#nonbinary fraser
allofthebeanz · 1 year
I'm going to write more about Ms Fraser as Some Like it Red is one of my personal favourite episodes and I just rewatched it after over a decade, but I'm sick of those comments where ppl are like 'oh Fraser doesn't actually make a convincing woman :/' like okay maybe the school just thought he was a recently out trans woman, huh? What about that?
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purpleflesh · 4 months
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santiago is the strangest city i know, it's the only one
i'm just in heaven or in las vegas?
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irate-iguana · 1 year
Hello and please look at the Stratford Festival’s poster for Richard II. Because I am obsessed:
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The play’s been adapted by the queer playwrite Brad Fraser, it’s set in late ’70s/early ’80s New York (aka disco era), and they’ve got a nonbinary actor playing Richard.
I swear I’m not hired by the Stratford Festival, I’m just really excited about this production. Here’s a link to their website, for those curious:
Edit: the Stratford Festival is in Stratford, Ontario. Sorry if I got anyone in England’s hopes up.
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hpowellsmith · 4 months
Did Noblesse Oblige ever get any face claims too?
Not precisely, but here are the descriptions that I sent to Adrien Valdes, the cover artist:
RYS is a tall dark-skinned person with a heavy build. They're charming, flirty, and usually smiling. Their role is being a dashing stranger who upends the household's fragile routine. They have their black hair in twists that go past their shoulders. When I think of Rys's skintone and build, I think of Da'Shaun Harrison.
Female Rys wears a smart blue dress. Male and nonbinary Rys wear this sort of buttoned-up suit.
PASCHA is a short, angular person who's sometimes described as "birdlike" in movement and build. They have black hair that reaches their shoulders. When I think of Pascha's build and skintone, I think of Golshifteh Farahani and Riz Ahmed - very sharp and angular facial features and warm brown skin. They often look a little unkempt or distracted. Pascha isn't happy about being so sheltered and being kept inside and is desperate to explore away from their desolate household. Pascha's outfit is sober and drab and is the sort of thing Tom Hiddleston is wearing here, no matter what their gender is. No tie and a bit scruffy; if they're wearing a waistcoat they wouldn't have the top button done up.
COUNTESS IRAVAN is a severe elderly lady with similar complexion and build to Pascha. She's grumpy, forbidding and wears buttoned-up black outfits - austere Victorian or Edwardian outfits. Grey hair coiled in a bun.
DANELAK the housekeeper is a muscular, tall person who manages to loom no matter where they're standing. When I think of their build, it's similar to someone like Mummy-era Brendan Fraser, pretty broad shouldered and imposing. But Danelak isn't a forbidding person, and is cheerful and friendly - they work hard and play hard. They have brown skin, green-brown eyes, and short dark-brown hair.
Danelak wears practical workwear - heavy overalls, sweaters, or rough shirts and trousers: like this without the hat or this with fewer belts.
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idwtsimoleons · 1 month
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Nonbinary Sims Dump !!
names and pronouns under the cut!
Circe Cartwright - fae/faer Kristi Bacon - he/him Sock Calderon - they/them (sorry for the name, i had to) Uly Fraser - xe/xem Fetch Abbott - she/her Imogen Johnston - it/its
i'll be putting a download for all but fetch here soon!
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inconclusionray · 2 years
I've just read some of your Due South fic and they're all so incredible! I started rewatching the show and am almost done season 3 and it's really interesting to see Fraser so protective and drawn to RayK. If you don't mind me asking, what's your thoughts on why Fraser became so attracted to RayK? Like not physically attracted, but why he bonded with him so quickly? (also nonbinary Fraser is the best Fraser)
Okay so first off this is the literal best ask anyone has ever gotten in the history of everything, thank you so much, and yes non-binary Fraser is best and only Fraser obviously.
Secondly, I think Fraser is someone who wants A Person. Before the show starts, he's implied to be a loner, but he doesn't actually seem HAPPY with that, y'know? He just doesn't fit anywhere or with anyone. He doesn't socialize normally, he has friends and meaningful relationships, but it's like they don't count to him, because they're not His Person. (He tried having His Person be a woman he imprisoned, but he also wouldn't let her be a real person in his mind so it didn't work, but that's a different rant.) Then Vecchio shows up, and they are prickly as fuck, but basically as soon as Vecchio reveals himself to be An Decent Person underneath the wow is he bad at being a bad cop exterior, Fraser gradually attaches himself to that Ray. And it IS an incredibly strong attachment -- I don't read it as romantic/sexual (though DAMN they flirt sometimes), but there's no denying they're deeply connected by the end of the first season and throughout the second, even when not ponchoed together.
And then Vecchio vanishes.
And yeah in a Doyleian sense, the buddy cop format requires, y'know, buddies, and a certain intensity of attachment, but for Fraser? His ONLY healthy attachment is gone, and replaced, in a am-I-finally-experiencing-full-psychosis way, by... that guy. That hot as fuck, insecure as fuck, cocky, hyperactive little shit who rarely shaves and doesn't even try to dress regulation and let's be real is signaling masculine queerness ALLLLLLL over the godsdammed place. He's a guy who absolutely exudes (queer) gender but fucks with gender (while Fraser is someone who lacks gender and so follows gender, at least when it suits him), is secure in ways Fraser doubts himself, is insecure in ways Fraser is UTTERLY arrogant, and... he's a good cop. A mostly good cop, a mostly good person, mercurial where Fraser strives for stoicism, AND he'd obviously be incredible in bed. (And out of bed. And anywhere Fraser could, and does, imagine.) And WORST, he won't let Fraser get away with his usual manipulative shit. Yeah, he'll follow Fraser's lead, he'll trust Fraser, but unlike Ray "we'll get you a new hat/I'm your best friend??" Vecchio, he won't let himself be MANIPULATED like almost everyone else Fraser interacts with. He demands Fraser be real with him, and he's vulnerable and real (and shitty and a massive asshole and did we mention insecure as fuck?) in return.
Fraser didn't have a chance. He was lost when he was still on vacation in Canada and both Rays accepted their new assignments, he just didn't know it yet.
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xzeihoranth · 20 days
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cyruslvjys · 1 year
Fear Street Headcanons - 1994 and 1978
1. Deena Johnson
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— lesbian (canon)
— all pronouns
— genderfluid
— used to like horror movies before everything happened
— loved "protecting" sam when watching horror movies
— loves thunderstorms
2. Samantha Fraser
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— lesbian (canon)
— she/they
— gxrl, transfem
— was always scared of horror movies
— secretly loved being "protected" by sam when watching horror movies
— she seems like she'd like jewelry- buy this girl a necklace. and make it pink, i forgot to mention. she likes pink.
3. Josh Johnson
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— demisexual
— he and any internet/tech related neopronouns
— genderqueer, transandro
— it took a while after the whole thing with kate happened but eventually him and QueenOfAirAndDarkness fell in love
4. Kate Schmidt
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— bisexual
— she/they
— bigender (girl and nonbinary)
— As and Bs student definitely
— she probably drinks coffee daily
— reads to fall asleep
— probably in a queerplatonic relationship with simon
5. Simon Kalivoda
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— pansexual
— he/they
— demiboy
— paints his nails regularly
— favorite color is blue
— hangs out with kate a lot, they're probably in a queerplatonic relationship
6. Cindy Berman
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— lesbian (i believe this was canon)
— she/they
— nonbinary
— when watching movies she will say stuff like "oh hes cute" but shes secretly looking at the boy's girlfriend
— had a hard time accepting alice's death, not only because they were best friends but because she loved them more than that
7. Tommy Slater
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— gay
— he/him
— xenic
— genuinely did care about cindy, but wasn't in love with her. they both were "dating" to hide their real identities.
— the ass grabbing and all that stuff they totally scripted that to make their "relationship" more realistic to the public (things were hard in 1978)
8. Ziggy Berman
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— abrosexual
— she/he
— bigender (girl and boy)
— hates polo shirts with all her heart
— loves rainbows tho
— he doesn't have a favorite color, she loves every color
— she prefers snacks like cheetos or twinkies, but if pizza is available she'll take that too
— ziggy is his chosen name, please dont deadname her :)
9. Nick Goode
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— reclaims queer, other than that he doesn't label his sexuality.
— he/him
— probably some sort of xenogender but he doesn't want to look into it
— genuinely does love ziggy
— he didn't tell anyone other than ziggy that he's queer
— red is his favorite color
— he didn't want to do the whole ritual thing at first but as he got older he was more willing
10. Alice Hart
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— bisexual
— they/them
— nonbinary
— hair has to be short. they cant deal with long hair
— paints their nails black regularly
— they're the only one in the group whos not afraid of who they are, but they hide their identity because they dont want to make their friends uncomfortable. they're really considerate
— genuinely did love arnie but had feelings for cindy too
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allofthebeanz · 8 months
Hi! I saw your post about due South and gender, and I'm so interested in what you had to say, and it definitely got me thinking, and I'm so sorry for the wall of text.
I'm most interested in Fraser's experience of gender, because imo he's a character archetype that female characters aren't often portrayed as (knight errant, duty and responsibility as a mask for real feelings and decisions, etc). Like, Fraser's loneliness and sense of alienation even from other RCMP- Were there many other women in her trainee class? Did male colleagues feel threatened by a stubborn, intelligent, and near-supernaturally talented woman, and if so, how was that expressed? How would Thatcher and Fraser's relationship change? Would Bob Fraser have been supportive of his daughter being a Mountie, or would there always be a sense of comparing her to a son that didn't even exist, however unintentionally?
Even things like Fraser's apartment in seasons 1 and 2. How would Ray V (of any gender really), react to a single woman in a strange city (even a single woman with a half-wolf and enormous capacity to take care of herself) insisting on living in a terrible apartment in a bad part of town? Fraser would have bewildered, infuriated, and endeared herself to Ray V from day 1, and it could be interesting to see how Ray V's notions about women change when he's presented with Fraser's complete inability to be anyone but herself.
I already love the "Victoria's" secret arc, and I think it could be just as compelling with a queer element entangled with Fraser's loneliness,not to mention potentially having to hide the real nature of her relationship with Victoria for a number of reasons.
Again, I apologize for the rambling, and I would love to hear any other thoughts you have on the Rays and Fraser and gender.
Never apologize for rambling, this is fantastic!!!
I always pictured Fraser as a woman trying desperately to even be acknowledged by her father or her peers. You know, it's always brought up by Bob and everyone who knows him how she's just like her father - except she's a woman. Like her being a woman downplays all of her achievements (I recall Thatcher mentioning this in the show). Marginalized groups so often get thrust into a position where they can't be anything less than perfect, and I think in Fraser's case that would be taken to the max. Like, you want your dad to notice you because even if you did everything right he still won't take you camping since you're a girl. You go above and beyond expectations in your class, and no one takes you seriously because most people are objectifying you. (Oh, and don't get me started on how Fraser still faces sexual harassment but now it'd be from men. Oof.) I can see Fraser really upsetting the men at the police station/RCMP because of her solve-rate. Like, can you imagine a bunch of male cops, in the 90s, getting out shined by a lady? They'd have a fit over that. Dewey specifically comes to mind when he said he could beat Lady Shoes in poker because she's a woman. But I also think Fraser would keep that 'innocent mountie' shtick to protect herself, though she's not above using sexism to her advantage (I'm thinking Ms Fraser going 'you wouldn't hit a woman would you'). At the end of the day, Fraser is still very much JUSTICE and the COMMON GOOD above all else, even ignoring her inner yearning to have recognition for her achievements (and yes, love, Fraser would still be incredibly lonely). I think that gives the conversation in the Vault a different weight. And Fraser would absolutely do hair flips.
Okay, so I think if we go with Vecchio being a woman rather than a man, their relationship would have this envy about it. Since Fraser literally acts like she gives zero fucks about doing anything (she lives in an apartment in a sketchy place by herself, ignores the jabs of male coworkers, etc.), I feel like Vecchio would want what she has and be even more annoyed when Fraser gets all the attention in Red, White, or Blue since she'd be undermined and harassed as a female cop in Chicago. God, we all know that Vecchio isn't the best at his job, but instead of being seen as a buffoon can you imagine how they'd berate her as a woman? How she'd have to represent her entire gender, especially coming from a traditional Italian family? Not to mention if we switch it so she's the sole/eldest daughter in the Vecchio family, the societal pressure of that is immaculate. Though, I do imagine her to keep Vecchio being the most emotionally mature (or at least expressive) out of the three leads. She'd be wanting to talk about stuff and Fraser'd be throwing herself out windows more than ever.
Now, Kowalski, oh boy. In the my head she's not changing anything about her style - this woman is 100% butch. Personally, I read canon Kowalski as someone who got bullied in school (I mean, in the 70s he had glasses, had a best friend that was a girl, small, had less money than his peers, and has shit self-esteem. I can't see that he wasn't bullied) and he created this super tough 'loose cannon' persona to fight back (I also read Fraser and Kowalski as definitely queer, with Vecchio being a more grey area but anyways that would make sense for Kowalski's overly butch persona as well). Kowalski as a woman is no different, but now you got an extra layer to that because women aren't taken seriously in law enforcement. A guy calls her 'sweetheart', dude you better fucking run. Guys probably tell her to smile and she punches their teeth out. She's still a whirlwind of emotions but now she isn't seen as 'scary' because she's a woman. And as a butch woman, she's probably seen as a 'freak' and bullied at her job. Probably also a factor to why she goes undercover so much, at least she can get away from the people at the precinct more. And I would switch her name to Stella Rachel Kawolski and her husband Stanley Kowalski (because I think that'd be even weirder for a dad to name his daughter that???).
Now a f/f Victoria/Fraser has some terrible implications into stereotypes of lesbian relationships. You know, the 'Mean Lesbian' as it were, and maybe that would reinforce Fraser's not only fear of love, but her fear of queerness. So, I think Kowalski coming along and being openly gender nonconforming and developing a friendship/relationship with her would be incredibly healing for Fraser. I also feel like Fraser would still be drawn to Kowalski's vulnerability since she was taught never to show emotion other than happiness as a woman. And she's be drawn to Vecchio for not being afraid to complain constantly. When that woman is mildly inconvenienced, she'll let you know. And I think both Rays would really be enamoured by Fraser by all the same qualities in canon, but even more so as she demonstrates you can be badass and a kind person (something hollywood really needs to learn with their female characters already).
I see Fraser and Thatcher at first having a competitive relationship but one sided on Thatcher's part (internalized misogyny) but then in We are the Eggmen she realizes how stupid that is and they have a healthy working relationship :)
Thank you so much for this ask, I had so much fun writing it! Feel free to drop by any time!
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pluresque · 14 days
eden fraser:
born in halifax, nova scotia to a professor of philosophy and a professor of english literature.
moved to san francisco to pursue a journalism degree, not wanting to be overshadowed by their parents' careers and relationships on-campus at home. attending berkeley's j-school.
came out as nonbinary in 12th grade, to support at home. underwent gender-affirming surgery in the summer between first and second year of university.
currently producing a multimedia investigative documentary into the disappearances of over a hundred queer men from the san francisco area in the early 1970s, as part of their senior project.
looks like this.
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vicioushauntings · 2 years
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( kiki layne, she/her, cursed blood) To ANNABELLE CHARMWORTH, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of ELECTRICITY MANIPULATION grows a little stronger.  They are a BUMBLEBEE shade aligned to HOUSE FRASER. For TWENTY-NINE years, they have survived a world of magic with both their SPONTANEOUS and COMPETITIVE. They work as a FREELANCER, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to AVENGE THEIR FATHER. (brisket, 24, she/her, est)
FULL NAME: Annabelle Scott Charmworth NICKNAMES: Only her dad is allowed to call her Bellie, she always introduces herself as Annabelle but some call her Belle or Ann or Annie BIRTHDAY: November 26 ZODIAC: Sagittarius GENDER: Nonbinary PRONOUNS: She/they SEXUALITY: Demisexual
HEIGHT: 5’9 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Most well known for her curly hair. She also has some noticeable scars on her neck and arms. There’s a tattoo of a small smiley face on her wrist, a small sheep on her forearm, and a heart tattoo on her finger to match with her other sisters. TYPICAL FASHION: Denim on denim still hasn’t gone out of fashion. Colorful sweaters, patterned  “vintage” shirts that are straight out of the 80s and 90s. Overalls, plaid flannels, mom jeans with holes in the knees, and converse high tops so well worn that there’s holes rubbed in the sides. JEWELRY AND ACCESSORIES: : Gold rings on every finger, gold earrings in each ear, and golden hair beads placed over the occasional long braid.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Active, confident, imaginative, optimistic, passionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: Argumentative, childish, demanding, dependent, disorganized NEUTRAL TRAITS: Competitive, determined, experimental, intense, unambitious HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor MBTI: ESFP OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Optimist INTROVERT/EXTROVERT: Extrovert DAREDEVIL/CAUTIOUS: Daredevil LOGICAL/EMOTIONAL: Emotional MESSY/NEAT: Messy
HOMETOWN: EDUCATION: LIVING SITUATION: A small studio, although she regularly couchsurfs and crashes at her father’s home. PETS: OCCUPATION: Freelancer PARENT(s): Ren and Todd ( deceased ) Charmworth SIBLING(s): Jodette & Hariette Charmworth SIGNIFICANT OTHER(s): DISABILITIES:
COLOR: Yellow FOOD: Black cherry ice cream MUSIC: R&B, EDM, 80s Classic rock LITERATURE: Poetry FLOWER: Buttercups
HOBBIES: Practical jokes, card games, board games, origami, cake decorating, exploring places she shouldn’t, solving riddles MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: The drums ( badly ) SPORTS: SPENDING HABITS: Customized card decks, friendship bracelet kits, watercolor paint sets, nail polish VICES: Cigarettes & alcohol
Despite being born a human, Annabelle has always had a fascination with magic - she dreamed of having magic of her own rather than having to nab a dreamstone to cast small spells. She would even dream at night of having magic of her own – of course, she sees now the cruel irony in their wish to have their own magic, now cursed herself.
As a child, they never saw much in their father’s work - who wanted to be hunched over different works of metal all day and imbuing magic into it, when you could be out exploring the world? But as an adult – and now without their father’s presence in their life, Annabelle sees more of the beauty in it; she’s not trained by any means, and doesn’t even know how to begin – but they’ve been looking for their father in all corners of the world, and what better way to feel close to him than to continue on with his own work?
Perhaps Annabelle’s favorite hobby is collecting odd little trinkets; their favorites aren’t cursed objects, but rather trinkets with funny little spells. Whether it’s a blanket enchanted to make you cold rather than warm, or a bill that refuses to be spent, Annabelle has a proud collection of them all.
House: Fraser Ability: Electricity Manip
Annabelle is capable of not only manipulating, but creating electricity with their own body. The electricity discharges from most commonly her fingertips, to shock, paralyze, or even burn others. Annabelle, however, is very unskilled with her ability and often shocks people unintentionally. They remain careful not to touch others - even a surprise graze can leave another with a sharp static shock from Annabelle. Additionally, she is also not immune to electricity herself, although she is, perhaps, slightly more resistant to shocks than the average person, if Annabelle doesn’t pay close enough attention to what she does, she’ll wind up giving herself a rather painful shock.
Animal: Bumblebee
As a cursed blood, Annabelle has the ability to - unfortunately - transform into a small bumblebee, and is about as small as one, too. Her hollow form, however, is a bit more monstrous, with sharper stingers and more legs, moreso a meaner, larger wasp, than just a bumblebee.
Annabelle does not recall a moment of her life that she spent on her own; from the time of her conception, she shared everything with her two sisters: Jodette and Hariette. They were born to two loving fathers – Ren and Todd, who gleefully brought them home from the hospital. Little did they realize what they were getting themselves into with three children in one go. Annabelle had a knack for getting into trouble wherever she went, and only occasionally was her trouble accidental.
Where Jo drew her focus to music and the kitchen, and Hari preoccupied herself with clothing and boys, Annabelle found herself feeling restless. They were simply not the sort who could stand by at home all day, not when they had all of Selphia to explore. With a camera in hand, much of Annabelle’s youthful days they would be out of the house from sunup to sundown - often at the worry of their fathers. She didn’t intend to worry them, of course, but with a big open world at her fingers - how could she just stay home?
Dropping out of high school was a nobrainer for them, at the dismay of their fathers. But sitting around with books, under the thumb of her teachers, Annabelle felt miserable day in and day out. Instead, she tried to throw herself into work, but seldom stayed in one place for too long. Jobs, and getting money, was just a means to an end. As soon as she had enough saved up to last a month or two, they would quit and continue on with their next venture - from the shores of Port Alvara to the rocky mountains outside of Orre Town.
And then their father, Todd, died. They’d been a small farming village at getting the call. Why hadn’t she been home? Couldn’t she have protected him? Or at least…done something more? They left their adventures behind without a second thought, and joined her fellow sisters in his funeral service. Since her father’s death, Annabelle has grown noticably different - namely that she has seldom left her family’s side, and neither does she ignore any phone calls from them in favor of her own sporadic lifestyle.
The boundary – the cause of her father’s death – couldn’t be stopped by Annabelle alone, a fact that she knew plain and clear. But perhaps there was a way she could protect the remaining members of her family from it. As a simple human, she had no magic of her own to save them. But as a cursed blood…wouldn’t she have the power to come to her sisters’ aid? Others would have advised Annabelle of the horrible decision - but not being the type to dwell on the opinions of other people, Annabelle went through with her plan regardless.
For a brief period, they worried that death would be upon them – that they were about to meet their deceased father. Luck, however, seemed to remain on Annabelle’s side; in a cruel twist of fate, she survived the bite, and now bears a golden scar as proof. Having powers, transforming, it all is rather…well…shocking, no pun intended, and Annabelle regularly finds herself overwhelmed with her new body and its unusual abilities, but she remains certain that so long as she can master this power, she’ll be able to rescue her family whenever they need it – even if the price she has to pay is her own morality.
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sunkern-plus · 2 years
i looked in the mirror and realized: i am SOOOOO pretty.
i look like a nonbinary brendan fraser AND a nonbinary melissa mccarthy. which means i look like a hot underrated actor AND a hot underrated actress
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A What We Do In The Shadows x Our Flag Means Death AU
by our_flag_means_piss
This is an AU that’s been in the back of my mind for over 3 months now. I basically just took Stede’s crew and put them into the wwdits universe despite having never watched the show. This is a character sheet explaining what they’re like and shit.
Words: 234, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: What We Do in the Shadows (TV), What We Do in the Shadows (2014), Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Rod Rodriguez, Enzokuhle Abebe, Horace Balassa, Finley Jones, Lionel Garnier, Wayne Murphy, Elias Nilsson, Sidi Ba, Fraser Danskin
Relationships: Enzokuhle Abebe/Rod Rodriguez, Finley Jones/Horace Balassa, Horace Balassa & Rod Rodriguez, Enzokuhle Abebe & Finley Jones, Lionel Garnier/Wayne Murphy, Finley Jones & Lionel Garnier, Elias Nilsson & Fraser Danskin and Sidi Ba & Wayne Murphy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - What We Do in the Shadows Fusion, Our Flag Means Death References, Alternate Universe, Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Horror Comedy, Dark Comedy, Original Character(s), Vampires, Werewolves, Human, energy vampires, Implied/Referenced Sex, Fade to Black, Screenplay/Script Format, Swearing, Canon-typical Horniness, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Gay Characters, ace characters, Token Straight Character, Nonbinary Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Feelings Realization, Friends to Lovers, Oblivious, Pining, Slow Burn, When the slow burn is slower than you, mockumentary style, Autism creature - Freeform, ADHD creature, These aren’t relevant to this I just wanted to put them there
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44213122
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ninewheels · 2 years
Assorted thoughts in this year's Independent Spirit noms
First of all, super pumped for EEAAO and Emily the Criminal getting so much attention. EEAAO was easy to see coming, but I really thought Emily the Criminal might be slept on.
ANYWAY, the gender thing:
So, I love that the Independent Spirit Awards de-segregated the acting awards by gender, (and I'm partly aggravated but partly entertained by how butthurt some reactionary film nerds are about it) and it is 100% a positive thing. That said, the problem with abolishing this segregation everywhere is that generally, and certainly in the overall history of awards shows, it will result in fewer nominations and awards going to women. That's the very nature of the gender imbalance in Hollywood. So while it's important that things like this go away because A) nonbinary people need to be recognized and B) in a vacuum it's just kinda dumb to segregate awards by gender anyway and it took me until like last year to consider that, it's a difficult situation.
The point of this is to say that, thinking in a more cynical and pragmatic fashion, this was the absolute best year for an awards-giving body to make the transition (whether that was a factor in the decision or not), because this is a truly uncommonly strong year for female roles. Even past the limits of the Independent Spirit Awards, into the movies considered for the Oscars, I've never seen a year where Best Actress was more competitive than Best Actor. (It's almost as if Hollywood somehow foresaw that nobody was gonna beat Brendan Fraser for that award, so they just didn't try.) As is, 8 of the 10 nominees for Best Lead Performance are women. Granted, only 3 of the 10 nominees for Supporting are women, but that's still a female majority in nominees, which is exactly the start necessary for the first desegregated year.
Now, the question is how long is it going to take for other awards shows going to do the same thing? The Tonys will probably go first with the Emmys second, because Broadway and TV are going to see non-binary actors in those obvious, un-ignorable award-worthy kinds of roles before well the film industry does. (Ever since cable and even more so with streaming, TV has become far more progressive a platform in terms of representation than film.) The Tonys are also going to have an easier time transitioning to mixed categories because the gender balance on Broadway is better. For the others at least, will these transition years be likewise balanced enough to avoid bad press? Whether or not the Independent Spirit Awards did this, will they wait to see what the year's crop of films looks like before making that decision, in order to avoid said bad press? I would say that's most likely, but I think the "Is there a non-binary performance we can't ignore this year?" factor might play into it. If that is the case, that poor actor is going to be subjected to so much abuse by conservatives, and TERFS specifically, so I actually hope that isn't how it happens. The Oscars voters being older and more out-of-touch than other groups, even despite the changes made to Academy membership and voting privileges, I think they will fight tooth-and-nail to ignore non-binary performers for as long as they possibly can, so that probably won't be the thing anyway.
Those are my various thoughts on the subject.
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gender-luster · 2 years
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brendan fraser is the definition of gender
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billiewena · 3 years
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had a thought
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