#non capite
fluffyartbl0g · 10 months
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At first sight I was like, oh cool! I see they’ve added a Luffy tab on my dashboard, because I love one piece. And then I look down the luffy tag,,, AND THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO JUST. DON’T KNOW WHO HE IS XD. That must mean THEY’VE JUST ADDED HIM TO EVERYONE’S DASHBOARDS WAHAHAHA!
First of all, it’s pronounced loo-fee. Second of all, he’s from hit series One Piece and you better not forget it!!!
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 3 months
:33 < iHATE having to fight EVERYTHING for the SMALLEST amount of representation in this community. therians get SO MUCH representation in this community, nobody talks of objectkins, or fictionkins, or plantkins, or conceptkins, or elemental kins, or space/voidkins, or songkins, or LITERALLY. ANY. "UNCOMMON". ALTERHUMAN IDENTITY. it is SO UNFAIR ON THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY THAT WE LITERALLY HAVE TO FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL JUST TO GET THE SMALLEST REPRESENTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY. WE NEVER GET TALKED ABOUT. EVER. (also, ihave NOTHING against therians. iam one. but iwont post about it because iwant to fight for representation of "uncommon" kins.)
:33 < shout out to alterhumans/non humans with NO kin identity, just saying they arent human. youdont "need" to have an identity and fit into a box. youre perfect just the way you are.
:33 < shout out to plantkins. every single plant/fungi. from the DEADLIEST venus fly traps to the BRIGHTEST boquet of roses. have a fresh ray of sunlight to beam upon you, youre shining so much its insane.
:33 < shout out to all the objects. whether it be a small eraser, or your favourite plushie, youre still valid, and awesome, and soooo cool /gen
:33 < shout out to elemental kins. burning fire, cold breezes of wind, all elements. the most HURTFUL, DEADLIEST elements to the ones that arent so dangerous. your kintype is never too dangerous for me. keep living life the way youwould
:33 < shout out to fictionkins. the weirdest characters, the "prettiest" characters, your favourite characters, your hated characters, your least favourite characters, characters from an uncommon source or from a common source, all of you.
:33 < shout out to songkins. from the strangest, most unusual melodies, to the songs everyone knows. you are the most beautiful, melodic songs ever. you keep being you bro.
:33 < shout out to placekins. youre a little cottage in the woods ? thats awesome. youre that corner shop down the street ? so cool. youre massive theme park, with flashing lights and fireworks and everything ? genuinely so amazing.
:33 < shout out to daykins/monthkins/seasonkins/yearkins. all the several days, seasons, months passing by us is so beautiful to watch
:33 < shout out to number/letter kins. all the numbers formed to make mathematics, all the letters we have in languages today, all so beautiful
:33 < shout out to spacekins. all the stars, cosmos, voids, even those who identify with being space as a whole. so beautiful.
:33 < shout out to conceptkins. strangest concept to comprehend, the easiest concepts, idont care. yall are amazing.
:33 < and shout out to any "unusual" or "uncommon" kintype ihavent mentioned.
:33 < yall are SO BEAUTIFUL !!
:33 < if you identify with an "uncommon kintype" PLEASE interact with this blog iwant more cool people to follow /nf
:33 < and if you are a therian blog iwould hope you to repost this so youcan show awareness for other kintypes in this community. (but youdont have to !! idont mind if youdont, do not worry !! :3 its perfectly ok with me not to reblog it, I understand why you wouldnt !! :33)
:33 < /nf
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purpleoffbeat · 1 month
Madokamis hair
i once read somewhere that Madokami's hair should never be depicted with its ends being visible, like a rule made during the animes production that the animators had to follow. i took this to mean that Her hair is infinite. that might be untrue, i might be misremembeing, i mightve misunderstood. but i wanted to share this interpretation bc i think it adds weight to both the ending of the original anime and to rebellion.
(i know the ends of Her pigtails, Her bangs and probably a bit more are shown, but i mean the long part of Her hair being infinite)
if Madokamis hair were to be infinite, then that means that theres an infinite weight that Her head must lift. infinite weight would be unliftable, but it makes sense that She, as a Goddess, would be able to lift it nonetheless. the universe is the inner side of Her dress after all, She can already lift the unliftable. a single infinite strand of hair is impossible to lift. now imagine Madokamis entire hair being infinite. this is the burden She chose to carry alone.
infinite weight is something no human can ever carry. its impossible, and completely unreasonable to expect anyone to be able to do something like that ever. so, when bringing the Goddess back down to a human, it makes sense that Her hair would be cut short again. the devil cut her hair, so that she can be human once more. she needs to do no more impossible feats. no need to carry all the despair of magical girls. no need to carry that impossible weight anymore.
hair eventually regrows. but for now, rest your head.
(when i said i thought this interpretation added weight to the anime and rebellion, i meant it.)
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darkangel1791 · 14 days
I have been upset in previous years with posts that complained about "rainbow capitalism". I understand that people felt used by companies that had homophobic policies and/or donated to anti-gay organizations, but still had a marketing campaign in June designed to celebrate Pride.
But as I say on my tumblr homepage, I am old. I remember when a corporation would never commit financial suicide by putting a rainbow on their product. Gay people were not mainstream. They were hated, feared, and objects of disgust.
Corporations are always going to screw people over. That is what they do. "Rainbow capitalism" at least showed that the LGBTQIA community was accepted enough that corporations knew that they were unlikely to lose more customers than they won by participating. It was worth the risk, because the risk was small.
This year, there is a significant drop in "rainbow capitalism". I guess that will make some people very happy. But it is not good. It is a very bad sign.
It means that now corporations are more worried about who might boycott them, than who they can sell to with that marketing strategy. We are falling out of the mainstream. We are losing acceptance. I think we all know why.
Try to be louder, show yourselves, attend Pride, fly your flags, buy any "rainbow capitalism" products that are still available if you financially can. But do keep yourself safe.
And most of all, vote as if your life depends upon it.
If we ever get our acceptance and buying power back again, please understand the importance of "rainbow capitalism", and what it really means.
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adventure-waffles · 7 days
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Pei Ming bought it for him
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2outta3aintbad · 1 year
Fun idea for pride month: corporations pay their workers adequate cost of living wages all year every year for eternity
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mimmonenazionale · 6 months
defending mimmo on the internet is not enough i need a gun
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undercat-overdog · 7 months
Ok, I said in this post that I wanted to talk about POV and what different characters would use for their species; I've been thinking about it for a while, because it's important to me to portray Elves as thinking of themselves as the default and I like having them think of mortals as different, as a way of worldbuilding and establishing POV. It's the same basic principle as why I think the War of the Elves and Sauron is a Númenórean name, not an Elvish one.
In brief: man and woman can and should be used to refer to Elves when writing from an elven POV.
I think about markedness a lot when I think about writing generally, and one of the concepts is that there are things that are unmarked, the standard, the default, the normal, the unexceptional. To an elf, the default species is elf, not human or dwarf or ent. I want to write from that POV - to an elf, humans are different, even alien. They're other. Elves are us, humans are them.
I, meanwhile, am writing in English, and man and woman are common words, the most "unmarked" words for the concepts; they're standard (e.g., woman sounds more normal than female human). Something like elf woman or female elf is more marked. Why would an elf use a more marked term to refer to their own race? Using she-elf or whatever for Elves but woman for humans uses more marked words (more uncommon, more specific, etc) for elves than it does for humans - but for elves, it should be the opposite! Elves are unmarked! Elves are default! Humans are different. If an elf is talking about someone, the default assumption would be that the someone is an elf, so if they're not an elf, it would be specified.
So when writing from the POV of an elven character, I would use woman for a female elf and mortal woman for a female human (if necessary to disambiguate). Man, meanwhile, means "Human" when it's capitalized and male when it's not. (Now, if I were writing from a human or dwarven pov, I would use elven woman, if necessary to specify that she's an elf.)
But, you say, what about using Elvish words? Well, first of all, I hate it. We're not writing in Quenya. English is great, and so are the other human languages people use to write fanfic. But that is a subjective matter of taste and you may disagree! Nothing wrong with that, de gustibus, etc.
More objectively, nér and nis are not words specific to Elves; nér means all males, so using it for specifically elf men and not human and dwarven men is incorrect (to quote Elfdict, "Nér can be used regardless of species and so is equally applicable to male Elves, Men, or Dwarves, but is unlikely to be used of male animals, for which the word [ᴹQ.] hanu is more applicable."") (Sindarin is a little more complicated, given the more complex out-of-universe changes, but it too has race-neutral terms for man and woman.)
Lastly, Tolkien himself uses man and woman to refer to non-human species. He calls Galadriel and Finduilas women, and Aredhel is "taller than a woman's wont." Earendil is a man (though he is not a Man) and Curufin is a horseman and there are lots and lots of kinsmen and kinswomen. Hobbits meanwhile, in Appendix F, have "women" and "man-children" (Tolkien is talking about how Hobbits name babies, thus the children part, but I like to think he's getting one more dig in at Pippin).
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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mccanns · 2 months
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who we are, hozier — x x x x x x x x x x x
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 3 months
Shoutouts to otherkin who are human
B33 < agreed !! shout out to otherkin who are human !! and shout out to those who even physically consider themselves not human !! shout out to those who are human fluxuatikg !! :3 shout out to ALL otherkins/alterhumans ^_^
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mejomonster · 7 months
Modu by priest was truly such a good read. If you like romance? It has a sweeping romance, with a well done bisexual and gay lead (and straight best friend) all written in ways that manage to feel realistic, it's got features people likely found it for when looking for a danmei - rich manipulative younger man, older investigator who's got a hero streak, and yet those categories don't really do justice to them (and of course tao ran is the more grounded detective story lead who keeps his theories to himself and worries about dragging others into his mess).
They're so much more... Fei Du is a traumatized young man who's worried he's as monstrous as the people who scarred him, who is preparing to take the leap and cross the line to become an even more terrifying version of himself if it will destroy the corruption poisoning this city and harming so many, Luo Wenzhou is a cop that used to want to be a hero and learned he will fail people and be unable to save people and holds onto Fei Du as someone who reminds him he DOES fail but also reminds him why he wants so hard to keep Trying to help people even when it seems impossible... why trying and putting in effort to care and help Even when its too late to fix things is Worthwhile. Tao Ran is a contrast to them both, Fei Du living in a world where there's only monsters and victims and Luo Wenzhou desperately trying to force the world to be a place where justice CAN prevail and win even as he sees it fail over and over, trying so hard to believe all people have the capacity for everything and are worth trying to save. Even though Fei Du doesm't believe that, being around Luo Wenzhou makes him want to consider it. Tao Ran, their contrast? Believing the world can go either way, and its up to people like him to create any justice at all, any structure at all, or else everything is just meaningless suffering chaos. As characters, the three of them serve to explore how the world works and views on it in terms of a detective murder mystery encompassing the whole city, the small scale version of the world. Modu is a romance, but its also fully commited to being a murder mystery that wants to tackle the kind of themes that come up in the setting it's created. Its characters are so much more than Insert Character Ship types here. These characters were made this way to explore these ideas (just as the villains are all made to parallel and contrast Fei Du to explord these ideas in comparison to our point of view Fei Du moments, our impressions of Fei Du from Luo Wenzhou and Tao Rans varied perspectives, all of them are different lenses to view humanity and how it works, if the world is just or if we have to make it good, if we can be inherently good and if good people will reach out to us if we just keep treading water to survive, if its luck and chaos, and how much... and much more frankly).
Modu is like. If you want a story about a corrupt city and its victims, symbolizing a corrupt world and all of us at its mercy, and you want to see the heart of the people doing something about it. First the main trio, but also every victim Fei Du recruits to help, every murderer recruited to the corruption, all the people in the cases swayed to some side. Thats what Modu is about.
The romance is just one facet of exploring that, the personal debate about what these things mean about the world as told through two people who view this world incredibly differently. Yet find some way to exist in the same space, same mutual world, when together. It hooks you in and doesn't let you go and youre wondering right there with them, left to draw your own meaning in the end. Hopefully that its worth trying, that doing something is worth trying even when its just the trying you can do and not the succeeding, at least thats what I got from it (at least in regards to Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou meeting each other, unable to live up to the pillar they put each other on but trying anyway, is what I felt from them).
Then like? Modu gives you THAT story, which in its own right is enough to make you contemplate.
And if you're like me and care about people, about characters? Well it gives you, like I said, those big themes and a city's nightmares symbolizing the world, and brings them down to an individual level. You read from the mind of the little girl who grew up in this (one of my favorite scenes and when I felt this novel was going to not shy away from dark psychological moments and bringing them to you). You read from the mind of Fei Du when he knows himself, when he doesn't. You read from the minds of all kinds of people, and the heart of much of the investigation is peoples motives and things they'd gone through and how that shaped what they'd do next. Why they'd do it. Leaving you to wonder who's right. Jaded idealist Luo Wenzhou who wants to believe in the goodness of the people he loves, but also is willing to risk that strangers may have good intent? Fei Du who thinks theres only victims and perpetrators and everyone is going to fall into one in the right circumstance? Tao Ran, who feels the world is too messy to dare declare predictable, who thinks even your closest can betray you and even you can accidentally hurt them, nevermind strangers, and the only thing you can control and rely on is your own choices? Some mix? None of them? The side characters as they come up, grow and evolve, do they understand the world better or worse, and is the world they experience different than anothers and justify why their worldview is likewise different? Modu gives you that up close and personal, over and over. Im still thinking about it. And the way its done, they all get to feel like lived in people. Not structures to tell the themes only. But on their own, there's a personal struggle between Fei Du feeling like a monster who'll destroy Lup Wenzhou if he loves him, like his dad destroyed his mom, and Luo Wenzhou carrying the guilt he could never save Fei Du and desperate to believe in Fei Du (and keep trying to save him in that way if only that way) as person who can do good despite not being saved and despite Fei Du's fears. You could cut the entire city's plot away, all of the crimes and make the city calm, and still that core of their plot would be carrying a Lot of weight. Theyre playing a game of "enemies" to lovers sure, or whatever romance story structures they fit into. But they're also made to be deeply rooted into each other, their personal beliefs tied into the outcome of what they hope or fear happens if they are close together. Modu made me care about that. Its like the fears many people might have, abiut theur own flaws, about getting close to others, about trusting and being unsure if that trust is safe to give. Its that and magnified into bigger form, in this landscape of a fucked up city and the tragedy of Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou's meeting and former lives.
Its like. Id love to to read another danmei (Ive got a lot on my to read list). But what's going to give me roo
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I was always enraged at the way capitalism has devalued some of the most important labour in human history, but now I'm even more angry since I have started getting more into crafts.
So many people are alienated from the world to such an extent they don't realize how fucking important textiles and construction and art and culinary labour is, because its all ubiquitous under capitalism: it is all profit, and if it isn't profit, then it is worthless. People don't realize just how revolutionary all of the labour was, how important it is, and was, to our survival. And that enrages me.
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the-sage-libriomancer · 8 months
looking back, i feel like the first big sign that Tohru had legitimate issues was that she didn't ask her friends for a place to stay. i mean, what were her reasons for not involving them? Uotani lived in a small apartment and Hanajima had five people living in her house - that'd make an additional person living with either of them pretty inconvenient, but like, not impossibly so. both Uotani and Hanajima would've said yes in a heartbeat, not because they're kind souls who offer their meager means to others regardless of consequences, but because it's really not that big a deal to have one more person temporarily living in your home, and i don't think their families would have minded much either.
also like - not asking Uotani at least makes sense bc of her apartment, but Hanajima lives in a freaking house!!! an actual decently sized two-story house!!! even if it'd be cramped, the sensible thing to do would be to at least ask if Hanajima could put her up. but Tohru thought that Uotani and Hanajime would help her even if they themselves were inconvenienced by it (correct) and proactively took the "burden" away from them by not giving them a choice in the matter at all. if either of them learned that Tohru had been living in the woods, they would've dragged her ass back to civilization, and she knew it. that's why she purposefully hid the whole "living in a tent" thing from them (she didn't even tell them she'd been kicked out! they thought she was still living with her relatives the entire time!). Tohru's selflessness was on full display in the first chapter, but in retrospect, so was her self-destructive streak that went far beyond your typical shojo protagonist's levels of self-sacrifice.
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hedgehology · 1 year
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Sunday means sticker slapping! Cowboy frog which says “my gender? what are you, a cop?” and a wizard frog “oh to be a little frog not beholden to the horrors of capitalism”
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un-pearable · 8 months
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quick redraws of her renders to figure the new gal out + a little redesign i inevitably started doodling :] i like her spiky :]
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