Fine, let’s swap," she retorted, seizing Ron’s raven and replacing it with her own fat bullfrog. "Silencio!" The raven continued to open and close its sharp beak, but no sound came out.
"Very good, Miss Granger!" said Professor Flitwick’s squeaky little voice. The trio jumped in their seats. "Now, let me see you try, Mr. Weasley!"
"Wha — ? Oh — oh, right,” said Ron, very flustered. "Er — Silencio!" He jabbed at the bullfrog so hard that he poked it in the eye; the frog gave a deafening croak and leapt off the desk.
"Hmm..." That was when Flitwick noticed her.
"Miss? Why don't you give it a go?" Startled, she flinched but nodded. She pulled out a vial of white powder from her bag, sprinkled some of it on the bird, who squawked indignantly, and began chanting.
"Tace, tace, sile. Tace, tace, sile."
The raven's caws became fainter and fainter with every round of chanting, and soon, the bird became completely silent.
She looked up at the professor and the trio, who looked at her with facination and horror, respectively.
Right when she was leaving the class, she could have sworn that she heard Ron say: "That girl is mental, I swear!"
He shut up when Noodle hissed at him.
And just like before I can see that you're sure You can change him but I know you won't
She lurked at the back of the class, trying to see what all the commotion was about.
"an’ here’s another couple, look —"
Two black, skeletal horses came quietly out of the trees, one of them passing very close to dark-skinned girl, who shivered and pressed herself closer to a tree, saying, "I think I felt something, I think it’s near me!"
"Don’ worry, it won’ hurt yeh," said Hagrid patiently. "Righ’, now, who can tell me why some o’ you can see them an’ some can’t?"
The girl from earlier raised her hand to answer.
"The only people who can see thestrals," she said, "are people who have seen death."
"Tha’s exactly right," said Hagrid solemnly, "ten points ter Gryffindor. Now, thestrals —"
He was interrupted by a soft "hem, hem."
Professor Umbridge had arrived. She was wearing a green hat and cloak with her clipboard at the ready. Hagrid, who had never heard Umbridge’s fake cough before, was gazing in some concern at the closest thestral, evidently under the impression that it had made the sound.
"Hem, hem."
"Oh hello!" Hagrid said, smiling, having located the source of the noise.
"You received the note I sent to your cabin this morning?" she asked. "Telling you that I would be inspecting your lesson?"
"Oh yeah," said Hagrid brightly. "Glad yeh found the place all righ’! Well, as you can see — or, I dunno — can you? We’re doin’ thestrals today —"
"I’m sorry?" said Umbridge loudly, cupping her hand around her ear and frowning. "What did you say?"
Hagrid looked a little confused.
"Er — thestrals!" he said loudly. "Big — er — winged horses, yeh know!" He flapped his gigantic arms hopefully. Professor Umbridge raised her eyebrows at him and muttered as she made a note on her clipboard, "has . . . to . . . resort . . . to . . . crude . . . sign . . . language . . ."
She began walking among the students, asking questions about Hagrid and making rude comments about him.
Noodle hissed at her, and she had to put her hand on him to rein him in.
"I don't like that bitch."
"Well, neither do I, but what do you want me to do, poison her?" She muttered.
She rolled her eyes and looked up, only to see Umbridge staring back at her.
"Why are you talking to your pet instead of paying attention to the lesson? And why is your pet out in the first place?" The toad-like woman asked with fake honey dripping from her voice.
"He's not my pet, he's my familiar. And death isn't exactly my favorite subject," she retorted. All eyes were on them now.
"Pet or...otherwise, I don't think that the ministry would approve of a student having access to their pet at all times," Umbridge remarked, making a note on her clipboard.
"Well lucky for you, I'm not a european citizen. So I don't think your ministry has to worry about me. And Noodle's my familiar. Not. My. Pet," she ground out.
"Twenty points from Slytherin," Umbridge said waspishly, and tried to take the snake away from her. She was met with a hiss and Noodle's fangs.
"Detention, and if I see your snake again I will not hesitate to have a talk with your head of house." Her nostrils flared, and she backed away and headed towards the castle, probably to tell the minister to make another Educational Decree.
"His name is Noodle!" She yelled at the retreating woman, smirking victoriously. Noodle just nuzzled up to his human's face.
The devil doesn't bargain He'll only break your heart again It isn't worth it, darling He's never gonna change
The Great Hall was buzzing with conversation and laughter. It was Halloween, and the Gryffindor house had basically adopted her ever since her little scuffle with Umbridge.
"So your sna-Noodle is bound to you?" Hermion asked. The so-called Golden Trio had taken a liking to her since she didn't seem to like Umbridge either.
"Yeah," she replied. "Noodle is...well, he protects me and I protect him. It's kinda complicated, and I don't 100% understand myself. But he's my best friend." At this, Noodle squeezed her shoulders affectionately and snuck a bit of food off her fork.
"Interesting...does he enhance your powers in any way?"
"Uh...we didn't really try that. But my-er, a friend of mine has a familiar and she keeps him attached to the mortal plane."
Just then, a bright red portal appeared in midair. Two figures were flung out of it, and they seemed to be arguing. In the middle of the hall. Suspended in the air.
She seemed to recognize them, and groaned when she did.
"Klarion and Lilith Bleak get your asses down here right now!"
The two stopped arguing and grinned. With a pop they appeared in front of her, smiling like kids in a candy shop. One had a lovesick expression, the other had a flirtatious smirk.
"Hello, love."
He'll never be Prince Charming He'll only do you harm again I don't mean to meddle But the devil doesn't settle
No, the devil doesn't bargain
(part 1/?)
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
RANBOO ; dating shenanigans
summary ; dating stuff w ranboo
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader is a streamer
word count ; 386
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yall r that couple that bounces back on each other
like yall r actually so supportive of each other and shit it's awesome
lots of helping him w genloss and he helps you a lot with your streaming stuff and editing YouTube videos
you had a character that was around for one episode in genloss and people were making theories that said character and gl! ranboo were connected in some way
like lots of edits w "strange" songs like little dark age, transgender, after dark, etc referencing the looks and little easter eggs and shit between the two characters
but people edit you two a LOT because you have so many good moments
lots of edits of you two w moose as well 💔
you met first in MCC but never actually talked
his team won and you tweeted a congratulations toward them
afterward ranboo slid in your dms cause he wanted to be friends considering you made similar content and tried out new games and things in general
you started talking then began streaming together and whatnot before meeting a year or so later
he confessed first
he took you to a little aquarium and you walked around and enjoyed it til he had to man up and ask you what he wanted
he got you a starfish plushie and handed it to you with a sticky note on it because he was just gonna panic if he tried to verbally ask
it just read along the lines of "would you wanna go out with me sometime?"
you obviously said yes
he let out the loudest thankful sigh EVER
he's about a 5 on the pda scale
hand holding and light kisses (through the mask) but that's practically it
he's not really jealous either, but will step up for you if you need it
also finds it kind of amusing when you slightly harshly reject people if need be
like you both know you're not leaving the other just cause
mutual trust my guy
songs that fit the vibe of your relationship ;
him ; tokio hotel
youth ; troye sivan
just like heaven ; the cure
star shopping ; lil peep
give u the moon ; lil peep
nfwmb ; hozier
different kind of beautiful ; alec benjamin
ways to go ; alec benjamin & khalid
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panlight · 2 years
what do you think the family dynamic would be like if esme's human baby had survived and raised by vampire parents? Assuming he has had a heart condition since he was a child and needed to be turned to survive would that still affect the story?
See this is the AU I want to see (and sort of to write? but I'm too lazy). So Carlisle meets Esme again but it's before her baby dies and he . . . somehow is able to save him. So the baby lives . . . and thus so does Esme. And then we have a human/vampire romance where each has a son, so that . . . complicates things.
Honestly if there are humans involved I think the biggest change is that Carlisle probably doesn't turn Rosalie, and so obviously Emmett doesn't end up being turned, either. He's not going to intentionally bring newborns around human!Esme and human!Joseph, who would only be 13 when Rosalie would be turned and so too young to be turned himself even if he did have a heart condition or something.
My ideal scenario here is that when Joseph is an adult he sort of tells Esme like, "you should become a vampire so you can keep Dad company forever" but he chooses to stay human himself. He marries, has kids, etc and then over the decades Esme and Carlisle (and Edward, who was the 'big brother' but now becomes the 'little brother' as Joseph ages past him and reaches milestones Edward never will) watch over the family. We WOULD lose Rosalie and Emmett, probably. Alice and Jasper might still happen though since Joseph should be out on his own by the time they would show up.
Having to change Joseph because of a health condition would be tricky. I suppose since Carlisle has already 'saved' Edward for a similar reason he wouldn't deny Esme when he honored Elizabeth Masen's request, and he's be much more personally invested in this child, having 'raised' him as his father from birth, presumably. They'd probably have to hold out until he was in his later teens, though, to not risk the Immortal Child accusation. I always felt like Jane and Alec at 12/13 skirt that line. I think Benjamin and Maggie are like 15, so that might be acceptable, but I think they'd try to hold out as long as they could, and then some medical emergency forces them to do it when he's 16, 17 whatever.
. .. then again the heart needs to keep beating for the change to happen, so it's possible the heart condition means he can't be turned . . .
And the timing of when Esme turns would be tricky too. Probably the best thing would be to turn them at the same time? Two newborns would be hard to juggle but probably better than forcing Esme to spend time way from her vampire son or turning Esme first and keeping her away from her ill child. And if the "knowing about vampires makes it easier to adjust" thing is actually true and not just a convenient way for Bella and Beau to be amazing at it right away, that should help?
Either way I'd imagine Esme ends up being turned in her 30s or early 40s, making her a much more believable 'mother' to the kids in any cover story. It might end up being Edward, Joseph, Alice and Jasper or whatever. Carlisle can be the hot young step-dad as part of the cover story.
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I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
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valentinerose529 · 1 year
Tag Game: Oc Ship Songs
thanks to @dancinginsepia for the tag, and also for making the tag game!
rules: write about two to five songs from them that represent your a ship between your ocs (it can be platonic or romantic or a secret third thing). then add a quote from said wip (if possible!) underneath it.
and boy oh boy this is the right tag because you know who's been making playlists and imagining music edits instead of, yknow, actually writing something? this gal!! Anyways, relationship: Coraline and Ixora because I am Unwell over them. They're a bodyguard and a charge that eventually turned into like platonic soulmates sorta thing, in that they know each other so well but still insist to strangers it's only a job. This is gonna be fun to decide on anything because i have pages and pages of backstory but very little current dialogue and interaction written between these two--they've actually spent more time apart and affecting each other's lives than they have interacting on page! (the solution is to write more of them interacting. i'll get back to you on that)
1. Die For You by STARSET This has been an Ixora theme song for like. Years. The man's loyal as hell. And in a relationship like theirs, how do you determine the line between Ixora-specific loyalty or bodyguard-general dedication? He'd follow her into hell if she asked. (She did, once.)
"You promised to protect me," Cory gasped, and the words were a knife in his own heart. "I failed," he replied. Words clawed up his throat, but he couldn't get them out—how could he say what she meant to him? He would have given her everything before today; he made himself her protector because he believed in her. Because he trusted her.
2. If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin I haven't quite gotten under Cory's skin yet to get a writing handle on how she ticks,but I know she's very self-centered and righteous. I love exploring their dynamic--here's a power imbalance with two irascibly stubborn people on either end--and how much Ixora will simply cede to her rather than arguing. And how far would he go for her without her needing to ask?
“I thought I’ve been banned from your events,” Ixora said, in a tone I’d only ever heard when he was trying to start a fight. “You’ll behave yourself tonight, won’t you?” [asked Louise.] "I'm not coming anyways. I can’t leave Cory; I’m her protector, remember?” "Oh, but you're invited too, Miss [Coraline]." All eyes turned to Coraline. She and Ixora looked at each other. Her eyebrow twitched in question, he set his jaw in response, and Coraline replied smoothly, “If you insist, Miss Louise, then it’s in our best interest to attend.” Ixora’s wings quavered; I couldn’t tell if he had agreed with Coraline or not.
3. House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco This one ends up on a lot of my oc playlists cause everyone's got backstory and lore. But these two for sure really have a plethora of memories together! They know nearly everything about each other--the way they move and fight and their daily rhythms. But when strangers ask, they'll insist it's a strictly professional relationship.
“How do I look?” “Like you walked off the cover of a dime romance. Impractical and useless in a fight,” she added coolly, shutting down Ixora’s dreams. “You flatter me, sweetheart,” he informed her, and tossed an apple at her from behind his back. “Here, I know you skipped breakfast.” He read her thank you in the flick of her ears as she caught it. “Are you all packed?” “Since yesterday. You? That bag of yours doesn’t look big enough.” “I can borrow something of yours if I need.” “See, I knew you’d say that, just like last time, and the time before that, which is why I packed that red shirt you hate.” “God, with the shiny buttons? You’re a menace.” “It means you won’t steal it, yeah?” he shrugged, the movement carrying through his wings.
I ran out of quotes (i really need to write more of this story instead of letting it grow a full-on mold colony in my head) so i couldn't add all the songs i had in mind.
Gentle tagging if you want to participate, plus open tags! if you see it then join in! ♥ @isilee @inked-fables @lame2882 @sarah-sandwich-writes @sabinabardot @eldritchpiper @1legitconnor @nascentmorimur @sam-glade @sparrow-orion-writes @cat-esper
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maria-rayro · 2 years
Been looping the song “Devil doesn’t bargain” by Alec Benjamin today and couldn’t help but have sad angsty Heclie / Du’lie thoughts. Thought to share with you if you wanted to listen. 🤲
ohhh yes it's du'lie
Charlie does not understand at all why the maniac decided to keep him. Granthem hurt him, yes - first he tried to burn him in a furnace, then left scars on his chest with a knife ("complicit"), and after killing his team, he returned to him and took him in his arms, taking him to the castle, ignoring the feeble panic attempts of his prey to escape from his hands Eventually Lonnit gave up trying, simply crying into the maniac's shoulder in preparation for the nightmares he had in store for him.
But there were no major nightmares. For the first couple of days, Charlie hardly saw the man at all; Granthem locked him in one of the rooms of his castle and came twice a day to give him food. At first, Lonnit refused to eat, but as soon as Du'Met looked at him with his menacing gaze, Charles obediently took a fork in his hand and ate his portion. It was surprisingly tasty, and Lonnit, swallowing awkwardly, looking up at Granthem, who was still standing near the door, said about it politely in a low voice. His mother raised him to be a polite boy.
When Lonnit soon fell into a depression, refusing not only food, but also any attempt to do anything in his imprisonment, the silent kidnapper did not like it. He seemed to enjoy it more when Charlie showed his temper or emotionality or begged to be let go. It would have made sense for the director to use that to his advantage and start being a poor emotional puppy again, but he just didn't want to. Part of him thought it would be even better if he bored Granthem and he finally killed him.
However, he did not. That evening, he grabbed him by the shoulder and roughly dragged him somewhere into another room, finally pushing hard towards the door, literally making Charlie fall into the new room. It was larger and lighter than the previous one, it contained his things - those that Du'Met did not have time to get rid of. Lonnit did not immediately realize that he had been moved to a room with better conditions. And when he turned to look at Granthem, he understood the maniac's message from his look: now, stop being like that, look what I'm doing for you, I want you to feel good, and you treat me so ungratefully!
A normal person would probably either react to it with a rebellion and continue to be a disobedient prisoner, or obediently would follow the maniac's lead in order to prolong his life.
Charles was not a normal person. Instead of thinking at the moment about what tactics to choose to get out of his imprisonment, all that came to his mind was the thought that Du'Met seemed to be interested in him and considered him special, at least worthy of special relationship. And he had to admit that it was... intriguing.
It seems that this thought was the beginning of the end. Now he wasn't trying to run away or anything; no, he had already resigned himself to the fact that he would never leave the borders of this island. Instead, he focused on what he always enjoyed: investigating. And he began to study Du'Met the way he would study the hero of his next episode.
He wanted to find out who he was, why he became the way he was, and, most importantly, why he was so interested in him.
At first he tried to ask questions, hoping to hear an answer, but instead Granthem only seemed to look at him a little surprised through the slits in his mask before leaving to probably consider his captive's behavior. Then Lonnit decided to act differently.
He found a way to get out of his room, however, once in the corridors of the castle, he did not even try to escape from it - no, he only carefully and calmly wandered around the rooms, finding notes, photographs and some other things in some drawers and on some tables which helped him learn at least something about Granthem. Or, as he soon realizes, about Hector.
It was foolish of him, of course, to expect then that his escape would go unnoticed. Munday catches him in one of the rooms and he just pushes him against the wall in a rage. Charlie immediately tries to justify himself. "I didn't want to run away! I didn't! I just wanted to look around!"
"Hm?" still tinged with anger, but more confused, Granthem hums, not letting go of Charlie, continuing to roughly squeeze his hands on his body.
"I-Oh" comes out like a moan as Du'Met suddenly pushes him harder against the wall. In the next second, Charles laughs awkwardly, completely confusing Granthem. "I'm not going anywhere, take it easy, Agent Munday," he tries to reassure him, but makes a dangerous mistake; upon hearing his real name, Du'Met changes his gaze, and the next moment, he abruptly grabs Charles by the shoulder and pushes him, causing him to fall painfully to the floor.
That evening, Charlie realizes that he needs to be more careful if he does not want to feel the wrath of this crazy man, the devil in the human flesh. He cries with his face buried in a pillow, all alone in his spacious room for a couple of hours, feeling pain all over his body and burning with shame. When he hears the sound of the door opening, he shudders and shrinks all over, afraid to even look at his Beast.
Instead of violence, Granthem does something else that completely confuses Lonnit. He sits down next to him on the bed and runs his hand through his hair, starting to caress him hesitantly, almost timidly, as if trying to... apologize for his anger? Is he really?..
Charles thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can melt his heart in the end. Since he was already interested in him enough to let him stay, and since he, after a flash of anger, came to calm him down? He looks back timidly to look at him with his tear-filled eyes, and sees a slight confusion in Hector's eyes. He's tense, but he definitely feels something. Something out of the ordinary.
Charles likes to be special (extraordinary). Even if at this bloody price.
He will do everything to reveal to himself all the secrets of this poor soul. He will prove to Hector and to himself that he deserves to be special, deserves special treatment.
Although it will be more like a dance with the devil.
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everestica · 2 years
hey!! so i saw your song event thing (i have no idea what to call it lmao) and decided to req!!
the songs called "paper crown" by alec benjamin and the lyrics are
"when all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds
when all she is and ever was is comprimised
cause theres no one to love her when you build your walls too high"
so i was thinking that this would go with either malleus or riddle (twst) but you dont have to!!
take your time!! thank you
'*•.¸♡ Riddle and Malleus x Reader: 200 Follower Event!♡¸.•*'
➳ Reader is Described as being in the same situation as Yuu, but not is not described as yuu. Reader is a first year in both the stories!<3
➳ Warnings: Angst <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
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It was your first time visiting your best friend, Caters, dorm. You had heard some safe to say less than ideal things about the Housewarden of Heartslabyul, but at this point you were hoping that he wasn’t as bad as people made him seem. You stood next to the entrance into the Dorm standing behind Cater as this was technically his “terf” and you were nothing but an outsider to this. He chuckled a little bit before leading you into the dorm and around to the outside where you could see a bunch of people standing along a really long table, you question Cater about this but he just left you with that fact that it was an “Unbirthday Party” which left you more confused then when you walked into this area. He waved to the others around the table while still dragging you behind him to said others. That’s when he pulled you out from behind you to introduce you to the others, you learned that the two first years were Ace and Deuce, and two second years where Cater(which you already knew) and Trey, and then the only third year, also known as the Housewarden, Riddle. Not even gonna lie you were a little nervous at first as he was so prim and proper sitting at the table unlike the rest of them who weren't allowed to sit down yet, suddenly when you turned to look for Cater, or your comfort in this situation, he was nowhere to be found, so now you were all alone. It was kinda your fault for getting to know the only guy that would leave a socially anxious person for a good selfie. While you were trying to figure out what to do without the selfie taking master, Riddle walked over to your worried figure, you weren’t facing towards where he was sitting when he had come up. Suddenly from behind you you heard somebody clear their throat, you turned around and were faced with the Housewarden. To say you were scared was an understatement, you immediately apologized for not noticing him sooner, which he was a little surprised about as normally he had a hard time even getting his first years to do anything let alone apologize for something that really didn’t need to be apologized for. He laughed a little bit before saying that it was okay, and that you had no reason to apologize as he had just walked up anyway. The two of you talked for a little before he looked up at the sun before saying he must excuse himself to start the Unbirthday party and that you were welcome to join in the celebration, and only because you started to get closer to him did you say yes, it was normally very rare for you to be seen outside your dorm besides in class, or maybe in the library looking for a way home.
“When all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds, when all she is and ever was is compromised.”
That’s when Cater and Trey came out of the rose garden and came to sit down, just then there was a cry and the two first years came out of the Rose Maze with there looks all messed up before Cater got up and asked them what happened and that’s when they had explained that they were going to go take care of the flamingos like Riddle had asked but they didn’t wear pink when they were doing it and the flamingos were less than pleased about this, and so was Riddle. He looked like he was about to explode with how red his face was, and that’s when everything that you had just worked on with Riddle went to ashes. He started screaming at the boys about how they had already talked about this before and that they should know better before collaring them, once you saw this whole time go down, you were terrified and you now knew why you didn’t ever leave your dorm, people were horrible. Before Riddle could say anything you rushed out of the dorm with tears in your eyes. That’s when both Cater and Riddle looked at your running and crying figure, Riddle wanted to go after you but something stopped him as soon as he got up. So he let the second year chase after you instead. Cater returned a little later saying that you just needed time, he had a smile on his face but on the inside he just didn’t want Riddle to know that after all of that you were scared of him. Through the next couple days in school Riddle tried to talk to you on multiple occasions but alas, had no luck. He knew this was because he yelled at the two first years, even though it was normal to everybody in Heartslabyul, he should have remembered that you weren’t in Heartslabyul and that you didn’t have all these rules, and the yelling. He was really upset knowing this but decided that it was better if he had just slept on it instead and come up with another way tomorrow to say he was sorry, too bad he couldn’t sleep and didn’t see for a long time after that. The only time he ever saw you was around Cater and he only wished that was him you were with instead.. The walls that you had formed around you and Cater had closed again..
“Cause There’s No One to Love Her When You Build Your Walls Too High.”
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You had heard the name Malleus ever since you had started to come to Night Raven, normally things about how powerful he was, his title, and his retainers that he had. Even though you had heard all these things about this man, its very unlikely that anybody has actually seen him, only spreading around things that others have heard or said, so you decided to think nothing of it. People were gonna talk no matter what dimension you were in, you learned that pretty fast. It was the end of the day and instead of heading back to your dorm like most students you went to the library in search of something that might give a clue on how to get you home. When you entered there weren't too many people but still you weren’t gonna take the chance and be around them so you started to search in the section that might have had a clue that was also the farthest away from the couple people. Soon after looking on every shelf and reading every book title you found one that looked promising so you found a table closest to where you were searching and sat down, opening the book and starting to read it. Normally most people wouldn't come to the back as there was nothing really back there that a student would need to read, so when you heard footsteps heading to where you were sitting it was a little confusing, that’s when you looked up from you book and saw the exact description of what the people who were talking about the Diasomnia Housewarden would look like. You made a quick squeak as you were being noticed by Malleus and tried to hide in your book, which unfortunately, didn’t work. You could tell because he let out a little chuckle before coming up to your table and taking the seat across from you, you slowly peaked out from behind the book where the 3rd year that you had just was now sitting right in front of you. Before you could hide back down in your book, he had asked you if you had seen a boy with silver hair, most likely asleep somewhere. You were a little confused but answered by shaking your head. The smile he just had dropped into a frown now, while he looked around the library and then getting up, he apologized for disturbing you and was about to leave before you got up and asked in a shy tone if maybe you could help him look. He looked a little shocked because normally people were scared of him, not wanting to look for the sleeping second year with him. He smiled back at you and briefly agreed and walked out of the library with you on his tail. You eventually caught up and questioned why he was looking for somebody that was sleeping and that’s when he explained about Silver, and how he had a sleeping curse. You “mhm” a couple times at what he was saying as a way for him to know that you were listening even if you weren’t the most talkative person.
“When all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds, when all she is and ever was is compromised.”
Eventually the two of you saw somebody laying next to a tree with his head resting on the tree roots and another group of around 3 boys standing next to the one resting. You looked up at Malleus and he looked a little confused at first before continuing to walk over to the group. From a little bit away you could hear them making fun of who you assumed was Silver, because most normal people couldn’t just fall asleep on a tree like that. You looked back at The 3rd year and now after hearing all those things the other boys said about Silver he was pissed. So he marched his way up to the group of boys and he started threatening them in one of the scariest tones you had ever heard, at this point Silver had woken up and immediately went to stop Malleus. A prince can’t threaten people! So while Silver went to stop Malleus, you with tears and being scared ran all the way back to your dorm. Through the next couple days the 4 main members of Diasomnia kept coming over to your dorm asking you to either hear Malleus out, or if it was Malleus then for him to apologize, but after a couple days of failures, they realized how scared you actually were of him. You weren't really sure why but for weeks and weeks after that it did nothing but rain and thunder..
“Cause There’s No One to Love Her When You Build Your Walls Too High.”
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nothums-from-tj · 2 years
If anyone wants it <3
ED and drug TW for some songs (they’re in the titles)
Written playlist below (will be continuously edited):
“Rebel Love Song” - Black Veil Brides; “Check Yes, Juliet” - We The Kings; “Perfect” - Mariana’s Trench; “Ribs” - Lorde; “Stacy’s Dad” - Sub-Radio (“Stacy’s Mom” parody); “Can’t Help Falling in Love” - Elvis Presley; “Juliet” - Cavetown; “Accidentally in Love” - Counting Crows; “Hey There Delilah” - Plain White T’s; “Habits (Stay High)” - Tove Lo; “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” - Arctic Monkeys; “Astoria” - Mariana’s Trench; “Mary On A Cross” - Ghost; “Ballad of Mona Lisa” - Panic! At The Disco; “Nikki” - Forever The Sickest Kids; “Queen of Hearts” - We The Kings; “I Wouldn’t Mind” - He Is We; “Haven’t Had Enough” - Mariana’s Trench; “We Got Something to Talk About” - Alight The Night; “If I Had You” - Adam Lambert; “Whataya Want from Me” - Adam Lambert; “LEMONS” - Brye; “Tongue Tied” - Grouplove; “This Is Home” - Cavetown; “Team” - Lorde; “Fall For You” - Secondhand Serenade; “Dirty Little Secret” - All American Rejects; “High School Never Ends” - Bowling For Soup; “That’s What You Get” - Paramore; “Dark Side” - Kelly Clarkson; “Angels Like You” - Miley Cyrus; “Don’t Call Me At All” - Flatsound; “Missing You” - All Time Low; “Piece Of Your Heart” - Mayday Parade; “She’s Kinda Hot” - 5 Seconds Of Summer; “I Go Hungry” - Mother Mother; “Like Real People Do” - Hozier; “Heat Waves” - Glass Animals; “Boy In The Bubble” - Alec Benjamin; “Soap” - Melanie Martinez; “when the party’s over” - Billie Eilish; “Peace” - O.A.R.; “Looks Red, Tastes Blue” - Mayday Parade; “Bruised and Scarred” - Mayday Parade; “Stay” - Mayday Parade; “Pompeii” - Bastille; “Demons” - Imagine Dragons; “Build God, Then We’ll Talk” - Panic! At The Disco; “Sometime Around Midnight” - The Airborne Toxic Event; “Girl All the Bad Guys Want” - Bowling For Soup; “Running Away” - AM; “ocean eyes” - Billie Eilish; “Weapons” - Emily Kinney; “All To Myself” - Mariana’s Trench; “Somewhere Only We Know” - Keane; “party favor” - Billie Eilish; “Bad Girls Club” - Falling In Reverse; “I Love You So” - The Walters; “death bed (coffee for your head)” - Powfu; “Battle Scars” - Paradise Fears; “Chasing Cars” - Snow Patrol; “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)” - John Lennon; “The Name Of The Game” - “Mamma Mia!” cast (slight twist on the ABBA song); “Happy Together” - The Turtles; “From Here to Mars” - We The Kings; “It’s Time” - Imagine Dragons; “The Drug In Me Is You” - Falling In Reverse; “I Think We’re Alone Now” - Billie Joe Armstrong; “As You Go” - Red; “River Flows in You” - Yiruma; “On Top Of The World” - Imagine Dragons; “Face Down” - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus; “Monster” - Imagine Dragons; “BURN IT DOWN” - LINKIN PARK; “Runnin’” - Adam Lambert; “My Demons” - STARSET; “Hey Lover!” - Wabie; “She Had The World” - Panic! At The Disco; “Bloody Mary” - Lady Gaga; “Pocketful of Sunshine” - Natasha Bedingfield; “Young Dumb & Broke” - Khalid; “Numb” - Linkin Park; “Pink (Freak)” - Elliot Lee; “Shower” - Becky G; “Can I Have a Ride Home? I’m at a Party and I Don’t Know Any1” - carpetgarden; “Every Morning” - Sugar Ray
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